#like i'll probably just try their other concealer but ALSO if i hate it? an expensive experiment
fooltofancy · 8 months
i wear very little makeup but am. so, so particular about what i do wear that when something's formula changes or it disappears entirely i go into mourning for months.
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Autistic Avatars not realizing that they're Avatars because they're just "like that": a thread
The Eye
Special Interest in the supernatural = constant food for The Watcher
You know about Interest? TELL ME EVERYTHING
"Hey man listen to me infodump about this horrifying ghost story I read for twenty minutes, alright?"
I need to Know everything about something before I partake in it.
"How did I Know that? Eh, I probably hyperfixated on it at some point."
I cannot be misunderstood so I'll beam the facts into your brain.
The Web
I must plan everything 200 steps in advance before doing anything.
I have prepared for all possible outcomes, I can now have this one conversation.
If I set up all these variables long in advance, then I can do everything correctly and Win the social interaction.
I cannot do anything before The Plan says to.
"I practice my social skills by talking to my spider friends." -Martin "Autism" Blackwood
The Stranger
I cannot socialize without being Uncanny.
If my socialization seems like an act, that's because it is. I practice it in the mirror every day.
Theater Kid
How do you Normal Human?
The Anatomy Class.
Assuming fellow Stranger Avatars also just have the 'Tism. They're not trying to be creepy, honest.
Can't do faces. Doesn't notice when you get replaced.
Being subtly off is too subtle for me.
The Lonely
"I have failed the social interaction. Let the fog reclaim me."
Talking to people is draining my batteries even faster than ever. I need to be alone for approximately 384,400,000 years.
Nothing can overstimulate me in the cool, blinding fog.
Nothing unpredictable can happen in the fog.
The fog is your friend.
The known connection between autism and depression feeds the fog.
The Dark
Why is the sun so god damn bright? I'm going to blow it up I swear.
Night Owl.
Everything's decently quite at night and people leave you alone.
Same overstimulation preventatives as the Lonely tbh. Dark and fog are good concealers.
The dawn is your enemy.
The dread florescent lights shall never bother me again. They break upon my arrival.
Can and will infodump to the monster under my bed. Even now it feels like it listens.
The Spiral
Autism makes getting other mental illnesses recognized hard.
Autism dissociation from body and mind. When did it become 3 AM and why do I hurt? Why am I grumpy? What vital self care task did I forget?
Literal mind doesn't often match reality. Reality is specifically unspecific.
Spaced out and wandered off. Where the fuck am I?
I'm not a mental baby, please stop treating me like it.
I'm not inherently dangerous, please stop treating me like it.
Memory problems my beloathed. Did that happen? I dunno.
What Is Time?
What Is Me?
The Gender
Why do things only make sense to me? What does no one else make sense?
The Flesh
Autism Genderfuckery = Flesh fueled dysphoria.
Meat is the only texture that's palatable. Especially the Mystery Meat.
Will never try any other foods. Too picky.
Infodumps about the horrors of meat processing at dinner and ruins the meal for everyone. More steak for me.
Hates PETA.
Double the arms means double the stim. You weren't using them, right?
Working out is a great stim.
The Corruption
Practices social interaction with the bugs who live in my walls.
"Insects are disgusting. I love them!"
Will protect endangered insects by any means necessary.
According to all known laws of aviation-
Relationship boundaries struggles.
Difficulty noticing sickness symptoms.
Is that nausea or am I overstimulated? *Accidentally causes supernatural plague outbreak*
Difficulty getting diseases diagnosed because of both Autism and noticing too many symptoms so the doctors assume they're faking.
Forgot vital hygiene needs.
The Bugs Are My Friends! They keep me company when I'm sick!
The Buried
Weighted blankets are insufficient, I need the Earth to reclaim me.
Avoid social interaction by tunneling everywhere like a mole.
101 facts about worms.
Forgor hygiene again. Time to become dirt.
Digging a hole is good stimming.
That guy who had to be buried alive to sleep properly. What do you mean you don't want to be buried?
The End
Aradia Megido from Homestuck.Com
That's it, that's the list.
The Desolation
The Autism Temper.
Losing relationships and friendships to ableism and your own disability constantly.
The Fire is a wonderful stim board. Watch it crinkle.
Just watching candles melt for hours.
The fire and thrill gives my life passion again.
Jude Perry.png
The Vast
Accidentally terrifying people by infodumping about the horrors of nature.
The stimulus of falling.
Nature/Space/Weather Documentary on in background always.
Okay, but from how high did you fall? I want to calculate your velocity as you fell through the void.
Weirdly enough... power scaling?
Power scaling is just the art of determining how easily your favorite characters can destroy mankind so... yeah, I can see it.
Brain empty, only terminal velocity.
The Hunt
Cat Autism
The inherent hyperfocus of the hunt. The chase. Your prey.
Studying the habits of your latest hyperfixation/Hunt assigned prey for days at a time.
I've spent so much time hunting in the woods that I forgot about human society. The Missing Person's Bureau have written you off for dead.
Returning to society to sell your wears and realizing you aren't human anymore.
That's okay. Social interaction is random. The Hunt makes sense.
It's black and white. Predator and prey. Humans hunting monsters. It Makes Sense.
The Slaughter
The incredible human WW1 documentary.
"Did you know?" *Describes horrible historic warcrime*
Takes apart puts back together guns from their collection.
The list of known casualties from this war is incomplete. With my help, they can expand it. :)
The Extinction
The world is spiraling towards its end and only you seem to care.
It hurts to be this passionate about a lost cause.
You Will Make Them Care.
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mantabanter · 7 months
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Martch 1: self portrait
Reflection and thoughts down below!
I enjoyed doing this. I dont really have a "sona" that I've actually stuck to for the past couple years, which is strange cuz I was very committed to having one when I was younger! Oh well. I decided to try and do something that symbolized me, but the concept ended up too wavy and... nothingy. I find that happens when I try and rely on my head too much to draw. I'm discovering more of the joy of transformational art, as in, mixing real life and imagination rather than feeling like I have to rely on imagination only. Incorporating real life still feels like cheating.
So anyway, I thought, whats more me than me right now? And so I took a picture of myself for reference and just added some more conceptual bits on top. SO no, my signature earrings and my leather jacket and the rest of the bits and bobs I usually think of as aspects of my external personality didn't all make it. But it is me, a version of me, a softer and low effort version of me, which I'll take. Using the colours from the pictures was also funny, because my hair is actually blond right now, but the lighting was so sparse that it just turned out dark again.
For the more conceptual bits, the wolf ears are deeply symbolic of my lone wolf nature and-- haha no thats bullshit I just like wolves. As you'll notice I also have vampire bites on my neck because -- i like vampires too. The skeleton hand I thought looked kinda cool and also my hands been hurting a lot lately and I hate drawing hands. The shirt is a new sweater I got recently. It kinda looks like the lesbian flag and the trans flag had a baby, and was born jumbled with all the colours out of order.
In other self portraits I might have added a bunch of little pins or bubbles to mind map out all my little identity markers - queer flags, age, personality type, random bullshit like zodiacs that i dont even care about - but I think I'm moving away from that kind of thing lately. The concept of the self is more murky than that, and while that kind of clarity brought me comfort once, I've since found it limiting. There are a million versions of me. This gets to be one of them, and thats enough. What it shows and what it conceals is all circumstantial today. I could even argue its a bit uncomfortable because I drew myself more feminine than I would have liked - but theres something in me that responds to it and so I think I'll go with it despite my discomfort. My femininity is apart of me whether I like it or not, and I am determined to like it one day.
Anyway. That's me today. And probably me tomorrow. But probably not me a week from now.
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youuuimeanmee · 1 year
RWTGI 34 Thoughts
😆🥰🤗 I've been waiting for Kirishima's past to be translated since forever 😭😭Now I can FINALLY talk about this chapter wkdbjsnsjsjk
Out of all the mysteries presented in this series (the hell's up with Suo Azami, Renji, Yoshino's parents, the brewing yakuza civil war), Kirishima's past is one thing that hyped me up the most; mostly because I've been dying to know the background this insane yet lovable(?) ML lololol.
⚠️ Though the title is Ch 34's Thoughts, I actually started it from ch 33. If you haven't read it then what are you doing here, go to MangaDex if you don't wanna get spoiled here.
⚠️⚠️TW; Bullying, Abuse, Self H4rm, yk how Kirishima is.
👏 Okay! So!
We FINALLY get to see Kirishima's rich ass mommy and daddy 🥳🥳🥳
(tho they don't have a face, I'll take it)
Looks like the parents are busy people, they missed the fact that their son is not normal since birth. That, or Kirishima is just damn good at hiding it. Maybe both.
"My 2 classmates are fighting over irrelevant things. Solution? Erase the thing without anyone knowing. No more things to fight, problem solved 🙂"
He has a shrewd moral compass, I have a feeling he was being genuine when he "helped" his classmates. Aww my cute baby gremlin.
Or if he wasn't being 100% genuine, maybe he tore up the cards to surpress his urges for violence, to ease the boredom he felt because he couldn't feel anything while living in a normal, peaceful life.
The parents slowly realize the abnormal blood that's been there since Gaku era has never disappear from their family.
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Since Gaku is the black sheep of the family, Kirishima's dad prob thought: 'Oh fuck this is uncle all over again. No wait I can do this. He already released his energy using a good outlet (karate), he just needs to surround himself with good people. Friends, yeah. The school we picked is the best; surely there's no bad influence that's gonna taint my son. No more psycho #2.' Umm, I hate to break it to you, but daddy-
Ironically, the dad might be the first person who gave him insight about the feeling of having fun by being with a friend. Up until that point, he probably didn't know the feeling he felt when he did the karate. He did it many times, and the dad claimed he liked it, but he never registered it as 'liking something' until it was pointed out to him.
