#like it never has to be anyone's favourite by any measure. but it is just NOT a bad season or handling of the characters
raayllum · 25 days
im new to the fandom, so I miss a lot of the discourse (helped ofc by the fact you're kinda the only dp blog I follow), so everytime you mention the s4 backlash I'm like....how in the world could people hate that season or rayllum in it? It doesn't compute for me!
The last ship I was particularly engaged with, has a lot of similarities with rayllum. They were best friends, life partners before they were ever /romantic/ life partners. And they went through a /lot/ of trauma, miscommunication, and being on opposite sides of the same fight, etc etc.
the difference to rayllum was that they never rlly gave each other the grace they need. They also never talked on screen, but unlike rayllum it wasn't because it was the best option for them, it's just that the writers didn't want to include it ever - to the point that when they finally did an episode addressing it, it landed...very flat? Because it was about six seasons in, addressing things as far back as the second season, that they'd apparently never spoken to each other about before (they were tragically engaged when this happened).
Rayllum GENERALLY but especially in s4 have a really special place in my heart, because they feel very realistically messy - but it doesn't feel like it's there so there's some drama to keep audiences hooked. It feels authentic, and is one of those rare cases where it strengthens their relationship. I definitely could buy that rayllum would survive anything that hit their relationship by the end of s3, but getting to actually SEE that and see how much they're willing to work through out of love and respect for each other? Fantastic.
(also like it's such good character development....i am with u in the s4 defense squad. is there a squad? If there is I'm in it)
First off welcome to the fandom and I hope you're having a good time!!
The fact that my blog is mostly discourse free cause while I tag accordingly (fandom nonsense and dragons gets salty for potential blacklisting purposes) I always worry I can dip too far into that on occasion (I do my best not to unless being called out by name, and even then mostly do my best to ignore stuff), but there's not too much discourse within TDP in general — at least not in the Rayllum corner, luckily.
I think that's why the S4 backlash really surprised and threw me for a loop, because my partner and I finished the season at like 7AM on release day and while different than expected, we loved it and thought it was great from the start. Then we went online and people in the fandom who I'd largely always agreed with were having a really hard time with the season and it was disheartening at least to not have many people to talk to about why 1) S4 is TDP's thematically strongest season thus far and that's still true, 2) it's Ezran's best season imo, and 3) it does a lot of things really really well in really interesting ways.
I always try to never come down Too Hard on the s4 backlash just because people are of course entitled to their feelings/opinions then as well as now (even if some people's tunes have definitely changed), but a lot of it did feel sometimes short sighted if not immature.
Like soo many people are still mad that Rayla and Callum broke up in an offscreen graphic novel, when S4 would still be S4 regardless of whether TTM existed and like... if Rayla worrying that she failed (again) and went off on her own (again) to protect Callum was a big logical leap, then that person honestly just wasn't paying attention; there's not much else to say there. I also think it's just a strange choice to assume that Nothing Major would change the second you find out about a timeskip; like, almost everything else is status quo, Rayla being gone is the One Major Change and people couldn't handle that being a Surprise?
Like you said, conflict between a couple is not inherently a bad thing; it can be good and interesting, and this was always a relationship hurdle I think a lot of Rayllums (myself included) expected Rayla and Callum to have to tackle. Not liking how extreme or 'dramatic' it was (ie. season long arc > just a few episodes, or Rayla leaving > just trying to leave) is fair enough, but given that it's rooted in so much of Rayla's character, I'd much rather take a long way around approach that's in depth. I'm also just Glad and Grateful that the show is tackling it and treating it like the issue it is rather than sweeping things under the rug.
The fact that Callum's version of anger wasn't the one people wanted is another issue, but again — his anger went the way I'd always thought it might if he just went through enough trauma, and even if he had yelled at her, I don't think the season would've necessarily gone any different than it did other than them crying more early on. Which I've written and wouldn't have minded, but I also don't dislike the alternative route canon took — of course they were never going to get all variations out there, but Callum is cold as hell and being a bit of a jerk while also being valid and tempering himself because he doesn't want to hurt her anymore than she wants to hurt him (and Callum has always been very very bad at being/staying mad with Rayla or Ezran anyway).
I saw a lot of pushback against Rayllum being 'platonic' (which was annoying as an aromantic person lemme tell you, as though platonic is lesser), being "broken up for no reason" (Rayla being hyper-independent was not a secret and always going to be what threatened to rip them apart; they are also still Visibly and Repeatedly In Love with each other how is that broken up), or that they didn't get to have a Big Feelings Time in S4.
With that in mind, there's a lot that also matters in a relationship beyond just Open Communication, tbh. There's going to be times in life where you're not able to or unwilling to talk about certain things (given that S4 is maybe a week, I think that's reasonable; especially when Rayllum still haven't talked to each other about it as of s5 and no one I saw have an issue in S4 about it has complained about it there) and like... how do you treat each other when you're still mad or confused and haven't talked everything out? Do you still take care of each other, are you still doing your best to be considerate of each other (even if you're also not going to be perfect)? That shit matters just as much if not more as people able to sit down and hash things out.
I think the truth is a lot of the things that pissed people off about S4 would've been true even if the opposite things had happened:
N'than is flat and under developed unlike Ellis → N'than is more developed → why is N'than taking away from screentime for other characters?
The Sunfire plotline feels disconnected from the rest of the story (nvm that Viren's arc from 1x06 onwards doesn't affect any main character again until 3x04) → the Sunfire plot line has more connections to the main cast crammed in → more complaints about pacing and things feeling overly stuffed, as scenes already change from one to the next quite clearly
Callum and Rayla have a big talk sometime between 4x03-4x07 → this doesn't give Callum enough time to be angry / makes him seem unreasonable because he's admitted he was mostly worried but is still not fully letting her in despite her spilling her guts to him (and in what world would Rayla give excuses, again, when she knows he's the one hurting and taking priority in her mind)
S4's humor was bad because there were fart jokes (in one episode) → the crowlord's joke is so much worse than the fart jokes imo and is on par with the walnut joke in 1x06. also 1-2 scenes with jokes that didn't work for you out of 9 whole ass episodes is like. you're just a wuss i'm sorry
The Sunfire plot line is boring → will never not feel like "I just can't connect or be interested in politics and religious disagreements when it's mostly about Black people for Some Reason (racism)" to me tbh
There was no way to please everyone especially after a three year hiatus (because people think, For Some Reason, that how much time it takes for a story to come out should change how that story is written and it really, really doesn't) but yeah. The internet showed their asses and I was Not Impressed lmao
TLDR; a lot of the S4 backlash was "I'm mad this isn't happening now and I'm stressed out/worried that it won't be" as opposed to "this is only a problem if it never happens at all, but I have faith that it will," and I will love S4 forever. The Callum-Viren parallels being ramped up, the theme of duality and moving "doing terrible things for love" to the forefront with multiple characters (Rayla, Terry, Viren, Claudia), seeing Ezran step into his role as king, Callum's arc being shown > told, the set up for the possession plot line, Janaya's engagement and relationship development + Amaya and Janai's independent arcs? Chef's kiss. S4 is my best friend and its Rayllum dynamic is on par with S3 for me, and I am very grateful the fandom's attitude towards s4 and s4 Rayllum is a lot warmer / more reasonable now
When Callum says "unconditionally" in 5x01 and all their stuff in S5 we know and believe it because we've seen them fight and work so hard to come back from some pretty terrible brinks in imperfect ways, and I'll always love s4 for that. The most aspec Rayllum season by far
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They have a crush on you (HC's) - Team 141 + König
Requested by Anon
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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*Honestly I could write an essay on this complicated man, he's such an interesting character - but I've summed up some HC's below*
This guy is so hard to read, but at the same time he's not.
At first glance, he's a hardened man who keeps his cards close to his chest and never lets his guard down around anyone. And that's true.
Given everything he's been through in life, that amount of trauma is bound to have a long-term effect on every aspect of his life - not to mention the fact that he's probably learned to repress all of that shit for most of his life.
So I reckon that even if he did have romantic feelings towards you, it would take him a long, long time for him to even process what he's feeling - he's not stupid by any manner of means, more so he doesn't know what to do with this newfound information.
He would probably try and be mean to you - not that he was ever truly sweet on you in the first place, he couldn't let people know he had a soft spot; a weakness.
If you were part of 141, he would probably try to completely ignore you - unless he physically had to speak to you, like if you were on a mission together ((ngl I think Price probably would put the pieces together and would try to push you both together by sending you off on the same mission - fulfilling his Dad Captainly duties)).
You'd probably have known Ghost for a while before he starts to open up to you - it's superficial stuff, like maybe when his birthday is or his favourite food, little details that didn't really give any crucial information away, but you knew better than to pry as it would probably just make him shut himself away more.
He'd probably be protective of you - like if the team were out at a pub after a mission gone well, and there was a creepy guy bothering you, he would loom over you to scare the guy shitless with piercing, cold eyes.
We all know that as soon as Soap figures out that Ghost has a crush, he's going to absolutely want to take the piss out of him for it...he just needs to pick his words carefully, since he chooses life :))
It's hard to tell when or if he would actually confess his feelings to you - I can see it happening in one of two ways:
1 - You almost died on a mission, and he deeply regretted not telling you before when he thought you weren't going to make it back to base in time; he visited you every day while you were in hospital, and ended up bluntly just coming right out with how he felt because he needed you to know.
2 - Soap tells you before he can. With this scenario, I don't see Ghost blowing up in a fit of rage - it would be the silent death stare with the promise of an arse-kicking in the training room, maybe even making the Sergeant clean the bathrooms with a toothbrush for a few months for good measure. Ghost probably wouldn't even deny it, and would wait for you to come to him... and whatever happens next is a mystery ;))
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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*Ahh my fellow Scot - just to preface, Scottish slang and dialects vary across the country and I'm not 100% sure where Soap is originally from, so I'm just going to improvise and use local slang from where I'm from ~*
My guy wears his heart on his sleeve - he's naturally very flirty with you from the get-go, so it wasn't hard to figure out that he fancied you.
"Hello, Darlin', if yer wantin' a tour of the base, don't be feert* to gie me a shout ;D" [feert = afraid] [gie me a shout = ask me; gie = give].
With his flirty nature, it was difficult to discern if he was actually being serious about liking you, or if he was just flirty with everyone.
