#like if there's no real challenge in it for them and they didn't really risk or overcome anything
This fandom created a myth about Lady Whistledown. Sometimes i wonder if i watched the same show. Let me make myself clear: While Penelope has to tell Colin the truth, because she loves him and he deserves it, LW helped the Bridgertons a lot actually. It saved them to have Daphne married to a creep ( and see how Violet wanted people to talk to reach LW and spread), saved Colin from a loveless marriage with children that he didn't know anything about it and saved Eloise. Yes, it saved Eloise. Eloise created and kept pushing the situation in her reckless pursuit. Eloise also didn't think about the consequences of her action towards the people working for LW, didn't listen to Penelope, didn't think about the risk she was putting people at. And while i understand her anger in not knowing, had she been a better friend, many other things would be different, because she truly never paid attention to what Penelope feels or want, she molded Pen to be whom she wanted and be her audience. And then, she left Pen with the choice of losing all she built and suffer consequences or pick the less harmful option: to make Eloise's scandal about politics, not romantic and save them both, plus Theo. The real ruin for Eloise would've been her being caught with Theo, something that was bound to happen as she was not careful at all. Why should Pen sacrifice all for Eloise? Would any of you sacrifice all ( job, family and possibly your liberty) for a friend who caused the bloody situation? I'm no hypocrite, i know i wouldnt. Not to mention Eloise bravado, to Pen she would say she wants to challenge society and doesn't care about what they think...but folded the moment she received a frown from the Ton. Shall we see who are LW victims, people that suffered real consequences? Lord Beerbrock. That's it. Marina is married, despite her lies and deceit. Colin? Nothing as well, in fact, happier than ever. Eloise? A few weeks of ostracism and she's back without a problem, without a romantic entanglement to ruin her. One that she clearly didn't really thought was deep enough to face society. The Bridgertons have more to thank LW than to hate her. And Violet and Anthony, i bet your asses, do think so, and see it. And The Queen? Are you watching the show? Have you seen Charlotte's personality? That woman loves the whole game with LW. And She loves to take it all, to receive the laurels of that society. As long as she can make it look like the won, and she can, easily, by revealing or be involved in revealing who is LW. See the whole KatexEdwina, how she handled the Ton there.
Anyway, just wanted to say something because some people have dreamed a LW that doesn't exist at all. Created on their own minds a boogeyman that wasn't simply reporting the truth with witty opinions but fabricating stories and lies to ruin lives, and that's simply not true. Never happened. There was never a lie created there. Only the truth, even about herself, as Pen was often damaged by her column.
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Helloooo! Its me again hehehehe! I just got some one question by the way, about thoma... Is he on the side of reader? Plus itto, nilou, yunjin and xinyan, chongyun, xinyan and xiangling. Sorry if i asked too much characters about on their sides, it just brought me so much curiosity. But by the way saw the jouno fic you did it really brought me chills! Always love your work that you made❤️
I am glad, that you enjoyed Jouno's fic. I am planning the next one. Still not sure, who will be the main character.
Either Fitzgerald (Ningguang and Pantalone), or Dazai and Fyodor, or Verlaine (Furina). Or someone else.
To your question.
She and Gouba are on Reader's side. Xiangling it's that kind of person, who will try to hurt innocent people.
She and Gouba found Reader after they were trying to leave Liyue on a boat and were attacked by Zhongli. Reader managed to escape and hide in an abandoned hilichurls' camp. Exhausted, Reader fall asleep, only to woke up to a smell of cooking, and Gouba, pocking their cheeks.
Xiangling gave Reader food and find the way to get Reader to a safer place.
She is on Reader's side. She doesn't like, that everyone is talking about Reader like they are some kind of monster. Most of the gossipers have never seen Reader before.
Xinyan wasn't far away from hilichurls' camp, Reader were hiding. She saw, how Xiangling helped you. She approached you three and offered her help.
It was her idea to hide Reader with Doctor Baizhu.
He is on Reader's side.
When he met Fake Creator, he was horrified. He felt the 'Tainted powers'. Sinful and dirty.
So, Chongyun didn't believe a word Fake Creator said. He stays silent. His family doesn't feel the tainted powers as clear as he.
Chongyun's yang energy also made Fake Creator feel pain, so, they try not to go near him.
Chongyun felt the echoes of 'pure powers' from Reader. That make him believe Reader. Chongyun would stay near Reader, to mask their powers' presence with his yang energy.
Xingqiu is on Reader's power, but he can't do much.
His family will be in danger, if someone knew about him helping Reader.
Yet, he was the one, who organized Reader's trip to escape to Inazuma. With some outside help.
She is on Reader's side. But, she also can't do much.
She is a public figure, so, it's hard for her to help Reader without public finding out.
But, Yunjin helped Reader leave Liyue.
She preformed in a port, destructing others, letting Xingqiu get Reader on the ship to Inazuma.
Thoma is on Reader's side. Technically.
He believes, that Fake Creator are Real Creator. But, he can't stand the thought of hunting a one single person. He can't do much, Kamisato siblings are on Fake Creator's side, and Thoma don't want to put himself or Kamisato siblings in danger. Still, he gave Reader food and helped them reach Chinju Forest, where Reader met Inazuma Saika, Matsuzaka and Iwao. They helped Reader get help from Yoimiya.
Itto and his gang are on Reader's side.
Itto was horrified, when Fake Creator ordered everyone to hunt Reader. He is up to the challenge. But, the thought of hurting a human made him sick. He faced enough prejudice from humans. He won't act as bloodthirsty oni everyone except him to be.
Itto and his gang helped Reader escape from Narukami Island and get to Watatsumi.
Nilou is on Reader's side.
But, she on a more tight spot, than Yunjin.
Nahida, before she and Aranaras were captured, managed to tell Nilou the truth about Fake Creator.
But, Nahida's imprisonment and her helping Reader means, that Sumeru will go over the top to prove, that they aren't sinners and obey Fake Creator.
Nilou and Zubayr Theatre took a big risk and managed to get Reader to Port Ormos, where Alhaitham and Kaveh took it upon themselves to get you to Fontaine.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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stuckysimp · 3 months
I'm like 8 years too late, but oh well - I've had this Captain America Civil War rant stuck in my head for a while and I need to get it out after re-watching it. (This is gonna be long af, but bear with me).
I feel like a lot of people missed the actual point and plot of the movie (and the marketing definitely didn't help). The whole "team cap vs team iron man" stuff becomes irrelevant after like the first 20 minutes of the movie. But of course, it's still quite a big part of the movie and I'd like to take a moment to explore what I think, the different character motivations are around why they signed or didn't (or would / wouldn't).
The only reason Tony "I successfully privatised world peace" Stark signed the accords in the first place anyway is because of his massive survivors guilt complex which we see triggered by the woman who approaches him at the end of his speech to the MIT students. Like this man does not give a single shit about the government, and much like Steve Rogers, he just wants to keep people safe. Unlike Steve, however, he doesn't trust himself to do so and thinks of himself needing the be kept in check, for someone else to take the blame (though he'd probably internalise it anyway, let's be real).
Rhodey has always kind of been more on the side of the government, even if that meant going against Tony - think Iron Patriot - so it makes sense that he'd want to sign. He understands that a group as powerful and dangerous as the Avengers needs to be kept in check, but what he doesn't understand are the risks around that. In a perfect world, it would be fine, but unfortunately government systems are stupid and corrupt.
Peter was only really in the fight in the first place because he was a child blindly following this big celebrity guy he idolised. He didn't know enough about the situation to properly analyse it, just being fed and believing whatever Tony told him (and he had no reason to go against him, so why would he? This was his shot, he's been chosen by THE Tony Stark to help). "Mr Stark said you'd say that" "he said you're wrong, you think you're right, that makes you dangerous." I 100% believe that if Peter had read the accords, that he would have been on Steve's side anyway.
Vision is an embodiment of 'good' and 'peace' - essentially everything that Ultron was supposed to be, but wasn't. He has no reason to be against the accords if it will keep people safe and he makes the point during their conversation of "our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict ... breeds catastrophe. Oversight ... oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." It's also very much the beginning kind of puppy love between him and Wanda in this movie, meaning that he will want to protect her. No matter what. Even if it means "locking her in her room."
Nat was seriously one of the only people in this movie with a brain cell lol. I firmly believe that if the accords had been properly put in place, she would have followed them until she no longer thought the government's instructions were 'right' and would have gone against them anyway. Her main goal in this movie was trying to keep the Avengers, her family, together and ultimately do the 'right' thing.
T'challa didn't give one shit about the accords lmao, he's damn king. No, he was only there in the first place to take revenge on his father's death (which at the point of the airport fight scene he still thought it was Bucky's fault. He later discovers, after following Steve and Bucky to Siberia, that it's Zemo's, and locks him up).
Steve's concerns with the accords are valid, and honestly I wouldn't have signed them either. To be told "sign, retire, or get locked up" isn't really a big winner for me lol. And the thing is, Steve's done this. He fought in WW2, he got paraded around like some big hero while men died, and he did nothing. It wasn't until he went against orders, that he actually did something helpful (saved the captured 107th division in Azzano). So, no, he's not going to be side-lined when people out there need help. That's just not who he is.
Bucky had no part in the accords, and as soon as he got introduced into the movie, that plot point became irrelevant. He was framed by Zemo, and then used to rip the avengers apart. The accords was just another log to add to the fire at that point. He followed Steve because "till the end of the line" and all that. He literally, heartbreakingly, says "I don't know if I'm worth all this," but he follows anyway.
Scott, much like Peter, is kinda just happy to be there. He's following CAPTAIN FREAKING AMERICA into battle without hesitation. But like, let's be honest, given his whole movie and character, I very much doubt Scott would be on Tony's side if he had read the accords.
Clint got dragged out of freaking retirement for this shit, and he didn't actually get involved until after Team Cap already knew about Zemo. That's why he's there. Not because of the accords, but to help Steve get to the Quinjet to get to Siberia and stop Zemo before he can go through with his assumed plan to wake up the five super soldiers who'd been stashed there. (Of course, this isn't actually Zemo's plan, but we'll get back to that later).
Wanda is going through some serious self loathing during this movie, and the incident in Lagos doesn't help. Like at all. Ma girl just wants to live her life and be left alone at this point and she's getting all of these horrible things thrown into her face by Secretary Ross. She doesn't want to be controlled, she doesn't want to be a weapon, she wants to be free. "You locked me in my room." - Girl already probably hates Tony Stark due to her family being killed by one of his bombs and Ultron, so she's mad anyway.
Sam is on Steve's side from the start. With the accords, to fight Zemo, all of it. During the 'discussion' between him and Rhodey, he says "So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" He doesn't trust Secretary Ross, and is clearly hesitant to add his signature to the accords. (not that I blame him).
The main actual villain and 'plot' of the movie after the first part with the accords, was the whole thing with Zemo wanting to tear the Avengers apart to get revenge for his family dying in Sokovia. He takes advantage of the accords, and of Bucky / The Winter Soldier to do this but it's not really discussed which annoys me. It's a MAJOR part of the film, yet all I ever really see being discussed are the accords affecting the decisions of characters throughout the film with no consideration of the wider picture.
From when the UN meeting is blown up, the Avengers are being manipulated by Zemo working in the background throughout the film. He frames Bucky for murder, and Steve - who has been looking for Bucky for the past 2 years - goes after him like ‘tf man’. Bucky gets taken in and Zemo uses the opportunity to activate the Winter Soldier programming, learn about Hydra’s super soldier program, and of course - “Mission report. December 16, 1991.”
This leads to Bucky’s escape and attack, Steve and co going on the run, and eventually the airport fight. The meaning of this scene gets lost, I feel, when people relate it back to the accords because it’s not about that anymore. Not really, not for anyone. Especially not for Steve, or even for Tony.
Tony at this point, most definitely feels like his world is being torn apart. He’s losing control, he’s spiralling, and Steve just isn’t listening. He’s blinded by his anger to the bigger picture and he just wants to get a handle on the situation to deal with it further.
Steve’s forgotten all about the accords, his priority is keeping Bucky safe and stopping Zemo. He tries to tell Tony, tries to talk to him, but Tony isn’t listening either. I mean their whole interaction just before the fight shows this:
(the dialogue below has been condensed to show the key lines - basically I got rid of other characters talking irrelevantly)
Steve Rogers: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.
Tony Stark: Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?
