#like listen it holds a place in my nostalgic heart
glitterghost · 5 months
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Been thinking about Blood and Chocolate lately.
(bonus soundtrack song under the cut [a cure cover])
Lunar Click- A Forrest
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 6 months
idc how much people hate the cartoon msm 2017 parksborn will always be special to me…
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mononijikayu · 3 months
night flower ─ ryomen sukuna.
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Despite knowing the futility of his desires, The King of Curses couldn't suppress the ache in his heart. It was pathetic. When he thought he had long past any human desires, one thought of you shatters him whole. Everything of you was a ghost, a curse, his pain, his grief. All the things that should not be. Yet, he knew he was stuck with you. He can never bury you. Not even if he wanted to. Not even if he tried. And he hated it. He hated how this made him feel. And most of all, he hated you. He hated you, his untenable night flower.
GENRE: Heian Era to Cursed Womb Arc, 2018;
WARNING/s: Alternate Universe ─ Canon Divergence, Romance, Emotional Hurt, Mentions of Character Death, Mention of Grief, Mention of Mourning, Depiction of Physical Touch, Mild Angst, Heavy Angst, Heavy Pining;
ashes of love
kayu's playlist, side 400;
listen: night flower by ahn ye eun
note: i ended up changing the song, this was so emotional!!! this sukuna story blurb is an introduction to an upcoming chapter of us and them, which i will be writing soon!!! i had to write them because they're in my brain, having an angst life. anyway, i hope you're having a good day!!! please hydrate and take care of yourself, i love you!!! <3
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HE DIDN’T THINK IT WOULD EVER BE POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO BE SO NOSTALGIC. Ryomen Sukuna moved with deliberate caution through the expansive compound, his steps measured and precise, as if treading on eggshells to avoid disturbing the slumbering inhabitants. In a place where every sound was magnified, he couldn't afford to make even the slightest noise.In the recesses of memory, Sukuna was haunted by the austere edicts of the Ryomen clan, their enforcement a testament to the severity of tradition. The memory of bamboo striking palm under curfew's shadow lingered, its echo dancing through the corridors of time. 
Amidst the shroud of darkness and hushed whispers, Sukuna traversed the once-familiar paths of his ancestry. Each step carried the weight of disdain for the new moniker donned by his once-proud lineage. The rise of the Mikoto, descendants turned usurpers, cast a pall over the legacy of the Ryomen. 
To Sukuna, this renaming was a grievous wound upon the honor of his clan, a desecration of their noble lineage. The Mikoto, in his eyes, were but pale imitations, lacking the fortitude and majesty that once defined the Ryomen's grandeur. 
Yet, amidst his scorn, Sukuna was forced to confront his own culpability in the clan's decline. His defiance of tradition, his embrace of cursed power, had kindled a flame that consumed the Ryomen's glory. Now, as he treaded the silent halls of his forebears, the burden of his transgressions weighed heavily upon his spirit.
In the hallowed halls of the clan manor, Sukuna moved with the silent grace of a feline predator stalking its prey. Each step he took echoed with a quiet intensity, as if the very shadows themselves yielded to his presence. His senses, finely attuned to the symphony of the night, allowed him to discern the subtlest of sounds and movements in the darkness.
Like a nocturnal hunter, Sukuna prowled through the labyrinthine pathways of the manor, his movements fluid and deliberate. Every corner turned, every corridor traversed, was a testament to his instinctual prowess. The air around him seemed to hum with anticipation, as if the very walls whispered secrets only he could comprehend.
In this clandestine ballet of shadows and whispers, Sukuna was the undisputed master. His senses, sharpened by centuries of existence, guided him through the darkness with unwavering precision. And as he moved with silent purpose, a sense of primal satisfaction coursed through his veins, reminding him of the ancient power that pulsed within his being.
The body he inhabited belonged to a weary traveler, half-asleep and oblivious to the ancient being residing within. Itadori Yuuji was barely able to keep a hold of him, even in his slumber. And yet he supposed, it was the only reason he was alive. He scoffed. It was better than nothing. Better than being without a body. He’ll figure it out, he was certain. But until then, Sukuna's consciousness coexisted with the boy's, a symbiotic relationship born out of necessity rather than choice. He had seized control of the boy's form, driven by his insatiable hunger for power and dominance.
As he moved silently through the moonlit courtyard, Sukuna couldn't help but scoff at the mention of Kyoto, once known as Heian-kyo. Such trivialities held no significance to him; his existence transcended the petty concerns of mortals. He cared little for the names of cities or the passing of time—it was power and conquest that consumed his thoughts, driving him ever forward in his relentless pursuit of supremacy.
In the quiet of the night, amidst the ancient stones and whispering winds, Ryomen Sukuna found himself standing once more in the hallowed grounds of his past. The air was heavy with memories, echoes of a time long gone yet ever present in the recesses of his mind.
He had always known, deep down, that he would return to this place, his spirit inexorably drawn back to the land of the living with each cycle of rebirth. But to behold the familiar sights of his once-beloved home, to feel the earth beneath his feet and the cool night air against his skin—it stirred something within him that he could not name.
The landscape of his former home unfolded before him like a tapestry woven with threads of memory, each detail etched into the very fabric of his being. The ancient structures, weathered by the passage of time, stood as silent sentinels of a bygone era, their stone walls bearing witness to the centuries that had slipped away like grains of sand in an hourglass.
The air was heavy with the scent of jasmine and cherry blossoms, mingling with the faint aroma of incense that wafted through the narrow streets. Lanterns adorned with intricate patterns cast soft pools of light upon the cobblestone pathways, illuminating the way with a warm, inviting glow.
As Sukuna ventured deeper into the heart of his former domain, he passed by familiar landmarks that stirred memories long buried beneath the sands of time. The towering pagoda, its wooden beams weathered and worn, rose majestically against the night sky, a silent testament to the enduring legacy of his clan.
The sound of running water filled the air as Sukuna approached the tranquil gardens that had once been his sanctuary, a haven of peace amidst the chaos of the world. Koi fish swam lazily in the moonlit ponds, their graceful movements a reflection of the timeless tranquility that pervaded the sacred space.
But amidst the beauty and serenity of his former home, Sukuna felt an undeniable sense of melancholy tugging at his heartstrings. The memories of days long past weighed heavily upon him, a reminder of the fleeting nature of existence and the inevitability of change.
And yet, for all the pain and longing that his return had evoked, Ryomen Sukuna could not deny the undeniable pull of nostalgia, the bittersweet symphony of emotions that danced upon the winds of time. For in revisiting the echoes of his past, he found solace in the knowledge that some things remained unchanged, eternal in their immutable beauty.
In the ethereal glow of the moonlight, Ryomen Sukuna traversed the path of his past, each step a testament to the tumult raging within his immortal soul. The air was thick with the weight of centuries, bearing witness to the ebb and flow of time itself. 
As Ryomen Sukuna wandered through the familiar alleyways of his former home, his steps faltered, caught in the delicate web of memories that enveloped his mind like a gentle breeze. Amidst the labyrinthine paths, he found himself transported back to moments shared with you, like fragile petals dancing upon the winds of his thoughts.
Pausing amidst the hushed stillness of the courtyard, Sukuna's gaze fell upon the scene before him. Though the landscape had changed, the essence of the place remained etched in his memory with crystalline clarity. Each stone, each flower, held echoes of the past, stirring dormant recollections within his soul.
In the tranquility of the courtyard, Sukuna's mind drifted back to a time long gone, a time when laughter filled the air and joy knew no bounds. He remembered the sound of your laughter, like music to his ears, as you danced with abandon in the gentle patter of raindrops. Your laughter, so pure and infectious, had once been the melody that accompanied his existence.
Yet, amidst the fleeting moments of happiness, Sukuna couldn't escape the shadows that loomed on the horizon, casting a pall over the memories of days gone by. Despite the passage of time and the trials they had faced, the memory of your laughter remained etched in his heart, a beacon of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.
As you gazed at him with those tender, doe-like eyes, a spark of excitement dancing within their depths, Sukuna found himself ensnared in the magnetic pull of your enthusiasm. Your invitation to dance in the rain stirred something within him, a flicker of longing amidst the depths of his stoicism. 
Despite his usually composed exterior, Sukuna felt a ripple of uncertainty course through him at the thought of indulging in such carefree revelry. The notion of abandoning the constraints of propriety and embracing spontaneity tugged at the edges of his resolve, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade he wore.
With a hesitant brush of his free hand through his hair, Sukuna wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between the allure of your infectious enthusiasm and the weight of his own reservations. In that moment, suspended between reluctance and desire, he grappled with the choice before him, unsure of which path to tread.
"Come on, Sukuna, let's dance in the rain!" You called to him, the pitch of your voice boisterous with excitement. Rain hadn’t come in a few days. You and the other priestesses in the shrine had been begging the heavens for rain water, for the harvest. And you were gladdened, the gods had listened. And you now want to celebrate. You grinned. “Come!” 
Your mischievous smile and playful insistence proved to be irresistible, gradually eroding Sukuna's resolve as he found himself drawn deeper into the whirlwind of your enthusiasm. Despite the furrow of his brows and the sheen of sweat upon his brow, he couldn't deny the tug of your infectious energy.
With each hesitant step forward, Sukuna's internal conflict became more palpable, his movements marked by a hesitant dance between desire and duty. His concern for your safety and reputation weighed heavily upon him, casting a shadow over the impulsive joy of the moment.
As you reveled in the downpour, heedless of the consequences to your brightly colored kimono or the mud that clung to your delicate attire, Sukuna felt a pang of guilt gnaw at his conscience. Your father's expectations loomed large in his mind, a constant reminder of the responsibility entrusted to him to safeguard your well-being.
Watching you frolic amidst the puddles, your laughter echoing through the air, Sukuna's heart clenched with a mixture of apprehension and admiration. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was failing in his duty, his anxiety mounting with each daring leap you took.
"I don't know about this, my lady.” He whispers back to you, as audible as he can. The rain fall was as loud as a drum beat. “You would get sick! And what if someone sees us? Without chaperones? My lady, your reputation–”
Your words resonated with a sense of spontaneity and freedom that he couldn't ignore, stirring something deep within him. You laughed and giggled, and then smiled ever so mischievously back at him. He looked at you as though you were mad, but you did not mind him very much, spinning about the puddles. He calls you, concerned about lacing his words. You look back at him, laughing once again. 
"Who cares about what they’ll say, Sukuna? My reputation? I do not care! Let's live a little! Besides, when was the last time you did something spontaneous? There’s nothing to do today. We ought to enjoy today! Drop all you’re carrying, go on. Join me!”
Reluctantly, Sukuna allowed himself to be led into the open courtyard, his footsteps heavy with apprehension as he followed your lead. The cold rain pelted down upon him, each droplet a testament to the sky's tears, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from you. Your hand, heavy with the chill of the rain, tugged gently at his, pulling him further into the heart of the storm.
Despite his reservations, Sukuna found himself captivated by the warmth of your smile, a beacon of light amidst the darkness of the rain-soaked courtyard. He stumbled slightly, his footing uncertain on the slick pavement, but his eyes remained fixed on you, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your presence.
As you twirled and danced with abandon, your laughter ringing out like music in the night, Sukuna felt a sense of wonder wash over him. Your smile, radiant and full of life, seemed to illuminate the world around him, transforming the dreary landscape into a kaleidoscope of color and light.
At that moment, as the rain fell around them, Ryomen Sukuna felt as though he were standing beneath a canopy of stars, each one shining brightly in the vast expanse of the night sky. And in your smile, he found a warmth and brightness that eclipsed even the most brilliant of constellations, filling him with a sense of wonder and awe.
"Trust me, you won't regret it!" You tell him, as you two are cast into the expanse of the bright grayish skies. You stand in front of him, your kimono wrapping itself deeper into you as you smile at him. You looked up into the sky and felt the rain pour. Enjoying what little tranquility you have born into the rainy day.
As the rain continued to pour down upon him, each droplet a reminder of the world's relentless judgment, Sukuna felt a sense of vulnerability wash over him. Towering over your figure, the rain seemed to amplify his feelings of unease, magnifying his fears of being seen as inferior. 
Despite his usual stoic demeanor, Sukuna's sullen expression softened into a tender gaze as he watched you, his heart stirring with emotions he could scarcely comprehend. In these quiet moments, when the world seemed to fade away and it was just the two of you, he allowed himself to entertain the fleeting hope that perhaps, just perhaps, there could be a place for him in your heart.
But the reality of their disparate stations in life weighed heavily on Sukuna's mind, reminding him of the vast chasm that separated them. He was but a servant, bound by duty and obligation, while you were the epitome of grace and privilege. He knew that he could never bridge that divide, never dare to speak the words of longing that echoed in the depths of his soul.
And so, Sukuna resigned himself to silence, keeping his feelings hidden behind a mask of stoicism and restraint. In the quiet moments between them, he found solace in the unspoken bond they shared, cherishing the fleeting moments of connection even as he kept his true desires locked away in the depths of his heart.
"This is ridiculous..." He mumbles under his breath, clutching his chest. He takes a deep breath.
As you twirled and danced in the rain, your laughter resonating through the empty courtyard, Sukuna found himself mesmerized by your infectious energy. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't help but be captivated by the joy that radiated from you with each movement.
Watching you laugh and dance, each step more carefree and uninhibited than the last, Sukuna couldn't help but marvel at your ability to enchant him time and time again. There was something inexplicably magnetic about you, something that drew him in and held him spellbound.
In that moment, as the rain continued to fall around them, Ryomen Sukuna found himself caught in the gravitational pull of your laughter and movement, unable to tear his gaze away. It was as if the world had faded into the background, leaving only the two of you and the symphony of raindrops as you danced beneath the stormy sky.
You laughed as you twirled and nearly fell into a puddle, catching Sukuna off guard as he rushed to you. You continued to laugh as he helped you up, his face contorted in concern. “Come on, Sukuna, let go of your worries and just enjoy the moment! This won’t last forever, now!”
With a reluctant sigh, Sukuna felt himself succumbing to the irresistible allure of the moment. Despite his initial reservations and the weight of his concerns, he found himself swept up in the joy and spontaneity that surrounded him.
As he allowed himself to be drawn further into the dance, a rare smile began to tug at the corners of his lips, betraying the stoic facade he often wore. It was a small, hesitant expression, but one that spoke volumes about the emotions stirring within him.
"Fine, but just this once," Sukuna conceded, his voice laced with a mixture of reluctance and amusement. In that fleeting moment, as he surrendered to the whims of the rain and your infectious enthusiasm, Sukuna felt a sense of liberation wash over him, freeing him from the constraints of his own reservations.
As the rain continued to pour down, its rhythmic patter merging with the sounds of your laughter and the soft rustle of leaves, Sukuna felt the weight of the world slowly lifting from his shoulders. With each step he took, each twirl you shared, the barriers he had erected around his heart began to crumble, giving way to a newfound sense of freedom and joy.
Gone was the stoic demeanor he had worn like armor, replaced instead by an openness and vulnerability he had rarely allowed himself to display. In this moment, surrounded by the gentle embrace of the rain and the warmth of your presence, Sukuna felt truly alive.
