#like why do the cats' faces do that sometimes???
sneppu · 2 days
The Reasons Why Severus Snape is Secretly a Cat, Actually.
I'm saying he's a neglected and abused stray little black cat and here is why
He's very meow meow. VERY kitten.
Black cats are vilified and assumed by some to be evil. Coincidentally, both of these things happen to Snape as well.
Difficult to befriend. Cats are already picky about who they like, and Cats who have had it rough are even more difficult. One cannot just waltz up to a cat like that expect friendliness, or even indifference for that matter.
Extremely bad, no good, very bad luck with dogs. Seriously, the man MUST have dog trauma by now. Werewolves? Sirius, one of his biggest haters and tormentors, a dog animagus? even Fluffy mauling his leg?? The first two were marauders, yes, but that's not a good thing when it comes to Snape. (not all dogs and cats dont get along, but its certainly interesting. Personally, I headcanon him as a definite cat person who has a bad associations with dogs but thats a whole other post.)
Very hissy and snarly and unpleasant when threatened - and sometimes, even when YOU think there's no apparent threat! This is premium Gato™ Behavior. An abused little shelter cat, horribly unsocialized, becoming hyper defensive anytime anything happens to him, even if the thing that is happening is kind.
it fits with the idea that hes "mean for no reason" because there IS a reason - cats are complicated little guys! Where you see a nonissue, He might see a threat. Where you see kindness, he might see mockery. Where you see playfulness he might see cruelty, and so on. After all, he's been on the receiving end of it all too often.
Cats like this usually end up stuck in shelters - not a home - because no one will take them. They're too offputting, they're too mean, they're too much trouble. One could argue that Hogwarts itself IS that shelter in this scenario; a place to be, but not a home. Not really.
Worth noting: maybe to Harry, Hogwarts can be considered a sort-of Home, but he actually found kindness and friends there. Severus lost his only friend and was tormented there. Better than his incredibly shitty situation with his family? Certainly! but Shelters often are.
SWM fits as well; A moment of extreme distress from being humiliated, afraid, and overwhelmed? all those jeering laughing faces while he is vulnerable and unsafe, defenseless at the hands of people who have continuously hurt him for years?? and to see and know that his friend - his BEST friend - the only friend; the only PERSON, he has, is there holding back a smile as it is happening too? Have you ever met a cat in distress? of course he lashed out. It's honestly astounding that he didnt lash out MORE.
and while on the subject of SWM, him lashing out at Lily applies here too. A cornered, distressed cat (especially one with a history of abuse) sees everything as a threat , even people it is normally friendly to, if it's distressed enough. Have you tried to bathe a cat? or maybe tried to coax one to get into a cat carrier for the vet? these things are very difficult but manageable at the best of times but "vulnerable, afraid, humiliated, and threatened" are NOT the best of times, I fear.
it even works with his occlumency and the way he deals with vulnerability as well. Cats, when in pain, do their best to hide that pain. This is because to be outwardly hurt is to be vulnerable, and that can lead to predation by bigger animals. Severus too, hides his vulnerability. The things that truly matter to him, his worries, his soft and squishy bits, and loyalties all carefully locked away.
Rivalry with Minerva?? that's just good ol' unserious cat drama. Have u ever seen an indoor cat staring down a stray through the window? silly little creatures. They'll grumble about it and act like its on sight (and maybe it is!) but when you're not looking, there'll be sniffing through the glass and pretending they dont care while they nap suspiciously close by.
Starved for affection and touch. An abused stray, past all the hissing and the fear and violence, once they're finally given a chance and finally understand that they are safe, just wants to be loved. They usually end up being the most affectionate and loyal cats of all! only to those they feel safe with, of course.
And speaking of loyalty, that applies here too. He was loyal to Lily, the first and only person to show him kindness (though my feelings for her are very complicated) and he was later loyal to Dumbledore. Unfortunately, neither of these people ever truly took in the stray, not really. And so the Stray was never actually socialized, and never completely safe, and never actually given a home.
and finally.. his death. Cats have a tendency to hide when nearing death, or dying.. and as such, often die in solitude. Severus may not have exactly had a direct hand in this of course, but.. there's something about him dying in this shitty little shack, far away from the action, presumably alone (or so he thought until Harry and his friends materialized out of nowhere under the cloak.). He wasn't actually alone in his actual final moments, but in the time leading up to it? Very lonely.
In a way, one could say that Lily came closest to adopting the stray Sev cat. And maybe she would have! maybe she wanted to take in the stray at one point - had planned to, even! But her friends told her he was dirty and gross, "who knows where that things been! he's probably diseased". and The marauders kept tormenting him, making him increasingly defensive and hissy and violent, as cats often are in that situation and then it was also "look how cruel and mean he is! he'll only hurt you". and maybe when the time finally came and that defensiveness finally WAS aimed at her it only confirmed what she had already begun to believe. And then she decided she wasnt a cat person after all. Who knows? One could make an argument for all of that. Do i see things that way? maybe, maybe not. My feelings toward every character who is not Snape are largely indifferent for the most part.
Verdict: Severus Snape is a Cat. He is a little kitten meow meow. Give this man a little cauldron to curl up in asap
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MLC novel extra translation + translator's notes
For anyone who doesn't want to click into the link translation offered below the cut
Main Text:
Two years later. on the shore of the East Sea, in Kecuo Village1.
Kecuo Village was just near Yuncuo Village. Outside the village, fishing nets were hung up to dry in the sun, and with around a hundred residents in the village, it was much smaller than Yuncuo.
There was someone hanging up fishing nets to dry behind a house.
Said man was tall and very slender, with extremely pale skin, as if it hadn’t seen the sun in ages. His right arm hung limp at his side, appearing paralyzed, so he used one left hand to slowly adjust the position of the fishing net, seeming to take immense joy in the action. It was just that his vision appeared to be impaired, sometimes needing to use his fingers to map out objects as he worked, occasionally leaning very close to something to see clearly.
“Damned Lianhua!” Someone snarled, running out from the house.
“Didn’t this respectable one2 tell you to be good and rest in the house? You mostly blind three legged cat, you still have the guts to go out and fish? Do you think it was easy for this respectable one to travel here far from the capital? You’re just going to provoke me like that?”
The person hanging up the nets turned around, revealing a familiar face. He squinted his eyes, putting his face close to Fang Duobing’s as he looked at him for quite a while, before seeming to just barely remember who he was.
“Oh, it’s Young Master Shi3, have you been well these days?” He said happily.
Fang Duobing felt a thunderous surge of fury4!
“Young Master Shi? Who’s your Young Master Shi? Who let you call him that? This respectable one is Fang Duobing! It’s been one fucking month apart and you you only remember Young Master Shi? What did he ‘give’5 to you? This respectable one sent hundreds of people to search for you along rivers and seashores, and was as tired as a dog, and then turns out you’ve become an idiot, so this respectable one gives you food and shelter and clothes like some wet nurse, and I don’t see you calling me Young Master Fang!”
Li Lianhua squinted his eyes again, putting his face near his to scrutinise him for the second time.
“Oh, Sect Leader Xiao.” He said with a bright smile.
