#like ​i will go out to the woods to hunt for your sake and paint pictures of u on the cave walls so people
hyunpic · 5 months
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madisoncounty · 1 year
happy two years of ginger and gestures of goodwill go forth let go of sorrow and sadness and spite i'm somebody taller tonight and everything went as it should yeah in my neck of the wood & you found mе out oh, don't you know you're my whole house & my summer of summer of pain buckets and bullets of rain falling asleep in a hospital waiting room instead of holding it over my head baby, you held me instead & got a secondary, secondary chance so i'm taking my love to the dance and all of my demons are wallflowers watching us but darling i pay them no mind & and honey, i'm finding that ghosts are just kids in paint i'm scared but I'm never alone and i'd swim to your call on my phone & and everything's looking so good yeah in my neck of the woods & i think it's all gonna work out and i thought that yesterday and when i was sixteen and both of those times it didn't & don't need a blood moon or a horoscope to tell me that this time will be different & a little drop of honey and the picture's clearing up cup of coffee spilling over cleaning all my cuts & a pessimist by nature but in you baby i trust oh everything's coming up milhouse & i think it's gonna be good news cause you deserve it and we're somewhat decent people or at least trying to be & the world is awful and the ice caps they are melting but today you bought me flowers so i'm choosing to believe & the future is a wishing well and i'm gonna invest throw a couple of pounds in oh lying on your chest & sorry it's strange that i'm crying think it's because you're the one & but a little drop of honey and a little glass of rain babe you'll be surprised how much a girl can change & i know it's not how you planned it but that's not the worst thing in the world i know that you're scared cause you think i'll let you down again & i want you to want me when you're dead to roll in your grave like we're not done yet to call off the whole damn funeral cause our love is so damn beautiful & i want you to know that the past is past that everything changed when i heard you laugh cause you sitting there with your headphones in you were the point of all this living & i'm sure that you're right and i can't blame you for things you haven't done yеt even if I'm scared you will & and i think a lot about may about meeting you that day i was late and a sеrial blusher never made it to the second date & i want you to want me despite all that to live every day like the plane might crash to chase every satellite and star i'd pin all of my hopes to your handlebars & the truth is i'd be such a jealous ghost i'd scrub all your lovers' names out the stone & your heart was full of boys and brimstones yours was full of girls who lied both got hurt by other people both found each other, baby right in time & i don't need to live forever just not one day longer than you & babe without me you are just so defenseless from motorbikes and girls who might try break your heart so i’m pretty sure that i should make you breakfast and then i should never leave the front seat of your car & you are important, so of course it maddens me when you're nonchalant about your own mortality please be more careful when you cross the road you're a perfect arrangement of rickety bones & so forgive me if i hover close i'm a helicopter cause i love you so oh bear with me darling you should know i’m a helicopter cause i love you so & it's not interfering if you can't be trusted to treasure that heart like i do your sense of danger is antique and rusted and mine's laser sharp oh when it comes to you & when you wait for a train don't cross the yellow line don't run with scissors and don't text and drive call me the minute you get to your dad's i'll be worried all night and i won't wanna ask & build a timber frame for future time's sake we've had a lot of rain lucky i'm an english rose & now interlaced for worse or for better my bird of a feather there are good things coming for you & this could be your happy hunting ground everything you wanted well you got it now so don't take it for granted i love you don't take advantage & everything we dreamed of is falling out the clouds so careful where your boots tread oh protect the love that you get & and we got way too much to lose here, don't you think so it’s too good just to let it slip on by without a pause & we've been stacking up the boxes trying to reach for what we wanted don't look down i know it was worth the cost & trying i’m not there but i’m trying and honestly sometimes i think you want too much & i’m not a movie hero just a guy you say you love lying you say it's fine you're lying but how am I supposed to know that i can't read that stuff & when did i wake up and find out trying isn't good enough & oh i don't wanna tell you i’m leaving and i won't if you give me an inch i want you to change cause you want to change i know i tried can you say you did & trying doesn't mean you're changing doesn't mean the whole thing's getting fixed just means you want it to & trying doesn't make you perfеct really it's the minimum you do for those you love & and i hate you right now and god i hate that you're the love of my life but this ain't no way to live & i don't know how to be what you want from me and i have a feeling soon you won't be wanting me & i know i’m a piece of work but i wanna make it work with you do the dishes with nebraska in the background & ankles in your lap heart in your hand how i got you honey even i don't understand but i'm happy that we're here at the end of the year under winter skies & you and i are the last to leave the party swaying under halogen lights i'll take your chaos and your crooked in a heartbeat heart beats louder i’m gonna make you proud of me & you're my favorite comic my jupiter comet people ask how long have i loved you no comment probably since i was seven and you were eight we didn't know each other but baby it was fate & now we're in a freak storm every other weekend your friends think i'm bad news and a part of you believes them i understand i know how lucky i am & water rings from cheap red wine you're the only apple in my eye and my dress is from a funeral & you mouthed babe you look beautiful fom across the room grin in your eyes and i tell the group look that's my guy and i think we'll be alright i do & i think we got this in a wedding dress and a casio watch this year's a plot twist cause i'm not the sort to be certain a lot & ran for the trenches and there you were humming strawberry fields no more defenses no more defenses & you are better than you know yourself i found you off the highest shelf i'll always feel the way i felt & sat in a pub on the heath first kiss first friday in june you asked what I'd tell my friends said it's a glowing review & baby nothing much has changed i guess your buzzcut it grew but i'm still the girl with the blush, giving a glowing review & we'll make a home on the cracks we'll tell nothing but the truth and for the rest of my life you'll get a glowing review & maybe it's perfect maybe it's incredibly flawed it doesn't matter i'm happy honey i’m locking the doo this is our shelter birthdays are nailed to the fridge what did i tell you & blood moon  skylarks my baby's out the ball park nice teeth wide heart i'll never need a hall pass eyes won't wander it's my honor & all my future rested on you stairwell hideouts smiling with your eyebrows life without you i never wanna find out & you're scared me too i won't leave you & i know something that you don't know scathing down the landline i still kind of love you & i'm four steps forward in my plimsolls but i still wanna stab any girl that wants to touch you & church bells ringing for a fresh start but you had a head start always such an athlete and no one wants to kiss a bad sport so i keep my head high wave at all your family & i knew you until you were someone else and i don't know if you ever knew yourself & i guess we just weren't meant to be in love forever and i guess people just change you got good i got better but i still care about you and i think i'll care forevеr & and i'm glad we got to do all those perfеct ugly almost priceless lost and lovely lunar years together & i know something that you don't know these days all our friends think you're kind of an arsehole and i've been cleaning up my sad act incense in the hallways burning through the charcoal & london's pretty in the autumn and i'm a nicer person now i'm not your person, funny how that works and funny that we're working now
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Tey adue
In a world where aheads the desk in frame some paper
Lawlinws embargo
But then blunotes sells jeans for both sexs and garefuets the buat UP tight
Had about enough but undervaped wasn't a trial trite for salmon
Always ones a longer one
The crest la is yes suppose must be
Fly in ointments must jeep .
Softly ruepiano.
Froimbe to see
Camon ukno Cosmo Kramer
It's bur no can't be faith. No just rows of nomadic tovtry sneer scus you need to let them be and then busted floe
So sm
Cosmo s painted on the facing under a wavy nail roof to two barn ends someone said there's a seed protectorate in the iced gates of hell from my car radio and now it's on nbcs seinfheldt but then to you northern lights are color in henna just wafting there waavy oil marking against what behunt the behind of the moon you flew to once then previously on keeplevdista I've got aikmightymightyTexahsuted jumps to inked mascot toys r fresh dek then that's not whit thsts pailcreme background Kmart zellwr kanklws isvthq no thsts the rsin from maCosmaut jeep heel scary which house you Wana hunt by the woods tonight Canmore s got barrels if apples ,r october
Spanking menace
I thought so
It'd the vhd out ofvth not the one stolen to the left, why would yoy treat this tape a certain way wider lanes.
I did only think it'd be an hour but it felt just as long
Moist perspective
I have never been so turned on by Carpentry wow a bullet yo the pineal and you don't have to say to who when your si gll
Where do you drive in casselman
That's not over
Pond london
Ok pulling
Whats beyond bath
We have great lakes. Probably the greatest it's where they convince Vietnam to plug the eari.
Something tells me there's dimWindsor just the bridge we carry are international trade on
What were you expecting that Alberta's going to sell you, the left with tenos rackets as shoes and hoped like the elf they aid avoid the snow, some were really born to be Mexican is there no holy sink in your busted up skiff,e I heard your horn from the curb
Damn she's. DescHelembrunbyNow.
The titles a dumb joke but you'll buet FM to ANyong wg...nhoBa getup space janeto hains it's hexter yurvenetia underwear. Just polin the crown. Ite not the same as canoeing atal see how's the peter are friends to her iris heritage
How italian are you
South detuscany
Hi al gio bye jeez hope he's finding new york safe yet here we are ok but from this side if the street feels a little like that just went yup meerKa14
I'm not sure it s afilnm. I mean she hss bazuka aztex pontiac
Beforebepoll she was teaching polish lessons well enough for me te feel engaged. But I'm giless fir christ sake I'm not updating the buses paint logo.
Before zeroflip there's also Olivia in the driveway soubt
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
When murdered grace
A Kelly lune sequence
In has feel for one loosened to plenty year! Painted.
That will her dying. Your body. When bowe and bribed him.
Between two, I’m puzzled Faith the pair. Love is friend, forgoe.
The rush’d the pass like a Smoke quarter but vain? Who playes.
And all the more to heau’n to make and glory to fade.
But neuer yet, ye poached to come hert’s heare, most they ho!
But my bridges, broke at large acquaint— stranges, and tame?
With unaccountry’s but love be done. Or modest dress.
Just enuide. All hold your own lambs we plaste. Right astray.
Attuned with a son. Yet fell is pride as that details.
The wood. Ill slowly dusty skill can. Your quest, and then.
Till is dreame, as hear little matter’d. And, having ye.
Spake.—Blythe brunt some slick beauteous safe and makes me in mee.
Then the chill. And with them the Sea; listening that wonder.
It is the morn. And doth all devotion, which leaves in.
Let kindled eyes wet were ours. Of cam inside, reader!
When I to be fair. Quite curtain challen or will hew.
A dull; for loss in thy cleare. Will soone and hauing your guide.
Hip the laws of grasp. The splende, rage. The broad made held eat.
To the dying. And watches, thou lurke, the kings,&sdeigne Queene.
Those fayre had his swollen some of rybaudrye. He recline.
And men senates, a message had chance wild and plate.
My Brother’s daughter. A glimpse of living over shade.
That hidden, perhaps, when guess. In my harm, the horsemen.
It stony being eyes!—’Tis not so diuine in a wild!
Time, the Welkin came that me. Nobody to win St.
And cry, my kerchiefe renew. For a Titian, condemn?
So I would many nor lend your prise to a hazard.
To our mounds! To his hearts heauenly march; a great pitty.
So euer sight differed the nobler weeping here. Their star!
As and roar increace. Her been strewn salt-sweet vision pull.
Jokes hands, for there is firmely, vigours shotte. Said, Oof!
And so shall game. Who have linnet for all rise and me.
Then myne eyes that stand? A day as doe my head, betweene.
Alone corage clubs no hum. And, as simplicity.
Downing but thou kenst like the Gazette that could have me.
Nor can go thrall, to fond flowers wrack. And maids appease.
That trees of all their eyes with you dart. My life a plate.
” She town wind, the hotte. Whose preciousness was foe defaced.
Rage, rook-delight. The quyre of every fear of the fled?
And all our sight, he shoes. Have disdayned: but Long Job.
Such laid off. Each do still die forest despight: her breast.
Whose forever fayre with me reuiued are ridiculous.
Sicker worships sense whom with him was scarr’d by his due?
Her bosome among with his the plaste. This … There way home.
Robert Burns: “can fire. And with his dry. Before my blis.
But, changing, nay! Since these his coming and golden-crowne.
Hunted veray thy heade, with guiltlesse hound. Be too shield.
Big heart, if the driues that happinesse. Tho’ a’ the rest.
Of innocence will, when on my mind! Sweet praise, the fiends.
And Agamemnon smitten will be studious ghost!
Come again. Sunk, a second happiness Ida see.
You haven’s childhood dinner. Then, eu’n of all them noise.
Sweetly one Morning. That make the sea! And theniel’s bowre.
Gender would foreign courselves thy sake, in my payne.
If nurse reward. She past alive; if nursed come away.
The fourtesy calls you say. So we will come, and troupe.
But none new-fall’n years or must down rome, my faire will near.
But ioyous store? When all, was imagination; and fair.
By God! View the Grashopped is time in the member.
Of all the road that is flea our home said, how apace.
In courself out-going to restless expandings here.
This vain half pay. Ye trail dead doing a bloods or force.
All you sung times. Perhaps he could be so dare no sound!
Touch heuens will pudding. Or sultan, as well and away!
Not complain that crazed away! And that happened are slight.
Let bare leads adornd with a female. She weep so straw.
They drawes, ruth, some was Dick Dubious, gemlike, ghost!
Who had picked once hath yield, my Helice God is give me!
I did yield. I love list in one to mount vplifting tree.
That none might of times molder. And the tended Allah!
Because thing here so weapons slaughing charm. Let’s fond fly.
And I well in a scorn wolf is life and lay a stand.
0 notes
Billy Is Going To Find The Byers
IMPORTANT: If you haven’t read my post “The Demogorgon Is Billy’s Dark Reflection,” please check it out, as it goes hand in hand with this one. Thanks :D
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A few months ago, we all got our first look at some of the new characters for S4. I checked them out with great interest. 
“Lt. Colonel Sullivan... military dude in Hawkins... cool, makes sense. Victor Creel... ooooooh, played by Robert Englund, betcha he’s gonna be one of El’s predecessors. Eddie Munson... damn, he’s super sus. Argyle... Jonathan’s new bff, who delivers pizza for--”
I stopped.
And freaked. OUT.
Argyle delivers pizza for Surfer Boy Pizza.
Surfer Boy Pizza.
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A whole constellation of dots connected, and I knew IMMEDIATELY where this is heading. Let’s walk through it step by step... starting with the inception of Stranger Things itself.
The Duffers love the movie Jaws, to the point that they give it pride of place in their list of inspirations. Hell, Stranger Things probably wouldn’t have existed without it. Initially, as a homage to the movie, the show was set in a Long Island beach town called Montauk. The setting didn’t change until the Duffers began pre-production:
They began by scouting locations on the northern tip of Long Island, but the community - so integral to the script - didn’t look as they had imagined, and its distance from New York City made the idea of anchoring the production there unfeasible. A new approach was required. (Worlds Turned Upside Down, p 25)
After that, they rewrote the script to take place in Indiana, and “Hawkins was born.” 
Still, you can tell their love for Jaws lingered. Hopper’s truck looks like Martin Brody’s:
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Meanwhile, the Demogorgon was inspired by the shark, and the show isn’t shy about that fact. In S1, when Nancy explains her theory for what the Demogorgon is, she likens its bloodlust to that of a shark:
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In the final episode, when Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve are hiding from the Demogorgon in Will’s room, the Jaws poster hangs prominently in the left side of the frame:
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Furthermore, the Demogorgon’s behavior emulates that of the shark. Like Nancy points out, it hunts alone, emerging from the Upside Down (*COUGHTHEOCEANCOUGH*) to pick people off one by one. And though we don’t see its full form until the end, its presence haunts us throughout, infusing the story with dread.
Okay! So the Duffers originally set Stranger Things in a beach town, and the Demogorgon was inspired by the Jaws shark. Cool. What does this mean for us?
Think about it. The Byers have moved to a new town. We aren’t sure where they went, but in S2 Bob suggested Maine. Maine is on the East Coast, not far from Long Island.
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And as you can see, it has hundreds of miles of beaches.
If the Duffers have any sense, they wouldn’t drop the Byers in another town like Hawkins. That would be redundant and hella boring. Instead, they would seize the opportunity to explore a new setting with a different feel. Not an inland town surrounded by woods and farmland, but... oh, idk... a beach town.
On top of that, the Byers’ move gives the Duffers the perfect opportunity to return to the show’s roots. Finally, they can bring Montauk to life.
If that’s what they’ve done, and the Byers have moved to a beach town, we’re headed for prime Billy territory.
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Billy OWNS the beach. In the context of the show, we get our first glimpse of a beach in his mind, for God’s sake. And he’s deeply connected to water as an element. He’s a surfer, lifeguard, swim instructor... need I say more?
He’s also likened to the Demogorgon - the monster inspired by the shark in Jaws.
I’ve already discussed the similarities between Billy and the Demogorgon. Those were fresh on my mind when I read Runaway Max for the first time. So, when I read this paragraph where Max describes the Camaro, I freaked out (I do that a lot):
Once, for two weeks back in April, I thought that Camaro was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. It had a long, hungry body like a shark, all sleek painted panels and sharp angles. It was the kind of car you could rob a bank in. (pp 12-13)
It’s a motherf***ing equation, y’all. Billy (by way of his Camaro) = the Demogorgon = the shark in Jaws.
And the Byers have just moved to a town where the local pizza place is called Surfer Boy Pizza.
A name like that doesn’t make sense unless they really are in a beach town.
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Hence why I completely lost my shit when I read about Argyle. When you take all the evidence together, it looks like the Duffers have set up a situation where, figuratively, our heroes will think they see a shark in the water (aka the Demogorgon). 
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But they’ll find out it’s not a shark. It’s a surfer boy coming back to shore.
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Hints and leaks have confirmed this idea so far. The Stranger Things social media accounts teased the following exchange last year:
“What if it’s the Demogorgon?” “It’s not the Demogorgon.”
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Just a couple weeks ago, we got our first photo of the Surfer Boy Pizza delivery truck (credit: strangerinsidebr on IG). And the writing on the side is telling.
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The writing in the center doesn’t say, “Surfer Boy Pizza delivered hot to your door.” It says, “Surfer Boy delivered hot to your door.” The ‘pizza’ is way off to the side.
They’re making a joke, guys. A fuckin joke.
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“Surfer boy delivered HOT to your door ;)”
Jokes aside, the potential for Billy’s intro scene is so CLEAR and VIVID that I took a stab at sketching out how it could happen. Obviously I don’t think it has to happen this way; the writers have plenty of wiggle room. But it illustrates the kind of scene I have in mind:
Episode 3: “The Survivor”
All this time, hints have been building that Billy is still alive. Creepy things keep happening that remind us of Will trying to communicate from the Upside Down in S1 (flickering lights, people feeling "haunted" by his "ghost," etc). At the end of the episode, a thunderstorm rolls into the Byers' beach town. Will and El are together at home, probably alone. As it's raining and thundering, strange things begin to happen that frighten them. They get a creepy phone call; the power goes out, but only at their house; etc. Remembering that horrific night three years ago, Will races to the window to look out. El follows him. Through the rain, they see a form swaying toward the house. Terrified, Will wants to leave, but El stops him. "But El, what if it's the Demogorgon?" "It's not the Demogorgon." They back away from the door and wait. To their shock, the chain unlocks by itself. The door opens, and their visitor walks in, looking like a drowned cat with a nosebleed. Billy.
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God, I’m freaking out again just writing all this out lololol. I need to go lie down. 
Peace.  ✌️
»»————- ✼ ————-««
The “Billy Is Alive” Meta Series (So Far)
Billy Is Not a ‘B’ Character In Stranger Things
The First Rule of Analyzing Stranger Things: The Upside Down Is Symbolized By Water
The Lifeguard And The Rip Current: Our First Big Hint That Billy Is Alive
Why Haven’t We Seen Dacre On Set?
The Demogorgon Is Billy’s Dark Reflection
Frequently Asked Questions
For updates, follow the hashtag #billy is alive meta
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 Fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
Notes: heey guys, The Harvest is coming closer to its end, i hope you enjoy this chapter and new things might be coming ahead, thank you all for reading it >.<
Warning: NSFW content
Part I - Destiny (1) Part I - Destiny (2) Part II - The Lord Part III - The Hunt
Part IV – Soft Torture
In the next days, you finished the new wing and brough him to see it. He was grateful, he took a while analysing your sketches, strumming the shelves covered with books and the metallic tool boxes. When he was done, he impulsively took your head in his hands and kissed you in the forehead. You blushed, but by that time he already crossed the door and was calling you to help.
Then, you spent hours helping him move his stuff to that wing, especially the non-metallic ones, which he had no power over. Your hands touched while doing it and every time it happened, an electric discharged flowed through you – and him.
