#lilo answers
sparkledfirecracker · 8 months
Your andy fics get me turned on!! omg your amazing!!
This honestly almost made me cry, thank you! I’m so glad they give you pleasured feel.
You’re amazing for reading 😘
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stitchandani · 1 year
Hey Lilo, do you still keep in contact with Mertle and Victoria?
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Doverstar Arti has all the info on Victoria's adult life/family!
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clarisimart · 30 days
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be careful what you wish for, Fordsy
commission info here
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artist-issues · 5 months
What are the best stories you've seen that have a theme of forgiveness? If not strictly about forgiveness, then any themes along the lines of retribution, redemption arcs, or even "seeing through another's eyes" (I may or may not have rewatched Brother Bear recently lol)
Well, we’ve got all my old standbys. Cinderella, of course, is a story that really has forgiveness in it, because Cinderella wholeheartedly forgives her stepfamily for mistreating her. (Actually, she might be “forbearance,” not forgiveness.) But they’re completely off her hook. I think there’s a really great moment of forgiveness between Nick and Judy in Zootopia that gets overlooked. Frozen, with Anna and Elsa. Brother Bear is a really great example, truly! I love that movie.
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I think some of my other favorites include the original A Star is Born, or even the Judy Garland remake. (Those also might be more “forbearance.”) I think one of the best examples I ever saw of forgiveness was in Avatar: the Last Airbender, which everybody knows:
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And of course, ‘Til We Have Faces and The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis have some of the best-distilled forgiveness moments in any stories, ever. There are sweet ones in The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, too, though they’re not as dramatic. In Anne’s House of Dreams, by L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s repeated forgiveness of Leslie’s coldheartedness or rudeness is a really simple but awesome example of day-to-day forgiveness.
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I don’t easily think of a lot of good examples of it in stories. Brother Bear definitely has it, because without it, the story doesn’t work—Sitka wouldn’t help Kenai to learn from his wrongs, Kenai would’ve been killed by Denahi, Koda would’ve been left alone—but I don’t think forgiveness is the main focus of the movie. I think it’s a load-bearing component, but not the focus.
You’re making me want to see a movie that really homes in on that!
The thing is, I guess, for forgiveness to be the focus of a movie, there has to be a character that 100% definitely does the complete wrong, inexcusable thing to another character. Something that he deserves to be on the hook for. Then he has to acknowledge that he did the wrong thing and want forgiveness. And then the other character, the one who was wronged, has to willingly acknowledge that wrong and then let the offender off the hook. It’s not just “we’ll pretend this didn’t happen.” It’s both parties acknowledging that wrong was done, and having an exchange that ends in reconciliation. It’s got grace and mercy wrapped up in it.
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Not many movies have true moments like this. Usually, one character is super sorry and the other character just seems to brush off whatever they did with like, a callback to an inside joke or something. (I’m thinking if Treasure Planet, to be honest.) Or, the situation necessitates that they put their conflict aside and work together, and then after the day is saved they sort of “get over” all that and swagger off into the sunset together.
As far as “redemption” goes—gee, all the old standbys! All the ones I mentioned above, plus Star Wars, plus East of Eden (the movie, not the book) plus, of course, my all-time favorite movie, Lilo & Stitch.
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In Lilo & Stitch, you have the ugly little creature who belongs absolutely nowhere, is by definition a blight on nature and an abomination of existence, who was actively created to ruin everything. And he does it, and he takes delight in it. But there’s this little girl who gets pushed down, gets her doll chewed on, gets rejected when she’s most in need of his companionship—and she just keeps on loving him anyway. Because she’s chosen to, not because he did anything to deserve it. And then that infects him. That idea of family—of someone choosing to love you, no matter how ugly you are inside and out, and by choosing to love you, they create a place where you belong. No matter what. And that changes him. A germ from outside of him changes him from a literal world-destroying, home-shattering selfish monster into something new, something adopted, something loved.