Fang Duobing jumped up again in increasing anger, body shaking with fury.
“Sect………Sect Leader Xiao? That bastard—Why should you need to remember that bastard? Forget him for me, forget all of them—“
He grabbed Li Lianhua and shook him violently, and it was not until he felt that he had mostly shaken that “Sect Leader Xiao” out of Li Lianhua’s mind that he stopped.
“Who is this respectable one? This respectable one is Fang Duobing, the prince consort of this period, remember that now?”
At that, Li Lianhua lost any interest to look at him.
“Oh, the prince consort,” He turned away to continue hanging the fishing nets.
“You ungrateful, muddle-headed, shameless dastardly bastard!”
Fang Duobing gestured violently at his back, curses spilling from his mouth. Unfortunately for him, the subject of these curses had his undivided attention on his fishing nets, and was deaf to the world, not that he would understand what Fang Duobing was saying even if he was listening.
Fang Duobing suddenly let out a long breath, fumbling for a chair and sitting down. Damned Lianhua wasn’t dead. He’d been washed out into the sea on that little boat, and had been picked up by fishermen. Still, he was alive, and that was enough.
Even if when he’d been found, he’d lost the use of his right hand, and along with it his vision and his once sharp mind, confused and naive to the world like a common dog. And yet……… he wasn’t dead, and that was enough. Just as he was now, no longer remembering insignificant wrongs or rights, no longer intelligent and full of plans, going fishing if he liked it, growing vegetables if he liked it, raising chickens if he liked it, occasionally sunning himself and talking with the old men and women next door.
What was so bad about it?
What was so bad about it?
His eyes burned with tears. He thinks that having this view on Li Lianhua’s situation shows how much he’s let go, and yet he still remembers the Li Lianhua back then who’d steal rabbits from monasteries with him, would gently smile as him and tease “Your brilliance really is unmatched”, the Li Lianhua who had a slightly stingy temper.
Now, the person sunning the fish nets was humming some unknown little tune as he slowly made his way out of the backyard. Outside the backyard was the beach, and further put was the sea. There was a man in dark clothes standing calmly outside, seemingly looking at the sea.
Li Lianhua sneakily looked back, before gladly making his way towards a sandy piece of land, where a chess board with nineteen rows both vertical and horizontal lay6, many pebbles lying on the board. He sat at one end of the board with a proper air, smiling as he asked,
“The one hundred and thirty sixth move, have you decided yet?”
The man in black continued staring at the sea, and after a while, he calmly replied,
“I lost.”
Li Lianhua held his hand out, a bright smile on his face.
“One unit of silver7.”
The man waved his arm, throwing a unit of silver over. Suddenly, he asked,
“Do you really not remember who I am?”
Li Lianhua immediately nodded.
“I do remember.”
The man8 trembled slightly.
“And I am………”
“You’re the wealthy man.” Li Lianhua said with an utterly serious air.
Translator’s notes:
柯厝村, known as Kecuo Village, is an actual town in Fujian Province, China.
The Chinese term used is 老子, which can either refer to Philosopher Lao Tzu, one’s father, or a self important/joking way to refer to oneself. In Fang Duobing’s case, he’s basically saying “myself” but as the word can also mean father, he’s giving himself a sense of superiority or authority over others, as he considers himself someone of high social standing like his seniors without actually being a father/senior.
Young Master Shi is Shi Wenjue, who in the show is the scholar who faked his suicide and got ‘resurrected’ by Li Lianhua. He’s extremely tanned, and despite being a scholar he’s failed the imperial exams a few times.
The idiom used here is 暴跳如雷, and the literal translation is “to jump up violently like thunder”. This idiom refers to one being extremely agitated to the point of throwing a tantrum due to great anger.
The character for Shi Wenjue’s surname Shi is 施, which can also mean “to give” or “to execute”. In this context, the meaning used is the former. It’s also kind of wordplay because Shi Wenjue’s surname means “to give” so one can just use it as a verb if needed.
The chess board is actually a weiqi board, aka an ancient chinese version of chess that is still played today.
一兩銀子, which I translated as a unit of silver. In modern terms 一兩 refers to 50 grams, while in ancient times 16 units of silver was around 500 grams. For the sake of simplicity I’m translating 一兩 as one unit.
In case it’s not clear, the man in black robes is Di Feisheng.
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mooshie-blue · 2 days
Enough for me 💕
A sort self insert octonauts fic idfk I don’t want to post this to a03
If you don’t like self insert stuff go away!
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Bonnie could never be an Octonaut. They hated traveling, their room was always their safe place. they could never work under pressure either. They didn’t wear the hat or the fancy shirt collar.
They couldn’t drive a car, how would they drive a GUP? They couldn’t work under pressure. They were a coward.
Cooking is all they could really do.
The octonauts had been out to take care of and reunite a baby shark with her family after she got separated.
Bonnie was with the vegimals, planning that night’s dinner. They were chopping up some seaweed and Tominow was at the mixer, humming her little vegimal song. She occasionally looked over, noticing Bonnie’s solemn expression.
since Bonnie joined the crew, all the vegimals, especially Tomminow had taken a liking to them, seeing Bonnie as a sort of Mother figure. Sometimes Tominow called them “Mama”
The little Vegimal looked Bonnie’s direction “Mama?” Asking if they were okay.
Bonnie snapped back to reality and looked at their little friend, her little face was painted with concern “Mama?”
“I’m okay, Tominow, just not feeling it today. Must’ve slept funny.” Bonnie rubbed their totally sore neck and smiled weakly.
Tominow didn’t beleive them, she had been trained to be smarter than that thanks to Shellington and Tunip.
But she knew Bonnie didn’t like talking much about their feelings, especially to someone so young.
Tominow simply sighed sadly and went back to mixing. But she did have an idea in mind.
Soon dinner would be out in the oven and the Octonauts would return.
Tominow sat in the launch bay, waiting for Captain Barnacles because she knew how close he was with Bonnie.
Tweak walked in after getting a call from Barnacles telling her they were on their way back to the octopod. She would be set to open the octo-hatch soon.
“Hey, there Tominow! How’s dinner coming along?” She ruffled Tomminow’s leafy head as she approached the lever and stood by, waiting for orders.
“In da oven!” Tominow replied, she sat beside tweak, lightly kicking her flippers.
“Alright! But don’t tell me what it is, I want to be surprised!” Tweak giggled
Tominow nodded and hummed some more. Eventually, Captain Barnacles called for tweak to open the Octo-Hatch, Then he, Kwazii, Peso and Shellington bought the GUP-A to the top.
“How’d it go? Is Sasha okay?” Tweak asked about the baby shark.
“Oh, yes!” Captain Barnacles climbed out and gently pulled Peso out with him. “She’s fine!” Peso added Her parents were worried but they’re all together again, we made sure they swam off together before coming back!”
“A relief it is!” Shellington followed Peso out and stepped on the dock. Kwazii following close behind.
“That’s good to hear!” Tweak munched on a carrot “Tominow said dinners in the oven right now, it’ll be another 30 or so minutes.”
“In the meantime we should all take it easy, you did a wonderful job today, Octonauts!” Barnacles clasped his hands together “I’m very proud of you!”
