#like literally changing the subject away from the thing that was clearly bothering me and redirecting to the Other thing
elprupneerg · 8 months
Good news: talked over the triggering thing this morning a little bit
Bad news: immediately two other, different triggering things got brought up in rapid succession right afterwards
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genericpuff · 1 year
hey! I’m not sure if you’ve seen this yet, but in regards to RS’s awful layer management, I bring you this from the waybacksmythe insta account!
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I’m 99% sure that she’s taught herself to work in this manner for a VERY long time. I mean, there’s barely anything in the main layers that have even MORE layers clipped to them
yooo thank you for this!
Honestly, I don't think it's that bad when it comes to illustration work, it comes down to just being "use whatever amount of layers you need", and it's clear it worked for her older art. It would be fine for comics as well, but most people naturally opt to reduce the layers they use because it just makes things, well, faster, and less complicated. Not to mention if her layer management is part of the reason her file sizes are ending up absurdly huge, then ??? It seems like a no brainer to reduce them. Esp considering so many of the layers in LO from what I've seen in screenshots just seem so pointless, like hyper-micromanaging levels of pointless.
That said, I think there are a lot of things she's taught herself to do that she just hasn't bothered to unlearn, like she thinks she works "better" doing things this way. Her "time management techniques" that result in her and her team always crunching through the weight of the next deadline, her layering structure, how she manages her assistants, the list goes on. It's like when you're so used to doing something one way, you're convinced it has to be working because otherwise, why would you be doing it that way? It's always "worked" for you up until now, so why change? It's why it's hounded into art students especially to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things because it's only through trying new things that you may learn you've been making things way harder for yourself than you need to.
This might be a bit too psychoanalytical, but we were talking about this very subject in the Discord the other day, and it came up that it's like when someone who's struggling with untreated depression or ADHD says, "I don't want to be medicated, it'll take away my spark!" but their spark is literally not showering for a week and eating nothing but toast and mold growing on the dishes in the sink.
In this case, it feels like Rachel's going "I don't want to change, it'll ruin my work!" but her work is literally already falling apart because she's been sticking to these same work methods that are clearly not working for her.
It makes me think of that one old reel where she talks about how she tried something new that didn't work out and became frustrated over the "lost time".
And I do agree with the advice that she's giving in this video, artists should give themselves the space and time to figure things out, to make mistakes, because it's not lost time, it's time you're spending to try. That time will pass anyways, so use it how you like.
But unfortunately I don't think Rachel is actually good at applying this advice because she hasn't set herself up for success. She's always constantly on an immediate deadline because she never sets herself up with proper buffers. She never made herself a plan in the narrative to get this far so she's constantly jumping between plot points to give herself time to figure out how to resolve them. She can't give herself that free time to figure her shit out because she's constantly wringing out the time she has available to her. Look no further than how much time she traditionally spends on social media, AFAIK it's just her running it meaning she's spending all this time browsing and retweeting that she could be spending getting her ducks in a row.
None of this is to say she isn't allowed to have free time, I think it would be great if she could be an Originals creator who could also manage having a healthy work life balance, god knows so many creators don't get to do that. But it's not free time if you're spending it under the weight of deadlines that are literally a week away. It's just distracting yourself.
Of course, that's all speculative, so I'm not gonna continue on much longer with this train of thought, it's just the impression I get because it's clear she values her time but doesn't know how to manage it properly. I feel that all too well as someone who also struggles with ADHD.
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blues-valentine · 2 years
Long Post: HSMTMTS S1 re-watch: It’s crazy to think Rina changed the game for the writers on 105 because when you watch 101-104 it really makes you wonder if some directing choices are intentional or just came out, particularly from the actors acting choices and the rest just totally solidifies Rina's whole arc. For example:
Gina’s first entrance on the show is when Kourt mentions Ricky to Nini. She is at the back on her locker when Ricky enters the scene to talk to Nini. That’s an intentional framing. On 101, before reading the cast list, he is already looking at her from across the room. On 102, he looks breathless at Gina’s dance during rehearsals and there’s a moment he keeps looking at her even after she walks away. Same episode, their first talk at the stake park does feel like the tension and lingering gazes are intentional. Like you are meant to feel the tension. And you can hear Breaking Free playing from Gina's headphones.
On 105 it does feel odd how mad Ricky was about Gina going with EJ to the homecoming dance because wouldn’t that be good? That EJ isn’t on Nini’s orbit anymore? Even Gina questions him over why is he making her dating life his business and he didn’t know why. He definitely had a crush on Gina then. He had one conversation with her (skate park) and felt like they had a connection ("l thought we sort of got each other"). If you think about it, he internalized Troy and Gabriella's outsiders narrative onto them, which it’s pretty telling.
The whole confessional "Ricky intrigues me and I don’t get intrigued" and "Does she intimidates you? Can’t say she does" tells you they were going that road, at least Ricky having a crush on Gina early on and Josh was told to act this way around her, but it was ultimately the 105 car scene that changed the plans in terms of where the romance was going, not longer being a plot device but a slow burn. And mostly, Ricky stayed in the show for Gina. This is something non-Rina's never seem to put any importance into. Ricky joined the club for Nini but ultimately stayed because Gina's encouragement made him see his own worth (and that defining moment was on 102).
To me, next episodes were key and it throws away the argument that Ricky didn't have a crush on Gina or wasn't pursuing her romantically. Gina dropped her "plans" and Ricky stopped his active pursue of Nini right after homecoming. Each of them forgot what their initial motivation was. This is why the "second choice" argument falls void. Ricky could’ve continued his pursue of Nini especially because at this point he knows she’s not longer in a relationship with EJ but he wasn’t focused on her anymore and those episodes point that out. On 106, Big Red straight up asks him if something happened with Gina on Friday, to what he responds he isn’t sure [if it was romantic] and you can see them gazing at each other across the room (with Nini unbothered in the middle of them. Again, intentional framing).
It baffles me people were trying to make Rinas feel delusional for thinking Ricky had a crush on Gina when he was obvious on his intentions. Before the song, in this scene from 106, Gina was the only one to support his idea and right off the bat she could feel his distress over the possibility of the show getting cancelled. She tried to joke about it but softly changes the subject because she could read him. It points to the emotional connection they already share. After he literally sings to her, Ricky flirts with her and I feel like since Gina didn’t have much experience she didn’t know how to read the whole thing. It’s funny because after Ricky tells her she’s good at everything and says "I can’t forget about anything that happened at homecoming" you can see in his face that he is waiting for a reaction from her — one she doesn’t give him. The scene is pretty layered.
There’s this scene on 107 where Nini clearly flirts with him and he seems uncomfortable. Instead, he looks behind him to see if Gina is bothered by their interaction and goes to sit by her side afterwards. Does that seem like a guy that is desperate to go back to his ex girlfriend now that he is seeing the signals? No. Mind you, there’s a time jump (about a month) between 106-107. Enough for Gina to know where Ricky’s house was and how long it takes her to walk there. They probably spent a lot of time together and this might also be the time Ricky got to have Gina’s mom phone number.
On 107, Gina and Ricky's emotional connection is made clear again by them talking about change and Gina reading Ricky like a book. They both share a strong understanding of each other that gets later confirmed by them on season 2. They arrived at the party and Nini straight up notices their closeness and considers them a "we" and Ricky at this point is not trying to get back to Nini. He interacts with Gina in a way that feels like he is introducing a soon to be lover. He isn’t even trying to make Nini jealous. He isn’t even close to her at the party because his focus is on Gina. After that phone call with Gina and her mom, he can tell she is distressed so he walks off straight to the kitchen to gather her stuff so they can leave, together. Gina shuts him down and tells him not to call her anymore and the first thing he does is grab his stuff and leave the party. Nini tries to stop him but doesn’t get the reaction she expects. And important to notice how he includes Gina in all of the things that are making him distressed.
Gina tells Ricky not to text her anymore and that’s because she thinks there isn’t any point in them continuing whatever their relationship was since she’s leaving (not in those words, but the subtext was there) and he still sends her multiple texts that get unanswered. It again baffles me that some claim Ricky didn’t care about Gina leaving when he was distressed and was trying to be in contact with her. He even firmly claims Gina will be back and when Nini asks him if she texted him, he goes and anxiously asks her if Gina texted her. Nini makes the first move in telling Ricky to practice with her after rehearsals and funny enough, the almost kiss happens right after Gina texts Ricky she is leaving for good. It took Gina being removed from an episode and Ricky believing she was gone for Ricky and Nini to get closer after what was like more than one month.
Opening night makes it very clear that Gina and Ricky were pretty much left in the open. When Ricky waits for Gina backstage after she comes back he tells her "I wish…I don’t know what to say" and Gina tells him not to say anything. She also makes it clear she’s only back for one night only. Was he going to say "I wish I knew you were coming back?" Who knows. At this point Ricky had regressed back to who he was and his confessional during that scene tells you this. "Maybe I’m back to who I always was. I don’t know something is different". He is stating that there’s a before and after Gina for him. And notice how the Rina cue is playing during this scene — a cue that is a representation of Ricky’s feelings for Gina, not the other way.
You cannot say that if Ricky knew Gina was staying for real, he would’ve gotten back with Nini. There’s also a quote people don’t pay attention to and it’s when Gina asks him what happened since he dropped out of the show and he says "It’s a long story. I could ask you the same thing". It hints he isn’t okay with how things went down with her. Regardless, I’m glad he got back to Nini on season 1 because he needed to get through that process for growth.
Season 1 tells you the basics of their arc and why it took them so long to get together. It basically confirms that Nini represents the childhood Ricky is so afraid to let go of and Season 2 is actually really good at showcasing Ricky’s internal struggle with trying to suppress his feelings for Gina and pushing for something he knows has not future anymore. He wasn’t fighting for Nini but more like for things to stay stagnant because that’s his confront zone.
Ricky and Gina's dynamic on season 2 is brillantly acted by Josh and Sofia because is in the subtle moments and foreshadowing and if you as an audience are used to things being told to you — you would’ve never understood Ricky and Gina as a pairing. I might do one for season 2 when I finish the re-watch for S2.
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woniverse-writes · 10 months
Some of my pet peeves in fanfiction (sharing this because I can and I’m bored)
these are just my opinions. If you disagree, frankly I don’t care but these are things that annoy me. I’ve read a lot of fanfiction in the last few years, so this is just what my taste has developed into. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions though, so these are just things that I PERSONALLY don’t like when reading fics.
(This is kinda long. sorry lol)
Tagging unrelated subjects
If I search something for Bada Lee, I don’t wanna see something about Jam Republic
Unless both of them are in the post, then duh
I don’t care if I like both of them, I’m searching for a specific thing so why would I want to find something else
And I mean specifically if I look up one person, and I’m met with a post for someone else, but the person I’m searching for is still tagged for no reason
I don’t care if you’re trying to get reach, I think it’s annoying
ESPECIALLY if you’re tagging someone or something that’s completely unrelated
I’ve literally blocked people for saying they do it for reach- sorry but you’re really fucking annoying
Poorly written conflict
Fight scenes coming out of nowhere especially physical fights
I just read a fic where the reader slapped the person for no reason, like- girl wtf
And another one where the person it was about showed up out of nowhere and punched this person and knocked them out because they were jealous
Like- I get it, it’s all fake, but can we be a little realistic please 😭
This one feels a little mean, but poor grammar
If it’s once every now and then it doesn’t bother me, cuz even native speakers mess up their own language
But constantly using the wrong tense or spelling of a word really makes it hard for me to immerse myself
But again that’s just me personally
Misspelling and idols name
Girl I’m sorry but how are you gonna write about someone and not know how to spell their name correctly🧍‍♀️
Google is free babe
Changing the POV every other sentence
It throws me off so bad when I’m reading and the reader is referred to as “she/he/they” and then it suddenly switches up to “you” like- just pick one and stick with it plz
And don’t even get me started me started with first person povs- I will simply not read it, I’m sorry
Rushed relationships
Especially when it comes to enemies to lovers
I hate, hate, HATE when the pairing will meet each other and then be romantically involved like a week later
Or specifically in enemies to lovers, they hate each other for three years, and then the second they show one tiny ounce of anything other than hatred, the reader has forgotten everything
Again it’s just not realistic to me and it makes it hard for me to enjoy
Fluffy language
Like- over describing things and making it try to seem so much more descriptive
Or when coming up with nicknames
Unless it’s written satirically and meant to be cringy and weird on purpose, I can’t stand it
It just makes me cringe and I literally will not finish reading
Smut written but people that have no idea what they’re talking about
If you’ve never read smut, you probably shouldn’t write smut
Unless you’ve like- had sexual experiences
I’m just really picky with smut specifically
I’ve just read (and not finished reading) so many fics written by people that are either clearly underage and trying to sound like they’re adults, or from people that sound like they’re trying too hard
I promise you- we don’t need the 12 different descriptors of how the pussy feels in one sentence
Not understanding the person/character you’re writing about
I get this more if you’re doing a request for someone and you maybe don’t know them as much
But if you’re a fan of a group or show, how are you not gonna know the person you’re writing about…
Like just missing key factors in their personality
zeroing in on ONLY certain factors of their personality and throwing away the rest of it
Some big ones I notice are people not knowing how to write for Ni-ki from enhypen and Hao from zerobaseone
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lavenderlevetan · 2 years
Huh! Tell me about that bodyguard AU! (:
oh that bodyguard AU huh? the one we definitely haven’t been screaming about with each other literally every day now since you suggested it? sure!! have a unrevised blurb of the first chapter to chew on <33
(please don’t get too attached tho it’s subject to change bc i keep rewriting EVERYTHING)
Robin inwardly cringed at the argument, unable to push the awkward feeling of hearing something that definitely should have been discussed privately away. She nodded a polite hello at one of the guards who had diligently watched her approach, silently praying she wouldn’t have to be the one to interrupt the dispute between Karen and Nancy. Clearly the other two security agents had been made aware she’d be joining them, because neither one did anything to stop her. That was a plus at least, clear communication was a good sign.
“I’m not going to argue with you about which one of you has more or less work,” Karen scolded her daughter, “And this is about our family’s safety, like we already talked about.”
“Then it doesn’t make sense that you insisted I fly down from Boston just for you to leave Mike and Holly behind,” Nancy crossed her arms, “If it’s about safety, then splitting the family up directly contradicts that.”
Karen gawked at her daughter in offended astonishment before turning to her husband, “Care to chime in here, Ted?”
“Nancy, listen to your mother,” He drawled, not bothering to look up from whatever precious document was in his hands.
Both of the Wheeler women rolled their eyes at this, and thankfully that was when Karen spotted Robin. Her face changed instantly as she flashed a warm, but practiced, smile at her.
“You must be Robin. I’m so sorry, this is all probably much different from how you’re used to meeting clients. I promise we’re usually much more by the book.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Robin said politely, “Robin Buckley, at your service. Don’t worry about it, it’s really no trouble at all.”
It was a bit unorthodox, but it really wasn’t an issue. Not so far at least. And truthfully, Robin really couldn’t have cared less. Not so long as she got paid, and so far there had been no issue with that.
Unfortunately, it seemed that Nancy did not share the same sentiments of there not being an issue. She whipped her head around to look at Robin, her frown deepening slightly before she turned to glare at her mother.
“I thought I said I didn’t need extra protection.”
Oh joy. Isn’t this just peachy?
Robin’s eye twitched before she could catch herself. Thankfully neither of her employers caught the miniscule motion, because that was the last thing she’d need right now, but she couldn’t help it. Something about the dismissiveness in Nancy’s tone rubbed her the wrong way. But she resolved herself not to make any snap judgements. Nancy had flown from Boston just to then spend an entire car ride arguing with her parents, so maybe she was just in a bad mood. Robin could give her a little benefit of the doubt.
“Nancy, we talked about this. It’s for your own safety, we had to bump up security for all of us.”
“I am more than capable of taking care of myself,” Nancy scoffed once again, then marched herself right into the hotel without another word.
Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me.
