#like just for example when someone posts a story thats not a fanfic on here
courfee · 1 year
start end of the week(ish) snippet
so the very wonderful @messrsage tagged me in this a couple days ago and i finally have my laptop back so youre getting a contextless snippet from chapter 6 of operation wanker now have fun :)
James would say that after years of practice of pulling pranks and having to evade any patrolling teachers he is good at hiding and sneaking around and perceptive enough of footsteps in the dark. Somehow he still doesn’t see the green beam of light hitting him square in the chest coming. Neither does he expect the forearm pressing against his chest, pushing him back into the corner he is hiding in. “Potter.” It’s no more than a whisper but the tone is sharp enough to make James stand up straighter. “Crouch,” James whispers back. Barty is close enough that James can see the angry expression on his face, even in the dim light. “What’s up?” “You tell me. What games do you think you’re playing here?” “Uh.” James looks around through the dark. “Tag?” Barty huffs and presses closer against James. In the back of his mind James thinks that this would be a great opportunity to have some very intense make out sessions. If it wasn’t Crouch that is. He wonders if Remus and Sirius are making use of the dark. He assumes they are, it’s been more than a week since they last got to kiss after all. “Reggie told me to not say anything to you but someone has to and he’s not going to. You’ve been back for nearly a week. So. What exactly has kept you from talking to your boyfriend? And you better give me a good explanation here.” James doesn’t have a good explanation. He also doesn’t have a boyfriend, not a real one anyway, so Barty’s anger is at least a little unjust, but he obviously doesn’t know that.
no pressure tagging @iceprinceofbelair @aithusarosekiller @strwbi-laces @carrythispictureforluck and whoever else feels like doing it
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bts fic recommendations | 01.10.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren't i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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pina coladas (pt 1 + pt 2) - @han-nah-banana (jjk x reader | established relationship, smut, angst, fluff)
ok so um... the attention to detail is off the charts! like when the little things you mention about jungkook and oc, like them eating healthy foods, only having sex in the missionary position, etc. tells us so much about them and the status of their relationship. like you showed us that they were stuck in a boring, mundane relationship through little hints and i really love that. ALSO POV SHIFT IN PART ONE WAS SO GOOD! like the way their thoughts mirrored one another was such good storytelling ugh!!! also think you picked a great setting for this type of story, the 80s. it makes everything feel so real, like the sexual repression oof! so glad they got to bang it out in the sexiest way in pt 2! really really good for your first fanfic like WOW! loved it!
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i can do better - @here4btsfics (pjm x reader | fwb, smut)
summary: your boyfriend of two years just dumped you and you’re angry and sad. so get hammered with your coworker at his place and eat bad food and watch trash tv which leads to some interesting conversations.
bro all you did is enforce my delusions that irl men cannot compete bc they are not park jimin. men should apologize for not being park jimin at this point. even kim taehyung... anywho lmao. DUDE and then oc listing all the things perfect about jimin. she is just like me fr!!! also like this is kind of how i picture jimin in real life ngl. THAT MAN IS A COCKY CONFIDENT DOM I WILL ARGUE THIS SHIT UNTIL IM BLUE IN THE FACE GTFO! and miss oc... no strings attached girl??? A WHOLE BLUFF. honestly, this entire fic is one of my daydreams when im in a lecture and i fucking loved every second of it bby! so so good. so glad you decided to start writing again, extremely proud of you.
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darksided - @eoieopda (myg x reader | established relationship, smut)
summary: min yoongi adored you. he'd simply never hurt you.
i saw someone post about smut where the characters are so grossly in love is their fav genre. this is exactly that. this fic encompasses everything i love in fanfic. i felt like a fly on the wall, being dropped into the middle of the situation where i figure out who the characters are through their actions, words, etc. you do that so perfectly here. like the way i know everything i need to know about min yoongi through the FUCKING setting?? naur this is s tier writing right here. also there's just something you do with words thats v magical. can't put my finger on exactly what it is but here is an example:
"a quick survey of the landscape before you indicated that this was a criminal oversimplification."
LIKE IDK JUST SOMETHING ABOUT HOW YOU STRUCTURE SENTENCES IS GENIUS! like cannot even begin to describe how good this was. would die for this couple honestly. the smut had me clenching too OOF. so cool to see what you've accomplished on this platform in such a short period of time! it's so so deserved and i can't wait to see where you go from here. don't know how you can even get better than this like ur already at the moon um!!! but god it's only going to get better from here. like next thing u know u'll be a famous writer fr. wishing you nothing but the fucking best!!!!
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Hi hi, first let me just say that I love your works.(Especially Monster Mayhem. ReaperRookmakesmyheartgobrrr) I have been reading your work on A03 and was even happier when I found you on Tumblr.
So I guess this isn't a traditional "Ask" but, im trying to start a fanfic blog here on Tumblr. I'm mainly writing twst content. Do you have any tips on how one should start posting their work on Tumblr? I haven't posted any works since I have no followings. If you don't have a precise answer to this, thats fine. But any tip of advice is very much appreciated.
Hmmm... I am also fairly new to the Tumblr sphere side of writing all things considered (just started really posting in earnest on here back in December? Very late November maybe?), so I'm still definitely a bit lost sometimes! But I can give my top tips! Or at least things that I notice tend to help!
Formatting is super helpful! If you keep things neat and concise people really seem to appreciate it! Using the cut-off/little squiggle on the side to split your posts under a 'read more' is also generally appreciated. I tend to like the format of 'Pairing, Word Count, Summary, Banner, Cut Off' because that's what I was used to on AO3, and also the things I most care about when I'm looking for stuff to read. I do like the banners on Tumblr--which is definitely different from AO3--from like a very superficial perspective, in that a lot of times if I didn't know who a character was 100% yet, I could look at the picture and go 'oh wow yeah that one's definitely my type' and would read it anyways lol
Tagging is a nightmare, but get the big ones! If I'm posting something for Malleus, I make sure to include both Malleus/Reader and Malleus/Yuu for example, just in case people go looking for one but not the other. For your own ease of access, pick a tag that's specific for different things! Like all my writing is tagged, very creatively, 'My Writing.' This just makes it so if I lose a post in the ether, or my taglist crashes, it's very easy to find everything again
Short form does better on Tumblr. It's the way of the world. Long stories tend to get less traction on average--both in terms of literal length and also like multi-chapter splits. Which is terrible for someone like me who likes to ramble on for ages but I digress. I actually started a Tumblr with the intention of teaching myself how to write shorter prompts. Write more often and less intensively sort of thing and look how well that went lololololl *sobs* I'm right back where I started But yeah don't be discouraged if your long, hard won, chapter is getting less notes than someone's two-line remake of a Brooklyn 99 quote. It's just the way it is. Tumblr is social media, AO3 is a library. They're just very different that way.
Hope any of that can help at all! I'm still so lost on how this Hell site functions too lol
Best of luck! :D
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
minors do not read (heavy rage, more sinful than smut) not a fanfic (please, its really me raging like the world is ending. its embarrassing but it kinda calms me down 1%)
When I decided to stand up, dust myself off, and take another step... life just directly throw a big ass lemon on my face.
WARNING : THE WORDS BELOW THIS LINE ARE STRONG, FULL OF RAGE, CURSES AND YOU NEVER SEE THIS SIDE OF ME BEFORE. SO, if you're a minor, you never read some rage message, never want to see me as a monster, pass over this post thank you so much. no one has to read this, i'm just screaming to the world
I want to cry :) but I know it's not gonna solve anything
I am tired. Why am I knocked down back to the ground just after I convince myself things will be okay
I'm so mentally confused, afraid, exhausted, and tired.
Give me something to hold on. Inject me happiness, whatever.
I'll be away again. I am so sorry why am I so unstable like this.
I want to end everything, but again it's just a "small unfortunate bad day" said people
f you universe. you won, i'm tired. I'll just sit down here and watch as I realize just how bad my decisions are to stop but I am exhausted.
FUUUUUMMMMM i hate my unstable emotion what is this. DO I HAVE A DOUBLE PERSONALITY?
should i call the mental help line? should i start making appointments? is this my breaking point?
I still have lots to do tonight but I'm just so close to fuck everything and just well be a disappointment 🤐
fuck me like literally and figuratively
on my way to just go make hinge tinder and find guys
i don't care anymore
don't be like me. i'm a bad example
how am i expected to survive in life if something like today just made me overwhelmed
a lot of things make me overwhelmed eew what's this
who is this weak girl. the real me? eew :) let's keep on being fake strong . keep the weak girl aside..
and tonight as you still have to sit and meet people and talk. don't break down there, don't rage there and don't get mad at innocent people.
shut the lips. distract your mind or well at least think of nothing. keep acting and don't let anyone know.
my keyboard could broke if i continue writing this. ITS FURIOUS ITS SCARY AND I could feel myself disgusted b y me.
i am the storm, i am the monster, i am just another regular human without a perfect life. who has flaws, a lot of rage, a lot of unstable emotions, a lot of bullshit and well a holy virginity thats all. but idk
i want to take a walk but that won't be a great idea seeing how i will doze off in the middle of the road.
my head feels like exploding and no it's not an expression
is my blood pressure rising? or is it too low?
i know my mistakes, i know my sins, i know my secrets and i hate all of that. What's the point of people seeing you as a good stable girl when in reality is you're a total opposite? PUBLIC PLAY . life is prettier with lies right?
I'm scared of what I've become
MINORS AGAIN... SKIP THIS OR WELL JUST IDK unfollow for a while if this scares you.
PLEASE THERE'S MANY TRIGGER HERE. DON'T READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO PUT AS THE TW. but don't. It's scary. I don't know where else to put. I want to write it and burn it but i shouldn't play with fire not at this state of mind....
A great liar. A double personality? Or just a lonely lunatic 🤷‍♀️
My lies in the web is >>>> irl lies. I didn't lie when i meet people irl, but once I am cosmic or someone else ... i'm a totally different person
Gosh i'm a good spy material except for the crybaby part hahahah fuck i keep calling myself crybaby but til now i couldn't cry. Coz my head keeps yelling to me that i shouldn't cry because "crying won't solve any problem"
Can I get all the science part of tumblr and teach me how do I inject happiness but not in form of drugs to this amazingly still clean blood vessels?