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I’d call it a story about committed love and grace, not necessarily redemption—because the focus of the story isn’t really “Stitch does something wrong but then through a process of pain and transformative struggle, redeems that wrong.” That’s not the focus of the story. But it’s still “bad character becomes good.” And I can’t help but talk about Lilo & Stitch once you get me started on it, sorry!
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I think the best redemption stories are some of the ones I’ve listed above, plus East of Eden, Beauty & the Beast, and really, truly Sydney Carton from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.
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And I think Kylo Ren was well on his way to being one of the best redemption stories of all time, if TROS hadn’t fumbled the ending so clumsily—but that’s another post for another time! I don’t know if this satisfactorily answered your question, but it was fun to ramble about and I’ll tag you if I make another post as more come to mind.
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snailstrailz · 11 months
omg fellow stitch fan???
...could you make another post on gantu, i love him sm
Hello, anon! Lucky for you I have art of him from a warmup sheet that I never posted
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I assume you're referring to the clodsire post as a previous gantu post, since there's not much in the way of gantu posts I've made
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lilolilyr · 3 months
For "Being Known" (Helena writer, Myka actress): 2 and 3, 6 and/or 7 (whichever you like better, or both), and 9!
Ah, thank you! My longest Bering and Wells fic to date :D
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Moodboard & header for the fic, and Here's the ask meme
2. How did you come up with the idea?
It was part of a gift exchange, and my giftee had asked for a pop culture AU, with some fusion prompts for fandoms I didn't know very well - so instead of trying to find out enough about eg Buffy the Vampire Slayer to write a fic in that world, I asked whether a celebrity AU would work, and here we are!
3. Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
I expanded my initial idea a lot - adding Steve, Leena, Artie, Caturanga, Jane and Amanda, I'm pretty sure initially it was just supposed to be HG and Myka with side characters Claudia and Pete. I don't remember exactly what the plan was and what came later, apart from having the idea of Helena's conflict about wanting to remain anonymous while being passionate about something that could bring her a lot of fame early on...I'll have to see whether I still have my initial draft somewhere and I can add it at the end of the post, I tend to write in messages on telegram and copy paste them to an ao3 draft or word doc once I start editing, so the messages should still be the original first draft.
I think I was unsure whether or not I should add an AU-ified Christina related backstory and work that into part of the reason for Helena's reluctance over fame, I had several ideas about her own childhood, her knowing a child something happened to, or actually writing Christina into her backstory... I went back and forth between Christina being a child star and Helena herself being one, I think in the end I just made Helena one because it worked better for the story though I would have liked to have more Christina backstory, but oh well, kill your darlings.
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s)to use? / 7. How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
Honestly, I rarely decide that kind of thing consciously - I guess if you want to write something commercially there are lots of things to consider, but I write for fun and I'll write wherever my ideas bring me. Sometimes I'll notice a scene works better from a different POV and I change it, but usually it just happens one way and then it's fine to leave it as is
In this case I think I immediately knew it would mainly be Helena's POV because it's really her story I wanted to tell.
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
Claudia! Hah, I mean I didn't get stuck on her, but that I used her to get past difficult scenes, giving Helena a much needed push! Especially near the end, when it comes to Helena accepting the possibility of a relationship between her and Myka.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun to talk about :)
This is my draft for the fic, the way it was written (in a messenger chat with just myself in it, as I start most fics) in one go, before making any edits at all!
You'll notice a lot of 'xx' markers - because there aren't really any words with that, it's easy to search a text for that later on, so whenever I know I still need to fix something - add a sentence, translate a word, edit bullet points into paragraph, add entire scenes - I write XX to mark it for later.
wip bering and wells author actress AU for anandabrat
Working title The Perfect Warrior
HG (former child actor turned?) writer under pseudonym hiding from fame (bc burned out from kid fame?), slowly getting back into acting, does improv for fun
Myka either star there to help 'learning' amateur actors for xxkomparsen? Or she's a newcomer and HG is back on film?
