#like as she says herself she's fine with it and is cool with it being exposure only
woso-dreamzzz · 22 hours
Shots III
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You need a flu shot
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"So they just jab it in?" Frido asks over dinner, mouth open and eyes wide.
"Yeah," Magda says, nodding furiously," Needle out and just jabbed in." She demonstrates with her hand. "It's the worst. It hurts her super bad."
"That's awful. You'd think they'd find a pain-free version to deliver vaccines. But she's all caught up, right?"
Magda shakes her head. "I forgot to take her to get her flu shot before we left Germany. Pernille's so mad at me."
"But we're only in camp, right? There's no way she's going to sick. I mean-"
Frido's cut off by a loud sneeze from Filippa followed by a brutal round of coughing.
"Pernille's going to kill you."
Magda groans, burying her head in her hands. "I've arranged with the team doctors to give Princesse her shot here."
"But..." Frido frowns. "She won't like it here anymore if we make her get shots!"
"I think that's Pernille's plan," Magda replies," If we give Princesse shots here then she'll stop wanting to come. It's genius."
"It's rude."
"Still genius though."
Frido sighs loudly, shaking her head. "I can't believe you put us in this position, Magda! Why couldn't you have just taken her to get her shot in Germany?"
"It slipped my mind!"
"Well now she's going to slip away from Sweden!" Frido continues," We can't let her start going back to Denmark! She'll want to play for their team soon enough! We can't lose her!"
"I know!" Magda replies," But I also don't want to lose Princesse privileges and that will definitely happen if we don't take her to get her shot."
"This is awful," Frido bemoans," I can't believe it's come to this."
Zećira, who had been silent through the entire conversation, sighs. "You're so dramatic."
Dramatic or not, Magda is forced to take you to get your flu shot. Pernille might actually kill her if she doesn't and Frido tags along for the ride, supposedly to remind you of all the great things Sweden has that Denmark hasn't like IKEA and Zećira.
"I know Zećira is here," You tell Frido as Magda leads you into the doctor's office," She's always here."
"I know," Frido says," But just remember how much you like being taught by Zećira."
"I know that!" You say, cheeks puffed out in annoyance," You're being weird!"
Before Frido can defend herself though, Magda hauls you up onto the little bed set up in the room.
"So," The nice doctor man says," Just a flu shot, is that right?"
"That's right."
"Morsa forgot to take me when we were in Germany," You tell him, much to Magda's embarrassment," Momma yelled at her for ages and ages and ages and ages-"
"She's never had a reaction to them before?" The doctor asks Magda.
"-And ages and ages and ages-"
"No reactions," Magda confirms, feeling a sense of nausea creeping in," She's always been fine with them."
"-And ages and ages!" You finish," And Morsa had to sleep on the sofa and I took her space in the Big Bed!"
The nice doctor man smiles at you. "That sounds cool." He wheels himself closer. "Can you open your mouth for me, please?"
You do as you're told and he inspects your throat before moving his hands to check your neck hasn't swelled up. He checks your temperature too and whatever he finds satisfies him because he wheels away to get the medicine Morsa said you were getting given today.
Frido has to hold her breath. it's been a long time since she's had to have any shots herself. She's forgotten what they look like.
Tears already start building in her eyes as the doctor brings out the syringe, uncapping the top.
It doesn't look sharp. In fact it doesn't look like any needle Frido's ever seen before and that makes it so much worse.
It doesn't look like it would easily go into skin so it's definitely going to hurt you a lot.
She sucks in a ragged gasp for air before holding her breath again.
"Have you ever had this done before?" The nice doctor man asks and you nod your head.
"Momma took me last year!"
"And did it look like this?"
You study it for a moment. "Uh-huh."
"Well, it looks like you're a pro. You ready?"
To Frido and Magda's horror, he positions the syringe in your nose, releasing the vaccine quickly before turning to do the same with your other nostril.
"I...I think I feel sick," Frido says, clutching her tummy.
She doesn't know why you're not crying. It must have hurt much more to have the needle jabbed into your nose twice.
She had no idea doctors were working out ways to make kids hate having shots even more.
"All done!" The doctor says," Would you like a sticker?"
"Yes, please!"
You choose a sticker with a kitten on it, slamming it straight onto your shirt before jumping down from the bed.
Frido and Magda are still clutching each other, traumatised from what they've just witnessed.
You frown. "You're both being weird. It was just a spray."
Magda freezes. "Huh?"
"I makes my nose all tingly but I'm fine!" You give them both a beaming smile.
"A spray?"
"Yes," The doctor says," We've started to move away from giving young children actually injections to help against flu. The nasal spray is much more effective...and painless."
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youredreamingofroo · 13 hours
On Repeat
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// Click for HQ
Whew,,, I finally finished these! Thank you @elderwisp / @elksun / @living-undead / @dejasenti99 AND @yukikocloud FOR THE TAGS!!!! Holy wow :0
Tagging :
@circusjuney / @butteredfrogs / @mmonetsims / @flovoid
@birdietrait / @venriliz / @retrotrait / @mattodore
plus anyone else who wants to do this! Also feel free to ignore esp if you've alr done this, idk who has and hasn't im sorry 😭😭
// Extras under the cut - below is very long, so open w/ caution if you don't wanna scroll a lot 😭
This has taken the piss outta me (albeit fun), so i'm kinda just gonna explain how I think the featured line in particular is akin to the OC/Ship and not the entire song... as much as I'd love to 😭 Also it's just SUPER hard (for me) to find songs that I relate to my OCs, lyrics as well so skdjhnsjk
Roo's Song Oil & Water by Origami Button "When did I become like the ones I never thought I'd welcome in my home"
The above line in particular is quite literally Roo in the current story/character arc- He's looking at himself from a third person view and going "Oh. I am what I hate." He's looking at his old self, in college, and how he treated Leo, to now, looking at his present self and seeing the way he creeps on Leo, how he clings to him despite being several states over. Roo looks at the progression of his stalker-ish behavior, his obsession, how it went from just general clinginess that Leo could bear, to something completely unbearable after 7 years of no contact, it saddens him. So taking it quite literally, if he was at his own door and he knew how awful he was, he would slam the door on himself. A painful self reflection for him :')
Leo's Song Truth or Dare by Ricky Montgomery "Hiding in the closet, trying not to vomit, didn't even want it"
The entire first verse for this song can be applicable to Leo. As a teenager (15-16), Leo went HEAVY on drugs as a form of escapism from his parents, of course they'd always find him and get on his ass HARD for doing that shit. After a while of being sober, Leo started going to house parties, great idea- Flash forward to his third house party, and he finally cut his year long sober streak for drugs. as many as he could fit in his body. He had terrible influences around him so they encouraged him to do this shit, it didn't take long for his body to feel the god awful effects of taking so many drugs, so he ended up in the bathroom for a while- He tried to hold back the vomit because he was,,, partially enjoying his high, but he couldn't hold it back for long and ended up passing out, but not before nearly gutting himself from vomiting so much. Cut forward in time, and people got worried, bashed open the bathroom door and found Leo's unconscious body slumped over the toilet 🙃 Obv he came out fine, but it's a major moment in his life, because looking back on it, he realizes that wasn't what he wanted, he just wanted attention, he wanted to be cool, he wanted to be rebellious, but he didn't want to (nearly) kill himself. The render isn't one-to-one with the situation, but the lyrics are accurate so :3
Onia's Song Bloodstream by Soccer Mommy Scene used in render "Now a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink and there's a pale girl staring through the mirror at me"
Overall, the song talks about how the artist (Soccer Mommy) has lost her childhood innocence and how she wants to go back to her childhood and putting Onia's Sheep in Wolf's clothing motif aside, Onia misses being a child, and misses not knowing the pain and burden of being the complete opposite of what her parents wanted, so she spirals over this a lot, and like the lyrics say, "a river runs red from my knuckles into the sink," She tends to lean towards harming herself, in this case, her hands, and her knuckles- I can't draw or simulate blood in either blender or GIMP, so the red light is supposed to simulate the blood-sodden sink that she's standing over, and of course, "pale girl," is Onia, she's staring at herself, but additionally I like to think she's staring past the mirror, or staring through it (wink wink), she's spacing out and thinking about who she should've been, or who she could've been.
Hero's Song Following Eyes by Soccer Mommy "An awful feeling started creeping over me and what I saw was like no horror I had seen"
I'm keeping this short and sweet. It's not easy to find a song (that I like) that's about being haunted or cursed so. I had to re-use her song from her intro post, which isn't bad, but I did hope to find a new song kdsjhnsjk Anyways. Hero's cursed, pretty much anywhere she goes, she is forced to perceive ~the horrors~, sometimes she's forced into a blank space, a void (SOMETIMES,,, not a lot,,, rarely moreso), where she'll be tormented for who even knows how long, this moment in particular, she was walking along this catwalk in the dark, she eventually felt something that felt similar to someone dragging their fingers up your spine, in a moment of fear, she turned around and just. saw. She looked onto this,,, being, what she saw was "like no horror I had seen,,," Although to be fair, the creature isn't all that horrifying (which in my defense.. I'm a blender novice so </333)
The Hiraeth Song Nomu by Good Kid "Four eyes entwined draw four separate lines and none of them point to you"
I think this song overall is a perfect example of Roo and Leo's relationship both after Leo's confession and after Roo tried to reconnect with Leo. After Leo confessed, he tried to keep their relationship going, but it didn't work out, so he gave up (Roo didn't realize Leo was pulling such a weight and he just let their friendship fall out) After Roo tried to reconnect (aka the CURRENT storyline), Roo has been trying to keep things together and has been trying to make things work, but Leo has long-since given up on their friendship as a whole. Now in terms of the lyric above; Post-Confession, every conversation they had together would not be the same, they couldn't look each other in the eyes, their eyes would connect momentarily and separate almost immediately; Nowadays, if they WERE to be living together or near each other, they just would NOT be able to talk to each other, because Leo would be fed up with Roo and trying to avoid as much eye contact and general verbal+physical contact as possible with him. Roo, on the other hand, is just terrible with eye contact so he would have a terrible time trying to engage in eye contact with Leo.
The Ithanel / It's All Wrong Song From Eden by Hozier "Babe there's something broken about this but I might be hoping about this oh what a sin"
Ithuriel and Nanel's entire relationship is inherently toxic, they are not toxic to each other, but the underlying (or moreso, the OVERWHELMING OVERLYING) dangers of this relationship makes it toxic, broken in a way. Nanel risks her life going to see Ithuriel outside of work-related interactions and Ithuriel risks her life by just. seeing, talking to and loving Nanel. Whether they know (they do) or care (they dont) about these dangers, they still want this relationship, they live on, literal, prayers that they are not caught and that they can continue to love each other in peace, but overall, their relationship, in the eyes of the heavenly council (ehhh W.I.P term for IAW lore stuff), is a sin, and nothing but a sin.
Ithuriel's Song What You Mean by Rome Hero Foxes "Cause every little god damn thing you do makes me wanna get close to you"
The lyrics speak for themselves... Ithuriel is very dedicated to Nanel, and literally every waking moment of seeing and knowing Nanel drives Ithuriel up the walls because she loves her so much.
Nanel's Song Future Me Hates Me by The Beths "It's getting dangerous, I could get hurt, I know, I've counted up the cons, they far outweight the pros."
