#list of foods that cause kidney stones
bluebliss1 · 1 year
The Surprising Link between Junk Food and Kidney Stones: What You Need to Know
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Kidney stones, those tiny yet painful formations within the kidneys, have become a prevalent health concern. Surprisingly, our dietary choices, including the consumption of junk food, can significantly contribute to their development. In this article, we'll explore the impact of junk food on kidney stone formation, provide a list of foods that can cause kidney stones, and discuss effective treatments and renowned kidney specialists in Bangalore.
The Relationship between Junk Food and Kidney Stones:
Studies have revealed that junk food, high in sodium, unhealthy fats, and sugar, can disrupt the body's mineral balance, particularly calcium and oxalate.
This imbalance increases the risk of kidney stone formation.
Foods That Cause Kidney Stones:
Certain foods can increase the likelihood of developing kidney stones:
Sodium-rich Foods: Excessive consumption of processed foods, fast food, and canned soups high in sodium can raise calcium levels in urine, increasing the risk of kidney stones.
Oxalate-rich Foods: Foods like spinach, rhubarb, beets, chocolate, nuts, and tea contain high levels of oxalate, contributing to the formation of calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stone.
Animal Protein: Reducing intake of animal protein from sources like red meat, poultry, and seafood helps lower the risk of kidney stones, as excessive protein intake can increase calcium and uric acid levels in the urine.
Sugary Beverages: Soft drinks and sweetened juices containing fructose and phosphoric acid can promote kidney stone formation.
Kidney Stone Treatment in Bangalore:
If you require kidney stone treatment in Bangalore, consider consulting these renowned specialists:
Dr.L N Raju – Urologist at Blue Bliss Hospital With extensive experience in diagnosing and treating kidney stones personalized care and utilizes advanced techniques for effective stone management.
Conclusion: Understanding the impact of our dietary choices, particularly junk food, on kidney stone formation is crucial. By being mindful of foods that can contribute to kidney stones and making healthier choices, we can take proactive steps towards prevention. Seeking guidance from experienced kidney specialists in Bangalore ensures proper diagnosis and effective treatment when needed. Remember to maintain a balanced diet, hydrate adequately, and prioritize your kidney health to minimize the risk of kidney stone formation.
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per0xided · 4 months
NSAIDs: painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen and aspirin can cause peptic ulcers and internal bleeding when taken on an empty stomach frequently
Antibiotics: certain antibiotics such as amoxicillin have to be taken with food to avoid stomach upset and vomiting that would impact the effectiveness of the drug. Impacting the effectiveness of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance, worsening infection and sepsis
Steroids: corticosteroids like predinsolone should not be taken on an empty stomach, like NSAIDs they can cause ulcers and bleeds
Antifungals: some antifungals such as nystatin will not absorb on an empty stomach impacting the effectiveness of the drug
Allopurinol and Febuxostat can cause an upset stomach and kidney stones when taken without enough food and water
Enzyme supplements such as Creon will not be effective on an empty stomach
Honorable mention: Vitamins A, D, E and K require dietary fat to be absorbed and may upset an empty stomach
The side effects of taking these medications on an empty stomach can be severe. It is not always a case of it wont work as well or it will give you an upset stomach, some of these drugs can cause permanent disability or death if not taken as directed. It is not worth it. Stay safe.
This is not an exhaustive list. Take all medications as prescribed/according to the directions.
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waywardxrhea · 7 months
Chapter 2 - Vigilante Shit
What happens when you lie to the Devil? How long can one woman keep a lifetime of secrets from the Devil of Hell's Kitchen? The answer may surprise you...
installment list
pairing: Matt Murdock x enhanced!fem!OC
series content: coffee shop AU, fluff, humor, friends to lovers, pining, language, canon typical violence, use of guns, angst, drinking, implied smut, medical emergencies, mental health disorders (PTSD, panic disorder).
"i'm on my vigilante shit again..." - vigilante shit, taylor swift
word count: 2k
Crystal finds herself in the middle of an incident and decides to step in, using her powers to help an innocent woman on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
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For the next few nights, Crystal laid low in a run down hotel in the neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen just to ensure that she was not followed to the States by any of her father’s men. One evening while she was going back to the hotel with takeout Chinese food in hand, she heard a scream behind her. Not wanting any attention brought to herself, Crystal quickened her pace, getting back to her hotel and locking herself in her room for the night. 
As she ate her dinner though, she couldn’t help but hear a nagging little voice in the back of her head telling her that she should have turned around and helped whoever screamed. “You have the ability to save people with your gift, but now for all you know, they’re dead on the street,” the voice told her, making a hard knot form in the back of her throat. She forced down the rest of the food and tried to ignore the little voice which she had begun to attribute to an angel that was sent by God to torment her.    
The next few nights passed, and the same thing happened: she would be out and some bad thing or another would be happening to an unseen stranger and instead of helping she ran to shelter, hoping that the proper authorities would deal with the perpetrator. The pattern continued until one night she was walking back to her hotel and a woman walking in front of her was being catcalled by a group of drunk men ambling down the sidewalk. 
Crystal was about to cross the street and avoid the men until one of them began to grope the poor woman who began sobbing as they started ganging up on her. “Do something! Use your gift for good!” said the voice. 
With a slight bit of hesitation, Crystal sighed, pulling her scarf over the bottom half of her face and her hood over her head. She made her way into the nearby alleyway before stomping the ground, causing a few good-sized pieces of pavement to become free from the sidewalk. She made punching motions which made the stones fly toward the woman’s attackers, heading straight for their stomachs, kidneys, and groin areas. “What the hell man, who’s throwing rocks at us?!” one of the men shouted as he uncoordinatedly swung his arms around trying to fend off the projectiles. 
At this comment and upon seeing that the men were not necessarily deterred, Crystal took it up a notch, crouching down and punching the ground, causing a large crack to form in the pavement. This made the inebriated men trip and their victim used this opportunity to slip away from the group, sprinting in the opposite direction. As she ran, she looked around into the alleyway Crystal had hidden in, but by then she had already used her powers to form a wall so the woman wouldn’t see her. 
After a few minutes when the drunk men began stumbling off once more, Crystal continued the trek to her hotel for the night with a warm feeling radiating in her chest. She smiled to herself at the feeling, knowing that if she was still here, her mother would be proud of her for using her gift for good, not just to intimidate high-rolling drug dealers.
