#list of empires blogs
brylichen · 1 year
a list of all* the empires s3 blogs in this roleplay, with names and kingdoms**, for your convenience [and mine!]
Amethyst of T.F.L. - @empressofthefloweringlands
Auklet of the Undertide - @tidetales
Avington of I.T. - @avingtonaxewellofillechtownship2
Ember of Lumos - @greatspiritoftheflame
Jinx of Crimera - @nethercryptid
Memoriam of Caldera - @in-memoriam-of-caldera
Mylo of Brylichen - @brylichen
Perigrine of Laniidae - @the-avian-empreror
Preebo of Adelocosa - @preebo-of-adelocosa
Seven of Purpsia - @seven-guardian-of-purpsia
[RULER] of Lune - @kingdom-of-lune
Weekly Recap - @weekly-recap
*there are supposed to be 12 total, I believe, but we’re still missing 1 ruler.
**the name(s) of people/kingdoms that aren't on this list are absent because they weren't specifically listed on their blogs yet. I know them all from our Discord server, but I don’t know if they’re planning something so better safe than sorry! if you're the owner of one of the blogs unlisted and want the stuff there, please reply to this post and lemme know <3
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thetomorrowshow · 2 months
i can't remember (when you weren't there)
trust au sequel story - the seablings compare notes
yep there is a whole compilation of side stories that will be posted irregularly! there's already two on ao3 sooooo yeah have fun
“Yimecht! Stop swimming so far out!”
He laughs delightedly, sticks his tongue out at his sister behind. “You can’t catch me!”
He keeps swimming, flicking his tail faster and faster, torpedoing through the water. Bubbles stream past his face, his ear fins are flat against the sides of his head, he loves going fast—
Something big barrels into him, catching him in its arms, rolling them to the side together.
Yimecht gasps out another laugh, wriggles out of his sister’s arms. “Again! Let’s do it again!”
“No,” Szise says firmly, and she seems grumpy. “Get in the pouch.”
That’s not fair! She may be in charge, but she’s mean. “I don’t want in the pouch,” he argues, crossing his arms. “I’m too big for it. It’s stupid.”
“I’ll make a bigger one when we have time,” she tells him. “It’s not safe for you to be out. Get in the pouch.”
“Why? Why isn’t it safe?”
Szise sighs. “There are dangerous people who want to hurt you. You have to stay hidden until your scales are hard, okay?”
Yimecht opens his eyes, slowly, to see a bedroom.
His bedroom.
Jimmy closes his eyes again, tries to grab on to the last vestiges of that strange, misty, familiar dream.
It slips away as he tries, smoke vanishing in his fingers.
Jimmy . . . Jimmy doesn’t dream. He doesn’t think he’s ever had a dream. Lizzie doesn’t dream, either, neither of them dream and it doesn’t make sense for him to just . . . dream something.
He doesn’t dream. He just doesn’t.
It had been about Lizzie, though.
Jimmy opens his eyes a second time, glances at the worn, ancient little book on his bedside table.
He needs to talk to her.
They don’t get the opportunity to talk until two days later.
The Codlands have been entirely freed, and they’ve already started rebuilding. Many refugees who had fled to other lands are returning, and Jimmy’s own little camp of rebels has made it back to their individual homes. He has plans to personally thank each and every one of them, after the dust settles a bit.
He’s supposed to go see Scott tomorrow—they’ve been apart for far too long already, two weeks without seeing one another (though they message each other whenever there’s a free moment) feels like years, but until then, he’s meant to be arranging all the tasks that need to be completed this weekend and delegating them to the various members of his newly-reformed small council.
Which, of course, is a perfect time to talk to Lizzie. Jimmy has been positively itching to just sit down and talk to her for weeks now, ever since he came into the possession of this diary that clearly belonged to her.
Not to mention, she’s a giant sea monster now.
That feels like something they maybe ought to discuss more than just in passing.
They have a meeting place that’s always been theirs, a little dock at the edge of the capital, usually empty due to its rundown state, the wood old and rotting, the hand-rope almost entirely frayed.
Jimmy arrives right on time, slipping his boots off and setting them on the dock beside him, then tugging up the cuffs of his trousers a little bit to be able to dip his feet fully in the water.
Jimmy’s clothes are all fine to get in the water, though some are more suited for it than others. His tighter trousers he usually leaves on, stretchy and aerodynamic, made for swimming. He doesn’t wear those too terribly often, though, as many other cultures find them inappropriate (and he doesn’t think they have any room to talk, he’s seen the leggings that royal Mythlanders prance around in—but he supposes it’s just part and parcel of being Cod), preferring instead to wear billowy trousers or skirts.
The pair he’s wearing now are a patterned brown-green, loose-fitting, bunched at the ankles with leather cords. They’re wrapped around his waist and tied there; just one pull of the tie securing it and they’d fall, leaving him in his knee-length, skin-tight shorts, ready to leap into the water. He loves their convenience and comfort, and some of his pairs (including these) fit with the betrothal clothing standards (which is, coincidentally, something that they’ll be discussing this weekend).
All that to say, he really doesn’t care too much about getting his boots wet, because half the time he jumps into the water without taking off anything (despite Cod clothing being designed for that very purpose), but he does so now so that he can sit for a moment and relish in the feeling of the water between his toes.
He’s considering slipping off his trousers and sliding into the water (Jimmy only ever half-undresses for swimming—if he’s wearing tight trousers, he’ll take off his shirt, but he feels oddly exposed if he ends up with both off) when Lizzie pops up out of the water beside the dock, huge and a little terrifying, the water rocking against him in actual waves at her entrance.
