#like cinderella having very little sleep in her life
cicicolorao · 10 months
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I hope to one day come back to this idea, but I’d love to illustrate the disney princesses in my own style, with some redesigns to some of them, or just adding neat details I think are cool, like elvish attributes. For now, sketches!
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masterhallmark · 6 months
Rant incoming
I feel like the problem with a lot of Disney's live action remakes (and arguably Wish) is they're trying to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists, namely the people who used to claim that the Disney Princesses were sexist.
All the interviews tend to include, "Well she's not chasing a MAN anymore" which...almost no one sees the princesses like that, anymore. Virtually NO ONE still believes the princesses are man-chasing sexist caricatures of women.
Cinderella is now hailed as an abuse victim who stayed strong long enough to get help to get out of her situation. Anyone who says she should have saved herself is basically regarded as a victim blamer. And it's very clear in the film she wasn't looking to marry the prince, she just wanted a night off. She was the only one who wasn't in line to meet him. She didn't find out she met the prince until he went looking for her!
Snow White is now hailed for her negotiation skills, ability to calm down after extreme stress (she had a moment of panic and had to cry for a bit, but who wouldn't after finding out The Queen hired someone to kill you?), and ability to take charge of a house of adult men. And again, she was an abuse victim, this time trying to escape ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS. While she dreamed of her prince, it was secondary to her main goal of SURVIVAL. There are also entire video essays about how Snow White gave hope to people during The Great Depression.
Everyone acknowledges that Ariel wanted to be human BEFORE meeting Eric. We all know she was a nerd hyperfixating on humans, and also standing up to her prejudiced father.
We understand Sleeping Beauty wasn't the main character, the Three Good Fairies were, AND PHILLIP WOULD NEVER HAVE BEATEN MALEFICENT WITHOUT THEM! He literally depended on them! WOMEN SAVED THE DAY! But even then, is it really such a sin for a girl to fantasize about romance and fall for someone with corny pickup lines?
We all understand Jasmine just wanted someone to treat her LIKE A PERSON. She rejected every Prince before Aladdin because they treated her like a prize. So why did they need her to want to be Sultan? How did that make her more feminist when she already wanted to be treated like an equal and have a say in her future? Is it only empowering if you want a career in politics?
We admire that Belle, despite living in a judgemental village, was kind to everyone (even though she found the village life dull), and her story teaches girls that the guy everyone else loves isn't always a good guy. What's sexist about teaching girls about red flags? And she didn't start being nice to The Beast until he started treating her with respect and kindness.
Do I really NEED to defend Mulan or Tiana? I think they speak for themselves.
Rapunzel was yet another abuse victim who just needed a little help to get out of her bad situation. In this case, she also needed to learn that she was an abuse victim, and that what Mother Gothel did WASN'T normal, much like many victims of gaslighting.
And don't get me started on the non-princess animals.
Perdita had a healthy relationship with Pongo to the point she was open to express her pregnancy fears to him, and was ready to TEAR APART Cruella's goons for daring to touch her puppies as well as adopting the other puppies. Like, she was so ferocious the goons mistook her for a hyena! She's basically that "I AM THAT GIRL'S MOTHER!" scene from SpyXFamily if Yor were a dog. She and her husband were a TEAM.....but they made a Cruella live action to turn her into a girlboss?! The literal animal abuser!? THAT'S the woman you wanted to put on a pedestal when Perdita was RIGHT THERE!?
Duchess kept her kittens calm after they had been catnapped and was classy as heck. Nice to everyone regardless of social class during a time period where that was uncommon.
Lady stood up to Tramp when she believed he had abandoned her and didn't really care about her. She found out he was a heartbreaker and was like, "Nuh uh. No. You are not doing that to me! You put me through enough."
Miss Bianca from The Rescuers was IN CHARGE the whole movie, and was willing to risk life and limb to save an innocent child. THAT TINY MOUSE TOOK ON ALLIGATORS! And she picked Bernard to accompany her because he was the only one who wasn't ogling her. And then in the sequel SHE DID IT ALL AGAIN! I wish I were as brave as her.
Like, the public haven't accused these ladies of being sexist caricatures since 2014 (Actresses and actors don't count, they're out of touch like the rest of Hollywood) yet Disney is operating under the assumption that the public still thinks that way, hence all the "sHe'S nOt AfTeR a MaN iN ThIs VeRsIOn" talk.
The live action remakes are trying to attract an audience that doesn't really exist much, anymore, and back when it did exist, was comprised mainly of people who didn't actually watch the films. The Disney princesses are no longer seen as sexist, and feminine qualities are no longer seen as weak or undesirable.
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tarisbackyard · 4 months
Here's how to write an authentic Grimm style fairytale, brought to you by a Certified German TM:
Forget everything Disney movies taught you, besides maybe Snowwhite, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. But even those are on thin fucking ice. Also ignore modern fantasy literature conventions, especially Dungeons & Dragons type stuff.
Ideally only the protagonist or none of the characters ought to have names. And the names should either be really fucking ordinary, or some kind of epithet. Like, either that's a Franz or a Bramblesock, cause when Bramblesock was a child he lost a sock in a shrub of brambles. Everyone else is either the king, the grandma, or the carpenter.
The common types of protagonist: Regular working class guy who cons his way into a life of riches, poor downtrodden peasant who through hardworking kindness is granted salvation (usually via gaining riches), too pure too good for this world princess who can't catch a fucking break, too nasty too bratty for this world princess who gets taught a lesson in humility.
The characters are generally very one note and the only kind of character growth they can experience boils down to "maybe I shouldn't have been a dick, huh?"
The location is either as vague as possible or super fucking specific for no reason; either the story takes place literally nowhere or in the town of Buxtehude.
Animals and inanimate objects that can talk for no apparent reason and no one bats an eye at are always a great addition.
If you want to add any fantasy races, use giants (large, dumb brutes), dwarves (angry little guys who live in the wilderness and get really angry if you touch their beards), or gnomes (mischievous house spirits who might be helpful but watch out!), but never more than one of these. Fairies are rare and usually the "tall beautiful wise woman" type, not the small annoying pixie type. Dragons are very pointedly no-where to be found, those distinctly belong in sagas, which are their own distinct type of literature.
Weird moral of the story that either boils down to "be smarter than all the other fuckers", "good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people", or "don't upset the supernatural".
Random tidbits of gore that no one bats an eye at.
Witches eat children, if a mother gets more than single line dedicated to her she's evil, fathers are spineless and/or assholes who either die or come around in the end.
Ugly means evil, pretty means good. Except when it doesn't.
Optional: Repeated rhyming phrases and numbers. Seventh son of a seventh son kinda stuff. The numbers 3, 7, 12, and 13 in particular.
Ideally a 19th century scholar should be able to read some clumsy Germanic pagan wishful thinking into the story, no matter how big and obvious the Christian overtones are.
Optional: Start the story with "Once upon a time" and end it with "And if they didn't die, then they are still alive today."
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breekento · 7 months
hello! I love your fics on Higuruma on AO3! wanted to ask if you take any requests for Prisoner!Higuruma who survives culling games and turns himself in jail, but reader regularly visits him and waits for his release ?🥹 A bit of angst but fluff at the end please 💞
thank you for being my first fic request! I probably won’t write these as long as my fics on AO3 because it would take me months lol! But these are fun writing practices for me!
(wc: 1.6k, no smut, just pain and fluff)
“How are you sleeping, doll? Are you getting everything you need?” His voice crackles through the phone.
Your fingers tremble, squeezing the phone so tightly you were surprised it didn’t crumble in your grasp. “I guess so,” you reply in a small voice.
“I don’t like the sound of that, baby.”
You knew better than to lie, he was intelligent and ever observant of every hitch or quirk in your voice. “I just miss you, Hiro,” you say shakily.
He sighs deeply on the other line. “I miss you, too, doll. More than you can ever know. You’re still coming to see me tomorrow, right? I need to see that beautiful face.”
“Of, course.” How could you forget? It has become your weekly routine. Every week, the night before your visits with Hiromi, tossing hangers draped in clothes over your head in search of the perfect outfit. Open toed, too short, mesh, crop top. At some point you would need to go shopping for appropriate clothes to visit your boyfriend in prison but for whatever reason, it felt as if you were accepting defeat.
You knew very little of Hiromi’s mysterious work-life and he liked to keep it that way. The world of sorcery was foreign to you and your knowledge was shallow. Hence, the ringing in your ears, the numb feeling on your fingertips as your brain struggled to connect the dots on that day.
“I just don’t understand why you’re doing this to me, Hiro,” your voice was raspy, tears flowing down your face as you followed him out of the door.
“I can’t tell you,” he says, cold and distant as if he were desperately trying to disconnect from the harsh world around him.
“Look,” his voice is softer. His hands cup your face, lip distorted and eyebrows twisted upward in agony. “I’ve done bad, bad things. I can’t live with myself like this. You don’t want me here.”
“B-but how do you know? You don’t know,” you fumble over your words.
“I’ll be gone for a while, doll,” his forehead pressed against yours. At that moment, it felt doable. How long? Why? What have you done? You never asked, worried that you wouldn’t accept the answer.
Years had passed and it was doable. Not short of late nights, curled under the covers, fingers searching for the smell of his cologne and hair gel. Elbow stretched as far as you could reach, hand fumbling for the zipper on the back of your dress. Shit, if Hiromi was just here. Small tasks felt big.
Sitting behind your desk, mindlessly searching through your emails as a thinly faced coworker pops her head over the cubicle. “Are you going to the office pot-luck tonight?” She beams.
“Oh,” you jump in your seat. “I have plans.”
She frowns, resting her head on the half-wall. “You never do anything.”
You shrug, looking toward your computer screen. Explaining that you’re visiting your prison boyfriend was not something you cared to delve into with a superficial level of coworker.
The clock strikes 5:00pm and you are your own version of Cinderella, tossing your purse over your shoulder and striding towards the door. Only in this story, you weren’t running away from the probability of your carriage turning into a pumpkin. You were running toward your murderer of a boyfriend, clinging to that 30 minutes of quality time.
It couldn’t have been Hiromi. Not your Hiromi. The Hiromi who stayed awake late at night, holding your body close as it ached on your monthly. The Hiromi with tender fingers that grazed your skin covered in bubbles as you leaned against his skin as warm water poured over the two of you. The Hiromi who replaced the fresh flowers on your dining table every week, knowing you loved the scent. He couldn’t have been a killer. Surely it was for a reason. Was there such a reason?
“I’m here for Hiromi Higuruma,” you say through the window.
The guard’s eyes flicker to yours. Nodding before lifting the phone to her ear. Taking your cue, you sit in the waiting chair. Your legs bounce in anxiety, it never got easier.
The door swings open, a large guard standing in the doorway. Gathering your things, you walk toward the room. The room you knew too well. The tension in the air dissipates as the tall, dark-haired man stands before you. Even in this state, he was strikingly handsome. His hair, slicked back with strands falling forward onto his brow. His lips curl into a smile, eyes twinkling at the sight of you. His orange jump-suit hangs off of his body, wrists clasped together by handcuffs.
“There she is. My beautiful girl,” he purrs as you join him at the large table. It was just the two of you, and the guards that lined the perimeter. How romantic.
In his usual gentleman fashion, he waits for you to find your seat before sitting down himself. You adjust in your seat, face heating up as you scan his face.
“I missed you,” you say bashfully under his intense gaze.
“God. You get more beautiful every time I see you.”
You lean against the table, propping your head on your hands, “When are you ever going to get out of this place?”
“Funny you should say that,” he says with a grin. Your eyes widen, lifting yourself off of the table. “I have a date.”
Your mouth dries. “A-a date?”
“Doll, I’ve been here for 6 years. In a few months, they’re letting me out early for good behavior. Well, parole,” he says with a grin.
You stand from your seat, jaw slack and eyes rapid fire scanning his expression for any sign of a joke. “Y-you’re coming home?”
His eyes soften, looking up at you with those gorgeous sleepy eyes. “I’m going home, baby.”
Every muscle in your body wanted to lunge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and tackling him to the ground. You haven’t even touched the man in years. You opt for covering your mouth with your hand.
“Keep holding on for just a few more months, doll. I’ll be home before you know it,” his eyes are kind.
“15 minutes,” the voice from the guard echoes throughout the empty room.
“My life here is boring. Tell me about yours. How’s work? How’s the house?”
He had truly set you up for success. You stayed in his home, completely paid for and taken care of by him. You didn’t have to work but you feared insanity spending your days alone in his large house. Brushing your teeth and watching his, dry and unused black toothbrush beside yours. His loafers that sit in the doorway, unworn and clean.
“Work is boring. They had a potluck tonight. My boss somehow thinks I’m the biggest idiot in the world while also piling more on my workload,” you say. It felt silly to complain about your mundane work tasks while he lived here. But he hung on your every word, soaking in the way your lips curled and eyes creased.
“Oh and I spent hours getting rid of weeds last weekend. The second you’re out of this place, that’s your job,” you say with narrow eyes.
He chuckles, leaning forward in his seat, “It will be my pleasure, baby.”
“It’s time,” the guard says. Each week, shattering your heart little by little. You stand, unable to stop the tears welling in your eyes.
“Don’t cry, darling. Not much longer. Just stay strong for a little longer,” his voice pleads.
You nod, using balled up fists to wipe your face. You watch him stand, towering over you as the guards guide him back to the mysterious place he now lived. He turns his face to catch your eyes, face sad as he watches the human form of his heart shatter before his eyes.
The door shuts and once again you are left alone. Only a few more months. Those words propelled you, every action you performed had a meaning suddenly. When you couldn’t reach something on the top shelf, when you couldn’t lift the garbage bag over your head, when you ran out of toilet paper you thought soon he will be here.
And soon came quick enough. You stood in front of your full length mirror, adjusting your sundress that fell over your curves. Your hair was fluffy and soft, draped over your shoulders. He knew what you looked like but you needed his first sight of you to be special, breathtaking.
With shaky hands and clammy feet, you stand outside the prison. If you weren’t leaning your body weight against the car door, you probably would have fallen over. You tap your foot anxiously, any minute now.
The door creaks open, a tall, lanky man dressed in black jeans and soft white shirt, the outfit he had left on that day. Before you could tell your feet to quit, you were running, no, sprinting towards the man.
He matches your speed, arms wrapping around your body as he lifts you from the ground. You bury your face in his neck, giggling through tears that coat his white t-shirt. His muffled laughs find your ears as he spins you, holding your body tightly. It had been years since you felt his hands on your back, his breath in your ear.
“I love you, I love you,” he chants against your face. He set you down, pressing both of his hands on each side of your face. “Let me get a good up-close look at my beautiful girl.”
Your cheeks blushed red under his gaze, “Let’s go home.”
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
Streetlife Serenade
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Chapter Three - Weekend Song 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, money struggles, emotional vulnerability, mentions of sleeping together, minor language, just two kids in love.
Summary: You and Steve finally both get a weekend off of work and Steve wastes no time taking you on a little getaway for just the two of you. It may not be much but it’s enough.
word count: 2.5k
Two ←→ Four
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Winter 1986
If I'm gonna lose it I might as well be doin' it right
Steve can’t tear his eyes away from the clock. It had been like this his entire shift. Robin had already yelled at him twice for not helping her restock but how could he? How could he do something as mundane as putting movies on a shelf when he knew in just two hours you will be standing at your door and ready to go?
He had been working to hard anyway, picking up shifts just to fill the time when Robin and the kids were at school, and to spend more time with you. It had been back breaking and the overtime had run him down. The only thing even keeping him alive was doing a nine to five shift and knowing it was one step closer to getting enough money to share a life with you.
When the clock finally strikes five he’s out the door as fast as Cinderella at midnight, leaving Robin in his dust who just rolls her eyes because her best friend is dumb and in love. He knew he didn’t have the money to go on a trip but for the first time since starting at Family Video you both had the weekend off, so he was going to take his girl on a get away trip. Whether you picked him up, met him at the station, or rode in his car for hours. He couldn’t afford a vacation but he could take the strain if it meant going with you.
“Hey baby, you ready?” he calls out, pushing the door open to your home. When he sees you scurry down the stairs, bag hung over your shoulder he can’t help but smile.
“How was work?” you beam at him, arms coiling around his neck the minute his wrap around your waist. He presses a sweet kiss to your lips before providing an answer.
“Long, you ready?” he asks, desperate to hit the road and have you to himself all weekend.
“Yes Mr. Eager” you say, poking at his sides and he lightly flinches and pulls away.
“I’m just excited baby, we got some money to spend tonight” he grins that Steve Harrington grin at you and you just roll your eyes, used to effect he had on you.
“No we don’t but I suppose we can treat ourselves this one time” you smile back at him, knowing this was a big step in your relationship. This was your first trip together and even if it was small it meant things were getting even more serious between you.
“Yes, let’s do this thing” he claps and you roll your eyes, moving to put on your shoes. Steve shakes away his weekday blues as he lets the anticipation of the weekend envelop him. He knew pretty soon he’d be leaving with the wages he was receiving but at the very least he could treat you to something fun.
“Come on baby, take me away” he says as your hand interlocks his and you step out the door. You roll your eyes at his excitement despite secretly loving it.
You had been excited for this trip all day too, preparing and watching the clock for when Steve would arrive. Making sure you had a meal, shower, and change of clothes for the small getaway trip. When he finally came through that door it was like a breath of fresh air to your lungs. In just a few hours you’d be in Indianapolis, in a small motel, and seeing the city for the very first time.
Taking off down the road, dusk falling upon you, you fumble through the cassettes in Steve’s center console. Searching for the perfect road trip album. Just as your fingers find the colorful album art you grab it quickly and pop it into the stereo. Streetlife Serenader starting through the speakers. Suddenly Steve chuckles to himself and you give him a curious look.
“What?” you pry, hand curling around his arm on the gearshift.
“Nothing, I just think it’s funny I find a way to burn my money as quick as I earned it” he says, flashing you a smile that holds no regret. As much as you both had been saving up to get out of that crummy job, small set backs like this made it all worth it. You can’t have a future together if you don’t spend time together now.
“You’ll earn it back next week” you tell him, eyes glancing over his form. The boy you had come to love so much in the last year.
“I’d just broke even tonight, but I know it’ll be alright. There is no one else I’d rather be doing this with than you” he says, leaning over to offer a quick kiss before facing the road.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been to a big city. What do you think the canal is like?” you muse, excited to be somewhere other than small town Hawkins for once.
“Big, what do you think the motel bed will look like?” he asks, daring a glance at you and you gasp softly, hand reaching to smack his chest.
“Steven, it’s vacation. We can’t stay in the room the whole time” you tell him with the shake of your head and he laughs.
