#like you're tell me that he can be both sexy AND silly??
hellfirecvnt · 2 days
Subordinate (Part 1)
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Summary: North Jackson has a new principal and your coworkers are not coping well. XOXO.
Warnings: Dastardly bisexual man in a loud suit getting absolutely babygirled. JK. This chapter has cheating, but it's not Y/N cheating on anyone and it's not Lee cheating on anyone. It's angsty. This is an angsty series, but it'll also be a little silly and super sexy.
Notes: Bitch, you already know what the fuck it is. Also, I usually try to work around the cheating bc I've seen a few people find it icky and I respect that, however me? I love a lil fake affair. Being chosen over his own wife? Absolutely. Do I have low self-esteem?... Anyways...
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Bright and early Monday morning, Neal Gamby and Lee Russell are called to a meeting determining the new principal of North Jackson High School. The two men fire jabs back and forth at each other, cutting each other down and insisting they are the newly appointed principal.
"Thank you for joining us, gentlemen." Super Intendant Haas extends a hand to each of them, greeting them and welcoming them to the unoccupied principal's office for the meeting. "As you know, North Jackson High needs a principal." Haas's words kept both men at the edge of their seats, dying to know which of them was more qualified.
"Sir, it's been-" Gamby, prematurely starting an acceptance speech is promptly cut off.
"Mr. Gamby, Mr. Russell, this is Dr. Y/L/N." Super Intendant Haas introduces you as you round the corner to meet your two new underlings.
"A pleasure to meet you both!" You chime, shaking their hands, noticing the shock in their stunned faces. You're much younger than the usual principal select, and much younger than either of them.
"The Hell's the matter with you two?" Haas asks, sharply.
"Don't worry sir, I tend to have this effect on men. I leave 'em speechless." You wink. One certain glance grants them the knowledge that you already know what you're up against. What you don't know, is that each man is stunned silent for a different reason.
Gamby is blindsided by the results after being far too certain that the title was his. After all, he did tell his whole family he was the principal. Lee is just mesmerized. Neal excuses himself to have a nauseous panic attack in the restrooms while Lee and Haas show you around the school. As you reach each wing of the large building, Mr. Russell excitedly drones on about the history and lifestyle of the average North Jackson staff and students.
Lee's charming, if not just a bit of a try-hard, but you can appreciate that.
"Mr. Russell, Dr. Y/L/N," Haas bids you both farewell and heads out the door, leaving your new school in your hands.
"Well then, let's get to it, Mr. Russell." You beam before strutting off to your new office. Lee's attention lingers for a moment on your swaying hips as you pace away, but he quickly blinks the gaze away.
You spend the day getting to know each teacher and faculty member. Your favorite is Ms. Smith. She's awkward and nervous and you understand her somehow. She's seemingly always in tow as you make your rounds around the school today.
Gamby sequesters all the teachers into the lounge for a secret meeting. They all sit confused until Neal bursts out that Dr. Y/L/N has got to go. He offers a petition for everyone to sign to kick you to the curb, but no one will sign it.
"I don't want my name on that," says one teacher.
"Yeah, I like Dr. Y/L/N," says another.
Lee watches Neal's mutiny fizzle to nothing, laughing at him and stomping out his plan to overthrow. He derails Gamby's meeting and dismisses the teachers, seeming to have taken your side at this moment. Livid with no other options, Gamby takes his complaint to the school board. It's not until after that, that Lee comes to him and proposes they join forces to take a bitch like you down.
As the clock strikes 3:30 PM, dismissing the school for the busses, you sit back happily at your new desk. A new beginning for you and yours. It's been a long time coming.
The next day, it's as if you've fallen right into routine. You've never felt more at home in a community. Your coworkers are kind and attentive, it's all you could ever ask for. You happily make your rounds in your business casual pantsuit, strutting up and down the halls dominantly. The teachers appreciate how involved you are. Around every corner, just as you pass, a pair of hazel eyes track your every move for most of the morning.
Out in a wooded area past the field, Neal and Lee gather to conspire against you.
"God damn it, is it 7:45? Because my watch says 7:51 to me," Gamby stands from the rock he was perched on, waiting for Russell.
"Bitch needed a coffee," he lies. He was lingering behind to catch a few more glimpses of you. Of course you are their enemy, they have to be rid of you, but... Look at you. What's a man supposed to do? Neal further nags Lee about his tardiness and Lee pops off. After their little discourse, Russell reveals a binder stuffed to the brim with information about the new principal, you.
"Here take this, it's all the information I have on Dr. Y/L/N." He lists off the various kinds of documents he's ascertained.
"Did you make this yourself?" Gamby asks, a little disgusted, but also intrigued.
"Of fucking course I did. I have one on everyone in this school!"
"You better not have one on me," Neal grumbles, skimming the binder impossibly fast and passing it back to Lee. "Alright, I've memorized all the important information. Destroy it."
"What?" Lee looks fed up.
"I have a photographic memory."
"Yeah? Did you photographic memory the part where she fired every Vice Principal she's ever worked with?" Lee shifts his weight sassily to his right hip.
"Wait, where was that?" Gamby's face shifts to one of panic.
"Page one." The two men study the binder, learning more and more about you. You're an artist and you enjoy karaoke on the weekends. You smoke weed and you're known to partake in some social drinking every now and then. Then Lee's face flattens as he reads a fact about you that disappointed him the first time around too. You're married, and you have been for seven years.
"She's married?" Gamby arches a brow.
"Yeah, for a while, I guess. She uses her maiden name on her doctorate, though." Lee points to the paper.
"Average beta male, I'm guessing." Gamby shakes his head. "They'll never last."
"Gamby, they've been together for like seven or eight years." Lee rolls his eyes, frustrated by Neal's ignorance.
"So? Gale divorced me after 10 years. Christine left you after 20-"
"Okay, shut the fuck up, god damn it." He waves his hands in front of Gamby's face dismissively. "I don't wanna talk about that. This is what we need to be talking about." He points to the line containing the unfortunate demise of her past VP's employment agreement.
"You think she's gonna fire us?" Neal swallows the small lump in his throat.
"Why the fuck wouldn't she?" He taps his finger on the binder a few times before shoving it into Neal's chest. Sure, Lee may be taken by your beauty, but you're an obstacle for him first and foremost.
"Well, what do we do?" Mr. Gamby relaxes his shoulders.
"We need to get rid of the bitch. Pronto." Lee snatches his binder back, subconsciously a little protective of this Bible of you.
When the men return inside, Ms. Smith hastily scurries up to Mr. Gamby and advises him that you're waiting for him in your office. Lee and Neal look at each other, confused, before he makes his way to you. A gentle knock on the door announces his presence.
"Come in," you chirp, inviting your underling into your decorated office. You're really making it your own, decking the walls with photos of you and your husband with your pets. Gamby glances at the photos, noticing your big photographed smile next to your husband's blank face. He almost chuckles, having called it that your husband felt less than you. It's written all over his face. "Have a seat, Mr. Gamby."
Neal hesitantly takes a seat across from you, staring defiantly into your face. The room feels tense, but your eye contact is unwavering, and your smile remains soft and present despite your obvious disapproval of whatever you've called him in for.
"Mr. Gamby, someone's put in a complaint against me." You deliver this line like you're dishing to an old friend.
"That's... Strange. I wonder who would do that."
"Well, it says her 'Dr. Y/L/N is an unfit replacement for Mr. Wells. She is too young and inexperienced. Immediate termination is mandatory.'" You lie the small piece of paper containing the statement on the desk.
"That's, wow, that's something. Does it... Say who would send such a thing?" Neal's eyes glance everywhere, but at you.
"It does." He flinches as you say it. "Mr. Gamby, do you think my age stops me from running the school as well as you?"
"Well, it's just that the teachers-"
"What teachers? Names, Neal." You snap your fingers a few times. Rushing him only makes him trip over his words worse. He can't seem to piece together a lie. "Mr. Gamby, I'm not going anywhere. My age, my clothes, my car, none of it defines my ability to run this school. Now you can be on my team, or you can get your desk cleaned out. Your choice. Let's do better." You stand from your desk and gracefully make your way to the door where you hold it open, dismissing your subordinate.
Angry, one-upped, and tail tucked, Neal Gamby walks out of your office with a new understanding of his adversary. He schedules for Lee to meet him by the train tracks, another place the two come to meet off school grounds.
"I told your stupid ass not to send in that fucking complaint, let alone sign it," Lee sighs, utterly baffled by Neal's incompetence.
"Well, fuck!" Gamby tosses his arms up. "Now she knows I'm against her. She's gonna make my life a living hell."
"Oh, please. Give her some credit. She can't be that petty."
"You didn't hear her in there, Russell. I was almost just fired." Lee rolls his eyes at him, waiting for ages for him to stop bitching.
"Next period. She's got two back-to-back teacher meetings. That's a 72 minute window."
"A window for what?" Gamby's tone has calmed as curiosity overtakes anger.
"To get some dirt on this motherfucker."
Next period, just as Lee said, you're tied up with teacher meetings. The two men meet up in the parking lot and make their way to your home address, courtesy of Lee's information binder. When they arrive, they notice your husband's car in the driveway.
"That must be her fucking cuckold husband's car," Lee observes.
"God, don't tell me he's a stay-at-home wife."
"He's not. He's a pretty important figure at the law firm he works at... He shouldn't be here..." Lee narrows his eyes suspiciously. The two men very carefully park the car a few blocks away. Just as they're reaching for the handle to open the car doors, another car, a red sedan, pulls into your driveway. Lee and Neal duck down to hide, still watching the mystery car.
A beautiful, tan woman with long, thick black hair cascading down her back emerges from the car like a siren breaking past the surface of water. She's gorgeous. Even Neal finds himself at a loss for words. The lovely woman approaches the door to the home you share with your husband of almost 10 years and walks right inside. No knocking.
"I don't think her husband is the cuckold," Neal whispers. Lee's face is contorted into a devilish smile as he watches the perfect situation set up for him. He doesn't even need to get out of the car. Whipping out his phone, he dials the number to the school and does his best to disguise his voice. It works perfectly, and he advises that Ms. Swift alerts you right away that your house is on fire.
The two men return to the school, satisfied with the impending turmoil. Neal runs off to look busy, and Lee sits in the front office, waiting. He watches you receive the news, your face flushes white and your knees attempt to buckle before you bolt straight out the door. Mr. Russell wishes so badly he could be a fly on the wall when you catch your long-term husband in the hands of a beautiful, even younger woman. His secretary.
A few hours pass and you finally return to school. Your clothes are still perfectly styled and placed, and your hair is beautifully styled, but your make-up shows evidence of the flood of tears that has washed down your face. It's not easy to see, you'd have to be looking for the tear stains. And Lee was.
"Hey, there, darlin'. I saw you leaving in a hurry. Everything okay?" Lee catches you in conversation as you walk through the door.
"Everything's fine, Mr. Russell. False alarm. I guess I'm luckier than most," you smile warmly. So convincingly fine, he wonders if what he witnessed was even an affair at all.
"Well, are you sure? I-"
"Today is a beautiful day, isn't it?" You stare out the window into the sunny courtyard of the school.
"Uh, yeah. It's nice out."
"Let's just be thankful for that." You inhale and exhale with a big, peaceful smile before disappearing into your office. Lee's partially confused by your resolve, but he knows better than anyone how quickly that all fades away once reality sets in. The next few days, he's patiently awaiting your downfall.
To his dismay, every day you come in, you seem to be doing better and better. If he hadn't seen your husband stick his tongue down that woman's throat, he might even convince himself he dreamed the whole event. Lee's just about to give up on that scheme altogether until he stops by your office unannounced.
Without knocking, he swings the door open and steps inside.
"Hey, I got you your-" he stops in his tracks, two coffees in hand. You're sitting at your desk, sobbing in front of a photo of you and your husband at your wedding. Your shoulders shudder with every uneven breath from your heaving chest. All of a sudden, Lee no longer cares about the plan. He doesn't care if you go or stay. Guilt eats him alive as he listens to you try your hardest to keep quiet before you straighten up your appearance and make your rounds once again. He closes the door behind him and sets the drinks on your desk, only then do you notice his presence.
"Mr. Russell, I'm so sorry!" You startle, sitting up and quickly turning your chair away from him. You tap away at your wet face, but it's clearly a futile action. "Please excuse my hysterics. It's... been a weird week." You attempt to laugh the awkwardness away, but it lingers.
"I, um," Lee is shocked to find himself speechless. He always has something to say, especially when it comes to kicking an enemy while they're down. The perfect chance has just arisen, but when he sees the shine on your wide, watery eyes, he can't seem to force the venom out. "I brought you a coffee." You take the warm cup in your hands, reading the little logo from a locally owned coffee shop just a few miles down the road.
"Thank you, Mr. Russell." You smile weakly, appreciative of such kindness amid something so heartbreaking. For a moment, in your pitiful puddle of sadness, Lee can see himself. He's been through a divorce. In fact, it was his hellish schemes like his plan against you that ran his wife off. Guilt whittles away at him like a sharp knife against oak.
You're just about to take a sip from your gifted drink when Lee stops you, switching your cups.
"That one's mine, actually. Splenda." He smiles, nodding a silent goodbye to you and exiting your office. You watch as his hand reaches back inside, locks the door, and closes it for you, so you won't be disturbed again. It's been a while since it felt like someone did something kind of you just because, and not because you're the boss. This felt genuine, even for just a second.
"How is she?" Neal asks. Not in concern, but in reconnaissance.
"A fuckin' mess. I couldn't even fuck with her. It was like stepping on a puppy," Lee shakes his head as if he's disgusted, overwhelmed by the unexpected empathy he felt for you in that moment.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Russell. If you can't stick to the plan-"
"Don't even fuckin' start, motherfucker. You're the one comparing this shit to Christine." He waves a finger in Gamby's face. "It was a weird interaction. We're still going to break that bitch down, one way or another. I just need to separate myself from it." Gamby rolls his eyes at Lee's dramatics.
"Well, she needs to shape up. We've got a pep rally prep meeting in an hour." Neal and Lee head their separate ways and Lee finds himself lingering back around your office. That's when he hears the muffled sounds of your voice. You're on the phone. He puts his ear against the door shamelessly and tunes in.
"Mark, you can't fucking do this..." Your voice is low and calm at first. He can't hear Mark on the other end, but he gathers enough clues through what you're saying. "You don't get to do this, I get to do this. I'm the one who gets to leave... No, fuck you, Mark. You don't get to leave me! I'm leaving you! I caught you fucking your secretary, who, by the way, I feel terrible for! So I'm the one who gets to call this bullshit fucking marriage quits!... I will put you in the ground if you think you're taking my dog!" Lee hears the sound of you slamming the phone onto the receiver. Seconds later, you're opening the door, standing right in front of Lee. You're quite literally blind with rage, walking right past him and heading for one of the rear doors of the school.
"Dr. Y/L/N?" He trails behind you, quietly attempting to gain your attention, but you keep walking. He can nearly see the heat waves coming off of you. If physics allowed it, he just knows your head would be on fire right now. You get outside, but your feet don't stop there, and neither do his. You're deep in the woods, only 20 feet or so from Lee and Neal's meeting place. When you finally stop, you throw your head back and release the most guttural, angry wail he's ever heard. It only lasts a few seconds, and when you're done, it turns to a few short moments of shaky breaths before you finally feel like both of your feet are back on Earth.
"Mr. Russell, hello." You turn around, red from embarrassment having been seen like that.
"Dr. Y/L/N." He nods.
"Did you, uh, you followed me out here, huh? Saw some of... That?" You shift back and forth from the ball of your foot to the heel.
"Well," again, he can't make himself say the horrendous insults he had chambered, poised as harmless remarks. "I just got here," he says, and you know he's lying, but you appreciate it all the same.
"I don't usually react like that," you admit, taking a seat on a fallen tree. Lee glances behind him and then joins you where you sit. "I was doing a lot better."
"What do you mean?" Lee feigns a tone of genuine concern, though his curiosity is at the wheel as well.
"I have- used to have a little bit of a temper." Your shoulders drop as if a weight has been lifted off of them. Like you've been holding on to this. "I've been medicated for a while and I was in therapy a few years ago. I haven't really lost it in almost six years. Mark was such a big help, I guess this all just felt..."
"Like a punishment?"
"Yeah! Exactly!" You're shocked to see your eccentric coworker relating to you in this way.
"My wife left me last year," he confesses with a defeated smile. He looks at the ground, quickly reliving coming home to that empty house.
"I'm sorry to hear that..." A short silence lingers between the two of you as neither knows what to say to make it better, so Lee just changes subjects altogether.
"We uh, have a 'pep rally prep meeting' soon," he quotes Gamby.
"It seems we do," you sigh. "I'd appreciate it if we could keep this between us, Mr. Russell."
"'Course we can." He smiles a kind, fake smile and escorts you out of the woods. As you walk ahead of him, his facade drops and he silently scolds himself for yet again, dropping the ball. Not only did he not antagonize, he may have even helped just now. What the fuck?
At the meeting, you and Lee walk in together. Gamby eyes him suspiciously as you take your seat at the head of the room. The meeting is about trivial nonsense like themes, refreshments, and performances. The group comes up with several really good ideas, and you're left to be the deciding factor.
You settle on pizza and sweets, to treat the kids and get their energy high for the day of. As far as performances, you've reached out to a few local gymnast groups that could put on a feat of athletics. Fun! Theme is where you're stuck. Everyone's got sparkling ideas. Circus theme, underwater, Mardi Gras. But it's not enough for you. It doesn't scream "winners" to you.
"The theme is- wait, what's our mascot again?" You glance around the room. "All I ever see are feathers. Is this a Boston Reds situation?"
"Well... Yeah..." Ms. Snodgrass pipes up.
"We'll need to get that remedied." You give a 'yeesh' expression. "Top of the docket next meeting."
"Wait, we can't use the Indians?" Gamby asks, confused.
"Let's don't call them that. We're gonna put a pin in this conversation and turn it back to the theme." You mime putting a pin in a corkboard.
"Mr. Gamby, if the next word out of your mouth isn't the best fucking theme idea I've ever heard, I will take you out back myself." Your threat works to silence him, but it also sends a wave of unease over the room. You squeeze your eyes shut for a moment, attempting to regain control of the room. You can hear the other teachers whispering and it finally dawns on you that you've forgotten to take your medicine. You've been so busy with Mark and meetings, you haven't taken the only thing that stops you from being the absolute menace that you are.
"I'm thinking, we play to our strengths," Lee stands, drawing every set of eyes off of you and onto him. "We're already warriors, let's just slap a different image on that. Knights in armor or something for the pep rally until you choose a new mascot."
"That's a great idea, Mr. Russell!" You beam, thankful for his introjection. You're starting to really trust him, which is exactly what he wants. Regardless of if he's able to hurt your feelings, he can still gather your sensitive information and use it against you. It's his specialty.
The meeting is adjourned and everyone returns to their duties. You scan the area and call Neal and Lee into your office.
"I really appreciate the friend and second in command you've been, Mr. Russell. And by default, you, Gamby." Your tone earns a sneer from Neal. "I am in for some real fucked up bullshit coming in the next few, I don't know, weeks? Months?" You toss your arms up. "I'm just really thankful to have you both here. I really hope the three of us can get closer and really solidify as an admin team."
