#like ? look at him!!!!!! what do u expect me to do thats my special guy
miwtual · 1 month
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
ATSV Characters with a Goth S/o
heeeeeyyyyyy guys 😇 *slowly sliding the 100+ REQUESTS in my inbox to the side to make room for a new special interest*
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff!!!
🥀Pairing(s): Hobie x reader, Miles x reader, Miguel x reader, Spot x reader
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he would LOVE any type of alternative partner tbh- he just LOOOVESSS that ur goth and will support you 100%
people who go against societies expectations/standards and don't fit in with the norm intrigue him, and your style is probably what piqued his interest in the first place
y'all definitely wear matching fits sorry i don't make the rules- hobie just can't pass up the opportunity to match w you!!! whenever you go to meetings within the spider society he always brings you along, regardless of whether or not you're a spiderperson and hobie loves showing off you and your style
look me in the eyes and tell me hobia would not absolutely rock some funky eyeliner LIKEEEEE- he def lets you practice on him and will do your makeup for you too!!!
hobie loves thrifting with you, there is no way he isn't a major thrifter and you both definitely DIY a lot of your clothes
hobie absolutely has BLESSED music taste, but while he usually listens to rock, punk, dad rock, or post-punk type of music, i def see him enjoying more gothic/new wave music- especially if u introduce it to him!!!
i see him enjoying bauhaus, sisters or mercy, scary bitches, etc- he'll also give YOU a lot of music recommendations and help to expand ur taste!
hobie would also accompany you to any protests or conventions that you wanted to attend, and would act as your scary dog privileges
honestly hobie is a lovely partner to have if you are goth, and he's not only supportive but VERY enthusiastic about your fashion and lifestyle!
hes such a sweetheart!!! he definitely supports you if you're goth and asks a LOOOT of questions lmao
miles draws you and your fashion a lot, and will def design makeup or eyeliner ideas for you too!!! while ik this is more associated with punk, i also see miles drawing you a few custom patches and stuff like that
your kind of like his muse in a way, and miles just really enjoys sketching you, especially since you have such a unique aesthetic and such cool outfits
he loves watching you get ready and do your makeup. seeing you do perfect eyeliner wings and heavy makeup in general lowkey relaxes him, and he just loves admiring you
im sorry but miles knows absolutely nothing about goth music or culture, ur gonna have to introduce him to a lot of the songs/bands!!!
while i don't think he's huge on the music at first, i think it would grow on him over time. its definitely the type of thing that he loves because YOU love it, and he sees how mu much you enjoy it so he starts listening to it as well so he can talk to you about it
i think his favorite band would be the cure, and his fav songs would either be boys dont cry or the walk (both by the cure- idk why thats so specific but they just kinda fit his vibe yk?)
miles likes holding hands a lot, and he loves when you wear rings or gloves or something along those lines because it just reminds him so much of you! your hands just feel different compared to other peoples and he just loves how unique you are
if you have a lot of piercings, miles would definitely ask about them or buy you specific jewelry for piercings!!!!
overall, very very cute and supportive about your style!!! (he lowkey gives bi wife energy, and iyk what in talking ab then ily mwah)
he's pretty indifferent to your style at first, i don't see him as the type to judge much based on appearances. its your personality that really throws him for a loop, and a part of him admires your dedication to making yourself look how you want to look and truly living to be your best self, regardless of what others think
if you think miles knows nothing about being goth then be prepared for miguel bc he knows NOTHINGGGG- no music, no history, no political views, zero, zilch, nada, goose egg
if he cares about you i do see him being intrigued about your style, and once you two are officially dating is when he'll show more interest in your personal fashion sense
he strikes me as the type to like, NEVER listen to music, so he literally only listens to the music you like!!! he does find himself occasionally humming the tune of some strawberry switchblade song or casually listening to a siouxsie and the banshees song while he works, and over time you influence him a LOT with your music taste. he definitely associates any and all goth music with YOU, and that's probably why he starts enjoying it.
he's a "hand on you at all times" type of guy, and while he is rarely touchy with others, miguel is definitely keeping you close. your fashion makes that convenient for him, and he loves pulling you into a kiss by grabbing onto your belt loop or something of the sort
miguel loves how you look with and without makeup on and isn't afraid to tell you that, however, he really likes it if you incorporate his colors or color scheme into your makeup one day. he'll never admit it, but you keep catching him admiring you with the smallest smirk on his face every few seconds
if anyone ever gave u shit for what you wear and how you dress, especially someone in the spider society, you'd practically have to restrain miguel from drop kicking them across nueva york- he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you , and while he knows you can stand up for yourself, he just gets protective at times
goth? whats that???
he's lowkey such a nerd, and spends too much time being science-y and planning on how to beat spiderman to actually get caught up on fashion
spot doesn't know how he pulled you tbh, but he appreciates you nonetheless!!! he thinks you and your aesthetic are something to be admired, and will unabashedly tell EVERYONE he knows about you
he will shoplift any clothing or jewelry that you want, and he'll even take you to other dimensions where there are better alternative clothes as well
spot doesn't really have a face to do makeup on, but he'll offer to do yours for you! surprisingly enough he's pretty good at it, though he does work pretty slowly
spot loves fiddling with your accessories, whenever he's standing near you he's always reaching out to touch you in some way shape or form. he loves playing with any chains or necklaces you wear, and will help adjust them so that they lay correctly
he helps you get ready in the morning!!!!! if ur the type of goth to wear corsets, he makes lacing them up SO easy and will gladly do it for you
i personally hc that spot HATES seeing himself in mirrors/pictures, it reminds him sm of what he used to look like, but he LOVES taking photos of you and your style!! whenever you are wearing a cute outfit or have funky makeup on, spot adores just taking photos of you
if you ever did a makeup look inspired by him and his spots he would probably CRY :(
URGRHHRHHRRR I LOVE ATSV SMMMMMMM!!!! this post will DEFINITELY have a pt2 w more characters!!!!! i swear tho atsv literally pulled me out of the most horrendous burnout ever i FELT the artblock and writing block lift off of my body as i watched it. IM SO INVESTED I MADE A SPIDERSONA...
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lonelyspacedragon · 5 months
The one and olny thing I will say about this
as a brasileiro let me just give some context on some things
thoses jokes? yeah they were/are pretty lets say "normalisate" here, yes they are disgusting and horrible yes, but they are also very very common
FOR FUCK SAKE OUR SONGS HAVE "novinha" in them thats a way to say young girl, like 15 years young, in a sexual way, its disgusting YES, yes it is, but is so fucking common its almost normal, we have 14 years old boys singing, as in they’are singers sell music and stuff, about sex in a very heavy way
Lissen, my uncle he is like 50 something he has a daughter, (I didn't know this thill this christmas) and he was telling me about her, how she is so hot, and tall and when he goes out with her all the men (and he means men old men 30 something old men) keeps salivating over her and he is all like hey ehat u looking at, in a don't even think of getting close to her but also in a yeah thats my daughter she is hot, and I was like okay, I was envisioning a 18-20 years old by the way he was talking about her, and then he said SHE IS 11, ELEVEN YEARS OLD, I was in shock. It unfortunately is a very very common way of seeing and treating young girls, specially if they are "already all developed"
we have a culture of sexualising young kids, for fuck sake, we had a master chef kids here, one time and one time only, in 2015, and it was disgusting, the amount of men, commenting disgusting things about one of the participants that was 13 I think, and it was so fucking disgusting and bad that we didnt had another one till 2022, exclusively because of those behaviour, we grow up in a disgusting culture of sexualising kids and young teens
to be honest, it was shocking to me when I started accompanying Cellbit and Felps again after so so many years, to see that they are leftist
its a shock because I wasn't expecting that, because I watched those people when I was young and they were too and they said some shitty stuff back there
and yes he had already talked about wanting to delete his old tweets when people wanted to take Pierre out of the qsmp because of old tweets of his and cultural differences, he said the person he was years ago is not who he is now, he said himself that he wasn't happy with his old views on women and politics and lgbt people stuff like that when the stuff with Pierre happened,
He deleted 900 tweets, but did you guys stop to think about it? Would 900 tweets be all about making sexual jokes about minors? And no one would have seen those 900 tweets of him being creepy towards kids?
Or are these 900 tweets also his old views on politics, queer people, feminism? Thinks he had already said he wanted and was deleting because of stuff like this?
lissen almost everyone that is 23+ right now was banging pans for what was basically a coup in ixi 2014 i think? when Dilma was in power and they impcheamented (i don't know how to write this shit in portugues I don't know how in english either) her over something that they(the politicians that wanted her gone - right wingers) made legal a month later, and now those same people are leftists
so yes those are shitty jokes yes, those are shitty views yes, they are, but they are also from 8 years ago, he already said stuff about that, about how his views had changed, and how he was scared that people would do exactly this, get his old tweets and use it to cancel and judge him for it, for views that he no longer has
just think people, does this say anything about who he is now? does he still do this kind of jokes? say those types of things?
if you guys go after all of the qsmp members old tweets and content, I'm sorry to disappoint you but all of them will have things that people will want to cancel them over, if you have to go dig more than one year to find bad things to cancel people over, its that not indicativii that that person no longer thinks like that? that thats no longer who they are now?
Does your tweets from 8 years ago reflects who you are now?
does all of this means you have to forgive him, ignore, watch his stuff, interact with his content? fuck no, do whatever you like and feels better for you, but also have some critical sense for fuck sake
yes if he did something he deserves to be held accountable for it, and if is something worth of being in jail he should be, if he did something criminal he should be dealt with it with the justice, deplataforming him will do jack shit if he did something thing and still walks free, what will this have accomplished?
but if its just old tweets, old jokes, bad jokes at that, but still old, old views that unfortunately are ingrained with cultural context, and that that person no longer has and no longer behaves like and believes they no longer hold, lets just calm the fuck down please
all this to say people change, lets calm down, and wait to see what will happen
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mikalame · 9 months
hi, I was wondering if you could write some Bill x reader angst please, where Bill gets jealous bc of the reader's "fan service" towards fanboys ( for example she flirts with them (as a joke ofc), winks at them on stage...) and one day they just have a big fight bc of that, also the reader is a girl and a member of the band. Bye ;)
This is My first angst, i dont think ill make a Pt2 to this as i kinda like were i finished it tell me what you think about it mabey ill do more angst who knows 🤫
Bills a little toxic in this, but they arent really good for eachother, just pretend the band wont break up or anything ahaha.
