#like it’s the songs that they rotate that i’m excited about
alexturner2005 · 1 year
i know it’s never ever gonna happen, and i do love AM (album) but at this point i feel like they could take almost every song from it off the setlist and i wouldn’t be that bothered
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thelovelyruin · 8 months
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you weren’t a car girl, but that changed when you met the driver.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, teasing, fingering, edging?
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 3.2K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from siren by alicia drayton.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! one of my favorite songs; hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Full moon sitting in the darkest night.
“So, sounds fun, right?”
“Huh? Yeah, sure.”
You kinda just agreed to whatever Mai said, busy doing your makeup and humming to the music playing from your speaker. But it wasn’t until a few hours later that you realized what you’d agreed to. You both were sitting outside now, waiting for Yuuji to pick you up, but he was ten minutes late. When he did pull up, he parked fast, seeing Mai’s already irritated expression. Hesitantly, he walked over to where you both stood. 
Mai pushed past him, brushing off his attempt at a hug.
“Save it, bitch.”
Yuuji ran before her, opening the door, which she thanked him for in the form of a sneer. He looked at you next, hoping for a more positive reaction as he guided you to the backseat.
“Are you mad at me too?”
“If I were, it would be in good reason. You’re late.”
He closed the door behind you and scrambled to the driver’s seat, promptly turning on the car and attempting to show he was in a rush.
“Look, I’m sorry, I ended up-”
“Just drive, Yuuji!”
Mai wasn’t giving him a break; not like he deserved one. He huffed and put the car in drive, taking off. You guys were going to a car meet; Yuuji was excited to show off the car he’d just finished modding, a WRX or something like that. To be honest, you didn’t know too much about cars, except what Yuuji would tell you, but that would involve you paying attention. Nonetheless, you wanted to be a supportive friend, so here you were.
Feel a breeze, smoking trees, cloudy in the ride.
Yuuji pulled up to a lot full of cars, parking in an empty spot towards the middle of the row. You noticed some cars in an intersection next to the lot, driving in circles as people hung out the windows. You weren’t gonna lie; it looked a little fun, dangerous, but fun. Yuuji got out, opening each of your doors.
“So, I’ll probably stay here if anyone asks questions about my ride, but feel free to check things out!”
“You brought us here so we could frolic around? Yuuji, you’ve gotta be shittin’ me right now.”
“Now, don’t say it like that. It makes me sound like an asshole.”
The both of you looked at him with a deadpan expression, but then he gave those puppy dog eyes, causing Mai to rub down her face.
“Fine, but you owe us big time. Let’s go see what they're doing in the circle over there.”
With that, you and Mai walked off. Yuuji told you to stay safe, but Mai’s reply was a middle finger. The air was smoky and smelled like burnt rubber, but you guys still pushed through the crowd to see the action. Cars were drifting in a circle now, another car coming in the rotation, probably the most dangerous thing you’ve ever seen.
Two of the cars drifting had pulled off to the side, and from what you could tell, the drivers were arguing. A couple of guys tried to break it up, but one flipped the other guy off as they both hopped in the driver's seat.
Narrow roads, so many caution signs.
“Shit, they’re about to race!”
You hadn’t even heard Yuuji walk up behind you guys, Mai looking back at him with a smirk.
“So, why aren’t you with your “ride”? No takers?”
Yuuji huffed, making her laugh triumphantly. The circle began to shift, noticing a gap opening as the two cars revved, one all white and the other blue with a black stripe across the side. You found the white one more tasteful, pointing at it and looking back at Yuuji.
“Oh, that one? An Audi S5. Other one’s a Scat.”
You nodded like you knew what he meant and looked back as some shirtless guy got between the cars, throwing it down. Instantly, both cars take off, the white one gapping the blue one by a long shot.
“I don’t know why he even bothered. The launch on the S5 is insane.”
As the cars finished, people began cheering; even Mai was clapping and nodding. They drove back to the lot where the cars were lined up. The Scat driver handed the S5 driver a wad of cash, returned to his car, and drove off.
“Damn, sore loser. Anyway, I wanna meet the guy who drove the S5. Y’all sit tight, okay?”
Before Mai could even curse him out, Yuuji had run off. You two scoffed and sat on the hood of his car.
“So, you upgraded the intercooler? I did the same to mine, it’s a W-”
“Welcome back, fucker. You brought a friend?”
Yuuji had returned to the car with a guy, and damn he was hot. You were too busy staring at his abs pressed against that black tee he was wearing or the outline of something that surely wasn’t his wallet in his sweats to stop Mai from chewing Yuuji out.
“This is Choso; he’s driving the S5.”
Shotgun sippin’; rollin' with the tide.
Choso looked at you and licked his lips, sending something down to your-
“Nice to meet you, really nice to meet you.”
You were blushing like crazy. Was he flirting with you? You were too enthralled to notice Yuuji and Mai going back and forth in the background.
“Nice to meet you, too.”
“So, you guys stayin' around for shots? I’d hate to see you go so early.”
Oh, he was definitely flirting with you.
“Depends. Want me to stay?
“If that’s fine with you, princess.”
“What we drinkin’?”
“Your choice.”
“Hm, whatever your drinkin’.”
He looked up and down at you, smirking a bit.
“I’ve got something in mind.”
“Is that so?”
You both turned to look at Mai, who had a surprised look on her face as Yuuji stood there in shock. Choso cleared his throat and gave an awkward smile to Mai.
“That is if you want to stay too, Mai.”
“Well, depends. What do you wanna drink, other than my best friend?”
You choked on your spit as your body jolted at Mai’s question. Yuuji began to laugh uncontrollably, walking up to Choso and slapping him on the back.
“Don’t worry, I got tequila in the trunk.”
“Oh shit, what kind?”
“Terramana, of course.”
“My man. I gotta bottle, too; I’ll go grab it.”
With that, Choso and Yuuji split. Mai gave you that look.
“Didn’t know you liked car guys.”
“I do now.”
You both laughed as she wrapped her arm around you, bringing you in for a hug. Shortly, Choso and Yuuji were back.
“Let’s get lit, fuckers.”
Want you to love me like you do that S5.
You knew Yuuji and Choso had at least three shots, but right now, they both were going on about the mods they did on their cars. You had found yourselves back in the circle of people drifting.
“Looks fun, huh?”
“Yeah, a fun death trap.”
“Nonsense, people do it all the time.”
Choso looked over at Yuuji, both of them with the expression that they were up to something.
Oh my, Ima give you the ride of your life.
You found yourself in Choso’s passenger seat, staring at Mai in Yuuji’s across the circle. You can’t believe you got dragged into this; what the fuck were you-
Choso’s hand found its way to your thigh, rubbing the skin there as he looked at you with a smirk.
“Nervous? Don’t worry, princess. I got you.”
It took everything in you not to jump on him then and there. Those pet names were dangerous; every time he called you princess, it sent signals down below, practically screaming at you to relieve it. You hadn’t even realized his hand had moved to the gear shift, veins in his hand flexing as he revved the engine. Then, you were taking off.
You swear you just died. The whole time, you could hear the rubber screeching smoke lifting off the tires as Choso and Yuuji spun against each other. Halfway through, you saw Mai climb through the window; you did the same, and man, was it fun. Both of them parked and spilled out of the car, laughing and giving each other a high five, panting with adrenaline. You walked over to Mai, who looked like she was 10 seconds away from barfing.
“You good, girl?”
“I think I might’ve pissed myself.”
The boys walked back over, calmed down as the high wore off. Choso wrapped his arm around your waist, and boy, was that physically effective. Yuuji patted Mai’s back, giving him an annoyed look as she sat up straight. He smiled at her with open eyes, signaling something to her. She caught on fast because then she said:
“Yuuji’s gonna drive me home; Choso lives on the same side of town as you, so he’ll be takin’ you home. That okay?”
Oh, they were on some shit. But obviously, the two of you were, too.
“Yeah, that’s fine with me. Choso?”
“Sounds good, princess.”
I swear, I would die for you.
You waved bye to Mai as Yuuji helped her into the car, giving you a wink as Yuuji drove off. Choso guided you back to his car, opening the passenger door. Once you got in, you had a good look around, too nervous to check things out the first time you got in it. Damn, this was nice. He had red leather seats and ambient red lighting around the car. Shit, how much did this car cost? Choso got in the car and put his foot down on the pedal, starting the car as he adjusted the air conditioning.
“You cold?”
“Just a little.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.”
Oh, you were warm, alright. It’s like every word he spoke had a sexual undertone because here you were, getting wet over a question about the AC. He reached over and turned on the heated seat for you, smirking as he pressed the button. He placed his hand back on your thigh, rubbing back and forth; all you could focus on was how close he was to touching your pussy. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, causing you to squirm your legs. It hadn’t gone unnoticed him smiling as he bit his lip.
Ready for what? At that point, you gave up the idea of celibacy for the night, like you had any intentions to not fuck him in the first place. Now, you knew this wasn’t a good idea. The both of you were tipsy, and it was probably reckless to have him drive. But then again, he had just drifted the car thirty minutes ago, so he’d be fine, right?
“Yeah, let’s go.”
You know I'd risk my life for you.
We fit so perfectly, in need of your affection.
The ride back to your house was pretty fast, considering Choso ran every red light and was going 20 over the speed limit. You had half a mind to hold the handlebars on the car's roof, but you weren't doing anything with Choso's hand rubbing you through your shorts. Your body began to react to it, closing your legs a bit, but it was all in vain when he brought your thigh towards him, opening your legs wider. 
“Don’t go runnin’ from me, princess. Promise, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.”
You held everything in, taking the depths of your resolve to stop you from shamelessly asking him to fuck you in the car. He was definitely holding it in, too, a tent peeking out of those gray sweats, and fuck, you could tell, he had a big-
“We’re here, sweetheart.”
You sigh in relief as you realize you were in your apartment’s parking lot. He came around to open your door, those hungry eyes gazing at you as you climbed out of the seat. As soon as you were out of the car, Choso had you pinned against it, claiming your mouth as his as he grabbed your waist. Those eyes might have been hungry, but his mouth was greedy. He had moved onto your neck, sucking the skin there. Fuck, you were still outside, and you were sure he’d fuck you right here if you let him. You grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you to your apartment.
“Let’s go.”
I think I want more.
You couldn’t open that damn door fast enough. As soon as you turned around to lock it, Choso was behind you, kissing your neck and grabbing your ass as he ground it against his painfully hard dick. He flipped you towards him, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Which room?”
“Furthest back.”
Oh, yeah, I need more of your intensity.
Choso damn near threw you on the bed, taking his shirt off as fast as possible. You didn’t even get a chance to check out his abs; he was already on you, bringing your shirt up and sucking the skin on your chest as he pulled it over your head. You watched as he unbuckled your shorts, swiftly pulling them and your panties down. The only thing left was your bra, which was not of concern right now, considering he had pulled it down so your tits could spill out. He groaned as he brought his mouth down to your nipple, bringing his fingers up to pump in and out of your pussy. Now, he was usually a bit more gentle than this; take it real slow and careful. But you two had been edging each other all night, and he needed to taste you. Now.
Love when you speed; no need to speak. 
The first swipe of his tongue nearly had you crashing, having been teased for twenty minutes in the car. It wasn’t until he slipped his tongue in you that you had to pull your strength together to not cum so fast.
“Cum for me, princess. Stop holding back.”
God, his voice was too much. So much, you came on his face, just like he asked you to. He groaned as he slurped up your juices, face completely covered in your essence, but he honestly did not give a single fuck. He was a man in heaven. He grabbed both your thighs and pinned your body down, eating you out for a second round, craving how your body jerked when he made you cum. This time, you didn’t have the will to hold out. Still recovering from the first orgasm, the second wasn’t far behind. You groaned his name in defeat, knowing you were about to cum again.
“Mhm, baby. Give it to me.”
In seconds, your body was moving out of your control again, gripping his hair and pinning his face to your pussy. As you came down, you ground your hips against his face, making him chuckle.
“Fuck, I need you, princess.”
I know you want more…
Choso couldn’t get his pants off fast enough. His dick was about to jump out his boxers; if he got any harder, it probably would’ve ripped through them. Positioning himself over top of you, he kissed you and brought his finger up to put your wetness on his shaft.
“Ready for me?”
You gave him a nod, gripping his shoulders as he slid inside you. Once he was all the way in, he brought his lips down to your neck, experimentally pulling his hips back and forth slowly, making sure you had adjusted to his size. Fortunately for him, teasing for hours and two orgasms later, you took him instantly. Damn, he was big. You moaned loudly at the feeling of him stretching you out, arching your back off the bed as he fucked you steadily. His face was inches away from yours, every couple of thrusts coming down to kiss you, throwing his head back to get his hair out of his face, damp with sweat from how good he was fucking you. And you were sure to let him know just how good he was giving it to you, moaning his name out like a damn siren, pulling him into your pussy as he picked up the pace.
…Ima give you more.
Fast, deep, slow, he didn’t care. He was gonna give it to you however you needed wanted it. He didn’t expect you to want to ride him, though, climbing over him and sinking down on his dick; boy wasn’t that a sight to see. He was losing his mind; you fucked him at a fast pace, tits jumping every time you brought your pussy back down to his hips. Fuck, you were perfect. You were doing magic on him, had to be; he swears he’s never had pussy this good. At this point, he needed to see you crumble again, so he took some initiative and grabbed your hips, fucking his dick into you rapidly.
“Choso, oh my god!”
“You like that princess?”
You were too fucked out to answer. Every thrust made you dizzy, putting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. Then there was that goddamn look on his face. His eyes were on you like a wild animal, groaning as you slid up and down his shaft. You wanted to see how much of a reaction you could get out of him, rolling your hips as his eyes rolled back. He was gonna cum soon, but he needed you to cum first.
Want you to love me like you do that S5, oh my.
He’s back on top, bringing your thighs up to his chest, getting as deep as possible. You were a blabbering mess at this point, and all he could do was smile as you tried to grab at the sheets, pussy about to give in at any second. With a quick dive, his lips came up to yours, his thumb reaching up to rub your clit. Every moan you gave went into his mouth, tongue exploring it as you came undone on his dick. And it felt fucking amazing. Your pussy clenched down on him, driving him crazy, your body squirming as you came hard from your third orgasm of the night.
Are you ready for the ride of your life?
He was done for. The feeling of your pussy tightening on him was too much, your moans of his name sounding like music to his ears. He didn’t even care anymore. Shamelessly, he moaned your name and whimpered into your neck as he came. God, it was like a fucking firecracker, his body feeling things it hadn't felt before. He had only fucked you this once, but fuck, he was addicted. He fell to your side, panting for a bit before getting up.
“Where’s your bathroom?”
I swear I would die for you.
He returned with a wet washcloth, cleaning the cum from your pussy and stomach, chuckling when you whimpered from the overstimulation of him cleaning around your clit. When he was done, he came and laid beside you, bringing you into his arms. You felt his head rest on yours, kissing your forehead lightly. Then, you realized that he would have to drive-
“Can I stay the night?”
“Hm, maybe. What do I get in return?”
“If you’re good, another round when we wake up.”
“I guess that’s better than you driving home drunk.”
“You mean “us.” I’m sleeping with you either way.”
You know I'd risk my life for you.
♱ the song used in this story is siren by alicia drayton.🖤 
(edit: i now know about cars😭)
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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nameless-ken · 4 months
Silent Confessions, Loud Masks - Billy Hargrove x Reader Series
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I'm so excited about my brand new series! Not going to lie this first chapter was difficult for me to write. I have a serious battle with the dreaded delete button!
Anyways, hope you all enjoy this first chapter. It truly means a lot to me how excited you have been for this series <3 Comment below to be added to the taglist.
(Please reblog!!!)
Happy reading!
Word Count: 4.3K
Warnings: mostly angst with some slight rude remarks/bullying
Introduction to the series here!
(had this song in my head while writing this chapter)
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In the tumultuous whirlwind of your teenage existence, embarking on your final year of high school, you've recently become aware of a singular truth: put full trust into the future that stretches far beyond the grasp of your present moment. Amidst the unexpected certainties that await, there's one you never anticipated – Billy Hargrove.
Billy reigns as the new king of Hawkins High, his “coronation” following the departure of Steve "The Hair" Harrington. He embodies the archetype of a manic attention-seeker, parading through the halls with a rotating carousel of girls, each week presenting a fresh face to the crowded hallways. It's a spectacle that leaves you utterly perplexed, unable to fathom the allure that draws countless girls into his orbit, only to be summarily discarded days later.
Thankfully, you've managed to maintain a safe distance from Billy and his band of lunatics, skillfully navigating the school corridors to avoid any unwanted encounters. While you share a few classes with his entourage, you've strategically positioned yourself in the front row, creating a buffer zone that shields you from their antics.
However, fate has a penchant for upheaval, as evidenced by your first detention – a consequence of arriving late to homeroom on three separate occasions. As you begrudgingly endure the mind-numbing 30-minute sentence after school, Robin, your loquacious best friend, offers her trademark blend of sympathy and sarcasm.
“They seriously gave you a detention for that? Couldn’t you pull the ‘I’m a straight A student who has never gotten in trouble before, please help dear little me this one time’ on them?” 
“Sadly no. I definitely tried to get out of it but they’ve been cracking down on a bunch of seniors for a couple weeks now.” 
“I'll wait up for you after band practice.” Robin slams her locker shut. 
“Thanks. See you later.” You turn to go down the opposite hallway than her. 
“Have fun troublemaker.” Robin pokes fun at your new “status” and you give her the finger back jokingly before you both wave and disappear down your own paths.
With a sigh, you resign yourself to the monotony of detention, selecting a seat near the window to alleviate the stifling atmosphere of confinement. The rules plastered on the board, NO FOOD. NO TALKING. STAY IN YOUR SEAT, serve as a constant reminder of the school’s misguided attempts at discipline.
You roll your eyes at the obnoxious nature of this situation. Why do schools think detention is ever going to work? You are put in a room for a certain amount of time with other delinquents. If anything you’re setting up a scenario for more trouble to happen. 
You pull out the current book you're reading, ignoring all the rest of the students who walk in. 
“Alright, welcome to detention. I have quite a lot of work to finish so I will be checking in periodically. When it’s your time to leave per your detention slip, come see me in my classroom and I’ll sign you out. Please respect the rules.” Mr. Thomson, the junior science teacher turned detention overseer, delivers a perfunctory address before retreating to his sanctuary, leaving the delinquent assembly to their own devices. 
Amidst the murmurs of discontent, Billy's name resonates like a discordant note, signaling the unwelcome intrusion of Hawkins High's reigning sovereign.
“Are we gonna flake out again Billy?” It didn’t even cross your mind about the possibility of being stuck in the same room as him.
“Can’t. I’ve skipped so many that they want to try and expel me.” 
“That'd be hardcore to see.” 
