#like legit i will give you free reign if you want just
how have i gone from not caring at all about da ocs to wanting to commission art of greg holding baby kieran in the span of like… three days, help
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missdrarrydawn · 20 days
Hera wanted Athena to win
Guys hear me out, this is my conspiracy theory LMAO
I feel like in God Games when Athena is battling the Gods to help Ody, of all of them, Hera wanted her to win the whole time.
Hera is the final "level" of the game, and if Athena convinces her to say yes, then it's a yes and Ody must be released, and I'm sure Hera knew that fact.
Now look at what all the other Gods say.
Each of them gives a very specific reason why they don't want Ody to be freed.
Apollo's reason is slaughtering the sirens.
Hephaestus' reason is the Scylla sacrifice.
Aphrodite's reason is abandoning his mother.
Ares' reason is being cowardly in the Trojan war.
And then, we get to Hera, and she's just like 'Yeah just give me any good reason and I'll agree to let him go'. She has no qualms with Odysseus, she has no motivation even to fight with Athena on this. She doesn't really require convincing, per se.
She's legitimately just asking Athena to give her any half decent justification so she can say yes and make it look legit in front of Zeus.
The whole time as Athena is giving Hera reasons, Hera is also continuously egging her on to give her a better one, a more sound one that would look really convincing. She's saying things like 'Try Harder' and 'You can do better than that.'
So my theory is that after Zeus announced the God Games, Hera saw it as a chance to stick it to him for once, for all his cheating and disloyalty to their marriage, so she wanted Athena to win, and played her cards accordingly.
All she needed was Athena to give her any half-decent justification for her to say yes, so that the games look legitimate, but ultimately she was on her side the whole time. She made the game really easy for Athena, because she gave her free reign to think of absolutely anything and everything she possibly could in favor of Ody, instead of giving her a specific, niche argument she has to fight against.
Additionally, Hera is the goddess of marriage in the pantheon, and even if she doesn't care the least little bit about Odysseus, I am willing to bet she very much cares about Penelope.
Think about it, Hera herself is stuck in an awful marriage to Zeus and is not very happy about that. And she would 100% relate to Penelope's struggles of being alone, missing her husband and trying to ward off the suitors who are trying to force her into a, let's be real, abusive marriage with Antinous.
Hera as a wife definitely sympathizes with Penelope as a wife, and releasing Odysseus so he can return to Penelope is the only way to help her be protected again.
So there you go. My conspiracy is that Hera for one absolutely wanted Athena to win the entire time. I think she at the very least tried to help her, I mean she couldn't have known that Zeus would fucking kill her for winning LMAO
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irkimatsu · 3 months
Hello!! I hope you are doing well! Some food for though since we are all hungry for our dear Husk:
We all adore hefty Husk, big and fed as an Overlord. And I am guessing the man loves his clothes, fancy suits and ties and watches. And I bet he loves treating his partner to nice outfits as well.
Taking them shopping, hands them an unlimited credit card *I wish adulting is hard*, get anything you want baby. Legit rents out a fucking store for his partner. And don’t get me started about him peeking into the dressing room and then just making out with his partner in a fancy new whatever they are wearing. Like we will take three of these *points at outfit* and lord forbid how we would pounce on them if they wore an outfit he *specifically* got for them
And if you bought him a tie or a watch…man is gonna wear it with PRIDE!!!
Sorry this is long but it’s stuck in my head. Have a wonderful day!!!
Ohhhh I love sugar daddy Overlord Husk so much~
I may not be much for clothes and makeup, but my true weakness fashion-wise is accessories and jewelry. Husk giving me free reign in a jewelry store to stock up on sparkles... Husk losing his breath at the sight of me in a silver amethyst necklace, and helping me pick out a dress or suit to match the necklace, depending on my mood... I like to think he'd like me both ways...
Whatever your taste, though, Husk loves helping you indulge. Calling Husk into the dressing room for help fastening the outfit you picked out, knowing damn well he won't be able to resist the sight of you half-dressed, fully intending to thank him for the shopping spree right there in the dressing room... <3
"If we do this while I'm still wearing it, you'll have to buy it for me~"
And yes buy that man gifts!!! Of course he gives you an allowance; he might apologize that it's a mere pittance compared to the profits he usually rakes in, but one week's pay is still more money than you've ever seen in your life. Of course you have to buy him something to thank him for taking such good care of you! I think a dark red and gold watch would look great on him. You save money from your allowances, and finally manage to surprise him with the gift.
...but is it really a gift if you used money he gave you in the first place? What if it's not to his taste? What if it's not expensive enough for him?
You don't need to worry about any of that; he loves that you thought of him enough to buy him a present. Absolutely melts his heart. I think that man would be happy with a $5 watch from a toy store if the gift truly came from the heart. (Aww, now there's a headcanon for him with kids...) But it's even better knowing that you took the time to recognize his tastes and picked out something he'd like. He can tell you're not just trying to kiss his ass with expensive trinkets. You're really something else...
He'll never take that beautiful ruby watch off. It's a lucky charm; almost as lucky for him as you yourself. He can't always be with you, he has to go away on business sometimes and it's too dangerous to take you with him... but at least he can look at the watch and feel you cheering him on in his dealings.
God that man loves you...
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imagine-silk · 7 months
Could you do a poly relationship between Yandere Hela and Wanda/Scarlet Witch?
》Fun. I can basically feel the overwhelming danger.
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There is one reason they are able to share and it's because they know all too well they are very capable of killing each other. Why fight when there's an easy solution? It would be impossible to leave one of them so both of them means goodbye to any freedom.
Hela sponsors your time out with Wanda. Hela's a very busy woman and can't have you on her lap at all times, as much as she would like that. Wanda has free reign of Asgard and it's deemed safe for you because the witch cannot fail. Everyone knows to give you two whatever you ask for and in turn Wanda will tell Hela about it. Suddenly that business get another shipment imported.
If and when Wanda takes you back to Earth the Avengers know and they do intercept. They're going to check on the both of you but make no mistake, they are not going to help you escape. Wanda is one thing and if it was just her they would maybe think about it, but Hela changes everything. Their combined force would defeat her, definitely, but the devastation is not worth it. They will aid them without getting too involved.
At first it's basically a love triangle but at a certain point it becomes a full throuple. No one could have predicted it unless they were legit psychic because in the beginning they were a hairline from killing each other all the time. Now that they're not competing anymore you and everyone else are a million times safer. You're not safe but safer.
Strangely enough, Wanda is not considered a concubine. She's a diplomat of Midgard. Not a single person falls for the title though. She acts like a tourist. No one says anything about it. The concubines will sometimes convince Wanda to let them tag along, not only to have fun but to gain her or Hela's favor. On that same coin, some of the concubine take the chance to give you a break, say it's the equivalent of a 'girls night'.
As far as any kind of punishment, you will not be punished if you want to live. Hela is very cool with offing people as we've established. If you do get 'punished' the ensuing war between these impossible women is kind of your fault. And honestly, you know better.
Say bye to privacy, personal space, and the possibility of having a job. You will be pampered, loved, and served, as long as you submit to being loved. Who needs freedom anyways?
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marazhaibrainrot · 8 months
Like legit owlcat needs to fix that lock marazhai in the cargo hold route stuff cause it actually resolves the issues I (personallly) have with dom!RT and sub!mara, because it's not about squeamishness, it's about control, and controlling every little aspect of this delusional elf that has for whatever reason decided to crawl into the beasts den and stay there instead of booking it the moment they left commoragh. Like it's not the feasting/hunting that gets me, it's the fact that for how possessive/controlling full dom!RT seems to be at times, letting marazhai hunt free his corner of the decks as he pleases seems to be not that.
So this got kind of long sooo
It feels like it was supposed to be
- marazhai has full reign of ship = sub!RT
- marazhai has feasting area = nuetral, heretic RT who is not romancing him, it's a compromise between sustaining him and also keeping him contained and also chaos and heresy
- keep him locked up and control his diet/feed him/make him beg for it = dom!RT
And like lowkey there's precedent for this with the bed scene where there's just not sub version of it no matter what. And so I choose to believe that there's alternate sub route for how to handle the locked up Marazhai route that we were denied. (Or I could just be projecting my own desires/interpretations onto marzipan lol, toybox archeology and its consequences)
Sub!marazhai is interesting in the sense that he's always creating openings for you to assert your dominance and I'm thinking that a fully realized dom!RT shouldn't be waiting or watching for those openings, fun and salacious as they are, instead creating/opening them as they desire.
