#like they were during the v4-v6 arc
lacependragon · 6 months
Listen I love the Bees. They're my preferred ship for the both of them. I love the healing and the tenderness and the trust and the giggles matched with the sarcasm and the jokes.
But. But.
I do genuinely believe that sometime around V7, RWBY became a soulless cash grab, and the Justice League movies really, really slam that home for me. And I'm sorry that was when the Bees got all their shit together. The characters could be in a much better story! But they're not, in canon. They're stuck in RWBY.
And RWBY, for me, has sucked since about the midpoint of V7. It feels soulless, out of character, like it's slapping the lowest common denominator in plots, reveals, and characterization, and it's so full of Bathos it's impossible to take seriously without feeling like the actual showrunners are making fun of you for enjoying the show.
I love the characters. I love so much of the lore. But it does, to me, genuinely feel like the last 3 volumes exist just to exist, that everything is solely about money instead of story, and that everything interesting and nuanced about this world has been sanded down and filed off to make nice smooth, non-corners so that everyone in the audience without any reading comprehension still doesn't cut themselves on any sharp edges because none exist.
And that's not even getting into my problem with the way the series handles tone across a single volume and multiple volumes. Which I think has been seriously failing since V5.
There's so much in the modern canon that fascinates me - the tree in Ever After and the concept of Ever After is one of the most interesting things RWBY has done in a while, IMO, but I wish it had been better thought out, better implemented, better foreshadowed. I wish it didn't rely on fairytales we've never heard of and didn't fuck with stuff we already knew without any sort of clarity.
In a lot of series I'd give the showrunners some benefit of doubt, but RWBY has proven multiple times that it doesn't care about clarity of worldbuilding, only coolness factor. So things aren't consistent, and they don't make proper sense, and they're changed whenever the writers think of something better - or that's how it fucking feels.
Not to mention I am still firm that the characters have been acting wrong for a while. Some more extremely than others, but in ways that are convenient to plot and comedy, rather than true to themselves.
If I wasn't so invested. If I didn't love so much. I'd just walk away and let it go. Gods know I've never finished a shit ton of series for that reason.
The problem is I love so much of RWBY and it's hard to just. Be so frustrated with it.
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jj411 · 12 days
My analysis on Bumblebee (Yang x Blake)
To analyze BB we need to look at both Blake and Yang separately at their different arcs. Also we will need to look at Sun for a bit.
I've seen some people say that BB was love at first sight, or it came out of nowhere, or any other thing. I don't agree with those. Let's start by looking at V2.
During the early parts of V2, before the dance, Blake and Yang seem to just be normal friends and combat partners. Which I like. I prefer to see a relationship start as friends and grow deeper over time rather than instant romance at first sight. After a certain point Blake starts to overwork herself which causes everybody to worry about her. Then Sun shows up and was hoping he could invite her to the dance. Sun is very obvious in his attraction to Blake. Yang decides to help out and we get the scene where Yang explains about her mom and how everybody needs a break or they will burn out. She then says she will save Blake a dance and givers her a wink.
Now here is where I think Yang is showing that she is also attracted to Blake. Doesn't really mean love yet, but she is dropping hints of her attraction. Problem is Blake is still too wound up and distracted from White Fang activity so she doesn't seem to pick up on the hints. She goes to the dance and enjoys herself.
We then have that little campfire scene at Mt. Glenn where Yang tries to lift Blake's spirits about her always running away. I don't see this romantic. To me this was just Yang being a good friend and partner.
Now in V3 we don't get a lot until the end. We do get a Blake blushing at Sun early on though. Which shows mutual attraction between the two. But to me this feels more like puppy love, no pun intended. Basically like a high school crush. There is an attraction, but it never went all that deep.
Now we get to the fall of Beacon. Adam attacks Blake and says I will destroy everything you love. Blake hears Yang and sees her; and looks terrified. Adam see's her reaction and says 'Starting with her.'
Now I could be reading too much into, but here is what I think happened with Blake here since she never really showed any romantic thoughts towards Yang before. In this moment, Blake is beginning to realize that she does care about Yang on a deeper level. She just never would have thought about it before because her romantic thought's were on Sun before and she could never imagine her past coming back to attack Yang specifically. These feelings made Blake more aware of what she actually thought of Yang. I could be over analyzing that part.
The fall happens and Yang loses her arm defending Blake. Blake then runs back home with Sun tailing her. After the event Blake's romance towards Sun is basically gone, which to me just supports it was a high school romance type thing. No real depth was there. Now through out V4 and V5 we see Blake think about Yang from time to time. Even Sun brings her up. But Blake's feelings towards Yang is now mixed with a lot of guilt. We know Blake things of Yang on a deeper level, but guilt is now mixed in with that. So it's hard to say just how deep those feelings would really go.
Switching over to Yang, we see her think of Blake from time to time (when she looks at the pile of books). But Yang doesn't dwell on those thoughts too much in V4 as she has to deal with her own PTSD from loosing her arm. We don't get a lot of thoughts on what she thinks of Blake until V5 when she talks to Weiss. Yang makes it clear that she cares deeply for Blake, but Blake really hurt her by running. At this point they both stop thinking about each other as other arcs of the story needs their attention. (Haven and the White Fang attack)
Now we get to V6. The team is back and Blake is ready to jump at a moments notice when it seems like Yang needs something. Yang tells Blake it will be fine, but they will have to get used to things before they hopefully go back to normal. Blake is wanting to help Yang out of guilt and Yang is trying to keep Blake at arms length.
We see that a lot during V6. It especially comes to a head at the Apathy farm where Blake says she will protect Yang, which pisses her off. We learned in V4 that Yang does not like feeling inept. She can still be plenty capable, arm or no arm. To me it seemed like Yang wished Blake would have understood that about her. But they couldn't really talk about as they were on creepy death farm. It wasn't until they both killed Adam where it seemed like they were finally on the same page. Blake wasn't doing things out of guilt anymore and remembers to trust that Yang can handle herself. And Yang felt that trust from Blake.
In V7 we get to the awkward part of their relationship. I feel they each know they like each other but none of them want to really say it out loud. So they do the awkward flirt stuff. V8 had some strong moments and even stronger moments of pining. Then we get to V9 where there were more signs of physical touches until we get to the moment where they both declare that they both love each other.
So where Black Sun felt more shallow and like a high school crush. BB has far more depth to it because of it's buildup and realization from Blake. It's the fact that the relationship came back after Blake ran which is what adds the depth to their feelings towards each other. They were all able to forgive.
This is all just my analysis and I skimmed over some things and may have forgotten other things. But this is just my synopsis on BB's relationship. You may not agree with me, and that's fine. But this is how it looks to me and how I see how it happened. Ramble over.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
This is not to humblebrag or anything but just because I don't trust my own judgement so I'm trying to square it out. Anyway here's a list of things broad narrative beats I've got wrong or didn't expect about RWBY (since watching during V1):
Salem reveal (V3)
Ozlem backstory (V6)
Ruby/Oscar (I didn't pay attention to this one until around V8 - to be totally fair, it's not what one would ordinarily call canon-canon yet)
I thought Cinder was dead at the end of V5 (I own this, I did believe it because it was what other people were saying and I flounced from the fandom and the show hgdoigjdig)
Most recently with V9 I had optimistically hoped for more interesting Jaune development re: Penny, but I dismissed the notion of magical ageing or a literal curse
Here's a list of things I've figured out correctly:
Pyrrha's death (V3)
Qrow not dying (V4 - this one feels significant because I remember reading so many comments/speculation expecting his death, but maybe it was different on Tumblr?)
Ozpin's reincarnation (V4 - not unique but I was pretty set on this in the early volume era)
Spring Maiden!Raven (V5 - I think this was one most people figured out)
Ironwood's fall (V7)
Cinder's backstory (I predicted this back during V1 so you'll have to forgive the gloating)
Emerald redemption arc (predicted in V2 lol); Winter's (this one was probably a gimme, to be fair); Hazel's (back in V5 - but most of the fandom seemed pretty warm to him)
Penny's death (V8 - and yeah back when I was reading fandom speculation this one was rough)
Not sure exactly where to put this, but my money on Blake/Yang had been there since V3. I wasn't a shipper either, which is not to give more credence to my opinion, but that I wasn't inured in the ship fandom
There are probably some I've missed, but I'm just constraining it to major narrative beats and the types of things I think tend to be foreshadowed. Off the top of my head I didn't buy into the implication of time shenanigans with Atlas based on the intro that a lot of people were theorising about and I think that's an example of symbolic interpretation taken too far. I also wasn't sure whether to include something like Jaune's Semblance, which you could sort of predict based on allusion-level things as well as the set-up with his Aura, but it seemed like that was a thing most people agreed upon anyway.
The reason I'm writing this out is because I think that RWBY generally carries pretty intelligible narrative logic, and mostly I wanted to convey where my personal goodwill comes from. Any other story and I'd personally dismiss the notion of Cinder's redemption arc and Jaune/Cinder - and to be frank, if they don't go in that direction then I think most of my goodwill would be lost just because of how it ties into the rest of the story.
Of course I spend time ruminating on what I got wrong, and I think the implication of Salem is evident in retrospect and romantic Ozlem seems like the most reasonable direction they could've taken that backstory. I also readily admit that I've been insecure in my own interpretation and for the longest time, genuinely up until the last couple of years (and I guess it was partly a teenager thing during the course of the show, lol) I pretty much wholesale dismissed my own feelings and interpretations.
Which is obviously something I still struggle with, despite the fact I put forth a pretty polemic thesis. It doesn't help that I've been in some pretty bad fandoms, and it's not like this fandom is exactly welcoming to some of the things I think the story is doing lol.
I guess - from a more impartial perspective, taking my emotional investment out - what I really want to know is where the consistency is or isn't in the narrative, and what it is or isn't good at flagging. You can make the argument most of it's coherent and they decide to do something like Jaune/Weiss just as a joke and to give them both something to do; you can't really account for authorial whimsy, like not at all. But on the other hand, the problem is that the Jaune/Cinder romance is tied up into things I think have serious narrative stakes and potential in the story, which would effectively mean most of the foundation really, really isn't there. I also think that there are things about Jaune/Cinder that make the other romances more understandable (e.g. Ruby/Oscar, certain Adam characterisation) so it's not like you can really read this sort of thing in isolation.
Again, I don't really trust my own judgement and I really bowed to fandom pressure for the longest time. It sounds kind of petty, I know, but I'm used to suppressing my better instincts in general, and that's easy to do in spaces where everyone else is saying one thing and you don't buy it lol.
What I'm personally wondering is whether that gut instinct holds up.
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caddeter · 1 year
V1: plays the role of the POV character and the heart  
So we were seeing Ruby’s perspective in Jaune’s character arc?  Which lasted two more episodes than her arc with Weiss?
V2: is a major part of nearly every fight with the bad guys, and embraces her leadership role
“Embraces her leadership role” When?  When did she do anything as a leader, apart from calling out attacks?
V3: while most of the volume is taken up by the tournament, once  Cinder’s plan comes to fruition she is the character we focus most on
No, we’re pin balling back and forth between each character.  If the show focused on Ruby the most, then it glossed over Yang getting crippled, Blake’s confrontation with Adam, Pyrrha’s fight with Cinder and ultimate death, Penny’s death.
V4: she’s literally the reason team RNJR exists and is heading to mistral
That’s what is known as ‘lip-service.’
We’ve been over this:  Throughout volume 4, Jaune Arc is the only one who mourns Pyrrha.  Jaune Arc is the only one who gets upset with Qrow.  Jaune Arc is the only one to get a weapon upgrade.  Jaune Arc gets treated like a leader during their fight with the Geist.  And then again with the Nucklavee.
