#like. when you treat people this brutally. why do you expect anything but brutality in return.
atopvisenyashill · 8 months
it is fun in a slow motion car crash way to watch cersei gleefully help the high sparrow set a trap for herself and then also step right into that trap but it’s exactly the same as theon getting reeked in that ultimately they don’t deserve what comes next, no one and nothing in the world deserves what comes next. and the so called “punishment” is so divorced from what they actually did wrong, that of course neither of them “learns a lesson” from it. theon’s torture is about like class + societal breakdown + hostage feudal system stuff, and he doesn’t actually start dwelling on, ya kno, the people he murdered and raped, until well after the physical torture has stopped. and similarly, cersei’s walk of shame is about like class + patriarchy + societal breakdown, and while it certainly beats her down for a while, all it ultimately does is remind her that she doesn’t get the dignity of death if she loses, she gets humiliated, so next time she takes her shot she has to make sure she doesn’t miss.
and you know what. she will not!!
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myslutwritings · 1 year
HIII COULD YOU DO THE UPPER MOONS WITH A CRYBABY READER? (A thought of mine,of them taking care of me while I sit and cry and babble in there arms about something small 😖😖😖)
Aww, i love this idea! yes i’ll definitely do it!
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➤ Uppermoon’s reaction to their S/O being a crybaby
➤ headcanons
Uppermoons x crybaby!GN!reader
including: Muzan, kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and the Hantengu clones (Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu & Urogi)
warnings: smaller reader, mentions of murder, semi-nsfw?
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Muzan Kibutsuji
• We all know how he is.
• Being the demon king, he isn’t the very best at comfort. I think we’re all aware of that.
• Isn’t fazed by your crying. i mean, it isn’t anything new to him. He murders and eats people on a daily basis so crying isn’t something that’s unusual for him to witness..
• However, it’s YOU crying.
• You crying makes Muzan feel… not good.
• He can’t really explain it.
• All he knows is that he strongly dislikes seeing/hearing you cry.
• At first he scolded you for showing such emotions. But then he only realized he made you cry more afterwards.
• Muzan feels horrible. But you’ll never hear that coming from him.
• The two of you are the complete opposite.
• He only got angry at you for crying at first because you were crying over something so stupid and second of all he didn’t want to admit he didn’t like seeing you cry and has no idea how to comfort you properly.
• He doesn’t want to come off as weak.
• Eventually, he’ll own up, apologize for his behavior. After all, he didn’t really mean it. (Believe it or not)
• Muzan isn’t just so great with emotions and he isn’t used to have such an emotional S/O.
• Will stroke your hair as you lay your head in his lap.
• He’ll listen to you vent about whatever upset you. Even if it’s stupid in his eyes.
• “You weep over such silly things, my dear.”
• Muzan will hush and wipe your tears. Thats all you’ll get.
• Now if SOMEONE upset you, they’ll be dead immediately. No questions asked.
• Muzan doesn’t care if you don’t want it. He’ll do it anyway or just lie and say he won’t do it. Which he will
• Doesn’t give a shit who it is either. Even if it’s a family member he’ll destroy them.
• Because how dare they make his beloved S/O cry?
• He’ll literally torture whoever made you this upset. So that’s another way of him showing his love for you. Even if it’s in a horrific way.
• Then he’ll proceed to tell you about how he killed the person who made you sad. 😟 (Doesn’t leave out any details)
• Goes into a state of severe confusion as you cry more. He expects you to treat him like a superior being and says you should be thankful he decided to lend you his presence and time in the first place..
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• Like Muzan, he isn’t an expert when it comes to comforting someone.
• He’s used to being solitary so this is all new for him! Please understand.
• But unlike Muzan, Kokushibo won’t be annoyed by your crying.
• Kokushibo has cried himself before so why should he judge you? (Even though he’s only cried like.. once)
• All though Koku has cried before. It was awhile ago and he barely remembers it. However, he isn’t a crybaby.
• He’s honestly surprised by how much you cry.
• Never has encountered a human who cries as much as you do.
• It comes to a point where sometimes he feels helpless.
• Kokushibo isn’t very vocal. So expect him to be more on the physical side when it comes to comfort.
• Words of affirmation isn’t his strong suit either.
• Becomes immensely confused when you cry more whenever he hugs you. (You cry more when people comfort you)
• Like huh?? Why did you start to cry more?? Should he stop??
• Kokushibo will just pick you up bridal style and set you down on a futon. He’ll cuddle you for awhile until you fall asleep in his arms.
• Isn’t the type to give you advice nor is he responsive but he’ll definitely listen to you.
• Just holds you against his chest as you sob into his embrace.
• Will brutally murder anyone who upset you. He isn’t going to let that shit slide.
• If you beg him not to he’ll be hesitant. He wants to kill them for you but at the same time he doesn’t want to make you further upset if he does carry out the murder.
• Let’s all be blunt, in the end, he won’t listen to you. He won’t let anyone get away with hurting his S/O.
• Kokushibo will know this’ll upset you more but he does it anyway. He doesn’t want anyone messing with you.
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• Oh great heavens..
• Out of all the uppermoons he’s definitely the most touchy/affectionate/comforting. (somewhat)
• Knows how to comfort others. (But it’s not genuine)
• With you it’s entirely different though!
• Butttt he’s still the type to tease his S/O. His toxic trait is that this sadistic basted finds great pleasure in seeing you cry.
• The way you’ll cling yourself to HIM, in need of HIS attention and comfort, desiring HIM and no one else:
• Douma FEEDSSS off that shit.
• Gets off by how vulnerable you get. (New turn on)
• Another thing is that he won’t severely pity you when you cry. After all, he’s not the best when it comes to emotion.
• Also not the type to be fazed by your crying state. i mean, he deals with his followers crying to him ALL the time about their stupid problems.
• Does not give a fuck about them.
• He is USED to not giving a fuck. That’s why he’s surprised he cares whenever you’re crying. Even if it’s over something so minor.
• Douma cares but doesn’t understand fully, yk?
• You need to be patent with him. After all, emotion is new for him. (He only experiences it around you)
• Babies you whenever you cry.
• “Oh, my, my! What’s wrong, my sweet lotus?”
• As soon as he sees your tear-stained face he’ll just snatch you up without even asking and pull you onto his huge lap.
• Adores how adorable you look on his lap! You’re so tiny in his arms like this!!
• Let’s you babble about whatever upset you.
• Honestly, he ain’t even listening, he’s just admiring how vulnerable you look right now.
• He’ll just pepper your face in kisses and wipe your tears away.
• Cups your face and whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Douma reminds you that everything will be okay and that you’re safe with him.
• Sometimes he licks your tears.
• Teases you relentlessly if you cry over something stupid.
• Will instantly kill anyone who made you upset.
• Douma usually eats people when they’re this upset so they no longer have to bare the pain but he doesn’t want to eat you. Surprisingly.
• Confused by his own feelings.
• There was a time where you were upset and Douma straight up asked you if you want to be eaten by him.
• Yeah, bros a menace.
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• This man is SOOO sweet about it.
• The first time you cried in front of him he flipped out😭
• Like huh?? what’s wrong?? are you okay??
• On the inside he’s panicking.
• Is surprised by how vulnerable you can get whenever you’re a mess like this.
• If you’re human, low-key enjoys the power imbalance.
• Though, Akaza absolutely despises witnessing you cry.
• Never makes fun of you. Even if you’re crying over something that others view as stupid. He won’t ever pass judgment towards you or even tease you.
• Akaza will 100% listen to you vent about whatever upset you.
• Oh? what’s that? SOMEONE upset you?
• Yeah, he is coming after them. even if it’s a woman.
• Doesn’t care.
• No one hurts his S/O.
• Akaza wants to protect you. Out of every uppermoon he is the most overprotective.
• Is almost TOO protective.
• You were growing relatively concerned for how overprotective he was. You mostly just didn’t want him to get hurt.
• “I have to ensure you’re safe at all times.”
• Kinda scary at times.
• He wants you out of harms way at all costs.
• Isn’t used to physical touch but whenever you’re sad he’ll definitely give you lots of cuddles.
• Will let you babble on and on.
• Isn’t the best advice giver but he’ll help you in his own way.
• Demons aren’t used to comforting others after all so he needs to ease up to it.
• Proceeds to ask you what he can do to make you feel better!
• You cry frequently and it honestly concerns him.
• Once you finally tell him you’re just sensitive and that you cry over things easily he’ll understand.
• Lays down with you and holds you firmly against his chest as you cry your little heart out.
• Forehead kisses too.
• Akaza is a gentleman! Would so cook your favorite meals whenever you’re having a bad day.
• He isn’t toxic in any way. Just his only red flag is probably being too overprotective? (If you could even call that a red flag)
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• Let’s be completely honest.
• Sekido is going to be aggravated over the fact you’re a crybaby.
• He’ll be passive aggressive towards you.
• Not because he hates you, or because he’s mad at you. This is all just a cover up because he legitimately has no clue how to help you or comfort you.
• He’s very uneducated and inexperienced when it comes to this kind of situation.
• Sekido just grows more angered with myself that he doesn’t know how to help you. Instead of communicating with you about it he just takes his frustrations out on you.
• This makes you even more upset and only turns you into a bigger of a crybaby.
• Sekido secretly feels horrible.
• Eventually he mans up and apologizes stubbornly. Admits that he’s not used to comforting others and isn’t a fan of crying.
• Of course you forgive him because you know how he is. You know that he didn’t mean it.
• Sekido is not exactly uncomfortable around those who are sensitive. I mean, he deals with Aizetsu so he’s used to it.
• Sekido isn’t just used to comforting others.
• In fact, he’s HORRIBLE at it.
• The best you’ll get is cuddles (if you’re lucky)
• Then again, he ain’t used to this 😔😔
• Fortunately for you, Sekido will do his best to try and appear less intimidating around you.
• Lowers the volume of his booming voice for you and attempts to act more soothing around your presence.
• See? he does care. Just is not ideal at showing it.
• Like the other demons if anyone made you cry Sekido will definitely take care of them for you!
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• THIS MAN ADORES YOU! (in a peculiar way..)