He'd probably realise that he was going about things completely wrong, and would make normal, friendly conversation to get to know you - he just wants to prove that he's a good guy and not a raging hornball :(
The longer time goes on, he starts to tell you more about his life outside of the SAS - he comes from a big family, he's the youngest sibling, his favourite colour, etc.
I can absolutely see his chest puff up a bit with pride when you compliment his skills - he disposes bombs and risks his life all the time, its his job and he doesn't expect praise other than a curt "good work" from his superiors; but from you, the tips of his ears are turning red, and a smile is practically splitting his face ~
Definitely doesn't use the excuse of training to get some time alone with you - not in a creepy way, he just likes spending one-on-one time with you.
If he really trusts you, he asks you to help trim his hair - he did do his mohawk mostly by himself but trying to do the back of his head on his own was an actual nightmare.
Likes watching the look of concentration on your face as you make sure that his hair is even - winks at you when you catch him staring~
(Y/N): There we go - a job well-done, if I do say so myself.
Johnny: *just admiring your smiling face, smitten*
Would probably ask you out then and there, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
Certified Best Boy™.
Captain John Price
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This guy doesn't fuck around - he's older, mature, and knows what he feels, and straight up tells you.
He'd call you into his office for a "chat" - queue you absolutely shitting yourself, being called for a chat with your superior in any circumstance automatically has you going through everything you've ever done prior to this moment to see what he could be mad about...
If you were a Private or any rank beneath him, he probably might hesitate to tell you a bit; HR really wouldn't like it but then again they wouldn't need to know... ;))
If you were a medic, nurse, doctor or civilian, he wouldn't hesitate to tell you.
The Team wouldn't know he even had a crush on you - even if you were on base, as a soldier or medic, they wouldn't have a clue.
The only time they grew suspicious was after they had all been to the pub and after a few too many drinks, one of the new recruits started talking about you and how he thought you were fit; Price's eye twitched slightly, eyeing the recruit with a poker face but with a slightly flash of anger in his eyes, cigar between his teeth.
"Bit inappropriate to speak of a comrade like that, Private, don't you think?" The Private sheepishly let out an apology.
Gaz and Soap gave each other a knowing side-eye; Soap looked to Ghost, who stared back blankly - he'd figured out that the Captain liked you ages ago, he was just waiting on everyone else catching up.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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I see him as another guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, so to speak.
I think he's the silent type though - while Johnny will flirt with you openly, regardless of where he is or who he's around, I think Kyle would be more discrete about it.
At first, it would be the little things like making you your favourite tea when he's making his own cup - sometimes he'll just make you your own, delivering it to you with a little smile.
He even offers to spar with you during training - he wouldn't go easy on you but he would be missing the usual fire that he has when training with other members of the team, he doesn't want to hurt you :((
As he gets more comfortable with you, and you with him, he absolutely loves to wind you up.
I think he'd be a genuinely funny guy, so be prepared to laugh until your sides hurt.
He'd probably express his feelings for you in a cheesy but still down-right cute way; probably shows up at your door with flowers and asks you out on a date.
((Proud Dad™ Price is just around the corner))
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Another certified Best Boy™.
Honestly, he probably didn't speak to you at all for the longest time - not because he was intentionally trying to be rude but because if he feels like he has nothing good to say, then he just won't speak at all.
His social anxiety probably fluctuates day-to-day; one day he feels alright, can make small talk with others on base and do whatever he needs to do. But then the next day, he won't leave his room unless he has to, and when he does he's just this hulking mass of poorly concealed anxiety.
I think his anxiety would probably accidentally be projected outwards and would make him appear more intimidating, especially when all people can see are his eyes underneath his hood. Poor baby :(
He definitely knew that he had a crush on you - he's anxious in social settings, crowds, and he knows what that feels like - but with you? He gets full-on butterflies and he's scared to speak in case he says something embarrassing.
You'd most likely have to make conversation first, keeping it casual as to not scare him off - ironic, since the man is over 6ft and is built like a brick shithouse.
It would take time but he'd slowly open up bit by bit.
The first time you saw him out in the field - completely different ballgame entirely.
Who is this guy and what has he done with Konig??
He probably confesses his feelings on the way back from a mission, still high on adrenaline and confidence.
Oh he absolutely full-on panics when the adrenaline wears off and the penny finally drops...but he meant what he said. He really likes you, Maus.
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giamee · 1 year
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୨♡୧ pairings :: yanqing x reader ; jing yuan x reader ; gepard x reader ; sampo x reader
୨♡୧ contains :: established relationship, some slight babygirlification maybe? idk im just saying words at this point, blatant favouritism
୨♡୧ gia's notes :: finally posting requests thank u for the patience sorry that this took so long for something so short 😖😖 i kept it pg because i didn't want to make any requesters uncomfortable BUT if anyone wants an nsfw version of this just say the word 🫡
୨♡୧ requests :: anon -> hihi!! may i req general relationship hcs of yan qing and/or jing yuan?? <3 also yr blog theme is so cuteSHSHDHHDHDDH take yr time in writing the req and have a lovely day ahead :> // anon -> HII!!! i saw that you're opening requests!! can i request gepard and sampo as boyfriends plss??? tysm!! 💖
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-the sweetest omg :((
-definitely the most attentive bf ever
-you need something? he’s already out the door on his way to the store to get it
-you can’t reach something? yanqing is rushing to your side, plucking the item off the top shelf and handing it to you, with a sweet kiss pressed to your cheek for extra measure
-you notice your shoelace is untied but your hands are full? yanqing is kneeling down in front of you and making the perfect knot that wont undo, and then he’s taking what you’re holding off of you so that you can walk with your hands free
-i feel like he would really enjoy the outdoors
-like a date with him would include walking around the xianzhou luofu and admiring the scenery before stopping to eat something in a park
-idk if the xianzhou luofu has parks but idc roll with it
-and he is such a ray of sunshine too!!
-always smiling and sunny
-even the weather seems to brighten when he’s around
-when you’re having a bad day and have to cancel on a date with him, he’s so understanding, asking if you want him to come over to yours instead with food and some movies to watch
-and when you hear him knocking on your door and his sweet smile on the other side with not a hint of annoyance at your last minute cancellation, your worries melt at his gesture and when his scent engulfs you as he wraps you in a warm hug
-hmmm he would definitely gossip with you
-carries two hairbands on his wrist - one for himself and one for you if you ever need it
-10/10 boyfriend i love him :(
-my husband
-he would be such a chill bf
-obviously since he’s a general he’s quite busy so you may not be able to see each other as much as you would like to :(
-but jing yuan will always make time for you <3
-whether that means he has to, god forbid, skip out on an afternoon nap to finish paperwork, he WILL get home in time to greet you with a kiss that has you melting into him
-while he may appear reserved at times, he’s a very passionate lover (wink)
-he just likes to keep things private
-he believes that’s what makes your relationship more special
-i feel like he’s kind of got a thing for domesticity
-jing yuan holds an appreciation for the slower, quieter moments in life
-moments where time doesn’t matter, because you’re asleep in his arms and the slight gust of your breath against his bare skin is soothing him into a state of overwhelming calm that reminds him that he has absolutely nowhere to be for the foreseeable future
-(he just really likes sleeping with you)
-you definitely have to convince him to get out of bed some days
-the general of the xianzhou luofu is in your bed and whining when you try to wiggle out of his grasp, hugging you tighter despite your protests
-and he'll never admit it but the mf will POUT when you both inevitably have to get up
-and he'll be so dramatic about it too
-"i thought you loved me, why are you leaving..."
-and you shoot him a glare while you get dressed
-and then you see the way his toned back is rising and falling gently as your boyfriend just lays there and breathes, eyes fixed on you as if he were committing you to memory, and the look in his eyes draws you back to your shared bed
-because five more minutes really couldn't hurt, not when they're spent with him <33
-this man
-as much as i want him to be the most amazing perfect boyfriend ever
-i feel like that would take some time to develop in the relationship
-he is a younger sibling after all
-and while he's sweet and receptive and always remembers the smallest details of what you mentioned to him in passing
-he can also be stubborn and a bit clueless at times
-cut the man some slack it's his first relationship and he's trying his best
-between being captain of the silvermane guards and just... life in general, the man has never really had the opportunity to let loose or explore his feelings
-you two probably meet through serval. you work in her shop and one day gepard comes in because he needs something repaired and he sees you at the counter and that's it game over he's imagining your entire life together
-and like any older sibling would serval would very quickly figure out the blatant crush that gepard has on you and then teases the living hell out of him for it
-she keeps orchestrating little scenarios that end up with you and gepard in close proximity with each other
-and even though he's mad at his sister, he has to admit that it's nice to spend time with you
-but i think the final push is one night where serval manages to convince you and gepard to tag along with her to a new bar that has opened
-personally i hc that gepard is an absolute lightweight and the man cannot hold his tongue when he isn't sober
-and once the alcohol flush reaches his face it's game over
-serval ever so conveniently slips off to buy herself another drink
-which was five minutes ago, and she's nowhere in sight
-and gepard just starts talking to fill the gap
-and then he can't stop talking and oh he's confessed and then you're smiling and telling him you've been waiting for him to make a move
-and in the span of 5 minutes gepard's gone and got himself a significant other
-and YES now for the actual relationship hcs lmao 💀
-so YEAH
-gepard is head over heels whipped crazy for you
-but he's also emotionally constipated
-probably goes rigid if you hold his hand in public
-takes a while for him to get used to physical affection
-but once he does the man is all over u
-i think he likes to play with your fingers i think
-and then kiss them each individually
-and then lace his fingers with yours and hold it close to his chest
-and then stay like that as he drifts off to sleep next to you
-he's probably kinda goofy once he comes out of his shell
-like he probably talks to inanimate objects LMAO
-and he hums and sings under his breath ofc
-so it's really cute in the early mornings when he wakes up a bit before you have to, and he's moving around getting ready while still half asleep and your eyes are still closed but you can hear him humming a song he recently heard as he brushes his teeth
-i need him
-and then he will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS drop back down next to you in bed before he has to go and do his guard duties
-and press the sweetest gentlest kiss to your forehead
-then your cheeks and nose and chin
-before finally your lips
-and he tells you to have a good day and that he loves you and he'll see you soon
-screaming rn i take it back he's perfect
-super spontaneous for sure
-quick day trip to belobog with your boyfriend who's a wanted criminal ❤️
-idc if he's canonically a scammer this man will never lie to u (bc he's whipped as hell and he loves u ok)
-he uses the money from scamming ppl to buy gifts for you LMAO
-and even though the man has a silver tongue and he gets all melodramatic as part of his travelling salesman act
-when you're alone and in private his walls will come down and he'll just look at you with lovestruck eyes and tell you how beautiful or handsome you are with no games
-or just say nothing at all and bask in your presence
-i think he def needs someone who matches his energy
-like he's trying to sell someone a product and he shoots you a look and you come over and play the part of anither interested buyer to get them to buy it
-absolutely lethal duo
-and i feel like because he's so fun he would be really good with kids
-so if you ever need help babysitting a younger sibling or cousin
-he would be the #1 call for backup fr
-by the end of the night ur cousin likes HIM more than you (the audacity) and is calling him uncle sampo :((
-he would so tease you
-it's his love language <3
-but if you want to get back at him
-yk those slutty little cutouts he has in his shirt at the hip?
