#like the person who heard I had no car and asked why I still couldn't just go to the office for my internship. BECAUSE LORI NO FUCKING CAR
strawberry-jackalope · 9 months
fucking exhausted all the time, and the vibes are just not good your honor, I'm suffering
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4ln-stay8 · 6 months
Rainy hearts
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>summary: Lando was late for a game session with his friends due to picking you up
>author’s notes: I hope this isn’t as bad as I think it is
>warnings: idk some assumptions, some ignoring, some fluff at the end
Lando had promised Max that he'd join their gaming session and stream with their friends that evening. They had all been looking forward to it, but he found himself running late because you, his secret girlfriend, had called him in a rush. You needed a ride from your work to your university for your evening classes.
"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late" said the brown curly haired man
Lando finally joined the stream, but Max couldn't help but ask, "Lando, where were you? We had to start without you."
Lando sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "Sorry, Max. Sunshine needed a ride to her university, and she was in a hurry. She acts like such a spoiled brat sometimes, you know? She thinks I'm her personal chauffeur and that I'll be wherever she wants whenever she wants like I don't actually have anything else to do. She has a car and a driving license yet she still bothers me."
'Sunshine' was the code name they gave you for whenever they wanted to talk about you without people snooping in their business, and it worked.
Everyone knew about 'Sunshine' but no one knew the mystery identity of 'Sunshine'. Everyone knew she was Lando's girlfriend but no one knew anything about her. No one knew your name, your age, anything, and both you and Lando loved that!
Unknown to Lando, you've been discreetly watching the stream from your class, hurt by his comment. Did he really think that you were a spoiled brat? Does he really think that you see him as your personal driver?
You didn't wanted to be seen like that. That wasn't you! You never called him to pick you up just because you didn't want to take the bus or walk to university. You only asked him to pick you up when you were in a hurry and you were running late, and that wasn't often.
You have a driving license but due to the very busy neighbourhood your work was situated in you never took your car. To find a parking space there was nearly impossible and you would have to wait a while to actually find a spot which would result in you being late for work.
When your classes ended, you decided not to call Lando for a ride as you had agreed upon. He insisted that you would call him when you were done for the day so he could pick you up. After a while you agreed to call him, but now you weren't gonna do that. Instead, you walked home, and as luck would have it, the rain started pouring down.
Back at yours and Lando's place, thunder echoed as he anxiously checked the time. Realizing that your class had ended, he started to worry. It's been nearly 40 minutes since the class ended and there was no sign from you. He checked his phone at least 5 times but there was nothing there from you.
He said goodbye to the boys as he decided to leave the stream and go outside the gaming room and call you to see where you were. As he did that he heard the front door closing. Walking towards the entrance, he was met by his drenched girlfriend.
"Why didn't you call me, Y/N? I was worried sick!" Lando exclaimed, his worry turning into relief at seeing you safe.
You, avoiding eye contact, replied, "I didn't want to bother you or act like a spoiled brat who treats you like her personal driver,"
You looked at him, your eyes filled with a mix of hurt and determination, before turning away and leaving him standing in the hallway, his heart heavy with regret.
You walked into your shared bedroom, walking to the closet to find some dry clothes as you were wet and cold. Lando followed you like a lost puppy trying to find some words.
Lando sighed, realizing the unintended consequence of his words. "Y/N, it's not like that. I do want to help."
With a bitter tone and without even looking at him you told him "I appreciate it but I don't want to make you late for gaming with the boys" you said sarcastically and walked in the bathroom to take a hot shower.
He went to the kitchen to make you some tea so you could warm up even more, and something to eat, hoping that this would also make you a little less mad at him.
Around 20 minutes later, you walked out of the shower, dressed in some of Lando's clothes. You were mad at him but you won't deny that his clothes were more comfortable and warmer than yours.
You sat ok the bed scrolling on your phone while you snuggled in the blanket trying to get more warm. On the other room Lando was warming the tea, making a plate of food for you to eat.
He put them on a tray, picked it up and walked to your shared bedroom. He knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
“I brought you something to eat and some tea to warm up a little more” he whispered
You rolled your eyes at him trying not to give in and forgive him so quickly. “Thanks” you whispered as well, standing up a little and taking the tray from his hands.
“Look baby, I’m really sorry for what I said. I swear I didn’t mean it!” He whispered, his eyes pleading for forgiveness
“Am I really a bother to you? If I am I won’t ask you to pick me up again. Be honest!” you whispered avoiding his eyes, scared of his answer
“Of course you are not a bother to me, my love! I would come pick you up from the other side of the world if I had to! I swear baby I didn’t mean it! I was just annoyed because the traffic was bad when I got back! I am really sorry! Please forgive me!” He said, regret present in his voice
“I forgive you, but please don’t do say that again” you said, hurt still lingering in your voice
Even though you didn’t wanted to give in too easily, the tone in his voice made you break. You could feel how sorry he was for what he said, and after all he was your boyfriend and you loved him, so you did gave in.
“I swear I will never say anything like this again! What can I do to make it up to you?” the british man said desperately
“Just come and cuddle me, I’m still cold from the rain” you said putting the tray away and opening your arms
“Gladly!” He whispered and jumped on his side of the bed to cuddle you for the rest of the night.
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kennarose1108 · 5 months
Rio x Reader (YOU SAVE HIS LIFE) Part 2
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Two months had gone by and Rio had healed mostly. But the relationship between you two had blossomed into something... More. There was already something new when you first saved his life but it had grown into something more than a companionship. But he never talked about it. It was nothing personal, he just didn't like talking about his feelings.
That's just who he was.
But he showed his affection in certain ways. Pet-names were a big one. Baby, sweetheart, baby-girl, and of course ma or mama. Another way is he liked putting his hands on you. Like if you had your back to him let's say, making something to eat, he'd put his hands on your shoulders and watch you. Or when he started to leave the apartment he'd give you a kiss on your head, forehead, or cheek before leaving. There was only one bed in the apartment and you offered to sleep on the couch but he refused, saying it was your own bed and you could sleep in it. But he wasn't much for cuddling. In bed, he liked his space but while you both slept you'd cuddle up to him but he didn't push you away or anything... But he'd still never admit he liked it.
When things started going back to normal for him he didn't want you going to meetings or getting involved with his work. He said it was 'too dangerous' and who were you to argue with him?
His other way of showing his affection is buying you things. You cannot even count how many pairs of dresses, shoes, handbags, and clothes in general he bought for you. You don't wear half of them but you appreciate them regardless.
He refused to talk about Beth, Annie, or Ruby. He just wouldn't. Which worried you. You didn't want them dead, you still cared for them.
So... Today you decided to leave while he was out on a meeting to visit Beth. He didn't like it when you left without him. It worried him. But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him...
You quickly left the house and you had to walk to her house since the only car you both had was his and he was currently using it. Luckily you didn't live too far Beth. When you got to her house your stomach turned as nervousness hit you. What if she was dead? You don't think you would be able to handle it.
You got to her front door and your hand raised to knock on the door but you hesitated. But you quickly swallowed the lump in your throat before knocking quickly. You heard footsteps walking towards the door and thank god it was heels. Unless Dean was wearing Beth's heels you knew it was Beth coming towards the door. You let out a relieved sigh before another lump filled your throat... Shit... What would you say to her? How do you explain that you saved the person who had been torturing her for months and now wants revenge?
But before you could think any further the door opened. Beth took in who you were and she let out a small gasp. Her lips parted and her eyes widened.
"Hey, Beth..." You choke out.
You were now sitting in her kitchen. She made some coffee and handed you the mug and you took a sip. She leaned against the island in her kitchen and stared at you.
"I'm sorry for... Not answering your calls... Or when you came to my apartment you banged on my door but I didn't answer..." You say while staring at the mug in your hands. She stared at you for a solid thirty seconds before finally speaking, "Is he alive?" She asks. You couldn't answer that question... Which was an answer in itself but she wanted to hear it from you.
"Y/N-" "Yes." You say. She lets out a shaky sigh. "You saved him... Why?!" She shouted. "He was dying Beth!" "He did horrible things to us! For months! We were free! We had a way out and you went and saved his life?!" She scoffs.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yells. You shake your head. "Why did you even come here?" She asks. "...To make sure you were still alive." You finally looked at her since you entered her home. She stared at you with a facial expression of disgust, anger, and fear.
"You went missing. For months. We didn't know what happened to you. You didn't answer our calls, our texts, whenever we went to your apartment you never answered..." She says. "I couldn't." You sigh. "I shouldn't even be here..." You take another sip of coffee and the warm liquid soothes you a bit.
"Is he keeping you captive?" She asks. You shake your head, "No... He... Cares about me." Beth scoffs again. "Oh please..." She says with a roll of her eyes. "If he didn't I'd be dead right now. But I'm not. That means something, doesn't it?" You say. Beth just stared at you and you didn't have anything left to say... Except this, "If I were you I'd leave town. He's not too pleased with you and he's been leaving the apartment recently... It's a matter of time before he shows up here." You say before standing to your feet. "Thank you for the coffee but I have to go." You turn to leave but she calls out to you, "Y/N wait!" She quickly runs up to you.
"Will I see you again?" She asks. You think for a moment... Will you see her again? You sigh. "No. Because if you do I'll be with him. And I think we both know how that will go." You say before turning and leaving her home.
You walk home with a mind full of thoughts and a heavy heart. But it only got worse when you got to the apartments and saw Rio's car in the parking lot. Your heart skipped a beat...
He came home early.
What would you say? What would you do? Should you walk away? Should you face him?
You need to face him.
You went inside the apartment complex and to your apartment door. You let out a sigh before unlocking and opening the door... There he was. In all of his glory. Just sitting on the couch, staring at the wall, and seemingly lost in though. You shut the door behind you and stood there.
"I can explain..." You say. "Oh yeah?" He says without moving his gaze from the wall. He stood up and kept his gaze on the floor before walking over to you. Once he stood in front of you he finally looked at you. "Where did you go?" He asks.
"...Out." You croak out. He raises his eyebrows, "Out?" He repeats. "Where is... 'Out'?" He asks. You hesitated before saying, "I went to Beth's..." He sighs deeply. You both stared at each other. You weren't afraid, you knew he wouldn't hurt you. You were just nervous. Nervous of making him upset with you.
He clicks his tongue, "Did you tell her I was alive?" He asks. You don't answer which then... He knew. He sighs and turns away from you, "Goddammit Y/N..." He mutters. "I'm sorry... But she asked and what was I supposed to say?" "No. You were supposed to say no." "Is that a rule all of a sudden?" You two argue.
He walks back over to the couch and sits down. "Are you mad at me?" You ask. "...I'm not mad you left. Because you can leave whenever you want... But I'm upset you told Beth. I wanted to keep it quiet for a little longer." He says. You walk over to the couch and sit next to him.
"Sorry... I just wanted to see her again. I should've expected she'd ask about you." You say while sighing deeply. "It's fine. I'll just speed up my plan." He says before placing a kiss on the side of your head. "...Plan? Are you going to kill her?" You ask. "Does it matter?" You scoff. "Yes! It matters. She's my friend Rio..." This time he scoffs, "She tried to kill me Y/N." Shit, He was getting mad. If he didn't use any pet-names that means he was getting pissed.
"I-I know but-" "But nothing. We're not negotiating this." He says. "So that's it? You just kill my friend and that's the end of it?" "Yeah." He answers quickly. You stare at him with a tearful gaze, which he hates. He didn't like seeing you upset. But there was no way he was going to negotiate something this important.
He sighs, "Listen to me," He starts while gently resting his hand on the back of your head. "You're my girl... Alright? And I would do anything to make you happy... But she tried to kill me." He says while rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of your head. A tear rolled down your cheek but he was quick to wipe it away. "...Please. Keep Annie and Ruby out of it." You beg. He nodded. "I can do that." He says softly.
"But let's forget about this for now," He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. "How about you and I go out tonight hm...? You can put those pretty clothes to use." You smile and play with the rings on his fingers. "I'd like that..."
You were both now at his favorite bar. Since it was a Friday night it was booming so when you both got out of the car he grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours as you both entered the bar. He pulled you through the bar until he got to stools and you both sat down. You both ordered some drinks and after that he looked at you with a smirk.
"What?" You say with a chuckle. He leans in and gently brushes your hair behind your hair and whispers, "You look stunning..." And you did. You were wearing a cherry red clubbing dress with black heels and jewelry and of course, your makeup was done. You smile at him with a faint blush on your cheeks. "Thank you." You say. "What do you think of this place?" He asks. "It's nice. But with you, I was expecting something... More." You say. He raises an eyebrow at you, "Oh yeah? Like what ma?" He asks curiously.
You shrug, "I dunno... Just more." You say with a smirk while crossing one of your legs over the other which you saw how Rio looked down at your legs before leaning back. The bartender brought your drinks and you both take a sip out of your drinks.
You felt a presence behind you, a guy leaning on the bar while looking at you up and down. He was too close to you in Rio's eyes and he didn't like it. Rio grabbed your chair and pulled you closer to him in the most obvious way possible.
The guy behind you takes the hint and rolls his eyes before walking away. You chuckle, "Jealous?" He smirks. "Of course. You're my girl." He says while brushing some hair behind your shoulders.
You both sat and talked and drank just a little bit. You both didn't dance or party, you just enjoyed being out with each other. Eventually, you both left and went home. You were now just entering your apartment.
"These heels are killing me. I haven't worn a pair in a long time." You say while taking off your heels and setting them next to the door. He just smiles at you.
You smile back at him before cupping one side of his cheek and kissing the other. "Thank you for taking me out tonight... I had fun." You turn to walk to the bedroom but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back into him. He holds his hands on your waist and presses his forehead against yours. He lets out a deep sigh and enjoys the feeling of you against him.
"...You're important to me. Y'know that?" He says. You nod slowly. But as you both stand there he leans in further and kisses you. This is the first time he has kissed you on the lips... It felt good... It felt amazing.
One of his hands went to your jaw and his tongue slipped into your mouth. The kiss was slow, sensual, and full of emotion. He cared for you, deeply, and you cared for him. As you both kissed each other it started to get more passionate and lust-filled. Both of his hands were on your face now as he kissed you hard. He then lifted you off the ground, making you wrap your legs around his waist, before he carried you off to the bedroom.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 months
Little Stevie's In Love - Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
"Hey, Steve."
I looked over my shoulder to see Y/N, my neighbor, jogging toward me. Y/N was one of those people who others didn't realize how wonderful she was. Sure, she was quiet and a little shy. But if she really knows you, she's completely open.
I once asked her why she was shy around the other kids at school, but normal around me. She shrugged and said there was no reason to open up to a bunch of fake people. She said I wasn't fake, but the truth was, I am. Only she knows the real me.
"What's up, Y/N?" I asked as I shoved my hands into my back pockets. I smiled when she started to nervously ramble.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor," she started. "Well, you wouldn't be doing the favor, per se. It would just be lending me something. I know this is precious to you and. . ."
"Y/N," I laughed as I gently cut her off. "What do you need?"
"I was wondering if I could borrow your car to take my parents to the airport tomorrow."
"Of course," I said, but she continued to ramble.
"I know that a car is a guy's, like, sacred place and your geeky neighbor taking her parents to the airport in it is not exactly what it's supposed to be for but. . ."
"Y/N," I cut her off as I gently grabbed her arm. She instantly bit her bottom lip–a habit she's always had. "First of all, breathe. Second, you are not a geek."
"I'm a theater weirdo," she interrupted.
"You've stared in every play our school's put on since freshman year," I laughed as I forced myself to let her go. "That doesn't make you a 'weirdo'. That makes you awesome."
We stared at each other for a few beats of silence before I cleared my throat. "And third, of course, you can borrow my car. You're about the only person I let drive it, other than me."
"Thank you so much," she sighed, relieved. "You just saved the day."
I blushed when she jumped up and kissed my cheek. I cleared my throat as she walked away.
"Glad I could help," I mumbled long after she left.
* * * * *
I was walking to my car when I heard Y/N's voice call out my name. I turned around to see her jogging toward me. The second she got to me, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Y/N," I said in a sing-songy. "Are you okay? Did the theater kids join the potheads during lunch today?"
"What?" She giggled as she let go of me. "No, I didn't smoke anything with the potheads at lunch. That crap ruins my vocal cords."
"Then what made you so cheery?" I teased.
"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me borrow your car," she said, her voice serious.
"It was just a car," I chuckled. "Not like I gave you a kidney or something."
"I know," she shrugged, her face burning red. "But still, it meant a lot. To me and my parents."
"Really?" I couldn't help but stutter.
"Yeah," she smiled. "My mom about swooned when she heard that you had lent me your car. My dad was impressed you trust me with it."
"It's just a car," I repeated. "I really didn't care about it that much."
"Still," Y/N giggled. "It meant a lot to me. Thanks again, Steve."
She grabbed my elbow and squeezed it before walking toward her locker. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I watched as she walked away. I watched as she opened her locker. I watched as she grabbed her calculus textbook.
