#lij fanfiction
fandom-friday · 6 months
I’d like to recommend Sahuldeem by the intimidatingly talented inonibird. General Grievous’ backstory is not one that has been explored in great detail, and this epic saga paints a rich portrait. The supporting characters, canonical and original, are very fun and memorable— their characterization of Ronderu lij Kummar is someone I desperately want to hang out with in real life, it’s INSANE how much I miss this murderous cyborg’s dead girlfriend. The art on their blog is also incredible and I’m super jealous of their drawing skills and also their prose. I think the coolest thing about it is how much it feels like its own universe in the beginning, and transitions masterfully into familiar Star Wars territory the more the main characters are exposed to the wider galaxy. The mix of genres is just so neat
THIS IS SUCH A COOL CONCEPT. I always wanted more about General Grievous because WHAT A COOL GUY, and I love that the author is taking the liberty to really delve into his backstory. And to ALSO DO ART? How does it feel to have talent OOZING FROM YOUR PORES, @inonibird???? This is such a neat rec! Thanks so much for sending it in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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iph1s · 1 day
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@inonibird saved my life :D
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After way too long between updates, The Last Qymaili has been completely crossposted to AO3 and FFN! Enjoy this special double update containing the epic conclusion of Ronderu's adventure, in which Grievous tracks her down, but there's something off about her. She seems…strangely familiar.
AO3, Chapter 10: "'Did I Know Her?'" AO3, Chapter 11: "All Will Be Bright"
FF.net, Chapter 10: "'Did I Know Her?'"
FF.net, Chapter 11: "All Will Be Bright" will be available in roughly thirty minutes; simply click the end of Chapter 10 to read it once it's available.
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ehcahache · 1 year
Tumblr seems severely drunk so, as I lost the original post where I published the bit of the new chapter, I'm bringing it here and I'll fight with this app tomorrow
The next morning, Carlos is the first to be up. He checks the few notifications he has and gets up to go to the bathroom. When he leaves it, after doing his routine, he notices that Lando is still sleeping, all curled up in himself, on his hoodie.
He couldn't do another thing than stop everything and take a picture of him and send it to their little group chat with a silly caption.
Carlos had never been a cat person, and maybe his opinion right now was biased, but he wasn't finding the experience as hard as he thought it would be. Not that he didn't have knowledge of how taking care of an animal (it was worldwide known that he had Piñón, Olli and more dogs waiting for him in Madrid), but cats were always a big 'No' for him.
Now that he had started getting ready in his teamwear though, he didn't know what to do with Lando. Cats weren't allowed in the paddock, it was slightly raining and Lando was still sleeping. Did he had to take the cat in his backpack and wake him or just let him sleep in and relax in his room? Well, Lando wasn't going to be relaxing that much in his room alone but...
A message got him out of his train of thoughts, Caco and Rupert were already in the lobby, waiting for him to go to the circuit. In a rush, he took his backpack and left behind Lando, who was just now waking up.
Still confused as his second time waking up as a cat, he didn't understand where Carlos was going. It wasn't until he looked his surroundings and realised he wasn't at home and that Carlos had left him alone.
Running and jumping, he achieved to open the door, scaring a hotel worker who was about to enter in Carlos' room. He didn't stop until he reached the elevator, where Carlos was standing. Lando watched how his expression changed as the doors closed.
"Lando, no!"
Lando didn't got inside in time, crashing against the elevator doors really hard. It didn't stop him though, he turned as rapidly as he had done at first and ran down the hotel stairs. If he tripped with his own legs and went down some steps no one had to know. He got to the lobby just in time, at the same moment as Carlos was being pushed outside by Caco.
The relief could be seen on the racing driver's face as he felt some claws climbing his body. Lando had ran all across the room and jumped at Carlos, ending in his right shoulder, with his hands wrapped around his body.
"¡Carlos! ¿Qué hace aquí el gato? ¡Lo ibas a dejar arriba!"
The Spaniard ignored his cousin and, with Lando in his hands, walked away to a more private corner. There he crouched and put the cat in the ground.
"Lando, cabrón, what are you doing here? You can't go into the paddock, this isn't Imola. You need to..."
Lando, who hadn't had time to fully wake up before starting to run behind Carlos, was starting to feel what breaking his morning routine did to him. The adrenaline of the rush was disappearing from his body, resulting in feeling his very much full bladder. And God knows he tried to listen to Carlos and his rant, but he just couldn't. He looked around and he saw his salvation: a whole stack of high bushes. He ran right after seeing them, not caring enough to stay or try say something to his friend.