“Not to my dad it wouldn’t. Besides, it's not that bad. We have quite the sight sitting up there in the left corner today.” 
As Billy and his cohorts encroach upon your solitude, you bury your nose in your book in a feeble attempt to shield yourself from their presence. 
“Let’s have some fun.” You turn another page as footsteps echo towards you, stopping in front of your occupance. “I don’t believe we’ve ever met.” 
You don’t give him the time of day in reality but in your head, you’re fighting with the embarrassment and attention he’s solely giving you right now. Billy's charisma knows no bounds, his toothy grin and smug demeanor penetrate your defenses with effortless ease.
“I’m Billy but you may already know that. What’s your name, little mouse?” Billy rests his hands face down on your desk, leaning in so his face is parallel with yours. 
“Such a quiet thing.” Ignoring his advances proves to be an exercise in futility as Billy's persistent pestering chips away at your resolve, culminating in a daring theft of your cherished book. Yet, you refuse to grant him the satisfaction of a response, maintaining a stoic facade despite the numerous emotions raging beneath the surface.
“It’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for.” His friend to the right chimes in. 
“There’s some ways I can think of to change that.” You look up, narrow eyes meeting Billy’s. He sends you a wink with his usual smirk resting on his face. 
“Not going to say anything?” You can feel your heart racing, hating the way he’s making you feel, more annoying that he’s causing any kind of reaction from you. 
The sudden arrival of Mr. Thomson offers a reprieve from Billy's relentless pursuit. 
“Y/N, you’re free to go.” He grants you an opportunity to escape the confines of Billy's gaze. As you hastily gather your belongings and make your exit, Billy's parting words linger in the air as he whispers close to your ear, “See you around little mouse.” 
Feeling like you could breathe again, you're greeted by a note from Robin stuck to your locker.
I got called into work :( Call me later - Robin
You groan inwardly, the frustration of detention compounded by the looming task of finding a new ride home. Billy and his entourage have succeeded in tainting what was already shaping up to be a less-than-ideal day. You trudge outside, seeking solace in the cool breeze that sweeps through the schoolyard.
The pleasant Indiana weather offers a small comfort, prompting you to forgo the immediate need for a ride and opt instead for a beautiful stroll to clear your mind. As you walk, you reach into your bag and retrieve your trusty cassette player, the familiar weight of it grounding you in the midst of chaos running through your mind. You mentally curse Billy for crowding every corner of your mind. 
With a deft motion, you slipbthe cassette into the player, the soft click of the mechanism soothing in its familiarity. The strains of your favorite mix fill the air, providing a welcome distraction from the events of the day.
Lost in the music, you barely notice the passing cars, each one a blur against the backdrop of your thoughts. That is, until a certain familiar shade of blue catches your eye, the sudden halt of the vehicle drawing your attention like a magnet.
You turn, locking eyes with Billy as he idles beside you, his presence an unwelcome intrusion on your solitary walk. His voice cuts through the quiet, laced with an air of amusement that irritates your nerves.
“Didn’t think we’d meet again this soon little mouse.” he remarks, his smirk evident even from the confines of his car.
You pause your tape, the rhythmic pulse of the music abruptly silenced as you face him, a mix of irritation and annoyance evident in your expression.
"What do you want, Billy?" you questione, the weariness of the day showing in your voice.
He chuckles, the sound grating on your nerves as he leanes casually against the driver's side door, his gaze fixed on you with an unsettling intensity.
"She speaks!" he exclaims, his laughter ringing out in the quiet of the street. "Need a ride somewhere?"
You bristle at the suggestion, your resolve hardening as you met his gaze with a steely glare.
"Not from you," you retort, tone firm and uncompromising.
“Oh come on, I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.” You rolle your eyes at his innuendo, a flush rising in your cheeks as you resist the urge to give in to his persistent advances.
"I don’t need your help, Billy.”
He relents, his expression shifting to one of mock innocence as he reaches over to open the passenger door, a silent invitation hanging in the air between you.
"Come on, little mouse," he urges, his tone surprisingly gentle. "Just this one time."
You hesitate, torn between pride and practicality, before ultimately capitulating to the inevitable. You step into the car, the door closing with a soft click behind you as you buckle yourself in.
"No speeding," you warn, your voice firm as Billy complies with a laugh, the car pulling away from the curb at a reasonable pace.
As you settle into the seat, a strange sense of calm washes over you, the tension of the day slowly dissipating in the confines of the car. Despite your reservations, there was an undeniable comfort in Billy's presence, a realization that both puzzles and unnerves you in equal measure.
“So are you going to tell me where you live or am I bringing you back to my house?” 
“I live near Curly. By that trailer park.” 
“Thought you lived more in the pristine area of the Wheelers and Harringtons.” 
“Well you thought wrong.” 
As Billy maneuveres through the streets, you couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort mixed with a strange intrigue. You steal glances at him, his confident demeanor and reckless charm contrasting sharply with your own cautious nature.
"Why'd you get detention anyway?" Billy's question broke the silence, his eyes briefly leaving the road to meet yours.
"Too many tardies to homeroom," you reply, keeping your answers short.
"That's it? Seems a bit harsh," he remarks, his tone genuinely curious.
You shrug, not wanting to delve into the details of your run-in with authority.
As the familiar landmarks of Hawkins pass by in a blur, you couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead, the uncertainty of the future looming large on the horizon. You couldn’t help but think if this would be the last time Billy would go out of his way to acknowledge you. 
Navigating the familiar streets of Hawkins alongside Billy, you're acutely aware of the palpable tension that simmers between you, a potent cocktail of unease but also lingering with intrigue. Though you strive to maintain a facade of indifference, the magnetic pull of Billy's presence proves undeniable, stirring emotions you've long sought to suppress.
You’re thankful the remainder of the drive passes by in a relative quiet, punctuated only by the loud rock n roll blasting from the radio. When you finally reach your destination, you find yourself hesitating before getting out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride," you say, surprising yourself with the sincerity in your voice.
Billy grins, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Anytime, little mouse."
With that, you step out onto the sidewalk, watching as Billy drives off into the distance. As you make your way towards your house, you couldn't shake the feeling that this chance encounter with Billy Hargrove was just the beginning of something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Little did you know, the lines between your world and the world of Hawkins' resident bad boy were about to blur in ways you never imagined possible.
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The following day, you find yourself once again navigating the familiar halls of Hawkins High, the events of the previous day still fresh in your mind. As you settle into your seat in English class, you can’t seem to shake the lingering sense of unease that accompanies your newfound proximity to Billy Hargrove.
It’s the most infuriating feeling and you hate yourself for allowing him to overtake your waking thoughts all throughout your night and morning. 
The classroom buzzes with the usual chatter of students, the mundane rhythm of academic life marching on despite the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. As the bell rang, signaling the start of class, Ms. Paterson enters the room with her characteristic air of authority, a stack of papers in hand.
"Good morning, class," she greets as she makes her way to the front of the room. "Today, we'll be embarking on a new project that will count towards a significant portion of your grade for this year."
A collective groan echoes through the room at the mention of yet another assignment, but Ms. Paterson pays it no mind.
"As part of this project, you'll be working in pairs to research and present on a book report of your choosing," she announces, her gaze sweeping over the room as she distributed the assignment sheets. "I'll be assigning partners randomly, so I expect everyone to work together cooperatively."
Everyone exchanges a wary glance around the classroom, the prospect of being paired with someone like Billy Hargrove looming ominously in the air. As Ms, Paterson began calling out pairs, you held your breath, bracing yourself for the inevitable.
"Y/N, you'll be paired with... Billy Hargrove.”
You felt a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach as Billy's name reverberated through the classroom, the weight of his presence suddenly suffocating in its proximity. You glance in his direction, meeting his gaze with a mixture of apprehension and resignation.
Billy, for his part, seemingly unfazed by the news, his trademark smirk firmly in place as he turned to face you with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of class, you found yourself hesitating by your desk, unsure of how to broach the subject of the upcoming project with your enigmatic partner.
Billy saunters over to your desk with his characteristic swagger, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"Well, looks like we're partners, little mouse" he remarks, his tone laced with amusement as he leans against the edge of your desk.
You fight to suppress the urge to roll your eyes at his cavalier attitude, instead meeting his gaze with a steely determination of your own.
"Yeah, looks like it," you reply as you gather your belongings.
Billy's smirk widens at your response, his gaze lingers on you with a mixture of curiosity and something else you couldn't quite decipher.
"So, partner," he begins falling into step beside you as you both maneuver out of the classroom. "Where do you wanna meet up?"
You pause, considering your options carefully before responding. The thought of inviting Billy into your home sent a shiver of apprehension down your spine, but meeting up at his place didn't seem much better.
"How about we meet at the library?" you suggest, the words tumbling out before you could second-guess yourself. "It's neutral ground, and we'll have access to all the resources we need."
Billy raises an eyebrow at your suggestion, his smirk morphing into a grin of approval.
"Works for me," he nonchalantly responds. His tone surprises you at how agreeable it is and non combative about trying to get you into his bedroom. 
"4 pm. Don’t be late. I will not be waiting on you." You demand. 
“See you then, little mouse.” He winks, walking in the opposite direction. You groan internally at the use of that nickname he’s decided to give you. This is going to be a long year. 
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As you and Robin sat on the bleachers in the gym during lunchtime, the rhythmic thud of basketballs hitting the court filled the air, punctuated by the occasional cheer from the squad as they practice their routines. Your eyes involuntarily flicker towards the court, where Billy’s shirtless form glistens with sweat under the fluorescent lights of the gym, his green gym shorts leaving little to the imagination as he moves with fluid grace among his teammates.
Robin's incredulous tone breaks through your reverie, snapping you back to reality.
"Wait, you got paired up with Billy for a project?" Robin exclaims, her disbelief palpable as she tore her gaze away from the court to focus on you.
You couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, the absurdity of the situation not lost on either of you.
"Yeah, tell me about it," you respond, taking a bite of your sandwich as you try to mask the unease that churns in your stomach. "I have no idea how I'm going to survive working with him for the rest of the year."
Caught in a moment of distraction, your eyes lock with Billy's across the expanse of the gym. Time comes to a stand still leaving only the two of you in a silent battle of uncertainty. For a fleeting moment, you found yourself captivated by the intensity of his gaze, the depths of his eyes holding a tantalizing promise of something unknown. It was a gaze that spoke volumes, conveying a myriad of emotions that stirs something deep and unexpected within you.
As if sensing the weight of your scrutiny, Billy's lips quirk into a knowing smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief as he holds your gaze with unwavering confidence. Before you could fully process the significance of the moment, the spell breaks as Billy turns his attention back to the game, seamlessly blending into the rhythm of the practice session as if the moment didn’t just happen. 
You tear your gaze away, a flush of embarrassment coloring your cheeks as you focus once more on your conversation with Robin. But despite your best efforts to dismiss the encounter, the feeling of Billy's piercing gaze lingers in the back of your mind, a silent reminder of the unexpected allure of the boy who has unwittingly become a sudden constant in your life now.  
Robin offers words of encouragement, her unwavering support a welcome balm to your frazzled nerves.
"Don't worry, Y/N," her voice a beacon of optimism in the darkness. "You're strong enough to handle anything that comes your way. Besides, who knows? Maybe working with Billy will be...interesting."
You couldn't suppress a snort of disbelief at her suggestion, the image of Billy's smug smirk and cocky attitude flashing through your mind.
"Yeah, interesting is one word for it," you remark dryly, a wry smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Let's just hope I survive long enough to at least be there for graduation."
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The town library stands as a quiet sanctuary amidst the bustling small town streets of Hawkins, its walls lined with rows upon rows of books that hold the promise of knowledge and adventure. As you step through the entrance, the familiar scent of old paper and ink washes over you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you sought out a secluded corner to await Billy's arrival.
Minutes tick by, each second stretching into an annoying eternity as you scan the quiet aisles for any sign of your partner. Just as you begin to resign yourself to the possibility of being stood up, a figure appears in the doorway, his presence commanding attention as he makes his way towards you with purposeful strides.
"Sorry I'm late," Billy greets, his tone apologetic as he approaches, a faint crease of worry marrying his brow. "Had to drop off my step-sister at home."
You nod understandingly, "No worries," offering him a reassuring smile as you gesture towards the table. "Let's get started."
Billy's expression softens at your words, a hint of gratitude shining in his eyes as you don’t try to pry. For a moment, the weight of his troubles seem to lift from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of camaraderie as you delve into the task at hand.
As you and Billy sift through the titles of various books, searching for the perfect one to base your project on, the atmosphere between you remains comfortably casual, the initial awkwardness of your partnership gradually melting away.
"So, any preferences on which book we should choose?" you ask, breaking the silence that has settled over the table.
"Not really," he replies with a casual shrug, his gaze flicking between the book covers with mild interest. "I'm good with whatever you want."
“Do you have a favorite book?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever really finished one before.” Billy admits. 
“That’s quite sad to hear. What do you even do for fun?” 
“You think this is fun? Holding old pieces of paper about fake people and worlds. Seems like a waste of time to me.” 
You raise an eyebrow at Billy's dismissive remark, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Well, not everyone finds joy in reading, I suppose," you remark lightly, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted despite the underlying tension between you. "But there's something magical about getting lost in a good book, don't you think?"
Billy shrugs, his expression guarded as he leans back in his chair, his gaze fixes on the bookshelves before him.
"I guess," he replies with a noncommittal shrug, his tone tinged with a hint of defensiveness. "I've just never really seen the appeal, you know?"
You nod in understanding, sensing the reluctance in his voice as he skirts around the topic of his own interests.
"Well, what about movies or music?" you press, eager to draw him out of his shell and uncover the layers of complexity that lie beneath his tough exterior. "Surely there must be something you enjoy doing in your free time."
Billy hesitates for a moment, his features softening slightly as he considers your question.
"I don't know, I guess I like playing basketball," he admits, a faint glimmer of enthusiasm shining in his eyes. "And...uh, sometimes I'll mess around with drawing when I'm bored."
You smile at his admission, a flicker of curiosity igniting within you as you get to witness a glimpse of the person behind the tough facade.
"That's cool," you reply, genuine warmth coloring your voice as you lean in closer, the distance between you suddenly feeling much smaller. "I didn't know you drew. Maybe you could show me some another time?"
"Yeah, maybe," Billy replies, his tone gruff and defensive, a faint edge of defiance creeping back into his voice. "But don't get your hopes up. It’s not that great"
You sense the walls he's built around himself, the layers of protection he's carefully constructed to shield himself from vulnerability. But beneath the tough exterior, you know there’s something raw and real, a flicker of longing that hints at the depth of his hidden desires.
"That's okay," you reassure him with a smile, your voice gentle as you reach out to bridge the gap between you. "We all have to start somewhere, right?"
"Yeah," he murmurs softly, a rare vulnerability creeping into his voice. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
“So, what about you, little mouse? Any other hobbies besides reading old stories?” A spark of enthusiasm ignites within you, quite surprised at his continuing of the conversation. 
"Yeah, actually," you begin, a smile spreading across your face as you lean forward, excitement bubbling within you. "I love photography. There's just something about capturing moments and memories with people and things I love that feels so special. I don’t know, I mostly do it for fun."
A mischievous glint sparks in Billy’s eyes as he leans in closer, his voice low and teasing. " I guess I'll have to watch out for those sneaky snapshots next time."
You can't help but roll your eyes at his playful banter, the Billy everyone around Hawkins knows showing back up. 
"Please," you retort with a playful scoff, feigning indifference as you brush off his teasing with a wave of your hand. "Like you're worth wasting film on."
Billy chuckles at your response, a grin spreading across his face as he leans back in his chair, his gaze lingering on you with amusement.
"Ouch, that hurts, little mouse," he replies with mock indignation, his tone light and playful despite the underlying tension between you. "But hey, don't worry. I'll make sure to give you my best angle next time."
"Keep dreaming, Hargrove," you retort, a flicker of annoyance flashing in your eyes as you notice Billy building those tough walls back up, leaving you to the same mysteries as the rest of the town. 
As the conversation fizzles out, you can't shake the feeling of disappointment lingering in the air. Despite the brief moment of connection, it seems that Billy's walls are too high to breach, leaving you with a sense of frustration at the missed opportunity for genuine connection. You can't help but wonder about the masks he wears so loudly, each one a cacophony of distractions meant to hide the vulnerability beneath. With a resigned sigh, you turn back to the task at hand, burying your disappointment as you focus on finding the perfect book not without stealing another glance at Billy as he picks up one of the books and rifles through the pages. 
If these past two days have shown you anything, it’s how little time it takes for a stranger to become a big part of your life. It's unsettling how quickly he's managed to weave himself into the fabric of your daily existence with a persistence that both frustrates and intrigues you. You've always valued your privacy, cherished the solitude of your inner sanctuary, but now, in the wake of Billy's arrival, you find yourself craving his attention in a way you never thought possible. 
Perhaps the greatest risk is not in letting someone new in, but in closing yourself off to the possibility of genuine connection. And even with the knowledge of Billy having a tangled labyrinth for a heart, perhaps he’s worth the risk after all.
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Taglist: @msbillyhargrove @uselessbutinteresting @milestellergfs @periwinkle-quill @ghostcastaway
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gurugirl · 6 months
Sneaky for part 3 of unicorn? I'm so excited guru you don't understand!
I'm so glad you're excited!!! I'm just over 4800 words into part 3 now. I'll give you a little something below the cut :) Thank you!!
I would give you guys more but there's so much going on in this part that some bits would just give too much away. Also this is raw from my drafts and not edited or proofread so the final version might look a little different. xoxo
Part 1 | Part 2
Jax bought the first pitcher as the rest of you claimed a nice table close to the dart boards at the back of the bar. It was a Friday night so the place got packed not long after you’d arrived.
You lost badly at the first game of darts which meant the next pitcher of beer was on you. You frowned exaggeratedly at the rule that the loser buys the beer, but the truth was that you were feeling amazing. It was nice to not be sitting at home thinking about things that you shouldn’t be. The distraction was welcome. Being out with friends was refreshing.
Waving at the bartender you placed the empty pitcher down and dug into your front pocket for some cash to pay your turn. But a sudden feeling came over you. Like you were being watched. Or noticed at least. You casually looked to your right and then to your left but you saw no one looking at you. And no one looked familiar.
“Another pitcher of beer?” The guy asked, bringing your attention back to him.
“Oh! Yes, please.”
With that strange feeling crawling its way up your spine you turned slowly and looked back at your friends and then to the table next to the window.
You jolted and felt your scalp prick and fingertips sizzle when you made eye contact with him. Harry. He was seated at a high-top table. He appeared to be alone.
He lifted a hand in greeting before bringing it back down to grasp his pint and looked out the window.
