#like ozcar
neos--neo · 5 months
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The Real Treasure Wasn't Saving Remnant, but The Friends We Made Along the Way. -Ozcar 2024 Incorrect quotes
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the-god-of-nihon · 1 year
Because it still apparently needs to be said
The Merge isn't a takeover. Oscar doesn't get erased, Ozpin doesn't assimilate Oscar.
The whole point is the two personalities finding balance and influencing each other to grow.
The end goal is an individual, in this case Ozcar, that has the memories, traits and positive qualities of both Oscar and Ozpin. Because balance and unity is kind of the whole point in RWBY.
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boyuans · 11 months
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091123 奥斯卡_OzcarWang Weibo Update
立冬了❄️ 剃了个头✂️ #立冬#
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 6 months
Do you like volume 9? I liked it. I loved some stuff like the Curious Cat and the Jabberwalker. How do you think the rest of the group would react to Juniper?
I've got my complaints, but I'm sure most of it was because of monetary restraints for Vol. 9
I thinks it's a 9.5/10. I love Volume 9
As for how the rest of the group reacts
Nora: GIANT RABBIT GIANT RABBIT GIANT RABBIT! *Gives Juniper the deepest hug she can* Thanks for protecting Fearless leader all those years. Really. Thank you.
Ren: Well. I have to say, you coming back is a surprise, but all the rest of that stacked on top is ... Frightening. I think I need to hug Juniper.
Jaune: Yeah, I felt the same way about my situation a lot.
Ozcar: Mr Arc, I didn't- if I'd known I wouldn't have-
Jaune: You'd try to save me from my fate, yeah?
Ozcar: ...
Oscar: Yeah, he would've. *He begins tearing up* It's uh, kinda heartbreaking for him- well, all of us, but, you know. He never wanted to make anyone live a life like that, and the fact you never even had the illusion of a choice in the matter - It hits close to home for him.
Jaune: ... I spent a long time imagining a conversation like this, and it didn't go ... well, like this. There was a lot more screaming and yelling, but I'm happy it's as calm as it is. I could use a little calm.
Jaune: Wanna go hug Juniper?
Oscar: *Nods, crying*
Jaune: Okay, go hug Juniper.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Emerald! You go hug Juniper as well!
Emerald: why would i wanna hug a massive fluffball-
Jaune: Go hug the rabbit.
Emerald: *Already walking* Yeah okay. Thank you.
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
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Saw the new Beyond episode and ya boy is just straight up having his 'Bonfire of Dreams' talk with Ozcar like it's Berserk.
Also strongly vindicated Pine Gold fan because of the vibes that were in it
Nora's Arc crumbs too
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spahhzy · 5 months
Ozcar: What's the difference between what you did and what Salem did? She fancied herself judge, jury, and executioner. How are you any different?
CatJaune: Oh my goodness, we couldn't be any more different. She judged people, humanity, based on their worst day, by the most terrible sin they committed.
Ozcar: Not that I would take her side, but isn't that how the brother gods wanted it? Shouldn't we be judged by that?
CatJaune: If there's one thing I've learned in my time of learning about my creators...is that there 'designs' aren't always grand or well thought out...
Ozcar: ...
CatJaune: Heh, anyways, no, I don't think we should be judged by her or rather their standards. Honestly, if that were that standard, then I'm afraid we'd all be found wanting.
Ozcar: Then tell me, Cat, by what standard should we be judged, if not by the worst day of our life?
CatJaune just chuckled as he leaned back into his seat, blue eyes motioning over to the glass window behind Ozcar, he smirked.
CatJaune: Why, isn't it obvious, my parasitic friend?...
Ozcar just remained silent not offended at the slight comment.
CatJaune: By every other day!
CatJaune: We all have the devil in us, Ozma, but the best of us have Angel's too, I would know, I have Jaune after all~
As soon as he said that, the glass behind Ozcar trembled.
CatJaune just laughed.
CatJaune: Poor little Mad Hatter.
On the other side one Trivia Vanille shook angrily as she pulled back her fist, blood dripping down her knuckles from the shards of glass cutting her skin. Her action alarming Team RWBY, Nora, Ren, and Winter, before she turned away as the laughter of the cat mixed with the voice of Jaune was too much to bear, Trivia shattered like glass, leaving the room.
