#like the atheist
perplexingly · 4 months
Also, slowly making more and more BotC illustrations
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officialspec · 7 months
i always roll my eyes a little bit when someone openly looks down on people who are religious/spiritual. ur telling me youve never made a wish before?? never sent a little prayer out into the universe???? get real
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jessicawwcaww · 3 months
Father mulcahy kind of the character of all time. He’s a priest. He boxes. He’s cute as a button. He’s in with the black market. He’s in with the black market to get goods for orphans. He regularly fleeces his unit playing poker. For the orphans. His sister the Sister plays basketball. He tends bar so people will confess to him. He got drunk to preach about temperance. He says jocularity. Southern Baptist services are too forceful for him. He’s threatened violence on multiple occasions. Lesbians want him
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possession1981-moving · 4 months
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THE FIRST OMEN dir. Arkasha Stevenson, 2024
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People who hiperfixate on Epic of Gilgamesh, Iliad/Oddysey and The Bible are actually the coolest mfs out there. Like yess pleasee draw more Gilgamesh x Enkidu fanart, write more Achilles angst, call Jesus of Nazareth your babygirl, nothing makes me happier.
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redheadedbrunette · 5 months
If you say "religion and science are contradictory" I don't trust your opinion on either
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jessicalprice · 1 year
Sorry, Christian atheists, but “Christianity traumatized me” is not a get-out-of-accountability-free card for upholding Christian supremacy through your treatment of members of minority cultures, reiterating Christian evangelism and colonialism but for your WASP brand of atheism, promoting Christian purity and hierarchy but with the serial numbers filed off, insisting that the Christian model of culture is the only one that exists and shouting down members of non-Christian cultures about their own cultures and experiences, etc.
Oh, you don’t like members of non-Christian cultures pointing out the ways in which your behaviors continue to normalize and uphold Christian hegemony?
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actiwitch · 10 months
Hot take, apparently, but genuinely harassing or insulting anyone's religion is not ok.
Criticizing religious institutions, proselytizing, extremism, or horrible behaviors/beliefs done in the name of a religion? YES! Totally. That should be criticized.
Unpromptedly popping up on random posts by religious folks to say anything along the lines of "god isn't real", "the pagan gods are fake", "there is only one true religion", "[any religious group] are stupid/dangerous/barbaric" -- NO.
It's rude. It's unnecessary. And sometimes, especially in the case of minorities or oppressed groups, it's outright hateful. Theres nothing helpful, funny, or cool about randomly insulting one of the most personal aspects of a persons life. Unless it's invited or warranted, stfu.
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yashley · 10 months
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hindahoney · 1 year
Maybe it's just a jumblr thing but I do get annoyed at the portrayal of Jews being constantly mad at God. If you didn't know anything about judaism tumblr would really convince you that all Jews either hate God or don't believe in Him. It's the same thing for Jews in media as well, I've never seen a Jewish person portrayed who talks proudly about their culture. There is so much more to being jewish than having a culture that encourages questioning and disagreement with God.
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deservedgrace · 3 months
i really do think something a lot of people (especially christians) don't understand is that atheism only answers one question: do you believe god(s) exist? atheism says nothing about ideology or beliefs held, it's simply an answer to that one question. the only thing you know for sure two atheists have in common is that they both don't believe in the existence of gods. there are atheist scientists and there are atheists that are anti-science. there are lgbtq atheists and there are anti-lgbtq atheists. there are right wing atheists and left wing atheists. "atheists believe [xyz]" is almost always nonsensical because atheism is not an ideology with things to believe in. "atheists believe in science" is just as true as "atheists don't believe in science" because atheism answers ONE question and people with all kinds of ideologies and beliefs and identities are atheists.
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menlove · 6 months
the way this website balks at the term "culturally christian" is so funny to me like. oh shit you mean the religion our government and culture is structured around might impact you even if you're atheist and ESPECIALLY if you're ex-christian? noooo it's the people using it to describe a phenomenon of western culture that are wrong
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imsoglitter · 1 year
I don't know what atheist needs to hear this but when someone tells you they're a cult survivor, telling them that all religions are cults is both untrue and unhelpful 😌💕
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inamindfarfaraway · 8 months
The Exorcists’ Masks of Virtue
The vast majority of Exorcists in Hazbin Hotel have a notable design element that other angels don’t: their masks are missing an eye. Specifically, the right eye.
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I believe this is a reference to the Bible, Matthew 5:29. Jesus says, “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.”
