#like he really admires people who put their SOUL into the work
astrologydayz · 7 months
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VENUS/EROS IN PISCES/AT 12, 24° = Pisces degree points 2 someone being sexually attracted 2 "lost souls", they want someone who's willing 2 let them be their saviour✨. They could also hold deep thoughts about being saved by a lover themselves, and the idea of "escaping" 2 their "happily ever after". Sex them up with how artistic/poetic u can be. That shit always works. They need someone who's willing 2 show them a kind heart, while also fulfilling their deepest desires/sexual urges.
VENUS/EROS IN SCORPIO/AT 8, 20° = Scorpio degree points 2 someone wanting a lover that's more sexually charged in private, and someone who's willing 2 give up their "thought patterns", as they can be a little "obsessive" with wanting to know everything, or them investigating when they feel the other persons sexual attraction "dying down a little bit"🧯🔥. These people can easily find your weak spots, so they won't disappoint. They need someone who's willing2 give them their soul, as they do the same💀😍.
VENUS/EROS IN LEO/AT 5, 17, 29° = Leo degree points 2 wanting 2 be praised all the time, and a need 2 praise, if the other person does good🐕. They want someone who worships them, puts them on a pedestal👑. They need someone who knows that they're not 2nd place, but always 1st place. They put passion, & sexual attraction/admiration at the top of the list, of things they NEED, 2want to get sexual with somebody. They need platonic, romantic, &sexual flirting from people all around, 2 get that "confidence in", people telling them how fine they look/how sexy they are🌟🌟.
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Moira asteroid (638) conjunct 5th house can show fated romances/affairs throughout life, or with one special person💜.
A MAN’S Venus in Leo/1st house is mostly all about themselves in bed, they want 2 get off first and then maybe, if you're lucky, they'll finish u off2. No hate, I just don't fuck with it 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.
Black Moon Lilith conjunct Vertex in a MAN’S chart shows that he's meant 2 have fated experiences, that puts him out of the "conventional". Like him dating/seeing younger women&getting shit4it, or him being "thrown" into situations where he has 2 "defend himself", because of the women he's in a sexual relationship/romantic relationship with🙄. These fated connections/experiences is what turns him into who he's supposed 2 be - someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's opinion - BML energy🖕🖕💜.
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Medusa asteroid (149) conjunct ASC in a WOMAN’S chart will make herself look "tempting", or "available" in front of a man, but as soon as he looks or tries 2 hit on her, she'll degrade him. "U disgusting man, or "u pig"!! "I didn't look at u, or made any attempt 2 flirt with u, whatsoever"😂.
A MAN WITH Venus, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn = Ultimate dom. They'll make you scream their name over, and over again, & won't stop until he made you cum multiple times. He's REALLY sexually experienced, when he reach his older years, like from 30&up.
Lust asteroid : 4386 conjunct Jupiter = crazy sexual needs. Even if they've had crazy sex all night = they can go again the next day, all day😵‍💫😲🤣🤣 Mars in Virgo/8th house in Virgo in a MAN'S chart typically finds "younger people" 2 be way more sexual attractive, than people at their own age. They're attracted 2 the feeling of "feeling young", while being with a young woman/man❤️. They want someone they can have an insane sexual attraction2, while also being able 2 "teach" the other person a lot in the sexual department. Them wanting young/inexperienced women.
Neptune conjunct Black moon Lilith can make you so damn ethereal. Especially if you got Mars or Venus aspecting it 2. people want 2 rip your clothes off but r afraid 2 even say hi 2 u😭😭😭. Afraid you'll reject/embarrass them.
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💜💜💜💜 Look at aspects from Venus (the planet of love&attraction), & Mars (the planet of sex), 2c what u like, & what u need sexually💋.
👅👅👅 Mars in Gemini changes their mind a lot when it comes 2 sex. One day they like 2 dominate, & the next they like 2 be submissive. It really comes down to how they feel on that particular day. &it makes sense. Mars (planet of sex&) in Gemini - Duality. A MAN’S Venus/Mars in Leo wants praises from u. They want 2 hear how good they are, and amazing they are in bed. If u don't, they can get bored of u, and seek somebody else - get their "needs" taken care of by another person👀 👀.
If your 8th house ruler is in your 8th house = sex can so transformative for u but you'll probably only hookup with a few people throughout your life tho. Only having sex with people you feel a deep soul connection with.
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🍆🍆 A MAN'S Mars/Venus/in 11th house in Aquarius is FREAKYYYYY, they'll try anything with their partner. MOSTLY ON VIDEO/cam🙃🙃🙃 PERIOD.
A WOMAN'S Venus in Pisces/8th/12th house is the "I'll do anything I can 2 satisfy your needs, before my own". I love these placements, they want their partner 2 feel all the pleasure and doesn't even think about their own.
Taurus Mercury/Mars LOVES 2 be neck kissed, damn. Just go wild there and they'll go crazy 4 u, I promise 👄👅. MEN with Mars in Taurus/Taurus in 8th house = attracted 2 women that always looks "beautiful", "sexy, but classy", "ocd around looks", "model looking". They want a gorgeous woman, that can "cater" 2 their most sensual needs 🫦💦. Find some whipped cream/ice cream + your tongue&his body = go loca. If he doesn't go crazy, (u probably have the wrong chart😂🤡). Webb asteroid (3041) conjunct/trine/sextile/quintile BML can indicate doing "Web porn", "only fans", "showing yourself off, in a "sexual, provocative way online"🧯💨🔥.
Mars/Venus in Gemini/3rd house loves using toys! But they especially love2 use their hands&fingers!! They can also love oral👅.
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THANKS4READING💘 Appreciate u, always!
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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Neptune’s Angels🐚🪽
beauty, love, planet energy astrology observation✨
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Neptune in the 1st House, Neptune in 2nd
Neptune Ascendant Aspects
Neptune Sun Aspects, Neptune Ruled/ Dominant
Pisces Sun, Venus, Moon, Mars
Pisces Ascendant, Pisces Rising
12th House Placements, esp. Pluto, Neptune, Sun
🐚“Ethereal, but beheld. She was absolutely magical. A changeling. The moon danced in her wet eyes, beckoned by her pure heart. Then like the tide.. she was gone.”
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please don’t copy any of my original work.
esp. 12th housers, 1st housers, and Pisces Asc & Venus
You never have to do too much. Your siren’s tune announces your presence before you enter the room. Gifted with the siren’s stare and the mermaid’s heart. In social settings, you will find many people push their projections upon you, envious of your ethereal energy.
In example,
POV: You are engaged in a conversation about a niche topic you possess extensive knowledge of (with your philosopher’s soul lol). The person you’re speaking to is mesmerized, completely entranced by your eye contact.
Usually a particularly miserable, (insecure, mean girl type) bystander who witnesses this energy exchange, picks up on this. They see the genuine glimmer in your eyes and can easily deem it flirtation, flattery, and even worse…arrogance to others. This can create negative clouds of gossip, fueled by your natural mystery.
This lack of clear energy, the child-like purity you possess is a key theme of Neptune. This Neptunian energy makes for a juicy meal for the beasts called Envy and Jealousy.
I believe it’s worthy to note the distinct difference between the two.
Jealousy is anger towards the thought of losing something to another, whether that’s a competition, person, or admiration.
Envy, of course is wanting to possess exactly what the other person has. Envy calls upon an evil fouler beast… the coveting.
Coveting is perhaps one of the most dangerous forms of envy and Neptune seems the perfect victim to a covetous green eyed beast.
Why is this?
Neptune’s energy to its core can be compared to the archetype of Persephone, in my opinion. The paramour to Persephone is Hades.
Hades, God of the Underworld rules Pluto.
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Per the mythology, he falls deeply and insatiably in love with the young Persephone. She is pure, loving, and adored. He is the broken protector and she is the healer.
He is scorpio and She is pisces!
Side note: Any couples with significant pisces and scorpio placements… I know you feel this. The PASSION!
However, as it pertains to envy... Pluto rules over these obsessive and destructive energies. Others possessing bad aspected Pluto or Mars… even Mercury *cough* Gemini’s… can be really put off by the grace of an ANGEL.
The obsessive digging of a Plutonian, aggressive courting of a Martian, or excessive gossiping of a Mercurial is inevitable as they try to define you or figure you out.
But, you are an enigma! A changeling, always shifting shape…
At first, they will adore you. This adoration will lead to coveting as they try to possess what you have or even worse, YOU. They can become fiendishly obsessed.
This healer dynamic can also get a bit toxic within a relationship if badly aspected or if the broken person does not wish to grow.
protect yourselves, queens!
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While the energy can come with baggage, ultimately your energy manifests several beautiful gifts. The first and most obvious gift is YOUR BEAUTY!!
You’re the type of person people just stare at… simply in awe of such a uniquely beautiful and out of this world face.
Neptune in the 1st house is a well-known models placement. A gorgeous innocent with a siren-like gaze. Everyone wants to possess you! Some even want to BE YOU.
Immediately what comes to mind is Ms. Marilyn Monroe (Pluto 12th house). So many have idolized and mimicked her energy because she was sexually attractive, but she was most likely even more intoxicating in her private spaces where she felt comfortable.
Nobody oozes sex appeal like the siren, Rihanna. (Pisces Sun) Countless celebrities have mentioned how entranced they were by simply her presence. This is not a beauty that has to be symmetrical like Venus, but ever-changing. You’re everybody’s cup of tea. You have OPTIONS! Some women really just got it like that.
🐚 However.. as I mentioned, people adore your innocent energy and some will expect you to be vapid. They will expect you to be a push-over with a pretty face.
On the contrary, Neptune (and Big Daddy Jupiter for those with pisces placements) blesses you with a vast knowledge, which surprises those who underestimated you… enticing them even more!
🐚 But, My dear Angels… Do you truly KNOW how special you are?
Do you know that your very being consists of magic and Angelic healing energy? The 12th house and Piscean influences are not of this earth, but of the metaphysical. This means that your energy is literally unexplainable to the 3D. It is literally magic connected to spirit!
This energy gifts you with a mermaid’s heart… bigger than your body. The gravitational pull of your heart’s energy is so powerful. Within you is an infinite amount of love for literally all beings. (No joke, it’s giving animals are attracted to you and babies love you vibes. Disney princess vibes! PURR.) Esp, Pisces Venus
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However, this includes those who hurt you. (Because your heart is just so pure, it empathically understands why they did what they did and you actually sympathize with your attacker!)
STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY. It is totally stopping your evolution and glow up.
🧿Please protect your angelic energy.
Please take the time to fully isolate and recharge that energy. That is a luxury you MUST afford yourself to maintain or achieve optimum health and vitality. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, a planet that thrives in self indulgence through the means of the human senses. Pamper yourself. 💅🏾
Think of yourself as a rare silk. You wouldn’t let just anyone trample all over your exquisite fabrics with dirty shoes, hands, or their outside clothing.
The same goes for you, your aura, and your PRESENCE! 🪽
The mere presence of your energy is like fresh Filet Mignon to those starving of true self love.
🐚 An undeserving or broken soul will seek you out like a wayward sailor in a dark storm… hearing your siren song.
You MUST be handled delicately.
Thank you for reading. Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
PLUTO AVAILABLE ♏️✨ MERCURY AVAILABLE ♍️♓️✨ MARS AVAILABLE ♈️✨ Other planets coming soon.
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lady-griffin · 1 year
Small Parallel I love with Knives Out and Glass Onion
Neither Harlan Thrombey nor Andi Brand are good people. They’re not. They’re also not evil people to be clear, but again, they’re not really good people.
By the kind of people his family and especially his children are, we get a sense of who Harlan is or largely was in his life, especially with the comment that there is so much of him in Ransom.
Andi was also clearly more than okay with both Birdie and Duke as not just acquaintances but close friends; as well as what other nonsense came out of Miles before “Klear,” and she was his business partner and friend.
She wasn’t some moral beacon of wholesomeness.
Her standard of good was – 
Let’s not put this very dangerous and unstable thing that hasn’t even come close to being properly tested out into the world, especially not under our company’s name; because we are not some daring startup company anymore, we’re an established conglomerate and this could easily sink us.
That’s not exactly a high bar of morality.
And that’s okay.
Really it is.
I like how neither movie truly idolizes Harlan or Andi to the point they are made out to be truly good people, BUT yet, we still see why Marta and Helen clearly loved and cared about these two and why their deaths matter.
Marta and Helen are our truly good souls for these movies. 
The two main groups of people - The Thrombeys and The Disruptors - are all various shades of the same kind of bad person for each movie.
The Thrombeys are all willing to live off Harlan’s hard work and they all believe they are entitled to his fortune because it’s their family right. It’s theirs. And once you peel back the layers of liberal or conservative, they’re all the same, because they’re all a bit more than willing to defend what they think is theirs, with knives out and teeth bared.
The Disruptors are somehow even more reliant on Miles than the Thrombeys were on Harlan (which is saying something); and they will cling onto him until they see his boat is doomed to sink. They literally know he killed two people; two of their so-called “friends” and they’re not willing to do anything. At least, not until Miles is truly fucked. 
They all care more about their own survival and ambitions than doing the right thing. And once more, when you peel back the layers of liberal or conservative, we once again see they’re all the same, they’re all more than willing to lie for a lie and stab a “friend” in the back.
But Harlan and Andi are our mixed bags of morality.
This is clear enough with the two types of people they are associated with.
The Thrombey Family and Marta.
The Disruptors and Helen. 
They’re kind of like an optical illusion, it really depends on how you look at them and what you see when it comes to their own morality. 
However, they do have two traits that I think redeem them for the audience, or at the very least make them more admirable to us.
They are genuinely self-made people.
Harlan was a brilliant murder mystery writer. He was. And he did build this publishing/franchise empire of his.
Andi was a brilliant mind who dabbled in many different things, but her real talent (as I saw it) was being able to spot a certain something-something in people. She saw the doers in the world, even when they weren’t quite there yet, she saw their potential to be the kind of person who others would notice and remember.
They were also both willing to stand by their values and once they made a decision, they would not be bullied into changing it. 
Harlan decided to cut off his family and was sticking by that. 
Andi decided to walk away from Miles and was sticking by that.
And I don’t know, I just like that little bit of extra moral complexity these two characters bring to these movies.
Oh, and Benoit Blanc is a good person, but he definitely isn’t governed by what the law or society says is good. He’s an eccentric who’s here for a good time, a fun and challenging mystery, and is more than willing to help out the good souls in the world when he gets the opportunity.
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meyobe · 11 months
Pretty privilege…. No MC privilege pt.2
Mc can always expect him to take their side no matter what.
Mc was the first person to see past his angry and treat him like a person.
He is forever imbedded to them.
No matter how criminal the crime.
Mc was the one to start a fight? Well why was the other person fighting back?
Mc broke an expensive vase? If it’s so expensive why it is out, where anyone can reach it?
Mc started a fire in the kitchen? Devildom ingredients can be dangerous for human use-age.
He will most likely find a way to flip Mc problem on the person who accused them.
He his mind you do no wrong.
But not to be mistaken, he knows Mc is reckless but guidance is key! (He thinks)
He will put Mc comfort over his.
He’s spent millennials admiring himself and put himself over other by default.
Mc showed him that his soul is more blinding then any gold or highlighter he puts on.
Mc has showed him a new way of viewing life.
Mc looks uncomfortable sitting on the floor during movie night? Just take his seat… matter a fact his kicking his brother off so you can have space.
Mc is tired of wearing their heels? He’ll switch shoes with you.
Mc is carrying a lot of bags that look heavy? He’ll carry them himself no matter how ugly he thinks it is.
He is letting go of his persona of being perfect because Mc taught him your flaws make you unique.
Buttt old habits die hard but Mc just has to look at him and he knows to settle down.
Mc can use him as a stress reliever( not that way ^_^)
He is the strongest brother( without and magic or demon forms) he works out and knows it can take stress away.
Mc showed him it’s not enough to be strong physically, but mentally.
Mc and beel are two side of the same coin.
He never wants Mc to hold what their really thinking or feeling back.
Mc’s had a really bad day? Are we going to the gym or on a run?
Mc is refaced with a bad memory? Does Mc need to yell he will listen? Or does Mc want to punch someone or something? He is right there.
Mc feels the need to let out some energy? Does Mc want to practice with him and his team?
He knows that sometimes people need to get violent to relive their stress.
Nothing that Mc May do can hurt him. So go crazy >_<
He thinks Mc is the strongest person he will ever meet.
He strive to be just like them.
Mc can expect him to make an effort.
He’s had lots of time to dwell on his past mistakes and understand where he went wrong.
He will spend an eternity trying to make things right.
He wants Mc to know he’s trying his hardest for them.
He’s trying to living up to the honor them Mc gives him.
Mc has been feeling stressed? Flowers and a gift basket are at their door with a note that has the letter “B” on it.
Mc has to go to a meeting but also need to do my chores? He’ll make sure they’re done before Mc is back.
Mc and Belphie got Into a fight? He’s still texting them “ Goodnight, I love you “ because he knows how easily you can be taken away.
All his life his been deemed lazy or useless. It never bother him until Mc.
He is becoming the best version of hisself because he wants to be the demon whose worthy of a pact with Mc.
A/n/: should I write this for the dateables?!?!
I should also mention that I love writing so feel free to request!!
A new post about volleyball will be up soon!
Ty all!❤️
Pt.3 is up!!
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fictionalstorybyme · 7 months
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Jaxson is a young hot dude and he knows a bit about how some people, boys mostly are in awe of his self-proclaimed awesomeness. He was very confident from years earlier and now at age eighteen he had a new group to torture with his cunning seductive smile and friendly manner. But he always had an agenda. He scoped out the students at the beginning of classes. He would trot in everyday in outfits that were made his admirers droll. His slender body was tailor made for the classic look of jeans and sneakers. He was able to pick out the various fetishes of each of the many who adored him as he flirted easily with boys, girls and teachers. He could map out a plan to get them to fall in love with him and used that to dominate and control them as he pleased. He possessed an arrogance and knew how to show his displeasure with a single look. An example was Ryan…
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He had this way of making you feel you were the only person in the room, the party, the world that counted to him. His ability to focus on you with 100% of his soul, that attention was crazy addictive. He created inside jokes that he could pass along a crowded with just his expressive eyes. It seemed every time you looked for him, he was already looking at you. Our eyes met and he winked and did a facial gesture or stick out his tongue and made me laugh. It seemed every time that I wanted to leave, he was by my side and asked me. “You wanna get something to eat (when I was hungry) or just go for a ride in his convertible. He had this sixth sense of what was going on inside my head. “Trouble with the big brother?” “Trouble with your mom?” “You can talk to me if you want, you know I’m always here. Quiet is good, too.” The thing is that he was always right. How he could tell if the situation was my big brother or my younger brother, he just read me like a book. It was really nice when i thought it was because he really cared. I had the house swept for spy shit, but nothing. He would have been the one, and i ain’t gay. But for him, I don’t know how it’d work, IF it’d work, but one thing was for sure. JAX KNEW ME KNOWS ME STILL to this VERY day. Jaxson knows me better than anybody and everybody combined.