This is semi-foreshadowing, but Nanel knows that her and Ithuriel's relationship is forbidden, wrong (not cuz its gay necessarily,, 😭), and the way Ithuriel's heavenly role works means that their relationship status and every interaction outside of a required interaction is a risky game of one or both of them being punished and sentenced to death. But ! Nanel loves Ithuriel wayyyy too much to let how insanely dangerous their relationship is to get in the way of them loving and being with e/o.
Nirvana's Song 1999 by Beabadoobee "And I'm not wasting time again, closure instead of s^x, and I'm not wasting time again" Idk if I need to censor s^x but i am justttt in case...
Oof, Nirvana... Nirvana has always been sxually active, she's always had one-night-stands with other men, she's tried to continue things after that ONS, but it never works, she's tried to have relationships with women, but they just use her for s^x. She's tired of wasting time with people who just want her for her body, she's tired of s^x, she just wants, well, closure, she wants someone who will love her for her, she wants a relationship without s^x, or at least isn't s^x-focused, she just wants to know someone will love her past her body. Although aforementioned is all just a habit so she will unfortunately end up right back where she started and continue this uncomfortable and sad spiral.
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nixthelapin · 15 hours
Something I’m realizing is that, if I were in the miraculous world in Marinette’s class, I would probably believe at least some of Lila’s lies because I wouldn’t really have proof most of the time, and if I did I probably would’ve been too shy to bring it up and be called petty (unless I had a personal stake in it), and I also don’t want to be that person who disbelieves people, so why not just go along with it right?
However- what I do know is… I would have hated her.
Could I accept her outlandish tales? Sure. Would it be obvious to me that she’s just being an attention seeker who likes to make everything about herself? Who constantly makes excuses to have others do everything for her? Absolutely.
Because I’ve met plenty of people who only like to talk about things that they do or cool stuff they’ve done, and even if the events were true, I couldn’t stand being around them! I also bace an aunt who would always have some excuse so she wouldn’t have to do any work, she somehow convinced her mom to let her live at home at 50 and unemployed bc she refused to look for a job, and would also literally pretend to be disabled to get benefits from places (this was usually at theme parks). Oh and she also stole a few thousand $ after my grandma died (she was supposed to split it with my dad). Then if my dad ever got mad at her, she’d cry to their extended family and make him out to be the bad guy (and a lot of them would believe her because she was a darling of the family).
I think it would’ve been interesting to have a character like that interact with Lila. Someone who doesn’t necessarily think she’s lying (maybe just exaggerating a little, but who doesn’t, right?), but is really just annoyed by her attitude and how she treats the class. And you could have a manipulation moment where Lila confronts them like “Did I do something to upset you? I’m really sorry, oh I’m no good at making friends,” etc. and tries to put them in an awkward situation bc they don’t technically have anything concrete, but how can you just say “I just don’t like you” to their face when.. they haven’t technically done anything wrong?? (I know some sassy people will be fine with saying that to her face, but this creates more tension I think bc it shows Lila’s manipulations working in a different way beyond “leading sheeple”). It adds a new dynamic that isn’t like the rest of the class, but also not like Marinette.
And I know Adrien doesn’t follow her lies but isn’t antagonistic about it (at least until way later), but he is still aware that she’s lying, and even maliciously (in Oni-Chan, she tries to keep Chat away so Ladybug can be hurt by the Akuma). And Adrien was basically a doormat until she almost got Marinette expelled, which says more about him than Lila, because Lila’s lies haven’t worked on him since he found out she lied about Volpina. Though he was uncomfortable from the start (with her basically feeling him up, ew), but I think it’d be cool to have someone be uncomfortable but not as the object of her attention. Just for a bit more variety I guess.
Anything to make it so that not everyone is just a brainless follower around her.
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girlkisser13 · 17 hours
you are in love
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"pauses, then says, you’re my best friend" "and you knew what it was, she is in love"
pairings: piper mclean x fem!reader
warnings/tags: none. just piper being enamored by you. friends to lovers (the best trope for my best girl).
summary: the three times piper realized the depth of her feelings for you and the one time she finally tells you.
1. stargazing at the wilderness school.
under the vast expanse of the night sky, you and piper found yourselves nestled amidst the tranquility of the wilderness school. the two of you had sneaked out to watch the stars because piper had said that she never stargazed before. you took it upon yourself to take her as her best friend and roommate at the wilderness school.
the two of you lay side by side, your fingers interlaced, gazing up at the canopy of stars that stretched endlessly above you.
you turn to her, a soft smile gracing your lips. "look up, i'm pretty sure that's leo" you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath against the stillness of the night.
piper followed your gaze, her shoulder brushing against yours in the intimate space you shared. your proximity sparked a warmth within her that transcended the coolness of the night air. for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as her eyes met yours, the connection between the both of you growing stronger with each passing second.
"no..., leo's still in bed dummy" she murmured. you rolled your eyes at her as she giggled.
she stole a glance at you, her breath hitching at the sight of your face illuminated by the soft glow of starlight. in that moment, piper felt a wave of heat rushing to her face.
what's happening? why am i blushing? she thought to herself.
you turned to look at her and noticed the deep shade of pink that crept around her face. "omg are you cold?" you asked.
"n...no!" she exclaimed as you began to pull her back towards your shared dorm.
"y/n, i'm fine. you promised we could watch the sunrise together remember?" she asked.
you shook your head as you said, "i don't want you to get sick. come on."
piper sighed in defeat as she followed you back. she realized with a sudden clarity that her feelings for you might not be just platonic. she was terrified.
2. the cabin 12 party.
in the midst of swirling laughter and vibrant music, piper navigated the pulsating energy of the party with a grace that seemed effortless. she was looking for you. the two of you had just finished helping leo find his walking table, buford before it destroyed the woods.
after the quest, you insisting on going to a cabin 12 party with her but she lost you in the crowd. as she moved through the crowd, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. she looked around until she finally found you.
in the dimly lit ambiance of the party, your eyes met hers, charged with a silent electricity like your gaze was meant just for her. she couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as you pulled her into the crowd to dance.
with each song change, piper's longed to confess the depth of her feelings for you as you danced across from her. but the words remained lodged in her throat, trapped beneath a veil of uncertainty and fear of rejection.
"y...y/n," she stuttered out.
"yes..," you responded hopefully with a small smile.
"i really like this song," she exclaimed.
"me too," you say, your smile dropping slightly in disappointment.
amidst the chaos of the party, there were moments when you caught piper stealing glances at you when she thought you weren't looking, her eyes betraying a depth of emotion that left you breathless. but before you could decipher the meaning behind those lingering looks, the night whisked you away on a whirlwind of laughter and conversation with your other friends, leaving your unspoken connection with her hanging in the air like a delicate thread.
3. midnight coffee run.
amidst the gentle hum of the argo ii's engines and the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the windows, you and piper found yourselves seated at a small table in the cozy confines of the ship's common area. the clock had struck midnight, yet the night held an air of quiet magic as the two of you sipped steaming cups of coffee, the warmth spreading through you like a comforting embrace.
in the intimate solitude of the late hour, she couldn't help but admire you, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. it was obvious to everyone on the ship but you to the fact that piper had feelings for you, a secret longing that she dared not voice for fear of risking your friendship.
as the two of you sat together in a comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air between you, a silent barrier that neither dared to breach. instead, she found solace in the quiet rhythm of your shared moments, her gaze meeting yours, hoping to convey to you what she was too afraid to say out loud.
as the minutes slipped away into the night, you rose from your seat with a soft smile, a glimmer of mischief dancing in your eyes. "come on, let's take a walk on the deck." you said.
heart pounding in her chest, piper followed your lead, the cool night air washing over you both like a soothing balm. in the soft glow of moonlight, the two of you walked side by side, the gentle sway of the ship beneath your feet, a reminder of the vastness of the world around you.
in that moment, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the night, piper felt a surge of courage wash over her. with a trembling breath, she reached out to grasp your hand, your fingers interlocking with hers in a silent declaration of her love.
but as you walked with her in the moonlight, piper realized that some feelings were meant to remain hidden. she decided then and there that she would never tell you how she felt. she would just have to bury her feelings for you in hopes that they would disappear over time. because if she lost you, she would never be able to recover. as she wished you a good night with a bittersweet smile, the smallest part of her wondered, in the back of her mind, what if you felt the same?
4. the confession.
the war with gaea had ended, leaving both camps bathed in a newfound sense of peace. amidst the celebrations and the reunions, piper found herself grappling with emotions she had kept hidden for so long. she stood by the edge of the camp half-blood, watching the sun set in hues of pink and gold, her heart heavy with the weight of unsaid words.
you stood beside her, your presence a comfort in the quiet of the evening. the two of you had fought side by side, your friendship and her feelings for you growing stronger with each battle you faced together. but now, as the dust of the war settled, piper realized now that it was now or never. she has to tell you how she felt about you. she would hate herself for all of eternity if you never knew. her fear of rejection now gone. the war with gaea had showed her that she could never be sure what would happen next.
taking a deep breath, piper turned to face you, her heart pounding in her chest. she searched your eyes for a sign, a flicker of understanding, as she summoned the courage to speak her truth.
"y/n," she began, her voice barely above a whisper,
"there's something i need to tell you."
you turn to her, your gaze gentle and unwavering, encouraging her to continue.
"you know, you're my best friend, and…", she pauses before taking a deep breath.
"i...i think i love you." piper confesses.
"i love you too." you say immediately.
piper stares at you, surprised and for a moment, there's a silence between the two of you, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves in the evening breeze. sensing her nervousness, you reach out and take her hand in yours, your touch sending a jolt of warmth through her.
"pipes," you say softly, your voice filled with tenderness, "i've been in love with you for some time now but i was always too afraid to say anything. i was afraid of ruining our friendship but now that the war is over, i realize now, that life is too short to keep hiding my feelings for you."
piper couldn't shake the butterflies that danced in her stomach, knowing that you reciprocated her feelings. your fingers brushed over her knuckles, sending a thrill through her as she looked up to meet your gaze. your eyes sparkled with warmth and affection, a silent question in them. she smiles and nods as you lean in, your lips connecting with hers in a moment of pure euphoria.
you're so soft, she thinks. when you finally pull away, you're both breathless, already wanting more.
"will you be my girlfriend?", she blurts out. your giggle hits her ears, sounding different than ever before. you pull her in for another kiss, her eyes fluttering shut.
you pull away and look at her dazed face, her eyes still closed.
"of course i'll be your girlfriend, beauty queen." she opens her eyes as her cheeks heat up at the nickname.
"aw, are you blushing?" you tease.
"shut up." she says back.
"kiss me again?" she asks.
you smirk at her and pull her by the by the nape of her neck as she smiles against your lips.
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blanketforcas · 7 months
i honestly do not understand anna regarding this picture for the album and that she didn't get paid. it's THEIR image on the picture, she is selling pictures with THEIR image and is making profit off of them/jensen mostly of course, she also sells shirts with their lyrics, jensen's pictures she took at cons and wow i cannot believe this. is she paying them/jensen for the money she makes off him? no she isn't so in this case she should be thankful they chose her picture and she can use this fact for her reputation and that's it.
she should be grateful that millionaire even lets her profit off of the shirt designs she makes!!!! she should be grateful she even gets to breathe the same air!!1!!
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phantomrose96 · 15 days
Okay I have a story.
So my birthday is this Sunday (May 26th). My mom ordered some presents for me but one of them (an Etsy purchase) was seemingly stuck in transit and might not make it on time. I tell my mom all good, no worries. She gets in contact with the seller. After a long delay in response they get back with "Right we'll fix it!" It ships, tracking label and everything, good to go! ETA May 22nd (yesterday.)