Together, you danced amidst the droplets, your movements fluid and graceful, as if you were choreographing a dance with the elements themselves. The world around you faded into obscurity, the worries and cares of the outside world melting away in the face of the simple pleasure of the moment.
For Sukuna, who had known only the harshness of battle and the weight of his own past, this moment of respite was nothing short of a revelation. In your company, he found solace and peace, a fleeting glimpse of the happiness he had long believed to be beyond his reach. And as you danced together in the rain, lost in the beauty of the moment, Sukuna knew that he had found something truly precious: a connection that transcended time and circumstance, and a bond that would endure long after the rain had stopped falling.
In those fleeting moments, when the weight of his burdens momentarily lifted, Sukuna found himself immersed in a world of wonder and awe, captivated by the beauty unfolding before him. That night, when his village burned and he was left with nothing, you stood before him like a beacon of light in the darkness, offering him solace and sanctuary. Behind your eyes, he glimpsed the entire universe, and in that moment, you became his home.
You bestowed upon him a name, a sense of identity that he had never known before. With you, he found happiness, a fleeting but profound sense of joy that made him feel truly alive. Despite the tumultuous journey that followed, and the eventual rift that formed between them, Sukuna couldn't deny the impact you had on his life.
Even now, as he stood amidst the shadows of his past, Sukuna reflected on the world he had burned and subsequently rebirthed. Amidst all the chaos and destruction, he found purpose and beauty in the memories of his time with you. For Sukuna, life had meaning when you were by his side, and that truth remained etched in his heart, even as the sands of time continued to shift and change.
Despite the passage of centuries, the memory of your warm smile remained etched in Sukuna's mind like a sacred mantra, a beacon of light in the darkness of his existence. In those stolen moments of tranquility, he found solace in the knowledge that even in the midst of chaos and turmoil, there existed moments of fleeting happiness, like delicate blossoms scattered upon the winds of time.
As Sukuna stood amidst the haunting walls of his former home, the echoes of your laughter still reverberating in his mind, he couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of longing for the simplicity of days gone by. In those moments, when his obsession hadn't yet consumed him, life was free from the suffocating confines of power and strength—they were everything to the monster he once was.
In a world consumed by darkness, you had been his guiding light, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of his existence. Your presence reminded him of the beauty that still existed, even in the bleakest of times. But now, you were beyond his reach, lost to the depths of time and memory. Your soul had vanished, leaving only ashes in its wake.
Despite knowing the futility of his desires, The King of Curses couldn't suppress the ache in his heart. It was pathetic. When he thought he had long past any human desires, one thought of you shatters him whole.  Everything of you was a ghost, a curse, his pain, his grief. All the things that should not be. Yet, he knew he was stuck with you. He can never bury you. Not even if he wanted to. Not even if he tried. And he hated it. He hated how this made him feel. And most of all, he hated you. He hated you, his untenable night flower.
As he paused before the ancestral resting place, his pulse quickened with a familiar intensity. This building, standing defiant against the passage of centuries, held the remnants of your existence. He knew you were here, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of history.
But even as he yearned for your return, Ryomen Sukuna couldn't deny the bitter truth: you were gone, forever beyond his grasp. The Gojo clan, in their final act of defiance, had reclaimed your body, leaving Sukuna to mourn the loss of his beloved once more. And overtime, your soul, which he had siphoned to keep forever, had gone and disappeared.  His gaze narrowed.
If Sukuna was being honest with himself, he had no right to be here. Not after what he had done to the clan, not after what he had done to you. But it was fate. You both were marked by fate. You had said so yourself. There was none of you, without him. There was no soul at all, without the other half. He belonged to you as much as you belonged to him. 
As Sukuna's words hung heavy in the air, you struggled to comprehend the weight of his confession. The revelation that he intended to leave, to abandon the safety of your clan and the familiarity of home, sent a shiver down your spine. Clutching your silk sleeve to your chest, you couldn't suppress the rising sense of panic that threatened to overwhelm you.
"Why?" you implored, your voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and desperation. "What do you mean you intend to leave?"
Sukuna met your gaze with an intensity that mirrored the turmoil within his soul, his own eyes reflecting the conflict raging within. "I cannot stay," he confessed, his voice heavy with resignation. "This is not where I belong. This is not our clan. This is not home."
Your heart sank at his words, the gravity of his decision weighing heavily upon you. "But Sukuna, the Fujiwara are still a threat," you protested, shaking your head in disbelief. "They still have a bounty on your head. You cannot leave now, not when danger lurks at every turn."
"I cannot stay here... under the Gojo," Sukuna murmured, bitterness lacing his words like venom. The mere mention of the rival clan sent a chill down your spine. "What if they sell us to the Kamo? Or to the Zenin?"
The thought of falling into the hands of their enemies sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't deny the validity of Sukuna's concerns. Yet, the idea of him leaving, of facing the dangers of the world alone, filled you with a profound sense of dread.
As Sukuna's words cut through the air with a sharpness that stunned you, a sense of disbelief washed over you. His declaration, delivered with an intensity that left no room for argument, left you reeling, struggling to comprehend the depth of his mistrust.
"My husband would never do that—" you began, your voice faltering as you tried to reason with him, to bridge the chasm that seemed to widen between you with each passing moment.
"I do not trust him!" Sukuna's retort was swift, his voice tinged with an edge of desperation that startled both you and him. The realization of his own words seemed to hang heavy in the air, his breath catching in his throat as he lowered his head in a rare display of vulnerability. "I never will... You cannot force me to."
The weight of his refusal echoed in the silence that followed, leaving you grappling with the reality of his steadfast determination. As the head of your household, you had hoped your authority would carry weight, but Sukuna's unwavering resolve proved to be an immovable barrier.
"Not even as..." you trailed off, the words catching in your throat as you searched for a way to sway him, to appeal to the bond that once united you both.
"No." Sukuna's response was resolute, his head held high as he met your gaze with a steely determination that sent a shiver down your spine. In his eyes, you saw a reflection of emotions too complex to decipher, a glimpse into a soul that had been irrevocably changed by the passage of time and the weight of his own burdens. 
This was not the Sukuna you once knew, you realized with a pang of sorrow. He was someone else entirely, a stranger to the depths of your heart. As the realization settled over you like a heavy blanket, you couldn't help but mourn the loss of the man you once loved, the man who had long since slipped away, leaving only a shadow of his former self behind. No, you think, there is only a curse. One that you carved into his soul. Revenge, that’s all that there is to him now. 
The weight of Sukuna's plea hung heavy in the air, mingling with the bittersweet ache that tugged at your heartstrings. His offer of freedom and escape stirred a longing within you, igniting a spark of desire for a life unbound by duty and expectation.
"But where will you go?" you whispered, your voice barely audible over the tumult of emotions swirling within you. The thought of Sukuna leaving, of embarking on a journey without you by his side, filled you with a sense of unease that threatened to consume you whole. "Where will you—"
As Sukuna's hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch a fleeting caress against your skin, you felt a rush of warmth spread through you. His eyes, filled with a tender sadness that mirrored your own, searched your face as if seeking solace in the depths of your gaze.
"Come with me," he pleaded, his voice a soft whisper that reverberated in the quiet space between you. "We could roam the world together, free from the burdens of our past. We could carve out a new path, forge our own destiny."
Your heart constricted at his words, torn between the allure of adventure and the ties that bound you to this place. The image of a life lived on the road, hand in hand with Sukuna, danced tantalizingly at the edge of your consciousness, tempting you with its promise of liberation.
"I... I can't," you confessed, the words heavy with regret as you struggled to articulate the depth of your conflicting emotions. "I have a family now, Sukuna. My children... I cannot abandon them. Not even if I..." Your voice trailed off, unable to voice the unspoken truth that lingered between you—that even if you yearned to follow him, to lose yourself in the vast expanse of the world by his side, your responsibilities tethered you to this place, anchoring you to a life you had built from the ashes of your past.
"Not even if you want to."
Tears welled in your eyes at Sukuna's completion of your unspoken words, his understanding piercing through the turmoil of emotions that churned within you. "I'm sorry... I..." Your voice faltered, unable to find the words to express the depths of your conflicted heart.
As Sukuna's hand fell away from your cheek, a heavy silence settled between you, thick with the weight of unspoken truths and unfulfilled desires. His eyes, filled with a mixture of resignation and sorrow, bore into yours, conveying a silent understanding of the complexities of your situation.
"I see," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, heavy with the weight of unspoken regrets. "Forgive me for asking."
With a heavy heart, Sukuna turned to leave, his departure casting a shadow over the sacred space between you. The air seemed to grow heavier in his absence, the lingering echo of his presence haunting you like a ghost.
In the wake of his departure, you were left grappling with a tumult of conflicting emotions. Part of you yearned to chase after him, to throw caution to the wind and follow him into the unknown. The allure of adventure and the promise of a life unfettered by the constraints of the mundane world beckoned to you, tempting you to abandon all else in pursuit of the elusive freedom he offered.
As the echoes of Sukuna's footsteps faded into the distance, reality came crashing back in full force, grounding you in the present moment. The weight of your responsibilities and the bonds of love that tied you to your home and family became palpable, reminding you of the life you had chosen and the commitments you held dear.
Though the allure of adventure and the promise of a life untethered from the constraints of the mundane world may have whispered tantalizingly in your ear, you knew that your true happiness lay in the simple joys of everyday life. Surrounded by the familiar comforts of home and the warmth of your loved ones, you found solace and contentment that transcended the call of the unknown.
In the end, it was the love and responsibilities that anchored you to this place, guiding your footsteps and shaping your destiny. While the world beyond may have held its allure, you found fulfillment in the bonds you shared and the life you had built.
But as the sun rose on the new day, casting its golden rays upon the world, news of the massacre of the Fujiwara clan reached your ears. A shiver ran down your spine as you realized the implications. Ryomen Sukuna's journey was far from over—it had only just begun. And with a heavy heart, you knew that the world would never be the same again. He was not your Sukuna anymore. He was the King of Curses. And you cannot love a curse, not even if you wanted to.
The mere thought of standing before your final resting place, the solemn marker of your absence, sent a shiver down Sukuna's spine, a cold sensation that seemed to penetrate to the very core of his being. It was a stark reminder of the transient nature of life, a sobering confrontation with mortality that left him feeling strangely vulnerable.
For Sukuna, who had lived once more after thousands of years had passed, the encounter with your memory was a poignant reminder of the relentless march of time. Reborn into a vessel that barely contained his ancient power, he found himself grappling with the weight of his own existence and the echoes of his past.
Despite his attempts to distance himself from his human origins, to shed the vestiges of his former humanity, Sukuna couldn't help but feel the lingering connection to you. You, who had been his anchor in a world of chaos and darkness, remained a constant presence in his thoughts, a reminder of the humanity he had long abandoned.
Even as he stood on the precipice of oblivion, Sukuna found it impossible to consign your memory to the annals of history. In your absence, you remained etched in his mind, an indelible part of his being that refused to be forgotten, no matter how hard he tried.
As Sukuna stepped into the solemn confines of the ancestral shrine, a rush of memories flooded his mind, transporting him back to a time long past. The faces of those he once knew flickered in the dim light, each visage a testament to the passage of time and the inevitability of mortality.
His footsteps echoed softly against the polished stone floors as he made his way deeper into the shrine, the weight of his presence seeming to hang heavy in the air. Memories intertwined with the shadows, painting a vivid tapestry of days gone by.
Pausing before the grave of your father, Sukuna's gaze lingered, a mixture of reverence and regret coloring his expression. Your father had been a pillar of strength in the clan, a figure revered by all who knew him. And yet, even in death, his presence loomed large, a silent testament to the legacy he had left behind.
But it was when Sukuna's eyes fell upon your grave that time seemed to stand still. There, at the heart of the shrine, stood a full-life statue of you, radiant and eternal in its silent vigil. It was as if you had been frozen in time, your likeness preserved for eternity in marble and stone.
For Sukuna, gazing upon your statue was like confronting a ghost from his past, a haunting reminder of all that he had lost and all that he could never regain. There you stood, unchanged by the passage of centuries, a symbol of everything he could never be.
In that moment, Sukuna couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the life he had left behind, for the warmth of your smile and the comfort of your presence. But as he stood in the shadow of your statue, he knew that his fate was sealed, bound by the chains of his own making.
Your grave stood alone at the center of the shrine, a solitary figure in a sea of memories, worshiped for being all that Sukuna could not be. And as he marveled in the silence,  he couldn't help but wonder what might have been if he had chosen a different path, if he had chosen you over power and immortality. But it was too late for regrets now, too late to undo the choices that had brought him to this moment. All he could do was honor your memory and carry the weight of his sins for eternity.
As he gazes at the statue, the resemblance to your visage is striking, almost intimidating. You had a way of lingering in his thoughts, even after two thousand years had passed, remaining a haunting presence he couldn't shake. Strangely, he finds comfort in your ghostly presence; he doesn't want to escape you, if he's honest with himself. His hands reach out tentatively, mirroring the tenderness you once possessed as they brush against the cold stone. 
It lacks your warmth, yet he tries to conjure the memory of it, knowing your warmth was synonymous with life itself. It's a challenge to forget you; you were unforgettable. He acknowledges that as a man like him, he has no right to mourn—he's no longer truly human. But with you, it's different; you transcended mere humanity. You were his world, his curse, and the ache of longing for you remains.
As Sukuna stands in the solemn presence of the statue, his mind becomes a battlefield of swirling emotions, each thought a tempest threatening to consume him. Amidst the stillness of the shrine, a whisper of a thought passes through his consciousness like a fleeting breeze, stirring the depths of his soul.
He wonders, with a heavy heart, if you would ever grant him the chance to speak to you again, even if only in the ethereal realm of dreams. The weight of his transgressions hangs heavy upon him, a burden he bears with aching regret and remorse.
His thoughts drift to the possibility of forgiveness, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf him. Would you, he wonders, find it in your heart to forgive him for all he had done? Could you look past the sins of his past and see the man he longs to become?
And then, in the quiet recesses of his mind, another question emerges, tentative yet hopeful: Would you meet him in another life, in another time, and love him again? The notion fills him with both trepidation and longing, a desire for redemption intertwined with the fear of repeating past mistakes.
As the King of Curses stands before the imposing statue, its silent gaze casting a solemn shadow over the shrine, he grapples with the weight of his own existence. In the hallowed stillness of the sacred space, amidst the echoes of his tumultuous thoughts, he seeks solace, a fleeting respite from the ceaseless turmoil that churns within him.
Fickle hope flickers like a distant flame in the darkness of his heart, as he silently pleads for a chance at redemption, a glimmer of forgiveness in the face of his countless transgressions. But even as he yearns for reconciliation, a bitter truth gnaws at the edges of his consciousness: he knows he will never humble himself, never stoop to beg for your mercy. A king does not bend his knees. It was all too late. And you would never hope for it from him. You knew him too well.
For the King of Curses, pride is both his armor and his downfall, a barrier that shields him from the vulnerability of human emotion, yet also isolates him in his eternal solitude. He knows he can never be with you, not in this life or any other, for curses are not meant to know the warmth of love or the tender embrace of redemption.
