#like i dont have any business knowledge i have no idea
natjennie · 1 month
watcher announcement is insane. I don't have anything insightful or important to say but like. whoaoahh that's crazy.
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hauntedorpheum · 1 month
first time people tell a content creator GIVE US MORE ADS
#i dont think they are greedy corporate monsters. i think they are creators trying to run a business with no knowledge on how to do that#icarus flying too close to the sun and all that#is just so clear they didn't make any kind of market research#a youtube poll would have helped them#is just a shitty thing because they clearly just want to have more creative freedom and do bigger things#but if you are running a business then you also need to think about your audience. which i don't think they did#and the international issue with dollars in this economy#+ the need to use a vpn in order to watch in certain countries apparently#+ an audience of mostly 20 somethings and younger people who have other priorities#and like nearly every single person that i've seen that actually likes this idea. has also said that are not paying#because they can't afford it. so even if people were on board with this. is just not viable with their audience#like sorry. but 'streaming service' is not plan b on the list of things to if you dont wanna rely so much on ads#and them doing a 14min long video that is edited like a shitty corporate apology video#in which you say 'if you can't give us money. bye ig' while promoting#a show about people traveling to dif places and paying expensive meals#while also saying you have no money to pay your 25!!! employees#not to mention not clarifying anything and leaving everything in vague terms#like international issues. whether you are deleting your previous youtube content or not (they don't say anything about this on the vid....#.... Variety said they were gonna do it. but then they did the pinned comment so it feels like they are backtracking...#...even if they were never gonna delete it)#what newer content you want to make. the pros you get subscribing#broken record with this. but watch the og dropout ad. its clear. adresses concerns. tells you what shows would be available#and the one moment that they use sad piano music is used with irony#ok. no further comments until they say something lol#watcher#my post
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miley1442111 · 2 months
I know its probably too soon but im obsessed with "i dont even know you anymore" but one of these days could you make a continuation with the reader and aaron getting close and the team sees it and they are all cute and he treats her like a gentleman (with a bit of age gap because...its just right).
Thank you, and i totally get it if you dont want to do it and want it to be just a "stand alone".
omg I love this idea!!!! i hope i did it justice :)
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i don't even know you anymore- s.reid /a.hotchner
a/n: intended for fem or male reader, so imagine what you like:)))))))))
summary: you can get past your break up with Spencer, especially with Aaron by your side, right?
pairing: aaron hotchner x reader, brokenupspencer reid x reader
warnings: general angst, cheating and breaking up, general fighting, kissing, emotional stuff
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4 moths post-breakup
It had been a gruelling 4 months. You had moved out of Spencer and your shared apartment, much to his disappointment. You had broken up with him the morning after, knowing you wouldn’t have felt secure in the relationship had it gone on. Emily, your best friend on the team, had been letting you live with her and she had told Aaron. It was clear as day to everyone that Aaron had a soft spot for you. As the youngest on the team (you were the same age as Spencer, just a few months younger), he felt it was his duty. He’d always step in if a superior was belittling you, always step up if an officer was flirting with or objectifying you when Spencer was too busy to notice, and he had reached out after the breakup, telling you that he could reassign you if you wanted, but urged you to stay on the team since you were such an asset. 
Your text conversations started with that, and slowly evolved into daily conversations about anything. Cute photos of Jack, funny jokes that soon turned into inside jokes, ideas on cases, and plans to get coffee. Your daily texts from Aaron, the support from Emily and the team, and the knowledge that you’d done the right thing for yourself, made the shitty time easier. What wasn’t easy was Spencer's daily ‘apology coffee’. He’d get you a coffee from your favourite coffee shop and write a sticky note, begging to even just talk. It was becoming soul-shattering how sad he constantly looked. A part of you wanted to run back to him and just be there for him, but you knew it’d only cause you pain. Jj refused to talk to you unless it was about a case, or to chew you out over Spencer’s devastated state and her now failing marriage at least once a week. You’d reached out to Will, assuming he’d known. He hadn’t, and now he was taking the kids. You felt bad, truly, and you wished you hadn’t said anything, but there’s only so much someone can do. You’d told Jj the second it happened and apologised profusely. Did she curse you out over the phone? Yes. Did she say Spencer never truly loved you? Yes. 
But did any of that fix her marriage? No.
Cases and days passed uneventfully, full of blood, guts, and longing glances from Spencer. You had started going apartment hunting recently and you felt better. You felt like yourself again. 
6 months post-breakup 
This case was particularly difficult, the unSub was targeting women of your exact description, and you had been chosen to go undercover- your least favourite pastime. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know that right?” Derek asked as he watched you turn your mic on. 
“Who else is? He needs to be stopped.”
“You don’t have to be the one to stop him, his behaviour isn’t escalating-” Spencer had budded in but you held up a hand to silence him. His rambling used to make you feel special because you were the only one who truly listened to him. You never cut him off or said something back-handed. You never made it a joke. Now his rambling felt bitter and silly to your ears, a reminder of just how stupid you’d been. 
“I’ll be fine,” You sighed. “I’ve done this before, right?”
Derek nodded and pulled you into a quick hug. Spencer tried to pull you in for a hug but you dodged him, wanting to get all of this over with. You hated being undercover. It made you feel powerless and objectified.
“Agent?” Aaron coughed out and you stared in his direction. “Can I have a word?”
“Sure,” you shrugged and followed him into an empty interrogation room. “Planning on interrogating me?”
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, letting his guard down as he had so many times in the past few months. He had opened up about so much. He had opened up about Haley’s death, about how bad of a parent he feels, anything. He even let you come over and have a movie night with him and Jack once a week. Jack falls asleep halfway through and Aaron puts him to bed and you pick a movie that isn’t about paw patrol or trolls. Though you enjoy watching those all the same. Jack cuddles up to you and smiles at you until he falls asleep. It’s adorable. 
“I’m sure. I’ll be fine, don’t worry Aaron,” you smiled, taking his hand. “I’m trained for this, right?”
“I’ll be right there,” he promised. “Say the word and we’ll come in.”
“I know,” you chuckled. “Thank you.”
“Promise me you’ll be careful?” 
“I promise,” You smiled and kissed his cheek, leaving the room swiftly after. 
Being undercover was just about as terrible as you thought it would be. The unSub was an asshole, of course he was- he was murdering women. But he was a particular kind of asshole, the kind that takes women down for their insecurities so that he could lure them to him. He was verbally degrading you and if you were being yourself, you would’ve talked back. But, you were undercover and playing a college student. 
And that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was when Spencer came in, acting as your ‘boyfriend’ to get him away, ruining the only chance you had at capturing the guy. You slumped against your seat in the SUV as Spencer attempted to justify his actions to the rest of the team outside the car.
“I thought he was going to-” He was speaking a mile a minute, but stopped when Aaron put his hand up. 
“Do you have any idea what you just jeopardised?” He boomed, calm but clearly angry. “That was the closest we have ever been to him, and now he knows your face Spencer. He also knows Y/n’s face. He knows you're with the FBI and he knows we’re looking for him! Do you have any idea how stupid that was?” 
“Hotch I’m sorry I-I was worried-” he tried to apologise but Aaron cut him off again.
“Spencer, we were all worried about Y/n. Every single one of us. But you have to remember that she’s a trained agent, and that she’s not your girlfriend anymore,” Aaron stormed off to the other car with Dave trailing behind as the rest of the team stood there, shocked. 
“This is all your fault Y/N!” Jj provoked. “None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t make it such a big deal!”
You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones, the want to leave the team grew stronger everyday. You hated Spencer. You hated Jj. You didn’t know how much more you could take. 
“Listen to me!” Jj urged and you just turned your music up as Emily and Derek began defending you.
Jj shoved you, and it was the last straw. You got up and out of the car. You knocked in Aaron’s window in the next car and he rolled it down. “Can I come with you two?”
They both nodded and Aaron opened his door, allowing you to climb in. 
“What’s going on?” Dave asked after a moment of silence. 
“The end of my time with the BAU. I’m leaving,” you sighed, not looking at Aaron. You’d technically gone over his head and went straight to Strauss, but you didn’t care. You weren't going to change your mind on this, and you didn’t want him to try. 
“That’s very sad news,” Dave sighed. “You’re a great asset to this team.”
“I’m just dividing it. There’s no need for me to cause this much trouble. Spencer would’ve never gone in if he didn’t think he was ‘saving’ our relationship, Jj would be more focused on work and there would be less tension. I’m so sick of everyone picking a side. It’s not fair.”