"Who was that?" Tommy asked in his annoyingly over-confident, ridiculously insulting voice.
"My neighbor," I said without thinking about it.
"Oh! She's that theater girl," Carol scoffed. "The one who's in like everything this school does."
"She's okay I guess," Tommy shrugged. "It's not much fun to watch her, if you know what I mean."
"We always know what you mean," Carol sighed. I turned toward them, my anger boiling.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I scoffed.
I grabbed my backpack and walked away. I started to leave but stopped when I saw Y/N walking to her math class. I glanced over my shoulder to see Tommy and Carol had already moved on.
"Hey, Y/N!" I called out to her before I could talk myself out of it. She turned around and sent me a smile that made my heart jump into my throat.
"Hey," she said with a small laugh as I jogged over to her. "Is everything okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," I said, slightly caught off guard by her worry. "I just. . . I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me study for the Geometry test I have on Friday. I know you took Geometry in like sixth grade and it comes extremely easy to you, but I could really use your help."
"I'm sorry, Steve, but I can't tonight," she said, her smile dropping. I tried but failed to not look as disappointed as I felt. "I can help you tomorrow," she said quickly. "I know that's the day before your test but it's better late than never."
"Tomorrow works," I smiled, my mood instantly improving. "What do you have going on tonight?"
"Well," she sighed, "my partner for the Government test hasn't done a single thing on our project, so now I have to stay up late tonight and finish everything. Our presentation is tomorrow."
"That sucks," I scoffed. "Want me to kick his ass?"
"No," she laughed, "thanks though. I'll keep the offer in case we get anything lower than a B."
"Just say the word," I winked at her. I filled with pride when my wink made her blush.
"So tomorrow night?" She asked, refocusing the conversation.
"Perfect," I smiled. "Do you want to come to my place or. . ."
"Your place is fine," she shrugged when I didn't continue.
"Great. My place, tomorrow night."
"Or earlier," I stuttered. "I could order a pizza or something?"
"You don't have to," she started to say.
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "You're giving up your Thursday night to help me study. The least I can do is buy you dinner."
I held my breath when I realized that sounded like a date. I didn't mind the idea of going on a date with her, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
"How about I meet you at your place at six?" She suggested, her smile making my entire body feel weird.
* * * * *
At the end of the day, I was driving Carol and Tommy home. The entire drive, I thought about the study session I had with Y/N tomorrow night. I have been weirdly nervous ever since she agreed to come over and help me.
"Can I ask you a question?" Carol asked, her voice instantly interrupting me mentally cleaning my room.
"What?" I deadpanned.
"What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"She's my neighbor," I stuttered, my nerves jumping.
"You've said that," she scoffed. "Are you. . ."
"Don't tell me you have feelings for that girl," Tommy scoffed.
"No way!" Carol giggled.
"So what if I like her?" I asked harshly. "She's down to earth and funny and smart and sweet and beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the fact that she's real."
"You don't just like her," Carol said in a nasally voice. "Little Stevie's in love."
"Bullshit," Tommy immediately scoffed. "Steve Harrington wouldn't be with a weirdo like that stage freak."
I couldn't help but slam on my brakes a little too hard.
"Y/N's not a weirdo," I said harshly as I held the steering wheel so tight my knuckles turned white.
"You can't be serious," Tommy laughed. "You can't possibly have feelings for her. You're Steve "the Hair" Harrington. She's a nobody."
"Get out," I said through my teeth.
"But. . ."
I turned toward Tommy, unable to soften my glare.
Tommy mumbled something under his breath as he got out of the car, but I didn't care. My anger was more focused on how they talked about Y/N. They didn't know her like I do. The only reason they knew her name was because of me.
Part of me wished I'd never become friends with Tommy and Carol. And instead, I wish I had gotten closer to Y/N.
I jumped, being pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my window. I sighed angrily when I saw Carol watching me. I clenched my jaw as I rolled my windows down.
"Easy, Frosty," she chuckled. "I just wanted to say. . . You know Y/N better than Tommy and I, so if you like her, you should do something about it."
"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice softening.
"Tell her, dumbass."
I thought about what Carol said for the rest of my drive home. When I pulled into the driveway, I instantly looked over at Y/N's house. I couldn't see her room from the front of her house. I had a perfect view of it from my room though. It took everything in me sometimes not to look at her window. I was also more aware of when I left my blinds open.
I headed inside and instantly went into my room. As I threw my backpack onto my bed, my heart jumped into my throat when I saw Y/N sitting at her desk by her window.
I smiled when I remembered that she was working on her Government project tonight. Instead of completing my homework or studying for my math test, I watched Y/N work on her project.
* * * * *
I was distracted all day on Thursday. I forced myself to refocus when Y/N showed up on my doorstep at the agreed-upon time. We ate pizza at the kitchen table as Y/N helped me through the formulas our test was on.
I was overly aware of how close Y/N and I were sitting all night long. When she left, I couldn't sleep. The only thing I could do was go back through the events of the night in my head as I kept my eyes on Y/N's closed window.
Friday morning, I walked into school feeling way more confident about my math test than normal. And it was all thanks to Y/N. She was at my house for three hours helping me study.
I was on my way to math when I noticed someone waiting outside the classroom.
"Y/N," I said as I walked over to her. "What are you doing here? Don't you have English right now?"
"I do," she said slowly, clearly surprised that I knew her schedule. "I just wanted to wish you good luck on your test. And I wanted to make sure you knew that you can do it. I believe in you, Steve."
"Thank you," I said with absolutely no sarcasm in my voice. "Really, Y/N. Thanks for giving up your Thursday night to help me study."
"Of course," she shrugged. "Besides, it's not like I had anything better to do."
I cut her off by grabbing her hand and pulling her into my chest. Before I could wimp out, I leaned down and delicately pressed my lips to hers. I felt her gasp against my lips, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she snaked her arms up my chest and wrapped them around me as she kissed me back.
I broke the kiss long before I had wanted to. I leaned back and we instantly stared into each other's eyes.
"Wow," she whispered. "Steve, I'm a little. . . Confused."
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "It's just. . . The thing is. . . Over the last few. . ."
"Steve?" She gently cut off my nervous stuttering.
"I have feelings for you, Y/N," I blurted out.
"You do?"
"Of course, I do."
I laughed when Y/N jumped up and pressed her lips back to mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. She broke the kiss, her face bright pink.
"We should. . . I should get to class," she said, her voice soft. "Plus, you have your test to ace."
"I wouldn't be so confident in me," I chuckled. "We'll be lucky if I pass."
"Hey," she said firmly yet gently. "I know you can do this, Steve. You're a lot smarter than you think you are."
I felt like someone was blasting the heater as I stared into Y/N's eyes.
"What?" She asked when she saw the look on my face.
"That," I whispered. "That, right there, is why I'm crazy about you."
"I'm crazy about you too, Steve."
"How about this," I said, tightening my arms around her, "after I pass this test, I will take you out to dinner to celebrate."
"Dinner?" She asked, her face bright pink.
"Our first date," I smiled. Y/N giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Six o'clock?"
"I'll pick you up," I said, lowering my voice. "And I won't be even a second late."
Y/N stood on her toes and pressed her lips to mine. When she broke the kiss, she slowly lowered back down.
"I'm gonna hold you to that," she whispered. "Now, get in there and go ace that test."
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gavisfanta · 1 month
Can you do a YouTube video with Pablo, “who knows me better” or “the person in front of me decides what I eat”in a drive through.
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summary: Gavi, Aurora and you do a tiktok trend.
no warnings
"Okay and welcome to todays video of who knows me better" You clapped your hands together while looking at the phone on the table. "Okay so since you guys like the tiktok with him-" You put your hand on top of Gavi's head. "We're gonna do another video but this time its who knows me better. My boyfriend, or my bestfriend Aurora who also happens to be his sister." You smiled as the two of them were sitting at the table, each with a bowl filled with water infront of them.
"I'm gonna win" Gavi smiled at the camera.
"I'm questioning my participation in this, why did I come here to get dunked into water?" Aurora laughed.
"You're just scared to loose." Gavi told her off and you smiled while putting your hand on either of their heads.
"What's my favourite color?" You asked and listened closely who said what first.
"Red" Gavi said first but just a few seconds after you heard Aurora.
"Purple." She smiled confidentially as you dunked Gavi's head into the bowl. His hair getting wet and the remaining water dripping back into the bowl as he smiled.
"I told you this the last time already!" You told him loudly, instead of responding he just shook his head and looked at the camera for a second.
"I'm too good." Aurora whispered.
"What's one thing I can't live without?" You asked and couldn't help but smile as you waited.
"Coffee?" Gavi said very fast and loud. You looked at Aurora who smiled a bit while thinking of her answer.
"Him?" She asked a bit unsure but you nodded and dunked his head into the water. Gavi's jaw dropped open as he turned around to look at you.
The water from his face and hair dripping onto his black shirt. "Are you serious?" he asked, his cheeks slightly red and a smile visible on his lips.
"Yeah" You also had to smile as he was so adorable.
"How did you even know this?" Gavi asked his sister as he turned around in his seat again to face the bowl of water.
"I guessed" She shrugged her shoulders and Gavi shook his head while he still smiled.
"What's an addiction that I have?" You kept asking and Gavi looked up for a second while Aurora was struggling.
"None?" Gavi smiled a bit as he said that in an unsure tone. You dunked Aurora's head into the bowl and she burst out laughing.
"Tha water is so cold." She screeched while Gavi looked at his sister on his right laughing.
"You'd just have to listen while she talks" He shrugged his shoulders to which he received a dirty look from his sister.
You however continued with the questions while positioning your hand on their heads. "What's my dream car?"
Gavi looked down at the water for a few seconds but Aurora answered first. "An Audi AA?" She asked in an unsure tone once again. You dunked her head into the water and eventually you both were looking at Gavi.
"A porsche cayenne i think..." He mumbled and smiled as he looked at your through the camera. You smiled and then nodded your head.
"Doesn't Pedri have that car?" Aurora turned her head to look at you.
"Yeah and I'm so jealous." You smiled and then went back to asking the question. "When did me and Gavi start dating?"
"June second 2021" Gavi fired immediately.
"June second" His sister followed only a second later.
"I was first" Gavi yelled and stood up.
"Okay this is-" Aurora smiled as she got dunked into the water again. "-so rigged. I'm not playing this anymore." She stood up and walked away into the bathroom.
"Y/n I'm not mad at you only at Gavi." She yelled while going up the stairs. You laughed as you looked at Gavi standing next to you. He raised his brows while shaking his head.
You grabbed your phone and showed your face as you said goodbye. "Okay so guys I hope you liked this video, and leave a like. Gavi you wanna add something?" You turned the camera to face him.
"Visca Barça!"
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
a.h x f!reader
cw: some slight angst (blink and you miss it)
wc: 1k
a/n: hiiiii!!! this is based on this request! sorry for taking a bit, i've been swamped with homework. i have one more in my inbox but im still taking requests! you can uses any of the prompt lists linked or just send me any request you have!
Hotch had a problem. He didn't necessarily want this problem, but he also didn't want to fight it. He had started to develop feelings for his coworker– who is also his subordinate– Y/N.
It started pretty recently. The team got back from a case and he told Jessica he would need her to watch Jack for a couple more hours. Unfortunately, that couldn't work for her, so he asked if she could talk to the babysitting agency and get someone in before she left. All was well when he last heard from her, and he was told that if they can't get someone out, they'll call him.
That’s why when his personal phone rang, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering “this is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty.” Alas, he picked up the phone and saw it was the agency he used, and they couldn't get anyone out this late in his area. He was so frustrated, he wanted to cry, which was more common than not recently.
After hanging up, he was so lost in his head, preparing to head out and take his work home with him (he never liked doing this, too scared Jack may see something he shouldn't). He didn't realize his door was opened the entire time, and he certainly didn't realize that Y/N had popped her head in with a mildly concerned look on her face.
“Hey, I was just heading out… are you okay?”
He jumped the tiniest bit, and looked up at her. “Uh, yeah. I’m actually leaving too.” He stood up and grabbed the pile of files in his desk, preparing to shove them in his briefcase, when he looked up for a millisecond to see the confused look on her face. “Jessica can't watch Jack for the rest of the night and there are no babysitters available this late of notice. I have to bring work home.”
Hotch didn't know what to expect from his oversharing, but it definitely wasn't the next words out of Y/N’s mouth. “I can watch him!” He looked at her. She looked at him. Y/N suddenly laughed to herself and shook her head. “Sorry, I meant to say if you need me to, since I’m already heading out, I can watch him until you're finished up here. I know how you feel about bringing those files home.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that–”
“You're not asking!” She promptly cut him off. “Trust me, Hotch, I want to do this for you. The sooner you say okay, the sooner I can go relieve Jessica.”
He numbly nodded, putting his briefcase on his desk. “Yes, thank you. I owe you for this. I’ll let Jessica know and I promise I won't be too long so that you can enjoy the rest of your night.”
And it was that simple of a solution. He did his work, you watched Jack, and when he got home, he was able to witness you putting his kid to bed. It was sweet (beyond sweet, really), and since then, whenever the team got back from a case and he needed extra help with Jack, Y/N would volunteer without being prompted. He loved seeing the little moments Y/N had with Jack, so much so that he would sometimes come home a little early (he could survive the extra work on a night Jessica was babysitting) and offer to have Y/N stay for dinner, which turned into bedtime for Jack, and then a little wine after he was asleep.
He didn't know when the feelings began to develop exactly, but once he noticed the excitement of going home to not only Jack but also Y/N, well he wanted to put a little bit of space between them. He wishes it was a gradual thing– really, he does– but he kind of just started declining her offers, making sure to book a babysitter hours (sometimes days) prior so that there were no issues with someone watching Jack. He hadn't taken into account what Y/N would be feeling about this shift, and he wasn't sure why he was so surprised when she marched into his office after a case; a time where they would normally arrange for her to watch Jack.
“Did I do something? Did I hurt Jack, or offend you, or literally anything wrong?”
“Excuse me?” His head whipped up from the papers under him.
“We had a routine. Something happened to disrupt the routine. I just need to know what I did wrong.” She looked sad. That was something Hotch didn't see on her often.
“You didn't do anything wrong.” He placed his pen down and stood up, closing his office door and standing in front of Y/N. “I have this problem.” He didn't know how else to state it, but he had to say something now or she’d think that his problems are her fault (and he would say a hundred times over that this was never her fault). “I don’t want to feel things for you but at the same I have this need to be near you 24/7.”
Eyes wide and deep breaths, the only thing Y/N could utter out was “what?”
Hesitating, Hotch stepped a little closer. “After seeing you with Jack and spending more time with you I…” he scoffed and shook his head “this is so juvenile.”
“Keep going, please.” Her response was quick. She needed him to finish.
“I want to be near you all of the time and I got scared of that– we work together, I’m your unit chief, I shouldn't be feeling things the way I do so I just… I pulled away.”
The silence was suffocating for the minute Y/N took to digest all that was said, but after what felt like years to Hotch, he felt her hand tentatively touch his, gently raking her nails down his palm before interlocking their fingers. “You don't have to… pull away.” The shy look was turning into one of awe. “We can… be around each other more often. See what happens. If you want.”
Maybe Hotch didn't have a problem. He felt a warmth spread through his body at the mere thought of being closer to Y/N, to seeing what happens with them, to a future. He definitely didn't have a problem.
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gguk-n · 3 days
Mission- Cheer up Logan
I've just had a sad dream with Logan in it and I told him how much I love him and how important he is after watching all the shit Williams and Vowles have been doing. I need this to heal myself. I hope it heals everyone rooting for Logan too
Summary- Literal Logan fluff.
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Y/N didn't dislike many people and hate would be a strong word in her dictionary but right now James Vowles and the Williams racing team made her hate them with the tirade they had going against her poor boyfriend which was pissing her off; worst of all, it was affecting Logan. Her happy puppy of a boyfriend was lost. He would either be at work or looking lost and depressed at home. They no longer had witty conversations going on or Y/N teasing Logan any and every chance she got. He would barely smile at her at times. So, Y/N took it upon herself to make her Logan happy.
It was one of those days, the weather was bright and sunny, Logan didn't have to go to work and the previous GP may have been bad but it was slightly better. It was around 9 and they were still in bed. Y/N woke up to Logan 'asleep' at least he pretended to be. She knew him like the back of her hand and every time he acted like he was sleeping his eyes would be shut tight. This habit of his made her smile. She looked up at him while resting her palms against his chest.