His sister is a sea monster.
Or, more accurately, a sea monster is his sister.
The pink scales that he’s always known are still there in the same patterns on her cheeks and jaw and around her eyes, but her pale skin is gone, replaced by smooth blue scales. Her face isn’t quite the same, a bit sharper and somehow more . . . fitting, like this is how it’s meant to frame her cheekbones, and her more humanoid face had been just barely the wrong shape or size. She’s a good twelve feet tall, probably standing on the ocean floor yet still able to stand head and shoulders above the surface.
Changed as she is, she is his sister, and nothing’s truly different about the grin that she gives him, soft and loving and maybe a little bit vicious.
“Hey, Lizzie,” he says fondly, and Lizzie clicks her tongue in a dolphin greeting—and her tongue is way longer than it used to be, whoa.
“How is everyone settling back in?” she asks, voice a little echo-y in a way it never was before.
Jimmy shrugs. “As well as anyone would expect, I guess,” he says. “It’s hard, but we’re making it work.” He hadn’t been planning on doing any swimming right now, but with Lizzie shaking water droplets everywhere, he figures he might as well. He pulls free the tie of his trousers and slips into the water, stretching out his arms and kicking his legs, the water cool and inviting against his skin and scales.
The effects of living without the ocean (or any meaningful body of water, really) for so much time hadn’t gone unnoticed. The first moment that he had dipped into the ocean proper—two weeks ago, when he and Lizzie had swum out to free the Codlands—it felt like some dying part of him was suddenly revived, despite not really being aware that it was dying in the first place.
Like part of his soul, slowly drifting further away, was bound back to him.
And he wonders, now, if leaving the ocean in the first place played any part in separating him from his memories.
No use in small talk. He might as well cut to the chase.
“So I’ve got this book,” he says, just as Lizzie says, “Scott gave me this book.”
Jimmy pauses, waits for Lizzie to insist he can talk first, but Lizzie just keeps on talking.
“It’s a history book of the ocean, from . . . hundreds of years ago, I think?” she says, pulling a book out from a very large satchel (which still looks too-small on her). “It’s absolutely ancient. It talks about the forming of the world, and the development of the seas, and this sea . . . dragon? The word doesn’t quite make sense—this sea monster that used to rule the ocean. Apparently she died, and there just wasn’t a ruler for a long time? I don’t know, I skipped most of that part. Boring politics and all that. And then it talks about her two children hatching or something, and the splitting off of the salmon, and . . . that’s where it ends.”
Jimmy frowns. He isn’t quite sure when the salmon split off, but it was long enough ago that none of his people were alive when it happened. Most scholars agree that it was probably several hundred years in the past; the Codlands have been pitted against the salmon for as long as can be remembered. “When did you say it was written?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs, the movement sending a small wave to rock into Jimmy. “There’s something weird, though—I don’t speak the language it’s written in. But—”
“You were kind of able to read it anyway?” guesses Jimmy, his stomach flipping.
Lizzie nods, giving him a strange look. “Exactly. If I think too hard about reading it, I stop being able to. But I think it’s some old form of Oceanic. Have you seen it before?”
She hands the book to Jimmy, one hand large enough to cover both of Jimmy’s.
Sure enough, flipping open to the third page, it’s written in those strange old letters that itch in the back of Jimmy’s brain, tall and blue and washed-out. This book is far more neat than the one he has, the handwriting strict and uniform, the lines straight and not trailing down the page.
If he carefully doesn’t focus, he can tell that it’s saying something about a god.
This one, he knows, wasn’t written by Lizzie.
But he can suddenly hear it, as if told by his sister.
“Once upon a time, mama met our father, who was a god. Then she could die happy, because her babies would live forever.”
He blinks, glances up to see Lizzie waiting, sharp, black nails tapping against her arm. “Sorry, what was your question?”
“Have you seen these letters before?”
Slowly, almost trance-like, Jimmy reaches for his book, which he’d left on the dock, tucked into the large pocket of his trousers.
“Scott had this, he said he meant to give it to you,” he says. “It’s—it looks like . . . well, see for yourself.”
Lizzie takes the book from him—this one, smaller than the other, appears almost tiny in her hands—and carefully opens it, pinched between her fingers.
And soon enough, brow furrowed as she studies it, Lizzie comes to the same conclusion that Jimmy had.
“I wrote this,” she says, seeming almost dumbstruck. “I—this is my handwriting. This is about us. I wrote this. I don’t remember writing this.”
“I think it’s from Before.”
Lizzie doesn’t respond, eyes flying across the pages. “This is about you!” she gasps, pointing. “It says you were a small, damaged egg.”
“Embellishments to make the story more dramatic,” Jimmy waves off. He does remember seeing that part and stoutly ignoring it.
Lizzie pauses to give him a look. “If I wrote this, I wouldn’t lie. Besides, you look like the type to be small and damaged.”
She returns to her reading as Jimmy sputters a couple of protests. There’s no proof that he was ever an egg, actually! Let alone a small and damaged one!
After several minutes, she looks up again, brow creased. “Jimmy,” she says slowly.
“Yimecht!” his sister calls, laughing.
“How old are we?”
“Well, people usually tell me I look about twenty-four,” Jimmy says, checking the backs of his hands for wrinkles. They’re as unwrinkled as they’ve always been. “So maybe somewhere around there?”
“Yes, but you’ve looked twenty-four for the past decade,” says Lizzie. “And for . . . what, thirty years? For thirty-odd years, people have been telling me I look twenty-six. Shouldn’t I be fifty-something? At least?”
