#like what you just in the search looking for untagged posts???
woundedheartwithin · 3 months
Made a lil stream of consciousness post on a certain blog and didn’t tag it as anything navigable but someone still found it and made a well akschualy comment??? Like bro what? This is why people are scared of you guys 😂😂
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aquared · 5 months
okay i am really brain-latched to this au i really do need to give it a proper name
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All In 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: double chapters when I know I shouldn't.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“We got a suite available, Amalia?” The man, the owner of this casino, Bucky, asks as he approaches the glass counter of the hotel lobby. You barely keep up as your surroundings smear and your head spins. Everything’s happening so fast. 
“Mr. Barnes,” the woman on the other side greets as she nears the slim monitor, “I think we should.” She glances at him, then your sister as she blathers drunkenly in his arms, “having a good night?” 
“Oh, just some friends in the city for a night,” he lies easily, “she got a bit carried away so we’ll let her sleep it off.” 
You chew your lip as you stand just behind him. Your stomach lurches as your eyes wander around the fine decor. It’s all out of your price range. Again, your brain is a beat behind.  
“Doll, would you get that?” He asks as the desk agent holds out a small folder. 
“Oh, yeah, er,” you rush up to take the room keys, “sorry.” 
“No problem, just got my hands full,” he scoffs, “Amalia, have a good night. Hopefully you don’t get anyone too rowdy.” 
“Thank you, sir, you too,” she preens after him as he heads off across the lobby. 
Once more you’re on his heels as he struts toward the elevators. You catch up to him and force the frog from your throat, “uh, sir, Bucky?” You stammer, “I don’t think... I can afford--” 
“Doll, don’t worry about all that. It's on the house,” he stops before the elevator and stares at the golden doors, “I’m not some sort of grifter. I offered, I’m not gonna squeeze ya. What’s the room number?” 
“Er, oh,” you open the little folder, “720.” 
“Right, hit the button,” he nods before him. 
“Sorry,” you cringe again. You’re so behind. It must be so obvious to him how lost you are. Maybe that’s why he noticed you. He feels bad that someone so pathetic could exist. 
You press the up button and the doors open. He nods you ahead of him and you step into the box. The walls are transparent and you can see outside along the river. He gets in and comes to stand parallel with you as you avoid looking through the glass. 
“Seven,” he says. 
You make another mousy noise and tap the button. You recoil, clutching your hands over your chest, and stare at the doors. As the elevator rises, you feel a wave of head rush, and you sway just a little. You gulp and widen your eyes. 
“Not a fan of heights?” He asks as the box stops sharply and the doors ding and open. 
“Not really,” you mutter. 
He waits for you to exit first and you eagerly do. He follows as you look back and forth between the doors, searching out the number to match the folder. 720, right at the end. You fumble and it takes three tries to swipe the card correctly.  
Finally, the door opens and you push it inward, holding it as you flatten yourself to the wall to let him through. He enters without hesitation. For a moment, you wonder what it must be like to be so sure and so comfortable in a place like this. To have this be your normal.
You let go of the door and trail him further inside. The room is huge. Not just one room, but two. The front room is closed off by a pair of doors, painted white with fine spirals etched into the wood. You flit ahead of Bucky to slide them open and reveal the bedroom. He takes your sister to the bed and lays her down as she lets out a bubbly belch. 
“Sorry,” you apologise on her behalf as you hover in the door. 
“She’s her own person,” he stands back, “you need anything, call down to the desk. They’ll be happy to get you whatever. Oh, and, should probably have some water ready for the morning. She’s gonna be feeling this.” 
“Right,” you push your lip out then quickly fix your face, “thank you. I...” 
“Checkouts at eleven but I’ll tell Amalia to mark you down for a late departure,” he comes towards you slowly. 
“Oh, we won’t stay that long,” you assure him and scrape your palms together. 
“Ah, you got somewhere to be? Work? Gonna be a long day after tonight.” 
“No, I... I don’t...” your eyes drift to the wall. Again, you can’t help but admire the ivory paint and the crystal lamp and tall posts of the bed. “I don’t... have a job.” 
“Mm, tough out there,” he says, “just gotta find the right thing, huh?” 
You want to fold into nothing. This man, a millionaire at least, who owns this whole place, is telling you you’ll find something one day. Just like your mom does when you melt down over another rejection. Ugh. 
“Thanks, yeah,” you take a heavy breath. 
“You’re tired,” he surprises you as he caresses your sleeve, “I’m not gonna keep you up. You get some sleep, alright?” 
You nod and reach to scratch your neck, shifting away from his reach. He’s so much bigger than you that for a moment your stomach is crawling, as the thought occurs of how much control he really has. Not just because of who he is. 
“Good night, doll,” he purrs and brushes by you. 
You stay as you are, staring at your sister, muttering to herself. Why does she have to do this? You could be sleeping in your own bed but instead you’re here, burning in shame and pity. You turn as you hear him near the door. 
“Night,” you offer up. 
He stops and turns back, sending you a wink, “there’s a hot tub in here so... might enjoy the room at least.” 
You force a smile though your stress likely makes it more a grimace. He spins and leaves you, the door shutting with a click and releasing you to your self-reproach. You drop your head in your hands and huff. You are leaving the minute your sister wakes up. You never want to see that man again. You just pray he forgets you just as quickly as you want to forget this whole night. 
You hardly sleep. Your sister’s drunken snoring keeps you from relaxing for more than twenty minutes at a time, not to mention how unsettled you are. You hate sleeping in new places but moreso you hate that even on a night out, after all the assurance that you could just enjoy yourself, that you are once more a burden for someone else. 
You get up just after six. You rub your forehead as you go out into the front room and look over the amenities. There’s a fancy coffee maker with pods and a mini fridge with a glass door. You take out a bottle of water to leave by the bed for Roxie then return to figure out the coffee. You don’t often have any but your head is pounding. 
You sit down and sneer at the bitterness. Did you make it right? You never liked the taste so you can’t tell. You finish the cup if only for the soothing warmth. 
At seven, you get up to check on Roxie again. She’s still out like a light. Come on! You want to go. 
You rinse the mug in the sink as best you can and return it to the shelf. There’s a knock on the door. You flinch and reluctantly tread down to the hall. You peep through the hole as you fix your clothing. You push down the handle slowly to greet the woman with the cart. 
The golden embroidery on her white blouse marks her as an employee and she beams a smile in your direction. It’s too early for that amount of cheer. She has her hands on the cart, angling it towards the door. 
“Morning, miss, breakfast, complements of Mr. Barnes,” she declares, “where can I put it?” 
“Um,” you back up slowly, “inside... uh, by the table, I guess.” 