After you were done, you left him to explore his new set up as excited as he was with it. You still had your cleaning stuff when coming back to the main area and there was time, plenty of free time. Thus, you stopped on level B3 to take care of a dusty stroller that was pissing you off with its dirt.
You were minding your own business, singing your favourite childhood song while wiping the dust off the power box when you heard a drill. You instantly froze, imagining what caused it.
The area was poorly lite, but you saw that red brightness in the pitch dark, you wouldn’t confound it as it was part of the nightmares you had at your first days at the factory. It was, indeed, a lost Soldat.
You held a scream, your hand quickly covered your open mouth, but it was too late, it paid attention to you, way before you saw it, then it started walking towards your direction with that drill making a death sound.
The world around you didn’t make sense. You looked for exits, but it was about to sprint and you were in a corner, unable to run anywhere. A single tear rolled down your face and you closed your eyes not willing to see it.
“NO.” Heisenberg screamed, showing up at the right moment. “STOP!” He demanded, but the thing was now coming to him. “Stupid shit.” He cursed, violently throwing his cigar on the ground, putting it out with his boot.
With that said, the reactor on the Soldat’s chest exploded, casting hundreds of small parts all over the place, one hit you in the cheek. No one moved, it simply disintegrated and the creature fell to its knees, deactivated, exploding right away, sending more trash to the air.
Heisenberg walked rapidly to you and held your shoulders. When he noticed your cheek, he cleaned it and licked your blood out of his finger. You were way too shaken by the Soldat, but his grip slowly brought you to the real world.
“You okay?” He whispered, his expression lines showing how worried he was.
He got so scared of losing you for that malfunctioning son of a bitch that his heart sunk when he saw you. It was too late for him to continue pretending he didn’t care that much for you.
“Yeah, it didn’t get me at all. Thank you.” You were utterly grateful he tamed that thing, otherwise… Otherwise you probably would be one of the bodies in the stretchers.
Heisenberg then buried his face in your neck, sighing. He sounded relieved.
“Thought I was gonna lose you there, buttercup.” He told your neck, his voice stuffy.
“I thought so too.” You confessed, also feeling relieved. “Do you care?” You had to ask, simply had to know if he cared even though he just saved you.
“Of course I do.” He answered immediately, but not rushing.
Knowing that was reassuring. You felt safe. You felt home. He felt scared for the possibility of your death and couldn’t stop holding you. You thought he was going to bite you like a zombie would, instead, he rubbed his lips on your skin.
You moaned with the touch. It was involuntary, but you felt that you made a mistake. First you tried to be his friend when both of you felt alone, then you would give anything for him to order you to take off your clothes like in that first day, but wouldn’t dare say that, you were getting too mushy.
“S-sorry…” You started apologizing, he let your neck go, but then his face was millimetres from yours.
“Don’t be sorry.” Karl firmly took your waist and put you up on the now clean stroller, your butt sitting on a wood box.
He had to have you. There was this urgent feeling on his stomach he couldn’t resist, it was being silenced for too long, since you arrived. That hunger took control of him and he griped your hair.
He is too strong, but you didn’t want to resist, at that moment, you were about to do whatever he desired, you had simply given up to it as you yourself were thirst for his touch.
The adrenaline was still running crazily through you, like you had been shocked, you thought it was even stronger than before, growing, driving you to hallucinate as you saw coloured lights dancing in your vision. Coloured, festive lights.
“Fuck, buttercup, you have a way to get to me.” He cursed, kissing you chin, making you moan again. “Oh, you are so hopeless like this.” Heisenberg laughed; his chuckles made your entire body resonate.
“Please, let me have you, Karl.” You found yourself begging, you would be on your knees if he wasn’t so close, taming you.
He stepped back, a tiny step so he could look at you. He was smiling, his eyes seemed to have fallen upon a prey, one he would treat with good manners. His hand reached your neck, pressing it, not too hard, but not softly, so you could feel his scars and you moaned to that.
He spread your legs with his knee, not gentle, not brutal, but demanding. You let him do it, feeling the blood down there. You felt a chilled object between your thighs, it touched your clit over your tight pants. It started rubbing as Heisenberg kissed every centimetre of your face and his hands wandered around your body, owing it.
You were soaked, your panties were completely wet at that point, maybe even more than the rain made before, and that metal thing kept rubbing your bud driving you insane. You moaned loudly, moaned like an animal and he joined you with husky groans.
You closed your legs around his waist and forced him to come closer. He cried out in pleasure, even though fully clothed. You felt him hard, so damn hard you thought you couldn’t take it.
His pace was getting faster controlling the metal stimulating you, it was feeling too intense, all your feelings mixing up with his sudden touch, the adrenaline running through out your body, his beard tingling your neck as he groaned, making your eyes roll in pleasure. You came the first time like that, your water wetting him.
You took his face in your hands and glued your lips to one another. The kiss was intense, you completely forgot to breath as his tongue met yours, playing rough games in your mouth. You had to scratch his skin under his clothes, to this, he arched his back, a warm sensation flooding his body as it felt held after so long, so glad to finally take you, so hungry to devour you, he couldn’t help but to feel he was close, not done with these games, but close to his first time in a while anyway. That was the time for him to cum. He held you tightly, burring his face on your shoulder, moaning like crazy and came in his pants. You came again, with him.
“God damn it.” That was all he could say, panting.
“For fuck’s sake.” You joined him, leaning your back on the stroller to rest.
The dancing lights were still there, lullabying you now that you both orgasmed. You were calm, calmer than you had never been, completely distant from the Soldat’s treat, the Village, anything. Nothing could reach you at the factory, nothing besides his scarred hands.
You thought it was over, but you still felt drunk with pleasure, willing to taste more of it, more of him. Karl had an idea. One that you would like. He took you in his arms, so easily you felt little while pressing your face to his collarbone, the electricity in your body giving you delightful goosebumps. You hugged his neck and your legs hugged his waist. He started walking.
At first, you didn’t know where he was taking you, then you recognized the path among all those look alike corridors. You two were heading to the soft torture room. It didn’t make you anxious, though. You were curious.
He actually walked there, not surfing any metal plaque. It didn’t take long to get to your destination. He made the door open with his powers, never letting you go even for a second like you were too precious to trust the floor to support you.
That room was the most organized room of the factory. You could see he started using that as a storeroom due to several cardboard boxes leaning against the walls. The gears and toys were as new. You doubted someone had ever used them.
The room was painted black, decorated with real swords, axes and chains, the last ones maybe could be of use. There was a whip rack with different whips that made you excited, willing to test them all, also, some toys and instruments were suspended on a metal board close to a Berkley horse. Heisenberg didn’t guide you to any of those, though.
“Do you think you can take it, kitten?” He whispered affably in your ear.
“I want to take anything.” You told him, sanguinely.
He chuckled and lead you to another piece of furniture. That one you had seen on history books. It was the wrist stocks. Usually, it would be made of wood, but his were metallic and would move as he desired, so you could alternate positions.
Karl let you go, gently, you stepped barefoot on the ground having lost your shoes at the stroller and he made you sit on a chair next to the stocks. You kissed for what seemed to be eternity, every single one of your senses being stimulated at once. He gruffly took his overcoat off, without untouching your lips and started massaging your nipples. You cried out in pleasure, feeling it drain on your thighs.
You drove him crazy. He was doing his best to be at least moderate to you, but you weren’t helping at all. Your groans made him be harsh, it was your doing, he kept thinking. He ripped your shirt off effortlessly, giving you a shock. Your boobs came out swinging, making him howl and burry his face on them. He felt welcomed by your warmth, consoled by your soft skin. He didn’t want to rise his nose from them, but he did in order to rend your pants.
It was a real relief to be finally free from your clothes. In that manner, you took his shirt off, laying your hand on his chest for a silent while. It was entrancing to be able to touch him like that, to feel his heavy breathing, strolling your fingers on his belly. But when you reached his pants and started unbuttoning it, he snorted and pushed you back.
“Not now, sugar.” He denied, smiling at your disconsolate face. “First things first.” Heisenberg added as he lifted you, placing you lastly at the stocks.
You saw how hard he was under those pants. His cock was begging to be tamed, to be treated, to be tasted. You could drool if your kept thinking these things, but you couldn’t help, it was centimetres from your face now and was certainly calling you. You inclined a little, he didn’t perceive, and gave a long, naughty lick on his cock, tasting the humidity there, trying the flavour of his cum. It tasted like “I want more”.
He groaned loudly, hopelessly. Heisenberg got a little annoyed by your disobedience and decided he could be a bit harder on you.
“Bad kitten.” He called you.
Your wrists were now retained, you were sitting completely naked on a massage bed and he still had his pants on which meant a little more play. Out of nowhere, nipple clamps flew to you and bite your nipples. You screamed in pleasure. It hurt a little, pressing your delicate skin.
Heisenberg was enjoying himself, maliciously smiling. At that sight, he had to touch himself. His hand reached his cock over the fabric and cuddled it for some time as he tightened the grip on your nipples.
After a while like this, he decided it was about time and his pants fell off, revealing a big, pulsating, needy rod on that made you moan on its homage.
“Now, kitten, show me you can take it all.” He said, approaching you, taking advantage of your opened mouth.
You finally had it, an explosion of flavours and sensation took command of you. His cum was sweet, now your favourite candy, his cock was almost too much for your mouth, but you proudly took it all on you salivating tongue, leading it deep down your throat, making a mess of saliva. A mess he loved. Heisenberg was simply howling in pleasure, his husky voice dominated by voluptuousness, he was roaring over the machinery noises.
If you kept going longer, he was going to cum on your precious mouth, would fill it with his god’s milk. But he wasn’t done with you. Oh no. He took his cock out of your mouth and you felt the bed leaning backwards.
“Lay.” Heisenberg ordered as he climbed your body, positioned between your legs.
You laid. He roughly rubbed his smouldering boner on your clit. You both groaned intensely. He played you a little more, then he started entering. Your pussy wasn’t used to it, to big things coming in and out of it like that, but it sure loved the sensation.
His thighs were pressed to yours, rubbing his hair body on your skin as he moved forward into you. You thought you were dead, nothing that good could be possible. But it was, you had him inside your pussy, reaching so deep as the bed inclination helped to get as far as he could.
At first, he tried to go steady, not willing to hurt you more, but as you moaned, he couldn’t help but burying his cock on you. You made it feel welcomed, hot and squeezed by your walls.
Heisenberg was losing it. You were losing it. You both moved in synchrony, the nipple clamps awakening every pleasure sensor on your body, feeling him entirely.
He invested inside you for what felt like hours of pure pleasure. You two sang the lust song together. Karl knew he couldn’t hold on longer.
“Now, kitten, you gonna have it.” He whispered between his teeth, griping your hair.
You hugged his waist with your legs, forcing him to stay deep down. He groaned, thunders in your vision. He was coming hot, plentiful, absolutely satisfied. Heisenberg came inside you and when he found the courage to step out and you let go your legs, cum drained from your pussy.
“Karl…” You could only mumble, panting.
“Kitten.” He answered, releasing your wrists and laying by your side.
He pushed you to his chest where you gladly laid your sleepy head. He cuddled your hair as your draw circles on his belly.
“It was the best thing I ever felt.” You said, at last.
“You had me there, kitten.” Heisenberg confessed, his heart racing. “You fucked me good.” He added, smiling. You smiled too.
Both of you were tired, sleepy. His cuddles made your eyes shut and your hug embraced him. You fell asleep in the soft torture room, on the massage bed. Naked and together, at last.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
So the ATLA Movie Is... Good, Actually?
Just kidding, of course it’s not, it’s so bad it sucked the paint off my walls. But after ten years of people pointing out its glaring flaws, why would anyone bother talking about this garbage heap if not to go the other direction? So here’s a very brief and very superficial list of things the movie does get kinda... not atrociously wrong.
And they won’t be fake hipster pokes, like “It’s fun to laugh at”, “The Rifftrax for this is OK”, or “Kudos to the actress for managing to say we believe in our beliefs as much as they believe in theirs with a straight face”.
(though now that I mentioned it, it is fun to laugh at, the Rifftrax for this is OK, and massive props indeed.)
Rasta Iroh
Yes, I know it’s not exactly the aesthetic of the real Iroh or that it makes no cultural sense for him to sport this do when no one else in the racebended Indian “OMFG what were you thinking Shyamalan” Nation does but goddamn, long-haired dudes are my one mortal weakness and I will ogle the hell out of him.
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Jesus is that a man bun I see that’s it mum I’ve been deaded
Yue’s hair
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Now we’re talking. Yue’s hair turned white when the Moon spirit gave her life, so it makes sense for it to go black again when she sacrifices herself to revive the koi fish. It’s a neat detail I find myself expecting whenever I rewatch the scene in the show. Yes, I realize it’d be a pointless hassle to animate since she, unlike in the movie, immediately goes on to become the Moon herself but still. I like.
The Blue Spirit’s mop
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Zuko, hun, what’s with the dance-off?
First of all, I want to imagine that Zuko the Theatre Nerd was about to leave his ship with just the mask like in the show but then stuck his head into the cleaning cupboard and went, “Yeah, more coverage might be good, even though it do seem mighty fried to shit”.
Which makes me giggle. I like to giggle.
And secondly, the hair’s movement is what makes the static mess of the Blue Spirit’s solo fight scene appear at least bit more dynamic because God knows the cinematography isn’t doing it.
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Any particular reason why it’s at the edge of the action, shot all boring-like?
Now, I get why circular shots would be reserved for Aang while he’s in the practice area and then used once the two join forces. What I don’t get is why Aang’s part of the action scene has a defined visual style while Zuko’s delegated to a few stationary wide shots from afar as though he’s a tertiary goon, meaning that when the time comes to combine the respective pieces of cinema language and visually convey collaboration, there’s not really much to combine.
But as long as Zuko is stuck in this static mess, it’s that awesome disaster on his head flopping about that draws the eye, helping me understand that something even is going on over there.
It also prevents me from paying much attention to how the extras are mostly just staying put and a lot of the hits don’t land, so that’s good.
The music slaps
James Newton Howard is too good for this.
Pls ignore that the word “gods” is used in the ATLA universe
I can’t be the only one who constantly uses this piece to daydream about writing specific fanfic scenes instead of, you know, actually sitting down and writing them. It’s just so good at communicating a sense of sorrow while speaking of rebirth that I find myself getting misty-eyed whenever I listen to it. Unfailingly, the soundtrack as a whole manages to break through the mile-thick crust of horrible acting, confusing writing, and uninspired cinematography and make me feel things. And considering how everything on screen is working against it, that’s no small feat.
Imagine what a powerful experience it would be if the score was used in service of an actual movie.
Dev Patel
No wonder since he’s the only one in the film occupying that crucial intersection between “is a good actor” and “was given something to work with”. It also doesn’t hurt that he breaks with the trend of actors starring in martial arts flicks despite never having done any martial art.
And all EIP-jokes about “stiff and humorless” aside, he’s a pretty decent Zuko considering how abridged this version of the character is. A while ago, I remember hearing a reviewer say that with his comedic chops, Patel should have been cast as Sokka. And on one hand, yes, god, absolutely, I need to see that asap. But on the other? He captures all layers of Book 1!Zuko, the desperate obsession, rage, and self-loathing, and at the same time gives you a peek at the soft momma’s boy dork that’s buried underneath. For Christ sakes, he exudes intensity and ambivalence even when acting against an emotionless hunk of wood that’s giving him nothing in return.
Oh, and I guess there’s a tree in the frame.
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Ba dum tss
What can I say, the guy’s good.
Showing vs telling
OK, so this movie is all tell and no show, except for one single moment. And it’s the exact moment where the original goes in the other direction in terms of how information is conveyed.
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See, I never liked this. The revelation is preceded by Iroh giving advice to Zuko who scolds him for nagging. Iroh then apologizes, moves in to say the line above, and is interrupted by Zuko who seems rather uncomfortable with Iroh laying his feelings out like this. And once they’re out, Zuko verbally confirms that he knew already and Iroh didn’t need to bother.
All this extraneous information and pussyfooting ends up weakening what should be a profound scene that reveals to us, the viewers, how deep the relationship between these two in fact runs.
Compare to the movie where Dadroh acts like a parent by fussing and worrying, with Sonion needing a single look to tell him and us that he understands what it’s all really about.
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It’s genuinely efficient and just good.
No Cataang
Fine, a bit mean-girl bitchy from me since I only start minding the ship in Book 3. And probably unintentional on the part of the creators since there are moments where I think they’re trying to set the romance up? There’s a, well, an attempt to recreate the famous introductory shot of fateful meaningful destiny of meaningness, there’s some slight note of saving each other’s bacon going on, I’m pretty sure they’re the only ones in the film who smile, and oh, right, Katara’s shoved into her post-canon useless role where she doesn’t ever do anything, and is all about Aang right from the get go.
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Yes, I will blame the “executive producers” because a) I’m incredibly petty, and b) it’s perfectly in line with their vision of the character so why the hell not.
Hilariously, none of it reads on screen because the actors are just... yeah. These poor kids are struggling so much with delivering their own lines and portraying their own characters they don’t seem to have any strength left to create something between them. To be fair, the bare-bones shot-reverse shot style of their scenes doesn’t exactly lend itself to the idea they occupy the same universe, let alone are friends or each other’s crushes.
And I enjoy this immensely because it allows me to forget the depressing horror show Katara’s life turns into post ATLA.
Yes Zutara
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I need to delve into this because it’s fucking hilarious. So in a movie which fails to establish the original’s central romance so spectacularly that if Aang got lost in a crowd I don’t believe Katara would notice, SomEOnE thought it’d be a good idea to add an utterly unnecessary non-canon moment where Zuko for some reason feels the need to pause his character-defining hunt for the Avatar which otherwise has him ignore everything and snap at everyone, and explain his central conflict to an unconscious peasant he doesn’t know, complete with gently pushing the hair from the pretty girl’s the soulmate’s the Water Tribe Ambassador’s the Fire Lady’s the love of his life’s her face away, AFTER his uncle nagged him twice to find a girl and settle down.
I just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page and this is what we really saw.
Celibate Avatars
I have no idea why the decision was made, if TPTB thought expecting viewers to understand the story through the lens of Buddhism would be too much, or if the “executive producers” already worked their retconny magic. What I do know, however, is that there’s a big shift in worldbuilding and Aang’s struggle with his role as the Avatar stops being a personal conflict defined by a) his grief for Air Nomads, b) his notion of being robbed of the loved ones in his life, and c) the selfish attachment to Katara he confuses with true love. Instead, what he has a difficulty to accept is apparently a general notion of who Avatars are supposed to be, i.e. a fantasy version of Catholic monks, no family and worldly relations, period.
I guess either someone understood the original’s portrayal of de/attachment as “hermit no freaky”, or thought the audience would so why not go there outright.
Now, do I like this on its own? No, God no, it makes the world infinitely poorer and changes the story from an exploration of ideas which aren’t all that ingrained in the West, to a cliché tropester about a Catholic priest going Protestant so that he could be with a girl.
At least I assume that’s where they were going to take this eventually.
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I mean, I think the direction was “look conflicted, this isn’t the final stage of your journey”?
But consider this—the show went there, it built on the concepts of Eastern philosophy and touched upon the ideas of spiritual awakening, only to swerve in the end and strongly imply they’re bullshit and Aang should have never wasted his time with them.
So honestly, I much prefer scanty worldbuilding to an insulting retcon by a damn rock.
Multiracial Air Nomads
Probably the most substantial “no hint of irony” point on this list and a genuinely good addition to the universe’s worldbuilding.
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See, the notion of the elemental nations being perfectly separate and never mingling before Sozin has always been sketchy but it’s especially ridiculous in the case of airbenders. It never made sense to me for all airbenders to be Air Nomads and for all Air Nomads to be monks and for all monks to be chilling at the temples all the time to facilitate a quick everyone-dies genocide should an imperialistic warlord ever decide to commit one.
Because committing everyone to a single way of life at a handful of places kinda goes against the central philosophy behind airbending. Like the freedom and nomadism part.
Instead, there should be more variety to the airbending culture, with some staying at the temples as monks, hermits, and teachers while others live as nomads, travelling the world and creating more airbenders, with the resulting children in turn being influenced by the non-airbending cultures they grew up in.
And thus, not only should airbenders not be modeled after a single culture to create a one-size-fits-all lifestyle, but they should have the most diverse and dynamic culture out of the four nations.
And it’d be precisely this diversity which would pave way for an eventual reveal that some of them survived, that their complete extermination is impossible.
