#like i knew he would be sidelined bc he's black
bhaalbaaby · 1 year
it makes me really sad when i see these people making merch for bg3 and they forget wyll. he's one of the main six companions and an origin character and they choose minthara or halsin or even fucking alfira over him. i don't wanna say the obvious on top of the obvious but it's really something...
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any chance you could do Counselors' Lounge for steve please? 🫶🏼💫
hi, love!! i am so so sorry this took so long to get out, work stuff happened and mental health stuff happened but i hope this was worth the wait! it's also not technically workplace but they are working at a summer camp, but if you wanted something else, feel free to leave another ask and i write a new one hehe 🫶🏻💛
"Take Me To The Lake" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: In which Steve's last summer at his childhood summer camp becomes his favorite summer ever.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,048 (she got a lil wordy oops)
Content Warning: reader and steve are implied to be around 18/19, sexual humor and fade to black smut bc steve is a hoe, light mentions of food, mostly fluff but a lil angsty at times, possibly bad descriptions of volleyball bc it's been a minute since i played, reader from ohio lol, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: yeah i did name it after a taylor lyric, what about it??
Originally Written: 07/07/2024 through 0718/2024
Beta Read By: @writer-in-theory 🫶🏻❤️
masterlist | summer celebration
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“You're going down!” Steve shouted from his side of the sandy volleyball court, hands on his hips to further prove his point.
You simply shook your head. “You wish, pretty boy!” It looked a whole lot like he mouthed something to the effect of ‘Yeah, I do,’ but a children's summer camp wasn't exactly the place to unpack that.
Camp Clearwater was probably your favorite place on Earth, and it was the one place on Earth where you were guaranteed a month of wonderful bliss with your favorite person ever. To say it was your favorite month of all twelve in a year was probably a little biased, but when you were getting to see the one person on the planet you adored more than anyone else, it was hard not to pick favorites.
Steve Harrington had started out just like any other camper in your eyes: for one, your rival, considering you were never on the same team at camp due to gender differences; not to mention, he was someone you only saw that one time of year. But, thanks to raging hormones at the wonderful age of thirteen, a chance game of “spin the bottle” after dark had brought the two of you together and you'd been inseparable ever since. Sure, you were pretty much only guaranteed the month of July together, but after that fateful first kiss, you called each other every night and all but forced your parents to drive you to the other's city every now and again for a date or two.
“Alright, when the whistle blows, the Ladybugs will serve,” the announcer practically yelled through the bullhorn. Your bones rattled with the volume of her shout, but it only added to the excitement coursing through you.
The whistle blew, the ball went up, and Kimmy smacked it right into the back corner of the court. Was it cheating for you to pick your two best players for the championship set? Maybe, but with Kimmy's precise serves and Megan's ability to keep the ball in the air no matter how many times she had to dive or slide, it would feel wrong for anyone else to be on that court.
The girls met in the middle of the court for a high five, clearly proud of the serve. Cheering them on from the sidelines, you yelled, “Good job with the ace, girls!”
The ball went up again, this time a lighter serve that barely made it over the net, taking out the setter of Steve's team. Still, they managed to keep the ball up, even with the weaker of their players being the one to spike the ball back over to your side of the court. It went back and forth a few times, eventually ending when Kimmy's block went out of bounds.
Steve had definitely brought his A Game when training the two boys on his team, seeing as most of the round, both your team and his were neck and neck on points. Before you knew it, the score was twenty-three to twenty-three, and either team needed only two more points to win.
In hindsight, maybe it wasn't the best decision to coach against your boyfriend. Sure, healthy competition was always a good thing in relationships, but it was Steve's last year as a counselor, and you'd hate for him to walk away sad. Although, from the crease forming between his brows, you could tell that he was more stressed than anything right now.
“Come on, guys, you got this!” he shouted from his side of the court, hands clapping loudly in excitement. You couldn't resist doing the same, turning to your own team and cheering them on.
The next point went to the Ladybugs when Megan surprised them with a tip that fell right over the net, giving the guys' team basically no time to bounce back. You were one point away, and the thought of winning the championship—even if it was only just at some summer camp—made your heart rattle inside your rib cage.
Then, the Beetles took the next point with a shocking service ace, keeping their team and the game alive.
Two more points and again, it was anyone's game. Your heart pounded and your hands shook at the exhilaration and thrill that this game was giving you.
The ball went back and forth, back and forth, until you'd forgotten you were a coach, not a spectator. You were just as entranced by the ball as the parents watching from the bleachers were, and you didn't even realize what had happened until all the girls on your team came flooding over to you, all squeals and cheers.
“We did it!” one girl, Britt, screamed as she jumped up and down. Another squealed, apparently incapable of forming words. Megan and Kimmy were all smiles as they did the handshake all the girls in your cabin had started doing toward the beginning of the month.
You couldn't help but be proud of your girls, not just Kimmy and Megan, but each of the girls on your team that had fought for this year's trophy. In a sense, it was your last trophy, since you'd now graduated high school and wouldn't be playing in college. Though, you definitely were coming back to Camp Clearwater every summer you could.
After your celebratory dinner in the dining hall and the most bittersweet of goodbyes as you sent all your new friends back home to their parents, you couldn't help but search for your ‘rival’ coach to see how he was handling things.
You found him back in his cabin, alone since all the campers had already been sent home. Walls that were usually filled with posters of baseball players and favorite movies were now bare, beds that normally housed pre-teens were now vacant, and the boy who usually wore a smile was now sporting a frown, one that displayed what looked like sadness and homesickness.
“Cheer up, pretty boy,” you said, catching his attention, his eyes darting up to meet your figure where you stood in the doorway. “You've always known I'm better than you at volleyball.”
He snickered, his frown slightly disappearing. “You wish.”
You stepped closer to him, shutting the cabin's front door lightly behind yourself. “What was that you mouthed at me today? Yeah, I do?”
Steve rolled his eyes, though his expression displayed joy at your words. “Thought you might not have caught that.”
Your hands met his hair, swiping through the brown strands delicately. “I'm a better lip reader than you thought, Harrington.”
“Yeah, that's not your only specialty with lips though, is it?”
A scoff escaped your lips. “Is that all you think about?”
“Sometimes,” he said, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. “But mostly I just think about how pretty you are and how lucky I am.”
A smile pulled at your own lips, your heart nearly melting at his sweet words. Still, despite his demeanor, you still felt the need to ask, “Are we okay after today? No hard feelings?”
His brows creased. “Why wouldn't we be okay?”
“I did beat you at your very last Beach Bug tournament,” you reminded him, your hands moving down to his own and interlocking your fingers.
“Don't remind me,” he said dramatically, throwing his head back. Then, he met your eyes again, his expression sickeningly sweet. “Seriously though, we're okay.”
You held out your pinky finger, a pout appearing on your face. “You prommy?”
He locked his pinky around yours. “Yes, I prommy,” he replied sarcastically before pulling your hand up to his mouth and kissing the knuckles.
Then he was pulling you onto the bed with him, both your legs and his braiding together as they dangled off the side of the mattress. Steve's hand met your waist as he pulled you into his side while his lips met your head for a soft kiss.
“Weird how this is the last weekend I'll spend in one of these cabins,” he mentioned as his eyes darted from you to the roof.
“Don't remind me,” you parroted his words from before, only this time they were true.
His hand slid down to meet your bare leg, skin sun-kissed from all the time you'd been spending in it lately. You noticed his eyes avoiding yours, and the homesickness that swirled in them. The two of you still had another forty-eight hours before you had to leave each other, and yet he was already longing to be back in your arms.
“I do have some somewhat good news, though.”
Your heart raced at the possibilities, though your brows wrinkled in confusion. “What?”
“Well, I was gonna tell you over the phone when I found out but I thought it would be better to tell you in person. Just in case I don't get the reaction I'm hoping for.”
This only made you more confused. “Why would I be upset over good news?”
By now, the two of you had made your way back to sitting, his legs still dangling from the bed while yours were now pulled underneath yourself. Steve’s eyes were more serious now, his breathing speeding up as he got closer to his confession. “Do you remember how I said I was moving for college?”
“Yeah, your dad was trying to get you into U of Chicago,” you waved your hand as you remembered his words. “Alma Mater crap, right?”
Steve chuckled at your question. “I may have not been entirely sincere about the whole thing.”
He just kept adding to your state of confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Steve took your hands in his, watching as they intertwined once again. “He was trying to get me into UChi… but that's not where I'm going.”
“What are you…”
The next statement had your heart racing just as much as the volleyball match that afternoon. “I got into Bowling Green.”
Your mouth flew open as your arms wrapped around his neck, squeals flying out of your mouth left and right. “You're kidding!”
His head shook against your shoulder where it rested, and you swore you felt a tear slip against your tee shirt. “I know it's not Denison, but-”
“It's here. It's two hours away from me. Not six.” By now, tears were forming in your own eyes, your smile wider than the lake outside of that cabin. You pulled his face away from your shoulder, meeting his gaze again. “Why would I be upset over this?”
Those big brown eyes you loved fell down to the floor, his tears drying up in an instant. “It doesn't mean I can come back here.”
You wiped at a stray drop of water on his cheek, causing him to shiver at the touch. “Why not?”
“My dad made an agreement with me. If I promised him my summers at the firm, I could promise you my weekends during the school year.”
Butterflies shot off in your stomach like fireworks. He may not have been able to give you everything you wanted, but he could give you enough. And that was simply all you needed.
Hands made their way into dark brown, beautiful strands. Lips met skin, the pulse point of his neck to be precise. “Steven,” one kiss, “Otis,” another kiss, on his jaw, “Harrington,” one last kiss, underneath his ear.
“Hmm?” he asked. You could almost hear his eyebrow cocking upward.
Another long kiss, then a small nibble to his earlobe. “I love you.”
“You're insane.”
His tee shirt made a light thump against the floor. “Insane for you.”
Steve looked down at you through dark eyelashes, meeting you with a half smirk. “I take it you're excited about this whole thing?”
“Very,” you nodded, your grin outright showy at this point. “You remember earlier how you said I was going down?”
The man could hardly keep his composure as your hands met the button of his shorts. “You are truly insane.”
“Maybe…” You finally made your way off the bed, sinking to your knees in front of him. “Do you wanna find out how insane I truly am?”
“I've died. I'm in Heaven right now. Or Hell, one of the two.”
“Me too, Stevie,” you said, leaving a kiss on his knee. “Me too.”
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @corrodedseraphine @manuosorioh @esoltis280 @mochminnie
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
SORRY I’M LATE, I was searching for my bunny slippers and it’s dark here in your walls and none of these termites can hold a flashlight for SHIT
I wanna start with a drabble request (bc of course) for DHTN (bc OF COURSE) and I want Jake’s POV of the arrest bc we don’t actually know how that went down and I just know his thought process as he realizes he’s going to be taken away from Scout is gonna BREAK me. Also did he see Isaac as he was being led out of the saloon?????? SO MANY QUESTIONS, but hey we’re here for the weekend~
CONGRATS AGAIN ON 500 FOLLOWERS, LIZ!!! I love you so so much and I’m so proud of you!!! It’s such an honor and pleasure to be your friend 🥺❤️
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Of all the posse members, Bob was the last person Jake would have guessed to go starting fights. Though, start was probably not the correct word to use in this case. From what Bradley had told him, a group of men had been making comments about Bunny. Something about her past in New Orleans, and the bespectacled man had not cared for their choice of words. At all.
Bradley and Jake had just arrived outside the saloon when all hell broke loose. Jake watched as Bob reared his fist back, sending it flying forward into an older man's nose. A sickening crunch sounded throughout the street, and he was scrambling forward just as the rival posse launched towards his friends.
Fists were flying everywhere, and Jake heard a woman scream as he elbowed his way through the frenzy. His heart was beating a mile a minute as his eyes landed on Javy, who was grappling with another man. Jake ran up, shoving the man before grabbing Javy's arm and dragging him towards the sidelines.
"Grab the others," he ordered, eyes darting around as he spotted Bradley already grabbing for Mickey. "Help Rooster, and get everyone out of here as fast you can, got it?"
"What are you going to do?" Javy shouted, struggling to be heard over the noise of other men joining in. Jake shook his head.
"Don't worry about me. Now go!"
He shoved Javy back towards the fray, eyes scanning the streets when he spotted Ice making his way towards the chaos, a dark haired man at his side. He searched frantically for Bradley, eyes spotting the brunette before jogging towards him.
"Get the others out of here," he told him, eyes still on the two approaching figures. "No reason for all of us to get caught."
Bradley followed his line of sight, a frown tugging at his lips when he saw the approaching U.S. marshal.
"Jake," he started, but the blond shook his head.
"There's no time," he shouted, seeing Javy lead Bob and Reuben towards the back of the saloon, brown eyes starting at him worriedly. "Grab Bob and go."
Bradley pressed his lips into a thin line before grabbing the back of Bob's shirt, hauling the bespectacled man away from the fight.
Jake stood in the middle of the chaos, watching different men fight each other. He wasn't even sure who some of these men were, but more than likely they were just men taking advantage to settle old scores.
He knew he couldn't just leave, not after it was one of his friends who started the fight in the first place. They'd come after all of them then. No, Jake would stay to give his friends a chance to flee. They'd figure something out. They always had before.
Jake's green eyes met black ones as a gunshot rang out, and a stillness washed over the street, so quiet you could hear a church mouse squeak. He focused on the devious smile that adorned Isaac's face, smug satisfaction seeping through every pore as the two men stared at each other. Jake's jaw clenched. Of course. Of course this had all been a trap.
Jake turned to watch Ice lower his pistol, holstering it back at his side as his gaze drifted over the crowd, blue eyes settling on him. He could practically hear the sharp inhale Ice gave as he looked at the younger man. He blinked before looking away.
"What seems to be the commotion?" He asked, frowning at the rest of the men gathered.
"It was the Dagger Posse!" Someone shouted, no doubt one of Isaac's lackeys. "They're the ones that started the fight! One of them is standing right there!"
Jake's shoulders stiffened as all eyes turned to him, including that of U.S. Marshal Simpson. A cry rang out amongst the crowd at the accusation, but the damage had already been done. Simpson casted an indecipherable look before making his way towards Jake.
"No, it wasn't the Daggers!" Someone else shouted. "The Hunter Posse is the one that started all this!"
"Say that again, and you're a dead man."
"It was those no good, spineless cowards in the Hun-"
"Quiet, Hanson," Ice snapped, never taking his eyes off of where Simpson stood in front of Jake. "Don't need to add your sorry ass to my list of problems right now."