Rounding the corner, Crystal brushed past a young blonde woman about to get into her car. She kept her head down and hood up as she passed the woman, unsure if she had witnessed the encounter. She ducked into another alleyway and watched as the woman fished for her keys in her pockets, ensuring that she got into her car safely. Once she was inside and began to drive away, Crystal walked off in the opposite direction of her hotel, suddenly feeling a desire to aid someone else before she turned in for the night. 
It didn’t take too long to find some teenage thug sprinting away from a bodega with an armful of presumably stolen goods. The owner wasn’t too far behind, but seemed to be running out of steam as he ran after the young man. Crystal gently stomped her foot on the ground and gestured up with her palm, causing a portion of the sidewalk to shift upward, tripping the young man. As he fell to the ground, the bodega owner caught up to him and took back his goods, shouting at him to get lost, citing that this time he was letting him off easy. 
That warm feeling filled Crystal’s chest once more as she went deeper into the alleyway to hide from the bodega owner. Once he was gone, before she could head back out into the open, she was suddenly pinned to the brick wall from behind. Acting on instinct alone, she warped the wall, causing her attacker to lose their grip on her. She used this moment to slip out of their grasp and stomped the ground, making a punching motion and causing two large pieces of pavement to fly into the air at her attacker who dodged them gracefully, almost like an acrobat.
When she finally got a good look at the man, she saw that he wore all black and had a black piece of fabric covering the upper half of his face. She didn’t get much time to take in anymore details before he was attacking again, throwing quick punches that took her off her feet. “Who are you and what are you doing in my city?” the man’s deep voice asked as he stood above her. 
Gesturing upward once more from her place on the ground, the two pieces of stone from before were hovering on either side of the man’s head again. Crystal quickly drummed up a generic American accent and said to the man, “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t smash your head in right now for attacking me.” 
“I’m not the one on the ground here. Answer the question,” he demanded. “Who are you and what are you doing in my city?”
Crystal scoffed. “Your city?”
“You’re not from around here are you?” the man asked. 
“And what makes you think that?” Crystal returned. 
“Because everyone from around here knows who the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is.”
“Oh, so you’re not just some acrobat running around cosplaying as Westley from The Princess Bride?” Crystal smarted off. 
The man opened and closed his mouth before sighing and shaking his head. “Look, clearly you don’t know how things work around here, but I can also tell by the fact that you haven’t smashed my head in that you aren’t one of the bad guys. The police have come to trust me to bring in criminals around here, but if they see someone tearing up their roads and assaulting people with rocks, they’re going to take you in and this whole vigilante thing will be over before you even get started. Stay out of things you have no business sticking your nose in.” 
Crystal slowly stood up and lowered the stones to the ground, telling him, “All I did was make sure a woman didn’t get assaulted and that a man didn’t get robbed.” 
“And I’m sure they appreciate that, but just trust me when I say to stay out of it before you’re in way over your head. If I could take you down that easily you don’t stand a chance against the real criminals around here,” he said before jumping up onto a fire escape above him. 
“You’re wrong,” Crystal called back to him as he jumped onto the roof of the building. When he turned back toward her, she elaborated, “All I want is to help people and to do good with the gift I’ve been given. I’ve taken down dozens of men bigger and stronger than you, believe me. You’re just going to have to deal with the fact that I’m here to stay, Mr. Devil.” 
Without saying anything in response, the man turned away and sprinted off along the rooftops. Crystal shook her head as she placed her hand on the ground and returned the wall and pavement to their original state. With this newfound desire to help people, no one was going to stop Crystal, not even the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
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The next morning at the new law office of Nelson, Murdock, and Page, the young blonde woman entered the office, sending her friends a greeting before asking, “Hey Matt can I talk with you real quick?”
“Of course,” Matt Murdock said as he gestured for her to enter his small office space. When she sat down, he asked, “Everything okay, Karen?”
“Yeah, fine, I just saw something weird last night…” she replied, playing the scene over again in her head for the dozenth time. 
“Weird as in…?” Matt prompted. 
“As in like…someone with abilities stopping some drunks from assaulting someone,” she said, unsure of how to word the phenomenon without sounding like she was the drunk one. “It’s like they were… I don’t even know, they seemed to have a range of abilities I can’t put a single word to it,” Karen said, frustration seeping into her voice at her lack of words. Usually, Karen was well-spoken and eloquent, it’s one reason she used to be such a good journalist, but this was not one of those moments. 
“Well what did this person do?” Matt asked, curiosity in his voice. 
“Well they seemed to use their mind to… I dunno…”
“Manipulate concrete,” Matt finished.
“Yes!” Karen said, snapping her fingers and pointing toward Matt. “They launched rocks at some drunk guys trying to assault this poor woman, seemed to know exactly where to aim them for damage that wasn’t lethal. They also caused a rift in the sidewalk which was the distraction the woman needed to get away.” She paused for a moment before asking, “Wait, how did you…?”
“I ran into her too,” Matt replied, drumming his fingers lightly on his desk. 
“As Matt or…?” 
“No, as Daredevil. I told her to not stick her nose into things before she gets in over her head,” he said with a shake of his head. 
“Before who gets in over their head?” came Foggy Nelson’s voice as he popped his head into the office space. “God, please don’t tell me we’re getting roped into another one of your self-sacrificing vigilante things, because after Fisk last year I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime. At least wait a couple years before we do that again.”
“It’s just some woman with powers we both ran across last night,” Matt told his best friend and law partner. 
“Why’d you tell her to stop?” Karen asked curiously. 
“Because when people around here try to play vigilante, people end up hurt, that’s all,” Matt said. 
“Yeah, including you, buddy,” Foggy replied. “Why not let whoever this is do what they do and give yourself a break for once in your life?”
There was a long pause before Matt said, “Because I’m not sure if she’s got the right intentions yet.” 
“It just sounds like you’re jealous of someone else with powers helping out around here,” Karen said teasingly with a quiet laugh. 
“Jealous? I’m not jealous. I just don’t know if we can trust her to do the job right is all,” Matt defended. 
“She stopped two crimes in the span of, what? Half an hour last night? It sounds to me like she can handle it,” Karen told him as she stood up from the chair across from his desk and walked to their old beat up coffee machine to get some caffeine for the day. 
