#like people saying live action is just having him have the siblings compete against each other dont understand that uh
thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
God help us: the live action last airbender has actually got people thinking Azula was a complete victim and not a complicated villain character.
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twist-assist · 1 year
Random Trin and Markus headcanons that I’m cooking in my head:
Obvs since they are Spacer Sheps their mother is Hannah Shepard, whose reputation stretches back to the First Contact War
Because of that, everyone pretty much expected her children to join the Alliance, and even be as good as her
So. lmao. They’ve basically been evaluated their entire life, but the pitting against each other was an unfortunate side effect
What everyone realizes early on is that both of them have different skills and values (Trin is better with words, Markus is better with actions), but that just means both of them think they’re the better twin because they can do things the other person can’t
The rivalry was encouraged because people believed it would groom them to be better soldiers (unfortunately it did not groom them to be better siblings)
Trin being in Public Affairs means that she’s the public-facing Shepard, which means some people thinks she’s the only Shepard child (great), but that also means that other people know she has a brother (not great) and direct all questions about him to her (horrible)
She’s very good at saying the right thing (read: what other people want to hear), but when it comes to actually making decisions that will affect a lot of people, she can’t do that
However she’s still trained to be a soldier so as a result, she can still be deployed, which is how she was at Elysium and ended up becoming the War Hero
But the actual details of what got her to be a War Hero is still pretty muddy. The public story isn’t exactly accurate (and quite frankly sensationalized), and some people believe it’s an unearned Star of Terra (I don’t want to say either or) and she only earned it mostly due to her name
Trin and Markus are rarely seen together and if they are then you either have to run very fast or get your camera out because they will constantly argue. It is the only time you see Trin actually lose her composure in public. She would never punch Markus in public but she wants to. All the time
After Torfan, their resentment of each other grows. Markus resents her for judging him for what he did, even if it was a call he had to make, and simply because he knew she would never be able to do what he did. Trin resents him for her having to take the brunt of the public opinion, because the rumours did fly about, and it meant that somehow, she was the one who had to take responsibility for her brother
When it came down to it, Markus was the one who got into ICT, and went on to become N7. Trin did not, and she’s okay with that lol. One less thing she has to compete with Markus over
Where is their mother throughout all this??? Hell if I know, but I don’t think either of them think highly of Hannah Shepard (internally, they wouldn’t dare try to speak badly about Hannah Shepard of all people), despite how much they wanted her to acknowledge either of them and their skills
Something something nepotism and putting pressure on children to be like their parents is bad and ruins lives?? And it’s exacerbated in the military environment???
omg. What would Markus and Trin think about Victus’ son 
At the end of ME1, when Markus is asked who should be the human Councilor, he doesn’t give an answer. A month later, he dies. Two years later he comes back, and realizes that Trin is the Councilor, and the fact that she is helping encourage the narrative that it was Just Geth that attacked the Citadel and not the Reapers just makes him resent her further
(Except she doesn’t personally believe it lol. At the very least, she believes that Markus wouldn’t have run around the galaxy doing stuff if it wasn’t real)
There was a point where both of them wanted to stop the rivalry bullshit. They wanted to reconcile and actually be siblings. Unfortunately, they believe it would mean they would have to concede on some things and admit their flaws and they do not want to do that. So the resentment lives on
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Kirishima x Reader I Promise
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Summary: you loved the rain, so you went outside and just stood there, reminiscing the past. Then, your boyfriend appeared, concerned for you since you were sick.
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Everyone was inside the dorm but you. There was a thunderstorm and you loved it, so you the second you heard the rain pattering against the glass of your window, you rushed outside, ignoring the statements of your fellow classmates who tried to stop you from going outside since you already had a cold but you didn't care; you loved the rain.
The past few days, most of your class have been trying to get you to stay in your bed and rest, but you were being your stubborn self and refused to, wanting to do things that you normally do. So what if you're sick? You can still do the things you want. You stood outside, enjoying the feeling of rain hitting you with a soft sound before it seeped through your clothes and dampened your flesh. Though most people would hate getting soaked, you didn't mind it because it brought back all your childhood memories which couldn't be created again, and you don't want to forget them. Ever. Because they hold a unique place in your heart which only one person has touched, and they also made another special spot. Both of the things that have your heart are dear to you, and they are the two things you definitely don't want to lose.
Shortly, the rain wasn't the only liquid flowing down your face. Joining the rain were your tears that fell unexpectedly. But you weren't sad, so why were you crying? Is it because of the recollections? If anything, they make you happy. So why? Because of all the moisture on your face, you had to brush your hair back to prevent it from sticking to your skin, however, the wind had other ideas, trying to keep your hair in the way. You sighed in frustration and took the hairband from your wrist to tie your hair in a loose ponytail. Once you did that, you wiped your tears away but, against your will, they kept on spraying out of your eyes. Lightning struck somewhere in the distance before thunder followed. You didn't even flinch, you were rather enjoying all the noises mingling together; the shower and crashing of clouds. You don't know why, but you found peace in the midst of this thunderstorm. It wasn't like other days when it would just rain, it seemed to affect you more in a way, causing you to silently sob. Though, you couldn't even sniffle since your nose was blocked. When you were younger, you lived with your parents and two brothers, one was older and the other was younger. Whenever it rained, you and your siblings would want to go outside but your mother and father would stop the three of you, telling you to put on a coat and wear suitable shoes. Once you were all ready, you would run into the garden and play in the rain.
Sometimes, one of you would slip. Sometimes, one of you would fall face flat onto the ground while the other two laughed at the mud stuck to their face. Sometimes, one of you, or all of you, would get sick and your parents would bring you in to warm you up and care for you. Sometimes, all three of you would want to get sick on purpose so you could be cared for. Sometimes, when you were sick, you all competed to see who your parents loved the most. And they would always say, "We love all of you equally." If only your family were still here with you... "(Y/N)?" a voice uttered softly as they approached you. Quickly, you cleared your tears away, upon hearing the familiar voice, before turning towards the redhead with a small smile. He owned a smile before sighing and shaking his head as he neared closer to you. Once he reached you, he placed a jacket around your drenched frame. He folded his arms and slightly frowned at you. "If you were going to come outside in this weather, you should have worn a jacket," he muttered, pulling you into his arms. "I'm fine," you said with a quiet voice since you had a sore throat. "Whatever... Why were you crying?" the teenager inquired, causing you to look up at him with a questioning glint in your eyes. How did he know you were crying? "You think I wouldn't know that you were crying? What's wrong?" "... I was just thinking..." "About...?" "Stuff." "Stuff about your childhood?" You meekly nodded, averting your gaze to the ground where you watched each raindrop fall with a tap and combine with others to create a small puddle. "You know that I'm always going to be here when you want to talk. Don't hold back." "Why did everything close to me have to leave me?" you murmured into his chest. "I won't leave you," he told you gently, resting his chin upon your head. "How can you keep that promise?" "You'll just have to trust me." Kirishima removed his chin from your head and cupped your cheek, tearing your face away from his slightly wet shirt. There was a tender smile painted on his lips before he leaned in for a kiss and you returned the action, giving him a loving kiss. "Aw, look at them! They're so cute!" Ashido exclaimed. "I wish I had a boyfriend like him," Hagakure sighed. "Stop spying on them," Yaoyorozu scolded them. You parted from his lips, bringing your hands up his chest and to his face. "I love you, Eijirou." "I love you, too, (Y/N)," he replied with an adorable grin. "Come on, let's go inside. You're soaking and I don't want you getting more ill." "I want to stay here for a bit longer. But you can go inside." "I'll keep you company then. It wouldn't be manly if I left my girlfriend by herself." He draped an arm over your shoulders and kissed your temple as both of you stood there in silence in the rain, which was slowly getting lighter, soon turning to drizzle as the sky cleared up a little, exposing the evening sky. "Let's go," you spoke, turning to your boyfriend who seemed lost in thought. He nodded and both of you went back inside, water trickling from your clothes. Multiple coughs left your throat as you put your forearm on your mouth. A concerned expression was smeared over Kirishima’s face as he took dripping jacket from you and left it to hang. You carried on coughing so he rubbed a hand on your back as a way of helping you. "Change out of your clothes and have a warm shower. I'll make you hot chocolate." "Thanks, babe.”. You slowly made your way to the showers, finding some other girls there who beamed at you. You gave a smile in return but you weren't bothered to make conversation with them. All you wanted was Kirishima and the hot chocolate he made for you. And that’s what you got. Your boyfriend had his hair down as he sat cross-legged on his bed with his back to the wall and you sat in front of him, your back facing him. A mug of hot chocolate was in your hand, and a book in the other, and you took a sip of the beverage every now and then. As you did that, he gently brushed your wet hair, making sure not to yank your hair or cause you any pain. "Do you want some?" you offered, but he refused. "It's really good. Thank you." "Anything for you, puppy." Once he was finished, he put down the hairbrush and dragged you onto his lap, looping an arm around your waist. You laid your head on his shoulder and continued reading your book, Kirishima joining you. After a moment, he glanced at you to see how engrossed you were, causing a smile to creep onto his lips. You had a feeling he was staring at you, so you looked at him, locking eyes with his crimson ones. You pecked his lips before turning back to the book. A while after, you had fallen asleep, so he had carefully placed you down on his bed, drawing the covers over you. He turned off the light and went in next to you, pulling you close to his chest. He kissed your forehead and rested his cheek on top of your head before drifting off. In the middle of the night, you woke up to find yourself crying as you sat up. As you wiped the few tears away, you let out a quiet huff, running your hand through your hair. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" your boyfriend asked tiredly before yawning. "Nothing. Just had a bad dream." "Lie down," he ordered and you complied, snuggling into him. He drifted a hand over your tresses, tucking your head under his chin. "Talk to me." "... I had a dream about my family. I saw my mum smile as she watched my dad play with us. I loved all of them-- I still do. I miss them so much," you whispered, and he listened closely, like he always would when you would confide in him. You let out a small laugh before carrying on, "I remember one time, me and my brothers were riding our bikes around the neighbourhood but I fell off mine, grazing my knee and I cried. We were in front of our house. They laughed at me and my dad came outside to help me, telling them off. He picked me up and treated my injury as my brothers watched, jealous because of the attention I was getting. I saw them and smirked. After that, they were even more kind to me and we played together, as we always did." "It sounds like you had fun every day. You're lucky." "How am I lucky? They were all killed by a single villain when I was only ten years old. How is that lucky? I had to live with my aunt for six years and I hated it. She acted as if I wasn't there, she would smoke and drink in front of me, and she didn't have any children so I just sat in my room. I didn't have any sort of entertainment. Tell me how I'm lucky?" you slightly raised your voice, so a cough followed soon after. "Shh. Don't strain your voice." You quietly wept, not wanting Kirishima to notice, but of course, he did. This time, though, he didn't point it out, he just soothed you with whispers and kisses. "Promise me that you won't leave me." You gazed up at him, your orbs glossy as tears welled up again. He kissed the tears away and leaned his forehead against yours before replying, "I promise."
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Fire and Light (ao3) - on tumblr: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9
- Chapter 10 -
Nie Mingjue was starting to become accustomed to the routine of the cell.
Wen Ruohan would generally visit the Fire Palace twice weekly, sometimes more if he had had a very bad day and wanted to let off some steam. Nie Mingjue would get visited on at least one of those instances, whether for a short time and a bit of emotional devastation or for a longer and much more physically uncomfortable visit, and sometimes more often if Wen Ruohan was not doing well in war.
Wen Ruohan still enjoyed asking him questions, but Nie Mingjue didn’t think he had to answer them anymore. This was a subject that came up sometimes during some of those longer visits.
The rest of the time, he was left to recover and be bored. He was not given access to his saber – Baxia had been hidden away somewhere, he thought, he could feel that she was safe if unhappy – but his spiritual energy was not restrained, the way some other prisoners were.
He spent a great deal of time meditating. Sometimes, if his physical condition allowed for it, he would practice old techniques, trying to focus on a different muscle each time to try to avoid letting them atrophy. His empty hands bothered him, but he deemed it unlikely that anyone would give him equivalent to a saber something to wield, not even if he asked.
Food was twice a day, usually just a bowl of rice and vegetables that the kitchen would otherwise have thrown away, and it was brought by the same prison guard each time.
Nie Mingjue liked the prison guard.
Possibly it was because he was the only person Nie Mingjue saw on a regular basis, other than Wen Ruohan – Nie Mingjue’s cell was a little ways away from the other prisoners, lest they infect him with something and he die too quickly, although he was still within earshot of all the screams – or possibly it was the prison guard’s pleasant demeanor, friendly and calm like a lake of still water.
They were playing a long-running game of sorts.
Nie Mingjue had guessed that Meng Yao – that was the prison guard’s name – was an outsider, recently joined, and that he had previously spent time in both the Lan and Jin sects.  This perspicacity had surprised Meng Yao, drawing his interest, and he had asked, very politely, for Nie Mingjue’s name.
Nie Mingjue had, just as politely, refused to give it.
Meng Yao, surprised yet again, had asked for his reasons.
Nie Mingjue had explained that he wasn’t sure if Wen Ruohan would react badly to other people knowing about him, and it would be a shame for Meng Yao to be murdered while he had yet to achieve whatever it was that he was seeking so strenuously to accomplish.
For some reason, Meng Yao saw this as a challenge.
“Gongzi, I have your dinner,” Meng Yao said. “Would you like me to ask the cook to give you some meat, next time? Just let me know. I would be more than happy to tell her to send more food to…?”
“Certainly,” Nie Mingjue said. “You can tell her that it’s on behalf of the last cell on the right.”
Meng Yao wrinkled his nose at him, and Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes back.
Their normal initial exchange of wits over, Meng Yao gave him the food and supervised him as he ate – a babysitter upon whose head the consequences would fall if Nie Mingjue misbehaved was the condition of giving him chopsticks. Wen Ruohan had a great deal of experience in keeping prisoners alive, and he knew Nie Mingjue’s character quite well.
“I heard that you were giving Sect Leader Wen advice on the war,” Meng Yao said casually as Nie Mingjue tried to guess what pickled vegetable he was eating, since neither taste nor appearance was definitive. “Gongzi must be very well-respected.”
“Did you hear about the part where I told him the best counterstrike would be to shove his troops up his own ass?”
“…and very brave.”
Nie Mingjue chuckled. “And you must be very competent to have made your way up to prominence in two separate sects, especially at such a young age.”
Meng Yao did not want to like him, Nie Mingjue could tell. He did anyway.
It wouldn’t help him if something more important to Meng Yao was at stake, of course – Nie Mingjue had lived too long with Qishan Wen cruelty, selfishness, and ruthlessness to miss seeing it reflected in others – but it was still nice to be liked.
“…how do you know?”
“Was that a direct question?” Nie Mingjue asked. “Be still my heart.”
“This humble servant has observed that gongzi does not answer anything else.”
“Humble,” Nie Mingjue drawled. “Yes, that’s the first thing I think of when I think of you.”
Meng Yao’s eyes were narrowing, though, so he stopped teasing.
“It’s your hair.”
“My – hair?”
Nie Mingjue nodded. “The way you set it. It’s clear that Xichen must have taught you how to arrange the braids personally, which means that you must have gotten fairly high up in the Lan sect – but Sect Leader Wen referred to you as being poached from the Jin sect.”
Meng Yao reached up touch his hair. “…I never made it that high in the Jin sect,” he finally said. “Not even lieutenant.”
“In the middle of a war, with how competent you are? Does Sect Leader Jin have something against you?” A small furrowing of Meng Yao’s brow. “Did you complain that he raped your sister or something?”
A long, slow blink. “Is that a problem he has?”
“Not liking people who try to make him responsible for his actions?” Nie Mingjue snorted. “Yes.”
Meng Yao looked contemplative.
“What are you thinking?” Nie Mingjue asked, finally giving up on the pickled vegetable and handing back the bowl.
“Only that you know a great deal of gossip –”
“Involuntarily, I assure you.”
“– and that you feel comfortable calling Lan-da-gongzi by name, and are familiar enough to know how he personally styles his hair.” Meng Yao smiled. “I’ll figure out who you are yet, gongzi.”
“Don’t be so sure,” Nie Mingjue said. “They’ve probably already forgotten me.”
“This is your fault,” Wen Ruohan murmured in his ear, and Nie Mingjue was too weak to refuse to listen. “You did this – to yourself, to them. Why couldn’t you have just been obedient?”
He didn’t know anymore.
“I’m Sect Leader Jin’s son,” Meng Yao said.
“Your mother must be a genius,” Nie Mingjue replied.
There was a moment of silence – probably Meng Yao staring at him.
It was probably not the response he had been expecting.
“I’ve met Sect Leader Jin,” Nie Mingjue said in explanation. He was lying face-down on the floor of the cell while Meng Yao tended to his wounds; the conversation, he knew, was only to distract him from the sting of the stitches. “He’s cunning, not smart, horribly self-absorbed, and ‘competent’ isn’t the word I’d use for him; he makes do mostly by paying enough to hire good help. Given the contrast with you, it follows that you must have gotten all the good traits from the other side…I hope he didn’t rape her. Sorry about making that joke, earlier. I didn’t realize.”
“You said sister, not mother.”
“Right,” Nie Mingjue said. “I forgot.”
“Anyway, he didn’t have to rape her. He bought her,” Meng Yao said. He was tightening the bandages now and his hands were perfectly steady. Too steady, the way Wen Qing’s were when she was having to control himself. “She was a whore.”
Nie Mingjue got the feeling that Meng Yao was expecting some sort of reaction. He wasn’t sure what, though.
“Okay,” he said. Out of lack of anything better to say, he added, “Was she nice?”
“What type of question is that?” Meng Yao demanded.
He’d picked the wrong reaction again, Nie Mingjue presumed.
“I don’t know,” he said. His eyes were closed and his forehead was pressed against the cool stone. “I don’t really remember my mother. All I know is that she was a rogue cultivator, and tall –”
“I would never have guessed the latter, gongzi.”
“Yeah, yeah. Like I’ve never heard that one before. My father raised me on his own – we don’t believe in using nursemaids to do it.” He exhaled. “I’m forgetting him, too.”
“He died?”
“Sect Leader Wen killed him.” He heard Meng Yao exhale. “I know. I’m not very filial, am I?”
“I don’t think that’s a consideration,” Meng Yao murmured. “Under the circumstances.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t want to talk about it. “So, your mother,” he said. “Was she nice?”
“…does it matter?”
“Why wouldn’t it matter? She’s your mother, isn’t she?”
Meng Yao chuckled. It was not a nice sound. “Most people don’t really care to listen past the part where they find out she’s a whore.”
“I’ve never actually met a whore,” Nie Mingjue confessed. He was starting to drift off again – it was hard to stay awake. “The closest I ever got to even talking about one was when we had to put the fear of brothels into A-Chao. Sect Leader Wen was trying to ruin him.”
“Mm. Like – a little brother, almost. I’ve got a bunch.”
Meng Yao snickered. “Yes, gongzi does seem the type.”
Nie Mingjue smiled into the floor. He knew that tone – it was just the same as A-Chao’s, in fact. “You’re welcome to join in, if you like.”
Meng Yao’s hands stopped moving abruptly.
“Assuming I’m not dead, of course.”
After a moment, Meng Yao’s hands started moving again. They were gentler.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “After a promise like that, I’ll be sure not to let him kill you.”
“Need to get your money’s worth out of me?”
“Of course.” A pause. “Naturally, it would be easier if gongzi would tell me his name…”
Nie Mingjue huffed – like Meng Yao was going to get him that easily.
“No need for such formality, A-Yao,” he said. “Just call me da-ge.”
“You must have some hobbies.”
“Must I?”
“Everyone has hobbies.”
“I collect younger siblings. Does that count?”
“It does not.”
“It’s your fault,” Wen Ruohan crooned as Nie Mingjue’s shrieks split the air. “Your fault. You turned them against me. It’s because of you that I’m going to need to kill them…”
“I don’t think I would have liked you, in the normal course of things,” Meng Yao said conversationally. “I usually find righteous people boring. Most of the time, they’re arrogant hypocrites, as rigid like the stiff pole that must have gotten shoved up their asses at some point. No one looks down on you like the righteous, and usually for stupid reasons, too. For something as petty and as simple as just not being them. Not having their advantages from the moment you were born.”
He paused. Cleared his throat.
“Lan Xichen was the first one I met who wasn’t like that. He really – he’s nice, I think you would put it. Kind. Everything they say about what gentlemen ought to be, he is.”
A brief silence.
“Naïve, though. Almost painfully so. I twisted him around my little finger without even trying…even when I was trying not to.”
Nie Mingjue believed him. Manipulation seemed to come as second nature to Meng Yao, even when he was being sincere. Sometimes, even especially when he was being sincere.
It was a bit like Wen Xu, actually. It was hard to throw off the way you’d been raised.
“At first I thought the problem was with me, that I didn’t appreciate him enough, that I didn’t understand how to have a friendship with a person like that. A good one. Sometimes I thought, well, no, maybe the problem’s with him – he pities me too much to see what I’m really like, and that means he’s deceiving himself, it’s got nothing to do with me. In the end…I don’t know. I don’t think I ever resolved it.”
He sighed. It was a long, low sound, almost whistling in the dead air of the Fire Palace.
