#limit 115
lvllns · 2 years
5 seconds away from going and sitting in the pools that are in the arena this is miserable
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krzysztofiwin · 8 months
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Krzysztof Iwin – „Hypnos” 70x50cm https://iwin.malarstwo.org/pl/limited_print,1841.html #Hypnos #art #painting #drawing #KrzysztofIwin #LimitedEdition #prints
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dracononite · 2 months
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my account is at -$235 because of tax payments automatically being withdrawn. I thought I had a couple more days to gather funds but unfortunately not, and our utilities bill is due today as well and the internet bill on the 17th.
Quick turnaround slots are OPEN to help!
✦ Tiny icons are $55 ✦ Treat YCHs are $85 ✦ Full icons are $115
Regular turnaround slots are also open in limited quantity for the usual price, you can find all commission info here. If you're interested in claiming a slot, please DM me through Twitter or Discord, or email me at maxhamiltonarts@gmail!
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Ruin My Life
For every note after I’ve hit a number, I’ll do that task for a MONTH per note. So if I have 15 notes, I’ll keep my nails painted for 10 months and wont cut my hair for 5 months. No time limit, spamming encouraged :)
- 5 notes: Keep my nails painted - 10 notes: Stop Cutting my Hair - 20 notes: Cum only from a toy or dick in my cunt - 50 notes: Drop Out of Uni and won’t go back - 75 notes: Keep my cunt shaved - 100 notes: Only wear girly underwear - 100 note BONUS: I’ll put my deadname real name on my blog - 110 notes: Post detrans/porn audios on my blog - 115 notes: Use my girl voice 24/7 - 150 notes: Stop Taking T 
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doctorofmagic · 3 months
Doctor Strange's disability: a (much needed) chronological review
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In view of recent ableism and drama on the other social hellsite involving Doctor Strange's disability, here's my response, based on *CANON* material. (link to the thread on said hellsite here)
Stephen disability is established since 1963, back in Strange Tales #115. The story is focused on a flashback which portrays his journey from the decay of his medical career because of a car accident to his path towards the mystic arts.
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Note that, in this very same issue, the Ancient One never says he would heal Stephen's *hands*, but perhaps Stephen would find the cure within. In other words, Stephen was supposed to heal his heart and soul from arrogance and egoism through magic, not a physical cure.
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Also note that there are limitations within every aspect of comic books' universes. In this case, we're talking about magic. Magic is not a miracle thing. It demands training and, most recently as established by v4, a cost (Doctor Strange v4 #4).
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Another clue that "magic can heal anything because it's fantasy" is not a valid argument within Marvel's magic world, as seen in The Oath. Stephen had access to the Otkid's Elixir, which could heal any disease, but the formula was lost in order to save Wong's life.
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One last example comes from Spider-Man Family #5 (2007), featuring Morbius and Spidey. It establishes that healing demands the exact same price when it comes to magic.
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Long story short, it's clear that the magic side of Marvel does not offer a solution to diseases through magical miracles. So this argument is totally invalid ~within~ this established universe.
Now back to Doctor Strange... No, he isn't using magic to heal his hands unlike some misleading accounts are claiming. In fact, there are several panels which show that he's actually in constant pain. Here's some examples:
- Doctor Strange - Sorcerer Supreme #48 (1992).
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- Captain Marvel v10 #6 (2019)
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- Doctor Strange v4 #1 (2015)
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He also struggles to hold a pen and write, relying on magic to do so, as seen in the Book of the Vishanti.
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Then comes the stupid argument I saw.
"Oh, but Google says his hands are healed!" is not a gotcha moment you think it is. We had FOUR MAIN BOOKS after that (Surgeon Supreme, DODS, Strange v3 and current v6). Allow me to clarify the details in chronological order.
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Stephen indeed made a "magic" gamble and healed his hands. That much is correct. But it's not all (panels from Doctor Strange v5 #19 - 2019).
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Waid continued this storyline in a new book called Dr. Strange (Surgeon Supreme), which would portray Stephen's duality as the Sorcerer Supreme and a brilliant surgeon. Except the book was cancelled at issue #6 (2020), leaving the character in a kind of limbo. Now enter MacKay.
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MacKay kept a little bit of the former storyline as seen in Death of the Doctor Strange #1 (2021). On top of that, his hands appeared healed. However, that lasted only until Kaecilius murdered Stephen and stole his hands.
