#like if she would get raped nobody would believe her
opinated-user · 1 day
Like a lot of Lily supporters, there is this hatoheart person on here that doesn't believe that the things Lily did, despite years of multiple posts, witnesses, etc. , because ' there's no evidence and nothing to show.'
...While failing to point out how Lily's side if things have even less to show, despite admitting to side with her.
The funniest thing is that they even admit in their original post that they understand Courtney can't actually provide any solid proof.
They literally say, ' I don't believe them because no evidence, but also, I understand that SA victims can't always provide proof. '
And again... Where's Lily's proof, hmm? Why are so willing to believe someone who arguably provides less proof than the other person??
Also, them agreeing with someone who commented on their post who says saying that ' Courtney is an obsessive stalker while Lily is just trying to live her life.'
LOL, apparently, just speaking your truth and talking about your trauma is just being a ' stalker'. Very Lily fan club language.
It's additionally rich, considering how Lily herself talks about her exes and former friends.
Sorry, I needed to rant. I can't stand seeing people who say this sort of crap.
mmm, i think a thing that we all need to remember about LO's fans/supporters is that they're in a parasocial relationship with LO. this is not entirely the fault of LO (although she certainly does not help matter by constantly bringing up her trauma on unrelated videos out of nowhere), but it's a reality of how people interact with the people they follow. when that happens, the youtuber they like becomes part of their identity. it's already hard when you have a friend you suspect to have done horrible things, or at least are aware of that is what they're being accused of, and most people would prefer to believe that their friends are good people because, for sure, they consider themselves good people. likewise with many of her fans. to admit that LO is the horrible abuser and bigot we say she is, is to admit that they enjoyed for years the content of a bigot without ever seeing the red flags that are sprinkled around. it's humilliating. you feel like an idiot, like you did something wrong even though you didn't. especially when LO also goes out of her way to keep adding traumas to keep relying on that basic human compassion that her viewers are going to have. oh, she was raped by a girlfriend, oh wait it was her sister, and also had a heart attack and also was raped by the police and also had cancer and also also also. so it's easier to keep believing the Ben Shapiro's style voice of LO before any of her accuser, because they don't have that parasocial relationship with them. those accusers being right or wrong is no matter to them because that says nothing about their own identities. it's all about how LO has to be right because if they believe that someone they like, they enjoyed, they invested money/time/art/whatever else into, is as bad of a person as claimed, then would that mean that they're bad people too. it's also the fact that many of those people? are survivors and younger people (note that i said younger people and not minors, although LO admits those do exist among her audience) who are much less likely to question someone's story of horrific abuse because, truly, nobody wants to believe that anyone could just lie about those things. i understand the frustrating when people refuse to see the evidence, i do. like i said, i have no sympathy for people who do go out of their way to get "both sides of the story", only to turn around and call everyone else liars. but most people aren't like that. most of those "supporters" literally only saw LO's version of the story and that is the only one they're going to stick with, because LO said so.
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marianne98 · 1 year
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thecuriousquest · 5 months
You’ll Learn, I Promise
Yandere!Yuji Itadori x Fem!Reader
@murderofravens made a post saying: Yuji x curse-user!reader... dubcon/noncon... curse user reader who is with Mahito.. Yuji beats Mahito then sets his eyes on her.. Yuji throwing her around and using her.. taking revenge for the way she helped Mahito.. please listen to me guys..
Soooo Imma do the thing
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs
Trigger Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, NONCON (non consensual sex), face slapping, violence, abuse, mentions of murder, rape used as a punishment, hair pulling, all characters are 18+
Note: Reader is half human/half curse. Reader’s cursed technique is Stagger. Stagger lets Reader build up energy, turn it into a wall, and send it at their opponent. When the wall hits the opponent, it disorients them and causes them to lose their equilibrium.
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You don’t shed a single tear for Mahito when he falls, utterly obliterated with no soul remaining, to the railroad tracks. It’s not because you hate him, it’s not because you feel nothing for the curse you worked closely with for these past few months. It’s not even because he died in such a violent way which makes you thirst to see more blood.
It’s because you have something bigger to worry about than satiating your appetite or grieving for your partner in crime. No, you have to worry about the one who killed Mahito, turning the silver haired man-child into splattered bits of purple on the tracks. You have to worry about him because he’s looking at you with gut clenching fury, and for the first time in your eighteen years, you find yourself gulping at the sight in front of you.
He takes a step forward, and you take a step back, repeating these motions until you spin around and quicken your pace. There’s nobody to back you up now, and if he killed someone as powerful as Mahito…then you’re simply fucked.
But he doesn’t let you get far. He won’t let you get away. He can’t let you ruin more lives.
You must be punished.
Yuji outmatches your speed, carrying himself on legs made of pure strength. His shin makes contact with the side of your head. Disoriented, you hold out a hand as your knees buckle.
Everything is whirling and whooshing, and you feel oh so close to vomiting.
He’s above you in an instant, grabbing you by your locks, dragging you towards him. Nose to nose, his other hand snakes out and grabs the lapel of your kimono.
Your mouth parts in response, and you’re so close that you can smell the blood on his face.
Your mouth parts in response, and you’re so close that you can smell the blood on his face.
Your curse technique, Stagger, hasn’t proven to be useful on him. However, being this close to him as well as having no way out, you’re tempted to send a wave of cursed energy at him, knocking him off kilter.
“What gives you the right?”
Biting your swollen lip, you hesitate to ask him what he means.
Yuji can see the question burning in your eyes. “What gives you the right to kill so many people? To torture them and play with their souls like they’re dolls?!”
And it’s a question you’ve never thought about before because why would you? You’re half curse. Isn’t it simply in your nature to feed off of the utter agony humans exude? You weren’t even raised human. Your mother, the demented curse painting who bore you, killed your father right in front of you and told you, “This is what we do to humans.” You were never led to believe anything else. It was simple. Curses kill humans.
But you’re also human. You never realized what that meant.
“I don’t…I don’t see you humans as dolls. It’s just how I was raised,” you try to explain, to defend, to justify your actions.
The human in you lives and self-preservation takes place over your desires to cause misery.
Now, it’s Yuji’s turn to look confused. “What do you mean it’s how you were raised? Curses aren’t raised.”
“I’m not entirely a curse. I’m half human.”
He mulls over the information you have just given him. You can see the gears winding in his head as he processes everything. It makes sense. Your beauty is unlike anything he has ever seen, odd and dark yet serene and enchanting. The way you walk, as if you’re gliding; the way you speak, as if you’re a siren luring him to the bottom of the sea. Yes, half human/half curse makes sense. He can see it now.
Yuji pulls you even closer to him. “So, you were raised to think it’s okay to kill people? That’s what you’re telling me? The human in you never thought to think otherwise?”
His grip on you has become a little more relaxed, and your scalp isn’t screaming as much for relief as it was in the beginning.
“Answer me!” Yuji demands as he yanks on your hair once more.
“I…I didn’t understand why my mother killed my father! I didn’t, I was four years old at the time. She told me it’s just what curses do, and I believed her.”
Should you not have believed her?
You’re human, but you’re also a curse that must be dealt with. Yuji can’t allow you to go unpunished even if your fucked up childhood led you to believe this nonsense.
“Are you going to kill me, Yuji Itadori?”
The peach haired sorcerer looks down at your blood soaked feet, crimson clinging to the hem of your kimono. “No, I won’t kill you, but I am gonna knock some sense into you.”
He drags you by your lapel towards a wall splattered with dripping blood and posters. He tugs on your clothes so hard that the top half rips open, exposing your breasts.
“How about I put some fear in you for a change, huh? See what it feels like to mess with other people, to make them wish they were dead?”
Shock fills you as he shoves your back against the covered wall with cracks and busted holes from the previous fight. You push against Yuji’s shoulders as he pulls his cock free from his uniform trousers. He spits on his palm, pumping his flaccid length until it’s hard. You’re intimidated by his size. Your eyes widen as you watch him nudge his veiny and upward curved erection further between your thighs.
You don’t know the feeling swirling around inside of your stomach, but you know that you don’t like it. Your breath hitches, stuck in your throat as you ball your fists up and lash out against him.
“No, don’t!”
You build up a wave of cursed energy, but Yuji sees through you. He backhands you, knuckles cracking across your cheekbone. A cherry hue blooming across the right side of your face. Now, you’re the dizzy one.
You try to clamp your thighs shut, but he only picks you up until he’s splitting your pussy in half.
With large paws curling under your knees, he fucks into you, youthful hips vigorously piston upwards, making you whine and throw your head back. You look to the side through bleary eyes to see if there’s any chance of escape.
His hot breath on your neck captures your attention. “You’re gonna look at me, and you’re gonna take your punishment. This is the least of what you deserve after all the harm you caused.”
You don’t exactly understand what he’s doing to you, but your instinct is to drive a distance between the two of you until he’s out of your life for good. All you know is that his piercing cock is hurting your insides. It feels so violating. That’s what your brain is telling you.
However, your body claims a different story. You can’t help but tremble on Yuji’s thick sword, pussy clamping down on his erection as a bulge forms in your tummy.
The sorcerer is looking at you like he’s an apex predator, and for the first time in your life, you feel like prey.
A hand circles around your throat, leaving your leg to dangle in the air as Yuji keeps you impaled on his cock.
“Yuji, let go of me…” You plead once more with nothing bitter or hateful consuming your tone. You’re simply defeated and begging for mercy.
“Causing harm to others doesn’t seem much fun now, yeah?” he patronizes, voice soft against the shell of your ear as he steadily thumps into you.
Harsh, sharp canines latch onto your neck, suckling the skin. You feel his tongue drag along your throat, and you can’t breathe. You can’t. It’s all too much, and this isn’t right!
Eyebrows drawn together, lip quivering, you break out into violent sobs as he punishes you in the most cruel way you could ever imagine. You’ve slaughtered so many in the past, not even bothering to keep count. You’ve taken heads and hearts, you’ve ripped open bodies from skull to stomach, yet you would never even think to terrorize someone like this, so intimate yet so vile.
Your head drops to Yuji’s shoulder as you wail, clutching his uniform as a way to hold onto something. As violent waves roll through you, your sopping wet slit finally relaxes against Yuji, finally letting him play with you how he desires.
You feel your pussy gush around him, come dripping down your thighs as he bottoms out against you. He lets go of you, letting you balance on two wobbly feet before you drop to your knees. You can feel a mixture of both your orgasms drip down your thighs, and you bury your head in your hands, shoulders rocking as you cry heavily.
Yuji takes in the beautiful sight before him. You: a true damsel in distress, disheveled, weeping, chest bare, kimono so askew that he can still see your weeping little cunt.
“It seems like you learned your lesson. I still have more to teach you, so come on. I’m going to turn you into a decent human being no matter how long it takes.”
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mizandria · 2 months
something that still makes me sick to my stomach is that nobody really needed any evidence for what they were accusing Amber Heard of, nobody bothered to verify anything, half of them didn't even know what the trial was about; they were just happy to unleash all the hatred they have against women once it was socially acceptable to do so. men wanted to torture a pretty female celebrity in a “kill the cheerleader” manner, prove that women are the actual abusers and liars and men are the poor victims who are never believed - conveniently after a wave of women no longer staying silent about the abuse and sexual assault they endured - and they succeeded, partially thanks to all the handmaidens who were happy to throw a woman they knew nothing about under the bus to prove that they are the good kind of feminist who fights for women and men alike and just cares so much about male victims. nobody cited anything else than the few tiktok viral clips that could have been easily disproven like Depp accusing Heard of cutting his finger off, or a few body language expert who were Just Some Guy concerned about their views and not the truth and who conveniently were able to make it seem like Amber smiling or crying or sitting and staring and doing nothing or moving her head by one degree to the side or looking at the jury when she's addressing them is a proof of her being the abuser. when asked what about Amber's testimony doesn't make sense, one of my friends just stared blankly for a good while and only came up with an answer like “oh, like when she said that her dog stepped on a bee”. yeah, we all saw that on a 20-second youtube short too. you'd think that before going on a crusade of death wishes towards someone and comparing her to serial killers people would learn anything about this woman at all, but they just knew NOTHING and it didn't stop them. hope the temporary validation you got from moids was worth all the women you scared into silence, hope it was worth all the rape victims you terrified with your “lol what is she complaining about that just sounds like a dream” tiktoks with Amber's testimony about Depp raping her used as an audio, hope it was worth what happened to Evan Rachel Wood and hundreds of other women, hope it will be worth it when you will just get mocked and called an Amber if you ever decide to stand up for yourself against your abuser.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 days
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 7 here// Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary: For the first time in your life, you experience real pleasure by the hands of Daemon.