She rolls the cart in and asks if you need anything else before she leaves. You shake your head. There’s more than enough there for you and Roxie. If she can even stomach any of it. You’ve seen the way she is after her nights out. 
You sit and stare at the buffet of food before you. Fresh fruit, waffles, pancakes, french toast, bacon, eggs... everything and more. Just another favour to feel bad for. 
As you look over it all, you notice a note, nestled between the glasses beside the pitcher of orange juice. You take it. That must be the bill. You unfold it and read the slanted capitals hand-written across the casino-branded page. 
‘Good Morning, Doll,  
Enjoy breakfast on me. 
B. Barnes’ 
Under his name, is a sharp zigzag of the same black ink, a post script below. 
‘PS. If you’re still looking for a job, call me.’ 
You nearly drop the paper. What? You stare at the digits of his phone number and slowly lower your hand to your lap. This can’t be real. Could you really work at a casino? Would you be a dealer? Or maybe you’d be more suited to a cleaner, somewhere you can be out of the way. 
A long groan interrupts your inner turmoil. You fold the paper and tuck it away. It’s something. You’ll have to just figure out later what. 
“Coffee,” Roxie grumbles as she appears in the doorframe, gripping her skull. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you get up and go to the machine. You grab a random pod and shove it into the top. 
“Where... how’d we get here?” She sits heavily and reaches for a piece of bacon. 
“Um, you... you were really drunk so...” 
“How the hell did you get us a room? Wait. Did we win? Blackjack?” She bites into the greasy strip and moans. “Or... I didn’t sleep with that guy, did I?” 
“Erm,” you frown, thinking for a moment before you realise she must mean that Sam guy. “No...” 
You don’t explain. You don’t know how. Oh yeah, you were such a disaster that the owner noticed and didn’t kick us out. Actually, he let us stay in an overpriced suite because... you don’t know. 
“He must be loaded if he’s handing out hotel rooms,” she scoffs as she continues on in her assumption. You don’t correct her. It doesn’t matter. “Coffee,” she snaps her fingers as the grind quiets. 
You bring her the mug and she adds too many packets of sugar before she tastes it. You hide the paper in your cardigan pocket and search for your purse. You fish your watch out of it and put it around your wrist checking the time. 
“We should head out before nine,” you say. 
“Why?” She scoffs. “Ugh, what’s the bath like in this place? I could use a soak.” 
“Mom’s going to be worried.” 
“Nah, she knows I’ll get you back,” she waves you off and stands.  
She walks slowly, rubbing her temples as she sips from the cup, and examines the hotel room. She dips into the bathroom and the light flicks on. You hear her turning the faucet and shifting things around.  
You play with the zipper of your purse. You reach inside and pull out your phone. You get up to grab the key folder and enter the wifi code into your outdated model. It takes far too long to connect. You type into the search of your browser, ‘Bucky Barnes’. 
Almost at once, an image of the very man who carried Roxie into this room appears. It’s familiar. You tap it and it opens up a local news story. That makes sense. He’s younger, his hair is shorter. You remember when the casino changed hands and was renovated all those years ago. It was big news. 
Hm. Not just rich, famous, at least to a degree. It means he has a lot more going on than two disorderly girls at his casino. He’ll forget. You just hope you can too. 
Roxie comes back in a robe and put her mug on the table, “make me another. I’m gonna try those jets.” 
She spins away and you stare at her empty cup. How can she not care about anything? Does she not realise that she ruined the night? That she made a fool of both of you? No, she just sees shiny things and forgets all about her own behaviour. 
Well, you’re not like her. You don’t like being a burden or asking for things or living on someone else’s affection. You look down and feel along your pocket, the slip of paper firm through the fabric. You could clean a few hotel toilets for a buck. It’s not like you have much else going on. 
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aftgficrec · 10 months
Hi! You guys are great! Are there any where the other Foxes or someone on the outside thinks Andrew is cheating on Neil or vice versa, but it's not true? Like, someone thinks they know more than they do, but Andrew and Neil are perfectly happy together. Not breakup fics, though. Thanks!
We could not find a lot for this. There could be some implied cheating buried in longer fics, or it might be untagged and our searches aren't hitting. For actual cheating angst, check out our tag. -A
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I’ll just resend the whole list :)))
Au Tag List:
* Song of the Sea AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/song%20of%20the%20sea%20au/chrono
* Timeloop AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/timeloop%20au/chrono
- note:some earlier ones aren’t showing, but thats bc earlier it was tagged as #time loop au instead of #timeloop au
* Symbol of Safety AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/symbol%20of%20safety%20au/chrono
* Hatake Clan AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hatake%20clan%20au/chrono
- Note: Some Hatake Clan lore is untagged and can be found separately by searching…
- “I wanted to share this Kakashi AU in fic format”
- “The image of the Hatake’s walking through a field”.
- “I decided to rewrite and expand on some things :))”
- “The Hatake were not always as they are”.
- “Kakashi is so goddamn stressed out he turns his ancestors hair gray”
- Idk if these were meant to be untagged but I included it anyway:
- “The rest of the pack just watching/scoring”
- “They meet up with Guy all the time to swap the stories”
- “Pakkun is a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a pug”
- “Tsume: They really need to do something”
- I hear what you’re saying but what it sounds like is Kakashi basically Jack O posing to box with a fucking pug
- Pakkun would find it more insulting if he didn’t look so hilarious doing it
* Venomous Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto/chrono
* Naruto Uzumaki Protection Squad: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/naruto%20uzumaki%20protection%20squad/chrono
- Note: first 2 post are not tagged; can both be found by searching “slacker squad”.
- Additional note: second post is tagged #Naruto protection squad instead of #Naruto Uzumaki protection squad
* Shinobi Babysitter’s Club AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Shinobi%20babysitter%E2%80%99s%20club%20au/chrono
- Note: The first post was a kakashi simp/appreciation ask from me but it could be added to the tag for full coverage since it sets the scene of the au. Can be found by searching “Aizawa energy”
* Kakashi’s Mom: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Kakashi%E2%80%99s%20mom%20au/chrono
* Unnamed: there’s this kinda au we made with Naruto thinking the fourth hokage is boring and preferring Hashi or Tobi but it doesn’t have a tag. Screen shots included in next ask so u can just tag that
* Unnamed: Shikamaru finds out naruto is the son of the fourth hokage.
- Note: Second post can be found by searching “my tumblr keeps crashing” and the first by searching #brilliance.