Claudia's HG's friend, Pete Myka's
ohhh what about Helena's book being verfilmt & Myka main role, HG making sure she won't be overwhelmed..
xxflashback seven months prior
"H.G., I'm coming in!"
Helena covers her head with a pillow when she hears Claudia Donovan's shouting from the backyard before a well-aimed kick against the old garden door has it fling open.
"Breaking and entering, really?" Helena's muffled voice lets Claudia know where she is. "I would have thought that petty crime is belowxx you."
"Come oooon," Claudia pulls the pillow from her face and Helena is left squinting at the sudden light. "We're going out! A friend of mine has a gallery opening, and there's bound to be a crowd of interesting people there!"
"I can't," Helena grouches. "I have to write, I still haven't finished either of those silly sequels my agents want me to work on."
"Riiight," Claudia nods, juggling the pillow between her hands. "Because that's what you were doing right now. Writing."
"Oh, cut the sarcasm." Helena growls. She is in a bad enough mood without Claudia butting in and making it worse.
"Alright then." Instead of backing down, Claudia throws the pillow onto the bed and, hands on her hips, stares Helena down. "I'll speak xxklartext. You're wasting away here, H.G.! You hate the books you're supposed to write, you refuse to write anything else either, you haven't seen any of our friends in months and now you're getting your groceries delivered so you don't even have to leave the house? That's the final straw!"
"Who snitched on me," Helena xx Leena?sbcanonordontmention
"It'll be good for you," Claudia insists. "You can dazzle everyone with your Wikipedia brain, and maybe you'll meet a xxverleger who wants to publish one of your weirder novellas. Come on, get up. get up, if not for yourself then do it for me because there's no way I'll go schmooze with the rich and famous all on my own!"
"I still cannot believe you managed to talk me into this," Helena sighs, looking at the xx and bustle around her.
"I'm up, I'm up," Helena sighs and avoidsxxausweichen Claudia's attempt to pull her from the bed by sitting up. "Alright, what exactly is this opening we're going to?"
Laughing, herxxfriend Claudia bumps their elbows together. "You better believe it, there's no getting out of it now! And this will be good for you! xx I'm happy for you, H.G., this is a dream come true!" She twirls around without missing a step, taking it all in.
"The fact that it makes you xxgoodposition takes no part in it, I'm sure." Helena deflects. She doesn't want to admit that Claudia is right and she is thrilled to have her characters coming to life for the big screen - nor does she want it known that, despite all the negotiations and concessions on side of the production studio, she is still afraid that she won't recognise the world she created once the movie is done. Will they do justice to the worlds of trees and cogwheels, to the unseeing creator and the warrior with the unruly hair? Will they listen to Helena when she has suggestions, will the stick to the details from the book, will it even be possible to transfer it to the new medium?
This and more goes through Helena's mind as she lets Claudia drag her along over the big parking lot and storage area, past trucks with equipment and the xxvans for cast and crew towards the xxhall.
first time sees Myka - the perfect xxcharactername warrior.
xx looks after her xx her hair xx in the wind, a sharp edge to her big brown eyes that negates anything childish about their shape, xx stepping out of the camper
xx C hey, we're not here to flirt! Can't believe I need to say that to you, you're like, the least likely person xx xx pretty girl
xx not what - I mean yes beautiful, but not what that wasabout -
xx oh /beauuutiful
xx shut up Donovan
xx later sees Myka in makeup all *sideeye* what did you do to my xxcharactername
argument - need makeup! Looks silly on camera without, different than irl!
HG: well if so, just makeup that makes it look decent with the lights and closeups, NOT that kind of obvious eye makeup, and who had the idea that a warrior in a cyberpunk dystopia would need a bold red lip? Or shaved pits?
xx Myka uncomfortable, thinks she has done something wrong, especially when sent back out in the middle of the scene, doesn't notice the argument
co-star Pete tries to comfort her
xxMyka thinks maybe this was bad idea, should quit
xx HG will Not lose my warrior!