“You’re not like Lan Xichen at all. You really are unbending, rigid, inexorable…I ought to despise you. You ought to despise me. I torture people most of the day, you know. I even enjoy it.”
For all his poise, Meng Yao was younger even than Lan Xichen. He shouldn’t be anyone’s prison guard. Shouldn’t be torturing anyone. How could you blame children for doing something that would win them praise?
“It’s this place that makes me like you, I think. It’s just – it’s filthy, here. Disgusting. The more I’m in this prison the worse it gets. The more bad things I do, the more bad things I think. I barely dare recall my better memories, my mother, Lan Xichen. I’m too afraid that the filth and grime of this place will stain their purity even in my thoughts.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t understand, not really - maybe he’d been here so long that the stain had sunk in already, blackening everything it touched. But he tried as much as he could to sympathize.
“And then there’s you. You, all shining steel and stiff unbending morality, the sort of person I hate the most. But when I’m here knee-deep in the muck, trapped in the dark without any hope of surfacing, I look at you and I feel – it’s almost like I can see light again, reflected in you. As if I’m breathing clean air. For the first time in my life, I think I understand why people have ethics. That they’re not some stupid thing made up by someone to fool someone else into voluntarily crippling the hand they’ve been dealt to play.”
That was definitely not what ethics were.
“I don’t know if we’d get along outside this place. Where I’m still me, with all my flaws that make me all the worse, and you’re still you, with all your imperfections that only make you better, but without this place to make us get along. I really don’t know. For once in my life, I don’t have a goal, a target, a scheme. As far as I know, you’re nobody I can use, and keeping you close to me will only tie an anchor to my legs, weigh me down. But even with all that, even if nothing I do works out and it all blows up in my face…I’d still like to find out. Find out if we would get along, if you really would treat me like your little brother even though you know what I’m really like under the smile. Find out if someone like me really can get along with someone like you.”
Nie Mingjue felt Meng Yao squeeze his hand, and wished he could respond in kind.
“So you have to wake up, da-ge. You hear me? You have to wake up.”
“It’s done. They’re gone. And it’s all your fault.”
He lies, Nie Mingjue told himself. He lies, he lies, he lies –
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
13, 14 and 15 for Five!
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man y’all are feral for these ones let me see what they are...
13. What gets them flustered
HMMM well flustered means to make (someone) agitated or confused.
Which means... calling or insinuating that Five is either a child (tagging a ‘little’ onto brother, young man, etc.) or incapable - unfortunately he can perceive several different things as calling him incapable/weak such as... insinuating that he needs sleep or to take a break
Anyone expressing any kind of soft emotions or that they care about him makes him... a little confused to say the least. He’s spent a really long time alone, and while he has some vague success at having heart to hearts where he’s the one talking (telling Klaus about Dolores, talking to Luther, etc.) as soon as the tables turn and they try and express any kind of appreciation or concern for him he has to brush it off, or jump away into a cab, or get defensive and yell (he is not an addict, Klaus)
He doesn’t know how to handle anything soft or considerate. Nothing like that was really present during his childhood - he was never especially close with Grace, not like Diego was at least. Certainly there wasn’t room to be soft in the apocalypse, except on occasion with Dolores, but his focus was primarily on the duel purpose of survival and saving his siblings. And certainly not at the Commission. 
So it does make him agitated and confused and flustered when people care about him. He’s not used to it. He’s used to being the one caring. Even Dolores - she was a reflection of himself and there’s a reason in the comics she was more than a little mean to him at times. There’s a reason why the Handler liked to try and unsettle him by caressing him face and complimenting him so sweetly.
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
oh I think Five has a LOT of ingrained habits left over from the apocalypse and fending for himself since he was a small child
Food hoarding and resource guarding would be big ones tbh, he’s had food insecurity for a long time and in season one I never saw him eat so he might just generally be uncomfortable eating in front of other people - a strong sense of this is mine and protectiveness that comes from having very very little
Most of that protectiveness is centered around his family tbh but if his siblings tried to make him give up... his old battered copy of Vanya’s book, for example, I doubt it would go very well. Luther threatening Dolores was not taken very well to say the least, and Luther was only saved by the fact that Five loves Luther and would rather die than hurt him
(though threatening a bit is possible, which I think is what happened with Vanya at the end as well - Five couldn’t bring himself to follow through on hurting her otherwise his jumping would have been so much more precise at the end, he was demonstrably very deadly )
Five is used to going at things alone, so leaving his siblings behind isn’t even him being an asshole or trying to protect them by leaving them behind... he literally just forgets that he has backup but also forgets that like... his siblings talk back to him? So he’ll just say his piece and then exit out of the conversation 
His siblings find it inconsiderate and rude but sometimes it’s literally just Five forgetting that people can have input to conversations and that they aren’t just one-sided things, and since Five is... kind of sensitive about his lack of social skills he just lets them think he’s rude rather than admit that his social skills are really just that bad
There are plenty of other things I think might result from his years of isolation. Five’s habit of talking to himself, because for a long time there was really no one else to talk to (even if he addresses those thoughts to Dolores absently, despite the fact that he’s returned her to the store). An inability to relax because there’s an inexplicable feeling of guilt that occurs whenever he tries to.
Issues sleeping because he’s used to basically total silence. Can you imagine going from no sound at all to living in a house with other people, in a city where there are cars and sirens and people walking down the street? Being generally jumpy around other people
Five has a lot of social issues that his siblings probably put down to him being rude and unsociable but are actually just a result of Five genuinely not knowing how to interact with people, even when he’s really actually trying his best
and part of that is that they’re used to Five being terrifyingly competent, they remember him being praised by their father for being adaptable and good at what he did, even when he caused trouble. They’re used to Five being above it all, and so they don’t perceive it as Five having difficulty so much as they perceive it as Five purposefully being an asshole
If Five was trying he wouldn’t fail, because they do actually perceive Five as being exceptionally capable, which means that Five’s actual struggles... kind of go unnoticed or are criticized as him not trying hard enough
and of course Five hides how he feels and lets them go on thinking that, because it’s an ingrained habit to hide weaknesses - both thanks to Reggie who pit the kids against one another and used their weaknesses against them and because of the Handler who can scent weakness in the water like a shark with blood oof
15. What it takes to make them cry
I think I have a post somewhere about how the Hargreeves are very good at digging right into each others weaknesses and twisting the knife. It happens with all of them tbh. Diego hurls Allison’s failures as a mother in his face, Allison snaps at Vanya that she’s the last person she would ask for advice, even Ben snipes at Klaus. It’s ingrained. It’s common. They’re used to hurting each other with words, used to finding each others softest parts and using those weaknesses against each other
but Five hasn’t really experienced that since he was thirteen. And the Handler, brilliant as she is, is no match for the siblings in their ability to locate and use each others weaknesses.
So I think there’s going to come a day when Five pisses one of them off, and they lash out in the way they know how. The ‘acceptable’ way, with words instead of fists. They’re going to find Five’s softest parts and dig right in
Words like ‘abandon’ and ‘run away’ and ‘should have stayed away’ and ‘fault’
And Five knows how to defend himself, physically. But he’s so very out of practice against verbal attacks, he’s out of practice when he can’t attack back physically and shut someone up. And he loves his siblings. He couldn’t even bring himself to hurt Luther when Luther was threatening the one person who kept him sane, someone that he loved. He couldn’t bring himself to hurt Vanya when she was about to end the world. 
So Five can’t attack physically, has to just stand there and listen. Has to take those words, and take them into his heart, and stand there bleeding from wounds that no one can see
and he’s Five. So none of them would expect it when their words actually hurt him, actually make him stagger back as if hit by a physical blow, none of them expect their venomous barbs to actually make their brother cry
but them not expecting it just makes it easier to hide. He can jump out of a conversation and just be considered rude and inconsiderate and he can hide away while he shakes apart at the seams and has to rebuild his walls from scratch
(what a useful power, right? what a useful escape)
i think there might eventually be frustrated tears, brought about by accusation that Five... doesn’t care about them and everything piles up and just - 
the idea that his siblings don’t know, can’t know, about everything he’s sacrificed for them. Every time he sees them dead behind his eyelids when he goes to sleep. Every second he thought about them, every moment he tried to get back to them. Five is shit at expressing how much he cares about his siblings to his siblings, but don’t actions speak louder than words? Hasn’t he shown them how much he loves them? How much it would kill him if he had to go through losing them ever again?
I imagine at some point there’s a breakdown, Five howling about how he thought about them every single day, that he worked tirelessly to get back to them, to save them. Fuck the world. He was never interested in saving the world. His entire world is his family, and he shaking and shuddering and yelling at them because they don’t understand
he probably doesn’t even realize he’s crying until someone points it out, honestly
tbh five kind of deserves his breakdown, and his siblings deserve to witness how much he actually does care about them and maybe then he’ll finally get the hug he deserves
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
I am curious: what are your favorite scenes from your main ships (date, dair, derena...)?
scenes involving milo don't count, sorry!
for me, it's really not just scenes, but body language & just in general, how they are with each other, you know? dan and serena grin at each other and hug SO much, you can tell that being around each other in s1 made them both so happy, and even after that glow fades the way they look for comfort in each other... top level stuff. the way blair looks at dan... we never see her as radiant at any other point. she was not looking at anyone else like this. and gosh, dan and nate. they're both so comfortable around each other that there's absolutely nothing weird about like. discussing that one ex girlfriend whom they both share AND both were in love with. there is literally no other duo who trusts/enjoys each other's company so much that they're comfortable in a love triangle. (probably because they're more in love with each other than with the girl, but that is not the point. or is it?)
anyway, more specific answers. under the cut. this is one of the longest answers i've ever written on this blog possibly but you KNEW that would happen when you sent this ask, didn't you? (affectionate)
derena: i tagged one of my ds reblogs as 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and like. look at them! this hug from 1x10 kills me in the best way. they are both the literal embodiment of :D when they see each other! i love 1x10 as a whole moment, their entire thing at cotillion is so sweet and they're both so happy. the fact that he is talking about his chemistry teacher during this kiss in 1x07. that bit at the end of 1x05 when they talk about their siblings (being there for their sibling because of fallible parents being a derena parallel makes me simultaneously really sad and really soft, tbh). 1x05 gives me SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT but the way they walk off together arms around each other does something to me - these are two people who are still getting to know each other but who really like what they see, and who trust each other and. are just having a good time together! back when derena was my OTP, the 1x11 "your story's about me?" was absolutely a fave, too, and i still adore it, albeit in a different, more nostalgic way. i like a dan who writes cute stories about serena. no empty shell sabrina van skoneker bullshit. she is so much like you, daniel! you'd be shattered if she did this to you. don't do this to her. tbh, most derena moments from s1 are just A+ romance. the bit in 2x02 in the jitney is so funny, they're SO bad at being exes. the bit in... 3x03 i think?? i don't remember... on the contrary. when they're talking about dan's fling w/ georgina and serena's relationship with carter, the ease with which they talk and how happy/supportive they are of each other's new relationships... yeah. love to see it.
i also really like any instance of them having honest/open conversations. 1x13, talking about how serena is concerned about blair. 1x08, serena talking to dan about feeling jealous of vanessa. this bit from the touch of eva or whatever that episode is. 4x04 i think. this is the conversation everyone is trying to get dan to have and he's avoiding EVERYONE else. derena interactions in 3x21 (can't find a gif right now) - the fact that dan is with serena when her dad abandons them, the fact that he goes all the way there with her. 2x07, "i'm really glad you're nate's friend. he really needs someone like you right now" (though i'm cheating, that's technically a d/n moment too klhdflkgf). there's a bit in s4 where he's advising her against having an affair w/ colin, i don't remember the ep number, but the way he takes her side so easily and naturally and puts due blame/responsibility solely on her professor... yeah. 4x10 i think this ep is?? idk. but like my tags say, im sentimental about this moment because while what dan was doing was irresponsible, sneaking her out of the ostroff, he was the only person in this episode who was actually talking to her and listening to her and taking her seriously. nobody else was doing that!!
i probably have more moments i'm not remembering, but we're only 1/3 into this answer and LOOK AT THE WORDS, good lord, i'm sorry.
dair: my favourite dair episode is hands down despicable b (5x21) which i have heard is an uncommon answer. i just love the conflict resolution of it all, okay!!! 1x04 & 2x08 are like. standard answers any dair shipper will give, and i'm no different. i love dan being able to give blair advice and blair actually taking his advice even though they're not friends yet!!! be right back, yelling at the intimacy of it all!! 5x16, with their getting together (this little kiss and dan being so startled by it), blair admitting a flaw she genuinely does have and dan saying it's not awful because it's her, which is just. romance at its finest. those vows, good lord. 5x18.... they're having fun! blair showing up at the loft in lingerie for dan... the delight on her face.... (i know this moment blows up in their face but when she's there she looks so happy and proud of herself and this was like THE moment when i was like. oh. dair is really the heart of this garbage show huh).
i think for me, the thing that really sells dan & blair together is the serena of it all. both of them love serena more fiercely than anyone else, and that is what brings them together. (fwiw i definitely think nate loved serena this much and this deeply, too; the writers just wanted to pop the serenate balloon, which even i think was extremely unnecessary and ooc.) but (& i have so much meta about this) their relationship grows beyond serena. their entire s4 arc is SO good. i love how comfortable around each other they are, in such an adult way, in the sense of like. they both bring so much stability to each other? morgan tagged this edit "the marrieds" and like. yeah. b offers to help him shave. they're having breakfast & reading the paper together.
all the love declarations we got that weren't a simple 'i love you.' be your charming wonderful self (how could she not love you/ tell me what would make you happy, dan) i told chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore (you spent your life earning the keys to set you free when you were free all along!!!!) dan's pep talk to blair in 5x21 (already linked a gifset earlier, here's another one if you want i guess). there's definitely more... but honestly, the way the dair arc was executed was so good - while i do have my complaints, i also think keeping those aside, it was SO close to perfect. i love dan & blair's banter and gradually becoming closer and closer and closer. it felt very organic and real and GOSH. the way penn & leighton looked at each other while playing dan and blair...... it's just SO MUCH.
date: this is the hardest, because it's. *screams*. maybe you saw me losing my mind over those 2 seconds of nate handing dan a waffle? i love almost every scene with these two, even the hellish s6 breakup scene. my favourite episode for d/n (& also favourite gg episode in general) is 2x06 - i love the homoerotic subtext of it all. nate pretending to be dan because dan's name is the first name that came to his head. dan flirting w/ nate while tied to that thing, in his underwear. them becoming friends. and 2x07 as a follow-up to that! dan getting nate to live in the loft with the humphreys for a while. i am so soft.
4x09 is a terrible episode in general, especially for serena my beloved, but the d/n moments in that one? off the CHARTS. this weird overly macho flirting, in some ways THE most iconic d/n line. this entire finish each other's sentences nonsense. someone (i think it was ana but im not sure?) compared the energy of those scenes i just linked to the book blairenate love triangle resolution, blairena choosing each other over nate in the books, date choosing each other over serena in the show (if only! RIP.) after the saints & sinners ball, this cute little moment of 'youre the only one who understands me. please tell me they went home together. i mean. how could they not have.
3x07, them watching vampire porn together. a tag i used on ao3 (& also on here, once) is 'nate brings out the himbo in dan'. here is a prime example. 'is she levitating?' i don't fucking know, dan, what do you think?? (i was telling my partner that that's what i love abt dair vs date. around blair dan is an intellectual, a librarian, an art historian, a museum curator. around nate it's like dan is competing to be #1 himbo on the show. can my girlfriend actually fly? i don't know, dan. i can't believe you're seriously asking such a question.)
3x12 pep talk. (sorry about the shitty quality!) essentially nate telling dan that he (dan) is hot and that he shouldn't talk himself down so much.
dan making nate gay in his book. you know. his book from which blair found out he was in love with her. nads (who i will not tag in this billion word long gushy meta, because i value her sanity) once called inside "wish fulfilment' and. i mean. yeah
nate checking dan out at the derena wedding continues to be hilarious. hilarious in the same way as dan sexually fantasising about nate. canon really went 'let's give ivy some special easter eggs' and i appreciate them a lot!
i love the way they are around each other - so quietly attuned to each other. i showed my sister my date!husbands gifset, and she was like. yeah they're so married. and it's just stuff like how dan looks for nate over his shoulder, it's not even an active action, it's as easy and natural and intuitive as breathing, checking to see if nate is still there.
oh, that wasn't as hard as it could've been! okay. cool. im SURE there's more things i could scream about, because it's DN, the fact that they're non-canon makes me THAT much fiercer about them than dair/derena, to be honest. so many dots to connect!! anyway.
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tweedfrog · 4 years
Hi! Just wanted to pop in and say how much I adore your fics. The Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon tags are nearly impossible to get through. 95% of the fics don’t even feature them prominently and of the remaining 5%, either they’re horrible people bullying faultless Lyanna and Jon 😒 or wonderful angels (unlike that awful witch Catelyn Stark 🙄) who exist to be Jon and Lyanna’s cheerleaders and absolve them of any guilt.
Also I wanted to commend you on your Rhaenys and Elia characterization. Especially Rhaenys! I think a trend I sometimes see is that female characters are only allowed to be happy after they’ve rejected any femininity and taken up weapons and become brash and daring and loudly opinionated. And those girls deserve happiness for sure! But it’s so nice to see a Rhaenys who does lean towards soft power. Who isn’t only a horse and weapons and wild sex enthusiast because she happens to be Dornish. Because that kind of characterization doesn’t really ring true to me for someone like Rhaenys who is in the spotlight a lot. Who’s actions and personality are going to reflect on her abandoned mother who lost out on the throne. I’m so glad characters like her and Elia and Rhaella get to be the heroes of a story while still performing femininity (and frankly using that as their weapons).
And I think you handle the Lyanna situation very well. Personally I’m ambivalent towards Jon and am not fond of Lyanna. But I also don’t like overblown animosity that feels cartoonish. There might be negative feelings directed at them by certain characters, but they aren’t acted upon in any uncharacteristic way. Those two feel more like afterthoughts to Elia and Rhaenys. And while I very much lean into the drama of it all (because it’s so rare for Elia to win this much) I can very much appreciate the reality that Elia and Rhaenys aren’t spending every waking moment thinking about Jon and Lyanna. They have lives to lead and it’s pointless keeping a scoreboard of who got what win over the other. There’s no need to compete, but there’s also no need to be friendly and accommodating is the vibe I’m getting from your story and I really love that. (But I also like that negative feelings exist because let them be human and relatable!!!!!)
Sorry for the word vomit 😅 but I really love your writing and it’s one of the only things I look forward to in this fandom anymore tbh. Thank you so much!
this is so sweet oh my goodness and I’m in a crappy mood today because of uni stress so this really made my day thank you for sending me this
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I’m glad you find Rhaenys and Rhaella exercising soft power interesting. I think you’ve got the right take on Rhaenys! She is someone who would love to be able to be loud and brash and is quite opinionated (see: her outright telling her father she would marry anyone to get away from him) but in the red keep where her every move is scrutinized she doesn’t have the option to do that. She has a complicated relationship with the way she presents herself which is also heavily tied up in the fact that she is the only visibly non-white member of her family and she faces scorn for obviously being half-Dornish.
I think the whole “I’m not like other girls” vibe of only letting girl characters be cool and better when they dislike girls who behave in “traditionally feminine” ways is just as shitty as painting girls who don’t behave in traditionally feminine ways as “masculine” (and trying to say they have male privilege – like what?). The truth is that even though some traits are ascribed by society to one gender or the other – there aren’t any traits that are more inherent to one gender than the other. And quite frankly in a society like Westeros women are going to have a complicated relationship with their performance of gender regardless of how they perform it.   
I also really enjoy women in old stories using the small tools available to them as women to undermine a system that disregards them because it’s fun!
Thank you for saying that my handling of the Jon/Lyanna situation is realistic! I once got accused of bashing - which I don’t want to do so that was a bit of a blow. But I don’t think I’m bashing them to have my characters think negatively of them or disliking them. I did some investigation (mainly by reading r/relationships lmao) into how people feel when their parents break up due to affairs and the common thread I saw was a LOT of pain and resentment and yeah some jealousy and dislike of half siblings who resulted from those new relationships. And that’s in our society where we have stuff like divorce and no one’s starting wars over kidnapped fiancées. Imagine how much more resentment there would be in a situation where not only did your father leave you but that also 1. Put your life in jeopardy 2. Put your inheritance rights in jeopardy 3. You can’t just leave and tell him to fuck himself because in this society the family you have grants you saftey and power. Honestly Rhaegar’s lucky someone hasn’t snapped and stabbed him yet.
You're right to say they aren't accommodating or friendly, saying that Lyanna and Jon are an afterthought is probably right. Rhaenys Rhaella and Elia have approached something like tolerance with Lyanna – they’ll leave her alone if she leaves them alone and that’s the way everyone likes it. In an everyone lived situation I simply don’t think it would be realistic to approach it in any other way. And because Elia and Rhaenys are more on the “winning” side of this I dont think they would spend every waking moment dwelling and brooding on Lyanna.