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anonthefold · 3 months
I don't know why I constantly torture myself with Competitive. Like I know that the game is engineered to be 50/50 when you reach your skill level and only when you improve do you rank up. However, if you play a few games you get to that point and then it is just like this weird emotional roller coaster. It is easier to rationalize the end result when the match is over but during the match it can be tough, for me at least, to not let a game that feels lost bother me. I should be focusing on what I can change but sometimes I tunnel vision on habits that I know aren't good. I don't ever let the opposite occur where I become too comfortable with winning if our team is doing really well because I have been in games where one lost team fight can cause a chain reaction. This is honestly unique to when i queue tank though. On support i do not experience this at all and if I do it is purely because I feel like I am frustrated with team synergy. I don't care enough about DPS to have it affect my mental at all (it is my super off roll that I don't care deranks to bronze 5). I suppose tank being a single role might have something to do with it. Maybe it is the feeling of letting people down or inadequacies deeply engrained in me from my childhood abuse that brings it out. Even when I perform well I don't get the same kind of satisfaction as I would on Support or even DPS (once again, don't care too much about my performance there but winning genuinely feels good) Instead I feel like I just survived an awful car crash. Clearly I have queued way more tank comp this morning than I probably should have. I am also writing this after having a winning streak. You'd think that I would feel good about winning most of my games? I guess what triggered this response was a comment the enemy team's tank made at the end of a match. "DPSGAP fr" And it got me thinking after watching the replay that it was purely a matter enabling my team to make plays. This is a fundamental issue with OW2. You play a tank that looks juicy and enticing to shoot at and the other team dumps all their resources into trying to kill you but... you just walk away. Now that they are exhausted on abilities you kind of count on your team to follow up using theirs to eliminate them meanwhile you hide behind a wall and pray no one pushes in on you until your supports stabilize you. Then when you're ready you literally do it again. You might get a pick, you might be able to push up more and take more adventitious space but ultimately you are there just to absorb abilities then hide. It doesn't feel as fun as DPS or Support but currently it is necessary. When the team ignores you then you get to have fun because unchecked you still have the ability to ruin someone's day. It is just a really odd and unrewarding game cycle. Then there is the added benefit of being blamed when things go bad and I assure you they will go bad at times. Easy solution is to just not play tank but the thing is is that I don't hate the role despite its shortcomings. I wish there was more to it. I play tank almost in the same rank as my support and I do like the challenges, I do like the tank heroes. I wish there was something that could be done to make it a little more fun. The heroes that feel the most fun don't feel like tanks (JQ, DF, Wrecking Ball, Rein) and outside of one tricking feel like they are in a rough spot with easy counters or maps just not designed for them. I am not going to get into a "go back to 6v6" discussion because that isn't going to solve this immediate problem and in fact would create a whole bunch of new ones imho.
I've gone on for far too long on this subject. This isn't admittance to not playing tank again but an introspective take on the role in a macro position of the game and its psychology. I still will continue to queue tank in comp and qp.
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This was the scoreboard from that last game with the enemy tank and their two cents. You might be able to tell where the issue was and I will hint that it was not the DPS. I would elaborate more but i do not think it is necessary.
It would also be nice if every game didn't resort to me switching to Mauga to earn a win. He is still unfairly balanced and I feel like nerfing him will just make RH better again, unfortunately. (I can't land a hook to save my life)
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
Pairing: Edward Cullen x black!oc
warnings: slight parent pressure triggers(idk if that’s a real warning but I’m just throwing it out there), Edward being…Edward.
wc: 5k
a/n: idk if I mentioned this before, but all the stuff in italics is oc reading other peoples thoughts, or Edward, and oc communicating via mind reading. Her and and Edward specifically switches between physical talking and mental talking quite often.
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Chapter. 2
You’d be surprised how quickly I adjusted, and became “friends” with Edward Cullen. He usually asks me as many questions during class because then I disappear after that, and at lunch he’ll ask me to sit with him and his family. Every time I say no, I think he is starting to get fed up with me, Edward has stopped asking nicely. He stopped politely working with me in class, and sometimes he’ll shove things in my hands. He is literally throwing a tantrum, and today I’m sick of trying to be patient. If he thought I’d sit by quietly and let him be a dick to me, boy is he wrong.
Today during lunch after I got my tray of food, I sat it at my table with Bella, and walked straight up to the Cullens. Emmet of course found this amusing, Jasper, and Alice had a quizzical look on their faces. Rosalie’s eyes brow pulled upward, a challenging glare in her eyes. Though she’s the least of my concern, I walked straight up to Edward, and pulled up a seat. I smiled at him flashing my teeth, I picked up his uneaten slice of pizza and ripped a piece off ferociously. He watched me with wide eyes unsure what to say or do, this was the first time I’ve directly addressed him since his attitudinal behavior all week. I stared right back in his eyes, today they looked dramatically differently than last week, which I made note of for later.
I don’t know what the hell your problem is, but I don’t appreciate your attitude. I’m not going to play your game of sit still look pretty so you can poke at me like I’m some kind of experiment. I don’t have to answer not one goddam question of yours, now if you want to get to know me then do that, but I am not a fucking FAQ page. His eyes flickered over to someone behind me, I could feel them burning holes through my head, but they remained silent.
“Edward.” I snapped at him using my voice, his eyes snapped back to me, a fiery gaze burning brightly.
I heard you Eden, I’m sorry. I didn’t think I was upsetting you, all you had to do was say so. He had taken my hand into his, his slender fingers ice cold to the touch, I didn’t snatch my hand away, not because of that, but because I enjoyed it. I hated that I enjoyed it.
“…tool.” I mumble getting up from the table, clearly he found this funny from the way he chuckled lightly.
“Was– was that an argument or?” Emmet asked, I rolled my eyes getting up from the table, when my back is half way, Edward calls out to me.
“Eden.” I paused momentarily, curious to hear what he had to say. I really am sorry… I nodded my head, and continued walking back to my table. Bella gave me a questioning look, she’d been watching the whole thing, and I’m sure the rest of the cafeteria were too.
“What was that about?” She asked, her salad half eaten, and her juice untouched. Her fingers fiddled with the plastic form as she stabbed at the lettuce.
“Oh that? He stuck me with a project to do, it’s all cool though. So what’s the development on you, and that Jake guy?” I asked, wanting to change the subject, she easily transitions at the mention of her childhood friend. A small smile on her lips, I didn’t bother looking into her thoughts, it was easy to tell Bella really liked this guy.
“He’s super cool, like the coolest. He actually invited me to the beach with him, and his friends. You should come…if you’re not too busy with Edward.” Her voice coming out as a tease at the end, here I thought my interactions with the Cullen boy were small, and low key. We only ever talked, sometimes at my locker, other times outside in the parking lot. All of these times it would be away from the rest of his family, except Emmet of course who had also become quite fond of Edwards, and I “friendship.” However, nothing seems to get past those eyes of hers.
“You surf?” I asked, Bella’s face scrunched up, and shook her head. If she only knew how many times I’ve tripped on my own feet. She thought to herself, a memory of her slipping down the driveway flashed by, and I snorted.
“Shut up, I’m going because…he asked me to, and why would I say no? I’ve got nothing else to do.” But mostly because Jacob is cute Bella thought, my lips turning upward, I rarely smile, but this brings me a certain kind of joy.
“Sure I’m in, when is it?” I took a bite of her uneaten veggie burger, I knew she wasn’t going to eat it when she picked it.
“Saturday…I was supposed to ask you already but it slipped my mind.” She shrugged nonchalantly, it didn’t bother me either, I didn’t have anything to do tomorrow.
As I leaned against my locker, Edward approached me, an unreadable expression on his face, and his mind closed off from me. “Edward.” I greeted his eyes with a beautiful honey color like Jasper’s. I hated how pretty they all were, even the way he smelled, like warm vanilla, and his skin was so pale it seemed almost…silver.
“Eden, how are you?” A simple question, but his tone suggested he had much more to say.
“I’m okay, ready for the day to be over.” I lifted my head to look him in the eyes, for a moment he watched me back. Not trying to read me, but just looking at me. His eyes scanned my whole face, tracing the curves of my cheeks, and lips. Edwards' eyes moved back up to mine, a gaze so intense I couldn’t take it, so I opted to watch the students passing by in the hall. Some of them gave us weird looks, others ignored us.
“Do you want to hang out?” His voice came out a bit robotic, and emotionless. Yeah he’s definitely not normal, why was he acting so funny?
“Um…it depends, where are we going?” I asked, his head lowered in my direction as if he couldn’t hear me from where he stood. Edward is incredibly tall, maybe 6ft, but then again I’m really short. Everyone is taller than me.
“I was thinking we could go see a movie, I’m not sure if you like drama, but a remastered version of Van Helsing is showing at the theater.” The mention of the popular vampire hunter sent a weird feeling through me, like I should have remembered something, and it’s right on the top of my tongue.
“Uh, when?” I asked, I turned to him to find that he had moved somewhat closer to me. Edward wasn’t too put off by the close distance between us, he inhaled me deeply, and I honestly didn’t know how to feel about this. I’ve been so out of touch with anyone my own age, and boys in general.
“Saturday, I figured since we have a project for film history, it would be a perfect opportunity to get ahead of the curve.” I wanted to say no, I already said I was going to hang out with Bella, and Jacob. That tugging sensation, it had to be Jasper, I turned my head to scout for him, but Edward grabbed my hand.
“Don’t make me beg Eden.” The corners of his lips turned upward, his voice velvety soft. Has he always sounded like that? I don’t think so, Edward is usually so hot, and cold like he can’t make up his mind about how he feels. It was hard to keep up with sometimes, and now, he’s flirting with me?
“Uh…sure, yea okay.” Why the fuck did I just agree to that? I look up at Edward, he smiles satisfied with my answer, and just when I was going to question him about my sudden change in emotions he pulls back.
“What did you just do to me?” I asked, his thick eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
“What are you talking about Eden? I’ve just been talking to you this whole time.” He casually dismissed any thoughts of doubt I had, his tone even, and not an ounce of suspicious behavior.
“Make sure to text me your address so I can pick you up, see you Saturday.” Just like that he walked off, as I watched him retreat I felt my stomach flip, and tingle. Oh I did not like where this “thing” is going between me, and Edward. I didn’t intend to have a crush on anyone at this school, here I am wishing he’d come back and touch me again. Wishing he’d come back and stand even closer to me, I hated it. But I loved it at the same time.
It didn’t occur to me that I had ditched Bella for Edward, and that he’d have to meet my father until my alarm went off at 7 am.
“Shit, maybe she won’t be upset I’m not going? Maybe my dad won’t even notice me leaving?” It also didn’t occur to me that Edward only knew about my abilities, both my parents are gifted as well.
“Fuck, this is not good.” I mumble to myself, I’m not sure which issue to tackle first, Bella or my dad.
“Eden? It’s 7am.” Bella groggily answers the phone, I roll my eyes, how blessed she is to not have a drill Sergeant for a parent.
“Bad news…something came up, and I can't hang at the beach today.” The phone was silent for a while, I thought she had fallen back asleep, but suddenly her voice fizzled through.
“Edward?” Bella asked, I can hear the smirk turning up on her lips, how the hell did she know?
“Okay asshole, maybe it’s not him.” I tried to think of an excuse, but she’s far too smart for that.
“Eden! Are you awake yet? Breakfast is getting cold!” My fathers voice booming through the house, I groaned as I rolled out of bed. The chill of Forks seeping into the cracks of my widow, and biting my skin.
“Maybe I decided to hang out with him today.” I threw on a giant hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants. I am not a morning person, if it were up to me, I’d sleep till noon. I slipped my feet into my favorite pair of bunny slippers, and dragged myself down stairs.
“That’s totally a date, and now you’re in love.” She teased me, Jesus she was relentless this morning, I don’t get this much out of her at school.
“And this is the part where I hang up on you Swan.” My father’s back is turned to me as he makes his cup of coffee, but I knew he was listening. He’s probably been listening since I picked up the phone to call her. Not an ounce of privacy in this damn house.
“See ya, don’t hurt his feelings too bad.” I nearly choked on my eggs from that last comment, immediately I hung up the phone. I sat quietly shoving food into my mouth as an excuse not to talk. He slowly turned to me, a curious look in his eyes, but he didn’t engage in conversation.
“I hope you don’t plan on skipping your training this morning? It’s important we stay consistent Eden.” He takes a sip of his coffee, my father is not oke for jokes, and since I’m approaching my 18th birthday he’s moved even further away from me emotionally. That doesn’t stop me from cracking one anyway, it’s more so for my own sanity.
“Huh, what’s the difference between, divine timing, and fate?” I paused waiting for him to answer, I wanted to warn Edward I did, but of course he’d see that coming. My father just watched me, a blank expression on his face, I swallowed down pancakes with orange juice behind it.
“There isn’t a difference, they overlap each other.” He answered, he couldn’t help himself, my father is too much of a smart ass.
“Exactly my point.” I said meaning back into my seat, my hand resting on my stomach.
“But you didn’t make a point.” Did I mention he’s terribly argumentative with me?
“Of course I did, you just weren’t paying attention father. My point is, it doesn’t matter whether I’m consistent with training or not if it’s fate for me to be a warrior. It’ll happen anyway right?” I stood up from my seat, placed my dishes in the sink, and moon walked back towards the stairs. An annoyed look etched onto my fathers features, “That’s not how it works Eden.”
“Mhm sure dad, well I’ll be ready in a minute.” I rushed out the last part, quickly I turned and ran up the stairs not giving him a chance to argue back.
My phone buzzed with a text message from Edward, I rolled my eyes, throwing the phone down, not having the energy to deal with him yet. The phone buzzed again, I puffed out air as I fell back on the bed.
Edward: Eden, you didn’t forget about today did you?
Edward: don’t ignore me 😏
I groaned, breathing heavily, why is he so annoying? Who raised him to be like this?
Eden: no I didn’t forget, calm down. 😒
Edward: Make sure you wear something cozy, it’s particularly chilly out, wouldn’t want you to freeze.
I rolled my eyes again, I felt like they were going to fall out of my skull at this point, I threw the phone down. The cold doesn’t bother me, but he doesn’t know that. I walked over to my closet looking through my clothes. I really hated training, especially with my father. He never knew when to stop, and usually we ended up arguing. He pushed me so much with the whole “destiny” thing.
Regardless I deal with it, because I didn’t have a choice, or at least that’s what it felt like. Once I turn 18 I’m out of here, it’s something I don’t think about often, my dad's abilities keep me from thinking about the future. Being unpredictable is the only way past his defenses. After a quick hot shower, I throw my clothes on, and head out into the back yard. From there I follow my dad deep into the thick forest, away from any human life.
“Speed test first?” I asked, my tone dull, and uninterested.
“No, I think we should try flight today.” He pulled out a digital watch, and attached it to my wrist. I fidget with it, adjusting the settings, my father takes a step back giving me room. I flexed my shoulders, and out came my wings, apparently they’re twice the size of an adult Angel. They’re quite dense, but since I’ve had them since I turned 10, I’m used to the weight. I inhale sharply, my lungs stinging, and my nostrils flaring. I crouch down onto the forest floor, dead leaves, insects, and moss everywhere. My father counts down from 10, my mind clearing, and my heart racing. I loved flying, it felt amazing, and freeing. Like I didn’t have such a heavy burden on my shoulders…
At the count of one, I take off pushing myself off the ground with effort, the earth shaking underneath me. Within seconds I can see the clouds, and seconds after that I’m above them. A beautiful, perfect site, nothing in the world like it. My watch beeps rapidly as it tries to catch up with my take off speed, the numbers are still rolling by. My wings flap lightly keeping me up, the wind from here could freeze spit. I looked at my watch to see I had broken my record from last time, I smiled proudly. “Yea this should rock the old man for sure.”
I relax my body letting myself free fall for a few feet, as I come closer to the trees, I let the wind pick up under my wings giving me a soft landing.
“Effortless dad…effortless.” He looked at his own watch, impressed with my numbers, but of course he had something to say.
“Your take off needs to be smoother, you keep that up, and you might injure other people. This isn’t just about how high you can go, it’s about controlling yourself Eden, and if you can’t control yourself people can die.” His voice stern, and his arms folded, his eyes watched me over the rim of his glasses. I groaned, my hands pressed to my face in frustration, yet again he’s pushing away from me.
“Spare me the attitude, okay, we don’t have to do this. We don’t have to train to get better so that when battle comes everyone on this planet dies at the hands of our laziness!” He shouted at me, I hated when he got loud, it was his way of showing authority. It’s like he forgets I’m his child.
“You don’t know that for sure!” I shouted back, my hands balled into fist, my nails digging into my palms.
