#like i do know that some people just walk around graveyards on the weekend for fun + bc theyre nice to be in
alectothinker · 4 months
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
matt sturniolo fanfiction
contains ~ mask kink, party, drinking, smoking,running (you'll see what I mean), choking , slapping, (Nick names like ma baby slut and sir)SMUTTTTT
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y/n pov~
I was getting ready to go to this party in a graveyard tonight.
you may be thinking why the actual fuck is someone throwing a party in a graveyard. Buuuuut that's a very normal in the small town I live in . Everybody's parents are either always home or they'll snitch if someone has a party without their parents knowing so we have all our partys in the graveyard.
the grave yard is on the west side of town which is the more rugged part most of the super hot bad boys with tattoos like on that side of town. my side of town is the more "proper" side . My parents expect me to get a's and b's always have a clean room and never do anything that will look bad and bring shame to their name.
I HATE MY FUCKING PARENTS like im just a girl who wants to go out have fun and make bad decisions from time to time so when hallows eve rolls around I get EXTRA fucking excited for the weekend.
This year im dressing chuckys bride Tiffani. I think the movies are a good laugh and I just love the makeup for it so it was an easy choice.
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This is the entire outfit .
I had already put my dress on and decided to do some fake blood to spice up the look for some reason I feel really hot covered in blood.
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I based my makeup on this look but just kept my normal eyebrows and drew them in black and shaped them a little thinner. I decided it was time to get my wig on.
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My best friend Lena just got here so I went down to let her in and damn she looks so hot .
alright I'll wait in the living room.
okay ill just be a second
I went and threw on my stocking and boots and grabbed my pen and put it in my pocket in my jacket along with my phone.
Okay lets get going
we started walking and surprisingly the boots are easy and confortahbe to walk in so far . the walk is about 20 minutes.
we would drive but lena totaled her car last moth and since my parents are always gone on business trips they told me they didn't feel like buying me a car said it waisted their money. sooo yeah I don't have a car due to my parents greed. lovely right .
girl I can't wait to see the westside guys tonight.
same bitch same I need to see some men who actually have a personality and are hot all the guys on our side of town are boring
no for real they are bland and can't fuck for shit
I just know half these west side boys are crazy in bed
I bet they are dominant too
oooh bitch and if I see a man in a mask im jumping on his plain and simple
realest shit I've heard in weeks and trust girl if I see a man covered in tattoos with lights eyes and light hair he's mine plain and simple
you know I've always wanted to be fucked in a grave yard and chase through one and oh my god imagine a man dragging you into the crypts fuck that would be the best night of my life
fuckkk bitch that actually sounds like the actual hottest thing ever.
damn girl you really need some dick tonight cause wow that was a lot
buuuuut I agree
hahah yeahhh that's if I can find a man worth my time you know im picky
yeah I know but hey I have a feeling this hallows eve is gonna be a good one
I fucking hope so
we start to get closer to the graveyard and start to hear faint music as we got closer
we got to the gates and saw a shit tone of people in the further back of the yard drinking and dancing the music was a lot louder now as we walked through the gates and over around the people who were dancing.
I pulled out my pen and took a couple hits handing it to lena to take a couple hits.
hey y/n I hear behind me I turn around to see its a guy from my chemistry class I don't remember his name and honestly I don't care to try .
umm hi
you look really hot I almost didn't recognize you
oh yeah what gave it away
your ass I could spot it from a mile away
oh how nice well if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go get a drink
oh um yeah okay we'll see you in class monday
mmhm yeah bye
I hate men like what the fuck you could have said my eyes or my hands or anything else but my fucking ass but noooo
I was walking over to the coolers the I spotted a tall man holding a ghost face mask in his hand talking to some other super hot guys .
they looked a bit older maybe early 20s but fuck me the one holding the mask is so hot i'm drooling . I bent over to grab a drink and he turned around looking at something deeper in the woods I followed his direction and saw a crypt slowly peep out of the shadows.
it looked so ominous and creepy which excited me but I looked back at him to find him starting at me .
I took a deep breathe as we made deep eye contact he started smirking at me and then made his way over to me I just stood here maintaining eye contact as a small smile crept onto my face.
I know I said I was picky but fuck the man is everything I want and more he's tall, blue eyes dark hair , a sexy ass smirk, and is covered in tattoos. He has a lure to him and im determined to find out what it is .
as he stands infant of me I have to look up to meet his gaze .
god his face looks like it was carved from the gods his jaw is so sharp and his cheekbones are so sculpted along with his very dead boy eye that drive me up a wall.
what's your name beautiful
I almost folded right then and there his voice is deep and demanding it send sock waves straight to my pussy.
it nice to meet you y/n
its nice to meet you too uuuh
Matt its nice to meet you
so you in high school y/n
yep im a senior
nice nice so your like what 18
im a actually 19 I uh failed first grade
hmmm interesting
why is that interesting
it thought girls like you never failed anything so poised and perfect all the time
yeah well I guess it'll come as a shock to you im far from perfect and poised
oh really he says with a smirk
yep sure is
okay then what's the craziest thing you've done
I broke into my ex boyfriends house and smashed his car to pieces when I found out he was cheating on me
damn fiesty, I like that
yeah he messed with the wrong fucking bitch. most people think im little miss perfect when im actually just a psychotic mess
a very sexy psychotic mess
oh really
yeah princess this might come a shock but I don't normally talk to girls at these parties but there's something about you I just couldn't resist
as long as you don't say it was my ass well be good
why would I say it was your ass
ah some loser form one of my classes said the only reason he could tell I was me tonight was my ass because he could pick it out of a crowd pretty much
well that's objectifying
right like ew I mean yeah I know my ass is nice I mean I guess but why did he think that would make me like him
cause hes a little fucking high school boy
oh yeah so im guessing your not in high school anymore
nope graduated 2 years ago im 20
god I can't wait to be out of that hell whole and leave this town
yeah I get that small towns are meant for everyone
yeah its definitely not the place I wanna be living fir the rest of my life
same ... hey you wanna go for a walk go check out the crypts
id love too
he grabs my hand as we start walking further in the the grave yard I look back and see lena talking to one of his friends who I know is her type so she won't be missing me and I sure won't be missing her with Matt right next to me.
so you ever gonna it mask on matt
why do you want me too
maybe maybe not
I will later youll see
well that was kinda creepy wait your not taking me out her to murder me are you
no id never kill someone so beautiful it would be such a waste
I just looked up at him smiling at this point we already passed the first crypt he had been eyeing earlier and were so far form he party the music is no longer in ear shot.
the only sound is the leaves crunching under our feet and the cicadas its slightly creepy but it also has me becoming a bit turned on .
I sigh as I see flashes of Matt chasing me in his mask and dragging me into a crypt and fucking my brains out
what is that pretty little mind of yours thinking right now princess
what oh uhhh nothing nothing
that sigh didn't sound like nothing
okay fine I was just thinking about a fantasy ive always had about this grave yard and the crypts
okay explain he says as we come to a stop and he sits down on one of the raised graves. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me onto his lap.my breathe hitches as the sudden contact of my ass on his lap but I just stare off ahead of us at the willow trees surrounding the wooded areas.
I feel his breathe on my neck
tell me this fantasy ma
the nick name has me becoming wet its so hot
well its starts off with me being chased through the graves and the woods to the biggest crypt and the guy chasing me catches me and drags me down the stairs of the crypt and throws me to the floor fucking me as he calls me his dirty little slut amongst other things.
wow very detailed how long have you had this fantasy
since I was 16
hmm have you ever told anyone else about this before
yeah one of my ex boyfriends . I told him before we were coming to a party here seeing if he would make it a reality and he stopped the car told me to get out and walk and said I was mentally ill and disgusting and broke up with me.
what a pussy I mean a guy like me would have jumped at the chance for a girl to even have a fantasy remotely like that.
what do you mean a guy like you
a dominant man who isn't scared of a little fun and games
mmmm I moan as I shift on his lap
are you a submissive type of girl y/n
ye-yeah I guess
you like when a man takes control tells you how much of a slut you are as he makes you shake and cry underneath him hmm
oh fuck im so turned on right now I dotnt even know how to react
ohh yeah I bet you do . you like when a guy smacks you ass so hard it leaves a mark or when a guy slaps you across the face so hard you head snaps to the opposite side.
mmm yeah I-i d-do
someones a little turned on . aren't you ma
mmm was all I could get out a small moan answering his question
he slaps my thigh hard causing me to gasp.
answer me when I ask you a fucking question
ye-yes im sorry
im sorry what
im sorry sir
mmm good girl now stand up
what w-why
because I fucking told you too now stand up
I stood up and turned sound to face him I kept my head down as he stood tall and slim infant of me . I saw his hand holding the mask move up and I followed his movements he held the mask next to face smirking.
you got a mask kink ma?
wh-what I -
don't even think about lying to me right now
I sighed looking down yes I whispered
what was that im sorry I couldn't hear you
I said yes
drop the attitude
yes sir
good girl he says as he slips the mask on making my stomach flutter and a gush of arousal soak my underwear
now im gonna give you a head start
wh- a head start for w-what
your fantasy ma you better start running
b-but im in heels what if I--
I turn and start sprinting the best I can in these fucking boots. I can't believe this is actually happening right now the hottest guy i've ever seen is making my fantasy a reality. He had no hesitation and I know for damn sure he is gonna fulfill my needs just the way he carries himself tells me he knows how to make a girl feel good .
I start to run out of momentum I turn to see him coming in hot behind me as he runs into me grabbing me from behind causing me to scream from the impact.
caught ya
mm seems like it what a shame im breathing hard from running so far
he throws me over his shoulder causing me to let a small laugh out
get all your laughs out now ma cause i'll have you doing nothing but screaming in a second .
all I did was moan at the thought. He gave my ass a hard slap causing me to moan into his back
he came to a stop and set me down I turned to see why he stopped and was met with a large stone entry way with a door at the end.
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yeah creepy right
yeah but also beautiful
come on ma time to get you screaming my name
oh fuck I said as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door
he kicked the door open easily and started ascending the stairs I stumbled into his back causing him to yank me infant of him as he held me by the hair .
mm ow matt
keep fucking walking your fine
its so da-dark
what you scared of the dark or something
k-kinda y-yeah
aww cute
I heard the flick of a lighter and then there was light shining down the stairs I guess there was a torch on the wall because he lit it and handed it me so I could carry it and see as we kept walking down the stairs. Once we reaches the bottom I looked around taking in our surroundings.
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there were more torches on the walls so I went and lit them with the one I was holding then put it out so I could set it down.
I turned to look at Matt he had taken the mask off and threw it aside I could finally see his beautiful face again causing me to smile .
nothing just like looking at you
oh really and why is that?
I don't know your just so... beautiful ... dark and mysterious but you feel so --- safe and warm you know
wow ... ive never been described like that before
oh really? how are you usually described
dark, mean , cold, asshole , crazy
I don't think that at all
im glad you don't I like your description much more
yeah me too he walked towards me and stood right infant of me
he put his hand around my neck chocking me slightly making me look up at him.
( listen to My own summer and beware by deaftones and for the next part)
he leans down so are lips are almost touching .
Im gonna ruin you
do it
He attaches our lips the kiss is deep and needy.
His other hand moves to my ass giving it a squeeze making me moan into the kiss.
He moves his hand from my neck down to my jacket taking it off. then moving my dress straps down my arms pulling the top to bunch at my waist as he breaks the kiss and moves down to neck sucking and biting leaving marks in his way.
mmmm matt i moan as he moves to my tits liking and sucking my nipples.I tug at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he does .
Get on your knees now
I get down to my knees and look up at him waiting for his next move he started undoing his belt and I just watch as his large veiny hands move to his button and zipper of his jeans pulling them down.
He's left in his boxers and I can see his large dick print being confined by the thin fabric .
well are you gonna just sit there or do I need to tell you what to do
I move to remove his boxers as his dick pops out . I start salivating just looking at it he's pretty big and thick too .
I take him in my hand and pump a couple times before giving the head small kisses and licks I go down to the base and lick up them take him in my mouth
mmm fuck that's a good girl
I moan around his tip from his small praise and continue to suck hard but at a slow pace trying my best not to gag.
He takes my hair in his hands and starts thrusting into my mouth causing me to gag and tears to well up in my eyes.
Good girl sucking me in so good
I moan again causing him to throw his head back and thrust harder after a second he pulls out of my mouth as I start couching .
He kneels down in front of me putting his hand on my chest and pushes me back til im laying on my back on the rough ground.
Im gonna make you cum so hard your legs are shaking around my head ma
oh fuck matt please
He takes off my dress and panties so I’m fully exposed to him.
he moves down so his head is between my legs . I jump when he starts sucking on my clit and god the things he's doing with his mouth are enough to send me over the edge in under a minute.
feel good ma
yes fuck uhhh so good
mmmm he hums as he sucks on my clit sending me into a shaking orgasm.
mmmm FUCK MATT im cumming
mmmm good girl look at you shaking from just my mouth
I thought he was done but he keeps licking and sucking then he adds two fingers into me causing my legs to shake uncontrollably.
awww yes you can ma give me one more I know you can
mmmmm fuck... fuck matt im so close
mmm he groans as he licks my clit and moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace his other hand moves under my thigh lifting it over his shoulder .
My breathing is rapid as I feel my second orgasm moving in at a rapid rate. But this time I know damn well im gonna squirt so I chose to warn him.
M-MATT fuck im g-gonna squirt
mmmm good girl soak my face baby give it to me
f-fuck fuck oh my god
such a good girl you gonna quirt all over me
I scream as I quirt all over him
gooooood girl that's it ma
fuck matt I say as I come down from my high
awww look at your legs shaking
shut up
all 4s now
matt your so big I don't know if I can h- before I finish my sentence he grabs me by the neck
I wasn't fucking asking now do as your told
yes sir I say kind of bratty
fix your tone when you speak to me slut he says as he lightly slaps me across the face and fuck was it the hottest thing ever.
I move to all 4s and spread my legs for him.
Good girl he says as he lines himself up with my leaking entrance.
Go slow please matt I say knowing this is gonna hurt.
I will ma don't worry he says as he slowly starts sliding his tip in
mmm ... fuck I say as I felt him stretching me wide causing a burning sensation.
You okay ma he asks sweetly .
mmhm just h-hurts a little
I know you can take it ma its okay I got you
he bottoms out hitting so deep in me . It hurts so good
mm fuck your so tight ma
mmm- fu-fuck matt your stretching me s-so much
I know ma I know tell me when to move
I gave myself a little time to adjust
o-okay you can m-move
he starts thrusting slow and deep the pain starts to slowly go away and starts feeling like heaven.
fuck faster matt
try asking again he says slapping my ass hard causing me to gasp
p-please sir please fuck me faster
such a good girl for me
he starts pounding into me at a faster pace sending shock waves through my whole body .
mmm yeah you like that slut
fuck ...Y-YES FUCK
such a good slut taking me so well
the degrading name makes me clench around him
aww you like when I call you a slut huh
y-yes I-l-love it
he brings his hand to hair clenching it hard in his fist as his other hand goes onto my back making me arch even more for him causing him to hit so deep it makes my legs uncontrollably shake.
yes you can slut he growls out through gritted teeth
N-NO I CANT I say harshly bringing my hand back pushing on his stomach trying to push him away .
he grabs my arm harshly holding it behind my back as his hand in my hair moves to my throat gripping it hard.
your gonna fucking take it like a good little girl
no? he says harshly as his hips fault to a stop and he pulls me up to meet his chest as he grips my neck harder.
since you wanna sit like a fucking brat he says as he shoves me face down on the rough ground holding both of my hands behind my back
he lowers himself so his breathe Is hitting my ear causing me to shiver
ill fucking treat you like one he says as he starts thrusting rough, fast, deep and harder than ive ever been fucked in my life.
aww what's wrong am I being to rough
please what
you know your mouth is saying one thing but your pussy is saying something completely different
you like it when I fuck you like a bratty slut and you can't say no I feel you clenching my fucking cock
mmmm F-FUCK yes
yes what slut he takes both my hands in one hand and brings his down harshly on my ass
ye-yes sir fuck sir I lo-love it
atta girl you gonna cum for me
ye-yes sir mmm fuck he starts pounding me harder than I ever thought was possible as he slaps my ass harshly
cum on my cock me give it to ma
F-FUCK M-MATT MMMMM I scream as I cum all over his cock.
He keeps pounding into me harshly I started to come down. from my high as my legs were shaking and starting to give out under my weight.
m-MATT I ca-cant keep myself up m-much longer
he pulls out slapping my ass
flip over for me ma
I flip over laying on my back holding onto my legs trying to stop them from shaking but it doesn't help at all.
Keep eye contact for ill stop got it
y-yes sir
good girl he says as he lines himself back up to my entrance
he slides back in and starts pounding into me deep and slow he grabs my legs bringing them up onto his shoulders hitting me so deeply I can feel him in my stomach.
he brings one hand down onto my stomach as he feels himself inside me as his other one moves to my neck shocking me not too hard but the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy.
fuck your so fucking wet for me mama
mmmm fu-fuck matt i th-think I gonna squirt
the pressure he is applying on my lower stomach has me about to turn into a damn fountain.
squirt all over me baby soak me
F-FUCK MATT I- I can't even finish what I was saying as I felt myself let go all over him.
fuuuuuck your so fucking hot
mmm fu-fuck matt
he starts pounding into me again my legs won't stop shaking around his neck and I start to feel overstimulated.
m-matt i ca-cant take it a-anymore pl-please
yes you can baby I know you can
I try to push him out of me by pushing on his toned abdomen with only causes him to slap me across the face making me whine out .
keep you hands down understand
y-yes sir I-im s-sorry
good girl im getting close ma I promise just hold on for a little longer
f-fuck okay
he sets my legs so they are around his waist as he brings his body flush against mine as he fuck me deep and rough
I start clawing at his back from over stimulation .
fu-fuck ma I can feel you clenching again
I claw his back deeper as I feel pressure building in my stomach and then suddenly snap
fuck ma your squirting again jesus
I didn't even know I was squirting all I felt was extra pleasure run through me
F-fuck matt mmm god
I squirt over and over I can't seem to stop (nah cause this happened to me in real life it was Lowkey disturbing not gonna lie a bitch was in pain the next day)
Jesus y/n ive never seen some one squirt so much so close together
I c-cant s-stop
I know baby its okay
I claw down his back harder and I bury my face into his shoulder as I bite down as I squirt again my legs are shaking so much they start cramping but I literally can not stop squirting and its driving me crazy .
F-fuck ma your soaking me j-jesus christ
I-im sorry
don't be sorry this is the hottest thing ever
mmmmmm FUCK I scream as I quirt even harder from his hips angling even more hitting deeper
fuck ma im gonna cum
fu-fuck matt fill me up p-please fuck
yeah you wanna be a good little cum slut
Y-YES FUCK MATT PLEASE I scream I squirt yet again as it starting to make my stomach hurt
his hips start to sputter and his thrusts become sloppy.
f-fuck im cuming he says as I feel his warm cum fill me up I moan out as I squirt one last time before his thrusts stop and he pulls out .I feel our mixed liquids running out of my pussy.
fuck that was ... the best sex.. ive ever h-had I say as I laugh a little curling my legs into my chest as my entire body is shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
F-fuck after that I never wanna fuck anyone else
I laugh as I shake uncontrollably I th-think you broke me
aww baby im sorry was a actually to rough
n-no I fucking loved it I just don't think ill be able to stand let alone walk out of here I laughed casein g him to chuckle and shake his head.
he went and grabbed his clothes putting them on and then coming back over to me helping me up my knees immediately buckle so he has to hold me up against the wall so I don't fall as he helps me putt my outfit back on. I felt my back burning really bad as he slid my dress over my head.
OW FUCK I cried out as the stinging got worse
wh-what what's wrong
my-b-back is burning like another fucker
he spins me around JESUS im so sorry it must have been from your backing rubbing on the ground you have big strawberries all over your back
eh honestly I deserve it I definitely did a mean number on your back
uuuh yeah you think he turns around lifting his shirt showing me his back I gasp.
OH JESUS MATT why didn't you stop me those are deep and bleeding
well I uh- I have a pain kink so I thoroughly enjoyed it
o-oh well then I guess your welcome
yes thank you very very much he says as he turns around and gives me a sweet and soft kiss .
come on your coming home with me
I try to walk but my legs fail me and he laughs at me
stop laughing bitch you did this to me
watch that pretty little mouth or your getting round two when we get home
as much as I enjoyed this I could not handle anymore tonight so I brought my hand up to my mouth acting like Im zipping them and threw away the key
come on drama queen he says as he picks me up and I lock my arms around his neck and legs around his waist
I keep my head sizzled into his chest as he blows out the torches on the walls and grabs the last lit one and makes his way back up the stairs he blows out the torch as we walk out of the crypt.
as we approach the part of the grave yard the party was going on in I hear the faint music again I start to feel embarrassed about the state i'm in right now . He walks over to his friends .
Damn bro you have been gone for three fucking hours
God is she even alive anymore
I let out a small giggle at his friends statement.
Yeah yeah funny bro she's fine but were heading home so ill catch you guys later
okay bye bro
byeeee I say as I smile and wave at them as matt walks away from them.
they all just laugh and shake their heads
your friends seem fun
yeah their pretty cool
oh my god y/n
we both look over at my best friend
You been gone for three fucking hours I thought you were dead
no no im fine I promise
she smirks at me as her eyes run over my face and body that is still clinging to matt.
wow you guys had a lot of fun
yep sure did im matt by the way
nice to meet you matt well y/n I guess your going home with him huh
yep sure am I love you and we'll talk tomorrow okay
okay I love you
I love you too
matt walks us all the way to his car he opens the door and sets me down as he shuts the door and gets into the drivers side.
he starts up the car and drives to him house . he parks the car then hops out to help me out and we slowly walk to the door as he unlocks it and we enter.
wanna showers pretty girl
yes please
alright come on its upstairs
we get to the bathroom and he sets me down on the toilet .
go pee im gonna grab a change of clothes for us real quick
okay I finish up my business ad he come back in and helps me get my clothes off and I take my wig off and undo the braid bun I did under the wig.
wow I love your natural hair
aww thank you I said smiling
you wouldn't happen to have like makeup remover or face wash would you
um let me check my mom might have left some in the guest bathroom last time she was here
okay thank you
as he left the bathroom I smiled to myself and the looked over the work he did on my neck and chest then I looked down at my knees seeing that they are scraped and bruising.