“But you shouldn’t have to leave, this doesn’t need to happen-” Aaron started but Dave cut him off. 
“You're doing a very kind thing for people that probably don’t deserve it,” Dave sighed. “Where are you planning on going after?”
“I don’t know yet,” You shrugged and saw Aaron practically deflate.
“You have no plan?” He asked, clearly concerned.
“No? I have a law degree, I might go into that, or I’ll just join another department at Quantico. I don’t have everything mapped out right now Aaron.”
Aaron remained with a hardened look on his face the rest of the ride to the airport. The tension in the air was palpable and, to be honest, you were sick of it. You just wanted this to be over with. It was draining, and taking a toll on you mentally. Any breakup would, but this breakup included the team. The most important people to you were forced to pick a side and chose who was in the wrong or right. Jj and some others from the office had picked Spencer’s side, saying it was unfair that you didn’t hear him out. Whereas Penelope, Emily, Aaron, Dave, Derek, and the rest of the office took your side, saying it was wrong to kiss someone else, especially a mutual friend and coworker, and someone he’d admitted to having a serious crush on. You were done. You were leaving.
8 months post-breakup 
Honestly, not being on the BAU had some getting used to. Your team had been your family for so long that being without them felt strange. You had been reassigned to the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, or CJIS for short. You’d moved a whole 4 and half hours away from Quantico, much to the team's chagrin. You loved it there, it was a nice change. Though, you missed your weekly movie nights at Aaron’s (those now had to be turned monthly), you missed your daily catch-ups with Emily which had to be moved over facetime, since you didn’t live down the block from each other anymore, and you missed being a profiler. You missed Pen, David and Derek, you even kind of missed Jj. 
A knock sounded at your door and you instantly got up and smiled, opening it without even looking. “Jack!” You wrapped the little boy up in a large hug and felt him giggle into your shoulder. You heard Aaron’s laughter and looked up at him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it as a small greeting. Jack wrangled himself out of your arms and began to run inside your house, desperate to eat the freshly popped popcorn you always made for him. 
“Hi honey,” Aaron smiled, pulling you in for a hug. His nicknames always made you feel special, your favourite being ‘honey’. You thought it sounded more romantic and endearing than other nicknames. Not that you thought of Aaron in a romantic way. Never. You wouldn’t. Not even when he picked Jack up with ease, a t-shirt on to show the swell of his biceps. Not when he crept his arm around you during movies. Definitely not when we helped you cook in the kitchen, for example, when you made bread. He looked so-
You pushed those feelings out of your head. 
“Hey Aaron,” you smiled as he pulled away. “How are you?” 
“I’m fine thank you, how are you?” He asked, a small smile on his face. 
“I’m good, I love my new department,” You beamed, though this topic was clearly a sore one for Aaron. His body language changed, he was more rigid, more tense. 
“That's good,” he deadpanned. “The BAU misses you.”
“I miss them too,” you chuckled, reminiscing on better times. “Send them my love, will you?”
“Of course, honey,” he smiled again as he saw you get flustered. 
The night went off as usual, Jack falling asleep immediately, putting him to bed in your guest bedroom, watching a movie, cleaning up, making out with Aaron on your couch- wait, what?
There you were, making out with Aaron on your couch. The tension had finally broken and now, his hands were on your waist as you straddled his legs, kissing him feverishly. 
“I want you,” Aaron rasped. “I want you as my girlfriend.”
You pulled away, catching your breath. “Seriously?”
He nodded and kissed you again, even more forceful than last time. 
“I’m yours,” you said in between kisses. 
“You’re mine.”
12 months post-breakup
Dating Aaron had been bliss. He was the perfect gentleman in every way, and he was perfect for you. You loved him. He loved you. He had also convinced you to come up to Quantico to see the team. Something that was becoming increasingly real as you stepped foot inside the bullpen and saw everyone’s faces. Spencer looked elated to see you, it was a full year since you’d broken up and maybe he was healed? Derek looked excited to see you, as did Penelope, David, Emily, and, of course, Aaron. He walked over and pulled you into a hug and smiled, happy that you were doing this. Penelope ran over next, then Emily, David, Derek and, finally, Spencer. Jj was nowhere to be seen- probably a good thing.
“It’s so good to see you, I didn’t realise you were coming back-” He rambled but you cut him off.
“I’m not coming back, I just came to say hi to everyone,” you smiled. “Aaron convinced me.”
Aaron tried to hide his smirk with his hand but it didn’t work well, and looking at Spencer, you’d think he was being faced with the most horrific challenge of his life. 
“You’re who Aaron’s dating,” Spencer stated and there was a collective gasp from the office. You looked to Aaron in panic and he nodded. 
“Yes, we are dating,” Aaron said, the focus turning to him. “It’s only new so I’d really like for everyone to calm do-”
“How could you do that to me?” Spencer turned to you, sounding broken-hearted. “You go after Hotch to make me, what? Jealous? To make me want you again? I’ve always wanted you, I’ll always want you! You don’t want him, you want me.”
“Spencer, I’m dating Aaron because I love him. Me and you are history, it happened a year ago!”
“It was a 3 year long relationship, you don’t just get over it in a few months,” Spencer seethed. 
“Yeah, it took me a long time, but I am over it.”
“That’s not fair,” Spencer stormed off, clearly upset but no one went after him. The rest of your visit was filled with catching up with people, laughter, and a nice dinner. You and Aaron went back to his house, since you didn’t feel like driving the 4 and half hours home. As you went inside, you saw Jessica, she smiled at you as you caught up, then left when you were done talking. She had been watching Jack and put him to sleep, meaning you and Aaron had the house practically to yourselves. You noticed Aaron had been acting off since the confrontation with Spencer, you assumed it was anger but no, it was something else. You grabbed his hand and sat him on the couch, sitting beside him. 
“Talk to me,” you pleaded, a hand running through his hair.
“About what?” he chuckled, though it lacked humour and life.
“About what’s wrong.”
He stared at you for a moment, then sighed. “I understood Spencer’s point. You shouldn’t want me. I’m not exactly in the prime of my life, I have a child, I’m not exactly up to going clubbing or things like that. You should be with someone your own age. Someone like Spencer-”
“Spencer cheated on me. Aaron, I love you. I love you so much. You’re the most handsome, caring, and loving person I’ve ever met, you’re a brilliant dad, you and I both know I wouldn’t go clubbing either way, and you’re very proficient in other forms of exertion so I wouldn't worry about that. I love you Aaron. You.”
You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, a kiss that soon turned heated. You knew he understood you. You knew he heard you. And you knew you’d be ok. 
You loved him, he loved you.  
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warmcoals · 7 months
dembly you argue in bad faith, you knowingly and meaningfully use cruel judgmental language to talk about other trans women in so many public situations over the years, you move the goalposts and cry victim and shout "no You're being mean to Me!" any time anyone points out this behavior, and you still try to claim ignorance even tho ppl have explained to you gently, even kindly, multiple times how your words hurt and the effect they have when combined with your blindly following audience.
and still you turn these followers against people like a mean girl commanding goonies, and still you say stuff like "isnt it good to be normal" one post behind "you girls are too weird." i genuinely hope you stop posting. i mean i expect your "private" personal blog will be full of vitriol or petty ideas but thats your business i suppose. just stop bringing other, impressionable trans people into your toxic orbit.
the reason we get to know and support and love each other online, as trans girls and such on here, is because we listen and share in our niche interests and get excited about things we don't know and listen with interest to learn abt and experience them. we are all mentally ill here, truly, but we're mostly working hard to be good friends and grow our social and media knowledge bit by bit, recapitulating all the chances to make friends and be understood and boosted and wanted that we never got before we were girls. it feels good, it turns out. it's really nice.
as a blogger who purposefully culminated a huge following based on sending asks and perceiving u as a micro-celebrity, u could have used yr platform to broadcast that message, of interest in different hobbies and personalities, of patience with girls who are more blunt or dont know boundaries yet, of always supporting selfies bc we all always look pretty, of trans women loving trans women. but since you transitioned youve just been biting and tearing, setting yourself apart from other girls, using language that the majority of us are clearly offended by, and calling us crazy for feeling that way. while still boosting a Brand. it's that which ill never forgive you for. im sick of it. go away
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natsuphoria · 11 months
Hihi! I loved ur first fic w/ natsume and jun! If u don't mind could u write abt Eichi, Keito and Nazuna having a crush on reader but the reader is super oblivious </3 and thinks they're just supperr close and calls them "nii-chan"
thank you anon! i didnt know much about these characters so this was a fun challenge <3 (everyone say thank you cherry, reze and qian for helping liddle ol’ me with characterisation!) also oblivious reader is so silly /pos
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eichi, keito & nazuna crushing on an oblivious reader
they/them pronouns used for reader in keito's part; no pronouns in other parts
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eichi would be confused at first, but it eventually makes way for amusement!
