#like thats the 2nd 1 ive seen do it??!?
totallyaces · 5 months
just saw an insta post reporting on a dead boy detectives cast interview and it's sooo funny to me that they managed to frame it like George and Jayden are irl dating
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bogusbyron · 4 months
Copy pasting les mis notes from today's matinee (30th may) here instead of posting screenshots from my notes app like last time cause i think thisll be easier to read.... There's 73 points and it's LONG so i'll put it under a read more . Go wild hope you find them somewhat interesting. Ignore any errors puhlease 😭🙏
1) Jordan Simon Pollard was on as Javert and he is. Fucking massive. Very imposing. His silhouette on the top of the boat is crazy good
2) Harry Lake as Marius, saw him on may 14th schools matinée, god his voice is gorgeous. As usual amazing
3) the guitar riff in Work Song kind of gets me lol
4) Valjean (Chris Jacobsen) flinching when Javert lifted his hand to pass him the slip. Additionally he has a GREAT voice. Quite gentle
5) The fight where Valjean gets beaten up was a bit awkward lmfao
6) More valjean flinching when the Bishop goes to touch his shoulder
7) chris spitting "thanked him like i should" interesting delivery, quite liked it.... his "took my flight" wasnt as strong is Milan's but whateverrrrrr
9) The "I missed" on "I missed it 20 long years ago" was very harsh, as was "mouthful" in "mouthful of bread. LOOOVE thankyou Chris. "any other" in "treated me like any other" apparently was very gorgeous. I dont remember how but thats what I have written. Then i just wrote "Holy shit". He also was sobbing a little bit between "One word from him" and "offers me my freedom" which was lovely. Then i wrote "Chris ate jesus" so thats a high commendment
10) the bassline in At The End Of The Day is so delicious always
11) I kept seeing tom hext and harry lake in the ensemble (it was, uh, a bit thin  male ensemble-wise)
12) synth tones as usual heavenly I LOVE SYNTHESISERS!!!
13) the foreman was northern which was kind of funny #northrepresent
14) i think someone dropped somethijg offstage just before I Dreamed A Dream lmfao
15) Now i know that Fantine's wig cost £4000 i kind of appreciate it more. Doing my part
16) KATIE'S VOICE IS DIVIIIINE the low note she hits on "tear your hope apart" is ssoosooooooo goooode i get goosebumps bro
17) harry lake was the 2nd guy in lovely ladies though thought that was funny. He got his arse slapped on the "if you want to take all year" line . Giggled
18) javert big ass hat with the feather 😭😭😭😭😭
19) he was throwing some bitchy ass glances at the other policeman (who was harry lake. Btw) when fantine was begging whats his problem. His faces were so fun to watch hes so expressive. Hes also delightfully imposing and, as i wrote, "he's kinda fat LOVE"
20)  not very homoerotic at the cart although they did get dangerously close on "brand upon his skin".
21) i loved Jordan's performance honestly, he was very curt and harsh in his lines. Makes you want to cower away when he speaks
22) i cant remember when, but Chris spat a lil during Who Am I ans i wrote "spittin a bit there Chris. Hit that shit"
23) Katie was so wonderfully and convincingly weak for Come To Me ouuhhh my heart
24) I liked the little detail of Valjean looking over his shoulder a lot when he was with Fantine... ughhhghhhhhh
25) THE LOW NOTE JORDAN HIT 🤤🤤🤤🤤 different chainn
26) good strangle. Didnt fuck it up! He was stood up rather than knelt or laid like javert usually is but thats probably a Jordan thing since ive seen Stewart thebother times. He stood up quite fast rather than writing around a bit like stewart does and thenWIPED HIS MOUTH cool whagever. Then valjean kneed him in the balls at the tousle at the end lmfao
27) TOMMMM😍😍😍 i love his thenardier withbhis gruff voice lol. He did a little shimmy on "content to be" looove. I love his gay little dance he does with his pointed toes. And he flashed the gentleman guest at the start. As usual he does the bisexual thing. He flashes everyone again after mme thenardier's "whats happened since" someones gotta stop him bro
28) chris was so gentle with cosette i could cry .
29) tom hext thenardier does this thing where he's asleep when valjean comes in until he says "pay" at which he wakes up with a snort. Love
30) cosette runs to valjean  when he starts reassuring her when the thenardiers are trying to get him to spend more money snd it warmed my heart
31) tom squeaking "monsieur" in "one of our own monsieur" tickled me hes so funny. Also the jazz hands after "christians must do". I did keep getting blinded by his shiny shoe buckles though
32) chris was delightfully harsh on "too long to Forget" get his ass valjean
34) LOVE YOU HARRIUS his face when he sees cosette is so nice hes so good bruh
35) JAVERT IS HUUGE ITS CRAZZYZYYYYY especially  in that coat and the hat ohmt god dude
36) when thenardier pipes up after valjean runs off from javert he steps forward and gets choked a little itwas great. The way he goes up to javert to lean on him and the slide on his voice on "told you so" as well when he walks backwards lmfaoaoooo
37) stars was GORGEOUS . I mainly made very messy notes on Jordan's inflections during the song because i like the different delivery choices.... "face to face" was quite soft which i liked. The quick slide on "fall in flames" was delish.. hissed "scarce" and "silent" on "silent and sure". HOLY SHIT also his expressions, so good. Stewart is largely kind of deadpan just with a furrowed brow but jordan's face is all over the place its delightful. Also "bars" in "safe behind bars" was SO powerful and low ohhhhh his voice bruh. Bloody hell
38) marius' blank ass stupid ass smile when he offers the money to eponine its so fucking funny
39) i think the foreman is rhe ssame guy as grantaire but i do Not know. He did a silly giggle after "some wine and say what's going on" which i liked
40) i wrote "marius is so [see below image]" which lke ueah he was. Nothing behind his eyes at all. Love you harrius
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41) i absolutely LOVE djavan as enjolras hes very engaging and shit i LOVE him . Dont even care about les amis that much but djavan is great at getting me to gaf about enjolras i cant lie. Hes so good
42) i wrote "harmonies. I came" do you hear the people sing getting me good as always
43) cosette was still shaky im so sorry girl i dont like her voice very much😭 great voice very talented her vibrato is just all over im so sorry
44) shamefully, i had to write "cosette your dad fit as fuck"  when he appeared for heart full of love lmfao
45) he was quite harsh on "better unsaid" ..😔 contrasted the otherwise gentle deljveries for the rest kf the show
46) marius looks constantly, like, aghast and bewildered and stunned by the fact that cosette is looking at him and i loved that. Bless him. Love you harry
47) babet always cracks me up whats his deal. Also in attack on rue plumet there was a guitar riff after "why's she hanging about you" giggled
48) felt a bit 4th wall-y when valjean was saying his plan to escape idk. Hello vro❤
49) enjolras' bit in one day more will always fuck. I got goosebumps so bad when he came in bruhhhh. FUUUUUUCCCCKKK I LOVE ONE DAY MORE
50) not much exr chemistry  surprisingly. Tom hext clearly doing the heavy lifting for the enjoltaire fandom
52) never getting over the barricade reveal . As a techie the lighting makes me geek the fuck out bro. Id say it gave me a boner but would that be going too far. Anyway the lights were bright and i could finally see clearly what i was writing for a bit lol
53) i wrote "byron for army general 2025 i dont know why because my voice is nowhere as good as that. I am the biggest fan of those bits though its so catchy i love it. They really went harsh on the Guns or DIE!!!!!! looove
54) the only one taller than javert is enjolras and i find this hilarious
55) JAVERT WITH THE DARK RED RIBBON IN HIS HAIR i said "dorothycore" later in the evening. Also his sideeye to gavroche when he was being ratted out was funny
57) "javert slutty red waistcoat" he had a deep red waistcoat to match his hair ribbon. Ir was kinda unbuttoned off his shoulder when he was dragged back out okayyyyyyyy
58) chris delightfully harsh when he says "give me the spy" yesssss bro yessss
59) NOT AS HOMOEROTIC AS ID LIKED BUT AGAIN  SCHOOLS MATINÉE TUESDAY REALLY SET THE BAR HIGH😭 valjean did grab javert lapels though and hold them until "i'm a man. Held out hope in my soul my psychic mind beams would cause them to kiss like my comic but alas! Also as usual javert very expressive. Yummm.
60) gavroche and grantaire's friendship for evarrrrr. Theyr so fire
61) chris was so lovelyand delightfully soft for bring him home HE ABSOLUTELY HIT THAT SHIT, IF I DIE... BROOO... i thimk i prefer milan still but chris absokutelt did NOT disappoint.