There seems to be this sense of dignified 😈 around this elf, which yeah he's trueborn and that's sort of a big deal for the drukhari, even if this one is a loser.
He has this dark grace and I want dom!RT to have noneee of that.
I want their dynamic to be a mix of, RT still has an axe to grind with marazhai, but they also find the flashes of submission from this ruinous creature unexpectedly appetizing and want more, much much more.
And marzipan existing in a state of assuming he'd be introducing RT to his culture and the drukari condition and slowly testing and teaching them and then finding the carpet pulled out from under him when RT ends up being much more experienced than he was prepared for and much more demanding in ways he wasn't prepared for.
Oh, Marzipan needs to feed on suffering to not wither away? Well instead of that being something he gets to take for granted that he will be fed, that it will be conditional, a reward. I want to him to squirm for it. To question whether RT will actually seriously give him up to slaneesh just like that. I wish you could do that btw, you can offer him to the inquisition, you should certainly be able to- oh wait you can yeah, with the daemonettes.
But it's not a proper equivalent though, a proper equivalent would be drawing a straight up ritual circle, parking his betrayed and terrified self in it and kissing him goodbye. Better if after the brand because sure, he thought it meant something but you've tossed out/thrashed much more expensive property than one drukhari.
This is making me realise that what I actually want is the heretic rt ending but like the diet coke version and only marazhai drinks it. Kind iconoclast RT for everyone else. And occasionally for marzipan but like to torture him by denying him torture. And that to be loved is to be changed slideshow and it's just marazhai before and after. Would this RT still adore marazhai after cooking him like this? Who knows.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Hello 💕💕💕 I have come to request a yandere Tanjiro!! Maybe a scenario where we try to escape and Tanjiro catches us? 😭 OOO AND MAYBE LIKE WE HAVE BEEN CAUGHT MULTIPLE TIMES SO THE PUNISHMENT IS LIKE- UNLIKE TANJRIO AND LIKE KINDA INTENSE???? And also how he takes care of us after the punishment. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND IF YOU DON’T DO THIS REQUEST OR TAKE YOUR TIME WITH IT!!! We all need breaks from posting sometimes so no pressure! Thank you for checking my request out! ILY!! ❤️
Cat & mouse
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Pairing: Yandere! Tanjiro x reader
Category: yandere, quite obviously
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, yandere themes, mentions of injury, manipulation, delusion, please lmk if i missed anything else, Tanjiro is a hashira, legit fire torture down below
A/n: i defaulted to fem! Reader since the reader's gender was not specified BUT THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING 💕💕🎐🍡 i'm a sucker for soft characters doing a 180 and going yandere 🤤 i hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!
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So close yet so far
That was the only way to describe your predicament. The hallways seemed to elongate at dizzying speed with every thud of your feet against the cold wooden floorboards. You were reminded of the dreams you often heard people have, where they would try to exit buildings but with every step, the door that stared at them almost mockingly would seem further and further away. You'd counted yourself lucky to have never experience those, yet perhaps gloating had not been such a good idea. Because here you were, in that exact scenario, but this wasn't a dream you could wake up from. If only.
The Estate was stupidly huge and you had a nagging feeling that he had insisted it be so just so it would take more time for you to escape. Your throat felt like a cement chute, dry and aching with every recollection of the times you had tried to escape. In retrospect, it seemed as though he had wanted you to, to test your so-called 'loyalty' to him by dropping little chances that were more so curses and giving you the opportunity to figure out an escape route. You were a doll, one for him to toy with.
The sickening realization caused you to swallow back bile rising in your throat. How long until he arrives? You reached the door, fingers hooking into the small hatch of the fusuma. Was this it? Would you be free? It seemed too quiet, too comforting, you felt dread pool into your stomach at the belated realization. Had he..actually gone on a mission? How many swords did he have?
And why was one of them, with the flame-shaped hilt that you recognized to be that of the former Flame Hashira's, leaning by the door which you were about to open if he really was on a mission?
Warm air flew over the expanse of your nape. But it did nothing to alleviate the drastic drop in your body temperature. If anything, it caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand up in alarm. Silence reigned, thick and nauseating. Your vision blurred and your grip on the hatch loosened. But you were so close to the outside, so close to being free, what if you managed to outrun him? Surely, he would not chase you in public, for all to see.. Outrun a hashira? Your consciousness mocked, but you were desperate and maybe, just maybe.. you regained your grip and began sliding the door, hearing the satisfying scrape against the ground-
« I hope you understand the consequences of your actions, » his voice was lathered in honey and if you hadn't been hyper aware of the mind games he played, you would not have registered the dangerous undertone, akin to the bitter aftertaste of dark chocolate. « You know what will happen if you open the door. » yet he made no attempt to stop you. His gaze was un-relented, boring a hole into the back of your head. You were breathing heavily, your mind fuzzy. The only clear fact was the freedom that laid behind the door. The fight had long left you, and when you slid the door just a little further and felt a sharp pain stab your neck, you didn't even scream.
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Tanjiro watched you from where he was seated at the foot of your bed. Your knees  were pressed against your chest and your palms rested on both of them, eyes refusing to meet his. If that bothered him in the slightest, he didn't give any indication of it. His face held no anger, but he regarded you like a mother would a child who had drawn on the walls. You weren’t sure what to expect as punishment.
Punishment like twice before. The first time you had made an attempt to escape and had been caught, he had resorted to locking you up in your room.
"As a warning." He'd said.
The second time, he had left you in the dark for days. A windowless room. Third time's a charm, but in your case, it was three strikes out.
"Our family works with fire," he spoke up. In his eyes, you were already married to him and his family. Or rather the remaining member of it. "You know that, don't you? » he stood up smoothly, bending towards you to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. His mouth tugged downwards when you flinched.
« And it will help me to teach you a well-needed lesson. »
Alarms seemed to go off in your mind, and your heart raced. You glanced around the room frantically, hoping to spot whatever he would use on you. Perhaps you would be smart enough to figure out how to turn it against him, but it seemed all luck had abandoned you. Your chest heaved and there was that dizziness again that seemed to cause the room to tilt sideways. The sheets wrinkled when you gripped them too hard.
« T-Tanjiro! » you tried, but your voice was hoarse. « I'm sorry, i'm sorry, please, please, i'll listen! I- i won't try to escape again-« you were crying now, and his gaze softened just a bit at the edges. Hope sparked in your chest. « I'll be good, i..i love you.. » the words hurt like glass cutting through your throat, but you forced them out. You love him. You had to.
He stared at you with sympathy and pity for a while, looking close to crying. But his resolve was stronger, it seemed, for he shook his head and closed his eyes. « It has to be done, » he whispered. « You'll thank me after, my love.. »
Out of the pocket of his green and black checkered haori, he fished out a single match and your heart seemed to get stuck in your throat as the realization of what was to come dawned on you. When he lit it, your eyes trailed on the small, dancing flame. You scooted backwards on the bed, looking around for something to throw at him, to smother the flame with.
But you severely underestimated a hashira's ability to quietly and quickly move around and when you felt cold air brush against your skin, he was on you, hunched over your body on the bed. The flame was dangerously close to your face, and your wide eyes zeroed in on that. In that moment, you held your breath. Waiting.
But the matchstick was soon lowered and Tanjiro sighed. « No matter how much i try, i can’t bring myself to hurt you. » he gingerly took your hand in his and for a heartbeat, you had hoped that he would lay a kiss on your palm. « But i still have to punish you in some way. You need..you need to learn.. » he looked up at you and those wine tinted eyes of his that had once held kindness were now fractured with desperation. A small portion of you felt bad. Life had been cruel to him, he had witnessed the death of his entire family, save for one. Now, he simply wanted nothing more than to retain what he had left. But this wasn’t the right way to do so.
A little goes a long way and the little kindness you had bestowed upon him on Mount Natagumo had lead him to develop an aching need for you.
He brought the matchstick to face level and observed it, lips pursed. You thought that the anticipation would kill you faster than he would, if ever. Finally, your palm that you thought he would kiss was pulled into the fire. You screamed, and instinctively drew your hand back or at least tried to. He had an iron grip on your wrist. The more you struggled, the worse the pain became and soon tears were choking your voice. He was also crying, looking like he was the one being burnt, but he held his posture.
When your voice failed you and you didn’t find it in yourself to struggle, the pain long since numbed, he released you. His face was streaked with tears and he gazed at your helpless, broken form in anguish. He blew the fire out shakily, kissing the charred skin in a feather-light way.