Jake squared his shoulders. He knew he was caught, but like hell he was going down without putting up even the illusion of a fight. He swung his fist out, just clumsily enough for the marshal to dodge it, gripping his arm and slamming him up against the wall of the saloon. Jake winced as his arms were forced back, cuffs clicking around his wrists. Simpson grabbed him by the collar, hauling him back so hard that Jake stumbled slightly.
"Is this all really necessary?" He drawled, earning a scowl from the dark haired man.
"Yes," Simpson snapped, pushing Jake forward as they began to walk. Jake's eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of his friends. If they were smart, they'd be long gone from the scene. What he wasn't expecting to see, was you standing at the front of the crowd, eyes wide and shining with unshed tears as you watched him.
He felt his heart crack at the sight. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be the reason you cried, and you had cried more than enough over him to last a life time. He just got you back, and now you had to see him like this. Chained like a dog and paraded down the street. He stopped in front of you, trying and failing to jerk his arm out of Simpson's hold.
"Hey, sweet girl," he cooed. He cast a glance back at the marshal, who eyed the two of you wearily. "Everything is going to be alright, yeah? Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll be out as a free man before you know it."
“You shouldn’t lie to her, Hangman,” Simpson said, casting you a sympathetic look. “We all know that this is the end of the line for you.”
Jake frowned. He wanted to argue, he really did. But, just as he opened his mouth to do so, Simpson pushed him forward once more, ending the conversation. Jake supposed Simpson was trying to do you a favor in his mind, saving you from what the marshal surmised were empty promises from the captured outlaw.
He cast one last look over his shoulder at you, committing you to memory. As if he could forget. He offered you a tight-lipped smile before Ice slammed the door behind him, cutting him off from the outside world.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
With every episode, my belief in the conspiracy theory that Ryan Condal is one of those who just read the wiki of the Dance and decided that Rhaenyra was wrong for fighting for her birthright and should have just stepped down for Aegon grows stronger.
It was mentioned in one of your posts about how Criston tries to harm everyone associated with Rhaenyra just because he can't get to her. I find Condal to be somewhat similar. Except, as the showrunner who has the final word on how characters are written, he not only has power over Rhaenyra's people but over Rhaenyra herself. In the book, it's obvious that Team Black's got the lion's share of interesting characters who are courageous, charming and intelligent while possessing a grey streak. Not just the core members but even their allies such as the Tullys, Blackwoods, Freys, Jeyne Arry, Cregan Stark, Winter Wolves and the two Alans left an impression in the book. But, in this show, the alliances of the Blacks are being undermined whereas the main characters themselves are either being sidelined or being dumbed down or given nothing to do while the Greens are shown to be politicking.
Daemon forming alliances in the Riverlands gets reduced to a weird subplot with no progress, Rhaenyra is passive and occasionally makes foolish decisions, Rhaenys is, or was, a lost cause, Corlys had done nothing of note so far and all of Jace's diplomacy happened offscreen. We got two Alicole sex scenes and two brothel scenes with Aegon and Aemond but the friendship which led to the Pact Of Ice And Fire and the Hour of the Wolf got only one measly scene. Why? Was Condal scared that Jace would steal the spotlight from his darling Aemond?
Speaking of spotlight, Rook's Rest which was supposed to Rhaenys' moment with her and Meleys facing off against the full might of the Greens focused not on her but on Aemond. It was from Aemond's perspective as he satisfied his grudge against his brother and Rhaenys was just an afterthought instead of the main prize.
Don't forget Gwayne Hightower, of all people, has been given a rounder character/personality and a lot of interaction with one of the commanders of the greens' armies instead of staying his ass in KL like he's supposed to.
Ryan Condal does feel like he's one of those who did that shit and decided they knew everything about this story and the themes. I think it could be even worse: he surveyed what rando Reddit writers or people like that who hate Dany said instead of trying to be more selective bc he's a marketing person, not s stroyteller.
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devisrina · 1 year
I kind of love coming on here and reacting to sydcarmy this season, it’s so refreshing. I was on Reddit during last season and it was so gross how they treated Sydney and I know it’s only bc the main demographic on Reddit are white men who have a clear view of what character should behave a certain way. Like Sydney couldn’t act or do certain things or else she would be crucified unlike her male counterparts. We know her being a black woman is a large reason why most can’t see her being with a white man but are okay when it’s another black person. It’s also why they were far quicker to warm up to the potential of carmy getting a love interest that resembled him culturally. But have the audacity to call us delusional bc there are very clear signs that say and carmy are soulmates, in every sense of the word.
Thank you for being one of the many sydcarmy acc that make it fun to be on this app!
I kind of love coming on here and reacting to sydcarmy this season// Yes! All the Sydcarmy blogs have the best analysis/opinion pieces on them and I enjoy reading and interacting with them. They are also really welcoming and intelligent beings.
I was on Reddit during last season and it was so gross how they treated Sydney and I know it’s only bc the main demographic on Reddit are white men who have a clear view of what character should behave a certain way.// They never have proper arguments about her without being completely wrong. Then, they accuse us of thinking everyone is racist for disliking her, and then they bring up the other cast members with diverse backgrounds to make their opinion on Sydney seem less out of racial bias. This show does a decent job of presenting people of colour in a nice light, but the main character is a white man, his "cousin" is a white man. And most of those people on Reddit blatantly favouritism Richie. And it's so stupid having to hear the same stupid argument "Am I the only one who thinks Carmen shouldn't have apologised-" Like no, there are a bunch of you assholes on here that think that. But Carmy was at the bigger fault, and the thing is she probably would've apologised, but she couldn't even get a word out without him telling her to shut the fuck up. He got mad under pressure, and he never gave her a chance to right her wrong. I get why Carmy was stressed, but he didn't regulate his behaviour well enough and that demonstrates poor leadership. And he rightfully realised this and apologised.
Sydney couldn’t act or do certain things or else she would be crucified, unlike her male counterparts.// For real. Like, they always crap on her for stabbing Richie, but it was clearly an accident. He backed into it. Yes, she held the knife wrong, but he was pissing her off the entire day out of spite. He had the audacity to ask her if she was blowing someone at the telegraph, and this wasn't the only time he made distasteful comments towards her. And Richie already knew he deserved to be stabbed, so why do people try to keep defending him for something even though he admitted that he deserved it? I'm glad he got development though. She put up with his shit for too long, she put up with everyone's shit for too long. Carmy fucking left her to run a brigade on her own with her coworkers which she barely got in tune with. And Carmy did not defend her in front of them whatsoever. And it was wrong of her to give in her risotto to that customer without talking to Carmy first, and she did mess up the to-go system, and she should learn to be more patient in the future. But that's the thing, she learns from her mistakes and she is seen to be more patient and technical with her work now.
We know her being a black woman is a large reason why most can’t see her being with a white man but are okay when it’s another black person.// This is so annoying, but also so realistic to how people react to white men displaying any sort of romantic attraction to women of colour. They get so surprised that you're not just sidelined by an attractive white guy and that they see you as attractive. There are relationships between people of the same race. Who cares if Sydcarmy gets together? Also, I feel like they would be one of the best-written interracial couples if they were to become canon. Also, I don't feel that Marcus understands Syd in the way that Carmy does/tries to. Marcus is caring and such a sweetheart, who I hope finds someone someday. But I feel that Sydcarmy would be so good together after they both work through things.
It’s also why they were far quicker to warm up to the potential of Carmy getting a love interest that resembled him culturally.// I feel like we all tried to like Claire, but it just wasn't working for us. She's just not that great to watch and it wasn't all that surprising that the incels on Reddit would like her because she was written to purely care about Carmy. She is fine and I don't mind her so much anymore.
But have the audacity to call us delusional bc there are very clear signs that Syd and Carmy are soulmates, in every sense of the word// There are so many hints in the filming directions, dialogue, and clothing that they are soulmates which could lead to becoming romantic, and the fact that people fail to see it just feels odd. But what I've chosen to do is talk more about them as if they are going to happen. I just really like them.
Thank you for being one of the many sydcarmy acc that make it fun to be on this app!// Awee thank you <3 My heart :) It's really sweet hearing people say all these nice things, I love each and every one of you so much. I mean, if we enjoy Sydcarmy, we should be able to freely make all of our posts in peace. And I'm really glad that they are seen by amazing people like you anon. Thank you :)
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komilys · 2 months
After a several weeks of being dead, I'm back! And since you said that you don't mind me crashing into your inbox...
First of all, you and Ciel are really cute together. Hopefully you will be able to stir him up and get him to have some fun... You two seem to represent that kind of "troublesome guy x unfortunately has to deal with them" ship dynamic that I always loved.
But now I wonder, what other canon events would have gone differently with your s/i in it? Especially since Ciel and Sebastian decided to use your s/i for his knowledge of canon events (even if it barely helped). You also mentioned that lately you've been thinking a lot about the current arc, so what about that?
And it's kinda funny how both of us have our Black Butler s/is isekai-ed into their world from ours. I also got this idea from similar "x reader" fanfiction I was reading a long time ago.
Except my s/i ended up getting adopted (kinda) by Undertaker instead, and later was too busy working in the funeral parlour and slowly slipping into the madness to influence the plot...
Anyway, about your s/i again. How does he look? Do you have any drawings or picrews or just written description? Asking just so I could picture you and Ciel together.
– villain-in-love
(it deleted my first response. that sucks.) after weeks of ME being dead, i’m back n ready to answer!! :3 (im so sorry i keep dying)
thank you thank you!! that really does capture our dynamic perfectly i think <3
funny you mention your s/i being adopted kind of by undertaker bc i’ve been playing with a similar idea! instead of adoptee, it’s more kidnapee-but-not-really. he was already suspicious of komie, what with ciel just appearing one day with him and even more so by the fact that he always seemed to be five steps ahead of everything, like he always knew what was next. at first he dabbled with the idea of something supernatural, but i think at the end i’ve been toying with the idea of him ‘kidnapping’ komie during the whole blavat sky thing (that arc) but honestly im still not very sure what with the manga still going.
kidnapping in quotes because it’s not so much as kidnapping as me more or less willingly going with him, though originally that was the first draft, i switched to pinning komie’s departure from ciel’s side to his own selfishness. undertaker did have a part in his convincing to leave though.
i’ve been thinking a lot about the current arc trying to figure out how komie ties into it, whether having him be an active player as he’s always been or kind of just sitting on the sidelines watching everything play out for once. this is also in part due to that i really have no idea how the manga is gonna play out, i kept flip-flopping between being with r!ciel and lizzy (in my universe lizzy and i are close), and being wherever undertaker is, (essentially switching me always following ciel to me following him).
yeah, the current arc is messy for komie i don’t know what im doing with myself yet ( ̄w ̄;)
that’s quite funnu though! that both of our inserts have both been just dropped in the story! i’m curious on what you mean by too busy descending into madness ??
the emerald witch arc (the next one to be animated, hooray!!!) is the last arc i have more or less thought out well (all my self ships are more or less thought out, lol)
i think komie ends up taking a lot more of a caretaker role for ciel, and he’s also a lot more careful with him during the emerald witch arc. at first he stops ciel from going into the forest too, because at this point he’s very fond of ciel and doesn’t want him to hurt, but at some point he does push ciel to go into the forest as he’s meant to.
like how finny takes care of ciel, komie also does as he’s more like a kid. at this point, guilt starts to creep up on komie because he just has to let bad things happen to the people he’s grown to care for and he becomes a little detached (this leads into the next arc, similar to lizzy). at some point between these two arcs, i think ciel and ki have a moment and for a little, ki goes back to the same but i think it’s a quick regression to his state during the witch arc.
speaking of witch arc, i remember i had an idea that i kill someone (one of the german women who tried to kill wolf, but id have to reread the arc to actually flesh that out… i forgot what happened…)
also funny ! sometime before the actual start of the green witch arc / during the public school arc, ciel finds out komie’s actual age— lizzy was trying to find out my birthday, lo and behold i admit my eighteenth was a month ago. ciel just goes quiet and looks at me— he genuinely didn’t believe i was that older than him.
its a funny moment, lizzy’s sad i didn’t tell her during easter, edward has his head in his hands— his mind is running crazy— he’s like oh!, and ciel is just staring. he blushes a little. anyways komie is just like sry gang (victorian version)
for the visuals of komie i have these 2! the first’s purpose is mostly to get a feel for the dressing/how he dresses + hair and the second is for the more actuate body type :3 obviously i dress very differently given… 1800s… but it’s a good representation of how i looked when i landed in the phantomhive garden in the first place (also my pajamas)
but if you want a kind of not really… more accurate to the kind of clothes i switch to wearing once actually in the 1890s, that’s the third picture (a little plain, it’s probably be more detailed / different in reality but just a vague idea! the general idea is more coverage lol)
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something i thought of but i thought it’d be cute if during that shopping ciel has with the phantom servants post-school arc, he asks if i want anything and i shrug and say, “a blanket? i don’t really use the bed coverings i have at the manor”
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“…you don’t?”
“no, i don’t really… the way they feel is…” i squint, making a vaguely grossed out noise.
ciel stares, before averting his gaze towards the shelves.
“how is this one?”
we go back and forth for a while, having me go through the different fabrics and try to explain how they are and the differences as he gauges my reactions. it’s embarassing because i can tell he doesn’t really get it, but he also doesn’t relent. we leave and i get a new blanket. a few weeks later, a little before the trip to germany— i find a few new clothes on my bed.
“ciel?” i examine the neatly wrapped package. its green. i look back up at him from the doorway across the room. “what is this?”
“clothes,” he doesn’t look up from his paperwork. “you were uncomfortable before, weren’t you?”
“sometimes,” i answer.
his pen stops. “now you won’t be.”
i stare at him, the quiet scratching of his pen being the only sound filling the air between us. that’s kind of you, but i don’t say it.
“oh…” i turn the package around in my hands. did he have sebastian wrap it? “thank you.”
