#but I do want to have at least Trouble Brewing in full
perplexingly · 4 months
Also, slowly making more and more BotC illustrations
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dyns33 · 4 months
In the stars and the Book
So people wanted a new Dream of the Endless story for today. I hope you will like it !
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It was rare for Destiny to give advice.
For several good reasons, which his family understood well, even if they were sometimes annoyed or disappointed that he did not break the rules to help them in difficult times.
His interventions were never really his doing, but permitted by his Book, if not obligatory.
More than any other member of the Endless, Destiny was fully and entirely his function. He loved his siblings though.
He always showed a small, almost imperceptible smile when he had the opportunity to help his family, who always listened attentively.
This time, Dream was the lucky one who received a call from Destiny's gallery.
Of course he was going to answer, it was part of his responsibilities. He'd had some problems since the Magnus had captured him, freed himself, gotten his tools back, rebuilt his kingdom, and ever since he'd felt a little empty.
His brother's call could be excellent news, or the start of new troubles. But he was going to answer anyway.
As always, Destiny greeted him quickly, not leaving his book and not clearly answering his questions. This was not what was supposed to happen.
Then, when Dream was calmer, he finally looked at him.
"The witch ? What about her ?"
“You will know happiness, true happiness, until your end, after she gives you a kiss.”
Morpheus remained stoic as he knew how to do so well, despite the storm that was brewing within him. The people of the Dreaming must have been totally panicked, even if they were used to their creator being quite upset after an encounter with any Endless other than Death.
“Goodbye, little brother.” was the last thing Destiny said, already turning his back on him, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
His relationship with Y/N ​​had always been complicated. They had almost killed each other the first time they spoke. A real disaster. But she was still young, while he had yet to learn patience and empathy.
No doubt he was also too romantic, since he no longer even remembered the reason for their argument, but only her eyes full of passion, her hand on his cheek when she had the audacity to slap him, her perfume when she had vanished into thin air, vowing never to see him again.
They had seen each other again, several times, without ever doing it on purpose, as if fate was doing everything for them to end up together.
Over time, their exchanges had become more cordial, almost friendly. Dream had to recognize that Lucienne, Hob, his sister, many people had helped him a lot to realize the value of this little witch, who had also helped him on many occasions.
Yet he never thought he would feel love for Y/N. Admiration, affection, a need to protect her, but love ? Dream had often been in love. At least he thought he was.
It was true that each of his relationships had ended like shooting stars, passing very quickly, before burning and disappearing into nothingness.
His big brother had just revealed to him the secret of a certain, infinite happiness, a happiness that he seemed to deserve against all expectations, he who had ended up thinking that he was made to remain alone. There was no reason to hesitate.
Y/N clearly had some hesitations.
Despite his many advances, he still didn't seem to know that it was not proper for mortals to appear in a living room uninvited or unannounced.
First misstep, because it was not by scaring his sweetheart that he was going to succeed in seducing her. The poor thing even asked him what she had done, convinced that he was coming to punish her.
“I’m not here for ill reasons.” he tried to reassure her. "I needed to see you. It's been a long time, I forgot how beautiful you were, χαρα μου."
"… Is everything okay ? You need a spell and you're hoping it'll be for free ? You know, I heard what happened to you. It's not pity at all, but maybe I can lower my prices for you this time."
"Your concern touches me. But I don't need anything except you. I think we could be happy together."
"Wow. Okay, you're dying."
He was going to have to use all his wooing skills to get her to kiss him.
Certainly he could have kissed her, here, right away, but his brother had been clear. It was she who had to give him this liberating kiss.
Even though Dream was now sure of his feelings, Y/N probably needed a little more time. She hadn't received Destiny's advice.
Despite all his many improvements since his release, patience had never been Dream's strong point. Yet he was literally the expectation, the hope, all the ideas, the stories, the fantasies of humanity. Not getting the promised happiness right away shouldn't have bothered him so much.
Plus, beginnings were always the most exciting part. Observe Y/N responding positively to his advances, his compliments, his gifts. However, she remained suspicious, expecting a game or a disguised exchange of good behavior.
The witch set traps for him, to reveal his true intentions. The master of nightmares found this charming and amusing at first. Then Morpheus was a little hurt and exasperated that she didn't seem as infatuated with him as he was with her.
"… You say you love me ?"
"Since when ? The last time we parted, I stole several of your books and you threatened to hang me. Fortunately your librarian likes me. I returned the books to her by the way. I don't t think we can be together, we'll end up tearing each other's heads off."
"It has to happen though. Destiny said we were meant to be together."
"… What ?"
The news did not please the little witch at all. She was making fun of him, but she wasn't necessarily having a bad time. Their arguments had become like a form of dance, a nuptial ritual.
Why did he always have to ruin everything ? He, the prince of stories, really had a problem with his choice of words.
He tried to hold her back, explaining that what his brother said had to happen, it wasn't his fault.
Seeing the tears in her eyes silenced him. The last thing he wanted to be hurt her, this vision pierced his heart.
"I can't believe I could be so stupid."
"You don't understand… We can be happy, together. Love each other."
"No. I loved you. And I thought maybe you loved me too, finally. But you're here out of obligation, like always. I never want to see you again ! I'm serious this time !"
There was no spell in the world that could hide a being thinking of Dream of the Endless. Those who thought always ended up dreaming, entering his kingdom.
Yet he left her sleep in peace, the rare times Y/N closed her eyes, trembling every night at the idea of ​​finding him in her dreams.
He wondered if she was right. If he only chased after her because his brother had put him on this path, and not by choice. By feeling. It was true that he hadn't asked himself the question before Destiny called him, and he had rushed straight to the front of his happiness.
Now that he was fully taking the time to think about it, knowing that the witch had loved him in silence all this time, that he had hurt her, that she deserved better than that, he thought that he had undoubtedly always loved her more than the others.
He loved her so much that he kept his distance, because everyone he wanted ended up leaving him, suffering, or dying. And he didn't want that for her, never for her. His tender Y/N, brave, intelligent, lively little witch. Who treated him normally, standing up to him without fear, making him see his missteps.
A whole week passed, before he showed up at her place, this time knocking on the door and waiting for it to open.
He raised his hand in a peace sign as soon as their eyes met, making no move to try and enter.
"χαρα μου… I'm sorry. For my behavior, and for my presence here, when you clearly expressed your hatred for me. But I owed you this apology, and as punishment, I agree not to see you again. Thus, I condemn myself to never knowing happiness, which I do not deserve after all. My brother did not say that you could not be happy with another. Just know that I loved every moment spent with you, and I will cherish them until the end. If it wasn't happiness, it looked like it."
"… Is this a ruse to get me to fall under your spell again ?"
"No. I still find it hard to believe that you could have loved a being such as myself. I don't think I would have ever imagined it, even in my wildest creations. My brother must have known, he who knows all."
"Hob says you're a sweet fool, full of pride, but with just as much kindness, fear and humanity deep down."
“I will have to think about visiting my dear friend very soon.” Dream said while keeping a stoic face.
This made Y/N laugh. Her magnificent laugh, accompanied by a smile that she gave him too rarely. He would populate the nights of many dreamers tonight.
But for now, Morpheus wondered if he was awake, seeing her continue to smile at him, placing her hand on his cheek. They had never touched each other like this, not once, since their first meeting.
"Don't sulk, it wasn't a criticism. I knew I could only love you when he assured me that you weren't as terrible as you showed yourself. A facade, necessary because of your status."
“I’m not sulking, I’m not…”
The kiss was quick. Morpheus would remember it until his sister took the whole universe with her. Those lips on his. All this love, for him, all this time, contained in a simple kiss.
He remained as still as a marble statue, which made her smile again. Then Y/N kissed him on the cheek this time, whispering that they could go to the New Inn for a drink, before closing the door.
"… Boss ?"
“Yes Matthew ?”
"You've been here for three hours, people on the street are starting to notice you. Are you going to stay long ?"
“Until my love came out and we went to the New Inn for a drink.”
"Yeah, I don't know if your brother helped you or not, but if the witch finds it cute and not creepy, that will be proof that you two are indeed meant to be together."
Y/N found this both creepy and adorable. The poor raven returned to the Dreaming with a sigh to announce the great news, although the bright sky was not unwelcome.
It was very often a magnificent weather in the future, and until the end.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
Do ya'll have any recs for school/slice of life ttrpgs with more in depth mechanics for grades, classes, and keeping a school life balance? We really like magic school and slice of life settings but very few ttrpgs we've found have any actual mechanics for the school side of things, rather than just flavor for the free-time portions. Any kinda school works. Thank you!
THEME: Slice of Life Schools
Hello there! I found more games that were closer to this request than I thought, but there's definitely a number that I'd say come with a Your Mileage May Vary caveat. I hope you still find something that works for you!
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Academia Or Else!, by liberigothica.
You are students at a local school. Your grade and age do not matter. What does matter is you have no choice. You must go to your classes every weekday, for 8 hours, unless you are sick. But that doesn't mean you must do as you're told.
Academia Or Else is a one page tabletop RPG about playing as a group of students in school, dealing with day to day school troubles like finding a mysterious envelope full of money, or finding the principle's diary, or being sent to detention for one of those first two things.
Academia or Else is grounded in the mundane pieces of school life: bullies, tests, detention, and school events. Your characters are classified as a Goth, Jock, Nerd or Prep, and your skills are represented as letter grades in common classes (Gym, History, Language, Math, and Science). This is a game more about rebelling against some of the rules of academia than it is fitting in, and the game in general gives me some of the same vibes as Breakfast Club.
When it comes to rolling dice, your skills and archetypes are represented by different sided dice: a d10 for an A-level, l, a D4 for an F-level, and so on and so forth. You roll two dice for any given problem, one for your archetype and one for your skills. You are trying to gain a total of 4 or higher on each dice. This means that there are three possible results: success, success with a penalty, and a total penalty. If you want a game that’s quick to learn, you might like this game.
Brit School Hijinks, by Librarians and Leviathans.
You're pupils at a British secondary school, trying to keep life at least a bit interesting and make your own entertainment. Build a den in the rafters of the gym. Raise terrapins in the third-floor bathroom. Brew moonshine with the long-banned solvents in the arts room. Arrange charity concerts. Steal test answers from the Head's safe while disguised as a Swedish piano-tuner. Stage a rebellion against school dinners. Find buried treasure under the rugby pitch. Arrest your physics teacher as a spy. Hide sickly aliens in the lockers. Plot bank robberies. Concoct elaborate schemes to bump into your crush. Bend, not break, the rules. Try different ways to make a difference to the days.
Much of the creation of the school in Brit School Hijinks does a very good job of reminding you that this is a run-of-the-mill school, with problems like needing to borrow money for something important, humorous misunderstandings with your crush, or setting up an elaborate scheme at school to get out of one of your classes. There doesn't need to be magic, monsters, or big world-ending event (although there can be if you want it). As a group, you’ll also decide whether your teachers are hostile, mundane, forgiving, or something else, as well as where you school gets its funding, and what kinds of programs it focuses on. There’s also a quick primer on British high schools in general, for folks who are unfamiliar with what that kind of school life looks like.
When it comes to how the game is run, there’s a focus on your relationships with each-other. How much do your peers trust you? Do the adults approve of you? How cool do other students think you are? You’ll also have a number of skills related to academic classes, which you’ll use when consulting how many dice you can roll for different tasks. From the role-play side of things, your characters also come with motivations - maybe they need to pass chemistry, or they want to ask out their crush. I think there’s the opportunity to make this game very fantastical, but you certainly don’t have to.
Dusk Academy, by Skullery Maids.
Dusk Academy is a spinoff of Blades in the Dark. It uses much of the same systems and mechanics, deviating slightly to fit the setting.
It is set in the hallowed halls of, well, Dusk Academy — a private school on an English island, far away from society. This school caters to girls fresh out of school, unsure of what to do in their futures. Dusk Academy helps these girls sort out their interests and passions, but it is special in its own way. The school is home to magic — and teaches it as part of its curriculum. This fact must remain secret from the rest of the world, but the school aims to provide a healthy environment for students to unleash their mystical potential.