The two men thank you for your words of praise and leave you to it in your office. As they walk away, Neal whispers harshly to Lee.
"What the fuck was all that? You're being a friend to her? I thought we were breaking her down?"
"We are breaking her down. You just don't understand how much worse words can hurt when they're coming from a friend. Probably because you don't have any."
"Fuck you, Russell," Gamby huffs.
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head-empty404 · 25 days
I am still flabbergasted that these two fuckers are voiced by Gianni Matragrano
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hwajin · 11 months
☆°. — silly boyfie things | skz
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genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
note: i haven't posted headcanons in ages and this was SO much fun to fabricate omg hope you like it 🫶🫶
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he would FIGHT with you over the check after you went out for dinner. like literally FIGHT and not budge when you propose to pay yourself, because you feel bad that he always, always pays for the both of you. you think you smarted him out when you invited him for dinner calling for you to pay but he has his wallet ready the moment you finish your food, telling the waiter the bill is shared and having his money out faster than you can look — it nearly enrages you every time, but he tells you he genuinely enjoys paying, doesn't mind it and wants to do it, so you have no chance other than letting it go (even if reluctantly).
he's so annoying he thinks it's PEAK commedy to say "no" to every single favour you ask him only to do it seconds later. OR saying no and waiting, actually not doing said favour and waiting for you to get annoyed until he'd nudge and end up doing it after all. giggles as if he's the funniest mf like he enjoys seeing you being annoyed so much. acts like this in front of friends and in public in general as well, ALSO cringes sm when you show him affection whenever on a get together though the moment the two of you are alone he literally won't be able to keep his hands off you. like he pretends to be so disgusted when you even as much as touch him in public, and the moment you're alone behind closed doors he's slouching onto you like a koala.
omg you can't tell me that he didn't invent the "no you hang up first" 😭 like you'd be coming to the end of a conversation (often while he's on tour or smth tho he literally needs to hear your voice every single day so he calls you like whenever he has a minute even of free time) and at some point he's like "aight hang up 🥰" and you play along and hit him with the "no you do 😆😝" and the quarelling goes back and forth (jokingly on your side, in ALLLL seriousness on his) and at some point you say goodbye for real and hang up AND YOU CAN BET THIS FUCKER CALLS BACK like all pouty and actually slightly upset that you had the audacity to hang up??? and you're like someone has to at some point we can't have an endless phone convo??? and he's like why not do YOU NOT LOVE ME???? yeah you get it.
bro this man NEEDS him to be your lockscreen on your phone. like it's an actual need of his or else he's gonna cease to exist he thinks. like you're obviously his wallpaper (both on his lock AND homescreen) so when he catches a glimpse of your phone and you dare to have just a random pinterest pic as your lockscreen, one you've chosen mindlessly altogether he RIOTSSSS. pouts as if his life is depending on it, clutches his heart as if it's gonna stop any minute, gasps and side-eyes you as if you straight up cheated on him. takes a selfie RIGHT that moment (it takes him a while because he both can't decide whether he wants it to be cute or sexy, and because he wants to look good either way) and sets it as your lockscreen instantly. checks like daily to see if you've changed it (if you did to tease him he LITERALLY is moments from breaking up with you).
he sends you pics of ugly looking animals with a 'you' attached to the message. like even if it has no resemblence with you altogether. like it'll be a fish, a whale, a bird, a funny looking dog and their all attached with 'you'. and like he finds it so funny even if you never react to it, in fact finds it SO hilarious that at some point he will send you pics of literally ANYTHING he sees ever — like furniture, tools, random fucking street lamps, you name it — with a 'you' attached to it and CACKLES as if he invented comedy himself. the bright side to it, he takes this to the romantic level and shoots pretty pics of flowers and sends them with the same 'you' attached to it, or pics of the sky, or of a particularly bright star. so maybe it's not that annoying after all.
he causes his friends to tease you because he literally can't shut up about you. like every single thing you do he even slightly adores (which is, every single thing period, tbh) is being reported to his friends because he's just so in love with you he has to get the words out or he'll combust :((. like you'd maybe get him a little gift, smth small about stuff he's interested in lately, or these "i saw this and thought of you" gifts and he presents said gift to his friends as if it's an artifact of love itself, and the next time you're over they're going at you, teasing the shit out of you because tbh, they've teased felix so much already for talking their ears off that they need another victim. you basically never stop blushing when around them, hearing constantly just how much your bf talks about you when you're not around (and you'd lie saying you don't like it).
bro just straight up leaves you on read except when your text contains something of advantage to him 😭😭. like you haven't seen him in a while and want to catch up a bit? he reads the message and responds like 5 hours later ("we've seen each other yesterday, you can't possibly miss me enough to talk again"). or when you send him random tiktoks or shitposts — opens and reads them and then doesn't ever bother to even leave a like 😭. though the moment you hit him with a text like "running to the supermarket, you want anything?" he's responding the same second and you grow salty every time, wondering why you put up texting him in the first place.
pretends to be jealous like a LOT. like the first time he'd be actually jealous, going fresh into the relationship with insecurities still gnawing at you and him and when he confesses you reassure him, making sure he understands there will never be an occassion on which he needs to be remotefully jealous, even. and after that he simply pretends to be, for shits and giggles and to piss you off. like you talk to the barista for your order? how could you even look their direction omg. you send a quick text to a friend while out with him? how dare he's not the single most important thing in your life rn. you tell him about a dream that didn't involve him? breaking up with you this very instant. can't stop himself from giggling at his one if a kind humour while watching you grow annoyed every time anew.
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@happycandynoelle @es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut
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fangisms · 9 months
spring breaks loose
A/N: idk what it is but every evermore song makes me want to write ab this lifeless-eye, sexy-ass, grumpy fool. so first up is ivy! gif creds: @audrey-inspo
Pairings: Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader (implied Slytherin, but it doesn't matter)
Summary: Spring breaks loose, the time is near // What would they do if they found us out? 1.0k words
Warnings: fluff, secret... relationship?, major pining, kissing, lowk toxic friends (lovingly), friends to lovers
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Everyone wants to know about your secret fling. But it's not a fling, they just wouldn't get it. It's not some silly affair; you're not even sure there's a word for it under the umbrella term of relationships. What you are sure of is that there is something tying you to Theo that you've never felt with anyone else.
And he feels it, too. It's one of the few things he lets himself feel. How could he resist it? You.
So you meet up some midnights, awkwardly brush knuckles in the courtyard, let yourselves speak candidly with each other while dodging watchful eyes. For a while, it's easy like coloring in the empty spaces between clear cut lines. As long as you've got a steady hand, it should be simple. Even fun. Until you have to start sharing crayons with your nosy group of friends.
"Anyone else want to know what's going on between those two?" Draco says. He nods to Theo's fingertips tracing your kneecap where it's bent over his thighs. And where your wrist hangs from his shoulder as his head rests back against the couch, nearly dozing off.
"Yeah, me!" Pansy chirps.
Mattheo scoffs, pointing at Theo, "look, he's smiling, the wanker!"
He lifts his head, bearing his knowing smirk with pride. He spares a glance at you, then. And you press your palm to your mouth to choke down a laugh.
"Come on," P whines, "tell us!"
"Yeah, if you can kiss in private, you can kiss in front of us, too."
You whip your head round, aghast at Mattheo's request: "We do not kiss in private. We don't kiss anywhere!"
Theo lifts your legs from his lap, "Seems like a good time to turn in—"
"Ah, ah, ah!" Draco urges, "Not so fast"—Surprisingly, Theo settles back down in his seat—"If there's nothing going on, then prove it. Kiss."
Theo looks over at you, defeated. You both know they'll never give this up, it'll be months and months of teasing either way. At least this way will shut them up for a few hours. You shrug, and he rolls his eyes when your friends cheer and whoop.
"You lot are perverted," he sighs, smiling at you, "we need better friends."
You lean in and whisper, "Let's get this over with so we can find new ones."
Theo cocks a brow, leaning in, meeting you nearly halfway when he brings his cold hand to your cheek, thumbing over the warm skin. He's going easy on you, letting you take the lead. You press your mouth to his, clumsy but careful when he shifts closer. He recoils when you put your hand on his chest and slide your tongue against his lips. He'd call himself shy, but you know that look of embarrassment when he pulls away. It makes you smile.
Your idiots clap and form a chorus of 'aw's. Mattheo whistles, breaking Theo away from your piercing eye contact so he can quietly threaten him.
"You didn't have to use tongue!" Pansy shrieks. You scoff and stare at her, counting down from three on your fingers. She bursts out into laughter when you lunge after her on one, tearing off towards the girls dorms in a fit of giggles.
Theo watches you turn back for just a second to wave him goodnight. He holds up his hand, and you twirl around and head for the top of the stairs. Once you're out of sight, he lands a kick to Mattheo's side.
"You complete idiot," he grumbles.
You'd been staring at the dark ceiling, listening to girls filter in through the doorway until no one was left downstairs. You couldn't find tranquility enough to sleep or even shut your eyes for a while and pretend.
As the clock chimes once through the window, you shiver and creep toward the crackling fire.
His footsteps are rapid on their way down the stairs. You whip around just as he lands at the bottom of the steps, letting out a breath as he smiles at you. Both shuffling towards each other, he tries not to move too quickly in his subtle desperation.
Still, you nearly crash into each other.
“Hi,” you whisper.
“I was just look—”
“Looking for you. Me too,” Theo huffs.
A few seconds linger between your slowly rising chests, your fingers ticking at your sweater’s sleeves, and his pushing through his hair. You open your mouth to speak just as he begins as well, and you both snap your mouths shut.
“No! You were first,” you say.
“Ladies first,” he shakes his head, “please.”
“Alright.” Something in you seizes and what seemed so easier to admit a moment ago has now been snatched from your chest, shriveled into oblivion. “I… really liked kissing you.”
His eyes light up. “Me too.”
You grin and shift a little, surprised at how bright his eyes seem even in the darkness. How his hair still coils sweetly down from his hairline in the middle of the night. And how he can still see right through you when it’s almost pitch black. Save for the dim firelight.
“And also,” he says, “I’d like to kiss you more. For longer. If that’s… if that works for you.”
“Yes! Yes, it does. I do. I do, too.” You’re out of breath at the admission, and he nods, seemingly relieved by your dulcet enthusiasm for him and all he does.
So he kisses you, dipping close and stealing from you what he has always wanted. Just a peck, or maybe it escapes him a little and he leans into it. But he pulls back to find you’re practically attached to him and neither of you want it to end.
“So… I guess this changes everything?” Theo whispers, cupping your elbow when you reach for his shoulder.
You shake your head, “it doesn’t have to.”
“I want it to.”
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Lead Me*
Summary: An extra for Teach Me*
You're on your period and your best friend Harry is determined to help you feel better.
Your only condition?
He's not allowed to look.
Word Count: 5.1k
*Contains Mature and Explicit Content. Take care of yourself first, only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞*
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“Absolutely not.”
“Bee…come on—”
“No. Nope. Not happening.”
“And why not?”
“Because…it’s…just, no.”
“Leading experts say that sex can help with cramps.”
“…okay? And?”
“And…I think you should let me fuck your cramps away.”
Your expression falls, eyes narrowing into condescending slits. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am,” he says calmly, nodding once to accentuate his point. “People do it all the time.”
“But not us.”
“Again, why not?”
“Because it’s…messy. It’s gross.”
“You have a blood kink; I don’t understand why this is different.”
“Oh, my god. This is so vastly different.”
“Well…not for me. I think it’s kind of hot.”
Instinctually, your nose scrunches as you lean back. “Ew, seriously?”
“Ew? What do you mean ew?” He nearly scoffs as he shoots you a confused but amused smile. “Bee…it’s you. It’s…you know, the circle of life or whatever. And it’s still the best pussy I’ve ever had.”
You allow yourself a moment to consider it before once again shaking your head. “No. Nope. That’s…you don’t need to see me like that. It’s…not pretty.”
The skin between his brows crinkles as he studies you, the left side of his mouth quirking up. “That’s silly.”
And maybe it is, but you can’t help the warming of your face. “Har, I’m serious. Periods are messy, and not at all sexy. Trust me, you wouldn’t like it.”
He takes a step forward and gingerly brushes his thumb across your cheekbone until he can cradle your jaw in his palm. “You know what is sexy?”
“Making you feel good,” he murmurs as you just about melt. “I mean it. I trust you, Bee, always. But I need you to trust me when I tell you that this doesn’t change anything. Obviously, we won’t do it if you aren’t comfortable. But I think we’d both benefit.”
You contemplate his premise a second time.
“Besides…” he continues, smiling a bit wider, “…neither one of us has ever done it before, yeah? So, we’d get to try this for the first time—together. You’d teach me, and I’d teach you.”
And you adore the sound of that. Adore the idea of getting to learn something with him. Be his first the way he is yours.
You hover your palms over his chest and sigh. “Okay, yeah. I know. But…what if you don’t like it? What if you think it’s weird?”
He frowns. “I won’t, but even if I do, we can always stop.”
“What if it’s messy? Which it will be.”
“S’what showers are for.”
“Okay, but what if it’s too—”
He presses his free hand to your other cheek. “Bee?”
You slow to a stop. “Yeah?”
“What if it’s good?” he whispers, bringing you closer until you can feel the question ghost across your lips. “What if it’s so fucking good? What if it’s exactly what you needed? What if it’s everything?”
You swallow a huff and a whimper. “Don’t…”
“Don’t what?” The tip of his nose nuzzles against yours, taunting you with the thought of a kiss. “Don’t make you feel good? Don’t make it worth it? Don’t make really good points?”
You can’t help but pout playfully.
“I promise, Bee,” he continues, meeting your eye. “I only want to make you feel better. Make you feel everything. Be so gentle with you, I swear.”
You begin to tug on his shirt, desperately needing him closer. “I know, Har. I know, I just…I’m nervous.”
“I know,” he echoes, humming as he strokes his fingers across your skin. “But you never have to be nervous with me. It’s just sex, and it’s just us. I promise. Nothing will ever change that.”
“Says the man that started this whole arrangement because of sex,” you retort, and he grins.
“That was different.”
“Because I already knew I liked you. The sex didn’t change that, it just confirmed it.”
“Mhm. Sure.”
“I’m serious. Need me to prove it to you?”
You exhale a gentle laugh as you take hold of his wrists and nuzzle into his touch. “No. I just…I don’t know. If I agree…I’ll have conditions.”
“Of course. And what are they?”
You think. “Uh…shit, I don’t know. We give it maybe a ten-minute trial run, and if we hate it, we stop.”
You can tell he’s fighting a rather smug smile as he nods once. “Okay. Deal.”
“And we have to put down a lot of towels. Like…cover the whole bed. Just in case.”
“Fine. Anything else?”
“We do it missionary. I think that’ll maybe be a bit…cleaner. Maybe.”
He smirks. “All right. Is that all?”
“You can’t look.”
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and lifts an eyebrow. “I can’t look?”
“Bee…how am I supposed to fuck you if I can’t see what I’m doing?”
“I’ll tell you.”
“You’ll tell me?”
“Yeah. You know, tell you how to move and everything.”
He laughs again. “I think that’s overcomplicating things a bit.”
“Oh, come on. It’ll be easy. It’s the same as me tying your hands.”
“That is not the same, and you know it.”
“Well…it’s my biggest condition. Either you don’t look, or we don’t do it.”
This time, he huffs. “This is silly.”
“You’ve mentioned.”
“But I still want to do it.”
“Seriously. I think you underestimate what I’d do for you.”
You pull your lip between your teeth and bite. “Har…we don’t have to—”
“I want to,” he says again. “I mean it. Yeah, I’d like to be able to see it. But…for a first time, if this is what you need to feel comfortable…then we’ll do it this way. Might even be fun.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, letting his hands drop to your hips while his mouth moves to your neck. “Having you tell me what to touch…how to touch it.”
You feel your breath hitch as his tongue takes a taste of the skin on your throat. 
“You wanna be my eyes, Bee?” he whispers, in that low, dangerous way that makes your stomach drop to your toes. “Wanna tell me how pretty you look taking my cock? Tell me how wet you are, how you drip for me? How swollen your little clit is? How hard your nipples are—”
“Harry,” you breathe, head dropping back as his teeth graze the vein below your jaw. “Shit, stop—”
“Stop what?” You feel the tips of his fingers brush beneath the hem of your shirt, dancing across your stomach until you squirm. “Stop touching you? Or stop agreeing with you?”
Your hands disappear into his curls, and you tug as though your life depends on it. “Stop…being so good.”
You feel him grin into your shoulder as he guides you toward the bed. “No.”
The backs of your legs hit the mattress and you both tumble down while Harry works to keep his lips on your body. 
His large hand hikes your leg over his hip until he can settle comfortably above you, groaning into your chest as you gasp for air.
“Please…” you hear yourself pant, nails scratching down his shoulder blades, desperate to bring him closer.
“I know,” he says, already tugging on your shirt. “I know. Gonna make it better, Bee. Promise.”
He grinds down, allowing for you to feel how hard he is, how bad he really wants this—needs this. 
And despite the multiple layers between you, it’s exhilarating and so sweet. Making you whimper his name as you attempt to thrust up against his cock for a second time.
He pulls your shirt over your head, revealing your lavender colored bra to his hungry gaze, and smiles when he sees it. 
“I like this one,” he tells you, and you chuckle as your head drops back onto the bed.
“I know. That’s why I wore it.”
“Good,” he whispers, returning his trail of wet kisses down your throat. “Good.”
And it is so good. So easy and effortless that you’re almost swept away by the current that is him. Drowning in his ability and his intentions as he lures you into the deepest depths of desire.
“Wait,” you whine the second his palms smooth up your thighs. “Wait…we need…I gotta get the towels.”
He groans as though his entire world has just collapsed, face burying into your neck as if to trap you. “Bee—”
“You promised,” you remind him, attempting to wiggle free. “Okay, I just need to get everything set up and then we can go.”
But he keeps his body pressed to yours, caging you to the bed as he pulls your earlobe between his teeth. “Don’t wanna stop. Just wanna make you feel good—”
“I know,” you murmur, grabbing a handful of his hip so you can force him onto his back. “And you will. Just one second. Go ahead and strip.”
He makes another depraved noise but does allow you to climb from the bed and rush to the bathroom.
After grabbing a plethora of towels, you return to find him sprawled naked across the blankets, sporting nothing more than a smug smile. 
And you laugh before motioning for him to stand while you lay the cloth down. Although he pouts through every second of it. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and cock incredibly hard.
But once you’ve finally finished, he sighs with relief, and strides toward you.
“Hold on,” you call, hand outstretching to stop his advance. “I gotta grab the blindfold.”
“Bee,” he nearly scoffs. “You weren’t serious about that.”
“Deadly,” you retort as you move for the nightstand to find the silk tie. “Unless you’d rather we just don’t do it at all.”
He takes a deep breath, almost as if to settle his nerves before smiling softly. “Of course I want to. And of course we’ll do it this way if that's what you need. I just…you can’t blame me for grieving the loss.” 
Entertained with his efforts, you chuckle to yourself and retrieve the scarf before gesturing for him to sit.