“I’ve seen it! I’ve seen all the outcomes, I’m never wrong Eden, that’s the point of absolution!” Gah! What a prick!
“5% dad, there’s 5% chance things could change! But you never try! You’re always right because you always do things your way based on your own visions! That’s stupid! You’re choosing that path just because it’s in front of you!” I didn’t mean to but I stomped my foot like a child, he got to me so easily, and I hated it.
“That’s a small percentage to bet the whole world on Eden, it’s selfish.”
“You wanna know what’s selfish, is forcing us to live here! I hate it here okay! I. Hate. It. Here! Did you see that hm? Did you know I’d never wanted to leave our home just to come to this shit hole? I bet you did. That’s selfish.” Tears streamed down my cheeks, the wind blowing ferociously, but I didn’t care, I felt nothing at the moment.
“It’s your destiny to be a guardian Eden, that’s what we’re literally made to do.”
“Fuck destiny, because if I can’t choose my life, I’d rather not live at all.” I said, my voice low, and my tone was bitter. My father gasped, that was a forbidden phrase, and mindset. I just said it out loud, my father stepped forward, wordless. I think I broke him this time.
“Eden…” Was all he mustered, but I no longer wanted to hear anything he had to say. I shot off the ground harder than I did before, flying back to the house, and into my room through my open window. I was so angry, no, I was furious. Just a few more weeks…October 30th is a few weeks away, and I’ll be 18. I keep telling myself as I rush around the room getting ready, I check myself in the mirror, I reach my hand up to adjust my braids. I dig through my closet for my brush, and hair gel. After I’ve laid my baby hairs the way I want them, I sigh heavily. Despite how pretty I looked, I didn’t feel any happier, I wasn’t in the mood for talking…at least not physically.
“Thank god for you Edward.” I mumbled to myself, the second I spoke his name, my phone rang. His name flashing across the screen.
“Hey.” I answered dryly, not in the mood to put much effort into it.
“I’m outside.” He too sounded a bit agitated, like maybe he just had an argument with one of his parents. At least we had that in common today.
“Yea.” I hung up the phone, gathered my things, threw it into a purse of mine, and headed downstairs.
My father was in the kitchen when I came down, I chose not to acknowledge him. I kept walking as if he wasn’t standing there. This would have gone smoothly had Edward not been standing on the other side of the door. His hand half raised as if he was going to knock, my eyes widened, and now my father is approaching. I could hear his heavy footsteps, I could feel Edward pushing into my mind, a confused expression on his face.
“And who is this Eden?” My fathers deep voice filling the space of the foyer, I coughed adjusting my throat.
“This is Edward, we're friends.” I mumbled briefly, my back still towards him, my eyes plead with Edward to not be a dumb ass right now. Please don’t be a moron. I begged him, instantly his body language changed, he stuck out his hand for my father to shake.
“Edward Cullen sir, Eden, and I are classmates. We have an assignment for film class, and I thought it would be a good idea to go see the movie we decided to do our project on. I’m sorry if you weren’t told about our activities, I have no intention of sneaking Eden out the house.” I was shocked, his tone is so formal, and polite, I never knew he could be such a gentleman.
“Is that right? How peculiar, I thought you hated it here Eden, and now you’re going out on a date?” My heart thuded aginst my rib cage, how fucking embarrassing, my dad just didn’t know when to shut up.
“It’s not a date.” Edward and I spoke at the same time. My head had turned to look over my shoulder at my father, his eyes gave away nothing, which worried me. I tried to look into his thoughts, but even those were foggy, and I thought I seen a faint trace of something. It was gone before it was tangible enough for me to understand what he was thinking.
“Well your hands are already freezing, I’ll let you both be on your way for the movie.” My father finally let go of Edwards hand, but we weren’t out the fire yet.
“It was nice meeting you Mr. Saxon, I’ll have Eden back home by 8 pm.” My father nodded his head, I pushed Edward out the threshold, and out into the icy air of Forks. He kindly opened the door for me on the passenger side, my father watching from the doorway the whole time. Then Edward came around to the driver's side, starting the car, and pulling out of the driveway.
We drove for quite a while before he opened his mouth to talk. “Your father is intense, I see where you get it from.” It was meant as a joke, but being compared to my father didn’t feel like a compliment.
“That is an insult, he’s a prick, and he’s not…a normal person.” I said, Edward pulled into a diner a few blocks away from the theater, for this to not be a date it’s sure starting to feel like one. Now I wish I had dressed better.
“Not normal? Like you?” He kept his voice low, we sat in the furthest corner of the restaurant, and soon a waitress came up to take our order.
“It’s 11 am and we're still selling breakfast if you’re interested?” She offered, though she wasn’t talking to me, in fact she totally ignored me. Her eyes on Edward, lip pulled between her cherry red lips, and her hip jutted out. I’m not surprised, the girls at school all thought he was hot, so I’m sure blonde thought the same. Edward chuckled, more than likely hearing my thoughts, but he didn’t say anything.
“Oh no thank you, I just ate but Eden, would you like something?” He asked, his eyes seemed darker brown today instead of that bright honey color. I have yet to bring up my many questions for him, though I’m willing to wait.
“Oh right, what’s your order?” She asked me lazily, I rolled my eyes, but looked over the menu anyway.
“I’ll have a double bacon cheese burger, with fries, and a glass of water.” Edward snorted, I’m glad he thought I was funny, but I was being dead ass serious. I planned on eating the whole thing. Ugh what a fat cow. She thought snarkily, I smirked back at her.
“Mooooo.” I dragged out, my eyes crossed upward, and Edward had to bite back his laughter as the girl looked at me weirdly, and scattered off to the kitchens.
“Bitch.” I mumbled, I turned my attention back to the Cullen boy, his eyes flickered with humor.
“Anyway, yes he’s like me, it’s a whole thing, but I’ll tell you what. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?” I joke lightly, his eyebrows scrunch it appears he’s thinking about it. His arm holding up his head in the palm of his hand. His other hand on the table drumming his fingers, we’re silent for a moment longer before Edward speaks again.
“What makes you so sure there’s something else?”
“I can just tell, you and I…we come from different worlds, different from each other, and everyone else.” I hold his gaze. Our silence is becoming a constant thing, if he was a normal boy, and if I were a normal girl, that would be uncomfortable.
It’s so pleasant knowing someone like me…telepath I mean. I hate talking, but I also hate being the only one not having to talk. His voice is a calming, soft, whisper. That’s how Edward’s thoughts always sound in my head, is almost the same as his physical voice, but less raspy. Clear, and smooth.
Yea…do you believe in fate Edward? I asked, I pressed my lips together, he gave me a confused look, then thought about it for a moment.
My father knows more about the subject than I do, but I do believe some things are meant to be. Do you? Believe in fate?
I don’t have a choice, it’s been a constant theme in my life since 10 years old.
You always have a choice, Eden, even if you have to fight for it. His words reverberated off the walls in my head, because he is absolutely right, and I never thought of it that way. I wonder if moving away from home falls into that category?
After waiting what felt like a thousand years, my food finally came, the girl pretty much threw my damn plate onto the table. I clenched my teeth, my father always tells me to never use my powers against people…especially humans. But I couldn’t help myself. On her way back to the counter, I pulled down my pointer finger with my thumb, and then released it in her direction. The waitress tripped so hard her skirt flew upwards, and she fell quite awkwardly. I’m surprised I didn’t kill her, I jumped up from my seat, and rushed over to help her. Feign concern in my voice, she looked up at me shocked.
You’re cruel. I could hear Edwards' voice in my head, I coughed in an attempt to cover up my laughter.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” I asked her, and some customers stopped what they were doing to watch the exchange. Since she appeared to be okay, everyone went back to minding their business.
“I think so, I don’t know what I tripped on.” She dusted herself off, eyeing the tiled floor suspiciously as if she was going to see a hand reach up out of the floor.
“Karma.” Was all I said, my voice low enough so that only she could hear me, she pulled back from me as I smiled wickedly.
“You’re a weirdo.” She spat at me, I’ve been called worse.
“Aht, karma.” I reminded her, I then turned my back to her, and went back to the booth where Edward sat waiting for me.
“That was truly unnecessary, just couldn’t help yourself could you?” Edward leaned forward, he scolded me like my father would.
“Relax, no one got hurt too bad.” I bit into my food, the burger was good as hell, the bacon crispy, and the beef juicy. Bella would give me an ear full if she saw this, two two types of animals on one sandwich.
I can eat and talk, you know? I said, Edward didn’t respond for a while, but I felt like he had something to say, maybe he was holding it back. I shrugged my shoulders, finished off my food, and started my fries. I munched on them a lot slower, enjoying the salty, crunchiness of each small potato.
“Your father said, he thought you hated it here…what changed your mind?” I slowed my eating, whipping my hands off with a napkin, and swallowed some water. I really didn’t want to answer that question, for multiple reasons, but I tried to produce something for him. I knew he wouldn’t stop prying if I didn’t.
“I miss my home…it felt like a different world from Forks.” That wasn’t a lie, I did miss my home, and it is literally on another planet.
“Where are you from? You never told me.” It’s always one question after the other with Edward, and I knew if I didn’t stop him eventually, he’d keep asking more.
“Canada.” I said flatly, now that was definitely a lie, Edward chortled, and rolled his eyes.
“Liar.” He accused me, but I stuck to my answer.
“What? No I’m not, I’m from Canada I swear.” I press my hand to my chest, and my other to the sky.
“Yea okay, are you ready to go, the movie will be starting soon. Before I could answer, he’s already standing, and waiting for me to join him.
The movie theater was quite empty, most teens would be out at the mall, or anything else other than watching an old ass movie like Van Helsing on a Saturday afternoon. However, Edward, and I are actually enjoying it. All that food I ate earlier is causing me feel sleepy, naturally I cozied up next to Edward. His hoodie felt incredibly soft, and smelled amazing. My body relaxed more as I curled into him, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, and pulled me in. Despite his natural cold temperature, I felt comfortable, and safe. Before I knew it, I ended up falling asleep.
“Eden wake up.” Edward’s voice whispered into my ear, I heard him the first time, but I liked hearing him at this volume.
“The movie is over…the credits have already rolled, and the screen is black.” He spoke in a hushed voice, his arms still wrapped around me, and I knew his face was close to mine. I could feel his breath against my cheek, weirdly it’s warm.
“I know you’re awake…you’re father won’t like it if we're late.” Edward teased, I groaned, pushing away from him, and standing from my seat.
“Just had to ruin it didn’t you?” We linked arms on our way back to his car, the sky turning a pink-lemonade color. Lots of dead leaves litter the ground, a tell tell sign of fall settling in, and I let out a puff of air from my cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” Edward keeps his eyes on the road, the heat blasting me in the face so hot I have to turn the vents away from me.
“I turn 18 in a few weeks, I wish it was sooner.” I mumbled as I played with the hem of my sweater, and just thinking about the argument earlier with my dad instantly angered me.
“Can’t wait to get out the house?” Edward had a tiny smile on his Cherry red lips, I wish I didn’t look at him just then, because his smile grew wider when he caught me staring.
“There’s so much I want to tell you, but I’ll wait. Do you think you can wait Edward?” I had turned to him in my seat, I watched his hands grip the steering wheel tighter, his eyes flickered to me. His nostril’s flaring, for a second I thought I made him angry, so I tried to look into his mind. It was dead silent, not a single thought, maybe I had said something?
Suddenly he started speeding, like he was in a rush to get me home. I looked at the clock on the radio, it was only 7:45, and it’s not like I lived super far from town.
“Edward…Edward slow down.” I warned him, he just shook his head in response. I don’t even think he was hearing me, like he was in his own head. Honestly his sudden change in behavior was making me uncomfortable.
I remained quiet the rest of the car, the only thing that could be heard was the heat, and the too low sound of music on the radio. The second he turned into the driveway, it just turned 8pm on the dot, and when I turned to Edward to address him he was gone out of his side of the car.
“What the–
“Eden, are you just going to sit there all night?” He snapped at me rudely, instantly his attitude agitated me.
“I’m so sick of your shit, what’s wrong with you?”
“I promised I’d have you home by 8pm.” He said avoiding my question, because I wasn’t moving at a fraction of the speed he was, Edward took it upon himself to pull me out of the car himself. My fathers car was gone, how odd, you’d think he would be home to clock the time we entered the driveway.
“How did you get on the other side of the car so fast, and stop manhandling me.” I tried to fight him off, but his grip on me is insanely tight. No matter how hard I shoved against him I could get free. This was embarrassing, all I can hear in my head is my father bitching about my training.
“Edward.” I hissed, I struggled against him all the way up to my front door.
I said off! I shouted, I knocked my head back into his chest, and Edward went sliding back a few inches. I was trying not to make a scene outside, but he was acting like such a brat.
“Why do you always have to be a jackass?”
“Maybe because I am! God you’re annoying.” Edward clinched his jaw, his thick eyebrows pinched together, and his hands balled into fist. I noticed how his pupils are blown wide like that of a wild animal who has their sights set on their prey.
“First of all–
“We can’t be friends anymore.” He said cutting me off, he took a step closer to me, I stood my ground regardless.
“What?” What did I do this time? He’s being so cold again, but this time it stings a bit more.
You’re starting to get so annoying, I can’t stand being around you anymore. I thought I could smile my way through it, but it’s not working. You’re just like everyone else…a waste of time. Edward’s voice sounded…like he was disgusted, like he chewed me up, and spit me out. Well, at least that’s how it felt, and I never thought a boy would make me want to cry. He was just so nasty about it, when a few hours ago he wrapped his arm around me, and held me close.
“You’re making a bad choice Edward Cullen. You won’t find anyone else like me.” I remained cool on the surface, my voice low, and almost inaudible. For a second his eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn’t place. It happened too fast.
“If you wanna be gone, stay fucking gone.” I folded my arms, my hip jutted out. Edward’s eyelids popped wide open as if he couldn’t believe I reflected his own attitude back at him. I think he was more shocked than anything, his thoughts were jumbled, and angry which is unlike him. I rolled my eyes, I’m not sure what he expected.
“You can get the fuck off my pourch now.” My lips pursed to keep from crying, I refused to cry in front of him. This jackoff thinks playing with my emotions is a fucking game. Edward sneered at me like he had something else to say, but decided against it. He stalked off to his car, slamming the door, whipping out of the driveway, and sped down the street.
I stormed into the house, and up the stairs to my bedroom. That’s when the tears finally flow, heavy, and hot. I hated crying, I hated feeling like this, and I hate Edward. I inhaled sharply, and exhaled. It was like he never existed.
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devoidwrites · 3 years
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Summary: Felix was your best friend’s twin brother, and the two of you would flirt back and forth. Which one of you will admit your feelings for each other first?
Words: 1.9K
Genre: non idol au, college au, fluff
Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Warnings: none.
“Girl, what would you do? Would you wanna stay if I were to say?”
“Mr. Moon has lost his mind if he thinks i’m going to kiss Yang Jeongin on stage in front of hundreds of people.”
You snickered at your best friend. “Oh come on Maya he’s not that bad.”
“That’s the problem!” She whined. “He’s so hot. How am I supposed to hold my composure when he’s the Romeo to my Juliet?”
She had been freaking out about this play for weeks. At first their director said he was cutting out the kiss scene, but he changed his mind. That lead to you having to listen to her ramble about Jeongin for days on end.
“You enjoy the couple of seconds you get to kiss him?” You suggested. You stepped into her kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. “Literally every girl on campus would kill for your spot.”
“Better make sure your food isn’t poisoned.” A voice chimed in. Felix waltzed into the kitchen with a grin on his lips. “Who knows what those girls would do to get your spot.”
“I hate both of you.” Maya muttered before opening the fridge. You glanced at one another with a knowing smirk on your lips. As her best friend, and her twin brother that was obviously a lie.
“If you’re that against it Y/n and I can take over for you.” He suggested. He quickly got on his knees and turned to you with an over dramatic expression. “O- Juliet my dear. Will you run away with me and we’ll spend the rest of our lives together?”
You were quick to jump in. You grabbed his hand. “Oh Romeo. Of course I will. We’ll spend the rest of our days together.”
Your performance was clearly inaccurate since the two of you were not majors in theatrical arts. However, it made Maya laugh. So, a job well done.
“Good thing you two are majoring in different subjects.” She chastised.