- There is also 2 other people find out posts that can be found by searching “it happens in the middle of class” and “Are there just no pictures of the Fourth Hokage other than the whole mountain thing”
* Unnamed: another orochimaru time travel. Less of an au and more of a prompt. Post can be found under #Oro-Sasuke is redefining emotionally repressed
* Tree of Youth: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/tree%20of%20youth%20au/chrono
* Color Blind Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/color%20blind%20naruto/chrono
* Ohana AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/ohana%20au/chrono
- Some posts are untagged so you can find them by searching:
- “Both are amazing. I could see them doing both tbh”
- “I mean Naruto is definitely his own level of Too Much”
* Foxy Naru: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/foxy%20naru/chrono
- I included post can be found by searching “Give me night shine and predator instincts”
* Vigilante Deku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/vigilante%20deku/chrono
- Note: I included post can be found by searching “They’re honestly thankful for their mask so he can’t see how flustered they are”
* Hunter Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hunter%20au/chrono
- First post can be found by searching “Supernatural but MHA”
Everytime you send me one of these I am so thankful and also a reason o fix… some of them. Brain stinky and doesn’t want to hunt for all of them rn.
Hunter AU
Naruto Uzumaki Protection Squad AU
Timeloop AU
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spoiltizzy · 4 months
I've weathered many a fandom, and something I noticed about OFMD is that--while I've seen damn near every kink under the sun take off with the fans--there isn't a lot of feedist/weight gain/belly kink arts/fic. And I wonder if it's because OFMD already features multiple sexy fat characters, all of whom are allowed to be richly complex and human?
At first I'd thought it would be the opposite, show with multiple fat characters overflowing with belly kink fan work. But then I looked back on the fandoms I've been in, and feedism content seemed to show up more if there weren't a lot or any fat characters, and what fat characters were around were just one note and not allowed to be their own person.
Reminds me of how, in stories not featuring a lot of queer people, fans chomp at the bit to headcanon canonically cishet characters as some flavor of queer.
Like if there's *lack* of representation fans will compensate, whether it's headcanoning a straight character as gay or having a canon thin character gain a bunch of weight. But in stoires like in OFMD, there's less likelihood of fans trying to make up for a lack of rep *because* there's no lack. The rep is there and it's good.
Or maybe I'm just totally off base. I've def rambled on in your ask box, that's for sure
To be honest I don't quite relate to what you mean because to me OFMD is the only fandom I've felt like I've been a part of a community of feedists in, haha. Forgive me if you weren't saying this and I've read it wrong, but I think you're saying there's not much belly kink content for OFMD?? I often think about how I'm fascinated by the fact that, in my eyes, belly kink content took off in this fandom. Although you're right that there's not that much art out there except for my own, haha. I have seen other people draw like, fat Izzy and stuff, but mostly on commission. I don't know if I can find those links rn but I'll look around later on and maybe reblog this post.
I know I don't get a lot of interaction on this blog and my fics aren't THAT popular but between the discord server and the fact I don't have much experience with getting attention in larger fandoms but there's been a fair amount of engagement with my feedism fics in this fandom AND I've read a lot of belly fic in this fandom, it seems to me like belly kink is fairly accepted here?
There's also just a general appreciation for the softness of bodies in fic in this fandom, I tend to find. It's more common than in other fandoms for non-belly kink fic to mention soft bellies. Well, it's no Good Omens fandom, where the belly stuff is sorta almost taken as a given and it's borderline kink and goes untagged sometimes too it's so inherent to the main pairing, but the OFMD fandom certainly has an appreciation for softness of the body types of the middle-aged main pairing.
I don't know exactly what other fandoms you're referencing, maybe big fandoms that just inherently have bigger sample sizes for people of all different kinks, but OFMD seems pretty full of belly stuff to me? And a lot more of it seems really loving and comes with plot and character study than I've sometimes seen in other fandoms where there's nothing but the belly stuff in the belly content, to a point it almost seems, for lack of a better word, dehumanising? Or, lacks romance, anyway. Most of the belly stuff I encounter in OFMD is very horny but also has a sweetness to it, or like, comes along with fairly common and enticing fanfic plots, maybe even some angst, just overall a lot of heart and a lot of dimension.
You'll find the majority of feedist-themed OFMD fic under this and that search, I think. I'm sure you didn't need any help with this but I really do think there's a fair amount of it out there. I'm also friends with people who are often working on more of it at any given time.
I know what you mean about the compensation thing though. Like, I reckon when it comes to the ratio of feedist fic to normal fic, there's probably not as much in the Sherlock fandom, but there's more numerically, I think. And it's not at all a fandom you'd guess from the canon would have any belly content in it. I think it makes more sense in Supernatural because there's a lot more food and eating in the canon there, but then you've also got characters who just never seem to gain any weight, and yeah, like. That can drive people a bit nuts. I can't quite think of other examples now but feel free to let me know. Still, I don't think, when you think about the fact there's a lot less fic for OFMD overall (especially because it's existed for a lot less time!!! these other fandoms have been producing content and active for years!) then there's actually quite a bit of belly fic. There really could be more art tho tbh... I am talking to a Void here lmaooo...
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
😭im trying to find this sumt fic rn but I think I accidentally unfollowed the person and I reblogged the post like 1-2 months ago and I have so many reblogs rn thst I can’t find it 😭 all I remember it was a series called only demons and it had beels version out.
Hi there, anon!
Is this perhaps the post you're looking for?
All I did was use the Tumblr search function. I put in the tag "obey me beelzebub smut" and filtered it to show the recent posts instead of the top posts. Then I just scrolled for a bit. This was the first thing I saw that said Only Demons on it, so I thought that must be it!
Tumblr's search function isn't exactly top tier, but it can be used to find stuff like this! Your best bet is to use common tags, especially if you happen to know the character involved!
So even though I had no idea what you were talking about lol, I was able to find it that way!
I might also recommend tagging stuff you reblog that you want to find again! It makes it super easy to search your blog's archive for things that you reblogged previously. You can also use the archive to search through untagged things on your blog, if you remember around when you posted it!
To use your blog's archive, you'll have to be on desktop. And I don't mean go to your blog's posts in the account section of the site because that'll just show you your own posts. You want to click on your pfp so it opens up your entire blog and you can see your bio and header. Then click on the meatballs menu beneath the ask box button (it's the three dots). Click on "view archive" and you'll be taken to a thumbnail gallery of all the posts you've ever posted or reblogged ever forever. You can use the bar at the top to filter by month, post type, or tag! It's suuuuuper handy and I use it all the time to find stuff that I need to find again. Because stuff definitely gets lost otherwise!
Anyway, this isn't the first time I've had someone ask me about a fic they lost, so I figured I'd include this little explanation of how I find stuff! In case it's helpful to anyone else who might be searching for something!
Hopefully that post I found was the one you were looking for!
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
You know I have some really unfriendly opinions on Misha and especially Jensen but I don't go out of my way to try to make their fans upset. Don't be a dick.