“I know Rosy but I just worked an eight hour day at the video store and am now driving for God knows how long. I’m dreaming of that bed and more specifically you in it” he tells you earnestly and your ears burn pink, proving that nickname even further. Steve just smiles at your reaction and lets go of the gearshift to lace his fingers with your own.
“We’ll be there soon enough” you tell him, lifting his hand to press a soft kiss to his knuckles.
It was shocking how the closer you got to the city, the more you could see the bright light in the distance. You had heard how cities were always awake and until now you never really understood what that meant. It’s not until the car finally meets road between sky high buildings, lit up like Christmas trees, do you understand exactly what that means. By this time now in Hawkins the street lights would barely be providing enough light to make it down the road but here, the street was clear as day.
“It’s so beautiful” you tell Steve, an excited grin plastered across your face. You can’t tear your eyes away from the people walking the streets, laughing and talking into the night air. Something you’d never see in small street Hawkins. The only night life there was in Hawkins was high school parties in the woods.
“I’ve seen better” Steve says, mischief dripping from his tone as he eyes you in the front seat. You just roll your eyes until Steve needs help navigating the hotel. After two missed turns since you weren’t paying attention to the map, do you finally pull into the two story motel.
“Hurry up, I want to see the room” you urge him when he takes to long to collect the bags and Steve just laughs.
“Says the girl who just picked on me for wanting to see the bed” he says, shutting the trunk and holding each of your bags in each arm.
“Don’t dwell on it now, let’s move it mister” you jump excitedly and he shakes his head even though he loves you and your excitement.
Quickly checking in you discover you’re on the second floor and facing the street, your excitement carries your feet swiftly up the stairs and Steve right behind you. Using the key to unlock the door you’re met with a small room, pink sheets, and brown carpet. It’s nothing special but it’s perfect. You’ve turned and thrown yourself in Steve’s arms before he even has a chance to set down the bags and the boy laughs.
“Happy?” he asks and you nod before pulling back and kissing him as hard as you can.
“Why don’t we freshen up and get some dinner?” you offer as you pull away and steve nods with a smile.
“Sounds like a plan” he agrees easily. He didn’t have the money to be spending on dinner but based on the way his stomach rumbled and the smile on your face, he would do it. He doesn’t wanna stand here and sound accusing since everybody does their share of losing, but if he’s gonna lose, he might as well be doing it right.
When you return from the bathroom content and ready to go, you find Steve has already begun to unpack your bags. Grabbing the sweet boy and his hand, you drag him out into the cool night air, illuminated by city lights and the glow of your love for on another. You never would’ve thought approaching the cute guy in the record store would lead you to this. You couldn’t imagine your life without Steve now, there was just something that made sense. You two just worked.
“Could you ever see yourself in the city?” Steve muses, shoving a french fry in his mouth as he watches you from across the table in a small diner.
“I don’t know, I don’t think so” you respond with the shake of your head, eyes glancing over the various customers here on a late night. As much as the city was beautiful there was no community.
“Why’s that?” he questions further and you shrug, eyes cast on your half ate burger.
“As much as it’s exciting, no one knows anybody here. They’re all strangers and in a way it’s really lonely. When I go somewhere in Hawkins I know everybody. I like having those relationships. Makes me feel like I belong. I don’t think anyone could ever really belong to a city” you finally tell him, eyes shining into his own and Steve smiles.
“Same, even with all the bad things that have happened in Hawkins over the years I couldn’t really see myself leaving everyone, especially the kids” Steve tells you, hand running through his hair and you grin when one strand falls right back into place, stubborn as ever.
“King Steve hasn’t dreamed of living somewhere grander?” you tease and Steve rolls his eyes at the nickname you know he hates. You use it anyway, knowing with you he’d never have a chance to mind.
“Just with you” he answers simply, stunning you silent and you can’t help the cheesy grin that crosses your face.
“Steve Harrington would move out of his parents big luxurious house to just to bum it with a girl” you say but Steve’s stare never falters, eyes locked into your own as he tries to convey every emotion he’s ever had towards you.
“Not just any girl, you” he smiles, voice just barely above a whisper, and you have to glance away from the intensity of his stare. Your cheeks burn pink, reiterating the nickname he had gifted you all that time ago.
“I’m nothing special” you say with the shake of your head, hands reaching to tuck some hair behind your ears. Steve sighs, eyes glancing along the neon lights of the small diner, taking in the smell of grease heavy in the air, and the buzz of the milkshake machine.
“Rosy, before you I never thought I’d be happy again. That I was just one of those guys who peaked in high school and never really found anyone who would love him. Then on a particularly sad day when I wanted to feel close to my Grandpa, I ended up finding you” he tells you earnestly and finally you lift your eyes to meet his own again, a smile covering your face.
“You think it was fate?” you grin, hand reaching across the table to meet his own and Steve just smiles back, thumb brushing over your knuckles.
“Maybe but that day I told you my Grandpas favorite Billy Joel song was the one that described how he felt about my Grandmother and how the right women could turn you around and heal you when you least expect it. You did that to me Rosy, you healed me” he says and the seriousness in his eyes only furthers his point. Your heart is hammering in your chest because you had been waiting a year for Steve to tell you he loves you and this is the closest you had ever gotten. You knew that he did but sometimes it was all you wanted.
“So I’ve got the way?” you ask and Steve smiles, lifting your hand to his lips. Pressing a slow and soft kiss to your knuckles.
“You got more than that baby, you got my whole heart” he tells you and you quickly let go of his hand, rushing over to his side of the booth and practically landing in his lap.
“I’m not hungry anymore, let’s go back to the hotel” you tell him and he laughs, eyes crinkling as he does and you have the urge to kiss him now more than ever.
“Now someone is finally coming around to spending time in bed” he telased you, finger poking into your side, and you roll your eyes as he pulls some cash out of his wallet.
“Whatever, let’s just go” you say, pulling him up and out of the booth to make the short walk back. The city is still just as alive as it was thirty minutes ago and Steve’s confession has made you feel more alive than you’ve ever felt. His pace is swift, eager to be back in the motel, and particularly in bed with you.
“Ooh, postcards!” you grin, eyes catching the new stand that you couldn’t believe was still open this late at night.
“Oh come on, don’t get distracted now” Steve pouts and you can’t help the giggle that escapes past your lips, letting go of his hand to file through the different cards.
“Hey, I promised Dustin I would send one every day we were here” you tell him and Steve shakes his head, arms hooking around your waist as he pulls you close, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Rosy we’re here to three days, barely” he tells you but you’re still just as determined as ever. Loving the kids that came along with being his girlfriend.
“I promised” you pout, finally landing on the one you loved and Steve just chuckles as you pay for it, scribbling a quick message, and sending it off. Preparing to walk away you don’t expect Steve to stop you, hand pulling you back from leaving just quite yet.
“Wait, I gotta write one too” he says, hands grasping a colorful postcard that says ‘Greetings From Indianapolis’.
“For who?” you question but he just hides it, scribbling the pen and address on the card quickly as he hands it to the man behind the stand.
“Don’t worry about it” he tells you and you let it go since you’re desperate to get back to the motel and spend the rest of the weekend with the boy you love.
Which in three days when you return home, you find the postcard amongst your mail with three scribbled words on it.
I love you.
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cialovesklopp · 11 months
𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐄’𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 ➺ k.mbappé
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — in which it’s the night of the grammys and amara has the chance to make history and shock the world with some revelations
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — amara imani (oc) x kylian mbappé
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 10k
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 — while we’re young [jhene aiko]
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 — @aechii @lorarri
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓’𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — so… we’ve finally made it. one more article and we’re through with mon amour. I want to thank you all for reading, for not leaving even though I had some periods where I couldn’t find any inspiration. You still read Mon amour even if I found myself soo discouraged and unmotivated. Don’t worry, i still have a lot for this series planned. A very big thank you goes also to @aechii who accompanied me through the entire process and supported me in the best way. nothing i could wish more for and i am very happy about the fact that you enjoyed it so much. one of my closest people. and then a big thank you goes to my soul sister @lorarri — without her this series probably wouldn’t exist and this series are as much mine as they are hers.
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liked by liyah_clark, pierregasly and 13.074.652 others
charles_leclerc the amara imani protection squad is in all on-board for the evening
view all 98.074 comments
username omg yukierre being the ones responsible for food
username to be a fly on those walls during that night
username i just wanna know if what pierre and yuki cooked was good
charles_leclerc it was edible but pierre was just there for pr
maxverstappen1 it was definitely better than what lando and oscar cooked
landonorris it wasn’t that bad, the steak was just a bit unseasoned and the vegetables were edible
georgerussell bit unseasoned? you didn’t even put salt on the steak and the vegetables were burned
lewishamilton even roscoe declined your food
username this is a want, not a need
liyah_clark as much as i love this little supportive get-together i hope no one touched any of my things. i haven’t forgotten the foundation yet.
charles_leclerc … about that 😶
charles_leclerc max slept on your side of the bed and pierre used your skincare
maxverstappen1 only because lando took nearly all the space and lewis reserved the entire couch for him and roscoe
username i swear to god they’re never gonna beat those allegations
username lestappen nation thanking the gods at the moment for this
amara.imani roscoe!! 🥹
roscoelovescoco we’s loves amara
amara.imani thx for your support guys, you are the best group ever. you’re making me cry and i’m currently in hair & makeup
amara.imani if i win a prize tonight, i’ll make sure to mention you
username but the fact that amara imani is more important than anything and even made pierre and esteban forget their petty fight
username FR like amara is so much bigger even their pettiness can be put aside
username i feel like we should give charles a extra big thank u for dating liyah and bringing amara into their lives
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liked by charles_leclerc, graceywood and 17.028.543 others
amara.imani big night and big surprise incoming
the user turned her comments off on this post
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her life was truly a fairytale. amara imani was sure of that now. 
looking back a year and a half ago, she would have never thought she would be able to say those words; especially because she loved fairy tales and her life seemed to be going drown back then. and somehow one person had been able to change everything and make her life resemble a disney movie. give her her own fairy tale. 
her love for fairytales dated back a long time ago. back to when her father used to read her stories before going to sleep. how often had she fallen asleep to the happy endings of snow white or cinderella? wished that she would meet her dream prince like belle did with the beast? well, now she had. 
the life she had built now was different than before. historians liked to define time by distinguishing before christ and after christ. and amara could organize her time now by differentiating between before and after evan — or better yet, before and after kylian. 
before kylian, she was there but she felt herself floating between spaces, just there but with no cause. the quick rise and new found fame had made her lose herself in all the turmoil and with the addition of evan, amara soon didn’t even recognize her own reflection in the mirror anymore. during that time, life become meaningless and fairytales stayed what they were. plain fairy tales, made simply for the purpose of entertaining children. 
that was the problem once one lost themself. the genuine pleasure and joys of life were lost with the person itself. colors became blurry together, and there was no difference anymore in what was real and what was a simple imagination of what one truly felt. amara found herself lost, drowning even though the water was clear. herself long gone. and her identity too. 
philosophy described the identity as several qualities, beliefs, characteristics and the sense of belonging that formed a person. described them and made the different from all the other humans and their identities. their identities were highly necessary for the growth of the human. but when one lost themselves, their identity was often a part of what they were losing too. the security of knowing what one was became a doubtful question, followed by several insecurities that were coming up too.
maybe losing herself big amara so hard because she had never truly known herself — after all, the brain has not finished developing till the age of 23. the sudden void that filled a part of her and could not be filled had ripped apart the part of her that she had carried into her new life. the new-found fame. and even the smallest innocent parts of herself were lost the moment she had not known who she was anymore. 
and then there was after kylian. the time where she found herself again. and fairytales became true again. 
sometimes people had to lose themselves to find themselves again, to see themselves the way they truly are. find their own worth again. a process amara had needed more than she could have imagined. 
evan had reduced her, made her believe she was nothing more than a side piece to his person that cling to him and followed him wherever he went. he had treated her career as if it was a side hobby she had been doing and could stop at any time. she had gotten so wrapped up in the false illusion evan had created of her, she had forgotten how much she was worth for just being herself. maybe evan had shown her a different world, shown her the secrets to it and made her see different colors — but he had also shown her how much she didn’t fit into his world. she had forgotten how special she was because she was too busy loving him, trying to meet his expectations and ideals. 
it had made the idea of love seem disgusting — why would anyone go through that kind of pain just to be disappointed? sure, love included pain, after all one didn’t truly love if they had never experienced the pains of love. but when the pain was outweighing the good? the happy moments? amara had closed the chapter of love when evan had humiliated her. forgotten all her dreams of getting her happy ever after. 
it was kylian who made the difference. 
showing someone something was not the way one can learn. they’ll know how to spot it but they won’t know how to use it. it’s by teaching them that one can truly learn. and kylian taught amara how to love. 
taught her that love was not just sharing “i love you”. the act of love went further than that, more intimate. love was about creating. constructing a world that fits the other one as much as oneself. trying to realize the best version of the world. and it was so much more than just creating. 
love was also about trust. being able to confide in your partner was just as important as the feelings that were developed in a relationship. they had to trust that the other would always be there to catch them, no matter what case. trust was just as important. it was valuable and once the trust was gone, even love would not be enough. 
but what amara treasured the most was communication. it made her feel seen, her problems were heard and not just swallowed down to forget. they compromised when they weren’t sharing the same opinion and talked it out when they felt misunderstood. amara had always thought men didn’t like talking about their feelings, especially with all the fights she had had with evan whenever he seemed angry but again, kylian proved that there was hope for the male population. 
he didn’t keep to himself. when something seemed to be bothering him, he cleared it quickly with her and cuddle sessions were often spent with him ranting, whenever he felt bad or annoyed at his team. but most importantly, he never took it out on her. 
no matter how complicated it got, how angry he sometimes seemed at paris, he never let any of his anger out on amara — he never even showed it. it was another way of expressing their love for each other; by being their best versions for each other. 
they were ready for everything. even for the big night that was awaiting them.
just thinking about the grammys made a shiver run through her body. in about fifteen minutes she would officially step into the public again. re-enter the high society of the music industry and make her comeback. and for the first time, she would be opening the grammys. to say she was nervous was an understatement — even cleaning her entire house seemed like a better idea at the moment. 
the closer the car got, the more she could hear fans screaming and yelling from outside. amara had truly forgotten what big importance the grammys played — the night that decided all. and she was nominated in eight categories. she hadn’t even made two last year and now she was nominated for eight — oh, how the tables could turn. 
“on a scale from one to ten, how nervous are you?” grace asked her softly, reaching for amara’s hand and squeezing it. 
“44,” amara replied stiffly, fidgeting with her fingers. her heart was pounding like a drum in her chest, even though in a few minutes she would put on her best million dollar smile. weeks had gone into the preparation for the grammys, especially since she was the one hosting and opening them. adding to that, she also had two more performances scheduled tonight and amara knew that they had to be perfect. everyone would be scrutinizing her, watching her with prying eyes and waiting for a slip up. 
the weight of expectations was suffocating her but she was not about to have a panic attack ten minuets away from the venue. and not when she looked this beautiful. 
the beautiful diamond-encrusted blue mermaid gown that had been specially made for her fit her like a second skin. the dress was gorgeous with its long tail and waves that emphasized the long slit and showed off her beautiful legs. it was made to turn heads and steal the show — perfect for amara tonight. her hair had been pulled into an elegant sleek bun that matched the neutral but glowing makeup. she looked breathtaking so why didn’t she feel like it?
“you are the star of the night and you know it. no album was as good as mon amour and everybody knows it. even the people on social media are backing you,” grace tried to assure her as amara took a deep breath. she was trying to steady her hands and stop the shivering but her nerves were getting the better side of her. 
was she very excited to spend the night with people who had turned their back on her the minute evan had started spreading his lies? no. but would she love wiping the smile off their face by stealing the show tonight? definitely. 
her redemption arc had gone perfectly. even better than she had imagined. she didn’t have any reason to be nervous. she was still fidgeting with her fingers as the car arrived but her nerves had calmed down a bit. this was her moment; her chance to show the world again that she was back and here to stay. 
she closed her eyes for a few seconds as the car pulled up in front of the venue, a small smile appearing on her lips as she heard all the fans screaming. she wasn’t sure if they were yelling for her or maybe a previous artist but it reminded her again of how much she had missed them. missed her own fans that had defended her till the end. she would step onto that red carpet and make everyone swallow their past words. that’s what she had been taught and no situation fit better than this one.
“it’s show time,” grace whispered excitingly and amara took one final deep breath. the driver then opened the door and amara stepped out, the defeating roar of the crowd hitting her like a sudden wave. 
the moment she had finally gotten out of the car, people making sure that her dress was okay, Fans reached a new height of their screams as they yelled out of excitement. everyone surged forward, trying to catch a glimpse of the attention of the star singer while paparazzis were literally blending her their cameras and constant pictures. amara turned around and waved to the fans, blowing them kisses while a huge smile formed on her face. 
as she walked towards the red carpet, even journalists who were reporting live from the event were shocked by what turmoil the arrival of amara imani caused. cameras were flashing constantly without a pause, nearly blinding her as they tried to capture every move. even the other stars who had arrived before her were stunned by her appearance — and the way they nearly saw white because of all those paparazzi trying to take the best picture of her. 
“oh my god, this is crazy,” amara exclaimed, her cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling. 
“girl, what did you expect? eight nominations and your first grammy appearance since two years? of course you’re gonna be turning heads,” grace replied in a matter of fact- tone because it was obvious. “this is your night so enjoy it.”
guided by her team, she moved quickly along them before stoping for the final red carpet photos and the interviews grace had told her would he waiting for her. the poses came naturally to her though it became quite difficult to keep her eyes constantly open with the way photographers were flashing her with their cameras. she smiled one last time, turning a bit so that her entire dress was visible and was caught at every angle. and then it was interview time. 
with a smile plastered on her face, she stepped towards the first reporter, all cameras still on her. “wow, first let me say, you look gorgeous. you’re glowing tonight.”
“thank you so much. i would say i’m blushing but i can’t…,” she trailed off jokingly before becoming serious again. “nah, but i am really thankful for my team that organized all this and very thankful for the designers that created this dress for me.”
“well, amara, we all know that you prefer to hide the muse behind your new album but has it helped you with your success? especially after such a hard year?”
she took a deep breath, trying to form the perfect words in her head. “i guess, one could say so. choosing this privacy for my life this time seemed right at the moment and i do not regret it. i am still a bit amazed at mon amour’s success because all i did. was just expressing my love but i am grateful for the success.”
the reporter nodded before asking the next question. “amara,” she began, “your return to the music scene has been eagerly awaited by fans worldwide. i mean even i was excited when you announced that you were going to be present at the grammys. what inspired to do comeback and can we expect more music?”
amara laughed. “to be honest, it was my boyfriend who inspired me that i hid enough from the public. especially from an important night like this. but what concerns music, i do not know right now. i hadn’t planned mon amour till i had four songs ready in a short amount of time and thought i can do more. i guess we’ll see.”
she bid her goodbye to the reporter before moving along to the next one, who seemed completely marveled at her. 