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He keeps saying it’s in my head and that, yeah he had other friends. We were in high school, after all and our job was making and being friends. TRUE! He swears to this day, I was the real deal in his mind. THE BFF. “But Ryan,” Jax said, “You know you’re not gay. I know you’re not gay. So, understand I had to have other friends. I never wanted to say this, because: If I had said, “I L❤️ VE YOU” and your mind would be be in turmoil. I knew we made a good friendship match. Maybe at the beginning I might have thought it’d be cool to have one of the premier guys that i’ve ever known and had the distinct honor and pleasure to know and be friends with convert to the other team. Girls attempt to change guys like me to be straight. Would I actually be your friend if I attempted that with you? I KNOW I WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN HAPPY! Maybe for a the honeymoon period? That’s why it’s called the honeymoon period. It doesn’t last. If I had have said this earlier, Ryan, I’d never ever forgive myself. Ever! I really have always put your needs and wants ahead of mine. Always! I never wanted you to do anything just to please me and not please yourself. That’s what the people who get called that disgusting name. If loving me turned you into a fag, I’d sooner kill myself than permit that. I’m not that kind of guy who is selfish and wants to see if you’ll change teams to be with him.” “I get it, Jaxson. I really do. You are right. You never tried to convert me or suggest i experiment to be sure. But why didn’t you tell me that so i could shield myself from the eventual pain and suffering?”
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“For the same reason you didn’t tell me you were certain you were straight, Ryan. I didn’t know for sure just like you didn’t know for sure.” Ryan nodded and agreed, allowing all the rage and anger to dissipate and desolve into the either. “ONE THING WE DID KNOW FOR SURE!” Jaxson said. “WE WERE THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF WHAT LIFETIME FRIENDSHIPS HAVE IN COMMON. OPPOSITES ATTRACT AND RESPECT. If I didn’t respect you Ryan, I’d try to have you in my bed every night with experimenting as the reason why. Thats why we go to college. To try new things. You admitted you had a crush on me.” “A HUGE CRUSH!” Ryan corrected. “You were infatuated with me. Is that a fair statement?” “Yes,” Ryan said. “Well, I too am a human being capable of having crushes and being infatuated with another.” Jaxson said. “I had a huger crush, so infatuated was I with you that i couldn’t eat for ten days, because my infatuation turned into love. You don’t try to change the one you love into something they are not! You are not gay! I know that because Ry, I wanted you so bad, but you never picked up a clue. Am i correct?” “One hundred percent!” Ryan answered. “So we’re just friends?”
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
I'm Yoongi's bitch so I can have one “What was supposed to be a one night stand with a member turned out to be more when he couldn’t let go” with him?
Where You Belong
Pairing: CEO!Min Yoongi x Secretary!Reader
Warnings: Soft Yandere, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Light Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: I too am Yoongi’s bitch. Also I wrote this while I had six glasses of whiskey if there’s error, pls do forgive sksks. I hope you enjoy this! <3
3000 celebration
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“Fucking finally,” Min Yoongi growled as he thrusted his hard member into you. The loud sound of flesh slapping against each other was loud in his bedroom. He had always thought it would be good with you, but fuck if he expected it to be this fucking good.
You were like a custom made for him, like one of those bespoke suits he was always fond of. The moment you entered in his office four years ago, he had felt the growing attraction he had tried to squash to no avail. Min Yoongi had tried so many things, but you were engraved in his skin…so deep that he knew removing you would be fatal to him.
You were his trusty secretary, someone he could really leaned on. But you were more than that. You proved to be more than that. You were his friend, his confidant, someone who took care of him when he overworked himself which he tended to do a lot.
You were his.
Simply his.
Yet the moment you casually mentioned that some other firm reached out to you to recruit you, he lost it.
Yoongi really thought he could rein his intrusive emotions, but he was proven wrong.
It was late at night when the two of you reached the hotel. You were in another city after finishing closing a partnership when you quietly brought it up to your cold boss. You wanted to slowly integrate him to the thought of you leaving, knowing full well that he didn’t do well with sudden changes.
Not when it came to you.
Never when it came to you.
You had developed feelings for him two years ago, and you knew it wasn’t healthy for you to stay. It wasn’t good for you to wait for him, not when he proved time after time that you were just a secretary to him. Not when he looked at you as though he never saw you for who you were.
You needed to move on from this stupid crush.
Having just finish debriefing with him, you thought that now was a good time to tell him your intentions slowly.
Yoongi closed his laptop, the workaholic in him finally feeling at ease now that the contract was done, and it was all because of your hard work. He looked at you with his dark eyes, admiring your strength and professionalism- yet he knew he couldn’t cross the line…unless you did first.
“Let’s go to the museum you want to visit tomorrow-“
“Enhypen company reached out to me,” you cut him off, your voice strong despite feeling the exact opposite. You almost wanted to take the words back when you saw his face lost all its emotions. You were now facing the Yoongi that people feared.
“Excuse me?”
“T-they want to interview me next week-“
Yoongi chuckled lowly before slowly placing his laptop on the coffee table. He loosened his tie, his movements precise even as his eyes were on you. “And what did you say, kitten? I hope you put them down gently…”
You gulped as he stared at you as though he could see through your soul, as though he knew the secrets you kept.
As though he knew you were in love with him long before you admitted it to yourself. And it was because of that that you knew you had to leave this stupid crush behind and move on with your life. “I told them…” you trailed off when you saw him tilted his head, his dark eyebrow raised as he waited for you to continue with nonchalance in his movements. He leaned in, his elbows resting on his knees as he waited for you to decide on his face.
“Yes, kitten? You told them no, right? That’s good. No one deserves you as much as I-“
“I told them I’ll go next week.”
You could hear a pin drop in the room. The silence was suffocating, his glare was like vines keeping you in place. It took forever before he scoffed. He couldn’t believe you were considering leaving him.
You blinked owlishly at the man sitting in front of you. “No?”
“You heard me,” he postulated as though it was a done deal. “You’re not going to that fucking interview. You’re not going to leave. You’re going to stay by my side.”
Your could feel your heart beat faster as though it was warning you of the danger that was slowly standing and sauntering to you.
And when he was close enough, he leaned in to whisper, “No one can have you but me.”
You cried in pleasure as Yoongi drew another orgasm from you. He was relentless when he heard you would leave him, became unhinged with the thought of never seeing you again.
He couldn’t have that, could he?
Yet, the moment he fell asleep, you knew you had to leave. You couldn’t survive when morning came and he looked at you with indifference once again.
Or when he would tell you it was a mistake.
You just couldn’t.
And so you left his embrace that felt like home.
“Where is she?” Yoongi asked in barely contained anger as he looked at your direct subordinate. It was nine o’clock and yet, you were nowhere to be seen. You were usually here by seven in the morning. When he woke up without you, he lost it. The hotel room was the telltale sign of him losing his ever loving composure. It took you running to crumble his nonchalant facade.
“S-she resigned, sir-“
“You’re fired.”
But the letter neatly placed on his desk was notice enough of you leaving the company, of you leaving him.
As if you could.
He would make sure there was no place on earth you could hide from him.
“Are you insane?” You seethed as you saw him. He was calmly sat down, his evil lawyer looking at you with soulless eyes. “Fifty million just because I left?”
Min Yoongi shrugged, his eyes looked bored. But he was anything but bored. He felt alive now that he could finally see you.
It took tons of lawsuit before you agreed to meet with him.
“You breached the contract.”
“It specifically said that I can leave whenever I want!”
“Tsk tsk,” Yoongi shook his head in faux sadness before smirking at you. “You should have read the contract carefully, my kitten. It says here you can’t leave me. Ever.”
You slammed your hands on the desk, your anger getting the best of you. Couldn’t you just moved on in peace?!
“I know what I signed! This isn’t it!”
“Then prove it.”
But how could you when he had all the resources in the world to make you stay? He knew it. You knew it. That smug smirk of his was a sign he knew he had you cornered.
Kitten, you really should have known you couldn’t leave. Not when he finally understood what he felt for you, not now. Not ever.
At your defeated expression, he softened his expression and reached out his long, veiny hand to clasp yours. “Or come back to me. This is the only way, kitten.”
Come back, and he swore that he would always make you happy.
That he would be the best husband for you.
That you would never, ever want to leave him.
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confusedemiposts · 6 months
Hi! How are you?? I hope you are okay! Are you still taking requests? If you are, I have a request: What if s/o is Oda Sakunosuke's little sister/brother and s/o REALLY looks like Odasaku(Oda Sakunosuke) Their hair colour, eye colour is the same as his And s/o joins to Agency. What would ADA would do? If you aren't taking requests, you can ignore this! But if you are taking requests and if you do this, it would make my day! Thank you!!
I'm on the floor I loved this! I hope you don't mind I did a small drabble for the whole agency as one at the start but only went into details with characters that knew Oda and added Ango. I didn't know what s/o was till half way so this could be seen as platonic or romantic. I hope you liked it and feel free to tell me if there's anything I'm missing
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Familiar Faces 𓇢𓆸
Includes: Fukazawa (platonic), Ranpo, Ango, Dazai x Oda's younger sibling
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Notes: Dark Era and season four spoilers!!! Slight Beast! mention but no spoilers (Fukazawa), Probably oc, not proofread, bad grammar, gn reader, reader is unaware that Oda was in the mafia, reader is implied to be over 18
Format: Headcannons/ Drabbles
Summary: Being Oda's younger sibling
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The Agency
You suprisingly grew up a very normal life thanks to your older brother. You knew he had a dangerous job and admired him greatly, after all who wouldn't? He took in orphans and visited them daily, bringing you along too. It became your whole life.
The day everything changed left an indescribable ache in your chest, like a piece of your world vanishing, leaving behind a void filled with quiet memories. You had just finished up school that year but your whole life was gone, everything you had was gone and you didn't even know why. It took you a few years till you decided to use your abilities for good and find out what happened.
You ended up joining a detective agency filled with ability users who are all very helpful and kind. It felt so welcoming that you genuinely enjoyed working here..but however, you couldn't help but notice three who looked at you with a certain, almost sad familiarity—as if they knew you. You hadn't met them before but they knew you- or at least some part of you that you didn't know how, they knew him. It's unnerving because how do they know?
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Fukazawa Yukichi
He'd recognise you immediately
Well at least who you're related too
He only met Oda once as a teenager
I don't think he met him again so I doubt he knows what happened (tell me if I'm wrong)
Might've heard that he wasn't an active assassin anymore
Definitely on guard when he meet you
Like a relative of a former assassin willing applying to be a detective?
But you were different
He could see it in your eyes that were full of emotions,loss and compassion
Unlike those eyes he saw years ago
You have never killed
It was a bit unsettling though
He needed to know of your intentions
He glanced at you and then back at the application form. He knew he recognised that name, he knew that tinge of red hair and those empty brown eyes that mirrored the features of that boy—an exact replica. To him it made sense to have this interview in the cafe instead of his office.
But the eyes he was looking into were different this time; instead of being void of any emotion it glinted with loss and nervousness. This was an interview, of course you were nervous as the older man continued to keep silent, you felt like he was judging your very soul but in reality he was wondering something else.
Finally he puts the sheets down and clears his throat "What motivated you to apply for this job?". He was curious, you were undoubtedly related to the assassin so why are you applying to be a detective? What were your intentions?
Trying to calm your nerves, you took a deep breath. "I want to do good. I want to help people, like my brother."
He didn't react, but it was evident he was waiting for further explanation, especially regarding the mention of your brother. The silence hung in the air, prompting you to delve into the details.
Hearing your explanation of Oda surprised him
He didn't know any of this (I think)
To know that kid changed into a caring young man and raised his sibling and the orphans
Those eyes that were once lifeless, with no care for his life or anything, had changed
Said he must've been a good man
I think Fukazawa would've tooken Oda in like Ranpo back then :( maybe that's what happened in beast
He gave his his condolences when he found out he died
The waitress in the café came and asked if you two were ordering
Fukazawa ordered something small
You ordered a curry, spicy specifically you said
Fukazawa officially hired you when you passed your entrance exam
He knew you were a good person
I'd like to think later on he might tell you that he met Oda when he was a teen
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Edogawa Ranpo
He met Oda twice
First as teens
And last in passing as adults
He tried to stop him :(
When he first met you he instantly knew you were related
He also knew that you were trying to find out how everything happened
I don't think he'd tell you at first for your sake
But as you get closer as friends maybe he would
Somewhat guiding you into figuring it out yourself
Ranpo doesn't act like it but I think he cares
You're having a bad day and about to snap?
You find a sweet you don't remember putting in your pocket
It's very small acts but it comforts you
Alone at your desk, with everyone gone home , and you asked if you could stay over a little to longer to finish something you'd been working on for months– finding out what happened that day.
Coming home from school, you headed to the curry place where you and your older brother always ate, where the orphans were cared for. Instead, you found chaos – police, bystanders, and a devastating revelation from an officer.
Devastated, you waited in grief for your brother, only to discover he was gone too. Everything you knew and loved vanished, leaving you desperate for answers.
You've been building up this personal case for months, you weren't that suprised to find out Oda was a mafiaso and former assassin but god still not knowing why everything happened still gnaws at you, Your world was taken, and the lack of understanding weighs heavily on your chest.
You groan and slump against the desk, the frustration of not knowing amplifying the ache in your chest. You felt like you were getting nowhere.
You felt a tug on your shirt and you lift your head up startled to see Ranpo leaning behind you. He doesn't bother asking why you're still here because he already knows but when you're about to ask him the same question he shushes you with his finger and pulls out a bag of sweets "I left these behind". That's a lie- unless he really wanted these specific sweets that he so happened to leave behind.
He pulls up a chair beside you, the wheels squeaking from only slight movement and plopping himself down.
Silently he offers the bag of sweets, you presume he wants you to open it and you do, going back to your papers after but he offers you the now open bag again, a silent invitation to take one.
You mutter a quiet thank you and take a sweet. It's silent as you both eat the sweets but it's a comfortable silence.
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Osamu Dazai
Oh my god
I can't
You knew Dazai back when Oda was alive
When he came to the house or orphans
I'd say you got along
Oda definitely told Dazai to refrain from mentioning the mafia to you
And he kept to that no matter how many times you asked Dazai about how he knew your brother or what his job was
You were probably somewhat friends :(
Didn't see each other for four years until you joined the agency
At first you didn't recognise him
He's wearing less bandages
But he certainly recognised you
An exact image of your brother
I feel like there's two ways this could go
1. He completely ignores, distancing himself from you
2. He's completely all over, absolutely protective of you and making sure your okay at all times
I think it be both
You found that everyone was quite welcoming at the agency and you got along with everyone... although there was one who always avoided you no matter what.
And that was Osamu Dazai.
The moment you stepped into the office his heart dropped as if he seen a ghost, his facade halting only for a moment before he picked up his usual demeanor again. Quietly slipping away before you see him
He'd be stupid to think you wouldn't recognise him but he ignored you anyways. Oh you're coming back from a case? Where did Dazai go? He suddenly vanished (sarcasm). You try to approach him? He is sprinting the other way.
He cannot look at you at all without thinking about Oda, he will not let you close to him again because everything he never wants to lose is always lost and he doesn't want to lose you too.
He is trying to distant himself from you, he doesn't want you to get hurt, he wants you to be safe, he wants you to live the normal life that Oda tried to give you, he wants you- your gaze, your words, your touch-and it scares him, everything worth wanting is lost the moment he obtains it, that is the life of Osamu Dazai.
Though he ignores you directly, he watches over you through other means, making sure in any plans your safety is first, that your teamed up with someone dependable and your getting home safe after work.
But Dazai can't run away from ghost's forever, not when that ghost is at arms length. He always manages to slip away when you try to even speak to him but not this time- you got him cornered, he has no choice but to see his past once again.
I don't know how to write confrontation so just wheater you argued or broke down crying
He will realise he can't keep you away
Perhaps he'll let you close again
But not too close
He knows very well that you see his facade
Being with you he doesn't have to keep his bubbly mask on
You'd both sit silently together by Oda's grave
The silence is not deafening with you, it's calm, a silent mutual understanding between you
He would definitely have nightmares of losing you too
Too the point I don't think he'd leave your side
Constantly hovering around you, partnering up with you everytime so he knows your safe, knocking at your dorm in the dead of night because of a nightmare
It's silly he thinks but still it worries him deep down, after all he is human
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Ango Sakaguchi
I know he's not part of the agency
But I think he helped you get into it
I think Ango would've taken care of you:(
Not directly but from afar
He'd feel too guilty
Finding out that you were looking for a job involving where you could get hurt he immediately directed you to the Agency
Partially because of Dazai
He knew he would watch over you no matter what
And you'd have each other :(
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backmuscles21 · 3 months
The Big Visit
Tonowari X Reader x Ronal
Summary: Tonowari and Ronal go to visit their third mate, who is with the Omaticaya people. However, when they come down to visit they find out you're sick. Coincidently, this is the first time they will see your human body.
Finally, the sky people were gone and the Sullys went home, after thanking the leader of the Metkayina clan for their hospitality. You were sad to leave, you didn’t want to leave these two new souls you’ve bonded so well with. You ended up staying after Kiri had her seizure, you could use your avatar to help around the village and use your psychology PhD to help her. You started to steal glances at Ronal, she was the healer of the tribe and you admired that. Then you started seeing her with her mate, Tonowari, and he caught your eye just as much as she did. Their tattoos were so gorgeously splayed on their bodies and they both looked so strong. You couldn’t help yourself by stealing glances at both of them and eventually, they called you over and you were nervous, were they going to get very mad at you? So far it was just stolen glances, you didn’t think it was that bad, could this be a cultural thing that you couldn’t even look at a mate?
You went into their mauri and looked at them, you could feel how hard your heart was beating against your ribs. That’s when she kissed you, you were shocked at first, and your eyes were wide open. Then your brain caught up and you kissed back, it was heavenly.
That was how you started a relationship with the mated couple, you didn’t want to have to leave, and they didn’t want you to leave either. You had all grown accustomed to being with each other a lot, you didn’t want to be a part. You went up to hug Ronal and Tonowari before you left on your ikrans, and you squeezed them both tightly.
“Come visit sometime.”
“We shall, yawne,” Tonowari said as he kissed your forehead.
So, you left with the Sullys, you were going back to home base, the only refreshing thing was at least when you woke up in the link bed, you could see your body. You were nervous that if they ever came here, they’d see your human form and they may not like that. They knew you were a sky demon, but did they know you were still in and out of that body?