Warning: 18+, smut, crude language, description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of child molestation, mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking,
Note: One of the dialogues between the two was inspired by the film x men ❤️
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You looked at him shocked as he revealed that Dr. Vis was his brother. Suddenly, their behavior with each other made sense, but it also bothered you. How could brothers look so different from each other and why there were so many differences among them?
“Is he really your actual brother?” You asked Daemon to confirm the lingering doubt so he grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into his chest.
"How about we get you out of this constraining dress and put you in something more comfortable, like my shirt? And then I'll answer every question you have” his voice low and soothing as he asked made you sigh.
“I can't stay the night” as much as you wanted to, it was a risk you didn't want to take “Tell me something okay? If he's your brother then how come he's so harsh with you?”
“Because he hates my guts, always did.. always will” his voice raised slightly as he let out his frustration.
“But why?”
“Because I'm a dragon and he's not, or that's how I have come to interpret it now, all my life he has driven me insane, making me believe that I was not well, that I was sick like mum was-” his eyes welled up as he mentioned her so you held onto him tenderly by scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"He doesn't even look like you," you muttered, comparing the striking differences in their appearance. Daemon's silvery silks were nothing like his brother's brown hair.
“He does not..he looks like my mum, she was a human-” he cut himself mid speech as he looked at the bewildered expression on your face “it's complicated darling”
“I'm trying to understand you daemon -” you mumbled to assure him that you weren't going to judge him for anything he'd share with you.
“I know”
You had so many questions running through your mind, especially regarding his mother but you knew that this wasn't the time or the place to ask them as he already seemed so distressed at the mere mention of her name.
“Why didn't you tell me before?” you asked softly
“I was waiting for the right time.. nobody knows here that we are related” he looked at you somberly so you brought your hands up and fiddled with the collar of his dress shirt.
“So he's the brother that raised you? Whose girlfriend chose to take advantage of you?” you questioned so he sighed deeply.
“Oh god..does he know about that?”
“He didn't care. .women are disposable commodities for him..why do you think he's been divorced twice?” your eyes widened at the reveal, you didn't think of Dr Vis as a person that had any interest in marriage once. Besides your question wasn't for the woman, you just wanted to know if he protected Daemon after his girlfriend had taken advantage of his little brother like that.
“I didn't know that” you murmured under your mouth as you tried to process everything.
“He was married..his first wife was a real sweet woman, real motherly and then he betrayed her over and over again until she gave up on him”
“Do you miss her?” you asked him curiously so he chuckled.
“I miss being cared for at times -” he mumbled nonchalantly, and even though his words seemed as if he didn't care one bit, his eyes told a different story.
“I care about you”
A small smile spread across his lips as you said that.
“Oh you do now do you?” he asked in a teasing manner so you crossed your arms.
“Don't you feel cared for by me?” you asked him so he let out an audible smile and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I wouldn't be baring my soul to you if I didn't..sometimes I ask questions just to watch that pretty mouth move”
You couldn't help but smile at the admission, his words often caught you off guard and made you feel all giddy in the best possible ways..
“Is it okay if I despise him?” you asked him as you tried to come to terms with the fact that Dr. Vis or Viserys was his older brother and not just his doctor.
“Feel free, he deserves it” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of bitterness and resentment and you didn't blame him at all, you had seen first hand how he has treated Daemon ever since he got here.
“Why are you here Daemon? Why did you agree to come here?” You asked him softly so he sighed and pressed his forehead down on yours.
“I hurt someone out there, it was either prison or this” your eyes flickered with a mixture of surprise and confusion all at once.
“Who was it?”
“Just some random prat I caught hurting an innocent girl. I didn't want to lose control but then he pulled out a gun. I felt threatened and I changed” Daemon replied with a hint of anger in his voice,
“Is he dead? That man?” you asked him curiously so he shook his head before he gave you a smile that some might have interpreted as sadistic in nature.
“No he's in an asylum somewhere being treated for catatonia” he mumbled as he grabbed the back of your neck and made you look him in the eye “Your old pal Criston and that moron Otto, they arrested me but Viserys convinced them to hand me over to him as I am supposedly unwell” he emphasized on the term unwell as he finished his sentence.
“First of all we are not pals. Secondly, let me get this straight, so the only time you have attacked someone is when you see people get hurt or disrespected” you asked him as you felt a genuine sense of admiration for the man in front of you.
“I'm not a good man or a hero if you're onto that” he scoffed so you gave him a smile.
“Mmmmhm that's not for you to decide” you said with a hint of teasing in your voice.
For a moment, it seemed as though Daemon was about to protest but his resolve seemed to fade as you looked at him so adoringly.
“Did your mother love you real good?” he shifted the conversation so you sighed.
“Mmmmm well she was gentle but she spent half of her days here, at times she wouldn't even come home. My father left her for a younger woman when I was like 10 so she was all I had” his eyes softened as he heard your voice barely above a whisper.
“I'm sorry..I can beat him up for you if you want me to”
You giggled as he said that and the sound of your giggles warmed his rigid cold heart. You were affecting him in ways he never thought possible. His guard was slipping away more and more everyday. You were bringing out a side of him that he had never let anyone else see, a side that was gentle, genuine, and real.
“You're cute” you mumbled as you stared at him for a moment before you caressed his scalp with your fingers and then a thought came to your mind “I want to see you like that..in your other form i mean..i want to see the dragon in you” you mumbled with clear determination in your voice. His expressions darkened as he weighed his words before speaking.
“Mmmmm you believe me then?” he asked softly so you raised your brow.
“I do believe in you”
“You must be insane to believe such a thing” his tone was riddled with playfulness and you couldn't help but chuckle again.
“Am I though?”
Without a second thought Daemon's lips met yours once more as he kissed you passionately. The heat of his body against yours was almost overwhelming, the tenderness in his kiss so deep that you felt your heart pounding in your chest, wondering how you had gone thirty years of your life without experiencing this feeling but then you remembered that unwanted kiss you had shared with that man and you knew you had made the right choice by waiting to get touched by a man who made every inch of your skin tingle with a mere look.
The next morning you were outside in the garden where patients were enjoying the sunny day, playing cards and having a picnic with each other while Daemon sat all alone on the grass, distancing himself from everyone, but his eyes were fixed on your form so you looked around and made your way towards him, the smell of freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers filling your nostrils as you walked.
“You should mix up, aren't you bored?” You asked him so he grinned at you and chuckled,
“It's not my idea of fun really”
“Mmmhm, I can't believe I have never really asked you this, but what did you do out there? For living, I mean?” you questioned him so he leaned his head back and sighed, his eyes lost in thought.
“I used to teach” he finally replied and it took you a second to respond because you felt as if he was messing with you.
“Really? That's... unexpected”
Teaching was the last thing you'd have thought of if you had to guess his profession.
“What's that look for? I can't be a teacher?” he teased, his brow raised with a hint of humor.
“What grade? I can't picture you teaching little kids,” you questioned him as a smile creeped onto your lips.
“They're not so little, I was a professor in a state college”
“What subject?” you inquired, your curiosity piqued.
“Sociology” he replied with a small smirk.
Despite his rough appearance and the fierce way in which he carried himself, you somehow still found it believable that he was in the teaching profession. You could totally picture him as the charming, dashing professor who captivated his students with his wit and intelligence. The hot mysterious professor every girl in the classroom had a secret crush on, fawning over his every word and gesture.
“You're something mister, I must admit” you smiled as you sat down next to him, though maintaining a proper amount of distance. "Why were you so rude to me on the first day?" He turned his head to look at you as you questioned him before he looked away.
“I was embarrassed” his voice sounded hurt so you grabbed onto his fingers to caress it with your thumbs.
“Why?” you asked
“Didn't want a pretty girl like you to think of me as some sort of deranged lunatic, I was projecting really” he mumbled as he turned his head to look at you
“What changed your mind?” you asked him so he smiled like a cheshire cat.
"Your scent did, that night when I sniffed you i was able to read you like an open book"
Just a day later Dr. Vis was called away from King's landing to attend a seminar in London and luckily it was your day off so you knew you were going to spend your whole day with Daemon because it was unlikely that Viserys would return tonight amidst the storm and heavy rains.
Taking the opportunity, you decided to shower and dressed up in a beautiful red dress, you also did some makeup but didn't go overboard with it.
You had informed Shyla that you would perhaps go out and meet up with your friends, that totally didn't exist anymore, just so they wouldn't really look for you in case of an emergency.
With a skip in your step and your heart filled with anticipation, you made your way to Daemon's room, the sound of the thunder striking and rain pattering brought a feeling of contentment.
The thought of seeing him was both exciting and terrifying, making butterflies rage in your stomach.
As you arrived at his door, you took a deep breath before knocking. He was taking his own sweet time to open but as he finally let you in you noticed that he just had a towel wrapped around his waist as he was freshly out of the shower so you turned around to give him some privacy. Despite your passionate kissing encounter since the night of the gala, you still weren't quite used to the intimacy between the two of you.
“Put on your pants sir”
You heard him chuckling at the command but then he moved around his room to grab a trouser from his closet.
Suddenly you were grabbed by your arm and pulled into his chest as he leaned down to kiss you. And you'd be lying if you said you hadn't been thinking about being kissed by him all night long and perhaps do more Today. A gasp escaped your throat as he picked you up by the waist effortlessly and wrapped your legs around him as he led you to the bed.
Your nerves were a wrecked mess at the moment, adrenaline soaring high, as much as you wanted him to touch you everywhere, all of this was really intimidating for you.
You had never been with a man like him before or any man for that matter but especially a man of his caliber brought you plenty of excitement but also terrified you. He was so physical with you in general so you could only imagine how intense he must be in bed with a woman.
You snapped out of your thoughts as he laid you down on the bed before he got on top of you so you looked at him nervously, your eyes raked over his chiseled torso, he looked so strong but so beautiful at the same time with his silver locks and dark piercing eyes.
“What scares you the most?” he asked as he tucked your hair behind your ear so you gave him a small smile.
“That you would not enjoy me?” you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked away, feeling embarrassed by your admission
“Enjoy you huh?” he repeated, a smirk evident on his features.
“I wouldn't know what to do daemon..I'm a grown woman who should have been married with children but here I am, a virgin, flinching everytime your fingers are near my ummm-...myy” he interrupted you as you clearly hesitated to finish your words. "I can't even say the words"
“Your warm cunt?” he spoke huskily, making your face flush at the unabashed words.
“My bits yes..”
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked you so you nodded immediately and he had his lips latched onto yours without any further delay, his fingers tightened around your hair as he caressed your scalp gently.
“That's crazy talk sweet girl..i am going to enjoy you more than i have ever enjoyed anything in my life, and it's not just your body that makes me want to ravish you, it's you, your sweet scent” he mumbled as he placed his nose into the crook of your neck “and this generous spirit that you carry, and honestly?” He looked at you intently as he cupped your cheeks, his thumb dragged over your already swollen lips.
“It's really hot when you're squirming underneath me. You have no clue what it does for an animal like me”
“You're not an animal -”
“ I am and you dig it pretty girl don't you? Thirty years and you didn't allow a man to touch you and it took me a few weeks to get you so willing to be underneath me hmm?” you gasped as you feigned an offense at his words.
“Are you calling me easy?”
“You're not easy, far from it" Daemon said, his eyes fixed on you as he puts both hands on your cheeks, his fingers tracing your jaw and lips. “But that's okay..You can be easy for me, you can be my easy girl and it won't make a smidgen of difference to how i feel about you” he whispered, his voice low and raspy in your ears, hands went under your dress as fingers trailed over the soft skin on the inside of your thighs, sniffing deeply he let out a grunt. The scent of your arousal thick in the air.