he’s a busy man, but he makes sure to make time for you. you’re incredibly important to him… even if you’re not aware of just how much.  
at first he thinks he’s doing something wrong – much of his knowledge on courting and romance comes from movies and books, so he’s unsure as to whether such things are okay in real life.
he invites you to tea… or to a fancy dinner… he buys you whatever you even glance at… and all he’s met with is a sweet smile and a bright “thank you, nii-chan!”
ah… he’s not very sure on how to proceed. cue the signature eichi faint smile ^_^
he’s not very creative in this department, so i’d expect him to start consuming more romance media to gain inspiration… he's hitting the books yall look at him go!!
due to this, a lot of his courting methods are traditional and cliche, but it’s incredibly endearing that he tries so hard! or it would be, if you were aware that he was courting you in the first place…
i’d think eichi is quite the clingy person – he hasn’t had many friends or acquaintances, so to find someone he likes so much? someone who (probably. arguably. possibly.) likes him back just as much? he’s going to be so protective of you. 
it’s very obvious how much he favours you! at least to everyone else -.- he’d have a special seat in his office just for you… your favourite tea blends (or other drinks, if you don’t like tea!) just within reach… 
it’s visible in the way his voice softens almost imperceptibly when he’s speaking to you, or the way a smile slips onto his face when your name pops up in conversation.
though he thinks your oblivion is amusing – aren’t you just the cutest, most innocent thing? – he’s well aware of his clock ticking down. he won’t admit it, but he’s quite afraid that he won’t be able to spend as much time with you as he wants to. he’ll have to speed things up… maybe he’d just have to ask you directly? you’re sure to say yes, right? 
keito & nazuna below the cut!
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ah, keito. he’d be losing his mind actually.
this man is absolutely an overthinker. his huge wrinkly brain is working overtime for sure.
it’s silly because both of you would be oblivious at first! meaning, keito wouldn’t notice his little crush until someone else points it out to him.
even then, he’d be firmly in denial… such feelings are utterly foreign to him. plus, he has no idea what to do with them!?
confess, keito. shoot your shot, that’s what. ← real words from his lecture club
he’s not likely to confess to you unless he knows for sure that you like him back. he likes having a solid plan to follow, and feels much more at ease when he can anticipate every outcome.
but you’re not gonna make it that easy for him, are you?
he really does try his best… but he has unconventional ways of showing his affection
he nags at you quite a bit! i hope you like his lectures 0(-( he just wants you to be at your best i promise.
romantic words aren’t really his forte. this man is incredibly awkward when it comes to you, so any attempts to rizz you up end in him getting embarrassed and fleeing the scene.
100% he comes up to fix your collar or your tie and he’s so flustered from the proximity but you’re just like :DD nii-chan!!! and there’s a pang in his chest.
"i smiled at them more than normal why dont they get it" "keito you looked constipated" /hj
he’d probably write manga about you… or create a character that’s clearly inspired by you… please, please take the hint ;-;
he’d be crazy frustrated!! he’s not getting through to you at all and it’s driving him insane. this is solidly outside his comfort zone too, he’s not exactly having a fun time. he thinks he’s doing something wrong, or that this is your way of telling him you’re not interested… poor keito :(
someone close to him would have to coax him into telling you directly!! even then, it would take him a fair amount of time to psych himself up enough to act.
when it happens, though, he'd be a blushing, stuttering mess -- such a far cry from his usual calm demeanour.
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nazuna is a sweetheart tbh...
he's already an affectionate and caring person, but it's turned up tenfold with you! it's pretty obvious when he has taken a liking to someone.
nazuna strikes me as someone who has to have a solid friendship before they can develop a crush, so the two of you probably already have a good relationship!
he dotes on you a ton, and checks up on you the same way he does his unitmates! he just wants you all to do your best, and he's unconditionally proud of you regardless of the outcome. he makes sure you know it too.
sure, he likes being called nii-chan by his juniors, but theres a certain pang in his chest when it's coming from you, especially when you sound so sincere about it.
ah... maybe he's taken on a brotherly role from your perspective... how would he go about expressing his interest in you instead? he's extremely respectful about it. nazuna drinks his respect people juice daily ^_^)b
he doesn't really know a way other than showering you with even more affection. loving you comes so easily to him! how could it not? you're so incredibly precious, he just wants to see you happy :)
poor guy gets overwhelmed easily, though... the combination of your sweet smile and your oblivious reactions to his advances makes his head swim!! if he's not careful? if he gets worked up enough and acts rashly? he might just go in for the kiss straightaway...
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tags: @tokusaatsus, @kalimism
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 21 days
Growing Pains CH4 (MWC 10, 11, 12!)
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Pairing: RE2 Leon Kennedy x Male(Intended) Reader Summary: College AU! Your day is shit but Leon's there to take you out. Words: 3,004/200 Warnings: reader's overstimulated Notes: this chapter was originally supposed to be longer but the first draft sucked so i rewrote everything
Navigation | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
For the entirety of your Sunday morning shift Leon had lingered in a mostly empty corner of the cafe, he sat up at a single-person table with a laptop out, pretending poorly to be hard at work. He looked around the store often and constantly checked the time, obviously very impatient for the day to be finished and so excited he was practically vibrating the store from how hard he was bouncing his knee. You knew he didn't mean to cause you any stress but his very naive puppy-like act pinched some nerves you didn't know you had–or maybe you were just having a bad day. With your head buried deep up in the clouds, you hadnt realized that you fucked up two orders in a row until the customers had come up to angrily complain at you, glaring nastily as you apologized and made them each their correct order and gave it to them for free. Apologizing had left a sour taste in your mouth that grew as you poured the coffee down the drain and tossed the cups into the trash, you had absolutely no idea why you were getting so worked up over something you’ve done a handful of times. 
You barely made it through your next customer without blowing up in their face and as soon as they left you step back from the register and start untying your apron as you head to the back, “I’m goin’ on break.” You don't mean to sound as rough as you did and you don't notice the worried looks Claire and Leon throw your way. You don't pay any attention to her as Claire follows you into the break room and you try to keep the silence between you by pretending like you dont notice her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, “There’s something wrong with you today.” It's kind of funny, the way she says it and any normal person would take offense but you’ve known Claire for nearly her whole freshman year, so it's a lot easier to tell the difference between her being flat out rude and her just caring too much to baby you. “That so?” You don't look up from your hands, idly shuffling things around and pretending to look busy so she’d hopefully leave. “If you won’t tell me what’s wrong, then you can just go home.” Your brows furrow and you glance up at her confused, “I have an hour left, why would I do that?” She shrugs and lets her hands fall down by her sides, “I dunno…” You instantly recognise the insecure tone in her voice and pull your hands from your locker so you can stand up fully, “I’m just… worried, you’re acting weird.” Your demeanor softens, a weight settles in your stomach as your shoulders drop, you hadn't realized that she’d picked up on your unreasonably sour mood and the fact that it made her upset without you knowing only makes that weight heavier. “I-.” You start to apologize but she cuts you off by shaking her head, “Just…” She struggles to find the right words and looks off to the side, her eyes drifting to the corner of the room, “You don’t have to bottle it up… You’re not alone anymore.” Her words hit you like a bullet straight to the chest, a lump forms in your throat as you remember what you had gone through when you first met Clair. 
It was bad and the knowledge that she noticed and remembered something like that gets your eyes burning, but you swallow the lump in your throat and blink the tears out of your wet eyes as you nod awkwardly, “Yeah. Yeah, I know.” She goes to say something else, her hand reaching out to you but someone rings the bell at the counter and she pauses for a second and looks over at the door, she looks back at you like she’s going to apologize but whoever is at the counter rings the bell again and then keeps ringing it impatiently. She breaks for the front, only slowing down as she rounds the corner and into the dining area to take the customers order. Once she's gone you’re left in relative silence, you sit on a hard plastic chair and lean back, your mind wondering to Clair and how lucky you must’ve been to have met her. Your thoughts keep running as you think about what kind of life she’d lead after college and if she would still be friends with you, or if she’d still be friends with Luis, or Leon. For some reason your thoughts get stuck on Leon, you wonder about his life, his major, what his grades are like but those thoughts are only brief, your brain taking you down a different train of thought. 