I think this tendency to have Elia and Rhaenys approve whole-heartedly of Lyanna and Jon is caused by 4 factors
1.     The misguided need to have them be good or to “give them agency”. Making a character a flat nobody who doesn’t have any emotions towards a situation that would be dangerous and deeply personally humiliating to them isn’t making them good or giving them agency its making them boring and unrealistic.
2. Not wanting to “pit girls against one another”. Look i hate this trope of 2 girls catfighting over a guy as much as anyone else but I have noticed that sometimes people say “don’t pit women against each other” when....2 girl characters don’t like each other for totally legitimate reasons. Elia doesn’t dislike Lyanna because she loves Rhaegar and Lyanna was a homewrecker who stole him. Elia is understandably angry because the whole realm is destabilized, her children’s lives and futures are in danger, and she’s been nationally humiliated. Let female characters be as complex as the male ones. No one bats an eye that Ned and Jaime despise one another because they’re men and we don’t expect male characters to be beautiful angels who never have a bad thought about anyone.
3.     To have them be good to contrast “bitchy” Catelyn. Cat isn’t a bitch and I will die on this hill. If you want to look at who was primarily responsible for the whole Jon situation Rhaegar and Ned are right there.
4.     Being unable to conceptualize non-white characters as having motivations (and negative emotions) that are either directed towards or separate from a (usually white) fandom fav character like Lyanna or Jon.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships? talk about them! ~tat!
From Cindy: Hello tat! I hope you are doing well today and thank you for visiting my blog. It was really fun to write this because I got the chance to really think about the characters in depth. I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a shipper so I couldn’t come up with 10. I did my best to think of and write about as many ships and brotps as I could though.
Also, I got your other ask about BNHA as well! I have a Japanese lesson I need to prepare for this evening, but I’ll definitely get that posted tomorrow sometime!! Thanks again!!
This is very long, so I put it under a cut :)
Top Ten Black Clover Characters
Yami Sukehiro
I love everything about this guy. He’s hilarious, number one. Everything he says cracks me up and the nicknames he uses for people are gold. I like that he insults people and makes toilet jokes so casually. He comes off crass, but it’s the fact that he treats everyone equally that makes me respect him so much. He holds everyone, including himself, to the same standards. He doesn’t care about your past, wealth, appearance, gender, unconventional magic abilities or wacky personality. No matter who you are, he will call you out if you’re not acting the way you should, but will also back you up and support you when it’s needed. He’s a great leader because he treats everyone equally and is also very accepting that everyone is different.
Luck Voltia
Luck was one of the first characters I fell in love with. I don’t have a lot deep meaning behind how I feel like I do with Yami though. I just really enjoy his chaotic energy and the fact that he wants to fight people all the time. I also think his magic is super badass. His little lightning boots and gloves are so cute. I just wanna cuddle him and ruffle his hair.
Finral Roulacase
I feel so bad for Finral. This poor love starved boy doesn’t deserve the heaping amounts of anxiety he always seems to be feeling. I know he’s supposed to be the ‘perverted’ character, but compared to characters from other anime (Mineta [BNHA] Meliodas [SDS]) he’s not that bad. He tries so hard to be a gentleman by taking people on dates, complimenting them, giving them flowers, and not physically molesting them lol but they never give him a second glance. I also love his character growth so far. Watching him find self-worth beyond being just a mode of transportation, and confidence enough to stand up to his brother has been really fun to watch. I’m so proud of him and I think he’s amazing!
Zora Ideale
This guy. Haha His blunt honesty is so uncomfortable but hilarious at the same time. Like Yami, he calls people out but is somehow so much more offensive about it. I love how he just gives people unsolicited criticism and then adds injury to insult like “oh by the way, here’s a freaking stink bug in your nostril.” To be fair though, he is just as harsh on himself and will acknowledge (to himself) when he made a mistake. His backstory is also so tragic! It is seriously messed up what happened to his dad, but I love that Zora uses that trauma to try and change the word for the better by being the best magic knight he can be and also encouraging (threatening?) other magic knights to be better too. He could’ve so easily become a villain, but he didn’t and I think that’s really honorable.
Mereoleona Vermillion
Oh my god. I love this woman so much. The fact that she was supposed to be the captain of the Crimson Lions but said “nope” and then just went off by herself to live in the most dangerous places in the wild to get stronger is just phenomenal to me. I also really like that, even though she’s a royal and a member of the Vermillion family, she doesn’t just focus on her own squad. It was great when she showed up at the Black Bulls hide out and straight up kidnapped them to have them join her training. I’m just in awe of both her physical and mental strength. She was so cool when she went up against all those elves by herself. I’m not caught up with the manga, but I think I saw a spoiler about her recently and I’m very excited to find out more about it. I pretty much wish I was Mereoleona. She is my spirit animal.
Charmy Pappitson
There is a lot to adore about Charmy. First and foremost, she is an adorable badass. I love that her passion for food is something she shares with her allies and friends instead of being something that makes her greedy. I feel like Charmy is underrated because her magic is great for restoring mana, defense and offense. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t she one of the highest ranked knights in the black bulls? I also love how she gets away with a lot of shit just because she’s cute. The episodes where she straight up just hops onto the wizard king’s lap and feeds him snacks without anyone batting an eye get me every time!
Vanessa Enoteca
Sometimes I think about how Vanessa was willing to give up her own freedom just to save Asta’s arms, and how she gave up drinking for a few episodes in order to focus on a way to not only make herself stronger for upcoming battles, but the rest of her teammates as well. I like her dedication to the Black Bulls. Her thread magic is also pretty cool and I like the clever ways she’s learned to use it.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Poor Fuegoleon is so calm and sensible compared to his siblings. I like that he’s a fair leader that makes sure to consider all angles before passing judgement on someone. He is also a dependable captain and full of great wisdom that aids in character development for important characters like Asta and Noelle. I love how he competes with his sister though, and watching them bicker in the episode where they throw a birthday party for that nun lady was silly.
How can you not like Asta? He has such a big heart and the best self-discipline out of anyone in the show. He would always rather talk things out before resorting to fighting and likes to understand the motivations behind the actions of his enemies. He is unashamed to be himself and continues to pursue his goals even when other people mock him or put him down. I also like that he is more perceptive of how people think or feel than it would seem sometimes.
Sekke Bronzazza
His personality is pretty much the worst (and I think he actually tried to kill Asta after the magic knight exam… asshole) but the way he always manages to fit “ha-ha” into his speech is so funny to me and always cracks me up. And the way everyone calls him the “ha-ha” guy is very amusing to me, especially when he tries and fails to politely correct them. I also love how he always ends up in the most random situations (in Yami’s bathroom or working for the king).
 Top Ten Black Clover Ships/BroTPs
Finral x Vanessa
I guess I just think back to that fight against the Despair guy from the Third Eye because both Finral and Venessa sort of worked together and pushed past their limits for the first time. I think Venessa is also the one that put the green in Finral’s hair, right? I don’t know. Venessa is good for Finral because he’s so insecure and she’s so supportive of other people. They’re cute together.
Yami x Charlotte
I think everyone ships this? lol Charlotte’s independence and personal strength are important to her, and the fact that Yami acknowledges and respects those traits in her makes them a great match. He also constantly encourages her to show her softer side, saying that it’s okay to lean on other people and ask for help. He could help her find balance and be comfortable in her own skin.
Asta x Mimosa
Mimosa is a much better match for Asta than Noelle because Noelle constantly needs validation and attention that she’s just never going to get from Asta. His brain just doesn’t work that way. Mimosa is content with supporting Asta with her magic as best she can, and doesn’t get jealous or competitive in the way Noelle does. Mimosa is soft and gentle which is a nice contrast to Asta’s loud and rough personality.
Yuno x Charmy
I know this is almost like a crack ship, but I can’t help but like it anyway. Like Asta, Yuno isn’t going to be the type of guy to actively pursue a relationship or be overly affectionate. This doesn’t seem to affect Charmy who seems fine with even the most minimal of interaction haha. I think it’s so cute how much she supports and roots for him when she sees him in a fight. And Yuno doesn’t seem to mind her trying to feed him and take care of him either.
Magna x Luck (brotp)
Lucky’s personality is quirky, chaotic, and frankly just difficult to understand, so I think it’s hard for people to get close to him. He comes on so strong with the pranks and desire to fight, plus he doesn’t really know how to hold back. The fact that Magna can endure all that while also seeing Luck as a person on a deeper level than just being some spazzy boy is really wholesome to me. I think it’s good for Luck to have someone who can respect him that way without asking him to change his behavior. I do not think this would work romantically though. Magna is actually pretty sensitive and emotional, and gets pretty upset when Luck is stronger or does better than him in something. It ultimately just drives Magna to work harder, but I think that sort of competition might be bad news in a romantic relationship if he’s always feeling inferior.
Yami x Jack the Ripper (brotp)
I want their friendship! I really do. The way they go from relaxed and having fun to ready to beat each other’s asses is hilarious. And there’s literally no reason for it, they’re just like unnecessarily competitive and I’m living for it. Whether they’re celebrating at a festival, about to have an important meeting with the wizard king, or in the middle of a huge fight with a major bad guy, it doesn’t matter. They will trash talk each other and probably end up brawling. I love it.
Gauche x Grey
The episodes where Gauche had to fight with Gordon and Grey were really cool because those three are probably the oddest oddballs of the Black Bulls. I don’t know if I ship them romantically or just at friends, but the development of the relationship between Gauche and Grey has been interesting and I wouldn’t mind seeing more. Also, please give Gauche something else to obsess over besides his sister lmao
Mars x Fana
I don’t have any strong feelings for them as characters individually, but I like that they fought so hard to protect each other as kids and how they continued to fight for and protect each other after being reunited.
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sepublic · 4 years
So given how terrible the blight parents are I wonder how their parenting methods effected Emira and Edric given their care free and rebellious nature? I also find it worth noting that the twins don’t really seem to have many reservations about who they make friends with.
           Well, I’ve already tried my hand at analyzing those two. But if I had to guess…
           I think the implication is that Emira and Edric have each other. Amity is clearly defined as an incredibly lonely individual, and even when she had her best friend Willow back then, she couldn’t exactly confide in Willow about any grievances she had towards her parents. But Ed and Em? They’re literal twins and siblings. No matter what they go through, they go through together.
           Similarly, Emira and Edric just seem… Naturally more confident and sociable. Whether or not that’s just how they were born, or the result of slightly different upbringings, or otherwise; We can’t say for sure. But as you’ve suggested, I feel like part of the reason why the twins are such troublemakers (beyond them already having a penchant for that kind of thing), is because they’re defying their parents in their own way? Edric himself says he’s allergic to the rules; These two have no reservations about appearing ‘proper’.
          Them being a lot more sociable also means that they’ve likely interacted with others more and thus have a better view of how people actually act, or at least should. Likewise, they definitely lived underneath a strict household; Maybe not TOO strict at first, but enough that these two would’ve grown to dislikes rules and authority as a result!
           Then again… We never DO see Ed and Em talk to anyone outside of their family besides Luz, who they already know has a connection to Amity for various reasons. But regardless, I wouldn’t be surprised if the twins have the confidence to be more openly defiant against what their parents say because they have one another as support, just have more self-esteem like that, and interact with other people more. Even if Luz is the only ‘outsider’ we see them going out of their way to interact with, these two kids obviously are still rebels in their own right.
           We also know that the twins are VERY talented- They skip class, but otherwise their grades can’t be argued with. Emira and Edric apparently have the highest scores on the exam; Or at least scores so high that Amity feels the need to compete with them. Given how Amity knows about Ed and Em’s class-skipping, but still regards their scores as valid, this would suggest that the twins are INDEED pretty skilled, and naturals at it. They don’t have much to worry about because everything they do, they ace through without effort! I have to wonder if Ed and Em are like Eda, in that they both enjoy their curriculum but hate the stifling environment, hence why all three are talented in magic but hate the rules. But given how Edric laughs about the idea of him and Emira being interested in school, probably not.
           Now what’s interesting is that in Amity’s diary, she mentions how her parents apparently just let Ed and Em get away with things, and claims that she knows they aren’t perfect. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ed and Em being naturally talented and skilled, and thus having a guaranteed successful future, is why their parents are allegedly more lenient with them; To Mr. and Mrs. Blight, Emira and Edric are their popular kids who do things effortlessly and with grace! There’s nothing to worry about too much…
           But Amity? I suspect that there may be pressure on her… That her parents are disappointed that Amity didn’t immediately prove to be the child prodigy that her siblings were. As a result, Amity’s parents feel the need to put extra pressure on her, to make sure she maintains the family name. But not only that…
           Some more speculation, but I have to wonder if despite their good skills, Emira and Edric still manage to annoy their parents for precisely the above-mentioned reasons, and know it? Perhaps when Mr. and Mrs. Blight raised them first, they didn’t expect the twins to become so rebellious and defiant; Potentially because they had one another as support. And with the twins being confident able to see through the pressure that their parents put on them, Mr. and Mrs. Blight have essentially ‘given up’, labelling their first-born children a lost cause…
           …While focusing pressure on Amity; Amity, the new kid who’s supposed to make up for the flaws of her older siblings. Amity, who isn’t too old to mold into the perfect, ideal Blight now that her parents know how they’ve ‘messed up’ with the twins. So it’s possible that Emira and Edric are considered too old to reshape into the ideal children that Mr. and Mrs. Blight want, so they’ve focused all their efforts on Amity; Who is much more vulnerable, younger, and naturally less confident. They keep a close eye on Amity and control everything about her life, because they don’t want to end up like her siblings; Who, while they ARE talented (and this somewhat compensates for their ‘mistakes’), they’re still not ideal.
           So instead of bothering to discipline Emira and Edric, their parents have more or less just ignored them in favor of Amity. And, I have to wonder if Amity is also at least somewhat aware of this, given how she knows that Ed and Em seemingly don’t get in trouble with their parents, and are just naturally more defiant against the rules like that. I can see Amity’s parents encouraging her not to be like her troublemaking siblings; Or Amity just naturally competes with Ed and Em for her parents’ affection anyway. Only, her parents aren’t truly fond of the twins… Just ignoring them at this point, or passing them off as ‘sufficient’ for their grades and popularity in school.
           I also have to wonder if Ed and Em turned out better because there wasn’t as much pressure back then; Their parents expected them to grow up super-obedient at the time, and didn’t foresee the twins being such troublemakers. Perhaps this privilege of not having to live as strictly led to Emira and Edric embracing a troublemaking lifestyle, and by the time their parents noticed; It was too late! They had grown to be rebellious kids and adding more rules wasn’t going to change things. So, may as well leave them to their fate and focus on the one kid they CAN change…
           And as I mentioned in that previous analysis, I think Ed and Em are at least somewhat aware of the effect that their parents have on Amity, and that’s why they want her to loosen up; There is little doubt in my mind that they were also abused. Possibly not as much as Amity, but still- The effects of their parents’ teachings are still there. Emira and Edric believe in ‘tough love’, that one has to do harsh punishments for the ones they love, and I can see them also acting out of selfish retribution for being told on. Similarly, they’ve also had their fair share of just general meanness towards Amity for the sake of entertainment; I can’t completely gloss over that. This lack of self-reflection may be a result of Emira and Edric just naturally being privileged kids.
Of course, I’ll give the twins more slack given that they seem genuinely concerned with how Amity pushes others away- I’m not sure if they know why Amity broke ties off with Willow. Either way, they’re looking out for her… and I wonder if that’s part of why they like Luz so much; They see her immediately try to make a friend with Amity so unconditionally, and they’re like, “Perfect! The perfect friend to get Mittens to lighten up, a natural troublemaker who can teach her that there’s more to life than rules!” And of course, Ed and Em interact with Luz themselves and see first-hand how lovable she is, and grow to unconditionally like her as well!
TL;DR I think Emira and Edric manage to compensate for their perceived ‘flaws’ by being naturally-confident, talented people; Them having one another likely helps with this. Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Blight still see how their first-born kids are delinquents with no respect for authority… It may be due to privilege since their parents never bothered to enforce many rules, or because they DID impose them. Regardless, when Amity rolls around, the parents basically give up on the twins, and focus all their effort on molding Amity in particular while she’s still ‘young and fresh’, and making sure not to make the same ‘mistakes’ that they made in letting the twins be their own individuals.
           And, this gives mixed messages to Amity; To be better than her siblings, but also being punished by her parents for not being as good as them when it comes to grades and other things like that. Ed and Em are aware of the effect their parents are having on Mittens (they’ve experienced it firsthand), but they’re not self-aware enough to realize that they’vealso internalized some toxic teachings as well, and have also been pretty harsh and mean to Amity with their pranks. They mean well, it’s just that Emira and Edric underestimate or don’t think fully on what their actions are doing; I’m fairly confident that the twins are also a major part in why Amity is the person she is now.
But, we know after Covention that they actually apologize to Amity and try to make things up to her. It’s possible that they’re also doing this to keep Amity from getting them in trouble with their parents (see my previous analysis), but genuine love is there nonetheless, alongside some growth, maturity, and self-reflection. It’s also why they like Luz so much; Not only is she just neat to the twins, but they know that she’s the perfect person for helping Amity unlearn the toxic abuse from their parents.
           (What I’m saying is, Emira and Edric TOTALLY ship Lumity, and it may have been their intention from the start.)
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Hi!! I'm here for that NIF breakdown of why the massacre of the Chiyan army and Prince Qi's death was inevitable? I know i miss a lot of the subtext that doesn't explicitly happen on screen, so i'd love to hear your thoughts on the villains ^^
Hello! I didn't think you'd actually take up the offer :) Spoiler ahead!
Xia Jiang:
I'll start with Xia Jiang first because he is the easiest. As shown in ep38, Prince Qi suggested to get rip of the Xuan Jing Bureau. The Emperor dismissed that suggestion completely but Xia Jiang overheard that and felt threatened by Prince Qi. The thing is, even if he never overhear that conversation, he would still find a way to get rip of Prince Qi. If Prince Qi become Emperor, being the righteous and benevolent person that people said he was, Prince Qi would never approve of the way the bureau works, the torture, the killing, etc.. And since the bureau is working directly for the Emperor and the main reason why everyone is scared of them is because the bureau is trusted by the Emperor. So even if Prince Qi never suggest to get rip of Xuan Jing Bureau or if he still keep them around during his reign somehow, isn't disuse and mistrust amount to the same thing as disposal? Xia Jiang is a smart guy, he probably saw this coming. The conversation he overheard is only a reminder of his eventually demise.
Xie Yu:
By the time of the massacre, Xie Yu would have been the brother-in-law of the Emperor for about 11-12 years. He is an ambitious guy, always aiming for the highest power. He picked the current Crown Prince because it's easy for him to manipulate and control the court (funny enough, I think the Emperor pick him as Crown Prince for the same reason). Somehow, he was always losing to Lin Xie by a small margin. His wife is the Emperor's half-sister, whereas Jin Yang and the Emperor were full siblings. Xie Yu is a general (he was in the Chiyan army at one point too!) but comparing to Lin Xie, he was not as well-known and didn't achieve as much. It was probably frustrating for him seeing the other brother-in-law of the Emperor having all the influence and respect at the court. For him to gain more power, he would need to get rip of his competitors and become Da Liang's main defender. The Chiyan massacre killed two birds with one stone. Xie Yu is a simple guy; he just want power and honour for his family, both of which were very important back then.
It never stated explicitly how the alliance between Xie Yu and Xia Jiang came to be but I would bet it was Xia Jiang who approached Xie Yu first.
The Emperor:
Okay, to talk about the Emperor we need to talk about Prince Qi first. Here are what we know of Prince Qi:
- He was the Emperor's oldest son. Given that the Empress, the official wife, doesn't have any surviving son, the Crown Prince position would normally goes to the firstborn son, unless the mother of that prince's background is unsuitable. We don't know if Prince Qi ever become an official Crown Prince or not, but since it's inevitable, I would say the ministers and generals in the court would treat him like a Crown Prince regardless. That means if the Emperor is ill or absent, all the officials would turn to Prince Qi for leadership.
- Prince Qi's mother was the sister of the general who not only had the biggest and mightiest army in the country with long list of achievements to boost, he was also the Emperor's close friend and brother-in-law through his sister and wife (that's one messed up family O.o). I assume Lin Xie's words and actions would influence the court greatly. And Prince Qi no doubt had his uncle's support.
- Prince Qi himself was also a kind, smart and well-loved prince. In ep46, Prince Yu said that no one can become a second Prince Qi and no matter how hard Prince Jing try, he cannot compete with Prince Qi. Hell, even the Emperor himself said so (ep46). Prince Qi was the brightest, outshone all other princes and the Emperor too. Let's say if the Emperor and Prince Qi has different approach on an issue one day in court, whose idea do you think the ministers most likely lean towards to?
To sum, Prince Qi was this magnificent prince who is a better suited Emperor than the Emperor himself. Since so many people were willing to die to defend for Prince Qi's innocent, I would say he had the support of most ministers and generals in the court. He was loved by the people. He had the support, or at least approval, of the Emperor's own uncle and Li Chong, a scholar held in high esteem by many (this implied by Grand Princess Liyang in ep 51) (Li Chong is the person whose books Prince Yu want to gift to MCS in ep 2). His material uncle was this general who had held sway in the court. Etc etc... Not to mention he was good looking (said by Marquis Yan Que in ep34) and young. Prince Jing was 19 when the massacre happened so I'd say Prince Qi was in his mid 20s and the Emperor maybe in his mid 40s, perfect time to have a midlife crisis!