Carlos was trying to understand what the hell was Lando doing, he even yelled "Oh, come on! Can't you just listen to me one minute?" He was about to leave when then he realised that if he lost him, he was losing his best friend. A completely independent human, sometimes a bit stupid but still. It was not one of his pets who he knew that they'll come back no matter what. It was Lando who had just ran away without saying anything, who had just been a cat for less than 3 days and who was probably one of the most important person in his life. Carlos stood for five seconds before starting following Lando, who had already disappeared behind the bushes.
"Hey, please! I can't scream your name! Do something to tell me you're there!" Carlos started walking along the bushes, trying to find the cat. He heard then a loud meow. "Okey then, are you please coming back?" Another meow. "Oh fuck, yeah I don't understand you. Ehh... One for yes, two for no?" Asked more for himself than for Lando. After what for him was a long moment he heard then a meow. "Are you coming out or..?" Carlos had to wait for Lando about 2 minutes, standing awkwardly, seeing how Caco was a few meters far from them, watching him angrily.
As Lando got out of the bushes, Carlos picked him up and started running to their car, ignoring Caco's disappointed face.
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rat-pagi · 1 year
Part 3 of kaitan braided into lig swords is now up! Everyone's two favorite demigods make their appearance at last!
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x sister!reader, Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: After 15 years, you are reunited with your brother...
Part 2 to “Sister”
A/N: I appreciate all the love that “Sister” got, but I will be capping this at 2 parts.  School is, unfortunately, more important than fanfiction 😂❤
Also yes I made Wesper married, I fucked with canon enough, enjoy
The King of Ravka watched as you shrugged off your silk dressing gown and joined him in bed, opening his arms to you.  “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” you said, extinguishing the lamp on your bedside table.  “My brother’s coming to town.”  Nikolai raised a brow.  “He is?  Why?”  “Apparently he and his friends have been hired for a job.  A job they need my assistance for.”  The King cocked his head as you snuggled into his chest.  “What kind of job?”  “All I know is that they need to get into the Religious Archives alone.  Beyond that, I have no idea.”
You’d told your husband about your brothers, about Hertzoon, how you’d come to Ravka shortly after your wedding.  It was only thanks to Nikolai, well, thanks to Sturmhond, that you’d been able to locate your brother and contact him.  Over the span of several months, you and Kaz had caught up on the 15 years of lost time, learned everything you’d missed on.  You’d discovered that your eldest brother, Jordie, had not survived, that Kaz had risen to prominence in the Barrel and was set on bringing Rollins, the man who had masqueraded as Jakob Hertzoon, to his knees.
And Kaz had learned that you were Queen of Ravka.  Part of him seethed with jealousy: you’d been brought up in the lap of luxury while he’d had to fight for every scrap, every penny, but he supposed he couldn’t be angry at you for that.  And your position had turned out to be a boon to he and his Crows; giving him a way into the Religious Archives.  As soon as Kaz had received the letter confirming you’d help, he’d gathered his flock and set off for Ravka.
“You’re fussing.”  “I am not fussing.”  “Yes, you are, my love.”  Nikolai took your hands, pulling them from where you’d been fidgeting with your hair, drawing your attention to him.  “I haven’t seen my brother in 15 years,” you said, letting your nerves bubble over.  “I don’t even know what he looks like now, let alone what he’s like.  Saints, I don’t even know wha-”  “Hey, hey,” your husband soothed, kissing your forehead.  “Take a breath, lovely.
“I know that you’re nervous, and I know that you’re a little bit scared, but I promise you that everything will be alright.  He’s your brother, and even though it’s been a long time, that hasn’t changed.  Just be yourself, Y/N, he’ll love you.”  Before you could respond, before your thoughts could spiral, the doors to the receiving chambers opened.  
“Presenting Mister Kaz Brekker, Miss Inej Ghafa, Mister Jesper Fahey, Mister Wylan Fahey, Miss Nina Zenik, and Mister Matthias Helvar.”  Your brother and his companions entered, and the guard bowed to you.  “His Most Royal Majesty, Nikolai Lantsov, and Her Most Royal Majesty, Queen Y/N Lantsov.”  With another bow, the guard departed, leaving the eight of you alone.
“It’s really you,” Kaz said, both to you and himself.  Gone was the little girl from Lij, afraid of the bustle of Ketterdam.  In her place stood a woman; a regal, beautiful woman, clothed in sky blue silk and diamonds, a Queen.  “It is,” you said, a tearful smile on your face.  When you stepped forward, arms extended, hoping for an embrace, your brother stepped back, drawing a sharp breath.  At once, you recalled one of his letters: Since that night on the Barge, I can’t bear to touch anyone.  Every time I brush against someone, I’m right back there with Jordie.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, quickly composing yourself.  “These must be your friends you’ve told me all about.”  Kaz cleared his throat.  “Yes.  Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, and Matthias.”  Nina was the only one who dipped into a curtsey; as she was the only one who recognized you as her Queen.  “Please, sit.  I gather we have much to discuss.”  Nikolai seated himself with you on a loveseat, and your brother and his Crows gathered around.  Your husband and Jesper fell into easy conversation, and you smiled when he took your hand.
