#like dude you don’t know how long it took me to consider my other floor mate my friend
phantom-0-writer · 6 months
what even is your life danny?
Danny had been shocked awake by Adam practically breaking down the door to Wes’s room as he barged in. “Wake up!” He yelled frantically. 
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, sitting up at the thought of a ghost attack. 
“Wha-” Wes asked, bleary-eyed from his side of the bed, drool still wet on his mouth. Adam in all his everlasting energy, practically pushed Wes off the bed, making room for himself. 
“Y’know Nightwing’s recent case-” He started excitedly before turning around to face the two of them, his voice more serious, “You know about it, right?” Adam asked. When they both nodded- as if Tucker would have let them go this long not knowing about it- Adam continued in his original energy. “They finally released the names of all the kids that got switched.” Adam started in the same excitement someone would announce they won the lottery in a hallmark movie. “They made this mini-identity check thing, since, y’know it counts as personal medical history, and it legally can’t be free access to the public. It’s actually quite ingenious- yet simple.” Adam’s voice began trailing on the edge of mystification before snapping back to his original energy. “I thought we’d all give it a shot to see if any of us qualify!” He ended happily. 
“Dude, how can you have so much energy so early in the morning,” Wes asked, bundling himself in his blanket, his voice heavy in a sleepy drawl even though he looked much more awake now. 
“It’s 1:30. Regular people like me have been up for hours now,” Adam responded snottily, shoving a hand in his younger brother’s face.  “Also Danny, your phone’s been going crazy all morning. You left it on the couch last night.” Adam said, handing the device to Danny.
“Who was it?” Wes asked, looking over at him. 
“My parents,” Danny put the phone on speaker. Two rings echoed in the still anticipation of the room before the familiar voice of his mom came through the other end. “Hi, sweetie!” She said happily, “Did you just wake up?” 
“Oh, uh Yeah. I did. I was-”
“We got a call this morning and you’d never believe who it was.” Mom started, her voice only marginally louder than the loud work of whatever she was doing. “The FBI! Can you believe it? They said you were one of the children involved with Dr. Kilye’s case-” 
Danny looked up to share a look of shock with Adam and Wes, jaws loose, having pierced the puzzle together. 
“-Apparently the child they swapped you with, mine and Jack’s biological child, had been born with an undiagnosable fatal condition, and hadn’t been able to make it. His name was… Philip. We were quite sad about the news.” The sound of the drill echoed through the room. “But apparently the agent- the FBI agent!- had already talked to your biological parents - you know Jack and I always wondered who it was you took after, and I thought it was my Great Aunt Sally, but Jack always said his late Uncle Bob. Oh right, what was I saying? Oh! Your parents- right! They seemed pretty eager to meet you. Or at least your father, I think -or was it your mother, I can’t remember. The other one went missing a while after you were born. I don’t remember all the details. I sent you the phone number they gave me, I figured you’d want to talk to her.” And before Danny could even get a word out she hung up. 
There was a palpable silence, “I’ll make us some food,” Adam said, being the first to leave his spot. 
Wes jumped up instantly at the declaration, “No!” 
“How about I make us some food.” Danny offered, making his way to the kitchen.
“Yes, that is the better option.” Wes nodded sagely, plopping onto the barstool as Danny took inventory. Adam hauled himself onto the counter, letting his long legs dangle right above the floor as he watched Danny cook. 
“You got your bio mom’s number, right? Are you gonna talk to her?” Adam asked his hyper attitude from the morning replaced with a still-eager yet more restrained and slightly somber one. 
Danny let himself consider it before responding. “I don’t even know her name or anything though. What would I even say?” 
“We could look it up on the thing Adam was tellin’ us about.” Wes offered. “I’ll grab my laptop.”
“Your call,” Adam added. 
“Yeah… I think that’d be good.” Danny looked up from the food he was preparing, “Thanks, guys. I dunno how I would’ve taken this without you.” He smiled softly. 
“You’re the one cooking for us, man. We should thank you.” Adam laughed. Plates wiped clean and in the sink, they all huddled around Wes’s laptop as Danny put his information to the FBI’s server. 
“Dude,” Wes gasped reading the file, placing his hand on Danny’s shoulder as he leaned in closer from behind him.
“Your dad-” Adam spluttered, “Your dad is Bruce Wayne?” He practically yelled, turning to look at Danny for confirmation. As if he had any idea what was going on. “Bruce Wayne.” He said, again amazed. 
“What even is your life Danny?” 
“Did my mom just casually send me Bruce Wayne’s personal phone number?”
“Tucker’s so going to lose his mind.”
except from regular boy: daniel wayne (chap 6)
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gibson-g1rl · 2 years
And They Were Roommates
Alex (Adult World) x Fem Reader
Warnings: Alex being the absolute perfect boy ever, oral (male receiving), a lot of titty worship, intercourse and I think that's all, let me know if I missed anything! 
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You and Alex weren’t originally supposed to be rooming together; the plan was that you and your best friend Amy would rent an apartment or house together all throughout college and even after. Well clearly you hadn’t stuck to the plan. 
“Wait what? So, we’re not going to be living together anymore? What about our plan?” You asked as you looked towards your friend. Truth be told you were pissed; you and Amy had planned this since the two of you became friends, which was at the beginning of high school and now everything had to change because she wanted to move in with her boyfriend. 
“I’m so sorry please don’t be mad at me, it’s just Brian really wants me to move in with him and his mom even likes the idea and I really wanna get in her good books, she even offered to take me furniture shopping!”
“I’m not mad Amy, I’m glad you’re happy with Brian it’s just I have no idea how I’m going to pay for the house myself.” 
“Ohhh no need to worry, the day Brian asked me to move in with him I already went looking for a new roommate for you, you remember Alex, my manager from when I used to work at Adult World?”
You remembered Alex yeah; you had dropped Amy off at work one time and she introduced you to him. 
“So, turns out he’s looking for a place to stay and he’s a nice guy and I trust him to not like murder you or something so, he’s going to be your new roomie!”
You were stunned, Amy really had it all figured out. 
Fast forward to now, you and Alex were doing your monthly shopping; when the two of you first moved in together things were a little awkward considering you didn’t know each other that well but soon the awkwardness was gone and the two of you became really close. 
The two of you were nearing the till when you remembered you had forgotten something. 
“Oh shit I forgot I needed tampons I’m gonna get some real quick.”
Alex just nodded his head towards you as you made your way to the aisle. As you were making your way back, you accidentally knocked into someone. 
“Oh my God I’m so sorry.” You said towards the guy you bumped into as you reached to pick up the few things that had fallen to the floor. 
“No worries.” he said, handing you your pack of tampons. You were about to leave when he stepped in front of you.
“Sorry if this is a little forward but you’re really beautiful and I’d like to know if I could get your number perhaps?” 
You blushed at his words; he was good looking, and no one had shown any romantic interest in you in quite a while, so you gave it to him. 
Once you got back to Alex, he was unpacking the cart.
“Hey what took you so long?” 
“This really hot guy asked for my number!” You said while putting the pack of tampons on the conveyer belt. 
The two of you split the pay and made your way to Alex’s car. 
Once you got home, the two of you went about your normal evening festivities. You both packed the groceries away, made food together and went to sit on the couch and watch your favourite show together, Criminal Minds. 
While the two of you were eating your phone vibrated and you realized the guy from the supermarket, Jason sent you a message. You clicked on the notification and read the message; he was asking you out on a date. You quickly replied to the message and finalized the plans with him before dropping your phone and looking at Alex. 
He immediately noticed your face had lit up and waited for you to speak. 
“Cute dude from the supermarket asked me out on a date! I’m going out on a date Alex oh my God!”
Alex’s face fell at your revelation, but he quickly plastered a smile back onto his face.  
“Oh my God really? When?”
“Tomorrow! I’m gonna meet him at this fancy restaurant he suggested, we’re meeting at 8pm.” You said with a huge smile on your face. You were really excited about this date; you hadn’t been on a date since the last one you had with your ex-girlfriend, which was in high school. 
The night went on as normal and soon morning came. 
The next day went pretty quickly and next thing you know you were busy getting ready for your date. It was a Saturday night so Alex was working late at the store, considering he was the manager. 
You quickly sent him a text letting him know that you were about to get in an uber and go to the restaurant you were going to meet Jason at. 
You got into the uber and as you sat down you felt your phone vibrate, you looked down and saw it was a message from Alex. 
‘Okay let me know when you get there and stay safe (in more ways than one😉)’
You let out a little laugh at his message and quickly liked it. 
When you looked up again you had reached the restaurant, you payed your uber and sent a message to Alex letting him know that you made it there safely. 
You went inside the restaurant and gave Jason’s name to the hostess, seeing as he said that he made the reservation under his name. She led you to your table and you sat down waiting for your date to come. 
A few minutes had passed, and Jason still hadn’t come, you checked your phone countless times to see if he had sent you a message perhaps but there were none. 
The next time you looked at your phone it was almost 9pm and he still hadn't shown up, a waitress had made her way to your table at least four times asking if you were ready to order and each time you told her that you’d rather wait for your date; well, it seems he wasn’t going to show. 
You angrily reached for your things and made your way to the restaurants exit. As you were walking you felt a few tears stain your cheeks but quickly rubbed them away as you lifted your phone towards your ear. 
“Hey Alex, uhm sorry to bother you right now but could you please come pick me up?” You said trying not to choke on a few of your tears.
“Hey are you okay? What happened with your date? Did he do something-”
“No Alex he didn’t do anything, he didn’t even fucking show up hah! But could you please come get me I really don’t wanna take an uber right now.”
“Of course, just hold tight.” 
You thanked him and you ended the call waiting for him to arrive. As soon as you saw his car you went up to him and before you could get in, he got out of his car and wrapped his arms around you. 
“I’m really sorry Y/n.” he said before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You just hugged him tighter and melted into his chest. 
Once the two of you were in the car, Alex’s hand never left your thigh, always giving you reassuring touches every now and then. 
The two of you quickly made it home and you both plopped down onto the couch. He looked toward you with sorry eyes and opened up his arms. You immediately went towards him and layed your head down onto his chest. 
“Look Y/n any guy would be lucky to have you, you’re beautiful, smart, really funny and overall, just an amazing person and only an incel like Jason would stand someone as amazing as you up.” 
Your cheeks grew warm at Alex’s words, and you looked up towards him from your place on his chest. You hadn’t realized just how beautiful Alex really was, sure you knew he was attractive, but you never really took the time to actually look at him; you hadn’t realized how dark his eyes really were, how sharp his jawline was, how deep his dimples got when he smiled and how beautiful his brown hair was. 
“You’re very pretty Alex.” You said reaching up to stroke his cheek. Before you could say more, he pressed his lips to yours in a loving kiss, swiping his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entry. You allowed him to deepen the kiss and as his tongue explored your mouth, you moved on top of him, straddling his waist. 
You moved your kisses down his jaw and along his neck, leaving bruises in your wake. You tugged on his shirt signaling for him to take it off and he did. Once his shirt was off you moved your kisses down his chest and inched closer to where he needed you. You moved to pull down his sweats, looking up at him for permission. 
“You don’t have to.” He said has his hand went down to cup the side of your face. 
“I want to.” You said as you lowered his sweats and boxers and placed kisses along his v-line before grabbing ahold of his hard cock. You placed a kiss to his tip, and he let out an almost inaudible whimper at the action. You stroked him a few times before placing his entire length inside your mouth, wrapping your hands around what couldn’t fit. 
You started sucking him off, taking him in and out of your mouth, tapping his tip on your tongue. Alex was throwing his head against the arm of the couch moaning your name left right and center. You focused back onto his tip sucking the life out of him. You moved one of your hands to his balls, massaging them as you sucked harder. You reached your other hand up, rubbing up and down on his chest. 
“Oh fuck, I’m-I’m gonna cum Y/n please, please don’t stop it feels so fucking good.” You looked up at him through your eyelashes and once his eyes met yours, he lost it. His load shot into your mouth, and you sucked him even harder, milking him for everything he had to give you. Once you swallowed it all you moved up towards his mouth as he eagerly placed his lips on yours, tasting himself on your tongue and moaning at the action. 
“I want you so bad.” He said between kisses. 
“You have me baby.” You said before placing another loving kiss to his lips. You quickly moved to take your shirt off and loosen your bra, letting it fall to the carpeted floor of your and Alex’s shared living room. Once his eyes caught sight of your bare breasts, he immediately attached his lips to one of your nipples, moving his hand to grab onto the other once, twisting your nipple between his thumb and index finger. You threw your head back at the pleasure as you started grinding against his dick. 
You quickly removed your underwear and grabbed ahold of his dick, running it along your folds and up to your clit, the action making both of you twitch in place. You slowly placed him at your entrance, sinking down onto him. Once his entire length was inside of you, you immediately started rocking your hips back and forth. 
Alex placed his hands on your hips and started thrusting up into you. He kept nudging your g-spot, making you bounce on his cock meeting his thrusts, desperate for your release. As you were bouncing Alex couldn’t take his eyes off of your tits as they bounced with each movement of your hips. 
“Alex I’m so close.” You said as you let out an almost pornographic moan. 
“Me too baby, I don’t think I’m going to last long.” 
You moved your lips to his neck, your bounces becoming sloppier as you neared your release. Once you felt Alex’s hand reach down and rub slow but hard circles onto your clit, you lost it. You moved your mouth towards Alex’s as you came, struggling to kiss back. As soon as Alex felt your cunt clenching around his dick, he was spilling his seed into you. You swallowed his moans as you kissed him, slowly still grinding into him to ease you through your high. 
Once you both were done you collapsed onto his bare chest, nuzzling your face into his neck. You placed a kiss at the soft skin, running your lips over the marks you left there earlier. 
You swiftly lifted yourself up to look at Alex, a huge smile planted on his lips, show casing his adorable dimples. You placed a kiss onto his lips and felt him smile into the kiss.
“I like you Alex, a lot.”
“I like you too Y/n, a lot.” he said as the two of you erupted into a fit of giggles. He slowly eased you off of him and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the bathroom. As you were peeing, Alex was running a bath and once you were done, he made his way over to you and picked you up and placed you into the warm, bubble filled bath. Once you were settled, he got in behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his head in the crook of your neck as you melted into his chest. 
@soaringcloud​ @yes-divine-ruler​
 I hope you all enjoyed this ;)
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menofchaos · 1 year
Coco x Reader
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Note: Not sure where this came from but I'm not questioning writing inspo! This look holds a special place in my little heart. Shout out to @thesewickedhands for the gif and @spideyspeaches for the divider. Sexy warnings. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Her foot tapped anxiously against the floor, her eyes watching the clock on the wall as it ticked by, minute after minute. The playlist on her phone was on its third round, the mostly-melted candles on the table were put out only moments before. The street outside was silent, no rumbling of his bike engine alerting her of his arrival. She looked at her phone screen, tapping the screen to illuminate it again. No notifications still. She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the prickling anger she felt in her veins. He had never stood her up before and was never late without an explanation. The hour hand moved to the 12 and she shook her head. He was officially three hours late. She cleaned up the remnants of their date, covering his plate with tinfoil and sticking it in the microwave. She considered how to approach him when he came home. While it was his first offense, it was their second anniversary. Two years of dealing with their own individual relationship traumas, the club, exes to get to the solid ground they found themselves on. Or so she thought. She entertained herself with going the toxic route. Texting him and telling him not to come home, locking him out or waiting up for him and blowing up on him as soon as he stepped foot through the door. Before she finished eating, her phone lit up with a call. From EZ. Fuck.
“Hello?” she answered nervously.
“Hey uh…Coco needs a ride home from the clubhouse,” EZ sighed, “Jesus, dude.”
She frowned, “Is he okay?”
“He’s wasted. We had some club shit run long and as soon as we got back, he hit the bar hard. Finished a whole bottle. He’s mouthing off to everyone. Can you take him home? He’s getting belligerent. Gilly and Angel said they’ve never seen him like this.”
She closed her eyes as she listened, hearing arguing in the background, “I’m gonna change and then I’ll be on my way.”
“Thanks,” he murmured, “The gate’s open, we’ll be here to help you get him in the car- bro, why don’t we go outside and have a cigarette? Your girl is coming over.”
She heard a voice she knew anywhere, slurring and harsh, responding to the suggestion.