“Shucks, Cap’n!” Kwazii chuckled “Hey, Shellington, ya up for a round of ping pong?” Shellington laughed and followed the swashbuckling cat to the rec room. “You’re on!”
Tweak set the GUP A back in its designated spot, Barnacles checking in beside her, after that, Tominow approached him and lightly tugged on his sleeve.
“Hm? What is it Tominow?” The polar bear turned to face her, he knelt down to her level.
“Mama!” Tominow hopped up and down. “Mama sad!”
“Oh, Bonnie’s upset? Do you know why?” He stood up. Tominow shaking her head, she tugged on his paw, urging him to follow.
“Easy now! I’m coming.” He gently settled the worried vegimal as he stood up and followed. They both deeply cared about Bonnie. Barnacles had found them when they were at a low place. They didn’t have a home or a job, really. The octonauts never ever encountered humans. Seeing them was a first. But he was glad he found them.
Bonnie lay quietly in their room. They left the other Vegimals in charge of watching over dinner. They just stared outside, watching the fish go by. It wasn’t uncommon for them to just not do anything. What a burden.
A gentle knock on their door “Darling? It’s me, Tominow told me you aren’t feeling well.”
They couldn’t ever really resist Barnacles helpfulness. No matter how tired or angry they were, something about the small polar bear just broke their walls down. Even just sitting quietly with him was enough to put them at ease.
They stood up and the door opened automatically, they motioned for him to come in, which he did.
They plopped themself down on their bed and lay quietly. Around him they felt more comfortable to just be ‘unpleasant’ just a side of themselves they barely show. The side that was upset and frustrated, the side that felt wasn’t good enough.
Captain Barnacles sat next to them and rubbed their shoulder “What’s wrong, my dear?”
“I’m just so tired of being so useless.” Bonnie sighed and gripped their hair in frustration, Barnacles looking with worry.
“I feel like I’m not doing enough for the team, when the opportunity comes, I just back away like a coward. I just wish I wasn’t so scared all the time.” They sighed. “I don’t feel like I belong here, or anywhere really.”
Captain Barnacles gently stroked their soft hair and moved their bangs out of their eyes noticing them close, trying to hold back tears. He pressed a soft kiss to their forehead.
“Bonnie. It’s scary for anyone to do big things. I have fears myself, y’know. There’s so much out there to be worried about. I can’t say I blame you.”
He ran his paw to their hand and gently grasped it. “But you are just as important as the rest of us. Sometimes we get so busy we don’t have time to prepare meals. So imagine how happy we are when we come back to the octopod to see a warm, delicious meal made by you and the Vegimals.” Bonnie looked at him and noticed that warm smile on muzzle.
“You don’t have to go out and bandage up wounds or take big risks to reunite a shark with their families. Not yet, anyway. When your time comes, I’ll be happy to help you every step of the way. That’s my job as the Captain, I must be patient with everyone and their needs, and that includes you.”
He looked up at them, sincerity written all over him. “So please be patient with yourself. There’s no need to rush out into something you don’t believe you’re ready for.”
Bonnie nodded and held his paw “Thank you, bear..” they took his hat off and kissed the top of his head. Barnacles letting out a soft chuckle in response. his reactions to their affection were always so charming, He himself was just.. charming.
“I’ll always be there, Bonnie. No matter how small you think your problems are, I’ll help you.” He stroked their hair.
Bonnie sat up and hugged their little bear close. “I love you, Barnacles.” They whispered. “Oh I love you too, Dear. Do you want me to stay?”
Bonnie nodded “Yes, please.” They held him closer and lay down, bringing him down with them in their embrace. “You’re so sweet, snowball.”
“All for you, my dear.” He held their cheek and kissed their lips. Bonnie gently tugged his shirt collar and kissed him right back.
They both lay in complete, comfortable silence, exchanging sweet kisses as they waited for dinner.
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hirik0 · 15 hours
Match my freak
PervNik/PervPrice | non Military AU | pervert old man yoai | NSFW
Warning: nonconsenting voyeurism turning consenting, crime as plot devise
When Nik became a hacker never thought he would not only use it for money but also to satisfy his most perverted sexual fantasies. But well people have Web cams and watch porn on pcs sometimes even have their cam point at their beds so why shouldn't he watch them jerking of or fucking a partner? Hell, some even do even jerk of in at their work desk. He usually blacks mail the workplace ones, because free entertainment and money, he would be stupid to pass at the opportunity. He looks who opened his fishing e-mail and who if them has a Web cam he can use for his own goals. The first 5 show an empty workspace, the next three are children and then finally finds a guy around his age browsing a porn site, clearly looking for something to watch. It's an attractive guy with well-groomed beard and hair, wearing bit more expensive clothes in what Nik assumes is a home office. Nik looks at the bookshelf trying to get clues about the guy’s job, seeing some finance and economy related books. He checks the mail linked to the fishing mail a British lawyer that clearly is into some kinky stuff.
'She takes the whole camp site, camping sex adventure' is the title of what Price is choosing. Nik starts to record the hacked screen and the webcam footage.
Price opens his pants; he just finished the last meeting of the day. He needs release some stress, he usually would not do it in his home office, but he simply doesn’t want to move to his bedroom watching on his small phone today. He needed some time to find something he finds interesting, but he finally is opening his belt and fly, putting both hands on the arm rest for now. He starts to rub over his still clothed dick when the actress is starting to finger herself, spreading his legs a bit rolling the chair backwards. Pulling his dick out when it's fully hard, licking his palm before he starts to slowly jerk off.
Nik is fully fixated on the man's dick the slight curve it has, how long it is and the thickness, would be nice to ride. He starts to rub over his own dick keeping it in the sweatpants for now, it's nothing to exited happening at the moment. The first pearls of precum are leaking out of Price dick and Nik is finally pulling out his own, staring at the flesh light he has prepared, but honestly, he will keep that for a more entertaining victim. Price is smearing the pre cum over his tip and Nik does the same. They jerk off in tandem for a while and Nik thinks about looking for a better victim, because he's getting bored. Price clearly only like to watch kinky stuff and was not kinky himself. He accidentally rewinds the video to the woman is getting her face covered with cum again. Looks like his time with Price is over now anyway.
Price stops did the site glitch for a moment. He then notices the small notification he has sat up to tell him his Web cam is running he sometimes forgets to turn it off or his cats accidentally turn it on when walking over the keyboard. He definitely turned it off, he even closed the program they use for video calls. His heart rate picks up, got his cam hacked? He feels his dick throb at this thought, shit that's so hot, well if the hacker is watching what he hopes he will give them a show. Also potentially getting black mailed, something he loves to use in role-playing with his partners. He shorty let's his dick go for a moment before he pulls his pants and boxers fully down, rolling the chair so far back the back rest is hitting the bookshelf. Spreading his legs as far as possible before he starts to stroke himself again using the free hand to open the buttons of his dress shirt.