“You don’t really look twenty-six anymore,” Jimmy comments. “You look like a sea monster.”
“A young sea monster.”
“Still a sea monster.”
“My point is,” Lizzie presses, “the history book says that the two eggs of this ancient sea-dragon-monster-thing hatched, and ruled the ocean together. And this other book says that you and I were—the rulers, I guess. When I wrote this, we ruled the sea. But according to this book, if we were those two eggs, that would have been centuries ago at least. Far too long ago. How . . . how old are we?”
“Then she could die happy, because her babies would live forever.”
“Wow. We’re gonna live forever?”
“We’re gonna live forever,” Jimmy says now, echoing the words of his fading memory. “That’s . . . I think you told me that. A long, long time ago.”
It’s his sister’s voice in the memory, even if the words aren’t familiar. He would recognize her anywhere (and he always has, when they first crossed paths nearly a decade ago he heard her voice and knew instantly that she was his sister, despite knowing nothing else).
The idea—living forever—sends a little thrill through Jimmy’s scales. He’s never going to die. He never has to grow old.
That sounds awesome.
Lizzie, however, seems less than excited by the prospect. “I think so,” she says quietly. “That feels right.”
She looks down at her hands, her claw-like nails. “Joel’s having my wedding ring remade,” she says after a moment. “Since the change is looking kind of permanent.”
“That’s nice of him.” Jimmy hadn’t even realized, but Lizzie’s still wearing the ring, on a thin chain around her neck.
Hopefully he doesn't turn big right after getting married to Scott. That would be a huge ring.
“Promise me,” Lizzie says suddenly. “Promise me that we’ll always be here for each other.”
Why wouldn’t they be? They’re going to live forever, of course they’ll always support each other. She’s his sister, even when his memory was a blank hole he knew her, and Jimmy can’t even imagine not being by her side.
“Yeah,” he says, confused as to why she would even ask. “Of course.”
“Jimmy, I mean it,” she says. “Promise me.”
“I promise,” he says. “Why would I leave you?” The look she gives him is almost mournful, markedly different from how it might have looked in a face not entirely scaley.
“Things will change over time,” she says vaguely. “You’ll feel differently then.”
He doesn’t think he will. He would never abandon his blood, no matter what happens.
And, unsatisfying and unfinished, their conversation ends there. Something has put Lizzie in a somber mood, so Jimmy takes the journal back, vowing to translate it when he has time so they can properly read it. Lizzie takes the history book with a promise to do the same.
And Jimmy forgets, over the next couple of days, Lizzie’s concern. Too caught up in the excitement of living forever, he doesn’t imagine there could ever be real consequences—none that matter when compared to immortality. And then, even that is mostly put from his mind, what with discussions of betrothals and long meetings of holding hands with Scott under the table.
But he does translate the journal, and traces his fingers across hundreds of years of protection and love.
He doesn’t remember it as being his—
“Yimecht! Stop swimming so far out!”
—but his name is there, dozens of times.
He thinks he likes it.
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peakdeer · 2 years
I have recently found myself with a large amount of time to write. in addition to writing requests, I've decided to update one of my fics, which have lain rejected due to procrastination for months.
Or: guess who found out they had polls
A quick explanation of the fics:
Five Times Sausage was Oblivious: one of my first fics; it's a venus flytrap husbands fic that I really should update but shhhh we don't talk about that. The title pretty much explains the fic.
The Wingwoman (And her Wingman): This is an unreleased fic I've been working on inspired by one person long ago in the vfh tag who mentioned Scott, Jimmy, and Sausage were all in Katherine's secret club. It's a vfh fic told through the perspective of Katherine with a nature wives subplot.
Evermoore Rejects: a spellblings crossover fic where s1 sausage and s2 shelby get sent to the Evermoore together to start their empire. It mostly follows Shelby's lore, and will likely recieve a revamping of its current chapters at some point.
Amaranths and Snowdrops: one of the first fics i started. it has lain dormant for quite a while, though the next couple chapters are planned out. it's a soulmate fic that centers around sausage, scott, and pix (not vfh! I'm shocked as well) with a healthy dose of worldbuilding.
Suffocating in the Hues (of Red and Blue): yet another vfh fic. this one is a hanakai au that is planned to be a very long slowburn with (you guessed it) a nature wives subplot. it's very slice of life-y, focusing more on sausage's day to day life and the other characters in the fic.
Arranged Marriage Fwhimmy fic: another unreleased fic i have in my drafts. This one doesn't have a definitive plot yet, though the first few chapters are pretty much planned out.
Nature Wives Flower Meanings: a fic I started a while ago but has sat in my drafts and not been finished. It has ten chapters, one of which has multiple parts, with each chapter based around a flower meaning. The chapters happen in chronological order but are only loosely tied to each other.
Blood and Soul: a oneshot afterlife scosage ficlet using a sort of soulmate mechanic that's never really explained. The ficlet doesn't exactly have a conclusive ending, as it's more focused on emotion without being too long of a ficlet.
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boriabroad · 1 year
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Rome, Italy
September 28, 2021
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sffinsiders · 3 days
0 notes
muu-kun · 7 months
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schoolhater · 2 months
everyone shut up. none of this election shit even matters. it doesnt matter who's president of the empire because its still the empire.
what matters most right now is doing everything we can to help the victims of this empire regain their dignity and their lives, starting with these five palestinians in gaza:
Siraj @siraj2024
Siraj is a father of three. He and his family have narrowly escaped TWO massacres in southern Gaza in the past week. His family now lives in unsafe conditions in a tent described as "a convection oven". They NEED to rebuild their home as soon as possible in order to have a safe place to live amidst Israeli bombardment.