“I’ll see you soon, E,” she sighed, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he hung up and she pulled off her dress, changing into a pair of cotton shorts and one of Coco’s old flannel shirts. She slid some shoes on and grabbed her purse, the ride silent as she drove through the dark streets of Santo Padre. When she pulled up to the clubhouse, Coco and EZ were sitting on the porch steps. Coco was resting his head against the stair railing, a lit cigarette in his limp fingers. Chucky was cleaning the other side of the steps. Gilly walked outside as she got out.
“What happened?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Gilly scoffed, “But he better get it together. I almost knocked him the fuck out.”
“Fuck off,” Coco’s retort was raspy and low but lacked the usual bite.
Gilly rolled his eyes, “Come on, boy scout,” the two men picked up Coco, helping him into the passenger seat of her SUV. EZ handed her a water bottle after they closed the door, “He threw up already but he’s been quiet since. Hopefully he just goes to bed.”
“Good luck,” Gilly nodded, “Text when you get home so we know you made it. We can come kick his ass if you need us.”
“I can handle him but thanks boys,” she smiled softly, “I’ll make sure he apologizes tomorrow.”
EZ laughed, “Want me to follow, just in case?”
She shook her head, “I'll call if there’s a problem. Good night,” she got in the car and started driving home. Coco’s eyes were closed and his head was against the door.
“You got anything to say?” she asked him a few minutes later.
He grunted, “Got a cigarette?”
She sighed, “In my purse.”
He reached down and opened her bag, lighting a cigarette and opening the window to let the smoke out. She waited for him to take a few drags, pulling up to a red light.
“Anything else you wanna say?” she looked over at him.
He rubbed his eyes, “We almost home? I’m fuckin’ tired.”
She scoffed, “Unbelievable.”
He narrowed his eyes, “What?”
The light turned green and she started driving, “You don’t call or text all day. You stood me up to get shitfaced with your brothers, who you pissed off so bad they almost beat your ass, and all you have to say is you’re tired?”
“Pretty much,” he grumbled.
“You can get yourself inside because picking you up is about where my hospitality runs out,” she snapped.
“I can walk,” he hissed, “I’m drunk, not paralyzed.”
She pulled into the driveway and got out of the car after grabbing her purse, slamming her door behind her. Coco stumbled out, following her up the path to the house. They went inside and he collapsed on the couch, closing his eyes.
“I don’t know where you get the balls to treat me like this, Johnny,” she glared, “I don’t know what your fucking problem is but I didn’t do shit to you. We were fine this morning, you were more than happy to let me suck your dick in the shower but now I get this drunk, pissy asshole who doesn’t even have the decency to let me know he’s gonna miss our anniversary dinner for what? Drinks with the guys? Something you can do literally whenever-”
“Celia has Letty doing fuckin’ porn.”
She froze at the admission, her eyes wide in shock as she watched his still form. She hadn’t heard his mother or daughter’s name since he first told her about their situation. They had been looking through some old boxes of his and a few pictures fell out of a stack of papers. One was of a newborn, her eyes big and her hair dark. His twin. It hung in his cell while he was inside. The other was a picture of 8 year old Coco next to a woman in a green dress, fixing his little matching tie. It was one of the few good memories he had of his childhood, the one event at school she attended. Celia had a sugar daddy and wasn’t on the corner or strung out. It didn’t last long and it wasn’t perfect, but at least he wasn’t cooking heroin to shoot into her veins. 
Question after question tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself, “Are you sure? How do you know? You talked to them? Why didn’t you tell me? Do you want me to knock Celia's ass out?”
She stepped closer when he didn’t respond. She rolled her eyes when she saw his chest rising evenly, “Pendejo,” she mumbled.
She moved a pillow behind his back to make sure he was propped up, then set a bucket on the floor near him. She watched him for a few minutes, his face soft in sleep. She took his shoes off and set his gun on the side table, then covered him with a blanket. She texted Gilly and EZ, letting them know they made it inside unscathed. She climbed into bed and tried to sleep but her mind was still going a mile a minute. Last she knew, Celia and Letty were living in Fresno and Coco’s only contact with his mother was when she needed money. She tossed and turned for a while until she fell into a very uneasy sleep.
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She woke up alone with even more questions and even less answers. She heard movement in the kitchen and decided to let him come to her. She was checking her phone when the bedroom door opened to reveal Coco with a mug in his hand, showered and in different clothes.
“I wanted to let you sleep,” he explained and set the mug down on her nightstand.
“Thanks,” she sat up slowly, putting her phone down in favor of the coffee.
He sat on the side of the bed by her legs, “I made it the way you like.”
She nodded and took a sip, “Hungover?”
“Pretty bad one,” he smiled softly, “Guess I deserve it.”
��At least,” she murmured, taking another sip.
“Good?” he checked, motioning the mug. She nodded, “Look, ma. Yesterday was fucked. And that's on me, you know? You were right, you didn’t do shit but I took it out on you anyway. I’m sorry for that.”
She set the coffee down to tie her long hair up in a messy bun, “Thank you for apologizing but I still have a million questions.”
Beeping from the kitchen sounded faintly, “I gotta get that, I cooked you breakfast,” he stood up, “You wanna come eat? I’ll answer your questions.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she agreed.
He went to the door but paused, turning back around, “Can I kiss you or am I still in the doghouse?”
She couldn’t help smiling at his serious face, eyes wide and sad. She crooked a finger at him and he darted across the room, pressing a few hard kisses to her lips.
Coco headed back to the kitchen, taking a steadying breath as he fixed her a plate. His military training still had him up early, long night or not. He woke up on the couch alone, still dressed with a bucket on the floor. Memories of the previous day and night flooded back to him and he knew he needed to stop wallowing and talk to his partner. She was his queen. She always accepted, never judged and matched his energy effortlessly. She deserved better than how he treated her, which is how he found himself buying a bouquet of flowers at 7:30 in the morning, the cashier smirking knowingly. He cooked her favorite breakfast, texting apologies to his brothers when he had a free second. 
She joined him a few minutes later, sitting down with her coffee mug. He set their plates down, “How’d I do?” he asked.
“So far, you’re going in the right direction,” she admitted, taking a few bites, “This is actually perfect. You buy this?” she joked.
Coco laughed, “Damn, alright. I deserved that,” he lit a blunt, “So…the club and I were talking to Louie the other day and he told me he made a movie with my little sister but he didn’t know till she came back all pissed off about money.”
She frowned, “Shit. So it’s too late to stop it?”
“Already uploaded,” he murmured, letting the smoke out, “I saw the little picture thing. The thumbnail.”
“Coco,” her face softened, “Why?”
He shrugged, “I guess I was hoping he got it wrong, you know? Even though she threatened him with the club.”
“I guess he didn’t,” she took a drag of the blunt when he passed it over.
“It’s her. Remember when I got back late the other day? I found Celia on the corner,” he admitted, “Told her to arrange a meeting. I met them at a diner yesterday afternoon. Celia told Letty I’m her dad and she ran off with a trucker. I uh…I don’t know where she is.”
She set the blunt in the ashtray, “Baby…”
Coco shook his head, “Club shit went a little weird yesterday. Took much longer than we thought. I was so in my own head that time just got away from me. I know that’s a shit excuse but…”
She took another bite, “And the drinking?”
He leaned back in his chair, pushing his food around with his fork, “I was gonna have one and come home. It was like my brain shut off. Next thing I knew, I was throwing up on the stairs.”
“That’s heavy,” she held her hand out across the table, “You don’t need to deal alone anymore, my love. You know that.”
“I know, I know,” he squeezed her hand, kissing her knuckles, “I just…it’s Celia.”
She nodded, knowing his mom was one of his biggest issues, “So…we getting a bigger place?”
His eyes widened, “What?”
She stroked his hand with her thumb, “We don’t have a spare room for Letty, she’s what, 16? We aren’t gonna bring her here just to have her sleep on the couch.”
She barely had the sentence out before he kissed her with bruising pressure, holding her cheeks as she whimpered. They were breathless when he broke the kiss, their lips still brushing together.
“Why are you so fucking good to me?” he whispered, “I don’t deserve it. Especially after last night.”
“I’m good to you because we’re in this together,” she licked her lips, smirking when his eyes fluttered closed at the feel of her tongue, “And because you’re taking the day off to make it up to me. That’s not a request.”
A devilish smirk crossed his lips, “Does that mean I get to eat your pussy all day?”
Her eyes lit up, “I mean…at least.”
She laughed as he carried her over his shoulder back to their room, tugging her shorts down her legs and leaving them in the hall as the bedroom door slammed closed.
“Taking advantage while you can?” she joked as her back hit the mattress. Coco crawled over her, pushing her shirt up and kissing the skin he exposed before helping her out of her shirt, kissing her hungrily. She wrapped her legs around his, pressing closer to him. He groaned as he ran a hand down her side, slipping his fingers between her legs. She gasped, her hips rolling as he touched her. He kissed back down her arching body, his tongue and fingers moving slow and deliberate. Coco smirked when he sucked harder, his tongue speeding up on her clit. He loved eating pussy but there was something about hers that made him feel insatiable. Her taste, her smell, the needy sounds she made when she got closer. Her long nails were scraping his skin as she gripped his hair, moans getting louder as she fell over the edge. Hearing her cry his name over and over like a prayer had him grinding against the bed as he brought her over a second time. He looked up to see her trembling, her chest heaving as she collapsed back on the bed.
“So that was one?” he smirked, licking his glistening lips as she laughed. He didn’t wait for an answer before lowering his head between her legs.
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psych0-str1ngs · 1 year
Admit it- Nikki Sixx x reader
Authors Note: I'm really trying revive my account because I really need more requests and such so I'm gonna try to pump out more fanfics.
Warnings: Cursing, drugs, alcohol (Maybe a part two with smut if this does well.)
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I am not gonna, I've always had the hugest crush on Nikki. Despite the fact that he was a raging drug and alcohol abuser, and he had chicks on his dick 24/7, I saw right through him. I always kind of, understood him. We've been pretty close friends ever since we were about 15. I knew how much of a bad child hood he had and I could relate. When we were sixteen we stole my dads car and just ran away, we were caught of course, but for the three days that we were on our own we took care of one another.
I obviously knew there was not a chance in hell Nikki would ever go for me, considering I was little on the heavier side, not too big just... Not pretty like the groupies were, and I had a pretty face but once again nothing like the groupies had. I was... More like an adorable than I was anything else. No body wanted to be with me but instead protect me like some innocent little bunny. It was annoying considering I was the least from innocent. I do drugs, and drink alcohol here and there.
So there I was, sitting next to Nikki on the short leather couch in his dressing room. I was leaning on the side of the couch while Nikki had some chick on her lap. It was infuriating to watch. I know that it’s just how he was, but I knew that I could treat him so well if he’d give me a chance, I sighed and took another long drag from my blunt.
“Hey y/n!” Tommy slightly yelled in the chair next to us. “You alive?”
I blinked before looking up. “Did I zone out again?”
Tommy nodded his head. I always had this problem of zoning out a lot, sometimes it happened so my brain could escape reality, and other times it happened because it was just fun to create my own world. I smiled slightly, staring back at my spot in the floor. Nikki held a small mirror with a line of code to melt face and waved it around.
“You wanna bump y/n?” Nikki had a laughing tone.
“Yeah,” I said taking the mirror from with enough sass for him to notice, but not enough to mess up the little line. I held the straw up to my nose and snorted. It immediately rushed through my veins. I sighed in relief, and passed the mirror to Vince who had the bag of coke. I stood up grabbing my pack of cigarettes. Tommy noticed my sluggish mood and shot up. He came up to me and put his arm over my shoulder.
“Can I come with?” He asked, a new bottle of jack in his hand.
“You don’t need to ask t-bone,” I laughed and rolled my eyes a bit.
He laughed with me and we walked out, my arm was around his waist and we were both stumbling around everywhere. We laughed because we both ran in the door. Tommy really knew how to cheer people up without even trying. Vince and Mick were laughing because they noticed but Nikki had a deadpan in his face. But The coke and weed started to really kick in, and I wasn’t worried about a single thing anymore. Me and Tommy continued to stumble down the hall, laughing loudly, I had even snorted, earning the annoyed stare of groupies and men.
“Dude you are totally high,” Tommy said.
“Yeah no fucking shit Sherlock,” I laughed.
The hallway seemed very long, Tommy and I walking for seemed like forever. Just as we were about to walk out of the door, Tommy spotted a chick. His eyes scanned over her like a fat kid looks at a chocolate cake. I already knew what was about to happen.
“Y/n,” he stopped in his tracks. “I have to go tap that real fast,”
“Go ahead man I’ll see you later,” I said, even though I didn’t admit it, I once again felt like shit. I understood that this is just how the guys were, but it was like a knife to the back constantly having people leave me for someone or something else.
I continued walking down the hallway to the door, finally pushing it open. The crisp cold air felt extremely relieving, the was slight rainfall, pellets of water hitting the pavement. I always enjoyed being outside, wether I was in nature or not. I sat on the curb, pulling out a cigarette. The door opened, and out came Mick. I gave him a slight smile and handed him a cigarette as well. He sat on the curb next to me with a slight groan.
“You know,” Mick grabbed my zippo from my fingers. “You’re gonna have to tell him eventually.”
I blew out the inhale of smoke that was held my lungs and looked at him. “Tell him what?” I questioned him.
“Don’t play dumb y/n.” He said taking a drag from the long white death stick.
“How the hell do you know?” I looked at him dumbfounded.
“It’s not that hard to see,” Mick started. “Everyone can see it, you look at him likes he’s pure gold.
“To me he is,” I admit, puffing my cig again. “There’s something so relatable in him. I understand why he is the way he is. I mean fuck, 90 percent of the time I just want to take care of him, I wanna hug him real tight and tell him I’m proud of him.”
Mick laughed.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
“You’re clearly in love,” he took a drag. “I think you should tell him.”
“Why would I?” I snorted. “There’s nothing in me that he could possibly want. I mean have you seen the other girls he goes for? I’m nothing like them.”
“That may be true,” Mick nodded. “But that isn’t bad. Nikki for sure has the same feelings. He stares at you the exact same way as you stare at him.”
“Then why haven’t I noticed?” I roll my eyes, putting my hands on my hips.
“Because you’re stupid.” Mick says, throwing his cigarette butt on the ground.
I punched his arm. “I am not.”
“You sure are y/n, now I’m gonna go back inside, are you gonna come or are you gonna sit out here and sulk all night.” Mick got up.
“Sulk out here,” I laughed.
“Okay,” Mick walked back inside.
Mick was such an interesting old man. He’s completely dead silent one minute, and the next minute he’s like some all seeing powerful guy. Finally I had a second to relax, be in my thoughts for a bit. My cigarette was finished, so I threw it in the ground and grabbed out another.
What Mick said earlier really stuck with me. He stares at you the exact way you stare at him.
I wanted to laugh right in Mick’a face when he said that. Nikki has a new girl on his arm every day, there’s nothing he sees in me. I continued to smoke my cigarette, eventually deciding to stop thinking about Nikki. I couldn't stop though, I mean I was flat out in love with the guy. My thoughts were halted when the man himself walked out. I smiled.
"Hey Nikki." I smiled a little wider.
"Hey Y/n," He sat down next to me, grabbing a cigarette from the pack.
"Shouldn't you be in there with all those sexy ladies of yours," I asked nudging his shoulder.
"Nah," He laughed slightly. "It was getting to suffocating out here. You know you've been sitting out here for like an hour right?"
Holy shit, no I did not know that
"No shit," I said. "Really?"
"Yeah man," He said lighting it.
My heart twinged at the name, at this point I just wanted to go home. I was feeling not as intoxicated, but instead more exhausted and sad than anything. I was over the after party. I got up, and dusted my ass off. I picked up the pack, and my lighter, shoving back into my purse.
"Hey where you going?" Nikki asked.
"Home," I said in an obvious tone, turning around.
Nikki stood up, his platform boots making him tower over me.
"Can I come?" Nikki asked, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"I guess yea." I replied, pulling out my car keys. I was kind of upset, as much as I loved being around Nikki, my extreme love for him has dragged down my spirit.
We walked to my car, Nikki leaning into the passenger side. Neither one of us talked. This was a regular occurrence though. Nikki constantly stayed at my house when he was feeling overwhelmed by the band, or the girls. I even let him have a few drawers in my dresser for his clothes. I turned up the stereo, only sightly, the international 70s rock hits played softly in the back round. I lived about thirty minutes away from the arena, so hopefully the music would make it go by quicker. After a few minutes, Nikki turned down the radio all the way. I looked at him for a second.
"What was that for man?" I asked, my eyes back on the road.
"I wanted to talk to you," He said cautiously.
"Oh that can never be good," I laughed.