Niks eyes are glued to the screen, oh fuck what is happening? Price clearly noticed something but why is he? When the dress shirt is fully open the hand is dropping on the arm rest again and Price is now looking directly into the camera grinning no smirking at him before the winks, the man knows and keeps going? Nik has to squeeze the root of his own dick because well that's fucking hot. He reaches for the toy he prepared without thought, he's getting a fucking show, and it would be a waste to not use it. He removes his eyes from the dick that's still stroking in the same lazy speed to make sure he can enjoy what he's watching. He looks up the hairy chest and Price is clearly still looking in the cam and not at the screen anymore. The look on his face is screaming watch me and Nik does. Price starts to play with his nipples after a while, twisting them from time to time, moaning whenever he does so.
Price starts to pick up the speed of his strokes, twisting his wrist every time he stokes down, spreading the pre cum over his full length. Trying to make it look good for his viewer, asking himself if they are touching themselves while watching, he hopes so. He trusts into his hand at the thought, he needs to go into the club again getting fucked bent over a table for everyone to see again, maybe even be the glory hole for a while. The hand is sliding down from his torso before the starts to play with his balls. Shit some of the club rooms are streamed oi the club’s website he could invite the hacker to watch him getting railed over and over again. He throws that thought away as quickly as it come up in his brain. He definitely will invite the hacker to watch again if they want too. He will give an even better show next time, he nearly comes at the thought if a next time.
Nik trust into the toy, moaning, already feeling the sensation in his lower spine of the building orgasm. Moaning from time to time while watching the man jerking off for him. For some reason this is even hotter as when they don't know. Price starts to trust faster into his hand while his other hand is still playing with his balls and Nik starts to copy the movement with his own. Suddenly Price mouth is dropping open, and he closes his eyes before robes of cum are covering his whole torso and hand. The man keeps playing with his balls one splash of cum is even landing in his beard. Nik stars mesmerized at it forgetting his own pleasure fully when Price is lifting his cum covered hand, licking it clean again focused on the cam, the way he licks over his fingers is obscene. Nik comes when the other man is starting to suck his fingers. If he didn’t use the toy who knows what he would cover with cum. He's panting heavily gasping when he hears the pop as Price is pulling his fingers out of his mouth. He waves in the camera with the freshly cleaned hand before the kicks Nik out of the cam.
"What the fuck" Nik is saying into the room before he stops the recording. He doesn’t even know how long he's staring at the screen trying to make sense out of what just happened. One of his victims gave him a fucking show, what does he still tries to black mail him? Does he delete the recording? He finally pulls the toy off his dick, puts it with the opening up on the table, before he pulls out one empty USP stick and moves the video on there. He will keep this to watch again later. Then again can he even black mail Price, well not like the guy will go to the police after giving him a show. His e-mail program is blinking with details about a job, he can do this first before he figures the situation with Price out.
Price is waiting for the black mail it's Sunday evening and he's in bed petting the cat that's curled up on him when it finally is appearing. He doesn’t even read it before answering it.
Please sent the video to me, also if you’re interested in more Saturday at 3 pm my time zone.
Is that what he should do? No, but it's way more fun than to just ignoring the mail or going to the police.
Niks mouth drops open when he sees the answer Price sent him.
"What the fuck" He gasps into the room, because what prosecution lawyer would even do this? He also will turn in Saturday because he would be stupid if not, he finally found somebody that's matching his sexual freak.
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problems-exe · 2 days
The Poem
The story of how Prim and Lu got together in the printerjamau
Wrote this a bit ago and decided it was about time I posted it. This is incredibly long, so I apologize for that, but for those interested in their story, I think it's worth the read.
Begins after the cut :]
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The sound of the wind breezing through the desolate building rooftop does nothing to drown out the rapid beating of their soul.
Prim finds themselves sitting, not alone, but with a close friend. Listening to her ramble about the latest au she visited and the small bakery from which she had bought treats. The bag sitting at her side was long emptied, its contents having been eaten hours ago. Prim has found themselves a lot less alone lately.
Despite their best efforts, it's hard for them to focus on Lu’s rambles, distracted by the intense feeling of something in the air. Something about today felt distantly off. It wasn't unusual for the two to meet like this, a gift cradled in one of the skeleton's hands. But Lu had seemed so.. anxious when she asked them to meet. It was odd. She had seemed… flustered? Almost? But that wouldn't make any sense-
“Prim?” Lu pulled them out of their daze with the utterance of their name, a concerned and nervous expression on her face.
“Sorry, that wasn't that interesting, was it? I got a bit carried away…” She states, averting Prim's eyelights as a deep blush settles on her face, accentuated by the deep orangish-pinkish hues of the sun setting before them.
‘She looks so beautiful like this,’ Prim shoves that thought as soon as it crosses their mind, nervous glitches appearing up their body as they force themselves to refocus on the conversation again.
“Nah. Long day. Just zoned out.” Prim replies after a pause. A lie. And they know it's one. Their day had been fine, a typical day as any. They're always honest with her; why are they being like this now?
“Oh,” She sounded surprised, as if she had been expecting Prim to call her boring.
“I'm sorry, do you want to talk about it? I've been rambling on for a while…” She continues, looking back at Prim with a crooked smile. The usual squint of her eye sockets not present. Something was wrong. She'd been acting noticeably off all evening; they should have picked up on the pieces sooner. Prim was the worst person for something like this.
“Are- are you feeling alright? You seem.. upset.” Prim slowly gets out, thinking through the words before settling on them. Lu looks a bit startled at the question.
“I'm, um, yeah! Yeah, I'm alright, just-” She fumbles with her words for a moment, blush on her face darkening, and Prim's expression turns into a concerned frown.
“I wrote you something.” She continues, digging around in her bag for a split second before retrieving a clean, white envelope. Clasped shut with a cat sticker, the words “For Prim” written in cursive on the back. She bashfully presents the letter to Prim, and they momentarily gawk at it, carefully taking it from her hand. Careful to not get ink on it.
“You mentioned wanting to read one of my poems sometime, so..” *She adverts her gaze, voice trailing off at the end as Prim looks over the parchment presented to them. Their soul pounds in their chest, and they scramble to find balance in its weight. They stare at the small envelope, feeling deeply touched by the gesture. They reach to carefully remove the cat sticker before Lu's hands stop them.
“Don't, um, don't read it here. Read it when you get home. It'd feel embarrassing to watch you read it in front of me.” She states, with a nervous laugh, gently pulling her hands away. Prim nods carefully after a moment, slowly and delicately moving to place the parchment in their bag, careful not to bend it.
“I better get going now,” Lu interjects after watching Prim's bag close. They look up at her, surprised.
“Already?” They respond, concern still evident in their face.
“Yeah, I've got a long day tomorrow. I'll see you in a few days?” She responds, sounding hopeful, pleading almost.
“Obviously,” Prim responds immediately, worry still swirling in their chest.
“Right. Of course.” She states, as if reassuring herself.
“I'll see you then.” She continues, a tight smile on her face. She gives a wave of goodbye before disappearing into a portal, leaving Prim sitting alone. Surprised by the abruptness of it all.
They clutch at the strap to their bag, the featherlight weight of the envelope feeling heavy at their side. They're worried about what they'll find written in there. It's hard to fathom Lu acting so.. afraid over one of her poems. She'd sounded excited at the idea of sharing some with them when Prim had brought it up. Maybe she got cold feet? Even then…
Well, no point in speculating. They'll find out when they get home.