62) did not shit myself this time when gavroche died. Winning
63) djavan's voice as always insanely good its insane dude holee fuck hes so good brugh
64) when grantaire died he qas kinda hanging off the side in a really awkward spot and i think javert stood on him a lil when climbing down the barricade lol. On that note hes still so fucking big its crazy im obsessed. Also Again with the cross over gavroche's body though godbless
65) kind of looked like tom's mic wasnt on his head properly in the sewers but whatever thats just a techie nitpick of mine. He sounded great as usual though no problems just looked a bit odd lol. He kicks marius on "stiffs at my feet" poor guy
66) javert raised his brows and bulged his eyes on "i wont be swayed" i just had to note that because of how good it was. His expressions seriously so enchanting
67) the heavy breathing and kinda growling before soliloquy dude ohhmy gourd. Hell yes brother. His hair was so good too his wig is slightly curly and its like all over his shoulders and shit whenever he brought his chin back it kind of cowled his face and it was delectable . His EYES .............. as a bulging eyes javert truther it was sso good. Great inflection on "i am the law", "valjean", "dominion", "insTEAD"..... soft on "gave me my life" which i LOVED, as well as delivering "heart of stone" in such a deeply sad tone which was so good bro ohhmy god. "Killed me" was very harsh LOVE! he absolutely GROWLED "world of jean valjean" hellooooooooo bruhhh
68) HARRY LAKE WHEN I GET YOU HARRY LAKE. the low notes on "tomorrow never came" get outtttt. "Theres a grief that cant be spoken" whole line got my heart torn apart . He deliverwd it SO emotionally it got me screaminf crying. Also he was kind of harsh on "don't ask me" which i LOOOVED.
69) dont really know how to describe it but chris' valjean i liked himmmm he felt like ? Quite .. mature ? Well duh cause hes like old ass man . He played it wonderfully anguished as he was confessing to marius, got more anguished as he went on until the "who am i" ouuughhhhhhh . He was delightfully desperate and frantic when he was asking marius to keep the secret too, shaking his shoulders a little and all bro ohhhmy
70) HARRY SO HANDSOME IN HIS SUIT 😊😊😊😊🥰 HIS SMILE ALSO i might be a little bit in love with him but what evarrrr lol
71) THE THENARDIERS AS ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL stole the show. Tom's spin when he gets punched by marius omg so good . GAY ASS DANCING .... plus return of the funny little toe dance he does in master of the house. He did a little pose on "paris at my feet" which i loved. The pose:
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72) chris' frail voice OUCH. so gentle. He was like muttering into cosette's hair when she kneeled in front of him i was going craaaaaazzzzyyyyyyyyy bro kmsss. The way he delivered the "i will try" was so fucking heartwrenching cause he sounded so earnest and final  and like the smile he gave her ohmy god i was tweaking so bad HRURRYUYYGGGHHHHHH he whuspered "its a story" as he handed her the book. Suicide tomorrow gang⁉️
73) nearly cried i cant lie. NEARLY. i didnt but nearly. Goosebumps on that final note ugh OUGH eugghhh. Anyway yeah final  verdict this cast fucked amen 🌈🌈 harrius and tomardier on top
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ralexsol · 3 months
watching "Listen" from 12 and then directly afterwards "The Devil's Chord" from 15 was the wrong decision on my part. it only made the devil's chord that much more painful. like listen isn't like an insanely good episode or anything but it. actually feels like a sci-fi show. and it has a very touching ending with clara and kid doctor.
a better comparison would be with "Robot of Sherwood" from 12 vs. devil's chord. they're both the 2nd episode of their respective doctors, with the plot being the companion's "i've always wanted to go to-" dream. both are EXCELLENT companion dreams: robin hood and the beatles. both have INSANE levels of potential for shenanigans between people of legendary status and doctor + companion. but um. one is done incredibly and the other is. not.
Robot of Sherwood: start in the TARDIS with doctor & companion. wanna see robin hood, oh but robin hood is not real - and wow, an idea held by a character in the intro scene will actually play a key role in both the comedy AND emotional charge for the entire episode! for the rest of the episode, you have robin hood as the 3rd protagonist in TONS of scenes, with iconic characters as his merry men and the sheriff making appearances. and look, an actual sci-fi thing going on! the guards are robots and they're stealing gold for their spaceship! cool!! and then the emotion-based ending of the doctor and robin relating over being legendary heroes who will only be remembered as such.
The Devil's Chord: start in unknown location with piano guy and his student. that's fine, it's setting up the plot, sure. get some fun piano playing and holy shit okay the villain is right here and just immediately showing their entire hand and purpose?? okay so they're killing people because they want music to themself. okay, they seem cool enough, there must be some interesting thing about them that we'll learn later. switch to TARDIS, wanna see the beatles, let's go!, montage of them watching famous musicians be shit at EMI studios. oh hey it's george martin the producer of the beatles thats fun!! annnnnnd he has more lines than ringo and george combined and this is basically the last time we will see half of the beatles! um. okay. i am dead serious half the beatles have about 2-3 lines between them and they only speak in 1 fucking scene. there's a cool scene with paul & doctor and ruby & john, i really liked how they explained the disappearance of music and the inherent terror everyone seemed to feel of the maestro (the villain) coming to get them. the scene on the rooftop is cool! im a pianist and i love orchestral music so i really liked that. but i was so terrified she was going to start singing at any moment because i cannot handle any more cringe-worthy songs in this show i just can't. this is not a musical. anyway, the whole episode falls apart when you realize oh the beatles arent actually what this episode is about and oh the maestro is literally just the character that you saw in the intro scene and they have no twist motive and no emotional charge and yeah they're the toymaker's kid so they're a "force of nature" and not an alien with cool science and they just want allll the music. and then there's long "fight" scenes and then john and paul save the day without saying a single word in a 15-second long total shot. and then there's a fully fever-dream level dance and song montage.
i dont know too much about peoples' opinions on 15 so far cause ive had spoiler tags blocked for months, but from what i HAVE seen, it's been really positive. am i blind? am i stupid? am i bigoted????? why dont i like the vibes of this season?? maybe im just spiraling because ive been so hyped to watch the beatles episode as a beatles fan for MONTHS and just can't cope with ringo and george being written out. ive only seen 3 episodes w 15. i so hope it gets better. please let it be better. if they do another musical number i will kill something. i will spontaneously combust.
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antiendovents · 4 months
// vent, medical ableism
tldr; my fucking DOCTOR is pro-endo and her source is a dumbass paper that proves nothing and now my healthcare is at risk!!
just had my appointment with my gender wellness doctor. she asked how i've been and i mentioned finding a 2nd therapist for specific stuff. she asked what and i said dissociative disorders. i wanted to be vague but she pressed me to talk about it and reluctantly i talked about having alters and answered her questions bc i struggle with saying no.
i told her i was ok with doing an adverse childhood experiences scale but that i had stuff i wanted to talk about (like my hrt not being at the pharmacy for months) she said "we'll get to it".
after the assessment she asked abt it causing distress and she was talking about how in the office they use the term "plural identities" i said that was fine but that its still a disorder. she was like "disorder is negative" and compared it to how it used to be called gender identity disorder (comparing the two as if she has any place to talk on it, being cis and a singlet) but its better to use "plural identities"
i was like "thats fine as long as its still seen as a disorder and caused by trauma" and she was like "no its not always caused by trauma" and i straight up said "do you have a source for that?" and she was like "google my husbands name" and i did and THEN she moved on to my actual issues with struggling to get hrt for months.
the whole time after i had to mask how i was feeling so i could get basic healthcare. after she hung up i burst into tears. its been like 10 min and im still crying and feel sick. ive had doctors say they dont know what DID/OSDD-1 is before. ive had them say DID is a personality disorder. ive never had anything like this before and i feel unsafe. the fucking endo community IS affecting healthcare. i dont feel like i can ever talk to a doctor about this stuff again. she completely talked over me and then moved on like it was nothing
btw this is the stupid study her husband worked on. read it and its not even PROVING ANY OF WHAT SHE SAID. its just "oh well some people THINK theyre plural and of course disordered people have to be miserable so if you like ur alters they must be magically there!" and was from the plural association. its fucking disgusting this is being used as fact when theres nothing but subjective opinion.
i genuinely think im going to go to planned parenthood from now on. i cant work with her anymore. its been 2? maybe more years of working with her but im done. im sorry to ramble so much. im still having a breakdown over this.
-arachnid anon
im really sorry about that arachnid anon. That sucks and if you can we hope you manage to get a new doctor because she is clearly causing you distress. This really sucks, I feel like endos don't always realise how dangerous this stuff can be for actual systems. If doctors don't see it as a disorder then they won't treat it as such, meaning you won't get the help you need and you won't feel safe with her (as you said), which like,, isn't good. She's not a specialist meaning if anything she shouldn't really be saying stuff about DID/OSDD at all, because that's not her job or her place ((I understand you brought it up, but still. She should keep her opinions out of her damn job))
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pineappleparfaitie · 2 months
Person made response and mentioned me so ya
Lots of shit under cut
lets go
Screenshot from OPs post
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Person is refering to this
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My takeaway:
While I think this specifically was blown out of proportion by op who ill call Vee - I do agree this isnt the best way for Suzy to conduct herself. However this isnt like the torture commentx i use slapping someone with a wet fish as a joke and its exaggerated. This also applies to Suzy here however hers is much more violent and no one expects her to be able to pulverise anyone into red paste. However i admit it isnt a good look.