• The second he sees you a crying mess he’s scooping you up into his arms and cradling you.
• He’ll lay down with you and allow you to lay your head on his chest as you cry.
• Karaku will understand if you’re upset over something that actually makes sense but if it’s something tiny he’s like; ???
• Teases you about it:(
• Similar to Douma, he gets off by how you rely on him when you’re an emotional wreck.
• Sometimes Karaku will purposely make you cry because he’s lowkey a sadist.
• Karaku has that little secret smirk on his face whenever you start babbling about whatever it is upset you.
• Just shushes you as your babbling continues.
• First, he will comfort you before gladly executing the asshole who hurt your fragile little heart.
• “Awhh! It’s okay darlin’ you don’t have to worry about them anymore!!”
• Once he debated on whether or not he should tell you that he kills whoever upset you.
• Unlike the other uppermoons for some reason he doesn’t tell you that he killed the person who made you cry.
• Karaku doesn’t say anything in hidden fear that he’ll scare you more or make you cry again.
• Don’t get me wrong, loves comforting you, loves how you need him, but he also hates seeing you cry.
• Always wants you to feel satisfied and happy!
• Karaku will do ANYTHING in his power to get your tears to stop.
• Offers you sex to help you feel better 💀 (bros a hypersexual)
• However, if he’s having a bad day then he might not be the best at comfort. But if he’s not having a bad or unusual day then he dedicates all his time to you and you alone!
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• Aizetsu understands you more than anyone else.
• He also has the strong tendency to be a crybaby himself.
• At first, Aizetsu will he too shy to comfort you.
• This is is mostly because he is afraid he might do something wrong.
• But eventually he gets over it.
• Aizetsu feels bad for you and would hate to leave you alone.
• He does what you do to comfort him whenever he’s upset.
• Like you, small things will trigger his emotions.
• So he relates to you in a way.
• Aizetsu adores you and loves you so much!
• Will give you all the attention and comfort you need.
• Aizetsu will even ditch missions just to take care of you. He’d hate to leave you alone.
• You’re always there for him whenever he’s feeling down so of course he’s going to do the same for you!
• He desperately wants to hurt whoever made you cry
• Unlike the others, Aizetsu will listen to you and not murder who hurt you if you protest against it. He respects you and doesn’t want you to feel even more hurt.
• Y’all are both big crybabies together.
• Crying sessions? yes. 100%.
• Aizetsu will hold you and play with your hair while whispering sweet nothings into your ear to soothe your nerves.
• Literally on the verge of tears whenever he sees you cry:(
• He isn’t a big fan of seeing you upset so he’ll do anything to make his precious S/O smile!
• “You don’t know how much your smile means to me..”
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• HATES seeing you cry.
• Becomes veryyyy overprotective.
• But not to worry! He will never judge you.
• Might tease you a TINY bit though.
• Okay, i’m bluffing, he’ll tease you A LOT. not as much as Douma and Karaku though.
• Urogi will only really tease you when you’re crying over something small.
• Knows when something is up or when you’re holding back tears. It’s pretty damn obvious no there’s no need to lie to him.
• As i said before, Urogi won’t ever judge you!
• The moment you begin to break down you’re scooped up into his arms
• “Hey, hey, hey! what’s the matter, sweetheart?”
• Will pressure you into telling him what’s wrong.
• Isn’t too thrilled when he realizes how downright negative you are.
• Probably forces you to smile, he’ll gently use his talons to force your lips into a smiling while chuckling at you. (Tries not to accidentally cut you in the process)
• Gives you reassurance that he’s here for you and there is no need to feel upset!!
• Is more than happy to kill the unworthy bastard who made you dry.
• I feel like Urogi would just take you flying somewhere to get some fresh hair. That’ll help, right?!
• The type to wrap his wings around you. His wings are quite big so he loves seeing how tiny you look in them.
• Tickle fights? yes! definitely! Wants to see a real smile so this menace will begin ticking you out of no where until you’re a giggling mess.
• Urogi is the talkative type so he will keep talking to you in hopes that’ll calm you down/distract you at least.
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That’s about all! I apologize if some of them are shorter than the others. Thank you for sending in this request! i’m working on more at the moment so my apologies if it takes me awhile to post.
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Anon: Yandere headcannons for Maki, Nobara, Mai and Mei Mei from JJK?
I already did Hc's for Nobara in a previous post.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, overprotective behavior, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, control, isolation, abduction, bribery, some spoilers for Anime only fans
Jujutsu Kaisen Hc's
Zenin Maki
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💚Despite her tough exterior, Maki is the kind of person who tries her hardest to solve her problems by herself without having to involve someone else. This mindset of hers can be observed in the way she handles her own feelings as well as in the way she treats you. She isn't one to fool herself so of course she is aware of her own feelings and whilst she doesn't show it, she feels ashamed of the way she thinks and feels of around you. Adamant to remain strong and independent though, she refuses to indulge in those longing emotions which results in her initially trying to avoid you. The way you perceive her behavior around you may lead you to believe that she doesn't like you but it is actually the complete opposite. Maki likes you a little bit too much but doesn't want you to be involved as she knows that this isn't really your fault. As headstrong as she is though, sooner or later she has to acknowledge that avoidance doesn't solve her problem.
💚​Despite the straightforward attitude of hers that will scold and chastise you whenever you do something stupid, Maki is protective to the marrow of her bones. Especially if her darling is a non-sorcerer who doesn't know about any curses nor and can't fight against them either. She doesn't see the need to let you find out about them either as you live in your own world and she doesn't want to shatter your view of the world. Her work and her private life she spends with you should not mix and on occasions where it does happen, Maki is quite unhappy. She normally doesn't lie to you but the world of sorcerers is one of the few topics where she will keep the truth from you and as long as there is a way to conceal the truth, she will do it. Just because you don't possess Cursed Energy nor have such a strong body as she can is not an excuse for her to go easy on you. She doesn't believe that babying you would do anything for you and you have due to that your fair share of freedom with her.
💚​Even if her clan has tried her whole life to drag her down and shame her for her lack of Cursed Energy, their words and insults have never truly broken Maki nor have they scratched her confidence. She has no such insecurities as her twin sister has and is fairly relaxed when you hang out with other people. I do think that she would be more prone to feel jealous if the two of you aren't a thing yet but would feel more inclined to feel possessive if she is your partner at that point already. If you are hers after all, she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore and will be brutally honest and straightforward with the other person who tried to charm you. You are hers so they should just get lost before they embarrass themselves even more. If she is feeling jealous during the time where you aren't hers yet, she is more prone to some passive-aggressive comments and sharp glares, although she is unwilling to admit her true feelings and tries to play it off if someone asks her about it.
💚​She draws a clear line with the problems you require her help with or the problems you can solve yourself if you remain stubborn and determined enough. Her own life of constantly standing up for herself has influenced her which is why it is essential to her that you also learn to remain strong against unfair standards and harsh expectations. That said, she is extremely skilled and freakishly strong, especially after having gotten complete possession of Heavenly Restriction. She will defend you against everything you can't fight against such as curses and possibly sorcerers who target non-sorcerers. She doesn't hold back against someone if they charge at her with the intent to kill and judges based on rational observations. The fights she fights for your protection very rarely offer the possibility to let her opponent stay alive and she has never felt particularly inclined to let them keep their lives either. She has already lost Mai. She won't allow anyone else to die from the people she cherishes.
💚​An abduction is something she has promised herself to never do as she sees this as a bigger low than killing someone which is more commonly practiced in her profession as a sorcerer. It isn't like Maki is overly paranoid either as she grants you a lot of personal freedom. Abducting you might encourage you to rely too much on her as a result of isolation and she despises the thought of robbing you of your freedom and independence as she stands firm in her belief that even if you don't have any Cursed Energy, you should still be able to handle your own challenges and problems. You are supposed to attend school, graduate and eventually get a job and then earn money yourself whilst Maki will do her own thing to pay her attribute to the shared life. The worst that happens in emergency cases is that she either has you transported to a safe place or that she locks you up in your own home.
💚​Panda and Inumaki are teasing the living daylight out of her as soon as they figure out that she has some feelings for you and she can only lash out on them whilst trying to stop the blush from appearing on her face. Yuta is more directly encouraging in his support but she warns all three of them to not band together to set you two somewhat up. She wants to win your heart without any help, even if those people are her friends. Whilst you have no problem introducing her to your friends, it is a tad bit more difficult for her to do the same, especially since a talking and thinking Panda isn't exactly what a non-sorcerer is used to. She isn't a huge fan of any overly sappy dates as she thinks just hanging out together is already more than enough, although she will accept it begrudgingly if you have put a lot of work and effort into a special date.
Zenin Mai
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🔫​The same experience can influence people quite differently and that is obvious when we look at Maki's younger twin sister. Mai has been forced to become a sorcerer, the very thing she never wanted to become after Maki's betrayal and it has transformed her into a rude and crude person. Whereas Maki allows her darling a lot of freedom, Mai feels an inherent need to have her darling under her control. Maybe it is simply to keep control over at least one thing in her otherwise terrible life where she is always the one who has to obey, something that allows her heart and mind to feel a little bit of peace by knowing that she at least will always be the one with the leash in her hands in this relationship. You are the last person she rely has ever since her older sister broke her promise which has pushed her to be naturally very obsessive and clingy around you, always in the need to know what you are up to and with whom you spend your time with when she isn't around.
🔫​She hides her feelings partially though but not because she feels guilty or responsible like her sister does. No, she doesn't show the full extent of her feelings to retain the facade of being in control around you. She can't show any weaknesses, even around you as there is a deep-rooted fear that if she would rely on you, you would leave her too. This time she will play the strong part though and have you rely on her, even if she does it in very rude ways. She likes to put you down and belittle you as soon as you get into troubles and likes to use the shame and guilt of yours to boost her own confidence to convince both of you that she is better and that you need her. Differently from Maki who encourages you to be independent, Mai goes for the exact opposite as she wants you to depend on her. It is all for her own ego so that she can feel better about herself despite her shitty life. If she realises that though, she is far too selfish to stop herself.