Regardless months passed and then Jake informed you that Tonowari and Ronal planned to visit. You were overjoyed, Jake told you that they’d be here within a couple of days and you couldn’t wait. However, in those couple of days, you got sick, you didn’t know what was happening but you felt awful. At that time, Tonowari and Ronal showed up, they went looking for Jake to announce their arrival and then to have him take them to you.
They went up to Jake and Neytiri, they said their hellos and got a tour around the place and that’s when they asked for you.
“Is she here?” Ronal asked first.
“She is. We can go see her now,” Jake said as he directed them towards the trailer.
That was the last place he knew you were and worst comes to worst, he’d ask Norm. They got to the trailer and Jake opened the airlock and they went inside, of course, it was slightly too short for the four of them. They walked past the scientists working away on their computers or in labs, Tonowari and Ronal shared a glance as they watched the humans.
They knew you were in a false body, but they never really put too much thought into it, they just didn’t want to believe someone they grew to love was a sky demon. They thought you’d greet them in your Na’vi body, this felt so different to see your human body.
Jake went up to Norm, asking him where you were currently at, “have you seen, y/n?”
“Uh, yeah, I think she’s in her bunk. Sleeping more than likely.”
“She got blood work done, so she might be quite tired.”
“Good to know.”
Tonowari and Ronal had no idea what those two said to each other, they didn’t know any English. However, they followed Jake as he told them to follow him, he also informed them that you were sleeping. When the three of them got to your bunk, you looked paler than usual.
“She has been sick for the past few days. Norm said she just had some blood tests to figure out what was wrong.”
“I can try and heal her,” Ronal said.
“I don’t know if that will work.”
“It is worth a shot if she is unwell,” Ronal sat down on her calves right next to your bed. Her hand brushed through your hair as you breathed calmly and deeply.
“You can try.”
“Then leave us,” Ronal asks.
Jake smiles at them and leaves, he knows that they are only trying to help, but he really believes that it won’t do much.
“Ronal, do you even know how to heal humans?” Tonowari asks as he places his hand on her shoulder.
“Should be similar to anyone else. Even if it helps a little.”
“What if it makes it worse?”
“The humans are taking too long. She had been sick for days apparently.”
Ronal rolled you softly to your back, she pulled the blanket off your body, and they both noted just how tiny you were. It felt like they towered over you, they were feet taller than you, just even the size of your torso was so teeny tiny.
You wore pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt as you were freezing, Ronal placed a hand on either shoulder and tried to connect with you. She knows she has connected with you, well your avatar, they both have. Being with you for months well the Sully sought refuge, of course, they were going to fall for you, and of course, you were going to get intimate.
She couldn’t feel the normal connection to the people she tried to heal, it had to be because you were human. She felt defeated, she couldn’t help the other love of her life, and she felt almost useless. She let go and moved away from you, Tonowari could see her face fall, he knew what had happened. He held his arms open to cradle her and console her, he knew that it hurt her to not be able to help you.
They both looked over at the door to the bunk when a knock rang out, Tonowari opened the door and it was the man from earlier, Norm. They were surprised to hear his practically perfect Na’vi language skills.
“We got the results back; I have medicine for her.”
“Very well then,” Ronal answered and let Norm in.
Ronal watched Norm very closely as he pulled up the sleeve of your shirt, she saw the white cotton ball taped to your inner arm. She was curious as to what that was, Norm then took the syringe he held in his hand, pulled the cap off and slid the needle into your skin. Ronal and Tonowari were confused as to what was happening and on top of that, he didn’t even wake you up.
“I’ll be back later with antibiotics. I’ll give that some time to settle in.”
“You did not wake her up?”
“She doesn’t like needles, I figured it best to do it that way. Plus, I know she wants to sleep. Although, you could wake her up now. She can’t nap forever.” Ronal nods as Norm walks off.
Ronal goes back to sit next to your bed again, she wanted to wake you up, she wanted to see your eyes. Jake had told them that you couldn’t wait till they showed up, so they felt bad that they were here for you and you were sleeping off some sickness.
Ronal slowly shook you, you stirred and your eyes still flickered, then they slowly opened. You blinked a few times, you stretched for a few seconds. You stared up at them and nuzzled into Ronal’s hand on your cheek, you smiled at them.
“I’ve been waiting for you two to show up.”
“How are you feeling?” Tonowari asked.
“Okay. I don’t really know what happened. I think I’m getting better. We just did some tests to try and figure out what is going on.”
“We have been informed.”
“I wanted to be up and around to show you around and take you for a ride.”
“That is okay, we are here for a while,” Ronal said.
“I just realized; this is the first time you've seen me outside the Na’vi body. Do I look okay? Despite how sick I look.”
“You will always be beautiful,” Tonowari said as he reached a hand down for you to hold.
You smiled brightly, you couldn’t wait to feel better and get out there with the two closest people to you.
I also have this posted on my Ao3 - Backmuscles
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mr2swap · 4 months
Family therapy: A promising future.
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-What do you think of “dad”? The first place medal again, aren't you proud of me?- After the flash of the photo I looked at his old and tired face, he barely made a small smile that seemed totally fake, I knew what was hidden behind his smile, only jealousy and bitterness, I was sure what was going through his mind right now:
“That should be me, you stole my youth, my life, my triumphs”
But I think deep down he knew that all of that was a lie, he wouldn't have been able to get to where his body is now if it wasn't for me his father, Before I took his life he was just a teenager slowly approaching failure.
-HEY! Let's take a picture with just the guy for the hall of fame
My Ex-wife Karol and my son Nathan walked away from me and The photographer started taking pictures of my perfect body, When I did a double bicep curl the camera flash focused completely on me, My son Nathan's face of defeat In my old body was just funny. Maybe at one point Nathan could have accomplished all of this on his own, but now he was just a sad, overweight old man.
-Congratulations… “Son”-
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Before I was a retired man, I used to be a teacher and had seen hundreds of kids like my son Nathan, he started skipping a few classes, failing most of the tests, going to the infirmary in PE and then getting caught smoking pot with his friends behind school. I knew if I didn't do something drastic, what would be the end of my son Nathan frying French fries at McDonald's and living in a tiny apartment with his teenage sweetheart who is pregnant.
His mom and I were so sick of Nathan we started fighting, and it led to a divorce, the only thing I had left in my life was Nathan and I couldn't let that last one slip through my hands.
Since there was someone who could help me and that was my old boss and friend, Principal Morris, we had done this trick so many times to deal with the Bullies in the school, just swapping their bodies for a week with their victims would make them turn model students.
I called him and I found out my problem with my son, without asking him, he gave me the recipe for his secret elixir, the body swapping potion, it was enough for two people to drink a bit of that potion, and they would immediately be in each other's bodies, and that I did I poured some into my coffee and into Nathan's breakfast juice, he didn't even notice the taste he drank every drop of that juice until he started to feel the effects of the potion.
Just a little dizziness, A little sleep and a blink later Our souls traded places occupying each other's bodies. Nathan was so confused by the identical person in front of him that he ran off to his room like a madman, he didn't even realize his huge belly was bouncing up and down as he ran his little feet around his old room where I sleep now.
Meanwhile, I was left alone in the dining room admiring my new youth In the kitchen mirror, It felt good to be a teenager again Although there was a lot of work to be done, I ran my hands over my soft and weak arms, but I already had everything planned, he had even bought a membership to the gym that was close to Nathan's school.
When everything seemed calmer in Nathan's room, pretending totally that you didn't know what hadn't happened, I spent hours pretending that I was on the computer looking for my information on body switching and things like that so that Nathan wouldn't suspect that I had something. What to do with this
I tried to calm him down by telling him that he wouldn't have to worry about anything in my body, he could sit his ass on the sulfate all day Watching TV or playing his video games and no one would notice that he was really just a 15-year-old, meanwhile I would go to the school and would pretend to do it.
As the years passed I improved Nathan's life, in just one year Nathan's life improved, his grades were perfect, and all the dedication I put into Nathan's diet and gym paid off, Nathan's adolescent muscles reacted very well to protein powder and weight lifting.
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I got rid of the good for nothing, my son's friends and started making new friends at the gym my Gym bros, It's great to be young again, making friends is so easy, especially when you look as big and handsome as me.
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And while I was living My second life they need, he didn't seem to get used to his new life, he avoided leaving the house as much as possible, and he became grumpy, all he does is clean the house, go to the supermarket and spend all day insulting kids his age while playing online video games, He hates when I walk shirtless around the house demanding my hard horny muscles or when I pose for the pictures I post on my new Instagram, he was so upset that his life has improved so much that he refused to give me his social media passwords, but it's okay there's nothing to make me proud of old Nathan.
Maybe in a couple of years when Nathan learns what it's like to be an adult responsible for getting back into his body In the meantime I'll enjoy myself a little more being a teenager, maybe I'm ready for dating now, I've always wanted to try something new, and I can't stop From looking at all the hot guys in the gym, and they keep staring at me, I don't think Nathan will mind if I fuck a guy or two while I'm in his body.
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Sup If you liked this story or any of my other stories you can take a look at my story archive by subscribing to my page on Ko-fi, there are a lot of stories that haven't been published here yet and that are too hot for Tumblr.
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thisonehere · 2 months
hello, ello !! can i pretty please request for some childhood headcanons of the Lin Kuei Brothers? (Bi-Han, Kuai Liang & Tomas.) Fluff, of course !!! Thankies !!
Childhood drama and nightmares
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A/n: Omg, this sounds so cute!!! 🥺 I hope you don't mind, I added a little bit of angst for Tomas's part, give the fact that his family was murdered, I thought that might've needed to be addressed first before got to the fluffy stuff. Okay, that all❤️
Tags: Mk1, MK AU, fluff, request
C/w: none.
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He didn't like you. That's at least what he wanted you to think. He was a cold and harsh person even when he was a child. A lot of pressure was put at such a young age.
The Lin Kuei were harsh in raising it's warriors, it was even harder to him than ks to the fact that he was was to inherit the role of Grandmaster some day. This caused him to develop quite a hard shell.
He had a soft side, but that was reserved for his brother, Kuai, and sometimes Tomas, it really depended on how he felt that day. He was scared to share this with anyone else, he thought he was able seen as weak and he was not weak.
So he never hesitated to put others down and hurt them with his words. You, unfortunately, were one of them.
Everyday without fail Bi-Han would find a way to put you down, either by mocking you or berating, whatever would work to hurt you.
But truthfully, Bi-Han admired you. You were kind, everyone loved you, no one judged you, he envied that. He tried to ignore your charming nature, but your warm disposition slowly melted away his icy cold shell.
He sees how good you and his brother get along and he gets jealous. He wants that, he wants to be able to talk to you the way he does, be near you the way he does, male you laugh the way he does.
You notice the strange way he looks at you two whenever you and Kuai are together. Like he can't seem to make up his mind on whether he wants to join in or attack Kuai. When you inquire about that then get gets very defensive.
He got very defensive a lot of times around you a lot of times. You were inching in closer into his heart and that scarf him. You made a part of him melt, you grew on him, he...liked you. But don't let anyone know he feels this way or he'll break your face!
Kuai Liang
The most loved of the Lin Kuei, the golden boy. Kuai Liang had a light around him that made people just adore him. You were different. If you didn't like him before, he charmed you with a bright smile and friendly attitude.
Though the Lin Kuei were harsh on him, he never lost his smile. You loved his smile. Who wouldn't love his smile? (probably Bi-Han)
You were close, Kaoi always macking sure you were seen, that you included even when the other kids didn't want you to be. He stuck for you many times against bullies. Either he'd use his family name to intimidate them or just beat them up for you.
You always appreciated how much he looked out for you. Though you couldn't help but wonder whether they did it because he was just a good soul or because he might have likd you.
Kuai always spooked you with love so you couldn't tell if it was out of friendship or some stupid little childhood crush he has done you. You couldn't tell. But if Kuai did have a crush on you, he'd tell you...right?
Anyway, Kuai was always thoughtful when it came to you. He'd bring you smack he remembered you said you liked, give his toys to you even though he really liked them, eyc. He really liked you, so he was willing to go the extra mile for you.
You two would talk about what you'd do when you were grown up. Kuai didn't exactly do what he wanted to be, but he did know that he wanted dall four of you to be together and friends for ever. And that would surely happen, right?
A shy kid and an outsider, Tomas didn't fit in much. Thanks to the death of his mother and sister, Tomas couldn't be a normal kid. He was too traumatized to ever act normally again. That's why you and Kuai always made an effort to be there for him.
He was quiet and always soft to the corner. Whenever he did speak it was in a soft spoken voice. Unsure of itself with every word. He was so fragile that sometimes you were worried he'd be at the break of tears.
Tomas was so hard to be consoled when he broke down. Too scared to let someone get that close to him else they'd be taken away from his just like his family.
But somehow, you always managed to calm him down. You had that special touch, you were able to get to him where many others failed. He'd cry in your arms and he'd feel better afterwards. You'd find a way to cheer him up, either by telling a joke, reminiscing an old story,or just holding him.
You were with him most of the time. Bi-Han was cold to you, Kuai and you were close, but you and Kuai just seemed to have clicked much more compared to him. But that's okay, the three of you still hung out, Kuai led while you two followed.
Whenever Toma was bullied you'd be the first to rise to his defense. Threatening to do terrible things to them if they didn't leave Tomas alone. You would especially be very violently defensive if it was Bi-Han, what was his problem anyway?
There was a chance that you two liked each other. You always looked at each other's sort of lovey dovey stare. But this way slept between the two of you, if you did have feelings for each other, none of you spoke up so no one knew. But one thing was known: you'd be together till the end.
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Jealousy In Hell? Part 2.
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Notice how she is not disturbing the cat who's occupied half the bed? Cat Supremacy. Although dogs are more affectionate.
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What does his huge smile say now?
"I don't get nightmares, my dear, in fact, I give them to other people." He once on those days where he comforted you, he whispered.
You never told him, but you are not used to being around deranged, misanthropic people. So, Alastor gave you nightmares as well.
Two days back he found you curled up after coming from a night out crying, and you refused to open up to him which made him worried because you were very open about letting people know how you feel at the moment.
"You are a mess, my dear, care to shed some light on what happened?" Alastor asked, stroking your hair, but all he got was angry sobs and angry punches.
So instead of stressing you out more he put you to sleep, to just let you forget the pain a little.
He stretched his staff thing when Mr. Petenious's egg friends were joyfully walking out, they instantly huddled together.
"What Boss, do you know our boss--"
"Wait which boss are you talking about Mike!" One egg said,
"Wait we have names; do you know we might have acid rain!" One egg screamed,
"Oh, Shit! will our eggshells crack open? Oh god!"
Alastor's eye twitched, "Yeah, about that so when you went to the club what happened to Y/n?"
"Uh she was so happy, with Angel and Charlie then she went somewhere saying it was very stuffy inside."
"Uh, Mike went with her too!" One egg said,
"We don't have names, right?" The one named Mike said,
"Uh after that," Alastor said cutting the banter he found too noisy for his liking.
"She didn't come back after that boss."
"Yeah, Y/n always comes back.'
"She did say that the night was really bad!"
He tried finding out more, but it was absolutely hopeless with those egg creatures. At this point, he couldn't tell if what they were telling were anything more than lies.
His best bet could have been to ask you. But you were resting and if possible, he would like to tear a soul and broadcast it of course, it had to be the right soul.
So, one of those nights, when you had just slipped into your nightwear, he comes in Suddenly, and quickly drags you outside, "Alastor- What-where are you taking me?"
You were teleported outside the cold wind, in some abandoned city. "Alastor, I'm not even dressed properly!" You said in a hushed tone.
"What's that my dear you are cold?" Alastor said, "Here you can take my coat.
Now, that his coat fits you more like robes because of the height, it also blocks out the cold. "Your coat is nice Alastor; it actually suits you!" You said taking some time to admire the coat.
You then looked at him abandoning that brief excitement you asked him again, "Alastor where are we going?"
"My dear, that night you had gone out some sinners dared touch you, and although I'm not too much for physical touch and all you must enlighten me about the perpetrator!"
"Alastor..." You sighed heavily. "I know I'm in hell by choice because a perfect afterlife should involve the people I care about, and I don't have any relatives, or parents I know so... just drop it okay?"
"And what if that happens again?" Alastor whispered, "I only need you to tell me who it is, and I'll take your revenge."
"Alastor it's not one sinner they are like a gang, who exploit people's souls to other powerful overlords who pay them a lot. They got really drunk and found me of everyone..." You didn't continue after that, But Alastor's eyes only grew more intense and darker.
"Do you know who they were?"
You slowly nodded, "Well isn't that great? You just made my work so many times easier now instead of those little egg things."
Alastor said that was enough for the day and he retired you to your bedroom, you asked him if you could give him his coat by the morning, and he just waved his hand in a yes manner.
Two weeks later, you woke up to excited voices in front of your door, they were loud and broke the peaceful morning when your door burst open, and Charlie ran inside.
"OH MY GOD!" OH MY GOD!" "OKAY, I NEED TO BREATHE, BREATHE." Charlie slapped herself,
"Angel! he has something to show you, EVEN ALASTOR'S THERE!"
"Guys calm down what's the ruckus about?"
"Charlie let Y/n at least take a breather, but yeah Y/n this is messed up."
"Messed up in a cool way." Angel corrected.
You had gone downstairs where you saw Alastor smiling more than he usually did,
You grabbed Alastor, he came as though he was anticipating the reaction.
"Whatever the matter my dear."
"Alastor, please don't tell me it's about that case!"
"It's not one dear, I broadcasted the entire gang." Alastor put his hand on your cheek. "Did you really think some petty sinners would really scare me?"
Then Alastor looked at you, "I was a bit startled when you told me that they were dealing with overlords, those chumps could only dream about it, what right now it matters is they are gone. So, take it easy."
You breathed in relief before you felt yourself getting lightheaded and slipped into his arms.
"My dear, how very scared were you? It could've been solved so much earlier if you opened your mouth.
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cheeriecherrymain · 9 months
papa!Viktor blurb, anyone?
A/N: slowly, slowly, recovering from the creative drought ive been in
it's nowhere near a waterfall again, more like a frustrating dribble, BUT. It's something. But anyways, here is a Papa Viktor Thought Blurb (listen, my sister is almost three months old now, and I am so besotted with her, she's my favourite tiny person, and i am full of Caretaker Feelings)
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI (not explicit, but very very suggestive), afab!Reader, pregnancy, labour and birth (again, not explicit, but still with some depth), papa!Viktor, no beta no editing we simply die
Imagine Viktor, and him believing he'll be alone for his entire life - working so hard to make some kind of legacy for himself, putting everything he has into his creations and his machines. Every calculation, every experiment a labour of love.
This is how the world will remember his name.
At least, he hopes.
But then he meets you.
You're charming, he has to admit. You make friends wherever you go, and you have a weird habit of bringing people out of their shells. There's just...something about you that makes others want to bare their souls to you. Something that draws people in.