-yeah just tickle him there and he will fold immediately
-he probably has like this rlly ridiculous laugh that only cones out then or something
-and you're probably the only person who's ever heard it
-hmmm what else
-sampo probably has a bit of a possessive streak too
-tries to maintain his cool facade but someone else tries to flirt with you?
-his eye is twitching and he's by your side immediately, hand around your waist and a cold glare directed at whoever was dumb enough to try
-mans probably spoils you rotten LMAO
-would definitely pick a pretty flower every time he sees one to bring back and give to you
-you have a collection of pressed flowers from him at this point
-10/10 amazing boyfie <3
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୨♡୧ honkai star rail masterlist
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Gay wrongs tournament, semifinals of the losers bracket
For Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu:
you've got the founder of the fantasy ancient Chinese CIA and the leader of what is essentially the mafia and then they're soulmates and in love. they're both willing to kill anyone who dares hurt the other while also just wanting a soft domestic life together
Zhou Zishu is an assassin and spymaster who put the current Emperor on the throne, and then quit his job by faking his death (kinda, hes still dying but not as fast as he was supposed to). Had done A Lot on his old job, including murdering children (more than one, and at least one of them in a way I can't even describe without several trigger warnings), exterminating whole families, war crimes (and i dont mean this in a buzzword way, i mean "organized a public execution of foreign diplomats during war time")… btw he doesn't feel particularly bad about any of this, because he believes it was necessary. Like he wouldn't do it for fun, but he thinks the ends (putting a good Emperor on the throne) justified the means (all of the atrocities). As a retiree, he definitely cut down on the amount of morally reprehensible murder, but not murder in general. He still routinely kills ppl, he just doesn't go out of his way to kill more. Wen Kexing, meanwhile, is the Ghost Valley Master - Ghost Valley being a place where the worst of criminals are exiled. Even in such a place, he has reputation as a complete lunatic, owed partially to the fact that he either skinned a man or fed him his own flesh or both at one point, and partially to him having a rule where he would kill anyone who came closer than 3 meters to him. But in truth, everything he'd done was to survive the Ghost Valley and eventually take revenge for his parents, who were brutally murdered when he was only nine. By the start of the novel's timeline, he put his plan in motion - the plan that would drown jianghu in blood, but also deliver poetic justice to all responsible for his parents' deaths, as well as all who'd commit the same crime given the chance. And these two men, these two murderers and schemers, meet - and unexpectedly, find in each other the person who /understands/. The person who is just as ruthless and whose hands are just as bloody, but also the person who knows standing at the top of the world is not worth it, who seeks the same freedom of leaving it all behind, and who is still, underneath it all, a human, with human heart seeking connection. So you have this couple who understand each other with barely a word, and who want the same things - who are so hungry for domesticity and for people they can just goof around with when all their lives they had to measure every step and word - but ALSO where one half a couple is like "i gotta go murder hundreds in revenge" and the other half is like "ok pick you up at 6". (This btw is why I'm submitting novel's iteration of the couple in particular. Show wenzhou with their ridiculous breakups over morality could Never.) Also they were both hiding who they are when they first met, and later flirted about having figured each other out. Finally, I'll leave you my favorite quote that just. perfectly sums up their relationship: "And just like that, they fell asleep in each other's arms, steeped in the smell of blood."
You’ve probably already had submissions for them but I’ll add on. One of them founded an assassin’s guild and killed a staggering number of people. His malewife is the leader of a sect of insane murderous outcasts, and he attained his position by proving to be the most crazy and murder happy of them all. Most of the plot involves him wandering around watching his schemes get more people killed. Together they adopt a kid that was only orphaned due to said scheming (oops). They’re terrible and I love them.
For Legolas and Gimli:
They literally have a running competition between the two over who has more kills. And non-canon my ass, Legolas took Gimli to valinor
They kill alot of orcs together. They make it into a competition. Better minds than i have spoken about the couple ness
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wutheringskies · 11 months
Wangxian is that dynamic: Rant Post
I personally think Wangxian is one of the most complete, compelling and near-perfect dynamics to ever be written. Like, think about it. All of our favourite pairings generally include one T (Thinking-type) and one F (Feeling-type), or both Feeling types as they are easier to relate to.
But then you have Wangxian - an ISTJ and an ENTP. Such... annoying personality types.
You have Lan Wangji, who's going to fight your procrastination for you. The guy who's stability personified and Mr. He Is Indeed Better, and then you have Wei Wuxian, who's going to argue his mouth off than take a hint; a little too aware of just how great he is and constantly onto the search for new angles of discovery.
Generally, these sort of personalities are put into the background while an INFP (or whatever) find love. These are the cliche best friends. But never the main leads.
But look at Wangxian!
Look at them being so smart together, sharing the same values. Look at Lan Wangji showing his anger by frosty, cutting words (just a few) or worse... utter disregard for you. The guy's going to glare at you with such frosty chill or go out of his way to ignore you. You're not going to get to him, and it's going to PISS you off.
Then there's Wei Wuxian and it's like...are you getting to him? Or, is he getting to you?? If you argue with him too much about his alleged failure and arrogance and quirks, he's gonna tap into them, and make you feel unstable. He's going to wield his flaws like a blade at you. You're going to just want to avoid him and the snark that filters in through his sunny disposition.
And... look at Wangxian taking the "scientific way" to sex.
"What am I supposed to do?" / I cannot believe I'm asking Lan Zhan for sex advice.
"Relax." / To the point answers only.
Also in the Extra, when discussing their CNC kink they go all the way into the story of how they're going to scene:
"So I'll do this and you resist and then I'll do this."
"Sounds difficult."
"Okay, let's switch positions."
Like... perfection??? Like go, find yourself a partner who's equally as weird as you and have your happy ever after with them: accomplished.
Not just that but the aftermath of the bichen incense burner:
"I have never been treated like this before."
"Mn." (fond smile)
"I'll chop you if you do that again."
Like... how easy is it to communicate ? Without any fears, without any remnant feelings, without guilt - how easily they understand each other.
And not Wei Wuxian showing his love by gifting Lan Wangji a numerous weird things, and constantly talking about exactly what he loves about Lan Wangji. Not Lan Wangji doing every sort of act of service for Wei Wuxian (and Wei Wuxian allowing it), and being calm but not quiet with his words.
"It is as it is" - loving Wei Wuxian is a fact for Lan Wangji, backed up by his actions.
They never go out of their way to think of certain events differently. Perhaps, that's what takes them so much time and 2 life times to get together. Because, hell, it's obvious to us. But you're telling me Lan Wangji wouldn't stand up for anyone who's in the right and framed incorrectly? He totally would. Lan Zhan is just that nice. Similarly, Wei Wuxian is also just that nice.
He took a brand for Mianmian. He couldn't remember her for a minute afterwards. He saved Su She. Twice. He has no idea who Su She is. So, yes. He did a lot of things for Lan Wangji but what is he supposed to be?
I love how their relationship is built upon a pact of no apologies and no thanks. Loving each other isn't a duty, a responsibility or a debt. It is just natural. There's nothing to be repaid. There's only things to discover together.
You don't need to thank me because thanking means you recognize my effort as helping you, but you are not required to - as it is the nature of things. I will help you. You will help me. We will never measure who helps each other more. You don't need to apologize for your actions, because I trust that you will not do wrong unto me. Never by intention.
And, let's talk about how they gravitate towards each other ?? Lan Wangji sitting in Gusu thinking about Wei Wuxian and his lotus seeds and stems theory. Wei Wuxian sitting in Lotus Pier thinking of Lan Wangji. Analyzing every word the other has said, thinking back to all that they have done for each other, lingering not on the pain they have caused each other but the happiness, and you know, that they'll be able to talk about the pain, through the pain, because they are people rooted in the present.
I imagine just how insane it would be for Wei Wuxian, the no golden core until the age of 9 to head disciple to one of the strongest cores to the reason why Yunmeng Jiang win every night hunt event at Discussion Conferences, to lock swords with Lan Wangji and feel, "Ah, this is an equal. This is a new puzzle to be solved. This is a cabbage to be pricked (canon)."
And for Lan Wangji, who's equated insolence and disobedience with poor performance to suddenly come upon someone who appears larger than life, raking up answers and top spots in tests, and duelling as an equal yet never adhering to the rules, finding loopholes and shaking up Lan Wangji's whole dimension.
Another thing I really love is how Lan Wangji isn't, like, his uncle. Or his brother. He isn't his uncle in the ways that he allows himself to break rules when they don't align with the rules he considers superior - his moral calling. His hanguang-jun-ness. He absolutely loves rules; he does; and he loves his stability but he's not afraid to embrace change if it is required.
And, Lan Zhan just isn't his brother. He doesn't like you? Trust, you're gonna know. He thinks you're stupid? It's going to be translated across. He's not going to appease you, or make his presence or his wishes lesser to comfort you. He is his own person (which is so similar to how Wei Wuxian is; like poor boy was punished all the time for being himself, at Lotus Pier by Madam Yu, and yet he never downplayed his talents. He never bowed down.)
And I think it's obvious just how well Lan Wangji knows how worthless words can be if they're not followed with actions. Similarly for Wei Wuxian, he speaks a lot. But he does do what he speak. Protect Jiang Cheng? He will. Fight for Lotus Pier? He will. Protect the Wens? He will absolutely.