(just like when kirishima threw daggers at yoshino's back until she pointed out he might be jealous of Shoma and he got a little 'ahh that explains it' moment.)
Aww look at that probing eyes, trying to search the answer of his boredom from his dad 🥺
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Let's be real Kirishima could really use a proper diagnosis and therapy back then, even right now.
The smile of a child who has found the spark of his life:
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LMAO seriously, he smiles because Kodaka can kick hard. The more pleasure (read: pain) he gets from other people, the more he's gonna seek it.
But Kodaka is still weaker than him, so the pleasure ends quickly.
Enter Otogawa.
She's cute. Sweet. More importantly, she's important enough to trigger Kodaka.
She told him all he needed to know about Kodaka. Great in academics, gyms, and karate. Secretly violent too. Just like himself.
"He's just like me, so we matched right? We can be friends! 😃"
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Remember in ch 25.2 when Kirishima told Yoshino he once formed a "friendship plan" that went down the drain?
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Whelp, looks like Kodaka is that "friend." We all know how that ends, tho.
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Thus, began Kirishima's scheme to ✨️nurture✨️ Kodaka into a person who could kick him harder & also strong enough to not break easily. He befriended (read: flirted) with his crush, lured him into a desolate place, provoked him, stayed docile & easy to kick, yadda yadda.
Really an elaborate plan for someone his age, it's almost cute.
This moment of Kirishima and concealer really highlights his cleverness since he was a kid. If he buys a concealer for his bruise, it's too pricey for his budget. Parents will question unnecessarily if he were caught buying it. Solution? Pretend to return the high schooler's money (even though it's his own) so they'd do the makeup for him. Bruise covered, money covered, no one's gonna know ☺️ Little manipulative shit.
I was gonna feel sorry for him for getting beaten up, but then his innocent, excited smile turned me off so quick. Ugh.
(This is prob the beginning of his exploration to find new "fun" stuff to try. Like choking himself, for example.)
Kirishima is a pathological liar huh. Saying his birthday is in September even though it's in November. This really adds weight to his words earlier that he only revealed his true birthday to Yoshino 🥺🥲
Kirishima's plan to nurture Kodaka is going smoothly in this chapter. Maintaining good relationship with Otogawa, making him jealous and all that.
I bet bringing a 10,000 yen bill is part of the plan too, because kids need the motivation to keep coming back to him. Extorting a broke student is boring afterall.
It's been 300 days since Kodaka had beaten him up? Um. Excuse me what the fuck. With that many injuries, Where are his parents??? Did he ever get questioned at all?? Is Kirishima just that good at lying?? I'm sorry, but I also smell neglection. Intentionally or not.
Moving on, Kirishima is damn good huh. His fights like an adult, prob even better than some yakuza. He's 12. Let that sink in.
(should've seen it coming tbh, but it still surprises me.)
I wanna say he's so disgusting when he ripped the poor dude's ear (where on earth did he learn that?), but he's also my son, so...
Also, the art is so clean. My eyes is blessed, thank you Konishi.
I'm running out of gas. Yeah that's all for today! See you next time 👋
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Proper noun: Ceetee Pronouns: It/Its* Common nouns: Girlthing, Tranny, Doll Adjectives: Trans, Mixed-Race, Aegosexual, Polyamorous, Plural Verbs: Game Design, Shitposting, Flirting
🖋 Last edited: 5/20/24
Unreasonably proud of that stupid grammar joke. Anyway yes, I'm Ceetee. While I am plural, I try to avoid the use of first person plural pronouns, except when we are specifically talking about our experiences with DID/Plurality. We also do our best to conceal who is fronting at all times (you can read more about that in the links about gender and plurality at the bottom of this post).
I'm a dork with very VERY strong opinions that I am VERY VERY vocal about. If you do not share those opinions, that is perfectly fine and probably to be expected. Just know that I am very obnoxious about them, so you will see them a lot. I have a lot of confidence on my stances and it is very unearned! That said I'm always happy to actually discuss this stuff, and also perfectly understanding of people unfollowing over it! Never feel like you HAVE to follow me for whatever obligation. Curate your feed, damn it!
For the pronoun exceptions mentioned above, It/Its are my pronouns for most people. If you aren't willing to call me that, well, I can't stop you. Use whatever you want, but I will absolutely be judging you for it. Though there are some exceptions. For people I'm intimate with (Romantic partners and people I'm in a QPR with), my pronouns are It/She. If you work for my HRT clinic my pronouns are She/Her because like fuck am I risking my HRT just because my doctor doesn't understand my gender. If you are a coworker my pronouns are He/Him and also I don't have a tumblr, please block me immediately, for both of our sakes.
I have a NSFW sideblog. You can probably guess its name pretty easily. If you can't, I'm happy to give it to anyone brave enough to DM me or send me an ask off anon. In fact, you can ask me basically anything about my life and I'll happily answer. I'm a pretty open book like that.
I tend to ramble about various things. Usually when I do, I tag it as #text essay. Sometimes about gender and my views on it, but also just... stuff in general. Here is a list of some of the general stuff. Its usually just stupid pointless stuff, but its a good look into how my brain works.
The Darkspore Rant (Long)
Pokemon Picross Monetization Model
Movement in VR
Time is Fake as Hell
Fighters Should Have Magic
Where I Stand in Regards to AI Art
Identity stuff:
Bespoke Genders (Part 1)
On Detransition (Part 2)
Plurality (Part 2.5)
Plurality and Being Transgender (Part 3)
Fandom shit:
Pokemon Eggs, and the Fundamental Nature of the Pokemon Multiverse (Long)
List of FFXIV OCs (LONG. Its also a recap of 4 years of weekly FC RP)
Posts others have made but are very relevant to me and who I am:
Back When I Was A Boy (Not every trans femme used to be a boy, but I did and that is important to me)
The Scorpion and The Frog (I desperately need to get a tattoo of a scorpion and a frog. I can't read this without crying)
#text essay - As mentioned above, I use this for when my rambles go very very very long. The ones I like the most or feel are important enough I also add to this pinned.
#Zenos ♥ - For the FFXIV Character that I am super normal about (lying).
#dnd hate train - A tag that exists for blacklisting purposes at the request of a close friend. As a designer, I fucking HATE Dungeons and Dragons. I hate it a lot. And I talk a lot about how much I hate it.
#laugh rule - For that age old tumblr rule: "If it makes you actually genuinely Laugh Out Loud, you have to reblog it."
#peer reviewed tags - another, more modern tumblr rule. If I screenshot someones tags to share them, I add this tag to it.
#dudes rock - Essentially, just a bunch of guys doing stuff that is just 'boys being boys' in the fun sense and not the rapey sense, but also just a reminder that the world is better with these dudes in it, and a way for me to find happiness is the masculinity that made my childhood miserable.
#partner gushing - For when I am being GAY AS HELL about my partners, or reblogging something and going 'its because of one of them'
#talking to myself and #talking about myself - Conversations between me and my alters, and talking about my relationships with my alters, respectively. More details here.
I also just... ramble in the tags. A lot. I just add so much commentary in the tags. You will see A LOT of rambles.
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candiid-caniine · 10 months
I'm in a position where I can't really get any sex toys, specifically for insertion and that's like 90% of what I need and I need something and idk what to do I'm going insane. Do you know anyone who makes like, under cover toys or know of any at least temporary solution Oh Bug with your infinite horny knowledge I pray thee, I need to be full and there's nothing to be full of
ahahaha this made me giggle! i can't promise to have infinite horny knowledge, but i will try my best to help. it's a travesty whenever a sweetheart out there in the world has to be empty <3
note: i'm working off the assumption you're talking about a vagina; if not, i apologize, but i don't think i'd feel comfortable recommending anal toy substitutes anyway due to the higher safety risk!
first, let's talk about materials if your best bet is household items:
top of the list in terms of safety is glass. i'd also say steel, but household objects made of steel aren't necessarily made of body-safe steel/surgical steel, so glass is really my top pick. it's non-porous, can be infinitely sanitized and re-used, and has some fun things you can do with temperature play too ;)
second favorite is gonna be plastic. it (and any other material) is 100% safe for insertion WITH a barrier like a condom, but if you can't get those for similar reasons you can't get a sex toy, use plastic sparingly; it is porous, so it can trap bacteria, which...i'll be honest here. i've never heard of this happening to people, even when they use the same hard plastic toy over and over, if they wash it a lot in between. thousands of people across the world have used a hairbrush handle, one of those 10-color pens (lol ask me how i know), and other items available to a kid in their teenage years. often repeatedly. my theory: yes, plastic can trap bacteria...but it's mostly gonna be bacteria from your body, and unless you're switching holes, i think the risk of that bacteria being non-benign is low; additionally, if you're washing it immediately afterwards and storing it in a safe place, the risk of it coming into contact with external bacteria is also low. regardless, it's safest to think of plastic as a temporary solution, and to replace it fairly often. good news is it tends to be cheap!
third best bet: a vegetable in a condom. could never do this bc i hate wasting food. could also never do this bc i was in a similar situation to you at the time, and in my case i couldn't get condoms, and no way was i putting pesticides up my vag!
i know it may seem weird that i'm putting silicone last. it should be first. food-grade silicone is probably insertion-safe, but the reason it's last on the list is that it's hard to find food-grade silicone items in the right shape lol.
now for some ideas of common items that might work/be easily concealable or explainable:
those big bubble wands (plastic). empty them out first lmao. make sure the bottom of the tube, where it was likely cut from the assembly line, doesn't have any weird rough edges. bonus points that you can put a bullet vibe in it if you have one, and if it's too light to fuck satisfyingly, try putting something heavier inside :)
the world of guasha and acupressure massage implements is wide and varied lol. from amazon, here is a steel one that's plain and simple. if you like odd shapes, here's whatever this is.
