#like there's actually something behind the lightning in this situation- it's not natural and the two ARE being targeted
esoraluco · 2 years
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Trouble in the Thunderfields
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teencopandthesourwolf · 11 months
“Why did you ask me that?”
“Huh? What's that, big guy?” Stiles mumbles, answering the query with one of his own without looking away from Derek's laptop screen. The laptop Derek kind of bought for Stiles for when Stiles is at the loft.
There's a ballpoint pen shoved in the kid's mouth—God, that mouth—and another slid behind an ear, the latter ready and waiting for Stiles to click to death in the In Between Typing Times.
The others dispersed a couple of minutes ago. Apart from Derek and Stiles, only Lydia and Deaton now remain at the loft and they're deep in conversation about the preliminary theory of who or what is killing the humans of Beacon Hills this week and are standing at the opposite side of the open-plan space, making more coffee. Scott and Malia left to rally the other ʼwolves (not answering their phones as they're at a cinema screening) plus find and talk to Argent to arrange a pack meeting proper about the situation, so they can all work on devising a plan. Granted, there is Peter to consider—who's probably still lurking somewhere, what with lurking being one of his favourite pastimes—who can obviously hear any and all conversations that are, or could be, happening inside of the building. Sadly though, Derek has never been able to hide much of anything from his uncle.
He thinks about elaborating on the question he asked Stiles, but can't.
He tries not to stare at Stiles, and fails.
Stiles is squinting at the screen with intent and looking like he has forgotten that Derek said anything at all. Or that Derek is still hovering close by. Or that Derek, you know, exists.
Derek is just standing there, all difficult and awkward in his own fucking home and his own fucking body, looming over Stiles like a creeper as Stiles taps away furiously at the keyboard and violently zig-zags a fingertip across the mousepad like an actual lunatic.
Derek almost laughs at that.
The Boy Who Runs With Wolves.
“Why wouldn't I?” Stiles now asks, still mumbling around the chewed ballpoint Derek is trying not to be jealous of. 
“I—what?” Derek's caught off guard; always and only by Stiles. 
Stiles doesn't skip a beat, unlike Derek's heart. “Why wouldn't I ask?” he adds.
Oh, right.
“I, uh, I don't... ” Derek trails off pathetically, swallowing any confidence he had previously mustered and looking away from Stiles, even though those big, brown devastating eyes aren't actually looking at Derek because they are, of course, still zoomed-in on whichever web page is currently yielding the most information.
Dusk is quickly closing in and all around them and the light filtering through the loft's huge window has begun to dim somewhat, so that the glow of the computer screen is now filling Stiles' eyes with bright, dancing sparks and arrhythmic shapes as they flicker like lightning from one tab to another, then another, then another. And as mesmerising as it is to watch—Stiles looks as though he is brimming with magic—the sight becomes too much for Derek, and looking away feels like his only option.
It doesn't last.
Stiles' long, large-knuckled fingers still their rapid movement just as Derek's eyes find their way back.
Derek watches the kid some more, like a lifeline.
An anchor.
Then, Stiles is taking the pen from those perfect lips as sneaker-toes slowly spin the swivel chair around, so that Stiles is now facing Derek where he stands with arms crossed reactively over his chest.
His heart.
“I asked because I wanted to know if you were okay, man," Stiles divulges, as if that's nothing at all. As if it's something Derek hears often. He tilts his head to catch Derek's eye, which works, of course, because it always works, no matter the nature of the moment they're caught up in. "Like, I was concerned, y`know?” 
Derek feels guilty just for looking. And not only because he wants to touch but because he wants to let Stiles care.
“I care, dude,” Stiles says on cue and Derek tries to self-implode while Stiles waits, probably for Derek to look at him and say don't call me dude and probably hoping not to have his head bitten off or his throat ripped out. 
Derek does look again, just not for long. Barely a glance. He can't afford himself too much Stiles, not when Stiles is looking directly back at him. It's safer that way—self-preservation and all.
“You do know that, right?” Stiles tries again. “That I care.” 
Derek wants to ask Stiles if they can talk, if Derek can tell Stiles things. Derek wants to ask Stiles if he'll stay, and if he'll let Derek spill his secrets, let him tell Stiles everything, like Derek never does with anyone these days, and if Stiles will hold Derek's hand when Derek cries about it, like Derek doesn’t allow himself to anymore. Derek wants to ask Stiles if Derek can touch him and hold him and if Stiles would hold him back, if Stiles would ever want that, if Stiles could ever be his.
“Don't call me dude,” is what he actually says because he can't not. But then he steals himself, head staticky and heart thumping as he dares himself to add (after what is undeniably too-long a pause), “And yeah. Maybe I do.” 
Then they look at each other. They just—look.
They look and look and look.
And they each keep looking at the other for a very long time. Definitely too long for two people supposedly not much more than acquaintances. Allies, maybe. Comrades at tenuous best.
Then they look for longer. Look for more. Look until it starts to feel as if they are the only two people in the room, in the building, in the world.
Whatever happened to self-preservation?
Something is starting to happen, and Derek is pretty sure it's not just happening to him, and he finds he is equally stunned as he is thrilled as he is completely fucking terrified about that. 
Eventually, Stiles says, “Derek, we're friends.” Then he's licking his lips and looking Derek up and down, shameless, adding—with a nonchalant shrug of one shoulder—“Till we're not.”
The latter part is spoken like a ominous secret, but one without the slightest hint of malice, because that's not how he means it. It's more promise than threat, if Derek is remembering correctly what genuine affirmations sound like (it's been a while).
The sparks from Stiles' eyes are then flashing blue in Derek's and Derek could swear he hears every one of his neurons firing inside of himself, all at once, as each of his mutated cells flare into overdrive, nail beds and gums tingling, the short hairs on the back of his neck and arms and hands standing up on end.
He feels utterly alive.
It's honestly a struggle not to keen and whine like a pup, and Derek has truly never been more happy of the fact that Stiles is unable to scent chemo-signals because, oh, yeah, Derek would be so fucked right now.
He has a reply for Stiles but it's caught in his throat, the sentence forming then solidifying, fast as a quick-drying glue.
Derek is just—standing there. Statuesque. Alternating between trying to swallow his words down and attempting to speak them, like a first class dipshit. Just looking and looking and looking at Stiles.
In an entirely mortifying turn of events, it is actually the sound of Peter's low, mocking chuckle from some tucked-away shadowy place in the loft that is the thing that forces Derek unstuck, and it takes all Derek has to not roll his eyes to the back of his skull and growl out I'm going to kill you again now, Uncle. 
He takes a breath, un-clenches his fists and tries for a smile—or at least a hint of one. He doesn't want to freak the kid out.
Derek then manages to repeat Stiles's words back at him, no more than a whisper.
“Till we're not.”
Stiles is just looking and looking and looking at Derek, before he's asking, “Can I stay for the evening? You can talk to me while I research. I always work better with noise. It'll be soothing,” like he's ordering pizza instead of answering all of Derek's prayers.
Derek notes how the kid's usually erratic eye-contact is weirdly as unwavering as his usually erratic heartbeat, which is now weirdly steady as a metronome.
That's a lot of weird. 
Derek fights the urge to bite into his lip with his fangs. He wants to draw blood, and to taste it.
He embarrassingly feels his eye twitch and his breath hitch as he dares himself to do this. 
He sputters, “What do you want me to talk about?”
Stiles slowly swivels back towards the light of the laptop—ethereal milky skin and dark moles once again luminous in its white-blue glow—at the very same time as the evening's first moonshine peeks through clouds and seeps in through the loft's huge skylight.
Derek is memorised. 
Stiles starts annoyingly clicking away at the Clicking Pen, while shoving the other back between those beautiful lips of his, now mumbling his words around the thing once more and speaking them as if they are the most obvious thing in the universe.
“Everything, Der.”
for @poebin for asking <3 (unedited, soz)
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 1 year
Sister Moon Sign Dynamics 1
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Gemini & Sagittarius Moons
The astrology of the sister moon sign basically Gemini Moon are rational creative thinkers who are always coming up with schemes to mess themselves up or mess others up because they are self destructive rascals who like to test the limits that with themselves and others because they're naturally curious and seek to uncover patterns. this makes them work well with Sagittarius moons because Sagittarius are action-oriented and they like to test the limits physically. Sagittarius are also looking to uncover patterns but more so within concepts and theories as they are the sign that rules over philosophy.
When this Duo is together they are quite chaotic but they also enjoy each other's company and they both have a low attention span. Therefore this makes it easy for them to always entertain each other with new ideas new topics and learn from one another. this is the true partners in crime duo because Gemini's always coming up with fun plans and ideas and Sagittarius is always down for them.
Oftentimes the person acting out the plan or schemes on the front will be a Sagittarius moon in the person behind the scheme is a Gemini Moon. Sagittarius gets a bad rap for being unloyal but these people are devoted when it comes to taking action for you so Sagittarius will be devoted to Gemini Moon by constantly being down for them they'll be down for any adventure or any plan, they will always be there when the gemini moon wants to do something.
Gemini moons actually help keep Sagittarius moons in check because Sagittarius easily gets carried away or too excited while Gemini knows how to rationalize Sagittarius and help organize their thoughts with their Mercurial influence. Sagittarius helps Gemini feel more at ease will also lightning up the room they like to show them new perspectives as Gemini can easily become nitpicky or critical of themselves and others Gemini is a naturally anxious sign so Sagittarius helps them feel at home.
I truly think Gemini moons honesty can be just as brutal to Sagittarius Moon's so Gemini's are the best sign to keep Sagittarius in check because they understand them but they also aren't afraid to tell Sagittarius the truth using logic and reason when Sagittarius acts purely based off of their feelings in situations that require a level head. Gemini Moons tend to be much colder on the surface while Sagittarius moons are much warmer.
This particularly makes them an interesting duo because they both have that soft and tough duality to them. Gemini moons appear cold on the outside but they are very friendly soft and sensitive on the inside well Sagittarius moons are very sensitive friendly and passionate on the outside but on the inside they're very resilient and tough. I think this adds to the whole Devil versus Angel exterior they present when they are together.
Usually because they're so polar with their mindsets they actually tend to not work that great together in group projects because Sagittarius wants to go full-out, they don't think of rational ideas they always want to come up with the original and extravagant ideas. While Gemini wants to make something easy efficient and logical. however once Sagittarius gets over their stubborn ego (I'm saying this as a sag moon 💀) they eventually work really well together and come up with the greatest ideas.
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Leo & Aquarius Moons
These two moon signs are funny to witness together. Usually, Aquarius is so chill that Leo gets annoyed by how calm and indifferent Aquarius is, wondering why they lack passion. However Aquarius moons have this fire in them that balance a Leo moons individual spark. Aquarius the sign of humanity is incredibly sacrifical as theytend to think that no one is special and everyone is the same. So naturally they try to give their best to everyone as they believe everyone is equal and deserves the same respect. Leo moons on the other hand believe everyone has a special unique charm to them, everyone has something that makes them different and stand out but they don't believe that someone is above another
They believe that everyone has different qualities that can be used for something great. Leo's see a lot of potential in people being the sign associated with Fame and ruling over the heart. There's always a fire burning within Leo's why was Aquarius there's always space to be explored within their mind. Leo shows Aquarius what life is, while Aquarius shows Leo's how to work with people and how to make things happen within a community.
Because sometimes Leo's can become stubborn to the point where they don't like to work with people they like to do everything on their own but Aquarius knows that's not how Leo's will get recognition. They need to work with people in order to make great things happen. Aquarius also shows Leo the perspectives and understanding behind the worlds problems. As, sometimes Leo's can be so caught up in their own head and in their own game they don't realize what other people are going through around them
Aquarius shows that part of humanity that Leo's ignore due to being focused on their own passions. Leo's are very generous they rule over the heart so they do often care for and protect other people and have high emotional intelligence, but they can get so caught up with their passion they lose sight of other paths or other directions.
Aquarius numbs Leo's Ego, Leo's commonly tear themselves apart and they're usually very insecure or they acted very arrogant to compensate for their insecurities. Therefore Aquarius knows how to show Leo that not everything comes from the ego and you can detach yourself to the point where not everything feels like a personal attack.
This Duo is like musical instruments to me they playoff one another's ideas they bounce off of each other and they harmonize. They are both very passionate although Leo exudes the passion from outside well Aquarius keeps it inside but they are both very focused on what they want in life.
They both usually ever since kids think they are meant to change the world and make it a better place to their own values. They feed off of each other's energy but you can often find them as rivals as it's a battle between mind and ego personified. I usually think this pairing could become famous bandmates or something can showcase their creative talents and their dedication towards them.
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Taurus & Scorpio Moons
Taurus aims to get out of their comfort zone but is too scared to do so, while Scorpios aim for stability. Taurus is grounded practical and reasonable they see things how they are and they operate off of that. they often solidify whatever is put in front of them. they're naturally cautious and competent people. They do enjoy the Finer Things in life and find it necessary in order to make them feel comfortable wherever they are. Usually they have a favourite bag that makes the biggest difference when they set out to achieve their goals and feel off when they don't have their material items that comfort them.