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littlelewdmable · 10 months
A Bridge To The Past
Jaune: Hey, Oscar.
Oscar: Yeah?
Jaune: Can I talk to Ozpin really quick?
Oscar: Eh, sure.
Ozcar: How can I help you, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Did you know my great grandfather? I've heard a lot of stories about him, but you're the only person left who would remember what he was really like.
Ozcar: ...The iteration before the one you knew did.
Jaune: What was he like?
Ozcar: ...
Context: *Vale's army is currently surrounded*
Atlesian Soldier: *Holding a white flag* My General says that there is no point in continuing this fighting. He is willing to discuss a surrender.
King Oz: ...Tell him to go to Hell.
Louis Arc: ...We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner. Sorry.
Atlesian Soldier: What?
Louis: We'd like to, but we can't accept your surrender.
Atlesian Soldier: ...
Louis: Was there anything else?
Ozcar: He was... memorable.
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Rising Dawn
Theodore: Oh hi pot long time no see what's that I'm black? Now my would you can me a kettle black?
Pyrrha: That's different we didn't have a choice
Theodore: And I made a choice and you or Ozpin aren't gonna make this stop just because you don't like your friend being in danger and Ozpin because he isn't the one in control of a secret
Pyrrha: But why him? Why choose him?
Theodore: Besides the obvious... I chose Mr. Arc because he's exactly what is needed in this circle of trust, while also giving him a reason to continue being on our side.
Ozcar: What does that mean Theo?
Theodore: *Sigh* I saw it in his eyes, Oz... I saw the near broken look in his eyes, had things continued the way they did, had he continued his self-loathing, hatred, and drinking, he would truly have ended up on the opposite side of this whole game, but I gave him a purpose, gave him the chance to be the hero he always wanted to be, even if he was hated...
Pyrrha: So you lied to him!? Used him!?
Ozcar: Theo... I can't believe you would-
Theodore: Don't act like you're any better old friend. You lied to us, used us, manipulated us. You have no right to judge me.
Ozcar: ...You are right, my friend, but I... I'm afraid that Mr. Arc may very well turn on us if you believe he was close to turning his back anyway.
Theodore: I can assure you that Mr. Arc has been loyal since we left, he's never given me a piece of false information.
Ozcar: And what about how close he is to Gillian Asturias?
Theodore: ...
Ozcar: Theodore?
Theodore: He and Ms. Asturias have been... intimate, as he put it.
*Pyrrha looked shocked*
Ozcar: What do you mean?
Theodore: Mr. Arc and Ms. Asturias seem to be in love...
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camillabanilla · 5 months
Jaune's short in RWBY Beyond. Miles kills it once again, the emotion in his voice was so raw.
Also HMMMM Ren, Nora and everyone know about Jaune being the rusted knight???? I reallllly hope that we get that reveal scene when we get volume 10.
Also Jaune quickly correcting Oscar about it being Oz who was the subject of fairytales. Guys the merge is imminent 👀 did you notice "Ozcar" tried to sound more like Oscar right after, when previously he had been sounding like Oz.
I'm also loving Ozcar and Jaune bonding in his way. Like what a wild set of circumstances that they kinda share. What a weird thing to have happened twice lol
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pilot-boi · 4 months
further question. does fusing feel different with ozcar later in the merge? like after the monstra nuke causing the whole. magic speeding it up thing. i can see how it could be easier and more difficult at the the same time…i love this au concept btw…
also if other people can fuse it’d be super cool to hear other peoples reactions to fusing with oscar and oz
I can’t go over EVERYONES reactions to fusing with Oscar, so if you wanna hear about someone specific, shoot me an ask
Fusing does feel different later in the merge. As the souls come closer to being one soul, there’s less inherent Wrongness
Earlier, it would feel like you’re trying to shove a cantaloupe in a soup can. Just too much content being stuff in too small a space. Staying fused wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t comfortable. Think of it like the Semblance rejecting the merge magic like it’s a virus
After the whale nuke, that feeling of putting something big in a small space is mostly gone. They’re closer to being one person, two souls are becoming one. So the uncomfortableness is mostly gone. It’s great, but it also sucks, because it means they’re getting closer to losing Oscar entirely
On Oscar’s end though, it feels completely different. The more he fused with people, the less he felt tied to Oz’s soul. They’re fusing with HIM, not Oz, so a distinction is becoming more and more apparent. Instead of it being like Oz’s soul is his own, with every fusion it’s more like Oz is just a passenger in his body
Neither of them really know what to make of it, especially Ozpin
TLDR; The others think that fusing with Oscar is becoming easier because the merge is coming closer, but actually it’s becoming easier because the merge is actively being counteracted by them fusing
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crimsonxe · 6 months
I'm absolutely going to be rewatching v9 cause of it being now on the RT site and me wanting to put whatever extra numbers to it there as I can; but had to skip first to the bonus episode cause ofc I did.
