#like it doesn't matter how skilled someone is if they don't try to integrate into the ecosystem
I didn't really wanna talk ahead of the Dungeon Meshi anime but I had this thought bugging me as I was skimming the manga. So, spoilers for what's to come.
I don't think it's any coincidence that Laios' party, out of a cast of infinitely more capable people, makes it to the final floor of the Dungeon. Why? Cause they aren't heroes.
Look at Kabru, he's the poster boy for anime protagonists. He has a tragic backstory, a personal beef with the dungeon, skills trained by a master of the crafts, and a large party who seems genuinely friendly together. He has everything going for him to one day dive to the bottom and gain closure for his story but he just can't. He never will, because the dungeon does not work on his logic. It turns out that there is no plot armor against hearing a siren sing for the first time.
What about Mithrun then? Personally wronged by the Demon, he's the paradigm of vengeance. A tragic hero who will do anything it takes to get to his goal and probably die achieving it. He has a party full of dark history and interesting dynamics, really laden with moral greyness. Not Berserk but a step closer to it than Kabru's story. But he is, unfortunately, also a classic hero archetype, and although his skills are impressive they aren't fit for the ecosystem around him, singleminded vengeance will see you killed by changelings, the cold, or starvation.
Shuro, it's gotta be Shuro right? A man from a distant land but a familiar one to the primary readerbase. He goes back to train, hone his mind, collect a party, and save the love interest from a cruel fate. Perhaps he will learn there is no saving her, and tragically be forced to slay the monster she's become. His journey ends the second Faligon dies, so he has no chance, ever, of becoming the Dungeon Lord. There doesn't need to be any extra traps to deter him, he'll get what he wants at the fourth level and be gone, his desire simply isn't pointed that way.
Laios, on the other hand. None of his party are heroes, they're all here for selfish reasons and have absolutely zero illusions about heroics and greater goods. Laios is here to save Falin, he only wants his sister to be safe. And to eat and document monsters. Marcille is here for forbidden magic and Falin, and her two desires coincide with her resurrection. Chilchuck is here because he got paid up front and can't leave without rumors spreading. Senshi was always here and he just wants to live in peace with nature. None of them have heroic intent, broadly. But it also means they don't have heroic conceit either.
Laios' party will eat anything. They'll run from battle, take shortcuts. They treat monsters not as grand challenges to overcome but something to fight for their lives with. With their teeth if need be. There is no honor here there is only living. Honor gets you strangled by treasure bugs. Revenge will see you abandon your party to giant spiders for the mere shot at your target. Duty sees you skipping meals because your goal is so important. It is striking how different the dungeon is between Laios and the others. They all treat the dungeon as their personal hell to be striven against and conquered, only Laios sees it as an extension of the living world and understands his place in it. And I think that is so fucking cool, it's so multifaceted. Like, their exact skill set is perfect for getting through the dungeon because of how they all treat it. But also because the dungeon wants them there, because they have very personal, strong desires. Desires that shape their skills, and desires shaped by their skills in a kind of Ouroboros.
And it's an interesting question of how much of both factors into their progress in the story.
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
YANDERE!SatoSugu x Reader
This is mainly based on a post (of @appleblueberry-pie ), that was just complaining that there was rarely any Fluff material from Yandere Poly Gojo and Geto (and that they are mainly seen as bullies of their darling) and holy shit! Is right. So I applied the "if someone else doesn't do it, I'll do it!" I hope you enjoy it.
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral/feminine
WARNINGS: SOFT YANDERE GETO SUGURU AND SOFT YANDERE GOJO SATORU, UNHEALTY MINDSET, OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR, MANIPULATION, Gojo's god complex (minor), canon Divergent (Geto doesn't get corrupted...complelty), Gojo x Geto x reader, strange amount of domestic fluff towards the end. VERY LONG POST
okay.... you're screwed.
or well not so much.
What Satoru and Suguru have as a Yandere combo is that they balance each other in their worst aspects and end up being much more pleasant than if they were separated (this is more noticeable in the case of Gojo but let's talk about that).
Let's say they meet you at Jujustu High, a new classmate. which precisely stands out because of how innocent you seem, how good you are as a person.
clearly without having gone through the same traumas as most third years by the time you integrate.
You only entered to the Jujustu academy out of a desire to improve your growing skills and help people in the process. something very genuine.
So when they both become interested in you (cutie), they give each other that typical knowing look and proceed to plan how to approach you.
At first they just saw all this as an innocent Crush and in a way something new, welcome.
However, the more they watched you to know how to be close to you, the more they found out about you, the less innocent it seemed and their need to want to know everything was more... morbid to say the least.
Gojo is the first to say out loud his darkest thoughts about it, about how he wants to follow you all the time, to make sure you're safe of course! This world is so dangerous for someone so friendly, he says. They would eat you alive. he says.
However, Geto is the one who puts his feet on the ground, telling him that they must be patient, try to take you to them with caution and tenderness, since under that logic, they cannot tear you away from your world as if nothing had happened. No. you are fragile he says. in general more self-critical about these obsessive thoughts.
Gojo is bad at saying no to Geto, so he reluctantly agrees.
and that was how you officially meet them.
seeing them as pleasant companions who seemed to have a normal attraction towards you. They weren't very subtle, but they weren't as persistent as they would otherwise be(Japon, y'know)
apart from the fact that they make you feel strangely...safe in some way. Having the two strongest students on your side, helping you at every step, made you feel protected by something superior (which was not entirely a lie) and above all as if you were part of that. Like when a young lion joins the pride, that's how you feel.
at first.
because the feelings of simple companionship were slowly evolving through certain gestures, whether it was that they accompanied you home, gave you some compliment on your appearance or when You change something, or because of some lesson learned, no matter what it was, everything together left you quite stunned, but in the good sense!
Besides, they are very good friends! You can vent to them about anything, tell them about ideas you have about future techniques that you want to try (they volunteer, mainly Satoru because of the Infinity theme), if you have any problems with money or something like that, they will give you a hand(Even if You don't ask for it!), etc.
The more they get to know you, the harder they fall, and the more they do, the stronger the obsession becomes.
it can not be helped! Now that they are sure that you are even more perfect than they thought, they cannot risk ruining everything, they must follow the plan little by little in small steps..
If someone tries to bully you, don't worry! either Gojo or Geto (or both) will have a "talk" with that person and 1- they won't even dare to look at you after that or 2- you won't even know what happened to them.
If you ask either of them, they'll just tell you that "he must have left due to lack of talent" or something like that. although the way they speak somberly says otherwise.
although if a comment like this especially stuck, they won't tolerate it, they won't let you think badly of yourself, they will try to cheer you up, either by doing exercises that they know you're good at to show their point or simply going to clear your head by riding a bike.
We could say that in general terms, they do not want you to lose that innocence and purity that characterizes you above all else, you are above that. They don't want to see that shine disappear, God forbid that you ever lose the faith that keeps you standing. You are too precious for this.
I'm assuming you wouldn't have any love interest, because otherwise... you'll most likely have to deal with his recent disappearance or him suddenly walking away from you.
Simultaneously, they themselves became bolder with their advances. giving more direct compliments, or pick up lines, having more trusting physical contact with you (hugs, having an arm around your shoulders, kisses on your cheeks, etc.).
It was a slow process that left you wondering, when the hell did this happen?
but at the same time you noticed several things out of place.
For example, you no longer hung out with anyone but them, NOT EVEN Shoko or anyone, just them. and it's not like you have a chance to be alone to do it, going to the park? Satoru happened to be there, are you staying late at Jujutsu High? Geto finds you because he coincidentally had to clean that room.
Of course, you can talk to them through text messages or calls, but at the same time you have the feeling that it is not worth highlighting these facts, since it would make you look like a paranoid crazy person, right?
If you mention it to either of them (or both of them), Gojo would probably play it off as a joke and brush it off, saying that they are just coincidences and that you shouldn't worry about such trivial things. Geto is more understanding and understands why you might be suspicious, but he reassures you that they would NEVER do anything to harm you and above all, what's wrong with spending time together? They like you, you like them, so what's the problem?
By now, your relationship with them becomes a kind of unofficial romance, somewhat odd, but pleasant. I mean, they are quite cuddly and make sure you don't hurt a hair on your missions, you even get back in touch with some friends now that you seem to accept them.
everything seems perfect.
but then Riko happens.
and Geto and Gojo almost lost it
and you can easily see how bad it affected their mental health. They became more paranoid, less joking, more serious about work.
and Mimiko and Nanako also passed by, although they were some fresh air in comparison (along with a certain Megumi), but you noticed that Geto and Gojo's behavior towards you changed again.
One day, they came to your house, they told you that you had to come with them, it sounded serious and because of the problems they had recently, you didn't have the heart to say no.
They went to Gojo's house, just to talk about what had happened the last few months, both of them in a way opened up to you, saying how much they were now worried that you were going to die because of some enemy that they couldn't handle, that something could happen. tear you away from them, they couldn't handle it.
The though of lost You forever
Or that you could run away...
All of this wasn't a lie, not at all, they feel that way, but Geto and Gojo left several things out, all with the intention of not scaring you so much, but in all the whirlwind of emotions, they let out several terrifying things.
and honestly it's kind of creepy.
but at the same time you realize the situation you are in. alone with the two of them. in the Gojo clan house. probably with Megumi and the twins sleeping peacefully somewhere. with both waiting to see what your next action is in this regard.
and you honestly don't know what to do. I say, these are the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers, even if you are strong, what chance do you have of going against them?
And more importantly.....would it be that bad? In part they are right (or you think they are), the world of Jujustu is ruthless. Who says that eventually you won't see all your companions die? Wouldn't it be better to leave it in favor of a more peaceful life with... them?
You weigh the pros and cons, and you just give up. much to the delight of Gojo and Geto. which is when their tendencies that you suspected come to light more. which in a way only reaffirms your decision (how bad would it have been if you had decided to refuse....).
They're both pretty clingy, but they have some traits that, like I said, contrast each other's negative points and make them a good Yandere combo to have.
Gojo, for example, is a fairly insensitive yandere on his own, or that although he cares about your feelings, he is bad at identifying them, here comes Geto, who helps him be more empathetic with the situation and above all be more patient with you.
e.g. When you first came to "move" with them, if it had been Gojo, the process would have been much faster, but thanks to Geto it was more "pleasant" and he got to know you much better to understand your standards and fit into them. This Yandere Gojo understands better that you are A PERSON unlike the, so to speak, "Canon Yandere Gojo".
Geto is nicer, but he is obsessive and a little delusional when you are already with both of them, something that does not happen with Gojo (at least at the beginning), although he is more in tune with your emotions than Gojo, sometimes he is not in tune with certain needs as a result of your context.
For example, at first he doesn't quite understand why you should inform your family that you are "moving" with them, because in Geto's eyes, they are your family. but Gojo (surprisingly) is the voice of reason and tries to explain your behavior with the fact that you don't want your family to worry, nothing more(translation: You don't want to leave them)
Since the two of them are in this together, they tend to use a certain Good Cop/Bad Cop dynamic, but more like the Indulgent Yandere and Overprotective Yandere type of dynamic. You can't completely blame them after what happened to them with Riko.
Needless to say, you're not a Sorcerer anymore. but at the same time you have a much more powerful position than before, I mean, you are the fiancee of The Strongest's, Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo. You are safe from any target that the big fish may try, for the peace of mind of both of them(and kinda you)
and in a way, it's nice. Mimiko and Nanako keep you company constantly, asking you to play with them, tell them stories, do their hair, etc. quite domestic moments that you feel you've been missing somehow.
Megumi passes by from time to time too, but he is more distant, you understand, but he is a polite boy, apart from if Gojo or Geto are not there (which is strange) he will ask you for help to understand some writing or task, even techniques, well you will have left your career in half, but you're still useful.
If you try to leave without permission, there would be no consequence as such, you would not even be very far from the state until Gojo or Geto (mainly Geto) intercept you. Geto usually takes this as an opportunity to walk together around the state and hear you tell him about your day. Gojo would simply take it as some kind of game, as if you had played hide and seek and he had "found" you.
They are jealous, but their jealousy is not born from a lack of trust in you, ever, but rather a lack of trust in others. You are never to blame for anything.
They have definitely killed those who have tried anything with you after they have you. They just never do it in front of you. although you can assume it when only one of them goes to sleep early with you and the other arrives in the early morning while you listen to the shower tap.