“wow, amara imani is standing in front of me. i think i can die happily now.” he joked enthusiastically, making amara grin too. “okay, but jokes aside. you really do look gorgeous.”
she smiled cheekily. “thank you very much. i feel flattered that i made you accomplish your life goal.”
“so, how does it feel to be back on the red carpet after your long hiatus? any special feelings?”
she shrugged nonchalantly. “it’s amazing being back. it’s always a big honor to be invited but being nominated is always another step. i kinda missed the rush and my fans. a small part of me probably even missed the constant pictures.”
“it was announced that you were going to co-host the grammys alongside dua lipa but you also have a performance scheduled tonight. that are a lot of expectations for tonight, do you feel ready for that?”
she nodded happily, her hand subconsciously smoothing out her dress. “definitely. we spent weeks perfectioning this performance especially because it is my first after such a long time — and as for dua, we are good friends so it should be funny to host with her tonight. but i’m definitely ready.”
she waved at the reporter before going to the next.one that she had grown fond of over the years. naomi hart. 
“if it isn’t amara imani,” naomi greeted her cheekily, pressing two kisses on each of her cheeks. the typical french greeting the two had developed between each other. 
“naomi hart. my favorite journalist,” amara stated in the same tone, hugging her. the two women went way back to amara’s early days of fame when naomi took her aside and explained to her how the whole press thing even worked. 
“wow, you really look amazing. like can we just take a moment and admire your dress?” naomi exclaimed jokingly but with a slight tone of admiration. “and that necklace — must have cost a fortune.”
“thank you so much. it was a difficult choice choosing this dress but it’s nice knowing that the dress is doing what it’s supposed to do.” she chuckled, doing a little twirl with the dress. “and the necklace was a gift from my boyfriend.”
“oh, the mysterious boyfriend. wanna tell us more about him or about your grammy performance?”
she shook her head amusingly. “nope, not really. i kinda like the privacy we got. but concerning my performances, all i can say is that it’s gonna be a lot. i don’t know the word small but then again, let’s not give away too much,” she answered teasingly, winking at the camera. 
“well, i’m definitely excited for it. you better slay on that stage.” 
“i will,” amara stated firmly before grace walked up to her and the two were escorted inside by her security team. the show was officially starting now. 
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“wow… long time no seen amara,” sarah pierson greeted her, smiling at her while amara only faked small one. that sarah played a big part in her time with evan had not been forgotten. especially because she was the one amara thought she could trust the most only to be stabbed in the back. the comments her former friend had let out about her had really showed amara who had actually been her true friends and who was just with her for the good parts. 
“wish i could say i missed you but mama taught me not to lie,” amara replied simply, fiddling a bit with the microphone in her hand. 
sarah sighed, brushing a few strands of her hair out of her face. “amara, don’t tell me you’re still mad about the past. i didn’t know evan was lying.”
amara shrugged nonchalantly, not caring anymore. “i’m over it. you had your fifteen minutes fame. that’s what you wanted right? and now that they’re over, you’re crawling back?” amara questioned sassily as she checked her makeup one last time in the mirror. “sorry sweetie,” she replied in the same sweet tone she had been used to receiving from her, “but you’re a bit late. now excuse me but i’m about to open the grammys.” 
she sent her ex-friend one last dirty glance before strutting past her, ignoring any other calls for her attention as she made her way backstage. she had spotted lots of people — people who had supported her through the backflash and people who hadn’t even bothered to send her a message through all that complicated time. it had given her the chance to realize who was truly on her side and who weren’t and sarah and her whole clique definitely were on the bad list. 
“was she bothering you?” amara had found dua and grace chatting friendly when she finally made her way back and the latter had instantly remarked the somewhat displeased expression on her face. 
amara waved dismissively. “it’s nothing, just some insincere apologies that i’ve already heard,” she replied shortly, adjusting her outfit. “is everything ready?”
dua looked at her phone one last time and nodded. “it’s nearly 8. the red carpet is over and people should be at their places,” her serious expression softened as she looked at amara suggestively. “is he here?” she asked slyly, emphasising the "he”. 
“you won’t get anything out of me,” amara laughed as dua nudged her lightly, making her laughter only increase. 
amara couldn’t imagine a better person to host the grammys with than dua. the two singers had immediately hit it off when they had been introduced three years ago at the grammys and had since then stayed in contact. dua had even sent her some messages when amara had taken her leave from the star business. and now the two girls found themselves next to each other again. a sweet reunion. 
“ready to get everyone dancing?” dua teased her slightly, moving a bit so the dancers could all take their place before she left to get in place to announce everything. 
“never been more ready,” amara stated confidently, as she stared one last time at her outfit. the silver metallic ensemble that she had chosen for this performance fitted her perfectly, like a second skin and made everything look very futuristic and modern. a complete contrast to the video of the song but the dancing would make up for it.
“have fun,” grace told her quickly, blowing her a kiss and quickly disappeared too as the lights started to dim, to catch everyone’s attention and signify that the night was about to start. and it was. 
amara was officially letting the entire world know that she was back.
it was pitch black. except a few phones, every source of light had been extinguished or turned off. everyone’s eyes were focused on the stage or rather the person that would be appearing soon on it. 
she took one last breath before going into her start position, microphone tight in her hand. the music then began to play as the curtains opened slowly and amara hid a small grin at everyone’s reaction. 
“i’m ready to pull up on you,” she sang the minute the music stopped and the screen became black again before she continued to sing again. she and grace had put a lot of effort into the visuals of her opening performance, with liyah sometimes pitching in as a pair of fresh eyes. but the way everyone was cheering for her, a surge of pride overcome her as she danced — everything was going great. 
she was back in her element, her true nature. performing. some people were great at singing while some prefered to dance but amara found herself home in both. and she always tried to perform for her public. give them a show. she wasn’t one to just sing and do some moves — if she was on stage, she had to do both: sing and dance. give people the time of their lives. and from the way everybody was dancing, clapping or even singing along, she was clearly succeeding. 
by the time the music for hrs&hrs started, people were clearly out of breath from all the activity but they felt alive and no one was sitting down. the song she was singing now was perhaps a bit slower but people could still be enjoying themselves by singing loudly along, which was a great pause. 
during the second song, amara had changed outfit and had switched from her metallic modern ensemble to a beautiful, silky green dress with two thick straps that shimmered under the light. she had let her hair open and in the short pause where the dancers had time to leave the stage and it went black again, amara could change her shoes and put on some black heels. they matched the dress perfectly. 
“and yours, mine and ours,” she sang gracefully as the music faded out and light illuminated the hall again. she smiled brightly at everyone as whistles and clapping erupted from her audience — how she had missed this. 
dua was the first one to join her on the stage again. “and with this, the 2024  grammys have officially begun. let’s all give a huge applause to amara imani for opening our night like this.”
again, huge applause filled the arena and amara playfully bowed down. 
“thank you for your warm welcome. it’s been a while since i last performed,” amara admitted sheepishly as she brushed some hair out of her face. 
“well given the audience, i think you were amazing,” dua congratulated her. “tell me your secret, how do you do it? be gorgeous and talented at the same time?”
“omg dua are you flirting with me?” amara asked shockingly, playfully putting a hand on her heart. “you’ve never been this nice.”
“took you long enough to catch up, huh?” both were grinning as they entertained the public, making the people present laugh. “okay but focus back. welcome to the 66th grammy awards everyone — a night created to celebrate some of the finest talent in the industry from pop to punk. i can assure you there is an award for everything, with big names, big performances and even bigger awards there is no shortage of entrainment for our viewers at home and here to enjoy. i’m dua…”
“and i’m amara. and we’re going to host the show tonight.” both finished the last words together, posing playfully. they laughed at each other again before dua pulled out the first envelope. “let’s kick off the night with our first winner.” 
amara thanked the person quickly that had handed them the envelope before giving it to dua who opened it. the stars were out in the sky and by the stage and both were in for a long night. 
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the night was fully in motion. they had kicked off with announcing the grammy for best rock song of the year which had been followed by a performance from megan thee stallion and cardi b before several other winners had been announced. but none of the categories where amara had been nominated. the energy was high, everyone was in a good mood as they waited for the results of the night and there were no scandals that could be discussed slightly. 
she had even spotted evan, which truly confused her as she couldn’t find a reason why he would even be invited, but it didn’t bother her much anyway. tonight was about her. she could make history tonight, or better said, gain her place in history with eight nominations. though she didn’t think she would truly win all six.
amara found herself standing backstage as she watched lizzo perform while her heart pounded in her chest. just before the black beauty had started to entertain the public, they had read out the nominees for the category of “best r&b song”, a category she had been nominated under though. the energy in the room was beyond anything she could have imagined the last time with people dancing and singing along to songs. the nigerian singer found herself so lost in her thoughts, she didn’t even notice that the performance was nearly over. as she looked up, her hands instantly clapped when she saw that lizzo was exiting the stage amidst roaring applause. 
the stage was set for another celebrity to grace it as all nominees started to hope that it was their name being called out. even amara reached for grace’s hand for support and squeezed it lightly to calm down some of her nervosity. all eyes were on kelly clarkson who was set to announce the winner. 
“okay, so i’ve got the envelope here.” she began as she opened the envelope. “and the grammy for best r&b song goes to… amara imani!”
the arena erupted in a loud, ear-baffling cheers as the spotlight shifted to the winner. her name was plastered across the big screen on the stage while her music filled the stage as she stood there, stunned and frozen in disbelief. 
it felt surreal. she had just won her first grammy. so many days and months she had dreamt of this moment and yet she still didn’t feel prepared. she had done it. 
“girl, this is your moment,” grace whispered to her quietly and amara slowly made her way to the stage. her sensations were on another end, a flying sensation running through her body. she passed many fellow stars, who congratulated her on her way and offered her beaming smiles as she made her way onto the stage. 
she was instantly pulled into a hug by adele before the award was handed to her and amara took some seconds, just to breathe. the trophy was heavier than she had expected but still the proudest thing she had ever won. though as she thought about it, she noticed how it paled a bit. two years ago, she might have felt complete with it but today — she had already achieved the feeling of content and happiness. 
her voice trembled slightly with emotion as she started her small thank-you speech. “hey again, i guess. oh mon dieu, this feels so surreal to me. like someone’s about to pinch me and tell me it wasn’t me. or maybe james cordon is about to jump out with a camera and that little show where they would prank people,” she joked making the audience laugh. she wiped away some tears that were threatening to roll down her cheek. “this grammy means so much to me. but it wasn’t just my work. i want to thank my family, my friends, my fans who didn’t let me down after this chaotic year that i had. that i could still do it. this is everyone’s work who believed that amara imani could do it one day. but this grammy also isn’t just for me because we all,” she continued, referring to the other nominees, “released some terrific music. and the fact i was nominated with you is a lot. i guess i just have one more thing to say and that goes specifically to my mother. mama, if you’re watching this, which you probably are… we made it. the little girl dancing in front of mirrors made it.”
once again, the audience erupted into applause, their cheers echoing for her well-deserved win. amara was still a bit paralyzed, after all she had just won a grammy in a category she had been nominated with along beyonce. her heart filled with gratitude as she saw the sea of faces that looked all happy to see her succeed. no matter if some of them were fake or not true smiles. she was the one leaving the stage with the golden trophy in her hand. 
and it wasn’t the only one she would win tonight. amara couldn’t describe her feelings when she found herself on the stage again as winner of the grammy for best r&b performance. her heart raced and her heartbeat quickened as she gracefully accepted the grammy trophy in her trembling hands. everything around her seemed to fade away with overwhelming emotions and feelings rushing through her body. she felt it from her head down to her legs, that were shaking a bit. all the hard work was paying off, hours she had spent not sleeping and working instead. this was a part of her legacy now. 
and what made it even more emotional was the fact that liyah was the one to have handed her the grammy. she had pulled amara into a big hug, both girls taking all their strength to not cry and ruin their makeup. they remembered the days when they were just two girls, starting university and barely managing to get by and now they stood on the stage of the grammys with one handing the other her award. the years spent on youtube, with the dream of illuminating the world with her music had finally come true. here she was, standing on the biggest stage and walking it down with her second grammy. 
“i’m sooo proud of you,” grace instantly congratulated her, pulling amara into a hug again. “you did it. you showed everyone your place in the industry is the top. this all your work.”
“our work,” amara managed to squeeze out. this wasn’t just her achievement — it belonged to everyone who was somehow involved with her and the album. it belonged as much to her as it belonged to grace because without the latter, none of this would even have been possible. “we did this together.”
her mind was running at high speed with thoughts and emotions. she wanted to say so much but her voice was betraying her with words stuck in her throat. nothing could describe this feeling, this moment of pride she felt. 
“let’s see our next categories,” amara and dua had gone on the stage again after a short break to continue hosting. the two had already announced the grammy for best rap album, best rap song and best country album amongst other numerous things. they entertained the audience with short playful acts and teasing that came to them naturally. and amara was smiling even more because now she stood there as a two-time grammy winner. 
“but first of all, let’s hear it for adele who is going to grace us with her beautiful voice. i swear that woman just knows how to make you feel better during a breakup,” amara announced, laughing at the end of her phrase. 
“and you had the hardest of all time. did you play adele on repeat?” dua went along and amara nudged her slightly. “i can imagine amara imani at home, listening to adele while filling her stomach with ice cream.”
“can you blame me? anyway let's hear it for adele.” the lights dimmed again as the curtains opened and adele appeared. the hosts left the stage quickly and took their places next to grace and liyah to listen to the british singer. 
the atmosphere was beautiful, a mix of admiration and warmth as adele brightened the stage. “easy on me” was definitely one of her top songs with the way the lyrics were able to pull someone in so quickly and literally attach them to her voice. listening to adele was a journey that had to be felt in every inch of the body, it went further than just listening to it. it reminded amara again, why she looked up to adele and beyoncé so much. 
the performance was nothing short of breathtaking, with her eyes recounting every detail of the song. the entire arena was left speechless again, singing quietly along but all eyes were on stage. when the final note had been sung, the room erupted into loud applause, a standing ovation that seemed to go on forever.
after adele’s performance, it was sza to take the stage and announce the winner for best pop/duo group performance. she stepped up to the microphone with a huge smile firstly expressed her love towards adele before naming the nominees again . 
amara subconsciously grabbed liyah’s and grace’s hand, squeezing them both as her leg trembled a bit because of all the anticipation. “and the winner is… wow, amara imani, come get your third grammy of the night.”
the cheers were deafening and the camera turned to amara to capture her expression. grace and liyah pulled her in for a group hug, the friendship trip jumping up and down as they celebrated. she accepted hugs from stars next to her, such as taylor swift and chloe bailey before making her way to the stage. the two black artists shared a short embrace before sza stepped aside to let amara speak. 
“is this normal? i mean winning one is already incredible but winning three — damn. firstly a big shoutout to cardi b because she slayed just as much as i did,” amara pointed to the female ripper and blew her extra air kisses before continuing, “okay, so big thank you again to my mother. for pushing me into the arts when i told you back then i didn’t want to. and a big thank you to my father, for sacrificing his time to accompany me to rehearsals instead of watching football — though i’m pretty sure, though i’m sure you’re not that mad about it. to my amazing fans, thank you too for putting up with me and not turning insane when everyone was labeling me as a crazy bitch.” laughter erupted throughout the arena as she paused for a moment. “thank you to my boyfriend without whom i guess this song wouldn’t exist. standard thank you to my besties grace and liyah, all those late night facetime calls were definitely worth it.”
“to all the other people who were nominated here, i loved your performances. adele, just wow and lizzo, i love you,” she blew a small kiss towards the black artist who copied the act. “and lastly before i forget, thank you to my bestie’s boyfriend charles leclerc and the amara imani protection squad. it’s lovely that you love me enough to stay up till six in the morning for me. i love you guys.”
applause erupted once more as amara finished her speech and left the stage again. she rejoined grace and liyah, giving them her grammy and sat down again. there would be a commercial break any moment, which amara wanted to use to change her dress. because the way it seemed, there was no doubt that she was the big winner of the night. 
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breathtaking was the only word that came to mind as amara looked at herself in the mirror. the exquisite black gown was the definition of elegance and beauty and fit amara like a second skin. it was perfect for the announcement of the award that everyone had been waiting for — the grammy for album of the year. 
the dress had been a gift from versace and it reflected her beautifully. the classical mermaid dress, covered with a beautiful lacework and black crystals created an ethereal image of her. 
the shoulderless dress perfectly highlighted the jewelry she was be wearing. especially the beautiful necklace, kylian had gifted her. 
“wow,” liyah exclaimed as amara walked out, her eyes spotting her. “they don’t do things half-way, do they?”
amara only chuckled and did a little spin to show every angle of the dress. the gown especially showcased her décolletage and with it, her boobs that seemed to be bigger than they actually were in this dress. 
“you look breathtaking,” grace appeared from behind them, having chosen to change her dress too. “gorgeous isn’t enough to describe this dress.”
“but it’s you who makes it shine,” liyah finished. “i wanna borrow that dress asap.”
amara laughed. “poor charles. you’ll drive him crazy if you ever wear that dress.” 
“and don’t tell me you plan to wear it to a casual date. let’s not disrespect this masterpiece,” grace chimed in which resulted in both laughing.
liyah shrugged dismissively. “never. but the next driver’s gala, if me and charles are still going strong, why not wear it there…” she trailed off, a playful expression on her face. “make him leave earlier to take it off me… what’s for sure is that we’ll definitely not be able to christen some toilets in this.”
“liyah!” amara exclaimed and began to laugh, joined by grace who also started to laugh due to amara’s infectious smile. 
“we all know i’m right though. i’m the bad bitch to his big d energy. but enough about my relationship. let’s talk about you, miss five-time grammy-award winner. no one stands a chance tonight. and don’t forget our bet,” liyah threatened in a joking way. 
amara held up her hands. “don’t worry. let’s go now before i miss the last performance. and i want to see bruno mars live at least once in my life.”
the trio went back to their seats again and sat down just in time as the lights went out. amara quietly thanked taylor who complimented her outfit and send a radiant smile towards ella mai who had gushed about the dress. 
the nominee’s names had all been said already along with a small introduction for each album but before they could announce the winner, they would firstly be graced with a honorary performance from bruno mars. 
amara jumped up to her feet when the stage transformed into a light spectacle and bruno mars along with his usual band stepped out. the crowd erupted into screams as he launched into a medley of his greatest hits and amara found no shame in herself as she sang loudly along. and it seemed that she wasn’t the only one. 
the entire arena had gotten on their feet to dance to bruno mars. they sang along to every word of ‘locked out of heaven’ screaming around out of joy. bruno mars certainly held that power — bringing together everyone and getting everybody to dance. 
it felt too short as the last notes of his performance were played out and the song came to an end. amara was one of the first persons to clap, hardly being able to contain her excitement. after bruno mars performance, she felt recharged with energy again. his performance just brightened the whole atmosphere. especially because the evening was coming to an end. 
it was the vibing of her phone that tore her attention away from the stage as she picked up her phone. instantly a smile appeared on her face when she saw that it was kylian and she instantly opened it. they had spoken earlier but it had been to his time, shortly before nine and amara couldn’t imagine him being awake now if it hadn’t been for her. 