Throughout the entirety it took to cool, bandage and disinfect the wound the one he caused, he kept muttering his apologies almost like a mantra. You were unable to register it. In fact, it was as though your mind bad gone dormant. You let him do as he please, say what he wants to. You knew now that you would never be able to escape, and if you tried, you would be burnt. And you knew Tanjiro performed Sun breathing, but it wasn’t the warmness that you felt when you stepped outside. Tanjiro was scorching. He had scorched you. It was better to relent. You knew that much when he brought you in his embrace, tucking your head underneath his chin, the apologies still spilling out of lips.
You were a doll for him to play with.
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silvr-skreen · 1 year
Originally intended to be a duo with Lenard (he sings/makes the music and she dances) except that never really happened.
On her first ever day of existing she got lost and ended up at Ray's stage and just did a bit with him until they ran out of film. As it turns out the juxtaposition between her and Ray was hilarious and THOSE two became a duo.
Lenard legit doesnt care, especially since she makes sure to brief all the others on what happens down in the Stage 2 set (and vicea versa to Ray)
ultimately the CNBG started to try and push a "beauty and the beast" romance thing except Al (who originally despite his good intentions was kind of spineless and bent to their will) said no. He wasn't gonna make them do that, and he didn't. But the CNBG then told him to get her off the air then.
As it turns out, part of her appeal was people thinking her and Ray were more than friends, and a hard no would upset some viewers (as opposed to lying and agreeing, or doing a "will-they-wont-they")
She walked in on the destruction of some of her clones and was then chased out by the staff tasked with the job, and she fled to the basement (this was after Richie left and Ray got banished) and begged him to hide her because "they tore up my copies and they want to tear me up too!" and he agreed. He hid her and played dumb until the staff left.
She's kind of just... been in his lair since, until of course, the staff stopped showing up, at which point she got free reign of the basement, but she is too scared to leave his side. (she also doesnt make clones because shes afraid they'll get torn up too)
something is very wrong with her. Her mechanic doesn't really have the "cute-Agression" but instead if gordon shoots her, or another puppet she runs at him to chastise him about it. Aka. pacifism is really important (or you attack when she's not active or looking)
there was a scrapped script from when Al was considering agreeing with the network and forcing it, but then he tossed it. It's. it's very bad and al's written in the margins a bunch about that.
she's around george height! very tall, also very wiggly. Ray is the one person she wont attempt to wiggle away from
also the one person ray confided in when it came to raymond (which. i have a headcanon about him too)
she learned a lot of stuff from ray, however, it was before gordon came around so... yeah she likes to hit stuff with small blunt objects.
in addition to that one. she needs to either be taped up, or lead to ray to deactivate her. (the second one deactivates them both, and they always are in the same room at the same time)
side quest is really just... listening. offering support.
oh, also fun fact im the person writing that fic on Ao3 "The Neighborhood" w/ trans gordon an' yeah ye shouldnae be stabbing a pregnant person w/ a screwdriver shirley-girly (ray calls her that)
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Funny image tax thank you for reading :3
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ubike-official · 4 months
having some communication issues with an irl. hhh let me spin my yarn in the read more
so i have this irl that I've just been loathing speaking to more and more for months. Like we used to talk a lot and have a good dialogue going andall, but increasingly more and more I'll call her to want to talk about smth and she just bulldozers all over me. and by the time i can get a word in I'm just so mentally spent listening to her and trying to respond meaningfully that I can't even remember what it was I wanted to talk about. And I've mentioned this to her. we had a big talk about this after she got drunk one night and it was just a giant mess. ANd she was doing better for a while, and I just hate that I have to bring it up again constantly like, hey. remember what I said about you not really making me feel heard. Bc like Idk, i have this thing and noticed it in a lot of others that when there's a moment of silence you usually ask the other person if they're good or give them free reign of the conversation when you've already talked a lot. and she never does that. Or she'll ask me questions abt a new topic she wants to talk about rather than giving me a moment to collect myself and talk about something I want to bring up. And like, i know part of it is on me. I have a knack for speaking like I'm ending a conversation. But like, it's infuriating because she always just starts talking about herself every single time, and like, i don't want to be self centered but god can i share anything abt my life for a second??
i know she's had a rough childhood and never felt safe or secure with her family and its not about me. It's about trying to scratch that itch of finally getting to express yourself when you get beat down every time you try by caretakers. I know how that hurts but like, fuck. I've had the same upbringing and I squashed down that part of me from early on. ANd that sucks, no one asked me to do that and I shouldn't have had to. But I've expressed this to her and she seemed to get it, but I guess not and it's so infuriating. And even when I do get a word in and say my piece I feel like she never truly engages with me in what I say. She immediately thinks of herself and how'd she'd react. And I get it, that's very normal. But in every conversation... like stop it!!
Our friend went through a really devastating breakup earlier this year and she's still processing it. ANd she was telling us about this earlier this week and the friend I'm upset with legit listened only to turn the conversation to herself like "if you can't find love, then what does that mean for me? Then I'm really hopeless!"
and again i get it, its not personal. It stems from a lack of care early on that is still unhealed. But oh my god, our friend is crying her heart out abt a breakup with someone she was going to marry!! and you are gonna make this about you while she's still choking back tears!! TIme and place!! I'm just sick of it. ANd I don't even know how to bring it up bc i know this friend is always being told she's too sensitive and too self centered and it makes her worse each time. It's just cruel at this point but I don't know any good way to express this growing resentment. Maybe there is no good way! Like fucked if I do and fucked if i don't. Bc it's not fair to her to not communicate my needs and grow resentments slowly but it's also not fair to me to just ignore it. fuck yk!!! I know legit all my friends have had this issue with her and talk to her abt it, hell i've had this conversation like 3 times now but i'm sick of it. I want to be patient, I know how much trauma affects our ability to grow. but like !?!?!? hhhhhhh
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agoddamn · 2 years
The general assumption (and not an unfair one) is that Konoha did nothing about the Caged Bird seal/insane Hyuuga clan politics, but I offer an alternative: the Hyuuga were even worse before Konoha.
Not allowing Branch family to leave the compound at all, maybe? Maybe the Caged Bird seal was the compromise they landed on with Konoha, and before Konoha Branch members didn't even have the illusion of autonomy.
(I've just been involved in enough organizations that I'm very used to someone new going "wow this fucking sucks" and wanting to shake them because holy shit, if you think it sucks now you can't imagine how bad it was before I started working here! I feel like Konoha deserves that energy.)
And here's a dose of bitter irony: for all that the Uchiha and Hyuuga have a rivalry, the exact regulations that give the Hyuuga free reign to be awful are the same regulations that would reassure Madara and the Uchiha--noninterference, no village influence over clan matters, etc. One of those damned either way situations.
I have kind of a headcanon that the Senju clan legit just dissolved over the decades since Konoha's founding; since they weren't noble, they didn't have an abstract pedigree to adhere to. Being together as a clan was primarily a function that accomplished something--food, safety, resources, etc. So once Konoha was a thing, Konoha took over those basic needs, and there was less and less reason to keep the Senju as a discrete identity. Being a Senju became more of a trivia point than a life advantage.
This is my no-prize explanation for why the Senju are so irrelevant by Tsunade's day that she stops going by the surname--they literally stopped mattering. And this whole idea of becoming something else because of needs changing over time terrified the more traditional Uchiha; they couldn't adapt to the idea of changing with the times at all and so stepped on the brake in a way that permanently fractured their identity with the village at large.
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Because I refuse to give this person more notes than they deserve I'm just gonna make my own
Let me dissect this real quick since someone asked me too:
Let me remind you that while the rest of Prythian was suffering heavily during the reign of Amarantha, he was allowed to leave her court and essentially hold his own court, celebrating Calanmi, the summer solstice and lord knows what else for 50 years.
First off this doesn't really say much about Tamlin being shitty, if anything it just shows how he was lucky enough to be able to take care of his court, you say that as if Tamlin wants to be the only one free from Amarantha when nothing in the books indicate that, Second during those 50 years he spent it trying to free Prythian from her, risking the lives of his friends which he did against his will. He did however end up giving up for a short while because he couldn't bare letting his friends die, its also hinted that the other courts weren't always under the mountain it wasn't until they rebelled did she put them there which isn't really Tamlin's fault
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You cannot tell me this isn’t the same approach he used with Feyre: instead of dealing with the core of the situation in a timely manner, he continued acting like there was nothing wrong and held parties.