More importantly, the school encourages students to form clubs, to provide a support network of friends throughout their time there. From sports to calligraphy, the world is your oyster.
Forged in the Dark games are very very good at providing you with tools to help you track long term consequences, typically in the form of clocks. You can use clocks to track how close you are to finishing a school project, how much time you have left to study, how long before the school dance, how much stress you’re under, and how far you can push a teacher before they blow their top.
Dusk Academy also uses the faction mechanic from original blades and re-skins them as clubs, creating the clique-ish social organization of a school hierarchy. The phases of the game also map out to the different parts of a school week - lessons during the week, club activities on Wednesdays, free play in the evenings, and extra downtime over the weekends.
If you like working with a bunch of different systems that synchronize kind of like clockwork - then you might want to check out Dusk Academy.
Alchemical Romance, by TrueFeyQueen888.
Alchemical Romance is a TTRPG powered by Caltrop Core. It is a game about young love, teen angst, lo-fi study groups, alchemy, friendship, and magic. Alchemical Romance is about a group of young alchemists getting together to study for their Alchemy Finals, but it is also about what goes on behind the scenes. Alchemical Romance is a game of unexpected friends and being true to yourself.
The characters in Alchemical Romance are different school tropes, such as Athlete, Bookworm, Goth, and Headphones Kid. Part of the game will revolve around maintaining relationships with your classmates, but the other part is focused on preparing for your Alchemy final. The game can be played in a single session “Study Sesh”, a multiple-campaign“Diploma” series, or somewhere in between. There’s a couple of neat tools in here to play around with, including a Burnout track to help you monitor how much stress your character is under, and both relationships and special skills to track how what resources your character has.
Overall the game is rather rules-lite: this is a game for folks who really like social roleplay, first and foremost. I think that it definitely fits the “slice of life” part of your request, but if you pick up Alchemical Romance for your group, you’ll probably want to be putting a number of other rules in to make the game feel more like an engine.
Last Hope, by Wendigo Workshop.
“There is a world, much like our own, where darkness lives. Its influence seeps into our world, corrupting those with a weak soul. That is why The Gift exists. Those with The Gift must travel to The Beyond and free the world from Shadows. But The Gift always comes with a price…
We never know the price, it is never said… we always understand too late. Do not accept The Gift. It is tempting, it seems beautiful, but when something appears too good to be true, it usually is…”Last Hope is a tabletop roleplaying game within which you play as a teenage character trying to fight evil corruption in an alternate version of the world, while also living your daily life as a student. Through a strange contract, you were given The Gift, transforming you into a Magical girl and giving you special powers.
As magical girls, you’ll be juggling school in between missions during a session of Last Hope. However, there are rules in this game for tracking a school day, as well as a roll table to determine whether or not you can stay awake in class, or pass your exams. There’s also downtime rules, which includes taking time out of your precious free hours to work on your schoolwork - rewarding you with a better chance of succeeding at Wit rolls. Since Last Hope is also Caltrop Core, I’m curious as to whether or not you could take a few pieces of this game and combine them with Alchemical Romance to make a more robust game.
Public Wizard High School Teens, by Rexatron Games.
It’s senior year at Wolfboil High… 
A public high school for urban and suburban kids who want to do wizard stuff but can’t afford the snooty private school up the hill, on the lake, in the woods. As usual, yet another life-threatening problem has emerged that the highly qualified and experienced (but apathetic) adult staff of wizards is ill equipped to deal with. That leaves you, a scrappy band of dramatic libidinous teenagers to save the day. But there’s also crazy important school stuff to think about AND your life sucks hard because you have your own even more important problems to deal with.
This is a one-page rpg with two different sets of rules, so you can choose which set works best for you. The premise of the game is that there is a villain with an evil plan, but even as your students are trying to stop them, they’ll also have to deal with personal stress and a big event coming up - an event, that if cancelled, could severely effect the staff and/or students of the school. It’s a small inclusion, but the constant reminder of a normal part of school life that your characters care about is a nice reminder that this is in fact, a school.
You Can Also Check Out…
My Spooky Dark Boarding School Recommendation post has a lot of games in it that fit this request to some extent, in particular Precarious Prep and St. Hornbeck’s.
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Nighttime Routine with Genshin Boys [Liyue + Childe]
Summary: A/N: Welp this series seems pretty popular so I'm continuing this but for night. Check the "How They Greet You In The Morning" imagines from my Genshin masterlist!
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Xiao: If I'm being realistic, he probably says goodnight then dips- he always insists on going out to protect you from monsters lurking at night, but you may need a lot of convincing and almond tofu to make him stay. He doesn't sleep but he's willing to at least lie in bed with you, though he grunts and sighing about how mortals need sleep. You know he's there to watch over you, but you like to reassure him that it's okay for him to rest. "Goodnight. I'll be here."
Childe: Also a guy who says goodnight and dips (bruh), probably busy with Fatui duties. When he does get to have a goodnight's sleep with you, he enjoys snuggling under the covers with you, especially if it's cold outside. Once you say goodnight, and turn the other way, he frowns and starts being a menace. He pokes your arm every 5 seconds until you can't take it and slap him with a pillow. He jokingly winces and says it is "the most fearsome and difficult battle he's ever had" and you roll your eyes. However you can't stop smiling and end up turning back to face him to have a nice peaceful sleep.
Zhongli: He likes to hear about your day first, tell him everything in detail. Is willing to brew you a cup of something that will help you sleep if you have trouble sleeping, and even tell you a story. Always makes sure that you are feeling comfortable in bed, and smiles when he sees you nod your head, and joins you. Waits for you to fall asleep first before he does. Smooths his hand on the top of your head, as if to soothe you to sleep as your eyes start to close.
Xingqiu: Would you be surprised if I said he's already sitting in bed reading a book? Because he is. You're a little annoyed when he does that, him always being so invested in his literature. "Just one more chapter, I promise." You slit your eyes and say mockingly, "Just one more carrot, I promise." He puts down the book immediately. "Even Chongyun doesn't bully me like that." "That's because you're the one bullying Chongyun." He grumbles, but is always up for friendly banter, so your nights are full of playfulness.
Chongyun: I think his nights are usually routined and neat. You think it's cute when he washes his face when you do your routine together, because his hair is messier, and his bangs are out of his face (look at drummer Chongyun). He gets flustered if you say it out loud, and you giggle when he calms himself by splashing more water on himself. You both so to bed with some air conditioning on (does it exist in Teyvat...) and a thin blanket for Chongyun. He makes sure to say goodnight every time, even when you're already asleep or too tired to listen.
Baizhu: No matter how tired you are, he wants to make sure you take care of yourself by doing your nighttime routine. When you decide to have a skincare night, though he may not join since he usually stays up late doing work, but he still likes seeing you enjoy yourself while being healthy in some way. Probably has a nice herbal incense thingy to make you both fall sleep better. You literally have to convince him to take rest and eventually, he can't say no. He sighs and gets in bed, booping your nose lightly. Changsheng: "I'm right here you know :/" and that is why she made her own little nest on the bedside table to sleep.
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mimisempai · 11 months
Sweet drunkenness
Cloves and cinnamon.
Two common ingredients in two very different drinks: laudanum and mulled wine.
So when Crowley overindulges in Madame Justine's delicious mulled wine, who knows what can happen...
I couldn't resist writing a drunk and tiny Crowley.
Day 20 : Drunken confession
On Ao3
Rating G -  1388 words
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"Angel! Angel! Come here! Heeeerrre!"
Aziraphale had just entered the bookshop and the first thing he noticed was the pleasant smell of orange, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves mixed with other spices and he murmured, "Mulled wine..."
Crowley called to him again from the back table in a whispering voice, "Angel!!! Come herre!"
Aziraphale wondered, a little confused, why the demon was talking like that.
He joined him and saw a three-quarter full glass and a bottle of what looked like homemade wine in front of him. He raised an eyebrow and asked Crowley, "What is this?"
Crowley replied in the same drawling voice, "I...I helped Justine move some boxes into her restaurant, and as a thank you, she gave me a bottle of mulled wine she'd just made. It... it's delicious, angel. Here."
He took the bottle and another glass and started to fill it, but Aziraphale stopped him and asked, "How many glasses did you have?"
Crowley spread two fingers of his hand and replied, "O...only three."
The angel replied, "Well, that's enough for today.
He tried to take the glass away from the demon, but Crowley grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward him with such force that Aziraphale had no choice but to let go and find himself sitting on the demon's lap.
The angel wrapped his arms around the demon's neck to prevent himself from slipping, for despite his iron grip, the demon's now obvious intoxication made his movements unsteady.
Aziraphale then protested, "Crowley, please let me get up. Besides, I'm too heavy for you."
Crowley put his finger over the angel's mouth and said in the same drawl, "No talking! No more talking. No more talking!  No more talking! Talking is just.....unnecessary! I just want hugs and kisses. No more talking!"
He wrapped his arms around the angel and held him tight.
Aziraphale couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the demon's drunken antics as the words suddenly seemed to echo words from another era.
“Aw, no dying! Enough dying. 
No more dying! No more dying! 
Dying is just... it's just... it's just... wrong!”
The angel, shocked, realized that Crowley was acting just as he had that night in Edinburgh in 1827.
Which meant... Laudanum.
No, impossible.
Mulled wine.
Of course!
Cloves and cinnamon!
Two ingredients common to both brews.
But then!
"Crowley! We've got to get you to safety! You could change size at any..."
The Angel didn't have time to finish his sentence as he found himself sitting on the floor with Crowley standing on the chair in front of him, yelling at him.
Even though he was three inches tall.
Aziraphale passed a hand over his face.
Above all, don't panic.
He said quietly, "Crowley, please. Small we can handle, but giant? We're going to have trouble, so if you have a way to control this, I beg of you, do it."
Then, seeing that the mini-demon had calmed down, he added softly, "If we go into the bedroom, at least we can try to minimize the damage when you get back to your normal size, okay?"
The demon grumbled and replied, "I don't feel like being a giant either, you know?" 
This drew a small smile from the angel.
Aziraphale placed his hand in front of Crowley, palm up, inviting him to climb on.
Then he cupped his hand and said softly, "Sit down, my dear, you won't risk anything."
Crowley said nothing and slid along the angel's raised fingers to sit and lean against them.
"I don't mind being small if you take care of me all the time."
Aziraphale heard what he said and chuckled softly, then gently stroked his head with his fingertip as he replied, "Silly, I'll take care of you no matter how small you are. It seems easier for you the way it is, doesn't it?"
"Whatever!" the demon replied, drawing another light laugh from the angel.
Aziraphale couldn't help but tease him a little more, "Anyway, with that size, you can't stop me from telling you that you're cute!"
"Angel! I forbid you!" the demon shouted before punching the angel's fingers, who couldn't help but laugh again.
He murmured, "Adorable."
"Take that back!"
“Never, my dear.”
Another round of punches.
By the time they were done arguing, they had reached the bedroom.
Aziraphale gently placed the demon on his pillow before taking the unused handkerchief from his pocket and placing it beside him.
"What's this for?" the demon asked with a scowl.
Aziraphale sat down beside him, book in hand, and said softly, "If it lasts any longer, you can cover yourself with it."
Despite the demon's small stature, Aziraphale sensed his slight embarrassment as he replied, "Thank you, Angel," before standing and walking over to the angel and sitting against his thigh.
He simply said, "This is more comfortable. Now read to me."
Aziraphale was amused that little Crowley was so bossy.
He gently stroked the demon's head with his thumb before he began to read.
During the reign of King Arthur, wishing made a difference. In that time, which was a very long time ago, kindness was said to bring reward, while the vain and the cruel got their comeuppance in a speedy manner. It was, to be sure, a perfect time for Tom Thumb to be born. 