"Good morning, baby boy" I whispered followed by a kiss on the lip which was followed by a grunt and covering his face with the blanket. "Babe, we need to good shopping, we're out of everything." I emphasised. "You can do that alone" he said, still under the duvet. "Yes but you know I hate shopping alone and I wanna show off my super hot racer boyfriend to the world, come on." I said while pulling the covers off. His big blue eyes met mine and I pouted my lips. "I won't take long, I promise. Pinky promise." I exclaimed while holding out my pinky. "You're hurting my ribs, babe." came a strangled cry only to notice my elbow jabbing his ribs. I giggled while apologising and dragging him to the bathroom. We were dressed in 20 minutes and out the door. As Logan started the car, he looked at me and said, "The only reason you're taking me along is so that I can drive you there, right?" I was appalled at the accusation but replied with a smile, "one of the reasons, babe." I said. He laughed asking, "Couldn't you drive there yourself?" "Why would I do something when I have a pro who can do it for me." Logan shook his head. "I have the hottest formula 1 driver at my beck and call so am not even allowed to show him off; is an atrocity I say." dramatically sighing. Logan let out a big laugh, one I hadn't heard pass his lips in ages. It made my heart flutter and tears spring up in my eyes.
The car ride was filled with singing along to songs playing on the radio which we hadn't done in so long. It felt nice to be able to have my Logan back. The trip to the grocery store was uneventful. Once back, I made quick work of putting every thing away. I went back to Logan sat on the couch in the living room and made myself comfortable on his lap, "darling, what would you like for dinner?" He was pulled back from whatever thought he had as I sat on his lap, "Pizza and Pasta" He said. I looked him in the eyes and asked, "What about we go on a date?" Logan looked at me quizzically. "It could be a home date, like the good old days. We could cook together and then dress up to have dinner together. I even bought a few dresses I didn't get to show you." I elaborated.
Logan's POV
In all honesty I couldn't care what we did. I didn't really wanna go out and getting dressed just to eat at home was such a waste of time. But I couldn't say no, when her face was literally hoping for me to say yes. She kept looking at me expectantly and I didn't wanna let another person down, so I agreed. The way her face lit was better than winning any GP. She leaned in and gave me the sloppiest kiss and pulled me to the kitchen to help her cook. I would never say I could cook when Y/N did all the heavy lifting. "Baby boy, you look lost in thought. Is there another woman that is occupying your thoughts?" she said in a southern accent while placing both her arms around my shoulder and wrapping them around my neck. It made my breathe hitch; the effect this woman had on me even after so many years was shocking to say the least. I placed my hands on her waist and replied in an equally fake southern accent, "Darling, there ain't no woman worth my time when you're standing in front of me." "You better." she said while leaving multiple kissed on my face making me laugh. The cooking ended quiet quickly for two people; where one of them couldn't cook and the other kept violating ever health and safety protocol by kissing and touching the person next to them.
We were almost done with dinner and I asked Logan to go dress up. I would get dressed just before plating the food in the guest room because I didn't want Logan to see the outfit I had planed for him. About 15 minutes later, Logan was back at the table and I left to get dressed. It took me only 20 minutes which was a record. I wore a black lacy mini-dress which barely covered my ass and tits at the same time but it made me look hot and that's all that mattered. I stepped out of the room to an eagerly waiting Logan.
Logan's POV
My mouth was on the floor when I saw what she was wearing. "You don't plan on wearing this out, do you?" I said and then quickly added, "If you did, I don't mind. I can fight but I need this image burnt into my retinas." I ogled. She giggled and walked towards me, "You can take it off, once dinner is over." She whispered in my ear. Dinner was done in record time. We headed to the bedroom so that I could hold her to her words.
While cuddling, Y/N said, "You know, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I cut her off because she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Y/N shushed me, "Right now, I'm talking and you're gonna listen. I love you Logan Sargeant more than there are words that I can use to express myself. I'm so happy every day to wake up next to you and support you in achieving your dreams and aspirations. I hope you remember how good you are and deserve everything you've worked towards. A couple fuck ups don't undermine the talent and hard work that is Logan Sargeant. No matter what anyone says, you are the most handsome and talented driver that deserves to be in F1. Those assholes are blind to not be able to see your pure raw unfiltered talent. I love you baby boy." She finished her speech. There were tears in my eyes that had started flowing which Y/N wiped away with a kiss. I pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for sticking with me. I promise I won't let you down or let anyone make me feel like crap again." She smiled while drawing a heart on my back. We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.
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puripurin · 1 month
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SHOWMANSHIP [🎊🎉770 Followers Special🎉🎊] [PT. 1]
➥ Yan!Ringmaster x Acrobatic!Reader
➥ Summary :- Like always, misfortune almost always has a choke hold on the reader, so you get sold to a circus for the meer sum of 1,250 dollers.
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— "IS THAT ALL I'M WORTH TO YOU??" You boomed at your parents, grateful for the bars that so kept you a foot's distance from ripping your parents to shreads.
"Honey, listen -" Your father was brutally cut off by your untamed anger radiating off of the walls, screeching so loud that it made the cell bars vibrate momentarily afterwards. There was no way in hell this man was trying to butter you up after selling you off.
"No. YOU listen to me, you wasteful, unwanted sperm doner. YOU could've worked me to the BONE, and I would have forgiven you because we still need a roof over our heads, but to sell me to some random-ass person who probably smells like your fuckin' toe jam for a mere sum of 1,250 DOLLARS!??? You hurled insults at your parents left and right, only recieving furious stares in return.
"[Y/N]! That is no way to speak to your father! We were low on funds, and our payment was due soon." She stepped forward with a sharp expression engraved in her face.
Your intermittent breathing became the only thing that was stopping you from going over the edge of insanity town. Your parents stood without motion, their eyes locked on you as if they weren't the ones who should've been in the cell instead.
"...Don't you want your due payments to disappear? That's rich, how ironic, huh? Or maybe you two were just waiting on an opportunity to make me disappear?!?!"
Without waiting for a response, you slammed your hand on the part of the iron bars closest to their faces, getting surprised fast blinks from your mother. Her pride lasting in all of this was honestly pissing you off.
"Dear, there is no worry for this... thing anymore. Our twin daughters will pave the way for greatness, bringing wealth and fortune to our name. Their talents and beauty hold no bounds." The woman looked over at her husband as you glared at them before you as if they were brainless, dilapidated creatures.
"Keep on sweet talking to them like that, and they'll end up in jail for homicide." You held up a middle finger and walked to a corner of the cell. You heard them spit in the front of the gate to your cell as they left. Silence then engulfed your surroundings.
No more of your parents' nagging and selfish tendancies. It was because of them that you could never look at your early twenties with fond memories. Looking back, you could have been partying and romancing other people, yet all you were promised was work, work, and more work. The pressure of trying to make money for your teen siblings and parents was exhausting, especially when your mother was spending more than you could make. That was how you got an earful from both your parents and siblings when they found out that the family's credit score was so low that it practically nestled right beside the dogshit on the side of the road.
"Fuck. This fucking sucks..." You couldn't hold back the resentment that forced themselves out your eyes in beads of tears. You were already at 26, with no job, no car, no money, no partner, and worth only 1,250 dollars. The path you walked on was not one adorned for the bunnies and butterflies, but rather, was draped in colourless desperation and pure survival.
"At least an arranged marriage would've given me the things I worked so hard for! But no! They just want me to die miserable and poor!"
"Awe, is my new performer preaching about death? My, a face like yours would be a total waste in a casket." The voice of a man echoed through the cell, almost making you jump out of your skin. He appeared almost instantaneously before your cell gate; he was dressed in an array of red, black, and white with an assortment of ruffles.
"You! YOU SCUMMY BASTARD! JUST WAIT 'TIL I HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER TO FEAST ON!" You stormed your way back to the front of your cell and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Ah... I'm sure you would enjoy that, but alas, that mouth of yours is a bit rotten, would some chlorine and a scrub daddy do the trick?" The man's face held no defining emotion that represented what he was saying to you.
"You... YOU--"
"I suggest you quit the smack talk, unless you prefer to continue and be thrown out of my establishment; can't make quality meat without an obedient animal, am I right?" Even if his facial expression didn't change, you could tell that his words were looking to strangle you if you refused to take heed to them.
"Ah, right, before I leave, I have assigned you as an acrobatics trainee; our last acrobat died of... unforseen events." He paused before chuckling and waltzing out of sight. Making you alone in the cell once more.
You just plopped right on the ground in realization. This was your life now. Just a minute ago you got sold to some freak by your idiotic parents, and now, you were going to be one of the acrobatics in a circus that you didn't even know the name of? You could only pity yourself.
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It had been a few weeks since you came here, and all you had been doing was practicing acrobatics with the help of the others. Furthermore, since that unfaithful day when you were sold, it was your decision to just stop talking altogether. If no one was hearing your voice, then what was the point?
"Ah, [Y/N]... have you finished up on your practice for today?" A young woman came over to you. It was Ellen, one of the acrobatics that taught you all the basics, from balancing on a beam to how to quickly put on different costumes in between performances.
You acknowledged her for her determination, even after entering into the circus at a young age. Though, what you wish you had was her ability to not complain and take things as they were. Alas, that was something Ellen had shown you that you hadn't observed from a person in ages; endurance.
You gave her a small smile and nodded. She brightened up before motioning you to come over to the schedule, which displayed all the events that were to partake following each day. You noticed that there was no last month performance mentioned on the chart.
Last month's performances were big and grand compared to the regular performances, which had more repetitive and basic performances. With all that in mind, you still couldn't participate in them because you were new, but soon you would participate within the next month or so.
"Ah, the other ringmaster has yet to meet you, by the way. He's been gone for a while now. He's the one who can conduct the monthly performances..." Ellen slowly stopped talking, mentally debating with herself with something before refraining on speaking as her grim face turned into one of happiness.
"Ah, right, it's almost time for the show to start, so I need to go this time. You are responsible for ensuring that the children are safe when they are watching the show." Right, you almost forgot about the children that were here. They were either sold to here or just given to the circus. They either had deformities or just had albinism. In total, there were 8 children that you needed to watch over.
You nodded once more and left to change out of the plain acrobatic suit that you wore for practice. Obviously, you had some different coloured ones, but those were strictly for performances.
Once you stepped into the changing room, you deflated and rubbed your face, which was buring from trying to hold back your tears. You sat there as streaks of tears slid down your face.
It was hard for you to just be happy about the situation. It was a struggle to just even have a neutral look on your face, to seem unbothered, to seem as if you were taking the situation well. The reason you gave for becoming selectively mute was only half of the reason. It was partially because almost every day your throat would tighten up from the never ending fear of living like this.
There were nice people, of course, but was it enough for you to accept this situation? The pain of realizing over and over again that your family betrayed you for such a little amount was painful. Even if they mistreated you, you only want to go back to the times when everything was much simpler.
You sniffled and checked the time and noticed that 10 minutes had passed. That was enough crying time for today because you weren't going to get beaten for not taking care of the children this time. Babysitting children comes first, money is second, and depression is last. That crazy psycho of a manager won't let anything slide under the rug, so you had to be on your tippie toes.
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There were a bunch of mini humans wandering about, but not out of your sight, of course. You sat on a wooden bench backstage amongst the junk pile, where all sorts of thrown out props and costumes entangled themselves into one giant monster-like concoction. It was enough to keep the children entertained, and so you had a portion of your job cut out for you.
One of the 8 children was a little, baby boy, the youngest of the batch; he snuggled into your chest, feeling the warmth radiating from you.
"Ah, are you babysitting?" A man, with long hair spoke up from beside you. You hadn't noticed when he sat down. You shook your head in reply, raising an intrigued response from the man.
"Not quite a speaker, are you? I see. You must be [Y/n], then. I am Mathew Alabaster, one of the ringmasters in this lovely establishment." You raised a brow at the 'lovely establishment' part, but Mathew didn't mind, well, more like he didn't have the mind to notice.
You hadn't seen him before, and it seemed as though he shared resemblance with that of the ringmaster you met on your first day in the cell.
"Right, so how well are you fitting into your role? I assume it's daunting because you get to be hung high in the air with nothing but your skills and aura whilst the floor's comfort lulls and beckons you to just... drop." The man smiled at you, but for an odd reason; he had an off-putting look in his eyes...
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Pt 1 cus I ain't writing allat rn. Also I'm so so super duper sorry for not posting in decades! (Esp @emptybrain01, it was only recently i saw your comments! Im so so sorry 💀💀💀💀) Obviously I've been on tumblr for a short period of time, but like, I was just lazy on top of me having no time on the weekend because I'm making a cosplay and I have to study during the week, along with upcoming tests and a big exam next year. Basically my hobbies take up more time than I have.
So maybe next year ill disappear for a while cos i hv a shit ton of stuff to do.
But I'll take requests instead of just thinking about a character and making a smol story for them.
Also once more, thank you for following me and getting to 770+ followers (its now 831) even if i don't post much. I would also like to thank my friend Syren, who has access to my account and sees all my shit 💀, for editing this work!
Thank you all!
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rainstops · 3 months
my favorite alcohol problem
scaramouche x gn!reader fluff
summary: scaramouche started drinking to stop thinking about you, and suddenly ended up in your bed. someone help him
a/n: this is so unrealistic,, i think. either way ive been trying to fight the urge to write this but did end up giving in. also, I am just dropping this here to go right back to being on hiatus cuz this has been living in my drafts..
warnings: mentioning of alcohol consumption
wc: 1.5k
it was late. by far past 1 am. you were out with your friends to celebrate a birthday, and for whatever reason they were now going to go drinking at the bar next door. you excused yourself and told them that you couldn't stay any longer, but you’d still accompany them into the bar and then leave. 
as soon as you stepped foot into the bar, you saw a familiar someone laying with their head on the counter. your friends chose a place to sit, and while you said goodbye to them, you were already walking over to the familiar someone. 
it was scaramouche, who you knew from your college classes. from all the times the both of you had worked together, you knew that he wasn't the nicest person to be around. 
“what are you doing here at this time”, you asked scaramouche, and you couldn't tell if he was asleep or just too drunk to respond. 
you put a hand on his shoulder and tried shaking him, to which he somewhat tried to sit up. 
“why the hell are you drinking?”, you tried asking again. 
yet scaramouche in his drunken state leaned against you, and mumbled something which you at first couldn't make out. 
“this… this is all your fault!”, he slurred. 
“mine?! i wasn't even here”, you argued, but at the lack of a response, you decided that it was time to act. you couldn't just leave him here. like this he probably didn't even remember his way home or his address. 
“come on, let's get you out of here”, you slipped an arm under his arm and tried supporting him since he didn't seem like walking was something he could do on his own. 
suddenly the bartender stopped you. 
“excuse me, but he didn't pay yet”, the woman behind the counter looked like she felt somewhat sorry for you. 
you groaned and reluctantly pulled out your card. 
“here but it on this card”, the woman nodded and went to close his tab and pay. 
“you owe me big time scara”, you said to the guy you were almost carrying by the way he was slumping against you. 
“thank you, have a good night!”, the woman handed you your card back and you nodded with a very forced smile. 
as soon as you stepped foot outside the bar, you realized that you had no idea where scara even lived. you knew none of his friends who you could call, and have never been at his place. whenever you needed to work on a project together, you just met in the college library with him.  
screw it you thought. 
you sat scaramouche, who still hasn't said a word ever since he blamed you for his drinking, in the passenger seat of your car, and decided to just drive to your apartment. if he was going to complain to you about waking up at your place, you were sure as hell never going to help him with anything ever again. 
at your apartment, you started contemplating who slept where. you sure as hell didn't want to sleep on the couch, and since you already helped scaramouche out of the stupid situation he was in, why would you let him sleep on your bed? 
but the people-pleaser side of yours, in the end won and you did let him sleep on your bed. 
“here drink this”, you said while almost forcing a glass of water into the drunken man's hand. 
scaramouche drank the glass faster than you ever could, and held it out for you to put it on the bedside table like you were taking care of a child. 
you were about to walk out of the room when you heard a low whine. 
“what?”, you turned around. 
and there he sat, arms crossed across his chest and an angry pout on his face. with his head turned away from you, he mumbled something which you once again couldn't make out. 
“repeat that?”
“don’t… go”, scaramouches voice was barely above a whisper, and you wondered how much alcohol did he actually have? 
despite almost having to laugh at scaramouches weird request, you decided not to laugh at him because who knew how much he was going to remember from this night? 
“Scaramouche, I'm tired I just want to go to sleep”, and when you turned around to leave, you almost jumped at the feeling of a hand grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. 