Third I can and it isn't the same, literally, it's far from it being the same thing because Calamnai isn't some party it's a literal requirement it's something Tamlin HAS to do because its his literal job
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Fourth Tamlin in MAF threw those parties to introduce Feyre he hates social events which are also said in the book, Feyre catches him enjoying himself every now and then but that doesn't mean he's a shitty person girl also acknowledges that too:
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Lastly, Tamlin's sudden change was even acknowledged by his sentries, by Feyre even so I don't get what you're even talking about
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There are so many other reasons for you to dislike Tamlin but y'all legit pick the worse once, whats annoying is these reasons mainly come from headcanons at this point.
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padfootastic · 2 years
it honestly truly baffles me how people completely disregard the devotion sirius showed to james. like it was honest to god devotion. i fully belive if james asked sirius to give his life he would do it in a fucking heartbeat for him. and this is all canon! the biggest petpeeve is when people sideline the importance of james in sirius's life and he's this happy go lucky dude like nope. bruh it's right there him saying he ran to james and the potters after everything happened. they were both each other's everything you have to understand that.and it's fine by so many of the wolfstar , Jily and jegulus authors it's honestly insane. like do you think lily had a chance with james if she was ever rude to sirius. and jegulus as well like please if you think james will ever side against sirus. he took sirius's side in the whomping willow prank for god's sake!!!! and like why are so many remus characterizations just james characteristic passed over to remus. like one of the fics was sirus ran to the lupins after running away from home and please that's a quintessential james and sirius scene don't convert it to wolfstar. there's a reason why sirius went mad after James and Lily's death cause he realised what happened and he how he helped in their dismise by trusting the wrong people. IT'S LITERALLY CANON THAT JAMES WAS THE ONLY ONE EVER WHO COULD REIGN IN SIRIUS WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT.
also don't even get me started on molly Weasley's he's not james. ma'am we know and sirius sure as fuck knows cause i can bet whenever he closes his eyes he sees james dead behind his eyes
and like sirius was saying he's not a child!!! how did she infer that he was doing antics he would have done with james when he said this statement
we, as readers know that Harry's not a child anymore he legit saw a classmate(crush, rip bi!harry) die infront of his eyes. i don't agree with a lot of statements given by the terf but gof was the first blood and the loss of innocence and it was back to the grim reality and harry is right in the middle of it he is not a child babes, he can't be and you mollycoddling him doesn't help. and if he had known things since the beginning his 5th year wouldn't have been such a clusterfuck of tragedies.
sorry for the rant, would be belive if i said i had a few more ready to go waiting for the right moment. i love them so much your honour
okay no ash absolutely no apologies allowed in my inbox 🔪🔪 please feel free to rant anytime and about anything, i am absolutely fkn blessed right now. i cannot tell u how much i enjoyed reading this!!!
it is devotion! and james did ask him the next best thing to that—sirius volunteered to be the bait in a situation he didn’t need to be in 😭😭 no one would’ve suspected wormtail anyway, but he still added another layer of confusion by putting his entire life at risk. that’s so. fuck. i can’t even imagine.
no but i was literally talking about this with someone today??? if ur in the mood to be super emotional, lemme recap it. sirius probably built his self esteem & moral compass around james (because of his upbringing + unlearning, he has a very fragile self image ) and his affirmations probably go something like ‘jamie thinks i’m worth it, jamie believes in me, jamie loves me, he thinks i can do this’ and that’s also why he tries so fkn hard to be the best godfather he can—because he never ever wants to disappoint james (he did once, during the prank, and it still haunts him the way james looked at him—a ‘i thought u were better than this’ expression on his face). like he doesn’t trust himself but his belief in james is unshakeable. also whatever u do, dont think about sirius trying to say these, over and over again to himself, in azkaban and failing because james isn’t here and it’s his fault and he can’t even do one thing right
and oh man, i was literally thinking about that lily thing today, there’s a line in shovel talk that’s basically lily saying she’s going on the date with james and sirius can’t do anything about it and he just looks at her in pity. because you know if he’d ever made his distaste known, james would’ve dropped the whole thing so fast.
yes yes yes!! james could rein sirius in but more importantly, sirius was the only one who could do the same for james. the boy’s head was too big for anyone but S to handle because he was a precious mix of arrogance and sensitivity (thanks effie & flea) and needed to be told things a certain way so he didn’t internalise them and form a complex and only sirius could do it perfectly.
i’m not even gonna touch molly weasley because she annoys me sm and i’ve ranted enough lol (there’s a reason why i have so many ootp era fics 💀)
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josiecarioca · 3 years
“So good it hurts”
Kinktober, kinna? 
This was a weird one because it just kinna refused to be written, to the point it’s open ended, because I’m legit stuck at the ending...So it’s more like a vignette of sorts, I guess. (Unless I expand it for AO3, I don’t know)
Anyway, for the first request of this month was made @snapewrld to whom I owe apologies in advance for how sketchy and unpolished this is, but I’m planning to return to it, eventually
Contains: pegging, praise kink, mild dirty talk and trigger warning for Severus insecurities
Taggng my usual tag team: @arabellafiggypudding @the-witches-son  @hummingbird-flying-in-the-rain @artisticreptilequeen @viper-official @be-zoar @violet-knox @mafagafobebum @marvelschriss @codename-thedoctor @zealouspickleeggdragon @green-oasis @drawnfromthedead @snapescapades @serosvit  @snapecentric @hbprincealice  @lilythemadqueen @paracosim @oliverlandomens @sleepysnapesnake @snapeysister @alwyssnpe @thatawfulsnapeboy @rachelprince15 @dementedlollipop @tavsianus @latitsoso @5lazarus
“I can't” Severus sighed, crumbling into a boneless pile of weary, quivering muscle and overheated skin. His head fell back onto the pile of pillows in an awkward, somewhat uncomfortable position, but he didn't care. He didn't care one bit. His limbs tingled deliciously and all he wanted was to lay there and just...be. He looked out the window with the corner of his eye. It was almost dusk, the sky was a deep shade of purple outside and the late summer heat was rising from the streets below, from the roofs of the houses all around, thick and humid, filling the room.
“We've only just begun, love.” Evelyn rasped, leaning over him, her hair falling around his shoulders as her lips barely brushed his.
Severus took in the warmth of her breath, the scent of laveder and clean sweat, her weight pushing him down into the mattress, her thighs on each side of him, pining him down. Severus ran his hands across the expanse of her buttocks upwards to her back, feeling the flesh under the flushed hotness of the skin.
“If I keep giving you free reign like that, you're just going to kill me one of these days eventually...” he smirked
“Oh, yes...such wanton, abject cruelty on my part, to torment you so...” she laughed, nipping at his lower lip. “Now, now...we had a deal, didn't we?”
“I guess I didn't take into account that I'm no match for your stamina when I agreed to it...”
“Do you want to stop?”
“I'm a man of my word.”
That was the deal. She decided what to do, and he'd just take it. Complete and utter surrender, and nothing less than that. Severus would never say it outloud, of course, but the concept was devastatingly exciting. Just to be entirely at her mercy for a whole afternoon, fo how long he could possibly last, until he could take it no more. It surely helped that Evelyn just knew wxactly what to do and how to do it to make him last excruciatingly long. Just bring him to the edge and back, over and over again, gently and ruthlessly at the same time. Let him fall over the abyss a couple times then start it all over again and again.
She knew how to make Severus into her plaything, and how to make him love every second of it and beg for more.
“Good to know, because I'm far from done.”
“And what eles would like to do to me, o heartless mistress?” he let out, laughing.
“You want to know what I'd like to do to you? Well, let me tell you...What I want to do is fuck you into oblivion...”
“Well, isn't that always in the menu? If anything I'm surprised you haven't done it yet, we've been at this for a while now.”
“Yes, but I do believe I have you awfully spoiled. I should make you work for it.”
Evelyn laughed. That low, raspy laugh, that reverberated right at the back of her throat. That laugh. Whenever he heard that laugh, Severus knew she was up to no good and he was in for a bumpy ride.
“I...want...you” she leaned in, nibbling on his earlobe “to ride my strap. Is that elaborate enough?”
“Now, that's...something.” Severus chuckled. “I rather fear it wouldn't be the most visually arounsing spectacle, however.”
“Why wouldn't it be?”
“I don't think I can ride a cock as enticingly as you, to be honest.”