Like you have a tangible sort of gravity, and wherever you go, someone ends up in your orbit.
He won't mean much to you, he thinks, after conversing with you a couple times. You're creative, like he is, and you're enjoyable to talk to. But nothing more. Sooner or later, you'll continue on somewhere else, making waves and drawing attention. And in your wake, he will be left to sink. It's what expects.
You don't leave.
Your chats start out small. Short and sweet, a How are you today? wondered whenever you pass each other in the halls a couple times a month, curious about the goings-on of his life.
He never has anything interesting to tell you about. No adventures or tales to tell, nothing beyond the walls of a cramped and cluttered office.
You must be bored, he thinks.
But then you start seeking him out. Instead of just catching up for a couple minutes whenever you happen to walk past each other, you hunt him down in his office - and god, he wasn't lying when he'd told you it was cramped.
You're amazed he even has the space to think in there, with how tight it is. Yet you still shimmy yourself into the tiny room, careful not to disturb any piles of papers, and find a careful seat on a spot of open floor beside his desk. There's no room for a second chair, and you've always made it clear that you dislike standing when you're having a long conversation.
It's nice to sit down and rest somewhere together, you'd told him one time.
You grow closer after that. From seeing him a couple times a month, to a couple times a week, to literally every day. You don't seem to care that he never has anything 'exciting' to share with you, even going so far as to chastise him for calling himself uninteresting.
Your experiments are cool, you'd insisted, while leafing through one of his old journals. It's incredible to get to see how your mind works, and how creative and inventive you are. You have so many ideas, Viktor, and I really believe that they could help people.
Something changes in him, after that. He'd always been quieter around you, listening to your stories, and dutifully answering your questions: never quite letting you in.
Now he looks forward to seeing you.
His heart skips a beat every time he hears you knocking on his office door, a chipper little pattern reserved only for him. You know that he doesn't always like dealing with students after hours, so you'd come up with a way to let him know that it was you who was greeting him.
Things progress...surprisingly natural.
He's not subtle by any means, even if he thinks he is. The moment he realizes that he has feelings for you, all bets are off. His cheeks dust pink whenever you're around, his palms get sweaty and he fidgets, and the staring.
Looking at you with ill-contained admiration and affection.
You can't not kiss him.
You spend the next couple years having the time of your lives. Moving from classes and overbearing internships, to actively working on experiments. Collaborating with each other, drawing up ideas and debating functionality and form. The two of you get so heated when you're creating things together.
Neither of you are surprised when it devolves. Wide gestures and hasty chalkboard sketches, impassioned explanations and wild eyes - you bite your lip as you let your gaze trail over him, in all his dishevelled beauty. Hair a mess, tie crooked and loose, shirt partially unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Many nights are spent like that, cooped up in his little laboratory, surrounded by sketches and blueprints and scribbles and stray notes. His fingertips digging into the soft of your skin as he kisses the breath out of you. The rhythmic clunking of his crooked desk most telling, as he draws forth your little squeaks and sighs of delight.
Absolutely ruining you, filling you, stretching you open. Feeling the way you tremble in his hands, held tight to his slender body as he reaches so deep into you that you'll feel him for days.
Sinking his teeth into the side of your neck when he finds his own release - to stay quiet, he tells you. But you both know it's his way of marking you.
Claiming you.
You're his. You're his person, his love, his partner. Your eyes only ever shine the way they do when you look at him.
Your body, splayed out and spread before him, quivering and gasping and covered in a thin sheen of sweat - his.
Your taste, sweet on his tongue - your mouth, your skin, your arousal that drips out of you whenever he so much as looks at you.
And he knows, without a single atom of doubt, that he's also yours. So entirely entangled with each other, neither of you knowing how you'd managed to exist separately before now.
How had you possibly found beauty in every day, when you'd never heard his voice? Never caught a whiff of his sweet shampoo as he ambled past you? Never felt the warmth of his touch, or the puff of his sighs on your cheek? Never known the tickle of his hair on your bare skin as you slowly woke every morning to find him curled around you, his face smashed into your back and soft snores emanating from him?
No matter, you think. You have him now, and that's what's important.
...until everything changes.
You miss a period.
You tell him about it.
You're both on edge, but he tries to remain optimistic. Cycles can be upset sometimes, he tells you, as if you don't already know. (You're certain he's really just trying to reassure himself.)
But deep down, you know.
You can feel it in the all-encompassing tiredness you wake with every morning. In the random bouts of nausea, and the sudden food aversions. The back aches, and all the sudden new smells you can detect.
You know something is amiss.
And he knows, too, when he finds you one time in the middle of the night. Standing in your shared little kitchen, in the dark, illuminated only by the light of the open refrigerator.
Pulling pickles straight out of the jar, dipping them in mayonnaise, and sinking your teeth into them. Like they were to most delectable thing you'd ever ingested.
You're both terrified, of course.
You're not really surprised that you've managed to fall pregnant - not with the way you two lust after each other practically every night, and sometimes in the morning. Maybe even once or twice in between meetings, when you're both squished together in his compact office.
Neither of you ever thought you'd become parents.
And certainly not right now.
But...you want this, you realize. You want this with him. You want a family with him, you want the evidence of your love - you want a future with him, and you want to see what beautiful little person you'll make together.
Would they have his eyes? Yours? He hopes they have your smile, he tells you, eventually.
It takes you by surprise, his words, what with how quiet he'd been since you'd both figured everything out. You'd been worrying that he wasn't really on board with keeping the baby - with being a father. And you hadn't blamed him, really.
You'd been beyond stressed at the idea of raising a child alone. The thought of him leaving you, leaving behind something so intrinsically tied to him, had been slowly breaking your heart. You hadn't wanted him to stay simply out of obligation - you know you wouldn't be able to cope with the eventual resentment that such an action would breed.
But to know for certain now that he'd only been anxious?
That he wanted this with you, and was excited?
You're so happy that you immediately burst into tears, squeaking and sniffling and snotting uncontrollably while Viktor bites back a laugh and herds you into his embrace. Stroking your back and murmuring the sweetest things to you while you try to catch your breath, leaving gentle kisses all over your face.
Telling you all about what kind of person he hoped your little one would be.
Your smile, most certainly, he said, resolute. You have the most beautiful smile. You light up the room wherever you go. Maybe your sense of humour, too. And certainly your compassion.
Your tears slowly began to lessen, as you let yourself be lulled by the comfort of his arms around you.
Your hair, though, you insist, smushing your face into his shirt. You look so pretty in the mornings, all fluffed up and in disarray. It's the cutest shit I've ever seen.
That garners a laugh from him.
I want them to have your eyes, as well, you admit, albeit somewhat shyly. I've never seen a colour like yours, so intense and complex. Way back when we first met, and you looked at me for the very first time? I almost lost the ability to breathe. It was...it was like I knew, right then. That you were the person I wanted to spend my life with.
He squeezes you a little bit tighter, stooping down to tenderly slot your lips together. Slow, lazy, intimate. Sharing breath and warmth and love and-
He takes you again.
Right there, in the dim quiet of his office, not seeming to care if anyone passing by in the hallway might hear you. Spoiling you absolutely rotten, speaking praises against your skin as he brings you over the edge again and again and again.
Pupils blown wide as he sinks his fingers into you, crooking them perfectly as to reach the spots he knows will drive you mad. The papers strewn around the room don't matter - they don't even cross his mind, as you wriggle and squirm and quiver and cry out for him.
How could they, when all he can focus on is the way you look when your body tenses up, another wave of ecstasy coursing through your veins, culminating in your lovely little noises, and the addicting feeling of your pleasure dripping down his fingers and over his palm, soaking him thoroughly.
He would be happy to have you like this, as frequently as you would let him.
He knows how sensitive you must be by now, not only from his ministrations, but also from the way your body is changing. He's done his fair amount of reading since discovering your pregnancy - he's aware of all the ways you might be feeling.
The hunger, the exhaustion, the aches and pains.
The all-encompassing, single-minded lust you might go through.
He's ready to please you, however you might want - his fingers, his mouth. And whenever you might want. You could wake him up in the middle of the night, for all he cares. You could nudge him from the sleep that he so desperately needs, and he'd ask not a single question besides What do you need, darling? How would you like me?
What he doesn't expect is his own desire.
You're beautiful. You always have been beautiful. Even as things change, he was absolutely certain that you would never stop being beautiful.
It's you, so of course he's going to want you.
But seeing you now, whining and looking at him like he's hung the moon in the sky, specifically for you? Your tummy already growing round with the life that you've made together, visible proof of your love? Desperate whimpers falling past your lips, begging him for more, for him to fill you up again and again and again?
He can't resist you.
Even when he starts to ache, and his arms start shaking, and his throat is raw and dry from breathing hard and calling out for you.
He can't resist you.
You're insatiable.
So is he.
He's a little more careful as the months progress. Manhandling you less, digging his fingers into the soft fat of your hips a little gentler. He's cognizant of how you're most comfortable, watching in awe as you tremble on top of him, grinding down on him and taking his entire length into you like you were made specifically for him.
Nearly every day, you beg for him.
He loves you.
And when the time eventually comes for you to waddle carefully into the labour centre, meeting your midwife along the way, Viktor tries to keep his worrying quiet. Tries to stay by your side as a supportive pillar, regardless of how well or not he might actually be able to hold you up.
Holding your hand, kissing your knuckles. Trading his fingers for a stress ball when you squeeze a little too hard (and then another stress ball, stronger this time, when the first one explodes in your fist after a couple minutes. It shocks both of you, but to his surprise, you start laughing).
He tenderly dabs the sweat off your forehead as the hours go by, keeping your hairs from pasting themselves to your face and neck. Staying nearby as a source of comfort, but not so close that you feel smothered by him - allowing you the space you need to wiggle around as you see fit.
Telling you stories to distract you, listening to your complaints and observations as his words become unable to mask the pain of your contractions. Doing his absolute best to bite back a fond grin as you breathlessly curse him for doing this to you.
I didn't mean it, you tell him, as soon as the words leave your mouth, your eyes wide and tearful with sorrow.
I know, he promises, leaning forward to press his lips to your dewy skin.
You sigh happily.
It's not for another couple hours that your baby finally decides to enter the world.
You're beyond exhausted, and Viktor is starting to get fidgety with his worry. Is it supposed to be taking this long? he wonders internally, keeping his questions to himself so as not to stress you out even more.
The midwives, to their credit, are incredibly skilled. Staying by your side throughout the whole process, carefully monitoring everything they need to in order to make sure you're healthy. That the baby is healthy. He knows that they would say something, if anything was truly wrong.
And when the little one finally arrives, she does so kicking and screaming, making an absolute ruckus in the quiet room. The door is shut tight, keeping the sounds of the busy establishment at bay, and the curtain is drawn for your privacy so no one can see in when the staff come and go.
But when your girl begins shouting her absolute displeasure into the air, Viktor swears he can hear some quiet clapping and cheering from the hallway. He doesn't know if it's for your success, or for something and someone else entirely - but for a moment, he likes to believe that there are some strangers out there who are happy for him.
They don't know his story, and they don't know yours - but they've heard a great cry from somewhere hidden and full of struggle. An all-encompassing wail that confirms the presence of life, shouting to the world I am here, I am alive, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on!
He doesn't know when the tears start trailing down his cheeks.
Perhaps it's when he first lays eyes on your girl, pink and cranky and a little bit squished. Putting up a fuss on your base chest, scrunching her little face up as you speak softly and tenderly to her.
Perhaps it's when one of the midwives hands him a very soft towel, instructing him on how to carefully pat away the blood and fluid still clinging to your child. His eyes growing wide when he oh so gently cleans her off to reveal more of her tiny features.
She's still new, and needs time to decompress (so to speak), but he stares at her with such rapture. Taking in every inch of her, burning her face into his mind so that he might never forget her. Ever.
She's still new, and yet he can already tell that she has your nose. And your lips. Your smile, he realizes, with a palpable joy spreading through his chest.
His tears eventually dry, if only so he's able to better see you and the newest member of your family. Laying kiss after kiss to whatever part of your skin he can reach. Stroking the tips of his fingers over your girl's hair - her tiny arms and shoulders, her chubby cheeks, the bridge of her nose and over her brows.
But some two hours later, when you're finally allowed to rest in your comfortable hospital bed: when your baby is now dry and fed and swaddled up happily in Viktor's arms?
The tears begin again.
Privately, in the dim of the room, while you snooze a couple feet away from him, he weeps. Silently, and without so much as a sniffle. He cannot stop the wetness that rolls down his face, even if he wanted to.
Your girl is finally relaxed, after her grand, dramatic entrance. On the edge of sleep, warm and with a full tummy, making funny little expression while she dozes.
Much to Viktor's delight, she has a head of fuzzy brown hair - dishevelled and sticking in every direction, not matter how the midwives had tried to tame it. It'll settle down in a few days, they'd promised. But he didn't care.
The wild mop on top of her head rivalled the chaos of his own. The same shade of chestnut, though perhaps less coarse in texture. Maybe it will grow to the same thickness eventually, he thinks, a fond smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he imagines how much he's going to have to help her with it as she grows.
Brushing the inevitable tangles out with a soft brush. Pulling the strands back into braids so she can run around and play easier - or maybe little buns on the top of her head, he realizes, the image conjuring up in his mind.
All at once, pictures pop through his head, so vivid and bright that he can almost see them appearing in front of him.
Watching your daughter grow. Sleepless nights of taking care of her, catering to her every whim. Making sure she's fed, and comfortable - entertaining her with silly little toys that make silly little noises, bright colours painted across them. Reading her books with bright, enticing visuals for her to stare at, despite the fact that she doesn't know what words are.
Making trinkets for her as she gets a little older. Things that help her learn, but that also keep her excited and enticed, encouraging her exploration of the world around her. Teaching her to walk, by helping her strengthen her little legs. Sitting on a footstool, a wide smile on his face, as you hold her by her arms and support her as she figures out how to use her legs while upright. Leading her right over into his waiting arms.
Until she's able to balance on her own, after a number of weeks of practising together. Pushing herself up into a wobbly stance, doing her absolute best to try and balance. Maybe she stumbles a couple of times, but she's persistent -stubborn, like he is- and continuously rises back up until she's able to make it over to him on her own. Giggling and wiggling when he scoops her up and praises her and showers he in affection.
Teaching her about anything and everything, the bigger she gets. Answering every question she has, no matter how confusing or senseless - encouraging with his own suggestions, and prompting her to discover some answers for herself. Putting together little experiments for her, so they can learn together and so he can watch her eyes widen with the joy of new information.
Fixing her toys for her whenever they break, as she brings them to him with misty eyes and a wobbly bottom lip. Papa, it fell apart, she says sadly. To which he pulls her onto his lap, regardless of what work he was doing, and helps her repair the damage. Letting her watch and observe when she's still too small to hold a screwdriver, and carefully explaining things to her when her motor skills start to develop more.
And then helping her figure out in what way her toy broke, when she's a little bigger. Asking specific questions, so she can work to connect all the dots herself. Helping her gather the materials that she needs in order to fix things herself, and praising her to the high heavens when she presents the finished product to him.
The little thing is slightly lopsided, but he fully believes that it adds to its charm - tells her as such, when she sighs about it not being the same as before.
It's a little uneven, just like me, he says, with a laugh.
And, much to his complete shock, she wraps her little arms around him, and gives him her strongest possible squeeze.
It adds to your charm, she parrots back to him with complete honesty. I like you, Papa.
And once again, for the umpteenth time throughout his daughter's life, his eyes well with tears and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She could go anywhere she wanted, once she grew up. Learn anything, do anything, be anything. Perhaps she'd enjoy the sciences, like he does - machinery, and building, and designing, and inventing. Maybe she'd get into art, and spend her days painting or sketching, or writing, or making music - inspiring other people with the things she makes.
It doesn't matter, though. Because no matter what she ends up enjoying, or where she goes in her life, Viktor will support her with his entirety. Even when she grows all the way up, and inevitably leaves home to begin her own life, whatever that may be.
He knows he's going to cry then, too. So many years together, and yet it will still never be enough.
But for now, he sighs, staring adoringly down at the tiny infant in his arms. For now, they have time. He vows silently to never waste a single moment with her, and never pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. No matter how busy or frustrated or tired he gets, he won't let her grow up feeling unwanted or unloved or unimportant.
He'll give her a better life than he grew up with, and that is both a promise and a threat.
After all, he would do anything, for her.
His greatest creation.
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yu-huuuu · 10 days
Hello dear! I saw that your requests were open & you take requests for Naruto, could you write headcanons of Itachi with a girl who’s just as admired as him? How would he take that situation especially when he has a crush on her as well? 👀 Please take your time with it & if you don’t wish to write it or it doesn’t spark the interest, feel free to discard it <3 have a great day!
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[ 🌸 ] hi sweetie 🤍 hope you are good too
characters: itachi uchiha; other characters mentioned
genre: fluff, a romantic comedy maybe (?)
warnings: none, a nervous itachi feat; two meddling fools (shisui and sasuke)
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—What a funny situation!
—No, but seriously
—Maybe his attention focused on you the moment you were promoted to Jonin, or maybe when his own Jonin colleagues and retired ANBU companions were talking about this lovely medical ninja.
—Don't get it wrong, but how could he avoid feeling intrigued when his own retired ANBU colleagues kept talking about this person, always commenting on how careful and beautiful you looked when you were healing them?
—But, of course, it wasn't until you were paired with his team for a mission that split into two missions that he really got interested in you.
—You were put on his team by the Hokage, all because they needed to escort a medical ninja from Konoha to the Sand Village to see the Daimyo, who had been poisoned with a strange venom by one of his servants who turned out to be an infiltrated spy following the orders of a missing ninja from Konoha.
—His team, on the other hand, was sent to find both.
—He didn't think much of you, more like another member of his team. Of course, that was until on the way back (surprisingly) he got hurt by a venomous kunai from a rogue ninja who attacked them.
—You extracted the venom without complications; however, what you didn't notice was that he was watching you while you did your work.
—And that’s where the magic happened.
—Maybe it helped that he was already interested in you long before meeting you in person, or maybe not.
—Itachi wasn’t foolish; he had already heard about you before, but seeing you up close, he could understand why so many people talked about you.
—When they arrived in Konoha and he had the chance, he thanked you for taking care of him.
—It was when you reassured him saying there was no problem that he fell.
—He fell HARD for you.
—I think I already said it before… but I'll say it again!
—For some reason, Itachi tries to find more information about you, you know, the usual: parents, friends, likes, secrets, though he wouldn’t go as far as stalking you (or maybe he would, who knows).
—Poor Itachi.
—In love and being teased by Shisui about it, who encourages him to confess.
—Sasuke joins in too for some reason (little brat)
“Sasuke, what are you...?”
“You should go and confess to her or at least ask her out, you know? You finally look interested and happy with someone, and you don’t look so bitter anymore-”
“Ouch! What was that for-?”