They probably have Lucky Charms that they bring with them because although they're very practical they are open to superstitious beliefs long as there is reason for them see it working in their life. Scorpio Moon's on the other hand are trying to find stability. A Scorpio moon's biggest fear is losing everything they worked hard for like their home or a relationship. Any significant foundation in their life that can be threatened is their biggest fear as they were exposed to losing these things as kids and often unfairly and in a tragic event.
They know what it's like to lose everything and feel empty. This is why they are seen as controlling and skeptical. They're also known for being obsessive because they don't want anything to fall apart or be taken advantage of under their watch. Taurus moons on the other hand are exalted therefore they are used to living in comfort and being cared for physically on the emotional plane, because their mom was very practical and logical usually gifting items or cooking food as a type of support.
While Scorpio moons are used to being criticized, blackmailed, or micro-managed by their mom or family. Scorpio moons like Taurus moons because they don't try to control the Scorpio Moon and provide an emotional and physical support system for the Scorpio they can't find anywhere else.
Scorpios appreciate actions over words because they know words can be empty or used as forms of blackmail and Taurus are naturally action-oriented and care through physical affection or acts of service. This is highly valued by Scorpio Moons because they feel safest with this type of support. And for once in their lives don't feel the need to question it.
Scorpio moons do transform Taurus moons through helping them believe in the unknown. They show Taurus that not every problem can be seen nor fixed and are good at protecting Taurus moons from people with bad intentions.
Taurus moons do have good boundaries with people but oftentimes they question if they even know who to trust or not, while Scorpio moons can instinctively feel out who is trustworthy and who isn't. This dynamic is based off of trust and boundaries.
Taurus Moon's build-up Scorpio news sense of self-worth and help them understand is worth their time or hard work and what isn't. Scorpios make a Taurus realize that in order for relationships or projects to progress they have to integrate change instead of everything staying the same.
Taurus are usually quite uncomfortable with conflict but they understand it's needed sometimes with Scorpios help. they're both stubborn and quite devoted which gives them the superpower never losing track of what they want in life. They both don't let people into their lives easily because they either click with you or they don't and understand how important energy is to them so they do self-preserve themselves to an extent.
However Scorpio moons often fall trap to trying to rescue people those people are Taurus moons and sometimes they're not. Either way Scorpio Moons learn how to self-preserve healthily instead of blocking people out, and don't act or form opinions based on assumptions right away due to understanding from Taurus that there should be healthy balances in what a Scorpio moon feels.
They're both highly sensual and appreciate the desires in life, using it to their full power and feeling valued as a pair even as they go through tough situations. They both like power and knowing they can't be taken advantage of by others through their personal power.
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How about Love prompt 47 with Rin tohsaka and Mordred. I'm really loving your writing
I thank you for the compliment my friend, but there are a great many far better at this than I and my scribbles of broad ideas.
Love Prompt #47- You're Cute When Your Angry
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Rin Tohsaka
Rin Tohsaka was infamous as the Red Devil for a great many reasons, the least of these being her quick temper.
Especially when a certain blonde woman who for protective purposes will not be named was involved.
Case in point, the current situation you were in at the moment.
“ARGH! THAT BLONDE BIMBO BITCH!” the voice of a certain dark haired woman shouted to the heavens in a rage, her face a mix between a snarl and a mouth barred closed in a rage with an all consuming angry fire burning in them.
“Oh don’t let her get to you Rin.” you told the woman next to you in a weak attempt to get her to calm down.
After all, seeing her like this? It was a treat that only you could enjoy completely.
“Do you think if I blew a few extra holes into her anyone would notice!?” Rin hissed out the mean idea.
“Hmm… maybe a few people.” you responded with a smile. You might like to see Rin angry, but knowing how she can get it may be time to actually get her to calm down before she actually decides to commit premeditated murder.
Rin let out a growl, akin to that of a feral cat.
Then again, you could wait just a little while more, right? It wasn’t like she would actually try and murder she who will not be named.
Rin was naturally cute, but when she was angry? That was a whole other level of Adorable.
Rin went ramrod straight before whipping her entire body around to look you in the eye, a blush on her face.
Oh, you said that aloud didn’t you?
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Mordred Pendragon
Mordred was furious.
This was her week off, but of course someone needed her to come in at the last fucking moment!
Hell the only reason Mordred hadn't gotten the wild hair to go out on a “Enthusiastic Walk” was because of what you said when you saw her face when she got the call.
“Oh you are downright adorable when you're angry~!” your voice cooed in her head for the thirtieth time today.
“Hey! Mordred! Sor- EEP!” Gareth began to call out before being silenced by Mordred who turned on her foot with an expression on her face that screamed “If you try to talk with me you are dead.” 
This was also known as her angry face.
A face that only you weren’t put off by.
You really were insufferable, but Mordred wouldn’t dare have you any other way.
After all, the love you gave her, it was something that had been foreign for her entire life up until she met you.
She felt like she was in one of those horrendous books Tristan would force her to read at arrow point.
Whenever she was with you she was always nervous like someone was going to jump out from behind something, except instead of watching her surroundings she obsessed over every detail she could see about you while her stomach did a full aerial acrobatics routine.
And don’t get her started when you say something like you did this morning, she was out the door as fast as a bolt of lightning, her face aflame with embarrassment and your wonderful laugh following her like a ghost on the wind.
God… she really was hopelessly in love with you wasn’t she?
The most wonderful curse had been inflicted upon the both of you by each other, and Mordred wouldn’t have it any other way.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
Alright I think I’ve sent a ask in before and you answered it, I’m not sure if I’m just repeating myself but if I am feel free to ignore!
Alright I wanted to talk about changes in the gerudo culture, now naturally culture norms will change and fade as time goes on. But with the gerudo I can’t help but feel that they were forced to change much of their culture just to appease the other races.
Like why did they stop training Molduga? Why did they change their style to be more feminine etc.
Personally I feel like they were forced to change their culture so they wouldn’t get attacked. Why? Well example the sheikah, the sheikah are a tribe very close to the royal family. They will take out anyone who is a threat to the royal family, correct? Well who used to actively oppose the royal family, the gerudo.
I believe the sheikah still have a prejudiced against the gerudo because, you cannot find a single gerudo in kakariko village. You can find gerudo npcs outside the village thought, on the dangerous rode. Wouldn’t it be easier and safer for them to just cut through kakariko village? Unless there was still bad blood
I’m sorry to bother with my my insane ramblings I just wanted to share and I felt this place appropriate to share my thoughts.
Thank you for reading and thank you and have a nice night/morning/afternoon
Hey, thanks for the ask!
I mean, regardless of what actually did happen in canon, if anything did, I have to say that BotW, and then TotK's internal narrative regarding the gerudos feels rather worrying to me --for several reasons, some of which you do mention here.
The gerudos, by virtue of having the strongest culture that differs from hylians, is the one that is also the most dynamic in these games' shared reality (so TotK's mythical past, BotW, and then TotK modern era), the one that is the most malleable and ongoing internal change.
The first time we see the gerudos, historically, they have a certain political structure that seems to rely on kinghood, have certain skills related to war (the molduga situation), and even have fashion sensitivities that are relatively different to modern era's gerudos (the mohawk, etc, and I Will Not mention the ear situation for the inconsistent mess that it is). Then, the whole shenanigans with Rauru happen, we see the Sage of Lightning having a fashion sense that feels closer to what we know, and we get to see active collaboration happening.
Fast-forward hundreds-to-thousands of years later: not only are gerudos vassal to Hyrule pre-Calamity, but, while their town is still closed behind walls, the gerudos have a strong cultural focus on seeking (mostly) hylian husbands. We get to hear about the younger generations pushing against the strong rules keeping the city closed, and that the walls aren't as closed as they used to be.
In TotK, not only is the actual language evolving (so even if old hylian seems to have been a thing, the speed of language evolving is to be noted imo), but we see clear examples of the ancestral rules being challenged to the point of near annihilation. By the time we leave the gerudos behind, two hylian men have snuck inside the walls/forced their presence upon them, and we have heard of at least another group who have been working for years to make them bend the rules for their sake. Zelda came around and influenced their war techniques, and even their ancient legends get recontextualized as involving hylian men with the Eight Heroin, or as monstrously evil and something to seek forgiveness for in the case of Ganondorf. Subtextually, I'd argue we are assisting to a culture being assimilated in real time. It might be portrayed as a good thing, as old, useless or even arguably bigoted traditions being cast aside, but I still have to insist that while gerudos are yielding their cultural identity under (mostly) hylian pressures, hylians spend the *entire game* rediscovering and reinforcing their own culture and pushing forward a cultural heritage that is thousand of years old --even reinjecting lost elements of its roots into its prosperous future.
And, yeah. It's kind of worth noting at least.
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 3 months
So Lin’s significant other meets Su… how does it go down ? Who is she dating ? Do they know about the story behind the scars etc ? Did Lin purposefully introduce them or would she have preferred to keep it private or is this just an inconvenient situation ?
So I have a couple of different theories about this and it's going to turn into an essay- so you've been warned. But despite this, I would say Lin definitely prefer to keep everything private but it's not always her choice.
The answer would vary depending on the pairing.
With Tenzin, there's two schools of thought: 1) assuming Suyin scarred Lin and left but the linzin break up never happened, I guess it wouldn't be any different. That one scene in book 3 where Su's like "No wonder Tenzin ended things with you all those years ago." tells me that she knew about Lin and Tenzin having relationship problems. So, when the sisters reconcile, she wouldn't be surprised that Lin ended up with Tenzin. She'd probably laugh a little and give Tenzin a hug like "I knew you'd get her." in the end. 2) If Lin and Tenzin get back together during/post-canon, I think Lin wouldn't be sure how/what to tell her sister. Even though Su is a much bigger believer in the "people can change" phenomenon, she won't let that apply to Tenzin. She'd be very untrusting of him and his intentions. To Lin, getting back together is a big deal but she doesn't realize how her feelings of happiness would bring anyone else joy. So on the one hand, Su would be overjoyed, over the moon because she is a hardcore Linzin shipper, but on the other hand, she'd be extremely angry and fist Tenzin's face with a "don't your DARE hurt her again." Or she may just protest the relationship and Lin would be like "I never should've told you..."
If it's Bumi, either pre-, during or post-canon, I don't think Lin would be keen on telling Suyin anything of that sort. Her personal life is personal and Suyin, to her is not personal. You know what I mean? The only thing is- with Tenzin, because of their history, I see Lin getting that out of the way before Su finds out about it in the newspaper or something- cuz a Linzin reunion would be IMPACTFUL to Republic City. So, it's more so a heads-up than sharing personal information. But yeah, coming back to Bumi, Lin would absolutely not tell Suyin unless she is specifically asks her if she's in a relationship with anyone. If it's pre-reconciliation Linumi, I can see Lin telling Su about it/letting her find out from other sources, but if it's post-canon Linumi, Lin would try hiding it until Suyin inevitably pries it out of her.
Now these answers hold in regards to people Su knew from when she was younger. And because of this, naturally, both Bumi and Tenzin know where Lin got her scars from.
If it were Lightning Bolt Zolt, I think @wishingforatypewriter explained this really well over here. But in time, Su would come around because she wouldn't wanna come across as a hypocrite for judging Lin. Zolt one hundred percent knows who the scars are from- in fact, I can see him confronting Suyin about it too- sending her for that acupuncture therapy to make her realize just how much she hurt her Lin. I think Lin would rather this stay private until one fine day it just comes out in the open.
Coming to Linko, Lin would take her own sweet time with telling Su. It isn't until Mako insists on going public, actually. He gradually finds out about the scars.. there's a chance he finds out from Suyin than from Lin.
Okay and finally, coming to my OC, Zekou. Zekou knows about the scars- Lin told him about it and isn't after a few months after reconciling with Su that she introduces them to each other. It's more so because Su keeps pressing about Lin's personal life and Zek trying to help Lin reconnect with her sister that leads to this. Zek is kind and friendly, and as much as he tried emulating Lin's behavior with her sister, he ends up getting along with her. He's reserved when it comes to Su and follows Lin's lead.
I think this about covers it. I hope this answers the question. Thank you for the ask!
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
Febuwhump day 26: lightning strike
Whumpees: Time & Warriors
Whump Rating: 5/10
TWs: lightning strike/electric shock
Time grimaced, ducking under a tree branch. He and Warriors had been out scouting when dark clouds had rolled in. The sky opened up above them, letting loose a torrent of rain that soaked both heroes to the bone. And, naturally, it thundered as well. The boom was distant, but there wouldn’t be much time before they, too, were caught in something more than just rain.
It was fine. They would be quick.
“Captain!” Time shouted to be heard over the whipping winds howling through the trees. “We need to take off anything metal!”
Warriors nodded, both of them pausing under a tree to quickly strip off their armor and chainmail, as well as carefully storing away various weapons and other assorted metal items they had out. If they were ambushed, things would be bad, but what monster would come out in this weather? It was better to protect against lightning than monsters, in this case.
With that taken care of, the pair continued running, quicker now without armor to slow their movements. They made it out to a field, partially flooded in spots due to the sheer volume of rain falling from the sky. A stray red Bokoblin– one of Wild’s– screeched at them, waving around a weapon as it charged at them. The Bokoblin itself wasn’t much of a threat, so Time and Warriors kept running.
