#like as my headcannon he doesnt give a damn
juaneloriginal · 6 months
wow death
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i love drawing black like like this, makes him look kinda scary
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divinelolita · 1 year
GOOD MORNINGGGG(istg if you dont reply to those tiktoks imma-)
ANYWAY i woke up and had an idea for u cuz im so smart and imma give it to you
so lemme get theeee mcflurry and a big mac(full band headcannons) with a bf who just be maddddd clingy and they love it like all the time but thing is if someone does it a lot then they bound to need space and they thought if they told reader to stop he finna be sad
BUT sooner or mf they yell(not yell yell) for reader to stop for just a god damn minute and readers just like "ok🤷🏾" AND WALKS AWAY AND DOESNT HUG OR KISS THEM FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK(hell even two)💀💀💀💀like they will sit next to bro and he doesn't even lean on them😭🤚🏾
like he aint mad or nothin he just took it really literally😭
add anything you want like duhhh
teehee hii😈 you send me like 10 tiktoks in under a minute bro
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・He genuinely does love when your clingy
・Bro is clingy asf himself oml-
・Yet everybody needs alone time to themselves, and eventually he would just feel the need to be alone
・He really didn't want to hurt your feelings, he knew this was your way of showing your love, but he would eventually get overwhelmed.
・At first he'd try giving you small hints, like when he would say he wanted to go out for a walk. Yet everytime you wanted to come along and he didn't have the willpower to ask to go alone.
・He puts up with it for a little longer before he reaches a breaking point.
"M/N! Please just leave me alone for a second holy fuck-"
"Oh, okay."
・He'd feel relieved you weren't mad at him
・Yet after a day- hell maybe even a few hours- he's craving that touch again.
・Like sitting next to you on the couch just waiting for you to hold his hand or cuddle him VKYXWUHWVEE
・You took u alot of his time so now that you didn't hang out with him as much he felt surprisingly lonley.
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・Less patient than Bill.
・Babe he loves your touch, kissing you and holding you and snuggling you and-
・He won't admit it but he's actually quite clingy too.
・He really loves his alone time though, especially if its spent playing his guitar. He just likes to be alone to relax his mind
・Gives you a few subtle warnings, telling you he "has to clear his mind" and "needs to relax"
・Yet you would still cling to his shoulders like a koala. He loved you soso much and didn't want to hurt your feelings but he felt almost suffocated.
・Telling you he's going somewhere only for you to say "Ah, where are you going? Can I come too?"
"Can I go anywhere without you following me?!"
・lol ok
・You shrugged and walked away from him, he wanted to tell out your name and call you back but he also wanted time to himself
・Feels anxious when you don't hug or kiss him like you used to, he's afraid you'll break up with him or something.
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・He'd get overwhemles pretty quickly
・No no, don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves hugging you. But sometimes he would rather hangout and talk instead of snuggling for hours.
・So if you ask to go out with him somewhere he doesn't care at all at first, actually encouraging you to come along with him.
・But, like Tom, he loves to be alone.
・It's just comforting for him to be in a quiet area with nobody else.
・Bro gives no warnings, just flat out says "Can you not touch me right now..?"
"My bad."
・He's happy you understand him and don't just yell at him. He's happy you respect his boundaries
・He finds himself missing your touch, how you would kiss him all over his cheeks and lips or how you would play with his hair when yo would cuddle.
・He's kinda scared to ask you to start giving him attention again
・You seem fine so...shouldnt he feel fine too?
(he doesn't)
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・He absolutely loves your affection, doesn't care if he's doing something he will stop and hold you if that's what you want.
・He just feels so safe and happy in your armssss
・Sometimes he just needs a little break, like maybe a few hours or a day to himself.
・He always feels bad about this though, he loves you more than anything and doesn't wanna push you away.
・He'd give so many hints because he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings omfg
・Eventually just tells you flat out, even though his heart is pounding.
"I just need to be alone, M/N!" "That's fine."
・He doesn't know whether to be confused or relieved, he's a mix of both.
・He misses your affection so bad wtf...
・Just wants to pick you up and cuddle while watching a movie, but he's waiting for you to make a move but you want to respect him and-
・its very confusing.
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innocent-cat · 2 years
hey whore, help fix my daddy issues by writing me headcannons of fatherly soldier 76 as readers(m) dad. (pls) i jst need smth sweet.
xx not kaikai
i have had no sleep. its 5am. i've written 2 works, and about to be 3 with this within the span of 17 hours. lord give me strength to make another work so i dont ruin my sleep schedule.
Father!Soldier 76 x Son!reader (Platonic)
Head canons
Warnings - None
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"My dad could beat your dad in a fight.", Father!76 x Son!reader
with lack of a better idea of how to explain reader, he was saved by overwatch and taken in when they realized he was orphaned.
To say jack thought you were annoying at first is an understatement.
"Why do I have to watch the kid? What the fuck do you mean I give you 'Dad' energy??"
Confused and annoyed
Being the scared and timid kid you were, you kinda just.. followed him around.
You'd follow him EVERYWHERE except missions. he had someone babysit you when he had to leave. (Anyone except the junkers. good on him)
Whenever someone turned a corner and spotted him, they always looked down and saw you, some fragile little boy, clinging to his leg.
Everyone thought it was hilarious and bugged him about it.
"Hello there mini 76, how are you today?"
You'd literally just look up at them while they bent down to your level to talk to you.
Awkwardly shuffling into Jack.
EVERYONE noticed how much less he swore after he started having to take care of you.
Jack has never once swore in front of you, but, he'll have slip ups and correct himself.
"What the hel-heck. heck. are you doing?"
Even funnier than how much you clung to him.
He used to get a funny face at first when he corrected himself, but now he just points towards you and everyone's just like "ohhh okay"
When he does paper work in his office, he sits you in a chair across his desk and you just. spin in it. for hours. or run around with his pens. He thinks you're really weird.
its okay though, hes accepted you as his own atp
doesn't mean he's not strict though.
hes lenient with you, but, you still complain about it to him
Walking around headquarters to catch up with everyone, he'll just ruffle your hair to show he still knows you're there
He feels super bad when he doesnt talk to you for an extended period of time
like. straight up feels like a bad person and like he was ignoring you, when in fact, he was in a meeting while you were being babysat by Ana or smth.
literally auntie Ana. babysits you all the time. Absolutely adores you.
"You're gonna grow up just as big and strong as your dad!"
She says this forgetting hes not actually your dad, but just kinda keeps it rolling hoping you let it slide
spoiler alert, you appreciate her saying that and youre happy for at LEAST two days about it
Jack was shocked when he got back from his meeting to you rambling about 'training' and 'being just like him'
Ana just smiled and left. out of there before the idea was tracked back to her
He just kind of. pats your head and says he will when you're old enough.
he knows damn well he doesnt want you to be a soldier
wouldnt be able to live with himself knowing you died on some battlefield because HE had trained you to
referencing the title, you are one HUNDRED percent the only kid who can actually say "My dad could beat your dad in a fight." and not get retorted because he obviously could and no kid was walking that down that road
he obviously would die for you before any danger even comes near you. but. yk.. he'll stay near you for as long as possible.
you sticking to him like glue literally made you the baby brother of all of overwatch after a while
"Oh my gosh there you are! I saw these, did you want them?"
A box of fucking dinosaurs.
you of course said yes.
babying and gift giving never stopped since
(but jack still got you new things whenever he thought you'd like them)
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meowzilla93 · 10 months
The people need little known facts about Baxter! Just like random headcannons, like what's his favorite holiday and why, etc. etc. Basically please just tell me more about this silly little man :)
*cracks knuckles*
me? talk about my favourite love interest in OL:BA?