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Stephen's temporal duplicate used a regenerative spell to bring original Stephen back through Kaecilius' body and the stolen hands. In here, we can see that his hands are scarred just like after the car accident (DODS #5 - 2022). OG Stephen died a second time with scars as well.
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Stephen is indeed seen writing in v6 but it's not clear if he's using magic or not. Besides, he's not working as a surgeon anymore. Moreover, MacKay considers Stephen disabled as seen in this recent issue of v6 (#7 - 2023): "My own connection to the aether, the magic of the world, the power of the Vishanti, the power of the Sorcerer Supreme... Gone. Without all of that? I am just an old man with useless hands and a blade in his stomach."
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In conclusion,
As of CURRENT DOCTOR STRANGE RUN by Jed MacKay and Pasqual Ferry, in the year of our lord Vishanti, 2024, Stephen Strange is a disabled character and no magic or ableism will erase that. Thank you very much.
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pleistocene-pride · 27 days
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Nigersaurus is a genus of rebbachisaurid sauropod dinosaur that lived throughout what is now africa during the middle Cretaceous period some 115 to 105 million years ago. Remains thought to belong to Nigersaurus were first discovered during a 1965–1972 expedition to the Republic of Niger led by French paleontologist Philippe Taquet, and first mentioned in a paper published in 1976. Although a common genus, the dinosaur had been poorly known until more material of other individuals was discovered during expeditions led by American palaeontologist Paul Sereno in 1997 and 2000. As such Nigersaurus was named and described in more formerly named and described in detail in 1999 by Sereno and his colleagues, The genus name Nigersaurus means Niger reptile in reference to the country where it was discovered, and the specific name taqueti honours Taquet, who was the first to organize large-scale palaeontological expeditions to Niger. The limited understanding of the genus was the result of poor preservation of its remains, which arises from the delicate and highly pneumatic construction of the animals skeleton. Reaching around 30ft (9m) in length and 4,000 to 9,000lbs (1,800 to 4,100kgs) in weight, Nigersaurus was surprisingly small for a sauropod being comparable to a modern elephant. It was a quadrupedal animal with a small head, short neck, thick hind legs, and a prominent tail. Its skull was very specialized for feeding, with large fenestrae and thin bones. It had a wide muzzle filled with more than 500 teeth, which were replaced at a rapid rate: around every 14 days. The jaws may have borne a keratinous sheath giving the animal a beak like structure. In life Nigersaurus was probably a browser, traveling the plains, wetlands, and riverine forest in herds as they feed upon ferns, horsetails, and angiosperms.
Art used can be found at the following links
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kataang-week · 2 months
Kataang Week 2024's Round 1 Prompt Voting has begun!
You can vote for your seven favorite prompts HERE.
Thank you to everyone who submitted prompt ideas and shared the announcement post!  And please do not be discouraged if prompts you submitted or voted for get cut - as always, there will be a free day in addition to the seven main prompts.  This means you can use any of the prompts that were initially listed - or come up with your own ideas!  
This round of voting will close at the end of the day on Tuesday, May 7th!
Please reblog and spread the word!
We are using a new system this year and no longer using SurveyMonkey or SurveyPlanet. We have switched to Google Forms. Please note the different interfaces.
Prompts that were similar to each other have been combined, just separated with a slash. For example: Glow/Glowing. Some submissions were longer than the one to two words/short phrases limit, so those longer phrases were not accepted.
In total, we had 142 prompts submitted and then consolidated into 115 prompts this year. Thanks again to everyone who submitted!
- The Mods
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Mutant will release an Infinity Pool poster by Phantom City Creative tomorrow, April 25, at 1pm EST. The 24x36 screen print is limited to 115 for $65.
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goldenharmony · 7 months
Ruby and Akane: Parallels
In chapter 77, Ruby reveals her dark secret to Akane, similar to how Aqua revealed his dark secret in chapter 52. In both situations, Akane enables their obsessions, thinking that she is doing them a favor when she shouldn't be encouraging them.
In Ruby's case, Akane is unaware that Gorou would be nearing his 50s if he was still alive, which makes me wonder how she would've reacted if she knew the truth.
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In my opinion, she would've still encouraged Ruby. Akane's already cool with murdering for Aqua's sake so I don't think ethics is a high priority for her.
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Unhealthy Obsessions ≠ Genuine Love
The way Ruby feels about Gorou is how Akane feels about Aqua, being obsessed to an unhealthy and obsessive degree to the person they think they might be in love with. Their unhealthy feelings are targeted towards the same soul but different incarnations. Akane's yandere tendencies flare up whenever the situation involves Aqua.