I turned to look at my back and Jesus it was so scraped that there was blood and it was also bruising.
here you go my mom left these makeup wipes
thank you I said as I grabbed them and took my makeup off
you know I never thought about how bad a crypt floor would damage my body when I had my fantasy
yeahhh we probably should have thought about that
mm yeah. but hey it was worth it
sure was . You know I didn't even wanna go to that party but im glad I did
oh yeah? and why is that?
I would have never met the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and fucked her into oblivion
mmmm yeah I guess your right and thank you for the compliment
of course ma now lets shower
we hopped into the shower and we washed each others bodys both hissing when the soap and water hit our tainted backs .
we got out and dried off as we put on our change of clothes .
sorry I didn't you know have a change of underwear for you but I there yours in the wash so they are clean for you tomorrow
oh its okay thank you
of course wanna go to bed im fucking exhausted
yes please im spent
he led me to his room and we crawled under the covers as he turned on his fan .
we cuddled into each other as we started to drift off to sleep in each others arms.
hey y/n
yeah matt
I know we just met tonight and stuff but uh would you maybe wanna go out on a real date sometime
yes id love that matt I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead .
we fell asleep and that was that.
Gooooooooood NIIIIIIIGHT xoxo
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
assigning taylor swift songs to grishaverse characters + ships because i don’t want to do my actual work!! this is about to be long as hell!!
notes: i feel like some of these will be unpopular opinions but here we are + there are two instances where ppl have the same song (long story short and you’re on your own kid) but i just think it applies to both characters really well. and idk why basically all the crows are from midnights, it’s just a soc album i guess.
– long story short : evermore
"Past me, I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things. Your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing…and I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole. Long story short, it was a bad time. Pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff. Long story short, I survived. Now I’m all about you, I’m all about you. Long story short, it was a bad time. Long story short, I survived.”
– this is me trying : folklore
“They told me all of my cages were mental. So I got wasted like all my potential. And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad. I have a lot of regrets about that…I just wanted you to know that this is me trying. At least I’m trying.”
– Mastermind : Midnights
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid. So I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since. To make them love me and make it seem effortless. This is the first time I’ve felt the need to confess. And I swear I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian ‘cause I care.”
– You’re On Your Own Kid : Midnights
“You’re on your own, kid. You always have been. From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this. I hosted parties and starved my body. Like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss. The jokes weren’t funny, I took the money, my friends from home don’t know what to say. I looked around in a blood-soaked gown, and I saw something they can’t take away.”
– Dear Reader : Midnights
"Dear Reader, if it feels like a trap you’re already in one. Dear Reader, get out your map. Pick somewhere and just run. Dear Reader, burn all the files, desert all your past lives. And if you don’t recognize yourself that means you did it right. Never take advice from someone who’s falling apart…Dear Reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets. Dear Reader, when you aim at the devil make sure you don’t miss.”
– Karma : Midnights
“Karma is my boyfriend. Karma is a god, karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend. Karma’s a relaxing thought, aren’t you envious that for you it’s not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat, purring in my lap ‘cause it loves me. Flexing like a goddamn acrobat. Me and karma vibe like that.”
– Bejeweled : Midnights
“Sapphire tears on my face, sadness became my whole sky…And you can try to change my mind. But you might have to wait in line. What’s a girl gonna do? A diamond’s gotta shine. Best believe I’m still bejeweled. When I walk in a room, I can still make the whole place shimmer…Diamonds in my eyes. I polish up real, I polish up real nice.”
– Anti-Hero : Midnights
"I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser. Midnights become my afternoons. When my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room…It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me. At tea time, everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.”
– You’re On Your Own Kid : Midnights
“Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned. Everything you lose is a step you take. So make the friendship bracelets, take a moment and taste it, you’ve got no reason to be afraid. You’re on your own, kid. Yeah, you can face this. You’re on your own kid, you always have been.”
– ivy : evermore
"How’s one to know? I’d live and die for moments that we stole. On begged and borrowed time…oh, goddamn. My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand taking mine, but it’s been promised to another. Oh, I can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland. My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I’m covered in you.”
– Clean : 1989
“Hung my head as I lost the war, and the sky turned black like a perfect storm. Rain came pouring down. When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe. And by morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.”
– Sweet Nothing : Midnights
"On the way home I wrote a poem. You say ‘what a mind’, this happens all the time. ‘Cause they said the end is coming. Everyone’s up to something. I find myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside, they’re push and shoving. You’re in the kitchen humming. All that you ever wanted from me was nothing.”
I Did Something Bad : Reputation
"They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one. They got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons. They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one. So light me, go ahead and light me up. They say I did something bad. Then why’s it feel so good? They say I did something bad. But why’s it feel so good? Most fun I ever had, and I’d do it over and over and over again if I could. It just felt so good.”
– epiphany : folklore
"Keep your helmet, keep your life, son. Just a flesh wound, here’s your rifle…With you I serve. With you, I fall down. Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out. Only 20 minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany. Just one single glimpse of relief, to make some sense of what you’ve seen.”
– Only the Young : Featured in “Miss Americana”
“They aren’t gonna help us, too busy helping themselves. They aren’t gonna change this, we gotta do it ourselves. They think that it’s over, but it’s just begun. Only one thing can save us…Don’t say you’re too tired to fight, it’s just a matter of time. Up there’s the finish line. Only the young can run.”
– long story short : evermore
“Fatefully, I tried to pick my battles ‘til the battle picked me. Misery. Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep. And you passed right by, I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides. The knife cuts both ways. If the shoe fits, walk in it ‘til your high heels break.”
– Renegade : How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last?
“Are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? And let all your damage damage me? And carry your baggage up my street and make me your future history? It’s time, you’ve come a long way. Open the blinds, let me see your face. You wouldn’t be the first renegade to need somebody. Is it insensitive for me to say ‘get your shit together so I can love you’?"
– Long Live : Speak Now
“Long, long live the walls we crashed through. All the kingdom lights shine, just for me and you. I was screaming, long live all the magic we made, and being on all the pretenders, I’m not afraid. Singing long live all the mountains we moved, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you. And long, long live that look on your face. And bring on all the pretenders. One day, we will be remembered.”
– Paper Rings : Lover
“Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause I’ve waited my whole life. I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want, and I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this.”
– The Great War : Midnights
"And we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover. The worst was over. My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War. Always remember we’re burned for better, I vowed I would always be yours. ‘Cause we survived the Great War.”
– invisible string : folklore
“Time, curious time. Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn’t see? And isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
– Dear John : Speak Now
“You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry. Never impressed by me acing your tests. All the girls that you’ve run dry have tired, lifeless eyes ‘cause you burned them out. But I took your matches before fire could catch me, so don’t look now.”
— Last Kiss : Speak Now
“But now I'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes. All that I know is I don’t know how to be something you miss. I never thought we’d have a last kiss. Never imagined we’d end like this. Your name, forever the name on my lips.”
— Lover : Lover
“My heart’s been borrowed, and yours has been blue. All’s well that ends well to end up with you…Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever and ever? And I, take me out, and take me home. You’re my, my, my, my lover.”
— Daylight : Lover
“I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye. I don’t want to look at anything else now that I saw you. And I don’t want to think of anything else now that I thought of you. I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night, but now I see daylight. I only see daylight.”
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thenightlymirror · 8 months
We had a bit of a snow day yesterday.
The blizzard took out two suburban Merkavas who smashed into each other on Church street sending me out of the way. Then when I got to the cemetery, Manuel was still plowing the entrance, so I had to drive around the block until there was safe passage.
The internet was out immediately and stayed out the rest of the day. That’s Cisco phones and everything. No email. No printers. This happened once before and I asked the Help Desk to send someone to inspect the router, and they closed the heat ticket two days later. So here we are.
I just spent the day organizing all these packets I have to scan. But then we have burials this weekend so how the hell am I supposed to print tags? Only solution, I was just going to handwrite them, was to drive to the funeral home down the street.
Now, background, I’m in love with everyone who works at this funeral home. More or less. Ron, is the funniest meanest fuck alive. He’ll call the office and just start going in on somebody, and everyone else will know who I’m talking to based on how I’m laughing. Pretty sure he calls me a hermaphrodite behind my back. Fair. He keeps trying to get me to work for him.
The girls are totally insane. There’s a certain type of woman that works for this Jewish funeral home that can only be described as Exactly Tony’s Type. Who the fuck is hiring these women?
This one girl, we’ll call her Margot (though that belies how hot her actual name is) calls the office, and for some reason we just immediately decide to pretend we’re in love with each other. As a bit. A little song and dance I like to call Borderline Personality Disorder. And then she walks in, and she’s the hottest fucking girl alive. What have I done?
Anyway, my irony poisoning is as such that I am able to make it seem like a joke and that I am not insane the whole time, somehow. And it is really just a bit. It’s a great bit.
But I walk into this funeral home from the blizzard and, boom, Margot is right there. She jumps up and does this little anime girl curtsy. Fucking dying. “It’s the love of my life!” We start going in, but truth be told, I was so nervous. I totally psyched myself out. Fucking hilarious.
So we don’t know each other at all, and in between staring into each others eyes and fawning, we’ll just have these funny conversations that are like, oh yeah, so, this is what my life is like. She gets a phone call, I get the computer going.
Everybody is popping in to Margot’s office to say hi. Ron’s got these three little orthodox boys, I swear to god little boys, from Chabad down the street to bless him for a service. They look like they’re hooking him up to the internet, wrapping the telefilm around his arm. He’s going in on these little boys about “So why are you digging tunnels to steal Christian babies now?” Hahahaha these are little boys studying to become rabbis. They had the whole line down.
This funeral home hired this new young guy, Dan, with long hair. I swear, again, the hottest fucking guy alive. How do they keep getting away with this! They wrap him up too. Ron’s explaining in front of the boys how they’re in a cult. Haha I’m trying to show these boys respect. I love these kids.
I realize I’m around a bunch of people who speak Hebrew, so I utilize some child labor to check the spelling on this monument I’m working on, and of course it’s all fucked up. These family’s just trust a whole line of people with no familiarity with the language at all to make this thing that’s going to last a couple hundred years, and as I learn the language it’s like, Oh shit, I’m in a graveyard full of typos.
But they confirm this Ahron spelling I have for this guy is legit, so I figure I should head back. Margot jumps up into my arms and I lift her off of her feet for a hug. I figure when I love a place, you gotta dip in and out. Don’t overstay your welcome. I can’t imagine I’m great in large doses anyway.
Everyone else in the cemetery has left for the day already. Everyone in my office has been gone half the week anyway as soon as they heard it was going to snow for a few hours. I’m in a beatific ecstasy.
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brixtoncat · 1 year
hi everyone. i’m on the coach at the moment, heading to london cause my sister lives there now. i figured it was a good time to write a small update.
i had to move seats twice because they didn’t honour the seat reservations even though i paid for one which is kinda lame. no doubt this whole journey will be plagued with thoughts of the £2 i wasted.
i’m listening to therapy gecko while on my journeys. some of the things they talk about bore me, but sometimes you get one where you really feel invested in the individuals story and hope that they’re okay. i was listening to one the other day while i was walking through a graveyard (i know) and it was that time of evening where the sun is about to go down so is suddenly so bright. it made me cry and my breathing felt tight in my throat (and not in the asthmatic way). the ones i’ve listened to so far on the coach have not evoked anywhere near the same feelings.
i’m a bit tired as i’ve done a bit of socialising. i went to a gig yesterday evening - my friend james from home was in town playing a gig. we catch up every few years and it’s always nice. he always emphasises to people that i am one of his best friends in the whole world. it’s nice that someone can feel that way about you even when you don’t speak or see each other all that often. the gig was pretty fun - the music was good and it was nice being at a gig on my own and having a nice time. i feel like i’ve not really done that in a long time. it left me feeling like i might go to another gig soon, one that i really want to go to, just because. it would be good for me to spend a bit more time by myself anyway, i think?
i get exhausted so quickly these days when it comes to socialising. i can’t really do more than one or two nights a week of time with people without feeling absolutely drained. i kind of like that i’m more of a homebody, but i miss that part of who i was as it was a time when i felt more included and like i had more people around me.
but this weekend i’ll hang out with my sister and i’ll see the rugby and i’ll go to expensive bars and all of that sort of stuff. and it’ll be fun!
i’ve been feeling pretty nostalgic lately and having a lot of retrospective thoughts, which is probably why i ended up here in the first place and am over sharing like crazy. either way; anyone who is seeing it - thanks for hearing me. i hope you’ve had a good week and have good things planned for the weekend.
be back soon, probably!
p.s here’s a recent photo of me and james. we take them together every so often so we can see ourselves growing up together. it’s nice
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vespertinesbaby · 1 year
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reflections on labor day weekend
i spent the weekend in upstate new york visiting my family, playing chess, listening to music, making food. i brought delicious sweets from 2 bakeries in midtown. the sky was blue and the grass was green. i went on a walk with my brother on sunday evening just before sunset and the world seemed to be glowing, humming, buzzing. we walked along the train tracks past these huge bushes of fragrant yellow wildflowers, i don't know what they're called, i never do, and through the graveyard where our friend is buried. i've never seen his grave.
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on the bus ride from syracuse to nyc i felt that my prefrontal cortex is fully developed now. the sky was lavender, wisps of luminescent cirrus like candy floss, and as the sun sunk lower toward the horizon the rolling hills slowly became dustier and dustier, lower and lower contrast, becoming purple and obscure and one with the sky. i read my book and paused now and again to stare out the window take it all in. i felt a sense of calm collected self assurance that i have never experienced. it was the most peaceful wonderful visit with my family i could ever wish for. i have everything i need, i am taking care of myself, i live by myself, i have a real job, i have friends, i have a beautiful life and i am capable of doing anything i want. i will workout and i will sing and i will make art and i will build and maintain relationships that are important to me and which i can be proud of. that is all that matters. health, art, love.
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after work i made a tuna sandwich and i spent a long time getting ready thinking i would go write at a cafe, but by the time i was ready it was dark. i strolled around in the oppressive heat and tried to get lost. i found an empty public swimming pool and thought about throwing a party in it. i walked to the gardens around 18th & north street, the gates were locked. there were some people gathered inside and i so badly wanted to be one of them, in community. then down to the casimir pulaski statue by the art museum, a favorite spot. a statue that would be completely meaningless to me without sufjan stevens.
tomorrow i have reservations at roxanne with jj. i am going to be good to myself this week.
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Maeve//i don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Request: Could you please do something else with Maeve? Perhaps something where reader works with Maeve on an English project and she's surprised that they have so much in common. She realizes she has feelings for her somehow after that? Sorry that's sort of rubbish, have a swell day/night.
hey! what’s up everybody! i hope everyone is well, and i hope you like this!! title is from ‘the lakes’ by taylor swift! 
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- English projects are never fun 
- I mean, who finds constant stress and a deadline that’s always far too close fun?
- Nobody
- That’s who
- Well apart from Mrs Jones
- Your year 9 English teacher who made every minute of her classes a living hell
- And who mysteriously went missing half way through the year after having a screaming match with a fellow English teacher
- When she was supposed to be teaching you Romeo & Juliet. 
- One day she was accusing Miss Newman of being a terrible teacher and purposefully bumping up students grades so she looked better 
- And the next day both her and Miss Newman were gone 
- And you only got a replacement teacher when you moved into year 10
- Right now though 
- Its seems Miss Sands is going through some stuff 
- Because not only did she give you an assignment on Friday with a deadline of Monday 
- She also chose your partners instead of letting you choose your own
- Which is why you’re stood outside of Maeve’s in the pouring rain
- On a frankly miserable Saturday morning 
- It seems the weather knew exactly what sort of weekend you were facing 
- And decided to make it even worse. 
- By the third knock 
- You’re about to give up 
- The curtains are still drawn 
- And you’ve seen more movement in a graveyard 
- Plus
- You kind of already assumed you would be doing the project alone 
- Maeve Wiley was known for being very...
- ...independant 
- And group projects are no different 
- You actually think she may be more independent during group projects
- So as soon as Miss Sands paired you together 
- You knew 
- You were 99% sure that 
- You’d do your thing
- She’d do hers 
- And then five minutes before the presentation 
- You would figure out a way to connect the two.
- Anywayyyy
- While daydreaming about a time when you won’t have any assignments 
- And making awkward, accidental eye contact with Maeve’s neighbours 
- The door in front of you opens 
- Simultaneously giving you a fright and almost knocking you out
- She yawns and scratches the top of her head 
- ‘what are you doing here?’ 
- She sounds both tired and annoyed and you blink at her a few times before answering 
- ‘er - i - the project. for english.’ 
- It takes her a few seconds to process what you’ve said 
- But when she does 
- She looks even more miserable than she did five seconds ago
- And you brace yourself for a long weekend 
- She sighs and rolls her eyes 
- Before slowly opening the door properly and letting you in
- You feel slightly nervous as you walk in 
- But you really have no idea why
- It’s not like she’s a complete stranger 
- But then again 
- She’s not exactly a friend 
- ‘don’t worry, i’ve hidden the drugs. i don’t really like to share anyway.’ 
- ‘what?’ you ask confused and she rolls her eyes again 
- She huffs and crosses her arms before nodding to the slightly messy living room
- ‘i get it. we’re a bunch of benefit fraud chavs that do nothing but drink and smoke all day.’ 
- ‘that’s not what i was thinkin-’ 
- ‘sure it wasn’t.’ she rolls her eyes and you stare down at the floor. ‘i need to get changed so make yourself at home I suppose.’ 
- She walks into what you assume is her bedroom and slams the door behind her 
- Leaving you to stand awkwardly in the middle of the living room
- It’s small and slightly cramped 
- And most people would say that all the stuff makes it look busy 
- But to you 
- It’s wonderful 
- It’s filled with stories and memories 
- Some self explanatory 
- Some slightly more bizarre 
- Like the wonky blue and yellow clay swan living on the coffee table 
- You really want to know the story behind it 
- But decide it might be a little early in your partnership to start asking about her attachment to a half swan, half moth looking ornament
- So instead you pick up a pile of books on the dining table and move them onto the floor 
- You can hear Maeve opening and closing drawers while humming a familiar tune 
- And you feel yourself relax slightly as you place your laptop and books where the books were previously sat 
- Even if it does feel like you’re using all of your braincells to try and figure out where you’ve heard it before 
- ‘wow, do you actually trust me around that?’ 
- ‘what?’ you stop humming and look up at her 
- She looks between you and the laptop, staring at you expectantly 
- ‘oh no. i mean of course i do.’ you blush and she shakes her head before sitting opposite you 
- ‘so what do we know about women in fiction?’ 
- ‘historically they are written as either a femme fatalle type or some sort of innocent angelic being.’ 
- ‘they still are’ 
- ‘true’ you agree and flick through your textbook
- ‘why don’t we write about that then?’ 
- ‘what? how we’re still depressingly far back in the equality movement, despite being told otherwise?’ 
- She stares at you for a few seconds 
- A mixture of shock and surprise 
- Before nodding 
- And smiling 
- An actual genuine smile 
- You didn’t even know she could do that 
- Well you did 
- Of course you did 
- But you just haven’t seen it a lot 
- Usually when you see Maeve 
- She’s either mad, grumpy or very, very, very angry
- But her smiling 
- Puts a smile on your face 
- And this was definitely not where you thought this was going 
- ‘yeah...that’ 
- ‘okay.’ you shrug. ‘you can do classic literature because i know you prefer them and i’ll cover modern works.’
- ‘how do you know i prefer classics?’ 
- ‘the pile of books’ you nod towards the floor and she follows your gaze, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. ‘they’re all ripped and folded. you either love them or really, really hate them’ 
- ‘okay’ she eyes you suspiciously as you focus on your laptop 
- And you can feel your cheeks heat up under her gaze 
- However as quickly as they were there 
- They disappear 
- And the two of you fall into a surprisingly comfortable silence. 
- After about half an hour 
- Maeve stops what she’s doing to stretch 
- ‘is it okay if i play some music?’ 
- ‘sure, it’s your place. do what you want...as long as its not awful’ 
- ‘and what constitutes as awful?’ she asks, a smirk playing on her lips
- ‘well’ 
- And with that one question 
- Your entire day disappears in front of you 
- Laptops and books are closed and long forgotten 
- And instead you talk about music and movies 
- Books and plays 
- Characters that you love and hate 
- And the fact that her favourite character is the one you hate the most 
- She makes you lunch while you debate between movies and books and which adaptations are good
- And which ones should never have been made
- And you clean up and apologise profusely after a stray cushion (possibly thrown by you) ends up knocking the pan over 
- Surprisingly 
- She finds it quite funny 
- And you let out a relieved sigh
- Soon the sun goes down on another day 
- And you’ve barely written two paragraphs done between you
- ‘do you want to stay?’ she asks while your putting your jacket on
- If she’d asked you that this morning 
- You would have thought she had lost it 
- But now it feels almost inevitable 
- And you feel genuinely lucky to be asked 
- Not many people get to know Maeve 
- The real her 
- And that last person she told all of this to broke her heart 
- Very publicly 
- And she told herself she would never let herself be that vulnerable with someone ever again
- But this just feels right 
- For some reason you feel right 
- She feels safe with you 
- And part of her hates herself for it 
- But then again 
- She hates herself for not getting to know you sooner
- She feels far too attached to you 
- And it’s barely been twelve hours 
- You of course agree to stay 
- Shocking yourself and her 
- And while she sorts to sofa out 
- You excuse yourself to the bathroom 
- Under the pretences of telling your parents where you are 
- It takes two seconds to text them 
- And the other 28 to ask yourself 
- What the fuck are you doing? 
- Why are you agreeing to this? 
- Why do you feel like this? 
- What are you feeling?
- Who knows?
- Not you 
- Great 
- Now you’ve been in the bathroom for a suspicious amount of time 
- Just get it together, Y/n
- It’s just a study sleepover 
- Maeve gives you a questioning look as you leave 
- ‘you know how mums are. always worrying about where you are and what you’re doing’ 
- ‘i wouldn’t actually’ she shrugs and your eyes widen 
- ‘oh shit, sorry. i’m so sorry. god, i’m an idiot.’