His short-term goal for THIS WEEK is $10k CAD and he just passed $8k CAD.
[Line 219 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Wafaa @wafans-blog:
Wafaa is a mother and grandmother with a family of 15 people. She escaped to Egypt five months ago but couldn't take her family with her. Since then she has been working tirelessly across three platforms (Instagram, Tiktok, Tumblr) to raise money for her family. Her daughter and niece were both martyred recently and her infant grandson is facing malnutrition. Her last Tumblr account was terminated and she has been getting accused of being a scammer.
Her goal is €50k and she is currently at €40k.
@journalsforpalestine is running a raffle for Wafaa.
[Line 171 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Shahed @shahednhall:
Shahed is a 21 year old college student and photographer. She is the sole provider for her family, including her father (a heart patient) and five younger siblings (including youngest who is an infant). Her sisters have severe hepatitis and urgently need medical care that is no longer available in Gaza and need to evacuate as soon as they get the chance.
Her short term goal FOR THIS WEEK is $30k and she just crossed $20k.
@journalsforpalestineis running a raffle for Shahed.
[Line #224 on Nairuz and Hussein's Spreadsheet.]
Hazem @hazemfromgaza:
Hazem Tannera escaped to Cairo in April but was separated from his family in the process. They are 10 people, including his parents, siblings, and 3 children. He is fundraising to help them evacuate as soon as the Rafah crossing opens with his friend in Jordan.
His goal is £80k and he is nowhere near it. He's at ~£6k.
[He has been endorsed by 90-ghost and I have spoken to him.]
Ahmed @ahmedabuyamin:
Ahmed Alanqar and his wife Dina Alanqar are parents to 4 very young children including one newborn girl, Sawsan, who they welcomed into the world at the only maternal care facility in Nuseirat, just last month.
They are very close to their goal! €34k of €39.5k!!
[Line #224 on Nairuz and Hussein's Spreadsheet.]
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angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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pazziville · 3 months
my pazzi roman empire list pt. 2
paige's favorite view
cute interview moment
azzi making a shot and paige impressed as hell
gentlewoman paige pt. 2 + blushing because of azzi
why were they so close? the gap between dorka???
menace azzi
boy, ass grab, must be her girlfriend 😭
azzi's biggest fan
borrowing/matching clothes pt. 3
cute ass bench moment
a biggie concert [another] [two] [three] [lil moment analysis] [four] [five]
azzi filming paige in the background when she dapped up a bigge (assumption)
shoutout to her best friend
paige not being able to not touch azzi
her money's on azzi
azzi annoying paige on the bench
kayla's car with azzi and paige photos (not sure if it is really kayla's car please do correct me if i'm wrong)
kissy face
private but not secret + pazzi following each other on goodreads
paige going straight for the azzi's package 😭
kiki do u love me
this photo this other one and this too
azzi surprising paige in uconn for her birthday 🥹
azzi going to minnesota to help paige with her event
paige using azzi's favorite song as her first night entrance song
pazzi balling in wheelchairs
pazzi with a fan who's wearing a pazzi customized jersey
2024 charity event crumbs [photo]
paige's old ig pfp being a snap of her and stewie (azzi's dog)
paige wearing an azzi shirt [video]
paige being extra when she didn't get a high five immediately from azzi
azzi fudd's 😾
paige pinky promise with azzi's dad and her cute plea to azzi's mom and azzi
azzi fixing paige's grad tassle
pazzi in the beach in europe [azzi in a purple bikini and we know who loves purple 😏 (this is a joke)]
azzi telling paige to go shower lmao
paige dancing with jon and jose and azzi smiling in the background
azzi having hopkin paige photos in her room (this was crazy ngl)
hidden pazzi moments compilation
azzi calling paige at 1am
pazzi touching each other during a huddle crumb
azzi looking at paige compilation
azzi wearing paige's hoodie in the cruise matching shoes in the cruise pazzi cruise pics compilation bonus cruise photo
fetus azzi holding paige cutouts 🥹
matching/borrowing of clothes pt. 4
paige's senior tribute video ft. azzi
matching chains
paige's 'my girl'
azzi picking up paige
sharing/borrowing of keychain
the squad realizing paige and azzi came in together and being so done with them lmao
paige showing azzi off pazzi's kid because we're delusional their kid apparently paige handing her phone to azzi little analysis moment
azzi holding paige's wrist/arm in a huddle
alleged azzi calling paige honey clip
paige allegedly jealous of drew lmaooo
azzi's stare at paige that could KILL [another moment]
watching a soccer pride night game together
sideline flirting idfk what this is but it's crazy [more snaps] [hand on lower back]
kk liking a pazzi edit
azzi wiping paige's tear
the goddamn pazzi slam cover shirt
concerned azzi
clocked them 😭
paige allegedly winning a plushie for azzi
allegedly sharing of clothes pt. idk anymore
THE pazzi timeline w/ some photos
yin & yang
paige's favorite basketball player [another]
this slideshow (9th and 5th slide???!!!)
their favorite movie
this ass touch???
facetimes pt. 2 [another] (these clips will probably be taken down out of respect for jon's wishes to not let his lives be screen recorded and posted anywhere but these were from july 12, 2024)
paige copying azzi 🥹
paige's mom complimenting azzi
azzi eyeing paige
-> next part
a/n: part one here! any worthy pazzi moments to be added in this list can be submitted through my questions in blog. much love. <3
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commonmexicanname · 11 months
Good Omens and the Miracle Chimes
Don't say anything... Just... Watch this please? It's a compilation of some miracle sounds throughout the show. For EVERY Miracle Chime, come this way...