You stare off into space as you fidget with your phone, your thoughts unhelpfully reminding you of how flawed you are and how perfect leon seems in comparison to you, you hadn’t realized you started crying until a tear lands on your phone. The interruption pulls you out of your self-deprecating spiral and back into the present moment, you wipe your face quickly and stand to go to the bathroom before Claire or someone else spots you. You lock the bathroom door and lean over the sink, avoiding looking in the mirror, you know your hair is messy, you know you have dark bags under your eyes but you know that looking at yourself will only send you back into your earlier spiral. You scrub your weary face with cold water and pat it down before fixing yourself the best you can and heading out back to the dining area. It got busy fast, you hurriedly tie on your apron to help the next customers in Claire’s long line, a decent chunk of them migrating over to stand in front of your register. 
You’re too busy to notice the grateful look she gives and definitely too busy to notice how Leon’s stopped pretending to work and is now just blatantly staring at you. With the two of you working you get through the wave of customers until there’s only a few stragglers left and a few familiar faces, Luis leans against the counter by Claire looking painfully tired and they chat idly as she makes him his drink, Leon naturally migrating over to the two of his closest friends. You aren't given any time to engage or listen to what their talking about as a brick wall settles in front of you, you look up at the Tyrant, who, after being added to the group chat with everyone including Luis and some girl named Ashley who you’ve never met in person, you learned that the Tyrants real name was Mr. X. you also learned, after a lot of teasing and jokes, that no one knew Mr. X’s full last name nor his first name. “Hi. Welcome to-.” He interrupts you with a wave of his hand and a scoff, “If you can’t remember something as simple as my order then why the hell do you work here?” You will yourself not to gawk, the gall of this guy. You fix your smile that had dropped slightly and tap his order into the register a tiny bit passive-aggressively, “Of course I remember your order, it’s just customary that I-.” He cuts you off again, “I don’t care about the customs of a coffee shop run by children,” He casts a nasty look over at Clair and you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from getting fired or sued. “Just shut your mouth and make my damn drink.” Your head aches, a dull pounding settles just behind your eyes and you turn around to make his coffee, just wanting to get his order finished so he can leave. 
As you’re putting a fresh pot of coffee on to boil you see the teacher turn to Leon and Claire to ask them how they’re preparing for exams. Claire’s normal strong defiant demeanor falters and Leon just looks scared shitless, he doesn’t attempt to say anything but he doesn't have to as Claire’s already opening her mouth to tell him they had a study group. The coffee is pretty much finished so you turn back to making his drink, keeping their conversation within earshot, something about this guy made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Once you finish you place the lid on his cup, not bothering to snap it on correctly but he doesn't seem to notice as you hand it over, “Please be careful, our lids haven't been fitting right.” He rolls his eyes at you and tosses down the exact amount and not a cent more. When Mr. X passes Leon on his way out he glares down at him, a frown tugs at your lips as you watch Leon's face twist anxiously. 
When he's out of the shop and the door is shut firmly behind him you hear the trio collectively let out a big breath, you mull over your conversation with him in your head while you shut the drawer and lean your elbows on the counter, your eyes straying out the window just in time to see Mr. X run into a trio of freshmen and spill coffee all down the front of his coat. Before you realize what you’re doing, your arm grows a mind of its own and you knock your fist against Luis’ shoulder, he looks over at you and you point out the window where Mr. X is throwing a temper tantrum about the coffee spilt on his ugly ass coat. Luis snorts, then chokes on his coffee, doubling over in a coughing fit. He nearly misses the counter when he tries to set his cup down but you catch it just in time, using his free hand to point out the window, Claire barks out a loud laugh as she slaps Luis on the back. Your eyes flit over to Leon just in time to see the tension flood out of his shoulders and a small smile tug at the corners of his lips, he senses your gaze on him and he looks over. 
As you make eye contact, butterflies fill your stomach uncomfortably and your face starts to feel hot, you turn back to the register and pretend to look busy as the freshmen wander in, giggling to themselves. You miss the way Leon brightens up but you hear his excited voice loud and clear; “Hey Ashley.” Your head snaps over to them when you hear that name and you look over to see a pretty looking blonde amongst two brunette girls that are leant in close to each other whispering about something and a ravenette who doesn't look like she wants to be here. The ravenette comes up to the counter first, rolling her eyes at her friends as she passes, she looks at the menu for a while as you watch the very friendly interaction between Ashley and Leon with a bitter feeling rising in your throat. The girl in front of you clears her throat and rattles off her order, you tap it into the register while trying to listen in on what Leon’s talking about but it quickly gets very complicated as the girl starts listing off the different types of ingredients and things she wants added to her food. “I’ll go make that.” Claire sing-songs and snatches the note from your hands while she walks to the kitchen Luis trailing after her, you make the ravenette’s drink and tune back into Leon’s disturbing conversation about how Mr. X is very biased and rude, going so far as to give Leon false bad grades. 
“Why haven't you reported him?” As soon as it comes out of your mouth everyone goes quiet, clearly scared of the guy. Leon shrugs and plays with his fingers, “He's scary…” You roll your eyes and toss a crumpled receipt at him, “And he’s going to keep being scary if no one does anything about it.” He watches the receipt bounce off his shoulder and roll onto the counter, he pokes it and then unfolds the paper, fidgeting with it to try to get it completely flat. You watch him as Ashley speaks up, “It's not that easy, i’ve heard that the whole staff is scared of him and that's why he’s still allowed to work here.” She speaks with wide eyes, her two brunette friends nod enthusiastically as the other girl rolls her eyes. “And you believe them? Have you not met the Chancellor?” you say, your gaze flickering back to leon as he doodles on the receipt with a sharpie, your heart squeezes at how cute he it but as soon as that thought passes through your head you force your eyes away, glancing up in time to see Ashley cock her head slightly, “No, who’s the chancellor?” You nod while pulling out your phone to google Albert Wesker, you click on the first picture and show her, the brunette girls leaning in to see too. “Oh, I know him. He comes to the store my dad works at.” When she says that Leon looks up trying to see the picture on your phone, you tilt the screen over to him and he furrows his brows, “He looks familiar, i think…” Ashley must have realized something as she suddenly gets really enthusiastic, she taps Leon's shoulder rapidly until he looks up. 
“He’s the guy that donated all that money to my dad, the one we saw at the party.” Your brows raise at what she said and the unpleasant feeling stirs in your gut again, rising up into your throat like bile. Claire comes back with the black haired girls food and the other girls drift over to her to get their orders in too, once they have the shortest one waves Ashley over to order. “Why’d your dad need money?” You look over at her as she shrugs “I never asked, I just assumed it was for his business…” You’re even more confused, “Business?” The taller brunette girl nods, “Yeah, Ashley’s dad works for a really big tech business. He’s like, really rich.” You nod slowly and look over to Ashley for confirmation but before she can get a word in, the shorter girl pipes in, “Its called DSO but no one knows what it stands for but it's on everyone’s phones, see?” She holds out her phone and sure enough on the back near the bottom left hand corner were the letters DSO. You’d seen a few buildings with those letters before but you’d always assumed it was for something else, not tech stores. “Mine doesn’t.” You don’t pull out your phone but it doesn't seem to matter, both of the brown haired girls look at you weirdly and then at each other, you roll your eyes and shake your head while walking back to your register to see the time, there's about thirty minutes left until it's time for you and Claire to close. 
You busy yourself with wiping down the counter as Claire makes the rest of the girls’ drinks, they thank her and pay before leaving. You watch out of the corner of your eye as Leon and Ashley hug before she leaves to catch up with her friends. You frown down at the counter as you clean it off, “What's got you down, Hermano?” You’re embarrassed at the yelp you let out when Luis sneaks up behind you and sets his hands on your waist. He laughs and pulls his hands off to stand next to you while leaning on the counter, “Where the fuck did you come from?” You slap his arm lightly, your other hand pressed over your fast beating heart. “I went to the bathroom.” He shrugs casually, like he hadn't just tried to kill you. 
