#like I'm no necromancy expert but
adhd-merlin · 7 months
morgana is so funny, she needed gwen out of the way, she literally could have just killed her, instead she went: "first of all I'm going to resurrect her old lover,"
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grapefacegrfa · 2 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Animalities
Mortal Kombat isn't my current hyperfixation (at least not the main one), but that new trailer has me super hype for September. I know my usual content is fan art, but when I saw the animalities, I started thinking. We saw Mileena's is a Praying Mantis, but what about the other animals we saw in the trailers? Whose are those?
TW: Some of the images past the Quan Chi section have blood. I tried my best to avoid gore as much as I could, but I couldn't do so with the Wolf or Pufferfish animalities. I apologize. :(
Also, before you read the rest, please note that I'm not at all an expert on the franchise. It's one of my special interests, but I don't know everything. Additionally, this is more of a ramble post, but I did do my research. I'm merely speculating here. If your thoughts are different, please feel free to let me know what you think! I wanna hear what other people have to say too! :D
Since I'm doing these in the order as we see them in the trailer, let's start off with the hyena. My first thought was Havik, and that was before I even decided to look at it closer. Mainly because hyenas are known to be skilled opportunistic scavengers (they aren't just scavengers though), and I thought it fit with Havik because, while I don't know that much about the character, I feel like his characterization kind of fits with the hyena. Hyenas can symbolize cleverness, but they also symbolize greed, stupidity and viciousness. That was my first thought. Then I watched the trailer again to look at the hyena a second time and that's when it became obvious.
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Notice it?
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Similar, if not exactly the same, facial disfigurement. I'm fairly certain the hyena is Havik's animality. Moving on to the next one, we have the hippo.
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I think this is Geras. My first thought was because of the glowing blue eyes, which makes sense as Geras is the only character on the MK1 roster with glowing blue eyes specifically and I'm pretty sure real life hippos don't have glowing eyes (/lh /s). Not only that, but even the saliva resembling sand (or maybe it is just straight up sand; it was hard for me to tell) and the odd looking veins (I think??) on the side of the head with a pattern resembling the face plate looking things on Geras's body and the color resembling his tattoos.
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Hippos are symbols of great skills in problem-solving, confidence, self-reliance, and strength. Also, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was a symbol of power and fertility. Not only that, but the hippopotamus is said to have the strongest bite of all land animals at about 8,130 Newtons per square inch. They are herbivores, but if disturbed by humans, they can be very dangerous and cause fatal injuries (according to ifaw.org). Next is one that's honestly given quite a bit of trouble.
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A gorilla. I'm having trouble figuring out who this might be. My first thought was Shao Kahn given that the fatality is done brutally with just the gorilla's hands. Gorillas are stronger than 10 or more adult humans combined. They're also known for being incredibly destructive and ferocious in fights. Their behavior and strength lead me to believe this is Shao Kahn's animality, but I'm not entirely sure because this could also apply to Reiko? Kind of??
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While there was an animality involving a large primate in MK3, that one belonged to Reptile. It's possible that the gorilla animality could belong to Reptile again, but I highly doubt it. It doesn't fit Syzoth's character. Plus, if all the past animalities were the same in the new game, that would mean Scorpion's is a penguin again and, while that could be cool as a reference and for comedy, I don't think the devs would do that.
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Then we have a fossilized T-Rex. Now, there has been a T-Rex animality before in MK3, but that one belonged to Stryker (if you ask me, it should've been a pig /lh /hj).
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However, given it's a T-Rex's skeleton being manipulated here, I believe it's Quan Chi's because. Well. Necromancy.
Next image contains blood. I couldn't avoid it. :(
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This one's Kenshi's. I don't have a doubt about it.
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While Kenshi didn't debut until Deadly Alliance and didn't have an animality but Nightwolf did, whose was a wolf, the addition of the transparent wolf resembling the appearance of Kenshi's ancestors gives it away.
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Do I even need to say anything here?
No, but I will anyway.
This is obviously Scorpion's animality. In MK3, this one actually belonged to Sheeva and Scorpion's was a penguin, but given they made Reptile's a chimpanzee in that game, I suppose that isn't too surprising. As for why Scorpion's was a penguin, I'm not sure.
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It was most likely for comedic effect because you wouldn't expect Scorpion's animality to be a small creature associated with freezing temperatures. Thankfully, this was changed in the next game because Scorpion's animality is a scorpion in MK4.
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Plus, the way the animality ends is similar, with the giant scorpion stabbing the opponent with its stinger.
Next image has blood too. Sorry. :(
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The last one we see aside from Mileena's, which we know because we see her transform into a Praying Mantis in the trailer, is a pufferfish. Specifically a purple one. This is Rain's. Not only because it's an aquatic creature, but the color matches Rain's attire.
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In MK3, Rain's animality was an elephant, which was most likely also for comedic effect, but it could've also possibly been because, with enough pressure and concentration, water could be strong enough to cut through skin. Pressure washers have this capability since their force is usually around 1600psi, yet it only takes about 100psi to puncture human skin. Of course, cutting skin off is different from simply blowing it off of someone's body, but while the water could easily cut through fat, muscle, and tissue, I'm pretty sure most pressure washers aren't able to cut through bone. That doesn't mean water couldn't do that, but the fact that the elephant blows the opponent's skin off rather than simply piercing right through their body is kind of similar to how much damage pressure washers could do. I don't know, I'm probably looking too much into it because MK3 had some goofy animalities and Rain himself as a character is inspired by the song "Purple Rain" by Prince, so maybe I'm just taking it too seriously.