He’s quick to obey, perching on the edge of the mattress as he watches you approach. His expression bleeds willing anticipation, hands gathering in his lap, and eyes widening.
You come to a stop in front of his legs, unable to resist smiling down at your sunshine boy as you gently brush your fingers through the dark hairs atop his head.
His lashes flutter, head rolling back to follow your touch while humming contently beneath a soft breath.
“Thank you,” you whisper, a desperate fist clenching around your heart.
He blinks himself back to clarity. “For what?”
“For just…being you.”
A rush of adoration overwhelms his expression, his meadow-green eyes softening as he reaches down to take hold of your wrist.
“Of course,” he says before guiding the blindfold in your hand toward his head. “Go. I trust you.”
I trust you.
Overwhelmed by a surge of confidence, you dip down, and kiss him. Teeth and tongues clash as you each greedily steal a taste, breathing him in as though your life depends on it.
And once he’s settled in your lungs, you lean back, and slip the tie over his eyes.
His muscles tense the moment his vision is taken from him, but the delicate sweep of your fingertips across his skin as you secure the knot seems to undo the stress.
“You okay?” you ask, making sure to keep your voice quiet so as to not startle him.
He nods, chest rising and falling as he inhales deeply. “Mhm. Miss you already, though.”
You grin. “Okay, I’m gonna get ready. Don’t move, all right?”
Another nod, this one silent.
With a strange feeling in your stomach (that you can’t blame on cramps), you step back and begin to slip your shorts off.
You’re thankful that today’s flow isn’t too heavy. Although you’d still rather die than let him see.
But he’s patient, smiling to himself as he hears you rustle around, your aggravated huffs making him chuckle.
Finally, you’ve rid yourself of all clothing, leaving your thighs to squeeze together in an attempt to keep everything…intact.
You’d removed the tampon while you were in the bathroom, and now that you’re ready, and this is actually happening…your pulse begins to race.
“Bee?” Harry murmurs, almost as if sensing the shift. “You okay?”
“Yes.” Your voice is light. Airy. A tad strained as you timidly approach him. “I’m…yeah. Just…trying to wrap my head around it.”
He hums, straightening up slightly as if to comfort you. “I know, it’s okay. I’m here. M’right here. Don’t have to be nervous. It’s just us.”
“Just us,” you repeat, attempting to emblazon such a promise across your heart. “Always.”
You make yourself known to him, ghosting your fingers up the length of his arm and along the slope of his shoulder. “Okay…I’m ready. Are you?”
“Mhm. Just tell me what to do.”
But you don’t tell him.
You lead him.
You take his hand in yours and bring him to his feet. His grip is strong, grasping onto your palm so tight, you won’t be surprised to feel the residual aches tomorrow.
You walk to the foot of the bed and begin guiding your bodies down, leading him in a crawl across the towels. You go slow, making sure that he knows to brace himself with his other hand and with his knees as he follows you. 
You can see the quiver in his stomach when he hovers himself above where you lay, the corners of his mouth dancing up in a delicate but shy smile.
“You’re doing so good,” you murmur, lifting to nose under his jaw and leave a reassuring kiss. “You okay?”
“Mhm.” His head drops, almost as if chasing after your lips. “Yeah. Are you?”
“Yes,” you breathe, one hand trailing down the rigid dips along his chest. “Your heart’s beating really fast, Har.”
“I know,” he says. “S’cause I’m excited.”
“Mhm.” Another nod. “Everything is you.”
Your stomach wrenches in the best possible way. “Really?”
“Really. Every one of my senses is just…you.”
You press your lips over his racing pulse. “Hope that’s a good thing.”
He grins. “It is. It’s everything.”
You kiss him. With each possible ounce of love you have to offer, and he groans against your tongue as he settles into the familiar mold of your mouth.
Muscle memory seems to serve him well as he makes his home between your thighs, palm already traveling down the curve of your hip.
And you know what he wants. What he aims to do, and as if out of reflex, you snatch onto his wrist and bring him to a stop.
“Wait,” you whisper, nose pressed to his cheek. “Sorry, I…I’m not—”
“It’s okay,” he says quickly, releasing his hold to intertwine his fingers with yours. “Lead me, Bee. Tell me what to do. Tell me what you want.”
“You,” you whimper, unable to deny the less-than-dull ache forming deep within your belly. Even nerves can’t tamp down such desire. “You, I just…I’m not sure—”
“We can go slow,” he tells you. “Until you’re ready.”
His assurance does absolutely nothing to ease the need in your heart and you whine to yourself before scratching your nails down his skin. “Don’t wanna go slow, I just…I just have to do it.”
But his head shakes. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Bee. We can stop right now. Do you need to call watermelon?”
“No.” You take hold of his face and squeeze. “No. No, I don’t want to stop. I wanna keep going. Wanna feel you. Need to feel you, Har.”
He lowers until he can press his forehead to yours and calm your jitters. “Okay. It’s okay. We can keep going. But only at your pace, all right?”
You wish you could see him. See his eyes. See the self-assuredness you know is there. The same self-assuredness that always manages to bring you back down after you’ve worked yourself up.
“Okay,” you whisper, kissing the tip of his nose.
He grips your hand. “Be my eyes. Only show me what you want me to see.”
It comes to you then. Hits you like a ton of bricks. Heavy and hard, the way it always does. 
You love him. Love him more than anything in the world. As more than your partner…but as your best friend.
Encouraged by a new rush of adrenaline, you take your interlocked fingers and bring them to your chest, allowing him to feel the way your nipples have hardened.
He exhales a shaky breath upon contact, taking control the moment you let go to knead your tit in his large palm before dipping down to lick along it. 
You gasp and arch up into his mouth, feeling more than settled now as he wraps his lips around you. 
He takes a moment to tug it with his teeth, gentle but firm enough to feed your pain kink. And you nearly sigh with contentment as he swirls his tongue around the pebbled skin, clearly indulging in you.
“My pretty girl,” he groans, hand running up the side of your ribcage until it can take hold of your other breast. “Tell me how good you look in my mouth. Tell me how pretty you look between my fingers.”
“Shit—Har, please.”
“Feel good, darling?” His voice is a salacious purr, meant to entice you, meant to ruin you. “Want you to tell me. Tell me how pretty you look.”
Your fingers move for the hairs at the nape of his neck, brushing against the fabric around his head. “Feels so good—”
“Uh-uh,” he warns, lifting up and taking his mouth from you. Leaving your chest cold and untouched. “Tell me.”
You whimper again and attempt to scoot closer. “Pretty,” you repeat quietly. “Always look pretty in your hand. Always look better when you touch me.”
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip, and you feel yourself clench when you see the plump, pink fibers glisten beneath the light of your lamp. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, allowing you to bring him close so you can kiss him, cursing when you nip at his mouth.
You take hold of his hand again and begin moving it down your body. Over the tender skin of your stomach and down toward your cunt.
He attempts to remain calm when he realizes where you’re leading him, but you can feel the pulsing in his wrist escalate the closer you get. 
“Bee,” he murmurs as you brush the tips of his fingers along your inner thighs. “You okay?”
“Yes,” you answer through an anxious pant. “Can’t wait any longer.”
“Fuck,” he seethes against your cheek when his touch ghosts over your swollen clit. “Feel so fucking good, lovie. Wanna see you so bad—”
“Mm-mm,” you argue, grasping onto his curls. “Not this time.”
“Touch me,” you quickly mewl, licking a strip along his jaw. “God, Harry, please. Please touch me. Need you…need—”
He pinches the sensitive nerves until you gasp and choke on the rest of your plea. But you don’t even mind because the rush of euphoria that shoots through your veins like heroin is everything. Almost more than you can handle, and you buck up into his hand.
“That easy, hm?” he teases before his fingers run down you, desperate to dive through the arousal and coat himself in it. “Knew you were all worked up. You’ve been needy for days, darling. Haven’t you? Just needing me to make it better?”
He’s right. You’re always needy for him but especially on your period. The one week you refuse to let him touch you.
You’re beginning to wonder why.
“Gonna let me fuck you?” he asks, mouth ghosting across your ear until a shiver dances down your spine. “Gonna let me fuck the pain away? Make you feel good again?”
You nod, even though he can’t see you, and begin rolling your body in time with his ministrations. Hoping to grind against his fingers until you find that sweet relief.
He smirks. “Anxious?”
“Little bit,” you retort, scratching down his back. “Shit…please. Please, baby—”
“I know,” he coos, taking his fingers from your pussy to squeeze your thigh. “Gonna have to do it for me, okay? Take my cock and use it.”
You whimper as you reach for him, more than ready to feel him in your hand as you guide him closer to you.
You try not to think about what comes next. Try not to think about what it is you’re about to do, or what his cock might look like covered in your blood.
He twitches the moment your palm smooths along his shaft, face burying deep within your shoulder to brace himself. “Sorry…fuck, feel like it’s been forever.”
“I know,” you agree, nuzzling your cheek against his temple.
“Feels so much better now,” he whispers, lips brushing your skin as he speaks. “Feels…different, too. When I can’t see.”
You know exactly what he means, and you clench from the idea of what he must be experiencing right now.
Your fingers weave through his hair, and you tug until you can bring his head back out. Then, after releasing his cock, you smooth your thumbs over the blindfold, and lift up to place a kiss over each eye.
“I love you.”
He grins so wide, you can see his two little bunny teeth. “I love you,” he repeats, nestling his face against your hand. “Now please let me fuck you.”
And who are you to argue?
You take hold of him once more while his hand smooths down your hip to help guide your legs further apart.
And after some shifting and shuffling, you pump him slowly, and line him up.
“Ready?” you whisper, a bit coarser than you had intended.
He nods, swollen lips parting in anticipation. “Yes. Always. Go, Bee. Let me feel you.”
The moment the head of his cock brushes through you, you both tense and stumble over some rather pornographic moans.
After all, it’s been quite a while since the last time (around two weeks…which for the two of you feels like a lifetime), and this merely proves why you should never wait so long again.
It’s full, and it’s good, and it’s comfortable. Much more comfortable than you anticipated, and you can’t help but glance down to watch as he disappears into you.
His hands fist the duvet beside your shoulders as sucks in a sharp breath through clenched teeth before suddenly driving in to the hilt, forcing your gasp. “Shit…sorry. Sorry, m’so fucking sorry. Couldn’t…couldn’t wait—”
“It’s okay,” you whimper, wiggling a bit to get adjusted. “It’s okay. Feels good.”
“Yeah?” For some reason, this makes the muscles in his stomach quiver as he rolls back. “God, lovie. So fucking tight today. Fucking hell…don’t know if I’m gonna last long.”
“It’s okay,” you repeat, fingers painting patterns down his spine. “Just go. Go, fuck me. Do whatever you want. Don’t care, just want you—”
He snaps forward once more, bottoming out as you cry out his name and arch from the bed.
“Shh,” he murmurs, lips burying into your hair. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Talk to me, Bee. Be my eyes, come on. Tell me how good you look taking my cock. Tell me how fucking sweet your pretty little pussy treats me.”
Your mouth drops open in a silent whine as you wrap your arms around his neck and hike your leg around his hip. “So good, Har. Look so good inside me—”
“Shit.” His teeth graze your shoulder as he thrusts in again, doing his best to be gentle the way he promised, but losing the battle quickly. “Yeah? Like watching the way I stretch you?”
“Oh, darling, you’re so wet. Fucking soaking me, aren’t you?”
You feel as though you are, but truth be told, you don’t want to look down and find out.
However, your silence breeds suspicion, and Harry’s hand blindly searches for your jaw until he can give it a quick squeeze.
“Bee,” he warns, in a low growl that makes your pulse skip. “Don’t do that. Don’t go quiet, don’t overthink.”
You whine a bit as your writhe beneath him, attempting to pull your face from his fingers. “Can’t help it—”
“Listen to me,” he hisses, pulling harder until you have no other choice but to go lax in his touch. “You feel so fucking good. All right? You have no fucking idea how good you feel right now. M’losing my goddamn mind. Don’t ever wanna stop fucking you—”
You can’t help but clench down until he’s lost the rest of his sentence, his hand dropping to your throat.
“Fucking devil,” he mumbles, working to create a faster rhythm as the room fills with steady whines, whimpers, and anxious gasps. Until the sound of him slipping in and out of your tight hole is echoing between the walls. Until everything is just him.
Soon, you don’t care about your period. About the possibility of a rather bloody mess or the idea that Harry will see you differently.
Soon, the only thing that matters is release. Is finding that end as the pleasure builds and builds like a tower of Jenga blocks in your stomach. Until it’s so tall, so heavy, so potent…you have no other choice but to let go.
His arm loops under your back, right near your hips while he tugs you up, needing a better angle as he continues to ruin you. And your body is pliable in his hands, nothing but jelly, meant to be tossed around like a toy.
“Give it to me,” he grunts, but there’s a certain plea beneath the virile command. Like he’s begging you to come on his cock, and your eyes roll back. “Fucking give it to me, Bee. Right now. Right fucking now—”
And you were already halfway there but then he reaches down your body, fingertips brushing against your clit, and you’re gone.
Toes curling, back arching, mind numbing. Your entire reality whittles down to him. And his cock, and his hands, and his come. The way it fills you not long after, painting your insides like a mural before leaking between your bodies. 
And it’s sticky, and the room is hot, and your bodies are covered in sweat. 
But it’s perfect.
Eventually, he reaches back for the knot behind his head, needing to see you. But you’re quick to stop him, guiding his arm back down until you can bury him against your chest and whisper, “Not yet. Just stay. Like this. Please.”
You can tell he wants to fight you. He loves seeing his come drip from your pussy, loves pushing it back in, loves licking it up.
But today, that’s out of the question, and when he realizes this, he sighs and allows his face to nuzzle into your neck.
You know he’ll need to regain his vision soon, but you don’t mind existing in this moment just a little while longer. You’d exist in every moment with him if you could, but you’ll settle for right here, right now.
“Bee?” he whispers, the sound of his loving nickname cutting through the quiet air.
“Thank you.”
You smile so hard, the muscles in your cheek begin to ache. Your arms snake a bit tighter around his large body, squeezing him against your heart. “You’re silly.”
He grins.
A few minutes later, you make him a deal. You’ll lead him to the bathroom so you can both take a shower, and once you’re sure the evidence has been washed away, you’ll let him look.
He argues that this is a step beyond ridiculous and you argue that you’ll never fuck him again if he opens his eyes before you’re ready.
He gets quiet after that.
You both stumble a bit as you lead the blind man from the bed to the shower. You do your best not to survey the damage, but you catch a glimpse in your attempt at cleaning everything up. It’s not as bad as you anticipated. Your period has always seemed to mellow out whenever you’re lying horizontally. 
Honestly, you’re not really sure what logistics are involved with that premise, but today, you’re just grateful they are.
You keep your palm over his closed eyes as you both step under the stream of water. His eyelashes tickle your skin whenever he attempts to blink, and you giggle from the soft feel.
After a minute or two of letting the soap do its thing, you drop your arm, and return his sight.
Those sage green irises find you as he works to adjust to the world around him. He squints for the better part of a minute before he’s smiling and taking in your wary expression.
“What’s wrong?” he hums, stepping closer to sneak his wet hands around your hips. “See? It was fine.”
“I know.” Your voice is small, eyes trained on the tattoo painted across his chest. “I do feel kind of stupid for making us do all of that.”
“What?” He leans back, brow raised. “Bee…I know I was talking shit, but you know I didn’t mind.”
“I know, I just…people have period sex all the time. It’s not a big deal, you’re right—”
His head begins to shake zealously as he backs you up against the tile, forcing your attention on him. “No, no, no. Don’t do that. That’s what you needed to do, and I pushed you to do it in the first place. I told you, I will do whatever you want. Anything. Anytime.”
“I know, but—”
“No. Enough. I don’t wanna hear it.” He presses his forehead to yours for a second time this evening, and you feel your stomach clench. “Trust me. That was one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever done. Not being able to see you almost killed me but everything else…god, I’ve never felt so overwhelmed by you.”
And for some reason, this vulnerable yet earnest confession creates a lump in your throat as you blink up at him.
“All I could hear, all I could touch, all I could taste…was just you,” he whispers, squeezing the skin on your waist to emphasize his point. “I would do that a hundred more times if that’s what you wanted.”
You whimper, blindsided by the sudden rush of emotions working their way to your waterline.
His strong hand moves for your cheek, cupping it sweetly as he presses a kiss beside your eye. “You can take my sight any day, Bee. As long as you promise to give it back. And let me see you again.”
You smile as a tear begins to slip down your skin, collecting in his palm before he wipes it away. “You know what you are?”
He presses his lips to your face one last time before leaning back. “What?”
Your eyes meet, and you grin.
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Yes I am perpetuating the idea that he could find it blindfolded 😗 BECAUSE HE COULD FIND IT BLINDFOLDED!!! Teach Me Harry could anyway and I will not be taking any questions or comments, thank you!!! (No I'm kidding but...he could)
Next Part:
~ Use Me*
Previous Part:
~ Watch Me*
- Full Teach Me Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Tags: (Since this is an extra, I have no idea if you guys want to be tagged in it, but if not, please let me know! And I will remove you promptly! But if you are okay with being on this list, then welcome back, I've missed you🥹💞)
@onlystylesss28 @winterrays @jessitpwk @aslugforharry @allthelovehes @straightnogayhs @adoringhrry @harrysxcarolina @lillefroe @avasversion @littlelunamoon @harrysgf01 @indierockgirrl @lexiecamposv @spinningoutwaiting4ya @hs-tpwkrry @vyctorya @b-reads-things @thiyaabs @buckybarnessimpp @whoreforjamesbuckybarnes @cherryluvhobi @mybabyh @xellybellyx @harrysxcarolina @reneemunson @juliatpwk @wolfmoonmusic @buckyssbestgirl @wandasbae616 @straightontilmornin @imavirginhoe @nuggetdean @tiaamberxx @chubby-cheek-calum @itsmytimetoodream @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses
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m1ssunderstanding · 22 days
Let it Be Close-watch
Paul, sweety, it's beautiful, but it's killing the vibe.
Ringo looks like a very old, very tired lab rat whose been put through the maze a few too many times
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Somehow the air-brown mostly eaten apple is very appropriate.
She looks far too sweet here to ever let John down. Yoko has very kind eyes.
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I love how it makes it seem like Paul and John are calling Maxwell “the corny one” but really we know from Get Back that they're talking about a particular arrangement they were trying out for Don't Let me Down.
I swear he's saying “John” there, not “Joan” and also he said “came down upon His head” so… Oh! And Max died in the end in this version? “Sure that Max was dead” Okay. So Paul kills John and then himself. Murder suicide story. Yeah, Paul, you're doing great mentally, we can all tell.
I love how George getting electrocuted was important enough to make the cut for both films. Poor baby. “If this boy dies you're gonna cop it” from the guy who was just singing about a serial killer.
They're so silly
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Yoko does not agree with me
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Paul: stealing your man, sweetheart. John: oh no I'm being stolen teehee!
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They're so silly
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Oh wait, were those bitchy looks at George??? Because there he is. Idk could easily be him or Yoko.
this poor autistic baby trying to use words (not his language) to explain music (his language)
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“Good MoOornin! Wooah!” I think I just … You know how Mike said people were booing Paul in the theater watching this? Yeah it's because they were pissed he didn't step out of the screen and onto their necks.