Thus, you see, as a couple they will never have to face those sorts of arguments where someone seriously states how they feel about A event but behaves differently when they can do something about it. As a couple they will never have to worry about the other not being themselves. Compromising is one thing - pretense is another. Wei Wuxian compromises and doesn't try to break rules. Understands that he's going to insult Lan Wangji's position by acting out. Lan Wangji compromises and breaks some rules for him. They both compromise and take care of each other's needs and habits to cohabitate together successfully, and at the same time, there's no pretense. No lying. No manipulation. No "I'm fine when I'm not."
Think of them going to night hunts together, with Wei Wuxian's easy brilliance and Lan Wangji's easy dependency. Like that guy, is strong and capable enough to protect Wei Ying. He knows that. Wei Ying knows that. The cultivation world knows that.
Think of how both of them are such healthy adults and loving to children. Lan Wangji isn't a cold dad and Wei Wuxian isn't an irresponsible one. They're both so very capable.
So, my point is - Wangxian is perfect. I will die on this ship.
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atom-writings · 9 months
HAIII could you write the heta men of your choice with a gn s/o who acts like a cat?? (rubbing their head in their arm while cuddling, BITING (affectionate), knocking shit over to get attention, and most catlike of all LAYING ON/CUDDLING THEM RIGHT WHEN THEY NEED TO GET UP)
hetalia romano, prussia, canada, russia, england, and america with a catlike s/o
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: a couple suggestive implications, but thats it!
a/n: people who let me do guys of my choice i am hopelessly in love with you. thank you.
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Romano is such a cat boyfriend, so good luck with that. Absolutely nothing is getting down in your household, I guess.
He finds your catlike affection cute for a bit, but it's definitely not his favourite. He'll happily cuddle whenever you want, just don't bite him! it's weird...
But he'd love how you always lay on him when he needs to do something. He didn't want to do it anyway. Now he has an adorable excuse!
When you push things off counters, he just doesn't care. Sure, he'll give you attention, but only briefly. His house is a mess, a broken glass is nothing new. Plus, he does the exact thing to you all the time.
Basically, he's fine with it. Would prefer a more... mature S/O, but internally he knows he's just as bad as you when it comes to that. Maybe that's why you get along so well!
Gilbert will never let anyone know this... but he's secretly a cat person. His massive dog army would make you think differently, but trust me on this (;
He'd just think you're SO cute! It doesn't even register to him that what you're doing is weird. He's just like, “Oh, you're headbutting me? I'll headbutt you back.”
His intense touch starved-ness makes your clingy and cuddly nature a perfect fit for what he wants.
Knocking stuff off counters would also work crazy well on him. As soon as you do that, he's running over and desperately cleaning everything up. You've got his full attention. First, he'll ask if you're ok, and then he'll get pissed. He promises to “punish” you later too...
(By “punishment,” he means he's gonna make you watch his terrible nerd shows.)
If you tried laying on him to get him to stay, he's just pushing you off. If he's in a particularly affectionate mood, he'll stay for a few more moments, but generally, you're just gonna end up on the floor. He's got stuff to do!
Matthew just... really doesn't know how to handle your affection. He hasn't had any romantic partners in a long time, so his only real reference for modern love is TV shows. And... they definitely don't act like cats in those. Are you weird, or is he?
He'll be super awkwardly accepting of it. Ok, you're curled up in his lap... so he pets your hair, right? When he wakes up to you laid flat over his body like a blanket, he just... doesn't know what to do. Where does he put his hand? Does he push you off?
Eventually, he'll get it. Then he's gonna go full cat owner mode. Constantly checking in with you, making sure you're always entertained, and cuddling you constantly.
He doesn't appreciate you breaking things to get his attention though... like, he's always willing to give it to you! No questions asked! You don't have to go to such drastic measures to get a hug.
If you flop on his lap when he's about to get up, he's just gonna accept his fate. You'll get no protests from him. Just... let him know when you're done, k?
Ivan doesn't even question anything you do. He just finds your cat-like behaviours super cute! It just makes him want to indulge you more.
Whenever you force him to continue cuddling, he just laughs and concedes. He's never had such a clingy S/O, and it makes him want to protect you even more.
However, this kind of thing does make him infantilize you even more. But on the bright side, expect him to buy you lots of cute clothes and build pillow forts for you two often (He might buy you a collar too ;)
He really doesn't mind you biting him. Once he knows you're alright with it, he'll probably bite you back! It's a weird point of pride for him to be covered in your little teeth marks.
Surprisingly, he also doesn't mind you breaking things to get his attention! He finds it... oddly romantic. Like, oh, you care about me enough to cause damage to things? Wow, you're so dedicated! (He has... problems.)
Basically, a S/O that acts like a cat would be great. He's such a dog boyfriend anyway.
Arthur doesn't see this as “acting like a cat” as much as he sees it as “immaturity.” Surprisingly, unlike how he feels normally about childish S/O, your behaviour could really grow on him. Of course, he'll always huff and sigh when you rub yourself against his arm anyway, but still!
He WILL get very annoyed by you sitting on his lap while he's busy though. Like, if he's just reading, whatever. But if you interrupt him when he's about to do something, he's just forcing you off his lap and walking away.
Also, do NOT break his glasses. Pissing him off like that will only make him ignore you more. Besides, if you wanted a super attentive partner, you really shouldn't go for Arthur anyway.
But despite all that, he really adores your habit of biting him. As long as it's not too painful, he does get a kick out of it, weirdly. When he bites you, it's always in a more... sensual way, but he adores how you do it so affectionately.
Basically, yeah, he thinks you're cute. But it's easy for you to get on his nerves if you act like that.
Alfred... doesn't really mind. But he thinks it's more entertaining than cute. He definitely realizes what you're doing early on in the relationship, and loves to tease you about it.
But... he also can't help the urge to take care of you because of it. He makes sure to always leave cute little snacks in your bag in case of emergency, and he NEVER misses a call from you. He gets a little paranoid about you getting taken advantage of because of how immature you can be.
You can bite him. He probably wouldn't even notice you did so.
However you show affection, he'll reciprocate. He's not much into the headbutting thing himself, he's a lot more uh... traditional? But he loves it when you do it!
He has to resist squeezing your cheeks every day that he wakes up next to you. It keeps getting harder.
You pushing stuff off every surface doesn't make him mad per se, but he definitely doesn't enjoy that habit. (Specifically, he would buy a bell that means you want attention. It's much cuter that way, and also you aren't breaking his things.)
In conclusion: it would be a very sweet relationship (:
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ambyandony · 4 months
Pannacotta Fugo - Monster AU Profile
(hopefully screen-reader-friendly variant with detailed image descriptions)
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Pannacotta Fugo, a completely normal human being with a completely abnormal understanding of the supernatural.
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Preface about species type:
Fugo is a human being, and as such, there's not much to say in terms of species. You probably know a human. You probably are a human (I won't assume). A majority of humans (unless cursed or blessed) are not born with any innate magical properties or capabilities like some nonhumans are. Although some human beings are capable of magic, whether learnt, spiritual, religious or bestowed, Fugo simply isn't one of them, and does not practise magic, thus making him a completely normal human.
Details related to Humanity:
Being human means that he ages normally, doesn't exceed human strength, and cannot perceive magic supernaturally. Being human does have at least one advantage; a human who neither practises magic nor carries magical objects on their person cannot really be detected by magical detection senses...They're also very frequently underestimated by monsters and other humans alike.
Details about Fugo:
Just a normal human, except he's incredibly smart and incredibly bold.
Incredibly aware of nonhumans and their shenanigans, to the point where he's wildly desensitised and frankly quite sick of it sometimes. He has had it UP TO HERE with this shit.
Nothing fazes him anymore. He's fully, 100% aware that practically everyone around him is inhuman so now he just doesn't care when they do weird shit at this point. Rarely questions this shit anymore. He just Gets It now.
Knows more about nonhumans than he's ever really wanted to. Not afraid of them in the least (anymore) and is quite well-versed with a wealth of folk knowledge, a good majority of which he learnt when he was little from his Nonna.
Particularly familiar with the Gentry. He's incredibly cautious with all his wording, especially when it comes to introductions, and he knows quite a few preventative measures and deterrents, should he ever come to need them for any reason.
Far too hard to trick with snaky language. Excellent with loopholes, too-- he was studying law, for God's sake.
Audacious enough to insult nonhumans and humans to their faces pretty indiscriminately when he thinks it's called for.
Not afraid to speak his mind to anyone and gets away without any repercussions, in part just due to the SHEER AUDACITY, but also because everyone knows what Buccellati will do if anything should happen to Fugo (who is definitely not his son).
Has seen most everyone's true forms (at least to the extent he's capable of perceiving) so he's just used to it. The others usually don't feel a need to disguise themselves when it's just him around.
Knows around 12 languages including, allegedly, Ancient Sumerian (don't ask) and Latin. Comedically he frequently corrects Buccellati when he tries to speak Latin. Often. It just kills him to hear any kind of grammatical errors.
Anaemic. Maybe the lack of iron in his blood is why Giorno wants it so badly...
An excellent strategist. Always thinking of contingencies and worst-case scenarios. This is also known as having anxiety.
Has never given any part of his identity to the Fae and he's not about to start now.
Has a crush on giorno...??? but he also constantly wants to fucking THROTTLE the bitch
So Giorno likes to do this thing where he changes his appearance slightly, just enough to be subconsciously noticeable, bit by bit, just to fuck with people. Problem is, Narancia also likes to do this, so when Giorno tried it on Fugo, Fugo nearly fucking jumped him.
"Buccellati you don't have to say 'be not afraid' every fucking time you wake me up at three in the fucking morning and i see your true form what the fuck do you want"
"Ah. Okay. Fine, Buccellati. Why don't I just stay out here and converse with the Devil, then? Hey, Abbacchio-" "FUGO!"
"What's your favourite colour?" "Snakes, do you like boys?"
Emotionally he's a broke college student, mentally a clever little rich boy, physically, a mess.
Neurodivergent. Autistic. Hyperfixates on a random-ass topic and then if your trust level is at 8 or higher he infodumps at you about literally every single thing he knows on the subject. Aggressively.
Wears tiny mirrors sewn into his tie. They're silver-backed, and serve the function of a sort of countermeasure against certain nonhumans. Obviously it doesn't work for every nonhuman, but if the person he's talking to just straight up doesn't appear in the the mirrors, then they're, of course, inhuman.