Screenshot of Vees post:
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my takeaway:
While i agree however most NSFW blogs use tags that are only used by nsfw vore accounts and dont use stuff like extreme cuddling for example to separate themselves from the SFW crowd. Most people who are artists are well aware that genitals ≠ NSFW , ive seen many statues, paintinfs ect as part od my school program with genetelia. Does that make it porn?No . Thats the first bit
Second bit is if the OP INTENDED for this to be sexual they should use nsfw tags or sexual ones if thats their goal. Seriously why tf would a fetish acc tag their shit as anything other than kink,fetish amd nsfw?Your example doesnt make sense as ive stated genetlia isnt a good comparison here. Its a fetish.Its on THEM to tag their shit accordingly.
Third. Yeah no i agree with the 2nd half of the post most of it anyway. The reason they say well respected person i. THe community is cause I said that in my previous posts regarding this. I said that not Vee
Screenshot of Vees post
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my takeaway:
Heres why /why not:
Vore is a latin word first of all. Its used as a slang term for vorarephilia. Its in reference to the act of eatinf another.
Heres where stuff is different.
Eating someone alive is a trope used in cartoons for ages , Tom and Jerry, Miss Frizzles magic school bus, Disney shows have it, Nick shows act ect ect. Its a trope in media.
Diapers ,Feet, Pee is not a trope in media. These are not thinfs that are tropes and common accurances thag are explored. If its used its for comedic purposes in kids cartoons.
Vore is one thing as it can be nonsexual and sfw.
Diapers ,Feet and PISS fetishes should not be exposed to minors - sexual or not these are not things minors would even remember seeing in csrtoons growing up.
And Sadomasochism/sadism/masochism is just NO. This is not okay this is shit kids should not look at as it will cause them to see this stuff as okay and fuck them up it is the pleasure in ones or another pain its fucked kids should not even know about this
Alao this is so stupid its not a kink or fetish anymore if its nonsexual its a different thing for God sake. Kink is something that has to do with sexual fantasies and whatnot. Fetish is simmilar but its more to do with objects and certain situations.
If its not sexual, then you dont have a fucking kink or a fetish you just enjoy that shit.
Screenshot of Vees post
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My takeaway:
Yeah this is true Suzy did do this however i wasnt able tk find any dates on the archived posts that could help me see how recent some of this stuff was. One post/reblof a friend helped me out with was from June 27th . However if Vee can provide dates to the archived posts or tell me howtl to see em on the links provided that would be great.
Screenshot of Vees post:
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My takeaway:
Vee, thats not ableism
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Ableism definition
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When i said that both sides were not the sharpest tool in the shed- i meant this.
Vee youre anonymus i dont know if youre disabled or not.
It is mot ableist to call someone stupid for doing a stupid thing. It is not ablesim if i say a commonly used phrase to say someone isnt very bright.
Im not saying this cause i think people with disabilities are lesser ik for a favt that byllcrap ik multiple disabled people who sre smarte than me and better than me. But by your logic if i aay the word IDIOT its ableist?
Idk how Suzy feels about me rn, i still have respect for her and see her in a positive way but i will call my friends stupid when they do something stupidm i will say they werent smart for doing something idiotic.
As for the last bit while your intent was good Vee you are deflecting from the main issue if you not reaching out in DMS before making shit public and adding baseless accusations of ableism to actually suported claims.
I will say it AGAIN
Intent was there but the execution was shit.
Both of these people fucked up but one left to take a breather and maybe even process everything while the other keeps postinf amd reaponding to people.
If you WERE concerned about the safety of minors- Vee ehy did you ONLY focus on where i wasnt on your side when i AGREED with you on others?You are nitpicking and trying to still come out on top or at least make yourself seem smarter.
Was that your intent?Probably not but thats how youre coming across.
That was the end of the post i am so tjred GOD FUCKING DA-
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sexysilverstrider · 2 months
can i say something? i wanna laugh and i wanna say why. see over the past years, i tend to follow some otome accs to be updated on trends. and of course by following n keeping track on these accs, of course im sometimes forced to see and read opinions that i may or may not agree. of course being a rational adult i tend to either ignore the different opinions or just block for my peace of mind. but what i learn the most based on past experiences is that not everyone will share the same universal experience
take henris tragic end in piofiore 1926. people hated it and were scarred by it since im one of the people who got psychic damage from orloks tragic end in piofire, naturall i was scared.
but when i played henris infamous end? laughed and clapped and cheered. enjoyed tf out of the end lmaoooo. i was a bit sad at the others fates but i enjoyed the cg and henri n lilianas fates. sad but i love angst
now the one tragic end i DO hate is tokisadas 1st?? 2nd?? bad end??? the one with kanan doing the netorare. i hate ntr i hate cuckhold i hate cheating tropes so ofc that gave me psychic damage i spedran the second i realize what was going on. now ive seen people love that n u know what sure u do u
people however hated himukas 2nd tragic end where the blue haired son of a bitch raped byakuya in her comatose. the blue haired kid was like what??? 12?? 13??? ofc shotacon isnt much of peoples alley so naturally they get disgusted
personally for me, it wasnt bad enough to traumatize me. i remembered saying "oh, thats it?" like okay lol
which brings me to the next apparently universal agreement: peters spicy end in cupid parasite sweet n spicy darling
keep in mind. havent played yet. planning to make peter my final boy. loved him in the 1st game and love him still. so imagine my surprise when ive seen people HATE his spicy end. not only that, but ive seen warnings by other otome accounts about how his spicy end shouldnt even be played. now the spicy end in the sequel is considered bad ends. here i was fearing what it was.
cheating/ntr? they already did tht in shelbys route (sad but eli YUMMY)
voyeurism? they did tht in ryukis route lol tht took mw off guard
yandere?? thats gils thing
rauls was tht they couldnt get married yet n while im still doing allans route, im gonna assume theyre on long distance or something. which leaves the question: what is peters spicy end thats so bad???
spoiler: anthro sex. its literally anthro sex. i havent seen the cg or scene but i put 2 n 2 together n after reading a small spoiler from 1 acc, its. anthro sex. im assuming peter turned into some sort of animal beast n fucked lynette??? okay????
BITCH THAT IS HOT AND THAT IS MY SHIT LMAOOOOOO u are talking to a person who has a crush on literal pokemon (its blaziken n hisuian zoroark btw take note), plays animal crossing games like its a dating game(kyle is my husband take note also), and has read some anthro smut mangas. you telling me a lil bit of faux bestiality is what people see as traumatizing???? in an 18+ game???? HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 2 months
watching mha season 6, ep 1-14
i may or may not have watched all this in the span of 3 days, but thats okay
Episode 1
so this is the paranormal libaration war arc i've heard so much about
not a fan of this intro
am not mentally good enought to get this, so typing it down so it sticks. we got 2 groups, endevour and edgeshot. each group does a thing and students help them
why does this have to start with plot. can we have a fun bit at some point?
"i'd never imagined he'd keep us in the loop like that" -natuso(?) about endevour
i need something fun to happen, can we get something funny to happen?
scary mic sure is something
Episode 2
"who else is gonna step in train all my useless children" dadzawa confirmed
mirko is cool
assuming nomu have basic anatomy, wouldn't they be really easy to defeat? their brains are literally exposed
kaminari/jiro ?
kaminari is cool in the last scene
Episode 3
"Nice line, you sound cool!" "Leave me alone" - see, this is why i love tamaki
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tokoyami is so small what. baby bird man
okay, so hawks and twice were having a moment, now we got dabi
so, hawks has been training to be a hero since he was a kid, he looked up to endevour (had an endevour doll) ans said him and fire don't mix. his name is also kaygo takami, and dabi knows that. hawks may also have killed best jeanist?
twice no
i'm not okay about this
Episode 4
i like fatgum, but only fat fatgum, not skinny fatgum
hawks has trauma, doesnt he (dont they all)
at some point someone has tried to have a staring contest with aizawa. no one ever wins against him.
so mic/aizawa is a thing right?