“So Kaz,” you said, clearing your throat.  “Tell me about this job in the archives.”  “A Shu priest claims that the remains of one of Sankt Kho’s clockwork soldiers resided in the archives,” he said.  “We’ve been tasked with returning it.”  You nodded, rising to pour yourself tea.  “There are indeed remains here, but whether they’re authentic is unclear.  Only a highly skilled Durast could tell, and even then it’s not certain.”
Kaz nodded, slowly spinning his cane between his hands.  “The priest said as much.  We’ve been guaranteed payment even if the remains aren’t genuine.”  “That’s all well and good, but how do you plan to conceal the fact that you’re taking the remains?  Those Archives are open to the public, people will notice their absence.”  Your brother rolled his eyes.  “If only I’d thought of that.  Jesper.”
The lanky Zemini stood and opened the satchel as his side, showing you what lay within.  “I happen to have  Durast on my team,” Kaz said.  “One who has become rather proficient in replication.  It’s not perfect, but to a casual viewer, even a monk, it’s identical.  If the clockwork soldier’s remains are real, then you have a nearly perfect replica.  If they’re a fake, then you’ve got yourself a new fake.”
You nodded.  This wasn’t the first heist your brother and his team had pulled off, you knew, but it was fascinating to watch his mind at work.  “Very well.  I can get you in at 10 bells tonight, but you have to be out by 1 bell.”  Kaz nodded.  “Done.”  You rose and called for a servant, who entered an instant later.  “Please show Miss Ghafa, Miss Zenik, Mister Helvar, and the Misters Fahey to rooms where they can rest.  I wish to speak to Mister Brekker.”  “Of course, moya tsaritsa.”
When it was just you, Kaz, and Nikolai, you resumed your seat.  Your husband sensed your nervousness and took your hand, kissing it softly.  “Did you ever think about me?” you asked, your gaze in your lap.  “After I left?”  “Of course I did,” your brother replied.  “Every single day, Y/N.  You and Jordie.  I swore that I’d get revenge for you, and maybe with this job, I’ll be one step closer.”  You lifted you face to find Kaz looking at you, and for a moment, it was like you were back in Ketterdam.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered.  “You have suffered so much, and I…”  You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.  “I grew up with every privilege, anything and everything I could ever want.  But I never forgot about you, Kaz.  Or Jordie.  Even when I didn’t know if you’d survived, I prayed for you.  To the Saints, to Ghezen, to anyone who’d listen.  And I am so, so sorry for everything you’ve gone through, and if I’d known, I’d ha-”
“Y/N,” Kaz said, leaning across the space between you and taking your hand.  You froze, knowing how much effort this was likely taking him.  “Y/N, you don’t have to apologize to me.  What happened to us, to me, no one could have stopped it.  Yes, I’ve suffered, but I’ve also fought for what I have.  And I’m so damn grateful that you didn’t have to suffer, that you didn’t have to fight.  Look at you; happy and healthy, a husband who loves you, you’re a Queen.  And if an ounce of my suffering bought you this happiness, then I am glad to have done it.”
Cautiously, you took his hand in both of yours, and while he squeezed his eyes shut, he did not pull away.  “Kaz, I–”  “You’re still my baby sister, Y/N,” he interrupted.  “Queen or not.  And I will do whatever I can to protect my baby sister.”  “By 1 year!” you said, and your brother laughed.  You and Kaz rose at once, and to your great surprise, he pulled you into his arms.  “I love you,” he said.  “Sister, I love you.”  “I love you too, Kaz,” you replied, tears spilling over.
When you broke the embrace, Nikolai extended a hand, which Kaz took, clasping it for a bare second.  “You know,” your husband said.  “If you ever want to get rid of this ‘Pekka Rollins’, I might be able to help with that.”  Kaz cocked his head.  “How so?”  “Well, he is indirectly responsible for your brother’s death, am I right?”  A nod.  “In that case, he’s responsible for the death of the Queen of Ravka’s brother, which is punishable by life imprisonment.”
Kaz nodded.  “I appreciate the offer,” he said, adjusting his hold in his cane.  “But when Pekka Rollins is brought down, I want it to be at my hand.  For Jordie.”  He looked at you, smiling softly.  “And for Y/N.”  Nikolai nodded.  “Very well.  But should you change your mind, the offer still stands.”  “I’ll keep that in mind.”  Your brother and husband exchanged a few more words before the former departed, leaving you and Nikolai in the receiving chamber.  “Do you think they’ll pull it off?” he asked, draping an arm over your shoulder.  “He’s Kaz Brekker,” you responded.  “Of course he will.”