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Anyway, back to the pufferfish situation. The pufferfish is often seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience. However, it also has negative connotations, as people who are associated with these animals tend to overestimate their abilities or talents. They may have a knack for making their voice heard and getting their message across, even if they have to project a prickly persona (meaning they lose their temper and/or get frustrated easily) in order to do it (according to whatismyspiritanimal.com). I think the negative qualities suit Rain. He's known to be obsessively ambitious and, from my observations, rather prideful, even in MK1.
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And that wraps up my analysis! I spent over 2 hours on this post, but I love doing research of my special interests, and getting to do that for some cool animals and the Mortal Kombat series was super fun! Again, feel free to correct me and/or share your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you consider reblogging if you did. ^^ /nf
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bleue-flora · 2 months
do you know anything about c!Wilbur like his arc and stuff cause ik fuck all
I mean... I don't consider myself a c!Wilbur expert, but ya know I do in fact know things lol but I'm not sure what you want from me exactly.... so um I guess enjoy this silly oversimplification of c!Wilbur on the dsmp :D
loverboy (c!wilbur) joins server
loverboy wants to monopolize the drug industry by stealing everyone's drug resources with his teenage partner in crime aka the racoon (c!tommyinnit)
the owner of the server aka the little lizard snake thing aka green boy (c!dream) doesn't like that and tries to get them to stop as it is disrespectful and breaks the rules
loverboy decides that's unfair that he should have to follow the rules set by green boy so he declares his drug van as his own nation where the rules therefore don't apply
green boy doesn't like or accept loverboy claiming his land as his own with separate rules and banning any non-Europeans
loverboy and the racoon declare green boy an evil tyrant for not recognizing his new racist nation
loverboy loses the war for his nation, but through the sacrifices of his teen partner in crime, they are able to secure technical independance
loverboy decides he wants to be a democratic dictator so he holds a one sided election
loverboy loses election and his citizenship so he decides if he can't have his nation then nobody can and blows it up to kingdom come, dying thereafter
loverboy doesn't like missing out on all the fun though so comes back as the nation's ghost mascot (c!ghostbur) with missing memories and brain cells
ghost loverboy makes sure to always be involved and the center of attention so he can give people some blue to the point he gets himself murdered by the green boy's necromancy in the racoon's plan
loverboy swaps places with his ghost and comes back to life (c!alivebur) with insane plans for power and destruction
loverboy builds another van as a burger joint instead
loverboy ends up killing another teenager (c!ranboo) in the battle to be the best burger restaurant
loverboy decides he wants a redemption arc because everyone hates him now and he doesn't like that
loverboy goes and claims a different already owned piece of land as his to give to the teenager who became president of the crater he left behind (c!tubbo)
loverboy talks to his son (c!fundy) to the point he was so annoyed he jumps off a bridge to his death
loverboy sacrifices a guy (c!connereatspants) to god to send his ghost self an immortal blue pet sheep to keep him company in the afterlife (limbo)
loverboy tricks the racoon into provoking green boy so the racoon can be free of green boy's tyranny
loverboy decides utah sounds nice this time of year and sails there leaving his teenager partner in crime alone on the beach to wonder when the green boy will come for revenge
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niuttuc · 6 months
So I just had a thought… Nothing stays dead on Amonkhet due to the curse of wandering, right? So what became of all the Phyrexians that died on the plane?
Real answer, we don't know. But there's many factors as play here. After Elesh Norn's defeat, the remaining Phyrexians didn't die proper but went deactivated or went into a coma of some sort, though I imagine some could have been slaughtered from there.
Phyrexia itself doesn't shy for necromancy, seeing it very practically as the equivalent to life, as long as it's more or as efficient and useful. As a result, many phyrexians are partly necromantic already, which might hinder the Curse of Wandering bringing them back again.
Furthermore, Lazotep, the mineral aiming and focusing the Curse of Wandering, seems to reduce the effect of the oil, at least smothering its information and communication capabilities, as mentioned by Lazotep Convert.
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The Insectile Gods reshaped by Bolas to prepare his Eternal Army attacked the Phyrexians on sight, allying with the Amonkhetu survivors to do so. It is unknown whether that's a bit of leftover programming from Bolas to protect his interests in case of Phyrexian incursion, a remain or slow return of the Gods' previous life as protectors of their people, or something else entirely, like the plane itself from which the Gods and the Curse of Wandering are formed rejecting this alien form of life and undeath.
But I'm not enough of an expert to state anything with confidence. There are lots of factors, and lots of unknown. It's probably fine, though, Amonkhet had less to offer than most planes and is actively hostile to a building phyrexian force in a way few other planes are (Ikoria and its crystals comes to mind).
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ghosts? oh, sure. we know all about 'em !
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oh, the phone's ringing! Someone go get it! not my turn to deal with the clients, guys. ...fine. i'll pick it up. i'm just the leader of this whole thing. not, you know. an employee.
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Rayne and Co. , who is this calling?