"I'm serious." He said. "You've been off, disassociating more. You do that when you're stressed and sad."
"Don't worry about me Nikki," I forced a sad smile. "I'm totally fine."
"Don't lie Y/n," He said laying his hand on top of mine which was rested on the shifter. My breath halted for a second.
"If I'm being honest," I started hesitantly. "I've been stressed, with work, and my mental health, I'm just overwhelmed. Life man, you know?"
He nodded. "Is that it?"
"Well," I had to make up some story, just see what he'd do. "You remember how I told you about the new guy at the bar. How he's really sweet and all?"
Nikki replied with a short yeah.
"Well, I think I've caught feelings. But he normally doesn't go for girls like me, I know it for a fact. He's pretty set in his ways."
I swear I could see Nikki's shoulder tense up.
"What do you mean girls like you?" Nikki questioned.
"You know," I sighed. "Fat girls, me, ugly girls, also me. He goes for fit sexy women."
"What?" He said offended. "Y/n, you're gorgeous. And not fat, a little chubby, but that's not bad. Lots of guys like a little pudge. They aren't called love handles for a reason."
My heart sank.
"You're just saying that," I forced back a tear.
"No," He said. "I genuinely mean it, you're a very pretty girl, any guy would be lucky to have you. Besides you know how to take care of people, you're totally smart, and you're funny. If this guy doesn't see that, he's an idiot."
"Thank you Nikki," I monotoned.
We pulled into my drive away. I was immediately relieved by the smell of my home. Nikki took off his platforms, still managing to tower over me. We walked into my room, spreading out across the clean area. He walked over to the dresser, grabbing a shirt and some shorts. I sat on my bed, pulling a joint out of my bed side table while Nikki changed in the bathroom. I sparked it, taking a long drag out of it. I sighed, my eyes starting to tear up. Nikki walked back into my room, immediately noticing my eyes. He said nothing and just climbed into my bed, grabbing the joint and taking a drag. I had always hoped one day he'd just kiss me straight up. He taped out the joint knowing I had just lit it.
Nikki pulled me onto his chest, I started to cry uncontrollably. I didn't know why I was letting myself be so vulnerable. Not that he hadn't seen my like this, but it was still embarrassing. His hand rubbed up and down my arm. We had often cuddled like this, though I'm sure Nikki though nothing of it.
"Y/n," he said still rubbing my arm.
"Yeah," I said into his chest, sniffling.
"I love you," He said quietly.
"I love you too," I replied.
He leaned up, slightly turning to face me, I did the same.
"No like," He stopped for a second. "I love you."
"Nikki you really need to go to bed," I laughed it off refusing to believe him. "You're getting extremely tired."
"Y/n, please listen." He stared into my eyes.
"You can't love me," I frowned. "There's nothing in me for you to love."
“What the hell does that mean?” He cocked his head to the side. “Of course there is.”
I snorted.
“I’m fat, and I’m ugly. You could have anyone you want Nikki.”
“But I want you.” He stood up. “I want YOU y/n. You’ve always been here for me, you were there when I tried calling my died, you were there when I stabbed myself to escape my mom. You’ve been with me. None of the other chicks have done anything for me. I’d pick you over them any day.”
I was starting to tear up.
“I just don’t want you to regret being with me,” I started to cry again.
Nikki quickly walked over to me. He bragged my hip, and gently put his hand on my face.
“I’d never in a million years regret being with you.” He looked me in the eye. “I really really do love you. I can only hope you feel the same.”
I moved pushed him back slightly.
“Of course I love you back idiot,” I giggled.
He moved his lips to mine, his moth felt like fire burning against mine. Of course I’ve already had my fair share with kisses with people but this was different. There was something behind it. Our lips moved in sync slowly, Nikki pulling closer. We parted for a second.
“Be my girlfriend,” Nikki said quietly.
“That sounds nice,” I smiled as wide as my face could handle.
I guess I was wrong, maybe Nikki actually did love me. Only time can tell.
I hope you guys enjoyed it!!
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
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excerpts from ch. 66 “phoenix, part two: too long the songs have been silent”
the boys help Gareth through the worst day of his life.
I bawled like a baby the entire time I was writing this. just need everyone to have love and support and good friends like these in their lives; consider this me trying to manifest them for you.
TW: accidental drug overdose (no lasting harm done to anyone)
“What do we do?” Jeff whispered. “Should we take him to the hospital?”
Grant shrugged. “Honestly? We should probably just get him home and let him sleep it off.”
“Is that safe?” Eddie managed to choke out.
“Dude, I read all the junk my mom got from the pharmacy. I don’t think he actually took a very big dose,” Grant informed them. “He’s probably only loopy ‘cause he’s never had anything like this before. But he should be okay.” He paused. “As long as he keeps breathing.”
“That’s not very goddamn helpful, Grant!” Jeff snapped.
“Well, what do you want me to say?” Grant shouted back. “It’s not like they can pump his stomach at this point!”
“Okay,” Eddie interrupted. “Okay. Let’s take him home and let him sleep, and we’ll all stay with him and make sure he’s all right, and if anything gets weird then we take him straight to the hospital. Okay?” He gently brushed a hand through Gareth’s hair, picking out the leaves still tangled in his curls.
Jeff and Grant both nodded. But Jeff spoke up one more time. “What are we gonna tell his mom?”
Eddie shrugged. “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Help me lift him, I’ll carry him to the car.”
“I got him.” Grant easily hefted Gareth piggyback style onto his shoulders. “Hang on tight, dude.”
“Don’ wanna go,” Gareth wept. “Like it here.”
“Too bad. We’re taking you home.” Grant wrinkled his nose. “Dude, you reek. You’re getting a shower, first thing, whether you want one or not.”
“‘M tired.”
“You’re also stinky. And your hair’s a mess,” Jeff chimed in.
“Man, fuck all y’all.” Gareth swatted at Jeff, missing him by a mile. “Hate you guys.”
Grant actually giggled. “You do not. You totally love us. We’re your best friends.”
“We love you too, nerd,” Eddie told him. “Kinda wish you’d told us how bad it was before you decided to buy drugs from Rick, though.”
~ * ~
Grant punched one of the pillows to fluff it up. “We should probably go check on him,” he suggested. “Just in case.” He didn’t make a move in the direction of the bathroom, though, and Jeff didn’t seem inclined to either. Eddie sighed again.
“I’ll do it, if you guys are too embarrassed.” He shook his head, snorting a little laugh. “Not like I have anything resembling dignity anymore. Be right back.” He could hear the shower running from outside the bathroom door, but no other noise, and Gareth didn’t answer when he knocked. “You better say something,” Eddie called through the door. “If you don’t answer me in ten seconds, I’m coming in.”
He waited. Silence.
“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He stepped into the bathroom, kicking aside the dirty clothes on the floor, and perched on top of the closed toilet lid. “You awake in there?”
Still no answer.
“Dude, say something,” Eddie demanded worriedly. “Are you okay?”
Gareth didn’t respond, but now Eddie could discern, almost but not quite masked by the running water, the sound of quiet sobbing. He scrubbed his hands over his face, trying to think what he ought to do.
“Do you need help?” he eventually offered. “Want me to wash your hair?”
Gareth croaked out something that almost passed for a laugh, and finally spoke. “No thanks.”
“I know that seems like a really fucking weird thing for me to say, but, like… sometimes I can’t do it. When I’m really depressed. Sometimes it’s too hard.” Eddie fiddled with the toilet paper roll, twirling it round and round. “And Wayne will come in and wash my hair for me, so it’s one less thing I have to do. If that makes any sense. Once Dustin even did it for me. So it’s not, like… I’m not trying to be weird. But I’ll help you if you need it. It’s okay if you need help.”
He heard another little broken sob and a few sniffles before Gareth answered. “I don’t need help, but… you, um. You could maybe stay. In here. If that’s okay.”
“Yeah, man.” Eddie started drawing a picture of Godzilla on the fogged-up mirror. “Are you hungry?”
“Too bad. I’m starving.” He was only half joking. “Think your folks would make us breakfast later?”
“Probably.” Gareth cleared his throat. “Mom might even bake you cookies or something. For bringing me home.”
“I will never turn down homemade cookies,” Eddie laughed.
~ * ~
Gareth insisted he could manage getting dressed on his own, but when ten minutes had passed and he hadn’t appeared, Eddie got antsy. He knocked on the bathroom door again, calling loudly, “I’m coming in again, dude, so cover up anything you don’t want me to see.” He found Gareth slumped on the closed toilet lid with his head resting against the wall, sound asleep. He’d managed to get his underwear on and one leg into his sweatpants, but that was it. Eddie chuckled, and called out for the guys to come give him a hand.
He steadied Gareth while Jeff helped him get his pants on, and Grant laughed “arms up!” and pulled a shirt over his head as if he was a little child. Then Eddie rummaged through the cabinets until he found a comb and some sort of moisturizing hair treatment. He scooped out a palmful and rubbed it through Gareth’s hair. It smelled like green apples.
“Whatcha doin’?” Gareth murmured, already half asleep again.
Eddie shrugged. “Chrissy always puts conditioner and shit in my hair when she washes it. Says it makes it easier to get the tangles out.” He started carefully working the comb through his friend’s curls, gently easing out a knot. “You need a haircut, my dude.”
Gareth scoffed. “You. You can’t say… nothin’ about anyone’s hair.” He rubbed his eyes. “‘M tired, Eddie.”
“I know, buddy. Lemme just finish this, and then you can go to sleep.” He combed out another little snarl. “Hey Gare?”
“Be honest.” Eddie swallowed hard. “Did you take all those pills on purpose?”
Gareth shook his head emphatically no. “I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to… y’know. Hurt myself. Really only wanted to forget.” Impatiently he swiped tears from his face. “Pretty stupid, huh?”
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh. “I mean, yeah, it wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve ever done, but I can kinda understand what you were trying for. Just— promise me you won’t ever do anything like that again, okay? Please?”
“Yeah, okay. Promise.”
“And I don’t ever wanna hear any more of that ‘the Party always comes first’ bullshit, either, okay? You’re my brother, man. I love you. Whenever you need me, I’m here for you, got that?”
Gareth wiped his eyes again. “Got it.”
“Good.” Eddie helped him to his feet. “Let’s get you to bed now, huh?” He held his friend’s arm to steady him as they made their way to his room, where Gareth crawled straight into bed and burrowed under the blankets. By unspoken agreement they all piled in with him, Grant next to him at the head, Eddie and Jeff settling in at the foot.
Gareth nestled into Grant, curling around him like he was a giant teddy bear. He tucked his feet under Jeff’s ankles and closed his eyes. “Love you guys,” he mumbled against Grant’s shirt. In seconds he was asleep.
Eddie smiled. Grant sighed. Jeff sniffled a little bit. They all sat quietly, just listening to Gareth breathing, and when Maggie poked her head into the room to check on them some time later, that was how she found them.
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lavenderclearwater · 2 years
Chiron gave up on the assigned tables after the Romans came along. Most of the campers were overjoyed about the change, especially the ones who didn't have many if any, siblings. The Seven took it exceptionally well and set up their own table, plus a few friends. Nico and Will joined them this morning for breakfast. It has been a while since they caught up. He piled on his plate with bacon and eggs, with his darkling boyfriend got a bowl of oatmeal and a single pomegranate. They chatted a little while eating, but they focused mainly on stuffing their faces.
The life of a demigod took a lot of energy and even more food. Even then, seeing Percy eat a comical stack of pancakes was off putting. He watched in amusement as Nico struggled with his hair, constantly tucking his hair behind his ears to prevent it from getting in his food.
"Dude, you should get a haircut," Jason said through his breakfast sandwich.
"My hair is not that long," Nico tried to defend himself, failing miserably.
"You can't even eat anymore without having to incessantly mess with it," he pointed out.
"Well, what am I supposed to do about it? It's not like anyone here knows how to cut hair."
"I do," Annabeth told him.
"Yeah. Some of the Aphrodite kids taught me years ago. I could do your hair if you want. I've done it loads of times."
"It's not even that bad right now! You should see it in the morning.
"Okay," he replied without thinking.
Absolute chaos erupted. Leo laughed. Percy choked on his drink. Annabeth rolled her eyes. Frank was appalled. Hazel was very proud of himself for being so smooth. Jason tried to climb over the table to get to him while Piper held him back. Nico was confused, and it was later explained to him what he was implying. Of course, being the innocent that he was in the matter, he turned into a blushing mess. However, he did decide to take Annabeth on her offer.
* * *
He hasn't seen Nico since yesterday afternoon. Annabeth had cut his hair by now, and he couldn't wait to see his little makeover. Will eventually bumped into him during training. He and Percy were in the middle of a fascinating sword match, each of them keeping the other on their toes. He was floored when he saw him pause to slick back his hair. It still had some length to it and still looked messy but in a professionally done way. She did a great job and could consider going into cosmetology instead of architecture if she wished.
His boyfriend looked very…hot, and it had nothing to do with the high summer temperatures.
"You're drooling just a bit there, Solace," Leo teased.
"Shut up," he snapped, trying to hide his embarrassment from being caught staring.
"Better not let Jason catch you looking at his baby cuz like that. Boyfriend or not."
"I'm not worried," he lied.
Jason could definitely kick his ass if he wanted to, hands down. Although, that would likely result in Nico kicking his ass in retaliation. He still wasn't going to risk it.
"What do you think?" Nico asked, pulling him back to reality.
"You look terrific."
"Wanna head to your cabin to clean up and hang out?"
* * *
Jason watched them leave the arena.
"Where are they going?"
"Nico's cabin," Leo answered.
"What are they going to do there?"
"I don't even want to think about that, but you could say they are definitely not playing Mythomagic."
Jason looked at them fade from view in horror.
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I think my problem with my new floor mate is he assumes a bit to much about me and it’s not offensive it’s just a bit off but it’s not quite enough off to tell him that so I just kinda think “you don’t know me that well dude” half the time around him….
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outerbankies · 3 years
You know how teenager rafe is gonna just be spiralling over reader going to prom with someone else? I’m going to cry cause like he’s a baby and he doesn’t know why he has these feeling for this one person that he’s always kind of orbited around?? And he knows she’s it for him but only deep down cause he’s trying to figure so much out and how could you know who you’re going to end up with at the age of 17 let alone 10 or 12 but he’s always known and aaaaah imagine that kind of love
an angsty little pre-series prom blurb partially inspired by this ^ ask that made me spiralll. thanks anon i hope u like this!
new light blurb: before we knew — rafe cameron
new light series masterlist
obv takes place pre-series in high school! referenced in part 1
warnings: underage drinking
“Top, it’s not fucking funny.”
“It’s kinda fucking funny, Y/n/n. Like, way more than a little.”
Rafe had ditched the last fifteen minutes of statistics when he finished his test early today, and he’d been messing around on his phone for ten minutes waiting for the rest of you to come and get in Topper’s Jeep so you could all go to lunch off-campus today.
Rafe stands up straight from where he’d been leaning against the hood when he hears your voice approaching, his smile matching yours once you see him. “Hey, Rafe. How did your stats test go?”
“Good, hey, Y/n. What’s not funny?” he asks, opening the passenger side door for you before sliding into the backseat behind you.
“Oh, get this, Rafe,” Topper says, laughing. You just groan again, clicking your seatbelt on. “Griffin is gonna ask Y/n to prom. Tomorrow.”
Rafe blanches. “Griffin?”
He knew Griffin thought you were hot. Certainly had to hear it enough times in the pool at practice every day. Rafe always found himself biting back a remark—well, almost always. As captain, Rafe was able to tell everyone to run another play whenever he felt like it. The extra exertion in the pool was nothing compared to having to tread water and hear his teammate talk about you like that.
But even after all of that, he still had no idea Griffin had the balls to actually make a move on you. Because Rafe could tell you’d seriously rather die than ever give Griffin the time of day. And Griffin had been pursuing you without luck for months, even though you’d been trying to gently show you weren’t interested. Half of the time, Rafe wished you'd just tell him to fuck off.
The other half of the time, Rafe was considering just doing it for you.
Rafe clears his throat after his outburst, a finger digging into a hole in his jeans. “How do you know?”
“He just told me in PE,” Topper says. “He said he has this huge banner, and speakers, and he’s gonna do it at lunch right in the middle of the quad—”
“Topper.” You cut him off a bit more seriously this time; Rafe can hear the shift in your tone. You've always hated being anywhere close to the center of attention, getting embarrassed by the smallest things others wouldn’t even think about. If Griffin actually knew anything about you the way Rafe does, he’d know you wouldn’t like something big and flashy. “Can you stop?”