So, I usually don't plan on addressing the various vituperative messages that have built up in my ask box --- just a brief side note to the others about that... I did say that it was always open, but that is not, btw, an invitation to be bullied! Luckily, however, I really don't care. So. Go off, I guess! (Side question: if I give you permission to yell at me in my ask box, will you leave everyone else alone? Because I'd make that trade.) --- but yours actually makes an argument that I can address, instead of just spitting random opinions as though they're facts, all proceeded by "LOL", so I'm going to respond.
Despite my natural proclivity for sarcasm, I mean this completely honestly; it's really cool that you have, as you term them, unfriendly opinions on Misha and Jensen. And, while I, personally, disagree --- at least as regards their acting; like I've said repeatedly, I don't know everything (or even that much) about them irl --- I honestly welcome you to share them! There are tons of people out there who are bound to feel similarly --- it's a statistical certainty, given the size of the SPN fandom --- and I cannot say enough how satisfying it can be to find people of like-minded ways of thinking.
There's a difference between expressing one's opinion, however, and "[going] out of my way to try to make their fans upset." It's not like I left these messages untagged, or anything like that; they weren't left with solely generic tagging, with something along the lines of "#supernatural", "#sam winchester", "#jared padalecki", etc. Indeed, I marked this as explicitly "#anti jared padalecki" every time, precisely because I didn't want people to be exposed to the post unless they chose to look at things tagged that way; I marked it this way so people knew what they were getting into.
If his fans saw this post, then they actively sought it out. I will take responsibility for what I said --- largely because I said it and stand by it: I don't like his acting, probably never will, and nobody (especially not random jarpad stans online, who took the four hours in which I was sleeping as free reign to spam my inbox with asks whose anonymous statuses suggest that they weren't even willing to take credit for them in public) is going to change my opinion on this --- but I do not take responsibility for, as you put it, "going out of my way to try to make [his] fans upset." They chose to be here same as I did.
Also. Speaking as a fan of Jensen's acting, a fan of Misha's acting, and a very severe anti to Padalecki's acting: if you like Jared's acting, that's valid! If you dislike Misha/Jensen? That's valid! Opinions --- especially differing ones --- are good; they're measures of individuality, of free will, et cetera. A number of my friends love Jared and Sam, and dealing with that is really easy! I just don't talk to them about the fact that I dislike either of their faves. With the exception of the occasional good-tempered debate --- where they're giving as good as they get, and we're both speaking in good fun --- it just doesn't come up! And that's fine!
There's a difference between having an opinion and trying to force other people to share it. I never said that Jared stans should come look at the posts, and I haven't exactly been subtle about disliking Sam up to this point; indeed, a brief search on "anti sam winchester" yields about 20 results on my blog. If his fans choose to come onto my blog, that's their choice. And if we're at the point where expressing a contrasting opinion to any group of people is "going out of my way to try to make [them] upset", then our society is discouraging individuals from thinking for themselves, and that's problematic in and of itself.
So, yeah. Differing opinions = good. Expressing opinions = good. Trying to force other people to share them = bad. Yelling at random people online because they don't love your idol = bad. It's not that hard!
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mishafletcher · 2 years
i'm sort of enjoying the influx of new people, but feel like there are a few tips i've seen left out of many welcome-to-tungle posts, so:
unlike most platforms, it's hard to tell who's following you on tumblr! if you have even a moderate amount of activity, it's super easy to miss the notification, and the only other way to tell if someone is following you is to go manually search your followers. sometimes this is a blessing, sometimes this is a curse. (mostly a blessing, tho.)
if you're a writer or a podcaster or an artist or whatever, put that info somewhere obvious! put it in your header, even if it's just "i wrote this thing!" i know you make cool stuff, but some of y'all're making it real hard for people to find out that you make cool stuff.
embrace tags as commentary. if you're adding substantive content to the post, sure, add it to the post, i guess. if it's a post about what you have for breakfast, though, or a meme about which [whatever] are you, just throw it in the tags.
if someone added stuff to a post that you don't agree with, or that isn't adding anything to the post, it's fine to fish around in the notes to find a version that doesn't have that addition.
back to tags. i literally can't overstate how much we love tags here. metacommentary on the post? throwaway comments? vaguely related anecdote? put it in the tags! tags are so much a part of tumblr's conversations that the options for filtering reblog notifications are "reblogs with comment" and "reblogs without comment"—and if you select "reblogs with comment", you'll still get the ones that have had tags added.
side note that you can filter your activity feed, which is where you can see how people are interacting with your posts. i personally try not to engage with mine—not my business—but if you want to look at a specific thing, like who's followed you recently, or replies on your posts, hit the little filter button above the feed and you can be very specific about the types of activity that you want to see.
nope, sorry, i'm still talking about tags. bonus to embracing tags as commentary: you can say whatever weird shit you want! tags are delightfully ephemeral. you want to search the tags? best of luck! you probably cannot. choose to view this as a feature, not a bug.
sometimes your tags pass peer review, as we say, and someone will screenshot or copy them and add them to the post. this is a compliment.
the queue function is the unsung hero of this website. are you posting in real time? are you posting from a queue? are you mixing it up and doing both at once? who can say? congrats, you're ✨mysterious✨!
another important function of the queue is that helps you make *your* blorbos into *our* blorbos. twenty-seven untagged posts about your new hyperfixation in two hours is the soul killer, the thing that makes your followers super tired of even hearing about it. the exact same twenty-seven untagged posts spread out over the course of a day, though, scattered among other posts like seeds on the wind, are somehow charming—compelling, even. wow, that sad wet cat of a man *does* seem awfully sad. i wonder what terrible thing has happened to him!
anyhow, these aren't rules and i'm not the boss of you, but if you were looking for unsolicited advice from a gremlin who's been on tumblr for way, way too long, now you have it.
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firespirited · 9 months
Tumblr's tweaking the algorithm a little so when you search for dolls instead of things directly tagged #dolls (i use search because a lot of folks tag just the brands or #doll community) lately, things have changed.
//For background: there's always been at least one person a week who feels seen by Iris by the goo goo dolls; there are anime, cartoons with characters called doll or who are dolls, bands with doll in the name, Dolls was a character on Wynonna Earp. Black trans women who use the term dolls for eachother, female rappers and porno stars with a name that's xxxx doll. The dollette/coquette aesthetic folks. A dozen posts a day about mentally playing with characters like dolls and tumblr users playing with jpegs like dolls. There are the real doll sellers and owner personal blogs. Porcelain, ancient, reborns, clowns and plushies along with the small kpop plush dolls that expanded to many fandoms, a few folks selfies where they're 'dolled up' or enjoy being called doll. Some disturbing roleplay, some disturbing writings about children. The occasional 'barbie doll diet' ED tag.