Episode 5
love how the 2 birdmen are both weak to fire (tokoyami cause light, hawks cause fire burns)
"booty incoming!" - fatgum is now on the favourites list
oh hey, makiya is doing stuff now. thats not good
Episode 6
deku and shigaraki should become besties.
deku using blackwhip is so spiderman
i'm not okay about ryukyu (i'm a sucker for dragons, what can i say)
Episode 7
shigaraki does not want to become afo
oh hey its big guy (I don't know his name)
Episode 8
makiya is the Villan ashido faced in kirashimas backstory?
impressed at how long aizawa has been going for
aizawa got shot with the anti-quirk bullet
Episode 9
hey... uh, is aizawa okay, like mentally? he was going on some rant AND CUT OFF HIS FUCKING LEG while thinking about eri?? like man. and then we get hit with the intro.
oh hey, its todoroki (shoto)
so, aizawa lived, he's got that going for him
okay, golem guy's name is gigantomachia/machia (had to google it)
so no one has died yet (i think, at least no one important)
is majestic important? i don't think i've seen him before, but momo knows him
also if they've been at ua for a year now, does that make them 2nd year's now? does that mean the big 3 have graduated?
deku has unlocked new quirk called float, so he has 3 now (base ofa, blackwhip and float)
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take a minute to look at this
istg if bakugo dies cause of that
Episode 10
give my guys a break, let them go to school and do normal stuff for a bit
"with no sun in sight" -i could take this places, but i wont
holding out for a shigaraki redemption arc
a toga redemtion arc would be nice too
i dont trust that old lady
Episode 11
i wonder if this episode is the dabi-todoroki reveal (its called dabi's dance so maybe)
so jeanist did not die, wonder what happened to him
bakugo lived
so we got the big reveal (dabi dumped some liquid onto his hair, which made it white and said "call me toya cause its the name you and mom gave me) so lets see where this goes
dabi, shirtless on tv "ive killed 30+ innocent people" like dude, can we just chill for a bit
whoo, explaination time! so, why is your skin like that. please tell me
dabi is not okay, like dude is going full on villain monologue
wait what's natsuo's quirk? fyumi has frost, dabi has fire, shoto has both, but what about him (googles it) okay its frost also
its best jeanist
Episode 12
i need to see a hero who does puns. jeanist does comparisons, but thats not a pun, i need to see someone make bad jokes. for enrichment
"great explosion murder god dynamite" bit long, bit violent, but hey
love how ida used his name, like he straight up used that sentance as bakugo's name
Episode 13
can we spare a minute to talk about dabi's flames, specifically the fact their blue. i dont know much about this stuff, but blue fire is alot hotter than normal fire, so yeah, thats interesting
theres something wrong with jeanist, like he's been bleeding a bunch
deku is right. we need to redeem shigaraki
also this music is sad as hell
machio reminds me of the httyd bewilderbeast.
wow alot of people got hurt
Episode 14
okay so there's a guy in a car and I think he's evil. he looks familiar but idk who he is
yep he's evil
we got a new intro
so this looks like the start of a new arc. I'll do this episode then I'll do a new post
in the intro there's a purple haired person, also young shigaraki.
so there was a summery tldr shigaraki and some nominations escaped
is the whole they said no students were there thing important? it feels important
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spare a thought for the endeavour doll just sitting there. most colourful thing in the shot
this scene, of them trying to save everyone is Something.
midnight died
"don't be a wimp. we got 5 weenies on out side" shoto should make his hero name 5 weenies. it'll be funny. but seriously, that kid though
so afo is possessing shigaraki and is getting the nomu to free his body. nice
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Im telling you guys about my theory on evadare and what the void is(threat/j)
for context(according to what i heard from people who are in rems server): the events of evadare and xrun are REAL events that actually happened to Rafe. this is confirmed
The Void is a VERY big mystery, y'know? like, vaguely gestures. the two main things ive seen are: Is Whats Going On In It Real and Whats Happening.
Heres my thoughts on what it is, and i even have Evidence!!!
I think the void is a weird pocket dimension, in that bermuda triangle-esc thing we see the ship shipwreck into, that projects the viewers traumas and fears into reality as a form of Nightmare, and the way to beat it/get out is to "beat your nightmare". weird right?
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this is in Rems video titled "Incredibox || Evadare Chapter III - Void || Announcement"
Now onto why i think the void projects peoples traumas and fears and to why i think its Not Real!! in that order
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Do you see those warning triangles that say "OXYGEN LOW"? those are the same warning triangles we see in the Galaxy Bonuses on Rafes space suit
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and have you noticed the Void gasmasks name? its 072021. 07/2021. July 2021. its a date, and if you look at all of rems youtube posts during that time, you can see that they all relate to Galaxy:
July 2nd, 2021 Galaxy Mix, "Good old times"
July 13th, 2021 All Unused Galaxy Files
July 18th, 2021 Galaxy's Bonus 1, The Forgotten (remake)
July 27th, 2021 Galaxy, the Zodiac Update
July 29th, 2021 Galaxy, All Bonuses
Nearly suffocating to death in space, only being saved by either his friend sacrificing himself or Aries stepping in, Must have been traumatic for Rafe. and seeing him die(again depending on what you believe) would be terrifying!!
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this friend, seen in both the 2nd galaxy bonus and evadares 3rd bonus. Rafe has to see nightmare crush his friend. the next screenshot is from voids 1st bonus, right before it happens
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His friend dying is either a severe Trauma to Rafe or a severe Fear. either way, the void takes advantage of it. Now onto whats actually a fear.
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Capitan(and his crew by proxy) is one of the only allies Rafe has in this entire journey, and you can see this in his sound in the mod too!! him Telling Rafe that he should stay and he will be kept safe.
it makes sense that seeing him die would be a major fear of Rafe.
And now that we went into what the Void Does, lets go into if its real or not. as i said i don't think it is, and the secret is in the sprites/voids bonus!!
Look at the sprite between Nightmare and Jacko.
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They're similar, but Noticeably different!! nightmares eyes and mouth are different, and the shapes his sprite is comprised of are bumpy and rough, compared to Jackos face and smooth/clean sprite-work.
and another: notice the differences between gasmask and 072021(along with 072021 being a incarnation of Rafes trauma from galaxy)
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different outfits. but thats not really one im paying attention to tho, despite it being worth noting.
what i want to talk about is their Animations!! gasmasks only animation is his head moving up and down to the rhythm of his sound, and his mask lenses fogging up as he exhales. while 072021's animation has the cheeks of his mask puff up and sink in as he inhales and exhales!! very noticeable difference. especially considering the point i made before
now onto the most notable point:
Rafes cuts on his face are completely missing.
we can clearly see in Voids 1st bonus that he has the cuts on his face he gained in Xrun:
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but later, in the same bonus, As SOON as he enters the void and we can see his face, they are GONE COMPLETELY:
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you may say its a mistake and rem forgot, but she included the blood spatter on rafes face he got from Capitan dying at Nightmares hands, his cuts stayed the entire time in xruns bonuses and the beginning of Voids, so they are an important detail in his design!!
The blood spatter is even in his sprite!! theres no way rem would include the BLOOD FROM CAPITAN DYING and THE SLIT IN HIS EYEBROW and not include the cuts on his face
That concludes this VERY long post about my theory!!!! i hope you guys consider this :DDDDD
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gingerweed-man · 5 months
Smooch or Scooch the NSR Main Cast (minus children).
(I'm sorry if this is a lot, but I couldn't think of anything else ;3;)
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(For the benefit of anyone not familiar with them, names starting from January in month order):
Neon J.
DK West
1010 (You can do one, individually, or as a group 😏)
[Redacted Child]
DJ Subatomic Supernova
[Redacted Child]
Ok, so finally finished this homework (joke)
Unfortunately I didnt finish this game bc I got it on switch and... wow. Do not get it on switch. So some of these are gonna be more based on vibes and what Ive gleamed from you.
Neon J. He's one of the ones I didnt get to, but from what Ive seen... I'd definitely smooch him. TV heads are cute and he has so much swag. But as for a long term relationship... maybe not. He's definitely someone Id go on a date with once or twice, but I dont know if we'd hit it off. Probably not, unfortunately.
Zuke. Look. Listen. I love Zuke. He's great. He's wonderful. I have no ill will towards him. I am going to kiss this man so much, its insane. I can definitely see myself actually entering a relationship with him. Did it sound like I was setting him up for failure? He fucking rocks.
DK West. Unfortunately I dont think so. Maybe a kiss? Actually definitely smooch him. But not much beyond that. He's great, I love him, but thats way too much energy for me. I cant keep up, and he deserves someone better suited for me.
Tatiana. You cant convince shes not a lesbian. You can show me a 4k vid of her fucking men, and I would not buy it. I dont think I could.
Mayday. Bi queen. More attracted to women than men, so maybe not a full on relationship, but Id definitely go on more than a few dates with her. A ton of smooching involved. Again, vety energetic, I dont think I could keep up, but I'd love the time we spent together.