It was a fair point. You were far better at remembering bone fractures and sicknesses than reciting a poem. It didn’t bother you a bit. You preferred becoming a doctor over an actress anyways.
“Maybe, but Felix will always be the Romeo to my Juliet.” You teased, giving a smile towards the brunet. He placed a hand over his heart longingly.
“This is why we always go to your place.” Maya groaned in annoyance. “I’m tired of seeing you guys flirt all the time.”
“Would you rather us date instead?” Of course, Felix’s remark was teasing, but you couldn’t help the way your stomach flipped at the idea of actually dating him.
He was charming, caring, and beyond attractive. He was a package deal, and anyone would be lucky to even get a chance with him. You stayed to the side and didn’t bother with it. He was your best friends brother. You didn’t want to cross any unspoken boundaries.
So, you played it off with a scoff. “In your dreams Chef Boyardee.”
“What? Is a chef not good enough for you?” He stepped closer as if he was daring you. He was always playful, and you hated yet loved it. You wanted nothing more than to kiss that stupid smile off his face, but you had to play it cool.
“I don’t know. Maybe you should show me what you’ve got.”
“Bye.” Maya grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the kitchen. You heard Felix laughing on your way up the stairs and into her room.
You flopped down onto her bed, spreading out while she took comfort in her desk chair. She placed the chips on her desk, opening her computer for only she knows what.
She let out a sigh. “I wish you and Felix would get together already.”
That got your attention. You sat up, giving her a wild look. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t try and play dumb with me. I can see past all of that harmless flirting.”
“Please, I’ve known Felix for years-“
“And i’ve known both of you for longer. He’s my twin. He can’t hide something like that from me even if he wanted to. And you? I can read you like an open book. My only question is; why haven’t you asked him out yet?”
“He’s your brother.” You reminded her. “Plus I never got the vibe that he likes me back.”
It was her turn to look at you as if you were insane. “Are you serious? All of that flirting and you have the audacity to think he doesn’t have feelings for you?”
“He flirts with everyone?” You told her, although it came out more of a question.
“The only other person he flirts with is Changbin, and that’s just because it embarrasses him. With you it’s different. I can tell he’s waiting for the chance to jump on you.”
“Is this you trying to set me up with your brother?”
“If it means that I don’t have to listen to your horrific flirting anymore then yes. That’s exactly what i’m doing.”
You let out a sigh as you peeled Maya’s arm from around you. You had no idea what time it was, but it had to of been near midnight since you started the moving a little after ten o’clock.
Like usual, Maya passed out an hour into the movie, leaving you awake on your own. Pulling the blanket off of you, you stood up to go downstairs and raid their kitchen.
You tried to be quiet going down the stairs, but seeing the kitchen light was already on, you figured Felix was awake too. Your suspicions were confirmed when you saw him standing over a mixing bowl.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve caught him down here at midnight, making whatever he could think to make. Judging by the flour and the chocolate chips on the counter, it looked like he was making cookies.
You stepped into the kitchen as he placed the sheet into the over. “Whatcha making?”
He jumped slightly, but then turned to you with a smile. “ My specialty.”
“Didn’t realize you had one of those.” You teased. It was clearly a lie. His specialty was cookie. They were perfect. With just enough chocolate chips and a soft gooey inside they tasted like heaven.
He gave you a playful glare. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me y/n l/n.”
“We’ve been friends for five years. I know enough.”
He set hit whisk to the side, turning to fully face you. “You think so?”
“I know your favorite color is yellow. You used to have a problem with your freckles, which is bullshit by the way- they’re beautiful.” You counted off your fingers. “You took a band course on high school-“
“We don’t talk about that.”
Snickering, you continued. “You’re terrified of anything slightly scary. Your favorite kind of movies are comedies. You love playing league. When you can’t sleep you stay up late at night baking-“
“Okay. okay.” He held a hand up, stopping you from rambling on. “Are you sure your aren’t just stalking me?”
“You wish.” You rolled your eyes in a playful manor. “Unfortunately for me, in the last six years of knowing Maya i’ve gotten to know you too.”
“Would you like to get to know me even more?” There it was again. The flirting that drove you absolutely mad. The sly grin on his lips made your heart race.
“Don’t say something you don’t mean Felix.”
He took a step closer to you, tilting his head slightly. “Who says I don’t mean it?”
You couldn’t help the scoff that slipped past your lips. “You’re always flirting with me.”
“Maybe i’m doing it in hopes you’ll actually catch on.” He gave you a pointed look. With furrowed eyebrows, you tried to understand what he was talking about.
“God, how could you be so smart, but so dense.” A smile made its way to his lips. “You can name every single bone in the body, but you can’t see that I have feelings for you?”
“That’s not funny.” You shook your head. You thought he was only playing, but the look on his face told you he was serious.
“I’m not laughing. Y/n, I’ve liked you ever since I first laid eyes on you.”
It hit you like a train wreck. He didn’t flirt with you right when you met. He didn’t start until after you broke up with Kim Seungmin. From that point it just kept on, even after you’ve dated Choi Jongho and Choi Soobin.
He had been honest with his feelings this whole time. You were the one that was too stupid to realize it. “Are you the ones that scared my exes off?”
“In my defense, they asked me to stop hanging out with you and i told them that was up to you and not me.” He shrugged.
You gave him an incredulous look. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to make things awkward between us and Maya if it didn’t turn out how i thought.” He took another step closer. This time he placed a hand on your cheek. “She may or may not have told me you liked me back.”
You couldn’t be mad at her for that right? She was trying to help the both of you out. You’ve had a crush on Felix for almost eleven months, but he’s felt like this for four years.
“So what do you think Y/n? Will you let me be your last first kiss?”
The words itself shocked you. Last first kiss. That meant he wanted to spend forever with you. Can’t say you didn’t feel eased at the idea.
“Not feeling bold anymore?” He teased you. “What happened to the y/n that would tease me back?”
“She’s currently trying to figure everything out.”
“Let me help you then.”
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. His lips were soft as you had expected, but it was so much better than the dreams you had about him. It was so much more caring. So much more real.
You kissed him back almost instantly. Bringing your arms up, you wrapped them around his neck to pull him closer. His slipped around your waist, gripping your hips as your lips continued to press together.
You pulled away from him, staring up at him with wide eyes. He chuckled. “Did that help any?”
You almost wanted to pinch yourself. To make sure you weren’t dreaming. A smile found its way to your lips. “I don’t know. Maybe you should try to convince me again.”
“hm, alright.”
Your lips pressed against his once more. This time the kiss was more passionate, and a lot more heated. He picked you up and placed you on the counter, letting you wrap your legs around him to pull him even closer.
His hands tickled your sides, making you squirm slightly. You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past your lips, but you didn’t pull apart until-
The sound of the oven going off made the two of you spring apart. Felix pulled out of your grasp to go check on the cookies. Hopefully they weren’t burnt. You could really go for one about now.
“You almost made me burn my cookies!”
“You’re the one that started flirting with me first!”
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levworship · 4 years
Okay but I just read what the other anon requested and that was so good?? I didn’t think I had a thing for receiving oral but wtf 😭🤚could I maybe request smth if you got time?? Could it be a reunion between volleyball teams from miyagi and tokyo? So nekoma, fukorodani, seijoh, Johzenji (terushima’s tongue piercing PLS), karasuno, itachiyama You were the old manager of nekoma and was friends with literally everyone, during the talk kuroo somehow mentioned that in the nekoma reunion like 2 years ago it somehow ended with the main guys all taking turns eating you out and that pisses off the rest of the guys because that was their fantasy?? This ends up with you (with consent ofc) being sat down on kuroo’s lap as the guys also take turns eating you out (inspired by the other anon because 😩) I understand if you obviously can’t mention everyone, but pls mention terurshima, sakusa (who would only let you make a mess on his face) and bokuto if you could <3 ALSO the idea of two people eating you out at the same time, maybe bokuto and terushima?? IM NASTY OKAY BUT PLS DO THAT
Ty in advanceeee
i’m usually pretty fast but this took me a whole two days to write smh i’m sorry anon. hope you enjoy tho <3 i wanted it to be a lil longer but i’m so tired and i rlly wanted to get this out for you.
cw: group sex (like.. big group), hella sub reader, also fem reader, anal lol, oral (fem reviving), kuroo is the ringleader, humiliation ig, reader kinda into it doe, dirty talk, degrading + praise, squirting, overstimulation
summary: basically everyone wants to eat out/fuck y/n. explicitly written in here is kuroo, oikawa, sakusa, bokuto, and terushima. the rest is implied.
word count: about 1.9k
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your face was buried into kenma’s stiff shoulder, your whole body feeling hot as your group of friends continued to talk about you as if you weren’t even there. but clearly they hadn’t forgotten about you too much considering the way their eyes burned holes into you from all around so indiscreetly that you couldn’t even sit your ass still.
you weren’t quite sure how the previous conversation had shifted so suddenly, but kuroo seemed more than happy with the subject change as his signature asshole smirk never left his features. “- yeah, ‘bout two years ago i’d say. she was a good fuck too. poor thing was so eager to make us feel good that she passed out.” kuroo continued to drag his story as if to intentionally provoke the others, and the staring at you only got worse. your nerves were shot.
you looked and felt like a precious bunny being stared down by a bunch of wolves. and honestly? it was hot as fuck.
which is why you didn’t bother to argue when you were practically dragged into the locker room of the old gym, daichi hurriedly locking the door behind all of you. you couldn’t help but feel bad for just a second. ‘didnt some of these guys have girlfriends? couldve sworn i saw terushima enter with some girl.’ but how could you possibly focus on that when your clothes were being literally ripped off of you and disregarded to who knows where?
your legs felt weak, both out of shock and nervousness from being handled so roughly. “bring her here, bo. sit her down on my lap.” bokuto (for perhaps the first time in his life) was silent as he dragged you over to the other ex-captain, setting you down in his lap on his spot on the bench just as he’d requested. kuroo snickered and raised a hand to cup your cheeks, squeezing them together like you were a little baby before releasing.
“ease up, will ya? so damn tense i can feel it from here. you know we’ll take good care of you.” he spoke so lowly and reassuringly that you couldn’t help but to nod like a fool as he turned you around in his lap to fit the others. he tapped your thigh once, twice, and you quickly picked up on the hint and opened your legs for their viewing pleasure. you tried to put your face down as you were smothered in shame from just how quickly you got wet from their rough handling, but kuroo gripped onto your face once again and forced you to look up.
“look up, baby. so many big strong men dying to make you cum so fucking hard. be a little more thankful, yeah? say it.” “thank you.” he shook his head with a small laugh before releasing your face, but not before lightly tapping your face twice with soft slaps. still, you remained out of it even as oikawa settled himself between your legs, looking up at you with the same lazy smile you frequently saw him wearing around you.
“smells so damn good. finally gonna let me get a taste, cutie?” he spoke lowly as if he were to himself before diving in and holy shit. you figured he’d be pretty experienced. the guy was a literal chick magnet. but damn, this exceeded your expectations by far. your body threatened to curl over itself if it hadn’t been for kuroo’s sturdy grip on your twitching thighs. the way he sucked vigorously at your clit while swiping his tongue along your folds to capture more of your essence had you drawing nothing but blanks up there.
“haven’t even cum yet for us and already going dumb?” kuroo teased, planting a kiss just behind your ear, a shocking contrast to the way oikawa’s tongue worked against you just right.
the air around you was so thick you felt as if it could be cut with a knife. some of the guys surrounding you couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, nervously shuffling their feet without taking your eyes off of you. others had clearly overcome any former shame, already slowly pumping their cocks in their hands as they hoped and prayed that they would get a turn soon. the whole scene made you feel so dirty— so wanted. the desire that leaked from their looks on you had your orgasm approaching faster than ever.
oikawa seemed to have noticed this, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to make sure you felt him deep, muttering a quick “cum on my fucking mouth, princess.” the simple phrase alone made your orgasm crash down on you finally. your fingers tangled in his soft hair, which was now messy and tossed thanks to you.
you nearly passed out right there when he continued to lick you clean even as you violently shook in kuroo’s grasp, the black haired boy having to shove the other away forcefully just to separate his mouth from you. “that’s enough of that. did he make you feel good baby?” your eyes are still shut as you cling onto the leftover bliss, only offering a quiet “mhm.” “good girl. think you can give us another?” the question was clearly rhetorical, which should’ve been clear by the was he was already gesturing someone else forward. but still, you shook your little fucked out head ‘no’ and prayed upon some god that he’d have mercy on your poor quivering cunt.
but you knew better than to expect mercy from kuroo of all people. especially when it came to your body, when he kept whispering to you about how you were such a “perfect little toy,” and his “favorite doll to use.” before you knew it sakusa was diving into your pussy quickly without giving you time to do so much as muster up the energy to open your eyes again. his mouth was quick and desperate to get you off, moving with a sense of urgency as his hands busied themselves palming at his covered dick. he wasn’t nearly as precise or experienced as oikawa was, but his eagerness made up for it as he ate you out like a starved man.
your hips threatened to buck against his face wildly, cries of “please, please, please” falling from your mouth even though you didn’t even know what you were begging for. all you knew was that you needed more than what he was giving you right now. the man above you seemed to have read you like an open book once again as he released one of your thoughts to reach a hand around to your sensitive bud, pressing down on it softly. “see this?” he murmured, only receiving a small “hm.” in acknowledgement as omi continued his assault on your little hole. greedy fuck. “try touching her here. she loves that shit.” you cried out for more again, clenching tightly at the way he spoke of your body as if you weren’t even there.
the second sakusa tore himself away from your folds to wrap his lips around your clit, you were a goner for sure. there was a distant scream that you didn’t even recognize as your own until kuroo muffled them with his hand, body twitching and jerking more than it had the previous time. the room fell to a sudden silence even as you came down from your high, causing you to let out a confused hum.
kuroo’s chuckle broke the quietness, his large hand slapping your wet overstimulated mound and making you yelp. “didn’t know you were a squirter, baby. how come you didn’t do this for us the first time hm?” another rhetorical question. his hand trailed down lower, collecting some of your juices before he began to prod a finger at your other hole. “fuck- gonna let me bury myself in here again? want both of your holes fucked out?” and you couldn’t help but cry out because fuck yes! you couldn’t think of anything you’d want more. you nodded your head and panted like a sex craved mutt, and perhaps you would’ve been as humiliated as you were before if you weren’t so damn thirsty for it. every inch of you was begging to be ravished and destroyed, and you couldn’t help but grow more and more impatient as the time passed.
kuroo didn’t take his eyes off of you as he nodded towards the crowd once again, sakusa taking the hint and reluctantly scurrying off to palm at himself through his sweatpants just as he previously had. kuroo’s command must’ve been unclear though, as both of you were pulled away from your eye contact at the sound of a comical bonk followed by two grunts of “ow.” perhaps you would’ve laughed if the two aforementioned fools weren’t kneeling in front of your drenched pussy, ready to service you eagerly just as the other two had.
a chill ran up your spine as you surveyed each of their features. while both of them shared the same underlying expressions of lust and desperation, you couldn’t help but note how bokuto’s face resembled one of an excited puppy dog that perhaps would’ve been adorable in another circumstance while terushima’s was much more primal. “look at that” kuroo’s voice in your ear dragged you back out of your own head as he slowly sunk another finger into your tight ass. just because he was going to treat you like a whore didn’t mean you didn’t deserve prep. “making a fool out of themselves, all because they’re so desperate to get a taste of that perfect pussy. doesn’t that make you feel filthy?”
kuroo couldn’t do anything but shake his head at your lack of response, finally releasing your thighs for a moment to grab at both of their napes, silently demanding for you to hold them open yourself. “well? since you’re both so impatient, think you two can work together as a team? if i hear her complain even one time, i’m not letting either of you touch again.”
the two of them nodded obediently, and your eyes nearly rolled back at how demanding kuroo was being right now. it was clear that everyone knew who was truly holding the ropes here, and yet no one was complaining about the arrangement. seemingly satisfied with their responses, kuroo released their necks and his hands smacked yours away so he could replace them and hold up your thighs himself once again. “think you’re ready to take my cock now in here, y/n?” he smirked as he lined himself up. “gonna let me fuck this ass while you let both of them eat that slutty pussy? such a dirty girl. so fuckin’ good for us” he continued to spew filth at you as he lined himself up at your entrance, allowing you to sink down slowly.
you hissed at the stretch, but of course didn’t have much time to focus on the sensation because bokuto and terushima had finally decided that they’d been waiting for long enough. they worked diligently, the cool metal of teru’s tongue piercing flicking against your bud while bokuto slurped on your juices so loudly that the sound filled the room in the most embarrassing way possible.
yeah. you were in for it tonight.