As you can tell, vast subject. Takes some filtering to get what you're looking for. //
This past week or so, the search expanded and it's not to do with the words or tags used but the photos. The new arrivals are women wearing babydoll tops, women with large breasts (possibly very similar to posts usually tagged bimbo doll) and older women in bikinis. There are also eating disorder pictures unrelated to dolls that reuse photos previously tagged as dollette when uploaded to tumblr, the text is vague enough to not set off anything but finely tuned filters looking for abbreviations and expressions used by the ED communities.
I think tumblr is testing some kind of auto categorizer for pictures, maybe so it can suggest tags to users or suggest like minded tumblrs even if you don't tag your posts.
All that to say that if you have an ED, the dolls search page isn't entirely safe, if you have the ed not sheeran, and leet speak variations on pro ana tags you'll block those but not the untagged ones that are using pictures previously used for dollette/coquette. I have dollette muted but those posts showed up. No idea what's going on under the hood but if your triggers are serious, browse with caution and stick to a variety of tags instead of vaguer fandom or craft terms that could contain stuff you can't mute.
What's interesting is that this image categorizer may prove very helpful in the future with specific triggers like guns or clowns or flashing lights that often go untagged, it could be used to mute a picture and say 'may potentially contain flashing lights'. That would be very very good for this website's accessibility.
Either way, take care. Having a firefox tab open with your filtered content page while browsing a search term can help you quickly identify what you'd rather mute and put it in your settings without having to rescroll from the start.
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woolieshubris · 9 months
oh my god i just realized why tumblr search is Like that.
if you type "selfie" into a blog, it has a few options.
The expected response -> ALL posts tagged with "#selfie" appear.
Helpful response -> All posts with a tag that contains the word "selfie" appear (ex: "#%selfie%, #my selfie, #woah cute selfie!")
Search all response -> All posts that contain the word "selfie" appear. (in the tags OR body of the post)
Tumblr DOES differentiate between these things while searching- however, the issue is the way they display the differences.
Lets say, for instance, you are looking for posts tagged "#the locked tomb". When you search "the locked tomb" on your tumblr blog, all posts with the words "the locked tomb" will appear. (specifically in that order iirc) this can lead to confusing results. Posts you didn't tag show up before posts you DID tag. It shows in reverse chronological order (similar to how the dash appears). This isn't what you wanted. (Since you wanted specifically posts tagged with #the locked tomb)
In order to find this specific search, you have to type in "#the locked tomb", not "the locked tomb". The hashtag matters. This makes sense to some extent, but it isn't explained to users. After all, we expect untagged posts to not show up in our search results. That's the reason they are untagged. It does make it easier to try to *find* posts, but it doesn't work the way we expect.
On top of this, when you do search "#the locked tomb" and scroll past all of your posts with that tag, posts will start appearing that contain "the locked tomb" (posts WITHOUT the tag.)
Again, it makes it easier to find posts, but it doesn't work in the way we expect.
Now, we've been talking about on a blog wide scale. How about a site wide scale?
When you search "mole interest" onto tumblr, the first results will be posts tagged with "#mole interest", sorted by popularity/trendiness. This makes sense. Then, posts that contain the words "mole interest" appear, again, sorted by popularity/trendiness. Kind of confusing, but still makes sense.
THEN, posts that contain "mole" or "interest" anywhere in the body of text or tags start to appear. *This* is incredibly frustrating.* It makes sense, from a technological standpoint. Of course, we want posts like this to appear- after all, what if these posts are about mole interest? It would be odd to not include them. (This happened often to the tag "#dark academia", where posts about
However, they really often don't. ANYONE who uses the word interest in their post starts to appear- which is a hell of a lot of people. This leads to unrelated posts to appear.
Once the tag reaches a certain amount of posts, this behavior stops as far as I can tell- but this does NOT help the reputation the website has for being broken.
(BY THE WAY, if any staff see this, or anyone who does understand more about the way the website works behind the scenes, I'd love to hear more of an explanation! I could def have gotten some information wrong)
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Winter's King 12
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: have a good weekend.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You stand, still uncertain. You look at the king as he tilts his face up to the moonlight. The silver sheen washes over him with an unearthly glow. He looks lupine, much like your dream.  
“Your highness?” You echo again, hands curling around the sides of your skirt. 
“Will you continue to disregard my order?” He challenges as his gold eyes meet yours. You wince at the way they shine. 
“No, your highness, I am only...” you hush yourself and clamp your lips tight. You turn and search around, numbly walking along the curve of the pond.  
He growls as you reach the line of hedges into the next walkway. 
“You will want to go much faster than that,” he warns as you hear him stand. “I will allow you some advance...” He exhales as you glance back at him, “ten...” he stares at you, his figure shrouded in shadow from far away, “nine...” 
You blanch and tumble backward through the gap. You spin and stagger on your soles, throwing your arms out as your heart pulses madly. Something about his timbre, about his words, has you alight. There is something amiss about him. 
You push your legs against your skirts and hurry blindly into the nocturnal void. The moonlight seeps in around the silhouette of leaves as you keep your hands ahead of you to prevent a collision. You try to see through the dark, like silk across your eyes, making out little more than hazy orbs. 
You crash into a thicket of thorns and pull away from the rosy bunch. Their scent clings onto you as you turn to the left and dive down the next path. You don’t know these gardens, not like Debray. For all you know, you’re going even deeper.  
You hear a step behind you and swirl to face it. You squint, trying to see who is there. Is it the king? Do you want it to be? What does he mean to do when he catches you? What is the meaning of this game? 
You plunge back into a sprint, puffing as you pump your arms. You whimper and whine as you slow, legs heavy and feet dull. Where are you going? You don’t like this. You remember a night like this before, how the cold dew of the forest crept up your legs, feet hitting the earth in quick succession, the holler of men and snort of horses behind you. 
You stagger and spin back. No, you can’t run anymore. You don’t like this. You don’t like those thoughts. That last night before you were taken to Debray, before you dawned the cap of your bearing. That orphan girl running from servitude. 
You walk forward, shaking as you peer back and forth. You wade through the thick grey air. You hear a twig snap and a bush rustle, each noise from a different direction. Perhaps it is a rabbit or a chipmunk. You sniffle and wring your hands. 
You must find the king. You will surrender this game and ask that he takes you back to the castle. You trudge over the beaten path and hear the soft trickle ahead. It must be the pond. The silver light blooms brighter as you come upon a space in the hedges. 
Suddenly, there is only air beneath your feet. You kick out as something rigid wraps around your waist and lifts you. You wriggle desperately and cry out, your eyes tinging but not overflowing. Your fear has you clawing at the hold around your middle. 
“Please, please, don’t hurt me!” You plead as you flail, “please, sir, I’ll go back to the castle--” you choke as the grasp on you slackens but your feet still do not meet the ground. You quiet as you recall your present, that you are not in that forest, that you are far from Debray. 