- ‘it’s fine’ she forces a laugh and you wince. ‘i got you an extra duvet and little women is ready to watch so i can show you that the book is better’ 
- ‘that’s not what i said and you know it’ 
- ‘i’m sorry. i can’t hear you over the sound of me being 100% right and you being 100% wrong.’ 
- ‘you may be good at english, but you suck at maths’ 
- The next day you wake up to the sun shining through the curtains 
- And a clump of Maeve’s hair in your mouth 
- You splutter and cough and wake her up quickly 
- And she jumps away from you and smacks her head of the table 
- The two of you ended up moving the blankets to the floor while watching Pride and Prejudice 
- And neither of you bothered to move back 
- Maeve yawns and scratches her head
- Exposing a small part of her stomach and you feel yourself become a little breathless 
- ‘are you okay?’ 
- ‘ye-yeah’ you nod and she eyes you suspiciously 
- ‘whatever’ she shrugs and starts making breakfast 
- You watch as she pours to bowls of cereal
- Giving you the last of the milk 
- And for a second you’re a little worried as to how she knew you liked it 
- But then you remember that she also likes it and you had a whole discussion about the best and worst types of cereal at 2am 
- And half way through breakfast 
- You remember the original reason you’re here 
- And both of you curse loudly 
- Before rushing to finish eating 
-You get half way through your project 
- When Maeve asks if you want to go out for a bit 
- And well 
- She doesn’t need to ask you twice 
- And by the time you come back 
- The feeling you had last night returns 
- And has settled in your stomach 
- For the foreseeable future it seems 
- It makes you feel both light and heavy at the same time 
- And when you look at her 
- You feel dizzy 
- So you rush to finish the project 
- So you can go home and pretend nothing has changed 
- And yeah 
- With the need to leave 
- You get the rest of the assignment done fairly quickly 
- But you end up leaving feeling more confused about Maeve as you did when you started this 
- Maybe Miss Sands was right about a weekend project 
- Any longer and you would have gone insane trying to figure out whatever the hell this is 
- You just have to get through tomorrow and then you’ll be okay 
- Everything will go back to normal 
- You and Maeve can go back to being neutral to each other
- And you won’t have to deal with all of these confusing feelings that have decided to make an appearance for some reason 
- Wellll
- Turns out Miss Sands was wrong 
- A weekend is not enough time 
- And the first few presentations are awful 
- To put it nicely 
- So you spend the next week in a permanent confused state 
- Confused as to why you start looking for Maeve whenever you enter a room
- Confused as to why your heart skips a beat whenever you hear her laugh 
- Confused as to why you never want her stop talking in class 
- Even if the bell has rung and it’s lunch 
- Confused to why you keep looking for excuses to go over to see her 
- Despite your assignment being long done 
- And even more confused as to why you feel anxious when you’re waiting for her to answer the door
- The next Monday rolls around both painfully slowly and far too quickly 
- And while you wait for Ola and Danny to finish their presentation 
- Your hands shake with anxiety while your grip your papers 
- Maeve reaches over the table and gives them a reassuring squeeze 
- But it just makes them shake more and she slowly pulls back 
- Your turn can’t come quick enough 
- But then it’s over far too quickly 
- And you slump back down in your seat disappointed 
- Despite Miss Sands’ praise 
- Because it’s over 
- You no longer have an excuse to hang out with her 
- You never talked before 
- So why do you care about after 
- But there’s so much about her that you want to know
- Like the weird swan/moth hybrid 
- And the ugly plate that sits on top of the bookshelf 
- You want to be part of these stories 
- You want to be able to point to these things and say
- ‘yeah, i know exactly why that is special to you’ 
- You want to be the reason to add to this random collection of stuff 
- You want her to smile when she looks at them because they’ll remind her of you 
- You want her to smile when she looks at you 
- ‘y/n? are you okay?’ she asks making you jump 
- The classroom is now empty and you didn’t even notice the bell go 
- ‘ye-yeah’ you nod and grab your bag
- ‘are you sure?’ she grabs your arm forcing you turn around 
- ‘whats the weird swan thing on your coffee table?’ you ask and she furrows her eyebrows at you. ‘it’s just i saw it when i first came over and i really want to know the story behind it’ 
- ‘oh. aimee went through a pottery phase last year and that was the only thing she made that didn’t have a hole in it.’
- ‘and the plate?’ 
- ‘birthday present from my neighbours’ 
- ‘they got you a plate?’ 
- ‘yeah, they don’t have any kids’ 
- ‘clearly’ 
- Silence fills the room and you stare at the peeling posters behind her head 
- You can feel Maeve move closer to you and your breath hitches when she stops a few centimetres in front of you 
- She grabs your hand and squeezes it again 
- And your heartbeat increases 
- ‘y/n?’ 
- ‘yeah?’ 
- ‘i’m really, really confused right now. like more confused that i have ever been in my life. but what i do know, is that if i watch you walk out of that door without saying anything first, then i’d regret it for the rest of my life. i’ve only ever felt like this about boys before, but now i feel this and more about you and i have no idea where it’s come from or what i need to do, but i do know i need to tell you. because otherwise, it wouldn’t be fair for either of us’ she whispers and you stare at her wide eyed 
- ‘can i kiss you?’ she asks and you nod your head quickly 
- Slowly she leans in
- Her eye flutter closed and you follow 
- Your lips brush over hers 
- Her hands wrap around you waist to pull you close
- And then your lips connect 
- And you feel everything change 
- She kisses you slowly 
- And when you pull away you both feel breathless 
- Her cheeks are bright red 
- And there’s a shy smile playing on her lips as she looks at you bashfully
- And all of a sudden you feel really grateful for Miss Sands and her personal issues 
- Although you really hope they are resolved now 
- For your sake as well as hers
support my writing! if you want! 
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moonstonediaz · 3 years
Let the Ghoul Times Roll
For 9-1-1 Halloweek 2021. Day 2: Ghosts
word count: 1.8k
read it on ao3
Eddie isn’t sure what he expected when Buck suggested a spontaneous weekend trip to New Orleans. Drinking all night on Bourbon Street? Sure. Tickets to a game at the Superdome? Sign him up. Eating their weight in beignets at Cafe du Monde? Who wouldn’t?
Eddie didn’t think twice before agreeing to one of his best friend’s many whims. But now that he finds himself facing a vast expanse of elaborate above-ground graves, he starts to wonder why he didn’t ask more questions before boarding the plane.
“Tada!” Buck spreads his arms wide in front of a small plaque that reads: SAINT LOUIS CEMETERY NUMBER ONE.
“Buck,” Eddie sighs, putting one hand on his hip, “please tell me you did not fly me two thousand miles to New Orleans just to visit a graveyard.”
Buck taps the plaque, a huge smile still plastered on his face. “Cemetery,” he corrects. “A graveyard refers to a burial ground within a churchyard.”
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose. “Why do I get the feeling that you have about a hundred different facts ready to throw at me?”
“Because you know me so well.”
Buck swings an arm around Eddie’s neck and begins dragging him inside the cemetery walls. Eddie leans into Buck like it’s second nature, because it is, and resists the urge to wrap an arm around his waist.
“Fact number one,” Buck drops his arm as they cross the threshold, much to Eddie’s dismay, “built in 1789, this is the city’s oldest—and still active—cemetery.”
Eddie rakes his eyes over his surroundings. Dilapidated mausoleums and crumbling tombs tower over them; the haunted faces of statues that stand guard had certainly seen better days.
“You don’t say.”
“See this?” Buck pulls Eddie’s attention over to a concrete wall lined top to bottom with windows laid over with brick. “These are called wall vaults. Each of these bricked over sections are actually burial sites. And here, look!”
Buck crouches down and points to the ground. “See how this one is about half the size of the others?”
Eddie nods when Buck looks up at him, unable to hide his fond smile.
“Some of them are only partially visible like this because the rest are underground.” Buck stands and bumps his shoulder lightly against Eddie’s. “They used to be above ground. That’s evidence that New Orleans is slowly sinking.”
Eddie has always been interested in anything Buck has to say. He could recite the phonebook and Eddie would be enraptured by just the sound of his voice. But this is actually turning out to be a pretty interesting trip and they haven’t even made it far into the cemetery yet. Must have something to do with the company.
They walk deeper into the maze-like grounds, their shoulders or hands brushing every other step and sending thrills through Eddie everywhere they touch. Eddie’s happy to follow Buck around and listen to him prattle on with more facts and details about New Orleans tradition than should ever be allowed in his brain. They could be the last two people on the planet and Eddie would never notice; he would be too consumed by Buck’s presence to care. That’s probably why he doesn’t notice that they’re completely alone in the cemetery.
The sun is beginning to set when Buck starts slowing down. His steps come to a halt in front of an off-white, nondescript tomb that’s stacked three-high.
“They say,” Buck says in a low voice, turning to face Eddie, “that this is one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country.”
“Do they,” Eddie intones, unimpressed.
“And who is supposed to be haunting us?”
Buck steps closer, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and tilts his head so his lips are at Eddie’s ear. Eddie sucks in an audible breath, goosebumps ghosting over his skin as Buck whispers in his ear.
“You’re standing at her grave.”
A shiver snakes down his spine and he jumps back half a step, his nerves officially on edge. Buck steps to the side and sweeps an arm out at the plaque that reads:
“They say her spirit wanders all throughout New Orleans,” Buck is at Eddie’s side again, facing the tomb with his arms crossed loosely over his chest. “But she’s also been seen here many times walking through the tombs. You can tell it’s her by the red and white turban she wears on her head.”
Buck turns his head to smirk at Eddie, which he matches with a raised eyebrow. But Buck’s expression changes then; his eyes widen slowly, focused on something just over Eddie’s head, his mouth agape.
“Oh my god. Eddie,” Buck gasps, tugging roughly on Eddie’s sleeve.
Eddie whips around just in time to see—
Absolutely nothing.
“Dammit, Buck!” Eddie gives him a hard shove and walks a few steps away to try and ease his heart rate back down.
Buck is doubled over, laughing so hard it’s silent. Eddie plants his hands on his hips and glares. “You’re an ass.”
“I can’t believe that got you!” Buck howls.
Eddie scrunches his face. “It didn’t–”
“It did!” Buck straightens, still laughing, and tries working his way over to Eddie who turned and is now walking away. “Oh, come on, it was funny. You don’t even believe in ghosts!”
That stops him. Eddie drops his shoulders and tilts his head back, waiting for Buck to catch up. “I’m taking your window seat on the flight back.”
“Lucky for you, I already gave you the window seat.”
Eddie was ready to be annoyed with him for the rest of the night, but it’s kind of impossible when he’s so thoughtful and selfless without even trying. He looks up at Buck fondly, a soft smile settling on his face. Buck tries ducking his head to hide his blush, but Eddie sees it anyway.
“Alright, come on,” Buck takes Eddie’s hand in his and tugs him forward. “We don’t want the Voodoo Queen to take you.”
Every one of his nerve endings have been vibrating with the need to touch Buck, so he grips his hand tighter.
“Wait, she doesn’t…actually take people, does she?”
Buck gasps in mock horror, a delighted smile spread over his features. “Edmundo Diaz, are you implying that ghosts are real?”
“No, I just—I mean…you know—I, uh…”
Buck graciously cuts off his incessant rambling, pulling him along to a different aisle. “She isn’t known to be aggressive, no. Only to those who insult her religion or her beliefs. Some people have been known to be scratched or pinched, some even shoved.”
Eddie isn’t sure what to say to that. He’s a skeptic, always has been, but there’s something about the atmosphere here in this towering city of the dead that makes him wonder what could be possible.
They’re still holding hands. Neither of them have made any attempt to separate and for that, Eddie is thankful. His stomach is so full of butterflies, he feels like a damn teenager. It would take an army of ghosts to get him to let go any time soon.
They walk like that, hand in hand, through the labyrinth of mausoleums and tombs, just as the sun sets and paints the entire cemetery in darkness. The only light comes from the occasional spotlight or vigil light along their path.
“Omnia Ab Uno,” Eddie reads as they stop in front of an impressively tall and gleaming white pyramid. “That’s, uh…interesting.”
“It means ‘all from one’ in Latin,” Buck says softly. Eddie tilts his head in question and Buck smirks. “This is Nicolas Cage’s tomb.”
Eddie turns his head back to the pyramid, eyebrows scrunched together. “Nicolas Cage is alive.” Then, a panicked look crosses his face. “Right?!”
Buck laughs and laces their fingers together. “Right. Remember what I said at the beginning of this date? It’s still an active gravesite. Anyone can buy a plot.”
“Really?” A date. A date. A date. This is a date.
“Yep, if you’ve got forty grand to spare, anyone can be buried here.” Bucks runs his thumb across the back of Eddie’s hand.
Eddie’s heart rate spikes and he’s suddenly very interested in the structure of the pyramid. He thinks he’s sweating. He probably is sweating—it��s south Louisiana in October after all.
“Would you want to be buried in a pyramid?” Eddie blurts and mentally kicks himself.
“Eh, I think I’ll pass on the above-ground structures,” Buck chuckles.
Eddie’s silent for a few moments. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong with him, why he’s so nervous all of a sudden. It’s his best friend; it’s Buck.
Because it matters, says a voice in his head.
Eddie remembers something from earlier and turns so his entire body is facing Buck, their hands still clasped. “Why is it so empty here?”
“Oh. You know. The…ghosts,” Buck fumbles, looking anywhere but at Eddie.
Eddie pulls at his hand, pulls him closer, and Buck finally looks down. Eddie’s eyes are soft, his eyebrows drawn together in question. That’s ultimately what has Buck folding like a lawn chair.
He sighs deeply, “Fine. I–I know someone, okay?”
Eddie nods, “Oh, sure. You know someone. In the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Yes, I’m following.”
Buck rolls his eyes, grinning. “I’m serious. They got me this special pass so we could come here after they closed.”
“...For our date.” Eddie watches him for any sign of backing out, but Buck only smiles bigger and moves closer.
“Yes. For our date.”
Buck drops Eddie’s hand only to cup his cheek. He leans in until their noses brush, waiting for Eddie’s reaction. Eddie’s breaths are shaky, but he’s not going to pull away. He tips his head back slightly and that’s all it takes before Buck is gently pressing their lips together. He moves his arms around Eddie’s waist and Eddie threads his fingers through Buck’s hair, deepening their kiss until they’re both breathless.
Eddie smiles against Buck’s lips, pulling back only to rest their foreheads together. “Did you just kiss me in front of Nicolas Cage’s pyramid tomb?”
Buck laughs and wraps his arms tighter around Eddie. “Yeah, I think I did.”
Eddie hums and cups Buck’s cheek gently in his hand. “Do it again.”
Buck does as he’s bid, slotting their bodies together from head to toe. Eddie never would have considered a cemetery to be romantic before tonight. He thinks he would fly four thousand miles to visit all the cemeteries if it meant he could keep kissing Buck like this.
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atlafan · 4 years
Night Shift - One Shot
a/n: back at it again with another Halloween themed fic! This was inspired by an ask requesting Harry and Y/N both work/meet in the ER. Slight twist on it, but I hope you like it! Reblogs and feedback are super helpful! (not proofread)
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut at the end
Words: 6.8K
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Becoming a doctor took a lot of hard work dedication. Countless sleepless nights, a large debt to pay back, finding a hospital to become a resident in, and countless seminars to go to, to make sure all practices were up to date. At first, Y/N hated working the graveyard shift. She rarely got to see friends or family, she was getting minimal amounts of sleep because, let’s face it, sleeping during the day never worked out the way you wanted it to. However, she stopped minding it so much when one of the nicest nurses took his turn on the overnight shifts.
Nurse Styles was usually the voice of reason. He could calm any patient down, and the kids in pediatrics loved him. He always had a lollypop ready to go. All of the nurses took turns with the different shifts so it was fair for everyone. He had heard of Dr. Y/L/N, but had never met her. She was newer to the hospital, a white coat, but still baby-faced. Harry really enjoyed being a nurse, he didn’t want to be the person in there doing surgery, but he liked being able to get things started, and ease someone into the more difficult things. He had a way of administering bad news, and easing the pain from it. His broad shoulders were perfect for crying on, and if it was a kid he needed to prep for getting their appendix out, he held their hand the entire way to the operating room.
Y/N was just getting in, putting her things in her breakroom cubby when Harry walked in. He smiles at her, and she smiles back as he also puts his things away.
“Chilly out there tonight.” He says as he puts his scrubs on over his long sleeve under armor. She only looked for a second, his arm muscles were certainly defined. “I don’t think we’ve properly met yet, I’m Harry.” He extends her hand and she takes it.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“Well, Y/N, lucky for you I’ll be your nurse for the next couple of months.”
“You seem a little too chipper about working overnight.” She chuckles as she gets her white coat on and stethoscope around her neck.
“I don’t mind it.” He shrugs. “A lot of the other nurses have spouses and kids they rarely get to see, so it’s only fair I take my turn on the overnight stuff. I usually take it this time of year anyways.”
“Why’s that?”
“The Halloween crazies start trickling towards the end of September. Think the staff likes having me as extra muscle or whatever.”
Her face pales as she looks at him. She had completely forgotten about Halloween. Last year she worked during the day, but she had heard about all of the nonsense from the entire weekend. Drunk people needing their stomach pumped, car wrecks, people on drugs, etc.
“So, what’s your specialty? You’re not a surgeon are you?” He breaks her from her trance.
“No, I’m not a surgeon, just a regular old doctor. I almost ended up in maternity like a lot of female doctors, but it wasn’t for me.” They both walk into the main area so they can get briefed for the night.
Harry says hello to the other nurses at the desk, and he takes his seat to login into the computer. There was another doctor on the overnight shifts, Dr. Gilles, and Y/N really couldn’t stand him. He was one of those doctors who was sort of rude to the nurses because he had been at the hospital for a while, but he was handsome so a lot of them didn’t even care. He would flirt with Y/N when he’d get the chance, but she didn’t really like it. She’d seen Scrubs, she didn’t need the drama that comes with hooking up with a coworker. Not to mention the guy was, like, forty, and she was only pushing thirty. To some that may not be a big age difference, but it weirded her out nonetheless. It weirded her out more when he’d catch her flirting with some of the younger nurses.
“Evening everyone.” Dr. Gilles. “He says as he walks up to the desk. “Quiet so far?”
“Pretty much.” Nurse Halleran says. “Hope it stays that way. You’ve got a couple of people you just need to check in on.” She hands him a few charts and he nods as he takes them. “How are you, Dr. Y/L/N?”
“Good.” She says as she looks over her cuticles. She feels his eyes burn into her, and she fiddles with some of the pens on the desk. “Nurse Styles, back on the graveyard, huh?”
“Yup.” Harry says with a fake smile. He also did not like Dr. Gilles. He felt protective over the other nurses, and none of them felt uncomfortable by Dr. Gilles, but he was a married man who openly flirted with people, and that kind of behavior just didn’t fly with Harry. “Dr. Y/L/N, one of your patients needs their vitals checked. Young thing, coming down from a bladder and kidney infection.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Harry hands her the chart and she looks it over as they walk to where the patient was sleeping.
Bethany Martin, ten years old, bladder and kidney infection. Another doctor wanted to size her up for an appendix removal, but it was Y/N that discovered that it wasn’t the child’s appendix. The girl had told her the pain had moves from the front of her stomach, to her side, and then to her back. She got major brownie points from the administration for making that catch.
Her and Harry slowly go into the room. Her father was sleeping in one of the fold out chairs provided. He wakes up when he hears the door open.
“Hello, Mr. Martin.” Y/N whispers with a smile. “We’re just going to check on Beth’s vitals, see how her fever’s doing, alright?”
“Sure thing, thank you.” He stands up and goes over to his daughter to help her wake up a little.
“Hmm.” The girl slowly opens her eyes, and then she smiles when she sees Y/N. See, Beth was scared that she was going to get cut open, so she was beyond grateful that she didn’t have to have surgery. “Hello.” She says sleepily.
“Hi, sweetheart, I need to check a few things, would that be alright?” Y/N asks.
“Hi, Beth, how’s your IV feeling in that hand?” Harry asks her.
“It’s itchy, Nurse Harry.”
He smiles at her. A lot of the kids would call him that instead of Nurse Styles, he thought it was sweet.
“Think we should switch it to your other hand then.”
“Why’s it in her hand and not in her arm?” Y/N questions.
“We had a tough time…this one likes to pull away.” Harry explains and winks at Beth which makes her giggle.
Y/N let’s Harry switch out the IV. She lets Beth hold her hand as she winces from the needle. Once he’s done, Y/N checks everything else. She has Beth roll onto her stomach so she can feel around her back.
“I haven’t been as achy.” Beth says as she gets settled on her back once more. “It still hurts a little though.”
“Mm, I bet. Took us a bit to figure things out with you, but you seem to be doing a lot better. Should only need to be here for another few days. We’ll come back to check on you later this morning.”
“Thank you.” She snuggles back into her blankets and slowly falls back asleep.
Mr. Martin thanks Y/N and Harry before they leave, and she they both go to wash their hands at one of the sink stations.
“Nurse Harry, huh? Do all the little girls call you that?” Y/N smirks.
“Why, jealous?” He bumps his hip to hers before grabbing a paper towel to dry his hands. She rolls her eyes at him, and he chuckles. “The kids just tend to call me that, I don’t mind it.”
“It must ease them a bit more to be on a first name basis, I should remember that. I hate seeing kids in pain, I’m glad she’s doing better.”
“I know it sucks, but I actually like working with the kids more. They at least listen to us. Some of these adult patients…they fight us on every little thing sometimes.” They make their way back to the desk.
“Dr. Y/L/N?” Nurse Stevens says to her. “I’m going on a coffee run, would you like anything?”
“You’re an angel, yes”, she reaches into her pocket for some loose singles, “just a regular with a little cream, no sugar, thank you.”
“Harry?” She says to him.
“Brought my thermos, but thanks Ellie.” He smiles at her and she nods before going on her way.
“She’s the best, I’ve worked with her during the day before.” Y/N says to Harry.
“Yeah, Ellie and I came on together.”
“Oh, really?”