Time glanced back at it, his eye widening as its weapon sparked. “RUN!” He ushered, a twinge of desperation bleeding into his voice.
The sky flashed.
With a deafening crash, a bolt of lightning struck the Bokoblin’s sword, instantly killing the monster. The shock didn’t stop there, though– since the field was basically a large puddle at the moment, the zap traveled through the water and stunned both Time and Warriors. Both heroes fell to the ground, instantly unconscious.
Wild and Hyrule wandered through a field, searching for their missing teammates. Wild was dressed in his rubber armor set, while Hyrule had borrowed Wild’s Thunder Helm. Both of them were protected from electric shocks, so they were the only ones of the Chain sent to search for Time and Warriors. In any other situation, they would be the worst team to send out, but this was Wild’s Hyrule and Hyrule needed to be there in case of a healing emergency. With a clear objective, the pair would be able to stay on task.
Distantly, Hyrule heard a yell, turning his head quickly in the direction. Wild turned as well, ears pricked as he listened. Moments later, a lightning bolt struck the field, sending a volt across the wet field. The hair on the back of Hyrule’s neck stood up, but he didn’t get shocked.
Wild exchanged glances with the traveler, nodding. “Let’s check it out!” He yelled, leading the charge as Hyrule followed close behind. As they got closer, Hyrule’s heartbeat spiked. There, on the ground, were both Time and Warriors. They looked like they were asleep, but the ground was smoking around them. “Oh, shit!”
“Wild!” Hyrule called, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Get those potions you had!”
The Champion tilted his head. “Electro elixirs?”
Hyrule waved a hand carelessly as he skidded on his knees to Time and Warriors. “Whatever! Yes!” He quickly pressed a hand against Time’s chest, casting his Life spell. The eldest hero coughed and jolted, muscles twitching as Hyrule did his best to help.
Wild fed Warriors an elixir, watching as the Captain’s twitching lessened. He did the same to Time quickly, watching anxiously as Hyrule attempted to heal something that wasn’t an actual injury. “We need to get them out of here!” The Champion shouted, frowning.
“How?” Hyrule shot back. Wild was fairly strong and Hyrule had his power bracelets, sure, but they were a lot smaller than Time and Warriors. Dragging the unconscious heroes back wouldn’t be easy, and it ran the risk of their situation worsening.
Wild grimaced. “Right… we need to discharge the electricity, then?” It was more of a question than a statement. He had always been more-or-less fine after getting struck by lightning, so he wasn’t exactly sure what the best way to go about this would be.
Hyrule shrugged, nodding. “I’ll see what I can do!” The traveler chewed his bottom lip anxiously, concentrating as his eyes slipped shut. His hand glowed, not green like his healing spell, but a more whitish-blue. He slammed his hand down against Time’s chest with a grimace, pale blue light pulsing around them before Time sat up with a gasp.
“What?” The eldest hero blinked rapidly, shaking his head. “...Traveler? Champion?”
Wild took over with Time as Hyrule went to repeat the process with Warriors. “Hey there, Old Man. Good to have you back.” He offered a hand, glancing back as the same blue light from earlier surrounded Hyrule and Warriors. “Think you can walk?”
Time accepted the hand, letting Wild help him up. “Yes. I’ll be alright,” he insisted, holding a hand over his chest dazedly. “Captain?”
Right on cue, Warriors sat up with a gasp, just as Time had done. Hyrule jittered beside him, trembling in a way that wasn’t quite the same as his usual exhaustion. Wild helped the Captain up, narrowing his eyes worriedly at Hyrule. “Hy, you good?”
The traveler gave a shaky thumbs up. “I’m okay. I just need to release some energy,” he assured. “You guys go on ahead. Get out of the rain. I’ll catch up, alright?”
Wild glanced nervously between Time and Warriors. Both heroes were upright and awake, but they seemed bone-tired and droopy. He wasn’t sure what exactly Hyrule had done, but the freckled hero twitched and jittered much like Time and Wars had done before. He supposed it was fine, as long as Hyrule could divert the energy elsewhere. “Okay,” he agreed, nodding. “There’s a small cave just south of here, close to where we came from. I’m taking them there.”
Hyrule nodded, giving Wild a thumbs up as he pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll meet you there.” His fingers twitched and sparked with magic as he ushered them away.
Wild coaxed both Time and Warriors into a light jog, leading them away to safety. Both would need some time to rest and recoup after that… but at least they were okay for now.
As Wild settled them into the cave, a sharp yell sounded from outside, followed by an absurd number of lightning strikes, one after the other. If he squinted, he could make out Hyrule’s small form, practically alight with magic as he cast lightning strikes all around him.
Huh. Usually that spell took a lot out of him.
As he waited, Wild called Wind, letting the rest of the Chain know they were safe and would meet up once the storm was over. He didn’t mention Hyrule’s whole… situation.
Eventually, the traveler arrived at the cave, practically collapsing as soon as his bedroll was set up. Wild watched with quiet curiosity, humming under his breath as he kept watch over the three sleeping heroes.
The rain was quite peaceful now that there wasn’t fear looming over his head. He hummed a tune to himself, calmly watching as the storm receded. Time, Warriors, and Hyrule would all be fine, and they would manage to scrape by in another bizarre situation. Wild sighed, smiling lightly as he watched the sun peek out from behind the clouds.
They would be okay.
–> support me on ao3!
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
It f*cking makes sense!!!!! Love all of your Cycle explanation!!!!
Would love to hear of the OG Gods Folks, and who was the God of the respawn mechanic? How many OG Gods where at the beginning? What was the original idea/theme of the Void and the Void Worms before it was corrupted for you?
ha yeah!!!! yeah it does!! welcome to the Spot Lore Technique where stuff makes sense because we are using My rules and my rules say we should tastefully disregard some canon bits, bullshit stuff and play Connect 4
okay so this turned out hardly organized n i don't think nor feel like helping it, so click here for brain word vomit. took like four hours to get it all down, i got excited:
the Folk Gods differed from local culture to local culture so there's different interpretations! similarly to the deal stuff with Odin/Thor, Perún and Zeus. certain themes stick together (like leading god + thunder/lightning in the examples) and connect interpretations of the Folk Gods, though sometimes a singular God can be split into more in tales cuz it fits better for their situation for whatever reason
the thing with pagan/folk gods is that they often stand behind some kind of Thing that impacts the people a lot (the seasons, the weather, stuff like that), so trynna count them all including the minor gods would be fuckin. Ouchie n there's only so much world-building my hands can take so i'mma leave that as an open number
the Folk Gods i KNOW i want to have are Gods that would match with these karma symbols
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and then some nature-based Gods, like maybe for the seasons. and then, of course!!! The Anemoi!!!!! Zephyrus, Boreas, Euros and Notos are all actual Gods in the pagan believes. it's why Sparrows defaults to calling our Euros "Caper". after learning about the Folk Gods, our Euros kind of lets go of how exactly he wants to be called and mentally defaults to Caper as well. an Iterator silently worshipping the original Gods... what a puzzling, unexpected thing
(the Anemoi iterator names are- i actually threw them together hastily, but i've been freaking out about it for a bit now Specifically cuz i didn't plan this out, but the other pieces of their names (that Sparrows would default to calling them)- Caper, Abet, Blessing and Biting/Bite- actually Really well reflect their roles in the Iterators'-post-mass-ascension story and i'm SO proud of that. i just wanted to gush about that real quick, excuse me jlkgsjldkckl)
i've been actually thinkin about making a second set of the Anemoi, with Apeliotes, Keikias, Lips and Skeiron, if only to fluff up the Iterator group a bit, so we will see
they are using the greek names cuz i'm too lazy to bother with figuring out some special names for them. let's have shout outs to cultures with the god names outside of the 10 karma symbol ones
oh and they weren't originally meaning to be using actual Names in the Iterator names (-looks guiltily at the canon Ittie names-). the Anemoi iterators are just special cases. it all started with Zephyr- which is an actual normal word in the english language, That's her name, she isn't actually named after a God- but someone was like "hey, what if we do a set out of this" and now we have the Anemoi Iterators with special treatement and in leading roles of Things (Haboob is one of them but she's. kind of an outsider in their lil group- it's a whole thing, but this isn't the post for it)
the God of the respawn mechanic was most likely the God that ends up standing for the Survival karma symbol!!
other notable gods: • the God of the tenth karma, also known as The One Who Exonerates, the Reaper or, to us, known as the Saint ;D (I STILL HAVE TO PLAY THE FUCKIN SAINT CAMPAIGN but I think this take is gon stay). The Saint is an incarnation of the God, it took the form of a slugcat cuz they are all indeed extinct during that time n it's kind of the God's trademark Thing to become something like the walking dead. "this species isn't supposed to be alive anymore. why is one of them walking towards me right now?" (imagine a dodo bird threateningly approaching you with flashing eyes, bro wtf...). it came down into the mortal realm like this to sweep away all remnants of the previous civilization (the Ancients) so the life cycle of the planet may begin anew again (as inspired by the Aztec myth of Earth having multiple incarnations/live times. i could swear there's smth like this in Theosophy as well but ergh -shrugs-). i've read quite a few things about the tales of Gods or clean beings like that coming down when i was a kid (i was a strange one) and REALLY fuckin adore how Saint collecting the echoes to get its final ascension ability can mirror really well the journey that incarnated clean beings have to go thru. they may be Gods, holy things, but they still need to Learn when they come here to offer their help and love • the God of the fourth karma. it's Gourmand. shkiki kept yellin at me about how fuckin horrid this take is when i first came to this conclusion in our DMs so now it's FUCKIN canon to me. spite fuels me still. Gourmand is an ACTUAL FUCKIN GOD. he came down to the world to just chill 🤙 • the God of the sixth karma. Maybe. i'd like to poke 'em just because they are connect to Moon (that's Yet another thing- Moon is the sixth iterator ever created n the first ten mirror these gods and the Karma symbols. i want to design the other 9 at some point, i really do)
a big trademark thing for incarnations of the Gods is that they are always kind, in their own way. if it's blindly vengeful like Artificer, it can't be a God in the flesh
i'm gueesing you mean more the global religion than the void itself- the void stays pretty static n normal when compared to canon i think. it does what it does for the world, pushing the planet's cycle along by eating away at the buried physical past, the Void Worms are like guides within it. they take the creatures who fall into this dark to the light, to become everything and nothing at the same time- reach that Nirvana
the void is a way of ascension and progression for the *world*, not the sapient creatures- the Ancients played with something so much more grander than they could ever hope to be. spaient creatures are meant to have fun on top of the world and then polish themselves into godly cleanness (reachin max karma) n then ascend. the void ascension method is just plain wrong
the GLOBAL religion's initial idea was that the sins are just things one should beware not to cling on to (or become obsessed with/addicted to). clinging creates tension, it produces the fear of loss. one should not live in fear. in the constant stress produced by the anticipation of "when will i lose this. when will i lose it. when. when. when.". for example the fifth sin- do not cling to survival because if you are going to be terrified of not make it you will be unable to live your life to the fullest. it doesn't mean the exact opposite in return- one should not desire death, and, one should not fear death. all comes and goes and the best thing one can do is accept it
the Extremists of this came in and sharpened this well-meaning affable wisdom into strict rules of "You Can't Have This At All and if you DO You Will Suffer." (aka haha christianity irl). you can't fight against violence with violence even if it's your only choice, you can't feel lust and give your partner carnal love, you can't have friends and other such relationships, you shouldn't have food and ultimately- we all should not live at all. this Extremist version of the faith was the aggressive thing that colonized the rest of the world and forced everyone to look the same way towards own destruction
the Extremists are why the respawn gimmick gift of the God was turned into a curse. they made everyone look at how it hurts to die and that dying Once only promises that it will happen again. "there is never any end to it!" they whine and screech. the gift was originally seen as a good thing because it was that *second chance*... that even if your loved one will die even when they tried so hard not to, you won't have to go through the pain of losing them for good. they'll be here, they are here, you still have the time to give each other the love. it's okay
so quite literally just a case of seeing the glass half full and half empty. the Extremists brought in the negative thinking (And Therefore The Iterators Too). that was ALL especially catastrophic for the lower circles cuz the higher ones at least lived in comfort and not too much of fear of death
fuckin... poor Sparrows here almost got crushed by Euros' rain when she was like 4, has had to live in fear of the oxygen poisoning, almost being chomped by all sorts of animals and having to force herself to think that this is all okay, how it's supposed to be, because otherwise she might as well go crazy or get so emotionally destroyed she'd end up being a completely different, depression-riddled person. all the while the royals up in Ales are sipping at nectar, watching the birds fly and staring into crystal balls and other such divination things
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shecharm · 10 months
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* abilities & power related headcanons;
inari has a wide variety of abilities and powers - a constant reminder that she is not of this world. centuries ago, keros took her soul and allowed inari to be reborn as a foxfolk. by doing this, she was permanently tethered to keros and made to be his champion; a disposable pawn that would serve him and fight for him whenever necessary. however, what comes with being tethered to a god is nothing but power. she is able to siphon his strength and combine it with her own to exist among the same ranking as keros and other gods. inari is a force to reckon with, by every definition.