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amara turned around, hoping to spot kylian wherever he was hiding but it was useless since the biggest award of the night was about to be announced. she would be lying if she wasn’t nervous even though she had already won five prices that night. but the sixth would make her break history, mark her place in the music industry. she knew that this moment could change her career forever — winning six grammys in one night. and knowing that kylian was there suddenly seemed to make everything sound not as bad as it seemed. 
“oh mon dieu, beyoncé is going to present the award,” liyah exclaimed, her eyes widening. 
as usual, the audience clapped loudly and whistles when beyoncé took the stage, walking elegantly towards the microphone. amara felt a sort of intimidation as she looked at beyoncé, knowing what the woman in front represented. excellence, grace, talent. simply perfection. 
and she was more than that for amara. she was the one to get amara into the music industry, she discovered her and made sure that her star was shining. there was a bond between them since the recording of brown skin girl — a mentor-student relationship that had made her rise. 
the renowned artist began with a small recounting of how she used to stand down there and reflected shortly on how all those albums actually deserved an award. opening the envelope, beyoncé did a small double take before laughing. smiling she announced into the microphone, “and the grammy for best album of the year goes to… amara imani. congratulations!”
one second, everyone was processing what had just happened, the next amara found herself engulfed by liyah and grace and three girls were jumping up and down. a few tears of joy were streaming down her face as she celebrated, not really believing what had just happened. when the two let go, amara was pulled into hug by cardi b followed by taylor swift before she made her way upstage. 
she approached the microphone slowly and tenderly embraced beyoncé who passed her the golden trophy. amara wiped away some of her tears, her head already looking for ways on how to form a sixth thank you speech. her eyes mirrored gratitude and happiness— she felt out of this world. 
“congratulations amara. you just put yourself onto history,” beyoncé praised her. “i am so proud that i was your mentor and helped you get there.”
“if anything i need to thank you for even giving me a chance. for actually being there for me. thank you queen b,��� she thanked the woman in front of her, who smiled at her fondly and placed her heart on her heart. “this dream became true because of you. you are so much more than just my mentor. you were my inspiration and my idol. and that will never change.”
everyone smiled softly as they watched amara imani and beyoncé share an emotional moment that was finalized with a big hug. everyone knew the little background story to them; how beyoncé has started praising a random black girl on youtube to even inviting her for a collaboration — the queen had always had her back. their bond resembled a mother-daughter bond. 
after both pulled away from their hug, beyoncé left the stage and it was time for amara to hold her last thank you speech. her eyes scanned the room, where they spotted her best friends grinning teasingly at her and suddenly amara had the perfect idea. 
“so the first two person that i want to say thank you are my parents. it’s because of them and their desire to give me the world that i am here. thank you to my sister for always pulling me up and backing me when i needed you. then my best friends, liyah and grace who is also my manager because honestly, i don’t know if amara imani would exist if it wasn’t for those two. they built me up, made me stronger and showed me that family was more than just blood. a big shoutout to my entire team — you did all the hard work. i just wrote the songs but you guys are the ones who spend hours and hours adjusting everything, letting everything sound perfectly and making sure that every tune is sounding the way it should. it’s more work than people think and you deserve this prideful feeling as much as me.”
a small grin made its way on her lips when she finally spotted kylian. she took a deep breath — this was the moment everyone was waiting for. millions of people were watching just to see whether she would finally uncover the mystery of her beau to the world.
“and lastly, i want to thank the love of my life who inspired me to write this entire album. kylian, this album was for you— this grammy belongs to you because all i did was just writing about the way you were loving me. about the way we loved,” she expressed, laughing as she looked him straight into the eyes. shocked gasps, whistles and whispers of astonishment erupted throughout the crowd as they followed amara’s eyes and fell onto kylian. even the cameras were zooming in to catch the revealing moment. 
“thank you for going to training tiredly just because you stayed up all night, listening to me rehearsing. thank you for enduring all of my weird mood swings during the process of recording this album or organizing self-care days because you saw how tired i was. for giving me inspiration to even write this,” she wiped away a tear that had escaped, “i want to thank you for staying with me — even at my lowest and hardest times. there are so many things i want to thank you for but i doubt we have enough time for that. but one last thing: mon amour, je t’aime.”
a roar of applause, bigger than any tonight, rolled over the entire audience. everyone was clapping with smiles on their faces and the camera zoomed in on kylian’s face — everyone was excited to finally get a look at the man who had captured amara imani’s heart. 
since she was scheduled to perform now anyway, amara just waited for dua to join her on stage again. grace had informed her that the winner of album of the year would be performing and in this case it had been her. and amara wanted hers to be the most memorable one from the past. 
dua pulled her into a tight hug, congratulating her before announcing the nigerian singer just as tradition asked for it as the winner of the night and calling her up for her performance. 
“soo… at first i thought about performing xo but honestly… i don’t feel like this song fits now and i lost a bet,” amara chuckled, “so i thought of something else. just like i promised. i do have one special request for someone.” 
her eyes stared straight at him. “kylian, would you please join me on stage?”
the french striker furrowed his eyebrows, a confused expression turning up on his face as he listened to her request. his eyes darted around his surroundings, numerous celebrities encircling him. he looked at her, waiting for her to explain her request but she just nodded at him, waiting for him. 
grace nudged him lightly. “go,” she motivated him and he reluctantly got up from his seat to join his girlfriend on stage, greeting some celebrities on his way up that he had met with psg before. even though he, himself, was a celebrity he felt like an outsider at the grammys, surrounded by all those stars and artists. 
“want to tell me what you’ve got planned?” kylian whispered quietly, making sure his words weren’t picked up by the microphone.
“nope,” amara responded shortly. “just relax and enjoy.” 
the stage lights went dark again as the music started to play in the background. just like always, when the two were together, the world around them started to blur and only they mattered. no one else fit into their blurb, everything around them just faded away. 
their stare went deeper than just their iris, with their eyes going deeper than just the soul, as the music played in the back. time was frozen at the moment; they didn’t care if millions of people were currently watching them on tv — no one else mattered. this was their moment. 
“‘telling everybody you’re mine and i like it, and i really hope you don’t mind i can’t fight it.” her voice was soft, tender as she sang to him, her dark-brown eyes not leaving him. her body nearly melted in his embrace, his hands steady on her waist as they swayed on the stage together. if her voice didn’t tell their love story, their eyes and the way they looked at each other definitely did. his eyes held a kind of look, elderly people often told their grandchildren about in tales: the look of love, that completely enamored look that had taken over his entire face. that innocent kind of love that had become so rare around the world. if destiny ever made them go separate ways, then faith was truly cruel. 
every word hit him deeper than any ball he had ever received and went through his soul. each word was sung with a certain sincerity, vulnerability— amara was laying all of herself over for him, every of her walls. just for him. 
“that we found the one in one another”
his hands were wrapped around her waist, with her back facing him as she buried her head in his shoulders, leaning back. their bodies fit like a puzzle and the feeling of comfort spread instantly while they danced slowly to the rhythm, lost in each other and the meaning of the song. 
amara had never planned to actually release the song — her true and final love letter to kylian. but she had made the mistake of showing liyah and grace the unreleased song and both had instantly fallen in love with it which is how they came to the bet. and now amara was happy that she had accepted and lost the bet because the moment she was currently sharing with kylian — no money on the world could ever buy her that feeling again. 
“spend my life with you, alright”
 their chemistry was undeniable. even a blind man would be able to see how much in love they were. just the way they moved, perfectly synchronized with that certain amount of grace and elegance.  
the french striker was definitely more than mesmerized by her. his heart belonged to her and only her. no words did justice to describe her as she sang—even angelic was not enough to describe her. and she was more than just the sun in his universe. and it was vice versa. 
kylian was more to her than just her soulmate. no term in any language would ever measure up to the significance he held in her heart. nothing could ever compare to the feelings that emerged when he held her or just smile at her. the way his smile managed to drown out everything else. even memorizing it wasn’t enough anymore, she needed to see it constantly. and she had fallen in love with every flaw that he portrayed and carried. they had created a safe space around each other, that let them live like they wanted. amara had simply found her best friend in her lover; the true significance to a soul mate. 
“baby, while we’re young,” amara began to sing the last verses, as the rhythm became easier and the music started to fade out. she was smiling bigly, her cheeks from hurting from its width but she couldn’t stop herself. the amount of serotonin her body was producing at the moment was too much to not show any signs of it. and it seemed kylian was feeling the same. “and walk hand in hand to the sun.”
the song officially came to an end as kylian gave amara one last spin. they both leaned in, foreheads touching as they stared at each other utterly enamored. they didn’t have to say anything, their grins were enough to communicate with each other. even as havoc broke out in the audience, with applause rushing over along with whistles and calls for more but the two did not let go of each other. 
“je t’aime,” amara mouthed, exhausted but happy nonetheless. 
“plus que la galaxie.” he finished, matching her facial expression. 
in the end, the only time they needed was for each other. they were enough for each other, completely in love and ready to face the world together. 
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liked by amara.imani, achrafhakimi and 28.083.964 others
k.mbappe mon amour 
view all 372.546 comments
username MY PARENTS
username i want what they have 😫
username same, like WHEN IS IT MY TURN
amara.imani je t’aime
k.mbappe 🫶🏾 
username new power couple incoming
ousmanedembele finally! it was getting so hard to keep it a secret
antogriezmann talking as if you haven’t spilled it to everyone you met
username we all owe this man an apology
username FR like sorry, we were not familiar with your game
username and the caption: mon amour 😭😭
username especially because amara posted je t’aime, they’re such an iconic couple
username just looking at all those pictures, makes me cry. they look so in love
username but how were they able to keep it a secret for soo long
username mbappe scoring on and off the pitch
username same, i just want them to adopt me
ousmane_dembele we taught him so well
paulpogba ma sister, welcome to the family officially 
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liked by liyah_clark, k.mbappe and 29.754.368 others
amara.imani je t’aime
view all 172.530 comments
username i fuckin knew it
k.mbappe t’es ma reine
amara.imani mon roi
username i literally screamed when she hard launched her relationship yesterday
username how were we sooo blind
liyah_clark you guys are soo cute
liyah_clark i also just wanna brag that we were the first persons she told about kylian
graceywood remember when she freaked out because he kissed her on the cheek?
liyah_clark omg stop. you’re making me feel old 
graceywood feels like such a long time ago when they were pining after each other
antonellarocuzzi welcome to the wag life
username oh my godd, why can’t that be me 😫
username how the heck did kylian mbappe pull my wife?
username MAMA WHO’S THIS
landonorris the fact we were the first to know
charles_leclerc surprised you didn’t spill it immediately 
pierregasly liyah threatened him to keep his mouth shut
liyah_clark accusations!
lewishamilton congratulations to you two, you make a beautiful couple
amara.imani thank u sir
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maliaelise6 · 6 days
Ikepri Disney songs
Okay so I like finding songs of one artist or genre and finding one to dedicate to each ikepri character but I keep struggling trying to come up with ikepri characters connecting to (specifically) Disney love songs. I'm cool with leaving the love songs area but here's what I have so far if anyone wants to suggest songs or changes I'd love to hear it :3
Spoilers obv
Jin: Strangers like me from Tarzan - because I think the theme of him learning how to love and actually accept himself is kinda connected to the song. Also I just love him sm
Chevalier: Evermore from Beauty and The Beast (liveaction) as much as I hate live action, this is so good. It screams Chev. He knows Emma is always gonna come back and he doesn't know why but it makes him happy 🥺
Clavis: I won't say I'm in love from Hercules. Is it my favorite song? Yes. Is he my favorite character? Yes. But its so 'Emma being totally in love without realizing it and feeling horribly conflicted about her feelings because of her duty' coded. This is her song to him 1000%
Leon: a whole new world from Aladin. Man. Play the first chapter of his story if you don't already see it lmao. Mr. "Take my hand and I'll show you a whole new world/life" sounding ass
Yves: kiss the girl from the little mermaid. Just the sweetest boy, man. Licht, Jin, Leon, and Rio are DESPERATELY trying to make him make the first move.
Licht: Thats How You Know from Enchanted. Idrk enchanted very well and I don't know licht very well but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just silly Yves and nokto trying to get him to make a move
Nokto: a girl worth fighting for from mulan. This is where the "not a love song" problem comes in. I do think that if you take away the actual context you can make a connection between the beginning when all the guys are talking about what they want, that's just him messing with other women, but when things get serious its him realizing he doesn't actually want any of them, and that he has feelings he doesn't truly understand for Emma. Kinda a reach but I've never been one for accuracies in things like this lmao.
Luke: I see the light from tangled. Omg. "All those days, chasing down a daydream. All those years living in a blur. All that time, never truly seeing things the way they were." HIM REALIZING THAT HE SPENT HIS WHOLE LIFE WITH NOTHING BUT REVENGE AND HATRED AND AHHH. HIM CHANGING FOR EMMA. HIS WHOLE LIFE HAS TO CHANGE AND ITS SCARY BUT FOR THE BEST
Rio: so this is love from Cinderella? I really don't know for him tbh
Sariel: ma belle Evangeline from the princess and the frog. Idk it has old lovers vibes and thats what Sariel gives. Maybe it'd fit better for Rio? Idk I'm iffy on this one
Silvio: colors of the wind from pocahontas. Not exactly love but it fits well. Teaching him that value isn't purely monetary.
Keith: another one I really don't know. I love him sm but I really got nothing man. Please recommend something 🙏
Gilbert: once upon a dream from sleeping beauty. HE WANTS HER TO KNOW HIM. HES BEEN DREAMING OF MEETING HER FOR SO LONG. SUCH A 'we might not know each other now but I knew you once in a place so far back in my mind that it escapes me.'
Please give me ideas for Sariel, Keith, and Rio 😭😭
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artist-issues · 8 months
If all of the Disney Princesses live in Snow White's world, do you think the Magic Mirror would still declare Snow White as "The Fairest One of All"?
Yes, I do. I think Snow White is Fairest of All because her beauty is the outward version of her purity and innocence. And there’s no other Disney Princess who has more purity and innocence than Snow White.
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I mean, the closest you could get, story-wise, would be Aurora. She’s magically gifted with rare beauty that’s symbolic of the rebirth of springtime. That’s quite the beauty classification!
She’s pretty innocent and pure, too—the tiniest glimpse that she might not be as pure as Snow White is the fact that she’s willing to complain about her lot in life, or about the fairies being overprotective, and has a little mischief in her. But even that is kind of a stretch.
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What isn’t a stretch, though, is Snow White being so full of love to give that it splashes everywhere. Aurora’s scenes with the animals are all about her confiding in them and playing with them. But Snow White is decidedly motherly with her animal friends. She doesn’t just get their friendship and company—she gives. She teaches them how to clean, and helps them when they’re lost, that sort of thing. Even more loving with the Dwarfs.
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So Snow White does good, and that’s part of the beauty of what’s inside of her causing her outside appearance to be beautiful. Aurora, as wonderful as she is, doesn’t do a lot of good. She makes very few decisions that show how loving and kind she can be.
Other than being respectful and obedient and obviously super-fond of her fairy caretakers. It takes a special kind of love to obey three old women who tell you that you have to abandon all your animal friends and the one true love you just met to run a kingdom, instead. I would’ve said “no, I’m not going, and here are all my suppressed bitter feelings about how you keep treating me like a child.”
But even though she’s devastated, she gives up the dream that just came true and fulfills her role as crown princess, instead. I don’t want anyone walking away from this post seeing any shade thrown on Aurora. The purpose of her character was very symbolic.
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She wasn’t supposed to grow and change. She wasn’t even supposed to inspire change in others. She was supposed to represent Value. That’s it. She’s precious to everyone around her. She’s worth protecting, sacrificing for, and saving. She’s everyone’s daughter, everyone’s dearest, she’s all the gentleness and beauty and hope for the future, personified.
I could do another post analyzing Sleeping Beauty (though to be honest with you, it’s such an old and incredible fairy tale that I’d be a little intimidated.) But anywho, to answer this question, Snow White would still be Fairest of All because, I think, in the story, ther purity and innocence is what makes her so outwardly beautiful, and none of the other princesses are as pure or innocent. Aurora and Cinderella come close, and then Belle.
EDIT: It would be cool to see them all in one place, though, wouldn’t it? Not for, like, Pocket Princess antics or anything like that. Or anything too sprawly and intertwined, like Once Upon a Time. But if there were a way to neatly, carefully tell a story with that many princesses, and what they inspire in others, and why they befriend and what they teach to one another…without it being a total talking-head-fest…that would be neat.
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callmeklair · 11 months
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okay so this got really really long so I had to shift the behind the scenes part for another post at last moment. Also I'm really sorry for how long this might look, I did try to edit it in small font but it was just unreadable so yeah >.<
[no beta because me is sick]
prepare yourselves for a ride. also special mention to @its-irsaa-fyp because our random midnight talk brought this au to life
hope you guys enjoy it ^^
this story revolves around a kind-hearted and beautiful girl named Yui Komori who lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. Her own mother died a long time ago, and father just met with an accident recently while on his way to travel.
???: oh~ cinderella~! cinderella~~!— Yui! Yui!
???: where did she disappear!? me and teddy are starving! is she still asleep!!?
unfortunately for Yui, her stepmother and stepsisters were not that welcoming as from the start they referred to her as Cinderella.
"someone or something that is given little attention or care, especially less than they deserve"
to mock her.
Yui: *sigh* they are at it again.
Yui stretched her sleepy arms as the birds started singing to awaken her and her favorite three mice pulled away the blanket to snuggle on her lap to get some morning pats.
these animals were the only ones who took care of her in this cold and insufferable household.
one of the three mices suddenly spoke to get Yui's attention.
Azusa: why… don't you just… run away from here?
Ruki: Azusa, it's not that easy for humans to run away like us animals. they need backup and basic requirements before moving away to guarantee their safety and survival.
Yuma: sheesh, glad I'm a mouse. if only you had done some good deeds in your previous life, then you would have been a mouse like us, Yui.
Yui chuckled at Yuma's comment and shook her head which made him blush. was it out of embarrassment or shyness? nobody knows. well of course except his brothers Ruki and Azusa.
