#like this pleaseeee
fairyboygenius · 2 months
everywhere, everything
simon “ghost” riley x original female character
a/n: hi guys! i’m so excited to start this fic. allie is so??? one of my favorite ocs i’ve ever made, to be honest. she’s just perfect to me i fear. her and simon are gonna be so hhhhh anyways enjoy the fic!
no warnings for this chapter except for simon acknowledging he’s a little weirdo and implications to the fact that graves fucking sucks
fic under the cut love u mwah
Time isn’t real anymore, Allie’s decided. How could it be? After a transatlantic flight, plus a train ride through the English countryside, the world seemed fuzzier, cool breeze almost soothing her to sleep.
“Look alive, Bishop,” Kate Laswell gently chided, bumping Allie’s elbow with her own. “We’re almost there.”
Allie bit her lip, the words “are we there yet?” on the tip of her tongue. It’s nowhere near professional to whine to your soon-to-be boss about the journey she took for you. No matter if you’ve known that boss for seven years and been through absolute hell together. After a certain point, professionalism dissipates.
“You said that after the plane. And after we got lost in the Underground. And after King’s Cross. ‘Almost’ implies a degree of soonness.” Allie knew she was being unnecessarily literal. Jet lag wore away any pretense and spoons to mask.
Kate shook her head, a smile creeping at her features. “Eat your dinner.”
“Yes, mom.” Allie sipped her water, putting her headphones back on to try to enjoy the train food. Kate huffed, a fond-yet-annoyed expression on her face.
“Lola doesn’t seem to mind the long ride.” Kate laughed as the black lab nudged her hand, tail thumping restlessly against Allie’s leg. “You’re being a good girl, aren’t you?”
Allie ran an absentminded hand over Lola’s head, giving her a quick scratch between the ears. “You sure they’ll be okay having her on base?”
“She’s your service dog. Not like they can say no.”
“They can, actually. I looked it up. Even though I’m in a non-combat role, she can be removed-“
“-If there’s reasonable threat to your or her life,” Kate finished, giving her a comforting smile. “No one’s gonna take her away from you when you’re doing your medic duties. You need Lo to do your job and do your job well. Everyone’s getting briefed about it right now. If anyone gives you hell about it, you come to me.”
Allie nodded. “You know I’m not good with confrontation.”
“But I am.” Kate smiled. “Those boys shouldn’t give you hell- half of ‘em would probably meet the criteria for a diagnosis themselves. If you need space, unless you are actively doing surgery or in a literal war zone, you have permission to go to your room and take a breather. Anyone fights you on this, you can come to me. Got it?”
Allie nodded again, leaning her head against the train window. Lola rested her head on her human’s thigh, and Allie stroked her head absentmindedly. Letting the feeling of Lola’s fur between her fingers ground her.
Kate sighed, taking her other hand. “I know things didn’t go well for you with the Shadow Company, and everything with Philip…”
“Can we not bring him up?” Allie winced, sipping more water. “He’s dead. It’s in the past for me now. And I don’t really want to talk anymore, if that’s alright.”
Kate nodded, content as Allie put her headphones on and closed her eyes. The twinge of maternal concern on her face disappeared soon after, and she turned back to her book as they inched closer and closer to base.
“Captain, a fifth member o’ the team? We’re not enough of a headache for ye?”
Price shook his head, rolling his eyes fondly. The three of them sat in front of him, on the overstuffed common room couch. Johnny was twirling a pen between his fingers, Kyle couldn’t really keep his eyes off his phone, and Simon… well, Simon was just staring into space.
It had been an okay day for him, so far. A good workout, above average meals. Paperwork seemed less burdensome, or maybe his brain was finally embracing the distraction it provided. The scars from his recent mission in Russia were healing well.
Then Price had called them in.
“Lads… calm down.” Price was massaging his temples. Clearly, Johnny had forgotten to take his meds that morning. “She’s gonna be our resident medic- and yes, it’s a bird, the fraternization rules still apply.” He took a drag from his cigar. “Laswell sent over a whole presentation on ‘er. They’ve known each other for a while, apparently.”
“We’ve got a whole medbay, can’t we pluck one of them to be a 141 specialist?” Kyle leaned back on his elbows. “No offense to her.”
“Laswell would like to introduce a new person. The hope is for you to bond with her because she’ll be living on the 141 floor, participating in workouts and team bonding and she’ll be going on missions with us. We’ve noticed that you lot tend to put off medic visits or not go to the medbay when you need to, so having an on-team medic will hopefully reduce the amount of bigger health problems that spiral from you lot ignoring smaller ones.”
“You’re just as bad as the rest of us about that,” Simon scoffed.
Price grumbled. “Guess this is for me too, then.”
“So tell us about ‘er.” Soap leaned forward slightly, looking up at the screen. “What’s her name?”