Neither of them like (and in fact, hate), the idea of hurting you, physically or mentally, as I said before, they are much more patient together than apart, so they are willing to wait for you and for you to completely open up to them again.
which leads to time passing, you accepting your situation and Even findind a balance between You and them(which is somehow healty), however falling into a great depression. do not misunderstand! You love your husbands, however it has been a long, long time since you have seen anything but the Gojo State ground and four walls and it is quite depressing.
Obviously they notice this change in attitude, and they are not happy, yes, they want you to be safe, but above all they want you to be happy with them, so, again, they put together a little plan.
One day you see them strangely smiling, while they simply accompany you in your daily activities, at meals, and at some point they convince you to go to sleep earlier than usual. Why? The only response you get at the time is a "secret🤫" sign.
You go to sleep, but in the middle of the morning (it still seems like night) you feel them tenderly waking you up, you know it's them, but you have no idea what they are planning in the middle of the night. Geto and Gojo carry you to either of their cars and leave the state, much to your surprise.
When you ask them where they are going, they simply respond in unison "wherever you want" and you are... shocked, but you can see that it's not a joke. and a very warm feeling blooms again.
They were out most of the morning, going to the places that were open (which being Japan, there were not a few), cute cafes, McDonald's (Gojo's fault), going crazy around in the car, floating with Gojo's infinity or in the Geto's rainbow dragons--
buying slushies at a 7/11 (Geto can't stand the cold much, but he overcomes it for you, Gojo laughs at the expression in his face when he freeze his brain), watching a movie, and before you know it, the sun is already rising.
They stay and watch for a while, while they just talk nonsense or something like that, you're just absorbing all of this while you can, as if this will never happen again.
Geto and Gojo look at you in silence, enjoying seeing the shine in your eyes again, but simultaneously doubt arises in both of them: how are they going to tell you to return home now that you are so happy? and honestly they didn't think much about what to do after this...
but suddenly Geto says that they could make this a monthly thing, since it really was something fun, and that it would be a shame not to repeat it.
Gojo (still somewhat surprised by the improvisation) agrees, Socercer's life is hard, he needs at least once a month to spend it with his two favorite people, right?
You know they're serious when they look at you smiling, and you nod vigorously (you're so shocked by this new but welcome change that you can't even speak).
That's how it is decided, shortly after you fall asleep again, Gojo carries you to the car.Geto and Gojo look at each other, touched by your sleeping figure.
They know they made the right choice. like you.
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the-music-maniac · 6 months
Zoro has rapidly become my favourite character in One Piece and so I felt the need to write this after seeing one too many people misinterpret him as this alpha male type of dude purely because he's muscular and likes fighting. Don't do my boi like that, I actually think Zoro is a very good example of non toxic masculinity, and I will fight people over it. I've seen someone call Zoro a red flag. I will find you.
I've seen this happen quite often when it comes to characters with certain body types and defining traits, especially in shows with large followings like one piece, where people just tend to equate muscular + likes to fight + likes to drink to a certain archetype of personality without looking at the nuance? In reality, Zoro is a very likeable guy in my opinion (once you get over how terrifying he can be as an opponent).
Disclaimer: I haven't finished the entire show so feel free to write any rebuttals if you think I got anything wrong! Fandom debates can be quite fun.
I also mention Sanzo/Zosan very briefly so feel free to skip over that part if you're not into that ship.
The biggest thing I think people tend to forget is that Zoro is kind. And this one I don't understand how anyone can forget, because it's like an integral part of his character. Sure, his goal of becoming the greatest swordsman is not a path that's without bloodshed. He's not kind in an all encompassing, indiscriminate way, he's kind in a practical way, especially in the world he lives in with the type of life he leads. He doesn't have qualms about killing when necessary. But the motivation behind those actions are never cruel. He wants to be the greatest swordsman, but he's not amassing that skill because he wants power. He's doing it for love of that weapons style and for the childhood dream both Kuina and him had. Does he like fighting? Yeah, but I'm pretty certain it's purely for the competition of skill. And Zoro shows his kindness with how willing he is to help those who need it, in that he usually doesn't use his strength to take what he wants/hurt others but to protect. Even when he was a bounty hunter and earned his moniker of Demon of the East, he was just trying to survive. I'm not sure how people forget that he's a kind person when our initial introduction to Zoro was him agreeing to get tied to a post for a month without food or water to save a little girl and her mother. He's kind in the little ways as well, in that mundane everyday living type of manner, not just in the big, heroic "risk your life" type of way, which I think is important to acknowledge. He didn't have to tell that girl that her food was good. And Zoro is pretty damn good with children - we see that with Chopper, and we see that with that filler episode with Zoro babysitting and - I think there are some more examples but I can't recall them right now. That's a very big green flag in my opinion. The little gestures can matter as much as the big ones. As far as I'm concerned, those traits couldn't be further from the "alpha male" stereotype.
I've also seen people characterize Zoro as just a cool, quiet, man-of-few-words type of guy, and sure, I can see how he would give that impression if all you saw of him was random edits of when he gets serious but honestly, the man is pretty fucking sassy. He's also just - SUCH a 19 year old with all the antics he gets up to with the rest of the crew, and I'm aware he gets much more serious after the timeskip (I haven't gotten to that point yet in terms of watching but I don't care about spoilers so I know the reason behind it), but like. I don't think he lost his snark from some clips I've seen. Zoro is funny, and I think people ignore that too often for the cool guy type of characterization. Not that he isn't cool - Zoro has his moments but that's not all he is. The man gets lost running in a straight line???? He once almost got frozen in wax and decided his priority was to ensure he died in a cool pose. That type of willingness to be silly is not something you find in a stereotypical alpha male type of personality. Like, who are you kidding, he's lame af, unashamed of it, and it's fabulous.
Another thing, granted this is not a common opinion by any means, but on one instance I've seen someone act as if Zoro's some lady killer or some shit and I actually had to pause and stare at my screen in disbelief. Could I see women being attracted to Zoro? Yeah sure, I mean the one example I can think of right now is Hiyori (another example may or may not be me. But then again you knew that didn't you, considering this post is just one giant love letter to Zoro). But does Zoro purposely try to attract women? Uh no? I don't even think the man is straight. He's either aromantic/asexual (very ace of him to not give a shit about romance but leap up in two seconds upon hearing the word "sword") or just gay, cause he exhibits very little interest in romance, or very little indication that he finds women attractive. And I pinpointed attraction to women specifically just cause people tend to assume Zoro is heterosexual and have the audacity to get mad at you if you try to imply otherwise. Which to me is clearly heteronormativity speaking because where. Where is he straight, I don't see it. And sure is there a possibility he may be heterosexual and just unwilling to act on attraction because he has a different goal in life? Yeah sure, but you can't act like that's the only valid interpretation for him. But regardless, no matter what sexuality you headcanon him as, he's still very very far from "manly man with ladies swooning left and right into his muscular arms" type character. I mean if someone swooned into him I'm pretty sure he would catch them on principle without registering any romantic connotations whatsoever. (Note that these opinions do not stop me from being a Sanzo/Zosan shipper, but that's more because I find the concept entertaining. An argument could also be made that Zoro does pay the most attention to Sanji, even if it's to fight him). So yeah, another strike against the whole alpha male type of characterization. Zoro doesn't really give a shit about romance and even if he DID, I am convinced he still wouldn't treat a potential romantic partner as anything but an equal, doesn't matter if that s/o is a man, woman or non binary. And this segways into my next point.
Because Zoro has some very refreshing attitudes about gender, both his own and of other people. This doesn't just tie in with the sexuality/romantic partner thing, it ties into the willingness to be authentic/silly thing, and the "likes to compare skills through fighting" thing. I very much think that Zoro just doesn't really register gender roles much, or he does and he just doesn't care about it. And I'm aware this partially stems from a position of privilege he has as a guy - he doesn't need to care about gender roles and how people view him because he's a man. He wouldn't be short changed for anything if he doesn't notice. While the same luxury is not extended to individuals like Kuina and Tashigi, who were in a field of practice that looks down on them purely for being women. Having said that, Zoro literally just doesn't give a shit who he's dealing with, man, woman or any other gender. If you challenge him, he'll fight you. And the level of effort he gives that fight is usually dependent on ability and the situation. If you annoy him, he'll annoy you back. He has no qualms about snarking and yelling at Nami the same as he would with a male member of the crew. People in the past that have pointed out to him the difference in the way the rest of the world perceives men and women - like with Kuina and Tashigi for example - is met with confusion. And again, this is partially because Zoro has the privilege of not noticing, but honestly even if he did notice, I don't think his personal actions would change. And I find that refreshing. I love Sanji as a character, don't get me wrong, but his whole refuses to fight women schtick is something that annoys me (even if I do headcanon that it partially comes from a place of trauma). And moreover, Zoro gives me the impression of a person that doesn't give a shit if his own masculinity is "compromised", going by the stereotypical definition of the phrase. He does shit cause he feels like it, not cause it's the "manly" thing to do. Yeah, he happens to like drinking, working out - things that are considered traditionally masculine, but I get the sense that if he did have hobbies that were not traditionally masculine, he would just go ahead and do them regardless of what people think of him. His antics pre-timeskip wasn't exactly the epitome of manliness, it was silly and goofy and he has no qualms about it cause it was authentically him. And he wouldn't feel threatened if he were to do anything not in keeping with a "manly" image, even if he wouldn't do any of that of his own volition. Like the babysitting filler episode? The man was in a crop top that said "mama" on the front. I fully believe that if he lost a bet to Nami and had to wear a dress or some other traditionally feminine piece of clothing, or if for some convoluted reason Luffy ordered him to put on a disguise like that for some mission or whatever, Zoro wouldn't give a shit as long as it was comfortable and didn't obstruct his ability to fight. If someone made fun of him for it, he would probably bite back depending on how insulting the person is trying to be, cause not caring about wearing non masculine clothing doesn't mean he would be okay with someone looking down on him, but he wouldn't automatically equate the two to each other without that interference, and that association wouldn't be permanent. Would he choose to wear a dress on his own? Probably not. He does still have clothing preferences and they tend to be simple, practical and comfortable, and with certain clothing pieces, in keeping with his culture. Would he fly into an insecure rage about not being a girl? I don't think so. And that's so far in attitude from the whole alpha male thing that it's not even funny. The whole concept of an identity centered around being an alpha male reeks of insecurity, and Zoro is very secure in who he is as a person.
And this is also why I think Zoro would act differently in a romance than how "alpha males" would act, even if it's with a woman (I still don't think Zoro is straight btw, but just for conjecture). For one he respects people based on ability and if not that, determination and heart, so right off the bat he's not gonna treat his partner as lesser than him by virtue of being a woman. And I've noticed that a lot of heterosexual couples (not all, mind you, but a lot) seem to care more about dating a gender role than dating an actual person. By that, I mean individuals who pride themselves on being a model of masculinity however they define it - usually look for a partner to compliment them in that regard. I find this counterproductive, because your partner is not meant to be a tool/accessory to maintain your image, and also because being the perfect man or woman is too narrow of a definition, and it doesn't exactly leave you a lot of room to live comfortably as a human - with all your fallible moments that don't fit comfortably in little boxes. It's impractical and illogical. If you value maintaining the status quo and assigning responsibilities and roles based on arbitrary rules assigned by society instead of ability, if you care about that more than you care about helping your partner and maintaining a functional life, I don't think y'all are gonna last long. That's just my two cents. But for the reasons listed before, Zoro barely even registers gender roles, and he's a pretty "get shit done" type of person. He's not gonna give a shit. He'll do what he's able to do for the relationship, and he wouldn't feel insecure when his partner does the same, even if it doesn't fit into traditional roles. And considering Zoro's love of sparring/fighting I don't think he would get with a partner that isn't able to give him a run for his money anyways. Another thing that sets him apart from the alpha male stereotype, those guys are terrified of anyone challenging them for their position of "authority", however dubious that position is (and however stupid it is to care about notions of dominance for a relationship. Have y'all seen those interview videos with guys who actually believe that? "I can't date a girl that bench presses more than me cause that means she becomes the dominant figure in the relationship" excuse me what.)
This post is getting overly long so I'm going to end it there. Thanks for reading!
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mxmeiyun · 2 years
(Kristina comes on around the 3:42 mark.)
Do you see the edits? "I do see the edits. I don't see all of them, but I've seen quite a few. Sometimes I watch these things and I'm like, I was there. I did the scene. I did the scene ten times. Why am I crying?"
When asked about the Mother Superion and Jillian ship: "God knows that, well. Both of them need somebody to love and to love them... Like Mommy, I mean mother, I mean."