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And while Ruby also wanted revenge for Ai's murder, the main trigger for her to fall into darkness was seeing Gorou's corpse.
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Gorou/Aqua - Providing the Will to Live
When describing Gorou, Ruby focuses on how he gave her the will to live, saving her from having self-destructive/suicidal thoughts during her lowest moments.
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This is further supported by how Ruby was having suicidal thoughts in chapters 115 & 121 but the realization that Gorou = Aqua had saved her.
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How does Akane understand? Because she went through the same experience in LoveNow. When she was at her limit and about to kill herself, Aqua saved her and worked with the other LoveNow members to save her image.
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Thanks to Aqua, she got the strength to return to LoveNow and move forward. That moment had a significant impact on her, similar to how Ruby describes Gorou's impact on her.
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Returning to Original Location
Ruby and Akane return to the places where their relationships began, reaffirming their feelings. Its a callback but could be seen as them trying to hold onto those relationships when they should just let go.
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Delusional Era
Both Akane and Ruby go through a period where they think they will get what they want. Aqua and Akane started dating but Aqua only loves Kana. Akane knows this but she's convinced that as Aqua continuous to lie to himself about loving her, those lies will become the truth - which they never did.
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She also believed that the 2 of them had an equal relationship, and that she was saving Aqua - both immediately proven false in the subsequent chapter.
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For Ruby, she thinks that now that she has reunited with Gorou, they will get married, not realizing that:
A) Gorou never promised marriage. He said he'd think about it which was letting Sarina down easy because she was a dying child at the time.
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b) She no longer sees Aqua as just himself, but is projecting Gorou onto him considering she keeps emphasizing "Sensei" unlike Aqua with Sarina-Ruby.
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c) Ruby in a stable and healthy mindset thinks incest is gross lol
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Plus Ruby's sus manga panels being over-the-top hammers down the point that she is being really delusional right now.
In the end, the 2 girls are really similar to where I'm sure that Akane would've still encouraged Ruby to pursue Gorou even after knowing he was way too old for her because she can relate to Ruby's feelings, believing that he couldn't be bad for Ruby if she believes he is a good person.
Meanwhile Kana's reaction if Ruby confided in her instead:
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And if Mem-Cho tried to argue about the age gap, Ruby would probably say that its basically the same as Mem-Cho hanging out with the rest of them - killing Mem-Cho in an instant:
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
MCYT on Ao3 - March '24
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers.
There were some very significant changes in the MCYT space with certain people being outed as abusive or predatory, with some people describing the wave of people coming forward as "mcyt's #metoo moment", so I would expect to see that reflected in the statistics. Let's go for it!
Incidentally, I reached the limit for bullet points on Tumblr, so it's time to switch this over to a spreadsheet! Which means I get to do colour coding, fun.
Some Notes:
I didn't see any new fandoms this month, but ocassionally I've missed something. Feel free to let me know if I've missed a fandom!
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (751 of 860 are in spanish, from 750 last month), Tortillaland (109 of 115 are in spanish, the same as last month), and QSMP (845 of 8,475 are in spanish, from 827 last month.)
QSMP also shows 47 fics in French, up from 43 last month, and 454 in Brasilian Portugese, up from 452 last month. While I did not check every language this month, I checked on the languages I knew had a fic in QSMP and we see 1 fic in Bahasa Malaysia, 1 fic in Dansk (Danish), 2 fic in Deutsch (German) up from 1 last month, 1 fic in Esperanto, 1 fic in Filipino, 5 works in European Portugese, 2 fics in Polski (Polish), 7 fics in Русский (Russian), 1 fic in Suomi (Finnish), 1 fic in Svenska (Swedish), 1 fic in Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), and 4 fics in 中文-普通话 國語 (Mandarin Chinese, I believe) up from 3 last month. While several 한국어 (Korean) speakers were recently added to the QSMP, there are currently no fics in 한글 (written Korean). The one fic in ASL has been either re-filed or deleted.
In the small and micro-sized fandoms, HBG's atypical increase of 16 fics last month was followed by a decrease of 7 this month. So not sure what happened there but something happened there. The fandom with the greatest increase is New Life, with an increase of 11, followed by My Inner Demons, with an increase of 9.
In the middle sized fandoms, another Aphmau fandom took the flag, with MyStreet showing an increase of 42 fics. That is followed by Minecraft Diaries and Evolution SMP, at 26 and 25 respectively.