During the work day I check the tracking and it says it's been delivered in/at mailbox! I double check with my mom "hey, is it mailbox size?" because if not, I don't want it sitting at the front door where anyone walking by could snag it.
She says "it's definitely NOT mailbox size." Okay. I text my neighbors in the building "Anyone seen a package delivered? It's a birthday gift from my mom and I wanna make sure it gets inside!" Success! Floor 2 David (not to be confused with Floor 1 David) had brought it inside. Inform my mom. All good!
I stop by home briefly around 4pm, because yesterday was hot-hot and I just installed my window A/C that morning in the living room, and according to my cat cam my stupid cat hasn't spent a single second in the climate controlled living room and is, instead, voluntarily baking herself elsewhere so I'm like "great" and hop on my bike to go home (10 minute ride) to check on her.
I get in the building door. Patches is crying from the top floor because she heard me. I maneuver my bike in the front hall. The ugliest fucking 6-foot-tall cat tree(?)/totem(?)/statue(?) I've seen in my entire life is just. Standing there.
My first thought is "What the fuck is that." My second thought is "Oh fuck that is for me." I look around at the floor in case there's perhaps anything else that might, in fact, be the gift.
No. Me and Cat Pole.
It's taller than me. I turn it around to face me and its face is painted and this is, in fact, uglier than it looked from the back.
Patches is crying. So I just haul it up to my level. MAYBE it was supposed to come with twine that I wrap around it (and hide its face from the world) for Patches to scratch. Maybe this is a prank. Maybe this is an inside joke, because when my mom moved into her current house the neighborhood gifted her some ugly-as-hell totem that apparently, by tradition, each newest-comer to the neighborhood is required to have and display in their window so maybe this is a very good riff on that.
Patches rubs against it. She's not afraid of this horrid facsimile of her kind.
Meanwhile SHE'S fine and the condo is a little toasty but totally liveable so I'm like "Good, cool, you're not baking. You're having a good time. Enjoy your new sister, I guess, I'll see you later."
I go back to work because this is a problem for later me.
After work, after my run, after whatever, I get home and it's like 8:00pm and Patches is so happy to see me and the totem pole is still just. There.
I text my friends like "so a bday gift is here from my mom and it's the Biggest Ugliest cat pole I've seen in my life. Is this a bit? Did my mom go 'that's so ugly haha! send!' Maybe she genuinely found it cute. How do I navigate this." My friend Sarah has the good advice to maybe text my mom neutrally like "Got the cat pole!" and feel the waters whether my mom is like "Isn't it ugly? 😂" or "Hope Patches likes it! 🥰"
My mom goes to bed early so I don't do any of that yet. Problem for tomorrow me.
This morning, Patches wakes me up for breakfast. I get her situated and I'm staring at the fucking Cat Pole again. I wonder if my Mom's been wondering all night what I thought of it.
I take a picture. I text her.
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I get on call with my mom. I ask for clarity that the ungodly horrid thing is NOT my birthday gift and is in fact a mix-up from the seller who sent me this instead of my actual gift. She's wheezing between words. She thinks I'm being too charitable for the amount of Absolute Fucking Ugly this is. I have to gently talk her out of using the word "monstrosity" while messaging the seller asking what the hell happened here.
I tell her I need to apologize for harming her dignity with Floor 2 David, who thinks this fucking thing is my mom's idea of a great birthday gift for her to-be-28-year-old daughter.
My heart goes out to the poor soul who did actually order this cat totem and is lacking it on this lovely day.
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mortalityplays · 4 months
there's something I find really instructive about the whole thing with the columnist who was scammed into handing over her savings in a shoebox, that I haven't seen many people talk about.
plenty of people have justifiably laughed at her credulity for just accepting that she was dealing with the cia and doing whatever they said, and she mentions herself in the article the sense of crushing mortification that she was so ready to bow to any perceived authority. other people have discussed the value of the piece being its "it could happen to anyone" message, coming from a financial analyst who has written about avoiding scams, which is fine and does have value.
but what I find fascinating is the way it illustrates the secret power of a good scam artist or charismatic leader: they don't have to look or sound convincing to 99% of observers. they just have to be talented at picking up on the specific cues that work on one person. this is why they move so quickly to isolate their targets from everyone around them, and maintain intense pressure with ticking clocks and regular check-ins. the scam is not designed to hold up under even 5 minutes of close scrutiny, it's designed to bypass scrutiny by hitting emotional buttons on a specific individual. the stupider you feel after you cool off, the better they've done their job.
anyone interested in charismatic manipulation, whether scams, cults, or abusive relationships, has heard people say "I'd never fall for something like that". and every victim, in retrospect, says "I never thought I'd fall for something like that". there is no special pattern of stupidity, intelligence, vulnerability or confidence. the pattern is that the perpetrator recognises a thought or behaviour characteristic they can take advantage of. they're the ones selecting you. and that's why teaching people the underlying social mechanics of charismatic abuse is more effective than telling them about lists of individual scams to watch out for. the thing that works on you won't look like anything you've scoffed at, by nature. survival bias plane dot jpeg.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
ring pop proposal ♡
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fem reader, pure fluff, childhood friends to lovers lemme alone do not perceive me yk the drill by now, lil self indulgent fic cus i love childhood friends to lovers and puppy crushes, polar opposite’s trope, this reeks of my oc x canon katsu ship sooooo shh shh do not perceive.
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the first person who realizes katsuki has a crush on you is his mom because when she comes to pick him up one day from kindergarten he suddenly mentions you. it’s an innocent little interaction he had with you that mitsuki doesn’t think much about at first, simply surprised her son managed to befriend someone outside of his little group of friends until he starts mentioning you more and more.
soon you’re the only thing he talks about and katsuki even starts begging her to have you come over to play. mitsuki is extremely curious to know what kind of person you are to have been able to enchant her son the way you have, she says it’s fine as long as your parents agree.
you’re a sweet little thing, almost the complete opposite of her little devil’s spawn. you’re polite and a little shy when you ask “ is it okay if i come to play at katsu’s house, please miss katsuki’s mom ?” and how could she say no to you ? she pulls at your cheek lovingly and her son almost snarls at her.
“no touchin’ !” he snarks, pulling you against him like you were his teddy bear.
mitsuki was the first to realize her son had a crush on you when you were always around. when he found something cool during a class trip you were there and whenever he was upset it was always because you had argued about something irrelevant that seemed so much bigger in the eyes of a child.
she realized because katsuki had, and in some ways, will always be rowdy. he’s rough and temperamental and moody—basically, he can be quite the brat. (she wonders where he gets that from a lot) but he’s different with you.
he’ll always be a little rough around the edges but it’s the thought that counts. he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable.
you offer him your kindness and he repays you with his loyalty. acting like your guard dog, protecting you from everything and everyone he considers a threat to you. he goes a bit overboard but it’s the thought that counts and he’s definitely got the right intentions.
“ i’m g’nna marry yn when i grow up !” katsuki proclaims from the backseat of the car after mitsuki had come to pick him up. she looks at him through the rear view mirror only to see he’s not even looking at her, looking out the window somewhat longingly, watching as his school fades away from his sight, further and further and further away from you. she smiles to herself.
“yeah ?” she asks “yeah !” he responds proudly, crossing his arms “ i asked yn if she wanted to be my wife an’ she said yeah, so we’re gettin’ married !”
“huh. how’d you propose ? you don’t have a ring.” she jests.
katsuki responds immediately and exclaims he does have one, shuffling around to reach for something in his pocket. he pulls out a plastic ring pop holder, the candy on top is missing and mitsuki can imagine what happened to it.
“gave her one of these !”
“so that’s why you had me buy those from the store last time,” she hums. “ you ate it, though.”
katsuki tries to roll his eyes but just ends up looking up and to the side, mitsuki recognizes it as him trying to mimic what she does a lot and she snorts.
“well duh, we both did ! ‘f i kept it in my pocket it woulda gotten gross !” he defends. mitsuki simply responds with a hum, smile on her face growing larger as she hears her son happily chatting about the rest of his day with you.
she knows her katsuki is hard to handle. extremely so. but when she sees the way you both interact she can tell something is there. you don’t ‘handle’ him. you like being around him. you like playing and talking with him, she sees how happy you make him whenever you come over for playdates. he holds your hand when you get scared and you hug him tight and beam when you see him again after he’s gotten over a nasty cold.
she can tell you make her son happy and he does the same for you in the way children do with pinky promises and shy cheek kisses, kisses over tiny wounds and refusing to be separated whenever the rowdier one of you both gets his recess time taken away for being naughty.
mitsuki hopes this crush, this love you have for her son can grow along with you. she hopes you’ll stick around as katsuki grows up more and potentially more rowdy and rougher around the edges but even more enamored with you. and with the way her son is squirming around in his seat and tugging at his seatbelt, giddy about you accepting his ring pop proposal, she has a funny feeling you’ll be sticking around for a long time.
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moonalumi · 3 months
road-tripping with ellie ( fluff + smut )
warnings- lots of fluff in the first half, car sex. ellie and reader aren’t really dom or sub just horny, fingering (r receiving) , thigh grinding, SCISSORING/TRIBBING AHHHH, also ellie being a loser, overstimulation
palestine help master post
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honestly the idea was stupid. ellie suggested it first and it took her so long to finally convince you.
“ellie no nevermind! your cars already breaking down and it’s only been an hour on the road.” you yell out the window so ellie; who’s “fixing” her car, can hear.
“babe it’s fine it’s just the air conditioning that broke, we can just roll down all the windows” she says slamming the hood of the car and slouching back into the drivers seat. she’s already glistening with sweat after only being outside for a couple minutes.
you roll your eyes at her wiping the sweat off her forehead, “you’re acting like you were working hard, fixing the car when all you were doing was staring at it.”
“hey!!” ellie acts offended, “at least i wasn’t just sitting here complaining.”
ellie starts up the car again and drives off again. the wind practically smacking you in the face. ellie laughs at your discomfort and leaves a reassuring hand on your bare thigh, “aw babe you wanna get ice cream then or something to cool off?”
you nod and turn your thighs away from ellie, faking being angry at her. el knows your antics by now n merely laughs at you, squeezing your thigh before pulling up into an ice cream shop.
ellie collects her keys and wallet and opens her car door before realizing you haven’t even moved from your seat yet, “babe are you coming with me?” she asks, eyebrows all knit together with a look of concern.
“no just get me a vanilla cone.” you reply dryly. not even sparing ellie a glance.
“it’s gonna get really hot in here are you sure?” she asks again.
“yes ellie go!”
ellie smiles before hoping out the car to treat her angry girlfriend with ice cream. and she’s smiling again when coming back to the car and hands you your ice cream through your open window.
“for you because you’re my beautiful princess and i love you so much” ellie leaves a big wet smooch to your cheek that has your nose crinkling.
“ew ellie shut up you’re so cheesy, don’t kiss me” you wipe her spit off your cheek as you take your ice cream cone from her hand.
ellie settles in her seat again, “oh cmon you used to love my cheesy little lines.” you give ellie a side eye to which she laughs at.
“awe babe cmon you can’t be mad at me anymore i got you ice cream.” she places her clammy hand on your thigh once again and you wince.