"Hey, Angel, I can't believe you're such a bastard as to read me a story about a little man," he gave Aziraphale a small, painless nudge on the thigh, and the Angel replied softly, "But Tom Thumb is not just any little man. Despite his condition, he has always moved forward in life. Thanks to his wits, his refusal to accept the fate to which his condition condemned him, some powers granted to him by a fairy, and a little mischief, he always managed to come out of dangerous situation unscathed. He reminds me of someone, you know."
He winked before stroking Crowley's head again, and Crowley was at a loss for an answer.
Aziraphale continued to read the story of Tom Thumb, the little demon nestled against his thigh.
“As a parting gift, the King gave him seven white mice to draw his tiny coach and a bag of gold coins with his compliments. Tom Thumb arrived home to a great and wonderful celebration. Kate and Tim were there to welcome him, and all the little people came out of their hiding places to join in. The festivities went on and on for days and days, and if they haven't grown tired of all their merry-making, it goes on still.”
"And how did you like the story in the end, my dear?"
When he got no answer, he looked at the little demon and saw from his head, which was turned backwards, that he had fallen asleep.
The angel quietly closed the book, placed it beside him, and then leaned over the demon, gently taking him in his hand, placing him on the pillow and covering him with his handkerchief.
Little Crowley didn't even wake up, just rolled over onto his side and curled up under the improvised blanket.
Aziraphale lay down beside him and he also turned on his side to watch him sleep.
He murmured softly, "Big or small, I'll always protect you, I'll always take care of you."
He began to reach for the little demon when suddenly Crowley returned to his normal size and found himself much closer to Aziraphale, their faces only inches apart.
Crowley raised his hand, placed it on Aziraphale's cheek, and said quietly, "I heard what you just said."
Aziraphale smiled softly and replied, "I don't mind because it's the truth."
Crowley brought his face close to Aziraphale's and murmured against the angel's lips, "Thank you for looking out for me, Angel."
Then he closed the distance between them and kissed him tenderly. Just as he was about to pull away, Aziraphale wrapped his arms around him and said mischievously, "How about no more talking, just more hugging and kissing?"
Crowley replied, "I was drunk. I don't remember."
Aziraphale pulled him close and said, "No more talking," before kissing him back.
There would be no more talking that night, just tender caresses and kisses just before falling asleep.
Talking wasn't necessary when it came to expressing their love for each other.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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miaountainmama · 1 year
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characters: chuuya, gn!reader contains: endless yearning
wc: 1360
a/n: yes this is based off of the new mitski song
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He was never much of a coffee drinker.
Today was different, apparently. He needed the caffeine, he said, and you wasted no time in brewing him a cup using the sparsely used machine in the corner of the kitchen, yawning in the early morning darkness. He insisted that he could do it himself, but he did enough for you. You could, at the very least, help him in small ways.
He entered the kitchen just as you were pouring it out for him. The dark liquid flowed from pot to cup like the low curses that flowed from his mouth, cursing Mori for bringing him in so early, cursing Mori for making him leave you.
Now, in the emptiness of your shared flat, you pick up the still half-full cup, long abandoned, and swirl the dark liquid around. It’s still warm, barely, and you take a sip, chasing after any residual taste of him.
The cup clinks quietly as you bring it to the sink and place it on the counter, not quite washing it yet— a reminder that he had been there. And you did as you always did when this happened, when he left you early, before your own work took you, while his presence still lingered like the bitter coffee on your tongue: you curl around the empty space in the bed, the sheets still mussed, bending around his shape as if he was still really there.
The day came and went, the imprint of him ever clear in your mind, and as you came home from work, the thought of him adjusted into such stark focus that it was almost painful. He had told you that with him, you would never have to work a day in your life, but you refused, wanting at least some semblance of independence. You knew it was well within his means, but still, you insisted. Once again: help in small ways. 
You hurriedly dig through your bag for your keys as you approach the door, eager to see him, but as you kick off your shoes in the hallway, you are struck with the sound of nothing, the sight of darkness. Nothing but the rain on the windows and the occasional flash of lightning.
Of course, you thought bitterly. Mori was a slave driver.
Putting your stuff on the counter, you pour yourself a drink, using the cup from the morning. If you couldn’t have him physically, you could at least pretend.
The cushions of the couch dip down as you climb onto them, flicking on the low, warm light of the lamp beside it, and settle in for what would probably be a long night of waiting, nothing but your book to keep you company. You wouldn’t lie to yourself and say it wasn’t a lonely life, this routine. But you would endure it. If not for yourself, then for him. 
You’re nearly falling asleep by the time the lock clicks, the sound of raindrops lulling you to slumber. Immediately, you awaken, a rush of energy surging through you, and you hastily put aside your drink and bookmark your page, throwing the book on the coffee table haphazardly.
Chuuya has barely any time to put his hat aside before he’s in your arms, chuckling lightly as you meet him in the doorway.
“Hey,” you murmur, smiling slightly, and he moves his head to press a kiss to your neck, swaying with you gently.
“Hey,” he returns, and you separate from him reluctantly, allowing him time to get situated and step into your flat. You catch his gaze lingering on you as you finally move to wash the cup from the morning— he leans against the counter, watching. You turn to him questioningly, smile still on your lips. 
“I’m glad you’re safe,” he says, voice unusually soft, and you tilt your head as you put the cup in the dishwasher.
“Of course I am. Why? Did something happen?” you question. At this, your boyfriend sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“There’s something that’s been causing a lot of trouble at night for us. Haven’t found them yet,” he says, intentionally leaving his words vague, and you know better than to question it. Sometimes knowing is more dangerous than ignorance. You smile lightly at him.
“Then I’m glad you’re safe, too.”
His eyes soften, his expression so loving it’s almost criminal, and your heart skips a beat. He steps forward, taking you in his arms, and you giggle as he presses kisses on your cheeks and down the sides of your neck.
“Chuuya, what’s gotten into you?” You laugh, and though there’s a slight smile on his face, his eyes look unusually serious. He presses another kiss to your collarbone.
“Just… let me be selfish for now. I need you.” He murmurs into your skin, pushing you backwards so you’re sandwiched between him and the kitchen counter. You squeak as your backside hits the cold stone, but you’re quickly silenced by a kiss to your lips. It’s desperate, desperate and full of longing, and your stomach twists into knots as you return it, threading your hands through his beautiful orange hair. His hands find your hips, his breath heavy, and as you separate you barely have any time to gasp for air before his lips are on yours again. You’re taken aback by how urgent his movements are, and you find yourself becoming worried rather quickly. Something must have happened while he was gone.
“Chuuya,” you manage to say between kisses. “What’s wrong?”
Your boyfriend exhales loudly, pulling you closer, and he shakes his head, pulling back just enough so he can give your neck attention again. You angle your head so he can reach it better, letting out a sigh of contentment.
“You deserve better than this,” he breathes. “Waiting for me to come home night after night.” He punctuates his sentence with a kiss to your jaw.
“It’s fine, Chuuya,” you say, intending to pacify him,  but his eyes quickly fill with desperation instead as you speak.
“You don’t understand,” he says, voice cracking, and it’s so full of emotion that it shuts you up immediately. “You need someone that can give you all of them.”
At this, you lean backwards, studying him. He moves to chase your neck, but you gently stop him. “Do you not do that already?” you question, and you try your best not to mention the silence that follows.
He’s quiet for a moment, and that’s all the answer you need.
You knew he could never give you all of him. Bound to the Mafia as he was, you knew that sometimes, you would have to be the second choice. You knew this. 
Even so, when it came down to the most important matters, you knew you would always be first.
You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment and listening to the rain on the windows, and when you open them, Chuuya is staring over your shoulder guiltily, unable to meet your eyes.
“It’s okay, Chuuya,” you begin, and he finally makes eye contact, giving you a disbelieving look. “I knew what I was signing up for when I started dating you. And I’m still here, and I will continue to be here. I love you, and you love me, and that’s enough for me.”
You reach out to cup his face, and he leans into your touch, still looking guilty. He gently grabs your wrist and kisses your palm.
“I don’t know what I did to get someone as good as you,” he confesses, and you smile, moving closer to him. He lets you, and you hold him tenderly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. It lingers, both of you moving slowly, and as you pull away you look into his eyes.
“I love you, okay?” you reassure him, and finally, he smiles back.
“I love you, too. More than you could ever know.”
The morning would steal Chuuya away from you in time, but for now, for the night, it was just you two and the storm dancing outside. For the rest of the night, you had each other.
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auveriablue · 26 days
Retired!DadBod!Logan Headcanons
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(Picture is of Zombie Wolverine but that’s irrelevant, I saw the picture and it made me tingle so you get this. Also I don’t wanna hear shit about “He can’t gain weight because of XYZ” he’s been fat like thrice)
- After retiring from the X Men for good this time, Logan settled down in a cabin in the forest. Same old story but it’s secluded and there’s no one to bother him and that’s what he likes. Charles fortunately gave him a hefty retirement fund, because he should after all he put the team through, especially Logan.
- Town is about a half hour drive but he barely shows his face other than to make a weekly grocery run or to go to the bar for a drink when he feels like it but he mostly drinks at home.
- The weight gain is slow at first. He’s still semi active, goes out and gets firewood, takes walks, goes for runs.
- Then some of the local aunties (meaning older women in the community not literal aunties) start to take notice of him when he comes to town. They know he’s not married, they watch him at the grocery store and he gets the same sorry TV dinners and a twelve pack of beer, so they try to welcome Logan into the community.
- He declines their offers at first but soon he’s getting approached by different women in the street, and they’re handing him huge Tupperware containers filled with different dishes and he’s basically strong armed into taking each one home.
- Logan doesn’t waste food. It’s a pet peeve of his and he’ll feel bad if these people make him all of this food and it just goes to waste so he ends up eating multiple meals a day just to get through them and they all smell so good, he can smell almost every ingredient working together in flavor harmony and sometimes he just can’t resist.
- He starts getting soft. Physically and emotionally, towards the community at least. He starts socializing more and he feels bad because he thinks they’re going to turn their backs on him once they find out that he’s a mutant but the opposite happens.
- One day, a gang from outside the community starts causing trouble and wrecking stuff, and even vandalizes a store belonging to one of the kind women that makes food specially for him and Logan’s claws come out and the gang is ran off. Logan gets ready to start packing and relocating but the community actually thanks him and shows gratitude towards him, begging him to let them repay him, which Logan tries to rebuff. He doesn’t want payment or anything.
- So how else do they show their gratitude towards him ? By making him more food. So much that it barely fits in his fridge, so he has to eat some of it in order to make room for most of it.
- And it takes five slabs of ribs, two pot roasts, a plate of fried pork chops, chicken cooked fifteen different ways and so many sides that it’ll make your heads spin but the weight starts sticking.
- Then he actually starts going to all the different banquets and cookouts and bbq’s the community throws and it starts sticking even more. People start having cookouts just to see if they can get Logan to come by so they can talk. He even finds out that a lot of people in town actually brew their own beer so he’s constantly being asked to try new and different brews. They value his opinion and love his brutal honesty and his advice on what they should change in their brewing methods and if he favors it high enough he’ll even find himself coming home with crates full of homemade beer (which also leads to the town throwing an annual festival where everyone comes together to see who has the best brew and Logan becomes the judge)
- It takes a few years but Logan eventually ends up with a nice round potbelly and then a full fledged hairy gut. It bothers him at first because he has to go and buy new clothes, his belts dont buckle anymore and when they do it feels like he’s being hugged slightly too tight and of course the thoughts and nightmares of the team finding him, seeing how he “let himself go” and ridiculing him and he doesn’t even think about fitting into his old suit. But he learns to embrace it whenever he has these thoughts. Sure, is it a little flustering when people of the community jokingly rub his belly for “good luck” ? It is and old Logan probably would have broken someone’s hands for saying and doing that to him but he knows how to take a joke now and even plays along about how rubbing his belly will only bring bad luck
- Which eventually happens when for some convoluted reason the team has to get back together. They track Logan down and his new figure is indeed a surprise to them. Gambit immediately starts cracking some fat jokes and laughing because it’s just so funny to him. He’ll try to touch Logan’s belly asking when the baby’s due and if it’s a boy or a girl and even a “We came down here to find Wolverine but Gambit thinks dat dis fella out here ate him ! Looks like Wolverine is tryna give ol’ blob a run for his money” and yes, Morph makes jokes too, shape shifting into Wolverine’s old figure before shifting into his current figure because they just don’t understand and keep shifting “See ? Fit, Fat. Fit, Fat. Before. After.” and Logan growls and releases his claws and they eventually get the message but will still make the occasional crack.