“Hey, cut it out, Top,” Rafe is saying immediately. Topper just rolls his eyes, but Rafe doesn’t care. “You okay?”
“Yeah, Rafe,” you say, smiling over your shoulder at him. “M’fine.”
“Do you want me to tell Griffin to—”
Topper laughs from the driver’s seat, clearing his throat to cover it up when you look over at him. You look back at Rafe, and his heart breaks at the worry in your face. “Don’t, Rafe.”
“Are you gonna say yes?”
“No,” you immediately laugh, looking at him like the idea is preposterous.
“Oh c’mon, Y/n/n. Can’t say no to him in front of all those people,” Topper teases. “And where the fuck is Kelce? I’m starving.”
“You’re right,” you sigh. “I don’t wanna embarrass him. I’ll just find him after school today and tell him I’m going with Kelce.”
Topper’s eyes widen, Rafe catches it in the rearview mirror before he hurriedly looks away. Rafe clears his throat, settling back into his seat from where he’d been leaning into the front space to talk with you. “You—uh, are you actually going with Kelce?”
“Yeah,” you nod, distracted by your phone. “We said we’d go together if we didn’t find dates. Kelce didn’t really wanna ask anyone after what happened last summer. And after nearly being set up with Top last night, I’m about ready to throw in the towel.“
Rafe looks to his friend that sits in the driver’s seat, who's looking straight at his lap, the back of his neck bright red. “Wait, you two?”
“It was just our parents, dude. Went to dinner at the club last night and our moms brought it up,” Topper mumbles. You giggle at the idea, completely unaware of the energy in the car right now.
“Yeah, sorry, Thornton. But no thanks. You and Emily should be really cute, though,” you say earnestly, patting his shoulder.
Topper just stares straight ahead. “Thanks, Y/n/n.”
“And then this thing with Griffin—I’m just so over the idea of finding an actual date at this point,” you sigh. “Plus, I know Kelce won’t put up a fight about the color scheme. I’m thinking like, aqua. Or maybe pink? I don't think I'd look good in gold.”
You'll look good in absolutely anything, and Rafe will just have to watch you from across the floor of the Island Club, while Kelce twirls you around the dance floor or holds you close during a slow dance.
The guy in question opens the car door and slides into the backseat next to Rafe right then, sighing as he slides his backpack off. “Sorry guys, coach stopped me in the hall. Where are we eating?”
Rafe glares at him.
“I want a smoothie,” you declare from the front seat.
“Fine with me,” Topper nods, pulling out of his parking spot. “Guys?”
“Can we go to that place with the deli next door? I’m so hungry,” Kelce says.
“Yeah, I like their açaí bowls,” you say, twisting around to look at Rafe one more time. He must not be able to hide his emotions as much as he thought, because your smile drops when you see him. “Rafe? Does that sound good?”
He turns his body to look out the window, eyes flicking back to yours one last time. “Not hungry.”
Rafe meets Topper and Kelce at the dock later that night, the three of them intending to get drunk and maybe take Topper’s boat out if they felt like it.
Kelce is already there by the time Rafe pulls up, drinking a beer with Topper while they laugh at something on his phone.
And Rafe paces right down the dock, snatches Kelce’s phone out of his hand, and pushes him off the platform and into the water.
“Rafe, dude,” Topper says, immediately pushing him back by his chest.
“What the fuck?” Kelce sputters, spitting out water as he surfaces and climbs the ladder back up. “What is your fucking problem?”
“You couldn’t ask literally fucking anyone else? It had to be Y/n?” Rafe says, laughing indignantly. He looks down at where Topper is still keeping them separated. “And you—what the fuck—”
“I told you, man. It was just our moms. We didn’t even consider it,” Topper says, rolling his eyes.
“You both lied to me,” Rafe accuses. “Because you knew I’d be mad.”
“And why’s that, Rafe?” Kelce spits, reaching around Topper to try and push at his chest. “Why are you mad? Not like you were gonna ask her.”
“No,” Rafe says immediately. And he isn’t even lying; it’d never crossed his mind as a possibility. Which is why he can’t even begin to try and work out why he’s this upset about it. He didn’t do anything to stop this, but it’s still happening, and it’s making him crazy. “You know my dad’s making me take Reagan since we’re both on prom court.”
“That’s what I thought,” Kelce grumbles. “I was gonna tell you.”
“Soon, I just—we made the plan so long ago, bro. Neither of us wanted to worry about dates… but I gave it time because I thought you might—I dunno,” Kelce trails off, shrugging. “I dunno.”
“Thought I might what?”
“Figure your shit out and ask her yourself,” Topper says, coming back from the boathouse with a towel that he passes to Kelce.
“Even if I could, Y/n/n would never say yes to me,” Rafe scoffs, shaking his head and reaching for the six-pack they were working through.
Topper scoffs back. “Oh, yeah ri—”
“Guess we’ll never know,” Kelce says, cutting him off while he dumps the water out of his shoes. He sighs at his soaked clothes before he looks back up at Rafe. “You know I’m not into her right? We’re just going as friends. It’s senior prom.”
“Why would I care what you’re going as?” Rafe says, shifting in discomfort, hand clutching his already-half-empty beer can a little tighter. “None of it even matters.”
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself, bro,” Kelce sighs, grabbing his phone out of Rafe’s hand and pushing past him to go change.
“Nice taste, Y/l/n.”
You whirl around from where you’d been adjusting Kelce’s boutonnière (you’d only pricked him twice, which was a personal record for you) at the sound of Rafe’s voice, plastering on a smile before you face him. Your eyes drop to his attire immediately. “Oh shit, Rafe. We match.”
“I know,” he laughs. “My step-mom wants a picture.”
You furrow your eyebrows, shifting in your heels, the tule of your dress suddenly itchy against your legs. “Um. Shouldn’t you take one with Reagan?”
“We already took a million. From every angle. With every possible fucking pose,” Rafe sighs. “C’mon, please? Before the limo comes.”
Rafe grabs your hand and you look back at Kelce who just nods, downing some champagne. “Take care of my date, Cameron.”
You can see Rafe just shake his head where you trail behind him, leading you back to where Rose is talking to one of the other moms. “There you are. Your dress is beautiful! I wish we'd found one like that for Reagan. It looks great with Rafe's tuxedo.”
“Uh, yeah. It's nice to see you, Mrs. Cameron,” you say politely, ignoring the last half of what she said completely. She pulls up her phone and Rafe’s bringing you into his side, his hand resting in the middle of your back.
“This okay?” he murmurs, his breath fanning over your neck as he leans down.
“Yep,” you say quickly, but you can’t help but look around and catch multiple of your friends watching you, including Reagan, who promptly rolls her eyes once you make eye contact with her.
“Y/n, sweetie, just a few pictures for the newsletter,” Rose says, reminding you of your purpose right now.
“Right, sorry,” you say.
“Hey,” Rafe whispers. You look up at him, feeling his hand bring you closer to his body. “Take this a little more seriously, Y/l/n. Don’t you know that the next issue of the Island Club newsletter will be completely ruined without this one specific photo, that will probably be squished into the corner of a terribly- edited collage?”
You laugh in surprise, hitting him on his chest for joking about his step-mom right in front of her. “Rafe. Be nice.”
He just grins down at you, before straightening up and turning back to the camera. “If I’m nice, will you save a dance for me later tonight?”
You’re glad he’s not looking at you anymore, because then he’d see the way your smile faltered before you turn back to the camera as well. “Sure.”
“How is my flask empty?” Kelce groans, tipping it over and shaking it out for emphasis.
“That’s what happens when you drink it all, bud,” you laugh, patting his shoulder. He rolls his eyes at you, linking his arm in yours as you both pass through the crowd to find Topper and his date, Emily. You all watch Rafe up on stage, waiting to inevitably be crowned prom king.
He was a shoo-in anyway, but you’d definitely distracted your English teacher with a conversation about the 1984 essay you just turned in while Topper and Kelce stuffed the ballot box he was meant to be guarding.
Rafe seemed like he couldn’t care less about stuff like prom court, just shaking his head when his name was announced over the speaker as a nominee three weeks ago at lunch.
And he’d dragged his feet through finding a date, just shrugging whenever you brought it up to him, prying partially for your own sake.
You couldn’t figure out why he seemed so averse to the entire event, but you supposed that was better than having to hear him go on and on about Reagan and how he asked her and what corsage he bought for her and if he was bringing her to after-prom—or anything else that would’ve dragged up some feelings you thought you’d firmly buried at this point, telling yourself for years that you never stood a chance with Rafe.
But the closer graduation got, the more you’ve been realizing that things with your friends would never be the same. Things with Rafe would never be the same.
“Kildare Academy, your prom king is Rafe Cameron,” the DJ says, snapping you out of your thoughts. Kelce and Topper cheer obnoxiously while you laugh, a little grateful they’re both drunk and distracted—so happy their plan worked (Rafe subtly flips them off behind his back as he’s crowned) that they can’t notice the way your shoulders slump as Rafe leads Reagan, just crowned queen, out to the middle of the dance floor while some Ed Sheeran song starts playing through the speakers. You’d roll your eyes at the terrible music selection if that was what you could focus on.
All you could focus on was wondering if Rafe would even remember that you promised him a dance tonight.
Kelce is dramatically bringing you into his arms as the prom court dance takes place, subtly turning you around so your back faces the stage and the court, smiling as he holds your waist. “C’mon, dance with me.”
Rafe’s letting go of Reagan as soon as the song ends and everybody cheers, dashing off to the DJ booth after telling her he’d be back in a bit. She merely shrugged before adjusting her crown and going off to some friends.
“Hey man, can I pull some prom king privilege right now?” he says, leaning in to speak into the guys’ ear. “I have a song request.”
“Playlist is set, approved by the school,” he says dismissively.
“Thought you might say that,” Rafe grumbles, reaching into his breast pocket before he can take the time to wonder if he’s really going to do this—if he’s really going to bribe the DJ to play a song by your favorite band before he goes to cash in on that dance together that you’d promised.
He hands him a crisp hundred.
The DJ sighs, snatching it out of his hand and pocketing it while Rafe smirks in victory. “Alright, what song, country club?”
And then it's practically a race to find you before the Kid Cudi remix currently playing ends. Rafe heads off in the direction where Topper and Kelce had been yelling when he was on stage, evening his pace when he spots you jumping around with Kelce, your dress fanning around you while you laugh, the string lights illuminating your face.
You’re smiling so big that it stops Rafe in his tracks.
Guys had always shown interest in you, and you turned most of them down. Not all of them; Rafe still had to see you with guys who absolutely did not deserve you giving them the time of day, sometimes at parties or maybe at the Club. Rafe could usually lie to himself, write off these feelings as some protectiveness over you, a nice girl who’d been a good friend to him his entire life. Rafe was protective of all the people he held close in his life, why wouldn’t he look out for you, too?
But something must have changed, because now—now Rafe’s looking at you, and he knows time is running out before you both set off on your futures. He has three weeks of school left with you, then a summer of seeing you around. And then... that's it.
And now he’s looking at you, those feelings less and less ignorable with every single second closer Rafe gets to not having you around him every day anymore.
Those feelings are crowding every corner of his mind, finally coming to the surface after all of the drama with prom dates had forced Rafe to wonder why he couldn’t stand you going with Griffin or Topper or Kelce. Couldn’t stand thinking about you ever being with someone that wasn’t him—a reality he knows he’d have to get used to you a lot quicker than it took him to even realize he’d fallen for you.
Because the future’s coming, and maybe in the future you actually end up with someone like Griffin, or Mateo, or that guy from the party that one time, or that touron from New England that your parents tried to set you up with, some hotshot you brought home from California after a semester, or Kelce—even Topper. Your parents would love that one. And one day in this future, you’re running into Rafe on the soccer field; your kids play for the same team together. Rafe ended up settling for someone he could never like half as much as he loved you, and he sees you across the field with a sweater tied around your shoulders, chatting with all of the other moms. The lucky asshole you finally chose just watches you the way Rafe always had, the way he is now as you dance with his best friend, the way Rafe will probably never be able to stop himself from doing.
Or maybe there's another future without you, where you move away to somewhere that suits you; the Outer Banks had never good enough for you, in his mind. Maybe you stay in California after school. And you bring home that hotshot that’s perfectly matched for you, who gets to hold you and kiss you and have you. Rafe only gets to see you every once in a while, when you decide to grace the Outer Banks with your presence for the holidays or for Midsummers. Maybe in this scenario, Rafe was never able to find someone else, maybe he shows up solo while you flash your engagement ring when the old crew gets together for drinks—no, you wouldn’t do that. You’d be absolutely smitten with whoever won your heart, showing the ring he got you to your girl friends with an embarrassed little smile pulling at your lips while they all gush over it. And maybe one of your friends jokes about how Rafe used to have a crush on you. You'll just laugh and shrug it off, nodding—because you knew all along. Of course you knew, everyone had to know at this point. And Rafe can picture you merely laughing at his feelings for you as the other guy gets to pull you closer on his lap.
The opening chords of your song snap him out of his reverie. He can see the exact moment you realize what song it is.
Rafe beelines for you, holding his hand out as soon as he’s in your vicinity, fully pretending he hadn’t just realized he’s fallen for one of his closest friends in the middle of prom. Like he hadn't realized that he wasn't just into you, didn't just think you were cute or like the way you made him feel when you remembered his stats tests or wore his shirt to his water polo games. Like he hadn't just realized that no matter how many times he'd told himself it didn't bother him that much that you'd never come close to giving him the time of day, that he'd never forget what it felt like to not even be on your radar.
“You promised me a dance, Y/n.”
You look at him and his outstretched hand and smile, then look back to Kelce, who's quickly letting you out of his arms, casting an accusatory glance at Rafe. But then he smiles a little. “I'm gonna hit the restrooms.”
“Too bad our one dance is gonna be to a song by a band you hate,” you laugh, accepting Rafe's hand. Rafe’s on autopilot, his hands resting on your lower back while yours move to his chest, swaying the two of you in little circles. The song is already through with the first verse.
“I don’t hate this band,” he lies. But maybe it’s not a lie—how could he hate anything you loved?
“Okay, prom king,” you laugh, fiddling with his pocket square a little, the one that matches your dress. “Still can’t believe we ended up matching.”
“Great minds, Y/l/n,” he shrugs, eyes trained on your face. Your hands slip up around his shoulders, and you nudge the plastic crown on his head before leaving your arms to rest there, fingers locked behind his neck. Rafe pulls you closer. The second chorus was already starting up. Time was running out.
“I’m not sure what the optics are of our matching and you leaving the prom queen to come dance with your friend,” you say, your small smile turning into a frown. “Reagan already seemed pissed earlier.”
“Don’t worry about her,” Rafe says. “It’s just you and me right now.”
“When we go off to college, I think I might just miss you, Cameron,” you say, smiling.
And Rafe might not ever get to tell you how he feels, or ever be with you the way he wants to, but at least he got to dance with you at his senior prom.
“I know I'm gonna miss you.”
@moniamaybank @downbytheouterbanks @littlementalpolaroids @fangirlvoice @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @pogueslandia @loveylangdon @oopsiedoopsie23 @sodasback @rafeseggplant @cooper8224 @rafeyybabyy @lemur46 @cameronsrafe @theepoguelandia @judayyyw @irlpadfoot @synonymforlame @tinawhynot @mildkleptomaniac @ilymarkchan @sofiatheseconf @hockeyshmockey @supersouthy @coffeeandcrimeshows @emptyloverofmine @infinitleyethereal @nerdypartytrashpsychic @mrs-cameron @tcmhollnd @nicavass @sakikos @catonthesideoftheroad @jemimah-b99 @serrendipiity @depressinq @svechnibrock @julianakawaja @ctrlcherries @lostaurorax @wildflower98 @babygirl2022 @lieswithoutfairytales @painlesslies @messagesinthesky @orrsoared @destourtereaux @sammywilscn @tylernagle @anonymousobxfan @lilacsandwhiskey @raphaelcameron @mardema @princesspogue @alwaysclassyeagle @brittlehe-art @drewswrld
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its-la-push · 3 years
Wrong Number
Word Count: 849
Request: Hi! I love your writing style! Could I perhaps request something? 👉🏽👈🏽 I would love something where Paul has imprinted on Leah’s friend but the female reader doesn’t know anything about the pack yet, but is friends with them. One day she sends a cute selfie of her in her new lingerie set she got to Paul on accident (she thought she was sending it to Leah) and captions it something like “look at this cute set i got! all i need is someone like paul to appreciate me in it 🥺” eeep, thank you either way, love!!