Ruki: you should leave, before they barge into your room and mess it up like last time.
Yui: right! you are right! I'll see you guys later, take care until then.
she kissed each mice' head and left.
Ayato: what took you so long!? yours truly is starving!
Yui: I'm sorry stepmother, this won't happen again.
Ayato: you said that last time too!
Laito: now now mother, please let it be. poor Cinderella needs her beauty sleep too. After all, I'm pretty sure you won't want an ugly little thing with dark circles lurking around the house like a ghost while doing her chores. it'll be unsightly.
Kanato: as much as I hate her for making me and teddy wait, I agree with laito. it'll be really unpleasant to watch her like that. her pretty average looks are the only thing that is keeping me sane as I watch her face everyday while walking around the house. she's already ugly, don't make it worse.
Ayato: tch, you two. fine, you are spared this time on my daughters' request. but now… you have already wasted our precious time, go make the breakfast and, I don't think I need to repeat about your daily chores.
Yui: understood.
she bowed her head to them like a daily routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
later during the meal, while she was serving their breakfast something in their conversation perked her up
Ayato: we have received an invitation from our monarch for the prestigious royal ball that is going to be held in five days. it is rumored that the prince is looking for a wife through this occasion and will make her his queen after taking over the throne.
Laito: ah that sounds so wonderful! but why throw a ball when he can marry a very influential family and also, in the future he is destined to marry a lot of women to stabilize his kingdom. ah~ I really wanted to become his one and only.
Kanato: try getting out of your genius fantasies and assumptions, he'll never marry someone like you even if he wants to keep only one wife. I'm more suitable. me and teddy. right teddy?
Ayato: that's the thing. the current prince only wants to have one wife on his side who'll help him run the kingdom through her ideas and opinions too and not just influence.
Laito: hmmm isn't the king, the current prince's older brother who is still single and healthy, still ruling the kingdom. why will they look for a wife for the prince and not the king?
Ayato: dunno, probably not interested in marriages. and about the prince, he doesn't look like he has any intention to take over the kingdom but who knows what goes around in politics. definitely why they are looking for a wife for him due to this.
Laito: awww man, I thought if not prince then I could get a chance with the king as a backup but looks like I'll have to rely on my natural beauty and talent to press my presence into the prince's heart.
Kanato: gross.
Yui: can I join the ball too? I promise I'll complete all the chores! I'll clean the house to it's finest, laundry your clothes, iron them, and make your favorite foods. Everything.
The three's eyes widened at her request.
Kanato: what made you think, a mere incompetent average mediocre women like you can attend with us—!
Ayato: Kanato. it's alright.
the stepmother stopped her youngest child's tantrum and turned to Yui with an evil smile.
Ayato: fine. I'll let you join us-
Kanato & Laito: mother!
Ayato: shush. I'm still speaking. so Yui, you can join us… only if you complete all the listed chores I give you everyday.
Yui: that's alright with me! thank you!
Ayato: don't thank me so soon. you even have not started working on the chores yet.
the evil smile just grew wider. but Yui chose to ignore it and left the dining area to start preparing for her chores.
Laito: mother?
Ayato: you guys are worrying too much, she doesn't even have proper clothes except those rags. and to think about going to the ball without a proper dress? fufu she'll either be kicked out or made a laughing stock. but I'm pretty sure she won't be even able to step out of this house, as that much of the task and chores will be given to her from me.
on the corner, the three mice were watching the whole ordeal and Yuma just grew angry at the insolent behavior of these people towards Yui and her pure wish & will to go to the ball.
Yuma: those damn bastards- that stepmother is definitely planning something evil. the wickedness is in the air, I can't breathe anymore ugh!
Azusa: Ruki… we need to protect her and help her prepare for the ball.
Ruki: that's right! let's have a talk with her first and see what she is planning for the ball.
the three mice left the scene and went to their Yui.
Yuma: Yui! Yui! what are your plans for the ball?
Yui: ..! you guys know?
Ruki: of course we do, we are mice. our ears are everywhere.
Yui: oh I see. Well I of course don't have a dress so I'm planning to make one, I still have one of my mother's dresses which I can try to remake using various accessories and jewels.
Ruki: is that the pink one you showed a long time ago?
Yui: yes that's the one.
Yuma: then we'll help you remake it! you know those smelly wicked people are definitely planning something unpleasant and difficult for you.
Yui: Shush Yuma, that's not how you talk about people, especially behind their backs. and I'll really appreciate your guys' help my sweet adorable mice.
She rubbed their heads and ruffled around their chin to gesture her gratitude.
the three of them purred.
Now Yui was busy doing all her listed difficult and nasty chores. her stepmother really didn't want her to come so badly that she stooped so low in giving chores.
While on the other hand, the mice called for the birds and explained to them about the situation. Upon hearing this, the birds whistled and called more of their friends from the forest behind the house and with this, all of them proceeded to make a dress for Yui, so beautiful that even the prince will not be able to get up after falling from looking at her. not from the floor, not from his affection.
Days passed and the time for the ball was here. But Yui didn't look very excited as in the past few days, her stepmother really gave her so many tasks that she didn't even get the time to touch her mother's dress. The moment she'll complete those tasks and go to her room in the attic, she'll fall on the bed and sleep due to all the tiredness.
Yui:....! huh! How is this-!
Yuma • Azusa • Ruki • animals: surprise!
Yui was in awe and in tears as she saw the most beautiful dress she has ever seen in her whole life. These animals really remade the old dress into something new with their tiny hands, paws and beaks. She repeatedly thanked them as she stepped forward and took the dress to try it out.
Yuma: You look gorgeous!
Azusa: pretty!
Ruki: As expected, my imagination was on point.
Yui: you guys are really really adorable! I love you so much.
*church bell rings from afar*
Yui: oh no! it's almost time for the ball, I'm leaving. love you guys.
Ruki: we'll escort you out.
Yui and her companions moved to the door just when the stepmother and the stepsisters were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm coming too!
The three of them turned around and looked enraged at her beautiful sight.
blinded by jealousy, the sisters tore Yui's dress saying the jewels on her dress resemble their belongings as the mother just watched.
Yui: … why?
she was on the brink of tears.
Ayato: just cause'.
with that they left.
finally the tears poured from her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of them to fuel their enjoyment more, and ran away from the scene.
the mice followed her, angry yet they couldn't do anything. if only they were human. if only.. if only… if only…
*magical noises*
???: I hear desperate wishes.
mice: !!!
Yui, who was crying on the bench, suddenly looked up and saw a handsome black haired man with pale magenta eyes wearing glasses in a…. blue gown?
Yui: you are?
???: Reiji. Your fairy godmother.
Yui: …
Reiji: what?
Yui: I think I'm hallucinating due to crying too much.
Reiji: and what is that supposed to mean?
Yui: aren't fairy godmothers females?
Reiji: ….
Yui: ….
Reiji: are you…
Yui: ?
Reiji: Are you doubting my profession? Do you know how hard it is to work in this profession? The ethics and norms says nothing about specific gender in this field. What is this gender discrimination!? Can't believe in this time and era, there will be people who'll show such impudent and narrow minded thinking. I knew it, I was born in the wrong generation.
Yui never expected that her simple question would end up with her getting a whole lecture.
Reiji: good grief *sigh* you are helpless.
Yui: isn't that why you are here?
Reiji: now miss mam, I think you don't know how the fairy godmother system works. We-
Yui: another one. here we go (⁠╥▽╥⁠)
Yui: okay okay, I understand.
Reiji: you better.
Yui: So why are you here?
Reiji: to help you out of course. I heard your deepest desires and wishes from far away. and as a compassionate person* I'm here to fulfill your dreams.
*compassionate person X
because it is my profession. ✓
Yui: really? but how?
Reiji: We can start with that dress of yours.
Reiji took out a white wand from his sleeves as he performed the spell bibidi babidi boo and transformed Yui's dress into a beautiful sparkly silver gown with glass heels while also styling her hair with jewels and sparkles.
Yui: oh my gosh! you are amazing.
Reiji: keke, of course. I'm an expert in my profession, as expected of me. hmm but there's still something amiss.
Yui: how am I supposed to go to the ball? on heels?
Reiji: right! that was what it was missing.
Reiji danced his wand again as he turned a full grown pumpkin, from the corner, into a carriage.
Reiji: perfect. now we are ready.
Yui: who is going to drive it?
Reiji: those three mice glaring at me from the start.
Yui turned at the direction of Reiji's stare and saw her companions glaring daggers. But such thing was completely normal for Reiji as he danced his wand again and turned the mice into humans.
Azusa: we are…
Ruki: humans now.
Reiji: for now. Listen to me and remember one thing very carefully, once the clock strikes midnight, my spell will be lifted and everything will be turned back to how it was i.e. your torn dress, pumpkin, mice, everything and everyone.
Yui: I understand, thank you so much.
Yuma: ugh this body is tall, why am I the only one like this!?
Yui: if only you would have done some good deeds.
Yui joked around repeating Yuma's comment from that day and the latter in turn grew more furious.
Reiji: bickering for later. the ball is starting soon. now if you don't want my precious energy and stamina I invested in you to go to waste. Please.
Yui: wait! what if my stepmother and stepsisters recognize me!? it'll be over for me.
Reiji: ah that's true, let me cast another enchanting spell on you which will act like an illusion.
he danced his wand again.
Reiji double checked and made sure everything is at point and now
he pointed at the carriage door's direction, impatient for them to leave. He had to go fill in his reports as early as possible to get some increment.
The three mice, now humans, discussed something among themselves and decided that Ruki & Azusa will be the escorts while Yuma will be the driver.
before Yuma could argue more, Yui looked at him with hopeful eyes and he wasn't able to say anything.
Without anymore further ado, they left for the ball.
Subaru: tch. I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore! 
Inside the ballroom, Subaru was starting to get frustrated in the upper room, where royals watch the people from above. 
Just a few hours ago, Shu, his older brother, the current king, lazily barged into his room and dropped the bomb that the ball was actually being held to find a bride for him. Until now he was just kept in the dark and was only told that a royal ball will be held for political purposes and so he assumed that it must be something to do with his king position but now this… this was frustrating.
All he could see was disgusting coaxing of females and the nobles trying to get their daughter with the prince. It got worse when suddenly a maiden with reddish brown hair and green eyes winked at him and 'nfu'-ed at him. Right now Subaru was running away from that maiden and successfully managed to ditch him. 
Subaru sighed as took in the familiar scenario of the grand corridors of this spacious castle. 
Subaru: tch. well now that I'm here, might as well roam around and cool myself down until that brother of mine and his followers drag me into this whole set-up mess again. 
Subaru walked but tensed up when he saw a beautiful gown. 
Subaru: not another one
He looked around to find a hiding spot until..
Subaru: …..! 
Subaru: she is ethereal
no no no, that shouldn't change his decision as he has already seen some beautiful/pretty faces tonight trying to suck him up, be it by their own will or their family's will. 
he shouldn't stop himself just because of an ethereal looking woman. but it was too late, she already saw him.
???: uhm hello? uh, do you know the direction of the ballroom? I'm kind of lost here. 
It looks like she didn't recognise, good for him. But sooner she might if someone from palace suddenly shows up and reveals his identity because of the formalities. 
Subaru: You are? 
Yui: oh… uh I was supposed to attend the ball with my family but due to cho— circumstances I wasn't able to depart with them on time.
She really let herself be open around and introduce herself without any hesitation. such a vulnerable prey. 
Subaru: let me do the honor and take you.
Yui: you will? thank you! 
the little rabbit has fallen into the hands of a beast. 
Yui: oh right! what is your name? Need to know your name to express my gratitude later for your each and every help. 
Subaru: Subaru. 
Yui: I see…
Subaru didn't say his full name because he didn't want his cover to be lifted, at least not yet especially when he gets to see her such beautiful smile making her eyes shape into alluring crescents.
He silently took her to the ballroom, so that people wouldn't notice him and expose him. 
Yui came back to her senses from her daze of taking in the marvelous interior of the palace when she realized that Subaru had taken her to the dance floor and both of them were waltzing now. 
Yui: S-subaru-kun!?
Subaru: shh. 
Yui blushes as she finally takes in his appearance illuminated by the golden lights of the ball room and how dazzling he looked with that silver pink hair and his scarlet eyes. 
Subaru wanted to quietly enjoy his moment with this ethereal girl he just met. He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to make her his own. He was intrigued. her soft expressions, her soft voice, her smile, her vulnerability, everything. He wanted to know them deeply. 
As Subaru and Yui were enjoying their peaceful dance with love filled eyes looking into each other with the desire to get to know each other more, Yui's stepmother and stepsisters were seen from afar as Ayato looked carefully and started to doubt how much the girl dancing with the prince looked familiar.
Ayato: No it can't be her, she doesn't even have a dress and the one she has we destroyed it. must be some other girl looking like her. 
Meanwhile Shu watched the scene in front of him unfold and sighs following with a lazy but genuine smile, glad that his younger brother finally found someone for him. With Subaru's past and his mental health condition this past few weeks, Shu decided to look for someone who'll help his brother out. 
Time passed and Yui and Subaru were at the balcony at the end of the ballroom to get some fresh air and get to each other. the more they talked to each other, the more they found each other falling for the other person. At first it was a little awkward so they started with random small talks and in between Subaru finally revealed his true identity. Yui was shocked and tried to bow curtly as she started being formal but Subaru stopped her. 
He wanted to spend time with her as a normal person. 
Has it been an hour or two since they started talking? Subaru doesn't know and doesn't care, the only thing that matters to him is the girl in front of him. At first he just wanted to see what she was capable of when she so openly left herself in his care, a beast's care. but now, there's more to it. 
He stepped forward and circles his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Yui squeaked at his sudden movement. Shy, she asked him what he was doing but instead of a reply she was met with a closer image of his face and realized their lips were getting closer. He didn't wait or hesitate as he landed a kiss on her lips in his daze of watching her intensely. 
At first Yui didn't know what to do as her heart and mind were saying different things. In the end she kissed him back, entangling her hands in his soft hair.
it went on for a few minutes as each second Subaru would try pulling himself closer to her or pulling Yui closer to him to deepen the kiss. 
Yui slowly opened her eyes to try parting with him to catch a breath but her eyes flew open when her gaze fell on the watch behind Subaru.
Yui: shoot! it's going to be midnight in 10 minutes. 
Yui's slowly pushed Subaru away who looked surprised. 
Yui: I'm sorry, but I need to go, it's getting late.
Subaru: it's alright, I'll order my people to drop you at your home so it won't matter.
Yui: no! i mean it's alright, i won't want to trouble you, your high-
Subaru: I told you to drop the formalities. and, it's not troublesome.
what should she do? if she stays here any longer her illusionary dress and everything will be exposed and she is worried if the connection they have until now, will it disappear if Subaru sees her true form?
Yui apologizes again as she slowly gets out of Subaru's grip and runs for the main gate to leave. Subaru shouted for her to wait for him and followed after her. Yui was rushing and rushing when suddenly Subaru caught her hand stopping her in her tracks at the stairs of the main gate.
Yui looked at the watch, terrified she gently held his hand and got her hand out and rushed again.a pologizing to him while running away.
and also, dropping one of her glass shoes on the stairs on the way. she did stop in her tracks to go above and pick it up but decided not to as the watch ticked over and over again in her ears, like a warning.
Subaru: wait! you never told me your name!
subaru cried out, but it was already too late as Yui had already disappeared, only her forgotten glass show left behind. picking it up, Subaru decided to find the girl no matter what. his determination through the roof.
Next morning, Subaru's bestie, Kou visited him after hearing about the rumors of his dearest friend being seen with a girl and looking at her with love filled eyes.
Subaru was already frustrated at Kou's arrival but started gritting his teeth at the non-stop blabber and teasing of the latter man in front of him.
Kou: aww c'mon man, you can't keep your bestie in the dark!
Subaru: who are you calling your friend!? i don't ever remember having such a relationship with you!
Kou: Hey Subaru-kun! you hurt me. I have been your reading partner since we were ten.
Subaru ignored Kou's annoying chatter, as he gazed at the glass show in his hand. oh how so badly he wanted to find her and keep her to himself. He swore he wouldn't let her get out of his grip anymore.
was he becoming possesive? even Subaru was shocked at his thoughts.
Shu: stop looking at it like that. The girl won't magically appear out of nowhere if you keep glaring at it.
Shu has entered the room.
Shu: I'll help you find her.
He gestures his hand at three men behind him to take the shoes and leave for the town to find the girl whose foot fits in the shoe.
Subaru recognised the three men as Shu's loyal followers from the start and also his reading partners. Kino, Shin and Carla.
Thus, he let the shoe go because he trusted in their methods and resources.
Kino: just wait for us~
Kino winked at Subaru, and Shin sighed complaining about the enthusiasm.
Shin: how are you guys so sure that this shoe will only fit one lady? There can be many people.
Subaru: the size of the shoe.. is very small. Kou has the smallest shoe size among us all and this shoe is even smaller than that, making it a very rare case.
Kou: Subaru stop exposing me!
Subaru ignored his friend's glaring as Carla nodded, understanding something.
Carla: in other words, the one whose foot glides in this shoe swiftly is the true owner.
Subaru: yes.
and so began the search for the girl that has mesmerized the prince of the kingdom and it didn't take long for the rumors to reach every household. even where Yui lives.
Ayato was in Yui's room, suspicious. Totally suspicious. No matter how much he thinks about it, the girl he saw yesterday doesn't sit right with him as a stranger. he looked around her room, and finally found it. the glass shoe! under her bed.
Ayato: che, I knew it. that cunning fox.
at the same time, Yui entered the room to make sure her glass slipper was still there as the people from the palace were coming & this was her chance to finally meet Subaru again. but the moment she saw Ayato, she was on alert. but it was too late as Ayato smirked while dancing the glass shoe in his hand.
Yui tensed as she stepped forward to take it form Ayato's hand but the latter just extended his hand above and because of the height difference Yui was left helpless.
Ayato: very smart huh? trying to get the prince to you. How did you do it? the dress? how did you reach there when it was already too late to reach in time by walking?
Yui remained silent.
Ayato: no answer huh? fine, for such disrespect, you'll be locked in your room for the meantime.
Yui: no you can't do that!
Ayato: Oh I can, just watch me. those people from the palace will never be able to find you.
with that ayato rushed and locked the door, trapping Yui in.
Ayato: Laito! Kanato! prepare yourselves, the prince is coming! you guys must do whatever you can to get the shoe fit your foot.
Laito • Kanato: Yes, mother.