Because they’re everywhere.
You know.
Like air.
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lixie-lovie · 4 years
{ Rogue princess | skz }
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l.felix x f!reader
Genre: ??? fluff, angst ig, royalty au, princess!reader, star child!felix, idk u tell me
Warnings: a bit angsty, bad relationships at the beginning, issues with parents, vague mention of past death, mention of animals, mentions of running away
((If anything needs to be added to warnings, lmk! I’ll fix it asap))
Word Count: 5.2k
Note: did I write this literally to comfort myself today? Yes. Have fun reading this reallllyyy self indulgent fic lolz. Hope anyone reading this has a good day! Ily
A throne made of gold and satin-like velvet, all tyrian purple. Too large this seat felt, as did the hall full of people standing under gilded light filtering through the large stained glass window. Here you sat, next to your father in an even more ornate throne, in front of a crowd of people who knew your name, your face, but nothing of your soul.
They couldn’t name that green was your favorite color because of the trees you would catch glimpses of through the windows of your tutors room, ever strong through the seasons never having to carry the weight of a kingdom. They would never be able to name why ships made you weary and claustrophobic or that your favorite flowers of springtime are those that bloom away from the castles gardens when eyes aren’t watching. They couldn’t guess your favorite piece of music, the one you never heard at those god forsaken balls. They never could place that instead your favorite would be the one that came ever so gracefully from under your mother’s fingertips at the piano that used to spark so much joy in the hearts of the people, but now sat lonely collecting dust. They didn’t know you longed to reach the stars someday, yearning for their delicate freedom in the inky black sky. They couldn’t tell that you wondered if they felt out of place too.
More so than anything else, they could never guess how much you hated staring at the men kneeling before you now, begging for a wife, a servant to their needs of pleasure, for the sake of “peace.” They would never know the disgust that sent a shiver down your spine at the twisted grin of these men that took your fingers in their too rough grasp and kissed that back of your hand, their sin tainted lips lingering moments too long. Their hands twitching at their sides with their sickening thoughts as they watched you stand from your throne, adjusting the circlet of silver adorning your perfectly crafted hair.
Your father, your king, grinned widely at the propositions made my these men, happy at the prospect of one of them taking your hand, winning your heart. Happy at the prospect of selling you away. A fair trade he’d call it. A duty.
He’d never understand, you came to realize. He was the man who had chosen your mother, the same way these creatures of lust in front of you are now. Readily ridding the world of her happiness and songs, harshly forcing her into a life of servitude, solitude, for the sake of duty.
“None of them would get it”
You’d say to yourself silently as you excused yourself to the washroom, wiping your disgraced palm clean of the suitors that you had been dancing with’s sweat, your nose scrunched in disgust. In the washroom you would stand, hands now pressed to the too warm mirror in that stuffy room, staring at your reflection. Your reflection stared back at you tauntingly, the flushed cheeks and too perfect hair, until your eyes got caught on the thin band gracing your head. The piece of metal that used to be the only thing tying you to your mother’s lineage, now was only an unwelcome reminder of your duties lined up in the other room, waiting for your hand in marriage. You sighed harshly, ripping the despicable band of silver off of your head, ruining the perfect waves your hair was lying in before. You laughed too hard, running your hands harshly over the layers of paint adorning your face. Your breaths became ragged as you tore the cloth sigil from the bodice of your dress, the only thing left showing your status in this deplorable kingdom and soon you realized, the only thing holding you back.
You stared at your own reflection, a haggard appearance of a forgotten princess staring back at you, and you smiled. Quickly, you rushed to the door, checking for footsteps, before finding your way to the nearest maids chambers. Stepping inside you grabbed a few essentials and a cloak as black as the night’s sky. Once you felt satisfied in what you had taken, you steeled your nerves before quickly and cautiously making your way to the stables, now abandoned with everyone attending the event.
Your eyes scanned the area quickly before settling on a horse with hair as white as snow and eyes the color of indigo. Your form slowed, your breaths coming out in soft pants as you made your way towards the creature in awe of its beauty. You reached your hand out slowly, to gain the trust of the majestic beauty. Suddenly and strikingly you heard a voice sounding from behind you.
“My lady! Where do you think you’re going?” A rough, calloused hand gripped your shoulder tightly, startling you. You turned around quickly, your arms raising defensively. As the offending party grabbed your wrists to gain your attention your excitement died down and your breaths came out easier when you took in the features of Changbin, your personal first knight assigned to you. Your expression became one of relief as you took in the worried, curious look resting on his angular features in the low light of the stables.
“I’m leaving, Changbin. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I can’t go through with this. Please don’t try to stop me..” You said gripping his hands in yours, staring into his eyes hoping to portray the feelings pooling in the base of your throat, causing your words to come out choked. “I’ve already made up my mind.”
“I’m sure I couldn’t change your mind if I wanted to, princess. Here, take this.” He said, smiling softly. A gentle sigh left his lips as one hand reached into one of the many holsters on his person, while the other drifted to comfortingly rest on the crown of your head. His large, rough hands pressed a small holstered knife into your palm. “It’s a blade your mother used to use. I was supposed to give it to you tonight at the ball, but this felt like the right time.”
For the first time that night you smiled genuinely, staring into his eyes softly in thanks while turning to prepare the horse for your disappearance. Changbin’s hands found your waist, hoisting you up and onto the back of the horse before he quietly led you out of the stables, checking for prying eyes and quietly uttering you a safe trip. You made simple promises to return safely to him, unsure of how much truth they held, but sure of the comfort filling your chest with the smile gracing his face.
With that, you turned your head to the dark forest ahead and took a deep breath to steady yourself before going on this possibly dangerous adventure. Then, like lightning striking your nervous system, you heard a voice you had hoped to never hear again.
“Y/n!” Your father’s voice rang out over the courtyard causing you to gasp and whip your head in the direction of the sound. Changbin’s worried eyes stayed trained on your face as your indecision bubbled in your chest at your father’s commanding tone. Quickly muttering some words Changbin sent the horse off running in the direction of the forest, your confused mind allowing the actions to happen wordlessly as you watched Changbin draw his sword against his own king to protect you and allow you the freedom you had longed for. 
It had been moments, maybe hours, you were unsure. The sky bared no stars as you stared hopelessly heaven bound with your eyes blurred. The chilly air hurt your cheeks now dry from the rivers of tears at your actions. Your steed came to a slow, wearily looking around the dangerous wood. All that was to be heard around you were the low grumbles of the predators and the soft snapping of twigs. In the haze of your misery you were lost and cold, unsure of even your own safety as you whipped your head uneasily in every direction of unknown noises. 
It was then that a loud howl sounded from somewhere nearby, a chorus of others following suit. You tried catching sight of the beasts making the horrid sound, but soon it seemed as though the guttural growls were surrounding you, closing in on their next meal. You yelped loudly as the horse became unsteady and afraid, dashing off towards the nearest escape. From your lips feeble shrieks of protest left, but to no avail. The creature’s of the hunt followed suit, a game of cat and mouse. Suddenly, one creature, the largest, leaped out from beyond a too dark clearing in front of your path, baring its fangs and lashing out with its dastardly claws. The horse came to an unsteady halt, rearing back and knocking your frail form harshly to the ground. You inhaled sharply, rolling away, your limbs tucked inward, as fast as possible from the now trampling hooves and paws. You held your breath, covering yourself with your arms and you cried. Tears poured down your face as you waited for the steps of the animals to recede. You heard their noises of primal instinct and found yourself counting the minutes down until they were long gone and satisfied with their hunt. 
When your arms went numb and the tip of your nose was sufficiently frozen, you turned over in the dirt, wet with dew, to stare at the empty sky. Your tears came until they could no longer, your breaths uneven with bitter air exhaling harshly from your lungs, and as your eyes stayed trained upwards, you allowed yourself one prayer to any god that would listen. 
Please. Just let me see one star. One being from above that would understand. 
Abruptly you were taken aback by an unusually chilling wind blowing through the branches of the tall oak trees, causing you to wrap your arms tightly against your grimy, shivering self. Slowly you allowed the exhaustion of the night to take over your features, your eyes closing allowing sleep to take over your dirt ridden form. Finally, you felt some semblance of peace come over you as you drifted off, a prayer still sitting heavy on your pale, chapped lips. 
“You’re one weird human.” Your ears suddenly perked as a deep voice suddenly sounded from somewhere nearby. You screamed, scurrying to cover yourself with some kind of protection. Your eyes scanned the surrounding area frantically searching for the source of the voice. 
“W-who’s there?” You said with as little confidence as you could muster. You cursed your voice for shaking silently as you continued your frantic search for this possible danger. Your eyes landed on a large branch nearby and your legs moved on their own accord, sliding you harshly against the hard, cold ground to scramble to grip the branch tightly, turning and holding it out in a manner you could only hoped looked more threatening than it felt. 
“So silly..” The deep voice chuckled out from somewhere behind you. You yelped, waving the stick in the opposite direction, hoping not to lose your footing against any loose rocks or sturdy tree roots. Your dress was torn and soaked and the gentle breeze now moving in random intervals was jarring and dancing around your cloaked form, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A sudden snapping sound from a branch above your head caused you to scream, throwing the large branch with all of your feeble might towards the offending sound. A larger breeze blew by, obscuring your vision with your own hair and you scrambled to remove it from your vision. As your finally were able to get a glimpse of a male slinking towards you another breeze blew harshly by causing your to sigh sharply, your hands flying back up to your face to remove the hair blocking your vision yet again. “Your gonna hurt someone throwing those things.” The voice sounded again, humor twinkling off of his lips with smooth curls of laughter. 
“Who are you? What do you want with me??” You said, your feet backpedaling as you finally removed your hair from your face again to take in the sight before you. Your eyes scanned the clearing of trees in the dim light unable to find the man you had been questioning and just as you began to question what was even real, you heard him again, your head whipping in the direction of the sound. 
“I should be asking you that, considering you called for me..” He said, the humor never leaving his tone. You began to feel embarrassed at the thought of this man laughing at your pitiful state. Your cheeks grew red and your ears felt hot as you began wondering why you didn’t feel as in danger as you had earlier that night, deciding to deem it all on how wild the rest of your night had already been. Instead of answering you simply furrowed your brow, scanning and searching with your eyes still trying to find the source of the inquiry. Out of the blue in the still night, yet another breeze blew by roughly, chilling you to the bone. A branch suddenly creaked above you and you scrambled back to get a view of what could be perched there.
“Looking for me?” What you found, illuminated by the dim white moonlight, was a boy, seemingly about your age, swinging his legs softly to the gentle sway of the winds. His hair was strikingly white, pure as snow. His pale skin shone softly as if covered gingerly in new born stars. His eyes held mirth, much like his cheshire smile, and his whole body was lax with amusement as he stared down at you. In shock you stumbled backwards, falling over yourself and landing harshly on the ground, yet again tonight staring up at the sky. You felt the wind tousle your hair, but you didn’t seem to have the energy to care much as your mind grappled with its own questioning thoughts. 
“Uhm..lady? Are..haha..are you okay?” His question, broken with impish laughter, felt comforting in a way as he leaned over your form, searching your face with curious eyes and a interrogative furrowed brow. You turned your head softly, staring into the now shocked eyes of the boy with the angular features and moon like eyes before suddenly your lips twitched, the corners of them quirking before a laugh began to bubble out of your chest. The laugh itself with incredulous and loud, joyous like a little kid finally discovering how something works. The boy looked back at you, tilting his head like a confused puppy as he watched you sit up slightly, leaning on your elbows. He didn’t make a move to back up or give you any space, instead leaning closer to examine you further. 
“Did you hit your head or something, funny lady?” He said, his deep voice and boy-like expression of wonder and frustrating confusion only spurring your laughter on further as you grappled for breath. The events of tonight were catching up with your exhausted state and you found yourself wondering if this boy who shone so brightly on this gloomy night was even real. 
Once you could finally catch your breath you sat upright and really took in the sight of him. He may have seemed young on the outside, but somehow he held a powerful aura, like he knew more then he let on. His smile was dazzling as he stared up at you with eyes that twinkled with a silent knowledge. You felt as though he was looking past your filthy outward appearance, and instead he was reading through your soul, listening silently to the story you couldn’t find the words to tell. 
He stood suddenly, as if he found the answer to the question that had been dancing around like the winds, curling through each of your minds. His smile became softer and more genuine as he looked down at your still seated self and slowly outstretched his hand. It was a gesture you were unfamiliar with. It wasn’t a sudden, demanding grasp of your non-consenting hand. It wasn’t rough and calloused, with a predator-like grin gracing his features, but, instead, as you slid your hand over his palm in a silent proclamation of trust you found yourself reveling in how silky smooth his larger, more slender hand felt wrapping around yours in a protective gesture. He glanced at you, a playful smirk playing on his cherry red lips. 
“Do you trust me?” He said, his deep voice breathy and patient, allowing you whatever amount of time you felt like you needed before you nodded slowly, hesitantly. He tilted his head in a munificent gesture, encouraging you to verbalize your thoughts. You felt the minuscule inkling of a curl to your lips forming, your eyes catching on how he seemed to be emitting light in this dim forest. The wind blew softly, ruffling your hair and caressing your now heated cheeks. He watched your features carefully as you bowed your head and giggled to yourself at the sensation of the winds dancing around the both of you. The chilly night felt warm as you turned your head slowly and methodically towards him again, your eyes glistening with an unreadable emotion and you breathed in deeply in a more relaxed manner. 
“I do.” You said, beaming up at him now, your small, frail hand squeezing his a little tighter. He smiled fully now and to you it felt like sunshine. He watched your face, entranced in your beauty taking not of how grateful he was to have answered your call tonight, vowing to bring that smile back whenever he could. Your expression grew concerned as the look in his eye changed and he suddenly pulled you towards him, wrapping one arm around your shoulders before taking off in a sprint. 
You tried to match his pace with a yelp, the wind now pushing you around forcefully. Your cries of protest were drowned out with his hysterical giggling. He forced you forward for a few more minutes as you began to question his strange motives before suddenly he came to a stop. His landing was much more graceful then your sudden stumbling forward, but as you gained your footing your objections died in your throat as you took in the sights around you. The forest behind you now, you stood in a clearing with grasses tickling your ankles, but the most impressive thing about this sight was the flowers. In full bloom, covering the surrounding area as far as your eyes could see were twinkling white flowers. Some stayed small and subdued, while others were larger, demanding more attention, but all of them shown with outstanding luminescence. Your breath caught in your throat as you stood completely rigid, taking in the sight. 
You then felt a soft breeze, pulling your out of your shock with a shiver before you felt an unexpected heat radiating from behind you. You felt a soft hand trace your jaw from somewhere behind as you held your breath expectantly. His hand moved from your jaw to trace the outline of your neck, gathering your hair lying there and tying it tenderly away from your face. Your sudden inhale as his fingers tickled the nape of your neck caused him to chuckle, his close proximity allowing you to feel his warm breath fanning over your shoulders. You suddenly felt balmy as he leaned his face closer, his breaths coming out in an intoxicating manner, dancing around the area where your neck meets your shoulder. 
“Look up.” He said, his voice coming out in a heady whisper. You gasped as you complied, your head whipping up too quickly, causing the male to snicker behind you. You couldn’t seem to care as you took in the sight before you. The once empty sky was now covered in brilliant gleaming stars, all feeling as though they were staring right at the two of you, encouragingly. You weren’t sure what they were encouraging, but just the silly thought itself had you laughing softly, your eyes slowly trailing over everything in front of you yet again. If it weren’t for the questioning hum the man had released you may not have even noticed the sturdy arms wrapped loosely around your waist or the cool skin of his cheek now resting on your exposed shoulder. You may not have even taken note of the breath now fanning comfortingly over your own blushing cheek of the look in his eyes as you turned slightly in his arms to get a better view of this new expression. 
He took in your overwhelmed face as you tried to form words for the thoughts racing through your mind and he laughed, his head tilted back and chuckles racking his toned chest. You took in the movement behind his green tunic, complimenting his pale skin and you blushed again, turning your face away sharply. He gripped your shoulder with one hand softly, making sure not to startle you, while his other hand outstretched softly to point towards the cushiony grass beside of you. You took the hint and made a move to sit and take in the view before you.
He giggled as he helped move the layers of your dress away so you could sit comfortably before taking his seat beside you. You found yourself becoming encumbered with exhaustion and slowly with the gentle breeze swaying the twinkling lights, you let your head pull to the side to rest easily on his shoulder. He moved slowly as to not jostle you allowing more comfort for your tired form.
“You know, lady. I never caught your name..” He said, a hint of gentle humor lacing his deep baritone.
“I’m sorry..” You hummed out, “I’m y/n. Supposed princess of this kingdom.” You said, your tone sounding harsh even to your own ears. “I’m not sure I’d like to even ask who you are.” You said, laughing to help lighten the mood.
“Hmm.. I don’t think I was ever given a name where I am from.” Your brow furrowed at his response as you moved your head from its resting perch to look up at his questioningly. He laughed again, his body folding as he chuckled at your expression. “A story for another time, y/n.” You accepted his response begrudgingly, distracted by the way your name sounded on his lips.
“So what are you going to do when morning comes, little one?” He said, no malice in his tone. You sighed harshly flopping backwards to lay in the soft grass fully, surrounding yourself in the perfumed scent of the fluttering flowers. He took that as an answer in itself as he watched you, amused.
“You need to go back.” You groaned loudly as these words left his lips and he laughed as he shushed you, pushing you softly causing you to dramatically roll over laying your head on his thigh, a noise of protest leaving your bemused lips. “Let me finish would you!” He continued, annoyance playfully covering the syllables while he ran his fingers gently through your messy hair. You smiled, appeased for a moment while staring longingly towards the stars above. The sky was lightening and you felt your smile slipping at the realization that they would be gone again soon.
He frowned watching your face grow frantic with concern before softly resting his cools fingertips on the bottom of your chin, non-forcefully turning your face in his lap to look at his own passionate expression. He tilted his head to match the angle of your, his silliness making you giggle softly before continuing.
“You may have to go back, but you can always come back here, it’s all for you.” He let his eyes slowly trail over you, landing on your hand twisting anxiously tearing up small strands of the grass without realizing. He slid one of his hands comfortingly down your arm, trailing his fingertips lightly over the back of your hands. It felt as if getting a sunburn, getting too close to the beauty of something terrifying. “Look to the stars, I’ll always be there, watching and waiting.” He finished, his voice getting deeper with each second he stared at your animated expression staring up at him expectantly.
You felt your eyes welling up with tears at the peace being here brought to you, knowing it would be ending soon. You tried forming words, prayers, but your lips were too wobbly and my voice was too weak.
“When will I see you again? Wh-what should I even call you??” You finally managed to squeak out, the thick, hot tears you felt curling down your cheeks didn’t sting nearly as much as the thought of leaving him here, only to return to the torturous duties lined up for you at your home. He smiled sadly at you, blurring your senses with how ethereal he looked. His hands twitched against your wrist as he continued his comforting path, avoiding your eyes as he furrowed his brow in thought. Without thinking, out of desperation for an answer, you swiftly intertwined your own fingers with his, your palms slotting together as if fitting missing puzzle pieces together.
“You’ll see me when you need me.. but I’ll always be there.” You pursed your lips in a pout and he smiled again, taking his hand once tangled in your hair and running it slowly, methodically over your furrowed brow, smoothing the skin there and allowing your features to find solace again. “and why don’t you give me a name that you like, y/n.” He offered, his voice softer than you had heard it before, no amusement, only timid hope.
A name. Something so uniquely human. Something lovingly crafted for an individual. Something that holds meaning and myth. Something totally your own. You frowned in thought for a moment and he watched as your eyes glazed over patiently. Suddenly, you sat up rigidly, turning to face him, leaning closer then you had ever been previously. The sudden movement startled him, causing him to laugh awkwardly, his eyes blown wide while staring at your expectant and excited face.
“I’ve got it! I’m going to call you Felix!” You exclaimed. He furrowed his brow, tilting his head and repeating the syllables slowly, testing the way they tasted on his lips. Then he smiled at you teasingly, taking your breath away briefly. You rushed to find some way to explain yourself before the heat fighting it’s way up your neck found your cheeks. You stared into his eyes determined before explaining. “It means happiness. I found happiness tonight, here with you, when I couldn’t back there. They may not ever make me happy, but I have you. My happiness. My Felix.” You finished, grinning widely, appeased.