Harry hums his response as he types some notes into the computer. Harry and Ellie had a bit of a past, nothing serious, but they had hooked up on occasion. Being a nurse meant working a lot of long days, and that left little room for a social life or companionship. They may or may not have taken advantage of the beds in the room adjacent to the breakroom a few times, but that was a year or so ago. She had started seeing someone, so they ended things amicably.
“Why just the cream and no sugar?” He asks to change the subject.
“Well, for a while I was doing the keto thing, which is absolute rubbish and I never should have done it, but I got into the habit of not adding sugar to things. I don’t like the taste of black coffee, it’s too bitter, so the cream helps. I don’t miss the sugar, in fact, I can’t stand really sugary drinks in general.”
“Why’d you do the keto in the first place?”
“Oh, I was looking to lose some weight before a wedding I had to go to. I was a bridesmaid so I just wanted to look nice in the pictures, you know? It works when you stick to it, but as soon as I stopped I gained most of it back. Deprivation diets are never a good idea, and I knew it, but did it anyways because it was a quick way to do things.” He goes to say something, but decides against it. Her head tilts as she can tell he’s withholding something. “Go ahead, tell me as a doctor it was stupid of me to jump on a fad diet.” She sighs and leans on the tall desk.
“No, I was just going to say…” He blushes slightly. “Well, I just feel bad that you thought you needed to lose any weight because you…well…you must know how beautiful you are as is.”
She stands up straight. She literally just met this man tonight, what was going on? Just as she was about to say something, Ellie comes back with the coffee.
“Here you go.” She smiles.
“Oh, thank you.” Y/N takes the coffee. “I’m gonna go take a walk to the other nurse’s station, see how they’re doing. Page me if you need anything.”
Harry watches her walk away and he groans with his head in his hands.
“Don’t tell me.” Ellie smirks. “You have a crush on Dr. Y/L/N…shocking.” Ellie giggles and rolls her eyes.
“I just met her, I don’t have a crush on her. But I may have just said something inappropriate.”
“You?!” Ellie was shocked. “Harry, you’re, like, the nicest person I know. What did you say?”
“I just told her she was beautiful.”
“It’s not like it’s a lie, she’s rather pretty. Seems to take care of herself. It’s not an easy thing to do, especially on these shifts.”
“I know! It just felt weird after I said it. I don’t wanna be like Dr. Gilles, you know?”
“Please.” She scoffs. “You’re nothing like him.”
Y/N does her nightly rounds, checking on her various patients. A few people come in that need to be checked right away, but other than that things were quiet. Around six in the morning she and Harry go to check on little Beth again.
“Definitely only need you here another couple of nights. Keep getting those fluids in, and this fever will go away in no time.” Y/N says.
The girl nods at her tiredly before falling back asleep. Y/N helps out with some last minute patients before going to the breakroom to change. Harry was in there taking his shirt off. She tries not to stare as he pulls a sweatshirt on over himself. She wouldn’t have minded a few more moments to examine his tattoos. She knew he had a few just from his left hand alone, but shit, he had them all over his chest and stomach!
“Well, see you tonight. Hope you can get some sleep.” Harry says to her.
“Same to you.” She smiles and goes into her locker.
“I hope, uh, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable earlier in the night…” He rubs the back of his neck.
“You didn’t, it’s fine…I’m just one of those people that has a tough time taking a compliment. Um, it happened to me in school a lot too, like, if someone told me I was smart or something, you know?”
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure.”
“I appreciate that, Harry, thank you.”
He nods and heads out. On his way home he realizes he’s far too awake to be able to fall asleep, so when he gets into his flat he takes a sleeping pill, and nestles down with a cup of tea while he watches a little TV. Once his eyes feel tired he heads to bed, getting cozy under his blankets, and eventually passing out.
Y/N does something similar. She definitely takes a sleeping pill before jumping into a warm shower. She pulls her blackout curtains, and gets into bed. Her eyelids feel heavier and heavier as she listens to a podcast, and she slowly falls asleep.
Things went on like that for the next couple of weeks. Harry would often assist Y/N on her rounds. He liked that she wasn’t one of those snooty doctors that discounted the nurses, she really seemed to value their opinions, even consulting with them when she needed to. They became fast friends too, often eating together or taking coffee breaks at the same time. She learned that Harry was a couple of years younger than her, and he had been at this hospital for around five years. He explained he liked working at a hospital rather than a smaller practice so he could help more people, and she said she felt the same way.
“Maybe when I’m, like fifty, I’ll settle and open up my own practice. But only because I might not have the same spring in my step.” She chuckles as they both sit and enjoy some coffee.
“You can really sprint when you need to! You were incredible when that guy came in with that allergic reaction the other night.”
“I was internally freaking out the whole time to be honest with you. I was glad to have you there to help me intubate him.”
“Feel like I can do that with my eyes closed now.” He laughs and finishes his warm drink. “I hate to be one of those people, but you’re looking a little tired tonight.”
“Oh, that’s because I never left this morning. I worked all day, took a nap, and then got right back on it.”
“Y/N, that’s not okay. You can’t do your job properly if you’re tired.”
“I know, but we were short staffed, and I was only going to stay a couple of hours, but I got wrapped up with a couple of people. I’m fine, honest, I’ll have a good sleep when I get home later.”
“Shit like that used to happen to me all the time. I’d work sixteen hour days, and then they’d yell at me because I was getting so much overtime, and I’d tell them to hire more bloody people then. It was infuriating. Then you think the place is gonna fall apart without you when you finally do get some time off.”
“Literally! I think that’s why I got stuck here for so long. I have the next couple of days off, though, so I’m looking forward to that.”
“Yeah? Any big plans?”
“No.” She scoffs. “Not unless you consider binging a fuck ton of television while eating a gallon of ice cream big plans.”
“Depends on the show, what’s on the docket to be binged?”
“I’ve been meaning to sit down and watch Ratched. I’ve heard some mixed reviews, but I’m just so intrigued.”
“Mm, nothing better than a show about a crazy nurse.” He rolls his eyes.
“Aw, feeling a little misrepresented?” She smirks.
“Maybe a wee bit. Let me know if it’s worth the watch, though, yeah?”
“Definitely.” She finishes up her coffee and sighs. “Back to it I suppose.”
“Go lay down if you want, we’re not busy.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m catching a second wind.” She stands up and shakes her body out. “See, awake and ready to-“, her beeper goes off, “Shit, some teenagers were just brought in.”
They both hurry out of the breakroom, and go to where they’re needed. Three teenage boys were laying in hospital beds, clearly in pain.
“Alright, what seems to be the problem here?” Y/N says as Harry works on taking their vitals.
“We…fell off the water tower.” One of them says.
She sighs and starts checking for bumps and bruises. She doesn’t ask why they were there, she was sure their parents would rip them a new one for that. A few sprained ankles, and one broken wrist, but nothing too serious otherwise. Y/N gives her instructions to Harry, and tells the boys they’ll need to switch off between aspirin and ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation. Harry gets the broken wrist into a splint and sling, and gets the others settled as well.  
“Isn’t this a little backwards?” One of them says to him after Y/N’s left. “Isn’t she supposed to be the nurse?”
“Well, considering that she went to school for a lot longer than I did, and probably has a lot more knowledge about the body than I do, I’d say she’s supposed to be the doctor.” Harry says.
“Isn’t it weird being a male nurse though?”
“M’not a male nurse.” He makes some notes on the laptop he was using. “I’m just a nurse.” He closes the laptop and looks at the three of them. “Your parents should be here soon, hope you lot feel better, and be safer out there.”
It wasn’t the first time Harry got a comment like that, and it wouldn’t be the last. He didn’t go to school as premed and then go off to a fancy medical school. He majored in Allied Health in uni, and passed all his tests. That was it, and that was all he wanted to do. There was nothing wrong with that. He was proud of himself. He hoped Y/N was proud of herself too.
Flu shot season was in full swing, and there were usually a couple of days a year the hospital did walk-in appointments so people could come in easily to get them. Harry had picked up a shift to administer them. Y/N had come in to be on call so one of the other doctors could have the day off. She smiles when she sees Harry in the cafeteria at lunch.
“Hey, you.” She says as she sits down. “Weird seeing you in the daylight.”
“Could say the same to you. What’s all this about? Don’t tell me you’re working another triple…” He raises an eyebrow at her.
“No, I swapped shifts with Dr. Jollas so she could have the day with her kids. What are you doing here today?”
“I’m on for the flu shots. It’s an easy enough shift to pick up.”
“Get a lot of people in for that?”
“Sure, tons.”
“That makes me happy to hear.” She sighs.
“How were your couple of days off? Did you watch your show?”
“I only watched about two episodes…there was a lot more gore than I was expecting.”
“Y/N…you’re a doctor…”
“Yes, and I can handle small amounts of blood, especially when I’m in the moment helping someone, but there was literally a scene where they were showing how lobotomies were done and a scene where this kid cut off his own arms, so it was a bit much for me. Not something I should be watching alone, anyways.”
“That’s gross.” Harry grimaces. “Don’t blame you for not getting through it.”
“So I ended up just re-watching The Office for the millionth time. It was perfect.” She chuckles. “Are you working all of Halloween weekend?”
“I am.” He nods. “I hope you’ll add some flare to your outfit. The kids like it when we do.”
“Some flare, huh?”
“I have these scrubs that have pumpkins, ghosts, and black cats on them.”
“Hm, I’ll have to think about what I can add. I have some earrings with witches on them, that could be fun.”
“As long as you get into the spirt somehow. We all decorate the nurse’s station and everything. Ellie usually brings in cupcakes too.”
“Speaking of her…” Y/N leans in a bit. “Did you catch the rock on her finger? I’m happy for her and all, but she said she’s only been with her fiancé for eight months. It’s a bit fast.”
“Well, they were casual before they made things official. She was, uh, seeing a couple of people, and then he asked her to get serious and she did.” He shrugs.
“Oh, I see.” She nods and sits back. “I’m not judging or anything, I mean, I guess when you, you know.” She takes a bite of her food, and then leans back in. “Can I ask you something?” She whispers.
“Always.” He leans in as well. Harry be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy a spot of gossip, and Y/N had become his new favorite person to gossip with. It didn’t take them long to become the two bitches that are always talking shit about everyone else.
“Do people use the bunk room to bone?”
His face flushes, and then he clears his throat.
“Why would you ask me that?”
“Because you know everything about this place! I wish it was a singles only room because I swear I saw Nurse Halleran and Dr. Gilles coming out of there, and only one of the beds looked used.”
Harry makes a disgusted face and rolls his eyes.
“I feel bad for whoever he’s married to.” He shakes his head. “Scumbag.”
“Nurse Halleran’s married too! I could never do that. I mean, I’ve been in relationships before, and maybe I’ve thought someone else is attractive, I can appreciate a pretty face, but I would never cheat on my significant other. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
“Same here. That’s, like, the ultimate betrayal. How do you even come back from that? I get that our jobs can make for lonely lives, but make the time count at home when you can.”
“Does he have kids?”
“No, I think that’s why he doesn’t feel bad about it. She has two kids, though, I don’t know, I only talk to her about work things if I can help it. I miss some of my girls from the day shifts, like, Shauna is super nice and has this really warm smile.”
“Feel like she’s the hospital granny.” Y/N smiles. “I like her a lot too, the few interactions I’ve had with her.”
“How long do you think they’ll keep you on the night shift for?”
“I have no idea, think I’m just paying my dues as the new doctor. I’m getting more used to it, it’s not too bad. If it goes through summer I can drag my bum to the beach and sleep there.” She laughs and so does he.
“Might have to join you for that, I love getting a good tan.”
“It’s a date.” She says, more so as a joke, but from the way he looks at her he may have taken it a different way, so she clears her throat and laughs it off. “Anyways, I better get back to it. Nothing worse than being in the middle of eating and the beeper going off.” She stands up. “Have a good one, Harry.”
“You too.” He watches her walk away, and he sighs.
On Halloween, Y/N goes in a few hours early because she was told they let the kids go around the halls to the different nurse’s stations to trick or treat, and she really didn’t want to miss out on it. She puts on her witches earrings, and some spooky pins for her coat, and out she goes. She stops off at the store to buy some extra candy, and puts it in a pumpkin shaped bucket. She smiles when she sees Harry behind the desk already in his Halloween scrubs.
“Excellent effort.” He says, and then taps his finger over his mouth in thought. “Could use a little something extra, though.”
“Yeah? Like what?” She sets the candy down on the desk and he walks around it.
“Follow me.” Y/N follows Harry into the breakroom, and he pulls a bag out of his locker. He has her go into the unisex bathroom wither, and she sits up on the counter for him. “I’m working a double today, I did some face painting earlier for some of the younger kids. Sort of a way to give them a costume for when they walk around.”
“Harry, why don’t you just solely work in pediatrics?”
“Because I did some face painting for the elderly too, now hush. I need to concentrate.”
He takes what looks like a black sharpie out of the bag, but Y/N recognizes it as liquid eye-liner.
“What exactly are you going to do with that? Give me cat eyes?” She chuckles.
“No, you dolt, we’d need hours for that. I’m just gonna draw a little spider web on your cheek, alright?”
Harry had never been this close to her face before. She got a nice whiff of his cologne, and she liked being able to see the few freckles he had. She notices now he’s painted his nails black and orange, he must really like Halloween. She closes her eyes as he starts drawing on her right cheek. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. A slight gasp leaves her lips when his other hand grips her chin to tilt her head.
“Still just me, don’t worry.” He chuckles. “Don’t get jumpy on me.”
“M’not, sorry.” She sucks her lips into her mouth as his hand moves to the side of her neck. Y/N may or may not be a little touch starved.
“Almost done.” He says just as she was opening her eyes back up.
“Harry, has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?”
“Shut up.” He scoffs, and finishes up. “All done, tell me what you think.”
“I mean it!” She says as he backs away enough for her to hop off the counter and turn around in the mirror. “Oh, excellent job. I especially like that you drew a little spider dangling from the web.”
“It’s my signature detail. Now you look perfect.” They look at each other through the mirror. “We should probably get out of here before someone thinks we’re boning.”
She bursts out laughing at that.
“Good one.” She says and shakes her head.
“It wasn’t that funny.” He mutters as he puts the bag back in his locker.
“N-no, it wasn’t.” She clears her throat. “Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” He nudges her shoulder and they walk back out to the main area.
The trick or treating was a lot of fun, and the kids seemed to have their spirits lifted. Then shit got real when the drunk people started coming in, the people the police had to bring in for psych evaluations, and the people that had too many edibles. It was crazy busy, Y/N had been running around all night. She was given the okay to go lay down for about thirty minutes since she had come in early. She stops short when she sees Harry laying in one of the bunks. He was laying on his side with his arms crossed over his chest. She quietly slips into one of the other bunks, and takes a deep breath.
“You’re awfully loud.” He says.
“Christ! I was quieter than a mouse!” She says, and turns to face him. He opens his eyes and grins at her. “Ah, you were just fucking with me.”
“Busy out there tonight. I mean, I expected it, but still.”
“I know.” He yawns and stretches out. “I’ve been in here too long, I need to go back out before I get groggy.” He swings his legs over the side of the bed and slowly gets up. “Have a nice snooze.”
“Thanks.” She chews her bottom lip for a moment. “Do you have any makeup wipes? I’d hate to wake up with a smudged web.”
“Oh, sure, one second.” He leaves momentarily and comes back in with a wipe for her cheek. Instead of handing it to her, he sits on the edge of her bunk, cups one of her cheeks in his hand, and uses the other to carefully wipe off the drawing. Her eyes flutter closed and she sighs. “There.” Her eyes open back up and she smiles softly at him.
“Thank you.”
There was something brewing between them, they could both feel it. He’s about to lean in to kiss her, but he hears the click of the door open, and stands up immediately. It was another doctor who was I desperate need of a snooze. Harry leaves, and Y/N tries to relax enough to fall asleep.
They don’t see each other again until the morning when they’re both getting ready to leave. He chews on his inner cheek, trying to work up a little bit of courage.
“I’m sure you’re probably tired, but…I have these, uh, pancake stencils where you can make pancakes look like pumpkins or ghosts…I thought maybe we could celebrate surviving Halloween together, but I’ll understand if you’re ready to just crash or-“
“I’d love to have breakfast with you.” She smiles as she closes her locker. “I’m gonna go home and shower. Text me your address, yeah?”
“Alright.” He smiles and watches her walk out.
Y/N takes a very quick shower so she can freshen up. She wasn’t sure what might go down between them. She felt like she was getting to be a little too old to just be hooking up with someone, but Harry was really great, so she decides to just go with the flow. She heads to his flat after he sent her his address, making sure to buy some orange juice as something to bring over.
He lets her in and she can’t get over how cozy he looks in his sweatpants, graphic tee, and cardigan. She was in a pair of leggings and a sweater.
“It smells so good in here.” She says.
“Thanks, I made some tea too if you want something warm.”
She nods and he pours her a cup. They giggle over the pancakes, and Harry confirms that Halloween is definitely one of his favorite holidays. The two decide it might be fun to watch a Halloween movie, but naturally after a long sift, they fall asleep together on his sofa. She was nestled into his chest with his arms wrapped around her. She would have slept longer, but she woke up to the sound of him snoring. She shuffles a little, but accidentally knees him in the groin, waking up immediately.
“Shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I was laying on you like this.”
“It’s fine.” He says as he reaches for himself. “I’m good.” He knuckles at one of his eyes, keeping his other arm around her. He looks at the TV screen and sees that something else had come on. “Slept through the movie…”
“Guess we got a little too comfy.” She looks up at him. “Forgot how nice it was to cuddle with someone.” She mumbles tiredly.
“We could…go to my bed if you want, have a proper cuddle.”
“Would you spoon me if we do that?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want.”
She nods yes, so he manages to pick her up, and carry her to his bedroom. She almost didn’t want to let go him when he sets her down, but all is good once he slides in next to her, pulls the blankets over them, and he wraps himself around her. She sighs as his pelvis aligns with her bum, and his arm wraps around her waist.
“Good?” He asks.
“Mhm.” She wiggles against him to get even more comfortable.
“Don’t do that.”
“Why not.”
“Because I’ll get excited, and that’ll make things awkward.”
“Define excited.”
“You know exactly what I mean, Y/N.” He sighs.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
“I’ll get hard, and it’s already difficult enough to control that around you, so-“
“You can press it against me if you want, I don’t mind.” She looks over her shoulder at him.
“You’re serious?”
“If I wasn’t I certainly wouldn’t have let you carry me to your bed.” She rolls onto her other side to face him. “I like being your friend and all, but I’ve done this with someone who’s just a friend before. I…I feel like we almost kissed earlier…”
“We did. Can we try again now?”
His hand slides to the back of her neck and he pulls her closer to him. His lips still tasted like the syrup they put on their pancakes, and she likes it more than she really should. Her tongue swipes along his bottom lip, and he opens up for her. Their tongues swirl around each other, and she tugs him on top of her as she turns onto her back. One of his legs goes between hers, and she grunts when she feels his thigh right on her. She wraps her arms around his neck as their tongues still mold together.
She slips her other leg around his waist so he could lay full between her. He groans into her mouth as he grinds himself against her. A soft moan leaves her lips when she feels how hard he is. She could feel herself throbbing for him. He sits up a little, just to get his cardigan off, and her hands slide up his stomach under his shirt. He shudders from her touch, and he just takes his shirt off too. Her eyes widen as she can finally look over his tattoos.
“This is beautiful.” She says as her fingers trace over the butterfly on his torso.
“Thanks.” He smiles and gets back down to lay on her chest to chest as he kisses her.
He kisses from her lips, along her jaw, and to her neck, all while she’s grinding herself against him. One of his hands finds her hair and he yanks her head to the side so he can get better access to her neck. He licks over the spot just below her ear, and he sinks his teeth in. He sucks on her soft skin, and her mouth falls open. She normally wasn’t super into biting, but whatever he was doing felt really good. When he pops off her she puts her hand over the new bruise.
“That’s definitely gonna leave a mark.” She says to him.
“Kind of the whole point.” He smirks. “Maybe Dr. Gilles will leave you alone if he thinks you’re already getting it from someone else.”
“Not very professional though, is it?”
“That nice white coat of yours will cover it. Wear your hair down for a few days, no one will notice. Or maybe they will, oh well. I’ve never much cared what other people think.”
“That’s because you’re not the one walking around with a mark on your neck.” She pouts at him.
“I could be if you wanted to give me one.”
She bites her bottom lip to contemplate just about every little thing that’s going on between them. She had her legs around him, she was in his bed, and he was shirtless sucking marks into her neck.
“Are…are you going to fuck me?” She asks.
“Do you want me to?”
“Kinda.” She giggles. “You’re, um, really sexy, Harry.”
“Well, that’s very nice of you to say, but ‘kinda’ isn’t exactly a yes, Y/N.”
“Could we maybe just…touch each other? Below the belt?”
“Yeah, we can do that.”
He rolls them both over so they’re on their sides facing each other again, and he pulls her leg up over his hip. She reaches for him first, skimming her fingers along the band of his sweatpants before dipping her fingers him. His breath hitches as she palms him over his boxers.
“You’re okay with this?” She asks him.
“Very.” He grunts. “Go for it.”
She nods and slips her hand inside his boxers, wrapping her hand around his warm cock. She bites her bottom lip as she runs her thumb over his tip, which was already leaking precome, and she slides it down his length.
His hand grips her ass before sliding it around to her front, and pulling her leggings back so he can get his hand in. A moan leaves his lips when he feels her wetness through her thong. He pets over at first, teasing her a little, but she squeezes him a little too tight, and that was signal enough to get the show on the road. He tugs her thong to the side, and runs his fingers along her slit before dipping his middle finger inside her. She squeezes around the intrusion, and then she relaxes a bit for him.
Harry slides another finger inside her, and works them in and out as his thumb takes care of her clit. He leans in to kiss her as they work each other over. She sucks on his bottom lip as she pumps his slick cock in her hand. He finds himself bucking into her grasp, but neither seem to care since she was grinding against his fingers. He curls them up inside her, and that’s when she starts breathing heavily.
“Oh, shit.” Her mouth falls open and she starts pumping him faster. “Fuck, oh my god, H-Harry, it feels so good, don’t stop.” She was nearly gagging for it, and it shocked him to see her falling apart like this just from him fingering her.