“Just let it play out a little while longer, bud,” Foggy told Matt with a light pat on the shoulder. “If things start going to shit then you can intervene, but to me it sounds like if she can take care of the smaller petty crime, that opens up more time for you to concentrate on the bigger things that will potentially get us more clients around here.”
“But Fog-” Matt tried. 
“Just think about it,” he said. “Not now though because we have an appointment with a client here in a couple minutes.”
next chapter
a/n: okay the reason i slipped in the joke about cosplaying as Westley from The Princess Bride is because last year before i watched Daredevil i went to a comic con (charlie, vincent, rosario, and jon were there im SO sad i wasnt into the show at that point 😭) and i saw someone who i now know was dressed as Matt in the black suit but i thought it was a Princess Bride cosplay whoops lmao
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jenroses · 1 year
Grappling with the silly, ridiculous notion I learned from childhood, this idea that if you do things correctly you won't suffer.
Here are the things that have caused me pain in the past few months:
Sitting in a wheelchair with a good cushion that was purchased to allow me greater freedom is now causing me horrible hip pain due to sacroiliac instability pinching nerves and causing muscle spasms. Helped a little by kt tape and lidocaine patches to the sacrum.
Eating the foods I was told were a good substitute for higher carb foods to help my blood sugar and drinking the drinks that help my POTS combined to give me kidney stones. Fun. Fix: stop eating almond products with every meal and cut sodium intake to levels that leave me a little dizzy but not falling over.
One morning, with great hubris and foolish optimism I dared to *checks list* open my eyes when I woke up. This proved to be a horrible mistake as my eyelid had adhered to my cornea in the night and the cornea tore a little when I opened my eyes. This is the pain equivalent in your eyeball of continually stubbing your toe for hours, until the eye doctor can numb it and put a bandage contact in it. The sensory nightmare of it makes me go into autistic hermit crab mode until they numb it.
And the most recent arrogantly naive mistake I made? I sat down in my car and my neck went out. That was Thursday and I still can barely turn my head without blinding pain in my shoulder.
Anyway. The point is that I didn't actually fuck up by getting into my car, opening my eyes, eating and drinking things intended to take care of my health and sitting in chairs.
I didn't let my body down. My body let me down. I'm doing the best I can with it. Sometimes these things happen, and when you have collagen defects like EDS, they happen more often.
So remember that when someone is suffering and you start to assume they must have done something to deserve it. Suffering is not earned. It just happens, and the idea that if you do everything "right" you'll magically avoid all suffering is a very comforting lie you've been taught to tell yourself.
(A huge amount of misery in my childhood came from drinking chlorinated water, which is not a problem for most people but because of a rare recessive gene issue I have, means that my body can't handle the chlorine byproducts and I get sick often, especially when I'm swimming in chlorinated pools or using bleach. I was in my 30s when I figured out pools were a problem. I spent junior high and high school on swim team for my health, lol. DCA is literally poison to me. I have liver damage.)
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nancypullen · 2 years
I didn’t post on November 1st because I was felled with what I thought was a weird stomach bug. Back pain woke me on Tuesday followed by non-stop vomiting (you’re welcome for the visual).  I’d attributed the back pain to intestinal stuff since they wrap around back there.  On Nov 2nd I rallied a bit thanks to anti-nausea meds and Tylenol, and felt good enough to post about our wonderful Halloween.  No surprise to people smarter than me, things didn’t get better.  By lunchtime Thursday I was in the ER getting a CT scan and all that. Turns out that I have a very large kidney stone and only surgery can get it out. In the ER they said it was 10mm which really didn’t mean anything to me until I saw this pic.
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I met with a urologist today who is in the kidney stone business and he said according to his measurements it’s 12mm.  Either way, it’s not getting out on its own.   On the way to the ER I told Mickey that I hoped I was one of those women who get a scan and discover they have a 20 pound tumor or cyst.  No such luck.  Just a little rock.  I couldn’t have been more shocked to hear the news and asked what on Earth caused it. That’s when I was educated about oxalates. In a nutshell: Oxalic acid is an organic compound found in many plants, including leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, cocoa, nuts, and seeds. In plants, it’s usually bound to minerals, forming oxalate. The terms “oxalic acid” and “oxalate” are used interchangeably in nutrition science .Your body can produce oxalate on its own or obtain it from food. Vitamin C can also be converted into oxalate when it’s metabolized. Once consumed, oxalate can bind to minerals to form compounds, including calcium oxalate and iron oxalate. This mostly occurs in the colon, but can also take place in the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract .In most people, these compounds are then eliminated in the stool or urine. However, in sensitive individuals, high oxalate diets have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones and other health problems. Normally, calcium and small amounts of oxalate are present in the urinary tract at the same time, but they remain dissolved and cause no problems.However, sometimes they bind to form crystals. In some people, these crystals can lead to the formation of stones, especially when oxalate is high and urine volume is low. Small stones often don’t cause any problems, but large stones can cause severe pain, nausea, and blood in the urine as they move through the urinary tract. Although there are other types of kidney stones, about 80% are made up of calcium oxalate .For this reason, people who have had one episode of kidney stones may be advised to minimize their consumption of foods high in oxalate  Not the only cause of kidney stones, but the most common cause. Once they get mine and analyze it they’ll be able to tell me (hopefully) why it formed and what I can do to avoid a repeat performance.  The paperwork that they gave me to take home had a chart of high oxalate and low oxalate foods.
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I love spinach.  Know what I like on my spinach salad? Almonds and a raspberry vinaigrette. I love taters, both sweet and not, and eggplant is also a favorite. But imagine the deep sorrow I felt when spying chocolate on that list.  Just kill me. Luckily I can have all the bok choy I want.
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I’m trying not to jump the gun, maybe they’ll come back and tell me that mine is a result of not enough of something  - “We’ll have to ask you to double up on your popcorn consumption.”  Ever the optimist. Anyway, the dr’s office will call Monday to schedule my surgery and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I don’t do this sort of stuff well, I default to denial and I’m fine, and soldier on.  I’d rather try a hundred folk remedies before visiting a doctor or, heaven forbid, having a procedure of any type. If I thought wrapping my abdomen in linen soaked in hog fat and sleeping with a penny under my pillow during a full moon would work, I’d try it.  Mickey insisted that I go, and I guess I’m glad he did.  Honestly, my prominent emotion right now is gratitude that this didn’t happen while we were in Chincoteague and that I was able to spend Halloween with my favorite girl.  The universe gave me a pass until November 1st so I could enjoy my favorite month.  Can’t beat that. So that’s what’s up here on our patch. I feel like I’ve been sick or broken since we moved and that’s just not me. I’m buoyant and happy and healthy - at least I used to be!  I’m over it, I’m done. Let’s get through the rest of this year and wipe the slate clean.  FRESH START. And now, because I haven’t kept a meal in my stomach since Halloween but have managed to hold on to four crackers today (victory!), I’m going to attempt some chicken soup. Sounds like a feast right now. I’ll keep you posted, crossing my fingers that all the news is good from now on. Stay safe, stay well, mind your oxalates.