Steve Rogers: You're after the wrong guy.
Tony Stark: Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.
Steve Rogers: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.
- later -
Tony Stark: And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
Steve Rogers: You did that when you signed.
Tony Stark: Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys . . . with no compunction about being impolite. [Steve looks aside.] Come on.
Not to mention that Tony, after learning that Zemo impersonated and killed the actual doctor dude that was supposed to see Bucky whilst he was in confinement, he DISOBEYED the accords and Secretary Ross to go and help Steve stop what they thought at the time was the reactivation of the five super soldiers who'd been left in cryo freeze.
He follows Steve and Bucky to Siberia to help them, not to fight them. That only changes because of Zemo showing the footage of Bucky, WHILE UNDER BASICALLY MIND CONTROL, killing Tony’s parents.
In this scene, Tony 100% has every right to be angry. Unfortunately, he’s the kind of person who cannot see past his anger. He gets in his head, he spirals, and he tries to kill Bucky based on blind rage. (IT WASN’T BUCKY’S FAULT DAMMIT).
And yes, Steve was 100% in the wrong for not telling Tony. This whole scene could have been very easily avoided if Steve had just pulled Tony aside and had the difficult conversation about his parents death. Tony deserved to know, and Steve was only sparing himself pain by doing it. Dick move Steve, 0/10.
The fight between the three allows Zemo, having successfully completed his plan of eliminating the super soldiers and tearing the avengers apart, to slip away. With his work done, he tries to end his own life, but T’challa stops him and arrests him instead.
Steve and Tony’s fight was unnecessary, dramatic, and heart-breaking, and I’m very glad they managed to make up later, but ye. I think, at the end of the day, they’re all just dramatic idiots with communication issues lol.
Thank you for reading my long ass essay lmao, apparently I have a lot of feelings about this movie 😂
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fiddleyoumust · 2 months
I just finished The Boyfriend reunion (there are subs on it now!), and I, of course, have feelings about it.
I'm so happy that Taeheon was able to come out successfully to his parents and that he is trying to be more open to dating different types of people after his experiences getting to know the other boyfriend cast members. He's such a lovely man, and I really hope he finds a great partner.
I am now about 95% convinced that Kazuto had a thing for Dai that he never pursued because Dai was so set on Shun from day one. His comment in the episode watch that Netflix put up on YouTube a few days ago where he said he thought Dai liked him definitely makes me think he was thinking about Dai in the early days. Especially when I remembered Kazuto was one of the 3 people who wrote Dai a letter on day 1.
I'm also convinced Dai would have been the Kazuto of the season if he had been open to anyone but Shun. He got a letter from Ginsei, Kazuto, and Ryota on day one. Alan had already hit it 😂. He wooed Shun into falling in love with him, and Ikuo wanted him too. Boy had mad game and only played for Shun 💖.
On the Shun and Dai front, they seem like they are doing great. I've seen some concern over Dai letting Shun do most of the talking about their relationship. I find that so funny because all the complaints during the show were that Shun wasn't expressing how he felt about Dai, and now that he is talking about it, Dai is being stifled! Just say yall don't like them and go. It's fine to just not vibe with a couple's energy. I personally loved seeing Shun be excited to talk about them. He looked very happy.
I've also seen people concern trolling over the "we fight everyday" comment from Dai. I think that was 50% joke, but if yall didn't know Shun and Dai's dramatic asses were going to be the type of couple who ruins a rug over a fight about sashimi idk what to tell you. Some couples like drama. Sometimes fighting is foreplay. Their kinks are okay.
I really love Dai's comment about opening himself up to being hurt by Shun. I don't at all think he was saying Shun has a license to hurt him whenever he wants. I think he was saying he ran scared from love before because he feared being hurt, but meeting Shun made him brave enough to risk being hurt. Like, even if this person does end up hurting me, our love is worth the risk.
I think Shun and Dai actually have a pretty healthy relationship because they communicate well. Neither one of them is scared to say, "I don't like that," and they don't seem like they avoid conflict. Shun being a "princess" is not concerning to me. Sometimes people are divas, and sometimes other people are gagged for divas. MFEO! I also think it took a person like Shun to make Dai want a relationship. He said he was focused on education and career, and to me, that reads as a man who hadn't found anyone interesting enough to move his focus to romance. Shun being beautiful AND challenging was exactly what Dai needed to move his focus.
I'll end by saying that relationships are hard. All relationships, and I hope everyone who watched or watches the show will remember these are real people. They are on social media. They are seeing what you say about them. I hope everyone leads with kindness and treats the cast like they would the people in their actual lives. They made my summer so lovely by letting me into their lives, and I hope they all go on to be incredibly happy.
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ghostandsoap · 11 months
The Sound of Silence
Captain John Price x Fem! "Peach" Reader Tags: Angst. Anxiety. Panic attack. Mentions of death (a lot of it). Word Count: 5.2k "I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."
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There were a lot of risks when it came to this job.
The physical demands were intense, the mental strain was immense, and the emotional toll was heavy. Not to mention the biggest one.
Danger was a guarantee. Survival was not.
Despite these challenges, for those who chose this career, it was a type of calling that was felt deep within their souls.
The training was hard, pushing their bodies to the limit and beyond. They learned to work as a team, trusting their team with their lives. They faced danger head-on, knowing that every mission could be their last.
This was something that Price and Peach had talked about before. It was a bit difficult not to address this possibility.
When it was only discussed, it was a hypothetical scenario. Neither of them went into any kind of mission with the expectation of dying...they understood it was a possibility, but it wasn't something they counted on.
They had listed and discussed just about every possible way to die on a mission. Getting shot, blown up, stabbed, drowned, poisoned, beaten, etc. You name it, and they had talked about it.
To an outsider, this was freaky weird. Who in their right mind would actively talk to their significant other about dying in awfully traumatic ways? For them, it was more of a preparation thing.
Of course neither of them ever wanted to see the day where one of those scenarios became true for the other. As a matter of fact, they actively did everything they could to not meet any one of these fates.
But the truth was that it was a very real possibility. And even though they never, ever wanted to have it happen...it was something they both needed to be prepared for.
To avoid having this come up all the time though, they talked about their futures in a way that didn't have anything to do with dying.
For example, Price had his life with Peach all planned out.
There was a rumor that Price had bought an engagement ring when they were six months in, and he held on to it everywhere he went for when the moment was right.
According to this rumor, John actively took the ring in and out of the box. When he was on the go and needed extra pocket space, he took the ring out of the box. When he didn't need the space, he put it back in the box and took the whole thing.
Peach didn't really believe it, because she could hardly imagine John Price walking around with an engagement ring in his pocket, fiddling with it when he felt an inkling that it was time to propose.
Price did seriously want to marry Peach, though. He wanted to have kids with her (two specifically, a boy and a girl). He wanted to buy a house out in the middle of the country with no neighbors, but close enough to civilization to where they weren't cut off.
All of these things he had mentioned to her, and they talked about it in decent detail. It was hard to get too in depth with it though, because it seemed that work always got in the way.
And the thing was, they could never walk away from this job. None of Force 141 could.
Each of them had specific skills and talents that made them the perfect team. A family even.
They worked well together. Every mission with them together was almost always a guaranteed success.
But this mission had been different.
It was extremely rare for a mission like this to come up. It wasn't really the mission that was the problem, it was the execution plan.
Price didn't like splitting up. He never liked any of his team going out alone. He liked his team to have backup at all times, someone there for support when things went wrong.
However, this mission was special in the sense that there was no other way to complete it without having everybody be on their own for the majority of the night.
This mission had all kinds of moving parts, and for the sake of time and efficiency, it was best for everyone (despite Price's reservations) to go solo and reconvene at the end for extraction.
They were going to a place that was only accessible by water, meaning that there was only one way on and off the island. It was no tropical vacation by any means, and there was a lot at stake.
In theory, the plan was simple. Everyone was to split up, complete their tasks without getting compromised, and meet back up at the docks. There was a boat set to go for them when they were ready, and assuming all went well, this mission was supposed to be a piece of cake.
Supposed to be.
The mission almost went without a hitch. Everybody was able to successfully complete their job without detection. Gaz returned to the docks first, followed by Soap and then Ghost. Peach rolled up fourth, adrenaline running and satisfaction flowing.
The docks were well hidden, which was intentional. The air was thick and warm with the smell of salt and fish, and the only sound was the gentle lapping of water against the wooden piers.
The sky was just getting dark now, little specks of stars dotting the canvas above.
She was relieved to see Ghost, Gaz, and Soap unscathed and well. Not that she minded having to stitch them up or anything, but it did make her job easier when she didn't have to.
She immediately noticed that Price wasn't there, and she turned to Ghost.
"Price isn't back yet?" She asked, brows furrowed.
"No," Ghost shook his head. "Should be here any minute."
Price was known to take longer than expected. He did things the right way every time, and if that meant adding some time to his estimate, then so be it.
No one worried yet. Price could handle himself. They started packing up the boat, making sure everything was in place so that they could leave as soon as Price showed up.
Once the boat was packed, the four of them took a load off. They sat in a semicircle, really just chatting more than anything.
Of course, Soap did most of the talking.
"Hey, Peaches..." Soap said, and he went on when she looked at him. "Remember I was trying t'come up with a nickname for you n' Price?"
She stifled a laugh. Soap had thrown out some crazy suggestions in the last few weeks -- Peachy Price, PP (Price strongly disliked this one), P&P...just to name a few.
She couldn't even imagine what he had come up with this time.
"Let's hear it." She said.
"Get ready," He beamed. "P squared."
There was a beat of quiet, and then Gaz spoke.
"What?" He asked.
"Price n' Peach...both start with P. Two names, both starting with P," Soap explained. "P Squared!"
"Johnny, that sucks." Ghost was honest, and Soap's jaw dropped a little.
"It's clever," Soap corrected. "It's a layered joke."
Peach laughed.
"P squared..." She repeated, pondering on it. "I actually don't hate that. I can't promise the same for Price though."
"He's gonna love it!" Soap laughed, which earned chuckles and head shakes from Gaz and Ghost.
The playful banter went on for a while...too long, as a matter of fact. The sky was fully dark now, a testament as to how much time had passed. There had been no sign of or word from Price.
Peach's intuition was firing off. She knew something was wrong with Price. She began to fidget with her hands, her mind going through all the possible scenarios.
Now she was starting to worry.
"Where's Price?" Peach asked, the beginning of a pit of dread opening up in her gut as she stood to her feet. "He should've been back by now."
He knew the plan. Price wouldn't stray from a plan like this...not intentionally anyway. The rest of them got to their feet as well, beginning to prepare to go looking for him.
"How long has it been?" Gaz asked, and Soap looked at his watch.
"Hour n' a half."
That was way too long. This wasn't just Price getting caught up doing something. Something was telling her that he was in trouble.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and Peach all shared a look -- and the first drop of panic pooled in her stomach. She reached for her radio, trying to keep her composure.
"Price, what's your status?" She asked, hoping that he could hear her from wherever he was.
There was only a few seconds of silence before she got a response.
"Got a bit of a situation here." Price said, and his voice had that sharp edge to it that showed up whenever he was in survival mode.
There was the sound of movement in the background. Her heart skipped a couple of beats. "A situation" could mean anything.
"What kind of situation?" She stared at the lapping water underneath the dock she was standing on.
She was already planning on going after him. If she went to his last known location, she could track him and figure out where he was.
"Got some unexpected company," He said, and you could hear the sound of his heavy footsteps hitting the ground and his gear getting tossed around. He was running. "I've been compromised."
That definitely meant that he was in trouble.
"What's your location?" She asked, her heart beginning to thud in her chest.
"I"m by the warehouse, northwest of the-"
His transmission was abruptly cut off. A mixture of sounds emitted from Price's end -- rapid gunfire, an ear-splitting explosion, and then silence.
The only sound now was crackling static of an open line, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just ensued.
Peach's eyes were wide. Her stomach frozen and her brain beginning to fog.
This couldn't mean...he wasn't...
"Captain Price, this is Peach...do you copy?" She asked, a tingling sensation beginning to appear in her fingers and hands.
But there was no response. Only the haunting echo of the unanswered call lingered in the air. The only noises that graced her ears were radio static and the sound of her thumping heart.
"Captain, how copy?" She tried again, the tingling in her hands turning into trembling as she gripped her radio harder.