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whimperandabang · 1 year
six of crows + “you can never go home“
originally i was going to write this in the tags of this post, but i hit tag limit before i even got halfway through. so i’m making it its own post.
the idea of “you can never go home” is core to each of the six crows which is why it’s such a jewish story. if you don’t want to read through my long rants, here’s the short version:
kanej can never go home because the children who belonged in their homes are dead.
jesper can never go home because to him, home represents shame. wylan does go home, but his homecoming is born from being set adrift much the same way as the other crows are.
helnik can never go home because their loyalty to their homes has wavered, and they can never come back from that.
ok rant time. first: kaz. kaz can never go back to his original home outside of lij because the boy who belongs there is kaz rietveld, and kaz rietveld is dead. maybe you could call ketterdam his new home - he probably would - but that’s even more tragic in a way, isn’t it? he’s so tied down to ketterdam. he’s unable to return to one home and unable to leave the other. (shameless self promotion time: my wip the sower explores this; it probably won’t be published on ao3 for a long while but if you’re interested to know what that’s about and get progress updates + teasers you can check out my fanfiction sideblog @tealquills, everything related to that wip should be under the tag “the sower”.)
now inej. my favorite diaspora girl. inej can never go home because of who she’s become - “a suli girl who had become a killer”. she can’t unbecome the dangerous girl, the girl with claws who names knives after saints. she can’t unbecome the wraith. and the wraith doesn’t belong in the suli caravans. the girl who did “died in the hold of a slaver ship”. she loves her family deeply and wants to be with them and still be loved by them, but she cannot go back home with them. the wraith can’t settle, especially because she always seeks justice. she’s no longer complacent, and she could not bear complacency. she feels purpose and drive to save others from what she endured at the menagerie. between these two things, is it any wonder she takes to the sea?
jesper can’t go home because his home is too entwined with feelings of boredom and shame. after aditi’s death, the monotony of farm life became unbearable. the shame and guilt associated with his durast abilities became unbearable. most of all, the grief became unbearable. it was no longer viable for him to live in novyi zem, at home with his father who loved him so much and failed him so profoundly. and so he went to kerch, and there was no going back.
for wylan, too, home is a place entwined with shame. jan van eck made him feel ashamed for his disability, building up intense feelings of worthlessness and guilt. wylan’s story is interesting in that he does go home, quite literally. he ends up living in van eck’s manor with jesper. in this way, he’s not really living a “you can never go home” story arc the same way as the other crows. but that idea is still core to his character, because for awhile, it was true. after the attempted murder on the boat, wylan had no home. he was set adrift in the same way kaz was after using jordie’s corpse as a raft, in the same way inej was after her time in the menagerie, in the same way jesper was after aditi’s death. wylan can only find his way home again after he experienced what it was to be without a home, and he will always carry that with him.
nina can’t go home because she’s realized she wants a life beyond that of a soldier, and ravka will never give her that. through matthias, she learns to aspire to peace and betterment rather than being a cog in the machine. she loves her country, but she can never quite be loyal to it in the same way again. the world but specifically ravka and fjerda will never let her and matthias be more than grisha and drüskelle, and she can’t accept that. even in king of scars and rule of wolves when she’s working for the ravkan government again, she can’t stay long. she goes to fjerda, and while she’s there, she takes up matthias’s mission. she starts building bridges. she tries to end the war. she falls in love again.
and finally, matthias. oh, my tragic boy. matthias can never go home because... well. you know. after coming to love nina, he can never be truly loyal to fjerda again, but it’s still his country. he spends all of six of crows and crooked kingdom trying to find a way to reconcile the truly awful parts of the country he calls home with everything that he believes makes it worth saving. he wants to go home so badly in a way that even inej can’t quite match. but in the end, he can’t go home because his wants are not enough. because one man’s personal journey cannot save an entire nation. because his love redeems him, but it can’t redeem fjerda.
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cameliawrites · 6 months
1,4, 18
(answering this ask post)
Hi friend!!
1: What is the first fandom you were ever a part of?
Hmmm, this is kind of hard to answer, because, like, what is a fandom? What is being part of a fandom? Six of Crows is the only fandom I've ever written fanfiction for, but I was a childhood nerd so I read all the popular fantasy books - Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson, HP, Twilight, etc. - and started reading fanfiction in middle school, probably? I've also been a lifelong Star Wars fan, because my parents had the original trilogy on DVD and we had one of those shitty little car-DVD players in my mom's minivan, so my sibling and I would watch them on road trips. :)
4: Pairing that makes no sense to you?
I mean, I feel like it might be too easy an answer, but Darklina, lol. No comment necessary, I think.
18: All-time favorite fanfic?