Spoilers below the cut
Love Eddy saying that some of the footage will show up in v10, like ofc I don't know when this was recorded but it reinforces that they're still fighting to keep the show going
Love that the bonus goes across multiple pov's not just one or two
Anyone having doubts on if CFVY would show up, can now rest easy cause they definitely do along with at least Sun & Neptune
Neon confirmed alive o.o
I wish I could pop into the universe to tell Nora her scars are badass >.< I hate the idea of her seeing them as a disfigurement and hope that Ren is pushing her that direction too.
So even Oz has no clue about the Ever After and likely that the Brothers aren't actual the true deities of the overall omniverse. Not to mention getting the impression that he's about as knowing about what the Relics do as everyone else is. Which shoots down many b.s. notions of what he could do to stop Salem. I'd even have doubts on him knowing how the Vaults work.
So the issues between Atlas and Vacuo definitely would be in place (likely including faunus), but on top of that Ozcar fighting the merge.
Ren respecting Jaune and looking up to him even is definitely nice given the backdrop of his words back in v8. Not to mention them doing more showing of his semblance.
Weirdly like the awkwardness between Renora, because of the realness of what they're navigating and that it was something that the writers plan to explore.
Mercury and Tyrian stirring up shit w/ Tyrian being batshit insane as per usual and Mercury being clearly out of his comfort zone
Confirmation that all of SSSN are planned to be in Vacuo, which means there could be Nolan/Scarlet scenes
Seriously Port and Oobleck are like unofficial husbands at this point, wherever one is the other is usually around too xD
My OTP for Willow is Klein, ngl I could support Qrow and her too (especially since ages would be fine), but that look when Klein arrives in the shuttle really sends me back to Willow/Klein xD
God the ["What? How?" -Ruby looking at the flying armada "You sent a message and the world answered." -Qrow] will always hit me in the feels and get watery eyes. Part of that being Jason's performance and only he could do that with his more emotional voicing for Qrow.
Also just want to highlight this, with the black outline cause BB not being subtle at all:
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reashot · 2 months
Aurum The Dragonslayer. (1/2)
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Several years after the defeat of Salem and two decades before Aurum met Jaune's younger self. Tells a story of how Aurum became known as the Dragonslayer.
First born of Jaune and Yang, two great heroes during the war against Salem. Born into this world weak and small, many did not expect him to survive childhood but to everyone's surprise he did not only survive past it but grew up to be bigger and stronger as time went on. Now in his sixteen years of age he towers over his peers and most adults. His skill with a sword surpasses many renowned warriors of his time.
And now embarking on a quest he can be seen walking into a seedy tavern out in the middle of nowhere in order to fulfill his quest. Aurum opens the wooden door of the bar to walk inside the tavern. The loud metallic stomp from his boots caused all eyes inside the bar to turn on him. To see what kind of fool that would dare to visit this den of ill repute.
And to their surprise and delight they indeed saw a fool. They saw a fool wearing full body armor from head to toe.
"Thine looking for a guide across the western mountain." Thus speak the armored fool.
The patrons however paid Aurum no mind and continued with their day drinking.
"Thy liege. King Ozcar has given thine a royal writ. That states any subjects of the kingdom must render aid when asked to by the recipient." He proudly exclaims his royal authority to a room full of drunken degenerates.
