#like normally I’d go to my car and smoke
rosicheeks · 1 month
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dakotalun · 11 months
The Cabin | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: The older kids decide to take the weekend off and head down to Steve's parent's cabin.
warnings: none for this chapter, just some mutual pining
word count: 2k
a/n: Been thinking of this idea for years now and finally decided to put it down on paper, or screen ig.
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Eddie’s POV
Steve has been planning this trip for weeks. I mean, I like the guy and all but he can go a little overboard with things. He has been trying to get us all to come down to his family’s lake house for what feels like forever. Just the older kids, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Y/N and I. He says it’ll be a weekend of games, drinking and fun. Which translated to normal language means, raiding his parents liquor cabinet, smoking some blunts and playing kiddie games like truth or dare, and never have I ever. Not that I mind, I’m just happy to be invited, even if I do have to do a shit ton of manual labor beforehand.
“Come on Eddie, it’s only gonna take a few hours,” Steve pleads with me over the phone.
“Dude exactly, a few hours. Do you know what I could be doing in those ‘few hours’?” I’m walking around the trailer trying to not explode my head off as Steve whines at me. 
“I don’t know, you’d probably get high and sleep, or some shit. Just come on! I really need your van.”
“Nope, not happening,” I plop down on the couch and open my tin lunchobox, ready to roll a joint, “I mean why do you need my van anyways, isn’t your car fine?”
Steve sighs over the phone, “Yes but it’s too small. I need help moving some stuff from my family’s storage locker to the lake house. You know that place you’ll be staying in for the next week!”
I finally get done rolling my joint and scour my tin for a lighter, if I’m gonna help Harrington with this I’ll be needing it, “Ugh fine, just let me get some shit first. I’ll be at yours in 20.”
“Fucking- thank you!” Before I can even say a snarky remark he hangs up.
I groan and throw my head back. I am so gonna regret this later.
A few days later I’m with Steve at his house, getting the stuff for the trip finalized. We planned that since my van is bigger than Steve’s tiny ass BMW, I’d be taking all the bags and shit with one passenger and he’d take the other 3 and all the food.
“So I’ll take Nancy, Robin and Y/n. You take Jonathan,” Steve says throwing a bag of chips into a bag.
“Oh hell no. Why do you get all the girls?” “Um maybe because then they’d have to deal with you for 2 hours,” I pick up a pack of marshmallows and throw them at him, “Hey! Fine, take Y/n I don’t care just stop throwing my shit.”
“Thank you,” I walk over to him and sling an arm over his shoulder, “That wasn’t so hard was it big boy?” He pushes me off and I stumble back as the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it, you finish packing the food.” I straighten my back and put my hand to my forehead like a soldier, “Aye aye Captain!” and solute him as he leaves the kitchen.
I hear him open the front door and the voices of Nancy and Robin. The three of them come back into the kitchen laughing at something Robin had said.
“Sup ladies.”
“Hey Eddie,” They say in unison before turning their attention back to Steve. Before I met them I would’ve thought that they didn’t like me or that they only pretended to be my friend out of pity, now that I know  them, I know that that’s not the case, they simply wanted to finish their conversation with Steve first.
“Hey hey!” The loud bang of the front door wakes me out of my daydream as Jonathan waltz’s into the room. Nancy gives him a quick kiss while he wraps his hand around her waist. 
“So we all reday to go? I can’t wait to go skinny dipping,” He gives Nancy a smirk and wink before he bursts out loud at his own stupidity.
“Yeah pretty much. I just gotta get y’all’s shit into my van and pick Y/n up and we’ll be good.”
“Great. I’ll help load the rest of the stuff into the cars,” Steve heads out of the house with Robin and Nancy’s bags, “Hey Nance and Rob could you put those last few food bags in my trunk please?” Steve yells halfway out of the door.
They both agree in unison before grabbing the bags and heading outside. I sit there for a minute just thinking about what this weekend might intell, firstly I have to spend 4 hours in my van with the girl I have a crush on and secondly, I have a whole week of being with her, and my other friends but this is the longest we’ve hangout together and it’s not like I can just hop in my van and drive away when I do something stupid. I shake my head and join my friends outside, shutting the front door on my way out.
I pull up to Y/n’s house not even 5 minutes after calling her that I’m on the way. I see her parent’s cars in the driveway and pull up behind them. I jump out my van and rush to her door, maybe a little too eager to see her. I knock 3 times before the door is swinging open and I’m greeted with the big, bright smile that I like so much.
“Hey Eds! You got here quick, let me just grab my bags real quick, stay there,” She turns and her scent wafts in my face a little, she smells like vanilla and flowers. I wonder what she uses, vanilla shampoo and floral perfume? Maybe it’s in both, vanilla and flowers in body wash, shampoo, and perfume?! God what I would give to find out.
I leave the door open as I run into the living room to grab my bags. I try my best to conceal the blush rushing to my cheeks upon seeing Eddie. I've never seen him in a muscle tee before, and if I’m being honest he looks hot as hell.
I quickly say goodbye to my parents and head back to the foyer, I don’t wanna waste another second here. I close the front door behind me and I feel a hand on my duffel bag as I turn back towards Eddie.
“I’m just gonna put these with the others in the back, go ahead and get comfy in the car,” He walks off towards the van, unlocking the doors for me to hop in.
“Actually,” I grab my small backpack from him, “I’m gonna keep this one with me.”
“Alright,” He walks off towards the back of his van.
Once I get in the car I set my bag down at my feet, opening it to get out my blanket and book. Eddie rounds the corner of the car and hops in along side me, buckling his seatbelt before starting the engine.
“Did you really bring a blanket?” He give you a small smile at the thought that I’d be prepared with a blanket for this ride.
“Yes I did. It was my grandpa’s so I bring it with me on trips. Don’t judge me.” I scowl at him but then flash him a little smile back.
Eddie’s heart warms at the thought of me being so close to my grandparents that I keep their things even after they are gone, “Hey no judgement here,” He holds his hands up in mock surrender, “if I had stuff from my grandparents I’m sure I’d keep it too.”
I laugh a little and Eddie pulls out of my driveway beginning the long journey to Steve’s lake house.
Roughly half an hour into the drive I start to get a little bored and hungry so I riffle around in my bag to find the cheez-its and book I packed. Upon finding them you pull your feet up on the chair and begin reading and eating your snacks. 
You’ve always loved road trips, especially in the summer, the way you can just let the windows down the warm air blowing in your hair cooling you down while also keeping you at a nice temperature. This was no different, other than it was with Eddie, not your parents. It felt good to be with Eddie listening to his music as it plays over the speakers and hearing his rings knock against the steering wheel as he taps along to the beat of the song.
You feel relaxed, and happy. A feeling you haven’t really felt much recently. School had become really stressful with all the college applications and decisions to be made. And then getting ready for all the AP exams you’d be taking in late April, then the actual finals for your classes, it was all just so stressful. So when Steve and Robin approached you about spending spring break away from the gloomy town of Hawkins, who were you to deny them.
You’re reading your book and can’t focus well because you feel eyes on you. You look up from your book and over at Eddie, who is just glancing back from the road to you with a questioning look on his face.
“What?” You ask turning your body towards him a little.
“Nothing,” He looks away, focusing solely on the road again.
“You wouldn’t be staring if it was nothing. So what is it?”
“I just dont get how you can read in a moving car? Like doesn’t it make you nauseous?”
“Uh no I guess not. I didn’t realize that this was a weird thing to do? Can you not read in a car?” You’re genuinely asking, wondering if you’re weird or not for being able to do this.
“Hell no, I get sick just being in the passengers seat,” He laughs a little at the weird way his body works, “I don’t know I guess it something about focusing on the road helps calm me,” He looks over at you for a second, taking in your position. Feet tucked under you, blanket thrown over your legs hanging low, book resting face down on your knee and cheez-its between your arm and the door. He has to admit you look cute like this, “I’ve just never met anyone who can read in a car. It’s pretty cool.”
“Thanks, I guess.” You smile at each other before Eddie resumes his focus on the road and you on your book.
Before you know it you’re passed out in the seat while your book dangles off the endle of the seat. Eddie notices that he needs more gas so as soon as he can he gets off the highway and heads to a station to fill up. While getting gas he notices how peaceful you look sleeping in his van, sure you may be laying a weird position but you look calm. Eddie gets back in the van but before pulling out of the gas station he takes your book, places in your bookmark and sets in down near your bag. He knows how much you’d hate if anything happened to it while you slept.
3 and a half long hours later you guys finally make it to the lake house, but you can’t see Steve’s car there. Eddie hops out of the van to give him a call quickly.
“Hey,” Eddie says through the speaker.
“Hey- No we are not stopping again! Get it together we aren’t that fucking far! Hey dude sorry I know we’re late but someone keeps insisting on us stopping for bathroom and snack breaks,” Eddie can hear the disdain in his buddy’s voice knowing exactly who the someone is.
“It’s no problem dude, just remind me what the code to get in is again, we can start getting everything set up while you get here.”
“Thanks dude. The code is 3957, just make sure to turn on the water and power too.”
“Sure thing, see you soon.”
“Bye- Rob I told yo-” And then the line goes dead. Eddie laughs a little to himself before putting his phone back in his pocket and heading to your side of the car.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
what about either sissy and jack smoking or quinn seeing her smoke for the first time and getting mad at her
the first time you and Jack got high, it was after Jack’s first NTDP game. Quinn, the good big brother that he is, came from UMich to support him and meet his teammates that you and him have been gushing about.
after the amazing win by the team, Alex told you all about this party he knew some seniors were having. after physically begging on your knees, Quinn agreed to drive you, Jack, and Trevor to the party while Alex drove Cole.
“Quinn, we’re sixteen. we’re allowed to have some fun!” you told him in the car ride as he was lecturing you all to be safe. “and i know damn well you had some wild nights when you were in NTDP because i’ve gotten quite a few drunk calls from you.”
“i know,” Quinn sighed. “i just worry about you, Sissy. guys can be terrible.”
“if you think I’d let anything happen to y/n, you’re insane,” Trevor piped up.
“she’s a big girl, Quinny,” Jack added. “this isn’t even going to be a big party. Alex just happens to know the guy that’s throwing it, otherwise we wouldn’t have even heard about it.”
Quinn calmed down and told you all that if you didn’t text by 1am he’s coming to get you. He did the normal big brother talk of “don’t drink too much if you do” and told Jack over and over again “don’t let Sissy out of your sight.”
Jack was right, it wasn’t a huge party like in the movies, but it had a decent amount of people. you found Cole and Alex fairly quickly, and they led you all outside to meet the guy that was throwing the party, John.
“and who’s this pretty lady?” John asked from his chair.
“my sister,” Jack said before you could speak.
“y/n, my name is y/n, hi. nice to meet you!” you greeted him.
“you smoke?” John asked. you shrugged, “i’m open to trying.”
“Sissy, i don’t think—“
“she’s her own person, isn’t she?” John cut Jack off. “don’t worry, i’m not going to force you. we’re all chill over here! but if you’d like, i’ll let you take the first hit of the next blunt i roll. it normally goes to the person who rolls it, but for your first time i’ll make an exception.”
you decided to stay and smoke with Alex’s friend, which means that all of your friends decided to smoke, too. it wasn’t Alex and Cole’s first time, nor Trevor’s you learned, but it was yours and Jack’s. John lit the blunt for you and told you how to properly inhale. he even made sure his friend got you water before hand just in case you coughed too much. to all of their amazement, you didn’t. which was a weird thing to be amazed by, in your opinion.
“alright, little Hughes!” John laughed.
“little Hughes?” you quirked an eyebrow.
“you’re Jack’s sister right? isn’t that your last name?”
you smiled and agreed, happily taking on the last name. you looked over at Jack and he was beaming, too.
the rest of the night was spent outside smoking with the circle growing to ten people and two blunts being passed around. given that it was your first time, you had an extremely low tolerance and had to cut yourself off before everyone else when your head felt heavy. a water bottle was placed in your hand by Trevor and you nursed on it until the worst of it faded and the muchies arrived.
time had flown by, because suddenly it was 1:15 and Quinn was outside to pick you all up. he was polite to the rest of the people outside, but you knew the truth. he was not happy. you bid your goodbyes and walked hand in hand with Trevor back to Quinn’s car for support. it was silent the whole drive back. you normally sat up front, but Jack took the spot and shoved you in the backseat. he knew before you did just how mad Quinn really was.
luckily, Jim and Ellen were asleep since they trusted Quinn to get the four of you home safely. but even if you got a lecture from them, the one from Quinn you were anticipating was going to affect you much more.
“Trevor, go to Jack’s room,” Quinn said flat as you all walked up the stairs. Trevor did nothing but squeeze your hand as he parted ways into Jack’s room while the three of you went into yours. You and Jack sat on the edge of your bed as Quinn paced back and forth. It was like a movie scene where the kids were waiting to be yelled at by their dad. “i cannot believe you two! Jack, you were supposed to make sure nothing happened to her. what if the weed was laced, huh? then what? you two could’ve died!”
“Quinn, i know you’re upset, but you have to admit that you’re being a bit overdramatic with what could’ve happened,” Jack said. “the guys that let us smoke with them were smoking it, too. they cut her off when it was getting too much for her, and i barely participated because i decided to be the one not overly fucked up incase one of us greened out.”
“so you were perfectly fine with us drinking? alcohol can kill you if you drink too much! you can green out, but weed doesn’t kill you!” you argued. “and i know damn well you’ve smoked before!”
“it’s different for you, Sissy!”
“so you’re just mad at me then? not Jack? just me? that’s fucking ridiculous, Quinn,” you spat.
“because i know you, y/n! i don’t want you to get a dependency on weed instead of feeling things! and i don’t want you to turn to harder drugs when that stops working!”
“Quinn…” Jack said shocked.
“you think weed will be a gateway drug for me? is that what you think of me? i’m not that stupid! yeah, maybe i liked how it felt to be high. maybe i liked how peaceful it made me feel. maybe i did like how the guys that i met because they called me little Hughes and i finally felt like one. maybe i had fun tonight, but i know what drugs can do to people. i know what drugs do to the people that love them. i wouldn’t do that to any of you, and especially not to you, Quinn.”
you all went silent. you had small tears slipping from your eyes, and Quinn still looked mad at you.
“just because you’re protective of her, it doesn’t mean that you have to be hard on her. you’ve done it, so you know it’s not that big of a thing. what you said wasn’t okay, Q. you’ve watched her grow up. she grew up with us. she’s not that type of person,” Jack defended you.
Quinn sighed and ran a finger through his hair. he walked over and sat next to you on the bed to hug you, but you scooted away to be closer to Jack. the brothers looked at each other astonishingly. you have never refused Quinn’s touch or proximity. ever.
“Sissy, i—“
you cut him off by walking out of the room. you flung open the door to Jack’s room and threw yourself into Trevor’s arms sobbing. Trevor was quick to hold you protectively in his arms when he saw Quinn following you in.
“i’m going to take a guess here and say that she doesn’t want to see you right now,” Trevor said in a warning tone. “i don’t know what you said, but i do know that you two don’t fight, and that none of you can remember the last time that you made her cry, so i suggest that you leave.”
Quinn firmly stood his ground, “no. she’s my best friend and i’m not going to bed fighting with her. y/n, what i said was fucked up and i am so incredibly sorry. sorry doesn’t begin to cut it. i’m not just upset that you smoked, i’m upset all of you did, but i had to convince mom and dad to let you go to that party with the guys. so if something happened to you, i’d never be able to forgive myself.”
Jack got into his big brother’s face, “did you mean that? because i swear to fuck, if you’re guilt tripping her—“
“Jack, it’s okay,” you assured him. you got up and walked over to Quinn, “i’m going to need a little more than just sorry.”
“what i said was low and unacceptable. Jack’s right, you grew up with us. our parents pretty much raised you. and weed isn’t that big of a deal, i just don’t want you to end up using it as a coping mechanism. even if it is safe, it’s not something to abuse,” Quinn said.
“i guess if any one of us is going to use weed as a coping mechanism it would be me,” you mumbled. “but i didn’t like the accusations. because if anyone is ever going to save me from going off the deep end it’s you, Quinny.”
Quinn pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. You wrapped your arms around his waist and just appreciated standing there with him for a moment.
“i’m sorry i was dramatic. you’re right, weed isn’t a gateway drug,” Quinn admitted. “i just-“
“don’t ruin it,” you said. “thank you for your apology.”
you let Quinn go after a long moment and he said his goodnights to everybody. you texted Cole to make sure him and Alex got home safely, hugged Jack goodnight, and took Trevor to your room for some sleep. you two had been doing sleepovers recently. just a… friendly thing.
“you know i’d save you from going off the deep end, right?” Trevor asked you.
you sat up from laying on his chest to look at him, “z, between all of you, i’m never going to find the middle part.”