Okay, I have to at least list a few of them - gosh this is so much pressure - um - (obviously these are all kanej lol):
to be lost and found (and lost and found again) by halfahint, which is a Vietnam War AU and is so obscenely good???? I sobbed at the ending the first time I read it because it made me feel just as moved as the end of Crooked Kingdom makes me feel, which is a very very high bar to cross.
all in good time by terribletruths, which is post-ROW and just feels like canonical kanej to me. The humor and the tenderness and the hope are all there. I always return to this one. Always always always.
the air you breathe by alltheworldsinmyhead, because kanej daughter is just something that can be so personal... Something about the simple, sweet nostalgia and melancholy in this fic just speaks to me. I could live in this scene forever.
ebb and flood by arbitrarily. This fic is poetry. P O E T R Y.
Between the Lightning-Bug and the Lightning by oneofthewednesdays, because I love Kaz interacting with Mama & Papa Ghafa so much. This whole series is so good - every single fic in it is top-tier.
Homeland by unfortunate17, which is THE "kanej go back to Lij" fic for me. This is THE ONE. I love revisiting this fic.
My Dearest Inej by A_nonnie_mouse. This is my comfort fic. Shh. Don't tell the others. It's just for me. It's my special treat when I need a pick-me-up.
The Last Songbird by Frick6101719, which is an AU where Jordie lives and Kaz works for the Dime Lions and Inej continues to work in the Menagerie. It's dark and harsh and moody and gut-wrenching, yet, at times, light and humorous and hopeful...it makes me FEEL THINGS. I devoured every single chapter as it was posted, and I absolutely couldn't put it down.
The Strangeness of Home by insignificant457, which is THE "Inej returns to the Suli caravan" fic for me. The sequel fic might be even better...I love it so much. I love Inej so much as a character, and this fic does her justice.
I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm by sarathedreamer, because the emotional hurt/comfort is !!!!!!!! And I can't lie, I love a "huddling for warmth" trope fic. It just hits different.
don't let it burn, don't let it fade by apropensityforcharm, which is THE kanej sickfic for me. The ending is just such great emotional payoff. Kaz is down so bad for Inej and I eat it up.
Okay, I have to admit that I am SUPER impressed with myself for keeping this list as short as I did. Which sounds insane. But. There we are.
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nahmooste · 6 years
Could you please do Evil. I woke from another nightmare and the first thing I felt was the warmth and security of Evil's body wrapping around me.
note: I don’t like writing from first person POV so I changed this just a little. general mood is still the same, but just with reader insert :)))) hope you enjoy!! 
title: Safewarnings: smuttw: sleep paralysis, anxiety & panic induced state, 
The nightmare is intense. A body is hovering over you, fingerspulling the very soul from your body, and you need to force yourself to wakeup. You lurch upright from the bed with a loud gasp and fling yourself onto thewooden floor before you realise you’re moving. Sharp pain erupts from yourwrist up to your elbow, and even though you’re hyperaware of your heartbeat,you begin to calm down.
 From the ground, hunched over and on the verge of a panicattack, you find yourself checking the room.
It was a nightmare.
 It was just a nightmare.
Tears well in your eyes, hot and angry, and you clutch yourwrist loosely as you fall against the wall next to you. Rage burns too heavy inyour chest. It weighs you down, stops the oncoming panic attack, and instead ofregulating your breathing like you know you should, you punch the wall withyour bad hand.
It’s a stupid mistake – your gasp of pain echoes in theroom, and a noise of confusion sounds from the bed.
For a moment your heart stops. Then, you remember that youlet Evil stay tonight. That’s a mistake too, you realise, because you don’tknow how to explain any of this to him.
“I’m—I’m okay,” you manage to rush out, but it doesn’tmatter how quick you say it; Evil still hears the shake in your voice.
In the pitch black of the room you see him prop up onto hiselbow, face turning in your direction. “Are you on the floor?”
“Yeah,” you murmur back. “I just fell off the bed, gavemyself a bit of a fright. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you…”
It’s not the first time something like this has happened,but you can count the number of occasions on one hand, and this is the firsttime it’s ever happened with somebody else in the room. Something about yourbrain, something about the way it works or the way it doesn’t work, leaves you perceptibleto sleep paralysis. The entire thing reeks of your vulnerability and you don’tknow how to act now that someone’s been with you while it’s happened.
You crawl back into the bed, ashamed and embarrassed, andEvil curls his arms around your waist and pull you in tight against his chest.
It feels warm. Safe. Something that you haven’t let yourselffeel in such a long time.
Your entire body aches in the morning when you wake. There’sa peaceful moment where the security of Evil’s large presence soothes everyfrazzled nerve in your soul, and you drag a hand down your face when flashes ofit hit you like a punch to the gut.
God, you haven’t had an episode as bad as this one for months.
It lingers against your skin and you let go of a gentle sighbefore you turn to face Evil. Maybe it was a good thing that you let him staythe night…
You press your lips against his muscled shoulder and gaze upat his sleepy face with heated eyes. He’s still fast asleep, snoring softly,and you shift your hips against the side of his body.