You furrow your brows and push him into the direction of the door, “Get out, we’re trying to close.” He holds his hands up in mock surrender as he turns to walk out the door, Leon trailing behind him like a lost puppy. They wait and chat idly by Leons bike as you and Claire close, once everything is done and in order she heads out of the shop first ticking her tips into her pocket as you reset the alarm then lock the door behind you. Claire waves you and Leon goodbye as her and Luis walk in the direction of campus, both of them having classes all afternoon. Leon clears his throat nervously from behind you, he’s holding onto the handlebars of his bike, ready to go. “Where are we going?” You stuff your keys back into your pocket as his cheeks turn red, “Oh uh… I haven't… actually gotten that far… yet…” He explains lamely while scratching the back of his neck, Your heart skips in your chest and you purse your lips trying to fight off the sudden urge to lean in and kiss him. 
“Hm…” You hum thoughtfully and pull your bottom lip into your mouth to chew on it as you think. All you really want to do is go home and relax but you also don't want to leave Leon, the longer you’re around him the more addicting it gets to be around him. “What about a movie?” He perks up and nods, following you when you start heading in the direction of the theater, “What’s even on?” You yawn and stretch your arms over your head, your body feeling stiff, “There's a zombie movie playing.” You see him look over at you from the corner of your eye, you give a thoughtful nod not really thinking about it, all you want to do is sit down and maybe sleep. “What’s it about?” He pauses to think, “I think it's about a cop but that's all I remember seeing about it.”
☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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rhondafromhr · 5 months
More ideas/headcanons for the ‘Nerds Corruption AU’
Link to the original post for those who aren’t familiar: https://www.tumblr.com/rhondafromhr/738012368733356032/dont-get-me-wrong-i-love-max-redemption-arcs-in
-The LIB adopt their human forms after the first time Max, Steph and the nerds summon them and RELENTLESSLY make fun of their true/eldritch forms. “our real forms would melt your minds” yeah sure whatever you need to tell yourself Pokey
-Tinky tries to use having Ted in the bastard box as leverage against Pete, but he just doesn’t care because that’s not his brother, it’s some other Pete’s brother from another timeline so it’s not his problem.
-Once everyone in the group starts acting like an agressive bully the way Max does, Grace finds herself attracted to all of them and has a crisis over it.
-At some point Max tries to apologize for before (“sorry for bullying you guys all these years, you never deserved that, everyone we’re currently bullying does but you didn’t.”) Now that they’re all literal monsters too they just dismiss him like “don’t apologize, we get it now, the power trip is fucking awesome!“
-Max’s signature move of using anti-bullying slogans to justify and get away with bullying is their favorite. They always tell Max how smart he is for coming up with it.
-They decide Kyle can date Brenda now but plot twist! Brenda leaves him for Ruth. Ruth taunts him for this every chance she gets and purposely makes out with Brenda in locations where he’ll have to walk by. Cue Kyle sobbing in the bathroom while Jason comforts him, leading to one of very few sweet, wholesome scenes we get in this universe.
-Ruth is confident enough to perform now, which obviously means they need to sabotage the lead in The Barbecue Monologues so she can take the role. They either just straight up intimidate them into quitting or frame them for vandalizing the school and get them expelled.
-One day Pete randomly remembers the time Brad Callahan pantsed him and he and the rest of the crew just drop what they’re doing to go beat him up. When they get called into principal Blim’s office they tell him they did it because Brad was picking on Hannah Foster earlier (“what do you want us to do? Stand by and do nothing? Being a bystander is just as bad as bullying, we learned that at the anti-bullying assembly!”) Brad has been known to do that so he believes them and lets them off with a warning. When word gets around people actually do mess with Hannah a lot less.
- (already mentioned this in a separate post but I’ll put it here too) after graduation Max, Steph + the nerds run an anime/comic book store together and Richie’s the only one who knows or cares about any of it. He’s rude and condescending to customers, everyone else is not knowledgeable and completely unhelpful, Grace tells every customer they need to go read a bible instead. They have like 1.5 stars on yelp but stay in business because the next closest similar store is in Clivesdale so nobody’s going to go there
-At some point Linda Monroe comes in and sees the gang being rude to Becky Barnes, so of course she takes an instant liking to them. She becomes an investor in the store and sort of a mother figure to all of them. She encourages their bad behavior, giving them tips for manipulating people in a more sophisticated way. Max and Steph get especially attached to her (the three bond over their dad issues) and they go to her house once a week to drink wine and and hear all the hot gossip about Linda’s rich frienemies.
-When Roman finds out about Linda’s new investment he comes to check out the store and he’s as icy towards her as usual. True to form, Max, Steph and the nerds say the rudest, most out of pocket stuff to him (Richie goes after his appearance HARD, not realizing the irony that he looks pretty similar) and eventually he storms off. Linda’s touched that they stood up for her. She cries and tells them how proud she is. Max and Steph cry a little too because this is the first time a parental figure’s ever told them that. After this they become obsessed with impressing Linda so they can hear it again.
-Grace babysits Linda’s kids sometimes and Linda pays her an outrageous amount due to being so out of touch with regular babysitting rates (“it’s one banana, what could it cost, ten dollars?” energy). Grace refuses to babysit for Tom anymore because he can’t match these rates. One night he can’t find any other sitters, so he tries to cancel on Becky but she suggests they spend a night in with Tim instead, leading to some nice family bonding (okay there can be one more cute wholesome moment, I’ll allow it.)
-They’re rivals with Frank Pricely. They hate him because Toyzone cuts into their merch sales. He hates them back for stealing Linda, who used to drop thousands per week at his store. They always scheme to screw each other over. Black Friday doesn’t happen in this timeline solely because they pay Lex to destroy the entire shipment of wiggly dolls. This is also what gets them on the LIB’s radar, Wiggly is absolutely furious.
- (This one relates to the popular “Paul is Richie’s uncle” headcanon) At some point, Paul is at his wit’s end with Richie and makes him move out in the hopes it’ll force him to reevaluate his life and stop being so awful. He doesn’t just throw Richie out, he gives him a timeline and helps him find a place. But he’s not sure if he did the right thing. He mentions this to Ted at work and Ted says his parents did the same to him and he’s totally well-adjusted. Paul just gives him a look and says “Ted…no.” This is the catalyst for him getting involved with the group and eventually getting his own corruption arc.
-After moving out, Richie becomes roommates with Max and Ruth. Steph and Pete have a luxury apartment together downtown (Solomon pays for it because he can’t deal with her anymore and wants her out of his house). Grace has a two bedroom apartment to herself - she had a roommate at one point, but they got fed up and left. Luckily she can afford it with her cushy babysitting gig.
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
Neopronouns are not even real pronouns. A pronoun is a noun used to describe a living being. They/Them is fine, they are real pronouns used in the English language. And yes, while I think there is no possible way for someone who has boy or girl genes to actually be non-binary, I will respect them as a person. But, neopronouns, however, are way over the top. I’ve seen people online who identify as like, xe/xem. That’s ridiculous, they’re not even a part of the English language. I’ve seen one person who identified as shark/sharkself. That is so annoying. I’m not gonna call you “shark” bro. Nobody is gonna call you that, except for maybe people as delusional as you. So, I’m conclusion, yes, neopronouns are ridiculous and stupid and unnecessary. Whoever uses them certainly needs mental help, but instead we are celebrating and giving them parades and telling them it’s fine and not stupid at all to identify as a fucking shark.
That being said, if we Normalize these outrageous neopronouns, I don't think I'll be able to handle meeting another three or more person with unique neopronouns, I don’t think I'll care about memorizing them if we don’t get along. I can only imagine that inside their head they are going like “Why can’t everyone understand me? why can’t anyone respect me? why can’t anyone get along with me? me… me…me…”. This is just starting to become a narcissistic play.  It’s just sad that you yourself are intentionally creating a situation that excludes you from other people. You are making yourself too different, you eventually get depressed, commit die and well, will anybody care about you in the end?
Pronouns replace nouns and they are a part of a language. Not something we just make up because we think we are more special than anyone else.
Also, this stuff only appeals to children, or adults with some sort of arrested development. No mature human being would want to go by “cupcakeself”.
We all have names. If you want to rebel against pronouns why can’t you just use your name? Be “Johnself” or “Sallyself” or something people can remember. We aren’t going to trouble ourselves to memorize some made up nounself words.
You’re lucky if we can remember your name let alone some made up ridiculousness.
