#like pushes himself until he realizes the world is getting pretty weird but also that he’s well within the range of sleep paralysis
sheltershock · 7 months
Sasha is absolutely a “do what I say, not as I do” type of person. In the exact same day he’d lecture Raz about getting enough sleep, citing memorized research and journals that kids his age should be getting a suggested 10 hours of sleep each day. And encouraging him that when he gets older he’ll only have to sleep about seven, so he’ll have more time in the day eventually.
And then hours later, he’d turn to Milla and go “it’s suggested that adults sleep 7 hours day…. which would make sleep a suggestion-“
“Sasha, please, don’t do this again.”
”But if you actually think about it, I get more time in the day and I can multitask on testing the results of that study of how long a human can stay up-“
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
dare i ask what lukes reaction would be to five star trying to break up with him because of the hate from his fans 😆 i love angst
well.... the angst monster got all of us in a chokehold i guess because i ran to my laptop to answer this ask!
i think five star would try to break up with luke a few months after luke told the world about their relationship (after that ellen-esque interview i referenced in this ask). i imagine it's over summer break and five star and clar are spending the break touring with the band. and luke notices that five star is acting strangely distant with him.
like i'm talking you kissed him (a peck which left luke pretty sad) once when he picked you up from the airport and gave him a side hug and chose to sit in the backseat with clarisse instead of sitting shotgun next to him (which also ticked chris off a little bit because he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend, but you didn't want to leave clar's side)
and when you get to the hotel that they're staying at, luke is trying to talk to you and kiss you because he just missed you so much. but you keep saying that the flight got you so tired and you just want to sleep. and luke doesn't wanna push you so he lets you sleep. he tries to keep himself busy, watching videos on his phone while he's sitting on the couch (with his airpods in of course, he didn't want to wake you) but then his airpods die and he hears this weird notification on your phone. so he looks just because he's curious and he sees that you had notifications on for google flight trackers and you're looking up one way flights to go home two days from today...?
his heart sinks to his stomach because why were you already looking at flights to leave? you just got here. did you not want to spend summer with him anymore? he was really looking forward to spending his days with you, like how it used to be back at camp. and he just kind of spirals a little bit.
he leaves the hotel room and marches over to chris' room because he really needed to talk to his best friend. he would ask you and talk to you but he didn't want to wake you because what if he was just in his head and you really were just tired? so he knocks on chris' door and chris (annoyed) tells him to go away and luke cringes because he realizes that clarisse is there and if you and him were on better terms, he would probably also not open the door for anyone.
so he goes back to his room only to realize that he locked himself out. he sits outside and keeps watching his little videos until his phone dies to try to distract himself from going crazy and he dozes off leaning on the door. when you wake up in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom and you realize you're alone in the room, you're immediately grabbing your wallet and keys to look for luke because it's not like him to disappear without telling you.
turns out, you didn't have to look too far because the minute you open the door, luke falls to the ground with a soft 'ow' and he looks at you apologetically for waking you. and it makes your heart crumble because he was so cute and sweet and you've been such a bitch to him since you got there.
you tell him to get up and let him in the room and he's timid and worried and anxious because it feels like the other shoe is about to drop. and when it does, you're sitting on the foot of the bed you're supposed to share and you're crying and luke feels torn because he wants to kiss your tears away but you're literally breaking up with him.
and by the time you finish your sentence, it feels like luke's heart was pierced by an arrow and all he can say is "what did i do?"
goddamn luke castellan. of course his first instinct is to assume that he wasn't enough and your heart constricts in your chest and then you're sobbing about how much it hurts seeing what people said about you online and it's starting to feel like you'll never be enough for him.
the minute those words leave your lips, luke's eyes are all watery and he's kinda laughing, not because he doesn't think the situation wasn't serious but because he just can't believe that you still don't get how much he loves you. when you hear him laughing, you're looking at him all confused (and a little hurt that he's joking about this) and he instantly grabs your face in your hands and kisses you the way he's been wanting to kiss you since you got here.
the kiss is messy and there's so much tears involved but when he finally pulls away, he's mumbling things you can't comprehend because the kiss left you breathless and dizzy and cursing at yourself for even thinking about letting this go.
and luke is calling you five star like he always does and makes some dramatic declaration about how if you tried to break up with him again, he'd probably die of heartbreak and you'd tell him he's being dramatic but he's soooo serious.
he'll kiss you over and over and just sigh in your mouth about how much he missed you and all you can do is cling to him (but he's not complaining because if he had it his way, he would stay glued to you forever) and you spend the night in luke's arms telling him about everything that's been building up and he listens until you're out of words.
at their next show, the band debuts an unreleased song (which gets pirated and uploaded as a podcast episode on spotify) called 17 (by pink sweat$) and while the crowd is cheering for them, he looks to the side of the stage and blows you a kiss.
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theman-and-themachine · 3 months
I will go... chronological. Maybe. Very undetailed/detailed in specific and nonsense ways.
THEY MET IN COLLEGE BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY DID. Henry coming from literally like 10~ years of prior homeschooling (could not go to school because. Its hell. and he had breakdowns often). William being shipped over straight from a boarding school.
Their uh. Aquaintenceship starts rocky. William is an angsty almost-adult that needs to control and bully and hurt things and weird people out to get a reaction. Henry is a thing that seems to have no limits, and does not bat an eye at literally any of William's behaviors(doesnt care or geniunely doesnt know that those behaviors are not appropriate (probably engages in some himself))
UH anyways general bullying turns to William annoyingly sticking his nose in Henry's business and going "is that your fursona?" "Yea" "thats cringe" "ok." "... tell me about it."
William gets feelings first. Henry gets feelings soon after.
William gets special interest in Henry(sort of. Mostly a joke but yknow what i mean). Foxy and SpringBonnie are developed around now.
Henry begins to trust William a LOT. he's geniunely interested in what Henry has to say and is extremely supportive of his projects. (Theres def.s some general belittleing maniupulation shit but yknow williams still an asshole, its not like he's a evil villian mastermind he's just an asshole teenager). Henry also hates William, who still picks on him and causes issues and-- aaannd aaand. They get into a fight, privately. Mostly because of Bill pushing his luck and Henry already being worn thin. William gets the shit knocked out of him (and all the sense knocked out, too.). Henry is mentally exhausted and shutting down.
They get to have their first weird intimate moment, or whatever it is like after you have a giant fight. William confirms his crush.
Jojo meets Henry. Henry loves Jojo and JoJo loves henry and theres lots of stuff i can say here but YOU ASKED FOR WILLRY SO: Henry likely compares how he feels about Jojo to how he feels about Bill, and realizes that they are... similar. Very similar.
(Jojo: here is my husbans and here is my husband's boyfriend)
Henry starts to think about (genderly ambigious) springbonnie and projects some feelings onto it.
William's grossness never left but presence of Jojo gets him angry and jealous and Generally swings from I HATE HENRY to HENRY IS LITERALLY MY SAVIOR constantly. Habit starts and never ends.
ANYEAYS ANHWAYS TAILEND OF COLLEGE i think their most important bonding moments are while creating.
Brainstorming ideas off one another. Henry spending ages constructing this perfect plan, measuring, constructing small prototypes, then doing the final thing all in one go. William starting with a spark, making it, adding on, removing, revising, until it's completed. And they both take the same time to do it.
Most of their conversations become the Diner and their Creations. Projecting thoughts and emotions through Fredbear and Springbonnie. "I'm having a kid." "That's awesome man, anyways how do you feel about the visibilty of the performer-eyes." "I think it's visible enough... another coat of paint would look better."
It defiently becomes a sort of safe haven fantasy world, for the both of them. William's already pretty troubled, and gets more stressed with family life. Henry's... also already pretty troubled, and gets a LOT more stressed with the death of Jojo(and his daughter to raise by himself).
I do think Charlie spent a lot of time in the workshop (garages). I still think she was neglected pretty hard lol BUT henry fucking loved her he just is bad at being a bad. Go pay attention to your kid u jackass.
Anyways i think Fredbear+SpringBonnie are developed into their fantasy. I want to live out my days, just you and me, happy and bantering forever.
And then William's youngest dies.
Fredbear = Henry. Henry created everything, William might fancy himself the mastermind but Henry was the one who physicay created everything, who kept up maintence, who killed his son.
William could never bring himself to hurt Henry. Henry is part of HIS fantasy, if he'd destroyed him then William would have nothing left.
He needed this world more than anything else. He needed it to be everything, to retreat into it. He needed Henry to follow him, to abandon the real world that he was still, barely, tethered to.
Pspspspsppsspss charlie cmere.
okayOKAY MOSTLY DEPRESSING AFTER THIS but i do rlly think Henry is still very much ALSO attached to Fredbear and SpringBonnie and their world.and you knoe the guy has dreams(and nightmares) about it constantly. He runs Fredbear and Friends on the tv in the background and sobs into his beer bottle.
Theyre weird together. Heart emoji. I geniunely do think they love eachother. Henry still loves the Bill he knew.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
Summary: Hearts shifted
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Did everyone watch the three new episodes for Bad Batch? I was anxious, tears welled up, happy, frustrated. In short, my emotions were all over the place. But I can't wait to see the next episode.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend.
Love oo
Due to the past history of the OC there will be discussions alluding to past domestic abuse, please note that as it could be a trigger for some.
Warnings: physical closeness, grooming horses, scents, brush discussions, Din being adorable. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Chapter Eight
She’d been so focused on Din’s instructions and her own actions, she hadn’t realized how close he’d gotten; at least, not until she turned her head to look at him and then their eyes locked. Suddenly, the world stilled as her eyes slowly took in his features, felt the brush of his breath against her cheek, the woodsy, leather, gun oil scent that filled her nostrils. Her body realized and became all too aware of how close he was - - how his shirt and the warmth from his body brushed against her back, how the heat of his hand seeped into her own as he guided her. 
 In that moment there was nothing but a rushing hum in my ears, as the blood pushed through my veins without restraint, as my heart started thumping in my chest. 
All thoughts, questions, everything just stopped as I looked deep into his warm, kind and chestnut coloured eyes. 
I tried to remember the last time someone looked at me with such kindness and warmth, the fact that nothing came straight to my mind caused my heart to lurch. 
Time seemed to have lost all meaning in that moment, it was only when Misty shifted and knocked her leash against the barn breaking the weird tension between us, that I finally looked elsewhere.
I cleared my throat, shifting away from him a little, hoping he didn’t think I found him uncomfortable. In reality, it wasn’t him that made me uncomfortable, it was that weird feeling in my heart that sent a tingling sensation down my arms to my hands. 
“I think I got it.” I stated as I found my strength once again, now that I wasn’t looking at him or sensing his warmth. 
Din cleared his throat, nodding as he rubbed the back of his neck. He hadn’t meant to invade her personal space, or to be so close that he could practically smell the soft, spicy, citrusy, balsamic scent coming off her, it was so different from anything Camilla had ever worn before. Was it her shampoo or was that her body wash? Maybe it was her lotion? Either way, he found himself leaning a little to smell it once again. He dug his nails into his palm, getting him to fight back to reality. He closed his eyes, letting the pain in his hands snap him out of whatever that was, he shifted away from her. He opened his eyes focusing on Misty, grounding himself as he tried to understand what just happened. Why did he just … he shook his head, focusing back on the task at hand.