🔫​Yet her confidence is mainly only for show and for nothing else. Mai feels inferior and insecure deep down which makes her much more paranoid and prone to experience jealousy than Maki who is always laid-back. Jealousy can transform someone into an ugly green-eyed monster and you witness this horrifying transformation with Mai. All of your friends and acquaintances are scared away due to her condescending and snarky attitude as she pushes all of them away from your side, leaving you standing there alone awkwardly. It is a terrible thing to do yet when you try to confront her about it, she reflects all of those accusations back at you and turns the tables quickly. Her words cut into your heart and confidence as she lashes out on you, her judgement clouded by bitterness and paranoia until you have no courage to bring the topic up around her anymore.
🔫​She has always been weaker than other people and she knows that yet she would never allow you to find out about any of this. You don't know who she is and maybe you are a non-sorcerer yourself, someone who can't see curses and use Cursed Energy at all which would make you even weaker than her. It isn't something that should bring her as much satisfaction as it does yet Mai needs to feel superior and stronger when it comes to her darling and in such a scenario that would be the case. You don't know about curses yet she might just inform you of their existence simply so that you can be scared and she can play the hero by admitting that she can exorcise them, although she keeps quiet about the fact that she isn't very strong in comparison to other sorcerer though. She just can't let you know that as it would destroy the image she tries to uphold when with you. At least in your eyes she wants to be seen as someone strong and dependable, even if her methods are crude.
🔫​Interestingly enough the one freedom she insists you to keep is your ability to have your own home, although her reasoning is more cowardly. She just wants an escape from her own clan and she uses that by occupying your own home as much as she can to escape from the harassment and the discrimination. If you were to ever meet her family, she knows that you would see her for the pathetic girl she is deep down and she is paranoid about that, convinced that you would abandon her too if you were to see how weak she really is. You have the choice to walk away after all. She on the other hand is chained up to a family that doesn't love nor want her, never able to attain her freedom. That is why she keeps your relationship a secret from her clan and always stares you down with such a condescending glare if you dare to ask if you could meet her parents.
🔫​She puts you down with her comments, humiliates you and even mistreats you. Mai is a terrible partner but she is too afraid to stop her behavior. Too afraid that if you were to see her for who she really is, you would laugh at her and dismiss her just like everyone else in her clan has done so far. In her mind even her own sister left and it has awakened the impression that she can't even trust those she thinks are closest to her. She is pushy and demanding of love, something she has rarely received from people in her life and possessive to the point where she feels neglected the moment you dare to ignore her for someone else. Perhaps in her eyes her behavior is justified as she has gone through so much already and will have to endure even more so she deserves you. She deserves a person who will only love her and who will never betray her. Even if her words are hurtful and even if she does terrible things to isolate you, she can always tell herself that she isn't the worst person you sometimes blame her to be. Because she is convinced that she has seen worse.
Mei Mei
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💴​Mei Mei finds her darling rather fascinating. As a non-sorcerer you have on first glance nothing notable on you as you are by all means a rather average person. However, as someone who has only ever expressed interest in money, this is what makes you so interesting to the sorcerer. There is no profit to gain from you nor would you be valuable on a battlefield yet even despite knowing all of that, she finds her gaze constantly drawn to you. Money is the only thing she has ever valued in her life yet you catch her attention in ways that no one has ever done before. As an openly selfish woman who is not afraid of admitting that to other people, Mei Mei indulges in whatever is of interest to her and you are no exception to that. Even upon noticing that her interest is turning into something else, she does not stop herself. She simply doesn't care about it as she has no such things as morals nor does she feel any shame for her obsession. Instead she finds the situation rather entertaining.
💴​The only morals she has depend on the money she receives for her jobs yet Mei Mei still seems to have certain standards she likes to present herself with to others. She has the luxury of time and money which allows her to take things slow and easy in regards to you. There is no need for desperation or any haste, she can take her time to get to know you and gauge how you react to her. Her Black Bird Manipulation allows her to keep an eye on you even whilst she is away to earn some money and then there is Ui Ui who would do anything for her, although he expresses some jealousy and outrage for your inability to recognise her true greatness. With her calm and analysing demeanor, Mei Mei oozes with confidence that she will have you for herself one way or another and this can be rather intimidating. Her words targeting your insecurities are like poison that slowly infects you and like the cruel predator she is, she treats it almost as if it were a game and it might as well be.
💴​Perhaps it is much more common to be the other way around and this is what Mei Mei would like to see just as much. You pale in comparison to her and you are often reminded of that when you two spend time in public. You feel inferior and almost unworthy in company of such a beautiful and rich woman and whilst Mei Mei is at least not as mean as to encourage your growing jealousy, she never does anything to ease it either. She finds it rather adorable when you turn a tad bit more jealous and possessive after all. She on the other hand doesn't have to overthink as much if it is the other way around. Most people are barely worth of her attention as they would neither have any worth to her life nor to yours. Her voice is always calm and her every gesture dismissive as she expresses her opinion honestly to such people, questioning them for the lack of value she sees in them. Whether her words humiliate someone to tears or fuel someone's anger, she has already won but everyone is free to amuse her for a bit more with their pathetic attitude if they desire to do so.
💴​Normally she doesn't lift a finger unless there is profit to make so it truly is a honor and sign of the worth you have to her that she exorcises curses who could be of potential risk of you without any money involved in the first place. Non-sorcerers are not worth her effort and time though as she knows of multiple other ways to take care of such people without having to stain her own hands. That is what money is for after all. Whether she bribes or blackmails someone, money has never failed to do the job for her. Maybe you have a different opinion and will accuse her as a corrupted woman but your view on the world is rather naive. You're pure but qualities such as kindness and honesty have never won a fight before. If you were part of her world, you would have died long ago as only those strong and smart enough to pick their battles wisely reach the top. Luckily you don't have to worry your silly head about anything because you have her to do that for you.
💴​Mei Mei is generous enough to offer you the option to move in with her. In her mind it doesn't even matter for how long you have known her by now. The only aspect she cares about is that she has known you long enough by now to realise that you really are too valuable for her to let go of you. Feel free to reject her offer yet be aware that you are already beyond saving. The sly smile on her face when you deny her her question is already a telltale sign of her intentions but she lets you squirm around anxiously for a while, your helplessness a relish in her eyes before she sets things into motion. Your bank account, your home and all of your possessions are stripped away from you, leaving you with little to no choice but to crawl back to her. She's already awaiting you though. You know that she is responsible because she hasn't even made the effort to hide it from you. She has intended for you to know simply so that she can shatter your ideal view on the world to prove that ultimately money rules over everything, even the law.
💴​There has never been a moment where she has yelled at you as Mei Mei has never lost her composure before. She retains such an incredible level of control over her which only humiliates and humbles you whenever you lose hold of your temper. Your self-esteem crumbles as her condescending words spoken with such a calm tone make you feel very small in front of her. She gives you the feeling that you are the only one who causes all of the problems. Worst is that all of this is in a way true as Mei Mei really doesn't have to do too much because she knows that you can never escape or run away from her. Are you not tired of those tedious struggles of yours? What is it that you could possibly desire from your old life? She is rich and can provide you with all earthly possessions that many people could only dream of and all she asks of you in return is to stay in her mansion and be her most valuable possession. One that may not be made out of diamonds but gold but holds more value to her heart than all the riches in the world.
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sunandflame · 1 year
Hi :) I’m sorry but my request isn’t there so it may have not sent properly. Please could I request headcanons of the hashira reacting to their crush being very kind and loving to their sibling/siblings :)
Aaah yes! This is such a cute request and I loved doing that! Please forgive me if it took longer than you expected. I hope it is to your liking and if not please let me know through an anon ask.❤️
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Hashira's reacting to their crush being kind to their sibling(s)
Warnings: maybe a super tiny nsfwish? mention of trauma and abuse in the past
Word Count: 955
Pairing: Hashira's x Fem!Reader
crossposted on AO3
Kyojuro Rengoku
Listen to me. This man would blush. And you know why? Because of his crush he got on you.
And now he sees how kind and loving you act towards Senjuro?
This of course leaves him with the question of whether you are so loving with small babies.
Of course you would, what a stupid question from him.
But now he just can't stop imagining you with a baby. A baby from you two, because this man definitely wants children later.
He later needed a cold shower to calm his flushing down, since he recalled how babies were made. 😉
Sanemi Shinazugawa
He would watch you silently and while he does an inner image would appear in front of him.
That of his mother's.
And that would confuse the Wind Hashira very much.
Especially when he sees how warm and kind you act towards Genya and other younger people?
He can't stop thinking that Sumi, Hiroshi, Teiko, Koto, Shuya and Sanehiro would adore you.
And that brings a comforting inner warmth that he had always felt towards his mother back then.
You remind him so much of his mother that he got flashbacks of how she protected her children from their brutal father like a lioness.
That spoiled his mood in the usual way and the gentle smile that briefly reflected on his lips disappeared.
He swore to protect you from everything and everyone, because such a kind soul had to survive in this world and not the murderous scum that he saw in himself.
Giyuu Tomioka
He too would be very subtle in his observation.
You probably wouldn't even know that he saw you.
But he did. And it had definitely triggered something in him.
And it was rare smile, but he kept turning away so quickly so that nobody would be able to see it.
The first time he wants to start a conversation with someone. And then with you of all people.
But he is so awkward and shy in it because he had never done anything like that, especially not with someone who he has a crush on. So double awkwardness.
So he keeps watching you, this time a little more obviously, hoping that you might start a conversation with him.
And while he was watching you a soft smile would play on his lips and this time he wouldn't turn away and look directly at you.
Tengen Uzui
The man had 9 siblings and they all died before he was 15
Then seeing you treating a younger one with kindness and love he wished he had felt when he was younger?
Yeah, this man is gonna come to you and lay the world at your feet together with his 3 wives.
But firstly, he would come alone, take your hand and gently kiss your knuckles.
"Be my 4th wife and have my babies. I know you would be a great mother!"
Mitsuri Kanroji
Our beloved love Hashira
She would probably hear it first from her siblings, before seeing it herself.
"Mitsuri neechaaan! Can we (y/n) see again? She was so nice and kind to us! She even brought us sweets!"
Those would be the words of her little siblings as they are all stand very close to each other.