“Y/N.” He moans and presses his forehead to hers. “I’m gonna come.”
“M-me too, shit.”
She feels her hand become warm and sticky as she comes around his fingers. She tightens around him to make it last as long as possible, and then she catches breath. She doesn’t want to make a mess of his sweat pants, so she takes her hand out slowly, keeping as much of his come in her palm as she can. They make eye contact, and she licks her palm clean. He does the same by sucking his fingers into his mouth.
“You’re, like, a little kinky.” She chuckles and so does he.
“You literally just did the same as me!”
“I was trying not to make a mess of your sheets!”
“I can wash ‘em.” He laughs more, and then tucks some hair behind her ear. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I’m thinking you like me a little more than I thought.”
“A lot more, actually. You like me too?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I like you, Harry.”
“Thank god, I didn’t want this to be awkward at work.”
“Just don’t try to get busy with me in the bunk room. I will not contribute to that.”
“Listen, when you’re tired and desperate, it’s not such a bad place to get frisky.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” She rolls her eyes. “Could I use your bathroom quick? And then if you don’t mind, I would actually love to sleep a bit more.”
“Of course! And yeah, that sounds good.”
She uses his bathroom, and he cleans himself up. He offers some pajama pants a tee shirt, and she happily accepts. She changes and crawls back into bed with him. He spoons her, and rubs at her side, giving her a kiss once in a while on the back of her neck. As she falls asleep in his arms she thinks she had never been so thankful to work on a holiday in her life.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Arvin Russell - The preacher’s sins (2/2)
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Here is the second part of this fic! Hope you enjoy it.
Plot: The preacher’s manipulation is finally kicking in, but Arvin isn’t letting go so easily. 
Warnings: It’s about TDATT, so you can guess, again. Violence, manipulation, hurt reader.
Lenora died two days after your argument with Arvin, you and him were drifting apart and Knockemstiff was entering in the coldest Autumn yet to meet. The villagers were on edge every second of the day, there was more violence and the people’s faith was starting to become dangerous. Just a few days ago, a pregnant woman and her boyfriend had walked into the café, and had been kicked out by angry clients who scream obscenities for not being married.
The preacher’s words were starting to make roots into the town, it seemed, and you were no exception; at least, you didn’t think you were. Since that talk with the preacher, he had opened your eyes about your sins, and you could say happily that you were getting better at reading. Every two days, you would go the church and he would be waiting outside, with his car and his bible. He would read to you, helping you understand what you couldn’t and giving you a kind smile. And if you got a word wrong, well, he knew how to fix it.
“And she… uh, she… “ you squinted to see what the word was, but you couldn’t read. Your heart started to beat loudly in your ears under the watchful eyes of the preacher. “She was con… con…”
The preacher put a hand on your shoulder, and your eyes got misty. You knew it was well deserved, because who didn’t know how to read? But it still brought tears to your eyes when it happened. You searched into your brain for something to say, but since Lenora’s death no one was teaching you. Arvin, your sweet boy, was the only reason why you sometimes doubted what the preacher was doing was right. And in order not to lie to his face, you barely saw him anymore.
“Come on, Y/N. You know what to do” the preacher said, unfastening his belt. In a moment of panic, you shifted away from him. “It’s for you own good. You think someone will love some brainless girl like you?”
“Please, preacher” you whined as he got up, belt in hand. “Please, not today. They – they haven’t healed, a-and it hurts. Please, I don’t –“
“You think your suffering is close to what he suffered? You whiny bitch, take out your clothes before I make you”
As quickly as you could, you got naked in front of the preacher, except from your underwear. The first time you did it, just before meeting Arvin in the graveyard, you had cried and begged. Then the preacher had explained you that it was the only way to cure your sins, to redeem yourself for lying to him in the first place. He had told you not to talk to Arvin about it – and you didn’t, because he promised you to teach you to read and be a good girl for him.
You didn’t know if it was because of what happened to Lenora, because of the hurt look on Arvin’s face when you told him you couldn’t meet that weekend, or because you had noticed that lately the preacher’s eyes were shiner than usual when you took off your clothes. But you were starting to doubt if what he considered redemption was really it.
“It’s for you own good” the preacher said, as the belt fell for the first time near your right shoulder. He didn’t bother to avoid the previous days lashes – he liked to see how longer could you keep the tears away. “You want to clean yourself?”
“Please, don’t –“
“I asked you a question!”
The belt fell so many times that you lost count. You thought about how all of this could end – he had told you, you could wipe your sins with the belt or with him. And every time you chose the belt, the preacher’s face got angrier. He wasn’t the nice, quiet man that presented himself in the church a few months ago, with a kind smile. You had really thought he was a nice man, but as the days passed and you were submitted to your own hell, your impression of him was changing.
You were afraid, something you hadn’t been at the beginning. It was easy to ignore what he was doing, because you took it as a punishment for not learning how to read. It was a motivation, and you were eager for each meeting, until one day you could show them that you could read. Maybe write a letter to Arvin, and watch how his warm smile lifted finally your mood. But the preacher had less patience each day, and you were making more mistakes – because he didn’t want you to learn, he just wanted you to choose the other option. Wanted you to leave Arvin and lay with him, and even you, who couldn’t read, wouldn’t do that.
You accepted the hits in silence, waiting for it to be over so he could drive you back to the church. And from then, pretending nothing was wrong.
The familiar truck from the Russell was parked outside your house the next day, when you finished your shift at the café. You almost didn’t notice it, because your father used to have one pretty similar. It wasn’t until you parked your car in front of your fence that you saw the familiar boy staring at you from the side of the truck.
Arvin was smoking, as always, and had a brow raised. He watched without saying anything as you got out of your car, getting ride of the ashes of the smoke. You took your time in grabbing your bag and closing your car – if your memory was right, it had been five days since you last saw Arvin, and it had just been a brief talking in the washing rooms. You had noticed he had something to say, but even if just two months ago you wouldn’t have had any problem talking about anything, now he couldn’t find away.
He waited for you, not saying a word. You chose not to say anything about the bruise and swelling around his left eye, because if you talked, you were sure you would just burst crying. That day the preacher had been busy with a family, so he had given you the day free – which was why you were coming home so soon, and why Arvin and you were the only ones there.
As you left he keys on the kitchen table and your bag on the chair, Arvin closed the door behind him. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was staring.
“I was ‘ere yesterday” he announced, his voice echoing the empty space. “Waited for you to come back, but your daddy told me you’re coming home later now”
“Longer shifts, you know” you took out the pan, ready to make dinner and avoid the conversation. “Leroy is having – “
“I came from the café, and it was closed” Arvin cut you off. “Is everythin’….?”
Arvin didn’t finish his question, and you felt bad because he wasn’t demanding an explanation – he was just worrying. You kept moving things around for dinner as Arvin understood you weren’t going to talk. There was a suspicious wet feeling on your eyes, and a lump on your throat. The previous day the preacher had been particularly rough, not just with his belt, but with his words. And when you thought about Arvin, about how good he was, you wondered if they were true. If you didn’t deserve him.
Instead of giving up, Arvin walked around the kitchen aisle. Unknown to you, it hadn’t been the first day he had come to look for you. Since Lenora’s death he had kept his distance, too busy in his own grief to notice that you were no longer asking him to pick you up. He blamed himself, for the argument in the graveyard two days before her death and for not being there. So busy, that he didn’t know where his girl was spending her nights away.
He didn’t want you to think he was accusing you, because he would trust you with his eyes closed. But after asking around for a while, he discovered you were spending more and more time with the preacher, and that you didn’t smile as brighter as before. Now that he was finally alone with you, he couldn’t let it go.
“Y/N” he called you, putting a hand over yours and stopping the torture over the poor tomato. “I just wan’ to talk with you. I know she was your friend too, and I’m sorry I wasn’ here before”
“It’s fine, Arvin” you said. You didn’t look at him, nor shook his hand off. With the knife midway of cutting the tomato, you didn’t move. “Sorry for not… being there too”
“No, that’s my fault, darlin’” Arvin finally rounded your body and leant his head against your shoulder. “Can I treat you dinner? I’ve savin’ up for a bit”
“I can’t, I have to – “
You interrupted yourself with a pained whine and scrambled away from Arvin, almost having forgotten how bad your back hurt. The look of pure terror on his face decomposed you whole. In just two seconds, the knife had fallen to the ground and the tomato had rolled away, and Arvin looked like he had touched ice. He was pale, with his arms still open in a mid-hug and staring at you with wide eyes.
The house was silent for a long minute, while tears welled up in your eyes. Arvin looked lost, as if he could just vanish in thin air, but he collected himself well enough to help you up and sit you on the kitchen’s stool, that creaked under your weight.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, not moving his hand from your shoulder. He knelt in front of you and made you meet his eyes. “You can tell me anythin’, pretty girl”
“It hurts” you cried to him, finally saying out loud. “It hurts when I sit, or when I drive. And – and when I sleep too. I just don’t want it to hurt anymore”
“What hurts?”
“The belt”
Somehow, Arvin knew what you were talking about, and lifted your shirt with such soft and caring hands that you heart broke a little more. He asked permission with his eyes before doing anything, and reassured you when you whined in pain. Eventually, the brown blouse you had been wearing for your shift at the café came out, Arvin lifting your arms and passing it through your head.
He left it on the table, and turned you around so that he could look properly at it. The poor wrapped bandages you managed to apply by yourself came out easily as you cried into your hands. One by one, they came apart under Arvin’s skilled fingers, who made a pile of them on the floor. Even if you didn’t see his face, you had a vague idea what it looked like. In that moment, you understood that what the preacher was doing wasn’t right – because you couldn’t talk about it to Arvin without feeling embarrassment and self-pity crawl through your throat.
“I’m so stupid, Arvin” you broke the silence, as Arvin feather touch ran down your back. “I can’t – I can’t get most of the words… They are, a-all the same. And… and…”
You turned around to look at Arvin, and didn’t see any of the reject you had expected from what the preacher had told you. There wasn’t even an inch of anger, at least you thought it wasn’t directed at you. When he met your eyes, there was just worry and love for you, and such a sadness and pain that probably matched yours.
Arvin cupped your face delicately and pressed his lips in the corner of your mouth, catching a falling tear. He kissed your face as many times as the belt had fell on you the previous day, until his own tears were staining your cheeks. Between kisses, Arvin learned about you learning to read with the preacher, about your thought of not being worthy of him and a bunch of other words that made him hold you tighter.
Your bare chest ended up colliding with Arvin’s, and his arms wrapped around your back without touching any bruise. He held your head close as he shook with emotions, and shushed any attempt of apology from you.
“I’ll fix it” Arvin promised you, once the tears were over and you were just holding each other. “I’ll fix it”
“But it was my fault, Arv, he –“
“He fuckin’ beat you. Nothin’ you could have done deserved it” he caressed your hair, and you felt at ease for a long time in a long time. “I swear I’m gonna make ‘im regret every second, a’right?”
“He said I was no good for you” you confessed, hugging him tighter. “I don’t – I have never gone to school and you – you deserve…”
“Hey” he brought your face out and gave you a soft smile. “You’re coming home with me now, and I’m gonna make you forget bout him”
Arvin pressed his lips against you, not minding the awkward position you were in.  The kiss was slow and lovely, and you hadn’t notice how much you had missed him until that moment. He kissed you again and again, making sure you weren’t going to disappear from his grasp, and repeating how much he loved you every time his lips weren’t on you. You two held each other for a little longer, until the sun disappeared completely from the sky and the time when your parents came home was close.
Then, he helped you put on your blouse again, wincing every time his eyes landed on your back, and walked with you to his car. You two drove to his house, his grandma in bed and his granduncle away, which left the whole place for you. It wasn’t like that weekend where everything started – you couldn’t say you were the same person as then, but Arvin loved you even more. He let you sleep on his bed, and he held you through the night until you fell asleep.
Once you had closed your eyes, you didn’t notice anything else. You didn’t notice Arvin barely containing his rage anymore, and getting up to get the gun he had gotten for his birthday. He pressed his lips against your forehead and jumped through the window as you slept, getting into his car.
Arvin Russell didn’t get to pull the tigger that night. When he arrived to the church, he saw the preacher bidding farewell to a young girl, and he waited. Waited until he was alone, and decided that a man like that didn’t deserve the mercy to die. Waited, and then he fell on him in the dark night and left him trembling and bloody, crying out in pain each time Arvin brought his fist on his face. He heard the cracking of the ribs, his nose breaking, and the pathetic sobs the preacher was begging with. Arvin left him unconscious on the woods, with no memories of what had happened.
That day, Arvin broke two knuckles and sprained his wrist. The preacher was sent to the hospital and, out of fear, never put a foot on Knockemstiff again. And you healed, physically and mentally, while Arvin taught you how to read. Loving you every step of the way.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Moving On
General Audiences
Gen, with some background Staja and Jlaire
Everyone seems to be moving on after the battle against Bellroc. Douxie seems to be the only one who can’t
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32747662
Or read under the cut
Jim had the chance to fix it all—to go back in time and keep everything from happening.
And he chose not to.
He said they had to soldier on. To carry the burden, respect the dead. He’d destroyed the time stone.
Douxie knew, in his heart of hearts, that he was right. That time travel would only bring more heartache—he knew that from experience. He knew that meddling with time was a bad idea. He knew that knowing the future was a responsibility, he knew that you couldn’t just “fix” everything. Jim was doing the right thing.
But JIM hadn’t lost everything.
Jim still had his girlfriend.
Jim still had his mother.
Jim still had Blinky, and AAARRRGH!!!.
Jim had lost Strickler, yes. And he’d lost his best friend. He hadn’t made it out unscathed, Douxie knew that. He knew he had no right to be angry at Jim for his choice, his RIGHT choice.
That didn’t make it any better.
That didn’t stop the raging, sick feeling in Douxie’s stomach as he thought about a future without Archie. Without Nari—even though he’d only been with the demigod a year or so, she was FAMILY. He’d put off his feelings for the fight—he’d moved on fast because he’d had to move on fast—but those feelings were catching up to him.
Claire was comforting Jim. Douxie stumbled away from the scene.
It wasn’t fair.
Krel and Aja hadn’t lost anyone—in fact, they’d gained about 7 someones. Good for them—at least they’d gotten out of this unscathed.
Jim and Claire had lost their friend. Jim had lost Strickler. But they still had others, their families.
Douxie had lost everything.
He still had Claire, of course, and Jim, and Steve.
But he’d never been their top priority—Jim and Claire had each other, and Steve had Aja, and Eli. And that had been FINE, he didn’t NEED to be everyone’s top priority. He’d had Archie and Nari, and he’d made them HIS top priority. And he’d been theirs.
But now?
Now, he’d lost them.
Nobody seemed to notice him go. They were mourning Toby. Of course they were mourning Toby, of course they SHOULD mourn Toby. It wasn’t fair to put his feelings over theirs—this wound was fresh. Of course they should have time to grieve. That was only fair.
Fair, fair, fair, fair.
Nothing was fair.
When he was far enough that he wouldn’t disrupt their mourning, Douxie finally gave out. He collapsed to his knees with a scream, a burst of magic breaking anything nearby that the titan hadn’t already destroyed. He pounded one fist into the ground, his vision blurring with tears and blue magic.
And he’d lost others, too, some time ago, but the new grief brought up old loss.
His parents, who he’d never known.
It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!
Douxie punched the ground again. His knuckles slammed into broken glass and stone, but he didn’t care. He screamed out a sob, pressing his arms to his stomach, bent over double. Magic was emotion—and his was out of control. Blasts of energy were pulsing out of him in random bursts, clearing the area of rubble.
The magic and screaming faded to ugly, heaving, sobs.
No one had noticed.
No one had come to see where he’d gone.
Nobody noticed that he was hurting, too. That his whole life had been torn to shreds in the last 18 hours, and there was no fixing it.
Well, there had been a chance to fix it. But even that chance was gone, now.
Douxie would have given it all up—his staff, Merlin’s approval, everything—to see Archie and Nari again.
But he didn’t have that option.
The funeral passed in a blur. When his friends asked what happened to his hand, Douxie shrugged and said it must have happened in the fight. Everyone cried when they talked about Toby. About Strickler. Even Nomura got a few tears. Everyone cried for Archie and Nari.
Everyone but Douxie.
He didn’t think he could.
They asked if he wanted to say a few words for them, since he’d been the closest to them.
He couldn’t do that, either.
That would mean accepting that they were gone.
Archie wasn’t even dead. He just had to find him, he just had to—
“Douxie?” Claire took his bandaged hand. “You know we’re here, right? You don’t have to do this alone.”
Right. But he was alone. Archie had been there for him before—Archie had been his confidante, Archie had been the one he’d brought his feelings to. Archie.
Douxie clutched Claire’s hand so tight the tips of her fingers turned white. “You can—Archie’s not dead, you can find him. We can portal in, we can—”
“Douxie—Douxie, we can’t. The den is protected against my magic. Remember?”
He turned desperately to Krel. “The wormhole—they wouldn’t know to protect against that, you can open up a wormhole into it, then, right?!”
But Krel was shaking his head, too, “Not without coordinates—which we don’t have. I can’t lock in on feelings like Claire can.
If Nari had been here, her empathy magic would have been able to find coordinates.
But Nari wasn’t here.
And neither was Archie.
Jim wandered over, wiping his eyes. “Douxie. I’m sorry. I know you lost people, too.”
That didn’t even begin to cover it, but Douxie nodded and said thank you, and left.
The world went on.
Everyone else seemed to be moving on.
They had a memorial service every anniversary.
Jim, Barbara, and Claire brought flowers to the graveyard every weekend. Douxie planted some live ones on the empty grave that marked Nari’s date of death and let them grow wild.
It was what she would have wanted.
Everyone else seemed to keep going.
They went to work.
They finished school.
The learned to laugh again.
Everyone but Douxie.
Douxie scoured Merlin’s grimoire for clues that could bring Nari back—bring back Nari, bring back Archie with a wormhole. Easy. But there were none.
So he raided what was left of the bookstore. He read and read and read until he was sick of words, until his eyes were strained and he couldn’t see far away anymore.
But there wasn’t anything in the bookstore, either.
He moved on to the Camelot libraries.
He forgot to eat most days. Even on the days Jim showed up and cooked for him, Claire would clear away untouched plates.
And who needed sleep anyway?
Years passed. Years. He’d made it halfway through the Camelot library.
Except he couldn’t summon the energy to climb the library ladder anymore. He brought books down from the top shelves with magic, and discovered it was easier. So he stayed at his table, magic cycling books through.
He had to tie his hair back in ponytails and braids to keep it out of his face. The blue color had faded out of it, leaving it its natural black.
He missed Jim and Claire’s wedding, despite the fact that it took place a few doors away.
He missed Steve and Aja’s children growing up.
But he’d waited 900 years for Merlin. Surely he could work at least that long on getting Archie and Nari back.
Some days, he broke down and threw books across the room, angry at himself, at the Order, at Archie and Nari.
Other days, he’d stare at the wall for hours at a time, his magic waiting to clear away books he wasn’t reading.
Some days, he ran through the empty halls of Camelot, sure he’d seen Archie’s tail whipping around a corner. Sure he’d seen a flash of green.
He never really had.
On those days, he couldn’t make it back to the library. He’d collapse in the hallway, trying to summon enough energy to get up and keep going.
It was on one of those days that a shadow portal opened underneath him, dumping him neatly on a couch. Claire was waiting, her arms crossed. When had she gotten so mature and beautiful? And when had Jim, who was standing next to her, gotten so tall?
“Enough,” Claire snapped.
Jim put a hand on her shoulder. “What Claire is trying to say,” he said gently, “Is we’re worried about you. We have been for a while.”
“We were giving you time,” Blinky said quietly, “Time passes differently for wizards and trolls than for humans. We thought if we gave you a few years, tried to support you, you’d move on. Like the rest of us have—even AAARRRGH!!! But you cannot go on like this.”
Looking at the troll made a revelation drop on Douxie’s head. “I’ve been looking in the wrong place! Blinky, I need all of your books, I need to find out how to get into a troll market without the bridge, there is a way, I just—”
“NO!” Claire yelled, “No more research! No more books! Stop! Just… stop.” Her voice broke. “Douxie, you’re not okay. You’ve wasted away, and you can hardly walk. You don’t sleep. You don’t eat. You just read, and read, and read, and for WHAT?! Archie and Nari wouldn’t want you to waste your life like this!”
“I’m fine!” he protested.
Claire swiveled a makeup mirror towards him. “Look at yourself! Do you look fine?!”
Douxie stared at the reflection. It was a stranger. Claire and Jim had gotten older, had changed.
He’d stayed the same age.
But he’d changed, too.
His face was pale, gaunt, cheeks sunken in. The shadows under his eyes had always been prominent, but now they were so dark Claire could probably use them to make portals. His hair had gotten long, and dull.
And his eyes.
They were desperate. Tired. Strained.
And so, so sad.
Claire sat down next to him, taking his hands. “Archie and Nari are gone, Douxie,” she said, her voice cracking again, “Toby’s gone, Strickler’s gone, Nomura’s gone—we get it. It hurts. But they’re dead, and they’re not coming back. It doesn’t matter how much you destroy your health. It doesn’t matter how many nights you stay up, how many meals you skip, how many books you read. They aren’t coming back. You can’t keep going on like this. You said you hoped Archie would be happy. Don’t you think he’d want you to do the same?”
And Douxie finally broke down crying.
He hadn’t cried like this since the day it had all gone wrong. Since he’d first realized that he was alone.
He sobbed into Claire’s shoulder, ugly, heaving sobs that made his chest hurt. He cried all of the tears he couldn’t cry at the funerals. He cried all of the tears he’d held in on frustrating nights when he’d nearly given up. He cried until he didn’t have any tears left.
And Claire let him. She hugged him tightly—she’d gotten older. His student had become an adult. And he’d missed it. He’d missed so much.
“What—what do I do now?” he hiccupped, “They’re gone—and if I can’t get them back, what do I do?”
Jim put a hand on his shoulder. “The same thing we all did, the same thing we should have helped you do at the beginning, instead of letting you go this far alone, the same thing we’re going to help you do now. Shoulder the burden. Heal. And move on.”