Eve. Also didnt get to her. Shes hot, also bi queen. Id want to kiss her, but I might be too scared to. She's scawy. Yes, Id smooch, but be very nervous doing so.
1010. Realistically, I should go 1 by 1. But this has taken so fucking long I cant. Im finishing this tonight, May 2nd. Id kiss them once, but thats about it. I dont think Id kiss them all. Hot, but not my type. Also kinda debatable whether theyd want to or not, so theres that. Just... very complicated and this is the sole reason this took so long to do. Id kiss basically all except white and whoever else didnt get kissed when we decide to stop.
DJ Subatomic Supernova. The things Id do to this man. THE THINGS I'D DO. Smooch.
Kliff. Thats where Im throwing him off of. Love this white man. Off the edge you go. Scooch.
Mother. No idea. But kinda a milf. Smooch.
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mekatrio · 6 months
ok gushing abt the best thing ever aka case 4
was not expecting maya to get kidnapped at all... it was rly shocking to see phoenix completely lose his composure when he learned that she was kidnapped, bc this was the first time tht had ever really happened. throughout the game we had seen him act differently than usual whenever edgeworth was brought up, refusing to acknowledge him and even going as far as to snap at franziska. but to see him completely lose it and become so so panicked.. THAT WAS AWESOME!!! it was very suspenseful and unnerving in the best way like GRAGHHHHH and with some New Music too.. and it was really just emotional to see wright be so panicked and at his wit's end so many times throughout this case :( it did a really excellent job at solidifying just how much maya and phoenix mean to one another..🥲 and i was really touched by maya's (and pearl's!) unwavering faith that phoenix would save her 😭
phoenix's outburst at edgeworth was so surprising to me!!! i had absolutely no idea what edgeworth's return wouldve been like and how phoenix would react to him, but i was definitely not expecting FOR HIM TO SAY HE WISHED HE WAS DEAD LIKE BRO!!!!! but it does make sense for him to react this way, hes so fucking stressed abt maya its crazy, and edgeworth just returns smug af and speaking in riddles 💢 wright's reaction also gets further explained much later where its shown that in his grief and anger, he dealt with this loss by rationalizing that edgeworth had ran away bc phoenix dented his perfect record, and thats why he says it wouldve been better for edgeworth to have stayed dead; bc to cope, he had to characterize edgeworth as a coward. and 1.) i think its so interesting that we dont understand this until near the end, meaning we as players are left clueless abt phoenix's emotional state and 2.) THIS GIVES HIM SO MUCH DEPTH and further shows us how phoenix deals with loss, my personal interpretation w the info i have is that i think this motherfucker can barely deal with loss at all, and he had to believe that edgeworth was a coward who ran away rather than a victim of suicide or something, otherwise he wouldve lost it completely. but its open-ended enough tht it can be interpreted in a variety of ways WHICH IS AWESOME!!!! WOW!!!!!! The gradual unravelling of his emotional state is just SOOO FUCKING GOOD WHWHAHHS
speaking of edgeworth, bc he made an appearance so early in the case (i wasnt expecting him to be here day 1), i had wondered what role he would be fulfill, since we already have our prosecutor franziska.... AND THEN SHE GOT SHOT?!?!? AND EDGEWORTH IS OUR PROSECUTOR AGAIN?!?!? the stakes increased like fucking crazy.... both trial days were so good, 2nd one is my fave for reasons ill state later but this first one was still good too, bc i truly wasnt sure whether my client was guilty or not.. usually theres a more likelier culprit or the game just straight up shows the actual killer, but this time around it was so woahh cuz like andrews was very obviously lying which conveniently frames her as the killer, but then like maya got kidnapped and why would she be kidnapped if engarde is innocent.. also the fact that we needed to wrap this trial up in One Day was STRESS and then towards the end suddenly WHAT andrews is saying she isnt guilty?!?! randomly accusing people of murder is actually.. a bad thing to do?!?!? (<- sarcasm ive been criticizing phoenix for this this entire time) but yeah i was legitimately blindsided by the fact tht andrews was saying she wasnt guilty, it rly was a wake-up call for me and mr. wright cuz in every past case, unraveling inconsistencies brought us to the truth, and here we did that again, but in the panic to free maya, we didnt make our assumptions as airtight as it possibly could be and we basically almost fucking... punished an innocent person which is. insane. more on this (wright's manner of defense getting criticized) later..
also i was worried that id have to use andrews' mental illness against her to save maya which wouldve been a terrible terrible thing to do. luckily edgeworth is way edgier than i ever thought he could be and like a goddamn bastard he revealed her illness to everyone so i didnt have to. and yes towards the end that helps everyone including andrews, but at the time that was fucking FUCKEDDD up of him. my god. another note abt edgeworth, my memory is imperfect so maybe this isnt true at all, but in this trial it really did feel like edgeworth had changed a lot. like he actually gave wright multiple turns to speak, didnt rush the verdict, and when he saw wright's panic, he actually helped to prolong the trial..... like omg. hes no longer a von karma!!! THAT IS EPIC!!! but yes first trial day was crazily amazing, and when it ended with a new sprite of phoenix with his head in his hands that was really :((((( like that actually surprised tf out of me and made me so sad......
ok time to talk abt narumitsu. in this universe where every character behaves so over the top, more reigned-in and subtle emotional reactions tend to be much more striking and its bc of this reason that i find the interactions between wright and edgeworth to be soo compelling.. like its hard to explain cuz these guys do have their dramatic af moments, what with the way they are in court + faking suicide + phoenix's outburst, but their interactions are still grounded in a degree of subtlety, they dont have emotionally charged shouting matches or weep openly or whatever, and when they do lose composure, theres a gradual build-up to it. what im basically saying is that im a huge fan of the restraint in their relationship, i think it makes for an extremely interesting and enticing dynamic and their interactions in this last case was just so so good bc of this, phoenix is clearly still angry yet edgeworth is clearly trying to help him, and even tho hes still pissed wright accepts his help bc they are adults who have a job to do and its only towards the very end do they properly air out their feelings like Yesssss i love this. also!! i really liked how their roles have swapped around in this game, in the first game phoenix was saving edgeworth; he helped him realize the errors of his ways and later defended him when edgeworth was on trial, and now in this game edgeworth is returning the favor, and is making phoenix realize the error of HIS ways and is helping him to save maya... like that is GROWTH!!! and of course the way their rejection towards one another has swapped too, first game had edgeworth rejecting us and putting us down cuz we're rookies, and this time around wright is the one rejecting edgeworth cuz he thinks hes still a petty perfection-driven lawyer. but they still manage to bypass these presumptions and save one another. it came back full circle in such a great way that im like so satisfied with it to a point tht im curious if edgeworth will even do anything in the next game bc like is there anything more to be said and done??
moving on, 2nd trial is easily my favorite trial so far bc of how its such a subversion of everything ive came to expect from these trials, mia's wisdom of believing in your client no longer holds steadfast but i cant just out my client cuz 1.) i am a goddamn defense attorney and 2.) maya's life is being held ransom. and also like we have to prolong this trial for as long as possible so the cops can search for maya but we also cant just throw shit around and get penalties, we have to defend our client who we know is guilty but we cant defend him TOO well or andrews is going to the fucking gallows, god andrews... when i accused her AGAIN i prayed that she would beat the fuck out of me and edgeworth after the trial bc this poor innocent woman.. we have been putting her thru hell. and also like god wright's and edgeworth's roles has essentially been swapped around w the way i have to accuse an innocent person and edgeworth has to be the one to protect her like its CRAZY!!!! its mind games on mind games on mind games and everything is topsy turvy and so intense and still manages to be funny with phoenix throwing the phone across the goddamn courtroom but also sad with him breaking down towards the end and the TENSION with waiting for gumshoe to arrive with the evidence and FRANZISKA VON KARMA SAVING THE DAY like this last case was a such masterclass in pacing, every fucking beat just hit so precisely it was SUCH a good experience... WOAHHHH!!!
and ofc ive mentioned this already but seriously this case touched on everything i had wanted this series to touch on its like it read my mind or something hello....
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like theres almost nothing i need to add on bc this case practically spelled everything out omg. throughout these past 2 games ive been giving phoenix shit for just randomly accusing witnesses of being perpetrators, and like i get it this is what phoenix has to do, bc he lives in a world where the justice system is so fucked up that people get accused w the filmiest of evidence and phoenix really does need to find the actual perpetrator to free his client, i get it. but in doing so we run the risk of accusing another innocent person of something they didnt do, bc a lot of the time we're accusing these people without decisive evidence. and thats what nearly happened in this case with ms andrews, she was innocent but we almost damned her for something she didnt do, which is greatly ironic considering that a large reason why phoenix became a lawyer was bc he was saved from a false conviction (a class trial, but still).