Can I get all the optimistic side of tumblr and fuckin block my head from thinking pessimistic thing even for a 1/10000000000 sec
Can I get all the doctors here in tumblr to just check me if my heart is actually still beating with life and not just oxygen and bloods.
Am I still alive or is this heart just trying its best to make me live but not feel alive
I know I shouldn't spend my time being like this. No one knows when your story ends. I've always been that annoying person who says "Life is so short. Enjoy every moment" WELL YEAH NOW I AM ENJOYING MY SUFFERING thanks?
One time i was so happy life really slap hard in the face. NOT EVEN IN THE ASS..COME ON.. IF ITS IN THE ASS I might like it and ask for more.. but well life is bitch
LIVE IS EVIL if you read it from the other direction. Yes once again perspective won
Perspective dang it. Idk i'm tired of existing. I need to stop lying, but once you lie and once you got used to it.... its so hard to stop
Like me ... you slowly become a monster. Who loathe herself for not stopping herself to become a monster
Yes i am your beauty you meet irl in web but once i'm alone and facing life. Well I might be the wicked witch but i'm not gracious or tall enough to be them.. so.. i'm a monster
The one you don't dare to look at night or day. The one who makes you sleep with one eye open..the one who makes you ask your parents to check the closet and under your bed.
I am the monster in your nightmare and I am taking over cosmic as she writes this.
This is not cosmic. She's never like this.
Reach out cosmic, ask for help and see how no one cares because they all got their problems to face. Come back here cosmic, stay with your darkest fears. Feed us with your happiness. Drown yourself in our darkness and close your eyes as you make yourself get used to the loud silence of eye stabbing darkness
The monster inside my soul
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu OTP Questions
Ah- I created ehhh 4?? I suppose KaruShuu head-canons posts today but do I regret it? Absolutely not, I loved it. So here you go, have another one, don't be shy, read it.
Also, please keep in mind that these head-canons are completely made up by me in a way of that it's just how I would see it sksksk also here, KaruShuu would be probably adults?? Also married??
Anyways, enjoy~ 🌸
Who is the most affectionate? Sinceee they got married, I'm sure the longer into the relationship, the more they have opened up to each other? Karma would be the type to wake up first in the morning and kiss Shuu good morning, but since Shuu is an early bird, he would wake up before Karma and make breakfast for him. Thats how he shows affection ❤️🧡
Most common argument? Sad to think that they NeEd to argue 🙄💅 but oh well- I thinkkk they would argue over super silly things. For example what to watch (If you have read my previous head canons, you will know what I mean by 'Shrek Marathons'):
"Let's watch something"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?''
Karma would just grin over to Shuu and Shuus eyes would widen, "Hell no"
"Absolutely ye-"
"Karma don't you dAR-"
They ended up watching (again for the 12 time this week) Shrek.
Who apologizes first? Karma apologies fly out of his mouth faster than they stop arguing. Karma would rather apologize than not let them talk for the next few hours.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together? They enjoy getting massage! Ifff KaruShuu was too lazy to go out to get a professional massage for a few hours, they would do it to each other. (It usually ends with them making out later on but I'll delete that part)
Who is most likely to carry the other? Karma would carry Shuu ❤️😩 Ugh bridal style to embarrass him 💀💅
For Karma, by Shuu: Tamponhead (I used this one in my fanfic and I will forever love it), Moron, Karma. Tbh, I don't think neither like these pet-names or nicknames since that think they are 'cringy'.
Tho, Karma has quite a few: Shuu (Main, he doesn't use 'Gakushuu' but when he does, Shuu melts lol), Pumpkin, Orange, pumpkin pie, Strawberry shortcake (bc he loves strawberries so why not call Shuu one 😌🤚🏻), Sugar cube (Idk I think it's cute, tho I don't know if that's even a nickname- 💀💀)
Also a note: They would definitely not use 'baby', 'babe', 'honey' bc- noooo 😩💀
Who proposes? Karma 💅
Who sings along with the radio? Karma would sing along but he is horrible at singing and Shuu makes him KNOW it by him singing and Karma shuts up but finds it hilarious at the same time.
Who worries most? Both do, depending on the situation. Shuu would be worried about stuff like paying taxes or things like that, meanwhile Karma is worried for Shuus health, if he is eating enough as well as getting enough sleep every night. Shuu is a hardworking bee after all ✨
Who always wants to take selfies with the other? Karma wants to, for example they are traveling somewhere for vacation and Karma wants to take as many pics as possible with his husband so he can later on put them into an album ❤️😩 (KaruShuu as a married couple >>>>)
Who likes to playfully tease the other? Ohhh~ Karma teases Shuu all the time, but there are times where Shuu would feel playful so he would tease back
Who has the weirdest taste in their music? Karma I'm begging you- his music taste changes every week and road trips are a disaster for Shuu
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Karma remembers because Shuu is always ordering the same things since he is minimalistic lol but Karma is a living chaos when it comes to food so Shuu can't remember it all.
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Lmao no matter for how long they are already together, no matter if they are married, no matter how many times they had done it, Shuu would be the one to be embarrassed about it every time.
Who tops? ...Okay so here, personally as someone who writes Fanfics, Karma tops. Always. I just- I just can't imagine Shuu as a top?? my friends gave me some really valid reasons for Shuu to be a top but I just can't see it 😩
Who initiates kisses? Both I guess? But mostly Karma
Who reaches for the other's hand first? Oooo here an example! If they are driving in the car, and Karmas hand is free, Shuu usually reaches for it but as soon as Karma needs it to drive, he has to let go. Or if they are in the cinema - Shuu would definitely hold onto Karmas hand the whole time - as comfort, since they usually watch Horror movies together so yea 😌
Who kisses hardest? Who is most ticklish? Both is Karma, but when it comes to tickling, even tho Karma is more ticklish, he is also stronger than Shuu so he can easily pin him down and tickle him, just for the sake to see Shuu giggle which kills him bc God damnit isn't he adorable?
Who brings an animal they found home? Lol depends on the animal. I would say Karma is a cat person and Shuu is a dog person b u t Shuu is allergic to cats so they can't have cats. But I think if Karma would be the one to bring an animal home, it would be a dog.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining? Karma's shoe laces often get untangled, so when Karma bends to tie them, Shuu stands over him with an umbrella to keep the rain from pouring on him.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public? Karma 😭
Who kills the scary bugs? Oh lemme tell you about this one:
Shuu HATES bugs, since he always had the feeling of his father having a bunch of centipedes around himself whenever he acted manipulative and so on so he hates them. So one time when Shuu was taking a shower, and Karma was in the kitchen, Shuu suddenly screeched so Karma went to check on him. He walked onto a Shuu, covering himself with a towel and looking absolutely T E R R I F I E D at the ceiling, stuttering. Karma was hella confused so he looked up and oop here we go, a spider. Karma obv took the spider off the ceiling to free it, but first he had to tease and scare his husband a little by walking towards the shower stall, "Shuu look~ He wants to be friends with you~", the way Shuu screamed at this made almost all of the windows in the apartment break.
Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night? Karma does that on a daily basis, but when Shuu is a little bit drunk, he would ask weird questions to which Karma never has an answer but he jokes around.
Who hogs the blankets? Karma hogs them and Shuu ends up having a cold the next morning 😭
Who wakes up first? Shuu is an early bird, but Karma wakes up first for work.
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer? On weekends, they both stay in bed a bit longer to cuddle ❤️💕
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning? Karma makes coffee for Shuu before he leaves for work 🥰
Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books? Lmao Karma cries during Shrek every time the scene comes up where Shrek had an argument with Donkey 😔
Who gets scared during horror films? Shuu 😩😩 He would (as said before) take Karmas hand for comfort
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first? Lmao none since GakuHOE is well, a hoe so they won't trust him b u t I have the feeling of Karmas mom being actually super supportive?? But they wouldn't tell her, she would just get the hint and then when she receives the wedding invite she goes "oh-".
What do their friends/family think of the relationship? Rio was shipping this since the beginning of middle school aight, she loves it and she even threw a party for them. #IstanRioNakamura
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them? Karma would ask Shuu to dance obv but Shuu would go along 😩💕
Who cooks best? Karma! And Shuu loves his cooking! :D
Who wears the other's jacket? Shuu is the one to wear long coats, and Karma those thicc jackets. Shuu usually gets super cold even with the coat on, so Karma gives Shuu his jacket on top of the coat lol.
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? Karma- anywhere. Have an example:
"Hey Shuu, could you feel the shirt?", he asked Shuu while they went shopping and Karma wAsN't sure about his T-Shirt choice so Shuu was running his fingers slightly over Karmas chest with the shirt still on and thinking about the material, then Karma went: "Know what it's made of?", and Shuu looked at him and was about to answer him, but Karma was quicker and continued, "Boyfriend material", ObViOuSlY with a grin and Shuu was a gay blushing mess 💅 but then Shuu went along, "What do you mean boyfriend? I can only see Husband material", and tuRNED AWAYYYYY~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times? AAAA I T H I N K I've written sum like this before- So two things that happened:
KaruShuu were invited to a funereal or sum and pls the church was quiet and stuff but obv Karma had to joke around and he leaned over to Shuus ear and whispered a joke into his ear which made our stubborn Shuu giggle and the church was this close👌 to throw them out lmao
Shuu was at work, and Karma likes to call him randomly, but oh well Shuu picks up and Karma starts to tease him over the phone maybe something very sexual stuff (knowing Karma he would) and Shuu just- he is sitting at his desk and his workers are giving him looks about why is he blushing so much.
Who makes the other laugh most? Karmas jokes always make Shuu laugh, sometimes even cry since they are hilarious.
Who would have to bail the other out of jail? Oh my God- Shuu would have to bail Karma out of jail maybe during college years, but I think Karma would mature a bit more as an adult
What would be their theme song? YOOO- A WHOLE PLAYLIST WOULD BE NEEDED-
Who would sing their child back to sleep? OOO!! Karma would be the type to read stories, but Shuu would sing them to sleep :D
What do they do when they're away from each other? I can imagine that they both have those business trips from time to time, so when they are apart, they FaceTime each other every evening to check on each other. Yes indeed they must stay at fancy hotels for their business trips and they are being served food, but they still check that the other one is eating and sleeping well. Oh and good morning and goodnight texts™️🥰
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels? Oh- oH GOD- That maybe they tend to act very distant at first in their relationships?? Or more cold? For example Shuu, he would not really know nor show much affection to Karma and Karma at first thinking that Shuu doesn't love him at all (which isn't true bc Shuu loves him deeply) but then he after some time figures it out when Shuu opens up to him more.
