#bloodlust does something to my brain ok
avacadokin · 11 months
Pssst I think you should write that fucked up fitpac thing
aughhhhhhhhhhhh fuck but im literally in the middle of writing another fitpac smut rn and ive got class, so instead im just gonna dump my ideas here and hopefully come back to them later
ok uh fuck pac uses his control over fit's mech dick (he made it after all) to overload fit with pleasure in purgatory to the point he cant fucking move at all, trapping him and taking him out of the fight until his 5 hours are up in purgatory.
or fit just fantasizing about how pac could do that, at any time just take advantage of his past trust and reduce him down to a pathetic moaning mess, taking him back to past encounters in 2b2t, how he successfully fought them off back then but wishing he wouldn't win for pac
fit going out to hunt, ambushing tubbo or some other blue team member not to realize that pac was there, killing the other blue but getting so low and his armor so broken he's completely at pac's whim, trying to run and falling horribly
fit getting called "big daddy" condescendingly by pac, just to rub it in his face how far he's fallen
a big fight between both blue and green ending with them being the only two left, covered in quickly drying blood of their friends and enemies (though at this point what's the difference?)
circling each other like starved dogs
ripping and tearing into each other pulling and scratching at anything they can reach when they finally collide
pac using the sharp hard edges of his prosthetic to kick fit wherever is closest, fit biting hard on his other knee to remind him how he lost his first
pac disconnecting fit's prosthetic arm, or just disabling it, he's repaired it enough times to know how to break it easily
tearing away his weapons and clothes, enabling some fun features he added like auto-lube and vibration before fucking fit on his own hand
pac hastily (he wants this to hurt) preps himself with fit's hand (slapping away the flesh one whenever it gets close) before shoving it back inside fit
if his prosthetic arm still had any feeling left in it it would burn from being trapped against the dirt beneath fit and from the angle his wrist must be at to get his fingers anywhere near his prostate (pac wishes it still had feeling)
pac getting fed up with the interference from fit's working hand, so he rearranges himself to pin it under his prosthetic leg, hoping the rough edges leave cuts and bruises, marking fit's entire body as his
then he sinks down onto fit's cock in one smooth motion (only lightly hampered by the blood dripping its way down from somewhere, pain is pleasure at this point so he doesn't care)
fit's hips buck up at the sensation, lifting pac up with him (the knowledge that he has so throughly conquered someone so strong does things to pac's brain)
one of pac's hands is busy restraining fit and acting as leverage for pac to fuck himself on fit's cock, but the other, pac brings up to the top of fit's bald head and scratches a bloody path from there, to his cheeks, over his pecs, and down his abs before resting atop pac's dick
pac gathers the pre-cum, blood and who knows what else that's settled there, before smearing it along a messy path up to fit's neck, where he just holds as he rides fit
when he feels fit cum inside him he doesn't stop, pac just grips even tighter onto fits throat, praying he's cutting off his airway as he rides to completion
then idk maybe they kill each other so they dont have to clean up, maybe they clean up and apologize and its terribly sweet for the situation they're in
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redpool · 2 months
So I have been rewatching the live action One Piece for the hundredth time, and I've come to realize that there are minor details that have been changed and I wanted to list the ones that I noticed;
(also just to clarify, I know that there are big differences between the live action and the anime so none of that matters, I just mean like little details that actually mean something)
(so originally this post was going to be little details that I noticed but I think it might also be commentary so I apologize.)
(To make it less confusing, I'm going to do something to set the minor details out for those who read this post for that and not for my commentary)
I could have sworn that I already made one of these posts but I can't find it so.
I really hope that, that unknown woman is Crocodile it would be really cool if Crocodile was trans, but imagine a female Crocodile. I reckon she would be so much hotter.
Shanks looks so out of place.
No hate to the costume designers but some of these costumes look authentic and fucking awesome and some just look like really bad cosplays.
Why are you gasping, it's an execution you knew what was going to happen?
That also doesn't make sense because there's a wide shot where you can see him die and then there's a close-up where he dies again.
I know he's a hungry, growing boy but that's a lot of food for one person, several crates of fruit and one giant barrel of fish. Which I assume he had plans on eating raw. And which I also assume sat in the sun for however long he was out there.
Wait does this mean that Koby is canonically trans because Morgan is trans?
I know it's for information gathering for the viewers watching at home but wouldn't Shanks already know everything that Benn just told him about Luffy?
I just noticed that he scratched the knife under his eye, that makes more sense because I thought he genuinely stabbed himself in the eye socket.
The ego on this one.
Side note, MacKenyu's hand is genuinely so f****** pretty.
I heard that the whole point of the live action One Piece was for Oda to answer unanswered questions so I tend to keep that in mind.
Really the only critique I have about this show is that there's not enough blood and I know that it's because it's a Netflix show but my bloodlust is quite strong.
The only question that I genuinely have is if you were to see something as ugly as a devil fruit why would you willingly choose to eat it? Like I get it if the situation is you're being forced to or you're starving and don't have any other options but pushing that aside why would you willingly eat something that ugly? Or that weird looking?
Where is Hongo, I want to see the live action Hongo.
The vibe that Shanks & Luffy have in the anime versus the live action is very different.
Hopefully that is not what the live action Bellamy actually looks like because I'd be very upset.
I haven't reached Foxy in the anime yet so..
I do really hope we get to see Jango though and hopefully he looks like what he looks like in the poster.
I think I may have known about that one but my brain is not remembering.
I know Zoro is supposed to sound like emotionless or just very monotone but it kind of sounds like he's forcing it...
Yeah I really do not like these camera angles.
Why is he naked?
Having this show playing for background noise while I do a word search is so funny when you're not looking at the screen and there's a fight scene.
Shanks's stitching must be really f****** bad for Luffy scar to turn out like that.
Crazy eyes
That was pretty funny, I would have laughed.
If all of these pirates are just stationed on these different islands why don't the marines just come and get them? Yeah Buggy is surrounded by his pirates but like it's shouldn't be that hard to take them out.
Ok for my first question, is that a new boat? Second question, if that is not a new boat where the f*** did Shanks come from because he's not wet.
I have also come to realise that, that bit of debris that you see fall into the water after the Sea King lunges at Shanks is indeed not Shanks his arm, it's a piece of the boat.
Ok so now that I've watched a fair amount of the anime I know that, that was Haki.
So Shanks decided that to teach Luffy a lesson he let the Sea King bite his arm off.
And here again, it's not just my bloodlust this time Shanks just got his arm bitten off there should be a s*** ton more blood than that.
I fucking love Peter so much.
Can't argue with a man with his tits out. Whatever you say tit- man.
Not going to apologize for loving Cabaji.
What are the chances that we get a live-action Uta?
I'm sorry but why would you want to put a snail in your ear.
Just think about it, anytime we have to listen to Usopp sing in the future he'll actually be able to do it.
You want to elaborate that on that Zoro?
The f*** is that supposed to mean?
Oooop full body goosebumps
I don't know what it is about these two episodes that I don't like but.
Yeah I prefer the animated Kuro.
Strong self-harm? Against who?
Catboy confirmed
Well that's lovely, leave Kaya all by herself.
Tag yourself I'm Zoro
Get all awkward and avoid looking while also squirming when the PDA happening.
Yeah those hammocks are real s***.
Wait, where does Kuro end up after he gets defeated by Luffy? Do we know?
Is that supposed to be a duck?
I'm sorry but Luffy looks like a Bunnings Warehouse worker and it is so distracting.
I don't think you know how many times I have watched any episodes after five.
Like it's to the point where I will just watch them over and over and over and over and over.
Like put episode 5 on and then re-watch it three times consecutively.
Did that guys mustache just fall off???
That last kick wasn't necessary babes
The switch is so f****** quick
His voice dropped like three octaves
It gets me every time
It took me so long to get used to Mihawk's facial hair.
Actually it took me a very long time to get used to calling him Mihawk because I used to just call him Dracule because that's a cooler name than Mihawk.
I knew about the last name being first thing that Japan does but I know that doesn't apply to some characters. And I thought that it was like that for him.
Until someone shattered that dream.
You remember that tiktok filter where if you stood at a distance the camera was zoom in on your face and then it would move along to whatever the face was doing, that's what the zoom in camera angles in this show remind me of and I think that's why I don't like it.
That was a good callback.
I think it's safe to say that we can blame Taz for reigniting my love for Sanji.
While working my way through the anime anytime I start being annoyed by Sanji and his perverted ways, I go and watch the live action and then it's wiped clean. It's just like my brain reset my feelings about Sanji.
Zoro is also beautiful.
Yeah I've noticed I don't really have any notes for any of this because a lot of it is new.
And it's also been like half a year since I started watching the anime because I had to take a break after the Alabasta arc and I've only just started again.
His side profile is so AHSGDGDGSHS
You know for a cigarette smoker he doesn't smoke a lot of cigarettes or finish them.
You think as a picky eater Sanji would hate me for my eating habits?
Maybe me being a woman might cancel out his disliking for picky eaters.
Assuming that he would even like me. I know he'd be respectful because I am a woman and he treats all women with respect but.
That 5 second shot right there, the close up of Sanji's face while he smiling, literally tattoo that on my f****** eyelids.
How long do you think Mihawk was sitting there?
Yeah sorry I was only looking at your titties
You would probably be more intimidating if you were taller...
You know it's bad when you can quote the entire scene
Is he wearing eyeliner?
Yeah there is not enough blood, you just got slashed in the chest I'm expecting there to be a f****** puddle or something at least.
What would you say Mihawks accent is?
That's barely any blood, I bleed more than that every month.
What the f*** was that, when Zeff asked Sanji what he's doing, it's like it's a completely different person answering, that was not Sanji answering.
He really is like a rabid dog.
Like the noise that he makes just before he starts cackling, it's literally the sound of a dog with something in its mouth shaking his head back and forth and growling.
Where is this kid from, because his accent is vaguely British and then sometimes it sounds like Taz's accent and then it also sounds Australian??
See here's what doesn't make sense to me, Buggy is a devil fruit user which means he has a weakness towards water and because he's just a head he should be dead. Because I'm assuming those fishmen didn't stop for air breaks every couple of minutes. So the question is why is he alive.
Other question is why are the fishmen not wet when they get out of the water?
They are a bit wet but they're not soaking wet like they just got out of the water.
Sorry but my automatic response to hearing someone say "land ho" is "what did you call me?!"
Look at these old homosexuals
"More rare than medium" that man is part dog.
I saw that Sanji
There is literally no hetero explanation for this scene.
Just kiss already, God.
Why does Sanji keep looking at Zoro?
You have a noticed how Sanji just glances are nine times out of ten?
Where would it even go?
Love how Usopp is literally the only one helping.
Real question is how did Nami turn that Arlong symbol into the berries/belli symbol
Just kiss already part 2
Love that the only time that Zoro is misogynistic is when it's aimed towards Sanji.
See that's the amount of blood I want to see.
Flashback to that time that I was watching this with my sister, she was so f****** excited to see Arlong's teeth do the thing that they did.
I'm pretty sure she keeps coming back to you because she doesn't have a f****** choice.
I'll hug you Sanji
The most unbelievable thing about that scene is that no one covered their eyes when that dust washed over them.
Sanji literally looks like he's about to start crying.
Oh Sanji is the one that's holding her.
Seriously. Just kiss already.
Sorry, idk what that ^ was
How's that for a bloodline: You are a vice admiral for the marines, your son is the leader of the Revolutionaries and your son's son is on his way to being king of the pirate.
That's because your methods are just straight up abuse, how many 'fists of love' did you throw at Luffy, Ace and Sabo??
Yeah I'm sure you could.
Just take each other right now... In front of me... Please....
Props to you if you actually stayed until the end of this post because it's not at all what I said it was going to be it just turned into a f****** commentary post.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Gun Park x Reader: this is our place (we make the rules)
Chapter 9 - Probably should read ch1 first
Gun has a new neighbour. Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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Things get a little weird after that.
Gun has ample sexual experience but no relationship experience. He does not know how to take the next step.
(He does know how to pleasure you in bed... though he knows definitively that that’s not the best way to proceed.)
And you are a lost cause, having little experience of anything at all.
You both tiptoe along the blurred line between tentative friends and something more.
The routine continues though it’s not as easy as it once was. You are on edge, reading into every little thing, face blushing and voice stammering at the slightest flirtation or touch.
Gun is Gun. He is how he always is. 
Yet he pulls back a little, taking your reactions as hesitation and uncertainty about him.
It doesn’t stop his eyes lingering on your lips whenever you try to get your words out. 
For the first time in his life, there’s a hunger in him that he knows exactly how to satiate but finds his hands completely tied.
Gun is the one who graces your front door, a very unusual occurrence especially at this time in the morning. Fully dressed despite the early hours and a duffle bag at his side.
He waits for you to answer, hears your sluggish footsteps approach the door and wonders if this was what it was like for you all those months ago.
The door swings open, and he’s greeted with the sight of you still half asleep and hair wild.
(I want to see this every morning, a hopeful voice in his brain offers. One that has grown confident and loud. Louder than his bloodlust. Louder than his search for a successor.)
“Gun? What time is-” The sentence is cut off with a large yawn.
Even that. Gaping mouth, bleary eyes, the way the yawn travels through your body and you stretch - he finds it endearing.
“I’ll be gone for a few weeks on a business trip.”
Gun pinpoints the exact second his words take hold, your eyes flying open and all signs of sleep gone from your face.
“Few weeks?!”
A brief nod. “If it goes to plan”
“Are you,” you bite your lip, wondering if it’s too forward for you to ask but you choose to bite the bullet instead, “Are you going to keep in touch?”
“When I can, of course,” Gun doesn’t even hesitate, no doubt in his mind that he would.
He does hesitate at his next move though, for a fleeting moment, before he takes a leap of faith and hands you a small envelope.
“Open it when I’m gone.”
“Ok…” Your hands grip the edges tight.
It’s only a few weeks. You’ve already survived many weeks, months, years without him and he said he would be in touch. Why are you feeling such a pang of sadness? 
Gun sees your face drop, lips turning down into a frown and starting to wobble. So he allows himself a small indulgence. Gives in to something he has wanted to do for a while. 
He takes your hand, holding it firm in his, brings it up to his lips and kisses each knuckle. 
Gentle, delicate. He didn’t realise he could ever be this tender.
“Don’t miss me too much,” he murmurs against your skin.
As soon as Gun is gone, you tear open the envelope.
Out drops a note enclosed around a key, very similar to the one you have.
The handwriting you can never mistake for anyone else’s.
‘Treat my home as if it is your own. Look after it for me.’
Running your finger along the jagged edges, you check to see if this key is actually real and won’t disappear the next time you blink.
Feels solid enough.
You give your wrist a harsh pinch.
Ouch. Fuck. Not a dream either.
You’re not stupid. You know what a grand gesture this is, and one you didn’t think would come from Gun. 
Giving a key to someone else is huge. A big step in a relationship, an even bigger step for you and him because who knows what the hell this is.
Although it is expected, now you think about it. Everything he does has an intensity, never without purpose. 
And actually. A trusted neighbour having your house key is perfectly normal.
(Idiot, a mocking inner voice taunts, you know exactly what this is.)
You grab your phone and fire out a message immediately.
You: your house key?!
You: are you sure? are you comfortable with me being in your apartment without you?
Gun: Yes.