Meanwhile, trapped Yui cries on the edge of her bed as she remembers how on the way back, it was already midnight and on the way back everything turned back to how it was, just like Reiji said.
except that one glass slipper on her feet still remaining intact.
how? was it because they were seperated? at first Yui was scared that the moment midnight hits the shoe under Subaru's care will turn back to normal and he will start doubting her, making them never meet again. but that wasn't the case as the shoes still remain as how they were.
No matter how much Yui thought it over, nothing explained the logic behind the shoes remaining the same. but at the same time, this gave her hope to meet him again. to meet Subaru again.
the mice notices this and planned to free Yui from the room, but how?
suddenly Ruki perks up as he comes up with a plan to take the key from Ayato's pocket.
The time was here, the people from the palace were here. and… the Prince was also along with them?
Carla: are you three the only people here?
Ayato: yes.
Carla: alright then.
the shoe fitting trial was starting, after going house to house and no one fitting the shoe, this was the only last house left. Subaru was starting to get impatient but he was determined to find her even if she turns out to be from another kingdom.
Meanwhile the mice parted themselves as Azusa went to steal the glass shoes from Ayato's locker. All three of them were glad to be mice as they can use their origin skills to help Yui out.
While Ruki and Yuma slowly approached Ayato and through tricks managed to get the key.
before ayato could notice it was too late, Ruki and Yuma already left and so did Azusa successfully managed to get the glass slipper.
the commotion here was too noisy for him to notice sooner.
Kino: god we don't even need to try the fitting here, it's obvious it won't fit.
Kino cried out the moment he sees the difference in the the glass shoe and the feet of laito.
Ignoring him, Laito still tried it out but as Kino said, it was really really big, no matter how much he tried to fit it in.
Shin: you are going to break it!
Kanato: leave it you pervert! I'll try!
Kanato pushed Laito off the chair and sat himself down, ready to try out the shoe.
Shin: shortie stop! even though you are smaller than him, you are also really big for the glass shoe!
Kanato: who are you calling shortie! WHO ARE YOU—
Ayato: ahem.
Ayato hushed Kanato as the prince was in the room. they cannot take any risk.
On the other hand the three mice finally freed Yui and gave her shoe back.
Yui hurried out and reached downstairs just when the palace people were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm here!
they turned back at the newcomer.
Subaru: you said you guys were only three!?
Subaru looks at the girl and the moment he sees her, he senses her. it's her! he rushed to her who was still running down the stairs and caught her in his arms in the form of a hug.
He didn't need that stupid shoe fitting trial to know if the girl he spent last night talking with is her or not. It's her. He can feel it. the warmth, the expressions, the tone. It's her!
Yui hugs him back for few seconds before pushing his shoulder gently to present the glass slipper. he other pair.
Shin: that shoe!
Ayato: Your highness, please listen to this subject. She is nothing but just a mere maid. There's no way she can be involved in matters like prestigious balls. I have no idea how she got that pair of shoe.
Carla: It doesn't matter who she is. you defied the orders, and on top of that lied to his highness. This matter won't go unnoticed and will be reported to the King immediately. Shin.
Shin: on my way ~
Yui: wait! please don't.
Kino: huh? are you saying?
Yui: yes. even though they, well they didn't treat me rightfully, I still don't want to become the reason for their demise. No matter what, everybody deserves a second chance.
Shin: hehe, you guys will be grateful for your life.
Kino snatched the shoes from Kanato's hands and gave it to Subaru.
and after taking the pair of shoes from both Yui and kino, the silver haired man bent down on his one knee and swiftly lifted Yui's feet one by one to slide the shoes.
they fit!
Subaru couldn't be any happier. she was finally his.
Yui hugged Subaru and both of them merrily smiled & laughed to be with each other again.
the glass shoes suddenly starts glowing and turns into dust. that dust soon forms a figure of a beautiful man who introduces himself as karlheinz and says
Karlheinz: Adam and Eve have been found in this universe too, my job is done.
And then disappears again by forming into dust before anyone could say anything.
Shin: what the hell!? what was that just now!? I have heard about fairies, but that was one scary and creepy one, if he was even one.
Kino • Carla: Adam and Eve?
Yui: is that why the shoes remained intact till the end even when the fairy godmother Reiji's spell was lifted at midnight?
even though the mystery about the shoes is solved, the more Yui thinks about it, the creepier it gets, especially how she wore those shoes all the time during the ball and when she was with Subaru…
Yui: don't tell me he witnessed everything…
Subaru realized what Yui was talking about but he can't also fall in the mood. he lifted her up as he gave the most genuine bright smile.
Subaru: Yui will you marry me?
Yui was surprised at the sudden proposal and cried the tears of happiness as she repeatedly said yes to him.
The wedding bells rang as Subaru and Yui exited the chapel after completing their wedding vows. everyone in the town came to pay their respects and give blessings to the newly married couple. the prince and the princess. The mice were throwing petals from the basket as they watched their Yui finally being happy.
Subaru lifted Yui in the bridal style, causing her to become shy for the nth time and ofc it doesn't goes unnoticed by Subaru.
Subaru: hehe, you should get used to such stuff now because I'll be loving you seven days a week. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 24/7.
Yui blushes more as Subaru walks down the stairs and enters the carriage.
He sets Yui down and leaned in to kiss her as curtains fell.
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
eah plot hole fixer thing #27 because I'm stressed as hell and need a distraction
Okay so we've all been wondering how the hell the whole inheritance of destiny and kingdom management and nitty gritty details about certain elements of eah work. Well today I'm gonna dive in a little.
1.) How did the Evil Queen curse Sleeping Beuty to sleep for 100 years and steal Madame Thorn's destiny when all their kids are the same age?
Here's my little fix-it theory. If you know anything about fae lore then you know there's a general rule not to step into faerie circles (made of mushrooms or flowers but most commonly mushrooms) because you will lose all sense of time and become a slave to the fae or become a blood bag to them. (at least that's one of the more common interpretations)
I think the Evil Queen is far older than we realize. I think she's hundreds of years old but has used magic to keep herself young. I also think destiny is more fluid than we realize and that being the next evil queen is dependent on if you have the heart for it.
Thirsting for power and glory, the Evil Queen stepped into a faerie ring not to become a blood bag, but to learn the secrets of the dark fae. Since time works differently in the fae realm, she managed to stay young enough to walk back into the mortal world with vast amounts of new knowledge.
Wanting to prove she had a dark enough heart to earn the title of Evil Queen, she stole the destiny of Madame Thorn, Faybelle's mom.
Then to escape Madame Thorn's wrath of a lost destiny, she hid in a different pocket of the fae realm
Seeing that she got a taste for cursing princesses to eternal sleep, she emerged in time to go to school to pick Snow White as her next target.
2.) How does ruling kingdoms work if destinies run on different timelines?
I think there's a reason why many characters in the eah canon universe have siblings that don't have concrete destinies.
Take Briar for example. Even if she were to sleep for 100 years after being cursed by Faybelle, she canonically has eight younger brothers who could rule the kingdom and produce heirs to rule while she slept through her 100 year timeline until she could take her place ont he throne with her supposed true love
Historically also, kingdoms rise and fall all the time. If Ashlynn is supposed to live in poverty and be abused by her step mother and step sisters, it would make sense if her kingdom fell or was conquered and that is what drove her family to poverty. Then if she marries say a random Charming (which is canon that there are multiple unrelated Charming families) who isn't bound by a destiny, she is following the story of marrying a handsome prince. Then, once they're married, that is the next Cinderella kingdom.
3.) What about the stories where they aren't supposed to grow up as royalty?
Think back to Briar again. In the more popular version of Sleeping Beauty, Aurora doesn't know she's a princess. all she knows is that she's been raised by faeries her whole life until she turned sixteen. She knows nothing of the curse she's placed under.
I believe that when many of the elder generations reach adulthood, they don't feel the need to take precautions for their children. They believe that their children must grow up knowing their fates so that when the time comes, it'll go down smoother.
4.) What's with the names?
"why would Apple be named Apple-" because Snow White is a narcissist. She has a fantastic life where she's famous, adored, rich, beautiful, and virtually untouchable. How did she get this life? Because she bit a fucking poisoned apple. She's naming her daughter after the very thing that acted as a gateway to her happiness. It's like when guys name their daughters after their ex-girlfriends because "if we didn't break up I wouldn't have the life I do now", that shit
Same with the Charmings! They all name their kids after admirable attributes because they want people to admire them. It's a word association. Like when girls are named Grace or Aria or literally any flower with an aesthetically pleasing name.
These are just a few of my own little fix-its and theories and shit. You don't have to agree with them or think they're correct, but ultimately, we're looking at the logistics of a kids show guys, I promise you not even the creators were looking this deep into it lol
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heyidkyay · 2 years
Just wondering if you would ever consider writing a Matty fic where he falls in love with a fan in the audience of a show? Maybe he writes songs about it all? It’s very cliche but man does it pull on my heart strings, the Cinderella of it all. Getting swept up into his life like that would be so romantic.
Tag along |
Part one
Strayed a little but it’s still very much fluff filled, maybe not what you’d first expect? Idk, that sounds strange but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Thank you for the prompt!<3
Part Two
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It was official. 
After days of relentless pleading and having been so blatantly coerced into it by my mum and younger sister, I’d finally relented and given in to attending the concert. And I sort of hated myself for it. Strange, I know, but now I had no choice but to see some fuck-off band- I’d never even heard of- with my teenage sister and her best mate, who were practically mad about them. 
I mean, I love the girls, I truly do. With all my heart. But having to spend an entire evening with them, surrounded by a thousand other screaming fans, just wasn’t something I was looking too forward to.
And who could honestly blame me? 
You see, it had all begun earlier that same week. I’d been on my lunch break, grateful to have just a minute to myself, when my mum had called. We’d gone through the motions, happy to catch up; she told me the gossip whirling round back home (next door were back to rowing again and Tracey in the post office had fallen pregnant for the seventh time); she’d asked after me, like she always did, questioned if I was eating enough, sleeping alright, if I’d met anyone new…
My mum and I had always been pretty close. She’d had me young, I was her first baby- something she never failed to remind me of- and we’d sort of grown up together. Seeing as how my father (nickname: The Sperm-Doner- yes, the caps were necessary) had gone and fallen into all kinds of shit and ultimately decided to fuck off when things had gotten too real. She was my rock, the one person I could count on to defend my corner, and always believed in everything I ever set my mind to.
It had been hard on the both of us when I’d left home, especially seeing as I was now a couple dozen cities away. But life continued on and we adapted, I went back to visit as much as I possibly could, and called whenever I had the time. Even though in moments when all I really needed was a good hug from her, it was easy to remember what I was doing this all for, and that my family was only a train journey away. They were a constant, even if they lived a couple hundred miles from me.
So she had phoned, I’d immediately noticed the stress which underlined her tone and I’d asked what was up. She’d danced around the topic as much as she could- she hated asking for things, ‘that’s my job,’ she liked to reiterate whenever something occurred and I tried to help out. But I’d dragged it out of her in the end. And oh how I now wished that I’d just left it.
Because here I was, stood in the freezing cold, outside of the O2 arena, in a line full of a couple hundred other excited fans who were all waiting eagerly for the gates to open. 
The two girls were squirming beside me, so ecstatic you’d have thought that I’d gone and laced their drinks with something other than sugar, jumping all about the place whilst they squealed to one another in such a high pitched tone that anyone else would’ve believed that they were conversing in another language all together. 
It was amusing to a point, because I could honestly recall the same euphoric high I’d felt when I’d finally gotten tickets to an Arctic Monkeys gig almost a decade ago now. 
Internally I winced as the memory drifted to the forefront of my mind, feeling far too old for my twenty-three years.
But I could also admit that I was honestly in a tad bit of a mood, had been for the last half hour or so, because I truly fucking hated the cold. And right now? It was baltic and I was freezing my tits off. 
I’d already buried my face into the opening of the leather jacket I’d thrown on that morning and wrapped my arms around my torso to enclose some of my remaining heat, but it was of little use. I was still shivering away with a frown.
I’d gotten a couple of lingering looks whilst here, something I’d noticed but could’ve cared less about. It was far too cold to be stood about waiting in any sort of line, so they could all excuse me for not being overly delighted with the whole ordeal.
I sighed and peered down at my phone screen, glancing at the time, then double checked my pockets for the tickets I’d been handed on arrival and told to guard with my life. 
It was probably the twentieth time I’d done so, because who in their right mind would give me, of all people, something important to look after? I was the least irresponsible person I knew when it came to being organised. 
Because listen, I could get anywhere on time, I was insanely good at that- a job interview, an airport, a school play… But nine times out of ten, I’d almost always forget the one thing I’d needed most. My resume, everybody’s passports, the wig I’d worn one halloween and promised to my younger brother so that he could complete his costume in time for his class assembly…
Yeah, so I was a bit of a mess. But who wasn’t?
Albeit saying that, I had ultimately been the one to score these tickets. My mum and step-dad had gifted them to my younger sister as an early Christmas present after she’d literally begged for months on end during the lead up to the drop of the presale.
It had just been the three of us, all sat down in the family living room, back home up north, earlier this year. We’d counted down the minutes, a dozen devices in hand and at the ready, and it had been something short of a miracle, in all truth. 
The website had crashed a couple times, my step-dad’s phone had died, and then my laptop had quickly followed. The dog had knocked over a freshly made brew and almost pissed itself. And then the postman had scared the absolute life out of us when he’d knocked on the front door. 
So to say that we had all breathed in sudden relief when I’d loudly announced that I’d managed it, was a MASSIVE understatement.
Note. The worst part to seeing your favourite band live; Ticketmaster.
Even the thought of doing it again had me riddled with anxiety. I shivered involuntary, whether it was from the mere idea of it, or the cold, I’d never know.
But being stood here now, I was cursing myself for having been the one to officially bag the stupid things. I sighed inwardly, if only I wasn’t such a brilliant, caring and amazing older sister. But it was a hard life, I supposed. 
“I’m so excited!” My sister, Rosie, squealed, drawing me from my thoughts. She’d gripped onto Tea’s arm in her sudden bout of elation, and the two shared a maddening grin. The other girl didn’t seem to mind the tight grip her best friend held, and so I figured it was probably down to the anticipation of it all- or the fact that it was still so bloody cold.
The thing about Rosie and Tea was, they had been as thick as thieves for as long as I could remember. There’d never been one without the other, and so it was sweet to see the pair looking so forward to something like this, something which they both shared such an obvious love for. 
“I know!” Tea breathed dramatically, looking a little flushed, “I want to meet them so bad, it actually hurts.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the pair, in good fun of course, because they were both so adorably obsessed. 
Oh, to be a teen again. 
“You two are really looking forward to this,” I commented with a light chuckle, watching on as the two girls danced around happily in the small section we’d claimed. “I just don’t get it.”
Once those words had left my lips, I instantly regretted it. Having been met with the deathly glare of two teenage girls was not something I’d offer up to just anyone. 
“Are you serious?” My sister outrightly demanded, staring up at me with a face of utter bewilderment. Scarily, she looked a lot like our mum in that moment. “They’re The 1975, Y/n. They’re- incredible! You must have heard at least one of their songs!”
Tea nodded her head alongside Rosie, bobbing up and down in agreement.
I simply shrugged at the pair of them, finding amusement in their infatuation. “Can’t say that I have, Ro.”
“But, Y/n/n, you love bands! Music in general- I’d bet my whole vinyl collection that you’ll love them too!” Rosie stressed, she then smiled brightly up at me when I merely quirked a brow in retort. I dug my hands deeper into my pockets.
“I like bands, yeah. Band’s like The Stone Roses, The Kooks, Joy Division… The type that make music for music’s sake, you know? Not the kind that strive to get on the top ten, babe.”
I shook my head fondly at the two. 
This band they were so enamoured by were probably just as decent as they claimed, and I could admit that simply because, well, they’d have to be to have all these crazy fans gathered in one place. But they just weren’t my cup of tea.
Ooh, talking of tea, I was proper gagging for one. I’d yet to have my daily fix, and after having been rudely rushed out of my flat early this morning, I’d been unable to stop off at any sort of coffee shop on the way over in fear of losing a spot in line.
The two teens rolled their eyes at me, and my forehead pinched when my sister pulled out a pair of headphones and all but shoved them into my ears. “Look, just listen, okay?”
I reeled back in alarm, having not expected the sudden ambush. “Christ, Ro!” I exclaimed, but the girl only huffed at me before turning to press play on her phone. She gave me a stern look. I relented.
At first, I couldn’t hear anything but the slow intro to an unfamiliar song- even with the swarm of fans gathered around me. But I continued to listen, honing in on the tempo and its melody. And as the song went on, I begun to understand why so many people enjoyed it. The lyrics, although a bit out there and entertainingly vulgar at parts, were smart and witty, they fell with the instrumental perfectly and the singer’s voice was pretty different to what I’d first expected. It made me want to really listen, to follow along, to understand the backstory.
Honestly, they weren’t half as terrible as I’d first believed. And once the outro had faded out, I actually felt a little conflicted. The song obviously had a much deeper meaning to it, but its instrumental made it so lively and energetic that I’d found myself bobbing along almost subconsciously. It was something I could see myself getting lost in, and I wondered whether or not they’d made anything more raw, or emotional.
The songwriter was definitely talented, I couldn’t deny that, they’d had gone through some shit, and I found myself longing to read deeper into their words.
“They’re sick, right?” 
The headphones being ripped out of my ears brought me back to the present and I blinked slowly at my sister’s question.
“Yeah.” I shrugged a shoulder, handing over the wire. “Yeah, they’re alright. Can sort of see why you two like them so much.”
I laughed to myself when the girls faces lit up. 
“They’re amazing! And you’ll so enjoy this show- as well as the boys! They’re proper nice deep down, like really care about us as fans and all that.” Tea encouraged, seemingly quite happy that I hadn’t just gone and shit all over her favourite band. 
“Yeah, they’re so lovely, Y/n!” Rosie added, eyes alive as she barrelled on to explain further, “There’s four of them, right? First, we have Adam, he plays the guitar mainly- blonde, tall, only one who’s started his own little family. And then there’s Ross and George-”
“Ross is on bass, long haired with a beard, whilst George plays the drums.” Tea weighed in, before Rosie was back to chattering away again.
I was honestly beginning to feel as though I was watching an extreme game of tennis with the way my attention kept batting back and forth between them.
“Tea’s obsessed with him.” Rosie felt the need to inform me, before her face immediately brightened, “Oh, and then there’s Matty of course!”
My sister was wearing one of the biggest grins I’d ever witnessed on any singular person and I snorted when Tea rolled her eyes and made a slight dig, “You can see who Ro’s claimed.”
“Hardy har.” Rosie deadpanned, jutting a light elbow into her friend’s side before she gave me a serious look, “I haven’t ‘claimed’ him. I just…”
“You just want to have his children. Yeah, I know, Rose. You never fail to not mention it.”