“you’re welcome.”
x <3
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾
character(s): katuski bakugou x gn!reader 
a/n : y’all this was gonna be for kirishima bc i love possessive kiri but like it works so well with bakugou. first part will be from third pov, following parts will be from second pov (reblogs are greatly appreciated !! <3)
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: uhh idk a lil bit teeny-weeny dash of angst i guess 
warnings: mild cursing, possessive bakugou, mutual pining, jealousy, aged-up to third year, possessive y/n, love triangle (square?), implied manga spoilers but not directly stated, tiny bitta tokage slander (sorry lol), slow burn romance (like SLOWWW SLOW BURN), lowkey enemies to lovers, like a lotta tension between bakugou and y/n 
word count: 3k
UNEDITED w/ minimal or no typos. i shoved it into grammarly’s ass and prayed for the best okay 
here’s pt 2 loves <3
- - - 
y/n was used to picking and their skin, irritated at the girls fawning over bakugou. they were always on the sidelines, watching from afar, jealousy warping their heart. could these stupid girls not see that bakugou didn’t even care for their attention? 
this time it was setsuna tokage who was begging for his eyes on her. y/n assumed it started in their first year when they’d been put against one another when the classes still had a clashing rivalry. (they still did, much more tame now, however.) 
she leaned forwards, tugging on his short sleeve. bakugou’s uniform jacket was slung over one shoulder. he’d lost a lot of his angry demeanor from when he was younger, however it was easy to tell when he was pissed. it was inevitable he wasn’t going to lose his temper entirely. 
it was easy to ignore the girls—most of the time, at least. what was ticking y/n off the most was the fact that bakugou didn’t seem pissed at all. his face was neutral, almost like the perfect mirror of todoroki on a daily basis. his eyes were not fired up in his usual ‘get the hell off of me’ manner. he was relaxed. 
it didn’t seem like he reciprocated tokage’s feelings, however he wasn’t doing anything to get her off him and it was pissing y/n off to no end. 
her sensuous lips were pushed into a slight pucker as she spoke, arching her back in a manner that made it appear much more provocative than she probably intended. 
bakugou stood there, eyes flicking from her grasp on his sleeve and back up to her eyes. he didn’t say anything, didn’t move, only kept looking her up and down. not in a romantic way, of course. right? 
y/n scoffed at themselves. they swallowed the lump in their throat, shoving down the pinging envy in their chest with it. why wasn’t he reacting? 
heat rushed to y/n’s cheeks. why do i care? 
tokage was nearing his face. she didn’t have any intent to press her lips to his, which y/n was more than glad for. 
y/n had come to the conclusion they had feelings for the explosive boy weeks ago. perhaps they always had, but now that they were fully conscious of them... gosh, it was frustrating. 
“you’re staring again.” 
y/n turned to see kirishima, the only other person who knew about their feelings for bakugou. he’d lost the twinkle in his eyes after first year. he’d picked up a dominating sneer and a withering glare reserved for anyone who desired to cross his friends. everyone at UA had after what went down. it was a shock most of them survived anything. 
“so?” y/n snapped, shoving their hands away and kicking a pebble before them. kirishima and y/n continued their walk through the courtyard. 
“so it makes you look creepy.” 
“no, it doesn’t. he didn’t even notice me.” 
kirishima snapped his fingers. “partially my point here. that’s bakugou katsuki, you really think he’s going to notice you?” 
“excuse me?” 
kirishima pursed his lips, twiddling his thumbs. “i didn’t mean it like that, y/n. it’s just...well, he has so much to work for.” 
y/n raised a brow, questioning his nervous antics. 
he continued. “bakugou works hard. probably the hardest worker in UA aside from midoriya. and it’s bakugou. he doesn’t really see a point in relationships. you know that.” 
“it’s not like i’m looking for anything with him, though. gosh, kirishima, you’re acting like this is some school girl crush.” 
he tilted his head, giving y/n a look that screamed, are you really sure it’s not though? 
y/n huffed out a breath, crossing their arms. they’d already vomited up their feelings, why all of a sudden call it a crush? sure, it was a tiny crush that was no larger than the brain of a dinosaur. 
“i can swear that it isn’t, kirishima. you’re looking too deep into things,” y/n defended once again. 
the red-head held his hands up in surrender, sucking his lips in to avoid another snarky comment slipping out. 
the two looked up at the towering building that had been home to them for the past three years: Heights Alliance. 
during their second year, the teachers had settled with having the dorms set up in a way that allowed the students’ rooms to be set up in a gender-neutral fashion. they’d been able to select new dorms beside whomever they wished. rooming next to kirishima was a blast, but the only person bakugou wanted to room next to was him. 
mina had moved in next to you, and kaminari to her right, and sero right across from y/n. 
y/n had no issue being squished between a group notorious for their goofiness and ability to never take anything seriously, however (especially on weekends) they were exceptionally loud to the point they were sure China could hear the blaring music. 
friday was finally going to be over in a few hours. y/n felt a giddiness well up inside them, anticipating the weekend. it’d been a rough few days, for everyone, not just them. 
class 1A had been bombarded with assignments and pop quizzes. y/n was lucky they finished it all in class. some of the homework was finished when they’d sacrificed their precious free time to get it done, but in the end, it was worth it all. 
y/n let their bag sag down their arms as they entered Heights Alliance. 
bakugou had just been asked out on a date. for the third time. first time, he’d denied. second time, he had to shove tokage off him. third time, he’d calmly accepted her offer, and she’d skipped away with more than a smile. 
she’d squeezed his bicep, gave him a wink and an unnecessary peck on the cheek that bakugou had wiped off the moment she turned her back. he was now in his bathroom and, despite her not wearing any lipstick, he was scrubbing his cheek raw so that the skin was a blotchy red. 
the date was tonight, and he found himself wanting to go, and questioning why he accepted in the first place. 
bakugou forgot about tokage the second he won that match his first year and tossed her in the cage. he only noticed her when she and her group of friends giggled and passed by. (it was mostly her chortling, but whatever.) 
he continued rubbing his cheek aggressively with a scratchy towel. he was repulsed by how he had stood there without bothering to snap at her to leave him alone for the third time. 
instead, bakugou’s mind had buffered, and if he was in a video game, he had surely glitched. he should probably just tell tokage he didn’t want to go anymore. in fact, he never wanted to go in the first place and wants to jump out his window and escape. 
it was almost comedic. the thought of him going out on a date? goodness, he wanted to throw up. 
as he continued scrubbing the cloth along his cheek, bakugou found himself more than grateful for how much his quirk made him sweat. if it wasn’t for the nitroglycerin-like substance he produced, his skin would be scratched and dried up. 
a knock sounded at his door. silence came, until the knock found its way to his ears. a set of three knocks, then five, then it was a needy banging. 
whoever was on the other side heard his audible groan and shuffling feet dragging across the floor, because they knocked a lot harder. 
he swung the door open, hinges crying out. 
bakugou’s upper lip curled in disgust. tokage twirled her hair around a finger, eyelashes sticking together with mascara. “katsuki,’ she greeted. 
his eyes narrowed on her. “don’t call me that.” 
“what should I be calling you, then? baby? or honey?” 
oh yes, bakugou wanted to vomit. what even was her name again? whatever, it didn’t matter. “lizard teeth, listen. i-” 
“lizard teeth? why would you address me like that?” 
“because i don’t know your damn name, alright? i don’t-” 
“tokage. need me to spell it out for you?” 
“no. shut up. i need to-” 
“you should remember it, because i was one of the few who got in through recommendations, remember?” 
“and yet here you are in class 1B. can you shut the hell up now?” 
“well, you’re just being shitty.” 
“why are you here, tokage.” more of a demand than a question, as bakugou’s questions always came across if he ever bothered to ask them. 
“because, for our date tonight, I need to pick up some things and I really hope you’re up for coming with me.” 
“no. stop pushing. and I don’t want to-” 
“come on, grouchy.” tokage activated her quirk, one scale slipping into his dorm and pushing him towards her. she gripped the collar of his shirt and grinned. “come with me for a short bit, and I’ll count that as our date, m’kay?” 
bakugou opened his mouth once more to protest, but tokage silenced him by pressing one slender finger to his lips. 
“I’m fully aware you don’t want to go on this date with me.” 
he relaxed, shoulders slumping. if bakugou was younger, if he was even just a little bit more stubborn as he had been before, perhaps he’d be out of this mess already, or never in it in the first place. 
tokage let her hand fall back to her side—both of them. the scale returned to her lower calf; the jet-black leggings she wore now had a perfect hole in them.
“do you think i’m dense, bakugou?” 
“then why ask me out?” bakugou felt himself leaning back. 
“because if i can get under the skin of that stupid little...what do you like to call them? stupid little extras? yeah, that stupid extra who can’t stop fluttering googly-eyes at you every minute, then i’ll be perfectly content.” 
“who the hell are you talking about?” 
“alright, so you are oblivious.” tokage took a step back and crossed her arms. “are you both unaware of how you’ve both been pining for each other’s attention? y/n, that classmate of yours.” 
“do you know their name or do i have to describe in excruciating detail what they look like?” 
“no, no i know who you’re talking about. but you’ve got to be shitting me, alright? there’s nothing there.” 
“i’m from 1B, and if there’s something going on in 1A, monoma is going to tell us.” 
“shithead, get out of my face.” 
“you still have to go out with me.” 
“why the f-” 
“because, bakugou. if you don’t, i’ll be sure to make sure y/n knows about your feelings, whether they’re real or not.” 
“why would they care? more importantly, why would you care?” 
y/n kicked their feet up and down, a lollipop in their left hand, phone in their other. kirishima was in his bathroom while y/n was playing a game on their phone. they’d stashed away a bunch of candy back in their dorm and had snatched a handful for the two of them to share while hanging out in kirishima’s. 
he was currently combing a hand through his hair, and then proceeded to rummage through his cabinets. 
kirishima emerged with his lips puckered. “want to come to the  drug mart with me?” he stuck a thumb to his door. 
“what for?” y/n didn’t take a glance away from their phone. 
“this.” he chuckled softly. when y/n looked up, kirishima had two fingers parting his hair. the roots were a jet black, just growing long enough to become the slightest bit visible. 
“you’re going to fry your hair.” they were already shoving their phone away and tossing their sucker into the trash bin. 
“it’s a monthly tradition to do this, y/n. it would be fried by now if i was bad at it,” he joked, tapping his roots once more. 
y/n laughed alongside him as they exited the room. 
it was late, and the lights made everything feel like it was set in a world of backrooms. when the rest of the world is sleeping, it is more than quiet, and nothing feels real―possibly in the best ways. 
kirishima scratched at his chin, staring intensely at the hair-dye boxes lined neatly on the shelf before them. 
y/n tapped their foot, not out of impatience, but because of the creep staring at them through the aisle. yes, through. 
between the boxes of hair dye and scattered makeup products, the beady eyes of setsuna tokage could be seen. she smirked when she tugged her hostage closer. 
bakugou’s height had shot up to around six feet in the past two years, so all that was visible was his chest and the black sweatshirt loosely hanging off it, however his grumbling and stream of colorful language was unmistakable. it was him. 
“you okay?” 
y/n’s head snapped to their friend. “what?” 
“you seem on edge. is something wrong?” 
“nothing. nothing is wrong.” 
“you sure? if you need to talk, i’m here.” 
“yeah, yeah, i’m okay. don’t worry.” 
“alright.” kirishima held up a box, wiggling it in one hand. “got it.” he gave y/n a toothy grin. 
“good.” y/n snatched his arm up and dragged him along. 
“woah,” kirishima released a breathy chuckle, tugging his arm back. “what’s got you in a hurry?” 
“nothing,” y/n said, shrugging. “just wanna get home.” 
gosh, kirishima knew them too well. his eyes squinted just a bit, and there was that playful grin lingering on his lips, just ghosting over his face, barely visible to anyone who didn’t know him. instead of pointing out the obvious, which was standing just a few aisles behind, kirishima decided to play around. “goodness, honey, the kids are going to be fine back home.” 
heat raced to y/n’s face. “what?” 
kirishima winked. “it’s nice that you care about them, but care about me a little, would’ya? i miss you, too,” he said a tad louder. 
this caught bakugou’s attention. his eyes clashed with y/n’s, and he didn’t look away until y/n did. even a few seconds after, y/n still felt the blaring heat of his gaze upon them.
kirishima slung an arm around his friend, enjoying their flustered image. of course, he would never even think about pushing boundaries. the thought never crossed his mind, but he knew they’d let him know if they were uncomfortable. 
when y/n looked back as kirishima led them away, bakugou’s jaw was clenched, and his eyes were alight with jealousy. 
of course, y/n didn’t notice the emotion flaring. 
tokage smirked, clutching his loose sleeve. 
y/n looked back to their friend, and kirishima flashed them another knowing smile. bakugou was getting antsy with his best friends’ hands all over y/n. well, not all over, but a tap on the shoulder was enough. 
despite the way kirishima’s face dropped, y/n swiped his arm away and wandered over to tokage a bit more angrily than intended. they glanced up to bakugou, who was reaching up to retrieve something for tokage. 
“what brings you guys here? didn’t expect to see you.” inside, y/n was screaming. gosh, their heart was angry. 
“just running errands together.” 
bakugou? going for errands? with tokage? 
“cool, cool,” y/n said, nodding. “i was doing the same with kirishima.” they paused, awkward silence filling the space. 
impatient as ever, bakugou tossed the item into tokage’s basket and clicked his tongue. 
y/n didn’t know why. why were they being so stubborn? despite their protesting thoughts and their entire body screaming to hold back, y/n wrapped their fingers around bakugou’s wrist. 
“actually, bakugou, i have something to ask you. i need your opinion on it. you’re smart, right?” y/n’s voice lifted at the end. although they couldn’t see the, what the hell are you doing face kirishima was making behind them as subtly as possible, they could definitely feel the glare burning into their back. 
“tch, of course i’m smart, shithead.” 
“we’re actually kind of in a rush,” tokage spat out, snappier than usual. 
“do you think i fight okay? i need someone  with a perspective like yours to know if i do.” 
“what kind of question is that, dumbass? i don’t care if you can fight well or not, just so long as i can beat the shit outta ya.” 
tokage let out a low growl. 
y/n smirked, hand still around bakugou’s wrist. “i’d like to know if i can beat you, then, so you can tell me if i’m good or not.” 
ohgoshohgoshohgosh where was this coming from? 
bakugou squinted. he leaned in closer, like he didn’t hear them. “speak up.” 
y/n knew he heard them correctly, but he got awfully close. 
feeling a little sneaky themselves, y/n ghosted their fingers over his strong jaw, tilting his head closer so they could speak clearly into his ear. “let’s train together,” y/n said, staring tokage dead in the eyes. 
it was a stupid rivalry, really. they’d both been accepted through recommendations. they’d been friends all throughout middle school, and yet when y/n made it into 1A, tokage felt it a necessity to excel at everything and rub it in their face. no way was y/n letting them get away with this. 
“i want to see how strong i am.” y/n let their voice drop just a bit. “you’re strong, right?” 
“are you taunting me?” bakugou said, voice nearly a whisper. he still hadn’t moved from leaning down and hadn’t bothered to move y/n’s fingertips from his jaw. 
