#listen! they both love dance and musical theater!
theangrypomeranian · 1 year
you know who would be best friends??
Courtney and Jimmy Jr.
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spinninglightning · 6 months
treech th type of guy to listen to one direction and clarity by zedd. n jst the early 2010s music in general. lamina though? definitely into 80s pop, madonna, cyndi lauper, pat benatar- the WORKS
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robinsnest2111 · 8 months
thinking about the cute goth girl and the sweet metalhead from my dreams again. and how they're kinda like alternate universe versions of 2 of my oldest ocs actually. hmm 🤔
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Theater Brat pt. 3 🎭
Buggy x FemReader
Some more Angst then Fluff but still fun!
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You felt like your head was pounding, groaning softly as you felt yourself come to. Was it the alcohol from the party in Tangerine town?.. but you don't remeber drinking that much?.. It wasn't until the image of Buggy's eyes on you that evening that everything came to and you snapped your eyes open finally.
It was almost pitch black but with a single spotlight on the ground about 10 ft from you, yourself seated on what could only be described as a wooden red throne. Sitting up you see you're dresses in a far too expensive gown, very similar to one from your favorite musicals but dyed a sky blue color as well as jewelry hanging down from your ears, neck and wrist. Even a ring placed on your hand which was gold with a sapphire in the center.
A sense of panic hit your chest as you tried to sit up- far too quickly as the ache in your head returned. Making you sit back down on the chair.
"Sorry, those Muggy Balls can cause drowsiness and headaches.. I thought I gave you the smallest one I had but- seems it was still too strong" You heard a all too familiar voice say, turning to see Buggy standing just to the side of the throne. Leaned against it as he used one of his knives to clean under his nails-
"B-Buggy what the hell? I agreed to go with you- why did you?"
"To make it easier, it's harder to sneak a person put instead of just kidnapping them while unconscious. Way quieter" He said with a crooked grin, Leaning back up and walking around the throne like chair. Looking you over like a predator who had finally caught their prey.
"And the costume?.." You questioned, swallowing thickly as you saw his eyes linger over your form.
"Just a gift, for your care of me while with the Strawhats" He said with a smile. His hands playing with your hair as he stepped to your left and sighed contently at the sight of you.
"Bring it here!" He yelled at some shadows in the corner, before a grand desk was brought out and set infront of you by two of his crewmates. The finest of pens, pencils, paints and paper also set upfront of you, as well as a bowl of fine sweets you had once expressed enjoying and even popcorn.
You couldn't help but feel both flattered and a little scared how much he had thought this threw. Your favorite snacks, your favorite drinks, he had truly listened to it all and you hadn't even realized it.
"I have prepared my best show yet, and as promised. No 'Gore' or anything to scare you Doll' He said teasingly, which surprisingly drew a chuckle from you.
"I hope you enjoy, and I do want to see what you can draw up for me" He said with a wink as he stepped back from you and into the waiting spotlight.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls here to witness the greatest show of all! Buggy' Circus of Delight!" He announced, the lights coming on all around you as flocks of different acts came out in at first a symphony of chaos. Before they organized in a perfect rehearsed fashion.
Act after act was done perfectly, from the dancing Lion, to Buggy's juggling act which even included his own head that made you laugh st your seams. Musical numbers of your favorite songs, Acrobatics, Contortionist and everything under the sun.
By the end of it you were Grinning ear to ear and applauding the group.
"That was absolutely wonderful! You all are very talented and lovely, I'm impressed" You praised, which earned received smiled from the crew. Buggy walked over to you and leaned against the chair again to see what you had made, Grinning widely at the drawing you had conjured up.
"Perfect-" He muttered, You looking up at him to see his eyes on you and not your painting. Blushing a bit as you smiled.
"I'm glad you like it Buggy! I wanted the highlight the diversity and talent of your show" You said, cheerfully, however you were surprised when Buggy detached his hand and gently grabbed yours. Looking to see you had removed the bracelets and ring-
"You took them off?" He questioned, raising a brow at said jewelry on the desk.
"Oh I didn't want to get ink on them or scratch the paper" You admitted with a calm shrug. He frowned slightly.
"If they were damaged or you don't like them I'd get you new ones" He said with a shrug, Acting like the jewelry wasn't that important or hard to find.
"(Y/N) I promise I'll give you anything you wish for. Nothing is too expensive for you" He said, his eyes glowing with that same emotion as before- one you didn't know until now... obsession.
"There is no need for that, I promise. Besides Buggy this stuff is lovely but far too expensive for me. This could cost most people a fortune and I have never worn expensive things" You emphasized, but saw Buggy smile and pick back up the ring and slide it back on your finger. Giving your hand a gentle squueze.
He waved over his crew members who brought his throne over- you realizing he must have had a second throne for you either brought up or made as his own was sat next to you, his hand still holding over yours. As if also rehearsed a large meal was brought out and set on open spots of the desk. You noticed how much this seemed to be planned- the show, dress, jewelry even the lunch and snacks gifted to you... it was perfectly planned.
"Say what did you think of the juggling?-" Buggy said quickly, pulling your mind from yout questioning thoughts like he could read you so openly.
You and Buggy talked for a while, eating lunch together and tlaughing. Buggy expressing delight in the artistic rendering that you had made and even flexing his arm to show that he was way buffer then most, laughing you to break out in giggles which he clearly enjoyed
"This has been delightful Buggy, But I must get back to my crew" You said with a happy sigh having enjoyed the day greatly despite the scary start, not catching the darkened look that grazed Buggy's eyes.
"Alright, But it has been a long journey and show for you. How about you take a bath and rest a little? I have a room you can use" He said with a kind smile, which seemed off in a way. However you nodded non the less.
After the very nice bath and having a few snacks you laid in the massive bed. Dressed in the nice pajamas that one of the crew members dropped off for you.
You looked around, noticing something you hadn't noticed before. The gold looking bolts on your window so it couldn't be opened, how secure this room was and separated it was from the crew quarters. Paired with something that immediately caught you eyes- painted directly above your head was a blue bird- around its closed wings golden lines wrapped around it..
"A golden cage..." You whispered, dread filling your soul as you looked around. The expensive clothes laid in the cherry wood draws, the massive sleigh bed that was filled with the finest of of pillows and silk blankets. All the art supplies and trinkets you could ask for.. This was your cage- He wasn't going to let you out.
Rushing to the door you try the handle, feeling the door not give way and the handle not budge. Locked.. from the outside. Rapidly you started to pull at the handle, feeling tears well in your eyes as the realization fully set in.
"Oh Gods..." You gasped out, fear running through your body as you stood back. Realizing what was happening to you- A prisoner of Buggy, his own personal friend that he would never let go of-
You started to bag against the door and cry out for release but your please were ignored. Instead silence only following you- As fear crept into your system you sat at the stool near the window looking out at the sky and crying silently.
It was a few hours before you heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Watching as Buggy stepped in with a large tray of food and drinks that was clearly ment to be shared, a smile on his lips.
"I see you're settling in well- a few of my Freaks mentioned you had started to bang on the door and rattle the nob.." He said, his gaze hardening a bit while his voice stayed jovial. Watching you as you stood up from the easel and a painting you had started after crying.
"Buggy why are you keeping me here? This isn't what we agreed to! You said I could go"
"Did I?-" He said with a amused smile. You couldn't tell if this was a punishment for his imprisonment or a reward for your presence, Clearly it was as clouded to you as it was to him- He simply smiled seeing the confusion and fear in your eyes and brushed it off. Instead walking to the record player in the room and putting on one of the records, slow music began to bleed through the horn and filled the room with song.
"You're my person (Y/N) I can't let you go that easily"
Stepping forward towards your shaking form he gently wrapped one hand around your waist and another holding your hand. Guiding you to follow him in a gentle sway-
"I promise, I'll make you happy. Happier then anyone else-" He said calmly, his hand holding your tightly as the two of you swayed to the music. A few tears running down your cheek and felt his lips kiss them away slowly. Smiling against your cheek as he pulled back just enough to look you in the eyes as the music began to come to a end.