Has an ongoing argument with Mista regarding what kind of luck four-leaf clovers bring. For the sake of peace, they've decided that, since Fugo insists that ”four-leaf clovers are lucky" and Mista insists that "four-leaf anything is unlucky", then surely four-leaf clovers must be "absolutely no luck at all".
fugo dismayed, seconds apart: "I BROUGHT THIS CHILD [narancia] IN under FALSE PRETENCES and BOY AM I FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT!!!" "-hey you stay away from him That is my gremlin brother bitch" "THIS IS NOT HOW MATH WORKS! WE HAVE BEEN OVER THIS YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!!!!"
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Obsessive Riddler
General!Riddler Headcanons commission: headcanons for obsessive general!riddler 💚 commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: obsessive themes duh
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it’s hard for him to acknowledge a crush without it turning into a crusade for the answer to the puzzle that is you, and his feelings for and about you to that end.
you’ve become something for him to focus on, to obsess over. until he can solve you. what that solution is, he can’t think.
but in his muddled little brain, overthinking and stuck on hyper-focus, it seems like the only way to get the answer is to get you.
luckily, his idiotic charms have meant that you’ve fallen for his constant messages and gifts and riddles and love letters and sweet, lingering touches after a hug.
he’s goofy, a bit of a dweeb. and that suits him so perfectly that it’s impossible not to fall for him.
and that’s a bonus for you too, because it means he doesn’t have to have you by any other means necessary.
probably… could get rid of the rope and handcuffs and duct tape now, actually. yeah… good idea.
his obsession doesn’t end once he has you though, this possession being in any sense.
he’s determined to make you his forever, and you seem willing for the most part! that only heightens his love for you though.
the adoration is never smothering. it’s measured, almost scientific in his approach. he knows when to pull back. to you, it’s nice to get some free time. for him, it’s time spent thinking of you, dreaming of you, planning his next steps.
keeping you happy and in love with him requires constant effort.
and even beyond that, it’s not like his time is better spent thinking of anything else.
gone are his wild dreams of worldwide destruction, of defeating his enemies, of gaining revenge over anyone who mistreated or doubted him.
why should he waste any of his precious brain matter pondering over such trivial matters?
especially when the alternative is picturing you both together, forever, happily ever after.
his obsessions only deepen when they’re related to anything physical with you.
he holds your hand constantly, the need to have you, ever-present, a tangible connection to you.
it also helps to reinforce the concept that you are his to everyone around you.
he’s found that he can no longer sleep unless a part of his body is touching yours. either his arm wrapped around you, his hand somewhere on your body, or his feet brushing past yours under the sheets.
it’s soothing, comforting.
and sexually, his favourite thing is to just hold you against him while he’s inside of you.
no movement, just staying in the moment.
being present, having you, filling you. like he completes you.
the way he feels that you complete him.
getting to finish inside of you is a bonus also.
it offers him the joy of being with you so intimately, long after the physical touch is gone.
like he’s a part of you now, something for you to remember him by.
he knows it’s weird, but he can’t help it.
he’s obsessed.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 10 months
My issue with derision and how it deals with Marinette’s problematic behaviour.
Disclaimer before I make this post that I’m not an avid miraculous fan, so if I get things wrong feel free to correct me.
I used to watch it a lot as a kid but I’m not so into it now. The reason I’m making this post is because recently my little sister came over to visit me and she loves the series half to death. I decided to sit down and watch it with her just for fun, and long story short my ADHD hyper fixation kicked in and I ended up binging 2 whole seasons.
And OML the only thing that did was remind me why I stopped watching the show in the first place
As a kid I never liked Marinette’s character. That was more of a me problem though since back in season 1 there wasn’t really too much wrong with her, I was just having my whole ‘I hate girly things phase’ so I didn’t like her.
However When season 3 came out she was firmly cemented as my least favourite character. I didn’t like her weird, creepy behaviour as well as the fact that the writers didn’t really give her any flaws, or at least none that really effected the plot.
I think the thing that made me the angriest was the fact that no one seemed to address it. The writers didn’t seem to care, everyone in the show applauded and even encouraged her behaviour and everyone in the fandom seemed to love Adrienette. I couldn’t find anyone mentioning the fact that the girl literally broke into his house and it pissed me off to no end.
As it turns out though I wasn’t the only one offset by her behaviour as in one of the recent episodes ‘Derision’ the writers finally decided to address the huge distaste with Marinette’s actions.
Of course this show being what it is means that Marinette can’t have a single flaw, so instead of doing what I thought was the logical thing and having an episode where the staking is seen and addressed as a bad thing and Marinette takes measures to fix and develop herself the writers decide to just excuse it all by saying she was traumatised.
I hated the way they dealt with this.
First of all the writing was just lazy.
Her being suddenly traumatised by Kim despite having absolutely no issues with him anywhere else in the show? I thought that was stupid and not well thought out since this whole bit is just the writes slapping a bandaid solution on fans complaints. Also I’m vaguely certain that Kim has a canonical fear of spiders so why is he using them to prank Marinette of all people with?
Second of all it doesn’t do a good job of explaining why she was a stalker.
In the episode she says that it was because Kim broke her trust so she now refuses to get into a relationship with someone without knowing everything about them.
This is supposed to explain her weird behaviour towards Adrien but it doesn’t simply because this is shown to only be a problem with him.
It’s not like we catch her breaking into Luka’s house on multiple occasions so she can go through his things and sniff his pillow. Nor does she seem to care about finding out anything and everything about Cat Noir. I’m fine with this being the case when she’s ladybug since she doesn’t really show any romantic appeal towards him but as Marinette?
The show establishes that she has at minimum a crush on him and that’s all it took for her to start going after Adrien, and maybe you could say that she doesn’t have the means to stalk Cat Noir since she’s a civilian but we’ve seen repeatedly that she’s not above abusing her own superpowers to do so with Adrien.
Even the argument that she wants to protect secret identities is useless when you watch Ephemeral and see that she was completely on board with manipulating Cat Noir so she could expose his identity to a person without his consent.
I think the worst part for me however, is the fact that I could look past all the lazy writing and the pathetic excuses used to justify her actions if she’d done the bare minimum by apologising to Adrien.
Admitting to him what she’d done and telling him she was sorry. I would’ve liked it if the writers didn’t have Adrien forgive her (at least not right away) but I know they don’t have the capacity to have Marinette be genuinely in the wrong for anything so I would have settled for just an apology instead.
But they can’t even do that! All that happens is that Marinette promises to herself that she won’t do it anymore and as usual Adrien is left none the wiser.
Even though I’ve only recently gotten back into the show this episode along with Kuro Neko and the season 5 finale have shown me that I genuinely can’t ship Adrienette in good conscience anymore.
Marinette just lies to him about too much important stuff. It’s so unfair to him that he’s constantly kept out of the loop about things in his life that directly involve him and the people who do this face absolutely no consequences.
Heck even Gabriel got his happily ever after by bringing his wife back meanwhile Adrien is living a complete lie as the people he cares about reassure him that everything’s fine when it really, really isn’t.
I’ve seen people act like this episode somehow provides a good excuse to Marinette’s actions but barely anything is done in terms of character development so I have to disagree with them.
Anyway thanks for comin to my tedtalk if you want to argue with me in the comments please be respectful about it.
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rose-lunaire · 9 months
May I ask for overall dating Bedelia headcannons? What is she like in the relationship etc. Thank you 🙏🏻😊
i have to say i was surprised to see how little content there is about her, really. so i’m very grateful for this ask, hope it’s what you were looking for, enjoy! i wanted to write about her from a broader perspective, so i hope you don’t mind i altered the ask a little bit
pairing: bedelia du maurier x gn!reader
warnings: mention of mental illness
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bedelia du maurier sfw dating alphabet
a - asking out
as much as i believe in bedelia’s confidence, it was you who made the defining move. you met at a charity gala on a chilly evening in september. the first round of champagne has been distributed and bedelia found herself finished greeting all of her acquaintances, her gaze suddenly drawn to an unknown figure. pushed by an invisible force, nearly ran in your direction. “oh, i’m so sorry, i mistook you for one of my old friends!” it was a lame attempt in masking her excitement, but you just laughed and introduced yourself. as the evening passed you ended up gravitating towards each other multiple times. it was almost surreal, you gave in to the urge to finally ask her out
b - best friend
the connection between you is undeniable, it runs deeper than simple attraction. bedelia is an attentive listener and there was something about her that made you trust her completely. it’s your weekly ritual to dish out the juiciest gossip on saturday dinners. it’s always fun to make fun all your pretentious colleagues and drink good wine. there is always an atmosphere of warmth and trust when you hang out together. you don’t need anyone else in your life, because you just found true love in your soulmate’s embrace
c - cooking
i feel like she isn’t a fan of cooking. it feels mundane and messy for her. hates cleaning afterwards. she can make simple things or prepare a beautiful charcuterie board but that’s it. that’s not to say she doesn’t enjoy fancy food; you both will explore all restaurants in the neighbourhood, searching for the perfect place to relax after a long day of work. sometimes you’re both too tired to go out and end up snacking in the kitchen, laughing at bedelia’s attempts at cooking dinner. in the end it always tastes good because of how much fun you had preparing it (and thanks to your life-saving cooking skills)
d - date time!
at first you mingled at many social events, sometimes dancing under the scrutinising gazes of other guests. as your connection deepened, you opted for coziness of your houses. you lost track of passing days, the whole world seemingly disappearing for the time of your dates. bedelia doesn’t like planning many things ahead as her schedule changes frequently. quite early on you got the spare key to her home, hanging out anytime you got. the setting doesn’t have to be special for you two, the sheer company makes for unforgettable time
e - escapism, exploring the enchanted gardens
for bedelia, the only thing that can measure up to your beauty are flowers. on gloomy days you would visit local botanical gardens or orangeries. the humid air and heart-fluttering scent make of a unique atmosphere so unreal and mystical, you can forget all the mundane earthly worries. you dive into the feeling, savouring the serenity in your lover’s eyes: a sight so rare and precious to your heart
f - favourite part
her favourite part of you is your hands. the light squeezes and feather-like brushes of the knuckles, it grounds her and never fails to make her heart flutter. bedelia would trace your callouses, detailed lines on your palms searching for peace after a difficult day. loves the way your hands fit together. eager to adorn your hand with a promise ring
g - gifts
bedelia is a big spender and you can’t convince me otherwise. will buy you gifts any chance she gets, ranging from your favourite pastry on a sunday breakfast to a gold pendant she saw on a shopping spree. expect countless items related to your hobbies appearing on your shelf. it’s always something thoughtful and not over-the-top. you once scolded her careless shopping habits and now she’s bit better with limiting herself. but she just loves you so much, there’s no stopping bedelia from splurging on your birthday
h - holidays
i would say her favourite holiday is the summer vacation. she enjoys the warm evenings filled with mellow jazz and good rosé. it usually means less work and more time to spend with you. it’s the season for oversized sunglasses and strapless dresses. evening seem to stretch on forever, filled with your soft laughter and your cheeks flushed from the heat.