Prim sits for a moment longer, taking in the sunset one last time, attempting to calm their racing thoughts. After feeling more composed, they reluctantly rise to their feet, a tinge of anxiety gnawing at their chest.
Navigating through the usual motions of leaving a get-together like this, they slide one of their feet along the asphalt, leaving a trail of ink behind. They place their foot back next to the other, standing in place as the ink pools around them.
They begin to sink into the puddle, dragged into darkness for a split second before emerging in the cozy living room of their apartment, ink swiftly vanishing beneath them.
Taking a cautious step toward the nearby couch, they gingerly take a seat, pausing to take a deep breath. They turn their attention to the coffee table before them, using their hand to slide a few objects to the side, making room for the letter nestled in their bag.
Pausing once more to collect themselves, they carefully unfasten their bag, delicately reaching inside to withdraw the envelope. They stare at it pensively, toying with the small sticker that sealed it, a tiny yet almost taunting obstacle. They smooth the envelope with a thumb, using one hand to slowly and meticulously peel off the sticker, careful not to rip the parchment
They feel lost in their own little world, with nothing but themselves and the letter existing within the tranquil room. Unfurling the page from the envelope, they place the latter on the couch alongside them before setting the sheet down on the cleared space of the coffee table.
Their eyelights graze over the page, reading its contents carefully. It reads,
I've written this poem for you to convey the words I've struggled to say aloud. I’m sorry for not finding the courage to tell you in person. As an artist yourself, I'm sure you understand that sometimes it's easier to express our emotions through our work.
I understand if my feelings aren't mutual; I know this must have come as a shock to you.
I just hope this doesn't change anything between us.
Yours Always,
Below this, begins the poem,
On a canvas brimming with vibrant dreams,
Where colors mix and blend with gentle grace,
I've etched our story, yours and mine,
In shades, that time will embrace.
Your smile, a brush of vibrant hue,
Turns every moment into radiant light,
And in your eyes, I find the clues,
To ignite my soul with a beautiful sight.
Each day with you, a masterstroke,
A blend of joy and true elation,
Your laughter dispels the shadows,
Bestowing me a profound sensation.
From twilight’s glow to dawn’s first rays,
My love’s a spectrum rich and rare,
In every shade, in every phase,
You're a masterpiece beyond compare.
With every brush and every stroke,
I craft a world where we could be,
A place where dreams and hearts intertwine,
A canvas created for you and me.
So I ask now, with hopeful heart,
To step inside this vivid scene,
To share a life, to play a part,
Will you be my love, my dream?
Prim sits in stunned silence, reading and rereading the words, page blurring as they attempt to process what they've just read. Lu likes them. Actually likes them. It's hard to comprehend. Why would Lu choose someone like them when she could have anyone she wanted? Lu's affection felt like a dream, too surreal to grasp.
The confession weighs heavily on Prim's chest, butterflies fluttering in their stomach. They're at a loss for words, mind racing with questions and uncertainty, but also a strong feeling of excitement that they can't push down. Their face turns a deep shade of cyan, magenta, and yellow as the realization sinks in. Lu likes them, and they like her. The words of the poem echo in their mind, evoking a soft smile. Despite being alone they start to feel embarrassed by their reaction, prompting them to pull their scarf up to cover their blushing cheeks as they read through the page once again.
A panic settles in as Prim suddenly realizes that they need to respond to Lu's confession. What do they say to her? Nothing they could say would come even close to matching what she had written for them. They never had been the best at expressing their emotions. But… Lu needed that right now. She deserved a proper response from Prim.
No wonder she had been so nervous earlier, she had poured her heart out to the inky skeleton. She's probably feeling as anxious as Prim does right now, waiting for their response.
Well, better not keep her waiting any longer.
They cast a final gaze at the poem before rising to their feet, letting their scarf fall from their face. They secure their bag firmly over their shoulder, one of their hands clasped around its strap. With unwavering determination, they proceed, ignoring their nerves.
They begin the familiar routine of creating a portal, their foot swiping across the ground with a trail of ink following in its wake. The ink gathers at their feet, pulling them into the encompassing darkness.
Upon emerging, they find themselves standing outside The Star Sanses’ base, as well as Lu's home. The Omega Timeline bathes everything in the glow of starlight, casting the surrounding area in a celestial glow. After countless visits, the building's layout is etched into their memory, allowing them to easily locate Lu's room from the outside, even in the darkness.
After a brief walk, they arrive at Lu's window, gazing up to get a glance at it. They can see her curtains partially drawn, revealing a few of her plants resting on the windowsill. Their nerves intensify as they turn their attention to the tall tree adjacent to her window. Taking a deep nervous breath, they begin the familiar climb. Despite having done this many times before, the weight of the moment makes their movements feel awkward and slow, taking longer than usual to ascend the tree.
Eventually, they settle on a sturdy branch, close enough to reach Lu's window. They pause for a moment, trying to calm their anxiety before tentatively tapping on the window and leaning back, waiting for Lu to open it.
Moments later, they catch a glimpse of Lu's face peeking through the curtains, her eyelights meeting theirs. Despite the dim lighting, her deep blush is unmistakable. With a soft click, the window unlocks and slides open, revealing Lu's head as she peeks through to see them clearly.
“What are you doing out here?” She asks, her voice filled with unease, a nervous expression on her face.
“Me too,” Prim responds quickly, their cheeks darkening as the words leave their mouth, realizing that their statement didn't quite make sense.
“...What?” Lu asks after a pause, her head tilted slightly in confusion, a slight laugh heard in her tone.
"I mean— I read the poem. Me too. I, um, I feel the same,” Prim stammers, avoiding Lu's gaze, turning their face away and tugging their scarf over their cheeks once more.
“Oh,” She breathes, surprise evident in her voice. There's another moment of silence, broken only by the chirping of the crickets and the rustle of the wind.
The air feels tight as the silence sits between them, Prim's soul pounding anxiously in their chest. They're starting to wonder if it was a bad idea coming here. What if they misunderstood the situation? What if they just messed everything up?
Gently, Lu's hand takes hold of Prim's arm, snapping them out of their thoughts; they timidly look up, finding Lu's gentle smile waiting for them. Prim feels the blush on their face deepen and forces themselves to not look away. It's hard to gauge her expression as Prim searches her face, but she doesn't appear to be upset. Lu tugs on their arm, and Prim understands the unspoken message. With Lu's help, they slowly make their way through the window and into her bedroom, landing softly on her carpet.
The silence doesn't last much longer once Prim is inside. Lu's expression is soft and adoring as she delicately takes Prim's hands, their eyelights meeting in a moment of quiet connection.
“...Really?” She asks, her voice gentle and hopeful. The look on her face leaves Prim feeling flustered, wondering how they had gotten so lucky. Prim nods, struggling to find the words, their throat tightening. Lu's smile widens.
“I want to hear you say it out loud, though,” Lu playfully pouts, her affectionate expression coaxing the words out of Prim. They feel like they'd do anything, as long as she continued to look at them like that.