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ice; this element is by far her strongest, of course she can control things like fox fire but it is by no means as powerful since she was not originally born as a foxfolk. she is a fake, a sheep wearing the skin of a wolf. the influence of her magic goes as deep as the very marrow of her bones; much like a vampire, she is permanently cold and incapable of retaining any sort of heat or normal body temperature. the only brief feeling of heat or warmth she possibly feels is due to the immense feeling of frost on her fingertips when she's especially angry. during these times, ice does coat her fingers all the way up to her knuckles and it's similar to frostbite in the way it feels and hurts.
inari is capable of bringing intense weather, such as snow storms and even conjuring lightning however it is very, very rare that she does the latter. it is the main reason that the mountain she guards is always covered in snow. it serves as an excellent deterrent to keep humans away from the mountain and the kerosite shrine. it is a rebellious act meant to keep devotion from reaching keros. she does not believe he is worthy of worship.
with the touch of a hand, she can freeze the surface of any water source whether it be a mere bath, puddle, pond or even a lake. this is rarely done as she prefers to watch the water rather than freeze it. because humans consist of quite a large sum of water, she prefers not to touch humans directly; skin to skin. that is not the say she could hurt them, but there is a small chance that she might and it is not something she's willing to gamble. supernatural beings, immortals, etc, she can touch without fear because they are different.
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as a foxfolk, she does have a natural charm and allure. it comes with her kind, often times a mere gaze with influence behind it can cause brief hypnosis. often this is used when she's trying to sneak into places she shouldn't be in. to snoop, most of the time.
along with her charms, inari is capable of morphing and switching forms; becoming a very, very large fox in her true and ultimate form when it comes to situational combat. this requires a great deal of energy and most times, she will not take on this form unless absolutely necessary. this form is roughly forty five to fifty feet tall. she is also capable of morphing into a regular fox, most commonly used to blend in or appear normal when she's trying to hide or watch / observe.
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although it is not frequently used, inari's preferred weapon if not magic itself, would be a greatsword. it is very unique in appearance, with the handle and middle of the blade made of gold while the actual blade itself is often confused for glass, but it is actually very thick ice. this is two weapons in one as the middle part, made of gold, is quite thick itself so in the off chance that the blade shatters then she can still use it as a method of piercing. she is also capable of using archery, too but it is not of her ideal preference.
although capable in hand to hand combat, she tends to avoid it as her claws are her main weapon if not her teeth in human form. for many years, during her rehabilitation, she was made to sit with a muzzle on so that she did not bite anyone tending to her.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
okay so: opinions on buddie having a confession similar to the jolink one at the end of 19x20?????
(I know jolink have more of a romantic/sexual past than buddie do currently, but when I first watched that scene all I could think about was buddie, because of the fact that the kids were included as part of the speech but not the main focus, and the whole 'I'm so in love with you. How do you not see that?' bit and so many more reasons that have escaped my brain right now)
(Also full disclosure: I'm not a fan of jolink as a couple, and wish they'd stayed as friends, but I do love the buddie parallels/vibes they give me 😅😅)
((Sorry this was long!!! 💚💚))
(just to get it out of the way, I was fighting and kicking and screaming at them putting jolink together because they had such a great friendship and damnit media needs more friendships between men and women who are straight but not trying to get with each other)
I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of getting something like that now that you mentioned lol. I mean, there would have to be some adjustments, I feel like a lot of it works the way it does because they slept together and decided to say it was just casual, with the way they explicitly draw the line and said "no we are just friends" and I feel like that wouldn't work as long term as they played it with jolink when applied to buddie (not unless they want to make us suffer more for a few seasons but if buddie sleeps together then wakes up and go nah we should just be friends is never gonna happen again, I'll burn something down), but I am legit obsessed with the idea of Buck hiding behind Chris for a change and just snapping, listing things about loving Eddie and Eddie is just staring at him with his exasperated husband face and going "you idiot I love you too". If they kiss in the rain too I would spontaneously combust (with the lightning and the well and every bad thing that happened to Buck involving water and the way the moment they start getting along involves literal fire, the symbolism behind them getting something good in the rain would be everything to me really)
But since we're talking Jo, I rewatched the perfect storm the other day, that's why I ended up making the parallel between April and Buck, and I keep thinking about a situation like when jolex gets together. The whole they have a huge fight, Jo tells Alex to stay away from her, then she shows up hurt, Alex gets all protective, he's about to say it, but then the tree falls into Alex living room, and they ignore it until Jo says she doesn't deserve it, that she'll ruin it and Alex is all you asked yesterday you wanted to hear it I'm gonna say it but them he freezes, and she's all i don't hear anything, and they banter a little bit before Alex finally says he loves her and they kiss. I feel like if we get a proper build up with buddie where everyone is aware of where they are going and they keep fighting against it until something snaps but right before they actually do something the universe intervenes, and have them dance around the fact that they almost said it dealing with an emergency, all while the tension between them keeps getting higher, until they finally get a moment alone and they can talk and Buck is all we should just forget it, you're my best friend, I'll mess it up, depending on the nature of the emergency that stopped them you can even add a line of like "that was a sign, the universe was stopping us from making a mistake" that Eddie could counter with his level is skepticism "I don't believe the universe speaks to anyone and you wanted to hear me saying it so I'm saying it" and then freezing and having them banter back and forth until one of them says I love you and the other goes in for the kiss, could work. And it would be one hell of a scene.
So the conclusion here is that Jo has very buddiecoded love confession since Alex and Link get the best friend place before things evolve and either one of them makes for a killer getting together scenario for buddie.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
May I ask for some Rin not so secretly swooning over Bon’s new haircut?
I'm so sorry for the wait! I'm really behind on all these ;-;
But thank you so much for such a fun prompt ^^ Rin absolutely is not subtle with his swooning, lol. I changed the moment when Rin first sees the hair cut a bit, and I hope this fits what you wanted :D
— — — 。・゚(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ( ` - ´ )— — —
Rin loved the rooster haircut. It was bold, distinct, rebellious, and just brought all the more attention to how tall Ryuuji was, and how thick his hair was. Staring up at the proud mohawk and the thick brown locks that surrounded it had always made Rin want to proudly stand out from the crowd too, and made him really want to bury his fingers in the wavy locks so he could pull Ryuuji down and—
Well, he liked the hair style a lot. It was the first thing he'd noticed about Ryuuji — because it was kinda hard to notice anything else before the bright blond streak — and it was one of the first things that popped in his mind when he thought of Ryuuji. (Though recently he'd been thinking of soft brown eyes that were kind and clever and—)
And it was what gave him his first nickname for the cute boy, er, his friend. Rooster was synonymous with Suguro in his mind.
Princess was fun too, but not as fun as rooster, and he wasn't going to try babe again unless they were in another life or death situation just the two of them. They got in a lot of life and death scenarios (more than they really should) but not just the two of them. (Which was good and bad. Extra help always made it more likely to get out of those situations, but Rin didn't like anyone being in them, and there was something more intense about being in them with Ryuuji.)
Anyway, his eyes were trained to look for a proud crest of blond in a crowd, and that was how he'd spot his friend, and with Lightning hanging around and stealing all the extra Ryuuji time, Rin had been scanning for that rooster crest all the more.
It was lunch time, and Rin couldn't find it. He was at the fountain by the deli — Ryuuji's typical lunch spot because the affordable meatbun rush was getting harder and harder to fight and they could actually eat their lunch instead of nursing their wounds if they just went to the slightly more expensive deli — and Rin couldn't see it.
He did see Konekomaru's bald head, and Renzou's bright pink head, so he went towards them and tried not to look as upset about the missing streak of blond. He could see Ryuuji in class. At least he had friends to eat with today, and that was always fun.
There was a third boy sitting next to Konekomaru. Someone tall and broad shoulder who had their back to Rin.
The stranger had an undercut. Rin had always loved undercuts, and had thought of getting one after Yukio left for school — because he'd thought his proper twin would find it too rebellious and degenerate — but the sword drama had made him reconsider. An undercut would make his weird ears obvious. So he admired from afar and tugged his own shaggy locks over his own hair.
But this boy had really fantastically thick brown hair that was all whispy and wavy at the top of his head, and Rin found himself wanting to touch it. It looked soft and—
Holy shit.
Rin stopped dead in his tracks as he caught proper sight of the boy's profile. Not a stranger. Not a stranger at all. Ryuuji. Ryuuji with an undercut. Ryuuji without the streak of blond, and somehow looking older and more intimidating for the lack of mohawk. Heavenly Father have mercy, Rin's knees felt a bit weak with the full view. Ryuuji's beard seemed bigger, his hair styled so that it no longer hung in his eyes, thick but somehow accentuating his strong features, his numerous piercings, and his eyes.
Rin made a small, embarrassing noise, and three sets of eyes turned towards him curiously. Rin straightened as much as he could, spread his lips in as big a smile as he could (ack! That wasn't natural!) and tried to wave only to realize that looked stupid and weird, and drop his hand partway through the embarrassing wave.
Yay. He looked totally normal.
"Okumura," the trio greeted. Ryuuji made the extra motion to move his bag off the fountain, opening up a spot for Rin to sit by his side.
How did he look so much smarter with this haircut? That wasn't fair at all! He'd always looked so effortlessly cool and now he had to spring a surprise haircut on Rin and look all devilish and handsome and cool while he did it, and he had to be considerate and make space for Rin who now had to sit next to the attractive boy and act like he was normal.
Tail wagging nervously behind him, Rin hurried across the spot, tripped, nearly went sprawling to the ground, righted himself, and practically flung himself onto the fountain next to Ryuuji.
"You changed your hair!" He blurted way too loudly.
Ryuuji's cheeks tinted a light pink. It was at odds with the rest of the look, and somehow made everything all the cuter. The tough boy could blush too.
Rin swallowed and tried to make his eyes not quite as wide as Ryuuji's hand reached up to nervously pat at his hair.
"Yeah? Just needed a—“
"Isn't it awful?!" Renzou wailed while Konekomaru let out a tired "Shima."
Ryuuji's cheeks flushed darker as he sent a glare to Renzou.
"It's not awful! It's cool," Rin gushed, and wished he hadn't as Ryuuji froze next to him. His tail thumped nervously, and he almost dropped his lunch as he waved his hands frantically. "Not to say the rooster—"
"Don't call me that!"
"—Wasn't cool! But this... It's like, sleeker. Yeah! You look older. Extinguished."
Rin's cheeks were going to set themselves on fire. "Yeah. That." He pried the top off his bento and shoveled some rice in his mouth as Renzou continued to whine about the loss of the streak and Konekomaru continued to sigh in weary resignation and Ryuuji continued to glare (and blush.)
Despite his best try, Rin couldn't keep his eyes off the new haircut. He found his eyes almost immediately shooting back to the chestnut locks, and wondering how Ryuuji got them to be that textured and how they stayed like that, and if they'd be as soft as they looked. Would Rin be able to tangle his fingers in it? Would the buzzed part be scratchy or soft?
Did Ryuuji have more piercings? And had he always had that cool spiral? Rin hadn't noticed them as much before.
"I got something on my face?" Ryuuji snapped, spearing a piece of fruit aggressively and sending an unhappy look Rin's way.
Rin blinked, realized he'd be staring with his chopsticks halfway to his face, and blushed as hard as he possibly could. (Hopefully. If his face got any hotter, it really would ignite.)
"No! Just. Its cool is all. Did you always have that earring?" he poked the spiral in question, enjoying how cool and smooth it felt against his finger. He barely managed to stop himself from reaching up higher and tangling his fingers in the new hairstyle. He'd end up in the fountain if he tried that.
"Huh? Oh. Had it for a while? Since Inari." Ryuuji turned back to his lunch, cheeks and ears still a bit red, and fiddled with his fruit. "My hair kinda hid them."
Rin, only having eyes for Ryuuji, did not notice the look Konekomaru and Renzou shared, or the shit eating grin that promptly lifted Renzou's lips.
Ryuuji was blushing more the Rin stared.
"I like 'em. You should definitely keep this." Rin made a vague motion with his chopstick, flinging a bit of  rice with the motion. "All of it. Cool. Distingsquish. Fits ya."
"Yeah," Renzou said, something sly in his voice that made RIn freeze and feel all squirmy, "that's it."
Ryuuji gave Renzou another sharp look, and Rin realized he was once again staring. He forced himself to look at his bento and eat a few more bites.
Well, he thought as he snuck another look (and maybe a few more) it might not be as easy to spot as the blond streak, but Rin was pretty confident he’d still be able to find Ryuuji in any crowd.
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sonkitty · 6 months
Earthly Objects Section - Players (Good Omens 2)
I have moved the contents of this post to into a part of the newer Earthly Objects posts. I will not delete the post, but the below is outdated.
You can find the newest Players info here:
Earthly Objects Part 2
This post is to serve as a section for my main post that is growing too long.
Main post: Good Omens 2 - Earthly Objects Main Point of Reference
I won't name everyone, but here are some characters that have some notable play styles.