“You really don't have any idea of how you look when you´re so far gone into pleasure you forget yourself? Because I do.”
Her legs wrapped around his, like a snake coiled around its prey. And Severus wondered if there had ever been more willing prey than him at that moment. He closed his eyes and relaxed into it, letting her voice lull him into complete defenselesness.
“Always so stoic, so guarded...But not to me. Not when I have you in my hands to do whatever I want. Not then. The way it makes me feel, to see a man like you crumble, undone, raw with pleasure, and knowing it's me who's doing it to you.”
“I'm pretty confident you get to see that almost daily.”
“This is different. You know it's different. You know the thrill of it. You know how powerful you feel when you fuck me into submission. But for you it's easy. You know I don't resist it. You know how easy that comes to me. But it's not so easy for you to let go, now is it? That's why I love it. When you do open yourself up entirely and just let me ruin you. Because we know how much it costs you, we know how deep you fall.”
“Fuck, why are you like this?”
Severus cock was hard just listening to her.
“Is that a yes? Will you do this for me? ”
When had he said 'no' to anything she asked?
Severus knew she wanted him to relax, to open up and just be comfortable...but it felt so much like torture. It wasn't until Evelyn that he truly understood the meaning of the expression “so good it hurts”. Because it hurt, deliciously so, to be spread so thin, worn down to bare nerves.
His thighs quivered, buckled as he tried to keep them apart.
“Remember to breathe, love.” She rasped, sinking her teeth on the back of his neck.
“Not so easy when you´re three fingers deep up in my arse.” he huffed.
“You´ll thank me later.” he could feel her chuckle hot on his back.
It felt like pure electricity went up up his spine coming from the when she hit that spot. Then came the frustration as she pulled back, scissoring her fingers to open him up.
“We don't want you to go too fast, my prince.”
“As a matter of fact...”
Yes, Severus was sure of it now. There was no way he could possibly go greacefully about it. There was no way wouldn't be a complete mess doing this. And he couldn't care less about how exposed, how vulnerable he looked. As much as he tried to hide from other people's gaze, as much as it bothered him to have anybody else see him, even if he spent his whole life hiding behind black robes, trying to make himself as close to invisible as possible, trying to turn into a shadow and avoid those eyes, the gaze of those eyes that mocked him, exposed him at his lowest, at his weakest...But when it was her looking at him with those golden-brown eyes, nothing else mattered. He could be vulnerable, exposed, naked before her eyes. Why would he shy away from her when she could so easily gaze into his very soul, and take possession of him entirely, body and mind and just love everything that he was?
Severus felt himself open up, the pressure filling him, slowly, aided by the force of gravity. He felt unthetered as he fucked himself down on her strap. Whenever they did this, he had some grounding, she gave him grounding, pressing his down on the bed, holding him around his chest. This was different. It was freefalling.
“You´re taking it so well, love.” she rasped as Severus inhaled sharply, full to the hilt. He was only vaguely aware of her nails lightly running over his chest, sending a hot chill along the skin. “Let yourself go...”
There was nothing to hold on to, nothing to anchor him...except for her eyes and her voice. Her eyes watching him, taking in the the sight of him slowly unravelling, her voice reassunring him, making him feel so good it hurt.
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Neyo/Bly/Aayla is not something I knew I needed but 😍😍Them trying to distract Neyo is adorable. Bly trying to tempt him over comms?! Him giving in for a little bit and then escaping half naked through a tiny bathroom window is hilarious. Preparing for sabotage! He was recon afterall. Wonder what his inner dialouge was like because we all know he's not actually that suave.
Also planet-wide Fullfall games sounds amazing!! The Forward companies being pros and the Shebse not being able to account for anything is wonderful.
Rexcara sneaking out. Waiting for the last possible second before they turn against eachother. Sharing hot chocolate! Warming eachother up. Cute!
JET!! My baby! Imagening the Winders stuffing fighters full of snow is hilarious. Where did they get it all?!?! Outsourcing?
Wolffe and Hardcase! Well Wolffe wanted him to get a clue and now you have to deal with being called boyfriend in the dopiest voice possible 1000 times a day. Also cutting out a new door is a Torrent plan through and through. Wolffe needs to watch out lest he be infected.
Also Cody being part of it all is wonderfull! Oya, Alor!
Amazing as always!! How do you do it?!?! Witchcraft I tell you!!
I’m just as shocked as you are anon, legit.  I knew about Bly/Aayla, and Neyo/Bly but the three of them was never in the plan, and then some fiendish folks on the server (who def know who they are) started pelting me with All The Snippets and that’s how I got kidnapped onto this ship.
Neyo was deeeeefinitley narrating his smooth escape to himself in his head.  Probably a lot like The Dashing Debonair Commander Comely’s dialogue come to think of it, and maybe he’s been watching way too much of Vaughn’s cartoon if he’s got the Narrator Voice in his head.  (Why did he have a spare starter circuit?  Where the heck was it?  Who even knows, he’s a professional sneak and somehow everyone missed that he was def totally aware of The Plan.)
It’s a solemn Vode tradition: as soon as it gets snowy, haul everyone outside and attempt to hand out the drubbing to all comers.  It’s a very Vode kind of holiday tradition.
Both of them sneaksy sneaking along the path all Spy vs Spy like thinking they’re being so very clever, only to run into each other at the train station.  They’re obnoxiously cute and I adore them, but that wasn’t the most brightest plan.
Jet was given free reign to take a shot at Wolffe and boy howdy did he take it.  He said ‘I’ll get Wolffe involved this year’ and then he went and was like ‘no kill like overkill’. Because Jet is just as chaos as everyone else.  I love him.
That’s just what Wolffe’s gonna have to deal with now.  Hardcase has a very specific tone in which he says boyfriend, all wondery and grinny and eyelash-bat-y.  It’s syrupy saccharine and half the time Hardcase can’t even say it without giggling halfway through.  The things Wolffe put’s up with...
Don’t worry about the door.  Sure, Hardcase is cutting it but Wolffe’s supervising.  Nothing can go wrong.  Definitely.
Cody thought he would maybe dabble and then escape.  Bacara delivered a healthy dose of change-his-mind.  So this year, Cody is all in.
Thank youuuuuuu 💜
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i used to be really obsessed with fish, like aquariums and all that. i used to read books on it and spend hours on fish websites learning. anyway due to being a Youth, i simply did not have the means to successfully support this hobby, so i fell out of it.
FAst forward 10+ years later, my work has a fish tank with a fucking KOI FISH??? apparently it was donated, very stupid donation tbh, koi get big and they are very messy fish. And every since ive been there this tank has been a damn mess. Insane algae blooms and the filter hasnt been working. A few weeks ago someone just unplugged it and bc it's always insane at the shelter, nobody has messed with it. I thought this thing was dead lmao. i hadnt seen any movement (you cant see bc the water is so green) for weeks and i knew there was like no oxygen in there.
so the other day some of admin ends up in the area and is like, mortified lmao. okay it was really funny, im ngl. and i was cleaning a room nearby and i kept overhearing them speculating and they didnt know shit about fish keeping so i went out and started doing my thing ahahah and that's how i ended up being unleased in petco with free reign over what to get to fix this tank mwahahahahah all the power! fish was alive, i had them do a big water change to hold him over until monday (as in yesterday, bc this was all last friday) i looked it up and i think he actually was in a coma! wild stuff. Duuuuuude, im really excited bc i got to buy all this shit i couldnt when i was a kid and we are gonna assign water changes as a chore for the clients and eventually we will give away the koi bc it's just not feasible as a long term pet and i bet i will be able to help organize the new fish and im just !!!!! i can make a whole community tank of my own design!!!
im gonna start working on a wish list for it with like a thermometer (im not too worried for the temp bc they like it cold and he's been fine so far, yesterday there were no thermometers to my liking), airstone/airpump (ik this is important especially for koi in an aquarium but we were already pushing the money and didnt want the bosses to get mad at us LOL), heater (for new community tank eee!), additional filter media, a new led light, fancy water testing kit (we could only find strips), maybe some live plants one day (got him a mossball to play with that hopefully he wont destroy heheh), i want seachem products for treatment, maybe a nice background LOL, idk there are so many things i could do with it.