“sleep here…”, scaramouche repeated and stared down at the floor. despite him not looking at you, you could tell that his face was flushed. yet wether that was because of the alcohol, or because he was asking you to sleep in the same bed as him.
you were about to argue with him, when scaramouche simply pulled you into bed with a yelp from you. 
the moment you were lying next to him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and fell asleep. not even pulling the blanket up or whatever. trying to get up was no use since he was going to wrap himself tighter around you whenever you tried.
he was so going to flip out when he woke up…
scaramouche happened to be the first one to wake up, and the first thing he noticed was the pounding headache. he barely remembered anything from the previous night. that was when he noticed you snuggled up against him. 
the first thing scaramouche decided to do was scream. well, almost. he slapped a hand over his mouth. next followed question after question running through his mind.
next he wanted to wake you, but wait- wouldn't that just be even more embarrassing? besides you looked so peaceful there next to him… wait what. 
then he remembered. 
the only reason he went drinking last night was to finally get you off his mind. for the past few weeks he could do nothing but think off you, even if he didn't want to. everything he saw reminded him of you. so he thought drinking could solve his problem. 
scaramouche even remembered parts of your conversation, the way you asked him why he was drinking, and he blamed it on you. drinking was just a last resort, since scaramouche had tried everything to finally forget you and nothing had worked. every thought and every action led back to you, and scaramouche was sick of it. it made his heart beat so hard, it was practically begging to jump out of his chest.
scaramouche sat up, his heart pounding faster than the headache in his head. what was he supposed to do now? 
he could leave and never speak to you off this again - assuming that you wont mention it to him - and live his life like nothing ever happened, but… is that what he wanted to do? this might be one of his only chances to be this close to you. 
that was when you moved and turned around to lean against scaramouches arm which was supporting his sitting form. it was pathetic to admit, but such a simple act led to scaramouches face heat up.
he was sure whatever he did next was because he was still tired. or because of the alcohol from last night. he was never going to admit the real reason for this not even to himself. 
yet he still lifted up his hand and reluctantly and slowly stroke your hair. first those strokes were barely even headpats, but it slowly turned into full playing with your hair and caressing your face. 
to scaramouches dismay, you were never a very heavy sleeper, so his actions woke you up rather quickly. 
scaramouche did not even notice how your eyes slowly opened and turned to look at him. he was way to busy admiring how beautifully your hair twirled around his finger. 
yet when he looked back at your face, he saw you with your eyes now open and your softly smiling face. it took him a second to process what had just happened, but he just blinked and suddenly scrambled away from you. 
his face was now redder than anything you have seen before and his mouth was wide open in shock. 
you on the other hand tried sitting up while laughing so hard that it was surely going to give you a stomach ache if you kept laughing. 
“s-stop laughing! you- i-”, scaramouche had no way of communicating with how flustered he currently was. 
after just a little while, you had calmed down though, and where only giggling a little. by then scaramouche was ready to ask you tons and tons of questions. well he wished that was the case, but instead of forming full questions in his head, there were only a bunch of question marks scattered across all the events from the previous night. 
“I- what were you even thinking making me sleep here?!”, was the only thing he could blurt out. 
“me? this isnt my fault!”, you replied still wearing a wide grin on your face. 
“what are you-”, scaramouche was so ready to blame everything on you, until he remembered the way he pulled you into bed with him and then hugged you so tight you could barely leave. 
“oh”, was all scaramouche could say as he lowered his head, completely at a loss for words. 
part 2?
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natsglorifiedsimp · 9 months
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Grew up and fade away
- here's the last request of all time :)) I'll miss writing fics ig but the good news is I'll probably just delete the app so you guys can still enjoy my fics!! It's been a great year and a half with this app :3
"She's never gonna understand, Nat" Wanda spoke in a hushed tone.
A furrowed eyebrow and worried looks have been shared all night. Never in a million years, had they thought this could happen. You are so precious and sweet.
They immediately put a smile on their faces. Trying to get rid of the frown and act like everything is fine.
"Yes, honey?" Wanda answered.
"Where are we going?" you questioned. "And why do I need to bring Mrs. Widow?" you were referring to the plushie they gave you on your 5th birthday.
Wanda looked at Natasha sending a signal to help her out because she couldn't act normal and tears were starting to build up in her eyes.
"Well, honey." Nat pondered. "Your mama and I thought we could hang out with Mrs. Widow today" she lied.
"But I only bring Mrs. Widow when you and Mama are not around" you pouted. "Are you gonna go on another trip?" you asked. Usually, they'd bring Mrs. Widow with you to Tony's to look out for you when they were on their mission.
"Oh no baby" Wanda butted in. "We're just gonna have a little get-together" she bitterly smiled. "Like a tea party"
"Okay!!" you giggled.
Oh, how innocent you were, Natasha thought. How could they leave someone like you?
On the way to your destination, you recognize the streets. You know where the car was going. And you prayed you guys were just gonna pass there.
As the car stopped your heart dropped. "Mommy? Why are we here?" Natasha looked at you and just smiled. You got out of the car confused about what was going on. You can hear Wanda's silent cry and you can get rid of the pounding in your chest.
"I don't wanna go in there" you murmured seeking comfort from your mommy by holding your arms up to get carried.
Your parents greeted the people there until they got into an office. You guys sat in silence and your grip on your mom grew stronger. You didn't want to let go.
"Mrs. and Mrs. Romanoff?" a lady with formal attire asked. Your parents simply nodded.
"She's ready for her" she ushered.
For her? Does she mean me? you thought.
When Natasha carried you to another room a person was waiting. She had the same hair as you, the same eyes, and the same nose.
"Is that my daughter?" the lady asked.
Your grip tightens more than ever. Natasha was trying to pry off your arms so the lady could have a look at you. But the more she tried the more you clung to her.
"It's okay, honey" Wanda assured.
"No!" you bite.
"It's okay, someone just wants to meet you" Wanda assured again but you weren't dumb you know where this is going.
"No, mama!" you insisted.
Natasha desperately pried you off her until your grip grew weak. She passed you to the lady like a piece of toy. You trashed around not caring who you hit.
"It's okay I'm your real mother," the lady said but you didn't care.
"NO!" you shouted. "Mama help!" you desperately cried.
Wanda cried seeing you like this. They never knew a day could come that you were gonna leave their side. Getting you from foster care when you were only 7 months old brought them joy and now that you're seven the real mother wants to take you back.
"Mama!!!! Mommy!!!!" you sobbed. They never moved and never tried to interfere. It was getting on your nerves. "MAMA!!!!"
They hadn't heard you cry like this in a while. Your cry shattered their hearts into pieces.
"Maybe it's better if you guys head out" the lady with a formal attire said.
"NO!" you insisted. "Mommy don't leave me" you wailed.
Oh, how Wanda wanted to take you and run miles from here. How desperate she was to not bring you back here. But still, they slowly went out the door.
"MAMA!!!" you wailed again trying to pry your hands out of the random lady who claims to be your mother.
"I don't want to be here!" you shouted.
"Mama, Mommy please don't leave me" you sobbed.
But all they did was smile.
P.s i dont really know how foster care works😭 bare with me for the sake of angst
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 12
Part 11
@spectrum-spectre before you say anything, there's no smut in this one so go to sleep and read it at a more reasonable hour
In Eddie's fantasy world, he took off in a plane with Steve, escorted him back to Indiana, dropped him off at the door of the home he'd be staying at, giving him a very thorough scenting before letting him go.
But Eddie had work to take care of and Steve said he would be fine. And Eddie had gotten the hang of figuring out when Steve meant what he said. It wasn't hard. Whenever he wanted to be spoiled, he put that bratty lilt to his voice. They parted ways, Eddie having rubbed himself all over Steve before they exited the car, then again before getting to the check out counter.
Eddie was avoiding notice by wearing his hair in a braided bun and big sunglasses. He insisted on getting Steve a first class ticket. It was the only way to keep too many people from rubbing against him and thus making his scent fade sooner.
"Don't miss me too much", Eddie teased, looking over the rim of his shades.
Steve wrapped his arms around his neck. "I already do, Daddy", he whispered. He kissed him and then murmured against his lips. "Can't stop thinking about it. In less than ten days..."
Eddie put his hands to Steve's waist. He couldn't wait either. They'd be reuniting for Steve's heat. But they weren't coming back together just for that. While Steve was pretty regular and was 99% it would come when he said it did, Eddie would have Steve on the first jet to Texas on January 1st.
Steve thoroughly enjoyed the luxury of first class and landed back home with less than half the stress of a normal plane flight. Eddie had been a little zealous in spending on him sometimes, and it reflected in how much money he sent to Steve so that he could get a ride at the airport. Steve had specifically told him that Lucas could have picked him up and then he'd be with family for the rest of the time.
Eddie must've heard something different because when Steve checked his venmo, he was several hundred dollars richer. When Lucas picked him up, he decided that money could be well spent doing some last minute shopping.
"You know, I'm actually kind of relieved", Lucas said as they packed the last of the stuff into his trunk.
"Why?", Steve asked.
"I thought when you started being a sugar baby and junk you'd turn into a different person. But you're still Steve."
Steve smiled. "Didn't go through a name change last I checked."
"You know what I mean. You were still cursing out the ref at the game back in DC. And you got Robin a mug with a weird picture, not like a diamond encrusted dog bowl or something."
"She's gonna love the mug more than that. And the ref had his blinders on for the whole first half."
Steve didn't realize how relieved he was to hear that though, that he had retained the real parts of himself even though he felt completely changed by Eddie. Would he start to change in time? How long would it take? His reverie was broken when Lucas pulled into the driveway of his home.
"Okay, so Dustin told my parents you were seeing someone and Mike told them it was someone famous but they don't know it's Eddie Munson."
Steve felt his stomach drop. "Do they know that I'm?"
Lucas shook his head. "You get to tell them that."
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me", Steve groaned.
The last thing he wanted to tell the people who helped him through the final years of high school and the first couple of college was that he was getting dicked down by a celebrity and was falling for him too. The Sinclairs were more like his parents than his actual mom and dad.
They didn't hold back either, bringing it up the moment he entered and they got their hugs.
"Dustin told us you're seeing someone?", Mrs. Sinclair said.
Steve snuck an ear twist as Dustin walked by with a grin, one that the Sinclairs definitely noticed but let him get away with. He had to be honest not just because of how important they were, but because they'd find out everything sooner or later. New traveled fast online and he was honestly surprised they didn't know more already.
"I met him one night at a bar. He covered my dinner when I was a little short", Steve said as his hands were kept busy helping with the food preparation.
"Sounds like a gentleman", Mr. Sinclair said.
Lucas and his friends were sitting in the living room, which Steve was thankful for. He knew they'd want to spill every last bean. He got away with giving them minimal info: Eddie's first name, the fact he was a musician, an alpha, and that they'd been on a few dates.
That night, he cornered Dustin and Mike and made them swear to keep their mouths shut about anything else.
"Lucas got basketball tickets. We should get something to", Mike said.
"How's about you don't get a tanned hide?", Steve offered, eyes hard.
Christmas went as usual, Steve spent the day of and day after in the Sinclair home, then returned to his own apartment where Robin was already waiting to celebrate New Years. He didn't get two feet into the door before she was feeling his stomach.
He rolled his eyes. "I'm not-"
"But you could be. I know you and your cumslut tendencies. So I know you're not making him wrap it up."
"But I'm still taking my birth control", Steve said.
"You just know that if you get knocked up I'll have no choice but to move back in with you and help you raise this pup", Robin said.
"There is no pup. And I wouldn't make you do that."
"I would though. For you", she promised.
"I know Robs. That's why I'm not gonna let it happen. If I wanna have his baby, you'll get a six month notice before we conceive."
"Thank you for that."
They spent December 31st ordering take out from three different places and binging Empire. When it got to the time for real festivities to begin, they turned the tv to where Eddie said he was going to be performing.
"So that's your beau. He's not bad", Robin complimented. "How's the rest of the band?"
"They're great. I think you and Jeff would really get along. He's actually really into brass instruments too. And Gareth knows a bunch of nerd languages."
"You mean like Klingon and Elvish?"
"And apparently he's learning Atlantean."
Midnight came and Steve kissed her forehead and Robin kissed his cheek.
The next day, he was packed and ready to hop on his flight. Robin dropped him off and hugged him tight enough to hold him over until the next time they met. His ticket was first class again and when he landed in Austin, he was already feeling a tingling under his skin. He missed his alpha. Need his scent, his touch, the rumble of his voice.
Because of this, while he loved the other CC boys, he was a little disappointed to see them awaiting his arrival and not Eddie.
"The Ed-man had to finish something in the studio last minute", Gareth explained as they led Steve to the car.
"Thanks for picking me up, guys", Steve certainly preferred them over a stranger from Uber.
Grant drove the way back, taking them to a mansion that had Steve's jaw dropping. He was no stranger to big houses, but he was used to them being simply for status. They'd been grand but sterile, devoid of any personality. The moment Steve stepped in, he could see that wasn't true for this place. He could pick out each of the resident's scents, could see each of their quirks as he was given a tour of the place.
They saved Eddie's room for last and he found out when Eddie barreled down the hallway to meet them at his door.
"They're really good pack", Steve said as Jeff, Grant, and Gareth left the two of them alone.
"I knew I could trust them with you." Then Eddie kissed him about six times. "For all the missed mistletoe." Then again. "For New Year's."
Steve laughed against his lips. "You gonna show me the bedroom anytime soon? I'd love to lie down, Daddy."
Eddie bit his lip, looking nervous all of a sudden as he slowly opened the door. Steve wanted to take in everything. After all, a bedroom could tell you a lot about a person. But his attention was immediately grabbed by the bed situation and what was sitting on the bench in front of it. There was a thin quilt turning it into a canopy bed, much like the den Eddie had made in their hotel room back in New York.
Steve recognized the pattern from what he'd heard before. Jeff's handiwork. And by the foot of the bed was a small bench where a collection of clothes sat. Steve went right to them and took a whiff of the first shirt. It was so undeniably Eddie, he would have thought his neck was pressed to his nose were he not still by the door.
Then he picked up a tank top and caught notes of lemon and ginger. "Are these...?"
"I tried to scent a lot of stuff before you got here, the boys helped out too. I hope that was okay?" His hands were stuck in his pockets and his back was tensed like he might run.
"It's more than okay", Steve reassured him.
"And the den? You like it? I can always change it if you don't. We've got tons of linens here, all that can be scented in a moment's notice and-"
"Eddie", Steve put a hand to his arm. "It's great. Now...", he held up one of the garments. "Help me nest?"
Eddie swallowed and nodded. He followed Steve's lead as they arranged everything on the bed for maximum comfort. Once Steve was satisfied, he sank down into it, smirking when he saw the way Eddie gingerly lied down next to him.
"Your first time doing a heat?", Steve asked.
"I've been around omegas in heat before. Just not as the uh, let's say star alpha", Eddie admitted.
Steve turned so his back was against Eddie's chest and pulled his arm over him. It took Eddie a moment, but he got comfortable and melted against his body. The exhaustion from the flight and being up for hours finally got to him and Steve closed his eyes.
When he opened them hours later, his body was warm and he felt a wetness between his legs.
Part 13
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie  @sllooney  @starman-jpg  @oxidantdreamboat  @xxbottlecapx   @newtstabber @tiny-enthusiast  @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper @y4r3luv @hello-fellow-nerds  @anonymousbandgirl @alyelf @potato-of-the-lord  @beckkthewreck  @croatoan-like-its-hot @pluto-pepsi @abstractnaturaldisaster @ellietheasexylibrarian @eyesofshinigami @dragonmama76 @greatwerewolfbeliever @chaosgremlinmunson @blackpanzy @millseyes-world @batxsignalsx @lilpomelito @goosesister @libraryofgage @aresthelostboy @royjaimie4eva @silenzioperso @she-collects-smut @lost-wondering-souls @eddielives1986 @marklee-blackmore
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just-a-strange-boy · 10 months
a helping hand
part one
part two here
Unable to use his hands after the accident, Stephen is in desperate need for some help. And who are you to refuse?
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader (GN)
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), questionable sexual proposal, handjob, edging, orgasm control
A/N: IT'S TIME! buckle up bc this is shameless... and tbh who wouldn't love to help our poor Stephen in need
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"Of course I'll help out", you had said, thinking that you could spare some time, to sporadically take care of Christine's friend, determined to offer a hand whenever you could.
It was a clear arrangement – whenever she couldn't be around to help, you'd be the one to step in for the time being. Keep an eye on him, help him around the house, and make sure he won't do anything stupid that might hurt himself.
And you had just been fine with that. It wasn't an issue for you to pop by once in a while. You had flexible work hours and being the reliable person that you were, Christine knew you'd definitely jump in when needed.
What you hadn't expected was kind of getting stuck with helping, something you had most definitely not signed up for, to the point where you found yourself regularly on duty during your free time. Not that you didn't like to help out – there were worse things you could have imagined and there must have been a good subconscious reason why you kept agreeing to it.
You just hadn't planned to get so wrapped up in it.
Instead of simply sparing a couple of hours for Christine's friend because you could and thought helping him out was a good deed, you had ended up agreeing to an entire week on duty at his apartment, because someone had the audacity to leave for a medical congress, letting the task of caring for him fall into your hands and not missing the opportunity to instate you as a personal watchdog.
"Yeah, don't worry about it", you had said, though her request initially confused you.
Why was she asking you to stay around his apartment for an entire week? Not even Christine stayed around him for that long, knowing fairly well how insufferable his behavior was sometimes, glad she had the distraction of leaving for work and getting out of the house once in a while.
Maybe you wouldn't have had to agree to staying at his apartment all week. A couple of hours would have sufficed and you couldn't even quite explain to yourself why you still put yourself up to the challenge.