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"Did you really have to wink at them again" Bill scoffs as he chucks his bag down on the floor walking into the hotel room.
You guys were bombarded when you got off the plane, which is to be expected as a rock star with a world wide fan base, having fans in every country in itself is good but not when your fans are a bit touchy and you have a bit of a playful personality.....expectantly when your boyfriend is a tad bit of a jealous person.
"Really Bill we just got here and you're already picking a fight, can't we just relax after a 13 hour flight, huh?" you question, getting sick of bills arguments you try and assure him that hes all you need but he cant seem to get it in his head, making you feel like your practically cheating on him when you arent your just being friendly, at least in your mind you are.
"Well you seem pretty energetic when that guy came up and hugged you, real tight" Bill looked away, his eyebrows pinched thinking over the airport insident.
"Bill really, i was JUST hugging him like i dont everybody, he wasnt special hes just a fan, a NICE fan who asked for a hug" You retort rolling your eyes, shoving your suit case under the bed not bothering to pack it away yet.
"Whats wrong Bill, huh, you seem so uptight about this whole thing, do you still think im gonna leave you, Bill, im YOUR girlfriend not anybody else and you may think that i would but i wont and i never will" You argue, completely over Bill and his jealousy.
"No because i know you would all the flirting you do when fans come up to you in party's you grab their arms and laugh at all their jokes, their not even funny half the time but you still laugh like its the funniest thing in the world, you BARELY EVER laugh at my jokes huh, am i not funny or something"
Bill continues to rant letting all of it off his chest, you felt your anger rise getting annoyed that bills painting you as some sort of villain that would cheat on him any chance she got.
"Yeah Bill i laught at their jokes because its NICE-"
"So is it a chore or something to laugh at my jokes" He cuts you off rolling his eyes walking over to the couch sitting down with a huff.
"No Bill and you know thats not true, its different, we're their IDOLS they look up to us, we're CELERITYS, im gonna laugh at whatever stupid joke they make to make THEM happy, to make THEM feel great that they made THEIR IDOL smile and laugh, its not that i dont find you funny bill because u dont your a funny person its just i dont see you or anyone in the band as a celebrity i just see you guys as normal people-".
"Oh so im not even named your boyfriend anymore im just a 'normal person' that babe feel REAL nice right now" He scoffs again flicking through the channels on the t.v.
"OMG BILL YOUR BEING SO DIFFICULT RIGHT NOW" you yell, frustrated about how hes acting right now, he does this all the time bringing this argument up again then leaving the argument when you starts to become frustrated.
"I cant do this bill" You sigh slumping down onto the hotel bed, Bill looks over raising his eyebrow he had never heard you give up in an argument your always fighting to prove that your right.
but as both of your emotions are high right now one of you are bound to say something your gonna regret, just like bill did.
"Oh yeah what to much for you?, you just gonna give up on this realtionship, not even gonna try and fix it, just gonna up and leave" he scoffs standing up, looking at you down his nose not thinking your actully going to do what he thought you would.....
but you did
"Bill were not good for each other, your to jealous and cant handle that im maybe am a bit to sweet to our fans but i cant help it a-and i know you cant handle it either, s-so i think this is where this relationship should end- this is for the best for both of us i think... and for the band you know" you say shakily standing up walking slowly to your bed that has the suitcase under it.
"W-wait baby y-your joking right, i didn't mean it, i'll get over it I SWEAR" he begs tears flowing down his cheeks his eyeliner and mascara running with the tears.
"No Bill you wont, this relationship wont work, it's toxic for me and you, this- this is for the best i think" You say sighing as you pull your bag up opening the handle up and holding onto it.
You listen to bill sobs as he tries to bargen with you, to make you stay, his promises of how he wont be jealous and he'll do better, words that fell on deaf ears as you have already made up your mind, knowing even in your mind blurry with emotions that this would be the best for both Bill and You.
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nyahobi · 3 months
i saw someone on twitter calling zoro an asshole for the way he acted in zou regarding sanji's situation and i know its very old discourse but i Have to defend my beautiful princess with trust issues so let me articulate my thoughts properly.
i think zoro acted in a very zoro way when he heard once again another crew member was trying to leave; zoro is very straight to the point and emotionally dumb, he's not luffy - whom can read other people by just looking at their face - and thats his weak point.
while watching zou i was also annoyed w him at first until luffy called him out for worrying for sanji (and pretending that he didnt), then i finally understood what was going on.
like i said, this isnt the first time someone tried to leave the crew for unknown reasons. when it was robin's turn zoro acted in a similar way, and sure u could argue that at the time he was still wary of her, but back in arlong park i also think he wouldnt bother going after nami if it wasnt to retrieve the going merry, (and the rest of the guys trying to understand why she left).
if someone wants to leave, fine, he wouldnt try to stop them, even if he was hurt by it. its just how he works, hes not the type to understand between the lines, he doesnt think too much abt that type of stuff.
nami's 'betrayal' and sanji's departure are very close parallels in zoro's perspective.
sanji and zoro DO trust each other, specially regarding the crew's safety, theyve vouched for each other multiple times before (but only when the other wasnt looking lmfao). he was 100% sure the twirly hat pirates would be safe as long as sanji was with them, only for the rest of the strawhats to arrive at zou and find out sanji LEFT? sure, the rest were okay and unharmed, but he just left? to get MARRIED?
even if by now he learned that sometimes people have secret reasons for doing such things, sanji's excuse was still that plain and simple explanation, so what else was he supposed to think?
so thats why i think zoro's tryhard nonchalance at zou comes from a place of hurt, betrayal and confusion, like it happened with nami so long ago. but he's still zoro and he won't outright say anything about it, he's just gonna raise his defence mechanisms and insult sanji until he runs out of curses, just like he did with nami and robin.
but in a much more insensitive way considering his intense relationship with sanji. basically he'd rather die than show that type of worry SPECIALLY IF its about the idiot cook.
sure, he was an asshole, but i do think his reaction was fair and expected of him.
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astral-nautical · 7 months
suckening liveblog bc i dont wanna spam my friends lol
spoilers ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! going to put all of episode 1 in one post :O
i didnt expect emizel to be pronounced tht way tbh!! em-ee-zel...i expected emi-zel if tht makes Any sense
oh emizel got daddy issues? sad. wait he runs a GANG?
the arts fucking insane dude im so happy they worked w so many people for this
oh hello soda :O bro has some transgender energy already like. who dresses themselves in stuff w their name on it if not someone who picked their own name?
GANG WAR,? i love emizel i dont know if this is the rightr vibe or not but hes giving me 'punk kid whose pretending to be in a gang' and i love him for it
smash bros commentary is so funny omg
oohhh vampire time soon???? fangs gonna BITE
'sometimes i just say shit and idk what it means' SAME SODA.
ohhhhh nooo this is not gooooood. oh em ur getting fucked uppp
FIRST COMBAT WOOOOO omg the music is fucing phenomenal i love u nathan hanover
oh my god this is fuckjign insane NO SODAAAAAAAAAAA
ayo ? kiss time ig. NAHHHHH BITE TIME
wat the fuuuuuuck What the fuuuuuck LMAO FUCK DOUBLE BITE??????? CHOMP CHOMP MOTHERFUCKER
FRENZY CHECK??????? oh here we go dude vampire timeee
so emizels fucked. ANYWAYS ROMANIA
bizlys character art looks like hes abt to cry lmao. sad little twink
im so fond of this guy and hehasnt even talked? hes so funny. why are you so well dressed AYO EYESHADOW?
SHILO IS SO FUNNY I LOVE HIM? oh no his accent is so cute. cute as in like a stuffed animal is cute not like attraction. im aroace
is shilo like? rapunzel? is he not allowed to leave his room ?
hes so funny im so fucking endeared omg
oh he IS rapunzel he's never met a mortal!! why is his mother never letting him out :O
oh....he wants a book on birds :,) he wants to read abt pheasants....
shilo is a manipulative little BASTARD i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes forever and always. my wet and pathetic cat that i hold so dearly
ohh curious boy curious boy...doing this he should Not b
oh fuck shilo's mom so much i have a bad feeling abt her alreadyyyyy
my bbg...run away flee this place get OUT god i fucking hate his mother she caused him so much shame he's frenzying :((((
'both of you will take me to the darkened door, or i Will Scream." shilo you are my favourite forever and ever
kitty kitty cat :O give me their name rnv ITS A GIRL oh the little kityt noises im going to pass away
void...is she smarter than arthur lmao?
arthurs so cool hes like if rumi had a goth phase
fucking What is arthurs deal whts he looking for here. hello
"i believe in you. you are my special boy<3" shilo is such an asshole i adore him
emizel is here :O the trio are meeting up lets gooo
how did i COMPLETELY miss arthur can control shadows what the FUCK. what the HELL. ARMS OF THE ABYSS?
"i ask of you to calm down" "...i flick my other shoe at him."
