#my tagging system is too intricate why did i ever start tagging things so specifically for myself
courfee · 1 year
start end of the week(ish) snippet
so the very wonderful @messrsage tagged me in this a couple days ago and i finally have my laptop back so youre getting a contextless snippet from chapter 6 of operation wanker now have fun :)
James would say that after years of practice of pulling pranks and having to evade any patrolling teachers he is good at hiding and sneaking around and perceptive enough of footsteps in the dark. Somehow he still doesn’t see the green beam of light hitting him square in the chest coming. Neither does he expect the forearm pressing against his chest, pushing him back into the corner he is hiding in. “Potter.” It’s no more than a whisper but the tone is sharp enough to make James stand up straighter. “Crouch,” James whispers back. Barty is close enough that James can see the angry expression on his face, even in the dim light. “What’s up?” “You tell me. What games do you think you’re playing here?” “Uh.” James looks around through the dark. “Tag?” Barty huffs and presses closer against James. In the back of his mind James thinks that this would be a great opportunity to have some very intense make out sessions. If it wasn’t Crouch that is. He wonders if Remus and Sirius are making use of the dark. He assumes they are, it’s been more than a week since they last got to kiss after all. “Reggie told me to not say anything to you but someone has to and he’s not going to. You’ve been back for nearly a week. So. What exactly has kept you from talking to your boyfriend? And you better give me a good explanation here.” James doesn’t have a good explanation. He also doesn’t have a boyfriend, not a real one anyway, so Barty’s anger is at least a little unjust, but he obviously doesn’t know that.
no pressure tagging @iceprinceofbelair @aithusarosekiller @strwbi-laces @carrythispictureforluck and whoever else feels like doing it
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quinnhills · 2 years
Good to know you're feeling welcome! :D this is our little place in the internet, and we've decided to make it trans and gay as hell (n i gotta say, i did think "they-them gang! :o" when i found out you started using they/them too a while ago X3 ) n if you received this ask more than once, my tumblr bugged out before i could finish, sorry (。_。)
anyways, and sorry if this is long, but Woe- More Tumblr Things Be Upon Ye:
there used to not be an image limit before, causing a few- interesting posts… tho that changed a few years ago and recently, at first the limit being 10 images per post to now 30 images per post (you can also move the images around a bit)
if you plan on staying long term on tumblr and use desktop the most, i recommend getting the browser extensions Xkit &/or New Xkit cuz… yeah, tumblr is pretty nice, but it sometimes gets hard to use. it also adds extra useful things to the tumblr experience, which is nice to have. i'd say tumblr is like living in a cheap apartment in a calm area of the city. the place's great for what it is, just gotta be sure to leave rat traps near holes and dont worry about the Beast down the hall,
speaking of rats, we got an infestation. you may or may not have heard of it with the voter fraudage going with the polls a bit ago; since tumblr has little to No email verification, people outside tumblr buy bots to get in here and start posting malicious links. tho the bots are surprisingly easy to identify (often times blank blogs with very weird descriptions + stolen picture of lady or ai generated. you'll know it when you see it), and the protocol here is block and report spam so staff can deal with it
and btw if you want to keep a post for as long as your blog stands, i recommend rebloggin! thanks to how tumblr is build as, even if the original post or that blog is gone, the reblog will stay with you (+ tags on reblogs dont really make a post expand outside of your own blog, so many use this to create Very intricate personal tag systems to make easier finding posts, bc once a blog gets 1k+ post in it, it gets hard finding anything on it... <- knows this from experience u.u)
oh and last thing before i go again (and something i found out recently), another browser extension ive been loving: Stylus! with it you can customize a ton of sites to your liking And with a specific style found in the archive of this extension, you can change how the dashboard looks! even changing the background to any image you might want :D
so yeah, thats it, for now. i got more info if you want it, just lmk 👉👈
and you probably already noticed this, but there isnt really any word limit for posts or asks around these lands. tho on tags, the character limit on a single tag is 139. but you can put a Lot of tags, so there! be free mx quinn, no character limit holds you down no more ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Thank you so much for the knowledge!
Some Quinn Facts:
Mx., Ms. and Miss are all acceptable :)
I use “gay as hell” as a sort of tongue-in-cheek shorthand, but I also identify as trans as hell, queer as hell, non-binary as hell, lesbian as hell, and anxious/depressive as hell
I’m a vegetarian
My favorite food is pineapple pizza (controversial, I know)
For a few years in the early 2000s, I was a licensed auctioneer
The most times I’ve ever cried during a movie is 5 times during Happiest Season
I like the idea of books, but I’m bad at reading them
Overalls give me gender euphoria, and I don’t know why
I hope to release a solo album within the next year
I hope to direct a feature-length film by the time I’m 40
Coming out was the best thing I ever did
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storykravting · 5 years
200 Years From Now
In the 19th century, a few people realized that we (humans) can change the climate of our planet.