Thought you'd never ask :P
favourite holiday? we already know his favourite season is fall cause nostalgia, and I almost wanna think that eventually Thanksgiving is his holiday
you absolutely know why but if i must elaborate
he is just so damn thankful for being able to reconnect with people he truly cared for, and that those people didnt give up on him; if MC romanced him, all the more thankful he has someone he can trust and rely on for the rest of his life, and that he can provide that back
but it wasnt always and only after Step 4; he needs to reconnect first for this to eventuate
and you just know that he will love hosting and cooking; any excuse to learn new recipes and show off his skills
before step 4 though? i dont think he had one, and thats his parents fault
any sort of events like these he had to attend with his family and be the 'expected perfect son' which he loathed
i do believe this is canon (pls correct if wrong) but i truly do believe he did not have any friends at his private school, and actively hated going
rebel Baxter? he sure was in his own way
spare periods between classes; he wandered off grounds to a spot where he could avoid the pompous populace
talk back to teachers? you can guarantee that; just more in that incheek way where they couldnt really punish him for what he said
can see him being the type to screw around in class and just be a bit of a bother to the teachers and students, but he was an A+ student all the way
guarantee that when asked to answer questions in class, if he was in the right sort of mood, straight up makeup facts just for the lols
(his parents might have put a stop to that real quick though)
mans was a brat we know this, and it was making the OLNF friends that made him question his life and his upbringing more
this is a touch more sad, but i think early on, he didnt really understand his parents position on things like the LBGTQIA+ community and such until he saw people he cared about be treated poorly by them, or heard what they had to say behind closed doors
i think this truly broke him and is what started the rifts in his friendships as he didnt know how to approach this (he is a kid, we cant expect him to know)
but what he did know, he NEVER wanted to be like his parents, and this is when he started his plan on moving to Virginia for uni
ahem, lets get back to some light hearted sweet stuff
i recon he went full platinum white once - pure white hair (you cannot take this away from me) but the upkeep of that was more insane than just handling black
favourite flower! rose. come on. even Cove said it in Step 1: Fancy!
though if we must choose a second option, Lupine
it has that really pretty purple colour (his second favourite colour after black and white) and its symbolism is very much on par with what he truly wants from life
google that shit, and tell me im wrong
100% reads smut; Im talking like Victorian era smut (Johanna Linsday, Amanda Quick type stuff)
October is his favourite month - the world around him was covered in that beautiful auburn colour
He loves pumpkin spiced lattes (with oat milk of course)
PRESENTS! oh oh when its Christmas time, this is the hardest thing for him because he doesnt just wanna buy something random, it needs to have meaning
You wanted to go see a museum? here are some tickets
Missed this movie when it was screening? Here is the Extended Release with all the additions DVD
You have a favourite flower or plant that you can never really have cause it doesnt grow in the climate you live in? In a frame you received a pressed and dried version of it, so you can always have it with you
.....i need to stop otherwise ill just keep going
(pls dont stop asking me though, ill talk about Baxter till death and will make a million more posts)
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im so sorry for being downright annoying but im confined to my apartment since it's 40 degrees where i live and i have nothing to do :((
could you pls do like a headcannon post for your interpretations of the 141? like you said, soap plays drums, ghost prefers solitude to being mean and aggressive, gaz doesnt get caught doing the kind of shit soap gets caught for, etc. i just find your hc so damn interesting and good. AND believable!!
here's some flowers for your kindness!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Ok! I want to make clear first that these are just my own interpretations/headcanons, for what I'm writing (although I'll try not to mention Riot much), so if someone feels I'm going off-canon, or I don't write them as they should be (whatever that means) just... meh
Ok, so... Gaz, Price, Soap, Ghost and Nikolai because certain someoneeee asked and I can't deny them anything (and he's going to appear in my fic anyway)
Under the cut because it's going to be long. Edited to add after I finished: God it's horribly long
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He gives me elder brother vibes, as in, responsible, overachiever, trying to do the right thing, being the one making way so his younger sibling(s) have it easier
He is nice and respectful to everyone, specially his elders and/or superior officers, but finds it difficult to tolerate shit or incompetence. Still, he is diplomatic enough to hide it (mostly), and will make a good officer in the future, in both Price and Ghost's opinion
He loves cooking and baking, and thrives learning other culture's cuisine. Doesn't mind spicy food, and absolutely gets a laugh out of sneaking some spice in what he cooks to make his friends sweat
Both him and Soap became fast friends. Not only they're close in age, they're both nerds (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons...) and gamers, and play together fighting games like King of Fighters in an old playstation that Price allowed them to have in the common room.
Friends as they are, they absolutely cheat and piss each other off while playing, to the point of swearing to not ever talk to the other again.
They also absolutely prank each other. Salt in their coffee, googly eyes glued to their bedside lamp (Soap had the fright of his life), toothpaste inside the pockets...
He once covered Soap's side of the office in post-its. Took almost the whole night, but Gaz is a dedicated individual
Everyone thinks he is the serious and responsible, but he is just too good to be caught doing shit. But seriously, the worst ideas come from him
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(aaah look at my baby)
PRANKSTER. In capitals.
Younger brother vibes. Like, with three elder sisters. I hc that he has a quite big age gap with his sisters and, although they love each other, they were almost teens when he was a wee boy
Loyal to the bone, will get a bullet for you. Will give you shit if you get it instead covering for him
Friendly with everyone, his love language is touch, patting your back or shoulder, or if it's with a close one, a plain old bear hug. If you're certain someone who he sees as another sister, the bear hug involves swaying and lifting you up
Can't be subtle to safe his life. Can't lie either. You'll know when he's lying because he'll grin so wide that you'll see all his teeth
Learned to play the drums in his teens as a way to channel his energy. In boot camp organized a music group with other privates, Riot included, as a way of bonding and letting out steam. He likes about anything music related, but rock, pop and folk music specially
Looks awesome in a kilt and learned to play the bagpipes when he was a wee lad, but hasn't played one in years
He is way more intelligent that he himself gives credit, and can calculate in seconds the apropriate amount of explosives needed to just demolish what he wants and not a single brick more
That said, he's obsessed with blowing things up. Only things! But if they happen to have ASSHOLES inside, so be it
He is a family man, and tries to speak with his ma as often as he can, but his ma is tiring, man... Always asking when he's getting off the military, when he's settling down, when he's growing out his hair... That mohawk, my son... that's why you're single
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Flirt. Like, for fun. Just because. It works either way, because if you feel flattered, he already has you reeled in. If you get angry, he knows how to push your buttons and persuade you in the correct direction. Correct for him, of course.
He can get anything you want/need. It's his specialty after all. What was that, zólotse? You need [insert whatever you imagine]?. Don't you worry, sólnyshko. You'll have it. What does he want in exchange? Only your smile
Of course, if down the line he happens to need something of you, just a little tiny thing, not really important... you'd be a dear and help him out, right?
He not only is a fixer, but he is a trader. He trades anything, information, documents, intel, weapons, vehicles, favours. He doesn't need notebooks, he has it all in his head. All the debts, paid or unpaid, all the people that owe him something, all the people he owes something, people he can convince to 'help' other people so he can kill two birds with one stone, etc etc
He has that ability that can't be learned, of being able to sway anyone his way just with his words. One look at you and he knows what he needs to say to get you on his side, or to make his bidding. Do you need praise? Threats? A pitiful plea? He sure can act the way you need him to, even if you don't know that you need it
If you are friends though, his help comes with no strings attached. Well, maybe a tiny one. Or two. But completely easy things to do. Promise
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(that's like my favourite gif of Price, he's so damn hot)
He seemingly has endless patience, but only with his subordinates. He has no patience nor tolerance for idiots in the higher ranks, and has no problem speaking up against them
Everyone knows/thinks Gaz is his favourite, but in reality all of the core 141 is his favourite, he chose them after all. He trusts each and any of them with his life, and would die for them without second guesses
He knew Ghost before he was Ghost, and seeing what he became destroys him. He was the one to recommend Simon Riley for the Special team that went after Manuel Roba, so he feels responsible of everything. Simon knows and has assured him many times that he shouldn't feel bad, he couldn't have known.
If he shares a cigar it's because shit's about to go down and there's no way out or against all odds you got out and needs to be celebrated. No in between, you won't get a whiff of them ever unless he's smoking them. Except if you're Simon, he's the only one with whom he shares, and it's not unusual for them to go for drinks alone or just share a drink and a cigar in Price's office from time to time. Sometimes they don't even speak.
Acts way older than he is, he's always been an old soul. That said, the shit he has to go through every day keeping those muppets in line makes him feel like he's three hundred at least
But if someone dares to raise their voice at HIS muppets, that someone better prepare for hell to rain upon them. No one gives shit to his kids except him
He smells bullshit when he's faced with it. Nobody knows how, but he knows.
Protective, obsessive, bossy and gruff, but loyal to his last drop of blood
That's why he's 'dad' to his kids, even if they don't call him that. But all of them go to him when they have doubts, Gaz and Soap even go to him to ask for advice about this or that, or how to...? Even Simon does ask him things from time to time, and it's not unusual for them to just drop by his office for no real reason, just needing dad
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Stern, taciturn, solitary, stoic. Seemingly cold, but he is only guarded. He finds it difficult to trust, even before Roba, due to his childhood.
Stiff upper lip: displays fortitude and stoicism in the face of adversity, or exercises great self-restraint in the expression of emotion
He can be aggressive and mean, it's part of the job, but he takes it with an attitude more like 'Does this need to be done? It needs to be done', and Simon mentally checks out and Ghost takes the wheel, that way he can preserve his sanity and try not to feel like the ones who made him like this... both his father and Roba
He is slow to trust, but if you manage to get through his walls, his loyalty is unwavering. For example, he'd follow Price to hell, only asking 'when are we leaving' if his Captain would ask him to.
He has a soft spot for Gaz and Soap although he doesn't show it, physically or verbally, but with little things. His love language for others, if he even knows what that is or even remembers what it was, is acts of service. Little things like buying them snacks when they run out and haven't had time to go to the store, or taking over their watch turn when he sees them nodding off.