I hope everyone with neopronouns die.
hey anon. anon. just a question for you. does that Actually Genuinely affect you? like at all? do you know anyone in real life who uses neopronouns? or is it just people online who are literally just minding their business. hmm?
also. all words are made up dingus it came free with your fucking language. we make up words all the time. selfie is in the dictionary now. it wasnt 50 years ago. does that make it not a real word? no. it does not. because language is a tool used by human beings to describe ourselves and the world around us, and to communicate ideas and knowledge. do you think we just. found a dictionary under a rock one day?
if neopronouns bother you that much, just block people who use them. block the neopronoun tag. or perhaps just get off tumblr. touch some grass. focus on a real problem instead of people online using words you dont like. there are people dying right now anon. the planet is on fire. sharkself pronouns arent hurting you.
also. you said that neopronouns only appeal to children, then said that all neopronoun users should die. so... you think children should die? you want children to kill themselves anon? is that what you want? you seem like a lovely person /s
and seeing as you mentioned nonbinary people. you know that there are more sexes than just male and female right? like biologically. they taught you male and female in school to simplify things for your developing brain, like how they tell you that electrons are particles and you cant square root -1. but once you start studying these things at a more in depth level, you realise that they arent that simple at all. biological sex exists on a spectrum. it is a collection of attributes that can behave any number of ways. including hormones, genitalia, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and more.
furthermore, gender and sex are not the same thing. but i cant be bothered to explain that to you because you will refuse to understand it anyway, and ive wasted enough time talking to you as it is.
if you send me anything like this again im just going to delete it, but i wanted to at least try and talk some sense into you first.
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oh-lordy-lord-save-me · 5 months
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I am really fascinated by your version of Usagi and wanted to know more about him. What are the similarities and differences between your version and the comic version of Usagi? And well the other characters of Usagi Yojimbo appear as well, like Kitsune, Gen, and Tomoe, and if so how are they like in your version?
hi!!! thank you for taking interest in my iteration, its means a lot. in my au usagi is a teen(around 16-17) who traveled from japan to new york because he “wanted to travel more.” in reality he is trying to avoid another encounter with jei, as the last one kinda scarred him a bit. the thought of jei being in any town he’s visiting took away the possibility of a peaceful night for him. 
gonna cut it off here since i just noticed how long this is haha
ayway, he definitely still sticks his nose into other people’s business and gets involved into things that were 100% avoidable.He would still be incredibly good with kids as well as helping anyone who needs it no matter how difficult the task is. Either way he still has a shit ton of warrants on his head!!!
Another thing that is absolutely vital to him is his inability to commit to anything🙏 he likes his life of wandering and it feels wrong to him to stay put in one place. he does not want his life to change and that doesn’t really help if he ever wants a relationship. to make it worse he will not speak about his feelings, i think he’d rather be struck by lightning.
the way he acted before moving to the hidden city was very different. he was much more carefree and always got into situations without much of a plan. he’d throw in some jokes in the middle of fights and hype himself up sometimes. i based off this phase of his life off of his younger self in the comics. but after this he tries to take things more seriously, keeping to himself and not breaking rules as often and acts like a dick sometimes . he gets better tho after hating leo for a while and gets to know him better.
i did change some characters a bit like katsuichi. he still lives as a hermit but took usagi in when he was much younger due to his dad passing. he takes on a more fatherly role than just a sensei for usagi. i dont see him calling him a cockroach or a head lice knowing this poor kid just lost his dad😭
kitsune, gen, and tomoe are living their lives back in japan. kitsune still lives as a street performer and a thief and shes having a good life rn honestly. shes knowledgeable in some mystic items as they’re usually a part of her performances. she’d be active on social media platforms, she’d have very organized posts. she’s also the one who reaches out the most to usagi; she pokes fun at him but she does it as a way to check in on him since the last time she really saw him he wasn’t in the best shape. i haven’t really gotten to gen yet, but he’s still a bounty hunter. he’d still be a bit of an ass when it comes to money or usagi. 
dont have much on tomoe, which is honestly a crime, but i have the idea that she is a student at her father’s school. i think she’d be entirely dedicated to her skills and wouldn’t have much time for anything else. she’d only ever see usagi if he’s visiting the geishu province. i plan on them leaving eachother on strained terms when he left japan, they’d eventually sort it out in the future though. there’s also chizu, who usagi has worked with in the past but eventually stopped. She’s completely dedicated to the neko ninja, willing to do everything she has to for their cause. she ended their friendship by deceiving him since “friendship is a weapon that is used by the ninja, but it can be much worse if the ninja develops feelings of friendship.”
 chizu is honestly a big reason who usagi heavily distrusted leo at first; his experience with ninja isn’t very pleasant 
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Weird fucking thang. Posting these sketches just so i can talk about her. What if there was a guy who could be so insecure but so much better at hiding it.
Idfk whats going on with her outfit but its stuck on me so im keeping it.SHE'S WEARING STOCKINGS/leggings? BUT THEYRE WHITE SO IDK HOW TO VISUALIZE THAT. Hair is either a perm OR welcome side-effects from bleach + bright ass red hair dye (yes lizzie is ginger but she will dye her hair more red because. Clown.). Make up is exaggerated, lips and eyeshadoe overfilled, blush too bright/dark, literally everything besides actual greasepaint. Also she has funshaped suit cuffs button things..HONESTLY SHES HAVING A RLLY FUN TIME BEING DRAMATIC she goes to stock holder meetings dressed like this.
Elizabeth immediantly latches onto the Make ur Own Nice Fantasy and Friends thing :). She thinks this is a perfect idea. Like a LOT MORE INVOLVED version of movie william, sorta, i think she directly talks to the animatronics (esp. The funtimes)..but refuses to say their Real Names or talk about their old life in any way but sorta mean like "arent you glad you can be here now instead :3?"
The funtimes grow to FUCKING HATE HER. esp..because they are probably the ones she's "closest" to. And the ones she had the most hand in killing. (And they're also the ones that have been shown to revolt in canon.)
So eventually she gets too handsy or tests her luck somehow, with Baby(a couple of souls amalgamed into one robot, plus an AI), and, snatch, Lizzie is grabbed by her arm, pulled forward, and Baby clamps down on bone. Hard enough to chomp off (they made improvements to their strength.
If Lizzie hadn't had the knowledge of What They Do, and if she was younger and smaller, she'd be dead. She's not.
As soon as she's not dying from bloodloss and probably not from sepsis, she just goes ":o] okay i want a robot arm, daddy." And Bill is happy to oblige, mostly just scaling down blue prints from Baby's arm.
Elizabeth really enjoys giving handshakes with that arm. And using it to showcase all the wonderful potential Afton Robotics has. Fully artifulated and very strong :o].no dont worry about the phantom pains or how far the wires must go into your skin. Don't worry about how invasive or dangerous or the burns or how it Never Really Feels like I'm in control of it--Aren't you a fan of Progress, John? Don't stifle this. Imagine the profits
She clamps down harder on what's Proper Behavior for the funtimes. Many controlled shocks. I think she becomes a lot more cautious (but certainly she'll never be as much of a scaredy cat as Bill. She's above that.).
I think she's generally very insecure and shit. I think she's sort of feels "hollow" , no real self, similar to Bill. But i think she knows she's much better at hiding it, and knows how to be much more of a character. She's more solid. More grounded. She knows what she wants and By God she is going to get it.
I think she absolutely hates going to social events that are not 99% business. Elizabeth cannot exist in normal public life-- she's better than that (shes so so scared. She does not know how to act normal.).
What if a guy was extremely agoraphobic. I mean she's been hanging out in a fucking underground bunker for most of her life, besides school. That's where all the fun happens and where she can be in control.
She takes over Afton robotics, legally, as soon as William Afton goes missing. She Really takes over when "Dave Miller" goes missing, and when she snoops and finds his dead, "lifeless" body in the rabbit suit. She thinks this is a wonderful opprunity. She has so many ideas she needs to get out there, now that she's not stifled.
I think she takes this oppurtunity to Expand and seperate the brand from previous associations (leaches). Sues Henry Emily and his strand of the company. I dont know if she wins but that happens.
I think. I think. I'm going to make the Circus aniamtronics (the fucking funko pop shit) to be Lizzie's own little experiment at expanding the brand. I THINK SHE DOES SO WELL and takes the killing into her own hands esp now <3.