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Oh Michael put himself in his own movie too? Huh, cool.
They are always in my heart
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The way Paul says “get on the mic” to John??? I would've thrown something, that was so fucking bossy! Just his tone and his face and his angry pointing fingers. So mean. And John just goes “okaaay”. Oof.
Ringo covering his eyes like a little kid watching a scary movie during the orange sweater fight. Same, babe.
Sounds like the original lyric John's going for is something long “All I want is you. Nothing else is gonna do.” But that obviously didn't fit with the tune. I wonder if there was a particular conversation with Paul being controlling that made the “everything has got to be the way you want it to” line click in.
Oh my gosh! So George is showing I Me Mine to Ringo and Paul and he says the “I don't give a fuck it can go in musical” line before he even plays it. Not after John's making fun of him like he does in Get Back. Nagra reels experts: which one is correct??
George: it's a heavy waltz. Ringo:*claps hands angrily and punches the air to a ¾ beat. I love him, he's like the core of “Beatle humor” to me.
Woah there! Okay this is the John/Yoko pda Peter Jackson cut, I see. I wonder if there's a lot more footage of them swapping spit that might make the “oh John was just so in love” theory more reasonable.
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It's extremely impressive that George just wrote this whole thing last night. You know? John and Paul have brought in all fragments from what I can tell. He's the only one to come in with a basically finished product.
LMAO and we're just going to Apple now. No reason. Nothing happened. Nothing to see. Moving on.
Ringo is so so cute pretending to hide from the cameras. Really he should've been the cute one.
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Is it just me or does Paul drop the sillies and get sad when he sings “always be mine” at John? It's his regular voice, too, for a minute, if I'm not mistaken.
Silly cuties. But John's grin and little sexy tongue action happens the second time Paul sings always be mine, so…
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What friendly artistic collaboration looks like when it's not psychosexual
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Paul: have you played the dubs? George: yeah. Terrible. Paul: Great! Ringo: terrible. John: laughs Paul: (sarcastic) oh, so dreadful. …. John: where's my guitar? Paul: (still sarcastic) well we're just the greatest band ever. Idk I just like this dialogue. It's very them, you know?
This is adorable.
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But I also love how they're already communicating with eyebrows, you know? They just bonded so fast and I find that beautiful.
And then Heather ups their game from taking turns going “chchchchch” into the mic to meowing into the mic. She looks at Paul like “okay your turn” and he sets her down lol he's thinking ‘if I meow into the mic right now after John already had a sex dream last night about me, he might actually cream his pants and we can't have that on camera’
Lol Billy just magically appeared!
Paul you're literally so annoying. You started the goofing off and now you're like “alright lads, that's enough.” Mkay.
He is unbelievably sexy and talented though so you know he does have those little things going for him. Someone write me a Paul/Billy fic please!!
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Kinda crazy how they all four just slide straight from “Kansas City” to “Miss Ann” to “Lawdy Miss Claudy”. Makes me think of something they might've done in Hamburg.
I'm sorry but Paul finishes “please don't excite me baby. I'm down in misery.” And John's immediate answer is, “well you can get it if you want it, and if you want it you can get it!” And Paul ends up singing “I want it I want it I want it I want it”. Nice. Very subtle, boys. And that's before John gets kinky.
I love how Heather just forces a hug from George and then immediately runs away. What a cutie.
But really. How did anyone watching this get the idea that John hated Paul? Just confirmation bias I guess?
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All the cut off conversations kill me but especially the one where John's working though Paul's anxieties. They're just in the middle of it and then cut. “two of us Sunday driving…”
Someone should do a study of whistling in their songs. I feel like it's another one of their tip offs that “hey this one is about us” Anyway I love John's whistling here. He's so good at it. I can just imagine him as some farm boy picking apples, you know?
Imagine booing this poor stay puppy though, like. What? I mean, what if Johann Weiner was wrong and John wasn't crying at the sight of him and Paul playing triumphant together on the rooftop, but at Paul playing his little heart out about their doomed love. Idk it's probably both. Let's be real, John was bawling through the whole thing.
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What is George laughing at? Picture quality is garbage because evil corporations don't let you take screenshots of their content, but he looks like that one kid in your elementary school class that just dumped Cheetos all over his crushes desk and thinks he's a criminal mastermind.
Also I do appreciate all the attention given in the chosen shots to the musicianship. I bet they liked that at least if they had the heart to like anything about the movie at the time.
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I'm sorry but I love how in sync Mo and Paul are. With this ducking and later the shimmying. I know it's wrong to ship Ringo’s wife with one of the Beatles she didn't sleep with, but… idk I really want her to have bedded all four at one point, you know? She deserves it, being an og.
Okay but yeah I'd be having a public meltdown if I fumbled that too holy fucking shit
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Ringo feeling himself as he should
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George just looks like he smells nice. Unlike the others. You know?
John has such a beautiful smile. If somebody looked at me like that I'd put him up on a giant screen behind me on my world tour after he'd been dead for forty years too.
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That pleeeaaaheeeaaase though. Looking at Paul. How did he survive I'll never know.
The cut from screaming Paul to grouchy nap lady is extremely painful.
John was so cool in this concert. Like the epitome of cool.
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Kevin, my love, thank you for your service
I love Yoko leaning so far and craning her neck. She's like a mom at a school talent show. Like “I only came to see my baby.” Type vibe. Which is exactly what she's doing, unlike Mo, and honestly I find both of them extremely valid
You know in movies where the romantic leads are never looking at each other at the same time?
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I think I watched George and John switching back on their amps like fifty times because I just love it so much. And from this angle, you can see John's saying something to Paul about it. He looks serious and he's shaking his head. I wonder what he's saying.
Mal Evans I love you forever for this. Look at his hand on the rail, just blocking them off completely, so protective.
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Them turning to each other at the end always gets me. It's automatic, like second nature, and it's the last time ever. They deserved better.
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Oh Darling duet in the credits are you fucking kidding me??? Was that in the original? “Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh I do.” That's the second time that they gave away in this footage that they know they're talking to each other in their music.
Alright, that's it, I guess. And then MLH is haunted by this experience for forty years until he makes Two of Us to purge the demons.
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cobragardens · 8 months
CORRECTED & UPDATED Clothes + Equivocation = Romance: The Husbands in 1793 (Part 2)
From Part 1:
Crowley and Aziraphale share clothes as a common interest. They don't have the same style, but they're both aware of current fashions, and Heaven and Hell aren't. You can't tell me Hastur or Uriel would recognize the significance of Crowley saying "Dressed like that, he's asking for trouble" about someone else while wearing black stockings and cravat and waistcoat himself. And that means Anything the husbands communicate to each other through clothing choices goes undetected by their masters.
SO. With all this in mind, let's go through the 1793 scene again and look at what the husbands communicate to each other without using words or actions to do it, and how their clothing choices help them do that.
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Hello. I'm here and I know you're in a spot of trouble. I like you.
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It's you! I'm so happy you're here!
Sheen's voice and face when Aziraphale says Crowley's name in this moment makes me think that Aziraphale is in love with Crowley--the demon Crowley, not the angel who became Crowley--long before he consciously realizes it in 1941. The way Sheen has Aziraphale say Crowley's name is so soft.
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The way you're he way you're lounging there and what you're wearing are uncomfortably sexy and also incredibly inappropriate for the Bastille at this moment in history. I suppose this is very on-brand for you.
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Crowley: I listen when you talk about your interests and goals and keep track of your general whereabouts and pursuits.
Either they've spoken with each other recently or Crowley has been keeping tabs on Aziraphale. Aziraphale isn't upset that Crowley knows what he's been up to, which suggests the former, which in turn suggests they're in semi-regular (every few years or decades) contact at this point.
Also we've now got a general idea for when Aziraphale opens his bookshop.
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Okay, brief tangent while I point out two things here.
One, my favorite thing about Aziraphale is that he is a sensualist. This is libertine behavior, y'all. He 'popped across the Channel' during the Reign of Terror because he wanted a specific carnal experience of a specific really lovely food.
And two, even when Aziraphale does weird, frivolous, silly, ill-advised things like this, things that clearly baffle Crowley...Crowley never makes fun of him. He never laughs at him. He always has this look of disbelief on his face, like Am I hearing this?--
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--but Crowley never, not once, shuts Aziraphale down.
Until Aziraphale asks him to go back to Heaven.
Anyway. Back to our scene.
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Aziraphale: I am unwilling to abandon my sartorial sensibilities even when it threatens my corporation, and I am insane, so I think this is reasonable. At least I'm not wearing a Slutty Monarchist outfit.
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You're happy to see me, aren't you. You're relieved to see a demon. Go on, say it.
Tennant's delivery of this line cracks me up. It is so gloating and flirtatious and smarmy and indulgent of Aziraphale.
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I am very happy to see you and lucky you're here, and I am willing to say so sincerely even though you are gloating about it.
And then there's the exchange where Crowley very carefully doesn't answer Aziraphale's question about why Crowley's in the area but also reassures him that he didn't cause the French Revolution and Aziraphale can still like him.
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We can't speak openly about this. It's dangerous for me.
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Message received: I won't mention what you did again. But I want to show my gratitude and spend time with you; is it safe for us to get lunch together?
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Yes, but one of us is going to have to change so we can walk the streets of Paris without getting arrested again, and I'm the one doing the rescuing here so it's not going to be me. Your 'standards' will have to take the hit.
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Fine, you've got me over a barrel. But hey, if I have to wear the silly hat anyway I might as well go all the way and wear your colors. Except not monarchist. And not slutty.
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Oh, I don't know, I thought you looked pretty slutty too. (Meaning 2) I'm having this guy killed for touching you, btw. I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. I see you are having the guy who assaulted you killed in a copy of the clothes he would have killed you for wearing. I wholeheartedly approve of this (Meaning 3), your sexiness in those clothes notwithstanding. The utter insouciance of Crowley's little sniff and the inquiry about what they'll have for lunch drive home hard that Crowley could not be more unbothered by Aziraphale having the man who tried to harm him beheaded.
What really tickles me about this line is not only that Crowley's joke has three distinct meanings, but that Meaning 1 (the meaning that exists without reference to Crowley's clothes) is the opposite of Meaning 3--Anybody wearing clothes like that deserves what they get (Meaning 1) versus It rocks how you just killed someone who tried to kill you for wearing those clothes (Meaning 3)--and yet because of the clothes he's wearing, both meanings come through with perfect clarity, dependent only on whether the listener(s) can see his clothing and know its significance. Aziraphale can, and does, so he receives Crowley's real meaning. Hell/Heaven can't, and don't, so they just hear Meaning 1.
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And then we get Aziraphale's pleased little smile and look of tranquil interest as he watches Jean-Claude dragged off to his death. Its such an interesting facial expression for an angel watching a demon have someone killed having someone killed, isn't it?
Crowley has just told him they're probably being listened to by Hell. That means Aziraphale, Crowley, and the audience all know this is the most Aziraphale can safely react. Aziraphale can't show any overt approval of anything an agent of Hell does, because by definition anything a demon does is demonic and angels must be against That Sort of Thing. In light of the fact that Aziraphale is the one who causes Jean-Claude's death, I now argue that this responsibility not to react too positively to something the other side has done falls on Crowley, and that the reason he makes this joke is primarily to tell Aziraphale I see what you've just done, and I like it without identifying aloud what exactly has just happened for their presumed eavesdroppers because an angel arranging a human's murder is the sort of thing in which head offices might take undue interest.
The awareness that their conversation is not private means the audience and Aziraphale know they need to be watching and listening for multiple meanings from Crowley, and it also means the audience and Crowley know we need to be watching Aziraphale's face closely right now. And that little smile shows us that Aziraphale has received Meanings 2 and 3 of "he was asking for trouble."
Or, at minimum, Meaning 3; even if Aziraphale picks up on Meaning 2--You looked really sexy in your vintage clothes, you crazy weirdo--that's not a message he can afford to react to at all. But he does react to the other coded communication Crowley is sending when he says "Dressed like that, he was asking for trouble" while dressed for trouble himself: I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. People who think your clothes give them the right to hurt you can go to Hell, and I am delighted you just sent one of them there.
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You just had someone beheaded for assaulting me, I acknowledge and am pleased by your delight at my cleverness. and I could not be happier. Would you like to come enjoy one of my very favorite sensual pleasures with me?
EDIT: To be honest I like this reading better than my original, incorrect understanding of the story despite the fact that it is slightly less romantic, both because I love the idea of Crowley as a thirsty witness to Aziraphale quietly being a vengeful badass, because it gives us a glimpse of something important about Aziraphale's character that we don't get to see elsewhere: Aziraphale doesn't have a problem with killing per se.
We learn from the business with the Antichrist that, like Crowley, Az. can't bring himself to kill children. We learn from his perturbation at the Flood and the Crucifixion that he doesn't hold with killing innocents. He gave away his flaming sword. But this scene establishes that Aziraphale will actively cause someone's death if he feels they deserve it. That seems like an important character note for him that may become relevant in Season 3 (feathers crossed that it happens).
And I think there's something else in there too, something about how Aziraphale kills Jean-Claude, not with outright violence but with a trick. One party thinks he's in control of the situation; with a wave of his hand, suddenly a turnip has turned into an inkwell an executioner has turned into the condemned--or at least it seems that way long enough to get the job done. It's a bait-and-switch, like stage magic, and it slots right in to the motif in Good Omens of sleight-of-hand, of characters wearing other characters' appearances (for more on this, see fan theories re: Maggie is possessed), of supplying false meanings to an audience to disguise the true actions going on behind the scenes.
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springwitch26 · 7 months
i'm asking nicely: give me what i want (melissa schemmenti x fem!teacher!reader)
summary: you and your girlfriend make a bet about who can last the longest without sex.
warnings: nsfw themes but no smut (yet), sorta humiliation, praise, mentions of overstim and bondage and punishment, explicit language. you and melissa are gay idiots
notes: a little something for your kinktober tastes! sorry it's not the fluffiest story—i'm like mostly aromantic, so i can't write love very well. this is my first time writing with the whole abbott gang, so let me know how i did! this one goes out to the girls who love teasing, light bickering, and sexy dialogue.
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it all started with a bet.
you and melissa had been dating for just under a month (publicly for two weeks), and it was pure bliss. every time she looked at you with that playful sparkle in her eyes, you wanted to melt. she cared for you in a way that never failed to warm your heart.
she was passionate, too. her touch was magic. she could just lightly graze your thigh with her fingers, and you'd be putty in her hands. and she made you feel desirable. every time you were intimate, you could tell she was hungry for you. it turned you on beyond belief.
although things were wonderful between you two, you both loved a fight. you both realized this early on, and you'd take turns starting silly arguments for the fun of it. you could never resist pushing each other's buttons.
at worst, it would end with one of you pouting and the other apologizing. at best, it would end with you bent over melissa's lap as she took her frustrations out on you, or with you between her legs making up for being mean, or with her whispering soft apologies in your ear as she bounced you on her fingers...
tonight she had you pinned against her kitchen counter, kissing her way down your neck and relishing in your high-pitched sounds of need. she had been teasing you all day, working you up into a frenzy, and you did nothing but whine about how unfair it was. you would have let it go, but that was before she said...
"you're so easy, hon." she laughed into the crook of our neck, responding to your helpless whimpers. you pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes.
"mel... i am not," you said with a pout. she stared back at you, an amused smirk playing on her lips. god, she looked beautiful like this: her red hair slightly out of place, her full chest heaving, her eyes heavy with want.
"sure you're not," she teased. "that's why your legs are trembling 'n you can barely hold yourself up after a little bit of kissing."
she kissed the tip of your nose and you blushed, knowing she was right. she pressed you harder against the counter, holding your hips with both hands. she gently pinched the skin there, silently asking if she could continue. you shook your head resolutely.
"let's make this more interesting," you said, with mischief written on your face. melissa perked up. she loved bets. "no sex until one of us gives in and asks for it."
"alright, but don't ask me to put money on it. you know i quit gamblin' after i bet ava that jacob couldn't do a backflip."
"he is surprisingly agile," you giggled at the memory. "how about... if i win, you buy me that white lingerie set we saw at the store the other day."
melissa shuddered internally at the thought of her beautiful, innocent angel in such a heavenly set. the image gave her an idea of her own.
"deal," she leaned in close, ghosting her lips over the shell of your ear. "but if i win... i get to tie your arms and legs to the bedposts and make you come over and over until you sob."
you forgot how to breathe for a moment, and your knees nearly buckled underneath you. you contemplated folding right then, but you wanted to see where this little game would lead.
"you're on, schemmenti." you shook her hand, and melissa chuckled at your attempt at a firm handshake. even her laugh got you flustered and needy. you were a goner.
you knew melissa would come up with some plot to make you lose the game, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon. the next morning, you and melissa were sitting at your usual table in the workroom, sipping coffee and chatting with everyone. that's when her antics started.
"hey, doll, would you mind grabbin' me another cup of coffee?" melissa asked, handing you her 'tucci on' mug and flashing that irresistibly charming smile. you took the mug from her hands and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before heading to the coffee maker.
you could feel her eyes on you as you stood up, straightening out your skirt that had ridden up a bit too far to be appropriate for school. she continued to stare you down as you poured the coffee and brought it to her. you felt breathless from the intensity of her full attention.
"that's my good girl, thank you," she practically purred when you handed her the coffee, looking up at you smugly through her glasses. you nearly dropped the mug from shock, shooting her a look. how could she be so bold in front of your coworkers? it made you blush furiously.
gregory was the first to catch on, giving an awkward side eye to the cameras at melissa's words. melissa was undeterred, taking a sip of her coffee and making an exaggerated sound of pleasure, causing you to hide your face in your hands.
"god, that hits the spot," melissa said lowly, smirking at her own innuendo. jacob and janine looked between the two of you and each other, trading curious looks.
"oh hon, your necklace is all tangled in the back," melissa said, standing up and positioning herself behind you. "let me fix it for ya."
the older woman leaned down and caressed up your arms, leaving goosebumps in her wake. her fingers then crawled from your collarbones to the back of your neck, where she knew you were sensitive. she pretended to adjust your necklace while her fingers drew lazy patterns there. that, combined with the feeling of her warmth on you after the previous night's denial, had you weak. she sat back down in her chair with a satisfied huff.
at melissa's odd behavior and your pitiful reaction, your friends put it together that something was going on. even barbara gave melissa a questioning look. still, nobody said anything. until ava entered the room. the principal took one look at your flushed face and broke the silence.
"damn schemmenti, what'd you do to this one? i figured you were into some kinky shit, but..." she trailed off.
"AVA!" janine, barbara, and melissa scolded at once. "not appropriate!" barbara added.
"fine, but y'all know i'm right," ava said. she turned to you and melissa. "you better be at happy hour tonight. this looks juicy, and i'm gonna need some entertainment besides janine's dance moves."
you tuned out janine's offended "hey!", remembering the plans for that night. happy hour. fuck. you needed a plan, and a good one.
you never thought you'd willingly ask for ava's help on anything, but here you were. you sat in her office with your arms folded, embarrassed to be sharing this with your boss of all people. then again, ava was the probably the only person who knew how to get the job done.