—He tries!
—He really does, but whenever he tries to approach you, you are talking to someone.
—He doesn't want to intrude on your conversation and look like a fool (poor thing).
—It wasn't until one day, while you were walking through the streets of Konoha, that he appeared out of nowhere (boy, he was literally thrown towards where you were by Shisui).
—You two almost collided if it weren't for Itachi's good reflexes.
—Despite his nervousness, he manages to invite you to eat (please say yes, the poor guy's heart is about to burst).
—To his good fortune, you say yes (he swore his soul left and returned to his body).
—Slowly you two begin to spend more time together.
—Whether it's for missions or their unexpected encounters to go out to eat.
—Itachi starts suggesting the idea of training together.
—Gradually realizing that his little crush turned into something big when he really gets to know you for who you are.
—Constantly trying to find signs that maybe you feel the same way about him.
—Itachi realizing that maybe he's not as careful as he thinks he is when his mother and father find out about his crush.
—It wasn't until he found out that Shisui and Sasuke spilled the beans to his mother and his mother to his father.
—He swears he wants to disappear at the happy and constant questions and teasing from his mother about his crush in front of his father’s amused gaze.
—Now his family wants to meet you, ay.
—He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
—He really doesn't want to.
—Especially making you think that he’s just another one of those admirers who don't see beyond your looks.
—*sigh* If only instead of constantly thinking about how beautiful you look, he noticed how you look at him and how your eyes shine, he would stop thinking that he’s going to make you uncomfortable.
—All this is a time bomb though!
—In the sense of who knows which one of you will confess first; you or him.
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wd-ghosty · 3 months
Midnight Serenade
Donnie x reader fic
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I really tacky like this concept so I wanted to write about it, so basically you and donnie go on a date. I still new to writing so pls be nice, hope you enjoy <3.
It’s late winter early spring as you’re getting ready for your date, last nights flurry left some snow on your ground so it’s best to bundle up a bit. As you were putting on your shoes, you hear a knocking on the window, “Come in!” your window slides open and a turtle boy whereinga shit ton of purpel crawls in after he threw in a picnic basket.
“I was scared i was gonna be late, but i see you’re not even done yet”
“Scoff! I’m putting on my shoes so i basically am done, what happened to mr. attention to detail?”
“Heyyy i thought you hated ot when i said scoff!?”
“I have no recollection of that conversation,” he rolled his eye at your comment as he sits down on your bed. You get up to go get the drinks from your kitchen. “Common lets go.”
The two of you take a train to Clark st, then walk over to the brooklyn bridge. The two of you trot along the bridge and you’re excited to see where donnie is taking you.
“We’re here,”
“...Donnie we’re still on the bridge.”
“Exactly. You’re good at balancing on polls right?”
You face went white when he said that. You look at the belts of the bridge then you look back at donnie nodding. Your soul sinks in your stomach and the look on your face has donnie rolling around on the groud, kicking and screaming, “I’m just kidding hun.” his hover bike thing pulls up and your melanin instantly comes back.
“If you pull that shit with me again I will hop on your ass like super mario and beat you with your already shitty shell!” donnie went agaps, jaw on the groud, hand on his chest.
“Damn, I didn’t know it would scare you that much?” he laughs off his nevers as the two of you get on his bike. The two of you hop of when you get to the top of one of the tower things inbetween the belts, the city lights illuminating everything around you so you can see perfectly. As you are admiring everything around you donnie starts to set up the picnic blanket, “Wow i didn’t know you’d like it here this much.”
“What do you mean? This is so cool, you act as if you come here regularly.” he looks up at you with a smile, “... you come here regularly don’t you?”
“It’s our new favorite hangout spot, and much more discrete then rooftops.”
"Theres a really busy street right below us. what's the difference?" You sit down across from donnie on the picnic blanket and you help him take everything out of the basket,
"The difference, most people aren't looking up when they're driving. And why would they take their eyes off the busy rode?"
"Mabey they have a death wish?"
You pull of the heart shaped plates and glasses out of the bag and start to gush over them, “Don’t you just LOVE these cups i got you!?”
“Yeah, i love that, including the heart shaped wicker basket, and pillows, and chocolates… I know that sounds like sarcasm, but i do love it.” as the two of you continue to unpack you see your favorite cookies, and cupcakes.
“Donnie! You didn’t!”
“Why do you sound so surprised like i dont do this all the time?”
“Its because you remembered!”
“It’s hard to forget our favorite things when we always talk about them. Every time we’re hanging out one of us just starts ranting as the other is working.”
“I love that for us, and because of that I know just how much you ACTUALLY like Atomic Lass… that and i check you search history.”
“And I yours… I shoudln’t have done that.”
“I warned you. Anyone who got quezy durring the saltburn bath tub scene, couldn’t handle whats on my laptop.” you laugh a little remebering the first time the two of you watched that, he left the room multiple times.
When the two of you were done setting up you just started talking, about whatever came to your mind. LMK, jupiter jim, the boondocks, anything you guys liked, “oh do you remember when we watched violet evergarden together for the first time?”
“Ofcourse you started crying when the episode about the littel girl came on.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the mom the wrote a bunch of letters for you daughter before she died.”
“That one was soo sad! But it was really sweet, that is what i call motherly love”
“You cry for the dumbest things hun,” he starts laughing at you but you laugh with him, “You wont cry for sad movies whatsoever but the second you relate to a character you start bawling. As far as i'm aware you mother is still alive.”
“It’s not about the dead mother! Its aboutt he dedication to her child!'' Donnie just listened to you rambling on about it, your voice is basically white noise. The amount of times he’s fallen asleep just by being around you is countless, the ease you put him at is unmatched. “and that just pulled all my heart strings!”
As the night went on the two of you purely enjoyed eachothers company, and the sweets donnie brought. As the two of you talked a sertain song came on,
But when the morning comes
We'll burn it down and then
We'll build the world again...
Our love is God.
“I forgot this song was on this playlist,” Donnie trys to skip it but you stop him,
“Remebere when we were fourteen how we did a two person play of the heaters?”
“Yeah what abo- ohhh” donnie gets up on his feet, “you remember the lyrics right?” he holds out his hand for you.
“Ofcourse,” You take his hand as the two of you get into character.
Hi Kurt, it's Veronica
How did you guys know it was always a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once?
Wowuhh... lucky guess?
Well, if you want it to come true, meet me at the cemetery, at dawn
Free pussy!
And we don't even have to buy it a pizza!
Punch it in! Whaat?! Hahaha!
The two of you were both theater kids, singing together mixed with your average acting filled the two of you with joy way back when you were younger. The two of you join hands again as you shift to veronica and JD.
We can start and finish wars
We're what killed the dinosaurs
We're the asteroid that's overdue
The dinosaurs choked on the dust
They died because God said they must
The new world needed room
For me and you
Well your average acting, everytime the two of you sang this song donnie was too realistic. The way he would make your heart throb was supernatural. Despite being cold blooded your were never cold with you touched him.
I worship you.
I'd trade my life for yours
They all will disappear
We'll plant our garden here
He cups your cheek in the palm of his hand, as he kisses you. His hand was warm, everytime he held you, you felt safe. He pulled away from you and continued the song, and you joined him quickly after.
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
Our love is God
“You missed acouple lines hun.” he pecks your cheek,
“Only because you kissed me,”
“Stop acting like you did’t like it”
“Ugh.” he wraps his hands around you hips and stuffs his face in the crook of your neck.
...I worship you
I'd trade my life for yours
We'll make them disappear
We'll plant our garden here
Our love is God
Our love is God
“I love that song don.”
“I know you do hun.”
I hope you guys liked it! There some references that some people might not get, like the super mario reference, but still. Kiss, kiss, hope you have a good night, day, afternoon or whatever. <3
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writemywaytoyourheart · 11 months
Bedeviled | Chapter 12b: Apple (continued)
warnings for this part *contains SPOILERS*: suGgEsTive content, summoning demons (do not), pregnancy, miscarriage, severe depression, manipulation, major heart break I'm sorry, sickness, death, loss, mentions of torture.
this part can get heavy, pls read at your own discretion.
WC part 2: 13.2k
read 12a first...HERE
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Just as you suspected, Jungkook spent every waking hour hunting down any and every little thing that might lead him closer to a way to stop the curse.
He spoke to people in the village, who led him to the towns over, who then led him to the towns just a few further down. 
Yoongi stayed with you a lot upon Jungkook’s request. He didn’t want to leave you alone, but he refused to give up. There wasn’t any effort he didn’t go to trying to save you. 
There were many tears. 
Many nights full of enraged screaming when it was thought no one could hear the soul behind the desperate cries for help, when he was all on his own; looking at the stupid fire he made to keep himself warm on the nights he was away, looking for help.
He didn’t bother throwing those thoughts into the flames. They were what kept him going.
You already had your fill of rage and sorrow over the past year; although it still ate at you internally, turning your stomach to knots every waking moment. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, continuously held out hope that perhaps he was trapped in a nightmare that he would soon wake from. 
He would go to you, and you would not be worn down with the symptoms that continued to grow worse. The dark circles under your eyes would not be there, only the beautiful shining light in your irises that could chase away even the nastiest storm.
You would not be sitting on the floor and trying to figure out how to draw to pass the time, but instead, running through the sunlit forest and climbing the apple tree. 
He would find you in the clearing and wait just for a moment. 
A few seconds to admire the beauty in front of him, the sun shining on your fingers as they reached for the clouds.
You would smile at him.
And everything would be okay. 
And he would love you. 
The next year passed much like that, Jungkook never resting. 
He would come back bearing ointments claiming to cure any ailment, prayers that would heal even the sickest. Nothing worked. You could see it wearing him down, the dark circles under his eyes growing each night he didn’t sleep. 
“Jungkook, please stop this.”
He looked at you from where he was finishing putting together a satchel. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, turning back to tighten the clasp before swinging it over his shoulder. 
“You know what I mean,” You whispered, frustration building up inside you. 
You were so tired, all you wanted was to be with him.
He had missed your seventeenth birthday, and if he left again, you were going to miss his nineteenth. The poor boy was in tears for days after not getting back until the day after your birthday. The guilt consumed him for weeks, he almost couldn’t handle it.
You really didn’t want to see him like that again.
“I found something, I know it’ll work this time.”
“What is it?” You gritted out between clenched teeth. 
“Something that even the curse can’t fight,” He sounded more hopeful than he had in months, “It will work, Apple.”
You stared at him with furrowed brows, “What is it?”
“A flame,” He said quietly, not looking you in the eye. 
“What kind of flame?”
He finally looked at you, “It doesn’t matter-”
“It does to me.”
Jungkook sighed, “It’s called the Flame of Immortality. If you just trust me-”
“What?” You were beyond confused and more than a little stressed out, “That sounds like trouble, Jungkook…how did you come to know about this?”
He looked at you steadily before whispering, “Desperation will lead you to many secrets.”
You swallowed, “Don’t. I don’t want you to-”
“Apple, you can’t just tell me not to-”
“I don’t want to be immortal!” You were getting frantic, “Not without you-”
“It might work on two people, I won’t know until I learn more.”
After a moment of tense silence, he said quietly, “I’m not going to give up.”
“I’m not asking you to,” You took a deep breath, “I just-...”
It was silent save for your heavy breathing. You put a hand to your head, the room suddenly feeling as if it was tilting. 
You didn’t answer him, focusing too hard on not toppling over. Despite your best efforts, you fell forward, quickly losing consciousness.
Jungkook caught you before you could tumble off the bed, holding you in his arms as he lowered to the ground. 
You came to a minute later, curled up in his lap as he hugged you. 
“I’ve got you,” He whispered tearfully, hand caressing your hair. 
“Jungkook,” You spoke quietly. 
“I miss my best friend,” You gripped his clothes tightly in your fist, “Please, don’t leave me again.”
He closed his eyes, a few tears sliding down his cheeks as he put his chin on your head, holding you close. 
He sounded so defeated. 
You hated to make him feel like that, but you were scared to be alone. You didn’t want him to leave anymore, especially because you really didn’t know how much longer you had. 
“I love you,” You whispered, messing with the sash on his waist as you continued to rest in his hold. 
“I love you too, Apple.”
You smiled and closed your eyes, breathing deeply. 
“Can we climb the apple tree?” 
He gulped, hating that he was unsure of granting your request. After a minute, he couldn’t bear the thought of denying you. 
“Of course.”
He held your hand the whole way there. 
“Want to swing first?” His voice was pitched higher, clearly trying to sound more positive. You smiled at the old swing, the rope handles fraying a little. 
“Yes, please.”
You sat down, giggling as he pushed you gently, your hands gripping the rope tightly. You looked over to the bush where you always imagined the invisible person to be and smiled. 
I’m okay. 
They knew you would be.
Then you looked up towards the sky, seeing a few rain clouds floating. 
Don’t cry for me, I’m okay.
The grass was soft against your feet. 
Jungkook helped you climb up to your sitting spot, settling in across from you and smiling at the pure joy on your sweet face. 
The wind was gentle on your sensitive skin.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked after watching you smile at the clouds for a few minutes. You looked at him, a light in your eyes that hadn’t been there for over two years. 
“I want to get married.”
His heart clenched in his chest, “You do?” He whispered. 
You nodded, practically glowing. 
The wedding had taken place in Jungkook’s old home. Tradition was to do it in the bride’s home, but that wasn’t an option.
You saw her that day, before the ceremony. She passed by as you were walking through the village. There wasn’t a single sign that she cared you were there. She simply walked on, not even sparing you a glance. 
That was the last time you ever saw your mother. 
Jungkook was his sweet and gentle self the whole day. By the time you got back to the shed, you were practically vibrating with joy. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, all you could’ve ever wanted.
Your wedding night was even more so, and the next morning, he was right by your side. 
“Happy birthday,” You whispered with a smile as he kissed your forehead. 
“Thank you,” He scrunched his nose at you, then he leaned down and placed a sleepy kiss on your lips, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, Jungkook.”
He knew you were, but that didn’t calm his fears. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier,” You whispered, gaze never leaving his beautiful dark eyes. The way you looked at him like he was your whole world made his heart ache. 
“I know I haven’t,” He whispered back playfully, making you laugh. 
It was only a few weeks after your wedding that Jungkook left again.
He hadn’t told you.
In fact, he had purposely made Yoongi go and distract you. You were almost hysterical when you figured out what happened, your cousin had to physically keep you from storming out of the shed. 
It wasn’t a rundown abandoned shack anymore; Jungkook had worked on it since you left your mother’s and stayed there. He worked tirelessly with you helping where you could- mostly holding things for him and being his emotional support buddy- until it felt like a home; somewhere you two could live comfortably for many years. 
It didn’t feel like home that day. You were so angry with him for leaving you alone again. 
Yoongi tried to calm you, tried to explain how Jungkook must be feeling; his wife and best friend slowly dying and there was nothing he could do to stop it. 
“He said he wouldn’t leave!” You cried into your hands, “He lied to me!”
“____,” Yoongi held your shoulders, “If he thought you would die without him, he would not have gone. He has hope, you need to let him give some to you, too.” 
You clenched your jaw, fighting the tears back.
You felt betrayed. 
If you were in his place, you wouldn’t give up either. But you could feel yourself slipping away. You wouldn’t be able to fight it much longer.
Your body was tired, more than you let on. No matter how much you told it to woman up and be strong, it continued to fail. 
At that point, it was normal for you to have fainting episodes daily. 
You didn’t let your cousin know, but your legs had begun to swell a little in the past few weeks. Your husband never hesitated to rub them gently in the mornings to help with the swelling.
You wouldn’t have told him either, but of course he noticed. He was married to you. 
Jungkook meant well by leaving, but he promised you he wouldn’t, and he broke that promise. 
You would never forgive him if he left you to die alone. 
Jungkook lit the fire, then stepped back, holding the herbs tightly in his sweaty fist. 
Out of nowhere, there was a sudden whisper of warning somewhere to his right, making him flinch and look over. There was a slight breeze, rustling the leaves. When he saw no one, he turned back to the task at hand.
Closing his eyes, he gulped as he tossed the bundle into the fire, whispering the words he was told to say.
A moment passed, but nothing felt different. 
He opened his eyes, anger seeping into his chest as the tears burned; threatening to spill. 
That old man was just insane, he should never have listened-
“Well if it isn’t another desperate little human.”
Jungkook flinched and turned around, coming face to face with a tall dark-haired man; his beauty unnatural. There were large black feathered wings upon his back, resting while not in flight.
“Are you a demon?” Jungkook whispered, his eyes falling to the tattoo on the man’s bicep. 
A white rose…dead, and being strangled by a serpent. 
“I’m not just a demon,” He whispered with a smirk, “I’m the demon.”
Jungkook wasn’t sure what he meant. 
“Lucifer,” He practically hissed as he observed the human in front of him, “And you are?”
“Well, Jungkook,” The demon called Lucifer smiled menacingly. 
There was a split second where Jungkook saw him glance over his shoulder as if seeing something behind him, then his smile grew, “What can I do for you?”
The young man swallowed, “I need the Flame of Immortality.”
“I see. And what use would that be to you?”
“There’s someone I need to save,” Jungkook whispered. 
Lucifer chuckled darkly, “Typical. And you think the Flame will save them?”
“It has to,” Jungkook grit his teeth, “I don’t have any other choice.”
“Well,” The tall man leaned closer, “What if you did?”
“What if you had another choice, human. Would you take it?”
Jungkook blinked, then nodded, “If it means I can save her, then yes.”
The demon smirked as he watched the despicable mortal become more and more helpless even as they just stood there. Tears formed in his eyes, then slid down his cheek. 
“What on earth did the big man do to you and your poor girl?” Lucifer whispered, feigning pity. 
“She was cursed,” Jungkook wiped his nose, “She’s dying. I- I can’t live without her-”
He burst into tears and fell to his knees, heart aching more than it ever had as reality came crashing down on him.
If this didn’t work, he was going to lose you. 
The demon watched him with a glint in his eye and a smirk on his handsome face, “What if I told you that I can cure her, and you won’t even need the Flame.”
Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes, “Can you?”
“Most definitely.”
“Please,” Jungkook choked out, “Please break the curse.”
“Oh, it isn’t a curse, silly boy.”
He looked up at the demon in confusion, “But-”
“It’s something she was born with,” He waved a hand dismissively, “A mere disease.”
“Oh,” Jungkook wiped at his eyes again, “But you can take it away?”
“Of course.”
Jungkook felt his heart rate increase as he realized that he had finally done it. He found a way to save you.
He broke down into sobs, “Please help me-”
"And what will you give me?"
There was another warning in his ear, frantic and pleading. Just a faint breath in the wind.
“Don’t do it.”
Jungkook trembled, his hands clasped as he tried to contain his tears enough to speak. 
"I- I'll give you anything, just please save her-"
The young man nodded frantically, bowing his head, "Whatever you wa-"
"How about your soul? A life for a life."