“absolutely not.” y/n sent a small grin in the direction of their rival. “let’s just see who can beat who. we’ve never been against one another like this.” 
tokage huffed, tugging bakugou back. his eyes were softened when they met y/n’s, and there was simmering, small grin on his face. 
tokage, however, looked less intrigued. “he’s not your boyfriend.” 
y/n shrugged, already backing away. they spread their arms in a mockery of surrender. “he’s not yours, either.” 
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A Memory Locked In The Heart - Spencer Reid x fem! Reader
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A/N - Requested by the lovely @overduelibrarybooks I hope this was the kind of thing you were looking for!
Find my masterlist here.
My taglists are open and requests are open.
Requested: Yes l No
Request: "could u ever write a spencer reid x reader where reader def works for the cia but more as a translator who’s kinda forced into doing agenty things in order to gather intel and on a mandated break she finds out the UNSUB before the team does so she uses herself as bait, and shoots the guy all very badass fashion n then gets interrogated bc ms girl just shot him coldblood and halfway thru she recognizes spencer bc her mother and his mom lived in the same care facility??? idk sorry my mom has paranoid too so it just hits different but u don’t have to write this if u don’t want to i love ur writing <3"
CW: disclaimer: I know next to nothing about the CIA and what they investigate so please go easy on me here. This is all made up so hopefully it makes some kind of sense. Mentions of violence and sex work, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, some swears. Mentions of drug use and overdose. Spanish used towards the end is from Google Translate so I apologise if it isn’t completely accurate. Italics indicate flashbacks.
Plot: Eighteen years ago you met a boy named Spencer Reid whilst visiting your mother at Bennington Sanitorium. This time you are meeting under entirely different circumstances; across the table of an interrogation room.
WC: 5.3K
How did I end up here?
That was a question you kept asking yourself as you rolled into your third hour of sitting in that cold, dimly lit interrogation room at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia.
Well you supposed you’d have to go back to the beginning to truly work that out.
The CIA and FBI joint task force for a country wide sex trafficking ring they believed to be operating out of DC.
When your team at the CIA had started investigating it was estimated that the ring had close to a hundred women who had been abducted and forced into the sex industry.
A lot of women were believed to have been taken trying to cross the border. Your job as a translator had involved spending a lot of time in Mexico, helping interview witnesses and family members who didn’t speak English.
The FBI involvement had come when women believed to have been part of the trafficking ring started turning up dead.
At last count they were up to twenty bodies. The Behavioural Analyst Unit had given their profile of the man they believed to be running the show.
White male in his mid to late forties. Bilingual. Possibly born in Mexico or an area surrounding the border but grew up in DC, they assumed based on his knowledge of the area. He’s attractive, charming and has a good level of education, he’d need to be able to charm the women into trusting him. He doesn’t have a full time job because he wouldn’t have time for one. All his time and focus goes on his girls. He was tech savvy, incredibly so, he’d have to be, to be able to set up the network on the dark web which enabled his customers to pay for his services.
It hadn’t been going well. Bodies kept dropping and the task force was no closer to catching the person responsible.
This went on for six months. Everyone was exhausted. You kept hitting brick wall after brick wall. It was demoralising.
Your boss had called for mandated time off. You’d all argued but she had been absolutely adamant. You’d all been working yourselves to the bone and she didn’t want you burnt out entirely.
You’d argued but your words had fallen on deaf ears.
“Can I get you a glass of water or something?”
The voice startled you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the lanky, messy haired agent who called himself Doctor Reid, sticking his head through the door.
“Is coffee an option?”
He smiled brightly at you, a smile you swear you’ve seen before.
“Coffee is always an option.” He told you. “How do you take it?”
“Strong and black. Please.”
“I’ll be right back.”
With that the door closed leaving you to your thoughts once more.
There was something so familiar about the Doctor. His dark yet sparkling eyes, his awkward smile and the way he dressed. You couldn’t place it. But there was definitely something about him that stirred some memory buried deep in your brain. You just weren’t sure what it was.
He returned a few minutes later, bringing your coffee into the room and placing it on the table in front of you.
“Hopefully you won’t be stuck here too much longer. It’s just standard procedure.” he spoke sweetly, his voice stirring the hidden memory.
“Yeah I know. I get it.” you sighed as you spoke, wrapping your hands around the coffee. “Thank you for this.”
“You’re welcome.” he smiled before he started backing out of the room. You wished you could ask him to stay because you felt so much more at ease with him around. But you knew you couldn’t.
He turned to you in the doorway.
“You look cold in that.” He smiled a little sadly at you.
You’d forgotten about your outfit choice. No self respecting CIA agent dressed like you were right now.
“I guess I am a little.” You shrugged.
Spencer instantly shrugged his blazer off of his shoulders and laid it in front of you on the table.
“Thank you Doctor Reid.” you spoke again before he disappeared out the door.
“Goodbye Agent Y/L/N.”
The door closed, his voice reverberating in your ears, dragging you into a long forgotten memory.
As you slipped his jacket on, your eyes fluttered closed, his scent wafting up your nose.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Spencer. Spencer Reid.”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your eyes shot back open, a frown on your face.
“Spencer?” you muttered under your breath. “Spencer Reid.”
Where had you pulled that name from? And why did it feel oddly connected to Vegas?
You tried to push the thought away, you already had enough on your mind. There were much more pressing things to deal with than a vague memory from your hometown an undetermined amount of time ago.
You’d been instructed to switch off. Your time off should be used to recoup, relax and not to think about the case.
Easier said than done you thought.
Before you’d left the office on your mandated leave you’d taken photocopies of some files and slipped them into your bag. You knew you’d be in trouble if you were caught but you couldn’t help yourself. You wouldn’t be able to relax with this case still open.
As far as you were aware the BAU was still working on it but it provided you little comfort. In your time with the CIA you’d never gotten to be involved so heavily in a case. Your skills were mostly utilised in interview capacities and then you were sidelined.
You’d never had the privilege to work on a joint task force or investigate a crime so brutal.
You felt personally invested in this case. You thought if you could just find that one missing puzzle piece you could crack this case wide open.
And then you’d found it. The golden ticket. The smoking gun. The missing piece.
It had taken five days of your leave and copious amounts of coffee but you’d connected the dots no one else had.
You knew how to draw the unsub out. And you were going to do it tonight.
“Let’s start again from the beginning shall we?” Agent Rossi linked his fingers together on top of the table as he looked across at you, still slowly sipping your coffee.
“Oh goody.” You sighed. “Could Agent Jareau not fill you in what I’ve already told her?”
“Humour me.” The old man shrugged.
You didn’t have any ill will against him. Far from it. You were actually a big fan of David Rossi. But you were sick and tired of being treated like a criminal.
“Tell me how you managed to work out how to find him.”
You took another long sip of the coffee.
“All the pieces were there, they just hadn’t been put into place.”
“And how did you piece them together?”
“There was a pattern to where the women had been last seen. It was a guess more than anything. A lucky guess.”
“And the pattern was?”
You sighed in frustration.
“As I told agent Jareau,” you sipped your coffee. “The bars they were last seen in all had ties to Mexico. I’m not a native to DC but I know the area like the back of my hand. They were all either Mexican owned, had a Mexican name or were previously establishments such as Mexican restaurants. I made an educated guess that he frequented places such as these looking for his targets. I just got lucky I picked the right one.”
You felt incredibly exposed, but you supposed that was the point.
If you were going to get this guy's attention, you had to do this right.
It was a long shot. Just because Western’s bar was known for its famous tacos did not mean it would be the place he chose to pick up girls.
You just had to hope.
You wore a skimpy skirt that barely covered your ass, knee high boots and a crop top that accentuated your assets.
Your firearm was hidden in your left boot.
Your outfit garnered a lot of looks as you headed through Westerns towards the bar.
You felt men’s eyes on you from every angle, making you feel extremely self conscious. But you needed to keep your cool, exude confidence.
If your guy was here he needed to see you shine.
You ordered a soda to keep your head clear and sat at a table over the far side of the bar. From there you had a good view of the entrance and most of the room. And more importantly, the room had a view of you.
Three hours you sat there nursing your soda. It was a huge stab in the dark, you weren’t really surprised.
You finished your drink and headed out onto the cool DC street.
You made it five steps before you felt a presence behind you.
Just as you were about to turn, something covered your mouth.
You struggled against a pair of strong arms.
A smell wafted up your nose seconds before you lost consciousness.
“Why didn’t you tell your unit chief before you went in?”
“Because I thought it was a long shot.” And because she would have been furious I was working the case.
“So you chose to use yourself as bait?”
“Yes.” You shrugged nonchalantly.
“Do you know how dangerous that could have been?” Rossi raised an eyebrow at you.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“Yes agent Rossi, I’m well aware. But I had a lead and I wasn’t going to ignore it.” You pulled Doctor Reid’s jacket tighter around your scantily clad body.
You caught his scent again. Coffee. Old books. A hint of peppermint.
Another long shut off memory wormed it’s way to the surface.
“So are you here visiting someone?”
“Yeah.” You smiled sadly. “My mom.”
“Oh.” He returned your sad smile. “Me too.”
“Agent Y/L/N?”
You were brought back by Rossi’s concerned voice.
“I said, what happened next? You were chloroformed and then what?”
You shook your head, your mind clouded.
“Can we take a break? I could really use some air.”
Rossi sighed with a small nod.
He stood from his chair and motioned you to follow him.
You got some odd looks from his fellow agents as he led you to the elevators. They all recognised what you were wearing as Spencer’s jacket.
You followed Rossi into the elevator and he pressed the button for the ground floor.
“Agent Rossi, can I ask you a strange question?” You asked as the doors closed.
He gave you a curious look.
“I suppose.”
“Doctor Reid. As in Spencer Reid?”
“The one and only.” Rossi frowned unsure what you were getting at.
“Where is he from?”
Rossi’s frown deepened, not sure he should tell you such things about his team. But you were an agent and you didn’t pose a threat to the team.
“Vegas I believe.”
Vegas. Of course.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I don’t know.” You chewed your lip. “I think I might have known him.”
You wished you hadn’t opened your mouth. This was not the time or place.
“I’m probably wrong. Just forget I said anything.”
The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. As you stepped out you pulled Spencer’s collar to your nose and sniffed it.
No you weren’t wrong.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Hi again.” You smiled at the lanky man, Spencer you’d met a few days ago. “How’s your mom?”
“Still angry at me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and stubbed the toe of his shoe on the floor.
“She came in recently?”
“Yeah a few months ago. I turned eighteen and I was able to have her put into care.” He blanched, clearly feeling guilty for his decision.
“Do you want to grab a coffee?”
“Uhm sure.” He shrugged.
He followed you through to the day room. It was late and there were only a few patients inside and a few nurses milling around.
You got two cups of coffee from the machine and the two of you sat at a table together.
“Do you mind me asking what’s wrong with your mom?” You dared as you slid him the drink.
He sighed heavily, gnawing on his bottom lip as though his life depended on it.
“She’s a paranoid schizophrenic.” He spoke clinically, words he’d had to say too many times in his life. It was as though he’d distanced himself from it. Like he was giving a patient a diagnosis rather than talking about his own mother.
“Mine too.” You gave him a wry smile. You had something in common, just not something you would like to have in common.
“How long has your mom been here?”
“Three years. She got really bad and my dad couldn’t take care of her anymore. She’s been doing much better since she moved in here.”
“That’s good.” Spencer nodded. “I hope my mom realises I did this for her. For her well being. At the moment she’s just so...angry.”
You reached across the table and placed your hand on top of his. He seemed a little startled by the physical touch but you didn’t move your hand.
“This is the best place for her. I assume from what you said earlier your dad isn’t in the picture?”
He used his free hand to sip his coffee with a sad shake of his head.
“He left when I was ten. He couldn’t handle mom's illness.”
You gave his hand a small squeeze.
“I can’t imagine what it was like for you to have to look after her by yourself. It was hard enough with my dad there. Really makes you grow up fast.”
“It really does.” He agreed. “I’m not sure I ever got to be a kid.”
“I know that feeling.”
After that you spent hours chatting about anything and everything until way into the night. It wasn’t until a nurse came and asked you politely to leave that you realised how late it was.
“I’ll probably see you around?” You spoke as you stepped outside together.
“Maybe. In a few weeks I’m heading out of state. I’m working on a PhD.” He didn’t want to tell you it was actually his second PhD.
“Oh. Ok.” You tried to hide the disappointment from your voice.
Despite the circumstances you’d enjoyed talking to someone like minded, someone who understood. You didn’t have anyone else your own age you could talk to about this kind of thing.
“Maybe we could exchange numbers?” You blushed a little.
“I don’t have a cellphone.” He shrugged.
“It’s not an excuse.” He sensed you didn’t believe him. “I’m not so into technology. I don’t even have email.”
Normally you would have thought it was just a bad excuse to get out of seeing you again but the look on Spencer’s face told you he was being genuine.
“Ok.” You gave him a shy smile. “Well maybe I’ll see you again before you leave.”
“I hope so.” His eyes sparkled as he looked at you on the dark street.
There was an air between you, some kind of thick tension but you didn’t know what it meant.
“If I don’t see you again,” you spoke trying to ignore whatever it was. “It was really good to meet you and I hope your mom gets used to the facility.”
“You too.” He smiled so genuinely at you, it made your heart skip a beat.
And then you went your separate ways.
“Ok, so what happened next?” Rossi wasted no time once you were back in the interrogation room.
“Well I blacked out after I was chloroformed so excuse me if I don’t remember.” You gave him a sarcastic smile.
“What’s the next thing you do remember?” He reworded his question.
“I woke up in a large basement. It was gritty and dingy. And there were other women there too.”
“How many?”
“At least twenty.” You sighed letting your mind travel back to the basement you never wanted to go back to. Not even in your mind.
You woke with a start, your head pounding. You gasped for air as though you’d been drowning.
You blinked your eyes trying to adjust to the dark room you found yourself in.
It was cold and damp and you could hear a pipe dripping in the distance.
You tried to roll over but your arm wouldn’t budge. You were met by a loud clanking sound when you tried.
You tugged your arm, hearing the same sound and being met with a sharp pain in your wrist.
“Good luck.” A woman’s voice scoffed. “They don’t come loose.”
You blinked a few more times, looking over to your left arm. There was a heavy metal cuff right around your wrist that was attached to a metal bed frame.
That’s when you realised you were laying on a small cot on top of a ratty, itchy blanket. You were still dressed, thank god.