You hadn’t even become unfrozen from the shock of seeing him by the time the bartender was back with your pitcher. You settled up with him and looked back to where Harry was seated. He didn’t look back at you. You wondered how long he’d been there. Had he seen you before you walked up to the bar?
“Hey, here’s the pitcher,” you placed it at the center of the table. “I’m gonna sit this game out. Someone I know is here and I’m gonna go say hi.”
After refilling your glass you hesitantly made your way to Harry. The least you could do was say hi. You had wondered about him all this time and had been tempted to text him a time or two but never felt it was right.
“Hi.” You stood next to his table, at a safe distance in case he wasn’t interested in talking.
He pulled his gaze away from whatever he was looking at outside to you, “Hi, Y/n.”
“I was, uh, surprised to see you. I don’t want to bother you. I just–“
“Sit if you want,” he gestured at the other stool. So obviously you did, placing your glass on the table and keeping your eyes on him.
Harry took a sip of his beer and his eyes were as deep and full of warmth as ever.
“How have you been?” You asked. You didn’t really know what to say to him. Which was silly when you thought about it.
“Things are complicated at home. But I’m okay. How are you?”
You shrugged as you took a drink from your glass, “Good. School’s been good. Here for a night without worrying about homework and quizzes. Just needed a night out with some friends.”
He nodded and leaned forward, resting his forearms onto the lacquered wooden tabletop, caging in his beer, “I’ve wanted to text you to see how you were doing but figured you wouldn’t want to hear from me again after what happened.”
You pinched your brows together and shook your head, “That’s not… I wish you would have. I wanted to text you a few times too. Just to check-in. I’ve missed you guys.”
“The boys really miss you. They talk about you still. I mean…” he rotated his arm so his palm was face up in a passive gesture, “it hasn’t been that long since– well, anyway.”
You smiled, “I miss them a lot. Hey, did Warner ever finish learning that song on the piano you were teaching him? He was doing so well learning the parts. I kind of hoped to hear him complete it but then…” you didn’t dare finish that sentence.
Harry grinned. It was the first genuine smile you’d seen from him since you approached him.
“Yeah. He’s pretty much got it down now. I’m really proud of him. He’s gonna be starting guitar and singing lessons soon. He wants to learn to start a band with some friends so I encouraged him to take some lessons.”
“Takes after his father. Musically talented.” You gleamed at Harry.
Harry gulped the lump down his throat. He had really missed you around. But he’d been quite caught up in the aftermath of that night with Kit ever since. That night had changed everything.
“Ahh, I just dabble. Warner has real natural talent.”
You couldn’t be sure but you thought the apples of his cheeks were turning a shade pinker than they had been.
“I’ve heard you play the piano and sing. I’d say you have plenty of natural talent, Harry.”
You meant it too. He had a beautiful voice full of dark timbre and vibrant airy notes. And of course, he was so confident when he sang that if he had told you he made an album and played for audiences in sold-out venues you would have believed it.
“That’s nice to hear. Thank you, Y/n,” you watched a dimple slowly work its way deeper into his cheek as his smile widened. It was nice to see him smile.
You both sat quietly for a bit looking out the window at the dark street as cars drove by, headlamps beaming over the dark asphalt. You wondered if you should press him more about how he really was. You could tell something was off. He wasn’t as happy as he normally was. And when he told you things were complicated at home you figured it had something to do with Kit.
Tags (for The Unicorn): @littlenatilda @harryspirate @itsmytimetoodream @princessaxoo @summertime-pills @egirlshit @chesthairrry @idontknowbi @f1n3l1n3 @tpwk-sophie @justtilly @fictionalmensblog @harrrystyles5 @gem1712
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ceilingfan5 · 7 months
boy enrichment
happy friday! another one for @taznovembercelebration "YES"
“So like, I don’t know any of this nerd shit,” Taako says, flipping his hair a little. “But the lil’ man wants to play, and I want him to get to play, because the next time he gets the zoomies and I have to play Risk I’m gonna fuckin’ Risk It All, you know what I mean? No offence, Ango.” 
“None taken, sir! If I took offence at all of your flippant and seemingly disparaging comments made to distance yourself from real feelings and maintain the dangerously seductive comfort of irony, I’d be in a sorry state, probably!” Angus grins a great big gap toothed grin, not even looking at Taako, who just sort of accepts this as normal. Both of them look at Kravitz expectantly, and he, stunned, realized he’s meant to be formulating an answer and not just being more floored than the sad, sad fucking arcade carpet he won’t replace because he’d have to lose like, a WEEK of business. 
Also it’s vintage. 
“But I’m not!” Angus says, probably for Kravitz’s benefit, and also as a politer way to kick someone under the table, especially when you cannot kick under the counter of his game store. 
“Right,” Kravitz says. “So you want to play DnD.”
“Oh, more than anything, sir!” Angus does a little wiggle that betrays the absolute carbonated excitement lurking under his carefully controlled little bow-tie ass calm. “But even, perhaps, if it were possible to be more than anything and then more than that again, as how some infinities are larger than other infinities, as you may remember from the siren song of calculus, I really, really want to DM!”
“You want to DM?” Kravitz eyes the ten year old. Ten? He thinks Taako said ten. He might have also said five, and that’s definitely not true. Probably. No, definitely. Five is like double toddler. Right? Double and a half? “Dungeon Master,” Angus says helpfully, opening his mouth and taking a thrilled deep breath to elaborate ‘for Kravitz’s benefit’. 
“Right. Well, sh- heck, young man, uh, I admire your enthusiasm,”
“Don’t worry, you can swear in front of me! I’m perfectly well aware of what sort of words you say in what sort of situations. In fact, I’ve been learning a lot about code-switching, and-”
“Hey, lil’man, you gotta win the sale to infodump,” Taako nudges in a stage whisper.
“Right!!!!!” Angus straightens up, vibrating like a Looney Toons arrow. “Regardless, would it be possible to DM at your game store Mr. Kravitz? I promise I would follow any rules and guidelines you set out as appropriate based on your store code of conduct, even if they’re stupid, and Taako can help me bring snacks if that is acceptable!”
Kravitz laughs, getting the hang of it now. He gets it. Maybe he doesn’t get Angus specifically yet, or even kids in general, but oh, does he recognize this flavor. And he would fucking love to enable it as far as he’s allowed. 
“You know what, I do think I have an open table. I’ll put out feelers and see who’s interested. Do you mind a rotating party, or would you prefer to lock in for a certain amount of time?”
“Hmmmm,” Angus says, screwing up his face and clearly mentally flipping through his campaign notes. “Let me consider and prioritize.”
“Yeah, you consider and prioritize, maybe shop around a little, and I’ll chat with your, uh,”
“Taako,” Taako smoulders, which provides no fucking context whatsoever. Who are you to him. ELABORATE!!
“Taako,” Kravitz agrees with a smile. 
Angus bolts off so fast to look at the campaign books and dice that he leaves an Angus-shaped cloud behind, and Taako and Kravitz stifle laughter, because it’s still not like, a huge store, and the little guy probably hears everything he isn’t supposed to. 
“Precocious,” Kravitz says fondly. “You don’t know the half of it,” Taako sighs. “I can’t keep up with him half the time. But man, he cares so hard it wears a hole through me and when I eat it falls out of me like a cartoon skeleton.”
“So true.” Kravitz can’t help but laugh. They’re more the same than Taako may realize. They reek of the same vibe, like the kind of candle you wanna take a big bite out of. “He’s yours?”
“Insomuch as a stray cat is yours, you know?” Taako leans on the game counter and sigh, toying with his hair again, which Kravitz recognizes is a flirting technique and is somehow still kneecapped by. “Like, you can be like, hey, who the fuck lets cats outside? They’re gonna decimate the goddamn bird population, and then where will we be?”
“Ten percent less birdful,” Kravitz says, like that’s a reasonable thing any person has ever said on planet Earth, ever. 
Taako nods, which does nothing to discourage Kravitz’s bullshit. 
“But like, seriously, his legal guardians don’t do shit, and yadda yadda yadda,”
“Plot plot lore,  Kravitz agrees. 
“He’s mine, sort of. He comes and eats my food, at least, you know, when he doesn’t have to fight possums for it.” 
“Does the possum have a name?” Kravitz grins. 
“Garyl,” Taako says, whipping back just as fast. Fuck, Kravitz is obsessed with him. Damn, he had things to do. “He used to be a binicorn in another life, but he can’t escape the cycle, so he came back as a trash gargler. His favorite cheese is provolone.”
“Ooh, mild,” Kravitz says, so outside of himself at the moment that he could pause the livestream and do football drawings and commentary on his own stupid face putting these noises in this order. But Taako laughs, so it’s worth it. He looks at Angus, who is carefully inspecting the Bucket O’ Dice, and digging frantically for one he’s spotted in the very bottom. “I almost want to go open another pound of dice and pour them in, you know, for uh…boy enrichment.”
“Boy enrichment is the name of the game,” Taako agrees. “That tiger needs beefier meat pumpkins than cha’boi can provide. I can’t keep up with him, seriously. I was hoping maybe you’d know more about this shit?”
“Yeah, a little,” Kravitz massively understates, feeling a glowing, strong bond form between him and this alleycat of a kid. “I’d love to let him find his footing here, if you want. And if people want to be freaks about it, I’m not having it.”
“Fuck yeah,” Taako mumbles. “Knew I could trust a pretty guy like you. No one’s snapped you up yet?”
“Too goth and weird,” Kravitz laments, like he isn’t having a heart attack about being called pretty. “I’m as single as the day is long.” 
“Well, it’s Daylight Savings Time, bitch, and it’s about to get real dark.” 
“Are you-” Kravitz can’t help but laugh. “Are you announcing your intentions to pursue me?”
“Is it working?” Taako winks. 
“Yes,” Kravitz has to admit. “Yes it is."
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[ID: a gameboard with 15 spaces, 1-5 taken up by stickers of a cat, a fish, "good worker", a door, and a dragon]
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
everything i wanted | j. miller | 2.8k
track one | track two | masterlist
AU!Joel x singer!f!reader
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summary: it's not what i meant when i said i wanted to be seen. a scary note, a long day, and a security detail.
tags for the series: 18+, minors DNI, angst/fluff/eventual smut, sarah's dead (plot), ellie is alive, parental manipulation/abuse (maternal), depression, drug and alcohol use, sobriety, stalker behaviour from a fan, will update as i go, this ones gonna get dark but it will have the happy feel good too! as always if anything is missing tell me and i will add it!
a/n: another wip that im pumped about, and guess what i have already written pt 2.. so thats coming. this is intro it really picks up next chapter xoxo.
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track one - to be seen
It was a cool winter night in LA, or well as cool as LA gets. You had just arrived back at the house you rented in LA when you were in the studio. It had been a pretty typical day for you, your album had just been released and you were doing loads of press. You were also attempting to write and produce a deluxe edition of your most recent studio album. The resounding success of your first album catapulted you into fame overnight. 
This second album was much more by the book, trimmed and produced as if to make you a working dog eager to please those who owned your success. You felt it was missing the grit of your first album. You hoped with the release of a deluxe edition you’d be able to bring that grit back in, take back control of your sound. The only issue being you had to write the songs to be able to produce them. 
You were so excited to just collapse into bed, it had been a long day doing both a morning talkshow and late night TV. You reminded yourself that this was your dream for so long and it was finally happening. Two be grateful for the love and support. That your fans cared about you and the songs you made. 
‘They started your career, and if you don’t work for them they’ll end it.’ you could hear your mother in your head. So you turned your exhaustion into gratefulness. Long days meant a long career ahead. 
As you unlocked the door to your house a small envelope fell from the crack of the door to your feet. 
Probably just a flyer. You thought to yourself. 
You picked it up and made your way into the modern home. The kitchen was clean and a bit too sterile for your liking. You missed home, your friends, your dad, playing gigs at bars and comedy shows. This life was overwhelming, it felt like a tornado scooped you up and placed you in LA, New York, or London. Your heart was both so full and so empty all at once. 
You opened the envelope with your finger and pulled out a small piece of paper. 
And just like that, your chest went tight, phone falling to the tile floor and the world stopped moving.
‘I’ve found you, and I’m never letting you go. You’re going to be mine forever. Love always, B.’
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The next twelve hours were a whirlwind, it was a blur. Going from your house to you managers, and now back to Golden Record headquarters at a bright and early 4am. You sat in meetings for hours, where people would talk about you as if you weren’t there. By ten in the morning it was decided that the letter was a threat and you needed a new apartment and a permanent body guard. By eleven, a firm had been hired and a detail was on the way.  By noon you were being shuffled away to a new apartment with a large broody man who was referred to as Miller. 
You had never felt so tired in your life, being awake going on twenty eight hours now and coming down from a hit of adrenaline had really taken all you had left to give. You sunk into the leather seats of the large black SUV and let out a large sigh clenching your fists and closing your eyes. 
You glanced over taking in the man who was assigned to be your detail for the next three days. Three days on, rotating between Miller and Jones they said, two private details until they decided there was no threat to your life. 
Miller, first name unknown, was quite handsome. He had thick brown hair and soft waves, he was wearing all black t-shirt and jeans that fit is form extremely well. He was toned. But not to the point of being “chiseled”, his jaw was square and there was a seriousness to him. It made him look threatening even. He pulled out his phone briefly as the car started moving and you could see his jaw tighten at whatever message he had received. 
“So is Miller what I am supposed to call you? Or Is there a first name that goes along with it?” You asked through a yawn. 
“Joel Miller,” He said quickly, not even glancing in your direction. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Joel.” You said. An awkward silent fell between you, you shifted in your seat. 
As if by grace of the gods, your phone began ringing loudly. 
Joel glanced to see if there was caller ID, it was just your mother. A conversation you’re sure couldn’t be delayed, but you dreaded it none the less. 
“Hey mom,” you sighed.
“Why did I have call you?!” She started. “You’d think that when something like this happens I’d find out from my OWN daughter, not her manager telling me she won’t be recording today!” 
You just put her on speaker and let her berate you for not telling her, you scrolled through twitter wondering how your interviews were being received. 
“Are you even listening to me?! You don’t have anything to say for yourself?!” She dramatized. 
“Mom, I’m really sorry. Everything happened so fast and I was in meetings all night. I was about to call y-“ 
“I don’t want to hear excuses, this is stupid. You’re being dramatic, if you had thought this through you could have recorded today.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” you droned. 
It wasn’t an uncommon track to play, you get blamed for something out of your control and you apologize for something that wasn’t your fault. 
“I didn’t have a whole ton of material today anyway. I’ll make sure we do double time tomorrow and I was going to write this afternoon,” you said hoping you were reaching the end of the conversation. 
“Good, you’re not popular enough to slack off. One popular song isn’t the promise of a career,” She said in a matter of fact tone. 
“I know, I’ll keep working on it,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
Joel had been so quiet next to you, not seeming interested at all in the conversation at hand. For the best, every time you spoke with your mother, she took a small piece of your soul with her. Breaking you down into the perfect little star, nothing left of who you once were.
“Great! Make sure you don’t waste the potential of this! Crisis’ creates hits! Alright my love, Jan and I are meeting for breakfast on Fifth so I have to go! Next time you’re in New York we’ll catch up” 
“Yeah, talk so-,” the call ended before you could finish your sentence. 
At least she was happy, and you needed to lay down for the foreseeable future. You rubbed your temple and sighed, you just wanted to curl up and cry until there wasn’t anything left. 
As soon as you arrived at the new apartment you noticed your clothes packed neatly away for you, it comforted you knowing you wouldn’t have to go back to the house. You laid down fully clothed on your bed, finally alone for the first time in twenty-nine hours, and you let yourself cry. 
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By the time you had woken up it was nearly dark out, the sun had made its descent past the Los Angeles skyline and all that was left were the warm oranges and reds of the evening. 
You were still tired but needed to get up, eat and do a bit of work. You grabbed your phone to check the time, 7:31. You noticed a few missed texts from your dad back home, your manager, and saw a headline on twitter about a police presence at your house. 
You swiped away the twitter notifications not wanting to be reminded what a nightmare the last day was. You opened the text conversation with your dad, certain he just wanted to check in. 
Hey Kiddo, hope you’re doing okay? Mom called, here for you. 
No surprise there, they divorced as soon as you had moved out for good, but she would always call to prove a point. To let him know that she knew something before he did. 
Hi Dad, I’m ok, uneasy but ok. Talk soon :)
Your manager had texted you the phone number of both security details and the company they worked for just incase something were to go awry. 
You made your way to the living room, Joel was there sitting at the island on his phone. You made your way to the fridge not surprised to find it empty. You sighed pulling out your phone to order delivery. 
“You hungry?” You asked him. 
“Huh?” He looked confused. You noticed he had put his phone away and was standing again. 
“I’m gonna order some Thai food, do you want me to grab you something?” You explained. 
“Oh, uh, that’s alright, thank you though.”
You noted he had a slight southern accent. 
“Well there’s no food here so…” you trailed. 
“Well just grab whatever and I’ll eat some of it,” you nodded in return.
It didn’t take long for your food to arrive, you and Joel both grabbed a plate and ate in silence. You hated every second of it. You’re not sure he felt it though, the uncomfortable silence between you. 
After eating you grabbed your headphones and made your was to the living room. You had to have something to show for yourself in the studio tomorrow. You could tell there was frustration around your deluxe edition, you had recorded and scrapped three songs this week alone. 
Just as you were grabbing your guitar your phone started ringing on the table. 
You answered immediately. 
“James! What’s up?” You were excited to hear from your best friend. 
“Hey girl! Some crazy shit going down this morning?” He asked. 
“Something like that,” you sighed, giving him just a few details of the past day.
“Well, I’m here if you need me. I did have a question though?” 
“What’s up?” 
“How would you like to come out with some friends tomorrow? We have a table at new bar and it might be fun, take some stress off!”
“I-,” you started, being cut off immediately. 
“Before you shut me down you only have to come for like ONE drink,” He said emphasizing the ‘one’.
You sighed, “Fine. ONE drink. Text me the details and I’ll run it past my security team.” 
“Fancy ass security team. Are they at least hot?” 
You scoffed. 
“So they’re super hot,” he made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Okay, I’m hanging up now. Love you, bye!” You said ending the call before any more words could be exchanged. 
You phone buzzed immediately. It was James. 
Lucky bitch! Send a picture ;) here’s the details for tomorrow xo.
[attachment: 1 image] 
A screenshot with the details. You loved the message and left it at that. 
“So what are you running past your security team?” Joel inquired, your head snapped in his direction. 
“Drinks with a friend tomorrow, at an exclusive restaurant.” You showed him the screenshot. 
“I don’t think that’s a great idea,” He sounded unsure. 
“I’m not really asking; I mean I am, but if there’s even a slight chance I’d like to go.” 
Joel sighed and scratched his temple, “Alright.” 
“Great, you can stay here if you want. I don’t think going out with a large group requires this level of security.” You pushed to see what the answer would be. 