Putting aside the Emperor's suspicious nature, if you're in the Emperor's shoes, won't you feel inferior standing next to such prince? Many of your subjects rather listening to your son than you (ep 53), whether that son is the Crown Prince or not didn't matter. Your close friends (Yan Que and Lin Xie) sang praises of this son. It seemed as though everyone is just waiting for you to die and pass the throne to your son who will undoubtedly be a better Emperor than you will ever dream of. All of this insecurities of the Emperor you can see in the last conversation he had with MCS in ep 53. He said the perfect world that Lin Xie wish for no one can achieve that for him, not even Prince Qi. Lin Xie and Yan Que helped the Emperor with the rebellion against his father(?) and brothers to ascend the throne. They put all their hopes and dreams on the Emperor's shoulder but he couldn't give them that utopia (I disagree, but that should be for another time). They were disappointed, or so the Emperor assumed, but then they gained new hope in the form of Prince Qi. Once again, they put all their hopes and dreams on this young prince (Yan Que praised Prince Qi on several occasions and that's when he already dead, imagine what's it like when he was still alive) and unintentionally abandoned their friend, the Emperor. At that point, the Emperor was like a phone being pushed aside by a better model. He felt insecure but he couldn't show it because the Emperor isn't supposed to show weakness. Nonetheless, Xie Yu and Xia Jiang saw through him and they manipulated his insecurity and doubt to their advantage. The Emperor rebelled to get his throne, so he had no reason to assume Prince Qi wouldn't do the same. And the massacre happened.
The saddest part is that all of this could be prevented if only Prince Qi and the Emperor understand each other. If Prince Qi could understand his father, he could see the insecurity and how his presence affect his father's self-esteem. He could dial back a bit, maybe not challenging his father's decisions all the time and maybe not do it publicly. If the Emperor could understand his son, he would know that Prince Qi only did these things because he cared for the people and not because he didn't respect his father (or maybe he did, I don't know). Prince Qi had no reason to rebel with all the supports he had. There was no better candidate than him; all he needed to do is to be patience and prepare for his ascension. And to his father who had to fight tooth and nail to get to where he is now, Prince Qi's inevitable ascension is a something to be envy of. That's why to me, Prince Qi's last words, 'Father doesn't understand son, son doesn't understand father' is very poignant.
I need to shut up now, otherwise I will go on forever. I highly recommend you to watch the conversation between MCS and the Emperor in ep 53 again but try to look from the Emperor's perspective. It's an eye opener.
One of reasons Nirvana in Fire is great is its villains. They are very human and even though they are people living in a stringent and traditional period, I'm sure you know someone who have some of their traits. Eg. if you're a CEO and your company is about to be disbanded, wouldn't you try to save it no matter what? The reason why the consequences of their actions are so great is because of the power and position they hold which amplify the outcomes ten-fold.
P.S NIF is a show with a lot of subtleties. This is how I interpret the implications, feel free to drop your interpretation! And please correct me if I make any mistake. English is not my first language so I hope this makes sense!
P.P.S I want to add pictures to this post to make my point but I don't know how orz
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Assorted House of Feanor Thoughts
I wrote this as a reply to someone, but then realized that this should be a post of its own. 
Line between extrapolation, interpretation & headcanon is going to be fluid here
Long post under cut
The seven sons in general:
all moody, fierce, intense and brilliant, each in various different ways
none of them can really stand to be cooped up in one place for long
F R E C K L E S you will not convince me otherwise
Apart from the ones explicitly described as pretty (ie, Maedhros and Celegorm) they’re actually relatively plain by elf standards, or at least sort of rugged-looking, especially compared to their part-Vanyar cousins - I mean, figures that some would turn out more like Miriel or Nerdanel both of which were supposedly more average.
all are very resourceful having spent most of their lives helping out with their parent’s projects, exploring the wilderness, or (save for Celegorm) hanging out in Aule’s halls. Most can probably whip up a steampunk or magitech solution to basic war-related problems
Because of this they’re a very tight-knit group
growing up, they did not know many children their age; Ironically the most contact they had was with their cousins because Feanor paid semi-regular visits to Finwe. Apart from Turgon (and Orodreth if you place him in the second rather than the third post-journey generation) the cousins really dug the adventure stories. (Galadriel pretended not to be interested and offered plenty of critiques, but listened anyways)
more survival skills and just a lot more casual than your average princes
They’d all been adults for a good while by the time of the rebellion; the twins are a tad older than Aredhel, Galadriel and Argon; Caranthir and Angrod are about the same age. Curufin is younger than Aegnor.
They all look back at that trip to the lightless shore of the outer sea as a cherished family memory
Also I don’t think Feanor disciplined his sons very much after all his own father let him get away with everything. In his eyes the brats can do no wrong especially not Curufin and to a lesser extent Amrod Nerdanel tried her best to counterbalance this and it kind of worked on some of them, but the three middle ones were a lost cause
I think a lot of the weight behind the oath comes from how Feanor made them promise him to see it through on his deathbed. It was his literal last wish.
The Leader™, the most strong-willed and the deadliest fighter by a huge margin. What the orc under your bed has nightmares about.
Obviously a very competent diplomat, strategist, and the sort to put constructive results over personal glory; resilient, formidable, unpretentious and tough as leather
but not at all overconfident, and the type who is not blind to the flaws of the people he loves. He knows very well that Feanor wasn’t perfect and does many things that his father would not have agreed with - at the same time he has a strong sense of obligation, honor and loyalty which turns out to be his fatal flaw in the end when being loyal and keeping his word  increasingly requires him to do dishonorable things
if there was a definite breaking point it was the fiasco with Dior’s sons
Stoic but courteous and eloquent; From Finwe’s death onwards increasingly grim, grizzled and not very hopeful, though he’s the sort to give his all and try to be noble even when there’s no reward or even thanks or respect.
Despite this, he has as a dry sense of humor and at times uses it to defuse tense situations or disarm people he’s negotiating with (see the scene with Thingol’s message) - does have a streak of gallows humor to him especially after the Thangorodrim incident
As the heir Feanor actually let him in on trade secrets and scientific speculation; Their relationship is probably the most equal; I do think Feanor was capable of actually appreciating that Maedhros got a mind of his own and isn’t afraid to stand up for himself. Feanor values independent thought, even if he’s not always good at really living that value with his tendency to take things personally and see others as taking sides for or against him.  
Can’t really craft stuff to the same degree without his right hand. He then focussed on more abstract/mental pursuits which were perhaps his forte, to begin with but it still bothers him more than he lets on, especially since he still retains, or swiftly regained, his skill at making things dead. 
He may or may not qualify as a cinnamon roll but he definitely looks like could kill you
Maedhros might have been the token responsible sibling, but Maglor was the understanding, comforting one and always had a nurturing streak - hence why he was the one to take in the kids.
Sensitive Artistic Type™ - goes from quirky and passionate back in Valinor to melancholy & tormented as the war drags on
one of those people who despair over & get self-critical over their work even when it’s regarded as masterpieces
Like Feanor and Miriel before him, he tends to get super absorbed in his work/art and just plain disappears for days
Now some ppl hold that he didn’t start having second thoughts until near the end, but judging from how he comes along to Fingolfin’s party or to hang out with Finrod, I���d hold that he was always ‘the nice/gentle one’, but not solely in a positive way; Unlike Maedhros he did not stand up to Feanor about the thing with the ships and indeed lets Maedhros talk him out of turning himself in at the very end, so he’s probably somewhat lacking in assertiveness
Even so, he’s probably one of the better fighters, given the difficult territory he gets, that he’s the one to kill Ulfang, and how long he survives. He probably feels ambivalent about this. 
I imagine him having an agility-based fighting style
Probably codified the heroic epos as a specifically Noldorin art form
A lot of ppl focus on the barbarian aspect, but I’d say he actually has some degree of ‘subverted prince charming’ going on, with how he sweet-talks Luthien at first before throwing her in the dungeon, and how he seems to have been one of the more accomplished ones, joining a respected order and all
He’s actually pretty elegant and perhaps playfully gallant, but it’s a facade; He’s an animal underneath; though his instincts are probably somewhat nobler than what ends up happening when he gets roped into Curufin’s schemes
usually, the first to react and leap into action when something happens.
Herculean strength, daunting presence
also a fairly efficient general, if a bit of a glory hound and pretty fearless in the pursuit of victory
very much has an ego and doesn’t like being humbled at all
Strikes me as the sort of person who would take badly to the realization that they can no longer return to the glory of the past or being judged unworthy, not that he’d respond with anything but defiance
Wrestles giant monsters barehanded
Always low-key wished to fight creatures of darkness before the rebellion to test his might against them; Orome and the Maiar members of the hunt would have told stories of them
though he gets his pretty face from Daddy, his strong build comes from Nerdanel, possibly somewhat accentuated by his being a dude
grumpy, moody, no filter, likes his alone time, shows his feelings mostly through actions, also somewhat pragmatic
the quartermaster; Actually one of the smarter ones, if not outright the second smartest after Curufin, though he has more a logistic/administrative sort of intelligence
generally one of the more prosaic, practical family members, or maybe he’s just more subtle about his dramatic side or has a harder time expressing it. Definitely has Hidden Dephts™
I mean, putting your hideout on the slope of a mountain near a deep, dark lake circled by mountains? Goth AF. A+ aesthetic there.
Hosts the family get-togethers at his fortress. Has most certainly shoved Celegorm and Curufin in the lake at some point
has a certain respect for strength, valor and skill even in ppl he doesn’t necessarily like; Not at all diplomatic or polite, but also not finicky or fastidious, so actually forged a whole lot of alliances on a “everyone’s money/swords are equally good and we don’t have to set conditions” basis and seems to have been pretty successful at this
started out haughty but definitely learned to be more open-minded/ broaden his horizon over his time in Beleriand - but as no good deed goes unpunished, Ulfang happens
Whereas Curufin and Celegorm can put up a noble veneer but will totally stab you in the back if provoked, Caranthir’s sort of the opposite, in that he’s rude and quarrelsome on first contact but has a good heart deep down (see the Haladin incident) and doesn’t keep grudges long term once he’s done grumbling where Celegorm is sore loser and Curufin a spiteful twerp.
though personally, I don’t see Caranthir as trying to reign himself in. He wouldn’t really be known as “the harshest” in that case. Who was gonna teach him to behave himself, Feanor maybe? kek. 
We have a lot of actual dialogue & description for him - he has this characteristic little defiant smile, is often coldly contemptuous in tone, some level of ruthless pragmatism
has mild/vague foresight - nothing as impressive as what Finrod and Galadriel have, but he has it more or less to the degree that Feanor did.
actually pretty insightful, thought-through and political-minded in some ways, too bad he shares Feanor’s tendency for unwarranted suspicion and factionalism, as well as a tendency to just act on his own without checking with anyone
always either filthy from work or fully blinged-out and impeccably groomed, no in-between
more calculated and subtle than Feanor - not that Feanor ever needed calculation or subtlety since he could get by on sheer awe or intimidation. Celegorm and Maedhros have that same quality in spades and Curufin’s a little bit jealous
Not actually that much older than the twins, but always acted older than his age, especially once he heard that Feanor was the same
collects weapons, loves fancy horses, the most traditionally aristocratic of the seven
Got married relatively young; saw it as a matter of honor to further his family’s line
continued his scholarly pursuits in Beleriand; this is part of why he elected to share a territory with Celegorm
The last Celebrimbor ever heard of him was a magically sealed box filled with research notes he sent out in case he didn’t make it out alive
Did not take his parents’ estrangement well and is stubbornly salty toward Nerdanel (though deep down he misses her as much as his brothers if not more)
Frequently the Bad Influence/ Shoulder Devil to his brothers.
But when he gets excited about his research/craft he’s got this “exited cocky little boy” side to him that’s surprisingly pure. 
Only Nerdanel and possibly Celebrimbor’s mom are allowed to call him ‘Atarinke.’ His brothers might still use it when they’re teasing or scolding him. 
The Twins:
Every time a fic does something else with them than “generic prankster redheads” I cry with joy
We don’t have that many data points on them, but most of them suggest they’re every bit as fierce as their brothers
they’re somewhat aloof & mostly do their own thing;
As kids they’d mostly sit in a corner and play with each other. Possibly deliberately played up their identicalness as a kind of emo fashion statement / to fuck with people (”Should we do this Ambarussa?” - ”I don’t know, what do you think, Ambarussa?”)
never really gave up their semi-nomadic ways
Compared to Celegorm they probably more on stealth and precision than strength and bravado. They suddenly appear in front of you, and bam! You’ve got an arrow poking out of your face. Probably the ones scouting the perimeter of the camp.
Amras is a bit sassier, but it’s actually Amrod who’s a little bit braver.
Hardly ever argued until their parents’ estrangement; That led to quite a few quarrels between them.
For all his faults, Feanor made a point of doing things with each of them individually.
quietly nursing some level of pent-up despair and frustration until they push for the assault on Sirion
In the version where one of them dies, and then no one ever talks about it, - I imagine that the remaining one ended up cynical in a “let’s just get it ever with we’re already doomed after all’ kind of way
“Curiosity killed the cat but the second mouse gets the cheese” incarnate. He’s a sweet, excitable,  deeply good guy, but Curiosity is the strongest force within him, besides maybe “think of the potential”
very bold in his thinking, not held back by any conventional boundaries. This is partially why he ended up more independent than his father and uncles but ironically that might in a sense make him more similar to grandpa than any of them
Really looks like Feanor. Like, Arwen and Luthien level of resemblance. It takes ppl a bit to notice because of how different his general demeanor and surface-level personality is. 
Very scattered and absent-minded, prone to sudden flashes of inspiration, often shows up in some form of disarray
spent his adolescence at Formenos. Retained a certain affinity for wintery places ever since
He sensed something fishy about Sauron before long, but between wanting to avoid the family propensity for unwarranted suspicion and being tempted by all the possibilities of what he could do with that power/knowledge even if it did come from a fishy source, he didn’t act before it was too late - he can't have been fully clueless since he hid the three; There was definitely just a bit of actual seduction/forbidden fruit appeal in place there, whether to use the word “hubris” probably depends on your philosophy. 
He drops the ‘th’ once he renounces Curufin, but slips right back into the old habit when excited or exasperating. At some point during his rule of Eregion, he stops bothering to hide it - A similar thing happens when he’s talking Sindarin with his northeast Beleriand accent. 
I know this is a very popular old hat headcanon, but... His other name is also “Curufinwe”. Everyone called him Telperinquar from the start, lest all three come running and grumble about being distracted from work, but after the Nargothrond debacle, he had other reasons for not using it. But really, Telperinquar/Celebrimbor is just another more metaphorical way to say “this baby shall be good at working with his hands” so yeah
My HC for where he was between the Finrod incident and the second age is as follows: He departed for war with Gwindor’s troupe (this is someone who tried to engineer a way around entropy - not a “do nothing” sort of guy) and fled the battlefield with Turgon. (hence some of the passages that place him in Gondolin can still be made to work. He totally made Earendil’s baby-sized mail coat) He fled with Idril’s party. Had she not tipped him off somehow he would probably have died with the rest of the smith’s guild. Or perhaps he grabbed all the valuable records he could find and ran for it because someone needed to preserve them. As living surrounded by the survivors of Doriath would have been awkward to say the least, he went to the isle of Balar to offer his skills and service to Gil-Galad. This is where he befriended/ reconnected with Galadriel and Celeborn. 
Finrod once told him the “faithful stone” legend from Brethil. It would be an inspiration to him much later. Generally credits Finrod with being a good influence on him. 
Judging by the stars on the doors of Durin his stance on his family probably softened over the years. He essentially attained their original new dream of exploring distant lands and building unparalleled new realms, at least for a while - also definitely has a similar “screw destiny!”/ “I defy you stars!” attitude. Perhaps he wanted to see their vision done right. 
But on some level, I think he also wanted to associate himself with their fame eventually especially once his own accomplishments grew. His feelings were probably always very ambiguous because he must have admired and envied their great works but also lived getting weird looks whenever he did what he’s best at and loves doing most in the world because it associates him with these very ambiguous people whom many hated... at one point in the past he must have really admired his father and grandfather, I mean, he came with them across the sea. 
She got Feanor the apprenticeship / gave him the idea after they met on their travels. 
Were seen as something of an eccentric hippie/ hipster couple in the early days
She’s tough, confident and definitely quipped/ yelled back at times. Definitely described as ‘strong-willed’ and individual. Like this was a ‘kindred spirits’ thing before everything went to hell
it counts for something that even during the ugly bitter parting scene the worst Feanor could say was “someone must’ve turned you against me because you definitely cared once” rather than “you’re a traitor” for all that everything else in that scene made him very punchable
Their relationship dynamic, as I see it, is that she’s the one person who just sees and treats him like a normal dude. No apprehension, no fawning. He’s not “the greatest” or a tainted aberration to her, he’s simply a like-minded friend. So she’s pretty chill about his idiosyncrasies and doesn’t see them as a big deal, but on the other hand, she’s not overawed and will not take bullshit
Since she is good at understanding people she probably usually gets where he’s coming from even when he’s not being reasonable
possibly invented abstract art; was most certainly influential. 
the elves who serve Aule probably have their own little traditions. She might’ve imparted some of those on her descendants
Also ppl tend to forget that she also does metalwork. Again, it’s quite possible that she got him into it and that if they’d never met, he might have landed in a completely different discipline
I think it says a lot about Feanor that he chose her for being smart, creative and independent-minded. It shows that he actually values these things and that it’s not just a rhetorical device;  he’s not a hypocrite, he failed at what he was genuinely trying to aim for. 
She had Finwe won over the moment she mentioned that she likes children. To Feanor’s chagrin, she proclaimed that his then-tiny half-siblings were the cutest thing ever but since he was trying to impress Nerdanel, he actually kept his composure there. 
She was totally buds with Earwen and Anaire. 
I really like those fics where she played some part in the reconstruction efforts. She’s already renowned for her wisdom and has some familiarity with the court, so why wouldn’t Finarfin make her an advisor? 
She was described as having “silver” hair like what the teleri sometimes have, but that was for lack of a better world. It’s actually pretty close to pure white. It was an unprecedented anomaly. Celegorm got it. Though overall Maglor might be the one who most looks like her. Or maybe Caranthir. 
Well, her tendency to refuse to eat her words no matter what has certainly proven highly heritable
Canonically one of those ppl who talks very fast 
Feanor doesn’t look very much like her at all, but he talks like her and is similar in his body language etc. The shape of her hands, however, has made it all the way to Celebrimbor in an unbroken line. Maglor’s got em too. 
She was the only one of her family to make the great journey. That’s why “the names of her kin are not recorded”. You see, they tried to convince her not to go, and that only made her more determined. 
Miriel and Indis used to have this thing where Miriel would sing while Indis plays the instrument. First time Indis caught Maedhros and Fingon doing something similar she got very emotional about it. She told them how she and Miriel also used to have a sort of odd friendship despite their opposite looks and personalities. Maedhros had at this point never even heard that they used to be friends. She proceeded to tell him some fun stories from Miriel’s youth and encouraged the two to spend time together. 
We’re told that Miriel and Finwe only got together in Valinor; Since Indis had a thing for him since before the Vanyar moved out of Tirion it’s fully possible that Indis actually liked him first. Maybe she actually introduced them to each other, like she wasn't confident enough to ask him on a date so she brought her friend, only for the two to be immediately smitten with each other. Poor Indis decided that she had no chance and moved out of town when Ingwe did. 
Miriel definitely expresses her love/admiration in the way of “You! You’re perf! I must make art of you!”
Since his arrival in the halls of Mandos, Feanor has made several of Vaire’s Maiar cry with his critique of their tapestries, but he holds that his mom’s are best. 
Feanor himself
In general, I hold that while he said many things that were not right, there’s a lot of what he prophecied that was not quite wrong and does come true in a kind of way, even if not necessarily for himself and his family. They sort of pave the way as Promethean figures. The second mouse gets the cheese (it’s usually some Nolofinwean)
Though he’s also the ultimate example of “you are not immune to propaganda”. Literally the smartest man in the world; Still touchy enough to be an easy mark for emotional manipulation. 
I think a lot of ff undersells what a polymath he must’ve been and that part where he worked on many different topics and was “the most learned”. 
You know the type of author who has a bazillion unfinished wips going and jumps wildly from topic to topic? Feanor’s research notes are exactly like that, especially the tendency to disintegrate into cryptic jottings and notes right before the most interesting part.  Just like the unfinished texts from HoMe Just like Gauss or Euler, having invented everything a hundred years ahead and 40% more discoveries buried that he never felt ready to publish. (I can also definitely see the sons – especially Maedhros and Curufin – spending the better part of the siege of Angband compiling some of it into a presentable format. Celebrimbor would then be the one to stumble upon implications /corollaries that had somehow been missed for thousands of years. 
For all that I enjoy fics where they’re all smoll and adorable as much as the next person, canonically we’re given every indication that he was an adolescent or young adult by the time the remarriage occurred. The published silm has him “well-nigh full-grown” by the time Indis started having kids; In the HoME passage detailing the romantic meeting on the mountain it’s said that he was “wandering in the mountains” (ie, old enough to do so on his own) at the time. He moved out as soon as he could, so he and his half-siblings never actually spent any significant time in the same household
I mean, he reacted like a teenager would, and IMHO neither his character nor Finwe’s make any sense if this wasn’t a single parent situation early on. 