A/n: sorry this took so long babes! Schools been a total bitch lately
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Leah’s POV:
It had been about a month since y/n had met my “friends”, or at least I told her that friendship was the farthest our bond extended with each other. The uncontrollable actions of Paul had been weighing on my mind today. What if she quits hanging out with me to go hangout with Paul? If they even get that close that is. I tried to slow my pace walking into Victoria’s Secret when I heard y/n’s heart rate increase as well as the speed of her footsteps. Sometimes I forget how fast I move my legs. “Oooo, I can’t wait to find some new sets. It's been so long since I’ve been in here.” Y/n stated clearly excited to look at the lingerie they had. We had agreed to split up so that we could get our shopping done faster, considering it was already 3 p.m. About 45 minutes later, I saw y/n standing in the checkout line waiting to pay for the pieces of lingerie she had in her hands. Once the woman at the checkout handed her the receipt, she scurried over to me with an excited look on her face.
“What’d you get?” I questioned her.
“Well I got a couple of regular bras and pairs of underwear, but I also got some other stuff that I’ll send you pictures of when I get home.” She replied.
Y/n’s POV:
I set my bags on my bedroom floor, quietly, in an attempt to not wake my mother up from her nap. My phone lit up with a message from Leah’s friend Paul, who I had met when he came over to her house to talk to her little brother about something.
“Paul: Hey how’s your day been?” The notification on my lockscreen read. I was planning on answering him right as another message from Leah had appeared above the notification Paul had triggered.
“Leah: Dude send me the pictures of the ‘other’ stuff you were talking about”
I set my phone on my nightstand so that my hands were free to undress and slip on the lingerie I had bought. I took one look in the mirror before I grabbed my phone and positioned myself on the bed in a way that would accentuate my features in the underwear. I opened my phone to the camera app and began trying out different angles before I finally found a good one. I snapped a couple photos then relaxed my muscles. The third photo I took seemed to pop out at me so I pressed and held on it until the menu came up with the “share” option. My phone automatically showed the people who I had recently texted as options to send the photo to. They said “Leah” “Paul” “Angela” “Mom” I hit the first one and typed a text to go with it, “This one’s my favorite, I just wish I had someone like Paul to appreciate me in it :(“. I hit the blue send button and waited for Leah’s reply. As my eyes scanned the screen I looked at the name at the top of the conversation and damn near shit my pants. The screen read “Paul” in thin white letters at the top.
Third person POV (Paul):
Paul sat his phone on Emily’s dining room table and waited patiently for a reply from y/n. The kitchen echoed with laughter and conversation as Paul’s phone interrupted with a *ding*. He grabbed it and entered in the passcode and proceeded to open his conversation with y/n. Paul’s eyes widened at the promiscuous photo that appeared on his screen. He read the caption below the photo and felt a wave of lust rush over him. “Hey guys I’m gonna head home I'm pretty tired.” he announced to the pack. Sam turned to face him before stating, “Okay don’t forget you have patrol next Sunday.” Paul quickly got into his car and drove home, eager to get a better look at the photo. He got home after a 15 minute drive and immediately headed to his bedroom. The broad man pulled down his jean shorts leaving him in just his boxers, also revealing his obvious hard-on. He took a photo of his clothed groin and contemplated on whether or not to send it to y/n. Paul thought it would be awkward if he didn’t, giving him even more of a reason to show off for his imprint. He inserted the photo into the conversation box with y/n and typed the caption, “how’s this for appreciation, princess?”
Y/N’s POV: I put my phone face down on my bed out of disbelief of what I had just done. Right in the middle of my overthinking episode, my phone dinged. I could physically feel my heart rate spike as I knew it was from Paul. I slowly picked up my phone only to reveal the hottest text message I had ever received in my life. I immediately typed back the only thought my brain could come up with, “Goddamn”
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samdeancass · 3 years
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Jake x reader
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Jake, Y/N, Charles, Captain Holt, Terry
Words: 1180
A/N: Based on Season 2, Episode 7.
Description: When the precinct goes into Lockdown, Jake and Y/N find themselves locked in a room together. 
The whole precinct gathered around the desk that was currently occupied by a mysterious package that had arrived just mere seconds ago. Whispers and mutters travelled around the room as everyone wondered what it could be. The group parted away when Captain Holt walked came to investigate.
He bent forward and peered at the package, studying it. “It seems that the precinct needs to be locked down.” The whole room emerged into an uproar as loud protests and shouts echoed along the walls.
A loud whistle was blew and the station came to a standstill. Everybody turned to the sounds direction, which was emitted from Terry. “Everybody needs to calm down. This is for everybody’s safety. Now, we all need to find somewhere comfortable to sit for the next few hours.”
Groans and mutters were heard as everybody knew that Terry was right. You looked around the room and spotted Jake sitting at his desk, lying back with his eyes closed without a care in the world. A smile sprung onto your face as an idea popped into your head. 
Sneakily, you made your way over to him; putting a finger to your lips when you passed Charles’s desk. You moved your arms midway in the air and proceeded to scare Jake. “I know your there, Y/N. I’m not known as an amazing detective/genius for nothing, you know.” 
He opened his eyes and looked up at you, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Seriously! How did you even know?! I was quiet the whole time.” Jake sat up and swivelled his chair around to face you. “Yes, that is all true, but your forgetting one thing; your perfume. I smelt it as soon as you walked past me.”
“Godammit!” You stomped away, unaware of Jake looking after you. “You have a crush on them, you know? The way you look at them, it’s as if you’re in love.” Jake stood up from his chair and shook his head at Charles. “No, I don’t. It’s just bants, nothing more.”
Jake began to walk away, unaware he was taking the same steps you had mere moments ago. “Oh yeah, then why are you following them?” “I’m not. I’m getting something from the vending machine.” Charles chuckled at Jake’s defensiveness, knowing full well that his best friend was in denial. 
Jake stood in front of the vending machine, a whirl of different thoughts running through his head, when he head a loud crash come from the storage room behind him. He raised an eyebrow and went to investigate, bursting into laughter at the scene in front of him.
“What the hell are you laughing at, dipshit?! Come and help me up, but don’t let that door close. There’s no handle on the inside.” Jake walked inside, accidentally kicking the boxes that were holding the door open, causing it to swing shut. Your eyes widened with frustration. “Jake Peralta! You are a complete dumbass!”
After helping you up, the both of you banged on the door for what seemed like hours, your voices becoming a little hoarse due to all the shouting for help. You slid down the wall and put your head in your hands, heaving a heavy sigh. “How did I manage to get stuck in a room with the most annoying person on the planet?”
Jake slid down to the floor aswell, hugging his arms around his knees. “I think I should be the one asking that question.” You lifted your head up and gave him a death glare, causing Jake to let out a chuckle. 
You both sat in silence for a while. Jakes mind began to wander, going back to what Charles had said to him. A longing feeling grew in the pit of his stomach which he tried to push away. “I can’t be in love with them.” All of a sudden, every prank, every touch, every smile that the both of you had shared over the years finally made sense to him. He had never noticed before but he always seemed to focus on you, for everything. He always wanted to be partnered with you, needing to be close to you.
As this realisation dawned on him, Jake could feel an anxious pit growing in the bottom of his stomach. He needed to tell you how he felt whilst it was just the two of you, without any nosy Charles’s poking around. Jake shuffled closer towards you.
You looked over at Jake, who had moved closer to you. You had expected to want to move away, considering how much he got on your nerves, but you found that you wanted to be closer to him, to feel his warm hand around yours. 
Jake looked down at his hands, which he was wringing nervously. He took a deep breath and turned to face you, taking your hands in his. “Y/N, I need to tell you something. Something that I have only just realised.” You nodded in an encouragement for him to keep going. 
Taking another deep breath, he continued. “I don’t know how you’re going to react when I tell you this, but I do know that I have to. I’ve always wondered why I always centred my pranks on you, why I always want us to be teamed up together for a case. I finally realised a few moments ago that it’s because I love you. I have done since you first started at the precinct.” 
Jake looked down at the floor, clearly shy of admitting his feelings to you. Unwrapping your hand from his, you tilted his chin up and your eyes locked together. The both of you leaned toward each other, slowly and without ever breaking eye contact. Closing you eyes, you softly pressed your lips against his, letting the feeling of his kiss wash over you. 
He immediately kissed you back, moving his hand to the bottom of your back. Jake pulled you flush against his chest needing, no wanting, more of you. You lifted your legs up and settled in his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands travelled underneath your shirt, spreading wide against your skin. Your fingers nipped at the hairs at the bottom of his neck, causing a low growl to emit from his mouth.
You pulled away and cocked an eyebrow at him. “What? I like somebody who can take control.” You shook your head at him and leaned down for another kiss when the door opened and the both of you fell out in each others arms.
“Guys! I’ve found him!” Jake looked up and groaned as Charles was stood over you. “Charles, dude. Seriously!” He gestured to you laying on top of him, a slight red tinge emerging onto your cheeks. 
“Sorry, Jake. You’ve been gone for a while and I got worried.” Jake stood up from the floor and held out a hand for you to take, which you gratefully accepted. Jake wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your temple before walking past Charles.
Charles’s eyes widened in realisation. “I told you Jake. I told you you were in love with them!”
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radiorenjun · 3 years
if all the donghyucks disappeared from the world || l.dh [TEASER]
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¤ pairings: lee donghyuck x reader
¤ synopsis: long story short, the devil has informed you that you were going to die soon. what better to do than start checking off the things written in your bucket list! unfortunately for you, the first thing that was written the god damn thing was 'get a boyfriend'. but luckily for you, lee donghyuck was a stranger you met at starbucks who wasn't one to say no to being asked out.
this was the story that made you wish all the lee donghyucks disappeared from the world.
¤ genre: fluff, comedy, angst, slowburn! highschool au! college au! strangers to lovers au! runaway au! hyuck is a year older than the reader au! mentions of alcohol!
¤ warnings: angst. swearing. financial issues. hyucks parents are assholes. abandonment issues. arguments. crying. mentions of death. fear of planes. (more to be added)
¤ wordcount for teaser: 500 words
¤ release date: tbd
¤ send an ask, dm or reply to this post to be added to the taglist!
¤ a/n: inspired by if cats disappeared from the world
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You slapped a few slips of cash on the counter without even looking, patting Yeji’s shoulder to silently inform her to get your drink once it’s ready. Yeji let out an affirming hum, assuming you were probably going to the bathroom, too cooped up with texting her girlfriend to notice how you were walking towards the pretty boy you had spotted merely seconds ago. You shamelessly trotted over to the table the pretty boy with messy brown hair and slightly dark eyebags who was talking about some random bullcrap with his friend (whose back was facing you). 
‘Just for me’ by pink pantheress blaring through the speakers of the cafe, encouraging you to continue with marching forward, similar to the sea creatures serenading Ariel and Prince Eric during the ‘Kiss The GIrl’ sequence on their little boat trip. However, this feels less dramatic considering you didn’t have Yeji or her girlfriend, Gwen, to hype you up like Flounder the fish or whatever the name that seagull from the little mermaid movie. 
Beggars can’t be choosers, you suppose. 
“Dude, you really need to stop skipping classes, I know you don’t even like anything to do with science but even the professor is worried,” the boy’s friend exclaimed, fidgeting with the frames of his glasses as the sun-kissed boy leaned back against his chair. “Mark, the other day I found out that the nearest pet store is selling hedgehogs at a discount. Hear me out, a pet hedgehog. An investment into my happiness,” the boy took a deep breath, putting his hands together in a pleading motion in a futile attempt to convince his friend. 
“Dude, no,” the black haired boy responded with a shake of his head. 
“Hey you, the guy with brown hair!” you called out, placing your palms on the table enthusiastically, completely ignoring the black haired boy who flinched at your sudden presence interrupting their conversation. “That is I, the boy with brown hair speaking. What do you need, girl who just came up to my table out of nowhere?” he nodded in slight confusion, going along with your nonsense by using the same enthusiastic tone you did. “Can you be my boyfriend?” you asked bluntly without an ounce of hesitation. 
The black haired guy beside you dropped his jaw to the floor at your words, clearly baffled, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confused. Everything all at once. However, those emotions multiplied tenfold the moment he cocked his head to look back at his friend’s reaction, to his surprise, the sun-kissed boy visibly beamed like a ray of sunshine as he nodded eagerly as if his parents had just offered to buy him a lifetime supply of milk bingsu.
"Me?" He asked in disbelief, pointing a finger towards his chest in awe, only to receive a rapid nod from you. The boy let out a small laugh, shaking his head at how bizarre the situation was unfolding. And for a second, that black haired friend of his was convinced that he was going to turn you down. To be fair, it wasn't an everyday event that a stranger just walks up towards you and asked you out, who the hell would accept a random date with a stranger from Starbucks?
“Yeah sure! Can I have your number?” he exclaimed with an equally eager nod, unlocking his phone to open his contacts.
"My name's Donghyuck, by the way."
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taglist: @neowritingsnet @neoturtles @nct-writers @ankathi-a @songchan @tyongishs @nuoyi-city @haesexual​ @fullsunic​ @frickyratz​ @elysianahhh @hello-yav @skuezk @ryu-naa @aehyei @cookiebutterisbomb @daegalfangirl @saeyeoniee @nshitae @thesunsfullmoon @shwizhies @skye-is-here @lebrookestore
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years
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My turkey was perfect, and our conversations were even better. I enjoyed not worrying about someone else's feelings and what not to say. That's why we were friends. It's just so easy! We spent most of dinner catching up on the latest happenings in our life. Dwayne liked his new job so far, though he wasn't sure what exactly the company did. They had way more equipment in the lab than needed for synthesizing serums and analyzing metals. And there was an entire floor he didn't have access to. For a company that claimed to produce life enhancing products, it had an overabundance of communications equipment. He suspected they contact aliens and maybe even experiment on them. I wasn't sure where I stood on their existence.
I told him about my kids' crushes and the house I'd found. He'd been to that neighborhood and said it was nice. Lots of cute bungalows and a park. It's attractive for young couples looking to start a family, apparently. I only hoped to have cool neighbors. Courtyard Lane was kind of dead with one empty house, one neighbor I didn't like, and another I'd never met.
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After dinner, we retired to the living room and continued our conversation. Dwayne asked how I got into crafting candles. Telling him about Ali's dream was sad, but I enjoyed recanting the parts about practicing, improving, and the positive reception on Plopsy. It was 100% my business now, and I even had Ali's blessing.
Dwayne gazed at me inquisitively.
"It's interesting we're both doing something the other didn't expect. I didn't peg you for a crafter."
"Yeah...me neither. I'd never worked with my hands like that before. Ali told me I was a natural. My first candle was perfect. I don't know... I just ended up falling in love with it."
He smiled warmly.
"We've been friends all this time, but we're still learning about each other," he said like an epiphany.
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I considered his statement.
"I guess that makes sense. We've never spent time together like this before. Well, except...the jungle."
He smirked.
"That's cuz you was always chasing after some dude," he said and winked at me.
I feigned disgust.
"I beg your pardon! Finding a husband was serious business! I couldn't waste time with the likes of you."
He laughed so hard; I thought he'd fall over.
Though it was a joke, I saw another opportunity to ask a question that had been boring a hole in my brain ever since the affair. Despite knowing I could trust him not to jump to conclusions or get the wrong idea, I was still afraid to ask. My first opportunity was when he apologized to me, but I wasn't ready to get into any conversations with him that night.
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"I need to ask you something. I'm not judging you. Watcher knows I have no room. But...something has been bothering me for a while."
"Come on now, Ki. You know how we do. Say what you need to say."
"Okay." I took a deep breath. "We talked about this already, but I need to understand something. Were you waiting around for me to cheat on Ali all that time?"
His eyes flicked open, as if surprised by my question. It wasn't every day someone asked if it was your goal to sabotage someone else's marriage.
He sat silently, staring at the floor, giving the question serious thought. Honestly? I didn't expect him to think on it that hard. I thought for sure this would cause our first fight.
"No," he said confidently. "At least not consciously. I told you before, I was holding onto the idea of us and should have let it go a long time ago. You kept telling me to date, and that wasn't bad advice. But I couldn't jump into a relationship knowing my heart was somewhere else. It wouldn't be right."
I gasped.
"So you've never been with anyone else?"
"I didn't say that."
I knew Dwayne wasn't the home-wrecking type, but it relieved me to know, officially, that was not his goal.