The love language you would have to use with him would have to be maybe quality time at first, even without touching, just spending time together. Having a smoke at midnight behind the mess hall, doing paperwork together in his office or yours, watching films together in the common room. After things progress, it'll evolve into a mix of physical touch (he's so touch starved it's not even funny, and once the dam is broken you won't get rid of him easily) and words of affirmation, but mostly touch.
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voiceofsword · 2 years
Psssst. If you have any headcannons to spare, how do you think Crazy: B is at handshake/fan events 👀 Ever since Mika mentions a fans itabag I’ve been obsessed
OK this one wont be super long bc ill be accompanying it with doodles but, u know the drill, under read more so i dont stretch people’s dashboards out
im gonna start with rinne i think he is VERY enthusiastic. he’s so happy to be there man. like he’s usually loud and kind of obnoxious regardless but this brings it out even more, most fans eat it up bc thats just his persona now, right. if any older fans show up he gets a bit softer/quieter to accommodate for them because he trusts them. 
if he notices fans being too shy/awkward he’ll try his best to hype them up and make them feel welcome i.e everybody be nice to this fan or i’ll blow this whole place up! but at the same time it’s like the second he sniffs out that they’re nervous he becomes a bit more pushy (WELL-MEANING OFC) AND IT CAN GET TO BE ALMOST SCARY… HE WILL EITHER GET SOFT AND UNDERSTANDING OR HE WILL EXPLODE ON U AND TRY TO MAKE U EXCITED WITH HIM THERES NO IN-BETWEEN… he will point out that ur nervous and ask u why that is. maybe poke a little bit of fun. obviously not enough to make you cry or whatever but enough for you to shake a little bit, so that after you leave you can look back at the pictures and memories like damn im actually glad rinne amagi helped me out of my shell
hes like an apex predator he can sense fear but instead of k wording you he forces you to do peace signs with him in photos
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niki like always is super friendly and welcoming. he tries his best to make fans have fun! he isn’t nearly as pushy as rinne and doesn’t really pry. he makes small talk and if he thinks you smell nice he Will point it out! he will compliment and laugh a lot and overall be very silly. 80% of any event he’s playing footsie with rinne under the table and occasionally during fan meets they’ll start play bickering both for The Bit and also because they cant go too long without doing it it sustains them. 
one concerning thing about niki is that regardless of the circumstances he will always ALWAYS accept food, even though he is not supposed to. he sneaks off to eat snacks to prevent hunger pangs and if any fan catches him while offering food he will most assuredly be like oh hell ya, which is why the other guys are constantly on the look-out for him. while almost all fans do it in good faith i can imagine he’s gotten sick from at least one instance of this happening but he never learns because he cannot for the life of him turn down stuff he can eat. kohaku and rinne literally always have an eye on him to make sure his breaks stay short and to haul his ass back to the table 
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himeru is perfect. like as a meet and greet idol he is exemplary. it’s almost scary. he gives the perfect amount of small talk, compliments you just enough, smiles the whole time. holds your hand for enough time, brushes his hair behind his ear acting all handsome, laughs at anything and everything that might be a joke….it’s like he has a mental checklist for every encounter. he studies this shit every night before an event so he has it down to a T. he makes meeting the others feel like youre talking to the teletubbies 
like rinne he senses fear and while he doesnt push like rinne does it’s almost like. he’s smug about it. he knows he’s that good! HE’S SO RADIANT YOU CAN’T LOOK AT HIM FOR TOO LONG…
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ok lastly kohaku! kohaku i feel like would definitely try his best to copy himeru. he thinks the other two are not good examples, so partly himeru’s trying to show off because he knows kohaku is watching. being good friends with aira also has him practicing this a lot with him, too. but on his own kohakuchan is good at talking to people, slightly less good at maintaining eye contact or handshakes but he’s working on it! you can tell he’s new to it but he’s trying his best so it makes it all the more endearing. 
the other three point it out a lot when they think he or the fans can’t hear. not in a malicious way theyre just happy to see kohaku’s having fun. his encounters definitely feel a little more rushed but not because he necessarily wants it to be over you can tell hes just a bit more nervous to be 1 on 1. sometimes the other guys do something stupid in the sidelines so he can get angry and have him let loose. anyways Be nice to him 
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paxipads · 7 months
Modern The Outsiders Headcannons!
I aint fixing the spelling on ts so just enjoy yawl
Pony has barely working airpod's that everyone can hear what he's listening to when he puts them in
Soda listens to his saved tik tok audios and pretends he's in edits
Two tried the tik tok shop chamoy pickle kit and got sent to the hospital cuz hes too white to handle the spice
Dally is an avid Taylor swift hater and he tweets about how the superbowl was rigged
Johnny probably used to post those corny footballer edits on tik tok with just velocities of Ronaldo making a bicycle kick
Darry texts like an African dad (Im saying this becuase my african dad texts like how he would):
Ponyboy: "Hey I got home safe"
Darry: "👍"
Soda has an x box and rages on Fortnite with Steve (Steve plays on a switch)
Pony makes those bestfriend capcut templates with him and Johnny
Johnny and Pony def have matching bios and pfps
Darry has facebook. he posts about football and work.
Johnnys phone is so cracked, like he drops that bitch all the time
speaking of Johnny's phone he has a clear phonecase with a Polaroid of him, dally, and Pony in the back I don't make the rules I jus follow em!
Two has a pink unicorn phone case
Theres a greaser groupchat of just bitchy arguments (mostly between drunk Two and Dally)
Pony and Soda have a video of Darry singing his heart out to Tennesee Whiskey in the shower (He lowkey ate it up too)
Ponyboy downs orange Gatorade before every damn track meet
Dally loves stealing from walmart and he's banned at 5 locations because of this
Ponyboy loves red dead redemption idc. He played it on Sodas x box
Steve knows every word to Gooba and FEFE
Johnny doesnt know spanish but he listens to Peso Pluma
Dally loves Megan thee Stallion on the low
Soda loves the weeknd
Dally would think Matt Rife is funny im sorry..
Do not give Two aux he will play the most insufferable music.
Pony would be horrified of Skibidi toilet kids
Johnny would be scared of Sephora 10 year olds
Pony draws his friends on ibis paint
Steve and Soda belt their heart out to complicated by avril lavigne
Dally would be genuinly afriad of furries
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jamiekb · 8 months
Listening to TMA for the first time (Part VII)
#81 A Guest for Mr. Spider: Ok, that was an interesting way to begin the season for sure. I do like the narrative that John has always been surrounded by these Entities, just out of reach until one day he won't be. Barely managing to get away time after time until he fulfills his purpose I guess? Anyway, good to know that Leitner books can take anyone away as long as they are able to read, no age requirement necessary. And I'm sorry John but I didn't doubt for a second that you were an annoying child (like outside the autistic coded aspect, or maybe it’s just that huh)
#82 The Eyewitnesses: Damn no wonder she doesnt go around sharing the origin of her nickname. It's so interesting to get to see more of Elias, up until now he's been just kinda doing his own thing, not really helping anyone too much. He can arrange for the CO2 cans but not security cameras, just decides to give John the key to the tunnels, only intervenes with the others when tension is too high. Is he like a manifestation of the Eye? He can tell your life story from a glance or at least when youve encountered the supernatural, knows everything about the Institute and its employees, and I'm sure will have something to do with John coming back to the archives. Weird guy. Also maybe he was the one to turn on the recorder? Or is it just sentient?
#83 Drawing a Blank: Ah ok so if I understand them the Stranger is anything that isnt quite human, just a bit off, just a bit uncanny. But is it enough that they are uncanny or do they need to take the place of someone? Or are those two different things/beings? Also may I just mention how nice of Georgie to let John stay at her house, and how gratefull they should be that John never takes about his other connections? friends??
#84 Possesive: Oh really can't trust Elias even a little bit anymore can we? Poor Martin with no way of knowing what he might do to anyone can't even warn Melanie properly. Hope we get to hear when Tim finds out and they should also really read her in on what they've gathered so far. I like her and wanted to see more of her, but not like this. Although I have to saw I'm not actually surprised, it felt like it was building up to it, maybe cause she was in the Institute so much it claimed her? Oh and what is that "to whoever is listening"? If they're just records then it's not completely unusual that who reads them switches, why the need to point it out? narrative reasons maybe but feels a bit obvious.
#85 Upon the Stairs: I think all of the possibly perspectives to look at the statements John has recieved are valid. Michael is dangerous. Many were once people but can't go back in a sense. And I'm sure they are sent by someone in the Archives, like Elias maybe? Love that John can interact like "normal" people with someone, can make a joke about a guy your friend is gonna date.
#86 Tucked In: I find it quite funny that both Martin and Tim are not confortable making statements for whatever reason, maybe because it's something only The Archivist does or just the general situation. This does go with my headcannon that John can give it that extra emphasis and feeling because he's the Head Archivist, kinda like Elias in a way. Although Melanie was quite good, love how she's still hesitant to believe the whole thing. And nice of her to agree to meet John, and of course he's paranoid enough to record just out in the world.