When Ruby starts to get some of her emotions off of her chest, she is immediately shot down by Jaune.  And the rest of the scene is focused on Jaune.  That scene wasn’t about Ruby receiving support, it was about Jaune giving it.  To argue otherwise would be to argue that Weiss Schnee wasn’t the focus of her first character arc.
V5: her dedication to fighting Salem despite the lies and fears is what  keeps everyone else on that path. Also helps Oscar deal with the massive  changes in his life.
As before: No.
Dumbass, ‘lies and fears’ don’t come up until Volume 6.  The only ‘lies’ they confronted were their positions around the house.  Where the hell are you getting fears from?  They spent most of the volume waiting for the plot.
V6: is the embodiment of RWBY’s themes of perseverance in the face of  overwhelming odds, in particular highlighted by the apathy arc. Also  learns to focus on protecting life rather than destroying Grimm through  training with Maria,
So she learns to focus on protecting life instead of destroying Grimm...  By learning how to use her powers to destroy Grimm?
V8: is a vital part of pretty much everything. She leads a faction,  opposes ironwood, comes up with the plan to save Penny and the people of  mantle and atlas, and more
She doesn’t ‘save’ Penny.  She manipulated her into becoming human in one of the most insultingly ablest stories ever written.  And all it wound up accomplishing was insuring that Penny could die for realsies
The solution to saving Atlas and Mantle was pretty much handed to her by Whitley.  And all her contribution with the staff did was throw them from on dangerous situation into another.
Atlas and Mantle are now a crater, primarily because of her involvement.
So tldr:
No, Ruby hasn’t been screwed over anywhere near as much as is claimed
We’ve been saying this for over nine years now, drawing up graphs to illustrate character arcs, counting the amount of dialogue spoken by each character (I can’t find it, but Jaune was at least in top five), to recording the amount of time focused on each character.
You’re vague ass statements, most of which require ignoring what actually happened in each volume, ain’t gonna prove shit.
tldr:  You’re a dumbass.  Shut the fuck up.  Get out of our tag.
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Ruby Alone
As you all have seen, since prior to the last episode, I’ve been sharing my thoughts and ideas on the theory of V8 concluding with the “death” of RWBY after they fall “off Remnant and into a mysterious Other World”, as alluded to by Oscar.
While I’m still inclined to believe that theory may become possible given what transpired in this recent episode, in reviewing the RWBY V8 Opening, I noticed something interesting about the visuals again which caught my attention.
During the opening, RWBY falling was hinted much earlier in the theme during these shots right here. It’s these two shots of RWBY’s signature weapons falling through negative space which is later followed up by the opening ending with the weapons landing together on the ground.
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However, here’s the bit that I think is noteworthy that I didn’t take into account before. Although the weapons of all four main girls were shown falling together through space and landing on the ground, not only is Crescent Rose the last one to hit the ground but it is also the ONLY one shown in the final shot of the opening.
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It is also worth noting that the weapons fall in this particular order---first Ember Celica, then Gambal Shroud, then Myrtenaster and final Crescent Rose which ironically spells RWBY backwards.
And going back to my theory about RWBY falling in order....with Yang falling first then this is all starting to make more sense.
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Going back to my point---Crescent Rose---Ruby’s weapon is the only weapon that landed on the ground but didn’t fade to darkness like the others. Instead, Crescent Rose is the only one remaining in the snow on what appears to be Remannt. Keeping that in mind, it’s making me start to ponder an alternative to my V8 finale theory. 
What if…I’m actually mistaken about the whole RWBY team falling prey to the Other World ? 
What if…as an alternative prediction, V8 will end with Ruby as the last man standing and the sole surviving member of her team after the rest “die” to the void?
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Thus; V9 becomes Ruby’s story as she deals with the depression of losing her whole team; all obviously culminating with her eventually reuniting with them in the Other World. But before that, it’s mostly just about Ruby. Not RWBY. But just Ruby since RWBY started with just Ruby on her own in Remnant, trying to become a huntress. She only ends up going to Beacon and meeting and forming her own team due to Ozpin’s influence.
So imagine if...after everything she’s been through these last eight seasons, things just go back to how they were before. Ruby is on her own again. No team to lead. No big sister to guide and protect her (although ALPNE is there of course). No “BFFs” or “future-sister-in-law” on the same team to fuel her spark of hope. She no longer has her main friends by her side.
Ruby will be on her own for the first time in a long time and it becomes just her story for the most part of V9 as she does her best to figure out things all while the rest of the cast who survived the fall---Penny, ALPNE and their allies in Vauco and eventually Vale---try to provide her with the emotional support that she needs in place of the one she lost.
For the first time, the story is not about Ruby having to be the spark of hope to support others but…her friends, at least the ones she still have, coming together to support her for once in a time when she can truly need it.
Like I said. It would be the story of Ruby. Not RWBY. Just Ruby. If you get what I mean.
...And now for a squiggly rant...about Ruby:
One general complaint that I’ve heard from the FNDM about Ruby including Little Red Ruby fans like myself is that Ruby has more or less received the shortest end of the stick in terms of development over the past couple of seasons since V4…despite the fact that she is our central main character who is the leader of our core team with her name literally being in the title. Not to mention that Ruby is also the face of the RWBY franchise. When RT isn’t promoting the whole RWBY team together, it’s mainly Ruby to represent RWBY since of all the girls, she is the main one as the main protagonist of RWBY. At least…she’s supposed to be?
To be blunter, I’m just going to call out the fat Heffalump in the room---Ruby Rose, despite being the leader of RWBY---despite being our title character and face of the franchise---the one characters in the show always turn to since she’s THAT important---despite all of that, Ruby has NOT felt like the actual main protagonist of RWBY for several seasons. Since V4 as some fans like to point out. 
And after closely observing her story over the last few volumes, I can’t help but agree with these critiques and comments of Ruby’s treatment when it comes to her own writing. Even when the CRWBY showrunners DO attempt to do stuff with her---it all falls...flat especially when you compare Ruby to other characters like Jaune Arc, for example, whose stories and overall development were handled much better. At least in my opinion.
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Don’t believe me? Take for example, Ruby’s whole so-called “arc” as a Silver Eyed Warrior. First it was introduced as a new idea for Ruby during the FINALE of V3, then it got abandoned for two whole seasons between V4-V5. Then it got reintroduced back in V6 but was then rushed and dropped yet again for V7 only to be brought up again briefly during V8…kind of?
It’s really telling when you realize that Ruby gained control of her silver eyes despite never truly receiving any actual training from Maria in how to control her powers. Not only that but the showrunners really did Maria Calavera dirty. She was supposed to be the wise old mentor who was a badass in her prime meant to pass down her wisdom to her young eager apprentice who knew nothing of her own unique abilities including its mysterious origins.
Instead Maria didn’t know at all about where her powers originated from until she conveniently met our heroes after the Argus Ltd crash and just happened to be present when they asked Jinn about Oz’s secrets. Instead of being a mentor to Ruby which she was initially propped up to be, Maria ended up being relegated to the Granny Uber Driver of the hero team---no longer the wise experienced ex-huntress whose supposed to be teaching our title character but just a form of transportation who provides the occasional comic relief and support for Pietro Polendina, who she was put to work with…instead of Ruby…her alleged apprentice?
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 Shoot---despite being a Silver Eyed Warrior, Ruby was never even a person of interest for this volume. Despite the main big bad being in Atlas and despite targeting her in the past, Salem…never goes after Ruby again while she’s in Atlas??? Ruby never even meets Salem? Despite…Salem targeting Ruby back in V4? Despite Salem’s history with capturing Silver Eyes? Despite Salem’s connection to Ruby through her mother???
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Ruby is never actively a part of the Salem subplot on Monstra…even though… certain developments left over from previous seasons indicated that she should’ve been?
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Instead…we got to watch Yang accost Salem for Summer Rose’s death after SHE is the one to be on the rescue party to save Oscar from Monstro. Even though…Yang has neither been a person of interest to Salem before NOR has the Xiao Long girl been shown to be a close affiliate of Oscar in the past prior to V8 NOR has the Xiao Long girl actually addressed Summer Rose as her mother since V2???
Up until V8, Ruby has always been the character of focus with all things Summer Rose and Salem and yet…we NEVER saw her meet Salem in the flesh period for this season…at all…???
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Instead; Ruby spends MOST of this season cooped up at Schnee Manor, completely absent from and even oblivious to some of the more dire PLOT stuff that was happening outside of Schnee Manor (such as YJR going into Monstra to save Oscar before the Aces Ops blew up the whale).
Despite her connection to Oscar who became Salem’s prisoner. Despite her connection to Salem through her mother. Despite being a Silver Eye and a former target of Salem. Despite the Hound and what it turned out to be. Despite the showrunners literally teasing Ruby meeting Salem face to face back in V7---WE NEVER GET TO SEE RUBY MEET SALEM IN THE FLESH AT ALL DURING V8 WHILE SALEM IS IN ATLAS???
Salem targets Oscar which makes perfect sense given his connection to Ozma as his current incarnate. But Salem doesn’t target Ruby? DESPITE HER BEING A TARGET OF HERS IN THE PAST? DESPITE HER BEING A SILVER EYED WARRIOR? DESPITE WHAT THE HOUND REVEALED?
Why didn’t Salem send the Hound after Ruby? That would’ve made more sense, again knowing what the Hound actually was? Instead the Hound was sent after Penny which, in my opinion, felt mighty redundant since Salem already had Watts and Cinder Fall dealing with Penny.  
…BUT… with my mini rant aside, those are just a few of the inconsistencies that I’ve noticed in the writing of RWBY in respect to Ruby Rose.
Overall; the point I’m trying to make here is this: for the sake of sounding like a Negative Nancy, I ask this honest question to the CRWBY Writers. How? How can you fumble this much with your own title character? I’m not saying this to come off disrespectful. I’m saying this as someone who has followed the story of RWBY since the get-go and has closely observed the treatment of its characters; particularly the main ones and particularly the ones that I personally love and Ruby is one of them.
Despite being our main girl, Ruby’s writing hasn’t been the squeakiest, admittedly. As a matter of fact, it’s been quite messy since V4 due to the amount of times the showrunners have introduced ideas for her only to abandon them later on thus creating those problems with consistency I mentioned earlier.
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Overall, it’s difficult for me to even say that Ruby is the lead character of RWBY since often times; she doesn’t FEEL like the main protagonist despite the show claiming how important she is meant to be. And this sentiment is due in part to how messy her story is handled compared to other characters of lesser importance.
And it’s a sad thing for me to say as both a viewer and fan of Ruby’s character since Ruby is THE lead main character of RWBY. She’s like the Tony Stark of the RWBY-verse. She’s the one who started it all yet her story is one of the messiest I’ve seen in terms of direction and treatment. At least by my observations since this is just my opinion on the subject matter.
It’s one thing to blunder a bit on your side or even your supporting characters. But to slip up on your lead characters, especially your MAIN one who is the FACE of the show, c’mon CRWBY Writers.
And the events of V8 didn’t help change my opinion. After taking away all the bloat this season had for all the stuff they tried to shove into this one season, I realized that V8 didn’t really do much for Ruby. At least, not as much as I anticipated.
I was hoping that Ruby would’ve been a more focal character for V8 since V7 teased some stuff for her in respect to Salem. Instead, I watched a season where Ruby felt more like a supporting character for Penny Polendina since, in my opinion, Penny received much more focus and better development for V8 while Ruby, our LEAD took backstage to her story.
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Because while Ruby was stuck playing supporting character, she was actively left out of subplots that she should’ve been a major part of. Not just because she’s the “protagonist” but because of elements to her story that were developed seasons prior but seemed to have gotten dropped for V8?
Ruby’s treatment for V8, to me,  is an example of a “build-up with no payoff”. All that stuff between her and Salem and her mother felt like it ultimately didn’t matter in the end because Ruby didn’t even meet Salem. 