“Yeah. Yeah, I, uhm…I like you. I have for a while now,” Prim responds, their voice slightly shaky. Lu's smile grows impossibly wider, her eyelights fuzzy at the edges, glistening with tears of joy.
“Will you be my partner, Prim?” Lu asks, her voice filled with hope and excitement.
“I'd like that,” Prim replies easily, their face flushed, gazing back at Lu with the same adoration.
“Cool,” She responds with a wet giggle, using one hand to wipe happy tears from her eye sockets.
“Cool,” Prim repeats, with a similarly elated expression. They gently replace Lu's hand with theirs, wiping the tears from her face. The two of them stay like that for a moment, silent, until Lu speaks again.
“May I..?” She asks, face flushed, eyelights flicking down to their mouth. Prim nods, and Lu leans in.
Yeah, coming here had been the right decision after all.
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insomniasdelusion · 2 days
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Project M-14 and M-15.
[Hunter and Hound.]
There is currently no photo to use for experiment M-14.
The Hunter is a failed project, meant to see if we could possibly make humans quicker underwater.
DNA Mixes.
-Mugger Crocodile.
-Sand tiger shark.
-Oceanic white-tip shark.
Test M-14 had originally been a felon convicted with arson and genocide, having set a neighborhood aflame on two-forty three am.
The looks they had taken during the experiments was odd. They had a lower body exactly like the crocodile they had been tested with, though matched with a sharks dorsal fin and tail. Eyes had some reason grown onto the tail, each looked different constantly. The largest eye always was glaring harshly at the scientists, guards, or other patients. The hadn’t been a pupil and the iris seemed deformed and constantly moving, not trying to stop. The lower eye always avoided contact, it stayed glossy and rarely moved from its downward position. The eye above the main was constantly shifting to look around, it was swirled and never stopped moving. The final eye had been positioned slightly off to the left, it functioned as normal, looked to the person who was speaking and sometimes seemed to stare into the abyss. We believe there had been an accidental mix of eyefestations DNA into M-14.
Moving to M-14 facial features, they only had one eyes on their face, the other one had been clawed out by said subject with the constant screaming that it was too bright. The guards had unfortunately failed to stop them, so an empty socket rests on their face. The other one however, never closed, the eye moved oddly. Mixing into small shapes as to show if the patient was awake, alerted, uncomfortable, or distressed.
They had odd like shark fins on their head, moving around and flicking like ears, we are not sure why they had formed.
M-14 has very sharp teeth, they can and will bite. Many guards have sustained injuries and limb loss due to this so it’s suggested to stay back or subdue the patient before entry.
We have learned that the patient has sensitive eyes, using a flash beacon can stun them up to five to ten seconds. It gives us further evidence to believe that their DNA had gotten mixed with eyefestaions.
Though do be wary and use the flash beacon sparsely, the patient will become more aggressive and agitated.
M-14 is a generally neutral presence when not being experimented with or being agitated, they often sit in their cell playing with project M-15, assumedly had originally been the patients pet before all this. Nobody is quite sure why they were permitted to keep the animal, but it made a good testing ground for other mammals.
It has been seen if someone is to cause harm to the project M-15, patient M-14 will start a rampage of sorts. Screaming, growling, hissing, and causing mass damage. Intent on ripping apart the person who hurt their ‘friend’.
During this time, it’s smartest and safest to put the cell on lock down and wait for M-14 to calm down. Ignore the pleading. Ignore the begging. And ignore the crying. Subject is aggressive and just trying to manipulate you, it is no longer human. Do not empathize.
INFORMATION ON SUBJECT M-14.—————————————————
•Height: 9ft (standing)
•Length: 16ft
•Weight: 1,634lbs
•Age: experimenting started at 18 so subject would be possibly 23 now.
OLD INFORMATION.————————————————
•Name: Oswald Reigns.
•Gender: Unconfirmed(?)
•Height: 5’3
•Weight: 160lbs
•Age: 18
The Hound despite its name is no dog and had originally been a one year old female grey, orange, and white calico cat.
Project M-15 had come down with patient M-14, why it had been allowed nobody was honestly sure.
M-15 is hissy and can be violent if not with M-14, at first it would cower in corners and run from the nearest human. Now you would have a good chance of losing a finger if to close.
DNA Mixes.
-Arabian Shark.
M-15 is around five feet tall, as long as an average sized human. It had fins resting on the sides of its head, attached to its ears. It has two eyes, each having an oddly shaped pupil. M-15 has fins attached to its front and back legs, as well as on its back which connects to the two the main and secondary dorsal fins. To many surprise, project M-15 is still oddly fluffy? As well it kept its original markings other than a few colors added, its fur still having orange, grey, and white.
M-15 will often wander around the abandoned facility, if an expendable is to pick it up, step on it, or flash it them M-15 will start to make a wailing noise that will attract M-14 or possibly even other entities. It’s best to hide in a locker until both M-14 and M-15 leave, if you fail to reach a safe spot in time flash M-14 and make a run for it.
If you are to kill project M-15, getting past M-14 will be significantly harder. Please be do mindful. Don’t take away their only friend it’s all they have left.
INFORMATION ON PROJECT M-15.—————————————————
•Height: 5’5ft
•Weight: 153lbs
•Age: test started at 1 years old, subject would possibly be 6 now.
OLD INFORMATION.—————————————————
•Name: Juno
•Gender: Female
•Height: 1’9ft
•Weight: 13lbs
•Age: 1
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acidheaddd · 6 months
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Horus has both seen and HEARD too much. So much his face distorted and stretched.
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ballpitwitch · 1 year
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KEANU REEVES Dogstar Concert @ Brooklyn Bowl in Las Vegas 8/12/2023
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yardsards · 1 month
pro of being all of the cats' favourite person: kibty :D
cons: i cannot sleep because i am being Bothered By Beasts
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moeblob · 4 months
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I'm on an OC kick and also super indecisive so I spun a wheel (thank you for choosing for me, RNG).
Ricardo is a body guard and is bffs with Marlo. Ricardo's current job is watching after a celebrity's daughter who the public doesn't know even exists. She's just a teenage girl vibing with her mom and getting texts and calls from her dad (who loves her a whole lot and keeps her out of the spotlight very purposefully) and has this bodyguard and his weird friend. Marlo is just vibing with his best friend.