“Do you have any concern for your own safety?” He scoffed toward you. 
“It was an empty threat, Miller. Look I can appreciate everyones concern for my safety, but this is hardly the worst thing anyones said to me.” Your annoyance was no longer easily masked. 
He inhaled sharply at your remark as if it surprised him.
“Yeah, but most of the time the things people say aren’t in an envelope on your door.” 
You just sighed in return. 
“Alright well, then you come with me. No use getting up in arms about it.”
The dark and broody man crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. Somehow it made him look exceptionally powerful. The muscles in his arms moved and shifted showing how well defined they were, he had a few tattoos that peaked out from below his t-shirt sleeve. You had realized your were staring and quickly turned to look down at your notebook, Joel still in your peripheral.  
“So is there any reason you took this job, Joel Miller?” You asked as you reached for your guitar again, finally starting on a song. You had a soft tune stuck in your head since your meeting with the security team earlier that day that you had to put to chords. 
“I don’t think knowing about my personal life is keeping you any safer,” he grumbled. 
“Maybe not safer, but more comfortable with my situation perhaps.” You continued to hum the same tune over again. Scribbling lyrics into your notebook. 
Not what I meant when I said that, I wanted to be seen. 
“Well, Miller? Why private security?” You pressed. 
“My uh- my kid. It is just her and I, the gig pays well and I’ve been told I look like an attack dog before.” 
That made you laugh. 
“Whoever said that, I whole heartedly agree,” you smiled at him. 
“I’ll do it if I have to,” you hummed, “hope and dun na in between.”
Quickly jotting down the first part of that lyric, hoping the second half would just come to you. 
“So, this kid, tell me about them?” You asked strumming some barre chords. 
“Oh come on! Her name? Her age? Anything?”
“Have you ever been told you’re too friendly? That you pry?” He scoffed. 
“Most people don’t seem to have problems with it funny enough,” you quipped. 
“Ellie, she’s fourteen,” he hesitated, “she like jokes, the outdoors and playing guitar.” 
He was very grumbly and reluctant. You could help but smile at the fact at at least today he would talk to you. 
“Well if she’s any good you should bring her to the studio! Maybe she can help me get out of my slump,” you chuckled smiling at him. 
For a moment his face softened and he smiled lightly at you. It sent a chill down your spine, he was handsome when he was hard and cold. But that moment of softness made your stomach do backflips. You quickly looked back down. 
“Dun dun little empire and made a mm mm mess,” you jotted that down. 
“She’d uh love that you know. Thanks,” Joel interrupted momentarily. 
You smiled and nodded for at him. He didn’t say anything else after that leaving you to record little voice notes here and there.
You got on a bit of a roll writing this song. It had finally sparked something exciting in you. Maybe writing something your mom would detest was what you needed to do more often. She only ever wanted a breakup ballad or an upbeat song. The songs that you loved most though were the ones that pulled from your soul, explained the pressure you were under. They were the flowers that bloomed in your darkest parts, picking them and presenting them hoping someone would understand you. 
As you worked Joel sat on the stool on his phone, or worked away on his laptop you’re sure filling out reports for the day. You couldn’t help but stare as he worked. It made your song writing take exponentially longer, but he was just mesmerizing. You’d never felt a pull like this to anyone. Maybe it was his mysterious demeanour or his unparalleled looks or even the sense that he was a bit dangerous. Any way about it he was off limits.
You knew everything in your head was off limits, but fantasies weren’t going to hurt anyone. Joel Miller was devilishly sharp and handsome, and you were going to be spending a lot of time together in the coming weeks. 
By the time midnight rolled around again you had the bones of a song and a headache to match. You yawned and stretches your back, it ached from being hunched over your notebook. 
“Right, well, I think it’s time for me to go to bed, Joel.” You closed your book and stood up. 
“Alright, have a good sleep. If you need anything, I’m just down the hall in the security room.”
You nodded taking him in one more time, his salt and pepper hair, tight fitting t-shirt and chiseled jaw sent you into a frenzy. 
“Anything else y’a need?” He looked at you confused. 
“Oh, uh no, goodnight!” You turned on your heels embarrassment flooded your system. 
This was a bad crush, but when he looked at you it was electric. No matter what you felt when he looked at you, you’re sure it was one sided. Your fantasies had to stay just as they were, no matter what.
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track two
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tags: @joelsversion @tightjeansjavi @pedgeitopascalreads @wand-erer5 @orcasoul @quality-lust @bearsbeetsbeskar (once again new fic new tag list, if you'd like to be added lmk, if you want to be tagged in everything i post just lmk, i don't wanna tag anyone who doesnt want it 🥺❤️)
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mxtantrights · 8 months
Famous dc!au (dick's version)
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Dick Grayson is anything but great. Sure, he gets to see you again. Sure he gets to do what he loves, make music and music videos. But he knows that it’s different this time. He can’t ask you out after this. There is no way. It would come off as gross and creepy. 
He adjusts the earbud in his leg ear and grips the bouquet of flowers in his hand a little tighter. He’s quite literally taking a page from Jason’s book. If he couldn’t ask you out then he could sure just be your friend. 
He would love that word when it came to anyone else. Except you. 
Cheesy love songs have been on rotation for him since he heard you accepted the offer, which was about two weeks ago. He just can’t get it out of his head. He missed his opportunity, his once in a lifetime. He can feel it in his chest right above his gut. 
He walks up to the craft services on set first. He wants to get you a morning drink with your flowers so the flowers aren’t the only thing in his hand. Just flowers would probably send the wrong message. But flowers with a morning drink says ‘thanks for being here’. 
When Dick picks up your drink, and his, he walks over to your trailer. 
This video would be different. It had a bigger budget this time because of how well the first video performed. But Dick didn’t want anything too exciting. 
As he gets to your door he can hear you speaking to someone. It almost sounds…romantic? Dick hesitates in knocking on your door. Almost being the operative word because he’s wondering if you had hit it off with someone already and his brain needs an answer to that question so his fist raps on the door. 
It doesn’t take long for you to answer the door. And of course you answer looking like an absolute miracle. You’re not even dressed in the costume, you’re in sweats and a purple t shirt. And you look amazing.
“Uh, hi—these are for you.” Dick says.
You smile and take the flowers and the drink, “That’s really sweet. Do you wanna come in?” 
Dick thinks it over for a quick second. No he does not want to see who it is you have in your trailer. He actually wants to speed run to his trailer and cry a little bit. But he can’t be rude. He can’t, not with you.
“I don’t wanna intrude.” he replies 
“You’re not, come on.” you smile.
Then you’re opening the door wider. Dick enters through the door his heart a little heavy, palms really sweat but he hides them in his pocket. Upon entering Dick is looking for someone but what he finds is unexpected and way better.
A small puppy on the floor playing with a chew toy.
Dick cocks his head to the side with a smile, “And who is this pretty little thing?” 
You walk over and pick up the dog , scooping it into your arms. Then you walk back over to Dick.  His hand imminently comes to scratch the top of her head.
“This is…well I haven’t named her yet.” 
“She’s very adorable, where’d she come from?” 
“Oh a guy was in front of my building and he had her in a box.” 
Dick is silent for a moment. He looks up at you with a certain look. Yes you lived in a fairly decent neighborhood but that doesn’t mean a random man with a box wasn’t suspicious. You caught the look he gave you and started laughing. 
“Look I know it was mostly not my brightest moment, but I’m glad I did it. Or I wouldn’t have met her.” you say and smile down at the puppy.
Dick chuckles, “No ideas for a name at all?”
“Nah. Why? Do you have something?” you ask.
Dick gives the pup one look over and the name hits him. It’s rolling of his tongue before he can even think to stop himself. 
“Haley, like the comet.” He says.
You smile and look down at the pup, “She does look like Haley.” 
Dick smiles but deep inside he’s going crazy. Why did he just do that? Why did he just open up a can of worms? What is he gonna do now, tell you to not go with the name? No way, you’re gonna think he’s weird. He manages to give you the excuse that someone else on set needed to talk to him and then he’s running out of your trailer. He hates the look on your face that reads confused at his sudden need to disappear. 
You watch Dick practically flee your trailer. It hits you then and there that he really didn’t see you in any romantic way. And that familiar ache in your chest is there. You’ll do the job and then you’ll pack up and try your hand at a normal job somewhere not in this state.
“You did what?!” Jason screams on the other end of the phone
“I accidentally named a dog after a love song set to release in a week.” 
“I mean, okay, well does it actually sound like a love song or is it up to interpretation?”
“No this is a fully fledged, Shakespeare would be proud, I’m totally gonna regret this love song.”
“Welp.” “Welp? That’s what you have to say to me? That’s all?” 
“I mean, isn’t this what you wanted?” “What?” “You wanted to confess your feelings. And maybe the logical part of you was holding you back and your intuition was working over time to get the job done.”
“Please help me. Please.”
“I think you might’ve helped your self dickie. I’m gonna let you go though.”
“No—wait don’t—“ dick fumbles.
Then the line disconnects. As if Jason couldn’t hear Dick on the other end begging for his help. One of the PA’s on set alert him that filming is set to start soon and he’s needed on set.
Today’s shoot looked more modern. The wardrobe and the furniture looked like things Bruce would pick up for the mansion. Dick can’t really remember what the video concept is at this very moment.  And he probably won’t remember it when he has to stand close to you for the dancing scene. At least that wasn’t today, that would be later and after a couple of proposed classes with you and a choreographer. 
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kimbappykidding · 11 days
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Part One Here
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Although he denied them, Soobin's words stuck with Beomgyu and he couldn't stop thinking about you. He wished he would've paid more attention to where you were looking in that practice and kept replaying what you'd said about the choreo over and over again in his head to work out if you did indeed like him. After getting nowhere he figured the only way to get some answers was to put you in the same situation. So he offered to teach you some of the choreo and you agreed! Beomgyu explained it was just for fun and when you both had the same evening free he booked one of the practice rooms for you. You were great at all the steps and picked up them up really well. Beomgyu was more than impressed but there was one sexy move that you struggled with. "Beomgyu I won't be good at it" you whined when he told you that's the last bit to learn but he shook his head "yes you will! I've seen you do sexy concepts and you rocked them so stop doubting yourself". You were floored by that comment and tried not to blush. You always thought your sexy concepts were your worse ones. No matter what your members said or even when you and Vernon were together and he'd tell you the same thing. You just didn't see yourself that way. You thought they were being nice and exaggerating. To hear Beomgyu say it so strongly was exciting and made your heart race. You didn't argue with him and simply got into position making him nod. Beomgyu showed you the basic steps and once you'd got that he showed you the ways to add extra flair. He laughed when you did one of the jumps and cheered you on "see you looked great doing that! You're a natural". You blushed "you're a kind teacher...I still can't get the leg thing". Beomgyu smiled coming closer "okay so the key is all in the hips, you want to shift your weight between your legs and have good rotation" and he demonstrated. You tried and laughed as you nearly crashed onto the mat. Beomgyu caught your hand and helped you steady yourself "and that's why we have the mats! Okay that was good just try moving your right leg around quicker". You did as he said he still struggled so Beomgyu nodded "okay leave out the jump just try moving quickly...may I?" he asked gesturing to your waist and you nodded blushing once again. Beomgyu gently touched your waist "when you changed legs go like this" and he switched your hips and flexed your knee. You did it with his support and he nodded "yes great! Then you stand back up tall afterwards". You tried it again with Beomgyu assisting and managed it. Beomgyu grinned "see I know you'd kill it! You're amazing" and he hugged you.
You hugged him back without thinking and both only seemed to realise what you were doing a few seconds in. Beomgyu separated blushing and you were sure your face was bright red too. "Okay....so yeah that was good, fancy doing it to some music?". You nodded stepping away from Beomgyu to try and diffuse the tension. However, dancing to a sexy song didn't really help but Beomgyu couldn't hold back from cheering you on. When you nailed that jump he cheered and ran around the room celebrating before sliding over to you. You jumped onto the mat and collapsed happily beside him “I'm tired and I did it once". "But you killed it" Beomgyu said leaning on his elbows and gazing at you. "Like I said you're a good teacher" you said gazing back and Beomgyu smiled. He went to speak but paused realising you were pretty close together. You saw his thought leave his head and another one enter. "Beomgyu?" you asked and he sighed "I hope I'm not overstepping here but I really want to kiss you". You blushed "you're not overstepping" you whispered and Beomgyu looked at you "so can I?". You nodded "yes" and Beomgyu gently cupped your chin and kissed you.
This was obviously your first kiss since Vernon and that thought did go through your mind. Vernon was your first kiss ever and you hadn't kissed a boy since him, so this was pretty huge. You panicked as Beomgyu came closer but all that melted away when he reached you. The kiss was different to Vernon but excitingly so. Beomgyu was a lot more chaotic and unpredictable. It was exciting and when Beomgyu pulled away you weren't ready making him smile as your eyes shot open suddenly. "Good kiss?" he asked and you nodded "really good" going red. Beomgyu went to speak when the door opened and you both shot away from one another. "There you are" a member of staff said "we noticed your car in the car park and wondered if you were okay". "We’re fine" Beomgyu said "we were just rehearsing". The staff nodded "okay...Y/n do you need a ride home?". "I'll take her" Beomgyu said before pausing "if you want". "Yeah that works" you said and the staff left. You and Beomgyu left quickly after seeing the time and when you got into his car Beomgyu laughed. "Okay I think I'll burst if I don't mention it. So I was just wondering how you felt after that kiss? Personally I really enjoyed it". You blushed making Beomgyu laugh "I think that's a good response?". You smiled "totally, I really enjoyed the kiss and I really like being around you. You're infectiously happy and you make me happier just being around you". Now it was Beomgyu's turn to blush "aww that's so sweet, thank you. I really like being around you and wondered if you wanted to go forward with this? Maybe on a date?". You paused and Beomgyu smiled "I know you've just had a breakup so if you don't want to jump into anything that's fine". You looked down thinking "I want to spend more time with you but I'm worried I might not be ready and that might waste your time". Beomgyu shook his head "don't worry about me, if you need more time that's totally fine so don't worry about upsetting me". You laughed at how perfect Beomgyu was and shook your head "okay well in that case can we give it a go? I like you and I want to date you". Beomgyu grinned "of course we can!" and he wrapped you up in a hug. When you pulled away he grabbed your hand and sat back happily "I can't wait to go on a date with you! I have so many ideas!". "Really, like what?" you asked. Beomgyu smiled "well with winter coming you mentioned you liked ice skating so I thought we could go to the big ice ring. There's also the Christmas treasure hunt which I think you'd be really good at because you're attention to detail is so great. There are some new exhibitions opening up at the museum and I'm nowhere near as smart as you but I thought we could go and have some cake in the cafe afterwards. There are lots of places in the city I want to take you". You blushed pleasantly surprised Beomgyu had thought about you this much and knew it was the right decision. "That all sounds amazing I can't wait" and Beogyu smiled back at you "me too". Beomgyu took you home and even walked you up to the door. You'd talked in the car and had decided bowling for your first date in 3 days' time. "Just so you know I may be an angel but am very competitive and won't let you win bowling just because you're very beautiful". You laughed blushing "let me win? When I kick your ass it will be because I deserve it!". "Really?" Beomgyu asked grinning and you nodded "yeah". You'd come to your front door and Beomgyu smiled looking down "you look so pretty, maybe I would let you win". "You don't have to" you said and kissed him. This kiss was a lot more confident because you were both aware you were now a couple. Beomgyu was your boyfriend and that made everything more meaningful. It was sweet and when you pulled away Beomgyu was staring at you with a smile. "Just as good as before...something tells me I'm always going to enjoy kissing you" and you laughed "ditto". Beomgyu smiled "so I'll see you at work tomorrow" and you nodded waving to him. You stepped into your house and your members only need to take one look at you to realise something had happened. They all started guessing and on their 3rd guess Beomgyu's name came up. You went bright pink and they all exploded. "What happened?" Hayoung cried and after hardly any persuading you said "we kissed...twice" and they all screamed. When you told them you were dating and your first date was in 3 days' time, you thought you were going to get a noise complaint. The girls decided there had to be a celebration and you stayed up late watching fun movies and drinking fizzy drinks. Your day really couldn't have been any more perfect. Beomgyu didn't want to make it obvious anything was going on between the two of you but also felt like it was impossible to not react any time he saw you. Your first date went really well and you'd been on many more since. Beomgyu noticed the effect you had on him at work and he loved it really. He'd smile instinctively when he saw you before he realised and would try to stop but his eyes would keep flicking back to you. You'd also notice and blush which Beomgyu found adorable, making him look at you more and it was just a cycle. Luckily both your groups knew and were so supportive. You were surprised at how lovely Beomgyu's members were. They were incredibly welcoming and always made an effort with you. As proof, they always invited you to any event they were throwing and this month it was Odi's birthday. Apparently Soobin never really did anything for the actual day but Yeonjun loved a party and so turned it into a celebration. However it happened, you found yourself at the TxT dorm screaming karaoke with Taehyun and Huening Kai. None of you cared you were idols and were just feeling the music to the detriment of everyone's eardrums except Beomgyu who was sat at the front clapping you all. When it ended he cheered rushing to congratulate you and you laughed at how supportive he was. "You were amazing!" he cried and you smiled "you always say that about me" and Beomgyu shrugged "because I think everything you do is amazing" and you blushed. You'd somehow, after knowing TxT for nearly 3 months, only just learned Taehyun knew magic and you were obsessed. When Taehyun realised you were so enthusiastic he began showing you how to do tricks and you were crap but enjoyed doing it. So when you vanished from the party and Taehyun was nowhere to be seen Beomgyu simply went to Taehyun's room and there you were. Taehyun was doing a trick with a pencil where he balanced it on one finger and you gasped before clapping. You'd had a little to drink so were even more enthusiastic and Taehyun had also had a little to drink so was very receptive to your praise. He blushed as you called him the most talented person ever and was very pleased with himself. Beomgyu noticed all this and wasn't mad. He knew there was nothing going on and Taehyun wasn't into you or vice versa but he was jealous because he liked having your attention on him and didn't want to share. Finally, Taehyun look up and noticed him "hey Beomgyu, come to learn magic from the most talented person ever?" he asked. Beomgyu nodded "sure, where's Soobin?". You laughed pushing him "Soobin can't do magic!" and Beomgyu smiled "no you're right" and hung an arm around you. He felt better now he was here and included in the magic but you were very serious about practising magic and shrugged his arm off to get better movement of your arms. Beomgyu pouted as his arm fell and crossed his arms annoyed. You didn't even notice until Taehyun stepped out of the room to get more pens. You finally turned to Beomgyu and saw the look on his face "what's up?". "What's up? You like Taehyun more than me" he whined and you frowned "no I don't, Taehyun just knows magic". That didn't make matters any better and you soon realised that was the wrong thing to say. "I'm sorry, you know you're my favourite" you said grabbing his arm and Beomgyu pouted "I don't believe you". "But you are" you said "I promise" and gently kissed his cheek. Beomgyu was coming around but pretended to still be angry "hmmm I'm still not sure" he said "I think I need a proper kiss" and you realised he was joking but also played along. You happily kissed Beomgyu and it was meant to be just a peck but it wasn't. The second your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands went to your waist you were both goners. The kiss very quickly changed the mood and Beomgyu pulled you into his lap. "Taehyun might know magic but can he kiss you like this?". "No" you replied "and I wouldn't want him to, I want you" and Beomgyu nearly went crazy hearing those words. He kissed you with renewed enthusiasm and you responded running your hands down his chest. Beomgyu loved the feeling and you were both soon panting messes when you heard a loud bang. "Ewww I leave you guys alone for 2 minutes and you're on top of each other?" Taehyun asked "you have your own room for that". You went bright pink but Beomgyu was grinning proudly "and we will go and use it" he said pulling you onto your feet. You apologised to Taehyun as you passed him but he was soon out of your mind when you were alone in a dark room with Beomgyu. The bed was the easiest place to go and you found yourself very happy there. So happy Beomgyu looked at you and you nodded to him "I want you Beomgyu" and those words made him just as happy no matter how many times he heard them. Beomgyu dropped you off home the next day and again your members only had to look at you to know something had happened. When you told them you and Beomgyu had slept together for the first time they all squealed once again and crowded around to hear more. "He was so nice" you said blushing "he made me feel so beautiful and loved". Your members saw the look on your face and decided then and there that they loved Beomgyu too on your behalf. When they next saw him they all smiled at him and he got many compliments as they passed. The TxT members all paused at the onslaught of niceness he received "what did you do?". Beomgyu blushed "I...nothing" and Taehyun smiled "is this about Odi's birthday party?". Beomgyu blushed even more and Taehyun laughed "you clearly treated her well, good job". The guys quickly realised what was going on and rushed to tease/praise Beomgyu. He was feeling pretty good and then when he went on stage he saw you. You met his eye and smiled with rosy cheeks. Beomgyu blushed too and when you went he tried to calm down. He was falling pretty hard but he was loving every second of it.