Yang, to me, had the development with Salem that Ruby should’ve received.
Shoot---Ruby wasn’t even a thought on Salem’s mind…despite the events V4 and V7???
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I just don’t understand. 
But like always, this is just how I feel about it. I’m disappointed with how Ruby was done for this season. While I liked the moment she shared with Blake in V8CH8 and Yang in V8CH11...that’s pretty much the ONLY thing I liked about Ruby’s story for this season. 
Outside of that, it felt to me like the showrunners didn’t do much with her for V8. In a season of so much happening, the stuff that happened with Ruby on her side of the story didn’t honestly stand out to me compared to what I saw the showrunners do for other characters who aren’t the lead this season.
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It’s not like I’m trying to say she didn’t receive any development at all for V8. It’s more like most of what was done with Ruby didn’t quite stand out to me so it ends up feeling like not much was done for her. 
To me, Ruby falls into the same category as Nora Valkyrie for this season. Despite the PLOT preaching about them getting big developments, if you rock back and actually analyse the narrative, you’d actually see that not much was done for them despite the PLOT “talking the talk but not walking the walk” y’know what I mean?
And going back to Ruby, that’s disappointing since I wanted more for Ruby. I EXPECTED MORE for Ruby as our title lead but it didn’t happened. Instead it felt like some of the major developments that she should’ve received for this season went to other characters while she in turn took a backseat.
Things didn’t really start kicking up for Rubes until halfway through the season when the 100th episode aired and the Hound appeared. And even then the excitement of that reveal was short-lived since...Ruby was NOT the real target of the Hound. PENNY WAS. The Hound wasn’t sent to antagonize RUBY. It was sent for Penny which to me sort of undermines the reveal.
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Some Ruby fans have been wishing for the show to feel more about just Ruby again for quite some time now and it is for this reason why I’m starting to dig this alternative theory of mine with Ruby surviving “The Fall of the Central Zone” alone with the rest of her team lost to the Other World.
While the concept of RWBY being trapped together in another world is still on the table of possibilities, I still wish to toss out this other one too.
I like the idea of a more Ruby-centric season where for the second time in the narrative, she’s separated from her core teammates only this time…it’s in “death” or rather “nonexistence” or “nothingness” since from Ruby’s perspective with her limited knowledge of magic (despite what she does know from Oz and Jinn) and the workings of the world that Ambrosius created, she doesn’t know what truly happened to her team.
The only thing she knows is that she watched her whole team dissipate into nothing before her very eyes and that is the last memory she has of them that haunts her for some time.
Imagine if…V9 will be about Ruby dealing with such a huge loss which could potentially touch more upon how she internalizes death in general tying back into probably flashbacks of her time with her mother before she learnt of her death at a young age.
While I understand we’ve had a storyline with Ruby being separated from her main team before back during V4-V5, however a plot line like this would be different this rounds since unlike before, Ruby at least knew that her team mates were alive. Far away. Separated by distance. But still alive and still a part of Remnant with the hope that she would be reunited with them again.
However this won’t be the case this second time. It would truly be Ruby alone since her team would be gone and no one could provide her with the solace of seeing them again---not even the friends she does still have (although that doesn’t stop some of them from trying to be there for the little red rose who has now lost more than her heart could handle)
I know the off-chance of this theory actually coming to fruition might be scarce. But like many ideas I’ve shared, it’s still worth tossing out since you guys know how this squiggle meister likes to roll.
~ LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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squipedmew · 4 years
what your favorite RWBY character says about you
Ruby - you have written a 20 page analysis about how she is NOT a bland protagonist and meticulously analyze every expression she makes as a sign of her inevitable breakdown.
Weiss - You were either on board since day 1, or joined the Weiss stans during volume 4. either way, you have a soft spot for tsunderes.
Blake - you ship bumblebee
Yang - you also ship bumblebee.
Jaune - either you love his character arc about overcoming Pyrrha’s death and becoming a competent support fighter to help his friends, or you ship him with every female that moves and think he’s a harem protag who gets all the ladies.
Ren - you took one look at the silent stoic but kind teammate and instantly said; “yeah, i want this one.” if you watch my hero acadamia, your favorite character is todoroki.
Nora - you have been frothing at the mouth for more Nora content since v4, and are super happy with how v8 is shaping up so far. if you watch my hero acadamia, your favorite character is mina
Pyrrha - you’re still not over it
Oscar - you either want nothing bad to happen to this kid, or everything bad to happen to this kid. either way, you have a strong parental instinct.
Penny - see the above, only you probably ship nuts and dolts.
Qrow - volume 7 is your favorite volume. You also probably ship fairgame
Ozpin - volume 6 is your favorite volume. You also probably ship ozglyn
Raven - volume 5 is your favorite volume. you probably ship raven x couples therapy
Taiyang - volume 4 is your favorite volume. you also like dads.
Ironwood - you either think he did nothing wrong, or everything wrong. either way, you still think he’s hot.
Winter - either you shipped snowbyrd back in v3, or you jumped on board the winter hype train in v7. either way, you still think she’s hot.
Whitley - you have at least 10 headcanons for how he acts. you also probably ship richfarmers.
Cinder - i dunno what to say here, there are only like 9 of you. sorry.
Emerald - you want a redemption arc SO BAD that if it happens you are going to burst a blood vessel. you probably ship emercury.
Mercury - see the above, but your favorite character from infinity train was probably simon.
Neo - you have been so satisfied with the last few volumes. all you want is to see your fave kick ass and take names, and that’s it. 
Hazel - you lost it at his v8 outfit.
Watts - you’re probably the one behind all the waluigi watts memes
Tyrian - you aren’t here for the plot, or his development - you just want to see this crazy bastard wax poetry and then stab someone. 
Salem - your favorite episode was v6 c3 and you want a big tiddy goth gf
Roman - I'm sorry.
Robyn - you heard christina vee was going to be playing a vigilante woman and you were like: “hot”
Clover - you have bought into the ‘staff of creation theory’ and when you’re inevitably disproven you will be so upset.
Sun - you ship blacksun.
Neptune - you either ship icebergs or seamonkeys.
Coco - you were either FURIOUS about the reveal that she’s a lesbian, or absolutely delighted.
Velvet - you lost it when her weapon was revealed. no hype from the show has ever matched the sheer amount of dopamine you got from that moment.
Yatsuhashi - you like the BFG type characters.
Fox - i have never met a fox stan once in my life but he looks cool so im gonna guess and say his stans also think so too
Ilia - you just want good things for her. And really, who doesn’t?
Adam - you are probably a redditor that thinks his character was assassinated, and by character, I mean the headcannon personality you came up for him in your head. You probably watch hero hei and adel aka.
Summer - you 100% believe she’s the Hound.
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fadedneonzzz · 3 years
My Top 10 RWBY Characters
Because I feel like it, and I’ll give a brief explanation for every character on this list.
First up, Honorable Mentions. In no particular order
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I know it seems lazy to put them all in one, but they’re here for essentially the same reason: lack of meaningful screen time. I appreciate they were amazing in the books, but it’s optional material. Also if it weren’t for Velvet’s popularity, CFY wouldn’t even exist.
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While I do enjoy her for the most part, I feel there are other villains that are way more interesting. I also don’t enjoy villains who act like gods without something else going for her. However she is a master of destroying hope and has a terrifying presence, I will definitely give her that.
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This might come as a shock to many of you as all I do is complain about Neo, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t some kind of charm with her. My distain for her isn’t really her fault as it stems primarily from the FNDM overhyping her along with CRWBY doing the same. I think many people would agree with me that Neo is by far RWBY’s most overrated character. But damn did I love her in V2 and V3.
Blake Belladonna 
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This may also come as a surprise because at one point Blake was in fact my favorite character. But everything about her arc V4 onwards was pretty weak, though V5 was actually pretty good for her, it wasn’t enough to stop her from falling to Honorable Mention status. A lot of what made her interesting is gone, though I still like her a lot.
Emerald Sustrai 
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While I have enjoyed her character since V3, her redemption arc was by far the weakest part of V8 and if it doesn’t continue in V9 or V10, it’ll be one of the weakest redemption arcs I’ve ever seen. On a more positive note, I found her snark to be great and she was probably the second most interesting of the villains around V3. As it stands however, I cannot put her in my top 10.
Now on to the top 10!
10) James Ironwood
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Now don’t worry I’m not one of those crazy Ironwood stans that think he was right all along and RWBY was stupid not to follow his orders, but he was one of the best written antagonists in the show. Seeing him “lose his heart” was one of the most heart wrenching scenes in RWBY because you know he means well, but his methods aren’t. You didn’t want to see him turn antagonistic, but he did, and in the end it’s what causes his ultimate downfall. 
9) Neon Katt
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Nothing really too special, I just think she’s a fun character to watch and I love her bubbly personality. That and she really likes talking shit to people, but wants to be your friend afterwards (after you beat her ass of course). She’s been a favorite of mine since V3 mostly due to her fight with Yang. I hope to god she’s still alive.
8) Jaune Arc
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Ironically he became a better character with worse hair. Honestly, it wasn’t until V7 and V8 where he really started to grow on me. I loved that he grew as a character, I’m glad he’s not fixated on revenge like some of his fans want him to be. He has shown time and time again that he is the most level headed of the main team. It seems now he understands what Pyrrha’s sacrifice really meant and I hope he keeps growing.
7) Winter Schnee
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Thanks to V7 and V8 doing wonders for her character, Winter has become a delight to watch. I can’t wait to see where her character goes now that she’s the winter maiden. I like that she had to change as a person before inheriting the powers. At first she wanted to do it because Ironwood said so, but then she used the powers for something more important. In a way, she cut her puppet strings like Penny did.
6) Ruby Rose
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The thing about Ruby that I’ll always love about her is that she stays optimistic even during the darkest of times. While she may not be as interesting as other characters, she definitely grows and matures which is all I really need. In V6, it was cool to see her take charge after being sidelined in V5. Now Ruby is the light that everyone needs to keep moving forward. She is becoming the heroine she always dreamed of becoming.
5) Nora Valkyrie 
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All I really ask from any character is 2 things: either be interesting or have character growth. Nora represents the latter as for the first 6 volumes, Nora was just there for me. She wasn’t particularly interesting, but not boring or annoying. However that all changed when V7 hit. She showed she’s more than just the comic relief character. It’s also very mature of her to want to find out who she really is, it may have taken a while, but better late than never I always say. She has quickly became my favorite member of JNPR.
4) Arthur Watts
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Also known as Revolver Mustache, is my second favorite antagonist in RWBY. While he hasn’t directly interacted with any of the main characters, I do like his connections to Atlas and the people there. He had a pretty good fight against someone who could’ve easily beaten him. And his voice is amazing. 
3) Yang Xiao Long 
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One of my all time favorite characters since the beginning, I loved seeing her get back up from having her arm cut off and maturing as the series went on. Some of her highlights include her talk with Weiss in V5 where we see a more vulnerable side to her. I liked her final confrontation with Raven as well, and so far she stuck to what she said. Yang might be afraid of Salem and all the future hardships she may have to endure, but she won’t run.
2) Cinder Fall
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In my opinion Cinder is the most interesting character and the best villain in RWBY. Some may disagree with me, but she is just as much of a main character as the heroes. Her story arc is very relatable and compelling. What keeps me hooked to her character is that the writers can go whichever direction they want with the character. It’s rare to see a villain go through character growth that doesn’t (immediately) lead to a redemption arc. Villains are mostly static characters who are for the most part set in their ways, but not Cinder she became a better villain after so many failures. Some hate her because she fails so often, but honestly that’s more realistic than one would think. I’m really excited to see where her character goes in the future.
Now who could possibly top Cinder?