Perhaps it was because Christine always had the tendency to put on that kind of tone and expression on her face that expressed 'Please do it for me or else I won't be able to get rest'.
Being the worry wart that she was, she wouldn't have let it go until you caved – which was exactly what you had done, agreeing to her request anyways and accepting you would just have to pester the man in question with your presence.
He probably would have been happy to stay on his own for a bit, with no one around to constantly get on his nerves. You often felt like this was exactly what Christine and you were doing.
He would have been fine, probably, because it wasn't like he was incapable of taking care of himself. Yes, he was in a vulnerable position, his last surgery hadn't been that long ago and his hands were still in some state. There were things he couldn't do on his own, he needed to rely on help with certain things, but he wasn't a child needing to be coddled.
Christine's friend, Stephen, had gotten into a fucking wreck of a car crash, leaving him unable to use his hands, which had taken the most damage. You had heard plenty about Stephen Strange before all that happened, considering he had been good friends with Christine ever since she had gotten employed at the Metro General. But you had never had the pleasure of truly getting to know him until you began helping him out.
Plenty of people probably knew, as did you, that Stephen used to be a truly brilliant neurosurgeon, who would obviously not be able to continue to work in that field since his hands were pretty mangled. Which of course was really frustrating him to the point where he had refused to accept help from outside, all alone in his stupidly huge apartment, relying on not another person in the world but Christine, who was pretty much the only friend he had.
And now he had you too, since Christine (understandably so) also needed a break from Stephen sometimes and had pulled in you, her sibling, for help.
At first Stephen had been mad at her for even bringing someone else around for something as ridiculous as being cared for, claiming he didn't need to be pitied by another person, as pity was all he had for himself and his lost career.
But once his frustration was out of the way, he had warmed up quickly to you. It might have been because he had quickly learned how snarky you were, unashamed to speak your mind and comment on his occasional dickish behavior, volleying his little jabs and teasing him right back.
Or perhaps, it was simply because you weren't throwing him a pity party, while never once belittling him for the amount of help he actually needed.
By all means, Stephen should consider himself lucky that someone put up with his shit.
It was a given that Christine helped him out, considering they'd been pretty close friends for years and colleagues as well, she was aggressively caring for those she loved, and since Stephen didn't have a lot of other people to rely on, she fit the role perfectly.
You also quickly began to understand why she had wanted to split 'Stephen duty' with someone else though and being family, you were apparently the only reasonable choice.
She could be certain that he wasn't going to dismiss you or else he would have to endure the wrath of Christine – and she sure had a temper people knew better than to mess with.
So had he though.
He truly was the perfect match for butting heads with on the regular. Sometimes you were convinced he was just being a cocky and arrogant ass out of spite, to rile you up, to get on your nerves as a payback for getting on his, to have some fun because he was getting sick of his recovery at home.
Sometimes you acted out of spite too, placing things out of his reach, screwing on bottle caps extra tight, rearranging his cupboards, to the point where he was forced to ask for help (which he hated doing), but this, as much as most of your comments, was all meant in good humor.
You were sure that Stephen got it. He didn't seem to mind that you were head-strong and speaking your mind, didn't seem too bothered by the harsh things you said sometimes or the not-so-friendly tone you tended to use when it was necessary.
He even seemed to find it rather amusing sometimes, making for playful banter, and in a way you were almost certain that he liked having someone to argue with, even if only for his entertainment.
It offered him some sort of distraction he desperately needed, after things going dastardly wrong, after all this suffering due to his own stupid lapse of judgment, letting himself be distracted while driving and leaping down a cliff.
There was a lot of pent up frustration within Stephen, a lot of sadness, and desperation. Things he didn't necessarily show, but obviously felt anyways. So whenever you managed to put a smile on his face with your gentle, friendly teasing, you were relieved to see him in a different mood.
You liked Stephen quite a bit, no matter how much he was irking you on some days – and no matter what it was, you were always there to help. So maybe staying at the apartment all week wouldn't be as bad.
Surprisingly enough, Stephen hadn't resented the idea either, though of course dropping the occasional comment about not wanting to be under supervision 24/7.
While you were not one to coddle, going after your own work on your laptop and giving Stephen some space during the day, you were insistent on taking care of his basic well-being, as usual.
You did care for Stephen, and not just because of your sister. In some sort, you considered him your own friend as of now, wanting to make sure he was having a reasonably pleasant recovery, fully aware how much it must suck to go through all of this.
How far you were willing to go though? No one, not even you, would have been able to tell.
"You can either eat the food I make for you or go back to wasting your money on shitty takeout", you had set pretty clear the first evening, scolding him like he was an insolent child not wanting to eat his greens, staring him down at the kitchen table when he wouldn't bother touching the dinner you made, "But I sure as hell won't let you miss out a meal."
Whenever you had stepped in prior, you were trying to make sure Stephen ate properly and regularly, because you knew the man occasionally refused to take a meal altogether, which usually ended in an argument. When arguing with Christine, she tended to give in.
While you were really fed up with his stubbornness sometimes, you had always accomplished getting at least some food into Stephen and this time was no different.
A mere two days later, you had been quietly working on your laptop in the living room, waiting for Stephen to finish up his shower, when you heard a thud and a loud "Fuck", thinking that perhaps the shampoo bottle had slipped out of his hands. It didn't sound like a dangerous bang, so you weren't sure whether you needed to check on him or not, but just in case something bad had occurred...
You still got up, caught a peek into the bathroom and rolled your eyes hard when noticing that it hadn't been his shampoo, and dear Lord, Stephen had apparently managed to slip, the spray of the shower still raining down on him while he was sulking on the tiled floor.
"Did you hurt yourself?", you asked instead of 'Are you okay?', because you knew that Stephen felt far from okay the way things were. He was obviously ashamed this had happened, any other person would have been too, but accepting of the situation itself, accepting that he needed help.
He didn't dare to look at you then, but you could tell there was defeat written all over him and it probably wasn't helping his embarrassment that he was stark naked – which wasn't the first time you had seen him like this, as you had assisted a few showers before and gotten into plenty of awkward situations whereas you'd seen a bit more than asking for, but still... the two of you sure could have imagined a more comfortable setting.
Though you were rather unafraid to touch him, which was a good thing. How else could you have possibly helped?
You touched Stephen all the time. Helping him get dressed? Done that. Combed his hair? Yup. Shaved his stupidly handsome face? Also yes. Changed the dressings on his hands? A given. Assisting him in holding as much as a spoon without dropping it? Daily. Tucking him into bed at night? Okay, maybe not that one, but you sure would have, if he had asked you to.
"It's hard to fall down gracefully without using your hands to help yourself", Stephen sighed, but turned out to be unharmed by his tumble, though he would likely still get away with some bruises from the impact. Coming round the shower cubicle, you could see his knees seemed to have taken a lot of the brunt, not too mention he had cracked the skin of his elbow open, trying to not use his hands to ease the momentum.
"This is ridiculous. Slipping in the shower like some seventy year old sod”, he grumbled.
"I slipped in the shower once as a child and that's how I lost two of my teeth. It happens, Stephen", you tried to ease the mood, momentarily seizing the spray, so you could aid Stephen to get back up without getting too wet yourself. You casually looked him over – he seemed fine enough to continue. At least he hadn't banged his head or something. Still, you decided to stay nearby for the rest of his shower, making sure he was able to get out unharmed.
"What were you even doing? Were you feeling dizzy?", you inquired, helping him towel off his hair, quietly acknowledging how long it had gotten since meeting him for the first time and especially how the gray on his temples had begun to spread.
"No, just unaware of my surroundings for a moment, didn't think and... there I went", Stephen answered, but you weren't sure if that was the whole truth.
You accepted it though, continuing to help him dry off. Situations like these brought an uncomfortable awareness to your mind - he was putting so much trust into you, letting you help him like this, and you had never really managed to find a good answer as to why he was allowing you do all of those things for him.
All the signs of trust were obviously there. He was letting himself be vulnerable with you, being in situations that were so deeply intimate without refusal or much shame.
Stephen was allowing you to touch him too, aiding him with getting dressed, letting you check his newly won bruises today – and as usual, quietly accepted your care for his hands, his sore point, tender and heavily scarred, so that he mostly kept them hidden beneath a layer of bandages, ashamed of having anyone see them.
Sometimes, only sometimes, you even got the impression that whenever your hands were on him, it seemed to ease the tension out of his shoulders, never minding the undoubted awkwardness of the moment.
You weren't one to judge. Maybe he did want a bit of comfort after all and therefore didn't mind being taken care of sometimes, even though always pretending that he didn't need any help or tending to.
Everyone needed someone. Even him.
Stephen was a very lonely person. He would have never admitted to it, but all the fame and the glory from his neurosurgery days hadn't really ensured stable friendships and people being actually interested in him on a personal level. On the contrary, a lot of people had dropped Stephen rather quickly. But not Christine.
And thanks to her, you wouldn't anytime soon either.
You grew aware of Stephen's actual issue, when your work was interrupted for another time that same day. Finally coming to actually work on a commission that had been prompted weeks ago, setting the final touches to the project, tapping away on your graphic tablet, you took note of the noises coming from Stephen's bedroom.
Somehow you tried to make sense of it as moans of discomfort, anguish, perhaps he was having a nightmare, perhaps he was in pain, perhaps he was just frustrated he couldn't sleep, a reoccurring problem he had described to you before.
Whatever it was, it did appeal to your little helper syndrome and you at least felt like you needed to look after him, figure out if anything was going on that might require your help.
So you went to check on him, no regard for personal privacy, quietly opening the door to the bedroom, about to inquire what was going on and whether he was okay.
"Stephen? Is everything... oh..." Shit. Okay.
You had barely crossed the threshold to the room when you took note of what exactly was happening. Because the noises of frustration weren't rooted in trouble sleeping, but as it seemed in sexual desperation – and apparently the man had been trying to get off, unable to take care of his evident erection, pulling the blankets over himself immediately once noticing that you were standing in the doorway.
Standing like a deer in headlights, you wondered which one of you would have rather wanted a hole to open in the ground and swallow you whole to avoid the complete embarrassment.
"God, fuck, I'm so sorry", you apologized after overcoming the initial full-body freeze, not sure whether to leap out of the room, cover your eyes or just act bluntly about it. Logically it would have been best to not make a big deal out of it, because it wasn't, not really.
Just a private moment you had interrupted. Nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone had needs.
"I was... uh... I was worried something was the matter and...", you tried to explain then, going on stuttering and noticing that nothing you were about to say was going to save the awkwardness of the situation.
"Well, you know what's the matter now", Stephen sighed, barely illuminated by the soft lamp light from the bedside table, though still turning away from you in plain shame, continuing on with the sort of self-pity you had never experienced so strongly from Stephen before.
"I'm pathetic. Can't shower without help, can't live without help, I can't even jerk off without help, because of this stupid fucking car crash and these stupid fucking hands and I can't even blame anyone but myself for it."
It wasn't all too often that the man voiced his own hurt so intensely, clearly on edge, emotional about what had and, in that case, what hadn't happened.
Understanding of his evident frustration, but unsure what to do with him now, in this state, you contemplated. Things were already awkward enough and it didn't help you remained standing there while Stephen was wallowing in self-pity, and you weren't really sure why the idea of helping him out even crossed your mind in the first place.
Sure, helping around the apartment was no big deal, attending to Stephen's needs was okay, but taking care of this rather specific issue... you didn't want to push his boundaries too much after all.
And yet you were so bold as to ask, "So, are you in need of a helping hand?"
"Fuck off, now is not the time to make fun of me", Stephen groaned, probably ready to smother himself (or you) with one of the pillows, "Life already mocks me enough. I don't need to have you ridiculing me because of this."
"I'm not... I'm not mocking you", you assured him, finally moving, closing the door shut behind you as you went over to the bed, watching his cowered figure, "I'm just... I'm not pitying you. It's just...me... requesting like... a favor for a friend in need? I'm sure I could help you out some way? If you wanted me to, that is."
"Why would you even offer that?", Stephen asked, though appearing neither dismissive nor exceptionally shaken about what you were suggesting. A little in disbelief perhaps, but that wasn't surprising since you were clearly deciding to cross a boundary for the two of you here.
"Because life's been shit for you and I guess you could need some relief. Since you can't seem to get off on your own, I'm offering to help you with it", your answer seemed to make him consider and you planted yourself down on his bedside. You reached out and touched his shoulder, trying to find out how he would respond to you initiating touch.
"Maybe it will help you unwind and relax?"
Stephen turned to look at you. "We will never speak of this ever again", he hummed in agreement, "And not a word to anyone. Especially not Christine."
"Promise", you agreed – this was definitely not something you were meaning to boast about. You just wanted to help and the decision to do this for Stephen had been surprisingly easy to make.
A normalcy had kind of settled over the situation, which however didn't mean that you weren't feeling some type of way. You were a little jittery as you slid into bed next to Stephen, making sure not to cuddle up to him too much, because you weren't sure how he would feel about any unnecessary affections.
This was just about a quick hand job and that was it. It already must have taken a lot for Stephen to even accept the offer. Not to mention, a lot of desperation too. But he trusted you. This was a friendly gesture and nothing more. It didn't have to mean anything, let alone be a big thing between you, something that might never be mentioned ever again.
Gently pulling back the blanket, you probably held your breath as much as he did, reaching out, making sure to touch Stephen where his sleep shirt had ridden up at first, your hand finding its place on his stomach, letting him get accustomed to your touch, which wasn't entirely new to him – this time with a little different intention than usually, which made it all the more exciting.
The man drew out a shaky breath, agitated even, and his muscles were tensing up before he was even thinking of relaxing. Looking at him, you could see there was concentration on his brow, his gaze averted to the ceiling, neither daring to look at you nor at where your hand was resting.
"Okay?", you asked.
"Yeah", Stephen said, barely a whisper. His consent urged you to go on, your fingers brushing over his abdomen, following the trail of hair down his navel, fully aware that his pants were still bunched down somewhere around his knees, and you could have reached for him right away. But you didn't, sliding your hand past his arousal, stroking along his thighs instead, bracing yourself to make the next step and touch him more intimately.
But even your hand on him alone was seemingly enough to awaken all sorts of things within Stephen and he sucked in a sharp breath as your hand skirted his inner thighs. He was warm, his thighs firm under your touch, and you gently squeezed them in reassurance.
"You're a damn tease", he muttered.
You thought replying something witty, but you knew better and just bit your tongue this time, curiously watching his face, not meaning to stare at his genitals. It wasn't like Stephen didn't seem to like it. He had closed his eyes, seemed concentrated, small breaths were slipping past his lips, and he swallowed hard.
As you continued to carefully caress his thighs, you could most certainly feel him squirm, tensing again, but not because he was uncomfortable. He was aroused, you had no doubts, and his words just made it all the more evident he wanted you to go on.
“Please don't make me wait”, he requested, so quiet as if he was speaking a forbidden thought aloud.
You didn't, fingers trailing the path up his thighs, enjoying the little huff that escaped Stephen when you brushed past his balls, reaching for the half-hard member, responding to your touch with a twitch, stirring in interest. Wrapping your fingers around him, you grabbed the base of his cock in a tight hold.
"God, I feel like I'm about to burst already", Stephen groaned in anguish as his breathing almost turned labored instantly, pressing his head back into the pillows, and the notion alone encouraged you to be a little more bold in your advances.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Spilling your cum all over my hand and I haven't even really gotten to touch you?", you chuckled, unsure how Stephen would react to your words, but unable to hold them back. He didn't seem to mind the dirty talk though – if anything, it seemed to rouse him even more. You could feel the warm flesh throbbing in your hand, practically begging to be touched, already craving some release.
But maybe you didn't have to make this as quick as you had planned for initially, only allowing him slow movements of your hand, gently tugging on his cock, drawing out soft moans. And dear lord, he sounded wonderful. It was entirely entrancing and you found it hard to choose where you'd rather look – at the subtle emotions passing Stephen's face during your ministrations or his erect cock. With utmost interest, your eyes flicked back and forth.
You made sure to touch all of him, from the base all the way to his tip, thumb gliding over the glistening cockhead, a satisfied smirk coming to your lips when you noticed how much precum he was already leaking, circling his glans, before stroking down again, tracing the veins on his length, making sure to give special attention to those spots that made him buck his hips when touched.
No wonder Stephen was responsive and desperate for it. You had no idea how long it might have been since someone had touched him, intimately most of all. Stephen didn't have anyone, wasn't partnered and you doubted that your sister was that sort of friend. His own hands wouldn't do, which had caused you two to end up like this in the first place. Touch-starved like this, there was no doubt Stephen deserved someone to take proper care of him – and you had made it your mission to do so.
Unfortunately for him, you weren't all that nice to just give everything to him right away.
So as the man tried to thrust into your hand, wanting to chase his own pleasure, needing more, you eased the grip of your fingers around him, almost letting go off him, stopping any sort of movement altogether, earning a huff from Stephen.
"Oh, fuck off", he groaned with evident frustration, fully aware you were doing this on purpose.
