#link / cotera
retrogamingblog2 · 22 days
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 9 months
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The musician smoothed down his feathers, returning Rivan’s grin.
“You’re certainly a motley crew,” he said. “And very well-armed. Good; you can never be too careful this close to Hyrule Field. A Guardian spotted me as I flew overhead. Dear, oh dear, I thought I was going to have a heart-attack…” He trailed away. His eyes suddenly widened. “That…that thing on your hips…”
Link’s hand went protectively to the slate, but the musician only smiled.
“Sheikah design, yes?” he asked. “Gracious, I bet that put a hole in your wallet.”
“Yep,” Link lied.
“I’m Kass,” the musician said. “My teacher was actually a member of the Sheikah tribe. Very talented man; he taught me all his very best songs. I actually know one about the Ancient Hero and the Calamity from ten thousand years ago. Would you be interested?”
After a meeting with Cotera, Link and the gang begin to make their way to Eldin. On the way, they meet a certain Rito bard with a song to share. A memory hits Link hard and fast.
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linkspussy · 1 year
Prompt: Link gets some... special healing... from the Great Fairy
[You are so fucking sexy for sending this because I've wanted to write great fairy / Link for AGES but lacked motivation for a longfic. This did nicely :] ]
🔸️Game: BOTW or TOTK (non-specific)
🔸️Pairing: Cotera / Link
🔸️Content warnings: Micro / macro, grinding, squirting, implied Link with a pussy (no specific reference to genitals), implied potential magic / aphrodisiac effects
The great fairy fountain thrums with magic. There's a certain, almost fantastical aura in the air that's heavy and thick, emanating from the flower pool like invisible fog. Link wonders if maybe this has some kind of effect on libido. Then again, given the circumstances here it's pretty difficult to tell what isn't getting him riled up. 
He's currently sitting between Cotera's thumb and index finger, his legs splayed either side of the small bridge of skin between the two digits. It's an excellent spot for her to keep him balanced while maintaining a good view of her little plaything. After all, her pleasure is important here too, Link knows. She's offered him this "special" service, and for free no less! He feels obligated to at least put on a good show, especially since he's far too small to offer any of his own pleasure to a great fairy. 
"Comfortable?" She hums and Link nods, his face flushed. It's a little nerve wracking to be manhandled by a hylian, let alone someone of her size, but he trusts she won't hurt the hero of Hyrule… at least not on purpose… 
"You are just adorable, my little hero!" She chuckles deeply. "You're getting a little restless already, aren't you? Do you need some help?" 
Sure enough, Link's subconsciously been slowly grinding down on her hand as he's wrapped his arms around her thumb. He doesn't even realise it until pointed out and the dash of pink on his cheeks turns red. He shakes his head at her request though, rutting a little harder as if to signal he's got this one. Cotera smiles, her giggles like little puffs of wind on Link's skin. 
"I see… Such a sweet boy, you don't even make me work for this!" 
Link allows all his anxiety to fade, his legs clamping as hard as they can around Cotera's palm and dorsal. His movements at first are slow and calculated, but as he builds a rhythm and feel for the surface below him it's not long until he's grinding hard, leaving a wet, sticky trail in his wake. He did this to a pillow once and felt a little awkward about it. Absurd, he thinks, that he's now doing the same on the hand of a ginormous magical woman. He's not sure if this can be considered a moment of personal growth, but he'll treat it as such. 
Cotera gives a dull moan, obviously taking some voyeuristic pleasure in all of this. The lewd noise itself as well its deep vibrations send Link to a greater height of pleasure. 
"Hnn.. hah.." 
"Oh, close already, are you? That was fast." 
Link nods, a new blush of embarrassment adorning his cheeks at his inability to hold out. But as if to assure it's only light teasing, Cotera raises a finger and before he can guess its intention he feels her large nail trace itself down his back. With her gentleness it's a feather-light feeling and Link shivers at it, another pleasured noise leaving his lips. 
"By all means, don't try and hold back, sweetheart. You've got my attention for as long as you want it tonight. So cum for me, hero." 
He doesn't have to be told twice. His legs start to shake a little as he ruts harder and deeper, desperately chasing that friction. Eventually he allows his knees to clamp tight to her thumb, hugging the digit as he forces out short energetic thrusts. In his dire aroused state, his orgasm climbing to a peak, he knows damn well he's putting on a great show for her. It takes barely a minute after that point for his climax to hit him hard. 
"Hahh.. aahh!" 
Simultaneously he groans out then nearly lets his whole body go limp. Cotera's free hand moves quickly to hold him steady. Underneath him a building pressure he was only faintly aware of bursts forth and trickles down the creases of her skin, much to her surprise. Though Link is a little too caught up in the waves of euphoria to fully register it. 
