#like go to the beach
nylarac · 1 year
summary of bad things that have occurred starting in mid december to today:
fractured toe
got covid after managing to avoid it up until now
it's been nearly a month and i am still experiencing lingering symptoms (coughing, my favorite foods no longer being appealing, fatigue, worse asthma, rib/chest pain, congestion)
300 dollar water bill and likely another v expensive water bill to be expected soon since maintenance didn't fix the cause until recently (and i am still not confident that they actually fixed the issue)
got v unexpectedly laid off with 30 days notice
found out that i actually only have a week before i am unemployed and only 2 weeks' severance
my car's ac stopped working again barely a week after i got it fixed so there is almost definitely a leak that will need to also be repaired
dental trouble (a lot to explain but tldr teeth suck insurance sucks and everything is expensive)
which i guess summarizes a lot of this list lmao everything sucks and is expensive
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vmkhoneyy · 5 months
I think if I could be the kind stranger in someone’s memory, that’d be enough.
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zeezu-ix · 3 months
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not even kidding when i say this took me like. a year and a half to finish </3
(IT WENT THROUGH LIKE 3 ITERATIONS!!!! then i was taking my sweeeeeet sweet time rendering it and i just gave up with shading - HAD ENOUGH ASBDSH!!! needed this out of my wips)
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tallgh0st · 20 days
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it’s already like 30 fuckin degrees out
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taytei · 22 days
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sketch page after sketch page as i try and figure out how to draw these kiddos
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babysgarage · 4 months
crowley is a sappy romantic bitch he listens to pale blue eyes when he's alone, he cues up a song about angels dining at the ritz when taking his angel on a date to the ritz, he goes back to get a statue from the church in 1941, he grabs a book from aziraphale's bookshop while it's burning as a memento, he wants to run away to alpha century together bc it's nice, he has aziraphale's likes and dislikes and scents memorized, good old fashioned lover boy anthony jacts of service crowley aka the demonic equivalent of a heart locket
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introspectivememories · 5 months
street interviewer: what's your type?
tim who's just trying to get to work: i have a boyfriend
street interviewer: so what's your type then?
tim: my boyfriend
street interviewer: and what does he look like?
tim who will absolutely gatekeep bernard from the general public: he looks like my boyfriend
street interviewer: so what would you rate me out of 10?
tim: um i can't do that
street interviewer: can't rate me at all?
tim: i can't rate you at all
street interviewer finally realizing that this is going absolutely nowhere: what would you rate your boyfriend out of 10?
tim smiling stupidly: he broke my scale cause he's so beautiful
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ningadudexx · 10 months
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Sunburst duo on the beach while the sun bursts behind them :C
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majimasleftasscheek · 4 months
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💍 pt. 2
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nofacednerd · 5 months
Also while I’m talking about PJO, I really hope that the beach fight scene is badass in the show. Like Percy has not used his powers at ALL so far and I hope the beach fight scene we get hints of how terrifying he can be when he’s actually using them like in the later books
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Fishing, Grian thinks, is possibly the best way to get a mending book.
Best way to get anything, really. Is it a bit inefficient? Does it take a while? Yes! That's what drives him crazy. But it's also what makes it worth it.
He could trade with villagers, sure, but where's the satisfaction in that? It's just instant gratification, that is. When it's him and the sea, sitting on his dock and smelling the salty air and listening to the water and the waves and the whispers, that's real happiness. Carving enchants into a fishing rod, something peaceful and soothing, instead of armor or weapons.
It's a give and take with the ocean, like the tides almost. He gives his time and his dedication and the sea gives him something in return. Sometimes he gives more. Once he gave a mending book to the sea just in case. A worthy offering. When the book sank he felt contentment on the breeze. So maybe it worked. You wouldn't know it for the lack of mending he's caught.
Maybe it's less about the mending and more the experience. Getting in touch with the sea. Feeling its wild moods on the salt on his tongue or the water soaking into his boots. Staring at the fish as they stare up at him. Feeling bits of kelp and sea grass tug at his legs. It's nice in a weird way. You give your time and love to something and it gives something in return.
Gem gets it, Gem's a smart one. She's building her whole base around the sea, and sometimes Grian spots her at night in her lighthouse just staring out at the open ocean. The sea loves her too. When she surfaces after exiting her boat or her storage room, she's smiling. And if he spots her he smiles back, and they both get it.
The others don't. The others think Grian's just gone crazy and maybe he has sort of, but that's also not really it. Sometimes he doesn't want to catch a mending book because it's his excuse to be with the sea and he loves the sea. What'll he do when he gets it? Gem is lucky, she doesn't need any excuses. That's probably why no one thinks she's gone crazy even though there's giant flying fish around her lighthouse and a strange darkness in her eyes sometimes.
Sometimes Grian puts his hand into the water and he feels the slightest movement against his fingers and he smiles.
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
I was wondering why Necromancers in SIAT are called mothers? I don't think it's been said why, and considering the story has male Necromancers, I don't get it?
free yourself from the gender binary and maybe you'll be less of a drag
He’s a necromancer. He’s a Mother. He knows how to come home.
He’s a Mother, and that gives him an edge over other necromancy practitioners
Draco pauses. “Is being a necromancer genetic?”  “Maybe? Being a Mother isn’t, though,” he says.
"So whoever did this specifically didn’t want us to know who they were and knows that you’re a necromancer, if not a Mother,” Draco says. 
If Slughorn were out there haunting someone or something, he’d be easy to find. Even a normal necromancer could do it, never mind Mothers that have worked with him for decades.
i could keep going, but i assume you get the point. all mothers are necromancers, not all necromancers are mothers
as to why i went with the term mother, what better title is there for one who commands life into death? who controls death and lives with it in a way that others do not? the first time you were brought into this world, there was screaming, and there was blood. the second time, mother holds their breath and no one bleeds
this post puts many quotes i'm fond of in the same place
In many ways, women are death’s natural companions. Every time a woman gives birth, she is creating not only a life, but a death. Samuel Beckett wrote that women “give birth astride of a grave.” 
— Caitlin Doughty, from Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory
The part of sexism that bores and angers me most is the culling, the simplification of women into Hallmark cards of femininity. When I became a mom, no one ever said, “Hey, you made a death. You made your children’s deaths.” Meanwhile, I could think of little else. It’s scary to think of mothers as makers of death, but it sure gives them more power and complexity than one usually finds.
— Samantha Hunt, interviewed by The New Yorker
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flufflecat · 10 months
this is the most beautiful creature on earth and I will kill someone if it asks me to
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the-patrex · 3 months
for silly art asks, saxteen/fourteen & donna beach day !
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they all enjoy it a little differently
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gazkamurocho · 2 months
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He is her sunshine ☀️
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nabtime · 4 months
Okay hear me out. Fenton parenting “i support my son being trans but i draw the line at him being a ghost” type situation yeah? Yeah. So like.
They still vivisect him and all that. But also give him top surgery. Since they’re already there and all.
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Do you see my vision
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