Personally, I really don’t like that headcanon that he was nicer to the sisters for no reason. I don’t think his relationship with Fingolfin was ever much better than the sort of “awkwardly tolerating” we saw at the reconciliation scene; At the same time, I don’t think things would ever have escalated to that degree if Melkor hadn’t gone mucking things up. 
In the same vein, I don’t think he always had beef with the Valar. He used to hang out in Aule’s halls and let Celegorm study with Orome after all and studied their language. - he certainly seems to have had some romanticism for the Hither Lands evident in his speeches, he traveled far past the well-lit areas, made crystals that shine in starlight etc. so he was probably always somewhat independent-minded and he certainly knew, better than anyone, that the Valar are imperfect and can’t fix everything (they couldn’t heal Miriel after all) - but it’s a long way from healthy skepticism and understandable disappointment to asserting bad intentions where there are none. 
There’s a long way between not wanting a relationship with someone, and pointing stabby objects at them. Feanor was always difficult and never the type of person to be easily satisfied but at the same time, he clearly had his “delight” in his work and life as it was pre-Melkor. He could’ve gone on as an inventor and author of strongly worded opinion pieces; perhaps the elves were even “meant” to go back & come into contact with the Edain for a brief while, just without all the murder. 
The thing about Melkor’s lies is that they made a complicated situation conveniently easy in a way that he (and Fingolfin!) would want to believe. It’s not really either of their fault that they both exist, but if your rival is actually out to get you then suddenly all your negative feelings are justified 
Personally, I don’t think it the remarriage made that much of a difference - Miriel would still be dead. What Feanor’s really mad at is the inherent unfairness of the world. But he can’t fix or fight that, so in a misfire of his engineer’s mindset that thinks in terms of simple cause and effect and wants the world to be logical and controllable, he blamed something tangible (Indis.)
I think Melkor hates him so much because he’s kinda what Melkor wishes he was or likes to think he is. They’re both the mightiest of their respective kinds and don’t really fit in, but Feanor’s actually extremely creative. He goes and does his own thing, and maybe errs in overlooking that no man is an island and that all works are built on those of others, but, look at Melkor who wants all the scale of a group project but none of the “cooperation” part and basically can’t make anything of his own. “You’re like me, yet you’re successful? I cannot allow it!” 
In a sense you have classic Satan and Miltonian satan in the same setting, and they can’t stand each other
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Right of Way
For @klaroline-events KC Bingo - Enemies to Lovers - On AO3 and FF
At the Palm Beach Equestrian Club, Klaus Mikaelson is the prince of the polo field and Caroline the showjumping darling. They immediately dislike each other but, at the same time, can’t seem to get out of each other’s way.
right-of-way (noun) \ ˌrīt-ə(v)-ˈwā \
1: a legal right of passage over another person’s ground
2: in polo - when a player has the line of the ball on their right, they have the right of way (ROW). Enforced to keep all players safe and avoid collisions on the field, players may only enter or cross the ROW if they can do so safely and with enough distance.
Present Day (February) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“I hate you.”
“Well, I hate you too, Forbes,” he growled, “now are you going to keep talking or am I going to have to...”
Before he could go through with his threat she’d pushed him up against the stall door, his intense gaze only increasing her desperation.
“Has anyone told you that you talk too much, Mikaelson?” He didn’t respond, just leaned in impatiently, his mouth claiming hers greedily.
Caroline pulled him closer, grabbing ample handfuls of his number 3 polo jersey. He was warm and familiar against her skin and a delicious aromatic mixture of spice and sandalwood. She’d never admit it, but Caroline loved being close to him post match. They’d just won convincingly, no surprises there, but he was always more needy and urgent and the sex decidedly more explosive.
His mouth travelled down her neck and Caroline had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. She wanted to take her time and enjoy him but given where they were that wasn’t an option. Plus, she knew from experience that he would make it up to her later.
He was trailing kisses along the length of her collar bone now, his lips teasing the swell of her breasts and his tongue close to delving into the valley between them when she heard a noise in one of the far stalls.
It startled them and broke up their kiss. They started at each other intently, panting but at the same time holding a silent discussion with their eyes. Should they risk it or should they move apart and avoid suspicion? It seemed like a fairly easy decision. No one could know they were together but the strong magnetic pull between them made moving seem inconvenient.
A further noise and subsequent horsey neigh made them realise that, unfortunately, it wasn’t going to happen. Not now anyway.
“I don’t like you that much anyway,” she reiterated, shrugging her shoulders. If he was offended by her comment he didn’t show it. His crimson lips curved into a knowing smile, a rogue dimple making an appearance in his left cheek.
“The feeling is mutual, love. Don’t miss me too much.” He was walking purposefully through the stables before she had a chance to reply.
Caroline hit her head against the stall a few times, hoping that it would somehow allow sense to prevail but unfortunately she knew if he kissed her again she wouldn’t resist. She was supposed to hate the guy not be rubbing up against him every chance she got.
Caroline felt a soft nuzzling against her shoulder, looking up into the warm and expectant eyes of her chestnut mare Coco.
“Don’t start,” she murmured, patting her nose affectionately.
How did she get here? How did they get here?
It had all started out so innocently. You don’t like the person, you ignore them.
Simple, right?
10 months earlier (April) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
Equestrian was the way of life in Wellington. In fact, if you didn’t ride, compete or spectate there was no point in actually living there. Home to the Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre and to the famed Winter Equestrian Festival, they lived, breathed and everything else horse related. Caroline’s mom and grandmother had both competed at a national level and were local legends in her hometown.
She was following in their footsteps and out of the three she possessed the most natural talent. While skilled in dressage, her forte was showjumping and there were hopes she’d one day compete in the Olympics for the USA. As much as Caroline loved horse riding, she didn’t love the pressure associated with it.
Her best friend Kat competed with her from a young age, but she maintained she only stuck it out because she couldn’t resist a hot guy in jodphurs.
It was a Tuesday, Caroline remembered because she had her private lesson. After arriving at the club, she noticed a few new faces. Two guys and a girl, all around her age. The brooding blonde was especially good looking, he looked kind of familiar but she wasn’t sure why.
He also seemed generally unimpressed with his surroundings as the director Jenna Sommers showed them the facility. Caroline hung back, but was still close enough to overhear.
“The stables were built in 2017, there are sixty 12x12 stalls, twenty wash stalls, specialty hay and grain storage, multiple dressing rooms, laundry rooms, office space, full sized kitchen and bathrooms. There are three arenas, one covered, one sand and one grass.”
“And the polo facilities,” the blonde interrupted, clearly impatient. His voice was very English and his tone incredibly brusque.
“The Polo Club is adjacent. It spans nearly 250 acres and includes seven state-of-the-art tournament fields that can accommodate multiple games simultaneously.”
“I suppose that will have to do,” he muttered. Caroline knew she was biased but the polo club was internationally renowned and held many top level national and international competitions, this guy was clearly hard to please.
“Oh, Caroline,” she didn’t realise just how close she was. Jenna was looking at her curiously and she could tell was relieved by the interruption. “Meet the Mikaelson siblings, they’re new to Florida and the States. Caroline Forbes is one of our very best show jumpers.”
They seemed intimidating from the outset as they looked at her expectantly and Caroline wasn’t quite sure what to say, until she managed to get something out.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
The good looking one’s eyes flickered over her attire briefly before looking away. Charming. Well, two could play at that game.
“Rebekah is the same age, Caroline,” she said, gesturing to the blonde girl. “Maybe you could take her out to the arena for your lesson so she can look around?” Caroline figured it wasn’t a suggestion but an order.
At first Caroline thought Rebekah was incredibly uptight. Katherine would say she had a stick up her ass and Caroline was secretly glad her best friend wasn’t part of the welcoming committee.
She found out that the family were members of the exclusive Cowdray Park Polo Club in West Sussex and Rebekah’s older brother was skilled in polo. Rebekah excelled in dressage and was quite heavily involved in competitions like Caroline.
“So, I take it this isn’t that impressive compared to your previous club in England?”
“Why would you say that?”
“Your brother didn’t seem very happy with the polo facilities.”
“Niklaus isn’t happy with anything,” she drawled.
“He hates it but I do it just to annoy him,” she offered, a slight smile crossing her face. Maybe there was a less uptight side to her after all.
“No, I meant that name sounds familiar.”
“He’s one of the best polo players in England and beyond, but don’t tell him I said that because I will deny it,” she groaned.
Now, it was all coming back to her. Caroline didn’t play polo but knew she’d seen him on the cover of quite a few magazines. He was incredibly good looking but from what she’d seen, he was clearly arrogant and self absorbed too.
“None of us are happy that my father was transferred for work but Nik is feeling the move the most. Elijah is off to Yale so is only passing through town and Kol is Kol.”
Caroline wasn’t sure what that meant, but she was certain she’d find out.
4 months later (August) USA v Argentina Display Match, Palm Beach International Polo Club, FL
“Look at that South American stallion in action,” Katherine purred from the sidelines. “And by that, I don’t mean the horse.”
Caroline rolled her eyes although it wouldn’t be Kat if she wasn’t checking out the talent.
The annual display match was a big event on the club’s polo calendar. People from all around the country and overseas attended and it was one of the premiere fashion events of the year. Although Caroline enjoyed it, something was making it less that way. Or someone if she was being specific.
Klaus Mikaelson.
Watching him take the field like he owned the place was a bad enough start to her day. In the four months she’d had the displeasure of knowing him, Caroline had decided that he was one of the most arrogant, conceited and smug idiots she’d ever met. Of course, the other girls at the club didn’t share her feelings and were all vying for his attention on and off the field. Caroline thought they were all pathetic for not seeing what she saw.
That he was an ass.
Caroline had every intention of steering clear of the guy but it seemed as if everywhere she went, he did too. It didn’t help that her and Katherine had been spending time together with his sister. It also didn’t help that he looked so attractive annoying her. Whether it was a flash of those dimples or a curve of his crimson lips, Caroline found herself doing all that she could not to jump him. And she hated herself for that. It also meant she was moody more often and it clearly hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“The grouchy look on your face is doing nothing for that stunning Burberry dress, Care,” Kat insisted. Caroline looked down at the white, fitted ensemble thinking her friend was right that it didn’t match her personality.
“Why do we have to watch this?” She growled, noticing Katherine was about to interrupt. “And I don’t want to hear about the South American stallions."
“Well, unfortunately the club has this really annoying policy whereby all younger members need to be present. Apparently, it helps with publicity and that means more members and we all know what that means.”
“Money,” she murmured. “I don’t like it but I get it. But since when did we become the cheerleaders for the guy’s polo team? I don’t see any of them at our show jumping meets.”
“As much as you don’t want to hear this, polo is more popular and it doesn’t hurt that the club’s star player is the best advertisement they’ve got.”
“If you say his name…”
“The club has hit a gold mine with Hottie Mchottie as a member and I’m inclined to agree.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I could have meant anyone,” she smirked. “Okay, maybe. I have to admit, I love the way he riles you up, it’s like watching live action foreplay.”
“You have a one track mind.”
“And you, my dear, are in denial.”
“I can’t stand him and his pompous ass.”
“Talking about his ass again, are we?” Kat teased. “Anyone would think you were obsessed.” Caroline gave her a look which plainly said she wasn’t interested in engaging. “Have you considered relieving some of that sexual tension with him in the nearest stable on a strategically placed haystack? You might find that helps with your general mood.”
“Well, on that rather weird and erotic novel type note,” she growled, annoyed that Kat probably had a point. She couldn’t stand the guy but there was no denying her attraction. “I’m going to get a drink and then spike it so I don’t have to deal with your wild opinions.”
“Best thing you’ve suggested all day, get me one too,” she called out to her retreating back. Caroline could hear her laughter and it wasn’t helping improve her mood.
“Why are you in such a bad mood?”
What was this, pick on Caroline day? She looked over at Kol Mikaelson standing by the buffet table, his plate piled high.
“You realise you can come back again for more, right?”
“This is my third helping,” he said, gesturing to his food. “I don’t know why they insist on these tiny plates.”
“Probably so people like you don’t hoover up the entire buffet in one fell swoop and leave nothing for the rest of us,” she offered. “I’m surprised to see you actually.”
“Really? This is my dream come true, free food and beautiful women.” Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes.
The youngest Mikaelson had always been an enigma to her. Kol had absolutely no interest in horses. Period. Unlike his sister and brother he only attended the club on social occasions. She actually found him to be the most fun, not that she’d ever admit that.
“Of course,” she sighed knowingly. “I’m not sure why I said that. I can see the food has been a hit, how about things on the girl front?”
“Not yet, but it’s still early. I have to say Katherine is looking…”
“I’m going to have to stop you there,” she interrupted. “I love my best friend but she is a pariah and will devour you and not in a good way. Plus, she likes older guys.”
“Well, that explains her checking out Elijah,” he muttered, referring to when his older brother visited the club on a break from college a month earlier. “Any other friends for me?”
“Not any I’d introduce you to, Kol,” she joked, noticing his face falter slightly. “The day is still young though and I’ve caught April Young checking you out.” Given the way his expression changed, Caroline figured she’d buoyed him slightly.
“Of course she was,” he grinned. “So, why so glum, sugar plum?” He asked, placing his plate down and looking at her earnestly. “Usually Niklaus has to be in at least a half mile radius for this kind of reaction.”
“This has nothing to do with…”
“I’m his brother and, trust me, I know the signs,” he advised. “I assume you’ve heard about the Winter Festival then?”
“Well, it’s held every year,” she replied.
The Winter Festival was the premiere equestrian event running from January to April every year in their hometown of Wellington. It was considered the largest and longest-running competition in the world and attracted varying levels of riders from all over the US and beyond.
“Yes,” he drawled sarcastically. “I meant about you and Niklaus doing...”
“Me and Niklaus?” His face was ashen now, clearly he’d misjudged the situation and her reaction. “Doing what exactly.”
“You’re going to have to ask him,” he blurted out, holding up his plate of food like a shield between them. “I have no intention of being the messenger who gets shot, especially when I’m so young and handsome and have so much to live for.”
“Gee, how dramatic. Just tell me, Kol, “ she pressed. “Trust me, my anger will be squarely directed at your brother. If you need any proof just look at precedent.”
“He told me that you two are going to be the faces of the festival,” he mumbled. “Do all the publicity and promotional things for it.”
“Unbelievable...” she scowled. “I’m going to kill him.”
She was gone before Kol could offer any rebuttal.
45 minutes later
“No need to tell me how wonderful I am, Forbes,” he smiled, walking towards the stall leading his stallion Jet.
He’d happened upon her pacing outside his stall, her white dress doing nothing to hide her delectable curves. He’d almost lost concentration multiple times during the match thanks to that particular ensemble. Klaus wasn’t one who lost concentration often but was starting to realise that Caroline Forbes did something to him that no one ever had before.
Sure, he liked to give her a hard time and revelled in the way she reacted but she’d commanded his attention for months now. No one even stood a chance when she was in his line of sight.
It started when they met. Those golden waves and blue eyes were mesmerising but if Klaus was being honest it was the slight dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose that really drove him crazy.
“I’m not one of your pathetic, sycophantic groupies,” she hissed, finally coming to a stop and placing her arms across her chest defiantly. “I hear you’ve been making decisions on my behalf.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific,” he said, leading Jet into the stall and removing his bridle. Klaus wondered how long it would take for the news to reach Caroline.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t just go around making decisions on my behalf,” she argued.
“The festival, I assume?” He asked feigning innocence. “They needed two photogenic, equestrian talents to promote it. If anything I thought you’d be flattered.”
“Wow, you really think I’m going to fall into a giggling heap because you called me both photogenic and talented? You picked the wrong girl.”
“I didn’t pick anyone…”
“Oh no you don’t,” she shot back. “I just spoke to Jenna and apparently it was all your idea.”
“She asked me for suggestions and I obliged.” Klaus figured that at least sounded half true, even if it wasn’t.
Klaus knew that if he was going to be stuck doing publicity then the only person he wanted by his side was Caroline. Yes, it was selfish, and now, probably in hindsight, a little creepy sounding but he wanted her to see there was more to him.
“If that’s true,” she accused.
“If you do this then think of all the benefits.” She gave him a curious look and Klaus knew he had her attention. “Sponsorship, fame, fortune.”
“Just because you want those material things doesn’t mean I do,” she answered. “There’s more to life than all of this.” Klaus detected a sense of sadness in her tone, like show jumping wasn’t her only ambition in life. Before he could respond, she did. “Anyway, why would I make a pact with the devil?”
“You know, I’m much nicer once you get to know me, Caroline.”
“Says Satan,” she drawled. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Well, you’re going to have about six months to see it,” he replied.
“This is not happening,” she insisted. “I’m going to tell Jenna that this was all your hair brained scheme and I want no part of it.”
“Now, even I know you won’t do that,” he said, knowing he was right. If she backed out on this it would be frowned upon by the upper echelons at the club, not to mention her family. “Look, maybe you might even have a bit of fun. Did you ever think of that?”
“I’ve never associated you with fun,” she murmured. “More like the impediment to it.”
“We’ll see about that, love.”
“If we’re going to at least pretend to be friends, don’t call me love.”
Klaus watched her walk away, her hips wiggling hypnotically from side to side. Jet nuzzled into his neck, almost like he was thinking the exact same thing.
“Hooves off, boy, I saw her first.”
2 months later (October) - Municipal Beach, FL
“Why exactly am I wearing high heels on a horse on a beach?” She asked, as someone touched up her make-up. “I think this is up there with the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s supposed to be artistic.”
“Well, it’s not. Anyway, who asked you?” She shot back, as he held onto the reins of her horse. “You get to wear comfortable footwear at least.”
“If it’s any consolation, red is your colour,” he said, gesturing to the patent heels she was wearing. She groaned, no doubt moving around in order to get more comfortable, but given she was wearing a matching ball gown, Klaus knew it was no mean feat.
“I’ll tell you where you can stick your consolation, Mikaelson.”
“Now that’s not the way for a lady to speak, is it Jigsaw?” He spoke to the horse she was atop.
“Remind me never to agree to do this again,” she mumbled, leaning down so she could say it in his ear.
Klaus couldn’t help but laugh aloud, she’d been saying it ever since the publicity campaign began in September. Photo shoots had become commonplace for them but they’d also just finished a nation-wide interview blitz where he’d be charming and Caroline had no choice but to follow suit. He might have also held her hand a couple of times and gone out of his way not to deny a possible romance between the newest equestrian darlings. The media had eaten it up of course and Klaus was in no rush for it all to end. Luckily, they still had a while until it all wrapped up.
Her frustration with him seemed to only add to his need to be near her. Klaus knew it was a tactic she employed and that the attraction between them was not only one sided. Caroline seemed to make it her aim in life to keep her distance but Klaus could feel it in her looks and her touch.
“You secretly love the attention.”
“Not bloody likely.”
“Someone’s clearly been around me too long,” he teased hearing the ‘b’ word.
“And don’t I know it,” she groaned, then attempted to sit upright again in the saddle. In the process her left shoe fell off and landed on the sand. Klaus sprang into action, kneeling down and picking it up. He noticed her looking downwards from the saddle and held it up to her foot.
“I think there was a fairytale about this once.”
“That’s fantastic,” the photographer shouted excitedly, what seemed like a thousand clicks sounding out from his camera. “Smile, Caroline, it’s your very own Prince Charming.”
“You’re never going to let me live this one down, are you?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“Never, Cinderella.”
One month later (November) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“That’s not the right of way,” he insisted, watching as she attempted to get the ball further down the field. “The line of the ball needs to be on the right.”
“But it’s my right of way,” she argued, moving the ball again.
“No, that’s cheating.”
“You are no fun, anyone ever tell you that?” She laughed.
“They want the faces of the festival to play in the charity polo tournament,” he said. “I don’t think the organisers would take too kindly to you breaking the rules.”
“Polo is entirely too civilised for my liking, far too many rules.”
It was at that point, her horse stopped dead in the middle of the field and no amount of encouragement was going to move her. Klaus swept in and took possession of the ball and rode the rest of the distance to score.
“Hey, that’s not fair! My horse is broken,” she shouted.
“That’s no way to talk about Scout, is it girl,” he grinned, trotting closer so he could rub her ears and mane affectionately.
“Sabotage, that’s what this is,” she growled. “I should have known when you gave me one of your fifty million horses for practice.”
“I have three and every polo rider should have a few to choose from,” he remarked. “And as much as I love Coco, she’s not a polo pony.”
“She wouldn’t cheat like this little lady.”
“Says the biggest cheater of them all,” he teased, nudging her slightly.
Caroline, not wanting to be outdone, pushed back until it became a full on play fight. Catching him by surprise, Caroline pulled at one of his stray curls causing Klaus to reel backward and off his horse completely. It had been raining overnight so the field was wet and muddy in parts. Klaus managed to fall right into one of them.