1) Weiss Schnee
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Probably the most consistently well written character in RWBY for the past 4 (arguably 5)  volumes. Even when RWBY at it’s lowest point, Weiss was a joy to watch. I loved how she started off as a cold hearted bitch, but in V4 we found out where it stemmed from. Like her jumping into Yang’s arms after reuniting with her just shows how much she has grown as a person. While it took many of these characters a while to become my favorite, Weiss managed to be my favorite throughout. I also love how she managed to stitch her family back together by the end of V8.
So what do you think of my list? What’s your top 10 characters?
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nexyra · 3 years
for the rwby character asks, whatcha got about Nora? :)
Ooooh Nora !! Thank you for the ask, I wasn't expecting her but this is great, this is gonna be interesting, I'll be organizing my thoughts & realizing how I fel as I go
My fav ship(s) for the character
Basic but I'm obviously very soft for Renora 🥺 The show has given me too much for me to not like it y'know ??? The companionship, the shared past, their easy bond & complicity, how well they complete each other... Nora with her determination and enthusiasm and emotionnal intelligence. Ren who is more level-headed, peaceful but also insightful. MHMMM I dunno if I'm making my case well but yea; I care them ! There's like... only one detail I dislike about their shipping interaction (the unexpected/kind of unasked for kissing at Robyn's rally if anyone is wondering) but otherwise they're very good
Next up is the poly Renorarc, I dunno I just think they're soft. Like; on one hand Ren & Nora are sooo close but at the same time I feel like the show striked a great balance and managed to still really make them a trio and I love their team-moments where they are all grieving or touching or caring for each other. They're neat !! And Nora has the biggest emotionnal intelligence I think, and she takes care of them both so well... She's also a pillar of enthusiasm. I love the scene they have at Pyrrha's statue !
If I have to think of a less common ship, I'll prob go with Gingersnaps, I think Penny & Nora had cute moments in V8; they're both lovely enthusiastic cuties, and thematically they both had an ongoing arc about finding themselves so they're nice together.
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
Mhmmm the least fav is harder already. So; like for pretty much all the kiddos I'll start out by saying that all the ships with adults are a No from the get go. Now to elaborate on the more "feasible" ships...
Candy Cane (Nora x Oscar) is a No from me. They are family, brother & sister strictly, I can't see them any other way ! Nora is the cuddly & overbearing big sister, nothing more >:0 Please let them beee ;;
Other than that, Heavy Metal (Mercury) & ThunderCat (Blake) are both ships that don't really interest me, I don't remember any interesting interaction to bring them together so meh x)
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
Good question ! I'm not sure so let me mull on it for a bit...
I like the Renorarc team both romantically AND platonically they have their spot here...
I really like Nora & Oscar ! She's such a big sister to him it's adorable. In V4 to V6 she's one of the characters who tried to include Oscar the most. Teasing him, hugging him & including him in the convo and the chaos. She's very earnest and open about her appreciation and he really needs that. At the same time, she can bit a tad too much but she recognized that and I liked that. How slowly and softly she hugged him at the start of V8 ;; So yea.
I'm not sure what my least fav platonic relationship would be... I can't think of anyone right now honestly !
My favorite thing about the character
Mhmmm I think I like her emotional intelligence ! Like, we all know Nora is funny and excited and enthusiastic... But I like the calmer & more vulnerable moments; when she recognize Ren's trauma & takes off with him, when she takes his hands and say "I won't let you kill yourself like this." When she tells Jaune "You're not being fair to yourself. We love you, just like we loved Pyrrha.". When she comforts Penny "It's just a part of you, don't forget about the rest."
I just think it's nice when Nora gets to comfort those she cares about, along with protecting them =)
My biggest criticism for the character
Mmmmh good Q too. I don't think I have much to criticize about how they handle Nora's character in general ? Soo maybe more like... how things were presented maybe ? If anything, I guess there are some details that could have been handled better about her relationship with Ren in V7-8. For example, I wish the faults had not been presented as so one-sided. Ren struggles with communication and it was shown clearly. However Nora's "Screw talking then !" and subsequent kissing wasn't any better in term of communication, even though it was taken as a great milestone because "first kiss !!". I personally feel that they both were at faults during this arc ? Ren for bottling up & not sharing his struggles, but Nora as well because she lacked patience and was more concerned by their relationship/where they stood than how Ren was actually handling everything. Does that make sense ? I looooved the second part of their convo in Risk, it was adorable really. But I wish the first part hadn't be so unilateraly accusing toward Ren ? Sorry if I'm like... branching out from Nora it goes together in my head ?? Tell me what y'all think !
When was their writing at the peak according to me
To be honest, I think Nora is peaking right now so I have high hopes for her character in the next season ! As for the why I like Nora right now... I think V7 was good at putting her a bit in the spotlight, with the times she confronted Ironwood about Mantle's situation. It was reminiscent of the harsh times she lived herself, and how she could relate to Mantle as a consequence. As someone who liked V7 Ironwood, I sometimes found her to be a bit harsh but you know what ? It was still a GREAT thing. She can be harsh and go too far. It makes sense for her. Let her be a not 'big picture' kind of character who focus on the little person. It let her fight for what she believed in & what she knew. So I really liked that !
V8 was good too because it acknowledged what some people disliked about her, aka the fact that it was Renora instead of Ren & Nora. Nora needs the room to breathe as her own person, and V8 acknowledged that, it brought to life some of her insecurities and all of it was nice. Who am I if not the overexcited "be strong hit stuff" girl ? That's the question I'm eager to see her solve. There is of course already MORE to her, that she fails to see, but it should still be interesting to delve into.
A song I think fits them & why
Line without a Hook (Ricky Montgomery) for Renora + Walk me Home (P!nk) + I wouldn't mind (He is We) + Would you be so kind (Dodie) + I dare you (Bea Miller) ? (might edit to add more, i want a non-romantic song but it's late & i'm lacking in ideas rn)
A headcanon to make up about them
Nora has a big appetite and doesn't hesitate at the table because she knows what it's like to go hungry. She takes full advantage of Ren's cooking ;)
She's still able to share with her closed ones though
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
MHMMM, apart from what I've said in the criticism section maybe just... mhm... OH YEA ! I'm... well I kind of understand why they did it ig, because they wanted Nora apart from Ren in V8; and I liked Ren's side too much to change it but... I feel like it would have made more sense for Nora to help Mantle instead of Amity in V8 ? Because in V7, Nora was very much in opposition to Ironwood. It was "the little guy" vs "the bigger picture" and it fitted Nora well... But then she chose Amity over Mantle and like. I wouldn't go as far as to call it JARRING but if you mull on it, it's definitely kind of weird.
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2 so/sx
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
Give us her backstory ! I mean I know we got the Renora village backstory but I wanna know what happened to her before. What is it with her mom ?
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Talking about the Bees
Over the years bmblb has given me a mix of emotions that were difficult to explain but I’ve gotten a pretty good handle on them now and I’m kinda just putting them out into the air. Bmblb is a really cute ship; Blake and Yang are aesthetically pleasing together and fans come up with really interesting things for them. Outside of that however, it is a bit of a challenge to enjoy this ship and it comes down two things really.
The first thing is really easy to explain. It suffers from what most ships in shows have where there’s plenty of pairings; it’s gotten so big that it’s constantly louder than most ships. This problem really can’t be fixed all that much unfortunately. For those who don’t get what I’m saying I’ll explain. When I watch RWBY and Blake and Yang do anything together, I instantly know social media is gonna be flooded with it. The fans are all gonna post similar things regarding that clip that everything else about that episode practically gets drowned out. I remember in V5 where countless of people were talking about how Yang was gonna react to Blake in the final episode and not about how she was gonna confront her mother. What makes it seem louder is even during a hiatus there’s no real slow down. Someone can make a post saying “Bees killedAdam” today and it most likely trend higher than an extremely well drawn picture of Oscar. No other ship does this. When major things happen to big ships like White Rose and Renora people eat up for a couple of weeks then move on; they don’t even flood the hashtags really. It’s only Bmblb that has this constant high 24/7 because of the sheer size and energy of the shippers; that’s why it’s super easy to upset the hive; not to mention the Wasps.
The second thing is a bit more controversial but these are my opinions and obviously no one is obligated to agree with me. Bmblb to me does not seemed earned. Like I said, they look cute together but their relationship is really hollow and leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion. It’s like Rooster Teeth made all the plot points but never connected them; some have dashed lines but that’s it. Yang in vol5 was so touchy over the subject of Blake that she lashed out momentarily at Weiss and Ruby. Even after talking about it with Weiss, a lot of pent of emotions were still there and could only be resolved by confronting Blake with them. At the end of the volume I held out hope that her saying they were fine was just because it was the end of the volume. Then we got to V6
It starts of good with their being this awkwardness between them; things aren’t normal yet and that’s good. Next major thing is the barn scene and that’s where the ball drops. Yang getting upset at Blake for her comment about being protected should’ve been the flood gate for a well of deeper problems. Yang should’ve ripped into her about all the pain she’s caused her since V3. Blake didn’t believe Yang during the tournament incident, then she left without a word, now she’s back by coincidence and talking about standing by people when they need help. That aggression she showed Ruby and Weiss should’ve been in full force here while Blake tried defending herself and also getting a angry instead of Yang just leaving; then having her help only Blake a few scenes later. I mean Yang has a golden opportunity to talk about her abandonment issues here.
That argument could’ve caused the both of them to not speak to each other and only be hurt up until the airship mission. Instead of a cute scene of Blake telling Yang how bad stealth she is, replace it with Blake trying to apologize again and clear the air as Yang only listens because as much as she wants to forgive her, she’s genuinely hurt so Blake goes to do her part of the mission without an answer. Then Adam shows up and Yang rushes into action like in the show. Both of them are forced to get their shit together and face the vital reason they are in this emotional situation. The scene plays out as normal about them protecting each other and we have them both break down and crying after they beat him too. They’re both apologizing for everything that’s happened and Yang tells her how much Blake means to her. Now these awkward and cute scenes in V7 feel earned between them and not bait because they have a complete arc.
We know Rooster Teeth can pull this off because they’ve made a complete arc before. Blake met Sun and he started as a stranger she’s into and would help her with or without permission. She likes it until it becomes a problem in V4 where she actively tries shuts him out of her life and is upset that he’s around to the point she hits him. Sun however continues to push the boundaries. This comes to a head where she gets really upset after he could’ve died. Both of them end up having a serious conversation where they air out all of their emotional stress. Then we spend V5 with Blake actively including him and giving him information about her life willing to the point she tells him about Ilia’s past and let’s him know she’s going to meet her.
This payoff keeps happening from that point forward where they have each other’s back and supporting one other until the end of the volume. The two of them confident that they don’t even have to constantly be around each other and that they can handle things separately. Then the arc closes in the beginning of V6. Blake went from hitting Sun and not wanting him around to being sad that he’s leaving her and kisses him on the cheek. Sun isn’t worried about her and trying to stick with her. He knows Blake is where she needs to be and doesn’t pressure her to figure everything out so fast; he respects her boundaries. They had a complete arc.
This is why Bmblb and BlackSun are so aggressive. More fans love Bmblb and they are drowning in evidence that their ship will be canon, BlackSun feels more complete. Their relationship has matured more naturally; the dots connect. There’s just not as many dots at this point. I’m not picking sides or anything because at this point o think Blake should be single and focus on who she is as a person for awhile, which would do Yang’s character some good. Yang has not initiated any meaningful conversation or action with anyone except Blake and her mom. Weiss just happened to be kidnapped by Raven and she also made Yang open up after her lash out. Yang barely talks to Ruby and outside of V1 and their hug in V5 there hasn’t been a real heart to heart with them, but she’s talked with, or about Blake plenty with varying emotions. Jaune is consistent with his feelings. Pyrrha makes him sad and any serious conversation holds a wait of him struggling to press on and slowly getting better because almost everyone has talked to him to help progress his character. Yang is trapped in a bubble talking to Blake and Blake is only allowed to really talk to Weiss if it’s about racism.