#87 The Uncanny Valley: wow, that was a dense episode. So this poor man encountered the operation by which these things wear human faces (like the mannequin at the store, the humans stuffed with saw dust, maybe even changelings), which is run by I Do Not Know You. They want to carry out the Unknowing, in collaboration with the Lightless Flame. Those are th ones seen with Agnes who could burn things and maybe the delivery guys??? The woman that had accompanied Agnes more closely is Jude Perry. Still a ton of questions: is the Devastion and the Unkowing the same? Have we encountered Jude Perry in a statement before? Who is Orsinov and is he related to the circus? Why is the circus now stalking John? And can someone please give Georgie and explanation and a medal for being such a good friend.
#88 Dig: Damn so it's the same calliope, how did they get a hold of it? Was it Elias? Did the Eye just kinda facilitated it to the circus? Also love how unsettled they all seem when they finish reading statements, nvm just John, the institute just kinda gives them the ability to really tell it how it is. I'm guessing Melanie was asking around because she's helping John. Weird that they don't remember the statement about the calliope, maybe they really just do some research but don't really read the statements.
#89 Twice as Bright: that was so cool!!! finally an insight into the Lightless Flame, kind how that lot feels, a bit of how the Eye also works. Also interesting how Perry says that it will consume you if you don't feed it. So maybe Gertrude investigating into things fed it and she was only killed because Elias deemed it so. So maybe John having like something to investigate is making him more stable??? And nice to know that John has an actual ability, weird as it may be. But also is there gonna be anything left of him by the end??? Scars from worms, burnt hand, what's next?
#90 Body Builder: I'm still wondering (maybe I'm slow on picking it up) is the tape just pressing itself whenever someone enters the room???
#91 The Coming Storm: web imagery but that's not the main thing obviously. Good to see John finally starting to learn what he can do, but still not enough John. So Daisy just goes around trying to kill the manifestation of entities? And hoefully that's not the last of Mike we see, it was nice to see how he operates. And would that work? Sure John is the Archivist but Elias is still part of the Institute, the Eye, who could triumph over the other? Or maybe just a stillmate? omg only when i listened to the next did I really understand that John was strangled, he's really just gonna be scars by the end of this.
#92 Nothing besides remains: well thanks Elias I guess for explaining most of those things. So Daisy will remain basically hired muscle for when Elias wants to, Basira is now tied to the Institute, indeed Elias has near unlimited power for aything pertaining the Eye but needs things to naturally develope so it doesn't interfere (or something??? so that it goes with the nature of the Eye i guess), John is back to work and will continue to slowly investigate more on this Unknowing ritual to stop the world from ending basically. What a good buildup to all of this it was, still hoping we'll see more of Michael, sure Elias doesn't like him but more because its a loose canon.
#93 Contaminant: well don't just leave it at that Georgie, give John a statement. Was she one of its victims?? Also I really hope that John manages to keep a nice normal friend outside the Archives, though I'm not hopeful. At least I hope nothing happens to the Admiral.
#94 Dead Woman Walking: I knew I would eat my words about Georgie being normal as soon as the last episode ended but still, damn. Well at least she's still alive and can maybe understand John so there's that. And yes John they have already told you that it still takes some effort, both Mike and Elias said that i believe, at least Elias, you're the Archivist now learn to listen and process.
#95 Absent Without Leave: Poor Martin, can't even have a breakdown in peace, but yeah it sounds like Basira that she would just stroll along, that's been her life since she's been sanctioned anyway.
#96 Return to Sender: Good to know that John still has a ways to go before he really gets how to compel. So he still needs to learn what to ask, how to ask and that his questions can give them as many answers as he gets. So now the Mimic thing knows that the Skin is loose somewhere or at least that the Archivist doesn't know where it is.
#97 We All Ignore the Pit: not a big surprise, but nice to know that the things that are mimics are the same at the circus. Weird to want that skin but okay to each their own. I just hope Orsinov didn't use Georgie's or the Adminal's voice box. Again John really is the punching bag of the entities
#98 Lights Out: oh Melanie, please be careful, i really like you. Hope John can come back soon so that poor Martin can stop reading statements, it kinda takes even more out of him than it usually does John. Good to know the Eye just kinda records whenever it can and wnats to. I understand how frustrating it must be Tim but it still recorded a conversation, get used to it.
#99 Dust to Dust: I think I'm starting to understand the running joke of "you look away for a second and John has been kidnapped again". Well that doesn't sound good for him, wonder if anyone will notice him or what they'll do to him. Give him a break you things, hes basically new to the whole thing, even Perry said it took her a while to understand.
#100 I Guess You Had To Be There: so you can really tell when John doesn't show up at work I guess. So which Lukas is that? Is that the fiancé? Or the one at sea? Or maybe they're the same, I'll be honest I have difficulty retaining the names. Even if they were all over the place the stories do bear resemblance to known entities: Agnes, the thing about the tunnels and the spider thing.
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thesnailkiwi · 1 year
1, 2, 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25 for traffic life?
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Okay, see, I know people have different ideas and opinions and headcannons, but OH. MY. GOSH. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED.
The MCYT fandom makes me want to scream half the time. I'm gonna say it. Everyone gets BadBoyHalo wrong. Skeppy, Tommyinnit, JSchlatt, Stressmonster, Niki, and a bunch more, too. Half the time I want to explode in this fandom, so I stick with fanart, unless it's flower husbands. Because most FH shippers can read the characters well.
Musical theatre. People always (well, okay, not *always*) get Heather McNamara wrong when acting. I've seen so many awful versions. And Jenna Rolan from Be More Chill, especially when writing fanfic. Though, lemme tell you, all the characters in Be Less Single (BMC dating sim fan game) were spot on. Perfect, I tell you.
2. Compelling argument why my fave would never top or bottom
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
I'm overthinking. This could either mean opinions ABOUT fandom or fandom discourse. I'm assuming the latter.
I dunno man. I don't pay attention much to other people's opinions. I mean, if they badmouth my blorbos, I will have a compelling argument why the are the best being to exist. Headcannon-wise? I mean, okay, I really don't want this taken the wrong way *at all*. But I don't like it when people include [insert character] is trans/queer/pronouns/mental disability if it doesnt have anything to do with the fafic/story that's being told. I understand if you project or write a vent fic or whatever, because those are things to get out of your brain, or if you headcannon this or that, I get it. But if it has no relevance at all to the story, *if it isn't even mentioned*, DONT PUT IT IN THE GODDAMN TAGS.
It's not really a heated opinion, but I needed that out there.
I don't really like to shit on other people's headcannons. But if the opinion is "glup shitto is a bad character", OR FUKIGN WHATEVER THE FUCK THE MCYT SPACE DID TO NIKI, then I will fight you.
12. The unpopular character I like and everyone else hates
Okay. Listen. Purpled. Barely anyone paid attention to that guy because he wasn't a "main character" (there were none in the DSMP, people.) And everyone doesn't like his character after what he did to Slime. But I feel like he's a super deep character that gets overlooked. Quackity literally blew up his house and forced him to go live in Las Nevadas. Quackity also took a lot more from him, too. And when he killed/kidnapped Slime, he was projecting and let all of his grief out on the thing that Quackity cared about, since everything Purpled loved was taken from him.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
Okay okay okay. But like, guys. Coffee shop au's. It's simple, right? It's one of the most well known. BUT JESUS, BMC FANDOM, THERE ARE LIKE 5 TOTAL ON AO3. SOULMATE ONES, TOO.
Speaking of soulmates, the Hermitcraft/Life series doesn't have that many non-canon function ones. Like, I want to see timers. Or strings. Or the characters see color for the first time. Or the place their soulmate touches them first changes colors. There's not many.
18. It's absolutely criminal the fandom has been sleeping on...
The MCYT fandom has been sleeping on a bunch of damned bricks, don't even get me started.
There's too much to put for the MCYT fandom.
The BMC fandom has been sleeping on the wholeass line of "If Christine likes me in the end, will I be able to pretend I didn't fail my one real friend?" And all of the hidden stuff in the music. Like how in the broadway version, in The Play, the backtrack plays LGW when Jeremy gives Christine the Mtn Dew Red.
19. I'm mad/ashamed/horrified that I like...
I'm not answering this one. I apologize, but these heinous words do not need to be said to the entire world.
22. The favorite part of Canon everyone ignores
MCYT: everyone ignores smaller creators and literally the entire Canon. So all of it.
BMC: okay, listen, the silver hair the squip has is an absolute banger, okay??? And let's talk about that entire couch scene where Christine rejects Jeremy.
23. The ship I'm unwillingly coming around to
Majorwood. Kill me. I hate it so much omg but like, it slaps.
25. Annoying common fandom complaint
Uh, guys, it's okay to like the Era when ranboo and tubbo were friends. It's not taboo. I still go back and watch vods.
