#list of badass stuff i've done
someonewhogotanaccount · 11 months
List of all the badass stuff I've done
I have a reputation to lose. Although I somehow like to be a soft, sweet and cute bun.
Still. Everyone I've told about the cute-thing in real life has asked me "What the hell did you do to make them think you are cute???". That's why I'm going to prove my badassness now:
I practically taught my own mother the word "fuck" (even though she always says "fucking" instead of "fuck", which is why I always almost get a fit of laughter. She probably doesn't even know exactly what it means)
I have often skipped school. Probably eight times in my life (for example, when my cat had babies and I didn't want to leave her alone and I wanted to see the blood pouring out of her because I'm so badass)
I have gone through the "Forbidden Aisle" of my school six times (three times because I had an appointment for a conversation and three times because I just wanted to do illegal things hehehe ;)
I once had a conversation with my principal (because I wanted to discuss a presentation for a special talent project because I'm such a badass that I had to give him a presentation about my badassness since otherwise he wouldn't have been able to grasp it properly)
speaking of my principal, I had a meeting with him lately and guess what: I made him cry 💀
one of my class, who I can't stand, once asked me in the middle of class to send her my paper so she didn't have to work on it herself. I then copied the sheet and sent it to her (and thus to all her friends). They were really happy about it - until they found out that I had moved all my notes to another page beforehand, so that they only had a blank sheet (you should have seen their faces. First they were cheering loudly, and then this. But they didn't express themselves very clearly either. And they are always gossiping about me. Haha, that was fun >:)
I sing "Feliz Navidad" to my best friend every day so she and I can both suffer from this catchy tune
Have I already mentioned that I have a Killercat???
In the final: I have deceived all of you. Because, as sorry as I am, I DON'T LIKE KITKATS AT ALL!!! I love Snickers, Mars and Co. But KitKats? Nooooooo thanks but no. There are definately worse snacks, but it's also not exactly delicious.
MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! I'm really evil. And a complete badass.
(Sorry about that)
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himejoshiangels · 2 months
Duke Thomas fic rec list
I've scowered every tag relating to him, combed thru the 'duke centric tag' at least 8 times, this is what ive come back with, at least my personal faves
necessary reminders - duke pov, outsider pov, and some social media following duke as he gets used to his day job as a vigilante. flows really well, has a good balance of sad and happy, and gets dukes character rlly well
that which you cannot bear - THIS FIC WILL BREAK YYOU duke is kidnapped and its only down from there!! this is like, one of the first duke fics I read and it's still labeled as such in my mind. its well based, sooo cohesive plot wise, and stays completely in character w all its characters, especially duke, while exploring such an interesting facet of him > his tendency to self-isolate, insistence on being independent, and his stubbornness. sooo much good angst just incredible stuff while also staying hopeful and grounded. ALSO duke is an intelligent badass throughout the fic which is an important detail 2 me
signal, n. a divine act - same author as the last one, absolutely insane concepts are explored and its just so well written srsly it's like poetry. digs into some of dukes ideologies so well. if u like holy imagery??? kind of but not rlly?? ig you'll love this
this whole series is just so fucking incredible but something about my bodies made of crushed little stars I don't fucking know it messed w my brain chemistry, I've recced it b 4 bcs it made me cry but read the whole series, it's all duke centric and just so good. Saki writes bruce and duke in a way that fizzes u up w emotion and focuses on such unique facets of dukes character/dynamics and sleep well my little sunshine is soo cute and fun and soft >when earth finds the stars - bonus presignal duke and jason fic, balances being incredibly fun with a realistic zoom in on duke before we are robin. he's quippy and witty and always at the edge of his rope
not mutually exclusive - tired of bruce being kinda shoved into the role of dukes capital F father when that's not quite what their dynamic is? Then this is the fic for you!! Just good duke and Bruce interactions overall, it's sad and hilarious with just incredible dialogue and peak Bruce and Duke interactions
signals and symptoms - a classic sickfic and like one of my fave bruce bonding fic ever ever EVERRR!! really introspective abt dukes character and just so well done
even exchanges - some of u are gonna hate me for reccing an incomplete fic and esp one that doesn't look like it's gonna be finished anytime soon but even exchanges is so formative to my duke characterizationalong with portraying such a fascinating dynamic w him and his new family. it delves into his messy and angsty experiences pre-becoming the signal and is overall written like several subsequent punches to the stomach. promise ur gonna bitch and moan about this fic as much as I do
scientific method - extremely cute fic, watch Duke bond w the bats and slowly get more comfortable with them over time as they all tru to figure out what the fuck this guys powers are. Really fun dynamic wise, the dialogue is crafty and captures the familiarity between the characters. Really realistic about day to day vigilante life and how genius the bats truly are. really slice of life fluffy shit w some bonus sciencey stuff
turn my voice human torch remind people what I’m fantastic for - truly a classic, Duke invites cass to slam poetry night. short n sweet I LOVE BUMBLEBATS RAHHHHHH
tradition - pure duke n bruce ice cream fluff
meal prep - real sad angst one shot ft. alfred
occupational health and safety violations - duke pov reverse robins but it's way out of order
write about flowers (at a time like this) - duke and dick fic where they meet pre we are robin. yes I just found this one yesterday yes I'm absolutely obsessed. it characterizes him so well and understands his thought process and motives and UGHH just tune in yall
sidequest: the viper pit - WE ARE ROBIN DND JUMANJI
signals of fear and hope - duke centric reverse robins, caters TTOME specifically it's so fire
and now here are fics that arent duke centric but he's in it and in character/well written and now forced into the back of the room aka some of my general faves that feature duke
gotham aviary - the batman fic where he just adopts a bunch of em truly adorable like the cutest thing you'll read
I walk the streets at night (with monsters in my mind) - dragon fic, absolutely goated 10/10
fight, flight - cass centric but duke plays a big role, they mean everything to me
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felassan · 30 days
Snippets. 🐺💜
Corinne will be one of the devs answering questions at the next dev Discord Q&A in a few days [source]
Corinne: "fashion is the real endgame ✨" [source]
Malcolm: "I got to Bioware and they were like, hey, do you wanna work with Trick on the content for this badass beefy firebreathing Qunari treasure hunter and it was like the clouds frickin parted and choirs of angels sang out. Honestly the stuff we made for Taash is probably my favourite thing I've made in my 16+ years of making video games." [source, two]. / Trick: "You have made Taash's stuff SO GREAT, dude." [source] / Malcolm: "Taash deserves nothing less. You created an amazing character and a fantastic story, and I really appreciate getting to contribute to it :D" [source]
User: "will there be a fair amount of crafting for us gear noodlers?" / Trick: "I have done a fair amount of tinkering to get exactly the build I want, yes! I think we'll show specifics later." [source]
John: "one of the funnier quirks of game dev is you will never remember missions by their real names but instead by the name you called them by for several years of development. it will never be 'In Your Heart Shall Burn' for me, it'll always be Setback. dai mission names according to me: Prologue. Redcliffe. Seeker Fortress. Setback. Halamshiral. Temple of Mythal. Finale" [source, two] / Trick: "Plus "Adamant", which had the shipping name of "Here Lies the Abyss", I think? (It was my mission. I picked that name. And yet, my memory? Nah.)" [source] / John: "you know the funny thing is I LITERALLY wrote this post because I was thinking about Adamant and that is the one mission I forgot to put in the list" [source]
John: "the only one i can ever remember is 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts' and it's because it seems to be the only DAI mission that people constantly reference by name online" [source]
John: "even in DATV i do not recall 95% of the mission titles with the only exception being the one time i was (imo) clever" [source]
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron:
I was a Horse Girl TM, so I watched this movie a million times as a kid. It's honestly the best horse animation I've ever seen, all the backgrounds are gorgeous, and the soundtrack is incredible. Also the plot is anti-colonial/anti "taming of the west". Genuinely cannot pick a favorite scene, but I love the scene where Spirit commits many acts of violence against the US military <3
horsie :) I love how they use actual horse body language instead of just turning them into a dog. Also enjoy how the protags are easily understandable with just body language and neighs. Also the 2d and 3d animation blend seamless.