I know it’s a bit of tangent but Rooster Teeth is kinda letting this problem bleed over into other characters; especially when it comes to making plot points with no lines. Perfect example we got this volume. Ruby has been in the mindset that she failed to save Penny for like a year and felt crushed about her friends death, yet did not sob uncontrollably learning that her friend was alive. But she cried when she saw her sister, a person she left at home who wasn’t talking to her. If Pyrrha came back you could bet everything that Jaune would be on the floor in tears because it would be weird of he didn’t do that for someone he mourned over. It’s almost like if it’s not shipping related then RT doesn’t care that much but they obviously love Bmblb, yet it’s skeleton of what it should be by now!
That kinda wraps up the basis of my feelings towards the Bees. I really do think this ship is nice but it’s just so lack luster for the amount of people who love it way more than me and for RT to try and sell people on it. I don’t like comparing shows but for anyone who’s heard of The Dragon Prince, season 3 is nine episodes yet the evolution of two characters relationships feels way more natural; also it wasn’t planned from the beginning of the show. If they can do it, Rooster Teeth can too. I say this because I care and want to see the show improve. Like besides Adam, what do Yang and Blake have to talk about? Yang never is in the above faunus oppression. Anytime Blake gets racism thrown her way it’s Weiss that deals with it. Blake and Yang killed the lifeblood their ship was riding on way too long.
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edenszerofan33 · 4 years
The State of BlackSun
Just to be clear, BB is cool, and it's alright if you ship it. But personally, it's just not my cup of tea. And if you ship BB, please don't take some things I say as an attack on your ship.
Now, as the title suggests, I want to talk about the state of BlackSun and our side of the shipping fandom.
As we all know, for the longest time, Bumblebee and BlackSun have been the two largest ships in the RWBY fandom. Both ships have gotten countless fan content ranging from fan-fiction, to artwork. Now clearly, both ships couldn't happen at the same time. So this lead to much intense discourse between our two fandoms.
Countless debates and toxic arguments have been instigated by shippers on both sides. And what made it worse was that both ships had some canon backing, and both were teased by RT. Both of them got their own songs- "Like Morning Follows Night" for BlackSun, and "BMBLB" for Bumblebee.
With all the ground that both ships have, it's no wonder they managed to become the two largest ships in RWBY. However, since the end of Volume 6, the BlackSun fandom has, for the most part, taken the backseat. Fanart and Fan-Fiction are still made for the ship, but they have become fewer and further between, and the fandom isn't as vocal about the ship as it used to be.
Some would say that our ship is losing support, which reflects badly on the state of BlackSun as a a whole. However, I disagree. I don't think our ship is losing support. There are still loads of BlackSun shippers out there. It seems that most are keeping quiet, waiting for them to meet up again in the plot's inevitable move to Vacuo in V9 or the end of Volume 8 (supposedly).
It's bound to ignite a spark, as relationships are bound to be a point then.
BlackSun had way too much build up prior to V6 for it to not be addressed in the plot in Vacuo. During V4-5, the two drew closer and helped develop one another. They helped each other through their flaws, and by the end of it, Blake was sad that Sun wasn't coming with her. She then told him she hopes to see him again, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. That is some serious ship development, too much to just leave hanging. Given that, I think compared to BB's development, it's too much to not have any romantic undertones in their interactions in the Vacuo arc.
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thenamesreader · 4 years
NAME: Jade Belladonna
GENDER: Female
RACE: Faunus
AGE: (V4-V6) 17
(Atlas Arc) 18
(Vacuo Arc) 19
HEIGHT: 5′4″
EYE COLOR: Left: Blue; Right: Green
HAIR: Short and dark blue-green
OCCUPATION: Student at Shade Academy
PERSONALITY: Jade is kind, dorky, mischevious, and witty. She’s also brash and somewhat impulsive.
SEMBLANCE: Boulderdash
It’s basically geokinesis. She’s still learning all she can do with it, but so far she’s been able to cause small earthquakes, make objects out of sand, and throw rocks at people with her mind. She’s also summoned pillars of earth to hit people when she’s annoyed. She can use it for long periods of time but that ultimately drains her and she might pass out if not careful with it.
PARTNER: Sonia Seraph
WEAPON(s): Lapis and Agate- Two twin dust-infused katanas, one blue and the other green, that have retractable blades. The scabbards can be used as pistols.
HISTORY: Jade is the younger cousin to Blake Belladonna and only daughter to Tendua and Bismuth Belladonna. She and Blake practically grew up together. They were always with each other as their family moved from place to place. At the age of 11, after Blake ran off with Adam, her family moved. Her father believed it was the right thing to do since the White Fang was different under Sienna’s rule and he wasn’t too fond about it. She was particularly hurt by Blake’s actions, but she kept her hurt to herself.
After moving to Vacuo, her life seemed to get even worse after discovering that her father had an affair and then her parents getting divorced right after. Her older brother, Sphene, became distant and angry for a while. He claimed he never wanted to see him again. Jade felt betrayed, as well. But despite this, her father was still very involved in her life.
After a few months, her brother applied to Coquina Oscuro Academy to learn how to be a Huntsman. Jade thought it was pretty cool and always asked him to teach her the stuff he learned. After he graduated Coquina, he went off to Shade, while Jade applied for Coquina to follow in his footsteps.
At the age of 16, Jade watched with ever-increasing dread as the Fall of Beacon started while she was watching the Vytal Tournament on live television. First was watching as Mercury Black got his leg broken and then the death of Penny before her mother turned it off. With that, she became even more determined to become a Huntress.
After graduating, Jade went to Shade and passed the entrance exam with flying colors and became leader of Team JSPR. She clicked with her team pretty well, especially Phoenix Soleil and her partner, Sonia Seraph. They soon all became the best of friends, Jade and Phoenix starting a romantic relationship by their second-year.
Jade is currently a third-year at the Academy and works as a teacher’s aid at Coquina during the summer.
Unlike her siblings, Jade still has a pretty strong relationship with her father after their parents' divorce. She knows that he regrets it and wishes he could change it. She was always quite understanding of people and their actions even when they didn’t make sense to others. She gets very excited when he visits and was happy when he told her he was in the dating pool again.
Jade has a stronger relationship with her mother than her father and absolutely adores her. She’s always wanting to help her mother out and always visit home on the weekends to see her since she gets homesick so easily. Her mother has always been a big part of her life and has always been an inspirational figure in her life. Sometimes people can’t tell if the two are mother and daughter or sisters because of how close they are.
Jade loves her older brother with all her heart. She looks up to him so much and followed in his footsteps to become a Huntress. Sphene and Jade might have drastically different personalities- Sphene being stoic and quiet while Jade is loud and brash- they are the best of siblings. Sphene is highly protective, though, and does background checks on everyone she associates with.
Jasper is Jade’s younger sibling. They and Jade get along pretty well. Because they are blind, Jade tends to be gentler with them so they don’t get hurt. While Jas is appreciative, they get annoyed when they feel like Jade goes too far with it. Otherwise, the two have a typical sibling relationship.
Crystal (Crys)
Crys is the youngest of the four siblings and the absolute sweetest. But, he can be just as mischevious as his older siblings. He and Jade love to hang out and he always gets excited when she visits home on her breaks. Because of his deafness, Jade is fairly fluent in sign language and the two use it to talk about people behind their backs if they’re being assholes.
Ghira is another of Jade’s role models. Her mother comments that she gets her stubbornness from him since she and her father are nothing like that. Since she was always around her Uncle Ghira when she was little, she always loved him. When she was younger, she was always trying to wear her uncle’s clothing or imitating his speeches. She sometimes memorized them, too.
Kali is pretty much Jade’s second mom. Jade often thinks that if her aunt hadn’t gotten with Ghira, Tendua would’ve been her perfect match. Kali’s always giving her great advice and is always loving on her. But, unlike her mother, Kali will let her get away with things she would usually never get away with. Like pulling pranks on certain teachers or saying things that she shouldn’t have said.
Jade and Blake are thick as thieves. Jade might’ve been hurt when Blake ran off with Adam, but she still lived her. Once Blake came to Vacuo, she was excited to see her. They act a lot like sisters, too. Blake isn’t afraid to tease her about certain things and the two tend to playfully wrestle with each other, the older of the two coming out on top most of the time.
Significant Other
Phoenix Soleil
Phoe is Jade’s soulmate. These two idiots are always getting themselves in trouble and always have each other’s backs. When one is sad, the other is there to cheer them up. When the other is angry, the other is there to calm them down. They love to be around each other all the time and get somewhat anxious when one has to go on a mission without them.
Sonia Seraph
Sonia is Jade’s best friend and can be highly protective of her because of Sonia’s naïveté. When they had met, they had clicked instantly. Jade was a bit wary at first, considering Sonia was an Atlas elite, but got rid of that wariness when the other girl proved to be quite kind.
Jade really cares about Sonia. An example of that is when Sonia’s older brother died during their first year. Jade had offered to go with her to Atlas, but Sonia had told her that she didn’t want Jade to miss anything. Throughout Sonia’s grieving, Jade was by her side until she felt better.
Sonia’s done the same with Jade whenever she started getting homesick or missing Menagerie, making the two the best of friends.
Rogue Hellion
Rogue was an interesting person to Jade. He’s strange, yes, but he was pretty nice to her. They bonded over their love of animals and Jade introduced him to her dog, Coal, when she went home once.
Domino is Jade’s best friend from Coaquina. Domino didn’t have many friends and was a bit of a recluse. Because of the skunk faunus’ low self-esteem, she was an easy target for bullies. After saving her from said bullies, Jade and Domino became good friends.
Yang Xiao Long
Jade really likes Yang. She thinks she’s pretty nice for Blake. Way better than Sun. Or Adam for that matter.
Ruby Rose
Jade and Ruby get along easily being able to relate to the struggles of being the younger sibling and Jade treats her like her little sister, too.
Weiss Schnee
Jade became quick friends with the Schnee. She was glad that a Schnee was working close with a Belladonna when they met.
Sun Wukong
Jade does not like Sun. She finds him a nuisance and was very upset when learning he followed Blake to Menagerie. She can only tolerate him so much before needing to go somewhere else.
Neptune Vasillas
She doesn’t like him, either. She dislikes him more than Sun because he continuously flirted with her even after she told him he had a boyfriend.
Sage Ayana
Jade seems to get along with him pretty well. They became friends after a patrol mission in the city.
Scarlet David
Jade gets advice about boys and makeup from him. Though, she’s not that into makeup.
Coco Adel
Jade and Coco’s relationship is pretty much that of a fan and a celebrity. Jade loves her fashion sense and is always asking her questions about how she looks that good all the time.
Velvet Scarlantina
After hearing that she was Blake’s upperclassmen, she became interested. Since she hadn’t heard from Blake in years, she wanted to learn everything about their relationship. She was kind of surprised that Blake had left the White Fang and laughed when she heard that her cousin had tied up a whole team of bullies just to help Velvet. Jade is very fond of Velvet and can’t get over how sweet she is.
Jade has dyslexia and dysgraphia. She gets frustrated with it a lot and gets even more frustrated when teachers treat her differently.
Jade might dislike Sun, but she was the one to stop her older brother from killing him.
Jade is not afraid to fight Blake over tuna. She thinks it’s fun to playfully wrestle with Blake.
Jade is terrified of cucumbers
Jade’s glad that Shade doesn’t have gendered uniforms. She always felt uncomfortable in skirts or dresses.
When Jade gets mad, you better run. You do not want to be caught in her sights.
The amount of times Jade’s used her semblance on Neptune are too many to count.
