#like..... wait this whole time we were dwelling in an AU?
katyspersonal · 1 year
Small crisis regarding my former mariadeline impression
This post is basically just:
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But I kinda need to put my thoughts here
I've been thinking recently back on my days when I still saw Gehrman as a ‘creep’, and it was a point in Maria’s story that she hated herself for feeling attracted to Adeline who WAS below in a status. In that version, she was deeply concerned of taking advantage of her authority - because she subconsciously projected, and sort of saw Gehrman in herself. Been long ago, but after I revisited the lore bit that triggered it, I was hit back with just how many layers have to be undone to get to mariadeline ship being fulfilling and happy. We have the fact that Adeline still addresses Maria as superior ('lady' in localisation, '-sama' in original, sama is used to politely, formally address ones of higher rank). The subordination was probably never broken in canon!
Also, Maria didn't want Adeline to become a Blood Saint but Adeline wasn't convinced, most likely out of her pursuit to be someone meaningful - "grooming" of Blood Saints isn't canon, in Japanese original it says that they merely were prepared physically, to produce unique blood within their body, so that certainly allows there to be willing, conscious ones. I feel like Maria would have a huge weight of guilt for failing to convince her that she didn't need to put herself through this.
But things also get soooo much worse around Research Hall, because Maria is associated with the reason why these experiments are a thing to BEGIN with! Yes, evolution is nice and all, but patients are writhing in pain and beg for it to end. That meant Adeline too - not only she mutated horribly and Maria was no longer able to see her beautiful face, but also Adeline is restrained with more belts than any of the other patients, and then additionally restrained to the chair. She must have had it extremely hard if they had to put extra effort in holding her still... My guess is that Adeline was going too rabid when devoid of brain fluid for too long. And Maria had to watch her go through this, mutating physically and forgetting her worth psychologically. But who knows, what if none of that had happened if Maria didn't "help" with Fishing Hamlet? Someone who took her own life over a collective crime strikes me as someone more prone to blame herself, ALL herself, rather than sharing guilt. She did not come after throats of Willem and Gehrman for initiating Fishing Hamlet massacre, despite the fact that the leaders are probably more guilty than the followers, you know...?
I wonder if the real reason Maria went nonverbal with Adeline (Adeline being accustomed to her walking in without a word, Maria giving her the balcony key without explanation since Adeline still thinks it is "a charm" when we meet her) was not shyness but anxiety. Maybe she felt like she didn't even dare to touch her, maybe she was not able to start talking to her without crying - and she needed to hold it back. She wanted to stay strong and worthy of Adeline’s respect, even if she probably didn’t deserve it.... But Adeline deserved someone to admire, rather than the gods that only make people feel small.
I mean, the status imbalance itself is already a very fat hint that they never got official and whatever was there from one or both of them probably lingered in the status of unresolved romantic tension until the end. The fact that Adeline still sees Maria as her superior even as a patient effectively hints that it was still the case back then - so as a Blood Saint, and before that. Basically, the only time in canon they COULD have been in true relationship is during Research Hall events, but I think the setting full of pain, misery, fear, insanity, body horror and death was uhhh... not very favourable for happy fluffy love to bloom. Adeline was going way too caught up into Eldrich truth to care about something as human - an requiring her humanity - as normal relationship, and Maria, the one who would care enough to pull her back, failed to do so at least two times by now.
So yeah, all in all I briefly addressed that mariadeline probably never came to fruition in canon, then I forgot all about it and got sold on happy portrayal of the ship within fandom, but now I am thinking back on it and considering even more nuances. I’ve just grown so used to take this ship as a given that it does feel like a slight crisis to realise that they probably never dated? There is a possibility though; Nightmare features a hunter version of Maria, that she forsaken in “reality”, ie Nightmare dials back into troubled and painful past. So maybe it dialed Adeline back TOO - to her more desperate, tormented state as a patient, when she still wasn’t Maria’s girlfriend too; when in “reality” she DID, in fact, feel better about herself and the women got to be happy witch each other for just brief time... Again, past Adeline already being a mutant. Like, odds are, all stuff depicting mariadeline happy and established when Adeline was a Blood Saint, or before so, or a patient that still looked human is an AU? Because it is not filling blank spaces, but contradicting canon? It is just that... I was not THINKING about it this way much? That so many things we just assume and take without questioning in fiction actually are rather different in reality?
I am probably becoming very old like I said before, but it is even strange how we as fans can look at two characters caring about each other and instantly jump into fluffiest, most shippy interpretation, forgetting the nuances. Like... dear god, this ship has so many underwater rocks (no pun intended).
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k4zushi · 4 months
ft. alhaitham, heizou, and gaming
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status : unedited, written 2/17/24 ☆ word count : 1.1k
summary : heartache comes in many forms; influenced by small things that can lead to the worst case scenario.
cw : alhaitham x reader, heizou x reader, gaming x reader, angst, established relationships, modern au, college au ( alhaitham ), highschool sweethearts ( heizou ), childhood friends to lovers to exs ( gaming ), parental issues ( alhaitham )
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in truth, fault for the falling out wasn’t either of yours.
it was something that the both of you had considered upon finding out that the feelings you had for each other were mutual, but instead of being cautious like you should have been, you dove in head first; paying no mind to the consequences that would follow.
alhaitham has always been a bit stubborn and headstrong but so were you.
you learned how to love from your parents and the love that was taught to you was hard and unforgiving.
even after acknowledging it as something to fix, you still struggled to undo the damage done.
it was a miracle you and him had lasted as long as you did when neither wanted to shift their stance to accommodate the other.
this proved especially difficult when you’d fight.
those fights were filled with the exchanging of passive aggressive jabs and unwillingness to compromise.
they were were always born out of a small misunderstanding or lapse in judgement, except neither of you would admit you were in the wrong, always quick to blame each other.
this wasn’t how it always was though.
while alhaitham was stubborn, he did care about you; more than he was willing to admit out loud.
he showed his love in ways other than words with his primary choice being acts of service.
just small things here and there like washing the dishes if you had a lecture right after lunch or waiting for you while you closed up for the night at the cafe you worked at so that he could drive the two of you back home.
and if you had a fight, he refused to sleep until you had begrudgingly made up with one another.
he knew you better than you knew yourself and vice versa. he knew the things that made you upset, the things that made you sigh with content, and most importantly, the things that made you smile.
it didn’t matter how many times you had fought with one another over petty issues, he was always the one you went home to at the end of the day.
you loved him regardless of his flaws and as did he. your life without him would be like a life without basic human needs; like he had replaced your lungs need for air.
and yet when 4 dreaded words left his mouth, everything came to a screeching halt.
“we should break up”
the whole world seemed to go quiet as the words echoed through your shared apartment.
that day you learned that love, no matter how strong it was, wasn’t enough to keep a relationship from falling apart.
you had anticipated this, you knew this was coming…
so why did it hurt so much?
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there’s always that saying people haphazardly throw about, the one that goes “you’ll always remember your first love” and your situation was no exception to that.
shikanoin heizou was a charming boy who never failed to sweep you off your feet.
days with him were filled with soft, fleeting glances and bright eyed curiosity of what was to come.
hands interlocked and fingers intertwined on after school walks as the sun laid to rest across the horizon; the very epitome of sweet, innocent, childish adolescence.
memories you look back on that leave a bittersweet aftertaste on the tip of your tongue because those times were far gone.
maybe there were things that were better left unsaid and maybe there were things that should’ve been addressed but what good is it to dwell on the past?
funny how someone you had no doubts on spending the rest of your life with can slip out of your reach in mere moments.
you tried to forget him; forget about heizou and forget about your discarded future together but it became apparent that all of it proved useless with every failed attempt at love.
you learned very quickly that there was no chance anyone could replace him and fill the empty void in your chest.
you even found yourself comparing your suitors to heizou and during those moments, you’d have to snap yourself out of your daze to tell yourself he wasn’t in your life anymore.
even with the similarities, it didn’t matter how many nice qualities or how good of a person they were, you just couldn’t reciprocate.
so you were forced to move on, forced to live life with countless regrets, and forced to survive without the person who you wholeheartedly believed completed your soul.
because your heart belonged to one person and when he left, he took it with him.
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long distance breaks the strongest of bonds and it hurt to let him go but the last thing you wanted was to tether him to you.
you had made the bold decision in your last year of high school to go abroad for college and many things proved difficult because of this decision.
the move from the heart of liyue to the capital of fontaine was no small feat and adjusting to the culture and environment was even harder than you imagined.
everything about fontaine was different from liyue and you often found yourself craving for comfort dishes after a rough day but weren’t able to make them due to a lack of ingredients local to the liyue region.
but despite everything, the hardest part about it all was leaving behind your childhood bestfriend and boyfriend, gaming.
it was for your education and he knew this, but of course, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt any less.
you both were off pursuing your respective passions in lands where the only thing that connected the two of you was the vast and endless sea.
by making this decision, gaming would be able to make a life for himself. he would learn how to survive without you.
growing up with someone and having them as a constant your entire life leads you to become to reliant on them.
he truly was your weakness.
and as much as you wanted to be by his side and watch him grow, you knew gaming would never achieve his full potential if he was still with you.
as his partner and best friend, you only wanted the best for him and what was best for him was to succeed.
the last thing you wanted to see was him struggling to scrape together the last of his savings in order to get through the week.
the pain you felt watching him struggle to make ends meet far outweighed the pain you felt having to leave him.
you’d always support him even if it meant that you’d only be able to cheer him on from the sidelines.
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pls do not repost or claim my work!! ( this includes posting on other websites such as wattpad, ao3, etc )
AUTHOR’S NOTE : i wrote most of this in the car yesterday and the car almost flipped over LMAOO and i didn’t even realize i was in a different state until i sent my location to 2 friends and they were like “YOURE IN [ INSERT STATE ]????”
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c0sm1c-c01nc1dence · 2 months
✧ Pairing: Hunter x human!reader ✧
✧ Content/warnings: Soulmate AU, takes place during season 3, use of the word ‘damn’ once, the title is bland and I’m sorry, Hunter and the reader are both dorks, first post on here!! ✧
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The “rules” for soulmates, as it were, were pretty straightforward. You see everything in the color of your soulmates eyes. Once you make eye contact with them you can see in full, proper colors. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Well, not for you, it wasn’t.
You, for the past sixteen or so years of your life, had been seeing nothing but red. Different shades, thank god, but red nonetheless. And to be frank, you were getting pretty damn fed up with it. The thing is that no one naturally has red eyes. And you would know; you’ve googled it maybe a thousand times already.
So you were fairly certain you didn’t have a soulmate, and this was all some cruel joke from the universe. But life marches on, so there’s no time to dwell on that, is there?
───── ───── ───── ─────
Another day at Gravesfield’s high school, bland as ever. At least until you caught a glance at your friend Luz. Rather, former friend. She’d been acting weird ever since she came back from that ‘reality check’ camp. And not standard Luz weird, no— she’d been avoiding you since then. Acting like she didn’t know you at all whenever you approached her, not to mention her sudden lack of interest in anything she used to like. The Good Witch Azura books, most notably.
So, needless to say, you were a bit surprised at her new look. Curly hair, a new scar over her eyebrow, and a general air of seasonal depression about her. Even though your recent interactions hadn’t gone so smoothly, you couldn’t help but ask. You were still allowed to care about her.
“Luz?” You called out from down the school hallway. She turned her head in your direction, and you could practically see the stars in her eyes when she saw you. She ran towards you, almost tackling you in a hug. Stumbling backwards, you hesitantly returned the gesture. “Good to see you too?” You awkwardly pat her back, unsure of what to do at the moment.
“Y/N, I am so glad to see you! Oh, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She backed away and wiped a small tear from her eye.
“We saw each other yesterday, though?” You chuckled, still perplexed by this whole situation. “Seriously, what’s going on? You’re kinda acting like you just came back from war right now.” Her face fell slightly, but her smile quickly returned.
“Meet me at my house once school’s done, ok? I have… a lot to tell you.” You nodded, and watched her just walk away casually after that interaction.
“Cool. Good talk, I guess?”
───── ───── ───── ─────
“So, if I’m following,” You began, now in the Noceda family’s living room. “You didn’t go to summer camp, but instead spent several months in a fantasy world, and the Luz I’ve been interacting with is actually a shape-shifting basilisk.” You pointed to Vee, who nodded shyly. “And in this fantasy world you became a witch, made a bunch of new friends, and got a girlfriend.” You left out the details involving Belos and the Collector, deciding that you didn’t need to recap whatever nonsense was going on there.
“Yeah, actually. You’re handling this surprisingly well.” Luz noted.
“I think I’m still in shock, to be honest.” You laugh a bit in disbelief. You couldn’t begin to comprehend what she’d been through during those months, and you kind of didn’t want to. “So, more importantly, do I get to meet these new people?” You questioned, and her face brightened.
“Of course! They’re upstairs, so let me go get them and I’ll be right back.” You waited downstairs with Vee, exchanging basic small talk. She apologized for the whole ‘impersonating one of your few friends’ thing, which was nice of her. Eventually Luz came back, new friends and girlfriend following behind her.
“Alright! Everyone this is Y/N.” You gave a polite wave, quickly scanning over the group. “Y/N, this is Willow, Gus, Amity, and Hunter.” You got a proper look at all of them as she said their names, your eyes landing on the blond last. Wait a minute, blond?!
As it would turn out, when you made eye contact with Hunter you could suddenly see a lot more colors. He clearly noticed this as well, as a light blush was present on his cheeks and ears. You could feel some heat rise to your own face as well.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Luz asked, noticing your stunned silence.
“I, uh…” you stumbled over your words like an idiot, still staring at him. Saving what little dignity you had left, your phone dinged from your pocket. Checking the notification, you gave an awkward smile and held it up to the group. “Oh! You know what, that’s my dad. He probably wants me home for dinner!” You put your phone back in your pocket, and began approaching the door. “I’ll see you guys later, okay, bye!”
You got the words out as quickly as you could, and bolted as soon as the door was open. You ran back to your house, face still flushed from embarrassment and being generally flustered, leaving a room full of witches (and one human) awfully confused.
“Hunter, what was that about?��� Willow asked, as he still stared at the spot where you once were.
“Um- good question.”
───── ───── ───── ─────
Later that day, Hunter knocked on the door to Luz’s bedroom.
“Come in.” She said idly, distracted by whatever she had been playing on her Switch. He entered her room, hands anxiously fidgeting at his sides. There wasn’t a particularly easy way to say this, so he just bit the bullet.
“So, you know the whole thing with your soulmate, and how you’ll only see in their eye color until you make eye contact?”
“Yeah?” She encouraged, curiosity evident in her tone.
“Well, it’s possible that maybe, perhaps, Y/Nismysoulmate.”
“What?!” She immediately paused her game, and whipped around to face him. “Really?! Tell me everything!” She sat on the ground and patted the spot next to her, encouraging him to sit down. He did so, face red from having to explain the whole ordeal.
“There’s nothing to tell! I used to only see e/c, I looked at them, now I can see every color, and they— I always thought your hair was black, by the way— and they just ran away!” As Luz sat and processed this information, Hunter continued thinking out loud. “Did they not like me or something? Is it because I’m from the Boiling Isles?” He questioned, grabbing the pointed tips of his ears. Cutting his rambling short, Luz spoke up.
“No, I don’t think so. They were always interested in fantasy like I was. Maybe they were just a bit overwhelmed?” She suggested. He sighed.
“I guess that could have been it.” He said, though the anxiety was still clear on his face.
“Hey, how about I try to get them to come over this weekend? You guys can talk about it then.” He nodded, and watched her grab her phone to message you. Titan, he hoped she was right about this.
───── ───── ───── ─────
A few days had gone by since the whole incident with Hunter. You had been avoiding him since then, though you honestly weren’t sure why. If you had to, though, you’d say it was probably out of shock. I mean, you were convinced you didn’t have a soulmate for years. And now this incredibly good-looking boy comes in from another realm, and he’s supposedly perfect for you? It’s absurd!
Though it was also worry. How would a relationship between the two of you even work out? He’d have to go home eventually, and you probably couldn’t come with him. Maybe he wouldn’t even like you after the way you left the other day, and he’d reject you before you even had a chance. That’d put a quick and easy end to all this.
You’d been really sick of the color red these past couple days. You usually were, but now it was for an entirely different reason.
Though you couldn’t avoid your problems forever, despite your best efforts. Luz had invited you over for a board game night to celebrate the two of you reuniting. And, well… who were you to say no?
───── ───── ───── ─────
The day finally came, and it had been going relatively well so far. No one else seemed to know what had happened or why you left that first time you came over. Though you and Hunter had been carefully dancing around each other the whole time. It seemed neither of you were equipped to talk about your feelings at the moment. But were you really ever?
Eventually you saw him slip out the front door. With a sigh, you decided to finally face the problem. No use in stalling any more than you already have. After telling Luz that you were going outside for a moment, you stepped out and saw Hunter sitting on the steps leading to the front door. He turned around at the noise, and immediately turned back the other way when he saw it was you. Wordlessly, you sat down next to him. After a moment, he finally broke the silence.
“You look really nice.” You glanced at him, and saw the pink dusting his face. You smiled at the way his blush would spill out onto his ears.
“Thanks, but I’m not really wearing anything special.”
“I know,” He continued, finally meeting your eyes. “I just mean, like- you look nice. You’re really cute.”
“Oh.” You said, quite simply, now blushing a bit as well. You looked at the ground beneath you, pondering how exactly to go about this. “So, this whole ‘soulmate’ thing, huh?”
“Yeah.” Was all he managed. His hands toyed with his pants, still a bit nervous about this whole ordeal. Unable to find the words he wanted, Hunter just looked out at the surrounding neighborhood for a bit. Eventually, though, he said the one thing that was on his mind at the moment. “So… what do we do now?”
“Well, if I may suggest something scandalous?” His blush deepened at your words, but quickly faded as he watched you intertwine your hand with his own.
“Wow, and we’re not even married yet.” He joked. You put your free hand up defensively.
“I know, I know! What can I say, I like to live on the edge.” He laughed, and you silently basked in the sound. You set your eyes on the sky above you, a handful of stars already visible in the late evening’s light. Maybe red isn’t half bad after all.
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notf1obsessed · 29 days
wrapped round my finger: Charles Leclerc x Carlos Sainz (AU!)
Carlos and Charles are both automotive designers who are big names in the car industry, having worked with many companies before. They have both set aside their past, but what happens when they're forced to work together?
Chapter 1: disrupt my life (again)
"It's wonderful to have you with us Mr.Leclerc," Vettel shakes his hand in greeting, "Im sure you'll make a wonderful addition to the team."
Charles shook his hand in response, smile on his face. After many hours spent working, he'd finally made it. He'd finally been able to join Ferrari in designing their new car model. This was a lifetime goal of his; working with Ferrari. This was the moment he'd worked up his whole life for, he knew it.
They were standing in the Ferrari HQ in Maranello, right in front of the meeting room.  If you had told younger Charles he'd be standing here, he'd be laughing in your face. But now, Charles's fantasy was very much a reality.
"Right, you and one other will be our head of this project," Vettel continued, "Come with me so I can introduce you to them."
Vettel pushed open the doors to the meeting room, holding it open for Charles to enter.
His smile was immediately wiped off his face.
"This is-"
"Carlos," Charles interrupted him before he can continue.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow in response taking a seat in front, "I see you have met before."
"Yes something like that," Carlos joins in, smile on his face. He was at on the opposite end of the table, hands clasped together and bent forward.
Charles felt bitterness boil in him, trying hard to keep his doll face on.
He would rather be anywhere in the world than with Sainz right now.
"Well then no need for introductions I see," Vettel now continued, expression much more relaxed, "We can get straight to the point."
Charles took a seat on the table opposite Carlos, eyes glued to Vettel. He turned over his papers as he spoke, dimming his voice which was quite quiet.
Not much help to Charles. Words entered through one ear and exited through the other, though he did manage to pick up some points. It was hard to stay focused with Sainz in front of him.
He could feel Carlos's eyes pierce through him.
Seb went through the points of them having to work on the main design, nothing much besides the clauses and contracts. Though Charles payed particular attention to when Seb mentioned they would have to work together.
He dwells about that point for a short time before refocusing. He can't throw away his opportunity at Ferrari just for some guy who didn't even earn it.
He can't.
The meeting ends quite quickly, Seb simply explaining the days they will work on the design. Charles shakes Seb's hand, walking through the door afterwards. His excitement is very much bursting through him, the goal of his life finally achieved.
"Long time no see, mi amigo," A familiar voice calls from behind.
His excitement is damped rather quickly, stopping slightly before continuing to walk towards the exit.
"You too," he responded, voice barely above a whisper. He doesn't turn to face Carlos, eyes on the glass doors in front.
Sainz picked up his pace slightly, meeting level with Charles (a few centimeters taller).
"Haven't seen you around since you moved away from town," he countinued.
The mention of his past town made Charles freeze abruptly. He left all his memories there and didn't want them to return. Though, with the arrival of Carlos, 2/3 of them already had.
"Yeah well work's been busy," he responded blandly, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He raises his wrist to look at his watch, trying to find an excuse to leave.
Carlos didn't speak for a minute, hands ruffling to fix his black suit.
"I have lunch with some of my friends so I better not keep them waiting," he lied through his teeth, eyes now lifting from his watch, still not daring to face Carlos.
"Well, see you on Monday," Carlos responded, his face indicating that he knew Charles was lying. The uncomfortable silence stretched for what seemed like hours before they finally reached the doors.
Charles didn't repsond, instead walking towards his Mercedes. He opened the door to throw himself on the seat.
He buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly.
That idiotic Carlos with his idiot smile his idiot hair his idiot suit his idiot-
He lent back on the seat's headrest, slowly opening his eyes to see Carlos smiling smugly through the window.
He wanted to rip that smile off his face so badly.
Charles arrived in his Mercedes on Monday, confidence spilling over. He adjusted it quickly, taking the sunglasses off his face as he entered the building and shoving them into his shirt. His hair was ruffled, not very messy though. He's planning on making a good impression, and he isn't going to allow a shitty Carlos interfere. His eyes navigate the place, looking for any sign of someone who will lead him to the designers. His trip isn't long lasting as he sees a person approaching him.
He seemed quite old, probably in his early 40's. He wore a Ferrari employee fit, his hair combed neatly to one side (probably using a lot of gel in the process considering how his hair glistened under the light).
"You must be Mr.Leclerc?" the man asks, eyes glued to a clipboard in front of him.
Charles nods, not sure the man saw him, so he replies as well, "Yes."
The man nods into his papers, finally taking his eyes off to look at Charles, "Right this way then."
The man leads him to a fairly sized room, not a lot of people crowded inside. Charles stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, not sure what to do. What doesn't help is that the man immediately abandons him afterwards. The people in the room, chattering amongst themselves, turn to face him. He freezes on the spot, not sure of how to take this forwards. And while he had worked on large projects before, this one was Ferrari, and the nerves seemed to kick in quite quickly.
He was brought out if his trance by a tap on his shoulder. A voice leaned into his ear, hot breath on his cheek sending shudders down his spine, "Leave it to me, Charlie."
He hadn't heard that nickname in a very long time, and there were only very few people who called him that. Specifically the one standing next to him, hand still on shoulder.
Carlos's hand left his shoulder, making his way to the front of the room. Charles stayed frozen to the spot, watching as Carlos talked. He wasn't listening for the majority of the time, words becoming noises to him. He wasn't sure when Carlos's little speech ended, but he was snapped out by Carlos walking towards him.