one of the pitfalls of household insertables is the shape; they're often ramrod-straight, which a vagina isn't, and rigid, so they don't bend to you. if you're confident in your pelvic floor strength, i recommend these guys! you may not exactly be able to fuck yourself with them, but they're an excellent way to feel full :)
check out the handle on this dude. is this anything? hell if i know lmao.
i've found pervertables on amazon before by just searching "[material] tools" or "[material] [shape]" or just in general typing in the material, then clicking around in random sections of Amazon and seeing what pops up! i've also found them by just wandering around stores and looking at objects in the context of what they'd feel like inside me, or being used to hit me, etc.
now for some actual, purpose-made toys that are discreet from Etsy:
carrot lmao. it's expensive, and i think primarily meant for anal insertion, but there you have it.
here's a simple but effective idea. why sacrifice good, plain function when you could just hide it well instead?
toy disguised as a paperweight with a DP option :)
i guess you could reasonably claim that this one was a gag gift or something. maybe get one of those little silicone hand puppets shaped like a real dino head and put it on there when you're not using it.
tis the fucking season!
dear lord. this is how i used to hide my weed lol. listen, i'm begging you, at least once it would be so funny to pretend this dog is a representation of me and i'm holding ur dick for you and looking at u with them sad puppy eyes okay?
hear me out, stay in this space with me; consider just hiding your dildo really effectively. here / are / some / really neat stash boxes i found on etsy. afaik the teddy ones are easy to diy; i made mine by cutting a hole in the bum of a big old stuffed pig i had and packing in my entire weed jar and then refilling it lol.
i hope this helped, or at least gave you some ideas! thank you for asking! <33
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rainofaugustsith · 1 year
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I finally made it to level 50 on all the jobs I'd previously ignored (except for blue mage which isn't needed for the amaro achievement) in FFXIV. Whew. At this point, I'm slowing down on leveling. Right now I'm focused on getting the two remaining aiming classes - bard and machinist - to level 70. I'm giving the level 50-60 tribal quests to one of the level 50ish jobs I have every day and just leveling them slowly. After the aiming jobs, I'll probably try to switch to the remaining tanks and focus on leveling those. I have not started gunbreaker yet since that gets picked up at level 60. I'm waiting until the other two tank jobs I'm leveling hit 60 too, so they can all share gear.
It's interesting. Some of the jobs were ones I put off on exploring because I didn't think I'd like them, and in some cases I was right. Some of them have turned out to be a joy. Spoilers for monk story below.
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I love the job and the story!
Bard - I hated the archer missions because of the absolute asshole NPC you have to work with, but I'm adoring bard and all the NPCs there. The class itself has been really simple for me to understand and a lot of fun. Rain of Death is one of the best skills ever, I think.
I love bard enough that I think it may take over from dancer as my go-to class when I need ranged DPS. I'm kicking myself for not enjoying this job sooner.
Ninja - Fun! One of the things I've enjoyed about this class is that the story missions have often tried to teach you to use specific skills and remember the one combination set you need. You get to jump around a lot. I've also enjoyed the NPCs Rigel has worked with. I'm hoping to see familiar faces as this story mission goes on, and I think the Stormblood level quests might get very interesting.
Rogue - Separating this from ninja because the story and NPCs were so different. I really liked the way the rogue story chain set up the guild as the arbiters of underworld justice, keeping the peace and helping where they could in Limsa. I adored Jacke and the rest of the guild members, too. And the way the rogues' guild is concealed in Limsa is hilarious.
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I dislike the job, but love the story
Machinist - I really, really dislike playing jobs with guns. I grew up in huge cities. Guns were never good things there at all. So a job that has Rigel waving around a gun and shooting things doesn't thrill me. This isn't a class I would voluntarily play outside of leveling it up for the achievement.
Having said that, I love the story. It really supports the MSQ and the Firmament story chains, and delves more into the way the class structures in Ishgard change. You get to work with House Haillenharte and eventually Hilda, and that's so much fun. I look forward to each installment of the story as I level.
Marauder - I really liked the Marauders' story chain and the theme of protecting Limsa Lominsa. The job itself, not so much.
Pugilist - The characters introduced in the Pugilists' Guild were really interesting, and the level 1-30 story foreshadowed a pivotal moment in the MSQ. I really liked these stories, even thought the job itself doesn't really do much for me. I mean, cool, Rigel is punching people like Popeye, I guess?
Club Ambivalence
Paladin - this job is White Mage's cousin to me: bland, non-offensive, sort of like watching paint dry in a video game. Other than the fact that one of the NPCs appears to be a reflection of one of the Warriors of Darkness, not much is piquing my interest here either job or story wise. However like white mage it isn't arduous. It's a perfectly serviceable job, and as a perk I carry that special shield We All Get in Heavensward as a glamour.
I like nothing here. I'm just in it for the Amaro.
Monk - Oh. My. God. This is a quest from a dudebro game that somehow made it into FFXIV. I hate it here to the point that going forward I've decided I'm not even going to do the story beats unless I absolutely have to for the achievement. The monk quest giver is a professor who insults the Warrior of Light's intelligence every other sentence - literally calling her stupid or making other insults about her intellect over and over again in every single quest. It got old really, really fast, especially since the game never once gave Rigel a chance to tell him off. The other NPC in the quest, an Ala Mhigo monk, started out as intriguing but he also got old really fast when he betrayed the WoL. Worse, those two quest givers never go away - the Warrior of Light is forced to continue working with someone who verbally abuses her at every turn and a guy who literally tried to murder her to steal her aether/power.
I'm leveling this, but the minute it gets to 80 it's getting dropped cold, I think. I'm not doing the story beats, I'm just leveling it.
Warrior - I felt like the level 30-50 story chain was a weaker version of what we see in some other stories, like Dragoon and Black Mage - people wrestling with power beyond their ken, and the possibility of becoming a monster from it. I didn't enjoy it. I still can't get into the warrior job either. Rigel's just hacking at things with an axe.
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septembersghost · 2 years
Sometimes I think harry's explanation on fine line(having s*x and feeling sad) suits hs1 better simply because that's all the album is about. I always think about his 2015-16 and I can't imagine it being any other way. Like I think 2015 was his worst year . First taylor left him and showed up with her bf 3 months after leaving him. Then zayn left the band and he definitely hated(atleast resented zayn for that) . He was snarky everytime zayn was brought up. I also felt like the boys also isolated him and blamed him for z.In some bts there was ot3 standing close then there was.......harry. If louis blamed harry in 2019 for breaking band we can imagine how he behaved in 15. on top there was Robin's cancer. So he had a lot to deal with and he was only 21-22. I genuinely don't think I'll be able to go through all that unscathed. So he didn't have a silver lining to look for in that stage and he used sex as a defence mechanism. Taylor left him when he had a bit more less-messy life I don't think hs1 would be this sad and maybe would've been more positive. I felt like tay left him when he desperately needed someone in his life who truly understands him as a support system. While he wrote it as a heartbreak album there is a lot of underlying issues in it. While he asks 'take the pain away' he is not just talking about Taylor. He is talking about everything in his life. I think Olivia perfectly describes how much he needed her companionship at that moment of his life.
that explanation of fine line is so inaccurate, and i think he said that to try and conceal some of its heartbreak/darkness/vulnerability, but it does the record a bit of a disservice. it's much more than that. i do agree that description is more fitting for HS1, though he does tackle some of that in a deeper way there as well.
idk that i'd characterize his response to zayn as hating him, but he definitely was upset/annoyed and played that off with snarky humor. i'd imagine it also frustrated him that zayn expressed some dismissal of the band as a whole, since harry has always openly been very proud of their music and what they achieved and created, but naturally the two of them had disparate experiences and walked away with individual feelings. i haven't necessarily picked up on the other boys blaming him (although i have seen commentary about h being blamed for the "hiatus" and some of the resentment that went along with that, whether unfounded or not), but that could be due to seeing things in hindsight rather than as they happened. (niall and harry seem quite close to me in press for mitam!)
agree that was a very difficult and tumultuous time for him, and it's easy to forget he was still SO young. there's real grief tucked away on a lot of HS1, and masking that with sex is not at all uncommon. the sorrow and feeling of not knowing how to handle everything is probably clearest in ever since new york, especially since he's said that it's about that specific loss, but shades of it and that uncertainty and hurt show up in ftdt/mmith and even two ghosts as well.
keeping in mind she was also very unwell and in an escalatingly bad place at this time, it makes additional sense as to why they never found a safe moment to land or an ability to work that out. two young, adrift people just trying to hold on and make it through various terrible storms weren't going to be able to build a lasting foundation.
While he asks 'take the pain away' he is..talking about everything in his life. definitely. fame itself is such a monster to deal with and to survive, and to be thrown headfirst into that as a teenager and try to surface and cope with early adulthood and finding your sense of self and experiencing such formative events...the trade-off of success and money or whatever for sharing your creativity and talent being that intrusive, incessant fame is nightmarish to consider. the entire concept of scrutiny on that level fills me with dread tbh. and it's been challenging and hard from the advent of popular celebrity, we've seen its destruction on so many people, sadly. it's incredible anyone survives it with their minds and hearts intact at all.
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
Late Night Visitors
elliot x reader | fluff
tw; a lot of mentions of drugs. summary; elliot shows up at your door after getting high.
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You were watching a sitcom when the first knocks came. You listened, not knowing if it'd be wise to check who it was. It was too late in the night for anyone other than burglars, but they weren't the kind to knock.
You slowly got off the couch and peeked through the window, immediately gasping when you saw a familiar silhouette. You wrenched the door open, glaring at the person leaning against the wall for literal support.
"Elliot?" you called, concern washing over your initial shock.
He had hands over his forehead, as if he was dizzy. He removed them when he heard your voice.
"What the hell's going on?" you hissed, not wanting to wake up the neighbours.