During the 20th century, some more people looked into the idea that we (humans) can change the climate of our planet. They confirmed its validity with research but didn't think it was really important, so they didn't do anything.
For most of the 21st century, people all over the world argued about whether we (humans) can change the climate of our planet. Some people still didn't think it was important, even though all kinds of research studies were confirming what people in the 20th century had said. By this point though, the effects of a changing climate were already starting to take place, and most of those people realized that the people in the 20th century were right.
The 22nd century is the result of people finally accepting and adapting to the fact that we (humans) can change the climate of our planet. Unfortunately, it took so long to come to this decision that a lot of cities were already underwater. Literally underwater—Atlantis isn't the only lost city anymore.
Plenty of things are different now in 2100, but the simplest to confer might be these two: The world got brighter and warmer, and sea level has risen quite a bit.
Miami, New Orleans, and San Francisco had to evacuate since underwater breathing isn't completely feasible yet. So did Alexandria, Mumbai, Osaka, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, parts of Singapore, and Australia's outer ring of coast. The Pacific Islands disappeared. And you can just imagine what happened in Venice with the canals.
A few ecosystems stopped working too—take the coastal wetlands for example. Most of the greenery in the Alps and Appalachians, and every other mountain range in the world, withered. Even under the water, all non-"supercorals" in the Great Barrier Reef were completely bleached by the beginning of the 22nd century.
For better or worse, disaster was the wake-up call needed to finally galvanize the human race into action.
While the natural world and select areas of civilization suffered the consequences of industrialization, a few places had been smart enough to innovate ahead of time. Neighborhoods in Rotterdam were floating and solar-powered, and as a result aesthetically pleasing as well as technological marvels. Scotland had already put wind turbines in the ocean. Over decades, places that had once been on the coastline slowly became habitable again.
Green technology disseminated across the globe in one of humanity's greatest works of collaboration.  Solar cities popped up everywhere; urban planners had a heyday. Renewable energy became the number one priority, so they made photovoltaic everything—solar panels on top of roofs, in place of roofs, embedded in the sidewalks, inside the paint on buildings somehow. They stuck gardens and windmills everywhere too. And since green is the new black, gardening is government-subsidized.
Architects were just as busy too. Buildings are taller and nicer than they were a century ago. Photography and social media helped popularize a particular style revolving around clean lighting, open space, and an urban aesthetic. Interior design and city layout headed in the direction of bright and spacious and beautiful.
While those people installed huge sundials in plazas and guided vines down the sides of glass skyscrapers, other institutions also developed with the era. These days, it takes less time to get a general education. The new priority is on apprenticeships and applying knowledge in a changing world. Public schooling abandoned its jack-of-all-trades curriculum and established a new one: Programs for Environmentally Beneficial Innovations. PEBI for short.
Despite the naming convention, not every PEBI is centered on improving the future. Some of them, like floriography and sculpting, are just to make the present a nicer, prettier place.
So learning is more popular than it was before, maybe thanks to all the freedom the new system gives its users to stretch their wings. Almost everyone is immersed in their respective field. They’re proud of what they learn, and a lot of people embrace their PEBIs as part of their identity. Architecture, agriculture, art, their professions help define their place and contributions to the world.
And so of course, among the youth, talk about academics and work is just about as commonplace as entertainment. Long-distance communication facilitates a perpetual exchange; teens always seem to be in touch with each other, whether they're texting or talking, meeting in person or simulating it with 360° spherical cameras. Sending voicemail these days is as easy as tapping a wrist piece and speaking.
Possibly the most poignant change between today and the today of 200 years ago is sociocultural: in our relationships. What happened was, in a way of speaking, a shift toward the material. The popular thing these days, especially with so many young couples, is to commemorate special occasions with an equally special gift, something that will be remembered fondly by both the giver and the receiver.
The prevalence of social media in a time focused on the invention and communication of ideas is not to be understated. People are more creative these days; they have to be in order to keep pace with the world around them. As the bar for creativity in real-world innovation rose, the level of creativity that people put into their personal lives increased alongside it.
One artistic engineer made a heart-shaped, pocket-sized charm out of clockwork. One floriographer put together a stunningly beautiful bouquet specifically for a lucky person in their life. And of course, with social media, it only takes one nice picture and a blurb for everyone to hear about it.
Redesigns and novelty gift ideas started trending all over the internet, and they were all incredible. Clockwork charms modeled after hearts and stars and animals, unique bouquets with every type of flower imaginable, pretty accessories and the like. Even letters, which were outdated 200 years ago, are stylish thanks to the work of a few skilled calligraphers.
With so much knowledge and technology crackling at our fingertips, it’s easy to understand why everyone wants to pour themselves into something tangible they can give away as a present that will speak for itself. In fact, it’s almost expected that everyone come up with at least something to do that will stand out.