He leaned in closer to him this time, lips millimeters away from Charles's cheek.
"No wonder you always froze in class."
Charles hated what he was doing, pulling out pieces from the past to remind him with. He had already buried his past deep, and was not planning on reviving it.
But Carlos had other plans.
The next day of him working, Charles decided he was not going to let Carlos's reminders of his past affect him from doing his best. So he made sure that before Carlos was to go and give another one of his 'little speeches' that he was going to actually inform him what the fuck he was doing. So that's exactly what he did, trying to avoid his remarks and focus on getting to the point.
"What was your little presentation even about yesterday," Charles grabs hold of his arm, wishing slightly he hadn't. His muscles were tense, veins tracing his skin.
Carlos turns around to face him, same smug face that he always has. Charles hated that smug expression that he had, like he was the one who hung the stars. Like he was the one who brought life to earth. Like he was the centre of the universe.
"I see Mr.Leclerc wasn't really paying attention to the speech, am I really that handsome and distracting," he snarkily replies.
Charles rolls his eyes at him, "and maybe Mr.Sainz wasn't planned out enough to tell his partner what he was actually doing."
"Fine fine, it was simple points about the car's design, someone in here should have the points printed out," he said, eyes tracing as they lit up when someone waved a stack of papers in hand. He went to grab them before shoving them in Leclerc's face.
"Jesus Christ," he muttered taking the papers out of his face, "no need to be aggressive Sainz." He looked through them, they were quite short considering the time Carlos had taken to go through them.
"Since you did all the simple, baby stuff, let's get going with the real shit, shall we?"
Carlos rolled his eyes at him before going to take a seat, paper and pencil in front of him, "If you insist on being so wise, how about you begin the designs."
Charles smiled sarcastically, hand going to grab the pencil from Carlos's hand. Carlos's hands held a slightly longer than expected grip on the pencil before letting go, letting Charles take it out of his hand.
Charles leaned in to the paper, finding an angle for him to work at, pencil lightly waving over the sheet. His brows furrowed and he stuck out his tongue in concentration, taking slow steps in drawing details to the car.
Carlos thought he looked ridiculous like this, but it wasn't unusual to him.
He's seen Charles like this a million times before.
Charles sketched out a very light base of the car, only drawing the rough shape. It was the outline of a convertible, its shape curved inwards giving it a sharp front.
"What do you think," he dropped his pencil from his hand and leaned back into his chair, proud with the sketch he'd made.
Carlos did the opposite by leaning in closer to get a better look of it. His lips folded back into his mouth, dissatisfied with some details.
Read: a lot of it.
He picked up the pencil, fingers holding a firm grip. He flipped the pencil to the erasing side, taking out large chunks from the car. He then went back in to give it a more outwards curved shape, this time closing the sunroof with his detailing.
"Much better"
Charles shot him a look, picking up the pencil and re erasing the shape, restoring his once more. It gave the paper a slight wrinkle, but Charles didn't pay attention to it.
Carlos smiled sarcastically in response, snatching the pencil out of Charles's hand and once again erasing the shape. He roughly restored the shape, giving the paper an uneven look.
Charles shot him a menacing look, aggressively snapping the pencil out of his hands, once again restoring the shape. This time, the paper was severely distorted.
It seemed like Carlos wasn't going to win this time.
Not like this.
So instead, he shot daggers through his eyes before smiling.
"Whatever you say, Charlie."
Charles ignored his remark, eyes darting to the silver clock hung on the wall.
"Oh would you look at that, it's time for my lunch," he responded, getting up from his chair, "See you in the cafeteria, Carlito."
He decided if Carlos was going to have some fun, so would he.
He turned around before exiting the door, his smile fumbling slightly.
Carlos's expression wasn't his usual one. It was a mixture of softness and hurt at the same time. Like a piece of him had been brought back, but cutting him in the process. Like going through a photo album and getting a paper cut.
Like his hope had been shattered and restored at the same time.
Charles didn't waste anymore time analyzing Carlos's expressions, instead darting his way towards the cafeteria.
He wasn't going to let Carlos's emotions interfere with him.
Not again.
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Day Shift
This is a reupload of a fic created based on @burnadolt​‘s Sanders Sides fnaf AU from a couoke years ago. Cause... yeah, read mores tend to break if you delete the original, and we changed our sanders sides blog a long time ago. Summary: Roman, an animatronic Prince at the local pizzaria restaurant, finally gets a chance to talk to that new night guard he’s been so obsessed with.
It does not go well.
Ships: Roman/Virgil
Virgil was working the day shift.
Virgil never worked the day shift.
Virgil was just here last night. How the hell was he even standing?
Yet there he was, in fact, standing, off to the side of the room- admittedly somewhat awkwardly, out of place under the bright fluorescent lights. As if it were the most normal thing in the world. Granted, Virgil didn’t seem to fully understand what he was supposed to be doing, seeing as how he’d hardly moved from his spot in the corner of the room. Instead, he seemed content to simply watch the every-changing crowd before him, scanning the room left and right and back again. Hopefully he didn’t get in trouble for wasting time on the clock- surely someone had been assigned to show him the ropes around the daylight hours, but had instead abandoned him to the chaos of the dining hall for one reason or another.
Who even knew how long he’d been standing there in the first place- well, Virgil, probably. Even from atop the stage, Roman had only spotted him in a gap in the crowds, when Virgil’s corner of the room had stood mostly empty and the flash of purple had caught Roman’s robotic eye. But now that he’d spotted the night... the security guard, it was almost impossible not to see him, every-time he turned his attention towards the audiences general direction.
Roman dodged a swing from Remus’s bat that most certainly wasn't in the original script, resisting the urge to scowl at his... would twin be the right word? Once upon they’d been the same, but then parts had been recycled and separated and rebuilt, and now there were two of them and it was... weird. It was weird. Instead of letting his processor dwell on that old puzzle, he brandished his sword with an extra flourish or two, while definitely not wondering if Virgil was watching. Who knows, maybe he finally stopped by to see Roman preform under the spotlights, in all his glory.
(Those stupid security cameras never got his good side anyways).
“Something wrong?” Remus asked, his voice raised into a sing-song pitch as he swung his bat in a big ark around his side before resting it on his shoulder. “Cat got your tongue? Or are you finally crumbling under the pressure of disappointing all your fans, your royal rust bucketness?” 
Ah, yes. Roman’s voice had cut out mid-line when he’d spotted Virgil, right alongside everything else. But who could blame him? It’s not like anyone had told him Virgil would be moving to the- oh no. What if Virgil was being moved to the day shift- permanently? How was he supposed too- this just couldn’t do, Roman still had yet to dazzle the new guard if he never got a chance to pop into the office, maybe show off one of the new songs he’d been practicing, or his cool sword! He’d sharpened the thing just for him!
(Seriously, how was he so good at managing those stupid doors? Normally it took night guards a few days to get the hang of them, but despite it still being the first week since Virgil was hired, somehow he’d managed to completely keep the animatronics out of his office. Not. Fair.)
He was brought back to harsh reality when Remus’s bat caught him on the side of his face, sending his head spinning round clockwise as Remus’s high pitched laugh echoed across the stage. Roman had to grab the side of his head to stop it, straightening it back as he backed up a few steps and readied his weapon. Improv it was then- and at this rate, he’d probably get flagged for repairs, and then he’d have to spend a whole day cooped up in the back room, where- wait. Hold on.
Wait a minute.
If he was flagged for repairs, he could leave the stage. After all, why drag their heavy robotic bodies to the back room when they could just walk on their own two legs?
Mind made up, Roman kept his voice muted as he came back at Remus, raising his sword up high as if he meant to swing it down on his head. Remus fell for the bait, hook line and sinker, raising his bat to block the attack, and leaving his torso wide open. Roman bent his other arm and jammed his elbow into the exposed joints under Remus’s main body piece, forcing the other animatronic off balance and stumbling back. Roman flourished his sword once more, pointing it at Remus and proceeding to make several gestures with his free hand, but not uttering a word.
Some of the kids who were watching were cheering or laughing, others were clapping at the display, and some were distracted by a large, decorative cake being wheeled out from the back kitchens. Ah, birthday parties. They brought in big crowds, but could be so fickle. Right now, however, Roman was thankful for the distraction. As the kids were ushered towards the table with all the party hats and plates laid out for them, one of the employees approached the stage while removing a remote from the clip on their belt. A moment later, and Roman felt his legs lock in place.
(A shame Remus wasn’t still thrown off balance, it was always funny when he fell on his face whenever this happened. Less so when Roman was the one falling).
Roman waited somewhat impatiently as the employee did a quick check of his voice box and the area around his body Remus normally hit him at- the two of them were designed to take a few hits, so it usually took a fluke for Remus to actually do any damage. While the employee was running through the usual checks, Roman turned his attention back to where he’d last seen Virgil. Out of the corner of his vision, Roman spotted Remus checking out whatever he was looking at, and jerk slightly as his gaze landed on Virgil.
Virgil had stopped watching the crowds, and now seemed to have his gaze fixed on a small cluster of people near the entrance to the kitchens. Roman wasn’t sure what- or who he was looking at, but after a few additional moments of staring Virgil pushed himself away from the wall and began making his way across the room. Halfway across, he was stopped by a women who seemed to be asking him some sort of question. However, another employee, spotting them, quickly intervened and took over whatever it was she needed help with. It must have been common knowledge that Virgil didn’t know much about the day shift side of things. No longer impended, Virgil continued on his track across the room, Virgil continued on his path towards the kitchens, were the group had dwindled to just one dad.
So invested was Roman in wherever Virgil was headed, Roman almost missed the employee checking on him calling in that Roman was headed for the back room for some repairs, right before the locks keeping him in place disengaged and his path-finding lit up a route towards the room he was meant to head towards. And as much as Roman wanted to jump off the stage straight from where he stood- well, that was half of the reason he and Remus weren't allowed to wonder around during the day anymore. Instead, Roman forced himself to walk down the stairs off to the side of the stage.
A few loose kids ran up to him the moment he dismounted, and Roman gave them a deep bow, sweeping one arm under his chest and the other gracefully to the side, earning a chorus of giggles for his efforts. Ah, how he’d missed being amongst his fans- Roman snuck a sly glance back, and sure enough, Remus had already gotten his weapon taken away from him. There was the other reason he wasn’t allowed off the stage anymore.
“Why, hello there kiddos~!” Patton’s voice broke threw the the excited shrieks of children filling the room, pulling the attention away from Roman and onto himself. “Prince Roman here has some very important places he needs to get too, but how would you like some ice cream instead?” he asked, giving Roman a glance and smile, nodding once towards the direction of the back room. He supposed his performance had caught more attention than he’d thought. Roman nodded back, and continued to strut his away across the room. And if his path just happened to lean a little more towards passing Virgil than it needed too, oh well.
By now, Virgil had come to a stop in front of the man outside the kitchen, and was just... staring at him. Much to the... customer(?)... fathers(?) confusion, naturally. Roman was just now getting close enough to hear the man snapping at Virgil to buzz the fuck off already, which just made Roman want to reach for his sword. Oh- lookit that, they’d forgotten to take Roman’s sword off of him. Before he could think twice about interviewing, however, the manager had made an appearance and placed one hand on Virgil’s arm, whilst another employee, the one who had intervened with the women earlier, trailed behind. First day on the day shift, and it looked like Virgil was already in trouble.
“I am terribly sorry,” the manager was saying, grinning in that fake way that never seemed to reach his eyes. “It’s huh- he’s new you see, and a bit awkward, and I assure you I’ll have a proper chat with i-him in my office.” he said, putting an extra dash of emphasis on the last couple words as he shot Virgil a look. Virgil seemed to catch on fairly quickly, turning away from the situation he’d caused and walking towards the hall leading towards the bosses office. Which also happened to be the same hallway leading towards the back rooms.
Now, this was just too good to be true.
Now ignoring the conversation unfolding as he passed (briefly, he picked up on the manager offering the guest free pizza or something) and followed Virgil into the hallway. The lights were immediately dimmed- you could almost mistake them for off- and the noise from the other room sounded muted, almost far away. Roman quickened his steps to catch up to Virgil, and turning a corner in the hallway, found him not to far ahead.
“Virgil~” Roman called out, his voice springing from his voicebox like a song. Virgil came to a dead stop ahead of him, nearly tripping on his feet and forcing him to brace himself on the wall to his left with a loud thunk, silence following shortly after. For a moment, Roman was afraid that Virgil wasn’t gonna turn around, and he’d gone into so much effort to pose for him! One hand with the fingers placed daintily on his chest, the other raised up in the air. Back straight, shoulders high, heel-to-toe stance.
But then Virgil didn’t glance behind him, turning fully around after a few seconds, keeping close to the wall. “Aren't you-” Virgil began, only to cut himself off as he swept aside some hair obstructing his vision. “Aren't you supposed to be busted? Or something?”
Roman laughed, tilting his head to the side and making a motion akin to running his hand threw his own hair. He couldn’t do it, really, or he’d mess it up. And he needed to look his best, right now. “Oh, that?” Roman asked, attempting to keep his voice as smooth as possible. Unfortunately, it was coming out a little static-y... maybe he did need some fine tuning. “Just some fine acting on my part- I saw you in the crowds and well... I wasn’t sure how often I’d have this opportunity.”
“Uh.” Virgil said, taking a step backwards, glancing over his shoulder. He seemed twitchier than normal- but then again, most of Roman’s interactions with the night guard were glimpses caught threw the window of a closed door. Roman took a step forward, matching him. “Look, I’ve got places to be too, so um-”
“Surely one little conversation couldn’t take too long!” Roman said, reaching out a hand towards Virgil. Virgil scurried back, hovering outside the door to the managers office, clutching the edge of his shirt like it was gonna fall off of him. “Oh, come on now, there’s no need to be shy!”
“I- look,” Virgil shook his head, casting more glances down the hall before tugging at his hair in a nervous manor. Now, that wouldn’t do- he was messing it all up! “I really gotta do this- I’ll talk too you tonight, okay?” Despite wording it as a question, Virgil opened the door and bolted inside before he could get an answer, letting it slam closed behind him. Not that Roman would’ve been able to answer, had he been given the time. 
Roman placed both hands, one folded over the other, on his chest. Had he been human, he was sure his heart would’ve skipped a beat- and if he used a healthy dose of imagination, he could pretend the metal under his hands felt warmer than the rest of him. Very little could interrupt this moment.
From behind Roman, the manager approached down the hall, stopping to look the animatronic up and down. After a moment, he grabbed a walkie talkie from his belt, turned away from the robot, and said: “Hey, uh- the Prince bot’s frozen in the hall. Can someone come take care of this?”
When the manager looked back up, Roman was looking right at him. He just about jumped right out of his skin.
Never had Roman felt as if closing took half as long as it had that night.
No sooner than the finally lights been dimmed, the last locks put in place, and the clocks finally tick over to midnight then Roman sprinted towards the edge of the stage, leaping off to clear the nearest table and land hard on one knee. (Super-hero landing.) A moment later, his brother came tumbling after him, crashing over himself several times before hitting the ground face-first.
At least Remus was laughing.
Roman sprung back up to his feet a moment later, brushing off his sash as he took several quick steps into the room. After a moment he thought to look up, catching the glint of a security camera pointed in his and Remus’s direction, and gave a quick wave. He wasn’t sure if Virgil was watching or what, but he’d hate to miss the opportunity. But- wait, what if he only checked the camera after Roman finished waving? What if he thought Roman had forgot?
“Are you seriously just gonna stand there waving at the cameras forever?” Remus asked, right as he draped an arm across Roman’s shoulder and joined him in staring up at the camera. “I swear, you’re the thirstiest bitch I know- alright, let’s do something about this.”
Remus pushed away from Roman, wasting no time in marching towards the nearest table and grabbing a random party hat, before dragging a chair loudly across the floor towards the camera. Roman caught on fairly quick- it was Virgil’s job to keep watch on and off the camera, and tampering with one (minus the, um, permanently busted one in the kitchen) would be a sure fire way of forcing him from that office he’d cooped himself in. But Roman simply wasn’t nearly that desperate- yet.
“No, Remus look it’s cool, I’ve got-” Roman began, as Remus was already fanangling the hat over the lens of the camera. However, they were both interrupted by Patton crashing in through the nearest doors.
“Heeeeeey, what’s up daddy-o?” Remus asked, tilting his head so far back he was practically upside down to look at Patton. “Did they lock the doors before you could stalk another child home again?”
Patton choose to ignore the (probably true) jab, and instead turned his attention towards Roman. “That was so scary!” He gushed, about... something. Had a spider got in his wires again? “I was so worried that something had...” his voice box cut itself off, and he just shook his head.
“Think he killed any of the kids?” Remus asked, tying the strings of the hat in a pretty little bow atop the camera.
“I don’t... I don’t think so.” Patton said, tightening the knots in the jacket hanging around his shoulders. It hadn’t been a part of his original design, and Roman had completely forgotten where he’d gotten it from, but right now he wasn’t concerned with that.
“Hold on,” Roman held up both hands and glanced between the two of them. “What are you two talking about?”
“The- that guy! From earlier.” Patton said, very unhelpfully.
“Someone got arrested,” Remus sung, humming happily as he leaned back on the chair to admire his work. “While you were in the back playing sick. “Crazy too- it was the one guy Virgil was bothering, can you believe it?”
“It was... he... hold on.” Roman said, taking a few steps back and letting himself collapse into the nearest chair. Thankfully, it held his weight. He moved one hand to his head, then jerked it back again before he could ruin his hair. “What the hell did I miss? Someone got- were the kids- what?”
“Someone got arrested.” Patton repeated. “It was all very confusing- the police suddenly showed up to take this one guy away who the staff kept talking too... they were probably distracting him, now that I think about it.” he walked over to Roman, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, they got him, so I’m sure everyone's safe now.”
“I hear he was wanted for many crimes.” Remus sing sung, probably having no idea what he was really talking about.
“That must have been why Virgil was rushing to get into the office.” Roman realized. “I didn’t even realize- no wonder he said we’d have to wait til tonight to talk.”
“No, wait, shut the fuck up.” Remus said, crashing straight to the floor before scrambling up and over to Roman, smacking his hands on the princes shoulders with a CLANG that echoed in the room. “You’ve got a date? With the hot new night guard?” Remus asked, glee in his voice. “Ah, Ro-ro, you’re gonna get fucked tonight!”
“Don’t call me ro-ro.” Roman said automatically. “And we’re robots, we don’t even have-”
Patton gasped, his hands smacking up to his face. “You’ve got a date?!” he asked, glee ringing in his voice like a bell. The moment Roman turned his attention to him, Remus went scrambling off somewhere, but Patton had all his attention on Roman now. “Oh, Roman, that’s wonderful! I know you’ve been trying so hard... wait, don’t humans sleep?”
Roman gave an awkward laugh, adjusting the way his sash sat on his body. Ignoring the last part, cause honestly he wasn’t sure how sleeping worked, he said; “Hey, don’t make me out to be some love-sick puppy...”
“Boy, you’ve been lusting after that guard since you first caught sight of him!” Remus shouted from some far flung corner of the room, dragging something heavy across the floor. “I had no idea dark and brooding was your type!”
“Shut up!” Roman squeaked, hiding his face behind his hands. God, they’d gone from talking to someone getting arrested and then Romans love life in no time flat, huh? While his head was done, he picked up more sounds, namely footsteps down the hall. Footsteps to light to belong to anyone here- well, Janus was light enough to sound like a person when he walked, but right now he was busted so he was limping everywhere. “Wait, he’s coming, oh god, oh fuck, I’m not ready!”
Roman stood back up, waving his hand at himself in a vain attempt to help himself cool down and silence his internal fans that were just going to town, while Patton helped Roman adjust his accessories and fix up his hair- Roman hadn’t even noticed himself running his hands through it again. Patton gave him a smile- when you knew their faces well enough, it was easy to tell when they were smiling for real. “Break a leg, kiddo.” Patton said, despite the fact he was the newest bot here. “But not really, cause that would be rude.”
It was then that someone appeared in the doorway, hesitating for a few moments before walking into the low-level lights shining from the stage. Virgil glanced at the two of them, then up at the camera covered by a party hat, then back at them. After a moment, he held up a hand and gave a little wave, seemingly out-of-place and awkward in the rest of the restaurant.
Patton was doing this thing he did where he bounced on the back of his feet as Roman approached Virgil, before giving a deep bow while seeping his arm dramatically across his torso for pose number 5. “Greetings, our dark and stormy guardian. It’s so wonderful to see you out of that dusty old security office!”
“Yeah, um,” Virgil looked around again- he did this thing where he pretty much turned his whole head, instead of looking around with his eyes. “I’m not really sure if I’m supposed to be out here? Maybe? I’m uh, I’m still kinda new. To this, and to life, I guess.”
“Of course you’re allowed out of your office... who trained you, anyways?” Roman asked, making sure to stand straight. Gosh, Virgil was short. He also hoped he wasn’t coming across as rude, but seriously, was anyone telling Virgil anything?
“um...” Virgil shrugged. “There was some phone recordings in my office I listened too, but I’m not really sure they were for me? I think they were there for the hu-”
Roman gasped dramatically, reaching out and snatching one of Virgil’s to hold between his own. “Abandoned in these trying times?! Well, fear not my dark and stormy p- I can show you the world!”
“Are you...” Virgil faltered out, before tilting his head at Roman. “Are you quoting Disney?”
“Yes.” Roman said. “There’s a bunch of old tapes in the back, if you uh.... if you wanted to head back there with me and um, watch some? With me? Maybe?”
“Well, I mean I love Disney, so that’s a yes.” Virgil said. If Roman had had a physical heart, it would have burst out of his chest.
Neither of them noticed the scrapping sound getting louder until Remus dumped a bucket of water from a janitors bucket onto Virgil. Roman jerked back from the sudden water, and Virgil jerked too- but-
His body convulsed violently, a few sparks flying, before his eyes went through a series of colors before landing on blue, white text spanning across his vision. Then they went black, as the sound of a machine powering down emanated from him, and Virgil collapsed to the floor with the sound of clattering metal.
Roman, Remus, and Patton gathered around him. Remus kicked his shoulder, making it clang.
“Huh.” Patton said. “He looked so... I guess we should get him to the repair room, huh?”
“Hey, pops!” Remus said, shouting suddenly as he looked at Patton. “You’re not the youngster anymore!”
A moment later, Romans sword smashed down on Remus’s head.
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and having a marvelous time by varnes
A greatttt job weaving Sound of Music into the au. It really fit perfectly and was such a fun read. The time in the Burial Mounds of LZ and WY falling in love was funny, sweet, and perfect! The kids were the BEST ❤️
I also liked the JY and NHS’s stories. Their hard decisions and hidden depths were interesting to explore.
Really enjoyed this story 🥰
Seven children, living among ghosts. Untaught in the art of cultivation, but reliant on it nevertheless. Taught to believe that the world around them was made of only sharp and painful edges. Rejected by the man who refused to claim them as their father.
Wen Qionglin had told him, “Sometimes they do naughty things, but only because it’s very hard, living here, and they’re just babies.” In Lan Wangji’s many years as a teacher in Cloud Recesses, he has never met a child that acted out without cause.
Many years ago, Lan Wangji had knelt outside his mother’s house for days and days and days, waiting. He had been punished for it. He had kept kneeling anyway.
Discipline does not need to take the form of violence, he thinks.