(xx Myka in trouble
xx HG kann wen zusammenscheißen, makes sure Myka's fine)
xx from then on Helena trying to keep an eye on Myka, asks how she's dealing with the pressure, what her plans are for if she'll be famous after this project, whether she has a good agent to protect her interests, etc... (eg where u live? city apartment...
H:security? M:none?? H:myself, nature away from most people M: wish could affort...)
Myka: know you're just doing this because you think I'm a good fit for the character and you don't want it to be ruined by me quitting, but I still really appreciate
HG: what?? No, am doing this - well, would for everyone! Know how it is, when I was a kid... nevermind. But, care about you too
Myka finds out why HG is so wary about fame
go to premiere together - "don't have to hold a speech, don't even have to tell anyone who you are, but at least go as my date?"
As usual, I had a first scene instantly in my head, then started thinking quicker than I could write and had to note down bullet points so I wouldn't forget anything xD
Again, thanks for the ask :)
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darkwitch1999 · 5 months
@darkwitch1999 Hey witch, concerning the AUs, what Noelle and Devin be in the Class of Heroes and Class of Villains AU? How about the Monstrous youth AUs?
Never really put much thought into who would be in Class of Heroes or Villains (not even sure which characters are left that aren’t already taken). If they don’t have to be from a movie and they can be from TV shows, I definitely see Devin as Amity from Owl House in the Class of Heroes.
Devity (Devin/Amity) would be the only child of Chandler Blight (Chandler Nolan) and would strive to be the best and at the top of everything to please his mother, knowing fully well what fate would entail for him if he were ever to fall short of his mother's expectations or even dare to defy her. Unlike Amity, Devity would not have a father or older siblings for support, meaning that he would have to deal with his mother controlling his life alone.
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As for Noelle, I can see her as Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. She would be older than Lilo and much more "weird" than Lilo. Like Lilo, she is also alienated from her peer group due to her love of horror and gore, which has also led to her getting bullied by a group of four girls her age. Honestly, I think the Parisian Mean Girl quartet would be perfect for Mertle Edmonds and her friends. I can totally see Nilo or Lielle practicing voodoo on them like Lilo did in that one scene.
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As for the villains AU, I can see Devin as the sorcerer Mozenrath and Noelle as Randall Boggs.
In an alternate universe, I can imagine that as an evil villain, Devinrath would be more sinister, openly expressing his delight in watching others suffer, and like Mozenrath and Devin separately, would be scholarly with their vast knowledge of magic. His mother would have been the one who taught him magic up until the point when Devinrath decided to usurp her power and her throne when he felt that the woman had nothing left to teach him.
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Noelle Boggs is someone I can imagine being a chameleon-like humanoid who takes immense satisfaction in scaring humans of all ages (children aren't enough to satisfy her desire to strike fear into those "weaker" than her. She'll scare teens and adults and she is amazing at it, especially if when scaring the elderly close to death).
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Now for the Monstrous Youths, I would say that Devin would most likely be a vampire from a prestigious family and Noelle would be a boogeyman (for obvious reasons). I would say in this AU they would retain most of their personality traits from their Darkverse counterparts (my fandom universe). The only real differences to their characters would be their monstrous forms and powers.
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steveharrington · 3 months
need to cry...watch lilo and stitch?? Why?? If stitch has a glitch i understand...sobbed...child me understood heartbreak that day....
Up and Wall-E always do it for me....
the parts that make me cry rlly hard in lilo and stitch:
1. lilo telling stitch about her parents
2. stitch in the forest all alone reading the ugly duckling and being sad and not understanding why he’s all alone and doesn’t have a family (literally just teared up even thinking about this part)
3. when stitch is all alone on the beach after david was MEAN to what he assumes is a literal DOG and he’s all sad
4. also on the beach when stitch puts a little leaf on the sand castle he tried to make himself and looks around but no one is looking oh my god kms
5. when nani and lilo are on the hammock and they think lilo is being taken by cps the next day holy Fuck.