Jade’s favorite colors happen to be orange and purple.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
The Linguistics of Bumbleby III
Alright, we’re on the home stretch, y’all. This is the third and final part and it includes V4-V6 because it didn’t seem worth splitting them into two separate parts. That does mean this one is slightly longer, though, just so you know 😅
Here we have Volumes 4 and 5, a.k.a. the conversations that Blake and Yang have with other people about each other.
One, Blake and Sun's talk in V4C11. This one's fairly simple. Blake says that she loves her team like she never thought she could love anybody, and that she thinks about them every day. Her voice only cracks when she says Yang's name, indicating that though she means all of them Yang is the person she misses the most. 
Two, the initial RWY conversation and Yang and Weiss' talk afterwards. Yang claims not to want Blake around, but then admits that she "needed [Blake] there for [her]." This contrast between want and need highlights that although she’s conflicted Yang would still rather Blake were there if she had the choice. Then Weiss explains why she believes Blake left, giving Yang greater perspective on why Blake did what she did. But this is all fairly straightforward, the noteworthy part is...
Three, Sun's "[...] and I can promise Yang would say the same" and Weiss' "[...] and I'm willing to bet Blake feels the same way." More clear parallels; a friend of theirs reminds Blake and Yang that the other person does care about them despite the literal and metaphorical distance between the two of them. Most striking, however, is that there is no precedent for Sun bringing up Yang here. Immediately before he says that he makes the very romantically charged declaration of "I would do it all again if it meant protecting you"... and then instead of following up on it he kills his own romantic moment by referencing Yang. Combined with the fact that he is flagrantly conflating his own (widely accepted to be romantic) feelings for Blake with Yang's feelings for Blake, this scene is meant to tell the viewer that Sun has realised that Yang has those feelings for Blake, and he wants Blake to be aware of Yang's feelings too so that she can fix her relationship with Yang.
The summary of this third part can be mostly boiled down to: Blake and Yang both pine for each other and are angsty about the idea that the other one doesn't return their feelings, and Sun and Weiss become best wingman and wingwoman respectively.
Okay, we're near the end now, I promise. The last scenes I want to cover are from Volume 6. This section might not go quite as deep with the analysis since a lot of things became much more obvious by this point, but hopefully this part will still be fun with a few interesting observations nonetheless.
One, the conversation on the train in V6C1. Not too much to go over here. Yang is awkward. Blake is awkward. It's a whole mess of awkwardness. But there are two things I would like to briefly touch on.
First, the way Yang says "Blake, you don't have to do that." This line could have been delivered in an angry or bitter tone to show Yang's lingering doubts about Blake rejoining the team, but it isn't. Instead it sounds almost sad, and a little uncomfortable. What the viewer is supposed to take from this line in particular isn't so much that Yang is still mad at Blake for leaving, but that Yang doesn't want Blake bending over backwards and doing things for her to try and make it up to her.
Second, "I'm fine... we're gonna be fine." Yang initially frames her answer only in terms of herself, but then shifts to referring to both her and Blake. It's not just their individual wellbeing she's talking about, it's the state of their relationship. This is an olive branch, if you will, letting Blake know that even if she's hurt she does still want to see if they can fix their bond.
Two, "Good to see you're not rusty." This comment serves two purposes: 1) it shows that Blake and Yang's dynamic hasn't been irrevocably damaged as they're still able to share the playful banter they did before, and 2) it establishes that Yang's still casually flirting a little.
Three, each of them calling out the other's name first in V6C2. In a moment of panic and fear, Blake and Yang are each other's first thought. Take from that what you will, but it emphasises how much they care about each other even after everything that happened during/following the Fall of Beacon. So far all of these moments are telling the audience that there is something to be repaired here; Blake and Yang's connection is presented as weakened, but far from broken.
Four, the barn scene in V6C5. Oh boy, oh boy. First there's Yang answering Blake's "Are you okay?" with "I don't know", which is not at all the same "I'll be fine [...]" she gave Weiss in V5C6 and "I'm totally fine, I'm great" she failed to convince Ruby or Weiss with in V5C8. Even just earlier in V6 when it's in front of the others she tells Blake "[they're] gonna be fine", but when it's just the two of them she admits that none of those answers were true where she didn't with anyone else. Combine that with the fact that Blake starts opening up about what her relationship with Adam was like later in this scene when before she didn't even tell Sun he was more than someone she worked with and only vaguely described what he was like to the rest of the team after Yang's fight with Mercury, and it's pretty obvious that both of them only really feel comfortable discussing their most intimate feelings with each other. Lastly, also compare the sharp "We're fine" Yang gives Blake here to the reassuring "We're gonna be fine" in C1; while this scene demonstrates the strength of Blake and Yang's bond, it is also its lowest point. From here it can either snap completely, or be mended to become stronger than ever, which is what we get starting with...
Five, V6C10 a.k.a. the gayest scene in RWBY so far. This exchange is just as awkward as the one in the first episode, but for somewhat different reasons. It's flirtatious and lovestruck - there isn't really any other way to describe it. Blake is shy and almost bashful; she teases that "stealth isn't exactly [Yang's forté]" then panics and immediately backtracks with "I mean, you're great, and I'll hurry back." It's all totally unnecessary to reach the objective of the conversation (which is just to convey that Blake is going to disable the tower alone) and it can't be reasonably interpreted as anything other than romantic. The most striking part for me, however, is Yang's "Go." It's one tiny word, yet it serves perfectly to make it clear to the audience that by now Yang trusts Blake not to leave again, and not only that but she trusts Blake to leave and then come back. This interaction is needed in order to move their reconciliation forwards so that they are a united front when...
Six, Adam happens. If subtlety was set on fire and thrown out the window never to be seen again before, then now its remains have also been trampled on by a raging bull just for good measure.
Adam is exceedingly open about the fact that he sees Yang as a rival for Blake's love, and hates the fact that Blake has, as he perceives it, chosen Yang over him. He tries to manipulate Yang by arguing that Blake "made a promise to [him] once that she'd always be at [his] side", but when Yang instantly sees through him he resorts to asking Blake if he "just wasn't good enough for [her]" to which she very rightly replies that "it was so much more than that." Adam's jealousy reaches its most undeniable, though, when it culminates in him screaming "What does she even see in you?!" at Yang. It's a phrase that is never used except in the context of romantic interest, and it removes any remaining doubt that this isn't a personal conflict for Adam. It could make sense for him to hate Yang because she's a human, but he never brings that up and instead repeatedly highlights himself that it's her connection with Blake that he despises.
The other part worthy of note here is Blake's "[...] we're protecting each other" speech, which serves as a direct counterpoint to her earlier declaration to Yang of "I'll protect you", and completes their V6 trajectory from the start with Blake's guilt putting them on an uneven footing to this moment in which she recognises that they need to stand as equals instead. (And I'd like to clarify that this issue was never about Blake seeing Yang as weak--heck, her word for her is "strength"--it was about her feeling like she owed Yang something in truth for the loss of her arm to Adam and needing to let go of that unhealthy mindset.)
Seven, the aftermath of the Adam confrontation. It's only a couple of lines of dialogue, but it says an awful lot. The fact that Blake's first instinct is to reassure Yang that she won't leave again or go back on her word when Yang is already holding her demonstrated just how deep Adam's manipulation ran, and Yang's response is equally significant. She could say "It's okay" or "I forgive you", or something else that would validate Blake's guilt in the process of absolving it, but she doesn't. She says "I know you won't", which is infinitely more powerful because it demonstrates that she isn't just offering Blake forgiveness, she's also making it clear that there was nothing to forgive in the first place since Blake's actions were well-meaning and a result of past abuse.
Eight, and last but very very far from least, "we were there for each other." This is the conclusion of this whole arc in Yang and Blake's relationship. This line emphasises that they are closer than ever before, and that they're finally back in a healthy place from which they can move forward.
The summary of this fourth part can mostly be boiled down to: yeah, they’re in love.
Well, there we are, guys. We have reached the end. Sincere congratulations to anyone who stuck around this long, because this got very very long, but I hope it was worth it 😊
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rwbymemes · 5 years
Same anon who sent the ask earlier about your opinion on if bumbleby didn’t become canon. I don’t really care for most ships such as Lancaster that don’t at least have a canon base such as Renora and Arkos. But the Bumbleby fans at this point have become increasingly annoying, toxic, and bashing anyone who doesn’t side with bumbleby and there is proof everywhere.
Well I’m not sure how BS would become canon at this point considering sun will not be in V7 thus no build up of the “relationship” the BS fans claim their ship to have
And sun said to Neptune when they left the station.
“It was never about that Brainiac”
Most sun stans don’t actually understand the meaning of this sentence.
While Yes sun does have feelings for Blake but he KNEW that Blake didn’t need that romantic bullshit during V4 and that she needed was a Consoling friend. But even during V4 sun over stepped his bounds a fair bit. Eavesdropping on her and her dad and stalking (brown cloak and all). He didn’t apologise for any of that. You know who did? BLAKE! So no I do not see any romantic chemistry between sun and Blake. If the writers wanted romantic chemistry between Blake and Sun, Sun should have been the one to search for Blake at the fall of beacon and have his arm cut off instead. That would have given him a reason to actually fight Adam instead of Yang.
But Yang is a much better foil to Adam than Sun is. In fact she is THE foil to Adam’s character. When Blake left Adam he became a delusional fuckwit and stalked her only to try and murder her. Yang was the opposite she fought through her anger towards Blake and forgave her. Also even Adam can see there is more than friendship between Yang and Blake.
And before anyone goes on a rant about
Yeah Blake kissed sun....ON THE CHEEK.
here 2 key points one should take into consideration
1) that was a farewell kiss to the cheek which a lot of friends do to each other. I do it to my male friends, so if the kiss to the cheek means bl*ck sun is canon and they’re in a relationship. I must be in a relationship with all my male friends despite being a lesbian. Also it’s common in a lot of countries where a kiss to to cheek is considered normal when saying good bye and it’s not inherently a romantic gesture.
2) if you look back in V3, V4 and V6 all canon ‘romantic’ couples hold each other’s hand. As hand holding is a very well used romantic trope through many forms of media.
Arkos in V3 where Jaune was trying to console Pyrrha because he was worried about her, and yes Pyrrha kissed Jaune fully it was because she knew she would not win the fight with Cinder thus did not want to regret showing Jaune how she feels, that was the only True Kiss we have seen in show.
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Renora in V4 (the most canon heterosexual couple there is) held hands before the fight with the nuckleavee and when they were on the ship to mistral
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Salem and Ozma V6 where jinn showed team rwby the past and how the two fell in love, Ozma offered his hand and Salem took it and they held hands again when they reunited with Ozma’s first reincarnation.
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Saphron and Terra Cotta-Arc in V6 (married lesbian couple) in the lounge room and while terra was talking to the whole group Saphron has her hand over Terra’s
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You know who else held hands quite frequently recently? I’ll let you have a guess.
But of course I’m just a wasp and hand holding is a thing a lot of friends do. So in reality Ren and Nora are just friends and Saphron and Terra are friends that live in the same house with a toddler and their husbands are away somewhere and are simply catching up with each other. Salem and Ozma simply adopted children with magic powers and are in no way related to them at all.
Honestly if you see Renora as canon, despite the fact there wasn’t much build up between the two. When they just seemed like good friends from V1 to a point in V4, Yet see bumbleby who had so much development between them as just “gals being pals” then please leave. Oh and I would like to see this proof? I mean I have seen YT comments of bs and homophobic individuals hating on people who support BB, seen people here on tumblr actively seeking BB posts and hating on them despite that those posts weren’t tagged at all. I have had that happen to me. I have only seen....like 2 posts where a BB shipper went as low as the toxic bs shippers. But that’s it. We keep to ourselves and rant on our own blogs and not tagging those posts so people can’t see them unless you are already following the person already.