- Scott starts lecturing immediately. “How could you let yourself go like this ?!? We need you and you’re out here gorging yourself like a pig ? Can you even fit into your suit anymore ? Seriously Logan why would you do this to yourself blah blah blah”
- Storm, Rogue and Jean eventually get all of them to back off of him and stop commenting on his weight, which Logan is thankful for. Storm even compliments him and says the weight looks good on him and he looks happier, healthier, but to not let it get too out of control and that he should keep up with some work outs and if he wanted he could come to the mansion and use the danger room, not to chastise him or lecture him but it comes from a place of concern and she wouldn’t mind seeing Logan now and again, maybe more frequently because she, like the rest of the team, secretly misses him.
- Even if Logan does go, it’s not as if he’s suddenly weak just because he’s gained weight. He can still handle himself very well much to the surprise of the others but if he doesn’t join them, they can fair well enough without him, they just wanted the extra help and for him to be part of the team again. They still encourage him to visit the mansion or let them visit him. And some of them (not naming names but you can guess) actually secretly like Logan’s new bod.
- It isn’t very long before Logan goes from looking like a Wolverine to a full on bear. And it doesn’t really bother him. The only thing that really irks him is having to size up his clothes but other than that he learns to live with his weight gain and eventually comes to like the bigger him.
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seajellyx · 2 years
an apple a day 2: electric boogaloo. chaos edition
octavinelle taking care of you while you're sick and doing an absolutely job 👍 [bc i'm still sick and it sucks] octavinelle x gn!reader, all together, ambiguous relationship warnings: non serious illness, possibly ooc, octotrio being smart dumbasses, even dumb smartasses, if you will, not proofread, honestly it's just me bullying them
an apple a day part 1
azul somehow sniffs out the beginning of your sickness before you yourself are even sure. i don't know how but he tells you to take it easy and get more rest.
once you become full blown ill he just sighs and banishes you to bed rest, this whole time he's been quite gentle on you and it's really surprising, but you're not complaining so you follow his orders and go back to your dorm.
the leech twins quickly notice your absence and inquire their boss about it, but only after harassing everyone you know and stalking around the campus looking for you.
azul breaks the news of your illness and they all stand in silence for a moment, thinking.
see, sickness in the animal world is rare, but serious, especially in the ocean
so these three dumbasses definitely thought you were gonna die for a bit, before common sense kicked in and they realized that they have access to medicine. and fucking magic.
jade, the only rational one, just looks up ways to help you.
can't be that hard! floyd bounces out of the room with the full intention to "take care of his shrimpy!"
azul shakes his head, sighs, and sends jade after him to make sure you don't die
the two pick up some supplies, then bust into your dorm like they've got a warrant or something, effectively waking you up from your nap
"w-what... the?"
"wow shrimpy, you sound awful,"
"yeah thanks. what are you two doing here?"
"we're here to nurse you back to health, of course."
they actually take pretty good care of you. sorta
they get you everything that you need, and somehow know what you want or need at any given moment and immediately fetch it for you
after telling them your symptoms, they try to assuage them in any way they possibly can, making sure you stay in bed, turning off the lights or closing the blinds, opening up the windows (if it isn't cold out) to bring you some fresh air, or placing a cool towel on your head if you have a fever.
jade takes this opportunity to subject you to several different tea brews. most of them are pretty standard, but some are a bit bitter. he tells you that they're medicinal herbs.
to be very honest, these two do not know what bed rest actually means, because the several mommy blogs they read didn't specify
so floyd and jade (but mostly floyd) have been making quaint conversation to keep you entertained
you let them know that you should actually be sleeping and they finally shut up
they sit by your bed, unless you ask them to leave, and jade works quietly while floyd plays a game on his phone, or whatever floyd does in his spare time
if you're having trouble sleeping, jade will recommend white noise, calming music, or melatonin. floyd begins singing you a lullaby unprompted. but it's okay because he has a nice voice.
azul ends up coming around bc when he asked the tweels for updates all they did was send him cryptic messages and blurry photos of floyd snooping around your dorm.
you wake up sometime later to the sound of your kitchen being quietly destroyed, the three come in, holding a nice, hot bowl of soup for you, and a mug of tea
you ask them about the state of your kitchen and jade tells you to eat your soup
it's surprisingly good! and not at all suspicious
while you eat, azul asks you how the tweels have been taking care of you and floyd immediately tries to defend himself, very inconspicuous and convincing, good job floyd
you tell him that it's been okay, and that you're still alive, so that's something.
after you finish eating, the three bid you goodnight
at least one of them is watching over you until you fall far into sleep
you wake up in the morning and the dorm is empty
making your way downstairs, you find the place surprisingly tidy, maybe even cleaner than it was before.
overall they do a mediocre job and you don't die.
they're hella suspicious though, floyd has probably hidden several pranks in your house while no one was looking and now jade has the layout of the place memorized.
azul was the only normal one.
wait, if they were all taking care of you, then who was running the lounge?
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8turning · 1 year
hii! i was wondering if i could request haemin or kyungmin x gn!reader (established relationship) like them being protective over reader when someone keeps asking for their number or if they have a s/o :) it’s completely fine if you’re uncomfortable with this and don’t want to write it! thank you so much anyway <3
- 🐻‍❄️
hiii 🐻‍❄️ anon!! thank you for this request :]
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⌕ . . . jangshinz — two versus one !
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bf ! jangshinz (separately) x gn ! reader ★ fluff. established relationship. ★ scenario ★ warnings: food mentions. use of "babe" in haemin's section. weird stranger. let me know if i missed anything!
n. trying out a different format, hopefully its interesting to read :]
some things in life are best enjoyed alone - finding the time to take on small tasks or a new hobby slowly dwindle away as you grow older, making those moments just that much more important.
that, at least, used to be the belief you guided yourself with. relishing in your alone time and making the most of the few hours - or even minutes - you were able to bask in. as of recent times, you've found your time spent alone to feel much more . . . lonely.
that was your intention, though, wasn't it? to free yourself of the pressure to maintain conversation and allow yourself time to recharge your social battery before you had to repeat the same process; it's felt different recently.
in the beginning of your relationship with your boyfriend, you failed to realize why you felt the way you did. but the more and more your usual lonesome weekends turned into morning breakfasts and evening movies, you realized you began to long for more moments with him.
the times you'd typically lay back and recount your day, you found yourself calling him to talk about it. the tingles you felt on your cheeks and the way your heartbeat picked up speed hearing your lover's laugh was all the more proof that maybe some things in life are best enjoyed with the company of someone you love.
you came to that realization slowly, and truthfully, your boyfriend found it cute how often you told him that you missed him or when you would send him a picture of something that brought back a memory of you two; he always did the same.
with the confirmation that your schedules lined up just enough for you two to meet at a nearby café in the afternoon, you found yourself hoping your eventful weekday would go by quicker, but not for the reason you used to wish for such.
days turned into hours, hours into minutes, then within seconds, you heard the bell chime from the cafe's entrance. you raise your head, knowing your boyfriend was close to the location from the constant updates he texted you.
the smile he sent you always gave you a different feeling than the one you'd see while video calling, you could see clearly as the corners of his eyes crinkle with joy as he approaches the table you had acquired for you both.
the café was serene, most people choosing to spend their weekends outside gave you and your boyfriend the benefit of relaxing in quiet, indoor spaces - most of the time, you preferred such anyways.
the minimal chatter of other café-goers and the sound of different drinks being brewed was enough to make your thirst all the more present. pushing away the thought, he sits in the chair across the table, the same handsome smile on his face that he greeted you with when you first met.
"sorry for being a bit late," he apologizes, and its then when you notice the slight pant in his voice. "last schedule ran a bit later than planned."
you shake your head, reassuring him that you're just glad to have this time with him. he smiles once more, leaning an elbows against the table and resting his chin in his palm as he looks at you.
"i'm glad to be here with you, too," he replies - the gaze he held with you was full of love and admiration. "do you want me to go order us something?"
you offer him a smile. "if it's not too much trouble for you," you say, tilting your head to the side as you watch him stand.
"it's never too much trouble if its for you," he says, stretching his long arms in front of him before making his way to the front counter, your order from previous meetings already engraved into his memory.
the bell chiming at the front door could be heard throughout the quaint café - pulling out your phone, you rest your forearms on the table while scrolling through various time-consuming apps as you wait for your lover to return.
though your attention was on your phone, the sound of approaching footsteps made you raise your head - the person in front of you wasn't your boyfriend, though. rather, they were a complete stranger to you.
"no-show date?" they ask, both hands buried into their zip-up jacket's pockets as they stood to the left of the chair across from you. "strange how that always happens to the most attractive people."
shaking your head quickly, you dismiss their claims. "not a no-show," you begin, but before you can elaborate that your boyfriend was just across the shop, the stranger interrupts you once more.
"so they just leave you here all alone, then?"
the persons assumptions made your skin begin to crawl, indirectly insulting your boyfriend's priorities as if they had any idea the ins and outs of your relationship - as if they were entitled to know.
you set your phone face-down on the table, leaning on your elbows as you spoke to them. "can you leave me alone?" you ask, tone coming off more stern rather than that of an inquiry. "why are you even talking to me anyway?"
"why are you replying?" they taunt, a distasteful grin growing on their face - your annoyance was entertaining to them.
from the other end of the shop, where your boyfriend was waiting patiently for your drinks to be made, his gaze falls back to the table he left you at. almost immediately, his eyes dart from the back of your head to the random person you seemed to be conversing with.
thinking nothing of it at first - maybe you just ran into an old friend - he continues to wait, but its only until you lean forward to talk to the stranger and the stranger smiles down at you that he feels his heart sink to his stomach.
there was something odd about the interaction, your previously relaxed demeanor was now tense as you continued to speak with the person. even when the barista called out his name, his eyes remained fixed on your table.
"sir?" someone calls out to him, quickly catching his attention long enough to grab the drinks and thank the worker - his steps felt heavy as he approached the table once more.
he was no lip reader, but as he made his way closer, he could make out some words - words that made his blood run cold.
"i'm just saying, i'd never leave you alone like this," the stranger says, their hands removing themselves from their pockets to lean against the table, holding their weight up by their palms. "why don't you let me take you out?"
his feet pick up pace just enough to reach the table before you could answer the person's question. knowing you'd brush the stranger away eases his mind, but the fact that this random person - who you obviously didn't know either - had the audacity to suggest such from you made him see red. within seconds, you can see your boyfriend standing beside you and staring down the uninvited person.
your belief that some things are best enjoyed alone was shattered once you met your boyfriend, but one belief that remained strong was its additional counterpart: three is definitely a crowd.
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💭 001 : JUNG HAEMIN !
haemin was never one for confrontation - you've known that since you met him, so his sudden appearance next to you and eyes pointed in the direction of the stranger was a sight you weren't used to.
feigning obliviousness as to why this person was at the table, he spoke up. "who's this, babe?"
the sudden use of the pet name made you look up at him questioningly - haemin wasn't fond of using them in public, but knowing he's using one now to establish himself as your boyfriend makes your heart skip a beat.
"i'm not sure," you answer honestly, eyes shifting back to the person leaning on the other end of the table. upon hearing this, haemin continues with whatever act he was putting on, even though his skin was crawling from thinking they had tried to court you so openly.
"is there something i can help you with?" he asks with the most polite tone he could muster - you could see right through it, not to mention they way his stance was tense. the stranger simply looks between you and haemin, eyes flicking back and forth a few times before they let out a sigh, pushing themselves off of the table.