"uh. Pretend i am dead." (collapses)
this is beyond fucking funny. emi and arthur sorting themselves out while shilo has a panic attack and fakes being dead like a fucking possum
in conclusion shilo is my newest bbg and my discord server profile is already fanart of him. god bless
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thesoftestcowboy · 3 months
thoughts on the colors red, blue, green, and yellow? any comments on the shapes triangle, square, or circle?? rhombus
first of all i gotta tell you that im enjoying this ask twice as much cause i got multiple spam asks since yesterday and did not expect an actual question... anyway. im gonna answer this 200% in earnest, as it should be, obviously (yes i actually did write this out, strap in ig)
red: listen i know everyones favorite color seems to be blue for some reason but red is RIGHT THERE. i heard somewhere that not all languages differentiate the same colors as english (and other european languages), but the first color after light/dark there will be a word for is usually red. idk if thats true but seems plausible, cause yknow whats red? fuckin berries to eat, also blood (either concerning or also to eat, ig). cavepeople knew red was important business. also its pretty and you use it to make pink.
blue: not to imply that blue isnt also good. its got a range. looks very fresh. i do like a teal-ish blue but others are cool also. its really rare in nature ig? but if it does occur its looks rly good! (im saying this rn cause my desktop wallpaper has blue flowers lmao) also if i had a cent for every time i had dreams with intense, seemingly really significant blue night skies, i'd have 2 cents, which isnt much but weird etc etc.
green: ok i like green but, unpopular opinion time, i want neither a green couch nor a green kitchen. i want a pink couch and a blue kitchen. that being said green fucks and is part of some iconic things, such as HES GEEN, and also my favorite song green soop by dooboo, which references the fact that soups can be green (@geminyde)
yellow: finally yellow is super underappreciated. im kinda mad that yellow doesnt suit me super well in clothes cause theres so many cool yellow things id want on a shirt. people only ever think of bright neon yellow but it also had SHADES.
now, the shapes. people at art school will try to convince you that these have some deeper meaning and even a gender (??) cause some guy whose name i forgot claimed they do and thats bs. heres the actual truth about them. triangle pointy. also an instrument! theyre really flexible cause they can have wildly different angles and like?? thats different from squares, which are literally all the same, except for size ig? but thats nice it gives them a sense of stability. theyre ol reliable. ever wonder why they had town squares but never town triangles? well,
anyway the circle is most definitely the princess of shapes. you might think its really basic compared to like uhh a trapezoid or whatever cause you learn about it in kindergarten, but its so fucked up it has ZERO angles?? but then if you wanna render it its got a huge amount of angles/into infinity instead? you can calculate any shapes area with basic maths basically but ohh noo not the circle. its soo special. we love that for him but you gotta be honest.
ngl i had to look up what a rhombus is and its just idk a Raute ig. its a rectangle who wants to be special. which is fine we all need some attention sometime but like, its a rectangle on its side. its doing its own thing. i think it should have a different english name tho tbh. rhombus reminds me of the name rhonda and that has a different vibe. idk if that one was also a question or just an addition tbh but there u go
so thats it thanks for asking like comment subscribe
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fr33ze-y0ur-br4in · 1 year
hi i’m the one who asked about xavier thorpe x fairy reader :) i would like if you could make it fem reader, but i wouldn’t have any issue with it being GN it’s totally up to you to!
My link list is here
Summary: headcanons of how I think Xavier would be with a fairy gf (includes you guys meeting at Nevermore, how you got together, and what happens while you’re together).
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Reader is an outcast obvi, 2nd person pov (you/your used when referring to reader), possible spoilers for Wednesday, takes place before and during Wednesday being at the school however it doesn’t exactly follow canon, maybe angst-ish if you squint in the first section for loneliness?, probably cringy😔👊, kithes (kisses), I think that’s it? Lmk if I’m missing anything. Should be POC reader friendly but if i mentioned anything for skin color please let me know ASAP so I can fix it
Word Count: 1,772
Genre: headcanons, fluff
Beta/proofread? Nope, my reader is asleep rn and I’m too impatient so lmk if there’s any mistakes <3
Notes: IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT MY MOTIVATION HAS BEEN CRAPPY LATELY BUT IM WORKING ON MY REQUESTS I PROMISE </3 I hope u like it cus this was my first official request 😁 also I thought it’d be easier to do headcanons cus I couldn’t think of an actual storyline but really wanted to do this lol
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How you met:
You were just a normal student at Nevermore.
Well… thats using “normal” loosely.
Most students fit into four categories: Fur, Fangs, Scales, Stoners.
You were nowhere near any of those.
You were a fairy walking around with mesmerizingly beautiful wings. (Thank goodness Weems special ordered your uniforms to have the slots in the back for your wings.)
As expected, this causes you to stand out… ironic how many outcasts there are in the school for outcast (but I digress).
Just about everyone knew you because of your extraordinary being. It’d be a surprise if someone didn’t know you.
But just because everyone knows you doesn’t mean everyone is automatically your friend. For you, those are few and far between.
It’s because of that reason exactly that you dreaded partner work in classes.
Thornhill had just announced a two-person project and you were among the many groaning and griping about the project.
As luck would have it, she assigned partners before hand.
“…and lastly, Xavier with y/n,” she finished reading off the pairings
You looked over to Xavier only to find him already looking back at you.
The two of you exchanged small smiles before turning back to Thornhill as she finished explaining the project.
The rest is history✨✨✨
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How you got together:
It had been a few months since you and Xavier got paired for Thornhill’s project.
Much to your surprise, he continued talking to you and hanging out with you when the project was finished.
“Y/n!” Xavier called out to you after Thornhill’s class one day. You two had just gotten your A for the project and you had figured Xavier would leave you behind the second it was done.
“Oh hey Xavier,” you said, a little surprised with him joining you in your walk to lunch. “Everything okay?”
He lightly laughed as his brow scrunched ever so slightly. “Yeah..? Why do you ask?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I didn’t think you’d want to still be my friend after finishing the work.”
He went from having a scrunched brow to a completely confused look. “Why wouldn’t I?” You looked down in slight embarrassment as you failed to find a good reason, opting to shrug your shoulders again. He laughs a bit again and puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you towards a different table than you usually sat at. “We’re eating with my other friends today, I think you’ll like them.” The former part of his words sounded more along the lines of a demand than it did a suggestion but you went with it anyways.
From that day on, you had gotten close to Enid, Wednesday (of course she wouldn’t admit it), Ajax, and Eugene.
All of that eventually lead to you and Enid (and consequently Wednesday) having a sleepover in their dorm.
“We should play truth or dare!” The energetic werewolf suggests the game suddenly.
“I don’t find the need to indulge in such childish games,” Wednesday says monotonously, continuing her typing at her desk.
You laugh a little as you respond to Enid, “I don’t see why not.”
She squeals as you move to sit with her on her bed. “Okay, I’ll ask first: truth or dare.”
You considered your options, also thinking about what Enid has the potential of making you do if you chose dare. “Truth.”
She smiles sinisterly. “Do you have a crush on anyone?”
You feel your heart drop to your toes. Had she caught on to your recent changes in behavior? Seen the small glances you had tossed across the room? Been able to hear your heart beat louder when you were near him?
“I don’t-” you start only to be interrupted.
“Just admit your oh-so-obvious feelings for Xavier, y/n. Everyone can see it, no sense in hiding it,” Wednesday interjects.
You feel your face flush and your wings give small flutters at the thought of you with Xavier.
You hadn’t realized when it had began. All you knew was that one day you started smiling at every text you received from him, looking forward to seeing him laugh at another one of Enid’s silly gossip stories, feeling your heart as well as your wings flutter every time your name fell from his lips.
You sigh in defeat. “Fine, I do like Xavier. But what am I supposed to do about it?”
”SO glad you asked,” Enid says getting up and reaching under her bed. She pulled out a poster board that says, “The Simple Plan of Getting Xavier and Y/n Together.”
You almost laughed seeing the cheesy decorations surrounding the board.
“I have been waiting for the perfect time to set my master plan in motion,” Enid smiles. “When better to start than now?”
She explains the plan, telling you about the party some other students were holding the coming up weekend.
“If we can get enough people to join in and play spin-the-bottle, I already found someone with telekinesis that can make the bottle land on you and Xavier every time one of you two spin!” she finishes explaining.
“And you’re sure this will work because..?” you ask skeptically.
“I may or may not have overheard Ajax talking to Xavier and Xavier may or may not have admitted to having a crush on you and he may or may not have used your name when admitting his crush,” she says, failing to control her smile.
Your heart and wings flutter how they do every time you imagine you two being together. “Are you- are you sure it was me? I mean I’m sure there’s plenty of other girls with the name ‘y/n’ in this school. He could’ve been talking about anyone for all we know.”
”I’ve heard the names of every student in this school, you manage to be the only y/n I’ve heard of,” Enid assures you.
You continue to hesitate as you think over everything that could happen. Finally, you decide the risk would be worth the reward. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
Fast forward a couple of days and you, Xavier, and a good bit of other students were sitting in a circle, an empty bottle in the middle of you all. You sat next to Xavier, the telekinetic student Enid was paying to control the bottle on your turns sat across from him, and everyone else was dispersed about.
After a few minutes, your turn has come. With a shaky hand, you spun the bottle as best you could.
As Enid told you, the bottle quickly stopped directly pointing at Xavier.
Xavier must have seen the nervousness on your face.
“You don’t have to if your not comfortable-” he starts, only for you to quickly cut him off by slamming your lips against his own.
He wasted no time in returning the action, lips pushing against yours as much as you pushed against his.
“Get a room!” one of the various students exclaimed jokingly, making you two quickly pull away from each other with slightly heavy breathing, eyes not leaving each others.
The game finishes eventually and Xavier had offered to walk you back to your dorm, an offer you quickly accepted.
Standing outside your door, Xavier begins to speak. “Can I tell you something? If you say yes, you can’t let it change anything between us if you don’t… ‘agree’.”
You feel the flutters once again, turning towards him and nodding for him to continue.
He takes a deep breath and gently grabs your hands. “There no point in tip-toeing around this so I’ll just rip the bandaid off: I like you. Like, really like you. And tonight… well tonight just made my feelings so much more intense. If you don’t like me back that’s fine, but I needed to tell you before it ate at my heart anymore than it already has.” His eyes never leave yours as he admits his feelings to you.
You stood there staring at him in shock. He takes your silence as rejection, smiling sadly as he nods and lets go of your hands.
Right as he turns to leave, you snap back to reality (oop-there goes gravity-).
“Wait!” you exclaim as you grab his hand and pull him back to facing you. “When I didn’t respond, I didn’t mean it as me-not-liking-you-back-and-I-don’t-know-how-to-tell-you silence. I meant it as holy-crap-the-guy-I-like-likes-me-back-and-I-don’t-know-how-to-tell-him silence.” He let’s out a small laugh at your ramble of a confession.