Symptoms are not the root.
Decision made, Lan Wangji makes quick work of cleaning the dwelling before setting out to find Wen Qionglin. He is preparing dinner.
Dinner is radishes.
Lan Wangji believes in gratitude for all forms of services and sustenance, but this family truly eats an indecent amount of radishes.
“Xiansheng said we weren’t supposed to come in until you were better but then it was days and days and Qing-jie came out and Yuan-ge said how is baba and she said he’s even more stupid than usual and Zhen-ge said what’s that mean and Yi-ge said he’s dead probably and then I got scared that you were dead and then I came to check and you were lying here and you looked dead! So. I had to cry.”
Honestly, Wei Wuxian has to admit that Yuyu’s impressions are pretty good. He’s got the voices down, even while blubbering. Yuyu drags his arm across his nose, a trail of snot darkening his —
“Are those Lan robes?” he asks, eyebrows shooting up and wishing desperately that he could sit up and turn his head. His intonation lacks something without the gestures, he thinks. Instead, his gaze darts to Lan Wangji, who is calmly and studiously arranging his own sleeves.
Yuyu nods. “Xiansheng said if we’re Lans we should dress neatly and app-rope-ree-at-ly,” he says, looking up at Lan Wangji for confirmation.
Lan Wangji, to Wei Wuxian’s amazement, nods seriously in agreement. “Lan Xuanyu,” he says, in his voice, that sounds — like that, still, which should be illegal, in Wei Wuxian’s opinion, “it is time for your lessons.”
“Lessons,” Wei Wuxian repeats dumbly, even as Yuyu scrambles up and off him, straightening his robes as he slides back down onto his feet. He presses a very wet, but careful, kiss to Wei Wuxian’s cheek.
“Yes, Xiansheng,” he chirps, before darting toward the door, then skidding to a stop and muttering to himself, “Do not rush too fast,” before proceeding again, much more slowly.
Wei Wuxian gapes.
“That’s not quite it,” Lan Wangji notes, voice edging toward dry. Wei Wuian has never heard his voice be dry before. When they had met during the war, he always just sounded like … like Wei Wuxian’s very existence made him mad. “But he is correct in essence.”
He blows out a long breath. “Okay,” he says again. “That’s enough for now. Finish your lessons. I’ve got — stuff. To do. In the Demon Subdue Palace. So don’t come in for a while. Be good for Lan Zhan, all right?”
Six little Lans gasp. “You can’t call him that,” Zizhen hisses, scandalized. “It’s Xiansheng!”
“He’s your xiansheng, not mine,” Wei Wuxian snorts. “Because you’re a baby, and I’m the terrifying Yiling Patriarch.”
“Terrifying, my foot,” Jingyi tells him. “You’re the least scary person in the whole world, other than jiujiu.”
“Jiujiu’s a fierce corpse,” Wei Wuxian points out.
Jingyi considers this. “Okay, you’re less scary than jiujiu, but it’s on a technicality.”
Hm. That’s not ... where Wei Wuxian was going with that.
“I’m going to do evil and scary experiments in the Demon Subdue Palace,” he announces, turning his nose up and handing Mianmian off to Yuyu.
E, 108k
Wen Qing relaxes minutely, scrutinizing him. “Then,” she asks, “why are you here, Lan-er-gongzi?”
He thinks of seven children, living here, surrounded by ghosts, fathered — fathered? — by the one who harnesses resentment to command the dead. Children he has named, inexplicably, Lan. Wen Qionglin is a fierce corpse, and yet he apparently talks and thinks and makes his own decisions. The children call him jiujiu. The children climb on his lap and ignore his instructions and say things like “he’s dead” with a careless lilt in their voices.
Whatever the Yiling Patriarch is doing, whatever Wei Wuxian wants, Lan Wangji does not think it is an act of war.
So he does not say, “I am here to neutralize the Yiling Patriarch.”
He does not say, “Sentiment is gathering against you.”
He does not say, “First liberate, second suppress, third eliminate.”
Lying is forbidden, so Lan Wangji bows his head and says something true: “The Lan sect has very recently learned of seven disciples living in Yiling. I have come to attend their education.”
OR: It's a Sound of Music AU. Sort of.
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Creations of Love
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Creations of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x OC (Juli)
Prompt: Day 2  Celebrity AU| Person of the arts AU
Part of content creation challenge hosted by me and @xxsycamore
Tag: Angst Fluff
Word Count: 3.238
Author’s Note: The date is taken from the previous year of Dazai Osamu masterpiece mentioned in his own words as introspective, Values mentioned in the story were begining to being replaced by modernity but yet she noticed them exploring a country so different from western ones, some slight mention of dark thoughts and alchool are present in the story so be aware, nonethless love conquers all and so I hope you may like it. 😊
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @klutzyroses @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊 Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it.😊
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Japan Tokyo 1947 It was a tepid evening, the streets were becoming less crowded as the sun went to sleep behind the hill leaving the dim light of the lamps lit the narrow and empty roads among the houses, coming from a nearby inn an heathed argument could be heard well up into town.
“I said is not enough.”
“But I have no other money monsieur.”
“You little rich brats come here in our sacred land to steal our food eh ? You ain’t got no luck this time you gotta pay up.”
“How ? ”
“It is not of my concern girl You better find a way or else there are a pile of dirty pots to wash in the kitchen waiting for crafty ones like you.”
She sighed heavily and was about to surrender when some coins and banknotes found their way on the counter along a breezy voice carrying a much needed lightness in the conversation, relaxing even the angry frown on the owner face
“I think they should be enough.” every smiling he looked at the owner and then at the girl reassuringly “Hospitality really is a generous host but rarely honored when it revolves around money.”
Seeing her quizzed expression, her forlron smile forgotten was enough to put him at ease as he leaned comfortably against the counter looking straight at the innekeeper.
The owner fretted over putting them in his pocket before mumbling
“Yes they are. You were lucky this time you will do better to thank him.” he fretted over to melt into the kitchen shouting something she did not understand to an old waiter that did not hesitated to answer back.
“Please dwell on it no longer, let me make up for his behaviour I hate leaving this impression on a new customer.”
“You work here ?” she asked curiously
“Not, but I could not stand the way he treated you.”  
“Thank you monsieur, but there is no need to.” she smiled shyly at his gentle thought studying his handsome face lit up by the moon rays filtering through the windows
“Please let me offer you a cup of sake, at least it will brighten your whole day.”
“But is evening.”
“Wheather never mattered to me.” he exclaimed with such confidence to leave her stunned at his ignorance, she sighed exasperatedly shooking her head but smiling all the same
“I accept but please not sake, I am athetoal.” she felt a bit shy to confess such things expecting to be teased but what she saw in his eyes was nothing of the sort, instead a deep feeling of acceptation pervaded her whole body as his yellow eyes gleamed kindly
“Very well then we will order whatever you like.” she had barely the time to whisper
“Thank you” when he had already melted into the local waving at her from a table near the window, gingerly she walked toward it smiling as he adjusted her chair closer to the table, before taking a seat where for once he sat composed desiring to give her a good impression for a reason not even his mind could grasp, usually it was not difficult for him to break the ice though with her it was different, it almost seemed his mask did not worked on her though the reason remained to be seen, she was unique and even though a part of him would have liked for her to be more normal as to not let her meedle with him another was strangely content with the way she was making him desire to know more.
Noticing the stack of papers coming out from her bag his yellow eyes gleamed in the dimly lit room of the inn smiling slyly at her
“You are a writer too ?” she nodded smiling sheepishly   “So it seem, I wrote for romance books and magazines, and you ?”
“They call me a writer.” he smiled wrily “But I am more like a worthless scribbled of papers.” “Are not we all ?” she laughed so breezily making something close to attraction flicker in his heart, it was such a crystaline and pure sound carrying a breeze of much need carefreeness in his life, he giggled softly mesmerized by the way her green eyes gleamed with mirth as her raven lock floated around her rosy cheeks sparkling bright on her pale skin. “What do you write ?” “Nothing so great to be admired, some call it introspective I call it a tale of wasted papers.” She shook her head lightly “Anything written is worth to be read even if we think otherwise.” she leaned a bit over the tabletaking her face into her hands looking straight at him
“I would like to read something of yours.” “It is not worthy your time I am afraid.” she pouted lightly crossing her arms on her chest while staring at him with puppy eyes “Please.” he sighed faking exasperation “You are a stubborn one I see well if you insist I can let you have a look of my new book." her eyes lit up at the prospect leaning over him asking curiosly “It is about you ?” he chuckled softly “You will see but remember I told you it was crap.” “I do not believe it, everything we write no matter the quality is a reflection of what we are, a glimpse in our soul for readers to peer into.” For once an honest smile appeared on his lips as he stared admiringly at her “I must look like a weirdo to you.” she confessed gazing briefly to the glass in her hands before shyly looking back at him “Not at all, actually I think the same.” “I am glad to know.” she sighed in relief feeling somehow closer to that werid yet so kind man who rescued her from a not so understanding innkeeper “Actually I have never seen you around Tokyo is it ? “ “Oh no I am from France, but I am writing a book set in Japan and so I came here to dive in its culture.” “It is of your liking ?” “So far yes, it is different from mine but if I have to be honest I greatly appreciated your values of loyalty and honor, and even though it is so modern yet has found a way to keep its traditions intact and I really admire it.” “I think you are talking with the wrong man then.” he chuckled wrily looking intensely at her
She shook her head slowly “I do not think so.You see I am sure that every person I met has something to teach me about this culture and you are no exception.” A forlron smile appeared for an instant on his lips before being replaced by a feeble on so fast she stared quizzically at him as his eyes flickered with something close to melancholy, eliciting curiosity making her desire to discover more about him than he would have liked to let her know. “I am absolutely certain of it, even though you do not see your own worth then no one can prove is not there if you do not let them to.” she smiled softly at him making a light smile curl on his lips “I would really like to thank you properly for having paid my dinner but I have nothing I can give you.” “Please do not worry it is not necessary I was happy to help you out.”
“Thank you so much but still I would like to thank you please tell me how.”
“Alright then, if you feel like I would really like to read one of your books and in exchange I will give you one of mine.”
“It is all? Nothing else?” “Trust me your time and writing are more than enough for me.” She smiled softly “Thank you so much monsieur…”   “Oh please forgive my manners.” he said smiling lightly
“My name is Shuji Tsushima but you can call me with my writer pen name Dazai Osamu if you feel like.”
“I like them both but I prefer to call you Shuji.”
“You are the first to think this way.” he said as a cloud flew through his eyes soon replaced by his usual cheerful expression
“And what my beautiful lady would like to be called ?”
“My name is Juli Boncoeur but please fell free to craft me a nickname.”
“Juli.” he savoured the taste of her name on his tongue, fresh strawberries and sweet laugh on summer evenings it was what she make him think of
“How do their friends call you ?”
She looked shyly to her fingers before looking at him with an halfhearted smile
“I do not have any, I am too weird to have some”
He was stunned to hear such a kind girl think so low of herslef yet something close to solidarity flickered in his heart as he beamed
“I will be your friend then, trust me you will not have a moment to get bored with me.”
“I am sure of it.” mirth return to her eyes as she smiled brightly at him, making his heart melt
“By the way you name…It suit you.”
“Thank you so much, I think the same.”
“I would like to write you some time if you allow me that is.”
“Oh please yes I would be glad to receive your letters.” swiftly she took a piece of paper scribbling down something before giving it to him
"This is my address, feel free to drop by whenever you like, even if I do not know if the landlord will be happy about it."
“Leave it to me I am sure he will accept my presence as swiftly as he accepted yours.”
“Not even after a whole month?” she joked chuckling lightly “I wish you Good luck.” he smiled tenderly at her, loving hearing her laugh and promising himself he would have done anything to make her smile anytime she was near him the mere idea of making her happy like he was not from a long time make his heart swell with determination shining through his eyes fixed on her, not wasing time he jolted down his own adress seeing her eyes lit up with excitment as she kept staring at his elegant handwriting vertically spread across the page in the peculiar oriental style he was used to “You will hear from me soon I promise, in the meanwhile let us meet here next week shall we ?”
“At the same table ?” “Absolutely.”
“If avalaible.”
“I will book it in advance for it to be so.” he winked at her making her blush as a strange heat begin to spread on her cheeks while stirring something in her she could not quite place but pleasurable nonethless.
So that peculiar friendship lasted for more time they could have ever planned to, strecthing on to cover almost a whole year worth of emotions of all kind with her departure constantly postponed with every fleeble excuse she could grasp on.
Yet something was to change as their heart grew closer to one another with every date, they kept call meeting, they had each Saturday evening in that inn that first saw the blooming of it all.
She was used to see him smile a cheerful expression on his features and a joke on the tip of his tongue she never doubted not even for a second to watch under a surface believing it was real leaving him to suffer alone for her own benefit, regret swallowing her whole she clutcched her chest trying to tame the drumming of her heart at that thought, now he was alone in the empty bar staring absently at the liquor bottles with such eyes full of sheer sadness she felt tears begin to dwell in hers as well, he gulped down the shot of gin before ordering another he kept staring absently at as the clear liquid wavered in the glass,he sighed heavily leaving his half lidded pupils stare distantly lost in his thoughts as a forlron expression curled his lips.
Gingerly she went toward him placing gently an hand over his shoulder hearing him gasp softly as she called his name “Shuji.” like someone has turned a switch he plastered a fake smile on his face before watching back at her, yet it looked so weary she had not the heart to gaze at it to see the hollow astray look in his eyes as she felt the air heavy and unbreathable and not for the smoke of his cigar Mustering up all her courage she spoke looking into the emotionless pit of his yellow eyes usually so bright and cheerful now pale and sickly under the neon light of the counter “Shuji… are you alright ?” This question must have took him unprovidded as he widened his eyes staring straight into hers.
A feeble weary smile appeared on his lips so brief she thought of having imagined it thought she know better than to be fooled by that unusually mirthless smile he plaster on
“Yes, chīsai mono but please do not concern yourself with me, is not worthy you time.”
“ I will anyway.”
“I suggest otherwise please not waste your last night in Japan with such an useless boring man like me, you should go have fun instead and be happy.” he trailed off almost speaking to himself “You deserve it.”
“I would not spend it any other way I am worried for you Shuji, I care about you so please trust me, let me.”
He chuckled lightly “I see you are pretty stubborn about that.” he sighed
“I promise one day I will tell you everything, but for now” he caressed her cheek “I can ask you to wait ?” “Of course. I will.” she smiled at him so brightly he had to avert his gaze for a moment before looking back at her as something closer to happiness flickered in his heart dripping over his smile.She showed him her little fingers at him pushing him to do same, slowly their fingers overlapped as she offered him a proud smile he unconsciously mirrored“It is a promise then.” it was childish of her to believe in such things coming from such a depraved man like him but in that moment he swore that this time for nothing in the world he would have let disappoint take hold of her clouding her innocent smile and dulling her bright cheerful eyes with  disillusionment for the world. “A promise.” he repeated almost to himself as it sank in his heart that this would have been the one and only he would not have break. The river was alluring tempting wicked thoughts swimmed in his mind as the water lingered closer to his shoes with each wave, he sighed heavily contemplating the still water lit by the full moon watching his every movement as he slowly took a step and then another toward the center of it, stopping only when he found himself knee deep into the river feeling his pants stick to his skin as cold spray of water spilled onto his sleeves he moved absently under the dark liquid threatening to swallow him whole. Suddenly a lightning struck among his dark thought, her smile brightening the gloomy pit of his mind as her laugh echoed in his ear, a feeble smile appeared on his lips while he shook his head he could not follow his demons for a greater force that expected to be obeyed was keeping him from pursuing them, he sighed feeling regret starting to gnaw at his heart, without him she would have felt lost in his country, a whole new world not welcoming to europeans stretched in front of her as she hoplessy stand amidst of that storm of hateful glances and half muttured insults not knowing what to do against their hostility.  Almost perceiving his intentions her voice echoed in his ear slashing through the empty heavy atmosphere that was stifling him, feeling his lungs swell with greedy gulps of fresh air leaving the frizzy night breeze clear his mind and heart from any previous thoughts not concerning her“Shuji what are you doing ?”He shook his head smiling to himself before letting a small gelive sigh escape his lips before looking back to her standing on the shore clutching a shawl over her form to protect herself from the frizzy wind breezing on the river“I can not sleep and so I went out for a walk but it was way too hot not to give in to a midnight bath.”She sighed shaking her head at his careless behaviour “You will catch a cold out there.”“I am not so weak to be beaten by a flu.” he smiled and for once in the bright light of the full moon she could see it was honest, not even an hint of the fake one he used to put on making her happy behind words as she run over to him wrapping her shawl around his torso standing on her tiptoes adjusting it, feeling his warm hands linger on hers as he helped her putting it on his shoulder.  Slowly he took her in his arms tightening his grip a her fingers clutched his shirt, leavinga soft kiss on her forehead unspoken words of gratitude lingering in it as he kissed tenderly her hair once more Thank you for saving me.Much to his delight she decided to extend her stay, officially with a blatant excuse to wish exploring more of his country but he saw through her sheepish smile and rosy blush on her cheeks smiling and faking to get along with it until one day he managed to collect enough courage to confess his feelings being pleasantly surprised at their reciprocity.
“So what your next novel will be about ?”
“I do not know yet.” she said looking intensely at him
 “Maybe the plot will revolve around a whimsical japanese writer and a clumsy french novelist and how they manged to found love in a unexpected way.
They will be happy together ?
This depens entirely on them smiling softly he leaned over her taking her face in his hands gazing straight into her eyes whispering tenderly
“I love you so Juli, words hardly are enough to describe it.”  
“I love you too Shuji so very much.”
Wasting no time he melted his lips over hers feeling her gripping his shirt ever so lightly trying to steady herslef as he deepened their kiss entwining his tongue with hers, planting a soft kiss on her forehead once he pulled away brushing his thumbs over her cheeks gazing affectionately at her bathing in her bright cheerful smile he would have protected with all himself from anything and anyone.
Smiling they slipped into the bookstore ready to entertain the kids with their funny story, much to the delight of everyone who knew them she had chosen to stay for good bringing a fresh wind of happiness in the old village of Kanagi and in the life of a messy man who was happy as never before grateful behind words for her decision and determined to make her feel loved as much as he make him felt, proving his love to her every day for all eternity. Chīsai mono – Little one
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uptoolateart · 1 year
If I Let Myself Love You - Ch 7
My fic for @mlbigbang 2022!
PREVIEW from Chapter 7:
‘Okay – let’s make a date of it. What about this Saturday? I’ll come over and you can show me how to sew on a button or something.’
She laughed. ‘You really want to do that?’
‘I really want to do that. I just need to get it cleared with my father, first.’
‘He…makes you check before you can go to someone’s house to do that?’
Adrien shrugged. ‘It’s more about my schedule. I have a lot of extracurricular activities.’
‘Like what?’
He started ticking things off on his fingers. ‘Fencing today. Chinese tomorrow. Karate on Thursday. There’s Japanese, too. A whole bunch of boring photo shoots on the weekends. And piano practice every day. Which reminds me…! Were you humming my song in class today?’
Her cheeks throbbed harder. ‘It’s…catchy.’
‘It isn’t. Did you listen to it more than once?’
She crossed her legs and studied her fingernails. ‘Wait….’ She looked back at him. ‘You’re learning Chinese?’
‘Mandarin, specifically. But Marinette – ’
‘That’s my mother’s native language! She’s originally from Shanghai. She moved here when she was my age.’
Adrien studied her like he was meeting her for the first time all over again. ‘You’re kidding. We really were meant to meet each other.’
She filed those words away to dwell on when she was alone, later. ‘But why are you learning such a hard language? And Japanese, too!’
‘Father says they’re good languages for business. Them and English, which I already know.’
She struggled to imagine this boy tucked behind a desk – though the image of him in an expensive suit was quite pleasing. ‘And that’s what you’re going to do someday? Business?’
‘God, I hope not.’ His eyes widened and looked watery with excitement at some idea he’d just had. ‘Maybe I could model for you! I wouldn’t mind you dressing me up.’
She nearly choked.
Oblivious, Adrien picked up his phone and checked the time. ‘The bell’s going to ring soon. That’s a shame. I love our lunchtime talks.’
He said this as if these were a regular occurrence, even though they had only happened twice. There was such a natural assumption that this was now their thing.
Maybe it was.
Keeping Reading at Ao3
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again. How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own….
*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. Half funny / fluffy and half heavy but with a happy ending. Please read tags. *** Rating: Teen and up
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kasienda · 8 months
Would Trust You With Everything - Ch 5: The One I Turn To
An Adrino Story - Canon Divergent from Rocketear, S4 AU.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Read on Ao3
Chapter 5: The One I Turn To
Chat Noir didn’t leave his room until almost four in the morning. Nino fell to his bed, grinning, wondering not for the first time, how he, of all people, had become secret best friends with the Chat Noir. 
He went to school with bags under his eyes more days than not, but he didn’t care. Spending time with Chat was more than worth it. At first, it had been nice just to have the company, but Nino quickly realized that Chat Noir was lonely too. And Nino knew what that felt like, wouldn’t wish it on anyone - especially a guy like Chat Noir who acted like an eager puppy as soon as you gave him any consideration at all. 
So Nino had stocked up on snacks and asked Adrien for the best anime recommendations, and on the nights where they didn’t run patrol, they would just chill. 
It was amazing they hadn’t been caught. His dad was admittedly a heavy sleeper, and Chat always left before his maman was home anyway on nights that she worked, but there were nights when she didn’t. And she very much was a light sleeper. Seems like they should have been caught by now. 
Because literally every two to three nights, Chat Noir turned up in his room and stayed until almost dawn. And Nino didn’t question it. He didn’t want to question it. He was having way too much fun. 
“What are we watching tonight?” Chat Noir asked as he settled at the foot of Nino’s bed. 
“My best bro recommended Spy x Family. You interested?” 
“That’s the one where he’s a spy and she’s an assassin, and only the mind-reading daughter knows?” 
“You’ve already seen it?” It seemed impossible to find an anime that Chat Noir hadn’t already seen. 
“Only the first two episodes! It’s really good! I’ll wait for you for the rest of it. I’m curious what you think of the whole situation they’re in.” 
An hour later they were discussing the nuances of secret identities and secrets within relationships. If Nino didn’t know better, he’d have thought that Chat Noir planned the whole thing. But given that it had been Adrien’s recommendation, he couldn’t have. 
Maybe he had already been thinking about it when he watched the first two episodes. 
“Don’t you think it’s unfair that they’re putting each other in danger by not disclosing who they really are?” 
Nino frowned. “But they’re both doing it.” 
“Yeah, but neither of them know that.”
“Seems to me like they both also get something from their fake relationship - like there’s something there more genuine than either of them anticipated, and given who their characters are, they’d be okay with the added risk for that alone. Especially for their daughter.” 
But Chat Noir didn’t seem satisfied with their discussion. 
“Dude! What are we actually talking about?” 
Chat glanced away. “The anime? What else would we be talking about?” 
“I don’t know. You tell me.” 
“I can’t.” 
“Do you worry that you’re putting me in danger?” 
Chat snorted. “I know I’m putting you in danger, but you at least know that and you have some ability to protect yourself.”
Nino bit his lip. That implied there was something Nino didn’t know about, which wasn’t surprising by itself. It was surprising that Chat was dwelling so much on it - that this kept coming up. Nino knew Chat Noir had another identity. And Chat Noir knew that he knew. 