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The Only Exception
Am I capable of writing anything fluffy without angst? No I don’t believe I am. Anyway here’s some Ushijima love! A big thank you to Noodles and Pies whom without this story would never have left drafts. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate you.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, this isn’t exactly fluffy so prepare yourself and I hope you enjoy!
You'd sworn to yourself at an early age that you'd never fall in love. After watching your mother and father fight for years until the birth of your sister and your father having an affair every 2 years or so, you had decided it wasn't worth it. Then you’d met her and she made you think maybe love could be something more, something beautiful. But you were vividly reminded why you kept those walls up, why you guarded your heart so closely. 
You were reminded again a few years later, after finding out that all those late nights that kept your father at “work” and all those odd jobs were actually another affair. It wasn’t the first time, not by a long shot but you were old enough now to realize not only what he had done to your mother but to you as well. While he was out “living his life” and “working late” you were left at home to raise your sister. A position you’d been forced to take that was met with resistance and hatred from the very one you’d done your best to take care of while still being a kid yourself.      
Your mother, who had been working the graveyard shift, had done her best with what she had, but at her age pulling all nighters wasn't exactly an easy feat. You didn't blame her, you couldn’t. Not when you'd seen her and held her as she cried when she felt she had failed you as a parent and the guilt when she had to take a nap just so she could function. Your heart ached for her and raged at him. You’d seen what love could do to someone first hand and decided with renowned resolution that you wanted nothing to do with it.
That’s why starting at Shiratorizawa on a cheerleading scholarship, didn’t worry you. While your team would gush and rave about all the attractive men on the boys volleyball team you couldn't care less. Nice to look at, yet dangerous to touch, like a fire, give it the chance and it would burn you alive.
That didn't stop you from making friends though, you quickly found peace with Tendou Satori, the infamous “Guess-Monster” whose most monstrous trait in your opinion was that he loved too hard. Despite what meeting the red head led to, which at the start was the worst thing that could ever happen, you'd thank him for this one day. He introduced you to his best friend and dorm mate Ushijima Wakatoshi, who before getting close to Tendou was just another member of the volleyball team. 
You enjoyed his company, where Tendou was as loud and bright as the sun, Ushijima was quiet and calm like the moon. A perfect balance of excitement and security, spontaneity and familiarity. You would grow just as close to Ushijima as you had Tendou, if not closer. Slowly you’d let them in, not fully, but not at arms length either, within the year, they became people you relied on, your chosen family. The next year only furthered those feelings, cementing them a place in your life for better or for worse.
One night as the three of you had a sleepover, which was pretty much a weekly occurrence since the middle of second year, you and Ushijima stayed up for hours. The usually quiet and stoic man opened up to you, telling you his story. How he watched his parents slowly fall out of love, the way that had altered his views on life at a young age, and how his mother had wanted to change his left handedness, but at his fathers insistence, ultimately relented and the story his father had told him that shaped him into the player, and man he was today. 
In turn you told him everything you had kept to yourself for so long. From the way you'd grown up, to the grand reveal your father had given you, the truth on how everything had actually affected you. How you had become your family's backbone, that while your mother and sister broke down, you had held strong, giving them the time to grieve that you'd never had. Emptying your soul to him in a way you never thought yourself capable of, but you know what they say about conversations after midnight.
You two never brought up what you’d spoken of that night but something in your relationship had immeasurably shifted. You’d find yourself seeking his presence, even when you were surrounded by your friends and team. You, of course still spent most of your free time with Tendou, who’d become your brother in all ways but one, which usually meant Ushijima as well, but you found yourself having more alone time with him. Not that either of you minded, you typically used this time to finish your homework in peace ( you loved Tendou, truly, but he had nothing that even resembled an attention span for anything other than volleyball and the latest edition of Shonen Jump). 
On the weekends you two would find yourselves just walking around the city, you talking about everything that had gone on in the past week and him listening intently chiming in at the appropriate intervals, occasionally providing advice or just a different perspective on any predicaments you may have ended up in. These sessions ended as they usually did, with a hug but you didn’t notice, not consciously anyway, that they would linger longer and longer as time went on, and that saying goodnight was harder. If you did, you would just brush the thought aside because of course it sucked that he had to go, he was one of your closest friends, it was only natural. 
You probably could’ve lived in your little bubble of denial the rest of your life if not for Tendou who, bless his heart, was just trying to help. 
“When were you going to tell me about you and Ushijima?” he’d asked one day out of the blue.
“What do you mean?” You looked over at him from your place on the floor, eyes borrowed in confusion.
“I mean like when were you going to tell me you liked him?”
You laughed, ignoring the way your chest tightened, “You’re seeing things Tendou, nothing is going on between me and Ushi. we’re friends just like you and me, like we've always been.” The red head looked at you for a moment, almost like he was contemplating something.
“Y/N, I love you darling, truly I do, but you are full of shit. Either tell him how you feel or let him go, you’re my friend but so is he. Neither of you deserve to have your heart broken.”
“You can’t break something that was never whole to begin with, besides, like I told you, there's nothing going on.” You changed the subject quickly after that trying to ignore the nagging voice in your head that agreed with Tendou. But the door had already been opened, and deep down, you knew he was right.
It was like a switch flipped in your mind, the late night calls and texts, the sleepless nights you spent helping him study and practicing with him. The way your heart would flutter when his hand would accidentally brush yours and the way you’d found yourself melting into his embrace when he would hug you. For a fleeting moment you were elated, but just as quickly it was replaced with dread, anxiety, and fear. You couldn’t- no you wouldn’t allow yourself to admit it. 
You would like to convince yourself that you were not ignoring Ushijima, that you were just busy. Exams were coming up so you had to study, and if it just so happened that you remember this fact every time he entered the room well it was just a coincidence. You started avoiding Tendou as well, the look in his eyes, a feeling you couldn’t, and frankly didn't want to name made you feel worse and there was nothing he could say that would change your mind. 
Everything was going perfectly according to plan, ignore Ushijima and Tendou until graduation and then you’d be off the college, Tendou to Paris and Ushijima would be a pro volleyball player like he had always wanted. The distance would hurt, but the alternative in your mind was much, much worse. At least for about a week, you should've known your luck wouldn't hold out as when you got back to your dorm, Ushijima was waiting for you.
And there you have it folks! And yes there will be a part 2 so please don’t come for me with pitchforks and torches.
Taglist: @pies-writes-and-more @thisnoodlewritesao3
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darklightmiwxo · 3 years
Mcr history
This is MCR history it is long and in details. This is different since I'm adding many details that not many people know. Hopefully you will enjoy this. I worked hard on this. These I found in websites,videos,fandoms,MCR magazines,etc. From baby to today but by dates.
[B]Babies/young kids:
[I]Gerard way/Mikey way :
Gerard Way was born on April 9th 1977 in New Jersey. He is half Italian. He later on had a back problem that affected him for the rest of his life (scoliosis) Gerard is allergic to cats. Mikey way was born September 10th 1980. Gerard and Mikey were very close to each other. They became best friends. Gerard and Mikey couldn't go outside and play with other kids since new jersey was very dangerous with murders and kidnapping happening often so Gerard and Mikey would just play with each other. Ms Way said that when Gerard ran mikey try to learn to walk but instead he try to run but he fell on his face. Gerard and Mikey grandma help them get into art she would give them papers and markers for them to use.
Here is baby Gerard and mikey:
[I]Frank iero:
Frank was born on October 31 1981 in New Jersey. Who has Italian in his blood. Frank was a only child. His parents divorced when he was very young.Frank's dad and grandfather played drums in their own band. Frank went to the hospital a lot and had lots of health problems he had ear infections, broncadus and he has a weak immune system he also had asma. Frank became a vegetarian when he found out about animals getting killed so he decided to not eat meat anymore.
Frank visited his dad only in the weekends he would take him to bars so Frank would watch him play. Frank's mom was poor she couldn't even buy milk which was said by Frank.
[I]Ray toro:
Ray toro was born on July 15 1977 in New Jersey. He is Puerto Rican. He has 2 older brothers. Ray couldn't go outside to play with kids since new jersey was too dangerous.
[I]Gerard way/Mikey way:
Gerard and Mikey went to the same schools. Gerard would often draw since he loved to draw. Gerard and Mikey often share music to each other. Gerard was bullied badly at school that he had to change school. Gerard joined to be part of a play at his new school he was Peter Pan. He sang his part on stage. Later on middle school started and Gerard and Mikey stayed in the same school but they both deal with bullying.
[I]Frank Iero:
Frank was bullied often at school. He went to hospitals often still. He is very close to his mother. Frank's father made Frank try to plays some drums but he didn't want to play drums he wanted to play guitar so they gave him a guitar he played a few notes. frank self taught himself.
[I]Ray toro:
His older brother knew how to play guitar he would often give CDs for Ray to hear. His brother taught him how to play guitar and Ray learned guitar.
[I]Gerard Way:
Gerard Way learned to play a little bit of guitar. he gotten really good at drawing. He joined a band in high school but he got kicked out for not playing a song they wanted. He also wasn't good at guitar. So Gerard and a friend of him made a comic book together. But some how they couldn't sell it in a comic book store. Gerard spread all summer copying another art style of another comic book but soon he made his own style. Gerard was still bullied at school.
[I]Mikey way:
he dreamed to be in a band and it was always his dream.
[I]Frank Iero:
Frank played guitar well he would often get beaten up at school. Frank created a band called pencey prep with his school friends.
[I]Ray Toro:
Ray toro became a pro guitarist he learned to play metallica songs.
[B]Young Adults:
He went to art school after he finished high school. They taught him some things. Gerard met a friend who introduce him to Ray Toro. Gerard art did well that he worked for cartoon network to make a tv show. Gerard was drawing for a show He was working on a show called the breakfast monkey show. Gerard and Ray made a song together for the show. The intro of the song. On September 11th 2001 Gerard went to New York for a final meeting for the tv show. On his way to the meeting he saw a plane hit a tower. Then another plane hit the other tower. Gerard watched people around him cry and with fear but Gerard said he didn't sad. He was afraid of what was going to happen to the world he though are you happy where your life is right now. Is this really important. So the meeting was canceled. Gerard went home and wrote the first MCR song "Skylines and turnstiles". Gerard met Oliver who worked at a bar he was his friend and he often chatted with him. Gerard asked him if he could be part of his band he was making.
[I]Ray toro:
Gerard called him. Ray haven't seen Gerard for a while since Gerard was always in his house avoiding human contact. He asked Ray if he could be part of his band. He told him to come over to check out what they were making he didn't have to join but he wanted him to come over. So Ray went over to Oliver's house. Gerard showed him the song he was making Ray joined the band.
[I]Mikey Way:
Mikey heard of gerards band. He heard their music and he loved it that he took bass classes and joined the band.
[I]Gerard way:
The band created a few songs then they went to eyeball records they were outside their door and they asked them if they could be signed they gave them their music for the label to hear. The label loved it so they signed them. A radio host who was there heard of the band and he said he will put them on the radio which he did and it gain them fans.
The band didn't have a name.
Gerard and Mikey worked in Barnes and novel. Gerard worked in the music area while mikey worked in the book area. Mikey one day looked behind a book and the reviews said tales of chemical romance so mikey thought what if you put my in front of it. Mikey told Gerard his idea and Gerard loved it he thought it fit the band with their music and the band in general.
[I]Frank iero:
Frank worked on a album for pencey prep once he was done they sign with eyeball record and started to do tours. Frank once went to a party and he saw a woman fighting with another woman she punch the girls face. Frank fell in love with the girl that girls name was jamia.
Frank heard of MCR since the label would gave random CDs to the bands part of the label. Frank said we often hear Mcr demos in the car when we go around town to do shows.
[B]Bullet era:
Gerard went to a bar with mikey and Alex from eye ball. They went for a drink. Gerard saw pencey prep playing their show. Gerard Said he was amazed by Frank who was destroying the stage with the energy he had he looked like he was playing for thousands of people and that was what the band needed. Gerard knew they needed a new guitarist since he couldn't play guitar. He met the kid and they became friends.
Pencey prep would often travel to many states in a podcast Frank said that pencey prep would work on their music in each other's parents basement. They rented a building in a warehouse which was shared with other bands they knew mcr during this time. They would play music in a small room in that place even one of the band members live in that place with some other band member of a different band. One day one of the members of pencey prep broken down the wall of the room they played in to make it bigger since it was 2 separated room they made it to one big room and that is where mcr did their album and other bands pencey prep invited. Gerard and Frank painted in that room together at night and the chemicals of the paint had made both Gerard and Frank high. They later on blame that another band that run a party and made a big mess broken down the wall and lying saying that they didn't actually break it. They did get away with it.
*casual interactions on YouTube podcast*
Later on Pencey prep tour with Thursday and MCR. MCR was poor but Frank was nice enough to let them use the back stage room.
MCR played a few shows and gain fans. The radio host said fans were obsessed with vampires will never hurt you.
They often ask him to play it.
MCR were recording bullets but Gerard had a teeth problem and also anxiety. His tooth hurt him so much he would hit his head on the wall,bang his head on a car hood and he would cry and scream so badly that he often went to the hospital. He also had fear. He was going to give up he said "I can't do this anymore" the producer yelled and slapped his face to get his shit together and do the recording. Gerard later on got surgery on his tooth.
Pencey prep broken up
[B]I am a graveyard
Frank's band that didn't go as great as pencey prep. Only three members of pencey were in this band and one of the members of pencey left. They played a few shows but then they broken up.
Gerard asked Frank if he could join the band since they needed a guitarist and Ray couldn't play every guitar part. Frank said yes you guys are my fave band. MCR created have already created a few songs without Frank but 3 songs on bullets had Frank in it. Like early sunset over Manhattan for example. Ray and Frank said their ways are different Ray was more the metal kid while Frank was the punk rock kid but it worked. Frank could play parts Ray couldn't play and Ray played parts Frank couldn't play.
I brought you my bullets you brought me your love was released in 2002. The radio host played the album on the radio. MCR opened for Thursday,taking back Sunday. Fans loved MCR and they gain fans. Soon MCR traveled outside the state's Gerard and mikeys grandma brought them a van for tour.
The band went on tour as they played for fans in small venues. Even the place was too small for the fans since many people wanted to see them. Brian their tour manager made Gerard meet the used. He met bert and thought he was crazy but they later on became good friends
(Very good friends they became boyfriends)
Gerard started drinking and doing drugs with bert. Frank and jamia became girlfriends and boyfriends. MCR were poor they didn't have much food or clothes. They said they were used to a hungry stomach. But other bands were kind enough to give food and clothes to them. Their album didn't make it to record stores. So fans didn't have a way to buy the CD it was limited. MCR didn't even have merch to sell. Gerard made his own merch called thank you for the venom.
MCR became more popular.
Gerard was sexually confused
In 2003 there was a party mcr attempted. This was planned. It was filmed.
Frank was with Gerard and jamia next to him.
A guy was fighting Gerard. Frank fighted the guy to protect Gerard he ran after the guy but Ray stopped him.
Gerard and bert tour together and they made a song.
[B]Revenge era:
Gerard and mikeys grandma died. Which affected the band they made a song for her.
Warner brothers wanted to sign MCR but they rejected many labels they soon said yes to them. The band gotten a tour bus.
They had a producer named Howard who helped them create a album the band would create something and they think he will like it but he hated it he told them what is this going to be, what are you saying. They soon made songs he would like.
Once the album was done they kicked out Oliver when they finished the bullet tour. They kicked him out for not playing well he didn't want to use drum beats. He mess up often when playing so they kicked him out. They gotten Bob who he played in other bands as a dj and they didn't know he could play drums. Bob is from Chicago. He was all about tech and that is what the band needed. He joined the band.
Gerard was on his worst of the drugs and achohol that it made him sick he was very depressed and suicidal they were going to finish the album when Gerard was going for a walk and he wasn't seen for 2 days Frank was asking for help for people to find him.
Gerard was found.
Gerard said he did men favors for cocaine.
(Gerard and Frank started to be more than just friends they became boyfriends. Frank was a swinger so he had both Gerard and jamia. She seem ok with it because if she wasn't Frank wouldn't date Gerard. This is part for the frerard shipper)
Three cheers for sweet revenge was release they started touring. They went to Europe and Japan. While in Japan Gerard was getting worst he was throwing up so much. He once throw up for 45 mins then he said he was done.
Gerard became clean.
Their first music video was made it was I'm not okay and they gotten popular the shows gotten bigger they played in bigger venues and outdoor concert places.
MCR were always dirty they couldn't shower for many days and they smelled bad their clothes were always dirty. They toured with fall out boy for a while even Jimmy eat world and other bands. They were nominated in the vma.
The album gotten awards later on.
They did a world tour.
Gerard gotten a girlfriend named Ellie (aka the crazy fan)
[B]The black parade era:
The band were done touring they created some songs in the tour bus (I don't love you,teenagers) they wanted to stay in a cheap house. So they stayed in a haunted mansion. Mikey said he was feeling lost and depressed when they were on their way to L.A and the haunted house was making his problems bigger. The mansion name is called the paramour house. There were rumors of ghost and the place being haunted. Celebs would stay there often to make music or work.
They stayed there for 6 months.
Mikey didnt want to stay in the room upstairs so he stay on gerards floor. He often sneak from the bathroom to sleep on the floor next to Gerard. Some friends of theirs ask who had one of the rooms which was where Mikey was suppose to stay in and Gerard looked at Mikey in a joke kinda way but Mikey didn't want to say it. Frank stayed in a room away from the other rooms, Rumor said that the actor of friends ran out the room screaming. Plus a singer made a song with a ghost. Frank said the room was fine but he heard stuff that he thought was a raccoon and he said if it's actually a ghost she has a bad voice. Water would often suddenly start in bobs room. While they often hear door slamming and saw a few ghost around. Gerard was going crazy he was writing words on the wall. Ray was playing a random song that Gerard was mad at him for not playing a song for MCR. Ray played the song really fast since he was very stressed. Mikey left the house to see a therapist he was seeking help for his mental health. But he would come to the mansion to record songs. All the band had a problem with depression,anxiety,self doubt,and stress trama. The band often hear door slams and Mikey said he saw a few ghosts. Bob said in a interviews for the alternative press book that the band often had family breakfast. They played music in the ball room. Bob said we have a support room we would put up notes if we have a problem and we would talk about it. One day Bob went to rays room and he saw Ray brushing his teeth he was shaking. He asked him what happened and Ray said he saw a old lady ghost walking down the stairs.
Gerard gotten ideas he showed his idea to the band and they use it they recorded songs. One day they were trying to finish the last song. The band went to get coffee. Gerard was left alone thinking of ideas when they band returned Gerard created the song. They were inspired by his words. The band quickly left the mansion they were tired of it. They gotten a apartment that they stayed in for a while. The black parade album was made. Soon they started to tour. They first open up for muse in their concert in the U.K they were the first American band to play in that arena then they brought muse to tour with them in america.
They made a music video for famous last words but frank knocked Gerard which tore the muscle of his foot that he had to use a cane. There is fire in the video that Bob burned his leg he got a 2nd degree burn and the burn infected his face area that it enter his blood and he went to the hospital it almost went to his brain thankfully they saved him.
One day the band were in virgina with muse. Frank didn't go out for dinner since he is vegetarian and Gerard slept over that day (hmm it seems like something else huh)
Ray,bob,and mikey had dinner with muse matt,chris,and dom. They gotten food poison by the restaurant that both bands were sick for many days.
When they went to the U.K they gotten hate by the British people since the news said that MCR is a cult leader because one MCR girl ended her life. They treated MCR badly but they didn't care they won over them.
Frank often was sick on tour.
Then project revelation (Gerard broken up with his girlfriend) they toured with mindless self indigent,linkin park,blink 182,and the killers. (The most gay era for Frank and Gerard)
Gerard falling love with lynz. He broken up with Frank. A month later he married her. The frerard fight happened.
(Rumor said that Ray saw Frank sobbing in the bathroom)
Frank broken his toes that he had a cane.
Frank married jamia.
Ray married his girlfriend.
Frank created leather mouth.
While Gerard was making his comic books since revenge. The Umbrella academy comic book gotten awards. And Gerard was working on doom patrol while making more umbrella academy books. Ray had a kidney failure.
Frank had to remove his wisdom teeth since it infected his mouth that it made his mouth and nose bleed. He also had stomach pains that he would take pills for it.
[B]Danger days era:
The band had children (gerard,frank,and ray)
The band thought they were running out of ideas. They made a song for a movie then they try to make conventional weapons but they gave up on it they scrap it and they then made the danger days album. Basic off Gerard ways comic book series danger days the true lives of the fabulous killjoys. The band became superheroes. Once they finished danger days they kicked Bob out over drama something to do with mikey cheating on his wife with another girl that Bob bullied him. Gerard kicked him out of the band. They gotten Michael who they made him the new drummer.
The band went on tour around the world.
Soon they finished touring they kicked out Michael for stealing in the band he was stealing band stuff.
Gerard decided to break up the band suddenly he didn't tell Frank
Frank didn't know about the break up so he was confused. Mikey divoide his wife.
[B]MCR broken up.
[B]During the break:
Frank created death spells in 2012 before the break up happened. Below I posted during the break wiki and Frank's band history wiki.
Frank created another band called Frank iero and the celebration.
Mikey was very depressed he taken drugs and he overdose in them that he was in a coma for many weeks. This also made Gerard depressed.
Gerard made solo music he created a album and was touring around places. He became a vegetarian.
Ray toro made solo music he created his own album.
Mikey joined a band called electric century.
Bob became a real estate agent also a plane flyer.
In 2017 Frank created another band called Frank iero and the patience.
Gerard worked more on his comic books.
Mikey married his girlfriend.
Ray was unknown in this era.
Frank was touring around the world. he went to Australia his band were in the car of the parking lot in the airport when a bus ran the car over it pulled Frank a few miles away from the car the band went to the hospital. Frank broken his arm while everyone else broken their legs and arm. Frank can't play the same again so he can't jump around stage and play guitar for a long time if not his arm will hurt he did not have surgery. Gerard,Ray, and Mikey went to Frank's show. Once a year mcr would bring their wife and kids and have a barbeque together to talk about plans.
In 2018
Gerard was working on the umbrella academy tv show and his other umbrella academy book. Plus more doom patrol stuff.
Mikey was making his own comic books also his wife had 2 kids by this time.