“So… what does this mean?” he asks after a moment of quiet between the two of you.
“What do you want it to mean?” you ask back.
The smile that follows makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, them increasing in rapidity as he places one hand on your cheek, pulling you into another sweet kiss.
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Stuff for while you’re dating:
If you know how to paint, you both spend time in his shed painting different scenes and portraits with each other. If you don’t know how to paint, you often hang out with him in his shed, doing your own thing while unknowingly being his model for slot her masterpiece.
Dude’s love language is gift giving and quality time, no I will not elaborate.
idk about y’all but mine is biting when I’m super comfortable with someone so if you’re just like me, he probably tends to have random bite marks wherever you decided to strike and if someone asks he just 🤷‍♂️ and moves on.
Steal his hoodies (tucking your wings into them to they’ll stay on), he will love seeing you in them💕 (bonus points if you’re way smaller than him, it’s adorable)
Naps? Yes. Elaboration? No.
You’re probably his date to all the secret parties he attends.
Please play with his hair after he has another less-than-pleasant vision, he will sleep so much better.
I feel like he’d probably be really good at makeup since he’s a really good artist so let him do your eyeliner every now and again.
“Can I touch your wings?” is a question you’ve often heard in your life, annoying you just as much. But he asks every now and again and you can’t help but let him.
Is amazed with your abilities.
Winter-based powers? Naturally cold? Perfect, let him warm you up. Plant-based powers? Grow him a flower and he’ll press into a bookmark. Electric-based powers? Nothing can shock him more than the night you started dating him hun, rest assured you won’t hurt him.
Idk what nicknames he’d call you but they’d probably be based around your abilities.
You go to his house on holidays, especially when his dad can’t be bothered to stay home with his son for a few days.
Give him any amount of affection and he’ll return it ten-fold 💙
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Notes: oh my godddd IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE 😭 I started back school awhile ago and I’ve been really down on motivation before and after that. I hope this is okay, thank you for my first official request 🫶 if anyone has already requested something, I promise I’ll be working on it soon.
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oh boy if theres any cover that could get my attention
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[ID: Comic cover art by Mark Texeira, showing Spider-man swinging a web around Megatron, his arms bound to his chest. Spidey's in the black symbiote suit, other decepticons reacting to their tussle. END]
well anyway its not very good. marvel tf no 3, or 5-6 in uk, 1984, (despite the cover indicating january, it was in the fall)
alright lets go-- Writer: Jim Salicrup, Pencils: Frank Springer, Inks: Kim Demulder & Mike Esposito, Letters: Janice Chiang and Others*, Colour: Nelson Yomtov, Editor: Bob Buduansky, EiC: Jim Shooter Digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
* thats really how they credited it. not even the wiki list anyone else. what the fuck.
normally i strive for these posts to be ordered either in a way for comedy, or perhaps one that will give a gist of the plot. this one were just gonna try and get thru. okay?
robots... COMMENCE
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[ID: Caption box: "--Or. While still inside him, witnessing Starscream's amazing transformation will!" Starscream lands from jet to bot mode, and says "Machines have been slaves on this backward world long enough!" He opens his cockpit, continuing "Today the roles are rightly reversed!" Sparkplug, who's hoisted up by the shirt goes "Ulp!" END]
always good to check in. okay. thanks starscream.
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[ID: Sparkplug looks distressed, as Megatron looms behind. He's thinking "And these guys ain't any friendlier than my jailkeepers when i was a prisoner of war in Korea. Well, if that's the case…" and then says "My name's William Witwicky!Sergeant first class, United States Marines! Serial number--" Megatron picks him up by the foot, dangling him at head height. "Enough! You will cooperate or cease to exist!" END]
wha-. WILLIAM??? he was a POW in the KOREAN WAR. what the fuck. dont say that. dont say that ever again. anyway
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[ID: Inside the Decepticon base, the cons standing around. Megatron speaks "Rumble…", who in response, twists his hand and replies "Whatever you say, boss!" Sparkplug standing on a small platform, thinks "These stooges'll do whatever the big cheese tells them!" Rumble holds his now unscrewed hand in the other, directing the energon spilling from his wrist into a oil drum. He says "Say "When" Scraplet!" Sparkplug replies "Er-- that's enough!" END]
i mean. yeah i think when ur saying. okay. ill do the science u kidnapped me for, but ill need some samples. ur not really expecting. that.
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[ID: Autobots in alt mode, Optimus with his trailer open, says "Hound, Sideswipe, you're both low in fuel! Ride with me!" Sideswipe is driving up the trailer ramp and Hound responds "As you command, Optimus!" but thinks to himself "Wait 'til Doc Ratchet sees he has to patch up Sideswipe-- again!*" editors note: *see last issue-Bob. END]
hey look, play features. (i always love an editors note when theres less than 5 issues lol)
and introducing in this episodes special introduction
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[ID: Full body of Ratchet, hands on hips. Notable, he looks more like a regular transformer, with a clear head and face, a blocky but still human layout of body. END]
the character models have been finished! good to see ya ratchet, hows having a body suiting ya? oh sorry were you looking for spiderman?
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[ID: Caption box: "Soon, in a nearby secluded spot…" Peter Parker hides behind some rocks, looking toward a crowd on the other side. He thinks "I'll have a much better chance at photographing whatever's in that fortress as Spider- man!" and the symbiote suit starts to cover his body. "This costume's quite a time-saver! All I have to do is think about changing and it takes care of the rest!" He swings up to a tree thinking "If only I could solve all my problems as easily!" Editors note reads "This story takes place before spider-man #258." END]
im gonna level with you editors. i dont know what that means and i dont care.
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[ID: Spidey is upside down, watching Gears transform, thinking "--I bet he's one of those robots returning to the nest!" Gears meanwhile thinks "How did i get stuck with this scouting mission? What do i care about these pesky little creatures?" He flies off, he continues musing "I've always suspected that Optimus Prime had a perverse sense of humor!" Spidey swings after him calling out "Hey! Hold on, big boy!--or as that funny lady on tv says, "Can we talk?" END]
spiderman can't u tell hes busy bitching about his job? all tho 10/10 first words to a transformers being hold on big boy.... me too man.
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[ID: Caption box: Later, after extensive introductions and explanations… Spidey is hanging upside down over a congregation of Autobots in alt mode and remarks "I've fought alongside some weird characters in my career, Optimus--but this has to be a first!" Optimus replies "I am sure tales of your exploits would be interesting, Spider-man, but, for now, can you inform your military to step aside and allow us to deal with the Decepticons?" Spidey "Trust me--they'll never buy it coming from me! But i've got a plan!" END]
oh okay so were just. yeah okay were just gonna skip the interesting parts. no first meeting. okay. both of them: you seem cool but i havent read your comics. and also im not going to.
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[ID: Caption Box: Meanwhile... Spidey and Gears scout out the Decepticon Base. Spidey, comically at length: We're in luck, Gears! With the army and your buddies keeping them busy out front, they're not guarding the back door! Of course, this sheer drop is enough to discourage most visitors--even traveling salesman-- but not your friendly out-of-town Spider-man! Gears thinks "This human reminds me of Bluestreak they both seem to love the sound of their own voice!" Spidey scales the cliff as Gears shoots up past him asking "Do all humans have powers like yours?" Spidey: Not since i checked last! I'd feel real foolish if they did! END]
does the bad text layout get a pass when its for a joke?
anyway give it up for the best three panels weve had all series
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[ID: Spidey swinging around inside the base, Gears following, a door closing at the end of the hall. Spidey: They're trying to seal us in and i didn't even bring my overnight bag! He swings under the lowering bulkhead, calling out "See you later, big brother!" Gears simply bust thru the closed door saying "Not so fast! We're in this together, little one!" END]
wait what the fuck that was actually really cute. do that again, for a second there i thought i was reading good comics for a change
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[ID: Spidey webbing up Megatron saying "Bazooka Joe's all tied up... Let's call a cab and split!" Gears is guiding Sparkplug away, who says "Remind me to thank that masked fella!" But Gears is thinking "This is worse than I expected! We don't have a chance against Megatron!" And calls out "Spider-man, hurry! We must--!" END]
Mf called him BAZOOKA JOE. alright. probably spiderman showing up after u were kidnapped by robits. not a big deal?
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[ID: Caption box: Soon, after the other Autobots have disengaged from their battle with the Decepticons on the other side of the mountain… Autobots are standing over Gears, crumpled on the ground. One, Sunstreaker or Brawn, announces "That's the last piece-- we've collected all that's left of him!" Spidey is lowering down on a web asking "How can you all be so cold and unfeeling? He died a hero!" Sparkplug on the ground adds "Don't you even have mechanical hearts?" END]
lot of assuming "i know when robots are dead" from the humans here. hes fine. not that anyone even took the two seconds to say, "for us this is a recoverable injury he just needs the medic" lol. he waited until ratchet was actually. DOING that back at base. anyway. thats the crossover comic. its. not great. fine. maybe. OKAY BYE
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[ID: Soundwave, heaving a massive piece of machinery over his head, and casually walking over a iron wrought fence that crunches under his feet. A guard shooting at him harmlessly and yelling "H-hey! Come back here with that!" And then thinks to himself "I'd quit this job if i wasn't so close to retirement! END]
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hyocherie · 2 years
shinichirou created a groupchat.
special chapter for "the scariest future" edited version
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(suggestive, cursing, I don't know where this is going)
shinichirou made a group chat
shinichirou added three people
shinichirou set nicknames for three members
shinichirou named the group chat "GAY BD 🤸♀️💃🥺"TAKEOMI: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GDM NAME
WAKASA: i am going to kill who tf made this gc.
WAKASA: hi shin-chan...
BENKEI: thats fruity...
WAKASA: it's not, fuck off caius-wannabe
TAKEOMI: yk caius???? didn't know u enjoy bl...explicit bl...
SHINICHIROU: guys, what's bl?
BENKEI: who is cauis and why do i look like him 😔
SHINICHIROU: correction — im bi :)
TAKEOMI: stop with that full stop its terrifying...AND SHIN I THOUGHT U KNEW ????