This made her curious.
And if she then sees with her own eyes?
She would squeal in happiness, seeing how loving you are to them.
And would come up to you and hug you. Her breasts press against your shoulder. "Y/n you are so adorable!"
This time it's you who's blushing.
Obanai Iguro
He and Kaguramaru would watch you from afar.
The man didn't have a good experience with women as they were all terrible to him.
But you? You were the opposite and showed him with your gesture that there was also kindness in this world.
And that was one of the reasons why he had a huge crush on you.
And your gesture would make him fall even more for you.
He would sneak gifts to you.
(I am sorry. I feel like I am describing Obanai x Mitsuri as I always see them as canon and his type.)
Gyomei Himejima
He is already a big soft teddy bear
So expect it to grow into an even bigger one.
The first time he noticed tha, he wouldn't think anything of it.
But he sees that it's your nature and that you do it not for yourself.
And he would be touched by your kindness that he would shed tears (as he often does)
Gyomei eventually coming to you and while he towers over you with his height (man is huge) he would ask you.
"Do you want to talk about cats?"
Shinobu Kocho
Shinobu witnessed your kindness towards the younger ones in the butterfly mansion.
And she thinks you are downright adorable.
And she wants to tease you about that.
Which she will certainly do. (Nothing is going to stop her anyway) And oh she loves to tease you.
But on the other hand she will praise you. Telling you how admirable your kindness and love is.
"This reminds me of someone..." And for the first time her smile turned sad.
You could help but hug her and comfort her, as you did with the younglings.
Muichiro Tokito
Empty eyes would clear at that moment and would look at you in surprise.
It is not about how you look, but the way you treat other the younger ones. It would bring back certain memory he thought it was long gone.
He would look at you with wide big eyes.
"Y/n..." That he remembered your name would make you turn in surprise, but there would be a smile. "Yes, what is it Tokito-san?"
And then he would remember and he would hold your hand and smile. "Your kindness... It made me remember something very dearly to me. Of my father and mother... Thank you so much for that"
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sammylvsfairys · 6 months
too sweet.
maybe you really are too sweet for him.
pairing: aaron hotch x fem!reader, boss!aaron x secretary!reader.
genre: fluff, co-workers to ???
warnings: inspired by too sweet — hozier, english is not my first language !!
a/n: should i do a part two?? idk....
requests are currently open!
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y/n was everything aaron wished to have. her voice was sweet, with an almost instinctive affection, treating everyone with a tenderness like she was their new nanny.
y/n always had a smile when talking to someone; sometimes aaron thought how lucky y/n was not to see the horrors he saw.
aaron, in one way or another, always ended up with the same thought: he did this job so she could go to sleep without knowing what was outside her window at night.
five knocks on the door that sounded like a melody; aaron instantly knew who was behind it. even before giving permission, y/n had already entered.
"brought your coffee," the smile on her face was so angelic that it somehow turned aaron's stomach.
on the tray was a coffee cup along with eight sugar packets, the same amount of sugar y/n put in her own coffee.
aaron had almost unintentionally memorized how she took her coffee. eight sugar packets plus cream, so her mouth wouldn't taste the bitterness of the caffeine.
a smirk formed on his face as he watched y/n leave the tray on his table. it disappeared as aaron realized its presence.
aaron took one sugar packet and placed it in his drink; it was a shame the other seven would end up in the trash.
"lot of paperwork?" she asked, trying her best to engage in small talk.
"uh... yeah, something like that," aaron said, automatically punishing himself for his response. he couldn't believe how easily he forgot how to talk when he was around her.
y/n chuckled foolishly.
"i could help, you know? it's kind of my job," she said. "plus, then you could get home to jack earlier."
aaron couldn't help but blush; the fact that the first thought that crossed his mind was «y/n thinks about me» truly revealed his priorities.
aaron coughed, disguising his embarrassment. "i don't see it necessary."
y/n laughed. "you never see anything as necessary."
«not with you» he thought, «not when it's you. i never see anything else as necessary with you by my side.»
"you don't need to see... these kinds of things," aaron tried to say.
y/n just scoffed, "come on, i work at the fbi; i've seen worse things even if i didn't want to."
y/n carelessly took the folder from aaron's hands, not caring much about how the men in front of her was her boss.
aaron knew deep down y/n knew she was different; she wasn't dumb. she could see the change in attitude with others versus with her. and somehow, that was what scared him the most; that someone could see him, that y/n of all people could see him.
"the unsub used a bottle of whiskey to kill a woman?" y/n said disgusted.
"i told you it wasn't pretty."
y/n shook her head. "that's not what surprises me; what surprises me is why whiskey? that's the worst drink ever created."
aaron tried to suppress his laughter.
"weird way to view a brutal murder."
"what? don't you agree with me?" y/n asked disappointed. "whiskey is the worst drink."
"it's actually my favorite drink."
"you're sick," y/n said with enough disappointment in her voice. "first black coffee and now whiskey?"
aaron tried not to laugh.
"what's your favorite drink?" he asked.
"tea? i don't know," she said unsurely.
"i meant alcoholic."
"i don't drink alcohol."
aaron tried to feign surprise, but there was none in his system; it was expected of y/n.
"and you shouldn't either, honestly, alcohol makes you dumb," she said matter-of-factly.
aaron allowed himself to smile. "i prefer my whiskey and black coffee."
y/n smiled. "didn't expect you to change, honestly, maybe i'm too sweet."
"or maybe you're not too sweet, but you're just sweet enough for me."
y/n scoffed with a blush on her cheeks.
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serknighted · 1 year
Danse & Hancock's parallels are eating my sanity slowly so by God I will write them here
So. Usually incredibly shy about posting my feelings about characters and my interpretations of them, but I don't think I can sit idly by without addressing 1. how much I love this post about Danse and how his story ties back to the isolation and loneliness of autism, and 2. how much I need more content between Hancock & Danse to exist, because my god sometimes I forget they hate each other in-game. (I strongly suggest you read the post mentioned & linked, they do a fantastic job framing Danse in a way I don't think I could fully articulate)
Danse & Hancock both have stories filled with themes of intense loneliness. Despite their hard work, effort, and prowess in the things they love, it doesn't take good sight to realize that neither of them are very well liked. It's not that they aren't respected, but whether it's Danse's all-too-formal approach to speaking, or Hancock's combination of hard drug use & almost constant overbearing presence (on top of years of slander from bigger cities, but we'll get into that), people see them as a tool of success and a good asset to have around, but not much of a friend, so to speak. Especially in Hancock's case, many people he is overly-affectionate with are often more annoyed by his presence than anything else (even if they do like him).
For Hancock, despite how much he claims to not relate to the isolation of the common ghoul, he's likely over-exaggerating his charisma in an effort to make himself more easily approachable, mostly for his own peace of mind rather than for others. While he sounds quite passive about things many others would react strongly to, I feel it's a combination of him having replaced a layer of how he truly feels with an element of sass on top of the drug use that makes all the trauma more easily bearable (to mixed effect).
One of his lines that has always struck me as conflicting with how he portrays himself is a common generic line he has while traveling with Sole Survivor, praising them for "living out the day" when most others could not. Hancock has seen so many people die to the brutal hands of the Commonwealth; whether it be Vic and his boys gunning down innocent drifters, seeing people succumb to the elements, or, in this case, simply not surviving their travels with him, Hancock seems to have a track record of never properly establishing proper bonds with others before they either die, or decide he's too overbearing to deal with further. He's one of those characters who desperately wants to have a deeper connection with those he loves, but he has consistently lost the chance to do so before he was ever ready, and so he chooses to fill the void with meaningless sexual relationships and one-night stands- anything to make him temporarily forget how much he hates himself and his almost comical lack of social understanding. It's a train of thought that I, as an autistic person, can really understand and relate to-- the desire to know people, but always feeling like no matter how you portrayed yourself, no one seems to want to be around you if you don't provide them with what they desire. It's caused him to deeply undervalue both how much he's done for people (since he believes its expected of him to constantly bend over backwards for the needs of others), and himself, all at the same time.
I don't think Danse fully recognizes how lonely he feels, a lot. He's been so heavily indoctrinated by the Brotherhood of Steel into believing that this is how he should be treated, that his work is for the betterment of humanity, that his sacrifice is a necessary one. The way he speaks almost carelessly about late brothers and sisters in arms makes me think really hard about how rooted this idea of only existing for the "greater good" is. Individuality is questionable & almost taboo, being different is outright abominable. It's the reason why the rhetoric of "Us vs. Them" works-- the BoS as a collective believe that they are doing good for all of humanity, and any outlier to that "perfect" formula is a threat not only to the BoS, but to everything they know. Danse is expected to bend over backwards for people, and no longer questions his loneliness or isolation, as he has all but given up his sense of self for what he believes is right. Another thing that I and many of my autistic friends relate to; a sense of justice so strong that it's overpowering. Like us, Danse is willing to sacrifice anything to do what's right... including himself.
Knowing this, it's easy to understand why he hates Hancock, and that backwards mindset is the reason Hancock hates him. It's an especially vicious cycle that constantly feeds into itself if unchecked, and Hancock knows that he alone cannot convince Danse to break that cycle. Hancock knows he can't beat Danse in a fight; all he has are his words, and logic is useless against an enemy that heeds to no truths. Even after Danse discovers his true nature... you can't expect him to unravel the years of constant reassurance that what he was taught was right in a single night. "Rome wasn't built in a day," and no one gets over their trauma so quickly, either. It's traumatic to have an explanation as to why people hate you. A catch-all reason to people's fear and distaste to you, that is also something you can never, ever change. Danse would sooner hate himself for what he is than accept those he used to murder without a second thought. It's the difficult reality of anyone attempting to unlearn painful conservative narratives; the shame & guilt of hurting others that are more similar to you than you ever wanted to know is sometimes more painful than realizing what you really are.