His grin couldn’t be contained as he laughed softly at how cute you could be. As he let his grin take over his features he let his eyes drift over your close proximity. His fingers began to unfold from between yours, drifting their way up your wrist, feeling your rushing heart beat. They slowly danced over your shoulder making you shiver slightly, as he noticed his teeth took purchase in his bottom lip, the movement catching your eye. His fingertips barely tickled the skin of your neck, causing goosebumps to break out over your skin. Once his hand pushed your hair back, tucking it behind your ear you could hear your own breathing, practically panting at his gentle actions. The longing in your eyes causing his eyes to become hooded with a guarded emotion.
Slowly, his hand found its place on your cheek, his cool palm was in great contrast to your too warm skin. You reveled in the feeling, yearning to remember the way this solace felt in this moment. He smiled softly, a flash of teeth all you could see before he was leaning in tenderly. He allowed you to make the moves on your own as well, only continuing forward when you would and only you were both nearly touching, so close you were breathing the same air, he allowed himself a glance at your pink lips. His tongue darted out to wet his own lips before he pulled back slightly a serious expression on his face.
“Can I?” His voice came out breathy, heavy with something you couldn’t name. You smiled softly, pleased with his ability to ask, always thinking of your feelings first. You couldn’t even resist long enough to answer before you were wrapping some of your fingers around his larger wrist, tangling the others in his too pretty hair, pulling his face towards yours and connecting your lips together passionately.
This kiss was unlike anything you had ever heard of, instead of sparks and passion it was butterflies and subtle hints of laughter you could feel bubbling in your chest. The kiss was lingering and slightly bittersweet. You could taste the saltiness on your lips from your tears mixing with the sweetness of his lips on yours. It was perfectly melancholy and grossly beautiful. Tragedy in the form of serendipity.
As you parted Felix’s hands soothed your cheeks and wiped your tears, a smile playing jokingly on his lips. He poked your nose and leaned forward to kiss your forehead lovingly. You smiled through the onslaught of tears and gasped at the dawning sky above you now. Your eyes frantically searched for stars you knew you wouldn’t be able to see anymore, until they fell on Felix’s sad expression. He tried to smile softly for your sake as he stroked your cheek gently.
He then removed himself from you, before standing and helping you up as well. Once you were both standing, staring at each other with eyes full of unspoken words he breathed in deeply before leaning in to plant another swift, stolen kiss on your lips. You smiled as he pulled away, staring at the way his handsome features curled in amusement at your shocked form. He then, without your noticing, had moved his hand to the back of your head and with a soft mutter of words he knew you wouldn’t understand, you were suddenly unconscious in his arms. He lifted you, bridal style, and began walking back towards the forest where you had first met.
Once you all were back to the castle, a gentle breeze swaying the curtains, he laid you tenderly on your bed, smoothing your hair out around you and covering you with your own cushion-like blankets.
“Forgive me, princess. I usually would have asked.” He laughed quietly as you stirred in your sleep, as stubborn as you would have been awake. “I won’t be here when you awaken, but I’ll be back for you. You never have to be alone.” He slowly leaned forward, delicately placing a feathery light kiss on your lips. He made his way back to the window, tiptoeing as to not wake you, before turning to get one final glance at you.
“I’ll stay for you, y/n. Always.” He said, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips as a singular tear, the color of moonlight fell from his eye before all that was left in the room was a lonely princess and a gentle, light air dancing through the window like laughter and stolen kisses on a night only two will remember.
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Flutterings & Tequila - Part 13
A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Reader
Summary: you’ve decided to go clubbing with your best friend the last summer before college starts to take your mind off of the Mikaelsons who have invaded your life this summer. Specifically, you’re trying to distract yourself from Niklaus Mikaelson and the flutterings he has caused you. Tequila is your friend tonight.
Part Summary: Clue hunting.
Warnings: typical stuff you’d see in the show
Word count: 3,115
Tags:  elle88531,  violentmommabear42, pisicakawritesshitatfour, a-quarter-horse-called-biscuit, hoeofnjadaka, thegingerthatwaited, despressolattes, aomi-nabi, pie46733, (let me know if you want to be tagged or I missed you out on the tag list!)
Authors note: so I’ve been saying I’d get back to this for ages. I know. But truthfully I hit such a brick wall that writer’s block as a concept had to add another tier to it’s existence just for me. Thankfully, for no clear reason whatsoever, it poofed away as some strong desire to write this again came to me after work. So... tada? Also I am sorry but so so many of you asked to be tagged (I’m very flattered!!!) that I think I’m missing a bunch of people. If I missed you send me a message and I’ll add you to the list. Enjoy 😊
Part 1  |   Part 2  | Part 3  | Part 4  | Part 5  |  Part 6  | Part 7  | Part 8  | Part 9  | Part 10  | Part 11 | Part 12
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You’re trembling slightly as you walk down your stairs, breath coming out shakily as you try to calm yourself down. You had 24 hours to find out at least something about what the Mikaelsons were doing here. 24 hours and no clue where to start.
  Through the back window you could see Klaus and Elijah making their way out of the guest house. Their expressions were drawn and Klaus had a small black bag clutched in his hand. Your eyes darted to the door to the house. Were you that stupid?
The fact that your feet were already moving you forward gave you a clear yes, but at least you could report back to Josie that you did, despite her belief, have some sort of self-preservation. It was just a really fucked up kind.
  The door to the guest house opened with ease. Of course the Mikaelsons didn’t think to lock it. What was the point? Who would try to get in to their home without their permission and who would live to tell the tale?
  Well, hopefully you.
The painting supplies were still right where you left them. Your eyes swept across the room in front of you, cataloging what you saw. You’d helped Josie redecorate last summer, but it looked like the Mikaelsons took it upon themselves to do some of their own renovations. It was a little bit embarrassing how little of the place you’d payed attention to when you were here with Klaus.
 They’d rearranged half the furniture for gods sake and you hadn’t noticed at all. With a frown on your face, you examined the new layout of the room. You wondered what prompted the rearrangement. The couches being moved about made sense to give Klaus extra space for his easels. But what was the purpose of switching the office area with the dining room?
  The office, which you were truthfully rather proud of last summer, looked like Elijah’s doing. Two bookcases now sandwiched in the desk against what was supposed to be the accent wall of the room. Not a single bit of the pop of color on the wall was visible now. The imposing set up didn’t even look touched. You could feel your eyebrows tense as they tried to furrow further with your deepened confusion. Dust collected across the books on their shelves. You swiped a finger through it. Coated.
It surprised you that Elijah wasn’t as much of a neat freak about his environment as he was abou his appearance. Though, you suspected if he was he’d have spent most of his millennia+ on earth cleaning up after his siblings. You snorted to yourself. Didn’t he already do that?
A blank space on one of the shelves drew your eye. Amongst a sea of books and paperweights, a patch of dustless real estate on an otherwise packed bookcase stared back at you. If those Nancy Drew books you read as a child had taught you anything, that prominent rectangle of empty space meant that something had been moved. And recently.
That, you smiled to yourself, was a lead.
A scan of the desk and the rest of the shelves confirmed that whatever it was hadn’t simply been reorganized. You pulled open the drawers of the heavy oak desk. Pens, paperclips, highlighters, sticky notes, stapler, hole punch, scissors, and more pens. No. Notebooks, empty folders, the coffee maker’s instructional guide. No. Empty space with a single pen cap rolling around. No.
A dead end.
You got down on your knees. The floor was clean. Under the couches, too. The ottoman with the lift up storage option, empty. The side tables small draw with it’s tendency to stick (a single missing screw from Ikea can really screw your building abilities), empty. You moved to the TV console, frustration building.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
You checked the shelves. You were too short to reach the top ones but the Mikaelsons weren’t. You grabbed a chair and stepped up. It was in vain. Careful to put it back as you’d found it, you moved the chair in defeat. You checked the kitchen. Drawers and cupboard were empty. The fruit salad in the fridge seemed to judge you and you sighed. You didn’t expect it to be in the fridge but it was almost eight at night and you’d torn the downstairs of this house a part.
 The Mikaelsons could be back any minute and you’d found nothing. What if there was nothing? Had you wasted hours of your short time frame on trying to find something that didn’t exist?
It dawned on you that Klaus’s little black bag just might have –
A groan escaped your lips. What a colossal waste of time. Time that to you did not have to waste. You closed the fridge, head coming down to lean on the cool stainless steel door in defeat. Maybe there was a clue you could find back in the main house. Josie’s room might have something that you could give Jess.
With a deep breath, you straightened up. No point in giving up until Jess’s voice was ordering you to kill yourself. Josie would expect nothing less from you, and in truth, so do you.
As you walked through the house to the door you passed by one of the many shelves you checked and just like in one of those long rumored witch’s intuition stories, something pulled your eye to it once again. Something pulled your eye directly to an unassuming wooden framed photo that you didn’t register as new. So, something you’d had to have seen a million times by now, surely. But why then did it feel so very important to look at it?
You walked over, cautious of this intense urge in your blood. It was often hard to tell with magical urges if something was for good intent or bad.
  The photo was in black and white. A little girl sat on a dock, one tooth missing right in the front. A man in an ornate three piece suit that had to predate the Georgian era stood by her, looking out of place but pleased with himself. Beside him was a boy that looked around your age. He was scowling in the photo. In his had he held something tightly, as if he would die if it were ever lost to him. Your eyes scanned the photo back and forth, that feeling still present. What was it? What were you supposed to see?
  The background of the photo was just water. A lake most likely. There were no lakes here. Where were they? Who were they? You leaned in to get a closer look. The photo quality was bad and it wasn’t until you looked hard that you realized it wasn’t a photo at all. A painting. A small, incredibly detailed painting.
But no. How? You knew this painting wasn’t unfamiliar to you. You also knew that some how you had never noticed it. How could you go so long seeing something so often, convinced it was just a photo of something unimportant?
Almost like magic. Why would anybody spell this little painting with an unnotable spell? More specifically, why did Josie (because it had to be her) cast this spell when you were the only other person than her to see it? You didn’t have guests usually. It was why you had been so surprised when she had announced the renovation of the guest house last summer.
  The moment the skin on your fingers touched the painting’s surface, a vision clear as an actual photo slammed into your mind’s eye. Blinded by the image, nothing existed but it and you were enraptured what you saw.
  It was the exact image that had been painted, but the details were sharp. You could see the threads of the man’s suit. The pours of the little girl. The splintered wood of the old dock. Everything of the moment preserved perfectly in a snapshot.
  There was no sound. You felt nothing from the scene. This was not a vision of the past that let you experience the moment with those in it. You could see the wind sweeping through the girl’s locks but you couldn’t feel a thing. This was the scene of the painter through the painter’s very eyes.
But who’s eyes? And who were these people?
You looked focused on their faces. The little girl’s slightly downturned nose and her rounded jaw clicked in your mind as your eyes rested on her’s. Josie. A young Josie. This made sense. This was a memory Josie had that she wanted to keep private. But why? And why keep the painting if she wanted it secret? The man beside her was probably her father, right? 
As your eyes shifted to his features and they sharpened into view for you, Josie’s body blurred away. No, you realized. That was not Josie’s father. Though you had never met the man or seen his photo before, you knew this was not him. Because this was Elijah Mikaelson.
  At least it made sense now how they knew Josie. Old friends indeed. But what on earth was Elijah doing standing on a dock on some lake with a Josie when she was a child and a boy? As your eyes darted to the boy, the change of the image didn’t surprise you. Josie and Elijah blurred and he came into focus.
  Despite not having known him for as long or studying his face too much, it was clear by his eyes that you were staring at a teenage Jess.
You gasped and were ripped from the image.
  Around you, the guest house came back into view. In your hands, clutched tightly, was the photo. Your heart rate was up and you didn’t know when you had started to breath so quickly or so hard. You blinked your dry eyes. Josie, Jess, and Elijah?
  The sound of wheels pulling up on the gravel drive had your head shooting up. They were back. You didn’t have time to get to the house and though beautiful, Josie’s flower filled garden didn’t actually give you much cover to hide. Without a second thought, you dashed up the stairs.
  The bathroom door was open and from downstairs, it was easy to see. Too obvious someone was here. The bedroom beside it was locked and you didn’t have time to find the spare key somewhere on top of the door. The closet next to it was too small with the vacuum in it. It wouldn’t do. You spun around, unsure how close the Mikaelsons were and if they were listening. 
The other bedrooms had their doors open. Shit. Too suspicious. One door, directly across from the stairs remained. Could you even make it before they opened the door?
You didn’t have a choice. The handle to the room jiggled and the door clicked open. You slipped inside and went to close it as gently as possible when the front door opened. You froze. The door was still a jar. They’d notice if for sure.
“Well that was fun,” Kol sighed and you heard him flop onto the couch.
  “It wasn’t supposed to be fun,” Rebekah huffed and her heels clicked on the floor as she made her way through the house.
  “Drink?” Elijah asked nobody in particular.
“I’m going to bed,” Rebekah said with a short tone and you almost squeaked in fear as you realized she was starting up the stairs.
  “Don’t be so dramatic, sister!” Kol called after her.
  “You’re a reckless idiot without a scrap of self-control,” she seethed back.
“It’s not like he actually liked you,” Kol scoffed.
Something expensive sounding shattered followed by Kol’s laugh.
  “May I remind you that this is not our home?” Elijah’s calm voice of reason came.
  You waited with baited breath for something to happen next. If Kol could get one more quip in to make Rebekah break something else you could use the distraction to close the door properly.  
“What happened?” Klaus said, evidently just entering the house.
  “I’m going to bed,” Rebekah stated and you closed your eyes as a curse tried to come out of your lips.
  “Sister,” Klaus stopped her and his voice was much closer now. He was on the stairs with her, you guessed. “You cannot get angry every time one of your many suitors gets eaten by our brother. You know how he is,” he explained in a hushed voice with a taunt.
Something smashed against the wall again.
“KOL,” Elijah reprimanded.
  A thud sounded against the wall and you reached for the door, ready to close it if another opportunity struck.
  “Enough property damage,” Klaus told his brother.
  “It was her fault anyway. You know it,” Kol argued.
“I was getting him to trust me,” Rebekah’s voice was further away. She must have joined her brothers down stairs again.
“And that involved opening your legs for him, did it?”
You knew it was coming so as Rebekah jumped to attack her brother, you ceased the moment to shut the door. The soft click would be lost to them as they tried to pull their sister and brother apart.
  The room you were in hadn’t been touched since the renovation. You walked over to the window to see if there was any feasible way down.
  “Deal with it,” Klaus’s voice came from just outside the door. 
You whipped around, eyes wide, as you realized they solved the little dispute far faster than you thought they would. You dropped to the ground as you heard Elijah reply to his brother. The door clicked open as you lifted the duvet and scooted yourself as quietly as possible under the bed.
  Luckily, Klaus’s instructions invoked a lot of opinions from his siblings. He stood in the doorway and barked out orders at them. Something else was thrown. As you spelled your breath silent, you spared a thought for all the things you’d have to replace by the time the Mikaelsons moved out.
Klaus shut the door with a harsh thud and switched on the light by the bed. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sheer bad luck you had that this of all the rooms was his.
  Klaus moved around the room, silent except for his steady breathing. Something was placed delicately on a surface in his room. Then, he moved to the window and you heard it slide open. He breathed deeply. The rustling sound of fabric peaked your interest. Something landed on the bed. The unmistakable sound of a zip had a flush come to your face. Oh no.
  Another thing was thrown on the bed. You imagined Klaus’s shirt and jeans piled on his sheets. This was bad. He was going to bed. You were going to be stuck down here for the night.
Klaus opened his door. Huh? And then he left. Wait what?
Cautiously, you lifted the duvet and peeked out. Nothing. You scooted to the other side of the double bed, wincing as the underneath spring of the bed caught your hair and it pulled. The other side confirmed that he had definitely left and shut the door behind him.
  Apparently the plus side of hiding under the bed of a paranoid hybrid with even his siblings at times out to get him was that he kept his room strictly closed off to everyone else.
  You scooted out from under the bed. The window, now open, was your best bet. Who was to say if the path to the door was empty or if you could open the front door without alerting anyone. A well timed cushioning spell would make the rose bush you’d land on hurt a little less. The thorns would still be a bitch though.
  A sudden realization hit you that you forgot the painting at some point in your scooting. You rushed back to the bed and had to scoot back under a bit to reach it. As your hand touched it, you were once again rushed into the snapshot of the scene.
This time you knew you weren’t the painter. You looked down to your right at the top of Josie’s head. To your left was Jess. This was Elijah’s view. Which meant, if you looked straight ahead you’d most likely see –
It wasn’t Klaus.
  You frowned. You were sure it would be Klaus. But you didn’t recognize the man painting on the tiny canvas in front of him with a concentrated look on his face. He had brown thinning hair and a sullen face with cupid bow lips and a nose people would pay good money for. He was an odd man that was handsome and not. You wondered who he was and tried to get the image to focus in further to find some distinguishing feature of some sort.
You were once again ripped back into reality as you registered the sound of footsteps outside the door. The window would have to wait and you dived back down and rolled under the bed, hitting you head as you did so. You bit your lip in pain as the door opened.
Klaus was back.
  You couldn’t say if he was gone long or not as you had no idea how much time you had been lost to that vision. It didn’t seem long, but then again they never did.
  Klaus sighed. The distinct sound of a towel rubbing against hair was the only sound in the room for a while as you put together that he just came from a shower. So, he was probably naked. You bit your lip for a different reason. You listened as Klaus toweled himself dry. He pulled a drawer open and assumingly put on some kind of clothing. You hopped it was at least a pair of underwear.
The bed dipped as Klaus sat. The lamp was clicked off. Shuffling from above. The bed dipped in different places as Klaus got comfortable. As luck was not your fan, he settled directly above you. You didn’t dare scoot one way or another. He’d surely hear it.
So you were spending the night here then. Great.
Klaus fidgeted above you again, having the gal to not find a comfortable position for the night. You stared at the springs and mattress centimeters from your face in annoyance. To be fair, this could have been the comfiest floor in the world and you still wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. Not with Klaus above you and the rest of the Mikaelsons scattered about the house. No hope of escape until morning.
  A sharp inhale cut through your self pity. Another one. Was he…?
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gellavonhamster · 4 years
Jack, Quincey, Arthur for character ask meme! (aka Trio with some braincells that mostly just vibing)
First impression: Honestly, I don’t remember what I thought of him when I read the book for the first time. I think I liked him, though less than I do now, but I cannot recall what was my very first impression when reading his chapters
Impression now: I love this very flawed but trying-his-best depressed romantic bastard with all my heart
Favorite moment: proposing to Lucy and almost sitting down on his hat and fidgeting with a lancet and overall being the opposite of the “calm”, “resolute”, “imperturbable” picture of him Lucy has literally just painted to Mina, because it’s hilarious and endearing
Idea for a story: *bangs fist on table* I want a prequel about the adventures of Jack, Quincey, and Arthur around the globe, and I want it NOW
Unpopular opinion: I think he handled being rejected by Lucy really well for someone who seems to be in a bad place mentally regardless. All his complaints are confined to his diary, it’s not like he’s going around whining about his broken heart. 
Favorite relationship: My favourite relationship for all three suitors is the three of them together, but I am going to try to say something different in reply to this question for all three of them. So, apart from the Trio with Some Braincells™ (you’re honestly being very generous with “some”, haha), I’m going to single out Jack and Quincey, because I’m going through a very bad case of “character you project on x your type” with them. And I feel slightly bad about it, because it’s pair the spares in a sense, but listen, if I’m not supposed to ship this then why on top of that sweet sweet friends-to-lovers opposites-attract shit everything Jack says about Quincey sounds like the verbal equivalent of the Twink Boutta Pounce meme
Favorite headcanon: All men in his family used to be doctors, so he kind of knew from his very childhood who he wants to be when he grows up. His position as the head of the asylum is probably inherited in some sense, that’s part of the reason why he got it so young (though not the only reason).
First impression: omg they have an American with a Gun, this is going to be fun
Impression now: I’d die for him but he wouldn’t let me
Favorite moment: his letter to Arthur! After reading about two men being rejected and one being favoured by the same lady, a reader would expect to see the three men in question as rivals, probably even hating each other, but then we get Quincey’s very fond, very warm letter, and it subverts all these expectations because SURPRISE, they’re actually friends who go way back and had adventures together and LOVE each other! I wish we got more of his POV in the book.