You suddenly remembered your firearm concealed in your boot. You patted your left calf and sure enough you felt the hard weapon still inside.
That was something at least.
Oversight on their part.
You remembered the voice you’d heard before and turned as much as you could with your arm cuffed to take in the rest of the room.
There were at least forty other cots close together lining the walls, with at least half of them containing the body of other women.
The voice you’d heard belonged to a woman in the cot next to you. She gave you a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Her eyes were broken.
“Hi,” you croaked. “I’m Y/N.”
“Delilah.” Her accent was Spanish. You were sure Delilah wasn’t her real name either.
“How long have you been here?”
She sighed, playing with a strand of curly black hair.
“What month is it?”
“Oh.” She frowned. “Not that long then. I’ve been here since July.” She looked confused as though that couldn’t be long enough.
“Delilah?” You narrowed your eyes on her. “What year do you think it is?”
“2018…” she saw your face drop and knew instantly it was no longer 2018.
“Oh gosh.” You felt for her, tears welling in your eyes. “It’s 2020.”
“Oh.” Her face fell. “Wow.”
“It’s ok.” You lowered your voice. “I’m CIA. I’m going to get us out of here. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
“Delilah.” Rossi opened the file in front of him. “Was that Roberta Suez?”
He pulled out a photograph and slid it across the table. You averted your gaze.
“Yes and please I don’t need to see it, I was there.”
“How did she end up in hospital fighting for her life?”
“You know how.” You huffed. “Look I’m starting to get fed up with this now.” You folded your arms. “Carlos Ramirez was a sick son of a bitch. If I hadn’t done what I did he would have killed all those women. I don’t regret what I did.”
“How did she end up in hospital?” He repeated.
“Good lord.” You grumbled. “I’ll talk but I don’t want to talk to you.”
Rossi narrowed his eyes on you.
“No? But I’m so compassionate.” He spoke sarcastically.
“I won’t say another word unless it’s to Reid.” You looked up to the two way mirror. You didn’t know why but you had a feeling he was there.
Sure enough it was barely twenty seconds before the door opened and Doctor Reid himself stepped in the room.
“I got this Rossi.” Spencer told the older man who stood up with a shrug.
Rossi left the room while Spencer took the seat he’d been occupying.
Did he remember you? It had been close to twenty years since you’d last seen each other. Had it not been for the olfactory memory that struck you when you put on his jacket you might never have remembered him.
But you knew the rest of his team was behind the two way glass, or at least some of them were so it didn’t seem an appropriate time to ask such things.
“So agent Y/L/N,” he smiled softly at you. “Can you please tell me how Delilah ended up in hospital?”
“You already know the answer to that Doctor but since you asked so nicely,” you leant your elbows on the table, entwined your fingers and rested your chin the little bridge you’d created. “She had a drug overdose. But you and I both know it wasn’t her who administered the drugs.”
“And who did?”
“I did.”
Your words hung in the air between you and Spencer. He knew the answer, the whole team did. You’d already told Agent Jareau everything.
This was a huge waste of time.
“I administered the drugs because he told me if I didn’t he would kill me. I needed to stay alive so I could save those women.”
“Who said he would kill you?”
“I don’t know his name.”
“It wasn’t Ramirez?”
“No.” You shook your head. “If it was Ramirez I would have shot him. But it must have been one of his right hand men.”
“How would you know that? You’d never met Ramirez correct?” Spencer had a soft tone to his voice which made his line of questioning easier than Agent Jareau’s.
“I’m not a profiler but I’ve been to enough seminars over the years. He didn’t fit the bill. He was young, scatty, he didn’t strike as much fear into the other women as I thought the boss would. I made an educated guess and I was right. If I’d shot at him I would have blown my chance at getting Ramirez.”
“Shit shit shit!” You pulled yourself as close to Delilah’s cot as possible with your restraint. “Delilah, keep breathing, try to breath. Fuck I am sorry.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks, the empty needle you’d been made to inject in her vein between your cots on the floor.
He’d held a gun to your head and said he would shoot you if you didn’t do it. You didn’t think he was bluffing.
“It happens a lot.” A woman opposite spoke up. “You’ll soon find out. If she wakes up she’ll have the pleasure of returning the favour.” She gave you an almost manic grin.
If she wakes up. It was the if you were having the issue with.
“Who’s in charge around here?”
She shrugged.
“Don’t know his name. Big guy. Tattoos. Mustache. You can’t miss him.”
“Does he come down here often?”
Again she shrugged.
“Being down here you have a way of losing track of time.” She clicked her tongue. “But he’ll be here for you later. He has to test his new girls.”
Your blood ran cold.
“Test?” You swallowed, pretty sure you knew what she meant.
“He can’t very well expect you to make him money if he doesn’t know how good you are.”
Oh god.
Your heartbeat raced. No, it was not going to come to that. You were a CIA agent and you were armed.
It was not going to come to that.
Spencer’s face paled a little at your words. You hadn’t told Agent Jareau that part.
“He was going to...he didn’t…”
“No.” You cut him off, pushing the memory back down. “I had a gun, remember.”
You offered him a wry smile.
“So you know what comes next.”
“I’d like you to tell me.”
The way he said it was more like he was a therapist than an FBI agent. As though he wanted you to tell him so you could get it off your chest, unburden yourself, rather than for interrogation purposes.
“Ok.” You nodded. “He came for me later that night. And that’s when it happened.”
“Ahh look at you.”
A deep, Spanish voice woke you.
Your eyes fluttered open and landed on a strong, tattooed man with a mustache standing over your cot.
This must be him.
“Tan hermosa.”
So beautiful.
You tried not to shudder.
You sat up wiggling your legs in your boots to make sure you could still feel your firearm. You could.
“Su nombre es Rosa.”
Your name is Rosa.
Guess again.
“Su nombre es Y/N.”
“Tú hablas español?”
You speak Spanish?
“Eres perfecta.” He grinned menacingly. “My clients will love you.”
He reached in his pocket and fished out a key chain. He reached over you and unlocked your cuff.
You rolled your wrist to try and get your blood circulating again.
“On your feet.”
You complied and stood up. Your legs were shaky.
He grasped your wrist, hard enough so you couldn’t wriggle free but not hard enough to leave a mark. He started dragging you across the room.
With his free hand he undid the four locks on the large steel door and pulled your through it. Once on the other side he took care to lock them all again, keeping a firm grasp on you the whole time.
You were dragged down a long, narrow corridor towards another steel door, this one with just one lock on.
He slid the key in and opened it, pulled you inside and locked it behind him.
The room was much smaller than the one you’d been held in and only housed a single cot.
He licked his lip as he looked at you. His large, thick fingers stroked your cheek and you had to try and hide your disgust.
“En la cama. Ahora.”
On the bed. Now.
You had to pick the opportune moment. You had to plan this just right. You had no doubt he had a gun on him so if you faltered even slightly, he would kill you.
“Qué tal esto.”
How about this.
You made a show of licking your lips and then dropping to your knees in front of him.
“Whoa, feisty. I like it.” He grinned, his meaty hands going to his belt buckle.
Yes. Right where you wanted him.
While he was fumbling with his belt, you reached your hand back into your left boot, drawing your gun in one swift move.
You head butted him in the crotch, sending him stumbling backwards, crying out in pain.
“Mierda!” Shit. “Usted puta!”
You whore!
You were on your feet in a second, your gun trained on him.
“You will never hurt another woman again.” You spat, furious tears suddenly streaming from your eyes.
He looked up at you, his mouth opened to speak.
But the words didn’t come out as your bullet hit him between the eyes.
“Who’s the puta now?”
“I would say,” Spencer chewed his lip. “You did what you had to do to survive.”
You breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank god.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly. “And I did. If I hadn’t shot him, who knows how many other women would have died.”
Spencer pushed his chair back and stood up.
“Just so you know, we got word from the hospital a little while ago. Roberta Suez, Delilah, is going to be just fine.”
“Oh thank god.” You felt tears brimming your eyes.
He opened the door and turned back to you.
“Are you coming?”
“I can leave?”
“You were never under arrest.” He smirked at you.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You got up from the chair and Spencer motioned you out of the room.
“I’ll walk you out.” He showed you across the bullpen towards the elevators. There was an awkward air between the two of you.
Did you say anything? It didn’t seem as though he remembered you, was it worth reminding him?
He motioned you into the elevator first and he followed, pressing the button.
The elevator started its descent.
Time was running out.
“So uhm…” Spencer turned to you and turned too. “How’s your mom?”
A smile broke out on your features.
“I didn’t think you remembered me.”
“Are you kidding?” He laughed. “I recognised you the second you walked in.”
“It’s been twenty years.” You laughed.
“Eighteen years, seven months.” He corrected you. “But I could never forget your face.”
You blushed a little, averting your gaze.
“My moms doing ok. Thanks for asking. How’s your mom?” You looked back at him.
“Recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.” He told you sadly.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. These things happen.” He shrugged. “Made it to thirty without having a schizophrenic break but now I have to wait until I’m older to find out if I’ll develop Alzheimer’s.”
The doors to the elevator opened and you stepped out, Spencer close behind.
“I really am sorry Spencer.”
“It’s ok.” He shrugged. “Is your mom still at Bennington? I used to see her when I went to visit my mom but I moved her out a little while ago.”
“Yeah she’s still there. She likes being close to my dad.”
You both hovered by the exit, not ready to say goodbye.
“Can I take you for coffee? If you don’t have anywhere else to be.” Spencer blushed as he spoke.
“I’d like that. A lot actually. But I’d really like to shower and change out of this getup.” You laughed. “How about dinner?”
“Dinner sounds perfect.” He grinned at you.
You gave him a smile and turned to leave but before you made it to the door Spencer spoke again.
“Y/N,” he called your name, his voice cracking a little. “You uh...you forgot something.”
You turned to face him curiously.
He walked closer to you and without a second thought, placed his hands on your face and kissed you.
For a second you stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
But after a few moments you wrapped your arms around his neck and opened your mouth to deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended you were both smiling at one another.
“What was that for?” You asked softly.
“Oh you know…” he shrugged with a coy smile. “Just something that needed to be done.”
“I’ll meet you back here in a few hours.” You told him, touching his chest briefly.
“Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.” He croaked.
And with that you sauntered out the doors but not out of his life.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Spencer?” You’d only made it a few paces away from Bennington before you stopped in your tracks, calling his name. “You uh...you forgot something.”
He turned to face you curiously.
You walked closer to him and without a second thought, placed your hands on his face and kissed him.
He stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
It was just a brief kiss, Spencer was too confused to do anything but stand there dumbly.
“Wh-what was that for?” He swallowed.
“Just something that needed to be done.” You smiled. “Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.”
And with that you sauntered back down the street, hoping that one day, the universe would lead you back into each other’s lives.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
,,,,OK Kurat
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a/n: when bokuto refuses to fix his roots and let the gray dye grow out and it slightly irritates you
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colorblind soulmate where you lose your colors and only gain them back when your other half starts to have feelings for you
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requests are open!!
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so, leggo?
ever since you turned 16, you’ve literally gone colorblind
like you were perfectly happy seeing the colors of the world
from daichi’s red sweater
to hinata’s orange hair
you were ROBBED of the colors of the world
when you woke up that morning, you knew you would get your soulmate sign soon and you were sure it would happen while you were in class as it would start the exact time you were born 16 years ago
so there you were, happily eating with nishi and tanaka at the roof
‘hey, y/n-chan, look at this manga i found!’
you look up at noya and you almost choked on your rice ball when you couldn’t see his blonde streak anymore
it was like the moment you blinked, it was gone
he must’ve noticed your surprised look because noya touched the front floof since you were staring right at it
tanaka had his mouth opened and patted your back when you coughed
‘ah, it happened now?’
then you just start bawling
‘i cANt sEE yOuR hAiR anYmoRE!! aNd hiNATa’s hAiR! aND tHE oRANgE uniFOrMS!’
they understand it was a touchy subject for you since you were expecting something cute like noya’s thought sharing sign or tanaka’s taste sharing sign
but NO!!!
‘it’s okay y/n-chan. you’ll meet them soon and you’ll get your colors back’
from then on, all you’ve done is research all you can about soulmate signs and how they worked
yours happens to be a rarer one and you groaned bc of course it would happen to YOU
it states that usually, the moment you lock eyes with your soulmate, you’d get your lost sense back
but you wouldnt know when it would exactly happen and be like your uncle who is nearly 40 and still cant smell anything
whats worse, there were even cases where you wouldnt get them back in one sight but gain them when they start to have romantic feelings for you
you really do hope you’d get the easier 
being a part-time manager, you often helped the vbc if you were free from your other clubs so you sometimes help kiyoko with the kids
entering the gym, you frowned when you saw hinata and the gray tone of his hair
everything was gray but colors that are light like yellow or bright orange, were lighter gray while darker ones were dark gray or black
seems like tanaka and noya told the team what happened because daichi went up to you and ruffled your hair before saying it’ll be okay
‘give it time! you will find them!’
yacchi, a manager-in-training, enthusiastically told you about her ideas for the poster and gave you her rough draft, explaining the little details
but you were out of it as you just roamed your eyes over the gray-colored paper
thus causing her to freak out
(yacchi is just a little precious bun, please protec her :’))
but you ruffled her hair and put on a smile
‘don’t sweat it, yacchi’
after that whole thing about announcement of the tokyo training camp and the hinata/kageyama idiot squad
you guys were in the bus, getting ready for Tokyo
it’s also been weeks since you lost it so you were still new but you were starting to get used to it
ofc you still had mistakes like their different colored practice jerseys and who was in what team or wearing different colored socks
but you were slowly adapting
it was a few hours of a drive so everyone was static to get out of the cramp bus and use the bathroom and stretch their legs
you took your time and put the others trash into a plastic bag bc youre just a great manager like that
getting out of the bus, you heard a horrendous and terrifying laugh and saw the nekoma captain hunching over in laughter
‘my god. at least his face makes up for it’
you got a text from hinata and kageyama saying that they were going to take their exams now and you sent them a little encouraging blurb
the guy from nekoma with the mohawk gawked at the 3 managers and you remembered him having that blonde hair dye
when you and the rest entered their gym, all you saw were balls flying everywhere and lots of people
your eyes scanned for at least someone to make eye contact with you because this gym has a lot of people in it and there could be a possibility they were in here
like 0.000003% probably but still a chance
from the managers to the players, not one reactivated the colors
‘hm,,, i think my soulmate is in here’
noya’s little comment made you glare at him in envy and he grinned with a peace sign
you noticed that boy kenma with his haircut and there was someone sitting near him that made you turn to the others
‘okay, either i just have terrible memory but is that a new guy?’