Her vision was beginning to tunnel, and her breathing was getting shallow and short. A surge of panic rushed through her, causing a certain numbness in her extremities.
"John, can you hear me?" She asked desperately, her voice quavering with each word.
The seconds that passed felt like hours. The feeling of helplessness suffocated her, the knowledge of not being able to do a single thing bringing a horrible sense of doom to her body.
Her eyes were glued to the sky as if she was trying to memorize every star pattern that was visible to her. But instead, she was wishing on every single one that this wasn't happening and that this wasn't real.
He couldn't be gone. Fate hadn't been very kind to Peach in her lifetime, but John...
John had been her biggest blessing. Her solace, her energy, her comfort, her love. There was no way that he was gone just like that. He couldn't have been stolen away from her and ripped from her heart.
He couldn't be dead. This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't part of the plan. They were supposed to settle down and get married and have kids...have a real life together. Suddenly, their future was blurred.
The love and warmth of her soul had just vanished and slipped through her fingers.
Hot tears were stinging her eyes, pressing hard against her lash line and bringing an aching lump to her throat. There was a shuffle behind her, the sound of weight shifting between feet.
Her grip on her radio tightened even harder as if her only possible contact with John would disintegrate if she let go. She turned around at the noise, and she was met with the sight of the three strongest, most confident men that she knew were suddenly withdrawn.
She couldn't hear anything anymore. It was like her ears were filtering every little noise out so that they would be able to hear the one sound she was desperate for.
She couldn't hear the breeze rustling the trees or the birds fluttering in the sky above. The water beneath the docks was suddenly still and flat.
Ghost kept his gaze on her, his fists clenched into fists at his sides. Soap couldn't bring himself to look at her, his eyes pointed at his boots and the earth beneath him. Gaz's brows were furrowed in horror, his eyes struck with disbelief and sorrow.
"Ghost..." She whispered, their silence scaring her more than anything. "S-Soap?"
Their silence was unnerving. All three of them were too afraid to say anything to her. This was her worst nightmare coming true and unfolding right in front of her. Losing her beloved John Price at the hands of evil.
Her heart beat for John Price. The thought of Peach without Price or Price without Peach was just unfathomable.
Too many moments passed. It was just Peach staring at the three men who couldn't come up with something to say even if their life depended on it. Eventually, Ghost just had to say something.
"Peach..." Ghost said, reaching out for her with a slow, gentle hand like she was a frightened animal. "Come here."
She shook her head frantically, backing away from the three of them.
"I can't...J-John..." Her chest was heaving now, her entire system succumbing to anxiety and pure panic.
She was falling apart. Her life as she knew it crumbling in front of her and there wasn't a single thing that she could do about it.
They were supposed to get married...have a boy and a girl...have a countryside house that was just far enough away from the real world.
How could all of that just be gone? It couldn't be gone.
All four of them were trained to face death on the battlefield, but this…this was different. This was Peach -- their comrade, their friend, their own family -- breaking down right in front of them.
Peach was the strongest woman they knew, and they were watching her fall apart.
They all watched her grow worse by the second. Her face turned a sort of color that they had never seen, her breathing starting to stall and come out in short gasps.
“Peach,” Gaz tried this time, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "I-I need you to breathe."
Gaz was genuinely concerned that she was literally going to croak and die right in front of him from the shock of losing Price.
That's how much she loved him.
The next four decades of Peach's life was flashing right before her eyes. All of those years she had counted on Price being with her. Now she couldn't imagine her future at all.
Ghost, Gaz, and Soap knew there wasn't a thing they could say. A very still, eerie silence was shared between the three men. They watched and listened to Peach as she began to spiral.
The silence was killing her ears. She had a headache creeping its way to the front of her skull. She was sure that if she stood in this silence any longer, her head would literally explode.
But before that could happen, there was a sound. It was two sounds actually. Two different sounds. Two beautiful, wonderful, welcomed sounds.
Radio static and a voice.
"Peaches..." A gravelly, beautifully familiar voice sounded over comms. "This is Price. You read me?"
Suddenly, her life re-entered her in a rush and all at once.
He was alive.
"John..." She almost squeaked, a heat rising into her throat until she swallowed it back down. "I-I read you. Loud n' clear."
"Affirmative. You still at the docks?" He sounded breathless, like he was trying to control his breathing.
Her brain was sprinting at a million miles an hour. Every piece of information that she was hearing was flying into one ear and out the other without any processing in the middle.
The only response she could manage was a collection of stammering, which eventually cracked the dam and opened the floodgates. Overcome with emotion and anxiety, she practically collapsed in place. The only thing that kept her from hitting the ground was Soap, who swooped in at the last second to catch her.
"Captain. This is Ghost," He filled in for her. "Affirmative. We're northwest of your location, right behind the..."
The rest of Ghost's directions were a jumbled mess of sounds that she couldn't comprehend. There was a ringing in her ears, and the only thing louder than that was her own cries.
"It's alright," Soap held onto her as she clutched onto him for dear life. "He's alright, Peach. Price is alright."
Soap held her as tight as he could and spoke in his most gentle voice, despite the fact that he knew that his presence was nothing compared to whenever Price could get his arms around her.
"We're gonna get him," Soap made eye contact with Ghost, who was communicating with him through a certain expression. "Ghost and Gaz are goin' to get him right now."
Peach could only nod, her grip on Soap tightening. She watched as Ghost and Gaz moved swiftly towards the direction Ghost had indicated, disappearing into the darkness.
The wait was agonizing...it was painful. Each second felt like an eternity as Peach clung to Soap, her heart pounding in her chest. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional crackle of the radio.
Suddenly, a burst of static came through the radio, followed by a familiar voice.
“Ghost, this is Price. I’m on your six.”
A wave of relief washed over Peach. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, her body sagging against Soap, who was holding onto her like he was the only thing keeping her together.
“Copy.” Ghost’s voice came through the radio, a hint of relief evident in his tone.
About ten minutes later, Ghost and Gaz emerged from the darkness, a figure limping between them.
It was Price, battered, burned, and bruised...but alive.
Her cheeks were soaked with tears, her hair sticking to her face as she laid eyes on her lover that was standing before her. On wobbly legs, she rushed to her feet and over to him. Peach threw her arms around him with a desperate, yet thankful exhale. He grunted in discomfort at the feeling of being jostled, but he wrapped an arm around her and held her close.
"John..." She squeaked, unable to say anything else.
Being able to say his name while actually holding him felt like a blessing. He smelled like gasoline, gunpowder, and sweat, but she had never been more relieved to smell such a mix.
"I'm alright, Peaches..." He shuddered out an exhale that came from far within. "I'm fine, darling."
He didn't sound fine. His voice was strained and groggy, and the slight quiver in his words didn't make him sound fine. But he was here, alive, heart beating, and breathing -- so "fine" was something she could work with.
Price had no doubt in his mind that he had scared her to death. He had been scared to death. This was one of those "unmentionable moments" that the two of them had talked about before. Now that he was living it in real time, it felt so, so horribly surreal.
The hypothetical had become reality.
They found a break in their embrace, Ghost and Gaz stepping away to give them their space. Price held onto Peach's forearms to stay upright, a searing pain in his side making it hard to stand.
His cheeks were covered with soot and dirt, his left eye was slightly swollen and bruised, he had a slight burn on the right side of his face, and he had a fairly deep cut on his lip
Frankly, he looked terrible, but to her -- it was the best he had ever looked.
They sat there in silence, their arms locked together, as the chaos of the world around them seemed to fade into the background. It was just them - Peach and Price - two souls intertwined in a dance as old as time itself.
They were talking to one another without saying anything at all. Their eyes were communicating. He was telling her that he was there and alive...and on the flip side, she was telling him that he was there and alive.
She felt like she was watching their life together pass by in the reflection of his eyes. He knew how much she meant to him, but this was a reminder all over again.
She was everything to him.
He knew that this would make them stronger individually and as a couple. It would definitely take some time before she moved past this in an emotional context...and he had to tackle the emotional and physical aspect of it.
They would be having a long talk about this...more than one for sure. But for now, she was just beyond thankful that he was there, and he was thankful to still be there.
"Where are you hurt?" She asked, another set of tears rolling down her cheeks and she spoke through sniffles.
Her question was pretty empty. She wasn't quite sure what else to say, and the medic in her was coming forth.
Peach would examine him from head to toe when they were out of here and in a safe place. She could tell just by looking at his outer injuries and the way he was holding himself that his body had taken the most damage, and that he had several weeks of recovery ahead of him.
She would be there for him every step of the way. She was his rock after all, his anchor in the stormy sea of recovery.
"Everywhere," Price chuckled, but it wasn't an amused laugh. "Let's get out of here first."
Gaz, Ghost, and Soap took that as their cue, coming in for assistance. Ghost and Soap guided Price from the dock to the boat, and Gaz held Peach's hand and led her as well.
As they all boarded the boat, Gaz gave Peach a reassuring squeeze of her hand.
"We've got him, P. He's going to be fine." He said.
Peach nodded, her gaze never leaving her beloved Captain Price. She watched as Ghost and Soap carefully settled him down, their movements gentle yet efficient. She knew they were trained for this, but it was still hard to see Price in such a state.
It was hard to see any of them hurt.
Once everyone was on board, Ghost started the boat engines and began to pull out from the dock. Normally, Peach would've been a little nervous with Ghost driving, but she was far too distracted with John to even give it a second thought.
Once they were on route back to safety, Peach moved to sit beside John, holding his hands in hers as she spoke to him.
"John, what happened out there?" She asked, almost scared to.
He shook his head. His hands were still shaking.
"Complete ambush. They knew I was coming I suppose," He said. "Some kind of explosive took me out for a bit. Hell, I don't even know what it was."
She really shouldn't have even asked. Chills shuddered down her spine. She couldn't bear to think about this anymore.
Peach had her medic pack with her, and she was beginning to rummage through her pack and looking him over.
"I'll get you fixed up," She said, something she always said when starting to patch someone up. "Let's start with that cut."
Her voice was barely audible over the sound of the boat's engine and the wind, but Price could literally only hear her over everything else.
They were quiet for a bit as she cleaned him up and tended to his wounds. She was seeing him in better light now, and she definitely could tell that his eye was going to be swollen shut and purple by the time morning came around.
Thankfully, the burns on his face weren't too bad. They would irritate him for the next few days, but she didn't see any real threat with them.
He complained about his side the most, saying that's where most of his pain was. He had some definite tenderness there, and while she didn't feel any broken ribs, there was some bruising and evidence of impact there. She would have to more thoroughly check him out when they were back on land, but she was doing what she could for him now.
When she was finished with him for the time being, she didn't do anything else but sit with him. They sat together quietly. Just listening and feeling the other.
She rested her head on his shoulder, his hands still resting in hers. He never wanted to let go of her ever again. He would super glue himself to her if he had to.
He had almost died today. And the thought of leaving her was tearing him up more than death itself.
He thought about all the times they had talked about those hypothetical death scenarios. All the "preparation" they had done didn't seem to matter at all when it really came down to it. That was when it dawned on him.
Dying he was prepared for. Leaving her was a different story.
Price's thoughts were interrupted when he realized Soap was standing in front of them, hands jammed into his pockets and a stoic look on his face.
"Hey there, P Squared." Soap said. "Take it easy, Captain. We need you around."
That was Soap's way of saying: "You scared me, and I'm glad you're okay."
Soap walked away after that, leaving just as fast as he had come. He didn't even give either of them a chance to respond. John turned his head to look at Peach, who's coloration in her face was looking much better finally.
"P Squared?" John asked, and she grinned her first smile of the night.
"Our new nickname." She said without even raising her head from his shoulder.
John thought about it for a moment. Then let out a short chuckle.
"Not bad."
It was quiet again after that, and Peach just accepted that there wouldn't be very much talking tonight.
They would both recover on their own time. This feeling of anxiety and emotional distress would pass for both of them. Price would be up and about in a few weeks, and she would return to normal soon enough as well.
This was a process like any other. One that needed time, patience, and love from one another.
It felt like hours and hours of the boat gliding across black water into seemingly nothingness. Not a single wave or bump interrupted the boat's course, which was much appreciated considering that Ghost had the throttle pushed as far as it could go.
With one arm wrapped around her, and the other one free -- John took his free hand and slipped it into his pocket. His fingertips brushed against something familiar -- it was cold and small. Something that he had forgotten about for the first time since he bought it.