Hancock, albeit not even close to "recovered" from his mental woes, is much further along the path of acceptance to Danse, but not far enough away that he wouldn't understand where Danse is coming from. For so long, he sat idly by and watched people get hurt, even during his time in Diamond City. The constant conditioning to accept other people's pain as long as it wasn't happening to you still eats at his consciousness; just like Danse, he knows it was wrong to accept it, but the guilt makes it harder to deal with. He, of all people, would understand what it feels like to try so, so hard to fit in, to be normal and accepted, but never quite hit the mark of understanding where he fits in society. That's the reason he is the way he is now; his signature, his "Hancock," is to be as loud and out-of-place as possible-- a constant rebellion against what people expect him to be, a rebellion of oppression and unfair treatment. Danse's sheer existence is an involuntary rebellion of all BoS values, and even if Hancock would be hesitant to become close to Danse for a long while, I think he would be impressed by him, in the end, and more importantly, understand where he's coming from.
Their combined interest in both protecting the people they care about as well as the collective societies those people come from, as well as how nerdy they both are about US history... I think, eventually, they will realize how similar their lives were, how similar they are to each other, and maybe even find some comfort in knowing that they aren't alone in all of the waves of shame, guilt, and loneliness. That there is an overarching group of people who understand them, and that they do have a place in this world. I think once they recognize that similar traumas can manifest in polar opposite conditions (ones that they used to have a narrow, black-and-white outlook on), they'll also find that there is no real reason to hate each other anymore; the world has told them that they must hate each other, but they no longer have any need to listen.
TL;DR autistic Danse & Hancock ftw
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i think Helaena can be autistic but also a happy and joyful girl , autism ≠ depression. the way the portrayed the only neurodivergent character on screen as unstable, shunned depressed, and with no importance to the plot feel very ableist and weird , but then they're the ones who made the guy with a foot disability a feet fetishist 🫠
Hi OP, finally answering this because the trailer dropped and still the only Helaena shots we have are from her Jaehaerys' funeral. There is also one still photo of her. If you haven't seen it, here she is, apparently sewing the funeral shroud for her little boy:
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So it seems like season 2 is going to continue on this trajectory for Helaena as a character who exists in order to suffer beautifully.
Don't get me wrong. I am glad that the show is going to wring the full emotional effect from Blood and Cheese, not just shock value. The audience will feel the real horror of a six year old child brutally murdered in his own home and the psychological torment of Helaena. It should be terrible, it should be devastating, and I hope they do not pull any punches.
What's disappointing about how the show has handled Helaena is that they didn't really put any effort into building up her character before her tragedy. It's all well and good that she likes bugs and she's touch averse, but what are her opinions? Who is she closest to? How did she react to becoming a mother so young? To what extent does she understand her visions? What does she value? She can be happy and cheerful, or she can be frustrated and angry, and hell, she can be depressed too, but I need to know why. It's telling that I can describe the basic internal motivations for each of the male children, including Luke who was a glorified plot device, but I cannot for Helaena. Aegon wants to feel loved, Jace wants to prove he's as worthy as any trueborn heir, Aemond wants what his brother has, Luke wants to be free from his family's expectations. Helaena? Fuck if I know. I guess she wants not to die horribly.
The ableism is an issue. F&B is full of women who were deemed "simple" -- Gael, Daella, Jaehaera-- without being given much else to define them, and HotD adds another (there's something, I think, to the way the "simple" Targaryens are always women and how disability kind of used as a way to remove them from the narrative and shunt them aside, often tragically). And while it's great to see an autistic person represented on screen, the show consistently has an issue with treating representation as characterization. "Autistic girl who likes bugs" is not a personality. Autistic people, (even those with horrifying prophesies I assume), do have hopes and dreams and feelings about things. The one peek we get into Helaena's life is at the in episode 8 when she roasts Aegon and even that scene is open to interpretation (and gets taken wildly out of context). Now, I can read a lot into the actor performances, but ultimately, lines that could have given a glimpse Helaena personality were cut. It's as if they're afraid that if they give her an opinion on anything she would lose that (frankly kind of infantilizing) "pure cinnamon roll too good for this world" "i would die for her" sympathy from people who are not inclined to be sympathetic for her family as a whole.
(And anon, you're right about Larys. And let me say, turning Larys' clubfoot into the punchline of an OnlyFeet joke also does not inspire confidence that they'll handle Aegon II's eventual disability with any sensitivity either, especially when Mushroom's accounts of his last few months are incredibly mean spirited. We need to start that discourse now so they get the memo).
Sadly, I don't think the show really has any intention of course correcting with Helaena in season 2. I imagine at most we'll have her try to warn Aegon and/or Aemond about Blood & Cheese but they won't understand her warning, and then this will be a vehicle to further their guilt and grief. And while we do need to see Aegon's guilt and his grief, I also want to know if Helaena blames herself, if she wishes they'd run away when they had the chance, if she thinks Aegon could have done something, if she is angry at Aemond for killing Luke, if she wants revenge. I do think, with the public funeral for Jaehaerys, they are going to show that the smallfolk are fond of Helaena, and hopefully that will be expanded upon this season and in season 3 because her death is the catalyst for the revolt that sees Rhaenyra driven from the city, and we should understand why her death has such an impact before she actually dies.
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eponastory · 7 months
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Alright let's break this silly argument down a bit shall we?
First off, yes, everyone in the Gaang has trauma. We know this, and we don't disregard that. We know that Sokka and Katara have trauma. We know Aang has guilt over what happens with the Air Nomads when he ran away. We know Toph has baggage because her parents kept her confined because of her disability. That's all been established.
Comparing trauma does not work in anyone's favor because it's different from person to person and the way that it's treated. Hell, there are FOUR types of PTSD and not all of them have to do with existential circumstances. Some of these types have nothing to do with being in a situation that causes panic.
But it's how we deal with our trauma that sets us on the path to healing.
In Katara's case, she had some pretty severe Survivors Guilt. Not necessarily PTSD, but it could be argued that she does have that. It changed her life irrevocably and that is something she had to deal with. She does get to deal with it in TSR but this leads to conflict between her and the group because there is this perception of her that isn't really her.
Sokka has to rise above his issues with being a non-bender and feeling left out. I also feel like he hides a lot behind his humor to deflect how he really feels about things. This is what happens when you have anxiety about meeting expectations. He has expectations he has to fulfill, and it never goes right. He's afraid of disappointing people he cares about and doesn't want to let them down. He isn't a failure, but when he does actually do something amazing, there is Imposter Syndrome. We don't see it much, but we do in NAtLA.
I'm not going to talk about Aang. I refuse.
Toph has been sheltered her whole life because she is blind. She is at home with herself, but she doesn't like anyone to do anything for her. She eventually learns that it's okay to have help when she needs it and that it's okay to have friends. (Not comparing trauma here, but she has the minor character arch out of all of them)
Zuko is... a lot to unpack. At the beginning, we know next to nothing about him except that he is the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, and he's hunting the Avatar to reclaim his 'honor'. He's hot-headed, but we never actually see him hurting anyone. He threatens, but he doesn't want to hurt people. That's the first sign that things aren't all they seem with Sifu Hotman. Throughout book one we get to know him a little better and see that he is Banished from home because of a 'misunderstanding' and he was also brutally abused by his own father. In the Netflix Adaptation it's more nuanced at how Ozai is playing his children against each other for his own benefit. It sucks but it's also good writing (some of the best writing is done with the characters of the Fire Nation) but anyway, we get an understanding of where Zuko's trauma comes from.
He has been emotionally abused by his narcissistic sociopath of a father because Zuko didn't have that 'spark' in his eyes at birth (not the entire reason but I'll get to that in a bit). Azula was the Prodigy, so Ozai put all his focus on to her. Then, his mother literally killed Azulon to save Zuko's life, but he doesn't find out until later. All of that plus the Agni Kai against his father is why he is so invested in finding the Avatar. Ozai seemingly took everything away from Zuko, but Zuko still loves his father and his people.
So why is he chasing the Avatar? Because he wants to go back to everything he knows. It's not just about getting back something that was never really taken away, it was all about getting back everything Ozai took from him.
Zuko never lost his honor, but he had everything else stripped from him and was humiliated for it.
He eventually grows through this and begins to heal himself with confronting Ozai on the Day of Black Sun. That was when he said 'fuck this shit I'm doing this my way' and that royally pisses Ozai off.
So if you don't like that our argument has better standing than yours, I suggest you go take some creative writing classes and learn about character development.
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kaisworlds · 11 months
smirky face emoji
tbh idek what this is its so bad too someone help this fucking wristers block in murdering me and my unborn kids
cw: ooc gaz 😥 kissing👹 jealous kyle🤘
no one would have expected the sergent to be the one getting dicked down by the new recruit but here they are.
its only been a few months since you joined the force, constantly flirting with everyone but of course keeping in professional. not noticing the eyes watching you as you shamelessly flirt with soap listening to the cheesey pick up lines you two use on each other.
however your favourite person to make subtle advances towards is definitely sergent kyle, you could tell he liked it by the way he avoids eye contact as his cheeks deepen in color telling you how unprofessional it is. you dont do it as much anymore actually worrying for the sake of your job with how much he asks threatens to report you even though it was always empty promises.
you notice how he has been picking on you more, making you run errands like a chore boy so you decide to confront him knocking on his office door waiting for the quiet hum before walking in and standing across the desk from him.
he looks up from his paper work raising an eyebrow "yes? do you need anything?" trying to sound somewhat intimidating ignoring the way his heart picks up pace by simply being alone with you.