i - illness
gets sick easily, especially in autumn. with meeting a lot of people come consequences, but with years she got better with masking her own struggles to focus on helping the other person. if you notice her sneezing, she will dismiss it as dust allergy or something. bedelia enjoys being pampered as long as it doesn't get in the way of her work. pro tip: reschedule all her meetings before she has the chance to protest!
j - jealous, jealous girl! does she get jealous easily? how does she react to you being jealous?
she despises seeing you jealous. for her it’s a symptom of distrust, which she fears the most in a relationship. but sometimes it can’t be avoided: once a waiter slipped a note into her hand and bedelia made a show out of turning him down. she was shocked to see a shadow of a frown if your face. “what’s wrong, dear?”was her voice a little too loud, she wondered. “it was cruel. i wish people knew you’re mine and stop doing such things.” it was hard for the blonde to hide the smirk forming on her lips.
k - kisses
kisses with bedelia are short but sensual. they leave you wanting more and yearning for her touch. like everything with her, they’re playful yet almost dignified. the way she places her thumb under your eye, studying the depth of your orbs. how your hips touch as your bodies slowly melt into each other and the surrounding fade away. her breath is hungry, she’s feeding off your desperation. with nowhere to run, you’re savouring every second.
l - love language
words of affirmation are a must. as a psychiatrist she understands the importance of communication and wants you to know how much you mean to her. it’s just.. her emotions are so strong and bedelia wants you to know just how much you mean for her, her efforts seem a bit messy and the message doesn’t really get through. there’s just so much she wants to tell you on the daily basis.
m - mornings
hates to waste time in morning. not to say she’s an early bird, she hates the way her joints feel heavy and her gaze blurs at the bright sunlight. it’s like the nature is playing a joke on her clouded mind. her days are filled with rummaging through people’s darkest memories and pristine mornings seem like an ironic prelude. however, her attitude changed when you moved in with her. now the sharp rays are the signal to let go of your body, start of missing your warmth and calming scent. but seeing you rub your eyes sleepily makes bedelia forget all about it
n - nicknames
for you: duckling! there’s a cute story behind it. there was a cocktail party hannibal was hosting and you both couldn’t miss for the world. unfortunately you barely knew any guests and just followed bedelia anywhere she went. during the dinner you observed her manners intently, faithfully copying her every move. when came the time to chat with host, hannibal greeted you by saying “and who is the lovely duckling following you around, bedelia?”
for her: snowflake! cold and unique, bedelia is an unattainable treasure for most people. some tried holding her tightly, but it resulted in losing her momentarily. you were the one she graced with her beauty, the one who saw her true nature and didn’t try to melt her icy exterior. you loved all her sharp edges and intricate patterns
o - open book, how open is she about her past, her struggles?
to be honest she doesn’t like discussing her past. it’s complicated and painful so she doesn’t want to burden you with unnecessary knowledge. but if you as for something in a straightforward manner, she will probably confess what’s on her mind. just don’t press too hard as she feels more comfortable helping with your struggles. during some late-night talks like this she will also unveil a bit of her struggles, so listen carefully then and hug her tightly
p - pda (public display of affection)
melts every time you greet her with a kiss on the cheek. it’s subtle and cute, but during a dinner party it can reassure her deeply. sometimes she would squeeze your ring finger to catch your attention. no one needs big embraces or french kisses to see how madly in love and committed you are to each other. it’s the stolen moments by the bathroom giggling and staring contests across the ballroom. a smile so bright each moment your hands are intertwined. it doesn’t take a detective to tell how much in love you are
q - quiz time! how much does she know and remember about you?
queen of small gestures. once again, it’s her job to remember personal information and uses it to her advantage. that blue shirt you liked on instagram? she will paint the bedroom walls with this colour. in the early stages of your relationship she exhausted all sources to find more information about you. it’s gotten to the point when you want to tell her a story from your childhood and she just goes “oh, i remember that one” even though you don’t remember telling her about this detail
r - romance
she has a very alluring aura and in addition to that, bedelia has an immense knowledge about relationships. she has seen the most toxic unions as well as pure platonic couples through her career. she knows exactly what to not do, but barely what how she actually wants to treat you. she’s not big on over-the-top gestures and splurging on gifts. firm believer in quality time! she goes relatively fast in the relation, which doesn’t make her intentions less genuine. she would never admit that she fell for you at the first sight, but bedelia was sure the moment she saw you.
s - sense of security
constantly being around unstable individuals, hell, being held hostage as hannibal’s wife, i took a big toll on her well-being. when he’s in jail, it’s like something is missing. the lack of adrenaline felt foreign, so i feel like she would look for it in a relationship. borderline unhealthy attraction to scheming, games of cat and mouse. keeps life interesting until there is mutual trust within the relationship. keep each other on your toes while holding hands tightly.
t - temper
i would say she’s a stoic person, to the point it’s unsettling. when provoked, her rage manifest as an icy, calculated cruelty. she knows how to hurt a person on a spiritual level and they won’t notice until it hits them bad. bedelia is like a dormant volcano, full of mystery and unspoken wishes. the first time you’ve ever seen her angry was when hannibal escaped prison. the animalistic look in her eyes made you want to flee. moment like these, she’s like a venomous snake, quietly contemplating whether to spare her prey.
u - unwinding
i guess that she host her psychiatric sessions in her house, so the building has a strong stressful connotation. but it was like she haven’t noticed; always reading in her living room, excusing herself from other plans to stay at home and rest. you made it your point to change her habit. you started to plan dates outside, dragging bedelia to the lakeside and taking her on long walks to talk about her feelings. that’s also the reason you eat out so much. it’s become your tradition to go to the seaside once in a while
v - vanity, is she concerned about her looks? and what would people think?
she likes to look her best every day, reliable and charming attire is her signature. adores accessories and the days when her hair curl perfectly. her whole image is meticulously crafted during her years as a therapist. it makes her feel empowered during difficult moments. bedelia wants to look reliable and a little unattainable. the layers of silk make for an intricate armour and tease
w - warmth and wishes
“well, and what did you pray for?” she asked, ushering you to the side, a playful smile lingering on her lips. the birthday cake was long forgotten, but the sight of your hopeful eyes wouldn’t leave bedelia’s thoughts. you’re not supposed to share the wish with anyone, but this time you would make an exception. you look at girlfriend and confess with a hushed voice. “i asked that you would believe me.” her baffled expression begged for more. “it’s just… i love you so much and i can’t stand the way you dismiss my praises. the only thing i care about in this world is your happiness. so give it to me, it’s my birthday after all.” you chuckled, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “then who am i to deny your wish, duckling?”
x - xtra, random headcanon for you!
has a collection of silk scarves, once someone told her they carry scent the best, so she can enjoy her favourite perfumes even more. also, bedelia likes to match the colours and patterns to how the scent makes her feel: musk fits embroidery, floral patterns with fresh aromas etc. she would gift you one for your anniversary, so you can have a part of her always with you. if there is a challenging day looming before her, she would take the scarf from you to feel your scent throughout the day.
y - yuck! absolute no-no in the relationship
incompetence and helplessness. she had enough of desperate individuals in her lifetime and craves for a partner, not another patient. someone to ground her, remind of what’s real, present. another big turn-off is a lot of secrets. as it may be thrilling to play games sometimes, she is not keen on uncertainty and insincere gestures. she’s sure about the relationship with you, so don’t make the mistake of doubting it.
z - zzz… sleeping habits!
as i mentioned previously, bedelia has a hard time falling asleep. sometimes it takes a chamomile tea before bed or a heart-to-heart at two am. she wouldn’t want to burden you with her struggles, but with time you’ve started to recognise her breathing patterns. after a while you just cuddle her and softly ask what’s bothering her so late at night. she never snores, but trashes a lot. needs something to hug, either your arm or her favourite pillow
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bigwishes · 2 years
Fuuuuck, it feels so good to be an Asian muscle bull, filled with nothing but the lust for muscle. I thought I would be satisfied at this point, but what is this feeling of wanting even more? Could you grow me even bigger and ramp it up to the max? I need to be unmistakably obsessed with muscle!
Wow, you really spent the your last bit of receding IQ on this? I warned you to try and make a dating profile whilst you still understood what one even was but nope, guess you want to be even bigger than before.
So lets see how we left you off,
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There he is, my favourite Asian muscle bull. Massive, stupid, stupidly mass, and leaking pre through his pants. Well mate lets just get straight too it and completely unbind any limits. Mass is the aim of the game and mass is what is coming your way, but we cant just turn one aspect of your wish up, we gotta turn all aspects all the way up. We are doubling down on what your asked for or rather, tripling down.
I see you have put your clothes back on, ready to leave the gym? well why don't you put on a little show. Feel your body getting bigger and bigger? well what are your standing around for take some pics whilst you still understand how the camera works.
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Looking big king! but ya know I don't think you're big enough. No, you want it to be absolutely clear muscle is all the matters and I dunno, having the ability to wear a shirt might give the wrong impression, it might have people thinking you are worried about getting too big so why don't you go ahead and get bigger.