Jungkook was startled at that, looking back up at the demon.
"M-my soul?"
A simple nod in reply, nothing else. No negotiations.
He gulped. 
An image of you smiling at him, only four years old as you held the apple out, came to his mind. 
“Jungkook, please-”
He nodded shakily, forcing himself to ignore the voice that whispered its last warning, "Ok."
A smirk spread on Lucifer’s face as he crossed his arms, the tattoo of the dead rose on his outer bicep stretching as he did, "Looks like we have a deal.”
You blinked your eyes open, taking in a deep breath. 
Was it morning already?
Sitting up, you rubbed at your eyes before looking around your tiny little home. You slept better than you had been for a while; it must be the bed that Jungkook spent almost a week making. He said it was long overdue, humble and shy as always when you praised his hard work.
You took another deep breath in, blowing it out in a large puff. 
Just before getting out of the bed, your eyes landed on a beetle crawling across the covers. At first, you almost jumped out of the bed screaming.
After a moment to calm yourself, you looked at the small thing, minding its own business as it walked along slowly. It really wasn’t very big, maybe half the size of your pinky nail. Leaning down to look closer, you saw pretty gold patterns along its back, a vibrant green peeking out here and there. 
“Oh, you’re quite pretty,” You whispered. The beetle paid you no mind as it continued on its way. 
“You’ll die in here,” You said softly, gathering your bravery and leaning over to brush it gently into your hand, “There’s no food for you.”
It sat still in your palm, not moving as you brought it closer to get a better look. You smiled, keeping it safely in your left hand as you pushed the covers from you with your right and swung your legs around to get off the bed. 
Just as you were moving to hop down, something made you freeze.
Your brows furrowed as you leaned down to look at your legs. Had the swelling gone down overnight? They looked…normal.
The past week, they had kept getting more swollen each day, to the point it was painful to walk. You never told Yoongi, and it was easy enough to keep it hidden under your long skirts. There was no reason to worry him. You had a feeling he knew that your time was coming soon anyway. He just refused to believe it. 
You looked back at the beetle in your hand, “What do you think?” 
Lowering your hand so he could see your legs, you gave him a moment to consider, then you brought him back up, “Do they look swollen to you?” After a moment, you nodded, “That’s what I thought too…we better get you outside.”
Once your bare feet hit the floor, you almost flinched at the fact that pain didn’t shoot through your legs at the contact. You had been expecting it.
Your eyes widened as you looked down, seeing your toes against the wooden floor. The simple white night dress hung down to mid shin, showing how normal your calves looked. 
Taking in a long breath, you felt your lungs expand. 
It didn’t hurt to breathe. 
Tears sprung to your eyes as you looked at your little friend. Excitement that you were going to have a good day filled you as you couldn’t help but laugh. Without another thought, you ran out of the shed and into the sunlight.
The moment you stepped onto the velvety grass, you stopped short, still holding the beetle. 
Twenty feet in front of you, Jungkook was there. 
He looked worn out, but there was a smile on his face at the sight of you first thing after walking all day and night to get home. 
Carefully, you bent down and shooed the beetle onto a leaf, then you straightened up and stared at the person you had feared you might not get to see again.
A few moments of silence passed, the two of you just looking at each other.
“Hi, Apple.” He finally whispered.
You didn’t say anything, just broke into a run. 
He caught you as you flung yourself into him, tears springing to his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you from the ground. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you hugged him as tight as you could. 
“I missed you,” He mumbled into your neck.
You couldn’t respond, all you could do was breathe shakily, never wanting to let go.
Jungkook adjusted so that his hands were under your bottom so he could better hold you. Once he felt you were secure, he carried you back inside your home and sat on the bed. Still, you said nothing, you just kept your head tucked into the space between his neck and shoulder, not moving yourself from his lap.
After a few more moments, you whispered, “I thought I was never going to see you again.”
Jungkook caressed your hair gently, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.”
“I know,” You sniffled. 
His hands ran along your sides and down your legs, pushing the nightgown up so he could run his palms along your thighs. He had missed your warmth for weeks, it felt almost unreal finally being back in your arms.
As he was running his hands up and down along the length of your legs, he suddenly stopped. You pulled back to see a look of confusion on his face as he glanced down to where his hand rested on your ankle. 
“What is it?” You asked.
“Lay down for me for a second.”
You weren’t sure what he was getting at, but you still crawled off his lap and onto the bed. As soon as you were off of him, he turned around and looked at your legs, holding your ankle and slightly pushing up your skirt to better see them. 
Your cheeks warmed.
It had been weeks since you two had done anything. 
“Apple,” His voice sounded weak with emotion as his eyes flitted back to yours, “Can you take a deep breath for me, love?”
He watched closely as you took in a big breath, your chest expanding and deflating as you did so. Not a single cough passed your lips.
As you took another breath, you saw tears in his eyes, a look of pure disbelief on his face. 
“You’re okay?”
“Your leh-...your legs aren’t swollen,” He whispered, warm hand caressing your calf once more, “And you took a breath and it…it didn’t hurt you?”
You shook your head with a small smile, “It didn’t hurt me.”
“It worked,” He breathed, looking back into your eyes. 
Your eyes shifted back and forth between his. 
“What do you mean?”
“The curse...it’s gone.”
“Jungkook, what are you saying-”
Your words got cut off when he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. 
Laying back on the bed, you sighed into his mouth as he climbed over you, hands back to pushing at your dress.
You didn’t understand what had gotten into him or why he was crying as he ran his thumb in circles on your bare waist, deepening the kiss as he did. Whatever was going on, you weren’t going to fight it. 
Jungkook’s breath shuddered as he moved back to look at you, then he leaned down again, unable to get enough of the taste of your lips.
Whatever would happen to him, it didn’t matter. 
You were going to live.
At first, you didn’t believe him when he explained that you were no longer cursed. But as the weeks passed by and you only felt more and more alive, it started to hit.
He never said what really happened in detail, only that he found a cure. He didn’t know it was going to work until he came home and saw you. 
Jungkook never hesitated to do anything with you. He wasn’t going to take time for granted ever again. There wasn’t a day in the following months that you didn’t go outside and run around, climbing trees and making him take you out on the boat.
Each day you felt stronger, even more so than before the symptoms started. It was like life was surging through you at new levels and shining from within. He could see the light in your eyes, the glow in your sweet face. 
You were going to live. 
It was May; Jungkook’s favorite month. 
It was the month of your birth, nothing could ever top it. The world seemed a little brighter, a little more colorful; just a bit more full of purpose. You turned eighteen in the middle of the month, but the start of that day wasn’t as fun as you thought it would be. That morning you didn’t feel well. The two weeks leading up to your birthday you weren’t feeling well either. 
You had missed your monthly course, but didn’t mention it to Jungkook. It was probably just late.
Jungkook was worried sick when it seemed you were constantly feeling nauseous in the mornings. He was terrified that the disease had come back. You assured him that you were fine, that it didn’t feel like it did before. You just ate something bad and it would let up soon. 
But on your birthday when you couldn’t even keep rice down during breakfast, saying that it smelt funny and you couldn’t eat it, he insisted something was wrong. He had been begging you to go to the village and be seen for a while, in case it was something serious, but you hadn’t wanted to. 
“Apple, please. Even if it’s just for me, to put my mind at ease,” He pleaded with you that morning for the hundredth time. 
“Okay,” You sighed, “If you’ll feel better, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you,” He kissed you on the forehead, “Can I take you there on my way?”
You nodded, letting him help you up from the floor. 
You smiled at Jungkook’s mother when she opened the door. 
“Why, ____! How wonderful to see you!” She pulled you into a hug, smiling at her son over your shoulder. 
“It’s so good to see you,” You whispered, hugging her back. 
“I need to go to the town for some supplies, today is the only time I can,” Jungkook said before looking at you pointedly, “Apple wants to speak with you, if that’s alright.”
His mother ushered you inside, “Anytime, my dear. We’ll see you later, Jungkook!” Then she shut the thin door, not sparing another word for him.
He chuckled, shaking his head as he went on his way. 
“My, how long has it been?” Your mother-in-law poured some tea into a small cup for you, smiling as you thanked her. 
“At least a few months,” You said sadly, “I’m sorry I haven’t visited you.”
“Oh nonsense, nonsense,” She waved off your apology, “You two are meant to be enjoying time with each other, not worrying about coming back to this place.”
You knew she was never a fan of the people around here either. But she did a lot of good in the village with her knowledge of medicine. 
“What did you want to talk about?” She asked before sipping her tea. 
You took a drink of yours before clearing your throat a little, “I’ve been feeling a little off these days. Jungkook insisted I come to you.”
She laughed, “Of course, he did.”
You laughed with her, both of you knowing how stubborn he could be. 
“Tell me about what’s been going on, dear.”
“Hey, I was expecting you to be at mother’s still,” Jungkook said as he came in the door of your home, “It scared me when you weren’t there.”
“Sorry,” You whispered, eyes locked on your hands. 
“What’s wrong?” He set his things down on the table and walked over to kneel in front of you, “She said it was nothing to worry about when I asked. But she wouldn’t tell me, she insisted I come back and hear it from you.”
“I-...” You bit your lip, excitement bubbling up in your tummy as you finally raised your eyes to his.
It was the best gift you could’ve gotten for your birthday. 
He smiled gently. 
You scanned his face, wondering if they would have his doe eyes, or his sweet pink lips. 
“We’re going to have a baby,” You whispered, biting the tips of your fingers, a smile slipping out even as you tried to keep it contained.
The complete and utter shock on his face made you laugh. 
“Really?” He finally whispered, his eyes staring into yours. 
You nodded, eyes shining as you took his hand and placed it on your stomach. 
“I told you I was okay,” You said quietly, scrunching your nose at him.
Jungkook’s gaze fell to where his hand rested on you, where your child was growing. You watched happily as he closed his eyes, a few tears spilling down his cheeks.
After a moment of silence, he leaned forward, placing both hands on your lower back and pressing a kiss to your stomach, making you giggle at the ticklish feeling. 
“I love you,” He whispered as he looked up at you. 
You pushed the hair out of his face, smile never dimming as you whispered the words back to him. 
If Jungkook was over protective before, he was even more so after finding out that you were with child.
Instead of climbing the apple tree, he pushed you gently on the swing when you wanted to be outside. You would sit on the ground, leaning your back against the tree and messing with the silky grass with your bare feet, giggling at the feeling between your toes. He would sit with you, chuckling at your antics as he handed you an apple, watching as you munched on it happily.
“How are you feeling?”
You answered the question over a hundred times every single day, but you didn’t mind. You would just laugh and tell him you felt amazing. There was never a time in your life that you had been happier. 
Only three years ago, you were told you would most likely be dead before you even reached your twentieth birthday.
You never thought you would be nearly four months pregnant with your first child at eighteen and married to your best friend. You didn’t know what happened to change things, but not a single day passed that you didn’t thank whoever was watching over you. 
“Am I feeling?” You laughed quietly at the young man who was getting ready for bed and worrying his pretty little head off about you as usual while he did so.
Jungkook gave you a look, which made you laugh harder. 
“I’m just checking,” He whispered as he climbed into bed, nudging your nose with his, “Scoot over.”
You did as he asked, blushing when you saw him watching you with a smile as you struggled to make room. “What?”
“You’re just cute,” He laughed. 
Covering your face with your hands, you turned away from him. 
“Stop,” You whined as he fought with you to uncover your face. 
“Ugh, you’re so annoying,” He pouted, then smiled again as he placed a hand on your small baby bump.
The way your belly had started to grow was so endearing to him, a physical reminder of the life inside of you. Even as you hid, he pushed your nightgown up and over your tummy so he could place kisses along the skin that stretched slightly to start to accommodate his baby girl.
“I love you, Aera,” He whispered to your belly before kissing it again as you took your hands from your face, smiling at his words. 
“You really think it’s a girl, huh?”
“Only because it is,” Jungkook stuck his tongue out at you. You thought so too, so you didn’t argue. Jungkook had picked the name, saying it came to him in a dream. 
You loved it and there was never another thought as to what she would be called. It was perfect.
He moved up until he could kiss your lips, whispering against them, “Love you, sweet girl.”
“I love you, too,” you ran your fingers through his hair, “Jungkook?”
“Thank you.”
“For what, love?”
You swallowed, “For saving me.”
It was the thousandth time you had thanked him. 
His smile was warm like honey, “You saved me first.”
It was August. 
It was the eighteenth day of August. 
The sun was bright, but it wasn’t too hot. There was a slight breeze, just enough to cool what heat the sun did provide.
You ate rice that morning, feeling better since the sickness in the mornings weren't present the past week.
You washed some garments early in the afternoon. Jungkook insisted he could do it, but you asked him if you could do at least a few things. You wanted to do something, you wanted to be helpful.
He couldn’t stop you from arranging the roses he brought for you from the bush on the small table, tucked into the vase that Taehyung had given to you after your wedding. 
“I’m fine,” You brushed him away with a laugh as he hovered over you while you folded the clothes that were dry after hanging outside since the day before, “I’m sitting, Jungkook!”
“I know,” He sighed, shifting nervously on his feet as he watched you, “I just don’t want you to overdo it.”
“Jungkook,” You gave him an unimpressed look, “I have not felt this good in months. I have barely done anything. All I’m doing is sitting and folding, it takes barely any effort.”
“I know,” He said again, but finally sounded like he might be calming as a small smile appeared on his face. After a few minutes in comfortable silence as you folded and he worked on his most recent project, he spoke up. 
“Are you hungry?”
You thought about it for a minute, then shook your head, “No, not really. You eat if you’re hungry though.”
He pouted, standing up and grabbing a pear from the small basket sitting atop the chest, “I don’t like eating when you’re not.”
You chuckled, shaking your head at his silliness. 
“How are they coming along?” You asked, trying to distract him. 
Jungkook immediately brightened and walked over to pick up his newest work, bringing them to you and setting them gently in your lap, “They’re finished.” 
You gasped at the most adorable little booties you had ever seen. It was clear he had spent time and a great deal of love on them. 
“Jungkook, these are so beautiful!”
He blushed, “Beautiful enough for our little girl?”
“Oh, certainly,” You smiled at him, holding the little shoes to your chest in a tiny hug, “She’s going to be so grateful to have a daddy that loves her so much.”
Jungkook breathed out an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as he smiled at you. 
It was August. 
It was the eighteenth day of August. 
The sun had set. It was cool, but not enough to be uncomfortable as you settled into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin.
Jungkook was outside speaking with Taehyung, but you were exhausted, so you went to bed early. The three of you had been sitting around the fire, chatting. 
You had no worries. You didn’t toss any worries into the fire that night.
You went to bed early.
It was just over an hour later when you woke up, wincing at the foreign pain in your abdomen. Breathing deeply didn’t help. You sat up, a small grunt of pain leaving your lips as you did.
“Ah,” You tried to take another breath, but it only began to hurt more. 
Looking over to the door, you could see the glow of the fire still burning through the cracks. 
“Jungkook,” You called weakly, wincing.
Something was wrong.
There was a warm feeling between your legs. You lifted the covers but couldn’t see anything. So, you reached a hand down, brows creasing when your fingers came away wet. 
“Jungkook,” You called out again, fear settling in your heart, “Jungkook!”
The door opened and you saw him walk in, concern clear on his face at your hollering.
“Apple, what’s wrong?”
“I- I don’t know,” You began to cry, “It hurts.”
It was the eighteenth day of August. 
You remembered only fear and pain, the sound of Jungkook screaming for Taehyung to get his mother.
The feeling of strong arms lifting you from the bed and hurrying out of the front door. 
The moon was bright on the eighteenth day of August.
You could see it shining through the leaves as they blurred past. He was whispering for you to hold on. You were terrified. 
There were no clouds in the night sky, but the stars were shining.
The world felt cold.
There were no clouds, you couldn’t see them. 
You wondered if they could see you. 
You wondered if they wept for you. 
You looked up from the small blanket in your hands.
Jungkook wasn’t sure if you were looking at him or through him. He swallowed thickly, his heart bleeding as he walked over and sat on the floor in front of you. Slowly, he took the blanket from you, but you didn’t react. 
“I’ve got some food for you, love.”
You said nothing. He took a steadying breath, then picked up the bowl of porridge and dipped your favorite wooden spoon into it, getting a good amount. 
You did nothing but look at the dirt on his clothes. 
“Apple, open your mouth.”
Finally, you listened, albeit slowly. He carefully placed the spoon past your lips, patient as ever while you swallowed. It was only a few spoonfuls that day. But it was more than the day before, where you hadn’t eaten a single thing.
“You did well,” He whispered as he set the still almost full bowl down next to him, “I’m proud of you.”
There was a faint smile on your face at his words, but your eyes were empty. Jungkook closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
It had been two months since that night, since you lost the baby. You weren’t the same since. 
He hadn’t been well either, but he couldn’t let himself check out like he wanted to. Not if he wouldn’t be there to take care of you.
Every night, he cried more tears than he thought physically possible. His baby girl was gone, his best friend slipping away from him soon after. 
He wasn’t sure how much he could handle before he followed suit. 
It was not until six months after the loss, that you began to come out of it. All those months were nothing but a blur to you. You had no control over anything during it. All you could remember was the color gray. It was like you had forgotten everything; how to eat, how to sleep, how to breathe. 
You certainly didn’t know how to live. 
You weren’t supposed to live. 
That plagued you every moment of those months. The guilt of giving Jungkook something so wonderful only to take it away again. You hated yourself. It felt like you had failed as a mother.
You hurt your best friend because your body couldn’t do what it was made to do. 
By the time you came out of it, you were so ridden with guilt that you almost couldn’t handle it. Not only because of the miscarriage, but because you realized what you put him through for all that time. He didn’t even get to grieve. 
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, eyes glued to the empty vase by the door. 
Jungkook looked at you from where he kneeled by the chest, just finishing putting a few things away. 
“No,” You choked out, “You don’t have to comfort me. I should’ve been there for you. I shouldn't have let you suffer alone.”
He sighed and stood up, walking over to be in front of you, “I don’t blame you for that.”
“I do,” You wiped at your eyes, “And I’m so sorry. Please forgive me-”
“There is nothing to forgive,” He leaned down and kissed your forehead, “Do you really believe you chose to be trapped in that state of mind?”
After a moment, you shook your head. 
It happened instantly. One moment you were going to sleep while your husband and friend talked outside, the next moment the world was gray and you couldn’t do anything.
You lost six months of time, it was not your choice. 
But you still felt horrible. 
A few nights later, you held him as he cried. 
You dried his tears, finally able to be there for him when he needed you. 
You opened your eyes to see the roof of the small shack right in front of you.
A smile broke out on your face as you sat up in bed and looked to the side to see the sun shining through the window in a golden stream dancing across the dirty floor.