"not anymore," they spit, shoving their hands back into their pockets before turning and walking in the opposite direction. you didn't get a chance to make sure they were out of sight before haemin returns to his place across from you, setting your drink down in front of you with a soft smile on his face.
"thank you for saving me, babe," you tease in an attempt to brighten the atmosphere - you're grateful it worked. haemin's hand shoots to cover his mouth, his smile hiding behind it as he pokes his drink with his straw.
he shakes his head, lowering his hand to grab at his drink. "i barely did anything," haemin breaks eye contact with you as he takes a sip. "they barely put up a fight - could sense the jealousy in my eyes."
your brows furrow as his eyes meet his again. "you were jealous?"
you didn't realize?
haemin can manage his emotions well. with his tall build and stoic nature, it probably was difficult for others to read his emotion, hence your confusion and the strangers quick departure.
thinking back on how he probably looked to the random person, he cringes when he imagines himself seeming more fearful rather than threatening and the stranger leaving out of pity rather than panic. haemin lets out an embarrassed groan, both hands now leaving his cup to cover his face to hide his flushed cheeks.
"why're you hiding?" you giggle, leaning forward on the table and grabbing at his wrists softly, prying them away from his face. "you don't have to be embarrassed about anything, haem," you comfort, your thumbs sliding over his knuckles gently.
he drops his head onto his forearms, a soft pink dusting high on his cheekbones as he replays the situation over again in his head.
"if it makes you feel any better, i think what you did was really sweet."
although haemin would probably never admit it to you, hearing you say those words as you play with his fingers made butterflies swell in his chest.
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💭 002 : CHO KYUNGMIN !
kyungmin - before thinking of any possible consequences - finds himself brushing past the stranger, seemingly ignoring their looming stance over the table as he passes you the drink you requested.
you watch his action with a confused tilt of your head - you're sure the stranger saw it, too. kyungmin continued as normal across from you, pretending there was not a physical barrier from beside him partially impairing his view of you.
he seemed so unbothered, you almost wanted to laugh. watching as the stranger pushes up from their spot, their eyes land on to the top of kyungmin's head - he paid them no mind, keeping his attention on you.
"did i order the right one?" he asks, eyebrows raising slightly at his inquiry.
"yes, thank you," you reply, knowing he knew your order by heart - he never got it wrong; the question was meant to deter the stranger. instead, they continue to hover your table, causing kyungmin to let out a self-soothing sigh, controlling his minimal patience before finally meeting the eyes of the person.
you watch your boyfriend's eyes flick up, the stranger looming over you both was quick to catch his gaze. "is there a reason you're here?" kyungmin says bluntly - his tone takes you by surprise, his usual shy and soft exterior replaced with one of straight-forwardness.
it seems the person picks up on the suddenly dense atmosphere, quickly shaking their head negatively and muttering a small "no" in reply to your lover, hands finding their way back into their pockets before they turn to take their leave.
it was almost humorous how quickly kyungmin's demeanor changed after that - finding your eyes and immediately the crease between his brows softened and his lips curled into a smile. "they weren't super pushy were they?" he asks, his tone apologetic as he tried to read your face for any discomfort.
"they weren't awful," you reply, breaking eye contact as your thumb rubs the side of your cup - your boyfriend knew you well enough to know you weren't being 100% open. ". . . but still not great," you finish, bringing your cup to your lips to try and ease the uncomfortable feeling settling in your chest.
"i'm sorry i wasn't here sooner," he apologizes, and before you're able to tell him he has nothing to apologize for, he continues. "i'll do what i can to make sure you aren't in that position again."
the feeling in your chest is quickly replaced with one of warmth - a genuine feeling of admiration for the boy who sat across from you with a gleeful smile and a sparkle in his eyes.
"thank you, min," and while kyungmin felt you had no reason to thank him - that it was expected of him to take care of you - he knows you'd insist he's worthy of being thanked. letting the argument die in his throat before he had the chance to say it, he offers you the softest smile he's ever worn.
"anything for you."
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© 8turning 2023.
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Teeth for hire
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Part one! Next
Summary: Jack's enjoying his time off at the cabin with an old friend and a new one but troubles brewing! A half vampire is at their door and looking for help.
Jack x Vampire!Reader
Kinda a continuation of this but you don't have to have read that
The months past in bliss. Jack was enjoying his time away from hunting at a little cabin he kept. Deep in the pacific northwest forests under cover of dense pines and low hanging clouds. It was nestled in a shady reserve off the beaten paths, far from any prying eyes.
There he was free to enjoy Ted's company without fear of pitchforks and torches. All the while still close enough to towns that he could pick up sushi and coffee for his big friend.
"Come on Ted! I want to get this set up before sunset." Jack called over the clearing. The back of the cabin lead into a small pine needle littered space. Far enough back from the trees that a fire pit had been dug out years earlier. Now Jack had had it set up with log chairs and warm fairy lights.
"Oh because they'll certainly fall head over heals once they've had a s'more right?" Ted grumbled back. Jack spun on his heals, almost dropping his supplies. His mouth bobbled open and closed a few time whilst his face grew uncomfortably hot.
Ted had a point, he'd been smitten since meeting their vampire friend. He'd jumped at every chance to dote on them, spoiling them with anything they'd missed out on. Turns out they were a hunter too, an old clan of vampires set on making sure their kind behaved. That being said you'd not had much time for fun and were relishing in it now.
The sun tipped bellow the hills and trees, casting a last dim light through the forest. The night sky was awake and stars began to twinkle over head. The cabin door opened and you shuffled your way out into the crisp night.
You were thrilled by the sight ahead. Fairy lights lit, a bonfire and your new friends roasting marshmallows. The sleep shook off you quickly as you made your way to them. You grinned widely as you took a seat by Jack. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't grown especially fond of your werewolf.
He'd been hesitant to allow you to help but after the first months escape you'd proven useful. Since then you'd been on watch for him during the full moons. Spending those nights by his cage and the next mornings helping him whilst it'd weakened him.
He was amazing, kind, thoughtful, just all around the kind of company you'd been craving. He didn't even wince away when your smile revealed more fang than intended. Just warming your heart again with another goofy grin.
Ted grumbled amused ahead of you. Despite your time together it hadn't helped you learn to understand him. Though you'd greatly improved at understanding the tone of his speech.
"What?" You laughed with him, wondering what had him so amused.
"Oh it's nothing." Jack interjected, coughing. You frowned at him before taking your flaming marshmallow from the fire.
"Oh come on! You actually get to understand him! Least you can do is share?" You nudged a shoulder into Jack. Ted laughed again shifting his hand to gesture at Jack.
"No, no, he's just making fun of me!" Jack huffed. You laughed nudging against him again, Jack smiled and knocked you back.
"Well I'm sure it was very funny. You know one of these days I going to figure it out too." You boasted. Ted grumbled appreciatively and you went about setting your marshmallow on fire again.
The night wore on and you'd made your way through most of the bag. You didn't really need to eat anymore but it was nice to try and fun to play with them. Ted had set up his old record player and was now playing some old swing music.
"Wait how old is Ted?" You asked Jack. He hummed raising his head from his s'more.
"Oh he was born in the 60s I think? Why?" He smiled. You jumped to your feet rushing over to Ted. He turned to you as you gripped both of his hands.
"I'm older than you!!" You cheered as you excitedly jumped ahead of him. Ted grumbled something that sounded like a jab and his clawed hand took yours. He spun you before pulling you back. It'd been a long time since you'd danced but you were enthusiastic. You leapt and twirled like you remembered seeing in dance halls, laughing wildly.
Ted's claws let you go and you went flying, landing in a crouch. He looked away into the woods distracted so you turned to Jack. You gave a mock curtsy before extending him a hand. He chuckled but rose from his chair to come to you.
At that moment you caught a scent in the air, spinning back to where Ted still stared out into the gloom. Jack joined you at your shoulder and sniffed the air.
"Strange... it smells almost like..." Jack was cut off when you shoved him to the ground. A silver blade now embedded itself in the dirt where he'd stood. Jack scrambled into a low stance, preparing to fend off this attacker.
The man strode out of the darkness, katana sheathed and cloaked in darkness. Jack made to move but your arm whipped out in front of him. Confused he looked to you but your face was calm. The man kept coming forward, sunglasses perched on a handsome face and leather coat billowing in the breeze.
You stepped forward placing a gentle hand on Ted's arm to calm him. Your old acquaintance reached the edge of the fire light, face stern but without the air of threat you'd seen on him.
"Evening Blade."
Jack didn't like this. He didn't like this guy in his living room, didn't like the way he touched his things, didn't like his dirty boots on his rugs. Worst he didn't like the way he looked at you.
At least Ted seemed equally put off by this man. Choosing to stay rooted in the corner, following him with piercing red eyes. It wasn't exactly friendly the way he looked at you. More like he was sizing you up for something. If you noticed you didn't care instead making yourself comfortable in the living room.
"So what do we owe the pleasure to Eric?" You asked. Eric rounded the room finally settling in the opposite sofa to yours. Jack stayed leaning against the door. This guy smelt like a vampire too but off somehow.
"This a nice place Y/n, you retiring?" He said.
"More like taking a break." You answered. "Not that I don't love your company but please? What is this about?" You probed. Jack suppressed a curl in his lip, he didn't like this guys tone. Nor the way he could smell anxiety begin to roll off of you.
"Your sire s' been spotted, thought you'd be keen to take him down." Blade said, keeping his eyes fixated on you. Jack didn't miss the way you'd suddenly tensed, the anxiety spiking immediately.
A sire? Sure he was aware of how vampires operated or at least the gist of it. Vampire bites you, you turn, well unless your already something else. Sire was just the term for who made you. So why was your sire so troubling to you.
"Need your help on this one Y/n." Blade sighed. You chuckled lightly at this, dropping your head before meeting his eyes again.
"No you don't." You smirked.
"No, I don't." Blade grinned back at you. "Still I like my chances better with you." He admitted. You groaned rubbing your forehead. Jack came forward, moving to stand just over your shoulder. He kept his eyes on the other man dipping to speak to just you.
"You wouldn't be alone, cariño..." Jack whispered.
"I can't ask you to come." You turned your head suddenly, meeting his eyes just inches from you. Jack flushed at the proximity but stayed in place.
"You don't have to." He breathed. A slap of leather on leather startled you both back. Jack jumped away as Blade rose from his chair and headed towards the door.
"I'll meet you in town." He said before pausing in front of Ted and pointing up at him. "He can't come."
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narukape · 2 years
20230125 — served tea
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< previous | masterlist | next >
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20230125 12:30PM — STARPRO
as you walked towards eichi's office, the fact that you might be in trouble didn't help at all with calming your nerves. you weren't gonna get scolded for suddenly interfering with a unit, right...? you were just helping family. perfectly fine, right? it's not your fault that a photographer got sick on knights so suddenly either so you're fine! truly, certainly fine... right?
and with that, you started to overthink... more.
you're great! well, at least you think you are. and really, not to toot your own horn but you're, in the words of wataru, "amazing~!" ensemble square is lucky to have the chance to work with a person such as yourself!
eichi wouldn't punish you for doing your job... even though there were no contracts involved which you would probably have to deal with later on— but he definitely won't punish you! he knows that you're a valuable asset. you know this too so surely he merely wants to chat? catch up with an old buddy after you had to be away for so long in another country? what else would it be? the emperor had summoned you to his OFFICE, for goodness' sake— it's really either you get killed or get freshly brewed tea.
...you really hope it's the latter.
speaking of the devil— well, leader of heaven (ironically), in this case— eichi opens the door just when you were about to knock, causing you to stiffen up, "oh, [name]! come on in~" he smiled, face angelic and warm as always— making you hope even more so that it won't become the face you'll last see when you die.
sitting down quietly at his request, you greeted him as he sets down a teapot in front of you.
"would you like some tea?" internally sighed in relief.
you nod, "yes please."
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"excuse me...?" you suppress a cough, trying not to spit out what remained of your tea. you repeat your question, asking eichi to repeat his'.