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absolutebl · 11 months
Wedding Plan Trash Watch!
You ready to snuffle-kiss the burn? 
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Before I start...
Find out about Mame and the Mameverse here.
Find my other trash watches of her and others here. 
We all know what we are getting in for, 7 episodes of BLduggery. To crane your neck as you drive by the car wreck or not... that is the question. Me? I'm wallowing in the guts. 
Episode 1 - In which I craft an ode to Dumpster Fires Everywhere 
I am sorry, but they opened with Battle Hymn of the Republic for PrapaiSky’s wedding? I busted out laughing. 
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Also, you KNOW I can’t just let that go. 
LET’S SING! (Bet you’d never thought I’d type those words). 
Battle Hymn of BL Tumblr
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the trash This is barely even BL it’s just Mame writing slash  She hath set ablaze such garbage in pursuit of all our cash But the trash watch must go on! 
 (Buh buh ba buh) 
Glory, glory hallelujah!  Mame hit us with a sewer.  Spoiling all our fun, Oh the shit storm has begun, But the trash watch must go on! 
I have seen the dumpster-fires of a hundred BL tropes She will sacrifice her ukes ’til they’ve lost all of their hopes We will watch in righteous anger while the refuse burns and smokes But the trash watch must go on! 
 (Buh buh ba buh) 
Glory, glory hallelujah!  Life’s rough for a BL reviewer.  When OG BL fans run afoul of Mame stans  But the trash watch must go on! 
 Buh buh buh buh! 
Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here for the next 7 weeks. Yes some of my rhyming conventions are awkward af but I never claimed to be a filker. Now where was I?
Oh YES, 
Where have I seen this seme before? Oh! Top Secret Together. 
Micky D sponsorship? Nice. I’m impressed. 
Too many sound effects, abort! Is that the sound tech from Lovely Writer I sniff? Someone please fire his ass. Yes, it must be him. Only a straight dude misuses buttons like that. 
I feel Nuea’s pain I too hate the gym. 
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This better not be in one of those situations where after instalove our seme arranges for the wedding planner boy he likes to plan his own wedding so that he can marry him at the end. 
Lots of pronouns going astray in that sentence, but you get my meaning. 
Drag baby around. Locker room. Kabeldon 
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Honestly? And this is not usually a criticism I lob at Mame ( I know is there anything I have lobbed at her?) but the leads seem a bit stiff and uninspired. 
It is just me? 
Episode 2 - What’s this? Oh is that boredom? 
What are these boys in these office BLs doing behind their desks on those computers? They never actually seem to be working at all. They’re like brochure stock art ads for boys on computers. 
I had to skip most of the humiliating stuff with the food in the car and whatever was going on because… aargh. 
They keep ordering food in this episode of nobody’s eating it. And it looks really good and I’m hungry and this is very upsetting to me. 
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Lom is just totally jerking Nuea around. Just tell him what your relationship is with the bride. 
There’s no need to be so fucking coy about it. 
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I love the flaming yelling fit from Nuea tho.  
It was also a good kiss. 
But that’s what we expect from a Mame. 
Mame giveth and mame taketh away. 
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Somewhat dull episode frankly. Even with the kiss.
Sigh. What have I become?
Episode 3 - WHAT IS THIS? There is nothing about this episode that pleased me even a tiny bit. Except Noel’s hair. But that wasn’t part of the script. 
Buckle up, I got A LOT to say. 
It’s a pleasure to welcome you back to your normal and expected ABL meets Mame interface where... ABL LOSES THEIR TINY MIND. 
Right on schedule it feels like. 
Oh who am I kidding, you sadists life for this shizz. And you can’t tell me you don’t. 
Lom is so frustrating. 
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I wanna punch him too. Sing it, sister! 
Random water sports. (And not of the kind one might expect from Mame. Stop it. You know she would go there. She’d think it was edgy.) 
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We need a name for when a BL reviews itself. 
It keeps happening. 
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Should you tell him everything? 
1000 times yes. 
I’m basically screaming it at the screen. 
You tricked him into a date without telling him a single thing about what’s actually going on. Are you insane? 
What the hell. 
You keep kissing him but he is planning your wedding. How fucked up are you? You monster 
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A Mame show calling out its own exploitive sexism is so fucking awkward. 
Mame. Sweetheart. Snookums. Sugarbeans. Shaken-baccon. You don’t have enough fucking talent to go meta. Leave it to the better BLs to follow trends. Your shizz is old fashioned and that’s why people like it. Don’t try to be classy, it makes this whole shit show just look even more shabby. 
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Poor baby. 
Now he’s doubting himself completely. 
What are these assholes doing to you? 
Come with me. 
I’m going to transport you to this other terrible BL trash watch happening right now, where there is a LOVELY adorable boy named Max and I think you would be perfect together. 
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So it’s basically just Narnia-level closet cases we are dealing with here? 
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Nuea is such a cutie.
I want to punch Lom all over again.   
Noel looks v pretty as a blond. 
The proposal sequence was unnecessary. But at least I don’t wanna punch anyone. 
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THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE for lying. For manipulation. For not understanding how you’re betraying another person’s faith in himself. 
Especially not if you’re in the position of power: social, cultural, employer. 
Why doesn’t Mame EVER understand this? 
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You can’t have a character that is sincere and earnest in love and yet entirely lacking in all forms of integrity. 
This is driving me crazy. 
No one is in the show is as crazy as this show is making me.
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I started this episode wanting to punch Lom, and I’m ending this episode wanting to punch Lom.
That’s a mame plot for ya. 
No character development at all, on any side of the screen. 
And someone, mostly me, is always left with a mad desire to punch something. 
Frankly, I kinda want to punch the screen.
Episode 4 - I Am Going to Start Drinking
I like consent especially when “no” is activated. But this being Mame she shoe horns it in and then the seme ignores it. 
It’s so awkward. She’s actually incapable of making any non-problematic tropes sexy. It’s like there is only one lane for her shows and that lane is...
the WORST 
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My “Punch Lom in the face 2023” campaign continues.
I don’t see how he can ever become a sympathetic character. He just trundles along lying by omission (when speaking up would make everything better). I hate him. 
I’m glad we get to see Nuea suffering, now show Lom what he has done and make him lose the boy. 
No? No.
Instead Lom gets rewarded with sex for being a sleazy lying gutless jerk? Well terds to both you fine gentlemen. 
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I mean, very gay of you, Nuea sweetie. 
“Because just SOOOO hot” being the #1 excuse in my personal “I slept with WHAT?��� experience. (Heh, to be fair I’m often the WHAT? in that equation. I live to be someone’s bad mistake... just not Lom-level-bad. 
Where was I? 
Oh yeah, Gaga has the sex scene. FYI. Came outta nowhere, that sex scene did. Very disjointed... not that kind of joint. Not that kind either.
It’s not a particularly impressive sex scene, which is disappointing. Because WHY ELSE WOULD WE BE WATCHING?
I mean, if you’re going to have your characters (and by extension us) forfeit all integrity and taste in order to watch your stupid show, the least you could do is give us decent chemistry. 
I’m not saying this is worse than LITA but at least LITA was hot.
It wasn’t anything else. But it was hot.
This this is 
not hot. 
In conclusion: if Nuea’s baby bro doesnt’t punch Lom in the face next week I will have to start drinking on Weds...
oh wait!
BMF ends this Friday! I can switch to drinking mid week!
(I have a new rule: only one BL a week is allowed to drive me to drink in any give rotation.) 
Imma preemptively point out that I am aware that bearding and lavender marriages are still quite common all over the world. I would whole heartedly support a good depiction of it. (Even one where it stays fix in the beard position.) This is NOT a good depiction. 
I shall draw your attention to 2017′s rarely discussed (not really BL) We Are Gamily out of... you guessed it... Taiwan. You can argue with me about this only AFTER you have watched that. 
Okay, back to the trash watch. 
Episode 5 - I Neglected to Drink and that was a Mistake
Ate a lot of crap traveling home today (feel gross) + tumblr new desktop UX has me pissed + Mame & alcohol? I’m not sure I’d survive. So no alcohol. 
Here we go. 
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Poor Nuea feels so guilty. 
Please save me from ever feeling that way after sex. *shudder* 
Before you ask, to the best of my knowledge, I have never slept with a married person. I’ve slept with married people... married to each other mind you... but I hope that makes it clear everyone was consensual. (I recommend it, by the way. Being a unicorn is lots of fun.) 
Where was i? 
We were dealing with punching Lom not my misspent youth. 
(looks at calendar. wait, that was last month.) 
PUNCH LOM 2023! 
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I love her.
It wasn’t a physical punch but a verbal one is almost as good. (And can be more damaging in the long run.) 
Could we please still have an actual punch?
Pretty please?
Mame punches her characters all the time. And no character ever deserved a punching more than Lom. 
I do wish there was a nice boy back home to scoop Nuea up. 
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That line of boys wanting him, could we see it, not be told it? 
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I do like the random sinshine hyung side couple. 
That might just be the most objectionable moment in this whole show. 
And that’s a tall order. 
Pun intended.
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(straight, HA! pun not intended but still very much THERE) 
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Was I pleased we got multiple characters who are just outright gay? Yes. 
But representation has not been one of Mame’s issues. 
I mean Tharn was one of the first openly gay seme leads in a Thai BL, and she also had rep for lube and condoms in that show. That’s not the issue with TharnType. Or Mame. 
Her issues tend to revolve around story structure and audience manipulation. 
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Was I pleased that Nuea knew what was going on? Yes, I’m glad he’s not totally clueless. 
I still want Lom to be punched in the face and I’m still mad at this show. 
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Episode 6 - Too hot to drink, still a Mistake
I finally figured out my real problem with Lom. It’s not that he was closeted and manipulative without good reason (although he is). It’s not that he lied and strung Nuea along for a lot longer than was necessary (because he did). It is that he basically does everything for himself and his own ends. Even when he’s confessing his love it comes off as flat because it isn’t about Nuea and what Nuea wants or needs, it’s about Lom wants.
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Hanging a lampshade on it doesn’t make it right. 
It was good bridge kiss. And car kiss. And sex kisses. 
There is something corrupted grunge romantic asking the person you love most in the world to hide that love and climb back into the closet with you for the sake of your nasty arse family (is that a queer taboo, hum). I’m not saying lavender marriages are necessarily wrong, I’m just saying it’s an interesting plot twist in a BL. 
I think we HAVE to hold this up and examine it in stark contrast to the final ep of Bad Buddy. It’s interesting how the closet retreat didn’t bother me at all in BB, and I thought it was quite a clever and elegant ending twist. Whereas here it’s just annoying. It’s not making me as angry as it probably should. But it is annoying as a narrative conceit and denouement.
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Can I ask a question.
 It’s not a serious question, of course. 
What is up with all of the shows this year having dates on lakes featuring that thing where you ride a funny little floaty-boat while being dragged behind a fast boat. I’m sure it has a name, but I could not care less. New sponsor? 
The sex scene was fine. But I have to say, I wish they had leaned into the fact that Lom is a virgin and Nuea has more experience. It would’ve been a really interesting dynamic to see honestly represented on screen.
In conclusion, Nuea is a saint and next week everything comes to a head that didn’t already get head this episode.
Episode 7 - Finally I’m drinking! 
I am having a tiki beverage this evening to round out this show. Coconut rum and mango popping Boba are involved. Don’t judge. I have the alcohol palate of a 7 year old. 
I’m ready! Let’s shave this beard!
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And, well, that was a pink saturated drama of the mothers in law. Enjoyable lakorn style scenery chewing. The ladies seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Lom pretending to be sad and pitiful. Also funny. 
Using his evil against his mom is acceptable. Suddenly his manipulative lying ways are working in the right direction. 
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This was a fine ending, I’m not mad at it. 
They managed to keep Lom in character until the end, he remained deceitful.  I would never trust him, but clearly Nuea is willing to ride that dragon. 
I guess 7/10? 
If you can tolerate Mame and liars (kinda the same thing) you’ll be fine with this show. 
But, frankly? Lom as a character would sit better amongst the drama bananas of Only Friends.
In summation: 
A lackluster Mame offering with less of her usual stellar chemistry, but all of her usual manipulation. An innocent wedding planner falls haplessly and hopelessly in love with a groom who relentlessly pursues him, even though he’s about to marry someone else. 
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : Eddie has been being tortured by a scratching sound for days, but what is it?
Word Count : 1.5K
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Warnings : Fluff, no actual romance, minor angst, minor character death (death of eddies mom and readers mom), reader referred to as Y/N, readers dad and uncle wayne shipping the kids lmao.
Really ramble-y, purely written because my cat had a kitten 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
There it was again, that scratching sound. Eddie groaned shoving his head underneath his pillow to block out the noise. “Eddie!” his uncle Wayne’s voice called, he sighed knowing he wasn’t getting back to sleep anytime soon.
“Coming.” Sitting up, he threw the pillow back to the top of his bed, grabbing a shirt from the ground and sliding it on. Walking out of his bedroom to find his uncle, he ran his hand through his curls, messy with sleep.
“Welcome to the land of the living kid,” Wayne chuckled seeing his nephews disheveled appearance. “Ha, very fun-” the boy was cut off by the familiar scratching sound, “Can you hear that?!” he exclaimed.
Wayne cocked his brow, “Son you’ve been smoking a little too much, I’d lay off if I was you.” His Eddie threw his hands dramatically in the air, the noise stopping as he did.
“Anyways, you need to get dressed.” “Why?” he asks his uncle. “We’ve been invited for late lunch at my new colleges house. City guy, tryna help the company, make it all shiny and new,” Wayne explained.
“And we’re going why?”
“Listen he’s a nice enough guy, got a kid your age or something. Do this for your old man, dress nice, we could use an extra penny.”
“Okay okay, just let me go-” the scratching continued, “You cannot tell me you can’t hear that!”
Wayne sighed and lit a cigarette, letting his nephew run around trying to find the noise, not taking any notice.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Pulling up in Wayne’s old car, Eddie let out a whistle, “When you said they were city folk I didn’t think you mean like this,” he nodded towards the flash car they parked next too.
“Listen David’s a well off guy, but he’s nice, real humble, was excited to get to know the folk around here.”
“Must be upset he’s moved to little old Hawkins.” Climbing out the car Eddie was almost throw over, a shorter person smacking into him. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” they exclaimed.
He met their eyes and was taken aback, they were beautiful. “Jeez Y/N, you already making an impression on our guests,” a masculine voice spoke , Eddie saw a man stood by the front door.
Wayne shook the grey haired man’s hand, wearing a t shirt and slacks, he smiled, “Nice to see you Wayne, and you must be Eddie.” He held out his hand to him too, “Nice to meet you sir.”
“Oh please call me David, and this is my daughter Y/N,” he motioned to the girl stood next to him, who waved her hand awkwardly. “Well come on in, foods almost done.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Eddie was quite surprised by their home, yeah it was nicer than his and Wayne’s, but it was so normal. So homely. He wandered around the living room looking at pictures here and there, Wayne was chatting in the kitchen with David.
He smiled at the photos, one of David and his wife on their wedding day, christmas’, a picture of Y/N missing her front teeth, grinning widely. He came to one that looked more recent, Y/N and her mother, holding hands sat looking away at the sun, smiling.
“She’s pretty isn’t she,”the girl spoke next to him, causing him to jump slightly, “sorry.”
“It’s okay. And yeah she is, will she be joining us?”
“Oh um, she passed.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie spoke quickly.
“Don’t worry about it, it was quick, peaceful. Few days after that actually,” she motioned to the photo, and Eddie now noticed how her mom wore a scarf on her head. “My moms gone too. It’s hard, but hey you’ve got your dad, you’ll be able to get through this.”
She smiled at him, “Yeah, like you and your uncle,” to which he responded with a nod. “Hey Y/N honey, did you get any lemonade?” David shouted through to the living room. “Oh yeah I’ll come help now dad.”
Dinner was nice, David was a kind guy, seemed genuinely interested in Wayne and Eddie. Not just work stuff, but what they did as a family, Eddies band and other things.
Y/N was sweet too, but held back from asking many questions, seeming like her mind was somewhere else.
“Honey did you have any luck with Sabrina?” her father asked, to which the girl shook her head. “Nope, I did ask around when I was getting the lemonade.”
“Sabrina?” Wayne asked the pair.
“She’s our cat. She’s pregnant, well she might not be now, she wandered off a few days after we got here. I haven’t seen her since,” Y/N sighed, stabbing a piece of her pasta and popping it in her mouth.
“Cats tend to find a cosy space, that’s nice, dry and safe to have their kittens. Sabrina was always wondering though, only way you could find her was to listen for her scratching stuff,” David laughed.