Sorry that one genuinely pisses me off whenever I see people like, "I wish that never happened". Like, guys, don't ignore important parts of what got ranboo to who he is and where he is today. Educate the young boobers. It's not wrong to like when two people are friends.
Then I hate it when people complain about shipping convex and are like "they're brothers!" No, they're not. That's your headcannon, not mine. Same with Grian and Jimmy. They aren't brothers. You can ship them if you want, just don't make it weird.
Anyway, thank you as per usual for sending me the ask, trash the beloved
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tauforged · 1 year
#1: I love finding someone with a unique/rare ship or headcannon.
#2: the interaction with Sigma and Sombra, where Sigma is saying Moira is going to run some tests on him, how do you think Ramattra would respond to hearing that?
#3 do they have any nick names for each other?
AW TEEHEE THANKYOU!!! its been a while since ive had the motivation to like, draw or write anything for em but rest assured im thinking about them so so so much... youve activated my autism trap card though i have an INSANE amount of convoluted opinions on the nature of character dynamics between sigma and sombra as well as sigma and moira and im taking this opportunity to babble about it. sorry in advance.
as for the interaction, personally im of the opinion that said 'tests' are literallly.... just tests. as in like, yknow, bloodwork, scans to make sure the implants and augments he has are actually working to redirect excess pressure and kinetic energy from his vital organs when using his abilities ... ive talked about how i think that sorta stuff works more in this post but tldr is that a lot of the tech and equipment hes using is of his own design and VERY experimental, hes pretty much flying blind here so he kind of has to make changes as he goes and so it's kinda important that his health and safety are taken into account. and he also has a bit of a uhhh. demonstrable history of disregarding his own safety for the sake of his research. it would kind of make sense that theyd be going out of their way to make sure someone stays on him about actually doing the damn tests and keeping track of the results. it just so happens that he's really averse to letting just anyone Examine (tm) him because of. yknow. the everything. and moira happens to fit the bill of being A. someone he feels he can trust to not take things too far (whether or not he's making a good choice here is up for debate, but i think he could do worse) and B. actually have a degree of knowing what she's doing. i definitely think that the only reason she's bothering at least initially is her own curiosity about everything he's got going on, but he also does just really feel like the type to jsut kind of naturally be very endearing . ive said before that a lot of their interactions read as playful to me, at least on his end - he DEFINITELY sounds like he's messing with her on purpose. i think he does genuinely regard her as a friend, and for the most part, he's probably right - even if she's a bit cranky about it. i have a LOT of thoughts about their relationship too honestly probably far too many to cram into this one post LMFAO i think about the dynamic a lot. im a moira apologist idc i think that she is capable of being nice sometimes. just because shes kind of a cunt sometimes doesnt mean shes needlessly cruel, like not only do i feel like messing with his head and experimenting on him given his history would be kinda kicking him while he's down. but ALSO, i feel like she's smart enough to know that making him an enemy would be a baaaad idea. he can literally explode people with his mind. she knows better than to give him any reason to be genuinely mad at her, and i do think he would absolutely NOT tolerate any kind of treatment like that ever again unless it was on his terms and he had the power to just leave if it got to be too much. even as it is, i think the entire process is a bit of a sore spot for him and not exactly something he's thrilled about, hence his hesitation in that interaction - not because it's happening against his will so much as he's regarding it the same way i think about having to go get blood drawn. it's not fun, but it's gotta happen somehow.
all that to say, i think upon overhearing discussion of said 'tests' without further context mattra would NOT be happy about it, likely getting defensive the same way sombra does. he'd probably be a lot harder to dissuade than she is tbh, i dont know if he'd really take moira's word for it that there's nothing underhanded going on here unless sig told him so himself, and even then it would still put his hackles up. he's probably very nosy about it for a very long time. just to be safe.
as far as nicknames/pet names go, in my mind theyre both very... awkward about these kinda things i guess if that makes sense? emotional vulnerability comes easily for NEITHER of them, between sig still recovering from decades of isolation and mattra just naturally being very guarded and bitter (for good reason!) and not used to outwardly expressing his care for others, especially not for some random human who seems to have decided that they're friends. to me, their dynamic is very much one of tentativeness and battling with distrust and insecurity. i think it would take a very, very long time to get there, and even longer to actually be able to casually say stuff like that without wanting to explode and die on the spot. i do think sig is a bit more outwardly affectionate than mattra, but even then, a lot of it is kinda tempered by the fact that he's just very forward with everyone about everything at this point - he's kind of desperate for positive connections with others that he can hold onto, so he's reached a point where it doesn't take much to get him to consider someone a friend and he's not exactly hiding it anymore. oh, i dropped something and you picked it up before i had a chance to? sick, we are now besties and i would kill for you.
i think that sort of attitude would catch ramattra off guard and he'd not really know how to react to any of it. sig could call him anything at this point, but if it's in an affectionate tone he WILL bluescreen about it. ramattra.exe has encountered an error and must restart
i do really like sig's valentines voiceline, so i might just roll with 'starlight' even if it's a bit cheesy... hell, now that i think about it, i think he'd do that specifically BECAUSE it's cheesy and will probably elicit an eye-roll or a 'stop that'. he seems to enjoy pushing people's buttons. maybe bothering his friends is his love language idk
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
"This anon rant is over a god in genshin impact who is not even a human nor has a fixed gender by the way, they really hate the thought of gender non-conforming Zhongli"
Ive never laughed harder at the lack of reading comprehension of someone older than me
Or the fact that you still believe zhongli is canonically genderfluid.
My dud i do not care what your headcannons are. I never said i hate the thought of him being genderfluid. Its not my personal headcannon but that does not mean i hate it or even the people who enjoy it.
My problem, which i cant believe you are still unable to comprehend, is that you are misinterpreting canon and treating your headcanons as fact and canon, and then guilt tripping other people and lowkey accusing random people of hating or purposfully "forgetting" an indentity of a character because you think they must hate that indentity
But in reality its just you projecting onto a character and misinterpreting them and getting mad when you realize other people dont do that.
And "doesnt have a fixed gender" my ass. Like i said if you really cared so much about his gender identity then you would respect that he is written as a male and is meant to be interpreted, in canon, as a male.
I am in no way repulsed by the idea of zhongli being "gender non conforming"
again my problem is your guilt triping and inability to separate your headcannons from canon.
It is obvious however that it is you who is repulsed by the opposite of gender nonconforming zhongli
Considering how hard you are trying to paint me as some evil transphobe or bigot or what have you, and once again your inability to seperate you headcannons from canon.
I cannot say it enough i do not care what your headcannons are. Have them. Keep them. I dont give a shit. Literally all i asked and am still asking is that you learn to not guilt trip people over not having the same headcanons as you that you try to claim are canon.
Do you even know the difference between canon and headcanons?
Canon is the source material. Its whats official and what the author(s) have written or intended
Headcanons or fancanons are made up by the fandom. They are personal ideas and concepts made up by fans for the source material. Keyword being personal.
Im not saying you have to adhere to canon. Im not saying you cant have your own headcanons. I think ive been pretty damn clear on that.
But trying to force your headcannons on others and claim them to be canon and then getting upset when they dont agree is fucking wrong. Its rude and disgusting behaviour that you should be ashamed of doing.
Like what on earth makes you think its okay to guilt trip people like that? Over, like you said, a god in genshin impact. A fucking fictional character.
You think my problem lies with the headcannon itself but its fucking not. My problem is you and your actions.
If you wanna delude yourself into thinking your headcannons are canon then do it by yourself. You dont get to be an ass to everyone else because they dont adhere to the same fictional concepts as you.
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Zhongli is still too fabulous for gender, I like the fact that you are so upset over one harmless post from me that say "Zhongli doesn't care about conventional gender" bro can turn into a pile of fruit if he wants, he's not even a human. I do enjoy the fact that you are so bothered. Please write more long, upset rant to fuel the dark side of the Force within my soul. I fed on it
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Day of the Departed
Im gonna be fr I didnt even know wtf Day of the departed was until i watched the first episode of Hands of Time and was like
Did some googling, and bc i dont have Tubi or Amazon, im being forced to use an illegal pirating site 😔
jk lol
I use wcofun.net for cartoons and shit if anyone wants to know where to watch it
I feel like ive seen this movie before…
Was day of the departed on netflix for a while????
Lloyd: I dont get why you get have the Sonic Radar Jet 😒
Jay: Uh, Duh, bc I called dibs 🙄
Jay: Right Cole?
Jay:… Cole?
Cole: (freaking out and unable to control his car)
Damn, they did rlly good with that beginning. Making it seem lighthearted and then subtly panning to Cole who’s panicking bc he cant get ahold of his car
Awww so day of the departed is like a mix of Halloween and dia de los muertos
Museum exhibit guy: Its spooky time! BOOGLY BOOGLY!
!?!?????!?! im sorry 😭?
That was just so random
Why cant they see Cole.
I dont like this WHY CANT THEY SEE COLE.
They dont realize Coles not with them :(
How is that even possible
Were their memories wiped????