Price clicked to the next slide. A picture popped up- a redhead, body luxurious and full, a black labrador puppy on her lap. Her smile was a bit shy, brown eyes shining as the puppy licks the side of her face. Simon’s eyes traced over her features, across her broad shoulders and collarbone, down over her breasts- the black tank top she’s wearing in the picture has a low neckline- and to where the photo ends, her bare thighs crossed as she sits. He swallowed. Shit.
“This is Lieutenant Allison Bishop- she goes by Allie,” Price said. “Laswell’s known her since she was 19, when she graduated basic. She is autistic and struggles with loud noises, so she likely will have some form of hearing protection on when we’re in the field. The puppy is Lola, who’s now Allie’s service dog- she’ll travel with us, and has her own hearing protection. Allie’s getting her own room, obviously, and bathroom, but she’ll share schedules and meal times. When we’re in mission-specific training, she’ll be working in the medbay and helping out where they need it. We can’t hog her forever.”
Like hell we can’t, Simon thought.
“Can we pet the dog?” Gaz looked so excited, Simon could almost sense the mood shift. Price sighed.
“Afraid that’s a negative,” their captain said. “Lola is working when she’s with Allie, and unless Allie gives you explicit permission to, you can’t pet her.”
“Pet Allie or Lola?” Simon can’t resist asking.
Price groaned. “Neither without the explicit permission of Allie.”
“So when’s she gettin’ here?”
“She’s on the train from London to Hereford with Laswell as we speak. She’ll be probably be all moved in and ready to work by tomorrow morning.” Price sighed. “From what Laswell said, she’s not exactly the most outgoing person around new people, so she may get overwhelmed and be kind of closed off at first. It may take her a bit to really warm up to us besides just simple kind professionalism.”
“Oi, Cap’n, dinnae worry about tha’.” Soap grinned. “We can be whatever she needs.” He winked, and Gaz faked a gag. Simon just groaned, reaching up to rub his own temples.
“Oh, real mature,” he grumbled. “We dismissed?”
Price nods. “Behave, lads. I’ll see you muppets at breakfast.”
They walked out of the common room together, headed towards the hallway that stored all their rooms. It would be an early night- a luxury, Simon was well aware, not often afforded on the field. He was fully ready to settle in with a book and a glass of bourbon when he saw the sign on the door next to his.
Welcome, Lieutenant Bishop!
Fuck. He was gonna stay away from her, give her some space to accommodate to the new environment first before making his move. It’d be the nice thing to do, after all- let ‘er settle in, get into a routine, hopefully not scare her off with his whole… thing. (He’s nothing if not self aware.)
But if she was right there… they’d be running into each other in the hallways. He could probably walk her back and forth from their rooms, seeing as she wouldn’t know her way around the base. Maybe even invite her in for a cuppa, or a drink if they clicked… not that Simon was any more competent at social interactions. Especially not with beautiful women.
Beautiful women who he couldn’t be with, no matter how much he wanted to be.
He flopped back onto his bed, letting out a long huff. Fine, he’d be civil. Not necessarily nice, but civil. He’d just have to hope that she’d be charmed by his unsettling gazes and grunts… somehow.
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some-pers0n · 9 months
I hate how people will look at popular indie artists who had one or two songs go viral on TikTok and start making fun of anybody who listens to them. "Oh you listen to Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Jack Stauber, Glass Animals, and Mother Mother? Tsk, don't you know that is stupid TikTok neurodivergent white transmasc preteen music? It's so mid and bad you should listen to real music–" you are a pit of misery
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the-maw-consumes · 1 month
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do you think it'll let up soon?
static version:
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kosmogrl · 15 days
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starspilli · 3 months
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FINALLY did some of the x men & dc crossover stuff that’s been rattling around in my head lol. & trust me i have more. i just think these ones would have interesting / funny dynamics lol
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dailybill-cipher · 2 months
[237] There are 8 days left before The Book of Bill releases!
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I don't live in the US so I might be a day ahead
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ygamiraito · 3 months
today i bring you harl lighting up his pipe while being a cocky little bitch in an interview. tomorrow, who knows?
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single-malt-scotch · 5 months
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Hermitcraft season 10 :: Bdubs Forest :: Outro
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oldbutchdaniel · 3 months
if you need me i'll be killing myself about the fact that the sexiest song in the world isn't on the official season 2 soundtrack. posting it here so i can listen to it whenever my gay little heart desires
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willowser · 6 months
please 🥺 whenever you complete some kind of personal goal, bakugou will hook an arm around your neck and tug you into his chest and press his lips into your hair an murmur a quiet, "proud of you," 🥺
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androdragynous · 3 months
I know i complained about the stardew valley penny and George cutscene at length but the it really is fucking. bizarre the lengths people will go to defend it because "the game lets you pick to side with him" (please do literally any reading about wheelchair use and realize why it's a problem that the game rewards you for moving someone without their consent.) or variants of that sentiment but then it's like. the rest of the cutscene is also So Weird
Like. Penny moves an old man in a wheelchair without asking him. He gets upset, she asks if you saw what happened The game prompts you to select from;
"I was. You did a kind thing there, Penny." (+50 friendship with Penny)
"I was. You should've asked instead of assuming George wanted help." (-50 friendship with Penny)
"I'm just taking a walk, minding my own business." (No effect on friendship.)