He’s being hyperbolic. Mr Free Healthcare was not pro-mutilation. What he means is that you have to be willing to make sacrifices to prevent sin. The context of the eye metaphor is him condemning adultery and warning that even something as easy, casual and small as a look full of lustful intent can lead to further, worse sin if you don’t notice your sin, hold yourself accountable for it and do the work to not let it influence your decisions. This will probably be hard. It could be very, very painful. Changing your perspective can feel as horrible as plucking out your eye, so many people can’t bring themselves to do it. But although it won’t feel that way in the moment, it’s healthier for our general wellbeing in the long run to abandon traits and behaviours that damage ourselves and/or others.
(You may notice that Jesus’s teaching that you can have sinned, redeem yourself by giving up sin and thus escape damnation is the founding principle of the Hazbin Hotel. You may also notice that it contradicts everything the Exorcists believe.)
The Exorcists seem to follow this idea of painfully excising badness for the sake of the greater good devoutly to the point of placing it above teachings like ‘Thou shalt not kill’, with their job being to remove sin, in the form of sinners, to protect Heaven. Hence the missing right eyes. They’re a declaration of moral righteousness and inability to stumble.
But the truth is that the Exorcists all have their right eyes. Their flawlessness is a facade. Underneath, they are untouched, think themselves morally untouchable and, as shown by their horror and outrage when even one of them is killed, would much rather be physically untouchable too. This perfectly represents their complete unwillingness to acknowledge their own faults, let alone improve. They are never the ones who sacrifice. They force the sinners to sacrifice and don’t compensate it with any salvation. They metaphorically rip out the sinners’ eyes, but still condemn their entire bodies as inherently, permanently sinful. So they’ll just have to do another Extermination to get the other eyes! And another one to cut off their right hands! And so on until there’s nothing left.
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The only exception to the rule is Vaggie, both in appearance and character. Her mask has the left eye crossed out instead. Even before her expulsion, she’s set apart to the audience as an Exorcist who has the capacity to, shall we say, see a different side of things. Her mask having its ‘sinful’ right eye reflects her understanding that the Exorcist worldview is wrong.
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When she almost kills a demon child, her hateful vision clears. She discards the part of herself that’s an unquestioning, merciless agent of death, terror and grief… and as punishment for what Lute perceives as treacherous weakness, gets her eye plucked out.
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Of course Lute leaves her with only the ‘sinful’ eye. It brands Vaggie forever as the inversion, a perversion, of what the Exorcists are meant to be.
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You know, all this talk of eye removal in the Bible reminds me of another line - ‘an eye for an eye’. Adam directly quotes it in “Hell is Forever”. He uses it to frame the Exterminations as Old Testament-style punitive justice; the sinners did harm and so they receive it. But putting aside the debate about how ethical the concept of revenge is, the entire point of taking an eye for an eye is that it’s proportional. The punishment fits the crime. If someone cuts your eye out, you shouldn’t murder their whole family in front of them and then slowly disembowel them to death. That would be the sin of wrath. You should just make them pay without excessive pain or collateral damage. This is the fairest form of revenge.
The Exorcists don’t do that! The Exterminations aren’t proportional to the wrongs of all they hurt, nor was Vaggie’s brutal punishment equivalent to her extremely mild insubordination. Lute literally takes Vaggie’s eye, and more, after Vaggie does nothing to her! That’s the opposite of the phrase! Adam and his soldiers are wrathful and cruel, deriving satisfaction from others’ suffering. But they just can’t stop going on and on about how disgustingly evil the sinners are, in total hypocrisy… despite some of the sinners being far better people than the genocidal Exorcists are… it’s like they’re obsessed with specks of dust in the sinners’ eyes when they have massive logs stuck in their own. Oh hey, that’s in the Bible too!
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
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happy pride!
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pissmoon · 1 year
Everytime i see this idiotic post on 'atheism of white men vs. Atheism of the opressed' i notice something stupid about it i didnt notice before its such brainrot its like watching a surreal movie u notice something new every single time.... and now im thinking..... why do you care if atheists' and non-religious people's 'reasons' for not believing are good and profound enough? Why are their reasons any of your business anyway? Why do you feel entitled to them explaining this to you? They need to 'prove' they're one of the 'good' non-believers to you, why? If this is your attitude do you think they will tell you their real reasons and engage in serious good faith debate with a judgemental stranger who can't mind their own business and comes at them like 'justify yourself to me!' anyway? Do you think they always tell their real reasons to religious people who act hostile and judgemental? They can't just exist out there not believing without having to explain themselves to you? Why does not believing need to be justified, is believing the default state of being? How can you be sure their reasons are what you think they are, how do you know you are not projecting and talking out of your ass?
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