I cannot begin to tell you what makes this movie so good. It's a corner stone of animated media. The societal commentary. The incredible emotion of not only the story but the animation. The songs. Sound the Bugle makes me cry every time.
This movie was a key part of my childhood and “Sound the Bugle” still makes me tear up.
This is like the greatest horse movie of all time and I will not change my mind. I watched this movie so many times as a kid that both the VHS and first cd I had for it got ruined and we had to replace it with another cd LOL. I once convinced my teacher to let us watch it in class because it had a few scenes with Native Americans and we were learning about them at the time(It's about the old west and the expansion of the United States westward so it has some Native American characters but def not enough to make it a Native American film, but it does have positive representation I think?) The main character is the horse Spirit, a lead stallion for a herd of mustangs. His thoughts are narrated but he doesn't actively talk and the horse behaviors are pretty realistic, also the ART of it all, James Baxter was one of the lead animators for this film and his work is incredible, and hand done. Some of the behind the scenes stuff in the extras makes the animation look 3d its so good, and the camera work is also insane. As a horse obsessed child this movie was a staple for me, and I prefer it even over live action movies with actual horses. ALSO THE SOUNDTRACK OH MY GODDD how can I almost forget, the soundtrack for this movie goes so hard, I used to use some of the songs as hype music not even lying.
The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
It’s in its core about family, how we can drift and argue. Not because of one true fault, but because we are different. It shows how being weird and different don’t make you less of a family while not demonizing people who do have more stereotypical ‘perfect’ families. I think it portrays our humanity and the way we bond and what we do for those we love, what we sacrifice, so well. It’s so funny and so sweet.
It's funny and the family is neurodivergent and it's just really nice v good time it looks like anti technology at first but its clearly more of a criticism on capitalism I just really like that movie its pretty to look at.
It's funky!!! hang on, bullet point list time: - has such a unique and expressive animation style - has a lot of pop culture references that don't really feel overbearing - has honestly one of the best family dynamics in a movie I've seen???? - realistic characters!!! with realistic and interesting character arcs!!! - absolutely hilarious. makes me laugh every time i watch it :) - comedic villain! gotta love me one of those. also she's badass for a smartphone so - tHERE ARE FURBIES - basically it's very chaotic but also heartwarming, and it's honestly my favourite movie :D
Heartwarming story about family! Also kickass animation
Very good stylized animation. Well written and designed characters. Super funny and sooo heart warming. Fucking rad action scenes (again the animation is fantastic). The story comes together well, it's just quite well written. + Protective dad character who's not annoying as hell (that's rare!). I love every part of when they're at the dinosaur museum thing.
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a0random0gal · 6 months
If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion?♥️🖤💙💚
Ohh anon i've got a list.
When it comes to the tv show there are a few choices the writers made that just don't sit right with me.
I do like the characterization they went for, he's a pretty cool dude who really loves his weird, dysfunctional family. What I really don't like is how they handled his death.
See I truly can't stand it when a character is sugar coated just because they're the protagonist and thus must be righteous and always objectively correct.
So to witness the writers white wash his murder, having him flee to essos instead of being killed by Rhaenyra pisses me off. I get that after showing them being good friends it would be very odd to have her kill him.
But that's the thing, they should have opted for a more ruthless Rhaenyra in the first place!
Laenor's death in the books (at least for me) was the first instance of Rhae Rhae making morally wrong choices in order to pursue her ultimate goal. It was compelling! Here she just takes the easy way out, without having to make a tough choice.
Also his survival really fucks her up when you really think about it. Now all her sons are bastards since her marriage to Daemon isn't valid, and for the upcoming season 2, how are they going to handle Addam and Seasmoke? Laenor is still alive, his dragon won't accept a new rider. This doesn't make any sense and just causes plotholes what the actual fu-
Sidenote: After Laenor's very moving speech on how he was done goofing off and was now willing to really step up for Rhaenyra and their family it's super strange to imagine him ditching them all immediately afterwards Lol.
My gosh, where do I even begin with this woman?
She too is pretty cool at the start, but then episode 9 rolls around and I roll my eyes.
She's so hypocritical. She tries to shit on Alicent for "toiling in the service of men." When that's all she does in the goddamn story!
She wants Baela to get Driftmark, tells Corlys about it, he shuts off the whole plan cause he wants a kid who he's not even related to on the driftwood throne, and when she complains about it he dismisses her.
So what does feminist Rhaenys do about it?
She... submits to her husband, something she conveniently forgets about when talking to Alicent. My god. Just remove this entire exchange, it hurts to watch.
And the coronation scene, Jesus Christ! It was so cool in the books, why did they have to ruin it? Had they replaced it with something better I wouldn't have complained, but this is just, the worst.
Rhaenys shows how badass she is by.... Brutally crushing hundreds of small folks to death and almost slaughtering the greens.
Cool, cool, absolutely necessary. Thanks Sara.
And you know what's even more infuriating? When she flees to Dragonstone to inform Rhaenyra of all that happened. She says she didn't kill the greens cause she didn't wish to start a war. I'm sorry what?
That would have ended the war at the start! As glad as I am that Rhaenys didn't barbecue them it makes absolutely no sense!
If she had killed them there would have been no dance in the first place!
I hate these dumb show only moments. They needlessly complicated an already complicated story and just mess everything up.
There's probably other stuff I could rant on, like how Aegon was made a rapist sorely to make the audience think:
Oh look! The greens are so baad, they believe a rapist alcoholic douche should be in charge instead of our empowered dragon queen, they sure do suck!
Or how house Velaryon was disrespected and mistreated by D*emyra but still somehow decided to support Nyra's claim.
They didn't really have a motive to be greens though, so I think they should have stayed neutral. Their fervent black support makes no sense.
The writers really should have given them more reasons to back up the blacks or had their beloved queen treat them better so that their loyalty made more sense ( I mean holy hell I wonder how they will handle the two betrayers and Corlys's arrest lmao).
But other greens have already shat on these awful decisions and I won't beat a dead horse.
When it comes to fire and blood I surprisingly have very little complaints, except of course, the Jaehaera situation.
My poor baby deserved better, I've made a post about it in the past
(where I ranted and said stuff I kind of regret now, don't post while very angry guys I don't recommend it)
tackling how the little queen was unnecessarily killed off and how her death genuinely adds nothing so why was it added? God I get upset just thinking about it lol.
Some people say George did it cause he needed Aegon's kids to be born after Viserys's, and apparently he couldn't fathom a married teen not having kids until her 20s, which is veery weird.
The more plausible theory is that he got rid of her cause he wanted more Velaryon queens to showcase how close they used to be to the Targs.
Which is something I had understood already thanks to Alyssa, the sea Snake and all the Velaryons who were masters of ships but whatever.
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salt-hag · 12 days
fall 2024 cdrama + kdrama check-in list
haven't done a check in/wrap up post of dramas watched in a while so wanted to do one before the end of the year ✨ hoping to have finished a lot of these and have a list of reviews at around new years
dramas watched
story of kunning palace (cdrama)
8.5/10 for me. This is my year of loving costume period cdramas and I kicked it off with sokp. Really enjoyed the time travel/redemption plot line and Bai Lu as a somewhat reformed evil empress.
the legend of shenli (cdrama)
9/10 for me. A little slow in places but this goes down in my list of fav drama romances. Badass and admirable female lead and quirky oddball male lead who simps for her (as he should). I found the fantasy somewhat goofy but lovably so. This is a *comfort* show for me now. Has the best happy ending/post finale last episode I've seen up to now.
the double (cdrama)
9.5/10 for me for the sheer melodrama. Is this technically a better drama than the legend of shenli? No, of course not. Is it entertaining as hell? Yes, so it's gets a .5 boost. Costume period one-woman's-revenge, absolutely delicious. Hilarious male lead who loves the drama of it all and is very handsome. I was telling a friend about this and she was confused. Weren't you just watching this earlier this year? No, dear reader, she had the revenge stuff confused with Story of Kunning Palace. I have a type, and that is conniving women getting what they want in beautiful period costumes while a handsome, competent man answers their beck and call and simps all the while.
currently watching
RIGHT NOW: Are You the One (cdrama) - ep 22/40
This started out as costume period brain popcorn for me but now there's intrigue and back-stabbing and a clever woman out-scheming men in power so. yeah i'm enjoying this i guess whatever...