Have you been experiencing supernatural effects lately? Oh, then you've come to just the right place. *beeeeep.*
supernatural experts ; ghost hunters ; wanted criminals ; demigods ; artists ; forensics ; and monster hunters ; supernatural mediums ; all in one place! Got a dead body in your backyard? Maybe some skeletons in your closet? Or perhaps a monster on your tail? or the FBI? We've got you covered! Solara Alistair ; our resident medium, hunter and artiste ! Estella Fowl ; our resident smartass, strategist and techie ! And Athena Rayne ; owner, forensic expert and genius ! Contact us on this account, and we'll deal with all your hauuunnnting problems! Find us at the Rayne Manor at times [ CRACKLE ]
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ALIAS: Sol ; Solsy ; Ara.
AGE: sixteen. GODLY PARENT: child of Apollo ; legacy of jupiter ; champion of Thanatos. GENDER: Female. FATAL FLAWS: naivety. SEXUALITY: Bisexual ; Demiromantic. APPEARANCE: dimpled grin ; blonde with brown-ish roots ; wolf-cut ; dull blue eyes ; lean ; shit-eating grin ; a python tattoo winding around her forearm. POWERS: ghost communication ; healing ; luring song etc. NOTES FROM THE EMPLOYER: enthusiastic. Efficient with a bow and arrow. Slightly unnerving. companionable. requested new painting supplies : order them. allergic to cats. Bow and Arrow. "hey, don't worry. the ghosts talk to me all the time. some of them are nice!"
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ALIAS: Stella. (note: do not call her estella. will punch you.)
AGE: eighteen. GODLY PARENT: child of Hades ; latent host of egyptian god, Thoth. GENDER: Female. FATAL FLAWS: anger. SEXUALITY: Panromantic ; Asexual. APPEARANCE: resting bitch face ; curly, boyish brown hair ; pale ; glasses ; hetero-chromic. POWERS: necromancy ; shadow travel ; spirit communication ; death touch etc. NOTES FROM THE EMPLOYER: snarky. surprisingly smart when she wants to be. secretive. gets along with solara. has requested new equipment: done. has requested me to fuck off: absolutely not. Can speak Egyptian? (to be looked into). Scythe.
"You know, I would be better at my job, if your freaking computer wasn't a gajillion years old! Tch. My skills are never appreciated."
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so we dug up some info on athena -- C'mon, Sols! We've had ourselves exposed, now it's her turn! okay..but i kind of feel bad about this...
ALIAS: Athena ; Rayne ; 'Thena.
AGE: Eighteen. GODLY PARENT: child of Jupiter ; legacy of Melinoe. GENDER: Female. FATAL FLAWS: [REDACTED] SEXUALITY: Demisexual. APPEARANCE: dark black hair to her jaw ; glasses ; fangish teeth ; sharp violet eyes ; emotion-devoid expression ; tall. POWERS: Electrokinesis ; photographic memory ; infliction of pain. NOTES FROM THE EMPLOYEES: I like her! She's nice! / Yeah, only to you. / aww, c'mon, stella, she's got it hard! / tch. fine. she's bearable.
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@justice-blood-and-tea - Kayne and Atlas ; Fellow investigators ! Tags:
#solara picks up - solara ic #stella breaks in - stella ic #rayne listens - athena ic #rayne and co. - together #phone is ringing - ooc.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
So I, (58M) am a professor at an esteemed magical arts school (post-secondary), and for the past five years or so, we've been searching for the pieces of this giant and extremely powerful crystal. It's so powerful that it exploded from the power and killed the dinosaurs. We want to reassemble it and harness that power, since our institution has extremely intelligent and qualified people to have that power.
Now, I must admit, we have resorted to some shady tactics to do this, such as volunteering our students to go out and retrieve these pieces from dangerous locations and not allowing them more than five minutes to read the extremely strict contract that binds them to us until they die or the crystal is fully restored, but doesn't everyone do that? It wasn't my idea, it was the dean's (63F). She's a 'girlboss', as the kids say. Most of our volunteers have unfortunately passed, except for notable one young man who I will refer to as J (26M).
J has had the most unprotected contact with the pieces of crystal, and that combined with his already-shaky mental health has apparently caused the crystal (recently found to be sentient, >65mil y/o rock) to attune to him and start speaking to him, telling him where the other pieces are so it can be put back together. The good news is that now instead of relying on our faulty tracking methods, we can just ask J. The bad news is that J us uncooperative and keeps saying nonsense about how we (a team of experts, mind you) "don't know what we're doing" and how reconstruction the crystal will "end the world". We want the crystal reconstructed, the crystal itself wishes to be put back together, he's just being stubborn.
So the dean had this idea to lock him in the basement and repeatedly question him until he breaks and spills the beans, even take away his food and meds if we need to. I wasn't too comfortable with the idea, but he's already in the basement so it's a bit late to object. He looks a lot worse for wear and so hollow, keeps muttering to himself and playing with the rat we gave him, reanimating it over and over (J was a necromancy student), and I just feel a little uncertain.
But it wasn't my idea, I'm not the one who said we should kidnap and starve a guy. I just wanted to help advance our society, harness this unimaginable and unused power to further our goals and achievements! Sometimes you have to crack an egg to make an omelet, and it's not really like J was going anywhere in life. His sister seems to have moved on from his disappearance, she's working harder than ever in class, his parents don't seem to care, and I'm sure his fiance will recover. I think maybe we're being too harsh, but I'm not a bad guy, am I?