"The saddest part is we don't know when we'll see each other again." 😭
Is Beatrice a tea or coffee person? "Tea. I feel she'll know how to prepare every single type of tea and she'll she'll be very anal about how to do that. And she'd probably yell at Ava for doing her tea wrong or whatever."
Is Beatrice really royalty? "No, I don't believe so."
On following ice hockey: "Yeah, the only thing you need to know is don't whack people with the stick no matter how much you want to."
On Beatrice's name: "Sally's gonna haunt me forever. I'll hear it in my dreams, softly whispering in my ear. Sally. Sally. I'll wake up in cold sweats, screaming."
About who's the big spoon: "I think they spoon interchangeably. Take that as you will."
Obviously you're aware of how much of an impact the character Beatrice has had on so many people. But how has she personally impacted you, and what have you taken away from her that you would like to bring to your own life? "Decorum." "I think there's a there's a sense of confidence, even if you are not. Confident in all of yourself, you can still be confident in the parts that you are secure in, and you know your skills. If you're not ready to be completely open and live your truth in full honesty, then it doesn't mean that you still can't have integrity and confidence and stand up for yourself. And integrity of character and belief in my skills that Beatrice has cultivated already, and that I definitely, when I started playing her, I was like, I am an imposter. I'm gonna get fired from the show immediately." "But like you get that feeling when you go to work or whatever. You go to school. You're like, I do not know any of the things that I know and then you slowly start to realize that you do know, and then you're like, OK, I can hold on to that and make that my my backbone for now until I'm ready to face all the other things that I know to be true about myself, but I'm not ready to project into the world or or represent in the in openly in the world."
If you could spend a day with any of the characters, who would it be and why? "I think I'd have a pretty good time with Ava."
Do you think you're more like Ava or Beatrice? "It just kind of depends on the situation. I feel like if you just talk to me and we're like really good friends for a long time, I might come off more like Ava. But I feel like if I'm not really that close to you, I might come off more as a Beatrice."
How are you taking care of yourself in light of today's news? "Well, first of all, thank you. I'm doing fine. I am in therapy. Therapy great, guys." "It certainly feels like a massive hit to the community, and to us, as well. It's important to take those feelings that are coming up now and try to cultivate them into how you can- I'm just speaking for myself, I can't speak for anybody else- but for me it's about how can I turn these feelings into something useful for me going forward rather than languishing in it for too long. Obviously, your feelings are valid and should be felt to their fullest extent, but don't let them consume you, because then that's not doing anyone service." "Someone taught me a method in acting school, my improv teacher, and he said, 'Whenever something bad happens in your life, pretend you're going into this helicopter. The further up you go in that helicopter, the smaller the problem is, the more you can see around you and the more you can see how that problem does or does not affect everything else around your helicopter. And put into context of how you can affect change positively once you come back to the ground, once you're in the midst of it rather than staying too close to the to the issue at hand and and not actually realizing all the other things that are going on." "I think that's that thinking has helped me a lot whenever something kind of goes wrong or things are not going the way I want them to. But take time for self-care. That's like the most important. If you feel like things are overwhelming then it's always important to look at the things to reprioritize um and always prioritize yourself. Spend your own health and your own wellbeing." "Because anything in life, even if it seems like a little thing like this show got cancelled and now you're upset, you know it might seem to some people like a little thing, but their opinion is not a priority. Your wellbeing is a priority, so always keep that in mind." "And HYDRATE."
Responding to a comment about Beatrice really resonating with a lot of fans and praise of her performance, time, and energy: "Thank you... Beatrice launched my career so she's one that i'm definitely going to hold to heart for many many years to come."
Reflecting on her increased visibility: "You know, at this point, it's not a burden. At this point, I can do this with you guys and it's completely fine. It's the same thing with anything; when something new starts happening, you learn to deal with it and where your boundaries are. I've been so lucky that you guys are all so respectful, and I really, really appreciate that from all of you. It's definitely not the norm for every fandom, so it's incredibly special what you have made this to be. So I commend all of you and I'm so grateful."
Were you shocked by the broad reach of the show, or was it something you anticipated? "Definitely. I was surprised when the first season came out, it was so globally successful. I mean, that just goes to show that some subject matter is felt all around the world. And a beauty of Warrior Nun is that there are so many characters everywhere around the world you can definitely find one that you can root for."
Responding to one fan whose wife has recently passed, and with whom she watched the show with love: "Oh my God, you're gonna make me cry. First of all, so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine how that must be, and I applaud your courage. Thank you. I'm glad this show can be a good memory for you guys and continuing forward. That there's something you can always remember with a warm heart."
Responding to love from Brazil: "I fear if I ever go to Brazil."
"Fear not the bowl of rice, 'tis but a bowl of rice."
Responding to one of the APOP producers wanting to make sure none of their tweets made her uncomfortable: "I'm, like, fully aware of what I've gotten myself into." Do you see all those, Christina? Like, I know there's a joke that you have a burner account, but. "No, I don't. This is my only account."
"I feel like if the pope joins this conversation, he'll no longer be able to call himself His Holiness." Did you see the Warrior Nun stan that recommended the show to the Pope? "No?! Nice... Yeah, somebody just has to tell him to skip that episode, you know?"
*Records an alarm sound for a fan named Janina with increasing intensity*
Wait, Kristina, can you say gay rights? "Wait, what about it?" Just the phrase. "Gay rights." *awkward cheers* "Really lukewarm cheers from the crowd."
Kristina, to Ange Hall: "Well, actually, and I have a question for you. Tell me again, what was the progression of the dickwaffle conversation?" "I feel like Netflix being harassed by penis waffles- someone needs to draw the art of." "Make it rain dickwaffles. No, I mean, obviously, do it respectfully. But like, respectfully make it rain dickwaffles. For legal reasons this is completely a joke. But also, you can't really get mad at dickwaffles. Like, come on."
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
A Long Road Ahead And The Usefulness of the Tulpa Label
I try to be a goal-oriented person. As a long-term goal for the community, I believe we need to fight for plural acceptance. But getting there is going to be hard. We will get there, but we have to be strong, we have to be smart, and we have to be united. How quickly we can make this dream a reality will depend on our actions.
Scientific Validation
This is going to be a big point in gaining validation for all plural systems. Not just in syscourse, but from the general public. And the tulpa community is really the only non-spiritual endogenic community being studied today.
There are other very broad studies into "multiplicity" that might include endogenic systems. But these aren't specifically into endogenic systems. If the Stanford tulpa study shows neurological differences from singlet controls, this will be a huge boon for the endogenic community gaining acceptance.
I don't know for certain what the result of that study will be. It could be nothing. But right now, dismantling the narratives around tulpamancy is integral for being able to disseminate these studies and use them as evidence if they do show affirmative evidence. Because anti-endos will try to claim the science itself is offensive as a way of plugging their ears and silencing people. (I've already seen this multiple times when they're presented with studies into tulpamancy.)
And if people believe them, they'll feel uncomfortable sharing the research.
It won't matter what the science shows if nobody is out here actually sharing the science and spreading it around. It would be as good as if there were no studies to begin with.
The tulpa community exists in this unique niche. Google "sentient imaginary friend" right now and see what you find.
All of the top results are about tulpamancy. And that's great. So many systems initially come into the tulpa and plural communities by researching imaginary companions, ourselves included. The fact that we've monopolized the concept of the sentient imaginary friend means that the tulpa community can provide a gateway to the larger endogenic and plural communities.
If a divide exists between these communities, it would severely inhibit our ability to introduce new systems to the plural community. "Thoughtform" doesn't have the same connotation. Terms like parogenic and willogenic are only going to be found after you're already searching for system communities. But the problem is that most systems don't because they don't realize that they're systems.
Obviously, the visibility for the individual system is great because it gives them words to describe their experiences and validates their headmates as real.
But it's also great for the plural community as a whole because more plurals means more normalization of plurality. Which brings me to...
Like I've talked about before, tulpamancers have spent over a decade cultivating resources. We have the most advanced and detailed guides in the plural community for headmate creation. For prospective systems who want to create headmates, the best resources for them are tulpamancy resources. None of the alternatives offer the resources the tulpa community does, not just for headmate creation but even other plural skills like inner world immersion, imposition, switchingand partial possession.
And like with the visibility, this is not only important for the individual system but also for the community as a whole.
If someone is a prospective system, it's in the plural community's best interest to give them access to the best resources to create headmates. The more efficient the process is and the less questioning they have to do, the more likely it is they stick with the process instead of giving up.
Every prospective system who doesn't make it through headmate creation is one less plural in the world. And the more plurals there are, the more normalized plurality can become in society, and the more power the plural community will have.
I'm not here to tell people that they're wrong for not identifying as tulpas. That's a personal choice. But the community pivoting away from that label is not going strengthen the plural community. It will only weaken us.
Supporting the tulpa community is incredibly important to supporting the endogenic community and plural rights.
This is the strategic choice. This is the best path for the plural community on our road to acceptance.
The anti-endo and "endo-critical" community wants to divide us. They want to take away our power. They want to silence us. And they would love nothing more than for more people to be "pro-thoughtform, anti-tulpa" because they win if we're fighting amongst ourselves. They win by being able to distance endogenic systems from the science that supports us.
And know that this will only last a decade or so until a strong thoughtform community forms, and they have to make up lies to shut that community down too. It's the classic anti-endo move when they're scared.
Don't believe for a moment their promises that any labels you use won't be targeted. It's not like we haven't seen this already with anti-endos recently pretending the word "endogenic" is ableist, and pushing the repeatedly-debunked lies claiming that "system hopping" is stolen from RAMCOA survivors.
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cokemcyt · 8 months
I don't want to make a post trying to guess what character has what stance on justice and what would qualify someone as a criminal because I don't understand the characters well enough to do that sort of analysis. But, I think it's interesting how canonically all these people from different worlds have been brought to the island.
Some people came from a world where jail is for murderers. Some people came from a world where jail is for griefers. Some people came from worlds without any sort of jail or prison. Some came from Hell itself.
It'll be more apparent if Cellbit's past is publicly brought to the light and people get asked what their thoughts on it are. We've already seen it with Roier, someone who sees jail as a slap on the wrist for griefers and thieves (specifically for breaking into houses. Like Karmaland.) He's with Cellbit 100% no matter what and doesn't take jail seriously. And while Bagi is 100% with Cellbit as well, she sees jail as a serious place where criminals are punished for breaking the law. It's an interesting difference to see!
It's hard to compare worlds where you have permanent deaths and people who go to jail for killing and worlds where your deaths are trivial and people kill for fun. I'm excited to see what other character reactions we'll get as time goes on!
Self-indulgent section because Technoblade never leaves my brain. Biting and Chewing.
SMPEarth in my brain ever forever. Antarctic Empire!!! They took over the world!!!!!
Phil. Philza Minecraft. Angel of Death, husband to the Godess of Death. Co-leader of the Antartic Empire alongside Technoblade. Technoblade! Techno who he took over the world with. Who was known for his PVP prowess because he was a fighter, a killer, a legend.
If survival games are seen as cruel and malicious, what would the people of the island think of someone like Technoblade who played them for fun. Someone who killed for sport? As a challenge to himself? Someone who played Bedwars and achieved a streak of more than a thousand victories straight with a team of skilled players just to prove it could be done.
It's hard to imagine Phil would judge Cellbit for his past in Survival Games when Phil and Techno are killers as well. (They took over the world together!!!!!!!!)
Oh, how different the worlds can be.
(Also, I don't know if Roier would ever come to integrate stuff like Squid Games and Chafaland into his lore, but. Imagine... ^_^)
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faint-kitten · 7 months
There are a lot of abusive or manipulative situations that are allowed to go on, because the abused doesn't want to be an asshole and the dynamic never changes. Manipulative people thrive on the kindness and benifit of the doubt from you. Abusive people can cry and get their feelings hurt without actually feeling sorry for what they did. In those moments you kinda HAVE to be a jerk. A little bit. it's very hard as someone with ADHD/Autism and like struggling with masking and social skills, and interpersonal skills. I always want to give someone the benifit of the doubt because I'd want someone to do that for me. I want to treat people the way I need them to treat me. To trust that I'm not trying to be a jerk, to take the things I say as me always trying to de-escelate a situation and not as me trying to "clap back" or "twist the knife" or be passive aggressive. And if I realize I am unintentionally or intentionally in the wrogwill try to correct it. So I give other people the benefit of the doubt.