In the post-canon big fandoms, 3rd Life was our standout, with an increase of 398 fics (less than last month's 558 or the previous month's record 831. Origins was noteworthy for posting an actual decrease of 30 fics, in contrast to the previous month's increase of 19. Dream SMP was probably the fandom hardest hit by the outing of abusers mentioned at the start, and far from last month's increase of 591, they showed an actual decrease of 801 fics. So a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,400 fics.
Dream SMP was actually not the fandom that posted the greatest decrease, as that belongs to Minecraft (Video Game), which saw a decrease of 1,555 fics, a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,800 fics. So many fics were deleted that Video Blogging RPF, which showed an increase of 3,513 last month and this time last year had 3,343 fics posted, only showed an increase of 51 fics.
In the currently airing big fandoms, Hermitcraft's increase of 628 did not reach the previous month's 716 or the month before that's 784, but does beat December's 574. QSMP was also, presumably, hit by the deletion wave, as this month's 391 did not reach the previous month's 729. This marks the fifth month of decline for QSMP.
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hexfloog · 4 months
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Q: What are these?   A: These are cards from the Case Closed TCG!
Promotional cards are only distinct from their base counterparts by the white-colored icon in the top right corner. Promos are just alt art versions of existing cards, but are exceptionally rare as they could not be obtained in booster packs or starter boxes, instead only being available as tournament prizes or coupled with other media.
Two sets of CC TCG promo cards exist, one for each booster release. Every Premier starter box comes with a small poster which includes these alt art cards in its set count, however no such list exists for Crime and Punishment that was released to the public (there is only an equally rare promotional poster).
This card is from the Premier release and was obtained via a first-edition print copy of Viz's release of Case Closed Vol. 7 in 2005. A sticker on the front of the volume claims this version was limited to 8000 copies; the card was contained in a sleeve behind the back cover and is the alt-art release of Premier #120 (rare rarity). Interestingly, the wrong art is used on the sleeve the alt-art version is packaged in, instead depicting the standard release.
Early sale sheets for the Premier set show that Score Entertainment intended to print foil cards for this TCG (1 per booster pack). I imagine this was also the plan for promo cards but have heard from other collectors that they ultimately didn't bother as the TCG had already been written off prior to production (however, info about this game being so scarce... I cannot confirm with a source).
Premier Set: #1-40 | #41-80 | #81-120 | #121-160 | #161-201
Crime and Punishment: Common | Uncommon | Rare
Promotional Cards (Premier): #115 | #120
Promotional Cards (Crime and Punishment): #128 | #129
If you'd like to support my effort to obtain and document these cards, please consider leaving me a tip on my ko.fi!
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Chapter 4 Public Update 🎉
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First of all: Happy new year, everyone 🥳🎊 I wish all of you an awesome year ahead!
Now, on to the Chapter Update! Chapter 4 contains 46K words which brings the total word count to 189K words! Chapter 4 is actually the largest update yet that I've done in a month clocking at 46K words instead of the usual 20-30K words update (I really pushed myself this month, didn't I 😅)
However, this update doesn't just bring the entirety of Chapter 4, but also some new and tweaked stuff on the previous chapters. So, I would recommend playing from the beginning if you want to see what's changed for yourself. I'll list out things I changed from the previous chapter below.
Now, a lot of you are probably aware of this already, but some of the things you'll do in this chapter are:
Meet Yvette and finally have a proper conversation with her (a lot of variations and different decisions).
Choose what you feel about her now. Do the years soften your hatred for her? Or maybe they've made you resent her even more?
Meet the rising star superhero—and your mother's protégé—Skylar Moore.
Meet the black sheep of the ECPD, Detective Santana Valdez.
Have a talk with the CEO of the Constellation Agency!
What have been updated in previous chapters include:
- Added a new clothing style, which is the “All black” clothing style to match the style that Luka is wearing (popular demand 😆)
- Added flavour texts for those choosing “Beatrice” or “Virgil”/“Vergil” codename.
- The skill check limits in Chapter 3 have been lowered. To succeed in the hotel entry, you’ll need at least 50 in the corresponding skill instead of 55. And to succeed in the CQC combat, you’ll now only need (Combat + Grav) or (Combat + Umbra) at least 105 instead of the previous 115.
- Make the Police Commissioner’s unsavoury connection to the Nemesis Project more apparent.
- Tweak how MC reacts to executing the Police Commissioner. Now, it’s based more on whether you chose your MC to be ready, hesitant, or don’t want to kill him in Chapter 2 when talking to Grandpa.