Y/N: so what?? you want me to sleep in your bed? eat your food?
Gun: Don’t break anything and don’t leave a mess.
Y/N: That’s all you have to say?
Gun leaves you on read. 
He receives a few more texts from you through the day, each time Goo peering over and trying to read his screen.
“Is that Y/N?”
“Tell her I love her!”
“Ask her to reconsider the date.”
“Fuck off.”
On the second day, you cannot focus on anything. Not your lectures, your college course, books, TV. 
Phone incessantly pulled out of your pocket, thinking you heard a phantom buzz.
In the end you think it’s better to have it always in sight or in your hand. 
…Leading to your eyes flickering to the screen every minute. 
By evening, you decide to be the one who reaches out, sick of waiting to see if Gun will message you. Chiding yourself for being so childish in the first place and playing these games. 
And he’s on a business trip. Likely busy as hell.
You angle your dinner in a flattering light, snap a few pics, select the best one along with ‘not as much fun to cook for one’ and press send.
A few hours later you get a response.
A picture of his own meal in what looks like a very upscale restaurant if the plating and tableware is anything to go by.
‘Your food is better.’.
The third day you get a picture of a breathtaking sunset with mountains in the background.
‘Thinking about you.’
You return a selfie of you on his sofa the day after.
‘Thinking about you too.’
Gun replies in the next hour: ‘Good.’
It’s weird how being in Gun’s home without him is not weird.
You’ve been there enough times to know where everything is. The place now has a sort of nostalgic familiarity. Even the sleek and minimalist design which you scoffed at before, has a peculiar cosiness. Almost homely.
Maybe because it is so very much Gun Park.
Initially, you don’t stay much longer than is deemed polite - if it could be considered polite at all.
Over time, you find it harder and harder to leave.
Gun knows you better than you do apparently.
Maybe just maybe he realises how much you would miss him. How much being surrounded with his things would help, a part of him embedded in everything in his home.
Including you.
Nothing of significance happens over the next few days. The pictures and selfies increase in frequency.
Gun tends to send you pictures of landscapes and his surroundings, accompanied with a surprisingly romantic caption that leaves you giggling.
Car dashboard to show he's travelling, pictures of coffees and patisseries in overpriced and trendy cafes where he would no doubt fit in, and then images of food from even more eye-wateringly expensive and fancy restaurants.
And then one your eyes have poured over the most, a picture of an empty gym.
With a reflection of Gun, topless. Almost but not quite out of shot. 
Truthfully, you replay the image of him post-shower in your head multiple times a week. It pops up when you least expect it. Over time, the memory has grown blurred at the edges, and this has slammed everything back into sharp focus.
Today you get a glimpse again of his body. Shiny and slick with sweat, muscles flushed red and pumped.
You zoom in - not before shiftily looking around his empty apartment, as if someone will jump out and shame you for being thirsty. 
Eyes tracking over the collar bones and the curve of his shoulder, bicep popping with the phone gripped loosely in his hand. 
A peek of hip hones and one half of the delicious V muscle, the arrowhead that points straight down.
He’s not posing at all. You just know it’s one single picture Gun has taken and fired off without thought.
But you still feel the need to take a cold shower right this second.
You: 😋
Gun: 😯
The thought of Gun, a man so cool and calm and collected, using an emoji catches you off balance and you burst out laughing.
(... The photo? That is not true. Gun knows exactly what he is doing.)
One afternoon, you receive a selfie from Gun - which is unusual in itself.
Upon reveal, it’s a picture of Gun’s business associate - Goo Kim, smouldering at the camera and a fuzzy outline of Gun in the background.
‘Hey cutie pie, how you doing 💋’
Moments later, another picture. Blurred and taken from what looks like midair, phone falling to the floor. You squint at a fuzzy image of Gun trying to kick Goo, who aims a punch for his head.
Gun: dhakjsdhaksjdhs
Gun: kfdjhsdkfhd
Gun: Ignore that
Gun: Sorry
Another few days later, Gun’s eyes soften at the picture and caption he has just received. It’s a welcome reprieve from the day he had
You beaming with your arm around the plant, both in his apartment.
‘look whos finally home! we miss you!!’
“Huh.” Goo leans over Gun’s shoulder, adjusting his glasses and thinking his eyes are deceiving him. “I thought you would have killed that thing by now.”
“Since I left, I've been surrounded by all this noise. All I can think about is being with you at home. By your side. Listening to you, seeing you. Just existing... You have no idea the hold you have on me.” 
You don’t hear anything until the next night. A voice recording. Hushed, like a confession.
A slight grumble and a sigh. 
“I won’t be able to contact you from now until I’m back… Y/N.  I wanted you to know that I-,”
A pause. 
“I miss you too.”
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wulvert · 1 year
PAPERTEETH 54!! WOO!!!! U DID IT!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉
ALSO THE KELLYFICATION OF AVERY AT THE END??? WAIDQKDQLXE NICE CHEEKS IDIOT THE BLOODLUST IS COMING. u werent lying she rly is just so on the ground lookign pathetic.
okok heres werewolf biology questions which are. MUCH simpler and sillier and wont make u have 2 explode ur brain:
-do werewolves have to stick to the diets of wolves due to their curse? like. becoming carnivorous even in human form and being unable 2 eat chocolate.
-can werewolves sense? smell? other non-human creatures like vampires in their murderous rampage forms?
-can a werewolf transformation triggered by something other than a full moon be stopped halfway or is it like. as soon as u begin to show signs its already too late
-werewolves get no cool benefits in human form but do they still exhibit like. traits? hairiness, pointier teeth, lupine eyes, ability 2 growl (i would get cursed if it meant i could growl in human form tbh), etc stuff like that
-do animals tend 2 be more averse to werewolves cause they can. sense the dog in them??? idk
-this one is like. a more? spoilery question? so toss this one out if u cant answer for secret reasons: are any other members of trisha's family werewolves? (this is actually specifically about her sister but i wanted 2 phrase it to where u wouldnt be forced 2 like. technically reveal the answer even if u chose not 2 answer. idk if it worked)
nd finally. a silly: what's everyones favorite foods!!! paperteeth nd triptrack!! um. before avery and scarlet became. incapable of eating regular foods of course. tex and terry are also robots incapable of eating but u can pretend theyr not for this one if u wanna
while werewolves dont rly keep many wolfuy traits when human I think thrs probably an inclination 2wards a wolfier diet! can def still enjoy a vegetable tho.
Id think so! I do appreciate werewolves having a rly good nose in human form in other series but for this i think itd make it far too easy for her to have figured out scarlet by now- so my werewolves get nerfed there but yeah she can probably tell while she's a wolf- but her memory afterwards isnt the best- & she stays in the basement after absorbing moonlight so she shouldnt be running into any vampires anyway and if she did I think she'd have trouble saying someones non human for certain after she's turned back.
yeah! if fish were to get rly upset about something and start turning- but then the thing making her upset was resolved, she'd be able to reverse things if she was calming down- if she still turned from residual upsetness she probably wouldnt be a wolf for very long but the issue is the process of turning is rly painful, so that in of itself is usually distressing enough to push someone over. I think before i said being scared or angry can turn them- its more so like any negative emotion.
trisha has yellow eyes but since i elected not to give paperteeth characters eye colours u cant tell but she does. other than that no but again they get a little fluffier when a bit emotional- which can be ok, anything past getting furry is the bad part. . fangs r cute but my werewolves in human form have normal teeth bc they get a new set of wolf teeth every time they transform then they get a new set of human ones when they turn back- it sucks for them but they dont rly have to worry abt going to the dentist cuz their teeth r always fresh and new. actually unless they need braces, bc the braces and their progress probably gets completely obliterated every month. damn, rip. nothin stopping from humans growling as is so sure werewolves can also growl but like. no better than a normal person.
animals think trisha is gross and generally werewolves as a whole- but agnes is brave
no they rnt! werewolfness isnt passed genetically & fishy was the only one bitten in the incident.
good questiom ok i think tex pizza hes a basic little robot i think he'd appreciate its hold-ability via the crust, i do think he'd be vegan if he could eat food, i think he'd feel weird abt absorbing meat- like human ppl are made of meat and that'd psych him out.. idk where it is but i have this drawing . i dont know where it is i posted it somewhere. anyway . um red cheesecake bc he's right abt everything. terry does have a mouth. btw so he can taste things like tex can so he can also theorize abt this- i dont think he'd care abt meat like tex does and he'd want to eat something in one bite, like. a cake raspberries on it which most people would not consider that a one bite scenario but he is a big boy and i think he could do it. toad likes butter penne with nothing else on it & i think tara would like a avocado tomato basil etc sandwich. shae eats protein powder for breakfast
avery when alive. probably showed up at mcdonalds at like 3 am asking for chicken nugget meal pls after work a lot, otherwise i think she had a sweet tooth and made her own tiramisu :) scarlet instant ramen with added stuff in it like egg & vegetables and stuff bc its both easy and nice so its favourable 4 its convenience, but thts bc she has to make it. hm outside of that probably deep fried pizza like drenched in chippy sauce. she would also show up at 3 am to mcdonalds. kelly's favourite food probably is chicken nuggets even outside of a lethargic its 3 am and i just killed a man context so there is that. and trisha a5 wagyu grill seared rare steak obviously. i think context 4 favourite food is important though bc avery wouldnt willingly go to mcdonalds in any other context, its probably like how i feel abt mcdonalds 99p burger when im drunk and cold and ashamed to be alive but with more adrenaline hangover than actual hangover hangover. anyway
fishs dad- hopes and dreams.
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vvviktor · 1 year
The second loki season is coming out which means
💫spiteful rant about how i would change s1!!!💫
(nothing i will say is new or interesting but yk you gotta shit your brain out sometimes)
1. wanted it to be longer, like 10ish episodes instead of 6. I mean 6? 6 my ass. The first narrative distribution that comes to my mind is:
The first 3 episodes where loki manages to escape the tva guards or cops or whatever they're called and steals a tempad in their first encounter. Chase through time ensue (he actually influences the past in some way and the tva has to get there and "clean" the timeline everytime he moves). Loki doesn't really know what the fuck is going on. He tries anyway (survival instict game strong+bitch got magic and the tempad). Gets caught at the end of the third episode.
After that hes brought to the tva and meets mobius, they need him to help find a loki variant bla bla bla very useful since loki was actually hard to catch. 2?3? Eps where he gets to know mobius, become an accountant and see the power of the tva machine. Theres something wrong. Some partial truths come out. This post-thanos queen knows the best thing to do is play along and he does. Until they meet the variant.
During the rest of the episodes loki and the variant uncover some more truths, find Kang, some shit goes down, you decide how.
2. I would have preferred just a different approach to the series completely, like a deep dive into loki's character, not just "there is a situation. he's there. lets see what he does" and that's why i would have LOVED flashbacks of pre thor 1 life AND his sweet life on deck with thanos.
Since we've already seen the things thanos does (like with gamora and nebula etc) i wouldn't want torture scenes, they wouldn't add to the image we already have of thanos. I would rather see the aftermath/the inbetween moments and the idea is: he can't show weakness. His life depends on it. We see him trying to keep composure when he has to prove himself to thanos. We see him look into empty space while he gets flashes of memories of his suicide. Some of them are distorted. We see him in the dark, probanly after being in some way punished for failing thanos/ after the order tortured him to break him, whispering, praying to his father to hear him, hes sorry he was a fool he will never do it again but please have mercy on him. There is no answer. The realization of his father mistakes grows in parallel with his bloodlust. The mind stone offers relief. The mind stone offers horror. After some time clarity doesn't bring the same satisfaction as indulging in the fantasy of being in power, proving odin wrong, does. He's terrified all the time.
A flashback per episode could be interesting, either before or after or inbetween the episode's main story, always connected to it. We could use it for rapresentation too. Liks having a flashback of very young teen loki watching themselves in the mirror in their room and having the courage to shapeshift into a female form for the first time, maybe after trying on some make up or jewlery, with the insicurity and curiosity and fear and the joy of expressing yourself for the first time of that sweet sweet trans experience we all know about. And later in the episode our adult loki is femme trying to hide from the tva in the first 3 eps (since she doesn't know about the life files yet it would make sense).
Also family trauma! Social trauma! Woo
3. The tva is SCARY. It looks WARM BUT IT ISN'T. It's unsettling!!! Loki is unsettled!!! She goes wtf is this place!!! Killing hundreds like it's regular monday for you!!! What!!! Loki basically learns about fascism that day. Fun. ALSO NO REAL REFERENCE TO ANTISEMITIC TACTICTS LIKE THE FUCKING GAS CHAMBERS IM GOING TO KILL YOU DISNEY. THE TVA IS THE VILLAIN OK STOP PRETENDING U WHORE.
4. Mobius makes sense in his contest. He could be an antagonistic force that tries to manipulate others if you want. He can be the moral compass of the situation. I don't like that but you do you. Just stick with it you know? No narration that clashes with the characterisation.
To me the most interesting interpretations of mobius are:
Disilluded mobius: everyday he believes the tva less. He can admit he used to buy the lie, at first cause he thought it was true, but then, after actually seeing a variant pruned for the first time or smth like that he just convinced himself it all made sense in the grand scheme of things. Then remorse came around. (HIGHLIGHT ON REMORSE AND GUILT AND HORROR THANK YOU). Truth. He memorizes important data from files that could get taken away from him at any time if found suspect of treachery. He's been waiting for a chance to know more, to disrupt. Cue to Loki being found. Maybe he even kind of lost hope and then saw in loki the opportunity to at least run away. That's why he runs after loki when she follows the variant. He doesnt get there in time and decides to fuck around and find out now that he thinks he truly lost his chance and finds out the big tva secret.
(I wanna make it clear: this mobius IS a grey character. He did terrible things for the tva and let them happen because he believed in it at first and then didn't know how to escape. None of his crimes are absolved by good intentions)
Delusional mobius: this bitch is a delulu king. He pretends and pretends and pretends until he can't anymore. He only does paperwork. Giving Aziraphale in denial vibes. Don't really know what to do with him but im aware he has potential.
Secret third thing: kind of naive (?) Mobius. He has them Casey vibes. He believes in the tva's glorious purpose. The knows around but something feels off...mobius himself feels off...like something is missing...he can't really remember what....suspicious, mobius tries to understand why he feels like that and he and loki find out that broski got his memory wiped (again) cause he was being sus but the tva didn't kill him cause 1. He can useful to work with tought variants as he's really smart and friendly looking (can also manipulate thanks to that) 2. Ravonna felt too guilty. Basically the disilluded mobius who flied a little too close to the sun.
This one is my fave.
5. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARALLEL UNIVERSE AND TIMELINE. PARALLEL UNIVERSES ARE A, B, C, ETC TIMELINES ARE a branching into a2 a3 a4 unless the tva snips the branches away to make A=a. There is no other way i can explain it im sorry. THE MULTIVERSE ALREADY EXHISTS AT THE START OF THE SERIES THE MULTIVERSE ALWAYS FUCKING EXHISTED. Every universe has a tva. Their goal is to make sure that parallel universes don't enter in contact with eatchother through timelines branching and "touching". That's the big tva secret: all that's propaganda about the scared timeline is bullshit because there are multiple universes and multiple tvas are working together to mantain "order". Yes it's a nightmare. Sometimes different universe's timelines can branch off and manage to touch and oh shit some variants get from their universe to another. Hence why some loki variants dont look like tom hiddleston, they are from another universe. Those are Crocki, Sylvie, and Boastful Loki (im not sure about kid loki but old loki is a timeline variant, he is our loki). Also i want boastful loki to actually be an interesting character and be actually a loki who realized he could never be worthy in odins eyes and decided to make his own hammer and be a real hero in his own way. Now that's a character that challenges whatever idea of "loki" we have. Because loki is not a title. It's a name. And to be a loki is to simply be Other. To accidentally be a vehicle of revelations by simply existing. What great truth does the Different bring? That there is more. There is simply more outside of what you know. Lokis are literally the worst for the tva those bitches are dengerously Different in a way that questions authorities. And if you dont agree you can literally suck my huge penis this is the hill i will kill for.
6. Sylvie. Yeah. It's time.
Making sylvie the love interest and a loki variant doesnt work. Glossing over the moral implication of incest discourse, it simply doesn't benefict sylvie as a character. Her background is almost non existent because of this. She references her family only once (to say she new she was adopted) and never again because guess what? It would be fucking weird if a scene where loki was remembering frigga and sylvie was participating in this by sharing memories about THEIR mom had romantic connotations. And so to make the romance more palatable to the audience she doesn't get to have a family. At this point it's either variant sylvie or love interest sylvie.
Variant sylvie: she can talk about her family now! Wow! The show always tells us she has such a difficult life and now we can actually see the traumatic aspect of it! By that i mean if loki was like "my mom died. She was the only one to believe in me. I loved her so much" she can go like "yeah i haven't seen her since i was like 12. I miss her so much. I understand you pain because i understand your love. It's the same as mine" and isn't that beautiful? Isnt that sad? What about her odin? Is he a decent father? What about thor? Does she looks back at her childood fondly or is the pain too much? Was her family disfuntional like loki's? Does she still long for that love? Even if (in case) it was fucked up? Does she till have to suppress that tiny pathetic child-like hope of her family recognizing something is slightly different? But How could they know? They have their daughter. This sylvie is just a reject. (And so se distances herself from the name loki and ta da! It makes sense now. Also i don't think giving her a random comic character name like sylvie is ideal. I liked @magpie-murder 's post about her name being Tökk and im putting the link if it works just give me a second i need it) Is she irrationally mad about it? About being unknowingly "abandoned" by her family? She does feel like a part of her died and she could never be' the same og timeline sylvie? Does she think about never seeing thor grow up? Does she think they would still love her if they met her now? She couldn't come back even if she had the means. That would make her bitterness and obsession for reckless revenge interesting and understandable. Just pure visceral violent desperate self destructive "one sided" familiar love, you know what i mean?
I think that her and loki talking about their families would make them bond and we could have loki reflecting on the nature of his trauma (i just really want him to say "maybe odin truly loved me. Maybe he thought he did. But he didn't do it in way i could understand, in a way that didn't hurt me. He just did it conditionally. I could only exist on his terms." And stuff like that).
With Tökk being short tempered and anger-driven, loki could feel himself slip into a similar dinamic to the one he was with thor and he could catch himself and be like wait. You are going to listen to me because we need eachother right now. We are equals. That would be cool. Yeah
Love interest sylvie: it's not sylvie bro. It's Amora The Enchantress Time babeyyyy. And
1. There is no happy ending even in this case she betrays his ass
2. Is she a timeline variant? Does she know our loki? Wow lets find out with this flashback! OR is she a multiversal variant? Maybe she doesn't exist in our loki's timeline and he's never seen her but she has a loki. And she knows him. Were they lovers? Friends? Enemies? A mix? Let's find out with this flashback! She carries that bias in meeting our loki.
3. I don't know what her goals are im tired you decide
7. Loki is genderfluid for real because im Smart. Maybe the lack of shapeshifting on screen is explained with loki didn't feel comfortable presenting fem because it was not well seen in Asgard (i know it had a different view of sexual acts but turning into a woman? In a patriarcal war society? It must be just another malevolent trick) but now literally doesn't give a fuck anymore theres so much shit going down who cares if you have tits now.
Yeah that's it.
My brain is mushy now
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tragedyofdevotion · 2 years
Loving Solomon includes
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“Today was fun.” You said, walking with a spring in your step.The excitement still haven't left you.
“I am glad to know you enjoyed it,” Solomon replied with his everlasting smile.
“But I didn't know there were concerts here in Devildom.”
“Yes, there are. Many things in human realm can be found here. It is just that most of them are not suitable for humans.”
“Not suitable?”You asked tilting your head. You don't realize how Solomon loves that little gesture.
However, him, being the Wise King, was able to hide his fast-beating heart easily.
“But don't worry. Today concert was Ok for humans to listen. No cursed songs. That's what makes this concert special. It is only presented once 150 years.”
“150 years?! It must have been hard getting the tickets. Thank you, Solomon.”
“No problem. I got you this whole evening all for myself so it worth the hard work.”
At his words, you felt heat coming up to your cheeks and rushed to hide it by looking the other way.
Just as you are about to say something incoherent in your embarrassment, your D.D.D spelled out the ringtone.
“This ringtone... It must be one of the brothers. Most likely Mammon. I haven't told him I was going out this afternoon with you. He must be worried. Can you please wait-”
Your words caught in your throat as you feel your hand holding the D.D.D was gripped hard by the man beside you.
“The evening is not over yet, right?”
Solomon looked at you almost pleadingly, a look that is rare (if not at all) to be seen on Solomon of all people.
You felt sorry for Mammon but both you and Solomon knew you would have to go back to House of Lamentation and the date would be over if you picked up the call.
“Well Mammon can wait,” you said with a slight guilt and Solomon 's face lightened up instantly.
“Then let's go to the Purgatory hall I want to treat you my home-made dinner,” Solomon said with almost childlike enthusiasm.
“Let's go!” he took your hands by his side.
You were also infected by his enthusiasm and overlooked the word home-made, a mistake you would come to regret moments later...
You took a bite of the steak in front of you.
“How does it taste? I cooked it all by myself.”
Solomon cooked?! That's why...
No wonder even the avatar of Gluttony who ate tables and plates did not touch his cooking.
You feel like acids are being poured through your throat into your stomach.
But in your lovesick state, you didn't dare say the truth.
“This tastes great, even better than the last time.”
That is a lie. You don't even remember how it tasted the last time. Your brain automatically erased it to protect your mind.
“Really?! Then eat up!” Solomon chimed in his sweet voice and you didn't want to destroy his happiness.
So, you took bite after bite involuntarily and mechanically.
This certainly taste like eating hell fire but it is not like this is gonna kill you, right? RIGHT?
“We are back!”
Luke 's voice from the front door was the last thing you heard before you fell into deep unconsciousness.
You awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling.
“Where am I?”
“They are awake! They are finally awake!”
The tear-stained face of Mammon was the next thing you saw.
The others also heard his voice and came rushing into the room.
“You ate a whole serving of Solomon's cooking and fell into coma for one month” Simeon explained as none of the brothers, even the eldest, were able to speak an intelligible sentence.
“I was so worried. I thought you are never going to wake up,” Asmodeus cried beside you.
“I am sorry y/n I didn't think you are allergic to beef. I should have been more careful.” Solomon, the culprit, said.
“I have been telling this the whole time but they are not allergic to beef. It is your monsterous cooking that almost killed her!” Satan cut in, full of bloodlust.
“No, Solomon is right. I am allergic. It is my fault that I didn't say that to Solomon.” You said, wanting not to hurt the sorcerer's feeling and most important wanting not to let a killing match broke out between the brothers and him.
“Then next time I will make you a seafood dish.” Solomon replied and you realized you shouldn't spoil him too much if you want to live.
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vergilberg · 2 years
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My yakuza story / au is making me lose it a little lol
More info under the cut as always <3
IDK what else to say to you about this one except that "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" is such a Shimazama song...... these fuckin old men who have been plotting each other's demises for three decades but kept sleeping together......... horrible! (but they intrigue me.........)
IDK what else to say to you about this one except that "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" is such a Shimazama song...... these fuckin old men who have been plotting each other's demises for three decades but kept sleeping together......... horrible! (but they intrigue me.........)
Ok so...... La Dolce Vita has a lot of Sera, Kashiwagi, and Yayoi thinking wishfully about leaving the Tojo behind and starting a life together away from them (taking Daigo with them of course) but ...... yeaaaahhhh that doesn't work out. But y'know what, "Run Away With Me" by Carly Rae Jepsen just works too well for them
Hi do you ever think about the fact that Yayoi had Daigo at 19 years old. 19. She was 19 when she had him. Nineteen. I just think she'd have complicated feelings about motherhood, especially bc at the time, she and everyone else thought that Daigo was Sohei's kid.... and in my headcanons (and just me trying to figure out a timeline), I figured she'd have to have been 18 when she met him???? So yeah, "She Used To Be Mine" from Waitress really does work, because my god, she lost her youth because of Sohei and I honestly refuse to believe she'd still really like ..... love him like the RGG writers try to tell us she does. Again, I have headcanons about this, but oh god they're long and wayyyy too overly detailed.
Hi, this is a Happier Than Ever plot point! Jin Goda and Sagawa meet with Shimano and Kazama at some point in the story for Reasons. Because of the whole plot about power plays between the Omi and the Tojo, I figured the Succession theme would fit (and the poses are based on that one Succession S3 promo), as well as "Default" by Django Django because that song has the vibes of Person A is pointing out all of Person B's faults, which I think works with the Omi-Tojo rivalry. (Also psst..... Shimano, Sagawa, and Jin looking at Kazama ......... bc they're all Omi...... Shimano's a spy for the Omi ..... don't ask how it works. Or maybe do ask idk)
"Friends In Low Places" gives me younger Sagawa vibes simply bc I think he'd be p well connected when he was younger. "The Body Is a Blade" for Jin bc I feel like a lot of his attitude in Happier Than Ever would be to just push forward with determination in spite of things going on .... which is to say a Lot might be going on when I figure out more plot stuff lol
"Stop a Bullet" just has Shimazama vibes generally, but also I think it has Shimano -> Kazama energy since the power play is not only between the Tojo and Omi, but also their relationship, as HTE'verse progresses, is very uh.................. built on provoking each other, which Shimano does a lot to Kazama and for WHAT. And oh boy, "Bloodlust" for Kazama because the song is about a murderer who keeps sorta stumbling into killing more and more people to keep themselves from getting caught. Something-something Kazama is implicitly a violent man, he's just good at hiding it - especially among yakuza, who are more open about it.
I am also once again inviting people to ask me about this fucking story bc my brain is in overdrive. pls dont be intimidated by me lol
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 01.12.20 lb
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ishani like this grubby-pawed bitch took control of the whole place the second you were gone, but dadi’s like okkkkkkk hold your horses, that’s not the whole truth. she did what she was supposed to. what you would have done if you were here.
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V looking left-right like he’s watching a tennis match, listening to the devil and angel on his shoulders lol.
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hein???? maut ke 40th day? i thought he said 16 days in the last ep???? 16 days for the ghaav to fill and what not in that convo kabir and him had....... HOW LONG HAVE Y’ALL BEEN STANDING HERE HAVING THIS SCENE???????????????
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anyway, bhai is really calling her out for getting all ready to become suhaagan again not 40 days after he went missing. body tak nahi mili thi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dadi again coming to her defense again. thank god. warna madam toh mooh nahi kholti, aur khadi khadi beizzati sehti rehti, from a dude who as far as she knows isn’t even her real husband.
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shoulder devil is back to add some more mirch masala to story.
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lol kabir’s bhaiyya waale feelings for ishani are long-dead and gone. he’s like “isse chhodke bohut badi galti kardi. current mein jhulas ke marr gayi hoti toh aaj itna mooh nahi phaadti” hahahahahahaha. little sisters, huh, kabir???? a real pain, amirite?????
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riddhima is very happy to hear ishani proclaim from danke ki chottttt pe ki meraaaaa vansh bhaiiiiiii, iss ghar ka asli haqqdaaar waapas aa gaya hai!!!!!
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lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo chachi is like oh god ishani agli class humari lagayegiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. LORDDDDDD I WISH.
but nope, she’s on her fave topic “we hate riddhima” so she’s gonna be on this soapbox for a while now.
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ishani said riddhima has a “sharp brain” and lmao ok. yeah sure, her brain as sharp as a fucking bowling ball. i’ve seen pillows and goldfish bowls that are sharper than riddhima’s fucking brain. she’s a member of the rare and exclusive smooth brain club. no thoughts, this bitch empty, yeeeeeeeeeeeet.
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ishani continues to bitch bitch bitch and V ka paara bad raha haiiiiii. death glare getting more and more intense.
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oh dang!!!!!!!!!!!
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the bloodlust in riddhima’s eyes is a biggggggg mood, lol. i too would like to see these two fight again. preferably shirtless. 
damnit kabir decided to be the bigger man and throw the stick back into the havan kund.
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blah blah he’s like sautela hi sahi, you’re still my brother. i don’t want you to misunderstand me. i left no stone unturned looking for your body. and i was gonna leave the city. but riddhima thought i should take on the responsibilities of this house.
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riddhima and V’s reactions to this bs, lmao.
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anyway, he’s like now you’re back, it’s best i leave. i’m going to take something that’s precious to me, it’s my right.
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lol pls. he’d murder this Mummy in a fucking heartbeat for a hissa of this riyaasat.
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Mummy like kabir tfffff you doing, this is not our plan!!!!!! aunty, learn to cut your losses. honestly. this is why y’all don’t win.
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manhooson ka reaction.
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“tumhe nahi lagta ki tum mujhse bohut hi keemti cheez cheen ke lee jaa rahe ho???”
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Mummy like yesssssss, my time to shine, time for Mamta Overload Acting.
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lol riddhima and ishani’s reactions, while dadi is closing her eyes in horror at his bad manners.
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“thank you. jo mera hai, woh mera hi rahega.”
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bwahahahahahahahahahahaha ghazabbbbbb beizzati.
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riddhima has never been this turned on in her lifeeeeee.
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V ka baahari face is:
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but his internal face is:
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same as wifey and sis, lol.
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dadi’s laying on the emotional blackmail thickkkkkkk ki are you really my vansh, my vansh always kept his relationships close no matter how much tension blah blah. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.
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“dushmani bohut nibhaa li. ab rishtey nibhaatey hain.”
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ok fine a hug will do too.
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aslkjdlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkjasldkjlaskdjlaskjdlsakdlaskldjlas time for kabir to get an angre of his own (mishra?????) coz V is fully threatening to destroyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy him where he stands.
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bwahahahahahaha that sweet as pie smile. butter wouldn’t melt in this mouth.
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riddhima like ugh, ok anyway, time to carry out predetermined maafi kaaryakram.
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lmao she’s telling vihaan ki mere vansh ka dil bohutttttt bada tha, aur woh hota toh mujhe maaf kar deta, and his face hahahahahahahaha:
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‘yeah, not anymore, b. that was before you betrayed me and made me jump off a cliff, all for that chomu ex of yours.’