“Evil,” you breathe lowly, “baby…”
You grind up into his side again and drag a hand down overhis briefs, softly groping the growing erection. He groans a little and lifts ahand to rub at his face, and then peeks an eye open to stare at you.
“Y/N,” he murmurs, breath still slow and heavy.
“Morning,” you whisper back, lifting onto your elbow to pressa tantalising kiss against his lips.
You push yourself up further to kiss along his stubbled jaw,but his arms snake around your hips and he shifts you on top of him, messy hairtoppling over your shoulders. Light sneaking through a crack in the curtainscatches a few strands, igniting them golden. Evil lifts a hand to tuck thembehind your ear.
“Fuck me,” Evil commands, staring at you with those eyes thatcurl your toes.
You kiss him again, slow and lazy and sensual, biting at histongue and lip until Evil is hard and full against your thigh. Your barebreasts push against the soft skin of his chest, and Evil sighs into your mouthas you roll your hips into him.
Calloused hands move to grip your ribs, rough thumbsbrushing along the curve of your chest as you arch into his touch.
He moans as you bite down on his lip again and then he flipsyou, rushing the breath from your lungs in a quick movement of limbs andexploring hands. Quickly, Evil situates a pillow under your hips, knows thatyou experience a better orgasm with the angled position, and you can feel yourtoes curling in anticipation of what’s to come.
Evil’s mouth presses against yours in an open-mouthed,gasping kiss.
Your bodies move together in a haze of pleasure, your hips rockingup into his brief clad crotch, and Evil is nothing but sin on top of you.
Both of your underwear are gone quickly and with a confidentand leisurely thrust, Evil is buried deep inside you. Your eyes roll back inthe pleasure. Evil hooks an elbow around the bend of your knee and pulls yourleg up, the new position pushing his thrusts deeper into you.
Your voice is trembling with his name, the word coming outover and over again as his hand reaches down to rub your clit, and Evil’s headfalls into the dip of your shoulder as you tangle your fingers in the colourfulstrands of his hair. The stubble along his jaw scratches at your skin, adds a wholenew layer of feeling to comprehend. Your breath is coming out in grunts and youdon’t even think you can last much longer when Evil’s teeth sink into themuscle at your neck.
Your whole body is overtaken with a vocal orgasm, legsquivering, eyes screwed shut and mouth dropped open. Evil takes the opportunityto drive his mouth down into yours, kisses you through the blinding climax andsteals your breath.
You tell yourself that maybe it’s not such a bad thing tofeel safe around Evil.
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fanfics4thewin · 6 years
Lucky Girl
A short one-shot I had in my head for a while. I might develop it into a longer ongoing story in the future :) I’m also terrible at coming up with names for my stories! Hope you enjoy ^^  
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It was 2am and you had just arrived home. You were in Osaka the last few days visiting family. You were hoping to be home much earlier and away from your family faster, however your family always found a way to keep you with them. This resulted in you missing your train home and having to get a later one. You weren’t at all pleased. You took off your shoes, dropped your bags, locked the door and headed straight to the bedroom. You opened the door slowly as not to wake anyone. You slipped inside easily and shut the door behind you. The bedside lamp was left on and illuminated the two figures in the bed. Your heart melted at the sight of Naito lying in the middle of the bed with Hiromu lying on his chest with Daryl under his arm. You can’t believe you got so lucky to have these two wonderful men in your life. You never in your wildest dreams thought you would end up with two boyfriends. You had been with Naito for about 5 years now. Everyone knew you two were together, what people didn’t know was that you were also dating Hiromu bar the rest of LIJ. You felt bad about keeping the fact Hiromu was your boyfriend too a secret. Hiromu was okay with it as it isn’t something that is really accepted. You always tried your best to show little  signs of affection to Hiromu when you were in public. You were always afraid he would feel left out in the relationship. It has all been 9 months since he joined the relationship. He along with Naito always reassured you that Hiromu felt included and was very happy in this relationship. He actually enjoys being yourself and Naito’s little secret. You were very surprised when Naito suggested you both start dating Hiromu. Naito was always very protective of you and didn’t like to share you. He hated other men looking at you so him suggesting you date another man shocked you.
“I know you’re attracted to him. I see the way you look at him.” Naito said.
“I don’t look……” You started.
“Y/N, it’s okay I know you wouldn’t act on your feelings and cheat on me. People still find other people attractive when they are in relationships. It’s normal. Truth be told I find Hiro very attractive too. I just thought he would be a nice addition to our family! I already talked to him about it and he’s excited.”