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sorry for mistakes or inconsistencie. requests for bnha and haikyuu are open.
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elftwink · 3 years
no thoughts only taakitz superhero/villain coffeeshop au. taako’s power is shapeshifting but he has a cool gun from lup. kravitz’s power is Big Fuckin Scythe With Unspecified Abilities. also there was no time to get into it but fantasy starbucks isn’t a real starbucks it’s a borderline illegal unaffiliated bootleg starbucks that taako and lup own. like dumb starbucks was.
By all rights, it should have been a fairly routine night for the Reaper. Go out, stop some crimes, arrive just in time to prevent whatever scheme the Mongoose had cooked up this week, exchange some one liners, make some threats that essentially amounted to ‘same time next week?’, the works. A regular Tuesday as a superhero in Neverwinter.
But Kravitz is tired, and more than a little distracted, so he’s not doing so hot on the one liners, and the Mongoose’s attacks are a little closer than they would normally be. He doesn’t even have a good excuse, it’s not like he’s injured, or that he has anything pressing to think of.
It was just— this morning his barista (who he may or may not have been harbouring a small crush on) had mentioned offhand that he thought the Reaper was ‘probably hot under the stupid all-black getup’, and Kravitz didn’t really know what the protocol was for someone complimenting your alter-ego was.
“I think if you were gonna go for the strong silent type, you had to start doing it months ago. Now it’s just acting like an asshole. Are you mad at me?” the Mongoose cuts into his thoughts, firing off another few missiles from his stupid umbrella gun (Umbrastaff, he called it, although it was a gun and not a staff so Kravitz had no idea why he insisted on calling it that).
“We are literally fighting as we speak,” says Kravitz, playing up the cockney accent, spinning his scythe to deflect the missiles off the blade, sending them ricocheting around the room. He’d said something like ‘how can you tell’ to Taako— the barista (well, they’d been on a first name basis for a few weeks, so, Taako), and he’d said ‘I can just tell’ which was not at all helpful in getting Kravitz through the conversation without saying or doing something to give himself away.
He’d almost given Taako his number, but how was he going to justify that? Hey, it’s me under the all black getup. Do you want to go out sometime? As if.
“You can have fights without being fuckin’ rude,” says the Mongoose, firing off another few rounds, which Kravitz deflects again, advancing on him.
“You’re right, sorry. I’m a bit scattered. Not exactly my A game.” As if to prove his point, the Mongoose easily dodges his next couple swings with the scythe, not even bothering to leave his range.
“Clearly. I mean, normally you’re at least close enough that I can feel the breeze from your sword.”
“It’s not a sword, and you know that.” Kravitz brings down the scythe in the space where the Mongoose was only seconds before, having already backflipped out of the way and landed a few metres back. Show off. Not that Kravitz had room to complain about that. The Mongoose spins to face him again, at least this time seemingly aware of what a close call that was. He’s tense, and his hair, which Kravitz supposes has thus far been hidden underneath his costume, has come somewhat unravelled, black braid falling to the middle of his back.
It seems... familiar?
He doesn’t have time for that right now. Kravitz draws back the scythe, feeling the hum of energy under his fingers, swinging again, and—
“Wait! Time out!” the Mongoose puts up a hand and Kravitz, for who knows what reason, stops his scythe mid-swing. The familiarity sticks, so it’s not just a trick of the light. It takes him a second to place, but the hairstyle... it looks a lot like a certain barista he’d been spending all night thinking about.
He shakes his head, trying to clear it. It’s because he has Taako on the brain, is all. Besides, he has other things to worry about besides seeing his crush in his enemy. Namely the fight currently happening with said enemy. “What? You can’t call a time out.”
“I just did,” says the Mongoose, fishing through his pockets and pulling out several bobby pins, sticking them in his mouth so he can use both hands to fix his hair. Kravitz blinks, still trying to shake off the sense of deja vu, but it won’t quit nagging him. “It’s a whole safety issue to leave long hair down.”
“It’s still in a braid,” retorts Kravitz.
“Somebody never took Foodsafe.” the Mongoose gives him a lopsided grin that Kravitz fucking knows he’s seen before, and suddenly it’s more than just passing familiarity, and how could he possibly have not noticed before, and— the Mongoose finishes putting up his hair, raising an eyebrow at Kravitz and his private crisis. “Alright. Ready—”
“You work at Fantasy Starbucks,” blurts Kravitz, without even thinking about it. The Mongoose stops dead in his tracks, and Kravitz can see his eyes widen even behind the mask. He splutters for a moment, and then seems to find his footing, already ready with a snarky remark.
“Yeah, well— your accent is fake.”
Shit. He’d forgotten. At the only time so far that having it would have been useful too. Still, he pushes it out of his mind; the Mongoose hadn’t denied it. And, well, he’s already solidly derailed this fight, so he might as well get some real confirmation out of it.
“...Taako? It is you, isn’t it?”
“Just who the fuck are y—” The Mongoose— Taako— levels the Umbrastaff at him, and then stops again. “...Kravitz?”
Well. Shit. Again. Kravitz doesn’t bother to affirm that; his silence is more than enough confirmation. One of them has to say or do something, but the seconds stretch on.
“You’re telling me I said all that shit to your face this morning?” says Taako.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?”
“Uh, yeah—” Taako is backing up now, and they’ve fought enough times that Kravitz knows when the Mongoose is looking for an escape route; Kravitz’s feet still feel glued to the floor, even when Taako reaches the window, fingers already turning to talons around the Umbrastaff. Taako breaks the glass (because of course he does, even though the windows aren’t even fucking locked), breaking eye contact with Kravitz in order to swing his legs through the window before his form changes too much. “Look, this is like, a lot right now, and I— I’m getting the fuck out of here,” he says, and then drops. Whatever had been keeping Kravitz in place, slack jawed, ends as soon as Taako leaves his sight, and he’s moving before he has time to think about it.
“Wait—!” Kravitz runs for the window, but by the time he gets there, the bird clutching the Umbrastaff is nearly out of sight.
Well. That could have gone better.
Kravitz doesn’t go for his coffee the next day. Or the next day, either, although the day after that he’s sick of making his own coffee. And frankly, he misses chatting with Taako. Even if the guy was trying to kill him like once a week. He couldn’t just avoid this forever.
Still, the fact that Taako is working cash when he comes in makes him want to turn tail and run back home. He conjures up the memory of yesterday’s shitty coffee and pushes onward. The shop is mostly empty still, so there’s no line.
“The usual?” says Taako, like nothing abnormal has happened.
“Please,” says Kravitz, and then, before he can chicken out entirely, adds, “Uhm, do you have a few minutes?”
“My shift isn’t over until—”
“I’ll cover you,” comes Lup’s voice from the back room; she pokes her head out and gives Taako a look that is clearly significant, but that Kravitz can’t quite puzzle out. “Take five minutes after you’re done making his coffee.”
Taako scowls at her, and she smiles brightly before heading to the back again.
“Okay. I guess I have five minutes. Talk to you after I make your coffee.”
Kravitz nods, and goes to hover around the pickup counter, pretending to be interested in things on his phone. Taako makes his coffee in a ceramic mug, which at least means he doesn’t want Kravitz to get the fuck out as soon as possible, so that’s... something.
Taako slides the finished coffee across the counter, circling around to join Kravitz on the customer side as Kravitz grabs the mug.
“Lup!” he hollers, and then starts walking towards one of the corner booths without checking to see if his sister is headed to cash or if Kravitz is following. Kravitz does, though, sliding himself into the seat opposite Taako, hands wrapped tightly around the mug.
Taako speaks first. “To be honest, I kinda thought you would rat me out.”
“That would be shitty of me, to just sic authorities on your place of work without so much as a warning.”
“So is this the warning?”
“No,” says Kravitz, taking a sip of his coffee, “I... can’t really make coffee without burning it. And this is the only place for miles with tolerable muffins.”
Taako cracks a grin, like Kravitz knew he would. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” His smile falls, and he crosses his arms and leans back. “So. Reaper. Why didn’t you rat me out?”
Why indeed. Kravitz takes another sip of his coffee and thinks for a second, not even sure himself what his explanation will be once he starts talking.
“It didn’t seem... fair. You’re less of a villain and more of a pain in my ass—” Kravitz ignores Taako’s indignant noise and keeps talking, “—and while we always have cause to fight when on the clock, you’re not doing anything that I feel needs to leave the bounds of those... work hours, I guess.”
Taako is trying to pick him apart with his gaze; it’s something he’s been subjected to several times, although normally in costume, and in retrospect it’s difficult to imagine how he spent so long not noticing the Mongoose in Taako.
Whatever Taako is looking for, he must find it, because he relaxes a bit, and shoots him a lazy grin. “Plus, Mongoose related insurance just got rolling and it would be fuckin’ rude to take me out of commission before anyone got to use theirs.”
Kravitz laughs. “Sure.” He’s silent for a second, before adding, “You aren’t planning on revealing my secret identity, are you? Awfully rude of you to double cross me like that.”
“Wha— You didn’t even give me a chance to respond! Maybe I wasn’t!”
“Were you?”
“I was,” admits Taako, not even pretending to look sheepish. Kravitz raises his eyebrows, and Taako shrugs. “Oh, like you didn’t think about revealing my secret identity? And could you imagine the hype if I unmasked the Reaper? I was tempted.” He sighs. “But I figured then you’d have no reason to keep my identity a secret. No way am I risking a backfire like that.”
It sounds callous, but Kravitz has been talking to Taako almost daily for months; at this point, he can pretty reliably pick up on when Taako isn’t being entirely truthful about something.
“Hmm. Then I suppose it’d be in my best interest not to tell you that I wouldn’t reveal your identity even if you revealed mine?”
Taako narrows his eyes. “Why not?”
Kravitz makes a face. “It’s just in poor taste. I just think we all go through all the trouble to hide who we are and use these powers for good— or whatever it is you do— that it’s always going to be such a low blow to reveal who we are. There might be times where it’s necessary, but petty revenge is not one of them.”
Taako’s expression hasn’t changed; if anything, he’s narrowed his eyes more. “God, you are like— fuckin’ irritatingly nice. Fine. I wasn’t going to reveal your identity. That would be fuckin’ annoying to deal with. Plus I’m having fun.”
“Oh don’t— don’t fucking lie to me. I know you’re having fun out there too. With your stupid accent and one liners and shit.”
“Alright, alright,” says Kravitz, rolling his eyes. “But I’m not supposed to be having fun, so keep it quiet.”
“See, that’s why I market myself as a villain. No dumb rules.” He puts an elbow on the table and leans on his hand. “Why do you have a fake accent anyway?”
Heat rises to Kravitz’s face, and he’s hoping he looks less embarrassed than he feels. “It’s my— I do it so people don’t recognize my voice.”
Taako laughs. “Well, it doesn’t really do that if you immediately stop using it when you realize you might know someone.”
“I was caught off guard!” defends Kravitz. “It’s not every day you find out your nemesis is your barista.”
“Nemesis, huh?” Taako grins. “Didn’t realize it was that serious to you. You know I have other heroes to fight.”
Kravitz rolls his eyes again. “I don’t see how you have the time, considering how often you’re causing trouble for me.”
Taako laughs, and it’s so contagious and the whole conversation is so surreal Kravitz can’t help but laugh too, before they both lapse into a comfortable, if drawn out, silence.
“So, uh,” says Taako eventually, “what now?”
“Well,” says Kravitz, “I want to keep coming in for coffee in the mornings. And I assume the Mongoose will continue with... whatever chaos it is you currently have planned.”
“It’s not chaos,” insists Taako, “I have plans. But yeah. And I assume the Reaper is gonna show up and throw a wrench in those plans?”
“Yes, probably. So we’ll just be enemies by night...” Kravitz trails off, not entirely sure how to refer to their by day relationship. Friends? Potential love interests? Acquaintances? There’s a few seconds of awkward silence before Kravitz gives up entirely.
Taako pulls and pen and a napkin out of his pocket, jotting something down and pushing it towards Kravitz.
“Here’s, uh, here’s my number. If you give me a heads up five minutes before you get here, we can have your coffee ready by the time you walk in. If you’re nice to me out there.”
“I don’t take bribes,” says Kravitz, grabbing the napkin and pulling out his phone to type in the number.
“That wasn’t a bribe, it was a threat. You don’t even wanna know what I’ll do to your coffee if you fuck me up.”
Kravitz doesn’t bother to point out that neither of them have ever caused any extreme bodily harm to one another and instead says, “So you’re asking me to go easy on you? I thought you were having fun.” He sends Taako a ‘hey it’s kravitz’ text before he has time to second guess himself.
“Could you stop poking holes in my threats? You’re harshing my fuckin’ vibe, Krav.” He sounds irritated, but Kravitz can see the smile tugging at his lips as he texts Kravitz a couple of skull emojis. “I should get back to work before my sister kicks my ass,” he says, standing back up. “I’ll see you tonight, nemesis.” Then he turns on his heels and heads back to the counter, saying something to Lup as he walks by. Kravitz watches him disappear into the back room.
Kravitz had better make sure he had hung his cloak up to dry.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
(Long ask btw)
Coming from someone who was quite neutral on the ships until the bonus chapter (Azriel and Elain had there moments and Gwyn was a nice addition but the actual book didn’t seem to have that much of a romantic coding between them), I find it rather odd when people say Rhys was out of line. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Rhys (especially during ACOSF) I found his action reasonable and not just in a High Lord to subject power dynamic. I think a lot of people were rushing to finish the chapter and see what was going to happen next, that they didn’t bother to see the reasons of Rhysand’s actions beyond the answer he stated.
Before he even told Azriel he couldn’t go after Elain he asked many questions to his brother. “What are your plans?” We see in Azriel’s mind he admits he hadn’t thought past his sexual fantasies. “What about Mor?” Azriel ignores this question and rather talks about how The third sister was given (not meant, but given like some object) to another. “You think you deserve her?” (Important to note that Rhys visibly pales here I believe) Rather than answer that very important question Azriel speaks on behalf of Elain to say she doesn’t want Lucien (which we don’t truly know as we don’t have her POV).
It is then and only then after those 3 vital questions-questions that should be convincing us that Azriel and Elain are supposed to be together- go completely ignored that Rhys tells Azriel to stay away from Elain. People seem to forget that these two are brothers. It was obvious to me that Rhys saw something amiss with Azriel (as seen with his reactions to Azriel’s responses) and from there told him to stay away. It was from the aspect of a High Lord to his subject and one brother to another that Rhys came from. Azriel is a toxic character right now and Rhys, his brother who has know him for 500 years and who is a literal mind readers, knows that.
I would also like to add that it is canon that the brother beat the ever-living crap out of each other (like bleeding, bruises, black eyes, etc) when they are mad, yet telling the other to not pursue a girl who they clearly put on a pedestal, who they only care sexually about, who they think they are entitled to, is where y’all draw the line????
This ask is one of the most valid things I've ever read.
We've all been so concerned about what Azriel did or didn't say, that we haven't thought about whether or not he was given the opportunity, or was allowed an opening, to talk about how he feels about Elain. And he was given that opportunity, explicitly.
What are your plans with Elain? Nothing.
And your feelings for Mor? Nothing.
You think you deserve "the third sister" (since Az doesn't even say "Elain")? Nothing.
All of those are important questions, and they aren't straight-up "how do you feel about her" because that's not what anyone is looking for. (Ugh, if only it were that easy.) That would be the definition of telling us the story, rather than showing it. I don't think that sjm is the queen of showing - in fact I think that she tells quite a bit. But in this scene, Sarah Rhys asks Azriel three times about what he thinks or feels towards Elain/Mor, and Azriel refuses to answer. And at a moment like this, of all moments? When he knows that Rhys is pissed at him and has said to not go near her? He has nothing better to say than deflection??
Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak the words aloud.
Rhys's face drained of color. "You believe you deserve to be her mate?"