In the depths of his despair, he acknowledges the irreparable chasm that separates him from you, an insurmountable divide between the angelic purity of your soul and the infernal darkness that consumes his own. He resigns himself to the harsh reality of his existence: a flower in the night, destined to yearn for the unreachable glow of the moon, while knowing that his true salvation lies forever beyond his grasp, bathed in the radiant light of the distant sun.
"Sukuna..." The sound of your voice, soft and gentle, echoes in his mind, stirring something deep within him. “Sukuna….”
As Sukuna stands in the sacred confines of the shrine, grappling with the weight of his emotions, he feels the gravity of his words hanging heavy in the air like incense smoke, swirling around him in ethereal wisps. The question lingers, a delicate thread woven into the fabric of his thoughts, as he waits with bated breath for a response that may never come.
"Would you ever let me speak to you again?" His voice is a mere whisper, barely audible above the hallowed silence of the shrine. The words escape his lips like a prayer, a desperate plea for absolution in the face of his tumultuous past. "Will you, my little night flower?"
The stillness of the shrine remains unbroken, the only sound the soft echo of his own voice reverberating off the ancient stone walls. Yet, despite the absence of a tangible answer, Sukuna can't help but sense a presence, a ghostly whisper of your essence lingering in the sacred space.
Closing his eyes, Ryomen Sukuna offers a silent prayer to the heavens knowing full well that the gods would never accept the prayer of an infidel. He could care less about their judgments. Yet, in the depths of his heart, he harbors the belief that if his words were to reach anywhere, it would be in your arms, wherever you may be. In the quiet sanctuary of the shrine, surrounded by the echoes of his own longing, he clings to the fragile hope that perhaps, somewhere in the depths of eternity, you're listening, ready to grant him the solace and redemption he so desperately seeks. 
As the moon wanes overhead, casting its ethereal glow upon the shrine, Sukuna remains, allowing your memory to haunt him. If it means just one more night with you, he is willing to endure the torment of your ghostly presence. Though weary from his journey, he finds solace in the thought of being in your presence once more, even if only in his dreams.
As he kneels before you, the lilac crystal adorning the shrine gleams softly in the moonlight, casting a delicate hue upon the scene. In this moment, Ryomen Sukuna finds a semblance of peace, a fleeting respite from the turmoil of his immortal existence. Perhaps, he muses, this is all there is to be—an eternal dance between curses and prayers, between love and longing. 
When the sun rose, he let the boy have control.
Ryomen Sukuna let himself stand within his realm.
Loneliness seeping in, the night drifting away with you.
For you only belong in the wide sky, his night flower.
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steventhusiast · 1 year
steve’s in the middle of trying to organise a pile of returned tapes by genre when he hears the bell on the door ring. his eyes flicker up to family video’s door, and he intends to only check the customer doesn’t look suspicious, but when he sees who’s entered the store he can’t help the smile that creeps onto his face.
“eds!” he greets his boyfriend, happily abandoning his task to lean onto the counter and watch eddie walk up to him.
“your highness.” eddie greets dramatically, and steve watches as he does a quick scope of the store as he reaches the counter. it’s empty, so of course eddie hops up and over the obstacle to stand next to steve.
“what the hell, eddie!” robin complains as eddie knocks into her half-organised tape pile on his way over, sending a couple tapes onto the ground.
eddie looks at her with a wide-eyed ‘oops’ expression, and then picks up the tapes, attempting to put them back in their place.
“sorry, buck.”
“yeah, yeah.” she huffs, but she’s smiling a little so steve knows she’s not actually mad. she holds up a copy of back to the future, and raises an eyebrow, “you put this in the romance pile.”
“stevie says marty tries to bang his mom in that, so am i really wrong?”
robin blinks at him a couple times, and then shakes her head and resumes her pile-sorting, seemingly done with them for now.
eddie finally smiles at steve from where he is next to him, and gently takes his hand and squeezes it under the counter.
“missed you last night.” he says. steve shuffles his feet a little in response, and squeezes his hand back.
“missed you too. you know how my parents are when they’re in town.”
“yeah, i know.” eddie’s soft smile switches to something more playful as he pauses, “too bad though, had biiig plans for us involving.. one of our most recent purchases in indy.”
robin makes a gagging sound from where she’s stood, and as steve blushes and opens his mouth to say something in reply she reaches over to push at his shoulder and then starts talking before he gets the chance to.
“i say this with love because you are my favourite dingus and dongus, if you make me stand here and listen to you make vague sexual references while i get paid minimum wage to organise these stupid tapes, i might do something drastic.”
eddie snorts at her words.
“you have such a way with words, robs.”
for some reason she looks offended at that, and steve chuckles to himself as he waits for the verbal tennis match to start between them.
they’re interrupted by the bell at the door telling them another customer has walked in, so steve glances over again and-
oh. it’s tommy’s mom.
somehow, for some reason, tommy never told his parents that they’re not on speaking terms anymore. steve had been absolutely dumbfounded the first time mrs hagan came over to say hello after their fight. he’d been expecting her to start chewing him out for upsetting her baby, but instead she’d asked how his mother was doing and had given him a motherly hug like always.
so, he steels himself for an interaction that will later make him feel a strange mix of nostalgic, sad and angry.
“steve! i forgot you work here.” mrs hagan grins at him as she walks over, a copy of pretty in pink in her hand.
“hi mrs hagan.” he offers her a half-hearted smile, and she puts the tape on the counter.
“just came to return this. such a lovely surprise to see you, though. it’s been too long honey! i’m sure tommy misses having you around, i know i do.” she says, and steve winces slightly as he feels robin’s eyes on him.
“oh, yeah. it’s, it’s real nice to see you too mrs h.” there’s an awkward pause where mrs hagan frowns a little at his lack of response to her tommy-related words, so he continues, “time really does fly when you’re not at high school anymore. barely have time to see any of my friends, really.”
he pointedly doesn’t look over to where eddie is now helping robin through the pile of tapes. mrs hagan nods uncertainly, and after steve’s finished with her return and a couple seconds of awkward silence have passed, she nods to herself.
“right, well.. i’ll be off then. we’re actually having a small gathering this weekend, honey. i bet tommy would love to see you there!” she tries at a smile again, but steve can’t really hide the panic in his eyes at the offer.
“oh! i’d- i’d love to mrs h, but i am just-“ he makes a vague gesture with his hands, “so swamped. really busy weekend.”
mrs hagan looks sad at his words, but nods again slowly.
“another time then.”
“sure.” steve lies, and watches as she leaves.
once she’s gone, he thinks about what the party would be like if he does go. he won’t, obviously, but.. what if?
realistically, he knows tommy would be the same jerk he’d been when they last talked a few years ago. but the more childish part of him that remembers his friendship with tommy through rose-coloured glasses wants to believe it could be fun.
maybe it’d be like old times, and he and tommy would take turns pushing each other into the pool. then they’d get each other a plate of food, purposely putting something they know the other doesn’t like on it because they think it’s funny. and finally, after a few hours they’d sneak off to tommy’s room and hang out, talking about anything and everything that comes to mind.
a big part of steve knows tommy was a toxic friend, that they weren’t good for each other and their relationship was strained and unhealthy. but a small part of him misses him more deeply than he wants to admit.
sometimes, when robin asks him a question about his childhood and he realises she hasn’t been his friend since birth, he thinks about how tommy would know that because he’d been there since the start. or she’ll falter when looking for a plate and steve knows tommy could navigate his kitchen with his eyes closed.
but in the same vain, robin will know that he’s got a migraine coming just from the smallest of winces, and steve thinks about how tommy doesn’t even know he gets migraines now. and she knows which floorboard in his room covers a pile of polaroids of him and eddie, and he thinks about how tommy wouldn’t even be safe enough to tell about their relationship.
“you in there, stevie?” eddie says from beside him, jokingly knocking on the top of his head.
steve smiles at him, and bumps him with his shoulder affectionately.
“yeah, just thinking.” he says, and looks at the glass door again. mrs hagan’s car is pulling out of the lot now.
“careful, that sounds dangerous.” robin jokes, and then makes trumpet noises with her mouth as she sorts the final tape into the correct pile.
eddie joins in with her dramatics, going as far as to mime playing his trumpet. robin critiques the way he’s miming holding one, and eddie scoffs at her and tells her to mime playing guitar so he can make fun of her back.
steve smiles to himself, and looks away from the car as it drives away.
he may miss his friendship with tommy sometimes, but this? he wouldn’t trade this for the world.
idk what this is but i hope u enjoyed it
inspired by one of my old best friends’ parents who used to come into the store i worked at and say hi to me because they didn’t know our friendship group had a MASSIVE falling out. i miss that friendship a lot sometimes even though it was toxic, and those thoughts inspired this because every thought i have can be projected onto steve if i try hard enough
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osleeplessflowero · 9 months
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,544
The sun peeks into your room through the windows, casting its light upon everything it can touch. A fan in your room moves the curtains slightly with it, keeping you cool away from the sun's harsh warmth outside.
You lie peacefully in your bed sleeping away, moving between different dreams that are just mashed up of different thoughts, some comprehensible, some not.
The world is calm this morning.
At least, it was at the start.
As you feel yourself being trapped within a dream, you start to hear a muffled voice outside. Someone saying your name over and over..and over..
You open your eyes once your name is clearly said, blinking to un-blur your vision as you turn to see who got into your house.
"Good Morning!" Blue smiles sweetly at you, leaning over the side of the bed to look at you.
"...Blue? How did you ge- oh wait, I gave you a key, that's right."
"Yep! I Always Make Sure To Have It When I Plan To Come See You." He holds it up to demonstrate.
"Okay, well..what are you doing here exactly?"
"I Wanted To Ask You Something And I Just Couldn't Wait For You To Wake Up- You Always Oversleep-"
"Sleep is peaceful. I don't have to do anything when I'm asleep."
"i hear that."
You turn your head towards the doorway, seeing Stretch leaning in it, smiling lazily over at you. You give a half-hearted wave.
"Don't Encourage Them, Papyrus-" "don't lie, you like to sleep in too." "I- That's- Shush." You smile amusedly at the two, sitting up.
"Anyway, I Came Here To Ask If You'd Like To Join Us On Our Way To The Beach Today! We Wanted To Pick A Day Where Not-Too-Many People Were There. And That's Today."
"The beach? I dunno..I don't know if I have everything I need."
"We Could Go Shopping With You Beforehand, If You'd Like! C'mon, Don't You Wanna Have Some Fun Today? It Beats Sleepinggg-" Blue smiles, trying to persuade you. He succeeds.
"Eh, sure, why not? I'll check to see what I've got and what I need."
"Great! We'll Wait Downstairs."
"M'kay-" You watch them go downstairs, then stand up.
"Okay..time to find everything."
A bit of time passes as you scurry around your room, trying to find anything and everything you could possibly need for this daily trip.
You tend to overthink a little about every possible scenario there could be, wanting to be ready.
"you good in there?" You hear Stretch call to you from behind the closed door.
"Yeah, just gimme a sec." You grab the bag you placed everything in, before walking out of your room.
"did you get everything?" He smiles, glancing down at you while his hands are stuffed in his hoodie pockets.
"Yep- everything and beyond- just gotta get a new swimsuit. My last one's a bit too small for me now-"
"i'm sure we can find something for you once we're out."
The two of you talk as you walk downstairs until you finally reach the bottom, meeting up with Blue and walking out of the house.
You decide to sit in the back with your bag since there's more space and freedom to move there, relaxing for a bit. Some nostalgic songs play from Blue's playlist. Once you showed some classics to him he couldn't stop listening, so they pretty much fill up his playlist now.
"Comfy Back There?" "Yep, I'm all good here, Blue." "Just Making Sure-" He slides on some shades that were adjusted a bit to fit over his eyesockets.
You look out the window, smiling and waving at your neighbors as you pass by them. Everyone's so friendly here..it wasn't always like that, it took quite a bit of time before some of them warmed up to you. But once they did, you found yourself having strong bonds with them.
A neighborhood full of skeletons..who'd have thought it'd be possible? Certainly not you, that's for sure.
Everyone moving in was a pretty sudden surprise, but as time went on and you found yourself talking more and more with them, you couldn't imagine life without them.
"alright, looks like we're here."
"Oh, sweet." You smile as Stretch rolls the window up, sitting your bag down, grabbing your wallet and exiting the car before the others.
The three of you go into the store together, you taking your time picking out a swimsuit that suits your taste, as well as an oversized tee.
After a bit more time and a short fashion show, the three of you drive to the beach together. Surprisingly, it's completely empty today.
"Woah- no one is here? That's a bit odd- it's like..ridiculously hot out."
"we lucked out, it seems." "Aw, I Was Kinda Hoping I Could Talk To Some Other People. But! We Can Still Enjoy The Beach Plenty By Ourselves."
The three of you exit the car, the skeletons pulling out their beach equipment like floaties and an umbrella, you helping them carry some of it over to a nice spot near the water.
The three of you head over to the changing areas, you letting them go first, sitting down in a chair and waiting for them to come out.
They both decided to wear swim shorts of their signature colors, Blue's having some cute watermelon patterns and Stretch's having some flamingos. Ironic as always, aren't you, Stretch?
You go to change yourself, walking out and doing a 360 for Blue, feeling your face flush a little when he applauds your choices in swimwear.
You each make your way to the area where Blue set up an umbrella and some chairs. Stretch lies down on a towel, claiming he's "getting a tan", wearing some shades that cover his eyesockets. (He falls asleep within the span of a few seconds. How he does it, you'll never know.)
Blue starts to blow up some pool floats, careful not to bite into them and accidentally pop them. (He's done that before.)
You walk out to the water and feel it beckon you to enter it, so you do, running into it and falling face first, sinking until you're completely submerged.
Swimming has always been fun to do, floating beneath the bright blue water and swimming up if you sink too far.
You float back up to the surface, shaking your head a bit to get your hair away from your face and seeing Blue running towards the water.
He jumps in, making a big splash next to you. You laugh a little and wait for him to swim up, grinning at you once he reaches the top.
You splash him with water, him promptly splashing you back. This goes on for a while before you end up accidentally splashing Stretch and waking him up.
"Oh shit- sorry, Stretch-"
"do you have any idea what you've just done?"
"you've declared WAR-"
And with that, he joined the two of you in the water, splashing you rapidly.
You find yourself laughing until water gets in your mouth, causing you to choke for a second before spitting it out. Gotta love it.
Blue steps in to defend you, the two of you teaming up against his brother in an epic splashing showdown.
Once you all get bored, you resort to swimming around for a while. Stretch floats on his back, and Blue dives underwater to see if he can find any hidden treasures.
"so, you having fun, hon?" Stretch opens one of his eyesockets to look at you as you swim up to him.
"Yeah, I'm really glad I decided to come with you guys today. It's pretty fun being able to swim. One of my favorite things about summer. And getting to be here with both of you, well..I wouldn't miss it."
You smile warmly, your smile growing a little when you see Stretch's cheekbones flush a light orange shade.
Blue emerges from the deep, popping up beside you.
"Room For One More?"
