#liam's childhood
coolxconfused · 5 months
Teenaged Liam's mysterious job?
In that book by Chris Hutton (the singer of The Rain who got the boot and was replaced by Liam) & Richard Hurkey (who wrote the book for Hutton according to his retellings, judging by his writing style he's probably a music journalist) about The Rain/Oasis/Manchester Music Scene, they mention a mysterious job teenaged Liam was doing that he wouldn't talk about and I wonder what exactly they're alluding to? As they say, the official Oasis saga mentions several of Liam's jobs or that he would be on the dole a lot. Apparently the latter is not true and he was actually mostly working post school, but would rather pretend like he didn't which, as they say, seems "bizarre and unusual". Some of Liam's jobs that are mentioned in official Oasis sources are typical working class jobs a young lad would take on (garden centre work, construction work, car valeting etc), so that mysterious job wouldn't fall into that category as it's not like Liam would feel the need to keep such completely normal jobs under wraps. I don't think it's drug dealing either as elsewhere in the book they claim that Noel was the one who supplied Liam with weed. So what do you think this mysterious job is about?
"Chris remembers that he used to get the 50 bus into town with him every morning - Liam, the regular little commuter? He was doing something on the doors of an establishment in town, but he never wanted to elaborate upon it."
Btw anything from that book should be taken with caution: there are definitely lies in it and Hutton comes across as quite bitter as he takes any opportunity to slag the members of Oasis off. While this part about their jobs pre-fame seemed more on the serious spectrum to me, it may still be inaccurate.
Oh and let's not forget Liam was only 18 when he joined/formed Oasis, so there weren't many years after school where he could have really committed to a career outside of the band.
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rawr-mortgage · 21 days
liam being irrationally worried that he's done something wrong and asking if you're mad at him like:
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ohmelinoe · 12 days
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The Childhood of a Leader (2015), dir. Brady Corbet
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there’s nothing like the terribly specific hurt of growing up always trying to protect your little sibling from your parents, always shielding them and watching them like a hawk and teaching them not to be too loud or too argumentative or too in the way, only to watch your parents get better for them. not perfect, no, but better.
because it means that they always had the capability to be good. they always had the ability to be mature and kind and raise their children with love and easy affection and laughter instead of raised fists and sharp nails and terrible words. they were always capable of change. they just didn’t want to do it for you.
and you don’t want to be jealous because that’s your little baby sister, who you love, who you grew up protecting, who matters more to you than anyone on the planet, but you are. you’re jealous and it’s eating you up inside and you’re so sick with guilt but you can’t help it; you wanted the mom who loves you even when you mess up instead of slapping you across the face. you wanted the dad that makes weekend afternoons fun instead of getting drunk and weepy about his life to you like you’re a therapist. you wanted the parents you could trust to love you no matter what.
why does she get those parents and not you? why didn’t you deserve that mom and dad? why weren’t you enough for them to want to change? what did you do wrong?
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rainbillcipher · 9 months
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Soooo, hard to explain but I recently found my Liam wandering the imaginary world. The result of him dying and appearing in the in-between realm of "Junction" made him permanently fifteen. (Bex: more on that later)
Bex and I discovered him exploring other worlds and had a heart-to-heart with him and how things ended. He was of course shocked, hurt, and confused. Overall, we're on okay terms now, I think because of Bex's influence. If it were just me seeing him he probably wouldn't be convinced I had changed.
BUT ANYWAY, the little nerd loves dinosaurs! Makes sense for someone like him who always likes to learn things and explore. He and Bex hit it off when they talked about exploring, and when she shared her love of art, Liam's mind was blown! He'd never seen people use art so freely! Boy does he have a shock coming to him when he discovers the internet!
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wwads1800 · 2 months
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these are the rules of the game
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outcastpack · 1 year
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crazydaymycrazyway · 6 months
In the modern world-
Sherlock: Once Mycoft locked me in our parents car for acting like a child, saying 'act like a child, get treated like a child'
William, concerned: What? That's not how you treat a child! Where you okay?
Sherlock, shrugging: I was, he wasn't
William: What?
Sherlock, grinning: I acted like any child and took my revenge. Like any child would, I pissed on the seat, and he got an earful from mother and father
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lune-sz · 2 months
You and me were raised in the same part of town / Got these scars on the same ground / Remember how we used to kick around just wastin' time?
One Direction - A.M.