Rosie stuck her tongue out in retort whilst I tried to bite back my rising amusement when they continued to bicker. The two made a right pair.
“So, what’s this Matty like then?” I questioned, wanting to know a little bit more about the guy who’d caught my sister’s eye, but mainly just eager to poke a bit more fun at her. “Come on, what’s so great about him that you’ve gone and dubbed yourself a tribute to birth his prodigy spawn?”
The girls wrinkled their noses at me, Rosie’s upper lip curled in faint disgust. “Why’ve you gotta word it like that?” She scoffed, shaking her head at me.
I chuckled, shrugging a singular shoulder. “Because I live to annoy you. So, are you gonna tell me or do I have to ask about?”
I made the effort then to pretend as though I was about to disrupt the group behind us’s conversation, but the girls were quick to waylay me, jumping hastily to grab at my outstretched hand. I smirked.
“Stop it!” Rosie all but hissed, her worried eyes flicking back over towards the people beside us before falling on me again, this time they were slitted. “God, you’re so embarrassing.”
Me, embarrassing? Hah. She should be thankful that I knew when to stop. I could still vividly recall the days when my mum had attempted the same shit with me, except she’s the type to actually follow through, leaving her daughter to stand sheepishly behind her, internally cursing the day her mother had decided to forgo an abortion. Dark, yes, but I’d also been a hormonal fifteen year old girl, so sue me.
I rolled my eyes instead of voicing this though, knowing it would only go in one ear and out the other. And ultimately, my sister sighed allowing me to prompt her on further with the rise of my brows.
“Matty, he’s the frontman basically.” She said, back to talking with her hands, forgetting about the whole ordeal.
That made sense, I thought to myself, although I’d always been a drummer sort of girl. Helders, Taylor, Fleetwood, Bonham, Moretti… I could go on.
No honestly, I could, so I was just glad that Rosie chose that moment to stop me.
“He’s a proper performer, you know? Like he just belongs up there, on stage.” My sister breathed, and she wore the sweetest look of admiration on her face. “He’s got this mop of messy black curls and he’s covered in tattoos. Wears all this cool shit and he’s-”
“-also a bit of an arsehole.” Tea summarised for her, before Rosie could get too carried away. 
I blinked at my sister’s best friend in surprise, before a loud laugh bubbled out of me. 
In all the years I’d known this girl, this deceivingly sweet girl, not once- once, I stress!- had I ever heard something so shameless spill from out her mouth, and with the exasperated look she had paired with it, I couldn’t hold in my delight.
“Tea!” I exclaimed, and was so tickled to see the younger girl’s cheeks redden when she turned to give me a sheepish sort of smile. “How crass! I always thought it was Rosie who’d been the bad influence between the pair of you, but now I see quite a few secrets are coming to light tonight.”
Rosie snorted in reply, “She’s done worse. Trust me.”
Tea swatted at my sister’s arm upon hearing that, widening her eyes in a silent warning.
“Oh, come off it.” Rosie waved away with a roll of her eyes. “It’s just Y/n.”
I decided to leave off of the teasing, feeling a bit bad for embarrassing the younger girl. “Yeah, I’m just messing, lovie.” I told Tea with a soft smile as I draped an arm over her shoulders to draw her in for a hug. “You can relax, nothing that happens tonight will be getting back to your mum, alright?”
“Yeah, ‘cause we all know what she’s like.” Rosie tittered under her breath and I slapped lightly at her bicep to scold her. “What?” The girl exaggerated with a high-pitched drawl, rubbing at her arm with a narrowed eyed glare that was directed towards both Tea and I. “I was just saying! And what’s with you two and smacking me about today?”
Tea giggled and I squeezed her lightly before letting go.
“Don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with you.” I told my sister simply, “Freya’s a perfectly lovely woman, just a tad…”
“Insane?” Rosie offered, at the same time Tea said, “Extreme.”
“Eccentric- was what I was going to say.” I shook my head at the duo. “Honestly, the two of you.”
The girls only laughed. 
The line started to move a little while later, slowly mind, but it was a progress I was grateful to see. 
Anything to get out of this chilly wind in truth. 
And as we waddled along, the two teens I was with continued to speak of the band, trying to catch me up on anything and everything I’d missed before the show officially started.
Not that it helped at all. I was beyond crap when it came to things like that- recalling anything trivial- I could hardly even remember the band’s actual name and it was plastered practically everywhere around me. As well as this big box thing. 
I breathed out a loud sigh of relief when I realised that we were up next, and when we were signalled over towards the gates by one of the arenas guards I could see just how nervous Rosie and Tea had grown, giddy but mostly eager to just get inside. I couldn’t help the fond smile which limned my lips then, happy to see them so excited.
“You three.” A large man, branded in a security uniform, called, jerking his head over at us. I heard the girls take a deep breath as we approached and I quietly chuckled at them. “Tickets?” He stated. 
Oh shit, yeah. The tickets.
“Tickets…” I murmured quietly to myself, patting down my pockets to find them, “Tickets, tickets, tickets…”
I could feel the apprehension radiating off of my younger sister as I continued to riffle around for the poxy things, and so I flashed the bloke a wry smile before I started to unload the contents of my jacket pockets into both Rosie and Tea’s hands...
Gum, house keys, a stray tampon. Pack of haribo (because you never knew when you’d need those), ID, bank card, phone, charger. A few spare pound coins-
Oh God, that was where my Argos receipt had got to! I could finally return that shitty Nespresso machine my cousin and her fiancé had talked me into buying now.
I grinned in quiet victory whilst tucking the slip into the back pocket of my trousers.
“Y/n.” My sister stressed out in a hushed whisper, I just simply waved her off.
“They’re here somewhere. I felt them like, twenty minutes ago.” I assured her and- “Aha, told you! Three tickets, all here!”
I wore a triumphant grin when I held out the wrinkled papers towards the guard, who appeared to have been throughly amused by my prolonged charade. He took them from me to scan with a toothy smile.
“Oh cheer up, we’ll be in there in a sec.” I huffed at the girls, tucking all of my belongings back into their rightful place. Rosie didn’t look too cheerful though, but I could see that Tea’s lips had started to twitch, so I have her a conspiratorial wink in turn. Then glanced back towards the bloke, “We all good here?”
“Yeah, all good, love.” He exhaled on a faint chuckle, waving us in through the barrier without further issue. “You girls enjoy your night.”
“We will!” I promised, gifting him a gleeful smile, “You too- hope you don’t have to spend too much longer out in that cold!”
He just nodded at me, still looking rather entertained by all our antics.
“So embarrassing.” My sister felt the need to reiterate as we wondered further into the arena, practically growling.
“Oh, loosen up, would you? He was proper nice about it all. Fit too, don’t you think?” I said, glancing back over my shoulder.
But Rosie just rolled her eyes at me. Fed up, I was about to bite back at her when Tea’s unexpected gasp broke us from our little quarrel.
“Oh my god. They have the limited edition LP!”
Rosie’s eyes widened dramatically and before I knew it the two were scurrying away from me and over towards the merch stand. I sighed to myself and glanced about, hoping to see a sign that would lead me to where the bar might be.
We were here. In the middle of a fucking mass of people, but we’d actually done it. We’d finally managed to swindle our way near the front of standing, practically touching the barriers, even after having loaded up on snacks and drinks- mine mostly alcoholic.
The girls were buzzing. Looking all cute and excited in the outfits they’d planned months in advance, singing along to the set that was playing through the speakers to keep the crowd entertained before things begun.
And me? I was getting swept up in the atmosphere. Unable to believe that I’d almost forgotten how good it all felt. Because live music was truly unmatched.
There was just something about the heavy thud you felt in your veins, how being this close to the amps could make your chest ache in the very best way, and how’d you’d have to scream just to be heard over all the noise whilst you got lost in an avalanche of happy people. 
It really had been too long.
I was already a fair few drinks in by the time the opening act came out, and was chatting away to the couple crowded beside us. They were both a year older than me and studying down in Bournemouth. They’d bought their tickets off of a mate, who hadn’t been able to make it, on a whim when they’d had the cash to spare, and had decided to make a weekend out of it. 
We’d actually only gotten to talking when they’d almost sloshed a canned cocktail all down my back. 
I’d been startled at first, rightfully so, as this giant of a man had all but stumbled right into me, eyes as wide as saucers. His boyfriend had come to his rescue though, offered me up one in apology, and who would I have been to deny? 
So I’d cracked it open, found myself pleasantly surprised by the taste, and one thing had quickly led to another and they’d ended up letting me share the bagged vodka they’d also managed to smuggle into the stadium in the bands of their socks.
To say that I’d been impressed wouldn’t have been a lie, I sort of felt like I’d found my people in truth. Because the price of alcohol at these kind of events was always extortionate. Practically daylight robbery, there was no other way about it.
And my bank account had taken quite the hit from the first trip to the stands alone. And with two teenage girls, who could care less about money unless it was their own, I’d almost wanted to shed a tear when I’d handed over my card to the boy behind the till- he’d sympathised with me, I’d seen it in his eyes as he wished us a good time.
So here I now was, pissing it up in the pit with a bunch of strangers, a medical bag full of spirits clutched tightly in one hand. 
“Oh, God! Y/n, Y/n! It’s starting!”
I turned away from one of the boys to glance back towards my sister, who was staring up at the stage with this starry eyed expression, Tea was right beside her wearing the exact same face. I chuckled beneath my breath.
“You girls ever been to a show before?” Lewis, one half of the couple I’d met earlier, asked Rosie.
My sister shook her head at his question whilst the screens above us begun to distort and screams overwhelmed the arena. Lewis merely chuckled at Rosie's nonverbal reply, she only had eyes for the stage it seemed. 
“It’s her first gig ever. She’s been dying to see these lot for years.” I answered for her, leaning in close so that he could hear.
I saw his eyebrows lift at the information before he was grinning against my ear. “She’ll never want to see anyone else after this!”
My forehead pinched, silently questioning his statement, but just laughed it off when a row of boxes flashed brightly above us.
Lewis and I separated on cue, just as the world around us hushed for a split second and the sudden intro of a loud guitar pierced the veil.
“Please welcome, my favourite band, The 1975!” A voice then announced and I looked up, right into the eyes of a man who’d seemingly taken claim of the stage.
His smile was wide, unmatched, as he pranced up and down the front, his hair a mess of curls as a set of drums picked up the pace of the opening beat. I had to be reminded to close my gawping mouth.
Who the fuck’s that?
And I must’ve said it out loud, because I heard Lewis snort obnoxiously from right beside me, continuing to sing away whilst the girls immediately turned towards me to shout, “Matty!”
Shockingly, their loud exclamation also managed to garner the attention of the man himself when he danced by, and I watched on as the dark-haired frontman smiled down at Rosie and Tea. Waving hello. 
I was caught by utter surprise when I then found myself trapped in his heady gaze, still giggling away at the girls' hysterical reactions. 
Okay. Before I continue on, I truly am putting this all down to the alcohol that was streaming through my system, because it was then that Matty appeared to pause before me for the briefest of moments. 
And I didn’t dare look away. I couldn’t. 
He smirked down at me, eyes so observant, and I found myself shaking my head at him with a smile of my own. But sadly he only left me with a sly wink as he traipsed away to sing out into the rest of the audience.
Rosie and Tea had squealed beside me, excited to have captured the singer's focus, whilst I tried to catch my breath.
The show continued on after that and I allowed myself to relax and get lost in the people, their heat, the music. I danced, the girls and I swayed, twirling about, Lewis and I laughed, and I even managed to sing along to a couple of songs I sort of recognised. 
The current one came to an end though soon enough, and Rosie informed me with a glossy eyed smile and smudged liner that the last song was fast approaching, whilst Tea just pulled out her phone to record again. 
I nodded at my sister, squeezing her close before she pivoted away back towards her best mate, leaving me to sip at the drink I’d been trying not to spill all down myself due to the constant shoving and pushing.
Minutes went by and Matty engaged with the burly bloke on bass- whose hair I found I’d rather like to touch (because honestly, how did he get it so glossy?). Before he continued on, pointing out signs here and there, and sparking up another massive round of cheers by vocalising the inner workings of his mind, which was something he supposedly did quite often. Enough for the rest of the band to begin playing again only to shut him up. That had made me giggle. 
Dozens of faces passed over the main screen, most of them beaming, or crying, there wasn’t much of an inbetween. And Matty interacted with them all, grinning and joking in such a way that only screamed sincerity.
The shouts around us only started to double then when he made his way over to our section, and even my own heartbeat sped up as I watched his eyes drag over the absurdly large crowd. He was unfairly attractive, okay? I could easily see why my sister had taken such a shine to him.
He was smiling and my pulse stuttered then stopped altogether when Matty paused right by us, to look me directly in the eye, his eyebrows drawn tightly together.
“Alright, darling? Having a good night?” He quizzed me, the sudden weight of his attention making me jump even though the surrounding screams had yet to cease. “What’s in the bag?”
I glanced down at the liquid filled bag I was still holding, gaze drifting to Lewis for a split second before it darted back up towards the singer. “Vodka.” I told him before I could think better of it.
The sound Matty produced then was almost inhuman and I was actually quite proud of myself for having been the cause of it.
“Definitely snuck that in.” He accused, quieter this time around and with a growing smile. The audience laughed.
Rosie and Tea spun around to face me, huge smiles threatening to split their faces in half, as my brows pinched.
“Way to out me to an entire arena!” I instantly called back, ducking slightly to avoid the eyes of the hefty security man stood on the other side of the barricade. Matty’s cackle echoed out around me, coming from all directions.
“Oi, mate! Escort her out, will you?” Matty ordered, nodding down at the same man I’d previously noticed. “Ruining it for everyone.”
I gaped, eyes widening in sudden alarm whilst he just shook his head at me, feigning disappointment.
Thankfully though the singer was quick to go back on his word, waving the guard (who had actually begun to MOVE) off with a sway of his hand and a thoroughly amused grin.
Fuck, this man was really going to be the death of me, I thought. 
I willed my racing heart to slow.
“I’m just joking, love.” Matty reassured me, eyes twinkling under the array of lights. “Spotted you a couple times tonight, actually. Like to stand out, don’t you?”
It didn’t sound like much of a question.
“Might do.”
I could physically feel my brain struggling to make my mouth cooperate, and I figured I might’ve drunk a tad too much, because I usually wasn’t this tactless. Which was how I managed to surprise even myself with the next sentence I fired back.
“Or maybe it’s just you.”
“Just me?” Matty queried with a tilt of his head, and he squatted down then, bouncing on the balls of his feet for a moment before he took perch on the side of the stage. “What do you mean?”
“You’re the one who spotted me.” I retorted with a smug smile, raising my voice to be heard. “I’m just one face in a thousand. Nothing I did.”
He hummed, mouth quirked to one side. “So this is all on me then?”
I shrugged casually, but my mind was reeling.
Matty laughed before he motioned me closer. “Here’re.” He prompted, jutting his chin out and willing the crowd to woefully part. “Come on, let her through. Let her through.”
I frowned but did as I was told, slipping my way past the few who had actually managed to claim the metal fence before us, quirking a confused brow up at him.
He towered above me, even from where he was seated on the stage, and I willed back my shock when he proceeded to jump down from off his perch and approach me. My heart hammered and a lump formed in my throat.
“Have you got a favourite song of ours?” He asked and I actually felt how embarrassed I must have looked in that moment, gifting the singer a sheepish smile before I quietly informed him that I didn't have one.
His head jerked back, “What do you mean, you don’t have one?”
The sudden crow of Rosie's voice sounded above the rest of the buzzing noise then and I was unsure on whether or not to be grateful for it.
“She’d never heard any of them before tonight!”
I grimaced slightly from behind the hand that had come up to hide my face, silently hoping for the ground to just open up and swallow me whole. I could feel the heat radiating in my cheeks and the tips of my ears, knowing full well that Tea was definitely recording every inch of this mortifying moment.
“Oh, so we have a fake fan within our midsts?” Matty voiced and it was full of mirth, he found pleasure in his teasing. 
A soft brush touched my skin and before I even knew what was occurring my hand was being pried away from my flushed cheeks by the singer himself, who looked me dead in the eye and had the utter nerve to wear the most devastating grin.
“Is this all part of your plan? Lure me in and then break my heart. How’re you at my gig, after never having heard a single one of our songs?”
“I’ve heard a few!”
But my attempt to defend myself was waylaid, it seemed Matty had other ideas.
The frontman nodded over towards Rosie, who blanched under his gaze. “Go on. Tell me more. What’s her motive here?”
I watched on as Tea nudged my younger sister into talking, Rosie too shellshocked to remember that she had the biggest gob I’d known to man.
“Um,” My sister startled, blinking away before she took a deep breath, “I dragged her along tonight. Me and my friend, we’re huge fans!”
“Lovely to meet you. Glad you could make it- only wish you’d made a listener out of this one beforehand!”
“We’ve tried!” Rosie exclaimed with an exasperated sigh that had me rolling my eyes. It appeared as though she'd reverted back to her usual self, despite being under the gaze of her favourite person in the entire world. Yes, you could be assured that that was an actual quote.
“Oh it’s like that is it?” Matty asked, peering down at me. I couldn’t tear my gaze away, his brown eyes smudged with kohl making them that much more enticing.
His attention differed then, flitting back towards my sister.
“She seemed to be enjoying the set whenever I looked over though, so what happened?”
“She’s stubborn!” Rosie shouted back, and I could hear her muffled laughter through the crowd, probably upon seeing me so put out.
“Stubborn, are we?” Matty smirked, and his lips were by my ear before I knew any better, his mic long forgotten. “I like a challenge.”
And then he was gone, back to wooing the crowd and making the most of having all this attention.
I let myself slip back into the seams, breathing heavily as my sister and Tea joggled me about, Lewis and his boyfriend beaming madly from ear to ear. I tried to focus.
What had just happened?
Part Two>
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iboatedhere · 3 months
For the June prompts: flower crown, fairytale, or endless freckles! Doesn’t matter if it’s cannon or au. Thank you!!!
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Loading the dishwasher these days is more like a game of Tetris than a household chore.
Bella is only eating off plates in the shapes of animals, so the panda ears and butterfly wings get stuck on the racks while her bulky toddler spoons and forks stick out awkwardly from the utensil holder.
After three tries, Alex finally gets everything to fit, but his victory is short-lived when he realizes only one detergent tablet is left in the bag.
He adds them to the shopping list stuck to the front of the fridge, half hidden by crayon-streaked coloring book pages. Before he forgets, he adds red pepper flakes, tin foil, and strawberry banana-flavored Go-Gurts, not wildberry, underlining that twice. He doesn’t think they’ll survive another yogurt fiasco. They’re still finding it in odd places, like behind the fridge and on top of the light fixture that hangs over the dining room table.