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mayasaura · 2 years
Just something that has been nibbling at me. Besides Harrow, John and Gideon and any of the surviving Great Aunts who knows about that whole detail of Harrow's conception? Because it being Harrow who for understandable reasons is not unbiased about it, Gideon who doesn't know necromancy that well besides bone stuff via osmosis and John... Look Palamedes, Cam, Abigail for the short list may have put the Lyctorhood treasure hunt on hold back in book 1 if they got a whiff of that.
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Besides Harrow, Gideon, John, and the Great Aunts if they're alive? No one. Unless there's someone Harrow doesn't know about, which I suspect there might be.
Possible candidates for who else might know about the circumstances of Harrow's birth:
1) Whoever helped her parents invent the ritual, if they had help.
2) An unknown number of people on the Eighth. Glaurica wasn't told anything about the ritual, but she knew enough. I'm still waiting to see if Gideon deciding not to tell Harrow about that information leak will have consequences.
I think it's very likely there are Implications of the whole event that have been waiting in the wings for their big number. How did Harrow's parents, two bone adepts, invent such a complicated working of flesh and spirit magic? Why did they sacrifice their House's future for it? There's a likely motive in Nona, but if they knew about that, then their reaction to Harrow opening the Tomb no longer makes sense.
Then there's the real kicker: What little analysis we do have from uninvolved necromancers. John asked Harrow how she'd come to be, because just looking at her he saw something confusing and inexplicable. Abigail counted more than one hundred and fifty unique spiritual signatures to her. John said what her parents did was like powering a sewing machine using a nuclear detonation. The egg that would later become Harrow should have been obliterated by the concentration of power. He also said what they did was a type of resurrection. We've seen a resurrection powered by a nuclear blast now, and I don't think his metaphor was a coincidence. There is something there, something the story has been avoiding direct eye contact with. What were Priamhark and Pelleamena making when they made Harrow? What did they know?
Abigail clearly had so much more to say, and while Palamedes' specialty wasn't in spirit magic, he and Cam were good at getting their heads around big pictures and novel theorems. So yeah, I would kill for a roundtable of trusted experts sitting down and trying to hash out what Harrow even is, and the implications therein. Then we might get some plot-relevant information without it jumpscaring us with a lead pipe first.
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mistfallengw2 · 4 months
for the gw2 profession ask thing:
3: Have they dabbled in any other professions than the one they ended up with?
4: On the scale of absolute novice to complete expert, how good are they at their chosen profession?
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
Since no character was listed, I'm gonna go rapid fire on all the list! :D
Aurelia Dragonwings 3. She used to be a warrior, quite strong physically but with no access to magic. Those skills are still relevant. 4. She's pretty good at being a revenant and she's a strong one too, though with some "disabilities" caused by her encounter with [redacted]. Other than the initial memory loss, her main issue is that she can't create traversable rifts to the Mists (surface-level rifts are fine, like the ones used in combat).
Adamas Crystalsoul 3. His mother Ardea taught him some elemental magic, but he clearly had more talent for tinkering so he never really developed it further. He still knows a few elementalist tricks and is more comfortable than most (maybe a little reckless) with working on high-temperature equipment, ended up being useful with his holoforge. 4. Expert engineer in many fields. He's extremely quick to learn new things, if he's interested enough, and he's particularly good with alchemy, gadgetry, firearms and small constructs.
Tocchix 3. His first mentor was Alyt, who is a thief/elementalist, and she did try to teach him some elemental magic, mostly to no avail as he was more interested in hand-to-hand combat and shadow magic. 4. Extremely skilled daredevil, though he's only able to use shadow magic to enhance his physical abilities. Sneaky, fast and hits like a truck, though a bit too reckless at times.
Maeveryl 3. No. 4. Used to be a talented warrior, though mostly uninterested in combat. Since becoming a berserker in an uncommon way, they had to really hone in on their skills due to safety reasons, so one could say they're expert.
Hel Ravenlost 3. No. 4. Definitely an expert necromancer. She was talented from a young age, too much in her mother's opinion, and left her duty to chase more knowledge, becoming an Archon in the Priory. Particularly good at controlling necrominions, she could have very easily become a lich if she hadn't been stopped in her wild chase for a way to bring back a friend, but for now her most impressive feat is single-handedly taking over and "taming" a risen chicken while Zhaitan was still alive.
Ellara Echodancer 3. No, other than what she tried in mandatory basic training in the fahrar. 4. Quite a good mesmer overall, though she knows she's far from the expert label. Mostly self-taught in chronomancy and use of psychic blades.
Bunnie 3. Elemental magic would have been really cool to learn (Alyt left an impression on her), but alas she has no magical abilities to write home about. 4. Expert engineer, specifically in golemancy. Some may counter her claim of being "the best golemancer in the world (after Snaff)", but she did become Snaff Savant AND her results are hard to dismiss.
Ethanryel 3. No. 4. They're a pretty okay elementalist, with a talent for weaving elements.
Deryn 3. Sort of. She's an Olmakhan and was officially a Dawnwalker. 4. Self-taught dragonhunter/firebrand through trial and error, she's far from an expert but makes do in her own efficient way.
Markus Blake 3. Not really, other than some general training with the Seraph. 4. Decent ranger. Has a good aim, is good at tracking and easily gets along with animals, but his magical talents are underdeveloped.