Obviously, there’s a lot of controversy over the emphasis so many people seem to place on just one facet of the human experience. It’s a persisting tradition for the older generation to express disapproval at whatever the youth are up to: in this case, a fixation on giving gifts and planning elaborate confessions.
But perhaps it's wrong to say modern relationships are artificial or excessively material. Maybe the key thing is not so much the gifts themselves, or even the feelings they're intended to evoke, but the willingness to put so much thought into a single gesture.
Sure, a pretty token can’t convey a person’s true feelings, just as a picture on social media can’t truly show what someone’s life is like. But it’s a truth that the people who give and receive those kinds of gifts are happy. It’s a truth that most of them are in great relationships and can overcome the difficulties that challenge them. The people behind the trends are undeniably talented, but they’re also just kind, thoughtful, caring people—people who show their love in ways that are only coincidentally “instagrammable.”
While the weight given to gifts may have been upped in the past century, while confessions and proposals may have gotten a dozen times more intricate, while we may be able to talk as if in person from a mile away, we still use words to let people know how we truly feel. After all, a gift can’t be given without a tag. A dance can’t happen without an invitation. We still surprise each other with what we like and don’t like. We still make time to meet up in person and grab coffee. We still struggle to tell the people we love that we love them, because our feelings are complicated, and we would never be able to summarize them with a simple present or a smile.
So in a way, the gifts and presents and performances are less the gift than the gift wrap. Giving things and celebrating, all that stuff is appetizers, there to accentuate the words we use to make our feelings clear.
A lot of us may want to be showmen and showwomen, to express our love in amazing ways that won’t ever be forgotten, but we haven’t yet lost what it means to connect with someone—to reveal ourselves, heart to bare heart. Past the shower of gifts and attention, when the only onlookers are the people involved, there remain those irreplaceable moments of self-disclosure. It’s then that we clear our throats, look our loved ones in the eye, part our lips, and give voice to the reasons that make us try so hard to impress.
“Thank you for everything.”
“You've changed my life.”
And of course—
“I love you.”
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spydre · 3 years
How Was Your Day?
(game date: March 25, 2021)
I spent my day arranging a meeting with, and hiring, a thief.  I'd decided to go this route because the alternative method to retrieving the Ci from Gipson would likely be messy.  As the Dragon had said, he would not willingly part with the thing.  That, however, did not mean we should draw attention to ourselves if we didn't need to.  I don't think Dragons believe in subtlety. 
I reached out to one Steff "Novaspark" Camden, who has been our main contact with the Hoods since we noticed their activities at ER's benefit concert.  She (or her comrades) did an excellent job planting the bug on General Stone, and she knows that she'll get paid when she deals with us.
Once we'd arranged our meeting, I transferred 1,000 credits to a datachip, which I handed over, first thing.  
"That," I said, "is for your silence, whether you take the job or not."
She scanned the chip and made it disappear.  "'Kay, you've got my attention."
I nodded once, then laid it out.  "Our illustrious council leader has, in his possession, an object that does not belong to him. It looks like a handle, with nothing attached. My friends and I would like it back.  He doesn't appear in public often. There are two instances coming up, that I know of.  You would have free reign as to the how. You can use your people, and/or my people.  You would have my gratitude. And at least one other rather powerful organization wants this done, too.  I have some information on some expected public appearances, if it would help."
She took a moment to reply.  "You don't aim low, do ya," she said, flatly.  
I had no rebuttal.  The girl was not wrong.  "I wish I could choose my enemies," I said.  "I comfort myself that I can choose my friends."
We bantered a bit.  I wasn't sure that she was going to take the job; the high profile of the mark seemed to spook her.  I did what I could to assure her that my team would provide backup.  In the end, the price tag for her friendship was a 20,000 credit advance, with an unspecified amount upon delivery.  I chose not to haggle, and made the transfer.
Vamir spent his morning interviewing for an executive position at SunTek.  He hasn't said much about it, yet, but if I know my father, he handled the interview personally, and absolutely none of it consisted of the kind of empty questions that you can research on the Matrix.  Vamir's background would have been thoroughly researched, and Dad would be investigating my motives for recommending him.  The fact that Vamir was hired could mean any number of things, but I don't think for a moment that it means that we have fooled him.
Aru was in self-imposed exile.  He blames himself for leaving his family in a vulnerable position, and by way of atonement he has been performing all the scut work at the estate for several days now.  He and I have very different responses to guilt.  I invented a "silver bullet" that should ensure that the manor is never undefended again -- and I look forward to it being used on the next intruder, even if they are only trying to "test" us.  Maybe especially then.
I am sorry to admit that I do not know anything about Gordianus' day.  As the newest member of this team, and the least experienced, she deserves more of my time and attention.  I'll have to try to correct that.
Varfana, while performing inventory that afternoon, found a bag of powder hidden in the shelves.  She called for the employee on duty, Heznik.