That just reinforces that it's not about Elain at all. And it's certainly not about his feelings for her, because the slightest hint to Rhys that Azriel had feelings, and Rhys would have changed his tune. Rhys knows Azriel better than anyone else, except maybe Cassian. And even Rhys's face lost color, as you noted, when he heard how Azriel was talking about Elain (or refusing to, rather). He was disturbed. And a literal mind reader as you also pointed out. Rhys knows what’s up.
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
laughing gas - mai zenin x reader
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request: “Mai Zenin x Fem S/o, where the s/o gets their wisdom tooth removed and confesses their love to mai acting all sweet and cute, mai then takes care of her s/o and confesses too, we can see mai being her bratty and confident self but when she is with her s/o she just lets her walls down” - @shockfirefly
summary: in the request! (genre: fluff, friends to lovers, slice of life, humor)
warnings: reader is high on anesthesia if that counts as a warning, swearing, mostly just tooth rotting fluff (literally!!)
word count: 2k
a/n: i really enjoyed writing this request! at this point i’m basically just a mai zenin stan account tbh but the requests for her are just so fun to write. i’m almost on summer break so hopefully i’ll be more active bc i have a few ideas i’m excited to write for!!
it seriously took everything in mai’s willpower to not immediately whip out her phone to film your groggy state the moment she stepped into the room where you had just gotten your surgery done. she stifled a laugh at the bandage wrapped around your head, vaguely reminiscent of the one noritoshi had worn following the exchange event. when your eyes flicker over to meet her gaze, you give what she can only assume is your attempt at a smile, but looks more like a dog caught eating its owner’s dinner, with your face all swollen and slightly flushed.
forget that willpower shit.
she shamelessly calls out your name, to which you respond like an eager little kid. “say cheese!” she gives you an uncharacteristically wide grin to signal you to mirror her actions. you seemed to not learn from your previous mistake and attempted to smile back at her, before immediately cutting yourself off with a muffled groan. she hardly bothered with hiding her giggle this time, but at the very least she had the decency to cover her mouth as she cracked up.
with an annoyed pout on your face, you huffed and turned to the nurse standing beside you, who you were apparently to loopy to notice had joined in with mai on giggling at your grogginess. “she’s so mean to me!” you said, though your tone had no real irritation to it.
“it’s just to send to utahime. she wants to make sure your doing alright.” mai lied straight through her teeth, though you seem satisfied enough with that answer as you started to push yourself up from the seat you’d been in. mai quickly rushed to your side, knowing you weren’t sensible enough at the moment to ask for her help. before you could stand up and inevitably wobble over, she looped an arm around your waist and moved your arm so it was slung over her shoulders.
“alright champ, let’s get going.” she tried to remain as nonchalant as possible with the close proximity, but unfortunately for her, you seemed determined to embarrass her as much as possible.
“well at least buy me dinner first, ya casanova!” you said (much louder than necessary, mind you). honestly, it wouldn’t be surprising to mai if you could be heard from the waiting room.
with an over enthusiastic wave from you and an awkward thanks from mai to the nurse, you guys set off on your way.
to be fair to you, it was surprisingly a relatively tame trip to the door, with you focusing on keeping your steps in tune with mai’s. you were too lost in thought to embarrass yourself until you had made it to the waiting room. you had rather innocently pointed out a small curse, which would have been completely harmless had it not actually been an old woman, and had you not spoken with an inappropriately loud voice. the poor old lady who had fallen subject to your anesthesia induced self gave you an agitated glare as mai waved sheepishly in apology. the moment you guys were out the door, you turned back to glance through the glass.
“we’ll get her later, mai!” you patted her on the back with determination, your voice still muffled in a way that made you sound like you belonged on sesame street. “she can’t fool me, stupid curse!”
had it been anyone else, mai would have simply rolled her eyes and tugged you on, but since it was you, she found herself laughing along, a quiet laugh, like the sound of a wind chime in early spring weather. the sound seemed to catch you off guard, causing you to stop in your antics before turning to face her. she paused when she felt your gaze back on her, looking at her like a kid would look at fireworks for the first time.
she raised an eyebrow at your sudden change in demeanor. “what?”
“your laugh is pretty.” you stated simply, clearly having some pride at being the one to get her to laugh like that.
she turned away for a moment, hoping it would stop you from seeing the flush spreading across her face, knowing you’d never let her live it down. “thanks.” she muttered, praying she sounded at least a little bit cool and composed.
the short walk to the car was filled with you pointing out random cars asking if they were mai’s as you rested your head on her shoulder, before deciding the swelling was too painful for that.
a large grin which quickly turned into a grimace (you really never learned) appeared on your face when mai finally informed you that you’d made it to the right car. she held your hand to support you as you stepped into the seat, and once she’d sat down, reached over to buckle you in. she chose to ignore the over exaggerated wink you sent her way in favor of her own sanity.
as she drove, you babbled on about nonsense like how you were sure noritoshi had made mechamaru to hide the fact that he was secretly a robot, or how after that run you had gotten at the baseball game, you were sure you were destined to quit sorcery to go to the major leagues. to humor you, mai nodded along, before dryly responding that she’d probably be a better fit considering how good she looked in the baseball uniforms.
ignorant of her joking tone, you were quick to agree enthusiastically. “definitely! but i dunno if i’m the best person to ask, because i think you look good in just about anything.” your voice was sincere as you turned fully to look at her with slightly hazy eyes.
before either of you had time to process the admiration you had shown towards her, you glanced back out the window to the familiar sight of your school. you excitedly waved at the sight of todo and noritoshi sparring together. after catching his attention, todo didn’t even bother to stop the roaring laughter that came from your appearance, pointing out to noritoshi the similarities between your current look and his from just a few weeks ago. noritoshi gave todo an annoyed look, before glancing back over to see mai helping you out of the car, once again slinging your arm over her shoulders and supporting you with an arm on your waist.
she tried her best to ignore todo, she really did. though, it wasn’t exactly easy to ignore him when he loudly exclaimed what a ‘lady killer’ mai was. she snapped her gaze to meet his eyes, giving him a cold glare, before continuing to slink you along to your dorm.
when you opened the door to your dorm, the first thing mai noticed was a bulletin board on your wall, decorated with photos of all your friends, which most recently included your classmates. her eyes flicked to a photo of you next to another girl in elementary school with a smile that showed off your gap from missing teeth, and she chuckled softly at the irony of the photo compared to your current situation. her gaze then quickly shifted to a newly added strip of pictures from a photo booth. she smiled fondly at the memory of you, her, miwa, and momo sandwiching yourselves together in the tiny booth to take photos during your shopping trip. they weren’t ‘good’ photos, per say, in fact you guys all looked rather ridiculous trying to pack into frame, but for some reason, mai seemed to soften up at the memory of it, and how happy you looked just to be next to her.
her train of thought was interrupted by you tugging on the hand that didn’t rest on you, making her turn to see you mere inches from her face.
why the hell were you so close???
“yes?” she questioned, hoping to deflect from the fact that she was so obviously gushing over the photos on your wall just moments before.
“will you sleep with me?”
had you not had an arm around her, she probably would have dropped you in that instant. from the way she carried herself to the way she talked to others, most people would assume mai zenin does NOT blush, yet somehow you’d managed to disprove that theory way too many times today.
“WHAT?” it was her turn to be loud for a moment.
“i’m tireddddd” you whined “and you’re so warm.” you had stated it so casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
she groaned, as if it would cover up her sheer embarrassment at how bold you were. wordlessly, she walked you to your bed, keeping her grip on your waist secure. it was amazing how gentle she was as she laid you down on that rock solid bed all the dorms were stuck with. she pulled a blanket over you, sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed in hopes you’d doze off peacefully from there. when she didn’t shift from her position, you looked at her with a confused expression.
“wouldn’t it be more comfortable to lay down?” your words were still slightly slurred together. you rested a hand on hers. “you know i don’t mind.” despite your dazed look, she could tell your words were sincere as your thumb rubbed circles atop her hand.
mai turned to face you full on, her eyes gentle rather than their usual harsh look.
curse you for being so hard to resist.
“fine” her voice was quiet “but only because it’s my job to watch over you.” she stretched out her legs so she was laying down on the bed, pulling the blanket towards her so she could get comfortable.
“you’re so good to me mai.” you smiled. not a pained grimace, or an awkward baring of your teeth, but a smile. “people always seem to be so intimidated by you, but i don’t really get it. you’ve always been so nice to me. it’s nice.”
she didn’t understand how even when you were all loopy, you still managed to have such an effect on her. hesitantly, she reached up to grab your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours.
it seemed the boldness from your anesthesia had rubbed off on her.
before she had time to talk, you continued. “i always feel so glad when we get paired up for missions, you make me feel so safe. like, i know when i’m around you that you’ll protect me. i admire you so much for doing all that for me.”
she went slightly stiff at your...confession? declaration? what exactly would you call that? you had said it so nonchalantly, whether it was out of trying to play off your fear of rejection or legitimate confidence, it was hard to tell.
“plus you’re really pretty.” your hand squeezed hers as you looked suddenly very interested in the pattern of your blanket. it was odd, seeing you get so shy all of a sudden, though she supposed it was somewhat of a win for her.
as you stared sheepishly away from her eyes that traced over every inch of your face, you felt her hand come up to your cheek, tilting you to face her. she continued scanning your face with an impossibly soft expression, before meeting your eyes once again.
“you know i wouldn’t do all that if it was anyone else.” her voice was barely above a whisper as her eyes bore into yours. her face was so close to yours that you could feel her breath fanning lightly across your face. “it’s all for you.” you’d never seen her so earnest before.
you smiled softly at her, even despite the ridiculous bandages around your head, and your chipmunk like cheeks, she still stared at you with so much love.
“you like meeee.” your tone was teasing, but it was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that you were just as whipped as her.
“dammit. you figured me out.” she said sarcastically, shuffling forward slightly so you were flush against her.
up close, the tiredness in your glassy eyes was obvious. she sighed to herself, and slowly leaned in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
“get some sleep.” she smiled at your eyes struggling to fight open your heavy eyelids. “we have a lot to talk about once the anesthesia wears off.”
maybe todo wasn’t so far off with that ‘lady killer’ comment.
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butwhyduh · 4 years
A Date to Remember
Damian Wayne x Superman’s daughter reader
Damian is 20, reader 19, Jon is her little brother at 18 and Kon acts like an older brother to her.
Warning: angsty and kidnapping
You’d always told Damian that the sunset on the Kent farm was the best in the world. Damian smiled a little as he drove down the long road to Smallville. Damian had thought about classic dinner date in one of Metropolis’ fanciest restaurants but you insisted on meeting him in a barn.
He felt underdressed. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Why did he let Jon help him get dressed? He felt ridiculous but at least he wore sensible shoes. But deep down Damian knew you world like it. And he was certainly willing to feel a little foolish for you.
Clark was off world and Lois was on a mission. Jon had his own date in the city so it was the both of you alone tonight. How long had it been since the two of you were alone without someone around? Between his half a dozen brothers and your family with literal super hearing... yeah it’s been tough. So being 50 miles from everyone was kind of a dream.
Damian pulled in the driveway with some flowers and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door only for it to swing open. Damian noticed the splintered door frame and his heart sped up. He called your name. Act like the rich billionaire son while working like Robin, even though he wasn’t quite sure he still wanted the name.
He scanned every surface and he noticed a small scratch near the back door after looking through every room. Most people wouldn’t even notice it. You weren’t there. He looked closely and saw drag marks in the gravel path to the barn. His heart was thundering at this point. You weren’t in the barn either.
You were half Kryptonian but the genetic inheritance was complicated. Jon had won the lottery with having most of his father’s powers and not being as sensitive to Kryptonite. You had lost it. Hypersensitive to Kryptonite and only some speed and increased hearing and strength. Barely about the average human. You weren’t a fighter.
Damian pulled out his phone to call Jon.
“Bit busy here, Damian,” Jon said, sounding far from amused. Damian could hear kissing noises in the background and frowned. He didn’t want to hear that.
“Your sister is missing,” he said and he heard a lot of movement on the phone.
“The door jam was kicked in and there are scrap marks of her being dragged away. I think she’s been kidnapped,” Damian said. His voice felt tight. He, son of Batman, let his girlfriend get kidnapped. “Whoever it was clearly waited until she had no other Kryptonians around to grab her. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was taken tonight. Can you get out here? I’m calling father to try and trace her. Her phone is missing too.”
“I’m leaving in 5. Damian, if Luther has her, she can’t handle Krytonite,” Jon said, worry bleeding into his voice. “It’s like it poisons her.”
“I know. But we don’t know who has her. Let’s hope they don’t know she’s part Krytonian,” Damian said, already mentally moving on to his next step. Contact Bruce. Get the bat computer to trace her. Look for more evidence. Don’t freak out completely that she might be poisoned by Kyrotonite.
“Okay. I’m about to fly. I’ll see you soon,” Jon said before hanging up.
You woke up with a cough. You head throbbed and your stomach rolled as you laid in a bed? Maybe a couch? It was a horrible feeling but you knew exactly what it was: Kryptonite. You couldn’t forget what how that stuff made you feel. You tried to look around to see it but the room was completely dark. Night vision would be nice but you got human eyes. Your slightly enhanced hearing heard nothing but the wind outside. Okay, you were ground level or higher.
You tried to twist in the cuffs that bound your hands only to cry out. There was the Kryptonite. It was on the outside of the cuffs and you almost threw up at it touched your skin. You were cuffed with Kryptonite to a hospital bed, you figured. What other bed had areas perfect for cuffs? Your legs were equally restrained and you felt so exposed in the dark room.
Your dad was off world. He wouldn’t hear you if you called for him. But Jon might. But if you yelled, someone might come in and who knows what they would do. You’d wait a little bit longer. You wanted to fall asleep. The Kryptonite made you feel so dull. Like the first time you were exposed to it.
You were all of 4 years old. Your dad had brought you with him to the Justice League meeting. Relatively safe and Batman promised Robin would watch you. Dick was so excited to be a babysitter. You had hugged him tight enough to hurt before running to the climbing wall.
“Hey!” Called the 16 year old. “I brought games instead!”
You warily walked back over to him and card games and board games fell out of a duffle bag as he opened it. Half the stuff you were far too young for. You bent down as he scooped up his gameboy. You pulled out some games and open a side pocket to grab a small metal box. Dick sat down his gameboy carefully before turning back to you.
“Don’t open th-“ he started before you pulled open the box to show a bright green stone. Followed by you throwing up all over his bag of games. You dropped the box and sat on the floor. Dick quickly closed the box with the piece of Kryptonite and put it in his pocket. He had boroughed one of Bruce’s bags that apparently wasn’t fully unpacked.
“Dad, I don’t feel good,” you said as Clark ran over. Dick looked at you so guiltily.
“I didn’t know,” he swore. “I’m so sorry.” Bruce stood by quietly.
“We need to talk later,” Clark had told Bruce and yeah, they were mad at each other for a while.
Jon arrived shortly in a dress shirt and slacks and he looked at Damian just as weird as Damian looked at him. They had basically switched clothing.
“Not to judge but that’s date clothing? You told me to not wear flannel,” Jon said accusingly.
“That’s because your sister wanted me to wear this,” Damian said back. “Let’s focus on finding her. Father’s calling me now. We’ll change in a minute.”
“Hello, you’re on speaker phone,” Damian said.
“Her tracker is showing a warehouse owned by Luthor Corp in downtown Metropolis,” Bruce said. “Do you need help? I can see if Dick is nearby.”
“No thanks. Jon will help me. Thank you, father,” Damian said before hanging up.
“Luthor. I knew it,” Jon said with a frown. “Wait, you put a tracker on my sister? Does she know?”
“Now is not the time. Let’s get to Metropolis,” Damian said, changing the subject while both got dressed. Jon nodded and offered his arms. “I’m not being carried like that. I’ll hold on your back,” Damian said. Jon rolled his eyes and nodded again.
As they flew over corn fields and pastures, Jon began to question Damian. “So when did you put this tracker in? Does she even know? Where is it? Do I want to even know?”
“It’s sub-dermal in her forearm and I haven’t told her yet. And it’s irrelevant right now as it might save her life,” Damian said and Jon looked disgusted. “We need to focus on saving her and then you can be her angry brother.”
You moved and the cuffs burned your skin. You gasped and screamed “Jon! Kon!” You called out to them hoping one of them would hear you.
“Dad!” you cried frantic. There was no way he would hear you. “Damian! Jonathan! Conner!”