RIGHT NOW: Cinderella at 2am (kdrama) - ep 3/10
I haven't watched a kdrama in a while and I wanted a comforting, brain-popcorn modern rom com. I think this will deliver.
My Journey to You (cdrama) - on ep 20/24
I am DETERMINED to finish the gorgeous scheming assassin ladies period drama. I WILL. It's just the main plotline made me snooze a bit at ep 20 so it's taking me a while.
The Princess Royal (cdrama) - ep 6/40
Snowfall (cdrama) - 17/24
dropped or on hold (I'm a mood watcher)
[on hold] Love Like the Galaxy part 2 (cdrama) - ep 12/29
[on hold] Meet you at the blossom (uncensored period BL, Thai) - ep 4/12
[on hold] Lost You Forever season one (cdrama) - ep 17/39
[on hold] In Blossom (cdrama) - ep 22/32
Another one I am DETERMINED to finish!! But I don't vibe with the main actress. I loved the one who played the female lead before the body swapping. Otherwise this drama has everything I would ever want: costume period murder mysteries, a very beautiful man who devotedly simps for his nice wife, a clever female lead with quirky interests, BODY SWAPPING AND IDENTITY SHENANIGANS.
[can't decide to drop or not] Only For Love (cdrama) - ep 21/36
I can't really stand modern-setting cdramas, I'm sorry. I was watching this one for Wang Hedi. I somehow made it to episode 21 despite the cringe. Might finish watching this while pmsing.
[can't decide] Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 (kdrama) - ep 9/12
Idk why but I just found the plotline kind of boring?? I loved the extra character and world lore. But I had problems with the original TotNT too so.
[dropped] Till the End of the Moon (cdrama) - ep 20/40
This was gorgeous but I like sweet romance, I'm sorry. This was too dramatic for even me. I wanted Bai Lu to love her problematic malewife!!
[dropped] Miss Night and Day (kdrama) - ep 2/16
Loved the concept, found the show too painful to watch.
anyway hoping to get back into kdramas this fall or in 2025. we'll see!!
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cairavende · 10 months
Worm Arc 13 thoughts:
Everything is fine, everyone is doing great, but Brian might need to use some vacation days. Just, I dunno, something tells me the dude might benefit from a short break.
We start right off with Taylor refusing to admit she kicked Mannequin's ass, even though all of her allies and all of his allies both agree she did. Which is my daughter 101. I wish she could love herself a little more.
Lisa got her game. It might not be perfect but I think it was well done by her. It still gives them more structure to work with, and more ways to fight back. As this arc shows.
Aisha is way to fucking reckless. I mean I feel for her I really do, but god damn girl. Sometimes your teammates are right! Even if your brother can be a bit of a dick about it.
General note, I absolutely love how Wildbow wrote stuff around Aisha using her power. Just every bit of it. It is very good. I have legit multiple times during this went "Oh fuck I forgot about IMP!" and that is perfect.
Mannequin kills Lucy, so he goes from being on my shit list to being on my super shit list. I'm going to be sad if I never get to see him die.
If Bentley had died I would have burned the world down. So luckily that didn't happen.
Sucks that Mannequin also killed some of Skitter's people. And that he ended up living in the end. But it was fun to watch him get his ass kicked a second time and have to get saved by Burnscar.
I fucking LOVE Genesis. I'm so glad we get to see more of her. Her power is so much fun.
WOLFSPIDER! Taylor bonding with Bitch over trauma. Taylor basically thinking you want someone to tell you want to do. And then “You had me at no holds barred"! AHHHH! Murder lesbians. Go fuck them up girls.
Skitter had a pretty decent plan for attacking the Nine, all things considered. Very good use of their strengths and the abilities they had on hand. But she did make one major mistake. Well, to be fair everyone involved did. And that was having Trickster be the only sniper. They should have brought a few of Coil's troops. Even one more half competent sniper and they would have killed one of the Nine in that first attack. If they had brought Coil's Sniper? 2 of the Nine dead minimum, maybe 3.
Also, the mannequins for Trickster to swap people with were very clever. Though they could have prevented Brian getting captured if they had brought 1 more. And you don't even need a good sniper with those. Point a gun at the head of a mannequin. Swap and shoot at basically the same moment. Bullet hits them before they even know they've swapped and you can't miss. But still, they did pretty good.
I mean maybe not from Grue's PoV, but whatever. He didn't die! He's fine.
Cherish getting absolutely fucking DESTROYED by Tattletale! Oh god it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Cherish tries to get into Tattletales head and Tattletale is just constantly 10 steps ahead and just gaaahhh! Fuck I love it. I would read 100 chapters that was just Tattletale fucking with people like that.
The setup Skitter used to talk to the Protectorate was so fucking cool. Full blown mimicking human speech with only bugs?! She's amplified her words before, but never had the bugs speak entirely on their own. Just the most badass thing. The thing that makes everyone remember you! Swarm of bugs shows up at the superhero base, takes the shape of a person and starts talking with bug sounds, saying "oh hey we just kicked the fuck out of the Nine and captured two of them, wanna actually be heroes and help us finish this?" God damn.
Also Trickster getting through a locked door by teleporting the lock away was very neat.
Of course the heroes don't help. Miss Militia and her "We can handle that on our own, with more calculation and less recklessness." Really? Are you really going to have less recklessness? Cause I've read the interlude. But more on that later.
HOLY FUCK IT SUCKS TO BE BRIAN! I mean, he got better. But still!
I knew my daughter wasn't going to die. I knew her two girlfriends weren't going to die. I was pretty sure Imp and Grue weren't going to die (I wasn't sure how Grue was living but it seemed likely) but even with all that I was kinda panicking during the whole Bonesaw thing.
Fucking power thief! So much possibility here!
Siberian a projection confirmed. I mean basically confirmed. Confirmed enough for me. Like sure the details aren't revealed and such, but they are totally some form of projection. (I don't list my predictions on here usually so everyone will just have to trust me when I say I guessed Siberian was a projection in arc 11 or 12.)
Also saw some (I assume) other alternate earths in that trigger event, which is neat. I'm sure they'll never come up again.
Skitter sending a note to the Protectorate that was basically "We killed one and injured another, you are a bunch of cowards that suck, fuck you!" was wonderful.
I am very sad for Doll Lesbian and I hope someone can help her! She needs care in this trying time. Cause I love her and she is so cool and it isn't fair that shitty things are happening to her.
"It isn't fair that shitty things are happening to her" is like, 85% of Worm I'm pretty sure though, so I'll probably just have to deal.
Lisa put a blanket on Taylor when she fell asleep. GAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
Interlude 1 - Aisha's mother sucks. I'm so sorry for the poor girl. Aisha also makes very bad choices. She got so fucking lucky she got away from the Nine the first time and then just went and got herself caught anyway! The fact that her power is passive and she has to work to turn it off sure fucking sucks though.
Interlude 2 - Hey Miss Militia, remember how I said I was going to get back to the "more calculation and less recklessness"? Cause we're back to that. Piggot is planning on dropping WHITE PHOSPHOROUS on part of a city! And then dropping a bunch of bombs made by a dangerous supervillain! Bombs that no one knows exactly what they do! How is that "less recklessness"? Also the PRT is just horribly run. God damn Piggot shouldn't have to be requesting stuff from other offices directly, they should have a central admin that manages reallocation of resources in situations like this. And they should have a full system of teams setup that aren't attached to a city, but instead deploy where they are needed! The government already has systems like this for disaster response and stuff. And between Endbringers and the Nine and other stuff the PRT knows that sometimes certain locations need more support. Terribly managed, badly run, they need better admin staff. They need people that know how to use a god damn spreadsheet. I have a lot more to say about Piggot and her plan but I feel like I'll get some chances to comment on it in Arc 14.
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miqojak · 5 months
About Me/People I'd Like to Know Better
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Last song: Really, I've been listening to a lot of Fallout songs, I don't know that there's a 'last one' because even out of game, I've got Fallout playlists on! But Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall has been stuck in my head, in particular, as well as Mighty Mighty Man. I love jazz, though - swing always makes me want to get up and move! So...Fallout music really hits a sweet spot for me.