"Should I have climbed in through the window?" His voice was just as tired as his appearance, like he was a zombie who ran a hundred miles. Even then, there was a shadow of a smile on his face.
"My parents aren't home for the weekend dumbass," you said, ushering him in. "I would have probably hit you with a pan if I saw you sneaking in through the window."
"Copying Rapunzel, how original," he snickered, almost falling down — even though there were no obstacles on the floor.
You quickly connected the dots.
"Are you- are you high?" you asked, trying not to sound betrayed. Though you cared for him much more than he'll ever know, he was just your friend, and you didn't want him doubting that.
It was easy to conceal your surprise because you always suspected he did drugs. Of course you never had the chance to actually confirm it. If that part of his life was something he needed to hide, you didn't want to push too much. You hoped he only did them once every few months, but it's never that way with drugs, was it?
"Why are you here?" you asked briskly, folding your hands.
"Don't, don't do that," he whined, crawling into the couch. "This is exactly why I didn't tell you."
"I'm not doing anything," you said, gritting your teeth.
"Yes, you are," he corrected. "You're like, scooby doing me right now—" he giggled at his own choice of words.
"What are you doing here, El?"
"I think I'm high," he shushed.
"You think? You're higher than a kite."
"No, I'm really high. I feel weird. When you get really really high, the good stuff gets weird. You feel... like sinking. Suffocating."
Your heart started to pound. With one stride, you sat down near him on the couch, watching the way his eye fluttered.
"Don't call anyone," he said quickly, reading your mind.
"You're really cold." You felt his forehead with the back of your hand, and he pulled it away to the side of his face instead, so that you were now cupping his jaw.
"I'm fine," he said reassuredly. "I do feel weird but I c-can't go to the hospital."
"You are not—"
"Listen, I'm not stupid. I'll tell you if I'm overdosing."
"Sorry, sorry. Bad joke," he laughed briefly, which ended just when he saw your glare. "Fun fact! I tell everyone I'm doing drugs. I'm pretty sure most of the teachers know too. I was never good at hiding secrets."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" you asked incredulously.
He yawned. "Had practise with you. Even if you asked me, I wouldn't have told you. Never in a million years. I didn't want you to hate me. I can't have you hate me."
You softened slightly. "I would have helped you get better—"
"I didn't need to get better. I don't. I just need y-" he stopped, smiling sadly. "Sleep. I just need sleep."
"That's not fair," you stood up, your eyes flaring. "If you didn't want me to know, what are you doing here? Why're you here if you're so sure you're fine?"
"I am fine," he repeated grimly. "I also feel weird. Thought it'd be wiser if I stayed with a friend overnight."
You waited. His eyes were closed by now, and though his voice remained barely audible, his next words still made a mark on your skin.
"You make me feel safe," he said easily.
Despite your better judgment, you sighed, exhausted and too much worried about him. You went over to your room to get some blankets, but when you were back, he was already sleeping peacefully.
You threw the sheets over him, then turned off the lights. You felt his forehead again, and like before, he unconsciously took your hands in his. Like he said, staying with a friend was smart. Though he only appeared fever-ish, you decided to pull an all-nighter anyway.
You sat on the floor and the sitcom played on, Eliott's hand intertwined with yours.
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
give me Steph and Tim going undercover as Alvin and Robyn Draper!
So I've had this ask in my inbox for a while. When I got it I had no clue what to do with it, then I tried again a couple months later, then I gave up. BUT! I had a mini spark of inspiration recently so I'm finally getting to it!!!!
And to apologize for the lateness, a bonus couple drawings to go with it.
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Mr. & Mrs. Draper
"I already told you, it's out of the question," Tim said firmly, checking the address that had been sent to him.
Steph peeked over his shoulder, making a mental note of where he was headed. Some hollowed out department store on Gotham's west side. Supposedly there was a party being held there, lots of teens there participating in highly illegal activities, but there were also rumors of kidnappings recently. There were about twelve missing teens that had popped up in the news in the last week and a half. A place like this was a prime hunting ground for whomever was orchestrating the kidnappings. Not to mention getting to the bottom of why it was happening in the first place. It was a big job, and Tim was going in alone.
"I could help, you know," Steph pouted, but she was shrugged off.
"This isn't up to me, Batman wants me on recon, just me."
Steph cocked an eyebrow that was concealed under her mask. "And if it was up to you?"
"I'd still say no."
Steph crossed her arms in annoyance. "Just wait, you're gonna realize that you needed me."
Tim sighed, getting his grappling hook ready. He had to go change, this was an undercover mission, Robin would draw too much attention, alerting the people he was trying to track and scaring them away. He had to be careful, calculated, delicate. All things that Steph sometimes struggled with. No risks were going to be taken tonight
"I'll call you later?" he offered, leaning over to pull her mask up, but his hands were stopped.
"Nuh uh, boy wonder. You don't get a kiss for leaving me in the dust tonight."
Tim grimaced, but he supposed that was fair. He'd still call later, even if Steph didn't answer. She'd come around soon enough.
Tim didn't have a lot of time to put together a last minute disguise, so he pulled out an easy one that was already ready to go. Alvin Draper, a name he hadn't used since Steph had gone into labor. At least he'd blend in well.
It was easy to hide in the crowd when he arrived, pushing through the party, trying to calibrate his earpiece so the loud music wouldn't wreck his hearing. He'd have to look like he was supposed to be there, but this was far from his scene. He couldn't exactly lurk in the corner, looking suspicious, but his other options were drinking, smoking various substances, or dancing. None of which piqued his interests. He was there to stop these kids from getting into far worse trouble than they were already engaging in.
As was Steph, and maybe a little bit of her motivations lay in proving her stubborn boyfriend wrong. She hated being benched, especially when she knew she could help. So she'd rushed home as soon as Robin swooped off, and quickly threw together the best disguise that she could on short notice. It wasn't great, but she had to blend in. She threw on simple clothes and over-accessorized until she looked the part of a teenager trying to convince the world that they were at the forefront of rebellion. Her hair was tied up in messy firework buns, and a pair of sunglasses finished off the look. After all, that was how Robin concealed his identity.
So here she was, keeping a low enough profile in the crowd, keeping her eyes out for anything suspicious. It all looked too normal, but if Batman thought something was up, he was probably right.
It wasn't hard to spot Robin, Steph picked him out easily enough. Across the room, trying his best to assimilate, was Alvin Draper. It was the only name she could put to her elusive boyfriend. It was fake of course, but Steph often wondered how close it was to his real name. Would he hide his identity in plain sight like that? No, he was too closed off, too tightly wound. He stuck to his principles, which she supposed she could respect. Even if it meant she was stuck in the dark.
Tim made idle chit chat with the party goers around him, trying to nonchalantly see if any of them had a connection to the missing teens. Of course everyone knew about them, it was all the news seemed to be talking about, but there appeared to be no direct connection that Tim could find. He scanned the room, checking the corners for anyone lurking who was not supposed to be there, but his eyes were distracted by a flash of blonde. He couldn't see her face, but he could swear he heard her voice. Maybe he was hallucinating. Steph wouldn't have shown up here when he had told her to stay away.
Then again… that was exactly what she would do.
Tim tried to push through the crowd to get to her, but a hand grabbed his arm roughly and tugged him back. He whipped around and immediately recognized who had grabbed him. One of the missing teens, a fifteen year old boy named Jacob Avery, Tim knew his face from the news and the posters all over town. But his eyes didn’t look right, they were clouded over, and he was acting as though he were blind. Something was definitely up, and from the way he was trying to drag Tim somewhere, Tim was going to end up just like him.
A few screams came from the room and it wasn’t long before the party began to scatter in a panic. Bruce's Intel had been right, this was a hunt, and every kid in this room was potential prey. The worst part was that if Tim wanted to get to the top, he'd have to let himself get captured. Not his favorite way to save the day for sure.
But with the party scattering, he also got a better glimpse at the blonde girl he'd seen earlier, and grimaced to himself as her identity became clear to him.
She was wrestling with someone herself, putting up a fight, though she had to be faking it. Steph could take down plenty of these guys with ease, which meant she was looking to get captured on purpose as well. Perfect…
Tim pretended to struggle against his own captor as well while his wrists were zip-tied tightly. He was only let go when he was shoved into the back of one of two vans, with several scared teens, and Steph. Steph who smirked at him as soon as he scooted back to sit beside her.
"What are you doing here?" Tim asked as soon as the van doors were slammed shut.
"Helping, duh."
Steph couldn't help but enjoy the look of annoyance on her boyfriend's face. He really needed to ease up, she was his ally, not a hindrance.
"How exactly is this helping?"
Steph wiggled her wrists behind her back, popping them free of their binds a moment later. Another look she enjoyed from him was one of dumbfounded shock. It was a cute look on him.
"Wait… how did you-?" Tim started.
Steph motioned for him to turn around, quickly cutting at his binds to break him free as well.
"Slipped my thumb under the zip tie when they grabbed me. Easy," she teased. "Took a PDA off some other shifty guy first."
She fished into her pants pocket and tossed the device to Tim who still looked bewildered.
"Thank me later, Albert. You figure out what we need from that thing, I'll untie everyone."
Tim shot Steph another annoyed look but he quickly got to work, digging through the device for pertinent information. Steph moved from person to person, cutting through each of their ties. Most of them seemed too drunk or high to understand what was going on except that they were in danger. She offered what comfort she could to them, but it was a bit futile in their current circumstances.
"There's more than twenty kids on this list, that means some of them haven't been marked as missing." Tim tapped away at the screen, reading through the names, Steph peering over his shoulder after a few moments.
"That's terrible."
"We'll get them accounted for. Steph, I need"-
"Not Steph, Robyn. With a ‘Y’."
Tim raised an eyebrow in confusion.
Steph crossed her arms. "What? You get an undercover name and I don't?"
"But Robyn?"
"Uh huh, Robyn Draper. Cute, huh?" She grinned.