When he relaxes enough to control his breathing and little whimpers of ecstasy, he's gently pincer gripped underneath the arms and moved to the palm of her hand. 
"Feeling messy tonight, are we?" Cotera teases, although her tone sounds almost a little impressed. Link can only offer a wobbly smile, his half lidded eyes speaking volumes of gratitude without any need to verbalise. Cotera only laughs more at the blissed out expression. 
"Let's give you a break. I wouldn't want to exhaust your little hylian body so soon." 
Her hand lowers to the fountain pool, offering Link a chance to cool himself off. He does so with enthusiasm, that familiar magic in the water sending a jolt of energy through his relaxed muscles… Or maybe he's just that horny. Either way, it's going to be a long night for both the hero and the fairy. 
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avionvadion · 2 years
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For Chapter 11 of Destiny’s Call. It’s not posted yet, I gotta reread it one more time, but it should be out fairly soon.
Version without the shadows, dirt, and music is under the cut. 
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better-than-one · 2 years
Ruta is closest.
A ghost?!
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jxsterr · 1 year
while im on a roll i think we should talk about them exploring the depths together too
- whenever they go on walks together both of them actively keep their distance from chasms
- cue zelda falling flashback
- zelda learns of all the interesting things down there from josha
- “there are statues?? ancient statues?? that we know little of in regards to their origins??”
- josha rambles and zelda intently listens. she’s writing things down on her purah pad
- link had a notebook feature added by robbie, he knew she’d want it for the sky islands at least
- sometimes he scrolls through them when shes at the school and somehow isnt surprised to see 200+ entries
- zelda eventually asks him about the idea of going into the depths. link is vehemently against it initially
- she’s visibly disappointed and he feels bad. he eventually agrees Only if they prepare for it enough
- link takes her to cotera and gets all of her clothes Fully upgraded. then buys her another set of armour and upgrades those too
- he teaches zelda how to swing a sword. she already knows how to fire a bow, so he gives her his strongest (it’s a royal guard’s bow. he’d give her a lynel bow but she isnt as stupidly strong as him)
- buliara decides to make her an ornate shield that’s both strong and pretty to symbolise her finally stepping into the fighting world. some decals are similar to urbosa’s shield. zelda tries not to cry
- link’s built them a diving platform into the chasm so they don’t touch the gloom that’s bleeding out into the world
- he has an absurd amount of sunny and gloom resistant meals. hes not taking any chances at losing her again
- zelda is an explorer and a scholar at heart, keeping the depths from her would be like keeping her from her books. he ignores the anxiety in his stomach and stands beside her on the platform
- “stay by me.” “i promise.”
- zelda’s gotten more used to freefalling now but she still laughs wildly every time. the rush of wind through her hair makes her feel free and alive
- the place is well lit since link went through and Thoroughly activated all the lightroots before he even let her step foot near the chasm
- he holds her hand the entire time and keeps on high alert
- link gives her a thumbs up when she kills her first gaggle of little froxes. she’s grinning and brimming with adrenaline
- she takes pictures of everything, and i mean Everything. the trees, the flora, formations, the skeletons, the lightroots, even the yiga hideouts
- zelda’s frozen in awe when she witnesses farosh gracing the depths with her presence for the first time. she feels a strong need to follow. a friend, a sister.
- link advises against it. he reminds her that neither have anything resistant to electricity and as well meaning as farosh is, she’s difficult to get close to
- zelda loses her MIND at the abandoned mines. link holds her hand to make sure she climbs down safely
- she’s utterly obsessed with zonaite. link breaks a piece for her and she keeps it safe in her pocket. she treats it like a momento of the first time they went into the depths together
- link is on high alert. she accidentally walks too close to a monster mining site and link immediately springs into action. she headshots the bokoblins but link steals the limelight by making quick work of the remaining moblins and one silver bokoblin
- after all this time he still acts like her knight. she doesn’t think he’ll ever stop
- “we need to be more careful of our surroundings.” because goddess forbid he scolds her properly
- they sit and eat some of the food they packed underneath a lightroot. zelda’s obsessed with the surrounding fauna. link’s focused on the way her face glows when she’s excited
- zelda takes her first bit of damage and link takes down the enemy with such fury she’s taken aback
- it’s only a minor wound but it makes his stomach turn and all the worries of losing her again and watching her almost die come flooding back
- she knows that look. she understands. it will be a long time before he fully trusts her to be in potentially dangerous situations
- “link, we can go home if this is becoming too much.” “i.. yes. please.”