"and I'll kill anyone who dares try to get in my way"
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dual1pa · 8 months
first date with eddie (headcannons)
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warnings: overall fluff, makeout, touching, language
eddie munson x reader using she/her pronouns
Eddie was scared shitless to ask her out 
And when he finally grew the balls to ask her, he was quite shocked that she said yes 
They’ve been friends forever 
It started out as a harmless and romanticless relationship
They both considered themselves just best friends
Nothing more and nothing less
Eddie’s feelings for her didn’t bloom until the beginning of high school 
However, it wasn’t until their senior year (his 2nd senior year) that he started seeing her as a girlfriend 
Little did he know she felt the same 
She tried to show flirty signs for years, but he didn’t notice
The playful shoves or the arm in arm walks 
She joined his Hellfire Club at school - even though she had no idea how to play the game 
She just enjoyed watching Eddie have fun 
He even made her a one-of-a-kind shirt where the little devil had a pair of sunglasses on it 
Ones similar to the ones she wore on a daily basis 
That’s when her love for him grew fonder
One Friday, Eddie was going to ask her out while she was switching her morning textbooks for the afternoon 
He watched from afar as she walked up to her locker, put in her code, and start unloading her bag 
She was wearing a pair of denim jeans, oversized sweater, and her hair tied loosely in a pink scrunchie 
He walked up to her with a smile
“Hi, Eds,” she smiled
She was the only person that could call him that 
“Hey,” he said 
She had a concerned look on her face 
“Everything okay?” she asked
“Oh yeah, everything’s great. How was your classes?” he tucked a piece of hair behind his ear
“They were alright, happy that it’s the weekend.” 
“Hey, listen, Uh-” 
He kept pausing and rubbing the back of his neck
He was nervous as fuck
“There’s a new Friday the 13th movie out tonight, wanna go see it with me? Like, a date?” 
She blushed, no one asked her out in a while - not anyone she felt something for
“Of course I’ll go out with you, Eds.” 
His eyes lit up, all he wanted to do was cheer loudly and dance around the busy hallway 
“Great! Uh- awesome. I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he smiled and walked her to her next class, not caring if he was late to his own. 
While she sat in class, she couldn’t concentrate on algebra
The only thing on her mind was Eddie
The more she thought about him, the more she wanted him
She cursed at herself why she didn’t make a better move earlier 
She couldn’t wait till their date
When he got home from school, he stood in front of his closet trying to figure out what he should wear - she was doing the absolute same
He decided on black jeans, white shirt and her a white skirt, pink shirt and a sweater
She was waiting on her deck when he pulled up her driveway in his white van
He, of course, had his favorite Metallica song blaring from the speaker - making her giggle 
“You look beautiful,” he said
“And you as well” 
The two sat in silence - awkward silence - as he drove to the Starcourt Mall 
Noramlly, the mall isn’t Eddie’s scene 
Too many people, stores that aren’t his type, music he doesn’t like plays throughout the mall 
“I can’t get away from this shit pop music!” he would say she “forced” him to help her find a homecoming dress 
He secretly loved it 
He winced at he saw the parking lot as he pulled in
“We don’t have to be here, I’m okay just-” 
“No,” he interrupted, “I want to take you to see this movie.” 
She smiled and grabbed his hand that was placed on his shaking leg. 
As they walked towards the large building, she grabbed his hand 
This was a date afterall 
He held the door open for her and motioned for her to go in first 
“A true gentleman.” she said
He smiled wide and threw his arm over her shoulder, and hers around his waist 
He paid for both tickets 
He found you a seat in the corner as it was a fully sold-out theater 
He felt so protective of her when she got scared from one of the scenes 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close
“I really wanna kiss you right now,” he whispered in her ear
She blushed, “There’s someone right next to us, behind us, and in front of us!” 
“Fuck ‘em,” he said, grabbing her chin and planting on right on her 
Of course, once they started, they couldn’t stop. 
They got a few looks and a couple of rude grunts from people who were simply trying to enjoy the slasher film. 
“Why don’t we get outta here?” 
Eddie grabbed her hand and they ran out of the theater, out of the mall, and into the dark parking lot. 
It was late and most shoppers went home except for the movie goers - who were all inside
They were alone 
He pushed her up against his van and continued what he was doing in the theater 
Except he was way more handsy 
Her hands were everywhere
His hair 
His hips 
His neck
His face
His chest 
“Should have done this sooner,” he laughed in her mouth 
“We didn’t know and we were both too chicken shit to do anything about it,” she joked, “Take me home, Eds. Stay with me tonight.”
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
do whatever u like, oh anon. everything i post here is for sharing <3
anyway have i mentioned i love that vaggie's weapon is a spear. i love that her weapon is a spear
vaggie is exactly the kinda practical, pragmatic, kill kill kill lady who'd say no thanks to the "cool" weapons like swords (coughcouchlutecouch) and go for something works best with the people around her (group of spears for the win) while helping her specifically (short lady equips weapon with Reach) and that just makes me feeeeeel she'd be not just GOOD at heading into a fight first to assess things and clear the way, but also tactically minded enough (cough cough the manager mindset cough) to sign up for that so she can be SURE it gets done right and
good character weapon choice in media means a lot to me... i love it
when she's calm she chooses a shield so she can protect and deflect (call out to her emotional issues of not dealing with her own) without causing lethal HARM
but the moment she's pissed and hurt and wants to HURT SOMEONE, she calls up a TRIDENT
you can say "she's a demon princess of hell of course she's have a trident it's iconic traditional shorthand for demon weapon" and YES THAT'S TRUE but also, in real life, tridents WERE used as weapons! Where????
in entertainment. by gladiators. who used fun and unusual weapons and weapon combos as part of putting on a Good Show
meaning theater bi charlie who loves breaking into broadway musical style songs while dancing her way down the streets of hell is, even at her most murder-y and dangerous, is STILL thematically tied to her parents' shared vibe of public performance and entertainment
(lucy boy with his carnival land and lilith with her singing)
and HER weapon isn't a choice of what's easiest to fight with or kill with, oh no. it's intimidation. it's for catching someone's weapon on. it's pinning someone down (so they will LISTEN). it's a PROP
a prop she fully stabbed a guy with but yeah, you know. as it goes
even chaggie's WEAPONS both match AND contrast each other! that's so COOL!!!
both have polearms, one for efficient killing especially in a group, one for NOT killing while usually in a one-on-one fight, they are stabby stabby girlfriends who's characters are sooooooo well matched by their choice of stabby tools lg;;kakgk;gkkfgkd;k;e ARGHHGHGH
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
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Laurence Olivier (Hamlet, Rebecca, Pride and Prejudice)—Any reference article will tell you that he's one of the finest stage actors of the 20th century and (arguably) contributed to transforming the landscape of live theater in the Anglophone world. But this is the Tumblr hot men poll, where it is arguably more important to know that he was an incredibly charming bi disaster who eye-fucked Vivien Leigh so conspicuously that everyone talked about it, both before and after their marriage. I do not have words for how hot this man was. I once sat under a portrait of him in black velvet and tights in the NPG cafeteria, and let me tell you I remember that so much better than my sandwich. I listened to a recording of him as Coriolanus on stage and got full-body chills. I photographed his copy of Richard III in the Folger Shakespeare Library for the sake of seeing his handwriting and his thoughts. ...okay, so I may have a problem, but the point is. So hot. And delivered one of the iconic pre-1970 lines about bisexuality on film ("oysters *and* snails," Spartacus 1963.)
Harry Belafonte (Carmen Jones, Island in the Sun)—one of my favorite things in the world when I'm sad is kicking back and listening to him and Danny Kaye singing "Hava Nagila" together. Or who can forget this man singing the Banana Boat song with the Muppets?? immensely talented, a powerful fighter for civil rights and humanitarian causes his whole life, if you have any remaining doubts PLEASE look at the following pics [clips and pics attached below]
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Harry Belafonte propaganda:
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"Now let me say this about the songs of the Caribbean - almost all black music is deeply rooted in metaphor. The only way that we could speak to the pain and anguish of our experiences was often through how we codified our stories in the songs that we sang. And when I sing the 'Banana Boat Song,' the song is a work song. It's about men who sweat all day long, and they are underpaid, and they're begging the tallyman to come and give them an honest count - counting the bananas that I've picked, so I can be paid. And sometimes, when they couldn't get money, they'll give them a drink of rum. There's a lyric in the song that says, 'Work all night on a drink of rum.' People sing and delight and dance and love it, but they don't really understand unless they study the song that they're singing a work song, a song of rebellion." -Harry Belafonte
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Laurence Olivier propaganda:
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"THEE actor man. You can't take theater classes and not know about this man. THEE Hamlet. Look at this lil blondie. VERY talented. (we are ignoring him also playing Othello, no he should not have done that) He was a pretty baby"
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starsworldd · 1 year
✿ 𝟴𝘁𝗵, 𝟵𝘁𝗵, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝟭𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗽𝘁. 𝟯) ✿
• reminder to go listen to domino 1 by iamsagsssssss :> ⭐️
• once again, thank you so much for the support!! ⭐️
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saggitarius rising: 👾
❖ cancer 8th house - family may have been a cause of concern for you. maybe there’s lots of secrets or taboos in your family. the past and your childhood are difficult things for you to confront as well. you may be scared to feel the range of your emotions and may often keep them repressed because you somehow fear them possibly.