And I remember everything / From when we were the children playing in this fairground / Wish I was there with you now
Niall Horan - This Town
Flashing lights in my mind / Going back to the time / Playing games in the street / Kicking balls at my feet
One Direction - Moments
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mdshh · 10 months
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Everyone had the best time at Adrian and Robin’s wedding ✨
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ubiquitouslyme · 3 months
Game On - Chapter 5
Game On - Chapter 5 - Ubiquitously_Ubiquitous - The Empyrean - Rebecca Yarros [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter Summary:
Bodhi reflects on seeing Liam again, and then the gang spends the anniversary of their parents' death together.
“It’s just, if it wasn’t for losing our parents, I wouldn’t know any of you.  If that day hadn’t happened, you all would probably still be sitting here around Xaden’s table, drinking and laughing and having a good time, but I wouldn’t be.  I would still have my parents, but I wouldn’t know all of you.”
He ran a hand through his hair and then sat back, defeated.  “You all are family, mine and Sloane’s, but sometimes it just feels weird being so happy to have you all in my life, knowing what it cost me.  What it cost all of us.”
Well, shit.  Without thinking, Bodhi reached over and pulled Liam toward him.  Liam buried his head on Bodhi’s shoulder for a second, maybe two, before he pulled back, sniffing.
Bodhi wasn’t the only one that reacted.  Garrick was out of his chair, and as soon as Bodhi let go of Liam, Garrick wrapped Liam into a bear hug from behind.  “Fuck off with that shit, Mairi.  Yeah, that day sucked, but we got you and Sloane out of that awful day.  I’d say the universe more than made up for the shit they handed us.” 
Garrick planted a kiss on Liam’s cheek that had Liam blushing, and then Garrick ruffled his hair and let go of him.  “You two are just as much family to us as the rest of us are.”
Xaden nodded.  “I’ve told you a thousand times, Liam, we’re brothers.  Nothing will ever change that,” he said seriously.
Even Imogen gave a half smile, but she just managed with a wave of her hand, “Yeah, what they all said.”
Liam huffed a laugh, nodding his head.  “I just wish Sloane could have been here too.”
“Welllll….” Xaden said, cocking his head as if listening for something.
As if on cue, Bodhi heard a voice behind him.  “Did someone say ‘Sloane’?”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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coolxconfused · 4 months
About Liam and Noel's original "wonderwall" / how it refers back to their childhood
This is a quote from their father Thomas:
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Yes, their father is evil, but just for context: The full article was not only about his stories, but also about Peggy and Paul's. The journalist visited all three of them and talked to all of them about Liam and Noel. The "wonderwall" story wasn't the only thing Thomas talked about, he also told some other stuff. If he had said he was the one who introduced them to this word, I wouldn't believe it, but this particular story doesn't make him look any better, so I don't think he's making this up. Most important is the fact that it lines up with Liam's own childhood memories:
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The 3rd and 4th quote were first shared by @charlestrask and @acquiescest
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vulpinesaint · 4 months
all my grade school catholic friends with the religious name as their middle name are such cheaters by the way. wdym your parents made your middle name "mary" and then just called you what the fuck ever for your first name. come on now
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clementinecalls · 1 year
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Scott watching Theo n Liam get closer post-6b
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Constantine x Eleanor, Jackson x Bianca, but really it's about the beginning of Liam and Drake's friendship.
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: None
Word Count: 1,894
A/N: I had written the first couple of paragraphs over a year ago then put it away with no real idea where it was going. Then @kingliamappreciationweek happened and I decided to dust this off and finish it for childhood/family and friendships/relationships. I'm late, but here it is.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Liam was a serious child. Even as a toddler, people would remark about his solemn expression. It wasn’t that he never smiled, he did. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy, he was. There had just always been an aura of thoughtfulness surrounding him. The portrait his mother had commissioned of him for his second birthday showed a somber child. He sat in an elaborate Baroque throne chair with dark red crushed velvet upholstery and a gold leaf finish. He was dressed in a toddler suit with short pants, showing his legs, still chubby with baby fat, his ebony hair brushed back from his face as he gazed solemnly out at the photographer.
Despite that, he was a friendly child who learned by the age of four that being charming got him whatever he wanted from the nannies and the kitchen staff.
A heartfelt, “Please?” netted him cookies, cakes, candies, and plenty of baklava. No one could withstand the cuteness of the little prince. Especially his mother.
His first smiles, at three months old, were for Eleanor. As he grew into a toddler and preschooler, she remained his favorite person, that somber expression turning into a wide faced grin at the sound of her voice or the sight of her face.
She read to him, she played with him, she took him on walks in the garden. She was the antidote to his father’s seriousness.