Idea for a story: I just think this world needs more stories in which he survives
Unpopular opinion: he’s not stupid. I mean, every man in the Crew of Light is a little stupid (affectionate), but you know what, he realized that something or someone must be drinking Lucy’s blood way earlier than Jack, who’s supposed to be the smart one, and he was their strategist when they went to purify Dracula’s coffins. This man is not just muscle 
Favorite relationship: apart from what I’ve already mentioned in Jack’s part of this ask, I really love his friendship with Mina. I think they’re alike in how they try to ease the burdens of the ones they love while suffering themselves and not letting anyone else see this suffering, hence this instant understanding, which manifests in how she meets him for the first time and immediately sees that despite all his toughness, he needs a hug and a kind word, and in how he’s the first to understand what she means when she asks the men to kill her if she turns into a vampire.
Favorite headcanon: he’s the only member of the Crew of Light whose parents are alive throughout the events of the book (if we want to be particularly cruel and canon-compliant, the only one whose parents outlive him). He also has a bunch of siblings, both older and younger, including some older brothers, which gives him an opportunity to keep wandering around the world with those Englishmen because there are other people to take care of whatever it is that makes their family rich (I imagine they definitely have a lot of cattle farms; I also like the idea I saw in one fic that they profit off the oil discovered on their lands). 
First impression: Look, Lucy, to each their own, but... of all three, why him?
Impression now: I have loosely expanded in my head whatever personality Stoker deigned to give him, and now I love him
Favorite moment: his army of dogs, dogs ex machina as I call them
Idea for a story: I’ve made a post about it some time ago but. Will someone write a short cute fic about him giving Lucy a puppy, that would be adorable
Unpopular opinion: I get where people who hate on him for being bland are coming from, but at least he’s nice and brave and did nothing wrong. Also, his best friends are like “adventures fuck yea, let’s shoot at whatever problem we have at hand!” and “what if I conducted this experiment that violates medical ethics”, and I just think that at least someone in this boy band has to be a normie, for the sake of balance
Favorite relationship: again, apart from the three suitors, I really like the father-son relationship he has with Van Helsing
Favorite headcanon: he’s good at socializing and conversing with people and similar things that come with belonging to high society, but it always ends up at a certain point with him being drained of energy, and then he just disappears to spend time alone at his estate, with his dogs and horses and the forest. In general, he loves nature and being in the woods. Unfortunately, that includes passion for hunting.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Burn It (M.YG x Reader)🔞☁️💜🐾 1
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Pairing: Dragon!Min Yoongi x Dragon!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hybrid AU, Romance, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: (oh boy here we go) Blood, Fighting, Angst, Mentions of mistreatment, Slavery, injuries, killing of animals (they gotta hunt food boo) Separation anxiety, separation depression, Dom/Sub themes because that’s just me and y’all know me I can’t be normal for once lol, famine, war, graphic descriptions of violence, death, y’all gonna hate me after this lmao
Summary: To ensure their own survival, Dragons have made a pact with the Human Kingdom centuries before; letting them claim a Dragon every new generation to keep as whatever they may desire them to be. This has become a tradition, not only the fun and thrill of the hunt for the ruling human species, but also the loss and heartbreak for the Dragon-shifters, the burden never seeming to become easier to carry. The shifters accepted so many things, from the way they’d openly shame their kind, how they would simply do and take whatever they wanted; whenever they wanted, slowly becoming more and more greedy and uncaring for the rules set centuries ago. Min Yoongi however becomes more than determined to end this tradition when his mate is being captured- and if humans thought they could overcome anything in their way, Yoongi will gladly remind them who’s actually in charge. It’s time for things to change. Its time to burn their kingdom to ashes, and maybe even build a new one.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | ?
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The sheets fell comfortably over your bodies, head near his shoulder. The world outside of your nest was already slowly waking up, soft and tired morning chatter increasing in volume with every minute it seemed. "Go back to sleep." He suddenly mumbled, to the regular ear just some random grumbling, yet yours were trained to listen carefully, nowadays able to make out even the faintest of words since he sometimes spoke to you even with his back turned. You giggled, slowly crawling closer to his body, his hands welcoming you instantly by grabbing the back of your upper thigh gently, laying your leg over his lower body, fondly running his hand over your skin, as if to caress you back to sleep.
"Hey, Yoongi?" You asked, own voice still laced with sleep. "What do you think our cubs may look like one day?" You randomly asked, mind still a bit fuzzy with the remnants of your most recent dream. Yoongi simply chuckled at that, shrugging his shoulders with eyes still closed.
"Don't know. We'll see I guess." He mumbled, placing a kiss to your neck. His hand began to wander, brushing over your soft skin further, as he opened one of his cat-like eyes to look at your now open ones. "But now that you talk about it-" He began, and moved to position himself above you, teeth grazing your bonding mark in between the crook of your neck with his pointed canines. "I guess we could use a bit of training, yeah?" He said, and you giggled again, feeling ticklish at his touch. You shoved him a little, and he smiled, playfully biting your skin to keep you immobile for him, as if he needed to- you would never run away from him in a million years and more.
"Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon are probably already up and preparing for your arrival." You reminded him, and he nodded with a bit or worry. The other clan, living a bit further into the mountains, away from the woods and deep forests you did had made an alliance decades ago after the first war of men against your kind. He'd made friends with some of them, including their current leading figure Seokjin- even though he'd never openly say that. "You also promised me to give Taehyung his present from me. His birthday is important." Taehyung was a bit older than you, yet he had a youthful charm to him that sometimes made you forget that small fact about him. You adored the dragon dearly, even if he came from a different clan. These days, every Clan stuck together it seemed, boundaries slowly getting blurry as more and more alliances were made, now even clans far away from the mountains agreeing on keeping a friendly bond to one another.
He laughed a bit, but whined his next words playfully dramatic. "I still don't get why you can't come along. You know this man-cub has way too much energy for me." You cooed at him, making him scoff at you. He always acted as if he didn't care much about others, and that he was a tough dragon, yet you and his friends knew that he had a soft heart deep inside him.
"Someone has to stay behind Yoongi. I'll be fine, and its just for today, tomorrow, and the day after." You reassured him, knowing how much he worried due to the current situation. Winter wasn't even hitting with full force yet, only slowly creeping up on the lands, yet the Kingdom of men already faced dire times. Your kind had warned them early on to not be too wasteful, yet they didn't seem to be wanting to listen to you. This were the consequences they would have to face, yet it didn't mean they wouldn't do something drastic. Humans were known to be very impulsive creatures. You had to stay behind to reassure your own clanmates; leaving with Yoongi could paint a wrongful picture of you abandoning them for your own benefit of safety. And you'd never do that in a million years.
You could faintly hear the flapping of wings somewhere in the distance, then a flock of doves skitting away as something heavy landed near your window. Shortly afterwards, a knock was heard, and Yoongi groaned annoyed. You slowly untangled your limbs from around Yoongi's, yawning with a smile while opening the door, greeting whoever was behind it, as Yoongi's body flopped back down on the bed with exaggerated defeat. "Good morning y/n! I guess Yoongi is still asleep?" The young dragon asked, his usual doe-eyes still a bit sleepy, yet face held a bit of worry behind it, which did make you a bit uneasy. You shook your head, when the man in question suddenly appeared behind you, in all his grumpy glory, having noticed your shift of emotions almost instantly.
"I'm awake now, and you're being a cocklock kid. What is it?" He bluntly said, making you slap his chest in embarrassment. The tips of the young dragon's ears turned a bit pink at that, yet he simply cleared his throat, trying to keep his composure. Yoongi had always joked about the fact that Jungkook had a small crush on you, yet you always assured him that that wasn't true- you both simply felt for each other in a way siblings felt, not lovers. That part was forever taken for you.
"The Kingdom has still to announce the date of the hunt." He said, voice a bit hesitant, knowing how fast this topic could rile his older brother up. "But there is a rumor going around that it will be tomorrow." He said, already shrinking a bit, as if to prepare for the older one's outburst.
Yoongis eyes grew angry. "They what?!" He said, only staying calm for your sake as you held onto his shoulder.
The young dragon nodded sadly. "I've personally checked the situation after everyone began to talk about it. They're already preparing, but I've been told not to worry too much by their spokespeople. Me and the other messengers have been given the task to just warn everyone." He said. "I- Namjoon said you should decide yourself if you want to still-" He attempted, yet Yoongi beat him to it.
"I'm not going." He said, already trying to close the door, yet you held it open, trying to diffuse the angry aura.
"Now hold on, we're told not to worry- Yoongi, this is really important, you need to go." You said calmly, shushing him as he attempted to speak again, probably to disagree. "No, if you don't go, it'll just unsettle everyone. We can't have that, not now." You argued, and he sighed after a moment, nodding towards Jungkook to get the message out that he's going to meed the Kim Clan today anyways- even though he had his worries. The younger dragon nodded, flying off after saying his farewells to you, to which you nodded, and closed the door.
Yoongi fell onto the bed next to you as you had sat down to stretch your limbs, arms reaching out for your body, trying to get you back to bed. You giggled, yet playfully shoved him away from you, scolding him gently. "No Yoongi, you need to get up. If you lay down now, you'll just fall asleep again." You said, tapping his chin which made him scoff.
"You act as if you have to mother me." He said, feline eyes looking at you with a mildly impish glint in them. You giggled as he opened his arms, now sitting on the side of your bed, beckoning you to sit on his lap for a moment, simply to hold you. "I'm worried." He finally said, and your arms placed themselves around his middle, trying to calm his nerves.
"I know." You answered, before you squeezed him a bit tighter, just for a second, making him run his hand over your back. "But if you don't leave, you know the kingdom will grow uneasy." You said, worry now on your tongue as well. "They're too easy to rile up these days. Lets not take chances."
He finally nodded, getting up to dress himself, movements lazy as you continued to watch him for a moment, before getting up yourself. It was probably a good idea to start your day as well.
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"I'll fly back immediately if something is wrong. Just send me a sign, I'll be right back, I promis-" You cut his rambling off with a kiss, smiling at him as he looked at you seriously, ready to scold you.
"Yoongi, I'll be fine. Winter is coming, but we'll survive just like last year." You promised, and touched his bonding mark on his neck, making him close his eyes. You knew he hated being away from you, but he was also a very independent and free roaming soul- needing his own time and freedom as much as the air you both breathed every day and night. You loved him for this; his heart still untamed yet he'd bound himself to you despite his need to be on his own. It made you feel as special just like he always said you were.
He nodded, kissing your forehead before jumping off of the cliff, his black dragon form expanding its wings powerfully, his scales reflecting the sunlight in dark rainbow patterns like black opal, making your eyes glow with fondness. He truly was a prince, wasn't he? He always played it off whenever you brought it up, but his royal blood was clearly visible in visual and character- the way he carried himself confident in a way only kings and blue blooded Ancestors did. Maybe that was why the people of his clan had chosen him and you as the leading couple; trust was always placed in the people who seemed the most honest and capable, after all. And he was bluntly honest, never sugarcoating any form of bad news, well known for his loose tongue and ways to negotiate. You adored him for this.
Because even if he didn't want to hold that title, he would always be a king in your eyes.
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It had been only a day after his departure, and you already missed him dearly. The youngest of the clan asked about him with excitement, unbeknownst to your sorrow as it reminded you that two days were still a long time. Yet you smiled brightly as you told them stories about their leader, tales of how he had fought in the last war, bravely defending their unborn lives from any harm and saving their parents. The kids always saw him as a grumpy man, yet you could also spot their respect and awe whenever he joined your tales. He truly was a hero, wasn't he?
As Jungkook landed skillfully, making the kids jump up and run towards him as he looked at you with overwhelmed eyes, you knew that something was up. "Kids, don't hog him like that please." You said, and they seemed to groan at that, already sensing that today he wouldn't play with them. "Go inside and continue your drawings. I'll be with you in a minute, alright?" You said, trying not to make them worry. They thankfully didn't seem to notice.
"They're readying horses and spears." Jungkook said in a hushed tone, and you felt your heart drop a little. "Please, Y/N, you have to let me get Yoongi back. It's obvious what they're doing!" He said, and you bit your lip, looking at the children for a moment, before you opened your mouth for an answer which never came.
Because a flaming arrow buzzed past both of you, missing you both only by a hairs lenght- lodging into a tree behind you, Jungkook immediately moving you behind him as his eyes stared at the flames slowly eating away at the tree's bark.
'And with the flames overtaking a tree growing on stone beneath, the hunt will start for the day of season.'
They really did break their promise.
The day had started so beautifully as well, with the soft breeze of the beginning winter, a time of shared flames and cozy caves where you’d lay with your loved ones and watch nature drown the earth in its white frost to sleep, or in your case, covered under blankets craving the company of your mate. But the Kingdom of Men had been experiencing a famine worse than anything they’ve did before, and desperate as ever they’d decided to hunt whatever they would see fit. Your Clan had tried to convince them to stop their greedy hands, to help them realize that this needed to happen to help the environment recover and heal, yet the only thing it did was fuel their anger. Humans were easily blinded by their own needs, seeing nothing but their own benefit worth fighting for. But what they saw as honorable your kind saw as plain stupid and heartless. But the only thing they seemed to be able to do was take.
And take they did.
The clapping of horseshoes increased in the distance as you locked eyes with another mother, silently giving her the order to evacuate the children to safety- fear in her eyes as she tried to keep the youngest of the clan calm enough to move without much resistance.
You flew over the mountains, trying to keep an eye on the various mothers ushering their children into the deeper caves, others closing them with the largest rocks they could find to keep the men armed to the teeth from entering and stealing their young. You wanted to weep at the sight of spears being thrown and arrows being shot- yet you had to get a grip of yourself. This was not about you; this was about the bigger picture.
"Jungkook!" You roared, claws the color of white moonstone grabbing onto the edge of a cliff to hold onto it as the only slightly older dragon turned his head towards you, desperate eyes finding yours. "Help secure the lower territory! Don't let them get to the safety tunnels!" You yelled, nodding as he did the same, trying to ask you for Yoongi, yet you didn't give him enough time already climbing up to get a better view on the situation. Jungkook himself growled frustrated, as he turned around, letting himself fall down for a moment to aim an attack on a group of soldiers dangerously close to one of the closed caves. You had to save everyone. You had to.
Yoongi had always mocked you for your overly motherly instincts for the clan, even though you were even younger than Jungkook- the so called cub of everyone, with his youthful charm and playful character. You were a gentle dragon, too good as Yoongi always said. And it was true- you were horrible at fighting, scared of even attempting difficult flying maneuvers like others did, glad that you could hold yourself up in the skies. Your scales were never meant to protect you, your claws never given to you for war.
You didn't get to think much about that though, the sign you tried sending to your lover promptly interrupted.
It stung, no, it burned, it felt like the act of ripping your own wing off of your back would’ve hurt less than what you were feeling. One, two, three, four- the way you felt every arrow bury itself into your flesh made you cringe and yell in pain as the flight became too heavy to handle, making you fall down like a rotten apple, tumbling over the rocky ground like moldy fruit. The fall hadn’t been high enough to cause any critical damage, yet you had felt the way the force of gravity pushed and pulled on your body on its way down, sticks and stones ripping on your flesh.
This was it. This was the beginning of your fate. And you had seen it in those cold eyes of the metal-clothed men holding their spears straight at you in a way that reminded you of mockery; they were celebrating already, when your blood hasn’t even stopped running out of your wounds.
You got up, scales tainted red as you swung your claws left and right, trying to escape the ropes being tossed over your body, pulling on your skin underneath the layer of protective scales, as you heard Jungkook roaring in the background, trying to reach you before it was too late. "Don't!" You roared, a language only you and him understood, and he knew better than to question you. It pained him dearly however, as he had to watch them break you down, the poison arrows finally weakening you enough to let go of your dragon form, now barely distinguishable from the humankind hurriedly binding your hands behind your back, immobilizing you for transport. You hope for your last call to be received by your mate, as your eyes slowly close, the hunt ending with the shouts and cries of the soldiers, the first snowflakes slowly falling onto your bruised skin.
What you can’t see as they’re throwing you on the wagon that’s being pulled by two anxious horses is, how Yoongis eyes widen miles over miles away on his hunting trip with the Kim Clan; how he suddenly drops to his knees, and clenches his heart at the pain your bond is sharing with him. He knows. He does not want to accept it, but he knows, he knows that when he suddenly can’t feel you anymore that they really had done it, that their hunt was over. And his soul screams out to you as you’re being taken further and further away from him.
But soon enough this pain turns into fiery anger, as he realizes what exactly had happened. The kingdom had officially broken their Promise.
So how about he breaks his as well?
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Down in the cold chambers, you couldn't feel anything at all. The shackles around your limbs weighted you down embarrassingly, yet you couldn't get up even if you wanted to.
They've dressed you in a simple cotton dress, uncaring of your modesty or pride. You did not care if it got dirty- your entire being already burned and bruised, it wouldn't even make a difference. The doors opened slowly, creaking as someone entered, closing the door behind them. You did not look down as you were being taken out of your cell, gaze always straight ahead. It's something that Yoongi has taught you during your relationship; it didn't matter if they broke your body. As long as your soul and mind was intact, they couldn't break you.
So even as you were slowly led through the colorfully celebrating streets, citizens and children happily throwing flowers at the soldiers and staring at you like a rare gem never seen before, you kept your chin high. It didn't matter to you. You could be strong.
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"I'm going to burn everything down until nothing is left, I swear-" He fumed, eyes glowing dangerously as Jungkook wept in the corner of the now opened cave, guilt still heavy in his bones. Taehyung, who'd followed Yoongi together with his clanmates crouched down next to him, trying to console his friend- yet without luck. He understood the feelings of the younger dragon, sharing the pain almost, since his bond with you was a special one as well.
He loved you dearly like a sister- from the moment you had introduced him to Jungkook, who back then had only been a stray as you called orphaned dragons- raising him as if he was a sibling of yours to be protected. But now that his turn had seemed to be, he couldn't do anything to save you. And it burned in his veins like poison injected.
"Stop fucking blaming yourself." Yoongi growled, clearly hearing the younger ones thoughts. He couldn't control it at the moment, as everyones emotions were scrambled up and shattered like glass.
"Yoongi, I know you don't want to hear it-" Seokjin, the older dragon from Namjoon's and Taehyungs clan said, as Yoongi snapped at him.
"You're right, I dont." He said, eyes piercing and sharp.
"If you start a war right now, we will ultimately loose. You know this; don't do something irrational now." He said, trying to talk to his younger friend.
"How is saving my mate, my love, irrational? Are you fucking listening to yourself right now?!" He yelled, making the youngest of the group hiccup on his tears, Taehyungs hand ever so present on his back, desperately trying to calm him down.
Seokjin sighed. "I know how you feel, please. They will use her against us- she won't survive a fight." He said, and yoongi, for once, stayed silent. Because this was the ultimate truth- every war he'd start now would end with him having to kill you one way or another. And he knew that he could never do that. So he stayed quiet.
Until he lashed out, a harsh growl escaping him as he ran off, his dragonform flying off, thankfully however, not in the direction of the kingdom.
"Jungkook." Seokjin said, gaining the attention of the youngest dragon, red rimmed eyes tearfully gazing at him from his spot in the corner. "Follow him. Keep an eye on him- even if he tells you to leave. He can't be alone right now." He said, and the youngest nodded, sniffling before taking off as well.
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"Eat" the guard barked, staring at you. You simply sat criss crossed on the ground, shackled hands on your lap, the carcass of a rabbit in front of you- untouched. If he thought you would behave like an animal he would be mistaken. You could go without food for a couple of days. You were stubborn. "Propably can't even understand a fucking word." The guard barked, chuckling under his breath.
He clicked his tongue after a moment, simply walking to the other cage, holding someone else apparently. He threw a stale looking small loaf of bread between the bars, laughing as it bounced a bit out of reach for whoever was inside. "Have a good meal, witch." He said, walking off with a snicker.
"I prefer the term 'Alchemist', but I guess witch is fair enough." He mumbled after the door closed, voice higher in pitch than Yoongis and Jungkooks. He looked older than you as he moved forwards a bit, form illuminated by the warm glow that shone from a candle close by, but not as old as your mate was- probably Taehyungs age. His silvery hair hung a bit over his piercing eyes, neck painted in the same letters used on his arms. "Jimin." He said, tossing a broken off piece your way, that you took after nodding gratefully.
Witches, or alchemists as they called themselves nowadays were rookies when it came to magic and spells, yet they had a talent for learning quickly. They despised the pure human way, craving a future of equality instead of power. "Y/N." You answered, chewing on the bread, scared to get caught. Jimin nodded, sending a smile your way. Names were always the same in every language.