❖ leo 9th house - a way to help you with these problems is to foster your own creativity. you may find that your own personal discoveries are found through things like singing, dancing, theater, etc… not being afriad to express yourself is your way of making the most out of your transformations :))
❖ virgo 10th house - you’re known as someone who puts their best into the daily grind. with both luminaries in the 8th and 9th houses, your healing journey reflects both aspects of the ego and that’s not an easy journey to go through! but nonetheless, your potential lies in inspiring others how to reinvent their routines to match their best self. from dealing with familial/emotional struggles (cancer 8th house) to establishing your own separate independence and smarts because of those struggles (virgo 10th house) <3
capricorn rising: ⚡️
❖ leo 8th house - someone who may be afraid of the spotlight. music, dance, creativity in general is your superpower and is very transformative for you. you may have been afraid to show your talents or might have gotten a lot of backlash for sharing them. self-expression wasn’t always easy for you </3
❖ virgo 9th house - to escape this, you work on your skill set. someone who practices their talents or trains how they want to express themselves on a public level to some degree. applying your skills in a helpful way is what helps you heal and sets you free!
❖ libra 10th house - because you’ve established yourself as someone dedicated to their craft, people love you. people admire your hard work and you inspire others to work hard as well. you come off as someone who knows the balance between having fun and being able to do difficult tasks. pretty similar to scorpio rising in the sense that you went from someone who was scared to show off your creativity and fun side (leo 8th) to someone who is loved and admired by others for your work (libra 10th)
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aquarius rising: 🫧
❖ virgo 8th house - practicing your skills is what sets you apart. you may have been shamed for the type of service you do, or the way you live your life in general. you could be afraid or may seem reluctant to transforming your daily routines and jobs. what you practice for a job or for a hobby could be shamed upon by others.
❖ libra 9th house - your way of escaping this torment is to be a diplomat. you find self-discovery through friendships and making in-depth connections with others (could also be romantic ;>). making connections with people outside of your circle sets you free and maybe creating businesses or some sort of monetary partnership with them is also possible.
❖ scorpio 10th house - with great power, comes great responsibility. people are jealous of how well-liked you are by others, or they’re just jealous of your skills and smarts. you inspire others to make use of their skill sets and talents amongst others and to find power within each ourselves. in my opinion, this rising has one of the most distinct setup of houses out of the rising signs, of course each sign has a unique flair to their setup though. for being shamed to your work ethic and skills (virgo 8th) to becoming someone of great power and status (scorpio 10th).
pisces rising: 💫
❖ libra 8th house - you may have had trouble with your relationships or friendships. people shame you for the way you make connections with others, your charm. accessing venusian subjects such as romance, music, etc.. we’re very transformative for you and you could possibly profit off of it. someone who doesn’t like to be tied down by their connections.
❖ scorpio 9th house - you reinvent yourself in order to escape these painful experiences with others. it’s kind of ironic how in the house of the heavens you have to go down to hell to find your own heaven. facing your fears and own personal struggles is what sets you free. this definitely isn’t easy, but it is what will gain you greater freedom. your belief systems and faith could all be about about transformation (and maybe they themselves change a lot as well)
❖ saggitarius 10th house - after going through all the pain, you’re someone who spreads the optimism and perseverance that people need in order to get through life. you spread your wisdom amongst others and come off as someone who is wise as well. you inspire people because you project an image of happiness even though you’ve been through so much. from fearing personal connections (libra 8th house) to someone who isn’t afraid to give in-depth knowledge to others at large (saggitarius 10th house)
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✿ hope you enjoyed! let me know what you want me to post next :> ✿
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azure-firecracker · 11 days
do you have any favourite txf headcanons ? show or specific to any of your fics or both!!
Oooh what a fun ask!
-I headcanoned that Scully can’t sing, and have been informed that this is actually true! But I also headcanon that when she was a kid she followed Melissa to church chorus, and got kicked out at, like, age 6 because she was so terrible, marking the first person to be kicked out of her church chorus.
-However, I think her parents would have wanted her to learn some sort of instrument, so I think she played the oboe, albeit not very well, and hated it.
-Mulder can dance, but he loses it the second the dance gets complicated (might this pop up in a later Raise Your Voices chapter? Only time will tell!)
-Scully is a hot beverage connoisseur and has just about every kind of tea under the sun stocked in her apartment, but she usually only drinks it when she’s on a day off or it’s a special occasion. Mostly she drinks coffee.
-I have seen debate over whether or not Mulder can cook. I think that he is very good at making approximately three specific dishes and terrible at making anything else.
-Scully can cook most things, but none amazingly. She’s very practical about it.
-Mulder absolutely did theater in high school, you cannot convince me otherwise. He probably only did plays and took an improv class. He has a bunch of old musical tapes hidden in his apartment that he doesn’t think Scully knows about (she does). His family listened to the musicals a lot before Samantha was taken, and he uses them as a reminder of happier times.
-Scully has a membership at the local library and is besties with all of the retired old librarians. They get her life updates every week (wait, should I write a fic about that?)
-Neither Scully nor Mulder had a lot of friends in high school. Scully was always locked into her studies and highly ambitious and didn’t put up with anybody’s BS, and people didn’t like that. Mulder was Mulder and also traumatized. He did get along with the other improv class people, but people mostly thought he was weird.
-Scully got into physics (her major!) because she loved the logical nature of mechanics, and fell in love with it because she secretly adored the mysteries and strangeness of relativity (projection from a physics girlie? Maybe).
-Mulder is not at all a STEM person. The only science classes he really liked were chemistry (so he could make stupid jokes about it), and astronomy (obviously).
-This is semi-canon but Scully is 100% an animal person. Mulder likes cats but that’s pretty much it.
-Both Scully and Mulder have seen every Alfred Hitchcock movie, and have an ongoing debate about what the best one is (Mulder says it’s The Birds, Scully says it’s Strangers on a Train - and Scully is right, just fyi).
-Mulder occasionally makes Scully watch old musical movies, which she pretends she hates but secretly enjoys.
These are mostly just off the top of my head! Feel free to add more in the comments/reblogs!
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WHY was I born a woman??
A List of Musical Theater Roles That Me and My Girl Best Friend Would be Perfect For. it also would be cool if they were just genderbent as lesbians but whatever
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A comprehensive list under the cut 👍
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Erik and Christine!
Phantom is one of my favorite shows of all time. I don’t condone the kidnapping and such, but the aesthetic is unparalleled. My friend is a soprano 1 who eats every single time she sings Christine’s parts. The Phantom sings pretty solidly in my range. Also my bestie’s kind of into Erik’s weird toxic thing with Christine. Idk what that has to do with this but it feels relevant.
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Seymour and Audrey!
Little Shop is SUCH a good show. Suddenly Seymour is her go-to audition song, and one of our favorites to sing together. I feel like I could serve little pathetic loserman enough to pull this off.
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Gatsby and Daisy!
Ok I’m so sorry about this but like. Pining after an unavailable woman for five years? I WAS MADE FOR THIS. I’d need to learn the harmonies but that’s ok. My friend’s belt is so solid that she would body every single song in this show. Also I just love tragedy or whatever…
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Mendel and Trina!
The token normal healthy couple. I know almost every single line of every harmony in Falsettos (<-i say, normally) and being onstage acting insanely down bad for a friend? I’ve found I’m very good at! She says she’d have fun with Trina’s issues and such. We would eat this up.
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JD and Veronica!
No listen please hear me out. I learned the harmonies to Seventeen specifically so we could sing it together. Our friends will tell us to stfu because we just want to sing it whenever. Although my friend is a soprano, her range is kinda crazy and she has a lot of fun singing in the alto/mezzo range. I personally would have fun playing a murderous freak.
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Jack and Katherine!
I can do a New York accent already! I learned Jack’s harmonies for Something To Believe In and half of the score on trumpet. My Newsies phase was FOUL. My friend would absolutely eat Katharine’s disdain for Jack at the beginning and also she can tap dance!! Anyway my point is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN WE BE THESE TWO PLEASE
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Jim and Jenna!
Ok I can’t really defend myself on this one… I know the harmonies already if that helps? I just love Sara Bareilles and I love Waitress (i am on my knees begging) Can I be that gynecologist pleeeeeease pretty please? My friend would SERVE Jenna pwease pretty please (i crumble into dust)
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Emmett and Elle!