“ellie!!! theres melted ice cream on your hand and it’s all sticky—“ ellie smirks and only grips your thigh harder, “ewww don’t touch me!!!” you squeal and she chuckles, licking the melted vanilla ice cream off her fingers.
“there it’s clean. can i touch you princess?” she teases.
“you’re so gross and annoying, i hate you i don’t know why i’m dating you.”
ellie leans in with the biggest dorkiest smile on her cute face, “because you love meeee.” you can feel her eyes searching for yours.
so you turn to face her, “i do love you els.” you smile back at her and peck the corner of her lips, “love you so much.”
you can see ellie’s cheeks gets impossibly redder as if they weren’t already flushed pink from the heat.
“now can you drive to some cute park or something before we drive again. i don’t wanna see highways anymore” you ask your girlfriend.
“of course baby” she says before leaving you alone to enjoy your ice cream on the drive.
“babe stop eating all the good fruits!! you always steal my food.” ellie complains as she eats what she got herself from the ice cream shop.
“that’s what happens when you get a girlfriend ellie.” you tease.
the scenery of the park is rather beautiful. there’s a large pond with tall willow trees lining the edges of it. the sun glistening on the waters surface making it look sparkly. you and ellie occasionally throwing fruits at the birds only after frantically searching up if the fruits were okay for birds to eat. but with no service you decided just fuck it maybe it’ll be okay.
ellie of course, parked in the shadiest most secluded part of the park; claiming it was for the romantics and so “we can have privacy while we makeout.”
she wasn’t wrong though because the second you two finished eating your little treats, ellie was practically begging with her eyes for you to makeout with her.
ellie’s big eyes turning more and more half lidded every time you separated from each other to catch your breaths. her hands getting more touchy. they’re moving from holding your hand to your jaw to behind your neck to push you deeper into the kiss.
the longer you kiss her and separate the cuter she looks. her lips are getting puffy and pinker and glistening with the combination of both your salivas. her tongue peeks out to lick her lips before she’s attacking your face again. then kissing down your neck. leaving a trail of wet open mouth kisses down to your collarbone.
“babe…smooch smooch… please” ellie whispers through her kisses. her hand pulling your hair back to have better access to your neck.
“you wanna go in the back el?” you ask pulling back to see her face. she nods and scrambles into the back. just crawling, jumping over the back and fumbling around to find a comfy spot and to leave enough space for you.
you shortly join her and straddle her lap. ellie smiles while looking up at you as you brush her hair away from her face and cupping it.
“you look so cute elzy, you want me?”
“mhm please” she mumbles out, muffled now that her face in smushed in between the cleavage of your tits.
“take these off then,” you hook your finger over the waistband of her jeans and sit off her lap to take your own pants off.
the whole ‘taking off pants’ process took seconds but in those mere seconds the sun managed to pierce through the shade that ellie cautiously parked her car in and heat started pooling into the already stuffy back seat of the car.
you hurriedly straddle ellie’s lap again. her mouth attacking you with harsher kisses and bites all over from your neck to your exposed tits thanks to ellie pulling down your tank top.
“mmm babe you taste so good” she mumbles with her lips all squished against your skin.
“w-what no im sweaty?” you question out of breath as you unconsciously grind on her thigh.
ellie’s attention gets diverted from your tits to the roll of your hips on her thigh, “augh shit babe m’sorry not giving her enough attention”
her fingertips shakily find their way to your clit. then down to your hole and smearing your slick all over your folds.
“elll” you beg thrusting your pussy to follow her fingers.
ellie pants and whimpers the second her fingers enter your hole, it’s like she’s the one getting fingered with all the huffing she’s making. her lips find yours as she thrusts her fingers in and out. her knuckles already getting wet from your slick.
ellie’s still a nervous wreck during sex even though you’ve done it a couple of times together. her fingers are still shaky inside you, she’s not keeping an even pace and her thumb is fumbling around not knowing whether to rub at your clit or not.
“babe w-wait,” you push ellie away a little and she gives you the cutest confused look. before she can even talk you give her a kiss and grab at her thighs and spread them apart. sitting your pussy right atop of hers and a moan leaves the both of you. ellie gives you a lazy smile and her hands plant right on your hips.
“that feel good?” you ask her. even though you already know the answer she looks lost in bliss.
her head leaned back against the headrest and she just looks so sexy all sweaty in nothing but her tank top and in need of pussy. whining and whimpering and thrusting her cute bush covered pussy up to meet your clit.
you wrap your arms around her neck and press your forehead against hers as your rut harder against her. you can feel her clit throbbing against yours and it just makes the pleasure of watching your two pussies coating each other with cum and the sight of ellie’s body under you. her abs contracting as she cums.
“babe babe aughh ohh fuck!” ellie whimpers out. her eyes squeezing shut from the pleasure.
the sound of wetness and squelching becomes so much louder the faster you grind on her. ellie’s moans getting higher and higher pitched as she becomes increasingly more sensitive after her orgasm.
“ellie im so close please hold on” you breathe out. ellie tries holes back the volume of her moans and instead squeezing your hips as she takes your grinds.
you squeeze ellie in for a hug as you cum on her pussy. kissing the top of her head and slowing down to a limp stop when you’re done.
you and ellie catch your breaths before the heat becomes unbearable. both of you are dripping sweat on each other. still half naked with cum in between your legs.
“babe-fuck what are we cleaning up with” you ask sitting up and watch as the strings of cum that connect you two break.
ellie grabs a random shirt she had stuffed in the bags and hands it to you, “just use that it’s whatever” she helps guide your shaky legs to sit next to her and clean each other up.
both of you still out of breath, and heaving immediately drive to a store to get some waters and maybe some cleaning supplies because the backseat definitely has you and ellie’s babies still on it.
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eternalsdiary · 4 months
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pairing: Ellie Williams x Reader
tags: hate sex, ellie, and more ellie <3
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You HATED Ellie Williams, and hate is not a light word. You hated her hair, you hated her buff yet skinny arms, you hate how her eyes would roll when you walked into a room. You hated how even though you hated her, you loved the sight of her face.
"Dina, you know I hate doing shit with her. She makes everything so miserable." You crossed your arms over your chest, sucking on the lollipop in your mouth. "Look YN, just try, please? I'll talk to her, okay?"
You sigh, rubbing your temples. "Fine, I'll come but if she starts something I can't grantee I won't go off on her ass."
Soon you found yourself in a small circle with Dina, Jesses, and Ellie. "Let's have a drink." Dina suggests, standing to grab the nearby liquor on the table. "Where'd you even get this from?" You ask leaning back. "Does it matter, just drink it." Ellie speaks, glaring at you like she has been the whole time. You take a deep breath, turning toward Dina. "So, where'd you get it from."
"Just pass me the damn liquor Dina." Ellie interrupts Dina. "Ellie can you for once not be a god damn pain in the fucking ass?" You turn to her, giving her a disgusted look. "Me not be a pain in the ass and you're asking dumbass questions, let's just fucking drink." Suddenly you stand. "Okay I'm not doing this. I even tried to ignore her and still she found a way to be a bitch." Ellie stans as well. "You're callin' me a bitch? Have you seen your attitude lately love?"
You throw your hands up in defeat. "I'm leaving." Finally, Dina stands and grabs your arm. "YN no. You're gonna stay in here! You two need to do something about whatever the hell this weird ass beef is!" I roll my eyes, "I'm not going to stay here and try to make up with her, it's not like she listens." Ellie tries to rush you, but Jesse grabs her. "Okay can everyone just calm the fuck down?!"
Dina takes a deep breath. "You two are going to sit in here and you're going to fucking make up." You shake your head. "I'm not doing that shit." Ellie laughs. "Yeah right, I'm not sitting in a room with her alone." You glare at her, crossing your arms against your chest. “Dina, I swear to go-“ Dina places her hand over your mouth.
“You both are going to stay in this damn room, and you're going to make the hell up.” She fake smiles, grabbing Jesse. You chase after her, “Dina-“ She slams the door in your face and locks it. “Make. Up!” She yells.
Now you sit face to face with Ellie, the silence piercing through the room. “Look, I ain’t plannin’ to make up. So, let’s just pretend we’re cool and leave it at that.” She leans back in the most enticing way, her legs spreading the just right amount.
You struggle to keep your eyes from raining to in between her legs. “I can’t even pretend to like you.” You say rolling your eyes to look away. “You can’t pretend to like me, but you can pretend like you weren’t just staring in between my legs?” She smirks, sitting up and leaning down against her knees.
Your face heats up and you avoid eye contact. “I wasn’t ev-“ Ellie laughs, “Damn and then you lie about it? I thought you were bolder than that.” You glare at her. “You’re so cocky, you must think everyone likes looking in between your legs.” She laughs once more. “I know you do.”
She silences you.
Suddenly she stands, placing herself in front of you on the floor. “So do you wanna make up or not?” She was close, very close. Her eyes trailing down to your lips, her hands placed on your thighs. “What are you talking about?” You speak quietly from being so close.
“Let’s make up.”
After that phrase was uttered, you and Ellie’s lips collide at a fast speed. The kiss so sloppy and good it has you feeling feverish. Her rough hands sliding up your shirt, against the skin of your stomach. “You must’ve waited so long for this huh?” She says smirking against your lips.
“Just shut the fuck up.” Ellie laughs. “Shut me up.” Those words ignite a light in your belly, causing you to squeeze your legs together. “Look at you all tense, want me to help you?” She asks, placing her hands higher up your shirt. Her hands find themselves unbuckling your black bra, and you were happy you wore it.
“Must’ve known this was gonna happen huh? Wore such a pretty bra f’me?” Ellie attaches her lips to your neck, biting down softly and pulling a small sound from your lips as you jolt. “Want me to touch you? Tell me.” She waits for your response. “Yeah. I do Ellie, so just fucking do it.”
“Don’t be a bitch about it.”
Finally, you're on your back, her fingers penetrating you at a fast pace. “This feel good huh? Always talking shit, I guess this shuts you up?” She grins over you, watching your face contort from pleasure. “F-fuck! Shut the fuck u-up...!” Your back arching off the couch as she hits that one sweet spot inside you.
“Yeah? This the spot for you huh?” She places your nipple into her mouth, sucking softly. “Oh! Okayokay..!” You place your fingers into her hair, your eyes closed and filling with tears from how good you feel. “Holy-“ Ellie pulls away from the bud with a pop, saliva coating the nipple sloppily.
“Gonna cum around my fingers? Yeah?” She speeds up, your core tightening around her fingers. “I-I’m gonn-“ Ellie suddenly pulls her fingers away. You gasp, looking at her with a glare. “What the hell-“ She places her hand over your mouth. “Lay back down you big baby.”
You force yourself back down with a groan. Ellie’s mouth finds its way to your clot, sucking harshly. “Wh- AH!” Your hands going to her head as she sucks and licks at your swollen bud. Her eyes never leaving yours as she watches the tears that had built in your eyes finally fall.
“Gonna- whew! I’m gonna cum El’s!” Ellie sucks harder, just enough to make you go over the edge. The pull you have in her hair causing her to groan softly into your cunt. She licks your juices all up, not leaving a drop behind. She sits up, wiping the side of her lip and placing her finger into her mouth like she had leftover sauce from a meal.
“You taste so good YN, if I would’ve known that I’d have eaten you out sooner.” She comes close to your face, causing your face to scrunch. “I thought we made up?”
“Not even close.”
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My Requests are open!
@sorrowsblogworld @sorrowsideas @tinygojo
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undressrehearsal · 27 days
is it casual now?