- they find another chasm entrance and link is able to conjure up a hot air balloon from nothing. she wonders if she’ll ever stop being surprised by the autobuild feature
- she squeezes his hand as they go up together. he squeezes back
- the sunset is beautiful. they stay in the air for a while, watching the sky bleed from orange to red
- “thank you.. for today.”
- link nods, “we can go down again sometime soon.”
- zelda grins
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the-au-collector · 8 months
I feel like I haven’t rambled about one of my AUs in a while (compared to how much I’ve reblogged stuff, that is)
So uh
Linked Universe College Radio AU: The Map
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This is not to scale. It’s just a vague idea of where everything is located. Rambling about each of the places is below the cut.
Kakariko - the main location of the series, where Kakariko Univeristy is located. It's a small-ish city and located at the junction of two highways, so everything else sort of circles it. A lot of people will pass through the city, but few stay. Lots of college students during the school year. A few notable locations outside the university itself are the old mill that everyone says is haunted, Lake Sheik, Goron City Coffee, and Hilltop Orchard.
Hateno - located about 2 hours north of Kakariko, Hateno is a farming town. Not too big, but it does have a famous apple festival every fall. Wild and Age were born here.
Mido - Hyrule's hometown, has a single stop light, a school, a church, a cemetery, and a single diner called Cotera's, which is owned by Cotera and her sisters. It's 3 hours away from Kakariko.
Sky City - far enough away from Kakariko that it's probably better to fly, but you can theoretically drive there (it's like 5 hours away max.) It's located in the mountains and is quite the sight. Sky, Groose, Sun, First, and Hylia are all from here.
Rito Village - a suburb of Sky City, where Age and Wild moved to when they were taken in by Saki and Teba.
Ordon - far enough away that a flight is required to get to there. Twilight was born and raised there. It's south of Kakariko and is mostly farmland.
Castle City - about 2 hours west of Kakariko. The main airport is there, and so is Castle City University. It's a bustling metropolis. Flora and Fauna are from there.
Mabe City - a large city on the coast. It has it's own college, the University of Mabe City. It's a very picturesque city that's about a 4 - 5 hour drive from Kakariko. A lot of students like to visit there in the summer. Legend originally went to school here. His father, Raven, also lives in the city.
Outset - a suburb of Mabe City. It's rather small, but very homely. It's main industry is fishing. Wind is from here and is very, very proud of it. Legends say pirates used to inhabit the shores around Outset.
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ivecomeforsouls · 1 month
Chapter 4 - Fairy Boy
Hyrule flew out of view from the camp and walked through the night and and the following day before stopping to rest for a night. Having stopped earlier that evening, Hyrule sat down to make dinner, but got distracted by a certain pile of mushrooms in his bag.
"Well excuse you, Cora, but I think it's looking great."
*concerned fairy chimes*
"I did forget to make dinner. This is probably it."
"Hey! It's not that bad!"
Hyrule could understand all fairies both as a fairy himself and as a hylian, but that silence spoke a lot clearer.
*hesitant chimes*
"Thank you, Lyra. At least one of you is somewhat reasonable."
Hyrule looked a little fearfuly at all his sister's looks of death, but only for a moment before enjoying his latest mushroom mix. The same mushroom that always tasted good, but the consequences held the opposite. Like poisoning people. Or melting through wood.
Oh. Melting wood...
And that was his last thought before he blacked out.
The mushrooms strike again. Hyrule woke up a fairy, and unable to transform back.
After passing out, Talia realized that his hylian form could not handle the poison he'd just consumed. So she pushed him into his fairy form. His fairy form knows that transforming back would kill him, so it has him locked in this form.
"Thank you, Talia." Hyrule spoke sheepishly after being rescued from himself.
"If you're not more careful from here on out, I'm going to tell aunt Cotera." Nuri warned.
"Actually," Mira corrected. "Aunt Kaysa is closer."
The six of them stood in the nest of a bird who was willing to shelter them, so with Cora on watch, they actually slept this time.
"We'll rest here." Aster called everyone to a halt. They'd just gotten out of a battle with a hoard that was probably looking for the same deity that they were searching for.
With Hyrule still stuck as a fairy, the six of them backtracked there own trail, away from the nest and the monster that'd found his scent.
"Link! Watch out!" Nuri called from behind him.
He hit some kind of glass wall, and the air stilled. the breeze was gone, and the smell of fresh air disappeared into the scent of old soup. He rubbed his eyes, opened them, and looked around.