“It's exciting isn't it? Being spoken to this way?” He whispered in your ear so you hummed in response but it came out in the form of a whimpering moan instead.
“Turn on your side for me” he mumbled softly so you obliged “that's it ..good girl” your breath hitched as his husky voice gave you goosebumps all over again. Your fingers clenched around his biceps as he unzipped your dress and turned you around on your back again,
He grabbed the sleeves and lowered the dress until it was resting on your sternum, you had your bra on still but you still felt completely exposed.
“Daemon –”
“Mmmm I'm right here darling..I won't hurt you i promise, tell me to stop anytime you want me to yeah?” he rolled your dress up to your thighs, making your back arch on its own, placing your arms over your head you clutched onto the bedsheets in anticipation of what he was going to do to you next.
“No sex okay? You promise?” Your eyes teared up as you questioned him so he placed his head on your torso and placed a soft kiss.
“I'd never do anything you don't want or need my darling yeah? Can you trust me?” He asked, his voice gentle so you nodded in response.
You wanted him to show you the actual meaning of pleasure. You wanted him, no that wasn't right. In that moment you needed him, you craved him. He crawled up to meet your eyes as he slid your soaked underwear down your legs which made you shut your thighs close together as tightly as you could.
He caressed your legs with his fingers while he kissed you softly, the longer his lips stayed on yours the more comfortable you got with the idea of having his fingers between your legs, he didn't even have to force your legs open, the cold air hit your bare wet soaked cunt as you spread your legs apart involuntarily. Breasts squished into his chest as you felt his fingers rubbing over your dripping lips,
“Dae–” you moaned as his digits played with your intimate flesh. Hazy fog clouded your mind as you allowed the reality of the moment to kick in, a man was touching you, a man so hot, so sexy, so goddamn attractive was touching you in places you have barely touched yourself.
“Mmmm there it is..” he whispered in your ear as his fingers caressed your bundle of nerves.
“Mhhhmmmmm ohhhhh god”
“How does that feel sweet thing?” He whispered in your ear so you bit on your lips so harshly he was afraid you'd draw blood, as his thumb rubbed over your clit you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs around his hand.
“It's…unreal..your hands are on my–” you hesitated to finish your sentence so he grabbed your chin with his vacant hand.
“Your cunt”
“My ..”
“Cunt..say it”
“Mmmmmmm my cunt” you mumbled almost inaudibly, the whimper in your voice made him want to mate with you right now but he knew he had to control that monster inside of him.
“That's it..that's a good girl, breathe for me darling” he mumbled softly as he rubbed your clit slowly in circular motion with his thumb.
The strings of moans that left your mouth only enchanted him further, the sight of you with your arched back and eyes rolled so far into your head was better than what he had imagined in his head in the past month, the scent of your arousal intoxicated him as if he was heavily drunk.
It felt too much at once but at the same time it didn't feel enough, you needed more of him and the thought scared you. What was he doing to you? How did he carry such power to turn you into this person you had never been before? The person you never thought you'd ever become.
His lips trailed down wet kisses from the valley of your breasts, for a moment he sucked on your clothed nipples and that's when you brought your arms down to clutch your fingers around his silver locks.
No matter what you did though, your eyes remained closed, you didn't want to see yourself or his face between your legs as if you were committing a sin, a sin that you were most definitely basking in.
He held onto your thighs and stared at your dripping hole for a moment, your virginity intact as the day you were born and the knowledge only warmed his blood further.
You let out a cry of pleasure as he placed his mouth on your clit, he knew he had you all whipped for him, he never had a woman drip this way into his mouth before, you were gushing with want and he was more than eager to consume you completely.
“Daemon..daemon ohhh daemon please” you murmured under your breath and he looked up at you once to commemorate the view, engraving the succulent sight of you in his head as you experienced the pure carnal pleasure for the first time, then he got back to sucking on your dripping juices as if he'd never get a taste of you again. And good lord if you didn't taste divine to him. To know that no other man had the opportunity to see you like this only increased his appetite for you. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this but he was grateful nonetheless.
For once in his life he felt worthy of something good in his life and it wasn't because of anything he had done to warrant such satisfaction but it was all you. When you looked at him he didn't feel like such a failure in life.
He placed his tongue flat on your clit and halted his movements for a second just to feel those swollen nubs pulse over his tongue.
“Daemon– i am –”
“I know” he kissed over your clit before he sucked them into his mouth again “Let go princess, you deserve it”
Your fingers pulled on his ear as you felt the knot twisting and breaking in the pit of your stomach. Body thrashed around, chest heaved like a crashing wave, thighs closed around his head, almost suffocating him as you rode through the best orgasm you have ever had in your life.
He wrapped his lips around your lips and sucked it in once before he got up slowly, leaving a trail of your own release on your skin.
As he looked into your eyes, you cupped his cheeks, your thumb rubbed over his lips, they seemed red and swollen and wet and you wanted to kiss him but you didn't know if you were keen on tasting yourself so you refrained.
“That was…something” you mumbled as you got back to your senses slowly and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle and grabbed your panties to wipe his mouth before he kissed you senselessly.
“I'm keeping that” he mumbled as he pulled away a little and shoved the panties into his pocket, your face flushed at the blatant shamelessness as if he wasn't between your legs just now.
“Are you okay?” He asked you softly as he caressed your cheek so you nodded.
“More than okay…I'm good” he smiled as he pecked your lips once more.
“I'll go clean myself up” you mumbled as you tried to get up so he looked at you with his brows furrowed.
“Let me take care of it”
“No it's okay i promise” you kissed his cheek so he didn't make a fuss about it. He wanted you to take the pace as you saw fit, approach this in whichever ways it felt the most comfortable.
A few minutes later you stepped out of the bathroom and jumped into the bed to lay down next to him,
“Should we do something to you now?” you asked him nervously so he chuckled in response.
“Pleasing you is not transactional for me..quit worrying”
“Okay I just…don't want you to think that I don't want to”
“ And I just want you to enjoy the aftermath of what you just experienced alright?” He mumbled as he turned to you and pulled you closer to rest his forehead against yours.
“Tell me something about yourself” he said as his fingers caressed your cheek.
“mmm like what?”
You went quiet for a moment seemingly lost in your thoughts.
“Daemon?” You mumbled softly after a moment of silence so he propped himself on his elbow to look at you as he tucked your hair behind your ear
“I think I was molested as a child”
Okay that's so far from whatever he was expecting to hear from you.
“Go on”
“it's nothing ..never mind” He grabbed your chin between his fingers and made you look at him
“Talk to me”
“I just.. have this memory of being so little, perhaps I was five, and I was in school and my mom often used to pick me up very late so I'd just stay in my classroom, drawing or just learning my alphabets” he nodded as you mumbled hesitantly even though the glare in his eyes was unmistakable. “There was this gardener i remember who made me sit on his lap one day and then he caressed my behind but i remember his hands being under my skirt”
His brows furrowed as he caressed your scalp with his fingers to calm his nerves, fire burning inside him in several ways as he thought of such a little girl going through something so terrible.
“At the time i didn't really understand, I was uncomfortable but I didn't know that it was a bad thing, it was only when I got older that i really figured what he was trying to do”
“Was that a one time incident?” He asked you softly so you nodded but then there was a look of uncertainty on your face that he didn't quite miss.
“Would you recognise him if you see him today?” he asked so you thought about it for a moment. You remembered his face but you weren't really sure if you would recognise him today.
“I like to think that i would but he must have gotten older and I'm not really sure if would recognise him instantly, I just hope I was the only girl he had ever touched like that”
Well that was wishful thinking.
“i won't hesitate to kill that bastard if I could get my hands on him”
You smiled as he mumbled with such determined rage evident in his voice
“I know you would” you caressed his cheek before you leaned into him to kiss him softly, his rigid tensed body instantly softened in your arms as you snuggled against him.
“So what are you planning to do with my panties?” you turned the conversation so he sighed.
“Well later this night, I'm going to get naked, have it wrapped around my cock as I jerk off, all while pretending that I'm fucking that sweet wet cunt of yours” he whispered in your ear, voice deep and husky but at the same time playful.
“You're filthy”
“Mmmmm and you like that don't you?”
“I do..will you..can you touch me here again?” You asked him as you placed his palm over your breasts, making his breath hitch in his chest.
“Your tits hmm? Sure I can ..That feels good? Becoming an addict already huh?” he teased you but you couldn't even retort as you felt his fingers began to glide over your clothed curves,
“You're so inappropriate love” he mumbled before he sucked harshly over the soft skin of your neck, his hands continued to fondle your tits as he called them.
Your dress rode up again he wrapped your legs around his waist, the scent of your arousal was thick in the air as you didn't have your underwear on and his touch enticed you all over again, your cunt dripping salaciously. You felt like a slut but you loved it.
“Fuck i love your sweet scent” he murmured under his breath, his voice was deep but whispery. “Want to please me?” He asked you so you nodded immediately, you wanted to make him feel good even if you didn't really know how, you wanted to hear him moan and groan on top of you.
“What should I do?”
“Nothing, just let me do this, yeahh?” He mumbled as he drew a gasp out of you again by bucking his hips into your dripping core..
Even with the layer of his black trousers you could feel his hard thick muscle rubbing against your wet naked cunt, your fingers caressed over his back and as you traced your fingers over the scars on his back he let out a grunting moan,
“How did you get them?” You asked him softly and for a moment his hips stopped rocking against you and he grabbed your jaw between his fingers to kiss you deeply before he continued again. His hold was rough and possessive in nature.
“My wings ..they come out of there”
Your eyes flickered as he said that, you weren't even thinking about it but you were beginning to believe in the myth that he might be.
“They hurt when they come out?” you asked as you rubbed your fingertips over the scars, making him growl in response.
His fingers clutched around your hair and you winced as he pulled on your roots harshly, your back arched into his chest again and the sensation was only building more and more for both of you but then he stopped all of a sudden and got off you to get away from the bed. You were in shock for a brief moment, not knowing what you had done wrong or why he seemed so upset all of a sudden. Once the shock withered you lowered down your dress and sat up to look at him standing a few feet away from you with his hands resting on his waist, he was breathing heavily and he was looking everywhere but you, his sudden shift in the mood made you feel awkward so you fixed your dress and zipped yourself up.
“What's wrong?” You mumbled softly so he wiped the sweat beads on his forehead with his palm,
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked nervously,
“It's not you alright?” he immediately affirmed.
“Okay” you clasped your hands together on your lap as you stared at him for a moment. He took a deep breath and finally approached the bed to sit down next to you.
“Are you okay?” you questioned so he let out a deep sigh.
“Yes, I was losing control and you don't deserve that..yet” he mumbled softly so you looked at him all perplexed.
“What do you mean, I was enjoying it?”
“Don't say stuff like that”’
“Why not? I'm just telling you the truth”
“I just want to be gentle with you love and take care of you, you don't know what you want yet, this is all so new for you”
You stared at him lovingly as he said that before you turned towards him and cupped his cheeks to kiss him softly.
“You're a good man”
“I am not-”
“You're good to me” the smile on your face only got bigger.
“You make me want to be good with you”
“You like me” it was more of a statement than a question and for the first time you saw a hint of blush apparent on his cheeks as if he was caught red handed.
“Of Course i do”
“I like you too” you mumbled as you kissed him again, his body felt hotter than usual but it brought you a weird sense of comfort you have never felt before. You often heard of women getting clingy to men after sleeping with them and you never wanted to be that woman but it seemed inevitable at this point.
Unbeknownst to you Daemon didn't just stop because he was losing control or becoming rough in literal meaning of the word but because he could feel himself turning, as soon as you had placed your fingers on the scars over his back he felt himself shifting and it scared him.
Because he knew he'd end up scaring you if you had to see him like that.
“I have been here all day, i should sneak back”
You mumbled softly as you kissed him so he groaned but then hummed in response. This affair with you was going to get dangerous and both of you needed to keep it as discreet as possible.
You stepped out of his room feeling every cell in your body flaming, the feeling of his mouth between your legs, the touch of his fingers all over your body was exhilarating but your nerves shut down suddenly as you bumped into Criston on the stairway to the fourth floor.
“I have to show you something” he said hurriedly as he grabbed your arm so you looked at him shocked.