Oh, and also, I'm planning to make quick and fun polls on the ROs and Yvette in my CoG Forum post, so, if you guys have an account there, consider casting your vote 😁
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lightassnow · 2 years
~Diet Rules~
Do weekly diets maximum calories per day is 300,if you go over the limit you MUST burn more calories than you consume
Hungry? Chug water, still hungry? Take a nap💗
if you are actually hungry after nap:order Starbucks grande coldbrew with a spash of milk (35cal)
still hungry? Too bad you’re still fat, would you rather stuff your face with food or be beautiful and skinny? Yeah I thought so so keep Doing your diet.
~Weight Log~
Starting W: 180 bmi 31.8
Nov 12 2022 - 180 bmi 31.8
Dec 7 2022 - 162 bmi 28.7
Dec 8 2022 - 160 bmi 28.3
Dec 20 2022 - 158 bmi 28.0
Dec 21 2022 - 157 bmi 27.8
Dec 22 2022 - 156 bmi 27.6
Dec 23 2022 - 155 bmi 27.5
Dec 24 2022 - 154 bmi 27.3
Def 25 2022 - 153 bmi 27.1
Dec 26 2022 - 153.4 bmi 27
Dec 27 2022 - 152 bmi 26.9
Dec 26 2022 - 151 bmi 26.7
~Goal Weight Chart~
Goal 1: 150/bmi 26.6 by Dec 20 Y GW
Goal 2: 145/bmi 25.7 by Dec 26
GW 2.5: 140/bmi 24.8 by Jan 1
Goal 3: 135/bmi 23.9 by Jan 7
GW 3.5: 130/bmi 23 by Jan 13
Goal 4: 125/bmi 22.1 by Jan 19
GW 4.5: 120/bmi 21.3 by Jan 25
Goal 5: 115/bmi 20.4 by Jan 31
UGW <3: 110/bmi 19.5 by Feb
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exhausted-archivist · 8 months
Art Used in the Dragon Age: Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas
While there was some new art, previously seen concept art, there was also the use of ending credit slides. Some possibly denoting certain world states that I briefly referred to in the master post here.
I've split it into sections of:
New Art
Previously Shown Art
Character Art and Slides
General World State Ending Slides
Everything is going below the cut because this will be long. I will also note which page and recipe each image accompanies in the book for easy reference. (Here's to hoping tumblr doesn't mess with the image layout.)
Edit 10/30/2023: Added the page numbers that were missed because it glitched out and deleted things when I tried to go over 30 images and didn't notice till now.
New Art
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Page numbers from top left to right going down:
Orlesian Woman: Sour Cherries in Cream, p. 121, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread, p. 151
Building Etching: Crow Feed, p. 43, Antivan Sip-Sip, p. 161
Spider Design: Posion Stings, p. 115
Sea Creature: Lamprey Cake, p. 147
Smoking Meat Racks: Smoked Ham from the Anderfels, p. 95
Antaam Spearman: Unidentified Meat, p. 37
Admiral Isabela: The Hissing Drake, p. 157
Etching of Bowl: Rivaini Couscous Salad, p. 19
Etching of Platter: Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, p. 13
Table Setting: Goat Custard, p. 127
Red Bear: Conversion Charts, p. 172
Giant: Lamprey Cake, p. 149
Blue Building: About the Authors and Photoghraphers, p. 175
Mabari and Army: Roasted Turkey with Sides, p. 99
These are all new images with three of these looking to be concept art: the presumably Orlesian woman looking at Andrastian themed items, the antaam spearman preparing to throw a spear, and the table setting of what looks like it might be for Rivain or Tevinter based on the aesthetic. Though I lean more Tevinter due to the snake on the basket.
The bowl and platter look to maybe be prop designs, and they are distinctly bird themed with what looks like feathers around the base of the bowl and then mirrored crows on either side of the platter with a dagger etched in the center.
The red bear shown here is new, though it is similar to a mural in Dragon Age: Inquisition in the barn where there is a green-ish bear with stars on its muzzle breathing what might be fire, while holding the white silhouette of a figure with antlers. (Couldn't attach it due to there being a photo limit.)
Then to further note that the dark blue building image looks similar to some concept art/Development images from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf (DA4)
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Previously Shown Art
The piece below have been shown elsewhere before, but there are some new additions so I am showing it here separately from the new art.