(Also Marlo would absolutely laugh if he heard Ricardo say "someone called me eye candy and it wasn't you and now I think you should call me that")
#my characters#i have an ask in my inbox that has me obsessively thinking about drawing fanart#but i just dont have the energy for what i want to draw for it#its been a rough day guys im dying (allergies and lacking sleep)#(why are allergies so bad today i ask after shoving my face into a cat while knowing im allergic to cats)#there are some prices i will always suffer and pay in life and the cat allergy is one of them you cant keep me away from a cat#im shoving my face in their fur and you CANT STOP ME FROM IT and also they kept bothering me#anyway i got to bed at like 6am after a lot of zoomies and restless legs and then#woke up with both cats in the guest bed with me and man i will not know peace for a few days#worth it tho bc i love them and i will take suffering if it means cattention#i dont really have much to say about the ocs tbh theyre just buddies being guys and then theres a teenage girl sometimes#and people suspect ricardo is her dad and she cant really say no my dads (celebrity) since thats the entire point of rico#so she makes sure its not troublesome for him to have people assume things like that and hes just#idc im in love with my best friend and hes not giving me any kids so not like anyone will start drama if im not with your mom#but he is also ! friends with the celebrity and his wife so he does just go on Family Outings with the wife and daughter#and sometimes marlo because the wife knows of him and invites him sometimes but she treats#rico and marlo like sons instead which is a bit weird to the daughter but she likes her weird fake brothers slash dad and question mark#marlo dyes his hair pink if that matters and has been doing so for a v long time
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mildcicada · 5 months
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#when i was first coloring him in he was gonna be golden chinchilla colored but then i was like ehhh jonah magnus should be red/orange but#elias should be gray ...so i just desaturated what i already did instead of recoloring lol but#he is now supposed to be shaded silver lol#but thats why his coat pattern is on the darker side compared to what it *should* be#og elias bouchard coming from an important/roch family and while whole thing with thinking he just *deserves* stuff bc of his upbringing.#etc. -> he is purebred and matches the breed standards etc for a scottish fold of his color#obviously the eye color doesn't matter because. ahaha#i thought elias fit the Scottish fold vibes because: Scottish folds are known for looking sort of like owls and having intense eyes#and the cat body/face type (also present in british shorthairs) to me gives off sort of... unnasumming vibes?#like ahaha yes i am a boring boss who loves paperwork look at how unnasumming i am season 1-2 elias y'know#trying to think of what cat breed jonah would be. and also jon gerry etc you know all the other characters i like#would it be boring to have multiple british shorthairs#i mean..#Michael shelley/distortion is a laperm that's all I know#i didn't particularly care with the personality attributes associated with eliascat because it didn't need to fit his personality on account#of not being his original body. but i do try to keep in mind the best personality/look/etc. cat attributes as a whole for a character#also sometimes get obsessed with jt making historical and geographical sense but then it just limits me greatly to a point im not into it#so i don't care about specific breeds in that respect lol#tma#my art#elias bouchard#the magnus archives#some notes looking back(made it 2 hours ago but still looking back ok..) on it now are that i feel like elias would never choose this breed#for his next bodyhop because of the inherent health issues in scottish folds. I saw the breed was created in like the early 1960s and#assumed that maybe the health issues wouldn't have been common knowledge until later enough for jonah to be unaware of them but actually no#there's legislation about it like 6 years later LOL so jonah would..maybe not make this choice#i guess in the future when drawing i will just make him a British shorthair#my catTMA is simultaneously 'they are just regular cats or like all show cats or something' and 'exact tma plot but as intelligent cats'#LOL its just vague in my mind idk..also maybe jon can be an Abyssinian#ALSO WHAT WAS I THINKING 'jonah may not have been aware about x thing' like did i...did i forget. me 2 hours ago was dumb as rocks
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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I actually for real feel like my phone's scanning quality has dropped monumentally while I was away on thing so that's a fun thing to figure out now. anyways
#sk8 the infinity#kyan reki#hasegawa langa#renga#answering of ''sure'' whenever they ask ''are you gay'' strikes again#gods. genuinely at least on the export the quality of these dropped like to half. whats up with that#sorry if these are impossible to parse#anyways. scribbled these during ''holiday'' ''vacation'' ''getaway'''#sometimes it really is the simple things. hallucinating vividly about the casual life of a pair of teens to survive being in a car for 6hrs#WITH da family#so glad I picked up scribbling on paper again. I actually got stuff to do digitally today and!! literally it feels so much cleaner#like I feel like I relearned a bunch stuff doing traditional ink again for a sec#but yeah. u guys should know by now how much I think about food as a concept#took 3m off last year to write about it in fact. but now Im just microdosing by drawing langa#I'm also actually so insane about reki being a scaredy cat it's so. something. it means so much to me#this of course means koyomi is a jumpscare champion. among siblings that are close in age there must be#the one who sleeps in the lower bunk. and the one who ties a doll to a string by its neck and lower it down to be next to the others face#'why is that so specific' no further question. thank you#gods okay. I need to lay the fuck down it is now my time. to be in bed#Im onto some real exciting stuff rn! and when this piece is done I'll return to ink for a sec#so uh. ink comm maybe not this week. but the next#happy late labor day! seek and destroy. have a good night
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mmm essay about sally and kid gort in the tags (cw for child abuse, mentions of suicide, animal cruelty and a murder attempt. i always hope i don’t have to say this but just in case: i don’t excuse or condone any of her or gort’s behaviour at all.) this is literally not even touching upon everything i have to say because i hit the fucking tag limit lmao. NOBODY READ IT’S BAD BRAINSTORMING I JUST NEEDED TO GET IT OUT SOMEHOW
#thinkin too much about gortie side characters again.#sally this time and why she specifically talks about him the way she does#like dravo is obviously still shitty but to me he was. ‘just ‘neglectful#while sally actively hated and even felt terrorised by her own child#like. it’s not like i don’t understand her at all.#imagine you and your love don’t have much besides each other and your shop and you get pregnant and ready to raise a child#only for it to not be a child he didn’t and doesn’t cry ever and he learns everything so much sooner than most but then he never calls you#his parents and it’s not just a petty thing kids do sometimes you feel that he doesn’t see you as family and the worst part is that you#agree deep down#and as he gets older he doesn’t have any friends and actively rejects the notion of the entire concept#but then as time passes you hear about how he has entire groups of children following him and then several of them commit suicide#and that thing coming to sit with you and dravo at the dinner table says that he did what you did last week when the axe to chop wood broke#and you discarded it and got a new one#and he has these habits of ripping out flowers and making sure that they don’t regrow#and then you hear rumours about a friend’s daughter’s cat disappearing and think nothing of it#until you visit his tree house a month later and find a declawed cat and birds with clipped wings and crushed bugs that he keeps fondly#and then you see him with other children and they don’t know and his face is different and body language is entirely different#and were it not for the fact that you know better you would never see anything but a normal child#and you know that you are one who painstakingly brought this thing that should not be into the world and so you decide to end it all one da#and go to him as he’s asleep with the knife shaking in your hand#but he cries when you’re above him! screams at the top of his lungs!#so you beg for forgiveness even though you don’t deserve it through tears but as soon as the knife is put away you see the act drop and fee#his clever fingers having twisted your brain inside and out and you know that you can do nothing#and so the opportunity arises to at least remove him out of your life if not everyone’s lives and you take it immediately.#but you heard him talk. how he will close his fist around the world one day. and you know that it is not a matter of if but when.#like. imagine that. jesus dude.#like i hc her as someone that is messy and does not know a lot about life and she certainly wouldn’t have been a good mother but the love#or at least desire to love is there somewhere. and believing that having a child is really the only somewhat meaningful thing she can do#with her life. she’s not some hero or rich or anything of note. so there’s a lot obligation and not genuine desire for family here.#but she never really got the chance to be an actual mother in the first place so. who knows what that might have looked like
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waywardsalt · 1 year
i have planned to write a pseudo-essay or some kind of detailed look at linebeck in phantom hourglass and how he can be interpreted as autistic but thats not going very well right now so here are some autistic linebeck headcanons
He has low empathy and as such has a hard time responding very well to emotional situations, but he can take advantage of his lower empathy in situations where empathy could make things harder, like tending to wounds or rationally handling emotionally-charged situations
His coat is a comfort object and he made it specifically to act as a very slight accommodation; it’s heavy and barely lets any light through it, and he can keep all kinds of little things in pockets sewn into the inner lining, but larger objects do make it more uncomfortable to wear at times. It’s mostly good to carry around things to fidget or stim with and can be helpful in trying to recover from overwhelming sensory experiences
He doesn’t usually stim in public, but taps his fingers on tables quickly and tends to rhythmically snap his fingers when excited, and on his ship is more vocal and more willing to stim, even if around others. One of his main stims that he’ll do for no particular reason is that he’ll hold his arm or back of his wrist/hand up to his nose and mouth for the smell.