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
A Rosegarden moment I’d love to see...
For the longest while, I’ve been hoping for a parallel to the Rosegarden dojo scene that happened back in V5.
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Back in V5, Oscar asked Ruby how she was able to handle being a huntress despite all that happened to her prior to them meeting with the Fall of Beacon, the death of some of her closest comrades and the division of her and her team and all that jazz.
Since then I’ve been hoping the show would follow up the V5 dojo scene with a nice call-back to that moment with the roles reversed---this time with Ruby Rose being the one to hit Oscar with the same question.
Because here’s something interesting that I’ve noticed about Oscar. Despite everything that’s happened to him, what’s curious to note is that Oscar has remained quite calm throughout every strife he’s faced despite his own shortcomings and fears. Even after being tortured for hours by the enemy and staring their greatest foe in the face before blowing her (and one of their former foes turned allies) to smithereens, Oscar still remains composed throughout everything.
It is for this reason why I would love a scene where Ruby is the one to hit Oscar with this hard question:
“…How does he handle all of this? How can he remain so calm about everything after suffering through so much?”
Picture this, if you will. A scenario in which Ruby suffers an emotional breakdown---like perhaps she becomes too overwhelmed over Ironwood's ultimatum to surrender Penny combined with the fact that Penny was still lying injured and unconscious and now Ruby would be forced to give her up. Essentially Ruby becomes increasingly worried---not just for Penny but also for the scared people of Atlas and Mantle whose lives were now being placed in more danger due to their actions against the General.
I like the idea of there being a second moment of things being "too much" for Ruby to handle emotionally thus leading into an opportune scene where Ruby possibly sneaks off to go off on her own this time to cope with her troubling emotions and rising anxiety on the dire matters at hand.
It is here where Oscar notices Ruby sneaking away and follows her. Remember when I said it would be meaningful if Oscar hugged Ruby? Similar to how he helped her through her repressed emotions back during V5, I think it would be very sweet if Oscar helped Ruby emotionally for a second time given the current development with Ironwood, thus leading to them sharing a nice moment and a tender hug, initiated by Oscar.
And what would make this moment even better is if this also led into Oscar coming clean about his true feelings about everything to Ruby in a way that both comforts and inspires her.
Similar to Oscar’s outburst at Ruby back in the dojo where he reminded her of all of her past troubles and all that was happening around her, I’d love to see something similar where Ruby hits Oscar with the harsh reminder of every horrible thing that happened to him since V4---how he was forced to give up his life to carry out Ozma’s responsibilities and how as a result of that he had to often face the repercussions of decisions that his predecessors made including being kidnapped and tortured by Ozma’s enemies.
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One gripe that I’ve always had with the writing and treatment of Oscar’s side of the story is that up until this point, there have been no emotional payoffs for anything Oscar has been through. No matter how much pain Oscar endures, he always walks out of it calm and completely unphased. Outside of Oz back in RWBY V8CH2, Oscar has never truly opened up to anyone else about how he’s been really feeling with everything.
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This is why I would love a dojo scene parallel where Ruby is the one to bulldoze through the wall Oscar has placed over himself since the start of his journey and finally get him to come clean about his true feelings and fears to someone he trusts. I also wish for Oscar to remind Ruby of why he looks to her so much---reminding her of the same words she used to inspire him back in V5. 
And similar to how Oscar’s intervention in V5CH5 brought Ruby to be honest with herself; leading into an inspiring speech from her highlighting her determination to continue to fight to protect others despite her own fears and problems, I want to see something done for Oscar too.
I want Oscar to say to Ruby that despite his own suffering and his fears regarding the Merge, he was still determined to keep fighting because he still had his promise to keep; reminding Ruby of Argus.
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Back in the Arc-Cotta residence, Oscar promised his team that despite his “borrowed time” he was still willing to do everything within his power to help them achieve their goal of saving Remnant from Salem.
I would love to see a moment where both the dojo scene and Oscar’s promise from V6 are referenced again. 
I think a scene like could be a great moment for both Oscar and his growing bond with Ruby.
And for the added icing on the cake, imagine if…this all took place inside of a garden. Back in V4, Whitley mentioned that the Schnees have a garden on their home premises. So picture how fitting it would be for our Rosegarden pair to share a nice bonding moment in the garden at Schnee Manor.
That could be great. But as always, this is just me spouting ideas. While I doubt anything like this would happen in the canon; you guys know how much I like to just toss this out there. So here’s another Rosegarden scenario concept for my fellow gardeners.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 4
(Top 5 Likes)
Ah, Volume 4. Our first of many things. First volume to be animated in Maya. First volume to take place outside Beacon/Vale. First part of the Mistral Saga. And the first volume in RWBY’s new direction after how V3 shattered the status quo to the point of no return. It had a lot to live up, maybe too much in all honesty. At this point, V4 is kind of in this middle ground I think. It isn’t as loved as V6, but it isn’t as hated as V5. I guess you can say that it’s just average. Personally? I really like V4! It’s an arc about recovery, and it did that very well in my eyes.
But, of course, it isn’t perfect. So let’s go over the Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 4!
#5. Blake Plotline
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Honestly… I remembered hating this storyline back when V4 aired. I felt like Blake had regressed and just could not sympathize with her. I knew why she was acting the way that she was, but it was just… not fun to watch. Especially with how she acted towards Sun, who while I could understand her annoyance at him, her slapping him and such was… really uncalled for. In fairness, some of my negativity might be because of all the shipping arguments going on at the same time, but I remember just not liking Blake at all. It’s Number 5 mainly because of the negative connotations that I had with the storyline.
But… this was the first time that I’ve rewatched it since it aired I think. And… I didn’t have any of those negative feelings. Honestly, I enjoyed it much more than I did back in 2016-17. Maybe it’s just because I know how it gets resolved and that Blake comes back with a vengeance in V5. But still, I w fine with her here. I had a better understanding of why she was acting like he was. Adam came back, hurt her friends, and she ran out of fear and guilt. Of course, she behaved the way that she did. Fortunately, Sun snaps her out of it by the end and she decides to stop running and face her fears. And by golly, does she.
It was a good storyline. We got to see Menagerie. We got to meet Blake’s parents. We got a cool Dragon Grimm fight The captain and his crew were fun. I honestly have no real complaints about Blake’s plot. Not even with Blake herself. It’s only here because I needed a Number 5, and I thought that this was a shoo-in due to how much I disliked it back during the original airing. It doe snot hold true anymore, but still, I disliked it at one point and I couldn’t think of anything else for Number 5. So it is here, but high up since I’ve had my epiphany regarding it.
#4. Oscar/Ozpin Storyline Was Rushed
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It’s hard for me to get mad at rushed plotlines in this volume. Multi-plotlined stories like this are incredibly hard to balance out and it’s even harder to give everyone screentime. For example, Ruby’s development was super subtle because she had to share her time with JNR and then Qrow as well as other plotlines going on. It was there, but it just wasn’t able to be as focused on as other things that needed it. For Oscar, I do think that they did it as best as possible. Very least, they got him to where he needed to be by the end, and that’s better than holding it back and stalling.
But even so, Oscar’s… really gotten the short end of the stick since his intro. They’ve had to develop him very quickly, and it just feels like they’re trying to get through it as quickly as possible. Like they’re skimming through their notes and just putting them in there instead of developing it int he scripts naturally. V6 is the worst offender, but V4 was meant to be Oscar’s intro. We know that he’s a kid who lives with his aunt on a farm and… that’s it. We don’t get to know him as a character. We now things about him. We know of his importance in the story. But what o we know about Oscar as a character? What growth has he had? What do we know about Oscar’s farm life? About his dreams? About the process of realizing that he suddenly had voices in his head?
All fo this goes unexplored. Again, it just feels like they wanted to get it over with. With all the plotline, things really were against the writers and they couldn’t hold this one off until there was a better time to do so. So for V4 at least, I don’t hold it against them and they at least made Oscar likable. And like I said, they got him to where he needed to be, which is better than nothing. Nevertheless, especially with how Oscar still has this problem, it’s annoying to see that they still haven’t improved on this. Will they in V7? Hopefully.. But yeah, ti’s a problem with the Volume so at Number 4 it shall remain.
#3. Mute Cinder
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This didn’t bother me much when I watched the volume. But now that I think about it? This was a misstep. IDK why they decided to do this. I thought maybe Jessica Nigri wasn’t available, but I think I read an interview where she indicated that this had been intended. Really, I think that V4 should have been when we got the Cinder backstory. Where we got a better understanding of why she’s obsessed with power as well as clarify what happened in V3 that got her so beat up. Yeah, yeah, we know that it was caused by RUby… but it doesn’t really align with what we know about the Silver Eyes. But I’ll get to that here in a bit.
To this day, we know very little about Cinder. While I think that there’s enough that one can figure out what her deal is, it’s become a pretty frequent issue among people. V4 had CInder in her worst state, and it would have been good to hear her express how much she hated it. Let us learn about her history from her. Hear her and Salem interact. I still really don’t get why they decided to mute CInder unless it was to avoid going into any of that because they’re holding it off. Hopefully, they won’t be doing that for much longer, because it’s safe to say that people are getting tired of waiting. It just really bugs me now, and I think was utterly pointless and wasteful to do this. And if it was just to not delve into anything… that was a poor story choice on their part.
#2. Lack of Clarity About What Ruby Did to Cinder
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Okay, yes I know that Ruby awakened her Silver Eyes and took down Cinder due to it. But… it doesn’t make sense when you think about it. Ruby’s Eyes only work on Grimm. As far as we know, at that point, Cinder was still 100% human. Or at least if the Spider Grimm she used to get the Maiden powers is inside her, they haven’t really made it clear. But as such, that should mean that RUby’s Eyes did nothing to her aside maybe blind her for a bit. TO be fair, that could just mean that there’s more to the Eyes that we don’t know about. After all, even Maria only knew so much and Ruby awakened it at an emotional moment. So that makes sense.
Really, this kinda correlates into the Mute Cinder thing. I’m still not sure what exactly happened to her. I want some clarity about what happened. Is there more to the Silver Eyes? How will Ruby react to that? Heck, how much is Ruby aware of the damage that she dished out? She’s got no real reason to think that she cost CInder an arm and an eye. I don’t know if she knows, and I guess we won’t until Ruy and Cinder face off and she finds out about the Grimm arm. But you’d think that we’d hear a little bit… but CInder can’t talk and Salem doesn’t go into it. So nope!
This might just be a me thing. But it’s been frustrating me the more that I think over it. I want to now more about what happened. I wnt to hear from CInder about it. I want to see RUby react to it and about her power. Power that she still doesn’t fully understand. Will future volumes do that? Hopefully. But it just irks me since, as I said, we could have gotten some answers here. But we don’t. So yeah, this is a growing annoyance for me, and I hope that they resolve it sooner rather than later.
#1. The Multiple Plotlines
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Again, this kind of feels unfair. On the one hand, the multiple plotlines clearly caused problems. Not everyone could get equal attention or screentime. Some parts like Oscar had to be rushed. It was a difficult balancing act and while I think that it could have been worse, it came with consequences. There were pacing problems. Some stories felt more satisfying than others. Some characters felt more developed than others. A lot of this is subjective and in general, RWBY’s plotlines I thought were fine. But the villain stuff was meh and Oscar’s was by far the weakest and both with the writing and in the execution. but needless to say, it’s generally agreed that Mile and Kerry got a little too ambitious here. Even they’ve said it, which is good since it means that they’ve learned from it.
It’s hard for me to say if the split plots was a bad idea. Because it was good for individual character growth. I think that they all made considerable progress, even if some like Yang didn’t get as much screentime as say RNJR. And I do admire Miel and Kerry experimenting and at least trying. Fear holds us back a lot, and that stifles creative growth. In the end, even if the experiment failed in their eyes, I’m glad that they did it. V5 arguably suffered due to it, but again they tried and grew due to it. I can respect that. But still, it did cause problems. Maybe more than they were prepared for. As such, I’m going to put it at Number One.