By the age of six, Liam had learned that his father’s affections were less frequent and harder earned. The bulk of Constantine’s attention went to Liam’s older brother, because Leo was going to be king, and Liam was not. He was only the spare.
Liam never resented Leo for it. He loved him. Leo was his second favorite person in the world, after Eleanor. He started toddling along behind him as soon as he could walk. Leo was older, cooler, and knew all the best games.
Leo was also a frequent rule breaker, while Liam was not. On this particular day, Leo and Olivia had decided to sneak away from the nannies and play in the woods behind the palace.
Leo had read to him until he bored of it. Pushing the stack of books away he exclaimed, “I can’t stand being inside for another moment! Let’s go out to play!”
“Finally!” Olivia cast the copy of Little Women she’d been reading to the side as she jumped up from the oversized beanbag in the corner of the library.
“I want to come too!” Liam scrambled quickly to his feet. He had learned the hard way that if he didn’t keep up with the older kids, he’d be left behind.
 “Sure,” Leo shrugged, “but you have to be quiet until we get past the hedge maze.”
“Past the hedge maze?” Liam asked in alarm, “We aren’t supposed to go past the hedge maze! Father said-“
“Father doesn’t have to know, does he?”
“Maybe you should stay here, Liam,” Olivia said sagely, “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
Liam thought for a moment, taking in Leo’s amusement and Olivia’s smug sureness that he would stay behind. He drew in a deep breath and squared his shoulders, “No. I’ll go!”
“Are you sure, Li?” Leo asked with a laugh, “Last time you got caught breaking the rules, you cried.”
Liam flushed with embarrassment. Father had been so angry. He didn’t like to make anyone angry, “I didn’t mean to break the vase.”
“Hey,” the amusement disappeared from Leo’s face, replaced with sympathy, “It’s okay! It wasn’t even your fault, I’m the one that talked you into playing football in the great room!”
“It’s okay, Liam,” Olivia placed a hand on his shoulder as she leaned down, “but I heard there’s fresh baklava in the kitchen. You should go get some!”
“Yeah…okay….” He agreed half-heartedly.
He picked up an illustrated copy of Where the Wild Things Are with a sigh as he watched Leo and Olivia sneak giggling down the hallway toward the garden doors.
Thirty minutes later he was perched on a stool at one of the marble counters in the place kitchen, shoving baklava into his mouth as he turned the pages of his book when he heard unfamiliar voices.
He turned away from his book in interest as the head of the King’s Guard entered the room with a man and a woman Liam had never seen before. Trailing behind the adults were two children.
Liam’s eyes widened as he took in the new arrivals. A little girl with dark curls and wide eyes took in everything around her in wonder. A boy that looked to be about the same age as himself kept his gaze trained on the floor indifferently, a shock of chestnut hair falling into his eyes; hands stuffed into his pockets.
Liam twisted back and forth on the stool in excitement, nearly tumbling out of it as he did.
“Careful there young master!” The pastry chef caught him before he could fall.
“Sorry!” Liam exclaimed as he twisted out of her grasp, his head spinning to keep track of the children, “Who are they? I want to go say hi! Can I?”
“Certainly!” She laughed as she released him and watched as he sprinted across the travertine tile.
The group had moved into the formal dining room when Liam caught up with them, skidding around a corner and colliding directly with the head of the King’s Guard. “Ooof! Sorry!”
“It’s alright,” Captain Sullivan helped him to his feet, “What’s the big hurry?”
“I wanted to meet the kids!” Liam ducked his head, suddenly a little shy, “Who are they? What are they doing here?”
“Okay, okay, slow down!” The captain laughed, “I’ll introduce you! Your Highness, this is the newest member of the guard, Jackson Walker, his wife Bianca and their children, Drake and Savannah. Everyone, this is Prince Liam.”
Liam sucked in a breath of surprise; he knew that some members of the guard lived at the palace. He felt like he was about to explode with excitement. Please let them live here, he prayed furiously. Out loud he said, “I’m very pleased to meet you.”
“And we’re very pleased to meet you,” Jackson shook his hand.
The girl shoved her way in front of her parents, a look of awe on her face, “Are you an honest to God, real life prince?”
“I am.” Liam grinned at her.
“It’s nice to meet you Liam,” Bianca told him before pushing the boy forward, “Isn’t it Drake? Can you say hi to the prince?”
Drake shuffled forward awkwardly, lifted his eyes to Liam’s face for a moment then dropped them as he mumbled, “Hi.”
“Can they come play with me?” Liam directed the question to the adults, lacing the fingers of both hands through each other as he pleaded, “Pleeeeease?”