Now what did he want?
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
@daenny-t @avalyaaa
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Family. (Task force 141 X Reader.)
!CW! rape, assault, blood, violence, (let me know if I missed any.)
(Summary): Reader has had a shit time but 141 always has her back.
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You were quiet, reserved.
Focused only on the mission you were on. You were nice to anyone around you and most everyone in 141 got along with you.
A new girl ended up getting recruited for 141, and you noticed something off about her immediately. She had a different energy, shoved you to the side a lot. Joking and being overly friendly to the guys on base. You got a bad vibe from her immediately. You continued on with this bad vibe until you realized who she was. She was familiar at the beginning. Now. You were worried. As soon as you realized who she was, you immediately made your way for Captain Price’s office.
“Y/N, what can I help you with?” He smiles. “Can I close this?” You ask, hand on the door. “Sure, what’s going on?” You close the door, walking over to the chair in front of his desk. “I uh…” you swallow hard. “I don’t know if you can access my file or if… this particular incident is even in there but.. before I came here, I was involved in an incident and one of the people involved was the new girl you have on base, Lindsey.” You breath. “I have no issues working alongside her, my problem wasn’t with her. But I thought I would just give you heads up in case anything happens.” You breathe. He nods his head. “What happened if you don’t mind my asking?” You swallow hard.
“The last base I was on, before I contacted Laswell and a few others for somewhere else to work. There was a guy on base that was a little weird. And he um..” you clear your throat. “He ended up assaulting me on base and the girl he was dating previously was her.” You point to the door. He nods his head. “Okay. I’ll keep a close eye on her and if she gives you any trouble at all I’ll take care of it okay?” You nod your head. “Thank you Captain.” You smile.
After that conversation with him, you felt as if everything would be okay.
You were mistaken though, because the next morning, she waited for you. Handing you over blueberry syrup, which made you sick immediately.
There were small triggers that still set you off, even this long after the incident. That morning, you ate pancakes and blueberry syrup. Something nobody ever got on base and they’d had for a special occasion.
After the assault, you’d throw it up along with stomach acid and couldn’t stand the thought of blueberry syrup after that. It was little things like this that went on for a long time afterwards. Small triggers that she knew well enough would bother you, she went out of her way for. It started to bother you more than you realized, and it started to build up. It was clear what her intentions were, she wanted you off the task force and would do anything it took to get her way.
It started to keep you awake at night. What happened, it haunted you. You couldn’t hide it, couldn’t get over it. All of the healing you had done seemed to be useless. She sent you spiraling right back down that deep dark trench you’d crawled out of.
She’d sat across from you during lunch in the mess hall, and you knew if she bugged you anymore, you might just lose your mind. Soap was sitting at the same table as well as Gaz, a few other men you’d gotten to know pretty well also sat around you at the tables nearby. They were your friends. You trusted them. You could hear her and Soap making small talk. But you were lost in your own mind. Flashes of what he’d done to you in your brain. The screaming, the crying, scratching.
Scrubbing at your skin for days in the shower, the tearing feeling of him forcing himself into you. It was too much to bare. The things he’d said to you, threatening you, belittling you, telling you nobody would believe you. It haunted you.
When your eyes flash down to the blueberry syrup she’d put on the table, you felt sick. Wanted to run away and throw up. But you knew deep down you needed to stand your ground with her.
“Oh yeah, my last boyfriend, he was so funny. His name was Ryan. You remember Ryan, don’t you Y/N?”
Your face started to turn red. And you clutched your glass of water so hard in your hand that it shattered right there. Gathering the attention of the mess hall as your eyes darkened and you stared right through her.
“Shut the fuck up.” The words leave your mouth before you can take a second thought. “What?” She says. “I said, shut the fuck up.” You growl. Soap’s eyes are wide, you’ve gathered the attention of everyone else around you. “If you don’t get away from me, I’m going to make you.” You growl. The anger was apparent. Something nobody had ever seen before. She smirks, crossing her arms. “You think you scare me? Hm? There’s only room for one girl on this base.” She smiles. “Does this look like fucking middle school to you? Hm? Are you fucking stupid? I put my life on the line for my brothers every day. And you think you’re going to come in here and disregard that? Disrespect me? I won’t stand for it.” You shove your lunch forward, standing up. “What’s going on?” Captain Price emerges from the hallway, noticing the room is deathly quiet. “You need to get your pet under control.” She smirks, taking a few steps until she’s only a couple feet from you.
You started to see red, you didn’t want to do this. You didn’t want to black out here. You needed to get away. You shove your chair back in, and she turns around for a second to talk to Captain Price. She tries to catch you off guard with a cheap shot, but you expected it. She spins around and you duck to avoid her hit but she clips your nose. You freeze, eyes darkening as you wiped at the blood beginning to run down your face. You grit your teeth, drawing your fist back and swinging, knocking your fist into her jaw and dropping her where she stands, getting on top of her.
You black out, all you see is red. You can hear muffled yells around you but it takes them a few minutes for them to get you off of her completely. You’re seething, blood is dripping down your chin onto you shirt. It was a white shirt and it’d be ruined. Soap is holding you back and you fight against him to back to her. You weren’t done yet. “Lass, relax. It’s over.” He’s mumbling to you, trying to soothe you. They get her back onto her feet, she’s got blood running, face swollen and battered. “You’re just going to let her do that!” She screams. You hiss, pulling your arms from Soap. You take a step toward her, shaky, bloody hands. The room is quiet.
“If you ever say anything about him again.”
You pause, wiping your nose as blood dripped into your mouth. “I will kill you. I won’t take a second thought, I will be the last fucking thing you ever see.”
She seethes. “What’s so special about you hm?”
“He raped me. There’s nothing special about being raped.”
She freezes, eyes widening. Nobody knew this. And now it was all out on the table. Soap’s eyes are wide, when you glance around so are everyone elses.
“He waited for me to fall asleep, snuck into my barracks and raped me on base. And nobody did a goddamn thing about it, I did it. I made it through it alone. So don’t ever-“ tears are gathering in your eyes and you pause to steady your voice. “Don’t ever say another fucking word about him. Or so help me god. I will end you.” You breathe. You pick your lunch up off of the table, throwing it in the trash can as you leave. Soap moves to go after you but Price stops him. “I got it Soap.” Price pats his arm, going after you. He hurried after you, seeing you disappear into a bathroom. He pushes the door open, hearing you get sick. He closes it behind him, throwing a towel in the sink and turning the sink on. He holds your hair back for you as you emptied the contents of your stomach. Price sighs. When you finish, you draw yourself back and he passes you the towel he’d just ringed out. You rest against the wall. Eyes still full of tears that streamed down your face. Your hands shook violently, knuckles bloodied.
“I didn’t want to do it- I-“ you take in a sharp breath. “It’s okay.” He kneels down in front of you. You’re hyperventilating. “It’s okay sweetheart.” He breathes. He picks up a side of the towel, wiping at your face and nose to wipe the blood away. Price knows about your track record. He talked to Laswell about you. “You aren’t in trouble love, she swung first, everyone seen it.” He breathes. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“I- I black out. I see red. I don’t want to feel this way, I hate it.” Your voice is shaky. “Hey. Come here.” He sits down next to you, pulling you into him. He holds you close while you shake. He sighs. This was the part of the military John had a hard time with. The mental illness, the heartbreak. “Y/N…” he sighs. “You have to talk about these things to someone. Wether it’s with someone you trust, or a shrink. You have to get it off of your chest or it’s going to eat at you until you explode. You’re bottling up your emotions sweetheart..” he breathes. “I just.. it was so good. For so long.” You take on a sharp unsteady breath. “For years, I didn’t like to be around men. If I was alone with a man in a room I’d freak out and leave as quickly as possible. And when I came here, all alone with all guys. I was fucking terrified-“ you sniffle. “And.. you all are fucking amazing. Nobody here would ever put me in that position, you defend me, help keep me safe. If I’m uncomfortable, you back off. It was so great until she came along. And now..” you sigh, putting your head in your hands. “Hey, listen to me. She’s going to be removed for what she’s done alright, but. We are your brothers Y/N. We’re here for you, no matter what. And we aren’t going to treat you differently for something that happened to you out of your control, this shit happens. It’s real world shit that everyday people deal with. We’re not here to make it harder on you, we’re here to help you. And this right here? I hate seeing you like this. I wanted nothing more than to tell her to get the hell out but I wanted you to get in a couple shots first.” He laughs. You laugh, wiping your eyes. He sits up, crouching down in front of you again. “We’re 141 sweetheart. We make the best team, and we got each others backs no matter what. Remember that.” He puts his fist out and you fist bump him. “Now, I’ve got another soldier to take care of. You going to be okay?” You nod your head. “Thank you Captain.” He smiles. “Always.” He pats your shoulder.
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bump-inthe-night · 4 months
I think Viv realized the idea of redeeming Sinners would be too hard not only because of the limited episodes but even if they did have more episodes, Viv just isn't good at complex storytelling and has this tendency of needless woobifying for characters that were honestly better off without it, like Stolas, Ozzie and Fizz.
It's like she doesn't want certain characters to be deemed too problematic but she ends making her setting look stupid by dong so. Seriously if redemption was this easy, how has this never happened before? Like nobody even repented for anything. Nobody even regrets what they did when they were alive, Angel just hates being raped by his pimp, he doesn't even hate what he does. I guarantee if Val wasn't breathing down his neck, he'd probably do the same things, just with more freedom.
Yeah, Vivziepop doesn’t know how to view morality outside of a black-and-white perspective. You’re either good and sometimes have trauma used as an excuse for awful behavior to draw sympathy, or you’re completely awful and no trauma is used to excuse it because we’re supposed to hate you. This all hinges on whether she likes the character or not.
Angel hasn't expressed any remorse for his actions, yet we're supposed to believe he's changing to become a better person since he's tired of being awful, which isn't true. He just wants to get away from Valentino and sees Charlie's hotel as a way to achieve this.
Angel wants to be free of Valentino so he can live his life however he wants and doesn't need to go to Heaven to do it. All Charlie has to do is free him from his contract and that's the end of that.
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0lshadyl0 · 11 months
Any HCs or scenarios on Yandere Hancock boa ?? I think she an interesting character 🥰
Of course, my dear, she is a fascinating character, in fact, she is my favorite female character after Nico Robin, I am weak to black haired women with cool powers and sad past.
Yandere Boa Hancock headcanons
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• Brave of you to assume that she is not a yandere in the canon, that is, she has all the points to follow for her character to be a yandere, especially a delusional yandere
• sad past with traumatic events, no friends, position of power, no one contradicts her, she gets lost in her own fantasies, lives in her own reality and obsesses over a person beyond what is sanely possible, yeah she checks all the marks 
• But, she would only become obsessed with her romantic interest if he has a very specific personality (for example, Luffy)
• Ok, let's say that the key for her to fix her eyes on you is that you have heroic tendencies, that is, she likes people with a good heart, willing to do what others would consider crazy in order to help others. the others (such as hitting a Tenryūbito, better yet, killing one)  
• or just a very kind person with a great charisma, very positive mind but who doesn't take shit from anyone
• if things happened naturally, I'm pretty sure Hancock would be obsessed with a woman, Luffy is an exception to the rule (call it the power of the script thanks to being the protagonist of the series)
• Let's remember that the first men in her life that she met were the Tenryūbito and they are the worst experiences that a young woman like Boa could have, emotionally, physically and sexually (I'm 200% sure that she was raped by a good number of them, that's why despite being in love with Luffy she never sees herself having children with him… probably she can't even get pregnant due to irreparable damage to her sexual organ or simply they removed the ovaries so that she could not get pregnant by the Tenryūbito since she was a slave and the slaves are not worthy of having a child with a being as noble as a Tenryūbito is)
• Anyway, when she fixes her eyes on you, in her head she already begins to live in a world apart
• You've probably seen each other a maximum of five times and most of it in battles, possibly you saved her from some dangerous situation but not paying much attention to her, but in her head, you two are already engaged
• Yes, she is the type of women who, from a very young age, dreamed of getting married and having a large family full of love, a dream that has been transformed into only having a partner to love and be loved by because of the Tenryūbito and all their shit
• She is a relatively easy yandere to deal with, since the word of her s/o is divine law for her, she will never question you, nor will she go against you, she will not hesitate to put herself in danger or give her life for you, she literally will kill for you
• But, keep in mind, she is very jealous and in an unjustified way, nobody can look at you because she is already asking questions and imagining scenarios where you abandon her.