"Do you want me to stop then?", you asked, with a grin Stephen didn't see as he still kept his eyes closed, and loved the power you held over him - you could have just taken your hand away, walked off and left the man even more desperate than before. Of course, you would have never been so cruel to actually do this, now that you had already gotten started, but the thought was amusing.
"No", another groan followed, "I want you to go on, you asshole." Then a pause. "Please", he added then.
"As you wish", so you tightened the grip around him again, jerking him at a slower pace, gently at first, before beginning to move your hand a little quicker, knowing very well that the change of rhythm, the change of pressure applied, was going to keep Stephen more on edge than anything else. You knew how, in some ways, it was more than cruel to tease him like this, in his position no less, but if Stephen was seeking release that badly, you might at least make the best of it and draw it out as much as he could.
You'd make sure to give him an exceptional orgasm.
So whenever you felt Stephen tense up, his breath quickening, his moans increasing, his words more pleading, brows furrowing, biting down on his bottom lip, when he might have been just on that threshold to achieving an orgasm, you stilled any movements again, sometimes taking your hand off him entirely, sometimes only abandoning his cock for a moment, though always long enough for a looming orgasm to be ruined entirely. It was a torturous game to play, trying to bring Stephen close to the edge each time, only to deny him pleasure the last second.
It didn't take you much to drive him to madness with fleeting touches, promising release, not quite allowing him to get it, and then doing it all over again.
The sight of Stephen was wonderful. He was squirming, erratically breathing, his sweet moans turning to frustrated groans, his words reaching from "God, please, just let me come" to "I hate you for doing this to me", but still welcoming your hand whenever it returned to touch him, each time a little more.
You didn't even want to imagine how much his balls must have been aching after minutes of being edged and denied, but of course you decided to take pity on Stephen eventually. You weren't that heartless after all and when you finally gave into him chasing his pleasure, allowing him that sweet relief, guiding towards the long awaited orgasm, it was absolutely worth it.
For the last few strokes, you even let him thrust up into your hand, gently guiding him through his orgasm as it struck. A long and shaky moan escaped his throat, a sound of relief coming from deep within, his body completely tensing up, before that concentration finally left his brow and was replaced by a look of ease, surrendering to the sensations altogether.
You could feel his cock pulsing, thick cum spilling all over your fingers and it didn't even seem to end there. He really was bursting, arching his back off the mattress as he was coming loads and loads, his entire body was trembling, sweetly groaning.
You doubted anything could have ruined the moment for Stephen now and thoroughly enjoyed how he was seeming to enjoy himself, jerking him through the remaining throes of passion, until his body just slumped.
Noticing his orgasm had passed, you eventually took your hand off his cock, gently placing it on his lower stomach instead, both sticky with cum anyways. You smiled to yourself, following the movement of his chest, still breathing heavily, and decided to wait for him to calm down again, allowing him another moment of comfort, allowing him to have another presence near, someone warm and caring.
He deserved it.
Though it wasn't like you weren't doing this at least a little bit for your own gain. You had enjoyed doing this for Stephen, had drank in the sight of him, this intimate moment forever etched inside your brain. And now that you thought about it, you wondered about whether you could still only consider this a friendly favor or if perhaps you wanted things to change between you.
You had never really questioned the kind of feelings you harvested for the man. Or could see yourself potentially having for him, if there was any sort of potential at all. Of course, you had come to consider him a good friend – but good friends didn't just randomly pay each other sexual favors, did they? Not like you were counting on this being more than a one time thing... well, unless he wanted to perhaps.
"Jesus... that was kind of... mind blowing. I mean I haven't come for weeks, but I don't think I have ever come that hard in general...ever", Stephen commended you, interrupting your train of thought, still a little out of breath, "Fucking hell, where did you even learn to give handjobs like that?"
"Years of studying", you joked, deciding to definitely not give him an honest answer to his question, looking at him to find him curiously eyeing you in return, "Sorry for being a tease. Can't say that I didn't enjoy it though."
"So did I. As you can probably tell", Stephen sighed, seeming a lot more content, showing you one of his rare smiles, "Though I'm probably going to need to wash up again now. I'm sticky and sweaty."
"It was my pleasure. Make sure to tell me if you ever need assistance again", you patted his stomach and leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek, before withdrawing altogether, trying not to smear any of the sticky fluid on your hand anywhere else it wasn't supposed to be, deciding to flee the room quite fast after realization hit that you had just jerked your sister's friend off. You had made your own friend, a man relying on your help day by day, come the hardest in his life ever.
Though perhaps it didn't matter, for this was only going to be a one time thing and you'd accomplished to help him out, only because he needed it. The moment was gone now and it had been good while it had lasted. That was the most important thing.
Stephen's voice stopped you in the doorway when he spoke your name. "Thank you. Not just for this. For everything you do for me.”
You turned your head back for a moment, gave him a reassuring smile, acknowledging his gratitude, and left anyways.
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vanillawurld · 8 months
༊*·˚How To Disappear
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✧.* Pair - Johnny Cage x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Cursing, angst, pregnancy, acceptance, distance, love, slight fluff(?)
✧.* Summary - Y/N remembers the life she had with Johnny. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beauty. After a while of being a young single mother, she finally realizes that in order to move on, she needs to accept her past.
✧.* Extra - FINISH ME JOHNNY also I'm bad at summaries... also "D/N" means daughters name :3
✧.* Word Count - 1,884
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Y/N hated reminiscing on her past with Johnny cause if she thought about the good things that happened, she also had to think about the bad things. She hated thinking about the ugly part of their relationship. Every time he was upset with her, she felt like she failed him as a girlfriend and a person in general. Every time she was upset with him, he felt like the shittiest man on earth. Their arguments didn't make things any better.
But even through all the tears, anger, and arguments, Y/N loved Jonathan more than anything in the world. Johnny Cage was just his persona that all of Hollywood knew, but in her arms, he was just Jonathan Carlton. He had no issue with it either. People described Johnny as a sarcastic actor who wanted all of the attention on him, but not in Y/N's eyes. In her eyes, Jonathan was a loving man who was nothing like what the people said.
Y/N still remembers the night they met. They met on Venice Blvd on a summer night which was lit up by the cars passing by and the street lights. Y/N wasn't at her best when they met. She felt like everyone was out to get her and life was treating her unfairly. She couldn't help but cry at the fact that her life was going downhill. Johnny saw her sitting on the sidewalk and felt like he needed to do somethin in order to cheer her up, or get to the bottom of why she was so upset.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" Y/N heard a deep voice ask her. Y/N looked over her shoulder and saw a handsome man that she recognized.
"Oh... I know you. You're Johnny Cage," she smiled a bit "My little brother loves your movies." Johnny smiled at the recognition, but he ignored his pride and ego to make sure the woman in front of him was okay.
"Are you okay?" he gently asked her.
"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you." She said while wiping a tear away, but she wasn't fine and Johnny knew this.
"Well, if you were fine, you wouldn't be sitting alone on the sidewalk, crying at night," he sat next to her and took a good look at her face. She was gorgeous. Johnny was taken aback by how stunning she was. Even though her face was full of tears, slightly puffy lips, and she was feeling very vulnerable, she still looked like an angel according to Johnny. "Come on pretty lady," he commented "hit me. What's up?"
Y/N looked at him and realized that he actually wanted to listen to her. She looked down at the road in front of her and couldn't get her reasoning for feeling miserable. She managed to say one vowel before breaking down crying. Y/N was never good at expressing her bad emotions. Especially sadness. Before she can say anything while she's crying, her throat closes up and her mind just keeps telling her to cry.
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, feeling concerned and bad for her. He gently guided her head on his shoulder and let her cry it out. It was the least he could do. He knew he couldn't force her to tell him what was wrong.
From that day forward, was a beautiful, blossoming relationship. Johnny would contact Y/N any way he could to get her to hang out with him and sometimes his friends. Y/N only liked hanging out with Johnny. She didn't like his friends. They were all so aggressive and she never understood why Johnny would hang out with people like them. Whenever Johnny and Y/N would hang out with his friends, she would watch them hit each other "playfully" and spew insults, while Johnny just watched and drank beers.
Throughout the whole relationship, Y/N was there for Johnny. No matter what he did, she was always there. When he would practice martial arts with someone, she was there to heal the wounds. When he was drunk after a party, she was there to help him sober up. When he was having any trouble, she was there for him. And that's one thing that Johnny always acknowledged.
Johnny admired how strong Y/N was. She was always there for him even if he managed to fuck up. He realized that Y/N was actually in love with him and not after his fame. For the first time in a good while, he had someone who was willing to be there for him. She wasn't like his ex who would point out his every flaw or his friends who would just mess around for the fun of it. She was a unique woman who managed to capture his heart.
Their relationship seemed perfect. Both Johnny and Y/N believed there was nothing in the world that would pull them apart! Which was what Y/N believed. When they hit their 3 year anniversary, that's when things started to go downhill. The more Johnny started to fuck up, the more tired Y/N was getting. She developed a bad habit of trying to make excuses for him. She hated it. She hated hearing him say "I'm sorry baby, I'll change for you." Every time he would say that, it was like nails to a chalkboard. Every time he would say that, she knew he was bullshitting. He never changed.
Y/N believed that his Johnny Cage persona was taking over. She didn't recognize her Jonathan Carlton. The same man who was there for her on Venice Blvd. He used to be so kind and welcoming to her. She never understood what happened to that man. Every time he would make her cry, she just wanted to disappear. From him, from herself, and from the world. Y/N believed that Johnny made her cry more than she cried when she was a kid. Every time he made her cry, she wondered what she did to deserve the treatment he was giving her.
'Is it me? Am I not pretty enough?'
'Is he talking to someone new?'
'Am I too possesive?'
'Is he tired of my jealousy?'
(Granted, Johnny never talked to any woman in any way. He never cheated on Y/N because he thought cheating were for weak and ugly people.)
Whenever Johnny found Y/N crying because of him, he would feel like complete shit. He hated making her feel that way, but he didn't understand why he kept unknowingly doing it.
When the relationship ended, it felt like both Y/N's and Johnny's world were crashing down. Johnny knew the day was gonna come, but he never knew when. He begged her to stay and try to remember all of the good times they had, but Y/N just wasn't having it. Johnny still remembers what she told him that made him realize it was all his fault.
"No, I'm done. For years I've been defending you not for the public, but for me. I would give myself multiple reasons not to be mad at you and try to figure out... everything, but all you did was make things worse! I'm tired and honestly, I've been tired. Of you, the fame, and everything. I tried to make things right with you and it seemed like you didn't want to."
What she told him on that day, will forever be engraved in his head. He lost the love of his life on that day.
Y/N didn't want to leave, but she had no choice. Even when she walked out those doors, she still loved him. Even though she was upset, she still wanted to run back into his arms for one last moment of comfort. But she held herself back, which she both hated and was proud of herself for.
What Y/N didn't know was when she was walking out of Johnny's life, she was entering a new one. She was pregnant with Johnny's baby and she didn't even know it, neither did he! When she did find out, part of her thought her life was ruined, but the other part thought this was a new start for her. She wanted to get rid of it but decided against doing so since she believed she would live to regret not taking advantage of the chance to become a mother.
When she had the baby, it was a living hell for her. She had family that helped her out, but the person that she needed was Johnny. She needed Johnny on her side, but she couldn't just show up on his doorstep randomly and give him the baby. She hated the fact that she still missed him. She let that hate consume her and pledged to do motherhood on her own without "that low-life Hollywood scum" in her life. Even though deep down, she knew she needed him back.
A few years forward, Y/N managed to get a beautiful home with her beautiful daughter and two adorable Siamese and Siberian cats. She was doing well in life. The new city she lived in was just as beautiful as Venice. She loved her life. She loved her daughter, she loved her cats, she loved her home, and she loved... her Johnny. Y/N accepted the fact that she will always love Johnny and in order to move on from her "hatred" she had to accept she had a life with him.
Every time she looked at her daughter, she saw a bit of Johnny in her. Which made her smile every time. From time to time, Y/N regrets the fact that she never tried to get in contact with Johnny to tell him about their daughter.
"Mommy, you got a letter!" D/N said. Her voice made Y/N snapped out of her thought bubble. She grabbed the letter and realized the handwriting on the envelope.
'No... is it really him?'
She grabbed a knife to open the envelope. Every second it took for her to open the letter, her heart began to pound harder. When she finally opened it, she felt like crying. It really was him.
'Dear Y/N, I know it's been years since we've even seen each other. A lot has changed since you've been gone. I went on this wild adventure that I'd love to tell you about someday. If you even want to meet up. The last time we spoke was a depressing day and I understand if there is still hard feelings there. Anyway, I got in contact with one of your cousins and they told me that you're now a mom! Congratulations! I asked about the father, but they wanted to keep that private which I understand. The only thing they told me was that he was out of your daughter's life. I hope you're doing well in life. If there is any trouble, don't be afraid to contact me (XXX-XXX-XXXX). There's so much that I want to discuss with you, but again if there are still hard feelings, I understand. I hope this letter reaches you. The last thing I want to tell you is that, no matter what happens, I will always be there for you.
Sincerely, Jonathan Carlton"
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
also I was too lazy to proof-read so, oops
im back i think... idk i'll write if i feel like it tbh
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strawberymilku · 5 months
Playing Dangerous
featuring: Police!Leone Abbacchio x Fem!Reader
genres: nsfw!, crimes, mention of: thugs, arson, mafia, car sex, oral sex, blowjob, dirtytalk, one night stand, fingering, doggy style, praises, police theme, corrupt, minor gunplay
a/n: i was rewatching jojo, and ive been wanting to write a police smut with lana del rey lyrics as prompt, and my bf wnted to collab so i just had to write it. not proofread yet. might do part 2 for it. word: 4k, a bit long but it was worth it.
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The woman was speeding for sure, but Abbacchio could doubt if she was the witness or the culprit for committing arson, Abbacchio heard the sound of the motorcycle approaching, and he turned to face the direction in which it was coming. It was heading straight in his direction-? He wasn't sure if the person on the bike was who he suspected it to be, but he raised his revolver as the bike came closer..it certainly looked suspicious...
"Why you?!" she yelled, cursing, he was brave enough that he did not care if he died to get her, pulling him on the side of the motorbike, with a swift dash, saving his life as he was at the back of her motorbike. It was the work of the Stand for sure, but sadly the man couldn’t see Stands like that yet but just felt someone lift him on her motorbike. That certainly caught him off guard. Was she just riding directly into him? The situation was unclear...Was she trying to run him over? To escape-? He was surprised at how quickly she acted. He could have been killed if it hadn't been for her, which meant..she couldn't be the arsonist, but she still looked suspicious..and yet she saved his life... Yet her actions are justified yet "Kill me later, what is wrong with you, you would be run across in my wheels," she had a gangly Italian accent, still on the motorbike with huge speed. "Am I getting a ticket for speeding too?" she said sarcastically. He looked at her back where a group of thugs were still chasing over her. Leone had a stunned look on his face. She was certainly lively, and rather..crude. He certainly wasn't expecting that attitude from a potential arsonist, but for some odd reason he didn't feel threatened by her- in fact, he was rather intrigued- she hadn't even noticed his police uniform. After a few moments of stunned silence, he finally replied
"Ah...I'm a police officer. But I can't just let anyone ride at such high speeds..why are you speeding away from people?" "They are after me, whaddya think," she went into different roads taking a lot of turns as the gang lost track of her, after minutes of having the stranger at the back, they stopped in a random alleyway, with a big sigh, she realized it was the cop, not that she’s afraid of him anyways. "It's my job to keep the streets safe and look out for suspicious behaviour- like someone on a motorcycle riding at dangerously high speeds in a residential area."
The suspicious behaviour mentioned included the arson incident at the local gas station that happened not a day ago. Although he didn't outright believe her, he decided to look into her claim. For now, he'd only ask questions to get a grip on the situation.
"May I ask what you were doing around that area where the suspected arson took place?"
"Arson? You think I'd commit arson-" Her lighter got pulled from her pocket, he was daring enough to get that from her leather jacket. "No, please, I'm a smoker," she pulled out her cigarettes to counter his proof. The policeman took a second to think. It would be highly unusual for someone to commit a criminal offense like arson just to cover up smoking. At the same time, he had no evidence proving her guilty yet. He decided to ask another more personal question.*  
"Why were they on your tail to begin with? Do you know why these gang members were after you?" That was a sensitive topic for a mafia’s daughter, no way she could leak her identity out like that. "Yes I do, I have my own reasons, which place was getting burned again?" she tilted her head, as she was demanded to show her license, but she looked reluctant to show it.
 There was still the issue of the gang members after her that he had to inquire about.
"The Shell station at the corner of Via Maddaloni and Via Caracciolo."