"It's… something," Tim mumbled, feeling himself blush. Steph was certainly something.
Another minute of digging and Tim found what they were looking for. A location in Bludhaven which was a longer ride than either of them wanted to take right now.
"We need to get all of this to Oracle. I'll call Batman, he can head to Bludhaven, and we can stop this convoy from getting there," Tim stated, stuffing the PDA into his pocket.
Steph nudged his arm lightly. "We?"
"Not now… Robyn…"
It wasn't an easy task, stopping the van they were in and derailing the other, all while making sure none of the kidnapped teens were injured in the chaos. They almost managed it. There were a few bruises and sprains to be had, but everyone was relatively unscathed. Steph took her time making sure that everyone was accounted for and pulled to safety while Tim wrangled up the crew they'd taken down as gently as they could. They were well aware that these kids were victims too. Once they did a headcount, they noted seven of the original missing group with them, as well as the thirteen new ones they'd just rescued. The rest would have to be picked up by Batman. Hopefully no one was missing.
Steph and Tim disappeared when emergency services appeared on the scene, zipping off to a safe spot nearby. Steph could tell that Tim was keeping something bottled up, ready to bust at any minute.
"What's wrong Alonzo? Don't like that I had to swoop in to save your butt?" Steph teased.
Tim grumbled quietly. There was nothing he could say without being wrong. She had offered to help. He had said no. She had helped save the day. The only thing to say was…
"Thanks. For that."
"For what? What is it you want to thank me for?" Steph taunted him.
Tim rolled his eyes. "For saving my butt, okay?"
Tim tried to remain stoic, but Steph was smiling so sweetly that he couldn't help but laugh. Steph threw her arms around her boyfriend's neck to kiss his cheek.
"Anytime, boy wonder. Anytime."
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I know it's been a while since the finale has aired but I think it's safe to say that everyone is still pretty salty over the ending.
There are many reasons why season 6 is probably the worst season ever and the finale was even worse, but the one that I absolutely loathe is the shitty excuse they gave for Kara to reveal herself. I just don't understand the logic behind Kara revealing her identity?
I mean there's the whole 'I'll never truly be me' thing which was really not that huge of a deal before and honestly, like a cheap excuse to just do something. For all that she stood for, taking her glasses off for that reason alone was so rubbish.
The whole reason she concealed her identity in the first place was because she couldn't compromise the safety of her loved ones.
Or actually, more accurately, Kara wasn't the one to conceal her identity. Clark was; because he was Superman and unless he revealed his identity to the world, there was no way Kara could. He didn't reveal himself as Superman to protect his loved ones, his family, and once Kara came, to protect her too. That was his decision. And for Kara to just throw that all up in the air and reveal herself to the world was really quite selfish and just SO out of character. It's just absurd. (No wonder she's practically a ghost in Superman and Lois.)
At that time, Kara's identity was concealed because she could have been used against him if the world knew of Superman's cousin. But that all went to hell when she did exactly that and came out as Supergirl, and yet, that was still okay because they were two indestructible beings and were capable of taking care of themselves if they were ever used against each other. (And yet they never were even though the whole world knew they were cousins. Except for Lex, who actually just changed teams. Even he didn't do anything in that regard.)
I mean, virtually all that the rest of the world knew about these two was that Superman and Supergirl were cousins and nothing other than Kryptonite could hurt them. I count two weaknesses. And you're telling me that their enemies didn't once clash trying to hurt the other in some way or the other to get back them? Yeah, right.
Either way, I get that it was Supergirl, so obviously, there wasn't much of Superman in it, but I feel like they didn't give Kara and Clark a personal angle.
Anyway, the point was that revealing her identity would have put all of Clark's family in danger. She understood perfectly well why she had to be Kara Danvers in the first place ever since she came to Earth. And that was before she built any relationships.
Then she made her own family. There have already been enough times where Alex has been in danger just because she was a DEO agent. And she may be Sentinel now, but she's not indestructible. With everyone knowing Supergirl is Kara Danvers, everyone will also know Alex Danvers by default.
And there are a million other reasons I could state like not even being able to meet the rest of the Justice League without compromising them (working with them in their gear would be risky enough, but there's no way Kara and Barry could ever have a drink again) or putting Nia under suspicion, but the one most important and recent one would be Esme.
I mean just last episode she got kidnapped and even William was murdered. Be it with or without Lex's knowledge of Kara being Supergirl, it was still enough to scare the hell out of all of them. And yet she still thought it was best to take off her glasses?
Here Kara is, standing at her sister's wedding, with their child- her niece probably as the flower girl, surrounded by her family and friends with nice normal jobs, AND SHE THOUGHT REVEALING HER IDENTITY SHOULD BE HER HAPPY ENDING WHEN HER LITTLE NIECE WAS KIDNAPPED JUST WEEKS AGO?
Out of all the reasons, this is why I hate the finale ending the most. The writers made no sense at all and it was just horrible. They gave us a beautiful character and made her a stranger in the end.
Supergirl was a comfort show for most of us and it made us feel warm and- yellow, you know? But then we get this 'endgame'.
Season 1 or 2 Kara would be baffled by season 6 Kara. Or even child Kara, I think.
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randomsnakesimp · 3 years
Okay. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take the leap and say: Phobos is the victim (sorta).
Quick disclaimer: I am going to abuse plot holes and cartoon logic for my cause in a very nitpicky way. If you dislike that, I can completely understand, and I hope this warning will save you a lot of reading.
Also, this won't go into just headcanon territory, I'll put those in a separate post. Everything here I'll try to keep based on actual information from the comics and what I made of them.
That said...
Let's take a look at this scene:
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(for a quick translation of the important part, the mother says: "No, Phobos, Meridian is meant for your sister. That's the law. The crown is hers.)
What we can see here are a few very important things:
1. Phobos is at most 5 years older than Elyon.
2. The name "Phobos" is not an edgy nickname he gave himself. Five-year-olds don't go around calling themselves Phobos. So his parents, for some reason, gave him that name.
3. His mother is very adamant about him not even touching the crown and reminding him of his sisters' birthright.
So, after establishing what I would call more or less facts, what else can, relatively savely, be deduced here?
- Since Elyon never noticed anything weird about herself, she can't have aged slower than earth children. So neither can Phobos. This would mean that, as she was kidnapped after her mothers death as a baby, he would have been five. So, he either tried his best to rule at age five, or the council we see as Elyon rules stepped in for him for a while
- this would then mean two things: we need an explanation as to why Miriadel, Alborn and Galgheita fled explicitly from Phobos (I'll give my explanation a bit further down) and second, Phobos' reign of terror wasn't even thirteen years, and a lot of that time he was a child/teen and could not even have been mature enough to rule.
- This also means that Kandrakar pulled up the veil when Phobos was at most five, likely younger, and that the so called "Seal of Phobos" also existed at that time, as both the veil and the seal are seen in the flashback depicting Elyons abduction. For Kandrakar, this, too, I will try to explain soon, but as for the seal, I find it most plausible that the theory @ror-witch used in their fanfiction, of the seal being a royal heirloom and named after each ruler, is true.
- His and his mother's relationship was neither as bad as some assumptions go, but neither was it that good, probably, or at least it wasn't in his perception. See how his memory is of her cradling the baby the entire time and talking more about his sisters birthright than about what he has/can do? Yes, it's only a short memory, but I think it's clear that it's a summary of what he remembers of his mother.
- Phobos desire to rule Meridian does not stem from something deeply sinister, but rather from a childish spite. Five year old Phobos probably just wanted the crown cause it looked nice and shiny, and he was fabulous even back then, but after his mothers words, he sulked and decided to show her. That's his motivation.
So, now let's go a bit further and look at some other things we can deduce from the rest of the comics:
- Phobos has a huge dungeon, a wall of roses that turn people into more roses if they touch it and his plan for the annihilation of Meridian is "Well, Cedric and I hide in the castle and...we'll see". He hates the people of Meridian, but he doesn't seem to have it in him to directly attack anyone until Elyon is there and even here, when he has her knocked out in their duel or locked up as Endarno, he isn't unnecessarily cruel. He's not evil in nature, he's more of a very dangerous child throwing tantrums. ( Cedric is kinda similar, and they both start losing it toward the coronation, but I sincerely believe that before that, there would have been a chance for them to come around )
- The only person he ever tortures or even hurts directly is Cedric. Because one, he likes Cedric and so gets more extreme emotions around him, and two, Cedric never says anything, and just plays it of afterwards, so I don't know if he even fully realizes what he's doing, like a child hitting someone. If Cedric ever just said "Stop it, you're hurting me", Phobos would probably need an entire week to process that input.
- Phobos is VERY reclusive, and he doesn't want anyone to have even pictures of him, and while that could be a God complex, I get some highly insecure vibes out of it, in a vulnerable narcissist kinda way, in that he is massively overcompensating. I gotta admit, though, that I cannot put my finger on why, so maybe take this with a grain of salt and decide for yourself if you agree.
- Kandrakar never orders the guardians to help Meridian in any way, just to make sure nothing oozes out. They likely pulled up the veil for their own protection, so Phobos wouldn't be able to spread far enough to become a real danger, rather than to protect innocent people, as clearly the Meridian people mean shit to them
- while the guards are widely feared in Meridian, Cedric seems to be viewed as... not very frightening or important, as some random merchant feels comfortable clinging to his cape (and rightfully so, apparently, as Cedric just tells him to piss off and doesn't care any further). This further leads me to believe that Cedric is rather unhealthy devoted to Phobos and his tantrums while their shitty ass reign leaves a lot of free space for unsuited people to become guards and tyranize the people.
- the King and Queen seem to have died in rapid succession, and shortly after the scene shown above, yet she looks perfectly healthy in that scene.
Now, what do I make of all this?