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
tell me why the fuck i just now realized your name is "ohbo-ohno" and not "ohana-boho"
Its been 2 or 3 years.
this blog was created last august so it has NOT been 2 or 3 years hehehe but i don't blame you for misreading at all lmaoo, i thought the capital city of Helsinki was Helinski until like... embarrassingly recently
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heyhopperart · 2 years
Which villain/villainess would be more scared to watch horror movies on Friday the 13th in October during a full moon? My money is on Frollo
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rebornofstars · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite alien (non-human *and* extra-terrestrial) characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be from sci-fi or fantasy, from other worlds or dimensions or realms. All that matters is that they're not from Earth and that they're not human in any traditional sense (and, most of all, that you find them interesting).
MY FAVOURITE ALIENS. i've been a little bit in love with space since i was 9.
firstly for the definitely non-human:
the doctor. of course. and literally everyone from his show. the weeping angels. the sky fish. nardole. missy. romana. the ood. the list goes on
um. bumblebee. 😅
star wars creatures
estraven from le guin's the left hand of darkness.
d'lacey's erth dragons are from the planet ki:mera
those martians in the war of the worlds. i had a h.g. wells kick halfway through high school. this wasn't my favourite of his works, but it was fun.
and for the recognisably human, but still extraterrestrial, because i really wanted to include these guys:
mara of the acoma from feist & wurts' empire trilogy. she is one of my favourite fictional women ever. in the context of her own series, she's not an alien, but in the context of the riftwar saga (which was published first and contain more elements of feist's mainline plot than the empire trilogy), she is, so. i think she counts.
the mandalorian. i'm not immune to single fathers... or general badassery...
darrow from brown's red rising. born on mars.
todd from the knife of never letting go (book) / chaos walking (movie). i have fond memories of going to see this at the drive-in with a friend when it came out.
actually, this list is shorter than i thought it would be 🥺 there's a couple of other books/movies i love about space but they're all human-focused and mostly about astronauts. if anyone has any recs pretty please drop them below?
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sparkledfirecracker · 7 months
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Happy Valentines Day to you too my sweet Eun 💕
Since my uterus is having her own Valentines Day and keeping me in a state of being super hormonal, my mood changes on an hourly basis. So the greedy side of me would like all of them on the on-call roster, but that defeats the whole purpose of picking.
So, I’ll pick what I’ll always pick, and I choose to be a mile high member all day and every day.
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eureka-its-zico · 7 months
Please take as much time as you need. I really hope you are ok. I'm sending lots of love your way.
I have good days and bad days. Right after I found out Missy passed suddenly, my stepmom let us know my dad has congestive heart failure. It all just felt like a lot all at once. I would like to say I would rather be emotionless, but Missy deserves to be missed and remembered always.
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artist-issues · 3 months
Day Nine💖
(reminder that if anybody wants me to stop sending these asks at any time, just tell me and I will stop!)
what is the thing that you are the most passionate about in life and why? what sparked your interest in it? is their a goal with it you want to reach, and are you actively working on your passion, or is it just something you know a lot about?
It should be Jesus but I don’t think it is, not perfectly, not all the time. What I tell myself and others it is, most of the time, is “storytelling.” But what I think it actually is (most of the time, but not when I’m in the Spirit) is self-glorification and wanting to be famous.
So there’s the triple-nature. What I should be passionate about, what I want to be passionate about, what I am passionate about underneath it all. But only one of those things is going to actually endure, and it’s “what I should be passionate about.”
What sparked my interest in storytelling was a combo of factors, but I remember the exact moment it came together clearly. I was getting ready for church and I’d been up all night (because at this point in my life I was like 19 and having trouble sleeping was a thing.) And I was trying to decide what to do with my life. I had interest in animated movies and in counseling but I didn’t know what to go to college for, so I was taking a gap year.