THey all think im a legit expert now it's so fucking funny, and im trying to manage expectations but also like... this could work for me lmaoooo
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goblinconceivable · 4 years
braindump: betty/daniel
I’ve been living with them for a while, notes taken, a few stories significantly started but there’s a gelling issue, which I’m hoping is at least partially down to a lack of proper braindumping.  So, in no particular order and certainly not comprehensive:
Frankly I also got too hooked on the last 2 eps, which is likely where I’m blocked.  It’s an abrupt emotional twist for them (esp Daniel), and in trying to make sense of that I’m losing focus on the 4 previous years.
- I’m a little bit obsessed in the scene where Betty tries to convince Matt she’s fearless by pointing out her bang-less-ness.  And then runs into Daniel, who is at that moment half brain-washed, but yet when she asks about her fearless quotient his response is immediate and natural and entirely lacking in irony: “no bangs.”  It’s a tiny little moment that shows how well he not only knows her, but understands her.  Without judgment, without fanfare.  Were I to have a husband, this is the sort of response that would confirm I’d married the absolute perfect guy for me.
- They’re too close for mirroring to be an important indicator, but there are two scenes that stand out in this vein: the first is when Betty thinks he may have pushed Christina down the stares and steals the video.  She’s backing out the door, and he follows, matching her step for step.  I love the direction choices because from her perspective there’s a sense of menace, Daniel as potential villain is stalking her.  But from his guileless perspective he’s talking to her and if she’s moving, so is he.  The second is from the penultimate, talking about Trista, where Betty’s rolling back and forth and he moves with her, rather than simply turning his head.  It signals his full engagement in the conversation, seeking her attention, and is why the scene plays as flirting rather than their normal banter.
- That bulletpoint was getting a bit long, so second point on the flirting is that it plays against Betty shutting down the conversation “none of my business,” leading to the fight over involvement in each other’s personal lives, leading to the revelation that they know each other at that deep personal level so very, very well.  Which was a very clumsy leadup to Daniel’s revelation during Hilda’s wedding speech, that could have been handled so much more deftly but those last two eps were quite rushed, I don’t know when they found out about the shortened season but it feels like they’d planned for more space and had to jab in exposition.
- Becaaaaause: they narratively broke his ‘aha’ moment onto “know you better than you do” while the strength of the message is really in the “do anything to protect them.”  Which is, I believe, where they cut to his softened expression.  Not coincidentally, this is precisely what a lot of fan-readings of the characters focus on: Daniel will do anything to protect Betty.  Bobby might have said he’d throw himself under a bus for Hilda, but Daniel HAS done that for Betty- in fact literally doing so would probably have been easier than publicly shouldering the blame for the Tornado cover and giving away the profits.  Due to the fact that he had time to consider the consequences and did it anyway.
- Which is tidy segue into an admission that I’m flying mostly blind on the Molly arc because I basically skipped all her scenes, but it’s my understanding that Daniel doing this was a pivotal moment for them.  Ie, she was impressed that he did this thing.  I mean, I really appreciate that he spent the whole press conference scene looking for Betty, so the show in no way undercut their relationship.  But then they very clearly built the Molly relationship on the foundation of not only the man Daniel had become due to Betty, but choices he was making in large measure for Betty: it’s not that he saw Betty beaten down and resolved the situation: he was upset but lost, she yelled at him, and THEN he resolved the situation by taking the bullet.  Did I break grammar by ending up with two colon’d clauses in the same sentence?  It’s a braindump, ain’t gotta be pretty.  XP
- Quick sidebar that the same thing happens with Alexis.  She was expecting to come back to one brother, but then listens in on his pep talk with Betty and finds she’s returned to a different brother.  This may be where I got the “an assistant” phrasing, if so, my bad.  But basically, she was impressed with Daniel’s actions, not understanding that it was Betty specifically inspiring his actions.
- Follow that a step further and did Molly ever acknowledge how important Betty is to him?  Legit question.  I think her line here was about him doing it “for an assistant” (?) rather than even “his assistant,” establishing Betty as a non-entity for her.  (Quoting a summary but I think I’m in the ballpark.)  And I’m sure I’d have read about it somewhere if she brought Betty up during their discussion on who he’d date when she was dead.
- Just one last note on Molly, (okay it’s a multi-part though it veers off her as a character) but a possibly incorrect beef is that I hate the Daniel/Molly relationship because there’s no interesting or even real conflict?  It’s perfect?  I’m supposed to think this is magical “true love”?  Molly has apparently been engaged for years to a man she doesn’t really love (and um... that’s lazy not strong), and helps inspire a vengeance filled betrayal by her ex because she’s so awesome everyone loves her?  But she comes out squeaky clean because any emotional cheating on her part is balanced and thus “justified” by Connor falling for Wilhemina.  And then the only “conflict” is that she’s dying, and is perfect throughout it?  That’s...  weak.
-That poem thing WOULD have been an interesting point of conflict but it was resolved by Betty’s intervention, rather than within the relationship.  Which actually is an incredibly interesting beat.  The problem with that being it’s so entirely consistent with the role Betty plays in Daniel’s life that it’s treated as just another beat, as if it doesn’t MATTER that a fundamental moment of intimacy and growth of vulnerability in Daniel’s very important romantic relationship is a door opened by a third party.  There’s a strong argument to be made for something but I broke off to write the next point and now can’t remember what that strong argument is.  I might remember later.  It may have had something to do with Molly being a stepping stone in Daniel’s arc, but the cult-thing was so long and dominating that it didn’t work, it tied him too tightly for too long and coinciding with a loosening of his relationship with Betty there was flailing.
- Quick one: Daniel’s fast-forwarded and time-bounded relationship with Molly is the analog to Betty’s time-limited relationship with Henry.  Which is a discussion I would like Daniel and Betty to have.  Esp. noting that Betty and Henry had issues they worked through together (ice cream foreplay being one.)
- Player!  So going back to a happy place, when Betty’s on the phone trying to fix the apartment situation and the camera pans onto Daniel just leaning against the doorway: this may be a legitimate little moment of “squee!”  There’s so much denial in his laid back attitude at Player, but I still love watching how the informality of the environment reflects in the informality with Betty.  He gives her free reign, and there’s many answers to “why,” and I (almost) don’t want to go into them because I totally adore how this Daniel is basically a College!Daniel only he’s latched onto Betty, who, meanwhile, is just being Betty.  OMG how different his life would have been if he’d met Betty in college...
- Okay I actually don’t feel like going into whys, it’s just an arc to enjoy.  With a small mention of how he TOTALLY was playing with the MODE book and handed it to Betty knowing she’d understand and use it to get them back in.  Such a crazy subtle manipulation, to the point where I’m not sure it wasn’t almost entirely subconscious on Daniel’s part.
- The YETI recommendation letter.  What I love is that this is another time when Daniel fvcks up, but fixes it, and more importantly displays competence and ingenuity alongside authentic caring and effort.  Here’s the thing: YETI wanted Betty, even if it was just a quota thing (which it wasn’t entirely, at least one of the board was generally enthused.)  So all that was necessary was to have them re-label her as from Player.  Daniel knew this and did this.  And told Betty that.  BUUUUT that point was purposefully (by script and character) overshadowed by the gesture of the lengthy rec letter he put significant time into.  Whose real audience was... wait for it...  Betty.  He even did a second draft!  Which is more time and effort and a cleaner product.
-  Also flaking on her practice run.  I also enjoy how he (finally...) bounced back into the office clearly having forgotten her schedule, but having mentally shifted from Molly-space into Betty-space.  He’s enthused, he’s engaged, he’s sort of bantering and I’d like to see where that scene would have gone if she hadn’t immediately gotten the acceptance call.
- So there’s this moment somewhat early on, pretty sure when Betty’s taking the writing class, and wants Daniel to give her feedback.  And he’s all “why?,” coming from his “I don’t actually know what I’m doing” place.  She responds that he’s her friend and wants to know what he thinks.  And he does a little double-take at that word.  Because until that point Daniel totally sees Betty as HIS Friend, and they’ve referred to each other as friends, with a little “f,” and he believes that.  But it wasn’t until this moment that he even considered that HE might be HER Friend.  Presumably because he doesn’t believe he has anything to offer her, beyond the power he holds as EIC and her boss - ie, “here run this show” and other such responsibilities.
- Which is a recurring theme.  Pronounced on relationship stuff especially.  When she asks him for input on the Henry vs Gio situation, when she’s trying to date the playwright.  His response is always “I’m in no position to offer relationship advice/judgment on relationships.”  He sorta dodges the first and is permissive on the second.  I don’t know where to go with that so I’ll leave it (for now).