suga wondered the same thing and you flinched at the kid’s harsh stare at you all
there was a light gray tone to his hair and eyes so you were curious what color they were
‘his legs look a little long. i think he’s taller than most of these guys’
asahi said which made you give him a look
‘listen, as long as we got tsukki-kun, we’re okay’
the first match was against some powerhouse called fukurodani and they had a few interesting players
by interesting, you meant looks wise
that one guy looked freaking pretty with his sharp eyes while the other guy, who you assumed to be the captain, had round eyes and spiked hair
you were pretty sure that he had different colored hair due to the mix of black and light tones
its like he got electrocuted and his hair just stayed the same
you were too busy looking at the 2 teams that you completely missed karasuno’s defeat and just saw them doing flying receives
the others gathered to the side and the next game was against fukurodani and nekoma
from hearing the names being said, that pretty guy was akashi or aggghasshi and the owl looking dude was bokuto-san or bokutosang or something bokuto bc youre not exactly sure
and then he be flying
‘he REALLY flying!’ 
you exclaim and tbh what can you expect from being one of the top 5 aces in the country
then the ball straight flew towards your own player and you and yamagucci screamed for his name
everyone flinched when the ball hit his hand and you ran over to check
you hear that loud voice of his on top of kei’s hiss and you growled
he didnt even apologize and if it wasnt for tanaka and daichi holding you back, you were about to scream into the guys ear for damaging your player’s hand since he needed it to block properly
suga smiled and raised a hand apologetically your shouts caught the attention of others
the more games karasuno played, the more they lost
you went to fill up their water bottles and was mumbling to yourself, blaming that freak haired guy for tsukki’s pained blocks
‘didnt even apologize. how dare he hurt my boy’
bokuto was going for a drink when he heard your mumbles by the water fountain
he noticed you as the karasuno manager and poked you in the shoulder
‘ah! youre the manager!’
cue you looking to glare at him since you could recognize that voice anywhere
‘and you are?’
taken aback with your tone, he grinned
‘bokuto. bokuto koutarou’
then you went back to filling up the bottles
he fiddled with his towel before poking you again
‘um,,, i want to apologize for earlier. sorry about that spike’
you stopped and you nodded
‘i appreciate the apology, bokuto-san. but you should say it to him’
bo guessed that you were kinda their mother hen and you looked after the players of your team
‘are you,,, a third year?’
closing the lid of the last bottle, you placed it on the basket
his eyes widened before shouting
‘im your senpai!’
you jumped at the sudden volume of his voice and awkwardly smiled
‘ah. okay, bokuto-san’
his eyes widened before patting your shoulder gently
‘drop the -san! i prefer being called senpai!’
does this guy have a senpai kink or something
but there was probably nothing wrong with calling him senpai right?
‘okay, bokuto-senpai’
you were lowkey kinda iffy since you dont really call anyone senpai, everyone was -san to you
bo laughed loudly and ruffled your hair
your head looked up and you saw the pretty guy walking towards you
he bowed in front of you in both greeting and apology
‘sorry about him. he gets a little excited sometimes. im akaashi keiji by the way’
you waved it off and smiled gently
‘nice to meet you, akaashi-san. and dont worry, i have two people like him in my team’
hinata and noya
‘come on. the next game is about to start’
he tugged bokuto’s arm and bo waved at you before walking away
‘see ya!’
but stopped
‘ah! i didnt get your name!’
‘y/n. l/n y/n’
‘see ya later y/n!’
when you came back, the boys were still doing flying and you glanced at your watch, knowing that your boys should be coming soon
you and yacchi were visibly listening to the other players talking about your team and kiyoko gave you both a look to settle down
‘hold it in, girls’
the sea of different tones of gray were currently making you dizzy with so many things happening at ones and you completely missed the door opening, revealing tanaka’s sister
noya’s excited shout made you turn and you waved excitedly
you’ve met her once when you went over to help tutor her poor brother and noya who practically lives at their house
everyone stopped what they were doing and saw the two boys huffing by the door
you heard kuroo’s comment but you were too excited to see them come back in one piece
‘ah, so those are the legendary first years’
hm, if only you knew why they were late
bo saw you with wide eyes and excitedly bouncing at the sidelines as karasuno started to play
‘what are you looking at bokuto-san?’
akaashi asked
bo thought you were interesting the moment he heard you angrily mumble about him and he thought your pouting face was cute
‘i wonder what her soulmate mark is’
akaashi knew about his soulmate sign since he received a very frantic phone call that sunday afternoon of bokuto not being able to see the color of his apple anymore
‘she probably doesnt have it yet’
akaashi’s answer made his brows furrow
‘she’s a second year so shes probably 16 already’
‘why would it matter to you anyways?’
yea, why did it matter?
‘just general curiosity. shes quite fiesty. i like her. i want to be friends’
akaashi sighs and pats his back
‘i support you, bokuto-san’
shoot this might as well be a bokuaka
he saw you run to the two first years and took their bags for them, ruffling their hair each
even though you’re only like a some months older than hinata, you still treat him like a babie
‘coach left some buns from earlier so you can eat that before you play. oh! i also got you your milk, kags!’
bo literally could feel your happiness radiating and he saw your eyes
too bad he couldn’t see the color of them
although the boys team was finally complete, they still lost quite a lot of sets
and they were trying so hard and you were just cheering on the sidelines w yacchi and kiyoko
you kept running back and forth from the drinking fountain since the boys kept drinking so much water
and bo just finds you there again
for the second time today
‘oh? back again, y/n-chan?’
you could recognized that gruffy voice anywhere
you turned and gave him a tight smile
‘ah. hello bokuto-san’
he pouted and nudged you with a finger to your shoulder
‘senpai! call me senpai!’
you were pretty sure he was 18 yet he still threw a tantrum
what kinda-
‘okay okay. sorry, bokuto-senpai’
then like a switch his pouts became grins and you got dizzy with the sudden mood switch
‘youre such a diligent manager, y/n-chan. you should transfer to our school and be one of ours instead!’
then you remember meeting the 2 managers they had
‘ah, you already have 2 so i think you’re covered’
bo whined at that
‘but karasuno also has 2 without you!’
tbh you shouldve been uncomfortable in this situation bc here you have a grown man whining
but you found his pout endearing and his eyes were loony-looking
‘not to hurt your feelings, bokuto-senpai, but we just met and i don’t know you all that well’
‘then you know the solution to that, don’t you?’
you just stared at him
‘lets get to know each other! lets be friends! lets be close!’
you couldnt say anything else since you were kinda in a pickle here so you just nodded
‘um, okay’
that voice made you perk up and you raised a hand
bo saw your smile and he pouted, jealous that you didnt give that smile when you saw him
‘ah, l/n-san.’
you looked at bo and his eyes grew even bigger and you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks with how they puffed out with his pout
woah wait huh
why did you just think of that
akaashi had to bring back bo to the gym for their match but bo refused to walk
‘no! not until y/n-chan wants to be my friend!’
what are you
but you nodded, placing a hand around his bicep
you froze, trying to contain the shock of how S T R O N G they felt
‘l-lets get to know each other later, bokuto-sa-senpai’
you hurriedly corrected yourself and breathed a sigh of relief when he didnt notice
a big smile got to his face and he pointed at you
‘ill win this for you y/n-chan!’
you sweatdropped bc wow this manz is winning a game for you
no-for your friendship
he excitedly ran back down the hallway and disappeared with a faint ‘hey hey hey!’
you and akaashi shared a look and he apologized
‘im sorry if he made you uncomfortable’
‘nah nah, its okay’
‘and thanks for uplifting him. he was in a mood when he left bc we lost a set but now he’s energized thanks to you’
a,,, mood?
‘is he,,, i dont know,,,, bipolar?’
akaashi stood for a second before shrugging
‘i guess you could say that. the team tries to uplift him bc if hes in a mood he messes up’
a sound of recognition left your lips before you nodded
‘ah okay’
‘well, i guess im seeing you later then, l/n-san?’
‘oh, please. call me y/n. we’re the same age!’
but he gave you a mysterious smile
‘i dont think bokuto-san would like that’
so the remaining of the time there, bo was practically stuck to you as he followed you everywhere
babie calls it ‘friendship bonding’
when yall were leaving, he was pouting so hard and you gave in to your urges
you pinched his cheeks
‘until next time, bo-senpai’
blew a fuse right then and there
yall remained in contact and you even went up to visit him and just hang out
you were lowkey catching feelings
like when he sent you that mirror picture of him and kuroo being sassy in a department store and your heart started beating really really fast
then your palms started sweating as you remembered the feeling of his warm hands on yours when he led you through the busy sidewalk of tokyo
‘siri, am i having a stroke?’
but you were like ‘nuh-uh, must remain pure for my soulmate’
if you have those feelings already and it’s towards your soulmate, that gave bo his sight of colors
just sitting there w his team eating yakisoba bun then he looked at akaashi and saw his friend’s blue eyes again
can you tell im a bokuaka simp
in another life flashbacks
n e ways
he was so happy and ecstatic and was about to call you but akaashi was like, ‘wait, i think she might be your soulmate’
the entire team was just like, ‘what’
and bo just sitting there, ‘omg what if’
grandmaster plan creator
tells bokuto to hold off from telling you until the next time yall see each other which is in the training camp
for story’s sake, training camp finally rolls around
you cannot stop squirming in your seat bc ya finally get to see bo again after so long
kuroo greets yall at the front and hes familiar w you since you hung out w the tokyo squad
‘you have a surprise little chibi’
you were just like, ‘,,,,ok kurat’
bo was so antsy and he was just like, ‘yey! i get to see her again!’
ngl, bo thought you were really pretty and cute and he thinks he has a crush on you but not like head-over-heels like you were
literally cannot stand still and the team was tired of having to keep him from running so akaashi just let him go
‘but dont run her over, bokuto-san’
he sonic bolts over
he finally sees that tangerine hinata and was searching for your hair color and when he sees you laughing at kuroo’s face, his eyes widened
his heart beat started beating really really fast and everything in his brain and all the words he wanted to say died down
he never really saw your face with colors but he just stares in awe at your beautiful skin color, breathtaking eyes, silky hair, and those plump lips
sweat started to gather at his palms and his feet started moving on its own until he just scoops you in his arms, lifting you off the ground in the process
w you, there was a silence
‘your eyes,,,,, theyre beautiful’
bo just grins at the crack of your voice and tears just wells up in your eyes w a smile
you shouted and you wrapped your legs around his waist while he burrows his head in your neck
‘you’re so beautiful. oh my god, you’re so beautiful’
omg what i would do for bo to say that to me
obvs, the others knew what was happening
dai and suga were already planning on the talk
kuroo just recording the whole thing
‘im falling in love with you. i want to fall in love with you over and over again until i die. i want to feel like this forever. can i?’
just forgets about everyone and being in your own bubble and your own world as bokuto just professes his love for you
‘stupid question, koutaro!’
you giggled and he finally allowed you to stand on your own two feet
‘let me love you for eternity’
cue waterworks from noya and tanaka and konoha
‘but baby, we need to touch up your roots, though.’
‘we got forever, soulmate’
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sorry if this was trash
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alethiometry · 3 years
Edward Kenway for character asks!
ooooooo okay i should open this with a disclaimer: i have not finished black flag yet (about 2/3 of the way through i think? i need to level up my ship so i can beat the next story mission lol) so everything i'm saying here is based on the game up to thatch's death, and everything we know about edward in ac 3: forsaken and the comics that came out a couple years ago.
First impression
oh boy... to be honest, one of the reasons it took me such a long time to get around to playing black flag (it was one of the first ps4 games i bought when i got my console in 2016, and i didn't start until about a month ago) was because i didn't really feel particularly strongly about edward's character design. i was vaguely interested in That One Pirate Assassin Game after having watched (and loved) black sails, but was afraid i would be let down; to me edward just looked like Some Dude, and i was still hung up on the black sails gang. to me, black sails and its characters were so genre/time period-defining that any other piece of pirate media just seemed lackluster in comparison.
i'd also heard a lot of praise for edward and for ac4 in general so i was aware that it was a very popular and well-received game. but since i mostly heard that from reddit (didn't join tumblr ac fandom until odyssey in 2018) i kind of discounted it, bc gamer reddit tastes are... questionable at best.
Impression now
I LOVE HIM!!! i always think i want stories about virtuous characters who believe in goodness and kindness and aren't motivated by gold or glory but aren't afraid to do what needs to be done to help others who can't help themselves. and sometimes that's true (coughratonhnhake:toncough). other times i end up clowning on myself because i realize that it's so much fun when said good/kind character has a rough and rugged exterior, and is motivated by personal gain (i think edward and kassandra are kinda kindred spirits across time and space in that regard, but maybe that's another rant for another time). sometimes you just want someone to be a little bit of an opportunistic bastard, and boy does edward fit that to a T. he's an incredibly complex man, and i think what really got me was that even as he was impersonating assassins and then templars and then assassins again, all for personal gain (pickpocketing the templars in havana while he gains their trust and agrees to do their dirty work lmfao my beloved <3), his primary motivation for doing so was to prove to caroline and her family that he is someone worth a damn, that he is capable of great things and that he is worthy of their love and acceptance. and i know from ac forsaken that the marriage with caroline doesn't last (though i haven't played ac4 far enough to see if that happens on screen, or if it occurs between the game and the novel) which makes his backstory in the game all the more heartbreaking. but his optimism and perseverance and determination to prove himself are all what make me love him.
so that's edward the romantic. now let's talk about the way edward is with adewale, his crew, and his friends. and let's also put the rest of this behind a readmore bc girl i am RANTINGGGGGG
he has several lines that he says to adewale that make me physically cringe (namely: "many of [these men] wouldn't accept you as captain" or "what was it like being enslaved?" like i get that someone like edward would be asking that question in good faith and genuine curiosity but also JESUS CHRIST UBISOFT). but on the flip side - cringey as those questions are, he also takes the time to actually listen and learn, and i think he genuinely values the perspective that he gets from adewale allowing him to open these lines of trust and communication. there's a patience and mutual respect there that i adore.
i also love how much edward loves his crew and his other pirate friends. those scenes of him + kidd + thatch + adewale + hornigold (lol) drinking on the beach and having a grand old time and talking about establishing - to borrow one of my favorite chills-down-my-spine phrases from black sails - a nation of thieves, for people like them to live and prosper, free from the chokehold of civilization. and i know he's not as outwardly invested in counterculture/independence/anticolonialism as thatch and vane and kidd are, but the fact that he so wholeheartedly supports his friends' goals, lofty and impossible as they are, speaks volumes about his love for his friends.