"you haven't worked with your cousin in a while, am I wrong? well, up until the whole unplanned knights shoot request, that is." the blonde repeats, a calm smile resting on his face despite seeing you almost choke. what an asshole.
you shake your head "no" as a reply, knowing full well how unprofessional it is to answer in such a way but at the same time, you really REALLY didn't trust yourself to speak right now. besides, you aren't professional with eichi (who's somehow your friend) to begin with.
"so why not work with him, and knights in it's entirety, officially? just for two months. unless you deem working with them— and new dimension, I might add— worth your time, then we can see for a longer time period in the contract."
"why me, exactly?" eichi looks at you, comical question marks visibly popping up on top of his head. "I thought that you might've just wanted to scold me for volunteering to help a shoot unannounced but you're offering me a job? like, I already have a contract signed here in es so you offering is... weird...er? than anything you've ever gotten me into."
the blonde sets his tea down, a knowing smile on his face replacing his usually calm one, seeming as if he's been waiting for you to ask. "I figured you might say that so I prepared quite a handful of reasons!" he chirped.
"you're an award winning photographer that's worked with most of the idols outside and within ES. you're connected to a lot of publishing papers too which would be good for me if there were any trouble... or scandals— oh! and! you're my friend! of course I want you on the team! plus—"
"—a certain sakuma happened to have told me an interesting tidbit about you recently." you felt your stomach drop.
oh no.
the president looks at you, expectant, making you sigh in resignation— having already known what eichi unfortunately does now too. you'd be lying if the offer didn't sound enticing at the very least, so it wouldn't hurt to accept... no?
"fine, sure, I'm in."
you were definitely going out for ritsu's throat later.
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20230125 3:40PM — HOME
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SYPNOSIS— Photographers are known to have quite the eye when it comes to beautiful sights— being naturally drawn to every opportunity of catching good visuals on their camera. [name], a famed photographer that is currently affiliated with Ensemble Square, is no exception. Truly it's no wonder that they fell for the prettiest sight of them all; Tsukasa Suou, leader of Knights.
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tavyliasin · 7 months
BG3 FicFeb SFW - Day 16
Today's prompt is to base the work on a song. The ending notes will contain the full lyrics, but this is the song link I chose. It felt like it fit well with Wyll's character arc, how he's struggling with his identity shifting and changing as a result of everything that happens outside of his control.
I'm not as happy with this chapter but I think it ended well enough, and it was fun to explore through the vibes of the song~
Short fic below the cut~
Day 16 - Write something inspired by your favourite song/poem/book (I can't pick a single favourite song so I chose one that worked)
Wyll stormed out of his tent, shirtless and distressed, his clothing hanging loose in his hand. “That’s the fourth time this week! I can’t keep…how the hells do I-” 
“Wyll. Come here.” Tav’s voice was firm but calm, the others already starting their day around her as Wyll had been struggling with his outfit in his tent. “Sit down. Astarion?” 
“Again?” The pale elf was already going through his pack for the sewing kit as Wyll slumped down on the log next to Tav. 
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got more thread, more patches.” She took the shirt and passed it over to Astarion, who quickly got to work on the rip. 
“I’m pathetic.” Wyll gazed into the fire.
“Wyll, it’s a shirt. You’re still getting used to the horns, and honestly even if it wasn’t that then something would’ve put a hole in it eventually.” She wiggled her finger through a rip in her leathers, the slight red stain betraying the cause as an errant arrow a few days prior. 
“If it was just a shirt, it wouldn’t matter.” He still didn’t turn his eyes from the fire. “But that bloody thing might as well be a metaphor for my whole life.”
Tav looked to Halsin, who was helping Gale with the morning food supplies, and motioned brewing some tea. The druid nodded, already selecting the pot and herbs. She motioned for Wyll to continue.
“Every time I tried to dream of something, to reach out and grab it, it ends up torn apart. I tried to save the city, my family, to be the man that my father always wanted me to be…and I was cast out. I tried to rebuild myself, to at least still be a hero, to do what was right and to save people…and I nearly killed an innocent woman. Gods only know how many others Mizora might have made me hurt.” He glanced over at Karlach for a moment, as she helped pack up everyone’s tents for travelling again, completely unaware of the single fiery eye that was already stinging with fresh tears for her sake. “For all my troubles, for all that trying to still do the right thing, I can’t even be a hero because anyone I try to help only sees a demon from their worst nightmares.” 
“You didn’t know, you couldn’t have known any of this would happen.” Tav handed him the freshly brewed mug of tea. 
“But that’s the thing. Even if I knew, if I went back knowing everything I do now,  I’d do it all again. I don’t know if it’s foolishness, unjustified courage, or desperation to try and live up to even the smallest part of that legacy of my father. Yet here I am, blade in hand, devil’s chain around my neck. I’m still fooling myself into thinking I can change it, that it’s worth it… Just like every damned day I put that shirt on telling myself it won’t catch on my horns this time because I know better.” He sighed heavily, taking a sip of his drink and sitting back a little. “And yet here we are. Again. Another hole to mend, but at least that’s just a shirt, and not trading my soul for a dream that should’ve died the moment I lost my eye.” 
Astarion handed back the shirt in question, the hole mended, but not with a basic stitch. It looked more like embroidery, a small sword with a golden hilt. “Gods I can’t listen to this any more. Look at this. The shirt, it will never be the same because of the holes in it, imperfect, whatever you want to call it.” 
“You’re not helping, Astarion.” Wyll grumbled, running his thumb over the other repairs made that week. 
“Oh for the gods…let me finish, will you?” The pale elf shot back, tapping on the embroidered part insistently. “Someone here seems to keep telling me something, so I am going to do you a favour and impart the same lesson. Life changed you, yes. Well it does that, and rarely with any thought for your dreams or goals. So change them. Stop seeing all the parts that are broken and look at the parts you still have. You see over there? That tiefling who you didn’t horribly murder? Good. She’s rather fond of you, and if you get your horns out of your arse for 5 seconds you might just notice.” 
“That’s…certainly something to think about, but what’s the point if-” 
“Darling please stop the warlock from talking for a minute will you?” Astarion shot a pointed look at Tav, who in turn nudged Wyll and hid behind her own tea. “You cannot go back to being just the human Wyll Ravengard any more than I can undo being a bloody vampire. So, why not look at what you do have? You are alive. You have one good eye. And gods forbid I point out that you even have friends around you who do not give a single fuck what you look like, because they know who you are.”
“I…Thank you, Astarion, that’s surprisingly-” 
“AND WE ALSO ALL HAVE BLOODY TADPOLES IN OUR BRAINS THAT COULD TURN US INTO MINDFLAYERS AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. So if you are quite done with your pity party, I would like to get back on our way to getting rid of the bloody things.”
Tav watched the vampire stalking back off to his tend and simply shrugged with a smile. “He’s not wrong. Not necessarily the kindest way to say it, but… Stop worrying about the dreams you can’t reach any more, Wyll. Look at what’s right in front of you. If you can even get a passionate speech out of Astarion of all people, I’d say you’re doing at least something right.” She ran a finger over the embroidered sword on his now mended shirt. “The world has changed every one of us from what we thought we might be. It’s scary, and sometimes it hurts more than any arrow or axe, but we survive. And after we survive, we decide what living means again.” 
She stood up to follow after Astarion, leaving Wyll with his thoughts, his shirt, and half a cup of cold tea that had been forgotten. He glanced over at Karlach again, her bright smile matching the glow of her heart. “A blade,” he muttered, mostly to himself, “is only worth what it can protect.” ------ ------ FULL SONG LYRICS
Sainthood and Sanctuary by Aviators
Safe from an early grave But death feels closer still When does the human soul cave To find itself a kill Promised a crown of glory Fought for an equal stand But fortune would never find me In this blood red land
Why have I given my heart I've fallen so far Because now the future scares me Why am I broken and small i'd sacrifice all For sainthood and sanctuary
After I sought protection The saviors broke my bones Lost streets that I remember Now lie here alone Mantras of greater purpose End up left behind The faithful don't deserve this Desperate and blind
Why have I given my heart I've fallen so far Because now the future scares me Why am I broken and small i'd sacrifice all For sainthood and sanctuary
I would give anything to know I'm not alone I'm tired of suffering When I once had a home
Fallen graces familiar faces Never look like mine rings of fire And holy water never turn back time Why do I have many questions Intel I can't find still unsure of My mind's selection to trust my fallen kind
Why have I given my heart I've fallen so far Because now the future scares me Why am I broken and small I'd sacrifice all For sainthood and sanctuary
Why have I given my heart I've fallen so far Because now the future scares me Why am I broken and small i'd sacrifice all For sainthood and sanctuary
I would give anything to know I'm not alone I'm tired of suffering When I once had a home
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mcrgiela · 7 months
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In the comfort of her Holmby Hills home, Skye found herself curled up on the couch after her pilates session, with her Macbook on her lap. She navigated to the FaceTime app and listened as the line trilled while she awaited her fate. She hoped only her mom answered, but after news broke of her incident, she knew her father would make time to call her. Her dad, Giovanni, answered the call first followed by her mother, Nicole. It was the call she had been avoiding and she wasn’t sure if she was even ready to face it. “Hey,” Skye greeted her parents with a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I see only mom made it to fashion week which means... Dad’s working. How’s everything going?” There was a brief moment of silence as her parents exchanged glances on the other end of the screen. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Yes, your dad stayed in Luxembourg for work but I’m enjoying Milan without him. It’s been fun. I can’t wait for you to see the photos.” The older woman greeted Skye. Clearing his throat, Skye’s father began to speak up. The tension between them was palpable with all the words that hadn’t been spoken. 
“Tutto va bene. We wrapped up the financial reports and things look great but I’m not sure you really care. You know… I asked you to join the company and work with me full-time but you said no and that was fine. We celebrated the 60th anniversary of Nutella but you missed that and it was fine. Now you go out and get in a fight, in a strip club of all places, and you think that’ll be fine too?” Gio questioned while furrowing his brows. “Dad-” Skye interjected quickly as she sat up on the couch.
“I’m not done talking, Skye. Your great-grandfather started this company with nothing. When I was a kid, I was shipped to a Belgian boarding school to lay the foundation for me eventually working for the family. When your uncle died, I had to take over all by myself. I wasn’t running around and getting into trouble. Our family’s been notorious for how private we are and yet, you seem to think that putting your entire life on display is amusing. If you have an issue with someone, you handle it quietly. You know that. Furthermore, you need to be more cautious of the company you keep if you feel the need to engage in senseless violence. If you don’t give a damn about this company, at least think about yours. You’re still growing. I know four shops seem like a lot, but you haven’t even scratched the surface yet. You’re operating at the level of a small business.” The male paused, acknowledging the weight his statements may have had on Skye.
Skye’s eyes welled up with warm tears as she listened to her dad. The enigmatic scorpio usually held her composure easily, but whenever her parents were expressing their disapproval of her actions, her nonchalant nature faltered. She blinked the tears away and reached for her bottle of water, taking small sips to calm her down. 
“This is our legacy, Skye - your legacy. It’s important that you contribute to it in a meaningful way. I’m very proud of you and Skye Brew and all of the other business ventures you’ve done. Your personal life just concerns me.” The well meaning patriarch softened his tone, in hopes of not further offending his daughter. “You had this phase a few years ago then things were fine but after the engagement ended, you just don’t seem the same. I have to know you’ll be okay.”
“Can I speak now?” Skye inquired, unfazed by his not-so subtle shift. “My personal life is fine. I had this one incident and you’re acting as if I’m gonna go back into my post-grad depression. It was a mistake, but I’m gonna do the show and I’m gonna continue building my empire, dad. I’ll keep consulting for Ferrero, but that’s all I feel comfortable with. I want to expand my portfolio first and I promise starò bene. Everything will be fine. Now I actually have a meeting to get to, so I’ll talk to you both later. Love you both.”