A headcanon that mends the previous one? That they both after some time spend together, have the opportunities to open up to each other, know each other better as well as find out each others weaknesses and strengths which makes their relationship stronger. I absolutely love them ❤️😩
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neptuniant · 3 years
Hi! I'm here because I want to tell you the short story of one of the most intense crushes I had. This guy and I were incredibly competitive with each other, to the point that the whole class thought we hated each other (and a little we did). We were the clear BAD example of "I treat you badly because I love you." His mother always exposed him and told mine that he felt something for me.
Him and I roasted each other a lot, and I'll admit that neither of us treated each other very well. It was the classic enemy-lovers trope. After a few years, I became a little more sensible and I understood that this should not be the way, so I began to treat him better. He also changed. Many times he made scenes of jealousy for a friend he had who always spent it with me, he even said he hated him.
We suddenly became best friends. And when I asked him who he liked, he said: "Yes, I like someone ... but not you, someone else. I won't tell you anymore because it's TOP secret." And I was like "suuuure lmao". But everything changed when my mom told me that I was going to live in another state. He got a lot more serious than usual but finally I had to go. We used to talk on the phone and make 4 hour video calls. We were TOO different. And I only remember a video call in which I introduce myself to his family, and not only that ... but he also looked at me while reting his face in his pillow and told me: "It's not the same without you". "And that Saint Valentine isn't the same for me". And I was like: "😀? TF?"
Now, we are kinda mad-indifferent towards each other but, yeah, that's it. (PS. He is a Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon).
*sips tea* i love this
ACADEMIC RIVALS??? stop im already so invested-
"I treat you badly because I love you." is like, so cinematic but it can get out of hand
i love his mother for exposing him LMAO
the jealousy too wow this is a real enemies to lovers trope huh
wait you became best friends? thats so cute what- also the tell me who your crush thing is adorable hahahahah iTs DefInEtElY nOt yOu
the part about him moving is so sad tho, and like you had the whole development from enemies to best friends so its even worse i am so sorry...and the 4 hour video calls like??? and he introduced to your family wow., and the last two sentences *saint valentine isn't the same for me* like stop its so obvious atp-
the whole story is hella bittersweet, and as i am writing this i read your answer for an ask that you just posted where you said *often people we fall for are reflections of ourselves*; well since this person was veryyy different from you, did you ever feel like you balanced each other out? because a healthy level of competition is so fun right, do you have any regrets looking back cause you didn't mention if either of you ever confessed and its killing me-
the indifference now is the most angsty part tho, and having read this whole thing his placements make SM SENSE??? taurus - scorpio axis people were made for the enemies to lovers trope
thank you for sharing your story w me! this was like reading a mini fanfic haha
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adorpheus · 4 years
on fujoshi and fetishization
Lately, more and more, both here on tumblr and on other sites, I keep seeing people spew unfiltered hatred at fujoshi - that is, women who like mlm content such as gay fanfic and fanart featuring men with other men. And I don’t mean like a specific type of fujoshi, like the ones who are genuinely being weird about it, but just like a general hatred for girls (but especially straight identifying girls) who express love for gay romance.
I hate to break this to you all, but women (including straight women!) actually are allowed to like mlm fanfiction and fanart, even enthusiastically so. A woman simply expressing her love of gay fanfic, even if it is in kind of a cringey way or a way that you personally don’t like, is NOT automatically fetishization.
I’ve been on the receiving end of fetishization for my entire life, from a very young age, as many black and brown folx have, so I consider myself pretty well acquainted with how it works. Fetishization isn’t just like, being really into drawings of boys kissing, or whatever the fuck y’all are trying to imply on this god forsaken site. 
Fetishization is complicated imo, and can encompass a lot of things, such as (but not limited to):
1 - dehumanization, e.g. viewing a group of people as sexual objects who exist purely for entertainment purposes, rather than acknowledging them as actual people who deserve respect and rights
2 - projecting certain assumptions onto said people based on their race/sexuality/whatever is being fetishized. These assumptions are often, but not always, sexual in nature (like the idea that black people in general are more sexual than other races, etc etc etc).
I’m going to use myself as an example to illustrate my point. Please note this isn’t the best or most nuanced example, but it is the most simplistic. A white person finding me attractive and respectfully appreciating my black features as part of what makes me beautiful is not, on its own, fetishization. A white person finding me attractive solely or mostly because I’m a PoC is now in fetishization territory. Similarly, assuming I’m dominant because of my blackness (like saying “step on me mommy” and shit like that) is hella fetishistic. 
That being said, theres definitely a difference between how fetishization works in real life with real people, and how it shows up in fandom. 
Fetishization manifests in many different ways in fandom, but most commonly on the mlm side of things, I personally see it appear as conservative (or centrist) women who love the idea of two men together, but don’t actually like gay people, and don’t necessarily think LGBT+ people deserve rights (or “special treatment” as its sometimes dog whistled). These women view queer men as sexual objects for entertainment rather than an actual group of people who deserve to be protected from systemic oppression. I’ve noticed that they often don’t even think of the men they “ship” together as actually being gay, and may even express disgust at the idea of a character in an mlm ship being headcanon’d gay. In case its not obvious, this is pretty much exactly the same way a lot of cishet men fetishize lesbians (they see “lesbian” as a porn category, rather than like, what actual LGBT people think of when we read the word lesbian). There’s a pretty popular viral tweet thread going around where someone explains seeing this trend of conservative women who like mlm stuff, and I have also personally witnessed this phenomenon myself in more than one fandom. 
The funny thing is, maybe its just me buuuut.... The place I see this particular kind of fetishization happen most is not in the anime/BL fandom, from which the term fujoshi originates - I actually see these type of women way way more in western fandom spaces like Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Hannibal. I can’t stress this enough, there’s a shocking amount of people who are like, straight up trump supporters in these fandoms. If you want to experience it, try joining a Hannigram or Destiel group on facebook and you will probably encounter one eventually especially if you happen to be living through a major historical event. Like these women probably wouldn’t even be considered “fujoshi”, because that term doesn’t really apply to them given they aren’t in the BL/anime fandom, yet they’re the ones I personally see actually doing the most harm.
Of course this isn’t the ONLY kind of fetishizing woman in the mlm/BL world, there are other ways fetishization shows up, but this is the most toxic kind that I see.
A girl just being really into BL or whatever may be “cringe” to you, or she may be expressing her love for BL in a “cringey” way, but a straight woman really enjoying BL is not, on its own, somehow inherently fetishization. Yes, sometimes teenage girls act kind of cringe about how much they like BL and that might be annoying to you, but its not necessarily ~problematic~. 
That being said, IT NEEDS BE REMARKED that a lot of the “fujoshi” that you all hate so deeply, are actually closeted trans men or nonbinary people who haven’t yet come to terms with their gender identity, or are otherwise just NOT cishet. I know because I was one of these closeted people for years, and I honestly think tumblr and the cultural obsession around purity is one of the many reasons I was closeted so deeply for so long. STORYTIME LOL!!! In my early adolescence, I was a sort of proto “fujoshi”. I identified as a bi girl who was mostly attracted to men, or as most (biphobic) people called it, “practically straight”. I wrote and read “slash” fanfic and looked at as well as drew my own fanart. We didn’t use the term fujoshi back then, but that’s definitely how I could have been described. I was obsessed with yaoi, BL, whatever you want to call it, to a cringe-inducing degree. I really struggled to relate to most het romances, so when I first discovered yaoi fanfics (as we called them at the time), I fell in love and felt like I finally found the type of romance content that was made for me. I didn’t know exactly why, I just knew it hit different. LGBT+ fanart and fanfiction brought me an immense amount of joy, and I didn’t really think too hard about why.
At some point, in my early 20s, after reading lots of discourse™ here on tumblr and other places like twitter, I started to get the sinking feeling that my passion for gay fanfiction was ~problematic~. I had always felt a sense of guilt for being into mlm content, because literally anyone who found out I liked BL (especially the men I dated) shamed me for liking it all the fucking time (which btw is literally just homophobic, like can we talk about that?). In addition to THAT bullshit, now I’m seeing posts telling me that girls who like BL are cringey gross fetishists who inspire rage and should go die? 
Let me tell you, I internalized the fuck out of messages like this. I desperately wanted to avoid being ~problematic~. At the time, I thought being problematic was like the worst thing you could be. I was terrified of being “cancelled”, before canceling was even really a thing. I thought to myself, “oh my god, I’m gross for liking this stuff? I should stop.” I beat myself up over this. I wanted so badly to be accepted, and to be deemed a Good Person by the internet and society at large.
I tried to shape up and become a good ally (lmfao). I stopped writing fanfic and deleted all the ones I was working on at the time. I made a concerted effort to assimilate into cishet culture, including trying to indulge myself more deeply in the few fandoms I could find that had het content I did enjoy (Buffy, True Blood, Pretty Little Liars, etc). I would occasionally look at BL/fanfic/etc in private, but then I would repress my interest in it and not look for a while. Instead I would look at women in straight relationships, and create extremely heterosexual Couple Goals pinterest boards, and try to figure out how I could become more like these women, so I, too, could be loved someday. 
This cycle of repression lasted like eight years. Throughout it all, I was performing womanhood to the best of my ability and trying to become a woman that was worthy of being in a relationship. I went in and out of several “straight” relationships, wondering why they didn’t make me feel the way reading fanfic did. Most of all, I couldn’t figure out why straight intimacy didn’t work for me. I just didn’t enjoy it. I always preferred looking at or making gay fanfiction/fanart over actual intimacy with men in real life. 
Eventually, I stumbled upon a trans coming out video that someone I was following posted online, my egg started to crack, and to make an extremely long story short, after like 3 years of introspection and many gender panic attacks that I still experience to this day, I realized that I’m uh... MAYBE... NOT CIS..!? :|
I truly believe if I had just been ALLOWED TO LIKE GAY STUFF WITHOUT BEING SHAMED FOR IT, I probably would have realized I was trans way way sooner. Because for me, indulging in my love of gay romance and writing gay fanfic wasn’t me being a weirdo fetishist, it was actually me exploring my own gender identity. It is what helped me come to terms with being a nonbinary trans boy.