And as I was getting ready for church my draft table had the “Lilo & Stitch: Collected Stories From the Film’s Creators” book open on it, and I was listening to a worship playlist in my room and thinking about movies, and thinking about telling some of the kids I worked with in student ministries what made Lilo & Stitch kind of a Gospel story and how I could tell that to them convincingly.
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(This is not my picture, but the book looks like this.)
It was open to the producer’s foreword. And this song came on my playlist:
Which is about how God is the inventor and producer behind everything. It’s Tyler Joseph and Travis Whittaker. But I wasn’t familiar with this song yet, so I thought the lyrics were saying “You’re the author, the producer, the inventor of the scene.” It’s not, it’s “inventor of the seed,” but whatever, same principle.
Then like I was having some kind of dramatic realization, the vague idea that all of life was a movie God made, and the main point was Himself, and all man-made stories that were good had nuggets of that in them, clicked together. I had never thought of reality that way before.
And ll through that morning’s service and yammering to my mother at lunch afterward, I was just thinking thinking thinking about it. About how, in movies, the setting tells the story as much as the characters and events tell the story. (Stitch starts out in vast outer space where all the ships look vaguely like fish—then the scene transitions to a small, folksy town with a local feel, but still plenty of fish imagery.) And how, in God’s “movie,” the plants and the way they work tell the story of the Gospel. Seeds, growth, death, rebirth. How the seasons do the same thing. How the animals do the same thing—the freakin caterpillar is a crawling worm, then goes into a kind of death for a period of time, then comes out a new creation.
The art of storytelling, settings, characters, narrative, and all, is just a hobbled-together copy of how God has been communicating from the dawn of time.
And my brain was racing, and I remember thinking about the idea that Christians are supposed to be “little Christs.” Well, if He was THE storyteller who told His story to show us Himself, then what better could I do than be a little storyteller who showed people Him, too? Not just with my career and my writing and art, but with the way I obeyed Him with my life, obviously.
But that’s how I decided what to go to school for. And that’s what got me into the industry I’m in now.
All that to say, if there’s anything that is actually accurate about reality and God in my little “realization” or philosophy, it’s only because God showed it to me, not because I came up with it myself. And if it’s not accurate, He didn’t show it to me, I made it up and heaven help me. But so far I think He did show it to me, so I keep trying to tell stories without letting that become an idol.
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in honor of spooky season i need some halloween costume recommendations
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lilolilyr · 1 year
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Adsfghjkl I love it xDxD thanks so much Ela! Have a little Katya x Sofia moodboard as thanks <3
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MOODBOARD TO REBLOG IN HD HERE and you can also find this and more Katya/Sofia Goncharov content on my Ao3
& yeah I went full out Sofia closet cosplay in my old highschool ballgown just now (bc it's the only greenish dress I have) just to have a corresponding pic to the one of my Katya cosplay I put in the moodboard xDxD
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Might put more of those on insta (lilolilyraecosplays) some time, also gotta photoshop apples on the apple tree bc sadly it's too early in the year for those xD
Moodboard image sources (all free unsplash pics): lipstick pomegranate clock tower embrace train station rose train tracks edits and cosplay pics by me
Gonchataglist: @thatsmisterfaggottoyou @miraculous-stardust @toboldlynerd @smittyjaws @the-lazy-traveller @kayivy @mimi-mindless @queenmybeloved @bobeau-beaubo @dances-in-ashes @eyeballhoarder @hereforamediocretimenotalongtime
Lmk if you want on/off the list!
Apart from Goncharov I also have tag lists for Devil wears Prada, Good Omens, Gunpowder Milkshake, Hacks, Holby City, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek (also separate ones for Milippa and other ships), Lie to Me, The Old Guard and Warehouse 13 btw, feel free to send me a message if you want to get added to any!
Again: MOODBOARD TO REBLOG IN HD HERE :D guess if it's closer to the reblog button on this post ppl might see xD
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