My friend is blonde. My friend could do this show so well. Emmett and I? Both supreme woman respecters. I think the dynamic of Emmett being insanely in love with Elle and her just not noticing we would do INCREDIBLY well. Once again. I know the man’s harmonies. I just want to be him so bad 😭
Thank you for reading if you got this far. Be on your way xoxo
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rjjameshiii · 19 days
I saw a local production of CATS and I fucking loved it.
I saw a production of CATS at a local theater in my hometown. The costumes were amazing, and I could tell that all of the cast were having so much fun doing the show.
The overture was off to a good start cuz they did this amazing projection of the full moon slowly rising in the sky, and the full moon stayed on the background of the set and slowly got lower and lower as the show went on, as if the night was passing. It was very very cool.
Munkustrap was giving me vibes that he was a lot younger than most productions seem to make him. He seemed like he being an adult and the tribe's protector was still new to him; many times he started to mess around with the kittens before snapping back to being serious whenever Old Deuteronomy or Jennyanydots was looking. He even got into Tugger's dance number for a bit, and was one of Tugger's "boys" during the flirty dance with the girls during the Jellicle Ball dance number. And I definitely got the impression that Deuteronomy and Grizabella were DEFINITELY his parents but I'll expand on that later. This Munkustrap was still a commanding storyteller so I loved him!!
Poor Victoria almost fell over during her solo when she was doing the leg lift, but she recovered quickly and nailed the rest of the dance.
Victoria and Mistoffelees also pretty much stopped interacting with each other after the Invitation. And even though Victoria definitely did the mating dance with Plato, she actually spent most of the show cuddling up to Alonzo. Alonzo didn't appear to be Munkustrap's second-in-command either. Munkustrap didn't really HAVE a second-in-command actually, he was pretty much doing everything solo. Alonzo was also the one who scratches Grizabella during her entrance, so this Alonzo was definitely on the immature side. Still loved his dancing though.
I also noticed Coricopat and Tantomile were both female, and I'm pretty sure they were played by actual twins! It was super cool!
Jennyanydots was hilarious. She was kind of a mix between Susie McKenna's motherly portrayal and Rebel Wilson's "hey everyone look at me I'm so great" portrayal, which actually worked out. Plus she had some good tap dancing!
Now on to Tugger.
One quick cool thing was that Tugger didn't leave the stage after the opening song. He kinda stayed off to the side and watched everything with indifference, then after Jenny's number when they were all clapping for her, he suddenly jumped up and stole the spotlight. It was very funny, and the actor definitely had Tugger's swag down. He was super egotistical but also respectful to Old Deuteronomy and Bustopher and Gus, and kind of gave off more of a movie star who knows he's hot vibes instead of a rock star. However, there was just one issue I couldn't overlook.
The actor could. Not. SING.
Like he REALLY could not sing. His notes and pitch was non-existent. I couldn't stand listening to him because he was super flat and quiet and barely kept up with the music. Great acting as Tugger, horrible singing.
Having said that, I could forgive him that for the fact that this show had the GAYEST Tugger and Mistoffelees I have ever seen. I think they were just straight up a couple. The "terrible bore" line was SO flirty, and Tugger just smirked and stroked Misto's chin after he said it, and Misto strutted away and shook his ass at Tugger. During Moments of Happiness, Misto was straight up SITTING ON TUGGER'S LAP. And then when Tugger walked by Misto during Misto's big number, Mistoffelees SMACKED TUGGER'S ASS.
Mistoffelees was also really good, they gave him a lot more solo lines and presence that I'm used to seeing, and he even nailed the conjuring turns for about 10 turns, which I found super impressive for a small theater production! Although it was a little disappointing that the most they could do for his "magic" was lights going crazy when he waved his arms. Normally I'd excuse it or being a small theater production, but they were able to pull off the flying tire and the staircase to the Heaviside Layer, so I think they could have spruced up Misto's magic a bit.
Another funny bit was that they did Mistoffelees posing before Jenny's number, but in this one none of the other Cats seemed to notice, and Mistoffelees sunk down onto the floor with a look of mortification on his face. It was great.
Demeter and Bombalurina were also great, they were pretty much together for the whole show and had a lot of great dance moments. And their Macavity was super sexy, they got legit wolf whistles from the audience. Demeter and Munkustrap were paired up, although one thing I loved was that Demeter wasn't as skittish as she usually is in this production. She does act scared of Macavity, but she also is actually into Tugger during his number. There's an amazing moment where Demeter starts dancing for Tugger during his song, and Munkustrap runs up to her like "DEME, WHAT THE HECK???" and Demeter goes "Oops sorry babe". And Bombalurina did a freaking POLE DANCE during the Macavity number. It was like 5 seconds long but it HAPPENED.
Bustopher Jones was also pretty boring to be honest. The actor didn't really do much during his number? Just kinda walked around waving to the other cats. He was a very good singer though.
Exotica was in this production and looked almost exactly like the 1998 video version. She was also one of the kittens. She, Electra, and Etcetera had a little kitten trio during the whole show. It was so cute, and it makes so much sense to make the three princesses with E names to be the besties.
Cassandra literally never interacted with the other cats, the sole exception being joining in on Skimbleshanks' dance number and being Mistoffelees' volunteer at the end of the show. She was a regal aloof queen who was better than everyone. Fabulous.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were probably the best part of the whole show - but what else is new? The actors had amazing chemistry, and they killed the humor and fun of the number. They were super flexible and did some amazing acrobatic moves during their number, and they NAILED the double cartwheel! I totally expected them to cut the double cartwheel but they DID IT and it ROCKED. They also basically tormented the audience with pranks during the intermission which I thought was PERFECT.
In fact, the cats basically spent the entire intermission running around the audience. Bill Bailey climbed up onto the top of the wall and laid out like a king, Electra kept going up to audience members and rubbing her head on their legs, Plato and Alonzo were showing off for female audience members. The actors must have had SO MUCH FUN.
Old Deuteronomy was like a silly grandpa and I loved the portrayal. His actor had an amazing voice too. During Skimbleshanks' number he's running around dancing and having a grand time. It was cute as hell.
Plus he and Grizabella are definitely ex-mates in this production. Will once again expand on that when I talk about Memory.
The Jellicle Ball dance number was amazing, I thought the entire cast killed it.
Grizabella only came on stage three times - her entrance, the end of Act 1, and then Memory. But I think the actress did a good job, even if her voice was a little quiet. She had a lot of emotion though, and unlike a lot of productions I've seen, this Grizabella both wanted forgiveness but was also VERY bitter about her life. Not sad and depressed, but PISSED OFF that her life had taken such a strong downhill spiral. I also kind of got the vibes that this version of Grizabella was dying? Her face had visible bruises and cuts, she had a limp, and she kept grabbing at her stomach in pain. I interpreted this as that Grizabella got like hit by a car or something, realized she was dying and wanted a new life, and dragged herself to the Jellicle Ball to get that new life no matter what it takes. It made Memory more intense and emotional to be honest!
End of Act 1 also had something unique, and that was Sillabub sneaking back onto the stage to watch Grizabella sing her first version of Memory. I think it sets up Sillabub's big moment in Act 2 super well! Sillabub looked so sad as she watched Grizabella walk off, but Old Deuteronomy didn't reach for Grizabella which I thought was a let down.
Moments of Happiness was very good, and Coricopat and Tantomile did this cool little dance before they took Sillabub's hand so she could sing. Then Gus and Jellylorum came onstage, and let me just say it. BEST PART OF THE SHOW. Gus' actor was age appropriate and he was incredible. Legit brought me to tears with his acting and singing. Jellylorum was very young in this show, I think she gave off granddaughter vibes when she was with Gus.
Then something weird happened. Gus started singing about playing the Rumpus Cat, so I expected them to do Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles.
And then they just…didn't. Gus just did a short dance, bowed, and left. It was awkward.
Skimbleshanks was like the best little guy. He was so good. He jumped so good. He did cute little movements. He was so dramatic when acting out train activities. Skimbleshanks is my new Lord and Savior. And he also got the longest applause from the audience so I think everyone agreed. Skimbleshanks was so super adorable and amazing and AHHHH I LOVED SKIMBLESHANKS SO MUCH.
Then Macavity showed up and honestly it was super weird because he's just standing on top of a pile of trash and the other cats hiss at him for a solid minute while literally not noticing Dueteronomy getting kidnapped two feet away until Macavity leaves.