In Hell, Shax never physically touches an earthly object in the present day until preparing the attack on the bookshop by using the microphone (I think). On Earth, again before the bookshop attack, Shax is always wearing gloves so never making skin contact with anything when she does touch things. She does touch objects with skin contact during the bookshop attack before the demons officially cross the threshold. She seems to avoid it after that. Then she touches the couch when Beelzebub zaps her with lightning in the bookshop. She allows a fist bump with Furfur. Otherwise, she maintains an often stiff posture in her shoulders that suggests a reluctance to touch things.
Maggie's hands are weird.
See her pull her hands back as Aziraphale enters the record shop for the first time. She would have fully qualified as touching something right then with her cell phone...then she doesn't. Then she starts to talk and seems to correct herself by clasping her hands before talking again.
Then later in episode 1, she touches the doorknob. As the camera shows her entering the coffee shop, there's some kind of lighter white aura or something around her hand, and it's transparent enough to see just the doorknob. Things seem to change to an actual touch, then the transparency happens again without the aura. It might even happen a third time. I can't make sense of it. The story seems to count it as an earthly object touch nonetheless. Maggie's hand doesn't do that same thing in episode 6 when re-entering the bookshop.
When she answers Crowley at the threshold of her record shop, the left hand is shown to reach for the door and then fully hidden behind that door. The right is methodically decided to touch her hip at seemingly odd timing. I assume the story counts it as an appropriate touch. Nina will touch her clothes too, but it's going to look more natural.
Mrs. Cheng
Mrs. Cheng looks ready to enter the bookshop without touching anything. It is heavily implied she's touching a pillar. Her transition into the ball is skipped. Overall, she is only ever shown holding a fan during her conversation with Mrs. Sandwich, when she is speaking in English, but otherwise never physically touches anything.
Muriel doesn't seem to quite grasp the rules of the game when they first appear on Earth. They receive some assistance from Aziraphale, then later Crowley during episode 3. The main post goes over what Crowley does in that situation as an example for Rule Following.
The Metatron
Even though this character does touch earthly objects, there is something way off in how he plays this game compared to everyone. It's like he's cheating without realizing it or the story isn't letting him play fully, just partly.
The camera will never let the Metatron show the full use of a doorknob. It cuts away before the door closes in episode 6, both times he enters. It also cuts in after he's already touching the doorknob on his first exit, then doesn't bother showing his second exit at all.
On top of all that, he is not shown to cross over the threshold from the street into the elevator. He's already in. The camera zooms in on a finger that's presumably his at the elevator instead of assuring us that yes, this cheating cheater or not-quite-player pressed that button with that body and that face. The story has plenty of other zoomed touches, but I'm not sure how many such touches are of doorknobs or door handles, which might be the equivalent for that type of object.
His use of pockets is to keep his hands in most of the time and only take one out, not put one or both in with the camera watching, and thumbs are of no concern at all.
Gabriel gets plenty of touches in, and yet, sometimes, he doesn't. In episode 1, he just so happens to drop that box before the cut can confirm he was holding it before it dropped. He's holding that cup with angel wings that just so happen to obscure his fingers in ways I have to question once I know hands have their own complex mechanics. His arm just so happens to not be on the railing, yet so close to it when Crowley comes back.
There are two scenes, one with Aziraphale in episode 2 and one with Crowley in episode 3, where the characters engage in a brief interaction with no earthly object touches at the start of end of the scene. For Aziraphale, it's after he's finished part of the Job minisode memory and admits that Gabriel used to be so awful. For Crowley, it's where Crowley stops just short of actually threatening Gabriel and ends the entire episode with, "It's always too late."
Rule-breaking? If so, they seem like odd choices. They don't stick out as particularly deceptive or as if there's an underlying reason to lack those touches. If anything, they feel honest in their uncertainty.
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About the discussion we've been having on my post about Eddie still having guilt over the tsunami, I think it makes a lot of sense with the way their characters are built, Buck might feel guilt over the fact that he couldn't control his reaction and alerted Eddie of Shannon, Eddie still carries the guilt of forcing Buck to get out of bed and accidentally sending Buck and Chris to the tsunami, Buck never got over anything in his life so he definitely still feels bad for losing Chris, and the fact that they never talked about the well actually infuriates me. The well was such a defining moment in their relationship and they never talked about it. Even without the way the team was treating Buck as a victim's spouse and the way Buck was completely irrational by trying to dig Eddie up, being down there made Eddie decide to give Buck his son. The fact that they never really talked about it is insane, because Eddie changed the very nature of their relationship after that, you can't just offer your kid to some guy you've known for a what? 2 years tops at the time? And never discuss the reason behind the decision (Eddie say i love you like a normal person I'M BEGGING YOU) and they keep going around the edges of the situation without ever looking at it in the eyes and I think they really need to sit down and just... Talk. About everything. Shannon's death, the tsunami, the lawsuit, the well and obviously the shooting and the lightning but also focusing on the feelings that come with watching someone you love going through trauma, not just supporting someone you love through their trauma. I think Buck would even benefit of talking about how he felt when Chris called him when Eddie took a baseball bat to everything he owns. They need to deal with the guilt and all other underlying feelings that exists there.
But since Buck doesn't believe his own worth and thinks he's not allowed his feelings, he thinks he just needs to shove it away (and he is shoving it away per Eddie's request because he focused on his hurt and what he got was everyone he loves mad at him and Eddie basically calling him selfish so he stopped asking in a way, and the grocery store fight is fueled by anger and I don't really think Eddie meant it, he just wasn't used to not have Buck prioritize him and lashed out, but Buck internalizes this stuff, like when Bobby says Buck calls him pops but we never see Buck calling him that because Bobby said they're not a family and Buck internalized the shit out of that) so he won't feel like he's making it about himself and Eddie overcorrects, so when he forced Buck to deal with something, the tsunami happened, he took a step back and Buck filed a lawsuit so dude probably thinks he needs to wait for Buck to come to him with it if he needs to, but Buck won't so they just... Don't do anything about it.
(bottle episode but it's just Buck and Eddie trapped in an elevator discussing their various shared traumas when)
YES THIS!!! EXACTLY THIS!!! I think you summed up pretty much everything I feel about Buck, Eddie, Buddie and guilt.
And you’re right about something else! The thing about them is that they don’t talk - ever - not about the important things, not about the things that matter, not about the things that could potentially unmake them!!! And they know!!!! Like, they must know, right????? That they tip toe around the big things.
So yeah they need to talk! Absolutely, big bottle episode with them trapped somewhere and just unleashing everything they need to say!
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charliedawn · 2 years
How would the slashers react to a nurse with Like 11 siblings?
Pennywise :
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Pennywise was minding his own business when suddenly, he was surrounded by kids who started touching him and playing with everything in his room..At first, he had a hard time staying calm, especially with all those little arms and fingers grabbing and gropping him.
"Nurse ! There's an infestation of rats. Come and take care of it before I do something about it.."
You smiled and then waited purposefully, wondering what he would do next ? You then saw him struggling and trying to get your siblings off him.
He screeched, and it worked for a moment...until they started crying. He panicked as he knew you wouldn't be happy about a bunch of children crying in his room and looked around frantically for something to calm them down. He then had an idea when he saw one of the kids wearing a batman t-shirt and Pennywise disappeared for a second, only to come back with a comic book.
You then watched, stunned when your army of siblings suddenly obeyed and stopped crying. They all sat and waited patiently for Pennywise to begin. Pennywise then sat down on his favorite leather chair and mentally celebrated his small victory as all of the kids were now silent and within reasonable distance. He then started reading to them and you couldn't help but take a picture of the whole ordeal, wondering if Pennywise would smile at you as brightly as he was now for the kids ? You had never seen him so happy...Maybe, you would have to let your siblings come to your place of work more often ?
Pennywise met your gaze and smirked knowingly. Somehow, you were pretty sure he could read your mind ?
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Penny was unsure as to how to handle the situation at first ? He appeared and disappeared, to see the reaction of the kids and if he could scare one or two ? However, they didn’t seem that scared and only laughed before jumping on him. They then followed him around and he had to force himself not to think of how appetising they all seemed. At the end, he got to his special place in the underground cave where a natural stream had formed long ago. His favorite place in the whole hospital, but didn’t count on all the children to follow him. He then entered the water and started swimming around at a fast speed to get his mind off the delicious children..It worked for a while, until he heard one of them above the water.
One of them : "WOW ! It’s so cool ! Are you a mermaid ?!"
He would have choked on water in surprise if he had been human. Fortunately for him, he wasn’t and only raised his head above water to look at the children all staring at him, waiting for him to put on a show no doubt..He smirked. If they thought he would entertain them..They were greatly mistaking. However, he quickly saw their dejected faces and some of them started splashing the water to make him move.
"Come on..Do something, you stupid clown. Move !"
Penny frowned at the insult before getting to them at lightning speed and grabbing the arms of the ones who were disturbing his peace.
"Do you know what happens to bad kids ? They float.."
He then threw the three of them in the pool and laughed while he saw them struggling to get to the surface, but quickly used his powers to bring them back on land. He had sworn to you that nothing would happen to them, he was going to keep that promise. However, he then saw your disapproving face behind them and decided to make an effort. He got to the bottom of the pool to retrieve his juggling balls and started throwing them in the air while walking on water to the greatest delight of your siblings who tried to do the same, but failed. He actually looked as if he was having fun after a while and your siblings even protested when you told them it was time to go home. They all started begging and you were surprised to find Penny among them.
You *sigh loudly before smiling* : "Fine. 5 more minutes..That’s it."
They were thrilled and then started dancing with Penny who seemed genuinely happy to have other people around. For a minute or two, he actually forgot his hunger and you forgot his past. He then disappeared and reappeared behind you.
"Got you !"
He then pushed you and you fell in the water. Your siblings all fell silent in shock before turning towards Penny with tears in their eyes. He didn’t understand until one of them sobbed.
"Y/N doesn’t know how to swim, you idiot !"
His eyes widened at the news and he quickly dived after you. He quickly got you out and you loudly gasped for breath as you held onto him for dear life.
"I’m sorry..I’m so sorry..I got you. I got you."
He repeated over and over, holding you close to him as he jumped out of the water. It took a few seconds for you to calm yourself and even when Penny was sure you were safe and sound, he refused to release you.
"Never..Never again.."
You sighed before scratching the back of his head soothingly.
"I’m okay, Penny..Im okay. I promise."
At the end, he let you go and your siblings all ran to you in tears and you were held by 11 pairs of hands. You laughed as they all were so worried and then looked up to see a very upset Penny who hesitated, wanting to be part of this family hug. You opened your arms wide and his face lit up before he embraced you too and even lift up all of you, which earned him a few happy giggles and screams. At the end, your y didn’t stay mad at Penny for long and you all succeeded in having a good day.
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Arthur was actually surprised when he woke up and saw a bunch of children, staring at him with wide eyes and waiting for..What were they waiting for exactly ?
One of them : "You’re a clown ? Y/N said you were but…You don’t look like one…"
He remembered that you had said something about your siblings coming over..It was today ? He sighed loudly before getting up and going to the bathroom for some privacy. He had just finished his makeup when he heard a scream outside. He opened the door and found that one of the girls had found one of his sharp tarot cards—which he used against Batman sometimes—and cut herself with it. He saw her sobbing and holding her wounded hand. Luckily, it was just a scratch and he just put a bandage on it and the girl stopped crying. Children could really be fragile..It showed that you took great care of them as Arthur would have never cried in front of someone since he didn’t trust anyone, especially not his mother. He then looked outside and saw that it was a sunny day. Perfect.
"How would you like to become strong and tough to impress Y/N ?"
Your siblings looked at each other and finally agreed and Arthur smiled before leading them outside.
A few minutes later :
"Come on, T/N ! Can't you see that you need to hold your stance ?!"
It started as a simple babysitting that turned into full-mode wrestling lesson. Arthur wanted to teach them how to be strong, so life may not temple on them and thought that making them fight would prepare them. But, he then started dancing for no reason and the children finally followed him and when you looked outside, you saw them all dancing in the garden with a smile and took a picture. Arthur can have very weird impulses or reactions sometimes, but it usually means that you would never be bored with him..The children appreciated their day with him, because he is very unpredictable.
Michael :
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Michael was awkward at first, not really knowing what to do with all the pairs of eyes on him. But, he eventually got used to it and only sat down. He couldn't exactly read to them..so, he decided to put on the TV and switch to cartoons so they may all have fun and forget his existence, which they eventually did. However, some of them sat next to him and held onto him or even slept on him, exhausted after spending most of the day with the other slashers. When you arrived, they were all asleep on Michael who was as immobile and stiff as ever, not daring waking up the children. So much, you thought he was asleep too.
You got out your phone and took a picture of the endearing scene, but Michael turned his head towards you when you let out a small laugh. He thought you would actually wake up the kids and free him, but he was wrong. The kids were still sound asleep and you tried to be as silent as possible before taking your place next to your siblings and started taking a nap. Michael looked up and smiled to himself before closing his eyes. He should have known.
Freddy :
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Freddy left. Clearly.
He didn't want to take care of the brats and hid as long as he could. However, he found himself hiding with one of your siblings.
"Get out. I ain't babysitting."
But, the little girl scrunched her nose and replied stubbornly.
"And I ain't done !"
He frowned in confusion before looking at the open notebook on the table and arched an eyebrow at her.