You are sat upon the bench, the silver moon gleaming down on you as it outlines the broad shadow before you. King Geralt faces you, kneeling as you tremble and hug yourself. You put your head down in shame. 
“Apologies, your highness, I was lost,” you reach to rub your cheek, flicking back your tears with your lashes, “I got confused.” 
“No, it is I who should apologise, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he takes your hand between his big ones, “I only meant to make some fun.” He brushes his touch up your arms and squeezes as you drop your hand to your lap, “little maid, did I hurt you?” 
You shake your head, “I was only... delirious. It is too dark out here. I cannot see,” you bite down and look away, “apologies, I did act out.” 
“Little maid,” he tickles along your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine, “I would not let you get lost or hurt.” He tilts his hand to cradle your face, his thumb stroking your cheekbone, “what was it you were running from in your head? Who?” 
“No one,” you lie. “Just a memory.” 
“Memories are not just that,” he insists, “but I understand how they can hurt. Forgive me, treasure, I wasn’t--” 
“Your highness,” the sullen voice has the king recoiling. He quickly plants his foot and stands. You rise as well, toying with that word he called you. Treasure. “The queen sends for you.” 
Bryce steps out into the moonlight. You look at him then the ground. How long had he been there? How much had he heard? 
“The queen,” King Geralt grumbles, “what is it she wants? It is late--” 
“She would not say and I would not guess,” Bryce says, “but she screams for it. Like a yowling cat.” 
The king sighs and lowers his head. He squares his shoulders and resets his posture. He steps away from you and gestures to his soldier. The king twists around and marches away. Bryce falls into pace with you as you follow. He is silent, you all are. 
You approach the castle, guards lurking in the shadows, and are let past the front doors by a sombre pair. Inside, you follow the king through the great hall and up the stairs. You peek over at Bryce as you proceed down the corridor. He gently squeezes your wrist, just briefly, and carries on. 
“Your highness,” Bryce speaks as you hear a racket ahead of you; screeching and crashing. “Should I escort the maid back to her chambers?” 
“Cursed woman,” King Geralt mutters as he slows, Queen Jazlene’s door just ahead. He pauses and looks over his shoulder, “the cost of a kingdom...” 
“Your highness?” Bryce prompts once again. 
You echo him and step forward, “I could calm her. Bring some wine--” 
“No, she will have no more of that,” the king declares sharply. “I wed her, I put my name next to hers, so it is I shall attend to her. Sir,” he looks at Bryce, “do as you suggest, put the maid in her chambers and I will put the queen in her place.” 
“Aye, your highness,” Bryce bows his head and points you back, “come, maid, the night wears on.” 
You glance up at the king. His golden eyes are wrought as his gaze holds yours for only an instant. You see the hesitation bob in his throat before he turns away. You mirror him and follow Bryce back along the corridor. 
As you climb to the next floor and continue down another corridor, Bryce slows. He stops as he gets to the door and faces you. He takes a breath as he looks you up and down. 
“It’s treacherous here in the summer kingdom,” he says, “but that will not change on the road. Mouse, you keep yourself well.” 
“Thank you, sir, I am fine.” 
“Aye, you do not take my meaning but you do not take the king’s either,” he puts his hand on his belt, “his favour might do you fine in this moment, but it is dangerous. Let not others notice so they may not envy it.” 
You grimace and shake your head, “what do you mean?” 
“Your little games do not need an audience. It is no tournament.” 
Your chest sinks and your skin speckles. Is he accusing you of something? 
“I... I haven’t done anything untoward. I would not, sir--” 
“You may not,” he intones, “but we are all ruled by the will of the king.” 
“Sir, the king is married to Lady Jazlene--” 
“And we both see how they fare,” he states bluntly. “Carry my words with you, do with them as you may, but I could not leave them unsaid.” 
Your eyes gloss and your nose tingles once more. He’s mad. Truly, he can’t think you and King Geralt. A maid and her master. 
“I would not,” you repeat. 
He huffs and nods curtly. He turns to the door and unlatches it, “go, rest your head while you can.” 
“Sir Bryce--” 
“I am bid protect you by the king,” he pushes the door inward and rests his hand on the frame, “not from him.” He looks past you, as if through, “little mouse, I do hope I am wrong as well but I know better than to depend on that.” 
You shudder and tug at the end of your sleeve. You slump and drag your feet through the doorway. You stop, just inside, “good night, sir.” 
He grunts and pulls the door shut. Your lip trembles as your heart races, just as it did in the garden. He is wrong. He must be. You saw yourself how the king is trying, he even said it was the queen he meant to game with earlier. It was only that she was too unwell. He said it! 
And he goes to the queen’s chamber that night. He is not there. He has not been disloyal. The matter is not your concern. You serve wine, you lace gowns, you braid hair. You are only the maid. 
You return to the queen’s service the next morning. The world is a bit more familiar as you help her into her gown and twine her hair into an elaborate coif. Servants pass in and out of her chambers as they prepare for the royal party’s imminent departure. 
“Why can we not keep this capital?” Queen Jazlene whines, “but my husband does insist on return to his frigid homelands.” 
You say nothing as you sift through the old monarch’s jewelry chest. You present to her successor each gem, brooch, and chain. She has yet to turn any away though you wonder if there would be room in her already bustling luggage. Perhaps the cart will be a touch more crowded on your ride north. 
“And yet my husband did come to me,” she boasts, “I think... hmm, well, perhaps this marriage won’t be so turbulent.” 
You show her a cuff and she snatches it. She puts it on her wrist, turning her arm this way and that, as she oohs and aahs. She wiggles excitedly. 
“I recall this piece. One year, when I came with father to court, the queen wore this cuff. You see the emeralds. I remember she was so proud of it even though all the court knew it was only gifted to her by her husband to distract from his mistress,” she trills, “oh, how foolish. But the old queen was so boring. It is a wonder the king didn’t dispose of her, who can blame him for taking an amour?” 
She sighs and looks at the mirror, “and she wasn’t half so pretty as me.” 
You remain silent, continuing to sort with her endless approval. You don’t think there is a single trinket she could ever turn away. You don’t see the need for so many of the same thing. Some stones are brighter than others but why not keep the brightest and do away with the rest. 
“As I was saying,” she goes on, “last night when the king came to me, he was... almost meek. That man. Can you imagine? I admit I was distraught after the day I suffered but he listened and we spoke.” She strokes her fingers as she admires her oval nails. “There are some southern lords who will come north as well, some northern to stay behind. He says it will help us acquaint the two kingdoms into one.” 
She drops her hands and pushes her shoulders straight, “he is wise. I suppose I should heed him if I am to be a good queen.” 