Iotta 3. She is a necromancer/thief. 4. Extremely competent in both professions, always had a talent for hand-to-hand combat and necromancy. She hated not being able to take full advantage of her death shroud, so she overcompensated with perfecting everything else.
Poffi 3. She has some engineering background due to her family's job (they used to be part of the same golem maintenance krewe), but she never wanted to go in that field, instead aiming to become a lab technician before discovering her talent as a sniper. 4. She was a sniper (deadeye) with near-perfect aim, though she was too insecure to be more effective than shooting from a distance. She died too young to be defined as an expert and needed to become more well-rounded, but she was in line to earn the title of Slayer in the Order of Whispers.
Daunte Burstspell 3. Nah, other than basic fahrar training. 4. He was a pretty powerful elementalist, having plenty of strong Flame shamans in his bloodline. Not exactly an expert and he lagged behind in the other elements, but he did focus on becoming better with water magic.
Hagan Wesson 3. Not really. 4. More of an expert hunter than an expert thief. Possibly due to Zar'gol, but he started developing specter powers after S4, though he's far from an expert.
Flom 3. No, he felt like he genuinely sucked whenever he tried anything and gave up. 4. NOPE. His "revenant" powers are limited to the equivalent of Mallyx's, and when Flom is forced to use them that's actually Zar'gol taking control.
Zehmik 3. Has some knowledge of thief tricks from his time in pirate crews. 4. Maybe not an expert, but definitely competent. After nearly two decades spent in the Mists War, he became a Legendary Defender and refined his spellbreaker powers to suitable levels of reliance and strength.
Nari 3. Not exactly a profession, but she went through Kestrel training. 4. She's a pretty good bladesworn and made her own sword, but is a better scout than a fighter, and the lack of experience puts her at a disadvantage.
Edraas Noiza 3. No. [Mechanically Edraas is a willbender, but it fights in an unique manner] 4. Nope. It fights as its draconic-hybrid nature allows, and it gets tired real fast.
Lenorey 3. Technically has some thief skills. 4. Look, weird stuff goes in, strong necromantic energy comes out. Don't ask her to be more specific than that.
Haidee 3. Does some generic spy training count? 4. Not sure if she can be called an expert, but she did earn the title "the Mirage" thanks to her skills with illusions. When she learned of the existence of the mirage profession, she dragged her girlfriend to Elona to go perfect her skills.
Okami Whitewings 3. Not really, other than basic fahrar training. 4. They'll say they're only good with animals, but hey, they survived this long doing a variety of dangerous things.
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meteor752 · 6 months
Who of the kids would win in a life series?
I actually haven't thought about this, but like I'm having just all the thoughts right now
Cause they all know the ins and outs of the series, every little loophole you'd be able to abuse, so knowledge-wise they're all on the same wavelength.
Liana has the Scar-licensed Silver tongue, but considering all the other kids know her and her tricks that ability wouldn't help her for too long. She does have the long-range advantage, being the only one skilled with the bow, but that's her only combat experience. Her odds are low
Wes is physically tanky, so he can both deal a lot of damage and take a lot of hits, but he’s also extremely anxious and would probably be afraid to hurt people. He also relies on his bulk, so heavy armor and shields isn’t his priority, meaning weak spots can easily be exploited. I doubt he’d win, but he’d make it a bit, possibly top three
Gertrude is a redstoner which means she’s capable of complicated traps, she’s a good physical fighter, and she has the advantage of being a fricking werewolf. Her biggest weakness is her own intelligence, mainly when it comes to logic reasoning, and let’s be honest here, trust. She’s quite easy to fool this one. So while she could possibly win the whole thing, she could also be the first one out lol.
Johnny is the son of two curses, so you know that’s not great. I mean, those curses are broken (was Tango’s curse broken? I can’t remember lol) but it’s still a disadvantage. Johnny is thought a fire demon, and can inflict second degree burns just by biting someone, and he’s also an animal wrangler and talented with both the lasso and whip. He does have the same problem as Wes, in that he doesn’t really wanna kill people. I don’t think he has the worst odds (unless he has the canary curse), so he could possibly make it to the top three.
Jassy wins. Just, no question, she wins. She’s a ninja and expert in many forms of combat, and she’s stealthy like it’s nobody’s business. And while she does care for her friends, she’s not afraid to kill them in cold blood to win. Jassy is the winner. Congrats anime girl
Jekiv is where things get complicated, because a very important question is posed. Does he get to keep his magic or not? Because if Jek has fricking necromancy, he’s winning. Like no shot. Jassy can be as talented as she wants, she’s not fighting an army of undead. But if he doesn’t have his magic, then Jekiv’s only option is an alliance with Wes, and even then he’s on thin ice.
Novo is not getting far. He’s small, frail, with negative charm and no self preservation. The only thing he’s got going for him is his unpredictably, something that will not get him very far. If Jekiv can’t use magic, then he might be the second one out, but if not then he’s out first, no doubt.
So the most probable order would be either
It is a little funny how Jek, Novo, and Liana are the children of the six winners, yet they’d be completely awful in these games lol
Also I am, heavily considering making actual traffic designs for them, like color indicators and all, so you know we’ll see if I get around to doing that
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milkywaydrinker · 2 years
Day 11. Vampirism
I need to make sure everyone knows how much I like writing Zagan as an absolute disaster. She's not smooth, she's not cool and I love her.
"How about garlic?" She tapped the glittery end of her pencil against her chin.