One of the things you liked most about dating Beomgyu was how affectionate and honest he was. You didn't have to wonder how he felt about you, he would literally tell you. Beomgyu talked a lot and would regularly tell you how much he liked you. It was so reassuring and really gave you more confidence in yourself. You didn't have to guess what he was thinking and felt comfortable telling him if you wanted something. The communication was great and so everything else followed.
You and Beomgyu got home after a fitness class you’d taken together and after showering ordered some food. You were searching for a movie to put on while you cuddled up on the sofa when you realised Beomgyu wasn't really listening to any of your suggestions but when you looked up he was staring at you. You paused "what's that look for?". Beomgyu smiled "I was just admiring you, you were so confident and happy in that class it was lovely". You blushed "yeah I used to be like that all the time before Vernon but I think I'm getting better. I'm getting closer to being like that and I do feel more confident than I have in months". Beomgyu nodded "you are getting more confident with every day and it's beautiful, you're beautiful..." he said trailing off and you smiled "did seeing me kick Yeonjun's but make you attracted to me?". "You have no idea!" Beomgyu cried pulling you towards him, the movie forgotten. A week later Beomgyu was sat at an award show getting ready for your performance. He was so excited because he knew you'd been rehearsing for this for months and really liked your comeback. He'd heard the song but hadn't seen any of the choreo or even heard about it. You'd told him he wasn't allowed to watch any rehearsal because this was the song's debut and you didn't want him to have any pre-conceptions. He's listened to you of course and he struggled desperately wanting to know what it was going to be like and finally the wait was over. The second Beomgyu saw you in your leather jacket he knew he was going to love it and he did! The choreography was a mix of sexy and fun. It gave Mamamoo vibes and was mature without being distractingly hot. Boemgyu saw you on stage and noticed you were so confident and clearly having an amazing time. You always nailed the choreography and did well at the sexy concepts but this time it was different. You were embodying the words of the song and encouraging your members with your energy. You were adding in your own choreography and your freestyling had your fans going crazy screaming for you. Yeonjun laughed "Y/n's killing it" he said to Beomgyu and he beamed "she really is!" feeling like the proudest boyfriend ever. Once the song finished Beomgyu came up with an excuse to go backstage that nobody believed and rushed to see you. He beat you back to your dressing room and you grinned when you saw him. Beomgyu rushed to you not caring that you were in the corridor and picked you up "Y/n you were amazing!". "So you liked it?" you asked and he laughed "liked it? I loved it! You all did so excellently" he called to your members and they thanked him going into your dressing room. You stayed outside with Beomgyu and smiled "you really liked it?". He nodded "so much, you were having so much fun and looked so hot". You blushed "really?" and Beomgyu nodded "so sexy". You smiled "that's good because I was thinking of you throughout the whole thing". You practically saw Beomgyu's brain coming to terms with what you'd said and you laughed kissing him. You knew it was reckless but you didn't care. For the first time in months, you were so happy and Beomgyu had so much to do with that. Beomgyu realised where you were first and pulled away. "I have to go back to my seat so it doesn't look suspicious" he said and you nodded "okay I'll see you at the after-party" and he nodded "try and stop me" making you laugh. With a final compliment, Beomgyu rushed away and you walked back into your dressing room in a daze. Your members didn't even have to guess why you looked so happy. They already knew. The rest of the night was just as fun and finally, you were at the afterparty. You and your members decided to celebrate properly and had lots of shots and dancing planned. You put your coat in the cloakroom so you'd have nothing restricting you from dancing and were on your way back to your members when who walked in but Seventeen. You paused as they appeared right in front of you and there was an awkward moment where you all stared at one another. Then they all rushed to compliment your latest song and you felt better. They walked away and you went to do the same when Vernon called after you. He told the guys to go on and came to stand in front of you for the first time in months.   "I just wanted to say you did very well tonight" Vernon said "more than very well, you killed it". You paused surprised "wow thank you, it just all fell into place". Vernon smiled "I can see that, you look happy too which is nice to see". "It is?" you asked figuring Vernon was the last person who would want to see you happy. Vernon nodded "of course! Y/n I know we broke up and that was hard but I want the best for you. I'll always think positively about you and be cheering you on". You were clearly dumbfounded and Vernon paused "did you think I was angry at you this whole time? Is that why you've been avoiding me?". You nodded "yeah I figured you'd never want to see me again". Vernon shook his head "Y/n I'm so sorry that must've been so tense and horrible for you. I don't feel that way at all. I'd actually love it if we could be friends. We were friends before we dated and I enjoy your company...but if you wanted to be but I understand if it's too weird or soon". You were suddenly distracted when you spotted Beomgyu behind Vernon, play fighting with Yeonjun at the bar and couldn't resist a smile. "I think that would be okay. I'm in a lot better place than when we broke up and I'm ready for that". Vernon smiled following your gaze "and would a certain member of TxT have anything to do with that?". You looked at Vernon trying to work out if he was upset or angry but he was just smiling. "Maybe" you admitted and Vernon chuckled "I'm really so happy for you Y/n. You deserve someone good and I wish you both the best". You smiled "thanks Vernon" and he patted your arm "Dk is seconds away from licking that ice sculpture so I have to go but it was lovely seeing you. Give the girls my best". "You too and please do the same for the boys". Vernon smiled "will do, bye" and with a wave he walked away. A few weeks later you found out Vernon was dating one of the Hybe members of staff and you didn't feel sad or angry or berayed or any of the things you thought you'd feel. You just felt happy for him and that's how you knew you were healed.
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lookingforluna · 2 years
Rotate || C. San
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❥ Pairing: Choi San x Reader
❥ Word Count: 9.4k
❥ Rating: M
❥ Genre: strangers to lovers au, smut, non-idol au, fluff, humor
❥ Warnings: lots of smut, explicit language, unprotected sex, teasing, dirty talk, praise kink, San's mouth is filthy, jealous San, creampie, intercourse
❥ Summary: During a late-night ice cream run to the supermarket, you bump into a handsome guy with a green streak in his hair that claims to have met you at the club the weekend before. When you confess to not remembering him, he becomes determined to make sure you never forget him again.
❥ Moodboard: Edit 1
❥ Song Inspiration: Rotate (Clockwise) by Rak-Su
❥ A/N: This is my first ever ATEEZ fanfic, so much longer than originally planned. I recently joined the fandom 2-3 weeks ago, and I'm so excited to start writing. As you can tell, San is my bias, and this man makes me WEAK in the knees. I have so many fics planned, so please support me! I hope you guys like this one! Can't wait to make new ATINY friends &lt;3
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Hmm, should you try one of the new flavors? Usually, you stick to buying the mango-flavored mochi ice cream, but today there was a new arrangement of flavors on display. Green Tea, Red Bean, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Mint Chocolate Chip.
“I recommend the mint chocolate chip. It’s one of my favorites.” A soft voice interrupts your thought process, causing you to turn around only to see an incredibly attractive guy standing behind you.
You couldn’t help but feel a little awkward, not used to handsome guys just walking up and talking to you. If anything, they didn’t really look your way, and if they did, they never approached you.
“Oh well, thank you for the suggestion,” you shyly smile, giving a slight head nod before turning around. Your fingers trail over the mint chocolate chip package, seriously considering it. Mint chocolate chip wasn’t exactly your favorite, but you weren’t against it. 
“Don’t you remember me?”
The question catches you off guard as you stare at him, trying to organize your thoughts. You were certain you would remember this man from just the bright green streak in his hair, but you couldn’t place him.
The more you gaze at his face, the more his features remind you of a fox. His face shape is very defined, and his jawline is so intense. God certainly took his time with this creation. For some reason, you couldn’t move away from his eyes and how they remained fixed on your own.
“I’m sorry, I don’t. Should I?”
You honestly wanted to curse yourself at this moment as his eyes flitted over your frame. The thought of dressing up as you did a quick run to the supermarket didn’t cross your mind. It was late at night, and you just wanted something cool to help with the boiling summer heat. That meant running out of the house in a slightly cropped white t-shirt and short black biker shorts.
This night would always be stuck in the back of your head forever. The words your father always told you about looking presentable in public suddenly entered your mind, and of course, you should’ve listened to his advice.
“I’m San. We danced together in the club last weekend,” he says, as the tip of his tongue does a quick swipe across his pink lips.
That simple motion was enough to make your knees buckle, but you must keep it together. Thinking back to that night, your close friend Jackson had you taking long shots straight from a Hennessey bottle. The only reason you couldn't remember him is probably cause you were drunk off your ass.
He doesn’t need to know that.
Truth is, San caused something to stir in your stomach. It had been such a long time since a guy actually gave you attention like this, and he was breathtakingly beautiful. He was far from the guys you typically went after, and maybe that’s a good thing.
The last thing you want is to seem desperate, though the only way to avoid that is to seem uninterested. Or at least seem hard to get.
“I’m sorry, your name doesn’t ring a bell. I danced with many people that night,” you explain, sounding calm and confident. The original reason you entered the supermarket returns to your mind, and you focus on the shelves again, your body turning away from him.
From the corner of your eye, San straightens his posture, not expecting that answer from you at all. He knew you wouldn’t have been alone at the club. Of course, you would have caught the eyes of many guys, but he was certain you would’ve remembered him at least.
“I guess you weren’t that memorable,” you finish, settling on the mint chocolate chip mochi box.
As you turn around, ready to leave, your breath hitches at San’s tall frame looming over you. His eyes are different from before. Instead of the bright wide doe-eyed guy from earlier, his eyes are darker, more intense, and slightly narrowed. You hadn’t realized how tall he was before, but here you were, craning your neck to look up at him.
His plush lips part when suddenly a familiar voice breaks the heated staredown.  
“Woah, Y/N! I see you’ve met San!”
An energetic Wooyoung makes his way to San, followed by Hongjoong, hands full of different chips and snacks. San’s eyes flicker between you and the guys when suddenly something registers in his mind. Wooyoung drapes an arm over San’s shoulder, pulling him close and creating some distance between the two of you.
“You guys know each other?” San beats you to ask the question. It certainly was a small world, after all.
Wooyoung laughs while patting San on the chest before looking at you, “This is our childhood best friend we kept telling you about. He just moved to the city.”
What were the chances you would run into the guy you had heard countless stories about almost every day?
“So this is the best friend you guys talk about every time we hang out?” You do a quick once over of him, matching his image to the third friend in the stories you always wondered about.
“Well, it looks like I am memorable after all,” San slightly smirks as his eyes focus on yours, widening, and cheeks lightly flushing.
“Are we missing something?” Hongjoong asks as he stands next to you, him and Wooyoung exchanging glances.
“It’s nothing important,” you quickly reply, earning a slight scoff from San as he runs his fingers through his black hair, muscles flexing from the motion.  
Hongjoong organizes the snacks in his hands as he turns to look at you.
“Are you busy tonight? You should come out with us.”
Wooyoung’s loud laughter causes a couple a few feet away to pause and stare before returning to their shopping.
“Y/N busy? Do you see what she’s wearing? You’re having one of your depressing movie nights, aren’t you?”
Wooyoung motions to the box of ice cream in your hand before shaking his head in laughter. Of course, you were so predictable. He and Hongjoong knew you like the back of their hands. Your routine on Saturday nights was usually the same if you weren’t with them or other friends.
“They aren’t depressing! You just don’t have taste,” you exclaim, crossing your arms and glaring at him, a small pout appearing on your face.
“No, I have to agree. Watching The Notebook and Dear John on a Saturday night is depressing,” Hongjoong agrees while squishing you against his side in a comforting hug.
San stands there watching the little conversation between the three of you in silence. He could see why Hongjoong and Wooyoung would be close friends with you. In a way, you reminded him of himself.
Back home, he would usually stay in on the weekends and hang out in front of the TV, preferring to be alone. Since moving to the new city, though, he wanted to break those old habits, so he agreed to go out with the guys tonight.    
“Fine, I’ll go out with you guys tonight, but on one condition,” you say, breaking San away from his thoughts as he glances down at your small self.
“What is it?” Hongjoong asks, his eyes lighting up at the thought of you finally going to the club with them.
“Wooyoung’s buying my ice cream,” you say, tossing the box into his hand with a grin before walking ahead of them, a small giggle leaving your lips.
“Ya! I’m always buying your ice cream, I swear!” Wooyoung shouts jokingly as he follows behind you, happy you agreed to their plans.
Hongjoong catches up to them, San trailing behind as he watches how your hips sway with each step. A smile breaks across his lips as he thinks of you, realizing that he enjoys your feistiness more than he expected.
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“Wooyoung, I don’t know how I feel about this dress,” you nervously express while pivoting back and forth in front of the mirror.
It was far from anything you had ever worn out to the club. The dress was bought sometime last summer while on a trip with a few close friends of yours. They had convinced you to buy it, exclaiming that it was about time you stepped out of your comfort zone.
The last thing you expected was for Wooyoung to pull it out from the depths of your closet and toss it on the bed, a pair of matching sparkly black heels beside it. You tend to stray away from sparkly short dresses, but this one caught your attention because of the beautiful strappy back.
The self-conscious feeling begins to rise at the idea of forgoing a bra. You always wore bras in every dress you bought, but the intricate back of this one made it impossible.
“Oh, come on! I’ve never seen you in something like this! You look banging too!” He shouts while motioning to your figure as if presenting you to an audience.
Well… maybe you could wear it out. The dress was bound to come out of the closet at some point, and Wooyoung was the only one who could convince you to wear it. You had let your hair down in loose curls and decided to keep your makeup simple. You did your regular face routine with the addition of some eyelashes, winged eyeliner, and of course, a bold red lip.
While you were busy studying yourself in the mirror, you hadn’t noticed that Wooyoung had left the room, heading out to call for a ride to the club.
Instead, standing in his place against your bedroom door stood San, his brown eyes scanning over your body multiple times before settling on your face. He was certain you were trying to put him into a trance. He couldn’t figure out where to look, completely captivated by you.
“Wooyoung, I’m not sure about this. I’ve never worn anything like this. Some guys can get touchy in the club, and I don’t want to start any problems,” you huff out a little disappointed before turning around.   
You almost stumble a little, completely unaware of the moment San entered your room. He was leaning against the door, arms crossed and noticeable beneath the fitted black dress shirt he wore, the first two buttons opened and exposing his chest. The black skinny jeans he wore pressed against his legs a little too perfect as he straightened himself.
“You look stunning in that,” he says, his voice suddenly sounding deeper than before.
It’s hard to swallow as you look at him, trying to avoid eye contact but hopelessly failing. He has siren eyes; you're sure of it. The man might even be a siren himself or some damn mythical creature. That might not even be the right word to describe him, but all you know is that it becomes hard to breathe every time he’s near.
“T-thank you,” you manage to stutter out, nerves on complete display for him. His light chuckle warms your heart as he steps towards you, eyes locked on your own.
Your fingers fumble with the short fabric at the end of your dress, lightly biting down on your bottom lip before releasing it.
“I'm not sure. I know how guys are at the club. I don’t want to get into any problems,” you nervously explain to San, his head tilting to hear your concern.
His brows furrow in confusion, and you’re sure he hadn’t thought about that. Maybe he would agree that you should change out of the short dress and put on something else.
“That’s not an issue. Wear the dress. I can fight,” he softly breathes, the look on his face absolutely serious and firm. This was when you were sure your knees would buckle from that sentence and look alone.
Luckily before you can reply, Hoongjoong enters the room, announcing that the ride is 5 minutes away. You stumble back a little, caught off guard by Hongjoong and aware of the proximity between you and San.
Before you can fall back, San’s strong hand wraps around your wrist, tugging you forth and right into his chest. A soft floral and sweet scent enters your senses, and all you want to do is bury yourself there.
“Ya! Y/N, you’re so clumsy. Let’s go,” Wooyoung shouts, dragging you away from San before looking back and shooting his friend a wink.
San stands there in shock, not expecting Wooyoung to pick up on his interest in you. He thought he was doing well keeping it a secret, but clearly not well enough if Wooyoung noticed. 
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I just wanna see you rotate, both ways
I just wanna see you rotate, slowly
The music booms loudly in your ears as the bass thunders in your chest, and your favorite song begins. The club was becoming more and more crowded as the minutes went by. The four of you had been here about a little over an hour, and the vibes were only getting better.
“This is my song! Let me show you!”
Your voice is barely heard over the sound of the music as you shout to Hongjoong, your hands in the air and hips swaying to the rhythm. Wooyoung had disappeared some time ago, most likely looking for some girl to take home.
The last time you saw San, he was sitting at the bar, a few girls immediately flocking towards him. Of course, it made you feel some type of way, the way he smiled at them, but the two of you aren’t together.
He’s single.
And so are you.