“We love you too. We need to get dinner when I come back to New York, Skye.” Nicole added while waving. “Sounds good, mom.” Skye replied with a smile. Once the family exchanged departures, the heiress sighed deeply before slamming her laptop shut.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Build-A-Bed — Dick Solomon
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Summary: A trip to IKEA with Dick was maybe not your best idea, but perhaps you both can manage to come out of it unscathed.
Word Count: 1,378
Warnings: None, just fluff and humor in this one and a little tender/romantic moment at the end
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"Listen, if I’m moving in here, I want a new bed," you told him, and that was that. 
You half expected a fight or some weird attachment he had to the old mattress and bed frame where he stubbornly refused to let it go for some reason, but Dick simply shrugged and said, "Alright." 
You spent the rest of the day at his place, mostly ignoring the comings and goings of his family members and comfortably watching tv with his arm around you. When a commercial for the IKEA furniture store outlet came on, that’s when you could smell trouble brewing. "Ooh, can we go there for our new bed," Dick asked with all the enthusiasm of a child at a toy store. 
Dick didn’t seem to have the trepidation about that place that you did, but the way he was looking at you made it hard to say no. Everyone has to experience the place once, don’t they? "Yeah. I guess it’s as good a place as any," you’d agreed. That was how the two of you ended up at IKEA. 
After a considerable hike through the parking lot to the entrance, you were already wishing you could head back home and forget the whole thing. With one look over at Dick, you sighed and remembered why you were there at all. You could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him. 
His eyes sparkled with wonder from the first moment the two of you stepped inside. "This place is huge," he exclaimed, his eyes traveling up to the ceiling and then back down and ahead to the furthest wall. That was an understatement, you thought, but hey, who were you to spoil this for him? 
Not eager to tour the entirety of the store, you were at least able to steer him in the direction of the bedroom furniture. That was, after all, why you’d come. You passed several ornately decorated displays of full rooms on your way and you had to slow your pace because Dick was utterly fascinated. "Why don’t we just move in here? There’s a whole house in here, but it seems to be deconstructed." 
"They’re just displays. No one lives here," you informed, adding a "probably" under your breath. "They’re just showing you how your house could look." 
"Well I like it. Look at all the fun colors and soft pillows. Why can’t we have nice things?" 
You sighed. "We do. It’s just not these nice things," you gently reminded. 
"Hmm, I suppose you’re right, but it’s all so pretty and new." 
You fought the smile that tugged at your lips at his look of pouty disappointment. Then you reached for his hand and he was smiling again, ready for you to resume leading the way to the correct department. When you finally reached the section for beds, Dick fell in love with one instantly. He jumped right into the room display, pulling you right along with him. "I want this one," he declared with hardly a glance at any other option. "Just feel the headboard. It’s velvety." You didn’t even have to feel the deep green fabric to know it was true, but you did anyway. 
"Are you sure this is the one you want," you asked after a couple of moments. 
Dick nodded his head enthusiastically. "As long as you like it too. We will be sharing it after all." Despite his words, you could see that he’d be heartbroken if you said you didn’t like it. Lucky for him, you did, and frankly you didn’t want to be stuck there longer than you had to so it worked out for the both of you. 
As you got yourself off of the bed and started back down the long aisle to the checkout, where you planned on telling the cashier you wanted everything in the display, which included the bed frame, headboard, mattress and pillows, you realized Dick wasn’t following behind you. "Why are all of these named so funny? Are they even in english? Is this language even from this planet?" 
"Dick, this isn’t alien furniture. It's, uh, Swedish, I think." 
"Aliens? Who said anything about aliens? It’s a funny language, that’s all." You didn’t dare question him when he got this weird. It was best to just put on a smile and let it pass you by. 
He put his hand back in yours and you walked together to the front of the store. "We’d like to get the display that has the green velvet headboard," you said politely. 
"Ah, the Tufjord," the cashier said, and you were thankful he knew what it was called. "I will have someone bring the appropriate things to your car. Will that be cash or credit?" You handed the young man your credit card, and allowed him to scan the appropriate items from a catalog and you paid in full. It’ll be forever until you pay this card off, but you were the one that wanted the new bed. 
You had Dick pull the Rambler up around to the loading dock and the boxes were packed as well as they could be into the car with a promise that the mattress would be delivered later that day, since the Rambler was too small to hold it. 
While Dick did most of the heavy lifting in getting all of the boxes upstairs, you grabbed the pillows and the new bedding, which was light, but bulky. When the two of you finally made it upstairs with it all, the real work began. You pulled the instructions for how to assemble the bed frame and attach the headboard out of the box and began to look them over. As you did, Dick just started trying to put things together, getting immensely frustrated when he wasn’t getting results on his very first try. 
You soon took over, delegating him the job of handing you parts as you needed them, and when there was significantly less to do, you even let him help. You were surprised it went as well as it did after those first couple of bumps in the road. Harry and Sally had even brought up the mattress when it arrived at just about the time you were finishing up with getting the headboard attached. 
How the two of them managed getting the damn thing up that staircase truly baffled you. All you knew was that it had taken a lot of yelling on Sally's end before it finally reached your bedroom. Regardless, seeing as you were utterly spent after assembling the bed, you were grateful you didn’t have to wrangle it upstairs. 
The bedroom was finally starting to look like it was meant for the both of you. It had elements of each of you, and you smiled at your collective handiwork before collapsing onto your brand new mattress. Dick was quick to join you and after a moment of allowing your muscles to relax, you shifted your weight, so you were leaning back against the velvet headboard, which you had to admit was a phenomenal choice. 
"Did you have fun today," you asked him. He scooted closer to you, draping an arm over your shoulders. 
"Yes, I did. I want to redo the whole house." 
You managed a tired smile as you patted his chest. "Not today. In fact, not for a while, please. Let’s just enjoy our bedroom for the time being." 
Dick seemed to ponder it a moment, before agreeing. "Okay. I think I can live with that. I like our bedroom." 
As you rested your head on Dick's chest, your smile only grew. You liked the sound of the words 'our bedroom' as they left his mouth. "I do too. I love you, Dick." You think perhaps that’s the first time you’d said that aloud, at least so plainly. You'd said it in many other ways before, but never like you did just now. And you meant it, wholeheartedly, for maybe the first proper time in your life. You heard a blubber come from him as he tried to hold back his tears of joy. What a beautiful way to end the day, there, in your shared room, your new bed, and being comfortably held in Dick's arms. 
For anon
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @icetown587, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @lilbisexual, @thedailyspiritualist
Dick Solomon: @scorsesedepalmafan
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chibi-pix · 1 year
Chibi watches V3D 03
Another night of Voltron: The Third Dimension! And. Yup. Still cheesy. But hey, I'm getting through it. Time for my notes from my watch.
Ah, leave it to Lotor to need the pirates only because of the Voltron force. Hey, whatever works, even if he is a baddie. At least he’s planning a bit.
And the pirate chick pointing out that Lotor left them high and dry. “Curse that pirate.” Honey, you’re pirates yourself. What did you expect? Loyalty and honesty? Sweetie, that ain’t how it works.
Also, once more bringing up Lotor’s voice. While I can’t NOT hear Tim Curry, I have to admit, they picked a perfect guy. Because Tim Curry has a wonderfully evil laugh and plays evil so well. Chef’s kiss, they picked the right guy.
“Lotor has just agreed to meet with his father, Zarkon, to discuss a peace treaty.” Excuse me while I pause the episode to shout that I DO NOT TRUST THIS ONE BIT! Trouble is brewing, my history with cartoons is telling me this.
“Get real! Zarkon’s as big a pirate as Lotor!” Yeah! You tell ‘em, Lance!
I love Allura calling out Lance on his lagging and the potential of him ditching them. Yup, she does know you too well, Lance. It’s not surprising that Lance ditched them, and I appreciate his creativity in figuring out how. Very clever.
Oh! Flash back about Lance’s childhood? Intriguing! Poor little Lance. Which, this does explain why it’s so personal to Lance and why he doesn’t trust Zarkon.
Oof. It probably felt like pulling teeth for Keith to offer his hand to shake only for the cameras. And Lotor threw it back at him. Oof… Yeah, with that? Peace talks don’t seem good. Not that I thought they’d go well to begin with.
Zarkon calling Keith “friend”, it feels even more untrustworthy.
“I’m worried he might do something foolish.” I love Hunk and Pidge’s “Might?!” after Allura’s comment. They know full well that Lance always does something, foolish or not.
Oh. Ooh. Lance going after Lotor in that dream dimension. That can’t be good.
Oh, I was wondering where Haggar was and when she’d show up. I enjoy her standing up to Lotor and not taking orders from him.
Ooooh. Haggar wants the hidden magic the lions possess? Intriguing! I wonder what that magic is. But. Dream dimension. Poor Lance. He’s in Haggar’s territory now.
A key to the dream dimension? Preliminary thought about fourteen minutes into the episode, they’d be able to go in and out of the dimension themselves.
“I call upon the ancient lion spirits.” Cheesy dialogue my beloved.
It felt a little too easy for them to overcome the fear thing, especially Lance. But, hey, whatever works, I guess. Hopefully it sticks in my brain for AU purposes, though. Trapped in nightmares and having to face them intrigues me.
Oh, Haggar has been hiding the castle in the dream dimension. That’s clever.
“Do something! Do something!” I love Haggar mocking Lotor.
Anyway, that's it for this episode. Until next time!
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bamby0304 · 2 years
Victoria Grimes VIII: War
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Ch.12: Into Pieces
Series Masterlist
Summary: Daryl and Victoria have worked through her mistakes made at the Sanctuary and have decided to keep the truth between themselves. But with the war between their communities and the Saviours brewing, their bond will be tested all over again. Lies, death and the threat of defeat are coming for Vickie… will she be strong enough to come through in one piece?
A/N: It's my birthday!!
Warnings: Angst. Explicit language.
I’d walked ahead, knowing Rosita would cover the back. We needed to make sure the coast was clear. Clear of walkers. Clear of Saviours. Clear of anything. There was so much that could go wrong out here.
Taking the lead was also just an excuse. It meant I could think without having to focus on the others too much.
Losing Carl was going to break a lot of our people. Especially after last night and how he’d sacrificed himself for us. How he’d put himself in the line of fire to distract Negan so we could all get to safety and create a diversion.
I felt like I was partly responsible. Not for his death, but for not doing more to make sure he was safe.
Maybe if I hadn’t gone off then Vickie could have been more aware of her brother than looking for me. She was always trying to make sure he was keeping out of trouble, but with me disappearing I could only imagine how worried she’d been. If I’d stayed, then maybe I would’ve noticed him going off. Maybe he could’ve talked to us, let us know about Saddiq. Maybe we could’ve been there to help fight the walkers.
There were so many maybes running through my head, I could barely focus on what was happening around me.
“Hey. Daryl.” Rosita grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop.
I turned around, noticing that the others were nowhere to be seen. Except for Dwight and Tara. She was a few feet from Rosita, watching expectantly. While Dwight stood off to the side, watching and waiting, holding his injured arm.
Frowning, I looked back down at Rosita. “Where are they?”
She gestured over her shoulder. “They needed rest. They're exhausted. They haven't slept.”
I could understand that. I might be full of energy from my head spinning, but the others weren’t used to being out here like this. Not like me. Even if they were used to being out here, it had been a big night and an even bigger lose, they needed a moment to recover.
“All right, 10 minutes.” I nodded. “Then we keep goin'. I'm gonna go back, cover our tracks.” Walking past her, I started back down the way we’d come.
“I'll go with you,” she offered, right behind me.
Before we got far, Tara spoke up, stopping us in our tracks.
“I have a question.” We turned to her before she gestured to Dwight. “Is there a reason why he's still breathing?”
“Fight ain't over.”
“It is for him,” she argued with me. “I'm done waiting.”
Looking over at Dwight, I knew it would be easy to deal with him here and now. But I also knew that he’d been valuable so far, and with everything a mess right now he could still be useful.
“Not now.” I shook my head. “Not yet.”