When Aurum mentioned the monarch Ozcar. Instead of bowing in reference to their superior. The patrons just ignored him even harder. For there's not a lot of love for the monarchy this far out in the wild.
At first he does not understand why these "fine" people did not try to help him. Aurum may be a master of the blade but reading the room is not one of his expertise. So if appealing to their sense of fealty did not work he would try to appeal to their avarice instead. "Of course Thine would not expect for thee to toil for free. Thine is willing to offer adequate reward if thou are willing to help thine out."
Their head starts to turn to the direction of the Knight after the mention of a reward.
"Thine needed a guide. For thine wishes to go to face the dragon Tiamat."
The tavern that was once as silent as the grave erupted at the mention of Tiamat.
"Are you insane!" The first shout rang.
"You can't kill Tiamat!" The second explained the absurdity of Aurum's statement.
"Get the F**k out of here!" The third one explains what the patrons wanted out of the Knight.
Then after that they just throw insults and slurs like questioning the sexuality of the Knight. When that was not enough the patrons started throwing things at Aurum From foods to beer bottles. Fortunately this is where having an armor actually comes in useful. He didn't even need to activate his Aura as the bottle simply broke upon contact.
"Art thou done with thy foolishness?" Aurum calmly states as all manners of debris clutter the floor near him and on his self.
"How much you paying?" One dissenting voice comes from the back corner of the room. The man sitting in the corner is a lot older than he is, probably the same age as his father. He also wore a suit of armor albeit tattered and dirty unlike Aurum's shiny golden armor. But Aurum notices that the man sitting is also a warrior like himself by the looks of it and he has probably been in a few fights himself.
Aurum walks towards the corner of the room to meet the person. "Two millions Lien. If thou accept thine request then thine will give thee half and the rest afterwards."
The amount that was offered caused an immediate shift in the atmosphere inside the tavern. "Two millions... Why so generous, sir knight?"
"Thine would not asketh thou to risk thy life on a pittance." Aurum simply stated.
"How very noble of you, sir knight. Very well we will depart immediately." The man grabbed his glass and immediately down the entire thing.
Some times later.
"So, sir knight I was wondering?" The guide subtly gesturing to the Knight behind him.
"Thou may ask thine a question." Aurum gives him permission.
"Thank you, sir knight. May I ask who I currently have the pleasure of conversing with? Because we were not properly introduced back there."
"Very well thy suppose thou deserve to know. Thine name is Aurum Arc. Son of Jaune Arc.
"You're Jaune's son?" The guide was surprised upon hearing Jaune's name.
"Thou knoweth my father?" Aurum's eyes widened.
"You have no idea... Still. He became a hero and he had a kid? Good for him I guess."
"What was thine father were like back then?" Aurum asked the guide again.
"... I'm sorry I can't."
"Prithee tell thine why not?"
"Because there's no use in telling someone who's about to die." The guide then loudly whistles.
Aurum immediately stands at the ready preparing for what comes next. At first he saw one person appearing from the bush, then two, three, four until finally there were twelve of them. All of them are more dirty and tattered than the last. Noticing that he is now surrounded he finally draws his sword while the rogues cackle in the background.
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the-god-of-nihon · 1 year
The fact that some people genuinely believe that Ozcar is categorically and objectively Ruby’s best option for a love interest is asinine.
When there are so many better options, like Weiss, Jaune, Penny or literally any other member of the main seven (sans Yang). All of which do everything rosegarden does, but with a more interesting dynamic between more developed characters with better chemistry.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
So! That new rwby beyond episode huh?