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doctortwhohiddles · 2 years
I just watch a very interesting show on the history of medicine. The episode was about kidney stones. They said that there's not much you can do to prevent them, but they listed the foods that were most likely to cause them (because of a certain molecule). Guess what the 2 things topped the list? Chocolate and tea. I guess I'm a medical miracle because that accounts for 50% of my food intake and I've never had kidney stones.
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healthypathways · 3 months
Recurring From Back Pain? Follow These 5 Tips To Get Instant Relief
Back pain is one of the most common conditions occurring in adults. It affects your quality of life by causing discomfort in the upper, middle, or lower back. Recurring pain at frequent intervals makes the situation worse. Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to a sharp, excruciating one. There may be many reasons behind it. Thankfully, you can manage your back pain by following some easy remedies.
Here's everything about back pain and its management. 
Causes of Back Pain 
Age is the most common cause of back pain. As you start hitting your 30s, your discs wear away, leading to stiffness and lower back pain. 
Poor posture is another cause of backache and other back problems in many people. Working on your computer system or laptop by sitting in the wrong position puts pressure on your ligaments and muscles, leading to pain and discomfort.
Wrong form of exercise can be another cause of back pain in some people. Lifting heavy objects without the supervision of a professional may lead to sprain in the muscles, which may cause constant pain. 
In some cases, structural problems, such as ruptured discs, sciatica, bulging discs, osteoporosis, kidney infection or stone, and unusual curvature of the spine may lead to excruciating pain in the back. 
Being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the spine, leading to constant lower back pain and other problems. 
The lifestyle choices you make are another factor in affecting your back problem. A sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle makes your body susceptible to various forms of pain, including back pain. 
Other reasons your body may experience back pain include accidents, falls, injuries, trauma, etc.
How to Get Instant Relief from Back Pain? 
You can manage back pain over time by over-the-counter medication suggested by your doctor and by making lifestyle changes. For instant relief, follow the below-listed tips. 
Try Injection-Based Treatments 
Upon experiencing frequent bouts of sharp back pain, you can opt for injection-based treatments for quick relief. Trigger point injections, nerve ablations, nerve blocks, and epidural steroid injections help quickly lessen the pain. In some cases, these injections may also rule out the causes of the problem. 
While injections offer instant relief from back pain, it is not a permanent treatment to manage your problem. 
Stretching Exercises 
One of the excellent ways you can relieve back pain instantly is by performing a few stretching exercises. Exercise helps improve flexibility, release the tension in the muscles, and reduce discomfort. 
You can perform a hamstring stretch by lying on your back with one leg outstretched. Maintain the position and lift the opposite leg. Use a resistance band and draw it towards your chest. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat with the opposite leg. 
Stand near a wall and bend one knee. Try to bring your heel towards the buttocks by grasping your foot with your hand. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. 
Try Alternative Treatments 
If stretching or injections don’t work for you, you can opt for alternative treatments to get instant relief from the burning back pain. Some of the therapies, such as acupuncture, back massage, laser therapy, biofeedback therapy, and electric nerve stimulation, are remarkable ways to manage your back pain. Whether your back pain is short-term or recurring, these methods help alleviate the pain and discomfort, thereby improving your condition. 
Before opting for these procedures, talk to your doctor or spine specialist.
Pamper Yourself with an Anti-Inflammatory Drink 
Anti-inflammatory foods and drinks are effective in managing back pain and offer instant back relief. It is a good option if you don’t want to take medication and treat your problem naturally. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of some ingredients help manage the pain and minimize the inflammatory reactions. 
Turmeric milk is an excellent an excellent anti-inflammatory drink. It works by relieving the bouts of pain and causing instant relief to your problem. You can also make ginger-green tea. The herb-infused tea has soothing properties.
Try Heat or Cold Therapy 
Opting for heat or cold therapy is an effective instant treatment for back pain. Applying a heating pad to your back helps relax tense muscles. It also increases blood flow, thereby easing the pain. You can apply the heating pad or take a warm bath to relax your muscles. 
Similarly, using an ice pack on your back is another way to treat immense back pain. Cold therapy works by reducing inflammation caused in your back. It also numbs the area and alleviates pain. Both these strategies reduce back pain effectively. 
Besides following the above-listed tips, we suggest you improve your quality of life by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Indulging in exercise, healthy eating, and other healthy habits means taking care of your back directly or indirectly.
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ghaihomoeremedies · 6 months
The Top 5 Best Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Stone Relief
Kidney stones are a common and painful condition that affects many individuals worldwide. While traditional medical treatments exist, an increasing number of people are turning towards homeopathic remedies for a natural and gentle approach to relief. In this blog, we will explore the 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones, offering those suffering a beacon of hope for effective management and prevention.
1. Berberis Vulgaris: The Cornerstone of Relief
At the top of our list is Berberis Vulgaris, widely regarded as one of the 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones. Known for its ability to address the sharp, shooting pains associated with kidney stones, Berberis Vulgaris helps to ease discomfort and support the passage of stones. It’s especially effective for stones located in the left kidney and is a staple in any homeopathic practitioner's arsenal for treating urinary tract issues.
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2. Hydrangea Arborescens: The Stone Breaker
Hydrangea Arborescens, often referred to as the "stone breaker," is renowned for its efficacy in not only easing the pain of kidney stones but also helping to dissolve them. This remedy is particularly useful for those with multiple or recurrent stones, offering a natural solution to a persisting problem.
3. Cantharis Vesicatoria: For Urgency and Pain
When it comes to managing the intense burning and pain during urination caused by kidney stones, Cantharis Vesicatoria is unmatched. This remedy is ideal for those experiencing high levels of discomfort, providing relief from the urgent, cutting pains that often accompany kidney stone movement.