That’s how your relationship started. It was a bit weird at the start. Hiromu wasn’t in LIJ that long so you didn’t know him as well as the others. It took a bit of getting use to for yourself and Naito especially seeing the other kiss and cuddle Hiromu. Even though you were all dating each other there was still a feeling of jealously. However that all faded fairly quickly once you found a good flow. Plus the sex was amazing. You and Naito always had a great sex life but Hiromu added so much more into the mix. You were brought out of your thoughts by a sleepy voice calling your name.
“Y/N? When did you get home?” Naito asked and began to sit up in the bed. This action caused Hiromu to also wake.
“You’re home!” Hiromu exclaimed half sleep. “I missed you a lot.”
“Sorry sweeties, I didn’t mean to wake you two.” You said. ‘I missed you guys a lot too. It’s so nice to be home. I’ll tell you guys about my trip in the morning. Right now all I want to do is fall asleep cuddling my two favourite men.”
“What about Daryl?!”
“Sorry Hiro, I mean my three favourite men.” You giggled.
You quickly changed into your pj’s and climbed into bed. Hiromu moved away from Naito to allow space for you as you always slept in the middle. You gave both men a kiss before lying on Naito’s chest with Hiromu wrapping his arms around your waist and falling asleep. You couldn’t think of a better way to drift off to sleep.
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elijahwoodnot · 4 years
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it’s like that
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Ronderu returns to her homeworld and becomes khagan of Kalee, and Qymaen undergoes a risky power boost. A new chapter of "The Last Qymaili" has been crossposted to AO3 and Fanfiction.net! Hit either of the links below to read the new addition, "A Moment Too Late."
AO3 Fanfiction.net
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I can write a little bit of Huk Wars fanfic. As a treat.
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rat-pagi · 1 year
Part two of kaitan braided into lig swords is up! Now with hero worship and angst!
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keelie-rose · 5 years
Kpop, Wrestling fanfic Posters. On Wattpad, my user is KAEDEN
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Request: Could you do something where the reader is like going through a really rough patch and she starts crying in front of everybody at her collage and she is saying “I need Shawn” over and over and so her friend calls Shawn and he comforts her and they end up cuddling in her dorm as she cry’s and he asks why she’s crying and she has no idea why but everybody knows it bc she loves him and he loves her but they don’t want to say it out loud and it eating her away
Shawn Mendes x Reader
A/N: I’m sorry it’s been awhile, but hey it’s exam time tomorrow and writing is the best procrastination method lol. I have a few requests I’ll try to get up this week and feel free to submit too! Anyways enjoy (also sorry for editing my computer is dead and I broke the charger)
Finals were coming up. A dreaded task that every student faced the second they hit high school. Yet as you grew older it grew no less unnerving, even to the best of students. You of course did very well in high school, and thought you were doing fine right until about halfway through the semester. That’s when everything came to a standstill and you felt as if you didn’t understand a thing that was happening. But the class moved on without you, and your life did too. So instead of spending the week leading up to exam week studying alone in some library, you decided to spend it with some friends. A lapse in judgement for sure, but you couldn’t let them hang out without you.
Currently you were spending time with just a small group. Your dorm room feeling smaller than normal crammed with people, if that was even possible. You sat on your bed, your roommate, Ashley, on the one across from you. Her boyfriend, Josh, lay sprawled across it too, head in her lap. That action then making you think of Shawn, the man that stood leaning against the doorway.
You had lost track of the conversation. While the hour before had been spent detailing stories of when you were younger, your three companions now discussed their similar majors. You on the other hand were studying something entirely different, yet just the talk of classes seemed to set you on edge.
Shawn took notice of course, his eyes glancing towards you worryingly every once in awhile. Maybe he noticed your silence, or maybe it was your clenched brow that gave it away. Either way you were deep and thought, concentrating hard on not concentrating on school.
You could feel you breathe beginning to hitch, worry beginning to fill your thoughts. You should be studying right now. You should be.
“Y/n, you okay?” Ashley spares a smile, hoping you’ll snap out of your daze.
“Oh um, yeah. Just thinking about, um, finals I guess.” She echoes something along the lines of isn't everybody and you chuckle. It’s true, but you were never very good at handling stress.
Silence falls upon your group as you notice your roommate beginning to get lost in her own boyfriend. The two of them too lost in each other to notice you watching her run her hands through his hair, him lovingly staring up at her.
Your eyes falter to Shawn, hoping he too would feel the awkwardness of watching what seemed like an intimate thing.
Making eye contact with you he clears his throat,” Can you two get a room?”
The two snap out of it, both blushing as they turn their attention away from each other.
“Last time I checked this was my room,” Ashley quips, Shawn rolling his eyes as she does.
“Sorry to say bud, but you’re just jealous you don’t have a girl as pretty as mine,” Josh then adds. “Sorry y/n.”