"you really think that'll work?" you asked, mulling over ava's idea.
"obviously. you gotta use that body, girl. i'm talkin' playboy bunny sexy," she scrolled on her phone as she talked, keeping up her usual disinterested demeanor.
"but... what if she's put off by it?" you wondered aloud. ava looked up from her phone and raised an eyebrow at you.
"i don't know if you've noticed, but your girlfriend's a total perv," she deadpanned. your jaw dropped and you stared at her, incredulous. "what, it's true! i see her lookin' up your skirt and down your shirt every damn day. y'all nasty."
she was right, of course. you didn't always catch it, but whenever you bent over in front of melissa, she looked ready to eat you alive. you gave in and started to plot tonight's outfit in your head.
"thanks, ava! next time i need help coming up with a scheme, i'll come to you," you said, bouncing out of the room excitedly.
"run, little lesbian bunny! go get your girl!" ava laughed to herself and went back to her phone.
melissa's eyes were dark and narrow, fixed on you in your special outfit. you couldn't tell if she was angry or turned on. probably both.
your clothing was tasteful, yet tantalizing: a strawberry pink crop top with a generous v-neck and white mini skirt (the one that drove mel crazy). a sheer pink slip was draped over your shoulders, giving your body a distinct glow under the bar lights. you had even dolled yourself up with makeup—soft lip gloss and glittery eyeshadow, plus classic eyeliner and mascara—and worn your favorite white heels to match. you looked out of place in the bar, like an angel wandering the earth.
you pointedly ignored melissa as she stared daggers at you. you played with your hair with one hand and held your drink with the other, dancing and talking with jacob and ava. you made sure to run your hands up and down your body while you moved to the music. jacob droned on to you about the color pink and how it's so powerful for women to reclaim it. barbara stood next to melissa, the pair leaning against the wall and trading hushed remarks.
while jacob continued to talk, you made your move. you gave ava a nudge and she nodded, then "accidentally" knocked your water out of your hand—completely soaking your shirt and a bit of your skirt. you stood up in faux shock and finally made eye contact with melissa as you palmed at your clothes (and body).
"oh godddd," you whined, dragging out the sound. two could play at that game. you walked over to melissa. "baby, can you clean me up? i know you keep napkins in your purse."
melissa was salivating. she shamelessly drank in the sight of your body all wet, your tits glistening with droplets of water. the water was icy cold, so the outlines of your nipples were visible underneath your shirt. she was almost too focused on the view to process your request, and scrambled to find the napkins in her purse once she caught up.
"uhmmm yeah, yeah, i gotcha, honey," melissa said in a rare moment of weakness.
when a napkin inevitably got lost in the shuffle and fell to the ground, you knew you had won. you bent over slowly, wiggling your ass subtly as you picked it up. you stumbled backwards as you stood back up, deliberately brushing up against her front.
"i'm so cold, mel..." you turned around, leaned even closer into her, and grabbed hold of her shirt, tracing lazy patterns on her chest to tease her. "i've got goosebumps, feel!"
you took her hand in yours and then placed it at the top of your left breast, where your heart was. the soft skin was indeed covered in goosebumps, and even more emerged when melissa started lightly massaging. she couldn't help herself. you both felt your heartbeat quicken at her touch and shared a look of understanding.
"guess we should get ya home then, huh?" melissa smiled, wrapping her arm around your waist. you nodded, nuzzling into her.
you two said goodbye to your friends before leaving the bar. ava gave you a wink and a lewd gesture as you walked out the door, making you roll your eyes. barbara rose her wine glass and nodded at melissa, giving her a silent "cheers."
as soon as the car door shut, melissa grabbed your thigh to get your full attention.
"i quit," she smiled. "and i'll be happy to buy you that lingerie, especially after seein' you in this pretty little number."
you beamed with pride. you had won a competition against melissa schemmenti! and you couldn't wait to enjoy your prize. seeing your face, mel's face broke into a mischievous grin.
"don't get all excited yet, sweetheart. you were pretty bratty tonight, flittin' around and makin' a fool of me in front of all our friends. i really should teach you a lesson, don't ya think?"
your breath caught in your throat as you remembered what she'd promised to do if she won. she had never punished you before. your core throbbed at the idea.
"i guess it's only fair that you get a... consolation prize," you replied sheepishly, grinning from ear to ear as you watched her face light up.
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sneepseverus · 3 months
This is a reupload of a one-shot I had on my old account. I’m hoping that by reuploading I’ll finally get the spark and inspiration I need for newer stuff :p I ended up making a lot of edits, though hehehe
Original Request: Snape teaching something to you and there's some sexual tension between you two (decide yourself if you want to turn it into a smut or not, I'm fine with both).
Hard dom!Snape x gender-neutral reader
Reader is NOT a student, but they role play
Use of the word “daddy”
Oral (M receiving) (like sucking dick and cock! Like oh my god…)
Word Count: 1.3k
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"You know, I always thought you being a professor was so sexy," you commented after what felt like an eternity of silence in his office.
"I have to disagree with you there. It's definitely not a job to be romanticized," he replied, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he continued to glide his quill against the piece of parchment centered on his desk.
You started to think about how he must possess such a great ability to lead and command his classroom. "I bet you're so alluring when you teach."
"My students would strongly disagree," he simply remarked, eyes still fixed on his desk. "Half of those idiots barely pay attention, and then they wonder why they can never receive anything higher than a 'Poor' on their assignments."
"Wait! I have an idea!" you exclaimed with a bit of a mischievous smile.
"And what might that be?" he replied, a little bit annoyed as there were few things more important than what he was currently occupied with.
Although he had been teaching at Hogwarts for about fifteen years already, Snape was still nervous about the next day. It would be his first time teaching as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, a position he had wanted for so long.
"You're planning for tomorrow's lesson anyway, right? Why don't you practice on me?" you suggested.
“Yeah! Pretend you're in the classroom and...just say everything you were planning. Besides, it's been a while since I took the class, and our professor wasn't exactly the most fun. I'll probably end up learning something from you."
He finally stopped his writing and glanced at you. "Okay, well, I was going to begin teaching nonverbal spells tomorrow—"
"No, don't tell me; just do it," you said, motioning for him to start.
He slowly stood up and cleared his throat awkwardly. How silly it must be to pretend to be a professor when he already has to suffer through that every day, he thought. However, he eventually walked over in front of you and placed his hands behind his back, getting himself into character. "Before we begin, I must remind you that this is a N.E.W.T-level class. I am astonished that you all managed to achieve an O.W.L in this subject, but I would be less so if you found yourselves incapable of keeping up with the coursework," he began as he paced back and forth.
Wow. Of course, you knew how strict he was, but it was one thing to hear it from his colleagues and students and another to actually see it right before your eyes. After being together and knowing how gentle he was deep inside, it was like you were seeing a new side to him.
"The Dark Arts," he continued, "are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal…"
He went on and on with his introduction (which included something about the Cruciatus Curse and some type of kiss). You found it so difficult to focus with how mesmerizing, how attractive his voice was; no wonder students were never able to pay attention. You couldn't help but giggle at his scowling yet seductive expression.
"Do I make myself clear?" He stared at you with a piercing gaze as he waited for your response.
"Yes, Daddy—I mean, professor," you mumbled.
He crossed his arms in front of him and lifted an eyebrow suspiciously. "Well, it seems to me that something has distracted you, L/N. If you are finding yourself incapable of paying attention, then I will have to ask you to leave."
"I'm sorry," you said as you sat up straight. "I'm paying attention."
"Good. Now, I assume you have had no prior experience with nonverbal spells. Can you tell me what the advantage of a nonverbal spell is?"
Your eyes wandered all over his face, and you found yourself biting your lip.
"No? This is the second time you have distracted yourself. It seems that my warning was not enough to make you focus. I will now have to give you a more severe punishment for your misbehavior. Come over to my desk. Now," he demanded.
He sat down in his chair and turned to face you. "Get on your knees," he instructed. He leaned back and spread his legs. "You must do as I say. Understand?"
You nodded, excited about where this was going.
He pointed to his groin. "First, take them off."
You looked at him and proceeded to unbutton his trousers. You slowly slid them off, leaving his underwear over his hardness. "Seems like I wasn't the only one distracted," you commented smugly.
"I don't remember asking you to speak. You should have already removed my pants, too. Do I need to spell out every single little instruction for you? And wipe that smirk off your face."
"I'm sorry…sir" you muttered as you proceeded to grip the waistband of his underwear. His leaking, throbbing cock sprang out, ready for you to touch him, as you swiftly pulled them down to his ankles, licking your lips at the sight.
"I don't need you making any more of your snide comments, so use your mouth."
"What else would have I done?" you wanted to ask, but you kept your "snide comments" to yourself this time. You wrapped your hand around his firm length, slowly pumping up and down before swirling your tongue all around his tip. You closed your eyes blissfully, letting out a series of moans as you savored the taste of his pre-cum.
"Stop this teasing and shut up," he ordered. "And look at me."
You followed his command and sped up your pace this time, looking for any signs of approval in his deep, glittering eyes.
Once he was satisfied, he gripped his hands on the back of your head before bucking his hips towards you, forcing his cock deeper down your throat. Moans escaped his parted lips with each suck. He knew there was a chance others could hear him from outside his office, but right now, he was more concerned with disciplining you.
You cupped his balls with your free hand, fondling them while maintaining your rhythm. "Yes, just like that. Oh, you're doing so well," he let out between shaky breaths before letting his head fall back. "Don't even fucking think about stopping."
"Yes, professor," you thought. "Anything for you." You could feel your own arousal building up, but you ignored it to focus on pleasuring your professor and hear him praise you between groans. Oh, you so desperately wanted to pull away and tell him how much you loved the feeling of his long cock deep inside your mouth, but you had to maintain this perfect pace if you wanted to keep him content.
With the way his hips were moving, it was as if he was fucking your face. You made sure every inch of him was covered in your saliva, letting him know how "apologetic" you were for not paying attention to his little speech he must had spent time rehearsing. But if acting up meant that you got to have his legs spread widely for you in the middle of the day, of course, you'd do it again.
You could tell his orgasm was approaching with the way his body began squirming involuntarily. Neither of you had any intention of moving away from this current position. He yelled out a booming, "FUCK!" with his fingers digging deeply into your skin as cum shot into your throat.
Once you were certain you had milked every last drop of his seed, you removed yourself from his length, gasping for air. You licked your lips to get a good taste of any remaining droplets and waited patiently for his next instruction.
"I hope you weren't expecting to be done so soon," he stated. When he finally regained all his energy, he stood up and put his bottoms back on. "Go to my room and take your clothes off—all of them. I'll be there momentarily."
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Just the Two of Us
Ominis Gaunt x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "I love your writing! I was hoping I could request a NSFW female reader x Ominis and them having their first time together in the Undercroft? They weren't planning on it but it happens and Ominis is very nervous and shy. 🥺"
Word Count - 1,636
Warnings - 18 + smut, characters aged up, soft Ominis
A/N - I feel like this didn't come out so well, as someone who's not new to sex anymore I have such a hard time writing clumsy virgin sex, but let me know what you think!
You felt like you couldn't shut the door behind you fast enough as you padded across the stone floor to find Ominis, waiting for you in the Undercroft.
A lot of things had happened down here, a lot of unpleasant and life-changing conversations. Lately, you and Ominis has been trying to at least make some new positive ones to imprint over the old.
Ominis' face lit up the moment he heard your footsteps, he looked up from the table he was cleaning off and you threw yourself into his arms.
You nearly knocked him over, but he caught you and held you steady, holding you still to meet you with a kiss.
"Someone's excited to see me."
"Of course," you wrapped your hands around his shoulders, "I'm excited for the break we have. Everyone is nearly gone home and you and I are here with all the time and space in the world."
He loved to hear you happy. And he did love that he would have so much free time to devote to you. He was free from worrying about Sebastian and just how hard he had made things.
"I am too, although that does mean we don't have to be down here in this dungeon," he laughed and gestured around.
"Well, I happen to like this place, it's private and just for us." You held his face in your hands softly rubbing at his cheeks before kissing him deeply.
He sighed against your mouth and ran his tongue along your bottom lip to taste you. You felt your body heat up at the contact, reaching behind his head to pull him closer.
Ominis loved the feeling of your hands through his hair, he wanted to know if you would pull harder were he between your thighs instead. At the same time he felt nervous at you seeing him disheveled, it's one of the reasons he had avoided going much further with you. It's not like he could tell how he looked so it made him twice as self-conscious to be so unware.
When he pulled away you pretended to pout, lightly shoving him. "Ominis, you can't leave a girl hanging like that. I can tell you're enjoying it too." Your voice was soft as you pressed yourself against him, feeling the early stages of his erection.
He stepped back from you and gestured from his rumpled up cloak to his hair all askew, "Don't I look silly to you? I just. I feel I can't look good enough for you for anything like this." He swallowed hard, eyes darting around in embarrassment.
If only he could see the lust in your eyes and the way your lips parted for him. Seeing him flustered was really better than any perfectly polished version of him any day in your opinion.
"Ominis you're so sexy when you're just, just being you. Every imperfection makes you so much more desirable to me."
You walked back up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, "I'll never make you do anything you don't want. So if you still want to go slow and wait on this kind of thing, we can."
You were both flustered. Flushed cheeks and hot bodies collided as he kissed you with more passion this time, taking you off guard. It between kisses he muttered, "I want to try, just take it easy on me?"
You grinned against his mouth at his statement, pushing his robes from his shoulders, "We're both going to be bad at this Ominis, it's okay."
You slipped your hands down his shoulders and held his hands within your own as you deepened the kiss. He traced feather light caresses over your fingers and up your arms to discard your robe as well. He felt emboldened enough to the press his palm up beneath your sweater, feeling your warm skin as he crept up to your chest.
You muttered his name softly, encouraging him to explore further. You leaned into his touch as he dipped below your chemise, massaging one breast and then the other. He felt your nipples stiffen under his touch, encouraging him to roll them between his fingers.
You broke free from the your kiss to lift your sweater above your head, you pulled the chemise at the same time leaving your top half completely exposed. Ominis couldn't see, but he felt the fresh air in the way that goosebumps formed on your skin beneath him.
Ominis felt the tips of his ears get hot and he whispered to you how beautiful you were. You grabbed his free hand and placed both of them on your breasts as you ground yourself against his front. You saw the rise and fall in his chest pick up and his eyes widened as a reflex.
You guided his hands down lower and he hooked his thumbs into both of your bottoms, sliding to the floor with them. He looked up at you with his face you leaning against your smooth calf.
"You smell delicious," he commented as he placed kisses on your knees, working his way up. You couldn't take your eyes off of him as he braced a hand on your thigh, standing back up and sliding his hand to cup your wet pussy as he did so.
"Y-You're turn," you stuttered out, placing your hands at the hem of his shirt, stripping him of it quickly. He was pale and lean, but somewhere in the last few years he had filled out more, you loved feeling up his broad expanse of skin.
You held onto him for balance as he attempted to get his pants off, but he stumbled back into the wall. He looked at you like he was caught in a spotlight and you couldn't hold in the small bit of laughter.
"It's okay," you said as you walked up to him, spinning him so that you were the one against the wall, "It looks like I might have caught you with your pants down." He kissed you once more to save himself from his own embarrassment. You couldn't complain when you felt his cock up against your stomach.
"Ominis," you muttered, "can you, do you think you could lift me and I could..." you let your words trail off for him to insinuate what you were getting at.
He used firm hands to grip onto the sensitive curve where your thighs meet your back side and you used the wall as a brace a he lifted you and you wrapped your legs around him.
The both of you groaned at all of the sudden sensations. He could feel your heat and slick with his throbbing hard-on. He discovered how nice it was digging into the plump flesh of your ass while he held onto you and kneaded it.
You thrusted your hips against his helplessly while he decided to lick and suck on your neck. You felt limp in his arms, like you would do anything he asked if the sensations were going to be this good.
"I want to, to be inside," he said sheepishly, "do you think you're ready?" Luckily for you he felt your head nod because you were too busy for words.
He moved an arm to wrap around your waist while he used his other hand to guide the weeping head of his cock to your entrance. He got a devilish smirk on his face as he rubbed his pre-cum across your tight hole.
You moaned his name and bucked your hips so that the tip would start to slide in, both of you having a sharp intake of breath as it do so.
"F-fuck, Y/N," he took his time trying to fill you up comfortably, "I don't - ah - I don't know if it'll fit."
You grimaced from the new sensation of being stretched out, but spoke to him softly and reassured him that it was normal for the first time.
"Just, just push yourself inside, Ominis," he found himself unable to hold back as he harshly pressed his hips in to meet yours. You pulled him tight and flush to your body as you cried out.
"More, I want more, fuck me, Ominis." He didn't need to be told twice as he was feeling the most sensory overload he'd ever experienced. He nearly panicked as he wasn't sure how he was supposed to keep it together long enough to please you.
He stuttered out your name, "I don't know how long I can last," he huffed, his cheeks bright red and his groans getting louder by the second.
You reached down between your legs and he quickly noticed your fingers, understanding what you wanted. He dragged the wetness from your thighs over to your clit with his index finger, alternating pressure to find the sensation you liked the best.
He couldn't contain himself when you made so many whines and scratched at his back with your nails. He didn't pause in his attack on your most sensitive part as he thrusted hard and fast, shooting all of his load up inside of you.
Your name mixed with apologies tumbled off of his lips while he continued to move his hips at a much slower pace, you could feel your heat building in your stomach and you pressed your hand over his to add more pressure.
You could see stars as you came around him, reveling in the new feeling of being so full when you came. You sat still, clinging to each other while you fought to catch your breath.
"'m sorry it was so soon, I - I - I thought -," you shushed his apologies assuring him they weren't needed.
You pulled his face to yours, pressing your nose to his, "It just means we need more practice right?"
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dietmountaindewbae · 3 months
please please please can you write me a fic where reader and Humbug Alex are both work colleagues (reader thinks Alex is goofy and nerdy - but boy she will be wrong) and they fuck in his office whilst a work party is happening downstairs. PLEASE
xxv. talk tonight
alex turner x reader
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word count: 4739
summary: At an office party (humbug!) Alex watched you all by yourself, his heart tells him to hurry and talk to you before he loses the chance to.
warnings: ch*cking, scracth*ng, degrad*ng.
The elevator doors shut close, and finally, some silence makes you feel at ease. You're not even close to feeling a buzz with the skinny glasses of sparkly champagne they served and as you traveled up the rooftop you propped a cigarette in your mouth.
You swing open the door of the building's rooftop, the company you worked for was having its 6th anniversary, and while everyone was celebrating downstairs, you were aching for some time by yourself. The fresh cold allowed you to breathe but it only made goosebumps crawl up your back.
"Be careful there" Someone says from behind you, you are too close to the edge of the wall, so you turn around on your feet and face the man with the gentle voice.
"What are you doin' up here?" You say with a silly smile. Alex was one of the best workers at the company, he's been rewarded and recognized for his honest work and loyalty to the company, he's a good guy but socially awkward when it comes to going to bars late at night after working extra hours.
"Just wanted some space" You've never had a real conversation with Alex, let alone, be completely by yourself with him. Alex was a nice man, with his long wavy hair and his shy little voice and thick Yorkshire accent, he was decent, always serious but he had something likable and magnetic about him.