This has been my Roman Empire since my first viewing.
What I'm hearing is...
Aziraphale's miracle chime is distinctly different from other angel's miracle chime. Makes sense, main character, and all. His has this "singing" to it.
Crowley's miracle chime is just a hissing sound. However, I have no other demons to compare it to.
When they perform their half miracle, it starts with Az's chime and ends with Crowley's. They overlap ever so slightly, but you can clearly hear them both.
As for the last miracle sound(s?) of the show, I first hear Az's miracle sound, and after a few seconds, Crowley's. But, they're both distorted.
I just... Can't stop thinking about that last miracle sound(s?). What does it mean? I mean, I have theories as to what it could mean, and maybe I'll make a long post about it one day. I'm not a writer though, so it would take me a long while to write down all those thoughts of mine. For now, I'm just glad to have finally made this madness into a thing I can share.
Inspired to make this video thanks to this post by @noneorother.
And here's hoping @embracing-the-ineffable also finds it interesting enough for their post.
P.S. I'm on the fence about making a super cut of every miracle sound in season 2. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I'll just need help making a list of timestamps of all miracle sounds as I know I'll miss one otherwise. Update: Supercut is in the works! Update 2: If you missed it, the supercut is done and pinned on my blog!
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eros-cestlavie · 6 months
since we're all talking about eclipses let me share my favourite eclipse fact: the mystery eclipse of 811
eclipses were pretty noteworthy in the middle ages, as were all movements of the heavenly bodies - particularly for calculating the date of easter (which is determined by the lunar cycle, following the calculation of passover).
a list of eclipses can be found in a few manuscripts produced between 809 and 812 in the carolingian empire, and it's broadly accurate. the entries record the date and time of the eclipse, as well as its location in the sky, as for the eclipse of 807: "In 807, there was again an eclipse of the Sun on 11 February in the 26th part of Aquarius around the sixth hour of the day." (this is correct for the year 807, and was probably a record of a past event.)
however, one entry simply reads: "In 811, there was an eclipse of the Sun on 27 April, in the first hour of the day." NASA records show when historical eclipses occured, and there was no eclipse visible in Europe in the year 811. But there was an eclipse that year - in Australia (on the 26th of May).
So the list wasn't a record of observed eclipses, but a list of predictions - using the easter table and some very good maths, the author was able to calculate when future eclipses would occur, even in places where nobody from europe had ever been. the location wasn't included, because they knew that the constellations would look different in the southern hemisphere.
this all goes to show that medieval people weren't stupid - their understanding of the world may have been vastly different from our own, but they were just as curious as anybody else at any other point in time. dismissing the middle ages as a 'dark age' when knowledge was stunted by belief fails to see how wonderful the middle ages can be - how people have always been brilliant, and curious, and have sought out new knowledge, all through history.
(this info comes mainly from a blog post by the wonderful james t. palmer, which is here, and has some more source links. ive also heard about it in papers/wider reading but i cant give a source for those)
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brylichen · 1 year
Hello, there. Welcome to Brylichen!
“Oh, hi. I’m Mylo, nice to meet you!”
Welcome to Brylichen! Lead by the monarch, Mylo, it’s a beautiful underground kingdom located in a long chain of lush caves. Mylo really likes to meet new people, so they love new visitors!
What’ll you do here in Brylichen? Are you just passing through, or are you looking for something more permanent like citizenship? Whatever the case, you’re always welcome here. Happy adventuring!
This is a roleplay blog for @mean-gills’s Empires season 3 rp! Run by @the-bad-boys, but this is it’s own account because sideblogs are rather confusing for me to use lmao..
Just a disclaimer: I’m fairly busy IRL as of recently, so I may randomly disappear. Apologies!
Anyone’s welcome to roleplay with this blog, but the only people that may engage in serious lore are the 10 other blogs we have specifically for this roleplay. Full blown roleplayers to shy anons - everyone’s good! HOWEVER, won’t be interacting with anyone until our group sort of picks up. It’ll be soon, don’t worry!
The only things I won’t allow are NSFW, random/extreme stuff, and overpowered things. [For example, don’t just say something like, “I run at them so fast they can’t run away”.] Otherwise, come on over!
If you send me an ask, I might not reply to it because a) I’m not online or b) I feel like I’m too busy roleplay-wise. However, it’s been a really long time - say a week or so - feel free to send another ask in reminding me as I may have forgotten.
#all around the bush we go - in character posts
#not me not you; who is who? - out of character posts
#all together now! - roleplaying [specifically with others]
#open the letter - asks
[just random stupid fun facts]
About Mylo
they/it pronouns
Glare hybrid!
likes literally everything cute
it’s favorite things ever are mushrooms and other types of related nature items..so funky
About Brylichen
previously known as Lichendrip, but Mylo's great great grandmother decided that name wasn't..fancy enough
protected with a sort of force field, which is made of a combination of cave materials, to keep hostile mobs out
About Me
Ren! he/they/it pronouns :D
I've been roleplaying for almost 1.5 years er..
^ you may have seen some of my other blogs; I always use this specific format [or something super similar] so you know it's probably me!! it's like a trademark lmfao
^^ apparently, a few of the other blogs in our group have been borrowing the format for their own blogs! meh..they're the only exception, otherwise it's me 👍
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felassan · 3 months
Hello ! Very sorry to bother you, but do you perhaps know if you or someone else made a master post with all the Dragon Age comics and books one should read, and in which order to do so ? There's so many now that it's a little overwhelming to say the least.