“Does it bother you that I don’t know who you are?” Nino asked. 
Chat looked straight at him, and Nino’s heart took off in his chest without his permission. “I’ve never liked secrets.”
Nino couldn’t help the burst of laughter. “Dude! You’re a literal superhero. Kind’ve comes with the job.”
Chat groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I know. I know. And I had accepted it, but I also don’t usually go around befriending people in this half of my persona.” 
And there went Nino’s heart again. “Why did you come here as a hero?” 
Chat looked at him again, his eyes swirling with emotion.
“You can’t tell me, can you?”
“I mean, I can. I can tell you all kinds of stuff that would sound totally plausible.” 
“But it would be a lie?” 
Chat Noir nodded, not looking at him now.
“So don’t tell me anything then.” 
Chat looked at him in surprise. “And you’re okay with that?” 
Nino shrugged. “I mean, I’m definitely curious, but I don’t mind. I don’t want to put you in danger to satisfy my curiosity.” 
Chat Noir gave him such a relieved smile. This had been weighing on him a lot. 
“For the record, I like having you around and I don’t want you to stop coming. I also know there’s a risk. I know first hand what it’s like to be used as a hostage to manipulate a hero, and I have no desire to repeat the experience.” 
Being trapped in a bubble while a sentimonster with a mockery of his own face cornered Alya had been one of the scariest days of his life. And he had gone head to head with an akumatized Anansi, which had probably been the second scariest day of his life. 
“I know you can’t tell me everything. It’s okay. Please stop stressing over it.” 
Chat Noir offered him a shy smile. “Okay. I’ll try.” 
Chat Noir kept coming back and the topic never came up again, so Nino figured he had managed to convince Chat that he was okay with whatever secrets he kept. 
Or at least he hoped he had because he really really wanted to keep whatever this was. 
Things had mostly gone back to normal after that. The next visit they had gotten their energy out running a patrol. And the visit after that they had stayed up too late watching the rest of SpyxFamily. But tonight, Chat Noir was upset. 
Nino wasn’t entirely sure how he knew that. They had been spending a lot of time together over the last few weeks, but Nino didn’t think he had ever seen him upset. Anxious? Definitely. Caught in his head? More than once, but here Chat was actually upset. 
Chat Noir sat on Nino’s bed with his shoulders slumped and his belt tail - which Nino had always assumed was just an accessory - gripped tightly in his gloved hands.
“Rough akuma?” Nino asked. He wasn’t allowed to ask about Chat’s life, and suddenly that chafed in a way that it hadn’t before. 
“She told someone her identity!” Chat snapped. 
“Ladybug?” Nino guessed. 
“Yes! That’s like the one most sacred rule we’ve been told over and over again that the two of us especially  can’t break! She’s always been adamant about it!”
“You and her don’t know each other’s identities?” Nino asked. He always thought they had at least told each other.
That was horrifying. Nino honestly couldn’t imagine saving the city day after day and not being able to talk about it after the fact.
“I’ve been asking almost since the beginning. I wanted us to share. I thought we would at least be able to support each other better. But more recently, I didn’t even care if she shared hers. I just wanted to tell her mine. She… knows all the others. I’m the only one she doesn’t know, but it seems like she should now that she’s the Guardian.” 
“The Guardian?” Nino echoed.
“Shit! I don’t know if I should have told you that.” 
“You really haven’t told me anything.” 
Chat’s claws raked through his hair and over his cat ears, which flickered back like they were real cat ears. 
Nino never had noticed that before. And he found himself wanting to touch them.
“The point is, she told someone, and apparently she told them awhile ago, and she never even told me that she had told some one even though it compromises her and I should know that so I know what I’m potentially up against when I protect her!”
“Are you upset that she told someone else? Or that she told someone that wasn’t you?” Nino asked softly, taking a seat beside Chat Noir. 
“I don’t know! Both? I just… I always thought that it was just the rules. That they were really important to her. And now, it seems like I was wrong. That it’s just me, she doesn’t trust me.” He looked up at Nino then. “What did I do wrong? I’ve only ever tried to be what she needed.”
Nino squeezed Chat’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, mec. I don’t know.” 
And then Chat Noir was crying. Chat Noir was in his bedroom, crying. 
Nino didn’t think about it. He just pulled the other boy into his arms, and Chat curled up against his chest like he belonged there and just cried himself out. 
Nino was completely out of his depth. And he didn’t know what to do. 
Even once Chat had calmed he didn’t immediately move. And Nino had to admit to himself, it felt nice to have someone there. He hadn’t realized how much he had just missed the warmth of another body against his own. 
“Thank you, Nino.” Chat’s voice was so small. Like a child afraid to take up space. “Thank you for trusting me.” 
“Yeah, man. Of course.” 
“You say that it’s no big deal, but you don’t understand. No one else ever has.” 
Nino hugged him tighter.
Nino absolutely could not focus the next day. And having to sit still and not listen to music was torture. He needed to move, tap, something . He needed to come up with a way to cheer up Chat Noir who had been there for him through his own heartache.  And Chat Noir had confided in him, and Nino treasured that. Whatever he kept from Nino, he obviously was still willing to lean on him. Nino wanted to be worthy of that trust. 
But he had no idea how to do that. He couldn’t even text Chat Noir throughout the day the way Adrien had done with him when his breakup was so fresh. 
Was he sitting somewhere upset and crying, unable to explain what was going on? Nino wished he knew. 
Adrien sat next to him, looking as polished as ever, but Nino knew better than anyone that Adrien’s physical appearance meant nothing. He knew how to hide circles under his eyes with the subtlest of makeup and his smiles were practiced and smooth. But today, Adrien had taken barely any notes, which meant he couldn’t focus either. Something was up. 
Nino felt bad that he hadn’t checked in for so long, so distracted as he was by all things Chat Noir. They hadn’t even been playing games online. 
Nino tapped his shoe against Adrien’s in the middle of class. Adrien glanced towards him. Nino shoved his notebook over to Adrien with a short message scrawled out in his messy handwriting. 
What’s up? 
Adrien flashed him a smile, and began writing frantically.
I’m okay. I wasn’t, but a friend took care of me last night. I just didn’t get any sleep because of it. 
Do you need to talk more? 
Adrien shook his head, and offered him a huge smile like he was so touched just that Nino had offered. The dude seriously needed higher standards. 
I’m okay. Promise. 
And Nino couldn't bring himself to press after that. 
I’m going to go splash water on my face though. brb.
The bell rang before Adrien returned, and the classroom erupted in a blur of motion. A pencil hit the ground behind him. Nino whirled around, scooped it up, and held back up to Alya with a genuine smile. Even he was shocked at how easy it was to look at her, to share the same space.
“How are you?” he asked. 
She smiled at him. “I think I’m okay. Marinette has been really good to me.” 
“The four of us should do something again,” he blurted out. It would be nice to have their friend group again. “I mean… if you feel up to that. And it’s okay if you don’t ever want to hang out with me again. I would totally get it—”
She stopped him with a hand on his arm. His eyes locked onto the point of contact, and she drew away again. “I think I would like that.” she said.
“Just to be clear, I don’t think getting back together is on the table.” 
She nodded. “I didn’t think that it was.” 
“But I think I would like to be your friend again.” 
She smiled. “I would like that too.” And then she leaned forward eagerly. “And as your friend, I’m absolutely dying to know what’s up with you walking in here with no sleep and dopey grins every other day?” 
He laughed. “I… uh… have been hanging out with a friend. And he’s… just really fun to be around.” 
“A friend, huh?” she echoed, her mouth stretched into a teasing lilt. 
And Nino’s world split in two. It was so weird to be teased by his ex-girlfriend about a potential love interest. 
And holy fuck, Chat Noir was a potential love interest!
She was laughing at him now. “You didn’t realize, did you?” 
He shook his head.
“Well, you’re welcome. You’ve been really happy lately. I… uh… I hope it works out for you.” She rose to her feet and walked towards the door.
“Th-thanks!” he called after her, two seconds too late. She laughed again.
Adrien came back in at the same time, and glanced between him and the now empty doorway Alya had just vacated. 
“You okay?” he asked. “You look like you’ve been hit by a bus. What did she say?” 
Nino turned to his best friend, feeling more than a bit shell-shocked. “Dude! I need some advice. Like, really really badly.” 
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pinkseas · 1 year
crackles knuckles
“like to me id hc xiao before it all fell apart, he used to have a mother. thats it. idk what happened back there and how they got separated i dont want to go there without more emotional damage”
im about to go there. im so ready for this. this means So Fucking Much To Me Dear Lord.
she sees no use in dwelling on the past. it’s one of the first things he learns from her- he no longer remembers how or why, no longer remembers what it was she told him that instilled that thought within him so deeply, but he knows that it was her. (once upon a time, she ran. xiao’s grandparents are far, far away, whether they’d love him or not, and he does not have a father. not as far as she’s concerned. the past is the past and it can stay there. it’s in the simple things, too, a broken toy, misspoken words: you made a mistake and we can’t change it but we can learn, we can move forward. we can always move forward.)
(she names him alatus, gives him wings the only way she can. may he never be trapped as she was for so long. may he always find a way to fly.)
(funny, really, how that works out.)
she is? was? a good mother. he remembers so little but this, he knows. lullabies before bed. never left hungry, never left wanting, so rarely scolded and never more than a disapproving tone. any time her voice was raised it was kind, happy, like when she’d call for him when they were playing hide and seek or when it was time to come inside to eat.
it isn’t her fault or negligence or neglect that leads to him being taken. it’s the cruelty of the world and bad luck, plain and simple. he remembers missing her. he remembers missing her so much it ached.
he doesn’t know whether or not he killed her. it’s hard to tell. his deeds and the bloodshed are all too clear but the people fog and fade, the faces all begin to blur together. he knows that the god had him destroy his own home, at least eventually, but he doesn’t know whether or not she escaped. she could have left, could have been searching for him, could have been waiting there for him to come home. he remembers, vaguely, when he really tries to- a sense of peace. the warmth of unconditional love. the way she used to whisper his name. but the question remains, endless and unanswered: are those his own memories? or are they her dreams, devoured by her own son?
he doesn’t know. he doesn’t think he’ll ever know.
he makes her a grave. it takes a very long time. there’s no name and a marker only he would recognize. it’s nothing special. he thinks, distantly, that she deserved more than this. but it’s all he has, and that will have to be enough.
and then he does what she always did, what she always taught him to do: he moves forward.
QIQI RECOGNIZING HIM........ god. God. “to qiqi, xiao has a familiar warmth. he has a certain sadness in his eyes that she's seen before everytime he glances at her” crying shaking bawling sobbing this is so good this is So Good. the detachment from reality the mutual loneliness the unique, strange sort of understanding of each other....... man.
“im finding it super super fUCKING NEAT about the twins separating and gaining each other's personalities to fill the empty space next to them. just to cope the loneliness, the grief, and i cant imagine how much it had been for aether for 500 whole years to lumine who's just starting to turn that way. just the thought of him slowly deteriorating, the way he changes over the years turned decades turned centuries is SO REAL THERES JUST. sumfin that makes him so dear 2 me”
aether my EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG abyss aether my everything [redacted au] my everything <33333 he is so very important to me fr and just. god. the twins both struggling So Much without each other there trying so hard to cope with it and ultimately failing so miserably in so many ways makes me soooooo. you can remember what they wouldve done you can remember their personality their choices their actions but you can’t cover your side the way they used to, you cant stop turning to talk to them only to realize you’re facing an empty space. paimon helps. paimon really, truly helps. but she’s her own person, a friend, not a sibling or a twin. not a replacement. not even close.
“id like to think how he differs with lumine that he's more carefree but also cautious, empathetic and a guy of mercy and defense. what you dont see on lumine is what you see on aether, and for lumine shes kinda crazy on her own which is prolly self projection or something + the petty im a lil tired of Girly Uwu Pure Sunshine Angel perception ppl have on her bc Girl and White Dress, so she can be a lil reckless And savage when she wants to (that one bit in jeht's last quests where shes like @ that fatui guy "She's Paimon, and I'm your worst nightmare." SENDS ME HOWLING). of course they're not complete opposites bc its not like lumine's disastrously apathetic to aether's empathy, they influence each other and fill the roles which are more in-tune at. and lumine's definitely the one who's inclined to impulse, now more contemplative these days; and aether, when he used think through so much about weighing between right or wrong, now figures his actions in the abyss overall is always, and justifiably, right”
THIS FUCKS SO HARD HELLO ???????????????????? god yes yes yes yes everything about aether is SO REAL and big mood with being tired of lumine being portrayed as sunshine incarnate. her being more reckless and somewhat savage is SO fucking real big big mood, and her impulsiveness turning into contemplation is so. fmngmfngmngm god. aether thinking he’s always right IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no bc what the FUCK has the abyss twin seen to make them like that what the FUCK happened dear LORD
“like dear Lord gets the twins xiao zhongli venti everyone in my arms rn WE ARE MOVING” REALLLLLLLLLL like fanon isnt bad on its own but when people are constantly pushing it as “this is the RIGHT interpretation” or “this IS canon” its so. its so. its so. god.
“ALSO "xiao becoming possessed or corrupt somehow and lumine having to kill him but in those final few moments it’s him again and he smiles at her and she holds him as he dies." EX FUCKING CUSE ME IM COMING TO YOUR HOUSE“
giggling sm this lives in the very very back of my head always... sometimes love is the character who kills and the character who dies content just to be in their arms those last few moments <3 
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lovesick-panmess · 3 years
Protect Them
Soo I know I'm way overdue with the 3rd part of my Armageddon AU but I've actually been replaying the lessons so I get a proper feel for what I'm writing, so to make up for it and to get this idea out of my head I've been thinking about it for days here is a related fic between the oldest brothers
Levi can count on one hand how many times he's seen Lucifer coming home injured. The Avatar of Pride could easily crush irrelevant demons with his glare and he proved worthy of Diavalo's right-hand man for a reason... But the first time that Levi remembers was on a travel mission with Lord Diavalo within a year after their fall from grace. It was a distant memory, seeing Lucifer stumble up the stairs blooded up and adamantly refusing care from any of them, even Mammon who was following behind his every footstep. He had gotten used to such behavior and just settled for turning up his headphones on his way to the safe haven that was his room, stopping when he noticed the eldest's door cracked open. He watched Mammon gingerly wrap the bandage around his shoulder, blinking back tears in his eyes and shaking his head vehemently as Lucifer spoke. The music was loud and distracting he just settled for reading their lips-
"Mammon I need you to do this for me.."
"I won't! There's no need, ya just paranoid-!"
Watching the tears well up made Levi shift, uncomfortable and jealous, wondering what bond allowed them to be so vulnerable so open. Hadn't they all fought their father together? Rallied behind him so readily behind Lucifer, their Morningstar that only shined a light that only Mammon was allowed to see. He lingered before continuing to walk down the hall, to dwell in his own sunken loneliness but hearing Mammon speak one more time before the door had shut.
"..I'll do it, alright? Just stop ya crying, Luci.."
He had felt the deja vu of that very moment playing out in front of him, though this time he was hiding from Mammon in his secret spot in the living room. They had planned to go to the movies in an hour and Levi knew that Mammon would try to find him to convince him to pay for the tickets yet again so he decided to wait out the time so that scumbag would have to bring his wallet. It was a surprise to see the door open, everyone else is out and Lucifer's return to be scheduled for a few more days, but instead, the eldest had come early with visible wounds and beatings. Levi felt frozen, debating on whether he should slip out to help or stay putt but once again Mammon comes down the stairs like it's his calling. "Lucifer? Let me help you!" Denial was the first given reaction, the eldest's heart too hard and stubborn to ask for help before collapsing into Mammon's arms.
Levi followed with anxiety brewing in his chest, now wanting to just hide away in his room since plans were clearly on hold and he could do nothing to help the pair. Not like they would want his help, a shitty pathetic otaku wasn't much good at bandaging wounds, not like he was able to get much practice like Mammon did. Jealousy seethed, it made his heart race as he hid to the side of the door at the mention of his name.
"We have to tell him, Mams."
"We don't have to tell him shit! It's fine like this...Levi doesn't have to be involved."
It was confusing to be thrown out of the loop, but it hurt to hear Mammon so effortlessly fight to not include him. Maybe the second-born felt that Levi wasn't worth it? Too weak and unable to do..whatever it is they are arguing about, even so, it was odd-looking into Lucifer's room. Mammon unafraid of the eldest's temper and even being so bold as to glare at him while cleaning his cuts, Lucifer had an expression of utter fondness that was intertwined with an unlabeled fear, one that only he seemed to see.
"Mammon, you know it takes a lot out of me to..admit this. I'm almost jealous that you're able to view me so..."
Shit shit shit, he had been so entrapped in their conversation and his own envy he hadn't realized that it was emitting throughout the hall. He stiffens when Lucifer calls his name, slipping out from where he was hiding and now embarrassed. "Levi..come here please." He notes that Mammon refuses to look at him, biting his bottom lip hard as he sits next to his brother, so not used to this soft tone from him. He really must have stepped into a completely different world, one where Lucifer is willing to fight tooth and nail with his own pride in order to tell them the truth. And what a horrid truth it must be.
"Lucifer what's going on? Why is Mammon..." He trails off, feeling Lucifer's hand skim through his hair, and despite his own embarrassment leaned into the comforting touch and suddenly the bottle of Demonus was looking very tempting. "Levi...I would like to involve you in something very important, in order to protect the others." Lucifer's words were slow, each one taking some kind of will to overcome his pride, his wings twitching in what Levi could easily place as anxiety and one he knew way too well. "I'm not allowed to say anything about the threat outside of the Devildom but it puts us at risk and I...There may be a chance I won't come back."
His stomach drops, he doesn't realize that he's shaking until he feels Mammon's arms wrapping around his shoulder, shaking his head in pure denial. Not Lucifer, the most powerful one of them all, their eldest brother not coming back. Such thoughts were unfathomable to even believe, much less considered as a probability to the point that they had to talk about it. Acknowledge it and take action, Lucifer keeps talking and Mammon presses Levi closer to his chest, "I talked this with Mammon since the beginning but now we believe it's time to tell you in case something were ever to happen to the both of us and you would decide when to tell Satan..."
The prospect of such responsibility makes Levi feel like a fish out of water as he gulps for air yet in that same breath go on a rampage of self-deprecation and drowning doubt. How he's not ready, he's a good-for-nothing shitty pathetic otaku, he can't protect his brothers, he's weak, he's nothing, if Lucifer and Mammon are gone then there would be no fucking hope for them. The two oldest look at each other, small bits of regret building up from the pressure and burden they had put on him, Mammon gently rubbing his back and Lucifer cupping his face. "Leviathan please breathe."
His body does it automatically before he can think about it, the air in his lungs felt like boiling water as the panic slowly dissipates in his chest. All that was left was his own soft mutterings, so sure that Lucifer was probably disappointed that he has to trust in Levi of all people to protect them, he leans against Mammon who nudges him affectionately before resting his head on his shoulder. "I...I haven't really done anything good since...I was General...how can you be so sure in me?" He asks but squirms unready for whatever the answer might be, though he's unable to mistake Lucifer's radiating pride that he feels.
"Who's the one who came up with the plan on where to steal the weapons in the Celestial Realm?"
"M-Me but I-"
"And who helped convince the others to lay low while we defended the base?"
"I did but Luci-"
"Who's the one who took an arrow for Mammon while he was trying to protect me?"
He gets cut off with a flick on his forehead, his lips set in a pout but meeting the Morningstar's expression that made butterflies bloom in his stomach from overwhelming pride had him turn away and looking down at the floor. "Levi, get out of your head for one second and look at how smart and tactical you are. When it matters...when there is no time to panic. You're the third strongest family for a fucking reason, you should start believing it." The unusual confidence makes him flush but it's really Lucifer's words that bring the tears, no longer from fear but slowly coming to the realization that Lucifer and Mammon too had faith in him...they always did.
"Do ya still wanna join the pact? If ya wanna think about it, ya still can Levi." He blinks at the fact that Mammon had really been silent this whole time and just hugging him, the second born now getting up to tighten the remaining bandages. "Did you think about it, Mammon?" Levi knew the answer in his gut, only the blind would question the unwavering devotion that Mammon and Lucifer had for each other, only further cemented as the Avatar of greed simply shakes his head. He feels a small smile form on his face, "Then I don't need to think about it...I want to do this."
By the next few hours, any of the remaining tension and somber feelings had slipped away, replaced by a calm atmosphere that usually would not last long in the House of Lamentation. The melody of the cursed record floated and hung in the air as Levi rested on the floor in his demon form, the pact officially made and learning about the secret doorway by Lucifer's bookcase, definitely locking that information into memory. He sees Mammon grinning above him, curiosity embedded in his features, "So where'd ya decide to put the pact mark?" Levi lifts his sweater, the symbol of the three still glow fresh on the side by his ribs, and Mammon hissing with empathy.
He wanted it to hurt weirdly enough, to serve as a forever reminder that this pain was temporary but the pain of losing his brothers would surely last till the end of time. Mammon shows the mark on his hand, Lucifer clicks his tongue in disapproval as someone might ask about the pact but the second brother waves his concern away. He enjoys looking at the pact, the constant reassurance that they would be okay when the word goes to absolute shit, and Lucifer couldn't find any argument against that. They both look at the eldest who crosses his arms with a sharp, "No-" before puppy eyes come into play and Lucifer's pride can not save him from that.
What they both don't expect is for Lucifer to turn around and spread his wings out as if to show off, but then they see it. The markings trailing up his spine and next to the scars of where his two wings used to be, Levi is the first to reach up and touch it, internally blaming the remnants of Lucifer's pride that is making him so bold. He sees his hand tremble but luckily he is able to hold his voice steady, "Just because we made this pact..doesn't mean you both get to just fuck up. Y-You both should always come home." Lucifer nods, Mammon kisses his cheek and Levi struggles to hide his tears.
When Levithan leaves the room while closing the door behind him, reality, as he knew it just a few hours ago, wasn't all that different and he can hear Asmo drunkenly cheering as Satan carries him through the door. "Hey, Levi! Don't hide in your room- you better come join us." He doesn't give his thoughts a chance, heading down the stairs with a small smile. The world hadn't changed, but Levi would be forever.
AHHH THIS HAS BEEN SITTING THE DRAFTS FOREVER I'M SO GLAD I FINISHED IT. Please please let me know if I should make an explanation post of how the pacts would work (it will most likely be headcanons cause I don't know how they work in canon 😪😪)
either way, I really hope you enjoyed the fic as I did writing it! I'm still working on the next part for the Armageddon AU so bear with me 😭
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roniscloud · 3 years
lhs - runnin’
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lee heeseung [a. + f. 4700 words] runnin’
to you
you came up on some new
i know i shouldn’t feel blue
‘cause i was runnin’ out of time for you
synopsis: you met heeseung in your freshman year of college and immediately hit it off. you’ve made it to your third year and when everyone including yourselves thought that you were each other’s endgame, the devastation when you two split was immeasurable. you both know there’s still love between you. this break allows you both to realize new things. can you two find your ways back to each other? will this be the final goodbye?
genre + tropes: angst. fluff. comedy. college!au. establishedrelationship!au. exes!au.
warnings: fem reader. swearing. arguing. nosy friends. cold heeseung and cold reader. drifting relationship. interventions. slight suggestive themes but it’s only mentioned like once. they both pine over each other. mentions of alcohol and binge drinking. maybe not a happy ending. if you choose to see it that way. whoops. appearances of the rest of enha plus txt yeonjun and soobin.