“Oh, yes!” Savannah squealed, clapping her hands as she jumped up and down, adding her pleas to his, “Can we please?”
“I think that would be okay,” Jackson replied, “What you think, son? Would you like to go play with Liam?”
The sullen faced little boy lifted his copper and gold flecked eyes again and found Liam’s face. Drake’s determination to hate everything about this new place faltered a little as saw the genuine excitement bubbling over in the other child. “I guess that would be okay. What do you want to do?”
“Yes!” Liam jumped up into the air with joy, “We can play whatever you want! Hide and seek, or tag in the gardens, we have board games, video games, we could ride bicycles if we get the nannies to supervise us or we could play sword fighting-“
“You have swords?” Drake’s eyes widened with interest.
“Wooden ones but-“
“Can I dad?” Drake turned to Jackson hopefully.
“Yes, go on. We’ll come find you later.” Jackson squeezed Bianca’s hand as they watched their children scurry down the hall with the prince. Relief flooded his wife’s features, mirroring his own. Drake had been the child they had been most worried about adjusting to the move, but he seemed to be warming to the place already.
“What’s it like being a prince and living in a palace?” Savannah asked as she hurried to keep up with the older boys.
“Boring,” came the instant reply.
“Really?” Savannah sounded disappointed.
Drake laughed and Liam’s smile broadened at the sound as he elaborated, “The other kids in the palace are all older than me and no one ever wants to play.”
He was lonely.
“Drake comes up with all the best games,” Savannah told him.
“Is that right?”
“That’s right,” Drake agreed, “Where is this playroom you’re taking us to?”
“Fifth door on the left,” Liam pointed down a long hallway.
“Race you,” Drake grinned at him, “Winner gets to pick his sword first!”
“Okay-“ Liam started to agree but Drake was already sprinting down the hall. It only took a second for Liam to realize what was happening and tear off after him.
The three children tumbled through the playroom door panting and shrieking with laughter.
Drake collapsed onto the floor in purposeful exaggeration as he gasped, “I’m dying….but I won!”
“You cheated you mean!” Liam laughed as he dropped onto the ground next to him.
“It wasn’t cheating,” Drake corrected him, “It’s called gaining a tactical advantage!”
Liam was used to other children being awkward around him, letting him win games or actively trying to avoid playing with him, because of his status. The young prince was absolutely delighted by this new playmate’s utter lack of concern about his title.
Drake had been convinced that the princes would be stuffy, stuck up and boorish. He was thrilled to be proven wrong. He hadn’t wanted to move, yet again. He hadn’t wanted to give up his friends, yet again. His father had promised that this duty station was more permanent. He had been determined not to get attached to anything or anyone, but as they staged epic battles with the wooden swords, of which Liam had let him claim the best one, he found the heaviness that had sat in his chest since his parent’s had announced this move starting to loosen.
The boys quickly became inseparable.
In the weeks and months that followed, Liam became less somber, at least around Drake. He was still a serious, thoughtful child, but he had a quicker smile as Drake drew out his playful side. Drake became less guarded, at least around Liam. He was still a slow to warm up child, but he turned outward a little more as Liam gained his trust.
“Drake seems to be adjusting well,” Eleanor remarked as a maid set the tea service in front of her.
“He is!” Bianca agreed happily, “It’s been four months and he seems completely back to normal! I think it’s because of Liam, honestly.”
Eleanor nodded with a smile on her lips as she blew on her tea to cool it, “Liam is so happy to have a playmate of his own. He’s a different child now. I think this friendship is good for both of them.”
The two women turned to watch as the boys raced through the gardens, shouts and laughter filtering through the late morning air. It was a beautiful day, the children were happy and for the moment, all was well in Cordonia.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
Hi it's me again. I need you to think about how debbie didn't have to give up her life to raise her siblings. Fiona did. Debbie CHOSE to do that! And I can see WHY fiona was pissed bc debbie had a chance to live a good life but fucked that up.
yeah, okay, i’ve thought about it. now, i need you to think about how fiona willingly signed for legal guardianship of lip (although it lasted for like a few weeks), ian, debbie, carl, and liam, and then immediately stopped giving a shit. i need you to think about her kicking out a pregnant teen, about her tackling said teen, about her neglecting carl and debbie, about her not giving a shit about ian being missing, and about liam’s od. fiona also chose to get guardianship and then stopped raising the kids. no, she didn’t ask for it, but then, she did, and she just neglected them all. also they all had a good chance to live a good life (not including carl and liam this time) but fucked it up, so while you’re at it why don’t you talk about lip and ian?
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