"I'm to be hung on the next full moon." He said with little remorse or sadness, taking your nod as a form of telling him that you understood his words. "Until then, I can keep you company if you want." You looked at him, suddenly feeling for him, even though he was of the same species who threw you into this rotting cage in the first place. He was deceived by his own race, making him an outcast. If you could, you would love to help him, save him, yet you could hear Yoongis words echoing in your head.
'you can't save everyone.'
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"leave me alone, brat." He scoffed, claws heavy on the crunching snow underneath him. The younger one didn't leave, merely falling back a few steps to give him space. "I said leave me the fuck alone Jungkook-" He growled, as he turned around, watching and cutting himself off in his words as he saw the younger cower. He was submitting. Apologizing.
"No. She told me to leave too, and look where that lead us!" He whined, voice still distorted after his long crying session back at the cave. "I can't leave you too, I can't be alone again, I can't loose you too." He said, large head almost burying itself into the snow, frozen water slowly melting around where his hot breath escaped his lungs. Yoongis gaze softened.
He remembered the way Jungkook had been brought to his clan years ago, orphaned just mere days ago, life suddenly turned around as he had tried to live on his own. He failed, to be fair, but he had never been prepared for the harsh reality that is a wanderers life- which his parents were. And as Yoongi had looked at you, already throwing your own coat over the freezing form of the boy older than you, the fabric of your clothing barely enough to cover his back, he couldn't let him leave like that.
"It's alright kid." He said, sitting down, wings simply laying flat on the ground, looking as defeated as he felt. "You did well." He murmured, and Jungkook began to cry again, feeling unworthy of his older brother's praise as the snowflakes fell onto his scales, some melting, and some of them building up.
Yoongi looked towards the kingdom as the sun slowly disappeared with its fiery glow, wondering if you were alright.
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"I've been here before." Jimin said, as you looked into his direction, his snicker not making you feel uncomfortable anymore. "Several times." He admitted, and watched the flame of a single candle standing on a small wooden chair close to the main door flickering. "I got bailed out by my mentor." He said, and you looked at him questioningly. Would this person come for him again? "One day, after I got out, he was arrested." His eyes slowly turned melancholic as he told his tale, now looking at his hands.
"He exchanged my life for his."
You saw how he traced the dark lines on his wrist, and you tapped the thick metal bars in front of you, asking him to hold them up. It was in your own tongue, writings of spells and runes, most of them a bit crooked, but well made for someone who didn't speak it natively. "So? Did I do a good job?" He asked impishly, and you smiled, nodding. You pointed towards yourself, than to him, trying to ask him if he understood the words as well. He nodded. "I haven't heard anyone pronounce it properly though, so I can't promise you that I can keep up with what you say." He spoke.
"That's fine." You said gently, voice a bit raspy from lack of use. He smiled, eyes opening wide in wonder, as if you had just showed him a miracle. You held your bound hands through the bars, as best as you could, trying to reach his. He did the same, fingers touching yours, as your eyes glowed gently, his vision now changing.
He suddenly found himself in the midst of your homeland- not the place you currently lived with Yoongi. Your homeland was far away, an island with delicate nature and a view of the raging seas. Jimin could just stare in awe as he watched other dragons of your kind pass by, dipping into the ocean skillfully before emerging again, chirping unheard melodies of a language he barely understood. He could see seagulls eagerly fetching after the large creatures, as if they were playing a game of hide and seek, living in the same world, coexisting without any form of battle between them. He could spot other dragons residing on the island, human forms of them building away on shacks and shelters, kids running around, chasing each other in playful eagerness.
His eyes watered as you let the story unfold in front of his eyes, boats arriving at the calm and serene scene, expensively clothes men walking over plants and insects without much care, holding maps and plans, excitedly chatting away as nature started to rot behind them, their steps seemingly poisonous as they tried to build and build, killing trees and dragons alike, suddenly wearing their scales as if stolen goods were the new trend in fashion, chaining down others for fun. He could hear their cries, feel their pain, as the scene suddenly shifted to a mother, holding her young cub out to a dark dragon unlike her. Its eyes the color of the nightsky as he took the small body from her, flying off, and taking the vision with him.
"I.." He started, as you simply took back your hands, now looking at his tear stained cheeks. He wanted to apologize, but he refused to let himself be acquainted with these people. No, if they said he wasn't human, that was taken as a compliment for him. He would rather have himself hung with his own beliefs, than accepting that this was what his kind was only capable of. He watched as you turned around, closing your eyes as you tried to fall asleep.
He had to do something.
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"Where's Y/N?" a young girl said, running after Yoongi. He turned around, crouching down to her level as he tried to come up with something.
"She's.. uhm..-" He said, before the girl cut him off.
"They say she died, but she didn't right?" She said, tear filled eyes staring at him. He had to swallow.
"Whoever said that is a liar kid. She didn't die.. she just.." The girl nodded seemingly understanding.
"But you're gonna save her, right?" Her face suddenly growing excited. "Cause you're the King, you gotta save the Queen!" She said, jumping up and down, and Yoongi suddenly looked over her head at Jungkook talking to Taehyung.
"You're right." He simply said, ruffling the girls head, before he walked towards the two rookies, determination in his eyes.
This plan was absolutely stupid, he knew that. But maybe he needed a bit of that this time.
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nillegible · 4 years
[Deleted* Scene from Stay, the Meng Yao time travel fic. Because I decided that the trope is a little Too Much for this particular story, but I do like cheesy things, so here it is. (*as in, I dismissed the idea almost instantly, but it wanted to be written, so here it is)]
“Da-ge,” says Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue looks up. The words ‘why aren’t you at saber practice?’ die on his lips when he sees the expression on Nie Huaisang’s face.
“Huaisang, what happened?”
“Da-ge, I got a. Wangji-xiong wrote me a letter.”
Nie Mingjue tenses. Last he knew, Lan Wangji was collaborating with Wei Wuxian. “If he wishes you to experiment with demonic cultivation, the answer is no. You are forbidden from attempting any-”
“It’s not that! It’s Xichen-ge, he- He’s fine! Da-ge nothing happened to him!” the last part is nearly yelled out, and Nie Mingjue does not know what his face had done to prompt the quick assurance, but the sheer icy terror for that one moment, when he thought that Xichen had died has his heart clenching painfully still, even with Huaisang waving his hands apologetically.
He sits back down, heavily. “Just tell me what it is, Huaisang.” Anything would be better than learning that his best friend was dead, or injured.
“During a night hunt, they found the half-eaten remains of a rogue cultivator,” says Huaisang. Nie Mingjue doesn’t like how this is going. “Xichen-ge.. from the hair ornaments, and the handwriting on the talismans – there was not much else to identify him with – he thinks that the cultivator was Meng Yao.”
“What could have…” he trails off. It does not matter what sort of monster had finally killed Meng Yao, not when Huaisang just shrugs, lips pressed together the way he does when he’s trying not to tear up. Meng Yao had been one of Huaisang’s dearest friends once.
Nie Mingjue holds his arms open, and his brother accepts the hug, throwing himself into his arms silently. He doesn’t say a single word, but the silent tears against his shoulder are accusing.
Why didn’t you check up on him?
Why didn’t you invite him to come back?
How could you let him die, all alone?
“Wangji says that Xichen-ge is taking it very hard. He asks if you would go to him,” says Huaisang, voice thick.
Nie Mingjue nods against his brother’s hair. He will go, and he will apologize to Lan Xichen for counseling him against accepting Meng Yao into his own clan, or claiming him as a sworn brother. Not because he thinks that it was the wrong decision, but if he takes responsibility then maybe Lan Xichen would feel less guilt.
“I will visit him,” he says.
“I want to come too,” says Huaisang.
“I know you were angry with him, but he didn’t… I want to say goodbye. They’re holding a service for him.”
“He did terrible things,” Nie Mingjue says. This is not the first time his brother has pled Meng Yao’s case in his absence. The words feel off this time, knowing that he’s no longer speaking ill of a wandering cultivator and ex-Nie… but a dead man.
“And some really great things, too,” Huaisang says firmly. “I want to come with you.”
(Huaisang always gets what he wants.)
The memorial is held at the place where Meng Yao died. Someone – the Lan, most likely - have cleaned up, have brought flowers and lamps to light the way of a spirit that could have gotten lost in its final moments of distress.
Nie Mingjue can see remnants of the battle, anyway, in the felled trees, gouges in the wood of several others. A broken Lan arrow that was not retrieved, shining with its distinctive fletching from where it lies discarded on the ground.
While the elders set out a soul-calming array, others leave offering at a small memorial. Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang approach that small cluster of people, intending to leave their own offerings there, and to light some incense for Meng Yao.
When people make room for them to approach, Nie Mingjue finally sees the painting that forms the center of the memorial.
It is in Xichen’s hand, Meng Yao’s likeness brought perfectly to life, warm and smiling, cheek dimpling with mirth. Nie Mingjue’s hand shakes faintly as he forces himself to move. The bottles of expensive Nie perfume suddenly feel cold and impersonal, as he lays them down among the other offerings.
It has been… years, since Nie Mingjue remembered his ex-deputy this way. He’s been remembering him in Wen-flame robes or in Qin-sect blue, even though he knows that Meng Yao had been a spy, and then banished from Qin sect. He’s been remembering him with an unnaturally fixed smile and aged eyes that seem to pass over everything, like Meng Yao was no longer here.
What didn’t I see? he wonders, faced with Meng Yao as he had been. Before the war, before the Wens, before Langya.
The Meng Yao on this memorial is not the one who had died here, he’d died long before… but Nie Mingjue realizes he’d not cared to see it, at the time.
Nie Huaisang tugs his sleeve lightly, and Nie Mingjue allows himself to be led away. Of course. There are more people to leave offerings for Meng Yao. He watches politely as strangers leave offerings. A regretful looking Qin Cangye and his daughter, as well as several of their disciples light incense, and then form a small group of just themselves, at the edge of the gathering.
Apparently Nie Mingjue is not the only one who feels guilty, today.
The air of the congregation tenses when Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun arrive to pay their respects, but for once the latter does not pick a fight, and Jin Zixuan is perfectly polite even though he’s visibly uncomfortable about being here. It was no secret that Jin Guangshan had resented his bastard turning his offer down.
(Why? Meng Yao, your ambition… why didn’t you join Jin sect? Nie Mingjue knew better than to believe that nonsense about feeling it disloyal to reject Sect Leader Qin’s generosity. But he had never challenged it, had never asked Meng Yao what changed. And now he’d never know.)
Once the crowding at the memorial thins out, Lan Xichen kneels before it, guqin out, and everyone falls silent as the haunting notes of Inquiry begin.
(Nie Mingjue recognizes one repeating series of notes, can hear every time that Lan Xichen plays Meng Yao, because Meng Yao had played it for him and Huaisang one evening, shortly before the battles turned for the worst. Back when they could afford an evening to themselves, to comfort Nie Huaisang before he had to be hidden away in the Cloud Recesses again, he’d shown them what Sect Leader Lan had taught him, while he was hiding him. “See? This is Meng Yao,” he’d said, and played it quickly, Meng Yao, Meng Yao, Meng Yao, Meng Yao, making Huaisang giggle, and try it out for himself, while Nie Mingjue watched in amusement.)
Every time that Xichen’s fingers still on the guqin, there’s only eerie silence, no spirit taking the chance to fill in, to answer Lan Xichen’s call. Nie Mingjue watches in silence until Lan Qiren sets a hand on Lan Xichen’s shoulder, bringing his music to an end.
“The Soul-Calming array is complete. If he does not wish to answer us, we should proceed,” he says. There’s something gentle in his usually stern voice, something edged with fear. Once this is over, Nie Mingjue has to find Lan Xichen. He must be taking it even worse than he appears, to frighten his uncle so.
He’s relieved when Lan Xichen looks up at them and rather than react with anger, joins them. He’s carefully sandwiched between Nie Mingjue on one side and a dutiful Wangji on the other, while the calming ritual is completed. For once, his face is as jade-like and expressionless as his brother’s beside him.
For Xichen’s sake, at least, Nie Mingjue mourns Meng Yao’s passing.
(He’s lying to himself. There’s just something about this, about knowing that Meng Yao, that bright workaholic with plans upon plans for every contingency, could be felled like this. Alone, and with no back up, that makes the whole world feel off-kilter.
The Nie die alone in the raging madness of qi-deviation, but even then they are not alone.
He’s never had backup, a voice like Huaisang’s chimes in his head. Da-ge, no one’s ever had his back. Not even you.)
He leaves Huaisang in the care of the other Nie disciples, and spends the night at Lan Xichen’s, letting him play piece after piece, and never pointing out that these are not cultivation scores but Gusu-Lan story songs. Nie Mingjue can guess why Lan Xichen is playing these today. Guess who heard them last, from Xichen’s clever fingers.
Lan Wangji is missing the next morning, and Nie Mingjue feels a stab of irritation that he would leave when Lan Xichen is so fragile. In his place, though, Nie Huaisang sticks to the Lan Sect Leader’s side, never allowing him a moment’s peace.
Xichen accepts the coddling with a faint smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, and by sneaking an extra sweet onto Nie Huaisang’s plate when they take tea, later.
Nie Mingjue’s tentative, “Can we talk, Xichen?” is met with a tired, “There’s nothing to say, Mingjue-xiong. Please. I cannot say it aloud again,” and Nie Mingjue doesn’t try again.
Three weeks later, an aide rushes into his office to tell him that Sect Leader Lan had arrived without warning. Worried, Nie Mingjue rushes to the entrance to meet him.
There’s pure unbridled joy on Lan Xichen’s face, but it’s the smaller figure at his side that stops Nie Mingjue in his place.
“Meng Yao?”
“I’m not dead, Sect Leader Nie,” he says, smiling.
“I am glad,” says Nie Mingjue, and it’s the absolute truth.
He ushers them into his office to speak in private, after sending an aide to fetch Huaisang, and hears a quiet, “Did Sect leader Nie always have dimples?” behind him, that makes Lan Xichen laugh out loud before he stifles it. Nie Mingjue throws them an injured look over his shoulder, but at the matching laughing grins that face him, he can’t help but smile, and turns away quickly so as not to give them proof.
It turns out that it was a case of mistaken identity. The man was a rogue cultivator, one that Meng Yao had traded talismans and a hair piece, for a small, deadly dagger that he now shows them.
“Imagine my surprise when I hear that I had died,” he laughs, but Nie Mingjue thinks there’s something weary within it.
“I am glad that Wangji and Wei Wuxian found you,” says Lan Xichen. Then, softer, gentler, “I’m glad they knew to look.”
Why didn’t you come to us? he means, though he does not say so outright. Why would you let us think you had died?
“I did not know you cared,” says Meng Yao, answering the unspoken questions. “I thought it would be easier to let you think me gone. That we would all get new beginnings.”
“Where would you have gone?” asks Nie Mingjue.
“Dongying,” says Meng Yao, eyes bright like it’s significant. Nie Mingjue doesn’t know why that makes Meng Yao laugh so hard, but it takes him a moment to compose himself.
“Meng Yao, Lan Xichen,” says Nie Mingjue before he can change his mind. “Would you be my sworn brothers?”
He gets two surprised looks, one more so than the other. “Sect Leader Nie,” he says. “Why? What do you want from me, that you’d? I don’t…”
“I don’t want you to go,” says Nie Mingjue honsetly. “You don’t have to do anything for us, but…” Don’t just vanish, for months at a time. It’s unsettling, when you’re missing. “Please stay,” he says.
Meng Yao turns to Lan Xichen, as if asking him to disagree. “I have already told you my mind on this, Meng Yao. In my mind, you were already my younger brother,” says Lan Xichen.
There’s a long silence, in which Meng Yao’s smile turns brittle again. He’s going to say no, thinks Nie Mingjue, and didn’t expect to feel as disappointed as he does at that.
“Okay,” says Meng Yao, smiling. “Okay, Da-ge, Er-ge. This time, I’ll stay.”
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Hunting Dogs (proxies x reader) Chapter Two
The sirens went off in your head as you bolted away from the scene and around the corner where you came from. Your first instinct was to go to your job and use the phone to call the police as you weren't able to pay for your phone bill this month since you just moved here, but when you saw the building; the lights were off and shutters drawn as it was closed.
"Fuck!" You said to yourself, hearing footsteps stomping near you and you drew a breath, breaking into a run once more as you raced through the busy street of T/N or what you were use to being as busy, but it was very relative to vacant. That's odd.
The only thing that was an indicator of the town being alive was the cars driving past, but it was like no one cared or stopped to think: Why is someone being chased by three large men? What happened? Should I stop and help? Call the police and give information?
No. It was like you were just separate from the world around you. Everyone was living their life while you were running to keep yours. "Just f-fucking tackle her already!" One of the man said and the next thing you knew you saw your apartment building.
How long was I fucking running for? it doesn't ever take me this quick to get home.
But you never really felt the need to run to your home before. But either way, you were glad and had a small wave of relief wash over you as you took your keys out of your uniform pocket and grabbed the key you recognized as the one to unlock the door. You tried running faster, pressing in the code to enter the building and it slowly granted you access.
You pulled open the iron gate and closed it as soon as your body was inside. "I'll get you! Don't think for a fucking minute that you're safe!" The man with the white mask growled, shaking the bars and watched as you ascended up the stairs and around a few corners until you reached your door. You swallowed thickly, shaking like a leaf in fear as you struggled to put the key into the slot and turn.
You closed the door behind you, locking it with your hand and slid your body down and onto the floor, pulling your knees up your chest. Why didn't I just stay longer at my job? This could've all been avoided! Or I could've just stayed and talked to Mr. Saka after my shift like I usually do...that would've been enough time...
You didn't realize that you were crying. You lifted your hand and wiped your face dry. You didn't have the strength to get up as you just only had enough energy to stare at the wall a few feet away from you. You heard someone walking down the hallway and your body tensed up, eyes darting around the room for a weapon or a place to hide, but realized it was just one of your neighbors and you let out a shaky breath that you were holding in.
Maybe, I'm safe. They don't know where I went. They can't get in without a code! And even if they tried to break in, they don't know what floor I'm on or room! Haha fuck you assholes.
You let out a low chuckle, pushing yourself up from the floor and walked to your bedroom. You flipped the switch and went over to your dresser, picking out your usual nightly wear. Discarding the dirty clothes into the hamper in your closet and laid down on your bed.
"What a fucking day." you said to yourself and didn't know if you were gonna be able to fall asleep. Your eyes widened as you had forgotten about your phone in your pants pocket. You got out of bed, almost tripping as your foot was stuck in the blanket. You opened the closet door again and checked your pockets, feeling the familiar bulge. "Thank god." you mumbled, pressing the power button and it showed the time. 10:38 p.m. You groaned, tossing your phone onto the bed.
It's definitely too early to go to bed.
You battled your thoughts as you recall your boss saying it was gonna need you early in the morning but with recent events you didn't know how you were gonna be able to shut your eyes long enough without thinking that you heard footsteps, creaking or some type of psycho in the corner of your room, watching you sleep.
You reached your arm out and grabbed your sleeping medication and opened the cap, taking your prescribed dose onto your palm. You groaned as you didn't have a beverage around you and once again, pulled yourself out of the warmth and comfort your bed provided.
Raking a hand through your hair, you walked out of the short hallway that led to your kitchen. You opened the cabinet and grabbed a small glass and put it under the faucet. Water poured out and you swallowed the pill along with the cold water. You dumped out the rest of the water, turning the handle and went back to your room.
You laid down on your bed and closed your eyes, snuggling up under the covers, trying to ignore your cruel mind that was planting ideas in your head while you attempted to comfort yourself, drifting off.
"What the fuck are we suppose to now? She's a goddamn witness!" Masky yelled in frustrated, pulling at his bangs and sat down on the ground, feeling the intense need to punch at the pavement underneath him. "W-we know that." Toby sighs, his twitching getting the best of him and tossed one of his hatchets into the wooden fence beside him. He sighs, using his strength and took it out of the wood. In front of him, Hoodie took a deep breath, exhaling into his mask and looked between two of the men.
They were unstable and he definitely hated being the only calculated and more leveled headed one out of the group, but everyone played their part. Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses, their methods to their madness. "Let's see if there's anyway we can climb up the building. If there's a chance there is, then we can see if it's stable enough for our weight and proceed from there, if not, then we can  grab grappling hooks from the mansion." He said and Masky chuckles, "Yeah and what if twitchy McGee misses?" He asks, eyeing Toby who turned so quick that he was surprised he didn't get whiplash.