Not everyone realizes they are trans at age 2 or whatever the fuck. Sometimes you have to go through a cringey fujoshi phase and multiple existential crises to realize how fucking gay you are AND THATS FINE.
And one more thing - can we just be real here? 
A lot of anti-fujoshi sentiment is literally just misogyny. omg please realize this. Its “women aren’t allowed to enjoy things” but, like... with gay fanfics. Some of the anti-fujoshi posts I see come across my dash are clearly ppl projecting a caricature they invented in their head of a demonic fujoshi fetishist onto any woman who expresses what they consider to be a little too much enthusiasm for gay content and then using their perception of that individual as an excuse to justify their disdain for any women, especially straight women, ‘invading’ their ~oh so exclusive~ queer fandom spaces.
 god get over yrselfs this is gatekeeping by another name
idk why i spent so long writing this no one is even going to read it, does anyone even still use this site
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Ok for like the fetishization/sexualization for mlm in fandom I swear people just missed the point entirely. Like no one is out here complaining that Thor is sexualized in Ragnarok while people do complain about Natasha being sexualized because women being sexualized and fetishsized is the norm it is the default.
We are so conditioned to see images like that with women that sometimes it takes a man depicted in the same way ( like with the Hawkeye initiative) to see how over the top it is.
The problem isnt there are images in existence somewhere of sexualized women its that its the default regardless of who the intended audience is or what the context is. To the point where a women not being sexualized and fetishsized is a refreshing rare take. Men in general don't have this problem. They aren't usually sexualized by default so them being sexualized once in some movie isnt the same as women being sexualized constantly.
So the problem with fanfic and fanart was that this one type of medium where mlm weren't the minority where there was alot of content in many fandoms and where it was the popular content, was also the media where mlm being sexualized was becoming the default. Not that there were sexualized mlm sometimes for certain types of stories or art ( like erotica) but that it was becoming basically the default. Now I will say this stood out more for mlm specifically because men regardless of sexual orientation weren't sexualized by default in non fandom content.
Consider how canon mlm romances or moments were depicted compared to canon wlw romances and moments. So imo we noticed far more and called out alot more fetishization of mlm in fandom than wlw. Because we were so used to the sexualization of women it stood out less.
But still it was good mlm being sexualized didn't become the default in fandom. However the take away seems to have somehow become any mlm or wlw chatacter being sexual and being depicted as sexual is immediately problematic. But that scrutiny is never directed nearly as much towards m/w couples.
And tbh thats true for literally any thing in shipping in fandom mlm and wlw relationships that can be considered problematic on any level are scrutinized so much more than their mlw counterparts unless of course the mlw ship includes someone bipoc.
I remember like 5-7 years ago when misogyny was being called out in fandom especially in shipping culture was becoming more of a thing and I always had to side eye how people so often only used examples of a straight white couple being unpopular as the example. And it was always the straight white couple being unpopular that seemed to get people to call misogyny while couples including bipoc and/or wlw never got that same energy.
Even the few people who actually gave a shit bout sexism and didnt just want to make it problematic to like ships more popular than their otp cared mostly about the depictions of ships between a white guy and white girl in fandom. They spent little to no energy and woc or wlw.
And now it just seems white m/w ships are the easiest and least drama filled things to ship ( by comparison to mlm or wlw ships) unless its so unpopular that its irrelevant or still very new. I don't think thats a coincidence.
You make a lot of great points about how people are sexualized in media and how the fans react/run with what they see.
(Gonna put the rest under the cut since it's long on both sides)
I will say comic books, their movies, and their shows are one of the few places where men are as equally sexualized as women, on top of the intense pressure put on male actors' bodies to have these scenes, though for them the fantasy is intended for male audiences to see and go don't you wish you had a body like theirs unlike for them to see an actress' body with her intense regime and think don't you wish you had them for yourself. The comparison between how a character is drawn in comics and their actor being unable to achieve that extremely unrealistic body is humanizing to the characters. Think that example that comes by your dash now and then of Jackman in male-targeted magazines versus Jackman in female-targeted magazines, and how you can see that reflected in fandom spaces. Since fandoms are often majority women, a lot of modern m/m ships are wanting the softer side of guys based on how they treat each other, and many m/f canon ships are written with little thought past "man kisses woman during/after big battle". I think this is why a lot of audiences when they pick a favorite m/f ship out of Marvel films, it happens to be Steve with Natasha or Wanda with Vision, where they develop a proper relationship beyond if they kiss around a battle.
And we are moving out of the "mlm in film are heavily sexualized" time of media. It's hard to pinpoint when it started, but it's been moving away from it for years. Would like to note that I think this has more to do with mlm films are not always being slapped with the R rating as they used to. Harder for wlw where sexualized women are still considered more taboo, or even straight films with female sexuality shown with her enjoying it.
However I will say there is still a heavy layer of misogyny in fandom towards women if there are any m/f pairings. Remember how people said people tolerated Steve with Peggy because she was considered his past? And then when they were the final couple, people turned on that ship and in turn those shippers? And I've seen people jump through hoops to prove that any woman Bucky flirts with has to be a lesbian so that the ship gets shot down in canon in their own minds because they are afraid of canon validating a ship that interrupts their own. Plus the posts of him needing to be possessive over Sam because Sharon checked him out in episodes 3 and 6, even though this is the only character to have shown any kind of interest in Sam and he never even reciprocated? Fandom misogyny isn't as strong as it might have been, say, five years ago, but it's still heavy in mlm shipping culture.
~Mod R
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lillupon · 4 years
So, I've got a very long rant/opinion here and Idk really know how to say this without coming off kinda bad but I'm gonna say it anyways. I agree with the fact that the seventeen tag has been kinda dry lately on most fanfic places, but it's really only in the smut area. It's the sane way with other groups too I feel like. All of the nice little innocent tags are boomin to this day and thats completely fine. I think the smut tag is dry tho bc lately I feel like a few social issues (like sexualizing people and disrespecting them and their identity) have crossed over into kpop and have been ?blown out of proportion? Lately there's been a rampage of people who like to say that writing smut about someone is disgusting and is dehumanizing because people want to assume that it would make the idols uncomfortable which could equate to some morality issues on how you are reducing someone only to their body without their consent and a bunch of stuff like that. It kind of pisses me off bc this is fiction. About grown adults. Clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life. I think a shit ton is wrong with the world we currently live in, and deciding to come after something that isn't even real bothers me. Like what does that actually accomplish. But yeah, I think thats a reason why smut has been dying down. I mean, on youtube almost every video about unpopular opinions, or things they dont like about kpop will include something about shipping idols in fanfics. And then everyone in the comment section will talk about how its all fine and dandy in moderation, but once people start writing smut it's crossing the idols personal boundaries. It's something I've been seeing a lot more often and I think people who are interested in writing smut are being turned away from it bc we've gotten to a point where people are being called disgusting for having fantasies.
Hi Anon, thank you for sending in this Ask. 
I want to preface this by saying: when I write or talk about Mingyu and Wonwoo fucking on my blog, it is a fantasy. I am not speculating about what the real Mingyu and Wonwoo might be like in bed. I am imagining the versions of Mingyu and Wonwoo that I have created in my head, that exist only in my stories. None of it is real. I understand that this can be a blurry boundary for some people. But for me, the separation between fantasy and reality is well-defined. Now, on to your Ask!
You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. You’ve also touched on many of the issues I have been struggling with myself as of late. It’s difficult to argue about morals since everyone has a different set of values, as well as different comfort levels. Some people think real person fiction (RPF) is a gross invasion of privacy. Others are fine with it. And others don’t care one way or another. There is no single answer; I can only offer my answer. Which means, of course, people are welcome to disagree with it, or parts of it. 
In this essay (LOL But forreal: this is an essay), I will be sharing my experience in the k-pop fanfic community from 2014 to present, the etiquette I personally abide by as a reader and writer of RPF, as well as my stance on RPF in general.
I started reading and posting fanfics back in 2014/2015 on a website called AsianFanfics (AFF). Obviously, no one on that site had a problem with RPF, since AFF is a platform made specifically for sharing stories about Asian celebrities. For many years, I read and enjoyed RPF with zero guilt. I scribbled away by myself in my own corner of fandom and curated my own content. I didn’t interact much with other fans, readers, or writers. I didn’t have a Twitter, and I only used tumblr to reblog memes. As a result, I’ve been able to avoid a lot of anti-shipping discourse, as well as purity and cancel culture. I had no idea there were so many negative opinions about RPF. It wasn’t until I became active on the subreddit r/Fanfiction last year that I learned about all the discourse surrounding RPF. 
This newfound ‘awareness’ does make me feel guilty at times—but only because after mulling this over, I still don’t think this is something to feel guilty about.
Here’s what I remember, first and foremost, when I create and consume RPF: fanfics and my favourite ships are fictional, and fiction is fantasy. This is basic etiquette when it comes to RPF, and most people in the k-pop fandom understand this. Delusional fans exist, of course, but they are not representative of the entire k-pop community. 
Another point of etiquette is to keep fanfics within fandom spaces. I would never push my fics into celebrities’ faces, or go around claiming that my fanfics are accurate representations of a k-idol’s life or personality, in any way, shape, or form. I would also discourage directing ship-related questions to official accounts, or bringing them up during fansigns or other face-to-face interactions; I believe that in these instances, shipping does have the potential to strain real-life relationships.
So with basic etiquette out of the way, let me share my approach to RPF in general.
As much as we like to think we know our favourite celebrities, we really don’t. All we see is their public persona. And this public persona is intentionally controlled, managed, and curated by a team of people: directors, tabloids, editors, makeup artists, publicists, etc. How “real” are these celebrities? We are so distanced from them that they may as well be fictional.
I draw from the public persona that idols project, and I work them into my own writing. But at the end of the day, these personalities are my own interpretation. My interpretation is probably nothing like an idol’s actual personality. I just use the “public persona/character” that idols portray as inspiration for my own stories, which are set in wildly different universes.
More than anything, I think of k-pop idols as “actors” in my fic. You know how when you write an original novel, you scroll through Google images, looking for the perfect person to portray your original character? RPF is literally that, except you might build upon pre-existing dynamics and personalities.
When it comes to explicit fanfiction, two main concerns are prevalent: one of consent, and one of sexualisation.