Aaaaaughhh idk i love lizzie so much. Thiss is rambly AND ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
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avacadokin · 7 months
Pssst I think you should write that fucked up fitpac thing
aughhhhhhhhhhhh fuck but im literally in the middle of writing another fitpac smut rn and ive got class, so instead im just gonna dump my ideas here and hopefully come back to them later
ok uh fuck pac uses his control over fit's mech dick (he made it after all) to overload fit with pleasure in purgatory to the point he cant fucking move at all, trapping him and taking him out of the fight until his 5 hours are up in purgatory.
or fit just fantasizing about how pac could do that, at any time just take advantage of his past trust and reduce him down to a pathetic moaning mess, taking him back to past encounters in 2b2t, how he successfully fought them off back then but wishing he wouldn't win for pac
fit going out to hunt, ambushing tubbo or some other blue team member not to realize that pac was there, killing the other blue but getting so low and his armor so broken he's completely at pac's whim, trying to run and falling horribly
fit getting called "big daddy" condescendingly by pac, just to rub it in his face how far he's fallen
a big fight between both blue and green ending with them being the only two left, covered in quickly drying blood of their friends and enemies (though at this point what's the difference?)
circling each other like starved dogs
ripping and tearing into each other pulling and scratching at anything they can reach when they finally collide
pac using the sharp hard edges of his prosthetic to kick fit wherever is closest, fit biting hard on his other knee to remind him how he lost his first
pac disconnecting fit's prosthetic arm, or just disabling it, he's repaired it enough times to know how to break it easily
tearing away his weapons and clothes, enabling some fun features he added like auto-lube and vibration before fucking fit on his own hand
pac hastily (he wants this to hurt) preps himself with fit's hand (slapping away the flesh one whenever it gets close) before shoving it back inside fit
if his prosthetic arm still had any feeling left in it it would burn from being trapped against the dirt beneath fit and from the angle his wrist must be at to get his fingers anywhere near his prostate (pac wishes it still had feeling)
pac getting fed up with the interference from fit's working hand, so he rearranges himself to pin it under his prosthetic leg, hoping the rough edges leave cuts and bruises, marking fit's entire body as his
then he sinks down onto fit's cock in one smooth motion (only lightly hampered by the blood dripping its way down from somewhere, pain is pleasure at this point so he doesn't care)
fit's hips buck up at the sensation, lifting pac up with him (the knowledge that he has so throughly conquered someone so strong does things to pac's brain)
one of pac's hands is busy restraining fit and acting as leverage for pac to fuck himself on fit's cock, but the other, pac brings up to the top of fit's bald head and scratches a bloody path from there, to his cheeks, over his pecs, and down his abs before resting atop pac's dick
pac gathers the pre-cum, blood and who knows what else that's settled there, before smearing it along a messy path up to fit's neck, where he just holds as he rides fit
when he feels fit cum inside him he doesn't stop, pac just grips even tighter onto fits throat, praying he's cutting off his airway as he rides to completion
then idk maybe they kill each other so they dont have to clean up, maybe they clean up and apologize and its terribly sweet for the situation they're in
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
HELLO SPONTANEOUS PART 2 TO MANLY STEVE (inspired by the fact my dad is working on one of his classic cars rn)
One day once Steve and Eddie are dating, Steve buys himself a real junker of a car, from the 50s, barely working, missing wheels, broken down, and they keep it parked behind the Munson's new trailer.
And Steve is determined to fix it up. Rebuild the body, fix the engine, redo the interior. Really get his hands on it, fix it, make it his.
His father liked cars, but only if they were new, expensive, and he didn't have to touch the engine. He'd brag about horsepower, and top speed, but fixing it and changing the oil was blue collar work and "below him". Steve likes getting hands on, physical work, finding a problem and working around it.
So he spends hours tinkering with it, finding new parts, and Eddie and Wayne join him. Eddie taking all the knowledge his father gave him of hotwiring and stripping cars for parts and using it productively. Making it a happy memory. So of course Wayne is there. Getting as involved as he can when Eddie keeps reminding him to take it easy, dont get hurt, they can share the work. (Wayne's car knowledge is a big help)
I just!!!!! Them forming this new loving family unit and working to create something together
Momo I’m so sorry I’m so late getting back to you!!
I LOVE your ideas, as always.
What about Steve, Eddie and Wayne going off in Eddie’s van to scope out scrap yards/used parts. They make a day off it every month or second month, touring round their usual spots. Eddie elbow deep in a pile of parts when he he hears Wayne’s slow and steady drawl that cuts through the noise of the yard
‘Boys, think I found somethin’
Eddie sidles up, looking over Wayne’s shoulder when Steve approaches from the opposite side. Wayne just raises an eyebrows and points with his cigarette to an old piece of kit that’s seen better days but by Steve’s reaction you’d think he’d just been handed seventeen babies, a station wagon and a family home to house them all.
It’s the piece Steve had been looking for for god knows how long. Only thing is, it’s more expensive than it has any right to be. They only find this out after Steve takes it up to the owner to ask thr price. His face falls, dreams of finishing their project car dashed. He tries not to let it show, just gives a tight lipped smile and walks away, hands in pockets.
Both Eddie and Wayne catch each others eyes, theirs heads come together, seeing if there’s a solution. They know they can’t afford it themselves, no chance, they are just managing bills and food as it is, disposable income a rarity. Eddie has an idea though, he asks Steve to let him and wayne contribute towards the cost, knowing that between the three of them and some sweet talking to the yard owner into a payment plan (Wayne has some long running connections that he’s not shy of exploiting when it comes to his boys). It’s not easy, Steve outright refuses at first, saying that he could never take that from Eddie and Wayne, that they don’t need to pander to him. There’s sle loud ones, some angry ones too.
But it’s Wayne’s stern eye and explanation that ‘Steve, son, we’ve put some hours into this thing too. Don’t you think we want to see it done?’
They all know wayne is just giving Steve an out but they don’t mention it, don’t even vaguely acknowledge it. When Steve is sitting in the back of Eddie’s van, bright smile on his face as he cradled the hunk of metal in his arms he’s so grateful he thinks his heart might burst. He doesn’t catch it, too busy staring at the cold object in his lap but Eddie and Wayne share a look, one of pride. They can’t give much, not like what Steve is used to, but what they can give means so much more and that’s evident on Steve’s face.
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
none of this is necessarily canon but alll of it COULD be n im doodling every idea i get bc i know ill be too busy to later
1. just some outfits yippee
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2. Cataclysm is very determined but also is a huge liability so I feel like Belos would have mixed feelings
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3. potential solution for Belos' conundrum in pt. 2, plan A: murder solves everything except when it doesnt because you made a homunculus out of the bones of an immortal space godchild
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4. potential solution for Belos' conundrum in pt. 2, plan B: direct their destructive energy & hope they don't accidentally learn the power of friendship from wild witches
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a few more thoughts
for the record I dont think Caty has a bile sac (tho we dont know for sure how TC's magic works) and therefore I think they mostly do glyphs.
They remember some basics from before they died (TOH has established that bones hold memories & theres no reason they wouldn't use most of Caty's bones all in one Grimwalker for the test run) but not any of the really high level stuff Collector would know.
They also have enough starchild still in em that they don't age, so they just accumulate a lot of glyph knowledge over time anyways, mostly self-taught via fucking around and finding out.
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captaindarkiplier · 12 days
Would i be allowed to throw one of my sphinx guys at you for shenanigans ? The multiverse is a thing,so anything is possible ! /Lh (i wanna do that with another cool blog too when im less busy lol)
Yes yes of course! Not sure if this is what you mean but- I have a rough sketch idea of your Sphynx Dark sitting around waiting to be finished while I'm working on my Cpt. Dark ref today!
Anyway feel free to send me any kind of ref or specific request, or whatever else you may have in mind. It helps a lot for me to be more specific when drawing for others.
I enjoy the multiverse... I think scenarios of Dark meeting an alternate version of himself would be really interesting. I dont think I've ever seen art of it, nor thought about it. I think cptdark meeting sphynx dark would be interesting because they're basically opposites. Overt beast Sphynx, versus a chained beast trapped in the role of a Captain. I feel like multiple Darks meeting would fuse in scary ways. Sphynx Dark nonchalantly eating a passive Cpt Dark and then gaining knowledge of the multiverse by fusing souls/memories? Lol, they will do anything to become stronger / individual identity no longer matters to them. That's just one potential scenario ^,^...