You each chat and swim around a bit more before getting out of the water and drying off, you putting the tee over your swimsuit and sitting on the towel Stretch placed down a bit ago.
They grab some drinks out of a cooler and you grab some snacks you packed from a bag.
"So, Has Today Been..Entertaining?"
"Yeah, it's been super fun. We should do this again sometime."
"I'm Really Happy We Could Spend Some Time With You..Just The Three Of Us. Not That I Dislike The Others Or Anything, It's Just, Well..They Tend To..Catch Your Eyes More."
"Oh, Blue..I didn't know that was how you felt- I'll spend more time with you, promise. I don't want anyone to feel left out."
He simply nods in response, his cheekbones flushing a bit blue as he rests his head on your shoulder.
"don't forget me." Stretch sits down on your other side, leaning his skull on your head.
"I'm really happy I could spend the day with you..thanks for dragging me out of bed."
"It'll Definitely Happen Again-"
You all watch as the sun slowly sets, painting the sky with shades of purple and orange flowing together oh, so nicely.
"I can't wait.."
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andheresthething · 1 year
I Got So Fucking Romantic, I Apologize
Summary: Cute lazy morning (afternoon) with Nightowl.
[No use of y/n] [Lazy Mornings] [But it's really 2 pm] [Cuddling & Snuggling] [Kissing] [Love Bites] [Pet Names] [Dorks in Love] [I cannot stress it enough you act like teenagers in love] [Implied Sexual Content] [You're smaller than him] [Established Relationship]
I recently played Blooming Panic and absolutely fell HARD for Nightowl. This is the first time I've ever posted any of my writing and it's been a while since I've written at all so this will probably be rusty. I might write more (could make a spicy follow-up) if people like this one, though it might be delayed because carpal tunnel is a bitch.
Gender-neutral reader for yall :)
I wrote this while listening to my character playlist for him
Reposted from AO3
Also, I haven't used Tumblr since MIDDLE SCHOOL so I apologize for things being strange to the platform
Rays of light shone through the drawn blinds of the bedroom you and Nightowl shared. The small beams laid across the two of you sleeping well into early afternoon. You slowly blink and let out a yawn, taking a moment to come into the conscious world.
Once your eyes adjusted you finally get a look at the blonde sleeping on his side next to you. His chest slowly rising and falling and an arm draped over you. Lips slightly apart, just enough to show a sliver of his front teeth, and his neck and collar bones covered in spots that ranged in shades of purple. Though a familiar sight for you to see each day, it never grew old. Each day, without fail, your heart would flutter the same way it did when you spent your first night together. You cracked a smile, just watching and waiting for your partner to wake.
Sometimes it was still baffling to you that clicking on a discord invite led to this. How fast everything moved between the two of you was unexpected, but not unwelcomed in the slightest. You recall all the nights the two of you would spend up, talking about anything and everything until you fell asleep. Nightowl would follow shortly after, but would never hang up the call. Some of the time right before he’d turn in as well, you were just conscious to hear him say, ‘I can’t wait until we can do this in person. Goodnight, Cutie. Sweet dreams.’
Your smile grew thinking about those early times of your relationship, though soon enough you were broken from the little daydream with the feeling of Nightowl lifting his arm off of you, stretching himself awake with a yawn.
“Mornin, sweetheart,” you said as he lowered his arm back to hold you. He sleepily smiled, then placed a light kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning, cutie,” he smiled, “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“Impossible, plus I lost myself in thought, so I doubt I would have noticed an hour going by.”
“Care to indulge me?” Nightowl asked while moving his hand to hold yours.
“I was just thinking about our old late-night calls before I got to move in with you and how sometimes when I was half asleep I’d hear you say how you couldn’t wait for this to happen for real and wished me goodnight”
Nightowl squeezed your hand, eyes lighting up slightly. Your little story seemed to help wake him up from his groggy state, “Awe, I love you getting all sappy and nostalgic on me first thing in the morning, cutie.”
 “I always felt all stupid and happy whenever I heard it.” 
“You know,” he scootched as close as he could be to you without being completely on top of you, “I did it every. Single. Night.” he hummed, peppering a kiss on your face between every word, and you giggled with each one.
He put on a serious face, sharply nodding, “Without fail. I still do actually. Granted, I’ve changed that first part a tiny bit considering you’re now actually here with me, in the flesh.”
“Awe, sweetheart, you’re literally the best. How’d I get so lucky?” you reached to hug him. Maybe a bit too enthusiastically, though, as you managed to push Nightowl over on his back and put yourself on top of him, burying your face in his neck in the process, “Seriously, I could have never imagined having someone who does stuff like that for me all to myself.”
“ You can’t believe you have me all to yourself?” Nightowl laughed, “I should be the one saying that. I was such a hungover ass to you after knowing you for, like, five days, and you still wanted to be with me after that night. You’re the one here that's the best,” he refuted, placing a kiss on the side of your head, “To have someone as precious as you makes me the lucky one here, darling.”
“Mmm, I’d have to disagree with you.”
  “Incorrect and unfactual statement.”
You lifted yourself enough to meet your eyes with his, “As much as I’d love to continue this to prove I’m, in fact, correct on this matter, I think I’m a little too tired to try.”
“So what you're saying is that I win?” he said with the biggest shit-eating grin. You groaned at his playful antic and started to push yourself up, now straddling his lap as he still laid underneath you, which also effectively pushed the blanket once covering the two of you off and behind you. 
“Sure, you win, dumbass. What shall your prize be?”
“Can it be anything?” he said excitedly.
You knew you might regret the answer you were going to give, but went through with it anyway, “Sure, anything you want, sweetheart,” with that, you sealed your fate.
“Hmm, what a tough decision to make,” Nightowl exaggeratedly pondered while pushing himself back slightly to be able to sit up with his arms supporting him from behind. You also moved so that you were sitting in his lap, legs wrapped around his bare lower waist, and brought your arms around his neck. Your arms sat on the soft fabric that was the straps of his crop top, “The possibilities are endless, cutie. How could I ever just choose one thing?”
You giggled at his complaint, “You better, the offer is going to expire soon. Then you just get bragging rights.”
“Oh, how cruel! How could you?” he moved his arms from behind him to hold your hips.
“I know, I’m such a horrible person,” you said, matching his sarcastic and playful tone.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, you took the time to admire his face. The small beams of light highlighted his softer features. They made his messy hair shine and his brown eyes sparkle, revealing all the little flakes of different shades that resided in them.
The light also reflected off of his cartilage piercings. Nightowl had a bad habit of not taking out his earrings before bed. No matter how many times you reminded him, he always forgot. It wasn’t the end of the world that he didn’t, though. At least he remembered to take out his statement piece each night.
In that time, Nightowl did the same, soaking in the sight of you. Hair just as messy as his own, a stupid wide smile, and a pair of beaming eyes staring into his own. But your shirt, God it was killing him. It was one of his own that you’d steal regularly to wear almost anywhere. While purposefully somewhat oversized on him, you were swimming in it, allowing your neck and collar bones, covered in marks (courtesy of him), to be exposed. Maybe it was his somewhat possessive nature, but the mix of the shirt and hickies fogged his mind with a myriad of thoughts ranging from wholesome to extremely sexual.
“Have you made a decision yet?” your words snapped him out of his short, albeit very vivid, daydream, “Or are we just going to settle for bragging rights?”
“Nope! I’ve come up with my prize.”
“That would be?”
“One super lazy, stay-in-date day complete with stupid horror movies and possibly some more… intimate affairs later on,” he paused, “Please.”
You pretended to think it over, despite the arrangement of this prize. While you, of course, got tasked with a pile of work for the weekend, you couldn’t care less about it. Getting ripped by your boss on Monday would be worth it, especially with the not-at-all-subtle proposition for later in the day. Knowing Nightowl though, it would probably come way sooner than nightfall. “You, sir, have yourself a deal.”
You gave him a small peck, but Nightowl being Nightowl, was having none of that. He immediately put his lips back on yours, tightening his grip on your hips. While it took you slightly by surprise, you gladly accepted the act, kissing him back. Quickly things became heated, pulling each other closer, the movement of your lips becoming desperate. Your hands drifted to his hair, lightly grabbing at it, which Nightowl responded to by letting out a small moan into your mouth. That noise of his set you off, eager to continue the sudden act of intimacy. 
Unfortunately, as quickly as it picked up, it stopped. Nightowl pulled away and loosened his hold on you, causing you to let out a small whine of disappointment.
“As much as I don’t want to stop this right now, cutie, I’m starving for some actual food, not just you.” 
You let out a chuckle, arms going back down to rest on his shoulders, “You’re such a tease.”
“Says the one wearing nothing but my shirt,” he flirted, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face once again. “Looks great on you, by the way. Makes your ass and thighs look fantastic. Especially your thighs.”
“I do, in fact, have something on under, mister,” you retorted, “But if you’re that hungry, I guess we could go scrounge up something, but by we, I mean me. We both know you can't cook for shit.”
“Ouch, that one stung.”
“It’s not that bad if I like cooking and you like eating it. Plus, you get to stare at my thighs all you want while I do so.”
“A win is a win,” he lifted one hand off your hips to cup your cheek. “Shall we then?”
“To the kitchen!” you giggled. 
Nightowl gave you one last kiss on your forehead before putting his hand down, allowing you to get up off of him and the bed. He followed suit, loosely holding your hand. With that, you led the way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to start your long date day at 2 pm.
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meenatranslates · 5 months
[SR] Taichi | Reminiscence of Blooming
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There were feelings of frustration, as well as regrets and repentance. Still, I was able to keep running without going off the rails because everyone acknowledged me. Lead Skill: A friend I admire, who is my comrade and also my rival Adlib Skill: Right side, good! Left side, good! My smile, good!
Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Video: Taichi~ - Part 1
―Yosei Uni (Day)―
Taichi: Haah...
Juza: ...Still not goin' home yet?
Taichi: Oh, Juza-san! Are you planning to go back now?
Juza: Yeah. But I'll listen to you if there's anythin' you're troubled with...
Taichi: Eh?
(Is he worried for me because I let out a sigh...?)
Thanks, Juza-san!
But it's no big deal, really! I just can't decide on which place to introduce for the video, that's all.
Juza: The one for the commemorative event on Inste?
Taichi: Yup, that one! Also, since the weather's good today, I was thinking of taking a detour somewhere before heading home...
And it's been a while since I've been to the karaoke, so I thought I could try singing to my heart's content once in a while!
Juza: ...I see.
Taichi: I- I told you it's not a big deal!
Please don't think that I sighed so seriously over such a small thing!
Juza: I wasn't really thinking that...
Taichi: So yeah, Juza-san!
If you have time today, wanna go to karaoke with me?
Juza: Karaoke, huh...
Taichi: Ah, it's fine to decline if you have plans after this!
Juza: ...No, I don't mind goin'. I was just reminded of the time when we were still in O High.
Taichi: O High?
Juza: Just like today, you invited me and Tenma to karaoke on our way back from school a few times.
Taichi: We really had lots of fun back then~! I might as well invite Ten-chan today...
Tenma: You called me?
Taichi: Wah! Great timing, Ten-chan!
Tenma: What do you mean?
Taichi: Juza-san and I just talked about going to karaoke! Wanna come along, Ten-chan?
Tenma: ...Sorry, I gotta leave for work after this.
Taichi: Oh, really? Okay, do your best at work!
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Juza: You seem busy these days. Don't push yourself too hard.
Tenma: Thanks, you two. Go have fun at the karaoke.
―Karaoke Box―
Taichi: ...Ha~! Like I thought, it feels refreshing after singing all out!
Huh? You didn't put any songs to sing yet, Juza-san?
Juza: I got too absorbed in listenin' to your singin' that I forgot to do it. That song just now, I remember you also sang that last time we went to karaoke.
Taichi: Yeah, I did! It's the theme song for the drama that Ten-chan starred in! We sang in duet at that time.
It was a bit hard to sing while playing a tambourine, but it was really fun!
(I already feel nostalgic about that, huh~. We make a lot of memories each time we go here.)
(Come to think of it, we often come here to do karaoke. Maybe I should introduce this place for Inste...?)
Juza: You sure can sing even while playin' a tambourine. I don't think I can do that...
Taichi: It's 'cause I was trained by Ten-chan and Ban-chan! I feel like my tambourine skills improved thanks to them...
(Ah, that's right!)
Can we take a selfie together, Juza-san? I wanna send a pic to Ten-chan...
Juza: 's fine by me.
Taichi: Okay, here's the mic for you, and a tambourine for me...
Say cheese~!
Juza: Was that okay?
Taichi: Totally! I sent him the pic and said "Let's go together next time"!
Now then, I gotta continue to liven up your song with my tambourine skills~!
Juza: Yeah, countin' on you for that.
―Lounge (Night)―
Tenma: I'm home.
Taichi: Welcome home, Ten-chan! Did you see the pic I sent on LIME?
Yeah, sorry for the late reply. I also saw the picture of you slightly cut off.
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Taichi: Ahaha. I tried my best taking the pic while holding a tambourine, but my hands went a little crazy...
But then I thought, "This should be okay enough"!
Tenma: Yeah, I can really tell that you had fun from the picture.
Taichi: I did, but because I sang your drama's theme song by myself, I kinda felt lonely.
Tenma: It's the song for the drama that I was in, so of course it can't be good without me around.
Taichi: Yup, so let's duet together next time!
Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Video: Taichi~ - Part 2
―Karaoke Box (Day)―
Taichi: We came all the way here, so let's sing together today, Ten-chan!
Tenma: Don't get ahead of yourself! You need to shoot the introduction video first.
Taichi: I- I know that~! I was just joking...
Wait, why're you suddenly holding the remote control!
Tenma: Well, I saw that the theme song for the drama I starred in was in the rankings, and I got curious so...
Taichi: You're right! It's amazing that it's in 3rd place! As expected from a drama starring Ten-chan!
Tenma: Heh, I guess so.
No, wait- Just get started and film already!
Taichi: Ah, just wait, please~! I'm doing the preparations right now!
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The person to introduce their recommended spot for this time is... Taichi Nanao, from Autumn Troupe in MANKAI Company!
Tenma: And the one in charge of filming is Tenma Sumeragi from Summer Troupe.
Taichi: Many thanks for Ten-chan! Now then, the place I'm going to introduce is here! The karaoke box!
There are times when I have the sudden urge to sing...
This happens to you guys too, right? How about you, Ten-chan?
Tenma: Quite few times.
Taichi: Thought so! At times like that, I always come here!
It's close to the station, has the latest models, it's pretty clean, and there's also the drinks station...
This is like, the best place to sing!
Tenma: I mean, it's a karaoke box after all.
Taichi: Well, yeah, that's true but~!
Oh right, the Autumn Troupe of MANKAI Company, of which I am affiliated with, once performed a band-themed play...
Tenma: Ahh, you mean "the Rad Red", where Taichi played the lead role. You guys also held a live performance of an original song during the play.
Taichi: Yup! I actually came here and wrote that original song at that time!
I've also come here with the other troupe members to sing, and many other fun things happened...
This place holds many memories for me.
...Wait, what!?
It's the theme song of Ten-chan's drama! Why...!?