You are want to agree but to do so aloud may be taken as insult. She might have done it sooner and saved herself some trouble. Yet it isn’t your place and you haven’t the wisdom of a queen. You’re merely a servant. 
“Once I give him an heir, he will have to listen to me too. Yes, I will do what mother could never. Give my husband a son,” she drags her hand to her midsection, “I think last night...” she flutters her lashes dreamily. Her suggestion makes you squirm. Her and the king’s relations are hardly your concern. “It was better,” her voice is brittle, “even if...” she peers around and clamps her lips. She narrows her dark eyes, “close the door.” 
You obey. You come back to her and return to your previous task. She reaches in to pluck out a string of pearls. 
“He puts me on my stomach,” she whispers, almost as if she thinks you won’t hear, but she is speaking to you. There is no one else in the room. Perhaps she is only embarrassed that she has only to the courage to tell a maid. “And he behind me so I can’t see him and... he can’t see me but... but if he could...” she toys with the pearls, “if he’d just look at me, he might like it better.” 
You lift a pair of medallions earrings and she ignores them. She tosses the pearls back in the chest and stands. You back away. 
“He won’t let me touch him otherwise,” she mulls as she paces. “But he is warming. It is early, isn’t it? And compared to the first night... I don’t know. It will get better. It must.” 
She quiets and stands by the window. Her anxiety is palpable. It’s uncharacteristic. You’ve never seen her uncertain of anything yet you can understand it. She is soon to set off to a new life and to brave a long road. When she reaches her destination, she will be a true queen. When you get there, you’ll still be a maid. 
“I’ll go to him tonight,” she says and raises her head, “yes, yes, I will go to him and try again.” She spins and smirks at her grand idea, “maid, I must find something to wear for him. Well, nothing very much,” she remarks coyly, “but I will need a robe. Yes, I saw a satin one in the queen’s closet.” She swallows and stands as straight as she can, “my closet.” 
You diligently cross the chamber and search the wardrobe. You find a white satin robe stitched with gold and silver. You turn to show the queen. She giggles and claps her hands. 
“Wine,” she says, “I must find some courage too.” 
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koprulu · 1 year
Dear Angbang fanfic writers. Please tag your rape/abuse/unhealthy relationships/other triggering content when you START posting your multichapter fic, NOT wait until people call you out in the comments for not mentioning it sooner and making survivors' browsing experience more difficult for the sake of "but the spoilers-”. Use clear, precise language that encapsulates the content involved and pick the appropriate tag - the one that has more fics under it when clicked, as these are the easiest to filter out. If there's rape, use the rape/non-con warning as it shows up in a bold font before all other tags and is easier to spot than the “rape” tag. if there's domestic violence, use the “domestic violence” tag as it has 22,800+ fics under it and shows up first in the suggestions when anyone is looking for a tag to block, when compared to the alternative “domestic abuse” tag which does not show up in the search and only appears on 1206 fics overall. Do not skip it, do not abbreviate it, do not sugarcoat it. Tag it for what it involves first and add your explanations afterwards. People search for fics that include or exclude specific elements. Let them curate their experience. If they don’t want to see unhealthy relationships in a fic and you know yours will involve some - tag them ahead of time, not 15 chapters in. If you know you’re planning to have an on-page instance of characters in a relationship hitting each other, tag it “domestic violence” on chapter one, not over forty chapters in when readers who have that stuff filtered out are invested and think they’re safe. Let readers filter the fic out instead of trying to string them along for your fic's duration by omitting key warnings and potentially harming survivors because you personally think that maybe “it’s not that bad” about your genuinely triggering content. Just be honest, precise and direct. If you plan on having this type of content in your fic for any reason at all, be it because this is how you want character development to happen or because you don’t believe this ship deserves a fic that features a functional relationship from start to finish, go for it! no one is stopping you! I’m just asking that you tag it ahead of time, instead of trying to pass your fic as safe for people who take precautions to filter their own triggers out and follow your fic for 15 or 20 or 40 chapters before you finally remember to flip the switch when you're caught having untagged triggers just sitting right there in the text. Most people will still read it, and most of those will still recommend it to others if they like it and think it is worth sharing. Simply allow the few people who need to be informed first to have the option to be informed before committing. That’s all.
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captainsspnanon · 11 months
C3E65 reaction
Imogen Laudna stuff in it's own separate untagged post. Don't search it out if you love the pairing, I'm not here for drama.
FUCKING fanTASTIC episode!!!! ALL of it!
Looking at the timeline for this, as I finished watching late last night but immediately went to bed rather than typing up my reaction, as I always then spent like, 2 or 3 hours on tumblr after no matter how much I say I'm just going to make my reaction then go to sleep.
We got some solid conversation between the groups, and Laudna's freakout was 100% justified. As much as team wildemount did have their own struggles (and they DID!), it was a much more comforting trip than team issylra, especially with all the downtime they got. (had team issylra gotten those five days of wibbly timeline, i'm not sure if it would have been downtime, or if it would have been hishari drama or other drama.)
At the start of the episode, both my mom and I were a bit confused as to why Ashton was so chipper. However, when they had their conversation with FCG about trying to do better, not necessarily being okay but not being bad either, finding a purpose, actively engaging in friendship rather than avoiding it for fear of being burnt again, THEN it made sense. It's certainly one of the times where I would have preferred Taliesin to show more of the emotional transition on screen, but that's not how Tal RPs, and I'm used to that. 4 Sided Dives/Talks are always the best to find out what's truly going on with Tal's PCs, which is a sign of how much he has the inner life for them, and also (in my slightly negative opinion) a sign of how much he isn't really showing it outright in main campaign. And I admit my usual annoyance with Ashton asking Milo to make something but not verbalizing it so that the cast can be surprised when Taliesin shows whatever it was off. I didn't mind it to start, and it made sense with a lot of Percy's things to not take up time, but I've since learned that Taliesin will just do this all the time and yeah. I'm over it. However, by the end of the episode we know at least that the immovable rod was put in the hammer, as well as the scatter spell crystals, so at the very least we know a good chunk, so I feel better about it.
No real comments on FCG's emotional state, especially re: FRIDA, as he right now seems to be keeping it pushed down. However, I did appreciate how much he pushed back on other party members in regards to the opinions of the gods. Things did get smoothed over a bit more easily than I was expecting it to, based on the comments from 6sd, but at the same time it makes absolute sense as this party really is the 'smooth things over' party, especially when compared with VM and M9. I don't consider it a bad thing, tbh, even though I love the interparty drama, because it's a different dynamic that's being explored.