As much as he wanted to get angry and be upset, Klaus couldn’t help but think her melodic laughter was contagious and he started to follow suit. Pretty soon they were both in fits of laughter and Caroline wasn’t expecting him to reach up and pull her off the saddle and into the mud with him.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
“Says the girl who started it,” he joked. “I don’t know, I think mud is a good look for you.” Before she could react he’d smeared it across her cheek.
“You did not just do that!” Caroline threw some back, hitting him square on the chest. “This means war, Mikaelson!”
“Bring it on, Forbes,” he provoked, pulling her into the mud with him.
45 minutes later
“I think we can safely say that our first polo practice was a disaster,” Caroline murmured.
They’d both showered in the centre’s bathroom facilities and were sitting outside waiting on some clothes to dry. Klaus was trying not to notice just how good she looked in a towel, her usually creamy skin tinged pink from the hot water.
“I don’t know, I personally thought it was a lot of fun, especially when I pulled you into the mud pit.”
“Of course you did,” she drawled. He noticed her eyes riveted by a stray water droplet running down his bare chest. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one currently distracted by the view. “I, uh, didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.”
“Have what in me?”
“I thought you were far too into yourself to let loose and have a bit of fun,” she offered. 
“Wow, you really think that badly of me?” He asked, not exactly surprised by her account of him but also slightly offended. “Talk about judging a book by its cover.”
 “I’m sorry but you seemed unimpressed with everyone and everything here after you arrived in town.”
“I was homesick,” he replied honestly. “I still am sometimes. I never wanted to leave England. My whole life was there, my friends, my family. Florida is like a whole other world and I wasn’t sure how to act.”
“Yeah, it is intense.” The empathy reflected in her eyes was enough to tell Klaus she was reconsidering her views. “You do that confident, smug act a little too well.”
“Trust me, it was difficult. This place is like horses on steroids, well you know not the animals themselves.” Klaus couldn’t believe how stupid he sounded, he decided to blame it on her being barely dressed.
“I know exactly what you mean, although Wellington is all I’ve ever known.”
“You said something about there being more to life than this,” he recalled. “What did you mean by that?”
“The dreaded legacy.”
“Family pressure?” He guessed. Klaus knew from asking around that both her grandmother and mother had been champion riders.
“This life was it for them,” she murmured. “This is all they’ve ever known and they want me to follow in their footsteps but I’m not quite sure that’s what I want.”
“You mean there’s more to life than this equestrian dream?”
“I want to get out of Wellington, go to college next year and see what else is out there.”
“Have you ever considered talking it out with them?”
“Many times,” she shared. “But I chicken out every time. How do you start a conversation like that?”
“My step father is the opposite,” he offered. “Mikael thinks riding around on a horse is extremely unmasculine and that I should be doing more practical things in my life, like concentrating on college.”
“Wow, he sounds like a real…”
“Ass?” He answered for her. “I think he hoped this move would make me reconsider polo but I don’t really know anything else.”
“We are an extremely pathetic duo.”
“Maybe we need to do something to cheer ourselves up,” Klaus suggested, trying to ignore just how much he wanted to pull off her towel and play out every single fantasy he’d had starring Caroline.
“I’m not going to roll around in the mud again with you, Mikaelson.” He could tell by the way she was looking at him, biting her lower lip as her eyes devoured him, that she wasn’t opposed to it at all.
“I could think of other, more clean, ways to pass the time until our clothes are dry?” She clearly didn’t need to be asked twice.
“Now that you mention it, I think I missed a few spots,” she smiled, pulling him up by the hand and leading him towards the showers.
“I’d be more than happy to help with that, love.”
The tension that had been building between them for months finally dissipated in a shower stall. Her back up against the tiles as he moved inside her, the hot water falling down on them. Time stood still and they only emerged once the water ran out and they were forced back to reality in a cold burst.
As relieving as it was, Klaus was disinclined to ask too many questions in case the spell was broken. Caroline seemed just as reluctant. Suddenly, being near each other was all that mattered and any talk about their feelings pushed into the background.
Present Day (March) - Competition Arena, Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“Only one circuit between you and the championship, Care,” Kat smiled, giving Coco an obligatory good luck sugar cube.
Caroline barely heard her best friend or the announcer over the loudspeaker, she was too busy trying to get into the competition zone. Usually, it was easy to block out outside influences but she’d been struggling for the last few weeks.
It had all started when Klaus decided to ask the question they’d managed to avoid for months now. They’d finished their ‘picnic’ at a secluded spot they secretly visited and rather than redressing and leaving as usual, he’d asked the question.
“What are we?” She’d frozen to the spot, unable to respond. They didn’t do this, they didn’t talk about their feelings or wherever this was going between them. They didn’t do anything.
“You and I both know that things can’t continue like this.”
“Why not?” She cried. “We’re having fun, we’re enjoying ourselves. Let’s not ruin what we have.”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know what we have,” he murmured. “I know that you make me happy and that the last few months have been the best of my life.”
“So, why do we have to put a label on it?”
“Because no one knows about us, we hide away like we’re ashamed of being together. I don’t want to do that anymore because I love you, Caroline.” He’d never said that before and she wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, especially mid-fight. His gaze was as intense as it was imploring.
“It’s just…” Caroline broke off, unable to explain how she was feeling and what she wanted. She knew she had strong feelings for Klaus but it scared the hell out of her. “You’re going to Oxford in the fall and…”
“So, you’ve had enough of me then? This was all just a game to you?” She knew it wasn’t a game but it was difficult to find the words. She was expected to keep on the equestrian track in the States and the thought of him leaving her there was too much. 
“Of course not,” she murmured, her gaze now firmly downcast to avoid his gaze. “I just don’t know where this is going and the sooner we realise that the better.” 
He was gone before she looked up and they hadn’t spoken since.
“Caroline, hello?” Katherine asked, waving her hands in front of her face animatedly. “Where did you go? If that was a sex trance, I want to know all of the dirty details.”
“I only told you about that because you’re my best friend, but I have no intention of going into detail, even if you’re giving me those pleading, sex-starved eyes.”
“No fun, bestie,” she pouted. “So, why do I sense there’s trouble in paradise?”
“There’s no trouble,” she offered. “We’re actually not seeing each other anymore. It’s really for the best given...”
“Are you dumb or blind or both?”
“It’s not going anywhere, he’s off to England in the fall and then what? I’ll still be here doing what I do.”
“And you sound so excited by that prospect.”
“You’re going off to Columbia, Rebekah to Harvard and I’m going to Brown, not because I really want to go there but because it has the best equestrian team.”
“You need to tell your mom that this isn’t the life you want.”
“Easier said than done,” Caroline groaned. “Did I tell you that I got into Oxford?”
“What do you think?” Kat drawled. “How could you not tell me this, I’m only your best friend.”
“I only received the letter on Thursday.”
“So, I’m officially confused. You want to go to Oxford, you always have. Doesn’t this mean that all the moaning and groaning about Klaus and a possible future is redundant?”
“Caroline, I say this with love, but you’re an idiot. Yes, your family wants one thing but I think you’re old enough to make your own decisions. Plus, I bet the equestrian team at Oxford is pretty good, you know if you want to keep your options open.” She did have a point.
Caroline didn’t have time to respond though because one of the guys they knew from the polo club came running towards them frantically.
“Please tell me that’s not some new and really bad dance?” Kat asked, looking at him curiously.
“There’s been an accident on the polo field.”
“What happened?” Caroline asked, her stomach dropping. It could have been anyone but for some reason she felt like it was him.
“Number 3,” he panted. “Opposing team broke the right of way, there was a collision and he was thrown off his horse.”
“Is he okay?” Caroline asked, all composure lost. She didn’t care who knew just as long as he was going to be okay.
“They took him to hospital by ambulance, he was unconscious,” he replied.
Caroline handed Katherine the reins, and they held a conversation with their eyes. The decision about what to do was the easiest one she’d made. No championship was worth it, she was going to the hospital.
1 hour and 45 minutes later
“He always was the most dramatic one in the family.” Klaus heard Rebekah’s voice as he started to come to. They all knew she was the most dramatic but liked to pretend she wasn’t.
“Oh, look,” Kol exclaimed. “I guess Rebekah having a voice like nails on a blackboard has finally come in handy. Welcome back, Niklaus.”
“Is this a nightmare?” He managed to get out, his gaze trained on his younger siblings.
“Wow, you made a joke,” Rebekah cooed. “Looks like big brother is back with an even worse sense of humour.”
“Can I have some water,” he rasped, his throat dry, not to mention a splitting headache. “And as much as I love your comedy act, can we please keep the yammering to a minimum.”
“Oh, he’s definitely back,” Kol joked. “How about I get some water and you find the doctor, Beks?” She hated that nickname and her scowl confirmed it.
They both left the room and Klaus had to admit he was happy to enjoy the silence and just close his eyes for a moment.
Although he wasn’t at fault, Klaus knew he’d been off kilter for a few weeks now and might have had a slight lapse in concentration. It was bad enough he hadn’t seen Caroline since their argument but the worst part was that she didn’t even seem to want to try and make things work for them. She also seemed embarrassed for some reason and that hurt more than Klaus had imagined.
Sure, things started off fun and as much as Klaus liked that he knew things couldn’t continue that way. Yes, he was off to Oxford but he hoped that she’d offer to try rather than giving up. He even told her he loved her and nothing. To say he was hurt was an understatement.
“Oh my god,” he heard her voice, almost like he’d summoned her or something.
“Klaus.” He could hear the emotion and the slight wobble in her voice. “What have you done?” He heard her take a seat at his bedside and felt her take his hand. Klaus knew he should have opened his eyes but he was curious about what she might say.
“Please tell me the other guy looks worse and if not I’m going to kick his ass.” Klaus had to fight the urge not to smile. She was incredibly adorable when she was being jealous.
“Can you please just open those pretty eyes so we can talk? I want to tell you what an idiot I was last time I saw you.” As much as he wanted to do just that and gloat, Klaus stayed still waiting.
“Fine, if you’re going to be stubborn about it,” she muttered. “A couple of things.”
“One, I was an idiot and if you expect me to admit that when you’re conscious, think again. Two, I was scared about losing you and what we have because my family has these overwhelming expectations and I was trying to be all things to all people.” Klaus figured she was just about done and then she continued.
“Three, I want you and I want us and I love you and I really regret not saying that the other week. And finally, four, I got into Oxford and I really want to go but I don’t want you to think I’m some crazy weird stalker..”
“You got into Oxford?” His eyes flew open and he spoke before thinking, he was that shocked.
“You were awake the whole time?” She growled, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Ouch, Caroline.”
“You deserved it,” she insisted, before relenting and loosening her grip. “Yes, I got into Oxford.”
“And you love me?”
“Well, there’s no point in asking given you heard it all,” she muttered.
“And you were an idiot?”
“I’m never going to live that one down, am I?”
“Probably not,” he smiled, pulling her closer. “But I wouldn’t have you any other way. Hang on, aren’t you supposed to be competing right now?”
“I was but decided I needed to be here,” she replied. “I need to start doing more of what I want with my life. But don’t let it go to your head, Mikaelson.”
“Come up here,” he asked, pulling her onto the bed so she was laying beside him. She felt familiar, comfortable and like home. “I want to make up for the last few weeks.”
“You want to do it in the hospital bed?”
“No, but someone is clearly over eager,” he chuckled.
“I’m so glad I’m in a hospital right now because I’m going to be sick,” Kol groaned, walking into the room with the doctor and Rebekah on his heels.
His reaction was predictable but Klaus and Caroline didn't really care, they were far too immersed in each other to even respond. Not when they had a future to look forward to and, after all of the initial animosity, it was most definitely worth it in the end. 
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peach-pops · 4 years
anti-ships with my mutuals
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there’s this fun trend going around where people will tag their mutuals and ship them with a character from hq/bnha and as sweet as it is, i decided to put a twist on it. i want to pair my mutuals with a hq boy (maybe bnha later if any of my mutuals wanna have one)that would be the most toxic combination/not mesh well with.
 this is all in good fun so dont come for me and if i tag you, don’t be shy, i wanna know who you think you wouldn’t mesh well with as well as your own mutuals ( im self centered so this is an invitation to do one for me whether it’s a real ship or a anti-ship ) 
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@icejins & oikawa
 it pains me to write this cause the energy you two would have together could take down the whole world. you both are two confident baddies who know they’re cute but after a while, it would lowkey start to feel like you’re competing over things and one upping each other instead of supporting the other person. god, he’d give you the worst advice over things and if he tries to rant to you, i think your bluntness will just make him feel like you’re trying to be mean (hes the type where he needs to have things a bit sugarcoated sometimes) i don’t think ur the type to just be patient and willingly let volleyball be a priority over you like HUH? SOMETHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT ME? TF IS THIS BULLSHIT - and i don’t mean you’re priority #2 like i think you’d fall around 4 maybe 5 like jeez thanks. i think you would say it doesn’t bother you but what’s the point in being in a relationship when he hardly makes time for you and it’s clear to him and you that volleyball will always be his first love. you have your own shit to do and focus on, imagine you don’t show up to one of his games and he makes you feel bad (what if you don’t feel bad? he’d be so hurt)  you’re pretty as hell and he’d just make you feel like arm candy - does he even know your favorite song? what makes you upset? hell, ask him what color your eyes are and this fool will have a stroke trying to remember. i also envision you two to be the type where if he pisses you off and you give him the silent treatment, he’s not gonna put his pride aside and apologize to you first and you’re stubborn in your ways so you’re not gonna give and it’ll go downhill from there. PLUS two bad knees doesn’t equal one good relationship, yall are already off on the wrong foot ha. if i can be even more honest, your ideal relationship with oikawa is like him being an older sibling where you both can check each other on yalls shit while still caring about one another. 
@kirislut & terushima 
look, this was hard cause ill ship you with anyone and it fits but terushima? you’re not into jerky guys, especially the ones who don’t take no for an answer. in all honesty, i dont even see how you two would ever start dating. he’s cute and you’ll give him that and sure, you love confident guys but there’s something about terushima that is cocky yet so unmotivating at the same time. you have your dreams and ambitions but he doesn’t really have a plan. it’s okay to not know what you want to do but you need someone who is motivated with goals and terushima could care less about the future, he lives in the now. you make him insecure - you’re accomplishing so much and instead of feeling like he’s dragging you down, he feels like you’re purposefully trying to leave him behind to rub it in his face. also again, we don’t know too much about terushima except that he’s a very spontaneous guy with a tongue piercing (jesus ur parents would have a field day with him). 
@goopyartiste & tsukishima
oh god this feels like an emotionally abusive relationship- you’re very sensitive, this isn’t news to anyone who knows you. tsuki is kinda a jerk and as much as i loved his character development, it doesn’t stray from the fact that he isn’t an emotionally available person- at least not enough to date you specifically. if you had a bad day and he doesn’t give you the amount of attention or doesn’t give helpful advice, you would take it to heart and 9/10 times would cause a tsunami of tears. and again, these aren’t necessarily bad traits but in a relationship if you’re clingy with him, he’s going to respond negatively- his relationship with yamaguchi would be the exact way he would treat you so you can’t expect special attention. he’ll introduce you as his friend and you’d be too shy to correct him - it feels like the whole relationship will just be you apologizing for tsuki’s words and actions to others and as much as i love you, you wouldn’t have a strong enough voice against him and his “jerkish” tendencies. HES LIKE IF YOU DATED UR PARENTS DFGHJK IM SORRY BUT THEY’RE SO MEAN! you need someone who would be emotionally/physically available for you 24/7 and someone who isn’t afraid to truly love you. get out while you can girl, go! for your mental sanity please. 
@shoutamajiki & bokuto
 i dont think this combo would be toxic but its REALLY hard for me to picture this in my head??? i know you can be silly sometimes nana but you’re pretty serious and your paths in life are just so different. hes so extroverted and you like to be a lil more reserved so someone is bound to be out of their comfort zone. you can be very patient with people but i think it would be tiring to date bokuto knowing you would have to be the emotionally stable one between the two of you. he’s so sweet and he’s genuinely a good person but you need a partner where they aren’t so dependent on you- someone who it’s okay if you guys don’t talk all day and then when you two do see each other, you just pick up where you left off. you’re not one to be tied down and be available 24/7 and he needs someone who he can feel secure with without feeling insecure himself. so this one again isn’t toxic but i cant imagine yall kissing or anything so dont come for me 
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 36 – Disorder in Order
‘I don’t get it.’
The man’s fingers clasped his biceps tighter as his arms were crossed.
The 3rd Elder was seated on his bed, his brain whirring madly in reflection.
The day that QuadraNet’s switch was supposed to be turned on – or rather, the day that according to Helga they would get to find the opportunity they have been waiting for, he fulfilled his mission.
That was the day for him to make good use of the mayhem everyone will go through and pick up any vulnerability or noteworthy factor they could use against the blonde scientist, who will surely prove himself as the tallest, hardest, and mightiest wall for the surviving Union to break through.
And on the D-day, Helga’s words came true.
Apparently all networks connected for the QuadraNet had gone haywire; not even Frankenstein could stay free from alarm.
No, he was more than alarmed; he was in panic.
‘As far as I know, he didn’t take part in the project. That day he was there simply to watch QuadraNet come alive. Which must be why he was so flustered, since he was in no position to do something about it, with no one to answer him, let alone help him.’
During the event, Frankenstein was basically stuck in the middle of his cave expedition, with all the lighting equipment mysteriously sabotaged, trapped in a pitch-dark space with the rest of his team too far away to reach, with no option other than emitting echoes of cries unanswered.
But Frankenstein was no idiot. In fact, when it comes to technology he is a virtuoso, competent enough to make Union covet and compete against him.
So to nobody’s wonder, Frankenstein eventually recovered the transmission and reconnected to the rest, incredibly fast for someone who was invited as a spectator.
Naturally, he could not spare his attention to anything else other than his computers.
Thus he gave 3rd Elder enough time to flaunt his skills in profiling and snooping.
‘Though I had to be extra-careful, in consideration of the person I was snooping about.’
As Frankenstein’s eyes were successfully diverted, 3rd Elder headed to the lab, to make use of the gear he was so thankful he had packed: a spray that reveals fingerprints, a development from a life technology company under Union’s possession, once used by civilians as well.
It evaporates over time, leaving no traces whatsoever once it is gone. And it conveys different hues depending on the time the fingerprint was first left, allowing its user to deduce the order and marking time of each fingerprint.
However, it can no longer be seen among civilians, as it was permanently discontinued following the public concern that it must not be led into the wrong hands.
And 3rd Elder could finally make it useful in order to track down Frankenstein’s most recent cognitive journey.
By taking a look at the files he submitted for the human scientist and files the latter had collected by himself, he would be able to pinpoint the main topic of the files or the topic Frankenstein is most interested in.
And ultimately infer what he is most deeply involved with and what he is planning, for the Union to prepare against in advance.
The 3rd Elder gave a little tip regarding this, by telling Helga that Frankenstein specified he intends to find out the reason behind the Noblesse’s mysterious return to life.
Which Helga did not buy.
Listening to you, now there is no doubt it is our gravest woe and fear that the Union had failed in making an ally out of him. Now that he is undeniably our enemy, we should be wary of his every word and action. And do you honestly think he was being honest with you?
He wanted to retort by correcting her assumption – Yes, you can trust him. He’ll never lie when it comes to his master – but he did not; after all, she did have a point.
‘By the way, how come I momentarily got so close to taking his side back then?’
The white-haired man shook his head to tune out a tiny voice within, to instead clutch his arms even tighter and reassess what his scavenging revealed for him.
He decided to add weight to Helga’s claim and delved into as thoroughly as possibly the files Frankenstein had been dissecting, to gain nothing in particular.
The volume and contents were beyond his imaginations, but all in all Frankenstein’s files were centered on similar topics.
Revival. Extension of life. Inducing coma or pseudo-coma state. Definition of biological death. And all that jazz.
QED, they were mostly related to life and death.
‘Which means he was staying true to the goal of his research he shared with me.’
Despite his disappointment, 3rd Elder did not deem his exploration a waste of time.
Which is why he was so puzzled.
‘For some strange reason, I found most of his fingerprints not on his files but on the cup he’d always place on his table. And on the equipment used to generate chemical drink. And he’s touched it very recently.’
To say “most of his fingerprints” was an understatement; for a moment 3rd Elder had thought he became a detective excavating a drug addict’s lair.
So he did not hesitate in pulling out a specially designed slip of paper to dip into Frankenstein’s cup for a sample.
All he has to do is to take the paper to Helga for analysis; this is where a problem arises.
‘The camera and recording device Frankenstein implanted in me may be dormant, but as of now I can’t send this to Helga. Not with Lady Lunark paying visits to this island. Not to mention no chance in hell will she ever trust me. Which means I must be the one to analyze the contents of Frankenstein’s drink.’
The job is neither impossible nor difficult, given that he is provided with appropriate apparatus.
He had trained himself in theories and practices in experiments, having orchestrated and participated in several experiments and projects at the Union.
‘But the only equipment I can use in this place all belong to Frankenstein. I’ll need distraction to use them.’
A single chance – that was all he needed.
A single chance of disturbance equal to the recent uproar affiliated with the QuadraNet. Or Frankenstein’s urgent trip to the werewolf realm.
‘Then it’d be less than a gulp to run the analysis,’ sighed 3rd Elder, his mind tracing back to the transparent plastic bag he had hidden, containing the paper slip safe from oxidation.