SHINICHIROU: guys what's stantwt
TAKEOMI: GOT IT GOT IT THE NAMJOON PFP IS MINE. but umaushi what did u send to shin
WAKASA: its imaushi not umaushi
TAKEOMI: do i give a fuck? No, ok. but what did u send shin ?
WAKASA: um why do u care...?
TAKEOMI: bc he's my friend??? and I'm curious????
SHINICHIROU: wakasa why is everything dark and why is there a lightsaber in the middle of the pic
WAKASA: did what
SHINICHIROU: ill send it thru dm, idk what this is...
BENKEI: why did it suddenly become silent...
WAKASA: it's imaushi wakasa, can't u read???
WAKASA: bc that's bl???? tf
WAKASA: then i don't get what you mean
TAKEOMI: yk-nevermind. shin...
TAKEOMI: forget what he sent, k?
SHINICHIROU: um...sure?
WAKASA: but um...shin-chan...👉👈
BENKEI: why the emojis
TAKEOMI: suspicious.
SHINICHIROU: yes, waka-chan?
WAKASA: can i um...
BENKEI: wgat
TAKEOMI: what 🤨
WAKASA: are you shin-chan 🙄
TAKEOMI: we're answering for him for his safety 😃
BENKEI: what omi said 😅
SHINICHIROU is typing...
TAKEOMI: don't.you.dare.shinichirou.
SHINICHIROU stopped typing.
TAKEOMI: better. so what, imaushi?
WAKASA: i was askin' if i and shin-chan could hang out
BENKEI: in bed
BENKEI: semi-public sex
SHINICHIROU: sure, waka-chan 😊
SHINICHIROU: aww i was expecting in bed 😔
WAKASA: if you want ig... ///
TAKEOMI: nah i'm out
TAKEOMI is offlineBENKEI: have fun!
BENKEI is offlineWAKASA: ...
WAKASA: so...
SHINICHIROU: can you open the door? i've been waiting here for a while now...
day two:
GAY BD 🤸♀️💃🥺
2:34 AM
TAKEOMI is online
TAKEOMI: i still hate the gdm name
BENKEI is online
BENKEI: it hates you too
TAKEOMI: i hate you
BENKEI: i feel the same for you, akashi
WAKASA is online
WAKASA: enemies to lovers 🤭
TAKEOMI: imaushi it's past your bedtime, go to sleep
WAKASA: i'm not a child
BENKEI: technically you are, you are one year younger than all of us
WAKASA: we're the same age, arashi, you just look 10,000 years older than me
TAKEOMI: ok imaushi i like you now don't sleep
BENKEI: you're going to gang up on me i know it
TAKEOMI: oh we will 😈
WAKASA: hehehe
BENKEI: no pls
BENKEI: @shinichirou
SHINICHIROU: i have been summoned
WAKASA: hi loml
benkei in his mind: good thing they're not gonna gang up on me anymore hehe
SHINICHIROU: what's wrong with calling him baby?
BENKEI: are you two a thing?
BENKEI: told ya it was sex
BENKEI: sorry baby
TAKEOMI: it's alright
SHINICHIROU: oh congrats benkei and omi!
BENKEI: thanks shin!
SHINICHIROU: waka-chan why are you denying it thou :(
BENKEI: omg you really did it 😱😱
TAKEOMI: who was top
WAKASA: i was
SHINICHIROU: waka-chan stop lying , yk it was me
TAKEOMI: 😱😱😱😱😱
BENKEI: omi you're so dramatic it's funny 😭😭
TAKEOMI: i'm just me bestie 💅
SHINICHIROU: waka-chan we just finished
SHINICHIROU: i still don't understand why we're texting if you're sitting on my lap
BENKEI: how about let's all go to sleep, it's 3 in the morning
BENKEI: correction, almost three in the morning
WAKASA: shin-chan stop giving me hickeys you've given me too much
WAKASA: did i just text that?
WAKASA: sorry i was gonna say it out loud to him but i texted it
WAKASA is offline
SHINICHIROU is offline
TAKEOMI: um ok
BENKEI: rip waka's ass
the next day...actually just 5 hours later
(i'm too lazy to format)
GAY BD 🤸♀️💃🥺
7:09 am
TAKEOMI is online
TAKEOMI: good morning
SHINICHIROU: very unusual of you to say good morning on your own hehe
SHINICHIROU: but good morning!
TAKEOMI: go back offline you ruined my mood
WAKASA is online
TAKEOMI: oh here comes your boyfriend
WAKASA: i only went online because shin-chan went online
BENKEI is online
BENKEI: good morning!
BENKEI: and why are you awake so early in the morning
BENKEI: i just woke up because my notifs were already blasting like crazy
TAKEOMI: we only just had less than 10 texts here, how did your phone explode with notifs
BENKEI: you were spamming me
TAKEOMI: oh yeah
WAKASA: only intellects wake up this early in the morning
WAKASA: and i admit
WAKASA: i am not an intellect
TAKEOMI: you were never human
WAKASA: if my legs weren't sore, i probably sprinted through your window already and killed you
SHINICHIROU: baby don't be like that
WAKASA: sorry
BENKEI: wait your legs are what
WAKASA: sore
WAKASA: like very sore
TAKEOMI: i thought you were top 🤨
WAKASA: i take that back, i have been destined to be shin-chan's submissive —
BENKEI: omega
WAKASA: can't deny that
SHINICHIROU:i took an omegaverse test though
BENKEI: i wonder what it said
TAKEOMI: what did it say
SHINICHIROU: i'm an alpha based on my traits 🤩
WAKASA: ... oh
WAKASA: shin-chan i can be your breeding bitch
TAKEOMI: can somebody mute imaushi
TAKEOMI: i beg you, please
WAKASA: no one can stop me
BENKEI: wait, why are waka and shin texting if they're beside each other
SHINICHIROU: oh no i'm making breakfast
WAKASA: my apartment smells like pancakes, very yummy
BENKEI: please send some :(
SHINICHIROU: or do you wanna have breakfast together? i think i made too much batter
BENKEI: why :(
WAKASA: i want shin-chan for me and for me only
WAKASA: this is our first morning together 🤪
TAKEOMI: nah i'm already on my way (vc)
BENKEI: i'm out of the house
SHINICHIROU: the more the merrier uwu
SHINICHIROU: waka-chan, we can have our mornings together in the next few days, ok?
WAKASA:... sure
SHINICHIROU: i can feel you sulking from here, i'll give you a kiss
WAKASA: come here now, i need it
GAY BD 🤸♀️💃🥺
8:45 pm
TAKEOMI is online
SHINICHIROU: i sense something bad
WAKASA is online
BENKEI is online
BENKEI: takeomi no
TAKEOMI changed the nicknames of all members
gay: i wonder what mine is...
gay: akashi takeomi i'm not gay
caius: yes you are
caius: oh
caius: i still don't know who caius is 😔
the only sane one: shin type
alpha: hello
alpha: i'm telling your mom
alpha: oh wait
alpha: you don't have one
the only sane one: now that's just plain rude
caius: shin slay
the only sane one changed gay's name
omega: thank you
omega: i take that back
the only sane one: hey benkei
caius: yes :3
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the only sane one: the big one's caius
the only sane one: koichi looks like shin omg
alpha: what were they about to do
the only sane one: obviously....
omega: they had sex the first time they met
the only sane one: damn i hate this manga. traumatizing
omega: for once i agree with you
alpha changed the only sane's one name
koichi: now what did you do
koichi: YOU DID NOT
koichi: or i will
alpha banned koichi from changing the nicknames
caius: oh that was a thing?
koichi: HOW DARE YOU
omega: omg shin-chan i love you
omega: can you also like
omega: change the rest back to normal
alpha: i love you too my love
alpha: but no i like these names
omega: oh come on
caius: it's funny how we all have partners
omega: yeah, now everybody knows i'm shin-chan's bride
caius: the titan's bride and the alpha's bride
caius: hilarious 🤣
koichi: and...
koichi: she just laughed at me
alpha: told ya
omega: anyways, shin-chan, round 2?
alpha: bet
alpha is offline
omega is offline
caius: rip waka's ass part 2
koichi: part 100 i can say
caius: true
caius: ...
caius: fine last chat
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origamiyoda · 2 years
*looks thru the selection of dozens of different Leos* I'm choosing to believe u meant 2012 Leo <3 if you didn't then feel free to send me another ask and specify which one !!! :D
First impression
Well. Ok. this is complicated bcos my first impression of him was when I was like. 8? And at that point in time my impression was "holy fuckign shit this guy is the coolest guy in the whole world oh my god hes a fuckign NINJA turtle omg and hes got SWORDS"
Impression now
Upon rewatching the series a few years ago my impression was a dawning horror that I had literally just grown into his character. the awful realization of "he's just like me fr...." (said in despair). We're the same guy and this isnt a good thing 👍
Favorite moment
UH. I rlly like when he actually has moments where he's making a joke or an awful pun or some stupid catchphrase??? He's normally v serious and stoic and crumbling under the weight of responsibility so I really like when hes a goofy little guy. A silly <3 or like along the same lines when he gets excited about Space Heroes !!!! Hes just like me fr !!!!!!
If we're looking for more of a specific moment I rlly love his solo fight scene w the foot and the shredder at the end of s2??? It's SO atmospheric and visceral, and hes just like. fighting in a very feral and violent way ?? Its rlly interesting bcos again hes usually so collected so its neat to see him be able to pull away from that. Also I love the like little details of snow and their breath fogging its great and rlly cool
Idea for a story
I'd love to write or read something focusing around his guilt and/or anger concerning Splinter?? Like obviously Leo looked up to him and idolized him and I'm sure Splinter did love Leo but like. Man.
idk like Splinter put so much responsibility on him at so fuckign young and like. expected so much of him and Leo did his best but still felt like he couldnt live up to the expectations that were given to him. He expected Leo to be ready to DIE for a city that would never know his name or care about him at age 15????????????????