Like what?????
Lloyd and misako lit a lantern for Garmadon 🥺
Kai and Nya for their parents 🥹
Im am just NOW realizing how many people who are close to the ninja have died
“stay close with the people we are still fortunate to have”: (pans to Jay having the best time with his loving parents)
Except Jay. Jay hasn’t had the trauma of someone permanently die on him.
Okay so everyone forgot about Cole except his father. How does that even work.
Coles dad and his singing group are actually pretty good-
Dareth: Kids… always disappoint you. Thats why I dont have any! And because Gayle keeps turning down my marriage proposals….
its canon that Jay and Dareth both know how to do makeup. Dareth and Jay ALSO both have a similar sense of showmanship.
Which means Jay and Dareth are uncle and nephew besties who bond over their shared interests of performances.
Its canon bc i said so.
RONIN?!?? What are you doing here 💀
Honestly, I was gonna be like “Cole. Dude. Chill.” But if I was a ghost I would also go batshit murder crazy if I caught eye of the person who TURNED me into a ghost
Why is Yangs temple floating.
1. Didnt it fall from the sky and back to the ground after Nadakhans power was weakened?
Why were the villains souls in a vase in Yangs temple
I cant get over the fact that these villains souls just possessed these plastic statues of themselves.
Like, my guys, you don’t have organs.
Cant believe these goofy ass goons traumatized the ninja in some shape or form
The departed realm…
Okay. So the cursed realm DIED right, it no longer exists. So did the departed realm replace it?
Pythor:… chen…
Chen: Pythor. 🙄💅
Lmaaoo Chen and Pythor having beef is hilarious
JFNDJFNDJDNJFNS The two villains fighting over who gets to kill Zane 😭😭😭
Nindroid: Hes MY clone!
Pythor: technically your his clone
Chen: The blacksmit brats are mine
Pythor: How come you get two?!?!?!
Yangs painting looks so silly being animated 💀
What does Chen have against nya?
Oh wait is it because she disguised herself as one of his lady clowns?
Morro. My man. Didnt you like, redeem yourself by giving Wu the crystal instead of letting him save you? I mean yeah it was a shitty redemption but shouldn’t you be a little nicer?????
Its funny how none of the villains have deep beef with Jay. Theyre like, “uhhhhh, theres one ninja and two of us, lets rock papers scissors for him?”
Wait none of the villains called Cole either-
Is Cole THAT forgettable 😭
Okay headcannon time: Cole never liked fame which is kind of shown after Zanes death. He doesnt like to be recognized. I headcannon that as the ninja got famous and Jay + Nyas relationship became wide spread news, everyone just, FORGOT about Cole. Like no one gave a fuck about him, and thats kinda his own fault too by not going to interviews or putting him out there other than to do his job. He probably just went invisible anytime the paparazzi came close.
Cant believe they remembered Dareth and not COLE.
Yangs backstory lets gooooo
Yang: ah yes, time to conjure this spell of immortality with the ancient precious Yin weapon. (Starts viciously swinging it like hes attacking invisible demons)
Cole: my friends will come for me!
Dude your friends forgot about you. Im genuinely sorry but i dont think theyre coming ☹️
That feeling when you have to fight your girlfriends abusive dad whos supposed to be dead
that ones for the Kai x Skylor shippers AND the Nya x Skylor shippers
Nindroid: Oh Im sorry! Did I hurt your dad? Or should I say OUR dad?
Fuck you.
I hate when Ed and Edna get attacked they dont deserve this :(
Why cant pythor just leave Lloyd the fuck alone 😭😭😭
Wu: the eclipse is an omen, but is it one of good? Or bad?
Morro (sneaking up behind him and whispering): Bad. Very bad…
Cole: Why did I use the Yin blade and release the ghosts!
Yang: Well, you were scared you were departing, so I used your fragile mental state- oh wait, you weren’t asking literally were you.
Why do the ninja never use their powers when they need to.
Why are there so many plot-holes in this movie.
Cole: So I uh, didn’t get your name!
Yangs student:…
Cole: Okay, lets call you Chuck. Chuck! Ik you think your yangs student, but you can help me and we can escape together!!!
Yangs student:…
Cole: Okay… no pressure! But you have 3 seconds to decide.
Cole: 1… 2…. 3. (Knocks them tf out)
Cole: Guess im doing this solo.
Jfndjfndjdnt coles great I love him sm
Good job Jay for actually having some sense for once
Jay: what do you want with my parents!
Skeleton samukai: its not your parents I want! Its you!
Jay: 😶
Im in love with the person who animated Jay in this scene. Having Jay hop back and forth between his two feet like hes ready to fight and then having him fumble with his nunchucks is just, 👌
Thank you for your service random animator.
Why is Coles dads singing group holding replicas of Garmadons evil helmet 💀
Morro: No you dont understand! Im not here to fight you. Im here to warn you….
Ohhhh so this is Morros true redemption
Hes gonna die again isnt he…
Okay, so Yang did make all of them forget Cole.
Cole (fighting all of Yangs students): You guys are more tiresome than Jay!
Why do the ninja always bash Jay just out of nowhere 😭
Skeleton samukai: If its worth anything. This isnt personal.
Jay: It kinda feels like it is 😀
Ronin: yeah… I came to help… definitely didnt think your parents would be at the concert so I could steal some free scrap metal….
Dude. My man. You could quite literally just ASK. Ed and Edna are so nice theyd probably give you free scrap metal and some tea while theyre at it.
I forgot Pixal was still in Zanes brain-
Uncharacteristically, Lloyds fight with Pythor is the most boring fight in this movie.
Pythor: No… just time for a spectacular exit! (Falls of the cliff and crashes through the fucking floor)
Ronin: Happy day of the departed guys! And uh, thanks for the scraps…
Ed: All you had to do was ask 😌
Museum guy: My museum!!! What have you done!!!!
Dareth (holding the helmet that controls the stone warriors): Hehe! sorry…
Cole (after knocking out Yangs student, absolutely exhausted, and sounding legitimately sorry and pained): Dont make me hurt you too… ☹️
Last of yangs students: …. (Skedadles)
Morro: Yang tricked Cole into opening a rift to return to ninjago…
Jay: Coooole! Howd he trick you!
Zane: Jay, Cole isnt here 🤨
Jay: Are you sure? Hes been fading a lot lately. Hes easy to miss.
The ninja: WE FORGOT COLE!!!?!!
Yeah. Dipshits. Now its time to save him. AND APOLOGIZE.
Morro returned his plastic statue body to the museum 🥺
He finished what he sought out to do 🥲
Yang: What are you even fighting for. Your friends have abandoned you! You are all alone.
Cole probably has abandonment issues doesn’t he…
His mom, then his friends…
Im getting all emotional I need some good Cole hurt/comfort fanfic recs right this instant😭
Yangs pupils actually look so cool. I wanna draw them.
His pupils are alive again 🥹
Yang: My students, are leaving me… I … failed….
Cole: Yeah. Ya did.
Yang: I always fail…
Cole: Yeah, Ya- wait what?
Cole: (having an emotional talk with Yang about how he’ll never be forgotten and that he knows how it feels to be independent and alone.)
The curse stating that someone has to stay behind and be the ghost of the temple is so stupid.
Au where Morro snuck into the rift and became human again.
God that would have been such a good excuse to have him back as a permanent character
I hate that they didnt do that
Lloyd: Wheres Cole!?!? Did he make it?
Jay: Oh no…
Jay: Its too late. He’s gone forever.
Jay: Id give anything to have him back… (Wipes a tear away)
Cole: Anything?…
Jay (with his eyes closed): Anything.
Cole (jumping out from behind a rock): Even the Sonic Radar Jet? :D
Everyone: COLE!!!!
I love them sm
Cole: So was I right or was I right!
Jay: Goddammit Cole are you gonna tell this story every Day of the Departed 🙄
That was a sweet note to leave it on :)
Headcannon that Cole goes to visit Yang and his temple all the time
My only complaint is Morro not slipping through the rift and becoming human again.
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sinning-23 · 2 years
How're They in Bed?
arcane headcannons to quench my thirst :) enjoy hoes
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-He’s pretty good
-8 inches, curves to the left
-very well groomed
-fucks like a god (only from previous experience that minx lol) 
-expect rough yet slow strokes
-he is definitely a switch but preference to top
-i feel hes the type to be more of a dominant lover and want to have control. 
-call him sir, it just does t for him
-has a thing for knives and shibari
-likes to bite or be bitten(he cant explain it that feral mf)
-will consider bottoming but has to lay down very strong, non-negotiable groudn rules 
-very whiny and gasoy when he bottoms
-”O-Oh! Fukc, dont blow- OH!”
-falls asleep about half an hour after. 
-not the best at aftercare but will try his best
-overallscore 9.5/10
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-of course she knows how ot fuck after how much time she spends at that damn brothel….
-she is skilled with her fingers, tongue, and the strap
-i mean sevika is downright nasty!