If we argue against explicit RPF due to lack of consent, we should be willing to apply the same lens to all explicit works. How do we know that the creator of a movie, book, series, etc., is okay with us using their characters in our stories, explicit or not? We don’t. Perhaps some creators encourage fanfiction, but don’t want their lovingly crafted characters engaging in sexual acts or experiencing trauma. We just don’t know. I feel this line is even more blurred when we talk about characters from movies or TV series.
Let’s take Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, as portrayed by Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, from the Captain America movies as an example. I am willing to bet that when people consume and create explicit fanfiction about Steve and Bucky, they are imagining Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan in their heads. I doubt many people are imagining the 2D cartoon versions of Steve and Bucky, even though they’re technically the exact same characters. Why? Well, it could be because movies are more readily and easily consumed than comics, and so people are unfamiliar with comic book Steve and Bucky. But it might also be because fans find Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan attractive. Is this really any different from RPF, where fic authors make up everything about a celebrity’s life?  
When readers and writers of fanfic talk about how hot Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes is, those comments are about Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan’s bodies. When reading explicit stories, fans are going to picture Chris and Sebastian’s bodies in their head, doing sexual things. Can we say, “Well, it’s not really you, Chris/Sebastian”, when in a way, it is?
The reality is, people are going to thirst over celebrities, regardless of whether or not explicit fanfiction exists. They’re going to post thirst tweets on Twitter. They’re going to talk to friends and strangers online about how hot [insert celebrity name here] is. They’re going to fantasize about dating and having sex with their favourite celebrity. Or, as it is in my case, they’re going to make up stories in their heads about their favourite idols dating and banging each other. People are going to do all of this without ‘getting consent’ from the celebrity. Cracking down upon and shaming writers of RPF isn’t going to change any of that.
To be honest, I’m not sure why people think it is disgusting to imagine sexual scenarios about real people. It is okay and normal to have these kinds of fantasies. I suppose the alternative is to fantasise about having sex with cartoon characters instead? It’s a very binary way of thinking to say that if you imagine/write real people in explicit scenarios, you are immediately sexualising, dehumanising, or objectifying them. There is more to dehumanisation than writing smut about our favourite celebrities. For one thing, you can love someone and appreciate all parts of them, and still want to fuck their brains out. And generally, fanfics come from a place of love—love that is not only sexual in nature.
Is it the sharing aspect inherent to fanfiction? The possibility that a celebrity might stumble upon explicit works about them? The chances are very low, I think, of the k-pop idols I enjoy writing about coming across my English fics. But I also believe in curating your own content, and that applies to celebrities too. Perhaps a celebrity should not go searching for fanfics about themselves. And of course, people should not show celebrities their fanfics, unless invited.
Another argument I hear against (explicit) RPF is, “How would you feel if someone wrote fanfiction about you?” First off, I don’t like this argument because there’s a difference between someone who decides to be a public figure versus someone who decides to remain a regular private citizen. Celebrities should and do know what they’re getting into when they choose their occupation. (This is not to say, “They are celebrities; sexualise them all you want because that’s what they signed up for.” Here, I am only acknowledging that people might have sexual fantasies about celebrities they are attracted to. Presumably, celebrities are cognizant of this.)  
If someone (whose existence I am not even aware of, mind you) decides they want to write explicit fanfiction of me in some tiny corner of the Internet, I wouldn’t care so long as: (1) they don’t shove it into my face, and (2) they don’t harass me and ask invasive questions about my personal life and relationships. It’s not hurting me or negatively affecting my life, so it wouldn’t even register as a blip on my radar. When fanfiction remains within its appropriate spaces, it is largely harmless. 
Now, if a k-pop idol were to ask their fans to stop writing fanfiction about them, would I? Yes, I would. However, I can’t imagine that happening. Judging by the number of ‘sexy’ concepts, fanservice moments, and variety shows such as ‘We Got Married’, I am certain that k-pop idols realise they are the stars of many fantasies—some of which are explicit in nature. Considering the prevalence of shipping in the k-pop industry, I would argue that shipping is subtly encouraged.
It’s sad that so many talented writers are shamed out of fandom, or feel that k-pop cannot be the medium through which they tell their stories, or explore their sexuality, or cope with trauma, or simply have fun. Professional works and Hollywood love their RPF—readers and writers of fanfics should be able to, as well. 
As you said Anon, “clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life” (this is a lovely sentence, by the way). The kind of person who dehumanises another and reduces them to a sexual object will do so some other way, if not via fanfiction. I don’t think the issue of fetishisation can be fixed simply by telling people not to write explicit RPF. In my experience, people who read and write RPF are more respectful and thoughtful about these things than the general public. We’ve all seen the general public say highly sexual things about celebrities in the media and to their faces, or tag celebrities in their thirst tweets. Are these things less invasive than fanfiction? Personally, I don’t think so. And in my opinion, there are more pressing and damaging issues in stan culture than fanfic.
In conclusion, I don’t think there is anything wrong with creating and consuming RPF, both explicit and non-explicit so long as we:
Remember we are writing fiction
Keep RPF within its appropriate space, and
Do not harass celebrities about their personal lives and relationships
RPF is not for everyone. There may be people who enjoy RPF, but draw the line at explicit stories. This is fine. Everyone has their own personal preferences. What is not fine, however, is attacking people for creating things you don’t like. I’m not sure what kind of moral crusade people are on and what they hope to achieve by shaming writers of RPF, explicit or otherwise. Ultimately, fic authors are writing a fantasy. It’s not real; no one is being hurt. I think it’s important for people to curate their own content, and AO3 makes it very easy to filter out explicit works and unwanted tags. 
Maybe this is me trying to justify my own participation in explicit RPF—I don’t know. What I do know is that I love k-pop, and fandom is an important part of my media and entertainment experience. I adore the k-pop idols I write about, and I just want to imagine them being happy and getting lots of love and orgasms. Let a bitch be horny, goddamn… 
Some bonus fun facts!
At the time I am writing this, on AO3:
26.2% of Stray Kids fanfics are rated M or E
26.3% of Seventeen fanfics are rated M or E
29.0% of Merlin fanfics are rated M or E
34.9% of Captain America (Movies) fanfics are rated M or E
40.1% of BTS fanfics are rated M or E ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Coincidentally, I saw this post on Reddit this morning: Can we have a RPF positivity post?
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Bro I love your writing! I’m a new fanfic writer and was wondering if you can pass down your knowledge on writing lol
LISTEN, I LOVE YOU AND I’LL GLADLY PASS DOWN SOME KNOWLEDGE. I may not be the best writer, but it’s honest work ok dhusihncs
keep reading under the cut bcs Long Post
Some time ago, someone asked me to share some tips, and to this day, I still agree/follow the tips I posted back then. You can read them here. 
There’ this post I once reblogged some time ago, and I do this SO MUCH like, no kidding. There’s this fic Im currently writing (surprise ruined uhdfciusfc dont ask me when, I am half way through, my writing speed is UNPREDICTABLE even for me) and it looks like this (parts blurred out bcs spoilers, and I dont wanna spoil who is this about)
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[fun fact: I almost spoil who this is about, I forgot to blurr out the last patch of purple, I dare you all to guess who this is about ecughishc hint: is a fandom I recently joined]
Something specifically I do, i don’t know if others writers do it to, is start with the dialogue (pretty much like you see in the screenshot above) mostly because most of my stores start with dialogue. I write the main dialogue alone, and then add details as who said what, how they said it and details like describing actions and places.
(it’s also important to figure out how your writing process flows. I varies from writer to writer. Mostly bcs you understand how you work, and you stress less about your writing bcs you understand how it works.  My writing process is basically:
can’t sleep bcs of idea
write down dialogue
add details as to who said what, how they said it
add paragraphs describing the setting (sometimes this one comes first, then the dialogue)
contemplating how good this is, maybe suffer a little
post it 
BONUS: my quality standard is: if I were a random reader, would I like this story? if the answer is FUCK YES then I post it. If it’s nope, or eeeeh, or its a pretty ok story, then no. If it’s good but not the best, most likely, I’ll post it. This also can happen at any time in my writing process. 
Its  not necessary to have a quality standard kinda checklist like I do. I’m just very strict with my work :( this is why about 10% of everything I write ends up being posted, and why I take ages to post something in this blog. 
I’m gonna add a few ss from a conversation I once had with a friend here on tumblr, where I mentioned some things about writing details without cluttering the text and make it sound robotic/boring. (please ignore the typos, I type v fast on my phone and ALWAYS have typos)
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this is an example of what I mean (bellow the red line is a different way of writing the first paragraph)
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note how I also managed to mention another details about the weather. 
Another tip I have, and I think I mentioned it in the ask I linked in the beginning is to read other people’s work. Not only you’ll learn new words, you’ll learn ways of describing things. 
Each writer has a unique style and voice, and most of it comes from writers absorbing little things from other writers. I hope I am making sense hcksfhcs like, there are 3 writers I read a lot when I’m trying to write smut bcs I love how they write it. I don’t straight up copy what they write bcs thats not cool, but not only they inspire me, I’m like: ooooh, this phrase in particular sounds very cool. Or “the way they describe this action is real spicy” and so on. 
Even the wording of things. I once read in some fanfic I can’t remember, but I read the phrase “[piece of clothing] hung from [their] waist” its a pretty simple phrase, but by how it’s written, I swear to god, it immediately presses buttons in my brain that make me go:
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and since I first read that phrase I was like “OHOHOHO I HAVETO INCORPORATE THIS INTO MY WRITING” and stuff like that. 
Tiny details you can add into your style. And if its coming from several writers, in the end, your style is defined by the writers you like and read. And its not bad, every artist style comes from the influence of all those people the artist looks up to. 