Rosita nodded. “He's right. Dwight could have an angle we don't know about. He could help. He wants to. Can't give that up yet. We just lost the kid. Let's just stop. At least until we get to the Hilltop.”
The look on Tara’s face made it clear that she didn’t agree, and that she wanted to take action now. I understood it, but I also knew that it wasn’t time. There was too much at stake to give up any tool we could use right now.
“I shot above her head,” I assured Michonne as I drove down the road, heading away from the junk yard. “I just wanted her gone.” I glanced over at her, fidgeting my fingers on the steering wheel before I went on, “Look, I saw her. She made it. She ran into an empty alley just before I left.”
She did run in the direction of the ally, however I didn’t know if she had made it safely. There was no way to really know if she was going to make it.
“I didn't want her dead,” I added. “I just wanted her gone.”
“Feels like what Carl was talking about,” Michonne started. “What we should do when we have a choice.”
Her words stung. I didn’t want to think about what Carl had said, because to be honest… what he wanted from me was going to be hard. Especially now, with everything that we had going on. It meant going against every instinct in me.
But maybe he was right… and even if he wasn’t… I should still remember to honour him.
Pulling the car over, I found it hard to look her in the eyes. “Uh… um I need a se- I need a second.”
She put a reassuring hand on my knee. “It's fine.”
Nodding, I grabbed the letters from the glovebox and exited the car.
I walked over into the field I’d parked next to and began to flick through the letters. Crouching on the ground, I found Negan’s and opened it. The breath I took as my thoughts whirled was deep and shook, but I knew what had to be done.
Pulling the walkie from my belt, I spoke into it, “Get me Negan.”
“Who the hell is asking?”
I stood as I tried to control the rage that was burning inside me. “It's Rick Grimes.”
With Lucille resting on my shoulder, I watched as Simon and the others drove back. They parked a few feet away from the entrance and got out as I began walking down the steps to meet them down there.
“Got it done?” I asked Simon as I approached him.
He nodded. “That and then some.” There was a pause as he noticed something was up. “You good?”
“Nothing on Gavin.”
There’d been nothing from anyone we’d sent to the Kingdom. It was radio silent, and it did not sit right with me. Rick and his people had shown they were capable of some crazy crap before, I was beginning to wonder if they’d pull off some miracle and managed to outsmart or out fight the people I’d sent their way.
“Want me to turn back around? Roll out?” Simon offered. “End the mystery?”
“I already sent a team out there.”
“Ah. Well, I'm sure he's A-okay,” he reassured me. “And if not, we'll just send another message.”
Ignoring him, I got back to him and his job. “So, tell me how it went.”
“Standard message and delivery. Showed 'em and told 'em. There was remorse.”
I turned and watched as one of my other men, DJ, headed over to us with a walkie in hand. “Yeah. What is it?”
He handed the walkie over. “It's Rick.”
Now this was a surprise.
Taking the walkie from his grasp, I grinned as I started to speak. “Ricky. Look at you, callin' me up. You wanna tell me where you are so we can do this face-to-face?”
“Carl's dead.”
Everything in me froze. I grew cold as a pain began to knot in my throat.
Carl… I meant every word when I said he was a good kid. Everything I’ve ever said about him. He was one of a kind… he was supposed to outlast even the best of us. The was the best of us.
“He wrote letters. He wrote one to you,” Rick added. I took a seat on one of our concrete blockades as I listened. “He asked you to stop. He asked me to stop. He asked us for peace.” The tone of his voice turned venomous. “But it's too late for that. Even if we wanted a deal now, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna kill you.”
His threat fell on deaf ears. I didn’t care about the war, our hatred, or any vendetta right now. I cared about Carl.
“How did it happen?”
“How did he die?” I asked. “Was it us? Was it the grenades? The fire?”
I knew that this fight, this war, was going to end in death and pain for a lot of people, but there were some I didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire. To think Carl could’ve died because of me. Because of my men.
Then there was Victoria.
Fuck. I looked up at the sky and felt the knot in my throat tighten, threatening to choke me. She didn’t deserve this. She’d already been through so much, and I’d promised no one was going to hurt her again. If I was the reason her brother was dead, I’d never forgive myself.
“It wasn't you,” he spat. “Carl went out to help someone. And he got bit.”
“God damn it.” I shook my head. “Shit. I, um… I am sorry. You know, I wanted him to be part of things. I had plans. He… that kid… that kid was the future.”
“The only future is one where you're dead.”
What the fuck? I could not believe what I was hearing. “What the hell are you doing, Rick? Why are you fighting? Why are you making this so hard?” I pushed off the blockade as I began to pace. “Carl is dead because of you. Because you couldn't leave shit well enough alone. I mean, hell, maybe he woulda died some other way. Any one of us can get our ticket punched at any second. But in this case? In this case he is dead because of you.” I wanted to make sure I was making myself very clear. “Because you weren't there to stop him from doing something stupid. You set this course, Rick. Who's next? Victoria? You gonna get her killed, too?” It was my turn to spit my words.
To think he had no regard for his children’s lives. He’s already gotten one killed.
If he kept following this path and it led to her death, I’d burn Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom to the ground. I’d smother the ashes with my boots, and I’d crush the skulls of everyone on Rick’s side with Lucille.
“You keep my daughter’s name out of your mouth,” he growled. “Nothing’s gonna happen to her. The next person to die, I’m gonna make sure that person is you.”
“No. It’s not gonna be me, and it sure as shit isn’t gonna be Victoria. But it’s gonna be someone.” It was taking everything in me to keep my cool as I continued, “You see, I stop people from dying. I am the answer. Now, it may have taken a hard lesson for you to hear it, but you should hear it now. It's time. Do not let any more of your shit decisions cost you to lose anyone else you love. That garbage that sticks with you. Forever. Just like Carl will. Hell, I'm feeling it. And I'm gonna be feeling it for a while.”
I meant it. I meant every word. That kid was something else, something special. The Grimes kids were the kinds of people that shouldn’t just survive this world, but thrive in it. Those kids had already been through hell and back, and it had made them warriors.
Carl was supposed to do amazing things with his life. He was young, brave, resilient. He was going to build the future, and I’d been looking forward to watching him do it.
Taking a breath, I went on, “You could have just let me save all of you. I mean, that's why I killed your friends in the first place. So, you can sit there and you can say that you're gonna kill me, but you won't. You failed. You failed as a leader, and most of all, Rick, you failed as a father. Just give up. Give up, because you have already lost.”
I had never felt anything like this before. I’d never felt both in pain and numb at the same time. My body ached with every step I took, my muscles begging me to curl up. To retreat from the world, and curl into the fetal position. My mind was screaming, both in need of water and in need of rest. It was begging me to make sense of what had happened. My lungs were clenching, refusing to take in air without a burning pain. They were tired of the strain caused by me being on the move, and they were tired of the shaking from my restrained and dying tears.
The tears had left tracks on my cheeks. I could feel them. I could imagine that they were clear against the coat of dirt on my skin. My mind struggled to shape the image, but it managed to come up with a picture of my cheeks and the tracks from my tears… and our group walking along the path. We’d made our own track in these woods, trying to find the safest way to the Hilltop.
As we’d walked through the woods, I had realised I had no idea where we were, or what we were doing. I wasn’t even sure who was with us. Who had made it out of Alexandria in one piece.
I hadn’t.
Losing Carl was like losing a slice of myself. Carl had been a source of strength and hope for me since the day he’d been born. The downfall of the world had just strengthened that bond more than I thought imaginable.
When I’d lost my family in the beginning, finding them again had been a Godsend. Spending that night curled up next to Carl in the tent, knowing I was safe, and he was safe… it was a relief I’d never felt before. I’d never thought I would feel anything close to that again.
After we’d lost Sophia and we’d been shot in our efforts to try and find her, I’d thought I would lose him then. My own injury had meant nothing in comparison to his safety and health. He was what mattered, nothing else. When he survived, I was relieved beyond belief.
Being separated from my family after the farm had fallen, I’d lost not only my loved ones but part of myself on the way. Months I’d spent losing memories, but the names of those who’d shaped who I was had always remained. Carl had been the one to pull me back, to remind me of myself.
So many times, I’d lost my brother, or almost lost my life. The fall of the prison, Grady Memorial Hospital, the warehouse where we lost Noah, when the Wolves attacked our home, meeting Negan, taking Daryl’s place at the Sanctuary. So many times we’d been broken, and yet each time we found each other.
Carl understood me like no one else. He understood the little girl in me that Daryl never could. He understood the woman in me that Mum never could. He understood the sister in me that Judith never would. He understood the child in me that Dad never could. Every ounce of who I was, before and now, was easily read by Carl… I would never have that relationship with anyone else.
“You ready to keep going?”
I looked up at Tobin as he looked down at me, my sister in his arms, Aly by his side, and Houdini on the other.
Our group had stopped to rest for the first time since we’d escaped the fires and chaos of Alexandria. Looking around now, I realised the others were all gathering themselves and their things to get ready and continue our journey.
With no words to speak, I lifted myself off the ground, forcing my body to work through the numb and the pain. As I started to put one foot in front of the other I made all thought of my loss push to the back of my mind until it was an endless echo.
The time for mourning would come, for now, it was time to keep going. To push forward. At this point… that was like going on autopilot. Pain was second nature to me. Easier than breathing.
Sitting in the dim light the meeting room, I had my back to Eugene as he stood at the other end of the table. The sun was setting outside, leaving the room with a lighting that I knew would set the man on edge.
“I'm disappointed, Eugene,” I started. “This crap was supposed to be behind us. Two flushes and out the pipe. Top it all off, my only doctor and that creepy-ass priest somehow managed to jump ship without anybody knowing about it.” I took a breath and turned to face him. “You have any idea how something like that could happen, Eugene?”
He was practically shitting his pants. “No, I would not venture to guess.”
I wanted to believe him. Even though he was shitting himself, I wanted to believe him. The guy was scared of everything, but especially me. That would explain why he was shaking like a damn vibrator. But it also made me believe that he wouldn’t be so stupid and do something like letting two people escape.
Sucking my teeth, I decided I would trust him.
“Carson was never one of us. He was a weasel, just like his weasel brother. That's my best stab at it.”
“Drawing together associations and behaviours… that's a solid stab,” he agreed.
Eugene had been there when I’d dealt with the other Carson. He knew enough of the backstory to understand my distate for the brothers.
“Well, once their asses are caught and dragged back here. And they will be I'm gonna get the whole story out of 'em. One way or another, yes, I will.”
I was going to trust him… but I wasn’t fool enough to not double check his admission. If he truly wasn’t to blame here, then I would find out eventually.
“And Alexandria?” he asked. “What went down there?”
“Do you care?” I leaned forward in my chair, resting my arms on the table as I clasped my hands together. “Do you care, Eugene, after they tried to blow you off the face of this Earth?”
He hesitated, thinking his words over carefully before giving a short nod. “Your message is stamped ‘received’ and very much appreciated.”
“Oh, well, good.” I grinned. “You see, I got some news for you, Eugene. You are gonna be in charge of your very own outpost. You see, I need my bullet maker making bullets. Cutting a path through the dead took a toll on our reserves. So now you get the honours of providing me with the necessary bang-bang I'm gonna need to settle this whole situation with Rick for good.”
“And all that about people being resources and whatnot?”
Was he questioning me?
“Bullets are the last resort. I mean, hell, Lucille here.” I lifted her off the table and took a good look at the length of her. “She gets first dibs. But if Rick and his merry band of pricks decide to pull some shit, then we're gonna have to pull some right back that we'd rather not. That'll be on them. Not you. Not me. I'm gonna set you up at that machine shop that you told me about. You're gonna have a full security detail at your disposal. Everything that you need to keep your head in the game.” I leaned back in my chair. “Got Frankie there giving you massages. Tanya cooking. You know that gal was a chef?”
“I pictured her in social sciences. Management. Maybe running a drapes factory,” he mumbled. There was no keeping track of his mind’s coming and goings. But it was entertaining to listen to him… sometimes. “Will there be wine?”
My grin grew. “There will, indeed.”
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