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chapter 1
summary: you and ellie agreed that this was just for a little fun - so what's the harm in her inviting you to joel's for a movie night?
word count: 2.3k
tags: nsfw, fingering (e and r receiving), angst, dub con?? i think?, does this count as public sex?, this shit's messy af y'all, mean reader, toxic relationship
a/n: i've wanted to write a fic based off this song for a while now. i've seen a few people write it (the song's a banger) but i only ever see ellie being written as the distant toxic one and tbh i don't think that matches her character so here's the opposite
also i hid a one last stop reference in here if you find it you get a prize (it's not hard to find)
if you wanna be tagged in the things i post, just lmk in the replies!
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Joel was trying to decide what movie you should watch. 
At least, Ellie thought he was. She could see the way his lips were moving - could even make out the words Dawn of the Wolf, whatever that meant - but she couldn’t actually hear him. She sat across from him at the dining table, nodding along, trying to school her expression into a pantomime of interest, but his words were drowned out by the ringing in her ears. 
Your hand on her thigh crept higher. 
Ellie shifted in the uncomfortable wood chair, uncrossing her legs only to recross them, and your hand didn’t move. You stroked slow circles into her jeans with your thumb; she would have thought it was absentminded if she didn’t know you so well. Ellie could see you in her peripheral. You smiled politely, nodding along as Joel listed off what movies he had found lately - it had become his mission to hunt for them while he was on patrol. (He always insisted that Ellie needed to be familiar with all the classics from before the outbreak.) 
Somewhere past the sound of her heart pounding in her ears, Ellie heard Joel say her name. She blinked, shifted in her seat again, and replied intelligently, “Huh?” 
He shook his head at her and laughed as he said, “Where you at, kiddo?” 
She ran a hand through her hair, purposely avoiding looking at you - she knew she’d only find that shit-eating smile on your face. “Sorry, had patrol late last night. Yeah, that movie sounds cool.” She had no idea what movie he had suggested. 
It didn’t matter much in the end. After switching off the lights, Joel sat back in his big old recliner (he’d looked like a fucking kid on Christmas morning when Tommy gave that to him), leaving the couch to you and Ellie. You leaned into her with your head on her shoulder; she had her arm draped over the back of the couch, not quite touching you. She was dancing a fine line between wanting to hold you and knowing you wouldn’t let her, but the tightrope was slipping from under her feet because you had put your fucking hand on her thigh again. She’d swear there was a damn magnet connecting your hand to her. 
Ellie covered a gasp with a cough when your hand drifted between her legs. Your eyes were glued to the flickering television, but there was no hiding the small, satisfied smile on your lips. And she fucking hated herself for wanting to kiss it more than anything. 
The tattered blanket you shared covered up the fact that the tips of your fingers were grazing across the seam of her jeans. Even the ghost of friction made her squirm, the movie becoming nothing more than white noise. You were too fucking bold, and her head spun when your nimble fingers undid the button and slid the zipper down so slowly it ached. When your fingertips dipped below the waistband of her boxers, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing at Joel. He was enthralled in the movie, and she couldn’t even pay attention to it; she hated herself for that too. 
She knew she shouldn’t; she knew she should’ve grabbed your wrist, told you to stop so she could just enjoy the movie with her… with Joel. He’d been trying to plan a movie night with her for a week, and tonight she had finally been free from patrol. God, she shouldn’t have invited you, but when he asked if she wanted to bring a friend, of course your name had popped up. 
She should have known it would be a mistake - an intoxicating one, but a mistake nonetheless. And when you dragged your fingers over her, pressing the lightest pressure to her clit, it took everything in her not to tilt her hips against your hand in search of friction. 
Ellie bit down on her lip so hard she'd swear she tasted blood when you dipped just the tips of your fingers inside her. It was embarrassing how easy it was - how wet she already was and you had hardly even touched her. But when you circled her clit, your fingers already soaked, the shame burning in her chest evaporated. Her eyes fluttered, heat burning in her stomach, your touch setting her aflame. Her fingers dug into the back of the couch. She longed to touch you, to just wrap her arm around you and hold you close, press your head to her chest so you could hear how her heart reached for you. 
Instead, she could only grip the couch behind your shoulder, gritting her teeth against the ache of it. You didn't even look at her, playing with her as though it were an afterthought, but there was no missing the smirk on your lips. She hated it; God, she wanted to kiss you. 
Ellie didn't dare look at Joel - she didn't think she could handle seeing him so engrossed in the movie he had been so excited to show her while she sat only a few feet away, coming undone on his couch. She couldn't handle the shame rising in her throat again. If she looked at him, she was sure she'd be sick right there. 
She tried so hard to keep it together - her hips ached from the force of holding them still, her lip surely cracked from biting it. Her chest burned with the moans she had to swallow like acid. But she couldn't keep it all in - it was overflowing. And when finally, the coil in her stomach threatening to snap, a low groan spilled from her lips, Joel turned to look at her. 
Ellie didn't want to think about what he saw, but whatever it was, it made his brow pinch in concern. She couldn't meet his worried eyes when he said, “You okay, kiddo? You don't look too good.” 
Your fingers hadn't even fucking slowed. You looked at her with a mask of concern, batting your eyes so innocently even as you pressed your fingers into her, curling them so you hit that spot that made her see stars. And then Ellie did grab you, gripping your shoulder in warning and glaring down at you. You wrinkled your nose, but relented and slid your fingers out of her; her grip tightened when you slid back over her clit. Fuck, she never should've invited you. 
Ellie cleared her throat; she couldn't look at either of you without feeling sick, so she turned her gaze to the movie. What was it even about? 
“Sorry, I just-” Her voice was strained, suffocating in her own throat. She felt like she was going to swallow her own tongue. The coil in her stomach tightened and she felt nauseous. She groaned again, and the words tripped over themselves in a rush when she said, “I don't feel good.” 
Ellie stumbled to her feet, forcing you to withdraw your hand; when she glanced down, she could see that your fingers were wet and it made her stomach twist. Keeping one hand over her stomach to hide the fact that her fucking pants were undone, she hurried from the room, ignoring Joel when he called after her. She couldn't look him in the eye or else she might actually puke.
Making a beeline for the bathroom, Ellie slammed the door behind her and leaned against it, the wood cold against her back. She took a deep breath, counting the cracks in the ceiling until her heart finally stopped bashing against her ribs, her throat burning. Pinprick tears stung her eyes as she fixed her pants, her fingers shaking so hard she could hardly grasp the button. 
Cursing under her breath, Ellie braced her hands on the bathroom sink, her shoulders sagging. Her eyes were rimmed red; she scrubbed her hands over her face roughly, willing her stomach to settle. 
She shouldn’t have been upset, really. The first time your hand had found its way into her pants, all those months ago, you had made it perfectly clear what this was. She could still hear your voice from that night, saccharine sweet and smelling like the whiskey you had nabbed from her cabinet: Come on, Els, Jackson’s so boring. We can just have a little fun, right? She remembered the weight of your body when you climbed onto her lap, your thighs warm on either side of her hips, your hands pressing her back against the couch. She could still feel the way your breath had ghosted over her neck, your voice dripping with honeyed desire: It's just a little fun.
Her own eyes looked so unfamiliar, a stranger peering at her from the bathroom mirror. 
Cursing again, she turned on the faucet, bending to splash water on her face - it was December and the water was so cold it numbed her hands. It was a welcome relief against her burning skin. 
Ellie felt so fucking dirty it hurt. No matter how she scrubbed at her skin, rubbing it raw, she couldn’t seem to rid herself of it. The cold water stung her cheeks. 
A knock on the door made her jump, cold water splashing down the front of her shirt. She cursed, pulling the damp fabric away from her chest with a grimace before calling, “Give me a minute, okay?” 
But you had never been very good at listening, had you? You didn’t even look surprised when you pushed the door open, ignoring her protest, and found Ellie leaning against the counter, water still dripping from her chin. If anything, you looked almost amused, quirking an eyebrow at her. It was the look you gave her every time you got her worked up, your eyes showing the laughter you bit back. She fucking hated that look. 
Ellie glared over her shoulder at you, but there was no real malice behind it - even when she hated you, something in her still softened when you were around. A switchblade girl with a cotton candy heart. 
You closed the door softly behind you, leaning back against it with a smug smile that she wanted to wipe off your face - she just wasn’t sure how she wanted to yet. Ellie could hear how your ego tinted your voice when you said, “Joel sent me to check on you. Probably thinks you're barfing your guts out or something.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes, looking away from you and mumbling, “Yeah, I guess dinner didn’t sit well….” 
You scoffed and the sound went straight to her stomach. She felt rather than saw you step behind her; she tensed when you placed your hands on her hips, leaning forward to put your chin on her shoulder. Her hands gripped the edges of the sink so hard she thought the porcelain might crack. She could feel the heat of your body all the way down her back, your hips pressing into her ass, and her traitorous heart fluttered embarrassingly. 
Ellie met your eyes in the reflection, watching as your smile grew into something almost mocking. You placed a kiss on the back of her neck, pressing your words into her skin: “Damn, Els, I didn’t know Dawn of the Wolf got you so hot and bothered.” Your fingers pressed into her hips, pulled her back against you. She failed to smother the sigh it pulled from her. She hated how it made your smile widen, and she hated even more how much she wanted to fucking kiss it off your stupid face. She shivered when she felt your teeth graze over her neck, and almost missed it when you muttered, laughing, “God, you’re so fucking easy, you know that?” 
Ellie shoved away from the counter, spinning on her heel and grabbing your wrist before you could flinch away. You had only blinked before she slammed you back against the wall, praying that Joel didn’t hear it. Her fingers wrapped so tightly around your wrist she could feel your pounding pulse, pressing it to the wall above your head. She slipped her thigh between your legs, pressing up into you, and she only had a moment to register that smug fucking grin before she slapped a hand over your mouth. She relished in the way your eyes flashed in something akin to fear. She had to find wins where she could, right? 
Leaning forward so her nose brushed yours, Ellie growled into the back of her hand, “Don’t make a fucking sound.” 
And she did get to wipe that cocky smile off your face. She kept her hand over your mouth, releasing your wrist to snake her arm between your legs. She muffled your moans, hissing when your nails dug into her biceps. 
Joel was in the next room, she thought distantly. Joel was in the next room, watching the movie he had been so excited to show her. He was in the next room, concerned about her, waiting for her, and here she was pressing her best friend into the wall of his bathroom. She had your pants around your ankles, two - three - fingers pushing into you. She could feel the vibrations of your moans against her hand - she wanted to press her lips to yours and swallow them, knowing you would never let her. 
It came too fast, Ellie pressing into you relentlessly if only to make you fucking shut up for once. Your body shuddered against her, and she wanted to hold you through it, but by the time it was over you were already pushing her away. When her hand fell from your mouth, you were smiling again. Maybe she was going to be sick after all. 
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bubblebbg · 7 months
❝𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
Mizu x Reader
- Reader in this fic is of some sort of mixed or foreign descent, but this can also be interpreted as having any trait that would make them a pariah of sorts. Warning, not proofread lol. All spur of the moment.
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When you found the blue eyed stranger laying bloody on a lonely street, you took her in. You keep her warm, fed, and with mends on her wounds. Mizu knows well that there are sacrifices to be made on her path. She doesn't know just how much they can sting.