And that’s about all I can think of right now. I might as well make a masterpost with all the posts I find with writing tips, and my own writing tips. bvfsdvbhsfj
Thank you for dropping by, and I’m sorry this turned out very long, and so late fichighvshs BUT BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ANSWERING RIGHT
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X3 Free to be You and Me
huh oh right they're split up
boy I'm curious to see what's gonna happen
huh open on Sam
like yes, protagonist, but
man she hasn't aged
boy it's nice she's remembered tho
poor Sam and the constant violation of his bodily autonomy
see it's shot like that one lucifer thing
Oh simple man, ok wow
I like this one
Great American Loneliness
Dean canonically knows about twilight
Bedlund started it and they all just liked it so much
teenage mutant ninja angel
“are you flirting with me” “I’m fucking trying to”
Cas and his complete sincerity vs. Dean and quips :)
K E I T H ?
o h world peace oof
Sam the Slightly Off kid is SO GOOD
the president quip also feels pointed at the times
cas *stares*
IT’S THE DEMONS- no no it’s not
aww their dynamic is so good I love it
actual humor just by virtue of people oh my god I love castiel
I do like the dichotomy of like…Sam liked hunting the most but has to give it up(established in the office au) like he’s growing into it
he fucking LOOKS ethereal
“you do” jesus cas
“last night on earth” I’m going feral what the fuck was this
they’re so fucking funny oh my god I’m cackling
listen…I get it…but also…apocalypse
Sam b ru h
although to be entirely fair, he might be more of a liability
aw I like Lindsay although she’s gonna be…dead probably
oh we’ve got themes of world weary in one way vs naive in one way and also knowledgable of the Universe vs the whole GED thing that gets brought up in fic and AAA
“years” oh no Dean :(
I do like the wandering archetype for him actually tbh
Aw she’s three years sober
“come and get me you little bastard” damn I LOVE HIM
Also Dean hunches over they’re about the same height now
he deflects so Cas is ok aw
“It was his idea” * B I T C H *
gOd iS dEaD anD we have kIllEd Him
ah there we got to the lindsay death :(
the ages old “what do when god is gone, would he let this happen”
“just cuz shit’s fucked up doesn’t mean you make it more fucked up” VERY NICE
“godless universe” and yeah it be like that
post office sksks
ooo it being lucifer is a Nice Touch
it’s not true but still cool
and he does hulk out but like…human hulk out
“you gotta do what you believe” AWW
“we’re not so different you and I” type beat AW
Dean being happy without Sam is Ouch but also
it’s different with not being responsible for someone
aw he’s happy
Ah it’s luci
whelp that must have been violating
heh vessel bros
“and I’ll just bring you back” IS H O R R I F Y I N G, and worse, it’s set up
sincere villain is so interesting though damn
okok wrap:
1. straining against budget. listen it’s painfully clear that Supernatural wants to be more than it is. Like the fact that they burn through a lot of really popular songs(budget) at the beginning is like. there’s a vision, and it can’t be reached. Although in some cases that constraint ends up for the better(I think my fav example is Misha’s crazy hair), other times it ends up well. But the idea that it wants to be more than it is? I go Feral, I want to Eat Glass
No wonder this is like the Most Fanficced Show
2. simple man. I really liked the mirroring montage. They lean TOO heavily on the radio gag(have it be a tape, have it be SOMETHING else so it’s not the same thing two episodes in a row) but I thought it was a good time passing/show the dichotomy montage
actually speaking of
3. dichotomy!! like we know from the office ep/season 4 Sam is down to fight(always more like John, always more taken in by revenge and pain and power etc etc), and Dean has been reticent, wants a normal life, in both Yellow Fever and office ep, and they had to do the other things. And “Weirder” still, Dean is happy! like yeah Sam is Burdened, but Dean is happy to just…vibe for the first time in his life
ok see it’s different cuz a younger sibling is still responsibility, it isn’t technically equal, so Dean was never able to relax because John’s an absent father. the younger sibling thing
but their dichotomy here was very good, and I liked the simple man was highlighted. Once again, Sam being miserable in a normal life(like he always prolly would have been) but Dean finding himself way from his family.
3. Sam I REALLY liked the wandering archetype for Sam. Him actually going to figure shit out would be interesting, but they never actually have the time, or leave the time, for people to go through with it and it’s a shame! Weird Kid Sam would be so cool to see around in a story
also sidetone, but once you notice how little agency Sam has like…ever…like wow, this kid never had a choice thanks to destiny, and that SUCKS
slowly getting more on the Sam Hype Train tbh
4. Cas listen. Not only is Cas’s grapple with his absent father cool, he’s genuinely funny to be around! Like him and Dean have a fucking fantastic dynamic, he Acts Different than Humans(thanks Misha Collins holy hell) so it’s incredibly clear something’s off and it’s just
like it’s so good to have a character like that, he’s just so cool.
Also…Dean was flirting. that was flirting. THAT WAS LITERALL-
See I thought people were exagerrating! Like even Merlin I can kinda see what they were going for sometimes!
5. absent fathers. Ok listen. Dean sympathizing with Cas because of trying to find an absent father(ties into the beginning of the show, dad’s on a hunting trip etc) and giving him hope to find him is SO CUTE! Like Dean giving Cas hope because of similar situations! Cas letting Dean finally relax! GOOD
Also I mentioned it, but their dichotomy of like…I think streetsmarts(Dean) and booksmarts(Ig universesmarts tho, he knows a lot of Weird Things) IS SO INTERESTING and COOL and AHH
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be-dazzled · 4 years
I really think Miraxus is the most hated ship in the FT fandom... There's hate in the miraxus tag which is terrible because Miraxus tag already got anything much new and it's easy to pick on a ship that no one will say anything against it because in this hellsite no one likes them (: sometimes I feel like givin up and thats make me sad because I really thought they are my favs but how this site treats them is startin to make me feel bad and why miraxus fans are so quiet...
Hiiii Anon!
Aw. Reading your message makes me feel sad because I know you are sad. So let me try to cheer you up, Anon. That’s my job for today.
First, I am not really in the position to confirm whether or not Miraxus is the most hated ship in the fandom. I’m not as active as the others so I guess I don’t get to see that hatred thrown to the ships. I heard that the FT fandom has the worst ship wars, which is sad because I am sure that is not Mashima’s intention. I come across a few anons questioning my choice of ships. One even called me, not outright but impliedly, as a fake. But you know what I say to them? To hell with all of you. I shouldn’t be defending my choice because my choice is my own. I can ship whatever my heart desires and no one can tell me I can’t. As long as I don’t go against any established generally accepted rules, norms or what we call in law as jus cogens. In simple terms, Anon, so long as I don’t push for those ships which are glaringly unacceptable (promotes rape, murder, pedophilia), so long as I don’t go against my own moral standards then I can ship whatever, whoever I want. It’s my right as a person. It’s my prerogative. Which brings me to my next point…
Second, Mashima’s choice for his end-game ships. I do believe and stand by Miraxus, Anon. I do think that Hiro has teased us about Miraxus in his spin-offs, twitter posts, even the main FairyTail manga. There are so many Miraxus moments! I don’t want to get too detailed about it here but I already made a response to one Anon who questioned Miraxus in here (be-dazzled).
This may be not be the kind of response you were wishing to receive from me but hear me out first, Anon. Mashima owns the right to FairyTail as its creator. We have to be grateful to Hiro Mashima for creating such wonderful world and beautiful characters that helped us through what we are going through. He reserves the right to it and as the creator/writer, Mashima has every right to whichever ship he wants to end up together. We need to accept that so that we can let go of all this hate, Anon. If Laxus ends up with someone else, that’s okay with me. I’ll hate it at first. I’ll cry about it. I’ll swear the world off because of it. I will forever be scarred by it. I’ll mourn the death of my ship. But when I get all of those emotions out, I know to myself that I will understand his choice. Because, again, it’s his choice. Take for example, J.K. Rowling of the Harry Potter series. She admitted that Harry and Hermoine was the more sensible ship but that Hermoine and Ron was her personal choice. That it was her conscious decision despite the fact that, as a writer, she saw Harry and Hermoine should have been endgame. In the same spirit that I don’t wanna be questioned about my choice of ships, as it is my right, writers/creators shouldn’t be hated either for their choices. It is a prerogative that belongs to them to end the story however they deem, feel or see fit. I ship Miraxus and I hope in all hopes that they are endgame.
Third, your feelings are pretty valid, Anon. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you feel sad about Miraxus not getting the love we all think they deserve, I am with you on that, Anon. I have to admit that I succumb to such feelings also, like giving up. But I sleep it off, I distance myself from social media (cleansing), reread chapters, look for fanarts/official arts, read fanfiction. Try to visit @fallen029 or @thedemon05 or @aconstellationofmemories . I just try to regain my footing and stabilize my emotions, letting my logical side take over. Luckily, I found people who I can share the love for Miraxus with (I’m on a Miraxus discord). I’m not alone in this fight. And you shouldn’t feel that either. 
Sometimes, I really feel sad that I don’t get many notes on my Miraxus material but then I remind myself that it was my choice to ship a slightly popular ship so I have to accept the consequences. Tbh, I was even scared of starting my major Miraxus fanfic because for sure people will sleep on it. Then I remembered, I do this for me so why should I depend on others liking it? The messages and comments boost me up but I shouldn’t depend on that. Miraxus inspires me; that’s all that matters.
Lastly, I’d like to wrap it up and I hope by this time Anon you are feeling better. The FT fandom really fell quiet after the end of FairyTail. I guess, that’s just the natural course of things. My last point anon is that nothing’s confirmed yet. All the Laxus ships are still on fanon stage. Mashima doesn’t wanna wrap it up. That gives us hope so let’s keep on hoping! It’s not yet the end if it’s not yet the finals. Hehe. And don’t mind the haters, Anon. We really can’t preach to deaf ears. It’s pretty useless and a waste of energy.
So the next time you feel like giving up, Anon. Just come to me. Message me here on tumblr. If you don’t feel comfortable about that then maybe stay on anon. Let’s talk to our hearts’ content. Alright? You are not alone in this ship. I am your Captain. If not, then I’m that girl that pushes the boat against the raging storms. Push with me, Anon! Push. With. Me!
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kareofbears · 4 years
i love ryuji and you can’t change my mind.
im sorry i just can’t stop thinking about the ryuji hate I got and i feel the need to explain myself as to why i love ryuji so much despite the fact that, yeah, he is problematic--of course i know hes problematic. people who choose to ignore canon are valid and its ok to do that, i mean, that’s what fandoms are for (fandoms are made to take what you like about something and make it your own--i do it literally every time i write a fanfic, it’s normal, you all know this). but for now, yeah, im focusing on canon ryuji. he is not perfect--by far, id say he is the second most problematic character in the main cast. he is rude, he is so perverted, he doesn’t understand when to stop being (frankly) an asshole. he can’t take a hint, he’s vulgar to the point where he makes people around him uncomfortable. but i love him, because his good overrides his bad. you all know it by now--he’s kind, loyal to a fault, an idiot but in a really really endearing way, he’s honest, he’s headstrong, he’d do anything to protect his friends (fight harus fiance, almost get hit by a car for makoto, stand with Ann when she thought yusuke was dangerous, yell at shido because he found out hes the one who made akira go on probation, the list goes on). 