The bed creaked when you climbed off of it, rubbing your sore limbs as you walked over to the tiny table that Jungkook placed in the corner, smiling at the vase of flowers sitting there, as pretty as always. 
The roses must be blooming.
You sat in one of the two wooden chairs, rubbing your eyes before sniffing the air. 
Something smells good. 
You stood and walked over to the door to step outside, squinting as the bright sun wished you a good morning, shining its blinding light into your eyes. 
“Hi, love.”
You grinned at the young man who was busy cooking something over the fire, his bunny smile directed at you the second you came out. 
“Hi,” You croaked, morning voice betraying you. 
“Are you hungry?”
“Very,” You laughed lightly. 
Jungkook stood up, dusting off his clothes before walking over and placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Good, the food will be ready soon. Oh, and Taehyung is coming over.”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up at the news. You hadn’t seen him in far too long. 
Jungkook nodded as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear, then he took your hand and pressed a kiss to your finger, right where your ring rested. 
When Taehyung came, he was relieved to see the two of you in better spirits. It had been over a year since you lost the baby. He wished he could erase that night from his own memory, the thought of being one of you in that situation was unimaginable. 
Jungkook was to be turning twenty-one in only a few days, and you were nineteen. Both of you had seen far too much grief in life already.
It was the first time he had seen you after coming out of the stupor you were in for half a year. 
You were taken by surprise when Taehyung immediately went to you and pulled you into a hug. Putting your arms around him, you hugged him back. 
“It’s good to see you again, little bird,” He whispered after pulling back. You weren’t aware that the last time he saw you, your gaze had been so vacant that he wasn’t sure you had even seen or heard him. You were sitting on the bed, looking at the vase he had gifted to you and never elsewhere. 
Taehyung stayed with you two for a few days, spending Jungkook’s birthday there.
The day after he left, you were sitting in the swing, pushing yourself back and forth slowly. The leaves on the trees were beginning to change color.
You smiled sadly at the sight of a tiny leaf sitting right next to a larger one. 
Even time could never heal some wounds. 
“Your daddy’s birthday was fun,” You whispered, pushing the swing back again, “He would have loved to spend it with you.”
It was unclear exactly when you had started to speak with her while you were alone. You refused to believe she couldn’t hear you.
Maybe she was sitting with the invisible person or climbing the apple tree as you swung below it. 
“We love you, a lot,” You looked over to the little bush that you had always felt was where they sat to talk with you. It felt different. 
Standing up from the swing, you slowly walked over, holding out a hand. Ever so gently, you touched a little leaf hanging from one of the skinny branches. If you listened close enough, you thought maybe you could hear the sound of tiny laughter.
You turned around, looking at the forest around you, listening as hard as you could. Then there was the sound of a twig snapping, which made you turn again to see the newcomer. 
“Jungkook. You startled me.”
“Sorry,” He smiled at you as he came closer, “I thought you might have been out here.”
You nodded, smiling at the swing. 
Part of you wanted to tell him what you had been doing, for years even, back when it started with the invisible person. Perhaps it might bring him some comfort as well. You weren’t sure why you felt a bit self-conscious though. Nevertheless, you didn’t say anything. 
“Did I interrupt something?” Jungkook asked, sensing that you were a little distracted. 
You shook your head with a laugh, “Not at all.”
Taking his hand, you turned to walk back with him as he excitedly told you about the meal he had prepared.
There was no special occasion, he informed you, it was just because he wanted to do something for you. You had done so many things for him since you were little without needing a reason, always saying you just wanted to. 
You laughed at his rambling as you walked, swinging your joined hands back and forth. Only once, you turned and looked over your shoulder at the swing that moved slightly in the breeze.
If you looked close enough, you thought you might see her. 
Long black hair flowing down her back as she swung back and forth. Tiny hands were gripping the rope tightly. There were pale yellow wings, like that of a bird, on her back. Her little legs kicked under the swing.
You couldn’t see her face, only a small glimpse of her very small nose when she looked to the side and laughed at something. There was a child’s voice whispering on the wind, but you couldn’t hear what they were saying. A moment later, you realized what it was.
“I’m okay, mommy.”
You blinked, and she was gone. 
“I wish you wouldn’t go.”
Jungkook bit his lip at your words, feeling terrible. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered, “I promised her I’d accompany her to the Cho’s, she wants to be there by the end of the week at the earliest.”
You smiled, brushing it off, “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad for wanting to help your mother. I just wish the Cho’s lived closer.”
“So do I.”
“It can’t be helped,” You laughed quietly, “Your mother is too talented for her own good, pretty soon people will insist she multiply herself and live in each of their towns to help.”
He laughed, “She would do it too, if she could.”
You walked with him to the village to bid her farewell. She was so kind, it always brightened your day to see her. 
“I’ll try not to keep him too long,” She promised with a wink. 
You laughed, “Oh, keep him as long as you like. Make him do all the work.” Jungkook shook his head with a smile as you and his mother tittered, as if sharing jokes he was no part of. 
“You better go,” You gave her one last hug, “I don’t want you two traveling at night.”
His mother kissed you on the forehead sweetly, “Always so thoughtful. I will see you later, my dear.”
“Be safe,” You smiled warmly at her before turning to Jungkook. He leaned down and kissed the tip of your nose, pulling back with a smile.
“Is that all I get?” You whispered teasingly as his mother pretended to be busy with counting the things she was bringing. 
He only smirked, giving you a little wink as he backed away, “See you soon, Apple.”
He was meant to be gone for nine days. 
It wasn’t a quick journey to the town a few over; three days each way. And he was going to help his mother get settled for her two months stay.
The first few days were a little lonely, but on the fourth day, Yoongi came to see you. It felt like forever since you had seen him.
You sat and talked for hours on end, wanting to know every little thing that he had been doing. He told you all about the research he was doing on agriculture, and how he finally understood your love for nature. He also told you about the girl he was courting, much to his embarrassment at admitting how strongly he felt for her. 
It was wonderful. You had been so close as kids, growing up always made people and things grow apart. You hated it. 
Yoongi didn’t ask you how you were feeling, which you appreciated. You knew he cared, but he also knew and respected that you didn’t want to talk about it. The way you kept pushing the conversation onto what he was up to, made it clear enough even if he didn’t already know you well. 
Jungkook was meant to be gone for nine days. 
Word came five days into his absence, from a young teen boy, that he was going to be away for another week at most. You thanked the boy as he turned and ran off, laughing to yourself as you pulled the water bucket up from the well in the outskirts of the village.
The stream where you usually collected your water was oddly sparse that week, so you thought you might as well come into the village and see Yoongi before getting some water to bring back home.
The next day, you came back to see him again, getting more water on the way. As you were leaving, wooden bucket sloshing around with water as you held it in both your arms, you stopped when you saw someone standing in front of you. 
“I thought it might be you!” 
“Jisoo?” Your eyes widened when you saw the girl you hadn’t spoken to in at least three years. She looked a bit older, more mature than when you last saw her. There was a child in her arms, just over a year old at most. 
Jisoo nodded, “I’ve seen you around a few times over the years, but wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk.”
You laughed, “Why shouldn’t I?”
She shrugged, the baby on her hip smiling at you. You smiled back, a horrible pain in your heart as you did. 
“You were always off with that strange boy, what’s his name-”
“Jungkook,” You said, a bit shortly, “His name is Jungkook. And he’s my husband.”
“Ah yes,” She looked a little embarrassed, “Jungkook. I must admit, I never could see what you saw in him until the other week. He really has changed.”
You didn’t like the smirk on her face as she said that. 
“No,” You adjusted the water in your arms to better hold it, then you looked her up and down, “Out of everyone in this village, it seems he’s the only one that hasn’t had to.”
Jisoo didn’t respond at first, only shifted uncomfortably as you stared at her. 
“Yes, well,” A nasty smile curved on her lips, “Tell him if he ever wants a girl that can keep a baby, he can come to me anytime he’d like.”
She laughed at your silence before walking around you and leaving.
If there wasn’t a child in her arms, you would’ve dumped the water you were holding all over her. Only heaven knows what you would’ve done after that.
Instead, you stood there, unable to say a word or move a muscle, even after she left. There was a slight tremble in your knees as you stared at the dirt where she once stood. You blinked a few times, swallowing the pain from your heart that almost came crawling out of your throat in a horrible scream. 
After a minute, you lifted your chin and kept walking.
You were strolling along the outskirts of the village, a few flowers in hand that you picked, small white ones. It was silent except for the rustle of leaves and the very quiet mumbling of you talking to the forest around you as you looked for more flowers. 
“Pretty,” You muttered as you picked up a yellow one that you hadn’t ever seen before. 
The sound of running and someone screaming broke you out of your trance and shattered the sacred silence. You turned to see a young girl around twelve hurrying up to you. 
“You’re miss ____, right?”
Blinking in confusion, you nodded. 
“Please help us,” She whimpered, and you finally noticed the tears on her face. 
“What’s the matter?” You asked, fully alarmed. 
“My cousin he’s- he’s fallen ill. No one knows what to do since the medicine lady is gone.”
Your stomach turned, “I- I don’t know medicine-”
“You married her son, didn’t you?”
You nodded again, throat dry. 
“She must have taught you something! Please, he’ll die-”
“Take me to him.”
Your voice sounded much stronger than you felt.
The girl grabbed your hand and you ran after her, all the way through the village and to a relatively large home, one almost twice the size as everyone else’s. You went in, following the girl to a room where you could hear crying.
The second you stepped in, your heart stopped. 
Jisoo was there, weeping. There was another woman, her mother, pacing the room. Lying on the floor on a few cushions, was a small boy, only three years of age. He was sweating, little whimpers leaving his mouth. 
You snapped out of your shock and immediately jumped into action, “Get out,” You shoved Jisoo’s mother out of the room, gesturing for Jisoo to do the same. 
“I’m not leaving, why are you here anyway?!” She shrieked. 
You turned towards her and hissed quietly, “If you don’t want to leave your other child motherless, get out.”
The girl that had come to fetch you took the shocked young woman’s arm and led her out, explaining to her that you were there to help. That you knew the medicine lady and could help.
You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath. 
Pull yourself together. 
When you opened your eyes, your mind was no longer clouded with panic. You were not educated in medicine, but your mother-in-law did show you a few things over the years you’d known her that might be of some help.
You called out a few orders to the people outside of the room, telling them to hurry as fast as they could. Then you turned and went to the small child. He was looking at you, his eyes showing the terror he felt. 
“You don’t have to be afraid,” You whispered, offering him a gentle smile as you knelt on the floor next to where he lay. He didn’t resist when you placed a hand on his forehead, then carefully ran your fingers across it, brushing the damp hairs away. 
“You’re going to be alright, I promise,” You kept running your fingers along his cheeks, the action seeming to calm him, “I’m not going to leave you.”
He looked just like his mother.
Jisoo always had the prettiest eye shape, and he definitely inherited it.
There were frantic voices on the other side of the door, but you ignored them. 
For hours you stayed in the room with the boy, cooling his skin with wet rags and feeding him the remedies that you could remember how to make. The people outside did everything you asked and would leave things at the door for you to grab and bring back inside with you.
When day turned into night, you still sat there with him, replacing the cold cloths on his skin with fresh ones. He eventually fell asleep. 
You sighed with relief, knowing the worst had passed. If he could sleep, he was going to be fine. 
You woke up on the floor of the room, blinking at the sun coming in through the window. Only a few feet away, the child still slept soundly.
Reaching out a hand, you felt his forehead, then mumbled a prayer of thanks to the invisible person you knew was there. They must have listened to your earnest requests the night before; his skin was cool to the touch, and he was breathing normally.
You stood up, groaning quietly at the soreness of your muscles from your sleeping position. 
When you walked out and saw Jisoo sitting on a stump just outside the door, you approached her, “He’s going to be fine.”
She flinched at the sound of your voice, then turned and saw you standing there. It was silent for a minute, then she stood up and faced you, “If you think I’m going to thank you, then you’re just as crazy as they always said you were.”
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but that certainly wasn’t it. 
“How dare you barge into my home and order me around?” Jisoo stepped closer, “Of course he’s going to be fine. He was just feeling a little off, you did nothing, you are not a hero.”
You stared at her for another minute. 
“Ok, Jisoo,” You finally whispered, moving to get around her. She grabbed your arm though, before you could leave, “Don’t ever step foot into my home again. We don’t want your curse spread to us, infertile witch.”
Shoving your arm away as if she would catch something from being around you too long, she walked back inside.
All you could do for a moment was bite your lip harshly and stare at a stick on the ground. You knew, deep down inside, that even if you had known that would be her response, you still would’ve done the same thing; that child didn’t deserve to be in pain. 
You walked all the way back to the shed, for the first time saying nothing to the trees and flowers that you passed on the way. 
Maybe they missed your voice. 
Maybe they cried for you. 
You woke up the next day feeling strange.
The night before, you had felt a little hot and didn’t pull the covers over your body like you always did. In fact, you had chosen to strip yourself of all your clothes in the middle of the night while half asleep, which would explain the confused state you were in upon waking up completely naked. 
Your head was aching and the sun was too bright.
Why ever was the sun that bright anyway?
You didn’t realize that you had slept well into the afternoon after unknowingly tossing and turning for hours in the night. 
Standing up from the bed after pulling on a simple dress, the room spun for a moment before righting itself. You were going to get some fruit from the basket, but decided against it when the thought made your stomach turn.
You drank water instead, then climbed back into the bed and removed your obnoxious clothing again, but this time pulled the covers up to your chin and promptly fell asleep. 
Yoongi knocked on the door of the shed again, waiting with furrowed brows. You hadn’t come into the village since the day before last and he was worried. The stream was still too dry to gather water and he had been expecting you to be going back for more at the well and visiting him while you were at it.
You said you would.
He had heard about what happened with Jisoo and wanted to let you know that her son was feeling much better. 
When the third time he knocked was still unanswered, he opened the door and walked into the small but comfortable living space. His eyes were instantly drawn to the bed, where there was a little lump in the covers. 
“____?” He walked over and shook your shoulder gently, “Wake up, you daft girl. It’s mid-day already!”
When you didn’t respond, his frown deepened and he shook you harder, letting out a small gasp when you turned over and he saw how clammy your skin was. 
“____, wake up!”
Finally, you peeled your eyes open, they looked glassy and unfocused. 
Your cousin turned your body more to get a better look at your face, noticing briefly that you were unclothed under the covers, “____, what’s happened? Why are you like this? Are you ill?”
Your brows creased as you looked at him in confusion, “Wha-...Yoongi, is that you?”
His stomach dropped at the state you were in.
Something was terribly wrong. 
“I’m going to go get someone,” Yoongi spoke slowly and clearly, “I need you to do your best in waking up, alright?”
You didn’t really acknowledge him, only mumbled something incoherent, but he didn’t have time to figure it out. He rushed out of the shack and through the woods, unsure who he was going to get but knowing he needed help. 
The next few days were horrific. 
There were two other people in the shack alongside Yoongi that did more than they ever cared to when you were young.
They tried their best to feed you, to cool the burning heat of your skin, to keep you from thrashing about and hurting yourself when you were racked with suffering.
You didn’t understand what was happening. You didn’t recognize anyone there, not even your own cousin. All you knew was that you were in pain and scared. 
Sometimes you saw your mother, standing over your bed and shaking her head at you in disappointment. She kept calling you the sick one, the sick one.
Sometimes you saw a man that you thought was your father. He did nothing but stare at you emotionlessly, standing in the corner of the room. 
Most of the time you saw the strange people with cloths over their mouths. They would put painfully cold things on your head and try to pry your mouth open to shove things inside. You fought them the best you could, but you grew weaker by the hour and couldn’t fend them off for long.
The nights were the worst at first; the pain reaching levels you had never experienced, ripping broken screams from your throat. Soon, the nights blended into the days, the agony never ceasing. 
You didn’t know why two of the strange people left one day and never came back.
You didn’t hear Yoongi urging them to leave after seeing the rash spreading on your skin, telling them to stay away from the others until they knew they hadn’t caught it, lest the entire village be consumed by typhoid. 
Yoongi sat outside of the shack, staring at the lone flower that was growing a few feet in front of the door. Inside, you were screaming. 
The only thing he could catch from what you were sobbing was Jungkook’s name. 
Apparently you remembered him. 
You had been sick for nine days, only growing worse each day.
Taehyung ran up, breathing heavily as he stopped in front of his older friend. 
“Jungkook is on the way home, but he doesn’t know.”
“You know this, how?” Yoongi mumbled. 
Everyone he had sent out over the past week said they couldn’t find him.
“Someone said they passed him on the road two days ago, he wasn’t in a hurry. He doesn’t know-”
The sound of agonized screaming reached his ears, his eyes widening in horror. He almost ran in, but Yoongi stopped him. 
“There’s nothing we can do now,” Yoongi whispered, grief clear in his eyes, “You cannot risk going in there and catching it. You shouldn’t even be here.”
Taehyung took a faltering step back, shaking as his hands came up to cover his ears at the next round of dreadful sobbing. 
“Taehyung, look at me.”
His eyes darted to the older boy. 
“You need to get Jungkook, before it’s too late.”
He hated that he understood what was meant by that. 
He hated that he understood no one could save you. 
Stumbling away, Tae turned and ran, disappearing into the forest.
Yoongi gulped and turned to look at the door, knowing what would meet him when he went back in. Miraculously, he had not caught anything yet.
That did not lessen his fear of entering.
Catching it was not what he feared. 
Stepping back into the door, Yoongi’s gaze fell on you instantly.
You were crying quietly, dressed in nothing but a thin nightgown, too weak to rip it off of your otherwise naked body. There was no recognition in your eyes when they landed on him. 
“Please,” You whispered hoarsely, throat torn to shreds from the only way you were able to manage the torment you were in, “I need him.”
“I know.”
“Why hasn’t he come for me?”
It was the most you had said in over a week, your exhausted gaze drifting around the room, as if searching once more. 
“Why did he leave me?” 
Yoongi saw the endless stream of tears on your cheeks, his heart breaking.
Your chest shook with each little breath you took, not enough to keep your lungs full.
“I’m scared.”
You didn’t know who this was in front of you, but there was no one else to talk to. 
“I’m so sorry, ____.”
You blinked, a few more tears falling. Your body had been trembling for days, you couldn’t control it. Yoongi noticed that you no longer tried to, you just laid there, shivering. 
“He said,” You swallowed, voice shaky, “He’d never leave me.”
“Jungkook is coming, ____. I promise. Just hold on a little longer.”
At his words, he saw a tiny smile on your chapped lips. The indescribable pain you were in was clear, but there was a tiny light in your eyes when you heard his name. 
“He’ll come and hold me?” You whispered, eyes locked on the stranger standing next to your bed. 
“Yes,” Yoongi choked out, “He will come and hold you until you fall asleep.”
“Oh,” Your eyes shifted, a small smile still on your face as you looked at the dead roses in the vase behind the stranger, “Okay.”