"no disrespect sir but i feel as though i am being treated unfairly with the distribution of chores around the base and i would like to wonder why" eyes scanning over his face, watching as he goes to rub his stubble, something he does when he is nervous, usually being yelled at by the captain but its just you two why would he be nervous.
confusion dusts your brain until it all clicks
"holy shit youre jealous arent you" kyle's eyes widen as he blinks "excuse me? what are you getting at here" his accent pushing through brutally hoping he doesnt get caught up in his small crush for you or maybe a small (huge.) part of him wants you to like him back. "im saying youre jealous of the other people i've been flirting with...and maybe even angry at me since i stopped messin 'round with you yeah?" leaning forward onto the table, he cant help up stare at how your muscles are bulging out of your shirt sleeves before replying "and what if i am its got nothing to do with how much chores you do im not petty" he keeps his eyes to the pages scattered across his desk as he feels your presence lurking around the desk until he feels a hand coming from behind resting on his shoulder "if you liked me you couldve just told me kyle" your lips are so close to his ear if he turned his head-
he couldnt even finish his thought before he felt a hand on his cheek turning his face as you plant a kiss on his lips a quick one that has him slightly chasing your lips "you know for a sergeant you're pretty desperate...going as far as to put me through manual labor just to get back at me" he shys away guilt slightly taking over him "you're cute though" he huffs before chuckling its been years since anyone called him cute
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paragonrobits · 17 days
on a whim i looked up the Templin Institute (a worldbuilding-focused youtube channel I dropped because I was horrified at a video they made where they claimed that the Men of Tolkien's Legendarium aren't REALLY human because they're not vicious enough, cruel enough, or obsessed with war) and I was miffed to see that apparently since I dropped them they made a video arguing that everyone in the MCU should be living in constant fear and that it would be better to live in the universe of The Boys (because the super serum is qunaitifable) and Warhammer 40k (since in that one, everyone is a zealot who believes that the God-Emperor protects them and thinks that all aliens are inherently evil)
and it sort of illustrates a thing that... I don't think sci fi fandom or writing IN GENERAL is like, but it is enough of a common element to bother me, and its when people treat cruelty, systemic brutality or man's capacity for evil as an inherently positive aspect.
This ties into the video that caused me to drop them; the channel made the claim that the Rohirrim would have been doing better if they had been genocidal and brutally attacked anything different enough from them (in the sense of "maybe if they had killed all orcs on sight for being nonhuman, Rohan would be doing better"). and its like... why?
I honestly can't fathom why anyone would consider that a good thing, or even think that it SHOULD be expected to hate and fear anything different from you, and to got to the extreme that NOT being xenophobic by default is some kind of failing, or imply that not wanting to kill all other forms of life makes you different from humans, or that being more bloodthirsty or willing to hurt others is an advantage.
What, I can't help but wonder, is the appeal in lionizing the worst parts of ourselves?
You see a lot of this in sci fi, and i think its because a lot of those look at the factions involved as characters in their own right, so they don't really feel much when stuff like 'by performign x social policy, the Human Dominion allowed 42 percent of its people to starve to death on purpose' is considered a fairly neutral detail.
Mindless fanaticism is often prized in these settings, to the point where the most common fandom memes is numbing stuff like 'FOR THE EMPEROR' and 'PURGE THE XENOS'. quite literally stuff all about turning your brain off and being happy about being a murderous garbage-animal that acts like a walking personification of the 'maybe the people who say all humans are inherently evil animals and that it will be a blessing when we all die and no longer poison the universe with our cancerous capacity for evil' idea.
i find it really, REALLY fucking creepy when this stuff gets popular, and more to the point, when the idea of 'humans are naturally warriors/soldiers' becomes so prevalent that you have people hating the idea of some universe where we don't automatically try to kill things for not being like us. its just exhausting, and tedious and...
I don't know, but it doesn't really sound right with archaelogical evidence for us.
I'm thinking about how ancient graves from our own ancestors and our neanderthal cousins both have many signs of caring for the ill, the elderly and infirm. the remains of children with severe Down's syndrome who survived until at least five years old, well cared for by others. Lots and lots of bodies with healed fractures and broken legs, which means someone took care of them; a running animal, and a hunter, with a broken leg is a dead animal. A healed leg is someone who was taken care of.
I think about how on the island of Cyprus, they found an truly ancient burial. In it, they found the body of a long-dead human, and beside them, the body of a cat, laid to rest with ceremony and by all signs, love.
The burial is around 9,500 years old; almost ten thousand years ago.
This predates the first confirmed use of writing by at least 3000 years or so. 3000 years before the epic of gilgamesh became one of our first stories (a story, I note, about a king who grieves the death of a friend and desperately tries to find the secret to immortality, and in time makes peace with the inevitability of death, and becoming a story we still know today).
War goes back a long way; there's no mistake about that. But I think about how friendships and love for animals that loved us too, and long-dead people still showing the signs that people cared enough about them to keep them alive as long as possible, is probably much more integral to the concept of being human, or perhaps what it means to be a thinking entity at all, more than our capacity to hurt each other.
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sharonccrter · 3 months
Do you think there’s still a way they can fully redeem Lestat’s character for those viewers that don’t get past 1x05? I’ve never read the books so it kinda annoyed me that they would add a scene like this and potentially ruin the future of the character without it even being canon. I felt there was a chance they could have retconned it as a memory manipulation or something (I was fully expecting the memory to be a mesh of what Armand did to Lestat in the books (presumably??)) but that’s not gonna happen now.
Tbh it doesn’t bother me personally, I loved the apology scene and that it was clearly shown as something inexcusable and Lestat himself acknowledges it, but im not sure if it’s enough.
Another thing that I think the writers were trying to portray but some people aren’t really seeing is that Louis is a bit of a hypocrite. He attacks Lestat pretty brutally for putting hands on Claudia, but he himself does it later in the show. And then he excuses Armand for threatening Claudia and also doing the exact same thing?? But a lot of the audience won’t see those things as wrong because of how graphic and horrible that drop scene was in comparison (Which it totally was, it’s just that the writers don’t seem to see that they’re not comparable?).
On the other hand, I like Lestat being a complex character. There’s a lot they can do in s3 with his back story (I. e. Cycles of abuse with his father and maker that they hinted at). But I feel like there’s a big portion of the audience that won’t be accepting of it.
Basically I feel like the writers are a bit out of touch with their audience and how they’re writing is perceived, which is worrisome going forward😬
Sigh. This turned into a a word vomit and I apologize lmao but I was curious on your take
Eh, some people will never get over it, and that's their loss; in my opinion, they haven't ruined anything about Lestat's character. Yes, the scene was not in the book, but I understand why they did it, even if I'm not in love with the idea. It was for shock value but also to give Lestat more of an 'arc'.
I think it comes down to the fact that none of the characters are good people, Lestat has always been a deeply morally grey character who's done fucked up things, but he's such a compelling and exciting character that Anne Rice literally made him the main character and wrote 14 books from his POV.
She never claimed he was a good person, but he is a good character to write and read about. And yes, while I don't excuse Lestat's actions towards Louis. I do agree it's hypocritical for fans to say, "Louis was justified to act violently to Lestat because he laid hands on Claudia," when Louis has also laid hands on Claudia himself. Not to mention, Louis sat back and let Armand treat Claudia badly, and when she called him out, he had the audacity to say, "That doesn't sound like him."
Louis has always centred himself as the victim of the story. He even admits in episode 2x07 that he made himself more passive in the telling of how Claudia was made. Because he wasn't ready to face the bad shit he's done, and that's Louis's whole freaking character. I have to be honest here, Anon. I hated Louis in book 1; I do love him in the show because Jacob Anderson has done a fantastic job, but sometimes I just meh about the character.
If Lestat has a lot to atone for, and he does, he's not a good person, then Louis has a lot to atone for, too. I mean, hell, I even love Armand, the messy bitch that he is, because they're all bad people; that's literally point. And Yes, some people may not be able to get past 1x05, and hey, I do think there is still more to the story since Sam and the writers hinted at it being revisited in S3; but that's their problem.
I don't think the writers are out of touch; I think media literacy is dead, and people just don't know how to have fucking fun anymore. They also clearly don't understand what gothic horror is. But honestly, anon, I'm reaching the point where I don't care. They can either get on board or get off the train.
Also never apologise for sending long anons, happy to chat as long as you like :)
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mdhwrites · 11 months
My Biggest Problem With TOH Fight Scenes
So first I just want to say that for as much as people laud TOH's animations... Its fights aren't good. I'm not saying they're poorly animated but as fights, they're not interesting. There's rarely much in the way of back and forth, the choreography is just okay, it usually is really floaty and slow, in part due to how TOH does its bigger budget animation. Some of the ones counted as fight scenes really shouldn't as Grom would be the best fight scene of the series... But it's not. It's really just a small dance routine without the opponent involved and then a super move and that's not a fight. It's much closer to a curbstomp if anything, especially with how powerless the leads are before then.
But all of those explain why TOH's fights are kind of lackluster and how that fuels a general feeling that TOH just isn't a very good adventure series which is kind of rough for an adventure/comedy series. No, my biggest issue, and part of why Covention is easily the best fight in the series to me (Eclipse Lake is second and the rest are... There at best) is a lack of personality to these fights. A lack of a personal touch that should make them more memorable. Feel like who is fighting matters beyond skill set, especially in a show with magic.
But what do I mean by personality? After all, in a fight your goal is to beat the opponent. Where is the room for personality? If you're asking that then WOW where have you been to have missed the Superhero boom of the last decade? Then again, plenty of those movies fuck this up too. It's effectively how you make sure Spider-Man punching someone feels different from Captain America punching someone. Through body language, how they treat the fight, the creative ways they get the opening to land their blow, etc. like that. More straightforward thinking people will use more brute force while smarter characters will use their environment to their advantage and silly characters may use jokes and the like both for amusement and distraction. How brutal are they in taking down their opponent, do they hold back, etc. etc.
In TOH though... Everyone just brute forces everything with maximum power all the time. My go to example of this is how smart, studious Amity's go to weapon in S2, all of S2, was an abomination fist. Despite having the second most versatile and expressive type of magic in the show, Amity decides to always go for just punching a bitch or literally throwing a fist (or she's not actually really a part of the fight). Why? What part of her character, besides the asinine element of her once being a Grudgby Captain, would make you expect her to be some sort of brawler? To want to get up close and personal with her very own fists? She should be summoning minions, setting traps, ensnaring and debilitating her opponents... And instead she keeps punching people or using the gauntlet as a projectile which isn't even used as a joke for "I cast Fist" which would at least lightly play into her being a nerd even if that's much more a line that should come from Luz.
But even worse is Gus actually. He's not a part of a lot of fights but when he is, how does he use illusions? Literally the most expressive magic there is in almost any setting? The coven that does magic with pizzazz as he puts it? With basic ass clones that aren't even in silly poses or costumes, darkness and mind jacking. The one time he actually makes an illusion to use as an illusion in a fight is very tenuously Looking Glass Ruins. Even then, it's not as a distraction or the like or even coded to who Gus is as a character for the most part. It's more of a trap/set piece than any sort of fight and the level of horror it goes to feels honestly out of character for the most light hearted comedy character in the show. Otherwise though... Where's the pizzazz?