• Because, despite all that she says about being the most beautiful woman in the world, she actually has low self-esteem due to her past as a slave, she doesn't feel that she is worthy of you, because she is dirty
• But if you tell her that you are not interested in that person or deny knowing about the existence of the person who made her jealous, she will believe you without a shadow of a doubt.
• You can tell her that the sky is green and for her, yes, ultimately the sky is green and she will turn anyone who says otherwise into stone
• She is a stalker, she will follow you everywhere and will always be watching you, of course, at a respectful (Hinata-Naruto style) distance if the two of you get into a relationship, she will stick to you like gum, she is unbelievably clingy and has no idea of the meaning of personal space
• She is one of the few yanderes who have no sexual intentions, because she is traumatized with sex (she has never known about vanilla sex or consent) and considers it torture, she loves you too much to do you any kind of harm
• Oh, but if she were to get over her traumas and discover that sex can be enjoyed and is a way to stay connected to the one she loves, man, get ready for a long ride
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✨The story behind my blog name✨
Come sit on my lap, sweetie, and let me tell you why I decided to call myself yourmisogynistfriend
Well first it’s because the old name was due to be changed. My previous name was truegirlssftagain. This name originated of my first blog I created at 17, which was named onlytruegirls (yes, I know I was underage when I created this blog, thanks for noticing). I only reblogged pics of hot girls in bikinis or naked. The name was because I wanted to show what true girls were supposed to look like. This was obviously a very restricted point of view, but I was young. Anyway, this concept of « true girl » sticked with me over the years. But at one point I realized it was a little bit cringe and dumb for a blog name. I always tried to not appear as a tumblr dom and this blog name clearly didn’t helped.
So I have been thinking about what my new name could be. I always thought the fact I post very misogynist stuff while being a huge feminist was pretty ironic. Yes, I am feminist. I believe in gender equality, I believe women are equal to men, I get mad every time something happens in the world against women. Anyway, I’m not here to convince you about how feminist I am. But I once remembered an event that happened to me and I thought it was pretty funny.
During a class in uni, we had an activity about history of feminism, the group was split in two based on our last names and my part of the group was made of four women out of 20 people. To talk about feminism… See how ironic this is? Let me tell you that the women of my group, who are personal friends, were not feeling very comfortable to talk among a group of men. Well after the activity, my girl friends told me I was the only man in the group they trusted to not make misogynist comments (and some others really said some borderline stuff). I was the only man they wanted to hear give his opinion on the subject. What came to my mind at this moment is « good thing they don’t know about my tumblr blog! ».
So, let’s get back to when I decided to choose a new blog name. I remembered that moment and was thinking: « I’m actually a real feminist, a man whose presence makes women feel safe, whose opinions about feminism are welcome by women, and yet my blog is about objectifying women ». It’s hell of a duality! I thought it was a good idea to exploit this experience I lived. So I decided the new name will be about the fact that even your feminist friends may be fantasizing about molesting you. Even the most feminist person you know may be daydreaming of legalized rape and free use in public.
I thought about calling my blog yourfeministfriend, because that’s what I am. I am a feminist friend and yet I fantasize about misogyny. But the name was already taken. I decided to call myself yourfeministbuddy, and it worked… for a week. My blog got deleted. I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or if feminists found and mass reported me. Just in case, I didn’t take any chance and decided my new blog would be yourmisogynistfriend. This way, nobody can report me saying my blog name is a lie, even if the dual effect of my blog name and my blog content is gone.
And yes, one of my girl friends who made that comment about me, who feels safe with me, she’s hot and I’d love to make her choke on my cock and make her my little toy like she’s truly meant to be. But she’ll never know.
Sorry if it’s a long story for your silly little brain, but I think it’s worth the effort of reading it all.
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prince-liest · 3 months
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A snippet from chapter 3 of The Last Bus Stop in Hell, Now Boarding in conjunction with some thoughts on the subject, because I've gotten some comments to the tune of, "I can't believe Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer are just okay with this?!" most of which are p clearly just people being rightfully frustrated with the horrible situation but still prompted me to want to talk about how I see canon, since those thoughts are actually a direct echo of me rattling the bars of Angel's comments about getting fucking waterboarded at work like, "WHY IS NOBODY HELPING ANGEL DUST?!"
I was going to write this scene anyway, but I just wanted to be Very clear about where I stand on the subject of how much Angel Dust is telling people about his work life, vs the things he has been actively hiding from them, because this is the only way that canon makes sense to me.
I think there's a huge difference between Charlie seeing Val and Angel disappear into a room and Angel coming back with a bruise before yelling at her to get the fuck out like he's unholy levels of pissed off at her for setting the whole damn studio on fire and putting them all in danger, and Charlie understanding what Angel's work life is actually like, drugs and rape and abuse all included.
Given how she reacted to the bruise before Angel told her to piss off, I think there are several lines between What She Knows and the reality that would be skipped merrily the fuck over with regards to whether or not she'd continue listening to Angel telling her that he's got it under control, jesus fuck, please leave. In particular, I think it's worth noting that to get her out of the studio, he framed the situation as her making things worse, and I think she very much internalized it as "I fucked up, I literally set the building on fire, everything was fine before I got here, it was my fault, and Angel is angry at me," which is also why she was SO upset and sorry about everything that happened.
From her limited view of the situation, it looked like she caused a huge mess and Angel caught the fallout, not that Val's way of treating Angel is a regular occurence - and that's not even getting into the fact that she didn't even see what actually happens between the two of them behind closed doors.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Zoomer Huey, I tend to see people saying why Gen z don’t have sex much.
These journalists surprisedly have WORSE self awareness than there boomer relatives
Here a hint https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1762582001507323991?s=46
And gender dynamics are…nuked in the fields they are surveying. Women and girls are told that all men are predators and misandry is left unchecked
Also, why Hollywood act surprised about the sex abuse?
We all heard about the casting coach, and how suspiciously people from working class backgrounds like Micheal Jackson (yes his dad had his music connections. But essentially mj was a slave and was arguably was the first black child star unless I’m missing someone) and Walt Disney (though not as bad) are painted as monsters while the actual monsters are protected for decades
I mean look at Judy Garland, she was a sweet person and she did help the LBGT in Hollywood and supported the civil rights movement
But her “crazy” behavior makes more sense because she was sexually abused at a extremely young age
And she not the only one, Shirley Temple, the boy who played at the first LA Dennis the Manis
Oh and the Peter Pan actor (a lot of people leave out the part where ALL of Hollywood basically says he can choke and die because he was “too” Disney)
But sorry about the Gen stuff, but the false rape accusations, maybe if you guys didn’t view men (especially white ones) the same way Nazis viewed the Jews while saying all the working class men were Weinstein.
My Gen would have more sex
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Entertainment industry has been like that since the beginning of forever, probably less so when women weren't allowed to participate but still a thing I'm sure.
As for Judy Garland it was nice to see people come out swinging in her defense when someone tried to start shit over well
She was not in control of her carer, saying no was not an option for her with this, but dumbasses that can only think in terms of today's standards never think about that.
Jay North (Dennis the Menace) did ok, so did Shirley Temple, plenty of others not so much, more recently we can look at Drew Barrymore and RDJ who both had fairly public meltdowns and problems.
Drew was ruined since her first film was ET and Spielberg takes care of the kids on set, going beyond the legal requirements.
Bobby Driscol was the Peter Pan VA top of his Wiki article.
Robert "Bobby" Cletus Driscoll (March 3, 1937 – c. March 30, 1968) was an American actor who performed on film and television from 1943 to 1960. He starred in some of the Walt Disney Studios' best-known live-action pictures of that period: Song of the South (1946), So Dear to My Heart (1949), and Treasure Island (1950), as well as RKO's The Window (1949). He served as the animation model and provided the voice for the title role in Peter Pan (1953). He received an Academy Juvenile Award for outstanding performances in So Dear to My Heart and The Window.
He just fell into the child actor pit, where he wasn't "cute" anymore couldn't get gigs and couldn't adjust to not being in the spotlight, the way he went and nobody knowing is awful to think about still.
Jackie Coogan, on the other hand was a different story.
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His parents sucked and as a result there's a series of laws named after him California's Coogan Law all about protecting the earnings of child actors from their parents. % goes into a trust iirc.
He ended up OK in the end though
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The false accusation thing, #me too hurt women because #believe women was taken advantage of to such a degree that even this coming out to light
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has still probably not cleared up for the trooper, and men are opting to not mentor women because of not wanting to risk a false accusation, everyone screams about how rare they are, to which I say so what, why should they assume the risk even if it's minor
Former VP Mike Pence came out and said he won't be alone with a woman that's not his wife in order to ensure that there is no possibility of someone making a claim of impropriety.
And he got this response
Why is anyone going to put their neck on the line when something like what he said is going to get this kind of response.
Maybe instead of crying about how rare false accusations are they should focus on shaming the people making them and coming up with solutions to keep them from happening.
You know instead of blaming the victims of the false accusations.
All this and so much more going on that isn't in this ask goes to the I don't blame people for not having as much sex, it's actually kinda nice too, fewer std's this way.
I went on a couple tangents, hope that's ok
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evilcare · 4 months
Otis, if you believe that Klaroline shouldn’t have become a couple because Klaus is a murderer and has killed other people’s family members even though Caroline is a murderer herself and has killed someone’s aunt/sibling/son & daughter then you need to log off.
If you believe that klaroline was too “abusive,” but have no problem with Caroline raising Alaric’s children, being forced to carry his dead wife’s children without her consent, the pregnancy nearly killing her just so she could save Alaric from his pain. Did I forget to mention the fact that she almost married Alaric? Let’s be real, y’all were mad because he was her ex teacher, not because he killed her father and tortured her when she was a teenager. Her becoming the mother of his children was disturbing as fuck and ruined her character. Period. Plec just wanted a chance to show off her misogyny.
Like I said before, y’all had no issue with Caroline marrying her abuser’s(Damon) brother and being branded as Stefuckboy’s true love. Y’all had no issue with her becoming besties with Damon. Y’all had no issue with Damon officiating that mid ass wedding. 🤨 Did y’all suddenly forget that when she “married” the Rippah, Damon became her brother in law? Let’s not forget that the person desperately claim is Caroline’s “true love” did nothing to help her when she was getting abused by Damon in season one just because he wanted no issues with him and Elena. Y’all must have selective memory or something.
“Caroline would be betraying Elena and Tyler. Klaus killed…”
When Elena tried to kill Liz, it was crickets. Complete silence. I didn’t see nobody mad about that. Let’s get something straight, Caroline owes Elena no loyalty. Elena went as far to get into a relationship with Caroline’s abuser, and even slutshamed Caroline for Damon SA'ing her. And Caroline was coming from a concerned place for her friend. The hell is wrong with y’all?! Why give loyalty to Elena when it was never reciprocated?
Another thing, I’ve talked this conversation to death. Caroline and Tylah were broken the fuck up. What she does with her own coochie is HER business. She did not owe him any loyalty. They were not friends, or anything. She doesn’t owe him a motherfucking thing. I didn’t see anybody mad that Tylah came back and had sex with Caroline before even telling her that he was leaving again. He had every right to want to avenge his mother. And Caroline had every reason to drop that wack ass relationship and do what the fuck she wanted. And for the ditsy dumbasses comparing the situation as if it were Liz, y’all are the same people that did not care about Damon becoming friends with Caroline’s mother, or speaking at Liz’s funeral. Wasn’t Damon bragging about raping Caroline to Stefan and Alaric? Wasn’t Damon the last person to speak to Liz before she died? Sick as fuck. Y’all didn’t say anything about Elena trying to kill Liz either.
Lastly, if you believe that Caroline was in the wrong for celebrating Klaus’s demise in season three then you’re not only Otis but boo boo the fool. 🤡 Go take a nap.