Eddie dropped his fork making three sets of eyes fall on him, “You okay son?” Wayne asked.
“I think I know where she might be.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I knew I wasn’t going crazy!” Eddie exclaimed as he ran towards the trailer, he climbed inside, followed by Y/N. “You sure it was scratching you heard?” She asked, unable to hear anything. “Yes! Just give it a minute.”
The pair sat down on his bed, when Y/N spoke quietly, “She was my moms cat you know. Took her years to talking my dad into getting one, but he fell in love with her straight away, kinda like my mom.”
He smiled at her, “We’ll find her, even if she’s not here. I’ll help you look for her, she can’t have gotten too far.”
“Thank you Eddie.”
“And hey maybe after we find her, I can show you around Hawkins, give you the grand tour.” She laughed and nodded, “I’d really like th-” her words were cut short by scratching.
“There it is!” Eddie said.
“It’s coming from outside,” she grabbed the curly haired boys hand and ran outside to the back of the trailer.
“Sabrina, where are you hiding pretty girl?” she spoke gently, crouching low. Soon enough a small furry face popped out from behind the water tank.
A brown cat with green eyes, she started chirping at Y/N instantly running up to get pets, the girl took her into her arms, hugging her close.
“This is where you’ve been hiding then, terrorising my new friend Eddie!” she scolded lightly, pressing her lips gently on the animals head.
Eddie smiled at the interaction, and even more so when Sabrina meowed at him. He held out his hand for her to sniff, she head butted it gently, allowing him to scratch her ears.
Another small chirp broke out from behind the water tank, making Sabrina break out of Y/Ns hold and run back under the trailer. “Pretty girl come back!” she called out, and soon she did, but with a tiny tabby creature in her mouth.
The girl sat down on the grass, crossing her legs and allowed Sabrina to drop the kitten down. “Well you have been busy haven’t you mama?” she asked the older cat, gently stroking the small baby.
The brown cat ran away again coming back with a baby that was almost identical to her, she placed it with her other baby and went away again.
For a final time she returned with a small ginger cat in her mouth. Laying in Y/Ns lap with the kittens, allowing them to nuzzle into her, “Well done sweet girl, look at these babies, should we take them home and show Dad?” she asked, fussing her head.
Eddie smiled and sat down next to them, “This is what you’ve been scratching about?” he questioned, stroking the tabby baby gently, which Sabrina happily accepted. “Well how can I be mad at that?”
“Lucky you Sabrina, you haven’t lost me my nice new friend.”
“I think I might be hooked actually,” he grinned at the girl. “Oh yeah? Not surprised kittens will do that.” He hummed,
“Hey do you have a box we could put them in? Just to move them?” she asked
“Sure, I’ll go see,” he pushed from the ground, and jogged round to the front door of the trailer. “I hope we can keep this friend pretty girl, he seems sweet, don’t you think?” to which the cat only replied with a chirp and a nudge of her head for more pets.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Well Mama and her babies are all settled,” Y/N smiled at Eddie, “Thank you for the help, and hey if you hear any more scratching, you know who it is.”
The curly haired boy laughed, and nodded, “I do. Hey about that tour, I know you’ll have your hands full with these furballs for a while so, maybe I could come and help?”
“I’d really like that Eddie. And if that’s the case maybe you should name one of kittens.”
“Yeah, go for it.”
“Well how about Ozzy?”
“Like Osbourne?” she laughed.
“Exactly, little metal heads in the making!” He smiled at the kittens suckling from Sabrina who was snoozing.
The pair sat quietly enjoying the company one another, unaware of the two sets of eyes on them. “20 bucks says they’re dating in a month,” Wayne nudged David who nodded in agreement.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave any requests 🤍
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captainlondonman · 1 year
The Making of a Skin
Olly had been flipping thro’ the dating apps recently and most of the guys he had teamed up were boring. Ok for a quick sex session but once he had cum he was ready to get back. Grindr was fine but he felt he was getting nowhere with any real excitement. One of his hook ups had suggested a new App which the guy had said he had looked at but the guys all looked a bit rough and not for him. Olly made sure he got the App name before leaving. The fuck had been lousy so no wonder the bloke was not interested in anything different.
Might as well give it a try. He was feeling a bit horny and in need of something different so he opened the App, subscribed and started flicking through.
 Shit the guy was right, there was a lot of leather and rubber with bulky guys, most seemed to smoke cigars and have walrus whiskers. Not for me, Olly said. He was about to flick again when a guy caught his notice. It was just the face but he had a shaved head, clean shaven and looked mean. Nothing about him but he lived nearby. Olly pressed the button and immediately had a response.
‘You up for it?’
‘Yup’ Olly replied
‘You lookin’ for sumthing different?’
‘OK M8 get yourself around’
The guy sent his address
‘Get round now, got it?’
 Olly liked the way the guy sounded demanding. This should be different he thought, rubbing his crotch and feeling his bulge grow.
Olly took only ten minutes to get to the address, a council block of flats in an area he would normally not go to. Thankfully there seemed no one around and anyway he made sure to park his car away. The guy had told him which block and to press 18. Olly did as told and heard a rough voice saying
‘2nd floor you can walk up. Lift off’
Not sure what to expect Olly walked up the two flights and saw that one of the two doors were open.
‘Hullo’, he shouted meekly
‘Come in and shut the door mate’
 Standing in the hall was not just a guy with a shaved head but a Skin, in 20 hole black DMs with yellow socks, bleachers, yellow braces and a Black Fred Perry shirt. He had been working out and showed bulging muscles which were covered in tattoos.
‘Never seen a fucking Skin before? You saw my face so you should have it worked out. So now’s you’re here better have lager. I fucking need one and a  Marlbro. He went into the kitchen and came back with an open can and handed it to Olly.
‘Come in and sit down’.
‘I don’t usually drink lager’, Olly said
Skin muttered, ‘well that’s about to fucking change.’
‘Sorry what did you say?’
‘Want a fag mate?’
‘No I don’t smoke’
‘Fuck, you soon will’, Skin muttered
‘Well drink up mate. So what’s you wantin’. Looking for some quick sex and then off is that it?’
‘I saw your photo and it looked interesting’
‘Interesting? What the fuck does that mean.’
‘Dunno know just that’
‘Well drink up mate and make the most of yer lager.’
 Not sure what to do Olly quickly drank his can. Feeling a bit scared he took in the Skin sitting opposite with his legs apart his booted feet firmly on the floor and he could see a good sized bulge in his bleachers. Scared or not Olly could feel his cock starting to stiffen Suddenly he could feel himself becoming drowsy, his vision becoming blurred and all he wanted to do was sleep.
‘Sooory I’m feeling a bit tired, perhaps I’d better go home’, that was all he said before he slumped back on the chair, letting his empty can drop to the floor.
  Olly felt cold, he could not move and something was around his face. He needed time to think. Where was he? As his vision came back he realised that he was stark naked and in a bath, his ankles were roped together and his hands were tied behind his back. Something leather was strapped around his head and in the centre was a leather ball inside his mouth . he could not speak and almost felt like choking. He started to panic.
Suddenly he heard
‘Stop being such a fucking baby and man up.’ The Skin leant over Olly and spat a huge gob between his eyes and then taking his hand rubbed it all over his face taking a lump of spit and forcing his finger around the leather ball gag
The Skin was standing in front of him, legs apart with a can of lager in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
‘Time to get going Boi’
With that he bent over Olly drawing in the smoke and blowing out into his face. Olly wanted to cough but the leather ball prevented him..
‘Fucking inhale dumb boy’
Skin continued blowing the smoke into Olly’s face until Olly had to take in the smell and fumes.
‘That’s it Boi, you soon luv it’
Once he stubbed out the ciggie, he opened the can and with his other hand undid the gag.
‘No fucking noise from you boy’
And with that he grabbed Olly’s hair, pushed his head back and started pouring the lager down his throat.
‘Fuckin swallow Boi.’
Olly gurgled and started to swallow mouthful after mouthful until the can was empty.
‘I need to pee, please’ he murmured
‘Why do you think you’re in the fucking bath. Go on let me see ya piss’.
Without waiting Olly peed himself, his piss running down the bath
‘Tell you what Boi, I need to piss myself as well.’
Skin unbuttoned his bleachers and yanked out his meaty cock.
‘Take this Boi ‘,and with that sprayed a river of piss over Olly
He lit up another ciggie and started over blowing the smoke straight into Olly’s face.
‘Fucking inhale boi. Let me see you cause youll be smoking yerself soon.’
Once he had finished he took the shower hose and washed down Olly and all the piss in cold water.
‘There you are Boi,’ he said putting the gag back in.
‘Every hour I’ll be back and you’ll get a lager and ciggie smoke. Got it?’
Throughout the day Skin came back with another can and rammed the lager down Olly;’s throat. By the end of the day he almost looked forwards to the taste of the lager as well as the way he was forced to swallow. Even when the smoke was blown into his face he found himself inhaling more and more. When the last can was given he asked
‘Can I have my own cigarette please?’
‘Look Boi, forget all this bloody poncy language. It’s a fucking ciggie got I and I want to hear the word Fuck being used all the time got it?’
‘All that fuckin lager sure make you piss yerself judging by that stream Boi. Makes me want to piss.’ Again he undid his buttons and pulled out his cock . This time he grabbed Ollys head and pulled off the gag
‘Time to drink something else Boi.’
Skin leaned over the bath and with his cocked aimed directly into Olly’s mouth. ‘Ive been fucking drinking all day mate so there plenty coming and your takin it all.’
With that he let out a heavy stream of piss into Olly’s mouth who was unable to take all as it started running down his face.
Seeing Skin’s cock right in front of his face and tasting the acid piss started making him happy, and he could feel his cock lengthening.
‘Christ Boi, yer luving this. Look at yer fuckin cock. Not a bad size Boi. That’s what I wanna see. This is just the start. Boi I’ll make a skin man out of you yet.
Skin buttoned himself up and went out coming back with electric clippers, shaving foam and a razor.
‘Time to get rid of all that fuckin hair Boi. No bloke of mine has hair. Yer best shaved. Be a man, a skin man’
With that Skin set to work and within the hour he had flushed all Olly’s hair down the bath and in place was a gleaming scalp.
‘That’s a fucking great head you’ve got now. Makes you look so much better You can stay tied up tonight and we’ll see what tomorrow brings. But you deserve a treat eh’
He undid the gag briefly and poured another can of lager down Oll’s throat and then lit up a cigarette.
‘Time for your first proper one Boi. I’ll hold and you puff. I wanna see you fucking inhale big time got it?’
Olly by now  was desperate for his fag and knew instinctively how to inhale. There was no coughing after all the smoke he had taken in during the day. He took in puff after puff emitting cloud of smoke.
‘Well done Boi, yer on yer way.
I’ll see you later OK?’
After an hour Olly heard the front door bell ring and heard Skin exchange a few words with another male voice.
The door opened and in walked The Skin with a replica but the guy had a rubber T shirt on , Fred Perry style. His arms and head were covered in tattoos. Olly could hardly make out all the patterns but he was able to note the St George’s flag, a skull, a clenched fist with centre finger upright, the Nazi emblem and writing that looked vaguely German. He was all muscle, his rubber T shirt tight against his 6 pack but it wasn’t just the T shirt that was tight. His bleachers showed what looked liked a truncheon down one side, thick and semi hard.
‘So this is yer Boi? Not bad. What do you want done?’ he said opening his bag
‘We’ll start light mate. Gie him an Iron Cross on his shoulder, then S-K-I-N across both knuckles and on the back of his neck in big letters F-U-C-K. Let’s get to work.’
 Olly suddenly realised what was about to happen and started to struggle in his bondage.
 ‘Stop fucking moving Boi,’ he growled and then took his hand and slapped Olly hard across the face. ‘Much more of that and I’ll have your whole fucking body covered.’
Again Olly struggled.
‘Take that you fucking wimp,’ again his hand smacked the side of Olly’s face.
Shit it stung. Olly decided it was best to stay quiet.
The Skin undid the ties and hauled Olly out of the bath, taking his hand across Olly’s arse. ‘Any moaning and moving from you Boi and I’ll take my paddle across that bum of yours’
 Olly sat on the chair obediently and the Tat man took out his tools and started his work. Olly bit into his gag to stop any moaning. The guy started on his neck and then took his hands and on each one formed SKIn on each. Finally as he started on the shoulder The Tat man was standing in front of him close to his body and he could feel the guys bleachers rubbing against him. Not just his bleachers but he could feel the outline of his cock and as it lightly rubbed against so he could feel it lengthening. It did feel like a truncheon. Olly started to move  his arm into towards the dick so the guy knew and clearly he was loving it.
The Skin saw
‘What the fuck is going on with the two of you. Boi that dick of yours is suddenly fucking hard. You enjoying yer tats?’
The Tat man turned round to face The Skin.
‘I think its my fucking dick he likes.’
‘Shit man, you getting turned on doing my Boi. Christ that’s some bit of meat you got there,’ he said starting to rub his own crotch ‘Think its time we had a bit of action and see how Boi performs eh?’
The Skin put his hand out and slid it down the length of the Tat man’s cock then took a hard clench, rubbing his own cock at the same time.
‘Fuck that’s a real dick man. I thought mine was big but shit that’s huge. Time you got that out’
Both skins opened their flies and forced out their cocks, both rock hard and both standing in front of Ollys face. The Skin had a good 8 incher with a gleaming head already showing some precum, but the Tat man must have had 10 inches and thick. Olly could not believe having two dicks belonging to Skins like this right in front of his face
‘He’s my Boi so I’ll go first and then he can take you after his throat’s widened’
 The Skin put both hands around Olly’s head and guided him to his cock. As he did so Tat man spat a gob onto his cock and started sliding his hands slowly up and down his shaft.
‘Fucking open wide Boi you’re taking all my cock right down the back of yer fucking throat ‘
Olly choked as The Skins cock was forced into his mouth.
‘Fuckin breathe properly so you can take this. Just remember yer next cock is even bigger’
With his hands around Olly’s head he started ramming his cock deeper and deeper into Olly’s mouth. Olly let more and more spit onto the shaft to make it easier.
‘That’s it Boi you’ve got the hang. Take it’
This is what Olly wanted, skin prick. He didn’t need The Skin to force his head he was doing it because he wanted. Now he wanted the bigger cock in his mouth
‘I’ll fucking come in a minute. You’re bloody great Boi,’ he said taking his dick out ‘let me see you take his dick in yer mouth’
The Tat man moved in. I can see you’re going to love this Boi. Shit you’re a real sucker.
He also put his hands around Olly’s neck and directed his cock but knowing the size was gentle allowing Olly to open his mouth wide enough to take the diameter.
Taking the cock more slowly turned the Tat man on, even more feeling Olly’s throat expand to take it all. OIly wanted every inch of his dick and slurped down the shaft and as the Tat man clenched his arse feeling his cock throbbing so the skin put his hand between his crack and started rubbing his cheeks.
‘Christ that arse of yours is loving the face fuck mate.  One day I’d love to give you a real fuck. Shit you’ve a mighty pair of cheeks.’
The Skin was now even more horny and worked up, wanking and watching Tat’s mans cock inch down more and more while rubbing the arse.
‘Fucking great eh. Right Boi time for your first load of cum. Grab your own dick and we’ll all come together right’
Olly already had his hand around his cock. He was ready to explode after two cocks in his mouth.
‘Don’t know about you mate but this Boi has me ready to fill his mouth with my cum.’
‘Fuck I’m ready when you are,’ the Skin said as he was now wanking hard.
‘You ready Boi. Lets go’
With that all three erupted their load of cum. The Skin spurted his load over Boi’s face as the Tat man let rip down the back of Olly’s throat, so much it was oozing out of his mouth and down his chin. Olly exploded his pent up cum all over the floor. It was like a fucking avalanche of cum from all three.
‘Fucking hell man, next time I do a tat I’ll bloody well make sure I rub me dick against the bloke. Not sure they’ll give such a great blowjob. Well done Boi.’.
The Tat man stuffed his cock back down his bleachers allowing some of the left over cum to drip through his bleachers.
‘Might as well let the blokes see what I’ve been doing eh?’
He picked up his tools to go
‘When he’s ready for the next set of tats let me know. I’ll be back like a bloody shot and I’ll want a blowjob before and after I do them.’
After he went out The Skin said
‘Well done Boi, you sure took the full length of his dick. Never thought you’d get that monster down yer throat. Sure made me so fucking horny. Here’s a can for you. You deserve it.’
‘Can I have a cigarette as well.’
‘Can I have a cigarette as well,’ he mimicked. ‘You can have a fucking ciggie when you ask. I wanna hear skin talk from now on or else I’ll bloody well slap you again, got it?’
‘Can I have a fucking ciggie mate?’