It makes most of the fights in TOH just blend together. It makes the magic feel like everyone is just using energy blasts and vines. I mean even Willow always goes for the most aggressive, brutal approach she can to put down a threat with as many vines as possible. Why? Why does she behave, even when calm, much closer to how you might expect Hunter to since he's actually trained to kill and fight?
None of this is helped either by the fact that I think the first monster Belos fight is really the only one that actually has talking during the fight. Every other fight, the characters entirely shut up until there's a pause in the action. That may be more realistic but it still implies that none of these characters are afraid or panicking or coordinating or anything like that. Even during the ones I can genuinely recall, it's always the villain who speaks. The heroes are too busy just trying to destroy the threat to say anything. It makes how short the fights are a weird sort of blessing because hey! Now the actual story and characterization can continue instead of having a pointless, fluff piece of a fight going on.
So now they don't just feel floaty, they don't have narrative weight either. None of them are a clash of ideas because that only happens once there's a victor. That's less interesting than letting what's being said also follow the eb and flow of the combat itself. It's probably part of why TOH's longest fight is like a minute long.
Then again, if I want good fights then I could just go watch Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because they have throwaway fights that are better animated, better choreographed and have better personality than either TOH's or Amphibia's best fights. Like seriously: If you've seen clips of that show's big ticket fights, I promise you that it's not a once a season occurrence that they have a great fight. That show is incredible with how silly and fun and GORGEOUS its animation is and I still want to know how the fuck they did that on a tv show budget.
But TOH's fights? I can absolutely see how they were done with a tv show's budget and they don't lean into character or creativity enough to make up for that.
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I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
Request: Alejandro x F/Reader.
Idea: the reader is a newcomer who recently joined the Vaqueros, she has difficulties with Spanish and spends more time alone, but Alejandro stays close to her and the two begin to have a relationship in secret.
La carta
Alejandro Vargas x female reader
Thank you so much for this request Anon! The story is short, but sweet. Spanish is rather difficult for many people, including myself (switched to Swedish). Enjoy!
Spanish was translated by using google translate. Somethings may be incorrect.
I wasn’t feeling this story, but it was in my WIPs and I needed to get it out.
Warnings: none, slight angst
When you first arrived at the base, you didn’t know what to expect. Obviously, you knew that a lot of Spanish was spoken. Coming from an area of your own hometown. In the states, where Spanish isn’t as spoken quite heavily as it is here, you were not as familiar with the dialect or the lingo. On some days, it was rather trickier than others, depending on who was speaking it could very between understanding common simple phrases to something more complex. This often lead you to get very frustrated. None of the people who you were talking to but at yourself. Oh sure you had the apps on your phone to help do what you can to translate the words that were being said and you also did lessons as well to help, but it didn’t seem like there was any improvement.
People told you that going to a country would help you understand the language better, but it only seems to cause more chaos than anything else. Sometimes it was just better to sit in your own room as soon as a job is done and to try to converse with everyone at the mess hall.
Alejandro had watched your behavior from the moment you arrived on base to help out too now. He was also very perceptive on you seeing that you were doing your best to engage yourself in whatever conversation was going on. But he also saw the struggle that you were having with connecting with the other soldiers. Some of the soldiers had also taken up the liking at light teasing on your behalf, knowing that you couldn’t understand the language. Whenever Alejandro heard this immediately put an end to it, which made them shut up immediately.
It was one of those particular days where you were sitting by yourself, enjoying your meal, while a small group of other soldiers were sitting a table away, gossiping about you. Alejandro usually likes to mingle with his own crew so walking around he noticed a small group before approaching them and giving them a hard look. “ so tell me why are we picking on her again?”
As soon as he spoke, they immediately shut up and looked down at their half eaten food. “ Sorry Sir it won’t happen again.”
“It better not and if I catch you doing it again there will be consequences”
Alejandro hated seeing people be brutal to one another, especially on his team. He picked the very best of the best and he was not about ready to have his own crew tarnish the name with another group. You had volunteered to come in to help. He decided to move over to where you were, and to sit down from you. “ I hope the special forces have been treating you well.” he looked at you.
“Oh, yes, sir! They’ve been, for the most part, decent. Still having a hard time understanding everyone though.” You gave a nervous chuckle as you continued on poking at your food, not knowing what to do in the presence of the commander. “ yes, that must be rather difficult…. If you wish I could potentially help you with some of the lingo around I understand that it can be rather difficult.” he smiled at her.
“ I would really appreciate it, sir but you don’t have to spend your time wasting it on me. Honestly, I can figure it out on my own.”
“Nonsense! You would not be wasting my time maybe after lunch you can head to my office and I can give you some documents to look over and you can do your best to decipher them” Alejandro wanted to help this new recruit. It felt odd for you. You were so used to doing things without the need our help with the commanding officer. You’re always told to do and to figure things out by yourself as that builds character. This new approach of somebody helping you was unique.
“Then sir, I will be more than happy to see you after lunch” you smile as he got up to continue his rounds.
“ good! See you around two?”
“yes, sir.” You nodded.
“ all right then, enjoy your meal” and once again, Alejandro carried on with talking with the other staff and soldiers.
It was around two when you finally were able to make it to his office. He brushed off any invisible dirt that was on your uniform before knocking on the door.
“Come in” his voice muffled from the wall.
You open the door and stepped into his office. It was a clean space with a large wooden desk with the Mexican flag pinned to the wall. A few small trophies and medals hung on their placards but overall it was pretty scarce. Not much to give away than any other desk or office that was on base. The name plaque was the only real thing that separated him from the others, with the golden letters spelling Colonel Alejandro Vargas.
You sat down on the chair across from him and waited for him to speak. Alejandro was reading some papers before handing them to her. “Can you read this?” He asked, allowing her to see what was written.
You shook your head, “no sir, I see a few words I’m familiar with but full sentences.”
He hummed “Ok then, let’s start with the basics… Hola, como estas?” He asked.
You smiled “that means hello, how are you.”
“¡Muy bien!” He smiled “now when you want to respond, you can say, Estoy bien, witch means I am good. Or Estoy mal, witch means I am bad witch can be used for in place of not feeling good.”
“Ok.” You took mental note.
As it to begin building a closer and closer, with Alejandro, helping her with her Spanish, practicing at least two hours a day, the two begin to develop a very close relationship. There was talk amongst the other staff about how close the two were, but most were pretty much shut up by Rudy. He was the only one who knew how close the colonel was attached to this new girl.
You were sitting in your dorm. You knew where the relationship was going. You had a suspicion for a while, that Alejandro was potentially showing.
Sighing, she got up and walked to the mess hall. A place, especially during this night would allow her to think. Most people were asleep, so it was quiet. Just as she was sitting down, a figure appeared. “Hola mi querida ¿Despierta tan tarde?” The figure, by now was recognized as Alejandro, asked as he was making his nightly rounds from his office to his own quarters. “Oh- sorry sir you startled me.”
“My dear… you know you don’t need to call me that.”
“I know…” you sighed “someone is going to catch us… this is getting dangerous Ale”
Without second thought, Alejandro hugged her. “My love, I won’t let them find out.”
“It takes one word… then it’s over for both of us.” Tears formed on your eyes.
Alejandro gently kissed her and cupped her cheek. “Trust me, my dove”
“I do but… I worry.” You sighed.
“ Listen just go to bed everything will be all right” he continued on rocking her in his arms.
After a few minutes of them, just being together, she separated yourself “good night Alejandro”
“Good night mi corazón” he responded sweetly as he let her go.
You made your way back to your bedroom. There was a plan in mind. You couldn’t be here you couldn’t risk hurting both of you and Alejandro’s reputation. You had given Rudy a letter to give to Alejandro in the morning.
In the morning, Rudy delivered the letter to his friend and Colonel. Alejandra open the letter, and it read: “ To my Love, i’m so sorry to do this. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn’t know how I know this is going to break your heart and our trust but I feel like this is the best option. I got called to work in another division. I know this is very painful for both of us just as our relationship was starting…. But because I love you so much I didn’t want you to suffer. Our relationship was very risky and I didn’t want us to suffer from it. I love you so much Ale… please remember that. Love, (y/n)”
Alejandro closed the letter and stared outside. Love was hard, he knew that… he wished he had done things differently, maybe then she would have stayed. Maybe he could find her, but for now he needed to be by himself.
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countlessofvoids · 5 days
Talking about/analyzing the warlords is pretty much meaningless since they're kind of a nothing characters but I'll do it anyways:
Firstly, I feel like three of them is too much. With Grimmel, that makes four antagonists in one movie. Of course it's not impossible to write all four well - but with other things the film focuses on such as The Hidden World and the fury romance - even with enough screentime, one of them is bound to be underdeveloped.
I've seen people say there's no reason for them to exist at all. I disagree, I think removing them is arguably worse. They are Drago's allies, him being defeated puts a dent in their plans and makes Hiccup a threat in need of elimination. They have a reason to be there. Defeating Drago should have consequences; building all this up then having no sign of it in the next installment - while the villain is a hunter with zero connection to anything - doesn't make sense for the worldbuilding and would be a backwards progression.
Another thing is the personalities given to these characters. I do like how even though with their limited screentime and depth, we can see they all have their own, unique personality rather than everyone being the same angry brutes. But do said characteristics make sense for their role?
Chaghatai Khan is who I consider the best fit for his job. He's smartest of the three, calm and collected. Unlike Griselda, he doesn't let his frustrations with Grimmel get to him. He seems to know when someone's useful and when they need elimination. All the attributes you need for a succesfull leader are present.
Griselda is what you'd expect from this character archetype. Quick to anger, doesn't respect failure, harsh and a ruthless fighter. I don't think Griselda's dumb, but with how easily irritated she gets, she'd probably start few extra conflicts on her own if it wasn't for Chaghatai stopping her. I kinda wish there was more of her interactions with Grimmel, the tiny bit of their dynamic that we did get sparked some interest in me.