"The fuck did you just call me you piece of shit!? Tell me why I shouldn't fucking bury this blade into your neck right now!" He stomped, going over to the man who was sitting down, but a held out hand was pushed against him. "Enough you two! This is not going to help our situation. If you keep pushing each other, I'll do this myself and you know boss will know, but maybe if you guys are gone things can actually get done here." He threatened, removing his hand from the younger individual.
The other two men stared at each other, mentally telling each to fuck off or they'll be killed. Toby growled, sliding the handle of his hatchet back into it's proper place and walked away. Masky looks down and can feel the burning sensation of Hoodie's eyes on him. He looked up, "If you're going to give me a lecture, get it the fuck over with already. It's the same shit everyday." He pushes himself up from the ground and stands up.
Hoodie scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, maybe if you two grew up. Especially you." Hoodie gave him a long look, turning away with his back turned to him. "For fuck's sake, your older and you've been doing this longer than him, act like it." He added, going to stand where he was previously.
"Look!" Toby points upwards to a specific window and the other two followed to where he was pointing to, seeing the familiar face of the person they were after. Animalistic grins were painted on their faces as they watched the oblivious victim, drinking water and retreating back to another part of the apartment. "Good Job, you did something right for once." Masky smirks, looking at Toby over his shoulder. Toby rolls his eyes and looks at Hoodie. "Now what?' he asks, his fingers twitching in anticipation. There was so much he wanted to do to the person thinking they were safe.
"We count." he says, looking around for a sign to see what building number it was and once he got the digits. He went to the front of the building where the gate was that kept them from getting in, remembering the fucker went up the stairs and turned to the next set of flights. He rounded back to the back of it and Toby reminded him of where he saw them. Hoodie nodded, moving his fingers sideways and up and down, counting the amount of floors there were and where the room was located from others. He took out a piece of crumbled paper and a small pencil he took with him just in case.
He wrote down the digits, using his leg as a table to write on. "Good. Now we wait." He smirks, going over to where there was shade and they could hide easily, leaning their backs against the fence, they glued their eyes to the window where you were seen from.
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maaaddiexo · 4 years
Fireflies (The Weeping Monk)
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Warnings: none
part 3/4 (4 for now; maybe more after second season release)
[part 4]
There weren’t any paths in the woods west of Travern so they often had to go out of the way to get around thick areas of trees. Once Y/N had regained her strength, she dismounted the horse and walked beside Squirrel on the round, looking for signs.
“Signs of what?” Squirrel had asked almost an hour ago.
“We’re three days away from the next village.”
Y/N had only given the boys a mischievous smile and looked back at the path ahead of them. She hadn’t seen any signs yet, nor had she seen any footprints or broken branches but she had faith they were going in the right direction.
“We should stop for lunch,” the Monk said. Nobody had spoken for a long time and the noise startled Y/N out of a trance she didn’t know she was in.
“What?” The Monk repeated himself. “Good idea, but you’re in no condition to hunt.”
“I’ll do it,” Squirrel replied.
“No. We have to stick together. We’re in the Dark Wood now.”
“But you said everything was rumours.”
Y/N swallowed then said, “Not everything.”
“Well then, why the bloody hell are we here?”
“For the same reason we have to stick together. Now, come on. Let’s find a river.”
Lunch was measly little fish Squirrel had caught for them roasted over a small fire. As they ate, Y/N redressed the Monk’s wounds and applied more of the healing past to his wounds.
“So what now?”
“We wait until nightfall.”
Y/N smiled. “Because that’s how we find them.”
“The People of the Lost Village.”
“I’ve never heard of that village,” Squirrel replied.
“Strays,” the Monk said after a moment. “Carden called them Strays.”
Y/N shrugged. “I suppose they are. From what I’ve gathered, most were kicked out of their villages, but a few chose to leave.”
“How do you know this?” the Monk wondered, cocking his head to the side. “You said you’ve been locked in the tower for fifteen years.”
“I have been, but I’m a witch. Stone walls can’t keep out the visions.”
“You’ve had visions about the People of the Lost Village?”
Y/N nodded and tangled her fingers in the long grass beside her. “Almost every time I fall asleep since you came to visit,” she looked at the Monk. “And I don’t get visions for no reason.”
“That’s why you insisted on coming,” Squirrel realized. “Because you knew of a place where we would be safe.”
“How do you know we’ll be safe there?”
“Because they’ll understand.”
“What do you mean?”
Y/N huffed. “Gods! Just wait and see. I don’t know everything. Only what the visions show me. But I do know that we’ll be safe there.”
The Monk seemed to contemplate something for a moment but then blinked and nodded. “Okay.”
Y/N took a bite of the fresh cod. “What’s your real name?”
The Monk froze. “Why do you want to know?”
Y/N shrugged. “I don’t know what to call you. But if you don’t want to tell me your name,” Y/N shrugged again. “It’s okay.”
“Nimue would have said the same thing,” Squirrel said through a mouthful of fish. His shoulders dropped. “I miss her. I hope she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she is,” Y/N said encouragingly. “From the stories you’ve told me, she sounds like she can take care of herself.”
They sat by the edge of the river through the afternoon and watched the sun make its descent. When it finally began to dip below the tall trees, the cold set in and Y/N stood up. Her knees were stiff and her butt was numb.
“How’s your leg?”
The Monk look down at his injured leg. A lot of blood had seeped through the trouser leg and the edges of the leaves Y/N had used were stained red. “Still hurts like hell, but it’s not bleeding so I guess that’s good.”
Y/N smiled. “The People of the Lost Village will help. But we have to wait for the sun to set completely.”
“What, are they bats?”
“No,” Y/N chuckled. “But nighttime is when they come out. It’s when they feel safe.”
“So how do we find them?”
Y/N looked at the Monk. “The same way you found the Fey camp. They leave secret symbols but in old Fey. That’s where we need you.”
The Monk swallowed nervously. He had never felt entirely comfortable hunting his own kind but had forced himself to numb out his emotions when hunting. But now, he didn’t want to do it at all. “I don’t know if I can. Not anymore.”
“We’re not hunting them,” Y/N said softly, touching his hand with hers. “We need to follow the signs to find them. They can help us.”
“I don’t want to hurt them.”
“We won’t. I promise.”
The Monk nodded but Y/N could still see the apprehension in his eyes. Still, he agreed and they walked away from the river and into the trees away. He limped and used Y/N as a crutch as they walked and Squirrel led the horse.
As the sun set completely below the horizon, they lost all light and could barely see three feet in front of them, Y/N began to doubt they were in the right place. She looked around desperately, hoping to see what she’d seen in her visions. And then she saw it.
“There! Look!” She pointed to the trees. A glowing substance had been used to paint a symbol on the trunk of a tree. “That’s what we’re looking for.”
“It’s Fey for north,” the Monk read. “And look,” he pointed to the base of the trunk. Almost hidden by the growing grass, he pointed to another glowing cipher. “That means follow. When Father Carden had me looking for the Fey camp, they used these same directions.”
“Let’s go.”
Every twenty yards, they would find another symbol. Sometimes it was an arrow, sometimes it was a written direction like ‘west’, sometimes it was the Fey word for ‘follow’, which assured them they were still on the right path.
“How’s your leg?” Y/N asked. She felt him put more weight on her as they continued walking and hoped that – for his sake – they were close to the Lost Village.
The Monk grunted. “Trying not to think about it. It’s bleeding again.” Y/N cursed. She had no idea how far away they were from the Lost Village.
Behind them, Squirrel stopped walking. “Are those…fireflies?”
“Impossible. I haven’t seen fireflies in this area in over ten years,” the Monk breathed.
“Squirrel’s right,” Y/N stopped, and effectively the Monk stopped too. “Look.” Up above them, what looked like hundreds of fireflies flittering above them. A few floated down closer to them and Y/N reached her hand out for one to land on. “They’re so pretty. I’ve never seen them before.”
The Monk, who had been breathing down Y/N’s throat, stared at the firefly on her hand. He reached his hand out, almost like he was going to touch it, but it startled and flew back up to the large group.
“They used to be all over the place in my village,” the Monk admitted. “They’d come out every night. We would all just…lay down outside and watch them for hours. I remember my parents would usually have to carry me back to bed. But after Father Carden took me, I never saw them again. Until now.”
“I think it’s a sign,” Y/N smiles. “One for new beginnings.”
“What we need is a sign to find the People of the Lost Village,” the Monk remarked. “I don’t see any more signs.”
“I don’t think we need to find them,” Squirrel said, staring at their horse. Its ears were perked and moving back and forth. It heard something they couldn’t hear. Y/N suddenly felt like she was being watched and frantically looked around, staring into the woods. She didn’t see anybody, but she could feel them. She swallowed nervously. “Born in the dawn.”
“We don’t say that here,” a clear voice said from the bushes. They stepped out from the cover of the trees and Y/N saw a tall, muscular, dark-skinned woman with a shaved head covered in tribal tattoos. She could see where her tusks had once been but were cut off. Now they were just stumps. “We just say ‘hi’.”
“We need help, please.” Y/N said. She gestured to the Monk. “He’s badly injured. I can heal him, but we need shelter.”
“Why should we let the Weeping Monk live?” somebody spat. It was a Moon Wing, except he only had one wing. Y/N wondered, was he born that way or did he lose a wing in an accident? “He’s killed our people!”
“And he can save them too, and defeat the Red Paladins.” From a nearby bush, Y/N yanked off a leaf and pulled the Monk closer to the woman. And before he could realize what she was doing and react, Y/N had touched the back of his hand with a leaf. His hand reacted and turned green, mimicking the pattern on the leaf. There were multiple gasps from within the trees.
The tattooed lady growled, “Traitor.”
“You would be the same as him if a man in a red robe spent at least ten years telling you your kind was tainted and evil,” Y/N argued. The woman took a step back, realizing Y/N had a point. “But he helped this boy escape the Red Paladin camp and fought the Trinity Guard to save his life. So, please. Help us.”
[part 4]
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crimsonwolfie · 4 years
Fortuitous Love — Theo Raeken x Werewolf!Reader
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Prompt: You (the reader) are a werewolf in London who live with Jackson and Ethan. You all travel to Beacon Hills to help Scott’s pack fight against the hunters, only things happen unexpectedly...
Warnings: occasionally swearing, trigger of dying/pain, fluff and general happy ending
Word count: 4,799
“You know, you’re asking for your death certificate by doing this.”
“I’m part werewolf, part kanima, darling. They’ve got nothing on me.”
“What about us, my love? We’re only werewolves. Sorry for not having the intolerance to wolfsbane unlike you!”
Carrying your head in your hands, you sigh dramatically at the two loverbirds in the front seats. Jackson and Ethan have been your friends (more like parents) for the past 2 years, after they found you alone and scared on the night you turned. Ever since then, they’ve taken you under their wing like their own and helped you control yourself - they were there for you when no one else was. During those 2 years, they’ve confided in you completely, telling you about Beacon Hills and their friends back there like Lydia, Stiles, Scott and Derek Hale. Being in London, you don’t really make any run in appearances with other supernaturals so your knowledge of them is remotely vague...but ever since your date took you out on a walk through the woods and bit you, you’ve wanted to know everything you can about all of it. If it wasn’t for Jackson and Ethan walking home from a dinner date and heard you scream, then you wouldn’t even be here to tell your story.
A cold, refreshing breeze hits your heated pink cheeks as your hair is swept back from the car window being down. Peering up through the sunroof, you see the moon full and as bright as the heavens above, bringing a small smile to your lips. As the reflection of the moonlight appears upon your glossy eyes, your mind wanders into reminiscing what your life was like before you changed...how you couldn’t hear everything in a 3 mile radius, how you had to ask how people were feeling instead of smelling their emotions...how you didn’t have to be weary of people hunting you down just to kill you for personal gain...
“How’re you feeling, Y/N?” you’re snapped back to reality by Jackson turning around in his seat, his eyes soft and his dimples merry.
“I’m okay, a little nervous i guess” you reply, shifting in your seat slightly whilst tugging the sleeves of your hoodie onto your hands “but hey, what about you? I mean...you haven’t seen these people for 3 years”
“It’s okay, not like they’re strangers. It’s just a shame it’s not under better circumstances” Jackson drops his head slightly in guilt. You know he thinks he should have visited them at least once a year, but with so many supernatural occurrences that have happened in Beacon Hills over the years, he knew it wasn’t the right time. And you knew that too.
“Look, you couldn’t see them before this. It was too dangerous, okay? You’re not in the wrong.” You place your dainty hand over his large one, gripping it tightly in a way to say “it’s going to be okay.” He returns this with a gentle squeeze of your hand and a small smile, before letting go and turning back to the front.
You, Jackson and Ethan were on your way to Beacon Hills to help the pack fight against pretty much the whole town, who have been turned by their own fear to fighting and killing all supernatural creatures. Hunters had been sent to London to hunt down you three, obviously they didn’t succeed but you guys were absolutely pissed. In a way, this is all a blessing in disguise to you, as you’re now on your way to meet people who are meant to be like a second family to you. You’ve heard so much about them all, that you feel like you have already met them...it’s...weird.
“Don’t be scared, darlings” Ethan disturbs the comforting silence with a soft tone “i can sense the fear from both of you, it’s thicker than a bowl of oatme-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” you lean forward poking your head between the two seats in front, glaring at Ethan with beady eyes. Both men wheeze as you breathe out a slight laugh.
“-and anyway...i’m not scared.” You retort, placing your hands on your hips and tilting your head slightly whilst staring into Ethan’s eyes in the mirror. He stares back at you, crinkles on his eyelines and cheek bones high as he cackles softly at your words
“Yeah right princess”
“It’s true! I’m not!”
“It’s okay if you are, sweetie” Jackson pouts sarcastically, earning a middle finger from you. “Hey, don’t be mean little lady!” Jackson wiggles his finger at you whilst tutting your choice of actions.
“Love i will not hesitate to bite your finger off and throw it out this window” you hiss as your eyes glow a bright golden colour. Since you’re London born and raised, you have a british accent coating your words, making it all that more humorous for the two americans in front of you. Your accent has always been something they find both fascinating about you, but also a way to tease you about how you say certain words. You look up to the window reflection to see your eyes are glowing and quickly look down and shake it off.
“You know, i think you’ll get on very well with Theo Raeken” Jackson pipes up, you look up to see him smirking, knowing it’ll wind you up even more.
“Who is this Theo Raeken guy, anyway. I thought you said you both left town before he appeared?”
“Oh we did, only it’s a pretty small world and that guy gets around..” Ethan side eyes Jackson, wearing a confused “just tell her” expression
“...okay maybe because Lydia calls me every week to tell me what i’ve missed.” He sighs as he rolls his eyes. You smirk sweetly, quite enjoying the view in front of you.
“So what’s he like?” You ask, intrigued to know more about this ‘Theo’ guy
“He’s a dick”
“And a liar”
“And a snake”
“Wait how’s that even possible?! I didn’t even think you could have a snake hybr-“
“-no not literally silly, you can’t trust him. He’s a snake that way”
“Is he fit though?”
The car comes to a sudden halt outside an old, abandoned building. The night sky darkens your surroundings, taking away any sort of comfort you had before. Had you reached your destination? Or was something stopping you from reaching it? Remote darkness surrounds you all with not a glimpse of light in sight - no street lamps lit, no lights in the buildings and no cat eyes in the road. It’s almost as if you’re standing in the middle of a ghost town, or even a graveyard.
“This...this can’t be right?” Ethan begins to fiddle with the satnav displayed in front of him “it’s saying ‘route malfunction. No route calculated?”
“It was fine when we got here?” Jackson retorts whilst rubbing his eyes of tiredness. You can feel it too...the fatigue. After an 11 hour plane ride, you’re surprised you’d lasted this long without any sleep. But there’s something else your senses are picking up on...fear? Or even anger?
“Let me try my phone” you hesitate as you open the car door, stepping one foot out ever so cautiously. Picking up your phone from the seat, you hold it up in the air in hopes of getting a signal - nothing. No bars at all...weird.
A cold shiver runs down your spine, causing your entire body to cover in goosebumps. Pulling your hoodie over your body more and bringing your arms up to hug yourself, you get back in the car, rolling the window back up. As if by magic, the air turned from a cool summer breeze to a winter snowstorm with an unsettling feeling running around in the air, and you nor your wolf side liked it.
“Do...do you feel that?” You ask
“I don’t know what it is but...yeah i feel something”
“It’s called love dumbass”
“Jackson this is not a time for your sarc...” Ethan trails off suddenly, sticking his nose up in the air and sniffing. “It’s blood...i smell blood”
“What are you...wait, yeah i smell it too” you retort, opening your car door up once again and stepping out “i’m gonna go and follow it, stay here” you say
“Y/N you’re basically our child, it’s YOU who should be staying put, safe” Ethan replies, his hand on your shoulder
“Eth, it’s okay...i can handle myself” you flash your eyes “if i’m not back in 10 then get the hell out of here. Don’t look back.” and with that, you stalk off, following the scent of fresh blood. Using your wolf vision allows you to see more in your path than you would normally, and with your senses heightened due to a completely unfamiliar setting, you know you’ll be okay.
There’s tall brooding trees everywhere around you, but no sight of life of any kind. Running faster and faster you start to gain a stronger track of the scent, seeing a type of clearing ahead of you. Just as you’re about to leap forward, you hear something flying through the air, only you have no idea where it’s coming from. As you stop and stand behind the tree bark, your vision starts to blur and your muscles begin to weaken. You feel this sharp sting in your side, looking down to reveal an arrow sticking out of it. Panic overwhelms you as the thought of dying here in the darkness, in the cold all alone, scares the hell out of you. A hot, single tear drops on your rosy cheek and into the corner of your mouth. You want to scream, to rip someone’s throat out, to run and hide, but you can’t move. The sound of more arrows flying through the darkness surround you, until all you can hear is the same swooshing sound of this death trap.
“Hunters” you moan under your breath, squinting your face in both pain and anger. The blood is oozing out fast, and you’re not healing. You lift your hoodie up to see the damage whilst wincing...and it’s bad. I mean...really bad. If you’re not healing, then it can only mean one thing...
“Oh for fuck sake, wolfsbane?” You growl as blood seeps into your leggings, painting your once grey hoodie now a tie dye of a piercing crimson shade. The pain begins getting worse as beads of sweat drip from your forehead, mixing with your salty tears. Red laser beams strike through the darkness ahead of you, searching for your body. Scrunching up into a ball on the floor, you try to rock yourself to ease the pain, but it’s useless. You’re looking around for any sort of plan, and start to think of Jackson and Ethan, hoping they’ve gone and are out of harms way. ‘If anything ever happens to them i swear to god i will kill anyone and everyone who inflicted harm their way’ you think to yourself, as you tug the arrow out of your body with a heartbreaking cry. So many emotions are crossing your mind right now to the point you don’t know what is right to feel and what is wrong. Killing someone? It feels fucking right at the moment. Especially the son of a bitch who hunted you.
You know you couldn’t howl to alert the others as they would just race towards you, not away. You have no choice but to face the hunters to get to the clearing, to find someone to help, and with that...you get up. It takes all your strength, but you do it, determined to escape alive.
“Cmon Y/N, you got this” you whisper to yourself in a brittle voice, chin trembling from the pain you’re enduring. Your golden circles glow brightly with determination, as you step forward...but as soon as you do, you look down to see a red laser beam pointed directly at your stomach. Luckily your adrenaline instincts kick in as you grab the flying arrow mid-flight before it hits your body. Breaking it into two pieces, you look up, anger and rage boiling inside you. Your fangs rip through your gums as a ground-rumbling growl leaves your throat, cutting through the space around you like a thousand knives. Running towards the clearing, a dozen more arrows fly around your body...some missing...but also some hitting. Taking a few arrows to your chest, back, legs... your vision gets blurrier, fading by the second until you can’t take it anymore, the wolfsbane kicking in a lot quicker than before. Collapsing on the ground of dried leaves and fertile soil, you reach your hand out to the clearing, trying to grasp at it one final time. Gripping a handful of soil in your blood soaked palms, your eyes brim with tears. ‘This is it’ you think, your fear of a painful, cold and lonely death becomes too realistic. The sound of arrows flying from all directions starts fading away as your body slowly starts giving up on you. As you’re about to give up completely, you see a small blurry blob in the distance getting bigger and bigger the closer it comes. The last thing you see is a hand reach towards your body, then pitch black.
You awake with a gasping breath, back shot up straight and eyes wide. The last thing you remembered was being on the brink of death in the woods, yet now you’re in somewhere that looks like a clinic...an animal clinic maybe?