"Me too, are you having fun though?" You grab from your skirt your lighter and try to burn your cigarette, in the attempt you fail, and he leans in, grabbing the lighter and helping you light your cigarette, grabbing one from his box.
"Not quite there yet," He says, blowing the smoke away, "I'm waiting for the booze to kick in" You giggled, catching Alex's attention.
"It's the first time I've heard you say more than 4 words to me" Alex looks down to the floor smiling, he's quite shy but very nice, "I enjoy that..." He looks back at you with a smile, maybe it was the booze, but his radiant brown eyes looking at yours so deeply make you feel hot.
"What about you? How are you feelin'?" As you were talking, Alex's eyes ran down your body discreetly, you were looking sexy with your black mini skirt long sheer black knee socks, and grey silk button-up blouse, nearly unmade, your nails painted black, and your hair in soft curls. The smell of your perfume and the cigarette that burned in between your fingers blew him away.
"...But overall I think the party's ok, I just don't like the music the DJ chose" Alex smiles softly, and each time you talk he takes a step closer to you.
"Horrible set, isn't it?" You lightly chuckle nodding your head, "What kind of music would you like him to play?"
"Mmm... I dunno maybe the smiths? I love the smiths... I know it's an odd choice for a party but-"
Alex interrupted you by lightly putting his hand on your arm, his thumb caressing the soft material of your shirt, "No, no, not at all... it's much better than the trash they're playing" He noticed his hand on your arm, and you smiled as he took his hand away very shyly, as if he had to ask if it was ok even to do that, you crossed your eyes and he look down to the floor scratching the back of his head, "I-I..." He clears his throat, "Sorreh.... I know the DJ, he's an old mate, I can tell him to play some smiths for you" You see the way his body moves closer to yours, how his shoulders move unsteadily as he breathes, meaning his heart is beating fast, his eyes looking at you with hope, and you realized... someone has a crush on you.
"That would be great, thank you Alex" You and him head towards the door after throwing away your cigarettes, he opens the door for you and closes it once you are inside the building, you smile at him as your eyes crossed again, and you take initiative to grab his hand as no one was watching.
Getting involved with your co-workers was never an option for you, all the men that worked here were bitter and boring, always bragging about their money, faking a smile every time they talked about their marriages just to proceed to flirt with all the women at the copier room. You didn't have anything bad to say about Alex, he was a dork, a bit shy and awkward yet he was the most interesting and likable person in your office. He made himself present with little actions, he sometimes dropped by your desk to leave you a bagel or doughnut since you worked in the cubicle next to his, but you weren't the only one who received those little acts, so you thought nothing about it, he hardly even knew your name, but he always smiled at you whenever he saw you.
For all you knew, he was single, and he's very reserved, you only ever see him talking with Nick or Jamie, the drinks in you made your rules bend a bit, maybe see where this gets you, maybe nothing would happen, but if it did, you wouldn't feel bad about it at all.
The only rule that had to be respected was, not being seen flirting with him, rumors spread faster than the speed of light in your office, and you didn't want to ruin this little spark between you two for just one night.
As you and Alex step into the elevator, you drop his hand, being on opposite corners of the elevator, you cheekily smile at him, he looks visibly disappointed at how you dropped his hand. When the doors opened again, you two walked side by side, keeping a reasonable but choking distance from each other as if he was agreeing to your rules without you even having to tell him. As you walked past the people you stepped into the disco-style dancefloor with squares of neon lights, and Alex walked forward to the DJ, saying hi to the guy with fuzzy curly messy hair, black headphones on his neck, grey sweatpants, and funny sunglasses.
He whispers something to his ear, and the guy nods and they switch the music. You hear the hypnotic sound of the intro of 'How Soon Is Now?' by The Smiths, you're lightly divided by people, but he's still able to watch you dance, and you look beautiful as you do. He sees you smiling, laughing, and having fun with the other girls, but your eyes are only on him, and his on yours.
Alex wasn't a man of many words, but ever since you had come into the office, a part of his heart had started to beat so rapidly, that he always turned to look at you whenever you untied your tight ponytail and let your hair fall, whenever you stretched your back and he could see the outline of your chest peek through your shirt, he was gone. He never tried to speak to you, he was too self-conscious to do so, he lived all of his fantasies of you and him in his head, he had the sound of your voice engraved on his head. Whenever you dropped something he was always there to pick it up and hand it to you, or when the printer was out of paper he was the only one that gave you some new paper to work on, every day when he arrived with fresh goods he made sure you were the first to get the warmest piece or the biggest slice. He did all of that, but you didn't think it was out of a crush, you thought it was him just being nice, and man if he could tell you how wrong you were.
In his head, you two had thrown away all of the people and there was only you and him dancing to some old music that no one thought was fit for the occasion, but you thought there was no better timing than this one, but the fun ends as you feel someone's breath on your neck, one of your supervisors drunkenly whispers close to your ear...
"That skirt fits your bum very well" You rolled your eyes and walked away, not saying another word, Alex following you closely. He catches you at the elevator just in time sliding inside.
"Hi," He says out of breath, you giggle and he brushes his hair away, "Where are we going?" You smiled as you heard the excitement of his voice.
"Well, I was planning to go the rooftop again..." You say looking down to the floor, he saw how that man had whispered to your ear something that woke up a flaming rage inside you, something so profoundly disgusting, you just wanted to get away as fast as you could.
"I have a better idea..." You smile, he presses down at the button, and he waits patiently in the opposite corner, facing you with a smile, you wonder in your head where he was taking you, while he was battling in his head what else could he say to keep you interested, he thought he could bore you at any given time. The doors of the office were open, the lights were completely down, and only the lights of the city that shone through the cracks of the curtains could show you two the way. He noticed you were afraid to step inside, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you in, "The cameras are down for the night, don't worry love, no one's gunna 'now we were here"
You smiled, "I'm not worried about that... just not a big fan of the dark..." You giggled and he played along with you, he grabbed your hand tighter, making your cheeks lightly blush as you walked into his cubicle, you sat on his desk while he pulled from a corner a carton box and took out a big bottle of whisky, "I didn't take you as a bad boy, Al"
"Well, this is the only thing that takes some of me headaches from when me and Jamie stay late doin' those bloody Excel sheets" Then he takes out from his pocket his MP3 connecting it to the little speaker next to his desk, playing more music for you as he quickly goes to the break room and fetches you a plastic cup and a soda. He sits on his chair and pours you some coke and whisky, and when he severs you a good amount of alcohol he hands you the cup and grabs the bottle touching the edge of the bottle with your cup and you both drink away.
"Thanks... I couldn't handle more wine... needed something stronger" You smile at him, and he brushes his long hair away.
"Do you wanna know something else about the office?" You smile and nod your head, fixing your hair to the side, he shuffles on his chair and you hear the sound of his lighter coming off, he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, blowing the smoke up directly without causing the fire alarm to go off.
"What the fuck?!" You both break into laughter, "Oh my God!-" He lightly shushes you to make you talk quieter, you keep laughing until your abdomen hurts, and you sip on your drink once more, "Imagine the day I decide to set my supervisor's chair on fire... God"
"He's a dickhead" You nod your head.
"I don't even wanna say anythin' else, I mean he doesn't touch me or anything but that doesn't mean he cannot say anything to me... which is what angers me" He nods his head, turning on the lamp next to his computer, "Thanks"
"I wanted to see you while you're talking" He smiles, and you lightly blush once more, "Next time he says anything to you, why don't we put some tacks on his desk?" You giggle together, you can't help but stare at the way the corners of his mouth rise to make that cute smile appear, you like how discreet he was, lightly grazing your hand whenever he laughed, or how his eyes sweep down to gaze your body.
"I was wrong about you Al," You say, he drags his chair closer to you very slowly so you don't notice but you do, and you don't mind it, "You're the only interesting person in this office"
"Why is that? You're always laughing with Brian at the copier" You stare at him with a cheeky grin.
"Are you jealous or something?" You tease him, and he stutters into his words trying to fix his mistake.
"No, I just thought that... never mind" He looked away, taking another sip of the bottle, you grab the cigarette trapped in between his fingers, taking a drag and staring at him deeply.
"He's just a funny guy, there's nothin' much going on with me" His eyes light up, so after all, you weren't the only one who was concerned about him being single or not.
"I'm glad," He blurs out, making you both smile, "What is so interesting about me anyway?" You bit your bottom lip, taking a big sip from his bottle of whiskey, the liquor scratching your throat but it goes down easily once you sip on your coke.
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" You smile at him, starting to feel a bit dizzy, he takes a big chug of his bottle while you talk, "I just know that you don't say everything that you think, there's more to you"
"You're not far from the truth," He says nudging his head and leaning closer to you, resting his elbow on his desk next to your leg, you saw his face properly now, and he was a dream.
"Why? Is there something you want to say to me, Alex?" You teased leaning in closer to his face, your hand almost touching his, you could smell his cologne now, the space in between you two almost being none.
"I'm afraid there aren't enough words for that" He looks down to the slit in your shirt, your arm squeezing your tits together, he could see your black lace bra perfectly, he had this insatiable need for you, "But as you know already, I am not a man of many words, I take actions" His eyes looked down to your lips, licking his, already drooling to get a taste of your lips, until you suddenly pulled away, scratching the back of your head, "Wait, what happened?"
"If this is going to happen, we can't kiss"
"But..." There has to be a but always.
"I'm not gonna do it if we're gonna be awkward in the mornin'" You cross your arms sitting comfortably on the desk.
"I'm not like that," He says with a smile, but he sees your position and your limits, he just wanted a little bit of you, from the moment he saw you outside all by yourself under the moonlight with your beautiful eyes and lips smiling to him he knew he had to strip out of his costume and talk to you at that moment, he needed and wanted you now than anything, "If you don't want me to kiss you, can I at least touch you?" You bit your lower lip, sitting upright, his eyes only looking at you and not anywhere else begging you to say yes, he desires you with a big ache, you see it right in his eyes, just as transparent as glass.
"Yes.." He cups your cheeks and his face approaches yours, looking at you with lust, his lips peck the inner corner of your lips, traveling up to your earlobe, his fingers lightly playing with your hair, and his lips kissing your neck very gently at first, but then he licks his lips, kissing your neck with big wet kisses all over the place, sniffing every last bit of your perfume. He kicks away his chair, standing up to run his hands down your sides, unbuttoning your shirt gently, sneaking his hands to your bra, kneading your tits and squeezing them hard, you sigh and he breathes in your quiet moans and sighs like smoke, letting it consume him from the inside out.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful" He whispers into your ear, kissing the left side of your chest, where your heart is, you try to fight the urge to kiss him, but impatiently, he's in great need to show you real pleasure, to tear down your rules and let him taste your mouth, there was nothing he desired more in that moment.
You untuck your shirt, letting him enjoy the taste of your skin, and his hands feel your bare skin, his hair lightly tickling your neck, and you couldn't escape the need to run your hands thru his soft curls, lightly pulling on his hair as he lets your tits spill out from your bra, sucking on them and nibbling your nipples with his teeth, his tongue licking and his mouth sucking every inch of your skin, leaving red bruises on your chest so you don't forget who's been there the next morning.
He momentarily pulls away from you, his lips tearing off your skin like scar tissue on your knees, "What?-"
"You were right, love," He says, the look in his eyes sending shivers all over your body, "I haven't told you everything"
"What else have you got to say to me?" His hands slowly travel down to your legs, riding up your skirt until they unravel your black lace underwear.
"I've been watching you ever since you came here, every day, every time you felt exhausted and you stretch your back against the chair, I just want to make that go away... make you feel brand new... drop a note and tell you to meet me in the bathroom, and make you sigh out of pleasure and not from being tired, I only see you" His eyes dug in yours as he kneeled in front of you, "Maybe you think I'm quiet and dorky, but you don't even know for how long I've been thinking of you like this" His knuckles pull your soaking wet panties to the side, his eyes watching you as his fingers enter your body and his lips suck on your pussy harshly, slowly your orgasms started to get louder and louder each time his fingers rimmed your walls. Shamelessly he licks your pussy up, swallowing every ounce of the wetness that leaks out of you, "You're so fuckin' tight babe, taste so delicious"
"Fuck... please, don't stop!" You push his head in between your legs, starting to feel that ache getting bigger and bigger as he sucks right at the spot you needed hard, his fingers fuck your pussy faster, filling up that hole so well, more wetness rushes out from your legs, your end is yet to come, you feel it crawling up from your belly to your chest, starting to form in your throat as a scream until he takes his mouth off from your warmed up cunt, leaving you to breathless and needy for more.
He covers your mouth with his hand, sliding down his fingers covered in your arousal into your mouth, your lips sucking them hard until he makes you gag around them, pulling them out from your mouth with a string of saliva, "Can you be quiet for me?" He says it in such an easy way you're so amazed.
"Mhm," You bit your bottom lip.
"Tell me babe... are you gonna let me fuck you or are you just gonna pretend your pussy isn't drooling for some of it?" Your cheeky smile is no competition for him, he's certain you're in great need of more than just fingers and sucking.
You grab the buckle of his belt, undoing it very slowly, your hand palming his hard-on, you smiled as you felt the size and weight of his cock, biting your bottom lip as you take him out of his boxers and see him on the flesh. The tip of his cock leaked some wetness, he sighed as you give his veiny cock a few strokes, the tip of your thumb rubbing down his head, spreading it all over his cock. His hands cover your mouth pushing your head back and his tip rims your clit, lubing up his cock with your juices. You were trying to find a way to get more pleasure from him but the only way was right in front of you, "You know what to say babe... don't act like a dumb little cunt"
Your eyes lock in his, his lips a few inches close to yours, to kiss your lips, "Fuck me, Alex, please..." You bite your lower lip as the tip of his cock slides down tightly inside you, making you sigh. His fingers dig into your thighs, and you rock yourself against him, your elbow in the desk while the other holds Alex's shoulder tightly, his hand gripping the wall and the other one in your lower back. He rocks his hips against yours, fucking you slowly and passionately, the tip of your nose against his, he liked to watch your pupils dilate as he buries himself deep inside you.
"I loved leaving you just like that... soaked in all of your juices for me cock to slip inside you... God, you're so fuckin' wet for me... you fuckin' cock lovin' whore"
"Fuck you" You pant, "Fuck you Alex" You push your hips against his harder, his hands scattered in the back of your head, wrapping his arm around you, driving his cock in and out of you so hard, you were slowly losing yourself in his arms, enjoying how good he's fucking you.
"You love it," He says with a grin on his lips, his lips moaning against yours, grazing each other, laying one in another, but so far from being sealed together, that kept him on the verge, everything being strictly physical, the desire of wanting the feeling of your lips around his will bother him for the rest of the night.
Your tits bounce against his chest, sweat drips down from his forehead, and he's forcing himself to handle longer just for you to come on his cock so hard your whole body would feel light and high in the sky. You grip his shoulder tightly, holding yourself up with your hand, his fingers wrapped around your neck as he feels your pussy dragging him in, getting tighter with each stroke of his cock in your walls. His thumb went down in between your legs, rubbing your clit in tight little circles, forcing you to come, your abdomen pushing out your last cry of pleasure, and you choked out a little sigh of relief.
Alex was fast to pull out of you, you watch how his hand made a fist around his cock, and you didn't want him to finish like that. You willingly get down on your knees, and blow him thoroughly, "Jeeesus fuckin' christ... fuck!" He made a fist with your hair, "You want me to cum in your mouth, babe?" You hummed as a yes, sucking him harder as he drove your head back and forward. He drove his hips into your mouth, pushing your head until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag all over him, feeling him come inside your mouth in hot spurts at the feeling of your soft plump lips. You swallowed without him having to say it, "Mmm... fuuckin' hell, that was..."
"Really good," You said, he helped you get to up from the ground, holding hands and smiling at each other.
"You're ok? Your knees don't hurt or anything?" You giggled lightly, feeling a little strange about how much he cared for those little things.
"No, no, I'm alright" You turned to fix your blause, putting each button back on, and when you faced him back, you saw him staring at you with his big puppy eyes in awe, "What?"
"You've... um, your eye... I'll fix it" He grabbed the edge of his sleeve, he was wearing a basic white button-up shirt, denim jeans, and a belt. He cleaned the stain in your eye from the crying, and while you fixed your hair, he put everything in his desk back in order.
"Thank you, Al," You said with an honest smile, "I had fun"
"Sounds like a goodbye," He says with a fainted smile.
"No... it's not, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He fakes a smile and says yes with his head, before you head out, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you in to give you a warm hug, you lean back to get a better look at him and say, "Sweet dreams, Al"
"You too" You break the hug, leaving the confused man with his big brain and questions all by himself.
When he drove to his apartment and laid down on his bed, he grabbed his phone, wanting to send you a message, but what type of message? You said you were ok, even said you had fun, but he was hooked. He was aching to know more about you, to know what you think. The rest of the night he kept looping around in his head every word he said to you, and everything you and him had done. He didn't want to sound so needy, but at least he wanted to talk to you.
The next day at the office when Alex sat on his chair, he smiled, vividly remembering what had happened the night before. But he knew something felt strange, he felt something was missing, this feeling was bittersweet, and you came right in through the door with your black low-waist pants, heels, and baby pink shirt with some buttons undone, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
There was a moment when everyone was working quietly in the cubicle, and he pushed himself up from his chair, walking through your cubicle he dropped a little purple post-it note at your desk.
"Break room"
That's all the letter said.
You put the note away in your purse, walking to meet him, you closed the door and he was waiting for you behind it.
"Hey," You said with a gentle smile.
"I- um" You sighed, thinking you knew well what he wanted to say. So, you cut him up before he did.
"Nothin' happened last night, you can forget about it... we had fun, let's leave it like that" But before you could escape him he pulled you back in by your wrist, making shivers run up your arms.
"No, I wasn't gonna-" He smiles very kindly to you, making you feel warm, "I just wanted to ask you out for dinner, tonight... if that's ok?" A little smile crawls from the corner of your mouth.
He liked how you looked with that little smile in the corner of your lips, that little blush creeping up your cheeks, "Yeah, yes"
You both smile at each other very shyly but happily, you nod your head and slowly take a step back but he leans in, his arm wrapping around your waist, "Now that we're sober... is the kissing policy revocable? or..." You break into laughter and take a step closer to him, he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You couldn't believe how just a simple little kiss on the lips could feel so electrifying, his lovely warm lips open to kiss you properly, he tasted the fresh cappuccino in your mouth with soft cinnamon in your breath, mixing with the taste of your lipstick. He tasted like black coffee and a cigarette bright and early in the morning, a mixture that makes one become an addict.
When you pulled back some blush creeps into your cheeks, "I'll see you later then..." You said.
"Last one before you leave" He pulled you in, giving you another soft kiss on your lips, biting down on your bottom lip before your lips tore apart.
I'll be posting more of your requests soon! I love you all, and I've taken some time to make the playlists fitted for the chapters, some will be longer than the others but I hope you enjoy them all.