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i.  the break
“so this is how it’s gonna end? i thought we were doing fine.”
heeseung erupts into an even angrier fit, “are you kidding me? we are not fucking fine. in what world is this fine? tell me!”
you scoff from where you stand cross-armed on the other side of the bedroom. “well, can you really blame me? it’s hard to see if there’s something wrong if we never see each other.”
“exactly my point! we don’t see each other.”
the two of you have been at each other’s throats since heeseung showed up at your apartment. you have no idea how long ago that was or when the argument started. all you remember is coming up to him when he arrived, wanting to actually spend some time with him. instead he shrugged you off and ignored you, blaming the fatigue. the rest has been a blur. one of you made an offhand comment and now here you are: frustrated and in another fight.
a quick recap: you two met at a mutual friend’s party. you thought that each other was attractive and he ended up asking you out. from there you kept going out, fell in love, dated, and everyone thought you were perfect together. three years later and it’s getting tiring. life has been draining trying to balance it all.
“and who’s fault is that?”
annoyed, he snaps back, “oh please, you can not put the blame solely on me.”
“bullshit. i sure can when i’m the only one making an effort here. i’ve actually been trying to save us. you, on the other hand…” you pause again, rolling your eyes, “well, we both know just how much you care.”
his jaw drops, defensively he spits back, “are you genuinely implying that i don’t care about you? about us? that’s rich.”
you move to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at a single spot on the floor. you can see the shadow of heeseing pacing back and forth. you sit there, not looking at each other. the only sounds to be heard are his footsteps and the heavy sighs from you. you think back to the last several weeks. you recall each of the times you have been able to see each other. there’s no substance, nothing memorable. the only thing that comes to mind is that you always end up not talking at all or arguing.
just like right now.
“be real, heesung. when was the last time we went on a date? when was the last time you stayed the night without it ending up with you just knocking out? when was the last time we actually sat down and had a conversation? be honest because i will. i can’t remember.”
“and yet you thought we were fine?”
“well it’s better to believe a good lie than face the hurtful truth. i’m trying to save this relationship. i’m trying all the fucking time and you don’t do shit.”
he spits back frustrated, “well maybe that’s because there’s nothing to be saved.”
“are you kidding me right now? am i supposed to be scared? you tell me that there’s nothing to be saved and expect me to just give up?”
“sorry but i’m not running from this anymore.”
“you’re not sorry and we both know it.” you push yourself back up to stand, resting your hands on your hips, “you can’t say you’re sorry and expect me to forgive you. that’s not how this works.”
“this isn’t what i wanted to happen. this isn’t how it was supposed to go.”
“then make it work.”
“i- i can’t,” he holds his hands over his face, running one through his hair, “it’s too much.”
“so what? what do you mean?”
he finally stops. he takes a deep breath and lets it all out, “i just can’t see this working anymore, at least not like this.”
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ii. week one
you thought this would be more difficult. that this would be the hardest pill to swallow. the first week apart may actually be the easiest. nothing has really changed. that’s probably because you haven’t told anyone that you two are no longer together. perhaps the time that you didn’t spend with each other before the break up had trained you for this.
life goes on, with or without heeseung. that’s what you keep telling yourself. you choose to get caught up with your life. you have other priorities. it’s not a crime to focus on yourself for the first time in three years.
heeseung feels the same. he doesn’t see any point on dwelling on the breakup. sure, he was the one who made the decision. he’s the one who put it out there. he’s the one who ended it and the one who is taking responsibility.
lucky for both of you, you don’t have any courses together and your schedules don’t really coincide. there’s no chance at any awkward run-ins. there is this weird, tiny feeling though. there’s this small inkling of something missing. you both suppress it. i mean, hell, the breakup just happened.
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iii. scheming
meanwhile, your friends have all seemed to notice that the two of you are off. they aren’t sure what it is. they get that you two have had some time apart, but you’re both adults with lives. you have your own classes, jobs, other friends, and such. no one mentions it because they don’t think it’s their business.
but come on… there’s no way they won’t get to the bottom of it. our resident gossips, sunoo and sunghoon, team up and make it their mission to snoop around. of course, they take precautions to not get caught. the scheming duo find out nothing, to no avail.
now the gang of the scheming duo plus jay, jake, and niki have convened in the common room of jungwon’s dorm building. the 02z are all playing billiards in one corner. sunoo battles jungwon in a game of ping pong. the youngest of the group sits by himself on one of the couches, contemplating if he should speak up. they’ve been in a heated discussion as they try to figure out what exactly has been irking them.
riki, against his own conscience, speaks up to the five. he has this gut feeling and innocently wants to voice his opinion. “what if,” the young boy start out while gauging the faces of the others, “now don’t get mad and just hear me out.” he stops again, taking his time to make eye contact with each of the older boys, waiting until they all nod, “what if… they broke up?”
the group of friends all exchange glances with each other before breaking out into laughter. jay composes himself a bit, still chuckling when he says, “seriously? you think they broke up? heeseung and y/n? yeah, no way.”
sunoo leans onto the ping pong table and eggs him on, “they are literally soulmates.”
jungwon sets his racket down and goes to plop himself next to riki on the couch, “there is no way in hell the two of them split.”
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iv. breaking news
“yeah, we split.” plain and simple. three words that crushed the poor hearts of jake and jungwon. he broke the news over brunch. he sensed their curiosity when they deliberately never brought you up. 
“good joke there, dude. almost had me for a second.” jake says, awkwardly with a forced laugh.
the youngest of the three chiming in and agreeing, “yeah, that’s really funny.” a silence hits the booth. “you are joking… right?”
the oldest then looks back and forth between the two, tilting his head to one side like a confused pup. he doesn’t see why they think he would joke and simply replies, “nope. you guys haven’t asked so i’m guessing you tried to snoop around and pick up on my cues. i’m also guessing sunoo’s behind this whole operation.”
“ok wait,” jake interjects, “what do you mean you broke up? you can’t just break up.”
jungwon agrees, “he’s right. you two are just playing a prank on us.”
“guys, i’m serious. y/n and i are no longer together.” the two just freeze, jaws dropped, eyes wide. “besides, it’s better this way.”
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v. bad timing
meanwhile the remaining four members of their friend group have met up in the campus library in an attempted study session. so far, they’ve just gone back to gossiping and slacking off. the boys all find themselves teetering on the verge of sleep. that is until sunghoon catches you walking in. immediately going to softly pat the others back awake, they all look up confused. trying to stay subtle, hoon jerks his head to the side in your direction.
you make your way to one of the shelves, searching high and low for a book you need for your literature class. sneaking up behind you comes choi yeonjun, the library aid and a friend of yours. 
“need any help?”
“no thanks, i’m good jun.” you give him a polite smile.
unbeknownst to both of you, the failure of a study group has creeped to a closer table. they knew that you two were friends but they still can’t help but eavesdrop. “will you two please shut up so we can hear them?” the annoyed face evident on sunghoon’s face at the bickering of sunoo and niki. he turns to see jay, snacking and not paying attention. he rolls his eyes at the group, his gaze then catching yeonjun leading you out of the shelves. quickly shushing the three and nodding his head in your direction again, they finally get the hint.
yeonjun steps in front of you, “so you know my friend soobin, right?”
“soobin… as in choi soobin?”
yeonjun flashes his bright smile, “that’s the one.”
“yeah i know him. we had a stats class together a while back. he definitely taught me a few tricks around a calculator.” you laugh with him, “he’s super sweet, and needless to say cute too.”
“well, am i glad to hear that! long story short, he’s kinda been crushing on you lately and wants to know if you’re free. he mentioned your shared class before but he said he never got your number.”
“since you have mine already, go ahead and give it to him. tell him i’m free whenever he is.”
yeonjun raises his eyebrows at your boldness, “will do. i just wanted to ask you first before i gave it to him because… y’know…”
“no worries, i completely understand.”
he gives a quick goodbye before going back to his desk. storming quickly, four faces appear in front of you, all a combination of confusion, shock, and anger. 
sunoo starts, “um… y/n. why are you telling yeonjun to give your number to another guy?”
“yeah, are you cheating on heeseung?” his partner in crime, sunghoon, joins in.
you pause and scan their faces. your face dawns an equally as confused expression. “how can i cheat on someone who isn’t my boyfriend?”
four jaws simultaneously drop. riki’s being the first to close and answer a bit hushed, “i knew it.”
jay turns to him in disbelief, “not the time, niki!”
“did heeseung not tell you guys?” you ask them slowly. “i assumed he would be the one to let you all know.”
“that you two broke up?!” sunoo asks angrily, being shushed by yeonjun from the counter. giving an apologetic smile then tuning back into your conversation, “what do you mean you two broke up?”
“we just… broke up. that’s it. end of story. now if you’ll excuse me, i have to actually study.”
they watch you check out the book you came in for originally and walk out the doors, unsure of what to do next.
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vi. the intervention
arranging your monthly movie night was not exactly the easiest task given the tensions surrounding two people in your group. so the only logical solution that they all could think of was to simply not to tell one of you that the other was coming over. a fool-proof plan.
in the dorm of the 02z, you did not expect to see heeseung when you walked in.
he gets up from his spot on the couch, “what the hell is going on here?”
“yeah, an explanation would be nice.” you cross your arms as you glare at the younger boys.
niki, trying to act as mediator gestures for both of you two sit on the loveseat—the same loveseat that was always reserved for the two of you before. “this is an intervention.”
after the confession of their intentions, everyone goes quiet. not a single word is spoken for several minutes, no one knowing how to start. after much internal contemplation, jungwon finally attempts to start. “we brought you two here today because- you know what, i can’t do this.” he stops and cuts himself off, burying his face in his hands.
sunoo sits next to him with his arms crossed. “how dare you two? our parents gets divorced and we don’t even get a notice.” it was common for them to refer to you and heeseung as the parents of the group, being the oldest. although something about sunoo still calling you by that nickname stings, him shaking his head to display his disappointment making you feel guilty. 
you see heeseung out of the corner of your eye avoiding looking up to your friends. “look, i don’t see the big deal. we broke up. that happens when relationships don’t work out.”
sunghoon quickly intervenes, “how can you say it isn’t a big deal? you’re letting three years go to waste and that’s all you can say? that’s what happens.” he scoffs at how shameless you come off.
“well, would you rather us stay together even when we were unhappy?” their reactions were a mix of shouts, the words yes, of course not, and duh all blending into each other.
that’s what brought your ex boyfriend out of his daze. “y/n has a point. we broke up and it’s over. we were no longer happy and i don’t see the point in bringing it up again either. it’s in the past. let it go.” he says rather coldly and sternly. him actually saying it and acknowledging it caused that weird feeling to come back. his body language is off, too. your years together has taught you enough about heeseung to know when he’s upset, especially with himself.
jake takes his turn, looking down at his fidgeting hands and muttering sadly, “but you promised each other forever.”
that prompts you and heeseung to glance at each other quickly, making eye contact and it lingering for a couple of seconds. you look away first, not noticing that his stare doesn’t leave you.”some promises just can’t be kept.” your response then making him turn away.
“bullshit.” it’s the first word uttered by jay this entire time. “neither of you are the type to break promises.”
“some things can’t be helped,” heeseung defends.
jay, getting angrier, asks his friend, “did you know that she’s already going on a date? yeah, that guy, soobin. i’m pretty sure you know who he is. your ex,” he makes sure to stress the last word with a certain degree of annoyance, “thinks he’s cute.”
emotionless, heeseung answers back, “good for her, then.”
you were sure that you were over him, that’s why you said yes to the date. but something about him not caring leaves you feeling odd.
jungwon stops your train of thought, “no, you’re supposed to be upset. you’re supposed to get jealous and confess you still want to be with her. you’re supposed to fight for her and be together.”
another quick glance between the two of you, lasting longer than the previous one. no words are said on his end, but you know exactly what he’s trying to say. “he doesn’t have to fight when i’m the one who ended it.” you knew him. you knew he couldn’t admit to the others his decision. after all, he wants to be a good role model even in his darkest times. he couldn’t crush their idea of love and you did what you had to do. you lied for his sake—and maybe even yours.
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vii. him
two months have passed since the breakup. there’s tension amongst the friend group, the six not wanting to pick sides between you and heeseung. they’re constantly going back and forth, like they’re walking on eggshells as to not bring up something that only happened with the other.
to get your mind off everything, you’ve found comfort in soobin. well, more accurately you’ve found comfort in between his sheets, or wherever you two decide for it to go down. that’s not to say the dates aren’t great. you’re not official and you both know that. your latest date, however, couldn’t help but feel weird.
the date was going pretty well. don’t get me wrong—soobin is a great guy. he’s sweet, caring, funny, and handsome. you have a lot in common like your taste in drinks and movies. maybe if you had met him first, you would’ve dated him… but you didn’t meet him first. you met heeseung first, and soobin isn’t heeseung.
you found yourself drifting from the conversation now and then, thinking about how heeseung would’ve been at that moment. you think back to his habits, particularly the way he raises his eyebrows whenever he’s excited or talking about something he’s passionate about. you always found it endearing. over the course of dinner, you are able to notice that soobin has some cute habits too, like him covering his face when he gets shy or puffing out his cheeks. but it still isn’t the same.
“you two deserve each other.”
soobin catches your attention again with that comment. “what?”
“you and heeseung. i know that look. don’t try to lie to me.”
“look, heeseung is my past, and i want it to stay that way.”
“do you really want it to stay that way, or are you just afraid of what could happen if you let him back into your present?”
you give him a teasing glare, “don’t get all philosophical with me. i just don’t think he and i can go back to how we were before.”
“what’s so bad about you two changing? obviously if it didn’t work out, you shouldn’t try to be what you were before.”
“can’t i just try with you?”
“as much as i would love for you to give me that chance, i can’t do that to you or to myself. it’s not fair.”
you hesitantly ask him, “but is it worth it?”
“that’s not my decision to make.”
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viii. her
now that you’re virtually not in his life, he seems to be looking for you everywhere. actually… rather than going out of his way to look for you, everything just reminds him of you. the jingles of the commercials you always sang along to, your favorite songs on the radio, the reruns of 90’s shows you always binged. hell, even when he was making ramen, he was reminded of how you would make his favorite for him every time he was stressed over an exam. he was sitting in the back of the lecture hall, trying so hard to stay awake for his 3 hour long class with the most boring professor on campus. he fought the urge to text you since it felt like second nature to rely on you to help cheer him up.
there was a particular night when it really hit him. reality smacked him in the face late one evening. heeseung was bored out of his mind, laying alone in bed, aimlessly browsing netflix to find something to watch. he thinks to himself y/n would’ve slammed this laptop closed and talked all night about random and obscure topics. he laughs to himself, reliving the memories. right then, it’s obvious. he misses her.
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ix. promises
the rain hitting your bedroom window had no help on your already gloomy mood. what did help was the bottle of soju- well more realistically, four bottles of soju. it was all the liquid courage you needed to call heeseung at three in the morning. 
you sat drowsily on the rug of your living room, your phone on speaker and placed in front of you as you stared out the dewy glass. you heard the phone ring seven times, ready to hang up until you heard his groggy voice come out from the other end. “hello? y/n, why are you up?”
you laugh softly and ask him, sounding loopy, “why are you up?”
“because you’re calling me. would you like to give me a reason why, and are you drunk?”
“maybe. anyways, you know… i was thinking. we broke a lot of promises and it hurts. i have to know that we’re not bad people. i have to keep at least one, right?”
heeseung groans but lets you ramble, knowing that you won’t stop until you’ve said it all, “go on…”
“we made a promise that if something was going on, if we were in a dark place, that we would talk to someone. well, if you couldn’t tell by now, i’m not in the best place. the first person i thought to talk to was you.”
“why me?”
“shhh… don’t ask questions. i know you’re tired so just stay on the phone and let me talk. ok?”
he goes quiet for a bit, sighing, “ok.”
“i miss you. i do. i don’t expect you to miss me but i just want to say it,” pausing to hiccup, “soobin helped me realize some things, saying some crap like we deserve each other.” you chuckle as you recall his words, “maybe he said it because bad people deserve bad people. maybe he said it because in our own fucked up lives, we’re the only ones who can understand each other. i did a lot of thinking and i’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t. because if we stay together, we can’t move on. we can’t grow. we can’t become good people, no matter how much we want it. that’s life. sometimes, no matter how much we want something, no matter how much we wish on stars or pray, some things just aren’t meant to be.”
“y/n, get some rest…”
“wait, i’m not done. you already can tell i’ve been drinking and to be honest i have been, for a while. i do it,” starting to choke up and sniffle, “because it helps me forget. even if it’s just for a minute that i can forget what happened, i’ll drink as much as it takes. i’ll grow out of it, eventually. i know i will, but for now… i have to do what i have to do. i’m sure you can relate.” you laugh again, getting more drowsy. you bring your legs up, hugging your knees. faintly, the sounds of heeseung’s snores play from your phone. you smile to yourself, “i wish you were here, singing me a lullaby. i don’t know when you fell asleep but goodnight. take care of yourself.”
cuddled up in his bed, heeseung hears you hang up. he lets you believe he didn’t hear what you said. he knows the reality of it all and the weight that you both are carrying. knowing that you won’t check your phone for the rest of the night, he sends you a quick text: bookstore, saturday, noon. goodnight.
as he turns off his phone to try to fall back asleep, he sees his reflection in the black screen. he sees his puffy, red eyes and his tear-stained cheeks. the end of it all is coming and finally, you two are ready for it.
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x. love song
seeing him in person is a good idea. clearing the air, letting it all out, getting closure. all good ideas, you hope. walking into the bookstore was a weird feeling. when you spot him sitting by the window, you quietly make your way over. he looks up at your new presence, his feet shuffling out of nervousness. you notice the glass of pear juice on the small coffee table in front of him, already half empty.
“hi,” he says like a whisper.
“hi,” you awkwardly respond. it’s unlike the two of you to not know how to start a conversation. you make your way onto the cushioned seat, letting yourself get comfortable to help ease the tension. you each avoid the other’s gaze, not knowing how to begin. you sigh and finally ask, “how have you been?”
“busy,” he says as he nods, “finally took up actual music lessons. thought it would be better to have someone who’s played piano and guitar professionally instead of trying to teach myself.”
you softly giggle, “that’s good. you’ve always loved music.”
“yeah… how about you?”
“same, busy. i got the t.a position i applied for like forever ago.”
“congrats! you still looking to become a teacher?”
“well, generally yeah. i was having my doubts before but i just fell back into it. finally being able to be there, present, and guiding others… that’s what i want.” you sit there across from him, watching him and taking it all in. the man in front of you is heeseung, but not the heeseung you knew. no, this is the better version of him. the version of him where he can focus on himself. the version of heeseung that’s glowing and happy and ready to take on the world. “so, look. there’s no easy or delicate way to put it but i think there are things we both need to get off our chests.”
“agreed. since it all happened—the fights, the breakups, the ambush interventions—we haven’t actually talked.”
“those interventions… they were silly but the guys did help me realize some things. we’re growing up. sure, i thought we had this plan of us graduating, getting married, having a family, settling down, growing old. we both wanted that type of life. sadly, it’s not what happened and we have to live with it.”
he lets out a chuckle, “heeseung and y/n: meant for each other and meant to be.”
“but not meant to last. what a bittersweet and poetic ending."
“it’s like people always say: right person, wrong time.”
“you know… you used to tell me that our love song was the soundtrack to the best life you could live.” you reach out and take his hand in yours, “i just,” pausing to take a deep breath and compose yourself, “i just want you to know… that if anything happens-”
he cuts you off with a quiet gasp, whispering your name with a shaky voice, “don’t.”
you shake your head and gently squeeze his hand, “if anything happens… if in the end, we don’t find our way back and it isn’t us, don’t think we ended on a bad note.” you drop your head as you chuckle lightly before continuing, “cause you were always on key.” you give him a small grin, trying your hardest to not make things worse by crying. “we were just playing different tunes.”
he pulls you in closer to him, placing his hands softly on your cheeks. “i always hated seeing you cry,” he says as he wipes away the tears on your face, not bothering about his own. he wraps his arms around you, holding you close for the last time. 
you stay there in his warmth, hearing him sniffle as he tries to hold back the falling tears. when you pull away, you tell him “i will always love you. maybe not in the way i thought i would but it’s still there.”
“maybe in our next life, it’ll be the right time.” with that, he leaves a kiss on your forehead, leaves the bookstore, and leaves your life. your duet that worked in perfect harmony now playing a beautiful cadence—two wandering artists, free to fill your own wretched worlds with new melodies, the bliss and tranquility of it all. the hope that maybe one day, you’ll be in each other’s lives again is enough.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Edacity | jjk (m)
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Pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader
 Genre: platter of smut, the barest hint of fluff and the tiniest garnishment of angst / nonidol!au / college!au
 Rating: 18+ / nsfw
 Word Count: 8.2k
 Summary: After a rough day at college in your biochemistry class, you come home to your boyfriend, who is sweetly making you dinner. In his efforts to help calm you down, he only riles you up when you realize that it’s not the food you’re hungry for…it’s him.  
 Warnings: dom!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, big cock!jungkook, sub!reader, lots of dirty talk (let’s face it I love that shit), praising, fingering, grinding, fellatio (cock sucking), cock worship (just a smidge), unprotected sex (reader has a birth control implant in her arm but Koo doesn’t like condoms, so yeah), breast/nipple play, nipping, marking via hickeys, sucking, pussy stretching, rough and possessive sex, begging, muscle kink, scratching, precum play if that’s a thing, manhandling, pinning down, cursing, wet and messy sex (kind of), degradation kink (koo calls you a slut a couple times but that’s about it), size kink, hair pulling
 A/N: This fic is brought to you by 201008 Jungkook from the “Savage Love” video he posted. I saw it, got horny and then wrote this filth. Blame him for this, not me. Also, please let me know what you guys think. Your feedback means more to me than you know. Tagging @nervouskiwi​ , @tricethecharm​ and @nightshadevinter​ per their request! 
The door to your apartment opens and shuts with a heaved sigh from you as you drop your bag to the floor with a thump, the day’s toil stemming from an unhelpful and unknowledgeable lab partner finally taking its toll on you while you rub your eyes as if to clear away the sight of the freshman boy who’d stared dumbly at the temperature probe and gas pressure sensor before asking you which was which in your biochemistry class. After that, he’d proceeded to clumsily knock over the catalase solution you were meant to measure enzyme activity with on several occasions in his ceaseless cloddishness.
 Even your professor had not noticed your lab partner’s negligence despite the seven times that you’d had to go procure a new vial of solution from the back of the classroom and when you’d asked to just do the lab alone upon finding out that your lab companion didn’t even know how to work the magnetic stirrer, your teacher still had not yielded to your plea. You had ended up doing all of the work and your efforts had gone entirely unnoticed to all but yourself. Well, almost everyone.
 “Bad day?” The mellifluous voice of your boyfriend of three years wafts over to your ears and you don’t have to open your eyes to know he’s in the kitchen directly to your left, your body instinctively wanting to seek the comfort of his warm embrace after such a long day. The sound of him already has the agitation crumbling, his voice the music to your ears that you are sure you will never tire of.
 “Terrible,” you whine, “my professor paired me with someone that didn’t even know what the equipment we were using was called. I had to do all the work.”