"I was at a Hilton Hotel I swear, you can get the evidence," she raised her arms, showing everything from her pocket. Everything seemed suspicious to Abbacchio, no way he could get information out of her mouth like that, so the best way was to flip her body quickly, putting her hands at his back as he slapped the metal handcuffs on her wrists, locking it. He was unsure why he did that but he believed this was the best way. She sighed, "My dad will be killing me if he finds out I’m going to be late,” it was too much for just speeding up in a motorbike.
He couldn’t help but raise a small smirk. Her hands being cuffed behind her back gave him a fair idea of what he could do to her.
"I suppose you aren't very much of a good girl?"
*"Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer,"* she replied still with her hands on her back as she was forced to walk back to where his car was. He let out a small laugh. It was rather amusing how easily she was acting so calm over being handcuffed and detained. Even if this incident would end up being a dead end for the arson case, he was still curious. She was just detained for being a suspect, just yet. Things are getting exciting.
"And exactly what is your name, miss?" 
“Y/N,” she grunted still feeling her wrist already from the handcuffs. “Well then Y/N, too bad, you will be a warrant for, ‘reckless driving, running through stop signs, driving at dangerously high speeds, running through red lights- and for suspicion of arson. You have the right to remain silent,” he said in a stern tone, he couldn’t help but smile at her rolling her eyes. *"No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure,"* she tried to pout her lips to use a charm on him, thinking he would let her go this time.
Abbacchio's smirk grew wider, as he tried not to laugh at her attempt at seduction.
"I don't think a pout will suffice for an excuse in court."
Her attitude was amusing he thought. Usually, people would be acting aggressively, but she seemed to have accepted the situation quite easily.
"Ah yeah, my dad told me not to talk to the police, because I can demand rights for a lawyer," she tried to rethink again, trying to stay silent as they slowly walked back to his car. She had the attitude of a spoiled teenager, but he couldn't help but be amused. Usually, people would be threatening legal action, not talking about their parents, but she was a different case.
"Your father told you not to talk to the police..? Is he one of those who would try to bribe officers to avoid arrest?"
"Oh really, does he?" she grinned, still using her legs to take sweet sweet time back to the car, it was taking so long than usual just to stall time as much as she could. She was certainly being flirty for someone who had just been arrested.
"If you're expecting me to be charmed you certainly have a poor way of showing it."
Though she certainly was charming..but he'd rather stay professional at the moment. He’s a committed policeman after all. "Am I going to jail for this?" her shoulders slouched at him trying to repeat what she committed as if he were his mom. “Like, *the house is already on fire right, I swear I’m not a liar,*” she added to him to second guess his decisions.
Abbacchio gave her a skeptical look. She definitely wasn't being completely honest. But what she said about the house being on fire definitely seemed more believable than her being the arsonist. It seemed like these gang members came after her for something else. He decided to ask just to confirm his suspicions.
“I’m not asking about the arson crime, I’m asking how are you related to those thugs, it’s very dangerous you know,” he tried to squeeze more questions to get more information out of her.
The girl didn’t reply, it was indeed a chilly night, her lips were quivering from the cold, even if she had the leather jacket on her. “Are you cold?” he asked with concern in his eyes, his hands on her handcuffs, yet pulling her close to him, trying to walk back where he came from.
*“Well, I'm a little shaken, but I'm fine, thanks for asking.”* she smiled at him to look up at him with her eye smile.
"Did you owe them money? Did you have their illegal drugs? What's your ties to these gang members?" "Tell me do you always work so late?" she didn't answer his question, as she had the right not to though. She was very charming, but also very stubborn- he almost found it admirable. Maybe he should've taken her up on her earlier offer of charm. She seemed very confident in her ability to seduce him. It could be the right moment to give in to temptation.
"It's my job to watch the late night shift, what does my work schedule have to do with your involvement with gangs?"
*"Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on?"* she tried to pull it out but it was not to avail. Still, she didn’t give up yet to flirt with him. Abbacchio gave her a small laugh at the girl, this was the moment for which he was hoping. That is, she was very much starting to flirt with him- so now was the perfect time to reciprocate. 
"Are you sure you're not trying to get me to take the cuffs off?"   
It might just be wishful thinking, but it certainly looked like she was trying to flirt. He was hoping for it anyway, and now she had given him the right opportunity by attempting to pull her cuffs off... But he must stay professional right?
*"Let's get in the back of your cop car, officer?"* she asked a question, still finding ways to flirt with him last minute possible. Finally, they arrived at the car that had printed ‘Polizia’ on it. “Playtime is over, get in the car,” he tried to stay in a demanding tone. The ‘officer’ word did get the man inhaled deeply, oh the things he could do with her right now, as he placed her in the backseat of the car, respectfully, restraining himself from touching her. He’s a good policeman, he couldn’t be doing that. *"You can ask me anything you want, anything, like anything,"* she smiled as he slowly fell for her trap, he decided to sit in the backseat, for a while, closing the car door behind him, and locking it, giving her a dirty smirk. Abbacchio chuckled and shook his head at her flirtatious comments, yet he also realized just how tempting the situation was.
"Anything, hmm?"
He thought for a bit. His mind started to wonder as he looked down at her. She was very appealing.
"What would you do, if I decided to uncuff you- right now?" "I don't know, officer," she looked at his lips then back to him. "You do like purple lipstick, don't you, what is it? Givenchy brand?" she joked, in between, giving a mysterious appeal to the policeman wanting to give in to his desires.
"Good guess. Though I may need more than just your beauty alone to convince me."
"Like what, officer?" she leaned closer towards his neck, it was rather a risqué attempt, she was down to play with fire too, from the looks in his eyes. Leone bit his lip slightly but he still tried to hold back, he wanted to stay professional and focused. But his heart couldn't help but race as she got close. He wondered how this would end...if there was a way he could fall for the trap.
The smell of her perfume hit his nose making it that much harder to focus. He was very tempted. She seemed to have been waiting for him to reply for a minute now. *"Do you have a girl? I don't see a ring on your finger?"* she'd be the one asking questions here instead, how the tables have turned, touching his chest on his police uniform, with her fingertips. This made him raise an eyebrow, the question she had just asked was a little unexpected. Though given he was staring directly at her lips he couldn't deny that he was rather tempted to take it as a sign. But he decided to answer nonetheless.
"I don't have a girlfriend..not at the moment anyway." "*Well that's interesting, have you thought of dating a* **mafia's daughter?**" she replied, dropping the biggest hint of all time, until he realized, no wonder why the gang was after her. He should let her go right? The thought of having her as a girlfriend was still tempting..her attractiveness, her flirtatious attitude, it was too much to ignore.
"Are you offering?" "Maybe I am, offering you a taste?" she leaned closer towards him slowly. It was obvious, that she a tease, still not kissing him, just yet, but their faces were just inches apart. Abbacchio held his breath. Her words were tempting, her attitude was tempting..and her lips were certainly tempting- all she had to do was just close the space between them and they'd be locked in a passionate kiss...
He felt like he might die if he didn't go through with their kiss. He wanted to play her game and play it perfectly. Her words had been tempting since she said them and he could only answer with one answer. 
Abbacchio took in a deep breath and nodded his head. **The flames are getting higher, and so is his desire. It's kind of exciting, don't you think?
"Am I playing a dangerous game, officer?" she teased, still not kissing him, just yet, she wanted to see how far this would go.
The policeman was gritting his teeth in anticipation. It was a dangerous game she was playing, and he knew he shouldn't play it. She was involved with the mafia after all. But the temptation was too much to pass up. He had to do it. The smell of her perfume still lingered, making it much more inviting.
"It's a very dangerous game." 
Abbacchio finally caved in. He knew he couldn't control himself anymore. He closed the distance and pulled her towards him, giving in their passionate kiss. She crashed on her lips softly, melting right down on this gothic policeman, without shame, he was worth a one-night stand, but she didn't really care, their kisses became hotter and hotter each second, he gripped her body, forcing her onto his thighs, looking up at her. Their kiss has started to deepen. His lips brushed against hers as he pulled her even closer. This girl..she was too irresistible. Her flirting and teasing, even the danger of her being involved with the mafia. He just wanted more. She touched his badge and looked up at him. "Abbacchio was it?" she kissed him once more, not enough of his kisses, at this point the purple lipstick has been worn off at this point, some even staining her lips.
"That is my name, yes." "So officer~" the way she said was so enticing, 
"What am I supposed to do now?" she felt his hands roaming all across her body, as if he owned her right here, no tonight, he could do whatever he wanted for tonight. 
"Will I be forgiven for this, officer?" she was like a crime he must commit just for tonight, a sin he wouldn't regret doing, for sure.
"I guess I'll have to figure out how to punish you for this..for now though, I'm sure you don't mind my hands on your body, hmm?"
His smile was quite teasing too and even though he was trying to appear professional, it was clear he was enjoying this quite a lot. He leaned back in and began kissing her again. He gave her a look that told her he was enjoying this as his hands stayed firmly on her hips. “Let’s make this exciting for the both of us,” he pulled out his revolver from his waistband, pointing at her head. He must tried it out at least, he needed to have the upper hand as well. "Officer, I will do anything to repent," her words were dripping as if it was made of honey, she wasn’t even fazed the gun barrel was pointed at her head, biting her lips. Things have gotten out of hand. "You will, will you?" he grinned of mischievous how he liked her under his power.
"How about you tell me what you'd do to repent- and I'll think about it and see if it's enough of a punishment for you." "First, I'd unbuckled that belt of yours and..." her eyes trailed downwards at the seat at the bulge forming in his navy blue pants and up to his golden purple eyes, that would be enough for his imagination to do the rest of the work. “Okay then, get to work, don’t just be an all talk,” he pressed the revolver harder on her skin, geez this man was full of sass, which made her actually take off his pants, obeying his orders, just as he wanted her to. "Oh, please don't shoot me yet, Mr Polizia, I will be good," she unravelled his hard cock from his underwear, palming it between her small hands trying to please him, her handcuffs were still on.
"So you'll be a better girl if I don't shoot you?"
He looked down at her with a teasing and tempting look, she was really quite the girl. This was the most teasing, dangerous girl he had ever come across on the job. “You know your small hands aren’t in good use, use your mouth,” he demanded, pointing the gun directly at her and even though he wasn't gonna shoot, she could clearly see the barrel against her. He looked at her with a teasing grin. She looked so pretty under him, and all the power he had on her. She nodded at his orders, bending down, licking his wet tip for a while, which made him have a satisfying moan, his impulse made him push his right hand on her head, pushing her mouth closely for the blowjob. His breath was shaky already as he felt every part of her mouth on his dick, he felt as if he was on cloud nine, it was all worth it. Worth it from a tiring shift, she was trying to suck him good, she looked like she was an expert at this, feeling his tip pushed against her throat, she was trying to be his only little good girl, a good girl just for Mr Policeman right here. Oh, how he’d wish he could possibly want her every night. Her mouth was starting to tire her, as all her saliva was all around his base, “Abbacchio, sir, are you satisfied yet?” she looked up at him for his mercy, for his approval, for his attention, with those orbs. “Not yet, I wanted to cum on your face,” he pointed the gun at her, demanding to resume her lips to work again. Her head bobbed again and again, trying to please him as much as she could, deepthroating him, her tongue twirling on his length. She liked how much vocal he was, praising her, for her good use of the mouth.
“My god, you weren’t lying when you said you will have your mouth in good use,” that was the best blowjob he received in his life so far, feeling every orgasm trying to rip from his heated skin. After minutes of torturing her throat, he finally gave in, painting on her face with his white liquids, with a satisfied smug face. “Uh, uh, uh, mi amore,” he had a menaced look over her with a tsk, “Who said I was done with you?” for a policeman like him, having stamina could be true. He bent her over, his gun still pointing at her. The time to show who is the monster here, not giving her a break.
“Look here, girl, *if you can't stand the heat. Then stay out of the fire,*” he groped all over breasts, throwing the gun away on the floor of the car. She happened to listen all to his command, like a good little girl, he pulled down her bottom clothing, his fingers trying to play her folds through her underwear, trying to tease her. “Oh, your cunt is wet here, *you might get what you desire*,” he put the underwear aside, rubbing on her clit, trying to gain some moans from her. Things are starting to get interesting. “I’m not putting on anything, yeah, just to warn you,” his cock tried to get between her wet folds, just like that. “I-uh, policia, please don’t you have a condom-” her mouth was shoved with the finger he got her pussy juices on. “Lick it up,” she couldn’t deny such requests from the hot officer, licking it, while he kept pounding her behind her back. Not enough, he needed to feel every wall of her just like that. “I’m going raw, so shut your pretty mouth like that,” He had an enormous speed, gripping her waist, her arms against the tinted glass, the car starting to fog up from the movements, “Listen here, little girl, and listen good,” he raised her body good, her boobs all over the window glass at this point, she screamed more as her G spot has been getting all this abuse from the sudden position.
“Please, please, have mercy on me, officer-” her words were cut as he pushed his fingers in her throat, attempting to shut her mouth. This man is indeed wild, the luckiest night for a girl like her. **”Even if you scream, or beg me to stop, or have mercy, I’m not stopping,”** he rutted inside her cunt as if it was meant to be shaped by his large cock.
“Not until I’m satisfied,” he hummed, using it as if she was a toy she was made just for him to fuck her. Her cries and moans filled the whole street, think to their luck no one was in the streets, a few maybe. Do you this man cares? No? **“Not like you can stop me anyways, hmm?”** he didn’t stop his thrusts, her pussy aching from all the movements, their moans were in unison. She was already tired at this point, getting the slaps on her buttocks, his hand making her chin move just to kiss him as he kept railing behind her back, his lusts and desires being fulfilled by this one girl. “If you keep doing like that, I might-” she panted for air, she needed for a moment there, “I might, cum~” her body squealed in pleasure, holding all her sanity.
It was prolonged sex for sure, he finally had to urge to orgasm, he pulled out in time, cumming all over her body, she really looked pretty as if he was the artist, painting more cum on the belly. “Know your place, just like that,” he looked coldly into her eyes, he didn’t have time for this right? The aftercare was little, he threw her tissues and a bottle of water he had in the car, putting on his clothes, he did let her go this time, unlocking her sore wrists, and going back to his driver seat. 
He did drove her back to her motorbike was at, even opening the door for her to get out, after minutes of silence, he kissed her forehead softly, like a gentleman would, before he finally let her go. But one thing for sure is that it was one of the best nights he’d ever had with a girl. A sucker for romance, *lovin’ a hurricane*
part 2?
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sunny44 · 1 year
Getting back on track
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x wife!reader
Warnings: angst, sickness and a lot of emotions.
Summary: Carlos was determined to make y/n change her mind and was willing to do anything to make her give up the divorce.
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Carlos’ POV
I was still completely in shock with the information.
I never thought I would hear that coming out of her mouth, I never thought I would have another person in my life besides her.
We have been together for so long that I never would have imagined that she would be thinking about this.
And the worst part is that I was the one to blame for her thinking this, it wasn't because she didn't love me anymore or anything like that, it was me who pushed her away, I’m the one that repressed her and didn't let her talk about her feelings.
"Dude are you okay?" I come out of my thoughts with Charles calling me.
"You're standing there staring at nothing."
"I'm fine."
"No you're not, I can tell you're upset.”
"Personal problems."
"Do you want to talk?”
"Y/n want a divorce." At the same time charles is completely shocked.
"That's what you just heard."
"Why? You are the happiest couple I have ever met."
"She doesn't want a divorce because she doesn't love me anymore or because I don't love her anymore. But she has been wanting to have kids for a while."
"And you don't want to?"
"Of course I do and I want to have a family with her but I said the wrong thing."
"What did you say?"
"I said we couldn't have kids now because I really have a chance to win the championship and I couldn't have any distractions."
"I can't believe you told her that having a family is a distraction."
"But it is, not in a bad way but how do you think I'm going to get in a car at 350km/h knowing that the love of mine life and my son or daughter will be out there? What if I die? They'll be alone."
"Carlos if you die you will leave her here, she will still be here if you die. The only difference is that she will have a part of you here, a part that will make her have you here still." I can't say anything. "A child is not a distraction and deep down you know that. So you'd better think about what you want for your life, because you want to have a family with her but if you back out of fear you'll lose her too."
That said, he put on his helmet and got into his car, and I did the same thing.
It had been a week since Carlos and I were apart, every day he was texting and calling me all the time and it only stopped when I turned my cell phone off.
And then he started calling my mom who didn't know the real reason why I was at her house, she thought I just came here because I wasn't going to the Monaco race and didn't want to be alone.
But then Carlos called her asking to talk to me because my cell phone wasn't getting the calls and messages anymore and that's when he told her about the divorce and then she freaked out and is bugging me about why I want to separate from an amazing guy like him.
"I DON'T WANT TO OK?" I yelled already tired of hearing her talk. "I don't want to divorce the love of my life but I'm not going to stop my life just because he doesn't want to, I've already sacrificed a lot of things for him and our marriage but I'm not going to sacrifice my dream of being a mother because I'm a distraction and because he wants to wait until he’s not racing anymore, men don't have an expiration date for having children but we women do, and what if when he decides to stop it's too late? Because I'm sure he won't stop anytime soon.”