He masks frequently to please people. His default mask is that arrogant and brave front he puts up for islanders and other he may come across. Usually, if that mask doesn’t work, he tends to double-down because it usually works and, in his experience, dropping the mask has usually gone badly (non masking he’s rude and blunt but more outwardly excited about adventure and his ship and all of that, i consider it where overseas in the game is when he usually isn’t masking. this shifts his arc to be about him learning to stop masking and feel comfortable being himself)
His special interests could include stuff related to treasure hunting but it could really range from stuff about adventuring or the ocean or engineering (relating to his ship) to stuff not at all touched in the game like music. He really enjoys music, listening to it, playing it, and writing it. He also enjoys and is fascinated by shellfish.
When busy or otherwise occupied, he doesn't usually notice when he's hungry. He doesn't have as much of a problem noticing thirst or exhaustion, but feeling hunger is a problem for him, and often leads to him going a long time without eating. On the other hand, he doesn't mind eating the same thing repeatedly and is perfectly fine with blander foods, so handling food supplies for when he'll be overseas for a long time is easy for him.
He knows he's autistic, he's known for a pretty long time, and he has books on it; he also knows that Link is autistic, but doesn't say anything about it and instead waits until someone else tells him. Until (and after, I suppose) Link actually learns that he's autistic Linebeck just makes sure to keep note of what accommodations he might need and if there are any textures or tastes or smells he can't stand. He doesn't have much of a problem helping out during sensory overloads, even soon after meeting him. It's more out of understanding how it feels to not have your needs met and a sort of solidarity rather than actual friendship.
#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#OBVIOUSLY he experiences some nasty rsd and he's a bitch about it that's like. basically canon so i didnt mention it#a lot of linebeck’s autism is based and referenced off of my own with some extra additions#which is why i have an easier time writing him as autistic than link#kindness is a choice and having low or no empathy does not in any way make someone heartless but linebeck does abuse his own low empathy#to be a mean bitch with minimal emotional consequences#i think linebeck would call link a dipshit to his face and then not feel bad about it for like a few weeks until he starts caring abt him#linebeck stimming by smelling his arm is actually my main stim. its probably why i sit all fucked up bc i sometimes do it w/ my legs lol#the masking bit does kinda fuck some stuff up but i personally enjoy that take on him#one of his comfort objects is an old orange cat plushie named copernicus and if you know what that is specifically from thank you im sorry#linebeck being way into music has no canon backup i just like the idea of him playing piano and composing some form of his own theme#piano is a mad sensory experience btw i dont yet know how to really play it but when i did keyboard in pit it was a fantastic feeling#bangin' out the tunes. it was a really good sort of stim if i was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the new tech and music too#salty talks#not entirely an autism headcanon but he thinks gender is a sham and less identifies as a man and more specifically considers#his gender identity to be 'real man of the sea' which is initially kinda silly but kind of a fucking gender move tbh#i dont think he's explicitly trans or nb he's just having fun fucking with his own gender and doing whatever he feels like doing#he isnt a man but he is a man. kind of like how im a dude but also not. yeah.#these were initally going to be call 'quick' headcanons but you can see why i uh. didn't end up going with that
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Love the idea of Kae getting used to eating consistent meals bc of a significant other or even a friend who made it a point to always eat with him to ensure he doesn't forget, and even gaining a little weight as a result, even with his metabolism.
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Him playfully protesting that he hates the couple extra pounds and 'blaming' his other for it#//Meanwhile first chance he gets; he's happily observing his figure; and relieved he's at a healthier one than he was before#//Smth smth abt the healing process and him no longer being so stressed/distracted to neglect to take care of himself in that aspect#//And many others; bc a s/o who goes through routines like that with him (like naps) DEFFO helps him keep on top of that shit#//Or even going through their own routines and him doing smth in parallel play sorta helping remind him of his own shit#//Deffo was sickly thin as a kid; then got better with Addie's care; then his eating routine went OUT the fucken window when Luc left#//Bc he couldn't stomach much with his stress and guilt eating away at him instead#//And then leaving her care it got WORSE; bc then he was too busy/stressed to worry abt himself save his own appearance#//ALL his spoons went to Investigations; Knight Duties; and Beauty routines#//Hence why Noelle bcame so dear to him; when she came into his life; she likely picked up how busy he was and helped him out Lots#//His newer routine of bugging Luc at the tavern actually helps him remember to eat#//Bc he /hates/ drinking on an empty stomach; but typically doesn't care. With Luc; however; going to see him; he gets an urge to front mor#//And snacking means he's less likely to make faces when the alcohol doesn't sit right with him/he drinks too much#//So Luc's less likely to deny him drinks. Charles; Kae can just charm more out of him regardless. Luc takes more convincing#//Drinking at Cats Tail helps too; bc Margaret makes SURE he's had smth before drinking. She understands him in that regard#//Typically makes him eat smth that ends making him sleepy like soup so he heads home & promptly passes tf out hitting the pillow#//He's not actually caught on to the fact that she does this on purpose in the entire time he's been a patron with her#//He keeps chalking it up to how relaxed the mood there is that lulls his body into some sense of security#//bc he DOES gets sleepier around ppl he trusts for that very reason; is why sometimes he pulls away from them#//If Addie manages to get her hands on him before he skeddadles out of the Winery; she'll have him tucked away and sleeping in no time#//And actually having the MOST restful sleep he's ever had in AGES; up until he startles himself awake and realizes Luc's home#//And has to book it TF out of the Winery bc he doesn't want to deal with the man & bicker so soon after waking#//He's already made vulnerable by Addie's care; he doesn't need Luc to carve him right open if their bickering goes too far. Not like this#//It'd be all too easy#//Is also why he likes staying awake and watching people he cares for sleep. Bc if HE sleeps & wakes w them; he shows a MASSIVELY vulnerabl#side to himself that he REALLY doesn't want people seeing; and for hella good reason. It's an open shot at his heart; after all#//Wow; SO many points where it veered jdfbgf. And this was supposed to be abt healing & self-care jdkjfg
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
not really proud of these but fuck it shitty color pencil doodles of ya boys
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