I can't do intros for shit. Do you think Ozcar's answer to Jaune's question of "Do you think we're gonna make it?" was, in part, them dodging the question? Not revealing how unsure they feel and instead choosing to comfort Jaune with "Around those campfires, did it really matter?" Do you think of that answer as a cop-out, or as a legitimate answer? Both perhaps?
oh oz absolutely thinks they’re not gonna make it. i am so sure about that.
bc the thing is, ozpin thought he’d been at war with salem for centuries, he thought he’d managed to keep her out and whittle away her influence down to almost nothing. right. his whole reason for handling the situation the way he did in v1-3 is he believed that salem wouldn’t leave the shadows, wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her secrecy. the thing about his paranoia in seeing salem’s hand behind every grimm attack and every period of unrest or war is he had no idea what salem was capable of or how far she would go, but he believed that he did.
within the space of, like, maybe a year and a half, salem has. knocked down beacon academy, forced haven academy to close by assassinating most of its faculty, laid siege to atlas with a fleet of millions of grimm and directly caused atlas to fall, and within a few weeks of that razed vale to the ground. three of his four academies are either destroyed or defunct; two whole countries are just. Gone. it’s been a year and a half!
he. underestimated. really really badly, he underestimated salem and for him this past year has been a harrowing journey of discovering exactly how badly he underestimated her. a year and a half and they’ve gone from “unprecedented era of peaceful prosperity” to desperate last stand. oz hasn’t been in such dire straits since the final battle of the great war when he resorted to using two relics to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, and now one of those is within salem’s reach, and if they take the sword out of its vault that’s just one step closer to salem getting her hands on it.
like, oscar annihilated her millions of grimm in atlas and a few weeks later she turned around and flattened vale.
this is not a fight they can win. and i think oz is painfully aware of that. (the whole point is that the only way out is through negotiation. they have to stop fighting her and start talking to her.)
but i also think he meant “around that campfire, did it matter?” very genuinely because he found his hope again when he returned in atlas, and the situation being hopeless has no bearing on how he chooses to look at it or how he chooses to act. so things are very very bad but oz is, emotionally, in a much better place now than he was at the beginning of the story when things appeared to be okay. it’s the next step from “fear isn’t worthy of our concern”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
more miss wicstraus the summer madine
Damn it's been a while since I did something with Mama Winchester.
Ozcar: Mrs. Winchester, I understand you're a very capable fighter, but I feel we should have some amount of protection detail-
Mama Winchester: I want my son on it.
Ozcar: ... I, uh, I can't help but feel the need to suggest someone with more experience and versatility-
Mama Winchester: You calling my son weak!
Ozcar: n-no ma'am!
Cardin: I'm not gonna baby sit you Ma.
Mama Winchester: Oh? Too good to spend time with your Mama?
Cardin: Hell yeah I am!
Mama Winchester: Oh really? *She pulls out a sandal* Do you want to say that again?
Cardin: You- you wouldn't!
Mama Winchester: *Steps closer*
Jaune: You know, Missus Winchester is a lot less like Cardin than I thought. She seems ...
Ruby: Kinder?
Nora: Stronger?
Blake: Less rascist?
Jaune: Yeah, all of those.
Cardin: *Running in the distance* AAAAHHH!
Mama Winchester: Get back here kid!
Jaune: Wow, she really is like my mom.
Ren: ... Should we help him or No?
Ruby: If it was anyone but his own mom?
Blake: Yes. But for right now, I'm fine leaving him to his fate.
Nora: I mean, he won't die from it, so this is just. Payback.
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The way I screamed. Me when Pyrrha is on screen for 0.2 seconds: *incoherent high pitched noises*
This episode made me so happy for a number of reasons.
1. JNPR content because I adore them (Nora telling everyone Jaune was the Rusted Knight and people believing it's some kind of inside joke because there's no way this guy is an actual fairy tale character right? >>>>>>)
2. Jaune talking to his fellow man out of time, Oscar. (Or, well, Ozcar would perhaps be more appropriate at this point)
And, most importantly
3. Jaune's time (and trauma) in the Ever After being addressed properly, even with the little time they had on their hands. I was SO scared they would just...go back to how he was before, as if nothing had happened, but I'm glad to see they acknowledge the devastating impact all that happened must've had on him. And let's not forget he's like forty now. I had seen people speculating about whether or not he would've lost some of his memories after being reverted to his nineteen/twenty-year-old self, and while I didn't think that would happen, it's nice to see a confirmation that he did, in fact, retain all of his memories.
Bonus: the journaling bit was a welcome surprise. It's therapy time.
While I would've liked some mention of Penny, I'm more than happy with what we got.
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