The struggle is, Manipulators, abusers, they need people who put up with their shit. Neurodivergent people who struggle to make friends like having people who treat them like they matter. So as long as the abuser continues to make you feel wanted and invites you out, and offers to spend time with you, you will just ignore shitty things they do to you. I will continue to try to take the high road, I will continue to forgive them and hope they didn't mean it. Because I'd want someone to do that for me. The problem is, eventually you have to dig your heels in and go "I'd rather start over, and be alone, than keep putting up with this." And it sucks. It sucks because I have that autisim. I have that ADHD. I know i'm capable of being rude, or falling out of contact and my world and brain doesn't relate to other people the way it should. I never know quite for sure if I'm doing the right thing or the wrong thing. I don't know if it's me, or it's them in the wrong. I worry about it constantly. And the worst part is. These manipulative people. These abusive people. They don't just fuck with me, and my life. They fuck with my relationships with people in the future. They ruin my faith in other people. But they also burn up all the good will and second chances an ADHD/Autistic person like me needs with other people in the future. People traumatized by cheaters, alcoholics, and abusers will see me and my weird social struggles, my speaking struggles and they'll just see the same intentionally abusive or neglective behavior. I don't hate these hurt people. I don't blame them. But it sucks. Manipulators, abusers, they don't just traumatize their victims, they make it fucking harder for people like me who really does need some patience and understanding. Who really needs people to know "I'm not trying to gaslight you, or jerk you around, I can't talk sometimes, I don't think to do this, or say that. It's not because I'm being shitty." But it's too late fam. The Trauma they faced under abusive, manipulative people means they can't be sure, and so they HAVE to protect themselves. Even if I'm genuinely not doing anything wrong. Which isn't to say I'm not sometimes a piece of shit on accident. But again, there's no faith or benefit of the doubt when that happens. Abusers, and Manipulators scorch all earth around them. And sometimes. Just sometimes. You have to be an asshole if it means standing up for yourself and changing the cycle. I'll never know 100% for sure if I'm in the right or the wrong, none of us ever really will, if you spend your life trying to learn to see from someone else's point of view. If I want to integrate, or join other human beings. I got to learn. Sometimes through trial and error, how other people expect me to act. I have to try and imagine what it's like being someone else? And like it pisses me off that so many people just stumble through life blissfully, luxuriously without that handicap.
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blue-mood · 2 years
Yes. I'm back already. I have things to get off my chest. The one person I usually talk to, stop talking to me because I called him out on his childish behaviour. The other person I sometimes talk to is absent and hasn't really been replying to anything. This is going to be all over the place so get ready...
I wonder what other's think of me sometimes you know? And if you've read my posts before, you know that that isn't very surprising. Surprise! Social anxiety is at your door. But jokes aside. You know, I'm 22-year-old asian guy, with no social life or anything exciting to give to others. My social skills are so deteriorated that I can't even have normal daily interactions. I am so used to being myself that I can't seem to pretend to be someone else, just to attract them into my life. I know that being yourself is good, but who are we trying to fool? We all know that "fake it 'till you make it" is an actual thing. We don't just say it to be inspirational or spread false positivity. We integrated this into society as an actual standard.
Well, anyways. What triggered my emotions and thoughts was a trip downstairs. Not just today, but on multiple occasions. I can see how easy it is for some people to befriend others. There was this Canadian dude that got into the elevator earlier and immediately greeted another guy who was also in there. Then, on the trip back to my flat I saw him again with a new group of people (Americans I suppose) who he had just befriended (Well, I'm guessing. But they were still introducing themselves or getting to know each other). It just reminded me how easy it is really for some people to make friends. But then I also thought about my characteristics and why nobody approaches me. For one thing, I'm Chinese. I know you might think ethnicity doesn't have much to do with it, but it does (and you would also notice from observation alone. At least in the UK.). I used to think that not having a lot of asian people around was bad, but I actually miss it. You know why? Because when you're the only different one, people can either make you an outcast or they will befriend you (that is what happened up until high school, when I used to live in my small hometown in Italy). However, when there's more of us, they usually expect us to befriend each other and they will never approach us. They usually have these assumptions, that we cannot speak English or that we're brainwashed by the Communist party (which is a very narrow-minded thought of course, because, HELLO, not every Chinese individual comes from China...) or that we are just so culturally unequal that it would be weird to be friends or that we only befriend other Chinese people. I will admit that I have an RBF so I might look unapproachable to begin with, but that has also been my protective measure against hate crime. It doesn't help that Chinese people here in the UK actually only hang out with other Chinese people. That has been one of the worst things. I know that a lot of Chinese people immigrated here from China, so they might feel more comfortable with other Chinese people. But at the same time, it makes non-Chinese people think that we don't want to be friends with them. It just makes me so mad. I guess that being an asian person from a small town in Italy kind of forced me to have a mixed friend group, so I am used to being friends with people no matter the ethnicity or cultural background (that is, if we align on morals). But here I just feel like another Chinese dude expected to be friends with Chinese people. I don't have any connection to Chinese culture and I spent almost my entire life talking shit about it even. I don't like their mentality or the way things work there. The culture and whatever. I have relatives there and it's always heavy spending time with them, because I have to pretend to be someone I'm not. And here goes my identity crisis. I've been in a constant state of identity crisis since middle school. I don't feel like I belong with Chinese people or Italian people (and also, Chinese people usually label me as a foreigner so that makes me feel even more frustrated...). I do feel like it's easier to just talk to Italian people (in Italy). But then you come to a multi-ethnic country where the expectations are just so out-of-place and weird. So you know, having this dichotomy and people having uneducated expectations of me deduced from my ethnicity is just frustrating. I can't just go around with a shirt saying "YALL BEFRIEND ME I AM CHINESE BUT I AM FROM ITALY PLEASE LOOK AT ME I CAN SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH AND ITALIAN HELP". I don't even know..
I have been seeing a lot of "inspirational" reels on instagram, and one that kind of irritated me was one that said something like "Go out there and do stuff. You know? What's the worst that can happen? Nothing! [...]". I know it comes from a good place in people's hearts but it really does nothing. How can you expect people who have suffered from unsolicited aggression/violence (physical or emotional) and other traumatic events to just "do stuff", and to expect "nothing" to happen if things go awry? Not all of us have the privilege of thinking that way. I know that a lot of people who have probably been through similar paths sometimes end up adopting this mentality, and it's completely valid. It doesn't make your pain any lesser. But you cannot expect everyone to heal the same way or to have had their mentalities or brains affected the same way your brain was by your own traumas. Trauma changes how we think, but it is personal to our own perceptions and how we lived the experience. I cannot possibly think that the worst thing that will happen to me is "nothing" because I am an "expert" at picking up non-verbal social cues and I can tell you that when nothing happens, to me it feels worse. Also, as a victim of bullying, I cannot think that nothing will happen even if I tried to consciously do that. I was bullied because I was "too quiet and calm". That was their reasoning. So, I am sorry if now I feel like I don't have the right to even exist. That using the elevator feels like I am using somebody's bed, or that me being outside feels like I am invading somebody's personal space. I am sorry if I feel like my existence feels like I'm taking up resources from others that I don't deserve. And it's not like I feel like I don't deserve anything. Because, for example, if I work hard on a coursework, I do feel like I deserve a good grade. But that's about it. Only if there's a balance that involves me suffering, I'll feel like I deserve it.
I can't seem to see past my race/ethnicity and that leads me to believe that other people can't do that either. There was one morning that I just had to let this thought out so that it wouldn't just fade away:
"20.11.22 6:08AM
Something that I’ve been forever been traumatised by is the fact that people cannot see past my ethnicity/race. That’s always going to be the first thing in their minds and the first thing they see. Whether it is in a positive light or not, it’s always going to bother me (due to all the bad past experiences I’ve had). And it becomes one of my biggest insecurities when I have to deal with relationships platonic or romantic with white people or people who are not really part of a minority group. I feel like an outsider and weird and scrutinised constantly and I feel like everyone has these stereotypes and prejudices about me which really weigh me down. Even if nobody really says anything, or might not even think about these things about me, I still get very down about it and end up thinking the other person does not really want to have anything to do with me."
I don't really know what I am trying to get at. I am just lonely.
I feel like nobody wants to befriend me, and I don't have the strength or what it takes to overcome my anxiety. I don't have friends or people to hang out with. I talk to myself more than half of the times. When I see friends and couples, I always see the patterns of their characteristics (race, personality and how well they fit into the social norms). It always ends up to be the same people who are able to find friends or partners. I am not saying that it's wrong or that they don't deserve it. Please don't twist my words. I am just self-pitying and wallowing in my own suffering. I am self-deprecating. That's mostly what this is. And I don't have the inner will to do anything about it. Well, I want to do something about it, but then I can't. It's like being chained to a wall. When you get used to the chains you don't feel them anymore, and one day, you might wake up thinking you're free until the chains pull you back and you're reminded that you're still stuck and that nobody's gonna come and save you. It's gonna have to be yourself, somehow.
I don't know how to conclude this post, but that's pretty much it! I hope you're having a good day and I'll be back soon probably.
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prymusindia · 2 years
Growth of the Digital Marketing Industry in India
The web design industry is changing as we speak. From new technologies and innovative software to new trends in design, there are endless ways to make your website stand out from the rest. Prymus provides best digital marketing agency in Noida.
In this article, we'll explore six trends that are bound to shape the future of web design.
Growth of the Digital Marketing Industry in India
1. Responsive Design Is Becoming Unnecessary
One trend that is likely to impact how we create websites is responsive design becomes unnecessary. Many people think it's already gone too far! Some argue that responsive design is just a marketing trick used by large corporations that want you to buy products from them. But this isn't necessarily true; you needn't buy anything if you don't want to! Prymus provides seo services in noida.
2. New Tools Are Making Designing Webpages Easier Than Ever Before
There's no denying that designing websites can be hard work—but it doesn't mean you have to suffer through it every time you want to make an update! There are plenty of tools out there that make designing websites easier than ever before: tools like the Grid System, which allows you to create a website that's responsive and mobile-friendly without having to worry about pixel sizes or anything like that. You can just drag and drop components into place, making it easier than ever before to create a beautiful website from scratch.
3. The rise of the user-generated content
The online world has become a crowded space, but it's also become more democratic. Users are creating content at an unprecedented rate and sharing it with the world. This means that everyone can participate in the creation of this content, even if they don't have the skills or equipment to create their stuff.
4. The rise of responsive design
Responsive design allows web pages to adapt to different screen sizes, making it easier for users to navigate your page no matter what device they're using. This means that you don't have to worry about the size of your website when someone visits it—they'll see everything exactly as you intended them to see it!
5. The rise of AI-based tools for designers
A lot of designers are using AI-based tools like Sketch, Photoshop, and Illustrator for their work because these programs help them save time and increase efficiency. These programs use artificial intelligence to interpret designs and make changes based on what they think looks best!
6. The rise of blockchain technology in web development
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how we build websites today by making them more secure than ever before! It uses cryptography so that data can't be modified or hacked into again after it has been encrypted. This is a great way to keep your website safe from cyber-attacks and other problems that could compromise your data.
7. Interaction Between Humans and Computers
People are becoming more comfortable interacting with computers rather than just typing responses into textboxes or clicking buttons on websites. Some experts believe that this shift in behavior will lead to a decrease in computer-related accidents like car crashes caused by distracted driving; others think that it could increase those types of accidents.
The web design industry is going through a major transition. The internet has become more and more integrated into our daily lives, and the way we communicate with each other has changed drastically. Nowadays, brands are not just trying to sell products anymore; they're trying to engage with their customers on an emotional level. And that requires a new approach to web design: one that's more user-friendly and interactive, one that's less about selling something and more about creating a positive experience for both parties involved.
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moodys-art · 3 years
La Squadra reacting to reader breaking down in tears after a mission
Prompt : It's been a few months since you've integrated the team, and from this time your work has always been perfect. Your teammates shared with you every secret ther is to know to the work of a skilled gangster. But the money is short, and recently, the missions have been piling up. Entire weeks spent outside the base of the team, plotting, getting missions done. Everyone is focused on next day's goal, and you feel the loneliness creep up around the corner of every street, every restaurant. After a particularly hard but successfull mission, you break down crying, and the unsuspected happens : your fave [LS member] is there to comfort you. This lets you hope for better days soon to come.
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As soon as the target is dead, you know the mission has been successfully completed. However, you and Risotto need to wait in the dark alley you are both currently standing in to make sure that the others clear the path first.