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Mizu can't quite pinpoint the most irritating part of the pain. The ache of broken bones, the sting of stabs and slices, the consistent ringing in her head; everything hurts, and she supposes that like every other injury, it's all par for the course. Small price to pay for revenge. She knew she'd have to rest at some point, but she didn't expect to be incapacitated, edging on consciousness for days. Every now and then there's a sensation like coolness on her forehead, or water at her lips.
It's on day three that she becomes lucid enough to realize someone's taking care of her. Her distrustful brain is immediately sounding alarms, but her body can do little to react in such a broken state. Mizu can do nothing but lie silent and weak on this futon, sipping medicines and soups when it's brought to her mouth and being patched, cut for cut, wound for wound.
The first thing she notices about you, her caretaker, is your eyes - eyes brimming with concern and care, eyes that catch every weakness of her flesh and seek to heal. She hears your whispers of "poor thing" and "I'll get you healed up in no time". And being Mizu, her first thought is...
She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but she doesn't rush to take it back. Why are you, a stranger, so willing to take care of her? Why are you expending your resources on a broken thing, a mistake that any other sane person would let rot in the street where they found it?
You only smile at her, and in such a way that makes her heart race. Gentle, patient, tentative. She doesn't like it one bit, the way it pulls at doors she's kept locked for years. Her eyes focus, taking in what you look like as you stand and ready yourself to leave the room.
"I don't need your pity!" She manages to choke out. It has you stopping in your tracks.
"It's," she coughs, sputtering on words, "It's because you're just like me, isn't it? You're different. A monster."
The look on your face is one of mild amusement, an eyebrow raised and the corners of your lips upturned. She's not sure if it's that or the confidence in your next words that makes her cheeks heat up.
"I am not a monster. Neither are you."
And you're gone, leaving her to deal with the weight you've left in her chest.
𓆩… . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . …𓆪
The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months. With so many parts impaired, it'd only make sense that healing would take this long. Most of all, it's your endless patience that surprises Mizu. When she reopens a wound by carelessly trying to train despite your cautions, you're there patching it up. When she expresses her frustration with not being able to take up the sword yet, you're there reassuring her that it'll all be fine in time. You're kind when she's haughty and sarcastic (which makes her feel guilty, and thus even more indignant), and this extends to others as well. She often sees you helping children or neighbors, anyone in need. You're loved in this town.
It makes her a bit irritated, seeing your kindness bestowed on others. At first she thinks it's because she sees weakness in your actions. Then she thinks it's jealousy - why are you, someone who would otherwise be an outcast like herself, so beloved by your town? How come it didn't turn out this way for her? But when she sees you cooking enough for the both of you and the family next door, stirring slowly as the food steams, she thinks to herself, god, they're even patient when they're cooking. And then it hits her.
She is jealous, but not in the way she thought. In the way that yearns for your priority, that seeks to be the only recipient of your sweet manners and loving nature.
It doesn't help that you've grown close, too close for her liking. There have been nights spent in each other's company, saying nothing but gazing at stars. There have been conversations in which you've both laughed, some in which you cried. Mizu's mind can't help but remind her that this isn't safe; the last time she opened her heart up, it returned battered.
But this - you - feel safe. You dedicated nearly three months to healing her body, all the while you had been patching up wounds the eye can't see.
"I'm leaving," she says meekly on a warm evening, the two of you sat in a field of grass overlooking your village. You look to her and she only stares forward. You suppose it's better than her leaving without telling you, but the pain is no lesser because of the thought.
You take a deep breath and exhale before answering, "I had a feeling."
There's a long silence between the two of you. It's your turn to watch the sun setting over the trees as Mizu looks at your expression, the hints of sadness in her eyes.
"Do you... do you really have to? You are welcome here, you know. You'll always have a home here with me."
The words have Mizu choking up and suppressing the sudden and unnerving urge to cry. What you've done to her in three months still astounds her.
"I do. You know I do. I was always going to have to leave."
Mizu is caught by another urge, the urge to take those words back when she sees streams on your cheeks. You sniffle and hiccup, and it's so much less pleasant than your usual smiling disposition. It hurts in the way no blade ever could.
The sun is disappearing, and she wills herself to stand. If she doesn't, she might never go. She turns to leave and you stand as well. She stops in her tracks when you tug on her sleeve. She faces you and you slowly, carefully bring a hand to the side of her cheek. When she doesn't flinch away, you lean in close. Your lips meet in a kiss that conveys words that neither of you have the power to say.
You pull back after a moment, your forehead pressed to hers and your eyes closed. Your voice is quiet, almost inaudible when you say your goodbye.
"Break my heart once by leaving. Do not break it again by dying."
She turns and leaves while your eyes are still closed. You open them to an empty field, your palm still wet with her tears.
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vivwritesfics · 20 days
"You Did It"
Something short in celebration of me passing my dissertation! I didn't think it would happen but I fucking passed!
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She'd been staring at the keyboard of her laptop for a good ten minutes now, fingers itching to dance across the keys. But the words just weren't coming to her.
"I hate this," she mumbled. She'd said it at least once a minute for the last few minutes.
And one of her boyfriends was getting bored of it.
"Stop then," said Lando. He was laying on the sofa beside her, head propped up on the cushions, legs stretched out in front of him and his arm slung over the back of the sofa.
Suddenly, Oscar raised his head. He looked like a meerkat on sentry duty, searching for any danger. "Nope," he said as he stood up and walked over to his partners. "Don't listen to him, not when you're so close to being done," he said as he leaned over the back of the sofa.
Immediately, Lando was begging for his attention, but Oscar ignored him. No, Oscar was focused on their girl. "Promise me you'll try and do as much as you can tonight," he said before he leaned down to kiss her.
"I promise, Osc," she said and tried to get back to it.
And she really did try. She got maybe a few more sentences done, but that was about it. Still, it was progress.
She worked on it for the next week, on and off until it was finished. Concentrating wasn't easy with Lando and Oscar around. But then they headed off to the next grand prix and she was, admittedly, grateful to be alone.
It was easy to get it finished now that she was alone. She worked in silence, maybe to some music as she checked for any kind of spelling mistakes.
But no, it was perfect and it was ready to go.
As soon as she hit submit on her final essay of her final year of university, she called Lando and Oscar.
They couldn't answer right away, not with them both being on the race track. But as soon as they were out of the car, as soon as they had debriefed and as soon as they were back in their hotel room, they called her back.
She picked up almost instantly. "Hi, baby," said Lando as he held Oscar's phone. She could hear the shower running and could only assume that was where Oscar was. "Sorry we missed your call earlier."
"I forgot you guys were out on track," she mumbled as she laid herself in the bed the three of them shared. Her head was on Lando's pillow, half of her face squished against it. "Osc in the shower?"
Lando nodded.
"Surprised you're not in there with him," she said with a small grin.
Lando let out a chuckle as he ran his hand through his curls. "You know I would have," he replied. "But I wanted to call you back."
She and Lando made idle conversation as they waited for Oscar to return from the shower.
And, once she had both of her boys on the screen in front of her did she tell them the good news. "Boys, I did something pretty cool," she said to them as she sat up slightly. They could see her properly now, could see that she was dressed in one of their hoodies (it had originally belonged to Lando, but all three of them wore it so often that it had no owner).
"What did you do?" Oscar asked as Lando settled against his chest. She could have done anything to be there with the two of them, cheering them on through the weekend and cuddled up in bed with them.
She was unable to keep her grin from her face. "I submitted my final essay," she said as that grin grew wider.
Lando sucked in a gasp and Oscar's grin matched her own. "Well done, Baby!" Lando cried.
"We're so proud of you," said Oscar.
They were so fucking proud of her. The final year had been a mental struggle for her, they knew. But they'd encouraged her, kept her going through it. She could safely say that she wouldn't have been graduating without them.
"I wish I was there with you guys to celebrate."
Lando let out a laugh. "It's fine, baby. We'll make it up to you when we're back. Plus, I'll throw in another win on top."
"Or maybe I will," Oscar said as he looked at their boyfriend.
A laugh bubbled up from her lips. That might have been the only thing that would have made this weekend better.
"I love you boys."
"We love you too!"
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How did you handle it?
1st part here
A/N: Didn't expect the number of likes on the first part, thank you so much 😭
Also, I know now who does Paige's braids now. I saw her on tiktok.
Warning/s: Read at your own risk
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Following Ice's most recent live stream, Y/N's phone is constantly vibrating, and her Instagram feed is overflowing with follow requests and mentions. She didn't leave her apartment on the weekends after hearing from her teammates about their near-brawl on Friday night. She was trying to blow off some steam at the time, but she lost her cool and almost got into it. Azzi gave them a good earful, and Geno had more to say. Y/N apologized to her teammates, explaining that she was acting out of character at the time.
She felt a little better and forgot about her parents' divorce for a while. Not until her father texted her that he will be at her game next week. Dad is always the one who comes to her games; mom is too busy and cannot make time.
Frustrated, Y/N drops the dumbels.
"Yo! "KK, give me back my phone!" KK is running for her life, clutching Paiges' phone. Paige, on the other hand, looks terrified as if her life depends on with whatever is contained within her phone.
"Whaaaat! Dude, I just caught you stalking---asfghgjjhkjlhlk!" Paige caught up with KK and placed her palm on her mouth.
"Shut up!" She took her phone.
KK sounds like a dying goat now, with Paige's hands still on her mouth. Paige lets go of her and KK gasped for air.
"Shit, Hah! I just did not saw you do that P!" KK is shaking her head, laughing.
"I swear K, if you open your mouth I'll make sure that you will nev---" KK immediately zipped her mouth.
"You got it P! Your 'lil secret is safe." KK gave her a mischievous wink.
These two are as mischievous as ever.
Shaking her head, Y/N slips off her sweat-soaked muscle top, revealing only her sports bra. She could see Paige and KK's jaws drop from her peripheral vision. She turned towards them.
"What? "You guys have some saliva here." Y/N pointed to the side of her lip. The two appear to have come to their senses and instantly pretend to do something. Weird. It's as if they're seeing each other for the first time, taking off their clothes. Y/N twisted her hair into a sloppy knot and resumed lifting. She was halfway through lifting when Nika slapped her bum.
"Babe, I need you to braid my hair. Do you have a sec?"
She nodded to Nika and followed her. They walk past the others who were working out, and Y/N couldn't help but notice Paige and the way her biceps and deltoids popped while doing that damn pull up. Get a grip, Miller; you see your teammate doing this on a regular basis. Y/N reprimanded herself.
"So is mine eye enthralled by thy shape," Nika recited dramatically.
Nika came out laughing after noticing Y/N glancing at Paige.
"Don't worry, babe; she gets it a lot. And... Damn, did you just realized she's fine? You have to keep up; you have a home court advantage here." Nika winked. Y/N gave Nika a puzzled glance. It's not that she likes Paige; she just admires the muscles. That is it.
"I don't know what you're talking about, babe." Y/N said making Nika snort.
"Okay, alright. I'm blind, I can't see, must be my poor eyesight."
Y/N endured Nika's teasing while doing her hair; she doesn't want to appear defensive, so she allows her friend and pretends that Nika Muhl seeing her looking at Paige Bueckers didn't affect her.
"Thank you, Baby. "I love the braids." Nika blew her a kiss before they returned to their routines.