"What are you doing ?"
She sounded so miserable uttering that word that he almost felt bad for her..almost.
"Welp. Good luck with that."
He was about to leave to find another hiding spot when he felt a small hand grab his. He turned around to find the little girl with her eyes casted downwards as she asked, clearly embarrassed.
"Could you..help me ?"
His eyes widened. Him ?! Help her with her homework ?! He almost laughed at her, but surprised himself by agreeing.
"Fine..I guess I could spare a few minutes ?"
A few minutes later :
Freddy was sitting next to the girl and was explaining her things she slowly started to understand. She nodded regularly to show she was following and Freddy found himself actually helping her out. This was when you appeared at the door and was about to call your little sister, but decided against it when you saw how the both of them seemed so focused and Freddy was unusually calm as he was teaching her.
"Here. We already got over that one. 9x3. I told you the little trick to get that one right. 9x2 equals 18 and you start by adding one to the 1 and substract one from the 8..What does that make ?"
Your little sister sticked out her tongue in deep concentration, counting on her fingers before finally answering, unsure.
Freddy smiled proudly and ruffled her hair playfully.
"Here ya go ! Wasn’t that hard now, was it ?!"
Your younger sister smiled brightly and nodded vividly. Freddy sounded so gentle and you couldn’t help but smile. ‘He is really good with kids, isn’t he ?’, you thought to yourself. It was surprising, considering he acted like a kid most of the time..He then noticed you and immediately got away from the little girl with his hands raised in the air.
"I ain’t done nothing, I swear !"
He sounded genuinely panicked and you only arched an eyebrow at him.
"You helped my sister with her homework..It’s more than I’ve been able to do."
His eyes widened and he awkwardly chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Ah ah..Yeah. It’s nothing. Just..math."
You then turned towards H/N and informed her that it was time to go. She seemed about to protest, but knew it wasn’t worth it and only jumped out of her seat to hug Freddy.
"Thank you so much, Freddy !"
He didn’t even have the time to react as she ran away to join her other siblings and you stayed behind to observe Freddy’s reaction and study this new expression on his face. He seemed..happy. However, it quickly disappeared and a dark shadow crossed his eyes as he suddenly stood up and wordlessly went to his room. You wondered why he seemed so angry all of a sudden ?
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Really, Y/N ? 11 ?
He was surprised by the number and had trouble keeping them all under control. He was afraid they were going to actually destroy the hotel..
"No ! Please ! That's an antic ! No ! Don't climb on this !"
He was running left and right and you were afraid he was going to have an actual heart attack. You sighed and were about to help him when you felt a sudden shift in his behavior as he stood straighter and his eyes darkened before he whistled loudly. Suddenly, all of your siblings looked at him, and even you were surprised by how fast he gained their attention.
"Okay. That's enough. Get in line."
Your siblings all obeyed this sudden voice full of authority and you knew it wasn't Norman anymore as he walked and observed each of the kids with his hands behind his back. You felt as if you were assisting to a military inspection as Norman assigned each of the kids with a task to do: cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming, cooking, mowing the lawn..And they all obeyed. You were impressed. You even got the time to do some work and take a long needed break.
At the end, Mama Bates rewarded them by baking cookies and reading them a bedtime story. When you came back, your siblings almost begged you to take them home, but you knew that secretly, they had enjoyed their day. They all said goodbye to Norman who had come back to normal and you smiled.
You would certainly bring them back a few times.
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Five ran as soon as he saw your siblings. Nope. No way he was going to spend the day with loud and noisy children. However, when he saw how desperate you were to find someone to take them for a day, he reluctantly agreed. But, he had to ask for help. And this was how you all found yourselves at the Hargreeves' mansion and with Five's siblings who were all staring at your siblings. You left them alone to do some work and never imagined coming back to find the great hall covered with feathers and and various types of plushes..What in the..?!
You saw one of your siblings hidden underneath a pile of pillows. try to warn you and you frowned, wondering if something serious was actually happening and tried to call for either five of the the other Hargreeves, but too late. Five got up and suddenly threw one of the pillows at you. The room suddenly became very quiet as everyone started realizing who Five had hit.
"Wait..Y/N ! I didn't mean to..!"
He tried to apologize and got out of his hiding place, but you only addressed him a wide grin.
"A pillow fight, huh ?"
You then grabbed a nearby pillow before throwing it back at Five who received it in his face. The Hargreeves and your siblings stood shocked for a moment before they started fighting again. You sided with your siblings and started throwing whatever you could at the Hargreeves until most of them decided to take the kids to eat something away from the battlefield. Five was the most enthusiastic and unwilling to give up as you found yourself the last one standing with Five in front of you.
"Ready to give up yet ?"
He huffed, clearly exhausted and you shook your head with a smile.
"Never !"
He smiled too before suddenly time-jumping above you for a sneak attack, but you predicted it and turned around just in time not to be crushed and put a pillow between the both of you. At the end, you both got your pillows in each other's face and Five finally shouted.
You replied and at the end, he finally indulged and slided next to you, both of your hectic breathing in strange sync as you looked in each other's eyes and finally burst out laughing.
Your siblings and the Hargreeves, alerted by sound, came in and witnessed the strange scene. The Hargreeves smiled tenderly at Five, as it had been a long time since they had last heard their little brother laugh. Five suddenly seemed to remember himself and coughed in embarrassment before getting up and dusting his shorts before helping you up. Allison, sensing Five's need to be alone, shooed the other family members, promising the children cookies and making sure to bring the Hargreeves along. Five, seeing Allison winking at him on her way out, decided to risk a move.
"Want to..Hum..drink something ? Like..in a few days ? When we're alone ?"
He asked awkwardly and after a moment you nodded with a happy smile.
"Sure. That sounds great.."
You then heard loud kissing noises and found Klaus still watching with a large grin.
"Aww...Is little bro finally going to get his first date ?"
Needless to say...It didn't end well for Klaus.
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As soon as Kevin appeared, you knew someone else was in control, even though you had especially asked for Kevin. And by the way he walked and grinned excitedly ? There was no doubt it was Hedwig.
Hedwig jumped in front of them and waved his hands excitedly while some of them hid behind you. The older ones looked at him, their eyes filled with curiosity and one of them even waved back. You weren’t sure if it was safe to leave them with Hedwig..He wasn’t exactly the mature or most responsible one of all the personalities and the way he was staring at your siblings made you uncomfortable..
"My name is Hedwig and you and I are gonna have so much FUN !"
You had promised Kevin to trust them..Your siblings would be fine. But, just to be sure, you would stick around for a couple of minutes. You addressed them a reassuring smile before letting them follow Hedwig as he showed them his room and put on some music.
At first, your siblings hesitated, but soon enough, they were drawn in by Hedwig’s energy and enthusiasm.
"COME ON ! It’s fun !"
Hedwig took one of your siblings by the hands and made him dance up and down with him. You smiled as you saw them all have fun and dance together, and you even saw some of the staff members take a curious peep through the open door.
You opened the door wide and smiled before inviting them in. You then helped Amita in the kitchen to prepare some food and drinks.
When you came back, you were even more surprised to find the slashers and Five at the door, looking from afar and hesitating to join in. You smiled and stood behind them with a tray of sandwiches and took the opportunity to scare them.
Jason and Brahms were startled, but the others only turned towards you with emotionless expressions and sheepish smiles.
"We were just…Huh…"
Pennywise started and Freddy interrupted him.
"F*ck it with excuses ! We want to have fun too ! I’m going in !"
He then took Pennywise’s hand and determinedly stepped inside with him. Pennywise was so stunned, he didn’t even complain as him and Freddy started dancing too. The other slashers still outside looked at you, as if to ask for permission and you smiled.
"What are you all looking at me for ? Come on in."
They all did and the staff members, even surprised at first, didn’t mind after a while. Some even danced with them. You smiled before being dragged into the dancing floor by none other than Hedwig himself. You danced together for a while until Hedwig whispered.
"I know you didn’t think I could do it..Don’t worry. The others didn’t want me to do it either. But, I’m glad I disobeyed, because I made new friends ! See ?! I did it ! Easy peasy !"
You looked around and smiled to yourself as you saw everyone else having fun..You were about to apologise when Hedwig’s grip on your wrists tightened.
"But, doubt us again ? And I may not be so nice next time.."
You looked back at him with widened eyes, but his face was back to his usual and cheerful one.
"Okay ?!"
You gulped before nodding and his hold loosened.
"Good ! See ya, Y/N !"
He then ran until he was out of your view and you felt your heart tighten a little in fear as the words of Hedwig echoed in your head.
"..I may not be so nice next time.."
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'No worries. You can do it, Brahms..They're only kids, tiny and terrifying things that traumatized you most of your life..How hard could it be ?'
That was a snippet of his inner monolog when you announced him you would bring your 11 siblings with you..He thought he would be okay at first. However, he wasn't expecting the fixed stares and the poking as well as the first comment made by your siblings.
"You're weird.."
Well, that was a good start.
He almost wanted to go back in his walls and hide there. He turned to you for help, but you were already gone and he was alone with them. They stayed facing each other for a while, Brahms trying to gather the courage to speak, but failing.
Finally, he had to ask for help. However, nobody was ready to get into such trouble, but Michael finally had mercy on him and elbowed him before writing down on his notepad.
Show them your bedroom..They’ll love it. Trust me.
He didn’t understand at first until he actually showed your siblings and their eyes sparkled.
They were speechless as they saw the numbers of toys, plushies and different kinds of games all around them; he even had rocking horses, art supplies and an impressive amount of books..They all turned towards him expectantly and Brahms suddenly got very nervous as he realised they were waiting for his permission to touch his things..He didn’t want them to break anything, but at the same time, he knew it was for you. He finally closed his eyes and nodded.
The children didn’t need to be told twice as they rushed in and some started reading some of his stories, others used his board games and another handful started drawing on pieces of paper. He was actually happy they were having fun…until one of them found the secret stash underneath his bed and got out a lot of different pearl necklaces, colorful hair clips and pretty dresses he thought were nice. He flushed and tried to get them away from her until all the sibling looked at him with purpose in their eyes and ominous smiles.
"Don’t worry, M. Brahms…We’re going to make you beautiful."
A few minutes later :
You came in to check on your siblings and were surprised to see your siblings not only "relooking" Brahms, but also some of the other slashers..Only one question went through your head.
"…How ? Just how ?"
Freddy looked up and sighed before answering with a shrug.
"I don’t know myself..They’re pretty good at convincing."
The only ones smiling in that room were the children and Brahms. He didn’t seem bothered by it or them actually drawing on his mask, which couldn’t be said for Michael and Jason who were trying their best to get their faces away from the children.
"Having fun ?"
You were answered by a series of giggles and annoyed groans while Brahms grinned widely. It was the first time he was actually fine with being around children and they weren’t as bad as he thought they would be.
The girl who had said that at the beginning repeated, but this time, wrapped her tiny arms around his neck.
"But, he’s a very good kind of weird !"
You smiled widely as your siblings suddenly all hugging Brahms and you could see he was on the verge of tears. He was grateful and was trying his best not to cry in front of the other slashers, but they didn’t seem bothered as Michael ruffled his hair and Freddy shouted.
"The kid finally cracked a smile ! Finally ! I was seriously starting to worry he couldn’t smile at all like the other one !"
Jason glared at him and Freddy raised his hands in the air.
"Hey ! Dont look at me like that ! It’s a good thing ! Now, where’s my damn pedicure, huh ?!"
Brahms laughed and all the other persons present in the room turned towards him as he laughed. He actually had a beautiful laugh: deep and hearty. It made everyone smile and you took the opportunity to take a picture. It would make a good memory.
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dizzydennis · 3 years
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Sonic x Shadow – Cover Story
(Translator notes: These translations are done by me. I am not fluent in Japanese, but I do speak and know the language well enough. I do my best, so any constructive criticism is appreciated. I hope Sonic fans really enjoy this story with the Ultimate Life Form!)
“Mission Street” is a trendy place for businesses and local shopping. The full moon filled the starry sky and on the roof of the store, there was the figure of Sonic looking up at the night sky.
He came here tonight to see a small celestial view.
Per the norm, Sonic had shown up too early. He decided to watch the hustle and bustle on the busy streets below. –Suddenly, he saw a black hedgehog fighting over something in a back alley. It was Shadow!
Shadow is one of Sonic’s most formidable opponents as he can match Sonic in almost every way.
He isn’t necessarily evil, but his cold-hearted nature and stoic personality sometimes entails a sense of danger that pits him against Sonic.
Why is Shadow here?
Sonic felt something was suspicious and jumped down to land in front of Shadow.
There was the wreckage of the military reconnaissance drone known as a “GUN Beetle.” It was destroyed to bits with black smoke and sparks flying out of it. It was very unusual.
Sonic looked on, knowing what Shadow had done.
“Hey, Shadow. Looks like you’re having fun!”
“This has nothing to do with you. Leave me be.”
Shadow disappeared into the darkness the moment he answered the question. Sonic wasn’t far behind. A high-speed chase unfolded as they ran in and out of Mission Street.
They jumped over the roof of a building and ran across the wall. They exchanged some attacks while in the air as they crossed at high speeds in a tunnel. Shadow’s back kick came out at lightning-fast speeds and Sonic had to throw up his arms to block it.