As I've already talked about getting spoiled about the imodna kiss, I'll keep this section brief. 1) I adore how they clearly forgot how Matt held his face to do Zhudanna and I love that they both nearly lost it. 2) Marisha flailing whenever getting romanced will never not be funny. 3) I actually hope that when we next get her on 4sd, she can talk more about the fact that she built a PC to be 'unromanceable'. We know that Liam had designed Caleb to not have another romance, and we saw how that fell apart. I wonder what her thought process was behind it and how she feels about it going forwards, as Liam made the choice with Caleb to RP the unrequited, and then take the steps for the requited, whereas Laura took the initiative with this romance. 4) Pour one out for my mom who is mourning the platonic friendship that she felt mirrored very strongly a friendship that she has which she was enjoying seeing portrayed.
OKay, the NON-romance stuff! I'm very excited to see how it plays out with both Imogen and Laudna feeling the need for power from sources that they feel they can't trust. Laudna not even being able to admit that she wants the power from Delilah, this could be a very interesting road to go down. AND LUDINUS YOU FUCK. So excited to see where else he's dropping his propaganda. Is it just Marquet? It's GOT to be around all of Exandria, right???
Moving on to Fearne, Chetney, and Orym - I'm a little disappointed they didn't share more information with Ajit, but it was a good conversation nonetheless. There were a few things that he said which made me feel as if Matt was leaving a few options open for if the party wanted to do a few paid tasks in town, a la the Mighty Nein. I didn't see any of them being accepted, but I liked that they were still put out there, even if the party is pretty much mainlining the plot at this point. The bounty hunter sent by the shopkeeper was unexpected (or would have been if I hadn't gotten spoiled, dammit) and was a fun mini-combat! I wonder how long Matt had that sitting in his pocket.
THE DUSKMAVEN. That whole scene was SO good! I was a bit surprised at first with how emotional Orym was, considering he didn't really have a connection with her beforehand, until I realized that this was the first time he's been in any temple since the shit hit the fan. I suspect that no matter WHOSE temple it was, he would have been the same way, with the possible exception of the Dawnfather. Having multiple party members receive a vision was definitely a good play, as this moves from FCG being the only one with actual interaction to four members. Vax as an orb forever screaming? fun times fun times. ...there's the morbid angsty part of me that hopes they share that information with Keyleth who shares it with VM. LOOK I LIKE SOME GOOD HURT/COMFORT SOMETIMES OKAY.
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ljf613 · 11 months
Could you please not put untagged madrigalcest discourse in the encanto tag. Ruined my day again. This is why people put dnis on their stuff. They dont want to interact and be reminded of the rampant underage incest shipping. But yay for pedo bruno hcs
Oooh, Anon hate! I'm not sure I can even remember the last time I got one of these-- I was starting to get a little worried there.
I want to start by saying that tagging etiquette is actually super-important to me, so I want to actually address what Anon is talking about here, point by point.
1) Could you please not put untagged madrigalcest discourse in the encanto tag
Personally, I don't use the #madigalcest tag because I feel that it's overly broad-- what is and isn't considered incest varies widely across countries and cultures, so it's not one size fits all.
I do, however, make sure to tag all of my ship-related posts with the appropriate ship tags, so as long as you have the ships you don't want to see content for filtered out, you shouldn't see it.
But I'm pretty sure this ask is in response to this post I made yesterday-- which literally doesn't mention any ships in it at all, "madrigalcest" or otherwise, so I don't really understand what your complaint here is.
2) Ruined my day again
If seeing random strangers online sharing opinions you don't like ruins your day, I would recommend never using the internet ever.
3) This is why people put dnis on their stuff
Again, I'm assuming this is in response to yesterday's post (linked above), where I said that I really don't like it when people put DNIs in their fanfics, and, in particular, in their fic tags.
My argument there was partially rooted in the fact that tags are there more for the benefit of the reader, not the writer. Tags are intended to give the reader an idea of what to expect, or to allow them to filter out content they don't want to see.
And you, Anon, agree with me on this point. I know you do. That's why you sent me an ask telling me that you wanted me to change my tags-- because those tags are, in part, there for you (and anyone else who reads my posts).
This is why I generally think DNIs are a waste of time-- if there's something that you don't want to see, you are responsible for curating your own online experience. Don't rely on random strangers on the internet to do it for you. (We are not your parents.)
In short, tags are there so readers can decide whether or not that's a fic and/or post they want to see. They are not there so writers can dictate who is and isn't allowed to see their content.
(Once you share something publicly, you have virtually no control over who does and doesn't get to look at it. Imagine if someone published a book at put a large note on the back cover that said, "people who like star wars ARE NOT ALLOWED to read this book." Who on earth would take them seriously?)
4) They dont want to interact
If there's someone you don't want to interact with, block them. I'm fairly certain AO3 now has a block feature.
And again, that's your job. A reader is under no obligation not to look at your content just because you told them not to.
Also, as I mentioned in the tags of yesterday's post: someone you disagree with is not going to contaminate you just by reading words that you wrote.
5) and be reminded of the rampant underage incest shipping
I cannot emphasize this enough: if there is something on the internet that you don't want to see, don't look at it.
6) But yay for pedo bruno hcs
I will repeat again that absolutely nothing in yesterday's post was about shipping, let alone any specific ships (with or without Bruno).
Also, I do feel the need to inform you that I don't actually have any, as you call them, "pedo bruno hcs." Not to mention that I'm fairly certain that you don't actually know what a pedophile is. I recommend doing a bit of research-- a five-second Google search may help. The Wikipedia page on pedophilia might also be a good place to start-- read that first paragraph a couple of times until you're sure that you understand what it says.
Have a nice weekend!
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PSA: If you get a weird ask in your inbox like this, please, I am begging you, actually do a little looking before you do what it says.
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At first glance, it doesn't look too bad. No suspicious links, mostly free of the kind of egregious errors that appear in a lot of low-quality scams. If you go to the blog, it even looks legit, since the account has reblogged stuff! However, no scam is perfect.
If you just scroll down the blog just a little bit you'll see that there are only a handful of (unrelated, untagged) posts reblogged, and nothing before (at the time of writing) 15 hours ago, plus nothing else about this supposed cat
In the pinned message, they ask you to send them money through Paypal using the "friends and family" feature. NEVER send money to someone with friends and family if they are not someone you trust!!! It is harder for PayPal to get you a refund that way if you get scammed, or so I've heard.
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Finally, and most importantly, if you even do a simple Google search of the name attached to the PayPal account, you will easily find that this person has done the exact same thing just a few days ago with a different account and a different cat, right down to copying and pasting the paragraph asking you to send money to their PayPal
Please be safe and don't fall for scams!! If you would like to see for yourself and block them, the account that messaged me is vaneshys, and their previous account is vanessxndwich (CW: the vaneshys account has images of a cat with a bit of a rash on its head, not too graphic though)
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