Frank created a new band Frank iero and the future violents his album barriers came out may 2019. Gerard release the umbrella academy tv show plus his other umbrella academy books.
Mikey release more comic books for collapser.
Ray collab with Gerard with 2 songs for the umbrella academy. They are cover songs.
On Oct 31 2019,
Frank's birthday was happening and fans said happy birthday to him. Frank then said it's raining outside today I can't do nothing today so we have to do something else. Then Frank tease a image he was the first one to say mcr returned then the other band members did it too. So MCR reunion happened MCR is back on Halloween
On Dec 20 2019,
It was the first MCR show since the break up in California 2019.
Now in 2020 MCR are touring now but due to the virus the band has to move some dates.
More dates will be added.
Gerard Way is working on season 2 of the umbrella academy tv show.
That's all of mcr history hopefully you readed all of this. Hopefully you enjoyed this. I will update this page if anything new happens. Check out the other wiki. If I forgotten anything I will add it here.
Here is info you can find for some of these.
There is another video I can't find but I saw it ages ago.
The other details I got them from the book in the first photo which you can get in the alt press website it's cheap but they got stuff in there about the band.
Please check out the wiki below they are part of mcr history too.
Thanks for having the patience to read this wiki.
Please share it.
I will add pictures later to this wiki. This took me hours to make this.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
May I please have BNHA scenarios of how any characters you think would fit would dealing with a haunting with their paranormal loving partner? Thank you
A/N: I had so much fun writing these! I decided to do three characters: Twice, Mirko, and Todoroki. They’re all under the cut since it’s three different stories. I hope you enjoy!
Dealing with a Haunting (Twice, Mirko, and Todoroki x Paranormal Loving!Reader)
Warning: Mentions of scary Halloween themes like death and murder related to the huantings.
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
“Hey Jin!” You skip up to your boyfriend with an innocent smile on your face. It was always the best way to get his guard down if you had to ask him for something. Not that it was hard to get him to go along with your ideas anyway. He could never resist doing things for the people he cared about. “I finally decided what I want for my birthday.”
“Really? What is it?” He perks up at your words, eager to find out what it was that would make you happy. “Took you long enough!”
You smile, knowing there was no reason to be offended by the second comment. He pulls you into a hug as you reach up to put a hand on each side of his face. Your touch reminds him that he has no reason to fear splitting apart. “I want to spend the night in a haunted hotel,” you tell him, causing him to go bug eyed for a moment.
“Uh uh! No Way!” he shakes his head before leaning in close, “anything for you, baby!” You smile victoriously. He would need no further convincing. He knew you loved anything paranormal, and there was no way he was going to let you go somewhere potentially dangerous by yourself.
An alarm on your phone alerts you once it is 3am on the night of your birthday. You hop off the hotel bed which was still perfectly made since you had no intention of sleeping. Your boyfriend, however, had drifted off in the room’s armchair in the middle of the movie you’d put on a few hours before.
“Jin, wake up!” You shake his shoulder and he wakes up with a startle. “It’s dead time! Let’s go!” You don’t wait for him to reply as you open up your suitcase to grab your flashlight and camera. You remember to hand Jin a mask to wear over his head so that he’d feel a little more confident.
“Are you sure about this?” He whispers as you both tiptoe out into the darkened hallway.
“Of course!” You assure him. “I’ve been wanting to come here for years! Thank you so much for doing this with me.” You lean toward him to give him a peck on the cheek before making your way down to the first floor of the hotel. Your footsteps echo around the stairwell and you feel Jin slip his hand into yours.
“Are you scared already?” you ask him in amusement.
“Oh course not!” He defends himself before puffing out his chest, “I’m your brave protector!” You laugh at his false bravado as you lead him toward the empty swimming pool.
“They say a pair of twins died in this pool,” you tell your boyfriend as you flick on your flashlight and let it illuminate the calm water in front of you. “Every year, on the same day as their death, people claim to hear the sound of children laughing and running around this area.” You turn around and give him your best creepy smile, “tonight is the 10 year anniversary.”
“Stop it,” Jin was definitely getting spooked now, “I don’t believe you.”
As soon as he muttered those words, you felt a small breeze brush past you both with the faint sound of a giggle floating through the air. You quickly reach for your camera, hoping to capture some evidence of what was happening, but Jin completely freaked out. He scoops you into his arms and runs as fast as he can from the pool area. Once you’re far enough away, he sets you down and takes your hand again. “Your story was real!” He gasps, “Let’s get out of here!” Jin takes you back to your room to get the rest of your stuff before checking out as fast as humanly possible.
 Mirko (Rumi Usagiyama)
You had been a fan of everything and anything paranormal since before you could remember. You had grown up watching all the different ghost hunting programs on TV and always found yourself watching live ghost cams in your free time. Over the years, you’d collected all sorts of gadgets like EMF readers, thermal cameras, and digital voice recorders. Recently, you had even started your own paranormal investigation website where you posted videos of your own ghost hunting adventures. It was the hobby you were most passionate about. When the Halloween season finally came around, you decided to a special vlog including your pro hero girlfriend, Mirko.
“Sorry, I know you’re into all the spooky stuff, but it’s not really my thing,” She flips her long silver hair over her shoulder before pointing a confident thumb to her chest. “I’ve literally made it my job not to be afraid of anything.” You let out a laugh at her predictable response.
“You don’t have to be scared,” you tell her. “I just thought it was something fun we could do to get into the Halloween spirit!” The rabbit hero puts a hand to her chin in thought before shrugging her shoulders.
“All right, I don’t see any harm in it,” she gives in quickly since, if nothing else, it was a chance to spend more time with you. She knew she’d made the right decision by the way your face had lit up with excitement. You both were thrill seekers, which is what had brought you two together in the first place.
What she hadn’t predicted at all, was that you would be dragging her to a graveyard on the night of Halloween. You’d set up some cameras around the area during the day, then went back with Mirko after the sun had set.
“What am I supposed to be looking for?” Mirko had the EMF reader in her hand as she followed you through the rows of headstones. It was a little chilly outside and she looked really cute bundled up in her fluffy coat and gloves.
“Supposedly, ghosts are able to effect magnetic frequencies,” you explain excitedly while scanning the area with your thermal camera. “The device you’re holding will let us know if there are any disturbances in the electromagnetic energy around here.”
“Right,” her intense red eyes glanced around the graveyard as if daring something to come set off the device.
“You know you can’t take down a spirit with brute force, right Rumi?” You ask her in amusement while continuing your walk among the headstones. A slight mist had started to form over the ground and the temperature of the air seemed to drop suddenly. The tiny machine in Mirko’s hand began emitting a high pitched whine that made the hero tense up and go on alert.
“What’s happening?” she asks urgently. She didn’t sound scared, just ready to go toe to toe with anything dangerous that might appear.
“Shhh,” you put a finger to your lips before grabbing your voice recorder. You hit the record button and start asking questions like “Is anyone there?” and “If there’s a spirit present, give us a sign.” The EMF reader goes silent again and you glance over at Mirko. Her eyes are wide and her fluffy rabbit ears are straight up in the air.
“Something just moved past me and touched my hair,” she whispers as a smirk grows on her face. Abruptly, she snatches the recorder out of your hand. “All right ghost!” She challenges, “You wanna play? You don’t know who you’re messing with!”
“Rumi!” You can’t help but laugh even though the things you were suddenly experiencing were really quite extraordinary.
“Point the camera over there,” Mirko suddenly points across the graveyard. “By that tree.”
“Oh!” You gasp when the thermal camera picks up on a patch of cold in the exact spot Mirko had indicated. How had she known? “There’s something over there!” Mirko looked victorious before bouncing off in that direction, going too fast for you to keep up thanks to her large bunny feet.
“This is going to be great for your website!” she calls out behind her but the cold spot on the camera disappeared before reached the tree. You shake your head in amusement, wondering if bringing your girlfriend had been a good idea after all. She was going to scare all the ghosts away.
“It’s gone now,” you call over to her. The disappointment in your voice brought Mirko back to your side in a flash.
“Don’t worry!” She promises while putting an arm around you, “We’re going to track down every single ghost in this graveyard, even if we have to stay out here all night!” For someone who’d said ghosts weren’t her thing, Mirko was sure getting into it.
Shoto Todoroki
Getting a pro hero to take a vacation was borderline impossible. You’d been begging your boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, to take some time off for years, but he was always reluctant to leave his job for more than a day or two at a time. You understood his need to be on standby in case of a major villain attack or big natural disaster. He hated the thought of not being there to save an innocent life or have the back of one of his fellow heroes. He still made sure to spend time with you every day, and you were content with taking small weekend trips with him when you could.
The routine had become familiar and comfortable, so it came as a huge shock to you when Todoroki showed up after work one day with two plane tickets in his hand. Not only were you going on an extended vacation with your boyfriend for the first time, but he’d also chosen New Orleans as the destination. You’d been dreaming of going there since you were a child. It was a city with a history full of vampires, witches, ghosts, and plenty of other supernatural entities. You were happy that your boyfriend had remembered, and surprised that he’d be willing to go along for the journey.
“I booked us a private tour at a haunted house tonight,” Shoto says causally as you unpack your bags at the first hotel. You look over at him in surprise. He was intently reading a brochure about the best ghost tours in the city.
“Are you sure you want to do that, Shoto?” You ask and he turns to look at you. “It might be really scary.”
“The ghosts don’t really exist,” he comes over and sits next to you on the bed. “But I think it’s an interesting way to learn about the history here.” If he was so sure, you weren’t going to try to change his mind. You were just happy that he was doing all this for you.
Once the tour started, you found yourself thankful that your boyfriend had paid for the private walkthrough. Some of the effect would have been lost if there’d been a huge group of people trying to squeeze through the dimly lit rooms and hallways. The tour guide was fantastic at setting the mood as well, explaining the stories of each haunting with just enough suspenseful flair.
“The previous owners of this house have reported repeatedly seeing a woman in a white dress standing by that window,” he explains. “They say she matches the description of a woman who died here, murdered by her lover who’d gone crazy after coming home from the war.”
At the beginning of the tour, Todoroki had curiously wandered around each room, investigating different items and asking questions. Now that you were deeper into the house though, he seemed less willing to stray too far from your side. You noticed he kept looking over his shoulder.
“Sometimes,” The tour guide continues, “When I’m closing up at night, I hear footsteps following me down this hallway even though I’m the only one here.”
“Really?” You ask, fascinated. “Have you ever seen anything?” You feel Shoto come up right behind you and put a hand on your waist.
“Yes!” The tour guide says dramatically, “I’ve often caught glimpses of a man’s face looking at me through mirrors or around corners.” The grip on your waist gets a little tighter.
“Are you okay, Shoto?” You ask, not understanding why he was being so clingy. It wasn’t like him at all.
“I’m fine,” he says but doesn’t let go of you.
“Oh!” The tour guide’s eyes suddenly go wide and he puts up his hands to ask for quiet. “Do you hear that?” You strain your ears and cover your mouth when the faint sound of a piano could be heard from somewhere nearby. The tour guide beckons you to follow him until you reach the room that was the source of the sound. You peek in the doorway and gasp when you see the keys of a grand piano playing by themselves.
“Look over there,” The tour guide suddenly whispers and you and Todoroki glance over to the corner of the room where a dark figure stood, barely visible in the shadows.
“Wow!” you were amazed but the grip your boyfriend had on you was almost getting uncomfortable now. You look up at him to see poorly concealed terror all over his face. You felt bad that he was reacting so badly so you took his hand into your own. “Most of it is tricks set up to excite the tourists,” you tell him to try and ease his fears.
The guide continues the tour after a moment but the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly come stomping down the hallway and move right past your small group. Todoroki’s eyes follow the sound as it fades out behind him. He actually starts to push you forward after that. “Please walk faster,” he tells you firmly.
You both were relieved when the tour was over. You’d enjoyed all the spooky experiences, but your poor boyfriend had not enjoyed even a moment of it. It was safe to say you wouldn’t be doing any more private haunted tours with him for the rest of the trip.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Dangerous Woman (R18+)
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Rating: Mature (AO3)
Pairing: Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) ft. tiny Armin x Annie (AruAni).
AU: Love Like This
Trope: One-night stand (?)
Summary: Something about him makes her feel like a dangerous woman. Making her do things she won’t normally do.
She’s a married woman and she sure as hell shouldn’t be out here at a bar, planning to wine and dance the night away all by herself. She isn’t supposed to be flirting with a random stranger whose name she’d never bothered to ask. She’s most absolutely not supposed to be grinding bodies with this handsome enigma and allowing him to take her dancing all the way back to his hotel room. ReinerxMikasa ft. ArminxAnnie. Modern AU.
A/N: Inspired by this post & this post.
Rhythmic Muse: Dangerous Woman (Cover) by Travis Garland.
Content Warning: Adult undertones. Dubcon (somewhat). Rough, unprotected sex. (I do not condone this. Please practice safe intercourse in real life, everyone and only with people you trust, please!). Expect some OOC-ness because this is a self-indulging Modern AU fic. Happy reading!
The smooth tunes of the Spanish guitar blasting from the seaside cafe’s stereo speakers and the sounds from the crushing waves of the ocean serenaded her weary senses, soothing her jaded body after a long day at work. She’s been busting her ass more than usual, covering more graveyard shifts than she could humanly manage in her years of field experience.  The salty seaside breeze wafted through her senses, mixed with the smell of grilled seafood and freshly-made martinis from the nearby bar, reminding her that her work vacation had been long overdue.
God, that trip to the Mediterraneans sounded much more tempting than before. Just lazing at the beach, soaking up the sun, reading a book or two and maybe toss in some kinky actions with a hot hunk somewhere along the way. But alas, they only managed to get away to a seaside resort just slightly out of town for the weekend.
A low, murmured whisper coming from her opposite direction turned into an uncontrollable cackle and she leered at her flaxen-haired companion, who’s now already tongue-deep inside her date’s mouth.
“Gross.” The raven-haired woman rolled her eyes, yet not without a small smile on her face.
“Don’t be jealous, Mikasa,” chided Annie as she broke her kiss with Armin, causing the latter to blush and stared back at his childhood friend sheepishly. “Just because your husband’s not here, doesn’t mean I can’t make out with mine.”
Armin sent a cautionary look at his wife and sighed. “Annie, we’re not supposed to remind her of him tonight. Sorry, Mikasa.”
The small smile turned into a tight frown as she continued to nurse the drink in her hand. She rolled mindlessly at the double olives on that tiny skewer inside her glass. “It’s fine, Armin. Annie’s right, you two are supposed to have fun. Don’t let me hold you both back. It’s your first night away from the girls after half a year, right? Go wild. But, not too wild ok?” She signaled to the other woman’s slightly protruding belly.
The upcoming fourth addition to the five member brood of the Arlert family.
Armin sent her a concerned look. He didn’t miss the way Mikasa had been restlessly fiddling with the wedding ring on her finger ever since she reached their planned venue of the evening from work. He and Mikasa have always been tighter than two halves of a whole since they were both in grade school. 
He’d know when she’s in distress. That doesn't require his professional skills in psychology to read the other woman's body language and facial expression.
“Did he wish you an anniversary greeting this morning?,” asked the blonde-haired academician.
She shook her head, her glazed eyes cast downwards as she took a sip from her dry martini. “Not yet, at least. I did slip something into his luggage before his flight out last week. Maybe he’s just busy.”
Annie slammed her own glass of fruit juice on the lounge table and declared out loud, “I’ll kick his ass for you tomorrow. If he ever gets here.”
“Thank you for the offer, Annie but I still got this under control and please don’t. You’re pregnant.”
Annie scoffed in return, expressing her distaste at said man’s nonchalant attitude. “Well, at the very least he should have given you a hall pass if he’s going to be ditching you here on your own. Give you the freedom to make up for his shortcomings. It’s your anniversary for crying out loud,” remarked the expecting mother before continuing to offer her unwarranted opinions. “I don’t know how you could go through all this for more than ten years? Sure, Armin and I have been married for fourteen years, together for sixteen and I can’t ever imagine being away from him for too long.”
Armin’s gaze hardened, he looked back at his wife’s rather harsh words in concealed disagreement, but he also knew that his long-time friend's married life was also none of their business. “I’m very sure he has a very good reason. Which has something to do with his work.”
Annie let out a long drawl of sigh. “Still doesn’t give him a reason to be a dick to her.”
Armin’s jaw dropped down in disbelief. “Annie!”
Mikasa waved away Armin’s chastising of his own wife. “It’s the hormones. This is not your first rodeo, Armin.”
He shrugged, “But this time, she’s much more brutal than usual, Mika.”
“After three girls, maybe this is finally a boy. Who knows?”
Armin beamed at the possibility, catching his wife’s eyes in a soft, appreciating gaze. “That would be nice, but even if this one’s another girl, it’s still not an issue to me. I love all my girls regardless.” Annie snuck a quick peck on the tip of her husband’s adorable button nose and nuzzled against his cheek softly, whispering, “I love you.”
Mikasa held the other couple in an admiring gaze. They are rock solid, there’s no doubt there. Also, by the way Annie’s hands had been slinking into the folds of the younger man’s casual dress shirt, rubbing slowly against her husband’s skin, Mikasa knew that Annie’s hormonal condition also came with other perks, which Armin clearly appreciates very, very much.
She shook her head and chided the pair teasingly, “Just head on back to your room, guys. Don’t remind me what I’m missing.”
Armin turned his head back at her, reluctance persisted against his own conscience. “We’re not going to leave you here on your own.”
“I’ll be fine. I just want to get another drink then I’ll be calling it a night.” She lifted the triangle-shaped glass in her hands and gestured for the couple to make their way back first.
It was Annie yet again, who made her concerns very vocal for the umpteenth time. “You know, if you’re gonna be dicking with one of these attractive men available around here tonight, we’re not gonna tell him. Scout’s honor.” She just had to end her sentence with a sly wink and a two finger salute.
Yep, someone’s super horny right now.
She raised an eyebrow with a mock disappointment on her face. “Just get the hell out of here. Armin, fill her mouth good.”
“Mikasa…” Armin shook his head in embarrassment at the crudeness of her sentence. He could still never get used to the savage side of his best friend, who’s more of a sister to him than anything else in this world. “Stay safe and just call me if you need anything at all.”
“Thanks. Now go on.” God bless Armin’s kind soul but it was bold of him to think that she’d be calling him when he’s already in way too deep inside his wife. Even IF she’d really ever needed someone’s assistance. Regardless, she waited patiently until the silhouette of the pair disappeared beyond the canopy walk heading towards the guest rooms’ direction. Only then she lifted herself off the lounge seat, clutch in one hand and fixed the hem of her skirt and her hair, already messed up from the strong breeze in the other. Eventually making her way towards the bar. With the manner she strode across the dining area, her heels clattered against the wooden floor, she willfully disregarded all the stares thrown her way - appreciating or lewd - from quite a number of the male patrons of the establishment. Deliberately, she dabbled lightly at the thin gold chain around her neck. Putting her wedding band on obvious display and on purpose.
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Mikasa sighed in relief, silently to herself the moment the message was duly received by the interested parties. The last thing she needed was to be in a complicated entanglement. She continued walking towards the bar, nodding at the chirpy bartender who bid her good evening and asked for her latest choice of poison for the night. She took her seat on the high bar stool, crossing her long legs comfortably and decided on another appletini. While waiting for her drink, she rested her face on her hand and tapped her fingers lightly against her cheek to the smooth R&B rhythm, staring fondly at the sight of a beautiful young couple slow-dancing not too far from the live DJ booth.
The moment a nostalgic tune she had once heard from an amazing night in Hizuru’s Havana Club years ago began to play - the intro to the Spanish dancehall genre blasted through the speakers - her body couldn’t help but move slightly to the sleek music.
This was their song. It was playing on one of the first few dates they had with each other. She’s even wearing the same red dress that she wore on that date eons ago. Back when they were younger. Back when promises were made to never be apart even for a day.
After eleven years of being married together….well, who’s counting anyway?
Unbeknownst to her, a set of dark amber eyes had been lingering appreciatively at the way she tapped her heels and the manner which her body grooved slightly to the playing tune.
The moment she’d walked across the distance between the patio lounge and the bar, she’d caught his attention from the get go.
Everything about this woman reminded him of Edwyn Collins’s crooning of his timeless serenade, A Girl Like You. She’s absolutely making him acknowledge the devil in him without an ounce of doubt.
His eyes glazed at the way her short dark tresses wavered in the evening draft and the way her off-shoulder red dress hugged her body tightly. The sheer fabric outlined the lithe curves of her waist, its edges danced around the long legs that seemed to be endless with every motion, beckoning his admiring gaze even further. She took her seat on the high bar stool, legs crossed and the edges of the dress hitched upwards, exposing the sight of her smooth thighs. Porcelain. Perfection.
It seems that he’s not the only person sending interested looks her way as he spotted several other men staring in awe at this breathtaking lady in red, without so much as a blink.
He exhaled a breath, much deeper than before.
He eyed the dark gold pumps on her feet that matched the delicate gold chain on her slender neck and the gold wedding ring on her finger. It also didn’t escape his observation on the beginnings of a rather intricate ink, emerging from the lace fringe on the back of her silky dress.
He wants to study the story behind it from the top down to where it might end if she’d be keen to share it.
He’s itching to know how much skin the ink covers.
He took in another long, deep breath, fixing the crisp collar of his suit. A hand smoothed his hair back in one fluid motion and finally, made his move towards the bar.
He’s going in for the kill. A wedding band had never stopped him before.
Several steps away from the bar and he’d already caught the fragrant scent of something succulent and delicious in the air coming from her direction.
Her perfume. 
Juicy. He found himself licking his dry lips in response towards the prospect of savoring the taste of figurative sweet cherries on luscious porcelain skin.
As it were, she could feel the prickle of piercing eyes on her back. She then turned her head around and their eyes met from across this crowded space.
Her eyes, a curious granite hue, reflected a hunger that has not been fulfilled for quite some time.
It’s a rather perfect coincidence that he’d been ravenous for the similar thing as well.
He wandered over to the empty seat next to her. “Good evening. Can I buy another drink for you?”
She pretended that she didn’t hear him at first, yet began to cave in after realizing that she was just too polite to turn down a stranger’s offer. “Thank you but I can buy my own.”