If not, that's okay! Love your blog and thank you for always keeping us informed <3
hello! ◕‿◕ tysm for the lovely message. ^^ no worries at all!!
[this post] is a list of the additional DA media that's officially available for free (there are things like short stories from the website and stuff). [this post] is a rough chronological/timeline order of all canon DA media. if you'd just like my recommendation on which DA comics and books to read and in what order - the order which they came out in is totally fine imo. :D I'll list them here in case it's a lil less overwhelming in that format.
Books (novels and similar) and comics:
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne [novel - early 2009]
Dragon Age: The Calling [novel - late 2009]
Dragon Age: Asunder [novel - 2011]
Dragon Age: The Silent Grove [comic - early 2012]
Hindsight [motion comic - May 2015]
Dragon Age: Those Who Speak [comic - mid 2012]
Dragon Age: Until We Sleep [comic - 2013]
Dragon Age: The Masked Empire [novel - early 2014]
Dragon Age: Last Flight [novel - late 2014]
Dragon Age: Magekiller [comic - 2015]
Dragon Age: Knight Errant [comic - 2017]
Dragon Age: Deception [comic - 2018]
Dragon Age: Blue Wraith [comic - early 2020]
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights [book, an anthology of short stories - early 2020]
Dragon Age: Dark Fortress [comic - 2021]
Dragon Age: The Missing [comic - 2023]
Also, rly amazing to read is the lore books, World of Thedas Volume 1 and World of Thedas Volume 2. I feel like you can read these whenever though, and over a long period of time split up into chunks if you prefer. ^^ Varric's 'book' Hard in Hightown is a fun bonus read, it's an in-world novella. The IDW comic.. give it a miss. ^^; also, the list above doesn't include short stories that are outside of Tevinter Nights.
The DA:TV-focused/streamlined answer for me is - Dragon Age: Knight Errant, Dragon Age: Deception, Dragon Age: Blue Wraith, Dragon Age: Dark Fortress, Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights, Dragon Age: The Missing, and the DA:TV-specific short stories. These are As We Fly, The Flame Eternal, Minrathous Shadows, The Next One, Ruins of Reality, The Wake, and Won't Know When. This covers the 'books and comics etc which are set after Dragon Age: Inquisition' era. Throw in the two World of Thedas volumes as well if you are really interested in the lore of the world in general and would like that as a primer going into DA:TV.
I hope this helped. :>
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daily-grian · 6 months
Mod Owl, do you know if there's a list of all the currently active/updating daily doodle blogs that are mcyt/mcyt-adjacent?
YES! Or at least, kind of. I keep track of every daily MCYT (or adjacent) blog I come across! I need to update the list in our about/faq page, but I can throw my current list here:
Hermitcraft Solo:
Daily-Grian (You are here!)
Hermitcraft/Traffic Duos & Groups:
Hermitcraft-daily (tumblr wont let me link anymore)
Hermit NPCs or Other MCYT:
If you know about any others, feel free to let me know and I'll make a note of them!
Mod Owl also keeps lists of general tumblr askblogs and particularly Riordanverse/PJO askblogs, so if you ever also want a list of askblogs, feel free to ask. Or if you know of any askblogs - literally any - any fandom, could be your own, feel free to let Mod Owl know [here]. Not in the Daily-Grian inbox though that'd be too much. If you're sending Mod Owl other dailies that can go in the Daily-Grian inbox though, or just in the comments on this post.
Anyways [blows kiss to other mcyt daily blogs]
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slythereen · 11 months
Hello there!
I’m new to f1 and Lestappen.
Is there a Charles and Max master post somewhere with their history? I keep hearing about the social media unfollowing and podium walk off and want all the tea and timelines.
Basically all I know about is the inchident.
Many thanks!
hello and welcome!! my scholarship (read: obsessively reblogging things or bookmarking them thinking i'll actually find them again later) tends to be VERY chaotic, but i know there are definitely compilations out there. i've read some great ones.
nini (@scuderiafemboy) has a LOT of lore content on tumblr and twitter & does a lot of translating of dutch interviews/manages to unearth old interviews all the time. the twitter thread of threads covers 2018 through june 2023! she also compiled some of the database on tumblr here.
@chibrary archives interviews, articles, etc., in glorious fashion. this is charles centric but naturally charles' history intersects with max's so there are some good pieces in there, like this 2015 article on the lestappen rivalry in karting. the #driver:max tag provides a lot of golden content (such as extended lore on the inchident!).
marginally related, but dani (lecstappens on twitter) once posted the video of max and charles being scolded and warned to behave themselves during the race following the inchident. one of my favorite pieces of lestappen info frankly... demon children. (also on posted by @il-predestinato on tumblr here. who, btw, is a gold mine of lestappen content.)
well, as long as i'm adding some favorite gems while i try to find the specific post i'm looking for... the lestappen singapore flag moment is my roman empire. i am also haunted by the awkward weather convo video. which i know is out there, but i am going crazy trying to find it.
i decided to just commit to the moments list, so here is charles drinking red bull gate 2023 (courtesy of @countingstars-17)
charles asking the tifosi to stop booing max at monza this year (@il-predestinato seriously has so much content)
this excerpt of max's manager talking about charles (@blueballsracing)
if i don't stop myself i will be here all year
more mini compilations !!