Ragnar makes the absolute least sense to me. He's shown to be cheerful, a bit of a coward and even childish. Not the personality I'd write for this character trope. You're telling me he raided villages, possibly enslaved both people and dragons, build an army and went on a succesfull conquest so barbaric it earned him rank of a warlord? An explanation for this could be him being in a nepo baby situation. But we can't really speculate on that, since there are no canon implications for it.
Now I don't wanna sound like a snob who thinks they know better than THW's writers, because I definetly don't. So feel free to ignore this part. Personaly to avoid having characters who are/should be important to the plot then end up with no development or arc whatsoever, I'd either:
A) Get rid of one or two warlords, making the cast less bloated - which means there are less characters to focus on, allowing more exploration for the remaining antagonists.
B) Have one of them takes on a role akin to Drago. Whoever that would be stays a warlord and becomes the driving force of conflict, meanwhile the other two are reduced to generals. Grimmel has a role similiar to Eret, as in he's under the warlord's command. This way it's clearer that he works for them and is not a warlord himself. You know, instead of like in the movie where he just walks in and bosses everyone around like he's been their leader all along. Seriously, why were the supposed brutal conquerers letting him treat them like insignificant soldiers while they're just standing around pouting?
C) Remove the trio entirely and leave only Grimmel. Either he's a warlord who disguised himself as a hunter, or he used to be a hunter who then became a warlord. Why am I insisting on not keeping him just as a hunter? Like I mentioned above; to me, going from armies and wars to simpler dragon hunters feels backwards.
So in conclusion: The Warlords should've been given a lot more importance to the plot because they have connections to the previous film's antagonist and I believe both them being empty characters and not existing at all is a waste. Think of the possibilities that could've been done with them, like making them pararells to Hiccup's friends/family.
(Feel free to correct me if I got any information wrong!)
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[Clink! The man perks up as he hears the door begin to unlock after what felt like hours of deafening silence, at least back at home when things were quiet he could throw on some music and have it defy the loudness of the silence, but here all he could hear was himself. He tried to remain calm as he watched the surprisingly short man enter, his ears and hair just how he saw on stream. His voice filling the silence as he approaches, trying to keep focused on his face but the cigarettes quickly gaining more of his attention he gracious accepts the one placed in his mouth, savouring his first inhale, inhaling more as the smoke emanating from the Fox’s own cigarette blows over his face, clearly someone who has been itching for this relief.]
eh- i wasnt expecting them to bring me here on a silk pillow and a private jet. that shitty old van needs some new suspension by the way, i could feel every single bump on the way in, it was almost worse than when your bigger guy hit me right in the eye! i hope he wasnt two heart broken with the jab i landed on his gut, heard him coughing a little on the ride here.
[He snickers after his rambling and takes another drag from his cigarette, taking a moment in the silence to eye up the Fox, appreciating some of the smaller details even the camera couldn’t pick up, like a faded scar or some of the aging of his skin, textured tastefully from years of existence.]
yknow, i really appreciate this though. i get it and expected it, you cant treat me too well. but i guess my surrender deserved a little something.. hopefully if i can perform as well as some of your regulars maybe this little exchange can repeat.. maybe a burn per cigarette i know your fans just love burns…
[He rolls up one of his sleeves to reveal a small assortment of round burns, some scarred and some fresher than the rest, on the underside of his arm, turning it slightly to be seen by the Fox.]
wouldnt be anything too new to me!
[Another drag of his cigarette leaves his lips, his finally burnt nearly to the butt with a small ember left, he looks down to his arm and swiftly extinguishes what was left of it onto his arm, letting out a soft hiss as it goes out, leaving a raw red divet where it was shoved.]
guess im not feeling too bad, definitely better now after your gift. im pretty eager to get on camera, honestly its going to be different being on the other side of the screen. never thought id actually do it but uh hey were here now arent we? im glad your excited for it! wouldnt be much of a stream without your enthusiasm would it? sounds like youve already began cooking up a little in your head? do i get a heads up on the plans or am i going into the first round blind?
[He looks up at the Fox, watching his tail sway and ears perk as he listens. Trying to keep a relaxed demeanour as the Fox’s aura fills the room.]
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[Fox rose an eyebrow at the comment about the van, he wasn’t very knowledgeable in machinery, especially when it came to vehicles, he usually let Kangaroo deal with that. Nonetheless, he nodded his head at the other man’s comment.]
New suspension, eh? I’ll bring that up with Kangaroo later. I don’t do the machine work around here anyways.
[The beastkin grinned when he heard that the other punched one of his men in the gut, it did explain why one of them was nearly coughing up a lung when they returned with him. He loves when his new stars put up a fight. It’s more fun.]
Ooo!~ I see you like put up a fight, eh? That’ll be exciting.
[Fox was about to talk about how he has multiple different methods of giving people burns, some more brutal then others, but seeing the random man he kidnapped casually roll up his sleeve to reveal his cigarettes burn scars and put another one out on himself like was a human ashtray nearly made the older man’s jaw drop. Oh, he got LUCKY. The man’s words started falling on deaf ears as Fox processed what he just witnessed, his legs shifting around a bit to hide…something.]
Oh? Um. Uh…y-yes. I have SEVERAL ideas in mind for you, little pet.
[Fox then smirked sinisterly as he saw he was at the butt of his own cigarette now, he then, without warning, quickly gripped onto the others still exposed arm with his free hand and used the other to press the somewhat still lit butt into his arm, pushing it nice and deep into his flesh so it’ll hurt worse.]
Feel good, darling?~ This is one of the MANY things I’m going to do to you on stream. <3
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Ryuu behaving like a sweet himbo for his darling makes it so easy to forget that he's 1) a yandere and 2) brutal y'know because of his occupation. What's his sadistic side like? Is he subtle or does he go to darling expecting praise? Or on the flip side, what about a darling who showers him with unconditional love but definitely uses his muscle against people who've wrong them?
a/n: thank you for your interest in ryuu! im sure he appreciates it! but yes, he's kind of a wild one loool i do a lil explainy thing in the beginning but you'll read a lil cute drabble at the end so i think it's worth
warning: mentions of crimes and murder? thatse it lol, implied decapitation i guess, also blood lol
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
Ryuu's sadistic side isn't an exact opposite of how he is normally. He's always a himbo, through and through. It's probably why so many people are so terrified of him. He approaches disgusting things like killing people and torturing people with a sort of childlike glee? There's definitely a sort of unhinged-ness to it, for sure.
And he has just about the highest pain tolerance among anyone in Lovelock. He's the type to be hit full force with a bat and then just shrug it off. He also doesn't even drop when he gets tazed (though he does shake a good bit). He's basically an unstoppable killing machine LOL and sometimes it unnerves even his closest coworkers.
Thankfully, his darling never has to see any of that. His darling is his most important person and, though he doesn't think there's anything wrong with how he does his 'work', he wants to keep his love life and that shit completely separate. He's not sure why but he knows that side of his life terrifies people and makes them run to the hills and he doesn't want that to happen with his darling. It's very much 'he doesn't think it's wrong but he knows other people don't like it' kind of thing?
The only caveat to that though is that Ryuu would only be willing to do it if he also thinks darling is willing to do the same (or around the same if darling isn't willing to kill) for him. Despite his himbo tendencies, Ryuu can be really perceptive when people are taking advantage of him without caring for his wellbeing. He'd grown up with his parents using him and then several other people used him after that too. He's learned from his mistakes.
It's entirely a different thing when it comes to his darling ordering him though. It only happens when Ryuu finds it in him to trust that darling won't run away or darling finds out about that part of his life themselves. Either way, it's definitely taking the next step in a relationship with Ryuu. And letting them in like that means that he really can trust his darling completely, fully, wholly.
A darling that can control him like that will be a powerhouse in Lovelock because Ryuu really is that unstoppable. He's like a zombie LOL he can take bullets like it's nothing. All darling really has to do is bat their eyelashes and ask nicely. Ryuu is way too willing to do unspeakable things to people just because darling asked.
The only reason Dreamy Creamery has earned his loyalty is because he knows how nicely the leader treats her underlings. Yeah, he 'works' for money but also he realised along the way that he wanted to work for people he kind of sort of cared about.
So, a darling that only wants him as a weapon and nothing else is not appealing. That doesn't mean he won't be yandere for them, of course. But a darling like that would have a hard time 'controlling' him.
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Ryuu pressed his hand a bit more firmly against the bullet hole in his side. It didn't feel like anything but that didn't change the fact that bleeding out would've been bad.
Also, he knew how much you hated it when he made a mess.
As he approached the truck, he saw the passenger side open and your legs dangle out. Like a dog to a bone, he scrambled to you, desperate for you to praise him.
Though he felt no pain, running to you made him stumble and he fell to his knees right to you.
He couldn't help but think it appropriate.
"I did it." Was all he could say, hand still pressed against his injury but his free hand reached for you, desperate for your touch.
You slapped his hand away and, finally, Ryuu felt pain. He whimpered, pulling his hand to his chest, his enamoured expression shifting to one of worry and anxiety.
"What did I say." You asked him sternly, a frown marring your beautiful face.
Though, marring might've been wrong. You were still so gorgeous despite the fact that you were looking at Ryuu like he was the shit on your shoe.
"Y-You told me. You told me that man was bothering you. I killed him!" The distressed expression gave way to one of blood lust and glee "He won't bother you anymore, darling! Not after I disconnected his stupid fucking head from his disgusting--"
You gripped his face in your hand, shutting him up immediately. He reveled in the way your fingers dug into his cheeks, enjoyed the way you made him look you straight in the eye.
"I told you not to get injured." You told him sternly, the disappointment evident in your voice "I don't give a shit about that man. I just want you to come back unscathed. Didn't I make that clear?"
Usually, your disappointment broke Ryuu's heart. Usually, he didn't like disappointing you at all. Right now though? He felt his heart flutter wildly in his chest.
Instead of answering you properly, Ryuu's hand moved from his bullet hole to your cheek, cupping your face and pulling you close to him.
Despite the smear of blood against your skin, you allowed him to guide you to him, your lips pressing against his in a messy searing kiss.
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