But then the Macavity number ROCKED OUT. All of the female cats were involved in the number, even Jennyanydots, and the ladies killed it. And then Macavity didn't even bother trying to pretend he was giving Deuteronomy back, he just showed up in disguise and I thought it was awesome. Then the Macavity fight happened and I got my mind blown because Munkustrap isn't the only one who fights him. He actually fights him for like half the fight, then the second half of the fight is Alonzo, Bill Bailey, Skimbleshanks, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, Demeter, and Bombalurina all taking turns fighting Macavity before he runs off and makes the lights go crazy. Honestly might be my favorite Macavity fight because all of the cool moments!
Mistoffelees' number was really good. They also had Mistoffelees sing the second verse instead of Tugger, and Tugger spent the whole song hyping him up it was cute. Tugger your a good boyfriend hehe. Then Mistoffelees did an impressive disappearing act to end the number which I loved.
So Grizabella comes in as the cats are all cozying up to Deuteronomy about the Jellicle Choice. However, the cats all see Grizabella approaching Deuteronomy herself, and I think they all realize she wants the Choice. And the entire tribe BLOCKS HER FROM DEUTERONOMY. They actively TRY TO STOP GRIZABELLA FROM GETTING THE CHOICE. Deuteronomy calms them all down and they all sit down in front of him, not letting Grizabella near. So Grizabella starts singing, and as the song goes on all the cats faces turn from angry to sad to forgiving.
Halfway through Grizabella's first part of the song, Munkustrap just gets this FURIOUS look on his face and he actually tries to charge at Grizabella, but Deuteronomy stops him and they have a little argument before Deuteronomy makes Munkustrap sit down and listen to Grizabella sing. Eventually Munkustrap looks sad too and he and Deuteronomy give each other a nuzzle.
To me? That SCREAMS that Munkustrap has anger towards Grizabella, his mother, for leaving the tribe. It's so INCREDIBLY WELL ACTED TOO.
Grizabella eventually collapses and Sillabub suddenly appears at the top of the trash pile. She sings and Grizabella stands back up to finish the song. She doesn't look back at the Jellicles before beginning to walk off, and she actually doesn't stop hobbling away when Victoria gets near. Victoria has to grab her paw to stop her, and Grizabella visibly startles before looking at Victoria, who nuzzles her. Then the entire tribe gets up and nuzzles Grizabella one by one, and Munkustrap takes her hands and leads her to Deuteronomy.
And Grizabella and Deuteronomy NUZZLE AND KISS EACH OTHER.
Then Grizabella is given the Choice and I was shocked to see the tire rise up into the air, and a staircase into a bright light appeared on the left side of the stage. I repeat, this is a LOCAL theater with about 200 seats. SO AMAZING.
I am so proud of this cast and this production!! It was everything a CATS nerd like me LOVES!
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fandomchokehold · 8 months
Musical Songs I Think The Boys™ Would Do a Burlesque Number To
*obviously these are only ones I've listened to, I wasn't a theater kid and don't really know much about plays and musicals, please don't be weird or mean in the notes 😭 and YES as a huge ABBA fan I know all the songs in Mamma Mia are just ABBA songs*
also this is way longer than I intended so there's more under the cut
Astarion - "Sweet Transvestite" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
this one is pretty obvious and expected but like !!! yeah !!! that's just him !!! he'd do the full routine, coming up in the elevator, throwing the cloak off to reveal the slutty lil outfit he has on underneath, throwing his drink at the audience while Gale Brad is talking, lounging on the throne, and then leaving mysteriously in the elevator OH BABY !!!
Wyll - "Land of Lola" from Kinky Boots
he would absolutely slay this routine, the lyrics are practically about him - "with arms as hard as steel" "with the moves of Fred Astaire" "I'm black jesus, I'm black mary, but this mary's legs are hairy" ??? I need this man to absolutely let loose and I NEED to see him in those cunty thigh high boots 👏 RED 👏 IS 👏 HIS 👏 COLOR !!!!
Gale - "Toucha Toucha Touch Me" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
I honestly just think he'd be really good at playing the part of the "innocent shy reserved man who does a complete 180 after being exposed to pure unbridled sexuality"; we all know he's not actually like that it's fully an act because he knows he has the looks of a tired english professor but the soul of a whore I just- you don't know how badly I need to see him doing a slightly desperate unhinged strip tease on stage on a garrish four poster bed OKAY ?!?!
Halsin - "Toxic Love" from Ferngully
I need him in his pretend villain era, I think he'd be cartoony like if he's gonna work a stage he's gonna werk a stage m'kay; he is actually using this performance to raise awareness about the climate crisis and donate the money he makes towards more accessible clean energy and environmental conservation efforts and would love to provide more info and resources while still in his g-string to all interested parties in the lobby of the venue
Astarion & Gale - "Planet Schmanet Janet" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Gale as Janet; we all know this is a trademark Astarion ruse to get to chase a scantily clad Gale around menacingly and torment him in front of an audience, I mean c'mon who wouldn't want to do that 👀
Astarion & Wyll - "Does Your Mother Know?" from Mamma Mia
Astarion as Tanya, Wyll as Pepper (I had to look that up apparently his name is Pepper); I feel like Astarion would identify with Tanya on a spiritual level, they're both wine aunt cougars who love luxury, and after seeing that Wyllstarion interaction where they flirtatiously talk about their age gap this song just really is about them huh
Astarion & Halsin - "I Can Make You a Man" + "I Can Make You a Man (Reprise)" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Halsin as Rocky; tbh this is just so Astarion can show off the "bounty of nature's gifts" that have been bestowed upon him and Halsin just finds how this twink is climbing him and swinging on his outstretched arm like a jungle gym too amusing to not participate
Gale & Wyll - "Horny Angry Tango" from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
either of them in either role; this is purely for the theatrics and to show off their actual ballroom dance skills, Gale is going to be the one getting dipped though
Gale & Halsin - "La Seine" from A Monster In Paris
Gale as Lucille, Halsin as Francoeur; I can't lie it's purely for the height difference that's totally canon and I didn't make up in my head, the contrast between Gale "Lil 5'8" Wizard" Dekarios and Halsin "The 6'5" Bear" Silverbough is just *chef kiss* 👌
Wyll & Halsin - "Lay All Your Love On Me" from Mamma Mia
either of them in either role; they're lowkey almost fucking on stage, Wyll chose it for the drama and Halsin went along for the overtly sexual choreography
Group Numbers
"Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge
Astarion's favorite and Halsin's least favorite for the same reason: it's extremely flashy and dramatic
"Rose Tint My World" which transitions into "Don't Dream It" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Janet for "RTMW" but Frank for "DDI", Wyll as Columbia, Halsin as Rocky, Gale as Brad, with special guest Elminster as Dr. Scott during "Don't Dream It"
"Haus of Holbein" from SIX
tbh I don't have an explanation for this one I've really only listened to the corsets part and think it's kinda cunt, idk they'd all slay in corsets
"Big Spender" from Sweet Charity
ok just imagine any of them doing Fosse choreography
"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" from Mamma Mia
ok just imagine there's stripper poles-
"Cell Block Tango" from Chicago
with special guests Minsc and Volo; no one knows how they got here, Minsc is a bit too uncoordinated but he's got the spirit and Volo was recording everything from the audience for research purposes but saw they were short a character and thought to himself "what better way to learn than through participation?"
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goldnhourwrites · 9 months
This phrase seized me yesterday and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Who knows, maybe I'll write a fic :)
inspired by my experiences as a college student in the US!
Pre-med student with a minor in psychology
Does peer tutoring and notetaking for his biology classes
always doing work. being a pre-med student is so much Work All The Time. this is why Yone is always seen with coffee and dark circles under his eyes.
He manages fairly well for someone with so much on his plate - he keeps an impressively functional sleep schedule (goes to bed at 10pm every night, wakes up at 8am every morning)
Is an RA (resident advisor) for his dorm floor and tries to be a good resource for freshmen
Bikes everywhere, enjoys taking walks/getting outdoors for a break from studying
Likes to make and listen to music in his free time (which is not a lot)
Majoring in athletic training to be a sports coach
Student athlete on the wrestling team - spends a lot of time training and traveling to meets off-campus, so he's not around much until the off-season
Hangs out with the boxing club when he's not doing wrestling
Part of an all-men a capella group and enjoys singing/rapping
Joined a fraternity in his sophomore year because most of the wrestling team was on it and enjoys chilling with his friends in it
Casually bakes things in his free time and brings them to the wrestling team/his classmates/office hours/his frat brothers
Anthropology major, education minor - interested in becoming a teacher/professor and enjoys working with kids
Also a student athlete, on the powerlifting team
Part of a hip-hop dance group on campus and likes to choreograph
Involved in campus queer life and helps organize/run events
Takes voice lessons - used to play trumpet, but didn't have time for both in his schedule
Also part of a fraternity, enjoys the sense of community it offers and plays an active part in organizing/managing their social events
Seems like he's constantly busy, but always makes time for his friends and enjoys the feeling of being on-the-go
History major with a minor in classics (studies Latin/ancient Greek literature and languages)
Acts with a theater club in his spare time - loves musical theater and plays, especially Shakespeare
Hung out in the history/special collections section of the library so much he got a student job there
Loves wandering around campus to find cool, obscure places that he's probably not supposed to be in
Joined a debate team in his freshman year (Kayn was on it) (they hated each other)
Big on going to parties but can't handle alcohol so instead of getting drunk he goes back to his dorm and falls asleep at like 11pm
Computer science major with a minor in graphic design
Does digital art and traditional art; enjoys taking studio art classes when his schedule isn't full
Occasionally does game design and similar coding projects
In the orchestra and plays the violin!