"What are you? Catholic?"
"Hm..." The pencil scribbled on paper with impressive speed.
"Wait, are you taking notes?" The idea made her crack up. Why would anyone -
"Yes?" Norma seemed genuinely surprised by the question.
"Whatcha gonna do with them? Study me?" She had to be messing around. Right?
"Yes." Instant answer. No hesitation whatsoever.
"..." Totally unfair. She had no chance to prepare any good one-liners.
"Oh, that's weird isn't it?" Her stunned silence unsettled Norma, causing her to snap the notebook shut. She looked flighty, all tension and unease.
"Only a little bit." Judging by her expression, it wasn't the most reassuring thing to say. "Don't worry though, it's not that I would mind, if you, uh..." 'paid attention to me'. Really? How pathetic was that? Zagan caught herself just in time to make herself look like a total moron. At least she avoided looking like a total clingy moron, so that’s that. "I wouldn't mind answering some more questions about vampires." Nailed it.
"Really?" Tentatively, she settled down again, a faint blush of embarrassment tinting her cheeks.
"It's for your demon nerd journal right?" Zagan decided to lean back and put up her best disinterested face.
"You don't have to." Norma looked down, at where her notebook lay closed on her thighs. "I'll just go ask someone else."
"Don't!" It was almost as if she slapped her; she sat up back straight and wide-eyed. Her panic must have been really obvious judging by how taken aback she looked. "Don't, because you won't find anyone better than me! I'm like, a top expert, peer-reviewed."
"I'm so not buying it."
"Then try me." She couldn't believe it worked. Now she just had to answer some more questions and-
"Alright." She cracked her knuckles ominously and flipped her notebook open. "If you're an expert then I can count on you to explain the exact process of becoming a vampire?" Oh no. "Should it still qualify as necromancy if the immortal soul of the subject becomes permanently fused to the formerly mortal body?"
She was so doomed.
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ex-textura · 1 year
For the BG3 Act 1 asks!
2 & 23 for Auric and 31 & 37 for Naught!
Also - have a great day! 💜
2. Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Sort of yes but mostly no! So I went into cc with Auric knowing only 3 things: 1) He would be a half-orc. 2) He would be a tender, gentle protector and big brother. 3)He would have a scar. I managed all of those, I think, so I came away satisfied but there were a couple little snags. For example, I really thought he would have a beard but I couldn't get the facial hair to sit nicely on his face and the shorter styles still look a little rough at least on my pc. I also decided a couple hours into playing that I'd very much like for him to have tattoos on his forearms but those aren't available. That aside though, I'm thrilled with the options I did get. I mean. Forearm hair?? Thank you Larian 🙏
23. What are your character's thoughts on the dream visitor? okay so this is so complicated for Auric XD So when we began playing, my co-op friend and I decided that because of our characters' deeply codependent relationship that we would make our guardians look like each other. So imagine Auric's surprise when he falls asleep at his sister's side only to dream of her. Or, rather a version of her. A stranger with a strange voice and a more posh accent wearing her face. Telling her that she'll protect him. That they need each other. Even worse, imagine when he wakes up and she's had the same dream, only the stranger was wearing his face. He doesn't know what to think. Is so wary of someone that would use their need to protect each other this way but also. I mean. It's working. He doesn't like the tadpoles and he doesn't want their power and he doesn't want to trust the dream visitor but by gods does he need to protect her.
31. Does your character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story? So Naught is something of a blank slate, and that's very much by design on their part. He approaches life in a very... Life happens and then it doesn't and whatever else goes on in between is just extra... sort of way. Which would give the appearance that no, he's not afraid or even affected by anything (even the name, Naught, they chose specifically because it meant nothing). But there's something old creeping back in now. Something he'd been trying to numb himself to for the better part of a decade now. Naught's phobia is the death of a(nother) love. (obviously I'm romancing Gale again and this is going VERY WELL i promise)
37. Did your Character find the Necromancy of Thay? How are they handling it/planning to handle it? They did! Used their expert thieves guild training to mage hand that sucker right through the bars. He actually didn't know what to make of it and really isn't much of a reader but Dahlia (my friend's Durge) asked him nicely to give it to the pretty vampire and gave him a kiss for it too so. Off it went. No second thoughts. He was more interested in the poor stuffed bear.
dsjfl;kdjlk Can you tell I love talking about my babies?? I have can't-shut-up-about-them disease. Incurable I'm afraid. Thank you!! Have a good one, friend!💚
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Hello! Readmore anon again!
I just saw your last posts and the :readmore: you added to the necromancy and 7 sentence sunday posts doesn't seem to have worked (it did work on the giant nephilim one tho) I'm not sure what went wrong with it, did you hit enter after it? If it works it should show you the readmore break in the post editor already when you hit enter, maybe its different across different phones/phone apps, I'm really not an expert and I am notoriously bad at remembering to add readmores to my own writing so I have limited practical experience 😅
Either way I just wanted to let you know, and also really like the necromancy prompt!
ah thank you so much I really appreciate your first message and this one too! i was barely on tumblr for like three years and so a lot has changed and then i didn't really bother looking into what the changes were because i really didn't think i'd get more than maybe 2-3 prompts a wednesday (and i thought that much would be wishful thinking) so i really do need to go look it up at some point. and also, just in case it comes across as one i am not at all complaining about the amount of prompts i'm getting or got.
it was mostly just that i came back from a long long hiatus and didn't really expect anybody to remember or be interested in my fics lol. so the amount of prompts i am getting is surprising in the best way possible. the kind where i'm like 'OMG SO MANY SANDBOXES THEYRE ALL MINE NOW' kind of way.
like several times i could have combined prompts that went really well together and my bf asked my why i didn't and i was just like, 'and waste the potential for a new universe????? how could i??' and then they were just 'lumine... it's not a waste?' and me 'it would be waste!!!! think of the universes that i'll be missing out on, even if two prompts would go perfectly together, think of the creations i'll never know!' and then they kind of just sighed and called me adorable and left me to my antics. i dont really get it but thats okay.