Tenma: Taichi! Your elbow's pressing the button on the remote control!
Taichi: Agh, it's true!! I should stop this, right!?
Tenma: I'll do that, so you just keep focusing on the video...!
Taichi: G-got it!
Umm, anyway, karaoke is the best! So everyone should come and hang out here too!!
―Lounge (Night)―
Tenma: ...Have you posted it yet?
Taichi: Uhh, just a second.
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~~VLOG starts~~
Caption: Something unexpected happened during the introduction of karaoke box!?
Taichi: "I've also come here with the other troupe members to sing, and many other fun things happened..."
"This place holds many memories for me."
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"...Wait, what!?"
"It's the theme song of Ten-chan's drama! Why...!?"
~~VLOG ends~~
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Taichi: I've successfully submitted my post!
Thanks for getting me permission to use the theme song, Ten-chan! I didn't have to do a retake thanks to that!
Tenma: I wanted everyone to see your video too. The way you panicked is amusing no matter how many times I watched it.
Taichi: Now that you said it, that was a bit embarrassing...!
Tenma: Hey, don't talk too loud or you'll hurt your throat. That awful voice is because of the karaoke you and the others went to yesterday, right?
Taichi: Uhuu, I had too much fun singing that I overused my throat...
Sorry, Ten-chan, even though you told me to be careful.
Tenma: ...Well, I did expect that this would happen.
Here, have some honey. It's the same one I gave you before. This should make your throat feel better. (1)
Taichi: Wahh! Thanks, Ten-chan! You're so kind that my heart's gonna get captivated again...!
Tenma: It'd be a problem if you can't go to karaoke for a while. Mostly worried about your tambourine skills, though...
Taichi: I can still play the tambourine even if my voice gets hoarse! Or rather, I want us to duet again some time!
Tenma: I get it already, so stop shouting!
Take care of your throat so that it'll heal quicker.
Taichi: Okay!
Story Clear!
[1] Referencing the Epilogue of "the Rad Red".
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niceinchnails · 21 days
Rest of fhe music asks
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27:A song that breaks your heart @joeyclaire
His profile pictures so scary i keep forgetting how scary it is. i remember you posted that you prefer songs with lyrics but this one doesnt have any 😢 I dont know any songs that make me cry but this comes close
3:A song that reminds you of summertime @fullmusicbardsquared
My jams back in 2020... one of thems literally called summertime which i think is low hanging fruit for this ask but i like it..
Cute songs SORRY THERES THREE OF THEM i just got nostalgic. Not reflective of my taste these days but they hold a warm place in my heart
6:A song that makes you want to dance @iheartmyipod @vvorldtours
Nine Inch Nails - Only
Nine Inch Nails - Ringfinger
Nine Inch Nails - Discipline
Nine Inch Nails - Get down make love cover
Rico Nasty - Cheat Code
KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel
KMFDM - Megalomaniac
Prince - Gold
Cibo Matto - Spoon
Cibo Matto - Lint of Love
Telecommunication Breakdown - Get Down Ver2.2
Theres two songs that called get down here lol well i will get down 🙂
7:A song to drive to
Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
Myyy empire of durt, i will make you down, i will make you hurt.
Song to listen if youd drive down countryside during dusty sunset & Regret Ur World
How to Destroy Angels - A Drowning
Listen in underground garage
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changingplumbob · 3 months
URL Song Tag Game
Thanks to being tagged by @seriallovertrait and @gamyrmaiden I get to bless you all with how eclectic my music taste really is. I'm going to tuck it all below the cut because my username is long.
Quick moment for all my beloved songs that start with s that won't be able to be mentioned 🕯️
Everyone who sees this is obviously tagged but I know not everyone is music mad. For some exact tags... @marcishaun, @sharona-sims, @daedriyth, @simslegacy5083, @aliengirl, @limeysims, @nigmos, @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants (feel free to shorten your username, or not, I'm not your boss), @eljeebee, @calicosimgirl, @mushbop. But EVERYONE is genuinely tagged because I'd put you all in if I could.
So, songs for the letters of my username below! Also including the lyrics I love because who am I if not someone who breaks the rules of tag games? Please don't feel like you have to do this level of detail, it's purely me making more work for myself.
EDIT: Omg and @matchalovertrait tagged me to but I missed it because I took so long doing this 🫠
C Curtains: Ed Sheeran
This one is my, I see the light at the end of my depression tunnel song. It came out just as my mental health was moving into a better place. Obviously I also love Ed Sheeran.
Can you pull the curtains, let me see the sunshine? I think I'm done with my hidin' place, and you found me anyway It's been forever, but I'm feelin' alright Tears dry and will leave no trace, and tomorrow's another day
H Heroes: David Bowie
I love David Bowie! This song is a classic and it always makes me happy.
I, I will be king And you, you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can be Heroes, just for one day
A All the King's Horses: Karmina
I am still obsessed with Reign. This song I actually heard and fell in love with before I saw it on the show though. It conveys such rich emotion. Seriously, if you only listen to one song from my post, make it this one. It makes me want to write every time I listen to it.
All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put me back together again
There is a reason I'm still standing I never knew if I'd be landing And I will run fast, outlast Everyone that said no
N Never Enough: Loren Allred
I love musicals, though I'm not as obsessed as some. I really like the Greatest Showman and it has a bunch of great songs. This song always takes my breath away.
All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough
G Gold Forever: The Wanted
My boyband phase was The Wanted rather than One Direction. I love Gold Forever, and hearing it gives me all the nostalgic high school feelings. I still can't believe Tom is dead.
Promise me, you'll stay the way you are Keep the fire alive and stay young at heart When the storm feels like it could blow you out Remember, you got me and I got you
'Cause we are butterflies, butterflies, we were meant to fly You and I, you and I, colors in the sky When the innocence is dead and gone These will be the times we look back on
I It Won't Be Long Now: In the Heights Original Motion Picture Cast
I love so many songs from this film, some days I will just listen to the album on loop for hours. This one is a favourite, along with Blackout and Champagne.
The neighborhood salon doesn't pay me what I wanna be making but I don't mind As I sweep the curb I can hear those turbo engines blazing a trail through the sky I look up and think about the years gone by But one day I'm walking to JFK and I'm gonna fly!
N Nothing Left to Lose: Jeremy Jordan and Eden Espinosa
Yes this song is from the Tangled animated TV series. I see no problems. These two are great singers and honestly I could just copy/paste all the song lyrics because it's great.
So I chose To lose my doubts and lose my chains Lose each weakness that remains Now that I have nothing left to lose Nothing left to lose
G Give Me Your Hand: The Ready Set
This is one that gets stuck in my head easily but I actually fell in love with it because the lyric video for it is singing the song in sign language! We love inclusion and accessibility here!
She said 'I love this song I've heard it before and it stole my heart I know every word' She's gonna dance all night night, Till it hurts Singing the best song ever, best song ever!
P Playground: High Dive Heart
I like a bunch of songs by High Dive Heart and was stoked this one could fit on the list! I love it because I'm a senimental sap at heart and the whole song is a nostalgic dream of what made our childhood before we grew up and had to tackle the real world.
That's why they call e'm the good ole days Taking on the world cause we weren't afraid Jumping off rooftops in our skates Cause we didn't know we could break If I knew then, what I know right now I would've stayed on the playground I left my heart in the lost and found I should've stayed on the playground
L Life On Mars: David Bowie
Another Bowie song? YES! When I play his legacy album and get to this one I often have to put it on single song repeat for a while.
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?
U Unapologize: Carrie Underwood
I am a romantic so of course I'm going to love this song.
I unapologize I meant every word Won't take back the way I feel about you Can't unsay what you heard
'Cause you heard me right, and I won't try To fight 'em back or hide my feelings for you I unapologize
M Monster Under My Bed: Bebe Rexha
You know that song The Monster sung by Eminem and Rihanna? Well Bebe Rexha wrote it! I love her solo version, not to rain on the rap version obviously, but I love her early music.
In a world so black and white Out of place and out of my mind Woke up and I realized Imperfection is divine
B Babe: Taylor Swift
So I heard the Sugarland version featuring Taylor Swift, loved it, adored the music video! Then Red (Taylor's Version) came out and I learned she actually wrote it? I love it.
I'm here on the kitchen floor You call, but I won't hear it You said no one else We ain't getting through this one, babe I break down every time you call We're a wreck, you're the wrecking ball You said no one else This is the last time I'll never call you, babe
O On Melancholy Hill: Gorillaz
I heard this one first when playing Life is Strange 2 and I love it. The rhythm is soothing to my brain.
Where you can't get what you want But you can get me So let's set out to sea, love 'Cause you are my medicine When you're close to me
B Brave, Honest, Beautiful: Fifth Harmony ft Meghan Trainor
I was never obsessed with Fifth Harmony but during university I did have a rough time and there was a bunch of their singles I'd listen to on loop to lift my spirits. This was one.
You can dance like Beyoncé You can shake like Shakira 'Cause you're brave, yeah You're fearless and you're beautiful, you're beautiful
So whine like Rihanna Go and pose like Madonna 'Cause you're brave, yeah You're honest and you're beautiful, you're beautiful, girl
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tototototototo7o · 2 years
𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏 𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕
Since I just rewatched Merlin bbc and I wanted to start writing again, I wrote an NSFW Alphabeth for my boy Merlin.
English isn't my first language, so be kind with me. Especially with the commas
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𝐴= 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 (𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦'𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑥)
He's the sweetest when it comes to aftercare. He could easily clean you up with his magic, but he hestitates. He thinks you're the sweetest creature in the world and you deserve everything. He just wants to do something romantic and special without using his powers.
𝐵= 𝐵𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 (𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠)
His : His Fingers
-> they're long and rough and never fail to pleasure you
Yours: your boobs
->this man ist a tiddie man
He kisses them, grabs them, massages them.
Even in a not sexual way he just likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat
𝐶= 𝑐𝑢𝑚 (𝐴𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑢𝑚)
His favorite place to cum is inside you. He loves the idea of filling you up with his cum, making you his, and his only
But yk at that time condoms didn't exist so His second favourite place to cum is definetly on your chest.
He probably even looked up some spells in his book to not get you pregnant but it would be hella weird if Gaius had gifted him a book with such stuff inside.
𝐷= 𝐷𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡
He would never admit it, but he always had that thought of fucking you in Arthur's bed, absolutely ruining the prince's sheets.
𝐸= 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦?)
He isnt.
He obviously had jearked off, but not often. He always felt bad about doing such things in his room, while his mom or Gaius were on the other side of the wall.
So before he met you he was definetly a virgin.
𝐹= 𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
Any position where be can look into your eyes
𝐺= 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑦 (𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑡?)
Depends on his mood/ the situation.
When he wants to be romantic or is kinda nostalgic or something like that, he'll be serious, looking deeply into your eyes and wispers cute things into your ear.
But if it was a good day he'll make (un)funny jokes in bed
𝐻= 𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑟 (𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑑 ?)
He definetly isn't groomed. At that time no-one even thought about grooming. Not even the greatest sorcerer of all time.
𝐼= 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑦 (𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡?)
As i said before he just wants to look into your eyes and hold you tight like he doesn't wanna let you go ever again.
And sometimes during the moment he'll just get you a rose out of nowhere with his magic and put it behind your ear.
He'll also close the curtains to let the room be in a slight read light, seeming more romantic
On special days hell even put roses all over the floor
𝐽= 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑓𝑓 (𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑐)
He would like to masturbate often. Especially after he met you. But he always felt bad jerking off, while Gaius was in the other room.
𝐾 = 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠
-breeding kink
He just loves the idea of a little Wizard growing under your heart
𝐿= 𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑖𝑡)
Either his or your bed. He just likes the privacy. And he wants to take his time when he's pleasing you without constantly thinking about getting caught
𝑀= 𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑜𝑛?)
He gets turned on when you're using magic.
When you're using magic you're truly yourself and he wants to see it.
And of course he gets hard when it comes to your body. When your breasts peek trough the neckline of your dress he could take you right where you're standing
𝑁= 𝑁𝑜 (𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜, 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛-𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠)
He wouldn't do something you don't like. And
he isn't into degradation. He wants to make you feel special and loved.
𝑂= 𝑂𝑟𝑎𝑙 (𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙)
As much as he loves to get a blowjob, he prefers eating you out. And he does it do fucking well.
He loves the taste of your juices on his tongue. You're his favourite meal.
Buttt if you give him head, it's like a reward for him. Your way, to tell him, that you're proud of him and that he's done good.
𝑃= 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑒 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢)
Depends on his mood
If he wants to take his time and be romantic, he'll fuck you slow and sensual.
But if he's in a band mood at had a fight with Arthur or something he'll thrust fast and rough into you. But in that situation he'll cum soo frickin' fast.
𝑄= 𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑒𝑠 (𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑒𝑠)
He prefers sex where he can take his time to please you.
When you're having a quicky, he always feels like he's just pleasuring himself and not you. He'll feel bad for days
𝑅= 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 (𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑑𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑡𝑠𝑘𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑠, 𝑒𝑡𝑐 ?)
When it comes to fucking in public he doesn't like to take risks or experiment.
But when he can use his magic to make you feel good, he's definitely willing to do that. (only if you want of course)
𝑆= 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑔𝑜 𝑓𝑜𝑟, ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑘𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑖𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑚?)
One, maybe two rounds. Not more.
And usually he won't last very long
When you two slept together for the first time, he came within seconds. As soon as his full length was inside you, he was filling you with his cum. He felt so bad afterwards, that he ate you out for hours.
𝑇= 𝑇𝑜𝑦 ( 𝐷𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑦𝑠?)
No, he doesn't.
At that time such toys weren't very spread.
But after all he still got his magic
𝑈= 𝑈𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟 (ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒)
He isn't often in the mood to tease, but when he wants it, he'll be such a tease. He'll be Slipping his fingers in and out, always asking stuff like "does that feel good?" And "you really want me that bad?", even though he knows the answer.
𝑉= 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒, 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒)
He lets out little soft whimpers but isn't loud.
But when he cums a deep groan escapes his lips.
𝑊= 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛)
He would never admit it, but he loves when you nibble at his ear. He always nearly cums in his pants when you do it
𝑋= 𝑋-𝑅𝑎𝑦 (𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠?)
Merlin's cock isn't fat butttt he's so frickin' long and fills you up perfectly.
When it's erected it lays flat on his stomach and his fat pink tip leaves stains of precum.
𝑌= 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑥 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒?)
He's usually really tired and is too exhausted from work to often have sex.
But he wishes that you two would have more sex, because he thinks it's a good way to express his feelings.
𝑍=𝑍𝑍𝑍 (𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠)
He often only has time to clean you up until he falls asleep.
One time he definitely fell asleep between your thighs while cleaning you up.
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gabulousxo · 10 months
Quogan mini fanfic:
I've decided to write a mini fanfic for Quinn and Logan. (Mini as in I've just kept it as all one chapter.)
It involves....THE BENCH! Lol it's actually based on an envisioned scene I had that I wish we would've seen in the film. With some of my own added dialogue, along with the original dialogue from this particular scene in the film. The original show as well. Though, this fanfic will have moments (post Quinn running out) that lead up to this pivotal moment.