Favorite color: Green! Most shades of it, though I have a fondness for lime green!
Currently reading: Not actively reading at present, I stopped in the middle of one of the Padme Amidala books a bit back, though - and I was loving reading about her pre-movies! It really puts into perspective what a badass she was, and why she was never a damsel in distress. She had a squad of highly trained assassin hand-maids around her and a contingency for everything, PLUS she was a woman of the people! Her books have made her one of my top favorite characters in the whole of the Star Wars universe - I'd have loved to see what she would have accomplished in the rebellion!
Currently watching: I just finished the new Fallout show, and I'm planning on catching up on Bad Batch here soon.
Sweet/savoury/spicy?: I have a notorious sweet tooth, but I'm also a huge fan of spicy - but as you get older, your body HATES spicy stuff...so enjoy it while you can!
Relationship status: Living with a platonic partner of 10 years
Last thing you googled: An image editor! I was trying to make the mayqo'te prompt list look more pretty than...just a list of words on a tumblr post.
Current obsession: Fallout 76 and SWTOR! After furiously charging through the whole SWTOR MSQ, I'm really swept up in a galaxy far, far away and how good the writing is and how much I love the branching choices that matter, and are remembered in the MSQ! (Plus there's free character housing on the 'battlepass' this time around, and it's one of the best ones yet...) Fallout 76 is free until May 15th, with Amazon Prime...so I picked up a code on the 76 Reddit and I have been LOVING it! The players are super nice, and it's just...fun? Making guns, armor, wandering the wasteland...building a joint house + roadside convenience store out in the world wherever I want! It has really sucked me in. @ungrateful-cyborg and @briar-ffxiv tagged me in very similar things, so I combined them, since only about 2 things were different!
I dunno who hasn't done it, so I'll toss a few names out that are in my notifs - do it if you want, and forgive me if you've been tagged already!! @wpip-raham @xmimiteh @uldahstreetrat @illia-ast @why-raven @littlestcreampuff @hares-and-hounds @cosmicharm @dragonsongmakhali @thedawnforged @starforger @selnyam @madalyn-maeve
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natureismynature · 3 months
What is idwtkoh?? Tell me your propaganda
Oh my fucking god anon hello and THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to talk about THE most amazing webtoon I have ever laid my eyes upon. Get ready cuz I'm gonna be insufferable-
OKAY. So, 'I don't want this kind of hero' is a Korean webtoon (manhwa) made by Samchon. It became popular in 2010 and the english translation ended in 2020. It has 290 chapters when I say every single chapter is top tier, I MEAN IT.
First of all, the artsyle is SO GOOD. It's so fucking charming and so BADASS when it wants to be, a perfect balance. Idfk why some people get turned off by the artstyle?? Like???
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This is the first ever panel and it already looks SO GOOD WDYM. And the character designs??? THE CHARACTER DESIGNS OH MY GOD. You can take one look at any character in this series and you'll have the basics of their personality just like THAT. It's so obvious but subtle at the same time??? I can't explain. Just- the character designs are AMAZING. I want to post every single character in the series just to prove my point but that'll be overkill, take this group photo instead-
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The characters in this are all SO GOOD. And I'm not even being biased about it I swear- I mean, I don't like main characters often, in fact, I can count in two hands the number of main characters I actually like from ALL the stuff I've watched over the years, and Naga is in that list. Naga is the main character of the series and that boy owns my HEART. He's the most powerful person in the world, he goes through a lot of shit, he canonically has depression, he had so many opportunities to take a life and get away with it because it would have been JUSTIFIED, but he still finds it in him to be the kindest person out there. He can be selfish, he can be childish, and he is unapologetically FLAWED in more ways than one, he messes up and sees the world for what it is, but he learns and he grows but he will never be perfect and that's what makes me love him.
And it's not just Naga who's amazingly written. ALL the characters are unique and complex in their own ways. I can go through every single one of them, from the heroes to the villains to the people caught in the crossfire- I can make ESSAYS for everyone. Why they act the way they do, why they did the things they did, how the circumstances that they went through made them who they are. The dynamics between the characters themselves are so amazingly done as well, it's so origanic, in a way.
Oh my god if you love women, you'll LOVE this series because lemme tell you, the women in this are amazing. 100/10 would recommend. They're not sexualized in any way, they get as much character development AND exploration just as much as the men do and no one is there to purpose as the mc's love interest. The ladies as fuckin BADASS and cool and beautiful and the villains!!! HOLY SHIT THE VILLAINS LADIES. They are so evil and flawed and I adore them so much- the hero ladies too AUGH- (makes sense cuz the author is a woman)
But yeah, I talk about heroes and villains a lot bc this is a story about heroes and villains and a world with powers and animal hybrids and mythical creatures-
I won't go into details because that'd be spoilers in case you wanna read it (PLEASE READ IT ITS SO GOOD) but I can tell you this much- it's a perfect balance between humor and action and tragedy. It starts of light and funny, but the story gets a darker edge as time goes on, I know that's a deal breaker for a lot of people, but it's actually done in a way that makes so much sense that you realize in your second read that it's ALWAYS been a much darker story. The cruelty of the world has always been there, the racism, the unforgiving circumstances, the perversion of the world, the pain and the grief and the misery- it's always been there.
Only, we were seeing the world through Naga's young and naive perspective. He was new to the world of heroism, he's just a kid that didn't know any better. He was never arrogant about his powers, he never bragged about it, didn't even want the attention it brought him, but he unknowingly got too confident in his abilities to keep him sheltered. As time went on and as more fucked up shit he goes through, he sees more, understands more, and suddenly everything's too dark because that's ALL he sees now.
The story shows us how the world is not black and white but instead a multitude of the shades of gray. And it doesn't shy away from exploring those shades. It DIGS into those shades of gray, makes you question the justice of a character's actions, makes you wonder if things would have gone differently if this or that happened instead. Even goes deep into the psychology of the characters, both heroes and villains alike.
And the main villain? OH THE MAIN VILLAIN. Baekmorae is SUCH a top tier villain. I HATE HIM. I hate how much I love him. He's so- he's insane. He's crazy. He's unhinged. I want to put him in a blender, turn his bones into powder and feed him to the fishes. He's so well written it HURTS.
Oh and this series gets dark. Like DARK dark. It's like if you mix One Piece, BNHA, Mob Psycho, and Saiki K together, you get this. And if you know me, you know I ADORE all four of those, so this series owns my entire being-
Augh, as much as I want to keep going, this is getting longer than I expected it to be. Well, that's a lie, I wanted it to be longer but I also want you to read the entirety of my propaganda and having this stretch out longer might turn you off so I'll stop here kfvekdvs if you want to know more PLEASE don't hesitate to slide into my inbox I'll be so freaking happy to talk about this more <3
TLDR: idwtkoh is freaking amazing from start to finish you should go read it it's amazing, BYE!
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pillowfriends · 4 months
my thoughts on the WoT characters after book 5
before I start posting Lord of Chaos thoughts, I wanted to sum up what I think of the characters after The Fires of Heaven (and New Spring) so I can look back on it later. I’m sure I’m missing some, just listing everyone I have thoughts on.
Alanna: I have my eye on her after those sus forced bonding comments… time will tell but I don’t trust her at all. I like her though, she’s fun.
Asmodean: he was funny as hell, what a pathetic guy, and had objectively the most hilarious death in the series so far.
Aviendha: this is probably the character I have the least complicated feelings about. I just like her. she’s funny, she’s badass, her relationship with Rand is great.
Birgitte: a hot bicon. every word that comes out of her mouth is gold. she’s such a bro.
Egeanin: standout side character to me I love her so much. yes girl unlearn your cultural biases! and be unhinged and horny on main!! she better come back!!
Egwene: girl I want to like you but you're making it so hard 😭 as a character she's great. as a person I'm struggling with her dumbassery and her superiority complex and the way she's treating Nynaeve.
Elaida: she’s cringe and bad at her job but I kind of stan. she’s doing her best and it is absolutely not good enough and she’s being puppeted by the Black Ajah and only succeeded at deposing Siuan because a bunch of teenage boys stabbed people for her. I can’t even be angry at her tbh.