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rosebudfics · 5 months
hii ♡ may i request for a severus x f!reader where she isn't feeling her best about her body (if u're uncomfy with that it could be any other reason!) so she cuddles on sev's lap and he comforts her, but then it turns into riding and lots of praising ? 🥰 thank u so much in advance if u can do it !! <3
You're beautiful, don't forget that
Husband!Snape x Wife! Reader
Warnings: self doubt, swearing, reader is self conscious of her body (I tried my best to make the body type varied so it wasn't too specific), face riding, p in v riding, slight overstimulation, let me know if I missed anything <3
A/N: i am OBSESSED with this idea. I love it so so much!! Hope i did it justice
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You were having a horrible day. You were tired, and on top of that you caught yourself staring in the mirror too long. The more you stared, the more imperfect features appeared. One eye was slightly more droopy than the other, your nose looked too big/small, you couldn't look down without a double chin showing, you were starting to get smile lines and wrinkles, your stomach had that annoying pudge/shallow look, and so many other things.
Why couldn't you just have a perfect body? You couldn't help but feel like your husband, Severus, would start not being physically attracted to you. You knew he loved you, but where would the spark be if he didn't love your body just as much?
You vision started to blur as you felt tears start to appear, but you jumped and quickly wiped away your tears when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Are you alright in there?" You heard Severus speak softly.
"Y-yes, I'm fine just give me a second!" You cringed at the voice crack, and cleared your throat, wiping away any excess tears. Severus frowned to himself when he heard your voice, but waited until you opened the door. You opened the door and did your best to smile up at him, and leaned up, kissing him gently.
"Hello, darling," You then wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in his chest.
Severus smiled gently, holding you as he stroked your hair. But then he furrowed his brows. "Love, are you sure you're okay..? You can tell me if something has upset you,"
You stayed quiet for a moment, before whispering so quiet that he had barely caught it. "Do you still find me attractive..?"
"What kind of silly question is that?" He pulled away slightly and grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. Severus then saw the tears welling up in your eyes. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes upon. How could you think so lowly of yourself?" He was mad at himself for not showing you how much he found you attractive, sexy, just beautiful in every way.
You let out a soft sob. "I-I'm sorry, I've just... I don't feel pretty. There's so many things that are wrong with my face, I just don't understand why I can't be like all the other women. I-I-" You were cut off by Severus kissing you as he caressed your cheek.
"Y/N, my love, I know what that can feel like... trust me I do." He then suddenly picked you up, bringing you over to the bed and he rested your head in his lap so you were looking up at him. "But I need you to know that you are beautiful, inside and out. Everything about you. Your eyes, your face, your body.." He ran his hands down your arms.
You just stared up at him, amazed that you could find such a man as wonderful as him. What did you ever do to deserve him?
"Do you understand now? That you are stunning?" Severus asked, softly caressing your face with his finger tips. You nodded, lips parted slightly before you grabbed his hand and kissed his palm.
"I love you so much, Sev..." You whispered, leaning your face into his hand. He smiled. "I love you too."
You both sat like that for a while, enjoying each other's touch, before you climbed up to sit in his lap properly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you started to kiss him softly. You felt Severus place his hands on your hips, kissing you back passionately.
You started to gently rut your hips against him, and you heard a low groan from him. You smirk slightly, and start to rut more.
"Please.. let me see you without these," Severus whispered lowly as he pulls on the waist band of your pants, as if he had never seen you naked before. Even though this definitely wasn't your guys's first time, he never failed to make your stomach do a back flip.
You stood up off of him, and started to strip until you were just in panties. You waited until he had removed his own clothes before straddling him again. Severus gripped your waist. "Look at those pretty hips... so beautiful, so perfect for me.." He whispered in your ear before kissing your jaw.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling your core getting hotter by the minute. "Can I take these off..?" He asked, tugging at your panties. You responded with a nod, and he slowly pulled them down off your legs and threw them with the rest of your clothes. You felt him then run his fingers from your clit to the bottom of your slit, earning a soft moan from you.
He smirked before laying down more on the bed, and pulling you over so your core was directly above his face. You gripped the headboard as you blushed, looking down at him. Severus then pulled you down, and he started to lick your slit. You let out a loud moan, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt his nose nudge against your clit.
You reached down and gently gripped his head, before you started to rock your hips slightly into his face. He grabbed your thighs, pushing you down further into his mouth. He licked and sucked, and started to rub a thumb on your clit as he pushed his tongue inside of you. You let out a gasp, followed by stuttered moans.
Severus rubbed his thumb faster, causing your thighs to shake and clench around his head. You didn't want to hurt him so you did your best to not crush him. "S-sorry.. f-fuck!" You groaned.
He pulled away for a second, thumb still working your clit. "Don't ever apologise love, if I were to die I would love to go out that way.. getting crushed by these wonderful thighs on yours," He smirked, and shoved his tongue back into you.
You giggled, but were interrupted by a loud moan when you felt a knot forming in your stomach. You were gasping for breath as you arched your back, gripping the headboard until your knuckles turned white. You then felt that knot snap, and you let out a cry of pleasure as your thighs shook, followed by soft whimpers as you calmed down.
Severus had swallowed everything, before tapping your thigh so you could let him get up. You fell back onto his stomach, legs weak due to the intense orgasm you just had. You leaned back, and felt something poking your low back. Your eyes widened slightly but you smirked.
"We can't forget about you, can we?" You said, before shuffling back so he could sit up as he chuckled. He gestured that you would sit in his lap, and you obliged, wrapping your legs around his waist. He reached around, running his fingers through your slit to gather your juices, and rubbed his cock in them.
"Ready?" He whispered, rubbing your back with his free hand. You nodded, and he pushed himself inside, letting out a guttural moan. You whimpered and rested your forehead on his shoulder, still feeling slightly overstimulated due to your recent orgasm.
He let you adjust, before grabbing your hips and softly lifting you up and down. You were letting out little gasps and whines, digging your fingernails in his forearm when he sped up. "F-fuck... You're perfect. perfect for me, perfect in every way.." Severus whispered in your ear as he bounced you up and down on his cock.
You didn't realise it, but tears started to well in your eyes again from gratefulness, and it didn't take you long before you started to clench around him due to overwhelming feelings.
He let out a loud groan. "If you keep clenching like that.. I-I'm gonna.. gonna-" Severus went silent, then let out a loud groan, moaning as he released inside of you, and the feeling of it caused you to reach your second climax, and you let out a squeal, biting down on your tongue to try not to be so loud.
You both sat like that for a moment, heavily breathing and calming down from the high. You kissed his cheek, wrapping your arms around him as you sighed in content. He traced his hands along your hips as he whispered, "You're beautiful.. don't forget that."
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Hey hey, may I request when s/o takes care of hunting dogs when they have their monthly surgeries?
oh how I love my sweet angels, they do no wrong...
also sorry I cheated, I didn't write Fukuchi or Teruko but that's my fault. yell at me if you want them, I just like writing for my fav sexy men and silly boy!
taking care of the hunting dogs while recovering from their surgeries Jouno, Tachihara, Tecchou
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"If I ever die, I don't know if I want you to find someone else."
Jouno was lying on the recovery bed, covered in a thin blanket, looking paler than usual. Whenever you saw him, he was cloaked in his uniformed cape, face hidden underneath his cap - it always gave him a sense of illusion and power. But now he was completely bare, with new red surgical scars alongside his muscles and veins.
"If you ever die? You say that like you're immortal."
He turned towards you, his usual false cheeriness now set into a thoughtful frown.
"I could easily be immortal. Then you'll never be able to get rid of me."
He smiled, reaching for you. You leaned over from your chair, meeting him halfway as he held your hand.
Taking your other hand, you brushed the tips of your fingers through his scalp, carefully separating the strands and allowing them to fall against his cheek. His nose twitched at the feeling, which made you smile.
"You're warm."
He grabbed at your sweater, pulling you alongside it. You nearly fell over, catching yourself on the small recovery bed Jouno was laying on.
"Is this sweater mine? I've been looking for it."
He sat up, making space for you on the small bed. You gladly took all the space you could, splaying your legs all over Jouno's lap.
"Do you want it back? It's kind of cold here."
Even with the sweater, you could still feel the cold air blowing in the room, keeping your skin colder than you'd like.
"No, I have a better idea."
Two hands snaked up your waist, pulling the sweater up to your shoulders. You felt your breathing cut off as Jouno forced his head through the back of the fabric, pulling at the already well-worn neckline.
You tried to adjust or move away, but were helpless as Jouno finally forced his way through the sweater - his chest pressed flush against your now exposed back as he pulled the sweater down around the both of you.
His arms pulled you close, tucked inside your little cacoon, his face burying into your neck. His nose was cold, and you could feel that he was purposefully trying to warm himself against you as his fingers traced up against the exposed skin of your belly.
"Are you happy now? You're really cold, you know."
You sat up the best you could in your position, trying to pull down your shirt that had rode up from Jouno's invasion of your warmth. It was no use, as Jouno was practically melted into you.
"I'm warmer now. You have really good blood circulation, it's nice to feel."
He was mumbling into your neck, his breath hot on your skin. You could feel his eyelashes flutter as he spoke, while his fingers drew meaningless patterns against your skin.
One of his hands reached up right towards your heart, his warming fingers pressing right against supple skin.
"Don't tell me I'm making you blush right now, I can feel it with you right underneath me."
He was nearly giggling at his cruel teasing. You groaned, reaching up and lightly tugging at Jouno's hair.
"You're practically crawling into my skin right now, what do you expect?"
You felt his chest huff in amusement, his large hands pressing against your skin. He was really trying to consume your everything, not giving you a moment's peace.
He simply hummed, the vibrations from his body tickling you.
"You know, you kind of look like the girl on the shirt."
He took out his hand and reached to trace the old and faded design, right over your chest. He wasn't going to acknowledge how your breath hitched as his finger traced along the shirt, right over your chest.
"I can barely even see the girl, surprised you know what she looks like after all this time."
Leaning back, you pat his thigh, hidden under the thin and scratchy hospital blanket. Jouno squeezed your waist in return, his thumb massaging your skin.
"I had it before I lost my sight, so to me, it still looks brand new. Don't ruin the lie my brain tells me, I want to believe that it still belongs in a landfill."
"It probably does. It's only good because it's warm and it smells like you, but I wouldn't wear this in public."
Jouno placed his forehead on the back of your neck, feeling for your warmth.
"I haven't washed this sweater in months, hope you know that's the smell you're enjoying."
You gently slapped his thigh, snorting.
"Oh god, you're disgusting Jouno! I thought you were different from other guys."
He hummed, squeezing you tightly. He was taking advantage of his position, holding you next to him in that large, worn, and threadbare sweater. Jouno was never more glad he was left alone for his recovery, since he never wanted to be seen in such an intimate position.
"I'm teasing Y/n. I really should throw this out though, we can afford better."
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You were sick of this man already.
"Tecchou. Sit down."
"But I feel fine Y/n. I can get up just fine."
"You just had surgery. No, you can't."
It took your entire body weight to get him back down on the bed, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. You've tried everything you could to force the man to do his mandatory bed rest, but he was just not having it.
The two of you were having a staring competition at the moment, you trying your damndest not to kill the man underneath you.
"Please. You need to rest, this wasn't like the other surgeries. They literally had to operate with your organs in a bowl, they need some time to readjust."
"I've gotten back up from worse. I'm built differently from other people, I'll be fine after a few warmups."
You couldn't argue with that, technically. He was 'different' and everything but...when you came to help Tecchou recover after his recent surgery, you thought it would be different. You never realized how asinine he was, until now, really.
"Absolutely not. The nurse gave very specific instructions that you were told to follow."
"Those are guidelines. I've never followed them before and came out perfectly fine."
You didn't know if it was Tecchou's blank stare or the fact that he didn't even register how hard you were trying to push him to fully lie down. He still had the strength to hold himself up on his elbows, looking up at you from his dark mop of hair. It was all slightly aggravating, and very frustrating.
"It's not that big of a deal. It's 24 hours of bed rest. You can literally sleep it off."
Tecchou sighed, finally letting you push him down on the bed. His gold eyes looked away for a second, contemplating.
"Can you sleep with me?"
"Sorry, sex also isn't allowed in recovery."
"No I mean - physically sleep. With me. On the bed. What does sex have to do with this?"
You looked down at him. He wasn't joking.
A laugh escaped you.
"What's so funny Y/n?"
His face was serious, with a thoughtful frown and furrowed brows coating his features. It was cute, had it not been for his stubbornness.
"Nothing. Yea, I'll sleep with you. I brought a blanket, actually, so this is perfect."
You went to the bag you packed - it was stuffed to the brim with junk you thought, maybe, you might need for Tecchou's recovery period. It looked more like a diaper bag, but the food was already eaten and now the blanket sure as hell came in handy, didn't it?
"Move, I need room to sleep too."
"Can't you sleep on top of me? You don't weigh anything."
Sighing, you spread the blanket on top of him, climbing on top of the rather small medical bed. You were crouching on top of his thighs waiting for him to move.
"I won't lie down until you scooch. I'm not laying on top of a man who just had a major surgery."
Tecchou put his arms around your waist, his face neutral.
"I like looking at you. I don't mind this."
You groaned. Tecchou snorted, pulling you a little closer.
"I'll move. I don't see the point, but if it really bothers you, I'll move."
He pulled you down, having you lie right next to him. You were pressed against him, your legs still on top of his, your chest pressed against his side. His arms held you close, warm, and pressed firmly against your back.
"You're too stubborn Tecchou. I'm supposed to be taking care of you right now. You don't need to be playing strongman right now, dumbass."
You put a hand on his chest, feeling as he took in a deep, strong breath. His heart was strong, practically beating out of his chest in its rhythmic pattern.
Tecchou didn't respond to what you said, his hands holding you tighter. You reached your hand up, rubbing circles on his exposed clavicle as you simply breathed in his presence.
"I'm your dumbass, right?"
You snorted, craning your neck up to look at him. He was staring at the ceiling tiles, looking for patterns his eyes could trace.
"Yea. That's why I take care of you, even though you don't think you need it."
You leaned up on one of your elbows, your other hand reaching up to gently thumb his cheek. His eyes followed you, his eyelashes fluttering each time your thumb grazed the three dots right underneath his eye. His face was hot, but he was enraptured in watching you as your eyes drank in all of his features.
"You're still a dumbass though."
With the way you said it, it didn't even register as an insult. You spoke those words so softly, leaning close to Tecchou's face, your breath hot against his jaw. He shuddered at the feeling.
One of his hands reached up, gently cupped the back of your head, fingers entangling in your hair, and pulling you down to kiss him. Your teeth knocked against one another, lips caught in the mix before he finally caught your bottom lip. You felt his hot breath breathe against your skin, his fingers curling against your hair strands tighter as he tried to pull you in closer.
You put your hand on his chest, pushing him away enough so you could breathe without tasting him. The air felt colder without him, even if just a little further away.
"Tecchou, you're supposed to be recovering. Sex isn't recovering."
"Nothing was said against kissing. Just be gentle with me and it'll be fine, right?"
The smile Tecchou had on his swollen lips looked too innocent for what the bastard was implying.
You didn't even want to say no to him.
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Tachihara felt bad for whoever was going to have to clean the hospital room.
He was looking around, with you laying on his shoulder, laptop haphazardly placed in between the two of your laps - to see the disgusting mess that you two had made of the place.
There was sauce spilled on the mattress, and popcorn kernels on the floor somewhere from where the two of you had thrown it at each other. He hoped the doctor wouldn't know about what he was really eating, since he was sure he would get a mouthful about it later. He hated the slop they tried to feed him at the facility, he truly did.
You, on the other hand, had brought nearly every snack imaginable. His cheeto dusted fingers and Dorito's breath could attest to that fact. The surgery made his legs hurt this time, but for now, his soul was happy as he continued to tear through the bags you had brought.
"Gimmie one."
He looked over to see you looking at him expectantly, you eyes wide and now that he looked closer in the low hospital light, were accompanied by deep bags. You probably hadn't slept since he had gone in for surgery, which was a full 26 hours ago now, and it showed.
Tachihara was surprised you still had any energy, but it might've been from the energy drinks you had brought with you. He wasn't allowed to have any of those, as you were a "responsible nurse" apparently. He didn't believe that, but watching you be so happy to look over him made him happy - as did the puffed Cheetos he was chewing.
"Open your mouth."
He watched as you closed your eyes and lazily opened your mouth, your tongue hanging out of your mouth languidly. He placed a puffed cheeto on your tongue, slowly closing your jaw, trying to avoid getting any cheeto dust on you. He failed, but he enjoyed watching the smile on your face as you chewed happily, going back to the film.
"Wait. You have dust on you."
He reached over, trying to wipe it off. He forgot about the dust on his hands however, which spread it around. You blinked at him, not registering the mistake, until you wiped at your chin, pulling back to see it coated in orange.
You looked back at him, giggling.
"I'm so messy, geez."
You laughed, trying to hide your mouth so you didn't spit out your cheeto. Tachihara watched you, a smile pulling on his own face.
"I think we both need to wash up. We really went ham here."
You sat up, looking up at the mess the two of you had created. Lazily, you laid back down on the squashed pillows that had become your bed.
"Let's do that later."
Your voice was low and tired.
"I'm tired. I think I'm having a caffeine crash finally."
You were interrupted by a yawn, one that ran throughout your entire being as you stretched yourself out on the hospital bed. The laptop was barely caught by Tachihara, who placed it further down by your feet. The movie was now long forgotten, having become of little importance to the two of you - just background noise.
Tachihara merely watched you, groaning as he tried to get comfortable while lying back down, getting close to you. He kept his golden eyes on your figure - you were falling asleep, messy and unkempt, but he still thought you were beautiful. Your breathing was soft, with your chest rising slowly right by his arm.
Most of all he was thankful he didn't have to wake up alone - and now fall asleep alone, in this cold, unwelcoming hospital room. It almost felt like a home, with how messy it was.
"Hey, Y/n?"
You hummed tiredly as a response, tiredly shaking your head to show him that you were listening. Tachihara smiled as he took the back of his hand, tracing your jaw - now extra careful to avoid spreading Cheeto dust on you.
"Thanks for taking care of me. This was nice."
You yawned again, lazily opening your eyes and turning towards him, smiling. They were half-lidded, barely registering what they were seeing.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? I want to take care of you."
You reached over, curling your dirty fingers into his hospital gown. Tachihara didn't have it in him to feel grossed out. He felt incredibly warm, however, as you pressed your forehead against his, a small smile on your sleeping face.
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slut4fangs · 1 year
"i love you so fuckin' much"
jealous perv!bestfriend!eddie my beloved &lt;3
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pairing: eddie munson x female reader
warnings: smut, 18+, eddie is a jealous perv, slapping, dirty talk, friends to lovers, pet names, no use of y/n, the use of 'whore' and 'slut' to describe reader, lightly proofread but i put my whole pussy into this, cheating but this is fictional and sexy so don't get your panties in a twist ily
i think bestfriend!eddie would loose his mind with jealousy if you got a serious boyfriend. sure, he had hookups and dated a few girls. but the moment you announce you're in a serious relationship, eddie feels like you've dropped a fucking bomb on him.
eddie munson was nothing if not clever. his way of keeping you close to his side, no matter who you were dating, was extraordinary. you've dated your fair share of people, that was true, but when Eddie saw how serious you were about this new guy...something in him snapped. so when you come to his house one night to hang out to  watch horror flicks and smoke, eddie can't help but make you question your loyalty to 'what's-his-face...' that's what he referred to him as anyways.