When I have some time later i'll go try and fix those :read more: (i put the space so it wont activate) so i appreciate you telling me a lot. I didn't realize i needed to press enter so thats something to remember.
thank you! im glad you enjoyed that fic i had a lot of fun writing it
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
Do you play ESO? :O what’s your character in it like?
omg i have. a lot. i'm putting this under a readmore.
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my main is my magsorc dps Henrietta Wensleydale. she's the Demiprince of Shenanigans and half-altmer daughter of Sheogorath, the eldest of my three sisters; my hok Suzy Q Sweetroll is the middle sister and my ldb Minnie the Moocher is the youngest. Henrietta is in an it's-complicated with Naryu Virian and she loves to cook. she's bold, brash, loud, and a dedicated holder of grudges. title: Captain
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jere's Em Balmer, my altmer magcro dps. she is so so so fun to play in cyro because she uses a lot of combos involving corpses and self sustain; i put a few points/abilities into things like healing nearby allies and gave her the aoe rez ult to help with capping. she's a goth who got into necromancy for the aessthetic, but she comitted too hard to the bit and is slowly turning into tamriel's hottest lich. all the necromancy and graverobbing started giving her some godawful nightmares, so she started worshiping Vaermina to try and bargain for better dreams; it hasn't paid off yet. somehow, she's dating Mirri Elendis. title: Expert Excavator
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my beautiful powerhouse stamdk tank, Opens-Doors!! she's the best. she always gets me instant queues for any kind of dungeon event and she doesn't afraid of anything. she grew up in the black marsh and lived as an egg-tender for many years, never having kids of her own but becoming something of an aunt or godmother to generations of hatchlings. she had something of a midlife crisis and decided it was time for a change, so she packed her bags and headed west to look for a new life of adventure, but her motherly instincts are still her biggest motivator and she's always reminding her fellow mercenaries to eat their vegetables. title: Locksmith
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Pachin-ko, my stamblade stealth bomber. if i'm playing pvp and not using Em, i'm using this girl. she grew up in northern elsweyr; her mom basically raised her on her hip and taught her how to get by with as little as possible. since she went her own way, she's become something of a thrill-seeker, always looking for that big break that'll let her settle down for real, so she's always thinking up a get-rich-quick scheme and skipping town to avoid paying her gambling debts. she met Opens-Doors in Leyawiin and they've become inseparably entangled since; Pachin-ko brings a sense of direction to Doors' wandering ways, and Doors keeps Pachin-ko from backing out of promises or betting everything on black. title: Paragon
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my werewolf warden, Chuck Backstrap. she has so much wasted potential... i got her to level 50 literally two weeks before they rolled out that update that changed light/heavy attack damage and completely nerfed werewolves. :(
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my alliterative breton Betty Braveheart is my one healer and hardly gets any playtime because i like killing and taunting stuff way more :') title: Battleground Butcher
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last but not least: Joe Crabshack. he's my dumbass gag character with whom i do all my fishing. his lore is that he is so completely bland and uninteresting that people are compelled to loathe and shun him practically on sight. he doesn't notice or care. i bought the Sleek Creek House and painstakingly turned it into a beautiful seafood restaurant and bar just for him! my dream is to someday beat vet hardmode castle thorn just to get him the "Inedible" title, but we all know that's not happening anytime soon...
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Nice to meet you, I'm Shady (she/her)!
This is my Elder Scrolls blog for my creative works and just for general reblogging.
If you want to ask questions about my characters, here's a short list of them here:
Kerasil - Vestige/Captain of Silvenar, Bosmer. Saved the world a couple dozen times, no big deal.
Melar - Husband to Kerasil, Bosmer. Mostly a stay-at-home dad who may or may not be an expert stealth hunter. Don't worry about it.
Yera - Dragonborn of Skyrim, Bosmer, blind. Hero of Legend, lives in Skyrim for the most part and is very proud of the accomplishments she has. Loathes Thalmor. Eldest daughter to Kerasil.
Faylen - Younger sister to Yera, Bosmer Spinner. An expert of illusory magics and Spinner power and magics. Moved to Skyrim soon after Yera left and resides mostly in Markarth. Youngest daughter to Kerasil.
Lorana Alithar - Telvanni Master, mastery in illusions and memory manipulation. Older of the Twins, she's approachable but don't think it's because she's nice.
Brisala Alithar - Telvanni Master, mastery in fungal necromancy. Younger of the Twins, actively does not like to meet now people. DNI unless you've somehow caught her interest (uh oh!)
My Ao3 is [here]
If you want to read my writing on tumblr, you can find them [here]
If you want to read my lore dump thoughts, you can find the tag [here]
Thanks for stopping by!