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she-karev · 2 days
Intervention (Marina Angst with a Happy Ending Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Characters: Carina DeLuca, Andrew DeLuca and Maya Bishop
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 1
AN: Hey guys so Station 19 ended sadness but it’s up to us to keep the epic romance alive. I will post another Marina story next week and it’s gonna be funny and surprising. Stay tuned.
Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/, https://www.aacap.org/, https://www.dbsalliance.org/, https://afsp.org/
Summary: Carina drives Andrew to the treatment center and along the way he expresses guilt and shame for how he treated everybody, most of all Amber. Carina returns home to Maya who comforts her.
Words: 3213
Carina drives down the road in her car about twenty minutes away from the residential facility in Bellevue. Andrew is next to her in the passenger side alarmingly calm even as he looks out the window in a foreboding way telling her there is an inner conflict going on. Carina looks at Andrew in pity before looking back at the road. She figures out what to say to make him feel better about the journey ahead.
“I know your scared but this is one of the best treatment centers in the state I checked.” Andrew is still looking out the window, “It’s 30 days to get you on the right meds, talk to therapists and monitor you. I will visit you every Saturday so I can see how you’re doing and tell you all that you are missing. I know it’s hard but you’ll get better and that’s the goal, that is what is going to separate you from papa. He is not strong enough to do this but you are, I know you are.”
Carina stops at a stoplight, looks over and sees Andrew rubbing his tired eyes, “I know your trying to help and I appreciate that I do and I am gonna do this I am I just…I can’t undo all that I did when I was being a stubborn idiot.” Carina sighs, “Opal got away with Erin because I made a scene, I was so far out of stability I didn’t do things rationally and calmly instead I looked like a crazy man and that girl ended up back in that monster’s clutches.”
“And she got free.” Carina reminds him to no avail as he shakes his head.
“What if she didn’t?” Andrew asks in a broken voice, “If she didn’t, she would have been tortured and raped for years and it would be because I was unstable and untrustworthy.”
“Andrea the Chief didn’t believe you and she allowed Opal to walk away because she didn’t consider the possibility that you were right.”
“You didn’t believe me either.” Andrew coldly reminds her, “Nobody did and honestly I do not blame them, if papa did that a year ago, I would have thought he was crazy too.”
Carina looks down the road sad for him, “You can’t blame yourself for what happened to Erin, if you do it’s just gonna hold you back and you won’t look forward. She’s safe and she’s with her family that is what’s important here, focus on that not on how you reacted while you were having a mental breakdown you didn’t ask for.”
“I ruined- no I single handedly destroyed the best relationship I ever had because I didn’t see what everybody else did.” Andrew sniffles as tears form around his eyes, “I did to her exactly what our father did to mama and I am never gonna forgive myself for that. She’s never gonna forgive me for doing this to her, for being another name in her list of crazy people that scarred her for life.”
“You didn’t mean to hurt her it was the mania that said and did all of those things not you.” Carina tells him from observation, “I’ve seen you with her for two years and those are two different people.”
“I told her she would end up like her father.” Andrew tells her in a regretful tone, “She was trying to help me see there was something wrong and my response was telling her that without me around she would end up like her father. Her junkie father who abandoned her after beating her, I told her she would end up like that man she hates more than anyone. And after that I compared her to her schizo mom who neglected her before screaming at her to get out of my apartment because I didn’t need her or want her. God I am the cruelest person in the world, I did that to a woman who has had more than enough crazy and pain to last a lifetime. I did that and nothing you say is gonna make that okay so don’t try.” Andrew takes a deep breath rubbing his face before continuing in a tearful voice, “I love her so much, I miss her so much, why didn’t I listen to her before I destroyed her why?”
Carina sniffles and wipes a stray tear away knowing how much her brother loves Amber and sees that love again for the first time in months. She only wishes Amber was here to see it so she can see at least one person in her life feels bad for the pain their mental illness put her through.
“You listened now.” Carina tells him, “You’re doing the work and she will see that. When she sees your getting better for yourself and her, she will forgive you and take you back.”
“It’s too late, way too late.”
Carina shakes her head, “She loves you and she’s hurt but I think if she knows you feel bad for the way you treated her, she will-”
“What did she say when you asked her to come to the intervention?”
Carina pauses at that sudden question and tries to lie, “I didn’t ask her.”
Andrew chuckles bitterly, “You always were a terrible liar. Just tell me word for word so I know how bad I messed this up and how much I need to do to make up for it.”
Carina sighs and relents, “She said she didn’t want to be a sitting duck for your verbal abuse again and that she’s learned from her mom, brother and now you to walk away from a bazooka pointing at her.”
Andrew grins slightly at Amber’s feisty nature, “That’s my girl, taking hits and not pulling back punches.”
“She’s upset Andrea you need to give her time to cool down.”
“We could live for thousands of years and the temperature in that woman wouldn’t go down a single digit.” Andrew takes out his phone to play a familiar voice mail, “If you don’t believe me listen to this voicemail, she left me after I ignored her calls.”
Carina listens to the voicemail that plays while she is driving with Andrew keeping a straight face after hearing this message too many times only now feeling anguished instead of anger as Amber’s slurring words fill the small car space, “Hi, it’s me again of course you didn’t answer, I guess it’s because you think I’m gonna point out what’s wrong with you and tell you I’m here for you to use as your own verbal punching bag. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen because I’m done Andrew, I am done caring about you because you clearly don’t care about me! Your sister made that obvious when she told me about you calling her and answering your phone when she calls while I have been here wondering where you are or if you’re dead!” Carina winces at that reminder of the day she accidentally told Amber Andrew was taking her calls.
Andrew continues holding the phone out, “You know what I’m not pissed anymore I am glad that you showed me what I should’ve seen two years ago at that awful bar. A man who is turning into a carbon copy of his father, you think I’m like my parents well let me tell you exactly what your dad would do. He would walk into your life acting all sweet and getting you to open your life to him but really he looks for weak spots to tear down like the cold manipulative son of a bitch you accuse him of being. That is exactly what you did to me you bastard.” Andrew closes his eyes at that feeling more tormented at soiling the loving and blissful relationship he and Amber established over two years.
“You got me to open my life to you, you let me feel safe enough to trust you and break my walls down that I put up after what my family did to me. And you know what you did Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca? You broke me! You made the pain you’ve caused so much worse by forcing me to let my guard down so you can twist the knife you put in my back. You are not the man I love, right now you are a carbon copy of your father who I hope ends up dead in a ditch because then you would exactly how you made me feel you cruel, arrogant, crazy, selfish motherfucker!”
The voicemail ends and the car is filled with silence again as Carina processes that very vulgar message while Andrew looks down the road brooding over the voicemail his ex-girlfriend left when she was rightfully angry.
Carina exhales and takes a beat, “She’s very colorful with her words.”
Andrew nods still frowning, “Yeah and not afraid to make her point across. Do you still think she’s ready to forgive me, marry me and have my babies like none of it ever happened?”
Carina sighs, “I think you put her through a lot and you both need space to heal. The only thing you need to do now is take care of yourself, rest and learn how to establish a routine for yourself so you can be the man she loves again. If she ever decides to forgive you that is up to her and I think it might go better once she sees you are getting ahead of this. I will tell her where you are and how you are doing because I know no matter how angry she was at you she was still worried when you didn’t show up for work the next day. But for now, we’re gonna get you checked in, non aver paura.” Carina grips his hand to keep him calm as they stop outside the check in gate. Carina turns to the security guard, “I’m checking in my brother, Andrew DeLuca.”
“You need to drive around. You say goodbye there; he goes in on foot.” The drop arm in front of them pulls up and Carina drives around as instructed before putting the car in park. They both exit the car before taking his suitcase out of the trunk full of clothes and amenities for the month. Andrew takes an uneasy breath as he puts the suitcase on the ground ready to roll it inside the center.
He and Carina stand there for a moment looking at each other solemnly knowing the journey ahead is what he needs but not one that’s gonna be easy. Carina gives him a reassuring grin before putting her hands on his shoulders while he looks at her with guilt over how he treated her too after his breakdown. Carina has that far from her mind as the only thing that matters to her is that her baby brother knows he will always have her at his side through the worst times of his life like she always does.
“It’s going to be okay,” she says. “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it is. You’re nothing like Papa. He wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t accept help, even in the worst times. That makes you better than him. It makes you stronger and more brave.”
Andrew nods and she takes it as a sign that he is taking in what she is saying.
“I love you, il mio fratellino. And I’m going to be right here to pick you up in four weeks, okay?” Andrew nods knowing this is what he needs and looks at his sister with gratitude for putting up with him at his worst and never giving up on him even when he wanted her to. He resolves from then on to make amends for his mistakes by being his best possible self. And he knows the first step to do that is to head inside so his sister’s efforts aren’t for nothing.
“Thank you,” Andrew says quietly.
It is all she needs to hear, and Carina feels her chest swell. She pulls him in for a hug, holding on to him for as long as she can. Andrew wraps his arms around her pulling her in tight as both an apology and a thank you. They stand there for a minute hugging like they did when their mama died, it was the worst moment of their lives. Despite that they knew then what they know now, that they’re in each other’s corners through the good and bad.
Andrew pulls back feeling calmer and rolls his suitcase behind him walking up the sidewalk to enter the large building. Carina looks on with pride for her brother’s bravery and heartache for his unfair inheritance. As soon as he’s inside the building Carina finally lets the tears fall that she has been holding in since they started the drive. Carina takes a deep breath, wipes her face and heads back inside the car to drive back home.
Carina enters her apartment exhausted despite the sun still being up and walks to the kitchen for her secret junk food stash. Instead of an empty kitchen she finds Maya kneeling down looking in her bottom drawers and pulling out a deep glass baking dish. Maya stands up and smiles at Carina.
“Hi.” Carina greets back pleasantly surprised by Maya in her apartment.
“I know I should have called first after last time, but I didn’t want to call at a bad time. I figured you and your brother needed to do this without intrusion and-”
Carina interrupts Maya with a kiss that takes the blonde firefighter’s breath away. Maya is conscious enough to put the glass on the counter, so she doesn’t drop it. She puts her hands on Carina’s firm waist sinking into this passionate embrace. After a few blissful moments Carina pulls back and leans her head forward against Maya’s looking deep into her blue eyes that look into her brown eyes with such love and conviction.
“I’m glad you’re here, I really needed to see you after.”
Maya rubs Carina’s back soothingly, “I’m here now, it didn’t go okay?”
Carina groans slightly, “He was hesitant at first there were tears and a lot of slamming doors…but eventually he agreed to let us help him. I called in and got him into a treatment center at Bellevue.”
“And the drive up?”
Carina sighs, “He told me how guilty he feels about Erin and Amber. He told me that he regrets hurting a woman that he loves repeatedly when she was trying to help. I told him that it would be okay that she might forgive him but honestly…I don’t know if she is.”
“I hurt you too, I lashed out and I did a very stupid and awful thing to you and you still forgave me. If we can do that then I think they can too.”
Carina chuckles bitterly, “You don’t know Amber Karev she is…she is angry and rightfully so and she has had enough people hurting her when they had a mental breakdown. I don’t know if she can forgive him and love him again. He loves her so much, what am I supposed to do if she rejects him and he is heartbroken without the love of his life there with him?”
Maya looks at her in thought, “…You could get him a dog.” Carina laughs at that suggestion causing Maya to smile, “I had to do something to make you smile. He’ll be okay I don’t know him but if he’s like you then he will bounce back and move on. As long as he still has you, he’ll be okay.”
“Okay.” Carina holds Maya’s hip. “And when he’s better, I’m going to make sure he gets to know you properly. I want him to know you, Maya.”
Maya smiles, her cheeks blushing pink. She is not normally the kind of person that someone wants to introduce to their family, and it used to be a red flag to her, but not this time. This time, she wants it. She wants to be all in with Carina and get to know her brother she loves so much hoping when the time comes, she gets his approval.
“I would like that.” Maya tells Carina who smiles, “I just hope he likes me.”
“He will.” Carina tells her with conviction, “If he doesn’t, he’ll just have to learn to get used to you or I will kick his bottom.” Maya laughs at that image and Carina looks at the pan with interest, “Why were you taking a pan out anyway? We’re you gonna make me something?”