I believe the line of events to be as follows:
I don't think Phobos traveling back in time is a viable theory for mainly two reasons: I think his mother would be less chill around him if she saw/heard about his reign herself, and I believe that it would have been mentioned somewhere along the way if that were the case. Instead, what I believe happened is that the oracle had a vague vision of Phobos nearly taking over Kandrakar. Deciding in their random mood swings that today was a day of action, they had the people of Meridian informed that the next male born to a queen would become a dangerous tyrant, pulled up a veil and set their guardians to make sure nothing oozed out.
The veil, of course, made the people of Meridian feel trapped and a horror of the unborn prince who would ruin their lives spread.
So, when Weira gave birth to that prince, a full blown panic spread, so much so that she, in a fit of hysterical emotion, named him after that boust of panic. Of course, people tried to kill the prince basically from the moment he was born, and he was met with barely concealed resentment.
Soon after, Weira and her husband died - whether they were killed, or fell ill, or died in an accident, I have no idea, but I wouldn't completely rule out an assassination either aimed at Phobos and accidentally hitting them or the strain making at least one of them fall terminally ill.
Either the people rioted and Phobos' magic panic reaction or the leftover loyal guard was enough to fight them back, or the people succumbed to their fate at this point, slumping into the state of despair seen throughout the comics. But in the end, five year old Phobos had to be handed the throne. I assume the council still had some say at this point, but he did manage to get all pictures of him destroyed - this order was likely due to the fact that they were mostly caricatures.
So he grew up with the very volatile combination of a shitton of power and no one able to tell him if he was being stupid on one hand, and feeling unloved and unwanted on the other. He withdrew, likely also due to countless assassination attempts or things he perceived as such, and went into a negative feedback loop of being unable to mature and take responsibility, therefore being a shit ruler, therefore being hated, therefore having no one to help him, therefore being unable to face and grow from his mistakes, rinse and repeat.
So, Meridian was plunged into chaos, yet he seemed fine more or less just sitting in the new playroom he made for himself in the gardens, sporadically giving out an order or two and having generally no idea about anything that didn't directly concern him.
Enter Elyon. Now, she send him of the rails, as she was a danger to his lifestyle AND a reminder of all the sentiments he'd be drowning in alcohol if he wasn't too much of a recluse and education denier to know of that option. He doesn't even try. He just lets Cedric, the one person he trusts, handle her, like everything else, and somewhat plays along sometimes, when he feels like it. This is where he passes the point of no return and starts actually trying to kill people, culminating in him creating an army to wipe out Meridian. I still believe that even at this point, in his head, what he's doing is just throwing a nice toy out the window just so his sister won't have it.
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luminouslumity · 3 years
Thoughts On: Go the Distance
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I don't usually do book reviews, but after reading this book, I thought why not? Now, in case it wasn't already obvious by the tagline, A Twisted Tale is an anthology series that places the characters from certain Disney movies in alternate scenarios. They usually tend to be hit-or-miss as far as I'm concerned, but I don't necessarily hate any of them, either.
That being said, I do think Go the Distance is probably one of the more weaker installments in the series.
Now, I'm not gonna pretend that the original Hercules was this completely accurate depiction of Ancient Greece, but there are some things that take me out of the world, though I do admit these are really just nitpicks: for one thing, female goddesses are just called gods. For some reason, Jen didn't feel like it was necessary and I originally thought that, hey, maybe that word just doesn't exist in this world. But then it turns out it does at least as far as the bonus story is concerned and I'm just left more confused than anything.
But I feel like what really did it for me was the fact that Meg's last name happens to be Egan. Y'know, like Susan Egan. Meg's voice actress! Because a woman living an Ancient Greece would totally have a name that's apparently Jewish and Irish in origin.
Which brings me to my next point, this book just felt kinda fan service-y. Not that this is inherently a bad thing, especially in a series that uses Disney characters so you kinda have to expect references, it just felt a little forced and awkward on occasion hearing the characters say lines from the movie. And actually, the same goes for certain dialogue choices in general.
And I'll be honest, part of the reason I even wanted this book was because not only was there a Barnes and Noble exclusive edition for it (I already have the others, so this is partially me being a completionist), but also because the bonus story included Persephone.
Oh, Persephone.
Now, if you browse my blog long enough, you'll see I'm a big fan of the myth of Hades and Persephone and I especially get interested to see how the story can be retold. So, since Disney's version has Hades as a villain, I was even more intrigued as to how Jen was going to handle it. And as it turns out, in this version, Persephone goes with Hades willingly and the reason is because she's bored with her life and she feels like no one appreciates her work. She also appears to be just as ruthless as him, as she had no objections to Meg getting killed so long as it meant no one knew that Persephone herself was in the Underworld and only vouches for the mortal after she promises to help them stay together.
Yeah, this version of Persephone is a little selfish, at least to a certain extent since she does appear to be rather kind otherwise. That said, she also doesn't even seem to be all that fazed by the fact that Hades tried to take over Olympus, which should probably say something about her. But then again, no one seems to bring it up much at all (certainly not as much as the battle with the Titans), which I just found weird. The funny part is that they actually address that Hades never faced any consequences besides getting punched into the River Styx, so there's at least some self-awareness there.
And again with the nitpicks, this is apparently supposed to be Persephone:
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The Persphone in the book looks nothing like this, instead having tan skin and black hair. Though because this character was actually present when Hercules returned, I can understand since the timing wouldn't have lined up, but still... Her relationship with Hades is genuinely really sweet, though.
I also liked seeing the Underworld and how the different realms are actually acknowledged rather than treating the place as though it was just Greek Hell. It also seems like Jen was trying to mix in a bit of actual mythology with the characters from the Disney film, which I thought was at least interesting, if not pretty underutilized. For example, there's literally a throwaway line of Dionysus being the son of Zeus and a mortal (I assume Semele) and it's never brought up again!
And speaking of the characters, they're just alright. I really liked Meg's character arc and the story itself is still really enjoyable, if not a bit clunky at times. And Hercules is just adorable with being a supportive boyfriend.
Overall: 🌕🌕🌕🌗
Not bad, but could be better. And as far as Jen's books go with this series, I liked it alot more than Conceal, Don't Feel, but not as much as Mirror, Mirror.
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musicallisto · 4 years
Congrats on 800 followers!! You write beautifully and deserve every one of them and a thousand more 💕🎉
For the celebration, could I get a vanilla milkshake (ship)? Of Percy Jackson or Narnia?
I'm a straight girl, INFP, enneagram 5, hufflepuff student, and daughter of Athena. I really love any kind of art, from painting, to music, to literature, to sculpture, and anything. That doesn't mean I'm good. Even tho I wish I was. I really like to write, it helps me put my thoughts and feelings in order, and words come easier when I write them down than when I try to talk. The most important thing to me are my friends, my loyalty is one of the little things I actually like about myself.
I'm really bored with my life and always wished of something more, so any kind of media that has a good story it's something I'm a fan of. I'm literally waiting just to be old enough so I can go on my own adventure and live a little.
I'm not a very affectionate person, not in a conventional way anyway, I'm not good enough with words to repeat how much people mean to me (even if they really do), and I don't like to be hugged that often, and only if they're really close to me. But I'm always there for anyone that needs me and I'll try to do the best I can to help.
I don't like small talk, I want to have long talks about everything that comes to mind, whether it is the last book you read or a random thought about the stars, or mythological creatures, or aliens, or your deepest secret or some dumb thing that happened some years ago. Whatever, but a real conversation.
Did I forget to say I'm Mexican? Lol, I speak Spanish and we're known for joking around (And it's probably that I punch someone jokingly before I hug them. Yep, not very good at expressing emotions at first. I can be WAY more open once I gained trust).
I like to take things with calm and humor, but if it's something serious I know how to take the situation seriously and give the best advice and "wise" words I can think of. My friends come looking for my advice often lol whether or not they follow it afterwards. I don't like to talk about my problems, because I don't want to worry any of my friends, and even though I could need help, I just hold it in until it passes (I should follow my own advice and talk to someone but OH WELL...)
I really don't know what else to say. I love to read, and I love musicals, and I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, and I'd like someone with good sense of humor but that I know I can trust.
Anyway, congrats again!! You're really talented and I don't know you that well but you seem like an awesome person. If you don't have time to do this, don't worry 'bout it u.u
here’s your vanilla milkshake! I only did it for percy jackson for lack of time, but I hope you enjoy your story with leo valdez all the same - it’s my reckoning you two would get along pretty well...
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Leo is definitely always down for an adventure. He’s the kind of person who effortlessly makes the most boring errand into an epic, and sees the excitement in everything around him, but understands exactly what you mean when you say you want to go out there and see what life has in store for you, for real.
You’re both sitting on your bed in your bedroom - it’s not often you get a break from Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter respectively and are able to go back to your human lives, but whenever you get the chance, you seize it and enjoy the peace -, and talking about your biggest wishes and desires ...
(The conversation came naturally and flows just as organically; because Leo is a childish and excitable fool most of the time, but he understands there’s a time for everything, and he can be particularly serious and insightful when he understands it’s time for him to be)
... And you tell him all you really want in life is to go on an adventure, a real one, unpredictable like a rush of blood to the head.
“Well do I have news for you about a place called Camp Jupiter--”
“I don’t mean running from monsters or fulfilling prophecies... I want to see the world with my friends by my side and live beautiful things. One day, when I’m old enough.”
“Who says you aren’t old enough right now?”
“I’m sorry?”
(He’s straightened up from his slouching position on the mattress, and is looking at you with the utmost seriousness in his eyes.)
“I mean it. Who says we can’t go on an adventure, like, right now?”
“Where could you even go?”
“I don’t know. Got a globe laying around somewhere here?”
You comply, and he spins it, and orders you to jab your finger at it whenever you feel like it (which he doesn’t give a real meaning to, because it doesn’t even have one), to determine where you will go.