Price fiddled with it, a sense of remembrance and a bit of nerves rushing through every system he had. He touched the metal band of the ring and the diamond centered on it. He had memorized how it felt, because he had been playing with it and carrying it around since the day he bought it.
For a moment, he seriously thought about proposing to her. In no way was this the setting or circumstances he had imagined when it came to asking her to marry him, but he felt so connected and so in love with her in this moment that it felt all too right.
But he knew that this wasn't a good time. He was fresh off of almost dying and Peach was literally traumatized from it -- not a great proposal setting. Besides, he would never forgive himself if she associated her proposal with one of the worst nights of their life.
Yeah, definitely not the right time.
Good call, John. He thought to himself. Her emotions have been through enough tonight.
Suddenly, the first bit of land became barely visible on the horizon, and Price spoke.
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." He couldn't help but chuckle, and this time it was because he was amused.
After a near death experience, that wasn't surprising.
"Me neither," She whispered, raising her head to look at him. "Stay up with me?"
He felt like he could melt. She was staring at him like she was petrified that he was going to disintegrate if she let go of him. He kissed her then, ignoring the sting and ache in his lip as he did so.
The kiss was real. It reminded her that he was really alive and would see another day. Their future was still intact.
"Yes," He said. "Of course."
And, as promised, the two of them stayed up for the remainder of the night. As soon as their feet hit solid ground, Gaz and Soap delivered Price to a place where Peach could finally take a real look at him.
She took her time, looking over every inch of him and checking for anything he might have missed. By the time she was satisfied and content with her thorough examination, it had been almost two hours.
Honestly, she would've kept checking his vitals and examining him until the sun came up. But he had been through quite enough today, so she figured poking and prodding him wasn't the best call.
Considering what had happened, Price was extremely lucky to have gotten away with the injuries that he did. A couple of bone bruises, mild burns, and several superficial lacerations was a cakewalk.
Peach gave him extra cherry suckers that night out of her pack. Even though he didn't have the appetite for them, he took them with appreciation and downed every single one that she gave him. He would never take those cherry lollipops for granted ever again.
The two of them spent the late night hours together. Holding one another, continuing to be thankful and grateful that John Price didn't die that night.
They found solace in each other's arms. They were no doubt shaken to their cores, but there was peace with one another. John, who had brushed death, was alive and breathing in real time next to her.
Each breath he took was a reminder of the fact that each one was a miracle.
They held each other tighter, their hearts beating in sync, as if trying to make up for the beats that could have been lost. They spoke in hushed tones, their words a mix of relief, love, and a newfound appreciation for life.
John was still counting on marriage, two kids (still one boy and one girl), and a countryside house that was far, but not too far. After this, he wanted it even more than before.
They watched night turn into morning. Each moment was precious. A gift. A blessing.
John Price didn’t die that day. For that, she was eternally grateful. He was eternally grateful.
They were eternally grateful.
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markantonys · 7 months
AITA for joining a "cult" that thinks my sister and mom are Darkfriends?
First, some backstory. I (30m) have always been an outsider in my family. It wasn't anything to do with my parents - dad (dead) always spent all his time with me instead of my younger siblings, and (step)mom (43f) always gave me extra attention compared to her bio kids because she didn't want me to feel neglected - or with my brother (21m), who's always looked up to me. It was all because of my sister (19f). She's hated and bullied me ever since she was a toddler, and I have no idea why. I guess maybe she doesn't think I'm her real brother, or blames me for telling on her whenever she did irresponsible things like climb trees and talk to strangers. All I've ever done is try to keep her safe, but she's never appreciated it.
Anyway, there's this organization (my sister claims it's a cult, though I don't think that's fair) that's dedicated to serving the Light. My mom always hated them and kept them banned from our country because she thinks they have an agenda against women who can channel, and she's one herself, as is my sister. I used to believe her, but after reading one book written by the organization's founder, I realized that my mom has a totally biased view of them and they're actually doing really important work founded on admirable principles. So when my sister went missing at the hands of women who can channel, I decided I'd had enough of those women lying to everyone all the time and I joined this organization.
I did have my view of them shaken when I found out my mom had been kidnapped, abused, and murdered by one of their leaders (turns out she's actually still alive though, don't worry about that), but I challenged that leader to an honorable duel and killed him to avenge my mom, and my friends and I rooted out a handful of other corrupt members of the organization, so now with that small minority gone, the rest of us can continue doing the Light's work and spreading awareness of the evils of the One Power.
To be clear, I OBVIOUSLY don't think my sister and mom are Darkfriends; it's only everyone else who uses the One Power who is. I've explained this to my sister multiple times but it only makes her angrier instead of grateful that I'm making an exception for her and choosing to believe the best of her. It feels like I can never do anything right in her eyes, but maybe I've somehow got the wrong understanding of the situation. So, AITA?
u/dainbornhald: NTA. Your sister's problem isn't actually that you joined this organization (which totally does sound 100% Light-serving). She doesn't think you're her real brother and is just looking for any excuse to continue the bullying, manipulation, and gaslighting she's been using on you since she was a toddler. [+5k votes] u/childbyar: Came here to say this. Sister sounds like a textbook abuser, and, honestly, almost definitely a Darkfriend. I'd go no contact with her, OP, and maybe get a restraining order if you have to - she's obviously unhinged. [+1.2k votes]
u/amyrlinseat: You joined a cult that thinks your sister is a Darkfriend based on an innate characteristic about her that she didn't choose and can't change (unlike you, who DID choose to join this cult), and you're whining that she's mad at you for it??? YTA [-749 votes]
u/luckyfox: YTA for the cult thing, but this whole family's got serious mommy AND daddy issues (take it from an expert). Sister resents you for getting all your parents' attention growing up, and you have a victim complex about being a stepchild/half-brother. I can only wonder what might be going on with the middle brother who wasn't mentioned much here. You guys need to go to therapy. [+2 votes] u/galaddamodred [OP]: My brother always seemed very well-adjusted, but a few hours after I made this post he actually died going on a suicide charge in battle because he thought he was unimportant enough to risk and no one would care much if he died in the attempt. Which sucks because now the only sibling I've got left is my sister who hates me. [+273 votes] u/luckyfox: oh my god [+312 votes]
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zeevoidlight · 4 months
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I think Vegeta was a virgin up until he met Bulma.
I know, what a freaking way to start an argument but blame reddit for asking and leading me to a trail of autism thoughts, and I will also talk about Vegeta's attraction to Bulma and viceversa when they first met. Like, how tho. Albeit from a demisexual perspective (or asexual, idk anymore really). (I saw the latin dub but as I have heard it is very similar to the japanese version but I'll reference the japanese one if i found footage of it).
Some might believe that because of his attitude, his raw power, his Saiyan heritage, his status as conqueror of planets, genocidal maniac, sociopath extraordinare, his military background and his ruthlessness and uncaring nature, Vegeta was raping people left and right, or that he has always been very sexually active, or at least had some experience regarding the matter.
But be honest, he was too dense with everything from his childhood traumas and his vengeance against Frieza to care about having sex, or having a relationship with anyone in any capacity.
Also he is too proud and values his Saiyan heritage too much to give anyone he didn't deem worthy the privilege to have sex with him, let alone risk the possibility of an offspring. At least that's how I see Vegeta being pre Namek and pre dying against Frieza having to confront and accept by force an overwhelming amount of feelings on a rollercoaster for the first time in years. Dude didn't even thought two times to kill Nappa and let Raditz rot instead of reviving him as the last remainings of his people, that's how dense he was prior. He was so proud that he didn't mind to be the only Saiyan left alive and probably preferred it that way. Nappa that one time suggested to him that they could revive the Saiyan race by mixing with earthlings and Nappa was ready to pound (consensual or not) and Vegeta is like "nah, are you crazy? I wouldn't like to have a child being stronger than me". Dude probably had the opportunity to do so some other times but rejected the thought, he doesn't sound interested at all, first thinking on other things than sex.
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Of course he wasn't oblivious to it like Goku though and was well aware because he's not stupid. Outside of the English dub he notices Bulma on Namek and even refers to her as gorgeous, or pretty earthling woman. So I guess he still had a sexual notion but in other ways. He was not innocent of mind is what I'm saying. Like, he must have known what flipping the bird means. Is probably not that he didn't knew what sex was and desired it at some point or joked about it like I guess they'd do in Frieza's army but he was just not interested on acting on it for real at that time.
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But then, after Frieza died and everything that happened after his disaster visit to Earth and Namek, after loosing literally everything and having no purpose anymore other than wait and find Goku to best him, and after having realized more of himself in vulnerable ways trying to find some sense of normality in who he perceived he was, here comes Bulma all confident, infatuated and aggressive with him, because of course she like the bad boys and because Vegeta let his guard down for one second and let Bulma be Bulma while he literally couldn't do anything but go along (I suppose Piccoro was the only one that could have fight him if he tried anything). And he already found her attractive too in a way, not only that but she was probably the first woman that wasn't scared of him and even challenged him, treating him as an equal and as just another person, flirting with him openly, living with her and her family as a guest which is a completely different context to what he had been doing to survive his medium.
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His interactions with Bulma
So just so happens that now he can think on other things that aren't killing Frieza and escaping his rulership. He had to learn this new types of interactions and how to deal with them in his own way, and that includes how to approach someone that he felt attracted to. Who knows if he had other people he felt that attraction towards, probably, but Bulma is the one that basically said "yeah, I'm down if you want".
The fact that he calls her "vulgar" when she first flirted with him says a lot of how he would not engage with just anyone because of his pride as a prince and a Saiyan, and how she probably was the first to even flirt with him openly. How he says she is "loud" and called her "woman" also says that he was more likely annoyed by the idea of women as gender like it often happens, belittling them and all. While on the other hand Bulma constantly challenged him on it once they got to Earth, forcing him to address the topic as we see several times, being strong against him. Like (again I'm going with the Latin version since I've heard is more accurate to the japanese version), Bulma says to him "and what about you, small one", and he's like "what?!... She called me small one?..." (in japanese she just calls him Vegeta-kun, like a pet name), he was not willing to dignify the provocation huffing to Bulma's invitation after but didn't menace her nor got aggressive or sarcastic like he would with someone else. But then she said "I'm going to give you a lot of food. Bet you eat as much as Goku, am I wrong? haha!... But I'm not going to allow you fall in love with me even if you find me very attractive", and is in this moment where you can see Vegeta's wtf face entering panic mode resorting to insult her under his breath as if she could see through him. Is right here where you see that he doesn't really know how to react to someone flirting and is debating between bursting in anger or run away but just ends up paralyzed because his ego won't let him move. (in japanese he reacts by muttering "what a vulgar woman! and how loud she is (being)!")
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Then they go to Bulma's house and Vegeta just tags along. It seems that going through Namek with the earthlings, helping each other and cooperating like his life depended on it was an experience for a lifetime. My man can't seem to get a rest from one wft after the other since he arrived to Earth because the next thing that happens is that Bulma's mother comes to him faster than light startling him and says "[]...I imagine you must be Bulma's boyfriend. You ARE charming. And it looks like you are trendy". And the only thing he can muster to reply back is "t-trendy?" (I find it funny that that's what he reacted to and not to being called Bulma's boyfriend XD)
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Vegeta's disinterest and rejection is part of why I think Bulma was interested on him. Because the interactions Bulma has had with men in general throughout the entirety of the series have been... very poor to say the least. Men want take advantage of Bulma in one way or another but more often than not sexually (I mean just being in Roshi's general vicinity is more than enough for anyone), or they see her as a "thing" for themselves, a trophy. (this one bellow was so terribly stressful, my god...)
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And Bulma's approach to men is a similar as well because she is clearly very superficial too and that has remained a constant since day one. (jesus, bulma)
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And Vegeta wasn't interested on taking her like that, on the contrary he pushed her away despite being interested (which I bet Bulma knew or at least expected because of her own ego), and also he had greater objectives he wanted to pursue. Focused (on surpassing Goku...), determined, and that was the difference. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would try to get an opportunity to peek through the shower window seeking to get a glimpse of her like we have seen others do (although, Bulma did saw him through the shower doors), or disrespect her in any physical way. Far from it, his reactions with her are getting all nervous, speechless, flustered, he follows her (because in a way he does respect her character and leadership), aggressively rejecting her at the same time (trying to negate his feelings to go back to the status quo), calling her names, and Bulma isn't taking none of that because she doesn't believe that bs he's spouting and she knows he likes her (like, who wouldn't, as she probably tells herself), even plays with it sarcastically and either brushes it off or dares him to say it again.