- will spit in your mouth
-Loves pillow princesses she wants to make sure she’s putting in good work. 
-will try her damndest to get you to squirt (shes filthy i tell you)
-”Keep theses fucking legs spread.”
-Knows your clit ant handke anymore but doesnt care. She wants to rip as many orgasms from you as possible
-shes on the cream team
-doesnt shave, doesnt feel the need to since shes usually the one giving that receiving. 
-expects to have that metal arm all over you (and in you)
-her strap is black and has plenty ridges along it
-7 inches
-will have you suck it for her, she loves that shit
-overallscore 8.5/10 
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-stfu coke can cock because i said so….
-long, strong, and here to bring the friction on (pls shoot me lmao mad unnecessary mc hamer lyric)
-Super veiny
-leaks hella
“Can my pretty pet fit all this in their mouth? Yeah? Show me”
-fucks in the mirror
“Look at how pretty you are, watch me fuck into you, feel me stretching you out”
Will coach you through it. And fuck is it hot
-has a thing for gags. Had one custom made for you speakingof which
-holds your hand when you cum
“Thats it, look at that face, so so so pretty. Wanna let me fuck this hole of youse just one more time?”
Wonderful at aftercare. Knows he can be a bit much in the package department so is always sire to help you out after.
-Overall score 10/10
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Pretty good in bed ngl.
Shes cocky tho
Will show off her tats
Switch, and is happy with a either one
Please eat her out, she’ll beg so pretty she just wants to feel your mouth
“Oh god yes, yes, yes, please!”
-will squirt if you get her worked up enough
-She bites and bites hard. I feel like she also likes to leave lot of hickeys
-I feel likes shes got very pretty boobs.Like theyre perfect and always perky.
-slurps when she eats
-She likes to pull hair more times than not
-Is a bit clumsy(fell off the bed once)
-for th love of god bite her lip when you kiss her
-overall score 8/10
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-Oh lord 
-i wont say he has no skill whatsoever, but its pretty limited.
-hen doesnt get intimate with very many an thinks the whole thing is very special
-He usually is the one reciving since his leg makes it a bit difficult to more and be as active as hed like with his partner
-nine times out of ten he’ll either have his partner ride or oral
-Is VERY good at coaching his partner 
-”Yes, thats it, does that feel good? Perhaps i should curl my fingers upwards just.. Like…this-”
-very good with aftercare. Will bring you water and a warm towel.
-likes having his hair pulled
-is very sensitive i think, like just kissing th etip is enough to send him into a frenzy. 
-overall score 9/10
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Oh jesus CHRISt
-service top
-likes begging called “good boy”
-Has a thing gor shibari and blindfolds
-peg him, hes been waiting for this lmao
-Whiny when he moans but can get very growly/groan when hes close
-likes to be choked and bitten (Lil freakaleak)
-im not saying he has an authority kink….but i am saying that if a ‘yes sir/ma’am’ slips out dont hold it against him
-kinda really shitty at aftercar…welll its usually him that is at the reciving end ofthe aftercare but still!
-will fall asleep almost immediately after
-hes a pillow prince lmao
-overall score 7.5/10
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-bet you didntthink id write for this fucker lmao
-him an dhis stupis, shitty, sexy sideburns >:(
-marcus doesnt have secks…he fuck and fucks hard
-i feel likes hes the type to hatefuck and just be so filthy about it
-“Oh i bet you like that dont you slut? Like the way this cok feels inside you?”
-strangly enough is packing. I mena id have a bitchy attitude and act like i was the shit 24/7 if i has a monster cock too lmao
-fucks faces and loveeeesss wathcing his s/o choke on it
-’c’mon prince/princess i know you can take”
-Pulls hair, smacks ass,degrades like no other-
-aftercare sucks
-hes the type to blow his load and hit the road and then demand you fuck him again when you see eachother 
-overstim 100%
-wil spit in your mouth, smirk, and make you swallow
-”look at you, being so obedient for me”
-overall score 9.5/10
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moemoemammon · 3 years
I just found ur blog and read thru some of ur stuff and im in love !! Ur writing is nice to read, and always gives a nice picture of the situation
If its aight, could u do some headcannons for the demon bros Finding out mc goes real hard on housekeeping ? Im talking fast and good cleaning, does chores without problems, propably even cleans after them (totally doesnt mother them in anyway), all without complaint, mc just cares
Housekeeper MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The fact that he didn't have to shove a mop and bucket into your hands like the evil stepmother has him like 👀👀
Out of every person he's met, you and Barb are the only ones that actually enjoy cleaning? And now he's wondering if you've been influenced by him in some way because got damn are those floors sparkling-
Ever since you've arrived, the house has been immaculate. But as much as he enjoys that, he worries that you aren't leaving enough chores for his brothers to do.
They're gonna be lazy at this rate, especially if you keep cleaning up after them like that. He's planning to sit you down and have a good talk about how you should rest a bit, and- D...did you polish his desk????
"MC... as grateful as I am to you, I thought I asked you to rest? You don't have to clean every little thing in this house. You're here as our guest, and more, so I won't have you behaving like a maid. But if you're that interested in keeping your hands busy, you may feel free to maintain my desktop. It looks as good as new, thanks to you."
Oh, so you're one of THOSE types, huh? The goody goodies that like to make everything clean and sparkly, huh?? Well don't expect him to help ya!
Was an asshole at first. Made messes to see if you'd clean them, tried to dump his chores on you, etc. But now that you've stolen his heart? Yeah, he wants you to sit down.
You're messing up your hands with all that time spent scrubbing crevices and dusting ugly old paintings, when you could be spending time with him!
Tch, that's it! If it's chores that're keeping you from looking his way, he'll just finish them before you can do anything! Checkmate!
"You're always scrubbin' somethin'! Let my brothers take care of the messes, while YOU sit down and watch this movie with me! Ain't no point in watchin' it by myself, so I ain't takin' no for an answer!" "Huh?? Waddya mean 'when was the last time I vacuumed'??"
Oi oi oi...! What do you think you're doing with that feather duster?! You don't think you've got the right to approach his figures with it, do you?! WRONG!
But you quickly discover how ticklish Levi is, and he squirms out of your way while watching in horror as you... delicately handle every figure? And dust them from top to bottom, without so much as an accessory out of place..?
Wait... are you seriously okay with picking up all that trash?? S-some of it's sticky from all the junk food, and- Gah! Don't go messing around in his closet!!!
Yeahhh Levi doesn't let you clean his room lmao. It's way too stimulating to watch you carefully touch every surface in his room... I-it's like you're heaven everything with your presence, and...
"S-so yeah! The only things you're allowed to clean are the figures and the outside of Henry's tank! Nothing else, got it?! Anything more and I seriously won't be able to handle it...I won't even be able to sit still in my own room......." 👉👈
Satan found it funny how willing you were to take up every little chore there was to be done in the house and he's got to admit, reading is much more enjoyable in a tidy environment.
But what he REALLY wants to know is how you managed to dust off every single book in the house, his room included, without him?? Knowing?? And you've done every shelf as well, cleaned out the cobwebs behind it, and even repaired that little tear in the upholstery of his favorite arm chair????
Has also deduced that you're probably the maid character in the books that knows everything. Actually, you're a lot like Barbatos. What secrets are you hiding human 🔫
Just kidding. But yeah, when you insist on dusting his room, he follows you around the room and watches you. You know, just in case you fall or something falls on you! No other reason.
"As much as I like having you here all to myself, it makes me feel bad watching you do that by yourself. Why don't you we clean together? We'll get it done twice as fast, and when we're finished, I'd like to read a book to you. You remind me of a certain character from a murder mystery novel I've started."
Eeehhh?!?!? You've seriously managed to organize both his endless skin care product collection, and his ENTIRE wardrobe?!? You're amazing...!
And you don't stop there. You were more than happy to clean his tub for him and everything, and you know how hard it is to get oil off the side of a tub, right? You're a lifesaver!
Asmo casually pawns off his chores too you. Oh, he just did his nails! Can you do the dishes? Ah, he just bought this outfit. Can you take out the trash? He's about to go out with his friends to a party, so be a dear and take care of the common bathroom for him?
Lucifer scolds the shit out of him every time he catches him doing that. You're welcome. But don't think Asmo won't repay you! He'll give you so much love, you'll be drowning in it! Figuratively or literally, depending on your preferences-
"Fufufu... if you wanted my attention, you should've just told me! You didn't have to go tidying up my shoe collection, but I'm happy you did~! If you keep spoiling me like this, I might not be able to keep my hands off of you! Unless... that's what you wanted?"
Things tend to get pretty messy with Beel around, with the trail of crumbs he always leaves in his wake, and how he manages to get every surface he touches sticky. But you must be a miracle worker...
You're like a living roomba, and his ravenous appetite is no match against your cleaning skills! You seem to predict when the food bits will fall, and it's thanks to you that he can eat without a care in the world!
