#like theres a difference between criticism
wc-confessions · 2 years
just saw that rude ask. i hope you're feeling better after that and the rest of the less than polite asks!! it's not like you even did anything wrong? you're just posting asks and asking people to keep names out. it feels unfair they're taking it out on you for wanting to avoid drama
yeah idk ppl can be ridiculous.but thank you sm! so far today has been cool
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nyaskitten · 6 months
Ninjago is actually so good and enjoyable when u don't have an annoying bitch in your ear telling you how much they hate every little aspect of the show and still calling themselves fans.
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ciderjacks · 1 year
why are the takes in this fandom so bad do you people even like what you’re watching actually are you even watching the show Where Are You Getting These Insane Person Takes
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elendsessor · 1 month
one of the worst nocturne takes i’ve ever heard is that the game “has no direction” and that you don’t have any motivation when it’s like
did you play the opening
did. did you. did you fuckin. actually read the dialogue. because kagutsuchi tells you your goal. you’re supposed to discover the legacy of your existence aka what side you end up taking. you’re presented all these scenarios and are asked which direction do you want to take because you can’t conceive your own reason individually. if you could, that would ruin what the game is trying to do.
in general you can’t go into nocturne treating it like a traditional turn based jrpg. how it presents itself is so different that you really need to ditch how you view normal jrpg story structures. it keeps basic stuff because it’s writing 101 but fun fact not every game has a long slow burn prologue.
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buntress · 7 days
lmao we got hate for being pro endo while we were gone, i just like deleted it bc like ✨ ew ✨ but how tf you gonna send hate to a completely inactive blog???? wild
anyways our stance on endogenic systems has not changed <3 if you dislike this, cope away from me. My opinion is firm and will not be changed by a hate comment from someone probably half my age. I gotta make sure my family can eat yo, I do not have time for all that.
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Kay listen I get the whole 'acknowledge flaws and dont tear people down who critique this media' I really do. But like. Flaws are only as prevalent in media as you let them be and they only bother you as much as you let them. Yes, its good to say "yeah. it has flaws" but its valid if you just dont want to dwell on them after that.
If you dont want to see other people critique it then block them. There are always going to be bad takes and objectively bad media. But still like. People are allowed to just not care abt it too. I dont like to sit down and write entire posts critiquing things, if you do thats ur thing but I just...dont care lol. It varies case to case but a lot of stuff just doesn't bother me.
I go "oh. They could've done XXX thing better. anyways" and move on.
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lanayrru · 1 year
not 2 get fake deep on my legend of zelda blog on tumblr dot com but. idk idk idk if this is just me being a party pooper or wtv but. as a lesbian of colour smt just irks me so much about (white) (non sapphic) (cis) people seeing any hypersexualized woman of colour who is "sassy" and "mean" and go oh THATS a lesbian like. i mean the fact that nintendos' brown/black women are ALWAYS mean and sexualized and "sassy" is a whole other issue that im too busy to even start on but. the collective fandom response of seeing these racist and misogynist depictions of women in tloz and not only adopt those same perspectives but hyperbolize them through lesbophobic (and lbr transphobic when it comes to the gerudo esp) talk-points bcs in their mind mean angry aggro sexy treatening (re: brown) woman = dyke . idk.
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guideaus · 1 year
ive been reading nagata kabi's works and i think im relating and idk if its good to read lmao
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ghastbutlikegay · 1 year
i just realized that since i actually deliberately AVOID cartoon fandoms most of the time, having a cartoon blog on the fandom website probably isnt a good idea
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wesawbears · 2 years
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sassygaykuja · 3 months
writers i am taking you by the hands and reminding you to fight the urge to have characters talk like theyre trying to get a good grade in therapy
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ms-all-sunday · 4 months
im proud of my own fanfiction enough to say that i know ive done oplas job better than opla did. i think im able to preserve a lot of the core of sanji and namis relationship while also making it more dymanic AND appearing like it is in canon im able to contextualize more of their relationship enough where i can have scenes where theyre basically written as canon as possible while still remaining realistic and having more of a dymanic?
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mostlikelyshutup · 4 months
not every piece of media you ingest is completely perfect and you are allowed to analyze it in a way that points out it isnt
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I will never understand why people who claim to like a thing whether it be a show or a series or whatever have you then go on to shit on it in the worst possible way. Like I get constrictive criticism but like that's not what happens half the time. Like people will nitpick and just shit all over everything about it and then go on to be like oh I still like it but God is it the fucking worst. Just like enjoy the thing??? Why you gotta hate on it unnecessarily??? If it's so bad then don't consume it??? It's worse when the thing changes. Suddenly those people are all like this isn't as good as before. My brother in Christ if it stayed the same way forever you would have gotten bored and then would have complained about that!!!!
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beltsourcookie · 1 year
anyone who says that they hate financier/caramel arrow is just a lot of homophobic vibes to me
this ships has like 4 active shippers and a handful of fanart?? it's a rarepair?? why the hell are you claiming this ship to be popular when it's literally a rarepair??
theres 80+ blogs/twitter users that produce affo+caramel or clotted+cier fanart?? stop acting like youre oppressed
dont want to be negative on this blog but theres a ton of hatred when trying to search financier/arrow content outside of tumblr where people announce that they hate it like theyre revolutionary for hating a wlw ship
just stop it. this is a underrated couple. a rarepair. to the point that even the shippers have trouble deciding a real ship name. it's just awful behaviour and lesbophobic
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Hate when ppl are shitty abt pda..
#Yes this is abt our last reblog#Who cares if someone is kissing in public leave them alone thanks#Ofc we respect repulsion we just dont accept like. policing pda like that.#Where we live pda is very disallowed even among cis straight ppl. Even cis straight ppl here have gotten violence#Directed at them for pda...#And that influences our views. Not every place is like the united states.#Also my in sys partner who was there in this system far longer than me was raised in a very romance negative and sex negative culture#And it is no way progressive to ban or criticize pda#Don't make literal public spaces unwelcome to ppl istg. ..if you dont like it you can literally just look away#If its a space that belongs to you or youre in close quarters its reasonable to set boundaries#But shut the fuck up if you think random ppl kissing in public is going to mess up childrens heads or whatever#And yes. I have even seen otherwise progressive ppl say shit like that. Its a problem in the aro community too#We're aro and have seen aroaces(and other aros and/or aces) be sex negative and romance negative as hell#And it needs to stop. Theres a fucking difference between calling ppl immoral for making out and saying you don't want to talk about#romance or sex#pda#romance negativity#sex negativity#-💖#emote tag bc we're not open abt our in sys relationships n I feel like#Ppl might figure out who Im referring to as my in sys partner abt based on the tags#vent#negative#Dont clown on this post or derail thanks
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