Because, I think we all can agree that a reminiscent scene for their first intimate moment/kiss on the bench was robbed of. 💯
So, here it is:
"I Only Want What You Want..."
After the recent, yet tragic cancellation of the wedding of the century, with a runaway bride and a distraught groom left at the altar, maid of honor Zoey Brooks was alone on the beach nearby with her long time love interest, Chase Matthews, talking about the events that all led to what had just happened and how she felt so guilty to have let her best friend down.. while also feeling nostalgic for their days in high school.
Wanting to make things right and see to it that her best friend still marries the love of her life, Zoey comes up with a perfect idea. "Go back. That's exactly what we need to do", she says with confidence. Chase quickly replies, "What?" That was the idea she had in mind: a nostalgic wedding ceremony at the PCA campus, with no more than Quinn and Logan's close friends and relatives in attendance. She quickly grabs Chase by the hand and goes to find Logan to let him know of her plan.
Logan was back in the groom's stall with his parents, doing his best to hold back tears. He was pacing back and forth as his parents listened to him on the couch. "I just don't understand. I-I-I don't understand how I could've screwed this up. How could I have gotten so self absorbed into trying to make this day perfect for Quinn that I completely neglect her: the most important person in my life whom I always put first." After a couple seconds, realizing the obvious, Logan continued.. "along with you guys and Lyric of course."
Mrs. Reese let out a soft giggle at his last words as she got up from the couch. "Look honey, I know that this isn't what you expected or planned, ..but you've been in a relationship with Quinn for 15 beautiful years. You've stuck by her side through thick and thin, no matter what. And I know for sure that she feels the same way in return. You guys will work this out. You always have." Logan gives his mother a little nod and smirk in response, "Thanks, mom." She then pulls him in for a hug. Logan hugs back, nuzzling into his mother's shoulder, again trying not to break. As Mrs Reese breaks the hug, she asks "Have you tried calling her yet?" - "I've tried at least 4 times. She won't answer or call me back. And I doubt she'll want to see me right now." Logan replied in heartbreak as he walked over to the other side of the room, his mother following behind him. "Well, maybe she just needs a little space to cool off right now. You know? Maybe this just wasn't the kind of wedding she was hoping for. And though your intentions were genuine and honorable, there's nothing wrong with that. Like I said though sweetheart, ..you guys, ..you're "Quinn and Logan". And I truly believe in my heart that you two are meant to be together forever. So just be patient, and when the time is right, you'll know what to do or say..and if Quinn loves you like your father and I believe she does, then she'll forgive you." Logan replies with some uncertainty "You think so?" Mrs Reese places her hand on Logan's cheek and pulls him in for a forehead kiss, then says with a smile, "I know so."
Logan's father then gets up and adds to all that Logan's mother had just said. "Your mother's right, Logan. You and Quinn just need a little space right now. But, don't wait too long to let her know how sorry you are, how much you love her and still want to be with her forever. Don't let your mistakes now ruin what you and Quinn have had for 15 years, nor let them cause you to be at risk of losing her forever." Malcolm glanced over at Logan's mother, feeling some guilt for never taking his own advice, ..leading them to their divorce. "Because you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Logan nods and gives his father a hug, thanking him and his mother both for their advice.
Moments later, Zoey arrives with Chase, I bit out of breath, yet still enthusiastic. Logan looks at her, just as pissed as he was at the altar. "What now, Zoey?" Zoey, catching her breath, replied "Hey..uhh, Mr and Mrs Reese, can I uhh have a moment alone with Logan please?" Logan immediately jumps in, "No! I mean, damnit Zoey, you've done enough, alright? Just go away!" Logan's mother grabs his arm, "Logan...just give her a minute." After drawing a reluctant breath, Logan softy replied, "Whatever.."
Mr and Mrs Reese left the grooming stall with Chase as Zoey walked further in and shut the door. Zoey turned to a back turned Logan, looking out the window in thought. Breaking the silence, she opened up. "Look Logan, ..I know that you're upset with me right now.." Logan interrupted with a scoff, "Upset? Man, talk about the freaking understatement of the year." Trying to continue, Zoey went on. "Logan, just listen to me.." He interrupted again, "How could you do this to me Zoey?! No, how could you do this to Quinn?! She's your best friend! And now, what, your date is some alleged murderer?!" Zoey kept quiet, realizing it was pointless trying to get a word in with him. Logan went on, "You know, if it weren't for you putting more time and consideration into your stupid show than into being there for Quinn, none of this would've happened! She never would've left, and we'd be married right now!" At that, Zoey jumped in with an outburst, "Woah-Woah-Woah! Don't you dare blame ALL of this on me! If I remember correctly, she yelled at you too!" "So, this whole thing," She said, using hand gestures, .."it's on both of us, pal! ..We're both to blame."
Though not wanting Zoey to be right, he realized that this was just as much his fault as it was hers. Logan drew another reluctant breath, and raised his hand in surrender, "Ok, ..you're right. I'm sorry." Logan turned back to face the window, as Zoey tried to regain her thoughts. "You're both right though. I didn't prioritize the wedding the way I should've, and I'm truly sorry for that." Logan turned back to her with a mixture of anger and heartbreak in his expression, "What do you want, Zoey? My heart's been shattered like broken glass, and mind's already at warped speed and I need to be alone right now, alright?" She stepped closer to him, "Look, just give yourself a few minutes to hear me out. Ok?" She replied. Logan agreed, walking over to sit on the couch. "Alright, I'm listening." Zoey went on, taking a seat next to him. "Logan, you and I both know the kind of person Quinn really is. This kind of thing was never her style. You know? Expensive dress, life size cake mannequins, a huge guest list that is only like 5% recognizable, you turning into the biggest groomzilla ever, ..and then there's me: with the show and the whole hugo/todd thing. Stacey is still wrong on that. Well, anyways, I honestly don't blame Quinn for feeling so overwhelmed and feeling no choice but to run off. But, ..I think there may still be a way for you guys to have a do over wedding."
Logan began to get a bit curious, "How?" "We give her a small, intimate, yet still beautiful wedding. Just like she hoped for." Zoey replied. Logan had admit it was a good idea, but he was a bit unsure of the outcome. "So, what, we just start from scratch with a smaller wedding in a different location? No offense, but I don't think that'll work." Zoey paused before continuing, "...What if it was a specific location?" Logan turned his glance back at her, still curious. "What do you mean?" She replied, "PCA. What if we were able to have the ceremony at the PCA campus? You could talk to whoever's in charge of the property, get them to let us have the campus for the day, ..then we could all pitch in with decorations and prep, and you can bring Quinn as a surprise, and then you can propose to her again." Logan stood up, trying to take her suggestion seriously. "What? Zoey, come on, that place has been closed for almost 15 years. What makes you think I'd be able to talk to the person in charge into letting a group of former students throw a wedding there?" He replied. She gave him a straightforward gaze. "It'll work. ..You're Logan Reese." Logan stood still for a second, then shrugged in agreement, thinking "alright, you got a point." Zoey stood up and continued, "So, ..what you say?" Logan felt a sense of nostalgia in this conversation with Zoey. Walking up to her, he replied "You're really are smarter than you look, Brooks. ...Let's do it." Zoey nods and smiles, happy that she got Logan on board.
The next day, after a long and frustrating conversation which ended with a bribe, hand shake, and mutual agreement, Logan got the approval to rent out the PCA campus for the day. Zoey and the gang started unloading their vans and began setting up the decorations. Logan went over to help Zoey, "Look, this idea's great and all, but what if I can't get her here? After our conversation last night about setting this up, I tried to get her to talk to me or see me. I've tried flower arrangements, edible arrangements, a sky writer, ..nothing." Zoey couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh. "Uh, ok uh 'Logan Almighty', you're not trying to get Jennifer Aniston to take you back, ..you're trying to get Quinn to still want to marry you. So, here's an idea: have you tried talking to her? Like, in person?" Logan looked encouraged, "No. ..I mean, I've thought about it, but after the rejected gifts and her not responding to my calls, I just didn't think it'd do any good." "Well, then try that. I mean, even Jim Carrey's character in that movie had to realize that what Jennifer Aniston really needed was for him to fight for her; to know that the man she fell in love with wasn't gone. And that's exactly what I think Quinn wants from you." Zoey replied.
She leaned in and put her hand on his shoulder. "Logan, she needs to know that the Logan Reese she fell in love with back in high school is still inside of you. So it's up to you to let her know that." Zoey paused, and then continued. "End of the day Logan, ..all of this, ..all of us, ..it's not what's truly important. You and Quinn. And your unconditional love for each other. That's what's truly important." Logan nodded in agreement, "Ok. I'm gonna do it." Before he left for the exit, Zoey made a suggestion, "Hey Logan, why don't you just take a little stroll around the campus first. You know? To just think about what you wanna say, maybe reminisce about you and Quinn back when it was just you two against the world...maybe that'll help clear your head." Logan gave it a couple seconds of thought, then decided to take Zoey up on her suggestion, and took off in a separate direction around the campus. "Good idea, thanks." He said. After Logan went off on his own, Zoey met up with Chase and the rest to go over all the plans.
While strolling around the campus, reminiscing about all the good times he had at this place, hanging out with his friends, his favorite sun tanning spots, his favorite hideout spots with Quinn, etc he pulled out his new phone, courtesy of Quinn, and pressed number 1, where he put her on speed dial. After a couple rings, it went once again direct to her voicemail, Logan smiled softly every time he'd hear her voice over: "Hey, you've reached Quinn Pensky. Sorry that I missed your call. Please leave me your name and message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you." Logan replied, "Hey Quinn, uh..it's me again." Logan rubbing his face, trying yet again to think of the right words to say, "Look, I'm--I'm really sorry about what happened. Just..please let me explain myself, ..and why I did what I did. Please just..just let me talk to you ok? Alright umm, if you do listen to this message, just please call me back. Bye." Logan then hung up, unsure of what to think or what to do next. In the meantime, he just kept walking. -- Suddenly, he stumbled upon a familiar sighting. Looking up, he felt this rush of nostalgia come right over him, and the feeling of butterflies came back in his stomach. He couldn't believe it was still there, in the exact same spot:
It was the bench. A little dirty and beaten up, but..there it was.
And suddenly, every moment from that day..the awkwardness, the nervousness, the butterflies, the kiss.., all the flashbacks came rushing back to him. He drew a deep breath, with a reminiscing look on his face, as he walked towards that bench. He began thinking, "this bench changed everything for me. Had I not stopped on my jet-x to comfort Quinn here on this bench that day, I don't know where I'd be right now in life. Nor do I want to know. Stopping at this bench was the best thing that could've ever happened to me. It brought me to Quinn. And because I did, that single decision gave me 15 years of love with her." Standing behind the bench, he placed his hand on the back end, simultaneously thinking about the moment they first kissed. The whole conversation. "You been crying? What's wrong?" "Nothing!", "Come on, talk to me." Logan began to slowly circle the bench toward the front to sit down, memories of that day still coming back to him as he sat: "Mark broke up with me." "Why'd he dump--break up with you?" "Cause he fell for Brooke Margolin." "Woah, she's hot! -- hot-ish." Logan softly giggled, remembering that exact response, "You're such an idiot." He whispered.
As he sat there, in their special spot, he began thinking about what Zoey said: about remembering what was truly important. Then as the rest of the memories from that day came back, it was all becoming clear to him. "I guess can't be mad at Mark." "Well if it makes you feel any better, I think Mark's an idiot. -- I mean, he's an idiot for breaking up with you." "Why do you say that?" As he was reminiscing, Logan turned his head to face the other side of the bench, exactly where Quinn sat that day. Suddenly, it was almost like he could see a silhouette of her from that day. "I don't know, I mean.. Look, we all know you're weird. But, you're smart, you're pretty, and you're kind of fun." "Thanks." "Sure. And uh, why are you dressed like that?" Logan had the same expression on his face as he did then, "..I was trying to compete with Brooke." Still able to see her silhouette, he could hear the echo of his response as he said it again simultaneously to himself, ..."Well don't."
All of a sudden, everything became clear. What Zoey said was true, he just needed to remember what made Quinn fall for him in the first place. As well as remember that him telling Quinn to not act or dress like the typical PCA girl was him telling her that not only did he like her for who she truly was, but that he didn't want her to change anything about her in attempts to impress others and get their approval. Since that was never her style to begin with. And it made him realize that Quinn, in a way, felt the same way about the wedding. He then realized exactly what he was gonna do and say. Immediately, he ran straight to his car and headed for the apartment. On the way, he stopped for a bouquet and some balloons. Nervous and anxious, Logan drove back to the apartment, preparing what he was going to say, thinking about the others getting ready on campus, etc. All he hoped for was that Quinn still had hope for their future and that she'd give him another chance to make things right. As well as giving her a surprise re-proposal once they'd arrive at the campus. Arriving at the apartment, he drew a deep breath and whispered to himself, "Ok. Here we go."
(And we all know what happened next. ❤️)
- The End -
Hope you all liked it. ✌🏻❤️
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kingofpopmj · 3 months
Dangerous & History, he was finally able to produce his own music in the way he wanted to.
Don’t get me wrong I obv love the others like Thriller and Bad (Bad had some of my very first favourite MJ songs and will always hold a special place in my heart).
But Michael was more free, musically, after parting ways with Quincy.
The Dangerous album has to be my #1 favourite, the songs are incredible, the album cover is beautiful, and the story of how the intricate cover art was conceived and created is also very interesting, along with what each image/piece represents on the cover.
Dangerous album is loved by many but it also feels like it’s a little bit underrated. So much work went into that album, and learning as much as I did about the album truthfully makes me love it so much more. Any fan would be able to recognize and appreciate how special it was for him to finally be able to produce this first album on his own.
History & Invincible are also great and highly under-appreciated (especially Invincible) but we all know he’d already been quite worn down by that time and everything he’d been through held him back creatively.
Invincible feels a lot deeper to me. I’m still just getting to really listen to it, (cause you just know it’s gonna have ya girl in her feelings) but it’s still a gem, even if a slightly hidden one. (Don’t even get me STARTED on 2000 Watts).
ANYWAY these are Flora’s rambling thoughts. I didn’t mean for it to be a wall of text but this is how it turned out.
Enjoy lol
On today’s episode of The Flora Files..
Haha I love this 👏🏼
Bad, Off The Wall & Thriller are just so nostalgic for me. I feel in my heart Michael was happier then, but when got more control over his music it was magic.
When I listen to the later albums I love them and I love what he wrote about. He took a stand in the most incredible ways. It just hurts me to think about what they put him through. What he had to fight against. He deserved better.
I get so upset because they put him through so much. They still do. I’ll never understand how people can be so evil..
Dangerous & History you can just feel this added layer of Michael. He really put his soul into it.
Don’t get me started on Invincible! He deserved so much more appreciation for it. It’s such a beautiful album. He never misses. Everything is so well thought out. A true musical genius. 🫶🏻
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calethelettuce · 8 months
SaSi Intruality Week 4/7: The Heartbreak Helper
Prompt: Scars
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Patton tells Remus a story after he asks about a certain scar. Remus is more understanding than Patton would have ever thought. Wait, is this considered hurt/comfort? Sorry not sorry.