He lets her get close to him but cautiously (the comparison to a stray cat is not too farfetched). He knows what Bulma wants but just now he has found someone that confronts him about it without fear or shame, he has now the mental space to think about it and needs to respond to it somehow, he is interested back too, he IS aroused by her as well. When he arrives to Bulma's house from his search in space and Yamcha and him are al tense with each other, Bulma arrives and says all calmly "Calm down, boys. Why don't you let him take a shower first?", she touches him and says "C'mon. You have to take a shower because you are VERY dirty" *finger movent, "Come. It's this way". That flinch he does when she touches him while going into fight or flight mode again, and the famous sexy finger movement on Bulma's part that completely seeks to throw him off and serve as a sexual invitation that he quietly accepts (even before she yells at him to stop gawking and not let a damiselle wait) by being passive and following her lead to the surprise of everyone in the scene.
I mean, I'm not the most versed person regarding this (as you can probably see) but It's happened to me where someone gives me something they have to hand me, and they let their hand stay a little longer than usual, or unnecessarily caress your palm with their fingers or nails with the intention for you to notice the unusual movement and tingly sensation as a way of flirting and invite you to sexy time. So I see this the first time and i'm like "Bulma?... ~what is this?~ I see your game" while remembering the first time someone did that to me so clearly. People think that because it's some people's first time you'll be all awkward and won't know how to be sexy too, specially being an older virgin person which would be Vegeta's case, but nah, you just gotta be confident and say "fuck it, I want this too and will give you a good time as well". It is how I picture Vegeta, ultimately knowing his value and enjoying himself as well (like, "serving himself with the bigger spoon" as they say) once they got there when he had to take a decision and answer Bulma's provocations.
(Also, I never totally understood why Bulma's mom was spilling the tea in the background at that moment but I suspected it was because it meant to signify Vegeta and Bulma were "cooking" and very into each other, and not just her being careless and aloof tho using that as a way to convey it).
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Every time they in a scene she's measuring him with every interaction they have from the moment they got back to Earth onward, to see how far he's willing to allow her go, and hitting him with another wtf reaction every now and then to trow him off. Even going as far as put him in ridiculous and assert HER dominance. Because is not that he couldn't have just blasted everyone away with every step but little by little both were forming a connection. The scene of the pink shirt, after Vegeta gets offended by the style she says "If you don't want them you can walk around nude"... D: (his pikachu face was better than mine though, and then he says "damn, she's very rude"). I mean... is there anything more clear than that.
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And then she sees him and says "You really look good like that...". Not only that but when Vegeta senses Frieza arriving he gets mad, insults Yamcha for doubting his ability to sense Frieza's chi, they're about to fight each other and Bulma is cooking some meat and is like "Vegeta, if you want to use the sauce I have it here", and everyone, specially Vegeta, is visibly confused and he doesn't know how to respond, the scene is left unanswered.
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(side note: Trunks says that after his arrival Yamcha was going to be unfaithful to Bulma but no man, That's what future Bulma told him but is more likely that it was her the one that left him for Vegeta that day, way before Trunks arrived. Even on Namek she already was over him, thinking of Goku and how she lost her train with him, then with Zarbon, and finally Vegeta (she also had a picture of Yamcha in her little camp in Namek full of darts to his face, so...). Yamcha never really had Bulma, and he didn't do much to get her back either or change. Truth is Bulma is the crazy one). And then when Frieza arrives to Earth Bulma arrives at the scene too and explains that since she couldn't see Frieza in Namek she wanted to see him here to see how strong he really was, and Vegeta says "not only she's rude but aggressive/daring too..." In this very soft thoughtful tone and talking to himself, like... C'mon dude! Accept that you like her!
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And then then! when everyone is going towards Frieza's ship, Bulma is the one who yells "Wait, Vegeta! take me with you! Remember who hosts you!" (is that how you say it? dar alguien hospedaje?). Yamcha is completely out of her picture.
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We see the next time the most obvious episode where the love tones are more present, Vegeta's training montage after the news of the androids, and his accident with the gravity chamber, but by then it was just confirmation of all the signs from before. So when we see Bulma with baby Trunks it doesn't really come out of nowhere and you understand how and why.
While I find Super's tsundere Vegeta in some instances fun to watch, more with him and Goku to be honest, but I don't think Z Vegeta was taking it in such a juvenile way, he's more adult and mature still about the situation, as mature as someone calling a girl "woman" to assert dominance that is. The flirting "dance" towards their sexual encounter is more silent and elegant, just like two adults would do so. He wants to get closer but the only thing the dude has known his entire life is fighting and being on offense mode all the time. Their dynamic is quite interesting and quite amazing, not for nothing they are considered to be one of if not the best couple in anime, and trying to unravel how it all started is really fun.
But yeah, As I see it and if we could compare Vegeta's sexuality to something from real life he, as most saiyans, was probably demi-sexual (yay), since it's said that Saiyan's don't understand romance and they likely only had sex to reproduce. They didn't had the concept of family outside of the royal family. And that's why also Vegeta is one of the few saiyans that later could develop an understanding of family and being in a relationship in a way other saiyans don't, including Goku.
So yeah, that's my terminally online post of the day. Nothing but Dragon ball and Vegeta on my mind lately.
I would like to get into analyzing Goku and Vegeta's sexuality soon too. It's so interesting as well because is not traditional.
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aoimeru14 · 21 days
I'm usually more calm about this sport, but today's race makes me want to sort of rant (and hear what y'all think)...
Serious question, do you genuinely think that McLaren actually has a strategy? (Any kind of strategy) (Please comment on it, I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts)
No, because now I'm starting to think that they just play Jenga during the briefing and then tell the drivers "Do what you want, you are your own man now. But remember, Papaya Rules" and then proceed to play Galaga at the pitwall during the race.
I'm saying this because even if McLaren objectively has the best car/drivers combo on the grid, it seems like they still don't have a plan on how to use it and what they want to achieve with it. (Like, today they achieved results just because the drivers aren't tractor drivers) (and no, it's not the same as Ferrari. They have clear goals, just poor strategies, from time to time, for achieving them)
You think they learned after Hungary, but no.
You think they came to a resolution after everyone, especially their direct competitors, told them about WDC, but no.
Today none of the pit calls made sense (most of them were just plain data feeding/asking for feedback) and this leaves me wondering:
"why I still cannot figure out what they want to do with this 2024 season in terms of strategy/goals?"
(Also, they clearly don't have a clue on how to start p1-p2).
Italy Sky sports commentators seem to think just like me because they kept asking the same question to everyone on the grid.
Am I really the only one who saw today as an easy p1-p2? Like, everyone was so confused/slow during the race and the drivers were clearly left by their own devices...
In the realm (of dreams) in which a strategy/goal actually existed, then the pitwall should have done more, in my opinion. They should have given more clear instructions to both drivers, especially before the actual race...
Yes, i'm also (but not only) talking about that risky, premature and overly aggressive pass in lap 1 at the chicane.
NO, it is not Oscar's fault, he just wanted to prove that he is a good driver. We know sweetie. You still have a lot to learn and today it showed. The fault is on the ones who instructed him, a rookie, that he COULD do it so aggressively and early in the race, risking both of the cars like that. (Thank you Lando for braking and saving it)
No, really, If that's what they are cooking for winning WCC then, oh boy. We are screwed.
Let's remember the clownery of: "Yes, we don't have a first driver, that's toxic behaviour. We let them race each other".
Yes, I agree.
You have a really good lineup so, why not? BUT there must be limits, for god's sake... There must be a strategy behind it. Look at what could have happened to BOTH cars... IN LAP 1.
That 1v1, so early in the race, didn't make sense strategy wise (and, in fact, just helped to open a position for Ferrari to slide in. Very "Ministry of Defense of the Papaya Kingdom" behaviour from everyone involved).
It was clear that today Piastri was feeling it, even more than Norris. He could have had all of the laps in the world to challenge Lando AFTER they secured a P1-P2 by distancing themselves from the Ferraris...
Also, why on earth do they still ask the drivers "Are we still on plan A or B?"... Guys, it's your job, YOU HAVE ALL THE DATA IN FRONT OF YOUR NOSE... YOU are the one who should know if your drivers are in a position in which they can safely do two pits or just focus on one and manage the tyres (yes, I'm positive that that was the full extent of the two impossible-to-decipher master plans... Call them MI5).
To quote Max Verstappen: "Can people in the background please be awake? it's important."
Speaking of the data... I unfortunately also think that the real reason behind why they had to rely so much on the drivers for feedback was also because they didn't harvest enough data for the medium (and so, acquiring solid data concerning the race pace) during free practice. From what I saw they preferred the soft all friday, obviously for a perfect pole at quali, and sacrificed all Saturday morning for petty strategy (sandbagging, really? In this economy?!).
Speaking of "In this economy"... (Yes I'm still not done ranting, I just recharged my battery for the last nail in the coffin, like Lando taught me last GP)
Ok, today was bad but what makes me more upset is the fact that McLaren's lack of ideas (and today's podium positions) slightly undermined both of the drivers chances to p1-p3 in WDC. (Yes, both. I would really like to see Piastri getting P3 in WDC in his second F1 season. Very demure, very polite cat.)
For those wondering, no, I'm really happy that McLaren is achieving all these points this year, it's been a while for the Papaya house and they really worked so hard to achieve this and more.
But this car/driver combo has not only proved to be suited for being on upper side of the grid, it's real winning material. So real that the beasts (us and, why not, the drivers) are getting hungry for victories. Let's just keep this mentality and translate it to a solid plan, because we don't know how long will it last. Maybe next year would be 2022/2023 all over again. Let's win everything while we can.
ALSO this lack of plans, Championship wise, is also starting to build up on drivers. We can see it on Oscar's tendency to be impulsive at times and Lando's struggles with believing in himself and performing accordingly. Does he really have to start ignoring the pit wall and go full multi21 for the WDC? Does Oscar have to do the same to win and prove that he can do better than whatever Hungary was? No.
The fact that none of the other McLaren strategists/team principal seem to acknowledge the harm that this lack of long term plans/goals is doing to everyone is what is making everything worse. And no, saying that Lando could do a Vettel Is not how you solve the problem. Same goes for "Oscar Is ready to help, if asked". Same goes for guilt-trapping Lando and calling him childish when he does not comply.
No, no one has to sacrifice something. No, one IS sacrificing something. Why is it always about blaming the other driver? Stop with this narrative. It's pure and simple gaslighting, the reality is that you have a rocketship and zero plan on how to use it at the fullest.
All for what? favouring constructor? That's really the only plan you have? Guys, do you know that if you do strategies that help the drivers (also WDC wise) you mathematically also get points for the WCC, right? That's how it works...
And yes, i really think that p1-p3 in WDC was (and maybe is, I don't know... Don't feel like I want to do the calculations right now) doable with the right strategy (and Verstappen constantly on a one-wheeled tractor, let's be realistic).
Both Norris and Piastri deserved a P1-p2 today, and both of them deserve to be adequately followed for the WDC (even if they cannot achieve P1. P2 and P3 is still LOVELY). Wouldn't it be more gratifying for them and their careers than just a podium?? That would be a real PAPAYA RULES in my opinion. (Of course drivers like to win, so probably they are ok with anything if that means holding trophies, but still... THINK BIG WHEN YOU CAN)
That said, even if I'm a McLaren fan (maybe I should correct it as "McLaren's drivers and engineers fan" now, we'll see), I'm still really happy that Leclerc won (sorry, i'm italian. Today, and just today, I'm also a tifosa too, forza Ferrari!).
Just a little pissed to see that we still don't have a plan other than a stupid propagandistic slogan... (Yes, I decided to risk my life on this site doing this ranting BECAUSE of that stupid slogan).
Sorry for the yapping/ranting, I hope I didn't offend anyone. Love y'all, and don't take anything too seriously, it's just a sport.
As anyone, I just want to see the team I'm rooting for improve, especially now that we have a NASA rocket in the house.
Also, McLaren fans, pls don't fight each other, let's be less toxic than our favourite team. The drivers didn't do anything wrong today and, even if it is difficult to admit it, they are just two twenty-something years old acting like their age living their dream/passion.