Elayne: book 5 was so great for Elayne. she's maturing a lot and she really shot up the list for me. her interpersonal relationships are so funny and I love how excited she is about making ter'angreal.
Faile: maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder but I miss her and want her back. she was so silly but also loved Perrin so much and I’m such a hopeless romantic that I loved the sappy parts.
Gareth Bryne: this man is a CREEP!! Siuan get AWAY from him! ugh ugh ugh. and I know it’s only going to get worse.
Galad: unfortunately this man is one of my favorite character archetypes. I didn’t vibe with him at first but now I really do.
Gawyn: I want to put him in a paper shredder. I am so angry at this man even after a full book to cool down post-coup. please let me deck him. I do think my feelings will change but right now I’m still angry as shit.
Graendal: problematic queen. do I think RJ will do anything interesting with her, probably not, but am I intrigued, yes.
Lan: THIS MAN BREAKS MY HEART DAILY. ohhhhh my god. not normal about him.
Lanfear: hmmm complicated feelings about book Lanfear. I found her introduction painful and annoying - it’s way too obvious - but she improved and I do love how crazy she is. it didn’t really sink in for me until her conversation with Rand in Tear that she’s delusional and obsessed with LTT to the point of being completely out of touch with reality, and therefore v scary. TLDR I love her now. RIP gone too soon.
Leane: I have no idea what’s cooking with her, I just have to RAFO. I’m either going to think she’s an icon or get angry at RJ for being sexist and I don’t know which.
Liandrin: the balls on this woman are actually insane, trying to Compel Moggy. she’s way too cartoonishly evil to be really interesting though. but she makes so many sexually charged dog references which I love tbh.
Logain: he’s fine I guess. hard to tell where his story is heading and he kind of hasn’t done anything.
Loial: he has never done anything wrong in his entire life, he's perfect and I love him.
Mat: I've come around and I like him now. his memory stuff is really interesting and so is the way he interacts with fate/the Pattern.
Melaine: best Wise One I love her so much.
Min: she’s never clicked with me as a character and I think her motivation is kind of dumb and repetitive. I also really dislike how salty and disrespectful she is towards Siuan but that has to do with my personal issues about the Siuan plotline so I can’t totally blame her for that.
Moghedien: I NEED to put her in a petri dish and poke her with a stick. girl you are not subtle about your petplay kink. somehow she’s scary and pathetic at the same time and I just love her a lot.
Moiraine: I can’t even put it into words. she’s my everything.
Morgase: I feel so fucking bad for her, her POVs were horrific, what a survivor. I'm excited for when she gets a bigger plotline.
Nynaeve: my favorite character who’s on page at present. first of all she has a Forsaken collared. second of all she’s so angry and I love angry women. also she has no self awareness which makes her POVs very amusing, but also sometimes devastating — I love her struggling with fear and her perceived cowardice in TFOH.
Perrin: I constantly forget he exists. not in a bad way but not really in a good way either - he’s just bland to me.
Rand: he is my idiot baby boy. go insane faster please it’s interesting.
Rahvin: good riddance you creepy fuck. not even awful in a compelling way to me, just awful. good as a character, well-written, but AAAA.
Siuan: her arc after being stilled is distressing to me and I don’t like reading it - her loss of power and influence, the way the other Aes Sedai all treat her, the sexual harassment… so I have a hard time separating that out from Siuan herself. I’m… torn. I love some of her scenes and some feel very out of left field. we’ll RAFO again.
Suroth: GIVE ME MORE. her POV was fascinating and she’s so awful.
Thom: against my best wishes, I actually like him now. he’s so dad coded and protective of Nynaeve and Elayne, and a badass, and has a good sense of humor.
Verin: what an icon!! favorite Aes Sedai bar none now that Moiraine is gone.
[inevitably there will be a part 2 when I realize I forgot some really obvious people]
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
hi hi! first of all I want to state how much I adore your IF so far, I haven't found many IF that are purely slice of life and I am loving it ❤️ 😍 💖 second! do you have any recommendations for IFs? I've just started moving away from the CoG forums and the content here on tumblr is just 🤌 but I'm not too sure where to start? tysm 😊
I mean, I have so many recommendations tbqh. It's a hell of a list and hopefully, I haven't forgotten anyone by the end. I would say that if you've been around for a hot minute you probably know most of these but I'm old and rarely see new stuff atm because I'm a busy bean so...
Recs under the cut;
@northern-passage is such an easy recommendation for me. I'm not super into your more 'classic' fantasy as a genre but Kit has really built up their characters to be something special. The concept of the hunter is a great one and the branching Kit does is insane. I'm so interested to see where it goes and also ready for it to destroy me emotionally.
I haven't played @speakergame in a little while but the cosy vibes I try to get into YLAF are also here. It's not slice of life but it's similar to that with a heap of supernatural stirred in. I'm also excited for @partiallystarsif, which promises to be a game that I've been wishing someone would write.
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting is one of the most top tier sci-fi I've read in a while. It has a great MC, a badass partner in Nash and also BUGS. Again, I'm super looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter after that cliffhanger. Shit is about to hit the fan and I am here for it.
@if-eventhorizon is written by actual love of my life Brigid. Event Horizon is your pretty typical crew in space doing stuff they shouldn't be kind of sci-fi and I adore it! Can't wait to find out what everyone has done in their past to be there and unravel the situation. Love it! Brigid is also an incredibly talented artist, also writes @if-closedloop and...
@if-lostbirds is again written by Brigid, and although they profess post-apocalyptic Western sci-fi to be niche, I whole heartedly disagree. I adore the writing in this one, they really did something there and I think everyone will get something out of this one. If you're looking for something a little different with fewer (but super meaningful) choices then this is for you! Also I did convince them to put the big worm back into it so... worm.
For someone who would say she doesn't like a western, @larkin-if is also a bit of me. It's got vampires and cool character dynamics between the Preacher (MC) and their father figure Wyatt. Not to mention the ROs are all really cool. I'm excited to meet Ace in the future but it's the whole plot of attempting to hide your true identity that really hooked me in.
@bodycountgame is currently on a little bit of a hiatus because Nell is super busy with real life 😷 but it's still a stand out fave for me, undoubtedly worth the wait. If you want something that's campy, written in proper British dialect and is basically love island with a hell of a twist then this is for you! I can't recommend body count enough, it's what got me moved way from CoG games and into this little community we have!
@thistooshallpass-if is an IF with some of my favourite characters (not hurt by the fact that thyme is also one of my fave people!) I can't wait to see where it goes as I've been promised angst and knowing them I have no doubt! I'm also mega excited for @writingnights because different takes on supernatural creatures is always fun to me.
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings is popular for a reason. I'm a few chapters behind but just writing about it has made me want to sit down and catch up! Kristi's characters are fun and feel like people to me with their real quirks, which is always something I enjoy. I can't wait to solve the mystery with this one.
@attollogame is a pretty hard one to describe to me so I'd say just play it? The writing and lore surrounding it is so so solid. It's all pretty much just a vibe, and a good one at that. I am not up to date at all but everyone should be better than me and read it!
Golden by @milaswriting is amazing! It's a supernatural romance game and you can just tell that Mila cares so much about the characters she writes, it really comes through in her writing. She's also over at @milaswrittenworld and I'd encourage a follow all around because she is just a really lovely gem of a person.
I haven't read @ofna in a little while but I absolutely adored what I did read (god knows how many updates ago it was). The writing is amazing and, again, I can't wait to get to solve the mystery 👀
I've undoubtedly forgotten so many but these are ones that come to my covid addled mind 😅 I hope this is a good starting place for you, anon 💛
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍.
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◈ what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?  ⋯  Alright, I got a list of four so be prepared. My first muse was Caitlyn, I absolutely fell head of heels in love with her because I understood her in so many ways. We were both in the police force, both know how to use weapons expertly (no I am not lying, I could do a 40 out of 40 shot with my M16 and perfect shots with my 9mm as well. I was an expert shot in the military) but also her empathy. So naturally, I was drawn to her and who she was. And don't get me started on the haters of Caitlyn (and Caitvi) that I am even more protective of this character. She's so badass and yet so full of compassion and heart. She's such a good soul and I love to write her for all for all of this and more.