- When  he was supposed to be in Rio, Betty wasn’t even at MODE, she was working for the “enemy,” and he was sending her regular postcards?  First, they’d have been postmarked in New York and presumably with local stamps, so I’m not 100% on Betty not cottoning on.  But it’s super cute that he was thinking of her when he was incommunicado with literally everyone else.  Did he want her to figure it out (subconsciously)?  It’s an act of reaching out, but also of convincing: he’s created a fictional narrative of being in Rio, fed and embellished by the media and swallowed by coworkers, but it’s through Betty that he’s establishing the fiction in a definitive way.  He wants HER to believe it, because if SHE believes he’s there and having a good time, then he can believe it too, with a small piece of his imagination.
- Same convincing as in Player.  BTW, how did all those messages on her phone work?  He was 99% totally hiding the situation from her.  a) why wouldn’t he just call her from his phone, as he always did in the past?  b) he was creating another fictional space.  Where her “number” was literally on a post-it on his temporary assistant’s monitor.  It’s all play: “call Betty” happens many times, and every one is the act of doing it while knowing that he’s not really doing it.  c) Betty does not point out that he should have been confused he never heard back, or more to the point, that he never heard her voicemail message.  d) he was in a state of limbo waiting for her to come back, nothing is real until she does.  At which point there’s lovely dramatic tension since he both wants her to fix it and get them out of there, and wants to draw her into this new reality and thus make it feel viable.
- 100th Anniversary edition.  I love the idea that he’s hep on her writing his bio because he needs her name, at least, to be next to his.  His identity as EIC is predicated on her being his partner, and needs that shown, even if it’s functionally an “in joke” because it’s not like she can be featured.  In musing over his thoughts while flipping through the book right before deciding to quit, I usually come back to a realization of the transience of the role, but I want it to be a gutpunch of how he assumed, without being aware, that Betty would be next to him in picture, and that’s what they were heading for.
- I’ve actually got through most of my notes, so just a couple more.  Daniel is super impressionable.  He did what Becks told him to in the pilot.  He did what Natalie told him in the cult-situation.  Both against his better judgment - his look after Betty when he kicked her out for being “drama he didn’t need” - that’s the same look when he told her to clock out and was dragged off by the not-16-year-old.  I’m too tired to go check the pilot, but assuming similar look there.  He does what he’s told by anyone telling him to do something, but he WANTS to be rescued from the bad influences, who are so often so forceful.
- Final scene: okay so it turns out quick a lot of my thoughts are trying to understand Daniel.  His growth is blatant and deep.  So a second round will be more Betty-focused.  ‘Cuz I identify strongly with her and don’t have a lot of surface questions about her motivations, but I’m LOST on side of the romantic coin.  And plus she deserves a close look regarding how she grows during the series.
- I watched at least part of the reunion and very much like how AF answered the question of the final scene versus what EM says.  Because I think they each, as actors, see it from the perspective of their characters, which means it was played authentically and grants insight.  AF basically says that she saw it as Daniel coming to say thank you, and how it came down to Betty teaching him that he was good enough.  Which came across a little funny because her phrasing implied they’d never talk or see each other again or something and that’s an alarming finality.  But also implies that Betty really did see moving to London as a significant parting of ways, something that started as soon as she became an editor and their relationship changed.  Probably before.
- She then challenged EM as to why Daniel didn’t say goodbye (as if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about it?  I’m guessing this was panel performance: asking the question “in character” and throwing the question to the other relevant actor.)  But anyway, EM’s answer was “Because things were just starting.”  Which is blatantly a shippy answer, and he even explains Daniel’s “revelation” as when he “really saw Betty for the first time through and through.”
- At some point in these things you’re like: oh but I thought of something else, and only stop when your brain falls asleep.
- I thought of something else.  And then I forgot it.  My brain is failing!  But not yet failed.
- After Betty gets her braces off there’s this scene near the end, at the shoot.  Daniel sees her and crosses quite purposefully to talk with her.  He wants to banter and share this exciting moment with her.  And the scene goes a little strange when Betty kinda goes “yeah, going now bye.”  I expected more eye contact, a big smile, more conversation.  That’s Betty.  That’s them.  But instead it’s a little awkward so Something Is Happening Here.  Is she self-conscious?  Did she see and hear something in Daniel’s look and comment right after she was detached from the bra and isn’t at this moment comfortable with him?  Is this all fallout from her dream in which she and Daniel slept together/he thought she was a bad person/rejected her only they chose not to explicate this/cut a useful scene/thought I’d get that right away but I’m obtuse?  I don’t think it’s the last one because while I can be horribly obtuse, I don’t think it was coded.  But that’s what the obtuse would say.
- At any rate they don’t pick up on it again, next scene (next ep) they’re back to normal.
- But Daniel does immediately chase after Amanda and let go of her.  Which is payoff for his convo with Betty earlier where she sort of disdainfully asks if he WANTS a more serious relationship with Amanda.  I did sort of wonder if he actually does, but Betty’s judgmentalness is what convinces him he doesn’t.  Usually I’d say Betty understands him so well she knows he doesn’t, but they’re not as close at this point, Betty is living her own life much more, so I dunno.
- But I don’t actually think Daniel was falling for Amanda, or that the show wanted us to think that was ultimately a viable path.  Because of that moment when he’s in a car, calls Amanda, says “I really need to see  you” and she turns him down.  It parallels his text to Betty when Molly died.  One text and Betty came over.  This was an actual distressed voice convo and Amanda doesn’t care enough about him to be there, which is really great development for Amanda even though we don’t see her!  She previously went after Matt when he was in jail, she’s interested in Tyler here, she’s not totally pining for Daniel!
- Daniel of course was using Amanda and their earned if mild emotional intimacy as a crutch, trying to fill the space Betty left.  Also note when Amanda turned him down for sex and he stayed to “hang out,” - this is not supposed to be an analysis of Amanda but I wanna note I like that moment because it felt like she was pleased to think she wasn’t just sex to him, while still being over him romantically. Because she does care about him.
- Or for pete’s...  I have this bad habit of writing notes which I later look at and am like... “huh?”  This is a fic idea, from Daniel’s POV: “Betty had moulded him, often by sheer force of her iron will, into being a man who almost deserved Molly.  And he'd turned right around and become a man who would never deserve Betty.”  And I DON’T REMEMBER WHAT THE SECOND HALF MEANS.  Specifically.
- Wedding dancing.  Happens twice.  Hilda’s wedding, we know what that is.  But at Daniel’s wedding.  I like that he wasn’t 100% Molly focused, ‘cuz, shipper.  And I know why the show had Matt cut in, because gotta keep things moving.  But isn’t it a thing that you don’t cut in on the groom/bride?  It’s their day.  Daniel just sort of nonverbally asks Betty if it’s okay (to leave her with Matt), but can’t help a) thinking he was a bit put out and b) want Molly to see his expression looking at Betty and have some sort of “aha” moment where she - do Molly and Betty have any scenes together?  I don’t remember seeing any and I think I did skim through all the eps, but I need to do that again.
- Ooh, one of the things I forgot en route!  I like that Betty has revolving love interests, because that’s textual argument for Betty never having feelings (romantic) for Daniel.  Which is super, super important in this iteration of the story.  There’s a couple moments - pilot and the first bridge scene - where she arguably has a momentary crush, which quickly settles into a developing platonic relationship.  
- Jump back to Daniel finally seeing Betty as a true equal = romantic feelings.  It’s a thing.  Look my brain is deteriorting and wording is hard!  So there’s two sided imbalance throughout.  Daniel always saw Betty with this veneer of youth, and a great deal of his use for her is helping her “grow into the woman she’ll be.”  And that’s the roadblock in him seeing her as a romantic possibility.  Which was initially quite awesome because he was sleeping with people younger than her, even the “she’s actually 20″ girl was younger than Betty.  And yet always saw her as in many ways more mature and competent than her.  And double-yet he still saw how much further she could, and would, grow.  His belief in her knows no bounds.
- Meanwhile Betty sees him as...  someone who’s also becoming.  Who has great potential.  Bullying him into it if necessary.  And because he’s guided by her, she can’t crush on him, he’s like her pet.  Were she to have a crush, much less fall for him, it would have been horrifying.  She needs to have a moment when she sees him as a true equal, someone who - look, everyone is always still growing so it’s not like he needs to be fully formed, and it’s a little murkier what the moment would look like when she finally sees Daniel “for the first time.”