“Good. Once you finish currying Misty, then we move on to brushing her coat.”
“Are there different brushes for each stage?”
Din shifted his head, “Yes and no. There are different types of horse brush, for example a body brush, great for removing dust, dried sweat from fine coats. Great for improving circulation and evenly distributing natural oils within the coat. Then there’s a dandy brush, used for bushing off mud, dander and grease, ideal for heavy or coarse coats. It’s too harsh for fine coated horses, such as thoroughbreds, and usually used during winter months when coats are thicker. There’s a flick brush, designed to flex and flick away debris, they’re best used after an initial groom, like we are.” He reached over and passed the flick brush to Ann, “There’s two types of flick brushes, one for fine coats and one for coarse coats. I also have a water brush, which is pretty self explanatory, a finishing brush which you use in the final step in the grooming process, used to polish and create an ultra shine. Then you have your grooming mitt, which is a soft fluffy mitt that can be used instead of a finishing brush. Finally, you have what’s called a curry comb, which cleans your brushes, keeps them lasting longer, and keeps them clean causing them to work better. Anyway, for the flick brush, you want to use short flicking motions to brush off the dirt we dislodged. Brush the area we just went over, and remember to avoid the head, mane, tail and lower legs. So begin at the neck and work your way around, following the direction of the hair growth.”
I nodded taking in everything he said, I glanced over my shoulder seeing him turn to walk away, “Where are you going?” The question was out of my mouth before I could even stop it, not sure why I was even caring where he went. It wasn’t any of my business. 
“I’m gonna check on Bessie, you mentioned earlier, you thought she was in pain, so I’m gonna go see if she’s alright.” He nodded, tipping his head towards me before heading off to look for Bessie. 
It was a while before Din came back, he looked at Misty, eyeing the work I did.
“Great job, now onto the next step.” He directed me to bring over Taika and start the process over with him. By the time we finished lunch had already come and gone, it was almost two in the afternoon. I glanced at my watch and realized he must be just as hungry as I am. 
He didn’t know why but just watching her as she rested against the corral while Taika and Misty were grazing, made him realize what Cobb mentioned when he brought her to the ranch. What was it again, ‘You know Ann’s not all that bad, she seems sweet. Easy on the eyes, and has a very enjoyable laugh.’ He couldn’t deny it, she wasn’t all that bad, and yeah she was easy on the eyes. He didn’t find her drop dead gorgeous, but she was quite pretty and very capable. Despite never having worked on a farm before she was very reliable, willing to learn and was always asking questions. In fact, he hadn’t had to wake her up or remind her to have dinner ready for Grogu once. She just sort of fell into place. Kind of like she belonged.
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delopsia · 6 months
del 💃🍰 i think it’s time that someone asked about rhett, robby, and reader’s honeymoon...
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...you know, I knew someone was gonna yell at me for ending the post like that 😭 which is exactly why I did it because I will completely forget to write it otherwise. "It was all tame until the honeymoon rolled along..." post in question.
They're sold on the idea of going somewhere new for their honeymoon, unfamiliar to all three of them. And several weeks of research and a weeding later, they find themselves packed up on a plane, looking down at the ocean, on the way to their destination.
Rhett's adorable. He's never done something like this before, and it's so evident in how he lights up. Look at this weird bird! Oh, oh! The buildings are different. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, what in the world is that restaurant over there? Can we stop there? Please? He's all over the place and glued to them at the same time. By the time they get into their room, he's plain tuckered himself out. Dead on the bed before they can realize it.
There is no better way to celebrate the end of a long trip than an impromptu nap. It is also the reason why Rhett wakes up first and realizes he's got a major thing for seeing Bob wearing that new ring on his finger.
Waking up to an impromptu blowjob was not on Bobby's itinerary, but alas, who is he to complain? Bucking up into Rhett's drooling mouth, fucking that pretty little throat without a second thought. With the wedding, stresses of planning, and everything in between, antics like these stopped over a month ago. It's the longest they've gone without intimacy since they moved in together, and it's accidentally the catalyst to...well.
Think of it as a dam bursting.
One moment, everything is calm. Then Reader is waking up and Rhett's being hauled between their legs by his hair, and he's rutting his pale hips against the sheets, and it all goes downhill from there.
They can't keep their hands off of each other. The Reader rides Bob before dinner and Rhett afterward. Then turns around and falls on their knees next to their cowboy, kissing and sucking at the sides of Bobby's flushed cock until he can't take it anymore.
Bob pins Rhett against the edge of the bathtub and fucks his cute little ass until he's limping afterward. Then wakes him up the next morning by riding him. Of course, that ride happened after he sweetly ate the Reader out until they were pushing his head out from between their legs.
They have to leave the beach early because Rhett swings his leg over the Reader's hips and whispers that he wants to ride their strap-on when they get back.
Bob finds himself on his knees, choking on Rhett's cock because they couldn't keep off each other while the Reader was getting ready. And how are they supposed to leave their beloved s/o out when they stumble upon the sight of Rhett cumming on Bob's flushed face?
And then Rhett's at the pool in those annoying short shorts, and his lovers can barely keep themselves from grabbing handfuls of his ass in public.
They do get some things done; they (somehow) manage to try all of the fun restaurants they spotted, including an evening harbor cruise that reminds them all of why they don't take Rhett on boats. He doesn't get sick, fortunately, but he damn near turns green. Spent time watching the sunset on the shore, in which Rhett and Bob got into it with a crab.
"It bit me!"
"No, it pinched you. It doesn't hurt that—ow!"
They venture off alone and return with presents for each other; somehow, the Reader finds a light-up cowboy hat, and of course, they had to see if it'll stay on his head while riding. It did until he got rolled over onto his back...
Went on a short hike and found a cute little waterfall to relax at; Rhett refused to go in the water, Reader and Bobby splashed him so many times that he looked like he hopped in head first. Booked an afternoon riding horseback and got to laugh at Bob struggling to remember how to ride. Rhett still hasn't let him forget about how he almost fell off.
Bobby gets a little sick on day five and spends most of it snuggling on someone's chest, running the slightest fever, his pale face a few shades whiter. And Rhett's just plain homesick, burying himself into Bob's side and not too keen on moving. That's where it all slows down, for the most part. Limiting the remainder of their days to a few adventures at a time for the sake of Bob's energy, entertaining the familiar things to ease Rhett's stress, and spending their time lounging. Plum lazy, as Rhett calls it.
It's quite funny, actually. Rhett and Bob were about the same skin tone when they arrived, but when they board the plane home, Rhett's noticeably tanned, and Bobby is...lightly roasted. Not necessarily sunburnt, but he's got a redness to his cheeks that lingers for a few days. The freckles on his cheeks have been hidden for years, but in the light of their bathroom, the Reader starts to realize they're resurfacing.
Rhett and the Reader have to kiss every single one, from his cheeks to the ones running down his back, don't they?
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fandom-rants · 11 months
What’s your opinion about Tony taking Peter along with him to the airport? Of course he did NOT force him or blackmail him, people are literally making shit up to make Tony look bad (because that’s literally all they have, just words without facts) but just in general what do you think?
The way i see it, this is a good, supposed to be safe mission  preparation first mission for him, but people saying he was bad for doing this to peter.
What do you think?
I mean, storyline-wise, it's pretty forced. The MCU high-ups were like, "Spider-Man makes money; let's get him in there!" So. What can you do.
From within, I liked how we were already well past his origin story, and I loved the dynamic between two Nerdy Boys, I thought the thing about Aunt May being young was weird but fine, since I love getting away from tropes and the 'sweet grandma' trope has been beaten to death. I loved Spider-Man as he was written and acted because he was the quintessential silly nerd weirdo who got crazy excited over stuff and nerded out about weaponry and superheroes and everything.
I liked how Tony was explicitly stated to order Peter to stay back and just web them up. I like how both of them were still playing around a little bit; the "Underoos!" thing made it clear Tony wanted Steve to knock it off but never expected a real fight. Even after having Spider-Man take Steve's shield, he still didn't instigate a battle; he just wanted to use Spider-Man as a tool for de-escalation. I was pleasantly surprised, at the time, by Steve being the one to push for a battle, and for his side to end up going WAY too far over and over again, because it proved his imperfections, which I love to see in my superheroes. (I of course abhorred the backtracking in later movies.)
Overall, I thought Tony noticing Peter made sense, since Tony's been leading the Avengers in all but name since the start, no matter what anyone says about Steve, and it makes sense for Tony to be on the lookout for others like himself and the team. It also makes sense that Tony sat on this after learning who Peter was until he found he needed someone to help him get his friends back before the United States government killed them. I wasn't fond of the sudden trip to Germany, but I understood the need for speed and, with the information given about Tony's original plan, I realize he was backed against a wall and making a tough choice.
I loved how, when everything got bad as hell, Tony stopped everything and ran to Peter to order him to stand down and stay out of the fight; I loved how scared he'd been when he'd gotten to Peter's side, because the kid had been in real danger thanks to Steve's team and could have gotten hurt far worse. It is telling to me that Steve was the one to injure Peter, even after learning how young Peter was (there's no way Peter's voice was the voice of an adult, ffs), yet Steve did not ensure Peter was okay. Tony did. Tony was the one to check if the kid was all right and then ensure he stayed out of the increasingly escalating battle.
If the rest of the MCU movies hadn't come out and I hadn't been forced by a bunch of brats on the Internet to endure some of the dumbest bullshit the MCU fandom writes about how sweet angel Steve Rogers did no wrong and evil devil Tony Stark wrought the world asunder, I would actually say that I loved Civil War, for all its faults. Because Steve wanted to be a hero, Tony kept trying to hold everything together, and neither of them did a perfect job but Tony did well and Steve did horribly, and it was about time we got some character depth on Captain America and got to see Tony's merits as a leader, too.
And then. You know. The rest of the movies, and the fandom, and now I want to burn the world to ashes every time someone even mentions MCU Steve Rogers or Civil War to me.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Q&A GO!!
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Ghost made the entirety of the security system, though Donnie had some input into it. Normally Donnie likes to make new things, and Ghost keeps up the maintenance on the old things. He wants to let Donnie kinda do what he wants, because Ghost feels like he's "had his time" to dream and make whatever he wanted. He's modified a gaming system for Raph and a controller that's big enough to hold in his hands, Ghost has also modified all their cellphones for safety purposes and so they can just snag any signal from any cell phone tower.
More GitS questions answered under the cut!
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He does. A lot.
Right after Ghost got out of the Battle Nexus, he slept a lot. He dreamed of his brothers so much he started wanting to be asleep more than awake. It got to the point where he wasn't really sure what was a dream/nightmare and what was real. He started drinking coffee again (he'd stopped during Battle Nexus) and it helped keep him awake. He started learning things like Japanese to pass the time.