Paige glanced around cautiously before scrolling through her phone. She couldn't afford to repeat the same mistake that had led to her being caught by KK. She wasn't stalking, though; the algorithm following Ice's live had led her to Y/N's tagged photos and edits on Instagram. It was kind of annoying that Y/N was now known for being the "pretty girl" from the team instead of for her talent as a player. Paige had witnessed firsthand how great Y/N was during her time at Stanford. If it weren't for her MCL injury during her second year, she would have been neck and neck with Nika's stats in the last 2022-2023 conference.
"Girly, you are still not done? Man you are really living up to be a stalker ." KK tried to glance at Paige's phone, Paige was quick to hide it.
"I am not!" Paige responded defensively.
"Of course, why stalk when you can see her every day. Home court advantage." KK playfully raised her brows and gestured towards where Y/N is, shooting 3 point shots. Yeah, Paige mused to herself. Paige knows she's got the home court advantage, always playing on familiar turf. Y/N, on the other hand, is a social media ghost, her posts as rare as a shooting star, reserved only for strategic brand alliances. Just like she guards the offensive players on the court, she protects her privacy with the same intensity, keeping her personal life shrouded in mystery.
"You are not gonna like this." KK's gasp breaks the silence, drawing Paige's attention as she leans in, sharing her latest sports article discovery. With rapt interest, they both delve into the words, their silent communion speaking volumes as they absorb every line, lost in the world of sports unfolding before them.
Sports Agent Katherine Taylor-Miller Entangled in New Romance Amidst Divorce
In a whirlwind of events, sports agent Katherine Taylor-Miller finds herself at the center of media attention following news of her divorce from husband Craig Miller. The prominent figure in the sports world, best known for representing basketball star Breanna Stewart, is reportedly embarking on a new romance with Los Angeles' top firm lawyer, Drew Ross.
While Taylor-Miller has remained tight-lipped about the circulating photos online, indicating her involvement with Ross, sources close to the situation confirm that the divorce proceedings are well underway. The couple, who share a daughter, aged 22, are navigating this transition as their family dynamic shifts.
Adding a layer of complexity to the situation, their daughter, a talented athlete in her own right, has been making waves on the collegiate basketball scene. Initially playing for Stanford University during her freshman and sophomore years, she has recently transferred to the University of Connecticut for her junior year, following in the footsteps of her mother's client, Breanna Stewart.
The unfolding saga has captivated both sports enthusiasts and gossip followers alike, as speculation mounts about the implications for Taylor-Miller's career and personal life. As the situation continues to develop, all eyes remain on the high-profile sports agent and her newfound path forward.
Paige's confusion bubbles to the surface in her question. "Wait, so... that is Y/N's mom?"
KK nods solemnly. "Yep. Didn't expect that."
Paige's brow furrows as she scans the article again. "That article is nasty. It was unnecessary to mention, Y/N."
The two exchange a knowing glance before their gaze shifts towards Y/N, who remains blissfully unaware of the storm brewing in the tabloids.
KK weighs the options for a moment before nodding resolutely. "Very. She's not gonna like it. Do we tell her?" KK's gaze seeks approval from Paige, who meets it with a shake of her head, silently acknowledging the delicate situation and opting to shield Y/N from unnecessary distress for now. "She'll find out sooner."
KK lets out a low whistle, her disbelief evident in her tone. "Unbelievable. I never thought her mom is Katherine Taylor. That woman was a badass, but yeah, whoever wrote this has some unpaid rent due." Paige nods in agreement, a hint of frustration tainting her expression as they both recognize the injustice of the situation.
The sudden thud startles both Paige and KK. Their heads snap towards the source of the sound, only to find Y/N on the bench-side taking a water break, her hand suspended and her phone on the floor.
"That's what we're talking about."
Y/N absentmindedly follows her teammates to Subway after they decided to grab some lunch there. Despite the buzz of camaraderie around her, she's lost in her own thoughts, savoring the simple pleasure of a break from today's events. Just as she starts to believe her day couldn't get any better, her world is rocked by the unwelcome intrusion of her parents' divorce being publicized.
Her heart sinks as she grapples with the sudden exposure of her family's private turmoil. Y/N has always been fiercely protective of her personal life, preferring to keep it shielded from prying eyes. The earlier article had already crossed a line, but this latest development feels like a betrayal of trust, a violation of the boundaries she holds sacred. She can't help but feel a surge of anger and frustration at the unnecessary intrusion into her family's affairs, a bitterness that threatens to overshadow the sweetness of her teammates' company.
Y/N finds a glimmer of solace in the silent solidarity of her teammates. As they gather around the table at Subway, not a single word is spoken about the tumultuous news that has shaken her world.
In that moment, Y/N feels a profound gratitude wash over her, a deep appreciation for their unspoken understanding and respect for her boundaries.
"The salad won't eat itself," snapped Paige, jolting Y/N from her deep thoughts. Y/N mechanically took a fork, but her salad remained untouched.
"Eat up, Miller. You need your energy." Paige commandeered the fork and began mixing the salad for Y/N.
"How did you handle it?" Y/N's voice trembled with vulnerability, causing Paige to pause mid-stir.
Paige didn't respond immediately, her mind racing to grasp the depth of Y/N's question. It didn't take long for the realization to sink in—it was about the divorce.
"When your parents divorced? How did you handle it?" Y/N's eyes glistened with unshed tears, a vulnerability she hadn't intended to reveal. Paige felt a pang of empathy twist in her gut. Y/N's question caught her off guard.
"Nevermind," Y/N murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she wiped away the threatening tears. Determinedly, she finally began to eat her salad, hoping to distract herself from the emotional turmoil of the day.
As she savored each bite, Y/N made a conscious effort to push aside the weight of her parents' divorce. Her phone buzzed incessantly with texts and calls, but she only mustered the strength to respond to her dad via text. All she wanted was for their divorce to be finalized so they could all move forward with their lives.
Her thoughts drifted to the inevitable changes ahead. Her mom and dad would each go their separate ways, free to pursue new relationships if they so chose. While the idea of their family no longer being whole was a painful one, Y/N knew it was time to accept reality.
Above all, she yearned for one simple request: no more articles portraying her solely as her mother's daughter. She was determined to forge her own path, to carve out her own identity separate from her family's legacy.
"You okay, babe?" Nika asked Y/N, slinging her arm around her shoulders. Y/N responded with her most convincing smile. "I'm fine," she assured Nika, though the skepticism lingered in her friend's nod. "Just so you know, we're here for you, okay?" Nika offered a comforting hug. "Thanks, babe."
As they strolled back to the university after lunch, Nika, Azzi, and Aaliyah had already forged ahead for their afternoon classes, while Paige had disappeared into god knows where. Y/N's afternoon lay open; no classes to attend. She pondered whether to take a stroll around her apartment's neighborhood or indulge in a swim in the pool.
Waving goodbye to her teammates as they reached the university's parking lot, she contemplated driving back home.
Sighing, Y/N parked her car and headed towards her apartment, only to be surprised by a waiting Paige Bueckers holding a pint of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge ice cream.
"Paige, don't you have a class or something?" Y/N asked, noticing Paige still in her training attire: a UConn Huskies hoodie, basketball jersey shorts, socks, and slides.
Paige handed her the pint without saying anything.
"You asked me how I handled my parents' divorce," Paige shrugged.
"W-well forget it. I didn't mean to ---"
"It was hard. I thought we were a happy family, that they had vows, through thick and thin, for better or worse type of shit. I was angry, wondering what could possibly make them decide they weren't meant for each other. They had me for Christ's sake. It hurt to think that one day they'd meet someone new and start over, and what about me if that happens?" Paige took a deep breath before continuing.
"The good thing is, I was able to understand that it's better to have that divorce than to pretend they're still happy. I saw how happy my father is with his new family, happier than he was with my mother... All I'm trying to say is, whatever you feel in your current situation is valid—all the thoughts running in your head, the what-ifs, they're all valid. You'll come to terms with it soon, just give yourself time to feel it. And don't forget, you have us. It sucks to be a divorce child if you don't have siblings. It's okay, Miller. You can mope, you can lash out, feel it all the way."
Y/N burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, surprising Paige, especially considering they were in a parking lot. Y/N didn't know why the floodgates had opened—was it the news of her parents' divorce? The stress of the article? Or perhaps simply the ice cream? Regardless, she found herself releasing all the pent-up emotions.
"Christ, Miller. I didn't expect you to break down right here," Paige panicked, attempting to pacify her, though Y/N continued crying loudly.
Paige gently grabbed her hand, and together they walked towards Y/N's apartment, Y/N still sobbing loudly.
"People will think I made you cry." Paige said shaking her head.
They entered Y/N's apartment, with Paige leading the way as Y/N was too preoccupied at the moment. Paige settled Y/N on her couch and opened the ice cream she had brought. Y/N accepted it and took a spoonful, still teary-eyed.
Paige looked at her friend in disbelief, finding her oddly cute in this vulnerable state, with red, glistening eyes and puffy cheeks from crying.
They sat in silence, letting the ice cream provide comfort. It worked, as Y/N's tears eventually ceased.
"Thank you, Bueckers. I needed that cry and... the ice cream. How can I ever pay you back?" Y/N leaned her head on Paige's shoulder, grateful it was Paige who knew her favorite ice cream flavor.
Paige pretended to ponder the question. "You don't have to. Just get back to being yourself," she said, gently ruffling Y/N's hair. Y/N sighed in contentment.
"I mean it, though. Thank you for being here. I was resigned to being miserable today," Y/N said, her voice filled with gratitude. They exchanged glances, and Paige found herself momentarily lost in Y/N's mesmerizing eyes. There was something about them that drew her in. She quickly looked away, not wanting to get too carried away and do something she shouldn't.
"Yeah, it's nothing. Get yourself together, Miller," Paige replied, more to herself than to Y/N, feeling her ears grow warm.
"Are you okay? You seem... red?" Y/N asked, noticing Paige's flushed cheeks.
"Not as red as you are. You look ugly when you cry, Y/N," Paige remarked, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/N stiffened at the comment. This was the first time she had heard Paige address her by her first name. The surprise on Y/N's face caused Paige's brows to furrow.
"What?" Paige asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Nothing, you've never called me by my name before. Or maybe you did, I just didn't hear you," Y/N shrugged, trying to downplay it. She didn't want to make Paige feel awkward.
"I just don't know what to feel hearing it from you. It sounds different," Y/N admitted.
Paige choked on her response, caught off guard by Y/N's vulnerability. This woman will be the death of her one day. -----------------
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mascdestr0yer · 1 month
heyy if you don’t mind could you write something abt paige teaching her non athletic gf how to play basketball?? i just love reading some paige fluff, ur writing is really good btw ! 💓
for the team
(not like that !)
Paige bueckers x fem!reader
Warnings: there really aren't any, not that I know of.
Synopsis: Coach Geno made a bet between Paige's girlfriend (you duh) who is always (not all the time, he's dramatic) at the team's practice, if you make a shot from half court he would cancel practice for a week.
Requested !
I feel so coolness, keep the requests coming please ! Thank you for the compliment, luv you all ! -millie
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"baby you have to actually try," Paige huffed, rubbing her temples. "Your aim is way off."
"I am trying ! It's hard," I whined, giving her the basketball. "You do it then, since it's soo easy." I crossed my arms, waiting for her response.
"stop being a brat, a'ight. Back up a little, let me show you how real pros do it." She dribbled the ball a few times as I backed up to watch, she bent her knees slightly as she shot the ball from half court, she made it. She surprised herself, but shook it off.