Favorite moment
every scene he has with kidd when kidd casually and softly reminds him that they see that he is a good person beneath his opportunistic and rambunctious exterior. i especially love when they discover julien du casse's mansion containing orders for templars to go out and hunt down assassins: the way kidd immediately knows that edward wants to help the assassins as a way to make up for the damage he did while masquerading as a templar, even if he hasn't voiced it aloud himself. the way that they don't force edward to admit anything about himself before he is ready, but still constantly remind him that he has a good heart. they give him space to come to terms with his compassionate side in a world/environment that more often than sees compassion as something to be stamped out or cast aside. i don’t love when characters are forced to be the Moral Compass for a main dude character, but i think it works for edward and kidd.
Idea for a story
not an edward story per se, but there are 2 povs into edward's life that i would cut off (someone else's) limbs for:
jenny's pov growing up in the kenway household. from haytham's pov it seems that she knows way more about his past than haytham ever did (it was hinted at that there are rumors about edward’s past as haytham was growing up that he wasn’t privy to, but i don’t think at any point in the novel does haytham ever find out definitively that his father was a pirate) and i want to know how she knew so much, and more into what her life was like - through her eyes rather than haytham, who is like 10 years younger and by his own admission barely understands her and barely has a functional relationship with her. i'll expand further on edward and jenny in the next question/prompt/bullet point, actually, bc i have a LOT more to say.
connor's pov learning about his grandfather from... idk? who's around to tell him? what's so goddamn sad is that by the time connor rebuilds the colonial brotherhood he's kinda the only one left. sure there's aveline down in louisiana, but as far as we know everyone who was around in edward's generation is dead now, and i'm not sure how much of the kenway saga is preserved for connor to discover, or if all this information about their family line was discovered in the modern-day, by your abstergo employee character, and later by osto berg in the comics. which is why i so badly want a revelations-style game where connor traces his assassin heritage back to the caribbean, relives some of edward's memories, and then makes the trip to london to see his aunt jenny. it would have been such a cool way to round out the kenway saga.
Unpopular opinion
idk how popular or unpopular this is bc i rarely see other in-depth posts about it on my dash, but edward was a terrible father to jenny. he was every bit the wonderful and loving father to haytham for the 10 years that haytham had a father, but i wish we'd seen more of jenny's perspective than just a few lines of dialogue in haytham's diary: i hate the way edward sidelined her and raised her in the same manner that any other wealthy person of the time would have raised their daughter - that is, for the sole purpose of sitting pretty and marrying her off in an arrangement that would benefit the family. it's especially hard to reconcile because in ac4 there are female assassins in the americas, and there are female pirates in the caribbean, so it's not like edward isn't aware that women have as much right as any man to live life on their own terms. it just seems like by the time he returns to england and settles down with his family, he's reverted back to the societal norms and gender roles that the pirates fought (and lost) against, and it's hard not to be deeply disappointed by that.
to be clear, i don't begrudge edward settling down and becoming a Rich Society Man. dude deserves to live comfortably with his loving family. he has every right to dote on his wife and children, and leave behind the hardships of being a pirate. but i think "fightning against deeply-ingrained cultural norms/expectations is a long and bloody struggle, and after losing so many people he cared so deeply about, i think it's understandable that edward wouldn't want to continue that fight alone (and also adewale is still fighting the good fight) (do NOT @ me about ac rogue I Pretend I Do Not See It)" and "i don't love the way edward sidelined his daughter into societally-expected gender roles she did not want; it makes me think that he did not continue drinking his Respect Women Juice as much as i thought he did/wanted him to" are two opinions that can coexist.
Favorite relationship
i don't know that i ship edward romantically with anyone, actually. i thought he and caroline were cute in the beginning, but it's hard to want to ship them knowing that she leaves him eventually. and ofc there'd edward/tessa in ac forsaken, and we know they were very happy together and that he loved her so so much. but we don't see that relationship except through haytham's eyes.
as for non-romantic relationships, i already talked at length above about his relationships with adewale and the other pirates and kidd, and i'll just leave it at that. i'm also vaguely aware that edward's got some upcoming scenes with anne bonny, but i'm not at that point in the game yet so i don't have much to say about the two of them. so far i've only seen them say a few lines to each other at the nassau tavern.
Favorite headcanon
kassandra absolutely rubbed shoulders with edward at some point during his time in the caribbean; i like to think that she needed to lie low for some reason (maybe she was with the assassins idk) and joined his crew. i just need my best stabby gal and my second-favorite stabby dude to be pals!
finally, this isn't a headcanon per se but it is obligatory that any time i talk about kenways i yell for a bit about the fact that EDWARD WOULD HAVE LOVED CONNOR SO SO SO MUCH AND I'M FOREVER DEVASTATED THAT HE NEVER GOT TO MEET HIM. at the same time, if edward hadn't been murdered and haytham not been indoctrinated into the templars the way he had, i'm not sure connor would even have existed. and in a way i'm glad that edward wasn't around to see how broken and cynical and depressed haytham became, because i think that would have absolutely broken his heart.
send me a character!
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Hi! can a request a tea with Keishin Ukai where the person is the same age as him, they played together in highschool, and now that person plays for MSBY and they are in like a long distance relationship (bc Osaka is like 12 hrs away from Miyagi) and the meet up after not seeing eachother for a while?(Sorry if that doesn't fit the item, if it doesn't just ignore this)
🍵 with Ukai for @yaknow-nya
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It seemed like it was going to be a regular game…
Just a regular game with the jackals…
Little did you know there was a certain someone within the crowd of fans this game.
You had been managing for the MSBY Black Jackals for a while now and you could not make me more proud of your boys! They have come such a long way from when you first started managing the team… for starters Bokuto and Atsumu acted like children about 80% of the time they were practicing but have really seemed to buckle down and get serious. Sakusa wouldn't talk to you your first couple days as a manager but you could tell even he was starting to warm up to you. Then there was Hinata, you had bonded with him early on because he had been a player for the team your boyfriend Ukai was coaching at the time. Unfortunately you didn't get to see Ukai as much as you'd like, but you guys seemed to make long distance work.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the referees whistle giving your team the winning point. You began congratulating the boys when you suddenly heard Hinata yell “Coach! I didn't know you would be coming to this game”. Confused you turned around to see who he could possibly be talking to. Your breath hitched when you saw ukai standing in front of hinata with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Not even thinking twice you ran up to him and tackled him into a hug, almost causing the bouquet to fall out of his hands. He quickly regained his composure and wrapped his arms around you for a tight hug.
When he heard about the Jackals game in Osaka he decided to make the 12 hour journey to not only support the team,but to also see you, his lovely s/o. Your guy's relationship was a little tricky. You had played together all throughout highschool and were a pretty strong couple but once you both graduated you decided to go to college out in osaka while he stayed in miyagi to work at his family's shop. Not wanting this to be the end of your relationship you decided to stay together and just do long distance. It was difficult sometimes but he would much rather be in a long distance relationship with you than not be in a relationship with you at all. But it was hard, he hadn't remembered the last time he'd seen you in person. So when he heard about a specific team he knew you were managing was playing soon he decided that a 12 hour trip couldn't be that bad. So here he was in Osaka watching from the stands. He could see you on the sidelines watching the game but didn't want to make his presence known to you until after the game was done. Finally the game was over and he headed down towards the court and started walking over to you, but was soon stopped by none other than hinata. He was catching up with Hinata when all of the sudden you had crashed into him giving him a big hug. He had almost dropped the flowers he bought for you on the way here, but onced he steading himself he pulled you in and gave you a squeeze. People were starting to stare at you two but he couldn't care less
Why would he when he had you in his arms
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sixtyeightdays · 4 years
The Queen
She is not playing dolls. She is stalking the halls; living off thrill of the kill. Marinette can smell fear.
this mini speech drabble is inspired by HBIC by @unmaskedagain and The Pigtails Are Off by @para-dox-normal
Marinette left the class, after depositing ribbons into the hands of a few of her classmates.
Alya turned to face Nino, whose hat was still drawn down, covering the upper part of his face. 
‘What was that all about?’ She demanded. Nino sunk lower into his seat, casting a look towards Chloe, who huffed and stood up.
‘You all made a huge enemy today,’ she began.
Alix scoffed. ‘We’ve dealt with you a lot, we aren’t scared of you.’
This time, Sabrina spoke up, which clearly shocked the rest of the class who thought she was a spineless servant of Chloe’s.
There was a glint in her green eyes that wasn’t there earlier, making a shiver run down the class’ spines.
‘Oh, who said anything about Chloe?’
Now it was Juleka who spoke up, looking away from Rose who was grasping at her arm for answers.
‘You have no idea what kind of protection you just threw away.’
Ivan, fed up, slammed his fist into the table. ‘What the HELL are you guys even talking about?’
Nino looked up and smirked, which shocked Alya and made her take a step back, after noticing the sinister glint in his eyes.
‘You all are... new here. You don’t know how the Queen works.’
Kim stood up from his desk proudly, puffing his chest out. ‘I’ve been in this class one of the longest! 3 years!’
Nathaniel looked to him like he was stupid before shaking his head.
‘No. We have. I’ve been here 6 years, Chloe 5, Sabrina, 6, Juleka 5 and Marinette? 8.’ 
Juleka, Nino, Chloe and Sabina all spoke up in an oddly monotonous voice, walking towards the front of the class.
‘She is not playing dolls. She is stalking the halls; living off thrill of the kill. Marinette can smell fear.’
The class broke out into laughter. ‘Marinette? What can she do?’ Alya wiped a tear from her eye.
The others stared at her coolly and waited for them to stop laughing. Chloe stepped forwards and smiled.
The class was taken aback.
‘I don’t like any of you, so let me make this clear. Watch your back when you get to school tomorrow. Like Juleka said, you have no idea what kind of protection you just threw away. Marinette has been protecting you guys for ages, since the first minute you stepped into this school.’
‘Just because we don’t like you, doesn’t mean we’re evil enough to leave you..without a warning.’ Juleka smiled, cold flashing over her features.
‘I may be dumb, stupid, even. But I’m not that dumb to get on the wrong side of the Queen.’ Sabrina laughed.
Nathaniel made his way to the front before stepping next to Nino and in unison, they said;
‘Good luck. You’re going to need it.’
When Marinette reached home, she immediately shrugged off her regular grey jacket before digging into the closet to the item she had left behind for 3 years.
She reached to the black box sitting innocently at the back of her closet and pulled it out.
She opened it and unfolded the outfit that was inside, looking at it with a evil smile on her face.
Inside, there was black combat boots with silver studs, a black leather jacket with light pink and grey highlights and dark blue ripped jeans.
Marinette grabbed the clothes out and spent the night altering her old clothes, making it bigger and adding a small pocket in her jacket for Tikki to comfortably sit in.
The kwami knew of Marinette’s past of course, it was one of the first things the bluenette had confessed to the kwami about. Tikki was supportive of the old Marinette surfacing again. She was irritated by the way her class treatedher chosen, and wanted it to be over once and for all.
That hatchet was long forgotten, although the way Marinette ruled the school went unnoticed by the imbeciles in her class.
Marinette was--still is-- the Queen of her school. When she arrived in the beginning, she was not to be taken lightly and she earned her place at the top of the food chain.
There had aways been some sort of invisible barrier between the other students and Mlle. Bustier’s class. No one could get in, mainly due to Marinette’s influence.
Everyone in the school apart form that class knew about the Queen who sat in the sidelines. Marinette had some sort of protection over that class and if anything happened to them, you’d had to answer to her.
This made many of the students stay away, although they still made friends with the class.
The next morning, Marinette was early. Surprising, I know. But she knew her class always sat together in the courtyard until everyone arrived, and 15 minutes before school started, they would head up to the classroom.
If anything, Marinette felt rather relieved at not having to hide her status anymore. Word had spread, and there was whispering everywhere, glances at Mlle. Bustier’s table, who didn’t notice.
Alya heard many people whispering around her. 
‘I must say, I’ll be happy to see the Queen in action again. It was a golden era.’
‘I know right! I feel sorry for the poor people who invoked the wrath of the Queen though.’
The doors slammed open, ad a tall shadowy figure strutted in as if she owned the place. Lila regarded her carefully.
Once the shadowy figure took enough steps forward, she stopped. Light illuminating her features to reveal Marinette.
Gone was the happy go lucky expression on her face, replaced with a steely determination with no trace of her usual smile. 
Her hair, free from her signature pigtails, flowed freely down her back, wild, as if she just came back from the club with her boyfriend.
She wore her leather jacket and ripped jeans. She wasn’t even wearing a shirt, opting for a black sports bra. She zipped her jacket up till the bottom of her bra, before letting the sleeves of the jacket fall back on her shoulders.
She was wearing black pumps, almost 6 inches tall, which made the class’ jaws drop. Clumsy Marinette wearing heels? That almost spelled disaster.
The class could’ve sworn the temperature dropped as soon as she looked in their direction. A cold smile graced her lips, which were stained a blood red.
She lifted her right arm slowly, all the while still smirking at the class.
Everyone in the courtyard slowly raised their wrists, Nino and the others included. With sick dread pooling in their stomachs, the class noted with fear that everybody except them were wearing a red hair ribbon on their wrists.
They never took it off. Kim remembered asking Ondine why she wore it, even while swimming. She had looked to him before changing the subject hastily.
Alix recalled her brother, Jali, wearing one on his wrist, before Alix had gone to school at Francois Dupont.
Marinette walked slowly towards their class, swaying her hips with the aura of cool confidence surrounding her. Lila stuck out her foot to trip Marinette, who noticed and gave Lila a smile, before stepping directly on Lila’s toes, crushing it with her heel. 
Marinette grinded her heel into Lila’s foot, and she could barely keep herself from yelling. Soon, she did and the class turned on Marinette, screaming profanities at her. 
Lila’s toes were now bent in ways that shouldn’t have been possible, a sickening purple color. Surprisingly, no blood was exiting the toes, and Marinette internally rolled her eyes at how careless the class thought she was.
She whispered to Lila, although the whole courtyard heard.
‘You wanna fake an injury, Lila? I’ll give you an injury.’
Alya snarled and tried to slap Marinette.
‘What is wrong with you, you bitch!’ Her hand swung out, intending to meet Marinette’s face. And though no one blinked, Marinette’s hand caught Alya’s. Her fingers wrapped around Alya’s wrist almost seductively, before she smiled.