And these are the REVISED options. Before 1.4, the second option wasn't"you should have asked", it was "You should've left him alone. Now he's grumpy."
So already it's kind of shit. The person she's upset - who's entire existence in the game is experiencing inaccessibility, let's be real - because he was shoved without permission just for being in a wheelchair doesn't have his friendship level affected at all.
Regardless of which answer you pick, George apologizes (Penny does not apologize in every choice! But the guy she shoved does!) and says she was kind.
Once he's gone, she talks about how hard it must be to be old. It's worth noting, for what it's worth, that George has been using a wheelchair since a mining accident caused his immobility; it's not a result of age, and you learn about this whole he struggles with a bookshelf in his own home, where presumably he has been living with a wheelchair for at least two decades (given how he talks about his grandson), which is a whole different can of worms because why is this never addressed in a fictional community with multiple craftspeople who frequently do projects for each other?
Anyways. So Penny's like, damn, sucks that he's old. And the options the game gives you - all neutral in terms of friendship points - are:
"I'd rather not think about it."
"It's just a different part of life."
"That's why we should respect our elders."
"I'd rather die young..."
Like are you kidding me? You have a cutscene that's about being disabled - it's not about aging, because his disability was not caused by aging, it is explicitly and directly about the fact that he is in a wheelchair. And the game assumes your opinions will be "Not my problem,", "That's an old people thing,", and "I'D RATHER BE DEAD"? And this is something people just... don't remark on? Even in conversations ABOUT this cutscene? Like, George's mentions of being disabled are already Constantly Miserable -able-bodied writer standard quality - but the game is just like. Yeah you can say you'd rather be dead rather than express any positive sentiment about this guy surviving a traumatic mining accident. You can't say it's great that he's able to still be a part of the community in his chair, or renovate his house to make it accessible the way you can build ENTIRE HOMES for other characters. The community center you rebuild in the Good Ending for the community is only accessible by stairs. The path out of his home is dirt. It's the little things, y'know, like... obviously he wasn't thought about as his own character. The game's writing sees him as a source of conflict for others, and down to the very tiles of the terrain, he's irrelevant.
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mauvemischief · 2 months
Andrew and Neil definitely cuddle, BUT i am a firm believer of two things, 1) their go-to is just Andrew lying on top of Neil like a weighted blanket (never the other way around though) and 2) andrew never like wraps his arms around neil to the point of holding him in place/restricting his movement or even putting them in positions that could make that a possibility even on accident
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eternallovers65 · 8 months
Someone said the reason percy was looking up and down when talking to poseidon was so he could mesmerize his father's face and i-
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murdrdocs · 1 year
i spend a lot of time thinking about sucking hobie off ... (gn!reader but mention of lip gloss)
like there's a little bit of a free use element there on his side, because he knows how insatiable you are when it comes to him. lots of the time, he just has to look at you, and he'll see that shine in your eyes, he notices how your gaze focuses more so on the strip of visible skin between his worn in shirt and his low jeans. he jokes that you're drooling, and you believe it, thumb swiping at the corner of your lip to pick up nothing but lip gloss.
you don't even have to ask, even if you did he would say yes. but hobie beckons you over, a tilt of his head, a low murmur of "c'mere", and then you're kneeling on the floor between his legs, trying to be patient even though your hands are fisting the fabric of your pants and your top row of teeth are gnawing on your bottom lip.
he unbuttons his jeans and pulls the zipper down, then his hands are at his side and he lets you do the rest. hobie watches as you pull his jeans down a little, then his boxers, cock springing free and your eyes getting just a bit wider in reaction.
sometimes you'll prolong it a little, wrap your hand around the base of him, kiss around the tip, kitten lick the tip a few times before widening your mouth enough to start to take him in, little by little. other times –– most times –– you're so horny, and so eager, that the wet heat of your mouth engulfs hobie without much teasing, a low, almost astonished, hiss leaving his lips as he watches you take as much as you can in one go.
he always encourages you, big, rough hands cupping your cheeks, or stroking your hair. the pad of his thumb running under your eye to catch leaking tears or wipe them away, doing the same under your lips to clean up the drool that's actually there this time.
it's a relationship that works extremely well. driven by your constant need to have the weight of hobie's dick pressed against your tongue, and taste the tang of his cum when it slides down your throat, and hobie's love for having his lover on their knees for him, giving the best head he'll ever get just for the joy of it.
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troyssix · 2 months
"newt squeezed his hand tightly"
"thomas realized how much newt meant to him"
"what's up, tommy? you look bloody great for 3 in the morning"
"i knew i'd follow you anywhere. and i have" (this is just the films ik but still)
also newt only trusting thomas with the note
also the TENSION
also newt being confirmed fruity
historians say "they were great friends" THEY WERE GAY BITCHES
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djdangerlove · 4 months
The real horror of 7x10 is that Buck is once again dressed in a senior citizen’s bowling shirt.
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