Maya smiles and pulls away from Carina to grab the glass pan, “I remember you telling me that whenever you or your brother would get sad or scared you would go to the kitchen and make something together to cheer yourselves up. I thought we could do that since you need cheering up.”
Carina looks at Maya in awe over her remembering that story. She can still remember the day their mama yelled at papa and threw plates at him after he killed those four patients. She and Andrea would crawl under the covers and she would sing to him to calm him down. The next morning when their mama was in bed and their papa was at work, she took her brother to the kitchen and taught him how to make French toast. The process helped keep their minds off their parent’s breaking apart so every fight they overheard they would find a new recipe to try. It was their thing and it make Carina’s heart skip a beat at the thought of sharing that with Maya.
“You would do that for me?”
Maya nods, “I would do anything for you, I love you Carina.”
“Ti amo Maya.”
Maya smiles at the Italian words that she finds so sexy coming from Carina but focuses on the task at hand, “So do you want to start with the lasagna? I have been dying to know what your secret is.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Carina teases, “You are not there yet bambina, we have start you off with something simple and then work our way up to my famous lasagna.”
Maya chuckles, “Oh really? Okay sexy Guy Fieri what’s level one of this cooking challenge?”
“Mmm.” Carina thinks with a grin, “Let’s start with something simple like spaghetti aglio e olio.”
“It sounds delicious what is it?”
“Spaghetti in garlic and oil sauce.” Carina explains.
Maya’s nose wrinkles at the concoction, “It sounds like a vampire’s worst nightmare.”
Carina chuckles, “Trust me bella you say that now but when we are done you will fall to your knees over my cooking skills.”
“News flash it doesn’t take you cooking for me to do that.” Maya tells her with a mischievous smile and Carina looks at her in amusement, “Okay what do you want me to do chef?”
“Chef? Wow I think I am going to love this.” Carina teases before they head to the pantry to pull out ingredients. Carina looks at Maya with love and admiration knowing that despite the day she and her brother had things were gonna be okay, she believed it.
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A Tide That Turned Everything: Chapter II - Reunion Through Pain and Tears
Chapter Summary: Vasily makes decision that costs him a lot. Alina is worried, because she can't find Mal anywhere. Aleksander crashes the engagement party. And you? You have to choose a side.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov/Mal Oretsev
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov, Nadia Zhabin, Ivan, Nikolai Lantsov, Adrik Zhabin
Word Count: 3708
A/N: WARNING: this chapter contains an implied rape. If you're sensitive about this, don't like reading about it or are under 18, please skip from: "His hands grab your arms and his fingers travel down slowly." to: "You're scared, terrified.". Enjoy! tsar - ruler, king Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089718813/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559826/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683715/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683671/ This chapter also contains plot from fourth episode of season two.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
Natasha and Jana are getting your measurements for a new kefta for a party. Well, the party. The engagement party of Nikolai and Alina. Because the Lantsovs have to celebrate it.
'You really don't have to do this,' you say to your friends.
'Grisha are not the only ones that miss their lives in the Little Palace,' Natasha simply says. You nod understanding. Jana opens her mouth to add something, but then her face goes white. You frown and turn around. You stiffen, seeing Vasily Lantsov in your doorway.
'Leave,' he orders your friends. They look at you, ready to defy Lantsov for you. Your heart warms up. But you can't let them get in trouble because of you.
'It's alright,' you tell them quietly. Natasha and Jana shoot you a doubtful look, but leave your room. You straighten up and look at Vasily.
'How can I help you, moi tsarevich?' you ask. Vasily glances at retreating Jana and Natasha.
'You know, I remember when not so long ago you were wearing clothes like them as well,' Vasily says and looks at you. 'Simple serving girl, a nobody. Look at you now. A powerful Tidemaker and General Kirigan's pet.'
You clench your teeth and fists. You force yourself to exhale and calm down. It will do you no good to insult him.
'I am no one's pet,' you say, your voice even, which surprises you. Vasily scoffs and starts walking around the room.
'No one trusts you, you know,' he says. 'Except for the Sun Summoner but she can't change everyone's opinion on you. Do you know why it is like that?'
'Enlighten me, moi tsarevich,' you say, forcing yourself to keep calm.
'Because years ago, you refused to spy General Kirigan for me,' Vasily says. Your heart speeds up a bit. You remember that. How scared you were, standing in front of him in his chambers. And how Grisha were using you after that, because he allowed them to. But you're no longer that scared servant anymore.
'I doubt it would change a thing,' you say. 'General Kirigan told me nothing that would help you stop him from what he did. I had no idea about his plans of expanding the Fold. In fact, in the last months, we have drifted apart.'
'And that hurts you, doesn't it?' Vasily asks with a sly smirk.
'I admit, I thought we were friends,' you answer. 'Clearly, I was wrong. A mistake that almost cost me my life.'
'Oh, come on,' Vasily chuckles. 'Everyone knows you've been fucking him! You've been his personal whore!'
You manage not to flinch. But anger boils inside you.
'I was not,' you deny. Vasily walks closer to you. It takes everything inside you not to recoil in disgust.
'I find hard to believe,' he says, touching your cheek, 'that General Kirigan would just walk past your beauty with indifference.'
'He looked for more than beauty in women,' you say and take a step back. 'Now, if you don't mind, I would ask you to leave. Please.'
'The Sun Summoner can't help you,' Vasily says. 'But I can keep you safe here. All I ask…'
His hands grab your arms and his fingers travel down slowly. You tense.
'… is a bit attention from you whenever I ask,' he finishes, grinning lecherously. Oh, hell no.
'I think I'll manage without your… protection,' you answer. 'Now, please, leave.'
'It's funny that you think you have a choice in the matter,' Vasily says. As if on cue, the door opens and few of his loyal soldiers walk in. Your heart stops. You recognise them.
You curse yourself. You were stupid. You allowed Vasily to get so close that he now holds your arms. You can't summon.
'I believe you know each other,' the prince says, as his men surround you. 'I've been told you had quite fun together.'
'It says a lot about you if you consider torture fun,' you growl.
'Well, they did want something more,' Vasily says. 'But you escaped, hurting them badly.'
'I did what I did to survive,' you say. 'I'm not proud of it but I don't regret it.'
Vasily slaps you. You don't even flinch. His men hurt you much more.
'Don't worry, they will make up for lost time,' he says. 'And remember during that, that it will hurt less, maybe even will be pleasurable for you, when you agree to my terms.'
'When.' He's stupid to assume you will break. Well, he doesn't know you.
'You will regret this,' you say, your voice low. Vasily sneers at you.
'It's your word against mine and my soldiers,' he says. 'Who do you think everyone will believe? And one word from me and you're going to be executed for treason.'
You glare at him. His men take your arms and he steps away. He cups your face and your teeth want to bite his hand off.
'As much as I'd like to join you, I want you to come to me for this,' he says. 'I'll enjoy your humiliation.'
'You will never see it,' you vow to him. Vasily smirks at you, turns and leaves. At once you try to struggle. You manage to free one arm, but you are thrusted on your bed on your stomach. Your hand lands under you.
You feel something metal with it. You grasp it and feel it. You squeeze it tightly. It's your necklace. You hold on to it, make it your anchor.
A soldier grabs your arm and pulls it from under you. You rip off the necklace and hold it. You feel hands on your body and shiver. You close your eyes tightly.
You're scared, terrified. Maybe that's why you do it, even though you haven't done it in weeks. You were telling yourself you would never do it again.
'Aleksander…' you whisper, your voice broken and filled with pain, '… please, come for me… take me home…'
The party is much bigger than you thought. You're pretty sure Vasily has invited the whole Caryeva, from where his… friends are. Which is not good. Because at the moment you want to hide somewhere and cry, as you have been ever since…
No. None of that. You have to be brave. For Alina. And so people wouldn't think you are a traitor after all.
'Hey,' says the woman herself, coming to you dressed in an army uniform. 'Have you seen Mal?'
'It's good to see you, too,' you say, amused. Alina smiles at you apologetically.
'Sorry,' she says. 'It's just-'
'You're worried,' you finish and look around. 'To be honest, I haven't seen him in a while… I'll ask around.
'Thank you,' Alina says, grateful. You nod at her. She frowns suddenly.
'Are you alright?' she asks. You frown.
'Why wouldn't I be?' you ask.
'It's just… you seem a bit… sad,' Alina answers. 'And you look a bit… rattled.'
You tense. Your friend looks at you with worry.
'Did something happen?' she asks. You stare at her. You could tell her about Vasily. She would believe you. You know she despises him. But what good would that do? He still could just declare you traitor and order your execution. So, you force a smile.
'I'm just tired,' you insist. 'And maybe a bit stressed about how everyone is not trusting me.'
'Right,' Alina says, nodding. 'If I can do anything-'
'You're already doing enough,' you assure her with a smile and step away. You walk through the ballroom, asking about your mutual friend.
'Have you seen Mal?' you ask Natasha and Jana. They shake their heads. Jana sighs.
'Sadly, no,' she says. 'And believe me, I've been looking. This tracker is so handsome and charming. I wouldn't mind showing him my room.'
'When you say room…' Natasha says slowly, wincing.
'I obviously mean our room,' Jana says and smirks. 'Natasha, you dirty girl!'
'You're the dirty one and you know it,' Nat says.
'Could you two focus for a moment, please,' you ask, albeit a bit amused. 'It's not like him to be so late.'
'We'll ask around,' Natasha promises. 'I'm sure one of the servants must have seen him.'
'Thank you,' you say, nodding your head.
'I'll start right away,' Jana chirps and quickly rushes away. You chuckle. Natasha rolls her eyes, but then looks at you with worry.
'[Y/N]… I know you're insisting you're alright,' she says quietly. 'But it's clear you're not. What's wrong?'
'Nothing,' you lie, forcing a smile on your face. Natasha doesn't believe you.
'What happened with Prince Vasily after we left?' she asks. You tense.
'Nothing happened with Prince Vasily,' you insist. And technically you're not lying. Nothing happened with him.
'You're not alone, [Y/N],' Natasha says, taking your hand. 'Remember that. We're still your friends.'
'Thank you,' you say, smiling. You pull your hand away. You have to go or you'll start crying in the middle of the party.
'I have to look for Mal,' you say and turn to walk away. You search for your friend and ask about him. Until a certain voice calls:
'A toast!'
People quiet down. You turn and see Vasily walking up to the podium. You shiver involuntarily. You glare at him, as he raises his glass.
'I'd like to share some words about my brother… Nikolai,' Vasily says, pointing with his hand at Nikolai and smiling in a not nice way. 'Yes, yes, we all know he's pretentious...'
He chuckles. You want to vomit. Or splash him. Or better yet, treat him with a Cut. Seriously, when you think about what he did to you, you feel your fingers tingling. You can feel your power gathering at your fingertips…
'... condescending, a man of the people,' Vasily goes on. 'But he has some hidden qualities, too. His intended should-'
He's interrupted by two shadow things falling from the glass ceiling dome. Your eyes go wide. People around you scream and panic. Shadow things take humanoid forms. But when soldiers shoot at them, nothing happens. They grab soldiers and throw them like they're dolls.
People hide. Near the doors, behind tables. You choose a table. Unfortunately, it's the one near the podium. You and Vasily look at each other at the same time. And you don't like what you see in his gaze.
'He won't allow to hurt his whore,' he growls and makes a run for you. You gasp when he grabs your arm… But he barely grasps it, when one of the creatures grabs him and raises him in the air.
Vasily screams. But not for long. Because the creature tears him apart. You watch it all with shock. You barely hear the Queen's scream. But you see that when Alina uses her powers on the creatures, it doesn't work as well.
'[Y/N]!' Natasha and Jana exclaim, somehow managing to sneak to you. Just then one creature grabs the King. He's killed as well.
'Nikolai and the Queen are next,' Jana guesses, her face pale. And yes, the creatures turn to the prince, who's holding his mother protectively. But Nadia and Adrik manage to stop them with their powers. Even if only for a moment, it's enough for the party to evacuate.
'Come on!' Natasha shouts, grabbing you with Jana. They pull you out of the room, clearly deciding to protect you.