He still has dreams that disorient him at first. He got into the habit of reminding himself every morning that they're gone. A depressing way to start the day, but it grounds him, and reminds him that the kids aren't gone.
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Considering Repo pushed Donnie and then subsequently tried to murder his children after going back on his deal with them, Ghost hates his guts.
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2003 Donnie gets pissed at Ghost for leaving. But they talk, and figure things out eventually. Actually a good way to look at this one is by reading Ghost on the Server. 2003 Don goes OFF on Ghost.
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Ghost finds it weird until he figures out that Draxum made the kids on purpose. Then it makes more sense to him. Ghost is pretty prepared, he knows a lot about turtles in general. He had to basically figure out their anatomy from scratch as a kid, though he HAS refrained from doing any intensive scans on the kids so far. He trusts their biology works basically the same way as he and his brothers', which it does. The biggest difference is that Ghost has no bridges (the hard sides of the boys' shells) which means he can't pull himself into his shell.
The first time Mikey popped into his shell he nearly had a heart attack.
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Ghost is fine with it. He realized pretty quickly that Raph being noticeably the biggest and a year or two older than his brothers made him naturally take the leadership position. His own Leo naturally fell into the leadership position too, there was no announcement that he was the leader or anything, it was just that Leo was the most responsible, cool-headed, and quickest to make a decent plan. Ghost has sort of shifted his "don't carry the world on your shoulders" lessons more towards Raph in this case.
He does look at Leo sometimes and wonder if his own Leonardo would have been like that had he not been crushed under responsibility and a desire to let his brothers dream and be kids.
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Yup! Ghost gives them lessons like school. Donnie generally didn't need them, but Ghost gives Donnie special assignments instead to enrich his learning so he isn't so bored. He kind of tailors their learning to them, so his teaching is done in short bursts with lots of visuals and hands-on examples. He focuses more on practical lessons that they can use in real life and moral lessons from history. He also teaches them all battlefield medicine, so Leo's not the only one who can patch them up in an emergency.
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"At least twice a day. Morning and night. Usually more. Mikey hangs off of me and Raph a lot."
WHEW okay those are Ghost in the Shell asks! I've got a few I want to draw, and if your ask doesn't have anything to do with GitS, I'm still gettin' around to it. :D
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btr-rewatch · 5 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 9: “Big Time Demos”
After skipping reviews of the previous two episodes (though I did have fun making gifs of them), I'm back to do a post on this episode that I honestly don't remember much of aside from it including a monkey that makes fart noises??
Highlights: the guys share some weird things they've learned since coming to L.A., Mercedes Griffin is a nightmare girlfriend, and the band is at risk of falling apart for the third (??) time so far this season.
We begin with the boys hanging by the pool and talking about how they've been in L.A. for three months now. Logan suggests they go into a flashback montage, and we get a series of silly clips that showcase all the ridiculous shenanigans they've been involved in. We see them racing tricycles by the pool, pushing Carlos through the lobby in a bathtub (this is an homage to The Monkees, btw! The opening sequence to their show has them pushing Peter through the streets in a bathtub), and fighting off a bear. Very exciting stuff.
Kelly comes by with plane tickets because apparently, if Big Time Rush's demo doesn't get picked, they all have to go home. The boys are shocked, which means they were either never told this information or were told but not one of them was paying attention any of the times it was mentioned. Which sounds believable to me, tbh.
After learning about some of the competition they're up against, Logan says they're toast. Kendall disagrees and tries to lead them into a pep talk, which then results in one of my favorite exchanges of the entire series.
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Love James's confidence
What on EARTH led Logan to this conclusion?
I love Carlos. So much. He must be protected from all the bad in the world. Also, keep in mind that Kendall asked what they had learned since being in L.A. This means that something happened in the last three months that made Carlos believe toys come alive when you leave the house. I desperately want to know what series of events led to this.
Obviously, these are not the responses Kendall was looking for, but they sure did try, didn't they? Kendall clearly woke up in charge of the brain cell that morning.
A few moments after some words of encouragement, Mercedes Griffin walks into Gustavo's office to pick up the demo cd. And it's at this exact moment that I realize I always thought Griffin was his first name. Looked it up, and it turns out his first name is Arthur, which I might have known deep in the back of my brain. Anyway! Mercedes is spoiled, manipulative, and used to getting every little thing her heart desires. She thinks the guys are cute, and when Carlos assumes that she's the one in charge of picking the winning demos, she doesn't correct him.
Quickly realizing that she can use this to her advantage, she promptly picks Kendall as her new boyfriend and drags him from the room while he pleads for help like a victim in a horror movie being captured by a terrifying monster.
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Poor guy.
We go to the Palm Woods then, where Mrs. Knight is preparing for the possibility that they'll have to return home. Katie doesn't want to leave, but they can't afford to stay in the apartment. Bitters shows up (intent on taking apartment 2J for his own) and says that the only way Mrs. Knight could afford to renew is if she had a job working at the Palm Woods. Unfortunately, there are no jobs available.
...Until 2 seconds later, that is.
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And just like that, there's an assistant manager position open.
Meanwhile, Kendall is having the worst day of his life being Mercedes's boyfriend. The rest of the guys stop by to encourage Kendall to stick with the act so Mercedes will pick their demo. Well, Logan and Carlos encourage him. James is too busy being self-absorbed and insulting Kendall's looks.
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Mercedes and Kendall's poolside date doesn't go too well. Kendall is pretty much disgusted at the whole thing and can't bring himself to fawn over Mercedes in the way she expects. The boy has STANDARDS and isn't about to drop them for some stuck-up girl, even if it means the band is at risk.
Mad respect for my boy Kendall Knight.
Mercedes breaks up with Kendall and makes Carlos her new boyfriend. We'll see how that goes.
Returning to the Mrs. Knight storyline, Katie forges a fake resume and ends up getting her mom the job as assistant manager. Her first assignment is to unclog a toilet. Gonna be honest, the Mama Knight and Katie plot isn't all that interesting.
After being pelted with cookies during his date with Mercedes, Carlos runs to hide in the bathroom, where we get another one of my favorite moments.
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Absurdity. Why is Kelly holding a loofah?? Why is Logan holding a toothbrush??
"Are you talking behind my back with shower people?!" Mercedes asks. Maybe I have a simple sense of humor, but this line is SO FUNNY to me.
Mercedes breaks up with Carlos and picks an absolutely terrified Logan to be her next victim boyfriend. She announces she's going to dye Logan's hair green to match her purse, and it's at this point that Kendall puts his foot down. He storms out into the living room and tells Mercedes: "He's dumping you. Because you're spoiled, pushy, mean, and he, and me, and we would all rather go back to Minnesota than spend one more second pretending to be your boyfriend."
I love Kendall. And I especially love that it's this moment that makes him give Mercedes a piece of his mind. He endured being her boyfriend, watched Carlos go through the experience, but he draws the line at Logan. And while Kendall is protective of all his friends, I think he's noticeably more so of Logan because Logan NEEDS that kind of protection. He'll step back at certain times to let Carlos and James fend for themselves, but Logan needs his guidance. It's sweet.
Mercedes says that she's definitely not picking BTR now and leaves the apartment. Everyone is less than thrilled with Kendall.
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Later on, the guys all sit around sadly packing their bags. Gustavo manages to tell them that he's proud of them without looking like the words cause him physical pain! So sweet.
Mercedes returns to apologize, but she also comes bearing the news that she isn't actually the one in charge of picking the demos. A chimpanzee is. Gustavo and the boys kidnap Lolo in an attempt to train him to pick BTR. We don't get to see the plan in action, just the aftermath, which is this...
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Unfortunately, their attempt to Pavlov Lolo into liking their music ends with the chimp hurling bananas at them, then running from the studio. Griffin later comes to the studio with Lolo in tow, telling them that he found him hitchhiking on the freeway.
Mercedes, the boys, and Kelly offer up their explanations for why they did what they did, and Griffin replies with, "Those were a lot of sentences, containing words, containing letters."
Griffin is honestly a top-tier character. Deranged man.
When asked what he thinks of the band, Lolo makes a fart noise. Mercedes then jumps in to tell her father that the chimp is wrong, and he should pick BTR's demo. Griffin is quickly swayed and declares Big Time Rush the winner. We then go to the boys singing "Halfway There" (which is one of my favorites. it slaps to this day)
Once back at the Palm Woods, Kelly renews their lease, Mrs. Knight quits her assistant manager job, and we get this sweet exchange.
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Yay, the guys get to stay!! They're home!! FOUND FAMILYYYYY!!!!
This was never one of my favorite episodes, but I enjoyed revisiting it. It has some very funny lines and scenes, and it's an important one because the series really feel "solidified" after this episode. Yeah, the band will still have moments where it's at risk, but the guys are putting their roots down in this one. L.A. is home now. Logan, James, and Carlos are seemingly content to leave behind their families and just live in California and be raised by Mrs. Knight from here on out. Interesting.
Catch ya next time.
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year
Dude if your writing for Stanley uris could I ask for x trans male one where the reader is absolutely completely in love with him but he hasn't transitioned yet and they don't know whether or not Stan accepts people like him so he ask bev for advice cause she like already knew a stuff. If not that alright but I've had this idea for a while and I can't write sooo....
I don’t think I’m really good at writing trans reader so I apologize if it’s kind of crappy but I tried so 🤷‍♀️also I tried to write this as an one shot but I didn’t like it so I changed it to Head-canons
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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Closeted Trans! Male reader
Honestly the only person that knows you’re trans is Beverly
She knew before you did-
She also knows about you big crush on Stanley
You and her talk about him at your house while she gives you a shoulder massage
You tried to reciprocate that but it didn’t work out that well, so let’s just say it’s never going to happen again
She tried to be your wingman and she’s was honestly good at it…. Sometimes
Other times she’ll go one showing pictures you took of Stan to him
I mean it does help you a lot and always make him blush and like you a little bit more but not so much for you as you just think he’s embarrassed and doesn’t like you talking photos of him
When you finally muster up the courage to ask him out he of course says yes which is amazing in the moment but of course makes you realize that you will now have to definitely tell him your trans which isn’t going to be the most fun in the world
Cue complaining to Beverly now about having to put yourself to Stan instead of the usual ‘Im in love with Stan’ stuff
But even though you were talking to Beverly you still couldn’t tell Stan about it
Until after the whole Pennywise situation
I mean after getting stabbed your self and Stan almost getting his face bitten off from Pennywise, it’s a safe bet that you would want to tell him before he died
Especially after realizing he might not have a lot of year to live
Random thing but Beverly wanted to tell you so bad about not seeing Stan in the future but every time you would talk about him made it worse and worse until she just decided that she couldn’t
Who knows it might not even have been that big of a deal… right?