Characters: Patton, Remus
Relationships: Romantic Intruality
TW: Talk of scars and injury, swearing, sad boi hours and talk of self deprication, intrusive thoughts
The clock struck midnight as Patton sat idly in bed, staring at the wall.
Remus was beside him, laying flat on his back. The day had been tiring and rough for the both of them.
"Hey Pat?" Remus asked quietly, his groggy and tired voice filling the otherwise quiet room, "Can I ask you a question?"
Patton continued to stare at the wall as he fidgeted with his hands. "Mhm."
Remus sat up just a little, propping himself up on his elbows. "Where did you get that scar on your chest from? The one over your heart?"
Patton had never heard Remus use such a soft, curious voice before. He shifted positions to face the green-clad side with a small, invisible smile. "You want to hear the story, then?" he spoke gently, with a nostalgic yet pained look in his eye.
Remus stared up at him expectantly. "I really do want to hear it! Did you fight off a hoarde of zombies?!"
Patton laughed. "No, no, it's nothing like that."
Remus scooted closer, resting his head on Patton's lap. His legs dangled off the edge of the bed as he kept his questions rolling. "But then what happened? Did the stand mixer explode on you?"
Patton carded a hand through Remus' hair as he replied. "It's not really as cool as that." he paused, taking a breath. "Do you remember Thomas' ex-boyfriend? The one he met before Nico?"
Remus frowned. "Sure do. He was a dick."
Patton let out a breathy laugh. "Well, I wouldn't say that. I'm sure you've heard of heartbreak?"
His frown turned into a look of pure hurt. "Awh, Patty, no.."
Patton smiled wryly. "I got a little sick after that." he took the strap of his tanktop off his shoulder, moving it down low. Right where Patton's heart would be, a scar sat, the once broken skin healed over with occasional bumps and crevices. "It turned into some kind of rash. Which turned into a wound." he avoided Remus' concerned gaze. "I couldn't help but-" he swallowed the lump in his throat, holding back a small sob. "I couldn't help but pick at it and it got worse-"
Remus sat up. "Oh.. I had no idea." He pressed himself against Patton's side, placing an arm protectively around his shoulders. "I think it's a lovely scar. Roman taught me, when we were younger, that scars are just the tale of how you've grown up and changed." his tone was hushed and caring as he sat and let Patton cry for a moment. “Seriously, hon. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Patton rested his head on Remus’ shoulder as tears fell, the droplets soaking into his shirt. “It’s all my fault, Remus,” he mumbled, “We wouldn’t all be in such a terrible state if I had listened to the others the first time.”
Remus only nestled in more, wrapping his other arm around Patton in a hug from the side. “Oh come now,” he whispered, “we all agreed it wasn’t your fault.”
Remus put a finger to Patton’s lips, offering him a smile. “We can all be screwed up together, okay? Nobody hates you for what happened. Like I said, scars just show how much we’ve grown.” He hesitated before continuing. “Thomas is okay now. He has Nico, yeah?”
Patton nodded, grabbing Remus’ hand. “I guess you’re right.” He wiped the lenses of his glasses and his eyes, letting out a pained laugh. “Sometimes I get these… funny thoughts. I’m afraid that makes Thomas a bad person.”
Remus bit his lip. “I know a lot about funny thoughts, Patton. Sometimes, it’s easier to say them out loud. So you know they’re not real.”
“Even if they’re about stabbing things?”
Remus pressed a kiss to Patton’s forehead.“Even if they’re about stabbing things.”
He sat and listened as Patton quietly talked about his thoughts, offering reassurance and guidance as the clock kept ticking on through the night hours.
By the time Patton had calmed down, an hour had passed. “It’s later than I thought,” he said, “maybe we should go to bed now.”
“We should!” Remus agreed, letting out a yawn, “Otherwise Janny might kill us both!”
Patton laughed, pulling a blanket over himself. “Well, that was a silly little endeavor.”
Remus laid down next to him, snuggling underneath the fuzzy blanket. “Sure was!” He wiggled closer, putting a gentle hand over Patton’s heart. “And I don’t love you any less now that I know.”
“Really?” Patton smiled in the dark, letting out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in.
“Really, Pattycake.”
The two fell asleep within minutes, nestled comfortably in each other’s arms.
And if Patton ever needed a place to let out his thoughts and “icky” feelings, his Heartbreak Helper was there for him.
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 1 year
yuan fen
Pairing: (f) Reader x Seungmin
Non idol au, slight soulmate au
Warnings: fire, death, one or two curses, little angst
moodboard I || moodboard II
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
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(n.) a relationship by fate or destiny; the binding force between two people
It was a very faint memory. So faint that one might think of it as a dream. But Seungmin knew it was a memory indeed. A grand palace, a huge pond in seclusion of the tall trees, and a girl- no a lady. A lady so beautiful Seungmin was tempted to believe she was a dream.
Seungmin had one word to describe his life, lifeless. Every day he woke up tired, had whatever was in the fridge and went to work. By the time he came home, he looked like a zombie. He was just trying to survive. The only thing he looked forward to was sleeping. He knew he would see her once he fell asleep. Eyes looking at him with pure love and a smile so dazzling it blinded him. But he could never recall the face of this lady after he woke up no matter how hard he thought about it. Seungmin could only wish to meet her in this life.
It was very odd how he just knew it was a memory of a previous life. Well, he was very confused when the dreams started three months ago, but something about it just felt right. For once he felt like he was in the right place, right where he belonged. He never thought of believing things about fate, soulmates and whatnot. But if his soulmate did exist, he knew it was the lady of his dreams.
It was mostly different dreams. Sometimes the lady was not there at all. But it was always the same setting. It was some time in ancient Korea. He often found himself by the pond, writing something that he couldn’t make out. Sometimes he was in a luxurious room, accompanied by a few maids, giggling as they watched him blush at something they said. Even though the visions were not clear, he felt every single emotion. A sense of admiration towards someone possibly his father whom Seungmin had seen in his dreams once or twice. The joy of friendship when he laughed along with the maids and pages. And immeasurable love when looking at that lady who smiled so sweetly at him. Seungmin wondered how anyone could hold such sweetness in their eyes. He would forever be grateful to ever have been on the receiving end. He always woke up feeling nostalgic and mournful as if he had lost everything he held dear.
❀ . * . *
“How has my Minnie been today?” a very loud voice of the Han Jisung came in ruining Seungmin’s attempt at focusing on his novel. He sighed, “If my father were to hear you talk in that manner, you’d sure be thrown out of here”. It was very daring of Han Jisung the page to talk to Seungmin so informally. His father had brought in Han when he was about fifteen. A good company for home-schooled Seungmin was what he said. And some company he was. After the initial shyness, Han got very comfortable with Seungmin. He learned all he had to do from the older pages. And when he had nothing but time on his hands, he accompanied Seungmin. And he would swear that not a minute went by when Han was not talking his ears off. But Han was the only one he knew of his age and so he found a friend in him. At least that was what Seungmin would say. But it was Han’s qualities that impressed him. Hard-working, kind, very friendly and a very good listener which was surprising to Seungmin since he only saw him talk. These qualities of his were revealed as the years went by and before he knew Han had built a comfortable place for himself in Seungmin’s heart. You would never catch him saying this but everyone in the palace knew how fond Seungmin was of him.
Ignoring Seungmin’s chastising, Han sprawled across from him with a mischievous look on his face, “So, you have been certainly busy milord”. Seungmin did not have to look up from his book to know that he was being mocked, “You know the last thing I am is busy these days my dear Hannie”.
“I beg to differ for I know that a certain lady friend has been keeping you busy”, he grinned as if he had finally managed to outwit Seungmin. Of course, it was about the ‘lady friend’, Seungmin was waiting for him to bring her up. He knew Han has been spying on him for a few days now. The ‘lady friend’ in question was the esteemed daughter of a noble from the inner circle of the King. Seungmin’s father being part of the council had introduced them to each other with eventual marriage in mind. It was obvious that the attraction was mutual so they kept meeting each other by this beautiful pond she knew of. Seungmin was sure that both of their fathers had gotten wind of this. It was only a matter of time before he had to ask for her hand in marriage.
❀ . * . *
“Guess who got tickets to Garage Junk’s concert?” a sing-song whisper brought back Seungmin from his daydreams. Jeongin, his colleague was leaning all the way over to his desk with a childlike smile on his face. How he managed to be so cheerful in the zombie corporation would forever be a mystery. “Oh I don’t know Yang let me guess, you?” Seungmin humoured. “Oh my god how’d you know are you a mind-reader?” a look from Seungmin shut him up. “You’re no fun. Anyways, so I’ve got two passes from this bet that I won and the passes allow two people each so I wanted to invite you-” “No”
Jeongin pouted, “What, why? I promise you’ll have fun”
“It’s not my thing Jeongin ask someone else”
“Why are you being so mean to the hubae, I’ll snitch on you about that coffee spill to Lee Know hyung if you don’t come with me”
“What coffee spill?” and there’s the devil himself, Lee Know, the team leader who has been making Seungmin’s life a living hell since he transferred here four months ago. He seemed to have a personal vendetta against him for some reason because all Seungmin has been doing for the past few weeks was staying overtime. And it was all Lee Know’s fault. But no one would believe it because apparently “Lee know is an angel in disguise he could never do that”, angel his ass. All those fuck ups and Seungmin had to be the one to clean up all the mess. Lee Know lost his oh-so-important work diary, “Seungmin can you please help me find it?”, his assistant fucked up some calls with clients, “Seungmin help”, Yang Jeongin the newbie needs to be shown around, “Seungmin show him the ropes around here”.
“Maybe he just trusts you more than anyone else”, Jeongin suggested one day after Seungmin’s weekly rambling sessions about Lee Know being an ass. Seungmin was quick to shut down that idea. He did ask Jeongin why he was so fond of him though, “He just reminds me of my hyung back home. And he is so inclusive, he even told me I can call him hyung, youngest privileges I guess”.
“It’s nothing sir, I was just telling Jeongin about how I really want to go to this concert with him”
“Ah, the one you were talking about Jeongin? And I think I’ve been telling you this since I came here Seungmin be casual with me, please. It already feels like a funeral in here the least we could do is be comfortable with each other”, Lee Know said while giving Seungmin’s back a pat.
It seemed like Seungmin had to go to this concert, now that he had lied about it. Maybe for once, he would have a good time.
❀ . * . *
“What are you writing about?” Seungmin looked up from the littering pages to find the owner of the honey voice. “About two lovers finding each other in every universe”, he said looking at her with awe as if he were seeing her for the first time.
“Why do you always look at me like that?”, she let out a shy giggle.
“Because you are art, and art needs to be awed at”.
It was always like this between them. Seungmin, the charmer who never lets an opportunity go to waste. Not that the lady needed to be charmed anymore but he couldn’t help it. She always looked so sweet when he made her blush.
It was after a lot of asking for permission and making arrangements was she allowed to visit him at his palace. They weren’t to be left alone before the marriage, of course, so Han Jisung was diligently sitting in a corner with a Cheshire grin. It was laughable how the elders were pretending to not know that the two lovers were sneaking out to be alone with each other. If the marriage was not arranged by them, then by now chaos would have ensued because of ‘illicit meetings’. Even though this meeting arrangement was almost a formal declaration of engagement, Seungmin did not bother to arrange his space. He was at a very crucial point in his novel, the lovers were on the brink of coming together in this universe which would conclude the end of the novel, and cleaning all the loose pages now meant losing track of everything, so he let it be. He was sure she would not mind a little bit of clutter. After all, she knew how much passion he was putting into this story.
❀ . * . *
The concert hall was five stops away from Seungmin’s place which made him debate about going even when he was putting his shoes on. At this point, the only thing that made him go was that he did not want to deal with an uncooperative Jeongin on Monday. Not to his surprise, Lee Know was waiting by the entrance with Jeongin and some other guy. Obviously, Jeongin had given the other pass to the team leader. He might as well get himself adopted by Lee Know. But Seungmin understood that Jeongin was very pure-hearted. He had a way of bringing people closer. He was young with a different and fresh outlook on society and never let anyone change his optimistic way of perceiving things. Even if it was annoying to Seungmin, he hoped that Jeongin would remain like this forever.
“Hyung you’re finally here, we have been waiting for you for so long”, Jeongin whined as he saw Seungmin approaching.
“What are you talking about I’m not late you guys are just early. Concert starts at 6 and it’s just 5:20 now”, Seungmin said as he checked his phone to look at the time.
“Okay okay, Seungmin meet Felix, my brother. Felix this is Seungmin from work”, Lee Know introduced the other guy who has been silently snickering at their exchange. Seungmin gave him a nod to which Felix smiled so brightly that Seungmin was blinded.
The concert hall was jam-packed and Seungmin felt suffocated. Was it really going to be worth it? And they were seated so far away that they could barely see the stage. He thought that the crowd was loud enough but he was clearly wrong. Nothing could have prepared him for the outburst of energy in the hall when the band members came on stage. They must be some good musicians for this hype, Seungmin thought. He looked to his side to see Jeongin looking at the stage with fascination. He wasn’t sure what Jeongin was staring at because they couldn’t even make out the faces of the performers properly from this far. Some cheap passes they were.
Not even halfway through the concert, Seungmin understood why there was so much hype. Garage Junk was phenomenal. Their music resonated with his soul. All of them were amazing performers. But by the end of the concert, everyone there knew that it was the guitarist’s day. He took it away with his solo and his energy. And Seungmin could say that after a very long time, he had fun. He was still having an adrenaline rush when Jeongin said that there would be a high-five event after. Seungmin surprised himself by accepting to stay. The ones staying for the event were made to walk in a line and pass by the band members who were standing behind a barricade with outstretched hands and big smiles. They too were still running on adrenaline, excited to interact with the fans. Seungmin thought it was silly, he was not even a fan yet. He only listened to their music for the first time today. But he had no way out anymore so he went along with Jeongin and Felix. Lee Know had left first thing saying he had no interest in this. He would be waiting for his brother outside the hall.
The event itself was not very time taking for an individual. They just ran along and high-fived all the members and they were done. So it did not take long before it was Seungmin’s turn. Well if anything he would at least be able to see the faces of the members clearly. He guessed it went in this order- vocalist, guitarist, bassist, pianist and then he stopped. Seungmin couldn’t move as he stared at the pianist. His hand was still touching hers. Her face mirrored Seungmin’s in surprise. And the world seemed to stop as they stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. And then she said something, so softly that Seungmin wasn’t sure if he heard her right. “I found you”.
❀ . * . *
No one had predicted an attack at such a time when the state was finally at peace. But when did anyone ever expect misfortune. It was not people from outside the borders, but conspirators from within the state. They targeted the houses of the council members. It might be with inside help that they could enter past the guards. They did not have to get far inside to set everything on fire. And they did not stop with the houses of the council members, they set fire to the houses of the people who supported the king which was majority. Within minutes almost the whole capital was burning down.