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hahahahahahahahahahahaha he’s gone off-script. going super duper hard on the dhokaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
omggggggggggggg he’s going into details ki dadi just told you to marry him secure your future, she wouldn’t have expected you to say yes AND THIS IDIOT GIRL IS LIKE HAS VIHAAN BEING WATCHING THE HOUSE FROM BEFORE????????? THE THOUGHT THAT HE’S VANSH STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HASN’T CROSSED HER PEA SIZED BRAIN. HONESTLY I CANNOT WITH HER ANYMORE.
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lol she’s hissing “yeh kyaaaaa naatak laga rakha hai????” par bhai toh apne alag hi trip par hain. character mein ghussnaa isse hi kehte hain, riddhima. good thing daniel day-lewis has already retired, coz this one reallllllly coming for his spot with the intenseeeee method acting.
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dadi is like beta plssssssssssssss, but ishani and chachi are piling on riddhima. love them messy bitches.
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“i want a divorce.”
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even kabir is scandalized at the turn of events!!!!!!!!!!!
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but lmao, ishani’s reaction is best, as usual.
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“jab tak divorce nahi ho jaata, tum outhouse mein rahogi.”
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inke liye toh diwali waapas aa gayi saal mein doosri baar.
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dadi is trying to intervene and lmao ishani is emotionally blackmailing her saying don’t increase bhai ka darddddddd by opposing him this time.
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“kabhi nahi socha tha ki tum aisa kuch karoge. apni maa ki kasam khaayi thi tumne.”
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lmao waise bhi maa toh already marr chuki hai, jhoooti kasam khaane se kaunsa dobara marr jaati?
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trollololololololololol ghar se get outhouse kar diyaaaa (only my fellow mallus gonna get this joke.)
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nanad is here to help. “itna haq toh mera bhi banta haina!”
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simsadventures · 5 years
My Mysterious Girl
Summary: You are a hunter on a mission to find Azrael’s blade. You find it in an unlikely place, in the hands of the very Bucky Barnes, the infamous Winter Soldier. When you save him, and then disappear, Bucky does everything in his power to find you and learn about you.
Warnings: SPN x Avengers crossover, swearing, mention of death, mention of supernatural beings, fluff, smidge of angst (you look and it’s gone), more fluff
Pairing: Bucky x hunter!Reader, Dean x platonics!sister!Reader, Sam x platonic!sister!Reader
Word Count: 3422
A/N: So this story was requested my the 🦄 anon, and I know it’s coming a bit late… Sorry for that. I tried to make it better by writing a longer piece. I hope you’ll enjoy the SPN x Avengers crossover. I also combined a little of Lucifer there, the Azrael’s blade and all… I’ve been obsessed for days so I need to have an outlet for that xD
Whole request here: Yay! Alright, so I read a fic somewhere with a Marvel/Supernatural cross over and I love the idea so much. So, I was thinking like reader is a hunter (you can decide if she's a Winchester or not) and she runs into Bucky on a case who's there on a mission. It can be something like she has to retrieve a magical artefact or kill a monster or something, but Bucky's confused about it all and she just mysteriously disappears (because that's what hunters do). So, she disappeared and Bucky tries so hard to find her and like researches (or tries to) everything about the hunting lifestyle because he wants to find her again and like puts himself in harms way. Which of course pisses her off. If you don't want to do it, it's fine as well. I just thought it would be a good idea
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“Oh, come on, Dean. I’m a big girl, and I can handle myself. I know what I’m doing, and I’m very capable of going there alone, and you know it!” You said exasperated because your oldest brother still treated you like a little child. You were now 25, far from a kid, but Dean refused to acknowledge that. And you were getting more and more pissed at him for that.
“Why do you have the need to go on a hunt alone? I’m aware that you’re one of the best in the game Y/N, but I’d feel better if you just waited after the vampire hunt that Sammy and I have in our schedules.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed out a breath. Your brother could be so frustrating it was surprising that you or Sam haven’t killed him yet. “It’s just an artefact retrieval, Dean. It’s an easy job for me, c’mon. You and Sam can take on the vampires, I’ll retreat the dagger, and maybe we all can rest for a bit before something new comes up.”
Dean seemed to be thinking, and just this little act gave you hope. Dean was usually the guy to dismiss everything without even a thought, so just the fact that he was willing to give this a little time was making you giddy.
It was not that you didn’t like to hunt with your brothers, you loved them both unconditionally. It was more that you could use some alone time. Spending your whole life on the road with your brothers could be fun, but it was also getting a little tiring. Dean wouldn’t let you drive even if it had to kill him. He also wouldn’t change up the music in the car, despite yours and Sam’s loud protests. And Sammy… he was sweet, and all, but Dean was right in one thing, Sam was gassy as hell.
So yeah, you could use some time just by yourself, listening to the music you liked, and not having to share a room with the two snoring idiots.
Dean sighed, and you came back to reality. You painted a pretty picture in your head, and you just hope your brother wouldn’t destroy it.
“Fine! But if anything happens, you call us, or Jody. If you feel like something else might be going down, if it’s not just simple retrieval, you call us. If some other hunters appear, you call us. If-“
“If I see a falling star, I call you, yeah I got it, Dean. I promise I’ll be fine. I’m just getting the blade, and I’m coming back home. I think I could be home in 5 days if everything goes according to plan. I’ll call you from the road and when I got there and then every time I’m not sure about something, or I just feel like it. I’ll be fine, Dean, I’ve been doing it long enough to be able to get one fucking blade.”
Dean smirked at you and pulled you into a bear hug. “I just don’t want to lose you Y/N, that’s all. Please, be careful.”
You kissed his cheek and patted his shoulder. “I will, I promise. But you two as well, ok? I’m not gonna have the time to pull your sorry asses out of trouble when I’m across the whole country.”
Dean rolled his eyes, but the little smile playing on his lips told you that he wasn’t taking you too seriously.
You separated from him and all but ran to your room to get your bags before Dean changed his mind. You only took the essentials, said a quick bye to Sam, who was happy for you that Dean allowed you to have a solo-mission. You also took your notes, trying to get all the information about Azrael’s blade into you.
You were studying it for months now, it being one of the few weapons being able to hurt all celestial beings. You and your brothers hoped that it included Chuck and were determined to find out. It constituted of three parts, and without you even knowing it, you already had one of them with you. The part which was giving it life, looking like a belt buckle. So now two parts remained to get. The actual sword and the key connecting the two parts. You knew that the last part would be the most difficult to get, but you’d cross the bridge when you come to it.
You found traces of the blade in New York City. Weird murders were reported and looking more into it, you and your brothers realised that it could have been the blade. All you needed to do was not to grab it by your bare hands, and you should be ok. Hopefully.
You checked your phone again, trying to see if you got the address right. It was an abandoned warehouse in Brooklyn, a really shady looking place, and you weren’t too eager to enter. But you had no other choice. You had to prove to Dean and yourself that you could do this on your own. That you were strong and independent to go on solo hunts when you needed the space. So you sighed, braced yourself and walked towards the building.
Walking in, you tried to be careful, gun in one hand and a light in the other, trodding through the building. You could hear muffled voices from a room in front of you, and you didn’t waste a second. If there were people in the room, and they found the blade, many people could get in harm’s way. And you wanted to avoid that, if possible.
Kicking in the door, you stared at the unlikely image in front of you. In the dark room, which seemed to have served as some kind of an office before, three Avengers were facing you. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America himself, Sam Wilson, the Falcon, and Bucky Barnes, the famous Winter Soldier. You knew them from the newspaper and the television, never thinking you would actually meet them.
While these men fought the aliens and such creatures, you tried to protect the Earth from its own monsters. You knew that the Avengers encountered a few vampires and werewolves, telling the wide audience about it, which you and your brothers were actually glad they did. Maybe people would be more careful now that it came from the Earth’s mightiest protectors.
You snapped back to reality when a vicious growl left Bucky’s lips. Your eyes found the blade in his hands, gripping it tightly and the bloodlust it called for visible in his blue eyes. You cursed under your breath and made your way toward him. Captain and the Falcon would probably stop you, had they not been occupied by their friend, who was now attacking them.
While they were busy fighting, you sneaked behind Bucky’s back. He was too busy with trying to kill his pals that he didn’t see you coming, and when you jumped on his back and kicked his arm with all your strength, making him drop the blade, he grunted, surprised.
As if a fog was lifted off his brain, Bucky realised where he was and what was going on. Did he really try to kill Steve and Sam just because they made fun of him in the car? They did things far worse than that on a daily basis, and he never lusted for their blood as much as he did a few moments ago. He also realised that there was another person in the room, and the person was currently getting off his back.
“Well, now that that’s out of the way, I’ll handle this devilish little thing, gentlemen.” You said and made your way towards the blade, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Who are you, and what is this thing?” It was Sam, holding you with his brows cocked, a perplexed look painted on his face.
“Right. I’m sorry. My name is Y/N Winchester, and I came here for this sword. It’s called the Azrael’s blade, and when misused, it turns the smallest grudge into a bloodlust. And I’m here to take it to safety.”
The three of them cringed and looked at the blade and then back at you. “A what blade? And how do you know about it? This something they teach at schools now or what?” Bucky’s eyes looked like they would fall out of their sockets.
You chuckled and shook your head, all while you put on the special gloves that Cas made for you before you went. You lifted the blade and looked at it from up close, seeing the beautiful simple handle, imagining the embroiled “belt buckle” that was already sitting in the bunker’s storage.
“I’m a hunter, you see? While you take care of Thanos, and shit, I take care of ghosts, vampires, ghouls, and others. And this little guy is one of the few weapons being able to destroy celestial beings, and we could use that right now.”
The boys obviously didn’t “see”, and they kept asking you question after question, trying to get to the bottom of the thing. It was especially Bucky, getting closer and closer to you, until he stood mere inches from you, still listening intently about what you had to say about your job. He was so intrigued he didn’t even recognise when Steve and Sam left eh building, telling him that they’d wait for him at the compound.
You smiled at him, being mesmerised by his whole being. His tall, broody figure called for something deep inside you, but you knew all too well that with your chosen life, and probably even with Bucky’s it would be almost irresponsible to start something you wouldn’t be able to finish.
But when he asked you to go and get a drink with him, you couldn’t refuse.
“So, tell me. Why would you do something so dangerous willingly?” Bucky asked, nursing a beer in his hand. You laughed at him, and when he gave you a confused look, it made you laugh even harder.
“You’re asking me this? Aren’t you doing the exact same thing, just fighting different monsters? I can’t stay away when I know what things roam this planet. I like it enough to want to stay here for a little longer.”
Bucky nodded and kept watching the beverage in his metal hand. He knew you were right, what he really wanted to ask was why a beautiful girl like you was doing fighting gruesome monsters. But he didn’t want to see too forthcoming. So he kept to himself.
“So, why do you still fight the battles which don’t have to be yours any longer?”
He smiled sadly and scooted a little closer to you so that the two of you could have a private conversation in the crowded bar.
“I guess the same thing as you, Y/N. And besides, I’m not good at anything else but being a soldier.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Bucky. I bet that if you wanted, you could do pretty much anything. But I get it. I’m not sure that even if I wanted to, I would be able to choose a different path in my life. We’re exactly where we’re supposed to be,” you said with a smile and bumped into him with your shoulder.
Bucky looked down at you, with sparkles in his eyes. You were the first woman he’s felt comfortable with ever since he woke up from the nightmare he called his previous life. You had some kind of light in you, something he wasn’t able to ignore as easily as he would like to. And the more he thought about, the less he wanted to ignore the chemistry between the two of you.
He realised there has been silence for a bit too long, but also that he wanted it to last a little longer. He bowed down slightly, to be on your level, and when your eyes glanced at his lips and lingered there, he knew you felt the same thing he did.
He closed the space between you and kissed you with all he had. It took your breath away, and you never wanted it to stop. His lips were so soft and plump and felt like literal heaven, or, at least, what you imagined heaven felt like.
Bucky’s hand found its way to your cheek, caressing it in the process, igniting a little fire wherever his skin touched yours. But like all good things, even this must have ended.
You pulled away, panting heavily, your gaze clouded with burning desire. But you needed to stop your thoughts before you went down the road there was no escaping from. You needed to get away from there before you dug an even deeper hole for yourself and your heart. You excused yourself, telling Bucky that you needed to use the restroom.
You felt horrible for doing it, but you weren’t the one-night type of girl, and you couldn’t let yourself fall in love with this famous soldier. Because from what your heart and brain have been telling you the whole night, it wouldn’t be difficult to catch feelings.
You looked at him from the door to the restroom, seeing the smile on his lips and hating yourself even more. But it needed to be done. For both your sakes. You slid into the room and looked at the window at the top left corner. It would be a narrow fit, but you could do that. Your heart gave a painful squeeze knowing what you were leaving behind.
It’s been three months since you ran away from Bucky. That night, he thought you were kidnapped, or something, but the later it got, the more he realised that you probably just ran away from him. Did he say something? Did he do something? Was the kiss too much? Wasn’t it enough? His mind was whirling and the time spent apart from you was doing nothing in soothing his pain.
He liked you. He really really did. And he had the feeling you reciprocated it all. So why would you suddenly disappear?
While thinking about you, he tried to get to the bottom of your job. A hunter. He’s never even heard of anyone like that, and he’s been travelling the Earth left and right. From what you said, he got that it was an insanely important job, protecting people just like he did. But while he did all that was in his power to stop mostly inhumane forces coming here from outer space, or some human scumbags (*cough cough hydra*), you were struggling with something much more unnatural. Almost, supernatural.
He searched the internet, finding cases which you told him about, and getting more mesmerised by you by the second. He needed to find you. You were one of a kind, and he would not waste such an opportunity. Bucky wanted to be happy, searched for happiness ever since Hydra released its claws from him, but until now, he couldn’t find it. And when he finally did, he wasn’t gonna give it up that easily.
Bucky knew himself and knew that if he was good at something, it was tracing and hunting people down. If he thought of you as his next mission, things would be easier, and he could find you that much faster. Which is precisely what he did.
You were lounging in the library, trying to figure out where the last part of Azrael’s blade could be. Whenever you thought about the damn blade, your mind wandered to one specific person, and every time you tried to shut it down. Even though it’s been almost 4 months, you still couldn’t forget about him. The icy blue eyes were the one thing keeping you from relaxing sleep, always appearing in front of you, relentless in their effort to give you as many restless nights as they could.
You still remembered the feeling of his lips on yours, touching your lips unconsciously as your mind went back to your happy place. Gosh! You met the guy once, and he was your happy place? Ugh, get a grip, Y/N! He’s just another guy!
But the little nagging voice at the back of your head told you that he could have been so much more, have you given him the chance to prove it.
Your brothers could see the slight change in you, being much more fidgety and restless ever since your solo trip to New York. They tried not to comment on it, knowing that your temper could get the better of you and things would be flying. But they were worried, you could see that much in their eyes.
Your eyes were roaming the pages of an ancient book sitting comfortably in your lap when you heard a loud banging from the “front door”. It startled you so much that the book fell to the ground with a loud thud. You cursed the whole universe and your brothers for going on a supply run, while somebody was out there, trying to get inside.
You looked at the cameras that were outside and a breath hitched in your throat. Bucky.
You cautiously went to the door, and when you quickly opened them, you poured holy water on Bucky. When you saw that it didn’t burn him (so, no demon), you threw salt at him, which was also not working (no ghost, then). Just in case, you put a silver spoon against the hand that was now getting rid of the salt on his outfit, and when it didn’t burn him (no shifter or a werewolf), you let all of the things go, just standing there, gaping at him.