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and the reason phoenix does this (this = somewhat baselessly accusing others of being guilty), is bc of what mia had taught him: to believe in your client. because our client is innocent, another party must be guilty. this is how we've handled every case so far. so during this engarde case, where we learn that our client actually is guilty, and phoenix starts to lose his mind… edgeworth tells wright his most vital lesson yet: that they are not heroes, they are lawyers.
brief mini tangent b4 i circle back to this idea of being a lawyer rather than a hero: while i was wrapping up that miserable experience of a third case, i was wondering to myself what the overarching message of this game would be. the only thing thts really been tying these past three cases together have been edgeworth's disappearance, compared to the first game which hinted at narumitsu's shared backstory + dl-6 which it then had its climax with. so obviously edgeworth will play a big role in this last case… but then what? what is he going to do? what message will he deliver? i didnt have a clue, and then the final case rolled in and the overarching message it delivered was this: being a lawyer isnt about saving people, nor is it about being a hero. this is why mia's belief of 'believing in your client' falls short, bc simply 'saving' someone bc u believe in their innocence isnt enough. otherwise, this would mean that those that we believe are guilty arent deserving of a defense, which is why wright was so conflicted upon learning of his client's crime. but this isnt what being a lawyer is about, instead its as edgeworth had said;
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what it means to be a lawyer is to defend/prosecute to the best of your ability, regardless of your whether you believe the defendant is guilty or not. it means to have faith in the opposing party, and that if your claim is a false one, said opposing party will expose the faults in your claim. and as to whether the defendant is truly guilty or not, that can only be decided once both prosecution and defense have unveiled the truth together. this is what it means to have a fair trial, what it means to be a lawyer: it is about having faith in the ability of the opposing party, it's about being able to trust others. this is what edgeworth had learned in the year tht he's been gone, and is now here to teach to phoenix.
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in this last case, wright finally learns what it fucking means to be a goddamn lawyer, what it really means to be a defense attorney. wright is able to defend engarde, despite knowing that he is guilty, bc he has faith in edgeworth's prosecuting abilities. it is thru their trust in one another that they were able to prolong the trial long enough for franziska to arrive with decisive evidence. as a lawyer, wright must be capable of defending even those who he believe may be criminals, bc a proper defense, fair trials, and justice, isnt something that can just be cherry-picked and handed out to select individuals. true justice is something that everyone deserves. justice… is.. for all…
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this, of course, can only happen in a fair and just world, where neither defense or prosecution is corrupt with say, forged evidence and fabricated testimonies or whatever, and an unbiased judge. this world is clearly not ace attorney's world, nor is it our non-fictional world. but i still find it so remarkable that in this fictional world where the judicial system has been perverted nearly beyond recognition, these characters were still able to deliver this semblance of truth, and illustrate the purpose, function, and importance of a fair trial. i really do love it when stories use exaggerated and absurd environments to convey messages which are deeply relevant to our own world. and i find it especially neat how in the first game, it was the prosecutors who were being scrutinized; von karma's and lana skye's fabrications being brought to light, with edgeworth closely trailing behind the footsteps of these two. but this time around its the defense being scrutinized, with both phoenix's and mia's unwillingness to properly defend engarde coming back to bite them several times.
another neat thing is that i really like this dialogue from mia after the trial ends:
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which is her referring to whichever choice we made right before franziska saved the day; either securing the non guilty verdict, or claiming that engarde is guilty. i was very happy to learn that mia says this regardless of which choice you pick, bc neither options are necessarily incorrect. if you say engarde is guilty, it means that being a lawyer means to believe in your own convictions and moral compass. if you secure a not guilty verdict for instead, it means being a lawyer, a defense lawyer, is about defending your client to the best of your ability, regardless of ur own personal beliefs. both of these are admirable traits to have in a lawyer which is why either choice are praised equally…. THIS CASE IS SO GOODFJSDLJFK
some other final comments before i wrap this up: i was so relieved to see andrews smile at the end of everything T_T i think shes a subtle parallel to wright, edgeworth, and franziska, as all four of them have lost their mentors and are struggling bc of it. all 4 of them were dependent on their mentors to various degrees, but by the end of the case, they are able to extract themselves from their mentors' shadows, and are able to forge a new path for themselves. wright learns that theres more to being an attorney than believing in one's client, edgeworth and franziska put von karma's legacy of perfection behind them, and andrews learns to be comfortable with herself 🥲🧡 also gumshoe was such a real one in this case…. i am so sorry for previously cussing you out when u wouldnt give me evidence. through our time together you have become a friend to me <3
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lamboficarus · 6 months
Bc I love obscure indie music, please do try this small sampler platter
oughhh i really like this first one. the beginnings got me hooked like 2 seconds in !! both songs in here are good :0 its very uhmm smooth (?) goes through the brain nicely. that second song is doing cool things i like the drums in the ~ halfway point. ok im on the second link now i think you and i are shaking hands and frolicking in a field of flowers together. really like the 2nd song here so far. voila. thats gonna bounce around in myhead for the next hour now. like a windows screensaver. im. going to end up making a new playlist i think to shove some of these songs in there . i think. not sleeping to make a new playlist on a scale of regrettability from 1-10 is like. a 3 . ok so the ones i really liked here were breathe, coyotes, savior and after the fall.
owag the voice so pretty,, im in this album and i do nott like it (positive) omggg "everything happens for a reason and the reason is god hates me" MECORE. phrase of all time. burning it into the memory bank
OAHH IVE SEEN THIS ONE IVE YOINKED SO MANY SONGS FROM THIS. CREDIT CARD BASHING TABLE GIF !!!! have you seen uhhh the stuff for the indie animation called ramshackle? 5th link gives me the same vibes as that. i like !! ive gotta draw to this at some point this is really good. this the type of album i have to listen to save as a playlist i think !! my brain is mush now but this last one. yummy. bamjo i tinkn (?) is yummy . nods sagely and passes out
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jennilah · 2 years
I will now infodump completely random self indulgent thoughts about Halloween and Friday the 13th that i otherwise would have no other opportunity to voice, because I want these thoughts out of my head and into words.
releasing pent up energy lmao
So, Halloween:
I rewatched this for the third time on the 13th because I am a dirty, filthy cheater. The goal was to get extremely high and watch one of the Friday the 13ths (F13 for short) but at around midnight my heart had a very specific craving that only Michael Myers could satisfy.
As I watched it, I recalled how I felt the first time I watched the film a year ago. I had a lot of thoughts then that still hold up to how I feel now, now that its my special interest.
First of all, in 2021 I attempted to get into the slasher genre but I was too weenie to venture very far. I watched the first Halloween and thats it.
And, when I watched it, I distinctively felt unimpressed with the first two acts. It wasn't not entertaining, but I remember being like "I dunno, this is fun and all but it isn't that scary?"
Even some of the first kills, like Judith barely being aimed at, with people's eyes going cross-eyed- it's kind of goofy.
but then
Very subtly, about an hour into the movie, by the start of the final act... something shifts.
When Laurie gets off the phone and walks over to the Wallace house and finds the bodies, from that point to the end I was completely enraptured. The tension mounts and mounts and mounts, and by the time the credits roll I only just realize how hard my heart is racing. In fanfiction terms, i let out a breath I didnt know I was holding. (except, like, actually tho)
and I had the exact same experience when I watched the movie again a few days ago, foolishly thinking Im long past being afraid of silly ole Mikey.
that must be, I feel, why the first Halloween is so spectacularly iconic.
I also remember my jaw dropping at the unmasking moment. It was when you realize- he's not really old, he's not physically deformed or anything like that- hes just a guy. He's practically just a kid himself. (When Loomis says hes 21 in the sequel I even yelled out "HES ONLY 21?!?" even though you can do the math yourself while watching the first movie lmao. in my defense, I watched that a year later, so I forgot how young he was) He almost looks afraid once the mask comes off. He's exposed, in every sense.
that scene really blew my mind.
but, Ive mentioned this before, these films didnt hit Special Interest status until I watched the second one for the first time this past october. I think it was the upped action in the sequel that pushed it over the edge into adoration territory for me.
I really love each timeline the films go through (well, for the most part) for different reasons. They all scratch different itches. And they give my imagination so much to work with. Fanfictions too, its really interesting seeing which interpretations of the characters people decide to expand upon. My favorite is the new Green trilogy (yes, even with some issues I have with Kills. and I unabashedly love Ends) and the Jamie Lloyd trilogy is in 2nd place.
Then, also this year, I had a proposition for my friends. Two friends. We call ourselves Movie Club. Every other sunday or so, we watch something over Discord. Our choices of movies are always incredibly random.
This past October, I was like, "hey, how about we watch some horror movies? I have a whole list I am trying to get through"
and on that list was Friday the 13th. I didn't know anything about it. I barely remembered Jason was the slasher of the franchise until my friends refreshed my memory. 1 friend had already seen it and said that it would be perfect for Movie Club.