It's in this unsuspected moment of silence that you find yourself trying to avoid your Capo's gaze. He isn't trying to make eye contact with you per say, but both of you can feel the heaviness hovering in the atmosphere. You just don't want him to see how distressed you actually are. This mission was the hardest of all the ones you had to complete before, and you felt as if you were prone to explode in tears at any moment soon.
"Tell me what's wrong, y/n." His voice is soft-spoken and steady, his tone calm. The way your name rolls of his tongue is like an invitation to trust him to listen to you.
The tears come without you being able to stop them. In an instant, Risotto is in front of you, and you feel him softly place his hand on your shoulder. After you give your agreement, his arms are around you, cradling you against his chest.
"I know things have been quite difficult since a few weeks now." he whispers. "Y/n, i want you to know that I'm here. Not only as a capo, but as someone who cares about you. Lean on me. I won't let you down."
You are at a loss for words, but it doesn't matter. You lean on him, you tell yourself that it's over now. There is no place for suffering alone anymore. All that matters in this moment, is the affection that Risotto provides to you, the support he offers you. He places a soft kiss on top of your head. You know that if you have to fall to pieces, he'll be there to help you patch things up. Always.
Later that night, Risotto comes to your room with two full mugs of very sweet hot chocolate, and has a talk with you, reassuring you about the things you worry, and letting you know that if you ever feel that lonely, he's always glad to spend some quality time by your side.
"What's up with you these days?" Prosciutto asks when you two finally get in the car and sit down after the exhausting mission. The man turns to you, inquisitive. "You almost got yourself killed, are you aware of that ?". You look out the window, definitely not feeling like you can speak right now.
"Y/n. Look at me." Oh, here comes the pep talk again. The mission was horrible. You know it. You know that if you hadn't messed up, the targets would have been dealt with way sooner than that. And it's normal that Prosciutto wants an explanation for this.
Pinching the bridge of your nose while strongly closing your eyes, you try not to think of the last few weeks. You try not to cry. However, as soon as a tear escapes, Prosciutto notices it. The way your voice quivers as you can't put into words what you've been feeling like recently; he understands that.
Quietly, he takes you into his arms and you two rest against the seats of the Mustang. He takes strands of hair out of your face and place his chin on your shoulder. "I know it's hard. I know that you want to rest. But better times are ahead. I promise you."
Next to your ear, his voice is nothing but a whisper. His comforting embrace makes you want to never leave the place and always listen to his words, the way his soothing voice shares wisdom, and at the same time, comforts you. He smells of tobacco and of expensive vanilla eau-de-vie. You feel the pendant of his necklace against your chest, and you close your eyes.
Prosciutto could stay like this forever as well, but the others may be already gone. Now, it's time he gets you to back to the base and cuddle you to a good night's sleep.
The moment you two finally attain the local you're supposed to wait in, you almost crumble down to the floor wanting to sit on a cardboard box. "Whoa, hey there !" Formaggio exclaims. He's a bit worried. You, always so strong and independant, suddenly falling to the ground from exhaustion ? No way !
He kneels in front of you, checking if you're okay. But he can't really see your face, since you're basically hiding it with both of your hands. What's going on ? Why don't you talk anymore ? Formaggio is afraid that you might be hurt : a wound would be the only thing capable of putting you in that kind of state.
As you feel him place a hand on one of your knees, you try to curl up in a ball and disappear, telling him that nothing is wrong. But soon enough, he hears the sounds of you crying, and no matter how much you try to muffle them, it's too late for you to hide it.
"Hey. Hey..." Formaggio whispers. He makes you sit on the floor beside him, and without knowing how, you find yourself in his arms, your temple resting against his chest. As he shushes you and tell you that everything's going to be okay, you can hear the sound of his heartbeat, which makes you relax more and more.
He's exceptionally good at handling a conversation on his own, so you let him speak, you let him ramble about all the meaningless but joyous things he has to share with you. You smile weakly from time to time, not wanting to leave the warmth of his embrace. His hugs really do feel like a warm, soft blanket.
You'll fall asleep before it's time to go, and wake up in your room at the hideout. Later on, Formaggio finds you and make you come to his room, so you two can relax while watching some series, munching on your favorite snacks and basking in the affection of his three ginger cats. If you ever need to talk to him, he's there : he may not be the best at offering advice, but he's a trustworthy shoulder to cry on.
Now, you two were waiting inside the mirror world so that others could make a safe path for you to go back home. Unfortunately, that meant you had to bear the presence and the arrogance of Illuso for yet another thirty minutes.
His demeanor never changes, he looks like he always has everything under control. You often wondered : how did he do that ? How could he keep on going, his face as straight as ever, his attitude as cocky as possible, in the midst of chaos ? The last few weeks had been very stressful, and right now, you couldn't help but look for a sign of fatigue or weakness in Illuso's attitude.
"Do you want a photo ? An autograph maybe ?" Illuso asks after he notices your staring. You shake yourself out of trance and shrug, a terrible feeling starting to grow in you, threatening to reveal all of your distress to your teammate in nothing but a simple facial expression.
Since you don't answer, llluso nudges you. You turn your head the other way, your lips shaking, trying to keep some control on the situation. The fourth nudge that you feel on the side of your arm makes you snap : you cry out to Illuso to stop what he's doing. You seem angry, but soon enough Illuso realizes that there is something more to the situation.
In an instant, he's gently turning your chin towards him so that he can face you. He doesn't need to ask, the tears in your eyes tell him what's wrong. His eyes shining with understanding, he passes an arm around your shoulders and offers you a tissue : it's the least he can do.
The man listens closely if you ever need to rant. He's the perfect companion for that, and you'll be surprised to see how compassionate and understanding he can be. Illuso may apologize later for the way he pushed you over the edge with his nudges, and offer you some support in the following days as he knows that you've been quite unwell since a few weeks.
You both are literally hiding in a field of sunflowers. You took the precaution of lying down so that if some enemies were still alive, they wouldn't spot you. Now, you just had to wait. Except that in this position, you could feel the weight in your chest grow heavier, and you didn't know what to do about that.
Pesci was just next to you, breathing as calmly as he could, maybe as much stressed a you. But when the man notices the way your hands tremble along your body, the way you cry silently while trying not to make any noise, his heart sink.
For a few seconds, he's petrified : what can he do ? He doesn't manage this kind of situation very well, but seeing you like this makes him want to make the first step to ask you what's wrong. The moment you feel his fingers brush across yours, you tense up, trying to keep your composure.
Pesci grabs your hands and squeezes it. You hear the distant echo of gunshots far away, shouts at the brink of dawn. When the birds start to sing, Pesci finds the courage to mutter : "H-hey...It's not easy, but I'm here if you need me. I don't want you to cry." And you believe him. He's always so stressed and scared, and knowing that he knows what it's like, that he knows what you're going through and wants to help, it means a lot to you.
"We're a team, remember ?". With your own accord, he brings your hand to his lips to place a kiss upon it. "It'll be okay..."
You both find your way back to the car, still holding each other's hands, and before you start driving, Pesci is careful enough to wipe the tears still lingering on your cheeks. Do not worry anymore, because he's not letting you drown. He will not, never.
The nightclub in which you defeated the enemy is starting to get crowded, and the volume of the music is more and more annoying as the time passes. The mission is finally over, yet, you don't feel the familiar sensation of relief washing through your body : it's like you still have to do something before finally having the occasion to rest.
You feel the hand of Melone grabbing your own as he drags you towards the exit. The fresh air hits you in the face, and you just have the time to take a shaky breath before bursting into tears. This could be nothing but a surprise to Melone, as he knows how good you are at handling missions. Except that he's a very observant man, so of course he noticed that something was up, especially today.
Surprisingly, he can be very shy in the way he's comforting you. Seeing people in that state makes him want to be very careful. He makes you sit on a nearby bench and kneels in front of you, looking up at you, gently holding one of your cheeks with his gloved hand.
"Cara/o, it's okay...Just let it out." he says while his thumb runs over your teary cheek. The time he spents comforting you lasts until he receives a call from Risotto : you two can take the road, but unfortunately, the paths to the hideout are still risky speaking of enemy presence. Melone suggests that you both go back to his appartement, which is at the opposite of the town.
If you agree, he lets you take a sit on his bike while he takes place behind you : he prefers to see you. Indeed, it may seem a bit protective but in such a state, he doesn't want you to weaken your grip on him. When you both arrive at his appartment, the sky is clear, Melone invites you in.
You both spend the evening talking out everything that's been going on lately : the numerous deadlines, the risky missions, loneliness...You end up eating a plate of delicious pesto spaghetti in Melone's embrace and he makes you a place to sleep for the night. If you're okay with it, he's willing to caress your hair while you gently drift off to sleep.
The speed at which Ghiaccio is driving his car doesn't sit right with you ; it's making you rock from side to side a little bit too much when he takes a turn. That's only when he stops the car in the secluded and safe area where you have to wait for Melone, that you can finally let the tears run down your cheeks.
Let me be honest, Ghiaccio's terrible at handling this type of situation, and that's not a surprise. He doesn't know how to act at all. First, he thinks of opening the windows to get you some fresh air, but it's snowing outside. Hence, he just freezes for a moment - maybe a too long moment - while staring at you, before finally telling you : "Uh...I have water if you want." Yeah, not that great, huh ? But honestly, he's trying his best.
Ghiaccio is in no way angry at your display of emotion, it just destabilizes him a little bit. We could even go far enough to say he's shaken by your tears : he doesn't understand why suddenly, you're crumbling down. While you awkwardly accept the bottle of water he gives you, you try not to let your hiccups get the best of you.
Unfortunately, while the man finally musters up the courage to tell you that everything is going to be okay and that he's going to bring you safely to the hideout, he's interrupted by a very joyful Melone taking place in the backseat of the car. You wipe your tears as best as you can while Ghiaccio gives a death's glare to Melone. "Oh...Did i interrupt something ?" asks the violet-haired man while trying to look at where you sit. Ghiaccio just tells him to shut up and drives you back to the base.
As soon as Melone leaves the car, Ghiaccio places a cold hand on your wrist. "Hey, listen...I'm sorry. I may not be the best at comforting people but I know how it feels. If you need me any time, I just...I'm right here, okay ?" A moment of silence passes before you find the courage to cross his blue gaze. His cheeks are dusted in a reddish, strawberry-like color.
"Come on, now. You're cold. Just...Here, take my hoodie." he adds while taking the warm white cloth resting atop of his seat. You smile fondly when you pass it over your head, inhaling the nice smell coming from it, something soft, reminding you of cookies, mint-scented laundry, and something very Ghiaccio-like. You thank him and go to sleep wearing it, comforted by the familiar scent that it brings you.
You'll wake up in the morning as Ghiaccio checks up on you and offer you to go for a morning run with him.
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
~•The Essentials For Your General Magick Cabinet •~ 
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I create intuitively chosen mystery ensembles inspire by the occult, witchcraft, and mythology where many of my own handcrafted creations fill the box in my Etsy shop, thus, I often am asked by those new to Witchcraft or who are beginning to explore different aspects of their spiritually to include 'the essentials', or whatever it is I think would benefit someone who is just delving into the world of new age spirituality and witchery.
It doesn't matter what books you read or blogs you may follow, there always seems to be some inconsistencies here and there regarding what tools are 'essential' for a beginner. Sure, there's a lot regarding the altar and shrine set up, but what if you do not have the space to dedicate to an altar? What if you prefer to perform your craft on the fly, or find yourself leaning toward secular practices rather than devoting yourself to deity worship? 
The handful of tools and supplies I have put together here covers pretty much any ordinary practice that would take place in any spell or ritual and give you an inexpensive basis from which you may build upon as you continue learning, practicing, and exploring what ignites your spark and helps to recover your light. :) 
•White Candles or Tea Lights (And Matches or a Lighter)- One may enter any Family Dollar or Dollar Tree and find multipacks or single white candles or tea lights in abundance. Many spells call for a specific colored candle to be used that corresponds with the purpose or intentions to be expressed or manifested. This extends beyond what is known as 'candle magick' and falls into a category I personally just learned was called 'sympathetic magick'- which is a fancy word for choosing spell or ritual tools, components, and supplies that have some kind of symbolic or intrinsic association to what you desire. The act of creating the right atmosphere for manifesting your will is a type of magick unto itself that can extend well beyond an altar or shrine. Picking the corresponding moon phase, time of day and day of the week, herbs, oils, and candle colors are all forms of sympathetic magick, with candle color probably being the easiest aspect to understand and acquire. White Candles may be substituted for any colored candle that a spell or ritual may call for, as white is considered the absence of color, you may imprint upon it whatever color you desire it to be. This kills the need for a large stash of chime candles or votives of all different colors. Sure, it's nice to have the appropriate color a spell calls for and having such in your possession does help conjure the atmosphere whoever created the spell intended to conjure, but in a pinch, any white candle or tea light with something to light them with will work just as well as that pink or red candle for your love spell or whatever it may be you are attempting. 