“You done or do you want to stab me and see if I bleed red, just in case?” Bucky said with a smirk. Thanks to his research, he knew why you did all of the things. And he even expected them, just no without a hello from you and didn’t expect the holy water to be splashed right into his face.
“‘M, sorry. One can never be too careful. What are you doing here, Bucky? Or better yet, how the hell did you find this place?” You stepped away from the door, letting him in your home.
“I’ve been doing this for so long, doll, I can find anyone. One little hunter and her two huge brothers are an easy job for me. Now, to the more pressing question. Why did you leave that night, without even saying goodbye?”
He looked genuinely sad and disappointed, and it made your heart sank even lower. You never meant to hurt him, but you never realised that by trying to avoid your own heartbreak, people could get hurt.
“That’s what we do, you know? I’m not really good at saying goodbyes, and I’m not sure that if I tried, I wouldn’t want to leave ever again. And so I left while I could. I’m sorry,” you said, looking at the floor, finding it suddenly extremely interesting.
Bucky sighed and reached for your chin, lifting it up till you were looking at him.
“I get it. I really do. But I need you to promise me not to do it again. I know that you’re feeling the things I’m feeling, I can see it in your eyes. Let’s try it together, let’s give this, whatever it is, a shot. I think we both deserve to be happy and for me? I don’t think I could be happy with anyone else.”
You tried to find any sign of lying behind his eyes, try to find that he was just joking and he would leave you, just like everyone except your brothers did. But you couldn’t find any of that. His eyes were honest and full of warmth, and you felt yourself getting lost in them.
It wasn’t until his lips touched yours again that you knew exactly what you needed to do.
You pulled away, and Bucky looked at you, shocked and scared. He probably thought he misread some signs and that this wasn’t what you wanted. But when you gave him the sweetest smile, his worries melted away. And so did yours. For the first time in your life, you felt like you had a real choice, and there was no doubt in your mind that the choice you were making was the right one.
“Let’s do this!”
Bucky Taglist
@this-kitten-is-smitten​ @sebbbystaaan​ @paradisiacalsparks​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @owlyannah​ @lassini​ @s-trawberryv-eins​
Marvel Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @lumar014​ @ptrs-prkrs​
Supernatural Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @defenderrosetyler​
Forever Tag:
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​ @caswinchester2000​ @mogaruke​ @justthatfangirloverthere​
427 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male vampire (Ruben) x trans male reader (sfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Because approximately 3 people expressed interest in seeing this 4.4k story extract, here it is. It’s been up on my Patreon since June 2018, so I think it’s ok to post here now...
As I said in the answer to the ask that prompted this, it’s a bit AU ish because it assumes that his partner doesn’t know what happened to him with the hunters, which was discussed in his story with Ash, and its a reader insert. Ash is a trans guy in Ruben’s two part story, but the reader here is almost completely gender neutral, with one reference to being ‘male’ (trans or otherwise) mentioned: “You are the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met. Thank you.” and one passing reference to ‘T shots’…
It’s fluffy, with a bit of angst, lots of tender feels, and features some violence/attack (not to the reader), blood drinking and, because it’s Ruben, a bit of vomiting…*shrugs, it is what it is*.
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Ruben shifted his weight, pulling you close to him and humming contentedly. It was early for you, around five in the morning. It was a real pain having a boyfriend who couldn’t go out in the daylight and who got weaker and weaker the longer he stayed up past dawn.  
But he was worth it.  
“Morning,” you croaked, grinding your hips playfully back against him where he lay curled around you, one arm draped over your waist.  
He answered by kissing your neck, just below your ear, inhaling deeply as he did so. Something seemed to thrum through him a second later, like the wind in the rigging of a ship, and his whole body went taut.  
“Ruben?” you asked, coming awake with a jolt as his hands tightened on your hips.  
He wasn’t breathing.  
You turned over in his arms and saw that he had rammed his eyes shut and his jaw was clenched. “Stop moving. Please,” he hissed through his teeth as you reached for his face, hard and sharp enough to have been carved from stone. “Lie still.”
You froze.  
“Shit,” he hissed, and suddenly he had dissolved into dark, swirling mist, and left the room. 
The bed was cold where he’d been lying. With no heartbeat, his body was always cold, but now it drove home to you just how inhuman Ruben really was. He’d been good about controlling his bloodlust around you, but Aubrey had warned him just the previous evening that since he was now in a relationship, he needed to feed much more regularly. He still hadn’t got the hang of that, and so his bloodlust was unpredictable.  
You sighed and sat up, running a hand through your tangled hair. Residual tiredness clung to your body like the shadows in the corners of the room, but your brain was awake.  
Ten minutes or so later, you slipped on a pair of jeans and yanked a hoody over your pyjama t-shirt, shuffling out of the room and heading for the kitchen. If you were awake, you might as well be up. Lying in bed without Ruben didn’t seem all that appealing.  
To your surprise, you found him in the kitchen, leaning against the solid-oak island in the middle, head bowed, hair falling forwards. He was dressed now, in simple black trousers and a white shirt, tucked into the waistband. His back was heaving irregularly, almost like he was crying. His heavy, black cane was nowhere in sight.  
“Ruben?” you asked in a small voice from the doorway, not wanting to crowd him if he was still having difficulty.  
He jerked around to face you, and you saw the tell-tale flush in his cheeks that told you he’d just fed. His eyes were a violent, scarlet red, and when he saw you he began to pant again like he’d just come out of a dead sprint. He whispered your name, looking away. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Can I come closer?”
“Yes,” he said after a moment, voice like broken glass.  
You crossed the room straight to him and looped your arms around his solid torso. His chest was hard as marble, and he stopped breathing immediately when you laid your head against him, squeezing hard. “I love you, Ru,” you breathed.  
“I should try harder for you,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you countered. “You are trying. Ruben, you let me share your bed; you’re trying to drink more often even though the thought of it still makes you sick; you’re staying up past dawn just so you can get a few more hours in with me… Ruben, you’re… amazing.”
He heaved a little, as though he really was going to be sick, and you pulled back just in case.  
“I’m sorry,” he said again, bringing the fingertips of one hand to his lips.  
“Ruben… Why does drinking blood make you sick?” you asked hesitantly a moment or two later.  
He sighed and looked down, dropping his hand to run his palm absentmindedly over the top of his thigh beneath his hip where you knew the scars from his old injury lay.  
“I… I wasn’t always like this,” he began. “When I was newly turned, I had no trouble drinking.”  
He didn’t look at you as he spoke, instead his eyes went to the kitchen window, pupils shrinking to mere pinpricks as the rising dawn gathered pace and the sun climbed towards the horizon. The sky above was still a dreamy, lilac blue, but the horizon showed the glow of dawn.  
“Not long after the turn of the century,” he went on, “What with the interest in mesmerism in the early 1800s, and Conan Doyle’s involvement in –”  
“Oh, that century…” you interrupted with a snort, and he did look down at you then.  
For a moment, it seemed he didn’t understand, and then he softened, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he snorted a laugh out of his nose. “Yes, that century,” he chuckled. “Apologies.” The light of amusement faded a little in his bright, red eyes as he went on, but it didn’t leave his expression completely, despite the nature of the story he told you. He seemed to draw strength from the distance you represented between that time and the now, anchoring himself by sheer proximity to you in time and space.  
You went very still as he spoke. He’d never told you why he walked with a limp, or why he bore those terrible scars at the top of his leg, the silvery-grey lines and puckered marks boring into his flesh and snaking up his torso like veins in his marble skin.  
“There had been a steady rise in interest in the ‘occult’ and all things ‘supernatural’, and it prompted the ranks of the infernal guild of people who call themselves ‘vampire hunters’ to swell almost exponentially.” His lip curled in disgust as he spat the words out. “I had been living in London at the time. Aubrey kept an eye on things here, but I shut up the castle every eighty years or so in order for folks to forget about us.”  
“I see,” you said, leaning your weight against the kitchen counter beside him.  
He looked at you for a long moment before smiling sadly. “It’s very early for you. Are you sure you want to hear all this now?”
You nodded. “Yeah,” you rasped. “I do.” No way you wanted to stop him now that he’d started to open up to you.
“Very well. Would you like a coffee at least?”
You nodded again, and he began to make you one while he spoke. He seemed grateful for something to do while he talked. The little espresso machine whirred away, dribbling strong coffee into the mug.  
“You want it watered down?”  
“Yes please,” you said, and he boiled the kettle too.  
“My house was broken into during the middle of the day, and my housekeeper – who knew about me, about what I am – tried to warn me. It’s almost impossible to wake me after I’ve fallen into my trance during the daylight hours, but she managed to rouse me by slamming a silver crucifix into my chest.”  
He snorted sarcastically and shot a sideways glance at you.  
“That’s like hooking a car battery up to your heart, let me tell you.”  
He sighed, turning his attention back to the boiling kettle.  
“The hunters burst in then, and dragged her away, believing I had been holding her there under my influence. I fought for my life, but I was so weak. They almost killed me. They had weapons designed specifically to hurt vampires…”  
The kettle clicked off as it reached a boil, and Ruben seemed to welcome the interruption. He topped the mug up with water before handing it to you, and you caught his retreating hand in your fingers and squeezed him hard. Ruben looked down at you then and smiled.  
The red light had not faded from his eyes and his features still seemed sharper than usual in the dim light of the kitchen.  
“What happened?” you asked, still holding his cold hand.  
He didn’t try to pull away, but he did resume his former stance, staring out of the window with his left hand behind his ramrod straight back.  
“They wanted to try out their new weapons, I suppose,” he said, voice growing a little distant. “One of them had a shotgun full of silver buckshot. I lashed out at him just as he fired it, and it all went into my right thigh and hip. That’s where all those ugly marks come from,” he said, bringing his fingers back to his leg.  
You laid your hand down over his and looked up at him, eyes blazing with the unspoken sentiment that his scars were not ugly.  
He smiled, though the gesture was hollow, and continued. “Another had a phial of silver nitrate,” he said, tone turning bitter. “He was a photographer, and had discovered that vampires could not appear on film because of the use of silver in the preparation of the film. The clever fuck thought to weaponise it.”  
He raised the lower hem of his white shirt and revealed the snaking dark lines up his stomach.  
“I was incapacitated by it, and they thought they’d take advantage of that fact to try out a little experiment they’d been cooking up for us. They forced blood down my throat, but it was laced with garlic and holy water. It wreaked havoc with my insides and I’ve never been the same since.”
“Shit, Ruben,” you said. “That’s… barbaric…”
He smiled at you, and this time it held no humour at all. “Vampire hunters are not known for their empathy, sweetheart,” he said, and you actually shivered. He sighed. “Now every time I drink blood, my body tries to reject it.”
“How did you survive? How did you get away?”
He smiled. “I… I am not a very strong vampire during the day – my bloodline is much more powerful under the influence of the moon – but there are some vampires who can walk about in the day, so long as they are careful not to expose their skin to the sun for any great length of time. I have a couple of friends – twins actually – who are able to walk in the daylight. They are well known for fighting back against vampire hunters, and they had caught wind of the planned attack on my house. They came just in time.”
“I’d like to meet them,” you said. “So I can thank them.”
He smiled and squeezed your hand, still held gently between his fingers. “I would like to introduce you to them. I think you would like them.”
“Thank you for… sharing that with me,” you said in a soft voice.  
He looked down at you and you set the coffee down on the counter behind you and tucked yourself under his arm.  
He didn’t speak for a long while, but eventually he brought the conversation back to the whole reason you were both standing in the kitchen together, and not lying side by side in bed. “Not being able to drink blood very easily doesn’t mean I don’t experience bloodlust though…”
“Do you think not drinking regularly makes it worse?”
“Definitely,” he sighed.
He leaned down and kissed the crown of your head, raking his fingers through your hair, just above your ear. He inhaled deeply, beginning slowly and expanding his chest until he’d drawn in a great lungful of your scent.  
“It doesn’t help that I like the smell of you so much,” he chuckled wryly, letting his breath go in a rush. He didn’t seem to be in danger now that he had fed.  
“Would…?” you began, swallowing, feeling your heartrate rising with mingled excitement and apprehension. “Would… Would it be easier if you… um… you know…” Unable to articulate the rest of your question, you tilted your head to one side and exposed your carotid to him.  
You looked back up to see his eyes locked on your neck. “I don’t know,” he said, unblinking.  
“Ruben,” you asked, an idea suddenly occurring to you, “Have you ever been in a relationship with a human before?”
He laughed. “No. Only vampires, and few enough of them.”
“Male or female?”
“Male,” he said immediately. And then he kissed the tip of your nose.
“Would you be willing to try drinking from me?” you asked.  
“Now?” he blurted, looking taken aback, almost panic-stricken.  
You shrugged. “Why not? You’re full, so you’re unlikely to lose control, right?”
He licked his lips, his irises flaring brighter like hot coals graced with a breath. “It does significantly reduce the danger,” he said. And then he snapped back, blinking. “No. I can’t believe I even entertained the possibility. No.”
“Ruben, please,” you begged. “Just try… It might make things easier.”
“Or it might make everything ten times worse!” he fired back, releasing you and limping a few steps away. “I can’t risk it. I can’t risk hurting you.”
Anger flared in your stomach and you ground your teeth, and you spat, “You’re already hurting me, Ruben, by not trusting me enough to try.” And then you turned on your heel and marched from the kitchen, fists clenched at your side.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day, and you felt guilt gnawing at the pit of your stomach as the sun wheeled through the sky at a pace that was painfully slow.  
Finally, late in the afternoon, you went to his bedroom, unable to bear his absence any longer. As expected, his double bed was empty, but you pressed your hands on the wall panel where you had seen him disappear into the secret room, and sure enough you found yourself in the little connecting corridor to his room.  
His coffin was in a far corner, tucked up demurely against the wall, and you crossed to it. Your hands trembled as you reached for the lid and raised it soundlessly up, leaning it against the wall. The room was dark, with no windows or lights and illuminated only by the sliver of light which spilled from the passageway behind you. In the gloom, his face looked gaunt and lifeless, his chest was still, and he looked truly dead in a way that chilled your blood. You’d only seen him ‘asleep’ or in his trance a couple of times and it wasn’t your favourite way to see him, stretched out like a lifeless corpse.
Tentatively you reached for his face and as your warm palm came in contact with his chilly skin, his eyes flew open and he sucked in a great breath, like a free-diver coming up for air for the first time in minutes. He sat bolt upright and stared at you, confused, eyes blazing red in the dimness of the room.  
You didn’t wait. You couldn’t wait. You flung your arms around him and hugged him. “I’m so sorry Ruben,” you said from somewhere near his neck. “I never should have said that to you. I’m sorry.”
His breathing was became ragged and irregular for a moment, as though his body hadn’t quite remembered how it was supposed to do it, but he held you in return, somewhat cautiously, and murmured, “Shh, it’s alright.”
“I was wrong to say that you don’t trust me. You do, I know you do. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he repeated, chuckling this time. “I could have reacted a little better myself. I was just… a little overwhelmed by your suggestion.”
You pulled back, rocking onto your heels while he cracked the tension from his neck and jutted his chin out at you, asking you to move back and give him some room while he got up.  