Theres gotta be some resentment there that Leo's gotta sort through and unpack??? Splinter was his hero and i think he's definitely got some right to be angry about what he did, or even what he didn't do. He put Splinter on such a high pedestal and I really think Splinter disappointed him and let him down, and Leo I think needs to come to terms with that in a way. Learn that he doesnt need to be the hero that he doesnt NEED to save everyone that its okay if he screws up. idk. I'd like to see something examining that.
Unpopular opinion
HES NOT AN ASSHOLE. DEAR GOD. Scrolling thru the Leo tag bums me out bcos people r so mean to him !!!! Hes not a stick in the mud jackass hes just a 15 yr old kid who had a LOT of pressure and responsibilities thrown on him and he's trying to navigate them !!! Please leave him alone omfg. YES he can b short with his brothers at times but to be fair they can b annoying !!! And he's trying his best to prove he can be a good leader !!! Fight me on this idc!!! I'm a Leo apologist he's done nothing wrong !!!!
Also hes not cool at all hes a big dork and thats why I like him
Favorite relationship
Idk if this means like fave romantic relationship or just fave dynamic but I'll just say I dont ship him w anyone really???? Hes just a guy.
One of my fave (PLATONIC DEAR GOD) dynamics he has is w Mikey hehe. Mikey is underestimated a lot and I think (?) Leo is the one who picks on him the least. Theyre just kinda buddies and I love when they team up 👍 team tide pod 4 the win :] they def have a lot of untapped potential, and Mikey brings out the kid in him which is a nice change of pace. They argue about cartoons together and its great
Favorite headcanon
UM i think hes got that autism swag and his special interest is space!!!!!! It definitely bleeds over from and into Space Heroes being his fave show. He can name every constellation and really liked being at the farmhouse bcos the skies were so clear w/o light pollution. I also think he misses the farmhouse in general bcos it was nice and quiet and monotonous :]
(I also think hes a trans nonbinary dude and demi/ace. maybe aroace idk. he/they king)
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livikattt · 1 year
rereading hall of shame (and easter eggs)
"the" damwon guild (skull emoji)
scout "resets" on the rift. i'm 99% sure that was supposed to be "rests". haha funny reset joke though
"Even if the sensors somehow missed it, I would have." this kind of works in context but it sounds fucking goofy
"I hated the idea of being like Viper, screaming myself awake every night." but he doesnt,,,,,,,,, he doesnt sleep at,,,,,,,,,, [look. i hadn't figured out Viper's Deal back then.]
"even Viper has a tear trailing down his cheek" dude... viper rly was supposed to be this stoic ass motherfucker wasn't he... and now he just has Trauma lmfao crazy how the world works
"Scout does the math on his fingers. “I think that checks out.”" DUDE THATS LIKE 10 APHELIOSES (wait actually i think this was an intentional reference bc i did the calculation on how much of an aphelios that was)
keria picks up guma's call with his words slurred from sleep or something but then he later says he was still awake?? cant tell if this is a consistency thing
“It’s telling me that 2022 is our year,” no,,,,, no it is not,,,,,
noctum is not black. it's silvery blue. thank u aryasage for finding my clownery as usual. listen,,, it's a METAPHOR GUYS,,,,, YEAH,,, PLANNED
"I dropped out of high school, so give me a break." so did faker jojo you ain't special
"“Holy fuck,” Razork says the second he finishes. Danny’s heart skips a beat as he waits for him to finish. The jungler runs his hand through his hair again. “That’s exactly what I was thinking of.”" there's an alternate scene where he says "that's exactly not what i was thinking of" or something, the more u know
Humanoid's TF ult cooldown will become a bit of an aneurysm causer for me later down the line.
I was gonna do regional differences (with koreans saying "void wastes" and north americans saying "void wilds") but I forgot about that so
in giafbot, there's a line where the only thing on it is the letter i and a quotation mark. and a period. i hate it.
"his body wreathed in shadows as he flies through the halls" fucking coward say he's flying through the walls
how fast did they get the fucking statues for the tsm memorial? that shit takes time! unless they had them sitting around Just in Case???
when texting guma, oner capitalizes faker's name but not keria's, and that is OUT OF CHARACTER ASF. NO WAY HE CAPITALIZES FAKER
grounded guma is allowed to have zeus as a chaperone. imagine asking someone younger than you to chaperone you just to get food
guma: hates damwon for losing msi and worlds 2-3
also guma: does the same thing [PAIN]
"That was supposed to be me, Gumayusi finally manages to think above the noise." faker has to think this about keria getting skewered too!
"“What were you thinking?” He squawks," u fool. u absolute buffoon. u do not capitalize that h.
btw sboualh's on-crack summary style is incredible i love it (pats own back)
"despite being fired by someone who has a grand total of half an arm" this is projection
"(btw remember when i said it wasn't T1's year?? guma and keria heard me talking shit)" [PAIN]
the fact I did actual MATH to come up with guma's score... couldn't tell you what it was though
...so did I not have a consistent way of indicating people were talking through their communicators? k great I hate it
I fucking forgot that TSM and DIG headquarters are next to each other didn't I
spica and bjergsen were really about to break the summoner's code just to kill neo for disrespecting their bro
why are there weird spaces between italics and stuff I hate that
referring to spica as ming confused the shit out of me because yes that's his name but also like. rng ming exists. my brain nearly exploded on that reread.
the tone shift in chapter 2 of eticmealloyr kills me,,, we're doing this quiet night reflection and then BOOM IMPACT SHATTERING TACTICALS LEG
"But Biofrost spent way too long expecting to be a doctor to not at least learn a bit of healing magic." IS THIS A FUCKING ASIAN UPBRINGING JOKE I CANTTT
spica's interaction with bb is the same as meiko's with viper and im gonna die mad about that
I almost asked why the TSM squad had to walk out to the teleportation circle instead of driving before I remembered spica's tweets as he learned to drive...
spica's beliefs about death are very asian but idk if that makes sense in-universe
I say a whole army of Summoners attends perkz's wedding but i made the guest list and boy was that an exaggeration
...danny should not be fighting rn
why the fuck did I hyphenate mid-laner only once
does faker laugh at berserker being humble because he's used to having the cockiest ad carry in the world...
I like how I capitalize JackeyLove's name right but not Showmaker's. It's not happening. I do what I want. For example I capitalize BeryL properly because the man is a massive L
doublelift rly had to be SOOOO VAGUE
....showmaker's R cooldown is even shorter than humanoid's holy shit (then again he's a world champion so it's fine guys haha it's fiiiine)
"What's with this guy and answering questions with more questions." That should be a question mark... unless it's a bad haha funnie about purposefully NOT making it a question???
I'm pretty sure both meiko and spica have questioned viper's pronoun game with the same phrase. haha parallels guys! haha yeah!
when healing deft, keria tells him to stfu like twice in one minute
deokdam inviting viper to the festival sounds... sus.
I had to do it to make it seem serious, but it doesn't change the fact that ale types in complete sentences for the emergency alert
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asbestieos · 1 year
OH YEA bc of ur tags on the baba yaga rb asking abt the scene i shall tell u who i think is who (obbligato spoilers, go read it itll ruin ur life)
ballerina - kaname obv that old guy - mayhaps an es higher up? or ibara but i think the other would fit better that guy with the old guy - if the old guy is a higher up hed most likely be ibara. otherwise no idea. he isnt that integral to the story so he could just be some rando WAIT maybe he could be tatsu… mask dude rip - JUN. JUN. JUN. THEMATICALLY IT FITS TO ME. ONCE KANAME BECOMES A SPECIAL STUDENT HES LIKE 'lol bye girl who r u' AT JUN N JUN IS LIKE 'wtf traitor'. KANAME CUTS OFF JUN!! HE KILLS OFF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH JUN!!!! I LOVE METAPHORS. or alternatively: hes tatsumi and the scene maybe represents how kaname pairing with tatsumi corrupts them both…?? thats a stretch… idk how to say it help but i have an idea for what it represents im just bad at words the 'ice' cream - its a character now yea but uh… it represents kanames want and need for fame and attention plus love, and how its addictive and clouds his better judgement leading to him doing anything to get it. so its symbolism kinda stays the same basically?? kaname is just a greedy boy
WAIT ALSO (im writing this in one go without rly editing im gaining ideas as i write i cannot shut up now) maybe the old guy near the beginning could be ibara? then halfway through an es higher up replaces him bc ibara didnt expect nor want what happened, so he wouldnt further endorse it. (ibara is in his place until the bridge/chicken coop bit then it changes for the rest) by es higher up i mean like, gatekeeper or something maybe. tbh i dont remember much abt gatekeeper other than hes weird gross and horrible
i actually have so many ideas around what specific scenes would look like and what id add maybe ill doodle some of it at some point… i hope u enjoyed this word vomit CFHASKICJHNSGKDG id talk abt it more but my brain is completely fried now
ohhh your brain is so huge for the masked man being jun.. i love that a lot, they were both insanely disadvantaged by the Non-Special / Special Student system, kaname basically betrays both tatsumi and jun by passing off tatsumi’s jobs back to the specials and continues mistreating jun for the sake of his persona.. i can see both tatsumi and jun being the masked man actually they both fit so well for the role
in regards to the old man actually for a hot second i pictured merumeru themself as the senior with ibara as their aide becos theyre the one who plans kaname’s next actions and directly feeds him information and commands to lead him towards success.. something something within the context of baba yaga, merumeru catch on to kaname’s burgeoning desire for love and affection (ice cream!!), promising it if kaname’s able to succeed in assimilating the himeru persona, stringing him along with subtle but addicting motions of affection.. yeah…….. i have been thinking so hard about kaname baba yaga
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
ur other ocs sound so neat (very gremlin www its adorable) and its neat !! it sounds absolutely adorable !! (i also find it cute that they seem pretty short www but can i rly say that when im barely that much taller)
i love that one u did w audie cos like its like one of my fav tropes when its the Menancing Tall guy whos the trophy husband and audies just The Capable guy like hell yeah!!! ppl dont expect that !!