"I found this in the back room, any idea what it is or where it came from?"
Heznik looked guilty, then he sighed and fessed up.  "You know my son, Lorhig, he's been doing some of the deliveries. I found that in his things earlier today, and took it. I knew he was hanging around with the wrong crowd, but I was hoping getting him involved in the business would help to pull him away.  I don't know what sort of drug it is, but it does not look like caffeine pills. I am worried.  He is out on deliveries now. I was going to confront him about it when he got back."
The man probably thought that he was about to be fired, but Varfana isn't like that.  She sympathized completely, and offered up Vamir's chemical expertise to analyze the powder.  Heznig wasn't sure he wanted to know.  He didn't seem sure about anything; the realization that his son was involved with this at all had shaken him.  After waffling for a bit, he decided that it was best to know the truth, and Varfana called up Vamir.
It didn't take him long, even with his portable setup, to identify the stuff.  
"The common street name is 'Ash,' but some of the more honest dealers call it 'Burnout.'  It's a highly addictive, very powerful, stimulant.  Makes the user feel invulnerable, but it brings a nasty crash when the high wears off.  It's killed a few people."  He pushed the bag away with distaste.  "That's at least fifteen doses."
Varfana set her jaw.  "The boy's mixed up with the Masques.  They'd be the ones in this neighborhood with the hard drugs."
From what I heard later, Heznik didn't take the news well.  He was angry, and worried, and he needed someone to blame for this, so for a couple of minutes he swung like a pendulum between blaming his son, to blaming himself, and back again.  As Varfana was trying to calm him down, the kid returned from the delivery route.  
Lorhig looked like a frightened slugbunny that had narrowly escaped a hunt, only to blunder into a nest of antkegs.  He sported a nasty bruise on one cheek, and a wary expression in his eyes.  He scanned the room, saw his dad, his dad's boss, a stranger in a lab coat, and he very nearly turned right around again.  To his credit, he didn't, and the whole story eventually was revealed.
When Lorhig told his "friends" (that he was getting drugs from, to use) that he wasn't going to be able to hang out anymore (because of his dad getting him a job at Oakenshield's), they grilled him about the job and basically told him that he would use this new job as a delivery boy as a cover to deliver drugs for them, too. Or Else.  The bruise on his cheek was an Or Else moment, when it was discovered he had lost some product -- that being the bag which Heznik had taken from Lorhig's things.
It was at that point when Varfana called the group to let us know what was going on.  Katrya said she had a plan, and I (for one) was entirely too happy to let her (or anyone) handle planning.  Especially since this particular situation was not likely to call for a lot of subterfuge nor intricate hacking.  
EllieRocks had an earlier curfew, so I didn't get a chance to discuss much with her - another failing on my part.  I'll have to check in with her soon - is it too late to see if she could entertain at the debutante ball?  She would certainly hold everyone's attention, giving Novaspark the best chance if she should decide to pull the job then.
Ryatt has been learning what it's like to run a business.  We did our best to set things up so that this doesn't take up the majority of his time, but it's not a good idea for him to isolate himself from it completely, because that would just make it too easy for unscrupulous executives to steal too much from him.  I snagged a few minutes before he had to leave, and proposed that he and I design a drone for the upcoming Sunspot Games.  He could list Rintendo as an official sponsor, it would be good publicity, and give us all a good excuse to be present at the Games if needed to back up our hired thief.  
He agreed that it sounded like fun, although he seemed more interested in designing a VR game based upon drone racing - which, if I know anything about this kid, means that he will end up designing an intricate system for players to design their own drones, with race courses based upon the entire history of the Sunspot races (and a few based upon alternate laws of physics), and the resulting product will end up being used as a tutorial for future participants of Sunspot. 
Which, in turn, probably means that I'll be the one doing most of the work on the actual drone we'll be using in the real-life race, but that's okay.  His VR work will point toward the best design, if he completes it in time to be useful to us.
Katrya spent her day as she has several days since the SunTek job - avoiding being seen in public.  She also made a point of having to stay outside of both planned events.  When I asked why, she stared at me blankly.  "Do you not read the news, Zeke?"
Apparently I don't, at least not often enough.  Shortly after we all had our faces flashed in relation to the SunTek break-in, Border Patrol issued a 500-credit reward for information leading to Katrya's arrest.  Specifically her.  And I'd missed it.  
500 credits seems a little insulting, all things considered.  I slept on the problem.  
The next day I started work on a new type of holographic projector.  Actually, I built three mini-projectors into a necklace, and programmed them to project an image of a face over the wearer's own visage, approximating the same movements and expressions.  It was finished by early afternoon, and turned out better than I expected.  