4. Lycopodium Clavatum: For Right-sided Stones
Lycopodium Clavatum is specifically targeted towards individuals with stones in the right kidney. It addresses the bloating, gas, and discomfort often seen in these cases, making it a critical component of the 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones. Lycopodium is also suited for those with a tendency towards uric acid stones, offering a holistic approach to prevention and treatment.
5. Nux Vomica: For Kidney Stone Colic
Rounding out our list is Nux Vomica, a key remedy for relieving renal colic caused by kidney stones. It is particularly effective for those with a lifestyle that involves heavy consumption of coffee, alcohol, or rich foods. Nux Vomica not only eases the colic but also helps in the preventive management of kidney stones.
Integrating Homeopathic Remedies into Your Health Regimen
Incorporating these 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones into your health regimen offers a promising alternative or complement to conventional treatments. It's important to adopt a holistic health approach, including staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in regular exercise to support the effectiveness of these remedies.
Ghai Homoeo Remedies: Your Trusted Source
At Ghai Homoeo Remedies, we understand the importance of quality and specificity in homeopathic treatments. Our selection of the 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones is designed to meet the unique needs of those suffering from this condition. By choosing Ghai Homoeo Remedies, you’re opting for a natural, gentle approach to kidney stone management and prevention.
Kidney stones can be a source of significant discomfort, but with the 5 best homeopathic medicines for kidney stones, relief is within reach. These remedies offer a natural, effective approach to managing kidney stones, providing both immediate relief and long-term prevention. Trust in Ghai Homoeo Remedies to provide the support and solutions you need to navigate this condition with confidence.
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manipalhospital1 · 7 months
Kidney Stones: Why Do They Occur? Types & Symptoms
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that develop within the kidneys. They are also referred to as kidney stone disease, renal calculus disease, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis. Kidney stones occur due to the concentration and crystallisation of certain substances. These structures vary in size. It can either be tiny particles or larger, more obstructive formations. They not only cause bodily discomfort, but it also disrupts kidney function. It affects the urinary health! Small kidney stones often pass through your urinary tract unnoticed. However, larger ones can cause pain and lead to complications if left untreated.
 Why Do Kidney Stones Occur?
 Symptoms of Kidney Stones
 Types of Kidney Stones
 Treatment for Kidney Stones
Why Do Kidney Stones Occur?
Kidney stones may occur for various reasons, starting from lifestyle choices to inherent metabolic issues. A few factors that cause kidney stones symptoms are listed below: 
Dehydration is perhaps the most important factor that causes kidney stones. If there is a lack of adequate fluids in your body, the urine becomes concentrated. When your body is dehydrated, it reduces the urine volume. This allows minerals to clump together and form stones. So, staying well-hydrated holds paramount importance in preventing kidney stones. Aim to consume at least 2-3 litres of fluids per day.
Dietary Factors
Your diet may contribute to increasing the risk of kidney stones. It includes:
Oxalate-rich food, like beets, nuts, and certain leafy vegetables bind with urine calcium that may form crystals, resulting in kidney stones. 
High sodium intake increases calcium levels in the urine, promoting calcium-containing stones. 
A very low-calcium diet may also contribute to kidney stones.
Metabolic Factors
Excessive levels of calcium, oxalate, and uric acid in urine heighten the risk of kidney stones. These issues can be the result of genetic disorders, dietary choices, or certain medical conditions. Consult an expert nephrologist for the right dietary modifications to reduce the risk factors.
Medical Conditions
Some prevalent health issues may make you more susceptible to developing kidney stones.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) create a kidney stone-friendly environment in your body. These infections alter the urine composition. This, in turn, promotes the crystallisation of minerals.
A genetic disorder called Cystinuria increases the cystine levels in the urine. This condition poses a higher risk for recurrent kidney stones. 
Renal Tubular Acidosis disrupts your kidney’s ability to acidify the urine effectively. Such an altered urinary environment may contribute to the formation of stones. 
Other conditions may include hypocitraturia (low citrate levels), Vit-D deficiency, gout, Hypercalciuria (excessive calcium excretion in urine), and inflammatory bowel disease (chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract).
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
The warning signs of kidney stones may vary from person to person. It usually depends on the severity of the condition. 
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We suggest you consult a top nephrologist in Whitefield immediately if you notice these symptoms persistently.
Types of Kidney Stones
There are different types of kidney stones, typically characterised by their composition. Understanding them is necessary to manage the issue accordingly.
Calcium Oxalate Stones
Composition: Primarily calcium combined with oxalate. It is the most prevalent type. Causes: High oxalate diet, inadequate fluid intake, and certain metabolic conditions.
Calcium Phosphate Stones
Composition: Mainly calcium combined with phosphate. Causes: High pH in urine, underlying metabolic disorders, or renal tubular acidosis.
Uric Acid Stones
Composition: Uric acid. Causes: High purine diet, dehydration, gout, and certain metabolic conditions.
Struvite Stones
Composition: Composed of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate. This type is more common in women. Causes: Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Cystine Stones
Composition: An amino acid called Cystine. It is the least common type.  Causes: Often hereditary (cystinuria).
Mixed Composition Stones
Composition: Combination of different minerals. Identifying this type is quite challenging. It may require specialised analysis.
Diagnosing the right type of kidney stone is crucial for accurate treatment methods. Diagnosis can be by a urine sample test, CT scan, abdominal X-ray, or ultrasound. To know more about kidney stone and it treatment read our full blog here.