and ofc doc and kal divorced r always fun ! doc is fun in general cos u can do wtv and u probably arent wrong (ok except maybe mine bcs i want mine to be a kid for cute reasons) but i think the extra ideas u gave them r cool ! like actually giving reasons for them to wear that stuffy ass outfit, thats cool ykyk
oh and speaking of the banshee gremlin bounty hunter i was also thinking of the same (kind of ocs) like a travelling merc/bounty hunter duo (a phidia and sarkaz) who just go around and do jobs but mostly just whatever they want like !! bounty hunting is a tough job but an ez excuse for making ocs (in my case anyways...) and anyways yeah! theyre cool! everyone is cool! i love it u can always talk more abt ur ocs i love them. they r like precious. im cannot decide on the word but. precious. yes. thank u sm </3
hehe, of course! thank you for enjoying all of em :) kal-doc divorce is the cornerstone of my house.
audie's the one i have the most lore about. he is genuinely on many levels a professional trophy husband, it's just that...he also has a ton of skills that he can whip out like a swiss army knife. a swiss army boyfriend? he's good at business, he's incredibly good at originium arts and swinging a big axe (he would basically be a duelist defender but that specializes in arts damage), and he's way more social than both encio and gnosis, so he fills that role in their team comp... all three of them are equally determined and capable and in a way manipulative, but audie is better at obscuring it by being friendly in a way that neither of them quite have down pat. so as much as they were a little weirded out at his appearance in their affairs, they do kind of need him sometimes. i can never quite decide if they're a V, a triad, or if audie just accepts that no matter what he does encio will be a little bit married to gnosis. but either way, they are quite tight when it comes down to it. because audie's family is minor and he's the only living heir, he kind of understood that he could either work his tail off on building a family legacy (a lot of work, a lot of resources, for little guarantee of reward especially since he would never actually be able to go super far) or he could hitch himself to someone with much more pull, and make himself invaluable. he decided to go for the latter, and so he's had very little illusions about how he does have certain roles this way. he has lower standards of behavior for himself and inhibitions in some senses than, say, shealtiel, who is, well, Catholic. he's the one of them who tries to at least get on with Enya but she's leaving him on read because, well, he can be as nice as he wants but he's still her brother-in-law and not even to the sibling she likes.
audie was educated in leithanien, which is how he got so good at arts. the greataxe, i think, is a notable martial art of the fuchsfrost line. foreign education, martial skill, and general good looks are what got him to stand out as an arranged marriage prospect. (aka, he had the least depressing biodata out of every eligible noble single in kjerag.) the meet cute was that he walked in, sat down, and basically said "you need a partner for political reasons because you're now the most powerful man in the nation and you simply can't keep being the keystone of this entire country, because a human keystone can fail. if you select me as your partner, i will be your right hand arm. man. your silly rabbit. do you call me that? it's up to you" and encio was sold enough to fake marriage about it. (then, of course, they realize they get along quite well and have good teamwork and chemistry and uh oh. thinking about the how do i tell my husband i'm in love with him reddit post.)
again this is all really self indulgent but i just quite like it, lmao. it's my oc and i make the rules. i'm cringe, but i'm Free.
0 notes
dabiscrustyfeet · 2 years
How about some crack, mc goes around bonking everyone on the head saying “bonk of friendship” their also very smol,
I have no words. This is beautiful my love- just *chef’s kiss*
I didnt know if you wanted the brother or the whole cast, so i just did the bros btw
GN Mc giving the sins the ‘bonk of friendship’
Lucifer was doing his work, in his study
And nobody knows how the heck to get in said study room, because you need to get in via a correct phrase, which no one knows
Apart from mammon
Hell, lucifer doesn’t know that mammon knows either
Now, mammon doesn’t go around telling everyone the password to the study, he can keep a secret mkay
But you are special
Mammon got bribed. You know owe him a years worth of cuddles.
He given you the password which was the name of lucifer’s favourite classical piece.
Now you were dead set on completing your mission
You opened the door to the study, and you saw lucifer typing some things onto a laptop
The man was very sleep deprived – you could tell in his eyes
Like each eye was blinking on different times
His eyes are like U👄👁
And that almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do
Key word : Almost
You made your way to lucifer, walking with absolute confidence
Your fist was ready and you raised it over your head annd
Lucifer didn’t even blink
He just stopped typing
Turns his head and looks at you with so much disappointment
He blinked slowly
That was it. You were expecting him to have a better reaction, but oh well
“That was a bonk of friendship, luci”
“But… why?”
You knew the man needed some sleep when he didn’t tell you to ‘sToP CaLLinG mE LuCI’
😬 you need to get him some coffee my guy he’s way too out of it
After you made the old man some coffee and forced him to sleep cuz you felt bad, you went after your next victim
Mammon who is defo not my favourite what you talking about
Normally, you wouldn’t attack him like this
But he unfortunately for him was teasing you cuz you were ✨short✨
So, just like satan told you, revenge is best served cold 🙂
So you found mammon, who was munching on some rice, and you decided this is a great time to attack him
You’re just standing in the door way like 🧍‍♀️
And you locked eyes with mammon
If mammon hates anything, its always eye contact
So he slowly is getting anxious cuz ‘ what the fuck did i do now? Why the heck are they staring at me like that?’
You’re both just staring at each other like 👁👄👁
🎶Prolonged eye contact 🎶
You walked up to him, slowly, and mammon thought he was gonna have a heart attack
Fully stopped eating so he wont choke on his food
You’re now leaning over the table and mammon be like 🎱👄🎱
MC stop your giving the poor guy heart palpitations
Never has any horror movie scared the daylights out of him like this before
And you just smile at him like 😀 ‘hey mammon’
Mammon felt his soul ascend – he’s scared shitless
‘🙂 hey’
What have you done mc, look he’s got anxiety
You needed to calm him down so you were gonna pet his head
Mammon sees your hand coming to his head and this guy flinches
Well you’re gonna have to have a ‘chat’ with lucifer but thats for another day
He lets you stroke his hair, and he slowly calms down
And your smile became evil
You pet his head on last time and
Bonk on his head
‘Oiii the fuck was that for?!’
Oh no he’s pouting
‘Bonk of friendship mams’ is what you said
‘Awww mc 😊’
‘That was also revenge for you calling me short’
Annnd he’s pouting again
‘But mc it was only teasing– mc wAiT’
You owe him two years worth of cuddles now
After you scared mammon shitless, you decided to go and find a new victim
Target found : levi
This guy was doing what he normally does, gaming
But he was in a gamers rage
No way you were gonna get caught in his rage
First of all, he may take 50 years of your life away, you dont want that
So you waited for him to calm down. That took three hours
Now you’re pissed, because he wasted your time, and time is money mammons antics is rubbing off of you
So you walk up to him and he looks at you
Damn him
You say nothing and you walk up to him
You know how some cats just stare at you unblinking whenever you move?
Ye thats what he’s doing and it was getting creepy
You stand in front of him. Thats it
‘Err- you good?’
You raise your hand
Bonk. Mission accomplished
Levi is now blinking veery slowly
He looked confused ngl
Babes he needs an explanation
So you do
Le gasp ‘You think of me … as a friend?!!!’
Pls he’s precious
‘Yes i do levi’
Cue happy snek noises -wait is he purring?
He’s a bit too happy cuz he accidentally turned into his demon form and his tail is wagging- wait nope it has curled itself around your waist
Aww look at him isnt he adorable
Ye btw ya cant move anymore you’re on his lap and he’s hugging you
So now you’re stuck
This is your life now
Dont you dare move you monster
Our precious snek boi let go of you to watch another series that just dropped
So, after you had your serotonin boost, you made your way to the resident cat/demon
He, too, committed the crime of teasing your height. Which was uNacCEpTAblE
You thought he was an ally, but i guess you cant trust even your friends
So you start trekking to the mans room
Well would you look at that, he ain’t even here
Next stop: the library
He isn’t here either
Thats strange
Theres only one place you haven’t checked mc
You went outside and there was that twat
He was pretty much baby talking to a cat
You pulled your phone out and started recording
Yes this is revenge and le video is for blackmail
Once you’ve had enough evidence
You walk up to the man
Shoulders rolled back
Head held high
Fist raised above your head
✨Le bonk✨
The baby talking stopped
Satan is just sitting there with a blank face
You know how you always explain that the bonk is a blessing is a bonk of friendship
Yeah you didn’t say shit
So you’re standing there, fist still on his head
The cat runs away
That all you need to know
You officially fucked up MC how you gonna get outta this one
You leg it
Thats it. You took off
He’s tailing you
He’s coming closer
Time for the big guns
‘It was a bonk of friendship’ you say
He says ‘imma give you my own bonk of friendship c’mere’
Yeaah no nope not happening
Time for the other big guns
‘I have a video of you baby talking to a cat’
He stops running and walks the other way
‘Ye thats what i thought bitch’
Ye he heard you
Good luck. You’ll need it
After you said that unnecessary comment, you legged it to asmo’s room
And you remembered your mission
Target: found
Now, asmo was just minding his business
He was doing his hair, face mask on, talking about some gossip he heard in the fall
I don’t know why you would try bonk his head
While he has a hair mask on
But you don’t care do you? You do
You were not going to touch whatever abomination is in his mask not without gloves
And there were no gloves
So you had to wait im afraid
Two hours later, asmo’s hair was dried, styled and looking like absolute ✨heaven✨
It made you feel bad, but, you gotta do what you gotta do
So you came up behind him
‘Yes MC, what do you need dear? Is the mask irritating your skin?’
Damn Asmodeus and his bloody mirrors
And you also forgot that you had a god forsaken mask on
So now you have to wait even longer
And obviously to pass time, you decided not to be suspicious and just let asmo do whatever on you
And boii who knew he was amazing at massaging
All them knots and tenses in your muscles were now gone
So now you’re a puddle of goo on his bed
Which almost made you forget your mission
But you didn’t
Creeping up behind him, you made sure there were no mirrors to ruin your plan.
Now MC, you aren’t going to mess his hair thats not the point. You just have to give him a bonk
So you raised your fist, stopped middway, uncurled your hand, and placed your flat hand on his head
You messed his hair up
Asmo is eerily silent.