•Clear Quartz Crystals- Clear Quartz only recently became semi-scarce due to over mining and demand, though one may still purchase Clear Quartz crystal points in bulk for around $10-15 for a 100 gram bag on Amazon and beyond, where if you prefer raw stones over tumbled and polished, you may be able to get them even cheaper. Clear Quartz is believed to be the 'Master Healer' by Reiki Masters, as it possesses many different healing properties in addition to cleansing, grounding, and aligning the chakras. In witchcraft, Clear Quartz is used in many different rituals as it is an amplifier of energy that can enhance the efficacy and success rate of spells and manifestations aside from amplifying the energy of any and all other components and crystals around it. Clear Quartz may be readily substituted for any crystal, should a crystal be called for in any sense, and its abundance in nature and online make it an essential choice for having on hand for everything from creating Charging or Moon Water, creating crystal grids, talismans, spell jars, mojo / Gris Gris bags, or simply placing in your home or on your altar to help facilitate whatever you may be attempting to conjure or manifest at any time. 
•Olive Oil- it's no joke that essential oils, especially those that are organic or completely natural and high quality are quite expensive. If one were to purchase even just the handful of essential oils commonly mentioned in most witchy books, occult texts, and herbalist grimoires, you would be looking at a good $30-$60 investment for the basics. Olive Oil, on the other hand, may not be particularly cheap at the grocery store, but when you consider the amount you get for the price compared to the .33fl oz bottles of essential oils, you are getting quite a bargain and a tool that may be substituted for any particular oil something may ask you to use, including for dressing / anointing candles and ritual tools. The ancient Greeks and Romans often used Olive Oil as an offering to the Gods, and it has long been considered a sacred nectar in many different religions. If you already have a selection of essential oils, you may use Olive Oil as a carrier oil to make them last longer by diluting them and rebottling them or to make your own essential oil blends and ritual oils. Olive Oil is naturally pure and will allow your oil blends to work with most diffusers and burners while providing a hypoallergenic carrier option should you wish to apply any to your skin. 
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•Salt- So many things salt may be used for and so many reasons to keep a stash of salt around set aside for spiritual endeavours. Sea Salt in particular is a component of many spells, rituals, potions, and magickal concoctions. It is representative of the element of Earth and is associated with many simple practices you can easily integrate into your daily rituals for cleansing, banishing, and protection. Using salt for cleansing offers a no-burn, inexpensive, sensitivity friendly option for the modern witch that can be purchased on the cheap virtually anywhere that sells things.
•Sage- The next few items are more essential for the diligent witch putting together their toolbox, as one can avoid the herbal aspects of witchcraft entirely if they desire to with many more modern texts not blending the old world concepts of herbalism/ old world medicine being akin to magick. Sage is often burned for cleansing purposes, either in smudge or incense form, but it may also be substituted for any herb a spell may call for, provided you are not trying to concoct a definitive product or recipe as a result. Sage may be easily grown within your own home- I myself have a common Sage plant I grow indoors and have been reading the benefits ever since I purchased the starter from a small nursery in Kentucky, as I never seem to have any luck sprouting seeds myself. Sage may be added to spell jars and the like as easily as one would add a handful of crushed Clear Quartz for the added benefit of maintaining a cleansed vessel for manifestation. Sage incense may also be substituted the same way.
•Roses- Roses and Rose Petals have always been associated with love spells and love potions, but many do not realize that Roses have a positive energy so profound, that vibrates on so many levels, that they may be adapted to serve virtually any purpose in any spell or spiritual practice, not just spells associated with love, romance, or sexuality. 
•A Bell or Bells- Whether you wish to drop the money on an intricate antique or visit your local consignment store or dollar store and pick up some used school bells or jingle bells, the bell and bells are probably the most underrated tool a witch can utilize, like, ever. Bells have a long multicultural history of providing blessings of prosperity, protection, and good luck, with many beliefs rooted around the belief that the ringing of a bell resonates throughout the fabric of the cosmos, reverberating across space and time. Percussive instruments, as bells are, are often used for cleansing rituals and spiritual healing. It is often stated that ringing a bell 'resets' the atmosphere and energy around you, effectively banishing negativity and providing a blank slate for conjuring new energy and any other spiritual activities. Don't balk at the bells! 
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If you're the creative type, you may create what are known as 'Witch's Bells,' often made from wreaths or braided twine, beaded rings, etc with three or more bells attached meant to be hung off the doorknob of the entrance to your space or they may be made as a handheld tool to be used for regular rituals. These are then blessed or enchanted in some way that depends on the practitioner and the purpose they wish them to serve. 
What about those of us that have limited storage space? Or those that may not be able to light candles or incense due to living arrangements or allergies? This is where myself and many others can step in and offer you a hand. In my own shop, I offer hand crafted and personalized / customized spell kits created for your specific needs that will provide you all the materials for any specific spell or ritual you desire. There are other sellers that offer similar options, some that are personalized and others more general, but if you are looking for something more 'disposable' to be at your disposal at any given time, this may be worth looking into. 
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My own spell kits range anywhere from $12-$35 depending on what it is you request and the materials you require. As I cater to all skill levels and handicaps in terms of what one can feasibly perform or utilize in any given situation, if you do happen to have a particular spell in mind but have no idea how to proceed in your current situation,I will be more than happy to consult with you and hand select or create a spell kit with detailed instructions and tools to aid you on your spiritual journey, regardless of your destination. As I take great pleasure in assisting others in manifesting their dreams and desires, I will always work with you and put your needs above your budget. 
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Just some food for thought for those of you who have been blindly purchasing items for spells or spiritual endeavours to have on hand 'just in case' and to remind everyone that magick and successful manifestation is less about the 'stuff' and very much about your intentions when using it to conjure energy and become the catalyst for change, however you proceed to do so. 
Wishing everyone a blessed weekend and throwing a friendly reminder out there that the current sale that has been ongoing in the shop will be ending soon- this will be the last until next month so please take advantage if you have had your eye on something. I will be retiring some older designs at the end of September 2021 for recreation / re imagining and to pursue new and better concepts to take other's places. These designs will go on one last farewell sale during the month for a good 25%-50% off until they are sold out. As always, I appreciate everyone's support of my Craft and crafts. It has been a pleasure to work with and get to know so many amazing people! A dream come true to do this full time!
Owner, Designer, Creator, Chaos Witch & Spiritualist 20+ Years Practice
•Blursedbaubles.etsy.com - Pay me a visit (I don't bite, just snuggle :3 )
•Facebook Store Page *NEW* (I still hate FB)
•Instagram (Resinating_beauty_) (and pretty much all social media)
•Pinterest (meh)
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purity-town · 3 years
Little late getting to these -- that's fully the fault of a class project I spent all of Monday/Tuesday and most of Wednesday working on -- but I finished my project and wrote up some long replies to these!
(Apologies for any funny formatting -- I'm trying out the beta for the new post editor!)
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Absolutely not.
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Nope! There are a few people who do know (other guides Andrew's met before, the Dryad, and I'd imagine the Witch Doctor knows something's up even if he doesn't know why), but none of them live in Purity Town proper, and the Dryad and Witch Doctor aren't the kind to participate in rumors or spread what isn't theirs to share. The old man is also aware just because he and Andrew have talked about their curses, but he's 1) not currently in town and 2) not going to share even if he were.
Most folks don't know much about Andrew in general; Becca probably knows the most out of the townsfolk, knowing a little bit about his family and where he's from (he has some pretty specific skills as a hunter that betray this, but he doesn't talk about his exact town of birth), but no specifics and certainly not time periods.
Andrew is good at keeping things quiet; he has to be.
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I would actually appreciate if you didn't post to Pinterest -- usually I'm fine with people reposting with credit (several of the things I've posted to my DeviantArt have found their way to Instagram, for example) but Pinterest has something of a reputation for stolen art (things being reposted from another Pinterest post without credit this time, or credit being hard to view for users not logged in or just viewing through Google). So reposting elsewhere is fine (though if you repost to Reddit or Instagram, tag me at u/Ariibees or @Ariibees)! I'd just prefer my works stay off of Pinterest.
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The terminology related to The Guide/Andrew/The Guardian/The World’s Core/The WoF is all confusing because on some level, they’re all the same being. Kind of like trying to talk about Jekyll and Hyde -- same guy, different looks/actions, haha.
For all intents and purposes, references to the WoF being the barrier/core/whatever behind or within which the spirits of light and dark are contained is equivalent to saying “these spirits are held trapped by the magic of the Guardian, who when summoned appears as the WoF.” I do break slightly from the official lore in how the WoF/Guardian/thing holding back these spirits works (mostly because I don’t really like the idea that the Hallow is a “temporary guardian” or whatever), but the basic concept of “these are trapped by [thing that makes up the WoF]” remains unchanged.
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If “loony cultist” is a reference to something, I’m so sorry, but I’m lost on it. If you’re just talking about the lunatic cultist in a funny way, then yes, they’re in here as a very plot-significant character!
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I had to google what meme you were talking about, but it did make me laugh.
Andrew’s most annoyed by the nickname because people do like to call him Guide, and for someone who’s dedicated his whole life to his role, it can get tiring. He doesn’t really *mind* being called Guide -- it’s fine, that’s what he is and as long as people are respectful of his job he’ll take what he can get -- but at the same time, he’d like for people to stop thinking “Aah! Monster!” or “Weird academic know-it-all” and just...treat him like a normal person sometimes. So he fights to be called Andrew. And...Malik comes along and gives him a nickname that he doesn’t like and doesn’t allow others to use, save for maybe a small group of people of which Malik is not a part. So, not cool, man!
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People love to overcomplicate explaining shading/lighting, and if you wanted to you could certainly go on and on about reflections of light off the ground and shading colors and all sorts of things, but as I’m writing this at 1 AM I don’t really care to.
If you really want to get into shading, I see nice ones on DeviantArt or Tumblr from time to time, or you can always watch a YouTube video on it. Really, though, just keep at it, think about how the shadows should look and work, and you'll get better at it eventually and pick up new ideas on how it all works. (And this is coming from someone who is new to making comics and actually started as a painter.)
Purity Town’s shading comes down to this: simplicity. As much as I’d love to spend hours and hours redrawing the panels I don’t like and carefully shading every fold of fabric and painting detailed backgrounds, I’m a full-time college student and will be working full-time over the summer -- I don’t have the time. So, I cut corners: I reuse backgrounds or use brushes (see: bricks, trees, clouds) that make certain details easier, and I try not to obsess too much over panels I’m not fully happy with. Shadows go where they feel right, and light on the opposite side.
For shading, this comes down to making things quick and easy. For these last few pages, character shading/lighting has only been five layers. One hard light layer for the bluer soft shadows, one overlay layer for darker soft shadows, one linear burn layer for hard shadows, one soft light layer for soft lighting, and one overlay layer for hard lighting. I’ll often also make use of glow dodge layers for lighting, or change the color balance or add more hard/soft light layers if there’s a very heavy color filter on the scene (such as a celestial event, blood moon, or outdoors at night).
Using all the different layer types is essentially a cheat code to fancier lighting -- don’t want to use flat black? Boom, hard light or overlay or burn will give you colored shadows. Want to make your light brighter? Glow dodge will make it burn your retinas.
Sorry that this isn’t a very comprehensive guide, but in my mind, shading and lighting is really something that you pick up over time and it’s hard to sit down and write a guide for it without making it into a massive essay on art theory that I don't even know proper terminology for because I'm not an art student. Of course with some googling you’ll find *proper* guides for this sort of thing from art majors and the likes, and those can be super helpful and technical! But for Purity Town, I just sort of go with what feels right and what's easy to replicate.
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Firstly, I’m happy to hear you’re liking the comic!
Secondly, those buttons are actually there due to the theme! (For those on mobile who can’t see it, I have the theme set to only display on desktop as I prefer the current mobile layout on phone.) I’m using the simple webcomic theme (a quick Google should tell you how to install it for yourself) -- except I’m not actually using it for the webcomic features; rather, it’s a case of “this is the most simple, nice-looking non-default theme I could find.”