"And why do you think that by staying single now you will be able to find someone else to have a child? It's not something that happens overnight, not to mention that I highly doubt you'll be able to get pregnant by a guy who isn't Carlos."
"I've made up my mind, if you can't support your own daughter I'm leaving right now." I say trying to hold back the tears.
"My goodness honey don't cry." She hugs me and I start to cry. "I just don't want you to make the biggest mistake of your life by deciding something serious without thinking straight. You should go to Monaco, support the man in your life and explain your fears to him, not run away from him."
"I'm not going to Monaco, I need some time to think and calm down. But I'm going back home.”
"You don't have to leave, you can stay here.”
"I know but I need to be completely alone and also because of the piñon. I can’t let him alone”
"Alright, drive carefully and think about what I told you. If after analyzing everything you still decide that divorce is the best option I will support you 100%, I just don't want you to regret it later." She kisses my forehead and I go to get my things and left her house going back to ours.
When I get home I’ve played with piñon a bit cause when he saw me he wouldn’t let me walk, I turn on the TV to watch the race, even though we are not on good terms I still want the best for him and that includes success in Formula 1.
I remember as if it were yesterday the first race he won at Silverstone, it was a weekend I wasn't supposed to be there but I wanted to surprise him so I went and luckily I was able to witness his victory.
The sound of the worried commentators brought me out of my thoughts and I saw that it was one of the Ferraris that had crashed, they showed it very fast so I couldn't see who it was but when they said it was him I could feel my heart racing.
This was one of the parts I hated about racing, because I didn't normally think about it but I knew that at any moment I could lose him forever.
And that's when I felt a huge urge to throw up and if the downstairs bathroom wasn't close to the living room I would have thrown up on the floor for sure.
After standing there for a few exhausted minutes I got up, brushed my teeth and went back to the living room and was relieved to see Carlos already in the garage in one piece. At the same time I felt like crying even though I knew he was fine and it was then that I decided to send him a message.
Messages with Mi amor 🌶️
Hi, I saw the accident
I would be relieved if you let me know if you are okay
I know we’re not in good terms right now but you know I still care about you
Mi amor 🌶️
Hey amor
I’m okay, a bit bruised but nothing serious
I’ll be home in a few days and I really want to talk about us
I don’t think it’s a good idea
Mi amor 🌶️
I am asking you for 5 minutes and if after that you still want a divorce I will not insist anymore
I’m not gonna keep ruining your life
I’m home so I’ll be here when you come back
Mi amor 🌶️
Thank you
Is piñon okay? He was a bit sad after you leave
Yes he’s ok
He’s right here next to me
Mi amor 🌶️
I have some things to do now so I’ll be home in a few days
I love you
I love you too
The days passed and Carlos would arrive later today and even though we were in this situation I decided to cook our favorite dish for dinner.
I was finishing dinner when I heard the sound of keys on the door and took a deep breath to prepare myself psychologically for what was coming next.
"I'm in the kitchen." I warned him before he ask me.
"I figured by the smell." He appears in the kitchen. "Are you okay? You look a little pale."
"I am, I think I I’m sick."
"Are you sure? I've seen you sick before and I've never seen you like this."
"Don't worry I'm fine."
"I'll always worry about you." He tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and I closed my eyes with his touch. "You want to talk already?"
"Can we eat first?"
"Whatever you want."
Dinner was silent and luckily it wasn't an awkward silence we just didn't have anything to talk about at this moment. After he washed the dishes and I went to lie down on the couch as I was feeling dizzy and I was lying on it when I felt my legs being lifted and felt them being placed over his legs.
"Baby I'm worried about you."
"I'm just dizzy."
"Look I'm really sorry..."
"I'm pregnant." I said quickly interrupting him.
I couldn't keep it to myself anymore and I needed to get this weight off my shoulders.
"I'm pregnant, that's why I'm like this."
"When did you find out?”
"The day after the accident in Monaco."
"And why didn't you tell me before?”
"Because the last time I mentioned about this matter we fight and I needed to process all of this first."
"Why did you decide to tell me before we talked?”
"Because I couldn't bear to keep it to myself anymore and even though we fought you are my husband and I can't keep anything from you for long."
"Baby come here." He pulled me by the arm and I snuggled into his lap. "I'm happy ok?"
"I am very happy that you are pregnant."
"You don't have to lie to me."
"I'm not lying and you know I would never lie to you. I talked to Charles and he made me realize that my fear of starting a family while I'm still racing was stupid and that I shouldn't let my fear win because I would end up losing you and I'd rather die before I let that happen."
"Don't say that." I say looking at him and holding his face. "Don't ever say that again, okay? You're not going to die because I need you, we need you."
"I need you too." He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry for what I said, I expressed myself in the wrong way and I never meant for you to feel the way I made you feel."
"I'm sorry about the divorce thing, I never really wanted."
"And I'm sorry that I made you feel that it would be best if you were no longer married to me."
"It's okay." I held his face with both my hands and gave him a lingering kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too. You and our baby." I smiled and he kissed me. "How far along are you?"
"3 months."
"WHAT?" He shouts and I cover his mouth. "So you’re pregnant all these time?
"Yes, our trip to Mallorca that weekend paid off." He laughs.
"Oh my God I'm going to have to change diapers." he says out of nowhere terrified.
"I'm going to have to deliver a child through my vagina, changing poopy diapers is nothing."
"You're right." He says calmer but then immediately widens his eyes. "What if it's born and I'm not here?"
"Honey, calm down, we still have six months to get ready."
"Piñon is going to get a little sister.
"Why do you think it's a girl?"
"Because I was born to be surrounded by women, you are our daughters." At this I started to laugh. "I'm serious."
"It's okay love." I kissed him once more. "Shall we go to sleep?"
"Sure, I'm really tired and you have to rest because you're looking like you're going to throw up soon."
"Yeah, I'll take a bucket with me." He laughed and we went to our room.
In the end the divorce never happened.
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Part 3 with baby chilly?
Tag list: @spicyclover
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gojos-fr-bae · 2 months
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔇𝔬 𝔓𝔱. 1 (ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡)
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Pairing: CEO!Gojo x Fem!Lawyer!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, drinking, smoking, strippers, giving head, thoughts of su1c1de, mentions of sex, vomiting, shameless flirting
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Heyyyy, so I finally redid this. It is mostly just part 1 and 2 together but I fixed it up to make it make more sense. I hope this is more like, uk, coherent and enjoyable to read. Hope you enjoyyyyy ❤️
Minors DNI
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A lawsuit.
He scoffed at the thought that someone would dare try to make an attack at him. He thought that it took a certain level of stupidity to try to attack the CEO of the most powerful tech company in Korea.
For once, someone had managed to leave his army of lawyers speechless.
A person was suing Gojo Industries because their phone had exploded in their hand. This at first didn't phase him. But as he sat there being served a 20,000 dollar fine, he couldn't help but stare at the woman who had caused his amazement as she walked out celebrating her victory with her client and associates.
That was a week ago, a week before he had to sit through the most brutal court hearings he had ever experienced. 
"Did you find her?" Gojo asked his assistant Nanami as he entered his office.
"Yes actually, now get off my back," He said in his monotone voice, slamming the file down on his desk
"Thanks Nanamiiin," He said, giving him his signature toothy grin, opening the file. "And you reached out?"
"Yes, her contract with Hanbada ends in two days and I've already scheduled an interview tomorrow at 11am."
"Alright that's all, you may leave."
"Now that that's settled, what the fuck are you thinking!?" Nanami asked, speaking to Gojo not as his assistant but as his friend.
"What do you meeean, why do I have to have some hidden motive to hire such a brilliant person to my legal team?"
"Well first of all, that's the first time I've heard you use the word brilliant in reference to anyone but yourself EVER, and second of all the last time you did this it was with that lady in marketing and got caught fucking her in the board room,"
"...details, details, wanna go to the club?" he asked, getting and picking his phone and car keys.
"Sure I guess," Nanami replied, sighing and taking off his tie, "But lay off the drugs for once will you, we have a meeting tomorrow morning and I don't need you to show up wrecked like last time."
"We both know I can't promise you that," He said, turning around to face his friend and lighting a cigarette.
"So, you excited for that interview you got comin' up?" your best friend Toji asked, placing your wine on the coffee table while opening his bottle of beer and sitting next to you on the floor.
"Mmm, I don't know, it's for the company I went against in my last case."
"The asshole who kept staring at you in court?"
"The very same."
"Fuckin' shit" He groaned, taking u gulp of his beer "Need me to take you?'
"Nah it's ok, if he does anything weird I'll kick his junk and call you.
"That's my girl" Toji laughed before playing the movie and pulling you into his side. "If that doesn't work pull out your knife and aim for the jugular."
"Yes sir."
"Satoru get your ass up so we can leave this shit hole." Nanami seethed at his so calledbest friend who was currently fucking some random stripper's throat. He was absolutely zooted.
"F-fuck Nanamiin, come on don-mmmhh," Gojo groaned, puffs of shisha escaping his lips.
"Fucking asshole," Nanami whispered under his breath, planning how he would murder his stupid friend. Why on earth did he still put up with his bs.
Everything hurts.
His head hurts, his arms hurt, his legs hurt. But worst of all, is the ache he felt in his heart. It was so unbearable it caused him to shed silent tears, wishing for his torture to end.
Why did he have to wake up? Why did he have to keep breathing, keep living, why couldn't it all just...stop.
"Get up, you need to get to work." Nanami said from across the room, feeling pity for the man laid down before him.
"Am I really that insufferable and unlovable?"
"Satoru, please."
"Why did she leave," his voice croaked, tears spilling from his eyes as he gazed out his bedroom window, laying still in his bed.
"I don't know Gojo, and I wouldn't say you're unlovable, insufferable sure but you know."
Gojo just sighed before falling out of his bed, and sprinting to his bathroom. All Nanami could hear were his friend's sobs while he threw his guts up.
"Sir, Miss L/N is here to see you."
Gojo sighed, running his hands over his face, careful not to rub the concealer and foundation covering his eye bags, contacts, blocking how red his eyes are from the bottle of whiskey and two cigarettes he had for breakfast.
"Send her in," he groaned, plastering his most charismatic smile he could on his face.
"Miss L/N, please, have a seat," he said, motioning to the seat across his desk.
"Thank you sir," you said in a soft tone, bowing slightly before taking the seat he offered.
"So, tell me about yourself"
"Oh, well I studied law at The University of Br-
" uh uh uh, that's not what I meant, I already saw all that on the resume, I want to know more about you" he said in a deep tone licking his lips while looking you up and down. Strike 1.
"Oh.. ok, well um... I'm from (Country name), I'm 22 and I love dogs…."
"(Country name) huh? No wonder you're so beautiful" Strike 2
"Hahaha, yeaaahhh. Anyways I would really appreciate a spot on your legal team. I researched it and noticed a lot of prestigious and highly respected advocates and attorneys and it would be my honour to work beside them," you said trying to shift the conversation back to a more professional tone.
"I'm sure you would do well considering how sexy you look in that suit," Strike fucking 3
"Alright you douche bag I'm not going to sit here and let you sexualize me knowing there's dozens of companies in the country who offered me well paying jobs so I wi-"
"We'll pay you 50,000 dollars per month"
"And where do I sign,"
So, you ignore all his passes on you but hear him out when he talks about work? How...curious.
Gojo stirred from his sleep...again.
He's waking up...again.
Why couldn't he just be at peace for once.
Suddenly he felt so nauseous. And then came the pain. The strong, unbearable, disgusting, white hot pain. 
He ran to  the toilet and gagged so hard, trying so hard to throw up the food he hadn't even eaten. 
When was the last time he ate? 
He couldn't even remember the last time he had a proper meal on a ‘good day’ let alone when he was throwing up so hard his vision was blurring. But then again, maybe those were his tears as sobs racked his body.
Make it stop, make it stop MAKE IT STOOP!
Why wouldn't it all just stop. Maybe it was the two bottles of gin he took before bed...or the five sleeping pills...or the 50mg cocaine. All he knew was that he was sitting on his bathroom floor wishing he took the entire bottle of pills, maybe then they would've been enough to stop his heart.
"Satoru, you're going to be late!" Shouted Nanami, annoyed on the other side of the door.
Gojo slapped his hand over his mouth to muffle his cries.
"Satoru?" Nanami tried again, voice sounding slightly more worried this time.
The lack of a response caused him to open the door, his stoic expression softening ever so slightly as he looked down at his best friend.
Satoru looked up at him before letting his shoulders shake, tears cascading down his face as he nodded his head.
"*sigh* Alright, let's get you cleaned up"
"She's here," Nanami said to Gojo, now in his office.
"Really?" the latter perked up, rising from his seat.
"Yes but if I may ask, why are you so interested in her?"
"You know she shut down my flirting?"
"And this shocked you because?"
"When was the last time you remember me being rejected by someone?"
"You want to go there?" Nanami asked, smirking at Gojo who rolled his eyes.
"Just tell me where she is"
"Staff room, pretty sure she's getting breakfast, you should try it some time,"
"The staff room?"
"Oh you're soo funny"
Satoru groaned before walking out of the office to go find you. 
Who knows, maybe he'll get lucky today.
"Hey~" a deep voice whispered in your ear, making you jump in shock and turn around ready to kill whoever was behind you. Unfortunately, that happened to be your new boss.
"Oh, Mr. Gojo, how may I help you?"
"Not much just um... getting coffee."
"Ah, let me make you some then, how many sugars?"
"FIVE? What the hell, it's like you don't even want teeth."
"I guess not."
You looked at him in confusion before making him the coffee but putting 4 sugars instead of 5.
"So, there's a company dinner tonight for all the new staff, would love to see you there."
"Of course sir, now if you'll excuse me I have to get working."
"Please, go ahead"
"Yes sir," You said before bowing and walking away from him as fast as possible, who knows, maybe you will trip on your heels, twist an ankle and have to miss the dinner.
"Woah, woah, woah, and where are you going dressed like such a slut?" Toji asked, leaning on the frame of the bathroom door, looking you up and down while smirking.
For the dinner you chose to wear a light pink, knee length satin dress with a sweetheart neckline. You even straightened your hair and were finishing up on your makeup.
"Well if you MUST know, I'm going for a company dinner."
"Dresses like that? Might as well just go naked and take birth control. I call dibs on Godfather."
"Yeah yeah, you're just happy ‘cause ur going to be alone tonight."
"Says who? I'm going to be so busy I had to fill up on condoms."
"As if you'll use them." you snorted, walking past him to pick up your bag and leave.
"You look gorgeous by the way" He whispered, making you turn around and smile at him softly.
"Thank you"
"Uh huh, yeah now fuck off the strippers get here in ten, I don't need them seeing your weird ass, might think I'm cheating on them," He snorted, making you role your eyes and walk out of your shared apartment, wondering why you still put up with him.
You walked into the reserved room with a few of your colleagues, making the meeting complete. And you did your best to ignore the fact that your boss saved you the seat right beside him.
"Great! Now that we're all here and situated, I would like to raise a toast to all of you and to all our new employees, welcome you to Gojo industries. I look forward to working with all of you. Cheers"
And while everyone was toasting, you couldn't help but notice how Gojo's hand was shaking. You also looked at his face and noticed his pupils were dilated.
"Uhm, excuse me sir, are you okay?" you whispered once everyone had settled down and were immersed in their own conversations.
"Of course, why would you ask?
"Well, it's just that you're shaking, so I was slightly concerned."
"Ah, I didn't even notice, maybe I just need some fresh air, excuse me."
He rose from his seat and made his way out of the room, but you couldn't help but notice how his breathing had sped up slightly and his shoulders tensed. Kinda weird but then again he seemed like a pretty odd guy so you chose not to question it.
You were walking through the restaurant when you passed the back door and heard some heavy breathing. You slowly walked towards it and cracked the door open and shock cannot even begin to express the emotion you were experiencing at that moment. 
There was your boss, squatting while leaning against the building wall. But what caused your surprise wasn’t just his heavy breathing. He was shaking so violently that even though you technically hated his guts you couldn't help but worry.
"Sir? A-are you ok?"
Instead of a response, his breathing quickened. He was...having a panic attack? What the...huh? 
"Uhm sir, please calm down." you said in the softest tone you could muster, putting your bag down and trying to pat his back.
"Make it stop, please" you hear him croak, his voice sounded so soft, so weak, so...broken. You'd had your fair share of panic attacks but through the more recent half of them, you had Toji to be a shoulder to cry on so you know that being alone while suffering like this was hell. And because of this, you kneeled down and pulled him against you, wrapping your arms tightly around him and placing his head against your neck.
Once you did he began to sob so hard you were pretty sure it was ripping his throat raw. He grabbed your dress so hard he feared he would never be able to let go.
He didn’t want to let go. Not yet.
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BOO! Two in one day?! who am I ?! That pole was absolutely useless wasn't it? also, am I picking up some toji x y/n?!
© gojos-fr-bae
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