‘That’s better and glad you now know ciggies are for us skins.’
Olly drew on his fag savouring every long puff
‘Right next stage Boi, need to get you dressed, get next door I have everything laid out for you.’
Laid out neatly was a MA 1 green jacket, a Fred Perry T shirt white with black stripes at the collar, black braces, bleachers long white socks and black 20 hole DMs with white laces.
‘Time to get yer gear on, you need to look like a fucking skin but first come here. Olly stood in front of the Skin who put a thick metal linked chain around his neck and secured the padlock.
‘Know what that’s for?’
‘Fucking no’
‘It tells everyone you’re mine and only I can unlock you. Looks good on you and better when you have my gear on you. Its my gear so you are definitely mine , all mine.’
 Olly could not believe his luck. All this gear was for him to wear and better still it belonged to his master As he lifted up the T shirt, Skin said
‘That’s right smell it first. Yup its me you smell so you’ve my smell against your body.’
Next he put on the bleachers. They were tight but the right size and he could feel his cock start to swell as he forced his dick down one side. He put it down the same side at The Skin as he could see piss marks
‘Thought this would fucking turn you on Boi. Any skin gets off when he’s in full gear’
The Skin picked up the socks and rammed them into Olly’s face.
That’s it, smell these stinking socks,’ as he rubbed them across his mouth. ‘Not washed for months Boi.’
They were rancid but Olly was getting off on them, his cock getting bigger
He put the socks on and then the boots. Instinctively he knew how to lace them, then the braces which he let hang down at the back and finally the bomber jacket.
‘Shit Boi you look fucking great. I made the right choice with you. How do you feel?’
‘Just look at me fuckin big cock. Fucking right, Skin.’
‘That’s me boy. You talk skin now, that’s because you are one. There’s a mirror over there. Take a look.’
Olly could not believe it, gone was that pussy boy. He was looking at a skin, a mean skin and shit that cock of his had never looked bigger stretching down his bleacher leg.
‘I need a fucking ciggie looking  at me.’
‘You can have one as we go out. Now’s the final bit’
Take this and follow me.
He handed Olly a baseball bat and pushed him out the door. As they stepped out into the street they both lit up. People started moving aside as they walked up the road several people looking at Olly’s large crotch. He could not keep his erection down. He felt brill.
‘What you’s fucking looking at.’ He shouted at people ‘Never seen a hard skin before.’ As he waved the bat towards them.
The Skin smiled. ‘Yup he’s my Boi.’
They stubbed out their ciggies and turned into a deserted warehouse. The Skin found an unlocked door and shoved it open letting both of them in.
‘Right Boi this is all yours. Do what you want.’
Something triggered in Olly’s head and he knew what he wanted to do. His cock was rammed hard, he knew he looked a tough skin, being so horny had made him feel full of skin aggro.
‘Oi Oi I’m a fucking skin, no one gets in my way or else they’re meat.’ and with that he took the bat and swung it breaking up everything in sight screaming
‘Fuck the lot of them Fuck, Fuck. Life is for us skins, we rule no one gets in a skin s way.’ Glass was smashed, boxes broken as he wielded the bat.
The Skin watched feeling more and more horny watching his Boi.
‘Shit me’s cock ready for that arse of his, Im so fucking ready to unload in him.’ His cock was rigid down his bleachers and he could not keep it contained any longer, lifting its full length out to show a gleaming head with precum.
Olly was loving the damage he was making and his cock was as hard getting off on the aggro and anger. A damp patch was appearing on his bleachers exactly where is cock head was
‘Get the fuck over here Boi, im waiting’
That was a command thought Olly and seeing the Skin’s thick erect dick he knew what was going to happen and he was gagging for it.
He put down the bat and walked over, the Skin grabbing him and putting his right arm firmly around Olly’s Neck
Suddenly Olly felt a zip goung down at his arse.
‘Fuck mate you’ve got a rear zip on me bleachers.’
‘They’re my bleachers and yes how do you think I’m going to fuck you in your gear. Now shove that arse of your out towards me.’
The Skin dropped a large gob of spit onto his dick and rubbed it down the shaft. Need to give a bit of lube so you can take my full length Boi’
With his left hand he guided his cock into Olly’s arse. Olly could feel his crack being opened and his hole being forced to take the prick. As soon as he felt the head he started moving his arse back into Skin to take the length.
‘That it mate, I fucking ready for your dick so start fucking me’
‘Don’t fucking worry Boi I will. Get you own dick out, I wanna see you shoot as my cum goes up yer bum.’
‘Eh you’re a fucking skin now being fucked by another skin  and you are all mine Boi. It’s what you want Boi isn’t it.’
‘Fucking right mate, go on ram that dick of yours up me let me have the full length. You’ve got a good one there Mate and I wanna feel all of it. Your gonna fuck me again and again after this. I’ll never get enough of it.’
‘That what I wanna hear Boi.’
The Skin was getting more and more horny hearing his Boi desperate for a shag and moved his cock in and out faster and faster.
The faster he fucked the more Olly was rubbing his own shaft. He wanted to shoot across the space with all his cum while feeling the rush of Skin’s cum up his arse.
‘This is the best fuck I’ve had in ages Boi, you are a real little sub needing my dick’
‘Get on with it I want to feel your spunk in me’
‘Shit it’s coming get ready Boi to spurt your cum’
The two skins were glued together is their full gear, fucking for all their worth.
‘I’m cumming Skin’ shouted
‘Me too’
With that both came, a shit load of spunk up Olly’s arse and another shit load spurting across the floor.
‘Jesus what a bloody fuck that was.’
Thanks mate for making me into a Skin. This is the fucking life.
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bitchinbarzal · 11 days
We’ve seen jealous Charles now we need to see jealous Mama
She saw him across the paddock, surrounded by the influencers and models they’d invited to Ferrari hospitality.
She wasn’t one for jealously but she couldn’t help it, the green monster that weighed on her chest was powerful.
They were recently engaged, still yet to announce it to the world due to advice from the PR team and she hated it.
Instead of speaking to him, like a normal person, she opted to ignore him.
It only took until lunchtime for Charles to realise what was going on.
“My love” he mumbled, kissing her cheek while she was making herself coffee “Do tell me what is wrong?”
“Nothing” she grumbled
“Your pants are on fire, liar”
She rolled her eyes “Don’t you have a model to flirt with or something?”
He smiled softly to himself “No”
His hands wandered down her body “I have a hot, sexy, smoking fiancé I’d like to not be mad at me when I get in the car”
“I’m not mad”
“You’re jealous” he muttered and she glared in return “My love do not be jealous, I Waited so long for you. Do you believe I am letting you go that easy?”
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ifeellikeanopenwound · 11 months
roll for me
soft!rafe x fem!reader 
warnings: use of weed, that’s pretty much it!
a/n: hi, so i haven’t written in quite a long time and this is mostly for fun, so i apologize if this is horrible lol! 
“rafeee,” i whine out, while poking his hard shoulder. he’s sat next to me on our sofa, slouched down with his knees spread slightly. all his attention focused on his phone, like it has been for the past thirty minutes. normally, i’d leave him be, or occupy my time another way. however, i need rafe for something far more important right now. 
his eyes are now on mine and his phone quickly forgotten in his lap. “yes, baby?” he replies, and his warm, smooth voice instantly turns me into a puddle on the floor, and i briefly wonder how it always feels this way, even after so long.
i give rafe pleading eyes before i utter out a question i know will irritate him just a bit, but he’d never admit it. “do you mind rolling for me?” to my surprise, he doesn’t even hesitate before muttering out a, “course.” the corners of my lips immediately turn up, as i fill with excitement. he lifts up from the couch and disappears down the hall before returning with a small wooden box sat on top of a black rolling tray. 
rafe sits back down and removes all of the materials from the box. he then pulls a single rolling paper and out of the pack of many, laying it down on the tray next to a large clear bag of weed. i watch intently as rafe pulls a few weed nuggets from the bag and mashes them into a grinder. next, he’s placing the green crumbs into the paper before rolling it up as if it were muscle memory. once finished, rafe gathers all the materials and places them back in their wooden home.
he hands me the perfectly rolled joint, as well as a black lighter. i fill with excitement and grab the joint with one hand, the lighter with the other. i slip the joint between my lips and position the lighter to the tip. there’s an orange spark before the cloudy smoke starts filling the room. i inhale for a moment, then pass it to rafe. after the smoke from my hit has disappeared from my body, i cuddle closer to rafe on the couch, my head leaning on his shoulder. “thanks for being my personal joint roller.” i say, looking up at him with an innocent smile. he lets out a small chuckle, afterwards taking much longer hit of the joint than me. “it’s for me too ya know.” 
“yeah but if i didn’t ask we’d totally be using a bong right now!” i argue as i take the joint back out of his outstretched hand. rafe is grinning largely at me, “and that’s the better way to smoke, baby.” i let out a mock offended scoff and go back to enjoying the burning plant. we sit in a comfortable silence, just passing back and forth to each other until it’s a small nub, occasionally kissing in between. 
rafe and i stay cuddled up on the couch feeling content just like this. i notice his fingers start twirling at the ends of my hair and suddenly my eyelids are too heavy to keepy open. black surrounds my vision meanwhile i bask in the feeling of rafe being next to me. and just as i think i’m gonna drift off, rafe is dragging me out the door of the house and we’re in the car on the way to 7/11 for slushies.
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minimickzy · 11 months
Practice || Van Palmer Part 1
Guys went a little crazy and I think this will be well over 3k words so I'm gonna split it in two parts- also I swear I don't hate Jackie- she's just such an easy villain.
dialog prompts:
"Hold my hand" "Absolutely not" "We should kiss, for like practice" "I've liked you since you hit me with a rock at recess in 1st grade." "fuck you"
Characters: Van x Reader, the whole team
Word count: 1568
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You had known Van since kindgerraden. You two had been table mates and caused the teacher so many headaches that she moved you to opposite sides of the classroom, which of course only made you two more disruptive. By some miracle, or curse depending on who you asked, The two of you had been in all the same classes leading up to high school, where you still ended up having a good amount together.
She had wanted to be a goalie in soccer so you had to join too, obviously. JV freshman year introduced you to the rest of your high school friend group. Everyone got along as well as you could expect for a small-town soccer team. Although there was definitely still the fair share of petty arguments and drama. 
“Come on guys, focus!” Jackie yelled in her normal peppy voice across the field. You grumbled, doing your best not to glare at her. 
This practice had fallen apart almost as soon as it started. Jackie and Tai had gotten into yet another screaming match in the locker room, splitting the team up and leaving tension hanging over all of you. 
You tried another play, which ended in Natalie completely knocking down Shanua- starting another yelling match. 
You stood with a hand on your hip. Waiting for Coach Ben to call it for the day. 
“Nice Ass lady” Van whispered as she approached you from behind before breaking into a chuckle.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You smirked over your shoulder and winked at her, causing her to fan herself with her hand. “How long do you think before practice is called?” 
The redhead tapped her chin pretending to think, “I’ll give it two more minutes- either Coach calls it or Tai decks Jackie out cold.” 
You let out a snort, “If Tai takes Jackie- Shauna will be on her before she had the chance to run.” 
“I’d pay to see that.” 
“I’m sure you would.” 
She gave you a cheeky grin. 
Sure enough within 2 minutes Coach called it, telling everyone to take the rest of the day and the weekend to cool off. 
“So… Natalie, did you mean to knock down Shauna or was it just a stellar accident?” Van asked Natalie before taking a drag of the joint between her fingers.   
This was a semi-normal occurrence. Nat, Van, Lottie and you hitting a joint behind the school before leaving practice. 
“Can I plead the fifth?” You laughed as Van passed you the joint. “Besides- I barely tapped her.” 
You let out a puff of smoke before speaking up again, “Well if we’re still going to that party tonight you better watch out for Jackie's wrath.” 
Lottie giggled, “I don't think she even knows how to throw a punch.” 
Natalie finished off the joint before flicking it to the ground and stomping it into the ground with her boot. “Guess we’ll have to find out” She gave her most daring grin.
You went home to change and get ready, opting to waste most of your time laying on your bed zoning out to the radio. At 9:30 you went outside to wait for Kevyn to pull up. The major perk of whatever the fuck he had going with Natalie meant you all had a ride to every party. 
Sure enough, he pulled up in his semi-shitty car (not that you were one to judge) with Natalie, Van, and Lottie already loaded in. You smooshed into the back seat next to Van who like usual wore an oversized T-Shirt under her jean jacket and tan pants. 
As small town trashy as it was, most parties were either held at a few designated houses or, more often, in the woods about two miles from the school. Kevyn pulled up and parked with all the other cars, letting all of you get out. “If you want rides back I’ll only ask you once before I leave.” Kevyn locked his car before wrapping an arm around Natalie's shoulders and heading towards the bonfire. 
Lottie made a gagging sound next to you, “I just don’t get what she sees in him.” 
“I hear ya Lot. But to be fair I feel that about all her boy toys.” Van added.
You shrugged, noncommittally and started towards a keg, “I don’t know about you guys but I need a drink.” 
Lottie spotted some people from her classes and left to catch up with them, leaving you and Van alone. 
It’s not that parties weren't for you per se, but Van didn’t much care for them. She’d rather be at your place getting high and watching old VHSs than be surrounded by fellow students after what was already required for school. 
You two tended to stay off to the side, making fun of the drunk kids and freshmen who really weren’t ready to be here yet. 
You were sitting on one of the log benches, resting your head on Van’s shoulder, laughing at the stupid commentary she was providing before you heard Jackies yell ring out over the noise, “What’d you say Bitch?” You stood up from your spot, rushing towards the scene, Van hot on your heels. Jackie was pushing Natalie away from her, Kevyn trying (not well) to hold Natalie back. 
“I said, you’re a stuck-up cunt.” Natalie spat at her. 
You smacked your forehead as Van grumbled next to you, “Seriously Nat? Not helpful.” 
The two of you weren’t the only partygoers who had come to see the commotion. A circle had formed around the two. “You need to watch yourself, so you don’t end up like your trailer trash parents.” 
You could feel Van tense next to you before she jumped between them, “Okay- That’s enough, yellowjackets meeting. Right now.” 
Natalie had a fire in her eyes, Jackie's cruelty, and Van's one of disappointment. Natalie huffed but followed Van, prompting you, Lottie, Shauna, and Jackie to follow. You hadn’t seen Tai all night and assumed she probably didn’t show up to avoid being around Jackie and Shauna. 
Once you were all a small distance away from the rest of the party Van stopped and clapped her hands together, “alright- let’s talk this shit out before the ally incident from last season repeats itself.” 
“There’s really nothing to say other than the apology Natalie owes me.” Jackie started, earning the start of more yelling. 
“Hey!” Van yells over the others, “Jackie- you and Tai agreed to move on so now do it.” She rubs down her face with your head, obviously tired of this shit. “Why don’t we do what we did last year before nationals? Do the camp thing where we all have to say something nice about each other.” 
As the others protested you moved forward in front of Jackie, “Come on guys- it helped us last time! Let’s try it.” You gave Van a look, trying to show her you were doing your best. 
Nat rolled her eyes but nevertheless turned to Shauna and plastered on a smile. 
You looked back to Jackie, she seemed apprehensive. You two weren’t really close, but you were civil and had nothing personally against her. She was just very sheltered compared to Van, Nat, Lottie, and you. And you assumed Shauna but you weren’t really sure. 
“Jackie…. I think you’re a great leader.” Okay, you had to be better than that, “The way you can rally the team is impressive…. And I really love your style.”
Better right?
Sure enough, she smiled and thanked you before returning the favor.  
You and Van had each other last, which was definitely for the best because you were crossed enough that there was no way you could stay serious with her. 
She stepped in front of you and smirked, “(y/n), I've liked you since you hit me with a rock at recess in 1st grade." 
"fuck you"
She barked out a laugh and lightly hit your arm, “What? It’s true!” 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest, “ First of all it was an accident, Secondly I barely hit you, you were just dramatic.” 
“Mmmm, that's what you wanted Mrs. Todd to think.” 
You shook your head but couldn't help from joining in her laughter. Her laughter was contagious you swear to god. 
“Okay okay, my turn. Tell me how great I am.” 
You tapped your chin, pretending to think, “I don’t know? Maybe your rugged good looks? Your amazing sense of humor? Your seemingly unlimited supply of weed? There’s just so much to pick from. Wait I know, I love that you’re the most fucking outstanding, compassionate, beautiful person I’ve ever met.” 
It had been meant to be light-hearted, and it was. But now that the words were hanging in the air they felt a lot heavier, like more of the truth than you had intended had sneaked in. 
Both of you had fallen into a delicate silence, the rest of the team and party fading into the background. She was still smiling, more earnestly than you had seen in a long time. “Thank you.”