You nearly choke on your own tongue,” Excuse me?” You can feel your palms begin to sweat and the blood rushing to your face. Ashley figured out long ago how you felt about Shawn, and you both knew she couldn’t not tell her boyfriend. You made him swear on his life to not say anything. Saying, and I quote,” If even such as a peep comes out of your mouth I will hunt you down, cut off your pinky toe, and feed it to you.”
Before anyone has a chance to say anything more Ashley jumps up,” Well it’s getting late, and I’ve got some studying to do, so scram.
Neither boy tries to argue, Shawn lifting himself off the doorframe and Josh rolling out of bed. He shares a quick kiss before following Shawn out the door. Of course not before Shawn gives you a brief hug, you smiling over his shoulder as Ashley makes kissing faces at you.
However as the two head out the open doorway you still feel on edge. Finals. Shawn. Finals. Shawn. What if he knew how you felt now? What if you failed?
You stand right where Shawn left you, head feeling faint as you begin to think. Ashley doesn’t even notice as you freeze, her scurrying around to find her phone.
Yet it gets worse and your veins turn cold, breath becomes frigid. What if he hated you now? What if you don’t pass your classes?
For just a second everything goes calm, and then you nearly collapse. You sink to your kees, hands landing on the floor below you, trying their best to make you feel grounded. You soon become distinctly aware as to how open your door was. How many people could be in that hallway and you feel as if your swaying on a tightrope.
Your roommate finally takes notice, stopping her search effort as she shuffles over to you. Careful not to upset you more she speaks calmly.
“Y/n, it’s going to be okay. I’m right here.”
However you don’t feel any better as the world begins to spin. Everything moves into a blur and her words begin to turn to gibberish that falls deaf on your ears.
But One thing does run clear through you. Even over all of the you are going to be okays you hear, “Do you need anything.”
Moving out of your crouched position and onto your butt you try your best to breathe, to push the choking feeling out of your throat for just a second. You breathe.
“I need Shawn.”
You don’t notice as she goes running out the door, you don’t notice as a minute and then the next passes. But you do notice a familiar figure standing before you. “Darling, I’m right here.”
Shawn crouches down in front of you and you try to blink away the water in your eyes. Your breath is still rigid, choppy, but as long as you focus on the breath moving in your lungs you knew you would be okay. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. Even in middle school you sometimes has to just sit and breathe.
“It’s going to be alright, I’m here,” Shawn cooes and you feel your heart rate begin to decrease. Closing your eyes you let him take you in his arms. For a few minutes he just holds you, letting your breathe calm down as your thoughts begin to settle. Even through the he’s just here because he pities you thoughts you still feel calm with him right there.
Finally you detach yourself from his frame and look up at him,” I’m sorry I made you come back.”
He smiles,” You’re having a panic attack and that’s what you worry about. Babe I think you need to get your priorities straight.”
Whipping away the tear streaks from your face you mutter,” Yeah I may have messed up priorities, school over happiness ya know. But at least I’m consistent enough in having panic attacks every finals week. Yet you struggle to even use the same pet names”
“Was that supposed to hurt gorgeous,” he retorts. Before you have a chance to speak he’s lifting you off your feet carrying you bridal style into the bed.
“Oh that’s not fair. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” He doesn’t respond as he lays you down, instead turns around and gives a glance to Ashley who must have came back with Shawn. You hadn’t noticed her until now, but before you can say thank you she smiles and leaves.
“Alright, now if you think I’m leaving you alone you’re dead wrong. Move over.” You don’t protest as he moves into bed with you. He lays on his back, feet nearly hanging off the end causing you to question how he sleeps on one of the same beds.
For a moment you both sit there, staring up at the ceiling as if you were looking at the stars. That is until he flips, his breath fanning on your hair. Following in suit you flip too, and your eyes and lips are now just inches from each other.
“Thank you Shawn, I really mean it.” He doesn’t say anything, instead his hand seems to instinctively move towards your hair.
As he moves to play with the ends of it you continue,” I don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve been here for me for the last two years and you truly are my best friend.”
To that last word he flinches and you nearly freeze. Did you say something? He must notice your eyes widen because his hand moves to your cheek and he says,” Oh no you didn’t say anything. It’s just that.” For a second he pauses, eyes glancing away from your own as if he was scared they would reveal something.
“You mean a lot to me too. It’s just, what if we meant more to each other than just friends.”
You close your eyes and breathe,” Yeah I was thinking that too.”
“Do you think maybe,” you bite your lip, a nervous habit,” We can try to be a little more than friends.”
You simply nod, scared your mouth wouldn’t be able to say yes without choking on the words.
He then pulls you closer and you break into a smile. Your head then cuddles into his chest, his arm wrapped around your torso as if he would never let you go. You soon think back to the moment in which you fell to the ground, knuckles white as they tried to hold on. Realizing that it wasn’t the floor that kept you grounded, it was Shawn.
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