“I gave your idea some thought before I passed out,” he said once he was standing. He still wore the black trousers and white shirt he’d been in that morning, though there was hardly a crease in them. “I would like to give it a try, if you’re still willing.” He held onto the wall as he stood, as though waiting for a head-rush to pass.
“Really?” you gasped, eyes going wide and heart skipping a beat or three. “Sure.”
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Come, let’s get you out of this dark room. You belong in the light.”
He squinted as he limped out into the bedroom, and, despite the curtains which were drawn, he reached for his dark glasses, the light levels of the late afternoon clearly too much for him. He grabbed his cane, the steel handle slipping into his palm with long familiarity, and made his way wordlessly towards the door.  
You walked through the house beside him in silence, following his lead. He ended up taking you to the little courtyard on the north side of the castle which was walled in on all sides and sheltered from the sun during all but the middle hours of the day. He sank into a wooden chair at the little table beside the fountain at the centre, and waited while you dropped into a nearby one.  
Aubrey joined you a while later, armour clanking quietly, and he took a seat beside his brother. He chatted amicably with news of his partner’s progress on the job that had taken them away from the castle, and then, at a single look from Ruben during a natural lull in the conversation, Aubrey quietly took his leave, and disappeared back inside the castle just as sunset began to gild the upper parapets of the walls above.
Ruben was silent for a long time.  Finally, he crossed his legs elegantly in a way that made your blood pool in your groin, and he looked up at you. “I would like to try to drink from you,” he said slowly. “But you have to understand my reticence.”  
“I get it,” you said immediately. “I know you care for me, and if it really might make the bloodlust worse, then obviously, I don’t think we should do it. But… if you think there’s a chance it could make it easier for you to be around me, then…”
He drew in a deep breath and slid his hand across the wooden slats of the scrubbed table-top. He opened his fingers and invited you to slip your hand into his. He let the pad of his cool thumb play over your knuckles, his face quiet and dark, lost in thought.  
Eventually he swallowed and flicked his eyes up to meet yours. You were surprised to see that they had returned to the chocolate brown colour which he showed when he was passing for a human or trying to make you forget what he was.  
“So, when do you want to try it?” you asked, seeing something akin to resolve settling into his features. He wasn’t happy about it, but you thought you could sense a slight, nervous excitement in the very corners of his pale lips.  
“I think if I spend too much time thinking about it, I’ll overthink myself out of it,” he said very softly. “I want you to be comfortable, and I want to do it while it’s still light.” While I’m still weak.
“Let’s go then,” you said, standing and holding your hand out to him.  
He followed you inside, his hand closing tightly around yours. You felt the familiar, rocking rhythm of his walk behind you, and drew comfort from it.  
“I’ll fetch a dressing,” he said awkwardly. “You’ll probably need it for the wound.” He sighed and added, “I’m not biting you in the bathroom though.”
You grinned, “But it has such a nice alliteration.”  
Caught off guard by your unexpected humour, Ruben did that little snort where his nose crinkled and his eyes creased at the corners. “Come here,” he said, tugging you off balance and into his arms.  
He kissed you then, and it was like the very first time he’d kissed you properly. His hands travelled through your hair and then to your shoulders. He pulled you tight against him and deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking your mouth. He moaned as he traced the contours of your torso til he landed at your hips and then he growled softly, pulling back a moment as he grabbed you and his hips reared into yours. The point where the two of you touched seemed to thrum with energy and you both gasped, panting.  
Ruben began to laugh. “I love you,” he said, shifting his hands to cup your jaw. “You are the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met. Thank you.”
You shook your head, smiling. “You are strange, Ru…”
“I know,” he sighed. “Come on, let’s get this over with. Go and sit down in my room. I’ll join you there.”
You couldn’t help the fizzing fear that ran along your veins as you sat there alone in the waning light of day, waiting for his footsteps on the corridor outside. It felt like the waiting room at the doctor’s or something. Soon, however, the door creaked open and he stepped in looking pale and more than a little grim, his dark glasses folded and tucked into the top pocket of his white shirt.
You smiled, trying to reassure him as much as yourself, and he blew the air from his lungs in a rush. He was clearly as nervous as – if not more so – you were. He laid his cane against the table nearby and limped over to where you sat in the armchair by the window in a perfect rectangle of evening sunlight.  
“I’m glad you pulled the curtains back,” he said, standing right on the edge of the pool of direct light.  
“How do you want to do this?” you asked with trepidation.  
He smiled nervously. “Bring the chair to the edge of the light and get comfortable. When you tell me you are, hold out your wrist to me in the shadow.”
“Not my neck?” you asked.  
“You’ve watched too many vampire films with Aubrey,” he scoffed. When you scowled, he added, “I need to work up to that.”
“Oh,” you said. “Right.” And you began to arrange the chair as he’d instructed. Happy at last, you drew a deep breath, and held out your hand. “Will it hurt?” you asked.  
“Probably at first,” he said, eyes dark and warm with no hint of red. “But your adrenaline will kick in and you’ll probably feel mild euphoria.”  
You nodded.  
“Last chance to –”
“Do it, Ruben. I want this. It’s not as if you’re turning me with this, is it?”
He actually snarled at you for that, and you flinched. “I will not turn you,” he said. “You will never ask me to do that, do you understand?” His eyes blazed scarlet now.  
A mute nod was all you could muster.
Ruben relaxed and took your wrist in his cool hands, massaging over the veins with both his thumbs. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I just couldn’t inflict this on you.”
“I understand,” you said, voice cracking.  
Ruben closed his eyes and exhaled. Then, without opening his eyes, he raised your wrist to his lips and as they peeled back you saw that his canines had elongated. He sank them straight into the flesh beneath the heel of your palm and you flinched in pain as he punctured the radial artery.  
He let out a long, deep moan, as though he’d never savoured anything so beautiful, and then he began to suck. He drank deeply from you, bent over your hand, until you felt him start to shake, and he pulled back with an effort, eyes blazing crimson. He lapped at the tiny, welling pinpricks of blood – you had expected there to be much more – and then in a swift motion he placed the lint dressing over them and taped it down.  
He grabbed your other hand and pressed it down hard over the wound without a word.  
He still hadn’t taken a breath.  
He didn’t look at you as he pushed himself stiffly back to his feet and turned away. You watched his torso contract as his body began to reject the blood already, and he staggered to the en-suite on the far side of the room. He disappeared inside it and a moment later you heard him fall to his knees and wretch into the bowl of the toilet.  
Was it like this every time he fed?  
He heaved again and you heard more fluid hitting the water in the toilet. Rising, you made your way hesitantly to the door and found him clutching the seat of the toilet, kneeling before it, back curved over as his body tried to expel the blood.  
You rushed to him and dropped to your knees beside him.  
“I’m sorry,” he hissed, spitting blood. “I’m so sorry. Please, don’t look. I’m fine. It’s… It’s…” he heaved anew, and spat while you rubbed his back between his shoulders.  
“I don’t mind, Ruben. It’s ok.” There wasn’t much in the bowl, but it still looked dramatic.  
He fell still for a while, and then nodded once, pushing himself up with a grunt and flushing the toilet, closing the lid promptly. He crossed to the mirrored wash basin and splashed his face clean. Eventually, he turned to look at you, standing in the centre of the bathroom.  
“Not a total disaster,” you smiled weakly.  
“Admittedly… no,” he conceded. “But it could have ended a little less… indecorously.”
You chuckled, but the sound quickly died. “Ruben, is it always like that for you?”
He shook his head. “It’s been a long time since I’ve fed directly from the artery. Your blood was probably a bit rich for me…” he said. “The stored blood I drink tends to change the longer it’s kept. Stale blood is… ‘gentler’ on my system, let’s say.”
“But I didn’t feel a surge of bloodlust the way I was expecting, so I suppose I should be grateful for that at least. How are you? Did it hurt? Do you need to sit down?”
“No,” you said. “Trust me, my T shots hurt more than that.” You waited for his smile, and then stepped close to him. You held him. “Thank you,” you said. “I hope… I hope it helps, and I hope maybe we can try again.”
He nodded and kissed the crown of your head. “I love you,” he said. “Never doubt that.”
“I won’t,” you said. “I couldn’t.”
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
ok so ive been reading wonder woman '87 (and loving it) and i was wondering(ha), do you prefer a wonder woman who refuses to kill, or who only kills when its necessary, or whatever the hell nu52 diana was
(for the record, im perfectly fine with a Lot of characters who kill, usually it just depends on how theyre doing it, who theyre killing, and how often they do it)
I haven’t read n52 Diana just yet (i’ll see just how much of it was a garbage fire for myself one day, but for now i’ll stick to blissful ignorance lmao) but i will say, as a tl;dr - considering Diana was raised in a culture that honors and venerates its warriors, and with a philosophy of use of deescalation before ‘necessary’ force, I’m perfectly fine with Diana killing*! 
Hell if anything i have more fictional bloodlust than she does lmao (anyone who’s watched movies/shows with me knows that im one of the first ppl to start yelling “KILL THEM” when a character has that Opportunity fjdksla) but i respect the hell out of writers who play with the nuance in her character and in the background she has.
Maybe its because I was raised in an environment where killing both for war and for self-defense were talked a bit more openly and honestly (again, military brat here). From a young age my parents made it very clear that if someone was hurting me, I had every right to act in kind. And if my life was in danger, well, they’d certainly rather see me return home safely than returned in a bodybag.
But telling your eight-year-old to Go For The Eyes And Brain is a tad different than giving an immortal (sometimes demigoddess, sometimes full goddess apparently?) Warrior Princess a pass for murder.
(This is where my * comes in)
With anything, it should be a case-by-case basis. Is she killing to protect others? Is she killing because the threat is simply too big for less forceful responses? Has she exhausted all the other options and consulted anyone else who might be held as accomplice to this decision? (that last one is esp important if she’s bringing fellow Leaguers/Amazons into the mix. JLers would typically be a lot more hesitant to help her kill than her fellow amazons would be)
And then with all of THOSE questions in mind, how is the narrative handling the fallout of this killing? If is was considered a “Righteous” kill, it might not be touched on at all. If it was something with more ambiguity, is Diana being held culpable for it and is it being actively discussed by the narrative?
I’m aware, at least, that Diana killing Maxwell Lord is something that fans in the past and fans of today have contention over. I haven’t read anything of significance from the time period pertaining to the incident, much less the story itself yet. But i do think the idea (of Diana killing a significant public figure because its a decision she feels is right bc of the circumstances) is an interesting one. It’s all about how the narrative unfolds and how the aftermath of the decision changes or reaffirms her character!
Ultimately, Diana is a being who possesses more power than the average person. But as a hero, she’s not meant to uphold or enforce the law. She’s a protector, she’s an active participant in stopping crime for the benefit of helping others. Hell, she’s meant to be the embodiment of Feminism. 
So why not also use her a vehicle to talk about other nuanced topics, like the use of deescalation techniques vs when to use necessary force?
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wroammin · 6 years
A Prince Has Got To Slay
Part 1 (Here) | Part 2 | Part 3?
Roman | Patton | Logan | Virgil
Word Count: 1076
Pairings: Logicality
Warnings: IMPORTANT!! lots of blood mentions!! there will be fighting!! manipulation!! DEATH IS A BIG PART!! this is not a happy story. do not read this for fluff. stay safe ❤️❤️
Summary: Roman is the embodiment of creativity. He has the most control over the imaginary mind space he is a part of, so he decides to create friends for himself using other aspects of his mind host’s personality. Things go terribly wrong, but Roman finds a way to fix things over and over. But then he gets bored, so what if he makes things go wrong on purpose?
A/N: yeah, so, this was an idea i had in my head where it was basically like, what if roman was the most powerful one?? what if he could keep creating and erasing all the sides whenever he wanted?? technically a halloween thing, so no group project for a while, sorry :/
There was no blood. Only shock, confusion, and eventually acceptance as he realized what Roman had just done. The blade sliced right through the other’s abdomen expertly, and Roman felt a rush of adrenaline as it did.
This was new, but Roman was so glad he tried it. He’d never killed the others before, always just befriended them. But eventually that got boring.
Roman, being the embodiment of creativity, was alone before. He hadn’t always had a body, but then he planted the idea in his mind host’s brain. What if he gave a physical representation to his creativity? And so Roman was formed. Roman was the name of this figure, which he himself had chosen.
He’d played around, tested the limits of what his new form could do. Roman could join his mind host’s physical realm, but no one else could see him. He could conjure up things whenever he wanted, but they were always imaginary. He explored the vast land of the mindscape, which was his home. But all the while, he was alone.
That’s when he created the others. Logan and Patton were first. His mind host’s logic and morality respectively. Roman introduced them to the mindscape and all of its quirks. Of course, he made himself the most powerful one, and revealed that fact to them.
He called them sides. Sides of his mind host’s personality, and nothing more. Roman did not associate himself with the other sides. Creativity was more than just a side of a person. But he let his mind host group them all together.
At first it was all just fun. Roman created Logan and Patton to be his friends, and they were. But eventually, they became resentful. Logan knew Roman had created them, and he knew he was far too powerful for his own good. He was worried what Roman would do with that power. So Logan confronted Roman about it.
And Roman had to get rid of him. Not kill him, but just snap him out of existence. And then he did the same to Patton. That was the first try.
Soon after, Roman discovered that whenever he created a new body for them, they never remembered previously existing. Moreover, with a little searching, Roman found a way to erase his mind host’s memories of Logan and Patton altogether.
Trial number two went about the same. Logan confronted Roman and Roman had to get rid of him.
Roman had to admit, it hurt. The first time he had gotten rid of Logan, it had been, quite literally, a snap decision. An impulse, like a child instinctively lying to stay out of trouble. It took a while for Roman to recover from that trial. He had actually begun to become attached to them. So he kept trying to befriend them. Over, and over. And each time, Logan found out. Once, he tried it with only Patton, but even that little puffball discovered Roman’s abilities. Somewhere around this time, Roman started recording his trials in a journal, treating it like some kind of science experiment where he documented all the variables he changed in each trial.
Then, he created Virgil. Virgil was his mind host’s anxiety, and Roman’s new bad guy. The first trial with Virgil was the longest Roman went without being confronted. It lasted for a couple years. But then, Roman made a mistake. Roman got fond of Virgil, and he was no longer the bad guy. Then, almost immediately after, Virgil found out about Roman’s power. He confronted him about it, and Roman restarted.
It was always troublesome to restart. Not only because of the long, painstaking process and work it took to do so, but because of the emotional attachment. Roman knew it was torture for him, but he did it anyway. He’d befriended Logan and Patton so many different times and so many different ways and it was always fun. He’d laughed, and cried, and opened up to them, and loved them so much. And now with Virgil, it was the exact same thing.
Except, it wasn’t. Because when Roman restarted on the second trial with Virgil, Virgil remembered everything. He remembered all of the things that had happened in the first trial with Virgil.
And he panicked, at first. He considered confronting Roman again, but he knew that Roman would just restart again. Virgil played dumb. He pretended to hate Roman at the start, which was not hard, and then gradually opened up. Virgil wanted to talk to someone about it, but realized eventually that Logan and Patton did not have any recollection of the past restarts like he did. That freaked him out. How many restarts had Roman gone through? Why could Virgil remember them? Why was Roman doing it all? But, most importantly, what would he do when he became bored of befriending them?