(Am I able to stop it…?)
(Maybe I can just avoid it…)
After a brief struggle, Shadow made some distance and jumped away. He opened his mouth furiously.
“Why are you following me!?”
“I don’t wanna be blamed again for when you do something wrong!”
“Hmph, aren’t you being overly self-conscious? There’s no time for games. I’ll be leaving now.”
Shadow pulled out a flickering stone and Sonic knew… it was a Chaos Emerald.
“Wait! Hold on!”
“Chaos Control!”
A flashing light shined for a moment and when it stopped, Shadow disappeared from where he was standing.
“Chaos Control” …. Shadow’s special ability. He can use the power of the Chaos Emeralds to distort time and space.
It seemed like Shadow was tired from the previous battle. He pulled off that move with the Chaos Emerald, but it was not in good shape. Sonic, now all alone, looked up to the night sky.
--A few minutes later. --
Behind the main road, Shadow was rushing towards an unnaturally large bank. He didn’t make a sound as he created the wreckage of a newly destroyed GUN Beetle right by his feet.
“Hmph, here it is. No doubt.”
Shadow continued to destroy the armored GUN Beetles that appeared from the back of the bank and he made it to the vault on the second floor. He destroyed any guards that fought back. Then Shadow saw something in front of the central vault door.
It was Sonic standing with a smug grin. He was shaking a card key in one hand.
He used the “energy detector” that he borrowed from Tails to locate Shadow. He snuck in from a different entrance.
There were GUN Beetles all over the city. Despite these Beetles being destroyed, it didn’t sound the alarm even though it usually attacks without warning.
Regardless, Sonic thought that something unusual was happening.
Shadow scoffed, “So… what do I have to give you for that card key? Wait… that’s a stupid question. You just want to know what’s going on because this whole situation has piqued your interest.”
With a short, moody sigh, Shadow looked up at Sonic and began to let the details spill.
“This looks like a bank on the surface, but it’s a front. This is actually the source of a weapons research plant. A mysterious power-generating capsule was seized from Doctor Eggman’s base in a previous battle. However, I’m afraid that the weapons aren’t being researched, but rather develop in the city.”
At that point, Shadow continued to slowly walk forward.
“I received a briefing that this capsule was actually a disguised time bomb that would explode at midnight tonight. If this thing goes off, over half the city is going to disappear in the blast. Something seems off here, so I came to check it out. Care you explain why you’re here?”
Shadow stopped in front of Sonic and gave a fierce, questioning look. He held it for a few seconds.
“Do you have nothing to say?”
It was such a sudden development that while Sonic was trying to answer, the energy detector reacted to an abnormally high level of energy. It was coming from the vault.
“I’ll just believe in Tails’ machine!”
Shadow grinned as Sonic swiped the card key through the reader on the door. A heavy metallic noise was heard from inside the vault.
The moment he touched the latch on the door, Shadow stared with an unchanging expression.
The door opened from the inside and many researchers rushed out in a huge, desperate panic.
“Get out of here! It’s going to explode!”
People were fleeing or their lives while emergency sirens echoed throughout the building. Every area around the vault was covered in this noise.
When Sonic and Shadow jumped in, it was much larger than they had expected. The capsule-shaped glass body had a diameter over a meter long and a length of 2 meters. It was protected by an electromagnetic barrier while emitting lights from the connections to the laboratory tables in the back.
Just then, a bunch of GUN Beetles placed in the room took aim at the two hedgehog-intruders and fired.
“I see you really get into your job, Shadow! You’re the bomb!”
Sonic was able to take care of three nearby GUN Beetles in no time. Shadow ran fiercely into the fray. He was electrocuted and hurt from the electromagnetic barrier, but Sonic was able to find the generator and destroyed it to save Shadow.
A ring of light overflowed from Shadow and the Chaos Emerald. It covered the surrounding area. When the flash disappeared both Shadow and the bomb were gone!
Just a few seconds later, a giant explosion occurred far above Mission Street.
A humongous fireball appeared in the sky as if it were another moon. A roaring sound shook the Earth soon after. Sonic jumped out onto a window ledge and saw it while putting out a thumbs up.
Then there was Shadow, who was already outside of the influence of Chaos Control. He looked on with a dissatisfied look. He intended to send the bomb all the way to space. Perhaps he realized the limit of this singular, weakened Chaos Emerald.
Shadow threw the emerald to Sonic.
“Huh? Shadow…?”
“This Emerald is weak! Feels like that fake emerald Tails made. Perhaps if I gave it to a good-natured person, it will get the right powers back.”
Sonic replied with a slightly frightened face while he caught the emerald. He then said, “I’d like to say thank you, but I think I’m gonna pass on that.”
“Why are you still following me?”
Elsewhere from Mission Street, Shadow walked down a deserted road. He grinned as he talked to Sonic, but he didn’t look back at him. Sonic relaxed and put his hands behind his head and talked back to Shadow while gazing up at the night sky.
“I’m the one who needs some answers. When did you become the type of guy who secretly fights for peace for everyone?”
“… I’m not interested in peace, Sonic. Do you know what people are capable of doing to one another? I don’t like the fact that there are such foolish people on this planet. Whether it’s the Doctor or anyone else… and that includes you. Make no mistake.”
They walked in silence for a few seconds as Shadow had a saddened face and Sonic just continued grinning.
“Ok, I get it. I’ll do my best to be careful. But if something like today happens again, I bet there are quite a few people who would wanna thank you.”
“Hmph, that’s crap; that kind of nonsense.”
Shadow reached his boiling point had finally stopped and looked back at Sonic as if to shut him up.
With the lights in the distant city behind them, Sonic stood with his right arm extended and pointing at the night sky while he looked longingly at Shadow. The full moon was shining, but just above it, they could see the “Space Colony ARK” floating by and looking down on them.
Shadow was short of breath when he viewed this spectacle. From under the moonlight, the ARK looked heavenly.
Hope and tragedy rested there. This is the place where Shadow was born. He gained and learned so much, but also lost a great deal there too. An abandoned ruin floating in a vacuum, offering too many complexities to protect this planet.
There’s a time, once every year, where the ARK perfectly floats above the full moon due to their orbits.
Mission Street is one of the best points to see this view. This is the celestial view that Sonic loves so much. As one gazes upon two “moons,” they’re bathed in a warm sea of light.
Shadow continued to look at the ARK silently.
Nobody can know about the memories that crush his heart when he thinks about what happened in the past. But this silence seemed like a clear answer to Sonic.
Sonic lowered his hand that he kept pointing to the sky and then moved it towards Shadow.
Shadow followed Sonic’s movements and saw that he was laughing!
Shadow threw himself away with purpose as he hopped onto his motorcycle. It was a large military bike. Shadow must have had it prepared in advance.
Shadow revved the engine to drown out Sonic’s laughing and remarks.
“Alright, this whole thing is kind of overkill, Shadow!”
Shadow then rode off, full throttle. Sonic was left grinning, but he seemed somewhat disappointed.
“Mission Street” is a trendy place for business and local shopping. The full moon filled the stary sky above. There was Shadow as he passed through the warm lights of the now peaceful city.
There was one small detail that nobody could ever truly comprehend. That a particular “moon” which sat above this lively city, would keep watching over Shadow for the rest of time…
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I love your writing and I recently saw a post of yours about the reader being the God Of Chaos and I was wondering if you could make a part two with characters of your choice, if it’s not that much of a trouble! Remember to drink water and rest well <3
Tysm! I’m really happy to see that a lot of you enjoyed it, and being honest, chaos reader now have a special place in my heart lol
Then let’s write a second part! Hope everyone likes these as well! ( ✌︎'. ')✌︎
Thanks for the request!✨
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[II - HC] God of Chaos! Reader & Genshin Characters
Characters: Bennett, Tartaglia, Scaramouche, Ganyu, Chongyun
Gn! Reader
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
<- First part
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First of all, how dare u
This boy already has a chaotic life for you to arrive and making it worse.
But being honest, it wasn’t intentional, just like always.
Besides he’s a kid. The chaos of a kid + chaos of his bad luck, I mean- how were you not supposed to meet him?
That day was really strange, for the very first time the chaos wasn’t attracted by you, but you were attracted to chaos. Like a moth following a lantern on the street, something that you felt like you had to do, some kind of childish curiosity that guide your way to find Bennett in the middle of his adventure.
Poor boy was charging his pyro attack to max until a barrel exploded near him, he flew in the air waiting for a rough landing before his trajectory sent him where you were standing, still looking for the origin of that uneasy sensation of curiosity.
Luckily for him you could see his shadow just in time to react. You looked up because of the strange silhouette on the ground next to you and there he was, surrounded by a cloud of smoke and fire, with his screams getting louder and louder as he falls.
You trapped him in your arms, with the situation turning even more strange when the first thing he said was “nice catch!” with the bright smile of his.
Like if his hair on fire wasn’t a big deal.
It’s raining men ig
Before you could ask anything, a crowd of angry hilichurls appeared from the same direction where Bennett came at first.
The white haired boy jumped off from your arms and tried to grasp your hand to run away together, but instead you pulled him near and then behind you before rising your hand to the front, pointing the stampede of furious creatures about to reach you both.
Not even a leaf fell from a tree before the hilichurls stopped, all of them felt your presence immediately, the primitive sensation of danger that meant a silent threat. Following the message that another camp of them told long ago, ‘get away from that stranger’.
Bennett was surprised, kind of scared at least. He wasn’t sure about how to call that feeling.
Are you a beast tamer?! Maybe an adventurer that discovered a secret about hilichurl’s behavior! Wait- where are you going? Don’t leave him behind, the doubt won’t let him sleep tonight!
You explained to him that it was dangerous for both to be near each other (more dangerous for him than for you), still you needed to get away. To protect Bennett and the other adventurers that were exploring nearby.
But why? He was so excited about meeting someone who could react that fast and precise! Like the heroes in the legends!
Please show him your ways, he’s begging you, how can you be rude to Bennett? That literally illegal.
When he heard that there was a God of Chaos exploring all over Teyvat like an errant he connected two points (even if there wasn’t a single thing to connect in first place).
You’re like him!
Hello ?? You’re literally ?? the most qualified to be part of Benny’s Adventure Team ??
Negative plus negative is positive, isn’t it? Maybe if you roam near Bennett his bad luck can collide with your chaos to neutralize each other!
You told him that you were leaving after that short conversation, but in reality you just hide from his sights and followed him from behind.
That kid really put you on your nerves, running into danger without knowing. Was that what Zhongli have to deal with every time you visit Liyue?
The old man really deserves an apology.
You’re not doing this an habit, of course not! You’re the all mighty God of Chaos, the ultimate troublemaker! How was even possible to think about wanting to protect a human just because he has bad luck? That’s ridic-
“Watch out!” You had to abandoned your hiding spot to reach Bennett again, pulling him away from the place where a bunch of hunter’s traps were. “Barbatos, why all your children have to be like this?…” You whispered for yourself, actually waiting for a answer, maybe a little too much because you didn’t free Bennett. His feet were just barely touching the ground.
“Oh, it’s you! Hello again!”
Enough of babysitting, that’s it, both of you are heading back to Mondstadt. This boy is a danger for himself, who allowed him to be an adventurer in first place?
After abandoned him in front of the city’s bridge you turn back to the forest, believing that it was the end, even if in the process your chaos took the life of some pigeons nearby.
Next morning you were sleeping peacefully on the branches of a huge old tree, feeling the wind of your bard friend greeting you from the distance.
Then a storm started out of nowhere; your fault.
And almost immediately you heard a cheerful voice below you, calling your name like a lost child searching for their parents.
As Bennett climbs the tree to talk with you a lightning strikes near enough to make both of you jump because of the surprise, falling from the branch and meeting each other on the mud below.
“Sorry, my bad.” Bennett and you said at the same time, to later laugh because of that.
It seems that both are more alike than you would expect
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How do I explain that this guy already knew about you-
As you may suspect, yes, his only reason of wanting to meet you was to fight you.
The first step for taking the thrones of gods is beating one of the youngest, isn’t it? It would be a good start, and you’d be also one of the best opponents he ever fought! The only thing still needed was a way to make you accept his challenge.
Tartaglia’s first try was by attacking you without hesitation, not even a warning, just shooting an arrow for behind and waiting for you to counter. And yes, that didn’t go as planned, the rope of his bow snapped even before aiming.
It wouldn’t be that easy, the distance is always boring for a fight, why not just attacking directly?
Because you learned from Morax that you must not hurt mortals; the reason of your trip was for appreciate the human’s life, to understand why you exist, to have a reason to not end with everything that crosses your path.
To convince yourself that you’re not only destruction.
But it was hard to stay calm if he constantly provokes you to fight back. Always dodging, always running away, always breaking his weapons.
Barely holding yourself to not to break his Vision at this point.
Dodging one of his attacks again you ended up on top of a nearby structure by the side of the road, watching him from above and begging for him to stop for once.
Tartaglia clicked his tongue in annoyance, you would escape again. He was as sick as you of that senseless hunt. Maybe was the stress what impede him to think wisely, because his next strategy was like a death wish.