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There you go, no more shirt, or rather no more shirts ever, You'll never fucking wear one again mate, the closest thing you get to cover up is a tank top that'll be more of a crop top to show off those abs and it'll probably split off of you within the hour. I see you are finally making that dating profile but we don't want you catfishing anyone, you can't appear smarter than you already are so again I think it's time to scale that IQ down even more. You had already become a moron, I think its time to upgrade, or rather downgrade to complete fucking imbecile. Too big a word for you? okay let me rephrase it, you dum dum muscle, only know to lift heavy circle. With drool forming in the corners of your mouth you finish the dating application Your Name Here: your name Hobbies: big Describe Yourself: big
As you sloppily whip the drool from your mouth you feel a sensation in your pants, that hard on of yours is getting bigger. I gave you a nice 12ichs something massive but could still fit in the average guy with enough effort but goodluck even finding a guy to take this one. I know you can't read a measuring tap anymore but that is a 16 inch hard on now. That 12 + 1, 2, 3, 4!! good job! and it is permanent, that word means that you'll never ever see or feel your dick soft again, and you'll never ever be able to hide it again. But you said you want more, you are getting more, I already made you insanely virile but that is going up even more too! You balls might be feeling full, almost like they are gonna burst but relief is coming. Thats right, instead of leaking pre all day long you've been upgraded to leaking cum all day long. Less from you actually cumming and more because your sack can't hold the amount its producing and well, it has to go somewhere! but even sex wont relieve this. No matter how much you go at it you'll always have a dick dripping with thick liquid manliness.
I can hear some guys in the gym saying you should really put a shirt on, clearly it isn't clear that you aren't nothing but mass, so lets turn it up a notch one last time.
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There you go! you are nothing but mass now! that it big can't describe you anymore, you are just mass, and you'll continue to put on more and more. I'd say you are about 7ft tall right now, don't worry when your frame can't put on more size you'll get even taller. I know I already made it that you can't truely make yourself cum, for that you still need another guy. But that doesn't stop you from still wanting to play with the dragon in your pants. To make sure your don't get distracted and take a break from the grind I over sized your shoulders, pecs and arms. You've lost the mobility to touch your own dick but don't worry it won't effect your workouts. Hmm now I'm seeing you I see pants might cover up those thick muscled legs, but I won't do anything about that now, I give you maybe a month, 5 weeks tops before the only thing able to be on your body at all is a poser. Hope you enjoy the endless growth, because there is no limit to how big you'll get now mate!
(A big thank you to @maxmorphs for letting me use their morph in this story, check out their page if you haven't already!)
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thatmooncake · 1 year
This ask is a free infodump prompt! Saw your tags on that one post and while approaching people also makes me feel like I'm a shaking wet Chihuahua, I love people being enthusiastic! So this is for anything you feel like talking about - favorite AU? Ideas you couldn't share before? Thoughts on the canon DCA? Pick something, anything! I got a lil chair and I'm patiently waiting <3
Hmmm, well I’ve kept you waiting long enough (sorry about that), so today I’ll ramble about one of my favourite things about the DCA - their relationship, and more specifically, how they “share” with each other and how that works out for them!
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I’m a sucker for any AU that explores the way Sun and Moon interact with each other, whether they’re in one body or not, whether they communicate directly or indirectly. And I’ve always been interested in exploring how long each of them has “out” at a given time, and how that affects them both.
Like, Sun is (in theory) supposed to be out at ALL TIMES in the daycare. ALL TIMES. No Moon, only Sun. The staff even put (flimsy) measures in place so that Moon would NEVER take over in that space. But from what we can tell, Sun and Moon were built to be a package deal, and with that taken into consideration, it’s very unlikely that this doesn’t put some amount of stress on Sun’s system at the best of times, what with him having NO time at all to go dormant outside of the night patrols. Even if he does have a little time to go dormant, he’s already seemingly under so much stress from the fear of what happens when Moon takes over that the forced transformations cannot be doing him any good at all.
Meanwhile, when he is actually active, Moon has some “freedoms” that Sun doesn’t seem to have. He can roam around the pizzaplex, for example. We never see Sun leave the daycare. From what we can tell in the game, only Moon can roam the pizzaplex because the daycare attendant only roams free when the lights go out at the end of every hour. Whether this has always been the case or whether it’s a new measure put in place by Freddy’s to replace some of the night staff with Moon is anyone’s guess really. But this freedom doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things when it’s basically just been put in place so that Moon can be a puppet for the Afton virus. And throughout all of the social hours when he would have once been interacting with kids, Moon is now inactive. He’s only there to roam and get people to do the big sleepy. He’s lacking socialisation like CRAZY.
Between Sun being basically forced to be active throughout ALL of the hours when the lights are forcibly kept on, and Moon lacking ANY positive social interactions, this is really sad, because we see the other animatronics at least still able to roam the plex when it’s active and have “down time” in their rooms (not that this seems to work out so well for Monty to be fair), but all Sun gets is the ugliest mess of a space in the world to retreat to and all Moon knows how to do anymore is punish people who he thinks ought to be sleeping. So even beyond the virus there are just layers and layers of anxiety Sun has lived with for who knows how long, and there is so much bad socialisation that Moon must be so used to by now that he basically has no identity outside of correcting what he sees as problems (aka putting people to sleep), because the on/off cycle that Freddy’s has put in place for them won’t allow them to do anything else. It’s crazy!
Then in addition to these we get so many amazing fanon takes on how they both feel about this - is it something they actively put thought into? If they communicate with each other in any way, does knowing what the other one deals with stress them out even more as two halves of a whole? Whether they’re together or separate, do they ever wish they had what the other one had, or does knowing what the other one deals with make them feel grateful that they ended up how they did? Do they work together to combat the issues they’re now facing, or is a constant battle going on inside of them? So many interesting things to think about when it comes to these guys!
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thedragonchilde · 1 month
Ship meme spam round two
How did they they meet?
Well, that's pretty well covered in the series--
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Chibodee, by a mile
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
“It's so nice to see them happy together; much nicer than dealing with Chibodee's miserable mooning~”
“Oh, shut up, Shirley, I was not ‘mooning’!”
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
The circumstances are actually answered somewhat in the next question!
Who confessed their feelings first?
Domon, after having accidentally discovered that the feeling was mutual. (Chibodee was braced for a confrontation, not a confession!)
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
I'm sorry, I have the visual of Chibodee inviting George for a double date just to watch his reaction--
What do they do in their down time?
Separately, it's a wonder if they have down time at all, so together they try to make every moment count - and even then they're usually pretty hyped up and active, but sometimes that just means takeout and televised sports and lazy embrace
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Considering that Dr Kasshu is the only parent in the equation-- (Which is to say, probably some measure of awkward, but at the same time Domon would be fucking beaming and I don't think the importance of that would be lost on his father at all.)
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Well, I've mentioned before that they have a tendency to snipe about stupid shit that isn't really what they're mad about, and usually those are done and forgiven pretty quickly. Their first big fight as a couple is probably, ironically, over communication, and how they both fail at it in wildly different ways when they're upset - and the issue is not immediately fixed, but having everything out in the open seriously helps
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Domon jumps to it more quickly, because everything seems vaguely threatening when you're unsure. (Not for the reason one might think, however - the assumption tends to be that anyone dating Chibodee would be threatened by his being surrounded by beautiful women, but being jealous of the gals has never crossed Domon's mind, and he would actually find that suggestion kind of weird. They're like his sisters!) He may actually become possessive if Chibodee were to have a rival in the ring though, like “only I should get you hyped up like that”
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
You mean they have to narrow it down??
Who’s the cuddly one? What is their favourite cuddling position?
Domon can be a little tsundere about cuddling sometimes, but let's be real, physical touch of any kind is very important for these two, and whatever cuddle configurations they come up with are no exception
Are they hand holders?
Oh, absolutely, not a question
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Bets would probably be split between "never" and "ASAP". But they finally get to it after a couple near-misses and aborted attempts, a few really awkward questions, and a lot of pent-up frustration.
Chibodee certainly takes the lead initially, but thinks he can get away with not getting fully naked or letting himself really be touched, and apparently doesn't think Domon's gonna catch on to that trepidation. Rookie mistake, my man; body language speaks loud and clear, and your boy is famously good at reading it. It takes a blunt "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want this. But if we're gonna do it, I wanna do it right. I want this. I want you" - and a well-timed jaw kiss/hip grab maneuver - to get a breathless, trusting "Yeah okay, you've got me"
Who tops?
This is definitely a competition
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into?
They probably get into it pretty good a couple times over the long-distance thing
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Shopping they'd have to work together on and learn the art of compromise along the way, because Domon is hilariously predictable and Chibodee can be an impulse shopper just because he can. I suspect they stick to stuff that's easy to prepare.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Tidiness would probably go to Domon, but he's also not super used to having much stuff to keep untidy. (Obviously, any tidiness does not apply to his hair.) 'Organized' is kind of broad, but Chibodee's better about times and dates, and anything he doesn't keep organized he can trust that Bunny will.
Who proposes?
Domon, because for as much as he says he's not good with words, he is both completely unable to keep his feelings to himself and downright poetic when he speaks from the heart. (Chibodee doesn't answer right away, and he laughs when he does, because he was just about to pop the question himself, only Domon beat him to the punch, and did it better, and if he wasn't so happy he'd be so pissed off--)
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate?
See, this is the pitfall of marrying within your friend group--
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
George and Rain seem like the natural choices (or, if we go with a resurrection timeline, Kyoji and Shirley), though I think the gals would pick up a lot of the traditional maid-of-honor duties, because they know how to plan a party, and how to keep news outlets out. Honestly, I feel like the wedding party is mostly a given! I'm having trouble with what exactly would get Sai to eventually warm up to all this, but I like the idea that he would insist on making the cake. It would be the best damn cake you ever saw or tasted, and normal toppers are lame so this would call for two playing cards at the top-- (He may also have tried to insist on throwing a bachelor party, and honestly, Sai, even though you are technically an adult at this point that still sounds like a really bad idea)
Big Ceremony or Small?
Not a huge shindig, I figure, but probably big enough that they each ask at least once during the planning why they didn't just elope. (The answer is probably "because neither of you could keep it secret to save your lives, and once certain people know they wouldn't let you sneak off anyway"). Research on Japanese weddings tells me that the ceremony would be very small, anyway, and the reception would be the bigger worry.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
Tell me that it wouldn't be on Earth. Specifically where I'm not sure (any good memories Domon had of the rainforest are probably super shot), but they would absolutely take advantage of the kind of scenery you just don't get on the colonies.
Do they have children? How many?