- ‘cuz as noted, Betty has been there for pretty much every important moment of growth and crossroads in every facet of Daniel’s life.  Whereas Betty consistently had many things and relationships in her life Daniel was not involved in.  She’s always been way more self-reliant (not the word I wanted, is there one that starts with c?)  It’s why they did sort of need to peel away through a chunk of S4, because Daniel needed to learn to cope without Betty propping him up, because it’s like a Miranda-thing:
- “I don’t need Gary.  But I want him.”
- Daniel has to be able to be find without Betty before Betty can see him as a viable romantic partner.  She has to see something she never has before.  Daniel saw that the seedling he’d been protecting was not only strong enough to survive on its own had grown up and bloomed (process begun early in the season when he was being overprotective and she shut that down).  For Betty...  I guess Daniel...  ...  .....  it didn’t happen in the show.  As EM noted, for Daniel, the ending was the beginning.  Because his moment isn’t leaving MODE, that’s just the corresponding moment to Betty shaking him off.  His moment is further down the road when he puts into practice everything he’s learned and ...  something answered in fanfic because it’s spec and I’m tuckered.
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italian-pastry · 4 years
Bnha Marriage Headcanons
- KiriBaku got married first no I will not change my mind
-Baku wanted to get it done right after they graduated so 1, they can be married before they really get into hero work and risk death and 2, they can focus on their work since they married already
-the thing is; they had no celebration
-they just went to a courthouse one day and signed the papers and boom they're done
-(jirou and shinsou were the witnesses since they can keep secrets)
-and no-one really said anything about it
-Bakugou just said to Kiri after a date (while they were still third-years) and was like
- "Let's get married"
-and Kiri was so shocked he was just like "oh ok sure"
-bakugou did not appreciate that
-they were married for 12+ years before they had a ceremony
-it was pretty epic ngl
-lots of red and gold and dragon-esque imagery because that stuff is rad
-wedding armour? I say yes
-bakugou threw the bouquet straight into Deku's face
-Eijirou and Katsuki hyphenated their last names (when they signed the papers after they graduated)
- Mr. And Mr. Bakugou-Kirishima
-Their kids got to be involved! It was great
-they actually waited a bit after they graduated and got their careers in order to get married (like responsible adults)
-they waited a year or two
-Izuku proposed (Shouto cried)
-the wedding was suprisingly extra for an anxious broccoli and bitchy peppermint
-lots of silver and stars
-Inko would've gotten into a fist-fight with Shouto if he didn't let her help pay for anything
-and said fight almost happened
-they ended up compromising and she helped pay for Izuku's suit
-All Might mostly happy-cried the entire time (he was Izuku's best man)
-endeavor? Whose he? We don't know him. He don't get to show. This is an Emdeavor-free zone
-Shouto started crying during the vows, and his best man (Bakugou) had to read them for him
-it was funny
-since the #1 pro hero was getting married, it was a huge deal for the media
-think the royal wedding levels of huge
-the wedding was just for family and friends tho
-so the paparazzi can suck it
-Shouto took Izuku's last name (because SCREW Endeavor)
- Tsu proposed a week or two after the TodoDeku wedding
-She'd been planning it for months her friends' wedding just so happen to have occured beforehand
-they were very efficient about planning the wedding tho so they were only engaged for like a few months (3-4)
-the wedding was magical
-nature Flowers FROGS
-you can bet your ass it was Princess and the Frog themed
-"they put chemicals in the water that turned the freaking frogs gay"
-they decided to not take each others' last names they just vibed with their own
-Urarake was DEFINITELY a bridezilla
-but like
-a badass bridezilla
-but she turned into a marshmallow during the actual ceremony
-she did better than Shouto tho
-she was able to actually say her vows
-the whole thing was super sweet
-the reception tho
-the reception was lit
-they totally had a preplanned first dance as wives
-and it was awesome
-Momo caught the bouquet
-Lesbian Luck if I may
-it was the ultimate Gal Pal ceremony
-it was an amazing mess from the beginning
-Sero proposed to his boyfs on their dating anneversary
-but it turns out
-Shinsou had the same exact idea
-(Kami hadn't really thought of it)
-so that was pretty fun for Kami, being proposed to by both of his boyfriends that day
-They got married before TodoDeku, but they weren't the first (not counting Kiribaku)
-Sero was just happy to be getting married, so he wasn't much help during planning
-Kaminari was the control-freak, surprisingly
-he just really wanted to have an amazing wedding don't judge this poor hopeless romantic
-shinsou just asked questions like "so when the priest guy says 'you may now kiss the grooms' how are we gonna kiss? There's three of us"
-Shinsou also almost forgot to get a suit
-he only got his suit like 2 weeks before the wedding date
-dont tell Kami, but the wedding was low-key kinda basic
-(oh except for the fireworks)
-but it was still amazing
-Eri was the flower girl and ring bearer
-I know she's like 11 at this point but hush she deserves this
-there were little pikachu cookies at the reception
-they were a hit
-since this is a poly wedding there were some complications
-there were 3 first dances as husbands
-3 sets of groomsmen (do they even have that many friends among the 3 of them?)
-there were some roadbumps
-but did they care?
-they all joined the Sero club and were just happy to be married
-they decided to be ~unique~ and they made an amalgamation of their last names
- Shin-ar-o (Shin from Hitoshi, Ar from Denki, O from Hanta)
-So they all have the last name Shinaro now
-their first kid was born 9 months after their honeymoon
-sooooo 👀
-Second to be married with a ceremony (Mina was almost disappointed)
-Mina proposed since Aoyama is mr. No balls
-he did buy her a ring that matched his engagement ring
-the wedding itself was very extra
-mina almost got cancelled because "her dress was sparklier than her husband"
-theme? No. Just sparkle
-Aoyama had really long vows that was generously seasoned with healthy doses of French
-Mina expected this and so her vows were pretty short
-Their reception was wild
-no children allowed
-it was an epic rave and they had a pretty fantastic time
-Mina and Aoyama actually spent a crap load of time planning the wedding
-they were fiances for almost 8 months
-since Aoyama is a low-key attention slut, the media was allowed to be involved
-(mostly everyone else with their weddings didn't really want the media to be involved)
-so they did a lot of interviews about the planning process and who they were hiring and who was involved and the whole shebang
-they legit had fun with it
-legally, Mina took Yuuga's last name, but everyone still uses Ashido (she wanted them to)
-Yuuga got drunk at the reception and proceeded to cry the rest of the night and ramble about how happy he was
-(Mina also got drunk but instead she danced on a table then proceed to pass out)
-they were the first to be married with a ceremony
-Ojirou proposed a few months after they graduated
-there were many botched proposal attempts before that
-but it worked out in the end
-Hagakure's dress made her look like a cupcake it was pretty fantastic
-Ojirou said 'Naw' to a black suit so he really rolled up in a baby blue suit
-slay king
-there was tons of cloud/sky imagery since that sounds super cute
-since Hagakure's dress was so poofy, she had a black swan moment during the reception and changed into a black dress more suited for dancing and general partying
-although they were the first wedding, they still had the biggest cake, to this day
-surprisingly, neither of them cried during the vows
-Ojirou did get pretty misty-eyed tho
-Hagakure will say she didn't cry but it's not like anyone can prove her wrong
-Tooru took Mashirao's last name
-Tooru Ojirou <3
-(Tooru was already pregnant when they got engaged but shhhhh don't tell nobody)
-they were one of the last to get married in the first group (like, there was a large group of people who all got engaged at once, and Momojirou was one of the last ones)
-Momo proposed but you know what that means
-the most extra engagement ring ever
-it was black and purple and amazing
-Jirou was a tad overwhelmed by it (but she still loves it)
-She has a plainer ring she wears out and about, she only wears the super fancy one during events
-it was also space themed and super pretty
-not nearly the most extra wedding, but certainly quite extra
-Jirou cried a lot
-Momo did a lot of pleased smiling
-it was real sweet
-their reception was elegant and amazing
-their first dance was AMAZING and heartwarming and just real sweet
-Momo just wanted to keep becoming more extra and more extra and even MORE extra
-Jirou had to reign her in a lot
-the venue and catering and all that stuff was lovely and expensive
-(which almost gave Jirou a stroke)
-Momo just wanted the best for her gal pal
-btw the gal pal joke was carried through the whole wedding
-it even said it on the invite
-"You have been formally invited to the Gal Pal wedding of Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyarozu"
-Jirou took on the Yaoyarozu last name because idk she felt like it
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