 “Aww…I’m sorry to hear that. Come here, babe. I’ll make it all better, yeah?” He asks.
 Your body is already moving at that and there’s the distinct clinking of a utensil against cookware that dots the space of your shared apartment. When you breathe in the succulent smell of sundubu-jjigae (one of your favorites of his) the earlier irritation is drawn away as you take in the aroma that has your stomach rumble tellingly in hunger. You really hadn’t been in want of food before you walked in, so now you’re not sure if it’s the dinner that has you craving or if it’s the person that made it.
  Wanting to look upon the source of the delicatessen, you open your eyes to find your boyfriend who is already gazing softly at you while he-with one occupied and tattooed hand-attends to the stew and it is as if the frustration is drained from you immediately as you drink in the sight of domesticity.
 His hair has been drawn up in a manbun that would be an instant panty-dropper if he went outside right now with the way that he’s left some of his chocolate brown fringe to frame each side of his face. It is wavy with the water from the shower he must’ve taken in the way that it darkly curves to the sides along his eyes and that alone has you suck in a breath. You let your eyes trail downward, your own malnourishment throughout the day causing familiar hungry desire to begin to pool heatedly within you at the visage of the black pajamas you’d bought for him a week ago after he’d ripped his previous pair apart in one particular voracious spur of energy to hastily plunge himself into the silken depths of your pussy. The striped shirt he now wears is open deliciously into a perfect ‘V’ shape that boasts the luscious expanse of his chest all the way down before tortuously stopping at the crest before his navel. He wears the matching pair of pants, their length giving a salacious view of his calves that you are sure the gods themselves must have had a hand in crafting.
  In the dimmed light of the kitchen, you can see the shadows that curl temptingly around his abdominals, your fingers inadvertently twitching against your sides in your want to touch, to feel him again.
 You know from experience how defined his chest is. You know how hot his skin is against your fingers. You know the bliss his body grants, for he has reminded you timelessly in the way that his perfect cock finds its dwelling in the wet warmth of either your mouth or your pussy as he brings you to paradise. You’re quite sure that you’ll never be able to sate yourself of him, the memory of him driving his cock into you from this morning bringing a familiar wave of desire to wash over you. You’d left him on the bed with a hardened cock after round two upon deciding to ride his thigh, thoughts of his pleading words and strained expression living in your thoughts all day long in your decision to punish him for grinding his cock into your ass so early into the morning.
 Usually he wouldn’t have gone so easy on you, but after all your texts throughout the day that were telling of your stresses, he couldn’t find it in himself to discipline you. Wanting to ensure that you felt better, he had decided to wait. After all, patience was a virtue, as you had told him before.
 Before you know it, you’re standing before him, one of his arms winding around you to pull you close as you let your irises dip from his eyes to those lips of his that must’ve been created by the devil himself in how they tempt you. Your boyfriend watches with interest, arousal coloring him internally when you look back up at him, your eyes beginning to cloud over in lust as you slide your hand down the sliver of his chest that he’s left uncovered for you. His skin receives you as if it had been waiting for this very moment, his muscles flexing proudly as you stroke the heated skin with appreciation. He’s more taut than usual under your touch which means he must have gotten back from the gym some time ago in the way that his muscles are tightly tensed from such use.
 It is that thought that has you press your lips to his in a heated kiss, your tongue sliding through his parted lips to kittenishly lick along the roof of his mouth to earn a groan from him, the sound caught between your lips and travelling with sonic speed right down to your pussy. He takes control when you try to wrap your tongue around his, the hot muscle plunging straight into your mouth as the other hand he’d been using to stir the stew abandons its earlier movements to find purchase on your ass as he squeezes you firmly between his fingers. When you disconnect, it is with a pant after the breath he has stolen from you.
 You breathe, “You’ve already made it better, Kookie, but do you want to know something?” You question as you bring your lip between your teeth, enjoying the way his eyes fix on that action as the inklings of desire begin to manifest in his eyes, in the way the soft exterior he’d been showing earlier begins to melt into something darker and far more primal under your attention.
 “Tell me, baby,” He husks as you close one hand around the silk of his shirt to bunch the fabric between your fingers as you dare to unearth the heated skin of his left pectoral, “If this is how you’re going to greet me, I would very much like to know.”
 When your mouth descends upon him to give soft, featherlight kisses along the line of his exposed chest, you manage to utter between them, “I bet the food you made for us is delicious, but the only thing I want to taste right now-” you peer up at him through a fan of dark lashes “-is you. You’re the only one who can give me what I really crave.”
 Your boyfriend’s eyes darken instantly at that, his other hand finding its place along your ass and you need no instruction to wrap your legs around him as he lifts you like you’re a feather only to prop you back down on the cold, hard countertop as he growls, “What a needy little girl you are. Didn’t have enough of this cock this morning, huh? God, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?”
 He lowers his head and you instinctively bare your neck for him, your legs spreading so he can step between them as you let your head fall back while one of his hands is already there to cup your nape in his effort to hold you there. You both keep your eyes locked on each other the whole time, desire burgeoning to life wildly within you as he peers at you with a hooded gaze while he moves torturously slow to where you want him and finally, finally, his lips find their home in a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the sensitive spot on right under your ear. 
The warmth of his mouth has you gasp, your back straightening as one of your hands finds purchase in his hair to coax him downward as you mewl, “Yes, Kookie…yes. I’m only a slut for you. It’s only ever been you.”
 You hastily unbutton his shirt while he lets you and instantly you’re salivating at the perfect canvas of him that is presented to you as the offending piece of clothing is pushed off his shoulders. Your palms, magnetized to him, splay over his abs, catching on the ridges of the defined set of muscles as they jump excitedly under your touch while you trail your hands upward. He sighs in satisfaction against your skin when the pads of your fingertips graze his dark nipples and you nearly coo at the sound of that alone.
 “That’s right, Y/N. No one else makes you this desperate, huh?”  He manages between kisses.
 You nod as much as you can in this position and you feel the way his lips turn upward in a smirk borne of the boost to his ego, his lips descending down the column of your neck in a wet trail and it is when he gets to the jugular notch between your collarbones that he presses the wet, heated muscle of his tongue to the delicate skin there that you keen, your fingers curling inward within his hair as he hisses at the pull and in punishment, nips you there. 
You are utterly powerless to stop your juices from collecting along your folds that you know is going to ruin your underwear. Without thinking, your hips begin to search for friction and you grind against him, the warm bulge of his member hardening under your ministrations.
 “A-ah, Kookie, please.” You beg for his mercy and his grin deepens as both of his hands run down your clothed arms. His mouth continues to trail across the sliver of skin over your shoulders and when his hands make another pass upward along you, you watch the way that his brows scrunch together as if disturbed by something and suddenly his devilish mouth is gone. The unforgiving cold is left in his absence and you whine at his loss, not understanding why he has stopped.
 Both of his hands settle on the countertop to either side of you as he leans forward, his tongue hotly poking against his cheek in a sight that only makes you wetter when his eyes narrow, “You smell different. Why?”
 Your boyfriend has always had a sensitive nose, but right now, you’re hardly in the mindset to think about what it is that he’s disgruntled about as you whimper, “Kook, I was doing a lab and dealing with chemicals. That’s all, okay?”
 You watch his fingers curl inward until they’re white with how hard he’s gripping the marble, his jaw setting as he hisses, “This morning you left smelling like me after I fucked you,” he grasps your chin with one hand, “Now you smell like someone else. Explain or you will get none of this cock that I know you want so bad.”
 You try to think past the haze of desire, you really do, but all you can do is blink owlishly as you try to navigate the sea of want for him that has filled your mind. Under his piercing gaze, you’re frozen in place and you swallow thickly to manage the only answer that your mind can supply with a stammer, I-I… It was my lab partner,” you watch his expression begin to contort in anger and before he can sink further into the emotion, you put both hands to either side of his face in effort to keep his attention on you, “He kept brushing against me when I was doing measurements for the assignment, Jungkook. It was nothing. He is nothing to me. I promise.”
 You hadn’t really thought of the implications of the first thing that you’d said, but you could see the momentary fury that had begun to color his very irises and wanting to quell it, you urge him close, your hands falling to rest on his chest as you plead with your eyes for him to understand. You both have been together three years and deep down, your boyfriend knows you would never betray him like that, but the lion of possession within him had roared loudly and there was little he could do to quiet it without the reassurance you had been so quick to feed it with.
 Before you have time to process anything, your shirt has been torn from your body and lands somewhere behind you, but you have no care for that right now. Instead, your focus is on Jungkook, the anger that had begun to set in his irises overtaken by something far more carnal as he orders, “Get on your knees, Y/N. I think you need to be punished for letting someone else touch what isn’t theirs. You’re mine,” he boldly wraps a hand around each breast to give a harsh squeeze, “show me you can be a good girl and suck me off until all you know is the feeling of me on your tongue.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself between your thighs and with a submissive nod, your body obeys. He watches you with a darkened, lustful gaze as you lower yourself to the hardwood floor, your hands still by your sides while your boyfriend, all in one go, sheds his matching pajama pants until they puddle along his feet abandonedly. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of his thick, muscled thighs that you’ve fucked yourself on more times than you count, but your salivary glands do not fully exert themselves in hunger until your irises trail up to the thick shaft that arches deliciously upward as a constellation of veins scale along it all the way up the bulbous head that is already wet with precum. His tip rests artfully along his abdominals in some kind of lewd painting brought to life that you could stare forever and a day at, a whine coming from your lips as you lick them.
 Your boyfriend watches with interest as you ogle him and when he sees the pink of your tongue draping itself sinfully against his lip, he declares, “If you don’t get your mouth on me right now, baby, I’m going to fuck your face later, yeah?”
 That one has you moaning in thought, your boyfriend’s lips turning up in a smirk as you quickly lean forward, both hands trailing slowly up his legs and compressing around the thick, corded muscle as you do. When your hands find his member, you lightly run the tips of your fingers over his aching dick, the veins there throbbing energetically at your touch. He groans at that and then one of your hands encircles itself over his base where you gently squeeze the half of him that your fingers can reach, your other hand curling around him and stroking up and down as he grunts in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut.
 You swallow with some effort when your thumb runs over his slit to collect more of his fluid before swathing it along his glans as you ready him for your mouth. He’s already substantially hard, but you have no doubt that he will become even more so when you finally do suck him off. He really does have the world’s most perfect dick and you don’t think you’ve ever seen a thicker, bigger and better one than his. 
Granted, you’ve only ever actually seen and felt his, but you have never had a wish to have anyone else’s. You couldn’t possibly have room to want anything else when he fills you so deliciously, when he fits inside you like he was made for you.
 “Such a nice, pretty cock, Kookie…thank you for letting me have it,” you praise.
 As you bring him toward your waiting mouth, you blow out a puff of air to have him suck in a breath, his jaw clenching as one hand finds itself in your hair to guide you forward. With one final look up to his face, you take him into your mouth to watch his face contort into an expression of pleasure, his eyebrows scrunched together and his hair veiling his face to the point where you can only see his eyes based on the glint in each iris that flashes erotically at you as he takes a stuttered breath. 
Your walls clench contract around nothing as his member fills the wet cavern of your mouth while you try to take him as far as you can. Even like this, your hand still holds his base in his profound length despite the fact that you’ve gotten him as far your throat will allow.
 You’ve deep-throated him many times in the bliss that you have discovered you can grant him and now will be no different. There is nothing that you enjoy more than knowing that you alone can give him pleasure.
 When you’ve fitted him inside your mouth a little bit more, that’s when you run your tongue along his length before sucking, your cheeks hollowing out as you do. Your boyfriend’s fingers tighten in your hair as he growls, “Yeah, that’s it, baby. God, you’re so perfect for me. That little mouth takes me so fucking well.”
 You swallow around him, drawing him deeper into your throat as you all but guzzle him in your ministrations. He leaves a salty taste on your tongue in the precum that you collect and you can’t say you don’t fucking love the taste of him. You hungrily slide your tongue over his slit before kittenishly licking along the sides, a guttural moan tearing itself from the recesses of his body as he bucks under your ministrations.
 When your boyfriend opens his eyes to peer down at you, it’s enough to have his cock throb inside your wet warmth. The way that his cock disappears beyond the cradle of your lips is sin itself, but the way that you stare heatedly at him with desire simmering hotly in those irises of yours…Jungkook thinks if eroticism had a picture, you would be it right now. 
He’s just hit the back of your throat and because of that, drool has begun to pool along the sides of your mouth and fondness floods him at the sight, his thumb brushing away the spit only to lather it over your lips as he croons, “Look at my beautiful, messy girl starting to fall apart on my cock. Fuck, you’re so good for me, Y/N. Such an obedient little girl,” you suction your mouth intensely around him at that, “Think you can take me farther? I bet you can fit all of me down that tight throat of yours if you really try.”
 His praises have your walls fluttering around nothing as you engulf him impossibly farther into your mouth with another swallow, the wet slurping sounds of your ministrations filling the room as he starts to massage your head through tightened fingers that pull at the roots of it. You inhale through your nose, unable to any longer breathe through your mouth through the cock that blocks your airway and in one fluid motion, you press forward and try, but fail, not to gag around him as his dick sinks further into your throat.
 Tears instantly threaten to fall from your eyes as they water, your vision becoming blurry as you sputter against his dick. The sensation of your throat closing around him earns a hiss as he responsively thrusts his cock into you, unable to stop himself from chasing his pleasure.
 You let him fuck your mouth, enjoying the sounds of rapture that tumble freely from his mouth and content in the knowledge that you are able to gift him this euphoria. Tears are quick to fall from your eyes as you suckle him, the wide girth of him easily hitting your gag reflex in the back of your throat as you trail your tongue along the underside of his shaft while you slacken your jaw to ease his access.
 Your boyfriend coos while he watches your tits rise and falls with the efforts of your breaths, “Such beautiful tits, baby. If you hadn’t been a bad girl earlier today, maybe I could have used them as a cocksleeve. I bet you would have liked that, too, you dirty slut.” 
 You preen at his words with a moan, the vibrations of that heightening his pleasure and it is when you slide a free hand under him to grasp and fondle his balls that are extremely full in the seed that aches with need to be released that he grunts with fervor and when you roll them in your hands like dice before you gently run the pads of your fingers over them, he throws his head back, his mouth parting as he drives his cock into you one more time. With how far down his cock hits at your larynx now, you can’t see him any longer through the blurred vision as tears stream down your cheeks while you cry out his name.
 “Fu-fuck, baby. I can’t l-last much longer if you keep doing that. You really love this cock, don’t y-you? Tell me how much you love it. I w-wanna hear it with my cock in your mouth.” He manages through labored breaths.
 You hum in agreeance, the burn of his dick inherently insistent as he moves and the vibrations your sound makes has his cock throbbing dangerously as it begins to swell in warning of his impending end. He’s so hard already and your pussy aches to receive him, your walls contracting around nothing at the feel of his hot member between your lips.
 “I love it, Kookie. I love it so much. Love how big you are.” You splutter despite the very large dick currently nestled between your lips.
 You make a point to show him by swiveling your hand around what little of him is beyond the reaches of your mouth at this point while your other hand drags itself downward from his balls to rub at his perineum. That one has his back bowing inward, his fingers fisting in your hair as he groans and you can feel how his cock pulses in warning of his climax that you cannot wait to taste the fruits of as you flick your tongue along his length once, twice and then three times before suddenly, with a guttural sound, his fist pulls at your hair roughly to effectively extricate himself from your mouth as he breathes laboriously above you.
 You both watch as your spittle clings to his cock in a thin line in its attempts to remain connected to him until it sadly breaks off and away. You whimper at the loss of him, blinking up at him far too innocently for someone that just had a dick rammed down their throat and you watch the way his eyes flash cravingly at you only to rub your neglected thighs together in search of some friction.
 “As good as that was, baby,” he lowers himself down to your level to wipe away the tears that had collected along the sides of your face as he darkly declares, “there’s somewhere else that I want to cum in today and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”
 You nod without a thought, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and lift you with ease until you’re splayed out on your back for him along the countertop that is mercifully long enough to support your torso. Your legs dangle precariously off the edge, but they never reach the floor and like this, you’re granted an unfettered view of him, his now engorged dick standing to attention along his abdominals and when you peer up at his blown out irises, you release a shaky sigh in anticipation as he licks his lips like you’re a meal he’s about to fucking devour.
 “You know, I wanted to eat you out, baby. I really did,” he husks as he steps forward between your legs that you part in invitation, “but you sucked me off so good that now all I can think about is ramming this cock into you so hard that you won’t remember anything but my name and getting my fill of you until you milk me fucking dry, Y/N.”
 Arousal ignites within you at that and you pleadingly implore, “I want you to do that, gods, I do, but first, Kook…kiss me. Please, kiss me. After that, you can fuck me to your heart’s content.”
 You don’t know how you find yourself wanting even more of him, but you do. His mouth, you are sure, is the work of an incubus in the way that it can work sinfully against you. The words that tumble from them light the fires of desire within you and just want to feel the warmth of his lips again, honestly. 
 He arches a brow at this as he leans over you, one hand finding purchase along your waist as he rasps, “You want me to taste myself, baby? Is that it?”
 You can tell by the lilt in his voice that he’s playing with you and you already know this is a game he will ultimately lose, for you have a trick up your sleeve that he forever and always falls for. You let your hand slither along your body, your index finger dipping between your wet folds while he watches with a hooded gaze as you bring your soiled hand to your lips to dapple your essence over them like a lewd lipstick before you angle your chin up invitingly to beseech, “Won’t you taste me, Kookie? Don’t you want to taste us? Please,” you whine,” all I want is a kiss. No one...no one kisses me like Jeon Jungkook. Please, Kookie. I want your mouth so bad.”
 Your boyfriend brings his lip between his teeth at that as he lowers himself down to your level, his sinful irises burning heatedly into your skin as he utters, “That’s it, baby. I love it when you beg for me. So fucking hot.”
 With that, his lips descend over your own, your arms wrapping around him as you mewl into his mouth. He consumes you and drinks from you like you’re his last means of sustenance, his lips capturing yours in voraciousness as his tongue runs boldly along them in quick movements of possession before he’s sliding the wet muscle everywhere he can reach in his mission to claim the depths of your wet cavern. He can taste the remnants of himself on your tongue and with the sweet juices of your sex that you’d lathered over your lips, it’s a combination he has come to thoroughly enjoy the taste of in how well flavor of you both coalesce into something so tangy.
When he’s satisfied with his mapping of your mouth, he draws your lower lip between his teeth before suckling the tender flesh to have you gasp at the sensation.
 Distracted by that alone, you do not notice the hand of his that isn’t currently attached to your waist that snakes slowly downward to slip with ease under your grey sweatpants and between the silk panties that cover your womanhood. Your breath hitches upon the sensation of his long, tattooed fingers dragging themselves against your slit and you’re not surprised at the generous collection of your juices that make his digits glide along your folds, but he hiss he makes is delicious when he curses, “Fuck, Y/N. You’re this wet when I haven’t even touched you? God, you really are a slut for me, huh?”
 With one hand, you entangle your fingers along the hair at the nape of his neck as you breathe, “Only for you, Jungkook. This is all for you.”
 He plunges one finger inside you at your response and immediately sibilates at the way that your wet warmth welcomes his digit enthusiastically and energetically. With as wet as you are, you know that you will have no problem taking him, the considerable amount of slick between your legs tangible evidence of your need to receive and welcome him into your sex. It takes no time at all for him to add a second finger, one thumb rubbing at your clit as you moan his name, your eyes falling shut as under his ministrations. Warm waves of heat fall over you under his touch and you bask in his avid attention. Without extricating his hand from your pussy, he orders, “Take off your pants, baby. I want to see this pretty cunt while I fuck it.”
 You heed his command, one hand disconnecting from around his neck to hurriedly discard your pants and underwear along the floor in one fell swoop as your boyfriend’s hungry irises flick downward to feast upon the visage of your dripping cunt. Something about the way that his fingers disappear into your wet depths transfixes him, the squelching sounds that your pussy makes going straight to his core as arousal flares within him. Wanting to prepare you for him as thoroughly as he can, he continues to swirl his fingers over your clit in measured circles before the two fingers he’s got inside you curl inward in a come hither motion. The sensation has you throwing your head back, a stuttered cry coming from your lips as your fingers tighten in his hair and your unoccupied hand latches onto his strong bicep in search of something, anything to cling to.
 His vision darts upward to your face to catch your expression shift to one of pleasure under his touch, thick and heavy desire for you demandant in its need that manifests in the ache of his cock that pulses with need to find its home within your silken walls. He yearns for you so much now that it’s almost painful to bear it when the source of his relief is only a few inches away and, distantly, he thanks the gods above that you’d gotten a birth control implant before you’d both become intimate for there is no greater heaven, he is sure, than when he is burrowing his cock into you velveteen walls and finishing there where he belongs.
 He lowers himself to your ear, his warm breath pebbling your skin as he husks, “What do you want me to do to you, baby? Do you want this? Or,” you whimper loudly when his fingers are pulled from your pussy only to hitch your breath upon the hot, hard member he is quick to slide against your generously lubricated folds, the edges of him torturously dragging just above your waiting slit as he smirks darkly, “do you want my fat cock? Fuck, you really just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
 You mewl when he takes your earlobe between his teeth, his tip brushing along the tender bundle of nerves along your clit, words escaping you beyond his name as you manage, “Jungkook.”
 You watch as he angles himself along your sopping entrance, the continued sweep of his dick across your folds an erotic sight that has heat lather itself like honey over your core as you wrap your legs around him in answer. Words elude you like your mind is caught in his maze and with every stroke of his cock between your sensitive labia, your mind is brought to a dead-end that you have the truest of troubles navigating.
 Your boyfriend takes your silence as disobedience, both hands laying possessively over pierces you with his commanding gaze, “I asked a question, baby. I require an answer if you want to get fucked,” he punctuates this to mercilessly poke his tip against your entrance while squirm against him, “Use that pretty mouth and tell me what you want or else I’m going to tie you up and leave you crying for me on our bed while you get to watch me finish myself off with my own hand.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself within your folds as you mewl, but under his ministrations that have him running his cock along your sex, his dick catches your newly released taint when you wrap your legs around him in your effort to encourage him inside and he hisses at the sensation as your labia embrace and enfold around his member as he squeezes your sides tight enough that there will be marks there tomorrow in the shape of his fingertips.
“Tell me now, Y/N, or you’re going to be punished. You’ve been so good, baby. Do you really want to be naughty now?” He rasps as he uses the grip he has on your hips to pull you even closer, the promise of sin flashing dangerously in his eyes through the fringe that falls along them.
 Powerless to resist his demand, you submissively whisper, “Want …want your big cock. Want you to fuck me so good with it that I can’t walk and for you to paint my pussy with your seed. God, Jungkook, I want you so much right now. Can I please, please have your cock inside me?”
 Your boyfriend leans up to tower imposingly and commandingly over you, excitement flourishing within you in the anticipation of what he’s about to do to you as he smirks while he angles himself toward your entrance and with a flick of a dark brow, he warns, “Prepare yourself, baby, because I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to fucking ruin you because that’s what you deserve for getting me so fucking hard for you, (Y/N).”
 That is all the caution he gives you before, all in one go, he propels his length inside you with a sharp thrust of his hips. You moan as he enters you and he doesn’t stop until he’s fully sheathed within you, his tip just barely missing the cluster of nerves hidden within your center as your mouth parts in an ‘o’ shape.