That said, I'm really curious to read your thoughts/opinions on today's race and ideas for possible future strategies. I see it often on Reddit and never on Tumblr, let's show that we too can get technical!
See you (?) for the next GP... Hoping McLaren does come to their senses.
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fanbun · 3 months
This quote from Variety's new Dan Harmon interview is concerning to me as a Rick and Morty fan… but it also explains a lot of the problems I have with the show’s writing...
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“I think a reset is a good way of looking at it. We had so much behind the scenes drama that I think we didn't need a lot of irony and challenge on the screen narratively. I think the experiment became, can we accomplish the show moving forward? Can the fans not lose their favorite show, not be distracted by any of the turbulence? There was also another important reason to reset, which is we're anticipating doing a lot more of these. This was always designed to be a show that could last thousands of episodes. And you can't last thousands of episodes if you're simply going to tell a serialized story about how your protagonist stops being the protagonist. I've always been obsessively focused on maintaining modularity, so that the more popular your show gets, the more accessible it is to a hopefully increasing freeway of traffic.” (source)
I really don’t like this business-minded approach that sacrifices story in exchange for an endless stream of content.
You could argue the show was always supposed to last forever, but the problem is that the writers set up major overarching storylines and focused their attention on Rick’s development as a character. Things in the show are changing and therefore a reset comes across as a forced decision to keep the show from coming to an end.
It seemed like in season 6 the younger writers in the room were allowed to experiment with larger narratives, but from this quote I think it’s clear that Harmon’s stubbornness really prevents Rick and Morty from evolving naturally and reaching its full potential.
What I find most concerning though is that he admits that they are playing it safe with the narrative because of all their behind the scenes drama. That sounds like the final nail in the coffin to me. Why expect anything truly interesting to come out of these characters when the goal is to be unchanging and marketable? Why hope for writing that is reflective of real life when the people working on it are trying to hide the chaos that spawned it?
Unlike Solar Opposites, the Rick and Morty showrunners said they wouldn’t even be referencing the behind the scenes drama for jokes. And it’s not like Rick and Morty hasn’t done those sort of meta references before either. They did it in season 3, a time where the writing felt like it had way more effort put into it.
So not only is the writing itself disjointed and detached from reality but the jokes also tend to feel forced and generic when there are topics that are off-limits to them. And yeah, this kind of downfall is par for the course when a cartoon has been running for a long time. But Rick and Morty didn’t need to become that kind of cartoon. It didn’t need to be a Simpsons or a SpongeBob.
Honestly this is why I vastly prefer what I have read fans come up with for the show. The creatively engaged fans like to dig deep and talk seriously about character development, make theories about the show's world-building, and create art from a place of emotion. There's something really engaging there that the show occasionally touches on, but whatever hopes we have as those type of fans are sure to be dashed. At the end of the day, the showrunners would rather make some casual viewers chuckle with a half-assed pun or movie reference than risk the death of their cash cow.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months
A pair of new deities
Well, sort of new. One of them is entirely original, but the first one is actually based on a comedic aside found in Agents of Edgewatch: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, where he's listed among a few of the notable names to try and miserably fail to take on the Test of the Starstone. In both cases, however, these deities are involved with the Starstone, a bit of lore I've not really touched before due to my preference for cosmic horror.
In reality, both of these could be full articles on their own, but I feel like they're not 'big' enough to get two individual pages. Maybe one day I'll change my mind. For now, though, here's a look at Veelich, the God of Failure, and Wittiby, the God of Familiars.
VEELICH, THE UNWANTED Chaotic Neutral God of Failure, Outcasts, and Falling Forever In Bottomless Pits
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Luck, Protection, Void Subdomains: Caves*, Shadow, Curse, Imagination, Solitude, Isolation* Favored Weapon: Club Symbol: A hole or trench with a goblin hand reaching out of it. Sacred Animal: None Sacred Color: Green and yellow *Followers of Veelich can modify either the Darkness or Void Domains with the Caves Subdomain, and the Darkness Domain with the Isolation Subdomain.
Veelich the Unwanted was once known as the unluckiest goblin in all of Absalom, if not the Inner Sea, or perhaps even the world. Not a day went by that he didn't stub his toe, slam his fingers against something, spill his drinks and food, bump into the wrong person, or open his mouth and accidentally insult the very wrong person. To many, it felt as though he couldn't have possibly been doing it on accident; no one alive could be so cursed! Certainly, he was doing this for attention! But Veelich repeatedly insisted, sometimes tearfully, sometimes full of fury, that he wasn't doing anything on purpose, and near as anyone could tell, he was being genuine. Things just happened to him, constantly, and perhaps his only solace (or perhaps his true curse) is that he hadn't been killed for it yet.
That all changed when he tried to take the Test of the Starstone, so people thought. Like every aspirant, Veelich had to first make it inside the cathedral, and to do that, he had to first bypass the bottomless pit which surrounded it. Like so very, very many aspirants before him, the first challenge proved to be insurmountable, and to his credit, he did go all out on his attempt. He had purchased a powerful potion of Jump to heroically leap into the air, a sturdy parachute to glide the rest of the way, and a sturdy security line attached to a powerful, magic stake in the ground in case his luck went sour (as it always did), and even a Ring of Sustenance to both avoid the risk of food poisoning AND assure that his goblin appetite didn't force him to do anything stupid once he finally got into the cathedral.
What he did not know was that his Jump potion was on a discount due to being largely expired, its effects not nearly as dramatic as they should have been, his parachute wasn't secured properly, and a citizen passing by as he set up had accidentally dripped some savory sauce on his safety line, attracting the attention of a voracious rat. Even if none of those incidents had occurred, the sheer number of good luck charms he had brought with him in the hopes of stabilizing his cursed luck would have weighed him down anyway, but fate did not have to work especially hard to send him screaming into the darkness, Ring of Sustenance assuring he wouldn't even die quickly, never to be seen or heard again... For about five or so years.
It was, perhaps, more surprising for Veelich than it was for the first of his unintentional Clerics, Oracles, Antipaladins, and the like to find out that he had achieved a measure of divine apotheosis as he fell endlessly in that pit; he had gotten so used to talking to figments of his imagination as he fell that it took his devoted several months to convince him that they were real, and that he had actually succeeded in his goal of becoming a god... But not in the way he had wanted. In a cruel cosmic jest, the cruelest yet, his attempts at becoming the God of Overcoming Adversity had cemented him as the God of Failure, a figure of mockery and a target of endless jokes, all of which he gets to hear every time someone mentioned him by name. He doesn't even get a proper divine realm, instead having been transported, at some point, to a dark pocket of the Maelstrom that perfectly imitates the pit he spent his final few years as a mortal falling through. His divine portfolio doesn't lend itself to any particularly major miraculous acts; he's mostly a sponge and scapegoat for misfortune and curses, which he then passes onto his followers so that they may then pass them onto their foes (provided they don't perish miserably from the influx of cursed power).
It's not all bad, though. In a way, his bad luck never actually killed him, and though his power isn't especially impressive when compared to that of a proper Ascended, it DOES give him hope that one day, he will be able to find out who or what worked to make him so miserable in his mortal life.
As a proper god, Veelich can grant Boons to any creature taking the Deific Obedience feat, but he does not possess a dedicated Prestige Class such as Feysworn or Diabolist. Boons are typically gained slowly, achieved at levels 12, 16, and 20, but by entering the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes as early as possible, they can be obtained at levels 8, 11, and 14 instead. While normally a full god would grant three sets of Boons, Veelich isn't powerful or especially creative enough to come up with more than one. Perhaps, in time, he will.
Obedience: Either find or create a hole deep enough to hide your entire head inside, then do so. Spend at least half an hour making casual (though one-sided) conversation about what's been going on in your life so Veelich gets some respite from the deluge of frantic prayers, then you may devote the remaining time to redirecting any misfortune or accidents you have suffered or believe you will suffer to him. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus to saving throws against curses, and to Climb and Athletics checks.
Boon 1: Cruel Irony (Sp): Gain Jump 3/day, Create Pit 2/day, or Curse of Befouled Luck 1/day.
Boon 2: Curse Sponge (Sp): Common faithful believe Veelich will soak up all their bad luck and misfortune, but you know that prayer isn't enough. Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. Up to three times per day, you may cast Accept Affliction as a spell-like ability, except you may use it on any creature within 20ft rather than as a touch spell. If you've absorbed at least three separate afflictions from another being with this ability (whether it be all in a single casting, or one affliction per casting) within the same 24 hour period, Veelich redirects a portion of your suffering; once within the next 24 hours, you can cast Bestow Curse as a spell-like ability.
Boon 3: Screaming Into the Darkness (Sp): Once per day, you may give a foe a taste of what the God of Failure had to deal with. This acts as using the Maze spell as a spell-like ability, except instead of sending a victim into an extradimensional labyrinth, it sends them falling into a bottomless pit inside of which flight--magical or mundane--is impossible. As such, the victim does not make Intelligence checks to escape, but must instead succeed Climb checks (DC 15 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier): the first to catch themselves and stop from falling, then 2 additional successful Climb checks for each round they failed to stop themselves from falling (thus a creature that fell for 3 rounds would need to make 6 successful Climb checks to fully emerge from the pit). A creature that fails to escape the pit reappears at the location they disappeared from falling at terminal velocity, taking 20d6 bludgeoning damage the moment they hit a solid surface.
WITTIBY, THE SAGE OF SMALL MAGIC True Neutral God of Familiars, Cantrips, and Arcane Study
Domains: Animal, Community, Knowledge, Magic, Strength Subdomains: Animal*, Cooperation, Education, Arcane, Resolve Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff Symbol: An animal-patterned spellbook with a pearl clasp Sacred Animal: Any familiar Sacred Color: Lime green *Followers of Wittiby may select any of the Subdomains under the Animal Domain.
Disparagingly called the Undeserving God by many, the tale of Wittiby is a strange one, a story tinged with hubris, tragedy, and lost friends. They were once the proud assistance of an archmage, a familiar created from a beloved pet and instilled with a grasp of the mystic and the arcane. Who their archmage was, and what shape they had before their ascension, are both memories that were lost to them during the trauma experienced within the Starstone Cathedral.
No one is ever prepared for the Test of the Starstone, no matter how great their power. The archmage was no different, confidently striding across the bottomless pit with a powerful Wind Walk spell and deftly avoiding the pockets of dead magic sent up to stop them before throwing open the cathedral's doors as though they were the doors of the mage's own tower. All the while, Wittiby was on their shoulder, cheering them on as the doors closed behind them, sealing their fates.
What, exactly, happened within the cathedral is something they will not say, though they obviously remember it with perfect clarity. All they reveal is that their beloved archmage, whose name was taken from them, survived every trial the Starstone Cathedral placed in their path... every trial but the last one, in the Starstone's own chamber, which took their life. Though, by all accounts, the archmage appears to have been a haughty, self-aggrandizing blowhard, their final act was one of pure kindness, sealing their beloved familiar--pet, associate, friend--in a bubble of force to protect them from the terrible backlash of arcane severance to try and teleport them out of the Cathedral, wishing only for Wittiby to escape the cathedral and the rest of their life free, but fate had other plans in store.
Someone touched the Starstone that day, after all. It just wasn't the one who opened the door.
When asked what possessed them to do such a thing, Wittiby claims that they planned to use their divine powers to turn their archmage into their Herald, restoring them to life. It was not to be, though, and for such a selfless wish, the familiar's cataclysmic ascension event tore all records of who the archmage was from reality so thoroughly that no one who was there the very day they strolled into town could even recall the mage's face or name. Going even further, Wittiby's form became protean and chaotic, shifting between dozens of animals in the span of minutes, to rob them of the shape their master gave them. All they have left is their master's spellbook, bereft of details of their life but cover-to-cover full of immense arcane knowledge.
Whether this apparent cosmic cruelty is some form of punishment from the Starstone itself for trying to bypass its rules, a price paid by all Ascended that they simply do not speak of or cannot remember (Wittiby's arcane bond to their master may be the sole reason they recall anything about them), the fate of any being to make it to the center of the cathedral but who failed the final test or, as many sneer, the price paid for Wittiby all but literally riding their way to the Starstone without doing any real work, is the subject of conjecture... even by Wittiby theirself, who isn't yet sure if they even deserve their position.