Before turning the prototype over to the foxkin, I studied and documented my work carefully, and by late evening I was able to program the machine shop drones to duplicate it - they can turn one out every six hours, so in a couple of weeks each of us should own one.  The materials are pricey, about 10K each, but if we ever get out of the saving-the-world-business, we could sell these on the black market for ten times that.  
For now, though, I'm keeping this tek a secret.  Well, I did take the first drone-assembled FakeFace to another meeting with Novaspark.  I figured, with this tool in her kit, her chances of nabbing the Ci would be much greater.  I made it clear that this bauble wasn't going on the market; it was just for her use, but she was so excited about the potential of the thing that she didn't care.  She even offered to return the cash advance, which I firmly declined for several reasons (most of them relating to goodwill, but there are also expenses involved with ripping off the upper crust, and, as I said at the time, a girl's gotta eat).
So, that was my week so far.  It could be worse.  I could have a
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foundcarcosa · 7 years
Why did you close the door the last time you closed one? >> If you’re thinking about reading this, I’d consider passing unless you’re ridiculously fascinated by my every word or something -- it’s extremely long. Anyway, I actually closed it by accident, because I didn’t compensate for the change in air pressure when I swung it behind me.
Stripes or polka dots? >> I prefer stripes.
Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? >> I do care. I’d prefer not to be touched. Exceptions exist, but they’re so few and so specific that it’s easier to just start from “don’t touch me” as a rule and then write in the amendments as they become relevant.
What is your gender? >> I don’t have one. Except for Sparrow’s interpretation of my gender, which is “a .gif of a twerking spider”. It’s acceptable.
Do you think that people think its obvious? >> I think that my lack of fucks given re: gender is plenty obvious by my appearance, but at the same time, it’s probably better in general if people don’t assume.
How long did your first date last? >> I don’t remember. It was almost 12 years ago.
Is your favorite color within 10 feet of you? >> I don’t have a favourite colour.
Highlight of your day? >> The high point of today was getting to three-quarters done with WoW’s Loremaster of Draenor achievement. Spires of Arak was a pain in the ass.
Would you rather be on a boat or a plane? >> That would probably depend on the length of the voyage and where to. I do love flying, though.
Can you tell when girls (or guys) have eyeliner on? >> Whether I can tell if someone has eyeliner on or not depends on how closely I’m looking at their face and also how much I care.
Can you cook? >> I can.
How high is your ceiling? >> I don’t know.
Whats the worst job you can think of? >> The worst job for me would be janitorial work, especially if bathrooms are involved.
Do you swear a lot? >> I do.
Does the last person you texted have an O in their name? >> Yes.
Is everything working in your house? >> More or less, I assume.
Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline? >> I’d rather have a trampoline, as I’m more likely to use that than a pool (seeing as I can’t swim and find the rituals surrounding pool usage -- the showering, the drying, the changing of clothing, the uncomfortable sensory bits -- to be overwhelming most of the time.
Does pop give you energy? >> Not that I’ve noticed.
TV show you love with a passion? >> Metalocalypse is one. So is Vikings. And Person of Interest. And Hannibal. And Tremé. And Carnivale. And...
Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? >> There are no such things in my life. Perfect age to get married? >> The age you feel like doing so. Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes? >> It’s not safe to say that. I own two.
Name a career path that women are known for taking. >> I’m not confident enough in the veracity of any demographic-based statistical data to answer this.
Favorite type of cookie? >> Thin Mints are the only cookies I can eat more than one of in a sitting.
A quality you look for in choosing a significant other? >> I don’t look for specific qualities, I look for well-crafted and intricate and intriguing tapestries -- and then I mine the details.
What would I find if I looked in your pocket? >> A lip balm.
What was your first word? >> I don’t know.
A musical instrument you wouldn’t mind learning how to play? >> I’m fine with not knowing how to play one. Singing is more my thing. And rhythm-based music games. :p
Last time you went to 7-eleven? >> I don’t remember. I was probably in New York.
A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? >> None.
Does everyone in your family have a job? >> I don’t even know everyone in my family, let alone their employment status.
Going anywhere this weekend? >> Not that I know of / can recall.
Is your room ever clean? >> The bedroom is generally some level of clean. More cluttered than I’d like, but that’s because I’m inclined to minimal possessions and Sparrow is not.
What does it mean when youre being quiet? >> It means I don’t feel like being loud. Which is usually.
Last person you had a face to face conversation with? >> Sparrow.
Wheres your phone? >> On the bed beside me.
Do you know the difference between your and you’re? >> Yes. I don’t find it worth arguing about, though.
How late did you stay up last night? >> I went to sleep sometime around 1a EST, I think.
Anyone you’re ready to kill? >> I’m ready to kill whatever mobs I need to kill to continue grinding out these achievements.
Do you need to get a tan? >> No. I certainly wouldn’t complain about getting a shade or three darker, but I don’t think I spend enough time in the sun for it to happen regardless.