When you finally got to muster up your courage to tell him my boy Stan was so understanding and happy for you
You and him ever other week will go out to shops and by some more boy viewed clothing
Honestly it’s so sweet
And not at all what you thought would happen-
I mean you expected something more of him not accepting you and finding you as ‘weird’ and ‘abnormal’
Which of course was never something that was going to happen
It doesn’t matter that Stan has different views for the world
When it’s about you he’s the kindest man in the world
Omg if you wanted to get your hair cut-
He would go with you during it and might get like a trim for himself too
He would be so happy for you
But if you didn’t then that’s ok too
He tries so hard not to push your boundaries and make you happy
But the only thing that he pushes is the fact that your closeted
Honestly he doesn’t care about that stuff
You could also tell them that you two are dating and if you guys get hate then you get hate
It’s not going to stop him from loving you
But if anyone was outright mean to you about switching your gender-
It doesn’t matter if you can handle it yourself or don’t care he will be your #1 defender for life
If he had to growl and bark in order for you to not be made fun of for something you can’t control then so be it
He might like it you’ll never know until you try 🤷‍♀️
Overall this boy is literally the sweetest boy out there and he will always be there for you no matter what
I think I did pretty good for my first time writing something like this but I don’t think I’m going to be doing trans readers often :(
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lialox · 1 year
Character analysis: Kratos and Lloyd
Why give Lloyd the locket? Why send Kratos to Derris-Kharlan?
At first I thought it was weird that Kratos gives Lloyd his locket in the Kratos-route in game. Like imagine if your dad gave you the baby photos he kept in his wallet? Like wtf would a kid do with that, it’s a dad thing to keep around. That thing would would do more good for Kratos, all alone in Derris Kharlan anyways. His office being plain and having no decorations is canon. He deserves a family picture up there.
But writing and trying to understand what goes on in his head made me get it. Kratos in game has a habit of giving Lloyd literally everything. Spoiled kid. He doesn’t question the “why”, he either shows Lloyd how to get it, or gives it to Lloyd on a silver platter. He’s fuelled by immense guilt and is doing everything to make up for it.
Early on in game Lloyd voices his frustrations to Kratos more than once about not knowing anything about his parents. I think Kratos was trying to give Lloyd a memory of his family, before all the bloodshed and trauma, since Lloyd wanted to remember so badly. Parents was the topic of the day in their Flanoir scene. Their relationship was good enough at that point that Kratos was comfortable enough to allow Lloyd to acknowledge Kratos as family. Lloyd goes easy on him at the fight before Origin, because he understands how much Kratos actually cares when he sees that Kratos kept that locket with him the whole time.
In every other route, Kratos would still be sulking, and give Lloyd everything EXCEPT a memory of them as a family so that Lloyd can move on without his shitty father. Lloyd does not hold back and severely injures him with all of his pent up frustration. I’m a fan of Kratos’ character but I truly believe he is a terrible father during ToS. He’s only doing what he does to make himself feel better, it’s not really about Lloyd, it’s really about his feelings and his guilt. 
Lloyd understands people pretty well. He gets that from Dirk for sure. Maybe Anna.
So while Dirk is right that some part of Lloyd wanted to go with him, there’s an even bigger part that knows Kratos needs to work on himself. “He’s got his own things to do.”
Because if anyone else in his party were to go to a different planet to save a race, he wouldn’t let them go by themselves right? If it was Colette, or anyone else he had a high affection with he would go on that journey together. The entire plot of ToS begins because Lloyd is NOT the type of person to let the people he cares about journey alone to save people.
Does he realize this means he may never see his dad again? Absolutely.
Is there a possibility Kratos was looking for a place to die out in space? Lloyd knows this.
Why does Lloyd still send him off? Lloyd trusts him enough to understand that “there’s no meaning in dying”. Getting sent to Derris Kharlan is literally serving a lifetime sentence in solitary. Kratos needs this for himself, to ease the immense guilt that he has. If it was about Lloyd, he would have stayed and made up for lost time and done everything he can to help him in his goals. He is the only human who knows all the secrets of the world and has the most experience in leadership, diplomacy, and guiding the masses when the planet itself changes. He is the most powerful ally Lloyd will ever have in the regenerated world. The option to let Derris Kharlan complete a 100 year cycle on its own is also there since it’s not like the angels will die, nor would the lifeless beings do anything other than ordered. (What, like they’re going to die of hunger or old age with those Cruxis Crystals?) And he's forgetting that the Desians ALSO need to atone and he can't atone for them. Kratos has the option to just dump everyone there and procrastinate finding a place for the half-elves of Cruxis until the comet completes its orbit and returns to Aselia. 
But he doesn’t stay. Because it’s not about helping Lloyd.
He’s a weak man who pushes everything on his child, including the absolution of 4000 years worth of guilt and disregards how his child feels. He’s so used to lying that he’s disguised his selfishness under “I’m doing this for my son” but it’s not. He loves his kid for sure, but Kratos’ one and only motivation is guilt.
Guilt for failing to take care of Mithos as he promised Martel. Guilt for making a mess of the world. Guilt for killing Anna. Guilt for being Lloyd’s father, because that fact alone almost got him killed several times. 
He tends to make the wrong decisions because his focus isn’t actually on morality or to a certain extent, family. There’s a scene in Tales of Fandom where he tells Mithos he’s ok with Lloyd living out his days as a monster and it doesn’t matter as long as he’s alive so pretty please spare his life. Disgusting. The foundations of his actions are all about how to make himself feel better, and acting on that selfishness often times makes things worse.
TLDR; Kratos sucks. Lloyd understands Kratos better than Kratos does.
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otakween · 7 months
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8-Man vs. Cyborg 009 - Volume 2
Love a good 2 volume, short read every now and then. Unlike BGOO Parts, this one didn't outstay its welcome. Nothing ground breaking here, just some crossover fanservice like in the Devilman crossover. Fun times. Interested to see what's next for these franchises.
Ch. 7
8-Man tells Joe and Francoise about his past romantic drama with his secretary Sachiko. Francoise apparently "saw" Sachiko's presence when they were in 8-Man's office and wanted the tea lol.
If they're not gonna let Francoise fight, like ever, can they please introduce another female fighter or something? I'm getting really fed up watching her smile blandly on the sidelines or be a damsel in distress. Like if she's a pacifist, fine! But she's also the only girl cyborg so it feels insulting.
The two page spread of the demon God statue was a good jump scare. Let the final showdown, begin!
Ch. 8
Lol I guess the manga heard my complaints because they finally let Francoise shoot a gun at least. Also, her heightened senses finally did something useful. Alright, fine. You win this time mangaka...
Wait, what the hell!? Pyunma's back to his old racist design! THIS MANGA CAME OUT IN 2020 WTF??? (Good thing I didn't pay for this one lol).
Honestly, it seems ridiculous that Skull would just ignore the other numbers cyborgs. There's no way they wouldn't come after their kidnapped friends...just makes him look really stupid.
The Black Ghost minions were drawn all cutesy in like a chibi form. They look like they could be villains from a Mario game or something lol. Not very intimidating.
Ch. 9
Yaaay 008 pointed out the 8 thing =D lol. Glad he gets to contribute to the battle even though there's no water around lol.
Francoise has a weird bonding moment with Dr. Daemon because he saw her in a ballet once. He's definitely the chiller of the two evils but he's still actively working towards world domination and perpetual wars? I don't think this is really a "there's good in him" moment...
8-man sure loses his arms a lot. Guess they're just trying to emphasize his mechanical body.
I swear they used the EXACT same tactic to topple the demon God statue that they used to topple the Atlas-type robots in BGOO Parts! (006 digs a hole and then 005 pushes the big enemy over). Felt weird to see that used back-to-back in manga published so close to one another. Both times they emphasized it as some kinda ingenious strategy.
Ch. 10
Awe, I really liked this finale. They wrapped everything up in a nice, neat bow and sometimes that's all you want.
So Dr. Daemon was actually playing the long game and never allied with Black Ghost at all! Rather convenient lol. Does they mean the gang wouldn't have been able to defeat both enemies at once?
I completely forgot about Joe's juvenile delinquent backstory. Why do I feel like that doesn't fit his character at all? He's such a bland do-gooder now...Anyway, having 8-Man explain that he was a cop on the scene at the time of Joe's escape attempt was a clever way to tie the two series worlds together in a believable way.
So I guess Dr. Daemon is still not a great guy but not that evil either? I don't know enough 8-Man lore to make a conclusion lol. He seemed pretty okay with the heroes dying earlier, so I guess he's just all for himself.
This chapter got all Ghost in the Shell-y with the reveal that Skull isn't a real person, just a robot with implanted memories. Pretty brutal that he decapitated his own lackeys to prove a point what the heck...what if they weren't robots!?
So Black Ghost is dead "for real" now...riiiight. Until they inevitably get resurrected again for some future manga.
I was kinda shook to find out that Joe's hair is a wig (or maybe it's actually implanted into his scalp? IDK). It doesn't actually make any difference, I just never realized that was the case.
Dr. Gilmore and Dr. Tani being science bros was cute. Also enjoyed seeing Ivan (and his one eye) very briefly.
Nice picturesque ending with Joe and Francoise dropping 8-Man off at Sachiko's house and validating his humanity. Wholesome cyborgs supporting cyborgs.
Omake - Duel
A closer look at some 8-Man/Dr. Tani lore. I kinda wish they didn't include this tbh because it ended this volume on a depressing note.
Damn, if I was Ken I'd probably resent my dad too! Ken was like "you only love 8-Man!" and Dr. Tani was like "that's not true!" but then the second Ken dies Dr. Tani's just like "meh, at least I have 8-Man" lol. Poor Ken!
Speaking of poor Ken...that's one severe widow's peak. On top of having a craptastic life, he's also balding? Oh the humanity!
Dr. Tani acted like Ken being a cyborg with a human brain was a revelation of some sort? Sooo...if Dr. Tani wasn't the one to turn Ken into a cyborg, who did?
Ken's hero suit (or villain suit, I guess) literally just looks like he sharpied some fake pecs on lol. What a weird design choice.
As far as 1960s manga go, I think I prefer Cyborg 009's art style because it's more over-exaggerated and stylized. I think this allows it to hold up more. 8-Man feels more traditionally drawn (more proportional characters).
I'm kinda glad I got a glimpse into the authentic, OG 8-Man for greater context, but I'll also probably just read this again someday if I ever get to that part of MAL haha.
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firstelevens · 1 year
#71 and sambucky for the spotify wrapped ficlet?
71. "Wings" by Little Mix
also on AO3
In the weird, funhouse mirror version of life that Sam lives these days, Wakanda has become something of a constant.
It’s not so much that they go there regularly–this is only the third time in two years–but they rarely linger anywhere else long enough for familiarity to set in.
Usually, that’s a good thing: if there’s always something to worry about and always someone to look out for, then Sam can’t think too hard about how he’s feeling. If Sam can’t think too hard about how he’s feeling, then he doesn’t have to contend with his increasingly frequent impulse to just…surrender himself at the nearest American embassy and hope that they give him the same deal they gave to Scott and Clint.
(It’s the impossibility of that last part that keeps him from going through with it, most days.)
They don’t have to constantly look over their shoulders in Wakanda, though, which means that Sam’s brain has time to meander to all the places it shouldn’t. He never gives much thought to the date when they’re hopping from place to place, but he’d caught sight of it on the newspaper this morning and felt a pang in his chest.