And so, we watched it.
First of all, it was everything I wanted it to be when it comes to campy horror. With the screaming teens fumbling over themselves and all.
Second of all, I was SHOCKED. so was my friend who also went in blind. I don't even want to mention why. I am not going to. If all you know is Jason slashing away at teenagers in the woods, then you know just as much as I did, and you should absolutely give it a watch. You know less than you assume.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the very first Friday the 13th movie has much more exciting surprises now than it did when it was released.
We, as a Movie Club, said "oh my god. Well, now we have to watch the second one." (by that point, we were all going in blind)
So we did.
We said "well fuck, we have to watch the third one now"
So we did.
And by then, we were in too deep, we simply had to know how exactly the franchise transitions from that to future titles like "Jason Takes Manhattan." We had to know how he goes to space, and we had to know how he fights Freddy. We were in it for the long haul.
So we watched them all together, and Jason cemented his place in my heart. One day this special interest will pass, but those memories with my friends will be forever.
And now with the new series being made by Bryan Fuller? I dont think we were even halfway through the series before my friend dropped that news, and I was immediately like "oh FUCK yes."
I never drew tons of fanart or anything, but I AM a reasonably large Hannibal fan. and I know how beloved Bryan Fuller is, I love the dude too. I love that he stands up for fangirldom. It's a breath of fresh air.
Ive been following any press he's been releasing for Crystal Lake and I am so fucking immensely excited for it, I have already ranted incessantly about it to two unsuspecting friends of mine. From those interviews, he and I seem to be on the exact same page when it comes to what we find important about the F13 series. Yes, it's really goofy, but there's also a certain heart and tragedy to it, and he seems dedicated to making sure that shines in his series.
I'm so excited about this series that Jason doesnt even have to be in it and I'd probably still love it. (Except he will be in it lmao im just saying)
And now, I am still watching new slasher films. I am almost done watching all the Nightmare on Elm Streets. They're fun, but they dont do it for me quite like Halloween and F13 have. (I'm still glad I'm watching them tho. I must say, Wes Craven's New Nightmare was incredible) Next up i'll probably watch some one-offs before diving into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films. I have a feeling I will love Bubba once I meet him. I hope so! I want to love more slashers like I love Michael and Jason. We will see tho.
I think thats it for my ramblings. for now.
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spricket-central · 2 years
heya! i suppose i better start out with a sort of intro/background post.
my apartment gets a lot of greenhouse camel crickets in it. its far from an infestation, but theyve been common visitors for years. i grew pretty fond of the little guys, and maybe a couple months ago i began toying with the idea of catching a few of them to keep as pets.
this happened suddenly on december 6th 2022 when i found crouton, my first and youngest spricket (short for "spider cricket," another name for camel crickets). i wasnt prepared with supplies yet, so i had to keep him in a badly mangled plastic tupperware for the night until i could go shopping the next day.
here's a picture of him investigating his new home!
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crouton is VERY shy compared to my other sprickets, so its hard to get pictures of him. this is still one of the clearest pictures of him i have.
heres one more of crouton, demonstrating his small size.
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if youve ever seen a greenhouse camel cricket before, you probably know just how big these guys get. crouton is about 1/4 - 1/3 of the size of an adult. as of writing he still hasnt molted yet while in my care, but im excited to watch him grow!
on december 11th, i was unexpectedly graced by the presence of two more sprickets, biscuit (male) and cookie (female).
heres a picture of them together in Gay Baby Jail (the small enclosure i put my sprickets in while i clean their tanks).
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you can tell the two apart by the presence of an "ovipositor" on cookies rear. it looks like a big "stick." some mistake it for a stinger, as greenhouse camel crickets have a very large, slightly curved ovipositor, but its a harmless organ they use to deposit their eggs into the soil.
both were adults, and i was nervous about keeping the two with crouton because of his size, so i went out and bought a second tank for crouton to live in. hes been doing well!
biscuit and cookie ended up mating, and cookie laid a LOT of eggs.
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i have no plans to start a colony, so i froze the eggs and the soil they were in for 48 hours before discarding them. i ended up regretting this decision though; cookie ended up dying only a day or two later (december 27th), presumably from age combined with the enormous effort needed to lay this many eggs in about 24 hours. i wish i had kept a few to hatch, but alas, the eggs were already dead.
i was hoping to find another female tankmate for crouton, and last night (december 30th) my wish came true.
enter, peanut!
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i believe shes an adult, but if shes not shes likely close to it, as shes only the tiiiiiniest bit smaller than biscuit.
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shes missing one of her jumping legs, so im extra happy to have been given the chance to take her in. i think biscuit likes her, ahaha. i cant be sure, but i believe ive observed him attempting to court her a couple of times? he would turn his back to her and start wiggling his butt rapidly while doing what looked like a little jig with his jumping legs.
peanut was not having it, and just walked away. damn girl thats cold 🤘😔
id be remiss to not take a moment to talk about biscuit on his own for a little, because he is QUITE the character, ahaha. hes so animated. ive loved bugs all my life, but i never anticipated one could have such a big personality!
...this is the 2nd time hes managed to do this.
i think thats about everything i can think of for now? i have adhd, so theres a good chance im forgetting several things i wanted to mention, but my attention span cant last any longer, so I'll end this post for now.
im looking forward to spending more time with these guys and learning more about them, and im excited to see what 2023 will bring!
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jellyaibo · 2 years
so last nites dream was pretty cool
basically they were holding another object con and i was able to go to it which was awesome and i even brought my lil loser plush w me there. and when you got there they gave you a little identification pin w ur username on it and it was RLLY COOL but mine didnt have my name on it . it was literally just "jellyaibo" and that was the only name on there bt everyone still called me nate anyway . guess they just knew. there was also a part where i saw cary and turned to the kid next to me and i said "yeah this is like the 2nd time ive seen cary irl" which. thats fucking scary /j
at some point satomi announced that we were gna do a little quiz game to earn points and whoever was in the top 3 gets lil prizes depending on what spot u were in (everyone else got lil prizes too dw) and they gave me a. very fucking specialized question which was smth like "how many times did loser breakdown in bfb?" and i fucking. knew exactly when said breakdowns happened (1 was that scene from episode 17 i think? the one where shes like. "a fan is doubting me? noooooo-!" and i cant remember the other one i think that one was from an episode that didnt exist but it existed in the dream so!!!) and they gave me like. 30 points for that i think. oh and THEN i started giving them my fucking loser headcanons which. FOR SOME REASON LET ME GET MORE POINTS??? and i ended up in 2nd place and they gave me a fucking MINI LOSER PLUSH which made me start crying and then i woke up
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why are universities always so fucking stupid and disorganized
we have a recruitment session on tuesday bc during the second year of the master we have classes but we also work, its like 1 week of classes/1 week of work
so we have to find a job but theres really few offers, and the uni told us that they organize a recruitment session every year. and they told us about it like lots of companies come there every year, at the end the students are always happy with it, and the majority of students find their jobs there. id like to do my 2nd year in an automotive company, i was told automotive companies would be there, even stellantis specifically.
we were supposed to get the list of offers last tuesday. on tuesday we only got the time, the place, and they mentioned "the meeting afterwards" as if we knew about it (we never heard of it). in the end we got the offers on friday. theres 9 offers (theres 40 of us and i think like 2 or 3 people already found a job). the fucking excel sheet isnt even filled correctly. automotive companies are nowhere to be seen. this is such a fucking joke. like theyre just out there being fucking disgusting dishonest pieces of shit. beyond the disorganization and lack of communication that ive come to expect after 5 years in university, why the fuck did they do this. i understand wanting to make your recruitment session look good, but to the point of giving us false hope about how many companies would be present and how many of us would find something there ? thats so fucking gross
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bluntz420x · 1 year
Is your birth year an odd or even number? Odd.
Which one of your friends is the most outgoing? hmm, probably the younger ones, lol.
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? i just woke up like an hour ago, so no, i havent eaten anything yet today.
When did you last find yourself in an awkward situation? if i paid attention to stuff like that, probably more often than i think.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? i think all i had was a bagel, before dinner.
In school, which subject(s) do/did you find the most difficult? applied maths, like statistics.
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? What’s his/her star sign? wow LOL, i have no idea. i joined facebook like 15 years ago.
Who did you last say “thank you” to? Why? probably kyle. he ran in the house two times to get stuff i forgot.
Name a band you like, that starts with the same letter as your surname. nothing is jumping out to me.
When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice? ha, i think this is another one of those things where, if i paid attention, id know the answer.
What happened? lol see above, who knows.
How many different towns/cities have you lived in? ive never lived outside of the greater metropolitan area of the immediate city near me.
Who is the 10th contact in your phone? What’s his/her favourite food? LOL thats someone in my neighborhood. i dont know them personally at all.