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healthyyhabitshub · 1 year
The 5 Types of Foods That May Cause Kidney Stones #shorts #foods
The 5 Types of Foods That May Cause Kidney Stones #shorts #foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEGLCDHrF7Y The 5 Types of Foods That May Cause Kidney Stones #shorts #bluelights #kidneystones Want to create automated professional videos? Visit the following link: https://ift.tt/vpQfuOP ✅ Important link to follow: 👉 Pictory AI: https://ift.tt/vpQfuOP ✅ Stay connected to Us. 🔔Please Subscribe to our channel to get more valuable tips to live a healthy life: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Transform Your Life with the top Alkaline Foods| Health Benefits of Alkaline Foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i-WZc4ZXU 👉 5 Ways to Stop Bloating Fast | How to get rid of Bloating Fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVwjUdD6QF0 👉 Top 10 High-Fiber Foods for a Healthy Diet | High fiber foods list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSfocGEFwg 👉 Joint Pain Enemies Exposed: Unveiling the 6 Worst Foods for Arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90zgHZdIixo ✅ Welcome Healthy Habits Hub: Welcome to "Healthy Habits Hub" We'll share amazing facts about your body and motivate you with health shorts. You'll learn inspiring stories and helpful tips for a healthier life. Discover the secrets to balance, debunk myths, and improve your well-being. Let's start this journey with The Clear Mind and live happier and healthier! 🔔 Please Subscribe to our channel to get more insights on topics like healthy And fascinating facts about your body: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== #sleepscience #bettersleep #sleephygiene #sleepoptimization #sleepdisorders #healthysleep #sleepoptimization #healthysleephabits Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain copyrighted music and images. Any public, media, and any other business usage are subject to a business license. Unauthorized usage and publications are prohibited. © Healthy Habits Hub via Healthy Habits Hub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauUf6FRrLX90ye_EJy6w2g September 16, 2023 at 12:00AM
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drudra · 1 year
What causes abdominal pain ?
Abdominal pain can be caused by various factors and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. Dr. Ronak Ajmera says Some common causes of abdominal pain include:
Indigestion and gas: Overeating, consuming spicy or fatty foods, or eating too quickly can lead to indigestion and gas, causing abdominal discomfort and pain.
Gastroenteritis: This is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract commonly caused by viruses or bacteria. It can result in abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
Gastric ulcers: These are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach. They can cause abdominal pain, especially during or after eating.
Gallstones: These are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder. If a gallstone gets trapped in the bile duct, it can cause sudden and intense abdominal pain known as biliary colic.
Appendicitis: This is the inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch located in the lower right abdomen. It typically causes severe pain that starts around the belly button and moves to the lower right side.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): This is a chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. It can cause abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation).
Kidney stones: These are hard deposits that form in the kidneys. When they move through the urinary tract, they can cause intense pain in the lower abdomen or side.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Infections in the urinary tract, including the bladder or kidneys, can cause abdominal pain, along with symptoms like frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, and cloudy urine.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): This condition occurs when the stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing heartburn and abdominal pain.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis cause chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms.
It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and abdominal pain can have numerous other causes. If you're experiencing persistent or severe abdominal pain, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies (Scam Exposed 2022) Is It Scam Or Legitimate?
What is Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review?
Natural and clinically proven, these Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review are developed to help people lose healthy weight and become trim. Soft gel capsules with the formula's natural ingredients are available for those who want to take supplements. It's a fat-burning oral capsule that also inhibits your body from storing fat in the first place. It has a long list of health benefits.
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Visit Now - https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/active-boost-keto-acv-gummies-review-official-website-2023-40-20-gummies-active-boost-keto-gummies-must-watch-pros-cons--news-295041
Read More -  https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/keto-core-acv-gummies-canada-2023-exposed-is-keto-core-gummies-canada-23291013
These Gummies help your body burn fat stores and reservoirs and guarantee they are used as energy. They are taken orally with water, which causes ketosis, a metabolic state in which fat is burned for energy rather than carbohydrates.
Using only natural ingredients, these Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review are the most potent fat-burning gummies on the market. The gummies help speed up weight reduction by boosting your metabolism and raising your core temperature, which aids in the breakdown of fat stores and reservoirs. It also decreases hunger sensations and hunger levels while limiting the desire for junk food and extra meals.
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Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review: How Do They Work?
All-natural and thoroughly tested, these Gummies are filled with natural components and help you shed unnecessary weight to slim in a short time. Based on the ketosis process, the formula causes your body to enter a state of ketosis, which burns fat cells. As a result, the ketogenic function is activated, and fat cells are burned up more quickly than carbohydrates. Using fat as a source of energy for the body cells promotes the body's focus on fat stores and reserves instead of carbohydrates. It boosts your energy levels and stops your body from healthily gaining weight.
In making Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review , what ingredients are used?
Apple Cider Vinegar – Regarding weight loss, Apple Cider Vinegar is the key ingredient. Polyphenols are found in the material, which aids in weight loss and aids in the removal of excess fat. Blood glucose levels are better controlled, and insulin resistance is improved, thanks to the drug.
BHB Ketone – Exogenous ketone is the second most significant ingredient in the composition. The gummies release it into the body, which causes it to go into ketosis. Active Boost Keto ACV Gummies Review As a result, your body can shed excess weight and regain its energy levels. Taking this supplement will help you lose weight and get back in top physical condition.
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Minerals – Various naturally grown minerals are also included in the gummy weight loss aids. Some of these minerals are useful in treating gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation. It also heals kidney stones and aids in weight loss, making it an ideal supplement for anyone looking to shed pounds.
Flavors – Aside from the natural flavorings, the gummies also contain artificial tastes to improve the overall flavor and smoothness of the product.
Visit Now - https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/active-boost-keto-acv-gummies-review-official-website-2023-40-20-gummies-active-boost-keto-gummies-must-watch-pros-cons--news-295041
Read More -  https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/keto-core-acv-gummies-canada-2023-exposed-is-keto-core-gummies-canada-23291013
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bluebliss1 · 1 year
5 Shocking Everyday Food Items that can cause Kidney Stones!
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Calcium Oxalate
Uric Acid
These are formed by the reaction of various foods and chemicals that you intake daily. Either you can avoid these harmful food items, take necessary precautions or seek help from a medical practitioner.
Does your food contain stone-forming chemicals, i.e. oxalate, calcium, urate, xanthine, cystine, and phosphate? Then, it’s time to find out.
Junk Food: We almost have these every day, and the list includes canned foods, packaged meats, fast foods, etc. These food items contain a lot of sodium or salt, which keeps them fresh for days. An abnormal amount of calcium in your urine and extra oxalate reacts to form stones in the kidneys.
Black Tea: Yes, you read that right. The cup of beverage that you have every morning can lead to kidney stones. It is rich in oxalate, which, if consumed in heavy amounts, gets restricted within the body. And thus lead to stone formation.
Chocolate: The list begins with dark chocolates, cocoa powder, cocoa beans, which contain an anti-nutrient called oxalate. As discussed above, this chemical is not favourable for the body if you intake it in high amounts.