Seungmin’s father was unfortunately a member of the council. Times like these were when he wished he was not involved in anything, times when his family was put in danger. Seungmin and his lover were deep in the inner chambers. Han had gone to fetch two glasses of water for them and he was yet to come back when the fire started. Seungmin was thankful that at least he was out of there, possibly out of danger. He was stupid enough to come to look for them but the guards would stop him he knew.
It was a terrible sight, as far as one could see everything was on fire. Seungmin was trying to navigate them out through the fire and fumes. But no matter which direction they went every way was blocked. Left. Right. Through the kitchen. Across the garden. All along grasping her hand tightly. Seungmin was frantically looking for a way, he would save her, he had to. He couldn’t think clearly, his lungs were burning from smoke. He looked back when he felt her stop. “What is it? Why did you stop?”, he looked at her concerningly. She had a resigned look on her face, “It’s pointless, my love”.
“What? What are you talking-” “You know I’m right Seungmin. We’ve been going around in circles. There’s no way out left”.
Seungmin knew, the thought had come to the back of his head when they had tried going around the baths for the second time. But he was so desperate that he couldn’t accept it. The only thing going through his mind was getting her to safety.
“Give up my love”, she stepped closer and cradled his face in her hands.
“N-no it cannot be. There has to be a way-”, she kissed him. Soft lips enveloped his in an embrace while the fire drew closer. Seungmin’s delirious brain calmed down at her touch. At least they were together, he thought. “At least we die together”, she gave a teary smile. He did not want to know if the tears were from emotions or from the smoke. Seungmin brought her in his arms in a tight hold for the last time in this life, “I will find you, my love, I will always come for you”. The heat was increasing into searing pain. But she was smiling nonetheless, “I will wait for you”.
❀ . * . *
“I found you”
The world started moving again. Securities came barging to rush Seungmin along. But he wasn’t looking anywhere, he was entranced by her. He did not notice any of the pushing or the firm instructions to move along. He only snapped out of it when she jumped over the barricade to stop him from being dragged away. “No, no stop please I know him, let him go”, Seungmin heard the panic in her voice. He caught a glance of Felix and Jeongin at the side, confusion latched on their faces.
It was all so hazy. Even though Seungmin saw everything that was happening around him, he could not seem to comprehend anything. It was almost like an out-of-body experience. He was just watching everything happen to his physical form. He could only register that he was being dragged away somewhere by the pianist, her hand strongly grasping his as if he would fade away if she didn’t. Away from all the shocked and confused stares she brought him to the changing room, still holding his hand tightly. They stood there looking at each other longingly. No words were exchanged for a minute, just relishing in each other’s presence.
“I’ve been waiting for you, I knew you would come for me”, she spoke up first.
Seungmin stepped closer raising a hand to stroke her face, hesitatingly. He was not sure if she was real, “You are the lady from my dreams” he let out a laugh in disbelief.
He had been looking for her discreetly, everywhere he went. From the moment he stepped out of his house, on the train, scanning everyone’s face on the sidewalk, the convenience store he went to, everywhere, always, he had been keeping a lookout for her. But for some reason, he was not looking for her at this concert, so ironic. Seungmin felt his phone vibrate, Jeongin was probably bombing it with messages. He had half a heart to let him know that he was fine. But his eyes were fixed on her, unable to do anything else.
“I remembered nothing but those words, that you will find me, I-” a sob escaped her, “I’m so happy that you found me. I don’t even remember your name. I’m sorry I- do you remember anything?”
“Yeah, little things. I’m Seungmin, but you used to call me my love”.
“Seungmin”, she tried out saying it, it felt familiar. “My love”, she said looking directly into his eyes with adoration. A rush of emotions hit them both at that, bringing out fresh tears. But both of them were smiling now. It had been exhausting, living without each other. Now they were finally home.
“You found me, my love”, she wrapped her arms around him.
Seungmin brought her head to his chest, smiling in her hair,
“I found you”.
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triplesilverstar · 5 months
Early morning lessons
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Pairing: Knives X F!Reader
CW: Dom/Sub undertones, P in V sex, clothed sex, riding, cream pie 
Word count: Roughly 2.3K
A/N: Chapter Eleven of the series, Where Knives shows you how to play the piano. And in true me fashion nothing is ever in order. 
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When you’d woken up that morning after staying the night at Nai’s apartment you’d been unsure where he was when you stumbled from his bedroom on wobbly legs. Wrapped in one of his t-shirts not able to find your own clothes from the night before the fabric clinging to your thighs and you were hopeful that Legato wasn’t there for an early morning meeting. 
If he saw you like this you’d be nothing but mortified. That and the blue haired man would never let you live it down, an excuse to throw your name around in the dirt. Well throw it around more than usual. 
While you slowly walk, legs throbbing you hear it, the sounds of a piano. He must be in the music room. Really it was more of a spare bedroom and held his piano and his music player, a beautiful vinyl player that the first time he used it you were certain the sound waves had made your bones rattle. 
A hand gently pushing the door open you’re gifted with a side view of him in his lounge pants, hands skillfully pressing against the ivory keys. A flick of his eyes towards you, and a hint of smile gracing his features as you approach. 
When his eyes flick down towards the bench beside him you get the hint, taking a seat beside him while he keeps playing and you find yourself relaxing as the melody soothes your mind.
Watching you find yourself swallowing, the way his fingers glide across the keys, and you’re reminded just how skillful he is with those fingers. Finishing the piece, and you don’t miss the fact there isn’t any sheet music in front of him, he turns his head closing the distance to press his lips against yours. 
A soft press that still makes your heart flutter in your chest, the tip of his nose sliding along your own after he breaks away. “Good morning Pet.” His voice is low, almost soft in your ear but it still carries that edge always simmering beneath the surface.
“Good morning” humming as instead of just pulling away he moves his head so his lips slide along your cheekbone and you giggle, skin tingling. 
“How are you feeling this morning?” If you were anyone else, the delivery of his question would have made you wonder from his flat tone if it was just him making conversation. But, you know better. He doesn’t waste time on empty platitude. 
“Legs are a little sore, but otherwise good.” A nod at your words and a large palm placed against your upper thigh a gentle squeeze. “How about you babe?” Moving closer you rest your head on his shoulder, hands moving to wrap around his upper arm even if the movement is a little awkward. 
“Pleasant. Perhaps a bit nostalgic” removing his hand from your thigh and making a movement to disentangle your hold on him. Before that arm is reaching out to wrap around you and pull you closer to his side.Smiling you wrap your now free arms around his bare middle. 
Fingers tracing the pattern of the intricate tattoo along his side. With the way you’re pressed your head is resting near his heart, listening to the steady slow beat under your ear almost lulling you back to sleep again. His voice breaking you from your sleepy state “can you play?” 
“No. I can read sheet music but music was never my thing, and my hands are too small for the piano.” Head tilting to look up at him and meeting his eyes, he always looks so handsome when his hair isn’t slicked back, the locks fluffy and you want to run your fingers through it. 
“Stand up for a moment, Pet” confused and unwrapping your arms from around his middle you stand just behind the bench. Watching him stand and your eyes follow the shift of his chest at the muscles flex and clench. One of your favorite things to watch when he’s hovering over you. 
Bench closer he sits down with his legs spread and farther back on the bench, patting the space between his legs. Curious you sit between his legs, feeling him press his chest against your back. Hands coming to rest on your shoulders. 
“Relax” his breath makes your shiver as it washes over your ear, taking a deep breath you try to do as he asks. His hands slide down your shoulder along your upper arms, a soft smile growing on your face, as his hands keep descending, trailing along your forearms before graspings your hands. “Let me have control.” 
It’s hard, but you try to relax more, letting him move your hands and pressing them against the keys in front of you. Looking at his hands covering yours you giggle, his wide palms easily engulfing your own. Feeling the stretch as he presses his fingers against yours with enough pressure to control them. 
More pressure on your right index finger and you feel the key depress, the mallet hitting the sting and the single note ringing out. As the room goes silent you feel the uptick of his lips that is still pressed against your ear, it doesn’t take long before he’s using your hands to play a simple tune. 
“Your hands aren’t too small” his voice has a lilt of joy to it, and you laugh freely as he keeps playing. 
“I can’t reach most of the keys!” You can feel the chuckle through your back as he finds your argument amusing. 
“Yet, you’re playing. Even if it is under my direction. I want to teach you” there is something in his voice that makes you pause and tense up, which he notices right away. “Are you alright?” 
“Yea just. You’ve never offered to teach me something you care about so much” leaning forward so you can turn your head and look at his face. 
Instead of a neutral expression he has an almost wistful smile on his face. “Perhaps I’m feeling nostalgic. I used to play with my brother, and this morning, with you I’ve realized I miss sharing that with another person.” 
It makes your smile grow, a shared insight into his mind which you weren’t expecting. Gently pulling your hands from his and standing to turn, feeling his hands come to rest on your hips while you give in to the earlier temptation to run your fingers through his hair. “I don’t know how well i’ll learn or how good i’d be, but I’d love to try and play with you.” 
A smile and he’s pulling you back into his lap and you end up straddling him on the bench “trying is enough.” Eyes flicking to your lips and you close the distance leaning towards him, quick open mouth kisses as you each chase one another trying to pull away. 
His hands rolling your hips above his and you can feel him getting hard beneath you, the other fabric between you his lounge pants which are quickly tenting. Giggling you lean closer, nose nuzzling his and feeling your breaths intermingle “wanna have a quickie on your piano bench?” 
 A light nip “I do” dragging a hand from his hair and letting it follow the muscles of his body down to the hem of his lounge pant pushing the loose band away to grasp his cock. “Such a good girl, taking charge once in a while.” 
You laugh while giving him a few pumps “this is the first time you’ve let me take charge.” Lining him up with your slit, and rubbing his head in your wetness before lifting your hips more, which are still under his control.
“You’ve ridden me before” pressing his head more against your opening and starting to lower yourself and taking him in making your both hiss in pleasure. 
Removing your hand from around his cock and returning it to his hair “Never. Unless you’re confusing me with your other girlfriend.” You try to tease him as you take a bit more of him, watching his eyes narrow. 
“I’m aware you’re joking, but I don’t appreciate it.” He’s slowly taking more and more control from you with the way he moves you using your hips. Setting a leisurely pace for the two of you “I’m certain you’ve ridden me in the past.” 
At that you move your hands so they’re wrapped around the back of his neck “Babe, you have never let me have control, that was part of our agreement when this started. Even right now, I said a quickie and you’re slowly fucking me by using my hips.” You close the distance once more and press your forehead to his. “I’d remember if you let me ride you.” 
A slow blink of his eyes as you stare into them and feel him pause your movements, keeping himself warm inside you. “Do you want control, Pet?” You give a hard swallow, something in his voice leaving you surprised.
You think for a moment before answering voice hopeful “just this once. I prefer when you leave me breathless.” 
A nod and a tender kiss before his grip loossens. “Then, take the moment to leave me the breathless one. Tell me what you want.” Closing the distance and going for a longer kiss you smile against his lips feeling him return your affection. Hands moving so they’re pressed atop his shoulders. 
“Keep me steady, please” as you break away you start to move using his shoulders as leverage, feeling a far more gentle grip on your hips. It’s not long before you’re panting as you ride him, relishing the feeling as he twitches inside you. Knowing it won’t be ripped away since he’s left you in control. 
As you move faster and faster he’s groaning as well, arms moving to wrap more around your waist and burying his face in your chest. “That's it, Pet. My precious dove, you make me feel so good.” 
That makes you clench, feeling your own body shudder as you feel yourself growing warmer as you ride his thick cock. “You’ve called me that before.” You’re panting hard, grip getting tight on his shoulders and you gasp when he pulls away to lift your borrowed shirt to shove his face against your skin.
His breath is warm across your sensitive skin and you don’t know how long you’ll last. “I have, because you are my dove, my sweet little dove. You treat me so well.” As you take him deep you hear his breathing stutter, a sign he’s close. “Did you know, some doves mate for life?” He’s kissing the skin closest to the center of your chest ignoring your nipples, chasing his own release without taking control from you. 
“Nai. I’m not gonna last” you can’t bring yourself to answer him about the dove thing, brain going haywire. You know in a few more rolls of your hips you’re going to cum around him, body no longer riding up and down on him. Just a roll of your hips as your clit keeps hitting part of his body hovering at the edge. 
“Do you want me to finger you to finish?” At least he doesn’t keep going with the dove thing but you find yourself panting out a yes, him quickly adjusting to rub his thumb against your clit. It throws you over the edge almost immediately, vision going white as you spasm around him. 
A hiss, and a gasp of your name, knowing from his grip your release triggered his own. “You are so good dove.” You don’t answer him right away, enjoying your post orgasm high. 
“So. Was that dove question a proposal?” You tease, fingers digging into his shoulder and somewhat annoyed his face is still inside his shirt you’ve borrowed. 
“You’ll know when I propose.” You laugh, setting your chin on his fabric covered head “and when I do, I’m going to ensure you can’t leave my bed for a week.”
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darklight-phantasm · 5 months
ask game let’s goooo!!! 💠 ❌ 💚 ☔✨?
💠 (Favorite level) - That would be the Creepy Citadel from SSA! A lot of nostalgia and just immaculate gothic dark fantasy vibes and such a good finale for the undead section of the game. Also the perfect aesthetic for Hex, I always use her in that chapter. Honorable mentions are The Oracle from Giants and The Golden Arcade from Imaginators.
❌️ (Who's your least favorite Skylander) - Honestly there's a lot of Skylanders I simply don't care for despite having them. The one I actively dislike is Lightning Rod because of some rather unpleasant characterization in one of the books but Fist Bump is a close second for having a (personally) bad design and for insulting Déjà Vu, you don't do that.
💚 (Who's your favorite non-Skylander character) - Similarly I don't care much for the NPCs either but if I had to pick my favorite from the bunch it would probably be Mags, she's a fun gal! Cali also comes to mind but then I remember how much she yelled at me for breaking some pottery and she goes down the list /hj
☔️ (Which game was your least favorite) - Extremely popular opinion: Imaginators. I tried to like it but it's just so rushed and the ending is such a cruel slap to the face. Underwhelming chapters (few exceptions as seen above), removed a lot of great stuff from previous games, BUTCHERED the Academy and don't even get me started on the story and overall writing. Its one saving grace is the Skylanders roster, which is my favorite from the franchise, but besides that there are only a few other positive aspects I can think of. The Imaginators were a fun concept that I was excited about but ultimately kinda fell flat for me and I just ended up using the senseis 90% of the time. The selfie (picture) feature was great and they put effort into the character movesets, so I enjoy playing it for them but that's really it.
✨️ (Which game was your favorite) - And my favorite game is Spyro's Adventure! Call me a nostalgic fool but that game will always hold such a special place in my heart. If you asked me what Skylanders is at its core I would point you to that game. It has this beautiful world design with a really magical medieval rpg flare which hit all the right spots for me. Every character felt unique and gave you an entirely different gameplay experience and the SOUNDTRACK god. I literally can't listen to the main theme without tearing up it means so much to me. It has its flaws obviously, but to me it is the perfect game and I will always enjoy taking out the first portal and replaying it, it's the absolute best way of reliving my childhood.
Edit: ✨️ for @adaplayspiano as well
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