“Oooo, wait, take this shot first and let me see!” Hongjoong yells as he pushes what’s probably your fifth tequila shot of the night into your hands, quickly downing his own. Taking a deep breath, your head tilts as the cool liquid slides down your throat, the burn immediately settling in your stomach as a new wave of confidence takes over.
Your hands glide up and down your arms as the rhythm and lyrics take over your body. The flashing blue and green laser lights of the nightclub gave you an adrenaline rush, your skin heating up from the shot and other bodies brushing up against you.
Hongjoong disappears from your sight for a few seconds before he reappears, tugging your wrist towards the bar. 
Mingi, the tall and buff bartender you became quick acquaintances with due to your many appearances at his club, sent a wink your way before he tapped the counter twice. Confusion settles onto your face as your head tilts to the side, Hongjoong pulling you next to him.
“Only for you! Just this once!”
Mingi shouts before his hands rest on your waist, and you’re hoisted up until your heels touch the flat surface of the counter. Your heart stammers at the realization that they want you to dance on the bar. Cheers and shouts erupt around you as people start to notice.   
One time, let me put it 'pon ya
Two times, let me put it 'pon ya
The nerves slowly vanish as you feel the music, your hips ticking side to side as more people corner around the bar. The attention you’re feeling only empowers you even more as you lean forward, arching your back and moving your waist in a slow wine.    
Three times I try, you caught my eye
You know what's on my mind
You glance around at the crowd, drowning in the attention and feeling of so many eyes amazed by you. When you make contact with those familiar, dark, and slightly narrowed eyes, your breath falters a little. San sits at the end of the bar, body leaning back against the chair as he tracks your every turn, dip, and bend. 
“Wooo, you look hot, Y/N,” Wooyoung shouts as he appears behind San, hand resting on his shoulder. Wooyoung raises his shot in the air to you before sending it back down his awaiting mouth.
Why you acting so shy?
Come and take the spotlight
Gracefully and in time with the beat, you dance towards the end of the bar, very aware of the girls sitting on each side of San, watching you with bitter stares. Just as your favorite part of the song plays, you drop low in front of him, aware of how high your dress rises, barely covering your ass.
Baby, make your body go clockwise, anti-clockwise
Baby, make your body go clockwise, anti-clockwise
The alcohol floods your veins as Hongjoong, Wooyoung, Mingi, and the screams of other people sound in your ear. Your fingers fasten in the top of your hair as your hips twist in circles, fingers moving to caress down your arms, putting on a sexy show for one man in particular.
San licks his lips, one eyebrow lifting as his eyes take in every inch of your body, your ass on display for him, and god was he blessed. Never had he ever received a dance from a girl in all of his years of dancing, and from the way, you were gazing at him, he knew this was his first.
As the song comes to a slow finish and the next one starts, Mingi helps you down the bar, and you make your way towards the three guys you entered the club with. 
Wooyoung and Hongjoong pull you in between them, squishing you against their warm bodies as they hug you close.
“I have never seen you dance like that,” Hongjoong shouts as he looks at you in complete awe.
“Wow, I’m surprised you’re not a dancer with smooth movements like those,” San says before taking a sip from the glass in his hand.
“See, that’s a huge compliment coming from a dancer like San!”
Hongjoong smiles as he looks between the two of you. You knew from the countless stories Wooyoung told that he was a pretty well-known backup dancer, but you hadn’t realized he was that good, and your cheeks began to heat up.
“This was all my doing,” Wooyoung says as he looks at you, “I knew the dress would bring out a different side of you that you’ve been hiding!”
A soft smile settles across your face as you realize he’s right. There’s no way you would’ve been bold enough to dance like that on the bar in a different dress. With all their eyes on you and no idea what to say, you thought of the one thing that would make you feel more relaxed.
“How about another round of shots?!” You begin to walk away and head towards Mingi on the other side of the bar without waiting for a reply when Hongjoong’s hands suddenly shoot onto your shoulders.
“Woah, we just had a shot less than 10 minutes ago.”
Hongjoong was right about that, but taking a shot might ease your nerves around San. He wouldn’t stop looking at you with that intense stare as he sips his drink. You had no idea what he was drinking, but if you had to guess, maybe it was vodka.
“Yea, wait here. I’m gonna get you water instead,” Wooyoung shouts over the loud music before ruffling your hair a little and heading towards the busy bartender.
“Water? Are you guys serious? I’m not even drunk,” You pout, looking at Hongjoong with wide eyes while wrapping your arms around his neck.
He tries so hard to hold his laugh in but fails and just shakes his head at you. His soft hands reach up to unclasp yours from his neck, looking over at San as he speaks.
“Please watch her. She’s had her fun for the night. I’m gonna call for a ride to take her home,” Hongjoong explains.
San sends a smile his way, assuring him not to worry about you. Now that Hongjoong leaves, reality sinks in. You’re stuck here with San watching you. All you want to do is disappear into the crowd of people, and that’s exactly what the voice in your head tells you to do.
Just as you get about five feet away and into the crowd, a really tight grip encircles your hips, pulling your hips flush against a firm body. The hardness against your back is the first thing you notice, and you’re in shock.
Before you even turn around, the presence behind you fades as if it was in your imagination. The hardness was there one second and gone within half a second.
“Touch her again, and I’ll break your fucking hands.”
The low and threatening voice is the first thing you notice as your eyes land on a fuming San. His jaw clenches as he fists the shirt of some guy clearly drunk off his ass, now looking like a deer in headlights. The guy raises both hands in surrender as he mumbles out a jumble of words before San lets him go, and he takes off.
Standing there, you’re unsure what to do. Maybe you should thank him, but you didn’t ask him to do that. You didn’t need him to protect you, but he still did it. He’s still pissed. You can tell from the way he stands there, still looking in the direction of the guy, shoulders tense and jaw clenched.
A deep breath exits his mouth as he turns around to look at you, his face immediately relaxing as his brown eyes meet yours. You swallow, mouth feeling dry as he slowly walks over to you, head tilting as he studies your face. One of his ring-clad fingers ghosts over your cheek before tucking a stray curl behind your ear.
“Are you okay?” San asks as his eyes soften.
Out of all the expressions you had seen from him, this was a first. You didn’t think it was possible for him to show concern since he was always looking at you with those narrowed eyes. All you can do is nod, not able to trust your voice because of the way he’s looking at you.
“It’s because of this dress. Some bastards can’t keep their hands to themselves,” he says while glancing around you before pulling you closer. His hand was comfortably resting on your lower back, the heat from his palm warming up your skin and making it hard to breathe.
“What? You told me to wear the dress in the first place,” you complain, suddenly feeling disappointment fill your head at the thought of him not liking the dress.
As if reading your thoughts, he pushes his tongue into his cheek before sucking his teeth. He noticed how quickly your face had fallen and couldn’t stand seeing you like that.
“I did tell you to wear it. I love the way you look too,” he says, voice more serious as he glances down at you.
“I just don’t like anyone else enjoying the same view as me,” he whispers, tongue wetting his lips as he sucks it into his mouth.
The change in your breathing doesn’t go unnoticed by him as he slowly leans in closer, your senses overtaken by that same soft floral, sweet scent you associated him with. San’s grip on your waist tightens, and you can feel his minty breath wash over your face as he gets closer.
“There you two are!” Wooyoung’s shout makes the two of you jump apart quickly, your friend grinning like a Chesire cat because of the position he had caught you two in.
“Here’s your water, Y/N. Hongjoong was looking for you guys. The ride is gonna be here soon,” he explains as you down the water, the ice coldness soothing your throat and taking away some of the heat you had been feeling.
Wooyoung stands there, eyes flickering between you and San as he shakes his head and slaps him on the back, a chuckle leaving his throat.
“We should go meet Hongjoong,” San shouts over the loud music, unsure how to make things less awkward for you now that Wooyoung had almost seen the two of you kiss.
You nod in agreement, still chugging the water down as the two of them follow closely behind you. Little did you know that the two of them were playfully pushing each other around, Wooyoung excited about the thought of you and San together. 
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“Damn, where the hell did Wooyoung go?” Hongjoong groans as he looks around the front of the building used to this happening. He was always taking on the parent role in the group even if he didn’t want to.
“I thought you saw him sneak back into the club with that blonde girl,” San comments while shrugging his shoulders, clearly not concerned with his friend’s whereabouts.
You stifle a laugh as Hongjoong throws his head back, sweat trickling down the side of his forehead from his constant running around before he once again enters the nightclub.
“Wait here for the ride,” he orders, giving you both one last look before entering the swarm of bodies.
Right as he enters the building, two girls walk out, giggles erupting from their lips but suddenly becoming serious as they traipse over to San leaning against the brick exterior. You recognize them as the two girls that were sitting around him earlier in the club.
“What are you waiting here for? You can come home with us,” One of the girls giggles while trailing the tips of her fingers across the top of his exposed chest. The way she looked up at him with giant doll eyes made you want to throw up all the shots you had downed. 
“Yea, we can show you a very good time,” the slightly shorter friend smiles as she squeezes his bicep and earns a soft chuckle from him.
You were pissed at Wooyoung and Hongjoong for leaving you with him. The last thing you wanted was to watch these two girls drool all over him. The worst part about it is that he was actually entertaining them, chuckling and tilting his lips as his eyes flicker back and forth between the two.
“Fuck this,” you mutter to yourself, head fuming at what you were witnessing.
It’s been almost 10 minutes since you’ve been waiting for the damn ride and you were done waiting. The cool breeze helps calm your emotions as you begin the walk back to your apartment. This area's streets are pretty noisy, with other people entering and leaving the different strings of clubs up and down the block.
You don’t even glance back to see if San notices you walking away. Truthfully, you didn’t think he would care, and why would he? He was occupied with not one but two girls! Pain shoots through your feet as the aftermath of wearing heels for so long finally begins to settle. Your apartment is only a 10-minute walk away; if you power through the pain, you can make it.
“Y/N, is that you?” The voice causes you to halt in your tracks, turning to notice a very happy and smiling Seonghwa entering your line of sight.
“Oh my gosh, Hwa! It’s so nice to see you!” Excitement runs through your veins, replacing the bitter emotions from before. It was nice to see a familiar face and one that was like family at that.
“Damn, you went to the club like that? Let me see you do a spin,” he grins, holding out his hand for you to grab onto.
Giggles erupt from your lips as you twirl for him, the club's neon blue and green lights swirling in your vision. He lets out a low whistle that has your mood soaring through the roof and a wide smile spreading across your face.
“Were you at the club with your friends?” You ask him as he stops spinning you, his hands resting on your hips.
He looks back towards the entryway of the other club, replying, “Yea, I was out with Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho. I’m leaving now, though. I’ve had my fun. Do you need a ride home?”
Someone must have been watching over you because you swear Seonghwa was an angel sent in a time of need when you needed help the most. He grins widely, noting the relief that washes over your face from his offer.
“Yes, please! My feet are killing me, Hongjoong is still looking for Wooyoung in the club, and San is busy with some girls,” you ramble on, voice coming out slower and softer towards the end.
“San,” Seonghwa states instead of questioning, and you’re confused for a second until you feel a firm pressure on your hips, Seonghwa’s hands falling and being replaced with tighter ones.
“Yes, that’s my name.” A shiver runs down your spine as his cool breath hits your neck, your body tensing from his closeness.
Turning around in his arms and away from his body, his warmth immediately leaves you. A frown fixes on his lips from your reaction, but it passes as he looks at Seonghwa, eyes narrowing.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, feeling irritated with the way he glares at Seonghwa. His brown eyes shift to your face, brows pulling together as he speaks.
“I was in the middle of a conversation, and when I looked up, you were gone. I saw you turn the corner and followed you. I was worried,” he explains, voice low as he runs through everything in his mind.
The concern in his voice has you softening for a minute, and warmth fills your heart as you realize he came looking for you. Then within a second, it disappears again as he looks at Hwa with that same glare as before.
“We should get going. Our ride is waiting,” he says, dark eyes unwavering from Hwa.
“I’m good. You can go ahead. Seonghwa is going to take me home,” you state. You don’t back down even when San’s dark eyes stare into your soul. Anyone walking by could easily tell he was pissed off from the look on his face alone.
“You’re leaving with me,” he says even more firmly than before. His body inching forward to grab you when suddenly Hwa steps in front of you, clearly finding amusement in San’s reactions.
“She doesn’t want to leave with you. I’ll take her home.”
The last thing you wanted was to see the two of them having a damn dominance contest. You didn’t come to the club to deal with this. It was supposed to be a night of just fun with friends, and now these two were having a pissing contest.
“She came with me. She’s leaving with me,” San grits out, jaw clenching and face getting closer to Seonghwa with each word.
“Listen,” you shout, stepping in front of Seonghwa and placing your hands on San’s chest to push him back a little.
“I’m leaving with Seonghwa. You were so busy earlier that you didn’t even notice me leaving. You can go have fun with your girls. No need for you to take me home.”
You turn away from him, grabbing onto Seonghwa’s wrist as you lead him to the parking lot. Sure, you felt a little bad, but you didn’t like how he wanted your attention one minute and then was busy with another girl elsewhere the next. You have every right to make your own choices, it wasn’t like the two of you were together.
San’s eyes widen in shock as he processes the words that leave your mouth. He didn’t think you would fight him on this. In fact, he thought you would just give in to avoid any more conflict. He feels like shit as he watches you walk away with Seonghwa.
It was true that he was busy talking to those girls, but they wouldn’t leave him alone. He didn’t want to be rude and tell them to stop talking or just walk away from them. He let them continue their words, letting out some awkward chuckles here and there, but the truth is he didn’t even pay attention to the conversation.
He thought you would turn back, return to him and wait for the ride. It wasn’t until you turned the corner that he realized he fucked up. He sprinted from those girls, not caring to apologize or explain as he ran in search of you.
He thought going after you would make things better, but it just seemed to make things worse, and watching you leave with another guy made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
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It’s about midnight when you finally slump against the couch after saying bye to Seonghwa. Once you reached home, the dress was immediately off your body and replaced with a soft silk black robe.
The heels are neatly placed in your closet, and the only thing remaining is your makeup. The major downside of going out so late at night is removing all of your makeup, especially the eyelashes.
Scrolling through your phone, you send a quick text to Hongjoong and Wooyoung, letting both of them know you got home safely and that Seonghwa gave you a ride. You don’t expect a text from them, certain they’re still at the club or just leaving.
As you look out the window, you’re happy you left the club when you did. It started drizzling when Seonghwa dropped you off, and now it was pouring. Throwing your phone onto the couch, you decide to go take off your makeup when a knock on your door halts your steps.
Glancing at the clock, you wonder who could be knocking at your door at this hour. Assuming it’s most likely Wooyoung or Hongjoon deciding to crash at your place, you swing the door open without a second thought.
The last thing you expect to find is San soaking wet from the rain, clothes dripping wet, hair stuck to his face, and breathing heavily.
He glances at you, noticing the black robe wrapped tightly around your frame, before pushing himself into your apartment. You shut the door, eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
“Where is he?” His chest is moving up and down at a fast and steady pace as he tries to walk by you, his eyes franticly searching all around your apartment.
“Woah, did you run here, San?” You ask, blocking his path as you tug on the side of his black shirt. It was the only thought that came to mind when you noticed how out of breath he was. It had only just started pouring a few minutes ago too.
“Where the hell is he, Y/N? Is he in your room?”
San asks as he begins walking towards your bedroom, a water trail following him. Your hands push against his chest, stopping him before he can even enter the hallway, keeping him in the kitchen and living room area.
“Stop it! You’re dripping water everywhere, San!” 
You shout, becoming upset with the mess that he’s creating in your apartment. Cleanliness is one of the most important things you value. Having things in order is always important to you, and with the mess San is causing on all of your floors, you’re about to pull out his and your hair.    
San looks down at your hands pressing flat against his chest, his own cold hands wrapping around both of your wrists as he looks you straight in the eyes.
“Answer my damn question, Y/N! Is he here? Was he her-” His eyes are completely dark and fuming as he stares at you, trying to stop himself from imagining you and that punk together.
“Why the hell does it matter?”
You yell, cutting him off and preventing him from finishing his sentence because his actions are so uncalled for.
It was none of his business if Seonghwa was at your place. Taking a step back, you try to tug your wrists from his grasp, only for him to pull you closer, your chin now touching his chest.
“If you interrupt me one more time, Y/N– so help me, god.” 
“As if I’m gonna listen to you. Please, what are you gonn- ”
Before you can even finish the sentence, your back is against the front door, San’s drenched body pushing against yours and wetting your robe.
“I’ll show you what I can do about it, but first,” he pauses, his forehead against yours, eyes closed as he takes a deep breath before opening them again and focusing on your eyes.
“I need to know. Were you with him?” The way San asks the question makes your frustration fade away. His voice is soft and almost shaky, as if he’s afraid to hear the answer, but he needs to know. 
“I wasn’t with him. Nothing has ever happened between us, and it never will. I don’t think his boyfriend would be too happy, honestly,” you carefully explain and watch as San’s eyes widen in realization. You can visibly see his shoulders relax as he lets out a breath he had been holding.
“But why were you bothered by him so much?”
The question tumbles out of your mouth so quickly before you can even process it. It had been on your mind the entire ride back home with Seonghwa, but you weren’t planning to bring it up at all. 
The question tumbles out of your mouth so quickly before you can even process it. It had been on your mind the entire ride back home with Seonghwa, but you weren’t planning to bring it up at all.
It was hard to read San. At first, you thought he might actually be interested in you, but then the next minute, when other girls were around, it was as if you didn’t exist.
“Because you were with him and not me.”
He leans back a little, his arms by the side of your face still trapping you between his body, but now you could see him entirely. A fake chuckle is all you can do to express how you feel, and from the look of surprise on his face, he wasn’t expecting that.
“It didn’t seem like you needed me. You had enough girls to occupy you,” you mockingly reply, catching him slightly flinch from your harsh but true words.
A loud sigh passes through his pink lips as he fists a hand through his wet hair, tugging at the strands in frustration.
“Fuck… I was trying to stay away from you because you’re friends with Wooyoung and Hongjoong. I was trying to distract myself because I don’t want to fuck things up,” he explains slowly, thinking about his words carefully.
His eyes remain on yours the entire time he speaks, and you know it’s the truth as you get lost in his dark eyes and his soft, honey voice.
“Then why did you come here?” The question comes out barely above a whisper, almost unheard because of the pouring rain.
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you since the first night we met. I know you don’t remember, but I do, and I keep remembering it. I’ve been thinking about you all day, and then I ran into you at the store,” San says as he reaches up to gently caress your cheek with his thumb, not imagining that this moment was actually happening.
A small smile touches his lips as he notices how your eyes close and you lean into him.
“I thought it was just a coincidence at first. I’m not someone who believes in fate, but everything changed for me when I found out Wooyoung and Hongjoong knew you too. No one has ever affected me this much. I just can’t get enough of you,” San breathes out his confession, relieved that it’s all out there but unsure of what happens now.