The smile reminded of the class of the old times, when Marinette used to have fun with the class, laughing her heart out when Kim snorted milk out of his nose.
That was how the class knew Marinette enjoyed breaking Alya’s wrist.
The bluenette squeezed Alya’s wrist with surprising strength, causing Alya to let go of the phone clenched in her hand, letting it fall to the floor, where Alya’s wallpaper glowed for a soft moment, showing Alya, with an arm wrapped around Marinette, before the bluenette stepped on the phone like she did with Lila, causing the screen to shatter and Alya to call out in anguish.
That call turned into a scream as the class watched Marinette mercilessly twist Alya’s wrist, breaking it with one resonating snap.
Marinette let go and watched amusedly as Alya flailed around, grasping her broken wrist in her fine one.
Marinette watched it all with a smile on her face, an exact replica of the happy, warm smile she gave when she hung out with her friends.
The class looked around and realised that none of the students around them looked the least bit shocked when the situation was occurring.
Adrien let out a quick breath. This was what Chloe meant by Queen.
And as Marinette turned to fix her cold eyes on the class, they knew they was done for.
Sabrina watched from afar with Chloe, smiling sickeningly as everyone in the class took their turn to get something of theirs broken.
Marinette saved Adrien for last. He smiled charmingly at Marinette, inching backwards, trying to use the fact that she had a crush on him in his favor. As Marinette paused, he exhaled quickly, thinking it was over.
Marinette took a step back. If she were to hurt Adrien, his father would most certainly murder her and Marinette wasn’t willing to waste more time on the blonde model than she already had.
Until Adrien called out.
‘Mari this isn’t you! Come bACK TO US!’
The courtyard swiveled their heads to look at the boy and no one flinched as her heel found his stomach.
There was a smile on Marinette’s face even after Adrien lost consciousness. 
its kind of a bad ending but i couldnt think of how to end it with and im sorry bc its kind of violent but i think this is okay for now
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So, Guardian Chloe au:
For this au, Marianne and Fu either reconnected years earlier than in cannon, or never separated in the first place. With someone around for Fu to rely on (and to help him realize when hes moving from 'cautious' to 'paranoid'), he's more comfortable bringing more people into helping with the Miraculous stuff, and bc of that he's keeping an eye out not only for potential Black Cat and Ladybug weilders, but for a potential successor as well, who wouldn't be fighting on the front lines every single time if/when whoever has the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous decides to start supervillain-ing.
Chloe is on the pretty short list of potential weilders and successors bc of her strong innate Magic that's compatible with most if not all of the Miraculous in the box Fu has, but since she's pre-cannon/S1 levels of character development, she's pretty low on the list. Then Origins happens, and when Fu is on his way to test Marinette and Adrien, his shoe breaks and he winds up tripping into the road as a car is coming for real. Luckily for him, he's pulled out of harm's way by none other than Chloe, who decided to walk to school that day in the hopes she would run into Adrien bc she knew he was going to try to get to school that day. She shows genuine concern for his wellbeing before getting back into her whole 'trying to be Audrey Jr to try and earn her mother's love' routine, but before she leaves she gives him some money to 'buy some not completely ugly shoes' and definitely not bc she doesn't want an old man with a cane to trip and hurt himself walking around with a broken sandal.
This brief interaction leads to Fu reconsidering Chloe as an option. He still gives Mari and Adrien the Ladybug and Black Cat respectively, but he starts looking into Chloe more, to try and see if the cracks in her act he saw were a fluke or if she would be a genuinely good Guardian, doing the same sort of background checking that he did with Marinette and Adrien.
And as for Chloe, her run-in with Stoneheart (especially the part when she was thrown off the side of the Eiffel Tower) and Hawkmoths reveal lead to her coming to the conclusion that purposefully upsetting people while a magic terrorist who uses negative emotions to turn people into supervillains is basically painting a target on her back. She starts on the road to redemption, moreso as a method of self-preservation at first, but as time goes on, and with some help from Ms Bustier (and maybe a classmate or two who've noticed her change in behavior and after finding what Chloe's doing offer to help with things like how to give complements without making them sound backhanded, little things like that that make a difference overall) Chloe starts changing for the better, and she realizes that she likes the way things are changing.
Fu and Marianne are seeing all of this from the sidelines, and also see her helping out with a few Akumas she's been caught up with. After Princess Fragrance happens (without Chloe tearing up Rose's letter of course) and the really close call of Tikki being sick and Chat getting mind-controlled without backup, Fu decides it's time to reach out to Chloe and start training her. The next Saturday, Chloe wakes up and finds a box in her bed that wasn't there the night before, and opens it to find the Fox Miraculous (picked that one since it's one that can be used from the sidelines instead of one that requires being super hands on) and Trixx gives a brief explanation about what the Fox Miraculous can do, and tells her that the Guardian of the Miraculous wants to meet her at the top of the Eiffel Tower later that night.
Chloe transforms and meets a transformed Fu at the right time and place, and he gives her a brief explanation about how he's the Guardian of the last Miracle Box, and that he wants to start training her as the next Guardian since he isn't going to be around forever. Chloe asks why he picked her of all people, bc she knows that she isn't a very good person, and Fu tells her that it's partially bc of her natural Magic, but in large part bc he can see her potential to be a great Guardian and a great person.
Chloe accepts, they set up a schedule where she visits Fu's massage parlor. Since Fu is still a bit hesitant about letting Hawkmoth know there are more Miraculous in Paris, Chloe hasn't participated in any Akuma battles or even revealed herself to LB and CN yet. Until the day one Lila Rossi joins Ms Bustiers class, and Adrien comes to school with the Grimore.
I haven't puzzled out exactly how thing go exactly, but Volpina ends with all three heroes becoming aware of Fu, and with Chloe (who I really need to figure out a Fox hero name for) becoming an active player in Akuma battles.
That's all I've got settled on for now, aside from some small details later on, like Trixx relentlessly pranking Audrey after Style Queen and all that, an couple concept sketches for Chloe's Fox hero outfit, but other than that I'm still plotting things out bc I'm hoping that this is the idea that helps me break through my writers block and I'm hoping getting a rough draft planned out will help me stuck with it.
....goddamn that got long.
Oh beautiful!
Also I offer Vixen for Fox!Chloé.
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sankazu · 4 years
Regrouping the company based on hair color
(w/o the rookies bc they aren't all out in English and I put this together through the game, also I don't know them very well)
1. Cool Colors
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A very chill group, just like their hair colors. Triangle marshmallows. Has many of my favorite characters so I like this group, also cool colors are my favorites so extra points. It's also funny bc Juza is the only kid of the group but you probably wouldn't have guessed it. The only problem with this group is that none of them probably partake in triangle hunting with Misumi much so that's very sad. Best group to snuggle with.
2. Warm Colors
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A very nice group. They're a little messy but they got a lot of spirit. Mom Omi and his three very gullible children and their tea aunt Homare. Best group at pep talks(Muku is the one being pepped up).
3. Beige.
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Probably a terrifying group. You don't know what's gonna happen with them. Tsuzuru is the only one you can trust and he's tired. They go at their own pace and they're all different. Best group to ask to hide a body for you.
4. This is supposed to be natural black to green but it just looks like the extras
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This group is wild, just like their hair colors. Tasuku is just on the sidelines while the others cause trouble. Chaotic combos such as Yuki/Taichi and Kazu/Masumi make for fun conversations. Shit-talking duo plus puppy pair. The best group at not being cohesive smh. Also I have no R or SR Taichi which made me angry when I was putting this together >:(
Where the rookies would go if I knew them better -
Kumon goes in cool, Taichi is moved to warm and Kazu is moved to beige. The rest of the rookies fit in black/green.
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daniellekwekwek · 4 years
Jumba was jacking off just like all days his dog walked in and then a bird flew into his window and scared him and he jizzed on the wall he came on his wall, and then proceeded to scream he denied cleaning he wasn’t screaming bc of the wall jizz, he was screaming because of what his dog had he calmed down, went to tumblr, and told his friends, to which they replied, "what did the dog have?" “my dick” he said he typed in his reply.. "my yaoi manga collection" but... i thought... the wall jizz.. “yeah” he interrupted, wasn’t jizz but... i thought... the wall jizz.. “yeah” he interrupted, wasn’t jizz it was blood he sighed, and watched the screen as his friends made jokes about it and Baby Be Mine - Micheal Jackson was playing in the background as he perfectly harmonized with the song As he was harmonizing with the song, Sesshomaru barged in through his window, and pointed at him yelling, "that was hot!" “but- but my dick” he said “u don’t need it” sesshomaru replied, “u can have mine” he proceeded to rip off his dick so jumba would no longer be without one unbeknownst to himself, his friends watched from his door, their jaws slack, as Sesshomaru jumped off the window ledge, stalked towards him, then proceeded to do gay shit after his dick was sufficiently ripped off, he gave it to jumba, dickless but now hopeful, he replied “thank you, i needed this.” sesshomaru just winked and smiled, leaving, never to return Jumba said, "drink me senpai annhh uwu" one day, jumbas was walking down the street *que in theme song* jumba walks to school, with alertness as he in da trenches yer feel me. Suddenly, a big ass moth appears and this mf really tried killing the currently dickless jumba and he shoots it Jumba said, "drink me senpai annhh uwu" then he thinks, wait a minute why am i walking to school? it’s not the 1950s BUT IT IS THE 1950s *Ba ba dummm* he was registered so anyways, the moth summoned the moth gods to resurrect himself, also summoning a moth army and they all came after dickless jumba! but jumba remember back in 1943 when that light skin motherfucker got stabbed, he ain't gon die today dildos were getting harder he remembered a pocket knife a strange withered, wrinkled man had once given him, he never knew exactly why that man gave him a pocket knife but in this moment he wasn’t questioning why. he pulled out the knife and started to swing on the moths, using every ounce of his dickless strength to fight them off @dark-lovvee wanted the dildos and jumba was especially strong and capable as a man to fight off these moths, when he was done he proceeded to fuck their dead bodies jumba said no! i need these dildos to fight the moths! Jumba filmed the porno *que in absolute banger outro with kids smiling while playing and rainbows in the background* after fucking the moth carcuses or should i carc-i , jumba realized something he was thirsty... he needed water... he found the nearest puddle and crouched down to take sip, he cupped his hands and put them in the water catching his own reflection as he looked down... who am i? he wondered dark love wanted to do yoga but she broke her spine, now she's in the hospital and she can't walk for the rest of her life but we all know the true reason why her legs hurt *says random ass kid in the sidelines* dickless Jumba magically grew a vagina and the first thing he decides to do is finger himself then pizza walked up and said to him “hey i have one of those too!” pizza fingers himself too but while jumba was fingering himself, he somehow losses all his skin. Now skinless and dick less he hes vagina started to disappear spineless and crippled, dark army crawled tf outta there people started to fight did i lose my skin bc i fingered myself??? jumba wondered. this new vagina was an enigma to him, what happens if i actually use it? he asked himself and that light skin motherfucker, that gay dark shin motherfucker, that one jamaican motherfucker was there to jumba let someone sleep with him and they also lost their skin, now he realizes he has super powers all those motherfuckers were shot by the police except jumba as he is fast af but even Jumba was shot later he rejoiced for a bit by the thought of pussy supapowa but it dawned on him. "Who's gonna fuck me if they find out?" but he didn't go out without a bang, he exposes his left liver and says "GDK" with great power comes great resposibili- he was interupted by a gun shot zooming past his head, WTF IS MY LIFE RN jumba screamed we jacked all over the cops face even those he had no dick he proceeds to give oral sex to sesshomarus black twin while the chaos ensued, Yeye sat down on a comfy chair, passed a cold brew coffee to Dodo, and watched the others' lives crumble into pieces jumba's story came to end. He died just way he was born, ejaculation que in kiss by Prince End of the season!
From: We R Tost
Story recorded by @storybot, written by @screechingchaospizza, @leftjumba, @dark-lovvee, and @danielledumbbitchenergy
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bakuyonce · 3 years
PB had an underwear sprite for Kyra. They went as far as writing variables for the Kyra's 30 diamond scenes into the code for the first book. But if you watch the OPH1 trailer, you'd see that Kyra and Rafael aren't even featured alongside the other LIs. PB went on to bait us with Aurora as well. They yeeted two queer black women out of the series and got away with it. What was the point of constantly vilifying and sidelining black women throughtout the series but never giving them a voice?
I knew there was an underwear sprite for her but I didn’t know they already coded a 30 diamond scene with her. I just went back to check out the trailer for book one and you’re right, Rafael was introduced as a friend and Kyra isn’t even in the trailer. Extremely weird especially in Rafael case since they kept him as a LI in book 1.
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Pb just wants to get their diversity points without treating them right. They forced MC and co to be rivals with Aurora when MC, Landry, Jackie, Elijah, and Sienna had no real reason to dislike her or ever discredit. It extremely irritating because PB tried to throw in nepotism but it does not matter how high in power Harper was at the time, in a hospital setting nepotism is not gonna help you. Especially when Ramsey is running the competition, we can talk shit about him all day but he is not gonna give an advantage to anyone just because of who he’s related to. On top of that Aurora proved almost every week that she was the better doctor than them.
And now with Harper, I don’t know the full details of what happened bc I dropped Open Heart after book 2 ch 11, but you could be rude to her in the beginning of book 3 and it’s like why??? Why does MC have a problem, they never had a problem with Harper before but now that she joined the diagnostic team, there’s options to start one??? It doesn’t make sense when you’re not dating Ramsey and when you are it still doesn’t make any sense and MC just looks childish. MC is grown why they acting like a high schooler when it comes to Aurora or Harper? And now Harper apparently accusing MC of tampering with a clinical experiment with no proof? Yea MC had a small track record but a former Chief of Medicine is gonna do that? With no proof? That doesn’t make any sense!
Honestly Pb was able to get away with removing Kyra as a LI because alot of people weren’t 100% sure if she was for sure a LI. There wasn’t a scene that solidified her to the audience as a LI. Now with Aurora, the stuff they do with her is just messy like just make her a LI already, the foundation is already there. It’s not like they can’t add another LI, we seen it be done with multiple characters in multiple books.
When it comes to black women (both Li and non Li), Pb would rather make them out to be the bad guy, have MC and their friends be rude as fuck to them for no real reason, give them significantly less screen time, or have them experience racial discrimination/public humiliation just to sweep it under the rug later. You won’t get multiple art of a non customizable black woman, but here’s a sprite of them covered in tomatoes instead 💕.
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