You give her a half smile, “It’s just the truth.” 
Natalie wrapped her arms around both of you, missing the fact that she was interrupting a private moment, “Palmer, you never cease to amaze me. Jackie actually apologized.” 
Van smiled, “that’s great.” It came out strained and you tried not to cringe.
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stylexrepp · 4 months
I wrote this a while ago and I decided I don’t want to work on it anymore so I’m posting this no proof!! (Sorry if it’s god awful and hard to read)
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Bully - Eddie X Reader
You had been stuck sitting next to Eddie in every single one of your classes since the day you started kindergarten.
At first he seemed like a normal little boy until he decided it would be fun to drag you around by your pigtails at recess every day, and laugh along with the other kids. As his bullying continued, you gained courage in middle school to snap back at him. Giving him ugly looks anytime he was in your line of sight or punching his arms as hard as you could manage when he’d let out a raunchy comment. But when you got to high school the roles reversed completely, you were now the bully.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” you spat at him as you pushed him back against the nearest locker.
Eddie let out as much of a groan as he could while the wind had been knocked out of him. He gave no effort to fight back as you stood there laughing as if seeing him like this was the funniest thing you’ve ever seen.
He looked to you to try and find any remorse as there had been no true meaning for this beat down, all he had done was attempt to ask you how your day had been.
This was a normal everyday occurrence for you two at this point, Eddie would try to muster up a greeting and you’d shut him down with some form of assault. But today you decided to have some fun with him.
“What freak, don’t want to ask about my day anymore, too scared now?” Eddie couldn’t form any words, he stuttered at every type of sentence he tried and all he could let out was “b-bitch”
You huffed at his response and throw your half eaten PB&J at him splattering it all across his hellfire club t-shirt. “I hope your stupid little club likes trash.” You finally walk away and go along normally as if you hadn’t just embarrassed the shit out of a man a foot taller than you.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
As you walk out to the parking lot, you see Eddie leaning against the side of his van smoking a cigarette. You’re surprised to see him alone and not bantering with his buddies. You internally fight yourself to go up to him, as he looks eerily attractive like this. You don’t understand why you would ever think that way about him. You hated him, you wanted him to hate you. He was a dick to you so you needed to return the favor. So why the hell are you swooning over him right now!
“Gonna stand there and stare at me all night?” You snap out of your trance as you hear his raspy voice. Gah why does his voice even give you butterflies.
He finally looks over to you to see if he missed a response from you. “Just trying to figure out why the freak is near my car” he scoffs at that comment as you’ve used freak as your main source of your punishment towards him.
“Are you not getting bored of using the same old comments” Eddie announced “Each time you talk to me you call me a freak, I think we can all understand that’s what I am to you by now.”
You begin to slowly walk up to the side of his van. “What do you want from me, I merely exist and you continuously terrorize me?” You stop in your tracks, you cannot believe what he’s just announced.
“Just exist? You’ve bullied me since the day we’ve met buddy!” Eddie whips his head towards you and gives you a sly grin. “Sweetheart you got it all wrong” he closes the gap between us. I didn’t realize how close I’d walked up to him until it only took him 2 steps to be face to face with me.
You couldn’t breath anymore. What is going on with you, you basically crumbling into the palm of his hand. You never do this. All of a sudden you are hit with the hard metal of the van on your back. Eddie had slammed you up against the van exactly like you had earlier today when you slammed him into the lockers.
“How do you like it princess?” You’re stuck in time,’princess,’ him basically breathing down your neck, his legs rubbing against yours, you couldn’t handle it.. all of a sudden there was a heat growing between your legs.
“E-Ed’s…” you let out as a whimper. You hoped for him to say something back.. but as soon at you said it he let go.
You stand there as he walked to the door of his van and hopped in. You begin walking away with your wobbly legs as you are still flustered from how close he was.
The only words you could even fathom in your head were “what the fuck just happened…well shit.”
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rosicheeks · 1 month
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Dude where's my submarine? Part 2 of Isekaied Law X Female Reader
Part 1- Here Part 3- Here
AN- I'm working on the 3rd and final part currently, hopefully I'll have it up sometime next weekend!
Word count 3.5K
!!Dressrosa arc spoilers!!
Warnings/Content- Law almost burns your house down, Light cursing, Angst (Abandonment issues), Modern day content and references, Mentions of violence, Driving without a license (Guess who) , Mentions of suggestive music and suggestive content.
Enjoy ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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The smell of something burning jolted you from your peaceful dreams. Oh no. You jump up from the bed and run to the spare bedroom Law was in.
 “Law get up!” You slam the door open only to see the bed neatly made. He’s not here.
 “ROOM.” You faintly Law’s voice.“SHAMBLES.” In the blink of an eye you were in the smoke filled kitchen standing beside an irritated Law.
 “What happened?” There were a bunch of ingredients out on the countertops and a frying pan that had flames erupting from it. “OH HELL.” You grab the pan and run it over to your kitchen sink. More smoke fills the kitchen as the fire is doused by water. Crisis averted. “Law are you okay?” 
 “Yeah, but I can't say the same about the eggs." You could tell from his tone and flushed cheeks that he was embarrassed beyond belief. “I wanted to return the favor since you cooked for me last night, but…” He points over to your laptop that sat on the kitchen table. “I got carried away, I’m truly sorry Y/N.” 
 “Accidents happen, don’t worry about it. As long as you're okay.” You look at the pan and see no trace of egg, just a inciarated mass stuck to the bottom. “I can’t tell you how many times I’d put a pizza in the oven and forget about it. Needless to say, I've about burnt my house down plenty of times. Don’t sweat it.” Law seems grateful that you're not angry with him. “I’ll go out and get us something to make. I need to grab a few more things anyway since you’ll be here for a while!”
 “Mind if I go with you?”
 “Surel. I’ll go get ready and I’ll be right back down.”
 “What’s this?” Law points at your parked car.
 “It’s my ‘ship’ so to say. But it’s actually called a car!” You unlock the doors with the remote, causing the headlights to blink. “In this world there are plenty of things used for transportation.  We have trains that can go across the entire country, metros in the larger cities, and even airplanes that can take you just about anywhere in the world!”
 “Wow.” His lips were slightly parted in awe. “What’s its name?”
 “Umm.. The Honda civic?” Law does a few circles around the car, surveying the unfamiliar vessel. He’s so cute. “Wait until you see the inside!”  You get into the car followed by Law.
 “I won’t lie.” Law watches as you start the engine up.. “This is pretty cool.” 
 “It is. Not to mention it's also really good on gas and in this world that says a lot because gas prices are crazy expensive and-” You look over and see Law paying you zero attention. He was too busy playing with the AC buttons to listen to your economic rant.
 You drive down the road as Law plays with every button in the car. It was understandable, because if you ever ended up on his ship you’d explore it top to bottom. I’ve got an idea!
 “Let me show my favorite thing about the car.” You click the button that turns the radio on. The familiar upbeat pop song puts a smile on your face. “I love this song!” Word for word you sung the lyrics not caring one bit about the fact Law was right beside you. When the song ended you glance over at him to see his face was red all the way to the tips of his ears. “Law are you okay?”
 “Are lyrics like that normal?” Reality hit you. You had just sung a very suggestive and raunchy song right in front of him. You join him in blushing. I wonder what kind of face he’d make if I played WAP?
 “So this is It.” You lock your car door and point at the blue and beige building. “Walmart~This is where you can get just about anything. Food, clothes, hygiene products, gifts, you name it, they got it.”
 “Wow…” He let out a low whistle. You smile at his bewilderment and continue walking in.
 “If you're surprised now just wait until you see the insi--” Your words get stuck in your throat when a car starts to back up right in front of you. It was pulling out too fast for you to react.
 “Y/N!” It felt like your life flashed before your very eyes. The car was inches away from hitting you, but a pair of strong arms pulled you away before it could.
 “Watch where you're walking dumbasses!” The person in the car reaches a hand out to flip you and Law off before speeding away.
 “I’ll kill that bastard.” Law grits his teeth as he holds your trembling body closer to him. It took you a moment to process that you almost got killed. 
 “It’s okay Law.” You look up at him with watery eyes. “I’m a little shaken up, but I’m not hurt and killing people is very frowned upon here.” His grip on you loosens so you can pull back. You wipe the forming tears out of your eyes. “It would be pretty embarrassing for my death to have been in a Walmart parking lot, so thanks for saving me.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood.
 “I’m glad you're alright. Still…..” 
 “It's alright Law. Let’s go on in.” Trying to change the subject, you take a few steps forward but stop when an arm wraps around your back.
 “Stay close to me in case something like that happens again.” Law must have sensed your nervousness, the angry look was replaced by his signature smirk. “But if it does I can’t make any promises on whether or not I’ll let them live.”
 “This place really does have everything.” You watch as Law soaks in all of the surroundings.
 “It sure does.” You hum. “Feel free to grab whatever you want.”
 You and Law walk around without any rhyme or reason. From time to time he would stop to look at something. Your favorite thing so far is when he saw a one piece t-shirt. You could tell he was a little salty about him not being on it. 
 “Y/N.” Law leans down to grab your attention. “Why are people staring?” You look around the aisle and see that people were indeed fact staring and you knew why.
 “Your really handsome Law so of course people are going to stare.” Crap I said that outloud?
 “So you think I’m handsome Y/N?"
 “Was the shirtless figure and stories I've written about you not enough proof?” You playfully nudge your hip into his side.
 “Oh it was.” His eyes lock onto your blushing face. “But what makes you think they aren’t staring at you?” 
 “When I say this please know I’m not fishing for compliments. But for this world I’m nothing special.” You open one of the freezer section doors to retrieve a pint of ice cream. “I don't think I've mentioned, but the beauty standards in this world are quite high.”
 “Looks aren’t everything Y/N. But I think you're pretty. And weirdly charming.” The pint of ice cream in your hand almost falls into the floor. Law just called me pretty and (weirdly) charming?  “Plus you're a good person. Although I don’t know much about you yet, that much I can tell.” He grabs the ice cream from your hands and puts it in the cart.
 “Thanks.” You have to turn away to hide the giddy smile plastering your face.
 Little did you know Law could see your wide smile thanks to the reflection of the freezer's glass door. How cute
 The next morning
 You woke up on the couch with Law sitting on the other end. That’s right, we stayed up watching a medical drama. He was looking at  something on your laptop with an evil smirk. What did he find this time?
 “That’s a pretty sinister look you got going on Law?” You poke his leg with your foot to get his attention. He turns his head before spinning the screen towards you.
 “I could watch this all day.” You squint your eyes to read the video's title. ‘Doflamingo getting his ass kicked to dubstep music- 10 hour loop.’ “I wish it was me in all honesty, but I do enjoy seeing that bastard get his ass handed to him by Strawhat.”
 “I’m sure you do.” You refrain from laughing. It was hilarious seeing how satisfied he looked every time Luffy’s foot kicked the side of Doflamingo’s head. “Want to know something kind of funny Law?” He pauses the video and nods. “So there was an episode in the Dressrosa arc titled "Law Dies - Luffy's Raging Onslaught!”. When I saw the title I started balling my eyes out. I thought you were going to die.” It is funny to you now, but back then you were going through all the stages of grief at once.
 “I thought I was going to die back then too.” Law shuts the laptop and places it back on the coffee table. “But, I’m glad I didn’t. It’s not what he would have wanted.” 
 “You're talking about Cora, aren’t you?” Law nods. 
 “Yeah, I am.” A bittersweet smile forms on Law’s lips. “He was my savior. He got me out of a dark mindset. I owe everything to him.” He turns his head to face you. “Did you ever have anyone like that in your life?”
 “Well if I’m being honest.” Not one real person comes to mind. Everyone in your life has left or abandoned you. But there was still someone who got you through some hard times. “As odd as this may sound, It’s kinda you.” His eyes widened at your declaration. “You are my favorite character for a reason. There’s been many times I’ve had a bad day and seeing you would make me feel better. It's weird to explain but someone told me once that humans in my universe can’t tell the difference between real people and fictional people. Our brains process them as if they were real. So it’s probably the reason why…” 
 “Well I am real.” Law held his hand up. His words remind you that the character you adore is literally a few feet away from you in the flesh. You scooch over to him and bring your hand up to his. “See?” You smile feeling his warm hand against yours. “I may not be from this universe, but I’m still real and I will always be.” 
 “Yeah. You're right.” You pull your hand away and wipe a few tears from your eyes. 
 “Are you crying?” Law asked with concern in his voice.
 “Yeah, but I’m okay.” They weren't sad tears, they were more tears of relief and comfort than anything. “Fun fact about me, I cry easily.” You laugh and dry the rest of the tears off with your sleeve. “I’m sorry I dampened the mood, but I do have an idea to lighten it. And I think you’ll like it.”
 “What do you have in mind?”
 “I say me and you go out.” He shoots you a smirk as if to say ‘go on’. “Have you ever had hibachi?”
 Seeing how cute you look in the mirror brought a smile to your face. Since you were going out with Law you got a little dressed up for the occasion .You went with a (F/C) dress that compliments your body's shape and a cute pair of sandals. After one last glance over you walk downstairs to wait on Law.
 You walk to your front door only to see Law already dressed and waiting for you. He turns around to face you and Oh my God.. To say he looked good would be such an understatement. He wore the dark maroon button up you got him with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his arm tattoos. He also had on the jeans you secretly wanted to see him wear. They may look like a simple pair of black jeans, but the silver chains decorating his thighs made them stand out.
 “Are you ready to go?” Law waves his hand in front of your face in an attempt to snap you out of your trance.
 “Oh right.” Judging from the smirk on his face, he knew you were checking him out. It’s not my fault you look like a model. “Let’s go.” You grab your car keys and purse before heading out the door.
 “Here we are!” You got out of the car with Law and stood in front of the restaurant. “Are you ready?” 
 “Of course I am.” 
A few moments later…
 “Y/N why is the food on fire?!” Law leans back in his chair as if the flames were going to get him. I thought you were ready?
 “It’s okay Law.” You place your hand on his back. “I’ll protect you from the big bad onion volcano.”
 “Is he okay?” The hibachi chef laughs seeing how skittish Law was.
 “Yeah he's fine." You laugh and give Law a few pats on the back. "He acts like he’s not from this world or something.”
 “Here.” The chef held up the bottle filled with sake in front of Law. “A little something to calm your nerves.” He hesitates for a moment but opens, letting the chef send the sake right into his mouth. The chef stops once Law’s mouth is full and goes right back to cooking. His golden eyes stare into your soul as he swallows the liquid in one gulp. That was kinda hot. He wiggles his index finger, motioning you to lean closer to him.
 “I hope teasing me was worth it.” His voice was low in your ear. What does that mean? “And the sake in your world sucks.”
 You spend the rest of your (last) meal thinking just what diabolical thing Law was going to do to you. Is he going to chop my body up? Or maybe he’ll take my voice box? Or…
 “Y/N are you ready to go?” Law’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
 “Oh yeah.” You stood up with Law. “Thank you for the food, it was delicious!” 
 “You're welcome. I hope you and your boyfriend have a goodnight!” You and Law look at each with wide eyes, but neither you or him corrected the man.
 “So did you like the food?” You buckle up and turn the engine on. Please don’t kill me.
 “I did, but don’t think for a second that I forgot about you teasing me.” Your body freezes up at his words. I wonder what kind of flowers will be at my funeral?  “ROOM.” Your eyes slam shut. Goodbye cruel world..  “SHAMBLES.” You open your eyes to see you're still alive and intact, but you are now in the passenger seat. 
 “Law! You don’t know how to drive?” You panic seeing him put the car in drive. “That and you don’t have a driver's license? What if we get pulled over?” 
 “Sure I know how, I’ve watched you do it enough to figure it out.” Law gives the car a little gas. “And what’s the big deal of not having a license and getting pulled over?”
 “Umm I don’t know Law, maybe it’s the fact WE'D GET ARRESTED.” Your eyes watch his every move like a hawk. 
 “Have you forgotten I’m a pirate Y/N? Plus I have the advantage over everyone in this world.” He was right. No one could stop Law with his devil fruit power. “So relax. It will be okay.” You roll your eyes at his nonchalant attitude.
 “Fine. Just be careful.” Law smirks triumphantly and continues driving. Despite your initial fear, Law was actually a good driver. His movements were smooth and calculated, very fitting for his character. He was gentle with the brakes, (And unlike most drivers) he used the turn signals. You can’t help but be jealous seeing how he was a true natural.
 “Aren’t you going to sing?” Law gestures towards the radio. 
 “Do you want me to?” You raise your brow suspiciously.
 “Yeah I do. Maybe something different this time though.” He smirks remembering all the dirty words that came from your mouth the other day.