@hyacinthsdiamonds once produced a nice list of the ridiculous lore around lestappen that sounds made up
some 2021 specific "best moments" compiled by @coconutshygame
there is one post i am thinking of that touched on their wild lore/destined f1 rivalry etc. but i can't find it now so stay tuned 🫡
also, for some theorizing on the most recent lestappen debacles and what it all means with ferrari/rbr and a potential charles to rbr (ot charles to more power at ferrari) move:
@tsarinablogs is a Scholar™ with lovely essays
@valyrfia has an addition to the marketing mayhem
i recently compiled my unhinged #rbr-ferrari sticker war content to advocate for rbr charles here, which was added to by this anon with banger points
personally i use #rbr charles for the theorizing and delulu hours, but i think #lestappen rbr and #lestappen gate 2023 are also prime hunting ground for rbr specific lore
anyone who has info to share pls do ❤️ i know i'm missing loads of scholarship that is lost in the pits of my unorganized blog
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
The Lost Queen - XI
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 2,268.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 11
In agitated and pulsating Babylon, life flowed incessantly, without pause for rest. Its inhabitants were driven by an inexhaustible energy, immersed in different activities that filled their days. Under a sky permeated with seduction, the city exuded an irresistible charm, conquering all who dared to cross its limits. And in the midst of this frenzy, the Hanging Gardens stood majestically, silent witnesses to the magnificence and beauty of the city.
The city's famous Hanging Gardens not only added beauty to the urban scenery, but also aroused admiration in everyone who looked at them. It was said that it was one of the Seven Wonders and that it should be worshiped.
The story of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was even more fascinating.
A long time ago, in ancient Babylon, the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar II reigned. He ruled firmly, but also had a sensitive heart for the beauty and well-being of his people. However, his wife, Queen Amytis, felt a deep nostalgia for her homeland, the lush mountainous region of Persia, where gardens were abundant.
To gladden the queen's heart and create a grand gift, King Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Built into a magnificent structure of raised terraces, these gardens were designed to recreate the exuberance and serenity of Persian gardens amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.
The architects and engineers worked tirelessly, bringing to life a true verdant paradise in the heart of Babylon. Using an intricate network of water channels and irrigation systems, they managed to flow water from the depths of the Euphrates River to the highest terraces, nourishing the exotic plants and leafy trees.
When the Hanging Gardens were finally completed, they became a breathtaking spectacle for all who beheld them. The terraces were adorned with a dazzling array of fragrant flowers, fruit trees and lush greenery, creating a haven of peace and beauty for their beloved Queen.
It was a beautiful city, with a rich and vivid history. It would be a shame if the city fell into the hands of the savage Macedonians. The Persians believed that if the city fell into enemy hands, then the entire Empire would be doomed.
Darius knew this, he was more aware that if something happened to the city, everything would be lost. His defeat in the last battle had already been crushing, he could not be defeated again.
The Persian King sighed, frustrated and sat down on the chair in front of the table full of maps. He poured some wine into his glass and drank it, rubbing his temples irritably. He would have to do something quickly about this or risk losing everything.
The tent flap was opened and Darius frowned when he saw his detestable relative, Bessus. The man smiled mischievously and approached his King.
"You look terrible." Bessus commented, as he took a seat in front of Darius and grabbed some wine for himself.
Darius didn't respond, just drank his wine.
One side of Bessus' mouth quirked up and he chuckled, "You look tense."
"I am tense." Darius grumbled, adjusting his posture. He could never show himself weak in front of this relative of his.
"I can see that," Bessus murmured, stroking his black beard, "Maybe you need some good news."
Darius looked up and looked at Bessus, curious.
"Ah, have I piqued your interest?" Bessus laughed.
"Say it at once."
Bessus placed the glass on the table and smiled like a predator, "Our friend, Alexander, recently got married."
Darius raised his eyebrow, clearly interested in where this conversation was going.
"A certain (Y/N), from what the spies told me."
(Y/N)? It was a different name, one he didn't remember ever hearing.
"And who would this be (Y/N)?" Darius asked, placing the glass on the table.
"Someone who can be useful to us." Bessus licked his lips, as if savoring the idea. Darius stopped himself from shuddering.
"And how could she be useful? She's just his wife."
"That's why, my King. She's his wife and from what I've heard, he seems to care a lot about her. I've heard rumors that he almost killed his own General because of her."
Darius thought. Maybe she could be of help after all. If Alexander really cared so much about her, there would be an advantage.
"And from what my spies are saying, she could be pregnant." Bessus said, rubbing his hands together.
"And what do you suggest I do with this information?"
Bessus laughed darkly, "Bring her to us, Darius. I have spies ready to infiltrate the Macedonian camp, one word from you and she will be brought to us."
Darius didn't like the idea of kidnapping a pregnant woman, but these were desperate times. He could not suffer another humiliating defeat to Alexander. These were war times, after all. And all is fair in war.
Darius nodded hesitantly, "Do it."
Bessus smiled widely and stood up, turning his back to Darius.
"Bessus," Darius called in a serious, lethal voice, "Don't hurt her."
Bessus nodded, "I won't."
As Bessus exited his tent, Darius sighed loudly. He wasn't sure what he had ordered, but he knew it was too late to reverse it. He could not show weakness in front of his soldiers. Not now.
He needed to relax and so he called a name, "Bagoas."
Darius didn't even blink when the eunuch appeared in front of him and began to remove his overcoat. He needed this to clear his mind about what he was about to do.
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The women looked terrified.
You felt sorry for the Persian women, the captives. It was obvious what would happen to them and you felt sick to your stomach just thinking about their possible fate. Although Alexander had prohibited rape, it was inevitable.
You would have to talk to him about it. It was unacceptable and since you were the Queen, you would have something to say about it.
You watched the Persian royal family carefully. After Darius's defeat at the Battle of Issus, he left his mother, wife and daughters behind. You already knew this story and couldn't help but be curious as you watched the women.