You panted and your head pounded. You were so tired. You’d lose consciousness if no one saved you. Then who knows what they would do to you.
“Superman!” You screamed desperately before finally passing out.
“Did you hear that?” Jon said as they flew towards the Metropolis skyline.
“No all I hear is wind. What did you hear?” Damian said.
“Y/n. She’s calling for us,” Jon said speeding up.
“Is she okay?” Fear bled into Damian’s voice.
“I can’t tell. I’m trying to hurry,” Jon said flying quickly towards the industrial area of the city. He landed on the roof of a warehouse. Jon’s eyes glowed as he looked through the building.
“7 men. 4 posted outside the door to the room that’s she’s being held on the 2nd floor. Her heart rate is steady and she isn’t screaming any more. Almost sounds asleep,” Jon said after his analysis.
“Probably tranquilizer. Father’s data said this building is used for research purposes. Does that fit?” Damian asked.
“Uh more like research subject holding. Maybe a small lab on the first floor but other than cameras everywhere, there isn’t much science stuff that I can scan. But also the basement is sealed off,” Jon said.
“Lead bound. You can check it out while I rescue her. 4 guys is nothing,” Jon said making a fist.
“Hold on. Luthor would probably have her surrounded by Kryptonite. Just in case one of you look for her. And that’s the last thing we need,” Damian said. “I’ll rescue her and you look for the basement. Knowing Luthor, it’s probably an entire facility of experiments below. He just hadn’t gotten her room ready yet.”
Jon looked frustrated. “Fine. You rescue her but be careful. She is the weakest of us. She’s not invulnerable to bullets or anything.”
“Most of the people I rescue aren’t either,” Damian reminded him. “And I’m certainly not taking a chance with my beloved.”
Jon looked over to respond but Damian was already gone. Just like the rest of the bats: silent goodbyes. Jon quietly moved down to the first floor. He was working but at the same time, his ear was trained on his sister’s heartbeat. Jon might be the younger sibling but she didn’t have powers and he felt so protective.
Damian rolled his eyes at the 5 ways he could see that the security sucks in the 3 minutes he hung out the window before climbing in. Large rafters and guards who didn’t bother to look up. Not to mention the fact that they let there be a solid wall between the set of guards which meant that Damian was easily able to jump down to knock them out in pairs without the other set knowing. If the security was any worse they would leave the door unlocked.
The door wasn’t unlocked but it was a deadbolt that Damian easily disabled. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was on purpose. He gulped before opening the door. What if you were really hurt? Or dead? Ignore and get in there.
Damian opened the door and he felt white hot rage. You were tied to a bed and were unconscious. You were in a nice dressy shirt and sweatpants. They’d clearly taken you while you were getting dressed. Damian wanted to kill them. He had to take a breath to help you. Jon was taking them out and Damian was on rescue. He had to stay level headed.
Even the cuffs on your wrists were inadequate. If they had attempted to restrain Damian, he would have gotten out in 3 minutes. When he was 6 years old. The Kryptonite had left nasty red burns on your skin and he clenched his jaw at the sight. Jon better be punching extra hard.
Damian picked you up bridal style and you groaned a little before turning your head against his chest. The farther he got you from that fucking Kryotonite the better you were. He took you to the roof and you started waking up.
“Damian,” you said softly and a little confused.
“Hey you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked looking all over your face for injury.
“Kryptonite. I hate that stuff,” you said. Damian grabbed your hand and you hissed. He looked to see bright red knuckles. You’d clearly fought at some point. He certainly knew the signs of punching someone.
“You fought back?”
“Yeah and hitting someone in a helmet and body armor sucks. I got just a few in before they pulled out the damn rock. I throw up every damn time,” you said shaking your head.
Before Damian could comment on how brave and stupid it was to punch body armor, there was a huge crash down on the first floor as someone flew in the building through the window. You grabbed him tightly.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kon. Conner’s here. I’m up here,” you yelled.
Conner flew up to the roof. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Kidnapped. Damian and Jon saved me. He’s still down there actually. Can you check on him?” You said. Damian suddenly stood up.
“What if you were a distraction and the real problem is downstairs?” Damian suddenly said with clarity. The Kryptonite alone was enough to hold you down. The half ass security was to hold their attention when they rescued you. Jon was already flying back down before Damian could say more. Damian weighed his options: leave you alone, bring you with him, or stay out of it and while the last sounded nice, he’d have to go in case of more Kryptonite.
Before Damian could decide, Kon was back on the roof. “You’ve got to come see this.”
Downstairs was a lead lined basement. That alone had you nervous. Jon stood by the door. Little spattering of blood could be seen on his hands. He had a hard look.
“Warning: this is going to be messed up,” he said and you were even more worried. You walked in to see cages. Kids. Unconscious adults lay around in the hallway. “They were experimenting on them.”
You felt nauseous.
“My father is on the way. This is much bigger than I thought,” Damian said messing with his comms. His free hand was on your shoulder protectively.
There were 8 kids in cages. Bruce was running tests on their blood and investigating the area as you helped to get them out of the cages. What a terrible Valentine’s Day.
“Beloved, let’s get you home. We can stay at the farm tonight. You need sleep,” Damian said worried. You looked at him distracted.
“They’re just kids.”
“Come on. Let’s go. Kon is going to stay there too. Just for the night,” Damian said helping you up. Kon flew you both back to the farm.
“I’m going back to help. You okay, kid,” Kon asked as Damian inspected the house.
“I’ll be alright. Just help those kids,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said ruffling your head. You rolled your eyes. “But seriously, the way you screamed I thought you were being murdered.”
You stiffened. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
Kon knew when to quit. Something he had learned from Tim. He gave you a big hug and flew off towards Metropolis.
“Hey. I made your bed so you can sleep,” Damian said quietly. “And a change of clothes.”
You nodded and went upstairs. Damian helped pull off your shirt and put on a sweater. He looked at the marks around your wrist and red knuckles but didn’t note any more bruises or cuts. You pulled on sweatpants and climbed in small twin bed that Lois kept for guests. The pink and yellow flowery quilt felt warm and comforting on your skin. Damian lay beside you after changing and looked at you seriously.
“What is it,” you asked.
“I was so scared tonight. I have been doing this for years and I’ve never been so worried,” he said softly and you looked down and flushed. If you weren’t so freaking sensitive to Kryptonite this wouldn’t have happened. Damian gently lifted your chin and you looked at him.
“I was scared to lose you,” he said running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m going to drive you absolutely mad because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.”
“Yeah?” You said with a little smile.
“Uh hm. But first sleep,” he said and your body certainly agreed. You curled into him and rest your head on his chest. His arms held you tightly before rubbing your back. You fell asleep to Damian staring at you. He stared at you all night, not even sleeping when Kon came in a few hours later.
“I have to know what all that was, Bruce,” you said at the Batcave the next day. “I was in there.”
He looked at you for a minute. “They were experimenting with meta DNA. All of those kids have gifts and they wanted to take you too. There were even plans to inject those kids with your blood to see if it would affect them.”
You shivered a little at the thought. Lex Luthor and his obsession with Kryptonian DNA.
“All the records were burned. Most of the warehouse too. Your brothers were.... thorough. And Clark will be home in a few days,” Bruce added.
“Yes. And he’s furious at Luthor. Probably will call soon. He wanted to let you sleep earlier. We’re just running programs here. Why don’t you and Damian go upstairs,” he suggested.
“Bruce Wayne,” came a stern voice behind you. You turned to see your mother, Lois Lane, looking like she was going to beat up Batman. “You put a tracker in my daughter without her permission?”
“You what?” You said.
“Actually that was Damian. Though I want to point out that it helped save her life,” Bruce added. Lois slapped him soundly across the cheek. Bruce just blinked and rubbed his cheek.
“Damian, you put a tracker in me?” You asked shocked. You’d assumed Jon had heard you or Damian’s detective work brought them to the warehouse. Not an invasive tracker in your body. “What the hell?”
“Well I can explain..”
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just read your psycho pass hcs {great btw!} and I need that kogami x reader training scenario in my life! straight or nsfw if you're comfortable with it.
Yes! Yes! Yes! So much yes!!
I went ahead and did both. Sexy is under the cut. I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible up top but (spoiler alert) it’s fem!reader below. Enjoy!
Kogami Shinya x Reader + Training
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The loud, painful sound of your butt hitting the mat echoed through the training gym as you were thrown into the soft surface once again.
"Geez Kogami! You could try to take it easy on me!!" You whine as you rub your backside. Though the mats were softer than the floor, they didn't add that much protection. Coupled with the fact that your ass had been thrown into them more time than you could count at this point, you were going to be sore in the morning.
"Some latent isn't going to take it easy on you in the field." He replied. Serious as ever. Almost seeming miffed you asked for leniency. "You need to be ready for anything when the time comes."
“I’m fine with combatives.” You insist from your spot on the ground. “I just can’t beat you. Cause you have all this training, and built like a superhero, and have all those big muscles-“Don’t change the subject.” Kogami interrupted. Being a brilliant detective, he knows what you’re trying to do.
“Besides,” you continue after a defeated sigh, “it doesn’t matter. I’m not in the field without my Dominator. I can pop off a shot before anyone gets close.”
“Dominator malfunction all the time. Shots miss.”
“I don’t miss.” You insist. Your turn to be miffed.
You’re a better shot than Kogami any day of the week, and he knows it. You have the higher range score out of the two of you. Plus you’re to only one currently on the team long range certified. To imply that you would miss is an insult.
He seems to get that he’d stepped over the line and let out a heavy sigh before pushing his hair back. “I just want you to be ready.” Kogami said. Offering you his hand to help you on your feet. One good jerk and you were back up in front of him, looking into his eyes. Seeing his concern. “I can’t be with you all the time in the field. I know you’re strong. Level headed. But things….they don’t follow the system when you’re in the middle of it.” His vision seemed to cloud for a moment, and you know he’s gone some place bad in that moment, before he comes back to you. “I just want you to be safe.”
You sigh. Defeated. You know this is important to him, and it’s obvious why. He’s extremely protective of you. Unfortunately for Kogami, you’ve both chosen a life that is inherently dangerous. The long-term survival rate for Enforcers was shaky at best. He’s trying to delay the inevitable the one way he knows how.
“Ok. Well, I think I have one more round in me.” You take a step back from Kogami, who seemed surprised, and stretch out your arms before you get into stance. “But this is the last one. After this, we do what I want to do and get frozen yogurt in the caf.”
The dark haired Enforcer smirked and dropped into stance as well. Apparently not dignifying that with a response.
The two of you spar again for a few minutes, and realize that you have picked up on somethings. Kogami is physically stronger and more skilled, but you are more flexible and wily. He’s clearly trying not to hurt you, which is an advantage you can’t let go of. When you lock in a grapple, face-to-face, you struggle for a moment before headbutting Kogami. He let out a noise of pain and obviously staggered. You seize the moment to get your foot between his legs and trip him. This time Kogami’s butt making the loud sound on the mat in the gym as you pin him.
You look down at him, arm braced against his neck, and break out into a huge grin from on top of him. You did it! You finally did it!
You were about to break out into a chant of those exact words when Kogami grabbed you and flipped you over onto the mat quick as a flash. The move made your world spin. To the point that it took you a moment to refocus on Kogami on top of you. His expression wild, with a mixture of pride and hunger as he looked down at you. His gaze making you squirm against the mat.
Suddenly, he surged forward. You half expect him to kiss you, or head butt you in retaliation; either was a possibility with Kogami. He stopped, however, just before sealing your lips. His body straining it seemed to not finish the movement. “My room.”
You blink. Not sure why he stopped. Then he lifted up and his eyes dart over to the corner where one of the cameras were. Oh, right. You’re still in a public portion of the facility, where your movements are being watched and recorded, and it would be a bad idea to do anything here.
The two of you get up from the floor, Kogami taking a moment to adjust his pants, before you hastily leave the gym. 
His room is closer. Which was probably why he had chosen it and why he was choosing it now. You’re at his door in a matter of minutes with how fast you’re walking, and with a quick punch of the key pad your inside. The door had barely slid closed all the way before Kogami had you pinned against it. The metal making a loud sound, but one you can’t seem to care about over the loud sound of your kissing.
It’s hot, and messy, and fast. Fueled with the adrenaline from your sparing match, Kogami seems to want to take his final, and only, loss out on your mouth. His tongue wrestling against your own for dominance. His teeth nipping at your lips. Stealing your breath away so all you can do is moan.
He finally let you go and you’re both panting at the end of it. Exercise and now this had both left the two of you needy for air. But you’re both needy for something else.
The Enforcer took your mouth again passionately, and lifted you up off the wall. His hands find their way to your legs to lift them up. Wrapping them around his waist and keeping them secure with his strong arms before he pulled you away from the wall altogether.
He wandered blindly through his dorm with you in his arms. Still kissing. His hands caressing your backside in your tight gym pants. Cursing now and then when his shins clip into something. Eventually, he made it to his bed. The rumbled bedding hitting your back in a familiar puff of cotton. He never made his bed.
It only then that he pulled away to look at you. His eyes darker in the dim light. Neither of you had bothered to turn on the lights, since you’ve been busy upon arrival. You don’t need them anyway. The ever-present blue glow of the various circuits & inlay boards in the tower walls the only ambient light in the room. Even with out it, you could feel he was looking at you.
A calloused hand reached out to cup your cheek. Caressing it in a strange juxtaposition of the rough way they had been handling you earlier in training. He does this sometimes. Seems to want to memorize your face like it will disappear. Like you’re not real.
When his thumb came across your lips you snap your teeth out to nip at the pad. Not to hurt it. Just a little bite. Kogami hissed before he grinned wolfishly down at you and you’re off again. He leaned down to kiss you once more, but not nearly as long as the other times. He seemed to have other plans. Slowly, he moved from your lips down to your neck, then down further still to the top of your sports bra. Making you moan.
You’re thankful that you’ve decide to wear one of your fancy front zip ones, and decide to throw out all your other types of sports bra as you watch Kogami pull the zip down with his teeth. That cheeky grin on his lips as he watches you watching him and knows you’re getting turned on.
Without the zipper, your bra can’t hold your breasts in any longer. Now it’s Kogami’s turn to moan as he sees them literally burst out of their confines in front of his face with a sassy jiggle. He wasted very little time admiring them before both of his hands come up to envelope both your breasts and squeeze them. Your back arched as he massaged the soft flesh. Your body shivering as his warm breath brushed over them before his mouth encased around your nipple.
He doesn’t seem to mind that you’re still sweaty from your work out. Quite the contrary. The salty taste of your skin seemed to arouse your boyfriend even more. To the point that his hips were rolling against the bed for some kind of release.
“K-Kogami….Shinya.” The Enforcer immediately looked up when you called his first name. No one but you calls him by his name anymore. “I want to make you feel good too.”
You reach for him and Kogami instantly comes up to you. Because he’ll do anything you ask. He kisses you again, less fire, no less passionate, as you reach between the both of you to grab his length through his own training pants. He moaned into your mouth and bucked up against your hand in a low, slow rhythm.
“Feels good.” He breathed into your mouth. In case you needed to hear the words. He’s learned that from you, over time. Sometimes you need to hear the words, not just the action.
You don’t need the words this time, however, as his actions speak volumes. He continues to buck into your hand. His cock unbearably hard under your fingers. You let go for a second to slip your hand down his pants and grasp him firmly, skin on skin, and you both moan.
Kogami obviously from having you touch him directly. While you moan at how hard & hot his cock is in your hand and imagine it inside you. Your pussy tightens in anticipation just at the thought of it.
He lets you pump his cock a few more times, before he seems unable to take it anymore and starts getting you both undressed. His hands are fast and forceful. They quickly strip you down out of your pants and underwear in one hard pull before Kogami was stepping out of his own pants & shirt as well. The hard lines of his chest defined in the low light. No matter how many times you see him like this, it makes you bite your lip.
That hard body was back on top of you in an instant. The feel of your naked skin against each other making you sigh in contentment into the kiss he landed on you.
Your body immediately opens up to him when he fell upon you. And with a well practice shift, and one good thrust, he was inside you.
His thrust start out slow. Long and deep to give you time to adjust to his size; especially since he hasn’t worked you open like he normally would, but he’s so impatient. It lasts only as long as necessary, however, before he shifts into his usual frenzy. Hard and fast. Not that you’re complaining in the least.