Another question came to mind that made me even more nervous. We were doing well as friends, and I still hadn't decided if I wanted to give a relationship a shot. But despite knowing he had things he needed to work through, the idea of him moving onto someone else pained me. I needed to know where he stood. Maybe it would help me decide.
"So...where is your heart now?"
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Dwayne squirmed and sighed a lot as he considered his answer, and I got even more nervous. Maybe his fresh start didn't include me and he was trying to think of a way to let me down gently. Maybe I needed to move on, too. Was this not the same situation Mommy told me to get out of? But I-
"My heart is still right here...if you want it."
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I smiled softly and nodded.
"That's good to know."
"I think you misunderstood me," he said. "Letting go of us doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. I just needed to free myself from it. That thing had me in a chokehold and held me back in a lot of ways, so I let it all go. I needed to be in a place where I'd be okay if nothing happens."
"Wow," I said. "That's...so mature."
I thought about how I had to let Tofu go. Glaring at my daughter behind her back and being passive aggressive was not mature. How was it, at this age, I still had growing up to do? At least I knew he wasn't running away. Now I needed to decide what I wanted in all this.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
subtle | shouto todoroki/reader
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto / Reader
status: complete
length: 2,171 words
summary: Someone leaves chocolates on your desk. You're determined to track down the sender, certain it's a mistake, and Shouto Todoroki makes himself as unhelpful as possible.
tags: romance, reader-insert, fluff, valentine’s day
warnings: aged up characters (no smut though!!)
There was a box on your desk.
There was a box on your desk, and the sight of it was enough to instantly set you on edge.
The box looked normal enough, if a little fancy, maybe. Its lacquered top glinted brightly under the fluorescent office lighting, its smooth, polished sides waterfalling into the soft matte of your desktop underneath. You weren’t close enough to read the inscription, but you could just make out some elegant, curling script inlaid into the top of the box, possibly the name of whichever company had produced it.
The box looked very normal, in fact. Only, you knew it wasn’t. Boxes didn’t just show up in the middle of the Todoroki Hero Agency, a campus swimming with pros and armed with layers of security so deep it took even you--Shouto Todoroki’s manager--fifteen full minutes to get through screening every morning. It was something very much like being a prison guard at Tartarus.
So either this box meant the agency was dealing with a security breach the likes of which had scarcely been seen before, or someone had mistaken your desk for somebody else’s.
Which, considering it was Valentine’s Day, made a lot more sense.
Buoyed by the realization it wasn't a security risk, you crept closer, peering at the box, and the script resolved itself into the name of the extremely fancy chocolatier in Hiroo district that you made a point of drooling over every time you had to make a house call on Shouto. Their prices were literally insane, so you had never let yourself wander inside, unwilling to shell out an entire week’s pay for a tiny set of chocolates. Even if they did look absolutely fucking unbelievable from the window.
Your mouth watered.
That confirmed it--this was a Valentine's gift, and it was definitely a mistake. For the briefest of seconds, you’d wondered if maybe you had gotten obligatory office friendship chocolates, but this was too much. Some poor, love-sodden flop had gone out, spent their week’s pay on someone they were clearly very serious about, and then proceeded to fuck the entire thing up by plonking their gift straight onto your desk instead of their intended’s.
You frowned, quickly checking the box over for some kind of clue as to who had left it. There was no note included, nothing even mildly helpful that would give you the slightest hint of the person who'd left it here. Which left you with the question of how to return the box to the sender without knowing who they were, or how to pass it on to whoever they’d really meant it for.
You drew your bottom lip between your teeth, staring hard at the surface of the box like you could crack its code if only you glared hard enough. The box stared back at you, unhelpfully silent.
You were still skewering the box with your gaze some minutes later, determined to unravel its secrets, when a deep voice murmured from your doorway.
“You look puzzled."
You startled, whipping around to find Shouto propping up the wall, looking as unfairly handsome as usual. He was watching you intently, those heterochromatic eyes fastened to your face in that careful way he had, the one that always made you feel too warm and slightly unfocused. As usual, it was all you could do to remind yourself that you were a professional and he was something solidly between a friend and a coworker, and no matter how cute and attentive he was, you shouldn't get any ideas.
This morning, he was dressed in his hero uniform, tall and broad-shouldered, his distinctive hair only a little ruffled from his early patrol. It wasn’t often someone tried something in the districts he watched over anymore, probably too nervous to find themselves on the wrong end of the number four hero’s temper. You knew from the reports you received to your phone that the only trouble he’d encountered this morning was a pack of amorous school girls purposely misusing their quirks to draw his attention.
Thirty minutes ago, in fact, you’d almost spit out your coffee laughing at a photo of him looking wildly uncomfortable as he attempted to ice down some girl’s lava quirk with his right hand while fighting off her unfathomably enormous bouquet with his left. It was only right that he should suffer once a year, when every other day he got to stalk about as handsome as you please, oblivious to the effects his appearance had on every breathing person within a five mile radius.
You gave him an absent nod, gaze drawn back to the box on your desk.
“Somebody accidentally left something in here,” you told him, gesturing to it. “I’m trying to figure out how to track down who it was, or who it was meant for.”
Shouto made a small noise in the back of his throat, almost like a cough, and it was enough to startle you into looking up at him again.
“What?” you asked, peering at him. Was he coming down with something? It wasn't often he got sick, but when he did, he usually attempted to hide it and needed to be steamrolled into taking time off. You looked him over, trying to assess whether or not you needed to start badgering him now.
Shouto gazed back at you evenly, his expression deceptively bland. “...You think it’s not for you.”
You felt yourself blink at him, surprised by the comment and struggling to discern his meaning. What did he mean, you think it’s not for you? “Of course it’s not for me, Shouto, it’s from Grégoire Chardin.”
You knew he’d know the place, considering he lived in the same fancy rich people neighborhood as the chocolatier, but Shouto looked unimpressed.
“Why should that mean it’s not for you?” he asked, his tone dry.
The remark caught you off guard, as his comments sometimes did, and you bit down something like a smile. Bless his sweet, oblivious, rich boy heart. Either he overestimated your appeal to his agency staff, or he really did not understand the concepts of cost and return on investment.
“It’s expensive, it’s not something you would give someone as obligatory chocolates,” you explained, watching as a white eyebrow went up. His expression sharpened into something you couldn’t read well.
“It could be a secret admirer,” he said.
You stared blankly back at him, absolutely floored by the idea.
He thought you had a secret admirer? The idea sent an excited thrill all the way down to your toes, but you quickly squashed the feeling. So far, you'd never been on the receiving end of any furtive but romantic gestures, and you really didn't get any interested vibes from anyone in the office, no lingering glances or excuses to spend more time with you. The person who paid you the most amount of attention was Shouto, which was to be expected, considering how closely you worked together. And obviously he wasn't interested, he was just happy to stand in your doorway spouting wild conspiracies about his agency staffers like they were completely reasonable things to say.
“I don’t have a secret admirer,” you told him.
Shouto’s mouth pressed into a thin line and he took an intent step forward into your office. “Is the point of a secret admirer not to be exactly that--secret? How can you be sure?”
You couldn’t help it--you gaped at him, your face going weirdly warm. Okay, was he--was he serious? You obviously weren’t the most unfortunate creature on earth, and you even had your good days, but nobody in their right mind was going to attempt anything with you when there were girls like Nejire Hado and Ibara Shiozaki roaming the hallways of his agency. Even several of the analysts and most of the support crew had you beat out in terms of appeal--literally bless this man for his obvious indifference to your appearance.
“I, uh--thanks for your confidence in me,” you said, fighting down a laugh. “But I assure you, it definitely wasn’t meant for me. I just have to figure out who left it and who they meant it for.”
Shouto shifted impatiently, like he was waiting for something.
“You’re so certain,” he said, sounding frustrated.
“Of course I am,” you waved at him vaguely. It was actually super cute that he thought you could net yourself a dude who was willing to shell out Grégoire Chardin dollars, but you were just wasting time now, lingering over the least important part of this entire affair. “Listen, Shouto. I know sometimes men talk in the locker rooms. If you--if you hear anything, will you let me know? I just want to return it, it looks way too good sitting here.”
It was actually taking all your willpower not to open it and avail yourself of Japan’s finest chocolate, considering you would never have another opportunity like this again. Maybe you should just pretend it was for you....Really, no one could fault you for opening something left in your own office. But...no. No, you knew better.
Shouto appeared indifferent to your internal struggle. He watched you for a long moment, his features impassive. “Under one condition,” he finally allowed.
You cocked an ear to show you were listening, rifling around with the paperwork on your desk to distract yourself from the chocolate. You were strong, a good person. You had willpower like steel. You did not need to eat it, no no no.
“If no one comes looking for it by the end of the day, you will open it,” he said, moving closer.
You glanced up at him, shocked. “Shouto, this is someone else’s gift,” you hissed. “I can’t just open it.”
He placed a large palm down on your desk, leaning over you slightly. “That is my bargain.”
“You want me to steal somebody’s shit in your own agency,” you accused him. You tried not to pay attention to how close he had gotten, how straight his nose was up close, the way his eyes seemed brighter and his mouth pulled into a pout almost too pretty for a man.
The rest of his expression slipped into something like annoyance, matching his pout. “If no one comes for it, then it must be evident that it was meant for you.”
You suppressed a derisive laugh. Now was not the time to get shirty with your own boss, especially when his delusions were kind of sweet. It was honestly just short of a miracle that a man who looked like Shouto did could possibly think anyone on earth would have a thing for you, regardless of his own tastes.
“What if they’re just too shy to ask for it back?” you asked, watching those heterochromatic eyes flick over you curiously.
“If it’s as expensive as you say, someone will come looking,” he said. Which was actually kind of annoyingly reasonable.
A smirk flitted across his maddeningly perfect face when you failed to come up with another argument. He had a point, and he knew it.
You let out a gusty sigh. “Fine, but only because I’m certain someone will come looking for it. Please be subtle when you’re gathering info, okay? I'm sure this is embarrassing for whoever made this mistake.”
Shouto looked almost offended. “I am perfectly capable of being subtle,” he intoned in his deep voice.
This time, you did laugh. He was quiet, maybe, very perceptive, and unobtrusive when he wanted to be, but no one had ever accused the man of possessing tact. “Yeah, okay. Just, try to channel more subtlety than you think you need, okay? No one else but the sender needs to know about the mix up.”
There was a moment of silence, and then Shouto was leaning over you more fully, eyes glittering strangely as his clean, fresh scent met your nose. You froze in your chair, brain going horrifyingly vacant as he leaned impossibly nearer. What the fuck was he doing?
“It will be like I’m not even asking,” Shouto promised, his voice light. “Not asking anyone at all.”
You tried to scrape your thoughts back into something resembling order, but the effort was all but futile. You needed to get him out of your space stat before you embarrassed yourself.
”Okay, then it’s a deal,” you said quickly. “Now go...flambé a villain or something.”
Shouto lingered for a long moment, his mouth curling a little at the corner, like he was being let in on a secret you couldn’t hear. His eyes brushed over you, almost like a physical touch. And then he was gone, pulling open the door to your office, looking annoyingly pleased with himself.
“You will see,” he said by way of farewell. “You will find out how subtle I can be.”
You stared at him in confusion, but he didn’t explain himself. He just smirked, and closed the door behind himself.
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A/N: I would like to preface this by letting everyone know that I am in no way knowledgeable about actual science things. That being said I am amazed that in a random draw I actually managed to get a prompt that had to do with flowers lol. This is my contribution to the BakuHarem Collab! Please take a second to check out the other contributions here!
Warning: bad science, no protection, swearing, overs!mulation, accidental exhibti0som, intoxicated smut? idk sex pollen is a drug i guess.....
W/C: 3.5k
“Bakugou, dude. We should not-”
“Shut up Kirishima!” Bakugou walks through the sterile hallways checking every corner for signs of other people. “That bitch took my top spot with some bullshit flowers?!” He finally gets to the lab that was granted to you for your research. After winning first place, stealing first place in the UA university science expo. He walks into the observing lobby, looking through the large window to make sure you weren’t working in the lab after hours.
“Just keep quiet and listen for any one coming this way.” He walks over to the security door and holds his key card up to it, the light on the scanner turns green and he hears the dead bolt slide open.
Kirishima is lingering behind him, hovering in the doorway. He turns to Bakugou to talk him out of this again but his friend has already entered the lab. “Ahh geez.” He didn’t even wear any safety gear.
As the door clicks shut behind him, Bakugou stops to examine the lab. Several different species of flowers in full bloom behind temperature controlled enclosures. Some of them are recognizable; lavender, chamomile, and jasmine. “I thought it would smell like the perfume department, this fuckin place smells like heaven.” Guess it wasn’t a new shampoo she was using then.
He walks through the aisles turning his head this way and that, trying to find something, anything that he can fuck up without it being overtly obvious. He gets to the back corner of the lab and sees a piece of familiar equipment. “Perfect.”
“He said WHAT?!”
Your roommate flinches at your reaction to her news. “He told Professor Aizawa that your ‘Viagra flowers’ are a joke to the science department and they should ‘wither and die’.”
You’re fuming. That fuck tard Bakugou, mister my shit don’t stink is ridiculing my research? “All that man knows is how to blow shit up! Just cause I beat him in the expo this year, he thinks my research is a joke?!” You stand up from the couch, pacing in front of it and you can’t decide whether to scream or cry. “Why did I ever like that twat?”
Cause he has wide shoulders, big hands and scarlet eyes that -
“Oh for the love of god shut up.” Screw your inner thoughts.
Ochako watches you pace, worrying in her eyes when yours line with silver and your neck flushes bright red. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that.”
You stop moving and look at her, guilt flooding through you as she slumps forward. “Don’t apologize, I was talkin to myself babe.” She nods her head weakly and you stand up straight “I’m gonna go.” You walk to the door grabbing your coat and key card.
“W-where are you going?” Ochako follows you to the door and grabs your wrist gently. You turn to her and smile, she was always so sweet but you knew that if shit went down she would be right beside you, kicking ass.
“I need to blow off some steam, so I’m gonna go check on my ‘Viagra flowers’.” She huffs a laugh and let's go.
“Alright, don’t stay too late.”
You nod, put on your shoes and leave the dorm. It’s a bit of a walk to the building the lab is in and hopefully the cool breeze will calm your mind.
As you walk into the building you are grateful that your professor is more of a night owl than most students. Considering how many naps he takes during lectures it is no wonder he can’t sleep at night. You contemplate going to his office to say hi but think better of it.
Don’t wanna end up venting about Bakugou to my professor of all people.
You walk down the hallway and notice the door to your lab is cracked. Not unusual, a lot of students from your class have been coming and going to see the different species of flowers and plants you are growing. Assuming someone didn’t shut the door behind them you take your phone out of your pocket to check the time. Out of the corner of your vision a quick flash of red and you walk right into Kirishima, Bakugou’s friend and one of your classmates.
“Hey! How- how's it goin?”
You take a step back, rubbing your nose from face planting into his giant chest. Does this guy eat boulders for breakfast? “Hey Kiri! Just gonna do some late night tests! You checkin out my garden?”
“Yeah! Flowers are pretty.” He laughs, it’s high pitched and obviously forced.
You take in his nervous appearance, the fact that he is still standing in front of the door and your mood sours.
“Where is he?”
Kirishima looks like he is gonna try and stall but one look at the fury in your eyes and his head hangs down. “He’s in the lab,” you rush past him and punch in the code to open the door. “I tried to talk him out of it!”
The door clicks shut and the spiky blonde huffs in annoyance somewhere in the back of the lab.
“I told you shitty hair, if you’re gonna keep a look out you have to stand outside.”
You clear your throat and his head shoots up. You walk over to him, taking note of all of the plants and equipment, taking note of anything that looks different. As you get closer to him you notice that he smells particularly good tonight.
Keep it in your pants idiot
“Really Bakugou?” You stop a few steps away from him, noticing the various disassembled parts on the counter top behind him. “What were you gonna do, break my extraction equipment and make it look like a malfunction? Are you a B-Movie villain?”
He stands up and you are reminded of how small you feel next to him, wide shoulders, arms barely fitting the t-shirt he was wearing, strong chest that tapers to a toned waist. He laughs and you look at his face. What I wouldn’t give to just lick from your navel to your neck.
“A B-Movie villain huh? That’s rich coming from the fanfiction cliché scientist.” He crosses his arms, your eyes quickly dart to the sight of his biceps flexing with the movement then back at him.