He’d done the math instinctively: Cass had been born on November 17th, 2012, which meant that today was his fifth birthday. AJ, meanwhile, was a June baby. He’d been bright-eyed and tiny when Sam last saw him, near-constantly chattering in his own baby babble. He’d be old enough to be toddling around the house by now, probably following his brother around everywhere the way Sarah had followed Sam.
There had been nothing that Sam wanted to do more at that moment than just retreat to their rooms and curl into a ball under the covers, to just keep the world at bay until the sudden and terrible ache in his chest eased at least a little. His parents had raised him better than that, though, and the Wakandans had given him and the others considerably more grace than they deserved, so he’d gone to all the meetings and discussions he was invited to, had walked the gardens and attended meals when asked.
By evening, the ache still sits in his chest like a stone, and he’s not sure how much good grace he has left in him. He’s on the couch, biding his time until he can disappear off to sleep without the others realizing that something is wrong.
In the next room, he can hear Nat offering her probably unsolicited opinion on Steve’s outfit–“You’re an artist, Rogers. How are you this afraid of color?”–and Steve drily replying that colors had been invented after he went into the ice.
They’re supposed to be King T’Challa’s guests at an art show in the city, something about new voices and their takes on the union of art and engineering. Back in the non-funhouse-mirror version of Sam’s life, it’s the exact kind of night out that he would have appreciated, maybe even taken a date to.
He’s begged off for tonight, making noise about jet lag and wanting to get some sleep when he can. Steve had tried to convince him to come along anyway, but Nat hadn’t pushed, just nodded with that too-sharp look in her eyes.
Sam’s got the heels of his hands pressed against his eyes when he hears the door open. He looks up, wondering if Steve and Nat are heading out, but it’s just Bucky, gently pressing the door shut behind him.
“Hey, Sam,” he says. “You look terrible.”
They’ve graduated to first names and, apparently, to blunt honesty. Sam can’t even find it in himself to be annoyed; he’s pretty sure that’s dead-on.
“Thanks,” Sam says flatly. “You’re a little underdressed for a royal art show. Or have you just fully committed to the grunge vibe?”
Bucky’s eyebrows knit together, and for a second he opens his mouth like he’s going to ask a question. Then, with a little shake of his head, he just says, ���I’m not going; I’ve already seen most of the pieces.”
“What are you, moonlighting as a curator now?”
“Only when the goats have gone to sleep for the night.”
Sam feels his lips twitch up into what might be his first real smile of the day.
“I saw a lot of the pieces come together, is all. Princess Shuri’s got a lab in the city that the artists were working out of. I went there a few times when they were…” Bucky trails off, gesturing to the shiny new vibranium cap on his left shoulder. 
He nods. “You headed home? I’m sure those goats are missing you something awful.”
“Yeah, they get real antsy if I don’t read them a bedtime story,” says Bucky.
Sam wouldn’t put it past him at this point. They’d gone out to visit Bucky and his new charges yesterday, and while Steve had sketched the herd and Nat watched the older goats, Sam had kept his eye on the littlest one. He’d thought he was going to prevent some great escape as it wriggled past the fence, but as it turned out, all that the baby had wanted to do was follow Bucky around as he took care of his chores. It stayed on his heels, but ducked away whenever he turned his head. Bucky pretended not to notice, but Sam had seen him dropping little flowers for the goat to snack on. 
It’s quiet for a bit, and Bucky’s eyebrows are furrowed again.
“Did you want me to grab Steve?” asks Sam. “I think he and Nat are about to head out. She just spent the last forty minutes trying to wrangle him into a green jacket, but you know he’s going to somehow manage to wear beige in the end.”
From the other room, although muffled as if by fabric, Sam hears a faint, “Hey!” from Steve.
“Am I wrong, though?” he calls out over his shoulder, before turning back to Bucky. “I can-”
But that’s as far as he gets, because then Bucky is blurting, “Steve said you do your own repairs on your wings?”
Sam feels his eyes go a little bit wide. “I- what?”
Bucky doesn’t speak again, just looks back at Sam, equally wide-eyed, and gestures vaguely like that’s supposed to clarify anything. There’s no way Sam’s going to get anything more out of him without answering first.
“Just a little maintenance after missions,” he says. He’s not sure why he’s downplaying it. They haven’t been able to do much more than basic upkeep while they’re on the run, but Sam knows those wings inside and out, had insisted on hovering over Tony’s shoulder and quibbling over every modification until he knew the why and how of it. The princess had offered to take a look at them when they landed, but Sam hadn’t been able to bring himself to say yes. “Why?”
“I heard that they took some damage in that firefight in Prague,” Bucky says. He’s not quite looking at Sam, fidgeting a little with the hem of his shirt as he pauses for a long moment. “There’s a room in the south wing. Used to be Princess Shuri’s schoolroom.”
Sam has the stray, hysterical thought that this is the weirdest way he’s ever been propositioned, but he pushes that down and just nods instead.
“It’s a workshop now. Guests are welcome to use it,” says Bucky, finally meeting Sam’s eyes. “You could work on the wings there. If, uh- if you wanted to.”
“Oh,” says Sam. The wingpack has been sitting in the corner all day, mostly ignored, but suddenly Sam’s hands are itching to take the wings apart properly again. 
He stands, and he doesn’t need to do more than nod before Bucky is leading the way out of their quarters and down the hall.
It’s quiet in the palace at night: there are no other guests, and the whole royal family is in attendance at the art show. The main corridor in the south wing is dim, in spite of the enormous picture window that faces out onto Brinin Zana. Ahead of him, Bucky’s footsteps don’t seem to make a sound, and Sam feels the need to do the same.
They eventually come to a stop at a doorway where Bucky punches a code into the keypad. The doors slide open with a quiet hum, and the lights cascade on as the two of them step inside.
Sam had gotten to see Princess Shuri’s main lab the last time they were here: packed with assistant and prototypes and multiple holographic displays. It had been incredible but overwhelming, and Sam is relieved when the workroom turns out to look nothing like it.
There are steel topped workbenches and large drafting tables, tools arrayed neatly along one of the walls and a bank of computers in the corner by a large projection screen. Sam thinks of his dad then, of the old shed behind the house where he used to fix up parts for the boat and taught Sam and Sarah to do the same.
He looks at the wrenches, meticulously organized by size, and the neat rolls of wire lined up like his dad always kept them, and suddenly he wants to go home so badly that he aches with it. 
His hands shake as he sets the wingpack on one of the workbenches, and he only belatedly remembers that Bucky is still there with them. When he finally manages to get words out, all he can say is a quiet, “Thank you.”
Bucky nods, but makes no move to leave. Instead, he walks over to the computers and activates the display, surprisingly adept with the holographic screen. He seems to be looking for a program, and once he’s got it pulled up–there’s a drop down menu of some sort and a keypad–he turns back to Sam.
“Calls out of Wakanda are untraceable, you know.”
Sam had assumed as much, given the sheer technological capabilities here, but he’s not sure why Bucky is telling him this. He doesn’t say anything in reply, just bobs his head in a nod.
“Just in case you had anyone you wanted to call,” Bucky says. He shrugs, but it’s not as casual as it should be. “You, uh- you wouldn’t have to worry about the call getting traced or them being unsafe or anything.”
“Oh,” says Sam again. Oh, he thinks to himself, and looks with wide eyes at the fidgeting assassin-turned-goatherd on the other side of the room.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Bucky says, after a few moments of Sam trying and failing to say anything more.
There are about a hundred things that Sam should say. He should ask how Bucky’s doing, ask if he wants to stick around, tell him how much this means and how much he appreciates it, but he can’t seem to get any of the words out.
All he can do is call across the room just as Bucky reaches the door, his voice hoarse. 
“Thank you, Bucky. Really.”
Bucky gives him a smile, tiny and heartbreaking, and nods in acknowledgment. 
“Good night, Sam,” he says after a second, and slips out the way he came.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Moon Knight aroace headcanons (pt 1)
demiromantic and demisexual
didn't realize until he was well into adulthood
didn't date or show any interest in anyone when he was a kid/in high school but always figured it was because of all his mental health problems/home life
he figured once he figured those out, he'll have more time to think about other people and get feelings then
internalized "you can't love others until you love yourself" in the worst way
immediately after moving out, he joined the Marines and didn't get any feelings then either
told himself it was because he was too busy to catch them and there was no one around he liked anyway
would nod and smile along w the other soldiers as they talked about their girlfriends, wives, and other special friends back home but could never contribute to the conversation
on the rare occasion when they would get to go into a town, he would go to the clubs, brothels, and meet up spots with the other marines and say he was going to have a good time but was always the last one left when everyone else had paired off
he would feel terrible; thoughts of 'why can't i do this? why can't i just be normal?' spiraling into 'nothing about me is normal, no one could ever love me,' spiraling into horrible memories until he was drowning and not in the mood
he would go back to the ship and lie the next day about what he spent his evening doing
when he became a mercenary, it was pretty similar except on the rare occasion they did get to have someone, he would do it
no feelings attached, not even sexual ones. he would just pick someone randomly based on what he knew about conventional beauty and other's reactions
the whole time, he didn't feel anything besides the slight joy that he must be doing something right because his partner seemed to be enjoying it
when he met Layla was the first time he got any sort of romantic feelings for anyone
which hit him like a truck. there were so many emotions tied up in that realization. Something wasn't wrong with him, he could feel romantic attraction! but also, he only found her to deliver horrible news, she was literally the one person in the world he wasn't supposed to fall in love with!
obviously, they ended up dating and the first time things were getting steamy, and Layla suggested they take things to the bedroom, Marc said yes but prepared himself to just get through it like he had always done before
but this time, it was like night and day
was this what people always felt during sex? no wonder they couldn't shut up about it, he could finally see the appeal! instead of thinking of it as a task that just had to be done to signify that your relationship was strong, it was an activity that brought you closer to your partner, emotionally and physically
it took him several days to accept the fact that that was what people normally felt and wasn't just some weird fluke; he was genuinely baffled
him and Layla got married and then fell apart, or rather, Marc pushed them apart, and she finally learned the truth about her father
Marc isn't sure where they stand right now and if their divorce will ever get finalized but he is confident that Layla is the only person he'll ever be able to romantically love
Steven (pt 2) Jake (pt 3)
33 notes · View notes
Double Edged Sword
Part 2
A/n: The daaaaaaance <3 we love dramaaaaa <3
Word Count: 5100+
Warnings: implied abuse, manipulation, violence, the blood/paint scene, Eugene in the woods against the Hyde scene, MAJOR SPOILERS!!!, argument, crying, implied panic attack
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Okay so maybe he went a little far, looping Wednesday into his plans without her consent. But he knew she would have said no. Would have rooted against his efforts. Wouldn't have wanted to get side tracked. So, he did something she did a lot - decided to do whatever the hell he wanted to do instead.
So yeah, it was his idea to talk Thing into sneaking a letter into the tip jar at Tyler's work that he was sure to find, signed by Wednesday, inviting him to the dance.