“Fuck! God! Shinya! More!” You cry out against his shoulder as you hold on to that hard body like an anchor.
Kogami, in return, just grunts against your ear. He keeps pace for a while before you feel a shutter quake down his back. He was going to cum soon.
Between the adrenaline and how good sex with Kogami is, you’re not far behind. Your body tightens up around him as he finally stops to cum inside you. He doesn’t like to mess up the sheets, and it’s not like you can get pregnant. It’s the worst kept secret at the bureau that they ‘sneak’ Enforcers all kinds of things in their food. All essential vitamins and mineral for healthy hunting dogs, and birth control. So there are no little Enforcers running around.
You lay together for a moment, panting and sweaty again, before Kogami rolled off you.
He reached over to the nightstand for his usual pack of cigarettes and lit one. The smell and faint waft of smoke filling the air. “You did good.”
“With the sex? Thanks.” You tease. Grinning at Kogami’s eye roll.
“I meant with training. You did good. I’m proud of you.”
Your heart both fluttered and swelled at those words: ‘I’m proud of you’. You shift around a little to curl into Kogami’s side and chest. Watching the smoke curl up from his cigarette lazily before disappearing to nothing. “I love you too, Kogami.”
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haledamage · 2 years
#love to be a fly on the wall for the 'oh btw my admiral is sending me with you' conversation :3 ( @queen-scribbles) weeellll, as it happens, I had written the aftermath of that as part of the fic originally, but it didn’t fit so I ended it earlier. it didn’t take much twisting of my arm to convince me to finish writing it ;)
The house was less lavish than Vasco expected. He’d assumed a diplomat of Nadia’s station - the daughter of a princess, no less - would live in something more like the governor’s palace. Empty marble hallways and sprawling rooms and enough space that no one ever saw each other if they didn’t want to. Soulless extravagance.
Nadia’s house was crooked and narrow, draped with layers of color and texture, with wooden walls that creaked like bulkheads whenever the wind blew. There were enough rooms for the four of them, plus a few others as yet unclaimed, but they would all still be living in close quarters, sharing a breakfast table and squeezing around each other in hallways.
He was grateful for it. It reminded him a little of home, if he ignored how steady the ground beneath him was.
He ran into Nadia in the hall outside his room, almost literally.
She looked smaller here, softer and somehow diminished, back in her fancy clothes with tidy hair and her arms full of books. The smile she gave him was almost nervous. “Hi.”
“Hello, Nadia.” In contrast, he felt too big for this space, like he was all angles and edges, and had to fight the urge to duck through doorways.
This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Just days ago they had been on the verge of… something. Something special. But now that their relationship, such as it was, had gone from 'temporary' to 'for the foreseeable future', they felt like strangers again.
He could still remember what it felt like to kiss her. Like holding a storm in his arms. Where were they supposed to go after that? Did they pretend it never happened, or go on as if nothing had changed?
"Did you still want to get that drink?" she asked, as if she’d read his mind. He didn't miss the hope in her voice, though he had a feeling she already knew the answer all the same.
"Not tonight." Vasco couldn't meet her eyes as he spoke, suddenly fascinated by the worn leather of his gloves. It was easier than seeing her disappointment. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m going to be the best company right now. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“I can imagine.” If Nadia was upset by his rejection, she hid it well.
There was a shuffling of paper that drew his attention back to her. He watched her dig through the stack of books in her arms until she found the one she was looking for. She pulled it out of the pile and pressed it to his chest, holding it there until he pulled his thoughts together enough to take it.
Her eyes were very blue when they met his, and the look in them was almost enough to make him forget why he’d just turned her down. “You know where to find me if you change your mind. Or just if you need someone to talk to.”
He nodded mutely, and watched her walk away. Only after her bedroom door clicked closed did he look at the book she’d handed him. It was the journal he’d seen her sketching in on their voyage. Every page was full of drawings, in chalk or charcoal or ink, of the Sea Horse and her crew. Some pages had notes written in the margins in Nadia’s delicate, spidery handwriting, providing context about the contents or her own thoughts about the people or subjects involved.
It was a piece of his home, of his family, that he could carry with him. A connection to the ocean while he was stuck on solid ground.
He didn’t even bother to return to his room to set the book down, simply brought it with him as he strode down the hallway in the direction she’d disappeared in.
She answered the door on the first knock, but clearly hadn’t expected him to be on the other side of it. “Vasco--”
Vasco spoke over the rest of her greeting before he could lose his nerve. “Maybe… just one drink.”
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harper-hook · 4 years
Into The Woods | Harry Hook x Reader
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Request: Can I request a Harry X reader where the reader is Peter Pan's daughter and they hate each other at first but then things get really heated between them and it turns into full on smut?
Warnings: Oral sex
Author’s Note: This almost killed me to write tbh
The familiar scraping of metal on metal made you groan mentally and slam your locker. “what do ya want now, Hook?” You snapped, unfortunately used to your father’s enemy's son bothering you. “Just came to see me favorite little sprite.” He replied with a wide grin, seeing how it got under your skin.
You stopped yourself before you yelled at him and caused a scene. It was the day right before Spring Break and you didn’t want to damper your spirits by earning after school detention as soon as you got back. “Well you saw me. Now back off.” You ordered.
Harry stepped back, faking a wounded look. “My plans don’t involve backing off.” He smirked. “Quite the opposite in fact, seeing as you’re heading back to Neverland.” You groaned and rolld your eyes. This again. 
“If you let me tag along, I’ll make it worth your wild.” He practically purred, getting up in your personal bubble. You sneered at him. “Listen, Hook and listen good.” You poked him chest with your finger. “You will never! Set foot in Neverland if I have anything to say about it!” You hissed.
Harry’s smirk dropped and he adopted an angry glare. You were a bit nervous but you couldn’t back down now. “Then we’ll just have to hope nothing happens to ya!” He hissed. You growled, getting in his face and bawling your fists.
“Hook! Pan!” You snapped out of your rage as Fairy Godmother came bustling around the corner, catching you both. Uh oh...
One long and infuriating detention later, you were finally packing up. “Stupid Hook and his stupid face...” You ranted to Ben over the phone. Ben sighed as you leaned against the side of your car, trunk still open. “Didn’t you think he was cute when he first came here?” Mal asked, joining Ben on the other line.
The good thing about being over the phone was no one could see you roll your eyes. "That was before he opened his mouth." You huffed. “So you’re gonna talk to Tiger Peony about the trade deal between Neverland and Auradon, right?” Ben changed the subject.
“Yeah I’ll do your job while on my spring break, Ben.” You rolled your eyes. "I appreciate it, you know?" He said. "Uh huh. See if you can lower my detention sessions when I come back." Ben sighed, confirming that he said he would see what he could do.
You said your goodbyes and promised to call once you arrived; Ben always the worrier. Hanging up, you quickly slammed your trunk shut and climbed in the driver's side.
Taking one last look at Auradon Prep in the mirror, you pulled out and started on your long 6 hour drive.
The first couple of hours of the drive you didn't mind. Plenty of sunlight and good music made the time fly. But thanks to Fairy Godmother's detention, you'd left 2 hours late and now the sun was going down quick.
Driving at night didn't bother you but driving through Summerwoods at night bothered you. You turned your music down and took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Now you really regretted turning Herkie’s invitation for a ride. “(Y/N), you’re a fucking moron.” You hummed to yourself.
Then it sounded like a gun shot went off. You let out a small shriek, thankfully not swerving your car off the road. You slowed considerably, still confused and terrified. Then you heard it, what sounded like a horse’s snort, the spluttering of air. Your heart sank, grip tightening on the steering wheel. “Are you fucking serious right now?!”
Slowly limping your car to the side of the road and putting it in park, you practically threw yourself out of the door, mood souring at the telltale signs of a popped tire. You glanced to the right and saw the back tire, flat as paper. 
You groaned, you held your head in your hands. Ok, keep yourself together, you thought. I’m a strong independent woman and I can change a tire, that’s what I keep a spare for, you reminded yourself. 
You ran to the back and popped the trunk open again. “Hiya!” You screamed, stumbling backwards and falling on the ground. You laid there in complete shock, breathing heavily and heart thumping. You could hear Harry wheezing in laughter.
After a few seconds, you sat up, gasping for air. “What the fuck?” You rasped out. Harry climbed out of your trunk, still shaking in mirth. Shakily, you stood to your feet, narrowing your eyes at the boy in front of you.
“What in the actual fuck do you think you’re going?” You screamed, no longer shaking in fear but in anger. “I’m going to Neverland, what does it look like?” He said with a slight eyeroll like you were stupid. This just pissed you off more.
“It looks like you’re some kind of fucking stalker!” Harry stopped laughing, looking at you with a positively poisonous glare. He stomped up to you, clearly trying to intimidate you. You were too angry to care. 
“You might wanna loose the attitude, lass. We’re all alone out here.” He sneered. It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Just get out of my way.” You pushed past him, peering into your trunk. “Where’s my spare tire?” You questioned, looking back at Harry who looked like a pouty kid caught in the cookie jar.
“Was awful cramped in there with that thing.” He muttered. He continued at your deadpan look. “Threw it out at the school.” You took a sharp, deep inhale, fists clenching and unclenching. You turned and slammed your trunk shut, putting your arms and head down on top of it. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. The whole irony and bullshit of the situation was honestly laughable. It would’ve been funnier if it hadn’t been you. “Pan?” You heard Harry call. “What?!” You snapped, raising your head. 
“Ya okay?” Your eyes widened as you spun around. “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just ask me that when you literally ruined my entire evening!” You screamed at him. Harry marched up to you, forcing you back against your trunk. “I thought I told you to loose the fucking attitude.” He snapped. He grabbed the hair at the base of your neck and practically bent you over backwards on your trunk.
He leaned in close to you, cocky smirk on his face. You snarled and bared your teeth, leaning closer to his face. “Am I supposed to be scared of you? There’s 1000 things in these woods alone that are scarier than you.” You and Harry’s gazes locked. His eyes were so... blue. You really hadn’t noticed before. 
His glare softened slightly and he released his grip on your hair, stepping back. You straightened up, keeping a close eye on Harry. You’d never admit that he scared you a bit. Never.
It was silent now. You looked away into the forest. It was completely dark now. Crunching sounds from the forest made the hairs on your arms raise. You and Harry shared a look to confirm you both heard it. A nearby wolf’s howl made you gasp and reach out, a firm hold on Harry’s shirt. He held your wrist.
“C’mon. C’mon.” He ushered you to the backseat and practically shoved you in and climbed in after you. You sighed and tucked your knees under your chin. Fuck, this was bad. “Call Princey. See what kinda magic he can work.” Harry murmured, like he was afraid to talk too loud. 
“Hey, finally a smart suggestion from you.” You said with a sarcastic smile and leaned forward to your car’s center panel. You had both knees on the middle storage compartment, waiting on the phone to ring. 
“Hello?” Ben answered after three rings. “Ben!” You were instantly filled with relief. “I need some help. My car blew a tire in the Summerwoods.” You explained. “What about your spare?” He asked. You turned to glance at Harry who gave a sarcastic wave. You flipped him off and turned back around. “It was a bad spare.” You lied. “Can you send help?” 
“Uh, yeah. It’s gonna be a couple of hours though.” Ben said. You groaned at the fact you already knew. “Thanks, Ben. I’ll make it up to you one day, I swear.” You smiled at Ben’s laughter. “Yeah, just hang tight.” With that, he hung up and you tossed your phone back into the center console.
You moved to sit back down in the backseat, instead moving into something solid. While you were preoccupied, Harry had slid into the middle seat right behind you. “What are you-” You squeaked as Harry pulled you down into his lap. 
He wound his hand into your hair again and bent you backwards, leaving your neck exposed. His other hand had a firm grip on your hip. You gasped as he licked a stripe up your neck, blowing on it to make you shudder. “W-what are you doing?”
“I can see it, ya know? I saw it earlier. Ya look at me the way I look at ya.” He murmured, low and close to your ear. “You lie and say you hate me but have still fantasized about this. About me.” He placed a kiss on your neck. Your shaking hands found their place on his knees. 
“Say you want this. Say you want me. Or I’ll let you go and we never have to speak again.” Your heart hurt in an unexplained way. This bickering love-to-hate routine you and Harry had fallen into naturally, for it all to stop one day? It seemed Harry Hook had somehow managed to worm his way into your heart.
“Harry...” You murmured, looking up at him. “I want you. Now.” You said with more confidence that you’d anticipated. He looked surprised but quickly adopted his signature cocky grin. “Atta girl.” He helped you turn around to straddle him.
You bent down to kiss along his jawline before planting one on his lips. It started innocent but quickly turned rougher and more passionate. Harry raised his hand and brought it down hard on your ass. You gasped into the kiss and pulled away, looking at Harry with an indignant look. 
“That’s for the fuckin’ attitude you’ve been giving me for the last 4 months.” He growled, voice deep and husky. “You’ll get a lot more later.” He said, his tone of voice making you realize you were in for a world of hurt later.
He tugged on the bottom of your shirt before pulling it off. He grinned and pulled you back for another kiss, slowly grinding his erection against your leg. You scratched his shoulders as you pulled away. 
“I’m not fucking you on the first date.” You said matter-of-factly. He looked at you, confused and a bit annoyed. “Technically it’s not even a date. More of a car invasion.” You crossed your arms, smirking at Harry. He narrowed his eyes before grinning himself.
“Either way, I’m still gonna rock your world, luv.” He smacked your ass in the same spot, making you hiss in pain. You climbed off his lap and leaned up against the door, Harry right on top of you.
You gripped the seat as Harry kissed down your neck, teeth scraping your skin. Your head was tossed back as he moved lower and lower. "Look at me." You glanced down and could barely make out Harry kneeling between your legs.
He started tugging on your jeans and you lifted up to help him. In one fluid motion, your jeans were tossed into the front seat. You whimpered, feeling exposed. Harry shushed you, breathing close to your lower belly. "Trust me."
Your heart lurches in shock as cold metal dragged its way up your leg and hooked into your underwear, tugging them down. You felt like your face was on fire.
You took a deep breath as Harry threw one leg over his shoulder and the opposite leg was pushed to dangle over the floor boards. You flushed again as Harry kissed gently up your thigh. You shrieked as he nipped your inner thigh.
"Fucker..." You stammered. Harry laughed before he leaned down close to your heat. He slowly dragged his tongue up your slit. You moaned loudly, one hand reaching to Harry's head, pushing him down.
You sighed and moaned into your hand as Harry continued his ministrations. "I- I wanna hear you." Harry murmured into your thigh. "I wanna hear how good I'm making you feel." His voice barely more than a whisper.
"Harry!" You moaned loudly as Harry blew cool air over your slit. "That's my girl." And he went back down on you, more aggressive this time. The air in the car felt thick and foggy, just like your thought process.
Harry moved to your clit, clearly tracing a pattern. He used one hand on hold your bucking hips down as he continued. "Are you-" You trailed into a high pitched whine. "Tracing your fucking name?" You shook violently.
You could feel Harry grin against you. He moved up into your face, noses nearly touching. "Yeah. And what are ya going to do about it?" He sneered, attack your neck again with a rigorous fever. "Mine." That one word sent a fire burning through you.
One of Harry's hands moved you your slit, two fingers slipping in easily. "Harry..." You moaned, tears coming to your eyes. He was still sucking and biting at the base of your neck and collarbone, clearly trying to leave a mark. You dug your nails into the back of his neck, making him let out a few curses.
Harry curled his fingers against your G-spot relentlessly, your legs shaking and your hips bucking wildly. "Harry!" You sobbed as you finally came, back arching and world going still.
It was quiet for a moment and the only sound was both of yours heavy breathing. Harry pulled his fingers out and wiped them on his pant, sitting back on the other side of the backseat. You sat up and pulled your legs back to you.
You winced, pain shooting through your body. "What the fuck did you do to me, Hook?" You muttered. Your legs and back were cramped up and it felt like you'd been punched in the neck. He laughed heartily. "Fucked ya up good, huh?"
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but agree. Between your dried tears on your cheeks and messy hair from rubbing against the window, not to mention all the bruises.
You glanced over at Harry who was looking at you curiously. "What?" He asked. You smirked at him, leaning over him. You ran you hand down his chest and iver the bulge in his pants, making him buck into your hand. "It's my turn now."
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