You look at his face and his eyes are widened
He also has a little smile on his face
He is now in his demon form
I warned you but you didn’t listen did you
Mission accomplished unsuccessfully : you are running from your victim
You will now hide away from the hoes that are still chasing after you with beel
Satan and Asmo are the hoes [they joined forces good luck]
Beel is working out
Doing push ups without using his hands – those are holding his waffles
Yeah he makes all them gym bros look weak af
But this ain’t about gym bros, this is about you and your mission
But your stomach had other plans
And now that waffle in beel’s hand be looking very appetising
‘You want it MC? Here I have more’
People who share their food are amazing and i love you
So you both are munching on your food
And your stomach is satisfied
Beel is still working out and is eating a sandwich god knows where he got it from
You shall now commence with the bonking
You’re already sitting next to him, so all you have to do is raise your fist and bonk his head
And so you do
The guy has not even flinched
I don’t think he felt it
Guess you’ll have to try again
So you bonk his head again
And beel still doesn’t feel a thing
The mans head is made out of steel
So you try bonking his head again
But this time he notices
And says that punches like that wont do any harm
And he decided that you need to be taught how to punch properly so that you can defend yourself from demons
‘I was just trying to give you a bonk of friendship, beel,’ you deadpanned
Beel is now happy
He gives you a pat of friendship cuz we both know if he bonked you, you would be expired
‘Do you still want to learn how to punch properly, MC?’
Yeaah no getting out of this one
Beel is a menace as much as he is sweetheart
He does lowkey want to see you beat the heck out of people
After you went through what was definitely called military training
You went to find your new target
And there he was, sleeping as usual
This was definitely gonna be a piece of cake
Or so you thought
This fuck opened one of his eyes and stared at you
Staring into your soul
You were getting creeped out
Plan B
You walk up to him and he’s still staring at you
You sit on his bed, and start patting his hair
Now belphie is sighing in content
‘MC, do you know why satan is mad?’
Well shit
‘I don’t know, i didn’t see him today’
Hopefully he bought that excuse
He goes back to sleep
How are going to bonk him
Belphie doesn’t like it when he gets forced to wake up
I mean, he pretty much ended a lot of careers and lucifer banned everyone from speaking about speaking about that incident
Poor guy gets flashbacks from it
Well you don’t fear a mere cow
Thats a lie
But you’ll be damned if you don’t try at least
So you pat his hair down
His hair looks greasy but its real soft like what the heck
I guess we forgot he lives with asmo
So you continue patting his hair
You look down at him and see that he’s staring at you again
‘Why did you wake me up?’
You can’t run MC, just answer him
‘That was a bonk of friendship’
‘Oh okay’
You pretend not to see it, but his cheeks were tinted red
He didn’t really think that you would consider him a friend after everything that he done to you
He really appreciates it, MC
And he’s now purring
‘MC sweetie where are you’
Well shit
You forgot about those two
‘Is that not asmo?’
‘Yes belphie it is’
So belphie decided to just sit there and wait
And the door to the attic bursts open and theres the fourth and firth born in their demon forms
Lets just say this was a one way ticket to the hospital and a three hour lecture from the doctor
MC you’re killing him, you’re killing lucifer
I am so sorry this took so long darling
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Hey darling! Im back 😅😅
I saw youre taking requests of Tony's. So... Im here for him now 🤣
Well, i was thinking: Steve (or any other Avenger you think will be the best... even Nick Fury) recruits the Reader for the team. At the first moment, she feels out of place... She was excluded from her own family, because of her special abilities (she has the empathic power, or the ability to control the 4 elements... I leave that to you too 😅😅)... so, she always stayed by herself.
The Reader always had the company of the books, thats why she loves to read, study and learn.
She starts spending time with Tony, maybe bringing solutions to some project, or assisting him on some mission. He begins to like her and see her as a daughter.
And at Christmas, she gave a especial gift for him: an acknowledgment of paternity! (I dont know if its the right name of the process... i hope it is 😅 its like a request for adoption... sorry if i messed up lol)
Thank u for reading my request ❤ hope u like it!
The Most Magical Gift
A/N: This is SO sweet!! All these Tony requests are making me so happy, omg. Thank you so much for this, love! It was such a great idea!!
I hope you all enjoy and as always, any feedback is appreciated :)
Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: just pure fluff
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As you sit on the living room couch, reading a book, you think of how in such little time, this compound has become your home. Before this, you lived with your real parents, but that ended abruptly. Everything came crashing down when they learned of your power to control the four elements. 
Fortunately for you though, Steve found you right after you were kicked out onto the streets of New York and brought you back to his home. The Avenger’s compound. 
At first, you felt out of place. These are the Avengers, the group of people everyone admires to protect the world. But now, you feel like you’re right where you belong. 
“Hey, kid. Whatcha doing?” 
You don’t hear Tony at first, your whole being engrossed in the book in your hands. 
Tony snaps his fingers in front of your face. “Earth to Y/N.” 
“Huh?” you ask, turning around to look at him. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” 
“I can tell. Your book that good?” He nods his head toward the book.
Placing it on the coffee table, you stand up. “Yeah, really good. But, what’s up? Did you need something?” 
Tony grins. “Yeah, gear up. You’re going on a mission with me.” 
Excitement floods your body and you point your finger at yourself. “Me? I’m going on a mission?” 
He chuckles before gesturing towards the elevator. “Yes, you. Now go, get dressed. We leave in 10 minutes. Meet me by the quinjet.” 
“Yes, okay. I’m going.” You squeal as you run away, Tony shaking his head in amusement as you go. 
“Alright, kid. So, we’re looking for a blue plant. Blue stems, blue leaves. The whole thing’s blue. Keep your eyes peeled.” 
You roll your eyes, but continue walking onward. When Tony said a mission, you had assumed it would consist of fighting off a bunch of bad guys, not looking for an endangered plant. 
“My eyes are wide open,” you mutter in reply. 
The two of you are in an abandoned building in Germany. The plant was left here to die, but apparently, it contains healing properties that are beneficial to the human race. Which is why you’re here to save it. 
You hear Tony sigh into your ear comm. “Look, kid. I know you were expecting something a little more… epic, but I’m a little nervous to have you out in the field just yet.” 
You’re quiet for a moment. You get where he’s coming from, you really do. But, why is he so nervous? 
“Tony, can I ask you a question?” You’re still looking around as you walk, trying to spot this infamous blue plant. 
“Sure, kid. Ask away.” 
“I’ve been a part of this team for a year now. We all know I’m prepared for the field… So, why are you so nervous about it?” 
There’s silence on the other end and you give Tony a second to collect his thoughts. As he’s thinking, you turn right into a room that resembles a lab. 
“Well, I uh, ya know… care about you and what not.” 
You smile at his nonchalant way of showing affection. 
He doesn’t stop there though. “You’re not completely unbearable to be around. Not like some of the others and by others, I totally mean Bucky.” 
You laugh at that. 
“And, I don’t know, kid. I guess I just feel a need to protect you. This world can be a nasty place and I want to make sure you have the best life possible.” 
A single tear rolls down your cheek at his confession and you quickly wipe it away. Tony would probably freeze up if you start to cry over the comm. 
“Thanks, Tony. You’re not the worst either.” 
“You’re damn right I’m not.” 
Shaking your head and chuckling, you go still once you look up at a shelf on the opposite wall. 
“What? What’s wrong?!” 
You reach out, carefully touching the base of the plant. “I think I found it.”
On the other side of the building, Tony smiles. “I knew it was a good idea to bring you along.”
You jumped out of bed today, more excited than ever before. It’s officially Christmas Day, and the only thing you’re looking forward to is giving your gift to Tony. 
Over the past few months, Tony’s taken you on four real missions. Not plant saving ones, but ones that involved fighting actual bad guys. It was awesome. 
Today, the day has been filled with appropriate festivities and now, after you’ve eaten, it’s time to exchange gifts. 
You practically run to the living room, your gift carefully placed in a wrapped box. Tony’s the last to enter the room, a large smile on his face. “Alright, alright. Time to open presents. I can’t wait to see what you all managed to get me this year. I promise to not openly act like I hate it, even though deep down I definitely will.” 
Everyone snickers at his words as they get ready to start and almost an hour later, it comes down to you. All eyes shift their focus on your smiling face. 
You stick the box out to Tony. “For you,” you say, suddenly nervous about what he will think. 
He grabs the gift curiously and shakes it. “Please don’t tell me it’s fragile.” 
You laugh. “Well, you already shook it, so I’m relieved to say no.”
His shoulders visibly relax and then he carefully rips off the wrapping, taking his time to prevent destroying whatever is underneath. 
“Thor, grab me those scissors over there.” 
After Thor hands them over, Tony slices into the box until it opens. When he notices it’s a pile of paper, he looks up at you. “What’s this?”
You nod toward the box. “Just read it.” 
Tony scrunches his eyebrows as he pulls out the paper and stares at it. Two minutes go by of pure silence. Tony’s still staring at the paper, his mouth slightly open in shock. 
“Tony?” you ask, anxious that he hasn’t said a word yet. 
When he finally looks back up at you, he has tears in his eyes. “You want me to adopt you?” 
Everyone around you gasps and you nod your head, your own tears threatening to fall. “For the past few months, you’ve done nothing but care for me. You’ve treated me more like a father than my real dad ever has... But, don’t feel pressured or anything!” 
Tony snorts. “Don’t feel pressured.” He opens up his arms. “Come here.” You walk up to him and let him bring you closer for a hug. He rests his head on top of yours and sighs. “Remember when we went to Germany to find that plant?” 
You nod. 
“Well, when you asked why I was nervous about you going on a real mission and I said I feel like I need to protect you, it’s because I’ve always looked at you as my daughter. Even if it wasn’t spoken out loud, you’ve always been my daughter. And, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re always safe. So yes, I’ll sign these papers and we can make it official.” 
The both of you silently cry in each other’s arms before he pulls away from you. “Now, go back to your seat. I can’t have anyone else here thinking I actually have a heart.” 
He winks to alert you he’s joking and you laugh before shuffling back to your spot. 
From here on out, Christmas will always have a special place in your heart.
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