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An Eternity With You
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«Chapter 3»
Warnings: Arguements (All Four) Physical Injuries (Arthur to Gerald and Reader) Hurt no Comfort (Gerald and Reader) Smoking (Felix) Mention of Sex (Idk Anymore)
Authors note: Who wants to see Felix be absolutely an depressed twink? Also sorry i havent been active, been very busy and also writers block, i wrote the plot as i go, this story is now a joint story between me and becca because i want to have the most people enjoying my/our writing
Written by: V1vian and @fckedupnerd aka Becca
You were walking with Gerald towards a bakery that has caught your eye since dating him, still unaware of the secret relationship between him and the chocolate cartel, the winter air made the coat you borrowed from him all the more cozier, though Gerald seemed uneased passing by the Galarie Gourmet buliding, "Hey, are you okay...?" You asked him "Oh yes am fine, just a bit cold from the air" He shook it off. You suspected something else but didnt want to push any furthur, you arrive home safely and without issue, you kiss him goodbye and he walked back to the Galarie Gourmet, alone in your apartment, you wonder what made him so uneased
Meanwhile Gerald was just returning to the vault, Arthur and Felix stared at him, wondering why he was so late, he was always the earliest out of all of them, theres no way he woukd be caught in traffic or be late because of getting food so why is he late now? "Well Gerald it seems like youre late, care to explain?"
"Well the café i go to didnt open yet and there was a new perdon there so i had to explain my order, anyways i got food" He held out the takeout orders, hoping and praying he hid the fact he was just out with you well enough so they dont know about his affairs, he feels extremely gulity about it, but he still holds them to his heart dearly, they eat...well Arthur and Gerald, Felix didnt touch the food and only drank his black coffee because of his own ED, but the two of them didnt push, they both know he'll throw a hissy fit at them, though its a bit pathetic really
Days went on with you and Gerald going out in secrecy
He always had an excuse to them, believeable enough so none if the other two knows about his affairs, well except Felix, he was being irrational and decided to follow Gerald, it wasnt a good idea sure but they have also done much more illegal things, so he followed the two of you quietly, disturbed he was having an affair, he was seething in jealousy by you, unable to believe such a petite woman would catch his heart, it made him go to Arthur and tell on him, by the time Gerald came back, they were already glaring at him, he knew he couldnt hide it any longer, so happens you followed him into the vault by secret
"I cannot believe you Gerald, after everything we've done for you?!" Felix yelled in anger "Its not like you helped me in my buisness either, Fickelgruber!" "How dare you use my last name you foul git! You-" Arthur split them apart "Thats enough of you Felix" He glares at Gerald "Though that doesnt excuse you from the conversation"
"Its still a fact you are incredibly lazy and an idiot at most, you cant even do anything without someone saying it!" Gerald rolled his eyes
"Youre the one to talk, youre bossing everyonr around like puppets!" He rebuttles
"Thats because you and Felix cant do anything in buisness, sure both of you are creative but you especially have no knowledge of putting it into action!" Your jaw drops at the sight, but you stay hidden for now
"Oh thats strong coming from you, you know nothing of anything else BUT buisness!" Felix yells
"Big talk from someone who pukes himself to death!" Gerald argues
"You have no say in this when you cant even do things correctly, not even helping your own mistress! All you can do is throw money at them!" Arthur yells at Gerald loudly
You tried to sneak away but Felix spotted you "And YOU, you can only pay rent because of his pathetic ass being your sugar daddy!" You gasped
"At least i dont use Gerald as a servant!" You yell at Felix "Oh please, dont even look decent for how much money he gives" Arthur said as he gestures to your clothes
"And you! You cant even go for what? A day without yelling at him from what i can tell! And at least i actually have a sense of fashion, not just "i am rich" as my whole personality!"
"Well you can hardly tell what a privliege is, and all you can do is whine to Gerald for money!" Felix spits out in jealousy
"Stop talking, you cant even feed yourself properly, Felix, Talk when you can actually take care of yourself, at least shes healtheir than you! Am surprused you can even do sex when youre a twig!" Gerald yells back
"AND you cant even go for one week without sex with Arthur!" You say with pure sass "And you! You may be strong but your ego is as week as Felix's self esteem! Gerald has every right to have an affair with your toxic asses!"
Arhur slaps you in anger, leaving a mark as red as a cherry, Gerald slaps Arthur back for hurting you. He slaps Gerald back much, MUCH harder, drawiing blood from a cut on his cheek, Felix crosses his arms and smirks in victory. You help Gerald get out of the vault, none of you speak afterwards except you and Gerald, the other two's whereabouts are unknown, Gerald is too hurt to care.
Previous Chapter
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marimuraa · 10 months
Been thinking about Muri's business's relationship with Spyke's. Muri sells snails for cash, Spyke accepts snails for services. There are several things this could imply:
Muri built a large chunk of her business on her inside knowledge of Spyke's snail lust, and the only reason people buy her snails is to trade them with Spyke. This would make both services largely co-dependent, although Muri would need Spyke's business more than he needed hers. Is it a plot they concocted to boost revenue? A money laundering scheme? This, of course, assumes Spyke is unique in his snails-4-rolls business model and Super Sea Snails are useless outside of him. This, in turn, implies that Spyke is a complete fucking freak.
Spyke resells the snails he recieves back to Muri in an infinite loop. Definitely some sort of money laundering scheme. You don't want to know what their actual business is.
Urchins kind of in general have a thing for snails and regard them as valuable, due to use as food, currency or some other thing. Her selling them is just what Urchins do, as they play into the business of every Urchin entrepreneur as some sort of tradition.
It ain't that deep and Muri just capitalized on a bootleg-shilling street hobo by selling the hobo's favorite snack on a nearby street corner, knowing he's known to accept it in lieu of payment, basically pocketing his profits and letting him provide the actual services like a Chuck E Cheese token machine.
Muri knows Spyke eats Super Sea Snails, but thinks everyone does it and believes she's selling snacks. Urchins are strange.
The above, but her main gig is selling her other wares, and just sells off her surplus snails as a side thing. Perhaps the Urchins only operate businesses as a way to obtain snails, and all 3 have a dragon's hoard of illicit molluscs in their basements.
Not sure how legible this is. It's late, I'm tired, I'm trying new ADHD meds, and my brain has latched onto ur girl like a porcupine to a poorly-guarded garage sale salt lamp.
HEY ANON its been months u prolly dont care abt muri anymore so as an apology i give u never seen muri wips i will never finish. Also, ur ask gave me like tons of ideas aswell ur brain is huge. Hope u don't mind me stealing a few of these for the Muri+Spyke lore 💋
OK infodump time
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(made this a while ago with inspo from ur ask!)
Muri's and her business are known by word of mouth, she has never made any advertising for it.. Inklings and Octos just went all around the splatbands saying "Theres this urchin chick that sells super sea snails at affordable price, you should definetily go buy from her if you run out of snails!!" And thats how she sky-rocketed. That and her often using her good-looks so that they buy more stuff from her. But she can't really do any gear stuff, so she sells the super sea snails so that Spyke n Murch can do the actual thing.
"Muri would need Spyke's business more than he needed hers. Is it a plot they concocted to boost revenue? A money laundering scheme? This, of course, assumes Spyke is unique in his snails-4-rolls business model and Super Sea Snails are useless outside of him." "It ain't that deep and Muri just capitalized on a bootleg-shilling street hobo by selling the hobo's favorite snack on a nearby street corner, knowing he's known to accept it in lieu of payment, basically pocketing his profits and letting him provide the actual services like a Chuck E Cheese token machine." - YAH. U GET IT COMPLETELY. IDK if this is canon or not, but i think that super sea snails are only food. Like, for urchins. They're super hard to get, but they're only food. Spyke basically made them some sort of luxury item in Inkopolis, making them look like super valuable between Ink n Octo-lings. Muri noticing this, decides to sell super sea snails knowing she'll make mad profit from that.
Also thought abt a few options abt how Muri gets the snails.
Her family "farms" Super Sea Snails back in her hometown. (which is the same as Spykes and Murchs) She takes a BUNCH of them to sell in the splatlands, aswell as to give to her two brothers as a treat
She has a super sea snail provider that (initially) gave her only a limited amount of super sea snails. Yet her being the freak woman she is, she blackmailed and threatened the owner asking to give her as much snails as she wanted. With no other choice they had to accept, making Muri the one in control of the partnership. Kinda. Because the owner tends to flee and run away everytime she wants to talk with them.. making the poor delivery jellyfish have to deal with her.
You can choose to believe which of the two whether u like the most or which one u think fits her better.
BONUS FUN FACT: Muri cannot eat Super Sea Snails because she finds them disgusting in taste after a childhood experience. (She ate too many and threw up, the taste is now sickening to her) In the present she finds them extremely adorable buut shes fine and doesnt care abt other urchins eating them
Additional Muri+Spyke stuff
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OK my tummy hurts THX SO MUCH anon for the ask it made my muri brainworm infected brain go insane
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