Vi, I was going to write first, but for some reason I didn't. Don't ask, I don't know why, but then I got encourage to try. Vi is like other characters I've written: Kassandra, Eivor, and other very strong ladies. So it was easy to pick her up, but what was hard was my fear of just not really giving her the same devotion as I did Caitlyn and the worry of copying or just, being the 'same ol same ol'. But she's here now and she's definitely going no where XD
My newest edition is Karlach and Aylin (Don't make me chuckle because Aylin and Karlach make me think of Caitlyn and Vi)
Aylin, I could not deny wanting to write her. A paladin of Vengeance, a demigoddess of the moon, AND! AND! tons of angsty torment to write out? Okay, but besides that, Aylin is an amazing character. She's straight to the point, full of care for people, a giant heart, and will do whatever she needs to to root out evil. I already have so many headcanons for her and I've only had her for a few days now! I'm drawn to her heartbreaking story, because there is SO much we don't really know about. 100 years in the Shadowfell? That is a LOT of shit to go through, and we don't even know a sliver of it so I plan to really expand her story. But there is also before the shadowfell, who her father is, how was she raised. There is so much of her story I want to give justice to. Just, a great character to explore.
And Karlach, oh my heart, Karlach. A barbarian who loves  violence and yet is a complete teddy bear with a heart of gold? How could I not write her? Again, a great storyline, and so much to explore on that wasn't shown in the game. She's right up my alley as all my girls are strong, defiant, yet dealing with traumas of their own. I love writing characters like this who are so full of heart and love despite what they've been through. And Karlach, with ten years of imprisonment in hell serving a archdevil and experimented on? Yes, there's lots to play on here. ◈ is there anything you don’t like to write?  ⋯  hmmm, not really sure. It all depends really on comforts around. The only thing I won't write for sure is the death of my characters (unless its aylin, who can die and come right back cause she's immortal) but the others, death is finite there is no coming back. I refuse to write death for my muses, and I will not write lovers turning to enemies or lovers killing each other either. ◈ is there anything you really enjoy writing?  ⋯  I'm about telling a story, I WANT the depth in writing, to create immense feelings and connections. I want you to feel what my muse feels, to see what they see, experience it. If I can make you cry, that means I've done a good job, or if I make you laugh then I'm doing good. I very much lean into angst, I like heartbreaking stuff as well as the comfort that comes with it. Give me one charrie fighting for another, desperate to save them. Give me a muse breaking down and another comforting them. Give me a muse struggling with trauma, or trying to help another going through it. Let one muse watch their partner getting tortured and hurt and the feelings it brings up. Anything angsty like that. ◈ how do you come up with headcanons?  ⋯  There's multiple things that can stir a ehadcanon. One is looking at pictures and going 'oh OH!' cause something pops into my head, another is replaying a game or rewatching the show. A lot of it comes from talking with my friends and ideas popping into my head. My headcanons are often an explanation to their history or effects of history. My headcanons bring to light more of the history, personality, and design behind a character. If you want to see jsut how in depth my headcanons go, look up Caitlyn, she has over 60 headcanons. ◈ do you write in silence or do you play music?  ⋯  I need music, all the time. Silence is... unnerving, to say. I can't do it at night either, I have to put on some green sound or something that will help calm my mind. I am very hypersensitive in hearing, which is why I like green or brown sound. I tend to put on songs I like (I have a music repeat list) or I put on violin music. ◈ do you plan your replies or wing them?  ⋯  I'm not really sure? I mean, I like to plot things out, but this isn't a hard to do script (somethings the muse will decide to do something else). But when writing, I tend to let the muse flow. I don't really wing stuff, if I'm thinking of what you mean. I read a post, and then I take each paragraph and I react to that paragraph. ◈ do you enjoy shipping?  ⋯  I do! But I have come to be kind of... picky? Its hard to explain. Like I love shipping caitvi, but I don't care to ship caitlyn with anyone else (unless its BG3, then she will ship Karlach too XD) but yeha. I love romantic relationship, but I'm picky on who.
◈ what’s your alias/name?  ⋯  PANDA! That's about it XD ◈ age?  ⋯  35 going on 36 soon ◈ birthday?  ⋯  September 29th ◈ favorite color?  ⋯  Blue, Green, Silver, Teal ◈ favorite song?  ⋯  I don't really have a favorite, more a list of songs that maek me happy. If I hear it and like the tune, its a favorite. ◈ last movie you watched?  ⋯  Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among Thieves. ◈ last show you watched?  ⋯  Uhhh..... Probably Arcane or Bluey XD ◈ last song you listened to?  ⋯  No idea, the music is playing right now on random. ◈ favorite food?  ⋯  Anything Italian. My favorite has always been Lasagna. ◈ favorite season?  ⋯  Fall, I love the comfort of falling leaves and changing colors and the way it is just a comfortable time. Not too cold, not too hot. Just perfect and comfortable. ◈ do you have a Tumblr best friend?  ⋯  Well, I have a bit more then one? @shimmerbeasts & @jynxd I am really close to, we talk about everything all the time. I'm also close to @playgroundmonsters and @undercity-merc, I enjoy talking to them and they have similar interest with me ^^. I've also gotten to know @goldenfists really well and consider her close <3
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @piltover-sharpshooter ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ Anyone who wants to really, I'm not really sure who to tag for this.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: My favorite thing to do is hurt my OC's and force them to keep fighting to show how badass they are and they never disappoint I love my babies -Danny Words: 1,959 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Make Me An Option' -by Carousel
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XIX. Why Am I Still Here? Just to Suffer?
When I walk into the cabin Silena's nowhere to be found, but a couple of my siblings are there. 
"You," Drew gives me a nasty glare.
I stop and look at her. "What?"
"What are you wearing?"
In case you're curious, it's Percy's old shirt and a pair of singed shorts. I'm also using second-hand Converse that have not been washed since I first got them six months ago, and now have been completely ruined after an empousa tried to kill me. 
"I was running for my life, sorry if I look messy," I scowl.
"You should be," my sister makes a face. "You need to throw all that away."
I make my way to my usual bunk bed to tidy things up, but as soon as I put my stuff down, Drew gets in my way.
"You can't sleep there."
I stare at her with a frown. "Why?"
"Because it's near the window, and if someone sees you they'll think we're all as ugly as you," some of my siblings gasp, it's forbidden to call each other ugly. "I'm done with your lack of Aphrodite etiquette! You're covered in dirt and bruises, your hair is always in that hideous ponytail, and your hands—ugh!" Drew cringes in disgust. "Casey, hide her away!"
Casey grabs my stuff with an absent look in her eyes "This way, Ara..." She puts my bag at the back, where the oldest bunk beds are set. 
"She's a charmer, don't listen to her!" I argue. "You can't do this, Drew! You're not in charge!"
One of my brothers hesitates. "You're also a charmer... Why would we listen to you?"
They look at us in confusion. You see, being a charmer isn't as common as you'd expect. The ones who get this gift, most times, they're manipulative people. Drew is my age, but I'm smaller. Percy and I met when I was slightly shorter than him, now I barely reach his chest. Drew sees me as an easy target, and it seems I've pushed the last of her buttons.
"Listen, slug," she speaks to me in a threatening voice. "I advise you to shut up and do what I say."
"You're not a counselor," I say, voice quivering with anger.
"So? If you don't like it, you can sleep outside. And don't even think about telling Silena," Drew raises her voice. "We hate rats here, don't we guys?"
There is a murmur of agreement. Tears swell up in my eyes and I leave the cabin determined to find our oldest sister. I don't look for Chiron or Lily. I want to find Silena, but my feet take me straight to cabin three where Percy and Tyson are.
I crash against Percy sobbing my eyes out, shaking with rage. "Ara!" He holds my face. "What happened?"
I'm trying so hard to be taken seriously, so I don't have it in me to explain, it's shameful. I know he'll try to confront Drew, and I don't want her to mess with his love life. I don't want to cause more trouble for anyone. I'll be the one who takes care of this.
"I thought Nico would be back by now!" I lie. 
"Grover would let us know if that happened, Ara," he says, rubbing my back. Percy's feeling guilty about this already, but at least I'm not adding a new problem to the list.