“... Moscow?”
“Ah, great place for a son of Hephaetus, love the heat out there.”
But needless to say, when Leo gets a spontaneous idea like that, there’s no use in trying to get it out of his head;
so the following week you are to depart on your trip to Russia, and you can’t hide your excitement. Traveling on a whim with your boyfriend might just be the first step to the adventures you were awaiting...
OK, but Mexican solidarity!!! I love my Latin cousins ugh you guys are so much fun,,
Talking shit about half of your respective Camps in Spanish behind their backs (and from Reyna’s half-smiles she miserably fails to conceal, you feel like you might not be the only ones who find this terribly funny)
“Mira a Jason, siempre tan serio y melancólico. Cuenta la leyenda que la mueca se le quedó grabada en la cara.”
“Pobrecito. Igual alguna profecía le delivra de su maldición de gravedad perpetua.”
“¿Y si le voy a contar un chiste?”
“Creo que solo te abofetará, Leo.”
Expressions of affection are rarely overt between the two of you, because you both tend to deflect your real feelings (especially affection or love) via humor and play them off as something “just for laughs”. You’re also big on tough love, so much so that sometimes the others wonder why you’re always playfully hitting each other’s arms as though you hated each other’s guts.
But the truth is simply that you were always raised to express affection in these ways, and get a bit awkward when you’re expected to be upfront about your feelings. Still, you’re both extremely warm and loving, and your “I love you”s simply have to be deciphered.
And no one deciphers them quite like the other half of the pair. It’s a language that only you two understand; that’s why you’re such a good pair.
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800 follower sleepover [CLOSED!]
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Peace! It's nice to meet you, fellow mbti person! I'm so glad to have stumbled upon an ISTJ who is into typology! I have a request. I typed Elsa from Frozen in a post (I'll tag you) and I argued that she is not an ISTJ. I wanted to know what you thought, particularly if I made any mistakes in understanding the ISTJ personality type. Thank you so much in advance! I hope it's not too much of a bother. I'm an INTP btw.
I want to start out with the following: for anyone reading, do not make a habit of having me analyze your posts about fictional characters. I am happy to help you type yourself, or answer questions about MBTI. However, in case it was not clear from the fact that I have only typed fictional characters in response to direct questions, that my answers have typically been very brief, and that I’ve repeatedly directed people to blogs that specifically focus on character typing, I’m not really interested. I should note: I had fun because I love picking up my metaphorical red pen and writing “wrong” over every other sentence, but it did also take me like an hour and a half and it’s over 3 pages long, and I don’t have time to do that regularly.
With all that said, the post had sufficient issues with both basic logical argument structure (I would very strongly recommend you revisit that INTP typing of yourself and look at something with high Fe instead) as well as understanding of MBTI that, because you asked directly, I will go through said issues. I want to make it very clear: this is going to be harsh. For both that and for the length I’m putting it below a read-more such that if you were looking for a brief thumbs up or down and not for extensive criticism, you are welcome to ignore it, block me, or whatever is best for you.
Basic argument structure: you open repeatedly with the most subjective arguments - that she gives off Fi and Ni vibes and you don’t see the Si in her. This will convince no one but yourself.
This argument is also mostly focused on “other people think this, but I don’t” which I find is only useful in a process of elimination argument. We’ll get to the final typing eventually but it is generally stronger to argue in favor of what you believe and then address potential disagreement rather than the reverse; by the time you get to ISFP I’ve read so many incorrect assumptions and subjective asides that I’ve long since stopped valuing the analysis of the work.
Issues with the ISTJ argument
(note: I have, and continue to type Elsa as an ISTJ so this will be the longest section in that I’m both pointing out flaws and arguing in favor of ISTJ; the rest will be solely focused on MBTI misconceptions or logical fallacy).
While it’s true people often mistake trauma for Si, this argument seems to equate trauma with being stuck in the past (people can just be stuck in the past without trauma for whatever other reason - it’s not healthy but it does not necessarily indicate literal trauma). There is also a false opposition here: It’s absolutely valid to argue that Elsa is traumatized, but that does not preclude her having Si, merely removes one argument in favor of Si.
You define Si (gathering concrete details to understand what to expect) but don’t actually argue why Elsa doesn’t do this. I’d argue, in opposition to the statement later in this paragraph, that she does. She is aware from the past that her abilities can harm her sister. She is aware from her past that when she avoided Anna, Anna was safe. She hasn’t been happy with the “conceal don’t feel” line, but it has achieved her goals and her expectation is that she’ll hurt someone if she stops following it.
If you’re referring to an Si-Fi loop (wallowing in self-pity), it doesn’t use Te since that’s how loops work. You don’t explicitly say this is in the context of looping although you introduce looping in the second sentence, but if you are referring to a loop this is incorrect. It’s true that ISTJs are often likely to use Si (preference for familiar/existing structures) and an Fi understanding of morality to direct their energies when they wish to change something (ie, they will change things through existing channels) but the focus on speaking out about injustice here is much more in line with enneagram 1 - a very common enneatype for ISTJs and an enneatype that’s rare for any non-TJ types, but not the enneatype I’d give Elsa nor an inherent ISTJ trait itself.
The part about self-discipline is mixed - a lot of ISTJs are very disciplined in certain areas (particularly professional/familial) but can neglect the self (not getting enough exercise/not eating well, not addressing burnout or more emotional issues) and I’d argue again, Elsa shows this: she’s not addressing the fact that she’s lonely and miserable, but she’s highly disciplined with regards to concealing her abilities and avoiding Anna even though it’s the very thing making her lonely and miserable.
I don’t necessarily think Let It Go is indicative of an Ne grip, but one can make changes outside of a grip, so this isn’t a useful argument, as it argues why an Ne grip is wrong, not why ISTJ is wrong - I would merely argue she’s not gripping at that time. Which is a general issue here: the argument you provide in this paragraph isn’t arguing against ISTJ, it’s arguing against other people’s arguments for ISTJ, which is an important distinction.
The final paragraph of the ISTJ section has numerous issues: ISTJs are not rebellious. They are not as resistant to change as stereotypes indicate, but even a healthier version of ISTJ Elsa would be unlikely to rebel and rather try to understand her parents’ argument, research other options, or look for a way to gain control over her powers while still working within the normal hierarchy. I addressed self-discipline (I should add: I don’t think a child/young woman having difficulty controlling magical powers with no training is an argument against self-discipline; my argument for self-discipline is that she stays in her room and away from her sister despite clearly hating it). It is also, to be blunt, mind-boggling that you (correctly) argue that trauma responses are not inherently Si but then refer to obsessive-compulsive behaviors as Si when that’s also a medical disorder completely divorced from the MBTI framework. Finally, her continuing to follow an order from her parents after they die is first, quite literally the definition of self-discipline (she’s the queen; no one else is going to discipline her for it, after all) and second, entirely in line with Si (this is what she has always done and it’s not great but it works) and is, arguably, if not medically obsessive-compulsive, an obsessive need to follow a compulsion. To be clear: this isn’t healthy ISTJ behavior, but since you’ve acknowledged grips and loops here I think an unhealthy interpretation of the type is very much on the table. You say her behavior is more in line with F types; it’s not and you don’t explain why.
If I may it seems as though, much in line with the argument here being against other arguments but ultimately not debunking the typing, your arguments against MBTI stereotypes focus on what’s incorrect but they tend to merely swing the pendulum to the opposite side (eg, that ISTJs are likely to rebel, in opposition to the stereotype that they’d mindlessly follow orders) rather than find the more nuanced middle ground of how people of a type or with a certain function behave.
Issues with the INFJ and INFP sections:
Ne users can and frequently do go out into the world; simply because Ne can be engaged without external physical stimulation doesn’t mean it never is. I’m also not really a fan of reading being classified as a strictly introverted pursuit; that’s falling into a pretty significant stereotype trap. Going out and exploring is a thing anyone can do but if anything I’d either associate that more strongly with high sensing (either Si or Se) or with extroversion. 
My biggest issue here is the implication that searching for a meaning for existence or a purpose is in itself an indicator of Ni. This is just the human condition. If you’re going to argue that Si users are driven to rebel against injustice I don’t see how you can miss that that might in turn be driven by a belief that this is their purpose. Perhaps Si-Ne users aren’t as invested in having a single purpose, but wondering why you are on this earth and what it is you are here to do is just being a person, and to be blunter than I have been, I am struggling to understand how there has been so much effort made earlier to push away from stereotypes to the point of overcompensation in the opposite direction and then when it comes to the idea that only Ni users have a desire for meaning in life you just accept it without question.
Issues with the ISFP section:
At this point I’ve probably covered most of them though I’d like to point out that I don’t think there was an argument ever made explicitly for introversion; while the structure of the earlier arguments and focus on debunking was, as stated, flawed, I would at least round it out by eliminating ESFP as an option.
The argument here rests heavily on Let it Go, which is interesting because most of the terrible arguments for Elsa being an intuitive also rested squarely on that same brief if admittedly pivotal section of a full movie; in attempting to differentiate itself from those arguments it has in fact replicated the most significant flaws. Anyway, I’ve addressed that I don’t personally think Let it Go being indicative of a grip is how I’d argue for ISTJ, so that becomes invalid; I’ve tried to focus more on issues with logic MBTI than the contents of the movie but I’d add that “she was happy” is open to interpretation and her emotional state was probably fairly complicated. Relieved, sure, but she’s still ultimately isolated. (Also while mentally singing Let it Go, I realized that here’s that rebellion you were asking for in the ISTJ section).
You also outright say that when Elsa tries to reassert control it’s through Te. Yeah. That’s what a high Te user does. An ISTJ in a grip would indeed use Ne, but in quite literally any other circumstance (looping or just existing as an ISTJ not in a grip or loop) would reassert control via Te, so again, your argument does not sufficiently eliminate that Elsa is an ISTJ, just that she’s not a gripping ISTJ, which I’d agree with. 