What do you want? >> A slight decrease in humidity. A stone-and-glass shower that could feasibly fit a dozen people comfortably. A giant Snorlax plushie. Her.
Favorite TV show as a kid? >> I don’t think I had one. Whats a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? >> Sherlock.
How many times have you been in love? >> I don’t know.
Go camping or go to a party? >> Partying while camping is a lot of fun.
Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? >> Yes. I started in earnest when I left my dad’s, because I wasn’t allowed to swear while I lived with him. So, 17.
How many years older than you would you date someone? >> My general guideline is no more than 10 years older than me.
What was the last thing you pinky swore on? >> I don’t.
Would you consider yourself a nice person? >> I don’t consider myself a nice person. I don’t want to be a “nice” person. I want the adjectives that describe me to be more... detailed. Less fake-sounding.
Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? >> There are three.
Has there ever been a serial killer in your house? >> As far as I know, no. Do you know anyone who looks like Adam Sandler? >> No.
True or false: Glee is annoying. >> I don’t know, I’ve never watched it.
Last thing you cooked? >> Half of a bag of frozen potatoes and onions and peppers.
Do you use slang often? >> Sure.
Wear glasses? >> Sunglasses, and sometimes clear lenses for aesthetic. About how old was the last person that hit on you? >> I don’t remember the last time I was hit on.
What color are your headphones? >> One pair is black, the other blue.
Would you make a good teacher? Why? >> I don’t know. I’ve never really thought much about it, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be socially acceptable enough for any established educational system.
Don’t you hate those commercials that try too hard? >> No. I don’t understand a lot of them, or what their target demographic is, or what the hook is supposed to be, but I accept them as a quirk of modern society.
Is the fan on? >> Yes.
Any special reason why you’re taking this survey? >> No special reason. I was in the mood to take one and I found this in the tag.
What does the last text message you sent say? >> I don’t remember and don’t feel like finding out. Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? >> In this highly improbable situation, I have no real problem picking up a pregnancy test for someone... as long as I have a good reason to. I’d be more interested in why they couldn’t go get it themselves.
Do you log out on facebook when you leave the site? >> Except for the very rare times I’m on a public device or someone else’s device, no.
What color are your underwear? >> Black.
How short are your nails? >> They’re about a centimeter extended past my fingertips.
Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? >> I’m too lazy to manipulate this question into one remotely answerable by me.
Favorite holiday? >> Christmas.
If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? >> Yes. I remember Ohio’s shape.
Youre locked in a room with spiders. Do you have an issue? >> How many spiders? How big are they? Are they venomous? Also, why am I locked in a room at all?
Do you wear your most expensive item of clothing often? >> I think my most expensive item of clothing is either my winter coat (which I only wear in... winter... so no, not often) or my Tripp coat (which is too small for me, so now I don’t wear it at all until I can figure out how to repurpose it).
Do you eat a lot of food? >> I eat as I’m compelled to. /shrug Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? >> I was an adult when I started having those kinds of relationships, so there is no way he could exert control over them.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? >> Yes.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? >> I don’t know how good I’d be at understanding driving directions, seeing as I don’t drive. I understand most directions pretty well, if multiple frames of reference are given (compass directions and landmarks as backup, for example).
How many people do you text daily? >> Zero, usually, unless Sparrow texts me something.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? >> No.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? >> No.
What did you do on your last birthday? >> On my actual birthday, I didn’t do anything. My birthday trip was at the beginning of that month.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? >> I don’t know.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? >> No.
What is your least favorite subject in school? >> All of them.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? >> No. My father won custody of me pretty easily when I was a baby, considering my mother didn’t even show up to court.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? >> No.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? >> Earlier today. I watched the Leeroy Jenkins video.
Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? >> No. When was the last time you held someone’s hand? >> I don’t remember.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? >> I don’t eat meals, I just eat when I’m hungry. I ate on about four separate occasions today, but not much.
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” >> No.
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? >> It’s reliable for what I use it for.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? >> Yes. I thought it had some cool things.
Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? >> I respect people’s financial limits, especially if they’re clearly defined (”ok I only have 20 to spend so”), but I don’t make a big deal out of trying to order the cheapest thing on the menu. I order what I want, and if they don’t want to buy whatever it is, then I’ll pick something else. --Or pay for it myself.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? >> Lilo and Stitch.
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? >> No. I didn’t really have a context for that.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? >> I’d rather hardwood everywhere except the bedroom, I think. I just find it so much easier to keep clean, and also... I can just put rugs down if I want soft. (Rugs are also easier to clean for me, because they can be taken outdoors and beaten and aired out.)
Who was the last person you yelled at? Why? >> I don’t remember.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? >> Day camp, sometimes. And church camp once, when I was 13.
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? >> Yes, once. Wouldn’t mind doing it again.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? >> No.
When was the last time you went somewhere you thought was haunted? >> I don’t know.