You’re unsure about your feelings for him as you stare at him. You know you have some, but he’s right. Both of you are friends with Wooyoung and Hongjoong, and there’s a risk to the friendship there. If things end badly between you, that could damage many friendships and complicate things.
San starts to feel a little uneasy at your silence. He didn’t expect you to accept his feelings and say you love him, but he expected you to say something at least, even if you rejected him.
Regarding relationships, you were never one to jump into things. You never did one-night stands and considered yourself as someone who prefers long-term relationships.
But as you look at San standing before you and confessing that he hasn’t stopped thinking about you for a second, all of that logic goes out the window and into the storm. You were always thinking with your head; for once, you wanted to let your heart win.
“How badly do you want me?” You quietly ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
A groan escapes San’s lips as his tongue wets the surface, “So fucking bad. If it meant giving up dancing to be with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Without any regrets.”
You stare up at the man before you, his hand reaching up, gripping your jaw tightly, his silver rings feeling cold against the warm skin of your cheek. His thumb slowly brushes over your bottom lip, admiring the lust swimming in your eyes and the red flush settling onto your cheeks.
Without thinking, you part your lips and slowly wrap them around his thumb, feeling satisfied as the digit starts to sink further into your mouth.
“Fuck, Y/N,” San groans, his eyes hooded in desire, as he pulls his thumb from your mouth, biting his lips as he notices the clear trail of saliva connected to it.
“Kiss me, San.”
That’s all it takes for San to let go and smash his lips onto yours. He kisses softly yet passionately as if he’s trying to get lost in you. He wants to memorize every single curve of your lips and each inch of your mouth as his fingers grip your hips tightly.
It feels as if every inch of your body is on fire, your hands gripping his shirt as you pull him tightly against you. You want more of him. It feels like you’re drowning in his smell, touch, and taste. His fingers draw small circles against your hips over your robe, and the realization of how little clothing you have on hits you.
San lightly teases his tongue against your lips, a smile splitting onto his face as you easily grant him access. His tongue explores your mouth, lightly flicking against your own tongue a few times, giving him complete control.
“Fuck. This is a one-time thing, right?” You manage to say against his lips feeling breathless.
It’s supposed to be a firm statement, but it comes out more like a question. San makes it incredibly hard to think straight when his lips are pressing against yours so rough and hungry. He breaks away from the kiss to talk for a second before continuing his actions.   
“You know that’s a lie,” he murmurs while peppering kisses along your jawline and down to your neck, teeth biting the skin there but not deep enough to break this skin. 
“This might be the first time, but it definitely won’t be the last,” he says against your neck, leaving small hickeys as he continues down to the top of your robe. His flick up to yours, heat swirling in them, gaze darkening and eyes hooded.
“Don’t give me that look,” you whine out, aware of the wetness gathering between your thighs from just his stare alone.
San chuckles against your chest, his warm breath hitting the slightly exposed skin there.
“What’s the matter, Y/N? Do you get nervous when I look at you like this?” The smirk on his face is disgustingly sexy, and you can’t argue with him. He knows exactly how to use his expressions to his advantage, leaving you in a mess before him.
With a soft thud, your head leans against the wall as you avoid eye contact with him. His stare wasn’t equivalent to a siren. You were wrong to think that before. He had the eyes of a demon, dark and waiting to devour you.
“Don’t be shy now. Where’s the feisty girl from earlier?”
He mumbles against your chest, purposely avoiding the deep neckline of your robe that reveals some cleavage. His lips leave delicate kisses across your chest, his hands wrapping around your thighs and hosting you up against him.
Pride fills him as you let out a loud and needy whine, pulling his head tightly against your chest as he swiftly kicks his shoes off before entering your bedroom.
San tosses you onto the bed, mesmerized by the way your hair spread out around you in a perfect halo, as the robe comes undone, both sides falling open and exposing your smooth skin.
His teeth immediately sinks into his bottom lip, trying to digest that this was happening. You were here, spread out and so needy for him. Willing to let him touch you in ways you could only dream about. 
“Please touch me, San,” you beg, moving to sit up only to halt your actions, San shaking his head and telling you not to move.
“God, I love when you say my name,” he groans, fingers making quick work of his black buttoned-down shirt and jeans, the clothing left in a pile at the front of your door.
He can’t keep calm as he takes in every uncovered inch of your skin, from the perfect curve of your breasts and hardened nipples to the red panties he had been picturing all night.
The image was stuck in his head from the moment you flashed him in the club during your dance. He didn’t know if it was intentional or not as you dropped in front of him, legs spread at an angle so only he could see between, but thank god you did.
He carefully drops onto his knees, head dipping low as he presses gentle kisses up your feet, ankles, legs, and thighs until he reaches your center.
“San, please just fuck me. I can’t wait any longer,” you moan, fingers weaving into his hair as you pull him up, his eyes rolling back from your neediness.
“Guess I’ll have to wait until next time to taste you,” he chuckles against your lips, the comment a small reminder that this wouldn’t be the last time.
 You want to tell him not to get his hopes up, but the whiny “just fuck me” is all the confirmation he needs. If he made you feel like this, you would never let him leave your apartment. 
There’s a scraping of teeth, and a battle of tongues as both of your fingers work to remove the remaining fabric on your bodies. San draws back to look at you, a low “fuck” passing his lips as his mouth latches onto your breast, pulling the flesh into his mouth and moaning loudly. His fingers play with your other breast, pulling and twisting at the nipple before giving it the same attention with his mouth.
You can feel his dick, heavy and hard, slip between your thighs and slowly drag against your wet folds. He pauses his sucking and breathlessly says, “Condom?”
As much as you know you shouldn’t, you shake your head. You’re on the pill but don’t know if San has been with anyone else. You also didn’t have any condoms around, not having an actual sex life, but you were certain San carried one with him.
“I want to feel you. I want you inside of me now,” you moan out, pulling San back to your lips as his hands position your legs around his hips.
San is certain he just died and went to heaven. Not only did you want to have sex with him, but you wanted him to fuck you raw. Truth is, he didn’t prepare for this to happen. He didn’t carry condoms with him like most guys because he wasn’t out looking for sex.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” San breathes out as he stares into your eyes, the tip of his dick leaking precum as he pushes through your folds, breaching your entrance.
You feel intoxicated by his touch, the pink head of his dick stretching your walls as the smell of his heavenly cologne overflows around you.
You push your hips down, grinding yourself against his length, taking him in another inch as pleasure washes over the both of you. San licks his lips, eyes glued to where your bodies join, enjoying how he fits so snugly.
“Fuck, you’re so big,” you manage to breathe out, continuously clenching as San finally bottoms out completely inside of you. His breathing is just as heavy as yours, experiencing this for the first time. He had never had sex with anyone like this before, and every feeling was magnified.
“You feel so good, baby,” San grunts as he carefully moves his hips back and forth, swearing each time you clench around him.
His hips pick up pace as your moans encourage him, sweat dripping down the side of his forehead as he holds himself up by the forearms, taking in your fucked out expression.
He admires you, your body relaxed and covered in his marks and sweat. In his mind, you looked like a work of art, and he was the proud painter perfecting each brush stroke until you were no longer the clean blank canvas as before. He was determined to leave you a mess, so you would be reminded of his presence in this room even when he wasn’t there.
The sound of his dick moving in and out of you sets your skin ablaze as the squelching sound of your juices gets louder with his hard thrusts. The moans that leave your lips become more obscene as San gives a rough thrust upwards, pushing himself deeper inside of you, hitting that special spot and making your back arch.
“I- I love it when you t-talk dirty,” you struggle to say as the pleasure builds up with each of San’s powerful thrusts.
The smirk that stretches across his face as he looks at you with hooded eyes screams trouble. You’re unsure if telling him that was a mistake, but you’re about to find out. 
You’re unsure if telling him that was a mistake, but you’re about to find out. He flips you over, dick never slipping out as he thrusts into you from below, your hands grabbing onto his shoulders as he ruts into you. You’re letting out whines, shaking your head from side to side as the pleasure becomes too intense.
“I know you can take it, baby. I know you love it. Look how good you soak my cock,” San says, his praises encouraging as you look down to watch him disappear into you. His dick is so hard and covered in your wetness, his lower stomach shiny from your arousal.
“Fuck, you’re such a filthy girl. And it’s all for me, right?” He asks as his thumb finds your clit, pressing tight circles on it that draw out a long “yes” from you.
“Only for you. Only for you,” you pant against his lips as you lean forward, San’s hands gripping your ass as he pounds into you.
He’s on the brink of cumming, and when he delivers one powerful thrust, he feels you shake, your pussy holding him incredibly tight as you orgasm, wave after wave hitting you, each stronger than the previous.
He manages to fuck you through it, dick pulsing as your walls constrict around him, praising you as more wetness seeps onto him.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he grunts, teeth grinding as your tightening and wetness propels him to chase after his own orgasm as his eyes have trouble finding a place to focus.
He’s reeling in pleasure as the images in front of him take over his mind. His eyes flicker between his thick cock disappearing between your swollen lips, sliding in and out of your wetness and your glassy eyes staring down at him. 
“Please give it to me. I want you to cum inside of me. Please, San,” you beg, your words coming out high-pitched and desperate. It was all San needed to hear from you. You didn’t have to beg him, he would give you everything he had, over and over until he was empty.
“Fuck I’m cumming,” he moans loudly, the loudest you’ve heard him tonight, as his thrusts turn sloppy and warmth floods your insides.
Each hot spurt has you clenching around him, further heightening his pleasure as he empties himself, enjoying the view of his cum squeezing out of you.
 His hair sticks to his forehead, sweat dripping down his face, neck, and chest. Almost every inch of his skin is covered in sweat, and so is yours. Both of you are a mess, and as you carefully pull off him, a mixture of your wetness and San’s cum spills out onto his stomach, earning a loud moan from him.
“You’re so sexy, baby,” he chuckles, pulling you down by the neck and planting a short and gentle kiss against your lips.
He reaches over to the nightstand, grabbing a tissue to wipe his stomach as you lay beside him, legs sticky with both of your releases. As San catches his breath next to you, dick already softening, you can’t help but mumble, “That was amazing.”
San pulls you closer to his side, one hand hooking around your shoulder as the other settles onto your hip. Head resting on his shoulder, he looks down at you, eyes full of warmth and a mouthful of white teeth on display.
“It was incredible,” he replies, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head. A peaceful silence fills the room, and he opens his mouth to speak again.
“I hope you know you’re more than just a one-night stand to me. I want you every morning. Every day. Every night. In every way possible,” he whispers, looking down at you, brown eyes sparkling in the soft moonlight.
“I feel the same way too,” you confess, heart swelling and comforted by the fact that this was more than just a night of sex for him.
San leans in, his lips moving to cover yours when a loud bang in the living room suddenly interrupts it.
“What the fuck?” You jump, startled by the noise.
San’s face becomes serious as he stands up, covering you in the blanket at the foot of your bed before pulling on his briefs.
“Stay here. I’ll check it out,” he whispers, about to walk away when you tug onto his wrist.
“Wait! Take this,” you quietly say, leaning over the edge of the bed to pull a metal baseball bat from underneath.
“For protection,” you explain, handing it to him only to receive a soft chuckle. You watch as he steps out into the hallway, anxiously waiting. It’s silent for a few minutes before you hear a loud and annoying voice.
“What the fuck! Are you trying to kill me?! See, I told you, Hongjoong! I knew the two of them would fuck! You owe me 50 bucks!”
Footsteps sound down the hallway, and you pull the sheets closer to your chest, covering any visible skin. An embarrassed San trails in, followed by a drunk Wooyoung and a tipsy Hongjoong.
“I tried to make them leave,” San explains, cheeks flushing as he runs his fingers through his hair.
“Y/N!” Hongjoong whines as he takes another step into the room.
“Now I owe him money,” he drunkenly pouts, looking cute and defeated. All you can do is laugh as San returns to his spot next to you, leaning against the headboard.
“I knew she wouldn't be able to resist him! That’s my boy,” Wooyoung shouts a little too loud, causing Hongjoong to flinch as Wooyoung smiles in triumph.
“Yea, you’re right. She couldn’t resist my charms,” San grins, eyebrows raising as he gives you that sexy look he was talking about.
You lightly slap his chest, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as he pulls you towards him, placing a kiss on your nose before ordering the two trouble makers to leave.
You weren’t entirely sure what would come out of this, but you felt good about it. If this happened when you listened to your heart, you would do it more often. 
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Headcannons for Eddie Munson with a male s/o
Ok I know my followers are here for slashers and things like that I get it. But my love for fictional men is too strong to keep me tied to one fandom. Yes I will still post about slashers, yes I will post about men in stranger things too. The thing is I’m in love with this man and I want to be gay boyfriends with him. Also this will get me out of my writers block with fun new people to write for. Sorry about the rant I just need to talk to someone and this is my blog so you have to suck it up.
He knew he was into guys before but you really hit him hard. He’s seen you around school and being how he is walked right up and started talking with you.
Warnings: Minor reference to drugs
He’s gonna be very flirty and love however you respond. You’re gonna get shy and giggly? Super cute. You’re gonna flirt right back with him? He loves a confident man. 
Before he really lets you know how he feels he’s gonna make sure to see if you’d feel the same way. Get ready for hints being dropped about him being gay like watching nightmare on elm street 2 a very gay movie. He might leave out magazines with skantaly clad men for you to find. If you let him know you’re into dudes too he’ll move on with the flirting. If it’s taking to long he’ll just tell you he’s bi and ask you if you’re into dudes. 
Your first kiss is gonna get him really excited to kiss you again. Despite his extroverted exterior he’s really giggly inside. If you go to kiss him again he’s going all in man, I promise. 
Once you two are really dating he’s gonna try to get you into dnd with him. He’ll teach you how to play and help you make your character and everything. If you do go play he’ll like to show you off and have you sit near him or if you’re comfortable with everyone knowing you can sit on his lap. 
He’ll make sure that when you’re around he doesn’t smell like weed or trash. He’ll make sure he looks nice for you whenever you are around. 
He’ll write a little secret song about you and sing it to you if you ask nicely. 
Pet name. So many pet names. Darling, love, baby, sweetheart, pretty boy. He has a very long list he can go off of for you honey. 
He adores pda, around safe people of course. But he’ll make sure to keep you close in public. Nothing to get you two in trouble but enough to let people know you’re “Close friends” “roommates” “Boy best friends” ya know. 
As for his favorite pda, having you sit on his lap, kissing, you playing with his rings, playing with his hair, holding hands and just well being a bit possessive. But if you ask him to cool it he will. 
He’s gonna try to get you to listen to metal he likes. If you do get into it and ask about other bands he’ll gladly take you to buy some casettes or records. 
If you need a ride anywhere he’ll take you there. No questions asked. Just call him up and he’ll take you there don’t worry. 
If people get suspisious about the relationship the two of you have he’ll quickly your defense. No one messes with his pretty boy. 
He loves to cuddle and being the big spoon. He just likes holding you and having you close to him in general. 
He’s gonna give you a bunch of random gifts that have a lot of meaning to him. A necklace with one of his guitar picks on it, one of his favorite die from dnd, an old ring of his that doesn’t fit anymore. Whatever he thinks you deserve he’ll give it to you. If you asked him to stop the earths rotation he’ll find a way to stop it for you. 
He’s not gonna be the best to go to with emotions. He’ll hold you when you cry and listen to you vent but he won’t know how to really fully help you and that really hurts him. Don’t be surprised if you find him reading psychology books or how to comfort someone if he notices you’re really going through it. 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 months
Happy Sunday, love! I’m very excited about the first chapter of The Ranger today. 😘💜
Also, I have a little writing question for you. I know we both share a love of writing to music and getting inspired by certain songs. What has been your favorite song and/or music inspiration while writing? 
Yes Happy Sunday! I'm really excited to share it! I'm warning you now it ends on a cliffhanger!
Oh good question! With a not so simple answer 😂 I tend to have a rotating cast of a few particular songs when I'm working on a particular story. Generally, those songs stick with that story alone. Sometimes they cross over into the couple works I do following but it does shift over time. But of course, there are some that stick around! I'm very much a person that listens to all genres (not huge on country or some rap) but generally I love it all.
There's a couple that stand out for me (okay, more like 5,000 lol). But here are a few of the big hitters:
broken by lovelytheband was a repeat customer for Broken Like Me
Anything by Nine Inch Nails when I'm working on something thriller esque (so Into The Void was on repeat for The Ranger!)
Not Losing You by Maddie Poppe directly inspired Not Losing You from the lyrics alone
Wild Horses by The Sundays and I Go To The Barn Because I Like The by Band of Horses have been the soundtrack of MANY stories. They just go with many moments in fics for me.
Long Time Running by The Tragically Hip is that song that gives "slow-dancing in a bar late at night and not caring who sees" vibes
I'd Be Waiting by Nathaniel Ratteliff & The Night Sweats. These guys are most known for S.O.B. but this is actually my fav song. I always pop it on when I need a sweet Dean moment
So that's just a few for me! I could honestly go on way too long about how mood and music directly influence the writing process.
I'm going to put the same question back to you!
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
A Wild Ride
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Series - TRR - AU
Pairing - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
Summary - A small rewrite of the diamond scene from Book 1 Chapter 11 (Drake’s birthday) and… beyond.
Word Count - 2503... ish 🙈
A/N1- Welcome to my first attempt at smut. Nobody asked for this, this is entirely unprompted and unasked for (except by me haha). This is just where my brain went, and well... don’t judge me too hard lolololololololol. I’ve debated posting this all week, but I’m finally going to relent and just do it and most likely hide forever. But I have to shoutout @ao719 who encouraged me, and read through my first draft. 💚 All errors in this final version are mine and mine alone.
A/N2- I am considering this a part of the Ghosted AU, but only for ONE reason, and that is to put it on the same masterlist. But this is a ONE SHOT and DOES NOT ADD TO NOR CONTRIBUTE TO THE STORY WHATSOEVER. This is literally just an excuse to try my hand at lemony writing, nothing more. 
A/N3- This is my sad attempt at a submission for the @springfeverpitch event. I have no idea if this even qualifies, but they said anything smutty, soooo…... I’m going to test that theory with this, LOLOLOL. I have no idea what 'day' it qualifies under, (4?) I’m honestly not even sure what this monstrosity should classify as. 🤣🙈🙊
Base in play - Briefly First, but mostly Homerun ⚾💭🫡
TW - ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️ - Language, smutty filthy lemons, brief mentions of blood (.3 seconds worth). *⚠️ 18+ ONLY ⚠️*
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Liam watched Riley as if she would give him the answers to all the world’s problems at any moment; she fully transfixed him. When he paid the operator of the bull, he assumed Drake would ride, since it was his birthday. But when Riley volunteered and bounced her way over, Liam knew already he was done for; the second she mounted that bull, he felt himself grow undeniably hard.