Virgil shuddered at the thought. After the first Virgil trial, Virgil never confronted Roman again. It was always Logan, or sometimes Patton, who would find out. Roman didn’t know why, but he didn’t question it. He always made small tweaks on every restart, trying to stay in it for as long as possible.
Befriending them over and over, it was bound to get boring. And it did. One trial, Roman was in his room, a little corner of the mindscape that Roman designated for himself, when an idea creeped into his head. It was just an idea, at first. Then, Roman entertained it for a while. He didn’t immediately restart the trial, in fact, he went on for about three more trials before committing to the idea. Roman sketched out how it would work.
And so, Trial Red was born out of bloodlust, like furies born from the gods’ golden ichor.
It took a lot of time, preparation, and planning for Roman to be able to go through with Trial Red. There was the emotional aspect he had to get through first. Right before he had planned on initiating Trial Red, Roman initiated a trial that he had tried before and recorded in his journal. In this trial, Roman got off to a rocky start with Logan, Patton, and Virgil, and their relationship worsened from there. That specific trial didn’t restart because someone found out, it restarted because the chaos and infighting in his mind host’s head was unbearable.
But something went wrong before he initiated that trial again. Something went horribly, horribly wrong.
Roman | Patton | Logan | Virgil
General Taglist:
@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @aurinkari @lamp-calm-sanders @heretoreadmyfics @fangirl-328 @friezan-is-tired @i-really-dig-the-purple @5notbrokenjustbent5 @princess-novalin @snazzy-weird-person @shaeshaetheravenclaw @punsterterry @xxladystarlightxx @4amanxiety @ughthatsprettygay @crownswriter123 @sympathetic-deceit-trash @sparkly-rainbow-salt @idontknowhow2namethisshit @cats-vetal-miking-vomit @iassureyouicannotdraw2 @clonenumber666 @theunoriginaldaisy @magnificentjellyfishballoon @laterpaladudeswheee @sanderfam @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @rosesandstuff @geek-of-the-galaxy @finger-gunsss @the-fandoms-are-takin-over @derp-fox-ok @sky-army-rules @el-elephant
(if any of my generals do not want to be tagged for this, or if anyone does want to be, please tell me!!)
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 32 From the Top!
(Prof H X Ted)
Join us and die,
Join us and die,
Join us and die,
All you gotta do is,
Ted woke up. Henry was staring back at him. The fear caused by Ted's dream went away. How does Henry look this good in the morning? That's not fucking fair. It was comforting to see him.
"Good morning." Henry smiled. He had such a beautiful smile. Ted didn't want to think about any of the things he needs to be thinking about right now. Just him, for at least right now.
"Good morning." Ted was pretty tired. Who feels energized after a nightmare anyways? He smiled back at Henry. Ted really loved him.
"I love you." Henry took the words right out of Ted's mouth. He didn't deserve Henry, he really didn't.
"I know." He wanted Henry to remember Ted's the one in charge. Henry already knows that Ted loves him.
"Rude! Really pulling a fucking Han Solo." Henry did an overdramatic tone. What an adorable dork.
"I'm kidding. I love you more." He really really really did. Ted grabbed Henry's hand.
"Impossible." Henry kissed Ted. This was perfect. He really was in love with Henry. He can't lose this.
"I'm scared." Ted could not handle losing Henry. He couldn't.
"Me too." Henry sounded a little sad. Ted wished that they had met under better terms. Not during the fucking apocalypse.
Paul and Emma walked into the living room. They obviously didn't sleep well but they weren't full on sobbing anymore so that's an improvement.
"You guys can borrow some of my clothes." Paul offered. No offense to paul but Ted did not want to wear any of his clothes. No thank you.
"Well Henry's place is on the way. They can get clothes there." Emma joined Paul in the kitchen. Now Ted was fine with wearing Henry's clothes. That is preferred.
"Ok." Paul made everyone coffee. It wasn't really good coffee but beggars can't be choosers.
Ted couldn't really eat, so it's good that no one offered him breakfast. Ted made sure to stay close to Henry. Ted knew that today might be hard for Henry so better keep close.
Emma and paul went into there room to change into something that was not pajamas.
Henry kissed Theodore's forehead. Ted didn't really know why but he's not complaining.
"Are you ready?" Ted wanted to make sure. He knew the answer. Today's going to be really fucking stressful.
"No." Henry didn't sound nervous. He looked pretty neutral.
"Me neither." Ted didn't know what to do. He felt a little useless.
Paul and Emma stepped out of their room in the most poorly put together outfit Ted had seen in a while. They hurried out the door. Henry grabbed Ted's hand.
The two men rushed into Henry apartment. Oh it has been a while since Ted's been here. There's no time to think about it though.
Henry was shoveling through his closet. Henry threw a sweater at Ted for him to wear.
"Here take this." It looked familiar. Where has he seen it before?
"A black turtleneck..." oh. It's what he was wearing that day. Man, Henry looked good in this sweater.
Ted put on the clothes Henry gave him. Oh god the sweater smelled like Henry. Ted felt a little weird for noticing that but who really cares? He loves Henry who can blame him for that? Ted tried to avoid watching Henry change.
Once they were done changing they hurried out of the apartment and in the direction of the news station place. Here it goes.
They reached the news place pretty quickly. They walked into a room with a bunch of fucking people in it. The woman behind the front desk did not pay them any mind.
Henry squeezed Ted's hand. Henry didn't really seem aware that he was squeezing his hand. He didn't really know why, he assumed he was nervous. Ted was pretty scared too.
"What's you pitch?" The lady was looking down at her computer not looking up at the four.
"We are from hatchetfield. We were there that day." Henry's voice was steady. Not necessarily confident but not scared. Henry squeezes Ted's hand.
"Everyone died from the hatchetfield incident." The lady wasn't going ti believe them was she? Damnit. Fuck. What do they do if this doesn't work?
We didn't." Emma Jesus Christ don't be a bitch to the woman who could run the fucking story.
"So then what happened?" Oh god she's going to think they're crazy. Shit shit shit. There's not a way not to sound fucking insane.
"We'll sound crazy but you need to here us out." Ah yes ted that's what all sane people say, we're not crazy! Fuck.
"We fear what happened in hatchetfield could spread if we don't raise any awareness." Henry didn't actually say what happened. That's probably a good idea, if the receptionist thinks they're insane there's not way they'll go anywhere.
"You're lucky the producers want more hatchetfield news. Wait here." The receptionist pointed to some benches near her desk. Holy shit. Ok this might actually work.
The four of them sat down on the bench. Henry sat really close to Ted. All of Ted's fears lessened a little but with Henry there.
Henry kisses ted on the cheek. Aww god ted loved him.
"What was that for?" Ted smiled at Henry. Wow he didn't deserve someone as wonderful as Henry.
"Nothing." Henry smiled back. What a sweetheart.
It felt like they were waiting there for fucking ever. Ted didn't really know how long they had left. This waiting just felt like a waste of time.
Ted put his arm around Henry. Henry leaned his head into ted. Is this considered PDA, technically this isn't public and also fuck other people's opinions. Ted contemplates taking a nap like this.
"Hatchetfielders." The receptionist called to them. That's not at all a demeaning way to refer to them at all.
"Yes?" Paul was the first one to get to the desk.
"The producers want to talk with you. Go through that door." The receptionist pointed them to a door. Here it goes.
They walked into the room. There were two producers sitting there. They weren't as intimidating as ted was expecting them to be.
Hello my name's Raffael." The male producer offered his hand to shake. They all had to awkwardly take turns to shake his hand. Which is not at all the worst way to shake hands.
"And I'm Louise." The woman smiled.
"I'm Henry."
"I'm paul."
Wow this uncomfortable.
"So you're from hatchetfield." She didn't sounds like she didn't believe them. Ted couldn't tell if that was a question or a statement.
Out the corner of his eye Ted could see Henry nod. Oh Henry's going to be the one who has to say everything again, isn't he? Ted wanted to take the burden of his shoulders but Ted didn't want to fuck it up.
"So let's cut to the chase. What happened?" Raffael leaned forward that way to business men do. Ted glanced towards Henry. He didn't look as nervous as he was last night.
"Before I start we are not insane. I have a doctorate in biology. I know what I am talking about." Henry took a deep breath. Ted did not enjoy how serious Henry sounded, it lacked the energy he had gotten used to. "The asteroid that hit did not rupture a gas line. The asteroid carried an organism, a pathogen really. It infected the people of hatchetfield, rearranging their genetic structure, functionally rewiring their brain. The infected had a certain bloodlust to kill, and spread the pathogen. You may recall the claims of sailors near the island, claiming to hear music coming from the island. Well, I did studies on the organism briefly, and it has an attraction to music, singing specifically." Henry shouldn't have to say everything.
"We think that the music that can be heard are the remaining infected." Ted needed to get this point across, it's the whole reason they're coming out with the story in the first place. "sooner or later they will find a way off the island. Once they get off the island, we're fucked. Excuse my language." Can you curse here?
There was a moment of silence. Ted could hardly breath.
"We're are going to need you to say exactly that on air. Same inflection and everything." Holy shit. They did it. Oh my god.
Henry walked off the set. Ted immediately runs over and hugs Henry, paul and Emma close behind. He was so proud of Henry. Ted knew that couldn't have been easy.
They headed back in the direction of Emma and Paul apartment. Ted needed a fucking nap holy shit.
"What do we do now?" Henry sounded nervous. Henry grabbed Ted's hand and held it tightly. There wasn't really much they could do in this moment.
"We prepare." Ted kissed Henry hand. Ted loved Henry so much.
They walked a little further. Henry was still clutching Ted's hand.
"I think I'm going to stay in my apartment tonight." Wow they were already on Henry's block. Ted's gonna stay with Henry obviously. Where else would he go?
"Oh ok." Emma smiled a little, "see you tomorrow."
"Take care of yourself, man." Paul patted Henry's shoulder. Well ted could take care Henry.
"I'll make sure of that." Ted's completely fine with taking care of Henry. More time with Henry is not a negative.
Emma and Paul walked off to their apartment leaving ted and Henry alone with each other. They walked up to the apartment.
"I'm really proud of you." Ted didn't deserve someone so brave and smart, "You did great." They walked into the apartment. Ted just wanted to spend time with Henry.
"Thank you." Henry grabbed Ted's hand. Ted will never get over how soft Henry's hands are.
"You give me hope." Ted smiled. Ted was sure this is the most he's ever loved another person. Ted kissed Henry. They stared each other in the eyes for a moment. Then Henry's stomach rumbled.
"I haven't eaten all day." Henry pulled Ted into the kitchen. Ted hasn't eaten either. He just realized how hungry he was.
"I'll cook you something." Ted leaned on the counter. Ted didn't really know what he had to work with but he could manage.
"You don't have to do that." Henry said that like Ted wouldn't enjoy cooking for him.
"I want to." Ted loved Henry so much he could hardly think straight.
They kissed once again.
"Today has been too long." Henry chuckled a little bit. He was right today just felt like it went on for fucking ever.
Ted would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. He was scared out of his god damn mind. But he had Henry.
He loves you.
How bout a dance started playing on my theatre playlist while I was writing this and I almost cried.
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 2X10 Hunted
oh boy this seems like it’s gonna be more Plot, but like...weird
why is it like this
also i still can’t believe I quoted Billy Joel on a college form what the heck
oh look some guy named Scott
he’s probably did isn’t he
of course he electrified the neighbor’s cat
Why are all of these fuckers so evil oh my god
Ah “he” wants me to, so they’re being controlled/compelled, so that’s partially how they’re getting manipulated
yes I kinda knew that but still, nice to have it reiterated 
ok the reflection in the car’s windows was a pretty cool shot though
Ah and back to the “what did John tell Dean” thing
See now I understand the not killing John till season 2 thing, just to start the whole plot
Dean’s plan to just run, so he doesn’t have to kill his brother o o f 
the “I deserve it,” do not fuel your fucking victim complex bud
dammit Sam who’s car are you stealing
aight, maybe it’s just my “abandoned lights after dark” brain, but there are some genuinely good shots in this show
kinda a pity the storyline goes 
ope Sam just exploded
oh hey Ellen, I’m glad they’re still talking
...and Jo went to go hunting
oh there’s scott
“I’m trying to find who i am” aof;hsso god I hate protagonist-boy storylines so much
I mean to be fair, Dean is a bit stifling 
I’m honestly just glad we still get the roadhouse
ooo collage of yellow eyed things
wait i vaguely recognize the girl, does she keep showing up?
Ellen: “screw that” I love Ellen
oh hey the girl is from Peoria, I’ve been there I think
my SAT was there
Ok, Sam having to break in while Ava keeps trying to distract is genuinely funny
Aw and she likes the CriMe
“Oh thank god you’re ok” aw that’s his first thought
“you’re better than ok” D E A N 
oh wait it’s the hunter from bloodlust 
“dude...WHO ARE YOU” listen, I actually really like Ava
oHO Dean’s being held captive
ah and they have a code word for if someone has a gun on him
“That’s my mom you’re talking bout” *Dean smirks*
ah he was trying provoke him, it was fun they both kinda smiled
that whole thing where they’re trying to outbluff and outplan each other is really fun
wait why didn’t Ava mention the tripwire dammit Ava
ah so Dean’s doubling down cuz it hits way too close to home
is this where we get the “fuck destiny” thing? is this where that starts
“you’re not the man he is” must have hit huh
oh there’s the explosion
and another one
oof poor dean
please tell me he used the smoke as a smokescreen
ok I like that
k so Sam holding the gun with the bloody face and the cast? good good i like that, good shot
not killing him? rEALLY?
Dean: looks at Sam and INSTANTLY goes rage protective mode 
that’s kinda sweet 
not healthy but sweet
Sam?? called the cops? oh?
ah anonymous tip
god I love the “hunters with their own connections” things at the roadhouse I LOVE THE ROADHOUSE
Sam ALREADY: watcha gonna do? kill me?
“I don’t believe in that destiny crap” there we go
“I can try” “thanks for that” aw
biTch jErk :)
oh good they’re going to Peoria
do you know what’s in peoria? NOTHING
ah the fiancé?
ah he dead and Ava gone
Ok ok wrap-up:
1. Listen, Listen. The fucking tonal argument of “Sam is the savior and pure and must be good” and “piece of shit(affectionate) little brother that is a hunter” is SO FUCKING..JUST GIVE HIM AN INTERESTING STORY LINE! THAT ISN’T MURDER BAD! WE ALREADY KNOW MURDER BAD! FDHIOADF
ok in all seriousness(and I did see a TIkTok about this, but I had this point anyway), they make Sam be the Protagonist Boi, but then just...don’t give him any character traits because people make protagonists bland for Maximum Projection. And yeah, maybe that works in movies, but this is a long running serial, and what’s more, Sam is a potentially interesting character that, for being technically the protagonist, gets NOTHING to work with! Like, Dean has so many different complex things going on in his head(most of them bad, but still complex and interesting!! SUSPENSEFUL!) and Sam gets nothing and it’s so annoying. I’m lead to believe it doesn’t get better either, which bleh
2. the lore wasn’t really lore in this episode. I did like Ava. I don’t like that she gets fridged, but she was a really fun character, and I would like to see more of her. But like, not as bait or being sad. Just her doing vague Crime things, that was really fun.