So, why did atlus make him problematic? two possible reasons, i could be wrong but this is just what i think. 
1) because Atlus wants to make a character who isnt perfect. correct me if im wrong, but there are little to no characters in the entire game who is part of the main cast and is flawed. seriously. everyone is pretty much a saint after they get past their initial entry arch. atulus wanted to make a character that felt more realistic, that felt whole and real--someone who isn’t as cookie-cutter good guy as the rest of them (this is NOT a bash to all the other characters in the game in ANY WAY i love all of them as they are all my children). It’s interesting to have someone to play off the rest of the group’s dynamic by having someone who is different from them. variety is the spice of life, and clearly thats what atlus is going for here. I havent play persona 4 myself but apparently the characters there are a lot more interesting yet very hit-or-miss as all of them have their own distinct and loud (apparently sometimes overwhelming--not in a good way) personality and one of the biggest complaints about persona 5 (which i dont agree with, but bringing it up for the sake of argument) is that the characters all feel very mild in the sense that they wanted them to all be likeable--hence, brash characters wouldn’t fit that because brash characters are sometimes too intense to be considered likeable. again, i dont agree, but maybe this is why they wanted to add a character that doesn’t conform to that “you have to be likeable type.” 
2) because atlus struggles with what is funny vs what is offensive. this is not a new statement. if youve been in the p5 fandom for long enough im sure youve seen a post somewhere about this but THIS is my take on it. atlus excels at story writing, and is really good at well timed humour (i mean, we ALL have a favorite p5 one-liner, mine is “ryuji, go piss off the police” but i digress). however, in its attempt to bring in comedic relief to break up the monotony in the story, they tend to just use ryuji. this is probably (in my opinion) p5��s biggest flaws. they have so many other characters to utilize and experiment with in terms of comedic situations (which they have done and succeeded plenty of times), but sometimes the cracks reveal themselves and they end up just using the “vulgar boy” for a couple of laughs. we’ve all probably watched anime, seen how blatantly sexist it is and how sexualized they make their female characters (too many examples come to mind), and unfortunately, p5 is no exception and has given that roll of “the creep” to ryuji because it was the easy way out. Morgana is too, sometimes, but definitely definitely not to the extent of ryuji. 
to clarify, this post is not saying that we should allow ryuji to be this asshole--fuck no! we should try and understand why he is, definitely, but we should never excuse this behaviour. it’s simply the case of loving this character and breaking them open to try and understand why they are who they are. 
i love this boy (obviously), he is my favorite persona 5 character by far, but he is problematic, and that is okay. learn to digest his fuck ups, understand what he’s doing is wrong, and move on. make art, write fanfictions, create gifsets--because what you take from the characters is what they boil down to; that’s the point of fandom, after all. 
dont let anyone take away this character from you, especially now, because for many people (including myself), persona 5 and its characters are the only thing keeping them afloat during this really fucked up time of pandemics and being stuck at home. 
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tlmismyfanjam · 5 years
TLM Fandom Dying?!
what can you do to help?
well, look at other fandoms and see what keeps their fandom running! make it healthy! I rather not open up ones for those who like nsfw thankss
think of creative AU ideas - the more dialogue you give to them, the more life they get and you’ll have more room to build plots as you go along!
roleplay blog - you go as one, or more (like me) character or characters and put them on a journey of episodes, any genre (like drama) can happen
musical - just don’t end up like trolls, end up into [fandom mention]: the musical like how Man on the Internet gathered a lot of people and had them all collab the OST (Official SoundTrack, for example Mark Mothersbaugh did TLM music for us) into beautiful arranged music with lyrics!
misheard lip syncs - Mute the movie and record yourself saying something they didn’t say in the movie (stealing another character’s quote counts)
take a character thats always popular, make alt. versions of them, gather them around and have them host a party that will soon go not-so-bad! - someone on the [same fandom mention] did this 4 years ago! they took their favorite character, generated many alt. versions of that character with unique personalities and fresh character development, and spawned them all on a party where things don’t have to go wrong! In case you think this is stealing that someone’s idea, that’s why I said you can change the party’s theme so it doesn’t look the same! the only thing that will make that someone mad is if you copy the dialogues and poses they used in their comic, and thats super not good! :)
COMIC DUB STORY DUB VOICE DUB - voice act a series of TLM fanart, fanfic, ask accs, rp accs, it can be anything to show love for the fandom!
fangame?! - there should be LEGO fans out there who know TLM and could make a fangame out of it! who knows, it might be better than the videogame we have.
okay, now the ideas that can be made BUT may cause negative drama, hate, reports, blocks, and death threats... stay safe please, dont risk these unless you have a passion for tlm x [fandom] (I have many passions, would you like me to show you?! 8) ) . make sure the characters from separated worlds (crossover is like two shows, one story. bricksburg x systar system = syspocalypsestar) are friendship in a spaceship otherwise there will be worse problems
crossover - sometimes i find people who love crossovers and there isnt hate and sometimes i find people who love crossovers but theres a bunch of hate. this is why i only post crossovers on my main blog cause i dont want drama here. i can only post crossovers for those who ask and then post my own ideas on a separate blog. so if a TLM character meets [character from another interest] in their own world or their world by walking into a portal, will you get hate? will you get respect? well, dont let it stop you. post what you love and show ‘em how its done.
fusion - there are people out there that can claim these a “monstrosity”, “atrocious”, “abomination”. dont they even know its fictional? they’re not real, it wont hurt them and its only a interpretation how the artists would see two characters when fused. yet, theres still sensitive ppl out there who calls fusion “cursed images” (end cringe culture for the love of awesome)
HEALTHY ships - this can also go with crossovers. lets say, [character from horror movie] x [character from rpg game]. they would love going to the movies together, however, they aren’t meant to be together and only claimed to be together from a fan. the fan is to do whatever they want with their ship because there are endless possibilities they could plan for their ship. they even like the same food they dont even claim to eat in canon, because the fan says they revealed them liking that food in an rp post they did when the two characters sat together on a dinner table and one had to tell the other a story before they would eat, Lady and the Tramp style. now the two characters eat that food every dinner, causing anger from other fans who yell that they shouldn’t be in this world. the fan didn’t listen to them, because they love to pair their characters, no matter what anyone says.
This is all I have, call it a first batch! Boost this so we can save the fandom! Now “GO GO GO”!
Feedback is appreciated, but message me if you’re going to mention a fandom in your feedback, thanky !
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theinfiniterick · 5 years
Yea no. Fuck off.
There has been a LOT of justification posts for pedo/incest shipping in my feed lately and I finally have to say something. Please read to the end.
Firstly none of these elaborate posts that go to incredible lengths to justify pedophilic relationships in “shipping” form or story form or art form EVER seem to mention the damn law. It IS against the law in the United States to depict such relationships whether photographed OR drawn OR digitally manipulated.
Federal law defines child pornography as “any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer-generated image or picture … of sexually explicit conduct, where the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”  
And yes, you CAN also be charged for WRITING fictional stories involving children in an explicit matter just as Frank Russel McCoy was charged in 2015 with Transportation of Obscene Matters in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1462. He ran a website dedicated to fictional child sex stories that he himself apparently published.
Secondly, no one is talking about how downright selfish it is to post this kind of content on Tumblr and in public spaces.
All of these pro-shipping posts try to take a righteous stand by explaining how fiction is separate from reality and how it doesn’t hurt anyone. NEWS FLASH: YOU’RE POSTING IT ON A PUBLIC SITE WHERE PEOPLE *VERY* OFTEN SCROLL UPON IT BECAUSE TUMBLR’S ALGORITHMS PLACE IT IN OUR FEED THANKS TO THE FANDOM ASSOCIATIONS.
And look. When I was 13, best bet I had my own fantasies about older men. There were fictional movie characters I lusted over. There were fictional cartoon characters I lusted over. And I had written my first fanfic at the age of 13 within an anime universe where I made up a fictional pupil that fell in love with her alien martial arts teacher (a full grown man).
But I wrote it for -myself-. On pieces of folder paper. And I had never posted it online. And today I still wouldn’t publish it online in any fandom community I’m in because I understand how it hurts and triggers people and I have enough of a sense of personal responsibility that I’m not going to post it anywhere where someone could come across it and be triggered because I fucking CARE. (–Aside from the fact that now that I’ve far surpassed that age, I now think my own fanfic from back then is gross).
But -thats- the bottom line most of these posts seem to ignore: caring enough about the fucking rest of the world to keep that shit to yourself.
I’m not even going to argue the whole fiction versus reality standpoint. Go ahead and have at that one. Go ahead and keep ranting about how much a fictional ship isn’t real life pedophilia and it doesn’t make these authors bad people because they would never partake in real life.
What you’re NOT gonna do is try to argue how other people SHOULDN’T be hurt or offended by something that’s fictional. You don’t get to fucking determine what triggers someone, asshole. If it triggers them, it triggers them. And all these posts going around about “how not to be triggered by fiction” is honestly fucking sickening and shows a SELFISH disregard for anyone but yourself.
Wow. What a stand up fucking person you are.
Ship it in your own head. Ship it in your private groups. Go make your Discords to share your content with each other. But don’t pretend for a fucking second that posting these contents on Tumblr (which is actually against their rules btw) isn’t hurting anyone. It DOES come up in feeds of anyone who follows the fandom. It DOES come up in reblogs of people that we chose to follow not knowing that person took part in that ship.
And since you have to write such elaborate posts defending your ship, that tells all of us that these ships DO get massive amounts of hate and triggers because they DO get massive exposure on this site, and you DO know about that. So there’s no damn two ways about it. You know good and well how many people it offends and triggers and yet you do it anyway. Because your right to post that fantasy is more important than anyone else’s feelings.
And here you are trying to argue that these ships don’t make you bad people... ^
No one can make you change that ship in your mind. No one can stop you from wanting to create arts and fictions of it. I’m not gonna argue with you about the separation of reality from fiction, but I will say that before you defend yourself for not being a bad person, take a good hard look:
You act as if you’re above the law.