And there we go. Luckily, the Likes list will be coming out sometime tonight. So thanks for reading, and hope that you’ll check out the next post~!
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
This one is probebly simpler to answer but possibly now but, which of Salem's faction do you think is close to a point they might be kiled off? For me Hazel is currently safe atm, Cinder is neutral point she already had two fakeout deaths but possibly still has some plot. It is a toss up between Watts and Tyrian given both have a point that could be there end. Watts being executed by Ironwood as a show of force to Salem and Tyrian's desire to please Salem by recapturing Ruby.
Hello again Crystal. That’s actually another good question and I do agree with you on your predications to some degree.
I believe Hazel will be kept around since there is still some unresolved business between him, Oz and Oscar. I have a feeling we could potentially get a rematch between these three characters. Not to mention that as of V6, there also seems to be a growing connection between Hazel, Emerald and Mercury. Particularly Emerald. I quite liked Hazel’s display of empathy towards Emerald where he was willing to sort of take the full brunt of the punishment from Salem for their---well technically Cinder’s failure---at retrieving the Relic of Knowledge during the Battle of Haven.
I feel like this could potentially lead into Hazel becoming a sort of fatherly older brother type character for both Emerald and Mercury. Both of these kids have been victims of not having a proper support system throughout their lives with Mercury being a survivor of child abuse at the hand of his own father and Emerald never having a family to begin with. Not to mention that Hazel still has his own inner demons to heal from regarding the death of his sister. This is why I love the idea of there being more potential moments for these three---Hazel, Emerald and Mercury---to bond since I can actually picture the prospect of their relationship being exactly what they need in a sense.
Mercury never felt the love of a devoted parent---particularly one that’s male. I can easily picture Hazel filling that void since he practically had to be both an older brother and a father figure to Gretchen. He definitely acted like one during his outburst at Oscar back at Hazel.
“…She was only a child! She wasn’t ready!”
I’m actually curious to see how Hazel would react and treat Merc upon learning his backstory of abuse. The same could be said regarding his response to learning that Emerald has never had a family before and had no one (outside of Cinder) to look out for her. Bottom-line, what I’m getting at is that I think a strong family dynamic could develop wholesomely between Hazel, Emerald and Mercury. Through Emerald and Merc (or at least Emerald), Hazel could potentially have a second chance at being a better big brother by looking out for the two teenagers partnered to work with him (to some extent). So yeah, that’s where I see Hazel’s story potentially going along with him making amends for his relationship with Ozpin through his connection to Oscar (maybe; not sure).
Regarding Cinder Fall---to be honest, Cinder could go either way for me at this point. For me, Cinder could either live long enough to see herself overthrow Salem and become an even bigger threat to Remnant than the Wicked Witch (see my Red Queen Cinder Fall headcanon right here and here) or…she can succumb to the Grimm inside of her and practically transforming into inhuman monster in the process. I can’t help that feel like Cinder’s descent will come at the hands of the very Grimm arm that has now fused completely with her body. Notice how back in V7, during her clash with Winter  Schnee, even after Winter had succeeded in cutting off Cinder’s Grimm arm, rather than the arm just falling limp to the ground, it regenerated back into the place on Cinder’s body.
It was like watching a lizard grow back its own tail. The Geist Grimm arm has become so integrated with Cinder’s biology that she’s able to regenerate it---rather painfully--- at will. I can’t help but feel like that right there is a clear foreshadow either for Cinder’s rise or fall. Like I said, Cinder could either end up surviving yet again and ascending to become a powerful Grimmoire (half Grimm, half human hybrid) to overthrow the likes of Salem and take her place as the new Red Queen and leader of the Grimm (after pilfering Salem’s magic in the process)…OR…she could lose what little shred of humanity she had left---finally giving herself fully to accept the full power of the Grimm that’s become a part of her; literally becoming an abomination of man that our heroes will have no choice but to slay.
Cinder could either live or die in my books and it can work either way. I just like the prospect of her overthrowing Salem and becoming a worst final boss than her more intriguing than her being killed off. But that’s just me.
Regarding Arthur Watts---not going to lie; apart from Hazel, Watts is the second member of Salem’s Inner Circle who I legit like and wish to believe in his redemption. The way how I see it, Watts could either end up being redeemed through begrudgingly offering to aid our heroes for his own self-preservation upon learning the full truth about Salem and her intentions with Relics or…he’ll just spend the rest of his years in prison to make amends for his actions against Atlas or something along those lines. I believe Watts could possibly live through the potential Fall of Atlas. But again, this is just my opinion.
This leaves Tyrian Callows. Again, I’m going to be honest, I think Tyrian could be the one most likely to be next on the chopping block in regards to main villain deaths. For me personally, the only fitting death I can picture befalling Tyrian is if he were to die somewhat ironically.
What I mean by that is… imagine if…Salem was the one who ends up killing off Tyrian in the end or rather, it’s a case where Tyrian fails in his mission against our heroes and he becomes so distraught at the mere thought of dying by Salem’s hands as a result of failing her a second time that the Scorpion Faunus just offs himself.
Picture it…Tyrian is given another opportunity to redeem himself for failing to capture Ruby Rose. But he ends up failing a second time after being thwarted by the combined efforts of JNR and potentially Qrow Branwen. Maybe it’s even a case where Tyrian does succeed in capturing Ruby and our little red rose is literally whisked away to Salem’s castle by a Winged Beringel while Tyrian is left to fight Ruby’s allies and prevent them from going to save her.
That could be another interesting take. Even though Tyrian is defeated and possibly killed, Ruby still becomes a prisoner of Salem to some degree. That’s another cool thought for the table of potential possibilities.
Going back to Tyrian---a part of me wishes to believe that Jaune might contribute to Tyrian’s official defeat. In V7CH5, Vine suggested to Jaune that he should try ‘extending his aura’ and this was followed up in the next episode---V7CH6--- when we saw Jaune training with Nora while Oscar observed and kept check of his aura levels on his Scroll. As remarked by Oscar, Jaune was able to recover and replenish his aura levels immediately after taking damage.
“…Nice. Your recovery is getting faster…”
Bearing that in mind, I have a feeling that that little detail is going to come back at some point during V8 particularly in respect to Tyrian Callows. In V7 CH7, during the attack on Robyn’s election victory party, we saw that Tyrian was able to use his semblance to cut through an individual’s aura. If it’s been established that Jaune is able to quickly recover his aura then currently, everyone’s favourite Arc boy is the only one who has an edge over Tyrian.
At the moment, Jaune’s semblance is the perfect counter to Tyrian’s since even if the Scorpion Faunus is able to cut through Jaune’s aura, his attempts will be proven futile since Jaune will just recover his aura immediately after taking damage. Thus, my hunch now is that Jaune may play a part  in Tyrian’s ultimate defeat. I think the only way for Tyrian to truly go down for good is through death considering the fact that his whole backstory has been him constantly evading capture.
To stop a cold-blooded killer, you basically have to kill the killer, right?            
I’m also curious to know if we’ll have Qrow getting a chance to enact revenge on Tyrian for killing Clover. After all, it was his own weapon that Tyrian heartlessly used to murder Clover and frame the Branwen man for his death. Wouldn’t it be the most fitting karma if Tyrian receives his comeuppance by having Qrow blindside him and cut him down from behind using Harbinger, just as how he did Clover.
I’m not saying that I’m all for Qrow murdering Tyrian---I guess what I’m more picturing is a better rematch against Tyrian that parallels the events of V4 where he made his first appearance to the RNJR group. During that encounter, RNJR was completely powerless against Tyrian leading to Qrow’s intervention.
Personally I’m digging the concept of a reverse parallel to V4. In that season, we saw Tyrian fail to capture Ruby for Salem resulting in him being defeated by the efforts of Qrow who came to his niece’s aid after her and JNR were overpowered by Tyrian.
In V4, it was Qrow who came to RNJR’s aid when Tyrian arrived to take Ruby. What if…for V8, it is JNR who end up coming to Qrow’s aid after Tyrian succeeds in capturing Ruby?
Picture it. Perhaps…it’s a scenario where Qrow was out doing reconnaissance alone in Mantle with only Ruby. However things take a turn for the worse when Tyrian leads an ambush against the two. If I recall correctly, Qrow was inspired by the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. Well in the Wizard of Oz story, I remember there being a part where the Scarecrow is ripped apart by the flying monkeys who were successful in capturing Dorothy for the Wicked Witch of the West.
Perhaps… there could be a RWBY equivalent to this in V8 where Qrow gets brutally injured during an ambush by Tyrian Callow who leads his own army of Winged Beringels, resulting in Ruby being captured this time as a powerless Qrow could only watch helplessly as his niece is whisked away to become Salem’s prisoner.
As for Tyrian, he arrogantly stays behind to finish Qrow off and further mock him over the events of Clover’s death; ultimately leading to Jaune, Nora and Ren all arriving in time to save Qrow this time; just as how he saved them in V4.
I think that could potentially be a neat scene to see; dontcha think?  
Tyrian facing off against Nora, Jaune and Ren again alongside Qrow---I’d love to see that. Heck yeah! I’m definitely digging the idea of Tyrian facing off against a stronger Team JNR who actually give him a good run for his money this second round; especially Jaune with his semblance.
I like the notion of JNR succeeding in defeating Tyrian with Qrow getting his chance to finally cut Tyrian down for what he did to Clover.
Basically what this squiggle meister is trying to say with my jibber jab is that I don’t expect Tyrian to survive for another volume.
Of all the villains in Salem’s army, he’s the one I expect to see go down next; more so than Cinder Fall since I’d like to believe there is a sliver of a chance that Cinder could survive long enough to see herself rise higher and succeed beyond the likes of even Salem. If Salem is the Black Queen then I am 100% on board with Cinder becoming the Red Queen equivalent to that; becoming a more heartless, blood-thirsty and monstrously power-hungry threat beyond the likes of what Salem set in store for her. I’m all for the satire of Salem basically creating her own worst enemy in Cinder. Consider me a firm advocate for that headcanon.
Beyond that, my money is on Tyrian to be offed next. As for how he’ll die, that’s anyone’s guess. If I had to picture it, I can see Tyrian going out one of two ways. Either Salem is the one to kill Tyrian or… Tyrian commits suicide in a twisted ‘I’d rather kill myself than face the anguish of crawling back to my beloved goddess after failing her a second time’ type of deal in the event that he does fail to capture Ruby a second time.
As weird as that may sound, imagining the look on Tyrian’s face at the prospect of being killed by Salem makes me curious. Tyrian literally worships Salem so how would he feel if she was the one to kill him. Will he be genuinely stunned or will it be another example of him accepting everything in the name of his divine goddess; even if it meant his own death.
Or…since I brought up the prospect of Tyrian succeeding to capture Ruby for Salem…perhaps…it can even be a scenario where, after Tyrian is defeated and completely overpowered by the efforts of JNR and Qrow, knowing that there was an off-chance that the heroes might use him against Salem to find Ruby, Tyrian commits suicide out of spite; thus eliminating the group’s only chance at finding and rescuing the captive Ruby.
This could’ve been a cool idea if Ruby was taken all the way back to Salem’s castle in the Dark Domain and since the members of Salem’s inner circle were the only ones who knew the whereabouts of where Salem resided, finding Ruby would be a wild goose chase---granted that Salem kept her alive long enough for her comrades to save her.
When I look at it like that, colour me intrigued because these concepts aren’t bad to ponder on. But again; this is just me once again putting my thoughts and ideas out there. 
Overall, I hope I was able to answer you again Crystal. Please let me know if I did with your thoughts on my thoughts, thanks.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)  
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