‘Should I place an order for disorder to Helga? She’s the one who commanded both occasions.’
Marveling once again at her leadership, 3rd Elder had yet to realize that his chance would come much faster than expected.
It has been days since the night at a café by the beach of Incheon, Korea.
Because of which Yuigi has grown more comfortable around Takio.
The awkwardness and discomfiture she had been haunted with ever since she was parted from Union without consent were pretty much no more.
Nonetheless, Yuigi did not define her standing as better.
‘So let’s say I continue to help him locate Union’s facilities and gain his gang’s trust. And free myself from this choker. But then what? Once the last of the Union is gone, what should I do? What am I supposed to do with my life from then on?’
Driven by the searing guilt that she could not protect her brother and sister, Yuigi had lived a life of obsession with power.
Notwithstanding, she lost the powers she has so very feverishly nurtured. She lost the association and purpose that were entailed.
The life of Raciela, the sister of Arthur and Hailey, had long been disconnected from her.
The life thrusted upon her was the life of Yuigi, a member of the Cerberus, one of the top personal guards of the Union.
And Yuigi’s life was robbed from her over a mere day.
And she had no way to return to Raciela’s life.
She has come too far to indulge in ordinary life now. After all, she was now used to dubbing herself as Yuigi, surrounded by people who treat her as Yuigi, not Raciela.
She was reminded of a fairy tale she once read for her siblings: a story of a frog rejected by all animals.
The frog was born from water, to dwell in and dance across both earth and water once fully matured.
Alas, the frog’s gift of mobility in two completely unidentical domains won itself hatred from creatures of both domains. The creatures of water resented the frog’s ability to walk upon solid ground they could not even dream of; creatures of land were more than unhappy to see a native of aquatic dominion, reckoned inferior by the terrestrial-born, was treading along their footprints.
So in unison, they rejected the frog, to make sure it could find respite in neither the earth nor the water.
‘And looks like I’m the frog right now.’
Also, she had been plagued with void within, now that her life as Yuigi was lost as well. And she knew not how to get rid of the void.
She knew that she could not join what remained of the Union.
‘That’s just unimaginable, as long as this leash stays on me. Besides, even without this choker, I can’t possibly do that. Because...’
At then Yuigi fell heavily in silence, which was already hung upon her entire being.
Because what?
‘Why would you bring up the term at the moment? Don’t tell me you’ve grown a liking to that guy just because he’s been taking care of you.’
Yuigi violently shook her head, as if a bug had dived into her hair.
She shook her head so hard she thought she could hear her skull vibrating.
No, she actually felt like the entire safehouse was vibrating.
‘...Wait a minute.’
She reconsidered her thought, upon checking the water left in the cup on the table.
She could swear upon her life that nothing in the safehouse was moving, herself included, but the water was trembling, as if there were a quake.
As Yuigi fixed her eyes upon the cup, similar effect started to inflict the possessions within the safehouse, including the chair she was sitting in, the table she set her elbow upon, and the dishes inside the sink that were clattering in a nervous beat.
Just when Yuigi was trying to conjecture what could these be signaling, with a BAM the walls constructed to stand sturdy against majority of firearm and missiles spit out thousands of splinters, like a glass window hit by a brick.
Yuigi was swept in the aftermath and flung through the air, to be caught in the constructions and objects that had been composing the safehouse just a second ago.
Had she not been a modified human, and had Frankenstein employed materials less substantial, she would have never stood on her feet again.
Holding her head in her hand in a desperate attempt to do something about her eardrums, being bombarded with screeches due to the explosion, Yuigi could soon make out the highly likely suspect of the unappreciated delivery of disorder.
Fortunately her eyes were still functional, and she caught the sight of a huge man with hair the color of hay and face similar to that of a gigantic toad.
“...Could sme... I kn... Ver wrong.”
Yuigi had to squint to process what he was talking about, due to the noises that were still whipping up in her ears.
“...Was told... Ract tho... Not thi... Et you here.”
The man smirked, making himself look even more like a toad, with his eyes on Yuigi.
“No offe... Old to do... Be happie... Once I... Ally be... Anding at the spotlight!”
Before Yuigi could catch her breath after she was sure her ears have somewhat returned to normal, the man lunged towards her.
(next chapter)
I introduce you a new character - yes, he is an OC, and he is a supporting character. However, I added him for a reason, and you’d soon get to see why. Stay tuned for more!
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If there’s one enduring theme about tyrants in myth, literature, and history it is that, for a long time, no one takes them seriously. And there are few better examples of this than Shakespeare’s fictional Richard III. He’s a preposterous figure in many ways, an unsightly hunchback, far down the line of royal accession, socially outcast, riven with resentment, utterly dismissible — until he serially dismisses and/or murders everyone between him and the throne. What makes the play so riveting and often darkly funny is the sheer unlikelihood of the plot, the previously inconceivable ascent to the Crown of this indelibly absurd figure, as Stephen Greenblatt recently explored in his brilliant monograph, Tyrant.
I’ll never forget watching a performance by Antony Sher of Richard decades ago — playing him as a spider, instinctually scuttling on two legs and two black canes, to trap, murder, and ingest his foes. The role is, of course, a fictional portrait, designed to buttress the legitimacy of the Tudor dynasty that followed Richard III and that Shakespeare lived under. But as an analysis of the psychology of tyranny, it’s genius. Like Plato and Aristotle, Shakespeare saw this question not merely as political, but as wrapped up in the darker folds of the human soul, individual and collective.
The background of the drama is England’s “War of the Roses”, the civil war between two regional dynasties from which Richard emerged. And that’s often key in tyrant narratives: it’s when societies are already fractured into tribes, and divisions have become insurmountable, that tyrants tend to emerge, exploiting and fomenting chaos, to reign, however briefly, over the aftermath.
The war seems resolved when the victorious Edward, Richard’s older brother, succeeds to the throne: “For here I hope begins our lasting joy!” And no one thinks the deformed, bitter sibling, of all people, would be a threat. It seems preposterous. But it’s true. And at each unimaginable power grab by Richard — murdering one brother, killing the late king Edward’s young heirs, killing his own wife, and then trying to marry his niece to secure the dynasty — Richard’s peers keep telling themselves that it isn’t really happening. Greenblatt notes: “The principal weapon Richard has is the very absurdity of his ambition. No one in his right mind would suspect that he seriously aspires to the throne.”
But he has one key skill, Greenblatt notes, the ability to lie shamelessly: “‘Why, I can smile and murder whiles I smile, And cry ‘Content!’ to that which grieves my heart, And wet my cheeks with artificial tears, And frame my face to all occasions.’” It’s a skill that serves him well — and there seems no limit to the number of those eager to believe him. His older brother George, Duke of Clarence, told by thugs that Richard wants him dead, exclaims: “Oh no, he loves me, and he holds me dear. Go you to him from me.” At which point the hired goons reply — “Ay, so we will” — and merrily murder him, taking him to Richard as a corpse. (In a good production, that can get a laugh.) One of Clarence’s young sons, told that his own uncle hates him, declares, “I cannot think it.” Others witness obvious depravity but can’t quite call it out. One official receives clearly illegal orders from Richard, and follows them, asking no questions: “I will not reason what is meant hereby, Because I will be guiltless from the meaning.”
Denial. Avoidance. Distraction. Willful ignorance. These are all essential to enabling a tyrant’s rise. And keeping this pattern going is Richard’s profound grasp of the power of shock. He does and says the unexpected and unthinkable in order to stun his opponents into a kind of dazed passivity. It’s this capacity to keep you on your heels, to keep disorienting you with the unacceptable (which is then somehow accepted), that marks a tyrant’s relentless drive. He does this by instinct. He craves chaos, lies, suspense, surprises — not because he’s a genius, but because stability threatens his psyche. He cannot rest. He is not in control of himself. And whenever the dust settles, as it were, he has to disturb it again.
This is what we’ve been dealing with in the figure of Donald Trump now for five years, and it is absurd to believe that a duly conducted election is going to end it. I know, I know. I’m hysterical and over-the-top and a victim of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Trump is simply too incompetent and too lazy to be an actual tyrant, I’m constantly scolded. He’s just baiting me again. And so on. But what I think this otherwise salient critique misses is that tyranny is not, in its essence, about the authoritarian and administrative skills required to run a country effectively for a long time. Tyrants, after all, are often terrible at this. It is rather about a mindset, as the ancient philosophers understood, with obvious political consequences. It’s a pathology. It requires no expertise in anything other than itself.
You need competence if you want to run an effective government, or plan a regular campaign, or master policy with a view to persuading people, or hold power for the sake of something else. You need competence to create and sustain something. But you do not need much competence to destroy things. You just need the will. And this is what tyrants do: they destroy things. Richard III ruled for two short years, ending in his own death in battle, and a ruined country.
This is Trump’s threat. Not the construction of a viable one-party state, but the destruction of practices, norms, civility, laws, customs and procedures that constitute liberal democracy’s non-zero-sum genius. He doesn’t need to be competent to destroy our system of government. He merely needs to be himself: an out-of-control, trust-free, malignant narcissist, with inexhaustible resources of psychic compulsion, in a pluralist system designed for the opposite. All you need is an insatiable pathological drive to avoid any constraint on your own behavior, and the demagogic genius to carry a critical mass of people with you, and our system, designed as the antidote to tyranny, is soon unspooling into incoherence, deadlock, and collapse.
I’m told he’s been ineffective even as a tyrant, so no worries. To which I can only say: really? Once you realize he doesn’t give a shit about any actual policies, apart from doing all he can to wipe the legacy of Barack Obama from planet earth, he’s been pretty competent. Note how he turned Congressional subpoenas into toilet paper; how he crippled and muzzled the Mueller inquiry; how he installed a crony at the Department of Justice to pursue his political enemies and shield him from the law; how effectively he stymied impeachment; how he cucked every previous Republican opponent; how he helped destroy the credibility of news sources that oppose him; how he filled his cabinet with acting secretaries and flunkies; how he declared fake emergencies to claim the power of the purse assigned to the Congress; and how he has reshaped the Supreme Court with potentially three new Justices, whom he sees solely as his loyal stooges if he comes up against the rule of law.
And gotten away with all of it!
In protecting his own power over others, he has been as competent as hell. Imagine where we’d be in four more years. Despite a mountain of criticism, he has not conceded a single error, withdrawn a single statement, or acknowledged a single lie. His party lost the mid-terms, but seriously, what difference did that make? His control of the Republican party, and his cult-like grip on the base, has never been greater than now. Yes, he has said and done racially polarizing things — but the joke is he may yet have more support from blacks and Latinos in 2020 than he did in 2016. Think of his greatest policy failures: the appalling loss of life in the Covid epidemic and the collapse of law and order in the cities. Now recall that on February 1 of this year, Trump was at 43.4 percent approval; 200,000 deaths later, and the wreckage from Seattle to Portland to Minneapolis, and his approval today is at 43.1 percent.
This is, of course, not enough to win re-election. And Trump has no interest in broadening his appeal, because it would dilute the tribalism he feeds off. So he has made it abundantly clear that if the results of the election show him the loser, he will not accept them. Simple, really. He said this in 2016, of course, refusing to honor the result in advance. But this year, he has stumbled upon something quite marvelous for his purposes. Because of Covid19, it is likely that mail-in ballots will be far higher in number than before, and, as Barton Gellman has shown in this essential new piece, this gives Trump an opportunity he has instinctively seized. He has been saying for months now that: “MAIL-IN VOTING WILL LEAD TO MASSIVE FRAUD AND ABUSE … WE CAN NEVER LET THIS TRAGEDY BEFALL OUR GREAT NATION.” In late summer, Gellman noted, Trump was making this argument four times a day: “Very dangerous for our country.” “A catastrophe.” “The greatest rigged election in history.” He is telling us loud and clear that, if he has anything to do with it, this election will not be decided at the ballot box, but at the Supreme Court, which he expects to control.
If you haven’t, read Gellman’s piece closely. It seems inevitable to me that, unless it’s a Biden landslide, Trump will declare himself the winner on election night, regardless of the actual results. Because most mail-in ballots will take more time to count, and several swing states have not changed their laws to allow for counting before election day, and mail-ins are easily challenged, it is quite likely that much of Biden’s vote will remain uncounted or contested — and could remain so for a long time. And after declaring victory within hours of polls closing, Trump will follow the script he used for Florida in 2018: “The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged,” he tweeted, making shit up as usual. “An honest vote count is no longer possible — ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!”
I’ve no doubt this bullshit will be challenged by the networks, the press, and many of the states, and other sane people, who will urge patience. I’ve also no doubt that many states will do their best not to pervert the process. But I fear the result will be close (I’m underwhelmed by Biden’s near-invisible campaign), which will give Trump a chance. The fanaticism and alternate reality of a base already addicted to conspiracy theories means a hefty chunk of the country will back him. And it’s perfectly possible that Trump’s pre-emptive strike on the election result could prompt a massive revolt across the country from those who want to defend our democracy. (I will be marching in such a scenario myself). Most presidents would balk at anything close to this kind of scenario. Trump can’t wait. Violence? You can almost feel Trump’s hankering for it.
All he wants is chaos, because in chaos, the strong leader wins. Would he incite violence on his behalf if the votes seem to be drifting away from him? You bet he would. Would he urge his supporters to physically prevent ballot-counting? He already has. Would he try to corral Republican state legislators to back him in electing electors? Gellman has sources. Would he take this country to the brink of civil conflict? Way past it. Will anyone in the GOP do anything to stop him? We know the answer to that already. If they cannot condemn him this week, when would they? And he will do all this not out of some strategic calculation or tactical skill but because he cannot do anything else. He is psychologically incapable of conceding anything. And he has no understanding of collateral damage because his narcissism precludes it.
In every Shakespeare play about tyranny — from Richard III to Coriolanus to Macbeth — the tyrant loses in the end, and often quite quickly. They’re not that competent at governing, or even interested in it. The forces they unleash come back to wipe them from the stage, sooner or later. They flame out. Richard III lasted a mere couple of years on the throne.
But in every case, they leave a wrecked and reeling society in their wake. Look around you now and see the damage already done. Now imagine what we face in the next few months. We are tethered to Trump at this point because he is the legitimate president: the man who cannot control himself is in control of all the rest of us. And that’s why I desperately want to appeal to right-of-center readers at this point in the campaign to do everything they can to vote and to vote for Biden. This is not about left or right. This is about the integrity of a system that can give us such a choice. It really is an existential moment for liberal democracy, and its future, not just here but across the world. The next few months are critical.
It fills me with inexpressible rage that we have been brought to this. But there is no way out now other than through. This was always going to be the moment of maximal danger. And we cannot lose our focus now.
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ariasarchives · 5 years
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<Full List of Adagio Kids and their Bios below the break!>
Art sketched by me, lined and colored by the beautiful Carousel Unique
Golden Dew (1006-1068)
Golden Dew was the first child born to the sirens in the Human World, and was an experiment on Adagio’s part to see how having children in this new world would affect their pack. She came to find that she rather enjoyed this way of making children far more than the way back in Equestria, and instantly fell in love with her new daughter.
Dew was a happy child, always enjoying being around her mother and aunts, getting along with the locals, and just being a bright light in everyone’s life. She grew up fast and become sort-of a second mother to her siblings and cousins, helping take care of them and ensuring that everyone was as happy as they could be.
As a result, Dew had many suitors from a young age, and ended up marrying at 17 and quickly starting a family of her own. Sadly, the more children she had with her new husband the less time she had to spend with her siblings and cousins, but she still did her best to make time for them.
Dew took the sirens leaving the hardest as she had been the most attached to her parents, but eventually realized from the way the townsfolk had talked about her mother that it was for the best. She vowed to be as good of a mother as she had thought her own mother to be, and raised a large and happy family.
She died at the age of 62 having lived a life with no regrets.
Harp Note (1008-1075)
Harp Note had always been a bright, but stoic child, never making many friends but always impressing all of the adults around him. He enjoyed studying and physical training, and everyone around him believed he would grow up to be an amazing soldier. As a child and a teenager he had a constant rival with his cousin Golden Knight, the two competing to see who was better in competitions of skill and strength.
Eventually Harp Note did join the military, and made his way up the ranks astoundingly quick. His strategic mind and abilities in combat made him amazing at his job, and his ability to keep calm under pressure meant he wasn’t rattled when things went wrong. He decided that the military wasn’t his true passion though, and once he was old enough to leave he left and dedicated himself to politics in the hope of creating a better future for his country.
His mother leaving was the source of his inspiration, wanting to create a country that she would feel comfortable coming back to one day. Though he had been brilliant as a military commander, he found politics to be a trickier battlefield as he could not simply suppress his opponents with strength or skill, and purely had to use his mind to take them down.
It was fortunate then that he had the help of his cousin Noble Lass, and the two of them were able to pass several important laws that made the life of everyone in the country better. Though he had his detractors, no one could deny that Harp Note loved his country and they were all better off for him being part of it. He eventually passed away at the age of 67 from illness.
Olive Branch (1011-1070)
Olive Branch was a happy and hyper child, wanting to play with everyone at any opportunity she could. She loved singing and dancing, hearing and sharing stories, and would often go around town looking for people sharing stories and tales to then share for herself. She was always the first outside to play, and the last one in as it got late. She had an infectious charm that seemed to draw everyone in, and Olive loved learning as much as she could about everyone she met.
As a result she also ended up having many suitors from a young age, and ended up marrying at 16 and starting a family shortly there after. Much to the chagrin of other mothers, having kids didn’t seem to deter Olive’s energy even a little bit. She would take care of her kid and when they went to sleep she would be just as active with the adults in her life as she had been when she was younger.
She eventually obtained a job delivering mail and documents, realizing it was the perfect way for her to travel and meet people, and a way to bring the culture of others back home to be shared with her family. She did so well at her job that after doing it that eventually she was tasked by her brother to carry official and important documents for the Senate. Olive was more than elated to help her brother with his job and accepted eagerly.
She was a perfect postman for several decades before political dissenters began to catch on to the fact that she was the one delivering important documents for the senate. Olive continued to do her best to befriend everyone she met even in her old age, but those who disliked her helping the current Government refused to be befriended. As a result, Olive died at the age of 59 when one of her meals was poisoned while she was transporting an important Document for Harp.
Strong Armor (1121-1200)
Strong Armor was born from Adagio’s strong desire to have children again after having found a comfortable place to live after several successive moves. Strong was born to a strong military father and was raised from a young age to follow in his footsteps. As such, Strong was a stoic child even from a young age, rarely if ever showing emotions.
While his brick-wall style personality didn’t endear him to many people, it also didn’t leave many people feeling put off by him. He rarely judged anyone for their actions and was reliable to do what was needed to be done for him. He was incredibly strong and agile as well as fiercely loyal, so it only ever benefited you to earn his trust.
He officially joined the military upon becoming a fully recognized adult and spent his years training and performing his military duties. He was nigh untouchable in training, and enemy troops began to fear seeing the Iron Wall of Switzerland walking onto the battlefield. He continued his military career for as long as he could until a grievance injury forcibly retired him at the age of 58.
Once out of the military he was unsure of what to do, but was highly sought after as a husband due to his services in the war. He was never interested in finding a wife however, and eventually settled down with a fellow retired soldier he had grown a connection with during his years of service. The two took care of each other in their older age, and Strong eventually passed away from old age at the age of 79.
Fair Maiden (1126-1208)
Fair Maiden was a mischievous child growing up, beautiful to a fault and she knew it. She took advantage of this to get favors and gifts that she desperately wanted, and if anyone gave her grief over it she would sick her older brother on them, quickly silencing them. She developed an air of sincerity and kindness that made anyone who looked at her believe she was an angel descended on the earth, while quietly wrapping them around her finger.
Not to say she wasn’t kind, however. She genuinely had a fondness for children and loved caring for the ones who came to see her in her village. She was an exceptional gardener and loved tending to her flowers, often treating them as her own children and only plucking the ones who she could tell were going to begin fading. Those flowers she would often weave into a flower crown for herself and the children of the village, giving her the nickname the ‘Angel of Flowers’.
As a result, Maiden quickly attracted a large number of suitors looking for her hand in marriage. Maiden, however, wasn’t keen on the idea of settling down just yet, and used their affections to her advantage to shower her in more wealth and gifts. She was never left wanting and enjoyed seeing the idiots be manipulated so easily. After all, if they genuinely wanted her affections, they’d gain it properly, not beg like dogs.
She eventually settled down with a merry couple who she had genuinely befriended at first, that eventually developed into a romantic relationship with the both of them. As a result she started a family with them, both having children of her own and adopting several who needed homes. Fair Maiden loved her family, and the wealth she had amassed would be passed on to her new family. She died at the age of 82 from old age.
Holy Word (1218-1252)
Holy Word is the first child of the 'Holy Trinity’ alongside Second Lamb and Solemn Heart. The Dazzlings had found that the locals would welcome them in and grant them sanctuary with open arms if they followed the word of the Lord and used that to their advantage. As such, religion was a core fundamental for their lives growing up in the village.
Holy Word was originally named 'Accent Word’, but became so enraptured in the teachings of the pastor Divine Truth, that she elected to change her name to help spread the word of the lord. Holy was deeply enraptured in the Pastor’s words, very easily and very quickly crushing on the older man. The infatuation drove her passion for the religion and made her do everything she could to spend every waking hour in his presence. As such she began to become much stricter on those who broke the religious creeds he painted for the town, and came down harshly on dissenters.