I nod, trying to get a hold of myself. "I was hoping things would get better..."
He pats my shoulder. "You know, I thought about it, and we can ask Quintus if he can give you extra lessons?"
I clean my nose with the hem of my shirt. "Lily suggested that too."
"She's as smart as Annabeth," he smiles.
I look at the Cyclops next to Percy. "Hi, Tyson."
"Hi!" He reaches out so I hold his hand, though my whole palm can only wrap around his thumb. "Don't be sad, I'll make you a sword."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Percy replies.
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Hedge sits up groggily. "Did I do this?" His energy comes back in typical Hedge fashion, and he lifts up his club. "Yeah, you wanted some hoof? I gave you some hoof, cupcakes! Who's the goat, huh?" He starts dancing, flipping off every mount of wet clay that encounters.
Jason bursts out laughing. 
"Coach," Leo raises his voice. "Coach! Your MVP has a broken arm!"
Hedge looks at Ara. "What?"
Tristan McLean gets up a little further ahead. He's very weak, and not all there. "Piper? Pipes, what—what is—" The girl runs and holds him as tightly as she can. 
"We need to get him out of here," Jason says, his laughter quickly dying.
"Yeah, but how?" Leo helps Ara to sit on a rock so Hedge can examine her. "He's in no shape to walk."
The helicopter gets closer and Ara looks up. "You think this will be in the news? Man, don't want my mom to find out..."
Leo frowns. "Your mom sent us here."
"I meant my adoptive mom," she groans. "Oh crap, if the lightning marks don't go away... If she sees me like this she'll freak out..."
"Worry about that later," Jason tells her. "Leo, can you make us a bullhorn or something? Piper has some talking to do," he points to the helicopter.
"What about me?" Ara scowls.
"You're not making any unnecessary efforts for the next hour. I'm readjusting your bones, your nervous system is in trouble," Hedge informs her. "I can immobilize you, but I can't heal this."
Her stomach churns with anxiety. She needs her arms to fight, and to forge. She could do without a leg, but her hands...
"Hey, you'll be fine," Jason places a hand on her good shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. "You're tough, it'll take more than lightning to get you out of the fight."
Ara nods, not entirely convinced. Peptalks used to work just fine, a few compliments, some hyping, and she was ready to go, but now... Is this how it feels to grow up, or did she make a mistake?
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Percy loses it completely after he dreams Nico is trying to bring his sister back. Now he's certain the boy's trying to kill one of us, so he pushes me to train harder. There are other pending businesses as well, though, much more important than I: the labyrinth and Grover's search. 
Annabeth finally gets to lead a quest and she asks us to go with her. And notice how I said us. She's asked me to come too. The last thing Percy wants is to offer me to Nico on a silver platter, but Annabeth says I'm a good charmer and I won't be easily confused inside the maze, which is true. The labyrinth will have a hard time trying to distract me.
"Also," she ruffles my hair. "I promised I would bring her. What do you say, Birdy?"
I love Annabeth, she's always giving me opportunities to prove myself, even if she doesn't believe I can do it. The important part is to figure out my own limits. Besides, she and Percy are well-trained and we're traveling with a cyclops. I'll be looked after by the people I trust most in the world.
Lily's even more excited than I am, she believes training can only take me so far, just like Annabeth. She thinks the real experiences are out there. 
The girl hands me a small but thick book. "The maze is full of monsters, it's the biggest challenge any hero can face nowadays. I'm very happy for you."
Trust me, she's not being sarcastic. 
She grabs my shoulders and squeezes. "You survive the labyrinth, you can do anything, Ara. Find Nico and bring him back to safety." Lily sounds so confident that I believe her. 
The book she gives me is from the private collection of her cabin, it's a big deal. I press the book against my chest, eyes bright with affection. "I'll bring him back," I promise. "And I'll read this whole thing too."
Lily chortles. "At least one of those things ought to happen. May wisdom and courage guide you, Queen B."
Michael approaches and hands me the dinosaur-shaped bag Percy gave me on Valentine's Day. My teddy bag perished during the first half of the year, hence why Percy got me a new one. The T-rex is packed with first-aid stuff but still has room for Lily's book. 
Mike pats my shoulder. "Come back alive, okay?"
I hug him. "I always do."
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Once everyone's in the helicopter, Leo takes the seat next to Ara. He's taking care of her, and she doesn't know if it's out of guilt, or if there's something else he's finally allowing himself to act on.
Ara shifts in her seat trying to get comfortable. Her skin is still glowing silver, but it looks dimmer than before, maybe that's stopping her from feeling pain.
"Stop that!" Leo scolds her anxiously.
She frowns. "Stop what?"
"If you can't feel, you can't know if you're making it worse," he eyes her as if trying to make sure her bones are all in place.
"I know being hit by lightning is rough, but I was not run over by a train, so I think I can move a little without causing internal bleeding," she replies irritated.
In front of them, Piper is talking to her dad quietly, trying to ease him. Jason keeps his eyes on the view below, while Hedge rummages through the medical supplies in the aircraft to see if there is something that can help Ara and Piper's father.
"Hey, the bombs you gave me... Did you make those?" Leo asks.
Ara nods. "Your dad must've put them in my bag..." She looks down at her T-Rex, which is scorched and missing its tail. "It's all busted again, Mom had fixed it so nicely..."
She pouts, and Leo hurries to distract her. "How did you come up with the design? I mean, they were small and light but really powerful..."
"Charles Beckendorf," she says hoarsely. "He gave me a notebook with tons of his ideas sketched out. Jake, Nyssa, Lily, and I built those bombs..."
"That's awesome," Leo admits.
"I changed the design so we could use water as well as fire," she adds. "They were meant to hold Festus under control, but I didn't use them because I was afraid to make him short-circuit or something... they're still a prototype."
"And they ended up working perfectly, they saved our lives," Leo responds, nudging her healthy arm gently and looking at her with genuine admiration.
"Yeah, but I might not be able to build something like that again if it turns out my arm's dead," her voice breaks. "How am I supposed to look after all of you if I can't even look after myself?"
Leo scoffs. "Are you kidding? You killed a cyclops—heck, you slapped a werewolf with a piece of scorching hot lumber! Sunshine, girls like you are the stuff of daydreams. You're a hero."
Ara reaches for Leo's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze as a thank you, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Well, if everything goes as planned, maybe Phoebe can heal me after we free Juno."
Leo groans. "Those hunters are mean, I don't know why you like them."
"Artemis said I would've made a fine hunter, so watch your mouth," she snorts. "I don't think Nico would've forgiven me had I joined the hunt, though..."
"The son of Hades," Ara looks up and tilts her head trying to remember. "Didn't I mention him before? The aviator jacket I brought is his. I'm sure I mentioned it."
She's holding Leo's hand still, and she feels a brief twinge of something, but she can't fully identify it, it's too quick. He lets go of her, pulling out random stuff from his tool belt to keep his hands busy.
"So the hunters didn't get you to join," Leo looks at her in a weird way. "Why's that?"
Ara shrugs. "I wouldn't give up love, not even for a goddess."
"Hah," he says, but it's not his real laughter.
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
Oops :) Gets real under the cut. It's nothing bad though! <3 turns into a gush post near the end~ It's a little long so I get it if no one reads it but I like to voice my thoughts that's all.
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Top of the list he goes. He deserves to be there. Not only are his scenes at the end of IX helping me to overcome my fear of thunder and lightning. There's something else.
A few years ago I lost a certain spark. Every ounce of creativity and passion I had shattered. I was always chasing the next "big f/o" that would spark that passion again, that creativity. I never found it and I got depressed for a little bit because I thought I would never find a love as grand as I had before. So my storytelling became nonexistent, I stopped drawing, and the endless thoughts I used to have were replaced with an endless emptiness so I went quiet. I gave up trying to chase something that I thought would never happen again. I was slowly losing myself
I spent a last few years yes, self-shipping and yes don't get me wrong I love all of my f/o but there was something missing, I didn't feel the need to scream every two second about how much I love them, there was just something "off" with myself. I couldn't voice it or the anons would come with their pitchforks "You don't really love your f/o" plus it was hard to put into words. How can you love your f/o but still feel that something is missing?
cut to my sick ass lazing on the couch in the present time. I get an idea, "Hey I haven't watched the Star Wars movies in like...forever- maybe I'll re-watch them all.. then there are the newer ones I haven't seen yet." So I start watching the movies. I had a few interruptions when I was watching VII and VIII but I kept on watching. I thought Kylo Ren's lightsaber was so badass but at the time thought nothing much of Ben himself.