 “Sure, let me hook my phone up.” You plug your phone in and scroll through your playlist. A smile forms on your lips seeing the title of your favorite slow songs. The soft melody comes through the speakers as you sing. 
 In that moment Law didn’t care if you sounded like an angel that had freshly ascended from heaven or if you sounded like two pieces of metal grinding together. He was just happy to hear you doing something you enjoy. 
So she likes to sing?
 It had been a few days since you and Law went out. In that time you’ve grown more comfortable with each other. He’s opened up to you about things from his past, even telling you things that the show never went over. He also told you all the stories from his early years of being a pirate and how he met Bepo and the rest of the crew. With that being said you’ve also been spilling more details about yourself. Everything from embarrassing stories from your childhood, the questionable things you did as a teenager and even a few funny stories from your current adult life. 
  Despite all the fun your having, your heart hurts knowing you only have a little time left with Law.  Having him around reminded you how nice it was to have someone to talk to. But when he's gone… I need to live in the moment and quit thinking about what’s to come.
"You seem lost in thought Y/N." You turn your attention to Law who's sitting at the other end of the couch. "What's on your mind?" You.
"It's nothing." You lie and go back to scrolling through your phone.
"You really think I'm going to buy that?" Law made his way over to you and took your phone from your hands."Talk to me."
"Well." Your eyes stray away from his fierce gaze. "I was just thinking about how boring things are going to be when your gone."
"Way to kill the vibes Y/N." You laugh hearing Law copy your lingo. "But I've been thinking about some things myself."
"What's on the surgeon of deaths mind?"
“I do go back to my world in two days...” His tone turns serious. “And you’ll be alone again and the thought of that has been bothering me.” You frown. I know I will. “With that being said. I need you to promise me that you will go out and try to make some friends." His request floors you. The painful memories of people leaving you and abandoning you come flooding in, but a tattooed hand pulls you out before you can drown. "Things may not work out at first but keep trying. I'm sure there are people out there that are just as weird and dorky as you." Law teases to clear the building tension in the room.
 “Is there something wrong with me being weird and dorky?" You give Law a heavy dose of side eye.
"Actually." Law leans in a little closer to you ear. "I like it." You could feel his hot breath against the shell of your ear. "I like it alot." He blows into you ear causing you to jerk away from him.
You retreat to the far end of the couch while nervously watching him. "Are you done teasing me?" The devilish smirk on his face said it all. His tattooed hand grabs a pillow placing it next to him. "Law what are you doing?
"Whatever I want to." "ROOM." Dammit. "SHAMBLES." Your body takes the pillows spot next to Law. "Now." Your heart felt like it was going to leap from your chest as he lazily wraps a arm around your shoulders. "Do you think you can keep that promise?"
"Yeah, I will. But only if you stop teasing me." A satisfied hum comes from Law hearing your answer.
"Good. And in what way am I teasing you?" Law tries to sounds innocent knowing full well the affect he has on you. "Also you might want to breathe before you black out."
"My breathing is just fine. thank you." I need to calm down.
"Your a bad liar Y/N." You were about to defend yourself but every function in your body stopped working as his fingers ghost around to the side of your neck. "But this tells me everything I need to know." Two fingers tap over your pulse point. "Tachycardia is a very dangerous condition if left untreated, luckily for you I'm a Doctor~"
"Well Doctor, what is the cure for it?" You say sarcastically.
"ASMR videos of people cutting soap should do the trick. " He grabs the laptop from the coffee table and pulls up youtube. "Just so you know my medical expertise comes at a high cost and I expect you to pay in full." You roll your eyes and relax against his chest.
"Just bill my insurance."
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FREQUENCY: Episode 3 - A Soldier Boy Story
FREQUENCY:  A Soldier Boy Story
EPISODE 3: “Elkwood, TN”
PAIRING: Soldier Boy X Reader 
WARNINGS: (NSFW) Drugs, death, and mentions of suicide. Foul language, mentions of sex, or sexual innuendos. Slow burn starts now. (Sorry)
A/N: This story is dark, and covers mature themes. The main character, as well as other major characters, are offensive in nature, and may offend some people. Please peruse with caution, and remember that this is fiction. Reader discretion is advised. Please message me for any questions, comments, or concerns. 
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When Vought had relocated me to Appalachian West Virginia, I didn’t know anyone. I was moved into a wooded mountain home, and watched over by two local park rangers. Both men, both never had been married. They had no idea how to take care of a young girl. But, from fourteen to eighteen, I struck up a bond with both of them that I had never experienced with another human being. 
Jim was an older white man, maybe in his late fifties. He’d take me out on his gator and drive me all around the national park. He’d play me John Denver, as he’d smoke a pack of camel crush. He always told me never to smoke. That it was an awful habit he had formed. I told him he wouldn’t ever have to worry about that. I could always taste the pesticides. 
I always swore Jim had been gay. He had the quintessential straight man behavior. He shot guns, smoked, watched sports, and enjoyed shitty, cheap beer. But, he was handsome. He was over fifty and had never been married. He isolated himself in the embrace of the forest. He would sit outside on the back porch, and paint the sunset. On holidays I’d ask him why he wasn’t with his family, he told me his job was to watch me, so he couldn’t be. But that wasn’t true. He never liked talking about home. He had no photos up from his childhood. And he never, ever reminisced on simpler times. 
Wahkan was cherokee. He was from one of the reservations in East Tennessee. He moved up to West Virginia after getting offered more money to watch the lands up there. He accepted, of course, and funneled most, if not all of his money back to his family. Hell, the only reason he took on the challenge of raising me was so he could take the money from Vought, and send it back over to the res. 
I’m always fortunate I was able to go with him to the reservation. I used to sit in the long grass with the other girls my age, and make jewelry from creek rocks, and turkey feathers. The sun would set in the distance, and a crackling fire would billow up into the sky. They’d have buffalo roasting over it. Its hide laid out, and drying in preparation for a warm winter coat. 
When I decided to move back to the city after I had turned eighteen, it was a hard goodbye with the both of them. They watched as I got loaded back up into the same black Escalade that dropped me off all those years ago. I had waved goodbye with misty tears in my eyes. I wasn’t much of a crier, but watching them become smaller as the car drove away changed that. 
A few months after I had gotten settled, things felt uneasy. I would communicate with some of the girls from the res on Facebook. Wahkan, and John hadn’t been answering me. They said they hadn’t heard from them either. That day I sat outside of Vought tower on a bench, and listened in on crisis management. From the sounds of it, there had been a data leak that was traced back to somewhere a few miles away from the town I used to stay in. 
I hopped in my car and drove straight to West Virgina, only stopping for gas. I got there around nightfall. The cabin was dark, and quiet. That wasn’t normal, I had thought. I listened in, hearing one slow heartbeat. Thank god. He must’ve been sleeping.  I let out a sigh of relief, and started back to my car— until I smelled it. Fresh, hot blood. My face went white, and my heart sank. I sprinted up to the front of the house, and noticed the door had been left cracked open, a trail of red footprints staining the wood. 
I kicked the door open, screaming, seeing if I’d get any response. I flipped the lights to the house on, and looked around until I saw John’s body laying at the start of the kitchen. He was lifeless, and had been for an hour or so. They were just here. I searched frantically for Wahkan, trying to locate the sound of the slowing heartbeat I had heard earlier. My eyes landed on him. He was on the floor next to the couch. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said. “It’s not safe, if they find you, they’ll kill you.”
I fell to my knees, rushing to his side. I placed my hand over the wound on his stomach, firmly pressing down to stop the bleeding. 
“I don’t understand,” I cried. “Where’s the phone? I need to call an ambulance.”
“Too late,” He added, his voice barely above a whisper. “They cut the lines before they left.”
I reached into my pocket, going to pull out my own phone, but he placed his hands on mine, and stopped me. 
“No,” he shook his head. “This is my time. It’s alright.”
“This is all my fault.” I said, as I felt hot tears streaming down my face, and neck. 
“Don’t make this about you.” He laughed, soft and weak, putting a bloody hand against the side of my face. 
“They’ll never get away with this.” I demanded. 
He just shook his head, taking a deep breath. His eyelids were getting heavy. He didn’t have much time left. 
“Just be…gentle,” He said. “And if you ever need a place to stay…a place that’s safe…a place where you can think of home…the reservation will welcome you with open arms.”
He wiped a tear away with his thumb, as he took his last breath. His body going limp. At least he was at peace. 
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Driving down the interstate with Uncle Sam by my side, I knew exactly where we would settle ourselves at. Elkwood is a tiny town a little ways from Gatlinburg, nestled at the bed of a beautiful valley. It’s quiet, and everyone knows each other. Like, if someone was throwing a small get together, you best believe the whole town was showing up. Whether it be the people who lived on the res, or  just plain mountain folk.
I looked to my side, he was hunched over, my registration from the glove compartment settled in his lap. He’s snorting from a small pile of benzos he made me stop for earlier. He catches my gaze.
“Want some?”
“No thanks.” I chuckle.
“Suit yourself.” He says before diving back into the freshly crushed powder.
I watch him from the corner of my eye as I speed quickly down the highway. His hair, and beard are wild, and disheveled. He looks close to normal though in the sweat suit I gave him. I smile to myself, picturing him in that campy army green uniform. What a fraud, I think. The man was never a real soldier, they might as well have him look like one. 
“You’re a pretty good driver for a woman.” He states, wiping off his nose, scooping his powder back into a ziplock bag.
“Thanks…” I say, rolling my eyes. He was much nicer when he wasn’t talking.
“So what's your thing?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Your thing, like, your power, I guess. I don’t fuckin’ know. You said you were a supe, right?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” 
“Unfortunately? You must have some shitty power then.”
Some shitty power, I think. Rolling my eyes again. 
“I get it,” He says smiling, leaning into me. “They forced it on ya while you were just a baby, huh?”
He reaches down, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He puts one up to his lips and lights it, inhaling deeply. He blows the air out through parted lips as he continues his conversation.
“Seems like you bastards that had baby V are all just a bunch of freaks.”
I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. Now I know why they wanted to keep this guy fucking sedated. 
“Say, what's your name anyway? Can’t go around just calling you a freak bastard.” He chuckles smugly.
“Actually,” I grin. “That is my name.”
He squints his eyes at me, pulling his cigarette away from his lips. He leans back, taking me in.
“Some parents you have calling you Freak Bastard, huh?”
“No,” I say, laughing now. “Just Freak, short for Frequency.” 
He holds a finger up, tipping it at me. “Ah, but that's your Supe name, what's your real name?”
My real name. I go to change the subject. 
“So, do you want to know my plan? The reason why I’ve rescued you? What I need your help with?”
“I’m gonna be honest with you sweetheart, I don’t usually go by a plan. I just wing it, and it happens to work out in my favor.”
“Right,” I nod. “That's why you ended up back in the ice again, huh?”
He glares at me, I beam right back at him. 
“So,” I start. “Over the Summer Vought is throwing this huge party in celebration of Temp V.”
“What the fuck is Temp V?” He asks.
“...Temporary Compound V.” I say blankly. 
“Right, I remember the cock sucker talking about that. Wait…When the fucks the Summer? And what the fuck year is it?”
“It's April. And it’s only been a year since they put you back in that chamber.”
He stares off into the distance, a solemn look on his face. I couldn’t even imagine having missed thirty years of life. Being put to sleep at the birth of the computer, and waking back up at the dawn of AI.
My empathy for him is short lived.
“Wait, you’re tellin’ me I got to wait,” He counts on his fingers. “Three fuckin’ months before we do this?”
“That's three months of freedom to you.”
“It's not fuckin' freedom if I’m gonna be on the run from these people finding me for Christs sake! Also, last time I fuckin’ checked, you’re practically holding me hostage!”
I scoff at him. “Oh please, you said earlier you could kill me, then leave at any time.”
“Yeah, well, that’s before you brought up family.”
Fuck. I think. I forgot about that. 
I don’t say much else as I stare out at the road ahead of me. I feel my blood pressure going up, my arteries tightening at just the mention of my shitty lie. I’d make a horrible villain, I think. I feel guilty for everything, and everyone. I sigh, reaching down to the radio. I fiddle with it until it reaches a mixed station, classic hits from then and now. 
“Well,” I say, pressing my foot harder onto the accelerator. “We can try and catch you up on everything you missed over the past thirty years.”
I turn up the dial as “Wonderwall” sings through the speakers.
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We are about two hours from Tennessee now, he's fast asleep in the passenger seat. I got him a cheeseburger earlier, and picked up some hair shears from a dollar store on the same exit. I think he had worn himself out trying to trim his own hair and beard. He gets frustrated easily. I had offered to help, but he insisted on doing it himself. 
As the gas pumps in my car, I look down at my phone. There had been no news alerts about a break in, or that Soldier Boy was missing. Vought must be doing a good job with crisis management. Or the CIA simply never let them know. I had no texts from anyone either. See, it isn’t out of the ordinary for me to disappear into the middle of nowhere. In fact, even the likes of Butcher knew I often found myself back home in the South to escape the sounds of the city. 
Before I left I remembered to leave my debit and credit cards at home so I wouldn't be tempted to use them. I always kept a significant amount of cash in the safe anyway after years of training. I had turned on auto-payments for my rent, and obviously didn’t cancel any sort of subscription service like Netflix or Spotify. I thought if someone had been on my trail, the first thing they'd check would be my bank records. I made sure to turn off all location tracking on my phone, and decided to keep my VPN on 24/7. That wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to anyone either, again, considering my past in security. 
The pump thuds, signifying it's filled up. I grab the handle, and pull the nozzle out. I always have to make sure to cover my nose with my sleeve in these instances. The fumes have made me pass out in the past. Benzene is so pungent that a normal human nose can even smell it if there's just 1 part per million in the surrounding air. I get dizzy just thinking about it. 
We get close to Elkwood now, maybe twenty minutes out. I look over to him as he puffs little snores out into the air. His heartbeat is steady, his blood pressure normal in comparison to when I woke him up earlier.
Ever since he trimmed his hair, made himself look more presentable, I found myself not blaming women for being so attracted to him. I mean, he really was a beautiful man…As long as he kept that fuckin’ mouth shut. He has a light dusting of freckles across his nose, which is a stark contrast to his hard exterior. His eyes are a sweet shade of green, one that matches that awful uniform of his. 
I pull up to the outskirts of the res, some of the younger kids had ended up building their own homes around this area. I walk up to Ama’s trailer, leaving him back in the car asleep to avoid any unwanted interactions. Before I can knock on the door, she goes to open it. Ama beams at me, as beautiful as ever, pulling me into a tight hug. She's the one I had been keeping in touch with on facebook after all these years. 
“Welcome home.” She says smiling.
I smile back. Looking down I notice a small child wrapped around her legs, and a man standing up from the couch. 
“You’ve been busy!” I exclaim, waving at the little boy hiding his face behind his mother, giggling. 
“I have been,” She gestures to the man behind her. “This is my boyfriend, Asher.”
I put my hand out for a shake. A white guy, I think. I give her a look as he grips onto my hand. She looks back at me, beginning to laugh. I remember all of them always making fun of the Wasichu. Something catches her gaze in the distance. I turn around to see Soldier Boy leaning against the door of my car, lighting a cigarette. 
“Who is this?” She asks, walking over to my car to inevitably meet the man I so desperately need to hide. Fuck, I think. What am I going to say about this?
He turns to her as she walks towards him. He puts on a big smile. She opens her arms wide for a hug. 
“I’m Ben,” He beams. Ben. I swear his teeth glimmer in the light for a second. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Bastard. I think. He knows what he's doing.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ben,” Ama wraps her arm around my shoulder as I walk over to the both of them, grinning awkwardly. “She never told me she had a man back home.”
I flush at this. Damn it. He looks down at his feet kicking at a little rock. He acts bashful, like he's been caught doing something naughty. 
“What, she didn’t mention little ol’ me?” He asks.
“Nope, not even a peep.” She elbows me in the side. 
I scoff at her, gesturing down to the little boy who had followed us over to the car.
“I’m sorry, last time I checked you have a fucking child!”
She leans into my neck, whispering to me through gritted teeth.
“The elders don’t want others to know…” She raises her eyebrows.
Ah. I nod. At least she has an excuse. 
“Well,” She says, clapping her hands together. “Let's get you two home!” 
She still has her hands wrapped around my shoulders, walking us towards my new abode for the next few months. 
“He’s so hot. I didn’t know you were into older guys.” She whispers under her breath.
I elbow her in the side, my face heating up with some color. I could hear him smiling behind me. I wasn’t the only one around here with good hearing anymore. 
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The trailer is cute, small but cute. It’s painted a gentle powder blue, and the shutters contrast a pale yellow. It has a little porch with two adirondack chairs outfront, as well as a little bench swing hanging questionably from the wooden awning. Ama had made a note to put a bunch of potted flowers on the outside, knowing how much I like the smell of them. It also may have added to the overall aesthetic of the home. 