He was in a glass bottle. His sisters were in the woods, unwilling to get any closer, but committed to staying close by. Aster held the bottle was trapped in, showing him off to some other people he didn't recognize. Unable to do amything in a bottle, he watched as he was stuffed into a bag where he waited in silence until he was needed, though he knew he wouldn't be able to help much if it came to that.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Being Wild's little sibling
If you are pre calamity he absolutely spoiled you
If you're pre calamity and survived I'm saying you probably helped Purah with her experiment and jist got back to her original age difference when Link came back
He teaches you recipes! Has cook books of his recipes just for you!
You probably live in the house he bought. He walled the space under the stairs off so you could have your own room. It's not huge but it's your own space
He may be wild and semi reckless but he almost has a heart attack anytime you fall down
He teaches you how to make anything a weapon and how to fight well
Gives you a shield anytime he even thinks you need one
He likes to go frog or lizard hunting with you
He really likes to bring you back trinkets from his travels and to hear about your own adventures.
He hugs you in a bear hug 98% of the time
He takes you to Zora's domain and you dive from shatter back point
If you join the chain he is immediately chasing you down every time there's a fight so he can personally make sure you're okay
Introduces you to Cotera the great fairy in Kakariko and makes sure you always have a fairy on hand.
After gannon is defeated he takes you to every corner of the land so you can see everything.
He packs you lunches, and if it's a thing he seems like a bento box type of guy.
He likes to see you smile.
He prefers you you fight mainly with archery so you're safe and out if the way.
But if you are a close combat fighter he supports you with his own archery.
As long as you're safe.
He probably makes like a mint tea or something if you have nightmares.
He dosen’t know where he learned it but he always hums you the smae tune if you need help sleeping. (It's Zelda's lullaby or sometimes the skyward sword theme music)
I like to think his mother was a musician and he still knows how to play
So if you want to learn an instrument, he's happy to help however he can.
Pretty much a calm brother who just wants you safe and happy
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zacwuv · 8 months
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New Great Fairy Cotera x Link up on Patreon.com/zacwuv (1 8+ only!!)
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 4 months
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Paya forced herself to turn away from the king’s ghost, turning her attention to Sidon and Link. Her friend was white as a corpse, shivering like mad. He kept coughing and his breath sounded harsh and wheezy.
Most bizarrely, a little thing was perched on his shoulder. A creature made of wood, only the size of a newborn baby at most. It had a leaf for a face, carved in a permanent smile.
“More friends for Mr Hero!” the strange little being said in relief. “Good, good! He needs a cosy bed and lots of medicine. That’s what Grandpa always says when we get sick.”
Paya thought back to the story books of her childhood and she wondered if she was about to faint like poor Pikango at Cotera’s spring. A ghost and a Korok! It had to be a Korok; it so strongly resembled the illustrations from her old books. But what an odd place for a Korok to be!
Sidon was gathering Link up in his arms, frantically asking how he was.
“Sorry,” Link mumbled, his forehead pressed against Sidon’s shoulder. He was limp as a rag-doll. “I’m stupid.”
“Yes, you most certainly are,” Sidon agreed cheerfully. “But scolding can wait until you can hold your own head up, brother.”
The Brigade have found Link at last, but time is of the essence as his health continues to deteriorate. Yuki makes a desperate plan and Muzu is given a mission he'd prefer to turn down.
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lillhappycloud · 10 months
oh my; Cotera looks so beautiful love how you draw big and soft. She is as gorgeous as ever. I remember back when Botw came out used to ship her Link a lot back in the day. I wonder what Zelda wants to research about?
She wants to ask her about her experiences as a great fairy!
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avionvadion · 2 years
Working on the next chapter of the fic and I discovered something.
(Not really “discovered” as I’m sure people have already had that conversation. I just never came across it until now)
If you talk to Paya after talking to Impa the second time (while Paya is cleaning the shrine orb heirloom thing) they will BOTH mention Cotera’s fountain by name, and tell you that Kakariko Village was formed under Cotera’s blessing/power/protection.
Which is neat!
Until you realize that after Cotera did all that they just stopped visiting her and let her rot until she went back into her little cactus bulb, and Link had to revive her with Rupees. In which case it becomes sad.
Like, come on, Impa! Why’d you gotta do Cotera so dirty?
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better-than-one · 2 years
I guess we should get going soon. Uh, unless you don't want us to?
No, no, that's alright. You've got important things to do, right?
Very important.
Then I won't keep you.
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golvio · 2 years
Something I’ve noticed about the Great Fairy Fountains in BotW is that, although they look like standard flower bulbs when dormant, when they activate and open after Link donates enough money, they look like rafflesia flowers. Rafflesia flowers have no leaves or roots because they evolved to be parasitic, attaching themselves to a specific species of vine called the Tetrastigma that grows along the rainforest floor and siphoning water and nutrients from its host plant.