"i mean, i think things could actually be serious between me and him...i can feel it, you know what I mean? has anyone ever made you feel like that," you question eddie,
eddie exhales a puff of smoke on your face and laughs off the question, "what? no fucking way, princess, I'm not really the serious type," eddie admitted. and he was sort of telling the truth, he wasn't willing to be serious with anyone else...if it wasn't you.
"oh, I just thought maybe we could leave hawkins together, me and him. someday, I don't know, maybe i'm being silly," you lean back on the couch cushion and sigh.
he'd scoff at you, "no fucking way, you're joking right," leaning back on his couch. his arm slung over the middle cushion where you sat, not physically able to look him in the eye at the moment. he felt betrayed, you wanted to leave hawkins? without him?
you didn't realize you forgot to answer his question until he yanks on your pony tail to get your attention, "ow, what the hell was that for," you pout at him. why is he being so mean to you right now? you've never seen him this bothered over anything, eddie's eyes were vacant as he trained them on you. you tried staring him down, your pout and teary eyes gave him a sick satisfaction. he wasn't proud of it, but seeing you this upset when he was mad at you made his dick twitch in his tight jeans. i'm going to hell, eddie thinks.
"don't cry on my account, sweetheart. oh and let me guess, your bastard boyfriend doesn't want you hanging out with me anymore," he raises an eyebrow at you. you look down to fiddle with your hands, he had hit the nail on the head with that one. he hated that he was right. "oh my god," eddie laughed in disbelief, smug and cruel, the smile on his face anything but friendly, "that's why you came over here, to tell me we can't hangout anymore? huh? is that it, princess?" he couldn't believe what he was hearing, you had a boyfriend so now he had to disappear from your life. it wasn't fair.
"do you think this is easy on me, i'm trying to find a way for you both to be in my life without hating each other." couldn't he see that you were trying? all he could see is that you needed a harsh reality check.
"fat fucking chance at that, i haven't even met him and i can't stand that prick," eddie's temper flared and heat enveloped his pale cheeks, exhaling smoke through his nose before snuffing his cigarette out like he was mad at it. truth be told he was imagining it was your boyfriend's head he was smothering to ashes.
"just forget i said anything, let's just enjoy this," you cup eddie's knee with your palm and give it a little reassuring squeeze, as if this wasn't the last time you planned to hangout with him because of some controlling boyfriend, some stranger that was going to take you away from him.
eddie sighed and said nothing as he disappeared into the next room, you didn't have any idea as to what he was doing in there until you hear the familiar rattle of his 'lunchbox.' you smiled to yourself, maybe this friendship didn't have to end badly after all.
thirty minutes later you two were giggling and talking like nothing life altering just happened. but the topic was of course bound to come up again, how could it not?
"now be honest, are you sure about this guy? he sounds like a total dick, honey," eddie sounded genuinely concerned, but more lighthearted than before which calmed you as much as the weed did.
you bursted out in laughter, unable to control the giddiness, "you said 'dick-honey,'" you laughed and you laughed until your stomach hurt and you fell back on the arm of the couch clutching your tummy.
"hey, what's so funny," eddie leans over you, hovering with his hands caging you into the couch. suddenly you were aware of how close his hands were to your waist, and aware of how delicious he smelled. and how his eyes scanned you face, taking you all in.
"you smell really good," you admit aloud, bubbly and high, Eddie loved when you were like this. all anxiety forgotten, the full body high taking over your system, it was just you and him. no talk of your stupid boyfriend, just two best friends with lethal amounts of chemistry between you. what could go wrong?
eddie hovered above you, wedging himself between your legs until his knee was nudging your clothed pussy. your skirt hiked up exposing your frilly underwear, a small gasp leaving you when eddie looked down to get a better look at your pretty underwear that he thought suited you perfectly.
"nice panties," eddie's voice was low, flirty even. he'd be lying if he said he never got horny when the two of you got high together, almost every time actually. if he only knew how long the feelings had been mutual for all these years.
you try to smooth your skirt to cover yourself but eddie haults your movement with a, "wait, i need a better look at these. haven't seen them before," he looks entranced, unable to tear his eyes away from your lower half. he's scared that if he looks up at your face he'll loose all of his courage and back off. he doesn't want to scare you off, but he also doesn't want to stop.
the words 'haven't seen these before' definitely threw you for a loop, "huh, what do you mean you haven't seen these before? have you been going through my laundry, eddie?"
"no, you wear these cute little skirts all the time. and you're always dropping shit, bending over, driving me crazy," eddie finally looks up at you, "you torture me." he rocks his knee into you and to his surprise you grind yourself back on him, he lets out an incredulous laugh, thinking about how he should've done this ages ago.
'driving me crazy'
'you torture me'
you were giggling in eddies face, looking up at him adoringly and overwhelmed with weed fueled lust he could see it in your eyes. and well, he couldn't help himself if he tried, in a swift motion eddie crashes his lips onto yours, a searing hot kiss that overtook both of your minds. you forgot you were dating someone, forgot about anything other than eddie munson, your best friend who you've always seen as cute, finally kissed you. in the very back of your mind, a little voice in your head was telling you how wrong this was.
"wait, we can't do this," you say pulling back from the kiss, even though you didn't want to, you knew that was the right thing to do. you had to stop before this went any further.
with his right hand holding your face tightly, "why not," eddie's dark eyes bore into yours, the tone of his voice was somewhat annoyed which struck you. eddie's mouth ghosted over yours, "i think we both need this, don't you? your boyfriend couldn't fuck you like I could, i think you know that deep down."
how long has he felt like this about you? he'd never say.
all you could do was let out a small whimper, an overwhelming need to have his hands all over your body enveloped you. you could cut the tension in that room with a knife.
"what was that," eddie mocked you, "i didn't catch that."
you groaned and covered your face with your hands, a poor attempt at hiding the blush on your cheeks. eddie quickly tore your hands away from your face, "use your words, i don't speak brat."
he wanted you to use your words and you did, you said the first words that came to mind, "i want you," it was a small plea. you felt silly, the living room was just full of laughter a few minutes ago and now it was a whole other atmosphere. tense, raw, completely uncharted territory between you and eddie. it was like something had been boiling on the stove for ages at a low simmer, but someone cranked it up to 10 and now it was all boiling over the sides in a hot rush.
eddie laughed, sadistic and proud, he's been waiting for this moment for a long time. "what would your boyfriend say if he saw you right now? i bet he'd call you a slut," eddie smirked down at you and then the tears started again, but this time you couldn't hold them in.
"oh stop crying, i still haven't gotten a chance to meet your new panties," eddie played with the material, snapping the side to your waist and laughing when you yelped. "you're so cute," eddie hooked his arms around your thighs and ran his thumb in small circles on your clit, adding pressure until he heard you moan his name.
"eddie please, i need you," you've never heard yourself this needy before, but you've also never been this turned on before.
"you got me, i'm here," eddie spoke without a mocking tone this time, reminding you he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him. once he's taken your underwear off (in record time by the way, he's never been this turned on either) your legs are on his shoulders and he's licking your arousal. his tongue quickly finding it's way to your slit, pumping in and out, his middle and pointer finger working your clit in fast circles you thought you could dissolve right then and there. and what a way to go this would be, it would be like heaven to dissolve with him.
replacing his tongue with his fingers eddie pumps his middle and pointer fingers in and out of you until you're squeezing him, curling his fingers and hitting that special place over and over again. the pleasure building in your stomach is sinful and it builds more when eddie starts to suck on your clit, looking up at you with a devilish look. if eyes could smirk, his were doing just that. the satisfaction of knowing you wanted him so bad that you begged, and you moaned his name so beautifully, it was all going to his head(s). eddie was just as turned on as you, he moaned with his mouth to you, the man was practically making out with your pussy and getting a rise out of it.
you gently tug at eddie's hair as if to say, 'please come up for air before you drown.'
eddie smirks and crawls up to you, brushes your hair out of your face, and says, "i'm keeping these panties by the way," and kisses your lips softly swinging the cotton material over you like a pendulum before stuffing it in his back pocket.
you roll your eyes, "fine but i'm keeping THIS," you say grabbing his bandanna and stuffing it in your bra.
"i'm not above a good pat down, babe," eddie makes a show of taking his jacket off and rolling up the sleeves of his sweater, cracking his knuckles and the whole bit before giving you a full body pat down starting with your tits. "hm, left tit seems to be full of contraband. subject appears to be a foxy thief, noted," eddie talks aloud to himself throughout the whole process, you cant stop laughing, at the end of it you laugh so hard you're crying again. but this time they're happy tears.
once the full body pat down is done eddie makes his way back up to your chest and pulls the handkerchief out with his teeth. "are you aware what this'll cost you," eddie says, only half joking, it will cost you.
"oh no, i'm so scared. i'm sorry i'll do anything, just let me go," you pretend to be under distress. eddie gets a kick out of your acting and it only revvs him up more.
"oh yeah? you'll do anything i want?" eddie's eyebrows raise and his mouth quirks up in a knowing look. you nod your head sheepishly, he moves to tie your wrists together above your head.
you gasp when eddie starts unbuttoning your shirt, it's like every time you feel his breath fan your skin your chills double. talk about senses on fire, you were in the volcano, your cheeks hot and blushed. eddie took his time with you, enjoying every second of this because he didn't know if it would happen again.
eddie takes everything off but your skirt and socks, you nudge his thigh with your foot, "your turn...take em' off show me what you're working with."
eddie laughs and shakes his head shrugging off his jacket and tossing it to the carpet, he's so fucking in love with you it's crazy. you wish you could take his shirt off for him, you're dying to touch him, "let me take off your shirt, please?" cue the big puppy eyes eddie used to never be able to resist, but now that's half the fun, teasing you, working you up and getting you hot. it didn't take long for him to figure out what you liked and what you didn't like.
the truth was you liked everything he did, fuck, you might be in love with him too.
"no, only good girls get to undress me," eddie teases, taking his shirt off and rolling his shoulders a few times before he's holding your face and rubbing his thumb over your cheek. "aw," he pouts, mocking you, "is someone upset?"
you answer him with a scowl and he laughs and slaps your cheek lightly, "you act like a bad girl...you get treated like one," eddie lands another smack to your face but this time it stings...and you love it. he kisses the same cheeks he smacked and soothes his thumb over it again, sweetly this time.
"now," eddie leans back on his knees and starts undoing his belt, his eyes not leaving yours for a second. you think you might die when he unzips himself, "i'm really pent up and you're a brat that drives me crazy, look how hard you made me." eddie palms himself through his jeans, you're seconds away from drooling if he doesn't start touching you again. "do you wanna feel it?" eddie moans when you nod your head yes, "ok, fine i'll untie you. if you'll behave..."
"mhm, i'll behave, i promise. i'll be good," your face lights up when eddie unties your wrists and directs your hand to his cock.
eddie groans, "fuck- you'll be good for me, won't you, babydoll?" eddie pulls down his pants and boxers all in one go, his cock on full display but he can't keep his eyes off you lips. he swears his cock twitches every time you lick your lips at the thought of tasting him.
"i'll be so good for you," you say, one hand pumping his cock and the other on his face, he's whimpering into your mouth as your tongues meet.
"fuck, you're really good at that," eddie rubs his cock up and down your pussy, "mm," eddie speaks between kisses, your hands are holding his waist, encouraging him to sink into you. and when he does, the both of you gasp into each other's mouths, "you're sucha little slut, baby. aren't you?"
"mhm, for you i am," your voice is soft and gentle in his ear. and while he thinks he could bust at any second, eddie knows better and keeps going, relishing this moment.
"you like being my little whore, don't you. dirty girl," eddie sucks on your neck, his tongue licking a stripe up your neck and leaving hickies there, he blows on it and you have chills all over again. you let out a little 'ah' sound at this and eddie thinks he could get used to this.
"i don't like it, i love it," your voice is breathy and sounds so pornographic you almost scare yourself.
"you love it, baby? you love me?" eddie's holding your cheeks again and kissing you sweetly and when your eyes meet you've never seen someone look at you like that before, like they were in love.
that's when it hits you, "i love you so fuckin' much, no one else, just you."
eddie thinks he died and gone to heaven when he replies, "i love you too, i love you so fuckin' much, baby," and comes inside of you when the last word leaves his mouth.
you spend the rest of the night holding each other and talking, then laying in silence, when eddie thinks you've gone to sleep he whispers "i love you," one more time because he loves saying it as much as he loves you.
eddie forgot you talk in your sleep when you reply, "i love you, eddie," his heart almost leaps out of his chest and he swears he's never been happier.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
The White Jersey -P.G
I know I'm not feeling well but Gavi in the white Barça jersey is my weakness 😍😍
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Summary: You just love how good your boyfriend, Gavi looks in the white Barça jersey
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"¡PABLO MARTÍN PÁEZ GAVIRA!" You yelled as soon as you saw him enter the hotel room "¿TE PARECE MUY BONITO ANDAR POR AHÍ DÁNDOME PAROS CARDÍACOS A CADA CINCO MINUTOS?" (Do you think it's very nice to walk around giving me cardiac arrests every five minutes?)
"What did I do now?" He asks with a light smile on his face
"Don't you dare. For starters, you are going to end up decapacitated one of these days and no one will be surprised..."You looked at him in the eye
"Like, I get football is also a brain game, you need to make up estrategies and stuffs... BUT THERE'S NO NEED TO LITERALLY USE YOUR HEAD WHEN SOMEONE'S BOOTS IS ALMOST IN THE WAY!" You yelled desperate grabbing his pillow and hugging yourself to it
"You can just use your foot, amor, ¿Sí?" You asked with a light smile "You're basically sending me to an early dead, like I shat my pants when I saw that. I didn't faint because God was having mercy on me, pero... HERMANOO" (BRO) You opened your arms wide open in disbelief watching a small smile come into his face
"Also" You continued "YOU DO WANT TO KILL ME BECAUSE I'M FREAKING IN LOVE WITH THE WHITE KIT AND OH MY GOSH!" You screamed into his pillow before letting it go "You looked absolutely ravishing like I wanted to jump on your bones everytime I saw you, which was basically everytime" You opened your eyes a little as if you were caught "You just seem like a wine, the older you get, the more sexier and handsome you are and I just can't take it!" You exclaimed looking at him
"And congratulations on the match today, you did so well, except the head onto the boot moment, I'm really happy you guys won, you deserve it" You went over to him and kissed his lips.
Even tho, Pablo was surprised with your outburst, he followed the kiss back passing his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, your lips molding into his and moving in sync.
"Did you just called me 'hermano'?" He asked in the moment you separated from him
"Is that all you got from my speech?"
"No" He smirked "I also got that you think I'm sexy and handsome each day passing and that you want to jump on my bones everytime you watch me" He wriggled his eyebrows a bit making you laugh "I want you to do that" He opened his arms dramatically "Anytime you want to" You laughed hitting his chest lightly
"Eres tonto" (You're silly) You said in between laughs making him smile
"I'm far from being your brother" He insisted, you laughed reaching up to kiss him again
"Estás dale que te pego, it was just the sprout of the moment! You know what I meant when I called you that way"
"No, I don't! Because you say hermano to your friends or to your brother and I'm not either of those!"
"You're right, you're my boyfriend" You say standing on your tiptoes and kissed him slowly hearing him hum a bit against your lips
"I am" He said proudly after you both separated from each other "And I'm so tired" He sighed moving the two of you to lay on the bed, you on top of him
"I can imagine, you were running around one place to the other and doing everything, Pablito. I really can't understand how you do it"
Pablo hummed leaving a trail of kisses down your neck as you smiled lightly "Weren't you just so tired a few seconds ago?"
"No with you by my side" You laughed "Can you tell me more of how good you think I look in the white jersey?"
"You egocentric ass" He laughs widely "You very well know how I feel about you in the White Jersey" He hums tongue sticking out to wet his lips
"It looks good on you too, mi vida. Mostly with my name on your back" You hum leaning up to kiss him
"That can be my name as well, one day; I've to wear it proudly" Gavi smiled widely nodding
"One day, it'll be"
"You're not getting away from the way you pushed your head into the other players boot, okay?"
"You looked absolutely beautiful tonight" He said inmediately hoping to get away from the long chat you'd have with him
"I know that. But don't try to sweet me up, Gavira" You said sternly but with a smile on your face "It won't work this time"
"I love you" He kissed your face "And I love how much you take care of me"
"I love you too" You kissed his lips "But, Pablo, you just can't believe yourself Superman!" He sighed
He knew what was coming and he only had to accept it and hear the lecture of needing him to be more careful, secretly loving it.
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I really really loved the Asexual!Tav x Astarion fic. I felt so seen. I have read my good share of smut (there is no shame in a good smut fic, even as an ace) but this? This made me feel so many things. I loved it. As for the oneshot/headcanon ideas... Maybe Asexual!Tav wanting to find something sexy to wear for themselves (because damn right, ace people can wear sexy clothes and look amazing doing so) or just Tav and Astarion being silly together. But! Don't feel obligated to write about these! I just wanted you to know that this fic... I have never went to Ao3 so fast to read the last chapter.
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Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much it warmed my heart to real this. It genuinely means a lot.
These are both great prompts which I would love to get too eventually. I don't have it in me to write a one-shot right now, but I will gladly spew some random Asexual!Tav and Astarion being silly together.
Astarion x AsexaulBard!Tav Masterlist
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Okay, I feel like I need to say it, but after Ace!Tav and Astarion are officially together the flirting only gets worse
Like before there was an agenda; Astarion was testing the waters of their interest while Tav was playing along, enjoying the attentions while not wanting to give a fully false impression
Now with the air clear they're free to flirt because it's just fun
There are no expectations except to make the other laugh or possibly blush
It drives the rest of the party insane
Astarion: If you're looking for inspiration my love, you can always write me a sonnet; something about my eyes shining like diamonds in the moonlight. Tav: Cliche and over done. Besides, how could I compare them to anything less than the brightest ruby illuminated by dragonfire. Astarion: Oh, do go on.
Also feel the need to clarify that this Tav grew up on the streets and so has come to the conclusion that stealing from the rich is okay
They have very willingly played to a crowd of merchants, allowing for Astarion to rob them blind
Astarion: *presents them with a necklace* Tav: Please don't tell me you spent money on this. Astarion: Not at all. I got it at a wonderful five finger discount. Tav: In that case, I accept.
If they ever attend a party and Ace!Tav isn't performing, you can find them near the buffet table
I've said before in previous headcanons, I don't think Astarion is one for dancing; he's become more open to it after he and Tav get together, but there is a difference between a private lesson with his love and being in public
This leads him to make the rounds gathering as much gossip as he can before reporting back to Tav
Meanwhile Tav, once starving bard/artist, will never turn down free food and will stay planted at the buffet table the entire night; plus you know the best gossip comes from the wait staff
Basically they're a couple of messy bitches who are obsessed with the tea and yes are, in fact, talking about you
That all being said, Tav is still the moral compass; help kids when you can, only steal from those who can afford it, avoid murder if possible etc, its the pettiness they indulge it
Certainly they're a theatrical couple, prone to distracting banter and petty theft, but it's plain enough to see how deeply they care about each other
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