He observed with the utmost attention. The way her hips swiveled to keep in time with the jerky motions of the bull, the way her big, perky chest bounced from side to side as she tried to stay on the ride. She threw an arm back like a lasso; her cut off shirt hiking higher and higher up her toned midriff. He caught sight of her lacy red bra underneath, the sight practically enough to make him take her, here and now, for all to see. Everything about it was driving him mad with desire. 
At that moment, he would have cut off his right leg to trade spaces with the foreign object she rode. Give up the throne, throw everything away, all for her to tame him as if he were the rowdy steed beneath her. His mind swirled with fantasies as the saliva from his mouth fully dissolved.
When she flew off the bull, he was right there to help her up; after he had adjusted himself in his slacks. The two grabbed a shot, then another, and a couple more, adding to the already large amount of alcohol they had consumed. They finally made their way out to the dancefloor after way too many drinks.
It started slow and casual, nothing scandalous or arousing, although the chemistry between them made anything sensual. Then a particular song came on; Liam had never heard it, but the squeal that came from Riley and her excited bouncing told him she was familiar. He felt his cock stiffen a little more in the confines of his trousers as he watched her breasts bob up and down while she jumped; maybe it was the alcohol fueling his thoughts, but he couldn’t get the image of those tits bouncing in his face out of his mind. 
They danced face to face; Riley attempted to keep a respectable distance between them, as she knew they were in public. The court would not react well to them grinding all over each other. But Liam didn’t seem to have a care in the world, as he continued to pull her closer and closer. His gaze switched between gawking at her enormous bust poking out of her low cut top, and the way her hips swiveled and rotated to the rhythm. His hands probed her body, as if he needed to remember every crevice and curve. 
She swatted his roaming hands away. “What are you doing? We’re in public!” She giggled. 
Liam nuzzled her neck. “Don’t care.” 
Riley laughed harder. “Liam, what if someone sees us? Or you get recognized?”
“Let them watch.” He responded with a devilish smirk.
“I’m just saying the press would-”
Liam cut her off by capturing her lips with his own. Their tongues rolled together as they swallowed each other’s content sighs. One of Liam’s hands rested on her neck, the other falling to the small of her back and pulling her as close as possible. Their pelvises ground together, each letting out a soft moan at the friction. Neither cared at the crowd of other dancers surrounding them; the only thing that mattered was the two of them, and the undeniable sexual tension that seemed to have reached its boiling point. 
Liam returned to his suite, a little wobbly on his feet, and immediately went to take a cold shower. His mind continued to swirl with scandalous thoughts about Riley and the things he wanted her to do to him, and vice versa. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to invite her back and ravage her like he truly wanted to. But he realized there was a high probability the pair would get caught sneaking around, and that would only cause more problems in the long run. And, he didn’t want to be this drunk when it did happen. 
He finished his shower and put on a clean pair of boxers and pajama pants before he slipped into bed, pulling up the covers to envelop his body. He lay on his back and fell into a deep slumber as fantasies of Riley filled his mind. 
He awoke later with his senses filled by a fragrance of lilac and berry. He felt dainty hands lightly tracing the inside of his thighs, sending a shudder through him. A sigh escaped him as he felt tender kisses travel up his abdomen, soft hair falling to tickle his sides. He reached a hand out and threaded his fingers through long, silky, golden blonde hair as she continued her venture up to his neck. 
When she reached her quarry, she bit down hard enough to leave a mark and licked the affected area. She dotted kisses along his jawline to the other side and nipped his ear; Liam groaned and gripped her hips to grind her against his already freed erection. He had no time to ponder how he became disrobed, as he felt wetness gliding over his already aching member; she wasn’t wearing panties. 
“Riley…” He moaned. 
She raised her face to hover over Liam’s, “I saw you…” she whispered as she ghosted her lips over his. 
“You were watching me ride that bull tonight… Wishing it was you… weren’t you?” She asked in between bites along his jawline.
“God yes.” Liam panted.
Riley’s face lit up with a cat-like grin before she grabbed his face to bring his lips to hers. Their tongues met and battled for dominance in a fit of passionate and desperate kisses. Liam slid his hands up her sides and realized she, too, was already naked. He massaged both of her large, supple breasts in his hands before breaking their kiss and bending his neck to take one into his mouth. He licked and suckled at it for a moment before moving to the other and showing it the same attention. After, he briefly lay back and marveled at her perfection, and those breasts that had been making his mouth water all night dangling in front of his face; just like he fantasized. 
Riley sat up, and he met her intent, lustrous gaze; her eyes clouded over with desire, hair askew, perky tits rising and falling with every labored breath, lips slightly parted. Liam watched, transfixed, as she ran her tongue over her top lip, and he thought he would cum on the spot. Liam reached out to embrace her and forcefully brought her lips to his; his dick painfully throbbing, aching to be inside her. 
She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled, the sudden, sharp pain causing Liam to moan. “You like that?” She whispered as she bit his lip. 
“Yes.” He breathed out, as he grabbed her ass cheeks in both hands and squeezed. She ground her bare mound against him and an animalistic sound escaped Liam’s lips.
“Tell me what you want, Liam…” she coaxed as she sat up and positioned herself with her dripping pussy over Liam’s cock. She rubbed herself against Liam’s shaft, her hand pushing him deeper through her wet folds. She ground back and forth on his length, driving Liam absolutely mad.
“You. I want you, Riley. Please.” He begged.
“No… Tell me what you want… Exactly what you want.” She slightly raised herself and let his tip ghost her opening, before she slid him back through the entirety of her core. 
Liam gasped and twitched beneath her. The things she was making him feel were overwhelming every single part of his being. “I… I…” He stammered between breathless pants and moans. “I want you to ride me.” He finally spit out. 
She bit her lip and whispered, “Your wish is my command.” and lowered herself down onto him, both moaning at the sensation as he penetrated her tight opening. Her mouth fell open into an O shape, a high-pitched whine coming from her throat, as she sunk her body down on his length. Liam’s eyes never left her face as her tightness enveloped him, taking him to such a high level of euphoria he thought he would die at any moment. She rocked herself slowly back and forth on his cock, feeling him stretch and fill her in all the right ways.
“Oooooh… God, you’re so fucking big Liam!” Liam felt his dick twitch at her words and ran his hands up her sides to massage her breasts in his hands. She placed her hands against his chest, pushing her tits together as she started bouncing herself on his length. He analyzed her with rapt attention, her expressions, the sounds she was making. Liam released his hold on her and put his hands behind his head as he watched her work herself on him with a deep groan.
She picked up speed and ran both of her hands through her hair. Liam watched where they connected, seeing her pussy grip around him, the proof of her arousal covering his member and thighs. He looked up and saw her massaging her breasts with a lust blown expression; she saw him staring and bit her lip with a loud moan, causing him to whimper from the sight. 
Just when Liam thought he couldn’t take anymore, she sat back and positioned herself with her hands on his haunches, giving him the perfect view of her taking all of him in. She started slowly, but soon built a mind-blowing pace, taking him almost all the way out before slamming her hips back into his. Liam heard her whimpers increase in pitch and knew her release was coming. He felt his own building but was determined to make her let go first. 
“Oooooh God… Oh! Don’t stop… Don’t fucking stop!" she cried out as their already frantic pace increased. She reached a hand down and wildly rubbed circles over her swollen nub. Liam clutched her hips with a white-knuckle grip and increased their speed, hammering himself into her relentlessly. He matched her rhythm perfectly, thrusting himself to meet her hips. She threw her head back with a loud shriek; her tightness pulsating around him, wetness coating his already glistening member as waves of pleasure overtook her. 
“Yes! God... YES! Liam… You fuck me so good!” She got out through gasps and whimpers as jolts of electricity continued to course through her. 
Between her clenching around him and the things she was saying, Liam was a goner. He thrust into her three, four, five more times until he pulled her down forcefully to receive his load with a loud, primal roar. His vision almost completely blacked out, stars invading his view. He had orgasms before, sure, but it was like his soul was leaving his body. It was so intense, so powerful and all-consuming, like nothing he had ever felt before. 
Liam lay with his eyes closed for a couple of minutes, catching his breath. He felt Riley grasp his hand and opened his eyes to look at her as she remained straddling him. She brought his hand to her lips and smiled before she tenderly kissed each one of his fingertips. 
Liam closed his eyes once more and let out a content sigh. Somehow, someway, the evening ended as he hoped it would; all was right with the universe at that exact moment. 
His peace was short-lived as he suddenly felt a sharp pain course through his index finger. 
“Ow!” He cried. “Did… did you bite me, Riley?”
“You liked it a minute ago.” She smirked.
“That was different. This felt like you were trying to take a chunk out of my finger!” 
She giggled, “You just… you smell so good… so… sweet… like nuts… and honey…” she replied as she turned her head and deeply inhaled his palm. 
Liam furrowed his brow. “Oh… um… thank you?” He responded with uncertainty. 
“You just smell so… heavenly… and... mouthwatering…” she mewled as she licked his palm. 
"I do?" Liam asked, completely confused by her sudden shift in behavior. 
“Like… like what?”  
“Baklava.” She said as she chomped Liam’s thumb. 
“Hey! Riley, that… that hurts!” He tried to pull his hand away, but Riley’s grip tightened. 
“But I bet you taste soooo good, Liam! I just wanna eat you up.” She started gnawing on his wrist, biting harder and harder; he swore she was breaking his skin. 
“Riley! Riley! Stop!” He yelled as he squirmed underneath her, but she would not relent. He felt a sharp, piercing pain in his arm and watched in horror as she tore a piece of flesh from his body; blood squirting from the open wound and covering the both of them. 
She thoroughly chewed his flesh with a satisfied smile before she went back for more. “Mmm…. sho good.” She rolled her eyes as she swallowed another chunk of skin. She slurped at the blood that surrounded her mouth before she returned to his wound, lapping at it like a deprived dog finally given water. 
“Riley! Riley! Stop! STOOOOOOOP!”
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Liam flew forward in a panic; his breathing rapid and labored, his elevated pulse thundering in his ears, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. He frantically searched his darkened surroundings, looking to see if Riley was still there, but found no signs of anyone. 
He glanced down at his body and saw absolutely nothing; no marks, cuts, blood, or any signs of injury. He quickly pulled the blanket back and saw his pajama pants, just as they were when he had gone to bed.
Bastien heard Liam’s yells from his position outside and barged into the room. “Is something wrong, sir?”
“I…I don’t think so…” Liam answered unsurely as he rubbed his uninjured wrist. “Has… has anyone come in here?”
“No, sir. I’ve been outside your door since you arrived. Nobody has been here.” Bastien reassured him. “Why? Do you believe there’s been a breach?”
“No! No. Nothing like that. I was only asking. Thank you, Bastien.”
Bastien bowed with a bewildered expression, but left the room. As soon as he did, Liam stood up and made a quick dash to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror. 
He searched his reflection with intent; Liam saw that his neck and upper body were pristine and unmarked, no signs of the late-night fornication to be found. He checked other areas of his body, but no remnants of his wild encounter remained. He ran his hand through his lightly tousled hair and stared at his reflection for a long while, trying to make sense of what he could have just experienced.
He shook his head with a quiet laugh before he said, “I am never drinking tequila before bed again.”
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rivetgoth · 4 months
Over on Twitter there was a meme that was like “Post 10 bands you've obsessed about at some point in your life,” so I decided to list the first 10 that came to mind 🤔🤔 Note that this isn’t my current or all-time top 10 bands ever, but 10 that I can remember being obsessed with at some significant point in my life.
1. Skinny Puppy — Duh.
2. Culture Club — A landmark band for me, Culture Club was my entry into 80s pop which would evolve into developing my adoration for the New Romantics, 80s alternative, and eventually industrial and goth music. Also the second band I ever actively went to see live!
3. IAMX — One of my favorite bands of all time since around 9th grade, over a decade now!! One of the only bands I have a tattoo for. I could fill an entire post (or two, or three, or…) on just my adoration for IAMX alone, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
4. Ministry — Inescapable, isn’t it? Regardless of the eternal love-hate relationship I have with this band there’s no denying the incredibly significant effect they’ve had on my life unfortunately. The first industrial band I got into post-Skinny Puppy.
5. The Velvet Underground — TVU (along with TBP, below) was arguably the band that got me into music. Period. I’ll never forget hearing “Venus In Furs” and “The Black Angel’s Death Song” for the first time and just thinking it was like nothing else I’d ever heard before. It was everything to me as a teen.
6. Severed Heads — Another one of my favorites to this day, though I’ve had obsessive periods in phases. They kinda baffle and excite me like literally no other band. Like a puzzle I’m always trying to solve. Love love love them.
7. The Birthday Party — Ditto with TVU. “Mutiny In Heaven” shaped me into the music lover I am today, it gave me a taste for something that was like nothing I’d ever heard before and “like nothing else” has been a significant staple of the most evocative songs/bands for me ever since.
8. Joy Division — Community college circa 2017 I had Joy Division on constant rotation, they really got me through it lol. One of the first GOTH bands that I dove really deep into. I was already listening to goth music at that point but at that point in time Joy Division really resonated. I wore my Unknown Pleasures shirt everywhere seconds before it was cool. I still voted for The Cure on the recent “best goth band” poll tho LMAO.
9. Magazine — A more recent addition, Magazine fucking saved my life when I got COVID in 2021 and subsequent relatively severe psychotic symptoms shortly after. Literally just spent every quiet moment listening to ‘em to fight off some of the worst thought patterns I’ve ever had in my life, for months.
10. Steam Powered Giraffe — My middle school heartthrobs 🖤🖤🖤 A bit dated now but man, SPG was everythinggggg to me for a short moment and I think this secret part of my past explains some of my music taste to this day tbh lol 😭 They were thee FIRST band I ever actively saw live, and the most significant connection is that Bunny Bennett’s coming out was genuinely the thing that spurred me to soul search and realize I was trans within the same year :’)
What are yours??
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coldarg · 9 months
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hi .
So here’s the deal:
This blog is a part of the BURSONAVERSE made by @emeraldsandpearlsxx . This is an Argbur kin blog. What does that mean? Basically, I will be posting on this blog as if it is from the perspective of Argbur. Other BURSONAVERSE RP BLOGS CAN ROLEPLAY WITH ME. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE VERSE, YOU CAN LEAVE SHORT ASKS ONLY.
And no, the verse is not open to new members right now.
admin is @twistcharlie
RP partner is @r-i-fakier , we are both playing an argbur character and our blogs will eventually interact.
#words from argbur - for when I am speaking from his point of view.
#argreblogs - reblogs
#admin speaking ooc - for when I am not in Argbur’s pov and want to say things
#it’s cold out here - any images/videos posted from Argbur’s pov.
#arg asks - responding to asks
Things to know
As I said, other kin/rp blogs are allowed to interact, UNLESS they are problematic . (Pr0shippers and such). Cc!dream fans please do not interact, basic DNI as well.
I have autism, adhd and bpd, and overall have mental health issues so please be aware of that.
I’m somewhat new to roleplay so please bare with me. Asks are always open and i encourage you to interact so i can become more comfy!!
No explicit NSFW asks, slightly suggestive and lighthearted flirting is fine
Please use TW’s when discussing possibly triggering information. I will use TW’s as well.
Canon Argbur Info
- uses he/him/crowself pronouns
- Argbur’s name is Fakier
- He is aged 25
- He is autistic, as well as struggling with depression, anxiety, and paranoia (admin struggles with all of these)
- Has reynaud’s syndrome
- The events of the ARG are canon AS WELL AS admin’s own created lore.
- He has a special interest in birds and poetry
- Only knows how to draw birds, would like to draw other animals
- Favorite bands are Los campesinos! And Crywank
- He often recites song lyrics/lines from poems as a form of comfort
- He makes youtube videos, i mean he is the editor
- He has like 10 subscribers though
- Writes a lot of things
- Takes walks late at night
- Has a strange relationship with the winter season, it’s hard to tell how he feels at times
- Usually a more quiet and reserved guy but will get excited over certain things, usually only stims when alone
- Struggles to sleep due to insomnia and paranoia
- Loves watching food rotate in the microwave
that’s about it. please enjoy.
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ohnoitsjetster · 4 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
Babe, how are you doing? Jungkook is out to collect more hearts. I quite like that this seems more in line with jk than other American produced songs that bts has done in the past. The 90’s film sequences and theme was used throughout and elevated the hunk/simp image lol. Jungkook looked great in his outfits and the song is easy to listen too. Confession tho, I didn’t quite like the rap verse and I really looked forward to a romantic/simple song with emotional vocals. A example of that would be decalcomania… I guess we’ll have to see if that happens in the album. What did you think?
My darling Bubbles it’s so wonderful to hear from you!!
I’m gunna talk a lot so ⤵️
I’m good! I’m working on UTWT book things now that I’m off vacation, and then once that’s sorted I will be deep diving into chapter 5 of TWWWBAATTA -> just gotta edit! And then and then! irl I’m job hunting on top of that so I’m very busy 😂.
What about you!!!!????? How are you? How’s life?
I don’t mind the song! It kinda reminds me of bad decisions (cuz of all the days of the week stuff) but it’s cute!! And then the explicit version makes me want to eat rocks cuz that’s my baby and he doesn’t say things like that. (Please know I’m fully aware he is a grown man and can do whatever he wants I’m not a puritan just sentimental)
The music video was really interesting! I found a lot of the directorial choices interesting too. They definitely made a few angling choices I found a little confusing and off putting but that’s just a difference in personal style. The whole idea behind it was great! I’m excited to see what he does next.
I think the rap part isn’t necessary to the song, nor do I know who Latto is so I didn’t really feel one way or another about it. But I know her verse made a lot of ARMY uncomfortable which sucks. I really really dislike a lot of modern rap, there’s few exceptions like our boys and then bands like twenty one pilots and such. More rap with meaning then just spitting lines about sex or drugs or nothing of substance, which I feel a lot of it has become. That kind of music just isn’t for me.
So I probably won’t have it on my regular rotation but I will have it in my kpop playlist! If when his album drops there’s songs I like a lot more then they’ll get dropped into my regular listening playlist!
I’ve found that I vibe most with Yoongi and then some of Hobi and Joons musical styles more. They’re a bit more rough around the edges and musically diverse in styles, which is very much more my type of music, whereas the youngins in the Maknae line tend to be more Pop-y and upbeat. And there’s nothing wrong with that! It’s just not usually my style so it takes longer for me to learn to vibe with it.
Over all I think it’s a nice song and he’s doing well! I loved that Sohee played the love interest because I LOVED her in My Name. That was a great little highlight for me!
Thank you so much for reaching out!! I’ve barely been able to be online much the last few weeks so it’s always wonderful to hear from you!!
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