Alina runs with Adrik, Tamar and Nadia. But suddenly she stops, seeing Kirigan. She leaves her friends and follows him. They face each other on a corridor. She attacks him but he suddenly disappears. She turns, stunned, but hears his voice behind her:
'It's good to see you, Alina.'
She turns around and gasps. He's standing not far away.
'You're not real,' she says.
'The Sea Whip has made you stronger,' he says. 'I always told you, you were meant for more. Power suits you.'
'Stay away from me,' Alina says, seething. Aleksander smiles slightly.
'Believe it or not, but I'm not here for you,' he says. 'At least not today.'
Alina frowns. She has thought he's… sort of in love with her. So, naturally, she assumed he's here to kill his enemies and kidnap her. Was she wrong?
'Then what for?' she demands. 'To kill my friends?'
'Only the Lantsovs,' Aleksander answers. 'But my creations are somewhat unpredictable. Not unlike you.'
'Get out of my head,' Alina says through gritted teeth.
'I have no intention of hurting you,' Aleksander assures her. 'You must know that by now.'
'Forgive me if I don't take you at your word,' Alina scoffs.
'I was always honest with you about things that mattered.'
'Like creating the Fold?'
'Your obsession with the Fold is naive. Destroying it won't solve Ravka's problems. They've hated us and hunted us long before the Fold existed. I was there.'
'You don't want me to tear down the Fold, because if I do, I'll destroy the only thing you have left.'
Aleksander's lips twitch upward. Your face shows up in his head. He still has you. He must believe it. So, he shakes his head.
'The Fold is not the only thing I have left,' he says. Alina frowns, trying to figure out what else he can have left. He doesn't have her. He must know that. He's not that stupid. His mother stood up to him, so he can't also mean Baghra. His loyal Grisha? Ravka? His shadow monsters? She doesn't know. And she doesn't have time to just stand here and try to figure it out.
'Then I'll come after everything else you have left, too,' she says and glares at him. 'Like you have come after what I have.'
Aleksander's look darkens. Alina almost shivers. She does take a step back. But Kirigan takes a step forward and looms over her.
'You will find the moment you hurt her is the moment I tear out your heart and shatter your bones,' he snarls. 'If you dare destroy her as you have threatened, then they'll find nothing left of you.'
Alina stares at him, shocked, her face white. She thought Aleksander is obsessed with her, wants her as his partner, his equal. But what he said… makes her thinks there's someone else. But… who can it be?
'Who?' she asks. Kirigan stares at her. He shakes his head.
'You won't come near her,' he says. 'I've already broken my promise to her. I won't let anyone else hurt her. Especially you.'
Alina is really confused. She doesn't even hear Adrik, who's showed up behind her. Aleksander leans down to her ear.
'I'll see you soon,' he whispers and he's gone. Adrik startles Alina. She turns back, but there's no sight of Aleksander. As if he was never there. Alina shivers. Both from what happened and from what he said. She fears what he meant. And wonders who he is after.
Nikolai sends his mother to a safe place and then returns to make sure everyone else gets out. He saves some of the staff and decides to follow others with his guards. But after they turn a few corners, they're forced to stop. Because at the end of the corridor stands no other than General Kirigan himself.
He stares calmly at Nikolay. Guards put themselves in front of their prince. Their new king.
'Where is she?' Kirigan asks.
'You will not get Alina,' Nikolay says strongly. Aleksander tilts his head slightly.
'I am not here for Miss Starkov,' he declares. 'Not today.'
They're puzzled. Nikolay tries to think who he can have in mind… and them remembers the stories how he went above and beyond to save one person. You.
'[Y/N] [L/N],' Nikolay says. 'You're here for her. But you won't get her.'
'Give her back to me,' Aleksander says, the look in his eyes darkening. 'And I'll let you go today.'
'Why would she go with you?' a servant behind Nikolay asks, anger in his voice. 'So she could suffer because of you again?'
Aleksander's eyes land on him. Ah. What was it? Tommy. The stableboy that has a crush on you. Honestly, Kirigan would be more than happy to kill him. But he knows you would never forgive him murdering your friend.
'On the contrary, I'm here to make sure she never suffers again,' he says.
'Then leave her alone!' Tommy spats, ignoring how others try to hush him. 'Ever since she met you, she's been kidnapped all the time, tortured and Saints know what else! She got nothing but pain for her loyalty to you!'
Aleksander narrows his eyes. Anger burns in him. Shadows form around him menacingly.
'I advise you to choose your next words very carefully,' he hisses.
'Just kill me right away,' Tommy snarls. 'I know you want to. I saw how you've always looked at me.'
'I want to, I admit,' Aleksander says and shakes his head. 'But you're her friend. She would never forgive me that.'
Tommy is actually taken aback. He opens his mouth, but Nikolai stops him with his hand. He motions with his head at Tommy.
'He's right,' the prince says. 'Leave her alone. She doesn't want to have anything to do with you.'
'If that's the case, then why did she call for me and asked me to take her?' Aleksander asks. Nikolai and others stare at him, stunned. Tommy can't believe it. He opens his mouth-
A scream gets their attention. Aleksander tenses. He knows that scream. He looks behind his adversaries and sees you, held by one of Vasily's soldiers. Next to you are shocked Jana and Natasha.
'Are you mad?!' Jana yells. 'Let her go!'
'His whore for our tsar[1] and tsarevich!' the one that holds you barks.
'How dare you?!' Natasha asks, outraged. 'Release her at once!'
The soldier opens his mouth to answer her… but one of the creatures grabs him and throws him out of the window. Natasha and Jana scream. You stare at the monster with wide eyes.
'[Y/N]…' Jana whimpers when the creature turns to you. 'Come on…'
But you stay put. Because the monster doesn't attack you. It just stares at you… and only now you notice it stands between you and other soldiers of Vasily.
Just then, you have that familiar feeling you always have whenever certain someone is looking at you. You turn your head to the left. You barely see Nikolay, Tommy and others. Your eyes are glued to Kirigan's anxious and desperate face. Tears well up in your eyes.
'Aleksander…' you whisper. Natasha grabs your arm. You look at her. She stares at you anxiously.
'[Y/N], don't,' she pleads. 'I know you love him. But he's not the man you thought he was. He… he's a monster. Don't forget all the people he killed.'
You turn your face back to Aleksander. You look at him long and hard, but all you see is a man broken by years of tragedy and pain, forced to do the unspeakable. Not the monster everyone says he is.
'I'm sorry,' you say and turn to your friends, sorrow in your eyes. 'I'm so, so sorry.'
'No-' Jana starts. You free yourself from Natasha's grasp and bolt toward Aleksander. You see relief instantly lighting up his face. You speed up.
But another soldier runs at you. However, he suddenly grasps his chest and falls on his knees, groaning. You stop and turn your head. Fedyor smiles at you.
'Go, we've got you covered,' he says. You see Ivan hurrying to you, his face covered in scars. You smile at them both and run again to Aleksander.
He uses his powers to create an aisle between Nikolay's men. You hear their screams but can't see them in the darkness. You hope they're okay as you run past them… and straight into Aleksander's open arms.
He embraces you tightly and you hide your face in his chest. Instantly, the familiar feeling of safeness fills you. You feel you're about to cry from relief. You pull away and look up at him after a moment.
'You're alive,' you whisper, cupping his cheek. 'And here. You're actually here. How? How did you-?'
'You called,' he says simply, mirroring your move. 'I promised you to always come. It's one promise I never intend to break. Not again. You're going to be okay now. You're home.'
A sob leaves your lips. Aleksander quickly silences it with a kiss. You sigh into his mouth and kiss him back. You finally feel whole again. Something wet falls on your cheeks. Tears. But not yours. Aleksander's.
'[Y/N]!' you suddenly hear. You pull away and turn. Tommy looks at you with a heartbroken expression. You haven't even noticed the shadows are gone. Nikolai and his men are also looking at you, shocked.
'I'm sorry,' you say, looking at Tommy. You apologise for choosing the opposite side. For not loving him like he loves you.
'I really am,' you say, this time looking at Nikolai. You have taken a liking to him. He was different than his family. Good. He could be a good king. But you can't fight against Aleksander.
'For tsar and tsarevich!' you hear. You turn and your eyes go wide. Behind Aleksander, a few soldiers prepare to shoot him. You know they won't kill him. But they also were in your room then. They also- And now they want to kill Kirigan.
Your eyes narrow in anger. You push surprised Aleksander to the side. The men are about to fire but you're quicker. You form ice shards in front of you and send them at the men, letting out a yell. They fall on the ground, groaning and screaming.
Behind you, Nikolay, his soldiers, Tommy, Natasha and Jana stare at you, shocked. Fedyor and Ivan, who join you and Kirigan, aren't at all surprised. They know you won't stop at anything to keep Aleksander save. The man himself look at you with surprise, but also with awe.
So that's what you are.
'Let's go,' Aleksander says, grasping your hand. You shoot one last apologetic glance at your friends and follow your lover. Fedyor and Ivan follow you. And you leave. Your previous life, your friends… and maybe even your morals a bit.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49965037/chapters/126310537
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bump-inthe-night · 3 months
I'm impressed nobody thought to challenge Charlie's idealism in Sinners by asking if Charlie has a line she won't accept.
Like would Charlie accept someone like Val? Because they'd have two routes where Charlie either doubles down on her belief anyone can change if they're willing to try or Charlie won't accept certain sins, which in would make her a hypocrite as if she's drawing the line at rape, what makes the other Sins like murder redeemable? What about torture, cannibalism, slavery? Is it only bad when Val does it?
Like they don't address this which is why I believe only the 'safe' people will be redeemed. Alastor is probably the closest we have to bring actually evil but given he's probably on someone leash, he'll probably get some arc in the future.
Yeah, Vivziepop is definitely gonna go the safe route and only redeem characters that she believes aren’t too bad. Sir Pentious has already been redeemed, and Angel is going to be as well. Now for Alastor, he could either become a better person or decide to stay in Hell because he loves the chaos too much. Who knows?
As for Charlie, I don’t think Vivziepop is gonna challenge her beliefs and instead just make all of Heaven and Hell appear wrong for doubting her. She’s not going to redeem characters that are as horrible as Valentino because this is way too far out of her depth.
Unless Vivziepop is feeling bold, I don't see her tackling a topic like this, but then again, she believes she's a far better writer than she actually is, so it's possible she will execute in the worst way.
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azdoine · 1 year
man "aura theory" discourse is so weird. people absolutely HATE IT these days, if you suggest that victoria's love/fear aura might have been responsible for amy's feelings towards her then they give you the fucking stink eye. and this isn't even really unreasonable either! it obviously comes off as victim blaming to suggest that what happened to victoria was her own fault, nobody wants to see that shit in their inbox and in their feeds
but the question of whether victoria's aura is ~pavlovian conditioning~ or not is almost incidental to the question of responsibility and blame here, right? none of these characters have the kind of master power it takes to actually eliminate free will. amy still made reprehensible choices, first by raping victoria's mind and body and then by ultimately abdicating her responsibility - as the guilty party and then as one of only a few experts who could - to heal the mutilation she inflicted on victoria. even in the bad old days of amy standom (and in dark throwback corners today), aura theory believers would usually sooner shift the blame the S9 or the ~conflict drive~ than be so gauche as to openly declare that victoria was asking for it.
so your POV here will basically depend on whether you see aura theory as a dogwhistle or not. again, it's not really unreasonable to interpret it as such. victoria wasn't and isn't without her haters (DAE hate collateral damage barbie???), if you've been around the fandom for a while or you've so much as opened the wrong thread on SB then you've probably seen at least one misogynist who says the quiet part out loud.
but i still don't think that's really why aura theory got so popular either. people didn't latch onto aura theory because it excused amy's actions, they latched onto aura theory because it excused her emotions - and that's actually just as ridiculously dumb and problematic, but it's dumb and problematic in a way that isn't immediately inflammatory so everyone let that part slide.
the truth is that amy stans were just normies who couldn't come to grips with the fact that their favorite character had a incestuous crush, so they spiraled off into an alternate universe where those feelings were the result of brainwashing rather than the outcome of a realistic yet uncomfortable situation like "neglected lesbian only receives consistent positive feedback from her adoptive sister". like get over yourself guys, she's just gay and cancelled on twitter, it's not the end of the world
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