Who was the last person to compliment you? >> I think that was Krister, on Instagram sometime in the past week or two.
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? >> I was 18.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? >> My father was overprotective and strict.
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? >> No.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? >> No.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? >> Yes. I especially like to watch them on the bathroom TV at the in-laws’ house when I use their shower.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? >> A couple of soft tacos and/or a quesadilla or something. Nothing too extravagant.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? >> In general, yes, but now there is a finish line in sight.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you? >> Yes. Do you like short or long surveys the best? >> I like the 30-50 question range best. Any longer than that, and questions start to weaken and get repetitive. Case in point: this survey, which has asked me about instruments three times already.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? >> No. That doesn’t strike me as an intelligent move.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? >> ---
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? >> No. I often get excited, though.
How often do you shower? >> Two to three times a week.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? >> I don’t recall ever doing that.
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? >> Zero.
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? >> I don’t think I have a context for that kind of opinion.
Do you ever watch any soap operas? >> No.
Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? >> Well, probably.
Do you think long surveys are boring or entertaining? >> If the questions manage to remain interesting, as I said before, then I’m fine with them. This one is pushing my patience.
What color is your significant other’s hair? >> It’s usually purple or red or some shade in between the two.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? >> Probably at some point.
Would you ever become a foster parent? >> I’d rather become an adoptive parent. I prefer the long-term investment model of parenting; the short-term investment model does not appeal to me.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? >> No, but a couple of them ought to be ashamed of themselves, probably.
When you get married, will you convert your last name? >> Yes. Provided Sparrow does what I think she should do, and change hers before the legal proceedings. Otherwise it just won’t make as much narrative sense, god dammit.
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? >> My parents were never married.
Has someone ever left a relationship with you for someone else? >> Probably. I never paid too much attention to that.
What’s the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced? >> Superlatives and me don’t get along.
When was the last time you went shoe shopping? >> It’s been a while. I can never find shoes I want to wear.
When was the last time you cried? For what reason? >> I don’t remember.
What is your favorite shop to go to at the mall? >> Hot Topic, Barnes and Noble.
Would you ever consider becoming a marine biologist? >> No.
Did you carry a lunchbox as a child? >> I did. I was raised vegan and sugar-free so I had to take packed lunches.
What is your favorite ‘sweet’ to eat? >> Sea salt brownies are pretty good.
Are you someone who usually eats when you’re bored? >> Sometimes.
Have you ever eaten your way through a breakup? >> No.
Who was the last person you texted? >> Sparrow, most likely.
Do you usually buy popcorn when you eat at the movie theater? >> No. I don’t really like popcorn in the first place, but especially not for those prices.
Did you sleep alone or with someone last night? >> Alone until Sparrow went to bed. We have Venn-diagram sleep schedules.
What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? >> Balsamic vinaigrette, or Italian in a pinch.
Are you someone who constantly likes to wear hats? >> No. I like my floppy hat, but that’s it. And that’s just for winter, when my short hair can’t protect my head from the elements.
Have you ever seen a Lifetime movie that relates to your life? >> No.
Is it your summer vacation right now? >> I don’t have vacations.
Do you like traveling? >> Yes.
What color are the walls of the room you’re in right now? >> White. Do you go to church regularly? >> I did for a few months, but I don’t think it’s something I could keep up for long. Dragging myself out of bed in the morning just to go get frustrated at Christianity can sometimes be fun, but mostly I’m too lazy.
Who’s your best friend? >> I suppose that is Can Calah.
Are you determined? >> Determined to do what, exactly? My personality traits are dependent on the circumstance. Are you always looking for/in a relationship, or do you like being single? >> I have been in at least one relationship for the past five years, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
Ever had your heart broken? >> I’ve felt like that, yeah.
Even broken someone else’s heart? >> I don’t know. No one’s ever told me that, to my recollection, so I assume not.
Are you confident? >> I don’t know. Probably. It’s not something I put a lot of mental energy into. It strikes me as a largely unimportant trait to focus on at this time in my life.
When’s the last time you smiled? >> I don’t remember. I also don’t really... keep track, ya dig.
Are you tan? >> I am dark-skinned. Any big plans for today/tonight? >> No.
What’s the background on your computer? >> It’s a slideshow. Right now, it’s some cool space art I probably found here on tumblr.
Do you have days where you just want to listen to sad songs? >> Not whole days, usually. Periods of time in general, though? Certainly.
Who’s the last person you kissed? >> Sparrow.
Are you hoping they will also be the next person you kiss? >> I mean, at this point it’s kind of assumed.
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sidelpunchna-blog · 5 years
Evolve matchmaking slow
Evolve Stage 2 Thanks to Valve, Dota 2 players that take their rank seriously have a chance to stop seeing blue.  In-Game Reports Demo's already have quite a bit of information in them, and the recent graph update to track values is very good.  We switch the characters up every week, so be on the lookout on social media and our forums! I have other suggestions in this thread that could aid in this not being that big of a deal, but it would still be a problem.  Have to be wrong, matchmaking.  Let's say your watering hole is a little dry—you might want to evolve a long neck to reach food up in the trees.