It's actually kind of scary, though. He'll drop a bite of his sandwich and move down to retrieve it to eat, and... it's gone. Poof. Into the ether of the garbage can...
You can still rest once in a while though, you know? Beel offers to help you with the cleaning, and he's more than happy to let you climb up his shoulders to reach those high places. It makes him happy to know he can lend a hand.
"MC, I already cleaned over here so you don't have to do it. I cleaned there, too. That means you don't have anything else to do, so why don't you have a lunch break with me? It's not good to work so hard all the time."
Belphie's one for the more observant brothers, so your clean freak habits didn't go unnoticed. He didn't know if you were obsessed with cleaning, or if you genuinely enjoyed it, but at least you were doing it without a fuss?
And man did you do a good job. Everywhere you cleaned was left with the lingering smell of vanilla and lavender, and... you know, the smell is making him sleepy.
Every pillow his head touches seems especially fluffy, too! When he found out you made a regular habit of washing and fluffing them, and they smell amazing... He feels like he's laying on a cloud...
He won't admit it genuinely, but he really does love what you're doing with the place. It makes him feel a little fuzzy inside when he finds his pillow on his bed, freshly laundered and soft to the touch. He clings to it extra tight those nights.
"You know if you keep this up, I might prefer the pillows to your lap. Ah, but don't worry, I don't really mean it. There's no way a pillow could replace you, no matter how good it smells. I think."
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nsfw request for Benedict and Hodgins with a gentle femdom. make it super fluffy if you can :)
Wow. That picked up quick
Nsfw soft femdom headcannons | Violet Evergarden Series
Characters: Hodgins & Bennidict
Reader: female
Warnings: basic porn, aftercare, oral (fem reciving), 69, riding, soft, quickies, handjobs.
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You always make the first move, and help pull him away from his work
He'll deny that he's stressed and thats he okay but you know better
He's stiff as a board first, but after laying on him and praising him, rubbing your fingers up and down his sides, soft kisses traveling from his face down to his neck where you let your fingers pull on his chlothing oh so softly
Now you may be the dom, but that doesnt mean you do all the work its more of a sixty fourty leaning your way. He still wants to kiss on your shoulders as you ride him beyond his wildest dreams, to squeeze your ass, eat you out- that last one of course he listens to your every demand given to him :)
Those sexy chuckles combined with moans he gives when you praise him with a corny nickname like "Little Toy soilder" it makes you feel so good
Of course just because your dom doesnt mean your always ontop, you'll order him how to thrust into you teasing him, he'll say "Yes ma'm" and you'll both laugh together and share a kiss
But the times your on top riding him? Oh he wants to be like that forever: your hips rocking, twisting, and raising just to lower back down, his forehead pressed up against the crook of your neck, you have a hand in his red locks which are a complete mess now he's moaning while he kisses your skin. Every praise edging him on till he cant no more
Cumming is always finished off by a hot passionate kiss: sometimes its needier than others but its usually slow and seemingly well thought out. Its still usually messy
He'll be panting like crazy but still look at you and say: "Let's go again" with such a needy expression
He loves your aftercare your so sweet to him, he's so use to having to lead others that he's happy for you to take the reins
If you guys do a quickie he's melting in your hand, you usually have him in his office, with his pants pulled down enough and jacking him off beyond belief
"Aw is my little toy soilder going to cum in my hand? Come on baby go ahead." "Y..yes ma'm...ah- feels...good..."
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Mans kinda shit disturber at times, but has a good heart and cares for you
He's surprisingly easily flustered, especially if your on top pulling off your shirt.
He hesitates to put his hands on you always.
He loves when your on top. Its such a beautiful veiw to him.
You tease him alot more in bed because he teases you during work.
Letting him eat you out with a hand on his head giving him orders its a blessing to him.
Especially if he's really craving to eat you out, and you pull him away he whines.
"Who's my good little mail man? Hm?" "I. I am...there thats it ah!"
You think he just has the cutest moans there breathey and somewhere on the higher scale.
He gets super flustered watching you ride him, your cunt swallowing his cock
So of course you have to order him to watch and if he doesnt you'll deny him his orgasim.
Sometimes he can handle it other times hes just to rmbarssed to actually watch
But damn is it glorious when he cums in you
Face riding is a must, he just loves it so much. Especially if you rock your hips and have your hands on his hair.
He's also a fan of 69.
Aftercare he's a huge fan of, but doesnt like like boujee over the top aftercare, he very much would like to hold you or the other way around you hold him.
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riddlersbatsybat · 2 years
My personal AK!Riddler headcannons. Some of these play into my story so theyre biased, but I tried to keep those aspects out as much as I could.
Riddler has never had a seasoned/fully cooked meal. He mentions in the game he makes himself healthy meals, but the VA mentioned he probably doesnt eat much. The reason I think he doesnt properly cook his meals or seasons them is because hes so infacuated on Batman, he doesnt have time to be patient. He either completely undercooks his food, or overcooks it. On the rare occassion he cooks it correctly, its bland and tastes like nothing.
Firm believer hes petty and has thrown tantrums at the other Rogues. Hes extremely petty, so people dont mess with him much, but, when he throws tantrums he physically has to stop himself from looking like a fool. He only does it in front of Batman, but because hes projecting his fatherly issues on to him.
Riddler only lets people hes REALLY close to call him Eddie. He doesnt have friends but has goons?? So the closest to friendship would be Catwoman. He doesnt get upset when she calls him Eddie, which is his real name. Batman has to call him Nygma, Sir, Mr. Nygma. Could be because of his hinted relationship with her, who knows.
I believe that when Catwoman showed interest in Batman, Riddler did get really jealous. Its one thing to try to move on with another rogue, and another to date your arch nemesis. It was really a punch to his ego when he was pretty much replaced by Batman. The whole trial is about proving to Catwoman that Batman won't be there for her, so 👀👀. I don't really ship them, but its obvious theres something else going on between them.
Riddler definitely has Twitter, Instagram, or some other variation of that. Ever since his #CancelBatman thing, hes had to use bots to drown out the hate. Does he delete the website? Absolutely not. He needs to prove it doesn't get under his skin!
Due to Riddlers projections, I think riddler just wants his fake parental figure to play with him. Explain how a damn race car track is a riddle. Hes playing cars with his dad. Not that im infintizing him in any way- but- what other explanation is there for him to make a giant sewage racecar track without a riddle attached to it. Yes catwomans life is on the line, and theres other actual puzzles, so what the hell is this about?
I like to think that Riddler does have some admiration for the batman. He mentions to Batman that he should take care of his car more, so to some degree he admires the his tech.
Harley Quinn is the only one thats been able to beat Riddler at chess. No one else played with him, but after that he stopped wanting to prove his intellectual superiority among the Rogues. No one really cares about that except him and it keeps him up at night.
Scarecrow has a soft spot for him. Yes he still treats him like he would everyone else, but he just treats him slightly better than everyone else.
Riddler probably has a childhood hamster that died in a horrific way. He loves how hamsters look but hates the idea of owning one from how traumatizing it was. Not that he abused his hamster or anything, from what I've read they tend to die horrible ways for no reason.
I think he loves the little group of people that stan him, but finds them extreamely annoying. Yes, he enjoys the love and attention, but when fangirls 16 year olds claim to be his girlfriend, or grown women claim to be his wife? Not so much. He also doesnt like when his fans plan an attack and try to give Riddler credit for some minor idiotic plan. It hurts his reputation.
He hates being around large crowds of people. He hates being around stupid people, unless the attention is for him then he doesn't mind.
Probably knows the court of owls exists, but thinks theyre full of bologney.
Enjoys hot chocolate more than coffee, but this one was obvious.
He probably tried making a robot family at some point, with a mom robot, dad robot, and brother robot. It didnt work out
Workplace is a mess, but its his mess. He knows where everything is.
He hates the idea of being alone, but does nothing about it. He probably has cried himself to sleep, not only from Batmans trauma, but also his issues that he can't fix.
Lgbt supporter. Batman villains are queer coded, and has shown he has two lesbian henchmen, so I don't think he'd have a reason to be homophobic.
Disliked Joker the most out of the Rogues. Not only because of the spotlight hed get, but because he was rude to him a few times.
Asexual. Never been interested in sex, never will be, unless its for reproduction purposes, but even then he wont get into bed with anyone. He wants his genes to be passed down, but it would be with someone equally smart that fits his description of a perfect woman, but no icky stuff. He'll be a sperm donor but thats as far as it will get.
Not used to being physical. Hates being hugged, touched, or slightly bumped into. He doesnt seem to get much physical contact with anyone aside from metal and some occasional firm handshakes.
to add to that, his fight or flight mode activated once when Harley jumped on his back trying to surprise him. He gave her a black eye and immidiately appologized. joker was still alive.
has had girlfriends before, never liked any of them.
Riddler secretly calls Scarecrow his work best friend.
Doesn't do riddles during Rogues meetings because no one answers him.
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