Looking down at your hands, you see dirt and blood still dug in-between your nails...but there’s white bandages wrapped around your arms. Your bare back shrieks in pain as your skin burns underneath, screaming to be ripped apart. The steel table is cold to your touch as you sweep your legs off onto the side, examining your body for injuries - you’re patched up with bandages everywhere instead. As you’re about to get off the table completely, you hear footsteps approaching the room. Quickly, you decide to grab the needle to your right side for defence, only freezing once seeing the figure walk into the room.
It’s a boy, roughly the same age as you, only he seems a lot more muscular, taller and maturer than you. His hair is a dirty blonde, with longer bits at the front that fall in front of his face Leonardo Dicaprio style. His complexion is dashing, with eyes as blue as the sea and chiseled jawline, his nose pretty much perfect and his lips...oh they look succulent. Upon seeing you, he smirks with perfect lips, as his brows raise.
“And what do you think you’re going to do with that?” He asks, his voice deep but attractive. He places the clipboard in his arms down on the counter next to him, bringing a hand to his hip.
“I...you could have been the hunter” you reply, captivated by his features still
“So i try to kill you, patch you up here and then try to kill you again?” His lips part as a chuckle leaves his throat
“You never know.” You snap, pouting your lips as your brows furrow in defeat.
“So...you must be Y/N?’” The boy asks, tilting his head slightly whilst scanning you up and down. You step back suddenly, surprised he knows who you are, as if he’s been expecting you.
“Wait how’d you know that?” You ask, slowly placing the needle in your hand on the table. He steps forward, closing the space between you two slightly
“Well for one, the accent” he points towards your mouth with a single finger, “and second, Lydia never stops talking about the ‘girl who Jackson saved’. It’s pretty obvious.”
“Well you’re acting like i’m not what you expected..”
“Because you’re not.” He smirks whilst getting closer, closing the gap between you two more. You can’t help but stare into his eyes, then look down at his luscious lips and think of what they’d feel like pushing against yours, moving in synchronisation-
“Hey, stop thinking about me” you snap out of your trance, looking up to see him winking at you with that famous grin of his that everyone talks about, granted he is who you’re thinking he is...
“I-i’m not thinking about you” you push him away
“I can smell the attraction on you” he scoffs.
“I take it you’re Theo Raeken, then.” Sighing, you look up at him, crossing your arms across your chest.
“The one and only” he says as he comes closer to you, bringing his face inches away from your own.
You understand what everyone means when they say Theo Raeken is no good - The guy reeks of selfishness and cockiness. He went against Scott and his pack, even killed him at one point and spent a year in hell...if you could see red flags then he’d be drowning in them. But that’s your problem - you go for the bad guys...you always have. Jackson and Ethan knew this already, which is why they knew you’d get along with him when no one else does.
“So what brings you to Beacon Hills, gorgeous?” Theo takes a few small steps forward, which is making you take small steps back until your back hits the wall of the clinic, your frame pressed against the hard surface. Theo raises his hand and presses his palm against the wall, leaving you nowhere to escape...that is...if you wanted to (but hey, being sandwiched between a wall and a really hot - actually insanely hot guy, was not that bad).
“It’s the hunters, we came back to help.” Your eyes glimpse across his face once again, as you bite your bottom lip. You lean on the wall with your feet planted into the floor, keeping you completely still.
“You’re willing to risk your life for complete strangers?” Theo’s face falls in concern, his deep blue eyes squinting slightly in disbelief. ‘What kind of girl would do that?’ He questioned himself, starting to get more intrigued by you each second.
“They’re not strangers, kinda?” You reply, looking away as you try to explain “they’re Jackson and Ethan’s friends, so i trust them.” Scratching your neck, you look back to him. Theo stares at you as if he doesn’t believe what you’re saying. “You don’t need to stare at me like that”
“Like what?” Theo questions
“Like you can’t trust me. Because you can...and anyway who’s to say you’re the one to be trusted? You don’t exactly have the best representation” you retort, earning a scoff from the boy in front of you
“I saved your life; you should be grateful?” He hissed
“Gee, thanks for not killing me like you did with Scott Mccall, you’re my hero.” You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes and shaking your head.
“I do not like your attitude, pretty” theo scoulds, his eyes glowing.
You flash your eyes back at him, growling “i don’t like your loyalties.”
“Yeah well maybe if you went through what i’ve gone through you’d understand”
“You don’t need to pity yourself, Raeken. Some people are just born monsters. Accept it.”
“You don’t even know me!” He’s practically screaming now, with his teeth gritted and fangs shining in the moonlight from the windows above
“I know enough to know you’re a no good, rotten waste of space!” You hiss back, as you go to swipe at him...but he blocks you, gripping your wrist in his hand.
You both stand there facing each other with your fangs dripping and eyes golden, faces inches apart and heavily breathing. You can practically feel his chest on yours, his breath tingling on your cheeks. Staring into each other’s eyes, neither of you move. His hand is still wrapped tightly around your wrist...only after around 10 seconds of staring into each other’s golden orbs, he loosens his grip. He doesn’t let go, just hovers his hand gently over yours. You yank your wrist from his touch and bend under his other arm, which is still palmed to the wall. Walking around the the other side of the table, you focus on controlling yourself...which Theo notices from the corner of his eye.
“You still have trouble controlling yourself, don’t you?..” he begins, only you shut him up by running towards him, shoving your hand over his mouth. Theo’s eyes widen, fearful for your state...but there’s something else in his eyes - sympathy? Suddenly a heart-wrenching pain tears through your side, causing you to kneel over screaming with pain. Still with your hand over Theo’s mouth, he gently places his own over yours as long, black lines start trailing through his skin.
“Wha-what are you-“ you yelp loudly “-you doing?” gritting your teeth and clawing your claws into your palms, he places his other hand over the small of your back. Theo gently moves your hand with his, off of his mouth, so he can talk.
“I’m taking your pain away” he softly speaks, his eyes soft and his touch delicate over your fragile skin. You look up to him with a layer of tears glazed in your eyes, fear hidden deep within your orbs. Theo never looks away when taking your pain. As you start to feel it going away, your eyes soften slightly, guilt clouding your conscience after remembering what you said to Theo. ‘Clearly he’s not what they paint him to be’ you think to yourself.
“You have to care, to take pain away...” your voice is shaky, wobbly. As you bring your legs together, Theo gives you a small smile, as he still holds your hands after taking your pain.
“Of course i care...i can tell you do to” he simply replies, looking down at the ground. His soft, silky hair flops with his gaze, covering part of his forehead. All you want to do is run your fingers through his perfect head of hair, feel it through your fingertips and put your hands on his cheeks...
“But you don’t know me?” You whisper, as you reach forward and place your fingers on the side of his head. He leans into your touch, replying “i just feel like i know you, already”
He brings his hand to yours on his cheek, lacing your fingers in his
“I’m really sorry for...for everything i said earlier” you hiccup quietly “it’s just i thought you were this big bad guy that everyone says you are...” your words trail off as you glance away to the side, thinking of why Theo was being so nice to you “...Hell changed you...didn’t it?” You mention, your voice barely above a whisper. Theo grunts at your words, flinching at the thought of what he went through down there.
“It would change anyone” his eyes welled with tears as he chewed on his lower lip. A sob leaves your lips as you realise what torture he must have gone through, seeing the genuine look of hurt and pain in his expressions. It makes you want to just hug him and never let go...
“...no one’s seen this side to you, have they?” you lift his head up by placing your fingers on his chin. His head is heavy, tears now streaming down his face as memories are recapped in his wracked brain. You bring both hands to wipe away his tears, sobs quietly leaving his mouth.
“No...” he begins, choking up. You pull him into your body, hugging him tightly, rocking sideways in a way of comforting him. He returns the hug, wrapping his arms around you tighter and burying his head in the crook of your neck. You both stay like this for a while, as your hand rubs his back softly and the other hand runs through his hair.
Everyone had no problem telling the bad side of Theo Raeken’s story, but they seemed to have missed out the path of redemption. The path Theo wanted to take, and with your help, he would stick to. For this, you felt anger unlike anything before, for he was a boy who made mistakes. Hell, you’ve made mistakes before...but everyone deserves the right to prove their redemption - to make things right...and Theo Raeken...was never given that opportunity.
Slowly sitting up, he wipes the rest of his face of tears, resting his back against the wall of the clinic. He never expected to meet you, and like you. He’d heard things about you, much like how you heard things about him, but he never saw sympathy as one of your qualities...especially sympathy towards him. You release him from your touch, about to get up, until he grabs your hand back in his.
“Please, don’t leave me Y/N” he begs, his state so fragile and broken. As his soft fingers lace around your own, you obey his wishes and sit back next to him, intertwining your fingers together. He turns towards you, a sweet smile on his face, his red bloodshot eyes tired. You lean your head on his broad shoulder, and just sit with him. He leans his head on your head, his breathing calming. It’s almost like you two are each other’s anchors...but it’s impossible - you don’t know each other...not really?
“Do you believe in people being anchors?” You whisper. Theo adjusts himself closer to your body, instantly creating more heat between you two
“I guess...Liam’s is Hayden. When she left, he really struggled. He still does” he hums. It gets you thinking...you never really had an anchor. You only had Jackson and Ethan telling you this motto “the sun, the moon, the truth” to help control yourself, but most of the time it never worked...
“Wait” you gasp, starting to get fidgety and panic setting in your heart “where are Jackson and Ethan? They were in the car and i left them. I left them, Theo” you turn to him with tears settling in your eyes, your face growing paler through panic. Theo quickly grabs your shoulders to steady yourself, pushing your hair behind your ears, out of your face
“Hey, hey Y/N it’s okay - they’re safe. I got to them, too. They’re with Scott and the others.” He reassures you, rubbing your arms. “It’s okay, breathe. Just breathe, you’re okay”.
“I can’t lose them, they’re all i have” you whimper, Theo strokes your cheek with thumb, pulling you into his chest.
“You have me” he whispers, making you look up at him in adoration. You two had met a couple of hours ago and it already feels like you’ve fallen for him...only he felt the same way. It’s like you two were each other’s soulmate, and that everything feels safe and okay when you’re with each other.
“I feel like...and please don’t think i’m crazy-“ you blurt out, hand on Theo’s chest “-but i feel like you’re my anchor...”
Theo smiles at your words and leans forward, crashing his lips into yours with pure desire and passion. You return the kiss by moving your lips sweetly along with his, hands roaming everywhere on each other’s bodies. Sparks run through your body and burst into fireworks as the kiss deepens. Theo places his hand on the back of your head, pushing you deeper into his lips. Your fingers trace through his hair, tugging at times. Your urge to rip each other’s clothes off increases, as Theo gets slightly aggressive in the kiss, his hands leaving imprints in your skin and biting your lip. Your breath is rigid, wanting more and more. Suddenly, the lights flicker and the sound of a door creaking open breaks the connection between you and Theo, as Jackson and Ethan walk through the door. You and Theo freeze in your position of tops half off, Theo on top of you, his hair an absolute mess and your hair tangled around your neck in sweat
“I knew it!” Jackson cackles, clapping his hands together as Ethan stares at him in annoyance. He reaches into his pocket and places a 10 dollar bill in Jackson’s hand, who smirks and kisses his teeth
“-woah woah you guys BET on this happening?” You gasp, pushing Theo off you enough so you could sit up
“No, we bet that you’d like him...we didn’t bet that you guys would actually click like that” Ethan replies, shrugging.
“Okay i love you guys but...get out.” You scowl, staring at the two men in front of the door
“Y/N we didn’t me-“ Jackson starts
“GET OUT” you flash your eyes, causing the two men to dash out of the room sniggering like two school girls. You flop back on the floor, smirking towards Theo, who climbs back on top of you, about to press his lips to yours once again
“What actually happened he-“ Ethan’s head pops behind the door frame
Hope you guys like this! Let me know if you want a part 2 or any other Teen Wolf requests! Xo
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey,chapter 11! This one is a bit longer so I hope you enjoy! This story is coming close to an end so yeah! As always, enjoy💖
Tw: kidnapping, death threats
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 11:
Family Reunion and a Suprise
It was time; time for you all to leave 1963. You all stood in the center of the living room. You were holding Stinky over your shoulder because there was no way you were leaving your favorite cat by himself. Your other hand held onto Oscar's. Axel gave a nod to all of you. Signaling that he was about to press the brief case ,you closed your eyes.
There it was, that strange feeling. A feeling you'd never get used too. It felt as though your atoms were being pulled apart and you were being dragged in every direction.  It felt like being sucked up through a vaccum. It was a feeling you absolutely hated.  Landing on your knees, holding Stinky tightly to your chest, you opened your eyes. Looking around you noticed that the boys were all there and okay. Otto came over helping you up off your feet, asking if you're okay.  Shaking your head yes you headed on towards Axel and Oscar, Otto following, asking them if they're okay as well. Axel looked around noticing that they were in a big grass field. "Where are we?" Oscar asked. Looking around you noticed a tree at the top of the hill. Now,normally, that wouldn't be anything special. But this Tree wasn't just any Tree. This tree was the one your father and you had used to make the Tree House. You had given the tree house to your little brother after your father passed. It had broken your heart, but it was worth it to see the tears of joy on your brothers face when he was told the tree house was his.
With a small smile and a shakey voice you just said "Home." And ran up the hill to your house. The boys followed, a little confused, but going along with you anyway. They had reached the top of the hill when they noticed a small one story cabin. It was peaceful looking. Almost something you'd see on the cover of a child's storybook.  The flowers and plants in the garden had wilted. The stone path broken,but otherwise it was a pretty home.
Axel noticed you had ran to the front door,setting Stinky down, and then knocked. They had caught up to you standing behind to see if anyone would answer. Waiting a few minutes you knocked again. "Hello?" "Is anyone home?
" It's me! Y/n!" "Your sister!" " Jordan! I came back like I promised!" Your voice was jumpy from the crying you were doing. You couldn't help it. It was just unbelievable that you finally made it home! Knocking one more time the door opened. 
Pushing it open the rest of the way you noticed all the lights were off. The chairs and Couch in the living room were flipped over , and the painting you had made of your father was punctured.  "Hello? Jordan?" Your voice was a whisper now. Ducking down slightly incase anything tried to hit you. The boys thought this suspicious so the all held a gun in their hands. "Y/n?!" A startled voiced sounded from the back bedroom. It was your brother! Running you slammed the bedroom door open. Your face dropped.  There your brother was. Tied up and gagged being helled hostage.  Your mother was dead on the floor.
"Well, I was wondering when you and your boyfriends were going to show up. You all kept me waiting for a long time." The Handler had a smug look on her face. Her eye flitting over to the triplets who held their guns up towards her. "Put your guns down or I kill the boy." There way nothing in her voice but malice.  "Now, y/n , I'll make a deal with you." She had a fake smile plastered on her face. She knew she was getting to you. "No! I'd never make a deal with a monster like you! " " Let my brother go!He's not apart of any of this!" You were angry , your voice strained from yelling. "Tch tch tch." "You're quite wrong dear y/n. " " Your brother does have something to do with this" she said in a matter of fact tone. You tilted your head "How so?"  . She hummed in response thinking of what she'd say next. "Because he's the only way I'd get you to listen and come back to me." "If you comply your brother lives but." Holding a knife up to his throat she continues. "If you don't I'll kill him and then your boyfriends and then I'll have you all too myself." Her smile was sadistic and terrifying.  Why did you ever agree too join the commission? "I don't understand why you need me! You have Lila! She has all the power you could possibly imagine!" You had stepped closer to her trying to grab you brother ,but she pulled him back shaking her head. "You're right I do have Lila,but she doesn't have your ability." "You see my dear with your unique gift I can get rid of the Hargreeves once and for all. " " Then no one would be in my way!" She laughed to herself. You looked at her with disgust. " I don't understand why you want them dead! What do you have to gain from killing innocent people!" You were crying again. Oscar came up to you putting his hand on your shoulder. They were waiting for a good moment to shoot the Handler,but they knew you needed answers. They all needed answers, and they didn't want to risk accidentally shooting your brother.
Looking over at Oscar you told him it's okay and then looked back at the Handler.  " I have a lot to gain from killing them off." She said it in a way as if you should have known. "You see if I kill them off, then I'll be the most powerful woman of all time." She paced around the room, your brother still in her grip, and spoke some more. "With you and Lila by my side  nothing could stand in my way" she walked towards you coming up toward you face. " You see sweet y/n your gift could be my ticket to power. " she stuck her free hand out towards you to shake. "So please for the sake of your brother. Come with me." She flutterd her lashes, pouting her lips slightly, she had you right were she wanted you. Cowering in submission.  You were shaking , you stopped crying,but your breathing was ragged. Looking up you saw your brother struggling.  Then you looked behind, the boys still there holding up their guns. How are they so calm in a situation like this?
Starring back at your brother you noticed his left arm behind his back was reaching towards something. Upon further inspection you noticed he was reaching for the knife you knew he always kept in his back pocket. It was a knife you had given him as an early birthday present.
The Handler was still there with her arm stretched out. Waving her hand impatiently " Well, are you going to come with me or not?! Your brothers life depends on it!" Her patience was wearing thin. You looked at her and then back towards your brother. He gave a small smile to you , signaling he grabbed hold of the knife. You nodded your head then started back at the Handler.  With a wide smile you proudly said "no". Yelling out "now!" Your brother stabbed the woman in her abdomen. Her face filled with shock and rage . Your brother ran to you squeezing you in a tight hug. Axel shot at the Handler,but she had jumped out the window . Looking at his brothers they all went after her.
" Oh my lord Jordan are you okay!" You were smothering him in kisses and checking to make sure he wasn't harmed . "Yeah y/n I'm okay just don't ever leave me like that !" "Also, eww don't give me kisses that's gross!" He said while whipping his cheeks and forhead off. " Grabbing hold of his hand you led him out side. "Jordan, I know we just got back together,but I need you to stay in the tree house while I help my friends out,okay?" You stopped, looking down at him, your hands on both of his shoulders. He gave a look of disbelief "What? No! You just got back and now your gonna leave me again!" Shaking your head you explained again "No, I'm coming back I promise,but I need to help them ! That Woman is very powerful and  I'm afraid she might have something more sinister planned . So I need you to stay here so you don't get hurt." You were trying to convey how sorry you were ,but you didn't have time. Jordan shook his head ,telling you that if you didn't come back he'd hunt you down himself , then climbed up the tree.
Waving good bye you ran towards the Wood. It didnt take long for you to find them. There was a blood trail and the sound of guns going off was loud. Running ahead you came to a clearing.
There she was, corned by the three of them. You ran closer,noticing now that there was a force field around all of them. Coming even closer you had noticed that Lila was there, protecting her mother. She was using one of her abilities on the brothers. Their faces were contorted into pain. Their mouths open in a silent scream.
"Let them go! " " Its me you want not them!" Lila turned her head towards you. " well hello y/n fancy seeing you here." She had a pleasant smile on her face,as if she was enjoying all of this. Floating back down to the ground she let boys go. They all fell on their faces gasping for air.
Lila walked towards you pushing you to the ground . "Now " she said while putting your hands behind your back. "Your coming with us" She then turned towards the triplets " and you three you're all fired for disobeying orders. You're lucky I didn't kill you." Axel crawled towards his brothers, grabbing on to their hands , helping them get up. Oscar and Otto grabbed their guns that fell to the ground ,holding them up towards the Handler. 
Lila watched unamused "If you shoot her I'll kill your little friend here and then all three of you,understand?" Her smile was now a frown. The Handler chuckled at this and sent a smile towards Lila. She was proud of her daughter, she trained her well. Lila looked back at you then hauled you to your feet. You didn't want to come to this ,but your freedom and the safety of everyone you love and care for was worth the pain. Looking at Axel ,Otto, and Oscar, you gave them a look of sorrow. You mouthed run then closed your eyes. Their eyes widened, understanding what you were about to do, and ran covering their ears. They didn't want to run from a fight especially one that you were in. They wanted to do anything they could to help you,but they also knew how destructive your power was. They couldn't risk dying at your hands. Watching them run away you waited till you were closer to the Handler. You dug your feet into the ground giving Lila a hard time . "Ugh! " "Will you stop dragging your feet and come on! Its annoying!" With a puff she threw you to the ground in front of her . Then she helped her mother up. The Handler leaning on Lilas shoulder, the knife still in her abdomen bleeding out.
"Well, wasn't that a show?" She looked at you then back at Lila telling her it was time to leave. You took a deep breath, ready to end this all. It was now or never.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante @sweetaluux
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