The previous/next buttons are added by the theme with the intent that the blog is being used as a typical webcomic website, with nothing but comic pages being posted. However, I post asks and other art here too, and I do so with the intent that people looking at #Terraria or their dashboards in general will see it. So...I use html formatting to make the first/previous/next/last links, along with an index and chapter-by-chapter viewing (using /tagged/chapter##/chrono) so that no matter where you’re coming from, you can still navigate just the pages!
If you want to add just the previous/next buttons, I can’t really help you -- web development is not my area of study in the slightest. But you can check out the theme that they come from and if you want to install only them, you can surely find a tutorial on it somewhere!
(As a side note, the comments section is not from the theme, it’s from a site called Disqus. I don’t expect many people, if anyone, to leave comments, but since I link back to this site a lot and many folks don’t have Tumblr accounts, it’s an option I like to make available.)
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Hiya! My hike was pretty nice; it was a short and easy one, but that was quite appreciated as the trail is unmaintained from November to April, and the trail was covered in fallen trees and quite rocky. Still had fun, though!
And for backgrounds, it depends! For indoors scenes (or outdoors scenes with buildings) I don’t tend to use references, outside of looking up things like “which side of a door is the handle on.” I will, however, integrate real-life textures (see: the quilt and rug in Guide’s house, the wood walls on the building in the background of this week’s page), and paint over paintings from the Terraria wiki.
For outdoors scenes, for simple backgrounds (such as foliage-heavy) ones, I typically don’t need references. I like the difference between detailed, lined indoor/man-made object scenes vs. painted, messy outdoor scenes. But for things like mountains, I do sometimes look up references to help with color choices and the likes.
The town’s layout is a bit strange in that depending on the scene, the background could be drastically different. One side of town faces more mountainside, one side faces the orchards/open hillside, and the other two sides face various degrees of open space and more mountainside/forest. References taken on top of mountains are helpful to get an idea of what degree of foliage I should include between the characters and the sky.
Though this is very specific to the town of Purity -- other towns/villages will have significantly different-looking backgrounds, even the foliage-heavy ones.
That said, what's even more helpful than looking at photos is looking at paintings. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is really good for getting an idea of how to draw grasslands and distant mountains, plus Studio Ghibli movies in general!
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
But this whole relatability schtick is a facade and an illusion. A celebrity and a regular person can never be the same, the socioeconomic difference plays a huge part. I don't know why people can't acknowledge that anymore. I would never look for likeness or sameness to live vicariously through someone that will never walk in my shoes for a single day, and probably would never want to.
Even regular people, who either came from struggle or were relatively average, who suddenly rose into fame, they slowly lose that " relatable " air about them, and youtubers are the first example for this, the reason youtubers are so popular is because the whole idea of it, being a regular person who goes to college/highschool/ or has a run of the mill 9 to 5 job, creating youtube videos that are entertaining or about things they like is so appealing towards the consumer, because you it feels REAL. It feels like a nice next door neighbor, or an eccentric classmate that you like.
But then like everything in life, when the youtuber rises up to fame and starts getting all these brand deals, starts living this lavish lifestyle, they normally change! And that OKAY! Just imagine you are young and you've never had shit and now your literally living in LA and the bank account is stacked, hell I would change 180 degree too, anyone would! My point is, even those celebs/influencers that may have been like you at some point, when they rise to fame, they are not like you anymore and it doesn't matter how hard they try, it's the reality of it.
We should stop expecting humans to be anything less and other than humans. You will save yourself so much heartbreak if you just don't try to force relatbility where is none okay? So stop commenting on your favorite youtubers comments like " SINCE YOU MOVED TO LA YOU CHANGED! " SINCE YOU GOT 6 MILLION FOLLOWERS YOU CHANGED ! " of course they changed, it would be abnormal for them not to change!
And stop applauding these celebrities for doing " normal people " things, like, it's some sort of achievement for them " omg they eat from macdonalds " " omg they wore 5 dollar shirt, soooo humble ". They're still living in their gated community in beverly hills, and that's it.
Please don’t think I disagree with you guys that celebs dressing down is fake and boring, because I completely agree! I just understand why they do it from a marketing perspective, that’s all! Social media has truly blurred the lines for GP, and now agents/teams feel like they have no choice but to promote the celebs in a way that is public-friendly. 
I think this whole shtick of appearing ‘relatable’ and ‘normal’ is especially big with the younger demographic so it’s the celebs that have a big teenage fanbase that are laying it on thick. Imo the core issue is that we’re getting more and more celebs who have a very limited set of skills but have a strong pull with the public due to their “vibe” or social media presence. For example, SelGo’s career is largely reliant on her fanbase. No hate or shade but she’s mediocre at everything, so whenever she releases a project, she and her team are depending on her fans to go support it instead of banking on said project to pick up steam with the GP. If anything, I think she’s the most well-marketed star to come out of that lineup of Disney child stars. She’s teen/kid-friendly but she media plays just enough to make headlines with the older crowd as well. Celebs like that probably feel the need to present as relatable to an extent because if their teen fans don’t feel like they can ‘click’ with them, then they’ll lose interest and ditch them for a newer, younger star popping up every couple of months. That’s probably why industry juggernauts like Bey and Rih don’t give a fuck about appearing regular. Like sure, they’ll eat McDonalds and have a bad hair day once in a while but they don’t go out of their way to show that to us. They know their relevancy doesn’t hinge on fan support because the public is behind them. 
In terms of Youtubers/influencers, I think that’s a bit different. With celebs, we see them come up as a part of the Hollywood machine - they’re managed, they’ve got a team, they’re media-trained, etc. We know on a subconscious level that they’re ‘packaged’ but with influencers, they pull in an audience by being the more approachable/relatable sector of fame. People consume Youtube in an entirely different than they do Hollywood. They’re supposed to give us two different things but now, all these influencers are pushing to integrate into the industry like they are too, Hollywood. So if people started following an influencer because they feel like they could empathize with them in some way, and they lose that as they start to grow then I think it makes sense that people would lose interest. I do agree that it’s natural for these people to change after some success and money and that people should stop commenting under their content like they’re shocked by that. With that being said, if you can no longer connect with them or any level then what’s the point? Unless you were watching purely for the content, there are a hundred other influencers who are pumping out the same type of videos as they are. The market is oversaturated and as viewers, you can basically have your pick of who you’d watch next after you’re ‘over’ a certain influencer because they’ve ‘changed.’ With celebs (the successful ones I mean), at least they’ve developed a distinct selling point that you can’t find with anyone else so people stick around because they may feel like they won’t get that with other celebs.
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dissociativecrow · 4 years
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Doing #12-20 because why the fuck not.
12. Tips to allies?
Everyone with DID/OSDD is different, so the best advice I can offer is ask your loved one how they want to be treated. Remember that they're a human being, the media stereotypes about this disorder are shitty (seriously, don't believe ANY media stereotypes about a mental illness! Ever!), and they're probably dealing with some tough stuff! Offer a listening ear, and if they say anything like "if you have any questions, let me know!" that's a great opportunity to take an interest in your loved one's life and ask some questions! This stuff can be really lonely.
Also, don't freak out or make a big deal of it if someone else is fronting. Just treat them like a new friend. It's also common in dissociative disorders to have identity confusion and memory issues, so be patient with us 💚.
13. Do you want to integrate?
I want us to continue to get better, however that looks. We're just continuing to work on internal communication and cooperation and trying to make sure everyone's okay. (...Keyword "trying") That's technically a form of integration in itself.
In the more stereotypical fusion sense... feel like we've technically integrated quite a few before? Back in 2018 PTSD Hell there were constant flashbacks and a lot of extremely simple fragments that... Were basically just Stuck In Time? Like... We had a count in the 40s or 50s at some point, but it all just felt like little pieces of intense memories no one could hold onto. After a lot of trauma processing last year it just kinda feels like it's not a big thing anymore, like those memories are easy to access and less scary and less time-stuck.
But we've also never had any of the more Rounded Alters(tm) have a fusion that stuck. (...besides whatever Rush and Sav did recently). But we feel a lot closer as a group and the barriers between some of us feel fuzzier. I'm happy with that, I think. Who knows what the future holds. If we're happy and ok, so am I.
14. What's your system's name?
We don't have one. The people who know we're trans call us by the host's name. Work and school calls us by our legal name, but hopefully that'll eventually change. Some people in the DID community call us Cor& as a collective but it's never really stuck.
15. Do you have any subsystems?
Oh Yes.
Beck, Felix, and Ruth (who might be a subsystem on her own) seem to be part of one.
Damien and Sav/Rush are.
Crow, Jon, Copernicus, (Hi, blurry combination of the three rn) and Beck are pretty close and sometimes hard to distinguish, but I don't know if I'd consider us a subsystem.
I think there's a few others I'm missing.
16. What do y'all disagree on?
Religion. Family and friends. What to do with our life. Politics. Work. Whether we Deserve Things or not. Interests. What to do on a day-to-day basis. Etc. Bro, the better question is what do we agree on. Like, we can agree on clothes, usually? Usually clothes?
17. What are the religions of each alter?
Crow doesn't care about it. Beck is a very progressive Christian. G's into Witchy Spirituality Stuff. Ruth is pretty fundie. Jon and Copernicus are agnostic atheists. I can't remember the rest right now, but we have A Variety. A lot of it's due to how we grew up.
18. Have you "come out" as a system?
Our partner knows, our therapist knows, a few dear friends know, and occasionally we'll mention having a dissociative disorder on our main blog if it's relevant. It's not as much of a Huge Shameful Secret as it used to be, but I think the amount of people who know right now is good. No desire to be out at work or to family or the general public, haha. The people that matter, know.
19. How's your memory?
Well, uh we have unmedicated ADHD on top of all this, so...
You can imagine. Lol.
On the plus side, I don't think we get full blackouts. On the downside... Our memory's not reliable enough to say that for certain. xD
20. Any tips for new systems?
Yes. Be nice to yourselves. ALL of them. Even, and especially, the mean ones. They're probably the ones who need it the most.
DON'T worry if your experiences don't match up with what you see in Tumblr. Most of the people in the community here have known for years and have had way more time to develop communication, AND there's a big, like, DID Community Culture, that isn't applicable to everyone.
If there's a loud voice in your head yelling at you and telling you you're faking all this and you're stupid for even considering it, trust me, you're not alone in that.
Read up on system responsibility. No mental illness is an excuse to be cruel to pqeople.
Be patient. Try not to compare yourself to others with the disorder. This is about your experience alone.
Try to get some kind of professional help. You deserve it.
Learn some grounding skills, learn about triggers, learn about complex PTSD. It tends to come with the package.
Being new to all this can be really scary. I promise it'll settle down and become sort of a part of daily life at some point.
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muellercorn · 5 years
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Happy International Women's Day! These are women involved in theatre that I believe have paved the future for female artists. I think it would be apt for you to read their names and stories and then let me know women who inspire you in the theatre world and how you think they're shaping the future. Reblog if you see your inspirations and share their stories.
1. Jennifer Kirby. We may only be 3 months into 2019, but I'm ready to call Jennifer Kirby woman of the year. At age 30, I'd already consider her a veteran of the RSC, a company where she has portrayed so many Shakespearean females with a new found voice and personality. She first appeared on our screens in Call The Midwife in 2016 as Nurse Valerie Dyer. From the start Val has faced some of the most brutal storylines, most involving the rights of women and the working class, and been an absolute inspiration due to her brave and loving personality. However over the last 8 weeks she has been the pioneer character of the most powerful women's rights stories I've seen in entertainment ever. If it hadn't been for Kirby's authentic, sensitive performance and her deep understanding of the human condition from women who've walked different lives from her own, this storyline would not have had the impact that it has. She never complains about a hard storyline either, when interviewers ask how difficult scenes were, her response is always one of gratitude enthusiasm and excitement for the changes it could bring about in society. I believe this will be the start of more powerful storylines for women in the media and moreover I know her performance has had a real life effect on society, changing and developing people's opinions and giving them fresh eyes to see other people's experiences through with sympathy and care.
2. Jessie Mueller. During her Broadway career this far, Mueller has portrayed some of the most complex women with such heart and integrity. She has proven endlessly that vulnerability and strength can coexist. In 2016 Jessie won the Lilly Award (awards for females making a difference in society) for best actress following her run as Jenna in Waitress. A not was left in the theatre's lobby saying that Jessie's heartfelt performance helped a woman decide to leave the abusive relationship she was in. Additionally Jessie has done countless benefits for charities benefiting women, is an activist for equal rights and a dedicated educator. Jessie has defied type casting and shown us all that we are not defined by anything but our hearts and work ethic.