The water blades disappeared from his hands and, for the first time, he had a casual talk with you. Smiling and waving his hands to look relaxed.
Then he mentioned the incident with Osial, a event that almost became a tragedy. And the only reason you knew about that was because Morax told you about it, about his contract and the reason why he left his position as an Archon the next time you visited him.
It was your fault, isn’t it?
“… what?”
"As you heard! The conditions for summoning Osial was ideal, bringing back a sealed god filled with hatred and hungry for destruction couldn't have been possible if you hadn't been around Liyue that day.” His hand lifted to pointing at you, also smiling as your expression turned into a concerned one. “Oh, our God of Chaos, you were successfully satiated as the catastrophe filled the ocean! Bring us back the destruction, because it's the only thing you ever knew!”
He was obviously just mocking you, but still Tartaglia managed to actually make you think about it.
Your fault. Your chaos.
And even with that, Rex Lapis didn’t seal you or tried to eradicated you like the burden that you are for every nation.
It’s just a matter of time before you destroy all humane existence when you get bored of your fantasy of not being a spirit of chaos.
An infinity of negative and dark thoughts began to fill your mind.
It was sad, it was so sad that the erosion already began to have an effect on you being so young. You were afraid, you were concerned, the stress ate you inside while you tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t like he said.
Your mind collapsed, and you left the wrath take the control for the first time in centuries.
A fight? That’s all he wanted? Easy, that’s easy, just kill him and everything will end. His annoying voice won’t torment you ever again, his words won’t hurt ever again.
It’s easy, so easy. Mortal life is so easy to end.
He’ll defeat the gods, he’ll take their thrones and will witness the world’s end in the final battle he planned since his first encounter with the traveler.
But that day Tartaglia noticed the difference between your strength, it wasn’t huge, neither significant enough. But you were stronger, and it’s well known that wrath and despair can provide extra energy when it’s needed.
The perception of time disappeared, the world did too. Nature, men creation, everything will succumb against chaos, existence itself will be reduce to ashes.
That’s why you exist, to make sure there’s not too much heroes trying to make the nations a boring place. You just need to accept it!
‘There’s no other way?’
The question sparkle inside your mind, bringing you back out of nowhere. There’s a lot of irregularities in the ground nearby, the land was broke for something that impacted with an inhuman strength, even the structure where you step on top was gone, just the remain of a building was left.
And your hands were holding something bland and soft, the warm sensation on your palms and the strange movements caught your attention to look down. Your hands were strangling Tartaglia.
From the other side his hands were trying to remove yours, his strength was minimal, not even able of closing his fingers around your wrist.
A expression full of pain and regretting of his decisions, question by question filling his mind while the air became harder to get.
A broken bow, his Vision has been thrown away. Now it was a human versus a god.
You took a step back, afraid of what you were about to do. You have to stay calm and quiet forever? To prevent catastrophe, to bring peace to mortals? Who’s the one you have to blame for creating you? How you could think that coexisting with humans was possible? Even if you say that you don’t want to make any problems you would stay near them.
“Just… leave me alone.”
Was the last thing you said, a whisper that wanted to apologize for a whole eternity, a regret that couldn’t be forgot. And then you left that place, escaping one last time.
But wait for him, Tartaglia thought, he didn’t need your compassion.
Sooner or later he would have his revenge.
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Finally! With Shogun Raiden’s gnosis on his possession and the all mighty hero of Mondstadt weakened there’s no way things can go wrong for him!
A little delay in his plans, but still a smile remained on his face. Kunikuzushi couldn’t wish for anything else right now.
But you already know what is going to happen next.
In this world exist Murphy’s Law?, because anything that could go wrong went wrong after he claim for victory. Even being far away of the factory it seemed that the karma reached him immediately.
He just got his guard down for a couple seconds, and then, whoshh. Now you see it, now you don’t. The gnosis disappeared from his pocket, not here, not there. The annoyance filled his chest and then a irritated growl came from his throat.
What in the world happened?
Scaramouche looked to a huge tree in front of him, and there you were. On your favorite place to sit, above from everyone else in a branch. Holding the gnosis as the board piece it looks like, playing throwing it up a little and then catching it again and again.
Who you think you are to act that carefree on his presence? If you wanted to die so bad then you could just have asked for it.
Even if he called you and made a question first you counter it with another one, what was he doing with that thing?
You were sick of those who defy the gods thanks to his ‘workmate’.
Scaramouche ordered you to give him the gnosis back, threats and insults came out from his mouth as a distraction; in reality, he was just ready to set the first hit from behind.
But something made him stop just in time when you talked again.
“I don’t care what you are planning, but if it involves the ones who I’m in debt with, you will surely fail.”
“Another clairvoyant? Hah, your type are more words than an actual subject matter, but I have to admit it, they’re also very skill to escape.”
“It was a warning.” You said, throwing again the gnosis, this time to his direction.
Scaramouche reacted in time to rise his arms but in midair something caught the chess-like piece before his fingers. Surprising him again and making the irritation event more unbearable.
It was a tanuki. The same that looked behind a second before running even deeper in the forest.
The chaos isn’t necessary a huge disaster; a little accident, an inconvenient, a failure, it depends time and place to be considered like a catastrophe.
Scaramouche had a killer gaze just for you in his face, in respond you smiled at him, then covered your mouth with both hands to fake surprise.
“What a shame! Better luck next time, gods defier.” Your laugh could be heard all over the woods, like a spectral echo that chased him his way to get back the gnosis.
He got it back after a few minutes of a stressful walk through the forest, found the tanuki dancing on a stone before disappearing again. When he got closer he found that piece, making sure it was the real one and not just another trick.
The following days he received endless reports of Fatui soldiers and entire camps being reduced to rubble aside lost or destroyed materials; it was a higher level sabotage done by who they said was someone of relatively young appearance in strange clothes, the one that enjoyed staring at them until something goes wrong.
Nobody could defeat them, not even get closer. And with that, Scaramouche knew they were talking about you.
Was that what you meant with “warning”? Who are you exactly? Not even holding a Vision, how could you… ?
A quick order was enough to deliver him a book full of ancient legends, part of the Fatui private collection. Texts that were lost and the world had forgotten, his only hope was that you weren't exactly mortal, and if that was the case they could take advantage of your nature.
Hah, he found you.
God of Chaos, a body sculptured by the blood and bodies of the ones who died in middle of the wars. At first they were just a being full of anger and affinity for taking the life of every living being on earth, until the same hand that created them gave them a human heart of their own. Made without any prior basis, without being the remains of the deceased. Something one of a kind, the mortal heart of a god.
When human emotions filled the vessel they were released into the world, to mourn over the spilled blood and to know how everything of their existence originates. Born from the red that stained the fields and being the bud that seemed withered, the same that now has the deepest roots ever found.
Hmm, that brings back some memories…
But hey, that vital energy could be useful.
Don’t be surprised if one day you wake up chained and feeling dizzy as Scaramouche drains your life. You know what? Just wait for it! Running away as you did with that idiot won’t work this time.
Every possibility can be foreseen, every inconvenience can be solved. And if you think that you’re an exception then you’re stupider than you look.
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Bold of you assume that Zhongli didn’t introduce you to everyone the first time you travel to Liyue.
The difference between your meeting was that it had to be really short. Ganyu is always busy so you couldn’t know her better before her duty called for her again.
Obviously you heard a lot of stories of her childhood thanks to Cloud Retainer. The day she knew about it Ganyu avoided you, next week she apologized with you about it. It was very rude, please pardon her.
Such a big sister vibes ngl
An Adeptus working that hard to human’s matters. It was so cool to follow her from a significant distance to see how was her routine.
If you could only live that peacefully near humans without causing any problem! What a dream! The envy was killing you.
Ganyu didn’t mind about you stalking her, the feeling of a companion was always present and she also knew that you had to keep some distance from everybody to not cause any accident. She appreciated your consideration.
Until a soldier from the millelith arrested you for harassment, wait- you’re innocent! Don’t get closer, hold on! Hold on!
The handcuffs broke almost immediately, though.
When Ganyu resolved the misunderstanding she hold your hands to apologize again, it had to be really stressful to be aware of any chaos you could create accidentally.
What if you… wait for her on the surroundings of the city?
Please, she have a lot of work, don’t interrupt her, she’s begging you.
Ganyu thought you heard her request, but she knew that you were just hiding when a window opened out of nowhere and a lot of documents flew away in the room.
You appeared hanging upside down from the other side of the window, jumped down and entered to pick up the documents. You hand her over all the pages and then you leave through the space on the wall.
“… I’ll be in Huaguang Stone Forest… ”
“Thank you.”
Even though you both agreed that you would return to the stone forest, she couldn't help but feel guilty as the hours passed, did you feel like a nuisance? Maybe she should apologize. Again.
When another successful day at work ended, she realized that repeating the same words over and over was not the best way to show her regret. That’s why a better idea formed in his head as she approached the abode of the rest of Adeptus.
Ganyu found you being scolded by Mountain Shaper for unintentionally releasing the trespassing intruders along with other creatures from their amber prisons.
After rescuing you again, she was able to propose her idea to you. With a calm and charming voice she asked you if you would like to learn about Liyue's traditions from the human perspective.
Sure, Zhongli could tell you about the beginning of traditions and festivities, but the way to celebrate them and pay tribute to the Adeptus was something that only a person who had lived among mortals for years could explain to you.
Your eyes shone in gratitude but no words really came out of your lips, kind of embarrassed you said some nonsensical things and then another amber cracked when you brushed its surface.
Mountain Shaper kicked you out without thinking twice.
But hey! The next day your classes on Culture from the Mortal Perspective began! A quick but calm walk through Liyue that got spread when a bunch of kids recognized you.
How could they not remember the person who plays with them every time they get a chance?
Ganyu sat by the side of the road on an empty bench, watching you scamper the children who seemed happy at your mere presence. Like the occasional accidents of a child, the curious and outlandish nature cannot be controlled, only accepted.
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Don’t move! The future best exorcist in the world, Chongyun, will put an end to your legacy of misdeeds and pranks! No evil specter that causes bad luck will survive to-!
Just by lightly tapping with your fingertips you were able to break the seal of the talismans that surrounded you out of nowhere. Pushing back the boy who was convinced that he had beaten his yang.
how dare u interrupt him.
Another of Xingqiu’s pranks? Isn’t this going a little to far? He hadn’t learn about not believing everything his friend says smh.
Let’s just mess with him a little.
‘Measure your words, human. In the presence of the God of Chaos, the first thought that should run through your mortal instinct is to beg for your life, since those who dare to defy them will be punished and displayed as a trophy in the infinity of the abyss from which the catastrophe came out.’
You took a few steps closer to him, while Chongyun kept backing away. The scene was so dramatic that you had to stop when the boy summoned his sword.
Haha jk, nice to meet u.
It's nice to know that there are still such dedicated exorcists out there.
But wait-, so you're not an evil spirit? A God? Why is there a god causing accidents all over Liyue!? That makes no sense! If you think you can deceive him by pretending to be a deity then he shall punish you severely for disrespecting them!
After a detailed explanation of your identity, Chongyun's mood plummeted again due to another failure as an exorcist.
He sat silently on a rock and remained silent, his expression showed so well his disappointed that it made you feel like it was your fault.
Ohno, a sad human child, your weakness-
At the end you sat next to him to listen to what he had to say.
Did he really want to see a spirit so badly? Those things are horrible, wearing strange clothes and yelling all the time, buagh! The thought of it gives you chills. But there's nothing you can do, after all they are drawn to your chaos.
When you finished talking so indifferently about what you lived through from day to day, you looked back at Chongyun, finding his expressive eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief.
Are you a magnet of evil? Chaos and destruction? Demons and spirits alike appear wherever you go?
Then you stopped him, it wasn't something to take so lightly; there’s also the chaos of the butterfly effect, natural disasters, unforeseen events, influencing the mood of evil people, losing your favorite pair of socks-
But you attract spirits, right!? You have to help him! How can you say ‘no’ to that face?
The next day he took you to one of his commissions as an exorcist, a house that had numerous reports from its previous tenants. He stayed outside and asked you to come in first, obviously you refused, if your chaos broke something inside you would have more problems besides the ghosts of the house.
He insisted a little more, it worked. Now you were waiting to feel the presence of some spirit trying to attack you. You could feel it, their energy was spread throughout the building, but still there was no movement. Neither hostility, neither terror, just the presence of a soul.
When it was Chongyun's turn to enter you explained this to him, his yang was also easy to perceive, you could describe it as a blizzard in the middle of the storm. But despite this, that presence didn’t react to his energy, nothing changed.
Then you understand it, your energies neutralized each other. Your chaos and his yang ended in a stalemate that went nowhere.
“I was really hoping to see an actual spirit and not only stay still in the middle of the entrance… “
“Well, I can still curse you. Want to try?” Chongyun crossed his arms, annoyed for your jokes.
“Maybe I should exorcize you instead… ”
“Ohh, so the little exorcist wants a deity to be his personal dummy? Let’s make a pact then. Promise me your soul.”
“I-I thought you said you weren’t actually a demon!”
When you stroked his hair he couldn't help but think about how much he still had to learn, so much so that even the gods were taking pity on him.
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