As the days went on I decided to rewatch VII VIII and IX because of said past interruptions be it people or my sick ass having to take meds and stuff. As I do with most things I watch the second time I really consume it. I noticed something. Something different. The very first time Kylo took his helmet off I felt it the feeling that started in my chest and radiated to my stomach.. butterflies? He spoke and there was no distortion from his mask as he wasn't wearing it and I felt my heart skip a bit. what the hell?
the more I watched the more I learned, the more I learned the more I started to fall in love. Do I condone some of the things he's done? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. After the movies I sort of just sat there on my couch, looking at my own reflection of the tv. "wow, I like Ben huh?" I said to myself then I shrugged. "Ah, fleeting crush and maybe an f/o" Throughout the rest of the day however I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything from his appearance to how he talked and how he carried himself.
So I decided to run with it. Would it be one of those f/o where I say I'm crushing and nothing happens? Or maybe it will be like my other recent f/o Alex? Talk about him for a little bit but then the fixation dies almost as quickly as it started?
Neither of that happened. I got flooded with endless thoughts, and ideas. Ideas for moodboards, playlists, art.
I got attached to Ben so much, it's hard to explain it but I feel connected to him in a way that I never thought was possible for me ever again. He makes me genuinely smile and I don't mean just smile with my mouth but makes me smile with my eyes. He makes me blush and laugh and feel like I'm on top of the world in such a euphoric state. I actually feel like we're together- like actually. I know it sounds insane but I have every bit of real emotion for Ben. I feel well- in love.
I said I love all my other f/o too and its true and this might sound terrible and believe me I've thought myself as a terrible person but the love I hold for Ben is higher and so much more different than the love I have for the others..
I thought he'd be like a shooting star. A moment of fun but he'd fade away just as fast as he came into my life.
I'm thankful that wasn't the case. He managed to do what I thought wasn't ever gonna happen to me again. He reignited my spark and love and appreciation. I can't say the last time I smiled this much irl and how much I've had my heartbeat fast and the tint rise to my cheeks.
I guess in short...
Ben makes me feel like I'm alive again.
<- I'm trying so hard not to cry as I talk about this but I mean it's true, I've had so much bullshit happen in my life. I've survived so many hardships and awful people. I forgot what feeling alive was, I thought my new normal was to not expect happiness because it will be met with tragedy and I'll be back at square one. Alone and fighting demons in my mind.
Ben has reignited my heart and I am forever grateful for him, I love him so much already and I hold him so incredibly dear. He makes me feel strong, and loved, and passionate- I love him with my entire soul. So deeply that the love extends past the words themselves. It's so much deeper.
If you read this far thank you <3 It means a lot to me. Thanks for listening to me coherently ramble for once.
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queseraone · 8 months
Because it came up on my dash again and now I'm curious to know if your answers to this one will be the same as they were for the top 5 Chenford episodes question (if they are, let's pretend I never asked this).
What are you top 5 episodes of the show in general?
Oooooh Pauli, what a tricky (and good) question!
Honestly I think they're mostly the same? I can't lie to you, I clearly love Chenford most of all. But I love this show in general, so I think there might be a few differences... and for the ones that are repeat answers, there's a bit more to the reasoning.
It's way harder for me to pinpoint specific episodes beyond the ones I love for Chenford reasons, but I love talking about this stuff and found a way!
Day of Death (2x11) - Truly a masterpiece of an episode. It's flawlessly done, from the acting to the cinematography and sound editing. The way we see our characters band together, support each other, just work so well to save one of their own?? They are a family and the care this episode shows that. And then the minimal, almost haunting music that turns to dead silence after Tim finds the ring?? Killer! It locks the audience right into the scene, so we're fully in the moment, like we're experiencing it all along with them. It's all just so powerful and one of my favourite episodes of television ever.
Double Down (5x01) - Okay, okay, I know this is looking a lot like my favourite Chenford episodes list, but I can't help myself! Yes, of course, the Chenford of it all, from Lucy dreaming about the kiss to seeing them go undercover to the HANDS to the kiss to the hotel room to the "do you want to come in" to HIM ACTUALLY GOING IN... it's perfect and I'm forever obsessed. But beyond just Tim and Lucy, the rest of this episode is fantastic too! I love (LOVE) Tim and Angela's conversation. No one can deny that Rosalind was an incredibly compelling character, so seeing her again is practically guaranteed to be good (exception: 5x04, sorry for sorry) and seeing the whole crew involved in so many great ways is just awesome.
Life and Death (4x01) and Under Siege (5x22) - I love both of these episodes for a lot of the same reasons. (Yes, one of those reasons is Chenford, duh). This cast is so special, and I love when we see these big events where they really come together as a team (also evident in 2x11). They are a FAMILY and these are great examples of that. To hurt one of them is to hurt them all.
Shoutout to Daddy Cop (5x13) too! OMG THE FAMILY VIBES, CAN YOU EVEN!?!?!?!?!?! Listen, I truly think I could watch these characters hanging out in Nolan's living room shooting the shit forever, it's so much fun!
Safety (2x07) - This is a fave, even though Tim and Lucy don't interact at all. I LOVE Lucy and Harper working together. It gets off to a bumpy start, but we see the start of a great rapport between them (and Lucy is a total badass at the bomber's house!). And then seeing worlds collide with Angela's security job and Tim/Jackson/the football kid. (The guy Angela's guarding asking if she can do something about collecting the evidence and her immediate "nope" lives rent free in my head). I love this one!!!
Man of Honor (3x10) - First and foremost, I absolutely adore Tim and Angela's friendship, so it's so fun to see so much of that in this episode. I also really enjoy the calls we see this episode — seeing Lucy and Jackson riding together as P2s for the first time, the bank robbery that Nolan and Harper respond to, Lucy and Jackson saving the little girl. Great episode!
Okay, so that's technically top 7 ("top 7" because I guarantee I've missed some other standouts). Truly I just adore this show and this cast and everything, but these are the episodes that are jumping out at me right now!
Ask me questions! 😊
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cyberphuck · 2 months
Grousing about H/azbin H/otel under the cut, don't read this if you're a fan of the show, I'm being a bitch.
I shouldn't keep trying to like HazHo or even think about why I don't like it because I know I'm just gonna get annoyed about it again, but like
The character designs are great. the animation is great. The music is great, the voice acting is great! But the writing is so amateurish and sucks *so* much that I legitimately cannot believe that it went all the way to production without ANY more experienced scriptwriter cleaning it up. I've bitched about it before on here but here I am again at 1AM making another angry post because I WANT to really like the show and CAN'T because every single bloated, confused, inconsistent, immature and unfunny scene makes me want to rip my fucking hair out.
I'm not even talking about the plot because I have no idea what the plot is-- I can barely watch "it's just Alastor doing stuff" clip compilations where the writers took what should have been one of my favorite characters in western animation and fumbled it like their hands were on backwards. No, worse, because with the budget of that show the only way they could have done so badly is if they were doing it on purpose.
Guys, if a character is cool or sexy or scary or badass, you can't just have the character say so. Just like in horror, the monster stops being scary the moment you get a good look at it. That's true for other traits too-- if your slut character secretly has feelings, please don't name him "slutty secretfeelings" and have his first scene be him getting fucked and then turning to face the camera to whisper "I secretly have feelings!" The same goes for The Badass Character ("better watch out for me, I'm badass! Look at this list of six cool things about me. None of them make any sense together or have anything to do with my backstory or character arc. Look though!"), The Grumpy But Secretly Sad Character ("my name is Empty Inside glug glug that's the sound of me drinking because I'm empty inside") and The Lesbian ("Call me PussMunch").
Why shouldn't you do this? BECAUSE IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH A FUCKING WALL. So many 'adult animation' shows think that you can make a badly written and directed mess better by letting the characters say fuck a lot and it's insulting. I feel insulted.
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