Enjoys physically making things every once in a while - jewelry, paintings, etc. and often doodles in a sketchbook absentmindedly
Sometimes publishes his art and poetry in a student magazine under a pseudonym
Political science or government major with a minor in studio art
Spends a lot of time in the woodworking/metalworking studios, partially for art classes and partially because he just likes hands-on projects
Plays electric guitar and was part of a student band for a while (the one he got kicked out of)
Likes parkour and rock climbing, regularly shows off his ability to climb up things that he definitely should not be climbing on
Member of a fraternity (but it's the kind that throws a bunch of parties and probably has illegal drugs)
Goes out to party every weekend and doesn't wake up until 1pm the next day
Skateboards everywhere and knows a bunch of cool tricks
Film production major with a minor in biology
Part of a fashion design club and does photoshoots for/with them
Does a capella and loves performing! Does musical theater every once in a while
Active in political causes on campus
Works as a barista in one of the campus cafés
Likes to roller skate around
i have a couple combined/group headcanons that i'll post tomorrow if i have time :3 this AU has grabbed me and is currently shaking me by the shoulders and won't let go
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lokisasylum · 2 months
Another detail from 'Who' MV
I'm gonna share this Reactor here since he pointed out some very curious things about the music video (plus he knows alot about the vintage filters used on it)
The first thing he mentioned that caught my attention was when he pointed out the newspaper at the beginning
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The "Tornado of Love" and how it was dated 1995 and i'm sure most of us just thought "Well, yeah, Jimin was born in 1995 so it makes sense".
But this reactor also mentions that in 1995 there were A LOT of Love songs that came out and surely enough we got these:
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Some of these songs if I remember correctly are about longing, reassurance or having a fall-out of love with the wrong person.
The 'Oasis' sign on the theater + "Just call my name out loud"
"Closer Than This" is the track that follows "Who" and we know part of the lyrics say "Just call my name out loud"
But I also got curious about Oasis as the band (because I remember Jimin once mentioned he used to like listening to Oasis when he was in his early teens). So I wrote on google "Oasis - Just call my name out loud"
and quickly got the songs "Stop crying your heart out" (second single of Heathen Chemistry) which came out in 2002, as well as "Wonderwall" (What's The Story? Morning Glory) which came out in 1996.
"Okay, why is this relevant, tho??"
Maybe not directly with Jimin, but I found it interesting because "Closer Than This" is a fan song Jimin wrote to reassure us that he and BTS would return someday post-military service.
And both "Stop crying your heart out" and "Wonderwall" have the following verses:
'Cause all of the stars Are fading away Just try not to worry You'll see them someday Take what you need And be on your way And stop crying your heart out -(Stop crying your heart out)
And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how -(Wonderwall)
The reactor also makes note that right after the monitor that says "Keep going>>" (Keeo going forward) and Jimin starts walking down the sidewalk as we get this vintage recording like filter on you can see the words "Rewind" at the top, while at the same time Jimin is doing the "mirror dance" with the female partners in front of "Slow Dance Records" to which he makes the following comment:
"In order to move forwards you have to retract your steps. Maybe he's already met this person that he's looking for. He just doesn't know it yet or maybe they've crossed paths and he needs to think back to all the people that he's met to find them."
But anyway, go watch the video when you can!
And keep streaming D8<
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carnivore-voyeur · 7 months
I appreciate the way Tobias uses genre to tell a story. The psychedelic rock of the 60s we hear in Kiss The Go-Goat and in Mary On A Cross make sense narratively as it harkens back to a fictional past when Papa Nihil was THE Papa. The Doors. Hendrix. The Animals. Cream. It wouldn’t be unbelievable to place these songs back in that time to make them Classic Rock Hits in the fictional 21st century that the universe of Ghost is set in. It’s not only that. It’s the evolution of rock within that universe Tobias is committed to.
Think of Dance Macabre and of Spillways, which literally involves Arena Rock legend Joe Elliott of Def Leppard. We get the sense that not only did Papa Nihil’ s style evolve but that the subsequent “Papas” were raised to love and appreciate this style - especially the ‘youngest’ or ‘newest’ one, Copia. It makes sense not only because Tobias was a child raised on that type of music, but narratively in the sense that his characters were too, and that Papa Emeritus IV especially incorporate it into his style as he ends up selling out actual arenas.
Tobias has been heavily involved in the metal scene, even way before Ghost. So, there are aspects of Ghost that are very much forged (lol) from him being immersed in that for so long. At the same time, he draws inspiration from theater, punk rock, pop, doom, 80s ballads and everything in between to tell a story and he does so effectively. To deny that Ghost is metal is absolutely ridiculous. To limit Ghost to metal is also absolutely ridiculous. Ghost is very intentional in their use of metal, as well as their branching into other genres.
Half the internal battle people have with labeling Ghost as “metal” comes from the fact that Tobias does this, but it’s in doing this that he really pays homage to the origins of metal. I think people forget (or maybe they never knew) what metal started with. We wouldn’t have shock rock without Screamin’ Jay Hawkins but if you listened to his music you wouldn’t automatically think “metal” unless you had a deep appreciation for metal. Even Black Sabbath by today’s standards would be under the scrutiny of gatekeeping metal elitists.
Ghost is a love letter to rock music across genres. Ghost also shows a deep appreciation for metal specifically. It fully embraces the “shock” aspect of metal. It’s heavy when it needs to be. It’s bringing metal back to the forefront after being beaten down by “butt rock” and the explosion of pop “indie” rock that was inoffensive to both atheists and evangelicals alike while still giving them a little bit of “edge” so they could still feel cool. Metal is a big middle finger to that, and Ghost was instrumental in reviving it for a large audience.
All. While. Being. A. “Satanic.” Band.
That’s hard! It’s brilliant. It should be impossible. It’s forbidden. It’s scandalous. It’s hilarious. They’re a joke. They’re the best thing you ever heard. They contain multitudes. So, haters can keep hating, but there’s a reason why Ghost is so popular and there’s a reason why they’re adored by so many rock musicians both inside and out of the metal scene. What they do is unique and nostalgic all in one, all while telling a story that uses genre as a literary device and yet creates these songs that can be enjoyed independent of their story.
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zeciex · 1 year
A Vow of Blood
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Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: “You will be trapped by the obligations of love and duty, unable to escape the web of expectations others have woven around you,“ the witch said….
Daenera Velaryon returns to King’s Landing with the intention of bolstering her mother’s position and reminding both the Greens and nobility that Rhaenyra is the rightful heir to the throne. She has a specific goal in mind: to be a constant source of annoyance to the Greens and is willing to play the political game without hesitation.
However, what catches her off guard is the way Aemond gazes at her and seems to relish in her suffering. He openly expresses his desire to bring about her downfall, her ruination.
This situation leads to a tense game of cat and mouse, with each move escalating the already high stakes. Will their precarious situation crumble as the dragons soar above, or will fate intervene?
After all, love often demands the sacrifice of duty, just as duty can sometimes lead to the demise of love. Characters: Aemond Targaryen X OC, HOTD characters.
Chapter 8: Schemes and Artisans
AO3 - Masterlist
A theater had been erected amidst the lush gardens of the Red Keep, its semi-circular structure complemented by the captivating backdrop of the vast expanse of the sea. The structure was a mix of marble and limestone, ornately carved, and had been built during the reign of Jaehaerys and Alyssan. 
Daenera had arranged three elegantly sets of tables on the balcony, offering a splendid view overlooking the stage and the sea. Her invitations had been extended to esteemed guests, including Tris Caswell, the second daughter of Lord Merryweather, Kaylys Merryweather, Lady Fell, and Lady Sylvie Rosby. An invitation had also been extended to Queen Alicent, but that had politely declined, much to Daenera’s delight. 