Hots matchmaking slow If you are wondering if your relationship is the real deal, it can be tough to tell when the , or if it's something more surface-level that'll soon fizzle out.  Wasted money on unreliable and slow multihosters.  Here are a few differences experts point to, when it comes to figuring it all out.  If you are getting issues other than the ones listed here, you can check out this for more insights on specific issues.  The reload speed has been improved to go along with this new change.  If a user continually votes against kicking a high volume of confirmed cheaters, they should be punished.  Using these files, it builds you a personalized Profile and Match History, and calculates an estimated matchmaking rating using everyone's match results.
Evolve Slow Matchmaking As a Sony fan, how the hell could I do that? There is an offline mode planned for Evolve, but Turtle Rock doesn't want anyone to think that's the game's focus.  There's nothing wrong with surface-level relationships, flings, or one night stands.  Care to explain what's going on here? Sword Identification Marks dating a codependent person Coins with Arabic Writing What defines an Addictive Relationship.  This is essentially already done with the 'Recent Player' feature.  They are alive, but they are overwhelmed by users at the moment.
Dota 2’s new prime matchmaking continues the slow evolution of the game’s most contentious feature Results 1 online features of matchmaking is matchmaking by ramificationz on xbox one.  Or, you can very well use another Steam account to redownload the game and play it.  These were words our company lived by.  There is also an issue with the party system of the game that we believe will be fixed soon by the devs.  But as you can probably imagine, the details are somewhat sensitive and under wraps until we have something to show for it.  With those cards, you'll make thousands of combinations of species, with no two games ever shaking out in quite the same way.  Or add this to Overwatch in some fashion.
Evolve Blog It may not burn as brightly as it did during the honeymoon phase of the relationship, but the couple will still be happy to be near each other, and will feel excited about building a future.  Did we mention that the Announcer is voiced by our very own Chloe Skew? Your balance on no random critical hits the server block - slow going in my area! You're old enough to be my grandfather - I feel truly sorry for you that this is how you spend your days.  Surely you do don't want to add 'denial' into the conversation? Gameplay Features and Updates Gameplay is one of the most important aspects of Evolve: Stage 2.  This should aid a lot in figuring out more intricate details of each case.  Community leaders stepped in to help alleviate some of this trouble, forming in-house leagues with their own rankings and hierarchies.  Have just started off slow cookers sculpturing.  This ensures youll be too slow View mobile phone number, but with large.
Gow 4 matchmaking slow The indicators tell me the general direction they're in and I can tell they're all taking damage, but I'm nowhere near them. .  Just a tip for the future there.  When looking for games to put you in, it will look for other players whose numbers are close to yours.  The goal here is to make Overwatch incredibly active so that rage cheaters get banned within a couple of games, which will burn through all of their back up accounts quickly.  The last player takes control of Goliath.  Here you don't warn me still in cs: go, hence why is cs: go.
For Honor: How to Fix Matchmaking, Network, & Server Error Old Japanese Coins Square Hole? Well Known Personal Trainers shell tellus 32 Old Western Boy Names.  There is no immediate fix to a cheater in a game.  Prime matchmaking is a step in that direction.  Updated Tutorials The tutorial experience for Evolve: Stage 2 is now smoother, shorter, and more focused on getting players the information they need before going out into the wild for their first Hunt.  Support is doing his best to keep our Assault gunner alive until I'm in range, but the monster is giving him one hell of a beating.  So for someone wondering about their future with their partner, the best thing they can do is ask.  Well, at least there's always the next round.
Pokemon Duel Suffers From Slow Matchmaking, Other Problems Sometimes players are locked in black screen after the end of the match which can only be fixed by quitting and restarting the game.  Tags: 343 Industries, Halo, Xbox One.  They were quite non-committal with it.  They need to inform of us every pro and con related to the games.  A month and a half ago we launched the Evolve 2.  They can discuss policies for rule breakers, how to deal with things that arise, or how to improve the system in a more mature area, with others who actively use Overwatch, and are contributing to a better game.  As such, all Perk unlocks have been reset due to the creation of a new progression and Perk system.
The Evolve Subreddit To start with, the loading times: I feel like this game is always loading.  Also it's not like it's the same team for all platforms painters.  Legacy Evolve We have removed Defend, Nest, Rescue, and Evacuation from Evolve: Stage 2.  Read what games on the other user that share your interests.  Battlenet matchmaking is a pile of trash for me, when i log into my Battlenet.  Social Point Forums It just needs some tweaks.  They also have a seasonal reset and give out vanity rewards for end-of-season success, including a custom real-life jacket for Challenger players in LoL.
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