 Your walls greet him eagerly and envelop him with fervor only to cause him to groan, “Fuck, baby. How are you still this tight after I fucked your little cunt this morning and last night?”
 Lost in the sensation of him buried within you, you can’t find the words to answer him when he starts to impel himself into you without abandon, his irises glazing over in desire as he chases his pleasure. Like this, his bangs hang heavily over him and flit back and forth frenziedly in his ministrations, but you can see his eyes in their entirety now and their darkness seeps straight into your core in the lust that simmers there.
 Captured in his consuming gaze, you notice the way that his irises dip from your own to the neglected breasts that bounce in the jostling movement he wracks on you, heat licking up your spine when you watch the tip of his pink tongue hungrily dart across his lips to wet them. Before you realize what’s happened, his hot mouth is upon one of your mounds, his lips suctioning your tit against him with avid voracity as he leaves a purple petal to blossom there under his ministrations. It joins the myriad of others that he’s left from your previous couplings like brands over your skin and you relish in the new addition that marks you as his.
 “Shit, I love your tits so much. So soft and warm in my mouth. You really do have the most beautiful breasts, baby.” he mutters as you close your eyes at the sensation of him on you, your fingers leaving their own claim on him as you claw your nails down his back while he pounds into you with vigor. He seems to approve with the way that he speeds his movements like the rabbit he reminds of while in some kind of heat. You throw your head back when his velvety lips enclose around your areola, his hot tongue flicking against your pert nipple unrelentingly as you buck underneath him with a weak, broken mewl. The sinful chuckle that erupts from him is felt before it is heard, the deep thrum of the vibrations dripping right through you and straight to your core that clenches around him in response.
 “Please…” You breathe out the only word that can come to mind through the haze of hormones that now cloud your vision.
 When you sink one hand into his locks once more to pull at his hair, he makes a sound of disapproval,  blown irises heating you like a furnace as he focuses his sight on you when he growls, “I’m not done yet, Y/N. I’m going to suck these pretty nipples of yours until they’re  fucking swollen because of me. These,” he blows a warm puff of air against the sensitive areola of your left tit,” are mine. You need to be reminded of that.”
 You whimper at that, his other hand palming at your other breast while he rolls your nipple with practiced ease between his fingers. When he punctuates a particularly acute slam of his hips into you with a long, wetted lick of his tongue in a stripe over your engorged bud, that’s what has your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you wail, his dick hitting your g-spot with precision that tears the sound from your throat in the way that he pairs it with an agonizingly delicious ministration of his tongue.
 He suckles you through it all and when the warmth of his mouth finally leaves you, your breast is freed from him with a ‘pop’ from between his lips and don’t see the way that he’s painted you with his spit, nor the way that he peers longingly at the engorged, abused nipple he’s left in his wake before he’s moving to the other to latch onto your neglected tit like a newborn trying to coax the life-giving essence of milk from you. You cry out when he decides to nip at you, the hand that he’s left on your hip gripping you roughly in effort to keep you in place against his fierce thrusts of his hips inside you.
 Before long, you feel your nipple harden under his ministrations and with a groan, he releases you from his mouth only to rise and watch your freshly marked breasts move laboriously up and down in your strained breaths, the gleam of his spit shining prominently under the dimmed lights in the kitchen. Your neck is arched back and your eyes are screwed shut in the picture of submission as you let him use you for his pleasure while he continues to pound into you with the strength of an ox every single time.
 You feel fingers grasping your chin to urge you to angle your chin downward as he commands, “Look at me, Y/N. When you’re getting fucked by me, you’re going to watch me and keep those pretty eyes on me so you can burn it into that head of yours that there’s only one man who can make you feel this good.”  
 If you weren’t panting before, you surely are now as your body heeds his demand, his words playing you like an instrument as heat coils heavily in your core as you take him in cravingly while he coos, “That’s a good girl. So obedient.”
  He’s leaning above you now, the muscles of his chest flexing and contracting as he rolls his hips piercingly into you to hit just the right spot time and time again, euphoria steadily building each time. His hair, from all of your attention, is mussed and somehow the man bun he’d been sporting before is looser to allow more of his chocolate tresses to frame his face, his lips reddened from lavishing on your breasts. Sweat sluices his skin everywhere, which somehow makes him even more irresistible as you urge him down for another kiss.
 He denies you at first, deciding to smirk cockily as he angles his head and in the movement, you notice the attractive tint of rosiness to his cheeks in the blood that has rushed there through his earlier efforts as he clucks his tongue, “Words, baby. Use that mouth of yours and maybe you’ll get what you want.”
 You whine as he rams into you, your vision jerking upward as you wrack your brain to formulate some kind of response through the sea of lust that resides there now. Somehow, you manage, “I-I want another kiss.”
 His fingers sink deeper into your waist as he prods, “Yeah? Where do you want my mouth, angel?”
 In answer, you take the hand he isn’t holding you with, your digits wrapping around his index finger as you bring it to your mouth to breathe, “Here,” you lower your joined hands in a slow trail down your throat that contradicts the rapid thrusts he impels you with,” here,” you drag his hand through the valley of your breasts until it’s splayed possessively over your stomach, “and here. I want you everywhere, Kookie. Please.”
 Your boyfriend licks his lips as he lowers himself down once more to your level as he husks, “Fuck, the things that you do to me, baby. You’ll get what I decide to give you, yeah?”
 His mouth descends upon you in a French kiss that puts others to shame, his traitorous tongue leaving no part of your mouth untouched and wrapping possessively around your own in a show of dominance that you have no wish to resist. He presses his lips insistently over yours, consuming you in his wet heat that you relinquish your own mouth to. The hand that had been draped along your side before slides along your waist to relish in your contours, his other hand moving behind your head to hold you there as he drinks his fill of you.
 When he breaks for air, you’re breathing heavily and he gives you no time to recover before heavy, lingering kisses are rained down along your jawline and then he’s descending like a stream down the frontal column of your previously marked throat from last night’s exploits with him. He lathers his mouth over you in open-mouthed kisses, his tongue brushing over your sensitive skin while he keen, your back arching up and into him as you press your naked chest against his own to earn a hiss from him while he continues to pound into you relentlessly.
 His name leaves your lips in a stuttered breath, “Jungkook.”
 Your boyfriend croons, “Be good for me and take it, baby. If you do, I’ll let you cum around my cock.”
Your feel your core tighten and clench compactly around him when his mouth trickles down between your breasts, adding a few more hickeys on the way so that there are now entire constellations of his marks in mottled purples and reds all along your body. When he manages to get to your stomach, that’s when he administers a closed-mouthed kiss that is made domineering by the way his irises peer hotly at you before he parts his lips to lick heatedly above the area of your navel as you whimper out.
 With his face inches from your own, you can see the blown out irises that stare hungrily at you, your gaze thirsting to drink him in as the sounds of your coupling fill your ears. With every roll of his hips into you, his balls slap against your pussy mercilessly in combination with the lewd squelches his dick makes as it drives itself into you without pause. 
He rams into you now with the might of ten men, your core tightening around him as he groans in his ministrations. He pulls you into him with the hand that is wrapped around your side, your moans joining his when the hand he’d been holding your head with snakes heavily down your body in a hot trail from your neck and then down to your abdomen before stopping torturously just before your glistening folds. 
 You wrap your fingers around his wrist to urge him where you need him most as you breathe, “C-close, Kookie. I’m almost there. Please, let me cum.”
 Your walls are beginning to tense around him with your impending end and he knows how to play your body like an instrument to get it to sing the tune he wants. He watches you plead with your eyes imploringly at him while he denies you what he knows you want most, instead choosing to plunge himself inside you especially hard to cause you to cry out. There is nothing quite like your pussy, nothing quite like the way that you suck him in and refuse to let him go until you’ve ensured that he has released inside you like an uncontrollable pubescent boy learning how to come for the first time.
 You make him ravenous and in that appetence, the ambrosia that is you is a delicacy he will never grow tired of. So, he indulges in you and lets himself enjoy your sweet depths for as long as he can until you’re screaming nothing but his name in your need to come undone, your thighs trembling from under him as you curl your fingers unyieldingly around his wrist.
 He finally obliges you, his thumb pressing deeply down onto your clit as you wail in pleasure before he’s quickly drawing figure-eight patterns along the bundle of nerves as he pistons in and out of you deliciously. Your walls begin to quiver with your oncoming end and knowing this, your boyfriend stares zealously at you to darkly command, “Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cream all over this cock that you love so much.”
 It takes one final slam of his hips into you to have his cock bury itself so deep inside your pussy that it perfectly presses against your g-spot while his fingers rapidly attend to your clit before your body instinctively heeds his order, spots erupting behind your eyelids as thousands of tiny, warm presses inside your sex signal your orgasm while you throw your head back, your eyes still locked on him as your mouth parts and you shriek his name out for the entire apartment complex to hear as your climax explodes with the intensity of a firecracker within you.
 He groans at that to utter, “That’s right, baby. Let everyone know who has fucked you so good. Tell them all who owns you.”
 Your walls flutter and spasm deliciously around him and your boyfriend grunts at the sensation, loving the way you wrap around him like your pussy was made for this and before he knows it, he’s throbbing and following behind you with his own release as he colors your walls with his creamy seed in violent, energetic bursts.
 “Mine. You’re mine,” he repeats over and over as you both ride out your orgasms.
 You wrap your arms tighter around him to give him a light peck along his jaw as you say, “Yes, Kookie. I’m all yours. I love you so much.”
 He catches his breath as you fondly wipe away the sweat that has collected in beads along his forehead while you tenderly tuck his fringe behind one ear before he earnestly tells you, “I love you more.”
 Sometime later he feeds you the stew he made for you as you moan in delight at the warm trickle of it down your throat while he spoons it to you from your place  on his lap. Your sounds of enjoyment had been quick to get him hard underneath you as you’d knowingly fidgeted in effort to drag your ass over his member that you found yourself longing for once again. Your antics had proven successful in the fervid way he’d eaten you out like a five course meal before you fed him the dessert of your sweet juices before he’d dragged you to the bedroom for round three. 
Hours after that find you both well into the night with the window open so that the moonlight can spill in on the two of you atop your shared bed. You are sure to remind him just how much you love him then when he wakes to find you grinding on top of him as you welcome him once more into your wet warmth that has only and will only ever belong to him.
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gukyi · 3 years
in the frosty air | a jjk drabble
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summary: two weeks ago you and your roommate slept together. which would be fine, if you knew you both felt the same about each other. but you don’t. and now it’s christmas, and jungkook is still gorgeous and gentle and wonderful and here, and and you don’t really know what to do about that.
{college!au, roommates!au}
pairing: jungkook x reader genre: this is just an angst train tbh, but it has a happy ending! word count: 1.6k warnings: mentions of past alcohol consumption, this centers around everyone’s favorite capitalist holiday, being sad in the wintertime a/n: OHHHHHHHHHH *internet breaks* anyway yeah i’m back baby!!! here’s a little drabble to celebrate because i can’t help myself when it comes to jungkook. love me or we both go down coming soon!
“This Christmas is pretty fucking lame, isn’t it?”
You whip around at the sound of his voice. “Oh, hey. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I figured,” Jungkook chuckles, bending his head down as he crawls through the open window to join you on the fire escape. The temperature is freezing and the wind is stinging your skin, but it didn’t really feel right to be spending tonight inside. “Saw the window open. Thought you might be here.”
“Yeah. I was probably gonna head inside soon, though.” In the hopes that you would be curled up in your bedroom before Jungkook even got home. Seeing him lately has been hard. “How did your final go?”
“It was alright.” You don’t have to keep looking at him to feel Jungkook taking a seat next to you, crossing his legs over each other as he stares out into the city below you. It snowed a few days ago, and the sidewalks are still covered in that dirty slush that always lingers, wet and cold and black from car tires. Just being beside you makes your heart race, makes your chest tighten. “I was pretty stressed out about it, but then I just sort of remembered that I did my best and that was all I could do, you know?”
“That’s good.” You wish you had that mindset. You spend days studying for an exam and once it’s over, you spend days dwelling on all the things you might have gotten wrong. It’s a philosophy you apply to most aspects of your life. Why you did the thing you did. Why doing the thing you did was the worst thing you could have done. How you will recover from it. If you even will. 
Jungkook sighs. You turn to look at him, just briefly, glance at his side figure, and notice he’s wearing nothing but a giant zip-up hoodie. Isn’t he cold? “It doesn’t really feel like Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You don’t have anything else to say to that. It doesn’t. Which is a damn shame, because you and Jungkook spent the entire beginning of this month turning your tiny, two-bedroom apartment into a winter wonderland. You got a tree to put up next to your TV and decorated with the weirdest ornaments you could find. You hung up those dangly white Christmas lights on the balcony of your fire escape, the ones meant to look like icicles dripping from the metal railing. The radio has been playing nothing but Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey. And yet.
It’s not hard to wonder why this Christmas is such shit. Your spring internship fell through a week ago. Your parents rented a lake house and assumed you wouldn’t be coming with. All of your other friends have gone home already. And Jungkook, perhaps the last person in this whole goddamn city you would have wanted to spend time with, you can’t even bear to look at. 
“How did your finals go?” Jungkook asks, trying to keep the conversation going. 
“They were fine.” At least that torture is over. But living with Jungkook, seeing him every day and knowing that what you have done you can never undo--it’s endless. 
There’s silence. It’s like the two of you simultaneously have no idea and know exactly what to say. Like the words are lingering on the tips of your tongues but your lips are sealed shut. Opening them won’t be like a can of worms. It will be a dam, a waterfall of I’m sorrys and What nows. One week ago, in the heat of the night and in the haze of drink after drink, you and Jungkook made the worst mistake two roommates could ever make. 
“Are you going home this break?” You blurt out the words before you can stop yourself. 
Jungkook sighs. “I’m not sure.”
“It’s okay if you want to.” I get it. I’m not sure if I’d want to hang around and see me either. 
He shrugs. “I just haven’t decided yet.”
He knows that you’re staying. The two of you were so looking forward to spending Christmas together. Now look at you. Jungkook was the perfect roommate. Then everything changed. 
“Okay.” He’s probably just trying to figure out a way to let you down easy. 
Next to you, Jungkook rustles a hand through his pocket. “By the way, uh--I just remembered. I got you something.”
You don’t even have time to object before Jungkook is placing a small fabric box into your open palm, resting on your lap. You look down at the item, at the way your hand seems to envelop it. 
“You didn’t have to--”
“I wanted to.” Jungkook is firm in his response. “Besides, I got it a while ago. Figured now is as good a time as any to give it to you.”
There’s not really anything else to do except open it. Carefully, with trembling fingers, you pull off the lid. Inside sits a dainty silver locket resting amongst a pile of folded tissue paper. You gasp, your breath coming out in smoke in the cold winter air. 
“Oh my God, I--”
“I overheard you talking on the phone saying you wanted one,” Jungkook admits sheepishly. “I wanted to give it to you before I forgot.”
Fingers shaking from the cold, you pull the locket from the box. It dangles from its chain, a delicate little thing, barely the size of a fingerprint. Even on this hazy winter evening, it still catches the light.
For the first time tonight, you look up at him. His eyes are a swirling brown, a deep chocolate. They are unreadable. He offers a small, guarded smile your way, lips pink in the chilly air. “Thank you,” you tell him honestly. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for you. 
You can’t accept this without returning the favor. Wordlessly, you get up from the fire escape, rushing indoors for a moment as you grab your gift from your bedroom. It’s been sitting in there for at least two weeks now. You hold your hand behind your back as you make your way back to the fire escape, sitting down next to him once more. 
With a small flourish, you reveal your own present. They’re drumsticks. 
“For you,” you tell him, that same small grin on your face. “Since you’re always drumming on everything. Thought you could use something to do that with.”
Jungkook looks positively starstruck. He takes the sticks in his hands, feels the wood with his fingers, tracing over the logo at the bottom. You aren’t very well versed in the world of drum equipment, but your friend in the orchestra told you it was a good brand. 
“Wow, Y/N,” he says, mouth agape. “This is... this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever gotten me. Thank you.”
And that’s the truth, isn’t it? No matter what you do, no matter what you say, you will always be there to give Jungkook what he deserves. To make his life just the tiniest bit better. Doing thoughtful things for him has never required effort on your part. There is just a part of you that will do them, because he deserves it. Because he is so gentle, and loving, and kind, and wonderful. 
You sit there for a little while longer, relishing in the brief respite of your gift exchange. It’s softened the ice, warmed the air, broken the tension. Even if only a little. But it’s enough to keep you out here, sitting next to him. It’s enough to keep you from drifting away. 
“I don’t regret that night.”
The words feel like biting wind. 
“What?” You turn to him. 
“I don’t. I’d do it again. A thousand times over.” Jungkook is resolute. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed in determination. 
“Jungkook, what happened that night--”
“Is something I’ll never forget,” he finishes. “Do you know how fucking long I had been waiting to do that? To hold you? Kiss you? To spend the night with you?”
Each syllable presses deeper into your chest, imprinting themselves on your heart. You stare back at him, too shocked to say anything at all. 
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same,” Jungkook adds on, quickly backtracking. “I sort of... got that message when I woke up that morning and you were gone. But I just wanted you to know that that night didn’t change anything about how I feel about you.”
Jungkook’s got it all wrong. You were the one who fucked up. You were the one whose feelings won’t change. “I thought you were the one who didn’t feel the same.”
Jungkook chuckles, this sad, forced cough. “Are you kidding? I’d do anything to relive that night. You’re my favorite person in this whole world, Y/N.”
If the weather were just a little bit warmer, if the wind wasn’t as dry, perhaps tears would fall. But instead, you blink back at him and it feels at once like your heart weighs a million pounds and nothing at all. “Me too,” you choke out. “I never want to be without you.”
Your fire escape is barely big enough for one person, let alone two, but that doesn’t stop Jungkook from reaching over and pulling you in, pressing a chilly kiss to your frozen lips, the heat of his mouth warming you up from the inside out. It’s cold tonight, yes. But Jungkook makes you feel like it’s summer all year long. 
You smile against his lips. They feel like home. They taste like peppermint lip balm and coffee and ice. 
“Do you want me to stay?” He asks. As if he was even thinking about going home anyway. 
“Yes,” you whisper back. 
It feels a lot more like Christmas now. 
“Then I’ll stay.”
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↳ don’t forget to message me with any thoughts or feedback! i missed you guys!
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iwishtobeastorm · 3 years
Just my type - Chapter 2
Roommates AU - Adam Sackler/Virgin!Chubby!Reader
A/N: Hey babes! I'm here with another chapter of this mess. I hope you'll like it at least a bit. As I said before, I initially wrote this mainly for myself, so I'm sorry there's too much of my insert in the reader character - if you can't really relate to her, I'm so so sorry. Anyways I hope you all are having a great day, Ily! :)
Warnings: masturbation (male (just mention) and female), cursing
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Masterlist | Chapter 3
You step out of the shower and you realize you didn't take your clothes with you. You were chatting with Adam in the kitchen about the weekend activity since it's Friday today and so you should finally plan it. You agreed on the laser game in the end and you were so excited that you headed to the bathroom without your pj. You were so unwavering when it came to this the whole time you live here and now you fucked it up.
You dry yourself and wrap the towel around your body, making sure it stays in the place as you move and you let out a soft sigh, letting your hair out of the bun and heading to the door. You open them and you look around as if you were a thief. The thought itself almost makes you laugh but you don't. Everything is quiet, not even a trace of Sackler in sight and so you decide to walk down the hallway to your room to get to what feels like the safest place on the Earth right now. But as you reach the kitchen doorframe, you already see the shadow of him heading to the hallway and it's too late to do anything and so you stop in your trace to not bump into him.
"What about-," he starts really loudly since he thought you're still in the bathroom but then he turns around the corner and he jumps back a bit, startled, making you scoff even though your cheeks are already burning, the shyness taking the rule over your body again. He straightens up, finally realizing that you're standing in front of him almost naked, you eyes watching him expectantly.
"What about what?" You murmur.
He looks dumbfounded for a moment, his eyes roaming your body wrapped in the towel that's too short around your ass for your liking, his gaze making nervousness run through you like an electricity.
Does he- does he like what he sees? Does he find you attractive? What's that look in his eyes?
You're so confused.
He swallows, his golden irises meet yours and he smirks. Here goes the Adam Sackler you know again.
"I was about to propose that we should head there in the afternoon. I realized I have a rehearsal in the morning," he states and you smile.
Adam started his career a while ago and so far he's mostly playing some supporting characters and so he banned you from seeing his plays. He promised he'll take you to the theater when he gets some bigger role and you honestly can't wait. You've never seen him in action, you only heard him rehearsing his lines in his room.
"Sure. Good luck with it," you say and he nods, letting you pass by him and walk down the hallway.
"Nice ass, kid!" He calls after you, making your cheeks literally burn at this point. God, is this really necessary?
"Thanks," you respond, trying to give back the same attitude even though it doesn't really work like that since your throat tightened ridiculously from how flustered you feel, turning your voice rather shaky, which doesn't really help your shame.
Just as you reach the doorstep of your room you hear him chuckle. You swiftly slip inside to finally be safe from his hungry eyes. You close the door behind yourself, letting out a long sigh.
Nice ass? Nice ass?! Do you have a nice ass?
Does that mean he was checking you out. Does he finds you attractive?
Maybe he just wanted to tease you. Fucking fuck. You shouldn't dwell on the thought too much or you might as well go completely crazy.
You change into your pj and you decide to watch some tv show since you've already done all your school work including the reading. You sit down on the bed with your laptop in your lap, leaning your back against the headboard of it and letting out a soft sigh, your fingers dancing over the keyboard to find another episode of Brooklyn 99.
You're just about to open the player when you hear something strange. It's coming from the other side of the wall. It's uneven, muffled and low pitched. It makes you completely freeze, your breathing getting shallow so you can hear better.
It's him. For sure. It sounds animalistic but it's him.
Is he- is he fucking jerking off?
Through the whole time you live with him you heard him only once. It was about two weeks after you moved in and you just woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his quiet groans and moans. It was few days after you realized you like him. It was certainly hard for you to fall asleep that night.
You let out soft sigh, pressing your legs together and turning the tv show on to distance yourself from the reality. But you're not able to focus fully when you hear him even through the dialogues of the characters. You feel your heart pulsing in your chest, your insides warming up, your legs locked together as you're unable to stop the wetness from forming between them. You're so freaking damned.
What is he thinking about? Could it be you? I mean he saw you just in the towel with part of your fucking ass out. That's the most of you he's seen so far. But could that have this effect on him?
No. No way. You're fantasizing again. You hate that you always do this. You always start thinking about the possibilities that are closest to your heart and not closest to the reality which is eventually hurtful. And even if he did after all, it wouldn't mean he's into you. You curse, put the laptop away, turning it off and standing up, heading out of the room quietly. You decide to get a glass of water in the kitchen. It's far away from his room and so you might not even hear him while you'll be there.
You pour yourself a glass and finish it in few long gulps, your chest raising and falling with uneven breaths. You lean against the counter, trying to focus on something else than what's just going on in his room. You feel your cunt clenching around nothing as the image in your head bubbles on the surface again. Image of him laying on his bed, curled up with his hard member in one of his big hands, pumping him frantically while grunting and moaning your name, his face buried in his pillow, his plush lips ajar, his eyes squeezed shut, hiding the golden of it. Fuck.
You swallow hardly, taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. You can't do this. You can't fucking fetishize your own roommate like this. That's awful and so low.