The early morning had been spent making the last preparations. The tables were filled with cakes and fruit, a colorful display of abundance and wealth, with the possibility of being watered with some of the finest wine Westeros had to offer. Daenera had chosen a colorful dress of orange and gold and her hair were braided in the traditional Targaryen way, keeping it from blowing into her face.
She was standing on the balcony, listening to the ladies talk among themselves excitedly, already indulging in the wine. The sun shone brightly and were it not for the shadow the stretched out fabric provides, they would surely have burned. 
Jelissa hurried into the middle of the theater, her steps clicking over the pale stone. She looked up at Daenera, a bright smile on her lips. “We’re ready!” 
Daenera nodded in acknowledgement. 
Jelissa hurried away, letting the guards at the gate know that they could open. She then sprinted back to stand with Joyce by the side of the rounded stage, the table in front of them filled with leather pouches, brimming with unspent money and the promise of more to come. 
A mass of people filed in through the gates. People of all colors, backgrounds and skills. Some were from Lys, some Essos, some Pentos. There were Westerosi singers, artists and musicians. Daenera smiled as they gathered by the backdrop of the ocean, all looking up at her expectantly. 
“Welcome, my artisans!” Daenera greeted loudly, letting her voice carry out into the theater. “I am Princess Daenera Velaryon, daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon.” Her eyes were sharp as they filtered through the mass of people, lingering on the few that displayed some sort of scrutiny to her words. “I’ve always enjoyed the arts of music and dance, and with my return to the capital, I found myself able to finally show patronage to the thing that I love.” 
It wasn’t the entire truth. While she enjoyed music, song and theater, she wasn’t as invested as some other ladies were to the arts. But the thing about artists was, that they traveled throughout the continent, singing their song, acting in plays, telling their stories. And such things held sway. 
It was a tactic Queen Visenya herself had once used. 
“My mother, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Princess Rhaenyra, has tasked me with finding artists to patronage. She too is a lover of the arts. We wish that you bring the joy you give us, out into every corner of Westeros. We wish you to sing your songs, play your tunes, and tell your stories to the people. That is our wish.”
And it wouldn’t hurt to sing a little something about her. 
“Now, please, show us what you’ve got!”
Daenera looked down at Joyce, giving the maid a nod, who nodded back in acknowledgement. Joyce called out the first number as Daenera took her seat, picking up a grape and propping it into her mouth. 
The first artist was a singer. He began with high appraise to Daenera, telling her about his adventures, where he had been, who he had sung for. That was the dreary part of the whole thing. She wasn’t interested in that, all she wanted to know was whether they could sing and what they’d sing. 
The Bear and The Maiden Fair seemed to be a favorite among the singers and musicians. Each time it was sung, it lost its appeal, until Daenera would rather listen to Aemond call her a bastard than listen to it once more. 
By the time they had reached number seventy seven, more than half the songs had been The Bear and The Maiden Fair. One third of what was left were Maids that bloom in spring, and the rest after that False and the Fair, and Flower of Spring and Little Flower. 
It was then an older man stepped out into the middle of the stage, a lute kept close to his breast, dark beard kept and freshly shaved. At the corners of his eyes were crows feet and a deep line cleaved through his forehead. He bowed to the princess and her company. “I am Samwell Tradd, my princess. I have played the cold seat of the North, to the sand dunes of Dorne, but I have played for none other as important as your mother, the good princess, Rhaenyra Targaryen.”
This piqued Daenera’s interest and she stood from her seat, carrying the cup of wine with her to the railing of the balcony, which she leaned against with her forearms, squinting in the sunlight of the afternoon. “You played for my mother?”
“That I did, Princess,” Ser Samwell Tradd confirmed. “It was a pleasure to play for her.”
“What did you play?”
Samwell Tradd chuckled to himself. “ Under the Dragon's eye.”
Daenera grinned. 
“She made me sing it… two dozen times over,” Samwell told the princess. “She would not hear another, only that, until my hand cramped and my voice was raw, and even then, she bid me continue.”
“Then would it not suit you if I asked you to play it again?” Daenera responded with a gracious smile. 
“For you, The Realms Flower, I will play it again.” Samwell Tradd plucked a few strings on the lute, humming to loosen his vocal cords, and then began to sing. 
She fled with her ships and her people,Her heart broken for those she could not save.Nymeria, fearless and wise, led with determination in her eyes. With ten thousand ships, she led her people’s flight, Across the Narrow Sea, seeking a new life. 
Under the dragon’s eye, they sailed so far and wide, Nymeria and her Rhoynar, their hopes and dreams allied. Through hardships and trails, their spirits remained high,Bound by a destiny, under the dragon’s watchful eye. 
Through stormy seas and treacherous tides they roamed, Leaving behind their homeland, their past disowned. With strength and resilience, they faced each new day, Guided by Nymeria’s wisdom, they found their own way. Through shifting sands, they found their place, United under Nymeria’s willful grace. 
So let the tale be sung, of Nymeria’s nobel quest, Of the Rhoynar’s journey, their resilience put to a test. Under the dragon’s eye, their spirit never broke, A testament to courage.
Under the dragon’s eye. 
“…Under the dragon’s eye,” Samwell Tradd finished. 
Daenera exchanged a knowing nod with Joyce, who discreetly handed the singer a pouch filled with jiggling coins. It carried more than mere currency, it was a symbol of her endorsement, and more significantly, Rhaenyra’s endorsement. Unspoken expectations were attached to the weight of those coins, urging the singer to spread the good word of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Realms Delight, and the Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne. 
While some noble houses disregarded the significance of the common folk, Daenera recognized their importance. After all, it was the small folk who dutifully paid their taxes, who ensured the smooth flow of goods, who tirelessly toiled to create the fabrics and wines that the nobles delighted in. Though unaware of their latent power, the small folk held a sway over the very fabric of society. 
And with the small folks' support, they could sway their lords and ladies. 
By the time the sun had dipped down behind the horizon, Daenera’s head was buzzing with wine, sun and song. Fragmented lyrics sailed around her skull, not able to gather enough strength to become a full song. Lady Fell had left the younger ladies to their own devices, citing exhaustion. Daenera couldn’t blame the older woman. 
“Have you heard about Prince Aemond?” Kaylys Merryweather said, fanning herself with the fan, her cheeks flush with the wine. She smiled covertly. They were all leaning back, enjoying the otherwise quiet. Daenera had called it quits, telling the remainder of the performers to come back on the morrow. At the mention of Aemond her head propped up again. 
“That someone tried to poison him?” Lady Sylvie Rosby quipped behind her own fan, crumbs littering her chest from all the cakes she had indulged herself in. Kaylys Merryweather and Lady Rosby shared a look.
“I heard that it was an allergic reaction,” Tris Caswell interjected. 
“An allergic reaction? Please, that is the excuse you use for covering up poisoning,” Kaylys Merryweather criticized. “Someone poisoned his sword.”
“Do they know who did it?” Daenera inquired, her voice raw and tired. 
Lady Merryweather shook her head, her blond strands whipping over her shoulders and back again. “They have no idea. Some say it was a failed assasination-,”
“Oh please,” Daenera groaned at the grotesqueness of that statement. If she wanted him dead, she very well would have used something else, something less obvious and that left little to no evidence. An assassination with poisoning, should either be quick or drawn out over time, the ladder creating less suspicion if the poisoned had a history of illness. No one would suspect a thing after a long bout of fever and illness. People simply dropped dead of that. 
“A scorn lover then?” Lady Sylvie suggested. 
“Or Aegon,” Tris proposed. The women all nodded in silence, thinking. “Aegon is known for his absurd pranks.”
“But would he harm his own brother?” Lady Sylvie asked.  Aegon would most definitely harm his brother for his own amusement , Daenera thought. 
“I saw his hands. They were swollen and red, the poor thing. The Maesters said that they’d itch and burn for a few days, and there was little they could do.”
“It’s just awful,” Lady Sylvie continued in a huff. “If the princes aren't safe from such attacks, then we’re all at risk.”
“I severely doubt you are at risk, Lady Sylvie,” Daenera cut in. “Why would an assassin or prankster target you?”
Lady Sylvie blinked at Daenera’s cutting words. Daenera wouldn’t entertain her with pretends of importance. Lady Sylvie might be a lady, but she wasjust a lady. She was neither heir nor the first born. Her brother was more of a target and her father even more still. Her words seemed to have struck a chord and Lady Sylvie glowered. 