Still getting used to their place as a new god, Wittiby's dour mood has yet to fully lift, but they find joy where they can in their new duties as God of Small Magics. Every time an aspirant caster learns a new cantrip, casts their first spell, and forges (or deepens) a bond with their familiar, the world gets a little bit brighter for the Shapeless Sage. Their time as a god is a mere handful of years, their faithful a scant handful in number, knowledge of their very existence all but unheard of beyond Absalom, so time will yet tell what sort of god they will grow to be as the passing years heal their wounds and scars over their memories. For the moment they are content performing small blessings to protect mages and their bonded allies from danger when they can, and putting hopeful casters on the path to discovering and mastering their first spells.
As a proper god, Wittiby can grant Boons to any creature taking the Deific Obedience feat, but they do not possess a dedicated Prestige Class such as Feysworn or Diabolist. Boons are typically gained slowly, achieved at levels 12, 16, and 20, but by entering the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes as early as possible, they can be obtained at levels 8, 11, and 14 instead. While normally a full god would grant three sets of Boons, Wittiby is too new to divinity to offer more than one.
Obedience: Practice magic with your familiar or animal companion for at least one hour. If you are not a caster or do not have a familiar/animal companion, spend at least one hour either researching magical theory or caring for an animal which trusts you. Benefit: Whenever you, your familiar, or your animal companion performs the Aid Another action, your target gains an additional +2 sacred or profane bonus to their check.
Boon 1: The Essentials (Sp): Gain Magic Missile 3/day, Levitate 2/day, or Tiny Hut 1/day
Boon 2: Hedge Wizardry (Su/Sp): The blessing of the God of Small Magic gives you mastery over the smallest magic there is: cantrips. Each time you complete your Obedience, select three cantrips from an Arcane caster class (Magus, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch, or Wizard). You may cast these cantrips at will as spell-like abilities for the next 24 hours. In addition, once per round as a swift action, you may cast any level 0 spell you know (be it a cantrip, knack, orison, etc) with a casting time of 1 standard action or less, including the ones gained from this Boon.
Boon 3: Constant Companion (Sp): The pain of losing one's treasured companion can be crippling, and Wittiby seeks to alleviate that pain as quickly as they possibly can. You may cast True Resurrection once per day as a spell-like ability, but only to return a creature's bonded companion to life. This includes familiars, bonded mounts (like that of a Paladin or Cavalier), animal companions and, if need be, eidolons. This does NOT include hirelings or cohorts gained via Leadership. You may use this ability to resurrect bonded companions other than your own. Using this ability as an excuse to repeatedly send bonded companions into danger against their will is seen as an abuse of Wittiby's gift and may provoke their wrath.
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incandescentflower · 3 months
I finished Wedding Plan. The ending actually had a similar vibe to me as Bad Buddy. It felt real in a way that these endings often don't - where everything doesn't necessarily get tied into a bow, but there's some hope there that Lom's mother will continue to grow to understand her son. It was really moving how she seemed to get it - that her son's reactions and what he had told her about himself meant that there was a risk of him leaving her life the same way Yiwa left her family.
Thanks to @lurkingshan for the push to watch and also some of the challenges to my reactions. Some of the things you said made clear to me that Lom is inherently the more vulnerable one in this, which was not how I was reading it. But if I step back and think about their situations on the face of it, that would absolutely be the case. I think the show focused so much less on his pov in the first half and so much more on Nuea (and the risks for him emotionally and professionally) that it didn't exactly feel like they were playing it that way. But once they were more open with Lom's pov, it was clear that was the intention.
In the second half Yiwa explains that Lom is actually more isolated than she is, that he is more controlled by his parents, that she wanted this more than he did because she can use the marriage to get her freedom - all things that were very unclear earlier.
Lom says he wishes he was braver and had explained the situation sooner only after Nuea leaves town. I didn't read his avoidance in telling Nuea earlier as fear or understand what he was afraid of. This became so much clearer when Nuea said he would continue to be Lom's wedding planner. The relief Lom felt finding out his situation wasn't going to end what they had together was palpable. The way he cried in Nuea's arms was heartbreaking.
I've been thinking a lot about how his relationship with Yiwa is so important, but it was framed as kind of them against the world. So when Marine came into the picture, I'm sure Lom was so happy for Yiwa, but it meant he was a little more alone with it all.
Early on Lom asks Nuea if he's lonely and now I read that as him expressing his own loneliness, but I didn't in the moment. I think the show could have spent more time giving us a little more glimpses into Lom in the beginning and his loneliness in particular. I think it would have made it easier to empathize with him sooner since I didn't seem to be the only one with that problem.
Still, what they gave us when they gave it was really affecting. It was really a beautiful story of love in so many ways. I'm very glad to have watched it.
As an aside, one of their songs is also Achi's love confession song from Cherry Magic Thailand and it was sweet and a little jarring to hear it so often for them haha.
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bts-hyperfixation · 11 months
Outside of the Fox
Chapter 23 of 30
1389 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Namjoon is a proud man. You had worked that out when you started offering to pay for things. He hated feeling like someone thought he couldn't provide for his own family. And Jin's innocent attempt to offer advice had clearly weighed heavily on his shoulders.
A few days had passed since the failed lunch date and Namjoon was still stomping around the house. He slammed cupboard doors, grumbled under his breath, and was just making life miserable for everyone else as they worked to tread on eggshells around him. 
It didn't help that Jungkook was also pouting. He wouldn't let Namjoon into his room which only upset the bear further. Every evening Jungkook dragged you with him to bed and left Namjoon sleeping alone in your room. Neither of them had talked about the date since.
From the small conversations you had managed to get with Namjoon, he was heavily blaming Jin for this sudden behaviour change in Jungkook. Assuming it was the accusation that they needed help that was upsetting Jungkook, rather than Namjoon's attitude. You rolled your eyes behind his back but tried to let the dust settle a bit more before bringing up Jungkook's real issues. 
But the problem just seemed to be growing, taking over Namjoon's entire mindset as he slipped from angry to depressed.
"We need to sort this out." Jimin comments.
You were sat with Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi in the living room, watching Namjoon closely. The bear was stomping around the kitchen trying to make lunch for himself but it was clear his attention kept shifting to Jungkook's closed bedroom door. 
"I think he has every right to be mad about what Jin said," Yoongi shrugs.
Yoongi had been almost as annoyed as Namjoon for the first couple of days. He was better at controlling his annoyance but it had been evident in the slight spice that invaded his scent. While he had slowly calmed himself down, the leader of the pack didn't have the same inclination to let things go.
"I'm not sure he does..." You say, earning a glare from Yoongi and a curious glance from Jimin.
You had been waiting patiently for days to bring up the prospect of getting Jungkook some help but you had been weary of approaching Namjoon like this. He had already cut off all contact with Jin and he had been falling head over heels, you didn't really want to risk your own position in the house. However, as time went on it became more apparent that the right time was never going to come.
You swallow hard and prepare yourself to risk everything you have built.
"I think we need to have a family meeting." You state, sounding far more confident than you felt. 
So on Sunday morning, you found yourself sitting in a circle in the living room once more. All eyes flit between you and Namjoon, waiting for either of you to speak. The air feels too warm as you loosen your collar.
"Why have you called a meeting Y/N?" Namjoon asks.
"We need to talk about what Jin said." 
"I don't want to talk about it." He huffs.
"Tough, it's time." 
You try your best to level him with a glare, challenging him to tell you no. He grumbles to himself again but makes no effort to leave or to speak.
"Fine, I will start. Namjoon you can't keep walking around the house like this. It's uncomfortable for everyone."
"It's my house I'll do what I damn well please." He growls
"It's our house Namjoon." Yoongi snaps back. 
Tension runs high between the pair of them as they stare each other down, low growls in their throats. Jungkook takes the opportunity to pull Jimin away from Taehyung and into his lap, hiding behind him as the anger in the room becomes palpable. Hoseok shrinks back into the chair he has chosen, not used to the displays of animal aggression. 
You start to wonder if you should try to butt in again and get a proper conversation flowing when Namjoon relents and sighs heavily. He rubs his hands across his temple, and Yoongi settles back into his seat satisfied. 
"I just can't stand how judgemental everyone is about Jungkook. I try my best you know. It just feels like everyone has an opinion and it's always critical. No one ever comments on the progress he has made." Namjoon says.
The anger in his eyes has faded to defeat. Your heart breaks for him as the tears gather on his waterline. Jimin reaches across to bridge the gap between the armchair and the sofa, taking ahold of the older man's hand. 
"Was it this bad when I accidentally mentioned it too?" You whisper to Yoongi.
He shakes his head no.
"I think this is because he has gotten to know Jin, and maybe because Jin is a professional?" Yoongi whispers back.
Namjoon continues to apologise for his actions, words tumbling for his lips as he searches for explanations and excuses. He looks sheepishly at Jungkook as he talks, obviously trying to gauge his reactions, not wanting to trigger the bunny. 
Jungkook has his face buried into Jimin's shoulder, his arms wrapped tight around the panda's waist, but otherwise, he seems unaffected. 
"I just can't stand thinking we aren't doing what is best for Jungkook." He finishes.
"Then maybe we should start talking about therapists." You point out.
But even with his apology, it is clear that Namjoon isn't fond of that idea. 
"No." He says flatly.
"Why not?" You ask.
"Because... because... because we are enough for Kookie, he doesn't need anyone else, and it will only make him worse if we force him to talk to someone else." He stumbles over his response. 
"And have you actually asked Jungkook if that's what he wants?" Tahyung asks, taking some of the pressure off of you.
"I think I know what Jungkook wants." Namjoon counters, the anger returning to his voice.
"I want to be better!" The bunny yells, surprising the room. 
You all turn to stare at the man and he continues. 
"I want to be better. I want to be able to talk to Jin, and take Y/N on dates, and go shopping on a weekend when it's busy. I want... I want to be okay." 
You all turn your attention back to Namjoon. He is looking very introspective, unsure of what he can say next. 
"Okay..." He relents, clearly conflicted. "But we might have to wait a little while... money is a little bit too tight right now."
"No it isn't" Taehyung interjects. "I will pay for Jungkook's therapy, and anything else we need."
"Taehyung we can't ask you to do that." Namjoon protests.
"You're not asking, and I'm not offering, I am telling you. I WILL pay for anything Jungkook needs. Anything any of you need."
"But, but it's my job to provide." Namjoon says, his tone getting watery
"You cannot provide for six packmates all by yourself, and I have the money. Stop being stubborn and let me take care of you too." 
"And me for that matter." You back Tae up. "I have some money from my marriage and I think it's time I put it to good use."
"I can't let you use your money for us. You should use it for yourselves and what you like." Namjoon tries to argue again.
"Well I like you, so that's what I am spending my money on." Taehyung states, shutting down any further conversation on the matter.
"In actual fact... I want to spend as much of my money as possible on you." He continues. "And I thnk we can all use a break, Let's go to the beach." 
"I've never been to the beach," Jungkook perks up.
"Even more reason to go. Everyone take some time off, and lets go." Taehyung grins
"Namjoon needs to apologise to Jin first though." Jimin says.
"Yeah... I will." The bear says looking uncomfortable.
"Great, and what better way to apologise than offering him a free vacation." Taehyung says.
And with that, you all begin to disband and go about the remainder of your days. You can't help but overhear as Jimin turns to Jungkook 
"You only want to take Y/N on dates?" Jimin says pouting, making the bunny all flustered. 
Send me asks - doesn't have to be fic related. Can be smutty, thirsty, fluffy, angsty, whatever you're feeling regarding BTS. Can be literally anything doesn't have to be BTS
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actual-changeling · 11 months
hiiiiii @nightgoodomens i read this post and then immediately started typing and this is the result. either sorry or you're welcome. or both. :)
Crowley's first instinct is to wrench his arm from Aziraphale's grasp, but his hold on him tightens ever so slightly as if sensing his intentions, so he stays put—for now.
Still, anger rises in his chest like a tidal wave, hot and desperate and tainted by nothing lasts forever and i forgive you. They haven't talked about it yet, and he refuses to when the outcome of that argument could very well mean extinction, not just for the two of them but for the world. He built walls in his mind, keeping out shimmering purple eyes and familiar lips, and stopped breathing so he could pretend Aziraphale didn't smell all wrong.
The reason stretching throughout their foundations turns into vines, forcing them apart stone by stone when he meets his gaze.