“Fanfiction cliché? What the actual fuck are you talking about?” You take another step towards him, softly inhaling his scent. Why does he smell so good?
He laughs at you again, the sound caresses your skin and you realize your feeling very, very hot. You drag your fingers through your hair, your eyes zeroing in on a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. When you lick your lips and shift to take another step closer a small part of your brain connects the dots. “What. Did. You. Do?”
Bakugou looks at you, noticing your flushed cheeks and eyes that show you aren’t quite your normal smart and sexy self. Reaching behind himself you hear the unmistakable sound of clinking glass, he grabs a beaker, an open beaker. “Just grabbed this from your equipment, I know how long it takes to extract this stuff. Would suck if it were to suddenly go missing.”
“You idiot! Do you know how potent it is in that form?!” You reach for it but he pulls the beaker out of your reach. “Why do you think I keep it enclosed? You have to close it up now!”
“Why should I?”
Honestly how stupid can this guy get?!
“Put it back in the enclosure first and I’ll explain it to you!” Your breathing is getting heavy, the closer you get to Bakugou the hotter your body feels. You lunge for him again and trip, he hurries to put the beaker on the table behind him and catch you. Put off balance from the position you both crash to the floor with him underneath you. Sighing in frustration you lift yourself up only to bump your head on the table, knocking over the beaker and spilling the extract over you both.
“Shit!” You scramble off of him and run to the door, pressing the exposure button and effectively locking it. You turn to Bakugou and back up trying your best to keep your distance. “Stay on that side of the room, if we’re far enough apart the effects won’t be as bad.”
“What are the effects?” The question is spoken so calmly that you almost convince yourself he didn’t speak at all.
“What are the fucking side effects!?” His shirt is soaked, sticking to his tanned skin. The outline of his chiseled body makes your mouth go dry. You look back at his face, his mouth twisted in frustration at your silence but no less attractive. The sharp angle of his jawline, pink lips slightly chapped, aristocratic nose, scarlet eyes that-
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Shaking your head to clear some of the fog in your brain, you focus on him again.
“It’s an aphrodisiac so obviously it enhances sexual desire.”
“Yeah-yeah, sex pollen I get it. But what else?” he rings out the bottom of his shirt, lifting it slightly and you avert your eyes.
“It is not sex pollen, I don’t even use the pollen of the plant.” the last part coming out in a mumble. “The aphrodisiac only works on people who are consenting adults that are attracted to each other.” You clear your throat.
Bakugou freezes for a moment and looks up at you, examining you. The flushed skin, short breaths, and how you keep as much distance between the two of you as the small lab provides.
“So why are you so far away then?” The smirk on his face is sinful as all hell.
Cheeky bastard.
“Surely I don’t have to spell it out for you.” Resisting the urge to turn your face away from him like a pouty child..
“HA!” The smug look on his face momentarily lifts the cloud of lust and replaces it with anger. “Of course you’re attracted to me, who wouldn’t be?”
“Well, aren't you a cocky bastard?” Hoping you're not about to embarrass yourself you take a chance and muster up some courage. Slowly walking up to him you notice that his forehead is glistening with sweat, his breathing heavy, ears and back of his neck flushed with pink. “Tell me, Katsuki. How are you feeling?”
A few steps and you can see his hands balled up in white knuckled fists, a few more his jaw clench and unclench. Once you are only an arms length away you can see him swallow harshly, Adam's apple bobbing, nostrils flaring. You push your breasts against his toned chest, the light friction causing a moan to escape your mouth, the sound going straight to his cock.
“I’m - I’m fine.” Bakugou clears his throat, the sound of his first name from your lips sweeter than it should be.
“Lookin a little flushed, you feeling hot?”
He doesn’t answer, his attention captured by the closeness of your body, your lips, the tops of your breasts peeking out of the v neck top you’re wearing.. He stops breathing when your tongue flicks out to lick your bottom lip.
“Cat got your tongue?”
On impulse his hands move to rest on your hips, eyes never leaving your lips. “What was the question again?”
“How. Are. You. Feeling.” you walk your fingers up his chest with each word before pulling his head down so you can whisper in his ear, the anger fading fast. “Katsuki.” You hear him growl, the sound reverberating through your core, then you're being picked up.
“I’m gonna ruin you.” Bakugou crashes his lips to yours, pressing you up against one of the walls and bracing you with one hand so that the other can wrap around your throat. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.” He bites your lip, licking it to soothe the hurt. “Smart, funny, sexy, beautiful.”
You whine at the words and grind against the bulge in his pants, your pussy throbbing with need. “Need to feel you touch me Bakugou.” He stops moving and you shift to try and grind against him again but he holds you tight, slightly squeezing the sides of your neck.
“What happened to calling me by my first name, baby girl?” Loosening his hand and crouching down as if to put you down you sputter out “Kat-Katsuki Please touch me.”
The feral grin on his face has your pussy drooling and you all but sigh in relief when he stands up straight and slips a hand under your shirt, cupping one of your breasts. “Oh god yes.”
“You’re so soft baby,” he pulls one of the cups down and rolls your nipple in between his fingers. “Take off your shirt, wanna see those pretty tits.”
Katsuki keeps playing with your nipple when you rip your shirt off, making short work of your bra and tossing it. As soon as the other nipple is in view he dives down to suckle it, his mouth hot. You throw your head back, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pushing your chest out to give him better access.
He is merciless in his teasing, alternating between breasts, making sure to suck each nipple till they are both hard peaks. Kissing the top of your soft globes, your collarbone and neck, everywhere his mouth goes is left with a mark in varying shades of red and purple.
You grow impatient with him, needing to make him feel as good wanting to feel him with your hands, mouth, teeth.
“Wanna feel you too Katsuki.” you whine as he pinches one nipple while nibbling the other one. When you pull on his hair a little he groans but lifts his head, pulling both nipples with him before letting them go.
“What do ya wanna feel, baby girl?”
With all your inhibitions throw out the window you lean down and whisper in his ear. “Wanna feel you fuck me.”
You pull away and he quickly sets you down, you’re about to object when he takes his shirt off in one smooth motion then starts unbuttoning his jeans. You rush to follow, unzipping your pants and pulling them down, before you can pull down your panties he grabs your hand stopping you. “Leave ‘m on.”
Katsuki picks you up again before you can get a good look at his cock, but when it's pressed against you there is no need to see it. “Fuck you’re huge.”
He smirks at you, smug pride in his eyes. “Glad you approve.” Reaching a hand down he pulls your panties to the side and runs his fingers through your wet folds. “This all for me?” bringing his fingers up to show you the slick dripping down them he puts them in his mouth and sucks. “Gonna have to enjoy that tasty treat later.”
Your body is burning up, breathing is heavy as you both watch him drag his cock along your wet slit before pushing in. Your moans echo in the lab and neither one of you cares as Katsuki's cock drags against your inner walls until bottoming out. Right now is not the time for slow strokes, not with the aphrodisiac flowing through both of your bodies, so he starts a pace that has your ass slapping against his thighs.
“C-cumming!” You scream out before your body bows in on itself and you're creaming around his cock.
“Already?” a sideways grin on his face Katsuki starts moving you up and down in time with his thrusts, his cock reaching that much deeper. “Gonna cum for me again? Come on baby, wanna feel you milk my cock.”
Your mind is going blank, the only thing running through it is Katsuki. “Please don’t stop,” you dig your nails into his shoulders. “M Gonna cum again.” His thrusts go shallow and the head of his cock drags against your walls, hitting all the right spots.
You’re repeating his name endlessly, the only word that is in your mind then you’re cumming again. Your legs tense around his waist and your pussy clenches down hard enough that he has to stop moving or risk hurting you. He watches your face contorted in pleasure and starts thrusting as soon as he feels your orgasm subside.
“One more.”
Your head fuzzy, body limp from two orgasms. “I can’t!”
“Wrong,” Katsuki pulls out for a second, setting you on the floor and pushing on your back. You obediently bend forward grabbing the edge of the counter top and he wastes no time in rutting back into you. “You want me to stop?”
“Then you got one more beautiful thing.” He sticks two fingers in his mouth, getting them wet then reaches around rubbing soft circles on your puffy clit. His other hand gripping your hip, before moving up and grabbing your shoulder using it as leverage to fuck into you harder.
“Come on, cum for me.”
You turn your head to the side trying your best to look in his eyes, yours tearing up at the overstimulation. “You cum too, fill me up Katsuki.”
“Oh fuck yeah.” Bending his knees he thrusts up into you and with the new angle, teasing circles being rubbed on your clit and the feral moans coming out of his mouth you cum one last time.
Katsuki cums after you, rope after rope of cum coating your fluttering walls.
You both stand there catching your breath. Katsuki pulls out and you whimper, “Oh don’t worry beautiful,” he picks you up again, walks over to a chair and sits down with you in his lap “not done with you yet.”
By the time you are spent both of you are exhausted and lost track of how many times either of you came. He helps you stand up, quickly pulling your panties back in place. “Don’t want you leakin.”
You giggle and pick up your clothes from the floor, he helps you get dressed and you both walk to the door. Making sure to check the air quality before leaving the lab you confirm that nothing is left in the air and unlock it. Before opening the door you turn to him opening your mouth to ask a question but he talks first.
“Let's go back to my room, yeah? I’ll help you clean up.” His voice rough from moaning and growling but you can see a small smile on his lips. Even though you know that the effects of the extract have worn off you can’t help but worry that he is still under their influence. Nodding your head you turn away from him again and open the door, walking into the lobby.
“I assume you're finished with the lab?”
You stop dead in your tracks, Katsuki bumping into you. “P-professor Aizawa?” Red hair peeks out behind him and Kirishima looks at you both with a nervous sharp toothed smile and red face. The fog of your memory clears and you vaguely remember hearing knocking on the window and door while you were… indisposed.
Katsuki steps in front of you, from the lack of red on his face or neck you know he isn’t nearly as mortified as you. “How long have you been standing there?”
The tired eyes of your teacher examine both of you. “Long enough.” He sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose. “You are both to meet me in my office tomorrow morning.”
And just before you can’t get anymore embarrassed he walks out and says over his shoulder. “The labs aren’t sound proof, and these walls echo.”
@doinmybesthere @patchworkpuzzle @eyebagsbutglam @sugarspiceanddynamight
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
guys my age don’t know how to love me good
pairing: dom!juyeon x noona!reader
synopsis: lee juyeon is the only guy who makes sex worth it
word count: 3.1k
warnings: noona kink, mentions of toxic and abusive sex, deep throating, no mentions of protection (wrap it before you tap it), inexperienced/unsure reader
a/n: this is for @rolezeure + anon
requests are open!!
masterlist + requests
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'y/n, I swear to god if you won't come to this party with me I will actually never talk to you ever again. you know what this is?' your best friend siyeon dramatically held up a pair of scissors. 'scissors, to cut our friendship.'
'but what am I supposed to even do there?' you scoffed. parties were stupid 'I don't know how to talk to people.'
'you don't need to talk, dumbass. you get drunk, grind on some hot dude and get laid.' siyeon rolled her eyes as she was so done with you.
'as if that is supposed to convince me to go. sex is completely overraded, my dude. it just hurts and the guys don't even care. as long as they get off on you it's fine.' you had not have had any positive experiences with sex. it usually hurt, the guys were rough and didn't really care if you were crying. there wasn't any pleasure you associated with it.
'that's cause you've been with only toxic men. but please, come with me! it's way too awkward to go alone and I need a hype woman. Sangyeon will be there. I cannot miss the opportunity to get with mr. dilf. have you seen him? he is sooo hot, y/n. I might never have another opportunity like this. and I need a lot of alcohol in my system first before I can initiate something,' she whined. she gave you the best puppy eyes she could to make you give in.
you knew your friend had been eyeing sangyeon for weeks. siyeon had tripped the first time she saw him and had to wipe away the drool from her chin. she then memorized his schedule and you would always have to watch him from afar. however, she could not utter a single comprehensible sentence without alcohol if she was nervous but when she was drunk she was the most sociable and flirty person and always got with whom she wanted.
sangyeon was usually never to be found at parties but this particular one was for his friend's birthday so siyeon knew he would show up. who knows if she would ever see him again, after all, he had just graduated from college and would be leaving campus. this was her last opportunity. you sighed.
'fine,' you finally gave in. she squealed and hugged you so tightly that you had trouble breathing.
'omg, I love you so much, y/n! you're a lifesaver. I owe you big big time.'
'you certainly do.'
you tried to convince yourself that maybe a party was just what you needed. finals were finally over and you were on your well deserved break before you started your last year of college.
a week later, the two of you took a cab to the party location. you arrived at a huge mansion that must have cost a huge ton of money. it felt like thousands of people were there, getting drunk and going skinny dipping in the gigantic pool. you recognized some of the people. you didn't really know them but you often saw them walk around on campus.
when you entered the house some dudes whistled at you. ew. you definitely had to get a drink to be able to stand all these gross men lurking around here. at least you had your pepper spray with you. better safe than sorry.
siyeon and you found the bar and immediately downed a couple of shots. the alcohol burned in your throat as you drank one after the other. your friend needed the effects alcohol brings with it quickly.
'have you found him already?' you scream over the music at siyeon.
'no, he's nowhere to be seen… maybe he's not here at all' she was pouting.
I grabbed her by the arm. 'come on. let's go search for him somewhere else. hmm, maybe he's outside?' you dragged her through the mass of people. she was gonna get laid tonight, you were gonna make sure of it.
the backyard was just as crowded but at least you got some fresh air. a lot of people were grinding on each and making out in the pool and hot tub.
'oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. he's there!' siyeon whisper shouted at you.
'where?' you couldn't find him in the crowd.
'over there next to the huge ass plant. he's standing next to jacob.' ah, you saw him. him and jacob were engaged in a deep conversation and occasionally sipped on their drinks.
siyeon just grabbed a drink out of a passing person's hand, ignore the complains and drank it all in one go.
'I need more.' so you went to get more alcohol before you could convince her that now was the time.
'how do I look? is my makeup smudged? do I look enough like 'daddy, I've been a good girl. pls choke me?' she kept on trying to flatten her hair hastily.
'you look absolutely gorgeous, girl. go get him, tiger.' she did look stunning. the red lipstick matched with her bold red dress. it was short and showed a lot of cleavage. her beautiful curves were perfectly highlighted and if sangyeon didn't drool over her then you would seriously have to buy him new eyes.
you high-fived each other and then she went to go on her mission.
you watched how he scanned her up and down, taking in her beauty, when she approached him and then smiled brightly. she touched his muscular arms as he said something that made her laugh. he seemed to be enjoying her company jacob, who had understood what was going on, had joined his other friends kevin and eric on the dance floor inside.
'who are we spying on?' someone whispered in your ear, making you jump and almost spill your drink. rude.
'oh, seeing if my best friend's gonna get laid tonight like she'd hoped to. seems positive so far.' the guy who had come up to you nodded interested. you had no idea who he was but you didn't exactly mind his company. he was a handsome fellow, with a face sculpted by the gods. his dark blue hair made him stand out even more.
'so what are you gonna do if she leaves with him? are you just going to leave?' he asked.
you shrugged your shoulders. 'probably. she's the only reason I came to this god awful party.'
'oh, you don't like it?' he raised his eyebrows.
'no, it's too full, it's too loud and I'm bored. who even is this guy who threw this party. I actually have no idea who he is,' you complained about everything. he seemed to become more amused as you went on.
'then allow me to introduce myself. hey, my name is juyeon.' he held out his hand.
'what does that have to do with- oh my god this is YOUR party!' you realized in shock. your face was burning with embarrassment. but he didn't seem to mind at all and just laughed light heartedly.
'yeah, I'm sorry you don't like it. if you like I could take you somewhere quieter with less people.' oh dude, he was flirting. why? you did look hot as fuck in your short black dress but you had literally just insulted his party.
'I'm sorry I'm not really up for sex or whatever it is you're offering.' you scratched your neck awkwardly. you wouldn't mind if he visited you in your dreams sometimes tho to have a good time.
'that's too bad. I was hoping I could make you feel good.' he brushed a finger over your cheek.
'I doubt you could. no one ever has.' he snorted at that.
'how old even are you?' you asked him.
'19, you don't have to worry. I'm a legal adult. you?' 'almost 21.'
'ooh, that's fun! are you sure you don't want to spend some private time with me, noona?' that was fucking unfair. he was using this noona thing to get you to give in. he knew exactly what he was doing and you could feel yourself getting aroused.
'I just don't think sex is right for me. it just hurts and doesn't do anything to make me feel good,' you explained to him.