It’s hard to believe that someone so tiny can cause so much chaos, but Alex feels this is just the start. Their little girl will forever be a hurricane in their lives, and they wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Alex grabs two wine glasses from the cabinet, pausing when he sees Henry and Bella through the window above the sink.
They’re both on the porch swing, Bella curled up on Henry’s chest, her head tucked beneath his chin, while Henry has one foot propped up on the swing and the other on the ground, rocking them gently.
Henry nods as she points to the page of the picture book he’s holding then presses a kiss to the top of her head.
Alex’s heart feels like it’s going to explode.
He pours them a glass of white wine each because it’s been a long day and steps out onto the patio, where Henry raises a finger to his lips to shush him before he’s even through the door.
“She just fell asleep,” he whispers. Alex nods and closes the sliding glass door slowly.
Henry inches his foot back to make room for Alex on the swing, and when Alex sits, he stretches his leg across Alex’s lap.
“Trade you,” Alex says, holding out the glass of wine in exchange for the book.
Henry smiles gratefully as they make the handoff, sitting up to take a sip without disturbing Bella. Alex smiles as he flips through the pages of The Princess and the Pea.
It’s one of many princess-themed books Bella has latched onto, with Princess Charming, Princess Hair, A Little Princess, and Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots also in heavy rotation.
Then there are the movies…Alex has seen Cinderella, The Princess and the Frog, and Sleeping Beauty so many times he can quote them line by line.
He knows that all that, plus the glittery dress-up costumes and the plastic tiaras, are all part of being a girl dad, but he also knows their situation is unique. A lot of little girls love fairytales about princes and princesses, but very few of them are actually related to royalty.
Alex doesn’t know how long they have before she learns the truth; that her Gran, who she speaks to at least four times a week via Zoom, will be Queen one day, that her uncle, who she only sees here and there but adores all the same is in line to be the King, that her father, who she has tea parties with and pushes her on the swings, is an honest-to-god Prince or that she herself, is an honest-to-god Princess.
He doesn’t know how they’ll explain that her great-grandmother, whom she has never met and probably will never meet if they have anything to say about it, refuses to give her the title because she is vindictive and hateful. After all, her father fell in love with a man and dared to live his life truthfully, outside her control.
No matter what they do or how they phrase it, they know she’ll eventually see the worst sides of it. She’ll learn how her great-grandmother not only reacted to her existence but also how she treated her parents or how there are still people out there who believe her father soiled the royal name forever.
“What are you thinking about?”
Alex looks up at him, the flower crown Bella made for him with dandelions, daisies, and a few stolen cosmos from the garden sits wilted and slightly crooked on his head, his cheeks pink from the sun, and his hairline dotted with sweat.
“You’re gorgeous,” Alex says, and Henry laughs softly and touches the delicate crown.
“Yes, I feel it.”
Alex drops his hand to Henry’s calf and squeezes. “You should.”
Henry hums. “Should we get her inside?”
“In a bit,” Alex tells him.
He doesn’t know what’ll happen in the future, but for now, he wants to sit here and watch the sunset with his family, living out his own fairytale.
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marciabrady · 7 months
What do you think of the Love at First Sight trope, especially when it comes to the early Disney Princess movies? Some people may find love at first sight to be hackneyed or outdated these days, but I am very interested in what you have to say about it. I don't think you ever talked about it at length.
I think it's beautiful. A lot of people bash on it for not being realistic, but there's something to be said for things that are either aspirational or simply escapist. And, honestly, I don't think it's that bad of a thing to glorify or like? It's a fantasy- Cinderella has a pumpkin coach, not an uber lol it's totally feasible that she'd meet the love of her life while going to a ball that her Fairy Godmother sent to and it is to distinguish that, in these universes, these are the loves of their life (otherwise Snow White and Aurora still would've been under sleeping curses). And I think, in the age where most people can't even get someone to commit or a text back after a first date, being able to see the example of someone as steadfast as Snow White's Prince, who continues to look for her for seasons even when she seems lost to him, is something that is refreshing and healthy.
They each go about showcasing this notion in different ways. Snow White is an orphan with no one in the world that loves her, and her wish in the well is very clear. "I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say." Before it can echo back to her, she finds him- the literal answer to her hopes and dreams. That's so empowering to me? That she believed she was enough and wanted better for herself, and knew what she wanted, and that his existence was contingent upon her wish in the well. It's a young, sweet romance- that's so pure. When he sings of his love being "constant and true," we see it in the film, as he continues to search for her until the very end and which lends credence to Snow White singing "Someday My Prince Will Come." She doesn't stress over whether they will ever see one another, because despite the time or distance that might separate them, they're never lost to one another. That's why she tells the hag, "Well, there is someone" when she's asked if that's someone she loves.
Cinderella and Charming's love is also different- neither of them were looking for it or expected it. Cinderella never mentions wanting love, nor does Charming; to the contrary, Charming is placed in front of an endless bevy of beautiful women, decked out in the finest clothing they have, and he's unimpressed (I dare anyone to tell me that his interest in Cinderella was based on looks). Appearances mean little to nothing to him. While we listen to the Grand Duke's metatextual speech though, we see Charming spot Cinderella out from the crowd and approach her. "There she stands, the girl of his dreams. Who she is or whence she came, he knows not. Nor does he care. But his heart tells him that here, here is the maid predestined to be his bride." It's a pure vibes thing, and when you are in contact with that person you were meant for, many consider this to be a twin flame, it changes everything. That's why Charming knew he could never go back to life the way it was before the ball after Cinderella left; he couldn't live a life without her. I also think it's so fitting for them and cute that they vibed out for hours at the ball, considering Cinderella fighting so hard to go to a party so that she could enjoy herself.
Aurora and Phillip also have their unique connection. They're both extremely romantic and fantasy oriented- Phillip literally slays a dragon for Aurora's honor and promises to renounce the throne after meeting her for a single afternoon. Aurora, while she returns to the castle to fulfill her royal obligation, feels that life without him is empty and can't contemplate a life without love- it'd be like a bird without a song. While they have different temperaments and characters, I think they compliment one another beautifully and have such great chemistry that it truly does feel as though they'd met once upon a dream.
In any of these cases, if the connections were shallow or something where one forgot about the other the next day, that'd be another matter entirely. But they were all willing to fight for their love, show commitment under extreme circumstances, a unyielding devotion, and both a chemistry and a connection that was special unto each pairing and underlined a natural affinity toward one another so I don't see what's wrong with it and I lean more toward these types of relationships over the Disney ones where they just yell at one another repeatedly or resort to physical violence for comedy.
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princess-glassred · 14 days
I already have a Reddie Cinderella au but a fuckin Benverly Cinderella au where instead of searching for the girl who fits the slipper, beverly is searching for the boy who wrote the January Embers poem would be sooooo cute.
Poor Bev's just this princess who's being auctioned off by her creepy dad to the highest bidder like she's a hunk of meat. Pretty much every man in her life has given their unfiltered opinion on her and it's made her against marrying anyone (she does want to get married, but the men in the royal court have soured it for her). Her betrothed Tom Rogan is a piece of shit who ""sees her poential"" to be a good queen IF she's got a good man by her side to keep her in check.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, is a poor orphaned servant named Ben hanscom. His daddy died serving for the royal gaurd and his mom passed away from an illness a couple years after, leaving him in the care of his step father Mr. Keene, his (slightly) younger step sister Greta and his older step brother Henry. Mr. Keene has Ben slaving away in his apothecary since he's fat and probably wouldn't be useful in snatching up a spouse anytime soon. He's treated like a black sheep, Greta likes getting him into trouble and being a jerk for no reason, while Henry likes to attack him with physical abuse and make jokes about his weight. Ben happens to like cleaning and working for Mr. Keene though, because he's logically minded and good at figuring out how things tecnically work (although its kinda degrading with Henry around to make fun of him all the time). It's worth noting that if Ben wasn't around Henry would probably be in the same situation, considering he's not actually Mr. Keene's son and was just sold to him by his dad for booze money.
Bev and Ben meet when she's pretending to be a maid to sneak away from her father, the only hint that she's even a princess is the palace key she keeps around her neck. She tells Ben her name is "Bevvie" to hide her identity and he buys it. The two become really fast friends after that, routinely visiting each other whenever they can. Ben even introduces her to his one and only friend, Mike the farm boy, and now all of them are kind of buddies. When the ball comes Ben has no interest in meeting princess Beverly (even though he assumes she's a wonderfully nice gal) he just wants to see bevvie again. Mostly because he wrote her a poem and neglected to give it to her before, so he HAS to give it to her at the ball. His step family ruin it though, because Ben's considered an embarassment and they can't have ANYONE interfering with Henry's attemps at marriage and Greta's wannabe socialite career. They rip up the poem right in front of him and it's quite heart breaking.
Just when all is lost though, Ben finds not one, but TWO fairy god parents here to help him. They introduce themselves as Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak, married couple, business men, and expert fairy god parents. They dress in modern clothes, which Ben finds very confusing, especially since 40 year old man in hawaiin shirt is hardly what comes to mind when you think "fairy god parent" but whatever. They seem well meaning enough, although they can't stop bickering for like 2 seconds to actually help. They bring back the poem to prove they're legit and give him all the cinderella fixings. Eddie is a little paranoid about Ben getting home on time though, so he gives him a midnight curfew so he leaves on time. Also Richie calls Ben haystack cause he sleeps in a barn lol.
The ball comes around and the usual stuff happens, Henry and Greta embarrass themselves, Bev hates everything about it, and Ben makes a grand entrance that shocks everyone. Ben is pretty shocked himself, as he realizes he's been friends with the princess all along and freaks tf out. Beverly instantly runs to him to ask where on earth he got that wonderfully designed suit and he mumbles out some bullshit excuse that doesn't really make sense. They fall in love but just as midnight comes around Ben remembers he forgot to give her the poem again! He leaves it behind by accident on the ground when he's running away, and bev's dad picks it up.
He seems interested in knowing who sent it, and for a moment Beverly honestly tells him she doesn't know because she met a lot of suitors last night. He insists they go searching for the guy, comparing hand writing to the post card from house to house. All while Bev just wants to get it over with so she can see Ben again and tell her how she really feels..
Sorry that was so long, i got really into the idea. I know i never make benverly stuff, so i wanted to try it.
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mysunfreckle · 2 years
I’m very interested in the presence of the fairies in Neverafter…
Because the way the fairies are is one of the things that has been changed from the fairy tales D20 is working with. And I’m operating on the assumption that if it was worth changing it’s worth paying attention to
Rosamund's fairies:
Oddly enough we have not met any of Rosamun's fairies yet....probably. We've heard all four of them described in Brennan's opening narration, but no one got to interact with them. But Rosamund's story is the one that has been changed:
Grimm’s Briar Rose has twelve good fairies, not three, and the thirteenth is the wrathful one who was purposefully not invited because there were only twelve golden dishes. While she is called a fairy, she is described as clad in black, with a broomstick, so I’d forgive anyone who misidentified her as a witch.
Perrault’s The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods has seven fairies, with the eighth being the old, forgotten fairy who is accidentally not invited.
The change to three (plus one) fairies could just be because three is a more manageable number and also with very good fairy tale pedigree, or it could be because of Disney. But the "four great fairies of the kingdom (of Reverie)" might also be significant in some other way. One for beauty, one for grace, one for...?
Gerard's fairy:
Grimm’s Cinderella (Aschputtel) has no fairies, but Perrault’s Cinderella (Cendrillon) has the famous fairy godmother. Who, interestingly, is only helpful. She does not punish. But here she is also the fairy that transformed the Frog-Prince:
In the Grimm translation D20 shared The Frog-Prince the enchantment was laid by “a spiteful fairy”, but in many English translations it is a “wicked witch” and that is the word used in the 1857 edition of the Grimms’ fairy tales (in the 1812 edition there is no explanation for how the transformation happened).
The fairy tale also does not state that the Prince was transformed as a punishment. This sounds more like the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast, where the beast is transformed by a fairy to punish his pride, whereas in the most well known version of that fairy tale (de Beaumont’s), the fairy transforms him simply because she is “wicked”. Of course Gerard’s story would not work without it being a punishment and it makes for a much more interesting narrative, but it does muddle the waters between Good Fairy and Wicked Fairy. It’s suddenly a matter of perspective.
Pinochio's fairies:
We haven’t met Pinocchio’s good Fairy yet (if she is good in Neverafter), but we have seen the evil fairy who turned him back into a puppet when he lied about his fathers name (something that probably saved his father’s life). Now I wonder: is this the same Evil Fairy that cursed Rosamund?
I’ve seen it suggested that this evil fairy and the Stepmother are the same person, but that seems odd, considering the Stepmother claims she cares for Pinocchio and his father. Sure she’s probably lying, but if she was that fairy Pinocchio wouldn’t be fooled and it seems he is, even if he’s also afraid of her. I still think his Stepmother is also Cinderella and Snow White’s Stepmother, so in that case she might be a Wicked Witch. She is also Pinocchio's patron, which might make her a fairy, but she calls the Fairy Godmother a "little fairy", which sounds like she's at least not the same type of fairy as she is.
If this Pinocchio’s good Fairy is like the one in his book, she is the Fairy with the Azure Hair (I struggle with her, because Pinocchio is not a folk- or fairy tale, but she is famous). She is described first adopting Pinocchio as her little brother, but later as she grows up (she was already) becomes his mother. She protects him, seems to be the reason his nose starts growing when he lies, and turns him human in the end when he has learned to be kind and obedient. So whether she's seen as good or bad in this universe is anyone's guess.
So, we've met two fairies in game and both of them seem to be bad, but perhaps weren't always intended to be so.
Because right now it sounds like Cinderella rebelled against the narrative her Fairy Godmother tried to force her into, but… maybe there’s something more afoot. The Fairy Godmother did insist “we are trying to help”, so maybe we’ll meet the other fairies after all...
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
The 8th Princess of Sea
Chapter 3
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I hid behind a rock so I can see what will happen. I couldn't hear good but as i heard a girl wants to have a better life and he wants something in return. Good mind. When they finished there deal with just a blink they disappeared. I started looking for them but couldn't find them.
"Hi there" a high voice said.
I looked up and saw Rumpelstiltskin standing on rock and looking at me. I blushed a little and got away from rock and looked at him with shy eyes.
"Not very talkative as I can see"  he said.
"What are you doing in water on night??" He asked.
I showed him my tail and he just smirked.
"Oh a mermaid I see".
He looked at me carefully, like he was studying me. His eyes met my necklace, it had pink shell and pink pearl inside.
"Pink pearl? Colour pearls only have royal mermaids. Who are you???"
"Mmy ...naame ..iis.. Koko" I said.
"Are you scared of me??" He asked
I nodded as no. He got a little bit confused.
"I like you... Your story is interesting" I said and he looked at me shocked.
"How do you know my story, princess??"
I dressed myself and left my room immediately. I rushed over to a Mr. Gold's shop because Im still confused how he left my room this morning. I got inside and saw him standing on the other side of counter.
"To be honest I love more a view of your boobs when you don't have anything covering them, my dear" he said not looking up.
"How tf did you leave my room this morning?! You couldn't jump out of the window because you walk with fucking cane" I asked still shocked.
He looked at me now and started walking towards me. When he got a few centimeters away from me  he pulled me by waist to get closer to him. Our lips almost met again.
"It's a secret dear, but you don't have to worry the only thing that is good is that your manager didn't see us" he said and smirked.
Oh God I love when he smirks. I looked at him with my blushed face and shy eyes.
"Oh God how I love when you look like this" he said and kissed me.
We were kissing for two minutes and than a bunch of people came into his shop.
"Rumpelstiltskin!!!" A blonde girl said.
I jumped a little and looked at them.
"Miss Yamanaka?? Is that you?" A mayor said.
Oh my God no... I gave them a little smile still embarrassed.
Mr. Gold pulled me closer by waist again into a hug so I don't have to face them. I hugged him and closed my eyes, all of the sudden I felt sleepy and Mr Gold took me in his hands.
Rumpelstiltskin pov
I had a great moment with Koko when miss Swann and the others came into my shop. I remembered from Enchanted Forest that Koko would calm down with hug so I pulled her into a hug and put her to sleep because she still doesn't remember anything about her real life. I took her into my hands and walked to back room to put her to sleep. When I got back the group was still waiting for me.
"How can I help you people?" I asked surly angry.
"What are you doing with that poor girl Rumpelstiltskin?" Emma asked.
"That's Koko, the youngest daughter of King Triton"  I said.
"that's nonsense King Triton's youngest daughter is Ariel" Snow White said.
"No it's not. He has 8 daughters but his youngest ran away, nobody knew why" Regina said.
Everyone were looking at her now.
"It's true. Do you people know a story about The Devil's Triangle??" I asked.
Henry stepped closer to me.
"That's story about Koko. She didn't like how her father has never gave her attention so she ran away to be with her aunt Ursula, but than she got mad at her aunt for not giving her legs and she ran away somewhere in the ocean, but than sailors started to die on specific spot in the ocean where people started to think that mermaid had to do something with it. It was Koko???" Henry asked.
"You are smart about fairytales" I smiled at him
"Yes it's true everything that Henry said but he doesn't know some details"
"Koko loves storys, but because her aunt didn't know much storys about Aurora, Cinderella or you Snow White, she would tell her storys about Regina, Jafar, mee. As she told me she loved my story, it was her favourite. One night when I was making a deal with poor girl, I spotted something in the water. That night I met Koko"
"My aunt Ursula knows you. She told me about you, your story is very sad. You didn't have a choice. You are not a coward". She said and came closer to rock again.
I looked at her shocked. Why is she like this? She should be scared? She looked at me with her innocent blue eyes. At that moment I felt her hand on my leg.
"You should be scared of me... Im The Dark One...."
"But I know your story, you are not that scary at all"
I looked at her and saw that her pearl started to glow. She looked at it and became sad.
"I have to go, my aunt is calling me. Will I meet you again??" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry dear. Let's meet here tomorrow at midnight, what do you say?" I asked and smiled.
She just nodded. She jumped from sea and kissed my cheek and ran deep down in the ocean. I was standing there for a few minutes and came back to my castle, thinking about her.
They all looked at me different. Snow White, Prince Charming, Emma and Henry looked at me with melting eyes but Regina looked angry.
"Have she ever sang to you?" Regina asked.
"She did once, why?"
"She is a mermaid Rumpelstiltskin, she made you fell in love with her just so she can kill you"
"Lisa... It's alright darling" Snow White said.
I looked back and saw her standing there, terrifying. I made a few steps to her but she got few steps away.
"Who are you people??" She asked with tears inher eyes.
Reblogs, likes, comments are appreciated
Tags: @bellarkeselection, @sunflowerleii, @micheleamidalajedi <3
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