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Forgive my ignorance, but was the process of granting Past You their own self a process similar to that of creating a tulpa? I mean no disrespect.
I'm not an expert but some of the people who assisted me had that kind of experience and some of the steps do seem to be very similar.
It's the kind of thing I'd normally be very wary about doing because I think life is a huge responsibility, but I really felt like I owed it to her and also like it was closer to necromancy than creating something entirely new. Besides, I love her.
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zaruba-needslove · 3 months
To be fair to the four of them, they were all based on yokai... Bake-Gitsune, bake-danuki, Nekomata, and Gozuki.
Gitsune and Danuki are two yokai that uses disguises a lot.
Nekomata has the powers of necromancy and uses ritualistic dance to control the raised dead.
Gozuki is bullhead that guards the gates of hell
[Gozu and Mezu are the first demons that one encounters upon entering hell. Should a person manage to escape from hell, Gozu and Mezu are sent out to bring them back.
They (Gozuki and Mezu) operate the great torture chambers of Jigoku and oversee the torment of countless souls.
You will find that everyone of these descriptions kinda fits the character to a T.]
Also... I would say Na-go Beat's weapon is an axe guitar/elements because she doesn't only use fire.
Nitpicker time 😃: It's Kitsune (きつね) and Tanuki (たぬき). Like yeah while 化け狐 and 化け狸 IS pronounced as ばけぎつね and ばけだぬき, the root word itself is pronounced without the (")
Kinda like how 語り (かたり- Narration) becomes 物語り (ものがたり - Storytelling)
😂😂 Sorry... I'm just slightly triggered. I mean it's not critically wrong....but it just rubs ME wrong. It's like seeing ppl spell Tiger as Diger 😃 Or hearing ppl insist つずくis read and pronounced as tuzuku and not tsuzuku 😃 Or Tsukihime being read as Tukihime 😂😂
Regarding Beat - I guess cos half the time I see people use Fire attacks while using Beat's critical move that it din register to me that it's capable of unleashing other elemental effect. I mean, the only other element that made sense would be Lighining (cos electric guitars) or Wind... but that din exactly covers ALL elements, did it?
... I guess when put it like that it does look that Na-Go and Buffa kinda still follows a certain theme related to their animal motives. But it still felt kinda OFF compared to KeiAce.😃
Like as much as Neon came about due to Akari's death, the show did go so far as reminding us that Neon is not REALLY Akari revived from dead. If not because of this, the nekomata lore with the necromancy part would've fit better. (Or maybe not still. I mean, Necromancy ≠ Fantasy). Not to mention that as much as Neon did a lot of dancing while using Beat, that's not exactly ritualistic dancing... is it? (Yeah... i really had very bad habit when it comes to nitpicking on the details, i can be very overly critical on it)
I guess the whole volcanic part of Ploison could be assumed to be related to hellfire. Ignore that bit, anyway with the dark matter/jyamato bit about Poison, one MIGHT take that as an evolution from the undead theme. But other than that Ploison is still.... meh. I would've like it better if Ploison had less armour (Like Gozuki was supposed to have living armour and not wearing literal body armour) or be more dark purple (Like Roudo's armour) rather than SILVER. (And again, i felt that Ploison being mostly silver was so forced just because they wanna pair it with Dooms. Like Fantasy IS also half-gold <which it would've be nice if Na-Go also get to have it's other half buckle -in v-cine - that could either also be gold or dark blue - then Ploison could've been Silver with ORANGE highlights> but no, we're not getting that do we? I wish Ploison was a half-buckle as Fantasy <give me half nekid bull demon dammit!> hahaha. Also shame that Ploison don't really have the volcano element. Still. I mean lava>hellfire>Gozuki... ya get me? No?)
I'd blame to Nekomata/Gozuki lore being lesser known compared to kitsune/tanuki BUT NOT REALLY i mean even if you're not familiar with tanukitsune lore, the themes in GeatsTycoon design for both basic and final form was pretty STRAIGHTFORWARD and felt like an evolution of their themes and concept like... black/white -> night/day, Geats' evolution being mortal -> immortal and then you have Tycoon's being ninja -> shogun (since ninjas used to follow the biddings of the shogun, aka master vs servant relationship) - and all this you don't really even need to be an expert in tanukitsune mythology...
Meanwhile Nago-Buffa's like... guitarist -> mage????, lumberjack* (????) -> castle (???) gate guard (???) ... like you can't help going ?????? at them. That said... was there anything about Nekomata having anything to do with Gozuki or Gyuki? (i don't think there's any) but then again my mythology knowledge mostly covered a very threadbare base knowledge of japanese mythology/folklore as well as yugioh monster cards and anime 😃
And we're back to the fact that... i dun really think ppl put much thought about assigning Cat and Bull designations to Neon and Michi, beyond just making Neon a stray and Michi the bullhead. Meanwhile, the tanukisune rivalry literally supported the whole show like look at the divorce arc 😃
Suddenly I wonder what if Neon ended up being assigned to a crow instead, then maybe her final form could be based on a tengu and Buffa can REALLY have a final form based on a plant monster. And maybe we could also have more expansion on why Na-go/Buffa CAN'T get along 😂
*i mean dude... lumberjacks used chainsaw... and i forgot what villain character in horror movie used chainsaw
KeiAce さいこう!!!!!
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