Animal Protein: Having too much animal protein can affect uric acid in your body, which is one of the prime compositions of kidney stones. The food list that you need to avoid includes red meat, pork, poultry, eggs, dairy products, sea-shell and every type of seafood. Further, animal protein is also responsible for the reduction in urinary citrate level. This chemical helps to prevent stone formation and thus increases the risk.
Food items such as Strawberries, Spinach, Soy Milk, certain nuts (such as almonds, cashews), soybeans: These contain high amounts of calcium and sodium (the rate varies within each food). These react with oxalic acid and form calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Now, the body tries to drain these harmful chemicals, but when it reaches the utmost capability and fails to process, the result is kidney stone.
Recent studies have even shown that people who intake high doses of vitamin C (maybe in the form of medicine or supplements) are more prone to getting affected by kidney stones. Based on recent reports, the prevalence of kidney diseases, particularly kidney stones is about half a million globally, every year.
Other possible reasons for the formation of kidney stones are drinking inadequate amounts of water, obesity, and family history. These are directly proportional to kidney stone formation. Last but not least, you can also try following the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which has proven to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
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fastdiet · 1 year
🍇🥦🍗 Are you struggling with gout or kidney stones? A low-purine diet may be the solution. Purines are compounds found in many foods that can cause uric acid buildup, leading to painful flare-ups. Our guide provides a comprehensive list of foods to avoid and enjoy. 📚📥 Download our free PDF guide now to learn how to manage your symptoms through diet. Our guide includes tips on meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking low-purine meals. You'll also find delicious recipes to try at home. 🥗🍓🍤 Don't let gout or kidney stones control your life. Take control of your diet and start feeling better today. Download our low-purine diet guide and start your journey to a healthier, pain-free life.1. Understanding Purines: What Are They and Why Do They Matter in Your Diet?Purines are natural substances found in many foods. They are broken down into uric acid in the body, which can cause gout and kidney stones. High-purine foods include organ meats, seafood, and beer. Low-purine options include fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Reducing purine intake can help prevent gout attacks. Drinking plenty of water and limiting alcohol consumption can also help. It's important to note that not all purine-rich foods need to be avoided completely. Moderation is key in maintaining a healthy diet. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations for managing purine intake. 🍎🥦🥛2. The Benefits of a Low-Purine Diet: Managing Gout and Other Health Conditions Lowering uric acid levels: A low-purine diet can help manage gout by reducing the amount of uric acid in the body. Reducing inflammation: By avoiding high-purine foods, inflammation in the joints can be reduced, leading to less pain and discomfort. Improving heart health: A low-purine diet can also benefit those with high blood pressure and heart disease by reducing the intake of saturated fats and cholesterol. Weight loss: By eliminating high-calorie, high-fat foods, a low-purine diet can aid in weight loss and improve overall health. Managing kidney disease: For those with kidney disease, a low-purine diet can help manage symptoms and prevent further damage to the kidneys. Improving overall health: A low-purine diet can lead to improved digestion, increased energy levels, and better overall health. 🍎🥦🥕🥬🍇🍓🥩🐟🍳🥛 Remember to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.3. Foods to Avoid on a Low-Purine Diet: High-Purine Foods to Cut Out of Your DietWhen following a low-purine diet, it's important to avoid high-purine foods that can trigger gout attacks. Here are some foods to cut out: Organ meats like liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads 🚫 Seafood such as anchovies, sardines, mussels, and scallops 🐟 Red meat including beef, pork, and lamb 🍖 Game meat like venison and elk 🦌 Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, and bacon 🌭 Other high-purine foods to avoid include: Yeast and yeast extracts 🍞 Asparagus, spinach, and mushrooms 🍄 Cauliflower, peas, and lentils 🌱 Beer and other alcoholic beverages 🍺 Sugar-sweetened drinks and foods 🍩 Remember, a low-purine diet doesn't mean you have to give up all of your favorite foods. Just make sure to limit your intake of high-purine foods and choose low-purine alternatives instead.4. Low-Purine Foods to Incorporate into Your Diet: Delicious and Nutritious OptionsLow-purine foods are essential for people with gout or high uric acid levels. Here are some delicious and nutritious options: Beans and lentils Whole grains Fruits and vegetables Nuts and seeds These foods are not only low in purine but also packed with essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health. Some tasty options include: Quinoa salad with roasted vegetables Black bean soup with avocado and lime Roasted sweet potato with tahini and pomegranate seeds Walnut and pear salad with blue cheese Don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and herbal tea. Avoid high-purine foods like red meat, organ meats, and seafood. With these low-purine options, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals while managing your gout or high uric acid levels. 🍴🥗🍲5. Tips for Sticking to a Low-Purine Diet: Meal Planning and Eating Out StrategiesMeal planning is crucial for sticking to a low-purine diet. Here are some tips: Choose lean meats and poultry Include plenty of fruits and vegetables Avoid high-purine foods like organ meats and shellfish Eating out can be challenging, but these strategies can help: Check the menu in advance Ask for substitutions or modifications Choose grilled or baked options instead of fried Don't forget to stay hydrated and limit alcohol consumption. These habits can help reduce gout symptoms: Drink plenty of water Avoid sugary drinks Limit alcohol intake Snacking can be a pitfall for a low-purine diet. Here are some healthy options: Fresh fruit Nuts and seeds Low-fat dairy products Remember, a low-purine diet doesn't have to be boring. Experiment with new recipes and flavors to keep things interesting. 🍴6. Sample Low-Purine Diet Meal Plan: A Day's Worth of Nutritious and Flavorful Meals Start your day with a low-purine breakfast of scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms, whole-grain toast, and a side of fresh berries. 🍳🍞🍓 For lunch, enjoy a tuna salad made with low-purine ingredients like canned tuna, celery, and Greek yogurt on a bed of mixed greens. 🥗🐟 Snack on a handful of almonds and a piece of fruit in the afternoon to keep your energy up. 🍎🌰 Dinner can be a flavorful grilled chicken breast with roasted sweet potatoes and a side of steamed green beans. 🍗🍠🥦 End the day with a low-purine dessert like a bowl of fresh mixed berries topped with a dollop of whipped cream. 🍓🍨 Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support kidney function. 💧 7. Download Our Low-Purine Diet Guide in PDF Format: Your Comprehensive Resource for Managing Your Diet and Health📥 Download our low-purine diet guide in PDF format for free. 🥗 This comprehensive resource will help you manage your diet and improve your health. 🍎 Learn about foods to avoid and foods to include in your diet. 💊 Discover tips for reducing uric acid levels and preventing gout attacks. 🍓 Get recipe ideas for delicious low-purine meals. 📈 Track your progress with our handy food diary and symptom tracker. 👨‍⚕️ Consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet. 👍 Start your journey towards better health today with our low-purine diet guide. In conclusion, a low-purine diet can help manage gout and other related conditions. By reducing the intake of high-purine foods, you can prevent the buildup of uric acid in your body. This diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of other health issues. Download our free PDF guide to get started on your low-purine diet today! 📥 It's packed with helpful tips, meal plans, and delicious low-purine recipes. Remember to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making any major changes to your diet. Stick to the plan, and you'll be on your way to a healthier, happier you! 🙌 https://fastdiet.net/low-purine-diet-guide-download-pdf-now/?_unique_id=647df3ce2b58f
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cpharmaceutical · 1 year
C-CIT Syrup MANUFACTURER/ MARKETER C Pharmaceuticals SALT COMPOSITION Disodium Hydrogen Citrate (1.53gm/5ml) STORAGE Store below 30°C
Product introduction
C-CIT 1.53gm Syrup is a medicine used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones. It stops the production of uric acid in the body and reduces the episodes of gout attack and prevent kidney stones.