But if he really is thinking about you, you would be even.
Only the slightest idea of him actually imagining you while reaching his climax makes you drool. You avoided doing this for so long, always feeling wrong and bad about using him for your sexual fantasies even though he's the only one you would ever fantasize about.
You slide your fingers down between your legs, cold sweat forming on your back, your hands trembling. You softly press your fingertips against the material of the bottom of your pj, the slightest pressure against your clit making you gasp. You need it. You need him.
You slowly spread your legs wider, grasping on the counter with your other hand to steady yourself, your head falling back as you begin to draw slow circles on your clit,  holding back all the soft mewls that want to leave you.
You wish he would be here, you wish the fingers were his. You want them inside of you, so long and thick while his thumb would press against your clit. He would curl them, while his other hand would squeeze your breasts before sucking on your nipple with those pink plush lips of his. And the things he would say-
Do you like being filled like that?
Do you like my fingers, babygirl?
That's a good girl.
I'll have to make you ready for my cock.
You are so fucking tight.
You let out a sigh, your toes curling, your head leaning against one of the cupboards. You begin to move your fingers over your clit faster, feeling your arousal leaking over your folds. God, if he was there to make it all go away.
Then you hear it. The sound of door opening. You jump to your feet and panic fills your veins, your cheeks burning within seconds. You grab the glass and fill it with water again, hoping that would save you, give you enough of a cover.
What were you even thinking? Did you really want to make yourself cum in the middle of your kitchen?
The thought alone makes something hot lick on your spine, your pussy pulsing, begging for the release you declined again.
You hear his footsteps against the floor, heavy and thudding. He's barefoot for sure. The sound of it gets closer and closer as he approaches the kitchen. You feel a lump growing in your throat, your wide eyes fixed on the doorframe. Why are you even so nervous? He has no idea what you did here. He maybe doesn't even know you're here. You should've return to your room. Maybe by now you'd be laying there in post orgasmic bliss, pressing your body against the burning sheets. You'd probably hear him cum again. The guttural moan that had left him the last time made your thighs tremble for weeks. God, not this and not now.
The tall, broad figure of his emerges in the doorframe just in his boxers but he's not going inside. He passes by without giving the room a single stare, heading right for the bathroom. You feel your nerves easing as you hear his footsteps fading away. When the door open and then close, you let your muscles relax and you rush to your room before he decides to cross the hallway once more, your whole body on fire from embarrassment and also something so hot and sticky that keeps scratching on your insides, making your brain scream. You need it. You need him.
You turn on the music, swaying your hips to the rhythm while singing along softly. Adam left in the morning, excited for the rehearsal, promising he'll be back with something for lunch. Because you had nothing to do, you decided to iron your clothes. And so you're now jumping around the living room, dancing like 5 years old. Some soft Harry Styles song comes on, smile breaking through your features, your heart knowing the lyrics like the back of your hand. Adam is not a really big fan of him even though he finds the lyrics good. You usually can't play music like this when he's here because you don't want to bother him and so now when he's gone, you're planning to enjoy your moment fully.
You're just ironing his shirt, white one that smells like him even though it went through washing. This is maybe one of the reasons you enjoy ironing his clothes. It's always as if he was right there, his scent hugging you and making your chest feel really warm. Also it's really domestic. As if you were an old married couple and you was just casually doing the laundry for the both of you. The image always makes something inside of you tingle, stupid smile breaking through your features. You'd give anything to make that happen.
The song ends and an ad comes up, making you let out irritated sigh as you skip it. The next thing you know is you're grinning like an idiot while singing along to Doja Cat's Freak.
Tied him down to my queen bed
Tease him just enough to hate me
Tied it tight enough, he can't break free
Keep him waiting 'til he try
This can go one of two ways
We could flip the coin, I'll be your slave
Call you "daddy", give me a nickname
I ain't afraid of a little pain
He wanted some' else and he wanna be selfish
He wanted them three rounds, DC had to come help him
Look, I know your position
Try to squeeze in the full nelson though
Beat on it, beat, beat on it, mercy like a black belt give
Daddy the grand master, daddy, I want it faster
Them bitches you fuckin' with, I know they gon' need some practice
So bring 'em along wit' ya, I'll teach 'em how to smash ya
When I made a little mess on it, he told me to clean my act up
"Those are pretty dirty words for a girl like you," the baritone makes you almost jump out of your skin, short shriek leaving your lips before you're able to cover your mouth, your head snapping to the doorframe, your eyes widening with fear as you see his broad figure standing there, shit-eating grin on his face while his eyes shine with rascal sparkles as your cheeks flush the deepest red.
"You scared the living shit out of me! You can't call when you come home?" You ask and you lower the volume, your heart still racing in your chest.
"I called. But you didn't hear me through this filthy thing. This is what you listen to when you are alone in your room?" He raises an eyebrow at you, his teasing making your face burn, embarrassment filling your chest. You stay quiet, folding his tshirt and putting it in the small pile of his clothes you ironed so far.
"You didn't have to do that," he states and you shake your head softly.
"I don't mind," you murmur and you turn off the tv completely, silence capturing the whole flat.
"I didn't want to ruin your fun, kid," he says and he steps closer to you, your eyes meeting his. You stay quiet, just gazing up at him while chewing on your lower lip nervously.
"I just didn't know you like stuff like that," he states, smirking.
"I do. It's fun. And I love Doja Cat," you say and he chuckles.
"You can play songs like that here, if you want to," he says, hint of teasing in his voice and you slap his chest.
"Stop it and tell me how did the rehearsal go," you say and his expression turns serious while he looks down.
"I didn't get the role," he mumbles and you curve your brows in worry and confusion.
"I'm sorry, Adam. That's a freaking stupid theater to not hire such a talented actor like you. What was its name? I won't ever go there again, I swear-"
"I got the male lead," he states and you freeze.
"What?" Your lips part and he looks you in the eyes with grin. He was just playing games with you.
"I got the male lead," he repeats and you squeak, jumping around his neck in gesture of genuine happiness. He squeezes you tightly in his arms, laughing and pressing you against his broad chest, raising you from your feet.
"I'm so happy for you, Adam! You deserve this so bad," you say, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Such a shame you won't be able to see me when you don't want to go into that theater ever again," he sighs dramatically, making you laugh.
"Shut up! We have to celebrate," you say and you pull away softly even though all you want to do is stay in his arms forever.
Your eyes meet his. He seems so content, his cheeks blushed a bit, making him look really really cute, your heart going crazy in your chest.
"What about a bit of Chinese?" He tilts his head towards the plastic bags laying on the ground and just now you realize you're really hungry.
"Sure. I'll just finish the ironing," you say and he smirks.
"Will you play that song for me again?" He asks and you chuckle, shaking your head in pretended disbelief.
"I hate you, Sackler," you say and he wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest and scratching your head with his knuckles, making you squirm in protest, trying to push away but he doesn't let you, holding you close while you both giggle.
"Adam! Stop, please!" You squeak, your eyes closed and so you navigate yourself blindly in his arms.
"Call it off," he says, his voice has a hint of command but you know he's joking.
"Okay! Okay, I call it off," you say and he stops scratching your head but he still holds you close with his arm, your eyes meeting his while you both grin. You realize you must look like a crazy witch that didn't brush her hair for three centuries, nervousness raising in your chest. As stupid as it sounds, you don't want him to see you like this.
"What's up, kid? What's that little pout of yours?" He asks. He's so close you feel his breath on your face, his scent intoxicating your lungs, making you shake inside.
"N-nothing," you murmur, your body still pressed flush against his side. You feel so small compared to him, which you don't experience very often and it's yet another thing you completely admire about him.
"You should see your hair now," he chuckles, trying to make it better with his other hand, brushing over it with his fingers and pushing it behind your ear really gently, your heart fluttering like captured butterfly in your chest.
"Better?" You ask as you notice the focused expression on his face, making you smile.
"Yeah, definitely," he nods, his eyes meeting yours again.
"The Chinese?" You raise an eyebrow at him and he scoffs.
"Sure, kid," he nods and lets you out of his bear arms. You head back to the ironing board, taking another of his huge t-shirts.
"I will finish the ironing later. Come have food with me," he states and you chuckle.
"Nooo. I'll have it done first," you say, turning your back to him.
"C'mon, peaches. I'm hungryyyy," he whines like a little child, nudging your back with his head, making you freeze at the nickname he used for you. He never did that before. He always calls you kid, never anything that would carry the smallest amount of affection. And now- now you're peaches. You feel your chest tightening, your heart racing, your cheeks warming up. You bet he can hear the pounding of your heart as he keeps leaning against your back with his head, apparently waiting for some answer from you. You're too lost in your head and it takes a moment for you to connect with the reality again. God, you won't be able to stand this for long.
"Okay then," you murmur, putting the t-shirt down and turning around. He straightened up and so he's looking into your eyes with grin now, happy he persuaded you. You turn off the iron before you follow him to the couch.
He meanwhile takes the food out of the bags and splays it on the table. It looks like a small feast for just the two of you, making you smile. You sit down on the couch right next to him, just on the same place where you sat few days ago while you watched the Spider-Man. You love how familiar and cosy this whole thing is. Just the two of you in your flat, enjoying your meal as a celebration of his new role. Your boy might get famous now. You smirk at the idea as you reach for one of the boxes.
"Can I try the lines with you later, when you'll be practicing?" You ask, looking at him as you fill your mouth with noodles and he chuckles, putting down his soup.
"You'd want that, kid?" He asks and you nod, smiling.
"I love theatre. I even wanted to be an actress but I'm too shy for it," you explain, shrugging your shoulders to emphasize that it's not a big deal even though in reality it still bothers you a bit.
"You didn't look shy when I got here," he states and you narrow your eyes at him, making him laugh.
"No, but I'm shy when I know people are expecting me to do something and I know they are watching me and that's the problem," you say and he smirks a bit.
"And you think reading lines with me will help?" He asks, smiling.
"No. I just thought it might be fun. If you don't want to, I won't," you say, focusing on the food again.
"Of course, I would want to, kid," he states and you grin, your eyes meeting his for a millisecond, your heart skipping a beat. He looks at you so softly, so tenderly it almost makes you suspicious that there might be something.
"I can't wait for the laser game tomorrow," you state and he chuckles.
"I'm gonna beat your ass," he says, making you laugh so hard that you almost choke on the noodles.
"Calm down, kid," he's quick to help, taking the box from you and handing you a cup of coke.
"Drink, slowly," he says and you nod, following his advice and finally letting the food slide down your throat, cleaning your respiratory system and letting out little coughs.
"Good?" He assures and you nod, laughing.
"You- you won't kick my ass. I'll kick yours, Sackler," you state and he chuckles.
"I should've let you choke," he says and you scoff.
"Don't be mean," you say, your eyes meeting his and he smirks. You feel your cheeks warming up again and so you take the box from him and turn to your food again, to not focus on him. It makes you nervous, too nervous.
"I'm not mean. Never," he states and you chuckle.
"Sure. Now tell me more about the male lead you'll play pleaseee," you look at him with the best puppy eyes you're capable of and he smirks.
"It's a college student who falls madly in love with a girl that actually has a boyfriend. He's like really soft and sweet, you know. The director thought I might be good for that role," he shrugs and you laugh.
"That's cute," you murmur and he chuckles.
"Your type, Virgin Mary?" He teases and you throw a pillow at him.
"Shut up. And no. I don't like boys like that at all to be honest," you state and he raises an eyebrow at you in teasing manner, making you chuckle.
"Tell me more. I'm interested," he says and you feel the blood filling your cheeks.
"Nooo," you shake your head, avoiding the eye contact.
"C'mon, I'll share my type too," he states and you look up at him to assure he means it. When you find no sign of lie in his eyes, you sigh, defeated.
"Fine. I- I don't know. It's complicated. My sister always thinks I need a therapist when start talking about it," you say and he chuckles.
"So you have some really nasty kinks," he states, making you laugh.
"No. But I like boys that are not really good for my mental health. I don't know, I just always pick someone who seems like he needs to be saved, you know? Like, when I watch a movie, I never like the male character who has his life together, who's kind and respectful, nooo. I like the sarcastic asshole who's either drug addict, womanizer, has anger issues or family issues," you state and Adam chuckles.
"Womanizer doesn't seem to me like he needs to be saved," he says and you smirk.
"I don't mean literally saved, more like healed. I don't know. I think I'm crazy," you murmur and he laughs.
"I wouldn't take you for that type," he states and you chuckle.
"Yeah? And what type I am in your opinion?" you raise an eyebrow at him, amused. He chuckles.
"I thought you are the smart and quiet type who thinks everything through before she falls for someone and who's fucking helpless romantic inside," he states and you start laughing.
"God, no. I'm the never thought through a single love interest in my life and fell in love with the biggest douchebags type. But at least I'm funny," you say and he chuckles.
"Yeah, you are," he nods, making you grin.
"And your type?" You raise an eyebrow at him, dying to learn more.
"I don't know. I'm not sure I have a type. If I like someone, I like them. End of the story," he says and you frown a bit at him.
"That's not an answer!" you protest and he chuckles.
"It is," he states but you shake your head.
"Nooo. You promised to tell me about your type! I did too. This is not fair," you say and he smirks at your childish pout.
"There's a difference between who's your type and who's the ideal person you would like to be in relationship with. You asked for the first one," he shrugs and you smile.
"Fine, now I'm asking for the second one," you say, making him chuckle.
"Do you think I'll tell you?" He raises an eyebrow at you jokingly, making you smirk.
"I'll tell you too," you offer just like he did before and he scoffs.
"Deal," he nods, filling his mouth with the soup before he starts, making you giggle at his eagerness. When he finally swallows the food, he decides to talk, making your nerves tingle from the impatience.
"I- I thought about it a lot, actually. I'd like to be with a girl, who's fucking smart, even smarter than me. Of course I want someone who's funny and who thinks I'm funny because otherwise it would suck. And I want her to be sweet, you know the type that everyone thinks she's really really innocent and kind but actually she's just as freaky as me," he states and you start laughing, making him chuckle.
"I just want someone who'll make the living space feel like home, you know?" He adds and you smile, cooing at him, making him grin.
You realize that you would maybe kind of resonate with his list and it makes your heart race. If he wasn't there, you'd be smiling like an idiot right now.
"That's cute," you state and he chuckles.
"Now you, kid," he says and you sigh as if you were irritated, making him laugh.
"I want someone funny, I mean really funny. Someone who would be able to make me laugh even on the worst day. And someone intelligent so I could talk about books, philosophy, life and death shit with them. I wish they'd know how to treat me because I can be quite emotional and sometimes I want to talk about it and sometimes I just need cuddles and if the person was able to figure it out, I'd freaking marry them. I want someone who is a bit childish but also can be responsible because I'm childish and I just hate when people look at me as if it was something embarrassing. If the person was willing to freaking play in the puddle with me, I'd be the happiest. And I want someone who would love me just the way I am, not judging my mood swings nor how my body changes, just loving me entirely," you say, your cheeks flushing and he smirks.
"Interesting," he states and turns to his soup as if you two discussed stuff like this daily.
"You've ever met someone close to your type?" You ask and he chuckles.
"Yeah, I think so," he nods and you smile softly but then you realize he might not be thinking about you. He probably didn't even consider comparing you to his list. You're just his roommate after all. You bite on your lower lip and you look down to your noodles.
"You?" He asks.
"Yeah," you nod.
"So why are you not fucking dating them, kid?" He teases.
"Why are you not daring her?" You return the question with the same tone, making him laugh.
"It's complicated," he states.
"Same," you look up at him, your eyes meeting, your cheeks burning within seconds. He smiles softly.
"Just- don't let anyone hurt you, okay, kid? Do not ever let them force you into anything," he states and you can't help the smile. All the softness and care his voice carried makes goosebumps raise on your skin.
"Okay," you murmur.
"Will we fucking watch some movie now?" He offers and you giggle, nodding in agreement.
Yet another afternoon spent with Sackler that makes your heart thunder against your rib cage, your mind wrapped around him completely and your nerves tense as you worry about doing something wrong, something that might ruin it all.
You don't think you will be able to hold your emotions in for longer. You really really like him, more than you liked anyone before and you just know he's everything you've ever wanted. He's your type. He's the only one who matches your mental list of personal traits. And you don't want to let him go.
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@i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn  @heartofjakku @stevie75
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perlukafarinn · 3 years
this is a season 9 au i guess. don’t ask for more specifics, i just wanted to write dean and cas getting drunk and making out “for practice”
Thank fucking God, Dad can’t see me now.
The thought flutters through Dean’s mind, a tiny, bitter thing there one moment and gone the next. He’s too comfortable right now to dwell on such negativity, laying on the couch, warm and loose-limbed.
They’ve been drinking - him and Cas, that is. Sam is nowhere near the bunker right now and honestly, thank God for that too, because all they’ve had tonight is pitcher after pitcher of margaritas.
Not Dean’s idea, for the record. Neither is the music currently playing on the radio, some upbeat bubblegum pop that he usually wouldn’t be caught dead listening to but can right now admit, at least to himself, that he kind of digs.
Cas picked the music, and the margaritas, because it turns out he doesn’t really like beer or hard liquor but he wanted to try getting drunk anyway. Dean’s the sucker who went out and bought all that margarita mix, because he’s finding it more and more difficult to tell Cas no these days.
Which might be why he’s currently letting Cas paint his toenails, with some polish Charlie left behind after her last visit. 
It’s bright blue and Dean is pretty sure Cas is getting it all over his feet but he can’t be bothered to care. It feels kind of nice, Cas’ hands brushing against his skin as he carefully applies the polish. Like being taken care of. 
“Fuck me,” Dean mutters and he’s sure Cas hasn’t heard him over the music but then his hand stills.
“Nothing, I just-” Dean laughs, rubbing his hand over his eyes. “Are we having a slumber party right now?”
“I wouldn’t know.” Cas resumes his work. He’s sitting on the floor next to the couch, which can’t be comfortable, but he’s probably too drunk to care right now. Just like Dean. “I’ve never been to one before.”
Dean hums, staring up at the ceiling. 
“What does one do at a slumber party?”
“I don’t know,” Dean says. “This kinda crap, I guess. Paint each other’s nails, listen to music, get drunk on girly drinks. Talk about boys.” He snorts. “Or sex, if you’re not a preteen girl.”
“I’d rather not.”
Dean winces, thinking of Cas’ one sexual experience so far. Yeah, he wouldn’t be eager to talk about that either. 
Still, “You’ve at least rounded first with some chicks worth talking about.” Dean wracks his brain - Meg is the first to come to mind, but he knows better than to bring her up, even drunk off his ass. “Daphne, right? She was hot.”
“I suppose,” Cas says. 
“Why didn’t you ever hook up with her?” The question tastes bitter on Dean’s tongue and he’s not sure why. “Can’t tell me it’d be a sin, it’s not fornication if you’re married.”
Cas pauses his movements. Dean thinks he might have offended him so he raises his head, craning his neck to get a proper look at his face, but Cas doesn’t looks pissed, just deep in thought.
“We did round some bases,” he says, the words sounding stiff and alien coming from him. “But we rarely did more than kiss. Once tongues are involved the whole process becomes...” he makes a face, “unpleasant.”
“Unpleasant?” Dean repeats. He gets up on his elbows, sparing a glance at his toes - a whole mess of blue, Picasso would be so proud - before looking back at Cas. “Dude. You sure you weren’t just bad at it?”
Cas turns away, blushing. “Possibly. It’s not as if I’ve had much practice.”
“You learned some stuff from the pizza man,” Dean points out.
Cas huffs. The back of his ears have turned red, too. It’s kind of cute. 
“If you want, you can practice on me.”
The words tumble out faster than Dean can stop them. His mouth goes dry when Cas turns to look at him, eyes wide with shock, but there’s a reckless pounding in his heart that makes him push past the doubt.
“Do you want to?” he asks Cas. 
Cas glances down - at Dean’s lips and Dean licks them instinctively, heart racing faster. He’s not sure what he’s doing but his head is buzzing, a combination of alcohol and excitement, and he decides he doesn’t want to think too hard about it. Second thoughts can wait until tomorrow, when he’s sober.
“It would... just be for practice?” Cas asks.
Dean grins, easy. “Call it part of the slumber party experience.”
He tries to sit up further and Cas takes the hint to help him but between the efforts of two drunk, uncoordinated people, Dean somehow finds himself slipping off the couch, landing halfway on top of Cas and halfway on the floor. 
“You’re heavy,” Cas complains. 
“Fuck off,” Dean says but he’s laughing, giddy and for no real reason. He’s drunk and there’s some girl on the radio singing about being in love and Cas is right here, human but alive, smiling at the sound of Dean’s laughter and leaning in and, oh -
Right. They’re doing this. 
Dean is still kind of on top of Cas so he has to grab Cas’ shoulder to keep his balance, which has the added benefit of bringing him even closer. Cas is a little sloppy right at the beginning, teeth bumping against Dean’s lower lip as they kiss. 
Dean laughs, a little breathless already, mutters, “Careful,” against Cas’ parted lips.
Unpleasant is definitely not the word Dean would use to describe this. Cas’ lips are warm and he’s a bit clumsy, a little too eager, but then he sucks on Dean’s lower lip and bites down, gently, and Dean thinks he might have a knack for this, after all.
Dean’s the one to deepen the kiss, licking the seams of Cas’ lips until they part on a sigh. He tastes sweet and sour like those stupid margaritas, and Dean thinks he might be intoxicating like them too, because he’s sure as hell feeling more buzzed by the second.
Cas shifts underneath him, bringing one hand up to cup the back of Dean’s head, fingers digging into his scalp and Dean just about melts, humming nonsensical encouragements against Cas’ lips. 
Dean feels like he’s in free fall, head swimming at the hot twist of Cas’ tongue, stomach swooping when Cas pulls away to take a shuddering breath and then trails his lips down Dean’s neck, licking, biting.
Dean should discourage him - like this whole thing isn’t middle school enough, now Cas is gonna give him a goddamn hickey - but he just tilts his head back, gives Cas more room to work. Cas presses a kiss against his Adam’s apple and then licks the dip of his clavicle, slow and hot like he’s savoring the taste of Dean’s skin. 
At some point, Cas’ other hand landed on Dean’s waist and it’s maybe the only thing keeping him upright. Dean is on fire, he’s melting, he’s dizzy with desire, almost nauseous, and all they’ve done is make out for a couple of minutes. 
“Dean,” Cas says, whispers into his skin, and fuck, he sounds wrecked. “Dean.”
He’s hard. Dean can feel it, poking him in the thigh, but somehow that doesn’t scare him half as much as his own answering hardness, quickly growing uncomfortable in his jeans.
“We should-” Dean pulls away, puts his hand on Cas’ chest to keep him from chasing, “-we should stop. That’s enough practice.”
Cas stares up at him, challenging. “Is it?”
Dean doesn’t give him the satisfaction of a stare down, clambering off his lap and out of his embrace. “Yep.”
He sits down on the floor next to Cas. He hears Cas huff and feels a little guilty, winding the poor guy up like that and then stopping as soon as things were getting good.
But they were just practicing, Dean reminds himself. If they’d gone any further, it wouldn’t have been practice anymore. At least not anything Cas could put to practical use the next time he hooks up with a chick.
Dean swallows past the sudden bitter taste in his mouth. He looks over at Cas, who’s staring at the ceiling.
“Want me to paint your toenails?” Dean offers.
Cas sighs. “...Yes.”
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