“She acts out when she is stressed and makes bad decisions” is also the human condition (and why I’ve frequently on my blog argued very strongly against typing via stress behaviors, because in the end most people...act out and make bad decisions when stressed), so this isn’t useful as an argument for anything.
In conclusion: multiple misconceptions about Ni and Si; no argument that I could find presented for high Fi, just Fi in general; inconsistency regarding whether or not Elsa rebels, and an overall reliance not on making a new argument but on arguing why other arguments were wrong. Given the title of the post you asked me to analyze I have to (admittedly this is extremely cynical of me) wonder if there was an underlying goal to come up with a typing that was different from commonly accepted arguments, rather than to simply type for its own sake. 
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Being a part of the Core VK's, and daughter to Hades
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Relationships with the Core Four:
You and Mal are half sisters - same dad, different moms. Mal hated you for a long time, even when she had yet to meet you, she knew of you and that made her blood absolutely boil. You were the daughter Hades raised, while he just left her and her mother. You both eventually get along, and once you do, you're inseparable, as thick as thieves, partners in crime, the works.
Evie thinks you're cool. She doesn't have a problem with you- then again I don't think she has a problem with anyone really. She likes your style, she wouldn't wear it, but she likes it because you work it and make it look good. She gets to know you more when you and Mal start hanging out and she kinda becomes like your sister as well.
Jay thinks you're awesome. He witnessed your hair burst into flames one day when someone pissed you off, trying to steal something your rightfully *coughcough* found. Definitely asked you about your powers and wondered why you could still use magic. It was kinda hard to explain, but basically on the island you can only do a few things - all of which require direct contact. Lounging/parkour buddy.
Okay, but please tell me why the thought of harmless, got bullied a lot, soft boy Carlos/intimidating, protective Daughter of Hades, just makes me melt. Like, you save his ass a lot. You knew Carlos before you knew the rest of the core four - back when it was Mal and Jay, Evie did her own thing, and Carlos was just kinda left to fend for himself. It's okay though, you'll protect him.
No one knows who your mother is
Not you
Not Mal
Not even Maleficent
Hades doesn't like to talk about her
She died before you had the ability to retain memories
She wasn't the first or the last of the people that were claimed by the terrible conditions of the Island of the Lost.
Medical care wasn't exactly top notch, and no one really cared about the ones who passed the first few years.
Just ment more supplies for the rest of them
You weren't allowed to wander the isle as a child, he kept you locked away - worried Maleficent might try something (and worried that if anyone found out about you being his daughter, they would have something over his head).
It was thanks to Hades tucking you away, that Maleficent was never able to find you.
You started sneaking out when you turned 10
You proved you could handle yourself, so Hades let you run free.
Besides 10 years had passed since you were born and he figured maybe Maleficent didn't care about you anymore.
It took you and Mal a while to trust eachother.
When you trusted her enough, you told her about your dad.
She didn't say anything and just left you - she was so angry and conflicted, on one hand she wanted to hate you because you were the child Hades' stuck around for, the one he raised, and fathered, and protected from Maleficent.
After a few weeks she found you in your own little corner if the island you carved for yourself, and explained everything.
Suprise, you're sisters!
Evie knows you're sisters
To be honest, you could be leader of their group, and also could be considered one of the most problematic kids on the Island, but you're too laid back.
You could go out of your way to cause trouble and make life on the island even more miserable than it already is.
But that takes too much effort.
Uma and Harry have no beef with you other than the fact that you're Mal's friend.
They try to get you to join their crew almost daily.
"Nah, you guys are good at what you do without me."
You're welcome at Ursula's fish and chips any time.
Uma doesn't even find your rejection insulting, you're just. So chill?
Her crew has rules, training, errands to run, collecting protection fees, and helping her at her mother's restuarant.
No thanks
Too much work
You like Mal's mom's way of doing things, "When you're evil, doing less is doing more."
Mal's crew just kinda hangs out together and roams the island being cats basically - lounging and loitering where you're not supposed to, subtly stealing things, knocking things over, just chilling and having fun doing whatever you want.
Your kinda crew.
When they go to Auradon, they take you with them
You weren't invited because again - no one knows who your parents are.
But you guys are kinda a package deal.
Ben was all for it when they called him.
"The more the merrier!"
He thought it was just an early sign that this was a great idea and he was making a difference.
You dont get to say bye to your dad because it was a very last minute thing.
You just kinda disappear.
But to be honest he's used to you just not showing up for weeks or even months at a time.
It's the reason why you were able to keep who your father is a secret for so long.
You come out the limo looking as cool as a cucumber, with your arms crossed as you stand next to Mal.
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"This is more than you said there would be!" Fairy Godmother is not so subtly whisper-yelling at Ben.
"They wouldn't come without her- it was all of them, or none of them."
"Well maybe that should have been a sign, Benny-boo!"
"You know we can still hear you," you say while purposely chewing your gum in an obnoxious manner, just to get on their nerves.
They're already getting on yours.
In all seriousness, you whisper a, "Just say the word and she's toast," to Mal.
Screw Audrey.
Of course they split you all up for the most part.
They're worried if they put all the VK's together in one class, it may be too much for the teachers to handle.
They're not wrong.
To be honest though, you're a handful all on your own.
Your teachers wonder how things managed to burst into flames for no apparent reason all through out class.
Some jerks thought it would be okay to pick on Carlos when Jay isn't around him.
For some reason they think that just because your a girl, you're weak?
Must be the stupid "princely boy needs to save the day" mentality that runs rampant in Auradon.
You set someone's hair on fire.
And someone else duffle bag.
This would probably be a good time to mention that the VK's already know you can conjure fire.
They just think that your parent/parents are witches and you just have an affinity for fire.
Carlos normally either sticks to you or Jay when he isn't practicing with Ben.
You dont see your fathers statue in the hall of villains when you guys break into the museum - mostly because he's in another hall completely.
There's a whole hall dedicated to God's and goddesses as well as Hercules story.
You dont bother to offer up your powers when you're escaping, you know Mal's got it covered.
Helping Mal bake love potion cookies.
While the others are doing this because their parents would have their necks, you're genuinely doing this for your father. You know all he wants is to get off the island.
Causing a small lawn fire when the Sleeping Beauty's family and Chad get in Mal's face.
Your bursted into blue flames when Maleficent crashed Ben's coronation.
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Having Mal's back after she was announced to become a new Lady of the Court.
Honestly you dont know what the big deal is about Mal using her magic.
Of course you go with Evie, Ben, Carlos, and Jay when they go to the isle to get Mal.
When Evie goes to talk to Mal you go visit your father.
He's a bit upset with you because he's seen you on TV so he knows you left.
But he can understand you not wanting to be trapped on this island forever.
"I'll find a way to get you out, soon."
"Say 'hello' to Mal for me"
Of course you couldn't.
Harry flirting with you and trying to recruit you again when he snags Ben.
When the battle at the docks ensues, you dont need a sword to fight.
Like Hades with his Ember, and like Mal and her Mother with their eyes, you dont need magic to use your flames because they are a part of you.
Sure the island managed to hold you back, but you can bring just enough to the surface to make any sword you grab on to too hot to handle.
Your powers are useless against Uma when she crashes cotillion.
You know, being surrounded by water and all.
"See ya, Y/N."
"See ya, Uma."
Surprisingly hard for you to make enemies
Except for Audry you know.
Of course you are Mal's planned maid of honor for her wedding.
Evue already has a dress made for you, and it was super hard for her not to gush to Mal about it because that would have given away the suprise.
You pretending to be defenceless against Hades when you all go to pick up the next chosen VK's to come to Auradon.
You keep your flames concealed of course because this would be a terrible time to show that both you and Hades share the same flaming blue hair.
You honestly surprised no one put two and two together sooner.
Definitely not there for the meeting where Mal decides to close the barrier for good.
But you were there for when Mal told Evie.
You were also the first to figure out Mal was hiding something. She wouldn't tell you right out though, but you knew something was up because that pause to answer Evie was too long.
Going back to the isle with the others to get Hades ember after Audrey turn Mal old.
"Hey girls~" was the greeting you both got from Hades when Mal tried to grab his Ember.
"Long time no see, Y/N."
Mal just glares at him.
You sit on the table where the Ember was while you let Mal and Hades have their little musical number. Mal kinda let her anger come through.
"Hey!" You would not be dragged into this, thank you.
You went to stand next to Mal when she asked for the Ember one final time and looked at your father with a shit eating grin, because you know deep down he won't say no to his girls.
"The Ember won't work for you."
"Yes it will. We're blood."
"You're only half Hades."
"Well then I guess two halves make a whole, right?"
"Those are my girls~"
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You, Mal, and Uma joining together to break Audrey's attempt to keep you guys trapped in the cabin.
Helping Evie be the peace keeper when you all battle the suits of armor in Ben's castle.
You chase after Uma and Harry when Mal breaks the news about the barrier.
Which means you didn't get turned to stone.
Helping Uma reignite the Ember so Mal can take on Audrey.
Telling Mal you want to go back to the Isle along with Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celiea.
She's heart broken because you're her sister and it was kinda supposed to be you both against the world.
You can't turn your back on the kids from the isle. Like Mal, so many of the younger ones look up to you. On top of that you also can't imagine not ever seeing your dad again.
She understands, and when Hades comes to wake up Audrey, you go back to the Isle with your father.
You finally agree to join Uma's crew when you return.
Shes happy but also let's you know shes sorry you had to leave your sister.
You're hanging out with your new crew at the Fish and Chips when it's almost time for Mal to announce that they will be closing the Barrier forever.
You, Uma, Gil, and Harry are huddles up together around the TV.
But when Mal announces they will be opening the barrier for good you all cheer and you run to go get your dad.
Yay big family reunion!
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