“I personally think Prince Aemond is quite handsome,” Lady Merryweather continued, ignorant to the tension. The second daughter to Lord Merrywhether were betrothed to one of the lower houses of the Reach, the name of which eluded Daenera. The Lady was five and twenty, a crone by small folks' accounts. She was allowed to dream though. 
Everyone stared at her.
“He's been maimed,” Lady Sylvie chided. “He’s a one eyed prince. And have you seen the scar? It's so grim and disgusting. If it had been me, I would have flung myself from the highest window in the Keep.” 
You may yet do that .
“I think he’s handsome,” Lady Merrywheather reiterated. “And strong and tall. I can overlook the scar and maiming for the handsome side of his face.”
“You’ll have to sit at his right side then,” Daenera muttered, head throbbing with the subject of Aemond and ‘handsome’ in the same sentence. If the cutting edge of a knife was handsome, then she supposed Lady Merryweather was right. “Or perhaps it’s best to sit where he cannot see you.”
“What do you think he’s got hiding underneath his eyepatch?” Tris quietly asked. 
“Not his eye,” Daenera responded, bored with the conversation. 
They ended the evening not long after, scattering to the winds while the servant’s cleaned up and prepared for the day after. Daenera had dismissed her maids after presenting them with a piece of cake each and kind words for a job well done. Jelissa had been extremely excited, rambling on about her favorite singer, while Joyce teased her relentlessly. Daenera watched them go, turning on her heels to take the long way back to her quarters, heading through the garden. 
The rose bushes barely managed to overpower the smell of the city. On days where the wind came from land, it was especially rough. But on this day, the gods had graced them with a mild sea wind. The sky turned golden as the sun disappeared below the horizon, the last rays keeping the gardens from falling into shadow. 
Daenera took a deep breath, trying to clear her heavy head, rolling her stiff neck from spending the day on her ass.  
“You’re quite creative, I have to give you that,” Aemond’s voice split her quiet apart, the sound like a pick beating against stone, splitting it in two. 
Daenera’s shoulders immediately tensed up and she breathed out an annoyed huff. “You’re out of the infirmary.”
“Poisoned sword,” Aemond hummed, approaching her. It was strange to see him here, in the gardens, surrounded by soft beauty. It had been just as strange to see him in the sept, though there the heavy smog had coiled around him, curled up the nape of his neck, hung around him like a cloak of shadows. Now he was bathed in golden light that made him seem wholly unholy. 
He was no man of flowers. He was a sword, meant to cut, to stab, to bleed one dry. A weapon. 
“If it were poison you’d be dead,” Daenera corrected him. “Or severely sick. As I’ve heard, you must have had an allergic reaction to something.”
His scoff was sharp and dismissing. “An allergic reaction?”
“Those sometimes take a few days to recover from. I believe you’ll be back to your pristine state before the feast.” 
Her gaze flickered across his face, trying to decipher his intentions, though the wine clouded her thoughts. From his cheekbones down to the curl of his smirking lip, she studied him briefly before refocusing on his eyes, masking the curiosity clawing at her insides with thinly veiled sympathy that bordered on mock pity. “Does it ich terribly?”
Daenera squealed when Aemond gripped her arm, pulling her into one of the alcoves of the garden. They were totally enclosed by an overgrown pavilion, the vines climbing up the columns, to spread across the roof. She balked at him, ripping her arm out of his grip, noting the bandaged hand. “What are you doing?!” 
“You vicious little cunt,” Aemond sneered, his face contorting in disdain. 
The wine not only made her cheeks flushed but it dulled her senses as well. “Mmm, call me that again, I rather enjoy it.”
Aemond’s eyes were all fire and ice. They burned with an intensity she hadn’t yet seen, with something utterly terrifying and vicious. Something with teeth and claws and breath of fire. “I should punish you, and tear you apart.”
“What are you going to do, bend me over the knee like a child?” Daenera taunted him, flipping her braid back to its proper place, her eye glaring daggers at the prince. “If I remember correctly, you were the one to start this. You burned me. Or have you forgotten?”
Daenera raised her bandaged hand and provocatively waved it in front of his face. He had burned her writing hand, and she had retaliated by making it itch so intensely that he might desire to peel off his own skin. All she had done was to respond to his initial transgression. They could have maintained their distance, preserved civility, but he just had to bother her.
With a mocking expression, Daenera glanced down at his hand, then back up at him. “Oh, was it your swordhand? Can’t have a little fun without it?”
“Do you believe I won't retaliate?” Aemond bit at her. “Do you think I’m oblivious to your schemes?”
Daenera blinked. 
“Talking with Caswell, befriending his daughter, the musicians. You think I don’t know what you’re doing?”
“I have no idea what you’re alluding to,” Daenera feigned ignorance. 
“Surprising, I must say,” Aemond taunted with a sly smirk. “Your feeble attempts are bound to fail, I will make sure of it, Lady Strong. ”
Aemond advanced towards her, a predator stalking its prey, his teeth appearing sharp as fangs in the warning light. Shadows enveloped him, accentuating his sharp bone structure, tracing delicately over his features. In the dim light, he became the embodiment of wickedness. There was an inherent darkness within him that would forever resist any semblance of light of purity. 
It was as intriguing as it was frightening. 
Her back collided with a stone column, and the tendrils of the overgrown vines brushed against her bare shoulders, entangling with her hair. She swallowed, feeling the dizziness intensify from the wine. 
In an instance, Aemond’s hand clasped around her jaw, his fingers digging into the delicate flesh of her cheeks, reminiscing of their encounter in the sept. Her eyes widened, and she fought against his grip, attempting to push him away as her heart picked up speed. 
Aemond absorbed her strikes against his chest as if they were nothing, a menacing growl emanating from deep within him, gradually morphing into a coarse chuckle. “I’m only giving voice to what is so plain for everyone to see.”
“That is treason!” Daenera growled. 
“It is the truth, is it not?” Aemond asked amused at her anger. “ That’s why you play your little scheme with the lords and ladies, so desperately hoping to forge alliances in case your mothers imprudence comes to light. Should it not be my sweet half-sister who’s out here, tirelessly forging those alliances? Shouldn’t she be the one fighting tooth and nail to secure her own place as heir to the throne?”
“Aemond,” Daenera warned. 
“It’s what they’re all thinking,” Aemond continued maliciously. “Along with wondering whether you take after her.” 
Daenera tried to pry her face from his grip, but he held fast. 
“They’re all wondering whether a marriage to you is worth the risk. And weather you are as impudent as your mother…” Daenera beat against him, growling at the insult. “They think ‘will she carry bastards and try and pass them off as true borns’.”
The scent of smoke and crackling fire surrounded her as Aemond drew nearer. With each beat of her heart, a surge of heat cascaded down her spine, coiling in the depths of her belly. Her gaze darted between his piercing blue eye and the eyepatch, as if they would tell her something she didn’t know, and then lowered to his lips, drawn into a sharp sneer. Her heart shuddered in her chest, her gaze burning with intensity.
“I am going to ruin you,” Aemond vowed. “I’m going to ruin you, consume you, destroy you.” 
In a fleeting instant, his gaze descended to her lips, carrying a wicked and malicious gleam, brimming with both hatred and an unnameable, devastating force. His thumb brushed against her lips, a menacing gesture that threatened to smudge the lip tint she had applied to accentuate one of her redeeming features. If her mind had been clearer, she might have sunk her teeth into his thumb. 
Aemond’s pale locks tickled the exposed skin of her bosom as he leaned in, his breath scorching against the delicate shell of her ear. “I’m going to destroy you and win this war.”
He abruptly released her and Daenera pushed him away from her, breathing heavily and forcefully, eyes ablaze with indignation and fury. Who did he think he was?
She sneered. “I will take out your other eye before I let you destroy me. Two can play at this game. And if you burn me, I will burn you.” 
Once again, Daenera found herself feeling from the suffocating presence of Aemond. Clutching her skirts tightly, she propelled herself forward, each step one of panic and determination. The corridors of the Keep blurred as her hurried steps echoed, giving rise to the feeling of the ghosts laughing at her. 
King’s Landing had become a treacherous maze of power and deceit, and Aemond embodied the shifting tides of its dark underbelly. His transformation was undeniable, a chilling embodiment of calculated malevolence and an untamed chaos. He was an unpredictable storm she had to venture through. 
As Daenera ascended the stairs, the weight of realization settled upon her. Aemond’s presence had already begun to creep under her skin. She would have to root it out and shield herself from it, but she had a sneaking suspicion that the seeds of darkness he had planted wouldn’t be so easily removed. She supposed it was a challenge she would have to accept.
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