3. ...the hunter from the weirdly(badly) done allegory for something is back, I wonder who you aren’t supposed to root for
listen, I wanna make a comment about how the way this show handles morality(and writing in general) insults my intelligence, but AGAIN, I did choose to start this show AFTER it ended, and I saw the ending, and the stories from all the fans in general, so maybe I am just That Dumb. Kripke Played me and I Deserve it
4. Getting a little tired of all the Jesus and Demons. But it’s the Midest. That’s where they live. Please dear god let the next one not be a plot episode
5. stan the roadhouse, both for worlbuilding and vibe. stan ellen, stan ash, and stan the motherfucking roadhouse
aight that should do it. Turns out I have more Hot Takes than I thought
0 notes
stillthewordgirl · 7 years
LOT/CC fic: Kruos (ch. 4 of 5)
What if...the Time Masters took Leonard to be a Time Master instead of Mick?
Thanks again to @larielromeniel for the beta! Can also be read here at AO3 or here at FF.net.
“Gideon says you're not sleeping."
Leonard had risen to get the deck of cards when she’d walked in, but at her words, he sighs and sinks back to his bed, slumping against the wall and watching Sara through hooded eyes.
“Gideon,” he says, “talks too much.”
Gideon, fortunately, doesn’t decide to distract them by refuting that. He doesn’t tell her to leave (not that she has any intention of doing so), so Sara walks over and settles at the other end of the bed, watching him. She doesn’t speak, and finally, he sighs again.
"Don't like to sleep,” he mumbles. “Too many dreams. And that's when...he...threatens to come out."
Gideon has said Leonard’s brain scans are fine. “Does he really, or are you just dreaming about it?”
He shrugs, a bit irritably, but looks away, a true Leonard Snart tell. Sara supposes it really doesn’t matter, not when it comes to her goals.
“I know what it’s like, you know,” she says, holding up a hand when he tries to interrupt her, “having something inside you’re not sure you’re able to control, something you’re deathly afraid of.” She shifts a little to face him. “The first weeks—and months--after I started getting the bloodlust under control, it was like that. Mediation helped, sometimes.”
She looks at him expectantly—and takes it as a win when he doesn’t dismiss it out of hand. Instead, after a moment, she gets a blink, a smirk, and a shrug.
“Me, meditating?” he drawls. “Sure, why not?” She makes suggestions about how to sit, which he accepts with equanimity, then about how to how to breathe and what, perhaps, to concentrate on (or not). Then they simply sit there for a while, eyes closed, and Sara’s pleased to hear his breath even a little, just a little, before they open their eyes to look at each other again.
"Better?" she asks.
He considers for a moment, then gives a brief nod. Then a corner of his mouth turns up slightly. “Never tell Mick.”
“No worries.”
It's a rare moment of utter peace for the two of them, and maybe that's why she impulsively speaks again. "Would you like me to stay tonight?"
Leonard's eyes flicker at her. He stretches one leg out in front of himself, foot brushing her knee, then another.
"Is that a proposition, Sara?" he says smoothly after a moment.
"Depends. Do you think it would help?"
His expression really is quite amusing. But after a moment, it hardens, closes off.
"No," he says shortly, looking away. "Not just because I... because the Time Bastards fucked with my head."
They both ignore the implication that in another circumstance, he'd feel differently. Sara just shakes her head.
"I'm really just thinking about contact," she says gently. "Can’t imagine… Kruos… had much of that, over however long you were him. Might help remind you that you’re you.”
Leonard licks his lips, looking rather more unnerved by the idea of simple human contact than if she'd been openly propositioning him.
“I haven't been precisely..." He searches for a word, shrugs. "...overly fond of that myself. I'm...picky."
"Not the impression I got."
"Different kind of picky."
"Enough banter. Do you want me to stay here tonight, or not?”
The silence stretches as they stare at each other.
"Yes," he says, then shakes his head. "No. What if I..."
"Mr. Snart's brain waves are agitated, but not in the manner that indicates a... a breakout," Gideon informs them promptly. "His heart rate is also up. More consistent with..."
"Thank you, Gideon." She continues to stare at Leonard, who is, again, looking anywhere but at her. "You're not going to hurt me, Len."
"How do you know?
"Because, one, I can kick your ass. Because, two, you're more Leonard Snart than Kruos. Far, far more. And I trust Leonard Snart."
Those simple words bring the shutters down. "You shouldn't,” he tells her, eyes staring at something only he can see. “You shouldn’t.”
And that's that.
For the moment.
It’s only a few hours later when Gideon wakes her, the AI’s tone concerned and low.
“Ms. Lance, I’m sorry, but Mr. Snart…”
On some level, she’d been expecting this call. Sara rolls out of bed, landing on her feet and heading for the door. (She’d stopped sleeping naked within the first few days on the Waverider; it truly wasn’t a good idea on a ship on which chaos could break out at any moment. Stein still can't look her in the eye at times.) “What?”
“His brain scans are fine, or I would be rousing more than you.” The AI’s voice hushes much more as Sara steps into the hallway and heads off at a run for Leonard’s room. “But he is very agitated and I am concerned that he may injure himself.”
When Leonard’s door slides open at her approach (Gideon anticipating her arrival), Sara can’t help shuddering at the strangled noise that’s emitting from the room. She ducks in, the door closing behind her, and takes in the scene at a glance.
Leonard is curled on the bed, sitting more or less upright, arms curled over his head, hands curled into fists, shuddering so hard she’d almost think he's having a seizure of some kind. His breath is coming in great gasps, and each one sounds painful. Sara hesitates only a moment, then moves forward quickly, whispering his name as she does, just in case he can hear her.
He doesn't seem to, but neither does he react when she perches on the edge of the bed, hesitating only another moment before she reaches out and grasps a forearm.
She expects him to lash out (and is ready for it), but he doesn't, although his whole body contracts again.
"Leonard! Len! It's Sara." She wraps the fingers of her other hand around his other forearm, runs her thumbs gently down his wrists. "You're on the Waverider. You're dreaming. You're safe." Taking a guess, she says: "She's safe."
He freezes. Then, numbly: "Sara."
"Yes, Len."
"But I..." Leonard lifts his head, then, and Sara can see reddened, haunted eyes, staring at her like she's an apparition. She starts to reach out to touch his face, then stops, letting him speak.
"I killed Lisa," he tells her numbly. "Snapped her neck, just like our father used to threaten to. And Mick. Froze him, shattered him. And Barry."
"Barry Allen?" She'd known Leonard and the Flash had had a relationship that was...unique for crook and nemesis. Len had been so pleased that she'd already known his identity so he could "complain" about the man.
"And..." His eyes fix on her face, and he shudders again, but this time seems different. Relief, rather than horror. "Sara."
"You're OK."
"I'm fine. You're not. C'mere." She tugs him toward her even as she moves toward him, and they somehow wind up leaning into each other...OK, somewhat intertwined... there in the middle of his bed.
It should be uncomfortable, she thinks, but it's not, and she runs a hand up and down his back, trying to soothe, marveling that he's allowing this contact. It should also be... well. She's more or less straddling him, a knee on either side of his hips, and it would be extremely distracting if he wasn't still in such distress.
Leonard's breathing slows, gradually, and eventually he sighs, shoulders rising and falling as he lifts a hand, resting it against her back. (Sara stifles a shudder, and not a bad one.) She can't see his face; his right cheek's tucked against her hair and she's breathing against his collarbone.
"A dream," he says finally, voice still sounding a little numb.
"MmHmm. A nightmare, rather." The muscles of his back are still tense in a way that makes her wince in sympathy, and she brings up her other hand to start kneading them a little. "Has that happened every..."
"...night since I've been out of the brig. And some of the nights before that, in the beginning."
"Why the hell didn't you tell me, tell anyone, how bad it had gotten?" She can't quite keep the irritation out of her voice and he flinches.
"And remind everyone what I used to be?" he shoots back. "No thanks. Going back in the brig might have helped, but... same." Another shrug, muscles moving under her fingertips. "My battle to fight."
"You idiot," she whispers to him. "You should have let me try to help more. Should have..."
At first, it's more proximity than intent that's responsible for what happens next. He looks down at her just as she tilts her head to look up, and…and they’re so close, then, lips already brushing, that it seems foolish not to just…move in a tiny bit, put some intent into it…let her tongue brush his bottom lip, tilt her head just a little.
She can feel Len sigh again, but then he’s moved microscopically closer too, and their noses bump, and…just like that, it’s a real kiss, a tentative and careful one, yes, but a kiss. After few moments of slow exploration, they both lean in a little more and things heat up, get a little more focused. His hands settle at her hips, pulling her closer and drawing an indrawn breath, while her hands slide up to his shoulders and curve there.
After a few more moments, Leonard pulls back, just a little, and stares at her, and there’s this look in his eyes. Wonder, she’d almost call it, and she sure as hell doesn’t know what she’s done to deserve that, but…
Then he yawns. Hugely.
And promptly looks more mortified than she’s ever seen another human being look in her life.
Sara, for her part, laughs. It’s a start, she thinks a bit giddily, and that’s enough for now.
"Have you slept at all since you're been out of the brig?" she asks him.
"No," Gideon says helpfully. Len groans, and rolls his eyes at the ceiling.
“Traitor,” he mutters.
“Whoever said I was on your side, Mr. Snart?”
“Thank you, Gideon!” Sara says, raising her voice to drown out Leonard’s rejoinder, then gives him one more quick kiss, pushing him back down to the bed as she rolls off to the side.
"Get some sleep," she tells him, watching him pillow his head on an arm as she lies down next to him, not quite touching, but close. "I'll stay."
He raises a meaningful eyebrow at her even as his eyelids are drifting shut, and Sara reflects with amusement that the return of the innuendo, even silent and implied, is a good sign.
“And… in the morning…?”
“In the morning…” She smiles a little to herself as she asks Gideon to lower the lights just a little more. “…we’ll see.”
He can't say he doesn't wake, in the night. He does, the nightmares and dreams coming to linger in the dark corners and harry him toward distress or wakefulness.
But each and every time, Sara seems to know. He semi-wakes to find her fingers wrapped around his, anchoring him, her voice murmuring that he's OK, that he's here, not there, and that everyone is safe...or at least safe from him. Sometimes he's barely surfaced from sleep when that gentle reassurance settles in, and he subsides back down into slumber without even a word. Sometimes it takes a few more minutes to calm his breathing and his racing heart. But she's there...and it helps.
It's a choppy sleep...but it's the best night he's had in a long, long while.
Of course, they’re woken—now tangled together, Sara’s cheek on Len’s upper arm, Len’s other arm thrown around her—by Gideon the next morning, as the AI cheerfully lets everyone know that they’re readying to make the final jump to their destination.
Only Mick sees them both leave Leonard’s room, and stops dead in his tracks, a grin spreading over his face. Sara, smiling, leaves Leonard to deal with it as she darts down the hall to change in her own room. The pair are both on the bridge by the time she arrives, and Mick leers at her (she smirks back) and Leonard rolls his eyes and it's a surprise no one else notices as they all strap in and prepare to jump.
And then they’re out into London, 2166, and, once again… it all goes to hell.
Neither of them are at their best when, so many hours later, they’re alone again.
Sara hates to admit it, but it’s her turn to be tired. The League had taught her how to go days without sleep, but she's out of practice—and that training applied more to nights spent thoroughly sleepless, on guard, on a hair-trigger, watching a mark and waiting for the right moment. Not a night spent warm and comfortable, stretched out in bed with a man she wants, but can't have now, on alert for distress more than danger.
She thinks, at least, that it’d helped him.
Rips drags the three of them out immediately, after Savage, and that's OK. She can cope. They're "made," as Snart puts it, and she can handle that, too.
She can handle Savage’s daughter. She can handle a crash landing. She can handle teaching Kendra to fight with a friggin’ bracelet—sort of. She can handle Leviathan, and Ray going giant, and going after Savage yet again. She can even handle Kendra refusing to kill Savage when she could have ended this. Whole. Damned. Thing.
But she can't figure out why Leonard "kill the little rat" Snart has gravitated so immediately and thoroughly to Cassandra fuckin’ Savage.
And it’s sort of pissing her off.
Pacing the battered ship to work off the sort of restless energy that comes with a particular sort of fatigue, she comes across him in the galley, leaning over the counter, eyes closed, a cup of coffee cradled in those long-fingered hands. He doesn’t even open his eyes when she walks in.
She means to ask how he’s doing. She means to get her own coffee and lean next to him, taking heart from companionship and warmth.
Instead she opens her mouth and what comes out is:
"Cassandra Savage? Really, Len?"
He opens unfocused eyes, stares at her...and then blinks, gaze clearing. "What?"
“Cassandra Savage? You know, the daughter of the man we’re trying to kill?”
He reaches up to rub his eyes, an unrehearsed gesture that seems rather unlike him. “I repeat…what? Sara…are you OK?”
“You know.” She leans against the other side of the counter. “ ‘Cassie.’"
"What about her?" He's frowning at her, now, a classic irritated Snart scowl, and it takes her back to their earlier days on this ship, before Russia and "Chosen" and Kruos. In her tired state, that just serves to irritate her further.
"You're not usually one to encourage...fraternization with the enemy," she shoots back. "What did you think you were doing?"
"What?" he says, yet again, this time with incredulity in his voice. "We needed information. I got it. You..." He points at her. "...were even the one who pointed out she’d know the details of his defenses.”
"Yeah, well, I didn't think you'd go have a 'heart to heart' with the devil's daughter." She snorts. "Mick suggested sending a finger."
"And you think that is better? Tort..." He shudders then, in the way she associates with memories of his time as Kruos, but keeps going. "Between the whole 'evil dad' thing and the fact that I’ve been…under the influence of something pretty damned awful myself more recently, I thought maybe I could get through." He glares at her. "And I did. How is that a bad thing?"
"It's not."
All the fatigue-born irritation had gone right out of her when he'd nearly said "torture," the reminder of what the Time Masters put him through, most of which he hasn’t even talked about yet. Of course he'd recoil from that. Of course he might identify with this brainwashed child of a crappy father.
She scrubs a hand over her face and sighs, looking back at him. "Forget I said anything, OK?"
Leonard's still looking at her, but his expression is now more puzzled now than anything else. "You all right?" He clears his throat. "I was looking for you. Ah...wondered if the offer still stood. To stay. Because maybe you'd prefer your room? Or…”
He'd been looking for her. While she'd assumed he was still closeted with "Cassie." She's been tired and silly and... damn, she's tired.
She closes her eyes (just for a moment, really) and when she opens them, Leonard now looks...amused?
“Saaaara.” There’s a smirk hovering around his mouth as he leans forward again, closer to her. “Were you…jealous?”
There’s a lightness to her heart that there wasn’t a moment ago, but that’s not quite it. “No,” she says wearily, leaning over the counter a little more herself. “Not really. I just…”
"You were jealous." Smugness suffuses his tone.
"I was not!"
But then he leans just a little farther--and kisses her.
Sara spares one second of concern for their presence in a public space—and then she’s kissing him back, both of them leaning over the counter at a remarkably awkward angle that doesn’t really manage to deter either one of them at all.
After a few heated moments, Sara breaks off the kiss, eyeing Leonard as she tries to decide whether she’s up to doing something as juvenile as sliding over the counter to him or if she should just walk. She starts to say something suggestive…
And yawns.
Leonard laughs, a low sound full of understanding.
"Come on, Canary," he says quietly. "Let's go to bed."
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