She unlocked the front door for me, and then handed me the key. SB and Asher were behind us talking about something to do with the house. This is dangerous. He knew nothing about anything these days, let alone how to even have a conversation with a modern man. If you were to ask him who the current president was, he wouldn't have an answer. If you were to tell him we have had a black president, he’d probably pass out on the floor. 
“Alright,” She says, showing off the place. “This is it.”
It's cute, small, but cute. I can't help but worry about the fact that neither of us will probably be able to stand each other at the end of this, but hey, let's think positively. 
“This is the living room, which is obviously attached to the kitchen.” She goes over to the couch, gesturing to it. “Pull out if he ever ends up in the dog house.” She clicks her tongue, winking at him. 
The living area has a floral print sectional, and a leather recliner. In the center is an old wooden coffee table, and a big ass TV across from it, mounted to the wall. 
“Cable, Netflix, ESPN, you name it.” She adds. 
The kitchen has smaller versions of standard appliances, and every sort of pot and pan or baking dish we may need. 
“The second eye on that stove doesn't work, so don't even try it. Oh, and unfortunately it is gas. If it really starts to bother you we can get you an electric.”
“Dont worry about it,” I wave my hand to her, brushing it off. “A little methane never hurt anybody.” 
She laughs, turning to Asher. “No need for a carbon monoxide detector with this one in the area.”
I look over at SB, he looks thoroughly confused. Standing here now I realize I still never told him the gift compound v gave me. I’m sure he's just utterly bewildered by this point. He looks between Ama and I like we’re fucking crazy. 
“Shower, bath, toilet. Don’t flush, and run laundry or do dishes at the same time.”
Bathroom, much like the rest of the house, is small. But again, it has everything we may need, so I can't complain. Also we lucked out with having a washer and dryer on site. The last thing I want is having to drag him to a laundromat. 
“And the best part, the bedroom!” She kicks the door open, displaying a very comfortable queen size bed. Only one. I think. Thank god for the pull out couch. 
“Drawers line the walls over here under the TV, and there are some more underneath the mattress.” 
“Awesome,” I beam. “Really Ama, I can't begin to thank you enough.”
She smiles, pulling me into a big hug.
“We’re so happy you're here.”
She goes up to SB, resting a careful hand on his shoulder, smiling at him tenderly. He nods to her, thanking her as well.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, and text me if you need me.”
“Will do.” I say, following her over to the front door, and closing it behind them. 
I take a deep breath, pushing my back against the door, sliding down onto the floor. I jolt my head up, pointing at him.
“He didn’t say anything you didn’t know, did he?”
He shrugs, moving over to the sectional and plopping himself down on it.
“So you're telling me I have to stay in this shack with you for three months?” He ignores my question.
I narrow my eyes on him.
“You got anything better to do?”
“Yeah, fleeing the country to sunny Costa Rica.” He counters.
I scoff, standing up, and walking over to the sink. I grab a cup from the cupboard, and pour myself a glass of water from the tap. 
“They make it pretty hard these days. Y’know, crossing the border.” I add.
He smiles, a weak, weary expression on his face. He looks down at his hands.
“For the time being, I don’t mind being here. As long as you promise no one is gonna find me.”
“They won’t, and they never will. I told you, once you help me with this, you are free to go. I will get you out of here, family in hand, no problem.”
He stares at me for a moment. It’s silent. He watches me with squinted eyes.
“What's all this about gas stoves? You pyrokinetic?” 
I start laughing, in fact, I start laughing really hard. So hard I have to bring a finger up to my eyes to wipe.
He chuckles now too, watching me.
“What?” He says.
“No, I’m sorry. It was just funny, the way that you said it, I mean.”
“So, you are?”
“A pyrokinetic.”
“Oh, God no.”
“Then what the fuck is your deal with gas stoves, little girl?” He grills, concerned.
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a little girl. I am an adult.” I gesture down to my obvious adult body. 
“Yeah, whatever. You’re at least a hundred years younger than me, so.”
There is silence, until.
“It’s my senses, by the way. Since you’re curious, I mean.” I say suddenly.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“My five senses, they are all heightened.”
“What, like taste and shit?”
“Yes, taste and shit.” I snort.
“You smell colors or something?” He jokes.
“Sometimes.” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I begin to walk off into the bedroom.
“Wait, what?” He glares at me questionably.
“I’m going to sleep.” I ignore him.
“I’m sorry, did you say you could smell colors?”
“Goodnight, Ben.” I put emphasis on his name, knowing he never told it to me. He grins. I start to close the door, he shouts to me from his spot on the couch.
“Leave the door unlocked, I’ll be in there in a few.”
“Nice try.” I say.
“A queen is plenty big for two!”
“So is that pullout couch.”
He groans as I close the door behind me. 
As I fall asleep, I can only hope for the best. As God as my witness, I would never mean to lie about something as big as family. Especially since I don’t even have one to enjoy. I’d do anything for that. At this point though, my game plan would be; get revenge on Vought, face the consequences from him, and inevitably die. That sounds like a dream. I’d go out with a smile knowing my success in Vought slaughter. May he blow me up into a million little pieces. 
Masterlist | Episode 4 | Taglist
@Sl33pylilbunny @Lanassmarty @Sydneyyyya @1-800shootmeplease @muhahaha303 @nancymcl @speedyrebelfan @ghh05ttt @agentorange9595 @let-me-luve-you @peachytits @darkdahl @deans-spinster-witch @soggybasementfries @ladysparkles78 @madamthemoo
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aphroditesswan · 11 months
pink dolphin sunset
stoner suna rintarou x latina stoner reader 
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warnings : weed usage, mention of lighters and smoke cuz well,, it’s weed. implied underaged smoking also terrible google translate spanish cause i didn’t grow up latin i grew up filipino so i’m a no sabo kid 😭🙏 
notes : book of life ref if u haven’t seen it go see it NOWWWWW. all lowercase is intended btw.
summary : suna had invited you on a date, just to lounge around and smoke in his car late at night and wow, how could you ever possibly refuse that offer?? 
genre : mostly fluff i think 
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suna was always plain faced. he always had this look in his eyes that could only be described as empty but not in the sad way, in the way that there simply wasn’t a thought behind those dark, almost beady eyes. 
well, except for when he looked at you. 
the eyes that showed nothing but boredom would suddenly soften at the mention of you, at the sight of you, at hearing your voice or even catching your eyes in a brief meaningless glance across the room. 
you don’t even know how you got here. you’re sitting in the front seat of his car, some tory lanez song playing cause you shuffled his playlist, one he totallyyy didn’t make in advance for when this happened, talking and sharing a bong with a bowl that’s been packed maybe ten times. 
it’s safe to say the both are high and throughly dumbed out. suna’s ignoring the vibrating messages from his pocket, only staring into your eyes as he holds the light to the bowl to light it up for you like any good man would do. you wait, sucking up the smoke once the time comes, throwing your head back to make a couple ‘o’s with the smoke. it’s the best you can do for now, a bit too focused on the lovesick eyes the man in the drivers seat is giving you.
it’s not his fault you’re nothing but perfection in his eyes, he can’t help but admire how nice you look sitting in the passenger seat of his sleek black challenger with the seat of his black fabric on the passenger seat covered with the fluffy thulian pink colored cushion he had bought just for you once you agreed to do this with him. he had been practically waiting, begging any and all gods above for this moment since he heard from your best friend and the annoying atsumu that you smoked. 
he was so focused on your pretty face that he hadn’t noticed you took the lighter from him, taking another hit from the bong while he was distracted. as you went to take yet another hit, he snapped out of his daze and narrowed his eyes at you. 
“aw come on, with all you’re smoking you owe me some weed. plus, it’s not your turn. hand it over, pretty.” 
he held onto the bottom of the bong, smirking a bit as he gentle took it from you, searching the cup holders for the small lighter when he looked up and saw you holding it with your index and middle finger out to him. he snatched it, both of you rolling your eyes at the behavior of the other but really he was soooo entrances with you. he lit the bowl up, sucking up the smoke and inhaling, turning his head to blow it at you who blew straight air back at him and swatted his second hand smoke away. 
“so you can blow all your smoke in my car but when I blow back at you, ‘s a problem?” 
“I never said it was, estúpido. I just don’t want you blowing your dank ass smoke en mi cara.” 
the side of your lips pulled into a small smirk as she leaned sideways toward you, smirking up at you as he tilted his head down. 
“you know… I think ‘s sooooo nice hearin you speak spanish. can’t understand a think y’ say though.” 
you stayed silent as you looked down at him with narrowed eyes, a giddy smile tugging at your lips upon hearing his words. 
“mhm… go on…?” 
“cocky now, are we sweetness? i’d say… you just sound sooo much more… magnetic. don’t get me wrong, hearing you speak normal is hypnotic in itself but something about the natural you voice when you speak spanish… it’s so much better.” 
“maybe you should learn if you’re so desperate.” 
“will that win you over? or was book of life too much for you to handle still.” 
“He died for her!” 
“n’ came back to life, pretty thing. I can’t do that. trust me, if I could I would for you, doll.” 
“aw how sweet, hand me the bong.” 
He chuckled a bit as he handed the bong back to you, the bowl nearly empty now. he lit it up, and you repeated the motions from earlier, except you blew it in his face this time. 
“wowwww, how mature of you.” 
“why thank you rin, i try.” 
he takes it back from you yet again, setting down the now empty bong in a cup holder. 
“sooo… what’s the plan?” 
“ion know,, what you tryna do?” 
he jokingly moves the drivers seat back, smirking a bit but behind it was a stupid, giddy smile. as he goes to put his hands behind his head, you hit him in the arm to which he breaks his front and laughs out loud, leaning away from you and holding his hit arm. 
“ouch, that hurt you know. maybe you should be on volleyball instead of me, huh sweets?” 
“i swear there’s something so wrong with you. estas absolutamente loco.” 
“not my fault you’re so pretty.” 
he shrugs, putting the seat back into its original position and his hands on the steering wheel as he stared at the small empty gas station a couple yards from the car. you two were parked at the very end of the small parking lot, music blasting and smoke spilling out of the slightly open windows of the small sleek black car. 
maybe dates with the ever so “stoic” suna rintarou weren’t so bad.
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FIRST FIC JITTERSSS AAAAA i gen hope you guys like it this is like my first fic in so long that i’m actually proud of and i hope this gets me more confident and helps me write more :DD
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kentai345 · 11 months
East Highland's Notorious - Chapter 2
AO3 l Chapter 1
Fezco x reader
Summary: You never proclaimed yourself to be a nice person or a good girl because no one expected you to be one. If someone perceived you as one that was their fault. Life wasn't easy but Fez made it bearable.
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Things had been weird since the whole Mouse incident as (Y/N) was ignoring me still pissed about the money and she was ignoring Fez too. She didn’t hate him she was just putting distance between them to give her time to get over her crush. So it went from talking every day, to every other day, and less and less. If she did respond it was just one-word responses. She missed staying at Fez’s as things were starting to get rough at home. She was depending on the money that she saved over the summer to feed her and her parents since the money they got they used to buy drugs and on nights when they were on a bender she would end up locked outside the house having to sleep on the porch until they got back. She was having a bad week.
“Bitch are you listening?” Maddy said snapping me out of my thoughts. “No stopped listening around long-distance.” I said remembering the last thing we were talking about was Cassie and Mckay.
“What’s up with you?”
“It's been a rough week.” I said with a sigh as I got another text from Fez which I ignored leaving him on read. “Still ignoring Fez.” Maddy asked.
“I’d rather go back to talking about Cassie and Mckay.”
“Stop being such a coward and fucking talk to him, you put up a fight for everything else. Why not him?”
“I’d rather die than put myself in that situation and once I get over him I’ll talk to him like normal again. Besides I have bigger worries right now.”
“Like what?”
“Money problems.” I said glaring at Rue from across the cafeteria and she looks away when our eyes meet.
“Hey do any of you guys know how BitCoin works?” Kat suddenly asks. Maddy and Cassie shake their heads and I take advantage of the situation. “No, but for 10 dollars I can take you to someone who does.”
“You can’t just take me for free.”
“Did you not just hear me say I’m having money problems? I need gas money and you got the friend discount I usually charge 25.”
“Fine.” Kat agrees and I tell her to meet me after school.
After school I call Ash asking him if he was at the store and I was gonna bring a friend who needed information on BitCoin. “Why? You know how it works.” He said.
“Ok we know that but she doesn’t and I need cash, so I ain’t telling her for free.” I said and saw Kat coming my way. “Just do me this favor.” After hanging up we get in my car and after she gives me the money I drive her to the gas station. I was so busy focusing on getting cash I completely forgot that Fez would be here too. Fez was outside smoking when we got here and I avoid looking at him as we go inside and I call for Ash.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Fez said as I sat atop the counter next to the register.
“Hey…” I said staring at my feet finding them entertaining. I was glad Ash had come out from the back and he sat down next to me on the counter to breakdown BitCoin for Kat.
“It’s a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system.”
“I literally have no clue what you’re talking about.” Kat said and I shake my head.
“There’s literally no easier way to explain it.” I said and she looks at me suspiciously. “I thought you didn’t know how it works.”
“I don’t, but I can’t help you if you’re stupid.” I said and she looks at me taken aback. “Shit sorry, I’ve been getting no sleep.”
“Look why don’t you just tell us what you’re trying to do, and we can tell you how we can help you.” Fez said.
“Unless it’s human trafficking. I don’t fuck with human trafficking.” Ash said.
“I’m not human trafficking.” Kat clarifies. “Yeah, us neither.” Fez said.
Kat starts to explain what she was trying to do but I quickly stop her. “First give me another 10 dollars.” I said to Kat holding out my hand and rolling her eyes she gives me the cash. “I was just wondering if it’s like a good way to anonymously get money online.” She explained.
“That’s literally what it’s made for.” I said like it should have been obvious.
“Dumbass.” Ash said and I nod my head agreeing. “What a waste of a trip. Oh wait I got 20 dollars out of it.” I said laughing. “If you give me 5 dollars I’ll drive you home.” I said and she glares at me.
“I’m fucking with you. Get in the car.” I said getting down from the counter. I say bye to Ash and give a half-hearted wave to Fez as we walk past him but he grabs my hand.
“Yo, can we talk for a second?”
“No time I gotta go to work after I take her home sorry.” I said slipping my hand out from his.
I started taking on more hours to make up the cash I had lost which meant getting off later and getting less to no sleep if my parents locked me out. But it made avoiding Fez easier except for when he showed up at the restaurant giving me no choice but to talk to him. I should have expected to do this sooner or later, especially after blowing him off at the gas station.
“How long are you gonna stick around?” I asked him as I came to clear his plate and give him the check.
“Till you get off, didn’t see yo car thought I could drive you home and could finally talk.”
“I’m working late, so no need to wait up. I’m sure there’s money to be made somewhere.” I said and left for the kitchen setting the plate down. I go back to Fez to get his money for the bill and he hands me a 50.
“Keep the change.”
“That's too much for a tip.” I said not wanting to take his money. “Don’t worry about it.” He said not taking no for an answer and reluctantly I keep the change.
After clocking out I go to the bathroom to change out of my uniform and I consider just sneaking out the back to avoid Fez but like he read my mind he waits for me near the bathroom giving me no chance of escape. Once we’re in the car he doesn’t start it right away so we just sit in awkward silence as I find anything to stare at out the window.
“So like what's going on with us?” He breaks the silence.
“Nothing, just been crazy busy.” I said playing with my fingers.
“Can you at least look at me.” He said and hearing the sadness in his voice I comply. He reaches for my hand but I pull it back from his reach “I’m really tired so can you just take me home, please.”
“Can you at least tell me, why you been avoiding me? Like for real.” He said starting the car. “I’m just trying to get things back to how they were, you know before the summer.”
“And like what does that mean?”
“You see me like a little sister and I don’t see you- look I don’t know how to explain it.” I said frustrated and looked out at the passing scenery.
“Don’t do that, just say what you gotta say.” He said and finally taking Maddy’s advice to stop being a coward I decide to just spill. I could always just jump out of the car and hope it kills me if it doesn’t work out.
“Fine. Am I really just a little sister to you? Like nothing more?” I asked looking down at my lap. “That’s what- hold on.” He said and pulled over. He brings his hand to my chin making me look at him and I become even more nervous under his gaze.
“Is this about that shit, I told Mouse?” I nodded my head at his question. “Nah, I just said that so he wouldn’t try no shit on you. Of course, you are more than that to me.” He clarifies but it's still not enough clarification for me.
“Like a friend you fuck around with more or like-”
“Like your my girl, more.” He states cutting me off and I smile. “I would love to be your girl.” I said shyly and leaning in he kisses me.