It was a shitty move. He knew it. But he also needed Tyler at the dance. Needed to be around him. See if he could find any... signs, or proof. Maybe get him to say something. Anything.
Sam was so caught up in his meticulous planning that when there was a knock on his door, he jumped. He was ready for the dance, of course, but-
Oh shit.
He raced to open the door, feeling immediately awkward when he realized that, yeah, Xavier was on the other side.
How had he forgotten that Xavier was his date?
Sam's room was on a lower floor than Xavier's, so when they used to go places with each other a lot they always met at Sam's room. So Xavier just assuming this was the meeting spot wasn't even weird. But how did Sam just forget?!
"Hey!" Immediately it was too much. Sam tried to dial it back.
Xavier chuckled. He had a look mixed with amusement, but something else too. One that had always brought Sam to his knees: a look of adoration. His soft eyes and arching eyebrows. His soft smile, and an unwavering gaze that slowly moved along every single one of Sam's feature. Like Xavier was drinking him in. "Hey."
It was infuriating how calm and controlled he seemed. That the feelings, whatever they may be, that he seemed to hold for Sam in one way or another, showed so little. Meanwhile Sam was tripping over himself, skin buzzing and mind racinbg and heart sputtering in his chest. "To the dance we go!" he squaked, and flinched as he realized that even as he tried, he could not get rid of the need to make Xavier think he was cool. The same need that threw him into overdrivr and threw off his usual cool headedness.
This was the problem with Xavier Thorpe. Sam couldn't function around him, and Xavier seemed unphased at all times.
Unbeknownst to Sam, that was the exact reason that Xavier loved being around him. Every single day was gloomy, even if the sun was out. Every single emotion was so much, and exhausted him. If he wasn't battling depression, it was his pushing anger that seemed to twist everything as some plot against him specifically. Everything was so... much. Being around Sam was like putting a salve on a burn. The endless noise quited, and the chaos settled. The cold was washed over with heat - not too hot as to burn, but enough to soothe Xavier's frozen finger tips. He wasn't not reacting, or immune to Sam's charm, he was calmed by it. And it was amazing.
Xavier offered his elbow to Sam, a soft smile on his face. Sam took it and they began to walk to the dance. Sam was a warm presence next to him, and Xavier felt that for the first time in months he could breathe properly again. To Sam, as much as he didn't want to admit it, fireworks were going off in his head. The buzzing had turned into explosions the second they had touched. It was a joy, not just a pleasantry, and he had missed it. He had never understood how his sister could be so enthusiastic and high energy and obsessed with every little pretty thing the world had to offer until he had met Xavier. Now the world was hyper charged, more vibrant an experience than before.
Neither spoke until they got to the dance, both for very different reasons. The temporary quiet was nice for both of them, as they found themselves falling into old patterns. Holding Xavier's arm got tiring, and eventually their hands dropped so their fingers could interlock. No space existed between them as their bodies subconsiously sought each other. Xavier's pace, usually quick due to his longer legs, found itself matching Sam's. Faster than Wednesday's and Enid's, but slower than Ajax's. Even though Sam was traller than the gorgon, he was used to being slower to allow for his sister. Now Xavier found it comforting, and familiar.
When they did finally reach the dance, their little bubble was immediaetly popped as Enid rammed into her brother, her hands on his arms abd her eyes wide. "You look amazing!" She squealed. Sam blushed, not used to her approving of his style. He had doned a very simple design - like a regular black three piece suit and tie, but all white, except for the black shirt underneath. The top three buttons were undone, the end of the black sleeves peeking out from his white jacket and a blue hankerchief tucked into his chest pocket.
Sam looked around, realizing everyone was in white and blue, except Wednesday, whose entire dress was black, and Xavier's black tie. Sam had opted out of ties; he had always hated them.
"You took my advice," Wednesday complimented, a small but satisfied smile tickling her lips.
Sam found himself mirroring her, her presence always calming him enough to regain control - even around Xavier. "Yeah, you were right. Everyone did go witht he two colors, but I do like the touch of black a lot more. Now we match."
"As do we," Xavier threw in softly. And Sam swallowed, stifening as he realized that, yeah, they did match. And god, Xavier pulled the colors off well.
"I didn't know you two knew each other," another voice piped up, and it was then that Sam was reminded of his actual goal tonight. Tyler Galpin.
Xavier tensed immediately. "I didn't know you were showing up tonight."
Tyler shrugged, obviously uncomfortable. The sudden tension between the two exes was palpable. To see Xavier so reactive to someone after being so blank slate with Sam... well, it made him jealous. Not that he'd have admitted that. Not even to himself.
"Sam invited him." All eyes turned to a suddenly wide eyed Sam, who was caught first by Wednesday's withering look. She had spoken, which meant that Thing had ratted him out... with how sour she was looking, he didn't bother Thing at all. He might have cracked under that look as well. Might have. He was getting better at resisting Wednesday Addam's demanding aura.
The next expressions he saw was a surprised Tyler, who Sam skipped over very quickly, only to land on a betrayed Xavier. Sam stumbled to come up with some reasoning that made sense. "I saw Wednesaday making friends with Tyler in town. She doesn't make friends with a lot of people, and everyone else already had a date, and what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't drag her along, hm?" That satitated Tyler, and Enid, who previously the same look in her eyes that she always did when she was drinking in potential gossip for her blog. It did not satiate Xavier.
Sam couldn't blame him.
"I'm surprised you came," Xavier sad passively, mostly hidden bitterness in the back of his tone. "You've never seemed a big fan of outcasts."
Tyler grimaced. "I think you're confusing me for my dad."
"No," Xavier shot down bluntly. "I wasn't."
Whatever off handed, light hearted joke Tyler had been about to say to attempt to ease the tension died in his throat. It was Enid who came to save the day.
"Who wants to dance?"
On the dancefloor, Wednesday managed to pry Sam away from Xavier - despite his best attempts - and corner him by the drinks. "Why did you invite him? He thought I liiked him."
Sam swallowed hard. "I think..." he didn't know hwo to say it. "I think Tyler's dad might be abusive. And I was hoping if I could get him here, I could maybe get a read off of him. Or even just get him out of the house." he shrugged. "I didn't know how else to do it."
Wednesday's anger eased. "I understand having a goal and doing whatever is needed to achieve it. But now you owe me one."
Immediately Sam nodded. "You can use me as a pawn in one of your schemes and I can't complain."
A wicked shimmer flickered in her eyes for a moment and Sam regretted whatever was to come. Whatever came next was going to be punishment enough for this little stunt of his and he knew it.
Now satisfied, Wednesday allowed Sam to attempt to return to Xavier.
Only to almost immediately run into Tyler.
"Hi," the other boy greeted, giving a little wave.
Eyebrows quirked, Sam gave a nod. "Hello." He couldn't get a read off of Tyler. Sam struggled with people and social cues as it was, but Tyler just seemed... awkward.
"You know Wednesday better than me," the boy began, and immediately Sam felt like jumping out a window. "Do you... think she likes me? Is that why you invited me?" He saw Sam clam up and scrambled to add, "I know cornering you is kind of weird I just - I thought I'd be upfront about it because I'm getting really weird signals here and I'm not sure what's going on and I really want to be sure before I make assumptions."
Sam stayed silent for a moment, debating on his answer. "I thought she might," he began slowly, only to save his own ass. "But... I think I misjudged." He knew for a fact that he was full of shit. He knew exactly who Wednesday was forming a crush on, and it wasn't Tyler. It was in fact the girl she shared a room with, who at first she had found infuriating, and then over time terrified by. And terror thrilled her. Of course she would fall for Enid. Sam tried not to think about it.
Tyler didn't know that though. And it wasn't like their date had ruined anything - Enid had gotten a date with someone else entirely. Wednesday had wanted to avoid the dance to see them together... but that wasn't the point.
"I see." He nodded, seemingly only a little disappointed by the news. "Well, that's at least one straight answer, so thank you." That was the end of it. Sam nodded back then turned back to the dance floor, scanning for Xavier before frowning upon not seeing him.
It took him only ten minutes to find Xavier. With all the sweaty bodies and thick perfumes and colognes, it had been difficult, but not much had changed about Xavier since he and Sam had been close - not even his scent. He still smelled like pine, dust, and paint. He spent so much time in his studio shed that all of the things about it had rubbed off on him. It had in fact seemed to only have gotten stronger since Sam had last checked. Interesting.
Xavier was on the other side of the room, sitting next to-
Sam's heart stopped in his chest. Xavier was sitting with Bianca, smiling a little, the side of his forehead resting in the palm of his propped up hand as he talked to her. She seemed to be relaxed, knees crossed and hands folded in front of her as she listened to him. As he spoke, one of her hands came free so she could rest it on top of his. She leaned close and said something quietly to him. It was so intimate, to be close enough to allow for talking quiet in a loud room. And Sam was boiling with jealousy.
It was her again. Even after the last few months. Even after it hadn't worked out. Even though Xavier finally had Sam again - and even after he had seemed so happy about that. He hadn't even been looking for Sam. The first chance he had gotten, he had dipped and talked to Bianca. Bianca, who was so much more beautiful and poised and successful and smooth and amazing than Sam could ever imagine to be. She was confident and sure of herself. She knew who she was. She commanded attention and stood her ground and could back up her high talk of herself. She was top of all of her classes. She was... so far above Sam.
How could he ever compare?
A very old but familiar sourness filled his mouth and his face worked into a puckered glare. His hands curled into fists at his side. He blinked and looked away, forcing himself to steady his breathing.
Fine. If Xavier wanted her then he could have her.
Sam knew immediately why when he turned away, he looked for Tyler again. It wasn't because Wednesday and Enid could be seen chatting, or that it now made the entire date between them awkward. It wasn't that Sam knew that he'd find Tyler alone even. It was because Xavier hated Tyler, and later he would hate himself for that.
"Galpin," Sam called, getting Tyler's attention. Before he could respond Sam grabbed his arm and dragged him to the dance floor. Tyler, wide eyed and startled, watched Sam as he began to dance along to the music as if this was the most natural thing in the world.
"What- what's happening?" He was half smiling, still unsure of what to expect from this sudden interaction.
Sam didn't wan to explain right now. Didn't want to feel guilty. "Wednesday is talking to Enid, and I know you like her. So I came to distract you." A total lie on the second half, but whatever.
Tyler rose an eyebrow. "That is absolutely not the only reason you're doing this. Otherwise you'd have said something earlier." He grabbed Sam's shoulder, trying to stop him and actually talk.
Sam rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and dance Galpin." Sam's gaze became a little desperate. "Tyler. Please."
Immediately Tyler's entire demeanor changed. "Yeah, okay."
So they danced.
It was obvious very quickly that Tyler had an easy time not paying attention to Wednesday. He didn't seem to be all that broken up over the situation to begin with, but the way he grinned as he moved to the beat was tell enough that he was having a good time. Eventually, Sam found his smile contagious. Tyler laughed and so did Sam, surprised to find his stress from earlier easing and his jealousy slip away.