3. Ruthie Ann Miles. Strength, power, inspiration - Ruthie is the true embodiment of all these things. Moreover she spreads happiness and joy, ever since I watched her win her Tony I just felt this overwhelming sense of happiness. This woman spreads light everywhere she goes and never fails to make me brim with happiness and smiles. In today's world we need a light and Ruthie truly is that light.
4. Marianne Elliott. To me, Marianne Elliott is the best theatre director of our times. Directing is a profession that is predominantly male dominated and I believe that Elliott will be one of the key figures in changing that. Her love for her work is evident in the current revival of Company a true highlight of the theatre scene in recent years. Her integrity, leadership skills and incredible visions have led to a groundbreaking piece of theatre for women.
5. Rosalie Craig. Her incredible portrayal of the 'new' Bobbie in the 2018 Company Revival has given an in depth, layered portrayal of a woman who is unapologetic for her decisions and personal internal debates. Craig brings so much to this role that you don't see Bobbie as promiscuous like expected but rather as someone simply living life making her own calls and it's absolutely refreshing and unique to see. Furthermore her talent is so stellar that it is guaranteed to inspire a generation of young performers.
6. Katrina Lenk. Resilience strikes me when I think of Katrina Lenk. Her break came in her 40s, prior to this she was relatively unknown in the mainstream theatre world however she never stopped working. Women are ingrained to believe their value decreases as they age, especially in the arts, however Katrina has proven that this is not true. We gain experience, life lessons, emotional qualities, skills and ethics that helps us grow as people and performers. When I think of Katrina Lenk I think of someone so driven by love rather than fame. Additionally, through the characters she portrayed, Katrina has given a voice to so many women who's stories would typically go untold.
7. Jessie Nelson. A valued part of the first all female Broadway creative team for Waitress, Nelson wrote the book for the musical and in doing so helped create a masterpiece and a true gift for all women who feel their story doesn't matter. She comprehensively understands what it means to be female, the importance of female friendship and the responsibility that came with writing a script like this. Thanks to Nelson we have a musical that honours our stories and inspires us to go out and speak of our own experiences. She helped create the living proof that female stories sell and I'm sure we will see many more following in its footsteps.
8. Paula Vogel. Scriptwriter, Vogel, first came to my intention when I first watched Indecent on Broadway HD. The main two things that hit me regarding women's rights upon watching the play, was the portrayal of sexuality between Dina and Ruth outside of the internal play 'God of Vengeance', this relationship is powerful and much more emotionally based than trying to portray lesbian relationships as sexual items for men's pleasure as many arts still find acceptable. Additionally at the start of the play when describing the casting type of each troupe member, Vogel avoids attaching gender to the description starting the tone with the message they desire to continue with, equality for all.
9. Eva Noblezada. I will never forget Noblezada's performance as Kim, I remember being truly in awe and inspired. Then when learning how young she was I was admired at her dedication to travel thousands of miles from home at such a young age in true dedication to telling a story she believes in. Miss Saigon has a story line so beautifully reflective of the maternal side of women and Noblezada's performance portrayed this beautifully showing the true fierce strength that women posses.
10. Hailey Kilgore. A Tony award nomination at age 19! That is more than enough to inspire. Additionally the profound and positive outlook Kilgore has about the world is beyond beautiful and heartwarming.
11. Patti Murin. I admire anyone who speaks out about mental illness and Murin does so so candidly that it is unbelievably inspirational. It's a daunting thing to do because mental illness can be mistaken for being 'overly emotional' or 'unreliable' and I commend Murin for speaking out anyway knowing what she is risking because it will remind an entire generation who struggle with their mental health not to give up because of it. Despite her struggles Murin's work is incredibly joyful and can brighten up any day.
12. Sara Bareilles. Always dedicated to writing her truth, Bareilles has never cabed into the pressure of writing a traditional love song at times when it didn't feel authentic to her. Being motivated to make art rather than money, Sara Bareilles has written so many anthems for women reminding them to feel and fight. Furthermore she's proved that you don't have to write songs about men to sell music, authenticity leads to success.
13. Adrienne Warren. This woman is a force. She is currently giving everything she's got to bring the empowering story of Tina Turner to life 8 times a week in the west end. She is the driving force of a vital story for women in society and she treats it with the importance and passion it deserves. Furthermore her social media is dedicated to educating people about equality for all in society.
14. Marin Mazzie. In September 2018 Marin lost her battle to Ovarain cancer but her legacy will pass from generation to the next. Her dedication to what she loved during her battle is the epitome of female strength, additionally she committed time to activism and raising awareness of ovarian cancer. To me 'Back to Before' - Ragtime is the ultimate theatre anthem for women's rights and Marin's recording and perspective is so moving and empowering that it has the ability to motivate anyone who listens to change the world.
15. Bernadette Peters. A true theatre icon Peters has wrestled with all the names in the book, the classic term 'Diva' that was constantly thrown around when a woman was so powerful and successful in their field that people didn't know how to react. I don't think anything will stop this woman..... I mean did you see the press ups on The View, in high heels and a dress! Icon! Furthermore this was the week before her 70th birthday. I don't think Peters will ever age in spirit or appearance but she embraces her age regardless, the host with held her name but Peters made it clear that she feels age shouldn't be hidden from as our value does not decrease in anyway. Her work in theatre and charity should be inspirational to all.
16. Lindsay Mendez. Firstly I admire any women dedicated to educating and teaching, like Lindsay is. I could say a lot about Lindsay, but I feel she says it best herself. She is true to her identity, body positive and wants to represent everyday people through her art, as we all should if we consider art as a mirror to society.
“When I moved to New York, I was told to change my last name from Mendez to Matthews, or I wouldn’t work. I’m so proud to be part of a community that celebrates diversity and individuality … Be your true self and the world will take note.”
"When you hear you’re going to audition for “Dogfight,” the show about bringing ugly women to parties, you’re like, ‘Oh, great, thank you.’ But that’s also our dream as actors, to play someone else and give someone else a voice. I love this character so much."
17. Cobie Smulders. Whilst filming HIMYM Cobie was privately battling Ovarian Cancer, she beat it and later went on to defy odds by having her own children. Her dedication to her art during this time is a testimony to her strength and will. Furthermore during her time on the show Cobie brought to life incredibly moving stories specific to women in society giving them a voice. She has since gone on to have a successful career in film and theatre and has a large voice in social activism. Her accounts about her battle with ovarian cancer will help to give so much support to women going through similar difficult times and hopefully raise awareness in others so they're able to detect this illness in early stages.
18. Ella Fitzgerald. To me Ella is the American song book, she is the voice of all the Gershwin, Porter, Berlin musicals that came to follow. She gave a voice to a minority and inspired so many people. She continues to inspire people when ever you listen to recordings of her and feel the raw emotion. The modern musical stands on Ella's shoulders.
19. Audra McDonald. SIX TONY AWARDS. She's defied every odd and stereotype by purely working hard and being a truly good person. She's inspired many people and shown us all that anything is possible when you're prepared to prove people wrong. Furthermore she always takes time to thank and honour those who came before her, the people who's shoulders she stands on and that to me is what female empowerment is more than anything else.
20. Judy Garland. My personal inspiration and to be honest I struggle to articulate how she inspires me as it's more of an emotion than a string of thoughts. I just believe Garland strove for love, kindness and friendship over anything. I also believe her work is a sign of hope, no matter how she was treated she never gave in, she didn't stop doing what she loved because of the way she was treated she kept going. It's debatable if that's the right decision, but it doesn't matter as it was a strong decision and it was Judy's. I respect her an unbelievable amount for her voice, her heart and her perspective on the world. Imagine what would be if that sweet girl hadn't sang 'Over The Rainbow' all those years ago, and imagine even more what could have been if we saw Garland for the layered, complex human being she was rather than sweet and cheery Dorothy Gale. Personally whenever I get the chance to perform I always think of Garland before I step on stage, I thank her for her sacrifices to the art because it wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for her, I don't think there will ever be a star as bright again. It's also to remember that whilst addiction and mental illness don't descriminate, Judy wouldn't have faced many of the issues she did if she wasn't a woman.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
The perspective we all should have had:
"I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it."
I hope to hear of those who inspire you and I hope we all continue to inspire and empower each other. Alicia x
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dvnnmatiisin · 4 years
Emotional Intelligence
Developing Strong "People Skills"
We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we're in, they always seem to know just what to say – and how to say it – so that we're not offended or upset. They're caring and considerate, and even if we don't find a solution to our problem, we usually leave feeling more hopeful and optimistic.
We probably also know people who are masters at managing their emotions. They don't get angry in stressful situations. Instead, they have the ability to look at a problem and calmly find a solution. They're excellent decision makers, and they know when to trust their intuition. Regardless of their strengths, however, they're usually willing to look at themselves honestly. They take criticism well, and they know when to use it to improve their performance.
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Navigating through this all takes tact and cleverness – especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they're telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. It also involves your perception of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively.
People with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do. Why? Because they're the ones that others want on their team. When people with high emotional intelligence send an email, it gets answered. When they need help, they get it. Because they make others feel good, they go through life much more easily than people who are easily angered or upset.
Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
1. Self-Awareness – People with high emotional intelligence are usually very self-aware . They understand their emotions, and because of this, they don't let their feelings rule them. They're confident – because they trust their intuition and don't let their emotions get out of control.
They're also willing to take an honest look at themselves. They know their strengths and weaknesses, and they work on these areas so they can perform better. Many people believe that this self-awareness is the most important part of emotional intelligence.
2. Self-Regulation – This is the ability to control emotions and impulses. People who self-regulate typically don't allow themselves to become too angry or jealous, and they don't make impulsive, careless decisions. They think before they act. Characteristics of self-regulation are thoughtfulness, comfort with change, integrity , and the ability to say no.
3. Motivation – People with a high degree of emotional intelligence are usually motivated . They're willing to defer immediate results for long-term success. They're highly productive, love a challenge, and are very effective in whatever they do.
4. Empathy – This is perhaps the second-most important element of emotional intelligence. Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand the wants, needs, and viewpoints of those around you. People with empathy are good at recognizing the feelings of others, even when those feelings may not be obvious. As a result, empathetic people are usually excellent at managing relationships , listening , and relating to others. They avoid stereotyping and judging too quickly, and they live their lives in a very open, honest way.
5. Social Skills – It's usually easy to talk to and like people with good social skills, another sign of high emotional intelligence. Those with strong social skills are typically team players. Rather than focus on their own success first, they help others develop and shine. They can manage disputes, are excellent communicators, and are masters at building and maintaining relationships.
How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
• Observe how you react to people. Do you rush to judgment before you know all of the facts? Do you stereotype? Look honestly at how you think and interact with other people. Try to put yourself in their place , and be more open and accepting of their perspectives and needs.
• Look at your work environment. Do you seek attention for your accomplishments? Humility can be a wonderful quality, and it doesn't mean that you're shy or lack self-confidence. When you practice humility, you say that you know what you did, and you can be quietly confident about it. Give others a chance to shine – put the focus on them, and don't worry too much about getting praise for yourself.
• Do a self-evaluation. Try out our emotional intelligence quiz . What are your weaknesses? Are you willing to accept that you're not perfect and that you could work on some areas to make yourself a better person? Have the courage to look at yourself honestly – it can change your life.
• Examine how you react to stressful situations. Do you become upset every time there's a delay or something doesn't happen the way you want? Do you blame others or become angry at them, even when it's not their fault? The ability to stay calm and in control in difficult situations is highly valued – in the business world and outside it. Keep your emotions under control when things go wrong.
• Take responsibility for your actions. If you hurt someone's feelings, apologize directly – don't ignore what you did or avoid the person. People are usually more willing to forgive and forget if you make an honest attempt to make things right.
• Examine how your actions will affect others – before you take those actions. If your decision will impact others, put yourself in their place. How will they feel if you do this? Would you want that experience? If you must take the action, how can you help others deal with the effects?
• See our article on Emotional Intelligence in Leadership for specific tips related to a leadership role.
Although "regular" intelligence is important to success in life, emotional intelligence is key to relating well to others and achieving your goals. Many people believe that it is at least as important as regular intelligence, and many companies now use emotional intelligence testing to hire new staff.
Emotional intelligence is an awareness of your actions and feelings – and how they affect those around you. It also means that you value others, listen to their wants and needs, and are able to empathize or identify with them on many different levels.
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