"How about we come up with a plan where you don't risk destruction, please?"
Crowley's smile is a mask of bitter disappointment; the slant of his mouth is sharp, almost cruel.
"What do you care?"
"Of course I care," Aziraphale shoots back immediately, his fingers digging into his arm forcefully enough that he can practically taste the bruises forming beneath them.
"You were more than happy to deliver me to heaven all tied up and with a bow on my head, Arseangel Aziraphale. You would have had to find someone to scrape my sorry fucking remains off their pristine floors five minutes later."
A tingling numbness spreads up to his shoulder, pins and needles reminding him that this corporation is starting to get tired of being restrained, but Crowley is too focused on the insulted rage distorting the angel's face. He steps closer, forcing him to look up at him, and he takes minute satisfaction in the heavy swallow running down his throat.
"They wouldn't-"
"Oh, they wouldn't, really? They have already done it once, and now they're planning on ending us all. None of them would know mercy if it hit them in their perfect bloody faces."
Uncaring for the increase in his volume, Crowley mockingly raises an eyebrow, challenging him to disagree, to defend heaven like he has done time and time again, to finally let go of him and let him stomp off to his destruction; this time, he is either going to win or go out on his own terms.
When Aziraphale doesn't respond, his lashes fluttering and his mouth opening and closing several times without expelling a single sound or breath, he channels six thousand years of suppressed frustration and angry humiliation and rips his arm out of his grasp.
"There is no 'we', Aziraphale. There is your side, there is earth, and then there's me."
He remembers the hundred times Aziraphale denied knowing him, called him a demon, his adversary, denounced their friendship and arrangement, and ground their partnership to dust under his heels like a dried-out bug on the verge of death.
Friends, we're not friends.
For a moment, Crowley wants to ask if any of it had been real, but he knows it was—that's why it hurts.
That's why he can't let it go.
The pain as the blood in his arm begins to flow unhindered again is nothing compared to the gaping wound scratching itself open in his chest, forcing him to swallow salted iron and sickly sweet love. He has been wearing his shades every single second they spent together after his return, but he takes them off now, biting back a taunting sneer, biting back tears.
Purple meets gold, the summer-sky blue is long gone, and it helps him deliver the last blow without flinching.
"Nothing lasts forever, right? Good luck with your armageddon."
Crowley does not wait to see the hurt spreading across his face and pretends he doesn't hear the punched-out gasp or the beginnings of a sob.
Instead, he slides his glasses back into place and walks away; the universe will finally grant him rest one way or another.
tag list under the cut (tell me if you want to be added/removed)
@ineffabledeathtoallmetatrons @ineffablymanic @violet-prism-creativelycreatively @wraithee @underlined-in-spirit @acheemient @queer4cryptids @aroaceblackhole @six-of-snakes @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 @adverbian @oboextra @demonic-mnemonic @eybefioro
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mattmurdocksscars · 1 year
Hi, loves! This is a short, roughly 1k word piece I did for the TFC channel monthly challenge. This month’s challenge was song fic and so this piece is based off of the song wRoNg by ZAYN ft. Kehlani. I hope you enjoy it! 
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader (I think I managed to keep it pretty gender neutral!)
Genre: Angst with a happy ending!
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Your friends with benefits situation was… getting out of hand. The sex was phenomenal, the friendship was amazing, but you could tell he was catching feelings. Which is all well and good but you… you were under the impression you weren't made to be loved. You were made for quick fucks and leaving before your partner woke up.
At least, that's what you convinced yourself of. Now you just had to convince him.
The two of you lay side by side, chests heaving and sweat sticking to your skin. You kept telling yourself you needed to cut him off, to distance yourself. But yet, every time he smiled your way or whispered his filth in your ear, you were putty in his hands.
Get outta there, girl, before you get hurt. 
"That was…"
"Yeah." You both chuckled and you felt Matt reach for your hand. Before he could grab it though, you moved. Sitting up, you began looking around for your clothes. 
"What are you doing?" You could hear the frown in his voice but you steeled yourself. This would be the last time. 
"You say that like I don't do the same thing every time."
"I know but…"
"Why don't you stay?" The question hung heavy in the air and you sighed.
"Matt, you know why. This is just friends-"
"We're not just friends and you know it."
"Don't, Matthew. Don't think because you're with me this is real." You feel the bed shift as he sits up. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, on the defensive now. You sigh again and stand, pulling on your underwear then your jeans. 
"Listen. Some people are made to be loved and others just make it. I'm the latter. You're the former. I'm a problem with problems and I'm not any good. For you or anyone else. So take what I'm willing to give and love it or hate it."
"No, Matt. I'm serious. I'm not… I wouldn't be good for you. I'm not exactly the type you take home to mom."
"I don't care about that. I just want you, why can't you see that?"
"I do see it. Which is why we're having this conversation."
"What can I do to convince you that you're worth it? Because you are, sweetheart. You're worth so much and I just want you to see that."
You can't help but to hesitate at his words. All the scathing things you could say to end this leaves you and you deflate a little.
"I don't know, Matt. This is just how I am, how I've always been. No one's ever wanted me for more than sex and I've always been okay with that."
"But now?"
"Now… now I find myself wanting to snuggle into your side and stay. To fall asleep next to you and see if your breakfast is really as good as you claim. But I can't… Matt, I can't let myself want that."
"But why not, sweetheart? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you! I trust you more than anyone probably. It's not you I don't have faith in. It's myself. I won't risk ruining this and losing you." You wrap your arms around your middle, holding yourself instead of seeking out his comfort.
"What's life without a little risk? You can't live your life in fear of what might happen. You'll never find happiness that way." 
"Matt, please…" You whisper. He sighs and turns his back to you.
"Fine. Leave if you want to. But just know that I can't keep doing this. This isn't casual to me, not anymore. So if you leave, this is the last time."
You feel tears well at his words and you wipe furiously at your eyes. This was what you wanted, wasn't it? You wanted to end things, didn't you?
Then why did it hurt so god damn much?
You quickly grab the rest of your clothes and throw them on. You make it to Matt's bedroom door before you pause to look back.
And that's what breaks you.
Matt is sitting with his head hanging and his fists clenched on top of his knees. He looks every bit like a man defeated and it breaks your heart and your resolve. You turn and rush at him, throwing yourself at him. He just barely catches you and you slam your lips on his. The kiss is fiery and passionate and tastes of the salt of the tears that run down your face.
"Promise me I'll never lose you. Not to anything other than your nightly activities."
"I swear." He breathes those two words into you and you shudder in his hold. He sounds reverent and a part of you settles a little, knowing he's serious. 
"You've been looking in the wrong place for my love, you know." You tell him quietly.
"Oh? Where should I have been looking?"
You tighten your hold on him.
"It's been right here all along. I was just too scared to admit it. I've cared about you for a long time, Matt."
"I know. I'm just glad you're letting me in. You've got some pretty tough walls to get through." You snort. 
"You say that and yet they fell like sand to you." 
"Don't act like it didn't take months to get us to this point." Matt says with a chuckle. It gets you laughing too. Matt smiles at the sound and nuzzles into your neck. Your breath hitches at the intimacy of it and you feel Matt press a soothing kiss to your neck.
"You should stay the night. We can celebrate moving past friends with benefits and I can show you just how good my breakfast is in the morning."
"Don't you need to go out?"
"I won't tonight unless I hear something particularly bad. I want to stay in with you." He admits softly. You smile and press your face into his hair.
"That sounds great."
And so you undress a second time, this time with many more soft caresses. You spend the night entangled in Matt's sheets and you wake to the delightful smell of breakfast. 
He hadn't been lying.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
TXT MTL! would i smoke my first weed with them?
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◌⃘ ⪩☘️⪨ ۫ ִ✮ txt.ot5% ໒꒱ WORD COUNT⇆ 613!﹒☆WARNINGS: do not condone smoking, will never smoke﹒♡﹒🔋
ah yes I will actually smoke with him.
because I think he will hook me with some fine imported mary jane.
puff puff pass baby.
i would be like, yeonjun ☝️☺️ i heard for the first timer you have to pass the smoke from your mouth,,
also like of course he would consume nothing but the best of it.
his dealer probably wears some gucci set as he delivers it to him.
he won't even ask me to venmo the money back to him.
he would probably start acting like best friends though, trying to tell me his relationship problems.
like no sir
which is a con because i want to get into his pants.
sorry yeonjun im not your bro.
hard no.
he doesn't even know where his dealer is from.
but dude smelled fine so maybe it's ok to consume.
but im not ready for that kinda risk in my life.
to be honest he only smokes to get some good sleep so he isn't even the best option to smoke with.
very boring.
that four is because the off chance you find him in a happy mood and got to smoke and he will actually take off his clothes and twerk if provoked enough.
i think for the first time he would be fine.
but like soobin, don't expect him to know where his dealer shits from.
probably gets his shit while his dealer is getting chased by police.
which to be honestly would be thrilling if beomgyu wasn't crying half the drive.
still has the audacity to be like,, bestie you ready?!?!
as if he didn't commit to half his life crimes on the drive earlier.
bro got loser rizz.
probably tells you it's okay to hold his hands when you take your first puff.
would nod knowingly in sympathy when you shoot him a dirty look.
gets high way too fast.
you finish one puff and he's out in the corner, dazed out of his mind.
i think the quiet is fine, so yeah he will just do fine.
im not saying i might fall in love with him but i might.
and so will you.
thats why stay away from drugs kid.
doesn't do weed.
too classy for it.
i suggest mushrooms and he looks at me like i insulted that his grandmother smells like fake LV.
whatever that means.
but he is shocked, like his palm on his chest and mouth making perfect 'o'.
drinks alcohol like a real man.
maybe if you convinced to smoke with you, he will probably go into a catatonic state, like you won't know but he is not there.
prefers edibles after hitting the bong a bit to many times despite his "irk" for it.
mannequin challenge 2k23 edition.
you push his arm and he's actually sleeping like a baby.
maybe the best one he's ever gotten.
would be a good smoking partner to be honest.
if he's awake for it of course.
best option.
just yes.
anything with him is a yes.
he would be so cool with you.
like he takes care of you.
also snatches the bong when you've done too much.
makes you eat stuff so you don't get too high and end up suffering the consequences.
kinda panics when he sees the stuff he made you eat were laced with edibles.
i want him as my best friend if that isn't clear yet.
probably gets really high off his mind.
but like very, very giggly way.
which is always the best version!
fuck weeds, id even do hard drugs with him ( i won't.)
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aN from txt crack to txt literally doing crack.
©ITGIRLGYU 2023! feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated, and encouraged!
PERM TAGLIST / @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @wonioml @1921choi
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pstelwitchcraft · 1 year
Rewatching the last 4-Sided Dive episode and Liam's description of what a Bells Hells tower would be like (in Caleb's voice!) just hits me very hard. The thought that they would just live in a treehouse with a bunch of tunnels that connected their rooms like an anthill will not leave my head.
Because that really hits their dynamic on the head imo and it made me think. For the Nein, at the very beginning, they were very distrustful, very cutting and even harsh with each other on occasion, they saw each other as allies and not friends. Most of them didn't even want friends aside from their immediate pairings, and that made for some delicious drama, some brutally honest conversations, and the whole evolution of their dynamics as the campaign went on was very satisfying and fun to watch. They were allies first and eventually became friends by proxy of working together and sharing time.
With Bell's Hells it feels like they were allies for .5 seconds before becoming friends. They tiptoe around each other SO MUCH because they care about each other's feelings more than they care about saving the damn world. Aside from some exceptions (both ashton/laudna showdowns come to mind), they very rarely will be brutally honest with each other or even risk crossing a line, and that, in the situation they're in, is absolutely dangerous.
It so perfectly feeds into each of their self-destructive tendencies that I'm actually surprised they are all still alive. For example, they consistently would rather coddle FCG and let them believe whatever they want even if it puts them in danger because the alternative is possibly crushing their spirit when they already struggle heavily with understanding their place in the world.
The point is they care a lot from the very beginning, and I feel like the real challenge for Bell's Hells is going to be the complete opposite of what it was for Mighty Nein, the friendship comes easier to them than it came to the Nein, but the allyship and sincerity came easier for MN than BH, and if they want to survive this, we are going to have to see them become allies too, instead of just friends, and that means learning to call each other out on their bullshit. Hopefully Beau is still alive to give them a crash course 😅
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