A knowing grin graced his lips. He knows an elegant woman with a refined taste when he sees one. “I can see that you’re waiting for someone. Can I, at least, keep you company for the time being?”
She gestured to the vacant bar stool next to hers with a short tilt of her head. “Help yourself.”
He asked for a serving of whiskey on the rocks from the gentleman on the other side of the tropical themed bar. Certainly didn’t miss the way her chest hiked the moment she took in the smell of his cologne and he also didn’t miss the way she ran a thumb against the small jewelry on her finger at the same time she took a sip of her martini. Like she was reminding herself of a line she’s not supposed to step over.
Instead of taking over the offered seat, however, he turned his body around and reclined against the side of the wooden bar’s curved edges. He’d caught her staring at the outline of his pecs between the already undone buttons of his shirt. “Can I take a guess?”, he eased his way into another opening for small talk, “A husband who’s running late or almost letting you know that he’s not going to make it?”
Bullseye. He could feel her glaring at him from the corners of her eyes. “Aren’t you the expert on lonely women?”
A deep chuckle escaped his lips shamelessly. “Well, if you were my wife, you’d never find yourself waiting all on your own or getting stood up for that matter.”
The large hoop earrings dangled against the side of her neck when she turned her head sharply towards the devilishly handsome but certainly up-to-no-good face. “Does that line work with all the married women you’re trying to seduce?”
His sturdy, well-trained shoulders shrugged incredulously. “Only those that match the very specific types: cold, mysterious, killer legs and silent ones that are forbidden to touch.”
“Hmmm….” She shook her head at his rather brave yet stupid audacity of assuming she’s just like the other women he had successfully added to the notch under his belt. She’d wished he’d just take a hike and let her finish her drink alone.
“How about this, one dance and I’ll leave you to your lonesome for the rest of the night?”
One dance. It wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?
She should’ve said no. But she didn’t.
The second he pressed her snug against his own well-honed body on the dancefloor, she could feel her own conscience gradually diminishing through every grip of this man's fingers against her waist. His muscular arms ensnared her in a vice hold before he turned her around again and again to the fast tempo of the music. Their touch electric, their bodies coordinated flawlessly to the sensual rhythm and lips almost brushing dangerously against each other.
He twirled her around and let her back rest against his chest. His voice was a low, deep growl - reminiscent of a sly devil, whispering nefarious sins into her ear. "You are a very interesting woman.
"I know what you're trying to do."
"Let's not beat around the bush then."
She shook her head incredulously, lifting the hand with her wedding band right in this stranger's face. "I'm still married."
A dark chuckle escaped his lips,  the thrumming of his chest reverberated against her bare back. "I'm still interested."
She pushed herself forward ahead of him. "I need to go." Only to have her hand ensnared in his again.
The blonde enigmatic stranger lowered his head, his warm breath mixed with his sharp clean scent assaulted her senses. A contradiction to the sudden shift in his voice to a firm, authoritative tone instead. "Your husband is holding extremely confidential information that could jeopardize national security. I'd strongly suggest that you remain compliant until we can get to a more secure and private place to talk."
"You can't force me to go anywhere with you. I don't even know you!"
"I can assure you, making a scene is only going to make things more complicated, Ms. Ackerman."
Her eyes widened in shock. "How did you know my name?"
"You're a person of interest. I have all the intel on you." His dark, cryptic eyes held her gaze in a subtle warning. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
As soon as he closed the door to his room, the stranger pressed her body hard against the wooden surface, wasting no time in taking over her body’s will through the pull of his hands. He began to pat her body down with a force so strong she could feel the pervasive grip of his muscle against her skin.
She tried to push his hands away, almost gasping in shock upon his sudden action. "What are you doing?!"
He lifted a finger against his lips, demanding her absolute silence. "Searching for any hazardous items you might be hiding underneath your dress."
She scoffed. "As if."
An arm held her shoulder down while his other hand pressed at the curve of her hips, pushing her ass hard against the door of his room. He lifted one of her long legs and let it wrap around the side of his broad torso.
He palmed the lower front of her dress, caressing the shape of her hidden mound and his lips curved upwards in a wicked grin. "Found it." The same hand hitched her dress upwards and slipped through the layers of fabric until it reached its intended destination. "This, I believe requires a more thorough search."
He dropped down to the floor yet not without holding her leg in place so it now rested firmly on his toned shoulder.
The pointy end of her heels grated tantalizingly against his back as he marveled at the leverage he had taken from her, along with her resistance. Mikasa looked down in horror as the top of his blonde head disappeared underneath the wavy ends of her crimson dress, a gust of warm breath against her barely-covered mound. The only thing that she could register on her brain next was something wet and boiling hot brushing against the flimsy fabric of her lacy thong, just before the muscle of his tongue slid across her cunt in one long, torturous lick.
She could only moan involuntarily, her breath coming out in pants with every daring lick of this mysterious man's tongue against her already dripping core. Oh God, it’s been too long. “More….” She whimpered softly, yet her voice though, was a contradicting guttural sound, even foreign to her own self as she urged him to pay more attention to that little bundle of nerves hidden somewhere in between her folds. But that asshole wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. 
His powerful hands gripped her waist in an unyielding hold, pulling her with him before pushing her body back on all fours onto the springy mattress. She bit her lower lips in anticipation, her watchful gaze lingered on the way the stranger's lips savored the taste of her with his tongue.
He pulled on the edges of her dress downwards, leaving her in only her brassiere, her thong and her pumps. A tiny shiver tingled across her spine as the cold air from the air conditioned room hit her bare skin. He grabbed hard at the firm shape of her ass, only covered by a measly thin string and eventually tore the flimsy underwear away.
"Beautiful." His tone appreciative, followed by a low growl. "So much more beautiful in person. Your husband is a very lucky man indeed, Ms. Ackerman. Or should I call you Mrs. Braun instead?"
Her breath labored heavily in her arousal, induced by this man's words. "No-- we can't--" Her body heaved as she felt this man's long digits prodding through her drenched slit without warning. Her traitorous lips let out a slow whimper, grunting in regret at her own body's betrayal.
It wasn't supposed to enjoy another man's intrusive touch. But it's too late. The intense animal magnetism of this man was just too much for her body to resist. Certainly not when its needs haven't been satiated for quite some time now.
She heard the rustling of coat and dress shirt, followed by the unmistakable sound of a zipper coming undone from behind. "Wait--we can't--"
"You're my captive for tonight, Mrs. Braun. You won't be getting any rest until my questions have been answered and our bodies have been mutually satisfied."
She felt his hand undoing the clasp of her brassiere and she watched helplessly as the undergarment was ripped apart, landing against the carpeted floor of the luxury hotel room. "What answers?"
"For starters, tell me how hard do you like to be fucked?"
Her head turned sharply, her body struggling to wrestle control against the iron grip on her nape and her waist. "HOW ABOUT NO?"
"Are you sure?" She could feel his fingers toying with the sacred bundle of nerves within her folds and the blazing hot tip of his manhood already teasing at her slick entrance.
"God…." She moaned in agony. The sloshing sounds made by her own treacherous body couldn't make her sinful desires even more obvious than it already was. "Wait--we can't--" Don't do it, Mikasa. "Please…" Oh, heavens... Her voice cracked, her words turned into a series of low, incoherent grunts and mewls.
She muttered another low whimper, cursing when she felt the unwarranted sting on her skin following the sound of a loud smack from this smug asshole's palm hitting her ass.
Without yet another warning, the piercing tip of his member penetrated through her slit as he rammed into her viciously; she could truly taste him pervading her walls, its head hitting her crux with a painful yet thrilling contact. Her shock manifested in the way her lips trembled and her knees buckled against the soft egyptian cotton sheets. A long drawl of whimper escaped her scarlet sunrise-painted lips when he filled her so deliciously.
“Can your husband make you scream like I do?” He whispered those vile words into her ear when their hips pounded against each other once more upon impact. This sinful stranger imposed on her a choice she’d never make as a decent woman, wife and mother. The second he thrusted his whole length and girth raw into the tight passage deep inside her with no abandonment, she’d eventually admitted that her conscience had been long gone the moment they first laid their eyes on the other in the crowded bar.
She felt a hand seizing her chin from behind, tilting upwards and forcing her long neck to stretch further than she usually could. Their bodies fusing, this man rested his whole weight on her, pressing her flat against the mattress. It sprung from their combined weight. This man's mystifying gaze punctured through her conflicted soul - he was a metaphorical devil. Claiming not only her unjust body, but also her reluctant soul. Even more so when he brushed his thin full lips against her trembling ones. Their teeths chattered, their tongues wrestled for dominion of the other's will.
He snickered through the kiss, his chest vibrated against her back. She could even feel his member vibrating deep within her wet, hot canals. "What would Mr. Braun say if he sees you this way, hmm?"
Fucker. He stretched her thin and she cursed herself -- her body kept pulling him in. This man commandeered full authority over her body through every twist of his hips and every angle of his thrusting. Harder and faster. Faster and harder. Yet her mouth kept screaming a feigned resistance. As if the pure, innocent part of her was justifying the pleasure she was receiving along with her impending, forced shame.
Something about his recklessness and guts made the wicked person inside her want to break free. She was a good wife but this man is pushing her to the edge, tipping her scale from good to super bad really quickly. If these walls had eyes, they would patronize her for being so unabashedly wanton with another man’s dick deep inside her, filling her up, stretching herself tight using his substantial size with every thrust, wet glides and titillating tractions.
This man kept on thrusting mercilessly, his hips pounded hard against her ass again and again from behind until their inevitable gratification of merciful release, eventually setting her free.
He growled loudly for one last time when he unloaded his release deep inside her tight passage. Almost frozen, barely able to move as their bodies crashed flat against the springy bed, stacked on top of the other. 
"Break." She mumbled against the sheet, still gasping - almost choking- for the air that she had lost.
"Agreed." He nuzzled against the back of her nape, inhaling in her sweet fragrance and the unavoidable scent of their aftermath. "Fuck, I miss you so much, baby." He snuck a kiss on her cheek as he pulled himself out of her, staring at his already flaccid member, secretly commending it for an exceptional performance even when he's almost approaching the big 4 Oh.
Mikasa turned herself slightly and rested her hand against the sinewy hardness of his thigh, showering it with gentle and loving caress. "Welcome home." God, he still amazes her even after twelve years together.
"Come here." He pulled her body closer to his so they both rested against the headboard of the bed, with his arms around her. "I've never stopped thinking about you when I was away."
"I wasn't doing any better." She cupped his jaw, smiling at the thick growing beard she found there. "You haven't been shaving."
He wiggled his eyebrows cunningly. "I think it adds more character don't you think?"
A sudden realization caused her body to spring up and asked, "What time is it?"
He leered at the watch on his wrist. "Eleven. Why?"
"I was supposed to take the pill two hours ago, Reiner."
"It's fine. I forgot to pack a box too. Miraé found the one at home and she thought it was a really special balloon we've been hiding. Thanks to her, I think the one we have might have expired anyway."
A grin formed on her lips. "That girl. I told her so many times not to snoop around our dressing table." She looked back at him hesitantly before confiding, “Reiner, I’ve actually been forgetting to take the pill for a week now. What if we--”
“Then it’ll be a nice surprise don’t you think? I kind of missed seeing you pregnant again.” His large hand rested on the curves of her sculpted abdomen. He remembered very vividly how breathtaking she had been, even more beautiful when her body was swelling with not one but two babies from nine years ago. The pregnancy had been harder for him due to his Couvade Syndrome for two full trimesters but he’d do it all over again.
She traced the inks on the left side of her husband’s torso : the kanji of their twin’s names - Masaru and Miraé.  “I thought we’re done having babies?”
“I’ve held our home front with the double trouble and I love every single second of it. Another baby’s not gonna be a new challenge but it’s really up to you, dearheart. You know I’d carry the baby if I could.” He rested his palm over the hand on his torso. “Another ink would be nice. Or two? Rémy's been asking if he can have his own baby brother, I quote, and or sister since Armin and Annie's having another new cousin for them.”
Mikasa swallowed slowly, envisioning another pair of twins inside the house. Her eyes lit up at the potential new adventures or misdemeanours in tow - either way you can't have one without the other. "I think it would be really amazing. I couldn't do it without you."
"And I couldn't do it without you."
He ensnared her lips in another appreciative kiss.
“Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Braun. Thank you for an amazing eleven years of married life together.” He fumbled around his wrist for the luxury watch, engraved with their names and the most important date of his life: the day he made her his wife. “Thank you for the gift. I love it very much. And, here's mine for you.” He retrieved a custom-made dark blue box wrapped with a matching dark purple ribbon from the side table.
Her eyes widened as she saw the box and recognized the label. Only from the finest custom jeweller in South Marley. "Oh…."
"I know you don't wear jewellery because it's hazardous when you're performing surgeries but I really want you to have something more practical but still reminds you of me every second."
Great minds think alike it seems as he too had gotten her a custom fitness watch made from palladium only available in Marley. "I love it. Thank you so much, Reiner." She wasted no time in placing his gift around her wrist, absolutely revelling in its perfect weight and its snug fit. Just like every part of him to hers.
"Look, we match." He grinned as he moved their wrists closer.
They basked in their blissful aftermath before their lips found each other again.
“If you were my wife?", she laughed at the callback of their earlier rendezvous at the seaside bar. “Your roleplaying skills have gone rusty, Vice Commander Braun”
“Well, my dear Dr. Ackerman-Braun, it only means we need to do this more often. Hey, maybe next time we can do the hot teacher, bad student routine?”
“We’ve done that 2 years ago.”
“This time I’ll be the hot teacher.”
“Hah…depends though, will you wear your reading glasses?”
He wiggled his eyebrows hilariously. "How thick do you want it to be?"
"Oh god."
He pecked at the juncture of her neck. "Hey, do you think I can borrow one of Armin's work shirt vests?"
"Please stop." She was already laughing hard at the horrendous mental image yet didn't stop his fondling hands or the tiny bites of his teeth against her skin.
They were about to dive deep into another round of lovemaking when the room's phone rang, completely shattering the private haven they have built between the sea of sheets.
"Baby, leave it." Reiner growled into her ear, his hand pulling on her own that's already pressing at the device's speaker button.
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU SICK FREAKS!" A loud voice could be heard from the other end.
"Shut up, Annie." Reiner barked at the phone, but his tone was betrayed by the amused smirk on his face.
Mikasa shook her head at her husband. "Thanks, Annie. Armin too if he's still awake."
"Hey… welcome back, Reiner." Armin's voice could be heard coming from the background of the other couple's room.
"Thanks, bro. Sure good to be back."
"You know Reiner," quipped Annie. "If you really stood her up, I'll be the one who personally hooks Mikasa up with one of those handsome rando strangers we saw at the bar."
"Not today, Satan. I meant, sis."
The two couples broke into a mutual amused laughter.
"Now, Annie, can you please piss off so I can get back to banging my sexy missus?"
Their respective spouses' hollering their names echoed behind their backs before the call ended with a quick 'Make a baby!' phrase from his stepsister.
"Now, where were we, Mrs. Braun?"
The ends of her painted lips curved upwards and her lightly painted nails were already trailing down her husband's impressive body. She leered sensuously when she climbed on top of her husband's broad frame. "Making a baby."
A/N: This is inspired by my upcoming Love Like This AU, where Reiner’s stepsister, Annie is married to Armin, who’s also his wife’s childhood friend. Mikasa and Annie are competitive in-laws and the dysfunctional Braun-Leonhardt family are chaotic, eccentric and loving as they come. No children were harmed in the making of this fic. As a matter of fact, on that night, a child has been conceived haha Thank you for your reading! xoxo
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
Inure - Prologue
Summary: To some, The Specter is a serial killer. To some, a hero. But to everyone, you were entirely a mystery. You had no history, just a list of victims a mile long. No matter how many people searched your name, they could find anything. If only they had the spelling right. Now, you’ve come across some unfortunate information that drives you out of your usual shadows and into the path of the Avengers. Including two of the more reclusive members of the team. And it’s hard to pick only one of them.
W/T: cursing, blood, violence, slight panic attack
Your eyes slowly opened. At least you thought they opened. There was nothing but pitch black around you, a pillow-like fabric lying beneath you. You felt your way around the small space, trying to figure out where you were.
You couldn’t remember much. Just screaming and a flash. Some sort of loud, ear-splitting sound. Then you were here. Where ever ‘here’ was.
You tried to listen to what was around you. You tried and tried but heard nothing but a blood curdling silence. Absolute silence. Now that you were really thinking, you had never heard real silence in your life. Not like this. This was chilling.
As much as you liked laying around doing nothing, you were getting bored of it quickly. You felt like everything was closing in on you, though in the tight space you sat in, that was fully possible. You tried to stay as calm as you could, given the situation, and started kicking at the sides of whatever space you were in. It was tough to push against, but eventually the side broke and you could feel something spill into your space. It was most definitely dirt.
Buried alive. Not how you thought your weekend was going to go.
“I need a fucking drink after this.” You mumbled to yourself, noting how your words seemed to be swallowed up by the silence and dirt around you. You closed your eyes and pushed yourself through the dirt, ignoring the cold, wet feeling under your hands. You clawed through it, getting more than a few specks in your eyes and underneath your nails. With a few more pushes, you felt your hand break through the ground.
You struggled to find any sort of grip to pull yourself up. Your hands were weak by now and the ground was more mud than dirt. You felt cold rain on your hands and you pulled yourself up to the best of your ability.
The second your head was above the ground you spit out whatever dirt had landed in your mouth. You had lost your shoes on your way up, though that was hardly your first priority. You pulled your legs up though the dirt, rain beating down hard on your back. Your hair was plastered to your face and you were certain you looked less than presentable.
You looked around. As expected, you were in the middle of a graveyard. The moon was only a bright spot among the clouds, blurred by the heavy rain around you. At least your headstone was nice. It had engravings of flowers and vines around your name. The rain had washed away whatever dirt may have been there, leaving the engravings clear.
A dear friend who would do anything it took to help those she could.
You smiled a bit, wondering who thought of that. Which one of your friends planned your funeral…? What day was it? You shook the new thoughts out of your head, trying to gather as much information as possible. There were some plants growing along your headstone, you recognized it as ivy, though it was covering the dates below your name. You brushed it aside to read the year you supposedly died in. 1943. That sounded right. The memories were slowly coming back to you. Your family, friends, where you lived, where you worked.
You heard voices over the rain. You couldn’t be certain, but they sounded like men talking to each other, though you couldn’t tell how old they were.
“Sam if you don’t hurry up I swear to god!” You heard one of them shout.
“I’m trying! Maybe you should shut up and help, huh? Might back this go a little faster.” You walked toward the voices, stumbling a bit as rocks from the ground scratched against your feet.
“Hello?” You yelled as soon as you could see the figures. There were three men in total, though two of them were waist deep in a grave, shovels in hand. You didn’t really want to know what they were doing.
“Oh shit.” One of them said when they saw you coming. The one who was out of the grave stepped closer to you. He was tall and seemed intimidating, though at this point you couldn’t care less.
“What are you doin’ out this late?” The man asked kindly. Too kindly given the situation. He had a heavy New York accent, though you could still make out his words easily. He had a smirk on his face that might’ve scared you if you were 100% done with the universe’s bullshit right now.
“Listen, I don’t care what you’re doing. Tell me though, what day is it?”
The men looked at each other. “Sunday?” One of the men in the grave said, looking confused. He was wearing a hat which looked like it was doing more harm than good with how the rain was pulling it into his face.
You sighed. “If you wouldn’t mind being a little more specific.”
The other one in the grave answered for him “January 4th. Well, after midnight. So January 5th.” You didn’t remember it being January. You thought back to the last day you remembered.
You couldn’t remember the date, but you could remember a man. Stark. He got you ‘killed’, didn’t he? He fucked over your life for his own benefit. The second you got the chance, you were gonna kill him.
“Even more specific.” They looked at each other.
“Like, the time?” One of them finally asked.
You shook your head. “No, you idiot. What year is this.” They exchanged glances again.
“Uh, 1992?” The one in front of you said. 1992?
Fuck. How long had you been out? You were sure it was 1943. You were in the middle of the war, building weapons with Howard and brainstorming tactics with Peggy in your spare time. How on Earth was it 1992?
Howard could answer. Howard knew what happened to you, though he probably kept it to himself to preserve his ‘reputation’ or something like that. You’d find a way to kill him. Worse than kill him. You’d destroy his life just like he’d wrecked yours. You weren’t sure what was a weirder development in your life right now. Being buried alive and chatting with some grave robbers or somehow ending up 50 years in the future.
“Answer me one more question.”
This time you weren’t asking. The man in front of you backed away. You couldn’t see yourself. You were sure exactly what you were doing. But it felt different. It felt good.
“Your eyes.” One of them whispered, “What the hell happened to your eyes.”
You held up a hand to tell him to be quiet. Instead, the three men lifted off the ground. So the night keeps getting weirder.
They were silent, their hands clawing at their throats, though there was nothing there. That’s when you saw it. The body of three women in back of them. They were clearly fresh, more fresh than someone who had been buried. Multiple stab wounds decorated their backs. So they weren’t grave robbers. They were murderers.
“Where can I find Howard Stark?” You asked. They frantically looked at each other, hoping someone would have an answer for you.
“That millionaire guy?” You almost laughed. Millionaire. Of course. “I don’t know, lady! I’m sure he’s got a company or somethin’, ask them!” It was worth a shot asking. “Please, put us down.” You cocked your head, glancing down to the bodies behind the men.
“I’m sure they asked for a little mercy. Doesn’t seem like you all cared, though.” You frowned at them. You weren’t sure what you were doing. At this point, you were just rolling with the punches. But somehow, you remembered what to do. It was natural. Was this something you could always do? You couldn’t remember clearly.
You focused then clenched your fist. Watching blood drip from the men’s eyes. You dropped them. Scoffing at all six of the bodies on the ground. You didn’t bother cleaning up. It wasn’t like the police were going to put a woman who was dead for 50 years on their watch list.
You stepped over them. Sparing the women a glance. You straightened out their bodies, making sure they weren’t stuffed in a haphazard pile. Someone could give them a proper burial now.
You didn’t bother with the men. Blood had pooled around them. It looked more like brain matter, though it had been washed by the rain and you could hardly tell it from the mud now.
You didn’t smile.
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