'seems like you've only been with douchebags. I have a 100% rate of making women come. you should try and see for yourself, noona.' his lustful gaze stared deep into your soul, making your legs wobbly.
it seemed so tempting. he was super hot and couldn't help but notice the outline of his abs on his shirt. the alcohol was also encouraging you to make some bad decisions and step out of your comfort zone. this man somehow made you super horny with his toned body and god like face, whether you liked it or not. you caught yourself seriously considering going with him.
'here's a proposal. I give you head and if you're not satisfied with my services we can just stop there.' he leaned down and whispered in my ear. 'I would love to hear you scream my name, noona.'
his offer actually didn't sound too bad. juyeon might just be more skilled than the rest of the men you had slept with, who knew. you didn't have anything better to do anyways so you might as well see if he can make you feel good.
'where do we go?' you finally asked after staying silent to keep a suspenseful silence. his eyes lit up and he grabbed your hand. he led you back inside, up the stairs and into the room on the far right.
you could see posters of football player, trophies and pictures. this was obviously his room.
you didn't have much time to look around as he locked the door and kissed you
you were surprised by just how not slimy it was. usually, the guys would always try to wet your whole face and you had to wipe your mouth every other second.
but he started off soft and placed his hands on your hips. you put your arms around his neck to get closer to him and deepen the kiss.
his hands started roaming your body and when he squeezed your ass, you let out a moan. juyeon took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside your open mouth.
the kissing made you dizzy and you desperately tugged at him to get him closer to you. he picked you up and held you up against the wall. you let your hands wander under his shirt and started tracing his abs while grinding your core against him. you could feel his dick harden with your movements.
juyeon carried you to the bed and slowly let you down so you laid on your back. while he quickly took off his shirt you tried to catch your breath after the intense make out. you didn't have long to admire his muscular upper body before he lifted the dress so you were only there in your underwear.
he startes placing open mouth kiss from your collar bones, to your boobs, to your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. he made sure to keep eye contact as he put the fabric between his teeth and slowly pulled them down like this. you felt cold air hitting your core.
'so pretty, noona,' he admired your clearly dripping pussy. he dragged one finger over your lips to see just how wet you were.
'I haven't even touched you yet but you are already so wet for me. I told you I'd make you feel good. I'll show you just how much, noona.' and with that he dove right in between your lips to prove his point. the feeling of his tongue fucking you was unfamiliar. no guy had ever even cared to get you wet and pleasure you before actually having sex.
Juyeon was desperately devouring your juices as if he hadn't drunk for ages. additionally he started massaging your clit with his thumb, knowing exactly what a woman likes. he had to hold down your hips to keep you stable because you were trying to buck up into his face as it felt so good. every time his nose came into contact with your clit while licking you felt like you were losing control.
involuntary moans were spilling out of your mouth and you could feel juyeon smirking against your core.
suddenly, he slipped a finger inside you and started slowly pumping it in and out of you. it felt a bit uncomfortable at first but you got used to it quite quickly and when he noticed, he slipped a second finger inside. damn, those were some long ass fingers.
your pussy made squelching sounds which you couldn't care less about in the moment as he rapidly fucked you with his long digits. you were pulling at his hair as he took your bud between his teeth, alternating between softly biting and sucking on it.
you suddenly couldn't take it anymore and your orgasm washed over your body like a wave and juyeon slowly continued until you had fully come down from your high.
he sat up straight again. 'I promised I could make you feel good, didn't I? god, you look so hot when you come, noona.' fuck, where did he learn to do all this? maybe he was right after all.
you noticed that his nose was coated in your juices but he didn't seem to care at all. 'do you want to continue?'
'only if you can make me come again,' you challenged him.
he scoffed. 'that's not even a question, noona.'
he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. the shape of his bulge was clearly visible through his underwear. you reached inside and whipped out his already hard dick. you gulped.
'it's so big,' you whispered afraid. he was bigger than the other guys you had slept with and if they had already hurt you then his cock would probably hurt even worse.
he stroked your hair out of your face. 'don't worry. I've already prepared well so you should be able to take it without a problem. I'll make sure to go slow to not hurt you, okay?' you needed to trust him. it seemed like he actually knew what he was doing.
you gave his dick a couple of strokes to see how he reacted before you wrapped your lips around his leaking tip. seeing juyeon throw his head back gave you the encouragement you desperately needed to go forward.
you took him all the way until you started gagging. this was something you were good at. you started deep throating him and he moaned out your name.
'fuck, noona. you are so good with my cock.' he brushed your hair to the side so you it wouldn't be in the way when you sucked him off.
you noticed that he tried to control himself but couldn't refrain himself from bucking up his hips a few times, making you gag.
he then stopped you. 'I can't come yet. I need to show you how proper sex is done first.'
you laid down on your back and he positioned himself between your legs. he pressed your arms down next to your head and intertwined his fingers with yours.
'are you ready?' you gave him a nod.
'just squeeze my hand if it hurts.'
he slowly pushed his tip inside. you shut your eyes tightly and juyeon stopped to give you time.
'no, no. go all the way in first,' you whined.
his dick filled your walls up to the brim. you tried to calm down your heavy breathing. you squeezed his hands in pain and he held still. juyeon placed a kiss on your mouth.
'you're doing so well, noona.', he praised you. 'just tell me when you feel ready to go.'
it did hurt but not quite as much as the other times. and no one had ever waited for you to actually adjust before beginning to pound into you.
juyeon distracted you with kisses and as you started getting more comfortable you slowly started moving your hips against him. you gave him a slight nod to tell him he could continue.
he still started off with a moderate tempo and you needed more.
'faster!' you urged him and he picked up the pace. the way he snapped his hips made you see stars.
the pain was now completely gone and you were lost in your own pleasure.
when he started  thrusting into you from behind, he hit spots inside you you had never felt before. the new position allowed him to go even deeper and faster than before.
you moaned surprised as he spanked you.
'you like this, noona?' you could only groan out his name to show him how you felt.
the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter.
'I think I'm coming!' you manage to get out.
'come for me, noona!' with that he went into overdrive and fucked into you like a machine.
your arms gave in as your walls clenched around his huge cock tightly and you came hard while screaming his name.
he rode out your orgasm and then pulled out. he stroke his dick fast and shot his big load on your butt and back.
he lay down next to you exhausted. his fingers wiped away the tears of pleasure you didn't know you had cried.
'did I make you feel good, noona?' 'more than just good,' you admitted satisfied.
'I guess guys my age just don't know how to treat me.' he hummed in agreement.
'that makes no sense. you are absolutely gorgeous. they missed out on the opportunity to see your beautiful face when you come.' this was weird. he was still nice to you even after he already came. what was this?
'thank you for making my birthday wish come true,' he said. 'huh, what do you mean?' you questioned him.
'actually, I've noticed you on campus before but I was always too shy to talk to you.' 'oh really?' you laughed sceptically.
'yeah, I wanted to ask you on a date first but it seems like we skipped a couple of steps.' he was blushing. gosh, he was kind of adorable.
'I mean we could still go on those dates if you'd like, birthday boy.' strangely enough you felt like you could trust him and kind of wanted to get to know juyeon as a person.
'awesome,' he smiled at you before he pecked your lips and went to clean you both up.
you had completely forgotten about siyeon. hopefully, her night had been just as satisfying as yours had been.
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pascalsummers · 3 years
Paralyzed (Bucky x Male Reader)
Summary: You tend to freeze around your crush a lot. Maybe a song will help
A/N: This is my first post on here! I hope you enjoy it! Also the song used is called Paralyzed by Big Time Rush.
Having your crush think you hate them was the biggest mistake of your life. You didn't mean for it to end up this way but life had a way of messing with you. It all started the first day you meet Bucky. You were sitting in the living room scrolling through your phone when he walked in. You heard about the man from Steve and the rest of the Avengers. You were an Avenger yourself but a more "Call me if you need me." member. So you never actually saw how he looked. "Oh, you must be Y/N? I'm Bucky." He said causing you to turn around to him staring at you. The moment your eyes meet you instantly fell in love with him. This is why you stared at him wide-eyed before speed walking out of the room. Sadly you had the unfortunate tendency to get paralyzed every time you saw a crush of yours. Meaning you never actually talked to any of them. You tried to talk to Bucky but every time he looked at you your confidence fell to the floor and you quickly left the scene. It didn't take long for the rest of the Avengers to see you in action. It confused all of them to see you avoid Bucky like the plague especially Steve. This is why you were being seated in the conference room with Steve and Tony at the moment. "I already told you guys I don't hate Bucky!" You exclaimed leaning back in your chair. You were always asked the same question and it irritated you. Of course, you can't blame them since you never gave them a straight answer. "You say you don't hate him. But leaving the room the moment he walks in doesn't say much else. You see the problem here?" Tony said waving his hand around the room emphasizing why you were dragged in here in the first place. "Bucky's a good man Y/N. I know his past isn't the greatest but he's trying to make up for it. You don't have to be friends with him just... give him a chance okay?" Steve pleaded, giving you a small smile though you could see the hurt in his eyes. Steve was probably the most hurt by your actions since he and Bucky go way back. You opened your mouth to say something but decided against it. Instead, you mumbled a small okay before walking out of the room and heading straight to yours. Though you weren't at the tower a lot they still wanted you to have a room letting you know you were always welcomed. As you turned the corner you found yourself bumping into someone. "Sorry, my-" You started before you looked up and saw you bumped into none other than Bucky himself. You immediately looked at the ground avoiding his gaze. "Sorry." You said quickly before speed walking away from him.                                                             + + + + Bucky watched as you walked down the hall, your form slowly getting smaller before disappearing completely. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned his head back to where you were standing. Bucky was used to people avoid him considering his past. Though watching you do it hurt him more than it should have. Though that was probably because he had a small crush on you. He continued walking down the hall finding the conference room door wide open. Walking closer he could make out the voice of Tony and Steve who seemed to be talking about you. "I think he's scared of me," Bucky said leaning against the doorway catching the attention of Steve and Tony. Steve let out a small sigh. "Could be. I'm sorry Buck." Bucky waved him off. "It's not your fault. I'm... used to it. even if it's from an Avenger." He said trying not to sound as hurt as he felt.                                                             + + + + After locking yourself in your room you fell onto your bed, letting out a long groan. You knew you had to tell Bucky sooner or later. With your other crushes you usually never saw them the next school year and could forget they ever existed. But Bucky? you couldn't forget him you didn't want to forget him. So with that, you dragged yourself to your desk and began writing. You were a singer in a band before you joined the Avengers. The team would always want to hear you sing whenever it was brought up but you were too shy to do it. Whenever you got a crush you always wrote a song about them and kept it in a binder in your house. You never performed those or your other original songs cause of nerves. This week though all of that would change. It didn't take you long to write the song which surprised you. "Okay, now to show the band." You said to yourself as you grabbed your bag and stuffed the papers in. You opened your door and did a quick peek outside seeing if Bucky was coming down the hall. Once the coast looked clear you stepped into the hallway and made a beeline to the elevator. Finding your bandmates was also a walk in the park. Since all of them were roommates anyway and never left home. You showed them the song and they were ecstatic to perform it. So that week while you were out of the tower you and your bandmates worked on the song till it was perfect. Now the only hard part was performing it.                                                             + + + + It was about a month after the talk with Tony and Steve and things were... progressing between you and Bucky. Now you could be in the room with him for at most two minutes before running away! The team didn't like how short the time was but it was some progress. The Avengers were in the living room talking amongst themselves when you barged into the room catching everyone's attention. "You okay Y/N?" Natasha asked still moving the bowl of popcorn out of Clint's reach. You took a deep breath and collected yourself. "My band is having a show tonight and I want you all to come and watch me!" You said as fast as you could before your confidence ran out. The room fell silent for a minute before everyone started cheering. It surprised you how eager they were to hear you sing. With that, you told them all to get dressed and gave them the location before leaving the room. You mentally high-fived yourself for getting this far. Now all you had to do was sing the song and confess to your crush at the same time.                                                             + + + + "Dude you are shaking more than usual." Brett, your guitarist, said while he messed around with his instrument. Brett and you have been friends ever since you were kids so he knew what was up when you gave them the song. You took a deep breath while fiddling with the mic in your hand. "I have so many first happening today. My first time singing a song in front of the avengers, my first time performing an original song, my first time telling a crush I like them? It's... a lot to handle at once." You admitted feeling a little bit better after getting it off your chest. Brett gives you a kind smile. "Y/N your gonna do great. Just remember to breathe and know that I will always have your back. Okay?" You smiled at his kind words feeling yourself relax more. You were going to say something else but a voice signaling your band to come on stage stopped you. "Well, no turning back now." You joked as you took one final breath before walking onto the stage. Immediately you see the Avengers all seated at a table closest to the stage all wearing a suit or a dress. Seeing Bucky in a black suit with his hair tied back almost made you faint on the spot but you had a job to do. After the clapping died down you cleared your throat and began your little speech before the show. "Hey everyone it's good to be back! So today is a special occasion not only because we have earth's greatest defenders here with us tonight but we're also performing our first original song!" The amount of clapping and wooing you heard was almost deafening. Though you didn't know if they were clapping about the song or the people. "The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory so I won't bore you with the meaning. Without further ado here's our song Paralyzed!" With that, you signaled to your band to begin playing the song. As the song began to play you took one last breath and closed your eyes feeling the music flow through you. It was now or never.                                                             + + + + To say the Avengers were excited to hear you would be an understatement. They were practically bouncing in their seats like little kids waiting to hear you sing. Well except for Bucky who tried to keep a neutral look but anyone could see he didn't want to be there. Before they left he told Steve that you probably didn't want him to come but invited him anyway to be nice. Steve could see the look on Bucky's face and tried to reassure him. "Come on Buck. We're here now aren't we? Might as well enjoy it right?" He reasoned giving Bucky a small smile. Bucky rolled his eyes in response but tried to get comfortable. Though he thought you hated him, he did want to hear your voice. Even if it would never be directed towards him. You, you walked into the room On a Friday afternoon That's when I saw you for the first time And I was paralyzed The moment those words left your mouth the Avengers were surprised by how good you sounded. Though Bucky furrowed his brows as he thought about the first time he met you. "Could he? No that can't be it." Bucky reasoned with himself trying to focus on your voice instead of the lyrics. I had a million things to say But none of them came out that day 'Cause I was never one of those guys That always had the best lies Bucky once again thought about the first time you too met and how the lyrics seemed to fit. Though he once again wrote it off as a really weird coincidence. Right? I try to speak, but boy you got me tongue-tied I try to breathe but I'm f-f-f-frozen inside I try to move but I'm stuck in my shoes You got me paralyzed, paralyzed, p-p-p-paralyzed
I see you walking, but all you do is pass me by Can't even talk, cause words don't come into my mind I'd make a move if I had the guts to But I'm paralyzed, paralyzed, p-p-p-paralyzed As you sang those lyrics the Avengers started to piece things together. They went wide-eyed when the realization hit them. It was a love song. A love song about Bucky. Now I learned a lot from my mistake Never let a good thing slip away I've had a lot of time to look back And my only regret is Not telling you what I was going through But you didn't even know that "I think this is about you, Buck," Steve whispered during the second chorus, playfully jabbing his friend in the side. Bucky barely registered Steve's voice as his mind tried to wrap around the fact that you didn't hate him. In fact, it was the total opposite. As the years go by I think about you all the time, whoa If I get the chance I hope I won't be paralyzed, paralyzed by you Bucky watched as you closed your eyes, finally feeling all your confidence return with a vengeance. When you opened your eyes your E/C ones were staring into his blue ones. You walked into the room On a Friday afternoon Bucky couldn't help the smile that crept onto his lips as he watched you. The rest of the Avengers spent the time looking between you and Bucky still shocked by the love confession. "I think it's safe to say no one was expecting this?" Clint whispered to the team who all just slowly nodded in agreement. When the song ended there was silence for a small moment before the crowd went wild. Bucky watched you breathing heavily, your eyes still trained on his. Without much thought, Bucky got up from his seat and walked to the stage causing the room to fall silent. Bucky could see the worry in your eyes as he got close to you. Though it only lasted for a small moment before the man pressed his lips to yours. The crowd once again went crazy including the Avengers who were more than happy to see the two of you together. "I thought you hated me." Bucky breathed out as he rested his forehead on yours. You chuckled slightly still trying to catch your breath from the song and the kiss. "I don't hate you Bucky. I'm just an idiot." "Well, you are my idiot now doll." He said before pressing his lips to yours again.
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