You disregard tumblr’s own guidelines.
You don’t give a shit for how your content triggers others on a PUBLIC website and place your right to ship above everyone else’s mental well-being.
And by transitive morality, you’re actually *willingly* choosing to hurt others because you know it will and yet you do it anyway.
Transitive morality is a greater sense of good that the most selfless of people understand. An example you might be familiar with is when MCU Spider-Man tells Tony: “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” Peter understands that when he can do something to prevent harm and he doesn’t, it’s pretty much like he caused the harm himself.
And yea, not everyone operates by such morality. A lot of people take disgustingly very little personal responsibility in the prevention of harm to others. But that’s why I’m pointing this out to you. So you can learn to be better than that.
You can continue on being selfish because your ship is more important than anyone’s triggers and keep justifying ways it doesn’t make you a bad person.
Or you can look at that list and realize: you know what… that is pretty shitty of me. Be a better fucking person and learn that while it might be harmless to have certain desires in your own head, while you might not be an actual pedophile, while you might not condone real rape and incest, placing your fantasies where you *know* people will be triggered still makes you a pretty damn shitty person.
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Heya purge! I saw in one of your tags that you’d been consuming fic for around 20 years! That’s like my whole life. Mind telling us how things have changed? I’m sure places like ao3 have changed things a lot. I’m just really curious in fandom and fanfic culture! :3 x
Ao3 is a fucking godsend let me tell you. I won’t make a lot of the same points and stuff that fannish history folks have already documented (how it literally changed, and all the fic we’ve lost that isn’t backed up on floppy disk somewhere… I’d say we’ve lost an equivalent to the digital burning of alexandria honestly) but i can tell you my experience :3
I’ll stick it under a cut cuz i kind of rambled… but i had fun doing so ahahha xD sorry you unleashed the tiger from the cage xD
We all make jokes about ‘being there’ when stuff in fandom history happened, but i’ve been around since all the major purges (LOL my name is so fitting in retrospect ahahha). ff.net’s various purges (and the whole anne rice suing fanfic writers and shit… i never DID agree to their new terms of service haha), geocities sites going down, obviously the more recent shit too, but like I’ve been around even for the creations of certain, older fanfic sites too (one of the oldest slash forums for lord of the rings fics for example… I was there, Gandalf LOLOL!!… and now that i check the date on that i feel old as balls thanks anon xDDD and wow my one fic is still up there PFFFFT) but like, I come from an era where you took your floppy disk and copy/pasted shit from online (once it even loaded) for later reading, and also so you could find it again, because also before ff.net it was hard to find stuff. I’m pre-google ya’ll xD You dont UNDERSTAND the horrors of trying to find anything pre-google. Ya’ll have it so fucking good D:
There was never an abundance of content like there is today, and so you can bet your shit we were grateful as fuck for what was out there, let alone for someone with a decent command of writing and storytelling. Everyone commented on everything (once that was something even implemented… it was email lists before that, and comments sent in that way… i still have my e-mailed comments from fic readers haha), and it was (and still is, in my honest opinion because people entitled as FUCK now) one of the GREATEST faux paus you could do to be reading a fic (esp. multi-chaptered) and not comment. The indignity of not giving back a little (and it still is a little, which is why i get so damn fired up on this subject) for aaaaaaaall the words and story and everything you just read was a serious sin against fanfic writers. I still think its seriously fucked up not to comment (and again, i’ve mentioned that if you dont got the spoons, thats obviously different) but like, the entitlement that runs rampant today did not even exist back then. Yeah, you still had the assholes whose comment would literally consist only of “where’s the rest?” with ZERO actual thanks or input while expecting/thinking they deserve more (and THEN you could remove chapters or stories, cuz god giveth and damn does she taketh away xD), but it wasn’t nearly as prolific as it is today.
The commenting culture today and the backlash against writers wanting comments on their work in return for providing said free content makes me mad enough to wanna curb stomp some people. I’m a bartender, I don’t put up with shit HAHA xD But the entitlement especially now and people who act like writers are being uppity for wanting a small return on their craft are disgusting. Same type of entitlement as art thieves (we all know the type). We didn’t put up with that shit back then. People acting like little bitches wanting free stuff for literally nothing? We’d pull the whole fic. And the community would handle it and it usually turned into a teaching moment about how damn important it is to comment and just how much freaking control writers DO have over their media. We’d pull it from public view unless amends were made (whether that be a private note from someone entitled finally paying their fucking due with proper humility, or reaching a comment count when you had hundreds of people reading but not commenting). Damn i miss taking away fic xD We played hardball back then xD
That was the fucking worst and people were rightfully denied access to fic if hits didn’t coincide with comments. You could publish a chapter and then decide to remove it from view (either for editing, or hostage taking for comments…. which i miss dearly AHAHAH it forced people to learn to be proper commenters and interact with those whose media they were consuming). It’s a big part of what I miss because just like a proper community, people kept each other in check and made sure everyone played nice. You enjoyed a fic? You sure as hell let that writer know. Now though…. the entitlement drives me up the fucking absolute walls and makes me wanna put stuff behind a paywall sometimes…. everyone is lucky im lazy as shit tho AHAHAH and im usually fine after venting xD
But yeah, fanfic culture in general has shifted in a major way to constantly consume and NEVER give back, either in comments, or creating new content yourself to also add to the community (for example as i’m sure we’re all aware, like ALL the people who bitch about certain ships or ‘why ship this when you can ship THIS?’…. Like, instead of bitching that ‘WAH WAH this author doesnt WRITE the ship I LIKE why can’t they write THAT??’ people came up with the radical idea of CREATING the content they wanted to see :| And if weren’t that good of a writer/artist to do so? Well then you SUPPORTED the writers/artists you enjoyed by leaving comments on their shit OR getting a commission… Goddamn i remember when even ‘commissioning’ people was a wild concept… Ya’ll dont know ahahah xD
I do believe that this is a huge source of where Anti-shipper behavior has stemmed from; entitlement gone berserk. And public schools and shit are still largely full of my parents’ generation who were not computer-literate either in function or courtesy, so even as internet social skills are not being taught correctly (or safety; they scared the SHIT out of us back in the day and now everyone has all their shit and pictures online haha) so there’s also a huge disconnect socially which i think has impacted online fandom spaces and what is considered acceptable or not. People also turn into fucking swine when they think they’re anonymous online (and boy do they change their tune fucking quickly when you out them) and i think the whole anonymity thing is also a factor of this whole entitlement issue in fandom spaces; making demands without giving ANYTHING back. Like I’ve mentioned in the past, I don’t put up with that shit, and it’s not a coincidence I was going to work for the CIA after I just left Japan about 3yrs back (thank fuck I didn’t cuz FUUUUCK this administration) cuz people are dumb as shit and basic tracking skills to call someone out on their bullshit has been my bread and butter since i was like 12 haha. You act dishonest and entitled, and it’s gonna come back to you in some shape or form. You’re going to reap what you sow. That was the motto back then and I still believe in it today.
Hell, it has shocked the FUCK out of me the few times i’ve had people tell me ‘omg me and my friend were talking about your latest update!’ and i’m just like O_O????? because also back in the day, ‘fanfiction’ was kind of a taboo word. You never said you were into fanfic in mixed company. You more or less NEVER discussed it publicly (I’m not even talking dirty stuff, just normal, sfw fanfiction) because it primarily existed only online (for me; i’m post-fan magazines but pre-internet fanfic sites LOLOL). Hell, I got my college english professor into fanfiction. She didn’t even know what it was, let alone that something like that existed, and I had to explain it to her my first year of college kind of with a red face xD She was a writing-professor too so like, let that date the culture a bit. Like, if that was literally her major field of expertise and she didn’t know about it, that should tell you how not-mainstream fanfic was.
I’m kind of out of touch with that myself. Do kids (ya’ll are kids to me okay? xD) mention fanfiction as a reading/entertainment medium in normal conversation? Like, you could mention, without getting weird looks, ‘oh i enjoy reading fanfiction’ or (and i’m like internally gasping at the idea here) being able to say ‘yeah i enjoy writing fanfiction’? Is that a thing? I sure as hell don’t tell my peers that I write fanfic, let alone that i’m approaching 1million words for borderlands stuff alone AHAHAH It’s STILL taboo and seen as a lesser writing medium to folks my age. If you weren’t in a ‘geek’ circle (and i mean, i had friends who played D&D at lunch, and one friend who we mentioned fanfic together with) then culturally, as an art form, it wasn’t acceptable to discuss. Like, i’m STILL in that mindset that fanfic is not something to be discussed off the internet with people and it makes me very very uncomfortable to do so unless i know 100% I can speak discretely with someone. That’s what the offline culture was. I know its way different in some respects, like me and my youngest sister are 10yrs apart and her experiences with fandom are wildly different, but the idea of people actually talking about someone’s fic together with friends absolutely blows my fucking mind.
So, it’s changed in good ways too xD I just fucking HATE people who think they’re entitled to never comment or give back to the community sooooo i tend to get stuck on that issue, ESPECIALLY, again, as a writer approaching 1million words. *salute* doing my duty to the fandom community LOLOL or polluting the fandom community if you’re an anti AHAHAH antis can suck my entire ass and i’ll go on to put another million words of what they HATE into the world and they cant stop me ;3 spite is a fabulous motivator xD
The tools back then were a lot more crude, abilities and functionality was limited (but also better in some ways; moving fic to the ‘backroom’ so to speak), and even finding stuff was hard and relied on the hushed whispers of friends, but damn the community was better. So much better. So much more positive and accountability made people decent. So like, I do LOVE a lot of what we have now, but we have lost SO much. Both in terms of content and sense of community. I wish people would put more positivity into the content they’re consuming and lift up others. It’s why i try my damnedest to leave commenting tags on EVERY SINGLE THING i ever reblog here, because i *know* firsthand how much it means. To scream your art into the silence and only get the equivalent of stares back is maddening.
So yeah. Stuff has changed. Capitalism and censorship are running especially rampant hand-in-hand right now, and lord forbid we come full circle where there are no more places for us. I mean, if we have to go back to email lists, hell I’m already ready and an old veteran to that system anyhow. I’d miss all the content we all have access to…. but then there’s also that 90% commenting rate you get with that kind of system so HEEEEEY let it all fall down! bahahah xD
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