Now, there doesn’t seem to be any such vine in the temperate forest where Cotera’s rafflesia grows, but the base of the flower is covered with giant fungi, which suggests her flower gets its water and nutrients from the same symbiotic mycelium network that supports the nearby trees. The fungi near the fountain seems especially active and potent—not only are its fruiting bodies huge, the surrounding plantlife its roots are attached to seems unusually healthy and vigorous. There are even several rare species of plants growing in the area, including the Hearty Radish, Endura Carrots, and even the incredibly picky and sensitive Silent Princess, which was notorious among pre-Calamity gardeners and conservationists for being unable to survive outside of very specific natural conditions.
But what’s really curious to me is how Cotera and her sisters seem to also require a symbiotic relationship with regular mortal people to survive. They’re different from the animals that frequent their fountains in that, in addition to physical sustenance from water and root sugars, they also require some sort of magical/spiritual energy from visitors to stay healthy and happy.
I keep thinking of Skyward Sword’s yin/yang imagery with the dual forces of Malice and Gratitude in the materials you can collect to upgrade your stuff. Gratitude, like Malice, is a spiritual energy that’s released by living beings when they experience a sufficiently powerful emotion. The emotions associated with Malice appear to be negative, while the emotions that form Gratitude energy are positive. Both energies can “crystallize” into solid forms that can be handled, transported, and used in rites. Both have transformative and vitality-increasing properties for creatures aligned with their specific energy wavelengths, and can be poisonous to creatures not aligned to them, like how Malice is poisonous to the non-monster peoples of Hyrule while giving beneficial properties to monsters, boosting their physical strength, extending their vitality, even resurrecting them so long as they have physical remains to animate.
There have also been certain notable cases where certain beings were able to shift their energy alignments when exposed to enough pf the opposite energy. For example, gathering a high enough concentration of Gratitude Crystals was enough to transform Batreaux the demon into a human. Meanwhile, Rhoam mentioned that Ganon was formerly a human man who “became Malice.” I imagine the nature of his transformation and the reason why he was exposed to enough ambient Malice to become an entity that was composed of and could consciously control it will be expanded upon in TotK when it comes out.
But, anyways, Cotera and her sisters. It seems like her dependence upon travelers and their donations reveals a very interesting thing about “minor deities” and other beings of similar power who deliberately cultivate symbiotic relationships with humans through worship. The way she gathers Gratitude energy is initially through a symbolic donation of something of value to humans, in this case, money. The energy given by this donation is enough to revitalize her from her hibernation, and she continues gathering Gratitude by using her restored powers to improve the armor Link carries.
Basically, before travelers stopped coming to visit the fountains after the Calamity wiped out huge chunks of the population and made travel difficult, there was some kind of economy happening where the Great Fairies exchanged favors for the Gratitude mortal travelers released upon receiving those favors. Without that Gratitude energy, the fairies can at least physically survive, but are forced into a state of hibernation until a mortal radiating the positive emotional energy they crave draws near.
It reminds me a lot of the relationships between regular humans and kami in various depictions of Shintoism, where humans need the favor of the gods to survive, but the gods also require attention and energy in the form of prayer and symbolic exchanges of money used for the upkeep of their shrine. A lot of local folk religious practices in various parts of China involve a similar relationship, although in some cases the exchange of money/gifts is even more symbolic, with joss paper versions of “real” goods being burned in offering.
It makes me curious about what’s going on between the Yiga Clan and Ganondorf. The Yiga certainly seem to be trying to set up some sort of reciprocal relationship between themselves and Ganon in Age of Calamity, putting Ganon’s inert little robot vessel in a shrine and offering it food. Ganon, likewise, seems drawn to the Yiga because of the Malice they foster within their hearts from their own hatred of the Royal Family and the Hylians for their rejection and exile after lifetimes of devoted service. Harbinger Ganon depends on Malice in his environment for energy, violently wrenching out life energy touched by Malice from monster and human alike in order to restore himself as quickly as possible after each defeat.
However, if Ganondorf himself is freed and the urgency of his appetite is tamed by treating his obvious starvation…would it be possible for him to develop into a Malice-aligned version of the symbiotic relationship between beings like Cotera and her visitors? One where favors are exchanged for the voluntary, gradual release of the hatred and anger burdening his worshippers’ hearts, as opposed to him violently cracking their souls open and instantly slurping up the hate-filled juices inside, draining them of their life force and killing them in the process?
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