You were next to Hephaestion and Alexander, who were also watching the women carefully. At least these wouldn't suffer a bad fate.
Not now, at least.
The oldest of the women, who you immediately recognized as Sisygambis, the mother of Darius, approached Hephaestion and fell at his feet, prostrating herself and begging for mercy.
You bit back a laugh when you saw how Hephaestion's eyes widened in surprise.
"Please, Grand King, I ask that you spare my granddaughters..." The woman muttered, as she still had her face lowered in her hands on the floor of the tent. Hephaestion muttered something under his breath and looked desperately at Alexander.
Sisygambis turned pale when she realized her mistake, fearing that she had offended the King by mistaking him for a mere general.
Alexander decided to say something, "Don't worry, mother. He's also Alexander."
You held back a laugh when you heard the well-known words of Alexander the Great. It was like watching a movie in first person.
Alexander turned to you, "And here is my wife and Queen, (Y/N)."
You blushed a little at being called that. It was still strange and you were sure it would take a while to get used to being called that.
Straightening your posture, you smiled gently at the women, who watched you carefully. With a calm and serene tone of voice, you greeted them, ''It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you.''
Sisygambis smiled and nodded at her granddaughters, who bowed at you.
You waved your hands, "No, no. Don't worry about it, it's not necessary."
They seemed a little disoriented and confused, but they respected your request. Alexander seemed satisfied and began talking to the women.
You didn't pay much attention when you felt a wave of nausea. You bottled it up and held firm, but you knew full well what that could mean.
After your wedding night a few weeks ago, you continued to share a bed with Alexander a few times and, obviously, there were no contraceptives available and a very high chance of you being pregnant was plaguing you.
You didn't know what you were supposed to think about this. Having children had never been a goal of yours, sure, you had thought about it before, but the idea of actually expecting was scary.
You considered yourself too young to be a mother and the current scenario definitely didn't help. By the gods, you were more than two thousand years in the past, married to one of the greatest conquerors in history and possibly pregnant.
It all seemed like a very bad joke.
And there are still conflicts to be resolved. Cleitus had recovered well and an understanding between him and Alexander was made, it seems, the General forgave Alexander for trying to kill him and everything would return to normal between them. There was tension between the generals over this, but it seemed like everything would be fine.
Thanks to Hephaestion's diplomatic skills.
And there was the matter of Perdiccas.
You sighed just thinking about him. You hadn't spoken in weeks, he seemed determined to ignore you and you'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt you. You had felt something for him, but it seemed to become less and less the further away you were.
You missed him. He was one of the first, no, the first to be kind to you and someone you thought could become a friend, an ally.
But now he avoided you like the Devil avoided the Cross. When you were forced to be in the same room, he would remain silent and avoid your eyes. And when you spoke to him, he only spoke short, sharp words.
There was no longer that warmth, that kindness that you shared before.
You missed him. A lot.
But that was his choice and you would have to live with it. If he wanted to pretend that nothing ever happened between you, that you were mere acquaintances, you would do it. He could be stubborn, but you were more so.
And you couldn't put yourself at risk, not now when there was a chance you could be pregnant. This was for yourself and for this possible child.
You closed your eyes and pressed your hand over your stomach. Fearing for the uncertain future.
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Perdiccas knew this was treason.
He was very aware that what he was doing could lead to him being sentenced to death. He knew it but he didn't care.
It was a crime of treason, a serious betrayal against his King, against his childhood friend and his beloved Macedonia.
But he didn't care. Something inside him just exploded on your wedding day and he knew there was nothing he could do to destroy that uncomfortable feeling.
He was jealous and angry. Jealous that Alexander had you in every way and angry with you and himself. Anger at you because you didn't choose to run away with him and at himself for not insisting.
But he was hurt, feeling betrayed. Perdiccas thought you liked him, maybe you could even be falling in love with him, but you chose Alexander over him.
And he hated you for it.
He loved you, Perdiccas knew he loved you. You awakened feelings he had never felt before for anyone and he wanted you. He wanted you just for himself, he wanted to be able to love you and adore you like the Queen you were.
You could have been happy together, just the two of you and with children in the future. Perdiccas could envision a happy future with you. You playing with his children while he watched.
You could have had a life next to each other.
But you chose to throw it all away and Perdiccas wouldn't allow it.
You would be his, one way or another.
These words repeated in the General's mind as he stealthily approached your tent with Persian spies at his side.
The camp was dark and strangely silent. Even the swashbuckling soldiers were silent.
Alexander would not share his tent today, he had much work to do with Hephaestion and Ptolemy.
It would be the perfect opportunity.
He waved his hand and the spies quickly knocked out two guards who were assigned to protect you.
Perdiccas was sure you would be asleep at this time. With silent steps, he lifted the flap of the tent and entered it, moving silently inside to where your cot was located.
He smiled like a fool in love when he saw you, asleep. You were covered by a thin blanket and your sleep seemed restless. He looked at the Persian spies and nodded.
It was now.
One of the spies approached you with a piece of fabric in his hand that had some kind of poison on it that would keep you asleep for as long as necessary.
When the cloth was placed under your nose, you woke up with a start and tried to scream, but the spy covered your mouth and pressed the cloth harder against your nose. Eventually, you stopped struggling and your eyes grew heavy, until they closed.
Perdiccas approached you and picked you up carefully. He smiled widely when he glimpsed your beauty.
Now was the time to finally have you for himself.
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— lady l: WE'RE BACK, BABY! I know it took me a while to get back to this fanfic and I apologize for that. But we're back and the updates will continue as before! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and… Well, what happens now? I leave the doubt in the air… See you soon!
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