It had been so long since Sam had just had fun. Let loose and gone wild. Tyler had an energy, bubbling and roiling, but not like the firework show that Xavier set off in Sam's system. More like lava under hard rock, moving and constant but slow - purposeful. It wasn't a spark, it was an energy. A flow. A constant river of fire in his blood.
Tyler spun him and Sam felt a laugh rip through him. They bounced to the beat, stepping closer and closer without even realizing. When the song ended, Tyler pulled Sam closer by the waist and tilted his head back, letting out a loud, high pitched yelp of joy.
Sam was stunned.
Tyler Galpin was insane. It was amazing. They had connected more in those two minutes than the entire time they'd known each other thus far. It was wild and mindless, but it was real and raw and honest. There was nothing hidden about it, nothing complicated.
Is this why Xavier had been so drawn to him a year ago? Why he had chosen Tyler over Sam?
Sam pushed the thought away, and he found I easier than before to refocus himself back on his dance partner. Especially when Tyler's head tilted back and they met gazes. For a split second they were both just grinning and light hearted and silly. Then, one of them noticed how close they were. And then the other one noticed it too. It wasn't sure who noticed it first, but the energy between them slammed into an entirely different kind of way.
They jumped apart, as if shocked. Tyler no longer had eyes for Wednesday, while very suddenly Sam was busy looking for his sister.
That was when the blood started to fall.
Okay, so it was just paint, but still.
The event was lost as Wednesday grabbed Sam from behind; Tyler turned, stunned at the mess building up around him. Sam found himself refocusing and centering as he looked at the shorter girl, whose dark eyes had only one thing in them: panic.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked immediately.
"Eugene. In the woods."
Sam could ask for clarification later. Right now, it was obvious Wednesday had a vision, and that was all that mattered. Sam and Wednesday took off - they didn't say goodbye to Tyler or even look for Xavier. They were just gone.
Wednesday didn't waste time. They went directly to the woods, and Sam was in wolf form before another word could be spoken. His super hearing and smell worked together to track down the racing heartbeat and quick footfalls of the small little boy. He was... scrambling. Lookin for something. His breathing was heavy, and something was behind him. Something big, something moving fast.
Sam was moving, very quickly leaving Wednesday behind. He roared in rage as he saw that he was a few feet too far to stop the monster from raising a hand, claws at the ready, to shred the poor idiot on the ground.
Sam's roar seemed to catch the beast off guard though, and they locked eyes. Sam got a very strange feeling, a weird deja vu as a sudden intensity washed over him in waves. He didn't stop though - he slid to put himself between Eugene and the monster, growling and snarling to guard his friend.
The monster took a step back. And another. And then it turned and ran. Wednesday screamed, at first for her friend on the ground, and then for her other friend as Sam took off after the beast. He was not letting this thing get away if he could help it.
He chased and chased and chased, until the thing slowed - and Sam transformed back into a human to make himself smaller. The thing sniffed the air and immediately Sam reached down, grabbing the dirt and rubbing it on the inside of his wrists and across his neck, face, and the shoulders of his suit. It wouldn’t work completely, but if the wind was in his favor....
The monster eased, relaxing. And then... suddenly, growing smaller. And smaller. Sam looked on, stunned, first at realizing the monster was a shapeshifter. Then that the monster was human. His shock turned to horror as he realized who the human was.
Sam pulled behind the tree as Tyler’s head whipped around, eyes scanning the surrounding forrest. When he saw nothing, his eyes narrowed. He swore for a moment he heard a heartbeat- but- no, he would have heard it with how hard he was listening now. It had probably been a passing bird or bug or something. So he turned and he left.
Sam lowered to the ground, body shaking.
What the fuck was he supposed to do now?
Eugene hadn’t been hurt by the monster, but he had hit his head when he’d fallen, so he was getting checked by a nurse just to make sure he didn’t have any damage there. While they waited, Wednesday turned on Sam. “What did you find?”
Sam couldn’t wrap his mind around it, but he knew if he told Wednesday it would be over. She would turn Tyler in immediately and... I mean, maybe it hadn’t been Tyler? Sam was in shock, so he fell back on the instinct that was older than even his draw to be honest with his new best friend.
“It got away. It must have known the Forrest so well - and know how to mask its scent. I didn’t even have a chance.”
Wednesday could tell that something was going on with Sam, but she jotted it down for now as him being shocked at actually facing down the thing that had been killing people consistently for the last few weeks. It must have been scary for him, in the very least.
“Do you need time, or... can I tell you why Eugene was out there?”
“Tell me.” Sam didn’t have an answer to her question - he needed answers of his own first.
She nodded. “The night of the dance, Eugene and I were supposed to go out there together. There was a cave, and it was obviously the beast’s hideout. Bones, chains - the whole shebang.”
Sam looked Wednesday in the eyes, and the intensity she saw there took her breath away. “Show me,” was all he said. She simply nodded in response, and still in their paint soaked clothes they snuck out of the school once again to find the place that Sam needed to see for... some reason.
The chains are what caught Sam’s eyes. And increased his horror. He immediately thought of when he’d been younger and he had chained himself up at the full moon because he had been too young to control the wolf.
One of the downsides of being such a prodigy and wolfing out at such an age. Even in a world like this, that had come so far since the dark days that werewolves had truly been dangerous and feared, some people struggled with that beast more than others, especially when they’re young. People had once thought of Sam as a monster too. Is that how Tyler felt now?
What if he wasn’t in control of his monster side when he turned? What if he couldn’t help it? The chains.... I mean, he had tried to stop himself at least one time.
What had happened?
A horrible mental image of Tyler, a year younger, being chained up in the woods where no one could hear his scream - his father over him with the key on his belt. Maybe that’s why they hadn’t gotten along? Why they were so distant now? Maybe that’s why Tyler was so volatile.
“I’m gonna be sick,” Sam mumbled. “Can we leave?”
Wednesday didn’t have any idea what was going on with her friend.
And then it clicked.
Her eyes followed his gaze to the chains, and it was suddenly so obvious. He had mentioned his youth, and being chained up. She had at the time commented on the joys of being chained up by one’s family and being left to rot. Sam had not shared the sentiment, seeming to suddenly turn pale and going quiet. Wednesday hadn’t brought it up again.
Seeing this set up must have reminded him of back then.
Without another word, she took Sam’s hand and lead him away. She usually didn’t like touch, but to help her friend she would allow it. They went back to the school as quickly as they could, separating when they had to head to their different dorms. Sam didn’t speak the whole time, and Wednesday didn’t even push for a goodbye when he suddenly broke away from her without a single word. They could talk more later.
He felt a little better when he’d gotten his dirty clothes off and taken a shower. Unfortunately when he stepped out, Xavier was on the bed. Waiting for him.
Sam wasn’t mad. Xavier had done it a million times. He hadn’t expected it, but he wasn’t startled either.
“Xavier,” Sam greeted with a weak voice.
Xavier couldn’t decide if he was angry or worried. He was irritated that Sam had invited Tyler of all people when it would out Xavier in the position it did, and especially when everyone knew that Wednesday was into Enid. He couldn’t decipher it - that’s why, when Sam had been busy with Wednesday, he had sought out Bianca for some advice. She had reassured him that it had probably just been a move to get Wednesday to come to the dance at all, and like he’d said - everyone had been busy. But... then Xavier had gone to find his date to find said boy dancing with Tyler. And not just dancing - they had this moment. Almost like they were going to kiss, and it made Xavier wonder if maybe Sam had invited Tyler because he’d been too scared to ask him out himself. Maybe Xavier had been the easier ask because Sam didn’t feel for him like he felt for Tyler.
But that didn’t make sense. When would they have become friends, let alone fallen for each other? And why? Tyler and Sam had always had a strain on their relationship, one that had gotten significantly worse when Tyler and Xavier had broke up. When the mural had happened.
And the whole thing with Eugene and the woods had happened. So maybe Sam was just going through it and Xavier was too in his head about all of it. Maybe it didn’t matter now that Sam had put himself in direct danger to help his friend. Maybe Xavier should be angry about that instead. Or worried, that Sam would run in so blindly and so willingly put himself on the line for Eugene. Admirable, but... reckless.
A lot of feelings happening right now.
“Sam,” Xavier finally managed. “What happened tonight?”
Sam was sensing there was a lot more to that question than even he was aware of. “Which part?”
That made Xavier’s irritation flare. “All of it.” He was a little short, a little snappy, but he decided he was allowed that.
Sam really didn’t know how to answer that. “We went to a school dance and some normies put red paint in the water system then set it off to Carrie us. And then Wednesday got a vision and we went to save Eugene.”
Xavier stood. “Yeah, about that. What possessed you to put yourself as a blockage to a psychopathic beast in the woods? One known to kill anything and everything in its path at random, might I add?”
Sam didn’t know where it came from, but it was hot and aggressive when he spat, “Loyalty. You wouldn’t know much about that would you?”
Xavier flared. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Sam scoffed. “Running off to Bianca the second I turned my back? Why did you even agree to go to the dance with me if you were gonna pow wow it with her the whole time?”
Xavier’s jaw was halfway between a bitter smile and a loose shock. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” He laughed, once, and it was laced with poison. “Coming from the guy who invited my asshole ex and then went and danced with him like some teenagers in love just because I was talking to my friend-“
“Your friend?” Sam demanded. “She’s still into you Xavier, and we both know it.” And that wasn’t totally wrong. Bianca had made a comment about forgetting it all and coming back to her. Going out there and dancing with her. To ditch the date that didn’t seem to care about him at all, and come to someone who actually cared. Sam saw it in his eyes and recoiled. He hadn’t realized how correct he’d been, and it hurt a little bit. “Talk about running into exes, huh? Left and right at Nevermore.”
“Tyler jumped me with his stupid friends and ruined my mural,” Xavier seethed, trying to defend himself.
“Bianca brain washed you into ditching me and hanging out with her more because she was jealous of our relationship!” Sam yelled back.
And... well, he wasn’t wrong. But Xavier didn’t want to think about that. “And she apologized for that! I just went to her for advice.”
Sam snarled, “Advice on kissing? Or hand holding? Or eye fucking over the table? Seems you both already know plenty, but maybe she could give you another lesson. Since it didn’t seem to stick last time.”
“Why are you so obsessed with my relationship with her?” Xavier demanded, reaching the end of his rope.
And Sam snapped. “BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU! You fucking idiot!” Sam was shaking, hands curled into fists and eyes flickering between his normal brown, and the gold color it took on when he turned into a wolf. “I have been in love with you for YEARS, but you seem to be in blissful ignorance so please, go on your merry fucking way and run back to Bianca or whoever the fuck is next on your goddamn list. Leave me in the dust - AGAIN - and I will pretend to hate you, and never think of you, and be totally fine just sitting here and WAITING for you to notice me. For even a single moment!” Sam didn’t realize he was crying until he felt the cool wetness on his face. In shock, he reached up to brush it with his finger tips and looked down at the tears on his hand in stunned silence as he processed that he’d just confessed to Xavier. After all this time and avoiding and hard work to hide it - the game was up.