C-CIT 1.53gm Syrup can be taken with or without food. This will prevent you from getting an upset stomach. Take it regularly and do not stop taking the medicine even if you get better until your doctor tells you it is alright to stop.
The most common side effect of this medicine is stomach pain. It may also cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, frequent urge to urinate, and tiredness. If any of these side effects do not resolve with time or get worsen, you should let your doctor know. Your doctor may help with ways to reduce or prevent these symptoms by reducing the dose or prescribing an alternative medicine.
To make sure the medicine is safe for you, before taking this medicine, let your doctor know all the other medicines you are taking. Also tell your doctor if you have any problems with your heart, kidneys, or liver. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor first before taking this medicine.
Benefits of DavaIndia Syrup
In Treatment of Gout
C-CIT 1.53gm Syrup is used to prevent and treat gout. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in your body. When the level becomes too high, crystals may form in and around certain joints and your kidneys. This can cause sudden and severe pain, redness, warmth, and swelling. This medicine works by preventing crystals from forming and reducing the levels of uric acid in your blood. This makes it less likely that you will suffer the symptoms and make them milder if you do have them. It is usually for long-term treatment and should be taken regularly until the dose is completed.
In Treatment of Kidney stone
C-CIT1.53gm Syrup helps to treat and prevent the formation of kidney stones. It inhibits stone formation and breaks up small stones that are beginning to form. This medicine helps to form a protective coating on the existing stones and helps prevent other particles from sticking to their surface and becoming bigger in size.
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nyc-uws · 1 year
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Supplements and Healthy Aging for Seniors
You might not know this, but as we age, we need fewer calories to thrive. So, it’s especially important that those calories are rich in nutrients. But here’s the challenge: According to WebMD.com, senior bodies are less efficient at absorbing key nutrients. Seniors can also lose some ability to taste. It’s why they often choose sweet or salty foods first, which aren’t as nutritious.
While food is the best nutrition source according to the National Institute of Health’s Institute on Aging, some seniors might need a boost from supplements. We’ve compiled a list of the best supplements for seniors to discuss with their physician. Together, you can decide if any or all of them would be beneficial to you.
5 Supplements Worth Discussing with Your Doctor
The following list shares five of the best supplements for seniors and also includes foods that are a good natural source of the nutrient. As with any health recommendations, be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any supplement regimen.
Vitamin B12: When it comes to healthy aging, B12 is essential for optimal brain function, and even a mild deficiency can put you at risk for dementia. Equally concerning, many older adults take medication for acid reflux or to control blood sugar, and these medications can also deplete your B12 level. For these reasons, the Institute of Medicine advises adults over 50 to get most of their B12 from supplements. Check with your physician on the recommended dosage for your needs. Also eat these foods: Fish, meat, poultry, clams, eggs, milk and milk products
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and to protect against illness and infection. It may also help protect against certain diseases like cancer, type 1 diabetes and others. Getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun can help the skin produce Vitamin D. Unfortunately, aging diminishes our ability to absorb it. What’s more, if you don’t go outside often, it’s likely you could be deficient in this important vitamin. Check with your physician on the recommended dosage for your needs. Also eat these foods: Tuna, mackerel, beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, fortified cereals, fortified yogurt, fortified juice
Protein: As you age, it gets harder to build and maintain muscle mass. Why is that important to know for senior health? According to the SHIELD study, muscle mass is essential for a healthy immune system. In fact, adults ages 65+ require higher amounts of protein than young adults, and some can need almost double the amount depending on their nutritional status or if they have an acute or chronic disease. For this reason, protein powder is one of the best supplements for seniors. Adding whey protein powder into a daily shake is a great way to ensure you get the daily requirement. Check with your physician on the recommended dosage for your needs.Also eat these foods: Beef, chicken, beans, almonds
Calcium: Older adults tend to consume less calcium in natural forms like dairy products and certain leafy vegetables. Because it plays a role in maintaining strong bones and fending off fractures. It’s important to take supplements prudently, however, because recent studies by the Mayo Clinic show that too much calcium can  create an increased risk of heart attack. Check with your physician on the recommended dosage for your needs. Also eat these foods: Three servings per day of low-fat milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese, kale and broccoli, and juices fortified with calcium. If you can’t consume dairy products, talk to your doctor about whether you should take a supplement.
Potassium: This mineral is essential for proper heart function and bone strength. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of kidney stones, lower blood pressure., and reduce the risk of cancer and digestive disorders, among other benefits. Many diuretics leach potassium out of your system, as does excessive sweating and smoking, among other causes. Check with your physician on the recommended dosage for your needs. Also eat these foods: Bananas, prunes, potatoes, avocadoes, peanuts, citrus fruits, milk, leafy green vegetables
The three vitamins and minerals below are also among the best supplements for seniors. Be sure to include them when you and your doctor discuss what’s best for your health:
Magnesium – helps maintain a strong immune system, a healthy heart and strong bones.

Vitamin B6 – helps protect nerves and form red blood cells.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) – some studies link ALCAR supplements with fighting age-related fatigue and cognitive decline.
Want more tips for healthy aging? Download our free tip sheet.
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