When was the last time you felt your heart racing? last night.
Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? OF COURSE DUH lol.
How old were your parents when they met? when they met, i believe my mom was around 25 and my dad was around 30. could have been maybe 2 years before that, tops. they didnt date long before getting pregnant with my older brother.
When was the last time you had Nutella? a few months ago. i binged it and got tired of it.
Who is your favourite character in “The Simpsons”? lisa, hands down.
How about “The Big Bang Theory”? i dont like that show. its never been that funny to me.
What are your parents’ middle names? this is a security question if ive ever seen it, lol.
Who is the 2nd contact in your phone? What colour are his/her eyes? i just saw him the other night and i have no idea, LOL. dude is high af whenever we hang out so XD
Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. my husband.
What genre(s) of music did you listen to 10 years ago? same stuff really. ive had eclectic taste my entire life.
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? yes, just different shades. my brother has the lightest eyes, my sister is the darkest, and that leaves me in the middle lol.
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? i have 3 cats and 1 dog. i definitely want more, when we move into a larger space with a yard. i think max cats in a house will be 4 probably, max dogs will be 2.
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? still. i cannot stand carbonation.
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? not really. i love reggae lately.
What colour are the eyes of the person you have feelings for? my husbands eyes are blue.
Is there a song that you’re fed up of hearing? no lol.
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? i cant remember my dream from last night. i think it was all right. i didnt wake up uneasy lol.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back? hm, if yes, it happened so long ago i cant remember lol, sorry.
Name 3 things that are in your refrigerator atm. milk, creamer, butter.
If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? no. if i post, i post because i want to, not because im looking for attention.
Which friend do you confide in most? kyle mostly, then lizzy second.
What does your 6th text message say? pfft who knows, modern texting isnt like that.
What was your most recent reason for smiling? :) probably kyle lol. its usually kyle.
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? not really. i have worked very hard to get decent at that.
Have you ever watched a Sons of Anarchy? nope.
Do you want to see The Woman In Black? i would, i guess. i like daniel radcliffe. it just looked too scary at the time.
Has a random guy ever asked you for your phone number? i dont think so.
Has a guy ever pulled over to ask for your number or call you hot? LOL no, the opposite actually, ive been heckled.
How attracted are you to the last person that kissed you? quite!
Name something that you are doing tonight. putting off actual work lol.
Are you a jealous person? uh, i mean i have the capacity to be jealous, but i dont think id be described as a jealous person.
Do you like February? not really. its the shortest month of the year, but because its at the end of winter, it feels like the longest month of the year.
Where have you lived throughout your life? just around the current area.
Have you ever known a white supremacist? probably. im pretty outspoken tho so i doubt a supremacist of any variety would tell me that they are.
What were you doing an hour ago? ugh, sitting in this same spot at my desk, feeling less lost i suppose lol.
In regards to who do you think ‘what if?’? Link XD "what if he was real" no other what ifs anymore.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue? fuck yes.
Do you get excited when you find Sanrio products at Wal-Mart? no.
Are you 420 friendly? absolutely!
Do you own a Champion’s sport bra? champions? like champion brand? no.
Do you watch Justified? nope.
How many cups of tea of coffee do you have in a day? 1-2. i drink half caff usually though.
Do you own a varsity jacket? no.
Dolce Vita or Jeffrey Campbell? who?
Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum? oof… ryan gosling. hes more my type.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? LOL yes, both. a therapist before, actually.
Would you rather someone you loved passionately hate you or be indifferent to you? hate me! then i have a goal to make the feeling mutual.
Have you read Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre? no, but i want to.
I bet you miss somebody right now? duh!
What are you planning on doing after this? work. snooze.
How much money do you spend in a month on clothes or accessories? barely anything. i dont like shopping like that anymore.
What was the last clothing item you wore that doesn’t belong to you? i wear kyles shirts and pants sometimes, but his stuff is my stuff LOL, so… good question.
Do you watch Jersey Shore? no.
Do you have a thing with someone? yes, my husband.
Do you have any bruises on either of your legs? i found a mystery bruise on sunday, but that happens lol.
Who was the last person to touch your stomach? kyle.
Something tragic just happened. Does your facial expression show it? most likely. im not good at hiding stuff, at least to people who know my face well enough. to those that dont, i tend to show RBF apparently.
Who is the cleverest (crafty) person you know? i really dont know. i dont like crafts, or craft people lol, so i cant think of anyone in my life like that rn.
Do you think people who know a lot of facts are really smart? no. i think most folks know enough facts to be impressive.
Welcome! And you are? your mom.
When you buy/recieve new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? wash!
Do you hate using public restrooms? idk about hate. its necessary sometimes.
What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? pft i saw a meme of a walking stick that was a bull's penis, iirc.
Do you check to make sure there’s TP before using the restroom? ha! i wish.
Do you drunk dial/text? i used to, as if it was a pastime.
Why are mall Santas always portrayed as drunken, depressed old men? search me.
Have you ever built a massive snow fort? i dont think so?
What household chore do you loathe? i dislike dishes, theyre usually gross because the boy doesnt rinse his dishes properly before putting them in the sink.
Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? nope! only if the parents allow unrestricted access to their children, then yes. its like kicking your kid outside in the general public to fend for themselves. what do you think theyre gonna do? children are mischievous by nature, dude.
Would you care to meet Tom, the creator of MySpace? not really. i dont care lol.
Have you ever looked at a person and thought they looked like an animal? omg yes! i love telling my loved ones what kind of animals other people look like sometimes lol.
Do you use acronyms to remember things? yes.
Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? no. i dont like increasing tolerance to pain meds needlessly.
What would you do for a Klondike bar? i wouldnt.
Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? yes, i do think they are ugly. and disgusting. if i see someone wearning crocks period, i know their feet are rank as fuck. i dont care if youre wearing socks, those are fucking PLASTIC shoes.
When was the last time you went rollerskating? a couple years ago.
What trend do you hate right now? i never like trends.
Do you really follow trends, or just wear what you like? i wear what i want to wear.
How many times do you think you go out to eat each month? too many times! too much fast food!
Do you call people “dude” a lot? yeah lol, i call everyone dude.
Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? mikie was my favorite growing up because hes so food focused and funny. anymore, donatello, because purple is dope and hes the smarest guy.
Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? all of the above!
If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? psychology.
What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? thats a good question. kids say the darnest things.
At what age do you plan on moving out? i moved out over 10 years ago lol.
Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? yes. the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt namely. the ventriloquist doll from peewee's playhouse.
What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? the news is always sad lol.
Do you believe that acupuncture works? i think that if someone believes it works and they get it done and they feel better after, it worked. like most things, i think faith is required.
Have you ever been hypnotised? nope, but id like to try.
If you got expelled from school, would you continue your education? LOL sure.
How long does it take before you trust a person? good question. im hard of trusting these days.
Do you ever wish you had Jedi powers? duh lol. i wish i had anything superhuman.
Will we ever get to see Jack’s face (guy from Jack-in-Box commercials)? i dont care.
Would you kick it with Jay and Silent Bob? YES DUH.
Say…would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? sure.
Would a wax museum scare you or amuse you? SCARE. even pictures of wax figures creep me out.
What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? its been a long time lol, i doubt i know anymore.
Have you ever made a time capsule? What did you put in it? i never have.
What would you do if your mom or dad read your diary/journal/blog? this has happened before lol. they took me to the hospital and i got held for 2 nights, mandatory for any check in, even tho the doctor told me that night that i was fine. idiot parents lol. dont read your kid's shit and NOT talk to them later. what the fuck.
Do you turn the music up when a good song comes on? DUH.
Do you know anyone with a lisp? probably.
Do you hate going to the doctor? no.
Why did the dish run away with the spoon? Why not the fork or knife? i dont care.
What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? good question. in recent memory, when i was under so much stress and trauma that my body locked up and i had to go to physical therapy at the ripe age of 32 because my back made me cry almost daily.
Do you wish time went faster or slower? slower dude.
Do you write thank-you notes? for what? lol. i dont throw parties, i dont hold milestone events, none of that.
If you were to break a Guinness Record, which one would you try and beat? im just not interested. never have been.
Are you distracted by shiny objects? i mean, probably, i am an animal. but not for long.
What’s the coolest item in your room? HA! cool. probably my bed.
Are you grateful for what you have? i practice gratitude every day. im lucky it comes naturally.
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? who cares.
Are you scared of clowns? uh, they make me uncomfortable, but idk if im scared…
Are you accident-prone? isnt everyone? nah, not more than anyoneelse.
As a kid, what was your favorite activity on the playground? shoot, just kicking it with the homies.
Are huge muscles gross or sexy? not my thing.
Have you ever fished and caught something weird? never fished in my life.
Your final thoughts…? ugh, why didnt more time pass?
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