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Ferelden Spread: Roasted Wyvern, p. 85
This is was first shown in The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition and is labeled as "Fereldan Fineries". It was coloured and lacked the two figures in the back left of this image. (Below)
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Character Art
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Cole and Maryden: The Emerald Valley, p. 169
Sera: Sera's Yummy Corn, p. 103
The Iron Bull and Krem: Hot Chocolate, p. 159
Varric and Aveline: Varric's Favorite Pastries, p. 143
Josephine and Inquisitor: Fish Chowder, p. 59
Leliana: Grilled Poussin, p. 77
Cullen: Croissants, p. 137
Morrigan and Keiran: Nettle Soup, p. 65
King Alistair: King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew, p. 67
These were mostly character specific ending slides you could get in DAI, going from the top left to right they are slides for: Trespasser: Human Cole ending up with Maryden. Trespasser: Partial image of a slide for an Inquisitor who agrees to become a red jenny with Sera and the Inquisition is disbanded. Trespasser: Iron Bull and the Chargers are alive and taking jobs throughout Orlais and Ferelden. Trespasser: Varric is Viscount Trespasser: Josephine, her personal quest completed. This is the romanced Josephine version. Trespasser: Leliana, not Divine Trespasser: Cullen, having not taken lyrium during Inquisition Inquisition: Morrigan and Keiran leaving Skyhold World of Thedas vol 2: King Alistair
Ending Slides
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Antaam Slide: Lentil Soup, p. 63
Halamshiral Slide: The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, p. 57
Grey Warden Slide: Sweet and Sour Cabbage, p. 61
Disbanded Inquisition Slide: Sugar Cake, p. 145
These were all ending slides you could get at some point in Inquisition, from the top left to right: Trespasser: The Qunari threat Inquisition: Kicked out of Halamshiral with low approval Inquisition: Grey Wardens were kept in southern Thedas to rebuild, they are estranged from the Wardens in Weishaupt Trespasser: The Inquisition was disbanded
Final Thoughts and Implied World State
Overall the world state makes a lot of sense I think, they went with the one that would be less quantum - so no one is dead or could be dead and is in an important role; hence Cassandra being Divine,
Inquisition is disbanded
Grey Wardens are divided; though as of the comics and Tevinter Nights we know regardless all Wardens have been called back to Weisshaupt. Unclear if the civil war mentioned in DAI is actually happening.
Morrigan has Kieran and he doesn't have the old god soul anymore
Cole is human
Josephine had her personal quest done.
Leliana wasn't killed in Origins, she is fully human and now retired.
Alistair is king
Cassandra is Divine, no clear answer on the state of the Seekers.
Cullen is retired and established the sanctuary for former templars.
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mckitterick · 11 months
Record heat is killing saguaro cactus
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Record-high temperatures, combined with a lack of seasonal monsoons, are killing Arizona's famous saguaro. Phoenix just saw 115°F (46°C), continuing a streak of temperatures over 110°F degrees for 28 consecutive days.
Stressed by extreme weather and lack of water, saguaro can begin to rot from the inside and eventually lose limbs or collapse. Saguaros are beautifully adapted to heat and aridity, but they have their limits.
At night, saguaro normally open their stomata, or pores, and carry out a gas exchange where they take in the carbon dioxide they need to photosynthesize during the day. But Phoenix's record-high heat is suffocating and stressing out the saguaros, dehydrating them and making them more susceptible to infections and insects.
Phoenix is one of nine US cities where at least 1 million people live in neighborhoods that reach 8° higher temperatures than surrounding areas. Tucson, where temperatures are slightly lower but still over 100°F, isn’t seeing the same distress in local saguaros because they aren't suffering the added “heat island” effect of Phoenix plants.
When plants especially evolved to thrive in desert conditions are dying because of the heat, we have a problem.
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ralfmaximus · 2 months
According to the Tesla owner’s manual, “Vehicle functions, including some safety systems and opening or closing the doors or windows, may be limited or disabled when installation is in progress and you could damage the vehicle.” Janel chose to heed Tesla’s warning and did not attempt to open her doors or windows during the installation process for fear of damaging her vehicle, but this seems like a very dangerous oversight on Tesla’s part that she was able to be stuck inside at all.
She was voluntarily trapped for 40 minutes. I do hope that if it went longer she'd've pulled the manual door release, even if it damaged the vehicle. Your life is worth more than a car.
Other EVs that do software updates require occupants to exit the vehicle first and also give them a countdown.
If this happened in Atlanta during summer, the inside of the vehicle could become lethal within 40 minutes.
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