At the age of 16, she followed her mother and aunts out one night, and discovered a horrifying truth. They were using the Devils magic to siphon the life out of the villagers, using their voices to sing falsehoods. Utterly betrayed and devastated, Holy began to plan her revenge against the sirens for betraying the Lord in the most heinous way, and would punish any who sided with them. She and her younger sister fought over this, Second Lamb defending their mother as a good woman who had raised them well. Holy warned Lamb that if she continued to blindly follow them, she was to be punished for the devil worshiper she would became.
At the age of 17, a witch hunt for the Sirens began, being led by Holy Word and approved by Pastor Divine Truth. Second Lamb had tried to talk her sister down, but was captured and placed before the whole town as an example for those who would betray the lord and follow the heinous Witches.
Holy burned her sister to death for the sake of her beliefs.
Although the sirens were never captured and killed for their heinous betrayal of the lord, the aftermath of the events lingered with the village for the rest of their days. Holy spent the rest of her time at the church, growing closer to Divine Truth and believing in everything he said. Including sinful acts where the rest of the town couldn’t see, that she believed were okay because they involved a holy man who was the word of God.
Holy became pregnant out of wedlock and realized her mistake with this, planning a way to avoid it causing issue in her community. She went on a year-long pilgrimage out of the village, traveling far away to have the child, and then traveled back to her village. In the dead of night she left the village in front of the church for Divine Truth to find, and then would return a month later and be 'surprised’ that a child had been left at the church for her to care for.
Raising the child and spreading the word of the lord became her life, up until she caught the plague and became bedridden with her illness. She died from this at the age of 34.
Second Lamb (1220-1235)
Second Lamb is the second child of the 'Holy Trinity’ alongside Holy Word and Solemn Heart. Second Lamb was originally named 'Golden Fleece’, but changed her name when Holy Word changed her name. Holy Word wanted to spread the word of the Lord and wanted to show the world that they were the lambs of God’s flock. Holy Word would be the first Lamb, and Fleece would be the second. Fleece agreed, and thus became 'Second Lamb’.
Lamb was a fairly quiet child, enjoying the teachings of the Lord but never centered her life around them. She enjoyed the peace of the village, enjoyed spending time with her mother, and loved her family dearly.
Lamb loved sewing and was apprenticing as a seamstress for the village. Making blankets and clothes was something she believed she’d be doing for her part of the village and was getting quite proficient at it.
However, that all came to an end when Holy came to her, raving about their Mother and Aunts being witches who worshiped the devil and needed to be expunged from their community. Lamb did her best to calm Holy down, but her sister was inconsolable. When the witch hunts for their mother began, Lamb desperately tried to get her sister to see reason, but was ultimately presented to the village to be made an example of.
She was burned to death at the age of 15.
Quill Note (1322-1399)
Quill Note grew up in the harsh frozen north, but always found his surroundings rather beautiful. Even as a child learning to read and write he loved to write about the nature of the land around him. Poems were easier for him as a child, but he’d slowly develop into longer and more complex forms of writing as he grew older. He soon became so immersed in writing that sometimes that would be all he would do for days at a time.
His favorite stories to write were Non-Fiction stories about nature and history, however his most popular works always turned out to be his fictional parables. He wrote about all sorts of subjects and often had niche audiences in the neighboring towns for his different genres. He made most of his money submitting short stories to local bookstores, though this wasn’t highly profitable it did begin to spread his name around.
He eventually was able to write enough to afford raising a family, though his name never quite became world famous. He wrote several novels throughout his lifetime, and thousands of short stories, many that were packed into collections and continuously sold until his final days. He died at the age of 77 from a heart attack, shortly after having finished his memoirs.
Feather tip (1325-1410)
Feather Tip was a happy girl who felt very in-tune with nature. She had a mysterious habit of talking to animals out in the wild and them seeming to listen to her, and her even claiming she understood what they said, though this was never verified. If she could be outside she preferred it, even when it was detrimental to her health to do so in the cold frozen winters.
Feather’s tendency to continuously wander outside into dangerous areas she was unprepared for made Adagio have to be a little strict with her upbringing, telling her that she couldn’t go outside unless she had finished her chores. This motivated Feather into being able to accomplish all of her chores in record time, and do it perfectly on the first pass, much to Adagio’s frustration.
Feather got along well with the locals and was easy to make friends. She always seemed to prefer animals to people, but never minded company at all. She eventually took up a job as a maid, since she was extremely good at it and the work paid well. She set her prices high and always made people take back any complaints about her prices when her work was finished.
She used her money to help raise a small family she started, as well as on some local conservation efforts to help out the animals nearby as well. It seemed they had a tendency to be hunted and she wanted to make sure this never got out of hand, and did a fairly good job of it as well. She eventually passed away from old age at the age of 85.
Cold Front (1327-1379)
Cold Front was a mostly grumpy, aloof child who tended to prefer being by himself growing up. He took to foraging and hunting fairly early on, though really only did so out of necessity than any real enjoyment out of it. He had a tendency to float around in life, doing as he was told but never really committing to any one thing.
Adagio worried about him and suggested many different things that he could try and be good at, most of which he was fine at but had no passion for them. Eventually he decided to give Military service a try and went into training. He proved to be an above average fighter in his field and did well at his station. He didn’t have much passion for this either, but did at least take pride in protecting the citizens of his homeland.
He eventually damaged his eye in a skirmish and was blinded in it, ending his service in the military. When he returned home he decided that the best thing for him to do was to simply start a family and carry on his family blood more than anything else, and soon found himself a wife and comfortable place to live. He fathered several children and lived a simple life until his final days. He died at the age of 52 from illness.
Saint Arc (1412-1431)
Saint Arc was a child that Adagio thought she was going to be able to raise herself, however an organization known as the Immortal Hunters had caught on to their location, and Adagio was forced to leave the child behind to survive. She gave the child to a couple who had been wanting a child and used her magic to convince them Arc was theirs.
They named the child after their strong Christian beliefs, and raised the child as their own. Arc was a well tempered girl growing up who enjoyed helping her father in the garden. However, at the age of 13, she began to get visions of great Christian figures telling her to drive out the English and to bring the current Prince to Reims for his coronation.
This spurred Arc into action, and at the age of 16 she stormed a military garrison demanding an armed escort to see the crowned Prince. While initially rejected, she was eventually able to convince them to escort her. Once there, she used her visions to convince the Prince that she would grant him victory in his wars and elevate him to king. She was granted this privilege and was sent off to war.
Arc’s participation in these wars turned them into a religious war, in which she was held up as miraculous saint of the battlefield. She was able to predict the enemies plans and led her men into several victories. This lasted only for a couple of years until one battle saw her captured by the enemy and was put on trial to discredit her and the king she had brought to power.
The trial ultimately ended in her downfall, with her being executed via public burning. She died at the age of 19, but was forever considered a martyr of her cause and was held as a mythic figure for history to remember.
Spike ‘The Impaler’ (1428-1477)
Spike the Impaler was born as an illegitimate heir to the Romanian empire, but was believed to be a legitimate heir due to Adagio’s magic. After having managed to escape the Immortal Hunters the sirens believed that settling down with a royal family would give them the protection from them they needed, and thus used their magic to bewitch the Darkbat family that were the current rulers.
However, despite being part of the royal family life was not easy for Spike, as at the age of 14 he was held hostage by an opposing nation, much to Adagio’s fury. She didn’t have enough magic to safely return him, but thankfully he was returned when his father and elder brother were assassinated, and he started a lifelong campaign to regain his father’s power.
After an eight year struggle he was able to achieve his goal, however the atrocities he had committed this period had labeled him with the nickname 'Spike the Impaler’ for his penchant of impaling his enemies on stake and leaving them to die. He left thousands of bodies impaled on spears on the battlefield as a deterrent for enemy forces.
He was eventually captured by enemy forced and imprisoned for several years, before escaping and regaining his throne, only to be killed in battle the same year that he had escaped. He died at the age of 48.
Faithful Hope (1512-1558)
Faithful Hope was born in the hopes of being able to have a normal, happy child after having to abandon Arc and the difficult life Spike lived. Adagio wormed her way into another noble family, a nicer one this time, and hoped everything would work out. However, she was born unable to walk much to Adagio’s dismay. Adagio was a huge part of Hope’s life as a result, just wanting to make sure her child was as happy as possible.
Though Hope couldn’t walk, she was a happy and cheerful child who did everything she could to make the best of her situation. Thanks to her noble upbringing and Adagio’s adoration she was given the finest opportunities a young lady of her time could afford. She always enjoyed exploring and seeing the land, and she only grew more curious of the outside world as she got older.
She had a remarkable mind with a spread of knowledge over math, astronomy, and medicine. However the nobles around her thought this was unnecessary for a young woman who was simply meant to be wed and start a family, so she studied and published her studies under a pseudonym. However, one of the nobles found out about this, and was taken by her sharp mind and determined spirit that was hiding inside such a gentle, beautiful lady. After only a day, he began courting her and within the month they were engaged, completely taken with each other.
Her husband was a Grand Duke that went on to rule the country, making Hope the eventual Queen of Poland. The two were beloved rulers and nurturing parents, bringing about a period of prosperity to the land. Hope eventually became ill from complications due to her disability and spent the last of her days in the care of her loving husband and devoted children. She died at the age of 46.
Storm Shade (1646-1712)
Storm Shade was born in a port town and from a young age loved watching the boats pull in and out of harbor. She felt like it was always her destiny to explore the wonders beyond the horizon, but felt tied down to the leaky seaside town she was raised in. At every opportunity she could she snuck out to the boats and either traveled out to sea with the crews unknowingly or simply watched them perform their tasks. This taught her everything she needed to know about operating the boats for her future adventures.
Once she was old enough she took her sister, stole a boat, and set sail for the open seas. With the knowledge she had gained their seafaring adventures turned out far more successful than anyone thought they would. Jumping from island to island, finding treasure, meeting new people, getting a taste for new foods and ale, Storm was living the life she had always wanted.
This, of course, often got her in trouble with both the local villages and the other pirates who roamed the sea. It quickly became a fact of life that you learned to swash-buckle or end up at the bottom of Davy Jones Locker. Storm became an adept fighter and carried her crew almost single handedly well into her adulthood.
However, she was finally bested by a rival pirate captain who forced her to marry him. She settled with him just long enough to raise a child, before having had enough and slit the mans throat in his sleep. She left the child behind and vowed to return to the open sea, commandeering a new ship to find out what had happened to her crew. However, upon sailing out she mysteriously vanished out at sea, with no one knowing what had become of her.
After several decades Storm mysteriously returned, though now and old and ill, she refused to speak with anyone but her sister. Storm then told the one and only person that was closest to her what had become of her since she vanished, and then passed away peacefully at the age of 66.
Thunder Watch (1650-1736)
Thunder Watch grew up watching her sister admire the boats, and wondered what her fascination with them was. After each time Storm got in trouble, Thunder would talk with her about what she was doing, and more and more Thunder drew an interest herself.
Thunder had grown up with expectations thrust upon her, who she was meant to be and what she was supposed to do. She hated all of them. So when her sister fled to become a pirate, she was more than happy to join alongside her, even at the age of 10. Out on the open seas and as a pirate, she was free to be the person she always knew she was meant to be.
Though she was never as wild and adventurous as her sister, Thunder enjoyed all of their travels. She had her sister’s back at every turn, and trusted Storm’s decisions. The two enjoyed several years of pirating together, forming a large crew year after years, until the two thought they were unstoppable. That came to an end when Storm traded her life for the safety of the crew, and Thunder was left confused on what to do next.
It took over a year, but Thunder eventually managed to help Storm escape her captivity and took to the task of raising Storm’s child while Storm fled to the sea. Thunder took to the task with a surprising amount of love, as it allowed her to be the mother she otherwise would never have been able to be.
Thunder hung up her pirating hat after that, spending the rest of her days as a legitimate ship captain alongside her son. She continued to sail ships until her death at the age of 86.
Tresor Trove (1767-1845)
Tresor Trove is the eldest of twin brothers by 8 minutes. He was born into French nobility and grew up knowing luxuries that few other would get to experience. He got along well with the other noble adults around him and was often recruited into social gatherings with the other children. He was well educated and well mannered and very popular.
He was very unaware of the social turmoil that was brewing amongst the populace as he aged. He sought to become a scholar and record history as his profession. He was saddened by the disappearance of his mother, but strove forward, intent to make things better for the people of his country.
And then the country erupted into violent revolution. As part of the French nobility, Tresor and his brother struggled to stay out of the public executions there were going on like crazy. Because of the surprisingly good relation with the populace, Tresor was able to work with the people to keep him and his brother off of the chopping block.
It only worked for so long as eventually the revolt caught up to him and his brother, but Tresor was able to escape just at the end of the revolution, settling down for a life in the countryside. He met a wife and started a family, eventually dying of old age at the age of 78.
Marseillaise Mark (1767-1799)
Marseillaise Mark was the youngest of twin brothers by 8 minutes. He was born into French nobility and grew up knowing luxuries that few other would get to experience. He mostly got along well with the other noble adults around him, but often had difficulty socializing as much as his older brother did. He wasn’t recruited into nearly as many social gatherings as his brother, but never minded that much. He was decently educated and enjoyed more physical activities.
He was mostly unaware of the social turmoil that was brewing amongst the populace as he aged, but did see some of the descent coming. He was aiming to become a professional athlete and used the disappearance of his mother as his resolve to improve himself.
Then the country erupted into violent revolution, and as part of the French nobility Mark and his brother struggled to stay out of the public executions. Because of the surprisingly good relation with the populace, Mark was able to work with the people and keep him and his brother off of the chopping block.
However this didn’t work forever, and Mark was captured when he was away from his brother and was taken to a public execution as one of the last to be executed. He was executed at the age of 32.
Soprano Song (1832-1908)
Soprano Song was born in a quiet village in the Netherlands, where she spent most of her early youth playing in the open fields of the land. Adagio had wanted a simple life with a small family after a lot of stressful running around, and had that with Soprano. It wasn’t long before Soprano gained a young cousin named Lily Passion, and the two were inseparable growing up.
Soprano and her cousin Lily lived a decent life in their village alongside their parents, up until their parents moved away without them once they were old enough to fend for themselves. Soprano was sad and put her heart into her singing as a result, which wowed the local villagers. It soon became Soprano’s job to sing for the locals while Lily made a living gardening.
However, a wave of changing political sentiment across the land stirred up trouble for Soprano and her cousin. Looking into what to do about it, Soprano eventually was told about new opportunities taking place in the country of America, and suggested to Lily that they should follow in their mothers footsteps and leave. Lily agreed and the two quickly packed up and made their way to America.
They arrived on Ellis Island and moved into a tenement, where Soprano was popular for her beautiful singing voice. She struggled to learn English, but was able to mimic the sounds enough to sing in their language without fully understanding the words, and began to make a living as a singer in the country. Sadly her music career didn’t quite roll in the big bucks she had hoped it would, but was able to make enough that her and Lily had a comfortable life together.
She eventually found a loving husband and started a happy family together with him. She continued to improve her English and singing voice, and eventually was able to make a small name for herself with a steady income to support her family into her old age. She eventually happily retired, purchasing a small theater that she gave her name and stayed with her family, running the theater before passing away of old age at the age of 76.
Brave Heart (1894-1944)
Brave Heart was a happy child, growing up in the developing urban state of Pennsylvania. He enjoyed exploring the city and felt a deep sense of appreciation for his home. He got along well with his mother and aunts.
Just as the Dazzlings were considering moving away, World War I hit the world and Brave Heart felt like there was more that he could do to help out, and so he joined the army at the age of 20. He made his way through basic training and mostly awaited to see action in the war, but eventually did see ground battles in it. He was fortunately never severely injured and was awarded for his heroic actions during the war.
After the war he came home to find his mother and aunts had left and was very confused by this turn of events. He moved on eventually and started a family of his own, though continued to serve in the military as he found it to be his calling. He was a model soldier and though he was eventually offered promotions he was adamant that he preferred not being in charge of the other soldiers, as his own experience in the field made him feel inadequate for the role.
This continued on until World War II hit, and Brave Heart knew he was going to be needed in the line of duty again. Things were not looking good for the war and Brave Heart didn’t see much action until a massive campaign was launched to start turning the tide of the war. Unfortunately he never got to see how the war would end as he ultimately lost his life on the beaches of Normandy at the age of 45.
Victory Belle (1918-2010)
Victory Belle was born while her previous son was still serving in the military, out of a sense of loss that he was the one who had left her and not the other way around. New York was a huge, bustling up and coming city and it only made sense to Adagio to try and develop a family there.
Things seemed to be going well until the stock market crashed, plummeting everyone into economic despair. The Dazzlings were ultimately fine as they were able to use their magic to keep themselves well off, combined with their saved up wealth from over the years, but Victory grew up with the depression being a way of life.
As a result Victory became one of the few children that Adagio told the truth about herself to, not wanting to move on from her daughter until she was certain Victory would be financially secure and safe. When Victory turned 21, World War II had hit the world and she felt like there was more that she could do for her country. Despite the insistence of her Mother to stay out of it, Victory joined the war effort as a Nurse, tending to wounded soldiers and rushing medicine to them on the field and even becoming a pilot after a while, to fly medicine out to soldiers at different ports. She also performed as the star of USO shows to help bolster the war effort and became immensely popular and adored amongst the soldiers. As difficult as the war was, there was a certain romance to the experience for her.
She eventually met a well-to-do commanding officer and as she was becoming marrying age it was only reasonable that when she returned to the mainland, she agreed to marry him. She met up with her mother to share the news, and found that the Dazzlings were struggling with keeping their true identities hidden. Victory Belle wanted to help her family more than anything, and convinced the Dazzlings to let Misty Breeze and Smooth Tone live with her so that they could continue to hide in safety and they’d be able to see their kids whenever they wanted. Because of this Victory decided against her plans of trying to start a singing career and focused solely on her family.
Victory Belle ended up starting a family of her own, the eldest of her children being Cherry Jubilee and Abacus Cinch. She loved her children and cousins dearly, though the stress of raising such a large family alongside the emotional scars left by the war took a toll on her. She never let her family see the damage, wanting to be the best for them without thinking of herself. Her highlights of her day were working at a local theater directing plays and teaching music - she was never famous yet she impacted the lives of every young actor in the city who came through for her teaching. She also loved writing letters to her old friends from her youth and whenever she was able to see Adagio. She and her family were able to take trips across the United States, including a trip (with Adagio unbeknownst to her husband and children) to Washington DC to see Misty Breeze in the Bicentennial Celebration.
Cinch grew up to become a well-off Educational Administrator who accepted a job to Canterlot to run one of the most prestigious Schools in the country, and ultimately convinced her mother, her father having passed already, to move down to live there with her. Victory was reluctant but ultimately agreed since her child’s career was more important than her own faded one. She left her job at the theater and the family moved to Canterlot, living together for several years until Victory began to get on in years and was moved into a Nursing Home where she would more properly be taken care of. However, now that she was separated from her family her spirits became dim and she was never quite as bright as she had been when she was living with her family.
Victory Belle took comfort in the fact that her mother was at least there with her for her last years, having moved the Dazzlings there so she could tend to her Victory Belle, though the fact that her family seemed to have let her go so easily made it harder for her to fight off the inevitable. She died peacefully of old age at 92 with her Mother at her side.
Misty Breeze (1932-????)
Misty Breeze was born as a result of a marriage Adagio took with a rich man to help her out during the Great Depression. Fortunately for Misty the Great Depression seemed to be but a memory for people as she turned 7 at the start of World War II. She grew up with a lot of War Propaganda around her, and even ended up being in some of it herself due to her older sister Victory Belle. She became a famous face when she was photographed leading the kids of her town around to help the War Effort to help Victory.
Her beauty at such a young age drew attention, and by her teenage years she was being offered jobs to model for several large companies. She started off as a small-time model, but by the time she was an adult she was a full-fledged model. She was a sensational hit with people and turned heads wherever she went.
She met a wonderful young man who she quickly fell in love with and thought it was going to be the bright and passionate start of the next chapter of her life. However when she thought she would starting a family, her contract companies forced her to terminate her first child to keep her svelte figure. She ultimately agreed and continued to model for a few years, even being the Bicentennial Girl in the biggest parade in her time, but carried the guilt of that decision for several years until she could break out of her contract for a time and have a proper child with her husband.
Misty went on to have several more kids, doing some small time modeling between but began to focus more on her own artistic talents. She was an excellent photographer and even took up painting on the side. Everyone who knew her knew her as a bright and passionate young woman who brought a brilliant light to everyone in her life.
However as she grew older her mind began to decline and people began to grow concerned as she seemed to forget really important things, or start repeating actions that she had already performed. The final straw came when she wandered outside one night and had no idea where she was and was lost for several hours. They put her into a nursing home where she was eventually diagnosed with Dementia.
She now rests in the nursing home, spending each day in relative peace not fully knowing or remembering what is going on day to day or even who is visiting her. Some days are better than others, but she often gets visits from a beautiful young lady that she can’t quite remember who she is.
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