“Can’t believe you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder over that.” He said in disbelief.
“What did you expect from me? You weren’t exactly defining what our relationship was and I was trying to figure it out all summer.”
“Didn’t think I had to, thought it was obvious. And shit, you didn’t say nothin.”
“Like hell I would, you know what this isn’t about me.” I said kissing him as a distraction. After sharing a few more kisses he continues taking me home and as my house comes to view I see my dad’s car gone which meant the house was empty and I was locked out. I didn’t want to worry Fez so I didn’t tell him and pretended everything was normal. After much convincing, I told him he didn’t have to wait for me to go inside and after kissing him goodbye he leaves. I walk up to the front door hopefully trying the door knob but it was locked and I sigh defeated.
I sit on the ground leaning against the front door and prepare for a long night outside again wishing I could just change the locks and lock them out for a change. However, I would never do that cause even though my parents were practically fucking useless except for somehow keeping a roof over our heads I’d seen them angry and I’d hate for it to be targeted at me. It’s just a rule you don’t piss off a drug addict especially when you have to live with them. As I was accepting my fate I was considering sucking it up and calling Nate and hear a car stop in front of the house and when I look up I see Fez getting out of his car. I should’ve known he was gonna circle around and catch me in my lie.
“How’d you know?” I asked him as he got closer.
“Yo dad’s car is gone which means they’re out doing whatever and you're locked out.”
“Well aren’t you a great listener.” I said sarcastically as I stand up and hug him. “Thank you.” I whispered into his chest and he kisses the top of my head. “Let me take you home.” He said grabbing my bag for me off the ground and taking my hand with the other.
“Your house feels more like home than mines does anyway.” I said as I got back in his car.
“Good to hear, 'cause even though he won’t admit it Ash misses having you around.”
“Of course he does, who else is gonna bother him.”
When we get to his house I go to take a shower and when I get out I realize I don’t have any clothes to change into and walk into his bedroom with just a towel and see Fez putting some clothes down on his bed. When he sees me he looks away shyly with a light blush on his cheeks and I smile to myself finding his shyness cute. “Sorry, can I borrow some clothes?”
“Uh yeah here.” Turning back to me he hands me the clothes he had set down on the bed. It was actually some of my clothes that I must have left behind from previous times. “Thanks.” Without thinking I start to remove my towel and he immediately turns back around sitting on his bed with his back to me. “Sorry.” I apologized for not warning him.
“Okay, I’m done.” I told him as I sat down on his bed and he turned back to face me. We fall into a silence staring at each other before I release a nervous laugh looking away first. “It feels different, now that we’re together.” I said playing with my fingers in my lap.
“Different like how?” He asked scooting closer to me and takes my hand into his. “A good different like I’m nervous because I’m used to sleeping on the couch instead of in here with you.”
“Don’t be.” He reassured kissing me. “We can take it slow or whatever you want.”
“Thank you for everything Fez.”
“No need.” He kissed me again. I feel his tongue against my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him letting his tongue intertwine with mine. His hand goes to my hip kneading at it lightly and I lay down on his bed pulling him with me as we continued kissing until we have to pull apart for air. Cuddling into his arms I end up falling asleep as a week's worth of lack of sleep caught up to me.
I woke up early in the morning to catch up on homework and make breakfast for Fez and Ash. I was working on my homework at the kitchen table when Ash woke up before Fez and came into the kitchen smelling the food making himself a plate. “What are you doing?” He asks sitting with me.
“ Late homework. Help me out?” I said passing him my math homework with a 20. He takes it and starts working on it as he eats breakfast. Fez came into the kitchen smiling as he saw us at the table kissing my cheek before grabbing some food and sitting with us. “You want a ride to school?” He asks me.
“No need, Nate’s gonna take me.” I answered not looking up from my assignment and missing his look of annoyance. “Nah, I’ll take you.”
“And once again no need.” I said not wanting to inconvenience him.
“Just tell him, I got you.” He said and I finally look at him. “Nate already’s on the way. Why are you making this such a big deal?” I asked and my phone rings getting a message from Maddy telling me they were outside. “And he’s here. Thanks again.” I told Ash grabbing my homework from him and putting it in my bag and Fez walks with me to the door.
“See you later.” I said kissing him.
“I’ll pick you up after.”
“Thanks but-” I stop seeing his smile drop. “I would appreciate it, miss you already.” I said kissing him again before leaving.
“Uh are you good?” Maddy asked me as we were walking to class. “Yeah, I need some advice. So you know I’m used to using Nate for stuff like rides to school or getting him to spoil us on our shopping trips and stuff. And I think Fez is like…”
“Is jealous?” She finishes and I shake my head.
“Not jealous more like bothered by our friendship.”
“I get that Nate’s been your friend for a long time and you two trust and depend on each other. But you need to start depending on Fez the same way or it's gonna seem like you don’t need him and you don’t want him to feel like second place.” She explained and I sighed annoyed yet still confused.
“Is that how you feel about Nate and me?”
“No, after you set us up you took a step back giving us space, which is what you need to do for Fez.”
“Why is dating so complicated?” I whined.
“At least you’re not dating Nate he’s even more complicated along with being a dick.”
“Don’t I know. What’s the new trouble in paradise?”
“You’re not gonna believe me if I tell you.”
“Now you have to spill.” I said curiosity piqued and she pulls me aside in the hall lowering her voice.
“Okay, so last night I went through Nate’s phone and…” She looks around and I wonder if she found the messages between him and Jules. “And?”
“He had dicks on his phone.”
“Like his own or…”
“No other guy's dicks.” She said and I can’t attempt to hide my look of shock.
“I actually have no words and that’s too crazy to be made up. You don’t think he’s gay, do you? Cause Nate’s like the definition of straight toxic masculinity.”
“I know he’s like super straight but…” She says in thought.
“I think you gotta talk to Nate about it, he might not like you going through his phone but it is weird.” I advised.
“Ugh, you’re right dating is complicated.” She complained hugging me and I smile hugging her back.
After school I see Fez’s car waiting for me outside and on the way to his car Nate comes up to me to remind me about the carnival. “My parents wanted me to invite you to come to help out at the booth for the chili contest."
“Why?” I whined. I had only met Nate’s dad and brother before and that was enough for me.
“You made a good impression on him and now my mom wants to meet you and you know they both-”
“Hate Maddy.” We say simultaneously and he nods his head. “No offense I’ve met your dad and your idiot of a brother I don’t wanna meet your mom.”
“Look I’m not fucking thrilled either but just do it, just stick around for Maddy I invited her too. Stay for a few minutes and that’s it.” He said then looked at my hands. “And get a manicure.”
“I’m sorry you’re forcing me to spend time with your family and get a manicure.” I scoffed annoyed walking off but he grabs my wrist roughly stopping me. “I’m not joking (Y/N), just do what I say.” He said coldly giving me some cash for the manicure before walking away. I rub my wrist to ease the pain before remembering Fez and rush to the car.
“Sorry about that.” I told him as I got in the car. “It’s alright, what did he want?” He asks gesturing to the money in my hand and I put it in my pocket.
“Just paying me back for something.” I shrugged not wanting to explain the complicated ways of Nate Jacobs.
When we get back I got his room to put my stuff down and wanting to talk to him we sit down on the bed. “I wanted to say sorry about this morning, I’m so used to figuring stuff out myself or having Nate do stuff for me that I don’t want you to feel like I don’t depend on you or need you.”
“Nah, I get that you been friends for like a long time or whatever but I would appreciate it if you let me help you out like he does for you.” He said.
“I swear I’ll try, no I will. I just don’t wanna make you feel bad or anything.”
“It’s alright baby, we’re good.” He said kissing me and grabbing my waist pulls me into his lap. I straddle his lap, wrap my arms around his neck, and bit his lip teasingly and he squeezes my waist in response. His lips trail from my lips to my jawline down to my neck sucking lightly on the skin and I hum in delight. He goes to my collarbone and I roll my hips into his causing him to release a groan but before we go any further there’s a loud knocking and banging coming from the front door.
“You expecting someone?” I asked sliding off his lap.
“Nah, but don’t move alright? I’ma go get rid of them.” He said kissing me one last time before getting up and I nod my head obediently. The banging on the door didn’t ease up until Fez got there and after waiting for awhile I heard yelling and banging coming from the door again and go to see what was happening. As I get closer to the door I hear Rue’s voice.
“Open the door! Open the door! Open the door.”
“I can’t do it, Rue. I’m sorry.” Fez says leaning his head on the closed door listening to Rue blame him for her problems. He faces away from the door and I see the sad heartbroken look on his face and take him into my arms.
“I’m so fucking serious. If you don’t open this door right now, I swear to god, I will hate you, till the day I fucking die.” She threatens and shaking my head I take Fez’s hand and take him away from the door.
“I’m sorry.” He tells her one last time before we walk away and we sit down on the couch together just hugging each other.
“You did the right thing. There’s not much we can do but it's a start.” I tell him attempting to cheer him up. “And she didn’t mean any of it, its what addicts do, she’ll calm down and come to her senses eventually.”
“I know.” He whispered. “Thank you for being here.” He kissed my forehead and I smile at him cuddling further into him. We spent the rest of the day just watching movies Ash eventually joined us later and I can’t help feeling truly at home with them.
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queencherryberry · 1 year
Minors do not interact. 18+
Warnings: excessive weed usage, overprotective brother!randy, vaping, Matt Riddle, high sex, dom!cody, breeding kink, daddy kink, handcuffs, cream pie, brat behavior, reader gets what she started, bruising kink
Chapter 2 of Brothers Best Friend
You grabbed your blanket and snacks from your brother's car and followed the guys downstairs to Cody’s finished basement. You sat between Cody and Matt. You were all wrapped up in your blanket. Randy set out the stuff. “Are we rolling or are we smoking out the bong?” Randy asked. He looked at the three of you. “It don’t matter bro. I’m fine with either or. As long as we have a killer sesh.” Matt was the first one speak up. Cody hit off his vape mod before chiming in. “She ever done gravity bong? I got an empty 2 liter upstairs I can go get?” Matt, you and Randy all stared at Cody with wide eyes. “Brooo…” Matt looked at Cody with disbelief. Randy sighed a long sigh of disapproval. “Rhodes…if she does a gravity bong rip now, she’ll be ducked for the rest of the day. She’s got school tomorrow.” Randy started. “It’s fine, if she passes out again here tonight I’ll take her to school in the morning.” Cody retorted. Out of the corner of his eye he saw you staring at his mod so he let you have it. “Omnomnom” You giggled taking a hit from his mod. “What’s that?” You asked innocently. Sure you’ve smoked from the bong and cartridge and whatever rolls Randy and Matt have made, but never a gravity bong that Cody was talking about.
“Hey pipsqueak, why don’t you go throw on some music to do this to while me and Matt set this up since Rhodes wants to see take this so bad.” Randy spoke. You got up and went to Cody’s stereo and threw on one of your favorite stoner songs while Cody went upstairs to find that 2 liter. You sat back down jamming out to the music you put on while boys did their parts for this to happen. You took another hit from Cody’s vape really liking the taste. You spotted your brother’s cartridge pen and set Cody’s mod down. You grabbed Randy’s pen and examined it. “It’s a sativa. 85% THC. I think it’s Wedding Cake or something. I can’t remember. But I guarantee you Matt’s stuff is stronger. If I were you I’d do a baby hit off this gravity bong.” Randy explained. Cody came back downstairs with the bottle as promised. He had cut a hole in the bottle for the bowl piece to fit. He gave it to Randy while Matt was grinding up his flower. “So what strand you got Matt?” Cody asked. “Moon Rocks OG.” Matt replied. When he dad grinded the flower enough he loaded the bowl piece. “Well, are we ready my bros and bro-tte?” Matt asked looking pretty stoned himself already, but that was naturally just him normally every time. You nodded and followed the guys to Cody’s guest bathroom. Randy and Matt put the bottom of the bottle in the water and heated the bowl watching the bottle fill up with smoke. You followed Randy’s instructions on how to take the hit. Once the bottle was filled to the amount of smoke you were satisfied with you knelt down to get into position. Cody sat beside you and held your hair so it wouldn’t get wet. You took one deep inhale of the smoke as Randy started pushing the bottle into the water causing you to clear the whole thing. You sat back and held the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds before releasing the smoke. You started coughing and smiling instantly feeling the buzz. You almost forgot that you had a hangover. Cody helped you to your feet and walked you to the couch as everything started spinning. Cody himself went back into the bathroom to join the guys in their hits. Soon coughing from everyone could be heard. All three men came stumbling out of the bathroom giggling and coughing. Cody took his spot to your right and had a huge smile plastered to his face. Matt was the one who was coughing the least. He took his regular bong and filled it with water. He loaded another bowl and offer anyone another hit. Him and randy kept passing the bong back and forth for about four hits before they remembered that you and Cody were also in the room.
After about 3 hours of smoking and munchies and laughing, all four of started to get tired. Y’all had a pretty great buzz going. Randy looked at the time and told Matt it was time to leave. You had actually started dozing off into Cody’s side as he played Zelda. Knowing that you’d more than likely throw a fit if woken up Randy let you be. Him and Cody repositioned you on the couch so you were laying comfortably. After promising to drive safe, your brother and Matt left. Cody cleaned up the munchies mess and turned off his stereo and gaming console. He stretched and looked over at you sleeping on the couch. He covered you with your blanket and carried you upstairs to his bed where you’d be more comfortable.
After he laid you down he laid down in his spot and cuddled you. He, himself, started getting sleepy. After 45 minutes of dozing off he stirred finding you practically laying on top of him. He didn’t think anything of it and let you be. That was until he felt you sloppily give his neck light kisses. He had thought that you were asleep. “Hey…no. Randy would kill me.” He tiredly mumbled. He tried putting you back on your side so he could sleep. You pouted. “But I want cuddles.” You whined, grabbing at his shirt. You lifted his shirt slightly and basically faced planted into his abs. You started tracing his abs till he swatted your hand away. You pouted again. You started lightly dragging your nails down his abs and he again swatted your hand away. “Stop it or you’re gonna get in trouble.” He warned sternly. His eyes shot open when you started nibbling on his side. He grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled you up to look him in the face. He wasn’t expecting to see a smile plastered on your face. You let out a moan on instinct. “Stop. Being. A. Horny. Brat.” He growled. Your smile only grew. You straddled him with your ass resting on his newly forming bulge. He growled again. This time he grabbed you by the throat and applied a bit of pressure. You gasped out a chuckle. You wiggled your hips feeling his bulge get bigger in his shorts. “Then fucking do something about it then… Daddy.” You mocked pulling his hand away and getting in his face. In the blink of an eye you found yourself on your back with his hand back around your throat and him between your legs. “You want to fucking test me you dirty horny whore?” He said getting in your face. Your face turned a light shade of pink at his words. “Bite me bitch.” You moaned out and playfully rolled your hips against his. His bulge was more noticeable in his shorts this time. Before you knew it, the both of you were making out and pulling on each other’s clothes. Cody was the first to rip his shirt off and toss it aside. It was followed by your hoodie and your crop top only leaving you in your black lacy bra. He went back to attacking your lips and neck while he teased you by pulling at your sweatpants. You had managed to sneak a hand into his shorts and started stroking his dick to egg him on. “You dirty bitch, you just can’t wait can you? You want it so bad you’re impatient. Do I need to teach you patience? Huh? Do you need to be taught a lesson? Maybe I should mark you were your brother can see? Or maybe I should mark both your thighs? Or maybe…I should tie those curious little needy hands of yours and drive you up the wall. Come to think of it, the image of you tied up and begging sounds hot.” He grunted thrusting into your hand. He applied more pressure to his grip on your throat and bit down hard leaving a rapidly growing hickey. He continued to do this till he got to your chest. He released his grip on your throat and used both hands to rip off your bra exposing your chest. He viciously attacked one of your breasts with his mouth biting and suckling the sensitive bud between his lips. While you were distracted by the sudden attack towards your chest he pulled off your sweats and tossed them with the rest of the clothes on the floor and pulled his own shorts off. He gave himself a few quick strokes before attacking your other breast the same way he did to the first one. He slipped in two fingers and started thrusting them in and out of your core. Your back arched at the sudden feeling and your clit happened to briefly come in contact with his throbbing members’ head. He moaned on your sensitive bud and pulled up for air. He looked down at you and watched as you were breathless under him. He kept pumping his fingers in and out of you. He liked the way you squirmed under him. He felt your legs start twitch and pulled his fingers out and licking your juices from them. “Not so fast whore. You started this, you’re gonna get the full ride.” He teased. He got off the bed and went looking in his closet till he came back with a set of handcuffs. “2 options baby girl: you can
(You meant to tell me I have to post this in 2 parts!?) 😤
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