After a few minutes of silence apart from the ragged breaths that escaped you, Yoongi went and sat in a chair at the little table, his head falling into his hands. 
“It hurts a bit,” You mumbled, staring at a tiny crack in the ceiling. 
He swallowed, knowing that it hurt a lot more than that. 
Taehyung ran until he couldn’t breathe, yet he didn’t stop.
He kept running.
Jungkook couldn’t be too far away, he couldn’t be.
It wasn’t too late.
Yoongi stood up and walked to the bed, a horrible pit in his stomach at how silent you had been the past few minutes.
When he got closer, he saw your chest rising and falling slightly. He let out the breath he had been holding, fingers digging into his eyes as he rubbed them.
You weren’t gone yet. 
The smallest groan slipped from your lips. He watched you closely for another minute, then he heard the sound of running from outside.
Turning, he hurried out of the shack, but saw no one. He decided to go down the path a little way to see if he could see them approaching. 
“Taehyung?” He called out, “Jungkook!”
But there was no answer.
Jungkook flinched in surprise when he saw Taehyung running towards him, screaming.
He smiled and waved, adjusting the sack on his shoulder that he had been carrying for a while. Maybe he could get Tae to carry it back for him.
But he was only a few minutes from the village, why was he meeting him here?
Taehyung stumbled, falling into the younger, who caught him. 
“What’s gotten into-”
“It’s ____!” Tae choked out, coughing violently from not being able to breathe. 
“What?” Jungkook’s heart stopped in his chest. 
“She’s- she’s sick-”
Taehyung couldn’t even finish his sentence before Jungkook took off running, the things he previously carried lying in a heap on the ground.
Jungkook raced all the way to the village and through it, ignoring the silent stares as he passed.
His heart was in his throat, terror filling him as he ran as fast as he could. 
The village was quiet that day. 
The people watched as they always did. 
But the village was quiet that day. 
You opened your eyes slowly; the stranger wasn’t there. 
They had left you. 
Your bottom lip quivered before you bit it, the excruciating pain in your abdomen silencing your cries; it hurt too bad to scream.
A shaky breath went into your lungs, trickling back out seconds later.
He didn’t come back. 
You blinked, a tear rolling down your cheek. 
You were all alone. 
“Apple. You love me, right?”
His voice echoed in your muddled brain as you stared at the wilted roses across the room. 
“Yes,” You whispered weakly, the room turning cold, his presence that you thought was there fading away.
Please don’t leave. I’m scared to be alone.
Fear slowly started to consume you as your eyes drifted around the dark empty place you called home. 
Then they closed gently. 
When your eyes opened again, there was someone standing there. 
You sat up, confused when it didn’t hurt.
It didn’t hurt anymore.
Nothing hurt, at all. 
There was an overwhelming sense of calm around you. All of the worries that plagued your mind were gone. You couldn’t remember a single thing that once caused your heart to be so heavy with grief. 
Your eyes lifted back to the person standing in the middle of the room. It was a small girl, only five years of age; long black hair falling past her shoulders and doe eyes watching you.
There were feathery yellow wings on her tiny back, and a bunny-like smile on her cute face. 
She looked just like somebody you once knew. 
You couldn’t remember who it was though. 
The girl stretched her hand out towards you and you finally noticed there was another figure there as well, standing next to her.
You couldn’t see their face, only a bright glow shaped like a tall human. The two of them felt familiar somehow, like they had been waiting for you for a long time.
“Come on,” The little girl laughed, “You’re okay now.”
You moved your legs to the side of the bed and climbed out.
There was no hesitation as you walked forward and took her tiny hand, the smile on her face growing even more when you did.
Jungkook rushed through the forest, thin branches scratching his face and arms.
But he didn’t stop.
When he could see home, he pushed himself harder, fear gripping his heart when he saw Yoongi standing just outside of the door, staring at nothing. He pushed past the silent man and stumbled inside, freezing up at the sight that met him. 
You were lying in the bed, seemingly asleep, but with face and lips drained of color. The dark lashes resting on your cheeks were a stark contrast.
He stood there, staring at your figure.
“Apple?” His voice sounded far away, not like his own. 
Jungkook walked forward, bending down and cupping your cheek with his hand.  
“Wake up, Apple,” He whispered, brushing the hair from your face and shaking you gently, “I’m bah-...I’m back.”
When you didn’t respond, he shook you a little harder, his whole body beginning to tremble, “Please,” His voice broke, “Please wake up…I-”
A quiet sob cut him off as his shaking hands cupped your cooling cheeks once more, “Don���t leave me, please don’t leave me-”
He carefully lifted your frail body, pulling you into his lap and cradling you in his arms.
Yoongi stepped inside the door.
Taehyung came in right behind him, his eyes closing slowly when he saw Jungkook sitting on the bed and holding you against him in a tight embrace.
“Apple, I’m sorry, pleas-” He whimpered as he held the back of your head with gentle hands, rocking you back and forth, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
He wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there to hold you.
You were cold and alone. 
A sob tore itself from his throat as he held you tighter, praying that you could feel his warmth and hear him begging for you to come back.
You weren’t supposed to go without him.
“Please don’t leave me alone,” He pleaded hoarsely. 
Maybe, if he begged hard enough, you would listen to him and come back. 
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I broke my promise, Apple. I won’t leave you anymore,” Jungkook coughed, choking on his tears, “I won’t leave you ever again, ever.”
Yoongi gulped, unsure what to do. The guilt was eating him alive; he had stepped out only for a minute. Because of him, you died alone.
“I promise we can climb the apple tree whenever you want, you can eat all of the fruit before dinner, I won’t ever say no,” Tears ran down his face as he caressed your hair, just the way you always liked, “I won’t tell you that you should wait until after dinner, I promise. I promise.”
Taehyung put his face in his hands, his stomach turning. It didn’t feel real, you couldn’t be gone. 
“You were faster than me.”
Tae looked up to see Jungkook was cradling you like a child, thumb brushing your cheek as he spoke softly, his eyes running over your face. 
“You beat me to the swing, fair and square.”
Yoongi sucked in a breath and bit his lip. 
Memories of that day floated through his mind; the way you shrieked with laughter as you climbed onto the swing, too small to get on easily. 
“Push me! Push me!”
He could hear your tiny giggles clear as day. 
Jungkook rested his forehead against yours, his breath warming your lips as his hot tears fell onto cold cheeks, “I love you,” he spoke under his breath, for only you to hear, “I loved you since the first moment I saw you. I can't live without you.”
Maybe, if he said it enough times, you would listen to him and come back. 
“Jungkook,” Yoongi choked out, “We need to move her.”
There was no reply.
Taehyung swallowed the heavy lump in his throat, “Yoongi-”
“It’s still contagious,” The older boy whispered, “We can’t let him be with her for too long.”
Yoongi turned on him, anger and sorrow lit up in his eyes, “Get him out of here.”
Taehyung clenched his jaw, then walked around him, over to where Jungkook was still whispering to you. 
“Jungkook,” He took a shuddering breath, “I’m sorry.”
It was like he couldn’t hear a word the older boy was saying, tears falling endlessly as he held you close, continuing to sway you just a little.
Taehyung moved down to remove one of Jungkook’s hands from you, but the younger’s grip tightened. 
“Jungkook-” Tae strengthened his own efforts, finally prying his hands from you and trying to pull him up. 
“Let go of me!” Jungkook screamed, ripping his arm away and moving to hold you again. He kept you in his lap, arms around you protectively, refusing to let either of them close. 
Yoongi stepped in, “Jungkook, you need to let go-”
“Let her go,” Yoongi’s voice cracked as he struggled with pulling you out of his arms while Taehyung grabbed Jungkook. 
“Stop it!” Jungkook was bawling his eyes out frantically as he reached for you, “Don’t take her! Please!! Yoongi, Yoongi, please!!” 
Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s chest, not letting him get a chance to fight your cousin, who was gently laying your body on the bed again and covering you with the sheet. 
“Please!!!” Jungkook was screaming at the top of his lungs, heart crushed far beyond repair, “Please don’t take her!!”
“Get him out!” 
Taehyung dragged Jungkook kicking and screaming from the shack.
In the tussle, they knocked into the small table, the vase teetering for a moment before falling to the floor, a long crack running through it as the dead roses lay scattered about. 
“I hate you! I hate you!”
He didn’t know who he was screaming at. 
But maybe, if he screamed loud enough, you would hear him.
Maybe, you would come back. 
It was the year 1523 when you left him.
You were nineteen years old.
Jungkook sat curled up in the corner of the shack, legs tucked up to his chest as he stared at the broken vase on the floor. It had been three days since you passed, he hadn’t slept. All he had done was sit in the corner and stare at nothing.
He shut them all out.
They had taken you away from him. 
He never saw you again. 
Except in his mind. 
His days and nights were haunted by the last time he had spoken with you. 
“Is that all I get?” 
Your voice echoed in his mind, the smile on your face burned into his bruised and bleeding heart. He didn’t kiss you, he didn’t tell you he loved you.
All he did was leave.
Jungkook closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall, a tear sliding down his cheek and dripping from his chin. 
He would be found only hours later, still curled up in the corner.
It was a broken heart, they said.
It took three agonizing days after your death for him to follow.
For a human heart can only take so much pain, before it can’t. 
“How utterly wretched.”
Jungkook opened his eyes to see a tall figure standing over him as he sat in the corner of the dark shed.
The only thing he felt while looking at the demon who was staring at him with mock pity, was an empty hatred.
He whispered hoarsely, “You said she would live.”
Lucifer leaned down, a sneer on his face, “I only said I would get rid of her disease. Typhoid fever is a nasty business, isn’t it? Strange that she was the only one in the village to catch it after miraculously helping the boy. A real tragedy.”
Jungkook just stared at him. 
“A life for a life, that’s what you told me,” He finally spat, the anger beginning to spread through his body. 
“Ah yes,” The Devil chuckled and rocked back on his heels, as if the whole ordeal was quite amusing to him, “See, we didn’t agree on a third life though. I was far too nice to let you get off so easily with conceiving the infant.”
Jungkook gulped. 
“Oh,” The miserable creature’s face fell and he pouted, “That one didn’t make it either, did it?”
“She,” Jungkook hissed, “Her name is Aera-”
“Well, it was going to be,” Lucifer threw his head back and laughed, “Rest assured I had nothing to do with that unfortunate incident.”
It was silent for a moment, then Jungkook spoke up quietly, “You were never going to save her, were you?” His eyes were locked on the dead roses, “You lied.”
“And you,” Lucifer crouched and leaned close, “Fell for it.”
Jungkook’s eyes closed as he did his best to conjure up an image of you.
You were somewhere safe and warm, where the sun kissed your cheeks and danced upon your fingers.
Somewhere the apples were sweet and crisp, where the water was never too cold.
There was a sharp pain on the skin of his outer right bicep, making him grit his teeth as the demon laughed darkly.
“Look at how ruined you are,” The voice whispered with shameless glee, “All because of love.”
You were somewhere you could fly with the clouds, never alone.
Somewhere the roses would always bloom. 
“Don’t bother.”
Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at the demon. 
“She isn’t anywhere pleasant.”
His heart shattered into a million little pieces. 
“She’s somewhere cold,” Lucifer stared at him, “Stuck alone in the dark, full of unbearable torment, just like her last moments..”
Jungkook’s breath caught in his throat. 
“All because you left her. All because of Him.”
The young man’s eyes were filled with tears of anguish that slowly ebbed into a deep resentment with each word the Devil spoke. 
“He did this to you, you know that right?” Lucifer smirked, “You were created by Him. He made you, so that you could suffer.”
The despair clung to his heart like a lead weight, another burning scratch going across his skin, right where the pounding muscle lay.
“He created you to love her and lose her. Tell me; was it worth it, Jungkook?”
The torment wouldn’t come to an end. 
The deal was struck and the punishment would never lessen.
Even without understanding why, the agonizing torture of his heart ripping itself to shreds over and over again, would never ever stop. 
For a human heart can only take so much pain, before it can’t.
But the heart of a demon can never die.
a/n: tysm for reading, your thoughts are always welcome
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demonslayedher · 3 months
A messy ramble about sword decor
Kimetsu no Yaiba was sleeping on menuki, man.
That came back to mind today while visiting a museum exhibit of very fancy sword mountings (like so), because I am me and admiring very realistic metal insects and tiny metal carvings of Tale of Heike battle scenes will always come back to my fandom brain rot. The menuki specifically were on my mind because they are decorative pieces on the handles that hide the mekugi, which are key structural elements--pegs where the handle is attached to the blade, and where some might say a soul is put into a sword.
And, a few years ago while KnY hype was at its height, I heard some people who seemed to try to talk down the hype, saying, "the swords don't even have mekugi! Those aren't real Japanese swords!" Which means a lot to most non-nerds, I'm sure.
True, a lot of the Nichirin-to don't include visible pegs in their design, which you could argue is just because they are covered up with other wrappings on the handles. But realism really isn't a concern since Sanemi and Shinobu would probably constantly stabbing themselves with those tsuba.
So anyway!! The tsuba! The handguards and what they say about the characters is a very, very nice touch, and I love wondering if the swordsmiths designed those fully based on their own imaginations and perhaps what crows told them about the kids (like "he was a charcoal farmer" or "he's a Rengoku") or if the swordsmen got any chance to put in their own requests on the regular ("I was a charcoal farmer, I don't know what to ask for" or "Sabito had one like this"). It's also fun to see the creativity involved in creating the scabbards for unique swords like Shinobu's and Iguro's.
But we can do so much mooooore!
I love the simplicity of the Nichirin-to. They are elegant and purposeful, with engravings being earned and standardized. But they are also beautiful, and the general idea must be "if those swordsmen are putting their lives on the line, we will give them powerful tools, but they might as well get to enjoy something decorative for the rest of their likely short life." The menuki would have been such an opportunity for this, though the details would be hard to spot in both anime and manga format. So instead I just want to ponder the possibilities.
I was very inspired by all the metal inlay bugs and the butterfly motifs I saw today. I love the elegant engraving on the scabbard, and that her tsuba takes part of the traditional Shippou (Seven Treasures) pattern to make a vague butterfly shape. But I also saw one today that have a wisteria shaped menuki (and other bug motifs!!). But also, knowing her, she might be pleased to have a decorative little fish tucked behind the cords.
I LOVE THE VIOLENT PINWHEEL. What a whimsical way to express wind! Speaking of bugs, why not give him a rhinoceros beetle, symbolic of fighting spirit? After all, I even saw realistic little snail ones today, anything goes. And while we're thinking wind--
Wind chime??? Even the balloon flower pattern like was on the wind chime in that scene makes a lovely metal engraving pattern on other mountings on the scabbard. Totally unrelated, but today I say a brand of tangerines called "Shiranui" (the same name as the First Form of Flame Breath) for sale at the store, so heck, why not an apricot theme somewhere too? Orrrrrr you can also work with a "heart" theme to compliment all the flames. Oh, speaking of hearts--
Mitsuri's tsuba might look like four hearts, but this is actually an uncommon but traditional spin on a cherry blossom motif. Aside from all the possible ways you play with a cherry blossom motif, the traditional "inome" protective pattern is nowadays considered romantic because it looks like an upside-down heart. There's a lot of nice ways of using that shape, like a window in the a tsuba, or in her case, maybe to frame some other pattern used as part of an engraved piece. Speaking of "inome" though--
"Inome" means "boar's eye," though it looks more like a boar snout. Kanamori could have done all kinds of things with this motif, or even used little boar-shaped menuki! Not that any of those efforts would have mattered.
Clearly the snake theme could be used a lot, but why not be more creative? He's actually a pretty sensitive dude, and my read on him is that he seems to like scenes that imply "purity," partly because he ses himself as so tainted and doesn't dare taint anything pure. Nature motifs like snow, or the elegant snow-moon-flowers triple motif suit his poetic soul nicely, and snakes are considered a water element (makes sense that his Breath stems from Water Breathing), so some water related theme could work too. In this same vein, snakes are generally considered as much as water element as dragons, so giving him a dragon item would also fit just fine with a snake theme.
Hard to think of this one in the same way as the others, but I'm sure there are methods for decorating it. Like, what does he even use as a scabbard? Maybe he has a nice strong brocade or woven cord for wrapping up the chains? There are so many ways you could work in Buddhist themes for him, especially the six characters used to write "Namu Amida Butsu" (but that's already all over his haori). There's gotta be good themes out there (both of Buddhist origin or general Japanese folk and/or poetic culture) to play on the idea of "strength." Oh heck, just give him a little Benkei-related motif, or a motif related to a famous demon slayer of the past.
Wouldn't it be cool if, like there are "Tale of Heike" themed menuki, there were menuki celebrating famous moments in Corp history? Maybe it was suddenly very popular to make menuki of Uzui vs Gyutaro once that momentous battle occurred? Uzui would love that. You could also have more subtle history, like motifs shaped like The Marks, which the swordsmiths have maintained in their traditions without knowing why certain symbols became associated with certain Breaths. If Yoriichi hadn't been disgraced, he probably would have been a common theme too.
ALL THE DECOR, but what about fireworks all over the shiny lacquer? Or the scene in Tale of Genji in which Genji stands in a storm at the beach (a hidden reference to the names of each of Uzui's wives)?
GINKGO LEAVES, MAN. And the moon because it would be ironic.
What if he had a little SUNSHINE on a simple menuki?? Something nice and understated! Or even his fox mask!!! Or--oh, oh, oh---
Also, it would be very nice if there was some useful of the waves and clouds pattern on the metal pieces of his scabbard.
There's already a lot of lightning and triangle on this sword, and I like how his matches Kaigaku's. I could see this being a situation of Zenitsu getting his sword polished and using the opportunity to ask for any number of cute and auspicious decorations and being flat out told, "no, this is what Thunder Breath swords look like."
Freaking flowers everywhere, but I also saw a crest today that had three butterflies in a circle around a flower, and it was repeated all over the sword, especially the lacquer of the scabbard. Wouldn't that be a cute reference to the sorts of people who inspired her to learn Breath technique and then sneak off to the Final Selection?
He has such a very typical straightforward tsuba you'd actually see in real life. You one of the menuki themes I saw today? One one side, it is a "speedy demon" running off with a stolen stupa (which has the relics of Buddha inside), and on the other side, a Buddhist protective deity running after the demon with a sword. WHAT A FUN PAIR. Something like this would be such a cool way to reference his reliance on the Nenbutsu for Repetitive Action, too. But give that deity a glock.
I realize that a lot of this is very casually referencing motifs and hidden cultural details I've referenced elsewhere in various posts throughout this blog. I am far, far too lazy to go link those. Hopefully they're all properly tagged as "KnY Nerdery." Anyway, since you've come this far, here is an obligatory "SWORD BABY" photo because I always like photos when I get to hold tamahagane.
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