"no fair, you have years of experience.. and luck." I whined as she passed me the ball. "Noo, I don't want it." I whined more, passing it back to her.
"And I don't want practice, so either you keep practicing or my whole team will literally drag me, especially KK." She demanded, my frown becoming more visible, her expression quickly softening. "I didn't mean it like that, m'sorry. C'mere," she dropped the ball, letting it roll as she pulled me closer by my waist.
"you were so close, so why give up now? Come on, pleasee," she pleaded, gently holding the side of my face.
"fine, but you owe me." I say looking up at her. Her hands falling to my ass, squeezing it gently, with a smirk. "Paige !"
"my bad," she chuckled as she pulled away, walking over to get the basketball that rolled away. She picks it up and passes it to me. We got right back to practicing, for almost an hour.
The whole UCONN wbb was sitting on the sidelines as Coach Geno passed me the ball, I was standing half court.
"do I go now?" I asked softly, really nervous.
"Y/n if you miss-" Ice starts, Paige quickly cutting her off.
"stop, she's already nervous."
"both of you, please shut up." Azzi says, and she looks me in the eye nodding slightly.
I dribbled the ball.
I bent my knees slightly, just like Paige did last night and I shot it. Everyone held their breaths crossing their fingers. Geno's eyes squinting to see if it'll go in or not.
I made it !
Loud cheering begins as the team ran over to me, Paige picking e up in spinning around. KK running around the courts yelling, Nika looked so relieved, thanking me. Paige puts me down quickly to run around with KK. Ines began skipping towards me and she hugged me tightly, thanking me.
"I can't breathe.."
"oh- sorry," she let go of the hug, Paige and KK running over to me.
"Y/n, you did that," KK hyped me up, Paige wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"can we get chipotle?" I asked Paige, looking up at her, since she was driving.
"anything you want, I'll get it, extra chicken, extra guac, allat. I'll buy you boba too-"
"me too?" KK asked.
"definitely not." Paige said almost immediately.
"that's why you suck at rocket League,"
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upsidedownmvnson · 9 months
tell me you love me vol 2 | steve harrington
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warnings: fluff, more pining
a/n: AHHHHHHHH thanks for the love
tell me you love me vol 1
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Steve barely slept. He couldn't focus with you this close to him. He couldn't not love you anymore. And it was worse now, like the entire burden of knowing you love each other was crushing his chest. He wanted you to remember your conversation last night. He needed you to. But also, he didn't. What if you were just drunk? What if you thought your friendship was too valuable to risk?
It was already at risk... he sighed, giving up on trying to sleep and instead just laid with you. Steve couldn't fathom a world without you in it, he didn't want to live a life where he didn't see you every day. He needed you, more than he needed a girlfriend, maybe... maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Steve was in agony.
You shuffled in your sleep, groaning and stretching. The blankets kicked off in the night, and wrapped around your legs, and when you stretched he was forced to endure the torture of your beautiful half naked body. He couldn't look elsewhere, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
He had to get out of here.
The phone ringing was a good excuse to get out of bed, but he didn't know who the hell would be calling this early. It was quickly answered when he picked up only to be met with a word vomit of questions from Robin.
"I don't really remember but I think I just left y/n at the party," Robin was saying, "Is she there? Is she with you?"
"Yeah, she's here," Steve whispered, hoping he didn't sound as exhausted as he felt. "You left her sleeping, dude. Not cool."
"That's fucked," she said, disappointed in herself. "I was not thinking clearly, I woke up in a panic. But she's okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine. She's still in bed," he said.
"Good, good. I'm really sorry, tell her I'm so sorry."
"Yeah, yeah, okay..."
"You okay, Steve? You sound weird."
"No, I'm fine I just..." he sighed, "Robin I can't pretend not to love her anymore. I just - I know it's bad to date in the friend group but... I love her."
"I know you do," she said, "I only said don't date her if you weren't sure. If you're sure then go for it."
"Really? Do you think... do you think it'll work?"
"I don't know," she answered, "but I know you guys are crazy about each other and it's probably time to find out."
Steve hung up the call after promising to tell you that Robin was sorry, very sorry. He didn't want to go upstairs, he still felt confused. Would you remember what you guys had talked about? Would you change your mind? He decided on breakfast, and got to work making some bacon and eggs, deciding he would wake you up when it was ready. But first, he needed coffee.
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When you woke up in Steve's bed you were confused, and disappointed he wasn't there. What time was it? The clock read just after eight, and you could smell the breakfast cooking downstairs. You groaned, stretching as much as you could before contemplated getting up or just staying here.
You didn't really remember much after the party, it all got a little fuzzy when you first started falling asleep. You loved this bed, you were staying in this bed every time you stayed over from here on out. In fact, you were never leaving it.
Except the distant call of food being prepared made you get up. The least you could do was go lend a hand.
You tiptoed down the stairs, and tried to peak at Steve in the kitchen. He was still shirtless, drinking his coffee while leaning against the counter, shuffling scrambled eggs around lazily.
The sight of him made you sigh. The ache in your chest only grew with the sight. He was so beautiful, and he just looked so... boyfriend. You wished he could be yours, you wished that you could wake up to this more often.
"Good morning," you said, joining him on the main level.
"Morning," he said, smiling at you. But it was different, it didn't reach his eyes.
"Can I help?" you asked, padding over to him and looking at all the good stuff he had going on.
"No it's okay," he said, "I'm just about done. Make yourself a coffee."
You nodded. But his demeanor was bothering you. He was being cold, distant. He wasn't acting like himself. You wondered if you did something wrong.
"Do you uh, remember much about your party?" he asked, trying to seem casual but you could tell he was prying. Looking for answers about something.
"Most of it yeah," you smiled, sipping the hot coffee. "But I don't really remember leaving, or coming here."
And it would've been impossible to miss how Steve dropped his shoulders, clearly disappointed by your answer. You wanted to say something, but you forgot how to speak. You didn't know what to say.
"Do you want to plate everything?" he asked, slinking out of the kitchen. He mumbled some excuse about the bathroom, and left you alone, thinking about what happened last night.
Breakfast was quiet, save for the tv playing quietly in the background. This was typically your favourite kind of morning, lazily getting up at Steve's, making breakfast together, just hanging out. But the air just felt different today, he didn't want your sous chef help in the kitchen, and there was no charming banter. In fact, he barely looked at you.
When you finished he said, "I guess I should get you home," as if you didn't usually hang around all weekend, and added, "I just gotta change."
And he pushed away from the table, leaving his dirty dishes abandoned. So, you guess he didn't want your help do the dishes either? Something obviously happened, or he wouldn't be this cold with you. You felt your throat getting tight, and held it together as you gathered the dishes, bringing them over to the sink.
You both got dressed, with him loaning you some sweat pants to go with the big shirt you wore to bed so you didn't have to climb into your party outfit. It still reeked of booze.
"Did something happen, Steve?" you asked, unable to tolerate the uneasy air as you both slipped your shoes on. Maybe you... maybe you confessed your feelings to him, and he felt uncomfortable, you did this... Did you ruin everything?
"What?" he asked, "What are you talking about?"
"Uh, nothing," you muttered, not wanting to push his buttons. You didn't want to pry.
"Everything's fine, babe." He put his hand on your shoulder, letting it slide off, and back to his side. "Just a lot on my mind."
Even the drive was quiet, and the tension made you feel like crying. He had the radio playing quietly, but he just didn't seem like he was totally there. But still, every question got stuck in your throat. You guys didn't say a word until he was parked in your driveway, hands remained clutched on the wheel.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" you asked, hoping that your movie plans with Robin were even still on.
"Yeah, of course. I'll call you later..."
Now or never. "Is everything okay, Steve? You're being so quiet. I feel like you're trying to push me away."
He looked at you with those beautiful eyes, those beautiful, sad eyes and you could see his anguish, you could see there was something he couldn't say. Words were being left unsaid. Was he scared? What was he scared of? You thought... you really thought he could tell you anything.
"I'm fine," he said finally, giving you another small, fake smile.
You faked a smile, trying not to show that your heart dropped into your stomach. You had this painful fear that you'd told him that you loved him, and he'd wished you hadn't. What the fuck happened between the party and Steve's house? It was killing you. His pain was torture, and you wouldn't forgive yourself if you'd ruined the most important relationship in your life.
You nodded, and patted his leg before climbing out the car, shuffling inside before he could see how concerned you were about him.
You leaned on a wall near the door, just pondering what happened. You woke up in his bed, usually you slept in the guest room, or when you were really drunk you'd even crash on the couch. Did you being in his space make him unhappy? Maybe you were stubborn, refusing to leave his bed until he loved you. But, that didn't seem like something you would do.
A knock on the door kicked you out of your thoughts.
You opened it, and Steve was there, standing still, breathing heavy. When the door fully opened, he nearly sprung at you, not intimidatingly but like... like he couldn't stop himself from scooping up your cheeks in his hands and kissing you.
And Steve was kissing you like a starving man. Like this was the moment he'd waited for his whole life. He was soft, and tender but also desperate and passionate and you could feel everything. You could feel how he felt. Like you were one person. You kissed him back, taken by surprise but delighted. You loved him. And he loved you. And being together like this just felt right.
You moaned, unable to deny the sparks between the two of you for one more moment.
His lips were just so soft, and warm. And as his thumbs rubbed your cheeks soothingly, you thought for sure your knees would buckle from the romance of it all. You swooned, this was real life swooning.
"Tell me you love me," he whispered, barely pulling away to say it. You realize he's crying, barely, lightly, but he is, because this is the scariest thing he's ever done. He thinks that he'll perish, die if you don't actually love him back. And he's immediately returned to kissing you, backing you both up until your back hit the living room wall. "Please," he begged, breathless and desperate to hear it. He had to hear it. He was sure he would die if you didn't say it. He has to know he wasn't wrong to risk it all...
And everything came rushing back. Laying across from Steve, asking him if you were in love. Confessing your love for him and telling him him that you would still love him in the morning...
And you did.
Of course you did.
You think there's a part of you that has loved Steve since the moment you met.
He feels like home. Just being near him makes you feel safe, and comfortable. He was everything you needed, and you two were idiots to wait this long to confess. But, better late than never.
"I love you," you whispered, mumbling against his lips, returning his feverish kisses. His hands trailed down to your hips, gripping tightly and pressing himself into you. Trying to mold himself to you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close as he could get. He was a part of you, a part of your heart.
His tongue rolled into your mouth, and the grip he had on your hips tightened, making you moan again. And then he slowed, kissing you slowly. He sucked your bottom lip between his teeth, and pulled away, letting it slip out of his grip and back into place. He kissed you tenderly a few times.
"Say it again," he said, pulling back and resting his forehead against yours. It wasn't demanding, it was loving. He wanted to hear you say it over and over for the rest of his life.
You were breathless, but you still whispered, "I love you."
"I love you," he said, kissing you one more time. "I can't stop it, I don't want to stop it," he said. "I love you, y/n. And I want to be with you... if you'll have me."
"I love you Steve," you said, relieved that you could just love him without the longing, without the pining, and the hiding. You two were free.
"Again," he demanded, smiling, and the smile made it all the way back to his eyes. And he was himself again.
"Don't want to wear it out," you laughed, pulling him into a hug. And you held him there for a while.
"Never," he whispered, "I'll never get tired of it, I promise you that."
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TAGLIST: @thebeatles-world @thatbItchs-world @plk-18 @pausmoon @onlyangle1
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