“Get out,” Sam interrupted. He suddenly had an overwhelming fear that Xavier was about to do something stupid out of pity or mixed up emotions or just adrenaline or even the rush of someone liking you and not knowing how to feel about it. He’d have rather died on the spot than that happen, and frankly he was still processing all the stuff with Tyler. He couldn’t handle all of this on top of it.
Xavier didn’t understand. It looked like Sam was having a panic attack of some kind so he did what he’s done a million times before, and he reached out. “Sammy-“
That made it worse. SO so much worse. Sam recoiled from Xavier, his face beginning to turn wolffish. “Get out. NOW!” He screamed. He picked something up and chucked it at Xavier, both of them stunned to suddenly see a show fly through the air and slam against Xavier’s shoulder. “GET AWAY FROM ME! GO! GO AWAY!”
Xavier didn’t know what was happening, but him being here was obviously causing some horrible thing for Sam so without another word he turned and ran. He felt horrible as he realized that had been the first time that his special nickname for Sam hadn’t had a good effect on the situation.
Back in the bedroom, Sam started crying harder as he realized the same thing.
It was getting worse. So, so much worse. Sam sunk onto his bed and let the sobs roll from him in hysterical waves. He could deal with everything else tomorrow. He couldn’t handle anything else right now... not a single thing.
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hostica-a · 10 months
Question. Has Oswald ever been struggling with his sexuality?
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𝓟𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖓 ; Headcanon meme
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Yes  and  no.  In  the  sense  that  Oswald  always  knew  what  his  sexuality  was.  He  was  aware  of it  about  as  young  as  13,  but,  of  course,  he  just  ignored  it  for  the  most  part.  He  didn't  date,  he  didn't  have  relationships,  he  told  himself  a  combination  of  he  had  better  things  to  do  and  also  that  the  right  guy  would  find  him  one  day  if  it  was  ever  meant  to  be.  I  think  a  part  of  him  was  scared  of  it.  Well  not  of  "it"  but  more  of  other  peoples  reactions  to  it.  Though  he  would  never  admit  it,  his  mother  was  probably  the  main  force  behind  his  fear.  She  had  always  pushed  the  idea  of  him  being  a  ladies  man  and  had  this  idea  that  he  would  find  a  good  woman  and  get  married  and  she  would  have  grandkids  one  day. 
These  were  all  things  that  horrified  Oswald  so  if  he  ever  had  any  doubt  of  what  his  sexuality  was  the  disgust  he  felt  over  the  mere  idea  of  "being  a  ladies  man"  and  finding  a  wife  and  having  children  always  reaffirmed  it  for  him. 
None  the  less,  for  a  while  didn't  wanna  be  known  as  the  "gay  gangster",  he  had  a  weird  feeling  that  would  work  against  the  fearsome  image  he  felt  he  needed  to  build  to  get  on  top  of  the  underworld.  Especially  while  it  was  still  heavily  controlled  by  the  Mafia.  But  those  fears  started  to  melt  away  when  he  met  Ed  and  he  realized  he  had  already  conquered  most  of  the  obstacles  that  had  been  in  his  way  before,  and  whatever  went  on  between  them  happened.  Suddenly  Oswald  wasn't  looking  at  it  as  a  weakness  or  as  something  that  could  be  used  against  him  but  rather  the  opposite.  He  decided  he  was  the  coward  for  not  owning  up  to  himself  and  who  he  really  was  sooner.  And  then  Gotham  ended,  wow,  such  a  good  show  the  version  of  it  that  lives  only  in  my  mind  because  we  just  don't  acknwolage  any  of  the  nightmare  that  happened  after  that. 
Honestly  it  KINDA  depends  on  verse  for  me  and  what  happens  between  Ed  and  Os.  I  guess  the  Gotham  fandom  is  really  my  kingdom  now  so  I  can  say  whatever  I  want  but  should  things  follow  the  forbidden  Gotham  canon  Oswald  is  pretty  reclosted  for  a  while,  or,  he'd  like  to  think  he  is.  But  he  kinda  unlocked  a  part  of  himself  thats  hard  to  lock  back  away.  He  doesn't  start  looking  for  "love"  again  until  much  later.  As  far  as  my  headcanons  go,  in  his  later  years,  Os  dabbled  in  online  dating  and  in  one  verse  he  has  a  complicated  relationship  with  a  male  escort.  Its  not  a  sexual  thing  either,  Oswalds  so  heavily  distrustful  and  touch  adverse   at  this  point  he  wont  let  the  guy  be  physical  with  him.  He's  pretty  much  just  paid  to  ride  around  with  Os  in  his  limo  and  give  him  company,  listen  to  his  woes,  tell  him  he  cares.  They're  never  seen  in  public.  In  the  GOOD  ending,  however,  Ed  and  Os  are  a  power-couple  and  we  all  get  what  we  deserved.  So  yeah,  all  in  all  "yes  and  no".  Os  knows  hes  gay,  and  hes  as  ok  with  it  as  hes  gonna  get  baring  in  mind  past  truamas  and  his  own  risky  life-style  and  homophobic  attuides.  He's  never  directly  told  the  world  he's  gay  but  he's  kind  of  of  the  mind  that  if  you  don't  know  you're  dense  as  a  doorknob  and  you  don't  deserve  to  know.   Another  funny  tidbit  of  info  is  that  yeah,  Os  still  gets  labeled  as  straight  fairly  often,  not  by  anyone  that  actually  knows  him,  that's  as  funny  to  them  as  it  is  to  him,  but  the  iceberg  lounge  staff  and  almost  all  Oswald's  main  enforcers  are  women.  He's  surrounded  by  women.  People  take  this  as  some  indication  of  his  sexuality  and  it  is,  but  they  look  at  it  the  wrong  way,  they  think  its  because  he  likes  women  but  he  surrounds  himself  with  women  because  he  knows  he  wouldn't  be  strong  enough  not  to  fall  in  love  with  some  hunky  male  body  guard  or  cute  waiter.  My man knows if some cute guy was waiting on him hand and foot or some heart throb was walking around killing and ready to die for him it'd be over.
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
you're going to hurt yourself. (Prompt) | Inanimate Insanity | glitch!AU Mephone | random gift because I felt a sudden burst of motivation | Not intended for shipping purposes |
"You're going to hurt yourself. "
The world distorted.
Mephone was exhausted, and was probably hearing things.
he was once again running dangerously low on power, but Cobs had insisted they continue training, they were apparently supposed to go at this for five more hours, when Cobs had to get back to work. Unfortunately, they had already been here for almost six hours and Mephone was struggling to keep his eyes open. Just recently Mephone had been able to create things, and Cobs had been pushing him non-stop. The first time (and only time) Mephone had said something about being tired, Cobs had said that he should be grateful he had been spending so much time with him despite being a busy man.
"You're going to hurt yourself. "
Mephone blinked at the corn's words, static and strange colors leaving his vision and an exhausted feeling overwhelming him and stopping his mind from functioning for a few seconds, and he looked up at his creator in curiosity, though he was too nervous to ask Cobs to repeat anything.
Cobs sighed, and Mephone tensed for a moment before he was caught off guard with "Come on, I you need a break."
" …Cobs? I- did we finish already?" cobs stared at him for a moment with wide eyes as if he had just realized something which caused the phone to close his mouth, before the corn's face became neutral, Mephone tried searching for anything in his creator's face to indicate he had misheard, but he honestly couldn't tell.
"That far back, huh?… Well, look, Mephone, that's enough working for now, you desperately need a rest. " Cobs reached out, and Mephone blinked in confusion till Cobs tapped his hand. Was… Cobs offering to… Grab his hand?
Mephone opened his hand up, and sure enough Cobs gripped it gently, pulling him along and moving deliberately slowly as if not to scare him, much to the device's confusion, was Cobs sick or something? He wasn't acting that different, but something felt off.
(Mephone later realized that the way he had been acting had felt more genuine than what was normal, more caring.)
Cobs lead him to a place, but Mephone wasn't really aware enough of his surroundings to notice where. Everything felt so weird, like some sort of dream, and he kept seeing a strange glitching effect everywhere. Was HE the one sick? That would explain everything…
He didn't realize Cobs had brought them to a couch until he'd taken a step backwards without thinking, falling backwards into the cushions with an 'Oof!'. He looked around and found that cobs had briefly disappeared, coming back with a blanket and two pillows and placing them next to Mephone4.
"When you get back I am so lecturing you on not hurting yourself by trying to overwork just to get better, you're basically sick, and that's definitely not how to treat illness." Cobs grumbled supposedly more to himself than the electronic, and Mephone was getting more confused by the minute.
"…Cobs?" He dared to ask in an annoyingly quiet voice, then got even more freaked out when his creator looked up and said, "Hey, don't worry about it. Also it's probably best if you don't say anything, future you was super adamant that we don't let you say much in case you reveal something private. " Mephone felt so out of the loop, but nodded.
Cobs scratched his cheek. "...Cob-I let you sleep, right? "
"Uh- Cobs, do you have amnesia or something?" He asked without thinking, he'd heard of stuff like this on reality shows, people can bonk their heads and forget everything! Did that happen to cobs too?
"...I'll take that as a maybe. I have no idea how you work but I'm pretty sure even you can do too much (honestly for a lazy slob I was not expecting you to do that much) so just stay here, I'm gonna go get Mepad."
"Are you... okay, Cobs?" He asked right as cobs was about to leave, and he turned around to look at his creation.
"I'm... Fine, see you in a bit, Mephone, and- uh-... You probably won't even remember this but- Cobs is pretty stupid, and I'm not sure what exactly he did to you, but I don't think he deserves you."
Mephone watched Cobs leave again, trying to act like everything was normal even though his mind was very aware something was off, Maybe he was just being weird, anyways.
He stared straight ahead as he sat on the couch, and after a while of cobs being gone he pulled the blanket onto himself, which was super fluffy. He also pulled the pillows closer as well and lay down on them..
He was pretty tired, maybe if he closed his eyes for just a moment and wait for...
Mephone4 woke up in bed at OJ hotel with a note beside the bed.
'Can't believe that couch plan actually worked, last time you were way too stubborn to listen to mepad of all objects, I guess you just were that tired this time. but hey, stop doing so much, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this sort of behaviour up.' The note warned
Evening! Hope you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed, bet you weren't expecting me to write comfort and fluff, were you?
(Its an apology for what's to come in other stories, specifically the EYE phone AU, you'll see what I mean later probably-)
At first I was writing a super self projecting for with Mephone for this AU it got embarrassed plus had no idea how to continue it anyways so I just left it, I could post the unfinished one maybe if I stop feeling embarrassed.
Anyways I am just gonna let you guys guess who Cobs really was, remember that all the contestants are at Hotel OJ along with Mephone and the co-hosts so it could literally be anyone, it's really up for interpretation to be honest because I at first had a specific character for it but then just decided the interpretation route was better. Mephone just got tricked by the ol' pillow&blanket couch trick which is surprisingly effective if you're tired enough- headcanon that Mephone does need sleep just not as often as other objects and it's like charging-
The memory takes place when before Mephone is referred to as a 'lazy slob' and right when he starts using his powers.
Anyways, have a good one, see you soon!!
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