Domon's so good with kids that it'd be almost a shame if they didn't, and you can't tell me Chibodee wouldn't have a heart for orphans. Come back to me later on specifics though. EDIT: Back with details! I definitely played with adoption, and largely got "but how am I supposed to pick favorites??" (and that's when I figured there are donations to youth shelters and maybe an established scholarship or something?) But one offhand mention of surrogacy/IVF as an option and I had a picture in my head before long, so, bam, one bio kid. His name is Apollo, which Chibodee absolutely deserves a suspicious side eye for.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the losers bracket
For Vegas and Pete:
Evil babygirl & stealthily evil babyboy. Vegas, known committer of atrocities, and Pete, who didn't rise up the ranks of being a mafia bodyguard for nothing. Never forget how Pete brutally shot and killed his coworker who dared to shoot Vegas in front of him.
I mean. They both kill people all the time. They even have evil gay BDSM sex. It's all right there.
it's plainly obvious to anyone even looking in their direction how murder husbands they are. both have canonically killed multiple people, often on screen. Not to mention the onscreen scene of Vegas literally torturing someone. 
For Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu:
you've got the founder of the fantasy ancient Chinese CIA and the leader of what is essentially the mafia and then they're soulmates and in love. they're both willing to kill anyone who dares hurt the other while also just wanting a soft domestic life together
Zhou Zishu is an assassin and spymaster who put the current Emperor on the throne, and then quit his job by faking his death (kinda, hes still dying but not as fast as he was supposed to). Had done A Lot on his old job, including murdering children (more than one, and at least one of them in a way I can't even describe without several trigger warnings), exterminating whole families, war crimes (and i dont mean this in a buzzword way, i mean "organized a public execution of foreign diplomats during war time")… btw he doesn't feel particularly bad about any of this, because he believes it was necessary. Like he wouldn't do it for fun, but he thinks the ends (putting a good Emperor on the throne) justified the means (all of the atrocities). As a retiree, he definitely cut down on the amount of morally reprehensible murder, but not murder in general. He still routinely kills ppl, he just doesn't go out of his way to kill more. Wen Kexing, meanwhile, is the Ghost Valley Master - Ghost Valley being a place where the worst of criminals are exiled. Even in such a place, he has reputation as a complete lunatic, owed partially to the fact that he either skinned a man or fed him his own flesh or both at one point, and partially to him having a rule where he would kill anyone who came closer than 3 meters to him. But in truth, everything he'd done was to survive the Ghost Valley and eventually take revenge for his parents, who were brutally murdered when he was only nine. By the start of the novel's timeline, he put his plan in motion - the plan that would drown jianghu in blood, but also deliver poetic justice to all responsible for his parents' deaths, as well as all who'd commit the same crime given the chance. And these two men, these two murderers and schemers, meet - and unexpectedly, find in each other the person who /understands/. The person who is just as ruthless and whose hands are just as bloody, but also the person who knows standing at the top of the world is not worth it, who seeks the same freedom of leaving it all behind, and who is still, underneath it all, a human, with human heart seeking connection. So you have this couple who understand each other with barely a word, and who want the same things - who are so hungry for domesticity and for people they can just goof around with when all their lives they had to measure every step and word - but ALSO where one half a couple is like "i gotta go murder hundreds in revenge" and the other half is like "ok pick you up at 6". (This btw is why I'm submitting novel's iteration of the couple in particular. Show wenzhou with their ridiculous breakups over morality could Never.) Also they were both hiding who they are when they first met, and later flirted about having figured each other out. Finally, I'll leave you my favorite quote that just. perfectly sums up their relationship: "And just like that, they fell asleep in each other's arms, steeped in the smell of blood."
You’ve probably already had submissions for them but I’ll add on. One of them founded an assassin’s guild and killed a staggering number of people. His malewife is the leader of a sect of insane murderous outcasts, and he attained his position by proving to be the most crazy and murder happy of them all. Most of the plot involves him wandering around watching his schemes get more people killed. Together they adopt a kid that was only orphaned due to said scheming (oops). They’re terrible and I love them.
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
First date with The Sparrows HCs
First date with Allison and Lila hcs
Marcus Hargreeves
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-After a few weeks of flirting, and finally figuring you probably like him back, Marcus decides to ask you out in the most special way he knows how, doing it in front of a crowd of cheering fans
-He similarly intends to capitalise on his fame and fortune to plan something spectacular for you on the date itself
-However at the last minute after a very informal conversation with you that reminds him of why he likes you so much, he decides to go for something more intimate
-You two have dinner at a renowned restaurant (which he still rented and reserved for just the two of you)
-And you two talk all night, allowing you to get to know the man behind the superhero and be known by him in kind
Ben Hargreeves
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-Ben is deadset on it being the best date anyones ever been on, and he has a lot of funds he can blow to attempt to achieve that
-He’d never admit it but he’s very nervous, he really wants to get this right and impress you, so he’s a real perfectionist while planning the evening
-His conversation is somewhat lacking as his guardedness can get the best of him, he struggles to offer any vulnerability so early on, even just joking around is kind of new territory for him
-But he has his fun side (especially after a few drinks) and you make him happier than he’s ever been which makes it easier for that part of himself to slip out, though on the other hand he’s also extra self-conscious around you so he tries to hold himself back and act more serious and respectable
-If it gets to a point where it looks like he’s losing you, his tough-guy persona will crack and he’s willing to wear his heart on his sleeve to confess to his own nervousness and that he really does like you a lot, but only as a last resort
Fei Hargreeves
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-Fei is decently collaborative and gets your preferences and any suggestions before she starts planning the date
-She ends up tailoring an outing you’ll inevitably enjoy, and gets prouder and prouder throughout the night as you keep proving her correct with your awestruck reactions
-She’s keen to get to know even more about you on the date, paying close attention to you
-Initially her conversation is quite measured but she soon becomes more vulnerable once you do and is willing to offer you about as much trust as you offer her
-She’s also surprisingly good to have a laugh with and can be a lot funner than her calculated demeanour would suggest
Alphonso Hargreeves
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-Alphonso thinks something casual is the best way to go, since if you two make it work it’s ideally how all your future time together will be
-You both settle on a night in for dinner at your place, which is handy because you won’t get swarmed by fans (or his siblings)
-He was pretty confident in asking you out but right before the date is when his nerves settle in, he changes outfits a couple times, ‘subtly’ asks his sister for advice, and questions if he should bring you flowers or something, settling on a bottle of champagne
-You two gladly talk each other’s ears off, you have great rapport that only gets better throughout the night, by the time you’ve finished your takeout you’ve created at least a dozen inside jokes
-You both keep finding excuses for him to stay over later and later until he just comes out and asks to stay the night
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Sloane spent years fantasising about her perfect first date and she soon starts again after meeting you
-She goes all out, setting up a pretty, candle-lit meal for the two of you on the academy’s roof by the greenhouse, that looks like a scene right out of a high-budget romance movie
-Despite her carefully crafted aesthetic elements, it’s just talking to you that’s really her favourite part of the date, she loves learning more about you, lighting up with every new fact, and likewise finally feeling truly seen as you get to know her right back
-She’d love to start planning the next date with you right there before your first one’s even ended
-In fact her feelings advance quite fast and she wouldn’t mind planning a bit further ahead than is actually necessary
Jayme Hargreeves
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-Jayme would honestly rather you plan the date (assuming you plan something good), but she’s also cool with taking the reins
-If left in her hands she’ll go a pretty casual route, taking you to a bar or something, where you can grab a couple drinks, shoot some pool and talk at your own pace
-Though she appears extremely relaxed, almost indifferent, she is actually making an effort to bond deeper with you and win you over
-Her getting sidetracked to kick someone’s ass doesn’t seem unlikely, though probably to defend your honour or something, she’s not gonna squander her time with you over nothing
-She’s insistent on walking you home and it’s a good time, you’re talking more, your conversation turning more intimate, really your whole date could of just been walking around the city for hours, and as long as you’re together it would be just as good
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ghost-recs · 2 months
hey :) it's very cool that you're making such organized rec lists! you probably don't mean any harm by this but is rating them necessary? by recommending them you are already telling people that you like them, and saying what you enjoyed about them is also great!
but rating fics on a scale from 1-10 and putting your opinions into the general tags/ tagging directly so that the writers that- i'm guessing largely did not ask for your criticism- are very likely to see it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere
i know that at least for me i would not enjoy being putting next to other authors like this, and having a rating put on a fic that i worked hard on and that is therefore probably very dear to me would feel discouraging. many authors on your lists also explicitly state that they are not looking for criticism on a hobby they want to simply enjoy
again, i assume that you mean absolutely no harm and simply want to help others find fics they might enjoy, but this luckily isn't school, we can simply enjoy things without having to grade them
this divide in fandom, where artist are treated like 'content creators' and readers as the 'consumers' is a larger issue that way too often causes artist to lose their joy in being active in fandom.
fan art should be about community, after all we're all just some people with a shared love for our favourite characters
so please, let's share and support the fan fiction ( and fan art in general) we enjoy in a way that doesn't feel like a product review
Hey! :) I just wanted to address this before it becomes something that I never intended/wanted it to become.
In no way, shape, or form am I trying to offend or criticize anyone when I recommend works. My “ghost ratings” are purely my personal preference out of my favorite fics. It is an easier way for me to organize my lists based solely on my personal taste and preferences. The ratings are not meant to be a grading system. They don’t measure the quality, quantity, or even the content of the works. What they show are simply which ones I preferred over others.
I will admit that choosing to add my own personal rating is to let others know which fics were my favorite. But first and foremost the entire point of making these lists is to share the love of these works. I enjoy adding the ratings just to show personal preference. After all, everyone has pieces of writing, fics, or fan art that they prefer over other ones. It’s fun to gush a little extra over the works that you most enjoy!
Again though, it is not meant to be a critique. I am not trying to offer advice or pretend that I could do better. It never crossed my mind that someone would view these recs as a “product review,” and that is my own fault for not thinking it through from that perspective. I don’t view these artists and writers as “content creators” and the readers as “consumers.” We ARE just one community! :)
That all being said, I am deeply sorry if I have offended anyone or crossed a line. I never meant to do that and truly just want to share fics that I enjoy with others. To any writers, artists, and readers that I’ve offended with my ratings, I apologize and I hope you will forgive me.
I have decided that my ratings are not worth the risk of possibly discouraging others. It would break my heart if I knew my recommendations were doing that to others. I will be taking down all my ratings and will not be adding more to any future recs.
Anon thank you for discussing this with me in a kind and helpful manner. And for not assuming that I’m trying to be a jerk and tear others down.
I love you all! I love all of you artists and the love for the fandom that we share! Thank you for bearing with me, and have a great day/night!🫶🏻
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